#hehe i have been happy the past couple days
alienhazy · 1 year
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took these yesterday :-) I made the tie dye shirt myself
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sunnami · 1 year
you'd be the love of my life when i was young
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summary: gryffindors wear their heart on their sleeve when they fall in love. slytherins keep their heart locked far away to keep it from breaking.
pairing: poly!marauders x reader (sirius x reader, remus x reader, lily x reader, and james x reader)
tags: slight angst, fluff, lucius malfoy, happy ending
note: i have a chemistry quiz due in 50 minutes but this takes priority. . . i haven't written in a while so forgive my rusty writing skills, they've only been let out from the basement today. not proofread, we die like the marauders. (title is taken from the song, 21 by gracie abrams, because that's roughly around the age jily die. hehe.)
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They said when you fell in love with the right people, everything would fall in place after.
What a load of bullshit.
You had come to a conclusion one winter morning, laying in the Gryffindor common room dressed in your woolly, green jumper. You rested on the worn-out leather seat, nervously fiddling with your fingers as you stared at the ceiling, thinking about how it was going terribly wrong. How funny it was, that the 30th of December greeted you with an existential crisis instead of presents and hot chocolate. 
There was something quite wrong with you, you had noticed for the past few months. 
Every time Sirius Black smiled at you, showing off his pearly canines and the crinkles by his deep-grey eyes, you would experience a painful, tightening sensation in your chest — like someone was squeezing at your heart. Most people knew Sirius Black, the prankster, but you were lucky enough to know Sirius, the kind and spirited boy who had a heart that loved fiercely more than anyone you knew.
Cosy afternoons found you in the library with Remus Lupin, and a strange feeling would erupt in your stomach whenever Remus leaned down, and you’d catch a whiff of pine needles and fresh mint. Shaggy, blond hair falling over his eyes as he came to life, talking about your common love for muggle books. He made time feel like an illusion, minutes fading away into hours as the two of you shared stifled giggles, cheeks numb by the time you left the room. 
And James, oh James Potter. It was difficult to describe what you felt with him — but with James, the brightest colours in the world couldn’t even compare to him. James was like putting on a pair of brand-new eyeglasses and seeing everything clearly for the first time. And without a doubt, you knew that James would never let you get hurt. But these days, you were weak in the knees as you’d see him across the Great Hall, waving at you excitedly as he bellowed your name, and to come and sit next to them. 
Last, but certainly not the least, Lily Evans. Her sweet, airy voice was a warm hug on a cold day. And her actual hugs were second to none — don’t tell Sirius, however, he liked to shift into Padfoot to steal Lily’s title as the queen of cuddling. Lily flowers were delicate, she was anything but. The spitfire of Gryffindor, who would raise her chin and defy anyone who would harass you for hanging out with them. 
(“You’re our emotionally constipated Slytherin,” said Lily as she mushed your cheeks, cooing when you tried to glare at her, and the three boys guffawing in the background. They liked to tease you often, being a year younger than them.) 
Were you dying?
That was the only plausible explanation to your palpitating heart and rickety knees. 
No, it was definitely not because you had gone and fell in love with your best friends. 
That was absurd. 
You had tried venting to Lucius Malfoy once. Narcissa often doted on you, sneakily leaving treats on your desk before she left for her class, and fussing when you got sick — which was quite often. That meant, when you weren’t with the marauders, you were trailing after the Slytherin power couple, or Severus.
(Lucius curled his lips in disgust, Narcissa sipping tea by his side, failing at hiding her knowing smirk. “I am above such childish matters,” hissed Lucius, scowl deepening when Narcissa laughed heartily, looking happier than she had been since returning home for the holidays. “I do not know why you’d even think to come to me for this.”
You huffed. 
Maybe you’d try Severus next. 
Naturally, he stormed off the moment Lily’s name fell from your lips.
Your resident seventh-years were confusing.)
Fortunately, you were stripped from your thoughts when the entrance to the common room slammed open, the paintings clamouring as they were disturbed from their slumber. One by one, the marauders piled inside the room, a string of melodious laughter and boisterous conversations following their arrival. Hastily, you sat up, heart thudding against your ribcage. Silence, you wretched beast, you told it. Don’t let them see how I burn for them.  
“There you are!” Sirius came into view first, grinning widely as he crossed the room to reach you. “Who said you could be this pretty in the morning, love?” 
Sirius plopped down head first onto your lap, manoeuvring your hand to comb through his hair as he sighed in contentment. “Bloody hell,” He exhaled shakily, “Last night was the worst one we’ve ever been through.” 
Your fingers ghosted through the new scar etched across his sharp cheekbones — it was nothing Madam Pomfrey couldn’t fix, but you still didn’t like the sight of them bruised and wounded. Swiftly, Sirius grabbed your hand and intertwined your own with his. “I’m sorry,” You whispered. 
Sirius chuckled tiredly, tightening his hold on you, as though you were a tether that kept him afloat in his sea of nightmares. 
(And you were. If only you knew.)
“It’s not your fault,” said Sirius. 
Then, your eyes landed on Remus limping towards you, his bare skin littered with scrapes and marks, supported with an arm around James’s broad shoulders. He sent a toothy smile your way, despite the tired lines on his forehead and deep bags beneath his eyes. “Waited up all night for us, huh?”
“I just couldn’t sleep knowing you guys were out there,” You whispered sheepishly. “It’s too dangerous, what happens if something goes terribly wrong, and it costs you your life? We need to tell someone.” 
“Everyone who needs to know, already knows.” Remus bit down a pained expression as he sat by your side, head lolling on your shoulder. “This is the best we have for now.” 
You didn’t like it.
You didn’t like it at all.
Before you could reply, Remus turned his head, lips feathering against your exposed skin. His voice was low as he said, “‘Sides, it’s our job to worry about you, not the other way around.”
“Well, I apologize for interrupting your job,” You whispered back harshly, wondering if that was all you were to them, a younger friend they felt the need to look after. Oh, how mortifying that would be.
James chuckled from behind you, bending over the back of the couch, he pressed a kiss to the side of your head, lingering for a few moments that felt like an eternity. “You’re too adorable,” said James, tweaking your nose. “Our angry, little Slytherin.” 
“I’m not little.” You glowered at him.
“Perhaps not.” James smiled cheekily. “But you’re ours.” 
Often times, you had wondered how the five of you came to be so tight-knit, knowing their disdain for most of the Slytherins. 
(Little did you know, you smiled at them once in Potions, and they were a goner.) 
Something stirred deep in your belly. 
You sucked in a breath. “Don’t say things like that, James.”
People could get the wrong idea.
You could get the wrong idea.
“Well, why not?” Lily appeared in your peripheral vision, the scent of blooming wildflowers and fresh rain filling the room. Like the three boys, her skin was sallow from lack of sleep, but her bare face and blinding grin left your heart racing. “It’s true, isn’t it?” 
It could be, just not in the way you wanted it to be true.
You sighed. “Class is going to start in a few hours, I should get going.” 
“Or,” James began wickedly, throwing a thick blanket onto the floor by the fireplace, and tossing a bunch of throw pillows at Sirius’s face. “We could have a sleepover right here.” 
“Sounds good to me,” said Lily merrily, stealing James’s blanket as she placed a pillow beneath her head. 
“I really have to go—” You reasoned pathetically.
“Stay,” whispered Sirius without even opening his eyes as he curled his lithe fingers around your wrist. “You being here makes us feel better.” 
They were too cruel, saying all these sweet words, not knowing how it drove knives through your heart. 
James yawned as he laid on the carpeted floor, hiking the blanket up to his shoulders as he threw a leg over Lily, pulling her close to his chest, nuzzling the crook of her neck. “D’you have your textbooks with you, love?” He asked you drowsily. 
“No,” You answered, any other words lodged in your throat. 
“That’s fine.” James hummed. “I’ll just get the cloak and sneak into the dungeons later to get the books for you.” 
“Sleep,” Remus urged you, unaware how you shivered at his words. 
“You can’t be comfortable like that,” You told him in disbelief, watching his neck bend at an angle to lay on your shoulder. 
“Trust me,” said Remus gently, eyelashes tickling your skin, “I’m right where I want to be.” 
You had grown silent for a few beats, unaware how Sirius’d opened his eyes, staring at your worried expression. 
(How could one person be so perfect, he wondered.)
“You alright, darling?” He reached out to trace the curve of your jaw with his thumb, the palm of his hand holding your face as though you were a pureblood’s antique treasure. (Mine, mine, mine, his heart screamed.)
But like the Slytherin you were, you lied as easily as you breathed.
“I’m fine.”
As you laid in between Remus and Sirius, watching the peaceful rise of Lily and James’s chests, you had come to a daunting realization. 
You were irrevocably and agonizingly in love with your best friends. 
And because fate liked to spit in your face, the four of them were already in a beautiful, committed relationship. 
Who were you to get in the way of that?
They would understand, you convinced yourself. 
They would understand that you had to stay away from them. You had to protect your heart and keep it safe. The marauders were a dangerous bunch, and they had played the biggest prank on you, and by Merlin, would you fall for this particular prank over and over again if it meant you could hear their voices and fall into their embrace. 
But you couldn’t stay. They would only crush your heart otherwise. 
If Gryffindors wore their heart on their sleeves when they fell in love, Slytherins protected theirs with every fibre of their being, locking it in a cage where no one else can have the power to break it. 
Like what any love-stricken teenager would do in the face of heartbreak, you began to ignore the objects of your affections — ignoring the way your soul called out to theirs. 
It wasn’t as obvious the first few days. You would escape their company under the ruse of studying for McGonagall and Flitwick’s practical tests. 
(“They’re notoriously difficult after all,” You told them, a nervous laugh accompanying your lie. Peter eyed you curiously, noticing small details the others could not see — your quivering lips, your nails digging into your palms, and the way your eyes wouldn’t meet any of theirs. “I just don’t want to fail.” 
You could have cried at the way James held the back of your head as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “You’ll do well, love. You always do.” 
“You can study with me, if you want,” Remus quickly offered. “I’m not as good as James in transfiguration, but I can definitely teach better than those two.” 
“Hey!” Sirius exclaimed in mock offence.
“Thanks, it’s sweet of you to offer,” You told them, shifting your weight awkwardly from one foot to the other. “But—”
“Say less, darling,” Lily interjected kindly, wrapping her scarf around your neck. She smiled at you, holding both your cheeks in her palms. “They’re the worst lot to study around, I know. Just don’t study too hard, okay? Take breaks, have a cup of tea now and then, and remember it’s okay to ask for help — don’t give me that face — if it gets too overwhelming, just ask. We’re here for you in every way you need us.” 
You were well and truly screwed. 
“Thanks,” You croaked.)
But it was getting harder and harder to come up with excuses. 
(“Wotcher!” Sirius grinned, encasing you in a tight hug after bumping into you in the corridor. “Haven’t seen you in a while, busy bee. Fancy a lunch with us in Hogsmeade?” 
You scrunched your nose, red and bitten from the winter frost, stepping away from him and ignoring the way his face fell. “I. . . I can’t. I’ve got practice with the Frog Choir.”
Sirius shoved his hands in his trouser pockets. “S’alright. I can wait and pick you up right after, then we’ll swing by that shop you really like—”
“I can’t, Sirius,” You interrupted harshly, wrapping your arms around your chest as your gaze dropped to the ground. “Sorry. I just. . . I’ll just catch you some other time.” 
Sirius flinched. “Sure, love. Other time, yeah?”
But only the wind replied.
Saturday came, and along with it was the long-awaited match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. James, decked out in his uniform, bounded over to you at the Slytherin’s side of the Great Hall, oblivious to the death glares some of your housemates had sent his way. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, lifting you from your seat. 
“It’s Quidditch day, pidge!” James tilted his head, awfully resembling a lost, confused puppy. “Why aren’t you dressed yet? It’s the game of games! Even Remus is announcing the game later.” 
You bit your lip before responding. “I’m not going, James.” 
“What?” He furrowed his brows. “Why not?” 
Ever since you had become friends with James Potter in your first year, you had never missed a single game of his. Except for the one time you had fallen sick during his match against Hufflepuff — and the moment he knew you were ill, the game ended in less than two minutes, by his sheer determination to get by your side quickly and make sure you weren’t alone. 
You sighed. “I don’t know, James, I’m just not feeling up to it today.”
It was a big, fat lie, and he knew it too. 
You didn’t go to his match later that day.
It was one of the biggest losses James had ever experienced — he wasn’t talking about Quidditch.)
Your housemates were beginning to realize was something was off as well. They might not be particularly fond of the Gryffindors that captured your heart, but they were fond of you, and they guarded their own. 
You had a stare-down with Regulus Black in the common room — and you weren’t about to lose — before he blinked and asked, “What did my brother do?”
“Nothing,” You replied, pretending to be engrossed with your herbology textbook. 
Severus rolled his eyes before plucking the book out of your hands. “Spit it out, woman. We’ve had to watch you mope around pathetically for days now. It’s irritating the rest of us.”
You sniffled. “Then just leave me alone! No one asked you to check up on me!” 
“Unfortunately, we can’t.” Severus took a seat beside Regulus. With a pained grimace, he said, “So you can. . . pour your heart out to us.” 
“I can’t.” You wailed. “I’m a Slytherin, we’re the worst at that.”
Regulus shrugged his shoulders. “It’s true. We’re hopeless.” 
“But,” He raised his wand, “We do speak in jinxes and curses.” 
“Don’t you dare!” You blubbered, wiping at your tears — but somehow, without having to express it in words, they understood, and you had felt lighter.
Still, you missed them. 
“This is pathetic.” Lucius enters the common room, Narcissa holding onto his arm, watching the scene before him with blank eyes. “Black, Snape, get out, you’re only making whatever this is, worse.”
Narcissa was by your side in an instant, dabbing at your wet eyes and cheeks with a handkerchief that cost more than your life. “Hush now, darling. What’s wrong, hm? Was it that idiot cousin of mine? Don’t worry, Lucius can tell his father, and we’ll have them begging at your feet by tomorrow.”
You cried louder. 
“I jest, I jest.” Narcissa softly chuckled, pulling your hair away from your face as she tugged you close. “Please tell us what’s wrong. It’s been awful seeing you like this for the past few days.”
Lucius sat on the loveseat across you, resting his feet atop the glass coffee table. “Yes, I beg you — do as she says, for the love of Merlin. But, really, what else did you expect, associating yourself with that ragtag of miscreants?”
