#hello friends I am here to join the club
a-singer-of-songs · 2 years
If you have not yet heard of it, may I LOUDLY, OBNOXIOUSLY, AND WITH MUCH WARBLING AND SCREECHING AND OTHER STRANGE SOUNDS encourage you to listen to @thepenumbrapodcast, and then come yell with me and have feelings about it? PLEASE.
And if THAT isn't enough to convince you, 1) okay fair enough I didn't say that much about why it's great, so you can skip to the last paragraph and find out if you want to miss a short cat story and 2) the voice actors on this podcast have SUCH GOOD VOICES that for 8 freaking LONG hours driving a moving van stuffed with me and ALL FOUR CATS in the cab, the only peace I knew was when I was playing this podcast. When the podcast stopped to change tracks, there was yelling about their miserable, drugged, be-carriered existences from at least 2 of them. When I ran out of episodes, I switched to music, thinking they just needed noise. No. Incorrect. They needed, specifically, apparently, the voices of Penumbra Podcast. So I went back to the beginning and started aaaaaaaall over again because it was 10pm and I'd had the most absurdly ridiculous moving day you can imagine (the truck broke fully loaded before we left and had to be replaced) and all I wanted was for the cats to not scream at me for the last two hours of the drive. And honestly it was delightful because it'd been so long since I listened to those episodes!
Anyway, long story longer, if you enjoy detective novels or sci fi or, dare I say, BOTH, with the occasional bonus separate story line involving a lizard-lord who shares a name with the stinkiest flower in existence, a poet knight, a real goofball nerd knight who knows a lot of plant facts (and is my FAVORITE) and other assorted individuals of various genders and sexualities and ways of existing in their worlds, get thee to... Idk, Spotify is where I listen? Anyway GO FIND IT AND LISTEN. Please, because I need more people to freak out about it with.
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moonchild1 · 7 months
park jimin fic rec list (Ⅲ)
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woah it really has been a long time since i posted but i am so glad to be back and to get back into reading i saw so many of my favourite authors have updated and i am beyond excited to start this journey again but in the mean time here's jimin rec list as promised it was so exciting finishing this list cause i got so nostalgic making it and reading all the old fics i had on my reading list ughhh i just loved it so much and it got me back into the swing of things and i cant wait to make more lists, i do have another jjk list ready and i will post it the day after tomorrow so i hope you enjoy this one and don't forget to show all the love and support in the world to these amazing authors they work so hard to create these fics for us and they deserve endless praise and love for the commitment and generosity they have so please do leave them a comment, heart or reblog a small comment can go a long way here and can make someone smile even bigger so dont don't shy away from making someone happy... as usual you guys know this fics i recommend contain smut so minors don't interact you will be blocked... i really do love hearing from you guys so if you do have a little fic you are super into right now and you just want to rant about how amazing it is feel free to send me an ask 😊🖤
a- angst s- smut f- fluff
plot twist by @xpeachesncream f s a
↳ jimin isn’t interested in fake dating, but he’s definitely interested in getting to know someone the right way. after all, he feels like he’s ready to put himself out there and give it all he’s got. so, he takes a risk in trying something completely out of his comfort zone and hops on the new, popular dating app - only to come across and get to know someone he didn’t expect to meet.
a remedy for mondays by @dovechim s
↳ all you wanted was just one day off work. but for that to happen, you need to invent a plausible reason. and then somehow, somewhere along the way, things get out of hand, and now people think you’re having a baby with your co-worker Park Jimin after a one-night stand. confused? join the club.
it’s okay, that’s love by @/dovechim f s a deals with deep subjects
↳ People are constantly making some kind of connection with each other- be it friendship or romance. But human bonds always lead to messy complications; commitment, sharing, driving people to the airport, letting them get up close and personal with the darkest parts of ourselves. And sure- it’s scary as hell to watch them cross those boundaries you’ve so meticulously drawn, but it’s okay, because that’s love.
so it goes by @/dovechim f s
↳ Park Jimin knows a lot about humans. of course he does, he studies them for a living. he knows that they say hello by holding hands, and when they say goodbye, they put their arms around each other. but this particular human, he notes, is unlike the rest- stuck in a slump, going about your day praying for the Universe to stage an intervention in the form of an alien abduction. when he decides to finally fulfil your wishes, he finds that you have a little something to teach him about what it means to live life on Earth the way you do: ugly crying, underwear and all. in return, he shows you the possibilities that abound if you simply adopted their mantra: everything is beautiful, and nothing hurts.
love again by @taestefully-in-luv f s a
↳ A friend of yours is eager to introduce you to her new man but what happens when Park Jimin, the man who broke your heart 5 years ago walks in through the door?
the other woman: the seduction and the illusion by @namjooningelsewhere f s a
↳ No one told you being the other woman would never be easy, No one told you that his love would be two sides to a same coin. No one told you he came to you because you were his escape to his demons. No one told you he would always call you his, but he would never be yours. And most importantly no one told you, He never loved you because you dont destroy the people you love.
FUTURE HEARTS by @jungblue f s a ft. jjk
↳ It was everything, from his tattoos, to his touches, to the way sweat rolled down his neck as he strummed into his guitar on stage; everything about him completely enthralled you. So why are you now, two and a half years later, on a train to Seoul, telling a complete stranger the recollection of how you became fated to forever have scars on all of your future hearts due to the happiness, but most of all the pain, that came along with falling in love with Jeon Jungkook. 
after the applause by @foxymoxynoona
↳ Jimin doesn't know how he would have made it this far after the shattering of his world without the support of his thoughtful, generous, helpful neighbor. Hanbyul has lived next to hottie Jimin and his adorable daughter for years now, long enough to remember the wife he was so devoted to and lost far too young. With each safely ensconced on their side of the brick wall of the Parks' grief, it will take an enterprising little scientist to set the stage for a second chance at love.
saved by @to-star-lake s a
rockstar au deep subjects read warnings
midnight memories by @hobipaint f s a
↳ there's drunk habits, and then there's drunk mistakes. What do you call meeting your friend - no, ‘former friend’ - at a bar, getting drunk with him and sleeping- 'accidentally' - with him? especially when everyone already knows that you stay away from him as much as the day does from night?
Easy. You forget about it.
heartbreak chronicles by @sugaxjpg s
↳ Park Jimin had it all — good grades, a place as the soccer team’s captain and, more than that, the broken hearts of at least half the campus’ population. Though, one thing he did not have was someone willing to break his heart and, after you were dragged inside a miraculous plan to play that part, the last thing counted on was the preposterous idea that, perhaps, you could fall for him as well. 
drifting by@hongcherry f a
↳ After being assigned different partners for your midterm routine, your and Jimin’s relationship starts to deteriorate when you both begin spending more time away from each other and with your assigned partners instead.
growing pains by @taleasnewastime f s a
↳ Growing up the daughter of the boss of a gang is never easy, but normally the problems are around being given too many responsibilities, or the risk of being connected to a gang leader, or wanting to escape but not being able to. But you’ve got a different problem, you want more responsibility, want to be like your brother who’s been named heir, want a role in the family gang. Your whole life you’ve been denied what you want, being born a female seemingly your main issue; perceived as weak, naïve, trying to step above your station. But as unsupportive and dismissive as your family is, there is always the bright light that is Jimin; the boy you love but can never have.
tuqburni by @solastia f s a ft.myg
↳ You’ve spent two years building a life with Yoongi who you loved more than anything in the world. Now, his ex-boyfriend Jimin is back in the picture, and Yoongi begs you not to make him choose between the two of you, offering the choice of a polyamorous relationship. Though your heart is shattered, you agree.
stardust by @venusjeon f a
↳ struck by your beauty, Jimin begs to paint you naked behind the world's back so as not to stain your influential family—his patrons—with scandal.
drift by @snackhobi f s
↳ You used to think that there was nothing better than the sensation of coming first place. However, your rival- the talented, gorgeous, dangerous Park Jimin- is more than happy to prove you wrong.
the deli diaries by @jimlingss f
↳ Working at a grocery store deli is absolutely unbearable (and you’re also perfectly aware of how dramatic you are). But it seems like something, or rather, someone might make the job a bit more manageable.
best of me by @xotoosweet f a
↳ when he tells the story of how he met you in a few years, he'll claim that it was meant to be. you'll laugh and call it a coincidence. it was a coincidence that on the first day of summer semester, he decided to go on a run (though he claimed he always ran in the mornings). it was a coincidence that he chose a less traveled path in the university arboretum that morning. and it was definitely a coincidence that you were there, sitting on the rail of the river bridge.
the ten days of ex-mas by @kpopfanfictrash f s a
↳ Three months following the worst break-up of your life, you finally feel ready to start moving on. The world, it seems, has other ideas when you pick up the phone and find your ex-boyfriend calling.
strip by @yoonia f s a
↳ Summary | Everything you have done has always been about surviving life and raising your child on your own. Having someone else caring about you was the last thing you had expected. Especially when that someone is the same man you have watched performing every night on stage and secretly admired. But will he run the moment he finds out about your little secret waiting at home?
falling by @/yoonia s a
↳ For Park Jimin, you are everything he will ever need—his assistant, his housekeeper, his task runner, his fairy godmother. For you, he is more than everything. You have dedicated your life for him and, before you even realised it, your heart belongs to him alone. The only problem is that he is never yours, and you are living in a world that your love for him is nothing more than a fairytale ending. As you are suddenly given a chance to wake up and face the real world, will you be ready to embrace it? Will he be ready to deal with the world without you in it?
wrapped around by @jjkfire ft. kth f s a
↳ Freshman year was a mess and sophomore year doesn’t seem to be looking too good either. You know boys like them are no good for you but maybe they’re just your kind of type
baby, baby by @hobiwonder f s a
↳ When you’ve run out of savings to continue on to the last semester of your Bachelors - you take an unorthodox route. Helping a desperate couple have a child and getting paid for it? Heck yeah. But what do you know - it wasn’t as easy as it sounds.
love at first touch by bagelswrites (ao3)
↳ The first time you meet your soulmate, it leaves a bruise on both of you at the point of contact. From then on, your body begins rejecting any sustenance other than the touch of your soulmate. The trick is, the bruises take a few hours to appear, so you have to figure out who you've touched and find them before you starve to death. But once you do, all you ever need is them. So what happens if you're an idol and you meet your soulmate at a fan event?
our little family by @nightbts f a
↳ you were living a simple life filled with simple dreams; combining your two most loved things in life, children and teaching, you were starting out your career as a teacher at the local pre-school. but little did you know, how one child and her very special father, would change your simple life into something extraordinary
one-shot 35
brand new eyes by @missgeniality s
↳ Jimin’s eyes had potential to ruin you, and tonight you test the damage.
waves by @shina913 s
↳ It's Valentine's Day and your boyfriend decides to spice things up with a little surprise for you.
failure to communicate by @gukslut s
↳ Enemies to Lovers/ College AU
physical by @ppersonna f s
↳ you cant seem to escape the sexy fitness instructor that seemingly is everywhere you turn. it’s enough to make you irrational.
good for you by @candlewaxandp0lar0ids s
↳ Jimin can’t help the way he drowns himself in you. Why should he anyway?
ho-ho-home by @jjungkookislife s a
↳ Golden neighbor extraordinaire, Park Jimin, is (unintentionally) stealing your spotlight this holiday season. Despite your one sided rivalry with him, all Jimin wants is for you to remember him, to remember your past and hopefully create a future with you.
100km/hour by @chateautae s
↳ what exactly happens when you and your friends have to pile into one car for the ride home after an insane halloween party, and you find yourself sitting in park jimin’s lap? especially when he’s dressed as an angel, and you’re in the sluttiest devil costume ever?
what it's like by @jimilter s
↳ You’ve always heard great tales about how good the infamous fuckboy on campus, Park Jimin, is in bed, and wondered if there could be any truth behind these claims when the guy looks like an angel with his cheruby cheeks and precious smiles. So when a new gossip starts to circulate about how ‘hard he hits’, you have had enough of the suspense and decide to finally sample him yourself.
feel your touch by @/jimilter f s a
↳ You have always known yourself to be a sexual switch in bed, flipping between exercising and submitting control according to different situations and partners. And this camboy you are addicted to, one that seems to kinda reciprocate your interest, submits so beautifully that you just want to command him. But when things progress to levels you never anticipated, you end up discovering pleasant surprises that might just change your life.
the prince’s cinderella syndrome by @/jimilter f s a ft jjk
↳ He shows up at Halloween, every year, dressed the same, and leaves at midnight like some Cinderella. You would think he was a prankster if his eyes didn't look like they contained all the sadness in the world. You don't know him - no one on campus does. You don't know why he appears only once a year. You don't know why he never smiles. But you can't help falling in love with him. Even if he breaks your heart when he abandons you at midnight, again.
scream your panties by @opaljm s a
↳ As your midterms have ended and Halloween has arrived, you are looking forward to a pleasant time relaxing and enjoying the festivities at your sorority and Jimin’s frat houses. Luck is not in your favor, though, because things keep going wrong like a trail of dominoes falling – the only upside to your slowly deteriorating day being that you get to end it with your boyfriend’s delicious self between your legs.
first snow, last kiss by @taeshobipop f s a
↳ He broke your heart four years ago; the old loving memories of your time together now tainted by pure betrayal. Yet in the haze of new snow, after returning home for the first time, the moments you had once convinced yourself were nothing but a lie, reveal themselves to be otherwise.
antifreeze by @winetae s
↳ Jimin participates in the school’s adaption of The Nutcracker for extra credit but doesn’t expect his new dance partner to a) be this bad at dancing and b) be this fucking cute
what she likes by @untaemedqueen f s
idol au husband au marriage au
only you by @personasintro f s a
↳  you’ve been always there for your best friend, even when he became a single dad 
sucker by @/personasintro s a
↳ You wish you'd pay more attention to Jimin. Like, how his eyes kept changing color. How cold his skin was, too unrealistically to be natural. Or one second, he flashed you with his sharp canines and the next one he didn't have any. How much he craved for you, but not the way you thought he was.
please, lie to me by @ressjeon s a
↳ "centuries of loyalty vs. only months of fucking, how could you miscalculate?"
summer synchrony by @seokkgenie f s a
↳ childhood friends to lovers
neon seoul @readyplayerhobi f s a
↳ It the city of New Seoul, another homicide isn’t newsworthy but instead just a statistic. But when the son of the mayor is murdered in an alley in a shady part of the city? Then it’s important. You and your partner, Detective Park Jimin, are given the honour of investigating the crime. Will you find out who killed him? Or will you fail?
serendipity by @btsracket s a ao3
↳ It's serendipitous. Jimin braces for darkness but finds his light instead.
the boyfriend concept by @/kpopfanfictrash s
↳ Win a Date with a Porn Star! You saw the sign when you walked in, of course, but you had no idea your friend dropped your name into the raffle. Fast-forward to later that day, when you actually win. You are horrified, of course, with no intention of accepting and setting yourself up for embarrassment. But then you meet Jimin, and decide this might be worth a shot.
