#heh . hey guys .
aleeyenn · 1 year
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olasketches · 3 months
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heyyy!! hoping you're having a awesome day, your artsyle is so pretty!! i would like to see tiger yuji, panther megumi and lion nobara, idk them all feel very feline-like to me XDD
heyyyy!! aw hope you’re having an awesome day too :D also thank you so much for enjoying my art style it makes me really happy that you do :”)) here’s tiger yuji, panther megumi and lion nobara as requested!! this definitely got me out of my comfort zone lol but I had lots of fun with these >.<
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setratwo · 6 months
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Happy new years to Everyone!!
Although I don't actually interact, or likely, online here alot...
But I would like to thank all my friends and people that are still chatting with me time to time! ^^
And also just to say that for some people that may or may not be a friend shhss
Likely soo!
@mewtales / @mew-dump - Moddy! A great great friend, I admire her alot, great mew designs and her lore is aloooT , and they're interesting too! I love chatting with you bout Lores, OCS and such, Thank you for spending ur time with me some times! ^^
@ricksoo - hshshs, even though we don't talk alot, I appreciate ur reblogs and yeah^^ We may not talk alot unlike how we used to, but hey. You're still a friend of mine :D
@martysgachaworld - MEEP, You're a nice friend, im sorry sometimes I couldn't talk to you because I didn't have the Energy, but still, thank u for chatting with me sometimes^^
@ravingraymond - Pretty sure you're the only friend I Met on Poketwo and that discord server to have a tumblr account, sooo, even if we don't even dm each other, you're a funny dude and I love ur art style ✨
@blues-sues - UR DESIGNS ARE STILL AMAZING! You're so creative with ur mewtwos n mews design! They're all very very cool!
@txttabloid - Love ur Aus! They're very cute, and ur OCs too! I really find you a cool person like the others here in my list hyehehs
And then I ran out of ideas, soo, appreciation mention!
@pokemon-ash-aus , @xxtc-96xx , @sapphirethefluffymewtwo , @paradoxiusblack , @secret-mewtwo2 (okay, sorry, I may or may not be confused whether ur have a new acc hshsh), @sea-slumber , @thatlazyartist919 (ty for ur findings of tips on drawing^^), @penumbramewtwos , @everyoneiforgottopingorbasicallyforgotsoimsorry
But Happy New years to everyone again!
Or early happy new years for others that haves a diff timezone^^
(I also decided to redraw my new years last year or so :D)
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kusuokisser · 10 months
oomf is slowly converting me to torisai.. like. yeah... youre right... they are total losers.... total losers in love.....yeah..
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roetrolls · 4 months
It’s Nymira’s second time bursting into her brothers’ kitchen in twice as many days, but tonight she is not here for comfort. The godling is stiff when she enters, hands wrapped so tightly around the book she carries with her that it sends tremors through her limbs.
“You stole her arm.”
Cylion looks up and furrows his brow, his face the perfect picture of innocence. 
“Marrie’s arm. Why did you take it?”
He rises to his feet to approach her, letting his expression morph into concern. “This again? Marrie’s fine, Mira. It was a dream.”
She squares her jaw, eyes widening in indignation, and Cylion must beat back his irritation.
“Mira,” he tries again, maintaining his patience with practiced ease, “you’re confused.”
“You… You’re lying,” she accuses him with a shaking voice, the strength of the statement superseded by her own disbelief. “Why are you lying?”
“Did you just wake up? Are you feeling alright?” He reaches out to lay a hand on her forehead, but is blocked when Nymira flings open the book and turns it around to thrust the pages in his face.
M A R R I E.
The doll’s name is scrawled across the journal in thick and shaky script, the paper warped by tear stains and blood.
Cylion freezes like a deer in headlights, mouth falling open without an excuse to stand on. He needs to rectify this, now, but the only thought rattling around his head coherent enough to verbalize is…
“Where did you get that?”
The question, quiet and tense, serves only to fuel her anger.
“She gave it to me. For my pens.” Inky tears begin to well in the godling’s eyes. “You hid my pens.”
“Mira–” Cylion tries, fighting to keep his voice level. He can fix this. He just needs to think.
“Y-You lied,” she chokes again, breath becoming rapid. “You lied to me.”
The prophet’s head pulses with the feeling of phantom claws around his skull, their father’s warning suddenly feeling far more pressing.
This wouldn’t be happening if it weren’t for Favion. And now Cylion is going to be blamed for failing to clean up his messes. His entire life given to their father, to her, to this thankless fucking job, all for a puppet to be his undoing.