Narcissa glared at him.
Lucius raised his arms in surrender. 
Narcissa clicked her tongue before returning her attention to you, eyes softening at your tear-stricken face. She smiled, albeit sadly, as she said, “Perhaps, I know what is wrong.” She gestured to the way you clutched at the front of your shirt. “It is the matters of the heart, is it not?” 
You nodded weakly. “I love them.”
“And they, you,” said Narcissa. “So, what is wrong?” 
“I love them!” You hiccuped.
“Unfortunately.” Lucius handed you a tissue. “The whole of Hogwarts knows this already, so I do not understand why you’re blowing snot all over my fiancé’s robes about it.” 
“They don’t feel the same way about me,” You confessed with a sob. 
Lucius stared at you incredulously. “Please do not tell me that you are this daft.” 
“What do you mean?” You asked him through narrowed, teary eyes, Narcissa rubbing the tips of your numb fingers from crying so much. 
“I did not sign up for this.” Lucius rubbed at his temples as he stood up. “I will only say this once, so make sure you are listening. Those Gryffindor idiots are so disastrously in love with one another — let me finish, damn you — and if you cannot see that they love you too, then it is your own fault. It physically pains me to see the way they smile when you are near. They would move the earth for you, and they would shake the heavens for you.” 
Gryffindors must have hearts made of steel, because you didn’t know how they could be so brave, to look fear right in the eyes and say: I’m ready. 
Because you surely weren’t. You were headed towards your usual spot in the courtyard by the clock tower, legs heavy and swell deep in your throat. Then, you found them, looking so achingly beautiful under the sunlight, huddled together for warmth as they smiled and laughed at lame puns and mistimed jokes. 
Did you have a place with them? 
You were about to find out.
“Hey,” You greeted once you were right in front of them. A month of evading them, and now you were here. It was like finding a piece of your soul that you had lost.
(For them, seeing you was like finally being able to breathe again.) 
“Hey,” said Lily, devoid of any warmth, and that broke you. 
Bravery was poison, you decided. A trap for weak-hearted fools like you. 
Sirius shot James a look before clenching his jaw. “No choir practice today? No study sessions with Cissa or Reg? Wait, no, I’ve got it. Slughorn’s dinner party? Or is it detention with McGonagall today? Does her highness finally feel up to talking to the peasants?”
You inhaled sharply. “Never mind. This was a bad idea.”
But this — is what you deserved. You had hurt them badly, so it was only right for them to stomp on your heart for everyone to see, just as you did to them many times this month. 
A sob tore from your lips as you swivelled on your heels, ready to flee the scene and never show your face to anyone else ever again. Yet, before you could leave, Remus clamped his hand over your wrist. 
“Why?” He stared at you, searching for anything that could explain your sudden behaviour. Remus looked at you with such emotion, tightly holding onto you — but never enough to hurt, because Remus could never be capable of hurting you. He’d die before he would ever cause you pain. 
 (You made him feel unafraid of the moon.) 
“Was. . . was it something I did?” Remus asked, laying his wounds bare for you to see. “Was it me?”
“I love you!” You shouted in the midst of panic — you had never wanted to cause Remus to doubt himself. Your loud declaration had caught the attention of some, but you stood on, curling your fists firmly. You needed to do this. 
“I love you.” You said once more, breathlessly, staring right into James’s eyes. Such a beautiful shade of hazel. “I love each one of you. And it. . . it hurts right here.” Tears dripped from your eyes to the side of your chin as you splayed your hand over where your heart rested. 
“Because you don’t feel the same.” 
The four of them simply gazed at you, slack-jawed and wide-eyed. 
You took that as confirmation for what you had been fearing all along. 
“And that’s okay if you don’t,” You snivelled, unable to see clearly with the streams of tears in your eyes. You thought of how Sirius melted at Lily’s touch and how Remus was the anchor to James’s wild streak. How they all complemented each other and fit perfectly like puzzle pieces. “Just give me a few months, and I’ll get over it. It’s a stupid crush anyway, it’s my fault. The four of you are perfect together, how could—”
“Shut up,” James hissed before cupping your face and pulling you in for a kiss. Cherries and pumpkin pasties. He kissed you deeply once more before pressing his lips to your eyes, desperately washing away your tears with his devotion. “Was that it? We could have been doing this ages ago.”
“What?” You rasped, knees buckling at the weight of his gaze.
James only smiled, stealing your third kiss. 
Sirius pulled your hand, his arm encasing your waist as you stumbled to his chest. Like James, he kissed you fervently, like he wanted to chase off all your fears and doubts. His lips were warm against yours — firewhiskey. You wanted to be burnt by his flames again and again. He held you close, committing every inch to memory. 
(You were art that he wanted to worship.)
He kissed your forehead. “We love you, daft girl.”
He kissed both of your eyes, chuckling when a new wave of tears came. “We have loved you ever since you burnt my mother’s howler in fourth year, and gave us poorly-knitted sweaters for Christmas.” 
“I love you,” said Sirius. “As certain as the spring that arrives after winter, I love you.” 
You snuffled. “I. . . I don’t understand.” 
Remus stepped in your line of sight to place his jacket over you — it was Sirius’s leather jacket, really, but Remus liked to claim it occasionally. He bundled you in earmuffs and rested his chin atop your head, exhaling in relief. “I thought it was me.” 
You shook your head, clinging to the front of his shirt. “No, never. It was me. I’m sorry.” 
Remus grinned wolfishly, eyes swooping down to your kiss-stained lips. (There you were, standing in the snow that threatened to melt, eyes rimmed with tears, hair wildly ablaze from the cold breeze, cheeks damp and red — but how devastatingly beautiful you were.) “May I?” 
You nodded. “P-Please.”
Blueberries and dark chocolate. Remus whispered against your lips, “If it wasn’t already clear, the feeling is bloody mutual — we love you, just as the moon loves the sun enough to chase after it every day.” He grabbed your hand and placed it over his heart, you were surprised to see him holding back tears of his own. “All my life, I thought I was this monster who didn’t deserve to live. But you, all of you, make me selfish enough to want to belong here.” 
He kissed you desperately, words of adoration and love falling from his lips. 
Finally, your eyes settled on Lily. You waited for her reaction with a bated breath. 
You hadn’t expected for her to burst into tears as she rushed over to you. 
“Don’t you ever do that again,” said Lily angrily before circling you in her embrace, burying her nose in your hair. You hugged her back, drowning in her scent and warmth. “You are deserving of all the things you want, so don’t run away — if you run, we’d follow you, idiot girl.” 
Then, Lily captured your lips with her own. 
She tasted like happy endings.
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note: 4k words and 6 hours later, here we are! let it be known i was THE poly marauders enthusiast years ago. i always wanted one with lily in the polycule so here we are. this is me manifesting my college romance, y'all. look away. anyways, i hoped u enjoyed it!! brought a smile to your face and all!! might make a part two for more fluff and to establish more relationship dynamics since this was written on a whim ;D also i planned a cute scene with peter as well, so i'll just write that in part two el em ay yo.
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tojisun · 10 months
a cute idea just popped in my head!! imagine other bikers give simon an upside down peace sign (meaning ride safe/keep both wheelson the fround hehe) when his s/o with him. and she just waves her hand to others <3 they're the cutest couple 🥹
i definitely need a biker boyfriend in my life, yeah... that was all and now im going!! have a great day/night bestie <33 ☀️🌙
this ones short n told from outsider’s pov teehee <33
biker!simon mlist / star divider by @/plutism
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ajax’s head turns when he hears the short honk from logan, the other whirling past the speeding sedan to trail beside ajax’s bike. he watches as logan brings his hand up, two fingers jutted out, and makes a pointing motion somewhere in front.
ajax follows logan’s signal, sitting up on his bike to see past the hoods of the cars, before catching sight of the infamous ‘ghost rider’ – a funny name given that the bike doesn’t remotely look like the harley that was used in the film, but one that stuck anyways. it was dubbed by a fan after seeing ghost in his first ever rally and ghost, with his sleek black skull mask and extra flare, took upon the name with pride.
but that’s not what logan was pointing at, ajax’s sure, because perched behind ghost’s bulk is a smaller figure, one whom ajax remembers hearing about – ghost’s darling girl. the man’s other half even when they’re polars of each other; sun and moon, or however else the two are described.
ajax isn’t really sure who started the rumour that the two are opposites because last time they all met, simon and his girl were equally… grossly in love.
finishing each other’s sentences, actions matching up even when they’re not looking at each other, defending each other’s honours type of grossly in love.
simon pulling his girl’s chair towards him because – and ajax thanks the otherman’s tact – it would have been too much if he just plucked her from her seat and plopped her on his lap type of grossly in love.
but ajax understands why – you’re simply such a beautiful person.
ajax’s not a shy guy – he’s sure shyness naturally gets replaced the moment one begins trusting themselves with their lives as they take on a bike – but there he had been, stuttering when talking to you. you had asked him how he knew of ghost and ajax swears it was like he almost forgot anything about himself. even how to ride a bike.
but you were so genuine with your interest in getting to know him that he felt so relaxed being around you; stutters getting replaced by the sureness in his voice, previous embarrassment getting trampled and replaced with comfort. ajax left that night feeling like he’s just been adopted as your older brother, lack of blood relations be damned.
logan’s light honking snaps ajax from his thoughts again and he turns to his friend, sending him a nod, before the two are revving their bikes to catch up to ghost rider.
when the two are close, logan splits from ajax until they’re flanking ghost on either side. it’s ajax who presses his horn button to catch ghost’s attention.
it’s laughably endearing how both you and ghost whirl your heads to turn to ajax, and while ajax can’t see ghost’s expression he’s blessed to see the way your glare melts away the moment you make eye contact with him.
one of your arm untangles from ghost’s waist to offer ajax an excitable wave. ajax raises his hand and points two fingers to the ground – ride safe! – hoping that you understand what it means, let alone know that it means anything.
ajax’s eyes flit towards ghost’s head and even though the other man is all visored up, ajax sees him nod back before returning the gesture.
logan honks on the other side of the pair and ajax watches as the interaction was mimicked. you give logan a happy wave as well and logan, the bastard, replies with a flying kiss.
ajax laughs when ghost flips logan off.
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adding more characters in this fun lore teehee >:)
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bunnions · 2 months
EATING (BIRTHDAY) CAKE ⊹ ࣪ ˖🍰₊˚⊹♡ synopsis: who said you can't have your cake and eat it too?
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pairing: bakugo x gn!reader wc: 1.6k words cw: pro hero!au, nsfw, smut, rimming (male receiving), ass play, there’s quite a bit of teasing but the whole vibe is very soft and playful, reader is leading and being a little shit. a/n: today’s my birthday and this is my gift to myself. wanted a different kind of cake this year hehe. enjoy if this is your piping hot cup of tea! also shoutout to @/zorosdimples for having some bomb ass eating fics and giving me booty brain rot. 
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Bakugo can’t keep his breathing even no matter how hard he tries. Years of being a Pro Hero, countless hours spent training at the gym, working stealth missions overseas, should have prepared him for anything. Anything but you. His breath puffs out past his lips, dragged out in a sputtered gasp as his eyes roll to the back of his head. He’s panting. Pathetically. Broken. 
And you have the fucking audacity to pull away with a soft pop and an even softer, “You doing okay, baby?”
His eyes roll in annoyance this time. So dramatic. You swallow the laugh bubbling up your throat and instead peer down the line of his spine where you meet his lidded (and very annoyed) gaze over his shoulder. His thick, corded thighs quiver as you smooth a palm gently down, tracing the line of his inner thigh down to the crook of his knee. Your lovely, flushed boyfriend. Head down, chest pressed against your shared bed, and clenching ass propped up on wobbly knees for your pleasure. And your pleasure alone.
Afterall, this is your birthday present.
“You okay? Should I stop?” you ask again. Gentle. Patient. But Bakugo can hear the underlying shit-eating grin between each syllable. It lights something sinister in the pit of his stomach, makes his balls tighten up in anticipation.
“S’fine,” he grunts out, gaze steeled against yours. The admission lights up your face and that makes him feel so hot. His cheeks burn, chest tightening up with affection, and he won’t can’t look away. “Keep going.”
You wiggle a little in a happy dance. Even from behind, you’re softening him up in more ways than one. Still, he doesn’t miss the sinful glint in your eye. 
Your pink tongue darts out to swipe against the plush of your bottom lip and unconsciously the blond mirrors the action. He can almost taste himself on you. Dating for a couple years means he knows every contour of your body, what makes you squeal, how your expression contorts as you cum repeatedly on his fat cock. You thought it unfair; asked for an “experience” rather than a physical gift. And Bakugo lacks the strength to say no when you ask so pretty: Kats, can I eat you out for my birthday this year? 
So, here you both are. Pro Hero Dynamight displayed in the most vulnerable position he’s ever been in, and you drooling from behind like some god damn villain.
“C-Can you spread yourself for me?” your voice gives way to the debauched excitement you’ve tried to keep at bay.
The darkest crimson flushes like a tidal wave from the crown of his cheeks, to his ears, down his neck, and settling in the valley of his shoulder blades. You don’t miss how his puckered, shiny hole clenches around nothing or the way his thick cock bobs between his legs. Pre drips from the tip, staining the sheets, and you can’t help but dip down to lick his cockhead for a quick taste.
“Fuck!” Bakugo groans, the light stimulation almost too much. It’s the first bit of contact you’ve allowed his cock all day. He hears you hum, savoring the taste of his precum, and he cringes as his cock twitches again and again and again. At this point, even he can’t tell if he’s annoyed to hell and back or impatient for more. “F-fuckin’ hurry up.” 
Gnarled hands reach back to take each toned ass check in a firm grip, fingers spreading himself as he buries his face and embarrassment into a pillow. 
You coo, all sweet and syrupy. “Katsuki, you’re so pretty back here. Look so tasty!” You giggle to yourself and his hole winks in response. You place one hand on top of his for leverage and watch a shiver visibly race down his spine. You wet your lips once more, “Thanks for the best birthday present, baby,” before diving in.
Years of training, of control, of near perfection, crumble instantly as your pretty tongue laps at the rim of his asshole, already softened from the first round of licks and sucks. He can’t control the grunts and moans spilling from kiss-bitten lips. You’re the devil incarnate, he thinks, as you gleefully and sadistically press past the first ring of tight muscle. Your tongue wiggling in and invading the part of himself he’s only had enough courage to explore quietly once or twice, in the dark of his bedroom, long before you first met. 
