#hell's babydoll spider
edwinpayne-deadboy · 4 months
Starting a little experiment today. I'm looking for people that would wish to be... willing volunteers.
23 notes · View notes
mystic-mae · 1 month
#bring back Kilgrave PFP
but im hell's babydoll spider not purple man
however i do have a kilgrave blog somewhere...
4 notes · View notes
shaylogic · 4 months
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Charles up against the wall and screaming ;A;
oh and rip to Edwin again
also damn these special effects hold up pretty well
72 notes · View notes
impale-me-radio-daddy · 2 months
Hell 2 Pay
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℣ Pairing: Vox X angelic!reader
℣ Summary: A naïve angel descends to Hell looking for Vagina. Finds Vox instead.
℣ Content notes: Voyeurism, first time for everything, explicit sexual content,use of a vibrator, guided masturbation, loss of virginity, creampie, Vox being Vox, pet names: mostly sweetheart, babydoll and baby, reader is a girl, reader has a pussy, reader has a name and it's a fucking stupid one.
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A sequel to Heaven Spent
@it-gal888 @jurijyuu @bishiglomper @brunette-bet @bapple117
@diffidentphantom @leonotlara @redvexillum @nyx-umbrakinesis
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“You sure it’s okay for me to come to this with you?” you asked, quietly, as you walked out to the limo, holding Vox’s arm.
“Baby, everyone who is anyone is going to this party.” Vox gestured wide with his talons, an arc of electricity between his fingers. “I hear even Lucifer himself is on the guest list. If this friend of yours is still down here, and she’s as powerful as you say she is, she’ll be there.”
In the days since you’d met Vox, you’d come no closer to finding Vagina, though not through lack of trying. You’d searched every database Vox had access to for her name, scoured security feeds and drone footage from across the city looking for a glimpse of her aquiline nose. You’d searched until your eyes watered, until Vox came round to your console each evening and told you it was time to stop for the night. To sleep.
Half the time you found yourself passing out against him in the elevator on the way to the penthouse, waking up in his arms as he carried you to bed. It was embarrassing to admit how much you liked the sensation- the fact that he lifted you almost effortlessly, strong arms cradling you against his chest. A kiss goodnight was as much as you managed to give him, though he didn’t press for more, his tired voice a gentle rasp against your ear as he told you to rest up for the cameras the next day.
In exchange, you’d taken the job as spokesperson for Angelic Security, and spent your days in fitting rooms and in front of cameras, chirping out your lines with as much enthusiasm as you could muster.
You thought you’d hit a dead end, until Vox had arrived on set one afternoon with a change of costume for you; an off-the shoulder floor length pleated gown with an empire waist, and a hair ornament that made your breath catch when you looked at it, beads of glossy pink glass, shaped like pomegranate seeds, spilled in a cluster and connected by fine gold thread. The extravagance of it had made you nervous, but when Vox showed you your reflection in the mirror, you’d had to cover your mouth to stop yourself squealing with delight. You looked important and refined. Like a princess. And the look Vox gave you told you he thought so too.
You bit your lip. “I don’t want to embarrass you.”
“And why would I be embarrassed to have a beautiful girl like you on my arm, huh?” Vox’s talons squeezed gently around your shoulder, and you felt heat rise to your cheeks.
Vox’s business partner and roommate Valentino got into the limousine first, stooping to get into the spacious cabin inside, followed by his date, a pale pink spider demon who was only a little shorter than he was. Both of them were dressed for the event; Valentino with a silk top-hat in the place of his usual hat, and the spider demon in a tailored satin-lined jacket that hung open at the chest, no shirt or waistcoat underneath.
“This party better have an open bar, that’s all I’m saying-” the spider demon paused to look up as you climbed into the limo after him. “Who’s the skirt?”
“Angel Dust, this is Angelic Security’s newest spokesperson and my date, Ari. Ari, this is Angel Dust, Val’s-” Vox squinted, a glance at the big moth. “-most valued employee.”
“Oh.” Your grip on Vox’s arm tightened as you stared at Angel Dust. His soft pink fur didn’t make him look demonic, certainly. “Are you really an angel?”
“That depends who ya ask, toots.” Angel winked lasciviously.
“A lot of people have seen his pearly gates, that’s for sure.” Valentino wrapped a possessive arm around Angel, his long fingers sinking into the chest fluff that peeked from Angel’s half-open jacket. “But rest assured my cariño here is just as soaked in sin as the rest of us. Other things, too.” Valentino grinned, flashing a gold tooth, and you watched as Angel’s smile dropped fractionally.
“Alright, alright, save it for the afterparty, jeez.” Vox waved the air in front of him, opening a chilled compartment in the table between the four of you and pulling out a tray of drinks in a puff of condensation.
“Oh, thank fuck. My thirty four inch hero.” Angel reached out with two of his arms, took a glass in each, and dumped them unceremoniously into his open mouth. Vox and Valentino exchanged a look.
“I’d better not have to send anyone to scrape him off the floor this time,” groused Vox, his mouth sliding to the bottom corner of his screen as he watched Angel down another drink.
Valentino laughed. “He’ll be good tonight. Won’t you, cariño?” Valentino’s fingers slid up Angel’s neck, tilting his head to force eye contact.
Angel rolled his eyes. “Yes, daddy.”
Vox held open the door of the limo to let his other business partner, Velvette, in as she arrived. “No plus one tonight?”
“I’m meeting someone there.” Velvette ducked under Vox’s arm and climbed into her seat, phone in the palm of one hand as she grabbed a flute of champagne from the tray and took a sip, making a face. “One of my all-time least favourite people just died.”
“Ohh?” Valentino looked at her over the rims of his heart-shaped glasses. “That fashion editor bitch you hate?”
“That’s the one.” Velvette grinned at him. “I said I’d give her a job if she let me piss in her mouth.”
