#hello mr. grimes please come inside
andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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9x01 | A New Beginning
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norcumii · 3 years
...oh thanks, Tumblr, it wasn’t like I was trying to answer that ask or anything. -_-
OHKAY. Take two! For this trope mashup meme, @dogmatix asked:
Rex/Obi or pairing/characters of choice - Apocalyse AU / Mermaid/Siren AU / Aroused by their voice
This modern!AU got a liiiiiittle bit more absurdist than planned, but NO REGRETS. Assistance was provided by @dharmaavocado and @deadcatwithaflamethrower -- THANK YOU BOTH!
There was a lovely breeze coming in across the ocean, the sky had just enough puffy white clouds to keep things interesting, and Rex was taking a maintenance day. The last family group of tourists to charter a day trip had included several children that were at least two parts sticky and three parts grime. His poor Vigilance needed a serious scrub down, and Rex was not looking forward to restocking. Small Grubby Fiend 1 had stumbled – supposedly due to a sudden swell, but more likely because Small Grubby Fiends 2 and 3 hadn’t stopped ‘not kicking’ each other for way too long. Not being an entire idiot, Rex has gone right for the band-aids with cartoon characters, but since it wasn’t a cartoon Small Grubby Fiend 1 liked, that meant another – until all three Small Grubby Fiends had been plastered with far more of his first aid kit than was good for anyone.
It had been a long day.
So there he was, untangling life-vests that hadn’t even been used, while singing along with whatever music was playing from the boat’s speakers. Rex wasn’t sure if the music was pop, rock, or some other unholy category he’d never heard of, but thankfully it didn’t matter. He liked it, and could figure out which of Tup’s mix tapes it was on, which was the important thing.
Tup always made hilarious offended noises when Rex called them mix tapes, which was a significant reason why he did so. They were music folders, sensibly labeled by mood, because his little brother had realized at some point that was the only way to keep Rex up to date on anything past the 90’s grunge music.
Tup’s accusation, not his. Rex damn well knew how to use a radio – several kinds of radio, thank you very much.
He was several songs into mind-numbing chores when he spotted a flash of red streaking under the dock, and Rex ducked his head to hide a grin. He’d started spotting movement like that a couple of weeks ago, around the time the neighbors descended on their beach house. There were several ginger teenagers, so he figured one of them was a hell of a water rat who had damn odd taste in music.
To be fair, so did he.
It’d been weird at first, realizing he had an audience that disappeared the moment he acknowledged their existence. But the most he heard or saw out of them beyond the momentary glimpse was a bit of percussion, someone drumming in time against the water – and once, the dock itself – so Rex had shrugged and accepted their presence. It was kinda nice, actually, just to have someone around. He lived a ways off the end of a long, sparsely populated road, and while he didn’t mind the solitude, sometimes you just wanted another–
Rex’s train of thought went off the rails with a loud yelp as he discovered something slimy stuck to the back of a life-vest. It might have been edible once – it was a shade of radioactive green he didn’t associate with anything other than candy or video games, at least, so that was his best guess. Much as he wanted to blame the Small Grubby Fiends, he hadn’t done more than a spot check of these vests for awhile – could’ve been anyone.
Ugh. At least unlike some clients he could name, Rex’s eavesdropper wasn’t vandalizing anything. Wasn’t about to begrudge that.
Rex had managed to get most of the neon green grossness cleared when the rumble of an approaching car caught his attention. He wasn’t expecting visitors, not that that had ever stopped any of his brothers. Lost delivery drivers usually turned around before hitting up the driveway, which was long enough and had enough private property signs to keep out idiots looking for easy water access.
“Who the hell is this?” he muttered, setting the vest aside. He didn’t recognize the little black car, or the burly guy stepping out of the passenger’s side, but the guy waved and casually started towards Rex as if he knew who the hell he was.
Not reassuring, especially since the stranger rapped the car’s roof, and it headed back up the driveway.
“You seem lost,” Rex said, standing up and trying to look just the right level of intimidating.
“Nope,” the guy said back, still heading towards him. “Need your boat.”
“That’s work related – you need to wait till I’m back at the marina tomorrow. I’m at home, it’s my day off.”
Burly guy finally stopped, planting his hands on his hips – a move which just happened to part the jacket of his cheap suit enough that Rex could see the gun he carried. “I don’t think you understand, Mr. Fett. I don't want any trouble – I just want you to head inside, and take that day off while I borrow your boat.”
Oh, FUCK. Nobody really talked about how the mob owned most of the marinas in Tatooine Bay, but you didn’t need to declare water was wet to get drenched in the rain. It just wasn’t something that ever happened to someone you knew, just friends of friends or something.
“And if I don’t agree?” he couldn’t keep from asking.
Burly Guy had a surprisingly expressive shrug. “Most people don’t enjoy pushing their luck that far.”
To his credit, it was a remarkably polite threat. “I’m surprised anyone ever does.”
“Eh, every now and then there’s some freaky masochist looking for cheap thrills, but it ain’t my kink. Don’t think it’s yours, either, so if you’d just head inside, that’d be appreciated.”
The smart move was probably to comply. Rex wasn’t inclined to cooperate anyways. He was saved from making either bad decision by...sound.
It didn’t register as singing – there was something too off about it, a combination that wasn’t quite autotune, or that polyphonic singing Echo had gotten into when Fives got obsessed with the guitar. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t right in a way that was madly distracting.
The...singing? – pulled both Rex and the goon around towards the end of the dock, and if Rex hadn’t been so muzzy-headed from that sound he would have been gaping much more blatantly.
There was someone slipping out from under the dock, and it was most definitely not one of the neighbors.
It was a trim, shirtless figure in the water – ginger indeed, short red hair just dry enough to be messy spikes. Pale skin was freckled in scales of shimmering reds, protective lines over what would be vulnerable areas on a human. It swam close enough to the surface that Rex could see the sleek fins and tail, and part of his brain kept screaming ‘mermaid!’ while the rest took in the long, sharp claws on webbed hands and whispered ‘predator.’ Its singing showed sharply pointed teeth, and it should not have been nearly that gorgeous.
The mermaid glanced over at him, eyes a deep blue-on-blue that could never masquerade as human, flicking a look up and down him that could have been flattering or terrifying – it all depended on if that was measuring him for a meal euphemistically or not.
The singing changed as the creature turned its attention back to the goon, and the magnetic pull on Rex lessened. He staggered back a step, not too surprised to find he was halfway down the dock without noticing. The hazy feeling in his brain stopped, or at least dropped down to levels that were close enough to normal, so he got a clear view as the goon started walking into the water, oblivious to everything except the mer-siren-thing he was shambling towards.
The siren moved when the goon was almost waist deep in the water, flowing forward to delicately place a hand at the goon’s throat. The singing continued, but now there was a new undertone, soft and somehow questioning. Rex couldn’t tell if there were words to it or not – maybe a whole other language for all he knew – but the goon responded, voice soft enough that he couldn’t make out what was said.
Whatever he said, it didn’t please the siren. It kept singing, but it snarled, showing more of those pointed teeth, then it twisted and dove, hauling the unresisting goon under the water.
A terrifying few moments more, and the last hums of the song seemed to stop vibrating through the water.
“What the absolute fuck?” Rex said numbly. Thank everything, no one answered.
A smart man would’ve hidden inside, or driven off to a movie theater or something – inland and away. Rex wasn’t sure why he stayed: curiosity – morbid or otherwise – shock, or a healthy disbelief in the whole debacle. He was maybe a bit too numb to not have some kind of shock, but –
He felt like he maybe deserved it. “Yeah, I can have a bit of shock,” Rex muttered to himself. “As a treat.”
Okay, he might have more than a bit. But by the time the siren poked his head out of the water again – politely out of arms’ reach – Rex had calmed down a decent degree. They just looked at each other for a bit, then the siren gave him a polite nod.
“Hello there,” he said in a pleasant, deep voice with a hell of an accent.
Rex held up a hand, needing a moment. Of fucking course the British even colonized under the goddamned sea. “Hi. You speak English.” It wasn’t quite the most inane thing he could’ve said, but his brain hadn’t managed to catch up yet.
He was talking to a goddamned mermaid who had just kidnapped and possibly eaten some mob thug who’d been trying to take Rex’s boat. It had been a day.
“You’re not the first land-dweller I’ve made the acquaintance of.”
Rex absolutely refused to make any kind of a crack about being charmed. There was too much hysteria lurking in there. “Speaking of acquaintances, you didn’t, ah, kill that guy, did you?”
The siren’s lips pulled back from his teeth a little. “I still haven’t decided what to do with him, so right now he’s out of the way.” He must’ve seen something impressive in Rex’s expression, because the angry disdain smoothed over to something more neutral. “He’s stashed in a cave I know. Enough air to breathe, but the only entrance is underwater and too far for most humans to swim without assistance.”
That was...a lot. “Thanks for the help.”
The siren smiled, an oddly sweet, bashful expression. “I’d be a very poor guest if I didn’t assist.” He cleared his throat, his expression going awkward. “Though I...suppose ‘guest’ is a bit presumptive.”
Rex grinned. “No, I spotted you a couple weeks ago – ah, I mean, sort of.” Before he could make more a hash of that, he cleared his throat. “The name’s Rex.”
The siren folded his hands together and did a little bow thing. “Obi-Wan. Pleasure to meet you.”
He wasn’t blushing. He absolutely was not blushing. “So...you in town for long?” Ok, now he was blushing, that was worst subject change ever meeting worst fishing attempt – meeting worst and wildly inappropriate pun.
Obi-Wan’s expression fell, sorrow way too visible in those non-human eyes. “I suppose you could say that. I...no longer have a home to return to.”
Definitely not a topic to change to. Right. Rex cleared his throat and shifted. “Well. You’re welcome anytime, for what that’s worth.”
The slow-growing smile didn’t remove that sorrow, but it did kindle something warm inside. This was at least three different kinds of trouble, but Rex didn’t think he’d regret any of it.
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venactricisfics · 3 years
Malibu Desert
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Chapter Nineteen
Finding something of my own.
Tag List: @wanderlust75​  @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​
Master List
I tuck a loose copper curl behind my ear as I peck at the keys of my computer. It was quiet in our big house with Bishop out at the clubhouse. And I was home alone with my work. It should be easier to work without anyone else underfoot. But the emptiness of the house was distracting.
I glanced over the list of things that Vicki and her girls needed then placed the order. I had a med student scheduled to go over and perform exams with me later in the week.  Everything with Vicki was working out fine.  I just wrote the checks. But I wanted to work. To do more. 
I chewed on my lip and stared at my phone and typed out her number. I wasn’t exactly sure what exactly I had to discuss with the wife of Miguel Galindo but she had a foothold in this town that I didn’t have yet and maybe we could work together on something to make things better. I hoped my connections paired with the force of the Galindos could boost us both into legitimate business.
“Hello?” her voice sounded confused when she answered. I suppose my own would be if I got a call from some strange woman.
“Sorry to bother you, Mrs. Galindo, we haven’t met officially but I do have some business dealings with your husband and was seeing if you needed any assistance with some more humanitarian businesses,” I state.
“I’m sorry, who is this?” she asked. 
“I keep missing introductions,” I smile into the phone, “I’m Nova O’Shay, I’d be more than happy to discuss this in person,” I take note of the time, “Lunch?”
“I have some time free in about an hour,” she responds, “I’ll text you the restaurant.” 
I pull my SUV to a stop outside the restaurant. Swankier place that the ones I’d dined at since coming to Santo Padre. I tried to picture Bishop and his Mayans pushing their way through the doors. All eyes would be on them.  I can’t help but smile at the thought. 
I never saw Emily Galindo before in my life but I knew her when I saw her. She was exactly what I’d pictured a trophy wife to look like. But she had a subtle spark. If we worked together we may ignite that into a roaring flame. She seemed to know me as well.
“Thank you for meeting,” I stated after our orders were taken. “I can see you’re a little like me. You love your man, but you want a piece of the world that’s yours by right and not his?” 
She nods listening, “You could say that.”
“I’ve got my fingers in my father’s businesses, also helping Bishop with some club business, but I want something that’s separate from that.”
“I get that,” Emily responded, “that’s why I’ve been working so hard on an agricultural development with the city. Should find out about the bids in the next few days. If you’d be willing to step in, it can be something I can do without Miguel.”
“I would be willing, I have contractor connections here and abroad,” I respond, “we can get this town thriving. It’s the least I can do to give back to the town that took me in and saved me when I needed saving.” 
“Then it’s a deal?” she replied. 
“I’ll call the lawyers and get the papers drawn up,” I cut into my chicken, “this is good. I’ve never eaten here before. But I’ve only been in Santo Padre for about a year. Came just before the fires.”
“The fires took so much from the town, the agra park deal is something we can do to build it back again,” she responded, “I think we can do something great here.”
“We can,” I respond, reaching for the check after it’s left, “I got it.”  I pay the bill and walk with her outside. “We’ll talk soon, Mrs. Galindo.”
“Please call me Emily,” she says, “Mrs. Galindo is my mother in law.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I offer a smile and slide behind the wheel of my SUV. 
I want nothing more than to see Bishop. Have his arms wrapped around me. I laughed at myself while pulling to a stop in the scrap yard, we had been apart for a few hours and I was already missing him. I had it bad. 
Their bikes were gone. I narrowed my brows and walked up the steps into the clubhouse. Letty, Coco’s daughter, sat at a table with another girl I’d never seen before. She didn’t look like any of the girls that hung around the club house. 
“Where is everyone?” I take a seat at the table with them. “I’ve never seen the clubhouse so empty in the middle of the day.” 
“That story is long as fuck,” Letty said with a chuckle, “This is Gabby. Her family just came over, used a coyote. Another club is trying to scam her family out of money. The Mayans are taking care of it.”
“Nice to meet you,” I should have given her a smile, but worry was eating at the pit of my stomach, “How long have they been gone?” 
“Seems like forever,” she replied. “Should be back soon.”  
I perk up hearing the revving of Harley’s coming through the gate.  I follow behind the girls feeling the weight of my fear lifted when Bishop climbs up the steps. His face covered in dirt and grime and the stench of smoke clung to his leather vest. There was a weariness that mirrored back from his dark eyes,“I’m ok, querida.” I cup his face in my hands analyzing every inch. Satisfied he’s unharmed I turn to see that Gabby has found her family.  
I realized at that moment Bishop was my family now.  If anything happened to him, I’d lose a part of myself. “As long as you were careful.” I press my lips to his. 
“Always am,” he drapes his arm around my shoulders as he leads me back in the clubhouse. His smile didn’t seem genuine. Like he had a weight on him. 
“You wanna talk about it?” I search his face for answers. 
“It was fucked up shit,” he says softly, “it’s over now.” I give a nod. I didn’t quite believe him but I wouldn’t press it. He’d tell me if he could. Or when he was ready. 
The sun dipped in the sky as we set down at the bar. My hand massages his thigh as he takes shot after shot. “You know what you're getting yourself into there, querida?” he smirks glancing down at his lap then back up at me. 
“Uh huh,” I say softly as I trace the length of him through his jeans. His eyes dark from as he leans over lips dancing over my ear, “You know I still can’t have you grabbing my dick in front of my guys,” his fingers tangle in my hair, “let me take you home.” 
“It’s still early,” I whisper back, “but I do want you to take me. Meet me in the dorm?” 
“Sweetheart,” he chuckles taking my hand, “there’s no need to be stealth, we go back there everyone knows what we’re doing anyway.” I feel my cheeks flush and let him lead me down the hall. The moment the door closes behind me, his lips crash down on mine. I wrap my arms around him eager to feel every inch of him pressing against me. I moaned into the kiss at just the feel of his hand on my bare flesh as he inches my shirt up higher. Reluctantly breaking the kiss so he can tug it up over my head. He leads me backwards to the bed. 
