#hehe bastard <3
kresali · 2 years
babygirlifying my tyrant war criminal mass murderer villain guy.
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clover1920138653 · 21 days
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i look STUUUPID!!!
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jacks347 · 24 days
I made this dumb thing like a year ago cause I think Hiccup's dad sounds like a drunk Albus and thus this shit was born so take it :3
Faith had an inkling of what to expect when Albus had found the alcohol storage in the ship but had still hoped the warrior would keep some level of composure. I mean, all that heavy drinking meant he had to have some tolerance, right?
Oh, how wrong she was.
Albus was a stumbling mess, slurring his words and barely able to stand on his own two feet. After he'd nearly locked up the ship's systems three times due to his incessant button pushing on the control panel, Devlin had begged Faith to take Albus to his room so he wouldn't break anything. Seeing the forgemaster on the verge of tearing his hair out in stress of keeping his brother from destroying the very ship they stood on, she decided to heed his warnings and guided Albus to his room, saying she'd stay with him to make sure he didn't hurt himself.
"Woah, Faithful, watch where you're puttin' those hands or I might get the wrong idea." Albus laughed as Faithful gave him one last push through the door of his room. "Get your head out of the gutter, Albus. It was either I push you to make sure I could catch you if something happened or risk you toppling over and I can't have you breaking your nose on my conscience." Faith sighed, taking a minute to breathe after having to shove the small mountain that was a drunken Albus halfway across a ship.
Albus all but collapsed onto his bed, the bottle in his hand threatening to spill its contents as it sloshed around. Faith pulled up a chair next to his bed, plucking the bottle out of his hand. Albus half whined at the loss of his precious alcohol, his now empty hands searching the air around him. "Hey, don't you know it's not nice to take things that don't belong to you?" "Albus, you're already drunk. I may not be able to spare you the headache you'll have tomorrow but I can try to limit its strength." "Ah, you're such a prude. Don't you know how to have fun?" "Not your version, no."
"My version? Oh then please enlighten me dear priestess, what does your version of fun look like?" Faith sat back in her chair, thinking for a minute. There were very few happy memories she had from back home but there was one...
She smiled to herself, the sounds of music and cheering faintly ringing through her mind. "Well, there were a lot of celebrations that happened in the church. It was one of the few occasions that we got involved with the local culture. I always liked to dance." Albus stared at the Sister with a look of vague disbelief before he burst out laughing. "You. Dance. Excuse me if I find that a little hard to believe." Faith just rolled her eyes, her smile only growing. "Laugh all you want, it's true. I still remember a few of the songs. My favorite was one of the traditional songs for courting. It would bring out all the kids and young couples, it was so cute."
Faith couldn't quite describe the look on Albus's face when she said that. He squinted at her, it could be considered calculating, even analytical if it didn't look so out of place with his cheeks flushed such a rosy color and his entire body still swaying slightly. "What? What's with that look?" She raised an eyebrow at him, seriously wondering how many of his brain cells were on thinking duty after how many bottles he'd downed.
The question was answered by Albus suddenly sitting up and getting to his unsteady feet. Faith just watched him as he staggered to the middle of the room, turning in swaying circles and mumbling something under his breath when he suddenly stopped. "Albus? Are you okay?" Faith could only watch him, wondering where his head was at. The warrior took a breath before turning to her, holding out his hand. "I might not remember the whole song but I remember the ending. So, may I have this dance, Faithful?"
Albus wished he was sober enough to remember the exact deep rosy color Faithful flushed.
The priestess was a blushing mess, staring at Albus like he'd lost his mind. He extended his hand a little further, his signature cocky smile spreading across his face. "Well? May I?" Faith sputtered for a few seconds before sighing, taking his hand with an embarrassed smile. "I guess you may."
Albus pulled her close, twirling her around much to her surprise. She burst into giggles, leaning further into him. "Since when did you know how to dance?" "Oh, I don't. I've just watched a lot of festivals. Which is why I only know the ending to this song." Albus clarified, placing a little distance between the two and clearing his throat.