Bakugo didn’t like how it made him feel, at least alone. Suddenly so exposed and vulnerable. A pleasure that felt so foreign and intense and taboo.
But here, with you, it feels different.
Molten lava pours through his veins. He’s sweating, gasping and biting into the feather down pillow to try and stifle the lewd noises his mouth has zero control over. His body and heart have softened enough to spasm around your tongue. The world spins backwards if he focuses too closely on the feeling of your soft lips kissing the sensitive skin lining his hole, or the way you breathe out through your nose as you focus solely on wringing him dry. Something warm knots in his chest, the air heavy with how small and shy your attention makes the Pro feel. Suddenly aware of your nails digging into the top of his hand and into the flesh of his ass, the slight sting drips pleasure through up and down his body like hot honey. Your tongue lashing against his hole, moans vibrating through him and lodging straight into the gray matter of his brain. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. F –
“Fuuuck, fuckfuck, f-fuck,” oh that’s his voice – loud and keening. You make a contented sound and let your tongue drag out of his pulsating hole only to drip down to his balls and suck. Bakugo’s toes curl as his back arches from the unexpected stimulation. But it’s not enough.
Without thinking, his hips push back desperately and he spreads himself even further, blunt nails digging into the flesh of his ass. Angry red marks direct your mouth back to the center of your present. 
You kiss his right cheek, bite at the seam of his thigh, and drag your tongue back to his sopping hole. The pretty blond is moaning openly now, rutting against your face, drowning in the pleasure of being stretched open, feeling you invade him, you moving inside him. Spit dribbling down his cock and balls to mix with the steady stream of precum soaking your sheets. 
The movement of your plush lips sloppily making out with his puckered rim has him reeling, hard nipples rubbing against silk sheets, setting his blood on fire.
“A-ah, fuck, baby,” Bakugo can hardly speak. The knot in his stomach tightening, all the blood in his head rushing elsewhere. “Wait ‘m g’na. Fuck.. It’s too – babe, w-wait –” 
He knows the safe word. You noisily suck on his hole again. The squelching sends your boyfriend into a tailspin. His balls are impossibly tight, dick throbbing in time to your cruel tongue licking and sucking and thrusting. It’s absolute sin the way he can feel your lips curl into a smirk. Voice muffled by his gyrating ass, “S’okay, b’by. Y’gna cum f’me?” Like a fucking siren. 
He feels both your hands leave the globes of his cheeks and barely manages to catch one with his hand. You don’t miss a beat and link your fingers through his, rubbing your thumb against his hand soothingly, while the other reaches between his legs to grab his weeping cock – starting with the head. Bakugo nearly chokes. 
“Cum for me, pretty boy.” Your voice is barely a whisper, thick with desire. 
And your mouth is back on him in a flash. Tongue thrusting as deep as it can go, soft hand pumping his cock with a mixture of your sweet spit and his precum. Synchronous in movement, your mouth and hand drag the lewdest moan out of him. A sound that doesn’t match his glistening muscles, his thick and strained neck, the hand (leagues larger than your own) desperately holding on like a lifeline. The delicate thread in his stomach snaps as a powerful orgasm rips through him, almost violent with the way you grip him and simultaneously suck and wiggle your tongue in his ass. 
Bakugo cums like an animal, cum shooting straight down into the puddle soaked sheets, wordless and moaning as if he were in heat. Your mouth is literal sin as you slurp at his clenching hole with fervor, riding out his bliss for as long as possible. Hand pumping up and down until he squeezes your hand, still firmly in his grasp. 
You finally relent when his moans quiet to labored breathing. He flops onto his back and hides behind an arm, trying to regain some semblance of control over his panting, swallowing to soothe his sore throat. Bakugo dares to look at you only when he hears you shift a little on the other side of the bed. His curiosity would be the end of him.
He swallows the thick lump in his throat, watching you with dark crimson eyes, as you drag a finger through his cum and bring it to your lips. You pop it into your mouth and groan. The sound is too sincere for Bakugo to scoff at. If anything, the scene kicks his softening cock back to life, as he watches the tongue that was just inside him savor his heady taste. As your eyes meet, you grin – something mischievous and full of love. 
His cum is thick and creamy. The perfect icing to your perfect birthday cake.
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dividers by @/cafekitsune
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bunnliix · 24 days
Misunderstandings and Surprises
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This was a very fun fic to write, and was also created/brainstormed with the help of the lovely @potatomountain, who I credit with me writing this with Hongjoong instead of Seonghwa hehe. Plus giving me lots of inspo with many pictures of Hongjoong.
Pairing: Hongjoong x reader Summary: You're fed up with your boyfriend putting work ahead of spending time with you, and confront him about it. wc: 1.9k AU: n/a Genre: Fluff/Angst warnings: yelling, fighting, crying, angst with a happy ending, threats of breaking up
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You had been at odds with your boyfriend for almost a week now, after he had continued to cancel your dates and time together in favor of hanging with the rest of Ateez or working in the studio for the past couple weeks. You just wanted an hour with your boyfriend, but you only got him when he woke you up while he climbed in bed beside you. You knew what you were signing up for when dating an idol, but this was just too fucking much.
You decided enough was enough, and paid a visit to the company while you knew the boys had dance practice, so you knew he wouldn’t be in the studio where you couldn’t get in as easily. After saying hello to the front desk receptionist and showing your pass allowing you access, she waved as you walked towards the elevators to head up a couple floors to the dance rooms.
The ride up, though quick, only made you more pissed off and upset that you even had to resort to doing this. Once the doors opened, you were on a mission and staff who saw you coming moved out of your way as you headed straight towards the room that was blasting Ateez’s music. Not caring if you interrupted, you pushed the door open and shouted, “KIM HONGJOONG!”
The man in question abruptly turned around and focused on you, the blood draining from his face momentarily at your tone before all emotions were wiped off his face. “Why are you here, interrupting practice?” He asked you calmly.
“Because I’m done with not being able to see my boyfriend.” You said in response. 
“We’ve seen each other lately, what do you mean?” He asked you, confused and concerned at your words.
“If you’re counting you waking me up while I’m in bed, sure. But I have barely seen hide nor hair of you otherwise Hongjoong. And I can’t do that anymore. So either you figure out a better work-life balance, or we’re done. I need a boyfriend that doesn’t disappear on me for days at a time.” You said, your voice breaking at the end as tears welled up in your eyes, before you couldn’t take it anymore and left the room, heading back the way you came.
“Wait! Come back here!” You could hear Hongjoong yell after you, but you couldn’t face him. Before you could make it to the elevator, your wrist was grabbed.
“Please, can I explain? Don’t walk away from me, from us.” Hongjoong pleaded with you, though you refused to look at him, knowing if you did, you’d break down and give in.
“Hongjoong, I need a boyfriend who isn’t going to disappear and be unreachable, who will make me the priority sometimes, at the very least. This is just the breaking point, I can’t do this anymore if it continues like this, I’m sorry.” You replied, looking away from him.
He turned you around to face him, but you wouldn’t look up at him, keeping your gaze trained on the ground in between the two of you. This frustrated your boyfriend to no end, and you could tell by his clenched fist.
“Look at me, please.” Hongjoong begged you while you shook your head.
“Why should I?” You asked him.
The idol didn’t answer you, instead pulling you into the elevator as it opened and people got off, punching the button for the floor that held his own studio. He pulled you behind him, you lacking any will to do anything but let him do what he wanted, and once you were both in the room, he shut and locked the door, before placing himself in between the door and yourself. You plopped down on the sofa in the room, sensing that you wouldn’t be going anywhere.
“Will you let me explain? And please, can you look at me, just once?” He asked, repeating himself from earlier.
“Why? So I can look in your pretty fucking eyes and give in and let you explain again and again why you couldn’t see me for so long? Why work comes before everything else, including me, your partner? Hongjoong, we’ve been together for three years, why is it that recently you’re so occupied with work? You’ve never been like this, and I can’t see why you’re like this now. You’ve been on the go almost all year, and finally when I think you’re home, you can’t find the fucking time to spend with me?!” You rambled on and on, your voice growing louder and louder until you’re shouting. Hongjoong had tried multiple times to interrupt you, and without realizing it, you had angered your boyfriend with your rambling.
You felt fingers grip your chin tightly, and your head was forcibly turned to look at him, but you still averted your eyes.
“Look at me, darling. Now.” You heard him growl, anger the only emotion in his voice. It’s what made you give in and look at him, your eyes making contact with his own.
“Thank you. Now, if you had only let me explain, you wouldn’t have gotten yourself so worked up.” He said, almost treating you like a child.
“I got worked up because I felt that my boyfriend was ignoring me!” You retorted back.
Hongjoong took a deep breath, pulling away from you as clearly you were too upset right now to have a normal conversation. “How about we both take a couple deep breaths and have a conversation and talk honestly about our feelings?” He proposed to you, and you reluctantly agreed, still feeling the anger simmering underneath your skin.
“Can you explain to me why you’re feeling the way you’re feeling, darling?” Hongjoong asked you, his eyes pleading with you to talk to him.
“I felt like I was being pushed aside in favor of your work or time with the boys. I know it’s not fair or healthy to make you only focus on me, but these last couple of weeks have felt so lonely. I feel like I haven't seen you lately Hongjoong. I only get to have you around me when I’m about to go to bed, and you’re usually gone in the morning. I don’t feel like I have a boyfriend.” You explained, eyes welling up with tears once again.
Hongjoong’s face fell, and you could see tears gathering in his own eyes. You were slightly confused at why he was getting so upset, until he opened his mouth to speak.
“I’m sorry for how my actions have caused you to feel hurt like this, dear. I never meant to make you feel this way, and I’m sorry I have. Can I explain a bit of why I was gone so much?” At your nod, he continued, “I have been occupied with work and hanging out with the members, but it’s also partially been an excuse to keep you from wondering why I’ve been gone so much. In truth, the boys were helping me plan something for you, something that honestly was a long time coming.” He told you, getting up from his chair to move to grab something from one of the desk drawers.
He turned around to face you again, a box in his hand, before talking once again , “The boys were helping me design something for you, as well as plan it all out. I wanted to make it perfect and a surprise, but I think it’s better for me to come clean about it now.” He knelt down on the ground in front of you, looking up at you with love in his eyes, love for you, before opening the box to show you a ring inside. 
“I’ve honestly wanted to marry you after six months of dating you, but I never could find the perfect ring, or the time to plan everything out. I wanted it to be perfect because I needed you to know how special you are to me, how much you matter to me. I love you, you’re my entire world, darling. I know this is horrible timing and honestly I wouldn’t get upset if you told me no, but would you marry me?” Hongjoong asked you, sincerity in his eyes.
You didn’t expect this to be why your boyfriend had been almost a ghost lately. You never even had the thought and you felt so bad now for assuming the worst, for assuming that he was putting work and the group ahead of you. He wanted to make it perfect for you, and now you had gone and made him change his plans. Tears rolled down your cheeks, and Hongjoong panicked, putting down the box in favor of moving to cup your cheeks, wiping away your tears with his thumbs.
“Baby, why are you crying? Talk to me, love,” he asked you, tears once again appearing in his own eyes.
“I thought the worst of you, I thought you weren’t making me a priority in your life but you were planning to propose to me! You wanted to marry me and I was thinking that you weren’t even thinking of me!” You cried out, sobbing as your boyfriend moved to wrap you in his arms, shushing your cries.
“I get where you’re coming from, baby, and I should have communicated with you better. I should have been clearer that I wasn’t putting you behind my work or my friends, and I’m sorry for not communicating with you and reassuring you.” Hongjoong apologized to you, kissing the top of your head.
“I’m sorry,” you replied, as he told you again that you didn’t need to apologize.
“I think we both need to be a bit better at communicating.” He said, waving away any more apologies you tried to make.
“I wanna marry you too!” You blurted out, not having planned on saying that, but it came out anyway. “I know I said I was ready to leave you but knowing everything now, it only makes me love you more. You did all of this, for me. You roped the boys into helping you, and into deceiving me, cause they knew about this and still said that Ateez was just busy!”
“I asked them not to say anything, I wanted to make it a surprise. I’m sorry that it ended up like this.” Hongjoong explained further, explaining his plan and how he wanted to have asked you.
You wiped the last remaining tears from your eyes and tried not to sniffle, but failed, before speaking once again. “If you aren’t mad at me, would you mind asking me one more time?” You asked your boyfriend.
Hongjoong smiled softly at you, before getting down on one knee, his original plan completely out the window. “Will you marry me, and make me the happiest man?” He asked you, looking up at you.
Nodding, you softly said, “Of course I will, if you will take me, my stupid decisions and all.”
“You stupid decisions are what make you, you. I wouldn’t have you any other way, I want you to be yourself and no one else.” Hongjoong told you, as he slid the ring on your finger.
You pulled him up for a hug, before he pulled you down onto the couch, with your head laying on his chest. He leaned down to kiss your forehead, as the two of you laid there.
“I love you, darling. So very much.”
“I love you too, Kim Hongjoong.”
Later that night, a picture was posted to Hongjoong’s instagram of two hands, his own and yours, with matching engagement rings on both. A simple caption accompanied it, “Forever yours.”
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Taglist: @bethelighthalazia
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neocitycafe · 8 months
Home After the Holidays (Mark)
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♡ genre: hot cocoa - fluff, sweet and steamy hehe; a bit smutty with too many thoughts; i guess "new year’s time pensive cheese" is a theme for me (here’s haechan’s version from last year) ✎ words: 2.1k ✓ summary/notes: busy idol husband Mark finally returns home :’) and you’ve missed each other. a trope that i love lots. @d-nghy-ck to bronwyn, here’s a slice of pensive cheese(cake), especially for you! this cafe would probably not be here if not for this first customer who came by and said hi! wishing you all the love in the world~
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It’s that awkward time in late January when you’re not sure whether it’s still socially appropriate to include “Happy New Year” in your greetings. Mark had told you not to come to the airport. The weather was frigid all week and it’d be way past midnight by the time he got out of customs, and then there was the long cab ride home.
But he missed you. 
Closing the front door gently, he looks down to find his old lace-ups where he usually left them, as if he were home this whole time. Your favorite pair is set neatly next to his, and a smaller set of shoes next to those. Ones with velcro and lights that he bought a couple months back, but it felt much longer ago so quickly. You’d replaced the original laces with neon green ones, and all of Mark’s teammates cooed at how cute that was. 