“Bishop, please,” I moan loudly as I feel his thickness grinding into me. My fingers fumble with his belt and lift my hips so that he can tug my jeans down.  I let out a groan as he pushed himself deep inside me. 
“That what you wanted, hermosa?” he growled in my ear. He pulled back, hooked my legs over his arms before driving hard and deep inside me. “Yes,” I whimpered. Echoes of my moans and the sound of our bodies slapping together fill the room.  My walls vice around him as my orgasm washes over me, milking him as he chases his own. 
A satisfied smile stretches across my face as we emerge from the dorm. My fingers laced with Bishop’s as we headed back to the bar. 
“Bishop, please,” Angel mocks from behind me.  And my face turns a bright red. 
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b3k1720 · 4 years
Massive trigger warning! : swearing, kidnapping, violence, corporal punishment, abuse and child labour. Not going far in to detail but I don’t know what’s triggering for some and not for others.
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Ever Since Jacob had arrived in London and met Clara he has always been trying to eradicate child labour.
But no matter his efforts children always seem to wind back up in the factories....
Whether by choice, desperation of need or by force...
It was a seemingly normal day for the Frye family, Wednesday morning Rebekah sent Amelia and Emmette off to school with a hug and a kiss.
“When you get home for lunch there will be chocolate cake waiting so don’t take long, it goes cold quick” she announced.
“Okay mum!” Emmette answered with a large smile, extremely excited at the thought of gorging on cake then going back to school to brag about it to his friends.
“Come on we gotta go or we’ll be late Emmy” Amelia urged as she grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door.
The siblings walked down the Main Street of the strand, or more in their case jogged.
DING DING!, sounded the bell of Big Ben.
“Oh no we’re going to be late!”
“Don’t worry I know a short cut” Emmette offered as he pointed to the alley near them,
“That’ll take us to class in less than five minutes my friend Danny told me about it!”
Amelia looked to the alley...she didn’t know if it was a good idea...
“But mum and dad said not to go through alleys..” she answered in a worried tone.
“Hey do you want to get the cane because I don’t” Emmette huffed.
“No...ok but we gotta be quick!” Amelia quickly yelled to her brother before she started to run in to the alleyway.
Emmette followed close behind, not stopping at all!
Halfway though their path was blocked...by men in red.
“Hello kiddies...where are you both off to?” on of them called out with a grin.
Both the children took a step back, their father warned them about the blighters....although years ago he took control of London from them there was always those who stayed loyal...
“We are going to school...please we are already late” Amelia tried to beg, she didn’t want any trouble to start...they had some defence training but it would be useless against five large men with weapons.
“Oh I don’t think you lot need school, it’s pretty useless when you think about it” another man commented with a chuckle.
“Besides I think you’d both do well at the brick making plant...don’t you think boys?” Another added which caused the others to agree.
By this point even Emmette was getting scared,
“W-We don’t want to work in the factory...o-our mother wouldn’t like it” the poor boy stammered.
“We weren’t asking brat!” The man who spoke before growled as he grabbed Amelia and another grabbed Emmette.
Both the children let out screams,
“Let us go, please, please!” Emmette cried as the men got out some rope and tied them up.
“When our daddy finds out he’ll make you pay!” Amelia screamed, trying to put on a brave face for her little brother, which in the end was useless as she began to cry as well.
The Blighters laughed and shoved rags in their mouths to shut them up, they couldn’t have attention drawn to them of course.
Soon the children were thrown in to a carriage and taken across the city...
A few hours later Rebekah patiently waiting for her children to arrive home for lunch,
But as the hour passed she began to worry...
“What’s taking them so long..” she muttered to herself as the heat dissipated from the cake.
Soon it was one’ o’clock, lunchtime passed...the children had never missed lunch before.
Rebekah had a sick feeling fall on her...she had to be sure nothing had happened...
So quickly she threw on her coat, locked up the house and made her way down to the school.
‘Maybe they didn’t finish there work and had to stay in’ she thought in hope.
‘Maybe they met Jacob and he took them to get lunch instead’ Rebekah hoped and prayed she was right, before heading up the steps to the school house.
Carefully she knocked on the door and all noise inside ceased before it was opened by a tall man wearing a black suit and small glasses.
“Mrs Frye I wasn’t expecting you...why the visit?” Mr baileys asked.
“I’ve just come to see Amelia and Emmette, just for a moment and I will be on my way” Rebekah answered with a nervous smile.
“I’m sorry Mrs Frye...I was under the impression the children were sick...they didn’t arrive for morning classes” he answered with some confusion in his tone.
Rebekah felt weak, she felt absolutely sick and a rush of pure terror filled her.
Where were her babies!?
“Oh god” she cried before quickly dismissing herself and running back home, tears in her eyes and her throat almost closing up.
“Mrs Frye you alright?” A rook asked as they happened to be close by, seeing her upset and stopping her.
“N-No no I’m n-not p-please please y-you have to find j-Jacob!” Rebekah cried as they sat her down on some steps.
“Y-you have to find my h-husband Amelia a-and Emmette a-are missing!” She sobbed as it felt harder to breathe.
Oh where were they!
“It’s ok mrs we’ll find him!” The rook announced before whistling to attract the attention of his comrades.
“Go find the boss, it’s urgent!”
They nodded and quickly sped away!
It wasn’t long till they found him near the Thames beating up a man who had been intentionally selling tainted food.
“Boss you gotta come quick, it’s your Mrs!” One of the rooks yelled to their leader.
“What!?” Jacob answered before dropping the man and sprinting over to the carriage,
“Take me to her quick” he ordered.
Again it wasn’t long until they made their way back to where Rebekah was sitting, sobbing and trying to calm herself.
Seeing his wife utterly distraught Jacob launched himself from the carriage and pulled her in to his arms.
“What happened, are you alright what’s wrong?!” He asked in a urgent and rushed manner.
Jacob made Rebekah look at him, he was worried sick he’d never seen her this distraught.
“A-Amelia and E-Emmette didn’t come h-home for l-lunch!” She cried.
“I-I went to the s-school to s-see if t-they were ok b-but their t-teacher said t-they didn’t c-come to cl-class this morning!”
Jacob felt himself now go pale.... this wasn’t good.
Blighters were still around, but there was a large number of people in London who would hurt children as well.
“It’s going to be ok d-darling w-we’ll find them” he answered shakily as he tried to console her.
“Let’s get you home...I’ll go find them” Jacob added as he helped her up and began to walk her home.
He to was scared for his children, he didn’t have any clues yet but he hid his worry.
Once home he sat her in the lounge room to relax the best she could before hurrying off to find them.
Meanwhile in Whitechapel Amelia and Emmette weren’t fairing well, once they were taken from the alley they were put straight to work.
The air in the factory was hot from the kilns, the dust hurt their eyes and got in their lungs causing them to feel sick and cough.
They were both given shovels and made to scoop coal in to the roaring fire.
“Hurry up or there won’t be any dinner for any of you brats!” The foremen yelled before heading back in to his office.
“I’m scared Meli” Emmette whimpered as he started to cry again,
The other children kept busy at their work, telling him to be quiet would only get them in trouble.
“I-I know Emmy b-but we gotta be brave” Amelia answered quickly before a blighter came up to the boy and smacked him upside the head.
“Shut up and work or I’ll have you both drowned in the cistern!” they threatened, pointing to a large metal barrel filled with water before hitting Amelia to and walking off.
Considering the era...this punishment was light.
Amelia rubbed her head, let out a sob as did Emmette and kept working the best they could.
It took Jacob well in to the night to find any clues of his children’s where-bouts, he searched all of London with his rooks offering a cash reward for anyone who could find them and report to him!
Around five in the morning it came as he was searching by a pub in Southwark, he heard a man drunkenly talking to another.
“I got five bob each for two kids I snatched yesterday at the strand” he laughed before taking a swig of his pint.
Jacob stood around the corner close by to listen.
“I sold ‘em to a buddy of mine in Whitechapel, chained them to a furnace he has” the man laughed as did the other.
“Cried like whimps begging for their mummy, the girl threatened to have her father on to me!” He bellowed.
‘You bloody bastard..’ Jacob growled to himself, not being able to stand it anymore!
Quick as a flash he had the man out of his chair pinned to the floor with a gun to his head.
“Where is the factory!” He roared.
“Who the fuck are you!?”
“I’m that girls father, you better tell me where my children are or that poor barkeep will be scrubbing your brains from the wood!” Jacob yelled as he jammed the gun in to the perpetrator.
The man started to splutter and whimper, the assassin almost swore he smelt urine!
“T-The brick factory I-in Whitechapel, p-please please let me go!”
The master assassin nodded and let him go but not before shooting him in the hand,
“Snatch anymore children again and I’ll fucking take your hands” he growled before running off, the mans screams behind him.
Jacob took a carriage and sped to Whitechapel...hoping they’d both be ok...
Later that morning Amelia and Emmette were woken to the machines roaring to life, they had been chained to the kilns all night by their waists and ankles.
Both children were exhausted!
“Get up you lazy good for nothing’s before you get a beating!” The foreman shouted pulling both of them up and shoving their tools in their hands.
And they tried to work they really did but poor Emmette was falling behind, stopping to rub his eyes and cough.
In the time they had been there their clothes and bodies were covered in soot and grime, turning their freckled skin black from the layers of coal dust.
Noticing this a large blighter picked him up and unchained him roughly,
“Tired eh? Well a dip should wake you!” He laughed before dragging Emmette away.
“Stop! Please don’t hurt him!” Amelia cried trying to hit the man with the heavy shovel, failing and being swatted away with a large slap.
The blighter took him over and held him head first over the cistern before dunking him under the water.
Left him there for longer than needed then let him up, laughing at the child’s spluttering and gasping before putting him back in.
‘THWAK!’ The blighter gasped before slumping to the floor and letting Emmette fall to the ground.
The children in the factory screamed out of fright as a large swarm of rooks ran in and started to kill the overseers.
“Daddy!” Amelia cried as Jacob jumped down from the beam above them and ran to them, there fire in his eyes and a terrible rage in his heart that only went away when he saw his children...
“Amelia sweetheart” he gasped, she was sooty and barely recognisable!
Quickly the assassin hugged her and smashed the chains off her body.
Then he went to his son, his precious boy and helped him up.
Emmette’s face wasn’t as dirty anymore from the dunking but the poor kid was trembling from the experience.
“Shh Shh it’s alright, let’s go home it’ll be ok” Jacob tried to comfort him as he held him in his arms before heading out to the carriage with his children.
A rook was kind enough to drive as Jacob sat in the back with them, cleaning off their faces and comforting them.
Rebekah hadn’t slept the whole night, crying and trying not to be sick with worry.
She waiting in the living room, pacing and waiting for Jacob to come home. Thinking of every horrible possibility to arise.
She prayed and hoped they would be ok!
The door suddenly opened and in ran Amelia!
“Mummy!” She cried and hugged her, Jacob came in holding Emmette who was still trembling.
Rebekah couldn’t do anything but cry and hold her daughter tight before getting her son off Jacob and holding him to.
It was a beautiful but traumatic reunion for the whole family....
For a while Emmette refused to bathe or swim as the water scared him to much.
Amelia didn’t ever walk alone, she only felt safe when her father or mother was with her, walking her to school and picking her up for lunch and after school as well.
And unfortunately both children would have night terrors for a very long time....
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ashyblondwaves · 3 years
Hey idk if you’ve already gotten this prompt but hear me out (Sorry this was supposed to be one sentence but I could not stop even if I tried. Oops)
Scarlet Vision reunion/angry sex? Like Vision has to fake his own death for a few weeks and only Stark knows so that they can zero in on a target.
And then the target is about to hurt Wanda when Vision busts in and helps her kill him. She looks at him stone faced with tears about to spill over and he knows he’s fucked. He starts to walk towards her to talk about what happened but she quickly advances on him with a look of utter betrayal.
And then she smacks Vision across the face hard AF and zaps him off a building with her magic.
She immediately goes home without waiting for him. When he gets back to their house, it’s eerily quiet (no kids yet) except for the shower running upstairs. He knocks on the bathroom door but there is no answer so he phases inside.
Through the glass he can see Wanda still in her uniform sitting on the floor of the shower.
He phases through the glass door and sits behind her. Both are soaked to the bone.
“Darling?” He tries. No answer. “Wanda, please look at me,” he tries again, this time reaching out to touch her shoulder.
She turns her head to the side and glances backwards but doesn’t quite meet his eyes. Even with water pouring down on them, he can tell her eyes are swollen and red. He can tell that they’ve been like that since he’d had to disappear three weeks ago.
He can tell because he’s been crying every night he’s had to live this dirty, filthy lie while Wanda had been alone in her grief. All for what?
He watched helplessly as Wanda’s shoulders began to shake in front of him and she drew further into herself.
He reached out with his other hand to turn her around so they could face one another. Once they came face to face she pushed on his chest until his back hit the other side of the tub.
When he reaches for her again he succeeds in drawing her closer, but she beats her fists into his chest in frustration, grief, and anger. He just keeps holding her tighter until the fight leaves her and she collapses against him.
He rubs her back while she buries her face into his neck. Their bodies shake with quiet sobs and nobody speaks for a while.
Eventually he brushes her hair back and lifts her head so she can look at him. There is still dirt and grime caking their skin and clothes but they both ignore that for the time being.
“Wanda,” he says her name like a whisper. “Please believe me when I say I had no choice. Mr Stark insisted-”
“Bullshit, Vision. You always have a choice. Not telling me about his sick plan was a choice.” She began pushing on his chest to create some distance between them, the fire in her eyes sparked anew.
He clutched at her tighter, unwilling to let her break their physical contact. He needed to be close to her more than he’d ever needed anything.
Vision sat them up and pulled her into his lap with one hand on her face, thumb stroking her cheek while the other held her waist and drew her as close as he dared.
“Wanda I assure you, if there was another way, I would never have agreed. It was to keep you safe, I-”
“Safe? You think I was safe, alone with my thoughts? No family? The one person keeping me tethered here just gone? Is that what you thought would keep me safe?” Her nostrils flared and her arms hung limp at her sides. Tears and snot ran freely down her face. Neither made an attempt to wipe them away.
Her chin quivered once more, and Vision knew better than to interrupt. She grabbed his face in her hands, green eyes boring into blue.
“How could you?” She choked out. “Do you not love me enough to tell me when something like this needs to happen?” She looked between both eyes, waiting for his response. When she got none, she continued.
“Did you think I’d just be fine? That you could just put a bandaid on it when you decided to come back?”
He felt bile rise in his throat. Nothing in this world was more important to him than this woman. Vision wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of their lives together. Marriage. A family. Everything.
“Wanda I am so-” but the rest got lost on his tongue as he tried to stop himself from losing what little composure he had left. He clutched her tighter and started again. “Wanda. Nothing will keep me from you ever again. I promise.”
Her expression began to soften at his words. He wouldn’t let himself be comforted by that quite yet, so Vision held her gaze and continued.
“I love you more than anything, please never doubt that. Being away from you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to endure and I can never do that again. You have my word that whatever obstacle may present itself, we will overcome it together.”
With that, Wanda ran her thumb over Vision’s lips and nodded ever so slightly. She lowered her head to press their foreheads together.
Vision tilted her head to the side to capture her mouth, reacquainting himself with her lips and tongue. They kissed hungrily, allowing their bodies to communicate what they couldn’t find the adequate words to say.
Vision phased them out of their uniforms, allowing them both this moment to relish in one another’s company. Until the water ran cold, Wanda and Vision would surely make up for lost time.
Hi hello sorry I can’t keep these ideas inside my brain or off of this website. My apologies for spamming your inbox once again!