"But I would bring you rings of gold, I'd even sing you poetry, and I would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me."
He started quiet, growing louder as he became more sure of the words. It'd been a long time since Albus had last seen a traditional festival, even longer since he'd heard this particular song. But to see Faith so happy remembering it...
His dance steps were unsteady, unsure and not helped by the alcohol running through him but Faith didn't mind, following along with a practiced sort of ease and a giddy smile before opening her mouth.
"I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold..."
"I only want you near me!"
She sang so sweetly, confident and excited. It made something warm in Albus's chest, a different kind of warmth than the alcohol he so treasured. This was so much deeper, in his very soul. And then she was taking his arm and- Oh gods the spinning he'd forgotten about this part.
"To love and kiss, to sweetly hold for the dancing and the dreaming. Through all life's sorrows and delights, I'll keep your laugh inside me. I'll swim and sail the savage seas, with never fear of drowning. I'd gladly ride the waves so white if you will marry me!"
As should've been expected, Albus tripped over his own feet, taking both of them to the floor. After a second to recover, Faith and Albus made eye contact. The silence stretched on for one second, two, three...
They both burst out laughing, leaning into each other and blinking tears from their eyes. "Oh, make it stop, my stomach hurts." She gasped between giggles. "No can do Faithful, you brought this upon yourself." Albus poked the Sister's side, making her bat his hand away as she calmed down. "Hey, no, keep your hands to yourself, mister." "You're the one who took me up on my offer to dance so you touched me first. I'm simply getting even." "You're drunk, you don't know what you're talking about." "Maybe I am but hey, at least one of us will remember this, right?"
Once again, Albus wished he was sober enough to remember the look on Faith's face as she blushed, that shy smile he was coming to adore pulling at her lips again. "Oh shut up. Now come on, we need to get you back to bed before Devlin comes down to find out what all the racket is." "And we just can't be having that, now can we? Don't want poor innocent Devlin to get the wrong idea." He teased, waggling his eyebrows and earning himself a smack to the back of the head.
Faith got herself to her feet, brushed herself off and pulled Albus up. The warrior stumbled back to bed, faceplanting into his pillow. She once again took a seat next to him, knowing she still needed to watch over him. Albus pulled his face out of his pillow to look at her. "Y'know, maybe one day we'll be able to see one of those festivals in person. And then we can do this properly." Faith couldn't help but smile, brushing the hair out of Albus's face. "One day, my warrior. One day." "One day..." He mumbled before falling asleep. Faith just sat there, pulling her hands to her chest. Maybe if she held onto this feeling long enough, she'd be able to keep it forever.
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torchstelechos · 2 months
Playing the game before Two Hats: Hehe my friend Loop is so silly <3
Playing the game after Two Hats: Blowing them up with my mind. Blowing them up with my mind. BLOWING THEM UP WITH MY MIND
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demigod-of-the-agni · 3 months
the spiritual successor to the spiritual successor of the spiritual successor of this first interaction
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petorahs · 1 year
me, gearing up to explain why the dragon prince's latest seasons have continued to disappoint me, that while i love the lore and worldbuilding and characters there are clear pacing issues that are so jarring it takes me out of the experience, and that i say all of this with great love for the series but there's only so much good concepts can do before animation has to catch up in order to retain the average viewer's attention. that although season 4 and 5 have been branded as "the mystery of aaravos" the titular character barely appears and that is a crime to me, that even if it's for the suspense and intentionally leaving the viewer/main characters in the dark it's not doing a good job at building up his character and i fear for the exposition dump that will inevitably happen later on. that i will be harsh in critiquing this series because i love it so much and want it to be the best it can be: *inhales*
also me the moment i actually finished the goddamn season:
