#hello creator of welcome home aus
ddreamghost · 7 months
This is my Welcome Home OC name
✨ Danny Diva ✨
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(This is an old art design. The Left Side is Danny's Swap AU, The Original One is on the Right)
Who are they? Well Neighbor, they are Welcome Home's Eccentric Travelling Neighbor! Who is always away from home! But when she is not away, she always helps her neighbors with the most useful advice or facts from her travels! In the TV series, They always appear in the intermission to always give useful advice from her "travels."
So Danny Diva is that character who always appears randomly to give wisdom or some fun facts that will help the neighbors out in their shenanigans. Danny Diva in the TV Series is always the one who makes the viewers see and appreciate different countries cultures, and customs. The character itself is also the one who makes sure the viewers have general awareness for their environment, and their community.
So Lorewise- If Clown made Danny Diva, Danny Diva is already dead. But! But! Danny Diva has been giving, and leaving clues! Before she got [REDACTED]
She is the one who makes sure You get the answers to the mystery by leaving clues and hidden recording messages, and hopefully You [REDACTED]
So anyway, I used to have a lot of lore ideas about Danny Dive but it's been a long time since I thought about Welcome Home. So all you gotta know is that They are Eccentric, Charamastic, Slightly Unhinged, and may or may not be in love with Julie and Howdy-
So anyway!
This is my other artwork of Danny Diva's Design from Original, and two AUs that I was obsessed with at that time. One is from the Royalty AU And the other is Dream AU~
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This is the full body design of Danny Diva. I wasn't sure if I should make them like a half hybrid (right) or just a regular puppet being. Her outfit could have been better but I wanted to go on a simple approach while also giving them flamboyant vibes. Her color palette isn't like the Welcome Home Characters because I was going and hoping for the "Eccentric" approach but I think I should do better but eh- I already love their simple designs-
Anyway the next design is an AU Design of The Royalty AU!~
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(I created this at the same time, I created the full body design, So you could see the hybrid version.)
So umm this design was created because of the lore of NeonRoss's Royalty AU. Let's just say Danny Diva in that AU is the True King of Spades-
At that time when I was creating this- I wanted to create Danny Diva as one of the Spade Kingdom Citizen but to be specific a Royalty kind! So! The reason why I created this was to give and add more to the story. Mostly the complexity of the Spade Kingdom, especially of how they are branded to be the Villain/Monsters.
So I say to myself- What if Spade Kingdom wasn't known to be that! Or what if I told you that Spade Kingdom wasn't supposed to be like that!
What if I told you that the King of Spade isn't the True King of Spades?
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Sooooooooo- Yes. You know where this is all going- If you don't, you may ask me questions~
So the Next One is a Dream AU Design~
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Danny Diva in this Dream Guardian AU is always in the clouds watching and observing everyone as they go~ Are they a guardian? More like an Observer of Dreams and who's the one who makes sure you daydream out of nowhere-
So that's all of My OC posts~ I could tell you more about Danny Diva but that depends on my mood or you actually send comments, and questions about it.
So anyway meet Danny Diva~ The Eccentric Travelling Neighbor~
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gameshow-host-wally · 6 months
Have you ever dated anyone or had a crush?
"Unfortunately, my dear viewer, I have bigger things to worry about"
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tmntaucompetition · 4 months
List of all AUs that got into the preliminary round!!
Snapdragon - bluesgras
But First They Must Catch You - mudlarkspur (+ao3)
Sorry I’m Late - GeminiForest
Lone Turtle and Hunter - midnightcreator12 (+ao3)
Happily Ever After - Phykoha
Kendratello Childhood AU - zeawesomeness
The Mutation Situation - Indieyuuugre
Quilt AU - Cokowee
I’m sorry teenage mutant what now? - tangledinink
Good Genes - lordshroom
Twin-Sync (More than you Think) - little-banjo-frog
Mama’s Boys - honey_rye
Warrior’s Heart - peanutrat20
Rabbit’s Broach - pigeonsgrame2
UPRISING: A Rise Dystopia AU - alexthenerdbird
Down with the Stockholm - devotedtosadpoetry
Broken Trifecta - genderfluid-envy
TMNT Chicago Style - its-captain-sir
Tiz Sep AU - Tizline
Please Don’t Leave I Need You - TownFowl (ao3)
Sewer Punks - kettle-bird
Grown Apart - Chiscribbs
Leaves from the Vine - Cheetochild989
TMNT Shen and the League of Lesbians - genderfluid-envy
The Unicorn paradox - Mushangaa
Snapper Lou AU - Kittynomore
Sep Leo AU - dianagj-art
The Rise Hunger Games AU - daboyau
Honor Bound - terrazooid
Universes - XxLea_nardoxX
Minecraft Isekai - Songdrop/Caleb at calebscornerofart
Raised by the Capybara AU - Rubies-tmnt-aus
Dee-Evolution AU - cnwolf-brainrot
Welcome to Mutinis - mutiniau
Portal Baby - QuarterGremlins
Wouldn’t It Be Easier - 14Muffinz (+ao3)
Twinpathy - twinpathy
Live Life - centerofleesmind
August’s AU - star-sparkler
No Fun in Fungus - boots-with-the-fur-club
At my Worst - teainthesnow (+ao3)
Ktech - dontfindmeimscared
Camp Hamato - P0t3n1al
Even more of a Disaster - 3lectricinsomnia and teaableu (main blog evenmoreofadisaster)
No Crime only Brooches - Olliethescribe (+ao3)
DNAngel - blye-flower
Finding home - sad-leon
Causa scienta - urlocalllama (ao3)
TMNT 04 - koolaidashley
Is this right? - cruitly-ink
Turtles all the way down - pommigranite
Firefight au - remedyturtles (remrose - ao3)
Death wish - remedyturtles (remrose - ao3)
Ghost AU - Melliedoodles
Mama’s Wishes - Bucketofbugz
Forgive Me - reagi-df
Eclipse - G0LD_Tea (Twitter)
Magic AU - vaudeville-moggie
Mitosis - Varian_dislikes_cheese (ao3)
Vengeance is yours - that-one-dork (+ao3)
The likeness of mirrored souls - enthblaze and omgselinabeckendorf
The employees - theemployees
Hello, Clairvoyant? - cogentsummonor (ao3)
Sidelined au - Dandylovesturtles
100 feet and a world away - Dandylovesturtles
Villain leo - Villianleoau
Bloom from oblivion - Aliteraladhdmess
Soulmates (evil) - error-core-animations (Oofiescreams - ao3)
The somber sunrise - Mocha_Mochaccino (ao3)
Snapdonnie - onejellyfishplease
Ōnryo leo - aquariumgirls (ao3)
Lost in the pink mist - lost-in-the-pink-mist
The Lonely Buzz in Blue - overthinkingbluesparks (+ao3)
The Blood Orange Multiverse - Jade-Clementine (Mylenapony11 + Cherry-blossom-consumer)
Teenage turtle ninja mutants - idiot-mushroom
Revelations Timeline AU - idk_im_just_here_now (ao3)
Two Souls - virgilsspidey (+ao3)
(Please let me know if there’s a duplicate or a creator spelled wrong!)
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Phone Call
(WARNINGS AND DISCLAIMERS!!: First of all, warning for Wally tripping and falling down the stairs. Secondly, Welcome Home and Wally Darling do not belong to me. They belong to partycoffin. This is partially based on the audio someone did of Wally falling down the stairs made by  james.80085 on tiktok. Please support both the original content creators.
This fandom has a grip on me but I don't feel like writing a whole bunch for it since I have other projects so all I'm doing is this simple oneshot with GN reader. Take as platonic or romantic. You're choice. Just know this is based on the idea of a Muppet au which is basically humans live alongside living Puppets.)
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Once upon a time-
"...No. That won't work. How many stories have started with 'Once upon a time' anyways? It needs to be original."
The sound of a crumpled up paper soon after hit the wall. 
Once in a land far, far away-
"...Nah. It sounds like the start of a fairytale. And this episode doesn't revolve around any fairytales so an opening like this wouldn't make any sense to start with."
A crumpled wad of paper gracefully flew through the air before bouncing off the opposite wall and landing with a couple thuds until it stopped just a few inches away from the first one. Both of which missed the trash Bin standing no more than a few inches away from them. Surely a waste of both paper and space but right now you couldn't care less. Too busy with trying to write the next episode's darn script. Not that anyone was really giving you any hands to help, even though there was a certain someone who was SUPPOSED to be! That little blueberry pompadour wearing banana was going to be in BIG trouble if he didn't show up soon to go over this script with you!
"Maybe we should start off by the camera zooming into a storybook that opens up?"...You shook your head. "That's just the fairytale start again but a different way. UGH!!" Papers flew off the desk and onto the floor, pens shook, and a thud sound echoed throughout the small office as your head collided into the desk in frustration. "Write us a new start they said. We've already had Wally painting as the opener too many times they said. You're a script writer so it should be easy for you to come up something in a week they said. Wally agreed to help you they said. 'No problem' he said!" Your head lifted up as a scowl presented itself on your face. "Well then where the heck IS he!? He couldn't even have the heart to call first-"
As if the universe was making fun of you, a rather loud sound coming from the right side of your desk rang out. That high pitched RRRRRIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG echoing throughout the small quiet office and  starling you into almost falling out of your chair and onto the floor along with the many small crumpled up papers, but luckily your hands grabbed hold on the desk and stopped you from wobbling and ultimately falling off and onto the floor. Blinking your eyes. ...What the- RRRIIIINNNGGG!!! The ringing came again after a few seconds of silence making your head snap over to the small electronic device set onto the right side of the desk. It went silent when you looked but sure enough two seconds later- RRRRIIIINNNGGG!!! The phone moved with the loud ringing noises.
