#hello i have fatigue
aph-zoomcall-collab · 3 years
Is this event gonna happen in 2021 too?
unsure. i know last year I suggested a nyo theme for summer this year but it's been a hard year for me so far that i may not have the ability to work this event again - at least the summer. because of so many dropping out last minute last year and having to panic and substitute it was pretty stressful.
if anyone has any ideas on how to improve it going forward i'd be happy to hear them because it's a good event, it's just hard.
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itsjustdg · 2 years
On the one hand, I accidentally unfollowed a friend on Tumblr just now because I hit the wrong button. (Oops.)
On the other, I somehow managed to write... ~1,500 words of an alternate-storyline fic for last week's Chicago Fire - where it doesn't end as nice and neatly and Kelly is in more danger and Jay gets involved to find him (because my brain won't work on any of the WIPs I have going, but this is A Thing I apparently need). But I'm not complaining because this is more words than I've written all year, especially considering my fatigued state lately, so I will TAKE IT.
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skenpiel · 2 years
😭😭😭 i feel like theres ants on me from when i was resting in the grass but thats also my most common hallucination how am i supposed to know if theyre there or not 
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shouts at the dash
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bosspigeon · 4 years
oof so today is... bad vertigo day and im stuck in bed just Thonkin
my dm gave my character a Nightmare and now I just gotta. deal w that for the next 2 weeks before our next session shdhhfhfjf
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Spring is here! And with it? A new playlist~🌸
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weirdlywisely · 5 years
im literally moving to the other side of the planet tomorrow for a few months and i have not even started packing im tiring myself with my own bullshit
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anoteofcalcium · 2 years
bbb,, I wanna' draw so baddd,,
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fairy-eclipse · 2 years
Hellooooow your writing is so damn great my eyes nearly fell out when I saw that you don't have a lot of requests
Can I request a tom x reader where tom is still kind of a Canon tom in a way that's he's cruel and uses people for his own gain and wouldn't really be able to fall in love with a "weak" person but then he meets the reader who is a very innocent person (maybe from another house) and he doesn't realize that he's in love with her but feels this deep urge to protect her from everything and gets way closer to her than he ever thought he could?
(sorry if that's too long, I'm drunk and inspiration is flowing)
Devil’s Sweet Demise
Pairing: Tom Riddle x Reader
A/N: HELLO 😈 thank you for the request, i had sm fun with it and sorry it took a while 🤍 reader is a hufflepuff in this one !!1! (also very swaggy kujou sara pfp even though she has yet to come home smh)
Part 2
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"Oh, and Avery," Tom's stony voice drawls from the forefront. "Try not to question me next time."
Avery nods, dread apparent in the cold sweat beading his forehead and fist clenched on his lap. The room holds a collective breath and it's a long, scary minute until Tom speaks again.
"This meeting has ended. You're all dismissed."
They file out the door. No one dares utter a word until the classroom has receded from view and the common room takes its place. But even while enveloped in the warmth of the blazing fire do his words ring in the air, loud and clear.
Find the Chamber of Secrets.
You sprint through barren hallways, shoes going click-clack against the marble and strands of hair flying out of place. You'd completely forgotten about the Transfiguration essay due tomorrow, and this book is a necessity if you have any intention of getting at least an Acceptable. Dumbledore likes you just fine, but that doesn't mean he'll go easy on you—in fact, he's a surprisingly tough grader. 
You skid to a stop as you reach your destination, heart sinking at the librarian’s empty seat. You check the time with a flick of your wrist—ten minutes until closing. No use waiting around.
Panting, you skim over rows and rows of thick covers in a frenzy, all the while scolding yourself for not being more efficient with your time. You're on the cusp of screaming until finally, by some miracle, your fingers brush against the book you've been looking for, Secrets to Advanced Transfiguration. You hug your newfound treasure to your chest and breathe out a fatigued sigh. Now to get this done before class tomorrow-
Your eyes latch onto the figure of a boy sitting alone fixated on his paper, wrist gliding elegantly across neat, cursive letters. The pale moonlight bathes him in a soft glow, accentuating the dark lashes that extrude from his face. A double take has you realizing that this must be Tom Riddle. A wizard of many talents, if the rumors are true.
You've never formally met him, being that the people he rubs shoulders with are the people you steer clear of. And the people you steer clear of are...not very amiable. To you.
You immediately berate yourself for not giving him a chance. He could be a lovely person, for all you know. With that settled, you stroll over, tapping him lightly on the shoulder with a pleasant smile.
Tom lifts his head. "Can I help you?" He asks courteously, but you don't hear him.
The full force of his attention is overwhelming, to say the least. You're drinking him in; his dark, pitless eyes and the flawless curl to his hair, the pink of his lips and refined sharpness to his jaw. He looks like a saint.
You collect yourself, embarrassed. You imagine he must be inwardly grimacing at your unruly hair and untucked blouse and is taking you for an airhead. 
"I just wanted to tell you that the library closes in a few minutes," you say through the pounding of your heart in your ears.
"I'm aware," Tom replies smoothly, but he looks strangely...irked? "As a prefect, I'm allowed to stay for longer. But is there a reason you're here at this hour?" He eyes your Hufflepuff tie and then the thick book in your hand. "Ah, you're a procrastinator."
Your eyes widen in surprise. "...Yes. I guess you could say I was huffling and puffing to arrive in time."
He stares at you. 
You clear your throat. 
A few uncomfortable seconds pass before you find your words again. "You know, staying up late isn't good for you. I’m sure you'll do well whether or not you study. Oh, if only I were on the same wavelength. One time I stayed up until four and I didn't even pass the stupid exam! My friends had to half-carry me between classes that day. It was horrible."
"Horrible," he deadpans.
You wish you could stuff your mouth with marshmallows. "Sorry. The point is, you should get some sleep. By the way, I really like your handwriting. It reminds me of the warm scarves my aunt knits me during the winter. Good night, Tom." You smile again and scurry off before he has the chance to respond.
It doesn't dawn on you until morning that you never told him your name.
Your wand spirals out of your grasp as your knees hit the floor with a thud. There's the sound of the shuffling of feet before your papers are launched into the air.
Mudblood, mudblood. You know the drill all too well.
Mulciber laughs as you hoist yourself up and dust off your palms. "What a nuisance. Having to work with you in Care of Magical Creatures is bad enough, must you infect the corridors with your unwanted presence too?" He leers at you. "There's a special place for mudbloods like you. I'll give you a hint, it's not here."
You retrieve your wand with a sigh. You know wandering the halls before class alone is never a good idea, especially with the prejudice floating around, but you had decided mailing a few letters to your family just couldn't wait. And now here you are getting intercepted on your way to the Owlery.
You can’t say you pin the blame entirely on Mulciber for the way he turned out, though. The rich life promises much, but heaps of gold don’t equate to happiness...or decency. You like to think that the callous purebloods are worth more than all the bullying, that somewhere in there lies a heart.
Your beliefs are challenged on the daily.
Beside Mulciber, Rosier looks on disinterestedly.
"Soon we won't have to worry about filth like them," is all he says before turning away.
You frown at his back. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing," Mulciber snarls. "Mind your own business." He gives your letters one last kick before falling in step beside his friend. You cross your arms as they walk away, debating whether you should send them catapulting into a wall. You decide against it. You can perform a sick stupefy, but you're sure karma will make its way around sooner or later.
Still, you wonder if it's fate when he doesn't show up for Care of Magical Creatures that day. 
Or that his foot is wrapped in bandages the next time you see him.
A week breezes by before you find yourself in the library again, this time in the clutches of noon and with significantly less strain on your shoulders. You hum quietly as you wander along columns of oak shelves, taking in every peculiar title and thumbing through anything that piques your interest. You're on the floor settling snugly into Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires when you hear your name called from above you. You tear your eyes from the book, heart leaping when you find yourself staring straight into the pallid visage of Tom Riddle.
"Hi, Tom!" You greet cheerfully. "Wait- how did you know my-?"
"I have my ways," Tom says evenly. He doesn't elaborate further.
You laugh. "You're so mysterious. Have you taken my advice from our last meeting? You look a lot less overworked these days."
His brows lift in surprise. "I have," he says reluctantly.
You beam. "See, sleep solves everything. You won't believe it, but I met the cutest Hippogriff in class today. I think he really likes me. Oh, but I barely managed to avert a crisis—you see, my partner, well, he didn't like the lesson very much so he tried to provoke the poor thing-"
"Your partner?" Tom interrupts sharply. A shadow trickles over his face and suddenly he looks less like a boy and more like a vicious, affronted phantom ravening for vengeance. You stare, nonplussed.
A second passes before the expression dissolves just as fast and you're left questioning if you're imagining things with that unconventional brain of yours.
"I see," Tom says quietly. 
You hadn’t noticed that he had sat down on the floor beside you. He turns to face you, staring intensely as if trying to assess something, and maybe it's your paper-thin blouse or the breeze blowing from an open window, but goosebumps are popping up all over your skin, and now he's leaning in and oh-
He picks a bug out of your hair.
You blink. 
"A beetle," Tom says wryly. "You should be more cautious of the...things you let into your hair."
You gape. Laughter bubbles up in the back of your throat and before you know it you're snorting into your palm. Tom raises a brow, but to your surprise he looks more amused than anything.
“Sorry,” you say in between sporadic bouts of giggles. “I know it’s unbecoming of me.” 
You’re not sure how to interpret his silence, but the thought slips from your mind as you feel something tug at your memory.
You clamber to your feet. "Darn it! I completely forgot! I need to meet my Charms tutor right about now. Oh merlin, she’s going to be furious. Goodbye!” You make your exit, taking the book and weaving back through the shelves to the entrance.
If you didn't know any better you'd say he was smiling at your lunacy.
Strangely, Mulciber starts averting your gaze in class, and Tom seeks you out more after that.
‿ ︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵
Tom Riddle does not like laughter. Laughter is a reminder of everything he does not have, and what he does not have is a reminder of everything he was not born into. And, well, he's not proud of his pitiable origins.
So why was it music to his ears coming from you? It sounded like heaven—not that he'd know anything of the sort—it sounded like a gentle tinkling of bells, a symphonious orchestra comprised solely of your voice.
That isn’t even the worst part. The worst part is the tight feeling in his chest whenever you're near. What a disgusting thing, feeling. You're everything he isn’t. You’re a chirpy, blissful, unsuspecting lamb, and he is the big, bad wolf. And no less, you're a mudblood, a part of the branch he's supposed to hate. To eradicate.
So really, he has no reason to shield you from harm’s way, none at all. Except that a contemptible part of him feels the need to protect the innocence that oozes so readily from you. A part of him that he wants gone.
And yet he yearns for you, yearns for you even more than he yearns for a purge, more than the Slytherin secret stashed away in the depths of Hogwarts.
No matter. Until he finds it, he'll give in to his desires a little longer. Like everyone else, you're only temporary, something that can be discarded.
But the fondness making its way into his heart?
He's not so sure about that one.
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xsugarysweetsx · 2 years
Hey sweets!
Would it be possible to have a Rengoku x pregnant reader headcannons?
Maybe like how he takes care of her and after the baby was born and how he helps her? I'm such a simp for this man >////<
Thank you!!
A/N: RENGOKUUUU Ugh I miss him :( I'm making this where he prevailed and won mugen train HUSH
Please enjoy~
"Kyojuro, calm down. I'm the one getting checked here after all" you put a hand over your husband's bouncing leg to try and calm him down.
"I know but I can't help but worry about you," he admitted still bouncing his leg. You had come to the butterfly mansion after feeling sick for almost two weeks. It has been nothing but nausea, hungry, and fatigue. Now Rengoku had finally brought you to Shinobu.
"Hello Y/N! After looking at all of your symptoms you seem to be just fine. Of course, I've brought some medicine.." she said casually
"What do you mean fine? What's the medicine for-" Kyojuro asked but was ignored
"Also some vitamins that will change with the trimester.." she continued as if no one spoke
"Shinobu!" you put a hand to her shoulder to get her attention "What do I need these for?"
"Oh your baby of course!" she smiled "Congratulations to you both!"
The room fell silent. You were pregnant? And why would she deliver the news like that?
"I...Shinobu can we have a minute, please?" you asked looking down in your lap.
"Oh, yes of course. Make sure you drink this with tea every night and I'm always here if anything is in need" she said taking her leave from the room and shutting the door.
"...Y/N?" Rengoku called taking your hand in his own "Are you..alright? Whatever concerns you, I will always be here to care and support and take care of you." he said with a passionate tone
"I-I know Kyo...I just...are we ready for a child? Do you want children?" you asked. Even after being married for about 3 years, you feared the worst when this time came. What if he didn't want children? What if he thought they were only in the way? So many things could go south--however, all your doubts soon melt away when you saw the smile on his face
"Of course, I want children with the woman I love. Why would I ever think otherwise?" he gave you his famous smile as he pulled you into his side "I love you with every fiber of my being, my flame," he said nuzzling into your hair placing his large hand over your ere abdomen where your soon to be child was growing.