Were this happening to anyone else, he’d call it comical.
His sister is bordering on hysterics, shoulders shaking with stress and rage, and her gaze is almost pleading. What she wouldn’t give to be wrong right now.
“You’re a liar.”
His eyes bore into hers. She swallows a stormy sob and squeezes the journal, her lifeline, to her chest.
“You’re a liar!” the mutant cries, voice breaking with the pressure.
Cylion opens his mouth, preparing to deny, minimize, console. Then the frustration swells in his chest like a wave, and he feels his mouth break into a nearly manic grin. 
“Yeah? Welcome to Alternia.”
The anger vanishes from her face, overtaken by confusion, and whatever confidence she had been counting on for this confrontation goes with it. He takes a heavy step forward and unfolds his wings, flaring them out behind him to enlarge his frame.
“What are you going to do about it, Mira?” he sneers as she stumbles back, intimidated.
Before he can make use of the change in her demeanor, though, she plants her feet and fans her tail in a threat display of her own, matching his size. “I… I’m going to tell Father.”
Cylion clenches his jaw until something pops, annoyance quickly giving way to fury.
It was never supposed to be like this. She was never supposed to have this kind of power over him. How is it fair, that she can make a threat this effective? Why does she get to turn his own ancestor against him?
“Did you already forget you’re mad at him, then?” Cylion advances another step, looming over his sister with a dark, brooding look behind his eye.
“Father didn’t lie to me!” she howls, striking at his chest with an open palm. 
He catches her wrist and snarls, nostrils flaring. “Do not. Hit me.”
Nymira’s face falls. Whatever expression Cylion is wearing, it’s finally enough to rattle her. She tries to pull her arm away, but he holds firm, clawed fingers curling tighter around her skin.
“Cylion,” she whimpers, voice suddenly very small. “You’re scaring me.”
Her breath catches in her throat and she jerks her arm again, still to no avail. “I’m going to tell Father you’re scaring me!”
A low growl rattles in Cylion’s throat, and without a word, he tugs his sister into the hall, dragging her towards her room. He ignores her as she beats her free hand against his arm and shoulder, sobbing at the consequences of her own petty threats.
“Stop it! I-I’ll get Somnia!”
He lets out a cold, humorless laugh. “You think Somnia listens to you?”
At the door to her bedroom, he releases her wrist and storms inside, tuning out the godling’s panicked questions and frantic pleas as he throws open her desk drawer and scatters their contents to the wind.
Before long, he finds what he’s looking for, turning around to show her the shiny blue doll thrashing uselessly in his fist.
“Little Friend!” she wails, stumbling forward and swiping at Cylion’s hands. He raises the thing above his head, out of her reach, and glowers down at her. “Put him down!”
“Father stays out of this,” Cylion warns her, shoving past his sister to return to his own room with the toy still wriggling in his palm.
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pekodayz · 3 months
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this was for april fools where i was obsessed over karamatsu for a sick disgusting day-long bit
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ver0nica985 · 4 months
Hell yeah Justin is underrated
agree. i think hes so great. hes literally hilarious is so fun to draw and is STUPID AS HELL what is there not to like about this guy
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 5 months
Chapter 11
uh oh...
Some pre-chapter notes:
It wouldn't be Byakuya if he didn't randomly decide to start shit for no reason
Sometimes I wish Byakuya and Kyoko would just make out instead of whatever happens here
@moonlighttogami ! <3 !!!!
Content warning tags: None come to mind? But there are complex rituals
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Despite the impending sense of dread that seems to fall over the rest of the class, Byakuya spends much of the next day with buoyed spirits.
It was hard for him to be displeased, after all. After parting ways with Fujisaki, he had spent a good portion of the rest of the night experimenting with the handbook, reading through one of the books he had brought from the library. By the time he finally decided to go to bed (at 3:27 AM, as announced by the handbook’s clock), he was completely familiar with most of the functionalities.
It wasn’t as good as having his vision back, of course, but it was leagues better than what he had before. Not just because he had a way to read, but a way to do something by his own volition; never before had he realized how much he missed being able to tell the time.
His good mood does not go unnoticed. Kirigiri approaches him at breakfast that morning, standing in front of him, arms crossed.
“You seem happy.” It doesn’t sound accusatory, rather, it’s as pointing out the weather, but she’s not the type to approach him without some kind of ulterior intentions. And remembering their last interaction, he suspects that he should be on guard now.