Oh please feel free to always share your ideas! It gives everyone a little taste of some goodies! I’ll always share them as long as you’re cool with it. This is GOOD. Wanda running her thumb over Vision’s lips is CUTE and SEXY. I love it! 
Enjoy, followers. Read this goodness right here and love it as much as me! 
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jungle321jungle · 5 years
Forge My Heart
The Crown Prince ordered a sword from the blacksmith. He got more than he expected.
An anxceit oneshot
Taglist: @hells-missing-a-goat @angels-and-dreams @ollyollyoxinfree @gattonero17
Ao3 - Masterlist
Forge My Heart
“You want me?”
“But- but why ?”
“Must you make me repeat myself?” The Prince gave a sigh. “You’re a skilled blacksmith who makes many swords, no?”
His eyes drifted to his father’s gaze watching from behind the Prince’s entourage. “But my father-”
“Give me more credit, blacksmith,” he said with a slight smile. “I know this is your father’s shop, but I also know that your father hasn’t made a thing in years. You’ve been doing all the hard work, while he takes your hard earned coin. So I wish to contract you personally for my birthday present... to myself. Oh besides your payment upon completion, I will provide money to buy the best materials and you can keep whatever you don’t use.” He paused before he turned to his attendant who was looking over a scroll. “Am I forgetting something, Logan?”
The man didn’t look up, “Giving him the money?”
“Right. Roman?”
One of his other attendants moved away from where he had been lingering by the anvil where Virgil’s current project laid before he had shuffled over and handed Virgil a sack of coins.
“Well?” The Prince asked him crossing his arms. “Do we have a deal?”
Virgil blinked before he nodded, “What kind of sword would you like Prince Dante?”
The Prince’s different color eyes gave a twinkle, “Surprise me.”
“ Surprise me, ” Roman mocked as they climbed in the carriage. “Didn’t you spend the whole ride over reciting to us all you very specific details of what you wanted in a rapier?”
“I will throw you from the palace tower,” Dee responded looking out the window as they pulled away.
“Please do so sooner rather than later,” Logan tossed in. “I won’t have the guests passing by a blood stain on their way into the ball.”
Roman rolled his eyes, “Wow, for a moment there I thought you were concerned about my wellbeing.”
Logan ignored him, “Prince, next in your schedule is a hospitality visit to the children’s home. Following that you will...”
Logan’s words continued, but Dee had zoned out as he hoped the blacksmith could get it right.
“My Prince!” The blacksmith yelped as he stumbled back dropping the hot metal to the ground as he did.
Dee blinked as the young man fumbled to pick it up with tongs before setting it aside. When he had looked up, Dee could see the surprise in his beautiful deep brown eyes.
“I wasn’t aware you were coming,” Virgil  said awkwardly brushing his hands off on his pants.
“I wanted to check in on your progress,” Dee said simply.
Virgil nodded as he picked up what he had been working on and held it for Dee to see.
It wasn’t a rapier, Dee noted silently. But then again he hadn’t asked for one.
“It’s going to be a saber,” Virgil started turning over the metal. “You can’t tell right now, but once it’s acid etched you’ll be able to see the design I put into the metal- a twisted pattern. The handle will have some good detailing in it and I plan to make it as intricate as possible. Do... do you have anything specific you want?”
Dee shook his head, “Not at all. Just making sure things are-”
“Whoa! The Prince!”
Dee turned in surprise to see as a small boy entered the shop.
“Patton!” Virgil shouted in surprise hurrying over to the boy. “Sorry my Prince. This is my little brother.” He then turned to the boy, “That’s not how you greet a Prince.”
The small boy blinked before he nodded, “Sorry. Hi your Majesty. Thanks for hiring my brother!”
Dee gave a chuckle as he joined the brothers by the ship entrance. “Nice to meet you Patton. And I had to pick your brother, he’s good at what he does.”
“I’m gonna be better one day!”
“Uhuh! Vee is gonna teach me!”
Dee raised an eyebrow and looked to the blacksmith, “Are you Vee ?”
Virgil gave a blush beneath his dark eyeshadow and wow Dee wanted to see him do that more. “Y-yeah,” he mumbled. “Its- it’s a family business after all.”
Dee nodded once and moved for the exit, “I’ll come back in a few days!”
“You don’t have time to be checking up on the smith,” Logan disagreed as Dee climbed in the carriage. “Do you not realize how many more things we need to do before the ball?”
“Remus is handling them,” Dee waved dismissively.
“You trust him with that many things?” Roman asked in surprise. “I only trust him to stare at Logan’s ass.”
“Well...” Dee gave a cough as he watched Logan’s stoic face. “Fine. Can I just go visit him once more this week?”
Logan raised an eyebrow, “Fine. Once more.”
“Hello Virgil the blacksmith!” Dee called as he entered the back of the shop. “I am shouting as my silence last time led to me startling you.”
Virgil gave an amused look as he looked away from his forge, “I’m sorry my Prince. Can I have one minute? I need to quench the blade.”
Dee gave a nod pretending he knew what that meant. At his affirmation Virgil put his face back to staring into the flames before he grabbed his tongs and pulled out glowing metal and hurriedly shoved it in a barrel- which immediately caused flames to fly up into Virgil’s face.
“Holy shit!” Dee yelled in response taking a step closer. “Are you alright?”
Virgil pulled the sword out the barrel and gave it a visual inspection with a bright smile, “I'm fine, why?”
“You just had fire erupt in your face.”
Virgil paused as if the thought hadn’t occurred to him, “Nothing different that usual. Anyway, I assume you came for an update?”
Dee nodded, “I did. And to tell you that you are personally invited to the ball.”
“Oh, you want me to deliver it then?”
“Yes, but you are also free to enjoy the ball as a guest .”
“So how’s the sword?”
“I should have it cleaned up and sharpened by the end of the day. And then I have the rest of the week to get the handle together. Should be a sword more than worthy for the Crown Prince.”
Dee nods once as he looks at the metal Virgil had set aside. It certainly looked more like a sword than the slab he had initially seen during his first day, but still he couldn’t quite picture the final product. He just hoped it would be as nice as Virgil had claimed.
“Vee you need to go! You’re late! The ball already started!”
Virgil didn’t move away from where he was grinding at the last of the sword. “Grab me the box! And the thing!”
“What thing?”
“The thing to wrap the sword in for the box!”
He heard Patton shuffling around behind him as he finished sharpening the blade.
“It looks perfect!” Patton cheered, setting the box down.
Virgil smiled in agreement before he got everything together. “Okay I’m going.”
“But you didn’t change!”
“No time!”
Virgil arrived at the palace out of breath and, present in hand. One of the Prince’s attendants was by the door dressed in a blue suit, and a large frown on his face. “Late and underdressed Mr. Storm?”
“Sorry,” Virgil apologized, holding the present out and the man took it. “Give it to him. I’ll head back to my shop, um... let me know if he likes-”
Virgil didn’t get to finish before the man had grabbed him by the wrist and began dragging him along as they made their way inside.
“Um, sir?”
“Logan,” he corrected letting Virgil go and pulling a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his hand. “The Prince wants you to hand deliver it.”
“Oh well uh-”
“Roman!” Logan called at a passing man.
The man turned and gave them both a smile before he looked Virgil up and down amused. “Couldn’t you at least take off the eyeshadow?”
Virgil’s eyebrows knit in confusion. “What eyeshadow?”
“Your... you know... eyes... Logan you needed something?”
Logan nodded once, “Go get him an outfit. And I’ll send Remus to join you, I think our Prince told him Mr. Storm’s measurements.”
“My measurements?” Virgil echoed awkwardly. “Why would he know-”
“In the meantime Mr. Storm I shall send you to clean yourself up a bit.”
“Oh, uh okay?”
“Something wrong dear?”
Dee shook his head and gave his mother a polite smile, “I’m just wondering about my sword. The blacksmith was supposed to be here by now.”
“Well then I guess we are right on time.”
Dee turned to where Logan appeared a man dressed in a beautiful purple suit beside him. Logan stepped aside and the man stepped forward holding out the box to Dee. “Happy birthday Your Majesty.”
Dee took the box in confusion before he looked at the man. Upon opening it he saw a beautiful saber sitting in it. “Virgil?”
“You're the same pretty blacksmith?”
His face flushed, “ Pretty ?”
Gone was the soot and grime from his face, and for the first time Dee could clearly see his face. Gone was this dirty clothing instead he wore a beautifully tailored purple suit which fit him perfectly in every way. And wow, if Dee had thought he was beautiful prior to this- then he wasn’t sure what Virgil was now.
“The sword?” Logan coughed taking the box and holding toward Dee.
Dee blinked and picked up the sword by its hilt, marveling in how natural it felt in his hand. It was wonderful.
“Look under the leather,” Virgil advised.
Dee lifted it confused and he froze in surprise and picked up the second sword. And wow, it was more beautiful than the first.
“A rapier,” Dee smiled, turning it over in his hands.
Virgil nodded once, “I finished the saber and realized I wanted to do something even more special. I hope you like them.”
“They’re perfect ,” Dee smiled. “Thank you so so much Virgil.”
Virgil’s blush returned as he took a step back, “Thank you for giving me such a good challenge.”
He moved to step away, but Dee put the swords in the box before moving beside the smith. “If you’re sticking around for a while, can I ask you to dance?”
“I can’t dance.”
Dee gave him a smile as he extended a hand to the man. “I’ll let you in on a secret, most people here can’t.”
The blacksmith looked up from his feet to the Prince’s face trying not to think about how close they were. “Yes?”
“You did such a nice job on the swords...” the Prince started slowly as he whirled Virgil around with ease. “and well I think I might need a set of matching knives. One for each sword. So um, why don’t you come back to the palace tomorrow? I can- I can treat you to lunch while we discuss the designs?”
Virgil gave a large smile in response despite the blush he could feel on his cheeks, “That sounds great, My Prince.”
“Dee... you can call me Dee.”
Virgil shook his head as he looked back to his feet. “I’m just a blacksmith . I- I can’t call you by your name.”
“Then maybe you need to be more than a blacksmith?”
“What do you mean?”
Virgil heard as the Prince hummed in thought monetarily before speaking again. “I’ve got it, how about you let me court you? Then you could certainly call me by name.”
Virgil’s ears must have stopped working. He stared at the Prince’s smirking face in shock before he dropped his head again. “I...I’d like that.”
“You would?”
The Prince’s surprised tone caused Virgil’s gaze to rise to see the Prince’s slight blush. “I would,” he confirmed. “I would... Dee .”
Dee gave him a smile as he leaned forward and rested his forehead on Virgil’s in a teasing way.
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Virago 12. Too Good to be True
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Summary: Y/N was sent to the ground after spending five years in the Skybox for stealing medical supplies and murder. How will she deal with her new environment and learn to survive on earth? Will she crack under the pressure of becoming a leader of the 100 or will she embrace it. 
Post Date: 08.21.20
Word count: 2.7k
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Based off: 02x01 “The 48″
100 Master List
You wake up no longer covered dirt and grime and in clean white clothes. You search your surroundings to find any indication of where you are. You can see Harper in the room across from you and Monty in the room next to her. You then drift your eyes a little further to the right and see a large sign that says “Mount Weather Quarantine Ward”.
You quickly jiggle the handle to try to open the door but find that it’s locked from the outside. You try to communicate with Monty and Harper but you can barely hear them through the thick door. You start to pace around the room and wash your face to refresh yourself. You think of how you could get out as you sit along the wall.
After a few hours, you decide to look out the glass again to see if anyone has come around. You notice someone walking into the room where Monty was. You jiggle the handle once more even though you knew it was locked. The next thing you see is glass flying outwards from the room beside yours and an arm reaches out to open the door. 
You watch as you see Clarke emerge from the room with a bloody arm. She grabs a piece of glass and approaches the person before ripping the head part of their suit off, revealing a girl around the age of you guys. Clarke backs the girl up in the room out of your view. You frantically look around the room for something to break the glass on your door. You pick up the metal rod that holds the medical bags and smash it against the window of your door. As soon as you reach to the door handle you cut yourself on the glass in the same fashion Clarke had seemed to.
As you open the door you find that Clarke and the girl had disappeared. You go down the hallway to the right and wander around the massive compound. You find an elevator and press the button. Only to find that it doesn’t open. You try once more before noticing the red light show up on the side and realize that some sort of key card is needed. Knowing that the elevator won’t open you run around to look for another way to get to a different level.
As you run around sirens and lights start to go off, you keep running but are soon stopped by a group of people that seem like guards. You head the opposite direction before being stopped once more by another group of guards. You try to slip by them but they catch you. You struggle and fight as they start to drag you off. 
You find yourself taken to some sort of med bay. As soon as they lead you in you see Clarke sitting on a bed with restraints around her wrists. The guards set you on the bed beside her and restraint your wrists as well.
“I see you got out the same way I did,” Clake whispers to you looking at the cut on your arm.
“How else would I. Do you know why we’re here or who else is here?” You ask.
“No, but we need to find out,” She responds back.
“Agreed,” You say back before hearing the door open and noticing a group of people walk in.
“Hello, Clarke and Y/N. How are your arms?” A woman with a white coat on asks. You and Clarke stay silent not wanting to talk to anyone but your friends.
“They’re not talkers, are they?” She says after a few moments of silence as the people make their way over to us.
“A skill picked up from the savages, no doubt. That’s fine. Maya has something to say first anyway.” The white-haired man says while gesturing to the girl who Clarke threatened.
“You two were the next ones to be cleared through quarantine. Another 10 minutes and you would have--” She says getting pissed before the white-haired man stops her from outbursting. “I’m not pressing charges on you, Clarke,” She says quieter.
“Thank you, Maya. You can get your treatment now. Restraints aren’t necessary,” The man says to another standing to the side.
“Yes, Mr. President,” The other man says and starts to take yours and Clarke’s restraints off.
“Dante Wallace,” The white-haired man holds his hand out to Clarke. She takes his hand and holds it to look at the smudges on his hand. “Oil paint. That’s right. You’re an artist too.” He then moves to you and holds out his hand, but you don’t move a muscle.
“Who told you that?” Clarke questions getting up from her bed.
“Your people did. They also said you two were their leaders. Looks like you two and I have a lot in common, kiddos,” The man says as you stand up next to Clarke.
“Where’s my watch?” Clarke asks.
“And where’s my necklace?” You ask concerned as well while feeling around your neck for your mom’s necklace. You forgot you had the necklace as you had never taken it off since she gave it to you. But now that its gone, your chest feels almost naked.
“I’m sorry...but we can’t let contaminated items inside Mount Weather. We couldn’t risk it. Our protocol is very strict, Clarke and Y/N. We prioritize safety over sentimentality,” Dante explains.
“So you just left the last thing I had from my parents out there?!” You say raising your voice. You feel Clarke’s hand grip your wrist knowing that she wants you to calm down.
“How many of us did you capture?” Clarke asks next.
“48, including you two. But you guys have got it all wrong. You’re not prisoners. We saved you,” Dante explains.
“Well, in that case, you won’t mind if we leave. If there are 48 of us here, we still have people out there,” You respond.
“Patrol brought in who they could find,” Dante explains.
“What about the Ark? It came down last night--” Clarke asks.
“We saw it. There were multiple crash sites over 100 square miles. If there were survivors, we will bring them in too. You have my word,” Dante explains.
“We want to see our people,” You tell him.
“Of course you do. I would too,” He responds before gesturing to a wardrobe like thing two men roll in. They open it up to display clothes and jewelry. “Change and meet me in the hall,” He tells us before walking away.
You and Clarke go up to inspect the items, clearly in awe as you two have never seen anything as pristine as the jewelry and clothes they had. You notice Clarke pick up one of the shoes and break off the heel. She hands it to you and picks up the second one to do the same. 