"Make sure you chew thoroughly, dear," Rengoku said as he fed you some sweet potato. You were within your third month and close to entering your second trimester. You were both very happy that you made it through the first trimester safely and with no complications. He of course was there throughout everything, night or day.
He held back your hair when you threw up. Massaged your head when it ached and comforted your worries. Just as he was every day he was an amazing husband to you. Every morning he'd kiss your head good morning and then one over your belly button while he said
"good morning little one." with a big grin.
It was known in the Rengoku family, that pregnant women would stare into a flame for about 2 hours every 7 days. This was to ensure the baby would be born with hair the color of a burning flame. Rengoku of course said you didn't have to do such a thing if you did not wish it.
However, you said, "Well it's your family, tradition and I don't think I would mind having another fire hair in my life" and so you would stare at a flame for 2 hours every 7 days. In turn, Rengoku would stay with you and feed you if it was that time of day.
Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu would come after missions to check on you and visit. Tanjiro was like a mini Kyojuro, not letting you do anything while pregnant. After all, he was the eldest and helped his mother each time. They were always a joy to see, and Rengoku loved to see the three of them doing well.
During your second trimester, your bump finally appeared more noticeably. Rengoku was absolutely in love with it! He was amazed about how your body was able to carry a life you made together. He loved to map out the outline of the bump and speak to your baby.
"My little flame, I love you more than you know. I hope you look as beautiful as your mother. She's also very kind, and intelligent, I mean she is growing you after all." he'd say to them "Whatever you wish to be in life I will always support and be there for you."
Senjuro was also very excited to become an uncle. Whenever Rengoku wasn't home he would be the one there to help you until he was back. Even his father was happy for a new addition to the family, even though he was as stoic as ever.
Ironically during your third trimester, you were waiting on your due date to approach. It just so happened to be on the day you were staring into the flame. You felt a sudden cramp in your lower abdomen and called for Kyojuro to come right away. Mans barged in like he was ready for war!
He carried you all the way to the infirmary and announced loudly-
"Y/N IS IN LABOR! OUR CHILD IS ABOUT TO BE BROUGHT INTO THE WORLD!" you couldn't laugh because of the pain. The midwives took you down to a room where everything was prepared for the baby. Usually, the men had to stay outside of the room but Rengoku argued and begged to be there with you. After about 10 minutes the nurse finally caved and let him in to be by your side. He held your hand, wiped your sweat, kissed your knuckles, and rested your head on his knees. He coached you through each contraction and push.
You were sweaty, tired, in pain, but...it was all worth it. A beautiful baby girl was laid on your chest after hours of hard labor. She was crying loudly but it was the most beautiful sound you've ever heard. Rengoku could only sit back and watch as you were cleaned up and the baby was cleaned and wrapped up.
Rengoku was at a loss for words "Y/N...I..I.." all he could do was let his tears fall as you held your baby close
"Kyo....Look at her, she's beautiful.."
"She truly is. Y/N....thank you so much. thank you for this gift" he said wrapping you both in his arms. He had a family...his family. One he would protect with his life and love with his heart and soul.
You both named her Homura Rengoku.
Nights were long....but more because you had to get Rengoku to sleep. He insisted to take "the night shift" to watch over her and keep her safe. Even though she was only a few inches from you.
"But what if she gets cold? Or hungry? Or-or maybe she gets scared of the dark, or what if-"
"Kyojuro, listen to me. She is fine. She's warm, she's safe, and if she gets hungry I'll feed her" you said urging him to lay down. He finally laid back down only for your sake.
During the day he would carry her whenever you needed a break or if you were feeling sleepy. However, he did remember he may be too loud for a newborn. He asked for his younger brother to come every now and then to teach him to be quieter, for her. He didn't want his daughter growing up with a father who always yelled, he didn't want to scare her. He made lots of progress too, he brought himself down to regular volume which sounded like whispering to him.
Your daughter was born with your eyes but the traditional Rengoku family hair. Which was quite rare since the majority of children born into the family were male. Having a female Rengoku with the hair trait was something new and something he sees as a true blessing.
"To tell you the truth," he said as he rubbed Homura's back as she laid on his chest, "I thought I would have died on that train. I thought I would never see you again. Yet here I am with you, and Homura. I look at her and I think about the world she could grow in. She’s going to be so beautiful and strong and smart. I just can’t thank you enough for what you’ve given me. How could I ever thank you?"
"Oh, Kyojuro....you don't have to, you've already given me the best gifts I could ask for" you answer as you brush some of her hair back on his silky head.
"I couldn't agree more my love~"
I hope you enjoyed!
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briarquartz · 2 years
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Mirabel + text posts (7/?)
Image descriptions under the cut
1. Mirabel from her shoulders up, smiling a fake, strained smile, holding the “not-special special”. goodbyeeveryonee’s text post reads “*puts a hello kitty bandaid over my childhood trauma*
2. A close-up of Mirabel, looking sad in her room. valentinecommatexas’ post says “losercore girlcore sitting in her roomcore”
3. ashstfu’s post says “screaming and crying!!! (sitting in my bed completely silent and staring stoically at the wall)
4. Mirabel laying face down in a sand dune. sidhewrites’ post says "y'all ever get fatigue so bad that you’re laying down and it feels like you need to lay down MORE? advanced laying. somehow”
5. Mirabel, eyes closed and smiling, hands by her head, dancing. ashtufu’s post says “crazy how sometimes u dance alone to your facorite song in your bedroom and you are like oh yeah thats why im alive”
6. Mirabel gesturing at the Madirgal family tree, smiling lopsidedly. guccixcucci’s post says “our parents really have undiagnoses mentall ilnessess and we just gotta deal with the problems that come with that”
7. A closeup of Mirabel, looking confused, dancing in the rain. 99-97’s post says “no offense to me but wtf am I doing”
8. Mirabel standing on the other side of a large crevice she just swung over. she has her hands in fists, arms straight above her head as she shouts. ashstfu’s post says “girls be like “i’m not gonna make it” and then make it”
9. Mirabel’s face, looking worried and imploring. slashjaypeg’s post says “”we don’t talk about bruno?” no. we DO talk about bruno. please. he needs a lot of theraphy. i hope he knows i love him”
10. Mirabel in front of bunch of kids, pointing at Bruno in the mural in town with both hands. slashjaypeg’s post says “you know what? fuck you. *talks about bruno*
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totowlff · 2 years
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hello, welcome to my blog! 
this is my masterlist for all my texts already published here, whether fics or one shots
some information below:
this blog is basically a repository of texts about toto wolff (a.k.a. our austrian lamppost), so don't expect to find texts about other people. however, they may be mentioned for context, plot, or narrative purposes;
despite being a person very attentive to details, everything that happens in my texts is purely fictional.
english is not my first language, however, i have the help of my dear friend ally (@formationlaps​), who helps me in correction and revision of all fics;
if you wanna read my works at ao3, click here;
all texts have warnings of possible triggers at the beginning, along with the synopsis and the author's notes. if you believe there is any trigger not mentioned at the beginning of the text, send me a message.
my ask is always open for feedback, requests or simply to chat.
click below to check out everything i've posted up to september 18th, 2023
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almost 30 years after his last formula 1 world championship, elisabeth lauda's father decides to invest in the struggling mercedes f1 team. she joins him as his business partner in the investment. little does she know that it will change her life forever.
see the masterlist of star-crossed here.
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cassie aldersey has a life that she loves. she has a great job, a busy social life, she travels a lot — it’s not the life she was intended to have, but she’s always been one to eschew tradition. after a date gone horribly wrong, she realizes that there is something that she’s always wanted, deep down — a child. thankfully, she doesn’t need a partner to have one, with medical science being what it is. She embarks on the journey alone, initially, but a friend of hers — who happens to be her boss — volunteers to be her donor and co-parent. how will cassie’s life, relationships, and friendships change on the way?  
➝ wasting precious time
after a completely disastrous date, cassie makes a decision that will change her life.
➝ fighting vainly the old ennui
cassie is determined to have a child on her own. but something tells her she needs an opinion on this.
➝ a simple equation
starting treatment is not easy for cassie. nausea, headache, fatigue become part of her routine and a person realizes it.
➝ worth the yearning for
the meeting was arranged in a cafe in the old part of oxford. she had no idea how he would react to her answer.
➝ making the rules
the time has come to settle the legal issues related to their child. and the meeting with the lawyer revealed some problems.
➝ for the sake of having you near
after two weeks of injections, tests, and ultrasounds, the day finally came to collect cassie's eggs. however, that day would be marked by something else.
➝ who do you keep in your head
while cassie was doing her part of the process, it fell to toto to do his part. however, he couldn’t help but feel guilty about it
➝ hope
the most awaited day for cassie and toto has arrived. it was time to try for a child. for real.
➝ as if i could ever keep a promise
we don’t always get what we want.
➝ crossing the line
that night, cassie was only sure of one thing: she needed toto.
➝ boundaries
so this is how eve felt after eating the forbidden fruit?
➝ jackpot
what are the chances of a dream coming true on any given friday?
➝ realization
the first steps towards something new are always the scariest, but at the same time, the most amazing.
➝ like susan and lucy
with the pregnancy progressing healthily, cassie decides it's time to tell one of her most trusted people about the baby. unfortunately, she wasn't alone.
➝ bliss
toto is grinning like a goofball. and it didn't go unnoticed.
➝ midas’ touch
this is the first time cassie has traveled to vienna. it's also the first time she's announced that she's pregnant to her child's co-parent's family. what can go wrong?
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toto wolff is a skeptic about love. after several failed dates, he definitely doesn't want to know anything about relationships anymore. however, when a friend bridges the gap between him and one of his more mysterious employees, he decides to try again. little does he know that woman is taking him back to the classroom.
➝ initial orientation
during a dinner at ava’s flat, toto discovers a very interesting secret about her.
➝ teaching methods
curiosity got the better of toto and he's back at ava's apartment, ready to play her game. he just need to know if she was looking for someone to play with…
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a story of love, betrayal and much regret.
➝ regret
the proposal could not be refused. the challenge was simple. the problem is, you didn't expect to bitterly regret it.
➝ anger
you left toto’s office heartbroken. but, unknowingly, left a broken heart inside those glass walls.
➝ guilt
you thought that after everything that happened, you would never return to a paddock in your life. but fate had other plans.
➝ sorrow
getting over a love is not easy. however, the mission becomes even more difficult when you have a christian horner to torment you with it.
➝ joy
you thought it was impossible to be happier than you already were. however, you were wrong.
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whoever holds the microphone is not always the one who has control of the narrative. and you discovered it in the hands of the most powerful man in the paddock
➝ punishment
request: i would really like to read again a jealous Toto for the reader.
➝ domination
after a bad race and a confession, it was up to you to turn that little game you and toto played at your favor. it was your turn to dominate.
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stories that may (or may not) have a sequel
➝ comments
you posted a certain tiktok with toto and the comments got out of hand. now, he wants to understand why he's being called 'daddy'.
➝ king pleasure
request: can we dare asking for a jealous toto?
➝ bet
request: could you write a one-shot where the reader rewards our daddy wolff for the mercedes double podium?
➝ pillowtalk
request: a one shot where Y/N and Toto are in bed talking and, even though she doesn't understand anything, she asks him to speak in German until she sleeps.
➝ monaco nights
request: an one-shot where toto and reader have a discussion but he kind to her even if he is angry at her.
➝ saved by a perfect kiss
to guarantee a year of good luck, you must kiss someone at midnight. the problem is that you have no one to kiss.
➝ after party
request: we could get some drunk Toto? 
➝ beware the trap
request: could you right a short fic of toto telling the reader everything will be okay and it will all work out, don’t beat yourself down? 
➝ somewhere in the haze
when your race for generational talent came to an end, you didn't expect to be so shaken. however, you also did not expect to be supported precisely by your great rival.
➝ a thirsty tuesday
producing content for mercedes' social media is always a challenge, especially given the demand. however, having a desired boss is always a good asset.
➝ ohne leuchtturm
request: could you write something angsty where the reader and toto had a previous relationship but broke up/divorced due to him never being home and then one night [...] they encounter each other at a bar in her hometown.
➝ le temps fera les choses
request: you could write a story where toto and reader are divorced [...] drunk toto calls reader and just rambles about life and how he misses her and everything, or if you wanna go further...
➝ break the rules
you're there for business and that's all. however, after your presentation, you meet a mysterious man who makes you question all your convictions.
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scmg11 · 3 years
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A/N: HELLO PEOPLE. I'm here with another Kate story. I mean who doesn't love her already?
Anyway this is a concept I read on Tumblr not too long ago and I had to write about it with the one and only Kate Bishop!
Sending love ❤️
When it happened Y/N thought nothing of it. She wasn’t physically injured, nothing hurt and she seemed just fine.