The lights are dimmed and Mark finds you on the couch in a pile of blankets, where you cozied up while waiting. His heart suddenly aches thinking of you with only a little cup of chamomile tea to warm yourself and get to bed. 
He had been so busy working lately, loving what he did, creating music, making crazy new connections, show after show, press conferences, collaborations. Had he done anything for you lately? His mind races.
From where you’d dozed off, you find Mark frozen by the door. After years of knowing him, you could see his raised brows and the running thoughts behind them. His lips pressed into a thin line and his eyes shifting to the side meant self-doubt. You want to erase those worries and pour love into all the spaces where he thought he was not enough. 
“I wanted to get you flowers.” His voice cracks and you get up to close the distance between you.
“Oh Mark... I have you now.” The cold from outside has clung on to his coat, but you ignore it and wrap your arms around him more tightly. “It’s the middle of the night, silly. I don’t need flowers.”
You feel him shake his head against you, “And I wanted to be home for the holidays,” he says with a bit of a whine. 
“You’re here now.”
Looking into his eyes, you brush the hair away from his forehead and peck him on the nose. The end of the year meant holiday tour stops, special shows, concerts, and awards nights. The holidays meant the opposite of holidays for entertainers like Mark. It meant he couldn’t really be with family until afterwards. He follows you into the kitchen where you set your mug in the sink. 
“Did you miss me?” You turn when he wraps his arms around you from behind. 
You’re momentarily caught off guard by his boyish smile and a pang of longing wells up, an emptiness in your chest that had been there behind your smiles when he had video called. The answer is a thousand times yes, but you bite back the truth in favor of not worrying him. You shake your head playfully. “I don’t have to. I get to see your features in our son’s face every day.”
Mark breaks into a grin that you can’t help but match. “Is he asleep?”
“Yeah, but he sure begged to stay up! He can be a little headstrong sometimes. Like someone.” You give Mark a long look and he pouts in response. “But he finally fell asleep a couple of hours ago.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being my home.”
“You’re sappy, Mark Lee.” Nonetheless, you’re more than willing when he tilts your head for a deeper kiss. He runs the tip of his tongue along the seam of your lips and you part them to let him taste you. A familiar heat stirs in your belly, and you reach your hands up to tangle them in his hair and pull him closer. He groans into your mouth and presses you back into the kitchen counter. From this position, he places pressure where your bodies are connected, where you want it. He rocks against you once, twice, slowly, fluidly, and you pull him even closer. 
Mark’s hands knock into the stacked pots and pans behind you on the drying rack, and you’re grateful for your husband’s quick reflexes. He steadies a pan, preventing what would’ve been a huge clatter. You both freeze for a moment. 
“Easy, tiger,” you tease while throwing him a wink. “Or baby lion or cheetah or whatever small big cat you are.” 
He responds with a playful growl that is both adorable and sexy, his nose scrunching up. 
A delicious thrill runs through you as his gaze locks on you again. Knocking your legs apart and then lifting you onto the counter, Mark reminds you of how he wanted you everywhere when you were newlyweds. A tender bite between your neck and shoulder reminds you of how he wants you now. You make a mental note to call Jaemin for some babysitting this coming weekend, because you wouldn’t mind some more alone time like this. 
You tug on Mark’s hand and he knows what you mean. You slip off the counter and try not to trip over each other as you eagerly make your way to the bedroom. It’s a familiar but exhilarating path, like a choreography that your bodies move to automatically once the music starts playing.
When he finds a towel already laid out on the bed, he raises a seagull of a brow, and you can’t help but laugh. He teases, “Oooh, so you were prepared!”
You lean in to whisper in his ear, feeling cheeky and bold, “Well, my husband gets messy.”
The look in his eyes and how he kisses you next is the response you were hoping for. When you fall back into bed, it’s easy and slow. You take your time wriggling out of your clothes, and you laugh at his cute shimmy while pulling his jeans off. The both of you sigh in content when his body is above yours, skin to skin. 
Mark’s fingertips trail patterns along your sides, his left hand’s calluses from guitar playing are a little rough, but soothingly so. You map out the constellation connecting the mole on his neck, on his cheek, the tiny one on the corner of his mouth. He spends his time with his lips on your neck where you crave them, wet kisses with a slight bite that have you feeling hot all over and in want, and then you’re grateful they’re chasing paths over the crests and valleys of your body. 
Mark travels down until his face is settled between your thighs, his warm breath causing you to shiver in anticipation. He takes your hand and kisses your wrist, your palm, your fingertips, slowly and thoughtfully. He moves to do the same with your other hand. The love in his gaze staring up at you is too much for you to handle, so you close your eyes and lay your head back. And then he’s lacing your fingers together, holding your hands as his perfect mouth dives in eagerly. 
Mark isn’t shy about playing with your wetness and giving you what you crave. He laps at you with the intent of pushing you to the edge, like there’s nothing else he wants but for you to feel good, and you can’t help but arch up towards him. 
When he tires, he keeps stroking your clit with his fingers, keeping the contact consistent and insistent, and then switches back to working you with his tongue. He keeps going even when you cry out his name, your thighs close around his head, and your hips lift off the mattress as you succumb to the overwhelming pleasure.  
When he comes back up to face you, he’s surprised to find the tears falling down your cheeks and into your hair. You don’t notice it yourself until he starts worrying. 
“You okay? Did I hurt you?” 
You shake your head. “No, that was amazing.”
He rolls to his side and pulls you into his chest carefully. His eyes search your face.
The words are tumbling out before you can stop them: “I missed you. Mark… I missed you.”
You finally let yourself go.
Going to your son’s first winter concert at his school alone. You’d even saved a seat for Mark, but his filming schedule got delayed that evening. Opening holiday presents with Mark’s parents at their home, without him there. Counting down to the new year by yourself while his team celebrated their album of the year win. How you never wanted to burden him. How you understood his career and wanted to be his steady support, and yet... “I missed you so much.”
“You know you can tell me that. I’m not afraid of how you feel.” He pauses to dry your tears with gentle hands and a kiss on your cheek. “I want to know. I want to love you better.” He holds you tighter, as if capturing every bit of the emotion pouring out of you. It’s like Mark knew the exact words you needed to hear. While being laid bare and vulnerable, you feel safe and known, and now, ever grateful that your relationship is one you are both committed to growing and working out together. “Let’s talk more in the morning after some rest, yeah?”
“Thank you, Mark.” You gaze up into his shining eyes. 
“For what?”
“For being home.”
“Look who’s being cheesy now,” he teases back. 
You tug on him beneath the covers in response and Mark lets out a surprised moan. 
“Mmm, in the morning’s okay too… ah, babe. I mean, do you still want to make love now?”
You nod against his chest and laugh at his insistence on calling it lovemaking rather than sex or anything else. “Do you?”
He nods too and the boyish grin you love so much is back. You push at his shoulders and move so you’re seated above him, your thighs settled over his.
I love you, I love you, I love you. He seems to say, and you feel it in your soul. 
When you sink down onto him, you fill his presence with your closeness, as he fills yours with his. And it’s like the time and space between you disappears. All you hear is Mark, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as he loses himself in loving you, and you him. He aids with your rhythm with his hands holding your hips, and then makes the switch so you’re under him. 
There’s the softness of the sheets, his lips, your fingertips, the moonlight shining in, the sound of rustling and sighs pulled from deep within. The flush of his cheeks, your parted lips, the thrum of beating hearts, and later, the patterns slowing steadily into dreams together.
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You’re gladly surprised by the warmth in your bed when you wake up in the morning. Mark kicked off his side of the covers in the middle of the night as usual, leaving a mountain of blankets on top of you, so you pull them up to cover his bare chest. You probably should have showered after last night, but it was too comfortable being cuddled up. Mark’s discarded shirt is closest, so you pull it on, mind reveling in everything for a moment: his scent, his return, his closeness, your shared love. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by the bedroom door swinging open. Little hands, messy morning bed head, and eyes shining as they peer in. (You’d have to remind your son about knocking on the door again.)
He’s quick to spot the lump next to you under the blankets. “Dada!”
You smile and hold a finger to your lips. 
“Mm-hmm, yes dear, come here.” You sit up better and he clambers into your lap. “Shhh. He’s sleeping.”
His eyes are wide and he whispers rather loudly, “He’s snoring.” You cast a wistful gaze over the relaxed expression on Mark’s face, not knowing when the last time it was that he slept well. 
“Let’s let him sleep more.” You ready yourself to sneak out of bed. Your son was really getting too heavy to carry. He’s squirmy and ticklish, and of course he starts giggling almost immediately when you try to lift him, the sound bubbling out uncontrollably. Someone else you knew laughed just like that. You’re trying to get up quickly when you feel Mark’s arms wrap around you from behind. 
“Come back....”
The way he holds you tickles, and the added weight of your son makes you lose balance, so you fall back onto Mark’s chest, effectively making your family a little sandwich. Mark lets out a small grunt from the weight but he doesn’t really mind. His heart is as light as can be. His eyes are bright and his smile mischievous. He wriggles around and declares, “Love attack!!!”
There are lots of kisses and shared silliness, and you laugh until there are tears in the corners of your eyes, little crystals breathlessly kissed away too in the moment. 
"And at last, I open my arms wide again to give you warmth. I'll do anything to make it right. Those stars are shining on us. I'll cherish this moment, all of it, my baby. I’m gonna love you… Love doesn't come easy, girl, but loving you is easy.  Every day without you feels hollow. Because our memories refine even our imperfect moments into treasured times, I reflect, calling love a beauty."
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seraphinitegames · 1 month
Hey, Mishka!!!
I've been replaying TWC over the last couple of months, and must say, it's been an entirely rejuvenating experience for me. Like, I was reading it the first time, although I've replayed the series quite too many (worrying number) of times already. And it still manages to amaze me, EVERY SINGLE TIME.
I've repeated this in the past, and I'll repeat it again. The Wayhaven Chronicles is a blessing for me and I'm sincerely thankful to have come across it when I did. And I'm grateful to you for making this lovely world a reality (and of course, the four beautiful vamps)! Really eager for Book 4 and have already player the demo; can say it's gonna be worth the wait. It every time is.
Replaying the series in the last few months, I had a certain uncontrollable urge to drop and ask a few questions to you. Apologize in advance for the long ask and message, but it had been bottling up inside of me for SOOOOOO LONG.
1. In Book 1, when we're to lead the investigation in one of the three directions, is there any way to get success in any direction without Bobby making a big joke out of our investigation in the newspaper?
2. In Book 2, when Nicole and Max Salinas come to report their incident, can Tina actually find out anything unusual? If so, what is actually needed to explain that?
3. In Book 3, I noticed if we choose to go the final mission alone, depending on the route chosen, Boddy/Doug will end up tagging along as well, jeopardizing everything. Is there still a way to complete the mission successfully and rescuing everyone like it happens when we go along with Rebecca?
4. Less of a question, but more of a plea. Please tell me we can get a pet anytime in the series. I was just curious if we can get one.
5. How powerful is the big baddie in Book 4 compared to Unit Bravo? You don't need to answer if this verges on spoiler-y territory.
Really sorry to overwhelm you with this, but it's just months and months of joy, happiness, and sheer ecstasy making me blabber on about this world like this. Thanks once again, for making this truly beautiful story, world, and the vampires a reality.
Have a good day!!!! Lots of love from India!!
You can never play a game you love too many times (I keep telling myself that as I gradually burn a hole into my poor old console playing Dragon Age over and over, lol!)! If it brings you happiness, then that's what is important! :D
Ok, let's see about the questions...it's been a whole since I've gone through the older games without being in editing mode, hehe!
I don't think so...Bobby is, well, Bobby. And that scene was there very much to establish their character and show the player what type of person they are.
I don't think so, again. If there's anything unusual or odd, then I usually like to let the MC find that instead of it happening 'off-screen' so it's more impactful for the player—unless it's Verda discovering stuff, because that needs to happen for…reasons.
Iirc, in the Bobby/Doug routes, you get the auction scene, so a lot of that branch involves focusing on saving yourself! But the other team that joins Unit Bravo will help in saving a lot of the captives in that version.
I would love that being a massive animal companion fan myself, hehe! But likely not, just because the MC is away a lot from home, and that's unfair on the pet, even a fictional one, lol. I was tempted to give the MC a supernatural pet that hung around at the facility—that was definitely a strong idea at one point just so I could write a pet in the series for those that wanted it (me, I was the one who wanted it, hehe!) :D
**BOOK FOUR DEMO SPOILERS AHEAD** It's not just that Book Four's villain is terrifyingly powerful (or will be. They are, thankfully for the MC and UB, in a weakened state for a while due to what's happened to them and what happened in Chapter Two) but it's a lot to do with the fact that their power specifically counteracts and weakens Unit Bravo's. So that's a double whammy!
Thank you SO incredibly much for the amazing message! It means more than you can know <3
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chariaki · 15 days
A sudden romance like the sudden fall of rain.
Yuji Itadori x reader
September has entered, which means winter is near, which also means storms are raging. The thunderstorms lasted for five days straight, making the climate unbearably cold, the ground wet and the roofs clattering with the continous fall of rain drops.
Your high school suspended classes for those past few days, and today...the weather had calmed down and there wasn't any prior announcement, so you went on your way to school.
You entered the campus, feeling odd with the sight of an empty lobby. It was already 6:30 am. You figured you got there too early and headed to the hallway to your classroom, that was until a familiar figure popped out. It was Yuji! In all his beautiful glory, looking as confused as you did.
Oh! Let me introduce him. Yuji Itadori, your classmate ever since your first year of high school, and...your crush. You don't remember when and how you fell for him, but you know why. He's just so bright, funny, kind, and weird, in a good way!
His curious eyes lingered on you.
"Yn! Good morning! What are you doing here?" He tilted his head, a soft smile on his face. As always, he was refreshing.
"huh? I'm here for school... just like you?" You wondered why he asked the obvious, until it dawned on you to check your phone, and what a surprise!
"Oh. They cancelled it again, huh?"
"Hehe.. Yeah.. " Yuji chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. You looked at him, his uniform was a little wet from the rain, his jacket keeping him warm, in his hand was a big red umbrella, and in the hallways was just the two of you.
"Do you wanna come with me to check with the teachers?" He waited for your response, eyes filled with... hope.
"Yeah, sure!" You nodded, walking closer to him, awkwardly walking beside him.