But, not even she can damper his mood, and he smiles politely at her anyways. “Do I? How kind of you to notice.” He hums, as he sips his second cup of coffee. If the others had noticed the strange confrontation occurring between them, they were ignoring it. Over at the group table, he can hear Fujisaki talking animatedly with Ogami and Asahina, making plans to try weight-lifting. The night before, Byakuya had suggested to him to start small in building his confidence up by confessing his secret to the others in small increments, since he was planning on coming out anyways.
“Oh, but make sure that you’re not alone in the room with just one other person. That’s a recipe for disaster.” He had added offhandedly, as they walked back to their rooms that night. “We’re still in a killing game after all. Everyone might seem friendly enough, but we’re all competition at the end of the day.”
Fujisaki had apparently taken it seriously, and was making strides in progress. He no longer seemed so quiet and hesitant, pushed to the outskirts. As he laughs along with something that Hagakure had said, Byakuya allows himself to feel a little pride in that, taking credit for the change.
Kirigiri still hovers in front of him, quiet. He raises an eyebrow at her. “Is there something that you need?”
“It’s strange, isn’t it?” She stares down at him. “You don’t seem bothered that our secrets will be revealed in around twelve hours.”
It’s true. He feels oddly light, even with that knowledge. Perhaps it was the handbook, bolstering his certainty in his own capabilities. No matter what would happen, he was sure he could overcome it as he always had. Even if his secrets did get revealed here…
Well, the Togami family had methods of keeping tight lids, and not even a faceless mastermind could compare to one of the oldest, most prestigious families in history. He’d suffer reprimands later, for letting such a thing happen…but with his circumstances, he thinks he could be afforded a little bit of leeway.
It’s for this reason that he decides to try stirring things up. “Maybe I’m counting on someone to die.” He replies languidly, fingers knit together, and there’s a sudden hush that follows his words. He thought the others might be listening in, and it seems he was correct.
“W-what?” It’s Fujisaki’s voice that speaks up. He’s standing up, staring at Byakuya. There’s likely a look of horror on his face.
“Am I wrong?” He replies, looking down his nose at all of them. “We’re all in competition at the moment, and our lives are only one of the things at stake. No matter what, someone is bound to die.”
“But-but we’re friends,” Fujisaki protests. “Even with secrets, to kill each other over them…that’s just horrific!”
He stares at Fujisaki, a little irritated. “Don’t be foolish. I’m sure that our secrets all hold different weights in our eyes, so don’t go assuming that we’re all looking forward to having them be publicly revealed.” The smaller boy seems to shrink back a little at that, though Byakuya saw this as an important lesson that needed to be heard. “Even if not because of this motive, then the next one, or the one after that. The mastermind plans to see bloodshed no matter what, so you shouldn’t underestimate just how far someone might go if pushed in the wrong direction. No matter how innocent they seem beforehand.”
He stares down Celeste in particular, remembering her outburst the night the motives were revealed, when it was suggested that they confess their secrets then and there. To her credit, she doesn’t seem to shy from his gaze.
“Are you referring to yourself?” she asks in her foreign lilt, a hand lifted to her mouth in mock affront, as if such a thing was unthinkable to her.
“How can I be?” He smirks back. “I’m not the kind of person to be shaken by such things.”
“My, how admirable.” She tilts her head. “But I thought one such as yourself would demonstrate a more aggressive approach to this game.”
“You act like you’re disappointed about that.”
“Would it be an insult to claim that I am?” She replies, a smile on her voice. “With one such as yourself, I was expecting you to be more invested. Or is your life too cheap to wager?”
The words are spoken without malice, but the intentions behind them were clearly meant to provoke. To draw a reaction. He’s had enough experience dealing with her type, people who clawed their way to wealth through slapdash, dishonorable means, and then thought that enough to consider themselves on the same level as he. He imagines she’s watching him, gauging his response. Such a shame, then, that he has no intentions of rising to the bait.
“On the contrary. My life is too valuable to be put on this playing table. It’d be like putting gold next to pennies,” He smiles at her, almost pleasantly. “I’m not on the same level as anyone else here, so I consider myself more of a spectator than a participant.”
There’s no small amount of outburst at that. Owada in particular, stands up swiftly, but whatever he’s about to say is interrupted by Kirigiri: “So, similar to the mastermind?”
He tenses immediately, and he can feel the others go still as well. There had been plenty of accusations that he and Kirigiri had been throwing around at each other, but this was the first time she had said it out loud in front of others. And so blatantly, too; he can feel eyes on him, crawling on his skin like insects.