They were running out of one of the HYDRA secret bases the Avengers were monitoring for months now and a team was organized to take it down when they deemed it was the right moment to intervene. Natasha, Sam and Steve took out HYDRA agents that were protecting a locked room with some classified informations, while Y/N and Yelena found a way to sneak into that said room and copied every information and data the computers had in, placing bombs through the entire facility and running away as soon as possible, starting the countdown to have enough time to run on the jet. As they were passing through an hallway, Y/N’s eyes focused on a closed door with a big, red ‘DANGEROUS’ sign printed in capital letters on the glass and stopped in her tracks, walking towards the door to force the doorknob, but Yelena’s voice and hand on her arm stopped her, "Y/N let’s go! We need to move!"
"We still have two minutes. You go, I’m going to check this room out and I’ll join you guys on the quinjet in time." Yelena was having some troubles in listening to her friend’s orders, her features showing clear hesitance, "GO! I’ll be there in a minute, I promise."
Y/N stared into Yelena’s eyes in determination, trying to convey through her gaze that it was fine and that she could head out without her. It seemed like Y/N was persuasive enough because soon after Yelena nodded with her characteristic pout and started to run away, but before she could turn to a left corner she yelled over her shoulder, "if you’re not on the quinjet in 90 seconds I’ll come find your lame ass and beat the shit out of you."
"Noted Belova. Now go." She snickered at her friend’s threat and forced the door open, her eyes inspecting the room quickly before settling on the lab table in the middle of the room full of phials with some kind of lilac substance into. She grabbed a few of them and stocked them away in her suit pocket, before placing a bomb on the table and turning around to run to the quinjet. She turned the same direction Yelena run into not so long ago but was stopped when three HYDRA agents were waiting for her. "Hello minions."
"You’re not leaving this place until you give us back what you stole."
"Oh you’re talking about that strange substance?" When they nodded, Y/N smiled smugly and continued, "oh you see guys, I can’t do that. I don’t know what project you were working on but those phials are coming with me. While you guys-" she got into her fighting stance, lifting her closed fists up to her face while her smile never faltered, "are going down." The tree agents surged forward at the same time, but with her exceptional combat skills she knocked them down in 14 seconds. Just when she was about to run towards the quinjet, one of the agents grabbed her ankle and made her stumble down. She turned around just when he broke one of those lilac phials while covering his nose with his hand, making her inhale whatever was that volatile substance. She used her foot to hit him right in the face and knock him out and got up quickly, jumping on the quinjet a few seconds before the entire facility exploded.
She collapsed on the ground with shallow breath, her chest heaving wildly from fatigue and adrenaline pumping fast in her veins, "OHW!" Y/N whined loudly when an hard punch landed on her stomach, the agent curling on her side at the pain.
"That’s what you get from not keeping your promise." Yelena sat right beside her and pushed softly on her friend’s head.
"I’m here. So I did keep my promise. I was just a bit late."
"I hope it was worth it."
"Oh it was!" Y/N sat up to grab the phials she stocked into her pocket and showed them to Yelena, "I don’t know what it is. Bruce!" Y/N lifted her head up to call the scientist over and showed him what she got from one of the HYDRA’s labs, "I took these from a secluded lab. There was no information or description of the substance, but can you take a look at it?" Bruce took the vials from Y/N’s hands and smiled warmly at her.
"Of course. Once we get back at the compound, I’ll run some tests." He nodded and walked towards the front of the jet.
"What took you so long?" Yelena asked concerned once Bruce left them alone, still sitting on the floor on a secluded part of the jet.
"A few HYDRA agents got in the way, but I got that covered quickly."
"Why do I feel there’s something more?" That was something they were really fond of their friendship, the ability to read the other so well they could never lie to one another.
"After I knocked them down one of the agents made me inhale that substance. I know what you’re going to say-" Y/N lifted her hand up to stop the Russian spy from talking, making her open and close her mouth in a funny way, "I’m fine. I feel fine. I’m not injured and nothing hurts."
"Okay, but you’re going to let Bruce run some tests on you when we get back."
"I will." She smiled appreciatively at her friend’s concern and side-hugged her, releasing her from her strong grip when Natasha called her sister at the front of the jet. The trip back to the compound would take a few more hours, so Y/N decided to make herself comfy on one of the chairs and take a well need nap, falling asleep almost immediately.
She didn’t know how much time passed, but she woke up abruptly when an uncomfortable feeling aroused her from her sleep. Aroused was the right word indeed. She felt hot all over, a familiar ache in her lower belly while her center pulsated uncontrollably between her legs and sweat run down her forehead. Okay… what the fuck is going on? Why am I turned on all of a sudden? I don’t remember dreaming about… Y/N suppressed a moan from coming out of her mouth at the mere thought that passed through her mind, clenching her thighs together to try to relieve some of the tension there but it just got worse. Okay Y/N calm down. Breathe. Act cool. Don’t think about anything remotely sensual.
"You’re finally up sleepyhead, we’re about to land!" Natasha walked closer to her and bumped her fist softly on her shoulder, causing the girl to wail softly under her breath, the sound just a whisper but loud enough to be heard by the two sisters, "what was that?" Natasha asked with a mix of concern and confusion on her features.
Y/N was biting on her bottom lip hard, so hard that she was almost sure she was going to rip her skin out while beads of sweat run down her forehead and her fists were clenched on her lap.
"Y/N/N are you okay? Your face is extremely red and you’re sweating. Are you hurt? Is it from that substance?" Yelena crouched down to be at eye level with her friend and noticed her eyes were almost black and unfocused.
"What substance?" Natasha interjected, eyeing the two girls suspiciously. Yelena filled her sister in with the informations Y/N shared with her earlier, causing Natasha to mirror her sister’s position and grab her friend’s face softly to caress it gently, "oh my god, are you okay?"
Y/N whimpered pitifully, causing the two girls to look at her in shock before shaking her head and sitting up abruptly, grabbing the two Russians spies’ wrists and pulling them towards a secluded room where they could talk in private. "Stop touching me!" Y/N closed the door and locked it, turning around and regarding the two confused girls with a pleading gaze in her blown out Y/E/C irises.
"Y/N you’re scaring us. Are you okay?" Yelena tried to walk towards her but the Y/H/C girl’s hand lifted up in warning stopped her in her tracks, Natasha sharing the same amount of confusion and worry as her sister’s face was showing.
"Do not come closer."
"Tell us what’s wrong. Are you hurt?"
"I wish." Y/N sighed in frustration and scratched the back of her neck hard.
"What’s that supposed to mean?" Yelena inquired with her eyebrows furrowed together in deep confusion, Natasha sporting that same expression.
"I don’t know what the fuck that asshole made me inhale but…"
"But?" The two Russian sisters urged their friend on, wanting to know at all costs what her friends was going through.
"But I‘m so horny right now!" Y/N grunted out in frustration and slammed the back of her head into the door harshly.
"Excuse me what?" Natasha was the first to speak up since Yelena was having an inner fight with herself, not knowing if she should laugh first and be concerned for her friend or vice-versa, her face a mix between confusion and incredulity.
"You heard me. I was fine two hours ago. I woke up from my sleep with this ache. I’ve never felt something so strong. It’s like I’m a bomb and I’m about to explode."
"That’s why you…" Natasha cleared her throat, a light blush settling on her cheeks in clear embarrassment, "moaned out when we touched you?"
"Yeah, don’t get me wrong. You’re both gorgeous but I would never have that kind of thoughts about you two. It’s just- that substance enhanced my senses and made me horny than ever so just the slightest touch makes… my center pulse uncontrollably and sounds escape my mouth without me controlling it." Y/N covered her blushing face with her hands and groaned out into them out of sexual frustration.
"No offense taken. We know who gets you horny all the time." Yelena quipped in a light tone, gauging Y/N’s reaction at her words, trying to lift the spirit up a bit.
The Y/E/C girl’s removed her hands from her face and stared Yelena down with a murderous glare, her center now ready to explode after her friend’s allusion, "Yelena, don’t."
"I’m just stating facts! Just try not to think about Kate in very compromising positions and you should be okay!" Yelena countered back with an innocent face, but the mischief in her eyes told the other two girls Yelena was far from being innocent right in this moment.
Y/N moaned pitifully at the flood of images running through her mind, every single fantasy she had on the archer now coming back in full force and ten times powerful, feeling a gush of wetness spilling out of her already drenched center and whimpered loudly in desire. She crouched down and grasped her scalp hard, trying to get those images to leave her head and give her some mercy, but it seemed like it was useless, those images running around o without control.
"Yelena, you’re an asshole." Natasha reprimanded her sister and walked towards her friend, her hand overing over her head hesitantly, restraining herself at the last second from touching her to trigger anymore unwanted pleasurable reactions out of the poor girl, "I will talk to Bruce in private and I’ll make him run some tests to find an antidote. I’m pretty sure you inhaled a sex pollen."
"A what now?" Y/N lifted her head up and stared at Natasha in disbelief.
"It’s something that we are tracking down for ages now. HYDRA has been working on that formula for years but we never discovered more informations other than the name of the project and the fact that that substance makes people horny. But now that you took a few of those phials with you, we should know everything about that pollen in a few hours."
"Oh fuck!" Y/N groaned in frustration and sat up, the crouching position doing nothing to subside the throbbing of her pussy, it was just intensifying it. "What am I supposed to do? How long does it last?"
"I don’t know, but I’m going to find it out soon, I promise." Natasha told her earnestly and smiled at her in sympathy.
"I have a few ideas on what you can do. It involves you, Kate and a bed." Y/N stared at Yelena down in anger, ready to punch her in the face to shut her up, while Natasha tried - and didn’t succeed - to suppress an amused smile from forming on her lips. "Or you can do what you always do when you take too much time in the showers after a sparring session with Kate, touching yourself." Yelena had the time to finish her sentence right before Y/N punched her hard on her shoulder, causing an ‘ohw’ to leave her lips while caressing her skin over her suit.
"Yelena, I’m serious. Stop."
"Guys we’re back at the compound." Bruce yelled from the other side of the door, knocking a few times to make his presence known without having to enter the room occupied by the three agents. The girls stared at the metal door a few seconds before sighing and walking out of the room, Natasha promising Y/N she will deliver some informations as soon as she gets them, Y/N nodding and smiling in appreciation at her.
"Y/N/N I wasn’t kidding. Maybe this is the right time to confess you crush to Kate and nicely ask her to fuck you to relieve some of the tension caused by the sex pollen." Yelena told her friend truthfully, both girls walking at the back of the group, far away form the others, to prevent from being heard.
"Yelena, I might be so sexual frustrated right now that I could literally explode, but I didn’t lost my mind. I’m not going to do that. Not now, not ever."
"Oh please, Clint won’t be mad! He will be happy!"
"I don’t know about that and can we please not talk about my dad while I’m in this state?" Yelena nodded dutifully and closed her mouth to stop talking, both girls now being the last one to enter the Avengers compound, everyone else already disappeared somewhere into the compound.
"I’m going to go leave my bag into my locker and I’ll go into my room. Do not disturb me, not even for the informations about the sex pollen, not until I say so." Y/N whispered into Yelena’s ear and sprinted towards the locker room, Yelena whistling loudly at her and yelling a ‘go get some tiger’, thankful that they were now the only ones in the living area of the compound.
Y/N snorted loudly while shaking her head at her friend’s antics and walked into the locker room, placing her bag on a bench and opening her locker after putting the combination in.
"YOU’RE BACK!" Oh no. Y/N closed her eyes for what was going to happen, hoping that her enhanced senses would at least try to behave when a body collided with hers mere seconds after in a tight hug and Y/N’s prayer were thrown out of the window when that gesture just intensified Y/N’s arousal tenfold, the girl feeling her skin covering with goosebumps and barely suppressed a moan in her throat. She was almost positive she came into her panties right about now.
"How was the mission? Tell me everything!" Kate asked Y/N eagerly, sporting her brighter-than-the-sun smile, pulling away from the hug just a bit to look into Y/N’s Y/E/C eyes, the Barton girl now noticing how close their faces were and that fact was testing her willpower to not connect their lips and kiss the archer deeply. Kate’s hands gripping her biceps made her cunt clench uncontrollably and she couldn’t suppress the whine that came out of her lips when her eyes focused on Kate’s luscious and inviting lips, moving away abruptly from the black haired girl and trying to ignore the hurt that dusted over her blue irises at her gesture. The archer now seemed to notice the state Y/N was in, red face, eyes blown wide, clenched jaw, sweat falling down from her forehead, Y/N’s clear distressed and fidgeting figure, her pulling away from the hug and whining in pain. Kate gasped loudly and asked in concern, "are you okay? Are you hurt?"
Kate stretched her hand out to caress Y/N’s left cheek but the girl growled under her breath and pulled away from her friend more, turning her face towards the metal locker and leaning her forehead on it with her chest heaving wildly, the girl succeeding in pulling her eyes away from the enticing sight that is Kate Bishop.