Vox snorted, pulling the door shut. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Of course I’m fucking kidding,” Velvette’s gaze went back to her phone. “I’m not giving her a job.”
You snuggled up to Vox’s side as the limo wound its way through Pentagram’s streets. Little by little, you were starting to suspect that Vox’s associates were not nice people.
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You were afraid that the five of you would be overdressed until you actually arrived at the party, helped out of the limousine by stately-looking demons, and ascended the steps to the venue. Everyone there looked majestic, in white tie or glittering gowns, tall bird-headed demons mingling with a practical menagerie of others. You found yourself clinging tight to Vox’s arm, and were gratified to feel him shift his grip, his claws sliding down your back to your hip, pulling you against him. The quiet thrum of his body was a comfort, and you grounded yourself with it.
“You gonna be okay?” he asked, his voice a murmur in your ear as the attendants at the door checked his invite and waved the two of you through, Valentino and Angel behind you.
You nodded, though in truth you were still a little intimidated. A bird-headed demon thrumming with power floated past you, accompanied by a pair of hellhounds. “It’s just… sparkly, that’s all.”
“Me and Val are gonna mingle, so take your time looking around. I’ll be right here if you need me. And-” Vox sighed, straightening the lapel of his jacket, the pocket square he wore deep pink to match your hair ornament. “-this should go without saying, but you’re here on my invite, so I’m responsible for your actions. Try not to get yourself in trouble, okay?”
“I won’t.” You looked down, your face hot, your fingers squeezing Vox’s upper arm. “I-” you swallowed, gathering your courage, before raising your head, and planting a single kiss on the edge of his screen. “Thank you, Vox. For everything.”
Vox gave you a look that was meant to be suave. “Anytime, babydoll.”
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“So, uh, what are you looking for, exactly?” Angel swayed after you with a backwards glance at Valentino and Vox, and you stopped to let him catch up. “Seems like you’re pretty bent outta shape about it.”
“Vagina,” you answered, your voice soft as you scanned the room from your vantage by the canapé table, dazzled by the reflected light of diamonds and rubies round the throats of the female attendees as you looked for her face. The grey skin, like yours, the aquiline nose, the short white hair. You looked and saw nothing, an ache in your heart.
Angel grinned crookedly. “Well, I’m afraid I can’t help ya much there. Any particular type of vagina or are you not picky? Cuz I do know some people.”
“No.” You shook your head, frustrated. “Vagina is my friend.”
“If you say so.” Angel sighed, grabbing a drink from a passing attendant. “I’m more of a penis man myself, but if I meet any vaginas I’ll send em your way. Later, toots.”
And just like that, you were alone in the crowd, still looking for Vagina's familiar face.
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You saw her, across the room, a glimpse through the crowd that had you moving closer to check that you weren’t hallucinating. Her hair was longer than you remembered, a large red satin bow at the back, and she was missing an eye, but you would know that face anywhere. Hope crested in your chest. She was here. She was alive. You could go back. You could take her hand and go back to Heaven and things would go back just the way they were.
“Vagina!” Unable to wait a second longer, you rushed towards her, calling her name, dodging a waiter and a stuffy-looking pair of owl demons.
“Hey!” A hand on your shoulder stopped you in your tracks and you looked up to see a tall blonde girl in a ruby-colored tuxedo, frowning as she looked down at you. “Excuse me! That’s my girlfriend you’re talking to there, you can’t just-”
“Charlie.” Vagina joined you, a soft touch on the tall girl’s arm. “It’s okay. I know her. Can you give us a minute?”
“Oh.” Charlie gave a small smile, looking between you and Vagina. “You know her. Of course you know her! Okay. I’ll just… give you guys some space.”
“Vagina!” Your mouth felt dry, tears beading in the corners of your eyes as Vagina steered you behind a pillar in an unpopulated corner of the ballroom. “Oh thank goodness. You’re safe! Your eye-” you reached out. What had happened to her?
“Stop calling me that.” Vagina pushed your hand away with a scowl. “It’s Vaggie now.”
“Sorry.” You drew away, your back against the pillar. “But it’s okay! I’m here now!”
“Look.” Vagina, or rather Vaggie, sighed, her one remaining eye closing. “I don’t know what you’re doing here, but you should go. It’s dangerous here.”
What? The world seemed to stop around you as you stared at her. Of course- she didn’t want to put you in danger. You straightened your back, pulling yourself to your full height, feet a little wobbly in the high-heeled shoes Vox had given you. “I’m an exorcist, just like you.”
“Areola…” Vaggie scrunched her nose. “You’re a janitor. You clean the showers. The only weapon you know is mop.”
You persevered, an ache in the back of your throat. “I came to save you.” That had to count for something, didn’t it? You had come all the way down from Heaven, malformed wings or no, you had risked your life, your immortal soul against the forces of Hell, for Vaggie. She had to be able to see that.
Your statement seemed to have the opposite effect to what you intended, Vaggie’s expression darkening. “Why? I never asked for your help. And I know for sure Lute didn’t send you.”
“Because you’re my best friend.” My only friend, you thought, your bottom lip quivering. “That… that counts for something, right?”
“Oh, for crying out-” Vaggie buried her face in one hand, giving a deep sigh before she looked up at you again. “Let’s set the record straight here. We weren’t friends. We were coworkers.”
You stared, unable to speak, every word out of Vaggie’s mouth like a knife to your chest. All the times you had brought out iced drinks to her when she’d been training, all those times she’d listened to you talk about your day. That had been friendship, hadn’t it? Real friendship? Your hands shook. “But-” you managed to squeak out, feeling like you were falling, as if the floor of the ballroom was dropping deep beneath you.
Vaggie’s gaze went past you, to the milling crowd of dancers, and the tall girl in red. “I don’t need to be saved,” she said. “Go home, Areola.”
It was all you could do not to burst into tears as you watched Vaggie's retreating back, a lump in your throat as she walked away from you, red ribbon bright in her white hair.