You weren't really close friends with him, so it was new for you to walk beside him. So closely that your shoulders brush against each other. So closely that you smell his perfume. So closely that you feel his body heat radiate from beside you.
You accused yourself for leaning so close to him.
In the midst of the quiet patter of your footsteps and the jokes Yuji made to ease the atmosphere, your mind couldn't help but imagine him and you as a couple.
The thought of you and him walking to school together, him ranting about how he stayed up late to finish assignments, you nodding along, him making jokes, you laughing at him, him stealing glances of your smile, you, unknowingly wishing he liked you too.
You reached the teacher's office. He peeked a glance at the window, the door was locked, the lights were turned off. It really was just you and him in school.
"Looks like we were too excited to get here" He laughed, body swaying randomly, eyes wandering around, mind waiting for you.
"Ahhh. Yeah" You awkwardly mused. You could feel his eyes intent on you.
"Oh." You simultaneously uttered, again.
"You go first, Itadori."
"Well then, shall we go home?" He casually stated, as if it was a given that he would walk home with you. As if he would actually feel sad to leave without you.
"Home? Us?... together? " You were surprised. You were gonna awkwardly bid him goodbye, because you thought he would want to walk by himself. But the way he just casually included you, made you remember why you like him. He didn't make anything awkward, unlike you, who was a flustered mess beside him.
"Yeah! Or, would you like to grab a snack?" He matched his walking pace with yours. Eyes focused on you, as they always have been.
"I would love to."
You were happy you went to school early before checking on the announcements, because that meant that you were met with another person who was as clumsy as you, and luckily, as you believed fate would have it, that clumsy guy was Yuji Itadori.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
In the empty path from school walked two students, ignorant of the cold wind that whooshed their way, for it was their hearts that warmed their being. Completely unaware that the other feels the same way.
Content with simply being able to bask in each other's presence, with him clueless to the way your eyes evidently adore him, and with you, who was oblivious to the fact that it wasn't you who leaned closer, it was him.
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hwaslayer · 4 months
favorite things | pmylm drabble (jyh)
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⇢ favorite things - drabble one // ft. the pmylm couple
summary: yunho's been having a rough time adjusting to the 'real world' and gets upset when he can't have the person he needs the most right away.
words: 2.8k
warnings: cussing/mature language, jealousy/insecurities, yuyu is upset and doesn't really know how to control his feelings rn cause he is just a tired boy 😭, a small lil fight, the awkward silent treatment, yuyu and yeo talk thru his feelings for a bit, kissing/making out, sorry if i missed anything i quickly whipped the rest of this in bed lol
a/n: whipped this baby up because i just felt the need to and i missed my babies!! (+ this lil IG inspo hehe) more drabbles to come 🫶🏼 love you in slow motion update this weekend annnnd i’m gonna have to push back the fallen angel hwa fic cause im all over the place 🥹 but we’ll do better!! lol stay tuned!!
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Yunho has entered the real world and he is exhausted. When his mom used to joke about living and working in this so-called real world, he used to think it was just a thing to keep him on his toes, shake him up a little bit.
Nope, that shit was all real.
And he hates it.
He hates it because it's the one thing that brings another fight to the table for your relationship. Ultimately, Yunho knows all he has to do is adjust and he'll be fine in the long run. Both of you will be fine in the long run.
But today, that feels like a stretch and he is short of patience. Unusually short of patience than usual. He knows you don't mean any harm but for some odd reason, today he feels like the world is going to swallow him alive and everything is triggering.
The first thing is the fact that he has to stay a bit later than usual to finish up a project he had been working on. He was hoping to rush home and spend some time with you before you were off to practice for the evening, spending 2-3 hours with your friends and the group.
That didn't happen.
So, when he gets home and you've already texted him saying you've left with a sad, crying face, he's bummed. He gets himself comfortable anyway, heating up a cup of ramen since he's not too hungry. Maybe he'll get some food with you when you're out— it's one of his favorite things to do.
Now, the second thing that makes him a little more irked is the fact that 2-3 hours go by and you haven't texted. He knows practice can run long, but it's also a little unusual for you to not keep him updated. You finally do a bit past 8pm with a quick:
you: hi baby, sorry! practice was a bit busy, i was caught up during breaks. i'll be home soon then i'll come over after i shower, okay? wait for me (: we should go on a food run! hehe
yunho: sounds good, love. i'll be here.
It closes to 9pm and Yunho isn't hungry anymore. The cup of ramen will do since there seems to be a dim chance of getting food with you, especially when you tell him you'll be over in a quick second but you’re still nowhere to be found. Yunho charges to the door anyway and is hoping to greet you when he swings the door open. Instead, he's greeted with you laughing and giggling with Hyunjin downstairs in the lot as he hands you a bag of to-go food.
Let's set the record straight— Yunho loves your friends. He knows he can trust them, and he knows they're all genuinely good people. He's always been happy you had a good group of people around you.
It's just today, he really, really missed you. After a long ass day. And he knows you [and Hyunjin] mean no harm in your actions, but he can't help but feel a tad bit insecure [and slightly jealous] that you aren't rushing over to see him after not being with him all day. He knows he can blame this on the fact that he's exhausted and a little short on patience. God knows he really did try to keep it cool and brush it off.
He couldn't help it.
Yunho shuts the door again, leaving it unlocked for whenever you feel ready to come upstairs and hang out with him. He sits on his computer chair, irritated, and throws on a game to distract himself momentarily. Maybe it'll help ease whatever he's feeling,
But, nope.
It doesn't.
Because when you walk in, you're still yelling out to Hyunjin and whoever before you shut the door, place the food on the counter and walk into his room. You throw your arms around him from behind and Yunho lets out a small, audible sigh. That was already alarming enough for you, but you still dip your head to the side and try to grab his attention.
"Hi." You place a quick, chaste quick to his cheek, but Yunho doesn't move.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Is all he says plainly. "I was just waiting for you."
"I know, but Hyunjin stopped by to give us food—"
"I thought we were gonna grab food together?"
"Oh." You frown because it completely slipped your mind, or else, you would've left the food at your own apartment to save it for tomorrow instead. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't think he was gonna swing by with food. We all left each other earlier without any plans of—"
"It's okay." He taps your arms as a signal for you to let go of him. "You should go eat."
"We can share, there's more than enough—"
"All good." It's petty of Yunho, he knows. For him, it's the fact that you told him you wanted to go on a food run after practice. Another small, but meaningful thing you two did often. He doesn't blame Hyunjin for anything at all, no. There was no way of preventing that, and who the fuck was he to make you reject food from a friend?
He just wished he could take you to get food. Watch you order your favorites and do your happy dance in his passenger's seat. It's another one of his favorite things.
"Yunho." You slowly step aside and sit on his bed, your appetite all of a sudden gone from how distant your boyfriend is being. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset."
"It's fine."
"Is it really? Because something feels off and I wanna know what I did so I can fix it."
"It's nothing, Y/N." You almost flinch at the way he calls you your name instead of his cute endearing nicknames. It throws you off guard so much that you resort to a flimsy, broken:
"Okay." It's barely above a whisper. You stand to head back out to the kitchen, quietly eating a bit of Hyunjin's extra to-go thai food before setting some aside in a tupperware for Yunho and placing it in the fridge. The rest of the night goes.. like that.
In silence. With weird tension.
You hate it.
You wish you could just fix whatever you did wrong, or that Yunho would tell you no matter how 'silly' it may sound. He's always been so good with communicating, even during small disagreements, you weren't sure why he was avoiding it this time around.
You quietly get ready for bed, brushing your teeth and flossing before changing out of your sweats and hoodie to Yunho's shirt. You pad into the room, slipping yourself deep under the sheets and pull up some vlogs on Youtube that you need to catch up on.
"Tired?" Yunho asks from his computer chair, still playing his game.
"Mhm." You look at him, hoping he'd come over to kiss you, cuddle you. Shut off the computer and lay next to you, show you any kind of affection. He doesn't budge, though. You feel your bottom lip trembling, your heart slowly cracking in various places. You have to take a breath to prevent yourself from crying, and Yunho can feel it. He can feel your gaze on him, he can tell you're seconds away from crying. So, Yunho stands and shuts off his computer. But, he starts to head out to the living room and you're on the verge of breaking down. His way of avoiding the issue and getting more upset was to shut down. Deflect.
This wasn't like Yunho at all so you knew something was wrong; something was that bothersome to him.
"Baby." You call for him softly, and he just looks at you. You can tell he's conflicted between keeping this up and dropping it entirely, but it doesn't seem to be enough. It's not enough for him to drop it because his expression doesn't change. He still seems cold, distant. Tired. Unlike the Yunho you're so, so used to seeing and having.
"I'm just tired. Go to sleep."
"Where are you going?"
"The living room."
"Let me come with you."
"Y/N. Please go to sleep. I told you nothing was wrong." You watch the way his jaw slightly ticks before brushing you off completely and leaving the room, shutting the door behind him. A loud sigh escapes his lips as he treads to the couch and plops onto it, leaning his head back onto the edge. He shuts his eyes, giving himself some time to sort through his feelings because what the fuck, Jeong Yunho?
He knows this is much needed, though. He needed to step away for a second to regroup. He doesn't want to unintentionally hurt you by saying or doing things that he doesn't mean. He's tired, and he's acting like a fucking baby because he just wanted you at so many points today— yet, the universe just didn't let him have you. That wasn't your fault.
None of this was your fault.
He needed to do better. Just because he was exhausted, didn't mean he had to act this way towards you.
"Yo." Yeosang walks through the door, dropping his duffle bag to the floor as he steps out of his shoes. "You good?" He furrows his brows at the sight of Yunho just resting his head back with his eyes shut close.
"Where's Y/N?"
"In the room." Odd, Yeosang thinks. It's not like you two to be separated like this. It's pretty obvious Yunho is bothered by something and that you've probably gotten into a small fight over it. Yeosang isn't one to meddle much, especially when it's not his business to. But, he is concerned seeing his roommate like this. It's probably one of the rare times he ever sees Yunho upset.
"You sure everything's okay? I'm not really used to seeing you sitting out in the living room in silence like this." Yunho lets out a tiny chuckle that's barely audible, but he finally turns to Yeosang and purses his lips.
"I guess. Just exhausted lately."
"I bet. You've been working your ass off." Yeosang looks into the fridge before stepping away with a cold water bottle and heading towards Yunho. "Y/N put some food in there for you, by the way."
"Did she?"
"Yeah. It has a little sticky note on top." Of course you did, why wouldn’t you? You always thought about Yunho no matter what.
"I've been such a dick to her tonight."
"What'd you do?"
"It's so stupid." Yunho begins to explain how his day has just been all over the place— from work, to staying late and not being able to see you before practice, no updates until 3+ hours after practice, looking forward to a food run that didn't end up happening because of Hyunjin. All Yeosang can do is laugh a bit and shake his head.
"Dude, we all have bad days. It's inevitable. You're still adjusting so don't be so hard on yourself. It's hard going from a routine you were so used to, especially with Y/N. Then, having to switch it up and play tetris with your time. It's not easy. But also, I'm sure Y/N has been feeling the same way. She's just doing what she can to support you first and foremost. She'd never hurt you intentionally, and I know she'd always choose you in the end." Yunho's head drops as he leans onto his knees and sighs again.
"Fuck, you're right. I don't know why today was so difficult. I guess it all piled on for me and I didn't know how to sort through it."
"All good. Shit happens." Yeosang shrugs. "Anyway. I'm gonna head to bed. You should probably do the same. I know she's probably waiting for you."
"Thanks." Yeo gives him a little dap before he's off to get comfy and end his day. Yunho stays on the couch for a few more minutes before he brushes his teeth and washes up for bed. He stands in the bathroom for a few more seconds before gaining the courage to finally talk to you about everything that's been going on today. When he walks in, you're still bundled under the sheets, but your phone is against the wall and a video is playing. He can hear you sniffling through the video though, and he knows you've been crying.
God dammit, Yunho.
"Baby?" You hear Yunho softly call your name as he slips into bed and wraps his arms around you.
"Mhm?" You respond, still facing away from him.
"Can we talk?" You sigh and exit the video, locking your phone before turning towards Yunho and setting your phone onto the table.
"Don't force yourself if you aren't ready to."
"I am, and I'm sorry." He looks at you with those puppy dog eyes and it instantly feels like you have your loving, incredibly sweet and attentive boyfriend back.
"What happened?"
"I don't really know. To be honest, I don't have that great of an explanation. I was just tired and I was really looking forward to seeing you before practice. I couldn't see you then because of work, so I was even more excited to see you after practice and to go on our run together. But, you came later and the whole thing with Hyunjin—" He pauses and shakes his head. "It was so stupid and childish of me. I didn't need to act that way, and I'm so sorry I was such a dick to you over that." You cup his cheek and caress the surface with your thumb.
"You should've just told me, babe."
"It's so dumb, though?" He furrows his brows, mainly at himself.
"Nothing is dumb. Whatever hurts you, hurts me. We're in this together, remember? We're on the same team. I just need you to communicate and be honest, like you always tell me. Okay? I'll do anything to fix it and make it better. I'm your safe space like you are mine."
"I know." He leans into your touch before placing a soft kiss to your palm. "I'll do better."
"We have our bad days and that's okay. It won't make me love you any less. Tell me if you need space or if you need anything from me. I want you to be happy and comfortable."
"I know."
"Okay. And I'm sorry about the food run. I promise I'll keep my end of it next time."
"Wasn't your fault, baby. Nothing could have prevented that." You give him a tiny, toothless smile before kissing the tip of his nose.
"Are we okay?" He nods.
"I'm so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.” He repeats before leaning in to peck you on the lips. He holds the kiss before parting and looking you in the eye, brushing the hair away from your face. He dips in for another kiss— this time, it's deeper. More passionate. His hand comes down to the small of your back as he presses against you, slipping his tongue in to fight for dominance against yours. The kiss is so full of love and neediness, but there's no push or pressure to make anything out of it.
So, Yunho continues to kiss you. Pushing up against you ever so slightly while parting from your lips to leave a trail across your jaw.
Your chin.
Your neck.
Back up to your lips.
He loves the way you softly sigh in content, listening to him repeatedly whisper 'I love you' against your lips. Into your neck. Across your jaw. He loves the way you gently bite onto his bottom lip as a way of asking for more. He loves the way your fingers tug on the ends of his hair, the way you press your lips against his cheek, forehead, nose. The way you caress his cheeks and never let him go.