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#no fair viren i want a canon lovechild with aaravos too are u kidding. i'd do anything to let him manipulate me#AARAVOS<3333#as mlm there is just something so lovely to me about aaravos like they put something in him that activates my neurons#aaravos#the dragon prince#the dragon prince season 5#love them. love this hot elf bastard. i feel ill#my critiques still stand btw. but god its so hard to hate it when hehe elf man <3#think im just grumpy they dont show aaravos more when hes literally the only thing keeping me watching at this point.#at first it was rayllum#but hmm....#some of the emotional side plots are... cheesy at best.... i wanted to roll my eyes at a lot of points... its just so overdone?#is it just me being used to these kinds of storytelling?? like its good but its not anything im not used to so i just put it on bg noise as#as i wait for the season to finish..#i hate to do this but not only is it avatar tla but also somewhat reminds me of RWBY. king i'm sorry to do this to you i really am..#to be fair theres nothing wrong. with being any of this. i think tdp is still nice standalone#it just drags out sometimes it's silly#also those clumsy sequences where it wanted to replicate that 3D + 2D animation hybrid#that spiderverse pioneered???? i mean. there was an attempt and i respect that#overall though!! i really do love this series i think it's still charming and im def tuning in to the next season with bated breath#i have more good to say than bad tbh if i tried theres just so much about it :]]]]] i love <3
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clerichs-xi · 7 months
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also since im here already another dante sketch where he torments volo in goblin camp by making better rhymes than him
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shaydh · 7 months
Goshhh I love the RT companions so much :3 look at my awful squad! My bffs! I love threatening people with the Inquisitor!!
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bluebellplayinggames · 3 months
this is so fucking funny to me like. i JUST got to the part in hades 1 where skelly tells zagreus about that fake story about when he was a sea captain and here he is, acting as that SAME FAKE COMMANDER towards zagreus' little sister
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daniel-nerd · 5 months
its always funny to me when people i know for over 3 years suddenly be like “what do you mean all cops are bastards??? some of them want to help people, blah blah blah”, and i’m like ??????. what do you mean we’ve been friends for over 3 years, and you don’t know i’m prison abolitionist and anti-cop??? its like, one of the first true leftist ideologies i’ve identified with?? i was anti cop when we first met??
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ghostboyjules · 2 years
It appears the last two (2)….times I’ve tried creating this post, tumblr thought I was too wordy, so I’m going to attempt to get in and get out before it eats itself again
this playlist (a Dream of the Endless™ character examination via my silly brain and sad ass music) took me entirely too long and I'm going to throw my laptop out of the window if I have to look at it any longer so pls pls take it and I hope that if you listen or even read the lyrics that you find something new, or hear something you like.
This absolutely would not have ever seen the light of tunglr.hell if not for the beautiful souls of the Sandman fandom, and a few of my new friends and mutuals. So special internet cookies and hugs to these inspirational, encouraging, and beyond talented individuals; @wordsinhaled , @weirdfishy , @wizardofgoodfortune , and @xx-vergil-xx - i love y'all dearly and I hope this is even HALF of what you would have expected, or a quarter of the amazing content y'all have bestowed upon my lil eyeballs. Now Onward! to words that personally injure me!
Florence + The Machine -Too Much Is Never Enough
And the crown, it weighs heavy 'Til it's banging on my eyelids Retreating in covers and closing the curtains One thing's for certain, oh A year like this passes so strangely Somewhere between sorrow and bliss
Oh, who decides from where up high? I couldn't say "I need more time" Oh, grant that I can stay the night Or one more day inside this life
~I first encountered this song in it's source material FFXV, and there it destroyed me. Now, wearing my dumb lil blorbo glasses yet again, it is back with vengeance..goth royalty sad wet cat flavored (gross), vengeance. "too much is never enough" .... oh sweeties...