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“Everything okay?” Vox seemed to sense something was up when you rejoined him, pulling you close, his voice low.
Silently, you shook your head, tears hot and painful in the corners of your eyes. You knew that if you said too much you’d be bawling right in the middle of the dance floor. “Take me home?”
Vox paused a second, watching you, then nodded, slowly. “Car’s on the way. I’ll give the others a call on the way back.”
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In the privacy of the limo, you buried your face against Vox's chest, gratitude welling in you as your throat tightened. “I’m sorry, I… I know you had things you wanted to do tonight, I don’t want to be a burden.” You rambled, swallowing a sob.
“Val and Velv will do just fine pissing on people without me,” said Vox, his tone wry.
“Are you my friend, Vox?” you hiccuped, leaning into his chest. “Do you even like me?”
“What kinda dumbass question is that?” Vox’s arm tightened around you. “Someone said I wasn’t your friend?”
“N-no. I just-” your bottom lip trembled. “I found her.” You felt your voice crack. “She said- she said she wasn’t my friend. She said she’d never-” a small sob escaped your lips, and you felt like you were falling again.
“Hey, babydoll.” Vox’s talons caught the underside of your jaw, tilting your head up to face him, until you were staring into his red eyes, the view made blurry by the tears in yours. “Hey,” he repeated, his voice dropping a half octave, and he kissed you, softly, lips brushing yours, fingertips up over your jaw, over your cheek. “You’re my girl. You’re mine. No-one in this city gets to make you doubt that, okay?”
“I’m sorry,” you murmured as you found yourself on top of him, your body clinging to his as if he were the only solid thing in the world.
“I know something that will definitely make you feel better.” Vox reached into a compartment under one of the seats and pulled out a small object; a tapered, bulbous cylinder in VoxTek silver, cyan light shining from its contours.
“What is that?”
“Personal massager. Top of the range. Fully submersible, adjustable frequency and torque. Self-warming, body-grade silicone sheathe.”
You glanced up at Vox’s face. This was more than empty commercial copy, a flash of pride in his eyes. “You… helped design it, didn’t you?”
Vox quirked an eyebrow. “If I say yes, will you let me use it on you?”
You felt your face heat. “W-when you say personal massager…”
“I figure a few good orgasms are just what you need right now,” said Vox, eyes half-lidded, grin toothy.
“A few!?” You felt the pulse at the apex of your legs as you remembered what just one had felt like, Vox’s leg between your thighs.
“Lay back, baby,” Vox practically purred. “Let me take care of you.”
You hesitated, a little. Letting this happen to you was clearly not a thing that a good and chaste angel should do.
But what had being a good girl ever got you? You had been good, every day of your life; you had worked hard, and abstained, and been modest and never complained. You’d put yourself in danger, for someone you had assumed was your friend. And what had you gained? Aside from Vaggie’s disdain, the Lieutenant’s disdain, the disdain of every angel who saw your malformed wings and assumed you had done something to deserve it? Maybe this was a part of the grand plan the higher angels were always talking about, paid for in full with your deformity.
Who would even be waiting for you, if you went back to Heaven? Maybe you were meant to fall from grace, here, in Hell, in the arms of the one person who seemed to actually like you.
You placed your hand over Vox’s, fingertips over his blue talons. “I’ve never…” you said.
“I know that, baby.” Vox’s other hand was at the hem of your gown, pulling it up over your calves, over your knees, the fabric a silky whisper against your skin. “All you have to do is lay there and hold your legs open nice and wide for me, let me take care of the rest. Trust me.”
“O-okay.” You closed your eyes, feeling Vox push your skirt up over your thighs, your back flush with his chest as he pulled you into the position he wanted.
“Knees apart, sweetheart,” Vox murmured into your ear, his voice sending a shiver through your core.
You choked back a sob as you parted your thighs for him; one leg slung over his thigh, the other half-bent on the leather seat under you.
“Don’t cry, pretty girl,” Vox rasped, talons tracing thin lines over your knee, your quad, your inner thigh. He trailed the vibrator along the same path, its surface warm as skin as it shivered against your flesh. “I’m gonna make you feel so good you forget everything else that happened tonight.”
You turned your head, pressing the side of your face against Vox’s shoulder, and squeezed your eyes closed as you felt his hands ascend to the apex of your thighs, fingertips teasing at the lacy edge of your panties.
“Hey now, don’t be shy. I can feel how wet you are for me already,” said Vox, his fingers continuing to move. As if to demonstrate his point, he pressed two fingertips to the gusset of your panties, pressing your sex through the fabric in a languid up-down motion, then lifted them to your mouth, brushing the wetness that had seeped through your panties onto your bottom lip.
You opened your mouth, letting Vox slip his fingers inside, and were rewarded with a low groan from Vox as he smeared your tongue with the taste of your own arousal, musky and slick. “My good girl,” he growled, his other hand pushing your panties to the side. “So fucking obedient.”
He teased the vibrator against your outer lips, its setting still a low shiver as he moved it, smearing the arousal that leaked from you up towards your mons and then back down again, his fingers in your mouth echoing the slow, deliberate action. You shifted, and Vox parted your sex with his fingers, the vibrator against your inner lips, then up over the hood of your clitoris. It felt good, better than something this sinful had any right to feel, and you moaned around Vox’s fingers.
“See, baby? Didn’t I tell you I would make it better?” Vox exuded smugness as he kept the vibrator moving, and even if he hadn’t had his fingers in your mouth you weren’t sure you could have formed a coherent response.
Tears slid hot down your cheeks, your mascara running as Vox slid the vibrator over your sex, the shiver it had started with becoming a low thrum as he increased the power. He murmured sweet nothings as he slid it over your inner lips, the barest touch on your clitoris like a beam of heavenly light that had you forgetting that you were in the back of a limo with your sex spread open on a man’s hand.