It's amongst the many on his list of favorite things.
He continues to coo you and praise you in between kisses throughout the night, smiling while hearing your giggles and smothering you with more kisses until you find yourself getting sleepy. He holds you close and sings a soft lullaby, playing with your hair as you drift off to sleep with the cutest smile on your face. He can’t help but admire you, fighting the exhaustion that’s been hitting him all week for a little longer. He fights it until he can’t anymore but fuck it, it’s all worth it.
Because sitting at the very top of his favorites list is you.
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⇢ permanent taglist: @asjkdk @bintificreads @interweab @svintsandghosts @cheolliehugs
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junkissed · 1 year
something spicy, something sweet
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member — junhui x f reader genre — smut, fluff/comfort word count — 2.1k synopsis — the last few days you've been coming home from work exhausted, but now that you finally have a day off you have time for a little something sweet from your boyfriend. content warnings — established relationship, mentions of food (jun makes soup for dinner), there's one (1) screenshot of text msgs at the very beginning smut warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, unprotected sex, lots of kissing, praise, it's very vanilla but it's soft and sleepy and romantic notes — requested by @foxdaisy — i looove writing soft cute fluffy stuff like this so i was very happy to see this request hehe. i hope you enjoy!
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jun sets his phone on the counter, leaving it face up as he goes to start making dinner. you’d been staying late at work the past couple days to finish a big project, and he hated seeing you come home so exhausted and worn out. 
he sighs and turns the stove on with a click, setting a pot over the burner. the least he could do is have your favorite meal ready for you when you get home. he loves cooking for you, especially on nights when you’re much too tired to.
he’s so caught up in the recipe, making sure that everything will be perfect for you, that he doesn’t even notice how much time has passed until he hears your keys jingling in the front door and your soft footsteps coming into the kitchen. he turns around excitedly, waving at you as you walk towards him. “hi, sweetheart! i made dinner.”
you give him a tired smile, wrapping your arms around his stomach. “thank you, junnie. i appreciate it.”
he leans over to press a kiss to your forehead, grinning when you laugh a little. “of course.”
you kiss his cheek, then walk away to wash your hands in the bathroom while he dishes up the soup he made. he pours a generous amount into your favorite bowl, the red one with flowers on it, before setting it on the table at your spot and taking his own bowl to sit down at his spot while he waits for you.
you come back in and sit down, eagerly digging in. “this is delicious, junnie,” you say in between spoonfuls.
he smiles and reaches out to hold your hand. “i’m so glad! i put those new spices you got in it, i was afraid it might be too much.”
“no, it’s great. i needed something spicy.”
he giggles and takes a sip from his spoon. “so how was your day?”
“it was alright,” you shrug, wiping your napkin across your chin from where little bits of soup dripped. “we finished the project we were working on, though. i’m happy it’s finally done with.”
jun claps his hands. “yay! do you think you’ll get a break now?”
“probably not,” you laugh. ‘but i took tomorrow off anyway. i need a day to just sleep.”
“oh, that’s good!” jun grins. “we can sleep in for once! my boss told everybody not to come in tomorrow.”
you finish the rest of your dinner slowly, talking here and there about your day and laughing when jun gets soup all over his face when he bends down to slurp it from the bowl.
you stand up to wash your dish but jun waves you away, taking it from you instead and putting it in the dishwasher. “i’ll do the dishes later,” he says with a smile. “but now i wanna spend time with you.”
your cheeks warm but you let him have the bowl, giving him another kiss before heading upstairs to get ready for bed. too many nights you’ve come home and gone straight to bed, though jun always waits up for you because he likes going to sleep together. tonight you’ve got a little more energy than usual, still riding the high of finishing your work and having a well-deserved break.
by the time you’re done washing your face and putting on your pajamas, jun is already sitting on his side of the bed waiting for you, the soft glow of the lamp filling the room. you walk over and climb in next to him and when you nod he turns off the light, adjusting himself in next to you.
you lay on your side facing him, and you can still see him in the light of the streetlight shining in through the window.
“i missed you,” jun says with a smile. “i’m glad you’re home.”
“me too,” you sigh, relaxing into the mattress. 
jun slips his arm around you, scooting a little bit closer to you. it’s quiet for a few seconds, and you frown, thinking he’s already wanting to sleep. you’re finally home with time off, and you don’t want to go to bed quite yet.
“‘m not that sleepy yet,” you whisper, and he tilts his head to look over at you. you reach out and gently run your fingers along his chest, feeling how soft and smooth his skin is beneath your fingertips. goosebumps prickle on your body as you think about all the times you’ve seen him like this, his bare chest sitting in front of you as he holds you.
“you wanna snuggle some more?” he asks, and his voice sounds so gentle that you don’t know how to tell him you aren’t really in the mood for cuddling.
“maybe… more than snuggling,” you answer shyly, resisting the urge to hide your face in the pillows in embarrassment.
a knowing look spreads across his features, and he rolls over to get closer to you. “oh, really? like what?” he teases. he knows exactly what you want, but he likes hearing it from you.
“want—you,” you sigh out as his hands slide down your side, squeezing your hip encouragingly.
“i’m right here, baby,” he giggles, and you swat at his arm. “all you have to do is tell me.”
"missed you," you start as your hands begin to explore his body. "missed… having you inside me."
jun moans, and the sound goes right through you as his hand slip beneath your shirt, running along your skin, touching you everywhere. "missed it too, baby. god, i missed all of you."
you sit up on your elbow so he can carefully slip your shirt up and over your head, letting it fall to the floor behind you. he rolls over as you fall onto your back and he shifts on top of you, slotting his leg between your thighs as his lips find yours.
you exhale against him, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer to you as his kisses deepen.
he moves his mouth away from yours and begins kissing down your body, attaching his lips to your neck, your collarbones, your chest, anywhere he pleases. you giggle when he pushes his face into your boobs, feeling his smile against your skin. 
he readjusts so that he's laying fully on you, balancing his weight on his elbows on either side of your body. he leans down to kiss you again, and you thread your fingers into his hair the way he likes.
you can feel him starting to grind against your thigh, growing harder the longer he kisses you. he reaches down in between your bodies to pull his cock out of his pajama shorts, pushing them down his long legs until they pool around his knees.
you moan when you feel him tap his cock against your abdomen, guiding it with his hand up and down through your folds, collecting your wetness.
"jun—" you whine out his name, tugging on his hair to tell him that he's taking too long. it's been too long since you've had soft, sleepy sex like this, and you're needier than you usually are. 
he grins and kisses the side of your nose, resting his cheek against yours as he holds the tip of his cock at your entrance and begins pushing into you. 
your breath catches in your throat, the stretch burning at first before it starts to melt into pleasure.
once he's fully sheathed inside you jun captures your lips with his, swallowing all your whines and little noises.
he stays still for a long time, even after you tapped his shoulder to let him know it's okay to move, but he just shakes his head and kisses you again. it's nice, so nice, just being with him again, and you won't complain even if he just wants to cockwarm with you for the rest of the night.
"just let me take care of you, baby," he coos, and you whimper at how soft yet gravelly his voice sounds.
you can hear both the sleepiness and the lust laced in his tone, and you clench around him involuntarily. his hips jerk a little, and you whine at the movement, feeling so perfectly full you don't know how it could get any better than this.
after a little while longer neither he nor you can stand it any more, and he shifts his weight so he can slowly start rutting into you.
you let out a sigh that you didn't realize you'd been holding in, and jun kisses your cheek again, brushing his nose against yours.
he slips his hand back down under the sheets to rub gentle circles around your clit, and you gasp and arch into him as his thrusts begin to pick up speed.
"does that feel good?" he asks, voice low, and you whine out a "yes". he grins, brushing your hair away from your face with his other hand. "my good girl, you needed this so bad, hm? needed me to take care of you."
"yes, jun—please," you rasp, gripping tighter onto his broad shoulders. "love you, love you so much."
he moans and his fingers speed up their languid pace, fucking himself into you more roughly but still just the right pace. "i love you too, baby. missed you always taking me so well, missed feeling you like this."
all you can do is stutter out his name, moaning a broken string of pleas and promises as you clench around him, feeling him bring you right up to the cusp of your orgasm.
he presses his lips to you, his teeth clacking with yours just a little from the way his body moves up and down, rocking into you and filling you up so perfectly. 
he mumbles another "i love you" against your mouth, and with one more strong thrust you come undone around him, repeating his name over and over again. his hands caress your skin before stopping at your waist, giving him more leverage to fuck himself into you as you struggle through your orgasm.
it feels like a weight is lifted off your shoulders as you start to come down from your high, floating in pure bliss as the tension and stress melts away from your body.
“where do you want me, baby?” he pants, his hands tightening around your hips as his strokes become more and more erratic as he approaches his orgasm. 
“on me— wherever,” you groan. though you always love it when he cums inside you, tonight you don’t have the energy for much clean up, so the easier the better.
jun seems to understand that, because just seconds later he pulls out of you and frantically jerks his cock over your stomach.
you reach up to hold his face with your hands, and he releases onto you with a whine as his high overtakes him.
gasping, he falls onto the bed next to you, his chest heaving a little with each breath. you let your eyes close, feeling your heart begin to slow down as you clasp your hands together over your chest.
the room is quiet for a minute before you feel jun shift off of the bed, the mattress dipping with his weight as he shuffles off to the bathroom.
you open your eyes and watch him walk back into the room, a washcloth in one hand and a t-shirt in the other.
he leans onto the bed, wiping the cloth over your stomach as you stare up at him.
"hi," you giggle, your head still fuzzy and pleasant from your orgasm.
he grins and bends down to kiss you. "hey."
he hands you the shirt as he leaves again to put the washcloth in the laundry, and you slip it on, forcing yourself to sit up despite how your body aches and begs for sleep.
but just how jun always waited up for you, you wait for him to come back, sliding back into bed and pulling you close into his side.
his arms wrap around you and you nestle your head into his chest, his skin still a little sweaty but you don't care. you're just glad to be home and glad to be back in his arms, cuddling after too many long days at work.
he tucks your hair behind your ear, gently patting the top of your head as you struggle to stay awake.
"goodnight. i love you, junnie," you yawn, closing your eyes again and resting your head against him.
the last thing you remember before you fall asleep is him saying, "goodnight, my love", as he pulls the covers up around your neck just the way you like them and kissing your forehead one last time.
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i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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gabessquishytum · 9 days
Hi Gabe and welcome back 💖💖 I’ve got a particularly delicious ask for you hehe
So TJ-Dragonblade and Delta-Pavonis both wrote incredible fics on the concept of immortal gigolo to the supernatural, Hob Gadling, and Dream finding out about said occupation in modern day.
But what if Hob had the opportunity to service Dream in 1389? Then 1489, and 1589…you get the gist. 
Maybe Hob is the token mortal at the agency who happens to become immortal because Dream just finds him so irresistible and he wants to fuck this mortal way past his normal lifespan. Or maybe Hob’s already met Death and gotten immortality another way from her, and now he’s heard all about Dream and is eager to please.  
Maybe they both think at first this is just a nice arrangement, a good way to get a mindblowing orgasm once a century but oops, Hob’s caught feels! And Dream has too but he’ll be the last to admit that.
Anyways, how do you think their 1789 meeting REALLY went in this scenario? 😏😏😏
Hey beloved seiya!!! Thank you for this ask - I have been thinking about immortal gigolo Hob SO MUCH. My brain immediately went to 'Hob started the agency and is like the brothel madame and only very occasionally takes on special clients'. The idea of Hob as a somewhat morally grey person who takes in supernatural waifs and strays and kind of grooms them into the perfect escorts really tickles my brain. Of course when he sees Dream, Hob immediately calls dibs on him because he's so fucking pretty no one else is allowed to have him.
As for their 1789 meeting, I have so many thoughts about Hob getting dressed up beforehand. I mean it in the nicest possible way but he looks like such a tart at that meeting (in all fairness so does Dream) so I can't help but imagine all the other employees helping Hob get ready for his big date - he's got a selkie coiffuring his hair, a couple of ghouls helping him with his garters, a werewolf giving him a manicure. It's like cinderella getting ready for the ball. Hob books the private room for them to have their little tete a tete... and of course he doesn't forget to specify that he wants a bedroom.
How can Dream resist this particularly tasty morsel? Hob looks better than ever in 1789, he's really made a go of it in the business world... Dream may disapprove, but he appreciates the results. Add the fact that Hob is so eager for him, so clearly prepared and thrilled to be fucked by his mysterious stranger... well, Dream has an ego. He's only too happy to sprawl back against the mattress and allow Hob to suck him off - not once, but twice. His hair comes lose from his pretty ribbon and Hob doesn't look so different from 1389, long haired and dishevelled and grinning. Dream is about 30 seconds from taking him off to the dreaming forever. Why limit himself to once a century, when he could have this every night?
Alas, they are interrupted.
Instead of accusing Hob of being the Wandering Jew, Lady Constantine calls him the Devil's Whore. She's not exactly far off. Lucifer is a client of the agency, but Hob never serves them personally. In fact, Hob only serves Dream. But Dream doesn't need to know that. He believes that Hob spends his immortal days in the debauched company of many, many beings. Believing anything else would be admission of something special between them, and Dream can't allow that...
Not for another 250 years or so, anyway!
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hitomisuzuya · 1 year
and since you're from Japan that means you have a two day long birthday now! hehe <3
I've been thinking the past couple of days about sucking gamer bf!scara's cock while he's mad at his video game hehe :3c thank you for all you do as usual!! ~ wwafterdark
and a birthday scara!
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Gamer! Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Scara receiving. Au.
Hello dear! ❤️🥺 Thank you so much and for the birthday Scara. Honestly, I have been wanting to write something like this. So thank YOU for requesting it.
Scaramouche was a very, very temperamental boy. Given his colorful personality, it was 100% guaranteed to come through when he played video games.
Especially if it was a part in a game he couldn't beat. The huffy sighs were becoming consistent for the past two hours. It just wasn't clicking with Scaramouche for some reason. It didn't matter the variety of creative ways to pass the stage, nothing was working.
And what was so much worse was that he was messing up, and failing with you watching. And your sweet words of encouragement were only making it worse. He was grateful for them, but it made failing so many times in a row after hearing them was driving him nuts.
You could see his fingers starting to grip the controller, and you thought you could hear the subtle sound of plastic breaking.
Scaramouche tossed the controller onto his lap with a huffy sigh. You were relieved because it meant he wasn't going to completely crack the controller.