VIRA - God Complex
God, I could try To be the one To be the one I'll tear down the sky What do you want? I'll do it all for life My love, my alibi Tonight, tonight I'll try to do it for you
I'm gonna be where you are Doesn't matter how far Because we are meant to be I'm gonna be what you need Darling, please worship me Unless you prefer to plead
~pretty sure this is the angriest sounding song on this thing? but it is fitting.. and desperate.. and wanting and... painful. when she grits out 'try' and 'sky' the way she does.. god the emotion. this just brought to mind Dream and falling for someone hard enough to the point of destructive devotion...
AJJ - Body Terror Song
It will betray you Be used against you Then it will fail on you, my dear But before that, you'll be a doormat For every vicious narcissist in the world Oh, how they'll screw you all up and over Then feed you silence for dessert
~ I love seeing people explore the idea of Dream just...not vibing with being fully corporeal. At least not in the way he is while in the Waking.. what a mood, and especially after the fishbowl...whew.
Philip Wesley - Lamentations of the Heart
~I wanted to include a few instrumental tracks in here and this one felt apt because I used to fall asleep to this album all the time. Like it was one of the only ones I could fall asleep to with any certainty. The feeling and title for this one tho struck me with Dream specifically so I went with it. The rest of the album is so nice though, highly rec.
Iris Lune - Paper Mache
Save me from myself I've been in the dark too long Paper mache love Make me believe that I can change Make me believe that I'm not strange At all
~ this song!! it sounds so so ethereal and her voice is GORGEOUS but the lyrics!! have mercy the lyrics! big ole owwie! "save me from myself" , "make me believe that I can change, make me believe that I'm not strange" hhhh (also if y'all couldn't tell, this will be dreamling flavored, I think I'll tag them too jic but. yes...)
Penny and Sparrow - A Kind of Hunger
tremble, recognize the distance Go try and murder every preference I’ll keep hangin' ‘round for reference come care about me come care about me
changing, watching you with wonder you’re less and getting even younger dying is just a kind of hunger come care about Me come care about Me
~this is... such a heavy song. hadn't heard it before starting this playlist but found it and immediately had to add it.. just. come care about me. changing, watching you with wonder. Dying is just a kind of hunger. that line specifically. -lays on the floor for 3hrs-
Carly Rae Jepsen - Gimme Love
Gimmie love (Oh) It's the way we are together (Oh) Wanna feel like this forever, forever (Oh) It's the way we are together And I never thought I'd ever say forever
~originally was gonna be a joke song to lighten the mood but haha! nope! I mean it is lighthearted but it still absolutely, in my mind, fits Morpheus. beautiful babygirl of the endless...smooch
Jon Bellion - Stupid Deep (Acoustic)
What if who I hoped to be was always me? And the love I fought to feel was always free? What if all the things I've done Were just attempts at earning love? Yeah 'Cause the hole inside my heart is stupid deep, oh, stupid deep
~this song fucks me up! 😀 for real though, I highly suggest watching the acoustic performance of this that he has on youtube cause the vibe is so.. intimate and dreamy and gorgeous.. and the lyrics.. jon bellion, sir.. smh.. the ending..
Marika Hackman - Undone, Undress
They heard my heart for miles The air inside Was seeping out In silent shouts It crumpled in my chest
~this is definitely... a nightmarish..creeping kind of song, and the lyrics are, according to the Genius annotations, rather distressing but I don't really see them the same way. I can't really explain it but hopefully y'all will see what I mean. love this one specifically "Load me heavy, I can't bend. Break me better, so I won't mend" break me better.... hhhhhh
DBMK - Switchblade
Did you hear I coughed my heart out? It never fit me so I'm likely to drown My body yearns for something real now Suggesting kitchen counters, can openers, and close encounters to hold me down Ain’t no one's boyfriend, wow I'm busy up in my brain but they don't see anything, yeah
I open up too easily, look at me Single sided blade of insecurities, yeah I open up too easily, speak to me Cutting through my comfort like its misery, sad
~this. SONG. he just like me fr 😔 azdcafs nah, honestly idk if this is projecting, but to MEE I like to think about Dream being so ready for a partner, and he gives so so much of himself to them and loves so passionately but he also has just... so many issues. just ugh this song..