"Kate." Y/N warned in a pained whimper, her brain completely clouded by arousal to continue her sentence without moaning out loud.
"You’re hurt, aren’t you? Please tell me if you’re hurt." She asked in concern, moving closer to the girl and touching her shoulder softly, only jumping in fright when the girl screamed out in frustration and flinched away.
"Please Kate…" Y/N let out in a strained and out of breath voice, staring at Kate with pained eyes that broke the archer’s heart.
"Y/N, if you’re hurt let me take you to the med bay. Let me take care of you." Y/N shuddered wildly and let out a loud groan as another flush of wetness left her cunt at Kate’s last words before screaming in frustration and punching the locker repeatedly.
Kate widened her eyes at Y/N’s strange behavior and rushed by her side, grabbing her bicep and forearm to stop her movements, "Y/N! Stop! You’re hurting yourself!"
"Please Kate, get away from me. I don’t know how much longer I can resist it." Y/N mumbled between gritted teeth, her forehead leaning on the now dented locker and her eyes shut closed, the coiling feeling in her stomach that intensified exponentially since when she laid eyes on the archer, ready to snap any second now.
"Resist what?" If Y/N wasn’t so focused on not jumping on Kate’s bones and fuck her senseless she would have melted at the cute, lost and confused puppy expression she had on her face with her eyebrows furrowed together, but she was literally exploding and the only thing she wanted was to cum. So she whined out in exasperation and pulled herself away from the girl’s grasp to slip her back down the locker wall to sit on the floor, her elbows perched on her bent knees to lean her red face in her hands, crying out in frustration.
"Y/N. Tell me what’s wrong. You’re scaring me." Kate sat right beside Y/N, their knees brushing together sending white shocks right into Y/N pulsating center. "I can see you’re in pain and I don’t want that. Let me help you." Kate leaned her hand on Y/N’s thigh a few seconds after she received no response from the distressed girl and saw Y/N lean her head back and crash loudly on the locker behind her and wail out loud, while her left hand settled on her lower stomach.
Y/N was really close to throw her resolve away and push her hand into her pants to touch herself with the archer right beside herself, but the girl was doing nothing but being her cute, sweet and helpful self so she owed her an explanation. "I’m fine." When Kate snorted loudly and mumbled a ‘oh yeah sure’, Y/N couldn’t help but smile at her comeback and stare at Kate in amusement, "well, kinda fine. I’m not hurt."
"Then what’s wrong? You’re acting like your hurt, badly."
Y/N’s hearth couldn’t help but swell at the concern the archer was showing, smiling up in appreciation at the black haired girl while suppressing the need to clench her thighs together with Kate’s hands still softly perched on her leg, "before leaving the HYDRA base, I discovered a lab with suspicious phials with some lilac substance, so I grabbed them and blew the lab up. While I was running towards the jet some HYDRA agents attacked me. I knocked them down easily but before I could leave, one of them smashed one of those phials and made me inhale the volatile content. I knocked him out and got onto the quinjet. I thought nothing of it. I was fine, I wasn’t physically hurt, not even a scratch." Kate stayed quiet, her eyebrows still furrowed together and her lips curled in a concentrated pout, listening intently to Y/N’s story, "I took a nap and two hours after I woke up with an ache, an uncontrollable… itch that I needed to scratch."
"Okay and…?" Kate asked in a ‘duh’ tone and Y/N chuckled at the lost expression on her face.
"That kind of scratch." Y/N clarified and pointedly stared into Kate’s eyes with her left eyebrow arched up, watching realization lay on the blue eyed girl’s features and a blush to spread throughout her cheeks and neck.
"Long story short. Natasha told me they were trying to find this project HYDRA was working on for years and it seems like I found it."
"What’s this project about? What was into those phials?"
"A sex pollen."
"Excuse me, what?" Kate asked incredulously, her eyes widening comically while her blush intensified.
Y/N chuckled but stopped abruptly to whine out when another gush of wetness spurted out of her cunt at Kate’s involuntary movement of her hand. "A sex pollen. It seems like whoever comes in contact with this substance, gets impossibly horny and anything fuels their arousal. Even the smallest touch." Y/N finished and pointedly looked down at Kate’s hand on her thigh, causing the black haired girl to gaze down too in confusion before everything became clear to her.
"Oh. Oh I get it now! I’m sorry-!" Kate grimaced at her and retrieved her hand, Y/N moaning softly at the lack warmth that Kate’s hand was providing.
"Don’t be, you didn’t know. And to be honest, I don’t know if this is the pollen talking or I’m just so tired of stashing my crush inside of me for too long, but I need you to get away from me like immediately… because I don’t know how much longer I can rest the need to-" Y/N stopped her word vomiting, inwardly reprimanding herself for literally throwing her feelings into Kate’s face without even properly thinking about it, with a loud gasp when the archer’s hand settled back on her leg, on her inner thigh to be exact, really close to her center. She stared at the hand just a moment, flinching visibly before stiffening up and trying to move away from her friend to resist the urge to jump on Kate’s bones and finally fuck her senseless, looking up into Kate’s intoxicating blue eyes in pleading when the archer’s hand only grasped her thigh hard and prevented her to move away from her. When did our faces get so close?
"Do you need a hand in taking care of that?" Kate asked boldly in a raspy, sensual tone, making Y/N wail pitifully at the question while her center pulsated violently with that coiling feeling in her lower stomach ready to snap anytime now. They stayed like that for a few moments, just staring intently into each other’s eyes, Kate waiting for Y/N’s consent, her fingers moving imperceptibly on the distressed girl’s thigh causing the softest whimper to leave Y/N’s mouth, incapable to form any coherent thoughts in that moment and just staring at Kate with her eyes full of lust. That sound and the look Y/N was regarding her with were the validation Kate needed, so with a swift movement she slipped her hand into the girl’s tight pants and panties and touched her, finding a striking amount of wetness there, feeling her own center pulsating with her own increasing arousal.
"Fuck Kate!" Y/N screamed out in shock, throwing her hand over her mouth to prevent the entire world to hear her moaning out pitifully at the attention her center was finally receiving, while her head was desperately trying to wrap itself around the fact that the hand that was circling her clit in a heavenly way was Kate’s one. Kate as in her crush. As in her friend. As in her father’s protégée. Fuck.
"Y/N! You’re drenched." Kate spoke out in awe, staring down at Y/N who still had a hand clamped on her mouth to muffle her moans out, "is this all for me?" Kate didn’t give Y/N time to answer her, shoving two fingers into her center, her digits slipping in without restraint and moving them in a fast rhythm, feeling Y/N’s legs fall open to grant her a better access. Y/N mumbled something Kate didn’t quite understand, so she used her free hand to grip her wrist and pulled the hand away from her mouth, "what was that?"
Y/N wailed vehemently when Kate’s fingers pushed in deeper, causing her palm to hit her clit hard, "I sa- shit- I said, you feel amazing. And- fuck- yes, this is all for y-HOLY SHIT!" Y/N screamed out when Kate added another finger and pulled the hand she was still grasping to lay on her breast, Y/N’s head getting dizzy form the feeling of having the archer’s incredibly firm but soft boob under her palm, while coming on Kate’s fingers a second after, her juices spilling out of her center and onto Kate’s hand, who just slowed her movements down to let the girl ride her high out. When she was done writhing uncontrollably, Kate pulled her fingers out from Y/N’s pants and the Y/H/C girl whimpered at the loss, that uncontrollable ache still present, making her feel like nothing changed.
"How was that?" Kate asked, nuzzling her nose on the girl’s temple, sneaking her arm around the girl’s waist to pull her closer but whimpering under her breath a second after when she felt Y/N’s hand still on her chest, grasp her boob greedily.
"I- don’t know- wow."
Kate chuckled and shook her head at Y/N’s eloquence, "you have such a way with words."
"Sorry. It was perfect but I’m still horny as fuck. So it’s really difficult forming any kind of thoughts now." Y/N confessed and bumped their noses together while her teeth clenched on her lips hard, wanting to connect their mouths together so badly.
"Well, it seems like we’re not done yet." Kate murmured between them, her lips ghosting over Y/N’s inviting ones and the last ounce of Y/N’s strength flew out of the window, the girl surging forward to kiss the archer passionately, feeling over the moon when she felt Kate’s lips on her own for the first time. Kate pulled the Y/H/C girl closer to her by combing her fingers into her hair while her tongue slipped into the girl’s parted lips, both moaning at their wet muscles sliding over each other into their mouths. "Fuck Y/N." Kate whimpered into the kiss when Y/E/C girl’s hand kneaded on her boob fervently, her nipple standing up and hitting her palm at the welcomed attention. One of Kate’s hands pulled away from Y/N’s hair to grasp her left hip and pull her up to let her straddle her hips, both girls pleasantly surprised when Y/N sat on Kate’s lap and stopped their kissing to moan silently into the archers mouth, her back arched and her hands gripping Kate’s shoulders hard. "Did you just came?"
Y/N’s body limped back on the archer’s one while nodding in embarrassment and Kate promptly rounded her arms around her waist to let her stand still, "yes! Fuck!" Y/N answered Kate’s question out of breath before groaning out in frustration.
"I feel like I’m gonna explode! I came twice in the span of like 2 minutes and my center is still pulsating like I never came in my life!"
Kate visibly gulped at Y/N’s boldness and her hands moved from their own account, grasping the girl’s ass hard, making her move her hips in a fast pace and letting their lips collide in a needy kiss. Y/N’s free hand leaned on Kate’s other boob and grasped her chest greedily, moaning into her mouth at the stimulation their hips crashing together were providing. "Y/N! You’re so hot." Kate left the girl’s lips to take a needed breath and attached her mouth on the inviting skin of her neck, sucking there fervently to create a big and really visible hickey on her pulse point.
Y/N’s whimpers increased in volume when she felt that irritating coiling feeling still present in her stomach curling inside her, "Kate, I’m close."
"Come for me babygirl, let go." And Y/N didn’t have to be told twice, she bit on Kate’s neck hard to muffle her screams while they both stopped their hips’ movements. Y/N felt Kate’s hands caress her back softly and smiled at the soft gesture, lifting her head up from the archer’s neck to lay a sweet peck on her lips, embarrassed from the rate she was tipping over the edge. "If it makes you feel any better, I came as well." Kate reassured her in a soft whisper, almost like she could read her mind.
"Really?" When Kate nodded with a mix of embarrassment and lust, Y/N leaned her head back to groan out in arousal, "fuck I was feeling a tiny bit better, but now you just got me wet again."
"Well that’s good! I’m done with you yet." Kate murmured sultrily on Y/N’s lips and the girl swore she was ready to come again from just her seductive tone.
"Kate you almost made me come again with just that sexy voice." Kate shuddered at Y/N’s words and wrapped their lips together in an open-mouthed kiss, their tongues sliding over each other and creating loud, slipping sounds that echoed around the silent locker room.
"What do you say if we take this you your room? I want to fuck you properly." Y/N felt an embarrassingly amount of wetness leave her center from Kate’s words and she only found in herself the strength to nod her head and whimper pitifully. She moved up from the archer’s lap and almost lost her balance when her wobbly legs didn’t support her body weight, but a strong arm prevented her from falling on the floor. "I got you." And those words were everything Y/N ever needed to hear, her eyes getting watery and leaning forward to kiss the girl passionately, putting every feeling she had for the girl into the kiss, the archer reciprocating the gesture just as intensely.
"You don’t even know what you just told me made me feel. God Kate I like you so much."
"I like you too Y/N. I’ve liked you since the moment my eyes laid on you."
"Really?" Y/N asked with her eyes so full of vulnerability and hope that Kate just melted at that cute sight.
"Yes. You’re amazing Y/N." They shared a cute, soft peck before pulling away when Y/N whimpered out between their kiss and reprimanded her center for ruining the cute moment they were sharing, Kate shaking her head fondly and laying a soft peck on her swollen lips, "it’s okay babe. We’ll talk later. Now let me fuck that sex pollen out of your system."
Y/N growled under her breath and grabbed the back of the archer’s neck, connecting their lips in an hard kiss and causing them to stumble backwards, Kate groaning at the urge of their kisses and pushed Y/N’s back on the locker behind them, grasping the back of her thighs and lifting her up, the girl’s legs wrapping around her waist immediately. "Kate, holy shit." Y/N gasped out after she ripped their lips away from the bruising kiss at the archer’s show of strength and wailed in need when their position made her center rub on the black haired girl’s contracted stomach, her hips moving by their own accord.
Kate noticed Y/N’s subtle movement and grasped her thighs harder while moving her body up and down to let it rub just perfectly on her stomach. "Is this good?" Kate asked hotly into Y/N’s ear, biting on her lobe before sucking it into her mouth.