The two of you change into comfortable clothing, you pick out a gray tank, black jacket, and pair of grey pants. After you guys are dressed you make your way into the hall, into a very loud room.
“Sorry about the noise. Hydroelectric power from Philpott Dam. Fresh water from our own underground reservoir. Fresh food from our hydroponic farm,” Dante explains as we make our way down the hall.
“I don’t understand. You’re on the ground. You know its survivable. Why would you stay here?” Clarke asks.
“It’s not survivable for us,” Dante answers back.
“The grounders seem to have managed.” You add.
“Natural selection works. The grounders who couldn’t survive in the radiation didn’t. Those who could pass on their DNA. For better or for worse, here, we never went through that process,” Dante explains.
“Neither did we. We’ve been on the ground now for…” Clarke starts. 
“Solar radiation,” You interrupt.
“Very good. Your DNA ran the same gauntlet as the grounders. Only because radiation levels in space are even higher...your ability to metabolize that radiation is even stronger. Truth be told, our scientists were blown away by the efficiency of your systems. If not for that, your friends would still be upstairs in quarantine. Please.” Dante gestures to an elevator for you and Clarke to step in.
You and Clarke make your way into the elevator after two men walked in. The door starts to close until Dante stops it, “First, give me the heel. Both of you,” You were reluctant to do so until you noticed Clarke pull hers out of her sleeve and you soon followed and handed it to him.
“You’re not fighting for your life anymore. You’ve made it. Welcome to Mount Weather.” Dante says before the elevator door closes. The elevator moves until you arrive at level five.
“Your packet contains everything you need to know about Mount Weather. Which, I promise, is not as confusing as the map on page one makes it out to look. You came from level three, which houses our medical facility, including quarantine--” You hear a woman explain as you and Clarke make your way over to the group.
“Clarke! Y/N!” Monty says running towards the two of you. He hugs you both and the rest of the group turns towards you guys. Jasper soon follows in the hugging.
“Finn?” Clarke asks.
“And Bellamy?” You ask quickly after.
“Clarke, Y/N, they uh… they didn’t make it,” Jasper says as his voice gets lower.
“We don’t know that,” Clarke says hoping to calm Jasper and your nerves. “What about Raven?” She questions next, but Monty just looks down indicating she wasn’t here as well.
“Welcome, Clarke, and Y/N.” The woman speaking before says and hands you both an info packet. “If you have any questions, I’m Keenan,” She introduces herself.
After you guys had gone through orientation they announce that lunch is ready. You sit with Jasper and Monty as they dive into the food. You’re hesitant at first but after realizing how hungry you were, you start to eat. Monty and Jasper come back with desserts in hand. They dive in as well but you stopped after the main course. 
“Sit down and pretend you’re happy to see me,” Clarke whispers after Jasper and Monty and a little dessert standoff.
“We are happy to see you. You have to try the chocolate cake,” Monty offers as the three of them sit down. 
“Oh, it is so on,” Jasper says clearly salty that Monty offered it to Clarke and not him.
“I’m not eating their food,” Clarke states. “Look. They gave us a map with no exits. Tell me everything you’ve seen. Every room. Every hallway. Every way out.” Clarke says as she points to the map.
“‘Way out.’” Jasper repeats. “Look around, Clarke. There’s no one hunting us here. First time in our lives we’re not hungry. Why would we want to leave?” Jasper questions, clearly being happy here. 
“Because we have friends out there who need our help,” You add-in.
“They’re looking for survivors. And they’re way better equipped to find them than we are,” Monty points out.
“This place is too good to be true,” Clarke states.
“You’re bumming me out. I’m gonna get more cake,” Jasper says and gets up. You and Clarke watch as Jasper talks to Maya. Soon enough Clarke gets up from her seat and makes her way over to the two.
“So do you agree with Clarke? That this place is too good to be true?” Monty asks, getting your attention.
“Yes...Maybe,” You respond clearly not knowing where you stand. “I just think they should let us out there if we want to. I can’t stand knowing that our people are still out there.” You continue.
“You mean Bellamy?” Monty says. You sharply inhale having been caught off guard by Monty’s question.
“And Octavia. And the others,” You quickly respond.
“Oh come on. Anyone with eyes can see you two care more for each other than anyone else.” Monty states taking another bite of his cake.
“I care for our people. And Bellamy is one of them,” You say pushing off Monty’s comment. Soon after you start hearing sirens and see lights go off again. You notice Jasper and Maya run off and follow after them.
“What’s going on?” You ask the two as you all run.
“Clarke took my keycard,” Maya states. Soon enough you catch up to Clarke finding her at a big door.
“Clarke, no. If you pull that lever, these people will die. Even a little radiation could kill them,” Jasper says catching her attention.
“Don’t make me shoot you,” Maya says popping up beside you with a gun in hand.
“Wait, wait,” Jasper says stepping in front of Maya and turning to Clarke. “Don’t do this,” He says to her.
“I don’t believe them,” Clarke says upset.
“Why would they lie?” Jasper questions her. “Listen to me, We are safe here. Because of you and Y/N, we’re safe.” Jasper says looking between you and Clarke.
“Not all of us,” You add-in.
“I’m the one that fired the rockets. Should I not have done that? Clarke...when you pulled that lever, you saved lives. Don’t throw that away by pulling this one.” Jasper says as you hear his voice shake. 
Clarke lets go of the lever as a group of guards make their way in and take Clarke into custody. The other guards take you and Jasper to the room where you all were staying in. It was filled with enough beds to house all of you.
“I’m glad you’re all alright,” Monty says hugging you and Jasper.
“Better if we could leave,” You snarkily respond under your breath. 
“Well, I’m just glad we all together,” Harper says making her way to you guys.
“Not all of us. They won’t let us leave to look for our own people,” You respond getting upset. But no one responds.
“Dinner is ready. Get dressed in nice clothes” A guard at the doorway says. They escort us to the dining room after we get dressed and have us all hold hands as Dante speaks some words. 
To your surprise, you notice Clarke eat their food after you all sit down. Either she’s playing get along or they told her something to convince her you really are safe, you think to yourself. After dinner, you are escorted back to your room. You watch as everyone settles in and actually looks happy for a change. 
“A little gift from Dante?” You ask Clarke as you notice her looking at a card and object that was on a chair.
“Yeh let’s see what it is.” She says as she lifts the lid to display some art materials.
“Looks like Dante has really taken a liking to you,” You chuckle.
“Yeh,” She chuckles back. For the rest of the night you sit and chat with Monty and Jasper.
“So, we never finished the conversation about you and Bellamy,” Monty says.
“What is there to finish? As I said, he’s one of our people and we need to find them,” You state back.
“Ooo, what is this, You and Bellamy thing you guys are talking about?” Jasper butts in. 
“It’s nothing,” You respond.
“Nothing my ass. Jasper, can you agree with me that Bellamy and Y/N here clearly care for each other a lot more than anyone else?” Monty asks Jasper.
“I care for all of you, equally,” You quickly respond getting defensive.
“Well...now that I think about it...you two do seem like you’re always together,” Jasper states.
“You know what. If you two don’t believe me. Then I’m just gonna go see what’s up with Clarke,” You say getting up.
“Oh don’t be like that Y/N. We’ll let it go, never talk about it again,” Monty says throwing up his arms.
“Uh-huh,” You respond making your way to Clarke. You find her sitting on her bed, sketching something.
“So how are you liking those art supplies?” You ask her as you climb up to her bed.
“They’re great. Better than any I’ve had on the Ark,” She responds as you sit next to her. As you look over to what she was sketching. She was sketching on the map that was given to us, labeling where she believes places are that were unmarked. 
“Well, I’ll leave you to it,” You smile at her, hoping that she’ll keep you in the loop. You make your way back to your bed and lay down ignoring every attempt Monty makes to try and talk to you.
A/N: So what do you think Y/N is gonna do now that she’s stuck in Mount Weather?? Also, I know I just added the necklace in randomly but I liked the idea, please lmk if you guys would like a bonus chapter of a flashback to her receiving it, id be more than happy to do that! I hope you guys enjoyed this part and are excited to see what happens next. I have lots of ideas and plans for Y/N, for Season 2!
🏷: @im-a-writer-right​ | @marsbar-inspace32​ | @zestylemon99​ | @unrvquited​ | @thebeautifulbookworm​​ | @gxvrielle​ | @simonsbluee​ | @iwishilivedinthesims​ | @awkwardspontaneity​
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therealchoreanese · 5 years
Ch. 1 - As Luck Would Have It
A/N: fanfic in progress inspired by @kceedraws‘s prompt & art about this lovely crossover ship, gonna put it up on ao3 soon hopefully
The penthouse was absolutely gorgeous. Wide windows that faced San Fransokyo’s bustling streets on the north wall, a balcony with a table and two chairs overlooking the bay on the opposite side. The tub in the restroom had twenty options of different flower-infused waters and whether or not you wanted bubbles, and the kitchen came with a fridge that could list recipes based on your taste, personal health, and whatever was inside it. Not to mention the flat-screen in the living room, or the marbled coffee table and fancy-looking leather couch, and the bedroom’s silk canopy bed and massive walk-in closet and -
“I can’t possibly accept, sir!” Marinette protested. “This is all too much. I’d be fine at the institute’s dorms, they’re cozy and with enough space for my designing-”
Gabriel Agreste tsked and waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t make a fuss. You’re here on my scholarship, and this is simply a benefit of it. Besides, a dorm is not inconspicuous enough for Ladybug activities. Here, you’ll have all the privacy you’ll need.”
“He’s got a point, Marinette,” Tikki agreed. “On-campus would be the worst place to transform, there are so many things that could go wrong and - oh, there’s even a little bed for me!”
Marinette sighed. If Tikki thought it well, then she definitely wasn’t getting out of it.
“One more thing,” Gabriel Agreste said. “Follow me, ma chère.”
Marinette fell in love the moment they stepped inside - it was a fashion designer’s dream come true. It was the least fanciest room in the entire penthouse, with only five blank mannequins and a worktable and empty racks where fabric rolls were supposed to be. But Marinette could make the space hers, fill it with life and love and all her ideas. And for a moment, she couldn’t speak.
So she threw her arms around Gabriel Agreste and squeezed him tight.
Mr. Agreste blinked rapidly, and he awkwardly patted her shoulder, but he seemed to understand. “Well, then. I’ll leave you to get settled. Keep me updated, yes? If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask.”
After Mr. Agreste left, Marinette fluttered around the suite, doing her best to make it feel like home. She taped pictures of her friends and family next to her bed, unpacked her things - even with three whole boxes of clothes and accessories, the closet still wasn’t full - and spent a weirdly unnecessary amount of time exploring the restroom amenities. She emerged from the tub hours later, the grime of the airplane washed away by a lavender bubble bath. 
“You smell lovely, Marinette,” Tikki complimented. “You know, it really is so kind of Mr. Agreste to do this for us.”
“I know!” Marinette’s voice was muffled by her rummaging through the closet. “Who would have thought that one year after defeating him we’d be here - in America, on a scholarship in his name, and him being a Ladybug supporter. My supporter. It feels almost like a dream.”
“A dream in which Ladybug leaves Paris.” Tikki sighed wistfully. “I wonder how Adrien will do without us?”
“That silly kitty will be fine. He and Master Fu have the other Miraculouses to help them out. Besides,” Marinette added, “’Ladybug’ is looking forward to meeting San Frasokyo’s superhero team on a night patrol. When do you think we’ll get to see them?”
Tikki fixed Marinette with a stern glare. “Not until you’re settled in. You need to adjust to the time zone, and get ready for school, and make some friends who have your back before anything else. I can’t stand the idea of you getting hurt because you feel out of place.”
“Okay, okay.” Marinette wriggled on a jacket. “Done! Let’s go exploring then, Tikki, we can see what’s around. I want to find a good bakery as fast as possible.”
“Homesick already, Marinette?” Tikki teased.
Marinette glanced at the photos on the wall and smiled. “Something like that.”
A bell jingled as Marinette pushed the door open to the Lucky Cat Cafe. The large cat above the doorway had reminded her of home - her mother had a statue similar to it next to the cash register. There weren’t that many customers in today, it seemed; but Marinette’s attention was caught by a curious white balloon-looking thing holding a tray of buns. To her surprise, it waddled up to her, and - were those two black dots supposed to be eyes? - it spoke. 
“Hello. I am Baymax. Would you care for a red bean bun?”
“Um, sure.” Marinette plucked a golden-brown pastry from the tray. “Thank you. Are you a waiter, or. . .?”
“I am Baymax,” the balloon repeated. “A personal healthcare companion. I am responsible for the wellbeing of patients assigned to me. Anyone who comes through that door is now my patient. You are my responsibility. Please, follow me.”
Baymax waddled towards an empty table and, with the pace of a snail, dragged out a chair. The scriiiiiiiitch made Marinette wince, but she sat when Baymax looked at her expectantly. It didn’t seem like it could smile, but Marinette thought she detected pride in its voice for successfully taking care of her. She had to admit, it was kind of cute.
“Please take your time to browse the menu. I must report that a new patient has arrived, but your order will be taken care of shortly.”
Baymax shuffled off, occasionally knocking around tables and chairs and a customer, and disappeared into the kitchen. 
“That was so weird,” Tikki whispered. “Do you think all cafes are like that here?”
“I don’t know, but I thought it was funny,” Marinette said as she flipped through the menu. “What d’you want, Tikki? I’ll get it to-go for you.”
Tikki peered out of the bag. “Ooooh, those strawberry cookies look good!”
“Okay, cookies for you, and . . .” Marinette flicked through the pages. “Oolong tea to go with the red bean bun. Oh, just in time! Here he comes again.”
After Marinette had placed her order, she pulled out her sketchbook. It was a new one she’d bought just to celebrate her move to San Fransokyo, its pages crisp and creamy-white. The Lucky Cat Cafe, cute and colorful and beautifully quirky, seemed like the perfect place to start brainstorming new ideas. But she’d just barely touched pencil to paper when a voice called out, “Order for Marinette coming through!” followed by, “Shit, no, Mochi, bad cat - nononono SHIT!” then -
A middle-aged brunette poked her head from the kitchen, looking mildly concerned. “Everything okay, Hi - oh. I suppose not. What on earth happened?”
“Sorry, Aunt Cass.” A guy with unruly black hair in an apron looked up at Marinette, soaked in tea and mouth agape, and then at the tray, shattered teacup, and scattered cookies from where he lay sprawled on the floor. “Mochi happened. You okay, miss?”
“What?” Marinette blinked herself out of her shock. “Oh, yes. I’m fine. But your fall looked worse than - oh no, my sketchbook!”
The guy scrambled up and leaned across the table, wincing at the sight. All the pages were soaked and stained brown. Even after it dried, there was no way Marinette could use it. 
“I am so, so sorry about that,” the guy apologized, abashed. “I’ll give you the money for it, no problem. And a fresh batch of those cookies to take with you, since I’m sure you’ll never come back here again. But, uh, would you like to have a change of clothes before you go? We’ve got t-shirts and stuff, totally free of charge, of course.”
Marinette held up a hand, trying to bite back a smile, her indignation and fury fading. She knew she should be angry that her sketchbook was ruined, but it was really sweet that the guy was trying so hard to make up for it. It was hard to stay mad at someone who looked so ashamed of himself.
“It’s fine,” she assured him. “You don’t have to pay me back. I’d appreciate the change of clothes, though. But I’ll pay for them - no, please, if you’re giving me the cookies for free, it’s the least I can do.”
The guy whistled. “Damn, I don’t think we’re ever going to get another customer as nice as you. Too bad you won’t be coming back after this.”
“Nothing could keep me away from those red bean buns.” This time, Marinette did smile. “They remind me so much of home.”