Someone was calling you.
You blinked again before scowling and your eyes glanced to a clock mounted just above you on the wall. It was nearly noon!! And not only that! Most of the week's gone by without any help!! It made your annoyance grow, even after you grabbed the phone effectively making it stop ringing, and you held it up to your head as normal.
"Y/n's office." You had to restrain yourself from hissing that through your teeth in your annoyance.
"Hel-Lo.~" A male voice cooed from the other side of the phone and you froze upon realization. "Hello, Neighbor.~ Wonderful weather we have today, but I've noticed you've been stuck in that silly stuffy office lately."
....Oh that wise guy-
Your face deadpanned and your grip lightly tightened on the phone. "Gee. I wonder why? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" A hand gestured at the mess of papers. "The script for the newest episode is due in a few days and you were supposed to come over to help me pick an opening for it!"
"Hm?" The man's voice hummed genuinely confused for a moment before letting out a little gasp of realization. "Oh! So that's what I've forgotten. My apologies! You see most of the week I've had this string wrapped around my finger because I knew I forgot something but I couldn't remember what. It's a good thing Poppy mentioned I should give you a call for whatever reason."
You wanted to facepalm SO badly. "WELL since you remember NOW, WHEN can you free up some time to get here!"
"Um. That might be a little bit of a problem. You see. I've been rehearsing the script we do have-"
"And you've gotten the whole script instead of the opening right?"
"Yes! Gee, you catch on fast. I was so confused on why we didn't just start with the opening, and I discovered because you hadn't written it in yet." Gee. You wondered WHY. "I don't think it's too much of a problem."
"That's because you're not the one who's writing it. I AM."
"Why not just start with someone else?"
Your mind blanked for a moment. "....What?"
"It's simple really. For example just start with...Hmm. Let's say with Howdy bagging groceries and then the camera turns to the door and make it as if the viewer walks out the door and then down the street to where I'll be stationed! I think the kids would love being able to see part of the Neighborhood before the adventure starts."
Your mind still bluescreened as the silence continued on your half of the line and after about seven seconds another hum from the man on the other end came. 
"Hello? Are you still there?"
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? You came up with a good opening in a few seconds, where I've been struggling for the last four days!"
A chuckle from the other end made you flush in both annoyance and embarrassment. "I'm sure you would've come up with something just a good, but I'm glad I could help."
Well..at least you had an idea of what to write now, you just had to write it out and make sure to give a copy to the Director later, and give a mention to Howdy about the use of his store front. With a sigh, you felt some of the annoyance leave your body.
"Well, that's taken cared of at least. But where are you right now? I haven't seen you all day."
"The third floor." You paused. "There was a few new sets being painted and they wanted some insight on them! They all look very beautiful."
"...You could've just come downstairs and taken twenty minutes to help me out with this!," you ended up lightly yelling not that the puppet man seemed too bothered about it really, "I'm literally one floor under you."
"Well I am using the wall phone right next to the stairs," he answered giving a hum. "So you're going with the idea of Howdy's shop?"
"Most likely. It sounds like a good idea."
"Thank you. Oh. Speaking of Howdy's-..A funny thing happened the other day." He continued to ramble on as you sighed. "He had this shipment of apples, so I asked him if I could have a few. He said if I wanted one so bad, I could just drive down to the grocery store since last time I took the whole stack. And I said if you were going to eat all of those apples, you might as well share. Hahaha!''
Despite the annoyance you felt, you couldn't help rolling your eyes and sighing, but smiling afterwards. Puppet humor wasn't the funniest thing in the world to you, but little kids loved his jokes whatever they may be, and it did make you have some form of a small smile on your face.
"Are you smiling?~ I think I feel a smile on the other end of the line," you heard his voice coo and immediately your face burst red in embarrassment.
"What!? No. A-Absolutely not! *ahem* But it was good to finally hear from you. Just be sure next time you don't forget about any important meetings."
"Oh, hey! That also reminds me. I have a date with Jul-"
Unfortunately he never got to finish his sentence because you jumped when what sounded like a wooden thump call from the other side of the line followed by-...A cartoony slip noise?"
"Uh oh-"
"Mr. Darli-"
You also didn't have a chance to answer as a loud BANG from above made you jump from your chair and look up to the ceiling as what sounded like a decently sized object started to noisily fall down the stairs from the third floor AAAAALLLLL the way down to the second floor where you were at. Bang! Bam! Bum! Thud! Crash! And repeat! Meanwhile your ear was assaulted by a pained voice-
"OW- What the-!? AH!! EEEEEEYY-"
And other sputterings as the noises down the stairs above you continued until with a final CRASH noise, you heard a-....Cartoony symbol bang noise? That signaled the end of the assault of noises and then silence came from everywhere, only broken when a low groan of pain exited the phone.
"Mr. Darling! Are you alright?!"
"I-...I think I broke everything," his voice came through the other side of the phone obviously sore from the rough ride down.
You winced and cringed a little bit imagining the descend down. "Would you like me to bring you an ice pack?"
"You..better make it a couple, Sweetheart."
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idioticnobody101 · 7 days
Hello people of the tumblr welcome home community, I have cooked up something quite silly!!
I'm an AU creator now so I'd like to introduce my AU which is....
(And if someone already made this I'm so sorry-)
First off we have BF!Wally:
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(Small note: he does eat with both his eyes and mouth, though he only eats with his eyes around those he trust!)
Like you! Yes, Y/N is GF in this!
(And a shirt option for those who do not wish to wear a dress 😉)
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The others may still be in the works as I haven't thought to far yet-
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marigolddove · 1 year
Love Begins With Murder, Believe it or Not.
Part 3
Request by: @yandere-dark-cupid
I stayed up until 3 am writing this, passed out and then woke up at 6 am to finish it lol. It's okay though I'm not tired, I'm just happy to be writing. I hope you all enjoy this part there will definitely be another part which will probably be the final for a while. I'll probably try and leave this story with a not-so-official ending because I might make one-shots based around this in the future.
Also I'm getting a new job soon so that might cut into my writing a bit but I'm going to keep writing no matter what I'm so grateful for Welcome Home and all it's characters and all my fellow fanfic writers and artists out there making more and more content for this fandom. You guys are all awesome and Welcome Home is officially my comfort Fandom, without it I might've never wrote anything ever again. So thank you to @partycoffin, and all of the AU creators, you're all truly wonderful people.
Warnings: Cussing, mentions of torture and violence, anger issues.
@elegantkidfansoul, @sunkyss, @all-things-fandomstuck, @sailorsimp13, @cricketsjunk
Wally couldn't believe he didn't have one single vase in his apartment, not one! He had been so certain he'd had flowers before, surely he'd had…he was a lover of beauty and nature, so it was extremely frustrating when he couldn't find his—imaginary—vase.
He could've let it go there, just put the bouquet in a tall glass or leave them out to dry and get a vase tomorrow, but to be honest he was procrastinating when he suddenly decided he needed a vase before his nap; he knew of a flower shop fifteen minutes away on a strip he was well familiar with—he often got lunch or dinner from a nextdoor diner, well he did before he hit this depression.
That's what all this is about, after all. Depression.
He lost the desire, the drive, to style his hair, paint, draw, talk to his friends and employees, he doesn't even make eye-contact like he used to; and now to top it all off, he realizes, there's absolutely no life in his apartment. Even his old paintings feel soulless, hollow, because they don't fill him with the emotions he once held as he crafted them.
When the depression set in, he couldn't be sure, it had been a gradual change; but it was one he hadn't noticed until now, he hadn't wanted to think about it.
He feels his face flush in embarrassment as he thinks of his neglect of himself and his home as he drives to the shop, the sky turning orange and blue behind the many buildings surrounding him.
As he kept his eyes trained on the still bustling road ahead, he could only hope he would make it in time so this uncoordinated trip wouldn't be a complete waste.
With traffic being convinently merciful to him this early in the evening time, he is soon racing to the shops entrance door, bouquet delicately cradled by his left arm; completely missing the 'open' sign flipping to 'closed' as his unoccupied hand grasps the door handle and turns.
As he pushes into the building he is shocked to find an employee standing right at the entrance, hand quickly retracting from the door as they lock eyes with him, seemingly just as shocked by his sudden entrance.
The bell above the door chimes.
For Mr. Darling, renowned local kingpin, ruthless 'family' man, time seemed to slow for a moment, just a moment. It was almost as if the chiming of the bell had put him into a trance, or maybe it was just you.
There you stand, (h/c) hair fluttering from the sudden rush of wind that came from him opening the door, staring right at him; your work uniform fitting you quite nicely, especially with your own accessories that added a unique personal touch, not to mention the smell—which was most definitely the shop, but there is no doubt in his mind that you smell any different—sweet and floral.
You're the first to speak, voice a bit nervous at his stare, "O-Oh! Hello, we–ah, I, was just about to close up shop." You move the hand that had been reaching for the door handle to fiddle with a ring on your opposite pinky finger, a sign of anxiety.
Realizing how he must look, a bit wild from the wind whipping his already disheveled hair around with tired eyes, his ears and cheeks grew a little hot, but he clears his throat into his hand as he tries to recover from his sudden and silly attraction.
"I apologize, I didn't mean to just barge in here, but��" he shrugs the arm cradling the bouquet, "I'm looking for a vase, this shop was the only place I could think to find one and it wasn't a far drive…I thought I had a vase, but I was wrong." He explains ratherly lamely, his usual suave and calm demeanor shattered by his growing embarrassment at his current mental and physical state. This was a mistake, he should've just waited for the morning or let the flowers dry out, he should be sleeping right now.