Lovely Demons by @/kpopfanfictrash s a
↳ As penance for a crime committed long, long ago, the Witch Council banished you to the feared Tholoss forest. Your sentence was one hundred thousand days of solitude – or death, whichever came first. Your only hope of salvation comes from the demon names routinely sent your way; creatures who escape the inner circles of Hell and pose a threat to the mortal realms. For each demon you kill, days are removed from your sentence. For years you’ve existed, biding your time, until one morning you receive a name which throws your entire world into chaos: the name of Park Jimin, High Prince of Hell himself.
blue blood by @joonbird s a
↳ “Prince Jimin was born with blue blood. His coronation is rapidly approaching, but there are two requirements he must fulfil before becoming a king. He must have the skills to fight in battle, and he must have a Queen with blood as blue as his. You, a member of the royal guard, are assigned to teach Jimin the ins and outs of combat. You are not scared of death, of blood, or of battle. What you are scared of however, is falling in love with Jimin, the one man your blood decrees you can never have.”
i want to be with you by @oddinary4bts f s a
↳ moving to Seoul has always seemed like a good idea, until the bubble bursts when you realize your new neighbor is Park Jimin, and he's not the sweet angel you've always imagined him to be. Will the reality of Park Jimin forever be a nightmare, or will he turn into a sweet dream?
locked in love by @parkmuse f s a
↳ Getting locked in the mall on Christmas eve isn’t ideal, but getting locked in the mall with your brothers best friend that you haven’t seen in a while? Well, it might have been alright if you didn’t have feelings for him.
peaches and cream by @snackhobi s
↳ you wouldn’t mind your cute neighbour being such a shameless fuckboy if a) the walls weren’t so thin and b) he didn’t seem intent on adding you as another notch in his bedpost. 
reset by @/dovechim s
↳ We are made of the pieces of what we remember, and we hold in ourselves the hopes and fears of those who love us. As long as there are memories to call our own, there can be no true loss. But Park Jimin has no such privilege. 
the dark side of the moon by @/dovechim s
↳ falling in love at first sight is cliche, not until it happens to you on a dark night in a lonely alley. but you’re only human, while Park Jimin is Alpha of his pack; it could never work out. so you resort to pining for him like a wolf howling at the moon, but when Jimin goes feral, that’s when everything changes. 
Unconditionally by @kstopping s a
↳ Jimin constantly torments you. But you love it.
Instinct by @evangelene f a
↳ A lost child appears into your life only to bring you closer Jimin–a man that you’d thought you’d hated once upon a time. Now all you want is to be there for the child, and maybe his father–but only if his mother gets the hell out of the way.
eternal sunlight by @kidguk f s a
↳ “college and soulmate au where the first words your soulmate will say to you are tattooed on your wrist. jimin thinks he met his soulmate exactly four months after he met and fell in love with you. you can’t explain your attraction or your feelings toward him, even though technically you’re meant to be with other people. taehyung and jungkook helpfully suggest that the universe might be glitching.”
foul play by @kimvtae f s a
↳ Everyone loves a good rivalry, and the students at your university are no exception. Unluckily for you, the rivalry of the decade is between yourself and a furiously irritating Park Jimin. A top gymnast and a basketball star shouldn’t cross paths, but Jimin makes his way into your heart before you can put a stop to it.
lost and found by @/kimvtae s a
↳ The only thing bigger than Park Jimin’s ass is his ego. After one too many scandals, after one too many mornings stumbling back to the dorms drunk or ruining the reputations of other idols, Jimin is given an ultimatum: complete a rehabilitation program in America or leave Bangtan.
if we were a movie by @/kimvtae f s a
↳ Friends with benefits never worked in the movies, but you and Jimin had been friends for so long, it was bound to work for you. Until, of course, Jimin gets a girlfriend, and you fear you may lose your friendship with him for good.
the pull of the tides by @goldenscript f s
↳ The expanse of the deep blue sea has always drawn you in. Each ebb and flow of the tides never ceasing to take your breath away. And now, a boy with hair as light as the morning sun and a smile just as bright does too. 
hard to say by @floralseokjin f s a
↳you've had feelings for your best friend Jimin for as long as you can remember, but you always thought they were unreciprocated. What if it turned out they weren’t...?
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↬looking for pjm library or the other members check out my library
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alotofpockets · 1 day
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The Tooney and Russo Show | Alessia Russo x Williamson!Reader, Leah Williamson x Sister!Reader & Ella Toone x Platonic!Reader
Where you take over hosting The Tooney & Russo show when Vick is sick.
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.2k
“Tooney, you’ve made it!” Alessia stood up and hugged her best friend. You were meeting Ella for breakfast before heading to the studio to film their last podcast episode for the season. “How was the trip?” You asked after you gave her a hug as well.
Ella sat down with a sigh, “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the tube is not my friend.” You shared a knowing look with your girlfriend before you both chuckled, Ella and tubes didn’t go together, and she would complain about them every single time. Alessia and Vick had offered to get a studio in Manchester and make the trip over, but Ella insisted that it was more practical if only one person would have to travel. Yet, she often brought her boyfriend with her, so the one person only rule rarely applied. Either way, it was always great when Ella was in town.
“Is Leah not here yet?” You shake your head, “You know my sister, always a busy schedule.” The two Lionesses nodded in agreement, “She said she’d join us when her meeting was done though.”
Just when your food was delivered to the table, Leah made her way through the door. “Sorry I’m late.” You all greet her with a hug and wave off her apologies. The four of you were having a great time chatting over breakfast, when both Alessia’s and Ella’s phones buzzed at the same time. It was a message from Vick, letting them know that she’s sick to the point where she has lost her voice, so she won’t be able to make it to the shoot.
While Alessia and Ella started discussing their options, you were thinking. “I can host it.” Three pairs of eyes met you in question. “Come on, it will be fun! I know all of you, and the fans know me as well.” It didn’t take much to convince them of your idea.
“Hello and welcome to this very special episode of The Tooney and Russo Show with me not Vick Hope.” Alessia and Ella cheered excitedly and Alessia announced “It’s the season finale!” 
“As you can hear and see, I am not Vick. Sadly Vick had to miss out because she’s sick, but I am here to step in. My name is Y/n Williamson, and yes the last name should tell you all you need to know. Speaking of Williamson’s, I am not the only one of them here today. My sister, Captain of the Lionesses, Leah Williamson is our guest for this episode.”
The four of you chat for a bit about the relationship with Leah on and off the pitch. It was an easy environment and it felt like it was just a chat between friends, which of course really it was. 
“Oh and before any of you start saying Tooney is the third wheel because Y/n is my girlfriend and Leah’s sister.” She looked between the two of you with a chuckle, “Let me tell you that those two are like the same person.”
“They really are.” Leah chimes in. “Sometimes when I see Y/n with Ella and Alessia, I think she might be dating Ella instead.” 
“In another life.” You joke, getting a laugh out of the Lionesses trio. “Yeah, we are pretty similar. We have the same sense of humour, and have a lot of the same opinions on things. When Less started dating her, I was afraid that maybe my bond with Less would be affected, but I think Y/n made us even closer.”
“Yeah, sometimes I even feel like the third wheel with them.” Alessia laughs. “But you love it.” Ella says in defence. “Yeah I do, I’m glad the two of you get along so well.”
“At this point, I think we annoy Leah and Alessia equally.” You say proudly, and Ella agrees with you. ”You two are a nightmare when you team up against us.” Leah says teasingly. “But we love you.” Alessia follows up quickly.
When everyone was done laughing you moved onto the next topic. You asked about them winning the Euros and how football changed in England after, and how Alessia’s move from United to Arsenal was through the perspective of her former and new club teammate.
“I actually had a question for you, Y/n.” Ella put out into the group. “What’s it like having the England captain, the woman that is the face of English football, as your sister?”
“That is an interesting question actually. I admire her for everything she has done and is doing, and I am so proud of her and to be her sister, but at home she’s just my sister. We still argue about who gets the last ham sandwich, and who took the last cookie from the jar.” You joke.”
“Oh yeah,” Alessia hooks on, “The love for ham sandwiches runs in the family, it’s not just Leah.”
“I’ve got another question!” Ella perks up. You chuckle, “If you wanted to host, you could’ve just said so.” She sends you a challenging look, before biting back. “Wouldn’t have to if you did your job right.” You chuckle, “Okay fine, you win this one. What’s your question?”
“Well, I know the story, but I’ve seen some comments from fans wanting to hear how Less and Y/n got together, with Leah being Less her captain and all.” You glance at Alessia, letting her speak for the both of you.
“Oh that is an interesting one. Many people think Leah wouldn’t have liked us getting together, but she actually told me to ask Y/n out.” Leah nodded, “Yeah, they kept looking at each other with heart eyes, and I couldn’t take their pining any longer. Every time I was trying to eat my ham sandwich in peace, they would just be all gross.”
You raised your shoulders, “Even I was shocked when Less told me that Leah approved. Now it makes sense though. Leah has always protected me and Jacob, and wants us to be happy. She knows Less and knew that she would treat me right.”
“Alright alright, we get it love birds, don’t ruin my appetite for lunch with your sappiness.” Leah jokes. “Speaking of lunch, I think we’re about ready to go have some. Thank you everyone who has stuck with the Tooney and Russo Show all season, personally I cannot wait for them to start on another season. As always, send in your questions and it could be featured in one of the next episodes!”
As you finished your sentence, the three girls waved to the camera and said bye. The cameras and microphones got turned off, and that concluded the first season of the podcast. “That was so fun!” Leah agreed, “Yeah, thank you so much for letting me be a part of this.”
After the four finished lunch, you went your separate ways again. You and Alessia made your way home, her hand in yours as you strolled the streets. “You were a natural, darling.” You smiled, “Yeah? It was a lot of fun, thank you for allowing me to join you.”
“Mhm! Vick might fear for her job when she sees the episode.” Your girlfriend jokes with a little nudge to your shoulder. “Hmm, as much as I loved hosting, Vick is a much better host. Plus that way I can just sit behind the scenes and look at you with heart eyes all episode.
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sp0o0kylights · 1 month
Part One / Part Two / Part Three (You Are Here)
Complete Thing on A03
Sure enough, Jason Carver had brought a priest. 
The idiot himself stood next to the guy, smugly grinning like a hunter posing with his prized buck, a small crowd already gathering. 
Opposing them was Michael Wheeler, hands planted on Hellfire’s table and back up like a pissed off cat’s, mouth moving faster than Eddie thought possible.
He couldn’t hear what Wheeler was saying. 
Frankly did not want to know what Wheeler was saying, and could only do his damndest to intervene before Mike tanked the situation entirely. 
Gareth and Jeff flanked him, both tense as hell. Neither had backed down though, standing tall and holding ground even as Jason pulled more and more people into his little spectacle. 
Lucas and Grant on the other hand, were standing off to the side.
They weren’t cowering exactly, but both were definitely wincing as Gareth opened his mouth to add his own two cents. 
Given the scowl on the priest, it was probably something nasty, 
‘Fuck.’ Eddie thought, teeth clenched, as Jason drew out his arms, making an even bigger production for his little audience. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!’ 
The worst thing of all? 
Dustin managed to reach the group before anyone else did. 
Wheeler and Emerson might have low charisma, but Dustin had a particular combination of snark and a know-it-all attitude that really pissed off authority figures. 
(And Eddie would know, given he was the reigning champion of pissing off authority figures.) 
He did, however, slide in right in time to hear the priest respond. 
“I don’t care for your tone, young man. Jason here has some concerns over your club and I have to agree, what I see is quite,” The guy paused, jowls jiggling as he looked over their table, clearly eyeing Hellfire’s logo. “alarming.” 
 At least wasn’t an actual sermon.
Not yet, anyway. 
Eddie came up right inbetween Mike and Dustin, intending to make himself out to be the new target for all to aim at.  
There was an art to making yourself the sole owner of everything evil in this world, and Eddie had learned it all, trial by fire style.  
“Carver is full of--” Mike snarled, and thankfully was cut off—not by Eddie, or the hand he’d just clamped onto Mike’s shoulder—but by Harrington. 
Who sauntered right up as if he was joining everyone for dinner, and not walking into a circus act.
“Hello Father.” Harrington said, voice warm and welcoming.  “Would you like some of our cookies? We have a sample platter.” 
“Oh--Steve!” The priest blinked, actually blinked, that he was startled to see Hawkins’ golden boy appear next to him. “I’m sorry but no. I’m ah, here for other reasons.”
He paused so long it was nearly comedic before tentatively asking; “ Are you with this table?”
Like the guy couldn’t see the same Hellfire logo plastered across Steve’s ridiculous jock chest. 
Eddie opened his mouth to give a resounding no, Hellfire shirt or not--when Mike of all people put an elbow into his side. 
As if Eddie was the one who needed to be silenced.  
“I am.” Steve put an arm down on Dustin’s shoulder, squeezing it in a way that looked like fond encouragement (but what Eddie was pretty sure was actually a warning in the same way the hand on Mike’s shoulder was.) “I came to help out my friends and fundraise.”
Then he beamed, face lighting up with the full Harrington charm, giga watt smile and all. 
Now the priest just looked awkward. 
“You’ve apparently been fundraising for what I have been told is a…Satanist Club?” 
It was hilariously delicate, how the priest said it. Like now that a respectable member of Hawkins was here, he had to be more careful about what words he used. 
Eddie would have interrupted then.  Retake the reins and do what he did best in terms of making everyone forget about everything but him--except Carver was rounding on Harrington, and well.
He was always a fan of the rich eating each other. 
“You cannot seriously be with these--these,” Jason’s eyes darted to between him and the priest, before physically reigning himself in. “hooligans, Harrington!” 
“I’m sorry.” Harrington said, and whatever Jason had been expecting to get hit with, it wasn’t “good ol’ boy” southern charm. 
He blinked, taking on the air of a kicked puppy who couldn’t understand why someone would be so mean as he glanced around the crowd.  “I think I'm a little lost here.” 
Jason clearly wasn’t prepared for that either. 
“This table is for a storytelling and math game.” Steve spoke slowly, in the same way one explained things to a toddler. “You have to roll dice and add the numbers up to do anything."
“It’s not a game, Steve.” Jason spat back. “It’s an evil trick made to tempt the susceptible minds of children to the dark arts!” 
Personally, Eddie was amazed Carver even knew the word susceptible let alone be able to properly use it in a sentence. 
(He tried to open his mouth to say so, and once again got elbowed, this time by Gareth. 
The look he gave his younger friend could have melted steel beams.)
“That’s what this is about?” Harrington slid his arm off Dustin's shoulders, leaning back to look at the priest and the people around them in a show of blatant disbelief. “You think the nerd club is related to satanism?” 
It was Eddie's own tactic--arguing that D&D was “using academic skills” and “making math fun!" not that Hellfire had ever been successful using it.