Y/N moaned out into Kate’s ear and grasped her scalp hard, "so so good. Fuck Kate, I can already feel it." The archer knew what the girl was referring to and sped up her movements, causing a lustful wail to leave her lover’s lips while her hips met her body’s movements, mere seconds after feeling the girl arching her back and whining her name, the sight doing nothing but ruining Kate’s panties while her center pulsated uncontrollably at the sensual sight that was Y/N coming for her.
"Well, so much for taking it into your bedroom." Kate quipped softly, causing giggles to leave both of their mouths at their needy asses.
"I’m sorry. This arousal doesn’t let me think at all." Y/N was still a bit out of breath but nodded at the archer and stared into her now black eyes fondly, "I don’t know how wobbly my legs will be but we can go now."
Kate nodded dutifully and set Y/N down gently, the girl standing still a few seconds before nodding at the archer, who intertwined their hands together, both smiling at their stomaches filling up with butterflies, and the Y/H/C girl let Kate lead them out of the locker room and walk towards the elevator that lead to her floor. Once in her living room area, they literally sprinted into Y/N’s bedroom, pulling on each other clothes and leaving them in the floor in a messy trail while kissing passionately. Once the back of Y/N’s knees hit the back of her bed, Kate detached her mouth from the Y/H/C girl’s one and pushed her on the mattress, following her soon after, straddling her waist and grasping her cheeks to connect their lips greedily once again, her tongue invading Y/N’s mouth in an instant and pulling a loud moan from the girl when she felt Kate’s arousal dripping on her stomach. "I want to come with you."
"We can arrange that." Kate murmured into the kiss and slipped her right thigh between Y/N’s legs, while Y/N lifted her own thigh to slide right between Kate’s legs and hitting Kate’s clit just right to cause a loud moan to sneak out from her lips, "fuck, I’m already so close."
"Me too." They continued their fervent movements, both moving their hips up and down their thighs, reveling into the wonderful feeling of their clit being stimulated just right, while they just moaned into each other’s lips, both too much gone to continue kissing.
Kate knew that Y/N was under an unknown substance that made her impossibly horny, so it was understandable how easy it was for her to come undone, but she was shocked by how easily and how fast herself is nearing the edge without being completely touched by her crush yet. But she didn’t dwell on it too much because she felt her cunt clench uncontrollably while juices spilled out from her center and onto Y/N’s thigh, feeling Y/N drench her leg with her own cum.
"Fuck, at this rate I’ll need to drink a gallon of water." Y/N quipped heavily, feeling the archer laugh loudly at her joke while her sweaty body slumped on Y/N’s one, to let both of them to catch their breaths.
"Me too. I wasn’t the one who came in contact with a sex pollen!" Kate countered back, leaning her head up to look into Y/N’s eyes in amusement, hearing the girl snort loudly. "I mean I already climaxed twice and you didn’t even properly touched me yet!"
"Well, I’m going to change that very soon." Y/N wrapped her lips around Kate’s plump ones and kissed her languidly, "give me just a few seconds to recover and I’ll fuck you senseless."
Kate gulped at the promise and nodded dutifully, "how are you feeling?"
"Still horny, but not like 30 minutes ago when even the tiniest thought of you in my head made me almost come into my pants."
"Oh so you were thinking about me." Kate stated more than asked, her smug face already settling on her features.
"I was trying not to, but it was impossible. I just wanted to fly here and touch myself thinking of you."
"Well good thing I came to find you as soon as you guys landed." Kate murmured hotly on Y/N’s mouth and bit on her bottom lip, pulling on the soft flesh slowly and releasing it a second after to stare into Y/N’s eyes intently.
"This is so much better than imagining doing things with and to you." Y/N confessed and blushed furiously, not exactly wanting to share that information but her mind was still in a lust haze and her inhibitions weren’t exactly working at the moment.
"Oh yeah? Things like what?"
Y/N hesitated for just a moment, worrying her teeth on her bottom lip before making up her mind and confessing her deepest desire to Kate. We already fucked each other, so why shying away from the truth? "You riding my strap."
Kate had to take a double take at that, not expecting Y/N to give her that answer, not expecting Y/N to answer her at all, thinking she would have dodged the question with a joke or something. But she was pleasantly surprised at that and shuddered wildly, while wetness formed once again between her legs at the images running around her mind. "Oh fuck, that’s so fucking hot." Kate wailed out and leaned their foreheads together.
"Would you like to do that?" Y/N asked unsure, not knowing why she was feeling insecure all of a sudden, but she wanted Kate to be 100% in with her.
"Are you really asking me that?" Kate asked incredulously and when she saw a wave of insecurity into Y/N’s Y/E/C irises, she smiled warmly at the girl and kissed her softly, "if you want some kind of approval from me, I’m just going to show you that." And like that Kate grabbed Y/N’s hand that was caressing her right cheek softly and pushed it between her legs where an already great amount of wetness collected there, causing both of them to moan out, Kate from feeling Y/N’s fingers fondle idly her slit and Y/N from feeling the aroused state Kate was already in. "So yes- fuck-" Kate stopped her sentence to moan when Y/N entered her without warning, "I want to ride you."
"Let me go grab the strap-on." Y/N reluctantly pulled her digits away from Kate’s center, the girl whining out at the lack of stimulation but moved out from her lap to let the girl walk towards her closet and grab the strap on with an harness. Y/N slipped the harness on and perched on the bed on her knees, looking at Kate, sitting right on the center of the bed, with lust spilling out of her eyes, her Y/E/C hues never leaving Kate’s blue one while putting the strap in its place. "You ready?" Kate nodded and saw Y/N put the right amount of lube in her hand and went to spread it on the strap, but a delicate hand on her wrist stopped her.
"Can I?" Kate stared into Y/N’s eyes deeply and bit her bottom lip eagerly while waiting for the girl’s answer. Y/N felt like she was transfixed, like she was floating out her body after hearing Kate’s request, so she sticked to moaning loudly and nodding her head dumbly, watching the girl sitting up on her knees to mirror her position and grabbing the lube from her hand to start spreading it on the strap, the soft movements Kate was doing on the dildo were causing the back of it to hit Y/N’s clit in a blissful way and stimulating her center in the best way possibile.
"Fuck Kate."
"Feel good babe?" Kate asked on her lips, her hand pressing down harshly on the strap and hitting Y/N’s clit harder, causing goosebumps to spread throughout her body while the softest whimpers escaped her lips.
"So so good." Y/N wailed aloud when Kate’s lips settled on her neck to lay open-mouthed kisses there and her hand instinctively sneaked into her black hair to pull her closer, but she came into her senses a few seconds after, remembering this was about them both. "Wait- shit." Kate bit particularly hard on her neck and Y/N had to pull on Kate’s hair to pull her away from attacking her neck some more and to stare into her now dark blue irises, "I want to make you feel good as well."
Kate bit her bottom lip in a sultry way and nodded, pulling her hand away from the shaft and cleaning it up from the remnant of the lube on the sheets, then lifting her pointer finger up and let it slide from Y/N’s sternum, right between her boobs, down her contracted abs and stopping right on top of the strap-on, "right… So let me ride you." Y/N gulped loudly to get rid of the sudden dryness of her mouth and nodded dumbly, sitting down on the bed and leaning her back on the headboard, moaning pitifully when Kate swiftly sat on her lap, her hips hovering above the strap-on and her hands laying on the girl’s shoulders.
"Ready?" Y/N asked while grasping the archer’s waist softly and caressed the skin there, looking up into her eyes sweetly.
Kate nodded and leaned down to kiss her hard before lowering her hips down onto the dildo, her drenched center taking up inch by inch of the strap-on with easiness, the archer loving the stretch it was providing and moaning out loud to let Y/N know how much she was enjoying it. Y/N, on the other hand, was merely staring at Kate, watching her lower herself on the strap-on, her head leaned back while moans spilled out her mouth. Her eyes strayed down and settled on Kate’s pussy taking up the dildo inch by inch and whimpered loudly at the sight, her center pulsating violently and that familiar ache settling back into her lower stomach. "Holy shit, Kate."
"Y/N! You’re stretching me so so good, baby." Kate’s hands gripped Y/N’s shoulders hard in pleasure, while shudders travelled down her spine.
"Fuck, you like that, babe?"
"Yes." Kate stilled her movements when she felt her hips flush completely onto Y/N’s ones and let her body adjust to the sense of fullness Y/N’s strap-on was providing, before rotating her hips tentatively to test the new feeling out and moaning out loud a second after when she felt she was being filled in a blissful way. "Oh yes, Y/N, you feel so good." Kate sped up her pace just a bit, her hips moving up and down the shaft and meeting Y/N’s lap every time her hips came crushing down, both girls moaning out at the wonderful stimulation.
"Shit Kate, you’re the most breathtakingly-fuck-fuck- view I’ve ever seen." Y/N moaned loudly when Kate started moving faster, her center shifting up and down the strap-on, causing wet sounds to mix with their blissful moans and bouncing of the otherwise silent room’s walls, her eyes fixed on the goddess that was riding her right in front of her eyes.
"You’re filling me up so good." Kate let out in a breathy moan, leaning her head back when she crushed down on the dildo particularly hard, the shaft hitting her inner walls deep.
"You like that baby?" Y/N didn’t know if it was the pollen in her system, or the fact that she was living her most yearned fantasy, or that she was having sex with her crush Kate, but sudden urge to make Kate feel good came crashing into her in an hard wave and made her spring into action, grabbing her hips hard and moving her own up to meet Kate’s thrusts, hearing Kate’s moans increasing in volume and her movements becoming more sloppy while her lips attached onto Kate’s pebbled nipple.
"Oh god, I’m so close baby."
"Fuck babe, you’re taking me so good." Y/N moaned into the black haired girl’s chest when a particular hard thrust made Kate’s hips crush on her own and hit her clit just right, the Y/H/C girl feeling herself nearing the edge.
"Yes! Like that- Y/N!" Kate screamed out when the girl bit particularly hard on her nipple, her back arching into Y/N’s mouth more, while their hips moved impossibly fast to seek out their yearned release. Kate’s hands gripped Y/N’s shoulders hard while the girl switched to her neglected nipple to give it the same treatment, her hands gripping the archer’s hips to help her out with her movements, slid down onto her ass and squeezed it harshly. "You feel so good baby."
"Shit baby, I’ve never felt so good in my life." Y/N shuddered when Kate’s hips crushed down in her own hard and detached her mouth from Kate’s nipple with a loud pop to moan out in pure bliss. "Are you close?"
"Yes baby, YES!"
"Come for me, babe! Let go." Y/N repeated Kate’s words from earlier when she saw the girl’s face contracting in pleasure, Kate arching her throat back a few seconds after to let ecstasy take over and scream out in pure bliss when she tipped over the edge, Y/N’s orgasm hitting her right along with Kate’s one, leaning her mouth down to lay soft bites and love kisses on the sweaty skin of the archer’s neck, feeling the vibrations of her soft whimpers spilling out from her throat. They stopped their movements altogether not too long after, Kate’s body going limp on Y/N’s one and the girl supported her up with her hands around her back, caressing the skin softly.
"How do you feel baby?"
"Like I’m floating." Kate answered with a dope smile adorning her lips and her eyes hooded and unfocused, staring down into Y/N’s Y/E/C irises lovingly.
Y/N chuckled softly and pecked her lips, "well you’re not. But I feel you."
They stayed like that for a few more minutes, to let their bodies ride out the still powerful high and to just cherish this moment together, committing it into their minds together. "How do you feel now?" Kate asked softly, peppering gentle kisses on the girl’s temple, feeling the girl hug her tightly at her sweet gesture.
"Much better now. I never came so much. I think I came 6 times in a row in the span of what? 2 hours?" Y/N chuckled softly, followed by Kate’s melodious giggle, "even if I can still fill that ache deep down. But it’ll go away. Or at least I hope so." Y/N joked amused and Kate snorted loudly at her words.
"What if it doesn’t go away?"
"Well I still have to know for how much longer the pollen will have an effect on my body, but Nat and Bruce are taking care of that." Y/N shrugged with a pensive look on her face, "but if it doesn’t go away and it comes back in full force, I’ll take care of it." Y/N finished softly and kissed Kate sweetly on the lips, the archer reciprocating the peck with the same amount of love.
"Why waiting? Let’s try to get rid of that now." Kate suggested seductively with her eyebrows wiggling provocatively, her tongue slipping out of her mouth to lick Y/N’s upper lip. The strap-on was still buried into Kate’s center and her moving forward made it shift inside her, moaning quietly onto Y/N’s lips at the new wave of stimulation she was receiving while Y/N whined onto the archer’s mouth at her sensual gesture and at the attention her center was getting once again, pulling the black haired girl impossibly closer while kissing her passionately.
"Are you sure?"
Kate nodded eagerly and grasped the back of Y/N’s neck to shut every self-doubt Y/N had and kiss her senselessly, their lips moving and slipping together like they were two puzzle pieces. One of Kate’s hands slipped between their flushed bodies to grasp Y/N’s left breast and squeeze it hard, the girl moaning loudly at the stimulation her oversensitive nipple was receiving and palmed Kate’s ass hard, causing the dildo to move deep inside her.