“Tell me you want it inside,” said Vox, voice low as he pulled his fingers from your mouth, his other hand guiding the vibrator down a little, the thrum of sensation round your entrance, teasing at untouched flesh.
“Vox,” you gasped, as each tilt of his hand brought an answering shiver from your body.
“I wanna hear it, babydoll,” coaxed Vox, his second hand on your inner thigh now, spreading you further apart. “Tell me to fuck you with the toy.”
You swallowed, the concentric circles he was drawing around your entrance at war with the mortification you felt at using such crude language. “P-penetrate me-” you managed, to a soft chuckle from Vox.
“You’re just about the cutest girl I’ve ever fucked, you know that sweetheart?” he said, as he dipped the narrower end of the vibrator into you, just the tip. The sensation made you catch your breath, the thrum of it fluttering against your nerves. “Here you are, wide open for me, my toy in your sweet little pussy-” as if to demonstrate the point, Vox pushed the vibrator in another half inch, then out again, drawing a lewd little whimper from your lips. “-and you can’t even say the word fuck.”
“S-sorry,” you stammered, screwing your eyes shut.
“Don’t be sorry, Ari.” Vox’s lips were in your hair, kissing the beads from your hair ornament aside as he rocked the vibrator in and out of you, his other hand at your sex now, index and ring finger either side of your clit. “You’re my sweet baby girl. All for me, aren’t you?”
“Vox,” you whined, tears threatening to form in your eyes again. “I’m yours.”
“All mine?”
“Y-yes,” you squeaked
“Tell me again. I take good care of my things, babydoll.”
“I’m yours,” you repeated for him. Yours, yours, all yours. And each time your reward was that soft affection, that sound of approval, Vox’s thumb stroking the sensitive nub of your clit, making you squeak, and cry out, all the while the vibrator penetrating you in a shallow rhythm, slipping easily in and out of the slickness of your core. It wasn’t as if anyone else wanted you anyway.
“You’re close,” Vox purred against your ear, and you could feel that he was right; the sensation of his thumb on your clit the most vivid thing in your mind, along with the thrum of the toy against your inner walls. It felt like you were floating, pleasure your only compass, as Vox’s touch urged you to your destination. “Gonna cum with my toy inside, aren’t you?”
You whimpered an affirmative as you crested the wave, your core pulsing, twitching around the intrusion of the toy as Vox’s thumb stilled on your clit, pressing down but not moving.
Vox slipped a finger inside you with a groan, the width of the digit along with the toy bringing with it another round of little quakes. “Cumming hard for me babydoll?”
You gave a mortified little whimper, and Vox’s thumb pressed hard on your clit again, the sensation bringing more aftershocks as you found yourself fluttering round the toy and Vox’s finger.
“Holy shit, you’re still going,” Vox muttered, something like excitement creeping into his voice. “Hope you’re planning on cumming on my dick that hard.”
“I’m not planning!” you protested, to Vox’s indulgent grin.
“Course you’re not, sweetheart.” Vox’s voice was low as he dragged the tip of the vibrator from your still-twitching hole and up over your clit, its setting the gentle shiver that it had started on.
It was both too much and not enough, a flame on nerves already afire, oversensitive and quivering. “Vox!” you cried, hand going to his wrist, and he lifted the toy from your flesh, leaving you aching with its absence.
“Too much?” he asked, a prideful edge to his voice.
“Y-yes,” you admitted, breath coming in fast little pants through your lips.
“You wanna try using it yourself?” Vox pressed the toy into the palm of your hand. “I can talk you through it.”
You nodded, hesitant, and Vox took your hand in his, guiding the toy in your hand back to your slick and quivering sex. “Don’t worry about the settings. I can control those for you. Just press the tip here.”
The toy quivered in your hand as you pressed its bulbous end against your engorged clitoris. A stroke had your eyes fluttering closed, breath catching in your throat as you felt sheer, unmitigated pleasure. You drew back, swallowing saliva before you ventured another touch, a whimper on your lips.
Vox pushed two fingers into you, not the teasing in-out he had done with the toy, but in deep and curling, pressing something sweet at the apex. You drew the toy against your clitoris again, more steadily this time, feeling your body pull taut, a soft, birdlike noise in your throat as Vox’s fingers bullied the tender spot inside you.
“You need a little more power, babydoll?” Vox asked, and you only had to nod for the vibration to intensify, each moment threatening at too much before you drew your hand back, gasping as his fingers squelched in and out of you. “You should hold it there, hold it down, so you can cum round my fingers. Yeah?”
“Y-yeah,” you agreed, voice small, bracing yourself for the sensation as you pressed the toy once more against sensitive flesh. The quiver of the toy built into a tremble, the bliss of its touch into something almost painful, and you found yourself biting your lip to not cry out. You couldn’t keep going; it was too much, too much-
“Keep going,” Vox murmured, a light pressure on the back of your hand. You nodded, keeping the quivering toy held against the most sensitive part of you, an insensate noise on your lips as every muscle in your body seemed to shake, your legs drawn wide as they would go, riding bliss upon bliss upon bliss.
“Attagirl,” growled Vox, plunging his fingers in deep, and you were hit by a climax you hadn’t known to expect, a noise from you that was neither dignified nor sexy as your body spasmed, curling in, your thighs closing round Vox’s hands. “Attagirl,” he repeated, as your walls fluttered round his fingers, the vibrator still purring against your overstimulated clit. “Be a good girl and cum again for me now.”
“T-too much,” you whimpered, the rumble of the toy against your nerves threatening to blot out all other sensation, all thought, all language. “Vox, I can’t-”
“You can,” he encouraged, his hand guiding yours, keeping your hand in place, keeping the vibrator in place as you whined and bucked your hips. “See, I’m a very good judge of character, and I wouldn’t give you anything you couldn’t handle. I think you’re a good girl, and you’re gonna cum round my fingers when I ask you.”