Of course, they weren’t Hawkins golden boy either. 
Jason sputtered. 
“It has monsters and--demons in it! It makes children do spells and sign over their souls!” He flung a hand out, for the first time acknowledging Eddie by pointing at his shirt. “Just look at that! It’s awful!”  
"Hey." Eddie said, hand going over his very well drawn dragon.
“I once had to stop an argument about how much weight a wooden bridge could hold.” Steve countered, hands moving to his hips. “I only got them to stop by agreeing to take the kids to a library so they could look it up.” 
He squinted, in Carver's direction, deadpanning; "I take it you think the library is evil now too?"
“The name of the club is called Hellfire!” Jason shrieked, sounding more like an angry teakettle than anything dangerous. 
“Look I get that it sounds scary,” Steve said, the tiniest hint of pity entering his voice, “but they’re trying to make math problems and English essays sound cool. It’s the same reason Father John here calls our annual haunted house Hell House, isn’t it? So people go in it to begin with?” 
Harrington turned to look expectantly at the priest, and Eddie had to admit it was an excellent way to both pander to the guy and sound like Jason was making a big deal out of nothing. 
Perhaps, he’d stay quiet after all. 
(Even if it went against Eddie’s entire being to do so.)
“Well, yes, but--” Father John had clearly picked up on the fact he was losing this particular argument, but plowed forward regardless. “Those activities are supervised by the church…” 
“This is evil Harrington, and you should know better to promote it.” Carver tacked on, like this was a two bit comedy sketch. 
“When I played it we just saved some poor town from a bad guy who set it on fire.” Steve rolled his eyes. 
Then he leaned in, converting his voice into a stage whisper that somehow projected it, giving the impression that everyone around them was listening in on a secret. 
“The doctor said it was a really good way for Dustin and Erica to process the mall fire. He’s a specialist--my mother managed to convince him to fly down to help all the kids who got hurt.” 
Eddie was 100% sure that was total bullshit, but the mere mention of Harrington's mother had seemed to have an effect on the people around them.
 Like Steve had invoked the name of an old but beloved God, not always benevolent but definitely memorable. 
“She’s always been a champion of helping when you can.” Steve spoke to the priest, like they were having a conversation between just the two of them. “Encouraging people to volunteer and helping fundraise.”
“She has been." Father John said, in the kind of instant way one does when they don’t want to offend a very large donor.  "Tell your mom I look forward to her coming back from her--ah, trip.”
 With an awkward glance to the table, he added; “...I suppose I don’t see how math comes into play?” 
“Oh it’s right from the start. Hey Jeff, come here, show Father John how you have to do a bunch of calculations and stuff to make a character.” 
“Ah--right.” Jeff sprung to life, moving around the table to Steve.
“We uh, we start with this character sheet…” 
“Eddie Munson runs the club.” Jason interrupted, before Steve could get Jeff to going.
“He’s right there! Does he look like this whole thing is just an innocent board game?” 
This was a last ditch effort, and it was clear by the chattering that had started circling amongst their audience that everyone knew it. 
Unfortunately, it was a good one.
This was the downside to making yourself a target. Once a bad guy, always a bad guy--particularly in the eyes of the PTA. 
“Munson?” Harrington dismissed with a scoff. “He’s harmless.” 
Which was news to most of their audience given the amount of attention Eddie suddenly had on him, but it was fine. 
He was used to the disapproving stares and glares, and gave his best award winning smile in response. 
Jason looked at Harrington like he’d lost his mind. 
“He has skulls on his fingers for fucks sake!” 
“Jason.” Steve admonished, in a perfect mimic of an upset southern mother. “Language.” 
Carver's jaw dropped, face purpling in rage.
Steve ignored him, turning back to the Priest. “I don’t know what's gotten into him but I’m sorry Jason’s wasted your time, Father.” 
“Munson is a drug dealer!” And ah, here came the Hail Mary move, Carver's one and only trump card.
“We all know he’s a drug dealer, and he’s using this--this game, to give drugs to kids!”
“Really?” Steve turned. “Lucas, what happens if I ever catch you smoking weed?” 
Lucas answered instantly. “You’re going to make us run laps at five in the morning.” 
“For a month.” Dustin added, with an exaggerated shudder. 
It would have been too much--except his disgusted face sold it. 
“Eddie’s just loud and wants to be a rockstar.” Harrington said, like this he was harmless.
No one on Steve's side of things had ever thought of Eddie as harmless.
 “I’ve babysat these kids for years and Eddie was a huge help in making sure no one in high school messed with them.” He continued, like they were some sort of team or friends even.
(Like Eddie hadn't been at Harrington's throat all day, pissy and defensive.)
“We have a real bullying problem right now. Funny enough,” Steve’s nailed Jason with a look, “I keep hearing that it’s coming from the basketball team.” 
“What are you implying?” Jason asked darkly. 
“Just that it’s funny how nobody got caught fighting when I was team captain.” Steve returned. 
God the man was such a bitch. Eddie kind of wanted to kiss him a little. 
Okay, more than a little.
“I get you have some kind of beef with Munson, but let’s not drag a bunch of people into it. Especially not Father John.” Harrington was playing up to the mothers around him now, dismissing Carver entirely as he did so. “He’s a busy guy.”
“Very.” Said Father nodded solemnly. “I do not appreciate being pulled into a high school squabble.” 
Jason’s mouth swam through shapes, words stuttering out of it. “This isn’t, thats not--”
“We can talk about this after church on Sunday.” Father John interrupted, the finishing blow to Carver's little show.
“You came all this way, at least have a cookie on us.” Steve said with an appeasing tone, reaching an arm back behind him.
Quick on the uptake, a cookie appeared in his hands. 
He offered it out to the priest, who took it happily.
"Okay, who wants cake!?” He called, in a clear and obvious dismissal of Jason. 
Who stood there, like he couldn’t believe what just happened. 
His eyes slid to Eddie's, fists clenched tightly at his side, hatred pouring off him so strongly one could almost taste it.
Eddie winked at him.
(Unknown to him at the time, Jason had also looked at Steve--and Steve would wink too.)
Steve Harrington, who Eddie had been an absolute ass all day too, had looked Jason Carver, a Priest and half of Hawkins in the eye and announced that he, Eddie Munson, was a good person at heart.
It made Eddie want to vomit a little when he thought about it too hard.
“I know this is horrible timing,” Robin said, sidling up as the crowd finally dispersed, “but I really, really need to talk to you.” 
Eddie turned, head full of far too many thoughts and ready to tell her such, when he caught sight of Buckley's face. 
Was reminded, by the sheer nervous, ‘horse about to bolt’ vibe, that he owed it to Robin as a fellow queer not to be a dick about her accidental outing.
Even if all he wanted was to preen in the wake of Carver’s defeat. 
‘See Mothers of Hawkins? Your own golden boy just gave me his stamp of approval!’ 
A mental image that immediately changed to Steve Harrington’s name stamped on his ass and dammit he had to get ahold of his thoughts before he fell down rabbit holes like this--!
“Back there, at the stairs,” Robin started, voice dropping low, and Eddie didn’t miss the way her eyes kept seeking out Steve, like he was some kind of safety net--which he probably was. “What um--what did you hear?” 
It took a lot of guts to come talk to him, knowing what he'd overheard--particularly given they'd just fended off the church.
He'd never exactly underestimated Robin Buckley, but then, he'd never expected this level of badassery from her either.
“Eddie?” Robin prodded again, chewing hard on her bottom lip.
“Sorry, distracted.” Eddie waved a hand behind himself. “Not everyday the King decides to defend your honor to a priest.” 
With a little bow, he offered his elbow out to her, a clear signal to take it and let him escort them away from unwanted ears.
In a show of bravery, Robin took his elbow and let him lead, even as she frowned up at him, looking like she was about to say something.
Likely it was in defense of Harrington, but Eddie had been interrupted enough for one day. 
“You and His Highness over there really should be more aware of your surroundings." He started, voice low. "Lucky for you, you’re among friends. You and Dorothy both.” 
He reached a foot out, tapping Robin’s own. 
Right on top of a doodled pair of tits. 
Robin let go of his elbow and glanced down, before flinging her head right back up, panicked.
“If you’d like I can pretend I never heard a thing.” Eddie interrupted, dropping his voice into the gentler tone he reserved for delicate conversations.
People were always surprised by the lengths he went to make sure someone was comfortable--but then, people also forgot how often Eddie heard things he shouldn’t. 
People didn't take drugs just for fun, after all.
“Or I can offer a friend of a friend discount on my wares,” He put a finger to his lips, miming smoking with one hand while he opened his vest with the other to flash the little pink triangle pin that sat inside, announcing his own sexualities status.
“and we can, say, discuss the differences between radical and social feminism while admiring the fine forms of Susan Sarandon and Peter Hinwood?”
The smile he gets is two parts relief, one part genuine delight and Eddie grinned right back at her, flicking his vest closed.
“I did not take you for a Peter Hinwood type.” Robin said it hesitantly, still waiting for the other shoe to drop. “Thought you’d find Tim Curry’s…acting skills, more to your taste.”
“In the case of Rocky Horror? I am Tim Curry.” He announced, loud and proud (well for this kind of conversation at least.) 
He was rewarded by the tension finally melting out of Robin’s shoulders. 
(This, Eddie reflected, is what he should have been doing this entire time, instead of getting tied up in knots over Harrington and turning into some kind of non-conformist tyrant.) 
“Do you actually know the differences between social and radical feminism?” Robin challenged, braver now, and Eddie knew then and there he’d been successful in assuring her her secret was safe.
That she was safe, with him.
“Guess you’ll have to find out.” Eddie said, giving a playful nudge to her shoulder. 
Baths in the laugh he gets for it, and for the first time today feels like he’s finally on firmer ground.
They chatted for a moment longer, making a loop on the very outskirts of the gym, voices hushed when it came to things that small town ears shouldn’t overhear--but of course, Robin couldn’t just leave things at that.
“Hey Eddie?” 
“Can you do me one more favor?”
“Anything for you, my favorite feminist.” 
For the first time since this conversation started, Robin managed to sound firm. 
“Stop referring to Steve as a King.” 
She rushed ahead, anticipating being cut off, and thus Eddie is hit with a wave of words, none of which he’d ever thought he’d hear in relation to thee Steven Harrington. 
“He’s working really hard to get away from it, the whole King thing and how he used to be. I don’t know what all he did to like--you guys,” She flapped her hand in the general direction of Hellfire, “and I know he wasn’t an innocent bystander, but I kinda realized over the summer that I blamed him for a lot of things that were in my own head, and that he wasn’t--he was never as bad as I thought he was and he's still trying to make it up to me anyway.”
Robin trailed off, seeming to try and piece out what she wanted to say next without giving away the whole farm. “It’s not some act, Eddie. Steve’s really trying to change.” 
Which yeah.
Eddie could see that, now. 
Maybe not before but…
“Okay.” He said, after a long, long moment. “No more King Steve. Got it.”
The smile he got for that also felt like a victory, even if it was wrenched out of him.
Two hours and a dispersed crowd later, Eddie found himself once again stuck in his own head. 
The facts were thus:
Steve Harrington was a good dude. 
He used his good dude-ness to save Hellfire from a literal priest, right smack in front of God and Principal Hairy Ass both
All of Hellfire actually liked him 
According to Robin Buckley, Steve was entirely fine with “all us triangles” quote/unquote 
Eddie was jealous.
He was self aware enough to admit it, alongside the fact that Jason Carver aside, maybe Eddie had been the villain today instead of Steve. 
Which meant he not only owed Harrington an apology, but he owed it to both of them to work out his own stupid shit before it blew up in his face and cost him all his friends.
(He’d have called this move “pulling a Harrington” before today but now that feels mean, which Eddie supposes signals he’s grown as a person or some shit.) 
So now he sits on Steve’s beemer, knowing the move will likely antagonize the ex-jock but equally knowing he’s planning on jumping off the car the second the guy comes near, and that the move itself will get Harrington to listen to him the second he’s done supervising whatever Hellfire’s youngest is doing.
(Eating leftover cookies like the older members are as they finish packing up, Eddie assumes.) 
Ducking out like he did had allowed him some much needed time to think things though. Figure out what he was going to say--without an audience present.
He’d apologize publicly if he had to. But being vulnerable is hard, and given the way his friends had been acting, Steve isn’t the only person he owes an apology to. 
For now, he’ll begin here, without an audience. 
Eddie doesn’t get to plan for long--only gets to rehearse a few lines of his little spiel when a pointed cough jerks him back to reality. 
There stands Steve Harrington, a fat wad of cash in one hand and a box in the other.
Like a man sent to the gallows, Eddie leapt off the beemer, squaring his shoulders. 
He could do this.
 Apologize-- and mean it. 
Not that Steve gave him the chance to. 
“The guys told me to give this to you.” He said, holding out the cash. Then he took a breath, like he was preparing to go to war, and added; 
“I know you weren’t happy with me being here, and you probably don’t want this, but Dustin said you really liked cinnamon brownies so I made you some.” 
The box was now held out alongside the cash, proof that Steve had tried to start this whole thing off on the right foot. 
Eddie stared at it, then at Steve. 
Felt the guilt chew on his gut just that much harder.
“I have been shitty to you all day. Why are you giving me this?” 
Steve shrugged. 
“To be fair I didn’t exactly make it easy on you either. You said jump and I said ‘watch this’.” Steve laughed, a small, almost self depicting sound. “Dustin’s been on my ass all day about it.” 
Of course he had. 
“Mine too.” Eddie admitted. “It's his tone, I swear."
Carefully, Eddie reached out, accepted the box and the cash. 
“Thanks by the way. For the stuff you said about me earlier.” 
Steve grimaced, cheeks tinting a (lickable) red. “Yeah sorry, I--”
“No not--not that stuff.’ Eddie said, mentally hauling his thoughts back in line, fiddling with the cash. “The stuff about being a good person. No one’s uh. Said that. About me.”
Not except for Wayne, but Harrington wouldn’t know nor care about Eddie’s uncle. 
Steve shrugged. “I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.” 
He’d argue that, except something was off. 
It took Eddie a moment to place it--that the wad Steve handed over was way too big for the little bake sale they’d just attended. 
He tucked the box under his arm, quickly counting the stack with a smoothness only drug dealers and bank tellers could manage.
“It’s all there, I promise.” Steve told him simply, but without judgment. He sounded like he expected this and that didn’t sit right with Eddie either. 
Not that he could do anything about it because he’d just counted up didn’t make any sense. 
Not trusting himself, Eddie stacked it back together, before counting it all again. He was faster this time, trying to figure out among all the ones, fives and tens how the hell they had managed to sell that many cookies. 
Particularly considering the most expensive thing was one of the cakes and he’d watched Steve sell it for fifteen dollars. 
So why were there three twenties sitting in the stack? 