“I’ll let Aunt Cass know, then. She’ll definitely want to adopt you after hearing that.” The guy collected the tray and shards of ceramic, then motioned Marinette to follow him up a staircase behind the coffee bar. “Come on, I’ll get you the clothes. Baymax will take care of the cookies.”
“Are all cafes like that here?”
“Like what?”
“Do they all have balloon robots as waiters?”
The guy laughed. Okay, he was cute when he laughed. Pretty cute in general, actually, with warm brown eyes and bedhead hair and a crooked grin and dimples . . . 
Which Marinette was not staring at. No way. 
“Baymax really isn’t a waiter. He’s a healthcare companion. He just likes helping out from time to time.”
Marinette frowned. “But shouldn’t he be at a hospital or something like that?”
“It’s kind of a long story.” The guy shot her a smile that, to Marinette’s dismay, made her heart flutter. “But if you’re really set on coming back, we could swap next time you’re here. Mine for yours.”
“What makes you think I have a story?”
“That’s what I’m hoping to hear next time I see you.”
How was this bastard so smooth? Just minutes ago he’d been an apologetic, bumbling mess, but now Marinette was the one under the spotlight. Thank God for all that time spent with Chat Noir, or else her face would be as red as a strawberry right now.
“It’s a deal, then.” She stuck out her hand, and the guy shook it.
“Through here.” The guy ushered her into a bedroom, threw a set of clothes at her, and backed out quickly. “Just come down when you’re done. I’ve got to go soon, so I’ll probably be gone when you’re finished, but it was nice meeting you. Well, all circumstances considered. I’ll be waiting on that deal.”
And with one last crooked smile, he shut the door.
Tikki zipped out of her bag, giggling. “Well, he was certainly nice, hm? Not to mention good-looking.”
“Oh, hush,” Marinette scolded. “I barely know him. Besides, anyone that smooth with a stranger? He probably does it all the time. I am curious about Baymax, though. And like you said earlier, it’d be nice to have a friend around.”
“So you’re going to cash in on the deal?” Tikki wiggled her eyebrows. “The way he said it, it sounded awful lot like a date to me. Or, at least, he wanted a date.”
“All I want is a friend, Tikki,” Marinette said, exasperated. “I’ve dealt with enough love problems for the past few years. I don’t need them to follow me all the way to America.”
“Whatever you say, Marinette.” Tikki kept quiet until they exited the cafe, and Marinette was worried she’d somehow offended her Kwami when she piped up with:
“You have to admit, you really liked his dimples, didn’t you?”
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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5x10 | Them
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dragon-kazansky · 4 years
A rose in shadows - Chapter five
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Chapter 5 - Wedding bells
You woke up early to get ready that morning. You had spent the whole previous evening with Mrs. Hudson. She had baked a cake for you both to enjoy and you both talked until quite late. It was enjoyable in it's own sense, even if Mrs. Hudson did point out that you could do so much better than Sherlock several times during the evening.
You stand by your mirror, putting your final touches on to your outfit. Smart, but not over the top. Mary was the bride after all. On the mantel sat your ring. You had stopped wearing it on your finger ages ago. You hadn't even told John or Mary that Sherlock had proposed to you shortly after the vents last year. You had no intention of ever mentioning it. You doubted Sherlock had either. He didn't seem to care much about it any more anyway.
You pick up your coat. Once you had pulled it on, Mrs. Hudson came in, Gladstone by her feet.
"Ready, dear?"
"You look lovely." She smiles at you. 
"Thank you, as do you."
You follow her out, waiting as she locks the door, and then both of you climb into the carriage prepared for you. As you pull away from Baker Street you can't help but wonder how last night went for the boys. You hoped they stayed out of trouble, but even you knew that was probably asking for too much. You sigh softly as your gaze turns to look outside.
"It's a beautiful day." Mrs. Hudson comments.
"Yes, it is. Mary must be over the moon." You offer a smile. "It's going to be a lovely service."
"Oh yes. Doctor Watson will look very smart."
"As always."
You both chuckle and watch as the buildings become less and more fields come in to view. They chose a wonderful spot for their wedding. You were almost jealous of the beauty surrounding you. The thought of leaving the city crossed your mind. You would be quite happy in the country... but Sherlock was in the city.
You shook those thoughts away and tried to focus on the day.
When you arrived, you were both helped out of the carriage and led inside. You didn't know anyone other than Mrs. Hudson. John's friends were nice enough though as you passed them. They greeted you as you and Mrs. Hudson found your seats.
Light chatter filed the room.
Though it was still early, John and Sherlock had yet to show. They weren't there to greet you at the door and were no where to be seen inside. You shifted in your seat as you wondered where they could be.
Time ticked on. Still nothing.
"We should have known." Mrs. Hudson muttered.
"This is exactly what we should expect from Sherlock." You mutter.
"Holmes yes. Doctor Watson, no." She shakes her head.
"Then last night either didn't go to plan, or did and got out of hand." You glance back to see if there was any sign of them yet. The man at the door shook his head. You sighed as you faced forward again. Some guests were still arriving, so there was still time. You had hoped they would be here by now thought.
You hear the bagpipes outside playing.
"That better be them arriving." You mutter.
Sherlock is leading John inside. You don't even turn around as you hear muttering behind you. You, however, can't resist the need to cover your nose as they come past you. You glance up as they sit in the pew in front of you. Both of their suits are torn to pieces, they are both caked in dirt and grime, and you are certain you see dried blood on them.
Sherlock, once he has John sitting, turns to you.
"Hello, dear."
"Good night?"
"Yes. You?"
"Splendid." He smiles. "You look ravishing."
"I must say though, you're missing something."
"Your ring."
"Ring?" John looks between you and Sherlock. "Sherlock?"
"You noticed?" You ask, the least amused look on your face ever.
"I always do." He tells you.
"I find that hard to believe." You lean forward slightly. "What happened to you two?"
"I'll explain it all later." Sherlock doesn't waste the chance to kiss you on your cheek. "You really do look lovely, my dear."
You sit back and say nothing more. During the time between then and Mary's arrival, John was cleaned up to a certain point, a decent coat on him, a neck tie, flower on the lapel. Sherlock had dozed off and you hadn't bothered to wake him until Mary's arrival.
Once the music plays once more, you know it's time. Everyone stands up in sync with one another, you tapping Sherlock on the shoulder so he does wake up. He is quick to do so and stand beside John. Sherlock still looked a horrid mess.
Mary looks beautiful.
The ceremony is wonderful. Mary looks John up and down when she meets him at the alter, but Sherlock winks at her and nods. You watch with a smile as they exchange vows and rings. You applaud as they kiss. You're so focused on the happy couple, you miss the way Sherlock glances back at you.
You hook your arm with Mrs. Hudson, rather than Sherlock, as you exit the church. You stand and watch as John's military friends raise their swords for him and Mary to walk under.
Sherlock stands over by the arch near the entrance, on his own. He disappears under it as they get closer.
When that's over, you excuse yourself from Mrs. Hudson and go to find Sherlock. He was near his motor carriage speaking to a man. Upon seeing the scene, something told you not to go over just yet.
"I've been to a wedding here before. Funeral, too. The professor wants to meet." The man says to Sherlock. You can't hear them from where you are, but you can tell this discussion is serious.
"I'd expected to hear from him sooner, in light of recent events."
"He was wondering if it'd be convenient for you to come by the college this afternoon. His lecture concludes at four."
"Looking forward. Now, one side, chummily. There is someone waiting for me right now." Sherlock glances over to where you're standing. You didn't think he would notice you standing there, but he did.
The man pushes off the car and walks away slowly. You wait until he's gone before walking over. Sherlock is sitting in the driver's seat now. You sit in the one beside him.
"Who was that?" You asks, looking in the direction the man had gone in.
"A friend of our enemy."
"The very man." Sherlock looks at you. He reaches for your hand and brings it his lips. "Have I told you how beautiful you look?"
"You may have mentioned it once or twice." You give him a small smile. "What happened last night? And what did that man want?"
"I got into a bit of fight with a Cossack while chatting to a Gypsy woman about someone she knows. It got a bit out of hand, but be glad we turned up, dear."
You chuckle.
"As for that man, the Professor wants to meet with me. This afternoon."
"Today?" You frown. "He couldn't wait one more day?"
"I'm sorry dear. Now, I know we're quite the team, but I'll be meeting with him on my own. He's dangerous, we can't forget that."
You meet Sherlock's gaze. "I don't want to meet him anyway." You sigh.
"You go enjoy the rest of the day, give Watson and his wife my best, won't you?" He gives you a charming smile. "I'll see you back at the flat."
"Alright, but you owe me, Sherlock. You have a lot of making up to do." You climb out of the motor carriage and look up at him. "Please be careful, Sherlock."
"I'll do my best, dear. For now, stay safe." He smiles at you.
You smile back and step away, watching as he drives off.
You sigh and wait until he out of sight before going back to join the others. Mrs. Hudson is waiting for you, Gladstone on a lead beside her. You smile as you approach her and walk to your carriage. All the while thinking of your detective.
You have been working with Sherlock on your findings of Professor Moriarty, Sherlock finding all the connections, allies and possible motives behind every action. This man was incredibly  dangerous. There was no doubt he knew just as much about Sherlock as the detective knew about him.
Which also put you and John at risk. Even knowing that, Sherlock let you help, but also neglected your presence when his investigation became more obsessive. Though you still offered assistance by leaving articles and theories for Sherlock to read, by taking notes that you thought might help.
Sherlock felt regret for even letting himself push you away. You had every right to be mad at him.
Yet, you didn't yell at him. You acknowledged him. You talked to him.
Sherlock would make it up to. He had to. He needed you.
@hufflepuff-pide-honey-badger @theatricalbride @phantomofhogwarts @awyr @fandombeehive @charmed-asylum @sigynbandraoi-blog @procrastinatingmurder @madshelily @photography-to-all @sitkafay @melancholicsthings
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prisonrose · 5 years
{ Post Tenebras Lux }
Panicked footsteps echoed through the lonely mine as the boy dashed about in aimless circles. His heart was nearly thundering out of his chest as he stopped for a moment, panting. “Hello?” he cried as loudly as he could. “IS ANYONE THERE?!”
Nothing. “Mum? Dad?!”
The echoes of his frightened voice almost sounded as if it was taunting him. Blinking back his tears, he dashed off in the direction he hoped would get him out of here and once again wracked his brain for answers to his current predicament. 
All he had to do was retrace his steps, right? That’s what mom had always told him! Let’s see… He’d been with his mom and dad, taking a tour through the Macro Cosmos factory on the outskirts of Motostoke. The Chairman himself was there to greet them, and that had been so exciting! He started showing them all the different machines and explaining what they did, though, which wasn’t quite as exciting, so the boy’s mind began to wander. And then…
The boy stopped dead in his tracks, clutching at his hair in frustration as he looked around. He couldn’t even remember how he had gotten split off from the group. Something had caught his attention momentarily, though he couldn’t remember what it was. He didn’t really think he’d gone that far, but when he turned around to go back to the factory, he didn’t even know which way he had come from. 
He’d gone into this mine, hoping it was the way back to Motostoke, where at least there would be other people he could ask for help. Instead, he’d ended up wandering around aimlessly in this dark, Pokemon infested hole without a Pokemon of his own to defend him, and he was lost, and he wanted his mom and his dad and to be back at Postwick and safe!
He slumped to the ground covering his face with his hands and sobbing noisily, then pressed his small body into a secluded corner as he shivered with fear. What if no one found him this time? What if he was going to be lost forever?
“MUM! DAD!” he screamed in desperation. “SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!”
“... Leon?” a distant voice called. 
He froze, holding his breath with shock. “... Hello?” he called again, shakily climbing to his feet. “Is… Is someone there?!”
“Leon! Oh, thank the heavens that I found you!” The voice sounded relieved. “Stay put! Help is on the way!”
The boy spotted a shadow moving out of the corner of his eye. “No, wait! I-I think I see you! I’m on my way there!”
“Leon?! No, no, stay where you are! Don’t move!”
Too late. He’d taken off after the shadowy figure, sniffling and trying to wipe his face free of tears. In just a few minutes, he’d back home and this would all just be a memory! He’d be safe and warm and happy, and--
And that was not not a person.
He screeched to a halt so quickly that he nearly fell over, eyes wide with fear and panic. The Pokemon in front of him made a quick hairpin turn to face him, growling softly. Leon froze in place, feeling as if he couldn’t even breathe. Even when he saw its mouth glow as it prepared to attack him, he felt like his feet were rooted in place. Why… Why couldn’t he move? Why couldn’t he run? It was as if his body had been turned to stone! It wouldn’t listen to him!
As the blistering heat built up in the Carkoal’s body, Leon slowly looked down so that his brim blocked out the sight of it and he wouldn’t have to see his gruesome demise coming. He sniffled, feeling another tear roll down his face as he waited patiently for the enraged Pokemon to end it. But then he heard frantic footsteps coming from behind him.
The Chairman yanked one of his Ultra Balls off of his belt, and tossed it out in front of him, rushing in front of the boy. “Cerys! Defend us!” he cried throwing out his hand to shield the boy from any incoming damage.
Just as the Carkoal shot a powerful volley of flame at the two of them, the Chairman’s Copperajah burst out of its ball. Rose briefly had to shield his eyes from all of the dust his Pokemon had kicked up, but thankfully his Copperajah had managed to soak up all of the damage from the attack, leaving them both unharmed. Leon blinked, his cap plopping quietly on the ground. He looked up at the massive Pokemon standing in front of him with awe. Then he turned his eyes to the Chairman standing resolutely in front of him.
Rose just ran his fingers through his hair, thankful that no one had gotten hurt other than the small amount of damage Cerys had taken from a Pokemon much weaker than her. He could have ended the battle with an Iron Head or a High Horsepower then and there, but it seemed a little excessive. The poor thing had just been startled, after all.
“Here,” he called out to the wild Pokemon, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a toy with a bell attached to the end that Olga enjoyed playing with every now and then. He’d have to get her a new one sometime soon. “Go fetch.”
The Carkoal’s eyes went wide as Rose flung the jingling toy further down the long corridor. It let out a soft noise in delight, chasing after it as quickly as its wheels could take it. Rose sighed, stroking his Copperajah’s haunches. “How are you, girl?” he asked softly, looking over where the move struck her.
She rumbled quietly, turning so that she could gently wrap her powerful trunk around his waist and pull him in for a cuddle. 
Rose laughed softly, patting her trunk reassuringly. “It’s alright, darling, we’re both unharmed. There, there…” She really was quite protective and motherly towards him. He patted her one last time and went to address the young boy still looking up at him, completely awestruck. His face was a mess, smudged with dirt and awash with tears, so Rose took out his handkerchief and got down on one knee to wipe all the grime away. 
“You had us all very worried,” he hummed quietly. “I’m so glad to know that you’re alright…”
“I… I’m sorry…” Leon sniffled. “I didn’t mean to be a bother… I didn’t mean to wander off! Mum says there’s… something wrong with me. I get lost really easily, and it drives her mad. ”
“I’m sure that’s very frustrating,” Rose murmured, tucking his handkerchief back into his pocket once most of the muck was wiped away. “And very scary, too. But just because you’re made differently, it doesn’t mean that you have to let your disability define you. I happen to think you show quite a bit of promise as a potential trainer.”
Leon’s jaw nearly dropped to the floor. “M-Me?!” he cried incredulously. “You have to be joking! I don’t even know how I got here, and if you hadn’t saved me from that monster, I would have been burned to a crisp!”
“I promise I’m being quite sincere,” Rose replied, rising back to his feet and brushing the dirt from his fancy trousers. “Look where you are, Leon. You came here all by yourself. Through the tall grass of Route 3, and down into the very depths of this place. No adults… Not even a companion Pokemon by your side. The only time you landed yourself in any trouble is when you ran into that Carkoal in a rush, seeking me out. That suggests that you have very shrewd judgement, a natural affinity for befriending Pokemon, and a knack for getting yourself out of sticky situations. I happen to think those are all very admirable qualities.”