“Vox!” your voice was starting to feel hoarse from the moaning, and the curl of Vox’s fingers inside you made you scream. You were still twitching from the previous orgasm as Vox pulled you inexorably to the next one.
“Tell me I’m right. Tell me you’re my good girl,” Vox pushed.
“I’m-” you started but were unable to finish as you crested the wave, pleasure flooding you, leaving you twitching senselessly round Vox’s fingers again, your back arching, thighs squeezing, head back. Vox stole the rest of your words with a kiss, his strange lips against yours as he cupped your chin with a hand coated with your arousal.
Warmth welled in your chest as the kiss deepened, Vox’s tongue twining with yours, the toy stilling as it powered down in your hand. Vox drew his fingers from you, wiping the slick on your bare thigh.
“Doing better now?” Vox asked as you broke the kiss, the limo slowing as it pulled up to the Vee tower.
“Yes,” you admitted, looking down at your rumpled dress, the heeled sandals still on your feet, anywhere but Vox’s smile. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, babydoll,” said Vox, smug as you’d ever seen him. “Let’s say you and I continue this in my room, huh?”
Your legs felt like jelly, but it still surprised you when rather than help you up, Vox simply scooped you up in his arms and carried you to the private elevator that went straight to the penthouse suite, taking the time it took for the elevator to ascend to unlace and remove your shoes, along with Vox’s jacket and tie.
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You stroked the sides of Vox’s wide screen as you kissed him, and he carried you unerringly up the small flight of stairs that led to the mezzanine of his living space and through his bedroom door. He spilled you forward, onto the bed, and you sat back, your hands behind you, looking up at him.
Vox was looking at you with unashamed, undisguised desire, two lines of red from the corner of his mouth as he crawled onto the bed after you, pulling your knees apart to kneel between them, your dress once more riding up over your thighs.
“Do you want me?” you asked, quietly, part of you afraid of the answer. “You’re not… you’re not just doing this to make me feel better, right?”
Vox caught your hand by the wrist and pulled it to the fly of his tuxedo pants. Your eyes widened at what you felt there; his erection, hot and stiff and straining at the fabric. “What do you think, babydoll?” He pulled your hand more firmly against his hard-on, rutting against your palm with a movement of his hips, another line of red from his mouth as he did so. “Because I think you should take that pretty dress off for me and let me fuck you into the pillows til you scream.”
“Y-yes, of course.” Gratitude flooded you, your hands going to the clasps of your dress. You found yourself fumbling with it, your fingers shaking as Vox watched.
You failed to undo the same clasp on your side three times before Vox intervened, leaning into your personal space, a gentle hand on yours. “Lemme get that for you, sweetheart,” he said, voice soft enough to set you blushing as he undid the clasp with ease, his fingers finding the zip and easing it slowly down your side.
“Thank you,” you murmured, your cheeks hot, then, because it felt right, “I love you.”
Vox paused, his fingers under the shoulder of your dress, and you felt doubt rise to the surface again.
You looked at him, biting your lip. “I’m sorry, was that too soon? Am I not meant to say that?”
Vox lowered his face to your shoulderblade as he pulled off the shoulder of the dress, screen against skin, kissing his way down your back. “You are three orgasms too far in to be worrying about shit like that,” he said, in a tone that reminded you exactly what each of those had felt like. “You can say whatever you like to me, babydoll.”
“And you won’t leave?”
You felt Vox chuckle, a soft exhalation of breath against your back as he shimmied your dress down over your hips, hooking his fingers through the sides of your panties and pulling them down with it. “Does this look like leaving to you?” he asked, and you gulped, feeling exposed as you were naked under him, a prickling over your skin that had nothing to do with the temperature. “Tell me you love me again. Tell me you’re mine.”
“I love you,” you said, your eyes fluttering closed as Vox maneuvered you onto your hands and knees, lifting your hips a little until the bulge of his erection pressed your ass. “I’m yours.”
“Holy fuck, you’re beautiful, Ari,” Vox’s voice was thick with arousal as one finger stroked your exposed labia, still dripping slick from your adventures in the limo. “You’re gonna let me fuck that beautiful little white feathered pussy of yours, aren’t you?”
“Mm.” You nodded, nose to the sheets.
“Say it for me, babydoll,” said Vox, voice low, his clothed erection still pressing against you.
“I’m gonna let you…” you paused, breathless, searching for a way to paraphrase Vox’s words. “…take me,” you finished lamely. It was ludicrous, really; what you were about to do was something much worse than swearing, and plenty of angels swore, but you couldn’t bring yourself to.
“Still not gonna swear, huh?” Vox’s hands were gentle over your hips, his voice more amused than annoyed.
Silently, you shook your head.
“That’s okay.” Vox gave your ass a reassuring squeeze. “Still gonna fuck you, though.”
You waited, your face pressed to the soft sheets, your sex presented to Vox, as he unzipped himself and lined himself up. The tip of his cock was warm, running hot like the rest of his body, unfamiliar but not unpleasant as he slid it between your outer lips, gathering slick. You whined as he stroked it against your clit, still oversensitive, and found yourself clutching the sheets between your fingers, your body tensing.
“Ari.” Vox curled himself over you, a kiss between your shoulderblades. “Relax for me, yeah?”
“S-sorry.” You squeezed your eyes shut again, and felt his hand cover yours.
“Don’t be sorry. Just trust me.” Vox’s glans slid over your clit again, back and forth, and you moaned into the sheets at the sensation. “You’re gonna feel so good on my cock, I promise.”
“I trust you,” you whimpered, and Vox lined himself up with your entrance again, the head of his cock teasing it just as the toy had. “That… that feels nice, Vox.”
“Good girl.” Vox pushed himself a little further into you. His cock was wider than the toy or his fingers had been, bringing with it a stretch that had you panting open mouthed into his bedsheets. Another inch and he was pressing the sweetness inside you that his fingers had found, drawing another whimper from you.