Like an angel you smile at him, so bright and warm it almost feels like the sun is beaming at him, "That's alright! I don't mind a bit, sir, follow me I have some you can choose from in the back." You move to allow him full access and then make your way to what looks to be a storage closet at the back of the shop.
He follows without a word, eyes glued to your figure as you seem to glide to the back, your feet making little to no noise as you move.
The door to the storage closet is open with chalk board sign leaning against the wall next to the door frame, 'small vase $10, medium $15, large $25 ALL HAND MADE!!'.
"You make your own vases?" Wally asks, impressed even before seeing the quality of your work.
You flush as you glance at the sign and then gesture to the closet, signaling him to take a look at your stock, "Yeah, it's a new thing I started doing…I've always been into crafts and stuff like that and working with clay seemed really fun and challenging, so…." He notices your words grow softer, seemingly embarrassed.
Well he can certainly tell you're a beginner, many of the pieces seem a bit lop sided or misshapen, but some are charming due to their faults. Something art had taught him early on is to love imperfections just as much as perfections.
"They're charming." He says, and it's the truth, hearing the honesty in his tone makes you turn a bit more red as you smile gratefully at him.
"Which would you recommend for this bouquet?" He asks, he already has an idea of which vase he'd pick but he wants to hear your opinion.
You eyeball the bouquet, a knowing look sparkling in your (e/c) eyes, and look to the assortment of pottery, "hmm".
Your eyes land on a particularly unique piece on the bottom shelf, it's wide and a bit overly round at the bottom and it narrows a bit more dramatically than you intended at the top, it was also colorful, painted with vertical rainbow stripes that had come out very pastel when you had originally wanted a very bold rainbow color. Overall it had been a bit of a flop, but at the same time it has become one of your favorite pieces and it was a tragedy it had never been used. Whether it looked good with this particular bouquet didn't really matter, to be honest it didn't compliment the bouquet at all, but it deserves a home.
Following your gaze, Wally examines the piece you're staring at so intensely.
"Is that the one?" It certainly wasn't the one he was going to pick, but the way you stared at it with such sentiment made his heart leap. Oh how he missed the days when he would look at his own art with such a nostalgic and sentimental gaze.
"I don't know…it's a little ugly, to be honest…it doesn't really go with the flowers."
"I can always get more flowers." He responds smoothly, catching even himself off guard.
The two of you lock eyes again and he wishes he had examined himself before coming here, so he could know how you see him. He's certain he looks like a mess, and not a hot one.
You seem taken back by his response, but recover quickly to smile, "Yeah, I guess you can. This is a flower shop after all." You glance down at his bouquet again, "you wouldn't happen to know someone named Julie, would you?"
He knew you would recognize the tag and the flower combination, so your question didn't phase him, "Yes, actually. I'm sorry I couldn't come in for the flowers myself, at the time I was…busy."
"Ah, no need to apologize, worrying about a funeral is tough even when you weren't close to the person who died. I'm sorry for being a bit nosey."
"I don't think you're being nosey at all," he ignores the bit about the funeral, not wanting to really lie, but still omitting the truth, "these flowers you picked are really very lovely, I almost want to keep them for myself." He absolutely intends on keeping them for himself.
Your smile turns a bit bashful, "Oh, well thank you. It's nice to know I got it right." Turning back to the shelves of pottery, you crouch to the one you had been staring at, "So is this the one you'd like? Or did you have your eye on another?"
"I'll take that one and these two as well." He gestures his free hand to two other pieces, one being a bit plain and lumpy, the other a bit more colorful; the base color being yellow with red and blue swirls.
"Three?" You ask, a bit surprised.
He grins at you, and unknown to him your heart flutters, "This way I have an excuse to come back, I'm going to need flowers for them, right?" It's been a while since he's tried flirting, but by the way your entire face seems to light up and flush he's certain it's been effective.
"R-Right," you grab two of the vases as he grabs one, "that's three medium sized pots so it'll be $45 dollars." The two of you make your way to the check out counter and place the three pots delicately, "I'll go ahead and wrap these for you." As he grabs the money out of his wallet, you rummage through the work table and pull out a bundle of plain wrapping paper. Carefully, you wrap each individual piece in a thick protective layer of paper, then delicately place the three into an oversized grocery bag, adding more wads of paper between each piece.
Wally lays the money down onto the counter, slipping an extra $5 bill as a tip, as you place the finishing touches on the bag of fragiles. When you're pleased with your work, you hand him the bag with a wide grin, collecting the cash; before you can finish counting Wally tips his head to you.
"You have a good night, doll, stay safe." Without another word he exits the shop, you call after him about his change but he doesn't respond. Upon examining the extra $5 bill closer you notice a series of numbers written on it, when had he done that?
It doesn't take a genius to know that he's written a cell phone number on the bill, despite his somewhat messy appearance your stomach feels as though it's infested with butterflies at the idea that he might have been interested in you. He certainly had flirted with you a little bit, but that didn't have to mean anything, but leaving his number? That means something.
He did say he would need to come back for more flowers, you smile at the thought, carefully folding the bill and tucking it into your pants pocket. You begin to close shop again, this time with no interruptions.
Julie should've told him he looked this awful, he thought to himself as he examined his reflection in the rear view mirror. No, no, no this won't do! Horror pierced it's way into his heart as he also realized that this is how he had looked during your entire interaction. He had flirted like this…left his number looking like this.
A part of him wanted to storm back into the shop and explain that this isn't him, just something he's been dealing with, tell you that he's not some pathetic, greasy nobody like he knew you must've thought he was.
He's Wally fucking Darling, he kills whoever he wants, whenever he wants, sells what he deems profitable no matter how morally gray and takes whatever he pleases. The people that surround him know to not only fear him but to adore him.
In his sudden shock and growing fury he almost, nearly, throws the bag of pottery to the floor of his passenger side; but he doesn't, of course, he's much too collected to just fly off the handle and break things—he most certainly is not, just two weeks before he broke that not-so imaginary vase he knew he had, it had been in a fit of frustration towards Howdy for failing a trade agreement; Wally didn't remember it now, but that day he had taken his only vase and chucked it at Howdy's much higher head. He had missed entirely, and now he's forgotten the whole ordeal.
Thankfully there's even less traffic, somehow, on the way back, which keeps his temper low but bubbling gently to the surface. A rolling boil was sure to start.
When he arrived back to his apartment, he placed the pots onto his sofa along with the bouquet, so delicate compared to the war of emotions he held inside.
Remember: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6—
He enters his massive, stunning bathroom and makes a b-line for the mirrors, he needs a better look at the damage his neglect has done.
If looks could kill one look would make the mirrors shatter, this isn't who he is. He feels like an imposter in his own body when he looks at himself, hair greasy and wild—no longer slicked back due to the wind, he doesn't even like slicking back his hair, it isn't his style! Then there's the grotesque bags under his eyes, when had they become so dark and puffy? How hadn't he noticed sooner? The rage was building now.
7, 8, 9—
Why was his skin so dull an–and sallow?!
Suddenly the sound of his marble counter top cracking triggers a roar of emotion to overwhelm him, he doesn't even register he's injured himself by slamming a fist down onto the marble. The emotions are so raw, so heavy, he doesn't even realize he's out of the bathroom now; doesn't hear the carnage he's creating or his own howls and shouts of incoherent anger and frustration.
When and how did he become so pathetic? How long had the others just sat idly by watching him grow weaker and uglier. His anger blinds him to the memories of when they had tried, all of them had; even Howdy, who wasn't the biggest fan of Wally to begin with, had tried.
The shrill ringing of his telephone snaps him back to reality, in his now bloodied and bruising hands he grips a broken frame that holds–held one of his own designs. His breathing is heavy and his head is swimming, wasn't he just in the bathroom a moment ago?
He drops the frame and stumbles to the phone, wincing at the loudness of it, he doesn't even take a moment to collect himself before answering.
"What do you wa–"
"Hello!" Your soft, sweet voice timidly interrupts his rude greeting.
Suddenly his stomach dips and his heart flips, he really hopes you hadn't heard him.
"Uh-uhm, it seems like I've caught you at a bad time, ha ha. I'm sorry about that, sir." You had heard his sour attitude, fuck.
"No, no," he corrects hastily, not wanting you to hang up, "I'm sorry, I just…I just injured myself getting to the phone." The lie feels bitter, like bile rising in his throat, fuck why did he lie?
"Oh," is your meek response, then a pause, "Well…I'm sorry for calling you so soon…and it's a bit late too, ah, this is so silly I'm really sorry."
He's about to reassure you he doesn't mind in the slightest, and it's the truth, but you continue quickly.
"It's just that I didn't ever give you my name, a-and I never got yours. Also I wanted to give you my number as well, that way I don't have to do all the calling myself, you see." Your stuttering is cute, but your sickeningly sweet reason for calling him has him swooning most of all.
"I see, well," he straightens himself, confidence filling him once more, "My name is Wally, Wally Darling, and you are..?"
"Y/N, Y/N L/N."
"That's a lovely name for such an enchanting flower like yourself, Y/N." He purrs, his turmoil and self-esteem issues quickly forgotten by this new cocktail of emotions, suddenly he's like a giddy teenage boy; twirling the phone cord between his fingers, a toothy smirk growing on his face and he imagines you blushing like you did in the shop.
"Your name is really cute too," you reply, you sound embarrassed but you're definitely smiling.
"Thank you," he grabs the note pad and pen he keeps by his landline, "Now then, what's your number?"
"O-Oh, right!" You quickly tell him your number and he repeats it back to you, once he's gotten it correct he smiles, gently placing his pen back down onto the table.
Sighing, "I must say, I'm glad you called." He admits.