Blegh - His Hands
He feels handcrafted just for you But he's a little bit too far away and You can't, you can't His hands are on you And you know you'll be gone by the morning but you know he loves you And you know you like his strong hands, strong hands
You're too real for me You should go to something better I'll give you to someone better I have friends that'll be on earth for longer I have friends that won't feel like monsters
~another song that I was not prepared for before hand that ruined me so viciously, that I had to scream at multiple ppl about it, most of which were mentioned in this post, but Verg's reaction was very memorable because I believe she told me she was on public transportation and the way she phrased it had me rolling around on the floor. but yeah y'all just gotta hear this fuckin,... bear mace of a song (with your Dreamling Glasses™ on pls, as i believe it is meant to be asxacsgdcvc)
Agent Fresco - Wait for Me
I can’t see clear The rage of rivers roam every tear They all fall through vague and vast tunnels With hurts of hatred came blinding years Will they disappear?
I’m far away, treading a path I’ve made and it’s laid with stones of fallen love I need to feel and to make atonement before coming home
~-motions to song- I mean... c'mon... this alone? nah nah nah..I gotta lay down.
Talos - Endgame
I’m drawn across An empty space This dreamland now A tired waste O it’s the endgame
A blackout heart A seething truth There’s nothing in me Left for you We’re lies
~ Talos...Talos Talos Talos... y'all. if you don't know him, but like indie-ish electronic music with beautiful angelic Irishman vocals? pls... he makes me insane. He also just gives me Morpheus vibes in general, I'm not exactly sure why, but... I also think the cover art on his first two albums are very Morpheus energy, could just be me tho
Emma Ruth Rundle - Savage Saint
I held him, his whole life In my hands, in my heart
Don't be ever forgotten, Savage Saint Never draw blood in the garden, faint Don't be the name that's drawing shame and Never let your heart harden, little flame
~I knew I had to have Emma Ruth in here somewhere, but it took me a second to find the perfect song.. and I was torn between a few, but I saw this one and. Immediately my heart was out of my body. Thinking about Orpheus.. and Dream thinking about Orpheus.. draw blood in the garden,,, I held him his whole life.. in my hands in my heart.. little flame.. it seems I am upsetti spaghetti.
Sleeping at Last - Neptune
Stitch by stitch, I tear apart If brokenness is a form of art I must be a poster child prodigy Thread by thread, I come apart If brokenness is a work of art Surely this must be my masterpiece
I'm only honest when it rains If I time it right, the thunder breaks When I open my mouth I wanna tell you, but I don't know how I'm only honest when it rains An open book with a torn out page And my ink's run out I wanna love you, but I don't know how
~Sleeping at Last my beloved <3 ... if I could snort 'atlas pt 1 the album' I fuckin would. also there's a song on there for literally any blorbo. i could bet my life on that. somewhere on there! "if brokenness is a work of art, surely this must be my masterpiece" ah hah.. hahaha..
Sea Power - Want To Be Free
Now we're under the stars Smoking cigars On top of a motorcar Hanging out Like some kind of nebula We
Want to be free Want to be free It will last forever Eternally
~this one was more for vibes and because it's beautiful, but also if I think too hard about Morpheus and how he just wants to be normal and rest for a little while, then I will have to go eat a whole bag of chocolate chips and cry myself to sleep.
Clem Turner - Divine Loser
"Connect yet stay opaque," I cannot have it both ways Please do not tell the time I can't be trusted with the date
My god, you break the skin But may I be thy heaven? Will you take my sickness While I deprive you of your health?