“Either you up charged the absolute shit out of someone’s mom, in which case I congratulate you, you sneaky devil,” Eddie said slowly, “Or you put extra cash in here.” 
Steve blushed properly this time. 
Eddie zeroed in on his face, watching as Steve rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, trying to pull his charming mask into place.
He didn't quite manage it.
Hadn’t even been wearing it before now, Eddie realized suddenly.
This entire conversation Steve had a realness to him that Eddie had never really seen. 
Had maybe not wanted to see, from someone like Harrington. 
“I don’t know what you mean.” Steve protested, like a kid who’d been caught with a hand in the cookie jar. “That’s what we charged.” 
“You are a terrible liar.” Eddie accused, hand trembling. “We can’t take this, man. This is a almost two hundred dollars.” 
Way more than what they’d need for Gen Con. It was enough to get them two fuckin’ hotel rooms! 
“If It helps any, I didn’t do it for you.” Steve’s blush slid into something more genuine, as he nodded his head to where Hellfire was spilling out of the gym doors, laughing and shoving one another. 
“They deserve to have a good trip.” He added, eyes fond as he watched Dustin and Mike squabble over how to fold Hellfire's banner.
It made his whole face soften, the harsh features of his jaw turning into something that was so adorable Eddie wanted to bite through it. 
“Do you want to come?” Someone said, and it took both Steve’s startled look and a second long pause for Eddie to realize that someone was him.
Stupid, stupid, stupid-! 
“To the convention?” Steve asked, looking doubtful. 
Pity that Eddie was already nodding, like his brain and his body were at a total disconnect.
Maybe aliens had finally taken him over. Or a demon. 
(Demonic possession could frankly explain a lot about today, Carver’s weird little power play aside.)
“Dude you don’t even like me.” Steve said. “Why would you want me to come along?” 
“I dunno Harrington. All of Hellfire seemed to like you, and not just my freshman.” Eddie countered easily, gliding right over the fact that he himself did like Steve.
Way more than he should, and that right there was half of Eddie’s problem. 
“They have pretty good taste in things.” He waived a hand, as if this wasn’t a complete 180 from how he’d acted all day. “I could understand if you didn’t want to slum it with us nerds though.”
Steve rolled his eyes. 
“I’ve been slumming it all day with you nerds, if you haven’t noticed.” 
“Yeah? What’s your verdict on us?” 
“Not as bad as you could be.” 
Eddie tilted his head back and laughed. “High praise from the King!”
He felt bad immediately after, and made himself promise to be more mindful about Robin’s ask--but  thankfully Harrington didn’t take it hard. 
(Habits, Eddie knew, were hard to change.
Took a lot of careful attention to change. 
He had a long road ahead of him, and he hoped this little olive branch put him a few miles down it.) 
Steve awarded him a small smile. “I haven’t been the King for a long while, man. But if you guys have an opening, I think I wouldn’t mind being a knight or whatever.” 
“Ste-eeeve Harrington, defender of the realm.” Eddie nodded once, decisively. “I can see it.”
He tucked away the cash, and thus missed how Steve looked weirdly contemplative at that. 
Raised his head and stuck out a hand. 
Tentatively, Steve took it. 
“Welcome to the club, Harrington. We meet on Fridays. Bring snacks.” 
“Cookies okay?”
“Going by Gareth’s judgment, they’re more than okay.”
Eddie smiled and Steve smiled back, and God how he hated how fucking cute Harrington’s face was. 
Particularly since he now got to think of the guy as “Steve” without feeling weird about it. 
As in his possible, potential, friend Steve.
What a fucking trip that was. 
“Oh, and Steve?” He called, the thought hitting him as Steve turned to welcome the group making their way to the beemer.
Steve had let his hand fall, turning to open the front door of the Beemer with a cocked eyebrow.
Eddie flicked a finger out, lightly tapping the Hellfire logo. “Tell Lucas I’ll get him another shirt. That one’s all yours, big boy.” 
If there was a pink hue to Harrington’s cheeks, he was blaming sunburn. 
(Two months, six days, and one meddlesome asshole named Henderson later, and Eddie would find out that Steve had in fact, been blushing.
He’d be furious at Dustin’s involvement, if it hadn’t directly led to Eddie finding out Steve’s blush did in fact go down his chest.
And his happy trail.
And his--
Men do not kiss and tell. 
Not to fucking freshmen, anyway.) 
THERE IS A GEN CON, "THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED BECAUSE DUSTIN IS A MEDDLESOME SHIT" BONUS BUT it's on A03 cause it was long enough to be its own post and I wasn't gonna add it to this one. You can read it here LINK
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The Call Up - Leah Williamson HIWTHI
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Steph Catley x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Universe Masterlist! (Home Is Where The Heart Is)
Summary: You start to question your next season and what club you will continue your career at, your fellow Aussie teammates help you out. But the discussion isn't long when you get a call.
Warnings: None!
Authors Note: Hey guys! This is short but I haven't posted in a while so here you go!
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Living in Australia was amazing. Being so close to home all the time was even better. You never left Australia, your home country, to play for another team.
Playing for Melbourne was life changing. It was like being playing on a team, but the entire team was your close friends and family. You never really thought about going anywhere else, when the time came for your contract to be up, another one was made and you stayed.
But lately you were getting a little bored at Melbourne, it was fun and all but it was just the same thing over and over again. You where thinking about a change of scenery, or a change of teams?
You started talking about it when you were on camp with the Matildas, in the hotel room with Steph, Kyra, harper, and Mini. You were laying on the bed on your side, watching Kyra and Steph make a stupid tiktok while mini was playing with Harper.
"Guys I think I want to leave Melbourne." You blurt out loudly, staring at the women in the room for a response.
They all turn towards you, both Steph and Kyra stopping their dance at the same time and turning their heads to you.
Mini and was also looking at you while harper was pulling at her hair.
"Why? Has something happened?" Mini asks with concern in her voice, both Steph and Kyra walk over to the bed you are siting on.
"No, I mean, I don't know. I just kinda want a change in my daily life." Mini nods at that, wincing as Harper pulled her hair a little too hard.
"Where do you want to go? You know Arsenal is a great club-" Kyra starts talking but is cut off my Mini.
"So is West Ham." She adds causing both Kyra, Steph, and Mini to start arguing about their clubs.
Rolling their eyes you speak up to end the fight.
"Arsenal sent me a email saying they want me, I just don't know if its the right choice." Steph and Kyra give each other high fives at the sound of arsenal, stopping mid way when you finish your sentence.
"I feel like you should take some time and think about it, its a big change and you should make the decision when you know that 100% what you want." Katrinas words make you start to think about it, maybe you didn't want to leave is what you told yourself. But you knew deep down you did want to leave, you just couldn't bring yourself to accept it.
Melbourne practically raised you. Spending your childhood on the youth team and young adult hood on the pro level.
Leaving would result in leaving that all behind, the friends and memories would stay on that field, but not you.
You were working out with the Matildas, in the training room with Caitlin and Steph at your sides as you three do weights.
Laughing and talking about the upcoming season made the questioning of a new club arise once more.
"Have you decided?' Steph asked as she put down a 20 pound dumbbell.
"No, well I have been thinking about arsenal, but I haven't got a call yet." You saw spark in both of their eyes at the mention of their club, and the thought of you going and joining them.
"You should soon, your a great player and they have asked for you before." Caitlin says as she goes to grab a weight.
You nod and go back to thinking about the call.
Yeah they called for you before, but will they want you again?
It was 10:24 am exactly when you got a call from an unknown number.
You were sitting in the lobby of the hotel eating breakfast with Kyra, Steph, Caitlin, and Alanna. Laughing at Steph and Kyra using funny snapchat filters of each other.
"Oh hang on guys someone is calling me." You don't look at them while you speak, staring at the phone wondering who this could be.
"Hello?" You answer the phone and a man responds back.
"Hey is this Y/n Y/L/N?" Your heart drops, what in the world is going on, how does this person know your name?
"Umm yes it is why, has something happened." Everyone at the table looked up at you with confusion on their face.
"Well we called from the Arsenal and we have looked at your stats and your season history at Melbourne and we would like for you to sign with us." You start smiling and look up at Kyra and Steph.
They continue to look at you in concern and you whisper, "Its arsenal" and they start yelling and cheering, causing weird looks from your teammates.
"Shhhhh" You hush them and go back to the phone. "Yes! Yes I would love to."
"Great news! We will meet you in a month when the new season starts up! Can't wait to have you!"
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athycore · 5 months
Hello!!! :3 I wish to make a request! I really love your writing style and the way you carry out your fics, theyre so awesome X3!!!☆
Could I make a req of Mob (/Shigeo Kageyama) with a gn!gyaru!reader :3c? Extra points if they do really good in school!
I see that you havent posted in a while on this blog, so you dont have to respond to my req! Please take care of yourself first out of anything else ^^<3
Thank youuuuuu!!!!! X3
OMG HAIIII!!! Thank you so much, about me not posting in a while, i completely forget im a writer so i never end up checking requests, but now i did!!
Anyways heres ur food :3
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Mob w a Gyaru!reader…(gn reader)
To say mob was obsessed is an understatement. He simply fawns over your fashion and loves the idea of going against the beauty standard. Although because of his fashionable s/o, he has a hard time blending in. At times he doesnt want the attention but his albsolute cutie of his lover being the center of attention, mob wouldnt mind just this once.
You both go to clothing shops together! Mob believes and trusts your fashion taste to be able to pick a few for him. He wants to hang out and uses the idea of shopping together to get you talking. He enjoys it. Afterall he somewhat helps with some of the clothes for you to pick out, while you help him look his best. He adores your keen eye on managing to find the good clothes that are usually hidden..(gatekeepers😒😒)
When you go on dates he swears he can pay, but his pay isnt enough..afterall regien isnt too reliable. Instead you pay, hope you dont mind. After you both end up going to the park or going to each others houses to hang out later. Mob gaslights(begs) reigen to let him off early for these dates too. He wants to show his respect by simply making time for you like any wonderful lover.
Mob and his family aprove of you so much! You are just the sweetest and the cutest girls to ever approach mob. Ritsu thinks its rad that his older brother managed to get a parnther in general, but thinks even more highly of you when he knows and sees your genuine care for his brother. Plus when you go to mobs house to hangout, ritsu joins whenever he feels lonely. You and mob welcome him with open arms, especially when watching a horror movie.
Mob uses his psychic powers to try to find out what you like in order for him to get the RIGHT gift. Hes just whipped and his friends and brother tease him for it. Simple middle schoolers am i right? He doesnt mind it though.
He introduces you to reigen and reigen approves. Reigen sees you as fit, and an adorable girl who would help mob by the long mile. Mob also introduced you to teru and sho, as well as the other psychics. They all like you and think you are so cool with your makeup and fashion. Heck, teru asked for some advice too.
Mob gets you both matching keychains..guaranteed. Like those cute sanrio ones or the cute little characters. He finds them absolutely adorable. The idea that his s/o has the other half, he ends up staring at his keychain on end till his club snaps him outta it.
In school you might as well be a prodigy! He finds the fact that you do so well extremely admirable. He wants to be tutored by you and you only. Only you can be patient with him. He thinks of you as top of his class, grade, school even!( next to ritsu ) He just gets so happy seeing you not having to worry about grades and what not.
There are times when you are doing makeup, he just watches. No conversation, nothing. Soly because he thinks its skillful, he feels as tho its art and that she shouldn’t interfere. But there are times he asks questions about the products your using. Hes just curious about all that stuff.
Hes your #1 supporter! He believes that you should and will do what YOU want. That no one should tell you anything about how to look, act, or present yourself!
Hope you liked it!!! Thanks so much for the request!!!
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juyeonszn · 1 year
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PAIRING ₊˚⊹ lee juyeon x f!reader
GENRES ₊˚⊹ fluff﹒crack﹒angst﹒slice of life
WARNINGS ₊˚⊹ mature language bc even on a different blog i won’t ever change, uni!au, reader is a matchmaker, juyeon plays baseball, lots of kys and kms jokes, sunwoo is an incel, a bunch of lesbian jokes, um one sided pining for a while, like i am absolutely ruthless to reader for a Hot Minute i am so sorry, but it’s okay!!! bc then i’m also ruthless to juyeon, the unrequited love in this series goes crazy, it wouldn’t be a fawn smau without a second lead — so there is a small second lead moment, most of the written parts are full of sheer Angst and i’m not sorry about it, there’s like idol shipping in here ? but it’s for the sake of the plot i swear i don’t condone idol shipping 😭 it’s literally in my carrd, the bullying in this smau goes even crazier, ummm for some reason there are a lot of barbie references towards the end
FEATURING ₊˚⊹ the rest of tbz, soyeon + yuqi from (g)-idle, seonghwa from ateez, lee know from skz, sakura from le sserafim, dahyun + tzuyu from twice, jaehyun from nct and mingyu from seventeen
SUMMARY ₊˚⊹ all is well in the business of matchmaking. except it’s actually not, because lee juyeon, the school’s star baseball player, has just come to you for help in obtaining the girl of his dreams. oh yeah! and he happens to be the guy you’ve had a crush on since your first year of university.
STATUS ₊˚⊹ complete!
BEGINNING ₊˚⊹ august 1st, 2023
ENDING ₊˚⊹ october 19th, 2023
MORE ₊˚⊹ HIIIII hello!!! my first smau on another blog this is crazy ?!!2!!22!!2 fun fact; in case the plot seems familiar, it was an old wip for yeonjunszn that i had for jake from enhypen and decided to scrap for reasons that i do not remember LOL but then it came back to me and i decided to redo it for juyo bc it was so juyo-coded and now we’re here 🤗 send an ask to join the taglist (bc note and dm notifs get swallowed up with the ones from my other blog)!!
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PROFILES ₊˚⊹ realize real eyes real lies | ball hitters + the token lesbian | ouran high school host club (+ tzuyu)
ONE ₊˚⊹ i’m the ceo president and chair mama
TWO ₊˚⊹ the hwang yeji incident
THREE ₊˚⊹ i hide and u seek therapy!
FOUR ₊˚⊹ /s or /j
FIVE ₊˚⊹ setting virgins up with other virgins
SEVEN ₊˚⊹ #mancrushfriday #mrstealyogirl
NINE ₊˚⊹ the start of a W matchmaking season
ELEVEN ₊˚⊹ Just Like A Doughnut (2.04k)
TWELVE ₊˚⊹ need a comically large piano to fall on top of me
THIRTEEN ₊˚⊹ hit tweet follow me 🙌🙏
FOURTEEN ₊˚⊹ what the bell are u talking about
SIXTEEN ₊˚⊹ chest heavy eyes misty
SEVENTEEN ₊˚⊹ they laugh at me cause i’m emo
EIGHTEEN ₊˚⊹ sangyeon boyfriend material era
NINETEEN ₊˚⊹ Blocked and Reported for threatening language
TWENTY ₊˚⊹ A Hole In The Shape Of You (2.17k)
TWENTY ONE ₊˚⊹ men against song yuqi
TWENTY TWO ₊˚⊹ i thought we were friends.