He hums, "Yes, when I got to my car I realized how I must have appeared to you. I typically take better care of myself, but, well, recently I've 'let myself go'." His tone remains light, almost dreamy as he speaks to you, even though on the inside he can feel the suffocating emotions from before bubbling up again.
"I just thought you were having an off day, you're actually very handsome." The way you say it, like its a fact he should already know, makes his face warm. Those emotions dying quickly before they can rise again, for a complete stranger you seem to have a powerful hold over him, you're able to make him feel nervous and excited.
It's pleasant.
"Well," you start, "It's getting late, I'm sure we both have things to do before nighttime."
He glances at the mess he made during his episode, as much as he wanted to disagree he knew he needed to clean up. He wouldn't live in this embarrassment any longer.
"Yes, thank you again for calling me, Y/N. I hope you have a good night."
"You too."
"Stay safe." He hears the receiver cut off on your end, he sighs into the now quiet and lonely air. He's grateful for your ability to distract him, he would've caused more damage to not only his home but to himself had you not called.
Wally looks around at the carnage he caused, grateful he didn't damage his newly aquired pottery and flowers. It's time to fix this.
When Barnaby returns to the building he's immediately greeted by Frank, with a disgruntled Eddie in tow. He had taken a bit longer than he would've liked with the rat, but the boss told him to really work on the guy, and he wanted to be sure the body couldn't be found and linked back to them. He's very thorough.
So he's a bit tired when he's approached by Frank, their face intense.
"Something's wrong with Wally."
Immediately dread fills Barnaby, worried something happened while he was gone, "What happened?"
"We heard him screaming and loud noises, like things being broken, upstairs."
"And neither of you thought to check on him?!" He barks, immediately heading for the elevator.
"It wasn't like the sound of struggling, I know what a struggle sounds like. He's probably just having a fit, like usual now-a-days, and I don't want myself or Frank to be caught in the cross fire." Eddie replies, his tone indifferent.
Frank sighs, following close behind Barnaby, "I wanted to go up and see him, but after what happened with Howdy–"
"I know." Barnaby cuts him off. A vase hadn't been the only thing Wally had thrown at Howdy the last time he became like this, and the vase hadn't landed anyway; but a paper weight had, and so did his punches. Despite not liking him, Howdy had stood there and taken it, claiming the boss "needed that more than anyone knew".
Barnaby wishes it had been him, not Howdy. He didn't want Wally to hurt him, but he's his best friend and he wants to be the one that's there for him at his absolute lowest, as well as his highest. It feels like recently he's missing all of the moments that are crucial for helping his first friend.
"Thank you for letting me know, I'll go see him alone now. You two get back to…whatever you were doing, have a good night." Frank looks like they're about to respond but the elevator doors close, effectively cutting them off.
Barnaby sighs into the silence of the elevator, readying himself for what's to come when he reaches Wally's penthouse.
He's surprised when he arrives and the room is filled with gentle music coming from the Gramophone—the record player—across the spacious living area; someone's singing in the bathroom, he soon realizes it's Wally singing and he's even more stunned. Wally hasn't sung a song in all the time he's known him, claiming he couldn't carry a tune.
To Barnaby, he sounds like a professional, smooth and suave. It almost feels like he's intruding, but the mess of the room makes him stay. Wally seems to have started cleaning up his mess, which is a nice change of pace. Typically Julie would come in and clean for him after hearing he'd had an episode, saying he deserves a clean safe space, even if he's the one trashing the place.
Barnaby moves to relax on the sofa, careful to avoid the bag Wally had left. He sits and waits a while, enjoying the soft melody and the surprisingly relaxing aura that the chaotic room held. He finds himself humming along with Wally, not knowing the words of his song.
When he hears his friend's singing end and the water shut off his posture straightens and becomes a little tense; worried how his little buddy might react at his sudden intrusion.
To his surprise, Wally exits the bathroom in a plush bathrobe, hair expertly wrapped in a towel atop his head as he continues humming a tune; and when he catches sight of Barnaby he's shocked but smiles.
"Ah, you're back. I did wonder if you would come and see me again today, I'm glad you're back safe." He moves closer to the sofa, bare feet padding against the hard wood floors, "Sorry for the mess, I got a bit carried away again today. I'm also sorry if I've been short with you today."
"There's no need to apologize, Boss. I'm just glad you're looking better."
"I do look better don't I? It's amazing what a shower and a quick skin care routine can do to a man." He says as he rummages through the grocery bag on the couch, pulling out three bulky items wrapped in paper.
He sits next to Barnaby and unwraps them, the record now fading into a new melody. Wally places three…interesting vases on the low table in front of them. His smile seems brighter as he looks at them.
"You starting a collection?" Barnaby jokes.
Wally hums, "I'm considering it."
"I told Julie to buy flowers for the…rat's lady friend, I intended on sending her a message with them, only to find out she herself is a rat. So I decided I'd keep the flowers for myself, they're quite pretty." He explained, his voice soft.
"But what's with the pottery?"
Wally laughs, "Well pretty flowers need equally pretty vases, my friend." Barnaby wasn't sure he would call them pretty, but he wasn't an artist so what would he know?
"Why'd ya get three though?"
"You're awfully inquisitive today, aren't you?" For a moment Barnaby worries he's stepped too far, but Wally's tone sounds mostly teasing and light hearted, "I bought three because I couldn't just pick one that I liked; besides, my home could use more art."
"Yeah, sure. It's just nice to see you smiling and, uh, getting out there." He admits awkwardly, his smaller friend looking up at him with a wide grin, it seems genuine compared to his usual facade.
"It has been nice, today hasn't been perfect, but it's been nice." Wally rises from the sofa, grabbing the plain, lumpy vase and the bouquet as he moves to the kitchen.
Carefully, he fills the vase with the recommended amount of water and retrieves a bit of lemon juice he's had sitting in his fridge for a month now—it's been longer than a month, he just doesn't know that—he adds a few drops to the tap water before arranging the flowers inside the vase.
He carries the vase filled with flowers back to Barnaby and places them at the center of the low table, adjusting it's position on the table until he deems it perfect.
Wally sighs as he relaxes back onto the couch next to his much larger friend, "Now all I need is more flowers to fill the other two, perhaps I'll make paintings of them as well, they're inspiring me already." He didn't say what else might be inspiring him, but in his mind an image of you formed. Maybe he would sketch you as well.
Barnaby raised a brow at him, even though he wouldn't see it, and smiled, "Hey, I'm glad you're wanting to paint again little buddy, after what happened earlier I thought you might be giving up for good."
Mentioning their time together earlier that day seemed to sour Wally's mood a bit, "Yeah, well, torture and death aren't always the best motivation I've realized."
At his sudden tone change, Barnaby scrambles to get him back to his pleasant mood, "So where'd ya get the pottery? Any place I might know?"
This seems to work as a twinkle appears in his eyes once again and he turns to fully face Barnaby, a soft and genuine smile gracing his features.
"You might, Eddie talks about it all the time it would seem, everyone knew about it but me, ha ha." He continued, "Well, actually, I knew of the flower shop but I had never gone in before, until today. You might know it, it's (S/N), over on 9th Street."
Barnaby contemplates the location a moment, he can't say that he does recall a flower shop there, "It's not ringing any bells, but whats so special about it, you seem very…happy and I'm not so sure it's about a flower shop."
Wally's eyes widen and pink dusts across his cheeks, something Barnaby isn't sure he's ever seen happen to his friend before, "Well, I suppose it's about more than a shop, yes," then he stubbornly adds, "Although the flowers do make me happy."
Barnaby motions for him to continue, Wally sighs and while it sounds like frustration he still has a grin on his face.
That's when Barnaby learns about you, although he's certain he might have heard of you before through Eddie Dear, but he knows Eddie never talked about you so dreamily.
This is also when Barnaby learns that his best friend might have experienced love at first sight.
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In Pursuit of Happiness | Various Genshin Men x Reader SAGU AU
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A/N: Hello everyone and sorry for the extremely late update. Real life has really decided to kick me in the butt. At this point, I’m not sure where the story is going to lead us because I don’t know where we’re going. I’m going to need a beta reader later or something. But in other news, I’ve been trying to make a discord server for anyone that’s interested in this story and sharing ideas, getting along, Simp for genshin characters share tips for the game. :3
Not beta read/proofed, we die like Signora
Word count: 3381
Tags/Warnings: Female!Reader, Child! nephew Reader, God!Reader, Cult AU, Fluff, Romance, Found Family, and many references to other fandoms
First>> Next>>>
Summary: The task of an aunt is no easy thing, especially towards a rambunctious and curious nephew who can not sit still. After a bad car accident, the two of them awaken in the world of Teyvat where Y/n must do her best to not only keep herself and her nephew alive to find a way back home but to also beat back all kinds of suitors and become the pseudo mother to every child she meets and her nephew befriends.
CHAPTER 3 – Meeting the Geo Archon
It wasn’t a good day to wear a skirt as the cool breeze was blowing more than normal. But that didn’t stop Y/n from wearing any shorts underneath. Little else mattered as she heard her nephew laugh, hearing it echo with the winds and making the lands of Liyue and Tevvat glow with joy as the two waltzed through the skies.
She had always wanted to try this out ever since she saw Howl’s Moving Castle, but it would be better to try it out with a handsome partner. One can only dream.
“Weee!” her nephew’s cries of joy and his glee were heard by Teyvat as it hummed. The land, skies, and seas were calm and watched their beloved creator and her heir slowly descending towards the ground, flowers and leaves moving to bloom fully to soften their landing. Thanking the plants and the winds, Y/n knelt to fix [Nephew’s name] clothes and hair, avoiding the childs playful swats.
“Auntie! I can do it myself!” he pouted and continued to push the young woman’s hands away as she smoothened the ruffled-up hair, earning a small chuckle.