You knew what you had to do. There was one sure fire way to calm him down. You walked to stand next to him. "Take a break, Scara," You said, putting your hand on his thigh. "Spare the poor controller. You'll get it eventually."
Scaramouche scoffed, his cheeks flushing when your hand started to wander up his thigh. "If you say so. Maybe I should just hand you the fucking thing next time."
You pinched your fingers against the head of his cock outside of his pants, making him groan. "Please don't do that," Your cheeks flushed. You wouldn't tell him you'd puzzled out a few methods that would work.
Maybe you should just hand him his ass anyways? He often did livestreams, after all.
Rolling the head of his cock between your fingers, you sank to your knees in front of his chair. Unzipping his jeans, you took his cock out, stroking your hands over it.
His cock twitched in your hand as he rutted into it. You placed kitten licks on the tip, laving your tongue in his precum. Scaramouche moaned huskily, stroking a hand through your hair.
You abruptly took his cock into your mouth, squeezing your hand around the base. You hollowed your cheeks, sucking as you ground your mouth on his cock.
Scaramouche hissed in pleasure. "Suck harder with your slut mouth," He groaned, grabbing onto your hair as he pushed his cock into your throat. He held your head in place while you gagged. Your throat convulsing and spasming on his cock made more precum hit the back of your throat.
You moaned around his cock when you started to breathe through your nose. You flattened, and curled your tongue around his length.
Scaramouche did very little in letting you set a pace. Using your hair as leverage, he bobbed your head up and down on his cock as he took all of his frustration out on your throat.
His thighs trembled in pleasure, letting out a volley of curses, some of them in Japanese as his cock throbbed with impending release. You sucked more eagerly, tears stinging your eyes from his pace.
He was panting by the time cum spurted into your mouth. His hips didn't stop until he was satisfied with fucking his cum down your throat. It was a few moments before he suddenly tapped you on your head.
"I have something to tell you," He said, the way he was smirking down at you actually made you a little nervous.
"Y-yes? What is it?" You asked, sucking some left over cum off of the tip of his cock.
Scaramouche pointed to his webcam. "My web cam has been recording live the whole time."
That was all you could manage to sputter out. Scaramouche threw a jacket over the camera, and tossed you on his bed.
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charmedreincarnation · 8 months
Sorry, y'all, for the random spam, but I had a lot of things I was doing and exploring, and I now finally have the motivation to share a lot of changes that have happened in my life. Okay, so my life is pretty great, and I've been actively manifesting for a while now. But I had a problem. Outside of shifting when it comes to my manifestations, for the most part, I like them to happen in a "realistic way.” (I wasn’t like this at the beginning ofc but now I am). I know that sounds stupid, but for example, when I manifested a car, I didn’t just have it appear on my driveway. I like to be a part of the process and watch it blossom into my reality (very quickly, may I add, because I'm impatient and a "now, now, now" type person), but I like to see my creations, you know?
So I was talking about my friends about some revisions I'd like to see in my state and life, more so bigger manifestations outside of myself for my community, you know? I've been feeling very grateful, and outside of manifesting, I love to dabble in philanthropy and other hobbies, and I'd like that to intertwine with manifesting as well!
There were a few things I had in mind, but again, I'm picky and annoying, and I was like, "Hmm, how will this come to fruition in my way?" I tried to plan it out, which is like (?? Rule number one of manifestation: don't worry about the how), but I actually do like to plan things out sometimes because I'm annoying, and when it happens, I'm like, "Hehe, that was me, go shawty."
Anyways, here were a few things I wanted:
* I visited Vienna, Austria in the summer, and I found the concept of their homeless shelters very admiring. In Vienna, they have emergency flats provided by the city for safe housing in emergency situations. I wanted something like that in my state, but living in America, which is very anti-homeless, it seemed challenging. I mean they spend more money on funding anti-homeless architecture than solving the ever so rising mental health and housing crisis but that’s a topic for another day. However, I was inspired by the Vienna Women's Refuge Association and their efforts to support women in need and I wanted something like that here.
* I wanted many restaurants that I've seen in other cities I've visited to be established in my city. My city is pretty big, but for some reason, it's often ignored when it comes to those corporations. I wanted to visualize all my favorite restaurants and make a list of where I want them, downtown, by my house, etc. It wasn't coming together, and I couldn't find the desire to script it. I also wanted more unique clothing stores because I’ve gotten more into fashion these past few months.
* I wanted my city to have more of the vibes of LA and NYC, without actually moving there. I love my city, but I wanted it to have that same energy. However, I didn't know how to get to that end point like I normally do with my other desires.
Honestly, I kind of put these desires on the back burner and just forgot about them, knowing that my life is already going in the direction I want it to. Then, we began getting a lot of news about how gentrification is about to occur, and how the prices in my city are going up. There's a lot of new construction happening for seemingly no reason. It turns out a huge tech company is establishing companies in my city, which will bring in new jobs, money, and people. At first, I was annoyed, thinking these people need to stay away, but then I remembered that I literally asked for this. Gentrification and all the other things that come along with migration, jobs, and a rising economy tie into what I wanted for my city to be like NYC and LA. I'm already seeing the renovation reflect what I imagined, and I am a happy girl.
Then, the next like week or so idk, my state gave funding to my fav mall and they received a couple billion dollars for a massive renovation. At first, I thought it was irrelevant, but then I saw a list of 300 establishments, clothes stores and restaurants that will be around my mall area. Every restaurant I desired, even the ones I only thought about for a second, were on that list. It's so funny when you forget about your manifestations and they come together even better than you could imagine. The mall getting renovated is one that I visit all the time, and now I can have all my favorite indulgences in one space. I'm super excited for everything to be done.
* On that same day, I saw that my state's very conservative governor (btw I went to school with his grandson and he was asintelligent as a bag of rocks) Is opening very affordable housing for human trafficking victims. This cause is close to my heart. Though i don’t personally know any victims myself I have read of many cases on the news and trials like cyntonia brown would make my blood boil. I’m surprised I didn’t think of this of myself but I’m m glad to see steps being taken to support these survivors.
So, sometimes, when we put our desires on the back burner, they can still manifest in unexpected and amazing ways.I seriously forgot about all of this and was just living my life, not even consciously trying to manifest it, and it happened anyway. Also, this may seem very stupid, but hey, all desires should be manifested no matter how small or stupid. There's this kind of big influencer at my school, and she seems really sweet and someone who I'd get along with. She's really political and speaks her mind, and has a bunch of reels about spirituality and feminism which is really dope considering how people act on social media, especially Instagram.
Anyways, I just thought one time, like a week ago, it would be nice to be friends with her or meet her or something, and out of nowhere, she slid up on my story yesterday and messaged me 😭😭😭. It was so funny to me, but yeah, we have plans to hang out. So yeah, even though sometimes I like planning my manifestations to see them happen in color, the same thing can happen without you planning either way. It will work out better than I expected, I promise don't worry.
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mikuni14 · 5 months
Wandee Goodday - Ep 1
The long awaited first episode of Wandee Goodday is finally here, I'm sure I wasn't the only one who had been chanting "save me Wandee Goodday, Wandee Goodday save me" for the past few months lol
What I liked:
lots of humor, especially in the 4/4 part I laughed non-stop, although I must admit that a lot of the laughter was from second-hand embarrassment 🙈
Great and Inn are just beautiful (it's good that Great has loose clothes now, I was always worried about the buttons on his super tight uniform in MoD, fighting for their lives)
Thor and Fluke are also lovely, I really like the fact that their characters are already a couple and are completely in love with each other (and horny for each other 🔥) and so open about it
side characters add a lot to scenes, even if they appear for a moment, like a salesman offering technical advice on sex, or a doctor who sprays water on naughty subordinates, also nurses!
I really like Dee as a doctor, as an employee who doesn't let himself be treated like shit by clients and as a friend. He is nice, strong, confident, reliable and capable. Which is in stark contrast to how hopeless and lame he is in his love and sex life 🙈
I like how Yak and Dee felt an immediate physical attraction to each other, which is fighting against an equally immediate strong dislike lol The natural flow they have in their relationship: from physical attraction, through fights caused by negative circumstances, to the night spent together shows that this kind of relationship can be done, without humiliation bordering on bullying, as it's between Phum and Peem in We Are
I really like Yak who can just… stop when he has any suspicion that his partner is not fully in the moment, not fully sure. It was so cool, no forcing Dee to continue by putting pressure on him, making him feel "guilty", no awkwardness, complete chill. I like it when sex is treated so casually that even if nothing happens, the partners just sit and talk and there is no sense of pressure, everything is just so... normal and chill. I loved it.
Kao as a friend, a sidekick, a "token lgbt friend of the main character" 😄, who has his own life and although he is very funny, he is not a serial clown and comic relief, as is often the case. And he is asexual with credible dating problems. So interesting! Also: Drake 💖
I feel kind of vindictive happy that my most hated trope, wiping food from the mouth of the "love interest", is shown here as messing with Dee and giving him false hope for a relationship (?) The day this trope dies will be the day I win. I plan to get drunk when this happen hehe (vain hopes, of course, this disgusting trope will never die)
What I have a few, teeny-tiny reservations about:
at this point I don't really understand Ter's motivation: was he deliberately seducing Dee, or was he just too chummy with him, which he misinterpreted? Not that it matters tho...
8 years of all this? oh Dee… 🙈 (I love how Kao described this pathetic situation in just a few words)
I also don't really like making Dee a silly kid and a 🤡 when it comes to love and sex, especially since he's shown in other scenes where he's a full adult. He's a grown man with a serious profession, so it felt weird watching him as if he were a 15-year-old kid in a slapstick comedy. I get that there's a comedic element to it and it was funny and I was laughing, but the amount of cringe and second-hand embarrassment was downright overwhelming at some point. What is fine as convention in MSP or Only Boo no longer looks so good in series about adults
the comedy of the sex scene completely stripped away the hotness of these scenes, ngl
the above comments are not complaints, they are just loose observations. It was only the first episode after all 😉
Overall, the series started well, I had a great time watching it, I laughed a lot, the characters are cool and very attractive, Great has the body of a young god 🔥 I can't wait for their first kiss and a truly hot night - with fun, but no comedy. What a wasted opportunity for them not to watch MANNER OF DEATH and the uniform buttons! hanging for dear life! Like seriously, it was right there 😤
The series is very pretty, just look at those aesthetic shots in a public toilet:
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Omg, this guy:
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Me 🤝 Dee about coffee:
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(I shouldn't pick on Dee, if someone brought me coffee just the way I like it, I'd be as stupid as him 😑)
One of my 457,869 screen shots of this man, gosh, he's so fine:
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Stephen and Tony laying in bed. They have been together for 7 years now. Maybe they are having late night talks, serious, bare it all talks. And maybe on this night, they talk about "the one that got away" they are happy together, and things are great and wouldn't trade each other for the world.
But both their pasts are complicated. Most people are not still best friends with their ex's who got together. Who knew that Pepper and Christine would end up as the love story of the century.
But surprisingly, they don't say those names- the one the other was expecting.
" See... there was this intern. His name was Peter; I never clicked so well with someone. But he was young.... Pepper said it was bad PR so we kept it quite. We didn't go public... we were together about a year, but I still wasn't off the wagon.. just better at hiding it at that point... there was a party. I can't really remember the night, but the next day he was gone. ..."
" Funnily mine was named Peter too.... his aunt was a nurse at the hospital, and he volunteered there a lot for the scholarship for his college. We fit well together, I knew he had recently gotten out of a relationship, but we were moving fast. I had a long day with intense surgery... one of the few patients I lost. I was angry. I know he was trying to encourage me. But I wasn't having it. I said.... so many hurtful things... Came home a few days later to a package of my things from his place at the door."
Would they realize they were talking about the same Peter??
And just who is Peter with now....
- WinterSpiderPurrs
A year later, Stephen and Tony are at a charity event. They already made their donations, but they have to show some face as well. The couple is very much looking forward to leaving soon and going on a date, just the two of them. Tony found a new exciting looking restaurant they want to try.
Seeing familiar faces in the crowd is to be expected, but this one feels different. It stirs up something in Tony, even after just one glance. His curls are shorter, but the colour is the same.
The young man turns, and their eyes meet. Tony doesn’t make the first move, too embarrassed to do so. He knows he was in the wrong way back then. But, the man approaches. God, Peter is even more beautiful now.
“Mr Stark! It’s been a long time.”
“Yeah, it really has. Mr Parker.” Tony manages to breathe out shakily. Peter’s smile seems so genuine, but there is something in his eyes. It is hard to pinpoint with all the memories swirling in Tony’s mind.
“Hey, honey. Ready to get going?” Stephen swoops in from behind, putting a hand on the back of Tony’s neck.
“Oh, Doctor Strange, too. Wow!” Peter gasps.
Only now does Stephen notice Peter and his eyes go wide in surprise.
“Peter! I didn’t expect to see you here.” Stephen says, reaching a hand out in a greeting. Peter takes it, but lets go quickly.
“Wait, you know him?” Tony asks, making Stephen turn to him with a puzzled look.
“Yes, uhm- he volunteered at the hospital. Is- is that- intern Peter?”
The husbands start talking over each other, not really listening to one another, but neither wants to back down either. By the time they look around, Peter has disappeared.
Date night probably isn’t going to go as they hoped it would.
i would love love looove if you continued it a little bit if you can hehe☺️☺️ maybe stephen and tony meet peter on their way out and see him with someone?? @winterspiderpurrs 💗💗
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minkkumaz · 1 year
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it took three days for you and your family to fully move into your house. it took you three hours to finally set up your room. but it took three minutes for woonhak to see you from his bedroom window and fall in love with you. THE DAY I MET YOU series
PAIRING kim woonhak x fem!reader WC 3.2k TAGS adults dni. fluff, fluff, oh look! more fluff! cussing. woonhak is in puppy love. mutual pining. OMI NOTE i have the biggest smile on my face rn hehe.