“Can you feel me?” he coaxed, pushing further in. “Can you feel me inside?”
His cock inside you was an ache that stirred your guts and left your eyelids fluttering closed, his big hands clasped over yours. I love you, I love you, I love you, lay heavy and sticky as treacle on your tongue as your face pressed into the high-threadcount cotton of his pillows. “It's big,” you murmured. You buried your face deeper in the pillows. “I’m yours.”
“All mine, babygirl,” Vox answered, pushing himself into you a little further, moving one hand onto your hip as leverage. “Fuck, you're doing so good. Taking me so well.”
His knees between your shins, your face to the sheets, you found yourself helpless to do anything but accept him in, soft chirps of pleasure escaping your lips as he stretched your insides to his form.
“Shit, you are incredible. Made for me.” Vox pulled out a little and thrust back in with a snap of his hips, his balls rocking against your clit as he bottomed out again. “You’re gonna look so pretty once you’re all fucked out and filled with my cum.”
You called his name as he pumped his cock into you, one hand reaching round to stroke at your engorged clit, each snap of his hips an obscene squelch, slick dripping down your trembling thighs, his cock both hitting divinity and burning with its stretch, the apex of each thrust leaving you deliciously, sinfully full.
“Be a good girl and cum for me now,” Vox ground out, fingers sliding a cruel back-and-forth across your oversensitive clit, the intensity of the sensation almost painful, making tears bead in your eyes. “Cum on my cock, babydoll, milk me dry.”
You didn’t have words anymore, only sensation as Vox worked you, his voice gentle and coaxing as his hips set a pace that had you crying out into the pillows, fingers on your clitoris first slick pressure and then light as he brought sparking blue energy to his fingertips, moving over your skin and alighting on nerves. You were giving soft cries into the bedding, your throat hoarse as Vox hit sweetness upon sweetness, your body aching with the intensity of it, a string pulled tight, tight, tight.
“You’re close,” Vox told you, words penetrating your brain somehow, his screen pressing close and static-y as his hips and hand kept the rhythm. “Gonna cum with you, okay?”
You nodded, no words, only a string pulled tight, tight, tight as you felt him swell inside you somehow, and a flash of hot, white bliss hit you, your body clenching around him as he pulsed inside you. He was filling you with his seed, a pulse of warmth inside you, and then another, and then another as your walls twitched tight around him.
“Fuck. Ari. So fucking good.” A groan escaped Vox that sounded not unlike a modem noise, his chest against your back, and the lights flickered off, plunging the both of you into darkness.
“Vox?” you asked, in a small, hoarse voice, the only light in the room the dim blue of his screen, his arms wrapping around your chest. His cock, mortifyingly, still inside you. You touched his arm, the back of his hand. “Vox?”
Vox gave an affirmative grunt. “Gimme a minute, sweetheart. Just took out the power in the block- shit.”
You swallowed, a vague feeling of guilt welling in your stomach. “Was it my fault?”
“It happens sometimes, babydoll. Don’t worry about it.” Vox pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Emergency power kicks in in another thirty seconds.”
“So you don’t need to go?”
“No, I don’t need to go.” Vox breathed out, a shuddering exhalation. “Baby, you made me cum so hard I caused a power cut. That means; a) I am not going anywhere in a hurry, so right now I can give you the care and adoration you deserve, and b) you can stop being so damn insecure about it. You got that?”
“I think so.” You found yourself smiling, almost despite yourself, as Vox pulled out of you, his seed dribbling out over your thighs, and rolled you over to face him, your face against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head, the beads in your hair ornament clacking as his lips nudged them. You were dirty now. Ruined. Willingly full of a demon’s seed. Heaven would never take someone like you back.
But Vox’s arms were around you in the low light as the emergency power came on, his screen casting strange shadows across the sheets. And he made you feel warm and happy and safe, in a way no-one in Heaven ever had. You were his. He took good care of his things. In his bed, basking in the afterglow of the orgasm you had shared, was the happiest you had ever been.
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trix1erose · 2 months
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he’s terrified of being a bad person. he went to hell to save his best friend. he’s angry all the time. he’s the brawn. he would do anything to protect his friends. he casually tells his best friend he loves him. he pushed a woman off a cliff. he hates his dad. he gave up possible eternal peace to stay by edwin’s side after knowing him for less than an hour. he never finished reading orpheus and eurydice. he threw a molotov cocktail at a giant spider made of babydoll heads.
truly an icon
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Charlotte "Charlie" Rowland
Edith thought she’d felt all her greatest fears in Hell. That nothing could ever compare to the babydoll spider’s grasping claws and the grasping hands of Lust and the knives of Wrath and the coins of Avarice and being able to feel herself be torn apart, over and over again.
But of course that wasn’t the worst fear she’s ever felt. Of course it never could be.
Because that entire time, Edith had Charlie by her side, a goddamn force of nature, a quake splitting the earth.
That is what Charlie Rowland has always been: the very earth itself, the tectonic plates that Edith has learned about since their emergence from Hell. Moses has nothing on Charlie Rowland and her ability to split the water, to cause tsunamis, to reshape the goddamn world in the shape of her stubborn, abiding faith.
-aletterinthenameofsanity, there was something in the water (now that something's in me)
And I've never loved the darker blue Than the darkness I have known in you, honed from you You, whose heart would sing of anarchy You would laugh at meanings, guarantees, so beautifully When our truth is burned from history By those who figured justice in fond memory, witness me Like fire weeping from a cedar tree Know that my love would burn with me We'll live eternally
-Hozier, Better Love
@immacaria @nix-nihili @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @hannaloony @tumblerislovetumblerislife
@every-moment-a-different-sound @gardenveela @verianal @tragedy-machine @queen-of-hobgobblers
@idliketobeatree @mellxncollie @pappelsiin
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mayapapaya33 · 5 months
So maybe I'm in a very niche corner of the internet, but I really need the same Dante's Inferno nerds that crawled out of the woodwork for Unreal Unearth by Hozier to come watch Dead Boy Detectives and analyze the shit out of it Please and Thank You. Edwin's Notebook with the map of Hell in it is very Dante. In episode 7 we clearly went through parts of Limbo, Lust and Gluttony to get to the Creepy Babydoll Spider Demon place, fuck if I know what part of Hell that was lol. Thank you in advance.