“I know, but I want to. There’s going to be few chances left that I could do this when you grow up. You’ll grow big and won’t need me anymore.”
They might have struck a lot towards the child as he quickly wrapped his arms around her waist, enveloping her in a hug as his face reached only to her stomach, surprising the woman but welcomed the affection, gently stroking his hair and back.
“I think I’ll always need you.”
Living with him as made Y/n think he was a son to her. Out in public both back home and here, many thought they were mother and son. The amount of times she corrected people was laughable, but she couldn’t deny the warmth in her heart – how highly the boy thought of her.
Pulling away, she held his hand once more as they made their way back towards the Hilichurl camp hideout where the Hilichurls and Billy were waiting for them.
The first to notice their arrival was a Lawlchurl Y/n had affectionately called Mufasa. He made a slight noise that alerted the rest of the camp and saw the two as they all cheered and started to give out food even before the announcement.
“Well, it seems you’re all celebrating already but he’s in good health, everyone. Thank you so much for helping me take care of him.” The entire camp cheered, Billy the Hydro slime bounced up and down as he nuzzled against the young boy who was giggling. Teyvat showed their happiness by glowing and emitting more flowers that the boy enjoyed.
It was a blessing to hear the laughter and joy of the Divine Creator and their heir.
Amber eyes followed them, watching from a distance as he didn’t want to startle the Hilichurl camp. It was one of the biggest ones he’s seen, with towering huts and homes, platforms, and towers as tall as some cliffs he made during the Archon Wars. How was this able to escape detection, he wouldn’t know. He noticed that his camp was far from the main paths that led to the nearest villages and Liyue Harbor. It would have been easy to pass by the camp without knowing its existence. But he could understand the mass attempting to protect Her Eminence and her Heir.
For thousands of years, he has seen and cared for the numerous statues of the creator all around Teyvat (mainly Liyue) – one of the perks of being the oldest of the Archons. He has visited the shrines dedicated to their benevolent god. He had once been in their divine presence before and after so long of their absence, he could never forget the radiating warmth or the glowing of Her Eminence when she bestowed blessings or created life. He had seen her fight numerous times when otherworlders or even outer Gods attempted to take Teyvat for theirs – he wondered how it would be to fight alongside her.
He was Morax.
How could he face her when he took part in the Archon Wars, the destruction of Khaenri’ah… events that he knew His precious Creator vehemently protested against. The death of so many of her creations by his hands due to misplaced grief…
“Auntie! Let’s play! Or we can go out again with the Hilichurls! Or better yet! Let’s hold a party!”
“Oh? What kind of party would it be?” Tilting her head to the side, the young woman decided to entertain her nephew, smiling as she knelt down to his height, right before he wrapped his arms around her, the woman picking him up with ease and spun around, earning a few laughs and giggles.
“A dance party! One with music and food! Lots and lots of food!” Though he was ecstatic, [Y/n] could see the sadness on his face and in his voice, looking back at the slimes and Hilichurls sensing the young boys want for friends to eat with them. This world wasn’t kind to monsters like them..
They disliked seeing the boy saddened by anything, he greatly valued their company and friendship from what the young woman noticed.
They’d have lived among cities and towns once but… she couldn’t accept how people treated the Hilichurls and slimes, some saying that they were simply monsters with no thoughts.. living among other people also meant that she accepted being a part of this world. Half of her did want to since she didn’t want to go back to such a mundane life where her life was just… average. Doing the same thing every day all year round and repeat. It wasn’t appealing. The other half wanted to go home as she missed many things, one of them being her family. And her nephew had to go back too for he sorely missed his parents even as he put on a brave face for his aunt.
Holding him close again, she hummed gently as Billy and a small Dendro Slime hopped alongside her as she walked towards their hut.
Zhongli smiled at the child’s desire. And frowned at the lucky Hilichurls and smiles that were around the Creator. It was natural for all creatures to gravitate towards the Creator, he was one of the lucky few that got so close long ago. He remembered her showing unconditional love and though some wished to be considered a favorite, she never chose anyone. These actions made everyone instantly love their Creator and dedicated themselves to follow them. He remembered during those times how he wanted to prove his loyalty to their World, their Eminence. What could he do to prove to them that he was faithful and loyal.
Some feared being selfish but would it really be bad to be selfish just once?
He saw an opening to get close and he made his move, making sure to be unnoticed as he had to have the two in his vision in fear of them leaving again.
“Auntie, why do we keep moving? I want to stay in Liyue.” The young boy laid his head against the womans lap, pouting as the said woman giggled, her hand running through his hair gently.
“Because soon people of this nation… the Qixing, the Millilith, and even possibly the adeptus will know that we’re different. Before we came here, I read stories where though some people appeared like their god, they were chased away despite being the real one. It’s my job as your guardian and aunt to keep you away from danger.”
He wouldn’t dare!
The thought that he or anyone in Liyue could turn away their Divine Creator would be preposterous. To dare harm or turn away the Creator was blasphemous!
“Do they think we’re bad people? Is it because we’re those Gods they talk about?”
“That’s part of it. But even if you are, don’t let it get to your little head. Remember, with great power-
“Comes great responsibility. I know, Auntie.”
The young heir was intelligent – a hope for the future. Though it was the desire of everyone to have him live happily, live innocently and never let him see the hardships that Teyvat has seen.
Seeing his chance, he made himself known as he quickly stepped in front, knowing that he’ll shock his beloved creator and her heir as they audibly gasped, the woman quickly holding her nephew close while the two slimes appeared in front and were waiting for their word to attack and defend – even going so far as to even let the Hilichurls know of the intruder before the man suddenly knelt to the ground, his forehead touching the ground.
This was his chance!
To show his unwavering devotion, his adoration. His love for the Divine Creator that helped him keep sane for so many years. And the glee to be the first of the seven to find her.
“Your Grace! Though I’m unworthy to be in your presence, please hear me out.”
[Y/n] held [Nephew’s name] close to her as the mysterious man appeared. Billy and the Dendro slime didn’t waver as they were serious in their job. [E/c] eyes stared down at the man that was basically kowtowing in front of her – the man was quite tall though she couldn’t be too sure just yet. His skin was fair, short dark hair with a long fringe to his right and amber tips. There was a section of his hair that ends towards his waist. But [Y/n] knew one thing….
He was handsome.
And [Nephew’s Name] knew it too as he was willing to hear the man out. Besides, he was a mission and he was sure that he may have found a worthy person to make his aunt happy. Wiggling out of his aunts grip, same as when they first met the Hilichurls, he hopped down and slowly walked towards the man as his head was still touching the ground. But [Nephew’s name] was quite certain that the mysterious man wasn’t going to hurt them. He raised his hand slowly and [Y/n] was behind him, watching with batted breath and to ensure nothing happened to the boy. The small hand gently touched the mans hair, curious as he ran his fingers through it slowly and patted him gently, the man moving to look up at them.
Seeing them this close, it was there that Zhongli finally shed tears.
His despair for many years have now been rewarded in seeing his God, his beloved.
Her glow, though dimmed by her mortal form, he could clearly see it – the envy of the stars and the moon in the night skies. Her stare – it was said to hold mass kindness and wisdom, a far away look that knew about the past, present, and the future and even beyond worlds.
Standing before him was the very God that he devoted his victories to in his younger years, the very God that made all of Teyvat and Celestia mourn from their disappearance.
[Nephew’s Name] was cheering in his mind as the man was indeed handsome. Gorgeous even! If he wanted to, he could set him up with his aunt! He had to play his cards right!
“Mister, are you okay?”
It wasn’t the words of his beloved but the voice of the child that brought him back.
The Heir.
The Divine Creator talked constantly about their relatives, about their siblings and how one of them gave birth to a child, the very child that was in front of him. A child that everyone agreed to be the God of Youth and Innocence.
He truly fit the role as he was bestowed with perfectly as there was childlike innocence in his eyes but he could see a hidden mischievousness too. How easy it was for him to see through his sorrow and the Divine Creator just standing behind the child and looking at him with concern. Concern for him, a lowly Archon that has worshiped her for millennia.  
The Geo Archon felt tiny fingers wipe away the tears from his eyes as he stared gently at the boy who smiled widely.
“There now! Hey, do you want to hear a story? Auntie always said that the tears always turn to gems or even become stars. I like stars so when I cry, I wish that they soon go so high up and hope that they shine the brightest so people can wish on them or even be homes to others!”
This wishful thinking earned a giggle from the woman, making the two slimes then relax a little as they then nuzzled against the boy who giggled as well.
“Well, its bad for a growing boy to hold back your emotions. Ah, sir, you may stand. I’m sure it must hurt your knees being in such a position.” Her Grace was benevolent just as he remembered!
He stood just as he was told, though amused by the child’s pout before he went back to his place beside his aunt, holding onto her skirt and hand as the two slimes stood at each side of the two.
“I’m sure you have plenty of questions, oh man of Liyue. Or… could I call you Morax? Or… what name are you comfortable with?”
In the year of being in Teyvat, there has been access to public libraries like in Mondstadt, and Sumeru. There was also the people of Liyue talking animatedly about the history and culture of the land and even the Gods that once roamed everywhere, but not so much as the Lord of Geo, Rex Lapis. But others tend to call him Morax as well and if her research was correct, the Mora of Teyvat was named after him.
One other thing that [Y/n] learned was that the Geo Archon was known to have many disguises but one tell of his was that each disguise had his signature Geo Amber eyes.
“Your Grace…” Though it shouldn’t surprise him, Zhongli was speechless. But then again, she was the Divine Creator. The Lady that created All should be the last one he should be surprised in their actions.