TWENTY THREE ₊˚⊹ u think i’m pretty??? 🥰
TWENTY FOUR ₊˚⊹ for research purposes
TWENTY FIVE ₊˚⊹ The Middle Of My Heart (1.60k)
TWENTY SEVEN ₊˚⊹ to me it was
TWENTY EIGHT ₊˚⊹ clown to clown communication
TWENTY NINE ₊˚⊹ A Space Just For You (2.05k)
THIRTY ONE ₊˚⊹ is this pic AI generated
THIRTY TWO ₊˚⊹ i’m gay…
THIRTY THREE ₊˚⊹ 11:11 make a wish
THIRTY FOUR ₊˚⊹ Our Love Loop (2.62k)
THIRTY FIVE ₊˚⊹ graduated from bitchless university
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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greazyfloz · 1 year
24, 25 angst with Luke please
Angst: 24. “Open the damn door” “please” & 25. “Get away from her before I break every bone in your body” w/ Luke Hughes
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Always There
Luke and I didn't fight much, but when we did it was usually bad. Tonight was no exception. I don't even know how it started or why we are even still fighting about it but the words began to cut like a knife.
"Oh come on!" he says annoyed as he watches a tear escape my eye, "Don't fucking cry"
"I can't help it Luke!" I yell at him
"Why are you crying? Grow up Y/n" He tells me as he shakes his head. He turns and makes his way to the kitchen island as I turn and make my way to our bedroom. "I don't even know wh-" he starts but stops when he sees the door to our bedroom start to shut.
When the door shuts I lock the door then begin to slide down it until I am sitting on the ground. It is almost immediately that I hear a hard thud on the door against my back, "You're just going to lock yourself in the room?!" Luke yells from the other side.
"Go away Luke" I say as I hug my knees, but his knocking gets louder.
"Open the damn door" his voice sounds harsh on the other side but the knocking stopped, "please" he pleas sounded hopeless.
I completely ignore him and reach over for my phone to see a message from one of my friends saying they are going out tonight. I crawl over to the mirror beside the door and wipe my tears away before answering her that I'll meet her there. I stand up from the mirror and make my way over to the ensuite bathroom.
After fixing myself up by doing my hair and makeup then picking out the sluttiest dress I owned. I made my way over to the bedroom door and opened it to see Luke sitting against the wall beside the door. His expression changes from apologetic to confused when he sees me.
“Wha- where are you going?” He asks, I can tell he is trying not to get mad as he brings himself back up to his feet.
“Out” I tell him as I walk past him and to the front door.
“Like that?”
“Yes Luke. Like this”
“No” is all Luke says. Before I reach out for the door handle I look back at him and squint my eyes slightly at him.
“I’m not going to sit here and fight with you all night”
“We weren’t fighting. You ran into the room and locked yourself in there like a littl-“ he stops himself from continuing
“Like a little what?” I ask but before he can answer I speak again, “actually I don’t care”
I slide out of the apartment leaving Luke by himself and make my way to the club. The club was not far from Luke and I’s apartment, so I was there about 10 minutes later.
I find my friend Kaitlyn outside holding our spots in line to enter and join her.
“Hello, I was wondering when you’d show” she says chuckling. I explain what happened to her as we made our way through the line and inside, “fuck him” she says as we approach the bar where the rest of our friends were, “you need a new man”
I chuckle slightly but shake my head, “no, no I don’t”
As the night goes on, and after a few too many shots, I find myself still going back to the bar for more. On my way there I bump into someone by accident, “oh, sorry” I say before trying to get around the man
“No problem at all” he guy smiles at me. I tried to get by him and he slides back in front of me, “what’s your name?” He asks
“I have a boyfriend” I tell him as I smile awkwardly before trying to get around him again.
“Wait” I hear the man say grabbing on to my shoulder and pulling me back so I am facing him, “I just wanted to know your name”
“I’m not interested in chatting, sorry”
“Come on, girls don’t dress like that with a man at home”
“Pl-“ I start but suddenly Luke slides in between me and the random guy, protecting me behind him.
“Get away from her before I break every bone in your body” Luke says making the other guy chuckle.
“Okay, okay. Let’s both turn around and go our separate ways” a bystander interrupts not wanting to see the two get into a bar fight.
Luke turns and faces me, “let’s get out of here” he tells me and I nod. I turn to face the door and Luke keeps his protective hands on each of my shoulders as we walk out of the club.
When we got outside of the club and approached Luke’s car I turned and wrapped my arms around him embracing him.
“Thank you” I mumble into his shoulder
“I’m sorry” he says before I pull away from the hug to press my lips against his.
“Don’t be”
Luke chuckles after tasting the liquor in my mouth through kissing me, “someone had a lot to drink” he jokes before opening the door for me to get in, “let’s go home”
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loviingpedri · 11 months
they caught us - p. gavi
prompt: gavi x gamer!fem!reader. hard launching your relationship on stream
warnings: cursing, grammar issues
credits to owners for all images.
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inspo for this story ^^
you were a growing streamer. big in the minecraft and riot games community. you appreciated your fans from the unconditional support. ever since being an exposed barca fan, your platform definitely grew. content was trending to the point where you met the one and only, pablo gavi. his simple message of complimenting you building camp nou in minecraft ended in a few date nights, a lot of kissing, and some risky nights. your fans wanted some player in barca to notice you, but little did you know that you spent your nights with your dream barca player everyday.
exposing your relationship was not in your agenda any time soon. it was the peak of your gaming career and gavi had big plans for the national team. the internet would practically blow up from the news. both of you were not ready for that amount of personal space to be invaded.
it was that time of the day to start your daily stream. it was a good balance of work and relationship. start your stream when gavi is at practice, and end it when he’s at home to solely focus on him.
“hello, hello everyone! welcome to today's stream." waiting a few seconds as more people started joining. “today will be a minecraft stream. i’m thinking of making the barca logo.”
reading the comments blow up by the mention of the club is probably the funniest thing you’ve seen.
“change your shirt on the minecraft skin the jersey of your favorite player. i love that idea, but i don’t really have a favorite player. maybe i’ll do xavi or something.” lying isn’t the best thing to do to your supporters, but personal business is personal business.
after playing for hours and halfway done with the logo, you hear the door opening. “one second guys, i think my roommate is home.” roommate meaning your boyfriend. the plan is really thought out. your best friend occasionally popped into the streams, pretending to be your roommate, and it works. thinking you muted and turned off your camera (which happens often), gavi walks into your gaming room.
“hi gorgeous,” walking in and instantly kissing you made both of you smile. “are you streaming?”
“yeah, i am. i was building the logo. i can show you later when i’m ‘done greeting my roommate’.” making quotation marks with your fingers.
“yeah i’ll sit over here. i’ll just look while you continue playing.” you blew a kiss at him as you put your headset back on.
“alright guys, i’m back. did i miss anything?” your eyes tried to keep up with the chat. it was going faster than usual. you thought it was a raid, but nothing was happening. everyone was going crazy. finally, a donation came through with a message.
read aloud from the automated voice, “viscabarcaaa_11 donated $10 with a message. 'was that gavi you just kissed?’” fuck. gavi quickly sat up from the seat. you realized your camera and microphone was never off. your eyes panning from screen to screen in panic. speechless, you turned red instantly.
you were kissin’ and they caught you whether you like it or not.
you cleared your throat, still don’t know what to say. gavi unplugged your headphones from your pc tower to be able to hear what was going on. he urged you to get up. you had no idea what he was doing, but you just listened.
sitting down, he spoke slow and steady. “hello everyone. this was a very unexpected thing for you. not to mention, an unexpected plan from us. y/n and i have been seeing each other for a few months now. it wasn’t really planned for us to be revealed this early, but thank you for supporting my girlfriend. i am glad to get this off of our chest, because i’ve been wanting to show her off.”
playfully pushing him to the side, “okay thank you for attending this stream, see you tomorrow. love you guys.” making sure you ended the stream fully before giving off a sigh.
“looks like i can show you off now.”
“okay, that’s enough fame for you.”
author’s note: this story has been sitting in my drafts for months and i’m deciding to complete it on a random weekday.
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indigosunsetao3 · 7 months
Hey! Sorry I'm not sure if you're taking requests but there's this trend on tiktok where people are calling their boyfriends their husband and I thought it would be cute to see 141s reaction to the same🥰
Feel free to take creative liberties otherwise there's no pressure at all to do it! :)
I am definitely taking requests! It's fun to get different prompt/ideas and figuring out to make them work.
This is too cute! I was going to just do a list-type answer but then one thing turned into another and I had all sorts of scenarios running through my mind while at work. So, I took a little creative liberty. Some of them are acknowledging the trend, others are situational conversations.
Hope you enjoy! And you know I had to put Alex in 😘
It was the second time in a month that a stupid pipe burst. That’s what you got for insisting on buying a fixer upper in the coldest winter the area had seen in years. You had managed to get the water cut off before it completely flooded the whole downstairs then set about cleaning up the mess.
Alex had arrived to find you a frazzled mess as you mopped up the water when your phone rang. The plumber. Alex quickly handed you the phone before he went about mopping. The plumber couldn’t be there today, earliest it would be was Monday. You couldn’t be home that day.
Looking at Alex, who could hear the call, he nodded and mouthed he could be there.
“I won’t be here, but my husband will,” you say. It’s a slip of the tongue. Alex and you didn’t even live together yet but just calling him a boyfriend seemed so minuscule compared to how you felt.
Alex had instantly stopped mopping and watched you curiously. The plumber continued talking but you barely heard what he said. You could feel the burning red of embarrassment on your cheeks as you watched Alex's face for his reaction. This was not a conversation you were ready for. You had wanted to talk to him about it, soon, but not today.
“Right, okay. Yes, his name is Alex, I’ll send you his number,” you assure the man as you continue to stare at Alex. Alex had gone back to mopping but you saw the stupid happy grin on his face as he worked and a hint of a red tinge to his cheeks. Hanging up you set your phone on the counter and take a deep breath.
“Listen I didn’t mean,” you start but Alex leans the mop against the fridge and steps toward you, his feet splashing in the water a bit.
"Oh, I think you did mean it," he answers grabbing your hips. "And here I was thinking I was just your boy toy for home improvement."
"Hush," you answer still feeling the tingle of the blush that had gone up to your ears.
Gaz insisted that you still do your monthly book club even though you protest, preferring to spend time with him. Him being home was a luxury and you had honestly started the online club as a way to pass lonely days counting down his return.
Leaning down you read the chat as people start joining. You grin at the number of people you managed to amass in the past few weeks. The beauty of online was anyone from anywhere could join. You had a few people from other countries even and always tried to set the meeting times to be accommodating for all.
After you all start talking and chatting about the book Gaz flops comfortably on the couch next to you handing you a glass of wine. He hadn't read the book but he was still interested in what you were doing so he peers at the screen, the side of his face visible to everyone for a fraction of a second.
It sends the chat into a tizzy. Everyone knew you had a significant other but they had never seen him. The comments are flying which makes you laugh before pointing a few out to Gaz who grins.
“They’re dying to know who you are,” you venture looking over at him. “Comfortable saying hello to my friends?” You raise your eyebrows and Gaz pauses before straightening his shirt in an exaggerated manner, preening himself. He nods and you turn the camera to face him so you are out of screen.
“Everyone this is Kyle,” you say grinning before tacking on, “my husband.” It was a joke, something you had seen people doing online as a trend.
It got his attention though. His eyes flick up to yours as the sounds of the chat pinging start going off tenfold. He's ignoring what people are saying, verbal and written, as his eyes rake over your face while you casually sip your wine staring back at him.
“My deepest apologies,” Kyle says after a moment as looks back at the camera while undoing the top button of his polo. “But I’m going to have to cut our session a little short. My wife,” he emphasizes the word as his eyes lock on yours, “and I have something to tend to.” He doesn’t give them a chance to respond before he snaps the laptop shut and all but chucks it on the recliner.
He’s on you in a moment, pinning you down into the couch as you giggle. “Husband?” He grins and you swear you see him glance at your empty ring finger.
Simon wasn't a fan of pictures of himself if his face was visible. He has loads of you though, his camera roll was just random shots of you mixed in with work items and stupid memes from his team. But you barely had any casual pictures of him in return. The pictures were always of you holding hands, or you pressed up against his chest with his arms around you. He didn't mind taking pictures that way, always holding his pose for you until you got it just to your standards after the first or fifty tries. Photography made you happy and even if he was a bit self-conscious about it, he fed your hobby.
The few times you could get a picture of his face with his approval he always had his mask on, only his striking eyes were visible as he stared at you. It was fine, you understood why, but you missed looking at his face when he was gone.
So while you are at a local cafe, safely tucked into a back corner, and he takes off his mask you dare to snap a picture. His hood is up, the lower half of his face obscured by the cup but you could still see his light blond stubble on his jaw. The slight crook of his nose where it had been broken and not set properly years ago. Even a small glimpse of the corner of his lips which were a natural pink that made you envious.
"Love," Simon says quietly as he looks at you from over the cup.
"I'm sorry. The light in here was too good to pass up," you sigh and scroll to delete it, savoring it for a second as your thumb hovers over the trashcan icon. "I miss looking at my husband when you're gone," you explain as you hit the button and watch the picture wipe away.
"Husband?" Simon asks quietly as he sets down his cup and carefully pulls his hood forward a bit to make sure his profile is covered.
You don't answer as you look back up at him and set your phone on the table between you. Instead, you grab your own cup and stare right back at him. It was a joke you had seen online, see how your boyfriend reacts to the official title. You didn't expect much from it, maybe a laugh or a joke in response but he doesn't do either.
He instead reaches out to nudge your phone back toward your hand and cock his head to the side a bit. Then he smiles, a genuine heartfelt smile that sets your heart fluttering.
"Go on then," he says nodding his head at the phone. "One picture, just for you. From your husband," he smirks as you fumble for the camera in a rush.
You snuck out of bed early that morning, having to creep quietly out of the room because John was such a light sleeper. It was his birthday and you were determined to give him some sort of a surprise. He always made sure your day was special, always took care of you, so it was your turn.
Shushing the dogs you set about making breakfast, careful to not bang the pans too loud, and diving for the kettle as it starts to whistle. It was a simple dish of eggs and bacon with hot tea, but John loved anything hot and homecooked. You had to shove the dogs outside before walking back up the stairs balancing everything carefully before hipping open the door.
"Damn it," you mutter as you see him half sitting up in bed smiling at you. "How long have you been up?"
"Mmm, since you tripped over your slippers," he answers with a small chuckle at your face. You thought you had gotten away with it, he hadn't even twitched as you cussed and caught yourself on the dresser. "You were so determined I didn't want to ruin it," he grins.