Kate interrupted their kisses to moan out in pleasure at the fresh wave of arousal hitting her and went resume her hips’ movements, only to be met with a strong grip that prevented her from shifting, causing a whine of protest to leave her red, swollen lips. "Babe why did you stop me?" Kate tried to move her hips once again but Y/N’s grip wasn’t relenting and that caused a wail of frustration to rumble out of Kate’s throat.
"I thought we were getting rid of my arousal." Y/N quipped suggestively and shook her head when Kate grunted out unamused. "But I stopped you, because-" Y/N stopped her sentence abruptly purposefully and her next movement made the archer almost come undone without having been stimulated properly. Y/N took a hold of Kate’s hips and in a quick motion, switched their position, making the archer lay down on her back while she adjusted herself in between her now open legs, her arms on either side of the archer’s head.
"Holy shit. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen." Kate whined out in pleasure and grabbed Y/N’s neck harshly to connect their lips in an hard kiss, their tongues invading each other’s mouth greedily while her hands travelled everywhere to grasp each other and pull them impossibly closer.
"And I haven’t done anything yet." Y/N murmured on Kate’s lips, giving her so very little time to let that phrase sink in before she leaned her head back on the pillows with a low, guttural groan leaving the back of her throat when Y/N started a slow rhythm, hitting her deep inside and stretching her in a wonderful way.
"Fuck, fuck, Y/N!" Kate moaned loudly when Y/N increased her pace gradually, pulling out almost completely before pushing right back in forcefully, hitting a new, deep spot inside the archer center.
"Fuck, you feel so good."
"Yes! Like that- SHIT!" Kate was reduced into a moaning mess, her body writhing uncontrollably by the pleasure Y/N was giving her, her center being filled so heavenly by her lover in a way that no one ever succeeded into doing, feeling love exuding from each thrust Y/N delivered into her. Kate’s hands gripped the girl’s strong back and raked her nails down hard when Y/N increased the speed of her movements, causing the bed to squeak loudly while their bodies moved together on the mattress, the Y/H/C girl rumbling out a long, low groan at the pleasurable stinging, her pace never relenting.
The all too familiar coiling feeling that never left Y/N since she came in contact with that substance was ready to snap again, Y/N thrusts into Kate we’re doing an amazing job onto her own center and the fact that Kate was in that state, moaning a bunch of gibberish, her body thrashing around like crazy, her back arching every time Y/N pushed right back in and her hands pulling the girl impossibly closer to flush their bodies together were a great plus to her impending release. "I’m close baby."
"I’m close too babe." Kate spoke up in a breathy tone, a moan leaving her lips soon after when Y/N’s hand that strained down not too long ago and gripped her side, slid down gently and joined the shaft moving in an unrelenting pace on her center, laying her thumb on the archer’s clit and playing with it while matching her hips’ rhythm. Kate’s legs wrapped themselves around Y/N’s waist and that gave the girl even more room to push in deeper, the heels of Kate’s feet pushing hard on her lover’s lower back while Y/N’s other hand that was placed beside the black haired girl’s head to support her body up with her arm, caressed the girl’s cheek softly while showering her with open-mouthed, wet kisses from her collarbone up to her neck, before whispering into her ear, "you’re so hot like this." Kate whined aloud and gripped her back hard, positive that her gesture will definitely leave red marks there, while arching her spine when Y/N hit something new, deep inside her, making her see stars. They continued like this for a few minutes, both of their orgasms building up fast, their hips crashing together each time they meet up with their thrusts while panting into each other’s mouths hotly. Y/N saw Kate’s body tremble wildly, while she screamed from time to time a bunch of profanities mixed with Y/N’s name spilling out of her mouth, a clear sign that the girl was close. "Come for me, babe. Scream to the world how good you’re feeling." Y/N whispered hotly into Kate’s ear and with one last, deep and hard thrust of her hips, Kate’s powerful orgasm came crushing down on her harshly, her vision unfocused while her body writhed around uncontrollably and loud screams of Y/N’s name tumbled out of her lips. Y/N’s thrusts never stopped, just decreased in speed, wanting the archer to fully ride out this powerful wave and prolong her pleasure as much as she could.
When Kate’s body stopped trembling and slumped on the mattress with a loud thud, her legs releasing the deadly grip they had on her lover’s waist and her hands fell by her side softly, Y/N removed herself slowly out of the now sensitive girl, who whined out at the lack of fullness that Y/N was providing a few seconds prior, and moaned under breath at Kate’s juices coating the shaft completely before shimming out of the harness and throwing everything on the floor, then leaning softly on Kate’s body and hearing the girl hum in pure bliss. "Am I dreaming? Because I feel like I’m in another dimension."
Y/N chuckled at the dreamy tone Kate had on and that caused the girl to shift her gaze from the ceiling and focusing it down on the beautiful girl that was staring down at her with nothing but love and reciprocated her gaze with the same amount of affection, "I can assure it’s all very real. The scratches on my back can prove it just fine."
Kate grimaced and caressed her back softly, "sorry."
"Don’t be, it means I did something good." Y/N reassured the archer and laid a gentle peck on her still swollen lips.
"Are you kidding me? That was more than good. It was absolutely amazing." Kate countered back eagerly, causing an happy laugh to leave Y/N’s lips. "The ache? Gone?" Kate simply asked due to her brain still in a fuzzy, post-coital haze to form more than few coherent words.
"Well no, I was focusing on giving you pleasure, so I didn’t came. But don’t worry about that. It’ll go away. After you recover completely, I’ll go into Bruce’s lab and ask about some informations." Kate stared at her with a not-so-happy face and gripped her neck hard when the girl dismissed the topic like it was nothing.
"Are you kidding me, right? No way. This was about you in the first place. So I’m not letting you put my needs first." Kate stated firmly and kissed Y/N’s lips hard, letting her tongue out to slip into the girl’s slightly open mouth and felt her shift on her body, a clear sign that Y/N was turned on more than she let her on. "Since you literally broke me and I think I won’t have the ability to move for like, at least a week-"
Y/N interrupted Kate with a satisfied hum and a smug face, "well, there are a lot of things we can do a whole a week onto this very bed."
Kate snorted softly at Y/N’s innuendo and wiggled her eyebrows teasingly but felt her cunt clench involuntarily at her words, "as I was saying, since I can’t physically move, how about you sit on the best seat in the world and come on my tongue?" Kate asked with a blinding, overconfident smile and Y/N visibly gulped at the question, her legs clenching together to get rid of that irritating ache there. Y/N felt Kate’s hands shift down from her back and grasp her hips strongly, forcing her body to move up Kate’s one before reaching her destination, her legs on either side of the archer’s face while she grasped the headboard for stability, this position making her legs wobbly and unstable. "Okay now, sit back and enjoy the ride."
Kate’s joke made Y/N chuckle softly but that sound died in her throat when she felt Kate’s tongue sliding up her slits before wrapping itself around her clit, moving it from side to side, up and down, drawing idle signs on it before sucking it into her mouth hard. Y/N gripped the headboard hard when she felt her legs give out, strong arms grasping her hips to help her up, and moaned loudly at the wonderful things Kate’s tongue was capable of delivering. "Oh yes, this feels so goOD!" Y/N screamed without notice when Kate’s wet muscle entered her center without notice, licking her inner walls just right, while a soft hum on her cunt made her head spin and a gush of wetness to spill into Kate’s mouth.
"Mh, you taste so good." Kate slipped her tongue out to murmur right onto her center, before reattaching her lips on her clit and sucked hard, while her hands gripped the back of Y/N’s thighs strongly to push Y/N’s center impossibly closer to her face.
"Fuck Kate, I- shit." Y/N didn’t have time to finish that sentence because the black haired girl’s tongue invaded her pussy a second after while one of her hands sneaked between the girl’s legs to play with her pulsating clit, rolling it under her thumb in quick strokes. "Oh my god, KATE." Y/N’s scream bounced off her room’s wall when Kate curled her tongue into her center and pushed hard on her clit, feeling her walls clench firmly on her muscle, spurring her into action and speeding up her movements, desperately wanting the girl to come in her mouth and taste her, her sent only inebriating her senses. "Good?" Kate had the time to murmur just that word right into Y/N’s drenched lips before slipping her tongue right back in, Y/N moaning in lieu of an answer and rolling her hips onto Kate’s tongue to match her pace, the headboard hitting the wall forcefully while her knuckles turned white from gripping on the surface too hard, but she didn’t care. What she did care about was her orgasm that was nearing and all she wanted to do was to come on Kate’s impressively skilled tongue. And that’s what she did when Kate slipped her wet muscle out to bit particularly hard on her clit right before slipping her tongue back in and curling it, letting Y/N’s release crush hard on her, her thighs clenching strongly around the archer’s face while her body tensed up to let her juices spurt out of her center and right into Kate’s mouth, who lapped her up without missing a single drop of her cum.
When she felt she was too sensitive to let Kate continue her little, gentle movements on her center, she wailed out quietly and grasped her hair softly, pulling on her scalp to signal her to let her move away from her face. Once she leaned down on the bed, Kate immediately circled her waist with her leg and her arm rounded her torso to clench on her lover and flushing their bodies together. "That was… I think the ache is gone."
"You think?" Kate asked amused and lifted her hand up to let her head perch on it to stare at her Y/N down with mirth swirling in her blue irises.
"Yes. I think. I’m still in my post-coital state thanks to your amazing tongue." She countered back amused and smiled triumphantly when she heard Kate’s melodious laugh.
"Well good thing the effect is gone." Kate whispered on Y/N’s lips softly, laying a cute, sweet peck there and humming into the soft kiss, releasing the butterflies she was suppressing and let them fly around in her stomach and while everything that happened sunk in.
"We’re not exactly sure, but I think it’s gone. I want to go down into Bruce lab to know about some news."
"No! Why? Stay here with me!" Kate whined and clung onto Y/N body to point out her needy phrase.
"Because I need to know if that pollen affected me in other ways."
"Well Nat didn’t come here, so maybe they didn’t find something yet?" Kate tried to counter back, reveling in the amusement swimming into Y/N’s Y/E/C hues and smiled innocently up at her.
"Well nobody came in here because I explicitly told Yelena to not be disturbed until I said so."
"Oh is that so?" Kate murmured on Y/N’s lips teasingly with her right eyebrow arched up, the girl humming and nodding her head in delight.
"Well I needed to come so badly." Y/N countered back amused and chuckled softly, "but I had to leave my bag into the locker room and then you appeared. And we know what happened next."
"I’m so glad I came to find you." Kate murmured lovingly and wrapped her lips into a languid kiss around Y/N’s one, both pulling away not too long after due to their big smiles getting in the way.
"Me too." Y/N paused a few seconds to stare into Kate’s intoxicating blue eyes before opening her mouth once again to continue her train of thoughts, "well, you can stay here while I go-"
A buzzing sound echoed around the silent floor and Y/N looked up at the ceiling when Friday’s voice bounced around the room’s walls, "miss Barton, Yelena Belova and Natasha Romanoff are on their way up to your floor. Can I let them in?"
"Tell them to give me 5 minutes and I’ll meet them downstairs."
"I’m afraid this cannot-" Friday’s voice was interrupted by a cracking sound and Yelena’s voice took its place.
"Y/N/N it’s been four hours. I let you have enough time to play with your horny self."
"Y/N, sorry to interrupt you. Open the elevator, please. We have good news." Natasha added in a more gentle tone, shaking her head at her sister’s lack of tact.
"Or I’ll open it myself."
Kate chuckled alongside Y/N at the Russian’s sweet ways and shook their heads in amusement, "what do you say? Do we tell them?" Y/N asked softly at Kate, nuzzling their noses together softly, laying a soft peck on her addicting lips while waiting for her answer.
"Yes. But not in this state." Kate quipped lightly and waved her hand around to refer to their actual state and both let out happy laughs, before getting up from the bed and going into Y/N’s walk in closet to grab some of the girl’s clothes and dressing up quickly, before greeting the two Russian sisters at Y/N’s floor’s elevator.
A/N: tell me what you guys think!
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astarriscus · 2 years
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ft. akira kurusu (persona 5) x gender neutral reader. fluff. spoiler-free. can either be pre-established or already established relationship (up to reader's perspective/preference). warnings : n/a. wc ≈ 1.2 k.
a sleepy and sweet afternoon in leblanc with a cheeky akira, who never fails to put a smile on your face.