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cadewitha · 4 months
a (shortened) list of what can put Edwin Payne into a coma:
being in love with his best friend of thirty years
being sacrificed to a demon
man whores
spider babydolls
being boykissed
gay sex
bad fathers
good mothers
milf witches
any horror movie made past the year 2001
my little pony
Charles Rowland coming out as bisexual
the spanish inquisition
getting hit by a mac truck
the mean girls remake
being called a twink
high school musical theatre
cirque du soleil
the slow and arduous downfall of the marvel cinematic universe
modern tattoo guns
those 7th graders who make cardboard fur suits on youtube shorts
health insurance
the amazing digital circus
garten of banban 7
public school
motorcycle accidents
minor vaccinations
joan of arc
salem witch trials
mitch mcconnell on a good day
fire alarms
manga but specifically how you read it
being sent to hell for seventy years and then escaping only to give up your freedom to take care of a hot also dead boy then getting sent back to hell thirty years later only to have that hot also dead boy save you and then you confess your love to him on the stairs of hell and he says he only sees you as a friend but he clearly is in love with you
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demelzathemer · 2 days
In the middle of a furious re-read of the never-ending list of my favorite payneland fics I keep remembering some I can't find again. Any help?
- Crystal and Charles go inside Edwin's head to rescue him from the Hell of his memories. Charles punts the babydoll spider with his cricket bat while Crystal collects the scattered pages of Edwin's notebook
- Edwin and Charles use their Ouija board to ask difficult questions from each other. It's hard to talk about feelings sometimes, so it's their own private ritual
- Edwin is a vengeful spirit but keeps it a secret from Charles. He's convinced it's painful to touch him because his energy is intense and hurtful. Charles' energy feels like bubbles.
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palehottubchild · 4 months
hey sorry idk if this is a stupid question but why the HELL is edwins punishment a spider made of babydoll heads??? like, isnt the whole point that everybodies punishment matches their like life and reason for being in hell, like simon with the books?? is the baby head spider the default punishment? for people who dont have anything else assigned to them? is it randomised? was alive-edwin afraid of specifically baby head spiders? what was the reason??????
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the-wine-dark-sea · 10 days
I've recently been thinking about the difference between Edwin’s experience in Hell in the comics vs. the show and what it says about the differences in characterization.
(Please note that I haven't read the comics completely yet, this is really just what came to mind when re-reading the boys' story from The Sandman.)
This is how Edwin describes Hell in the comics, when his character is first introduced:
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"It was just corridors.
And I was hurrying down these corridors, because I knew I was late for something, but I couldn't quite remember what.
And then I realized that there was something behind me. Something horrible. But it was always one or two bends of the corridor behind. And even though it wasn't making any noise I knew it was always there.
And if I started to run it would get me.
So I just kept walking, as fast as I could. Down these corridors. With something silently walking behind me. Something sad and lonely and terrible."
So at first glance, his torture simply seems more purely psychological here than on the show. And it sounds horrific, especially for this even younger version of him. Now, it's obviously a different version of events, two seperate canons, so it's no use to speculate if the thing that stalks comic!Edwin through Hell is the Babydoll Spider or something completely different, or if the same parameters apply. But I don't think that really matters. Because it is his reaction to this situation that truly stuck out to me:
"And if I started to run it would get me. So I just kept walking"
This Edwin knows he is going to get caught, not from experience, but he is aware of it in the way you just know certain things in your dreams sometimes. (He does describe it feeling like a nightmare, after all.) He can feel that he would get caught, and so he just keeps walking. He never tries to make a run for it, just to see what would actually happen, or to try to outrun whatever would give chase. He keeps walking, as fast as he can, but still walking.
And then we have show!Edwin. He knows he will get caught eventually from excruciating experience, over and over and over. "The moment I run it'll chase. And I can't get away from it." He knows he'll trip it off if he runs, or if he is too loud. And yet he runs. He doesn't stop running for seven decades.
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edwinpayne-deadboy · 4 months
Welcome to the Dead Boy Detective Agency.
I am Edwin Payne, and this is my partner @biconcharlesrowland. Some other people that are associated with us are @crystal-isalive, @nikoisalsoalive, @reallycoolcatking, @montyisntacrow, and @jennys-meat-cleaver
What brings you here?
This blog is unfortunately run by two other versions of me. I will have blue text and run the cases and regular interactions.
I'm a dark, "villainized" version of the Edwin you know. I'll use red text and run the more aggressive asks and discuss, darker themes.
And I'm a demon. I find it fun to mess with Edwin and get him to engage in more explicit acts. I'm using bold text and I'll occasionally take up cases and questions about Hell.
OOC: Hello again, Mae here from @mystic-mae. With, well, a third rp blog. Don't worry, this is my last one. I hope.
#magnifying glass - Looks like Edwin and Charles are on a case! Did you hire them for it?
#charles no - Edwin's just looking out for him.
#cat bracelet - Whenever the Cat King is mentioned or Edwin's just having a gay panic.
#soppingwetcat - Poor guy needs a break. Probably give him one?
#edwin appreciation - Edwin reblogging posts about what people say about him or when they draw art of him. 'Cause this community loves him and he needs to know that.
#edwardian detective - Casual conversation with Edwin.
#hell's babydoll spider - Super angsty moments with Edwin. Possibly includes Hell.
#what's [blank]? - He's trying to learn all about the Internet and slang. Charles was the reason why he has a Tumblr in the first place.