~haha Divine Loser..defo Morpheus (jk. or am I) that second part I included.. I keep having to re-read those lyrics, cause.. my goodness. there's a part later that says "baby just let me bleed in peace" like... whoof. Clem Turner is the only person on here twice, mostly cause these two songs are just so phenomenal I had to and the lyrics... SHMACK.. and Clem's VOICE?? pardon me?
Clem Turner - Honeywell
Get it through your pretty head Take me with you instead Forget her, she's gone So, tell me, dear stranger What's got you distraught?
Mm, here I am to bring Psychosomatic freedom to your head May I be of service, newlywed? See me as a host to all your greatest dreams And then some change As long as your compassion stays the same
~"So tell me, Dear Stranger, what's got you so distraught?" Um..is that in a dreamling fic, cause... 👀 and then "see me as a host to all your greatest dreams and then some change, as long as your compassion stays the same." running in circles, sobbing, hopping out my window, running into the woods...etc
Mustapha Kamel - Can You Feel Me
~ this song just makes me -lays face down in the carpet for 2+ hrs- and the cello is gahdamn gorgeous..
The New Basement Tapes - When I Get My Hands On You
When I come home to you Gonna take you down to the riverside When I come home to you Hold you in my arms all night
And now you know Everywhere on earth you go You're gonna have me as your man
~ Mushy Dream Rights!!! let this inconceivable being be a sap!! I love seeing him clingy and sweet and so so in love and just AAAHHH I could literally weep, I love this weird scrungly man.
Glass Animals - JDNT
I'm all armored up I've got my old helmet on Keeping out an eye Puffing all my feathers up One more little blow One more tap and I collapse
~heehee another nightmarish song. not only is this a fuckin BANGER, but Glass Animals has such a.. Sound. that's dreamlike most of the time, but sometimes can be so.. tense and creepy, and the lyrics can be violent and just downright odd. mostly from the zaba album, but regardless. I could talk about Dream + Glass Animals for hours, as proven with N (@wordsinhaled) because we have done exactly that, I think twice now lolololol (also I thought the line abt the helmet was.. hehe funny)
ABRA - Pride
Palms up, no crown You wanna mess around I wanna hold you down It's not okay I need you everyday
I lost all the pride That I thought I could keep Can you see me Say you feel me It's a big world But I fall at your feet Reach out and touch me
~ this was originally an entirely different song! but I switched it out last minute and I am v happy that I did because this song..this song fucks severely, but also it lets me put a facet of Dream on this playlist that I love seeing, which is the needy and seductive lil bastard that he can be. i think i could make a whole other playlist dedicated to that aspect tbh azcacdfavcg
Purity Ring - Asido
Oh, the madness in weakness Doubled o'er on the plate Fill an ocean with weaponry Hurricanes of our grace
Feel as lonely as I do, as I do Feel as lonely as I do, I do Feel as lonely as I do
~I wanted some Purity Ring on here because I know their genre is sometimes described as dream pop or witch house, and their lyricism has this... poetically visceral aspect to it sometimes that I adore while also being very ethereal. Love them. also tho, feel as lonely as I do?? of course it had to be in here.
Hozier - It Will Come Back
Don't let me in with no intention to keep me Jesus Christ, don't be kind to me Honey, don't feed me, I will come back
It can't be unlearned I've known the warmth of your doorways Through the cold, I'll find my way back to you Oh, please, give me mercy no more That's a kindness you can't afford I warn you, baby, each night, as sure as you're born You'll hear me howling outside your door
~ okay look, I know everybody and their mother who has made a playlist like this has put Mr. Andrew Hozier-Byrne on it, but like - come on.. look at those lyrics. He just Gets It™ and the music slaps ass! I have like, an actual Dreamling playlist in the works as well, which I'm sure will be... longer. but hopefully I'll have the foresight to work on it a bit at a time, and PERHAPS prepare a word document, since I cannot seem to help rambling at any chance I get 💀
Son Lux - Labor
I will break with you For your body to be freed and pleased Take the weight of you For your gravity to be erased
Come to life, my hungry arms are begging you But what more can you do?