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the scratching of pen on paper. a sound, or perhaps a melody, that never grows old. steady and spontaneous, it goes with the flow, never disturbing the silent comfort of the chilly afternoon.
even as akira drowns himself in his thoughts, focused and eyebrows scrunched, he does not—cannot—ignore your sleeping presence beside him.
a comfortable silence, and though his pen yet moves, he is careful in hopes that you do not stir. you truly deserve this rest, after all.
and so, the boy allows himself a short respite as well.
leaning against his palm atop the table of one of leblanc's booths, akira takes in his surroundings—browns, reds, oranges, greens. beyond the windows, dusk shall soon arrive as well, and your not-so-productive study session shall soon come to a close, much sooner than he would personally like (and, same for you).
the television is near silent. the smell of coffee and curry is faint, and putting his pen and fatigued hand down, he turns to you next to him.
for a moment, he merely studies your features. the sight brings a smile to his face.
slowly as to not startle you, he moves his head down to instead rest on the table, closing his eyes like you before him—truly some much-needed peace and quiet, and he feels warm spending it with you.
not long after, however, you begin to stir.
akira opens his eyes, and meets himself face to face with a still drowsy you, at first struggling to keep your eyes open before properly acknowledging the boy by your side. his lips are slightly curved up, the subtlety of the seemingly unconscious act giving you this tingling sensation. it's not bad, but you don't know how to explain it, and frankly, you couldn't care any less as you bore into his pretty eyes (befitting a pretty boy like him).
you murmur a greeting. the sound of your voice brings him comfort, soft as it is in this moment.
"hello." his voice barely makes it above a whisper, but you hear it loud and clear, your smile threatening to break through all your exhaustion.
there is a certain warmth in the small exchange, and you ease into the relaxing atmosphere as akira continues on, "it's getting late, you know."
"so eager to get rid of me that quickly?"
you chide teasingly, though you may already know the answer to that question. yet, as he muses—"well, if i had it my way, i'd prefer if i never had to let go of you at all."—your heart still flutters, and it becomes much more difficult to keep a straight face.
you mutter in mock exasperation, "you and your silver tongue", though you probably should have anticipated his cheeky response, "you know you like it... how about a closer first-hand taste?"
waving him off whilst trying (and failing) to ignore your warm face and the loud beat of your heart, you push your head up from the table and slightly wince at the rather sudden change.
akira moves to follow your actions, standing up from the booth's seat—and with the rather clumsy movement due to drowsiness from the lazy afternoon, his arm often brushed against your own as he moved to make way for your exit.
before you could leave the booth, however, he stopped you.
"hm?" you squinted with curiosity into his own eyes, raising an eyebrow and hoping your nerves were not plain as day to see.
his arm is on the table, blocking you from moving further, and it is then you are suddenly aware of how close the distance is between you two, that if you just moved that much closer...
"forgetting something?"
you blinked. spinning around to check your surroundings once more, you quickly conclude that, "nope, nothing. unless?"
that smile of his is dangerous, you think, but you are far too late to realize just how much it really is, and how susceptible you are to it.
"a goodbye kiss would be nice."
ah, and there his mischievous request is. for far more than just a single second, you don't know how to react at all, though your eyes quickly betray you as they land on akira's lips far too eagerly than you would prefer. you take in a deep breath, exhale, and try to question, "...huh?"
"well," it seems as though it is then he truly grasps the gravity of the situation, as akira turns away and clears his throat, "there's no need to do it, of course."
there it is, that ever so dependable and reliable smile—the same one that sets your heart racing, whether you like it or not. it's small but noticeable, and you are aware of how he slightly steps to the side, giving you more room to leave whenever you want.
there's red on his neck and ears as he takes a moment to fix his glasses, and turns back to you with a sweet yet sheepish smile. 'don't worry about it', is what his expression reeks of, yet the more he tries to subtly comfort you about being so sudden with such a selfish request, the more you gain more confidence to actually do it.
you take a step forward.
a small step, though akira takes it as a sign of having to move backwards a little more, and it is then you realize that you wish to end the small dance between you both that has been lasting for quite some time by now in leblanc, and take another step closer.
the deed is quick—a small peck by his cheek, dangerously close to his lips as his eyes widen in surprise and his head moves slightly and it almost scares you even more with how even the smallest movement could lean to your lips moving elsewhere, but the act is finished and you quickly retract. your heart beats louder than it has ever before in his presence, and you swiftly turn to make your way out of the cafè as you merely let out a "see you, akira!".
and, all of a sudden, he's alone with a shocked expression, a warm face, and his stature frozen still.
it is only when morgana heads downstairs from the attic upon hearing the slight commotion that akira moves from his place, sighing to himself as he pressed his palm over his forehead in defeat.
"hm? where is..."
he does not dare look at morgana in this moment, knowing full well what he would say upon noticing his current demeanor—alas, he is not safe.
morgana lets out what akira knows full well is intended to be amused cackling, and now the boy probably regrets all of his life's decisions. he cannot hide the small smile on his lips that refuses to go away, the red by his ears, neck, and cheeks, even as the time passes and they slowly start to fade.
"my god, you are smitten."
yeah, he's absolutely right. he really is smitten over you.
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— © astarriscus. please do not plagarize, steal, copy, repost, edit, translate, heavily reference, or profit from any of my works in any way !! . . . taglist ; @noxtivagus
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p-antomime · 3 years
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𖦹 minors don’t interact. | wc: 3,8K.
𖦹 content: dom!ran, dom!rindou, unprotected sex, creampie, kinda of monster fucking, overstimulation, pet play, nicknames, oral sex (f! & m!), fingering, praise kink, slight degradation, humiliation kink, voice kink, face fucking, mfm, cum play, gagging/choking, implied knotting, hair pulling, mention of cigarettes.
𖦹 pairings: yokai!haitani ran¹ x f!reader x yokai!haitani rindō.
ᥫ᭡. request. | tokyo rev. masterlist. | taglist!
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a/n: hello! first of all, I'm making this note to thank you for reading and second: to highlight a few things. And they are:
i wrote this one-shot based on the historical period of the Edo Period in Japan, so it will have a slightly less current/modern aura.
i would also like to highlight another thing present in the one-shot:
¹ = i wrote both ran and rindou being kitsunes, i.e. being non-human yokais, despite their human appearance.
and that's all I think.
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It was a cold night, the wind eating away the bones and freezing the soul without any mercy or pity. The dimly lit houses of several distant villages were in a morbid silence, as if no one lived inside. It was an intense cold season, the flowers and trees covered with snow and the animals avoiding to leave their dens, a lonely person crawling along a path of snowflakes with heavy feet and the strength of the body being drained little by little with hands hugging arms as a way to try to preserve what little warmth was left.
Even the lost girl's bones were shaking, eyes becoming less and less open and heavier, the rather light and thin clothes that were chosen thinking that she would make it to the next village quickly and before night fell not doing a good job of protecting her from the bitter cold. Her lips beginning to crack from the low temperature and mind, to wobble.
— Damn, just a little further... Just a little further north... — You spoke to yourself as your feet continued to drag over the thick layer of snow covering the ground until fatigue began to take over your body more and more.
Your body bent over so that you could lean against a broad-trunked tree and something pearly looking, dropped close to where your feet had been, glistened against your eyes even in the absence of light. You leaned over slightly to get a better look and eventually took one of your hands to grasp that small, shiny object. It was a round earring and looked strangely warm. Was it worth a lot of money? It seemed so.
As your fingers passed that small object between them and you shrank further from the cold, quiet, almost treacherous, naughty footsteps fell against the snow a few feet away from where you stood. A heavy, warm kimono crawled across the ground and left a smooth trail behind. A fox was approaching at a slow, calm speed, as serene as the rustling of the tree leaves around your body, which was still curled up against that trunk still wondering what to do to keep from dying of impending hypothermia.
— Uh-hm! — Your ears picked up someone's throat and immediately palm closed around that earring to hide it and eyes lifted to face a tall man dressed in a pompous and elegant kimono, with long lilac hair with locks of darker shades. — I believe you have something that belongs to me, ma'am.
And even with a latent chill eating away at your bones, you still chose to take on a wry tone when answering him.
— I believe you have me confused with someone else, sir. — His eyes fell from your face to fisted hand, his earring in the palm of it and a small smile appearing on his lips; internally he had enjoyed your defiant attitude.
— There's no way I could mistake you for anyone else, since you're the only living human person within a radius of almost 500km, including how you're alive in this cold, hm? — His eyebrows went up and you looked down at the ground ashamed to admit that you had lost your way.
— I'm coming home.
— Liar, you're lost, aren't you? — He retorted, walking over to you and stopping two paces away, now you frowned, having to lift your face higher to look him in the eye. — If you were going home, that would imply that y'know the road you were taking and that you knew that the night in this part of the empire is cruel, you'd be wearing warmer and better clothes, 'm I wrong? — Damn, that man caught you in the lie without difficulty.
— I... whatever. — You spoke grumpily, looking away from the floor and squeezing the earring harder in your hand.
— C'mon, give me the earring. — His open hand was raised in front of you and all you did was continue to stare at the floor not intending to give up your new valuable artifact. "Stubborn...", the yokai thought sighing and pondering a bit on how to make you give back the object that literally carried his soul without having to use brute force to do so; seconds later, he was kneeling in front of you with the face at the same height as yours and his hand still open and a tired sigh escaping his lips. — Look. — You glare at him, realizing that suddenly the cold around you has dropped dramatically. — Let's make a deal, shall we? — He saw a sudden flash of interest cross your orbs and a mischievous smile appear on his lips. — You give me back the earring and maybe I gonna give you shelter in a place warm enough for you to spend the night and then "go home" again. — Your eyes narrowed.
— "Maybe"?
— Yes, "maybe”. It depends on your willingness to give me back what's mine. — He replied, gesturing with his fingers suggestively.
— And how do I know that you are not lying?
— I don't break my promises and... — His voice died as the sound of footsteps approached where you two were standing.
— What the fuck are you doing, huh? — The approaching man was just as tall as the long-haired man, also wearing a warm, heavy kimono with his hair styled elegantly into a quiff. — You said you were just going to look for the earring and then you didn't come back and... — His eyes fell on you and his voice died.
— I found this human here lost and was trying to convince her to gimme back my earring. — He answered. — She's stubborn. — You frowned. — But I kind of like her, can I keep her?
— What's your name? — The newly arrived man asked, and you hissed a "Y/N". — I’m Ran and he’s Rindou. What did he give you in return? — He already knew that his own younger brother had tried to seduce you with some immediate desire to get the earring back because that's exactly what he had done several other times.
— A warm place... for the night. — You replied swallowing dryly and Ran looked at his own brother and they seemed to exchange some personal thoughts with each other without actually speaking them aloud.
— Stand up. — Ran spoke in a firm voice that sent a shiver through your body and immediately you were leaning away from the tree. — Just one night? — Your head nodded positively. — Come here. — He called to you with one hand and just as you passed Rindou and were face to face with his older brother, Ran's hands took the heavy cloak that was part of his clothing and slung it over your shoulders. — You have to be alive to complete the deal, right? — Your body relaxed at the sudden rise in temperature and the cold began to fade completely, blood began to circulate through your fingers and joints again and soon Ran's hand was pushing strands of hair away from your face with a "Tsk" from his younger brother.
Unlike you, they both knew the path they were taking and after a long twenty minutes of walking in the snow, you could see on the horizon the figure of a huge, well-lit village getting closer and closer. It wasn't your home yet, but it was good enough if you weren't going to freeze to death.
— This way, foxy girl. — Rindou called you with his index and middle finger after he and Ran turned a corner and you raised eyebrows at the nickname.
— What did you call me? — Your feet ran to keep up with them.
— Foxy girl. — He repeated it as if it were obvious with a wry smile and minutes later held your shoulders as you continued walking when the two of them had already stopped in front of their huge house that looked more like a temple.
— This... you two live here? — You asked, being guided by Rindou's hands on your shoulders to enter the temple.
— Isn't it obvious? — Ran answered, taking the heavy cloak off your shoulders.
— I think she thinks we are... you know, Ran. — Rindou whispered, trying to stifle his own laughter and you looked at him confused.
— Human? — Ran couldn't help his own laughter as he denied it with his head slightly and brought one of his hands to his lips, to pull his upper one until the canines came into view and in the blink of an eye not only those teeth became somewhat sharper but his eyes transfigured with the pupil resembling that of a cat, of a fox. — But, before you think the worst about us, we weren't intending to trick you, so don't worry for the moment. You are in very good hands tonight, isn't it nice to have two entities protecting you for one night? — You honestly didn't know whether he was serious or not and before you could say anything, Rindou was already taking possession of the words again.
— This temple here is dedicated to Inari, we only use it when we are in human form, so theoretically it is more yours than ours. — Rindou scratched his chin, looking around before facing you again. — Well? What do you want first? Take a shower? Eat? Or just go to sleep? — And you shrugged your shoulders at the options.
— The first one, please.
— Oh, she knows how to say please, how cute. — Rindou teased you and Ran stifled a giggle before exchanging a look with his younger brother.
— Show her where everything is.