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the past few weeks had felt like what you could only describe as hell. at first it was long and tedious days of shopping for homes. then, it was doing lots of construction work inside the house. and finally, after not having a proper place to live that wasn’t a shitty hotel, your family began the moving process.
it went a lot faster than you had initially expected, but you were happy. the calm presence in the neighborhood made up for the lack of people in the area. 
there was boxes on top of boxes in your arms, in which held almost your entire life. you had to lean back to maintain the weight, blowing wispies of hair out of your face so you could properly see where you were walking. part of you was too stubborn to make more than two trips, so you trudged along to your upstairs bedroom.
after dropping your things to the ground, you analyzed the surroundings properly; since you have not been able to explore much due to earlier construction. the ceilings weren’t very high since it was the second floor, but you didn’t care much at all. there were pretty hardwood floors, glazed with a matte finish, and the lighting was wonderful.
you noticed one large window on the side of your wall, mirroring exactly to the house next to you. the dark blue curtains were barely peaked open, so you paid no mind as you sat on the sill to go through one of your multiple boxes.
though as time passed, you failed to notice the sudden presence of the boy next door opening his window for fresh air. however in the middle of this, he saw you. 
your figure sat idly, furrowing your eyebrows as you rummaged through your things. if looks could kill, there would be burn holes in your face from how intensely he stared at you. you were cute. really, really, cute. because of this, he was determined to get to know you.
when you felt a gaze in your direction you looked over to see the boy staring at you. he jumped at the sudden attention, making you smile. you waved kindly, opening your window to see if he needed anything.
“hi! this is a sort of random first interaction!” you huff from pushing your heavy window up.
“oh shit– i’m sorry i wasn’t trying to spy on you or anything! i just noticed you and that bedroom is usually empty you know?” he spoke very quickly, but he was quite charming. “and then woah! there’s a person in there haha…”
“no worries! i didn’t think anything negative. i’m y/n!” you smiled at him again, leaning a little more out the window.
“nice to meet you y/n, i’m woonhak.” he almost melted right there seeing you smile prettily.
“woonhak.. it has a nice ring to it. maybe we shall meet again at our windows, woonhak?” you tell him, pulling yourself back into your room.
“yes– hopefully!” he stuttered out, watching you close your window and resume your unpacking.
when you disappeared into the rest of your room, woonhak doesn’t think he’s ever bolted to his phone quicker. immediately he went to unlock his phone and pull up the groupchat with all of his friends. how could he not boast about the stunning girl next door?
all he could do was pace around his room. the sound of ringing for a couple seconds made him feel impatient, but he saw jaehyuns profile join the group call.
“holy shit jaehyun tell everyone they need to join the call right now.” the rest of the boys quickly popped in before he could say anything more.
“what do you need, woonhak?” taesan asked, sounding obviously sleepy.
“all of you guys need to come over to my house right now, but like don’t be suspicious when you pull up because i don’t want the girl next door to see.” woonhak begged.
“girl next door? wasn’t that house empty?” riwoo thought.
“yes but someone moved in, this is about her!” “our cute little maknae has a crush?!” sungho exclaimed, clearly excited for the boy.
“that’s so sweet it makes me want to vomit.” leehan made fake gagging noises, causing jaehyun to laugh.
“okay whatever but she’s actually gorgeous and i swear all of you better be on your way.” woonhak whined.
“the bikes are locked and loaded as we speak.” there was some rustling sounds from each of the boys on the other line.
“hurry!” woonhak hung up the call, quickly peeking outside to see if you were still there. your silhouette was a little blurry from the dirty windows, but you were going around hanging stuff on your walls and organizing items on your desk.
it didn’t take forever for the remainder of the boys to arrive at his house. they only lived down the street, so the bike ride wasn’t long. after parking their vehicles (as jaehyun calls it), at the side of woonhak’s house, they followed him inside.
“okay okay tell us everything!” jaehyun jumped onto the bed, kicking his feet behind him. everyone else made themselves comfortable around the room, ready to listen.
“so basically i was eating lunch downstairs right?” woonhak leaned back into his desk chair, “then when i came back up to my room, i saw someone moving in the window across the way. at first i was confused as hell because i thought it was a construction worker but it was a girl!”
“what happened next? you didn’t imagine things right?” taesan asked, suddenly intrigued.
“i’m not crazy like you are taesan– but anyways. i was honestly kind of staring at her and then she looked over at me. at first i fucking jumped i was ready to get out of there, but then she smiled at me. i swear, how could she be so pretty? it was insane.” he went on, “and get this, she opened her window and we started talking!” “i think she wants you at this point dude.” jaehyun clapped his hands together, making leehan nod his head with a grin.
“she literally introduced herself and everything, then told me that maybe we’ll meet again at our windows.”
“are you going to ask her to hang out, because you definitely should!” sungho looked out behind him, “is that her?”
everyone stood up to go look, but woonhak scrambled to get them all sitting back down and close his curtains.
“holy shit i know you guys aren’t about to all try to see her?” woonhak panicked, “what if she saw you that’s so creepy!”
“maybe she’ll find it charming that you brought all your friends over to talk about your one minute interaction.” riwoo joked.
“okay if you guys wanna see her you have to be more discreet about it.” woon cracked open the curtains a tiny bit, signaling for them to come over and see. you remained doing the same tasks you were doing since he met you, and apparently almost done.
“she is really pretty not gonna lie.” taesan mumbled, earning a shove from the lovesick boy.
“my bad my bad!” he chuckled, going back to his previous seat.
“so what’s the game - plan woon?” leehan looked over to him, who was now the only one standing amongst them.
“i don’t know, maybe she’ll miraculously show up at my door and confess her love to me?”
“wait! invite her to that party we’re hitting up tonight. maybe she’ll want to come with us? she can ride on the back of your bike.” jaehyun suggested.
“that could work actually, i could introduce her to the neighborhood too..” woonhak pondered, “okay but how do i ask her? i’m sure i can’t just go to her front door.”
“throw an eraser at her window to get her attention?” sungho said before picking up one of the many erasers on woon’s desk.
“i guess that could work, but all of you guys hide! that’s so awkward if she saw all of you guys staring behind me.” after giving in, he grabbed the eraser from sungho’s hand and opened his window. 
the rest of the boys squatted underneath, giggling like school girls watching their friend try to talk to the girl he likes. of course they were supportive, and would stay that way to their graves, but teasing him was very amusing. it was safe to say that woonhak’s fidgeting hand pulled all of their hair to shut them up.
from what he could see, you were just on your phone scrolling mindlessly so he was hoping not to bother you. after contemplating for a solid few seconds, he chucked the object at your window. the sudden noise made you jump up slightly before opening your window and putting your head out.
“hello to you too?” you laugh, “did you need me or something?”
“sort of? i was um actually wondering if you’d want to go to a party down the street with me and my friends tonight? it can be like a welcome to the neighborhood kind of thing… only if you want to!” he took a deep breath after speaking.
“smooth.” riwoo whispered.
“that sounds fun actually! i don’t know how my dad would feel about it though.” you chew your bottom lip, thinking a bit.
“then sneak out with us? assuming your parents have been unpacking all day they’ll probably be tired and pass out! i don’t mean to be a bad influence or anything but it’d be really fun.” 
“hmmm, i’d say you’re quite persuasive. what time?” you press against the sill and rest your cheek on your fist.
“at nine pm. so about four hours from now? we’re riding our bikes there but you can go on the back of mine?”
“then it’s a date, woon. i’ll see you then.” you waved at him before closing your own curtains.
you were unsure what to think as the cute boy next door asked you to hang out. especially after meeting you less than three hours ago; specifically from your bedroom window. it was an odd way to get to know your neighbor, but for some reason it was quite endearing. 
was he staring or were you just a little delusional? maybe so, but that wasn’t relevant. 
three and a half hours flew by, and you were anxiously getting ready. woonhak was right when he said your parents would fall asleep quickly, you could hear the snoring from across the hall. 
you put together a presentable outfit, fixing up your hair as you usually do. the whole party scene wasn’t always your thing, but you wanted to make a good impression. part of you was also trying to impress him, as he technically knew nothing about you. you could put up a completely different front and he wouldn’t tell the difference.
it was important that he liked you, because being his nextdoor neighbor and also enemies didn’t sound too good.
as soon as you finished getting ready, you shoved a couple pillows underneath your blankets and opened up your window. the drop down could probably break your legs, so you sighed in defeat before pulling an extremely shaven down pencil from your desk and heaving it at woonhak’s window.
there was a little bit of silence before the curtains opened and revealed the boy you were trying to look pretty for (and his entire gang of friends behind him).
“hey! i’m ready but i kind of have a problem?” you say embarrassed.
he had to pause for a second, gawking at you like crazy. you wore a dress that hugged you perfectly, with a thin jacket draping over your shoulders. it wasn’t anything crazy fancy, but still cute for the event.
“oh– um yes! yeah hi what’s up.” woonhak blushed, scratching the back of his neck.
“i have no idea how to get out of my window… sneaking out of the front door is risky right now. my parents only went to sleep an hour ago.” you pout out your bottom lip disappointed.
“i can come down and catch you maybe? i don’t know, only if you’re okay with that!” he recommended shyly.
“yeah, yeah. that could work! just don’t drop me please.”
“only a fool would drop a girl like you.” he smirked, taking you aback slightly. the rest of his friends were reacting boyishly behind him before they all filed out to come get you. this was the moment you truly felt like a princess in need of saving. way to go feminism.
when he appeared below you his lips pulled into a wide smile, holding his arms out, “ready?”
“i’m kind of scared.”
“i promise you’ll be fine.” he plants his feet down hard, ready to catch you. “but you are wearing shorts right?”
“yes of course i am you pervert.” you roll your eyes playfully, making him blush.
swinging your leg out the window, you carefully try to step against the texture of the wall and grab against the edge. you’re able to lean yourself far enough to where you’re at a comfortable distance and let go. 
you land against woonhak, feeling his tight grasp first - hand. though you stumble slightly, he’s able to hold you still against him.
“see? i caught you.” he tells you, wiping the hair from in front of your face.
“yeah you did.” a pink tint grazes over your cheeks, causing you to look away and avoid eye contact.
“you guys can stare at eachother all you want at the party, lets go!” jaehyun groans, pushing his kickstand with his foot
the others began on their bikes while you followed behind woonhak to his own.
“i’m sorry if this is a little awkward for you.” he apologized, sitting down. “but it would probably be a little safer if you held on to me.. i’ve never really rode a bike with another person behind me.”
“no– i understand! i don’t feel awkward at all woon.” you sit behind him, letting your hands snake around his waist and grabbing firmly. the sudden touch made his stomach swarm with butterflies.
as soon as you were situated, he began pedaling down the street. you were pressed against his back, letting the comfort of the night consume you. a breeze sent shivers down your spine, making you almost nuzzle your head into woonhak.
“getting comfy?” he pointed out to cover up how giddy you made him feel.
“mm, just chilly. but it’s just the wind.” you sigh against his cardigan.
“we’re almost there, it’s not too far.” 
when you arrived at the party, it was a lot louder than when you barely heard it down the street. music made the walls vibrate with the bass, and there seemed to be a lot of people there. if not the whole neighborhood, most of it. 
“this is the most popular house on the street for parties. there’s one almost every week during the summer.” woonhak yelled loud enough so you could hear.
“do you come to every one?” you responded with the same energy.
“not really, this is my third one this summer.” he replied. “let’s go get a drink from the kitchen, it’s loud in here.”
you accompanied him to the kitchen where it was a little quieter. there were cups spread out everywhere and lots of snacks. a few people here and there, but they were mainly in the living area.
“sooo, is this your first party?” woonhak mentioned to break the silence.
“it isn’t my first party but definitely the loudest.” 
“i get that, it can get pretty deafening in here. just wait until jaehyun starts breaking out in the dance circle. i might just have to hype him up louder than the crowd.” he laughs, handing you a cup of fruit punch.
“i take it you’re very extroverted?” you take a sip from your drink.
“you could say so, i just enjoy being with my friends. but i’m nervous around certain people.” 
“like who?”
“nobody specific– don’t worry about it.” he played it off, making you giggle
the rest of the night you and woonhak barely left the kitchen. he was easy to talk you, like you instantly clicked. there was something about his demeanor that switched the longer you had a conversation with him. he even skipped out on hyping jaehyun to continue speaking to you and making sure you wouldn’t be left on your own.
it was comforting to know that he wasn’t letting his eyes off of you in such a crowded space. but you could barely realize that he couldn’t look away even if he wanted to. you looked so perfect in the multicolor lights that flashed nearby.
you quickly lost track of the time, so entranced by him, that you didn’t notice the slow pile out of people. sungho and leehan came tumbling into the kitchen, completely exhausted.
“hey i’ve been looking everywhere for you guys! we’re leaving right now because jaehyun accidentally slipped and ate shit… it was getting late anyways.” sungho grunted.
“we stuffed his nose bleed with some toilet paper and he’s waiting outside.” leehan perked up from behind sungho.
“ah alright we’re right behind you.” woonhak stood up, tossing his empty solo cup to the trash before leaning out a hand to you.
you held onto the offer graciously, pulling yourself up. but when you were up on your feet, he didn’t let go, leading you outside hand in hand.
“are you cold?” he questioned as the air outside made you shiver.
“just a little, this thin sweater isn’t doing me much justice.” 
a sudden warmth overflowed you as the cardigan woon was wearing made its way over your shoulders. the smell of his cologne immediately englufing you. 
“there, that’s better right?” 
you nod sheepishly, situating yourself on the back of his bike once again. 
once your house came into view, you felt a little sad. the rest of woonhak’s friends filtered out to their houses on the ride back.
 it was maybe one in the morning, but those hours you spent with woonhak would be engraved in your mind forever. you felt stupid getting so attached to him in the span of a day, but how could you not?
“so, this is your stop.” he parked his bike in the grass spot in between your houses, walking you up to your porch
“yeah haha..” you mumble, “thank you a lot for tonight, woon. it was really nice talking and getting to know you.
“it was really nice getting to know you too y/n. and um– you looked really really pretty tonight.” he looked everywhere but at you, still you know he meant it.
“thank you…” you felt very bashful, and didn’t know what to do. so you tried what felt right.
walking closer to him, you took his face in your hands and planted a kiss on his cheek. it was quick, but it sent off fireworks in his stomach.
“was that okay?” you stammer.
“that– that was more than okay.” he places one of his hands on his cheek, his fingers ghosting over where your lips were.
“i’m glad then. goodnight, woon.”
“goodnight, y/n.” 
he watched as you entered your home quietly, not to wake your parents. but as soon as you were out of his view, he was grinning ear to ear, running back to his house and kicking off his shoes. 
as soon as he reached his bedroom, he immediately went up to the window to see you coming into yours. you smiled at him tenderly before shutting your curtains.
that night you slept peacefully thinking about the boy next door, and you knew he did the exact same.
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