Leon looked up at him with wide eyes. “You… You really think so? Most of the kids call me dense, and most adults just think I’m just pretending to get lost, but… But I’m really not! I really try!”
Rose fondly ruffled the kid’s short, purple hair. “I’m certain that you do. You just need some help compensating for the qualities that you lack, but the same can be said for everyone else. Why, I bet that with the right partner by your side, the possibilities for you could be endless.”
The Copperajah lumbered over and nuzzled Leon gently with her trunk, almost cooing softly. Rose laughed, patting her. “See? Even Cerys agrees! You’ve got a bright future ahead of you, Mr. Leon.”
Leon blushed slightly, reaching down to pick up his cap off of the ground and pulling the brim of it down over his eyes with embarrassment. “Th… Thank you, sir. That’s very kind of you to say.”
Rose smiled at him, and patted his shoulder. “You’re welcome… Now! How would you feel about getting to ride old Cerys out of here?”
“REALLY?!” Leon shouted with excitement. “You really mean it?!” 
“Of course I do,” Rose laughed, helping the boy step onto her trunk so that she could lift him onto her back. “Let’s go put your poor mother and father’s hearts at ease. Come, Cerys, this way!”
-- A few days later --
“Lee!” his mother shouted from downstairs.
Leon blinked, pausing his game of Tetris, and looking up from his screen. “Yeah, Mum? What is it?” he called.
“Did you order something off the telly without telling us about it?”
“No???” he called back.
“Well, there’s a package here from Macro Cosmos here with your name on it!”
His eyes widened as he tossed his controller aside and raced downstairs as fast as his legs could take him. “Lemme see, lemme see, lemme see!!!” he squealed.
“Hold on,” she chastised, using a kitchen knife to open it. “... What on earth?” 
Inside, there was a portable incubator with detailed instructions and in egg inside. It also came with an ultra ball housed inside of the incubator and a trainer starter kit of Pokeballs, potions, various status healing tonics, and a blank League Card for Leon to one day print his photo on. There was also a letter on it, autographed by Chairman Rose himself.
Sorry it took me so long to reach out to you. When your mother told me your favorite Pokemon, I knew I had quite a project on my hands! So I got in contact with some breeder friends, and we managed to get you your very own Charmander egg! Congratulations! We even managed to imbue it with a prototype technology that we’re coming out with in the next few years. 
This particular breed comes from a long, proud line that has rescued people in mountainous areas during blizzards and avalanches for centuries. Its excellent sense of direction will ensure that no matter where you are, as long as you have your partner by your side, you’ll be able to find your way back. I’m sure it will be a very loyal and helpful friend.
I know that you still have a few more years before you’re eligible to begin your Gym Challenge proper, but it’s never too early to begin your journey as a Pokemon Trainer. The other sheet of paper that’s attached is my official endorsement for you once you have your tenth birthday. Good luck, and I’m rooting for you.
Chairman Dhimani Rose Macro Cosmos Corp. CEO
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lolabean1998 · 5 years
This Better Work Part 2
Sweet Pea X OC
Summery; Hey guys, not sure how well this is going to go but I originally put it on Wattpad so its way long, but hopefully its not horrendous. Let me know what you think! So, it follows the story line kind of, it’s not exact but I have tried and it follows my OC Ali as she navigates through the hell that is Riverdale. Whilst struggling with financial, social and romantic difficulties, she has the added pressure of keeping up with school work and bonus of being thrown into the frightening world of the criminal underground.
Side Note; None of the gifs or pictures I use are mine, I’m not talented or smart enough to even begin an attempt at making my own. Thank you to those who have such abilities and if you don’t want me using them then please let me know so I can remove them for you. 
Word Count; 5,235 (Give or Take)
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"Get in, we're picking up Izzy and dearest Mummy Masters before going on a girls afternoon at the spa!" Cheryl called from the driveway. Ali had spent her day filing paperwork, signing forms and reorganizing the stock room for the thousandth time. Alongside fixing the mistakes the apprentices made. It was fair to say she was stress and drained. She needed this spa evening.
"Cheryl Bombshell Blossom I Love you to the moon and back!" Ali cheered leaping from her desk and bolting through the door, waving good bye to the apprentice at the desk behind hers as she dived in besides Cheryl. 
"I know, I love you too." Cheryl replied, with a proud grin as she sped down the road towards Ali's house. 
It was nothing big or fancy, nor was it you typical northside house. Ali lived in an old stone cottage with large vines crawling up the side, the garden was flooded with life. Plants springing from every corner, it was small but cosy. Ali loved living there. Even though it was in desperate need of maintenance, it still felt like home and her uncle came around whenever he got the chance, to fix things and help around the house. Cheryl thought Ali's home was just what it should be, a home. There were photos of family and friends plastering the walls and it always smelt like cookies and home baking. Ali darted inside to jump in the shower ready to scrub wash away as much of the dirt and grime as she could. 
"Cheryl! So lovely to see you! We've just made red velvet cupcakes, want one?" Ali's mum greeted Cheryl embracing her in a big mum hug. Cheryl couldn't help but feel at home here. 
"Yes please, Mrs. Masters that would be lovely." She teased, taking a perfectly baked and decorated cupcake from the tray in front of her. 
"Oh, stop it. I've told you, call me Rosie please! Mrs. Masters makes me sound old." Rosie laughed giving her an amused scowl and placing a comforting hand on Cheryl’s arm before heading into the living room to tell Izzy it was time to go. 
The girls spent the evening relaxing drinking wine (lemonade for Izzy) and gossiping. Ali told them about the rumours she'd heard from different customers throughout the day, whilst Izzy told them all about the latest boy trouble in her year. It was the perfect end to a very stressful day. 
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"Ali wake up. Ali wake up!" Izzy cheered excitedly, bouncing on the bottom of Ali's Bed. She lifted her head marginally from her pillow to glance over at the clock beside the vase filled with her favourite flowers. 8am. Ali flopped her head back onto her soft, blue pillow groaning as she pulled the pale blue duvet covers over her head. 
"Izzy it's 8am on a Sunday. This is my one day off!" Ali groaned sleepily into her pillow.
"Exactly Ali! It's your day off and you promised to help me and Sam with our science project! Please Ali! I made you tea and pancakes. Well mum made them, but I helped." Izzy beamed, her sweet innocence overwhelming Ali forcing her to get up like some twisted Jedi mind trick. She couldn't say no to her little sister. Slowly, she climbed out of bed throwing on a pair of scruffy, black, skinny jeans and a grey tank top over her black sports bra, grabbing a faded grey hoodie and the pair of fluffy neon orange socks Izzy had found for her before hopping down stairs. 
"You look like shit Ali!" Rosie stated handing her a large mug of tea and a plate of pancakes and blueberries.
"Thanks mum, good morning to you too." Ali replied sarcastically, laughing at her mothers no messing, straight to the point comment. Rosie handed Izzy a hair brush so she could start brushing her sisters insanely long and messy hair whilst Ali wolfed down her plateful of pancakes. Throwing her socks on and glugging down her tea in seconds.
"There you go Ali, mum showed me how to plait so I did your hair like Lara Croft! She's a Bad ass too!" Izzy grinned jumping down from her stool and running over to the front door to grab her helmet and Ali's combat boots. 
"Looks like you're off then Ali!" Rosie smiled gesturing to Izzy who was desperately trying to do the laces on her own combat boots. Ali thought it was cute that Izzy looked up to her so much. She even dressed like her. Izzy wore a pair of grey jeans and black t-shirt, paired with a black hoodie with a bright orange zip and tassels. That explains the socks. Ali thought as she wandered over to help Izzy tie her navy-blue combat boots.
"Oh, and I said I'd help Hog Eye balance the books for the Wyrm tonight. You should pop by and say hello." Rosie called as they threw on their helmets and fingerless leather gloves.
"All over it! Love you Mum!" The sisters called back in chorus before disappearing out the door and racing to the old Harley Davidson tucked away in its own little shed. That was the first thing to go up when they moved in. Before unpacking or doing any of the other usual moving house things people do. The Masters family spent the day choosing the perfect spot to build a shed for the Harley. 
"Hold on tight Izzy!" Ali called once Izzy tapped her shoulder giving her the ok. The girls sped off down the road heading towards the Sunday morning market in Greendale so they could grab some water balloons and the ingredients for s’mores. Though it was far too cold for a water fight, the girls agreed it would be a good distraction and make warming up by the fire all the more fun. 
Ali quickly parked the bike next to a bunch of others. Safety in numbers and what have you. Before swinging Izzy onto her back and sprinting off into the crowd to grab the supplies. They were quick and efficient with Ali grabbing the stuff they needed whilst Izzy counted out the cash and paid. The girls were finished and back at the bike in less than an hour. Packing the stuff in the bags either side of the seats laughing about a grouchy raven-haired boy they had bumped into on their way round.
"Maybe he was having a bad day!" Izzy thought as she sat on the back of the bike sipping her hot chocolate and looking over at the various array of bikes.
"You think maybe we should've bought him a hot chocolate to cheer him up?" Ali asked her sister. She loved spending time with her. Listening to the innocent, unfiltered comments that she came out with.
"With extra whipped cream and marshmallows!" Izzy agreed thinking back to the scowl hidden beneath a few strands of raven black hair. "He was crazy tall as well. So its not like he’s grumpy 'cos he couldn't reach the cookie jar!"
"Yeah he's like goliaths angry love child." Ali chuckled before her eyes shot wide open as it suddenly dawned on her. She quickly began scanning through the array of bikes until her gaze settled on the bike she had spent the previous night fixing up. 
"No freaking way! Izzy get over her with your printy camera thingy ma jig." She instructed, ushering towards the Harley she had fixed up.
"You mean my polaroid, but I'll let it slide. Why? What's up buttercup?" Izzy skipped over to the bike, puzzled by what was going on. 
"Jump on and strike a pose we are leaving this kid some crazy selfies to cheer him up." Ali replied, the determination in her voice was overpowering. 
Izzy climbed up on the bike and the girls began taking selfie after selfie, making a little sign with a piece of scrap paper in Ali's pocket and a permanent marker, that read 'Don't worry, you'll find your smile!'. They left the pile of selfies on the seat wrapped in a pretty, floral paper bag with a pack of water balloons on top before setting off towards Sunnyside Trailer park. 
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"Morning Momma Fogarty!" The girls called as they pulled up outside the Fogarty family trailer.
"Ah girls come in, come in. I must pop out for a bit but Sam's inside doing her homework and Fangs is asleep. Feel free to wake him up and get him doing some homework. He was out all-night last night with his boy scouts group doing god knows what!" She rambled, welcoming the girls in and making them a cup of tea each before scurrying out the door, waving a final goodbye. Her orange floral dress hugging her chubby curves.
"Well that was intense. You guys get started on your science project. I'm going to go and wake up sleeping beauty." Ali grinned wickedly, heading down to the small room at the end of the trailer, pausing before she knocked on the door. 
"He doesn't have a person in there with him, does he?" Ali asked giving the girls a concerned glance. The tanned girl shook her head giggling as Ali nodded taking a deep breath before swinging the door to Fangs room open and leaning casually against the door frame.
"MAA its Sunday!" Fangs groaned into his pillow, the light stretching through the doorway was the only source of light in his small, trailer house bedroom. The stench of whiskey and beer hung thickly in the stale air.
"What's up Buttercup, the sunlight hurt?" Ali sympathised sarcastically before sauntering over to the curtains and flinging them open. 
"Come on tequila worm, coffees on and we're making a science project. Oh, and Mama Fogarty wants your homework done. I'll help if you get up before Izzy's finished filling the bucket. You have ice, right?" Ali asked rather seriously before disappearing out the door and moving to hold the door to the bathroom open. 
Turning to her sister and mouthing "Glass of water" to her. Izzy jumped up excited to be helping and grabbed a large pint glass of water for Ali.��
The second Fangs heard the tap running he bolted out of bed in a blind panic. His eyes shooting wide with fear as he realized his big mistake when the sudden urge to vomit took control of his limbs and insides. He bolted out his bedroom to the bathroom. Ali stood by the door until Izzy handed her a glass of water. Laughing when Ali winked at her before moving to crouch beside Fangs rubbing his back and handing him the glass. 
"Ali should we get the Hangover cure ready?" Izzy asked poking her head round the door frame.
"Better had and whilst you're at it, grab Fangs some comfy clothes. He appears to have forgotten he’s in his underwear." Ali spoke quietly trying not to make Fangs feel worse than he already did. 
"You and flower had a drinking contest didn't you. You know the giant is the undefeated champion right." Ali chatted, rubbing his back until he had nothing left to bring up. Fangs sat back, resting his head against the wall behind him as he sipped the water.
"I swear to god I'm never falling for that trick again! That bastard nearly killed me, he better be just as bad as me right now." Fangs mumbled, his eyes closed to shield himself from the killer headache consuming him. 
"He crazy tall, with dark hair and a neck tattoo? Scowls a lot?" Ali asked although she already knew the answer. 
"Yeah, why?" Fangs asked curiously.
"We bumped into him this morning at the market. Besides holding a very angry scowl he seemed perfectly fine. What were your drinking last night anyway?" Ali asked handing him a damp cloth to wipe his face and a pair of sweat pants and white vest.
"Vodka and Silver tequila. Why?" Fangs replied slowly getting to his feet with the help of Ali.
"That’s why he's fine dummy." Ali rolled her eyes at the boys gullible attitude. 
"You were doing vodka and tequila shots. He was doing water shots. They look very similar and he probably paid the bartender off. Honestly Fogarty I thought you gangsters were supposed to be hip to these tricks." Ali tutted helping Fangs stand steady as he threw on the sweat pants. Heading into the kitchen, being greeted by Izzy and Sam who were holding a glass off peculiar, green juice.
"Here you go Fangs, we made it to make you feel better. Painkillers are on the side." Sam chirped happy to be included in the sobering up of her older brother. Scowling a little when he ruffled her short, dark chocolate hair in thanks.
"Down it in one Fangs, tastes like horse piss but it's good stuff trust me." Ali insisted, handing him the glass and painkillers.
"Had much experience with that have you Ali cat?" Fangs teased downing the drink and painkillers in one. Ali was right it tasted awful but after about half an hour Fangs was feel much better. 
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They had just finished the last of Fangs' English homework and half of the paper mache moulds when there was a loud knock at the door. 
"It's open but we demand feeding upon entry!" Ali called, standing up and making her way to the door as it opened. Revealing a girl only a little bit taller than Ali, with incredible pink and brown hair.
"Hey Topaz, no Jug?" Ali asked letting her inside. The girl smiled dumping her bag on the kitchen side next to Fangs and pulling out her homework. 
"Heard there was a study group and since Bughead are studying together I figure I'd come and join you guys, hope that's ok." Toni asked turning to look at Ali who was smiling as always.
"Absolutely, Fangs was just about to start his trig homework." Ali chirped handing over a notebook full of scribbles. 
"These are my notes, they should help explain it. I'm going to help the girls design the motor for their moving solar system ok?" Toni and Fangs rolled their eyes nodding with an amused smirk.
"So, I saw Sweat Pea this morning. Looks like he got you again huh Fangs?" Toni teased reading through the notes Ali had given her.
"Sounds like he got had by the old water, Vodka trick." Ali chuckled.
"Can we mock me later please?" Fangs groaned resting his head on his book and closing his eyes.
"It's ok Fangs. At some point I'll challenge the grouch to a drinking contest. You can mock him then instead." Ali grinned winking at Izzy when her head flew up in excitement. Ali knew every trick in the book, her father had practically written it and taught her everything he knew. 