Labor reveal before our eyes Into our ears Unfurl with light The stars around us disappear Just what is torn What comes alive inside of us
~ I wanted.. something big on here. I don't necessarily have a desired order for this to be played in, but this was the last one I added, if that tells you anything. The opening of this song is a little jarring, but the piano is so. beautiful. Son Lux has such a way of composing their music that just leaves me breathless and astounded at the feelings music can bring forward in me, and speaking in Dream terms, I feel like that would be the kind of song he really appreciates. I'm not gonna end this with rambling about the complexity of human emotion, because I don't believe tumblr could handle me doing that - operation-wise, i feel like it's abt to stab me as is- It's also not why I'm here lol. "I will break with you. For your body to be freed and pleased. Take the weight of you, for your gravity to be erased." the rest of that line literally mentions a phantom muse.. I think, viewing this in terms of Morpheus' marriage, and maybe even how he thinks about marriage as a concept is interesting. On Genius they mention that on a Son Lux insta story they talked about the first half of the song being about helping a friend die, and the second half about the birth of Ryan Lott's son. Looking at in that framing is also,,, WHEW.. okay this paragraph has been long enough lmao
WELL GEEZE.. looks like I've finally made it to the bottom without tumblr shitting itself again, so I'm gonna wrap this up before it gets the chance to. HAH.
If anyone has bothered to read this far; I cannot thank you enough nor can I tell you how much I appreciate you reading my inane mangling of the English language to be overly emo about music and a spindly nightmare of a man, but REGARDLESS. Thank you, I love you, and I would absolutely take a stab wound for you and make you cookies. 💕🖤💕🖤✨
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knightofleo · 4 months
Gatekeeper Gostoc up in Stormveil trying to beat his Godrick-dribbling record when suddenly the very stars drop from the sky and blows Limgrave a brand new hole:
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jacks347 · 24 days
I absolutely love your faithful and Albus fics you eat them up every time, MAKE MORE AND MY LIFE IS YOURSSS!!(jk)
D'awwww stop it 🥰
I absolutely adore writing about these two, they're some of my favorites and I definitely plan to do more with them
Is some of it fluffy and sweet and tooth-rottingly adorable? Absolutely
Is some of it horrifying and agonizing and soul-crushingly painful? Of course
Is one ridiculously spicy when I don't write spicy shit (at least not by myself)? Strangely enough yes
Will I ever finish any of them? No clue but I'm gonna try
Sorry GB, they're mine now and I'm not giving them back >:3
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the-crow-binary · 2 years
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So my Castlevania-filled brain thought "Isaac would probably be OVERJOYED if every Dracula ever were reunited in one room", so i drew it. Badly because i didn't have much more courage than that (ok there's not ALL of the Draculas, but you can imagine the other designs are somewhere off-screen)
Then i finished the first page, and thought "hold on. What if Mathias was there too and Isaac really didn't like him" and so came the second page. Why would Isaac would not like Mathias ? Well, clearly, he can NOT be compared to his Lord. He's not as tall, nor as powerful, and he doesn't even have FACIAL HAIR !! How dare he even STAND in the same room as them !! >:( (you can imagine his dismay if he were to ever meet Soma)
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llumimoon · 1 year
👀 (any dndads au you feel like sharing, lovebird! hope you're having a wonderful day btw 💜💜💜)
Hehehehe HIII HAPPI <3 I am having a wonderful day tysm!! :D I hope you are too <3
I'm trying to think abt if I have any aus that you don't already know about BWCEUAHAHAAH and im not sure how much you know abt the most recent one I've made
OOOH I have got this one fantasy AU I haven't touched in a while but I think would be really fun to revisit sometime! <3
The idea is that there's this ancient curse that's been unleashed on the land creating this magic rot that's slowly been devouring forests, towns, and eventually maybe even whole kingdoms! The rot can overtake animals and people, warping them into dangerous mirrors of their past self, this AU's take on doodlerization. the sauce if you will <3
Taylor is a member of the royal court of the Kingdom of Hell (son of the first prince Nick) and Link is his loyal guard and bestie who keeps him from dying in their shenanigans and escapades. They have a silly goofy, I've known you my whole life and I will die to protect you bc you're the person dearest to me also ur a dumbass who's stupid as fuck, energy going on <3 friends to dumbasses to lovers <3
Normal is a regular villager who recently happened to score an apprenticeship with the castle healer! Apparently his dad knew someone in the court and managed to pull some strings, wonder what that's all about. (spoiler alert: its pretty important and he's also secretly royalty but doesn't know it)
Scary is an amateur witch <3 She saw her mom start dating the castle wizard and was like FUCK THAT GUY AND HIS STUFFY BOOKS. BET I COULD DO THAT BUT BETTER AND COOLER AND LESS NERDY. So she's been sneaking off to practice magic with rudimentary materials and a few nicked things Terry left around their cottage.