"One day I'll surprise my husband," you say with a sigh before setting his tea on the nightstand and the breakfast in his lap. He doesn't answer, doesn't move, as he looks at you. It seems you managed to surprise him after all as his eyebrows climb up toward his messy bed tousled hair.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have," you start back peddling. "It's just a joke my friends told me to try. It's all over social media, they did it with their boyfriends and thought it was funny." You explain as he slides the plate off his lap and sets it on the nightstand next to his tea.
"Do you think it's a joke?" He asks tilting his head to the side a bit, watching you get flustered and trip over your words. He's grinning now though as he crosses his arms over his bare chest waiting for you to get yourself out of your rambling.
"I mean the trend is a joke," you start, "but I mean if," you were making a mess of this.
"Sweetheart, I was ready to marry you after our second date. I am your husband, even if I haven't managed to get you down that aisle yet." He smiles and tugs you toward him as you attempt to reconcile how a simple joke had John confessing he'd had marriage on the brain for almost a year.
Another conference for work. At least this time you were able to bring Johnny along. You had forced your boss to agree to let you bring him even if it was only supposed to be for spouses. You told him it was either Johnny came or you wouldn't be there. You’d be damned if you were missing Soap’s short leave to sit in a stuffy room full of men praising their own egos ignoring you because you were a woman.
“Am I fancy enough to be here?” Johnny asks, a teasing smirk on his face. He was in a button down and slacks with a tie to match your cocktail dress for dinner.
“Plenty fancy,” you answer back smiling as you take his extended elbow. “Let’s get this over with,” you huff as you step on the elevator. A networking dinner with other people that were in your field and while it was better having Johnny here it was still not your favorite thing to do.
Johnny gently leaves you to go grab drinks while you stake out an empty table. It's not deserted for long before one of your coworkers stands right next to you at the high top giving you a once over. You had managed to avoid him all day but he had managed to spot you alone and swoop in out of nowhere.
“Who’s the guy?” He asks as he eyes Johnny at the bar striking up a genial conversation with the bartender. You really couldn’t take Johnny anywhere without him making friends. “I thought we were only allowed to bring spouses,” he tacks on. You had been fighting off Mark's advances for months, as politely as possible, but you'd had enough.
“John,” you answer coolly as you set your purse on the standing cocktail table. He didn’t get to call him Johnny. “And who says he isn’t my spouse?” You ask raising an eyebrow. He wasn’t your spouse, you weren’t even formally engaged, but to you Johnny was the one anyway.
“Says the lack of any ring,” he says pointing to your hand. He never took no for an answer, ignored you when you said you had a boyfriend. He was persistent and creepy but it was ending tonight.
“John,” you say as Johnny walks over to your other side with a beer and your vodka soda. He knows something is up, his eyebrow quirks at the use of the formality of his name. “I’d like you to meet Mark,” you gesture to him emphasizing the name because Johnny had heard all about him.
“Mark, meet my husband,” you say boldly.
If Johnny was shocked he didn’t let on. He just gently places a hand on your lower back before setting his beer down and extending the other to Mark to shake his hand. You can see him squeeze a bit too hard despite being jovial and kind. The conversation remains casual and a bit forced after that before Mark excuses himself.
Johnny doesn’t say anything about how you introduce him to everyone as your husband, just exchanges pleasantries in return. But you notice his hand never leaves your body in one way or another and he’s been grinning to himself the whole evening. Cutting his eyes to you with a shine to them every time you say husband and even stepping in himself to introduce himself as your husband to a few people.
“Husband, lass?” He asks once he gets you alone in the elevator.
“Sorry,” you mutter kicking off your heels to which he extends a hand to take them without you asking. “Mark just won't get the hint and I,” he cuts you off crowding you into the corner as the lift steadily rises.
“Don’t apologize,” he grins tilting your head up. “I like how it sounds.”
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bqstqnbruin · 1 month
Quinn Hughes Teacher AU
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Hi hello I wrote a teacher AU with Quinn where this can go one of three ways: 1. this becomes a series with Quinn and Cat and we watch that happen 2. I do it where it's a different player and FMC in a teacher AU universe type of thing or 3. nothing comes of this besides this one thing
Anyway, it's nearly 1:30 am after my best friend's wedding weekend so this is being yeeted into the wild. @nicohischier I finally gave you something with a happy ending, so happy belated birthday (please let this be enough 😭)
Teacher AU series
Warnings: None
WC: 1268
“Mr. Hughes?” Quinn hears while he’s packing up his bag for the day. He looks up from his desk, one of his students standing under the frame of the doorway, one of the posters he had hung above it just last week already starting to come down. 
“Um,” he hesitates, trying to hide the fact that he didn’t really remember which of his students this was as she walked slowly into his room. She leaned against the desk, a nervous look on her face. Join the club, kid. “Sarah, right?”
She grimaces ever so slightly, trying not to look offended. “Sienna.”
Quinn sighs, shaking his head. “Sorry, Sienna. Still trying to get names down,” he lets out a nervous laugh, Sienna just nodding her head slowly. “What can I do for you?” 
“Can we go over the quiz I took today? I don’t think I did well.”
He had to try to stifle the laugh. She had to have been in the class that took the quiz that morning. There was no way those quizzes were going to be graded before tomorrow. Quinn checks his watch, finding the stack of quizzes on his desk and stuffing them in his backpack along with his laptop. “I actually need to head out for a meeting, but can you come back tomorrow?” Sienna nods her head, a smile on her face as she says goodbye to him. 
Quinn let out a sigh, plopping down on his seat and covering his face. Today was unreasonably long, only one free period on his schedule as it is getting tied up with him trying to figure out what his ‘year long goals’ were. The only thing he could think of was to survive his first year of teaching. Thankfully, Kate helped him figure out a way to say that in a way that would please admin, but he never thought doing that would exhaust him the way he did. 
He makes his way to the faculty meeting, some of the teachers still lingering outside the library talking. He couldn’t wait until the day he was able to not stress about a meeting the way they did, leaning against the wall with what was probably a third or fourth cup of coffee as if they didn’t need to be inside. 
The powerpoint was already being projected on the screen when he walked in, almost every seat already taken at the tables the students normally used during the day. One of the only seats he saw open was next to the one person he was too nervous to sit next to: Cat Mathis. She taught in his department, had already been there teaching for a few years even though she was younger than him, and not only did he catch on to the fact that the students loved her, but that she was the kind of teacher he wished he could be. They were supposed to be sharing a class together, him teaching one of the four sections while she got the other three, but he had been too scared to ask her for help. 
“Is anyone sitting here?” He asks, his hand resting on the back of the chair next to her. She looks up from her computer, the school letterhead on her screen that one of the other teachers told him was for letters of recommendations for seniors, and smiles at him. She tells him to go ahead, his legs shaking with nerves like they did back on the first day of school. 
The meeting starts, Quinn looking around and seeing some of the other teachers taking notes, making him nervous that he should be doing the same. He looks at Cat’s computer, her gaze fixated on the screen in front of her and not on the meeting. If she could do that, why couldn’t he do the same? He pulls out his computer, figuring he could do some work while he was at it, including trying to figure out what he was supposed to be teaching when his students came in the next morning. 
A message pops up on the corner of the screen, Cat’s name appearing with it. How’ve the first few weeks been?
He lets out a sigh, trying to hide the smile that he was fighting against on his face. Exhausting.
Sounds right. Everything going ok? He knew she could see him hesitate, Quinn seeing the smile on her face turning into a worried look out of the corner of his eye. I have to head back to my room after this, come with me?
Quinn looks at her, a genuine smile on his face as he nods at her. His mind wandered the rest of the meeting, not taking in a single piece of information that he probably was going to need later. It ended before he could realize the hours was up, Cat gently resting her hand on his shoulder to snap him out of the trance he had fallen into.
They walk back in silence to her classroom on the other side of the building. Cat sits down at her desk, Quinn awkwardly standing by the door while looking up at her walls. The two of them had a lot of the same posters hanging, which made sense when he considers the fact that they teach the same thing. 
“So,” Cat breaks the silence, causing him to jump. He tries to pass it off as putting his bag down, the smirk on Cat’s face telling him she saw right through him. “What’s been going on?”
Quinn shakes his head. He felt like he barely had time to process most of the first few weeks of the school year, answering that question felt impossible. “Is it always going to be this hard?”
Cat smiles at him again, a warm feeling running through Quinn as she shakes her head. “No, you’re just finding who you are as a teacher.” Quinn cocks his eyebrow at her, leading her to laugh. “I sound like that shitty PD person from in-service. But, I’m not wrong. When I first started, Kate told me that my first year is meant for mistakes. It’s meant for finding how you want to teach, what you want to emphasize, and working out what is the best for you and your students.”
Quinn nods, sitting down. He stares at Cat for a moment, studying her face. God, she made him nervous. “You know the handbook, pretty well, right?”
Cat nods. “The AP my first year made all the new teachers practically memorize it.” 
He could feel himself getting even more nervous. “What does it say about teachers dating?”
“Each other?” He nods again, getting up and grabbing his bag. If this went the way he thought it was going to go, he needed to be able to leave as soon as possible. He could see the corners of her mouth turn up for a moment, his heart racing as he over thought that as a good sign. “As long as one isn’t in a position of power and it doesn’t interfere with their work, teachers dating each other is fine.”
“So, in theory, we could date?” 
Cat nods, biting her lip. “If we both wanted to, yes.” 
“I want to,” Quinn says, a little too fast for his liking. “If you do.”
Cat lets out another laugh. “Mr. Hughes, is this your way of asking me out?”
Quinn drops his head, feeling his cheeks getting red. “It’s going about as well as my lessons, but yes, Ms. Mathis, I’m trying to.” 
“I’d love to go out with you.”
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lorata · 7 months
one of the things that's really hitting me hard in this iliad reread is how during the battles nobody dies unnamed. we get inured to death in modern war stories, you know, we watch both sides slice through countless unnamed soldiers and the action only slows down when someone we recognize falls, but in the iliad everybody gets named.
and yeah, sure, now we don't know these people anymore but like. it's important. they are killed and here are their names, take a moment and remember
what really gets me is how many times the narrator pauses to give little asides when people die. like, where they're from, or who they're related to, or who they're friends with, or an attribute of theirs, a little something to make them human in the moment of their death (e.g. Pylaemenes, match for Ares, lord of the dauntless warriors with shields, the Paphlagonians and [his] driver, Mydon, whose father was Atymnius, who served bravely as his attendant)
and then there are the ones who get more, like this:
Then Diomedes, master of the war cry, slaughtered the son of Teuthras, Axylus, who used to live in beautiful Arisbe. He had a rich estate and wealthy home, and everybody loved him. He was kind, and generous and welcomed everyone who passed that way as guests inside his home. None of his friends stepped in to help him now. No one protected him from bitter death. His life was taken.
or this:
Euryalus ... then chased both Aesepus and Pedasus, twin brothers, sons of Abarbarea. She, a naiad, bore them to great Boucalion, who was the oldest son of King Laomedon, born out of wedlock. And Boucalion had been out herding sheep when he had met the water goddess and had joined with her in love. They slept together. She conceived and bore these twins. But now Euryalus, son of Mecisteus, destroyed them both. He took the life from both these handsome men and stripped the arms and armor from their backs.
like hello????? suddenly the endless chorus of Name, Son of Name isn't rote or archaic convention, it's a reminder that this person will never see their family again. which then makes the rare times when someone goes on a rampage and mows through a whole list of names without pause (Athena turned his mind towards the crowd of Lycians, among whom he killed Coiranus, Alastor, Chromius, and Halius, Alcander, Prytanis, and Noemon) super chilling
it's so funny i expected to have feelings about hector (and i do) and all the things that destroyed me previous times (and i am!) but here i am stuck on Menesthius, who used to live in Arne. Phylomedusa with the oxen eyes bore him to lord Arethous, club-bearer
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leclerking · 11 months
max x reader (you)
enemies to lovers slow burn or fast burn idk idc
write a self indulgent fic when you're drunk
slayyyyyy im drink rn girlie lets write some fan fictionnnn
do i make this aesthetic? ok maybe i make it aesthrtic
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so its a clubbing scene. im drinking as usual. i want to dance but my friends arent dancers. they're also tired. a man comes up to me and i instantly want to rail him.
he says " you wannt to dance?? ' i said " Yeah dude all night' . so we're on teh dance floor and we're dancing and my friends are at a distance somehwer in the club
then i fall tired so i left to ge t a drink and join my friends, just as i sit down with them, this man. built like a tree. same one from earlier comes back and says lets dance again come on. i was tired but he was handsome so i wen back to dance. then again i was tired so i came bk. and so did he. "come onnn the night is young lets go back" he pleads with a huggee smile. as if he slept with a hanger in his mouth
"dude WHO EEVN ARE YOU AND HOW DO YOU STILL HAVE THE ENERGY??' i asked as i was close to passing out. (just like rite now while i amm typing this)
but he just smiles and takes my hand and i follow him and we're again having fun on the dance floor. soon enough i couldnt do tjis anymore so i tell my friends that we can leave. and we'er sitting on a bemch outside waiting for our uber AND GUESS WHO SHOWS UP!
"you want to catch a drink later someday again?"
i only stare at him. what does he even mean?? " i dont live in this city, i'm here for like 5 days. also WHO ARE YOU i still domtknow your name yet!! how will i even find you??'
'so u do want to find me? " he smirks " if we have one last dance left togther, maybe we will find eachother " and with that he left.
------------------------- im so tired im going to continue this when im drunk mext time i hop e i dont forget the storu--------------------------
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OKAY so now this is probably the next day or the day before we leave the city (i dont know which citty)
im in the lobby with my friends, just back from a whole tiresome day of site watching ? seeing?? the city. im waiting to get something frm the recption and i hear his voice.
" you're here??" "omg dude are you stalking me ?????" i ask with a smile! LIKE WHY AM I SMILING ??!!
" nope. my friend actually lives hre. i came to drop her off "
" you have a girlfriend?" "would not you like to know??"
" nvm i dont, bye"
"okay wait, shes just a friend, and besides i came to drop her AND her boyfriend." and idk what to say, i wanna ask him out but whats the point ill leave tomorrow...
" would you like to go out today? i know this really really great place that has a great salsa night..." not like the dip like the dance!
"sure i'd love that" why am i brushing like an idiot. i told him i'd meet him down in just a few minutes. and sooner than later we were at this beautiful place, you could see the coast. so many people were dacing through tje entire street.
and then so were we. one mimosa after another. one song after another and we were both super drunk and laughing anf giggling and dancing and just having the greatest time ever.
and we continued to have a great time even after we got back to my room. im sure we had great sex. and we wer arguing about something i dont remmbr and having a roast contest. thats all i remembr.
because when i woke up, he was gone. not a single trace. no note, nothing... AND I STILL DIDNT KNOW HIS NAME. was he just a ghost? perhaps my drunk imagination or halusination...
went down for breakfast and met my friends. and they asked me about last night. AND I ASKED THEM FOR CONFIRMATION " SO I WASNT THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD SEE HIM??"
maybe he was real.. but i had to leave in a few hours. maybe he would just have to remain a core memmory to me in this city. and it sucks because he has the cutest smile, and the best energy when it came to dancing.
the whole time, in the taxi, the airport , the flight.. okay maybe no tthe flight because i usually fall asleeep. i thought about him and waht a wonderful time we had.
would i ever see him again??