He stares cooly up at her, even as he chews the shreds of raw skin inside his cheek. “What a bold and sudden thing to say,” He responds, keeping his voice even. “I wonder what you’re trying to gain by such baseless speculation?”
The tension is palpable. He can practically feel electric sparks running between the two of them, prickling and unpleasant. The room is dead silent, and all he can really hear is the quiet roar of his own pulse.
It’s Makoto who breaks the silence, jumping up from his seat and zipping to where the two of them are staring each other down. He throws himself bodily between them, arms waving. “L-let’s not do this, okay?! We have to keep it together!” He babbles. “I-it’s not going to help anything if we just stand around and accuse each other, so can’t we just...get along, or something?”
“Say that to the one who’s praying for a murder to happen.” Kirigiri replies coldly.
“You certainly speak loudly for someone who we know nothing about.” Byakuya shoots back, just as quickly. Makoto falters between them, stammering and trying to come up with something to say, but he needn’t have wasted his breath. After another moment, Kirigiri turns, and leaves the cafeteria.
With her departure, the pressure alleviates, and the others begin their clamor again, albeit much quieter than before. His appetite was ruined, and he set down his half-finished cup.
“I’m going to the library,” He says quietly, to Makoto. Though he might have no need for someone to read things aloud for him anymore, he did not feel exactly comfortable with the idea of being alone somewhere. Especially with Monokuma’s deadline fast approaching. “Come with me.”
He’ll be damned if he lets Kirigiri get the better of him, here and now.
Not for the first time, he revels at having Alter Ego at his fingertips.
Now, actual progress could be made. He has Makoto look through the medical texts as he pores through the case files, delighting in being able to comprehend exactly what was in front of him. After losing something he had once taken for granted, having it at his fingertips once more was exhilarating, and he delights in taking his time, listening to Alter Ego’s methodical voice read out each file. He’s tempted to use the image description command that Fujisaki had told him about on the photos, but refrains out of consideration of the mastermind’s security cameras; Alter Ego was meant to be a secret weapon, after all, and the less that anyone saw of it, the better. Even now, he keeps the volume turned low, and stands with his back to the camera lens, leaning against the bookcase.
Some time around noon, there’s a knock on the door. Makoto jerks his head up off the desk with a grunt. Byakuya doesn’t bother even looking up from the file in his hands. “Who is it?”
“It’s Chihiro…”
What could he want? He couldn’t have already exhausted the advice given to him last night. “Come in.”
Fujisaki creaks open the door quietly. He’s changed out of his usual outfit in favor of a white t-shirt and blue tracksuit, the jacket of which is tied around his waist; he must have just finished working out with Asahina and Ogami, judging by the healthy flush on his skin. Already, he seemed to be standing taller, straighter than before…though Byakuya couldn’t say for sure.
“What is it?” He asks, attention once more turned to the papers in his hands. “I doubt you’re already done talking to everyone.”
“N-no…” Fujisaki fidgets for a moment. “Um. It’s been going really well though! I’ve already talked to Hina and Sakura, and Hifumi and Celeste…” He counts off his fingers as he lists them. “Um, and Kirigiri figured it out when she saw me in walk into the boy’s locker room, and-”
“I didn’t ask for a progress report.”
“R-right! I know that,” He says, a little defensively. “But, um, I just…wanted to let you know?”
Byakuya can’t help the sigh that leaves him. “Who do you have left.” He says, shuffling the page back into the folder and closing it with a quiet snap. It was a shame that he had to be interrupted too; the case he had been perusing had been an interesting one, about a murder that had occurred in an astronomy observatory.
“Um…Just Mondo, Hiro, and Taka...oh, and Toko.” He scratches his head. “I tried to talk to her earlier, but she just…ran away?” 
He considers this for a moment. Hagakure was flighty, but also stupid and friendly, so he wouldn’t pose much danger. Kiyotaka was always righteous and morally upright, and the first person to suggest sharing secrets, so he was also unlikely to be a threat. Fukawa was…well, Fukawa. Skittish and uninterested in most interactions, but…
He remembers the events of the previous evening, and grimaces. It’d be better to be safe than sorry with her.
Lastly, there was Owada. The Ultimate Biker Gang Leader was violent, and quick to anger, and has been so since day one. The night before, after Alter Ego was loaded onto his handbook, Fujisaki had admitted that he had been considering consulting either Byakuya or Owada on improving his strength, but the small declaration Byakuya had made against Monokuma was what helped him ultimately decide. 