And that's exactly what the younger Haitani did before guiding you into the bathroom which consisted of a large round tub of thermal water you couldn't identify where it came from and watching you begin to remove your snowy clothes after placing new clean white ones on a wooden stool placed near where the tub's edges were. Rindou was distracted by watching you remove your own shirt and kimono thinking he had already left the place and his tongue trailed across lips as soon as he could see your breasts covered by the last thin layer of something resembling a tank top that held them in place, when you looked over your shoulder and found him staring at you, your arms immediately went over your tits.
— Get out! I'm not taking a shower with you staring at me! — Rindou blinked a few times at you and then turned his gaze to the wall.
— I'm not staring anymore, go ahead. — A smile crept across his lips and you snorted.
— Get out, Rindou! — You spoke more firmly and he shrugged his shoulders like an abandoned kitten.
— Okay, okay, atta girl. I was only kidding! — He grumbled, walking to the bathroom door. — I'll wait for you downstairs, in the main room with Ran, it's the third door on the right as you come down the stairs.
Soon you began to concentrate on bathing in the warm, relaxing water without realizing that downstairs, in that spacious room filled with rugs covering the floor and pillows of various shapes and sizes protecting whoever was inside from the cold, two kitsunes were talking to each other with cigarettes between their lips and only kimonos, nothing else, covering their bodies.
A white mist was spreading through the air of the room, but it had no properties to cloud the senses of those who ingested it, it was not aphrodisiacs, just recreational long cigarettes.
— What do you think? — Ran asked with the cigarette between his lips before slowly releasing the smoke.
— Why couldn't I have just touched her in the bathroom anyway? — Rindou returned the question.
— Because you're greedy. — Ran answered. — And I already said that we should share the same woman.
— I'm not greedy, you're the one who always wants what I think is mine. — Rin rolled his eyes, taking another drag on his cigarette. — Before she went into the shower today I saw her tits and damn it, Ran! You're a pain in the ass, I wanted to touch 'em and I was so close to...
— If you touched her before I did, it would be fair for me to use her first, wouldn't it? You touch her first, I cum inside her first, it's a fair trade. — Rindou frowned.
— Fair to whom? — He complained, taking another drag on his cigarette before letting out a puff. — Her babies will be mine, obviously.
— Is that so? — Ran retorted with a mischievous smile forming on his lips. — Let's see by the end of the night then.
And then, before Rindou began to speak again, the two brothers' picked up small delicate footsteps in the corridor leading to the door guarding the misty hall and remained silent until they heard three knocks at the entrance.
— Come in. — Ran ordered and soon they both saw you looking into the room as if confirming that there was someone inside.
Your new clothes consisted of a delicate dress that went to just above your knees and a fluffy kimono to keep you warm, but the main problem was: no panties, no bra and so you were walking from the moment you came out of the bathroom with arms over your breasts and thighs pressed against each other because of the breeze blowing through the temple against what you had in between them and causing a temperature difference that was indirectly turning you on little by little.
— Sit here, foxy girl. — He patted the soft cushions beside him twice, and after closing the door behind you with a deafening thud, your feet walked toward him and soon your body was beside him trying to find a comfortable position on the cushions. — Want one? — He offered you his cigarette, and you denied it with your head. — I promise it's not some kind of drug.
— I don't know if I can trust two kitsunes. — You retorted, propping yourself up on your elbows as Ran slowly approached and sat down on your other side.
— What? — Ran frowned with an offended face. — We would never do anything bad to a human, ever! — And then they both giggled derisively and you knew they were teasing you; their little humiliation hitting you right in your naked pussy and making you grab the pillows underneath your body as a way of not giving away your inner feelings by pressing your thighs against each other any harder than they already were. — Uh-hm, what's this here, hm? — He leaned to the side with his gaze roaming over your body slowly before he put the cigarette between lips again and released the smoke right in front of your face, making you cough. — Oh, Rin, did you see that? — Rindou knew what his older brother was talking about, but to lead you to the place they wanted you to be, it was necessary to take on roles.
— No, Ran, what? — Rindou answered with an interested and curious countenance, his eyes taking on a more feline look.
— I have a vague impression that this lil' human here has a thing for being humiliated. — Ran looked suggestively at your thighs and you gasped, feeling your body tense up at his words.
— Oh, for real? — Rindou answered as well, leaning over and your body being covered on the sides by the two yokai brothers. — I may have to inspect between her legs to make sure that the information you are giving me is true, brother. — Your breath caught in the throat and your back sank to the pillows.
Just listening to the teasing tone in both of their voices your pussy was starting to leak and you felt ashamed that you were so easily aroused. It was as if you had an aphrodisiac being injected into you by their tongues, even though they were only very good at playing with words and saying things with double meanings. It even felt like you were a little lamb about to be swallowed by two different wolves, and that idea also excited you enough for a timid moan to escape your lips as Ran's hands landed on your legs and massaged your thighs while Rindou spread your knees apart before he stepped between them.
— Lemme see, lemme see... — Rindou purred with his gaze fixed on your embarrassed face seconds before his attention fell on your naked cunt below the hem of the dress. — Can I touch you there, foxy girl? — He asked, raising his eyebrows, and you swallowed in anticipation.
— P-Please, yes, yes. — You spoke breathlessly looking at Ran as if you were seeking reassurance.
— Alright, alright~ — His tone was still honeyed and when you felt the folds of your pussy spread and the breeze hit your clit, your back arched and a whimper escaped your lips. — Oh, yes, the information is true. She’s dripping and we haven't even done anything much yet.
As Rindou kept your folds open to see the leaking entrance, Ran's thumb brushed against your clit with more pressure than force and you squirmed completely, enjoying the touch of two non-human men on your body.
— How does this feel, hm? — He asked, making circular motions and bringing his face closer to yours with eyes fixed on your parted lips.
— 'S good, it's so good. — And then two of Rindou's fingers invaded you quickly and you choked, closing your eyes tightly, giving Ran the perfect opportunity to place his lips over yours and pull you into a kiss that was interrupted several times by moans and gasps as the two brothers' digits worked on your wet pussy.
Rindou let a trickle of saliva fall over your folds and his fingers to slide them harder in and out of you and he moaned low as he felt how tightly your walls squeezed them.
— She has such a tight lil' pussy, it makes me want to destroy it and use it 'til it's leaking with cum. — He felt your walls tighten further at his words. — You really are a lost cause, getting off on being humiliated, it's kind of pathetic.
— Lemme see how tight she is. — Ran spoke with his fingers going from your clit to your entrance being widened by Rindou's and slid two digits into your cunt as well, which made you choke and feel the knot at the bottom of your belly tighten.
— W-Wait! I can't... mhm take it, fuck, it all, can't! — They laughed in unison at your desperation at not being able to accommodate their fingers and began to move them inside you slowly.
— Cum if you want, pretty thing, but don't complain after overstimulation, you should be smarter even though you're only thinking with your cunny. — Ran spoke as he curved fingers inside you and pushed you the remaining half inch before you orgasmed.
And, damn. It was the most beautiful sight those two yokais ever had, you squirming beneath them and moaning loudly with eyes rolling upwards. Your whole body arched, breasts rising and falling rapidly and walls squeezing the four fingers inside your pussy frantically.
Rindou pulled the digits out of you to use them to collect the liquids coming from your climax and spread them all over the area of your cunt. You were a complete mess, they loved that.
Before you could recover, the two brothers were already shifting positions with the younger one standing behind you with your legs spread and torso resting on the pillows while Ran was in front of your face already getting rid of his kimono and letting his cock slam against one of your cheeks. He was massive for you, who had barely put someone's dick in your mouth straight before, and your first reaction was to try to pull away, only to be stopped by his hand over your head grabbing your hair.
— Afraid? — A small smile appeared on his lips. — Don't worry, I'll just put the tip inside your pretty mouth. Now, open it. — You whimpered and slowly obeyed his order, the tip of Ran's cock rubbing against your tongue and spreading pre-cum around there as your eyes glazed over his.
Your full attention on his older brother was more than enough to make Rindou wet his dick through your folds and quickly slide it into your tight pussy without bothering to give a warning.
His body threw yours forward and Ran's cock ended up going completely inside your mouth and making you suddenly choke. While one's hands were holding you by the hips, the other's were tangled in your hair to force your face not to move away from his groin; almost as if you were just holes to be fucked by the two yokai brothers.
While the older one was abusing your mouth and making you drool completely around his shaft, the younger one was using your cunt and stimulating more and more of your already extremely sensitized walls. It was so good, your mouth was even moaning around Ran’s shaft like a slut in heat and a guttural grunt escaped his lips every time your lust-soaked eyes rose to meet his.
Eventually the three of you became a mess of bodies synchronized in a bestial, primitive rhythm.
It was obvious that because they were overcome with pure ecstasy, both Rindou and Ran were losing control of themselves, and you could see the older brother's pupils above you split into an increasingly feline orbs. Fuck, you really were about to become a cumdumpster for two fox entities, you were going to become their personal plaything and it was turning you on more than it should have.
— Fuck, this tight pussy! Fuck, fuck-mhm! — Rindou groaned loudly throwing his head back before he gave a quick thrust and ended up pouring his cum deep inside you, right into your pristine womb; almost as if he was marking you as more his than Ran's, so much so that the latter ended up pulling your face by the hair away from his dick, dragging his body erratically to where his brother was and pulling him by the shoulders away from you only to replace the younger man's cock inside you with his own.
The pressure of having two yokais cumming inside you in sequence was enough to send you into another orgasm even more intense than the first, Ran pressing your face against a pillow forcefully as he finished mixing his seed inside you with his brother's. The only thing present in his mind: "How could you still be so tight right after being fucked like a toy?".
Your panting body slumped against the pillows and head tried to organize itself as your mind seemed to have been broken for the briefest of seconds, Rindou, equally panting, watched you intently before putting his arms around your waist and pulling you to sit against his chest while Ran leaned over to pick up the cigarette forgotten long minutes ago and relight it using the tip of his tongue and personal powers as a kitsune before calmly smoking it again.
— She’s such a good girl. — The older man said, letting out the cigarette smoke and watching the cum mixture drip down your thighs slowly. — I think we should keep her here forever. — Rin cracked a sarcastic smile.
— But she's more mine than yours now. — You cringed between his arms and Ran didn't counteract his younger brother's teasing.
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fushigujiro · 3 years
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note - suggestive themes
characters - mitsuya, chifuyu, shion, akashi, south, mikey
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this man right here! he will hug you from the behind and sway you left to right. you can just be standing in front of a mirror trying on an outfit he made or bought just for you, he suddenly comes up from behind and rests his chin on your shoulder giving you small pecks here and there then wraps his arms around your waist, humming lowly and swaying you left to right softly! then he just whispers in your ear saying how good you look in that outfit!!!
this boy will stare at you while you talk. i mean like when you are rambling to him about something you watched for example, he loves staring into your eyes while you speak then he just suddenly licks his lips slowly while nodding slowly in understanding or to let you know he’s listening and he is! don’t worry he is, you just look so beautiful when speaking- well you look beautiful doing anything at all, it just makes him want to kiss you all the time.
he loves teasing you. like have mercy, you can just be trying to get something that is too high for you and he can come right behind you one hand holding your waist to balance you and the other to reach and get thing you wanted. once he gets it he turns you around and says sumthing about you being a short ass and smirks..it’s so flipping SEXY BRO!! like omg sometimes you wanna slap the shit out of him but like when he smirks it’s just ‘TAKE ME AWAY!’
he loves kissing your chest. NOT IN NO NASTY WAY OR ANYTHING but like you are laying down on the bed, your eyes getting heavy as you felt a wave a fatigue wash over you. you make yourself comfortable but then you felt the bed dip down at the bolton where your feet is. then you felt soft lips on your bare thighs, your hip bones, your stomach, your chest, your neck and on your nose to finally end on your lips which last much longer. then he rests his head on your chest hugging your body on top of you also getting ready to rest. it’s so hot because if you weren’t tired he would’ve done that with full on eye contact..and so slowly too!!
sigh sigh sigh…this man loves to pick you up and swing you around, i don’t know what to say😭. i’m just kidding but he does love to just pick you up and throw you over his shoulder so he gets a nice view of yer bum or where your legs are around him tightly so he can see your face. he can hold with one or no hands! if he was using one hand he would keep them on your bum to give it a squeeze on saying ‘thank you’ or an ‘hello’ he also looks up at with either a smirk or with just a whipped look. you run the relationship by the way..he’s just scared of you when you’re mad!!
ahhh my baby!!!!!! when you ramble a lot about something like for example, you are anxious about doing something or you’re insecure about something, he will not say anything, he will walk up to you in a normal pace, staring directly at you and then when he’s face to face he just grabs the side of your face and kisses you so softly interrupting you. he hates it when you have so many bad thoughts about yourself or your decisions so he just makes it better by kissing you on your lips or all over your face and tells you that whatever you do he will be right there. behind, in front, diagonally—it don’t matter as long as he’s with his beautiful baby.
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sanofushiguro © 2021 all right reserved
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