The group spent the rest of the morning chatting and working hard. Toni and Fangs finished their homework rather quickly and moved to help with the paper mache whilst Ali showed Izzy and Sam how to build the water powered motor. 
"Well guys I'd say its a good job done. Just leave it to dry and we can paint it tomorrow!" Ali declared cheerfully, standing back to admire their hard work. Her hands resting on her hips. 
"Ali, I'm hungry can we go to Pops now?" Izzy whined, her stomach growling as she spoke. 
"Ok Kiddo, grab your helmet. You guys coming? Foods on me." Ali offered looking at everyone's hungry faces as she snatched her helmet and keys.
"I've got my uncles truck for the day so I can give Fangs and Sam a lift. I don't think you should be driving just yet." Toni grinned dragging Fangs through the door with the assistance of Sam, who was pushing and shoving him from behind. 
"Race you there?" Ali called lifting Izzy onto the back ok her bike. Toni snorted at the offer shaking her head.
"Do I look stupid to you? There's no way I'd win against you on that beast!" She called jumping into her truck and waiting for Fangs to climb in after Sam. 
"Fair point. See you there!" Ali called before speeding away. Izzy clinging tightly to her sisters waist laughing as they hit a straight stretch of road perfect for reaching top speed. 
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After enjoying a big lunch at Pops, Toni and Fangs took Sam back to the trailer before heading to the Wyrm to pick up Jughead and Sweet Pea. Whilst Ali and Izzy made their way to the quarry to start setting up. Izzy lit a fire in the large metal drum at the centre of several old sofas and huge log, whilst Ali filled up the water balloons, placing piles of them in strategic places around the fire pit. Her music played cheerfully in the background as the girls danced as they worked. 
They had just finished filling up the last of the balloons and were making sure the towels were safely tucked away by the bike, where they wouldn't get wet. When they heard the familiar grumble of Toni's truck. Ali and Izzy grabbed a water balloon each before standing side by side on one of the logs surrounding the fire. Water balloons safely hidden behind their backs.
Toni and Fangs made their way over to the girls, closely followed by an overly serious Jughead and Scowling Sweet Pea. Ali grinned at Fangs as he stopped on the log opposite her. Toni made her way over to stand by Ali and Izzy. Secretly accepting the water balloon Izzy handed her from behind, being careful not to let Fangs see. They then waited for the other 2 to join Fangs before Ali spoke.
"Hey Jug, Fangs, Flower." She acknowledged with a mischievous grin, putting Jughead on edge.
"I don't like that look. Fangs why is she looking at us like that!" He said nervously sceptical, flinching when Ali's eyebrow twitched daringly.
"In my defence Jones, I tried. I really did." Fangs defended, looking at his friend apologetically.
"Who is this Northsider and why is she here?" Sweet Pea questioned giving Ali a disgusted scowl making Toni chuckle a bit. His scowl was different from his usual northside hatred glare.
"I, my dear flower," Ali replied sweetly, stepping forward and tilting her head to the side innocently. Making Fangs and Jughead gulp. They didn't like where this was going. 
"I’m the girl that’s going to get You wet." She grinned sweetly, before launching a large water balloon at Sweet Pea's face and diving behind the log she had jumped off. His face fell in horror as the ice-cold water collided with his chiselled cheek bones.
"IT'S GIRLS V BOYS! THIS MEANS WAR!" Izzy and Toni screamed launching their water balloons at the guys before running to grab more ammunition and take cover.
"Winner is the team that stays driest. Game finishes when we run out of balloons!" Ali yelled throwing another balloon at Sweet Pea who was pissed and determined to get revenge on the Northsider that had the audacity to attack him like that. 
The game went on for a while, each team using different tactics. Whilst the boys went for the panicked maniac approach. The girls decided to trap them. Tricking the boys into a false sense of security with a few poorly aimed throws. Making the guys think they had the upper hand. Moving in to strike a tree they thought the girls had huddled behind only to find nothing but a large X on the ground.
"X MARKS THE SPOT DUMMIES" Ali called from above them. She had scurried up the tree carrying a bag full of water balloons with Izzy and Toni placed strategically behind the trees surrounding the mark waiting for the signal. The girls immediately opened fire on the guys as they stood defence less, hopelessly trying to fight back. But resistance was futile. Especially after Ali tipped the large bag of balloons over them from above. Soaking them from head to toe. 
"Told you I'd get you wet!" Ali teased, grinning smugly from the branch she was perched on.
"OK Ali. You win!" Jughead called trying to stifle a laugh. Ringing out his hat and shaking out the water from his hair. Ali grinned victoriously as she climbed back down the now very slippery tree trunk, her foot slipping at the last step sending her flying backwards. She had just enough time to throw her legs back, pushing her way through the damp air in a recovery back flip. Her feet landing solidly between Fangs and Jughead. After several seconds of laughing at Ali's near miss with the ground, the group made their way back over to the fire throwing a few more logs on to build up the flames. Laughing and joking about the battle they had just fought.
"It goes without saying, girls are definitely better than boys!" Toni stated handing out towels, making Izzy giggle. 
"Ali pulled a Lara Croft on them!" Izzy squeaked happily, holding her tummy as a giggle fit took a hold of her. Pushing her on her side almost making her fall off the log she was sat on. But just as she was about to roll off, a large hand grabbed her, pulling her back up to safety. Sweet Pea chuckled as he looked down at the little girl still curled up in a raging fit of gut busting laughter. Wrapping a large muscular arm around her to hold her steady.
After a few minutes of everyone laughing at Izzy's uncontrollable giggles, the group managed to calm down, as did Izzy's giggles. Though she still had the occasional chuckle slip through. Ali chuckled at her little sisters innocence as she went to grab the food she had bought earlier. Placing a box of goodies in front of the group.
"Told you she'd help you find your smile!" Izzy murmured looking up at Sweet Pea who had been watching Ali as the group laughed and chatted. A small grin tweaking at the corners of his chapped lips. 
"Shush you and grab me a s’more." He replied warmly. Sending Izzy over to grab them both a s’more and a sandwich each. Ali looked at the handfuls of food in Izzy's arms, moving her gaze to Sweet Pea who was sat beside Fangs. An Izzy sized gap between them.
"You slave driver! Did you just send poor, frozen little Izzy over to grab Your food?" Ali accused playfully, chuckling at Izzy when she nodded her head happily before shuffling back over to her cosy spot between the two gangsters.
"I'm helping, Ali!" Izzy defended with a proud grin as Fangs wrapped her back up in a large purple towel.
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The group sat there until it was too dark and cold to stay any longer. They silently packed everything away before heading to the Whyte Wyrm. Izzy rode in the truck with Toni and Fangs so she wouldn't freeze to death on the back of Ali's bike. Forcing Sweet Pea to ride with Ali on her bike and Jughead, who refused to ride with Ali ever again, managed to squeeze inside Toni's truck after being dragged in by Izzy.
"Not too bad for Northsider's are they?" Jughead teased Sweet Pea as they followed her inside the dimly lit bar.
"They're ok I guess," He shrugged, not letting Jughead know he was right. 
"Izzy's funny, annoying but tolerable." He grumbled waving to the bar tender and ordering a round of beers for the guys.
"You're just upset 'cos the kids more perceptive than you are." Fangs interjected grabbing his beer and leaning against the bar. Smirking at his friend.
"Hey Hog-Eye, can you tell mum we're here and can we get 2 ginger beers please. Its a school night and Izzy's here." Ali greeted cheerfully, her smile brighter than ever as she accepted the drinks handed to her.
"Drinks on the house kid. You and your mum do enough for us and don't think I haven't noticed the discounts you've been giving the Serpents." Hog Eye insisted, waving away the money Ali had pulled out.
"Hey what about me?!" Izzy asked looking a little upset peering over the edge of the bar on her tiptoes.
"Sorry kiddo almost forgot about your handy work with a paint brush." Hog eye apologized leaning over to ruffle her hair a little.
"Come on Izzy, lets see if the guys are brave enough to play us at pool. Thanks Hog-Eye!" Ali smiled guiding her little sister towards the pool table on the other side of the room.
"Hey Fangs, make sure she stays out of trouble. You know what she's like." Hog-Eye ordered nodding his head towards Ali and Izzy who were setting up the pool table.
"Come on Sweet Pea. Lets show these Northsiders how to play properly." He nudged, before making his way over. "Fancy a game? Girls V Boys rematch?" He asked jumping on a nearby stool. 
"That's hardly fair Fangs." Ali answered grabbing a stick from the corner and handing it to Izzy.
"Worried you're going to lose? Don't worry we'll go easy on you Northsiders." Sweet Pea mocked folding his arms, a smug grin plastered on his face. Izzy and Fangs rolled their eyes at his arrogance as Ali stepped forwards, almost squaring up to the 6'3 giant in front of her.
"On the contrary my darling," Ali's voice sickeningly sweet as was the innocent expression that washed over her face. "It's hardly fair because Izzy has more talent in her little finger than you do in your entire body." Ali teased wiggling her little finger at him.
"Bring it Northsider. 50 bucks says me, and Fangs win." Sweet Pea challenged stepping closer and looking down at Ali who was considerably shorter than him.
"This is getting intense. You could cut the sexual tension in here with a knife." Izzy whispered to Fangs, kneeling up on her stool and leaning forwards to rest her elbows on the table as they watched.
"I know." Fangs agreed before whipping round in shock at Izzy's comment, 
"Isabelle Masters watch your language! You shouldn't know about things like that at your age!" He scolded, making Izzy scowl at him.
"Dude I'm 8 not 2!" Izzy scoffed sticking her tongue out at him making him laugh. 
"Oh god they're shaking hands, you two are in for it now she's got that look again." She warned sitting up as her sister approached.
"Boy scout over here put 50 bucks on them winning. Fancy earning 50 bucks Izzy?" Ali questioned sarcastically. Izzy grinned nodding her head, her blonde plait falling over her shoulder as she jumped down from stool dragging it into position to start the game. 
"Said Izzy could break. Give them a fair chance." Sweet Pea told Fangs as the little girl took her position. Fangs looked at his friend in horror.
"You suggested it or were coerced?" Fangs demanded under his breath making his friend look at him dumb founded.
"What’s the difference?" He shrugged just as Izzy took her shot sending the balls flying across the table potting a red ball and a yellow ball. "Actually, don't answer that." 
"Looks like you're stripes. Fitting really considering you're about to get whipped." Ali mocked watching as Izzy took her second shot moving a striped ball away from its original spot, making it difficult for the Boy's to pot anything.
"Games only just begun Ali Cat. Plenty of time to kick your ass." Fangs sneered back before taking his shot, hitting his target but missing the shot. Ali shook her head, pouting sarcastically at him as he hung his head down in annoyance, avoiding the smug twinkle growing in the oppositions eyes. 
"Maybe next time sugar plum." Ali teased moving round the table to stand next to Sweet Pea in the far corner. Bending over the table to line up her shot sticking her ass out a little more than necessary. Grazing the side of his thigh as she raised the end of her stick to take her shot. Making him suck in a sharp breath of air. Ali smirked taking her shot and potting another ball. Standing straight, she turned to look at Sweet Pea who was gripping the stick in his hands so tight, his knuckles were turning white. The muscles in his jaw showing through as he clenched his jaw even more. She fluttered her big blue eyes at him, placing a friendly hand on his biceps and smiling brightly.
"Sorry did I get you then?" She asked winking at him before moving round to take her second shot.
"Looks like the kids are playing nicely together." Jughead observed as he and Toni watched from the bar.
"Which kids are you watching?" Toni snorted giving him a concerned side eye glance. 
"From what I can see, this game is big ball of passive aggression. Looks like Pea's met his match too. If he grips that stick anymore, hes going to be replacing it." Toni commented looking over at Jughead.
"You think there's something there don't you." Jughead proposed looking at the glint in Toni's eyes.
"All I'm saying is that Northsider has managed to get away with a lot more than most." Toni responded taking a swig of her beer. "And they've only just met."
"Yeah because Izzy's here. Sweet Pea may be a hot head but he's not a monster. He wouldn't scare an innocent kid like Izzy." Jughead debated, pointing to Izzy and Sweet Pea who had just shared a high ten when she won the game potting the final ball. "See, I rest my case." 
"Ok Jughead 20 bucks says I'm right. If there isn't some obvious flirting between them, you win. If there is, you owe me 20 bucks and be my slave for a day of my choosing. Deal?" Toni offered turning to Jughead and holding out her hand for him to shake to seal the deal.
"Fine. But if I win, I want my 20 bucks and you're my slave for a day of MY choosing." Jughead bargained shaking Toni's hand in agreement.
"30 bucks says they remain completely oblivious to their feelings." Hog-Eye interjected, leaning beside Jughead cleaning a glass as he watched the group set up another match. This time Fangs and Ali versus Izzy and Sweet Pea.
"That's an obvious bet Hog-Eye. The question is for how long. My money says maximum 2 months. They're bound to notice eventually." Toni judges, looking over at Hog-Eye for his opinion.
"No way. Ali is the most oblivious person ever. I say Sweet Pea notices before she does, but it takes him at least 3 months before he does." Hog Eye predicts looking to Toni and holding his hand out to seal the deal. "What do you say?" 
"Alright Hog-Eye, you're on!" She agrees shaking hands with the older Serpent.
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vfdbaudelairefile13 · 5 years
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                                               Chapter Two:
                          The One Where the Baudelaires Meet Count Olaf
The ride to Count Olaf’s was as unpleasant as both children imagined it would be. Mr. Poe had just shown them the burned remains of their mansion and they couldn’t help but think of their poor parents and how horrible it must have been to die in such a matter. Sunny, of course, only being an infant had a harder time understanding the ramifications of the entire situation but Klaus didn’t. Klaus shuddered at the mere fact that his parents had technically been burned alive. Klaus had hoped that maybe just maybe it was quick and painless. Being burned alive had to be a very unpleasant way to go and Klaus had always hoped that when his parents died it would be quick and painless but now that he thought more about it, he feared that the exact opposite of his hopes had happened. Part of him could hear their agonizing screams and it made him tense up.
Klaus was taken out of his dark thoughts when Poe announced that they had arrived. Holding Sunny close with her diaper bag around his shoulder and his very small suitcase in hand, Klaus began to walk up the walkway of the prettiest house on the block. The bricks of this house had been cleaned very well. They were a nice shade of pink that was highlighted even more in the ever-present sunlight that shone on the house. The children could tell that the house was maintained and well kept. Peering slightly through several wide-open windows they could see an assortment of well-groomed indoor plants. Sunny noticed that the front garden was just as beautiful as the inside of the house, it was occupied by many beautifully colored flowers that complimented both all the other flowers around it and the house as a whole. In the front yard stood an older woman who looked smartly dressed and sweet. She was smiling and waving towards the two children.
“Hello! Shalom! Salutations! You must be the Baudelaire children,” the elder woman said smiling down at Klaus and his baby sister.
“Hello. Good morning. My name is Klaus Baudelaire and this is my sister, Sunny…” Klaus blushed, “I apologize for not shaking your hand but my hands are quite full.” He politely gestured to his suitcase and Sunny.
“Hi!” Sunny chimed in waving her little hand at the elder woman and giving her a big toothy grin.
“Good morning. My name is Justice Strauss,”
Klaus looked at her puzzled almost immediately forgetting his manners, “Justice is a very peculiar fire name.”
Justice Strauss gave a small chuckle, “Justice is my title. I am a member of the High Court.”
“That sounds very interesting.”
“It is very interesting.”
“Are you Count Olaf’s wife?” Klaus asked.
Justice Strauss couldn’t help but shudder at the mere thought. “Oh...no no no no no, he’s...well, he’s my neighbor. His house is over there,” she said pointing her finger across the street.