I want to take this time annd appretiate some of my friends or moods as they say on thos web site. It is 3 am her
@crimsonicarus @lesharl-eclair @sebsore @sebscore @jelloecat @hellocat? @jelliecatz @scuderia-leclerc starcentral @strkctrl @stqrsctrl @deadaydreams @fhumingrace you guys salllaayyyyyyy 💗🤍💕❤️💔💌❤️‍🩹💟❤️‍🔥🫦💋
OH WAIT AND @KRIKRISYERR I for the lyf of me caaannot spell this useeename but they give me the best f1 fic recs
This account has lit rally Turner into my safe space 😭😭😭😭😭💗💗💗💗
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featheredclover · 1 month
September Rain
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Chapter Three
Read from the beginning
Also on Wattpad
Chapter Two> < Chapter Four
“So class, there will be a new student joining us”
“Who changes schools in 10th standard?” Mona whispered.
“Poor thing, I hope she finds it okay” Khushi whispered back.
“Aah here she is,” Madhumati ma’am declared jovially.
All eyes turned comically towards the door.
Khushi looked on as a beautiful girl walked in.
“Thank you ma’am. Hello everyone, my name is Lavanya Kashyap. “
“Well dear” Madhumati ma’am smiled genially, “Tell us more about yourself “
“ I am from St Mary’s. And I was shifted here because my father is moving to London and he wanted me to continue my education in India. “
Her face set in a haughty, bored expression put Khushi off instantly.
“Not such a poor thing after all Khush” Mona smirked.
“That’s nice Lavanya. So let’s see here, Headmaster Manorama has sent a letter assigning you ,your house”
“Red house, you have gained a new member!”
NK hooted, while the rest clapped politely.
“Arnav, please ensure Lavanya gets to see around “
“Yes ma’am “ 
Arnav’s resounding yes grated on her nerves.
“Lucky bastard!” NK laughed.
“Nikhil, I won’t tolerate such language in my class!”
Khushi looked down at her notebook, drowning out the noise.
All she knew was that she didn’t want Arnav to be the one chaperoning the pretty new girl around. Why couldn’t ma’am have allotted a girl? Or some other boy?
“You are going to break that pencil missy” Preetika whispered from behind her.
Khushi let go of her death grip, oblivious to the knowing looks in her friends eyes.
The bell gongs as the class flutters out for recess.
“Twenty minutes NK. Eat what you want in twenty minutes and I’ll see you on the basketball court “ Aman warned as he rushed out.
“Where is he going? Doesn’t he want to eat with us? “ NK frowned.
“He is dating Naina, you dumbo” Mona said.
“Naina Jha ? Our junior ?”
“Is that surprising?” Preetika asked.
“I guess not,” NK mumbled.
From the corner of her eyes, Khushi spied at Arnav standing close to Lavanya.
“Arnav! Aren’t you going to come to the cafeteria? Hi, Lavanya, I am Khushi. You are welcome to join us!”
“Hi,” Lavanya replied coolly.
“Umm guys, Lavanya wants to see the campus and the dorms first. I’ll take her there and will join you, if we get time”
Khushi stood in shock as Arnav grabbed his bag and left.
“What bullshit! They won’t get time to eat, this campus tour will take them at least an hour” Mona grunted out.
“Which man would let go of that opportunity girls,?”
“Excuse me?” 
NK put up his hands.
“Preetika, I am just saying that you don’t dismiss a girl like Lavanya Kashyap. Her mom was a supermodel !”
“How do you even know all this?” Khushi frowned.
“I have contacts”, he shrugged.
“Her dad is the ultra rich Randeep Kashyap. And now her supermodel mom, Sara is divorcing him for a younger billionaire! It is all over the papers. Never heard of a messier divorce “
“Well for that she has my sympathies” Mona sighed.
“I guess Arnav knew about this?”
“Of course! The reds get the news fresh from the oven!” NK said smugly.
“Theatre club is waiting NK, your talents are wasted on us” Preetika giggled.
Khushi trailed behind, her appetite lost already.
“Thank you uncle” ,with a smile she collected her change.
Placing her bag of paints in her basket, Khushi was all set to paddle when a sight caused her to still.
Arnav. Laughing. With Lavanya.
Ice clutched her veins, as her stomach swooped in discomfort.
They probably couldn’t see her. But she could see the glorious two, with their ice creams walking across the park.
‘How long is this campus tour going to last?’ Khushi thought bitterly.
With a jolt, Khushi realised.
They look good together.
Arnav was a boy after all. What right did she have to expect him to like her back?
Biting down on her trembling lip, she rode away before she burst into tears.
Khushi dumped her bag on the floor.
Crashing onto her bed , she stuffed her head into the pillow. Trying to muffle her tears.
Damn it.
“Khushi what’s wrong?”
She felt her mattress dip, and a hand ran through her hair.
She looked up, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“I think I like Arnav”
“So? Why cry about it?” Mona asked.
“Because h-he likes L-Lavanya” she blurted out.
She closed her eyes, hating the pity clouding their eyes.
“You know that in one day?” Preetika asked gently.
“I have n-never seen him l-like this,” Khushi sighed with dejection.
“Khushi! Arnav is your friend -“
“I know. I am not going to tell him or anything. It’s not like I can do anything if he wants to date Lavanya.”
She drew circles on her bed absently.
“That’s not what I was saying. I want you to be honest with him rather than be in so much pain”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea Mona. Khushi wants him in her life. And it will be better for both of them to not bring this thing into the mix. Especially when she isn’t sure about Arnav’s feelings”
“How cynical of you!”
“And how naive of you!”
“Okay guys stop fighting.” Khushi brushed off her tears.
“I’ll be fine, okay? I don’t want to ask him. Preetika is right. And if he does end up with Lavanya…” she swallowed painfully , “I want to be a good enough friend to stand by him”
She gazed unseeingly into her palms. Everything was changing this year.
Tagging: @arshifiesta
Next chapter>>
@hand-picked-star @phuljari @msbhagirathi @thenainitaldisaster @thedupattaknowswhatsup @jalebi-weds-bluetooth @barshifan @andli @shiyaravi @chutkiandchotte @laad-governess @minpdnim @bigfatreader @arshiradio @simplycurlz @scorpio-smiles @bengudill @exosexosekai @0218fm
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doitforbangchan · 7 months
Cloudy day - Felix
Hello loveys, this was requested by the wonderful @softkisshyunjin <3 thank you for being so sweet, i am so happy we are friends :')
Not proofread :)
Idol!Felix x Fan!reader (afab)
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Warnings: Fluff, angst, cheating (not reader), cursing, panic attack, crying, Felix being perfect as usual WC: 2k
This was surreal. Here you were, about to meet Straykids, the people you have been idolizing for years, at their fan meeting. Even being in the same city as them was worth the 3 hour drive, let alone getting to meet them. You were buzzing with excitement. You had a feeling this was going to be the best day ever! It didn’t matter to you that you were at the very back of the line, you would wait all day if you had too!
And wait all day you did. Only a few hours but it felt like time was dragging on and on, ever the close to the front you got.The one downside was your boyfriend didn’t want to join you today. You had begged him to come with you, as your boyfriend he should want to share your joy with you, even though it didn’t interest him. Just like you had done for him time and time again; be it going to sports matches or going to clubs with his shitty friends, you always did what he wanted. So it hurt a little that he wouldn’t do the same for you - claiming he had an important meeting for work he couldn’t miss. 
Whatever. It didn’t matter he wasn’t here, you were happy anyways. Plus it was almost your turn! You were chatting with the girls (the only 3 people left in line)  behind you when you were ushered to the first member, album in hand ready for them to sign it. 
Walking up to the table you were greeted by I.N’s smiling face, beckoning you over. You held back a squeal when you reached him. He was so pleasant! A kind young man who chatted with you and signed your albums and photocards, adding a smiley face after his name. 
It went like that when you met all of the boys, a few of them letting you hold their hands (Swoon) and being so kind to you, even though you figured they were probably tired from meeting so many people. The only one left to meet was Felix. 
Just as you were a few feet away, waiting your turn your phone started to ring. You explicitly told everyone you knew not to bother you unless it was an emergency so you knew something bad must have happened. Looking at the screen it was a call from your boyfriend. You answered instantly. 
“Hey babe, what's going on?” Worry laced your voice. 
“Hey…. listen Y/n… I know this is a terrible time to do this and I’m really sorry, but….” He paused, sounding frustrated. 
“What is it honey? Did something happen at work?” 
He sighed, “I’m breaking up with you.”
 You felt your world shatter at his words. “W-what? W-why?” 
“I’ve kinda been seeing Katy for a few weeks.” His fucking coworker? “And it's been going really well. She’s into the same things I am, and isn’t a grown adult fangirling over a bunch of boys who can barely dance. Look, just mail me the stuff I left at your place. I have a box of your stuff I'm dropping off in front of your door. Sorry y/n.” Then he hung up the phone. 
Suddenly you couldn’t breathe, your chest feeling tight and you were getting lightheaded. What the actual fuck. Cheating with his coworker he told you not to worry about. Fuck how stupid could you be? A whole year of your life down the drain. 
Hot tears were streaming down your face, blurring your vision. 
You didn’t even register that you were being ushered forward until you were face to face with the sunshine boy himself. He was beaming at you but that was fading into a look of worry as he took in your panicked features. 
“Hey, dearie, are you ok?” He asked but you couldn’t respond. The feeling of impending doom taking you over completely. 
“I-I” You were wheezing, trying to get words out but struggling beyond comprehension. “Im…no, I-” This was the worst place you could have gotten a panic attack. It had been so long since you had one you almost forgot how much it overcame you. Though it came to no surprise to you when the sobs started to wrack your body. 
Felix had a look of panic on his own face now, and he turned to make eye contact with his security who came forward to help you. Felix addressed the security “I don’t know what happened, but please show this young woman to the back room and make sure she is alright.” 
The security uttered a quick ‘right away sir’ and led you away gently. Fuck this was so embarrassing. Not only had Felix seen you act a mess, but you were getting worried looks from all the members. This was quickly turning into the worst day ever. 
You were led to a back room where a team of people were asking you what was wrong and if you needed assistance. It took you a while to get your breathing back in check and calm down enough to answer them. By the time the medic team was sure you were alright you were ready to leave and put this whole mess behind you, but they insisted you stay; apparently they had been asked to keep you around. 
It wasn’t too long after that you found out why. Mr. Sunshine himself made an appearance, coming through the door and looking around. When he spotted you sitting there waiting he looked relieved. 
“There you are!” He sped walked to you, crouching down in front of your still shaking form, and grabbing both your hands in his. “I had been so worried! We all were! Are you ok sweetheart?” 
You could barely stutter a reply, “I’m o-ok, F-felix. ‘M really sorry f-for causing a scene.” 
He shook his head, “No, no don’t worry about it! I know a panic attack when I see one and I know it can't be stopped sometimes.” His hands rubbed the skin on the back of yours in comforting circles. “The medic team said your name is Y/n, is that right?” 
You nodded to his question. “I’m Felix, but - you already know that cuz you said it already..” he laughed off his mistake, causing you to have a small smile at the sound. 
“Yes. It's nice-to meet you Felix.” you were starting to get a grip on the shaking.
“Where are you from, Y/n?” You answered his question and thus began him getting to know you and asking you questions about yourself, noticing the more he chatted with you the better you were getting, him seemingly taking your mind off of your panic attack. He wanted to know all about you, how old you were, what you did for a living, your hobbies, and your hopes and dreams.
 He was curious about why it happened in the first place, though. “Y/n if you think you’d be able to talk about it, do you mind if I ask what happened when you were in line? I had seen you looking so happy just a few minutes before.” 
You felt yourself deflate at his inquiry; your heart started to race again as you remembered why you had the attack in the first place. “ I was having a great time, you were all so nice. It’s just that, w-when I was in line about to meet you I got a call.. From my boyfriend…Well now ex boyfriend.” You felt the tears start to gather on your lash line. “He umm, he broke up with me…because he’s been cheating on me with his coworker..” 
Felix opened his mouth in shock. How could anyone want to cheat on someone as beautiful as you? You were so sweet! It made no sense to him. He spoke before he registered his own words, “He is a fucking idiot.” He felt his face redden at his statement. 
You froze for a moment, before you burst into giggles at Felixs’ words. He couldn’t help but start laughing with you, finding your own contagious. It only took a few seconds before you both were clutching your stomachs, uncontrollably laughing together. 
Something about Felix just made you feel better. Lighter. His overall presence just brought you extreme comfort. “Thank you for saying that. Honestly, to spring this on me when I was having such a good time is a dick move.” 
Felix nodded, “For real, what kind of person does that to someone? What kind of person cheats on such a pretty girl to begin with?” 
You blushed at his words, choosing to ignore them and focusing on the first half of his statement. “ He was not a very good boyfriend that's for sure, he never wanted to do anything I did and would put me down when I was enthusiastic about something. I had begged him to come with me today but he declined saying he had a ‘meeting’. Though now I know It was to meet up with his side chick.” 
“His mistress!” Felix exclaimed. “That is terrible. I would say I’m sorry for your loss, but honestly I’m not.” When you gave him a slight confused look he continued, blushing again. “I mean, if he hadn’t broken up with you when he did I never would have gotten to talk to such an amazing girl. His loss really.” 
“You really think that?” You were getting choked up, overwhelmed by his words. 
He nodded, “I do. Forgive me for being bold, but when I first saw you standing in line I could not keep my eyes off of you. Seeing you dancing and laughing with the other people in line made me excited to meet you.” He took your hand in yours. “I know we don’t know each other and you literally just got out of a relationship but if you are willing, I would love to get to know you more.” 
The tears were leaking from your eyes again, “oh Felix..” You couldn’t find the words to describe how flooded with emotion you felt. 
The blonde tightened his hold on your hands, “ please don't cry, we don’t have to continue anything if you don’t want to, we can leave here just friends or even less if that’s what you want.” 
“No!” you protested louder than you had intended. “I mean, I do want to get to know you more, Felix. I am just feeling very overwhelmed right now.”
He nodded in understanding, “I can only imagine. We can take it super slow, if you'll have me.” 
“I think I would like that very much.” You answered shyly. Felix broke out in a wide grin and launched himself at you, suffocating you in a hug. You reciprocated his hug just as tightly, laughing at his antics. 
Suddenly Felix pulled back, looking as if he had an epiphany. “I have a great idea!” You hummed for him to continue. “Why don’t you post a picture of us on your social media, maybe it will make your ex jealous!” 