Turns out Scary has a natural talent for certain parts of magic because she accidentally stumbles upon a prophecy outlining the world's possible end unless a certain group of people go to the ruins of a lost kingdom to stop the rot. And when she finds out who those people are she's like FUUUUUCK. bc now she's gotta find a way to sneak into the castle to somehow find these losers, one of which is apparently a PRINCE !! and then they've all gotta go out and not die on an adventure or else EVERYONE'S gonna die. and like she can't be bothered but also ig it would be kind of cool to shove it in her stepdad's face that she's more awesome than him and saved the world so. off she goes!
Hermie's the second prince who is often overshadowed by his older half brother. He happens to overhear the group talk about the prophecy around the time they're preparing to leave and tags along to prove his worth to his dads and also have people pay attention for him for once goddamn !!!!! also the healer boy is kinda cute <3
Cue super fun goofy and exciting magical fantasy quest !!! Secrets are revealed! Bonds are formed! Possible corruption? MAYHAPS! Also where even ARE the ruins of the kingdom of Oakvale no one seems to have heard of it at all! All while the rot continues to spread....
#ask#happi-tree#cal rambles#dndads#hehehehe thank you so much for indulging me <3333#i know i took a little bit to respond sorry abt that <- i tried thinking abt aus to talk abt then i fell asleep and had to do hw#you know all my big ones already n lately ive mostly been scheming w/ nyx abt aus so im hesitant to call them my own without mentioning them#so my brain blanked i was like Uh. UH. HEVEGAJAHAHAJA#there are some little fun ideas i plan on elaborating on later i think!! havent told anyone abt em yet so hehe they're some fun bonuses#angel n demon au !! link's an angel taylor's a demon#i was thinking scary could be a fallen angel its just been normal i've been stuck on LMAO#bc i've been thinking abt how fun it is with how link and taylor have p clear angel demon imagery to me#while scary and normal feel more... in between? like yin yang type not all good not all bad#thought it could be fun to play with the idea of. Scary very recently fell as an angel due to Willy's influence#versus Normal who comes from a family of fallen angels ('corrupted' by the Doodler) but is trying to redeem himself and his family as well#with a storyline playing with the concept or morality and clearly defining good and bad with angels and demons#good omens style LMAO <3 Link and Taylor as an angel and demon DO remind me of Crowley and Aziraphale#Demon who's got a little too good of a heart to be evil and an Angel who's a little too much of a bastard to be purely good#ALSO been playing around with the idea of a fae au teheheehe#anyways rhat angel demon one really got away from me LMAO#its been a passing thought these past few days but i havent thought up like an actual plot line just alignments#so i havent mentioned it#WILL GET TO THE OTHER AU ASKS BTW EJWBAHAHAH#im jusy a VERY wordy rambler so it may take some time </3#long post#HELP almost forgot that one#me n my walls of text <3
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Tonight has been a good night for writing Mafia fic
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