Despite feeling somewhat affronted to be placed in the same rank as a vagrant of that caliber, Byakuya couldn’t help but think Fujisaki’s final choice was a wise decision; after an event characterized by high tensions, there was no telling how the gangster might react.
“I see. So you need someone to go with you?” Fujisaki nods. “Then go get someone to go with you. I’m busy.”
“Well…that’s the problem…” Fujisaki sounds sheepish. “Hina and Sakura are also, uh, busy, and Hifumi and Celeste are…hard to approach, I guess? And I can’t find Kyoko.” 
He ends his sentence with an expectant pause. Byakuya has to applaud him for showing some brazenness in his request, though he had no intention of humoring it. And though he would rather not be alone for too long, it shouldn’t take ages for Fujisaki to talk with this last handful of people.
He turns to Makoto, still sitting at the desk. “Go with him.”
“W-me?” Makoto startles upright. “Why?”
“I’m going to make some more progress on the case files. And it’s clear you’re not making any with that book.” He replies. Makoto cringes, surprisingly, as if he weren’t pointing out a simple truth - did that boy really think he wouldn’t notice that he was falling asleep at the desk? - “But make it quick. And stop at the kitchen on the way back and bring me some coffee.” 
He turns his attention back to the files as they leave, the door creaking quietly closed behind him.
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r0achezz · 8 months
Heyyyy, I saw your post about info dumping...
*slips you a piece of paper that reads "free pass to talk about anything"*
Sooo, tell me about it?
SO MUCH . I HAVE SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT BUT RN I REALLY WANNA TALK ABOUT ANTS BECAUSE I THINK INSECTS ARE SO COOL AND I'M TRYING TO LEARN ABOUT ANTS RN.there is about 20 quadrillion ants in the world right now, which is WAY MORE than the current human population which is 7.888 billion, actually, the ant population is probably way more than that but who knows! More than 12,000 species of ants too but I don't think that's too impressive given there's a lot of them, of course there's gonna be different types! For queen ants there lifespan is 15 years while the works live for 7 or 8 if they're lucky, I heard that if left unattended with no predators whatsoever they could probably live to a few decades but i'll have to check if that's actually true so don't call me out for that lol. Actually, if i'm correct I think queen ants at first start out with wings! They keep them until they're able to mate and then fly off to make their own nest! This is how beginner ant keepers usually get a hold of their ant colonies, they just go outside, scoop of the queen and drop her in a dark tube and let her grow her colony in there! I have more information about how people go about growing or starting ant colonies! Usually when they have multiple queens they end up actually get confused and start fighting within their own colony, and/or they kill the other queens after awhile, though sometimes they make a mistake and end up killing ALL their queens and then the colony goes downhill from there. Ants are workaholics, when they don't have an assignment to do they usually sit around and do random chores or tend to the larvae. Other than those ants did you know that 40% of ants are lazy and/or slackers in the colony? I always thought all of them just kept on fighting and working and fighting and working, so when I learned that it surprised me a bit XD. Worker ants can recognize individuals via smell! Though that's just ants in their colony, I doubt they'd take the time to recognize each individual human that's brought harm to them haha. I don't have my notes with me at the time so there's way more. But that's just what I can remember at the top of my head! :]
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captainshyguy · 1 month
[running in circles] i appear to be experiecing blorbo illness type 2
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nick-close · 1 year
Do you think Taylor roleplays in dms unprompted?
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marclef · 7 months
....anyone got any drawing requests or anything you want me to do? i'm trying to keep myself motivated while sketching comic stuff and i feel like drawing something else would help. i guess just send an ask my way if you've got anything ~
(just nothing too weird please!!)
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yanshuff · 9 months
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baronessofmischief · 10 months
Bad news for Star Wars action figure enjoyers because I just got the 3.75” Cad Bane figure and while this is what he looks like from the front—
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… This is, unfortunately, what he looks like from the back.
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They overlooked how things would appear at different angles and gave the guy with the most distinct and intimidating cowboy silhouette the most unflattering sculpt of a duster caboose I’ve ever seen
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httpiastri · 8 months
the highlight of my day so far: i’ve been in another city to watch my men’s team in handball (the team i work for) and when one of the opponents scored, all of a sudden, all i could hear was……
my two worlds collided. i was so shocked. they actually played max’s song in the speakers when some guy scored??? it’s been like two hours and i still can’t believe it
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daily-yanagida · 11 months
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hello daily yanagida fans.
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