“I am still the governing Archon of Liyue. Rex Lapis will do. But I also go by the name of Zhongli.”
“I see. Well then. Zhongli, there is something I must ask of you.” [Y/n] smiled gently, the Geo Archon looking almost hopeful.
“You must pretend you never saw us here today.”
He didn’t think it was possible to hear one’s own heart break until today. Could he have done something wrong? Surely not. He couldn’t have when he has been a faithful follower all these centuries. Could Barbatos and Baal say the same? Or even the others? Well, he could see the Dendro and Cryo Archons, but to his degree of devotion?
“Your Grace. I can’t do that. The people of Liyue… the people Across Teyvat. They are searching for you and the young Heir. Surely, someone of your stature and his deserve comfort and a safe haven other than in the wilds!”
[Y/n] sighed as she held onto her nephew, closing her eyes to think for a moment. She was sure now the Hilichurls heard their voices but she didn’t want a fight to break out.
“Yes. I understand that but…” Could she play around with the people’s faith here? This sounded sacrilegious. It could be just a coincidence that she happened to share the same face – the same likeness – as the great God of this world. If she waited long enough, maybe the real one will come and she could even ask if they could send her and her nephew home.
“But… I am not ready to take the mantel of being Teyvats God. It has been a year, yes. However I must think of my nephew. He is still young and confused of the responsibilities he will have one day. I don’t want to rush him towards that blind. Though I have full faith in all of you, there are just something where it needs to be me to tell him.”
‘Okay, that sounded mature and reasonable. Not sacrilegious either. Maybe he’ll take this answer.’
“But, Your Eminence! We are your faithful creations. Your burdens are our own and if there’s any way we can help, then we’ll gladly do so!”
Faith is said to be strong, also depending on the person or being. Reading more, Morax or Rex Lapis was said to be one of the most, if not the most, faithful of all the Gods that still live among Teyvat. If anyone that was still alive in the time of the first appearance of the Creator that was faithful to the God, it would be Morax.
“And I am grateful for such loyalty. However, my nephew is my top priority. As I said before, pretend that you never saw us. But, that doesn’t mean that I have forgotten you and the others. May we meet again, oh Great Geo Archon.” Carefully holding onto her nephew, [Y/n] swiftly ran out of the hut, Billy and the Dendro slime following behind as the two soon took to the skies like earlier.
It didn’t seem right to give the Archon hope, but it were the words that might give him comfort. The following days, she has noticed that some powers were coming to her. And though she was in denial, that first day with the Hilichurls starting in Mondstadt with her blood being gold was an indicator that she was who the people of Teyvat say she is.
“Auntie, why did you leave him? He seemed so nice!” [Nephew’s name] cried out as he climbed onto her back and held on tightly. She glanced back and smiled gently.
“Because what he was asking of me was something I’m not ready for. Besides, the day that we must go home might be here sooner than you think.”
Isekai anime and manga taught her much to be weary of who to trust and how much to reveal. And if worse comes to show that she must be cunning to enact revenge. Hopefully it won’t come to that, but it never hurts to prepare.
“We’re going far away, nugget. We’re going to have to work on a disguise for each other. Think of it as Halloween all over again.”
“Yay! Halloween!”
The next stop of their adventure was the nation of Sumeru, where the green forests met with their vision and made them audibly gasp. They have been here before but every time they step foot in the forests, there was a singing being heard either by Teyvat themselves or the beings that inhabit the forest.
Unbeknownst to the two, a certain amber eyed Archon was running around Liyue in hopes to find the Divine Creator and her nephew. How could he take his eyes off of them and let them leave after he just discovered them?! Though he wasn’t in touch with Celestia, he was certain the higher powers that his beloved God was a part of would surely punish him.
He hasn’t been this frantic since the Archon wars, protecting his people and sheltering more ever since Havria was killed and her followers fearful for their lives. Every second mattered, every second with every action meant the difference between life and death as sought protection for the mortals he was caring for as well.
Though he was certain that Teyvat would care for his beloved God, there was the voice in his mind that spoke of the untold dangers that might come from extreme devotees or even, dare he say, sacrilegious zealots – people that were adamant that the Creator never existed. To them, he would show them the Wrath of the Rock. How dare they when he himself has seen Her. And he has seen Her with the Heir this time.  
He will remain hopeful of seeing her again. And the next time he will come across Her path, he will be sure that Liyue will be the home that they deserve – for it is said that wherever the Creator decides to descend will be showered with grand favor other nations will gladly go to war for.
A/n: Zhongli is going to be a simp but that's okay UwU What will happen next? Btw, I just now made it to Sumeru sooo~ will we meet Al Haitham? Cyno? Nahida? Kaveh? Who's to say~ We still got the men in Mondstadt, Inazuma and Childe. And the rest of Liyue cause we only met Baizhu and Zhongli. Everyone, good luck pulling for whoever you want! I'm pulling for Al Haitham~!
I tried tagging most of who I could but it wasn't letting me qwq
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fuckyesfeysand · 1 month
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Creator Highlight #5 - @rosanna-writer
Welcome back to Feysand Creator Highlights!! We want to take a moment to recognize the amazing individuals in our fandom who kindly use up so much of their freetime and creative energy to share their work with us!
Today we want to highlight @rosanna-writer! If you've ever wanted to follow a feysand creator who was kind, uplifting of others, positively engaged in the acotar fandom, and absolutely brimming with talent, then you really need to look no further!!
Rosanna-writer has had an incredible influence of the feysand community. You'll always find her leaving encouraging words on fics, bouncing ideas off with other creators in the tags, and willing to ask the important questions like, what if Rhys was a goat?
This creator truly understands what it means to be part of a community, and we are grateful that this is the one she's chosen to share her beautiful writing with. It was hard to just pick a few, but here are some of our favorite feysand fics she's shared with us:
to make them love me and make it seem effortless - When the High Lord of the Spring Court whisks her off to Prythian, it's exactly what Feyre Archeron wants. Her plan: let Tamlin romance her to break the curse and use her proximity to him to pass military secrets back to the mortals. And it works—until a certain other High Lord tries to steal documents she's after.
The Dust of the Stars in Her Eyes - Feyre Archeron didn't want a prince, just a night off and a dress. But when the mating bond snaps for Rhysand at the ball where his father is pressuring him to choose a wife, he'll do anything to keep Feyre close—even convince her to fake an engagement to him.
we said hello and your eyes look like coming home - A canon-divergent AU where the bond snaps for Rhys on Calanmai, Feyre unwittingly accepts it, and Fire Night magic proves to be more transformative than anyone bargained for. Feyre drags a mate she hardly knows out from Under the Mountain, then puts him back together as war with Hybern approaches.
You can also find more on her AO3!
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pjberribear · 2 months
Hello fellow folks! I don't know when there will be an actual new update for the "It Takes Two" AU I've made.
Yeah sure, there was that 3D model I made but that wasn't even an official thing. So, sense I've been kind of slow with updates, I'll tell you all some of the lore with the storyline. I'm still writing the story, some things might change later on.
I bet some of you guys were wondering why is Julie "Rose" in the AU. Of course, Julie haves a strong bond with both of them and It make sense why she's trying to help them love each other once again. Also, I seen some fans make little comics about how Eddie and Frank liked each other in the first place, Julie was the one who got them together in some cases. I wanted to add that into the story, that's why she's sad about them divorcing. Now that they are ending their relationship, Julie feels helpless by the fact that she didn't try to prevent this from happening. Plus, Julie feels like she was the cause of it. When Frank and Eddie argue, sometimes she over hears them and it sounds like they are indeed "blaming her." Julie wanted to run away and go back to her childhood home, she tried to leave cause the neighborhood brought back so many memories of her and them. Guilt ate her up inside so she left Frank and Eddie behind, hoping that they can solve it by themselves since she wasn't much of a help at all.
That's why I wanted to go with the "Alternate Ending" route, to show how Julie actually feels deep down inside. To show Frank and Eddie's hatred for each other, by making their anger into something that symbolizes an existing thing other than it just being an emotion.
Here's some reference images to go off of for my description I gave to you.
The creator that is made out of both of their anger.
(I'm gonna redraw it soon.)
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The whole level that surrounds Julies feelings and point of view.
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Song lyrics I thought matched her situation.
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I been having a bit of trouble with the ending for the story. I still want to do the "Alternate Ending" but then again, I want to do the original ending because it's too sweet to give it up. I'll just have to see about that. I was thinking about cutting out the original ending because some of the story elements doesn't really fit "Welcome Home" in general, I'm still sticking to the logic of "Welcome Home" while sticking with the story for "It Takes Two." The whole level with May finding back her passion with singing didn't quite work with Frank as a character. Sure he does sing, but I don't think it can be a passion of his. He also sings with the others too, so there's nothing really unique with that ability cause everyone does that in the neighborhood. I know that Julie, Frank and Eddie does gardening and that's something that is common in the area. But I think it can be their own thing that makes a difference for the rest of the cast, since they love doing it and they seem to be the only ones who does it.
Here's a video that covers the other ending for the storyline, if you're interested!
This is where these images came from.
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Anyways, this is a lot of typing so I'm done for now. Let me know your thoughts and opinions for the lore and story. There's much to cover for changes. I'll update this now and again, so if you want to ask a question for the storyline then my ask box is all open! I never get anything in there so it's open no matter what. If you want to know more about the other AU (DDLC) then you ask about that too.
I hope you have a great day! <3
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theguildawards · 7 months
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Hello guildmates!
The Nomination Period is now closed! Below the cut you will find a complete list of all the fanfiction nominations received for The Guild Awards this term! The mobile-friendly version can be found in a Google Doc here that has the complete list! You can find the list of all the fanart nominations here!
If you do not see your nomination, or you find issues with the links, please reach out to us as soon as possible!