“That… would actually be hilarious, Felix. Let's do it.” 
He helped you wipe the makeup from under your eyes and patted down your hair. Then together you posed, with Felix giving your cheek a light kiss as the camera snapped the picture. 
You both were giggling as you uploaded the picture to Instagram with the caption ‘so glad I have my sunshine to brighten my cloudy day <3’ 
Maybe today was your best day ever, after all. 
Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
ok but meeting remus lupin during the end of nov and admitting how melancholy this time of year makes u feel and that's it ur invited to all the marauders events over the holidays and spend new years together
my first attempt at remus! this really ran away from me, but i hope you like it! i am still finding my footing with him but this was great fun. | fem!reader, strangers to friends to lovers, nye kiss, 3.3k
You meet Remus at a local book club, of all places.
A flyer on the bookshop notice board tells you the group meets every other week -- a bit frequently, in your opinion, but you've got the time to read so you figure you'll give it ago. Moving to a new place means you haven't got many, or any, really, friends, and you could do with getting out of the house more. The days are getting shorter and you find yourself a bit more lonely with each passing day.
The group, when you go for the first time, consists of eight elderly women (though, they are sure to inform you, sometimes numbers swell to as many as 15), you, and Remus. They ask for your name and your age, which they all titter at.
"I, uh," you say, crossing your legs and shifting in your folding chair. "I'm really happy to be here," you say. "Thank you for letting me join." That seems to soften them, and they all are a bit more smiley as they introduce themselves.
It is clear right away that they adore Remus. It's not surprising -- he's handsome in a tired way, a ragged way. His face is a mash-up of sharp edges and tight scars that slash across his nose, but his eyes are soft and warm. You want to inspect every inch of him, so naturally you look away. 
It takes three meetings for you to say much. After four, you see Remus at the grocery store twice in one week. You wonder if he lives around here. By the fifth meeting, you're fairly sure you've got your footing. You chime in more often than not, and they're going to let you pick a book next month. It's the last meeting before you all break for the holidays and you are quite sad to not have these to look forward to for the next few weeks. But you push it down and instead focus on your impassioned defense of the unlikable narrator in this week's novel.
"It's the edge that makes the story so compelling," you say. "We get to judge her because we recognize her, but we don't know why until too late. It's because she's normal, and we're meant to see ourselves in her." You've gone on for too long, and after you finish, you don't know where to look. Remus is smiling at you, as he always does.
"Brilliant," says Florence, the bookstore owner and facilitator "What a way to end! I can't wait to see what you come up with in the new year, dear." She hands out the plates of cookies that she made for everyone and the ladies begin to go their separate ways. You're juggling your book, bag, and the plate while you try to shove an arm through your coat. A hand appears in your vision to grab the items in your grip.
"You alright?" It's Remus. He smells like chocolate and something earthier. You've spoken a few times, but not much apart from a hello here and there. He complimented your sweater last meeting and the words burned in your brain for days. You nod, quickly sliding into your coat before taking your things back. His fingers are warm where they brush yours.
"Thanks," you say. The bookshop is almost empty.
"I agree with you, by the way," he says. You've noticed that when Remus talks to you, even if he's responding to something you've said in the group, he looks at you the whole time. His attention does not waver. It's both warming and unnerving.  "What you were saying about the narrator. I hadn't been able to put it into words like that, but I think you were spot on."
You start for the door and he follows. "I just think it's easy to fall into the trap of putting every character on one side of morality or the other," you say.
"Exactly!" He nods emphatically. "With a writer of this caliber the text encourages you to read about her with nuance and to consider that she's not just one thing." He holds the door for you and you both spill out into the chilly night air. The town has wrapped every lamppost and tree in lights that cast everything in a warm glow.
"Listen," Remus says. He looks especially lovely out here. You hug your plate of cookies close to your chest before you reach out to push away the lock of hair that's fallen across his forehead. "I know this is probably not going to come out well, so feel free to tell me to shove it."
You blink at him. What?
"I've seen you at the supermarket around the corner a few times," he continues. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he's being shy. "And I figure you live around here?" You nod. You've no reason to believe he's anything but a nice guy, but you know nothing about him. Even if you have also noticed him at the same store.
"Well," he keeps going. His smile is tight, the creases at the corner of his eyes deep in a way that screams nerves. "I was wondering, if you don't have plans that is, if you wanted to come to the pub with me? I'm meeting a few of my mates and I--." He runs a hand through his hair, fixing the piece you can't stop looking at. "Well, we don't get to talk much during club and I'd uh, like to get to know you?"
"Are you asking me to be friends?" you blurt out. Probably not the best thing to lead with, but he's really so handsome and he seems nice and you haven't got much to look forward to in your empty apartment and this is just a little bit overwhelming. His shoulders creep back down away from his ears and he grins.
"Yeah," he says. "I am."
"Okay," you say. "Lead the way." Remus doesn't strike you as someone who wears his emotions plainly, but his grin softens into something lighter and you think that you want to figure out how to read him.
You fall into step beside him. "It's not far," he says. "I do want to apologize in advance for my friends, though," he says.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Well, they're great. Don't get me wrong. I love them to pieces." He sighs. "But they're also a bloody pain."
You laugh loudly and suddenly. It feels nice. "Well, that's a ringing endorsement. It's alright though, I could use some friends."
Remus looks over at you and tugs on your elbow just once to tell you to turn with him. "You just moved here, yeah?"
"Well, a few months ago now, but I haven't had much luck with people." Between working and trying to keep your head above water, you haven't figure out how to add socializing into that yet. "And I don't really like...all this." You wave your hands in the air, gesturing at the lights and ribbons adorning the street.
"Yeah," you say. "It all makes me feel a bit sad." You start to feel embarrassed. "Oh Remus, I'm sorry. We've barely spoken and I'm being all melancholy." He knocks his shoulder with yours and you look over at him to see he's still got a small smile on his face.
"Darling," he says. "I am as melancholy as they come. You're speaking my language."
The pub is crowded and noisy and you like it immediately. Remus takes your hand and leads you through the throng to a back corner where two guys are taking up an entire round booth with what seems to be an arm wrestling match.
"Surrender, Potter," one of them says. He's got a knot of dark hair tied into a bun and tiny hoops in each ear and one nostril.
"Fuck off," growls the other. You can tell right away that he's tall, maybe as tall as Remus. He's got messy hair and round spectacles. He is not winning the match.
"Idiots," Remus mutters. He lets go of your hand and places his palm on your lower back. "Hey, knock it off!" This distracts the boy with glasses, allowing the other one to slam his arm down on the table.
"Shove it," he cries. Remus rubs the bridge of his nose. You don't think they've noticed you yet.
"Where are the girls?" he asks. More friends? you think.
"They're coming," says the boy who lost. Potter, you think. His eyebrows climb up his forehead once he notices you standing next to Remus.
"Marlene called and said they had to stop at home first," adds the other one. His eyes find you and his gaze is sharp. "And who is this?" he says, eyeing you.
"Uh," you say. Remus's hand presses a little harder into your back. "Remus and I do book club together?" You put the plate of cookies down on the table like a peace offering.
"Merlin's beard," glasses boy whistles. "She's real."
The one with piecing looks delighted. "James, you owe me a fiver." He holds out his hand.
"Fuck off, Sirius," says...James. "Wait are those cookies?"
"As you can see," Remus sighs, "these gits are James and Sirius. Are you two about finished?" You look at him and his cheeks are a little pink but he's doing his best to look bored. James and Sirius break into roars of laughter as they scoot to make room for you both. Remus ushers you into the booth. "I'm going to get drinks," he says. "What would you like?"
"Whatever you're having," you tell him. You tug off your coat and don't know what to do with your hands.
"I want a stout, Remus," James says.
Remus doesn't even look at him. "I wasn't asking you, dear." He winks at you and turns on his heel, heading for the bar. You feel a bit strange to be left with two guys you just met, but this is how you make friends, right?
"So what's this about me not being real?" you ask. Sirius raps a tattooed knuckle on the table before reaching for a sugar cookie.
"Well," he drawls. "Lupin told us about his book club when he started going earlier this year but we don't hear much else about it. And then a little while ago, he comes to drinks and he says there's a new girl."
James says your name in a poor imitation of Remus's accent. You twist your fingers in your lap. "And he says a few things about this new girl," Sirius continues, until James elbows him.
"Keep your limbs to yourself, Potter," he grumbles.
James leans in, elbows on the table. "Remus hasn't made a new friend since like, grammar school. So naturally we thought he was having us on when he said you two were friendly."
"Oh," you say. He's been telling his friends that you're friendly? It makes your chest tight in a nice way, like you're being hugged. "Well, thank you for letting me crash your pub night," you say.
"Are you kidding?" Sirius deadpans. "We've been begging him to invite you for weeks." Remus returns before you can reply with two pale-looking pints. He sets them down and slides in next to you, close enough that it's clear you know him the most, even if that's barely true, but far enough that you're not touching except for your knees knocking under the table. He stretches an arm across the top of the booth behind you. You hope you're not staring.
"So how were the books this time?" James asks. His eyes say mischief but he seems to be willing to let you off the hook for now. You and Remus recount the drama from today's meeting. The boys ask you basic questions like what you do for work and how you like the city and what club you support, but none of it feels stale or disingenuous. In fact, it really feels like they want to get to know you.
"Well, surely you've been to the skating rink in the park." Sirius is interrogating you on what neighborhoods you've visited. You shake your head and he gasps like you've slapped him. "What about the market?"
"I don't really do the holidays very well," you say, a bit softly. He raps his knuckles on the table again and Remus presses his thigh into yours on purpose. "I just haven't got my footing yet. I haven't been here that long and I don't have a guide."
"Well that won't do," James says.
"You do now," Remus says. You turn to him and find that he's closer than you realized. His eyes bore into yours and he looks rather serious. "Have a guide, I mean. You'll just do everything with us." You blink. Is it really this easy? Making friends? A handsome boy wants to facilitate your holiday season and you don't really know what to say.
"Brilliant idea, Lupin," Sirius says happily. "I always say you're the smartest of us."
Remus kicks him. "Okay," you say. "That sounds nice."
"I'm sure Remus has your phone number," James says cheekily. "He'll sort it." Remus does not, in fact, have your phone number, but you remedy that by passing him your mobile. He taps away at it with one hand, the other still hovering just over your shoulders.
"Where the bloody fuck are the girls?" Sirius grumbles. It seems he can change moods from one moment to the next faster than anyone you've met before. "Marlene has my nice suede jacket from last week."
"And we need Lily here so James stops looking so put out," Remus says, not looking up from your phone. "Lily is his girlfriend," he adds for your benefit. "Are we not good enough for you, Jamie?"
James ignores him.
"More friends?" you say quietly. Remus nods.
"You'll like them. And they'll adore you." You've been friends with him for all of one night, but his tone is sincere. The pub lighting makes his scars softer and you fight against leaning into him as he talks.
"How do you know?"
His mouth curls up at one end in a smile that makes you shiver a little. "I just do."
It wouldn't do to develop a crush on your first real friend in town, so you try your best not to over the next few weeks. You fail miserably. How could you not like Remus? He carts you around the city with his friends -- your friends too, he insists -- going ice skating and drinking mulled cider and market shopping and every time you are struck by how lovely he is. He holds your hand a lot and sends you photos he manages to take of you without you noticing. You meet the rest of the group -- Lily and Marlene and Dorcus -- and you love them, too. You see lights all over the city and laugh a lot and smile so much your cheeks ache. His friends tease you and you end up in multiple group chats and things start to feel good. Even when you go back to your apartment alone, you feel warm. You are just excited for whatever you're going to do next.
And then it's New Year's Eve.
The pub you've become a regular at is having a party and Lily was timely enough to book your regular table for the whole crew. You're running a little late because you could not decide what to wear, but you make it, shoving yourself through the crowd to the back booth.
Someone -- you're not sure who -- spots you and screams your name. You recognize a lot of the people here, but it's not until James enters your field of vision that you relax.
"There she is!" he cries, looking over his shoulder. "Remus, she's here!" Remus emerges from the crowd and scoops you up, pressing his lips to your cheek in a quick hello as he grabs your coat and pulls you in for a hug. He's warm and smells like beer and something spicy.
"You look lovely," he says. He's had at least one drink judging by the color of his cheeks and his general handsy-ness.
"So do you," you say. He wrinkles his nose at you.
"Go sit in my seat and I'll get you a drink. The usual?" You nod. He gently pushes you towards the table and disappears into the crowd. You slide into a space Remus has clearly vacated next to Sirius. He's got some sparkles on his lower lids and an unlit cigarette hanging from his mouth as he shuffles a deck of cards. Everyone at the table is flushed and ready.
"Hey, you," he says. "You in?" You've no idea what they're playing.
"Next round, Sirius." He shrugs and you watch something that looks like Hearts happen in front of you.
Remus returns before the round wraps up and you stand to give him his seat. He looks at it and then at you and then back at the bench before he slides in, setting your pints on the table before wrapping his long, slender fingers around your wrist and tugging just enough so that you stumble towards him and end up in his lap. Everyone at the table is fighting smiles and Sirius wraps up the round and turns to you both. He puts the cigarette behind his ear and manages to look extremely bored with your antics.
"Now are you playing?" You nod, breathless. Remus's arm wraps around your back, hand settling on your hip so that you won't fall off of him.
A hand moves your hair off of your shoulder and you feel lips on your earlobe. "What are we playing?" You turn and all of a sudden Remus's face is incredibly close to yours. He does not move away.
"No idea," you say, forgetting that you do know what you're playing. Your brain is a little fuzzy right now. Which is probably why you lose horribly, Remus laughing underneath you as you desperately try to shove aside thoughts of kissing him so you can focus for just one second.
And then it's almost midnight. The energy in the pub changes to something a bit more exuberant and someone passes out champagne in classes of all kinds. You end up holding a whiskey tumblr of fizz and the booth around you empties as everyone gets to their feet, ready to chant in the new year. Remus maneuvers you gently so that you're no longer totally in his lap, just next to him with your legs across it. His arm is a warm band around your shoulders to keep you close. The pub increases in volume as people start to sing.
"Have you got anyone to kiss at midnight?" he yells into your ear, lips brushing your skin again.
You pull back to look at him. He's flushed, but his eyes are clear. "I think so," you say. His eyes crinkle at the corners and he sets down his own glass and grabs your jaw. His thumb rubs over your lower lip.
"Lucky bloke," he says. The countdown chanting starts around you. You cup his jaw for the first time and run a gentle finger along one of the scars on his jaw. He shudders.
You can't wait a second more so you lean in, pressing your lips to his. He gasps just a little bit before responding, tongue tracing the seam of your mouth. His fingertips dig into your party dress and you kiss him and kiss him and kiss him and everyone is cheering and you think some of it might be for you two.
You have a feeling that this year isn't going to be so bad.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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