#ball of sass - Edwin being a sassy, cunty Edwardian ghost.
#oh you love this don't you? - Well, it looks like Edwin's a little jealous...
#one little spell - Casual conversation with villain!Edwin.
#runes and curses - villain!Edwin causing some mischief. Maybe something bad happens, no one knows.
#colder to touch - Oops, you angered villain!Edwin. Try and survive... (the angst tag.)
#paradise or limbo - Casual conversation with demon!Edwin.
#spider's den - demon!Edwin's angst tag. He remembers a lot of what happened to the original Edwin, seeing as Hell altered him so much that he became a demon himself.
#infernal deeds - It's just demon!Edwin being a flirty little shit. Only ones affected are Charles, Cat King, Monty, and Simon. And probably any gay man in the area...
NSFW is allowed! Just no heavily sexualized actions or super gorey stuff that the Edwins (or I, the mod) tell you is uncomfortable.
Heavy gore is to be directed towards villain!Edwin and demon!Edwin. However, regular!Edwin can and does experience gore from time to time. I, the mod, will tell you when to stop with the gore.
Failiure to comply results in being blocked, sorry.
No racist, transphobic, homophobic, or ableist shit here. I'm not gonna deal with your asses, and neither will any of the Edwins.
I suppose you can be rude to Edwin, but why would you do that?
Have fun!
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allisluv · 3 months
Annie's style is like mermaidcore but mostly on the seashell and knots, leather jacket over it and black eyeliner on the eyes, colourful eyeshadow (green blue and purple mostly). She doesn't need blush, her sunburn is enough. She has seashell clips on her hair and those with the flowers like 🌺,I forgot their name. Her style manages to be edgy even when it's like the most fantasy thing from a mermaid tale. Vintage jewelry, some pirate elements if she's in the mood, those babydoll shirts, tanks, corsets, mesh material. Like some shiny summer mermaid outfit with the spider mascara lashes and the shiny colourful eyeshadow and trow a leather blazer over it. She also absolutely loooves long skirts, but in d4 is so hot that she just can't wear them😭😭 And it like bothers her bc it bothers her aesthetic
Mags' is costal grandmother. Khaki pants, cozy beige and white sweaters, white button ups and white and blue Floral dresses. I can just imagine her in one of those costal houses on the porch drinking her coffee on the sunset in a cozy sweater, her gray hair in a sunburst pin. And her making dinner for the other victors when they meet up, and using those white sets with the navy flowers on them with the little cups and dishes.
For Finnick I think he loves sweaters. Turtlenecks for winter. Idk if its just the shirt from the quell reaping but I just imagine him with sweaters. And light blue jeans, baggy with a black basic belt. Then from those leather jackets with fluff underneath them. And for summer I think basic shirt from those with the vintage graphics, with the soft cours on them. And cargo jorts or the light denim again. But hell also have seashell necklaces (from Annie) and some chain or rope on his neck. I think he also has ear piercings and looses his earrings in the sea bc he always forgets they're on. And he also has a hoodie that is extremely soft, like the ones with the plush inside that are really warm and wears it when it gets dark outside. And when Annie falls asleep he puts in on her so she doesn't get a cold. And he always forgets to put on a cap. Or when he puts one it's turned around and Mags llectures him about it.
anon you never miss!!
i dont think annie can stick with one aesthetic so she just mashes them all together and somehow it works
mags is knitting in her rocking chair, with a cardigan draped over her shoulders—also youre so right about the dinner sets!
finnick is a sucker for turtlenecks. he has so many of them. i can also see him being really into those flowy almost blouse shirts and he leaves them unbuttoned.
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Enough with the fanfic asks, lets drop some hot takes about fanart/vids/meta.
Here are mine:
--lots of great fanart, but not enough of it features Esther, the Night Nurse, Tragic Mick, Jenny, or the ghost postman.
--not enough vids also this is where the ska folks should jump in because surely there is a perfect vid ska vid song for Charles
--not enough meta about the characters I listed re: fanart, especially about what Crystal saw in the Night Nurse's head in ep 4 why have I not seen posts of speculation, but also I would like to know more about how the babydoll spider was created / born and if it has a family. (Ok ONE fanfic mention I GUESS: crossover idea where Shelob is its mom. Charles is like Sam; Edwin is like Frodo. Hell is like Mordor. This makes total sense.)
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akascow · 4 months
*actively running away from babydoll demon spider in hell*
charles: hey hotstuff fancy seeing you here
edwin: charles i appreciate the sentiment but now really is not the best time
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Sapphic Payneland (Chapter 2)!
It’s been about two years since they started the Dead Girl Detective Agency. The last few weeks have been…a lot for Edith Payne.
But she has Charlie there, as always- until she doesn't.
Edith thought she’d felt all her greatest fears in Hell. That nothing could compare to the babydoll spider’s grasping claws and being able to feel herself be torn apart, over and over again.
But of course that wasn’t the worst fear she’s ever felt. It never could be.
Because that entire time, Edith had Charlie by her side, a goddamn force of nature, a quake splitting the earth.
That is what Charlie Rowland has always been: the very earth itself, the tectonic plates that Edith has learned about since their emergence from Hell. Moses has nothing on Charlie Rowland and her ability to split the water, to cause tsunamis, to reshape the goddamn world in the shape of her stubborn, abiding faith.
Edith is certain she wouldn’t have been able to get out of Hell without Charlie by her side. She would have given up long ago.
But now, Charlie has worked herself too far. Guilt crunches Edith’s throat as she kneels down next to the bouncing, buzzing orb of white light.
“I do apologize, beloved,” Edith says.
(Ft. Orb Charlie and some more nsfw content!)
@immacaria @nix-nihili @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @hannaloony @tumblerislovetumblerislife
@every-moment-a-different-sound @gardenveela @verianal @tragedy-machine @queen-of-hobgobblers
@idliketobeatree @wordsinhaled @anxious-al
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