We are going to give you 2 weeks time to enjoy all of the pieces nominated for this term! We strongly encourage that when you view a work of art or read a fanfiction, please reblog or leave a review to let the creators know how much their work and talent is appreciated!
The voting period will begin November 15th and end November 29th midnight PST!
In order to be able to vote, you will need to login. We will be posting the link to the voting form on the first day of the voting session.
Got a question? Check out ourFAQor send us an ask!
Message one of the mods directly: @sassybratt9791 @phoenix-before-the-flame @kiliinstinct​ @ratretro  @phoneboxfairy
Thank you to everyone who nominated for making this term absolutely wonderful and happy voting!
[please reblog to help spread the love of these amazing creators!]
Best Action/Adventure
“The Other Four Idiots, Plus a Cat” by @thehylianidiot (tumblr/AO3)
“Fairy Tail’s Twin Dragons” by LokaMuse (AO3)
“yuánfèn” by tiddiejoon (AO3)
Best AU/AR
“More than just a Fairy Tale” by ChaoticKori (AO3)
“Ain’t it warming you the world gone up in flames? Ain’t it the life of you, you’re lighting of the blaze” by JenaSmiless2s (AO3)
“One Night in New York” by @eryiss (tumblr/AO3)
“Lies and Deception” by @gaychkn-nuggets (tumblr/AO3)
“Fairytale of Doom” by Crimsonstarbird (AO3)
“Fairies After Dark” by shelbyshoe (AO3)
Best Canon
“Episode One: Hargeon” by @genavere (tumblr/AO3)
“Iron Honeymoon” by kaotic312 (AO3)
“Knees Deep” by FantastiqueParfait (AO3)
“The Key(s) to Victory” by riddlercj (AO3)
“Day of Parting” by Heartofroses (FFN)
Best Angst
“Arcane” by @classysassy9791 (tumblr/AO3)
“doubt truth to be a liar” by SilverSnowblossom (AO3)
“Turn on the Light” by Natsudragneelswhore (AO3)
Best Dark
“happy ending” by @tokkias (tumblr/AO3)
“Guilty but Freed (Justine)” by MadFreakChloe (AO3)
“if you asked me i would lose it all” by ObsessiveExplosion (AO3)
“The World is Ugly” by StevMarie (AO3)
“The Colosseum” by @kiliinstinct (tumblr) / Rougescribe (AO3)
Best Drama
“Midnight in the Woods” by Akira_Takeshi (AO3)
“Bring Back What Once Was Mine” by Winged_Capybara (AO3)
“The Virus” by Horrorgurlx (FFN)
Best Humor/Parody
“glowstick mode, activate” by @greyseyebrowscar (tumblr) / lilyntlrs (AO3)
“A Weapon of Mass Love” by EeveeGirly (AO3)
“Captive” by hisuichanxx (FFN)
Best Oneshot
“Looking for his demon” by @jemmahazelnut (tumblr/AO3)
“For you, there’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do” by SunSnake (AO3)
“the long road home” by @sunslants (tumblr/AO3)
“no one knows” by RatLuvrr (AO3)
“I Shall Go On Living” by SagetheWriter (AO3)
“Goddess of Water” by Kikuneesama (AO3)
Best Character Portrayal
“Feline Senses” (Loke/Leo) by Pokedash55 (AO3)
“The Fourth of Jellal” (Mystogan) by @dragonshost (tumblr/AO3)
Best Romance
“epiphany” by thetr1ckster (AO3)
Best LGBTQ+ Romance 
“In Your Love” by @sandwitchstories (tumblr/AO3)
Best Serial
“Tra’viin Tome’mir” by GemmaRose (AO3)
“Abandon Your Fear” by PagesInTheLibrary (AO3)
“Heart Shaped World” by Myahud (AO3)
Best Ficlet
“Steak and Strawberries” by @cobrakiin (tumblr) / lilykotsu (lilycobra) (AO3)
“Whumptober2023 1: “How Many Fingers am I Holding Up?” by @thehylianidiot (tumblr)
Best Classic
“I Leave You, My Pride” by @wildrhov (tumblr) / Rhov (AO3)
“Welcome to the Masquerade” by StevMarie (AO3)
“Contract of Three” by HazelRoses (AO3)
“Midnight to Dawn: A Kindred Soul” by @gemnika (tumblr/AO3)
“Kidnapping Erza” by CrimsonStarbird (FFN)
“mirror mirror” by mochiwrites (AO3)
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type1dragonwolf · 5 months
Intro Post!!
Hello!! I am Type1DragonWolf, and welcome to my page!! I am a Wings of Fire, Warrior cats, Mystreet, Garten of BanBan, Don’t Hug Me, I’m Scared, Welcome Home, Sun and Moon Show/Lunar and Earth Show fan, but I will mostly focus on SaMS/LaES!!
I take asks, art requests, fan art and questions! :) Questions you might have:
Pronouns/Gender: She/Her, female
Sexuality: Straight/Heterosexual Age/B-Day: Teenager/September 25th
What to call me: Emiko (not real name), but I would prefer DragonWolf, or just dragon or wolf :)
Goals: Become an animator when I’m older
Height: 5’5”
Fav colors: Magenta and Mint, but I also love cold and pastel colors!!
Favorite characters: Freedom/Lizard(Wings of Fire), Jayfeather and Briarlight(Warrior cats) and Lunar, Earth, Solar and Frank(SAMS/LAES)
Fav foods: Black licorice(I’m serious) and taro milk boba tea with boba bubbles!
Fav ships: Winter x Lynx(WoF), Jayfeather x Briarlight & RavenBarley(WC) and Earth x Monty & Lunar x Gemini(SAMS/LAES)
Fav quotes: No one’s going to pity you forever. —Gemini
Sometimes helping people is just criticizing them. Doesn’t mean you hate them. —Sun
Likes: BOOKS, BARNES & NOBLES, Music, colors/color theory, Dogs/wolves, cats, Dragons, FNAF, Warrior Cats, Wings of Fire, Sun and Moon Show/Lunar and Earth Show, Aphmau’s Mystreet, Aphmau’s MID, squishmallows, drawing and doodles, ocs, oc STORIES, aus, friends, comments and likes, emoji faces, heat, fun facts/learning new things
Dislikes: My family, jerks/haters, being interrupted, doing school (I don’t HATE it, just don’t like doing worksheets and stuff), The creator(from SAMS/LAES), Kai (from Mystreet, he makes my blood BOIL), excessive lip smacking, heights, the dark (kinda)
I’m ok with reposts (as long as you credit me), reblogs, likes, comments, and tips!! Your opinion matters!! I will also take art requests!!
1: No being rude of disrespectful
2: Do not steal my art and claim it as yours (who would want to anyways with how bad it is? 🥲)
3: Explore all you want!! Mi casa es tu casa!!
This is my main oc Emiko Schwartz. (Her eyes are brown in case you’re wondering) She is a Wolf/Human hybrid. (Or a furry, I guess) Her power is that her ears and tail change color to reflect her emotions, and this is her default colors. She used to be orange and yellow, which mean happiness and contentment, however, over the years they have changed to Magenta(Hurt/Anger) and Mint(Envy). Also, beware of when her eyes turn magenta. That means she will turn into a wolf and probably attack!
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My TSAMS/LAES Magic AU - Ao3
Tags - TSAMS Magic AU • LAES Magic AU
You can also click the ‘Tsams magic au’ or ‘LAES Magic au’ in the tags below to see the character designs!!
Thank you for reading!!
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gameshow-host-wally · 6 months
Hii Mr. Wally, I kinda forgot which type of affection you like so here *gives bag of apples* Also do you have a birthday? Or maybe you remember when you first started the game show!💕
“Hmmm, I can’t recall far back of my life. The first show was July 19 so maybe I can use that as my birthday? I’m not entirely sure if I want that”
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ask-courier-eddie · 1 year
Welcome! Make yourself home!
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Hello! Welcome here to the official Courier ask! In here you can ask questions or interactions with Courier Eddie 💌
But first, Who is Courier Eddie?
Courier!Eddie is one of the two multiversal archive mailmen in charge of bringing to you your package or letter
Courier Eddie or just Courier delivers the scripts, tapes and everything an AU might need to exist, but also takes personal requests for deliveries
Currently he lives on his post office alongside Wayfinder [by Bloomenvogel on Twitter] (One of the two multiversal Sally’s)
You can find more about him here
Before going ahead and start asking questions the boundaries and rules you must follow!
Courier won’t be answering NSFW or suggestive questions! You will be block if you do any kind of this questions
Courier at the end of the day is an Eddie variant! Which means I’m following Clown’s boundaries Clown’s boundaries are my boundaries
Also mind his story is interconnected with the rest of the WH!Multiverse, so I’m also following the boundaries of my fellow mooties!
No hate speech, such as homophobi*, transphobi* or any kind!
Proshipp*re, Wallyc*st or NSFW WH it’s not welcome here! So please DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS BLOG!
Most of the time I’m gonna use doodles to answer your questions! But sometimes me, as a creator, will be answer some!
Be respectful!
Also please mind English isn’t my first language, sorry for the mistakes I would have!
Remember I’m also a person! So if I take too long to answer your ask be patient, I also have a life outside!
Some of the lore asks can take a bit more to answer, mostly because the multiverse story is still in development right now!
His Reference!
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[You can find me here in tumblr as
@kokoiep ]
Thank you for reading and have fun!
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mists-reading-nook · 1 year
(For the letter event please, under a game sagau AU. This is fun. I like the idea of an incognito Creator sneaking their way around Teyvat and interacting with the characters in mundane ways, only for the characters to realize later that they've met the Creator.)
There's a small unsigned note on the counter of Angel's Share, written in elegant penmanship.
Hey, Diluc.
Thanks again for the wine. It was fun getting to talk with you. It was unfortunate that our meeting was interrupted by a certain Mondstat bard. Here's the amount for the bill. I hope this amount suffices? Till the next time we meet.
Along with the note, there is a stash of gold coins along with some blue crystals.
Diluc picks up the crystals and the gold coins,eyebrows raising as he read the letter.
He chuckles before writing his own note on the back.
You are quite welcome. I had quite the fun time speaking with you as well,and I do wish we weren't interrupted. It certainly won't happen again. The amount you gave is fine. Until we meet again.
Diluc chuckles under his breath again. "Until we meet again indeed." He does wonder who the stranger was,as he didn't pick up a name,but he decides to simply wait until the next meeting. He finishes up,walking out of Angel's Share and deciding to go home. Unbeknownstly,he had met the creator themselves. However,that's a story for another day...
Omg this was so creative and so fun to write!! I hope you liked it,it's a bit different from the way I usually write letter responses.
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
Good day!
We would still like to ask you about it, instead of leaving you in the dark! How do you feel about the fact that your comics "Welcome Home" have been translated into Russian and published in the public domain?👉👈 Of course, pointing you out as an artist and creator of au! We respect you! And we also love your creativity very much, and we want as many people as possible to know about these masterpieces! Therefore, we would like to know your opinion about it!
Oh hello! Yeah I don’t mind this at all. Someone also asked in Instagram if they could be read out loud/described (and I need to make those transcripts) which is also VERY much fine by me if it’ll make it much easier for people to indulge in
So whatever makes it better for y’all :D As long as nobody’s taking credit for my stuff, I’m down for whatever y’all do with it and I’m glad y’all like it so much that you wanted to translate it ☺️
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m-jelly · 1 year
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So, I wanna say a few things about this request before I answer it. Firstly, I do not do remakes of movies, other animes, or tv shows anymore because a lot of them I haven't seen and therefore would fail to make what you want. Second, please do not send me asks this long in the future as it is a lot for me to make. I have a full-time job and I do this for free. This is way too much for me to do and can be very stressful for me when I'm supposed to be doing this for fun.
Fic notes: The age gap has been removed. I am very uncomfortable with age gaps with Levi that are more than 5 years. Therefore I can make this character five years younger, nothing more. The next note is Levi does not lie to you about being dead. In my rules, it says I do not like misunderstandings and to me, this counts as a misunderstanding. Therefore, you will be very aware of where Levi is and that he is healing. I will do the artist storyline and you are aware of Levi recovering, but he will be recovering in Marley and not Paradise.
If the person who originally sent me this is not happy with the massive changes I have made or how I've spoken in this beginning part, then I am sorry. I can send you to a fic creator who can do exactly what you want, but expect it to be a long fic as this is a massive request.
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Pairing: Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Slight canon AU kind of not, Post War Levi, fluff, romance, becoming a couple, confessions, artist reader.
Concept: While Levi is healing in Marley, you took up Erwin's suggestion and become an artist. You began painting landscapes and people recovering from war. When you get word that your Captain is returning you paint him a picture and meet him at the docks. You welcome him and his friends back before leading him with Erwin to his new home. Levi visits you and sees your dedication to him after the war leading you both to confess.
Tag list: @levisbrat25 @ladycheesington @skittlelover69 @nbinairyn @nyxiieluna @galactict3a @notgoodforlife @li-anne @strawberrybunny123 @demonsimp6
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Your head tilted as you followed the lines and painted yet another portrait of the man that captured your heart. You moved back as you gazed at the painting of Levi you'd made. You blushed hard as you locked eyes with him. You smiled a little and moved it to the wall.
You turned to the stable door with the top open to see a familiar blonde come to visit. You smiled softly at him and waved gently. "Hello. Erwin."
He waved back before leaning on the top of the door. "I bring news."
You covered your paintings before approaching Erwin. "What's up?"
He smiled a little as you inspected his fake arm and made sure your paintings and carvings were still perfect. "Well, a certain friend of ours and your muse is coming home from Marley."
You blushed hard. "Captain?"
He nodded. "That's right."
You whined a bit as your heart raced. "He's all better now?"
"That's right."
You fiddled with your apron. "Good."
He hummed a laugh. "Want to come greet him? He's coming soon."
Your eyes lit up in delight. "Please."
He opened the door for you. "Come on then."
You pulled your apron off and shoved your summer hat on your head. You jumped around as you slipped on your shoes before running out of the house with Erwin. "Wait!" You ran back and grabbed some paper before running back out and collecting the best flowers in your garden. "Welcome home gift."
"He'll like it." He walked with you down your garden path and onto the main road. He smiled a little as you walked together. "How are you feeling? Nightmares gone?"
You hummed. "I have my good days and bad." You frowned a little and shivered. "Do the screams ever stop?" You rubbed your tears away. "Sorry, I shouldn't cry. Just the underground and the war."
Erwin rubbed your back. "You've done so well."
"Thank you." You gazed up at him. "How are you fairing?"
"I get some pains." He sighed and looked at his right hand. "Some phantom feelings. It's strange." He released a long sigh. "I am thankful to you for helping me so much."
You blushed a little. "I'm happy to help. You're a wonderful friend."
He chuckled. "You're mine too." He looked ahead to see people waiting at the docks. He looked out at sea and saw the ship was about to dock. "We're on time."
You clutched the flowers tightly as you watched people come off the ship. You looked around for Levi as your heart throbbed in your chest. You gasped when you recognised him limping with crutches. You couldn't believe how handsome he was. You were so focused on Levi that you didn't even notice Isabel and Furlan.
Erwin waved to the three and gained their attention. "Over here."
Levi moved closer and noticed you standing next to Erwin. His heart raced as the word love drifted into his head and heart. He smiled a little and moved faster towards you both. "Tch, you both didn't need to come out for me."
Erwin shook Levi's hand. "We wanted to."
Levi looked over at you. "You look...beautiful."
You blushed hard. "Th-Thank you." You offered the flowers to him. "F-For you." You stopped a moment. "Oh, that's rude of me with the crutches."
Levi smiled at you. "Well, my friends can take my crutches and you can help me walk."
You nodded and offered your arm to him once he handed his crutches over. "If that's what you want."
He took the flowers and held your arm. "I want this." He limped with you as you guided him to a car waiting for him. He climbed inside with your help. "You'll sit with me, right?"
You climbed into the car and sat next to him. "Sure."
He released a long sigh as the others got their seats. "It's been a long time."
You gripped your dress hard. "Yes, but Marley has the best medical help. So, it made sense for you to be there."
"Did you miss me?"
You blushed and nodded shyly. "Yes."
He moved closer to you. "I missed you too."
You smiled brightly at Levi before kissing his cheek. You went to speak, but the door opened and Levi was helped out of the car. You went to get out, but Erwin climbed in next to you. "Erwin?"
He smiled at you. "We're going home. Levi needs to settle in."
Levi leaned into the car and called your name. He blushed as he gazed at Erwin next to you. "I ah...I'll see you soon. Thank you for the flowers." He cleared his throat. "I'll come visit you, alone."
You shyly waved. "Okay, see you soon."
You returned home and fed Erwin some dinner before he went home to his place, which was just next door to you. You spent a few days painting in your little art room with the top of your stable door open. You played classical music each day and kept hoping Levi would come over, but it was only Erwin, Mike and Hange.
But one day it all changed.
"Tch, fuck brat you are incredible."
You jumped and turned to see Levi leaning on the door. "Captain."
"Levi, please." He looked around your room. "May I come in?"
You nodded and walked over to him. "Sure." You opened the door and let him in. "I'll make you some tea."
"Thank you."
You hurried off to your cottage kitchen. You smiled a little to yourself as you made a pot of tea and a plate of baked cookies made by you. You carried the tray into your art room and placed it on the table. "It's special tea I grow in my garden and I baked the cookies." You looked up to see Levi staring at a painting of him. "Oh...oh no, I'm sorry."
Levi stopped you from covering it up. "It's incredible. You captured me so nicely. I look so at peace." He locked eyes with you. "Is this how you see me?"
You nodded shyly. "Yes."
He pulled you closer. "You see me in such a beautiful manner."
You lowered your head. "I just...I missed you and painting landscapes was nice, but I wanted to paint things that I thought were beautiful and not what others thought." You smiled as you fiddled with your dress. "You."
Levi cradled your face in his hands and kissed you. He leaned closer and kissed you again with a happy hum. He smiled against your lips when you kissed him back with just as much passion and love. He tangled his fingers in your hair as he bit your lip. He pushed his tongue into your mouth and hummed in delight.
He pulled back and blushed a little. "Sorry, my lips aren't nice with the scar."
You blushed hard. "D-Don't be sorry. I l-liked it."
"Good because I liked it too."
You nibbled your lip. "Levi, I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you for so long."
Levi yanked you into his arms and held you. "Me too. I'm madly in love with you. I've wanted to be with you for so long. The one thing that kept me going and holding onto life was knowing I would be with you again and tell you my love for you."
You welled up and smiled at Levi. "I've been desperate to tell you how I feel too." You held his hands. "Where do we go from here?"
"Well, I was hoping we date. I want to be with you. Maybe I could stay with you for a few days? I will be here, then go back to mine for a few days. I would ask you to come over mine, but your job is here." He cleared his throat. "So, what do you think?"
You welled up and smiled happily. "It's perfect. I'm ready to be all yours." You giggled as Levi smiled and wiped your tears. "Then again, I've always been yours."
Levi kissed you and hummed in happiness. "You're right. I've always been yours too." He chuckled. "My darling love. My everything. Mine."
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