Both Klaus and Sunny turned to see where the sweet older woman was pointing at they both had the same initial reaction. Their smiles faded and their hearts got heavy with sadness as their stomachs filled with a sick mixture of dread and nervousness. Count Olaf’s home was the exact opposite of Justice Strauss’. It was composed of dark, grey bricks that had grime oozing out on just about every brick as if no one had even attempted to wash them in more than fifty years. Some of the windows were either cracked or entirely shattered. The front door was nearly in disrepair with paint chips and cracks all along it. The children could see, even from across the street, carved into the middle of the door seemed to be the image of a weirdly shaped eye. An eye Klaus swears he has seen before but he couldn’t put his finger on it. The front yard was absolutely atrocious and had dead pigeons scattered here and there. Along Olaf’s house was a long tower that was a bit lopsided. Klaus would guess that the tower was about thirty maybe forty feet tall. He shuddered at the fact that he and his sister were to live there. If the outside of the house looked this bad, he didn’t want to see the inside.
“Oh…aac,” Sunny shouted which was her way of saying, “Let’s sleep outside.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Klaus asked under his breath as Poe seemed unbothered by the condition of Olaf’s unkempt house and proceeded to walk Klaus and Sunny towards it.
“It was nice to meet you, Justice Strauss,” Klaus called to her as he begrudgingly followed Mr. Poe towards their new home.
“It was nice to meet you, too. Perhaps one day you could come over and help me with my gardening.” Justice Strauss called out to the young boy and his baby sister.
“That would be very lovely,” Klaus replied as Sunny waved to Justice Strauss.
Klaus frowned as he reached Count Olaf’s doorstep. It would be lovely to help Justice Strauss with her gardening, in all honesty, it would be very lovely if the children were to live there with her instead of here in this health inspector’s nightmare. But Klaus forced a smile on his face. He knew this was just as shitty for Sunny as it was for him, so as her big brother he had to power through it with some optimism. Maybe then, Sunny could have at least a false sense of hope.
Mr. Poe rang the doorbell while he had another coughing fit after waiting a few moments, he proceeded to right the doorbell again. “That’s odd...He said specifically he was waiting very eagerly to get his hands on you.”
Klaus looked at Mr. Poe with a bit of concern. “That’s an odd...way of wording it. Don’t you think?”
“I wonder what would be taking him. I mean he could be very busy, he is an actor, you know,” Mr. Poe said completely ignoring Klaus’ statement.
“Count?” Sunny asked which meant, “I thought he was a Count?” Klaus was quick to translate for his baby sister.
“Well, he’s both an actor and a Count. Isn’t that exciting, children?” Mr. Poe asked ringing the doorbell for the seventh time.
Finally, the door opened with a loud creak that made Klaus hold onto Sunny tighter.
“Hello hello hello,” a voice called out to the children and the idiotic banker. “I am your beloved Count Olaf.”
Count Olaf was a very tall and very thin man. He was dressed in a grey suit that had many dark stains on it. His face was unshaven, and rather than having two eyebrows, like most human beings, he had just one long one. His eyes were very, very shiny, which frightened the two youngsters because it made Count Olaf look both hungry and angry. “Hello, my children. Please step into your new home and wipe your feet outside so no mud gets inside. Oh, and don’t forget your enormous fortune.”
Klaus shakingly took a step into Count Olaf’s home and found himself in the dirtiest room he had ever seen in his entire life. He kept a hold on Sunny afraid to put her down in such a disgusting pigsty. He found it a little ridiculous that Olaf asked them to wipe their feet. Klaus thought a little bit of mud tracked in would not have changed the room at all.
Mr. Poe followed Klaus inside and looked around the living room. There was a dim light that hung from the ceiling, which made the room have an eerie feeling than it already had. There was a stuffed lion head that was nailed to the wall and a bowl of apple cores that sat on a small wooden table. Klaus noticed a fireplace was also in the room but it looked as though it hadn’t been cleaned in ages. “This room looks like it needs a little work,” Mr. Poe stated after a large fit of coughs.
“I realize that my humble abode isn’t as fancy as the Baudelaire mansion but perhaps, children, with a bit of your money we could fix it up a bit.” Count Olaf stated with a strangely bitter tone.
Mr. Poe’s eyes widened in surprise and his coughs echoed in the darkroom “Now, Count Olaf, the Baudelaire fortune will not be used for such matters. In fact, it will not be used at all until Klaus is of age.”
Count Olaf glared at Mr. Poe, for a second Sunny thought he was going to smack Mr. Poe which she was eagerly awaiting. But unfortunately for her, he hadn’t. Count Olaf turned to glance at the two children. “I say, you two are a gloomy-looking bunch. Why so glum?”
Klaus and Sunny looked at one another and then at Count Olaf. Sunny glanced down and noticed that not only did Count Olaf’s pant leg not cover his leg entirely, but she could also see that he had a strange tattoo of an eye on his left ankle. The same eye that was carved into the front door. She couldn’t imagine why any person would be so obsessed with eyes that they’d not only decorate their front door with such a thing but plaster it on themselves, too.
“...our parents just died…” Klaus said still confused at Olaf’s initial question.
“Ah, yes. The fire.” Olaf said as his eyes got shinier as though he was telling a joke. “Well, children I hope I can prove myself to be the father you never had,”
“Dada!” Sunny yelled which meant, “We had a father, you fuck.” Klaus only half translated angrily.
“Yes and a mother, too. Remarkable woman. Flammable.”
Klaus and Sunny both glared at Count Olaf.
“Mr. Poe, I will raise these orphans as if they were actually wanted,” Count Olaf turned to Mr. Poe, “So...do I have to sign for them or something?”
“What? No. No.”
“Well, as we say in the theatre. Exit stage right.” Olaf replied practically pushing Mr. Poe out the door.
“Goodbye, Klaus. Goodbye Sunny. I hope you’ll be happy here. I’ll still check in on you occasionally. If you need anything or have any questions, you can always reach me at the bank.”
“But we don’t know where the bank is,” Klaus replied
“I have a map of the city,” Count Olaf said. “Goodbye, Mr. Poe.”
Before Mr. Poe could say a last goodbye to the Baudelaire children, Count Olaf had slammed the door in his face. Olaf slowly turned to the young boy and his baby sister. Klaus dropped his suitcase so he could hold Sunny tighter as Olaf crept towards them.
“Well, children, before I give you a tour of your new home, aren’t you going to ask your guardian “How do you do?”” Olaf asked smiling down at the two children.
With his voice shaking with fear, Klaus looked up at Count Olaf and asked, “H-how d-d-do you do?”
Olaf leaned in towards the two children which was easy for him to do seeing that he towered over Klaus in stature. “How do I do? Better and better, Baudelaires. Better and better.”
The dreadful villainy of this vile fiend has haunted my associate and me ever since we started to take on the case of the Baudelaires. Thankfully neither my associate nor myself have had the displeasure of meeting Count Olaf but from what we have gathered in our studies and what my associate has gathered through her intense interviews with key witnesses of the Baudelaire case, we can not help but weep when we think of this man’s utter wickedness and severe lack of theatrical talent.
“Do you know what this is?” Olaf asked the two children as he unraveled a list in their face.
“List!” Sunny shouted.
“Wrong! It’s a list. A list of chores. I bet rich brats like yourselves are so spoiled that you have never done a chore in your life.”
“Actually, I helped a lot around the house. Usually with Sunny.” Klaus replied with a snarky tone.
Olaf tilted his head and stared at Klaus. “Well, that’s good. I don’t do diapers.” He said as he made a disgusted face towards Sunny.
“Carene!” Sunny yelled which probably meant, “Back off parrot face!”
Olaf sneered at Sunny and Klaus turned her away from their new guardian.
“Why don’t I show you your new house, orphans,” Olaf asked after a second of calming down. He gestured for the children to follow him. Klaus picked up his suitcase and followed Olaf into several rooms.
“This is the kitchen, where you may help yourselves to meals. I know what you’re thinking. This place could use a little TLC. I’m assuming you’ve had your shots, polio, smallpox, typhoid, malaria?” Olaf asked as Klaus and Sunny followed him into the worst kitchen they’d ever seen. Klaus could see dead roaches here and there, there was a trail of ants on one of the counters. The dishes were piled high and not just in the sink either. Some were on the counters and piles of dishes could also be found on the floor. Sunny gagged and Klaus sighed as he looked around this awful room. Both children kept thinking “who could live like this?”
Next Olaf led them into a room with a ceiling that was practically gone. “This is the entertainment room. I’m sure the ceiling can be brought up to code in no time,” He smirked in Sunny’s direction. “You’re not afraid of heights, are you?”
“Bitch,” Sunny mumbled under her breath. Klaus hoped Count Olaf didn’t hear her. He gave Sunny a look begging her to just stay quiet for the time being. Sunny rolled her eyes but slightly nodded her head at her brother.
Count Olaf gestured for the children to continue to follow him, “This way,” he called out as he and the children passed a long winding staircase.
“What’s up there?” Klaus asked.
Count Olaf stopped in his tracks and leaned very close to the Baudelaire youngsters. “That is my tower room. Which you are never to go...under any circumstances.”  Klaus stepped back and Olaf made a gagging sound to illustrate his disgust with the two children.
“This is the library,” Count Olaf stated, “which you will keep well-dusted. This is where I do all my reading.” Klaus smiled at the word ‘library’ but his heart shattered into a million tiny pieces when he got a glimpse of the room that Olaf described as a ‘library’. There were no books, just empty bookshelves that were incredibly dusty. The furniture in this room looked torn, run-down, and if Klaus and Sunny didn’t know any better was probably just as dusty as the empty bookcases and full of bugs. Scattered throughout the room were empty wine bottles.
“That is the ballroom, which I do not use at all. You’ll have to redo the floors.” He stated simply pointing into the direction of a different room. He took the children to a small room that had clothes hung up on clothing lines. “This is the laundry room, you can hang my underwear on that rack after you’ve washed it.” Sunny gagged under her breath and Klaus grimaced.
He ushered the children to the backyard and both children weren’t surprised to see that it was in the same condition as the front yard and the rest of the house. “This is your new backyard which needs weeding, mowing and pruning. This will also where you will chop wood.”
He then took the children upstairs to a small room that contained the dirtiest toilet the Baudelaire children ever witnessed along with a small tub, which was as grimy as the toilet and a very tiny sink. “Bathroom number seven, the only one you are allowed to use. It has all the usual amenities. The management is happy to tell you that the shampoo is not tear-free, honestly, it encourages tears.” The two children saw a rat scurried from one side of the bathroom to the next. “Rats bite.”
Sunny had had enough. “I bite!” she yelled in Olaf’s direction. Klaus’ heart began to pound as Count Olaf’s shiny eyes glared at Sunny. He then looked up at Klaus. “If you know what’s good for her...you’d keep her under control.” He said in such a chilling tone. Klaus simply nodded and followed Count Olaf finally to their bedroom.
“Finally, this is where you’ll sleep, orphans,” Olaf said as Klaus dropped his suitcase and Sunny’s diaper bag. He looked around the grey and filthy room. Spider webs were all over the walls and ceiling, there was only one window that faced the direction of the sun, and in the middle of the room, both Baudelaire orphans saw that Count Olaf provided them with one bed. A bed that looked worse than the tiny mattress that Mr. Poe had ‘generously’ provided for them. Klaus was utterly speechless and Sunny was looking around the room looking for things she could bite. She happily saw a pile of rocks in the corner and gave a small smile. “Out of all the numerous bedrooms in my enormous home, I have selected this one for your safety and comfort.”
“...there’s only one bed…” Klaus stated absentmindedly trying to process everything.
“As you can see, I have provided at no cost to you this complimentary pile of rocks. Maybe you can throw them at each other or whatever. I honestly don’t care what you two do in your free time as long as you do every chore on your daily chore list.” Count Olaf said. “Thoughts?”
Klaus and Sunny looked at one another. They had many thoughts actually. Many ill-mannered, ill-tempered thoughts. Some ranging from how disgusting and vile of a person Count Olaf had to be to allow his house to ever fall into this amount of disrepair to thoughts about how cruel and vicious Olaf was for only giving the children one bed and a long list of daily chores. But Klaus and Sunny were too frightened to say anything. Klaus knew if he said even the slightest thing, he wouldn’t stop. So he just looked at Count Olaf.
Count Olaf looked at the two children and leaned in close to them, “I know your first impression of me may be that I’m a terrible person. But in time, Baudelaires, I hope you come to realize...you haven’t the faintest idea.” He said sending chills down the Baudelaires’ backs.  “I’ll give you some time to unpack.”
With that Count Olaf exited the room, leaving Klaus and Sunny alone with their thoughts. Klaus careful sat Sunny down on the one bed and he just couldn’t fathom how Count Olaf thought this was appropriate for two children. Sunny should have a crib...or at least a better bed than this one. Klaus started pacing back and forth which began to scare Sunny.
“Quid?” Sunny asked, which meant something along the lines of, “What’s wrong, Klaus?”
“Oh, nothing’s wrong, Sunny,” Klaus said angrily. “You know I’ve got a good feeling about this.”
“Huh?” Sunny asked looking at her brother with a bit of worry and confusion.
“I mean he seems like a great guy...I mean this room needs a little fixing up but that’s nothing some paint, lumber, and rat traps wouldn’t fix.” He yelled still pacing the room. He glared at the small bed again, “Ooh...one bed fucking fantastic!”
“Territo,” Sunny replied in a small whimper, which meant, “Klaus, you’re scaring me.”
“I’m scaring you?” Klaus asked her not realizing how serious his baby sister was. “What are we even doing here? Our parents are gone. Our house burnt down. These things don’t just happen. Now, we’re stuck with this fucker.”
“Accidit,” Sunny replied as she began to cry, this probably meant, “Maybe these things do just happen. Maybe it’s all just a cruel coincidence.”
Klaus just shook his head still pacing the room not noticing that his sister was crying. “These things can’t just happen.” He said more to himself.
“Gothis,” Sunny replied as her crying became louder and more apparent. This meant something along the lines of, “We’ll get through this...won’t we?”
“How? How Sunny?” Klaus replied as he sat next to her on the bed.
Sunny simply shrug and began to cry even harder. She crawled her way to her brother and sat in his lap and cried. After a few moments, Klaus wiped her tears from her eyes and smiled at her. He realized that he had to be strong for her. He was all she had now. “We’re it, now. It’s just us...Sunny. We’ll get through this, I promise. We will make this work.”
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firegrilled · 5 years
Momma’s Boys - Part 1
@erejeanweek2k19​ Prompt: Single Parents
Summary: Carla Jaeger and Celine Kirschtein are two very different moms who have one thing in common: unconditional love for their sons. This is a story told from their perspectives as their boys grow up and grow much closer than they ever thought possible.
Lots of inspiration from @aymmichurros​‘s momma comic :D
Stay tuned for more parts during erejean week
Part 2
Sunlight glinted off the rearview before a slender hand readjusted the angle. A pair of sharp eyes stared into the mirror at a brown haired toddler snoozing in his car seat in the back. She smiled at her son as she flicked the turn signal, gently pulling into her destination. A few moments later the Honda Civic was parked and she was carrying her dozing son over to the quaint, off-colored building.
“Hello, welcome to Shinganshina Daycare where we nurture, teach, and herd the next generation,” a bubbly woman greeted the mother. “You must be Mrs. Kirschtein, yes?”
“Its Ms. But please call me Celine,” Ms. Kirschtein returned the friendly greeting.
“Alright Celine, I’m guessing this is lil’ Jean?”
“Yes, my cute little Jeanbo,” Celine confirmed, her smile widening when her son yawned.
Jean rubbed the sleep away from his eyes.
“According to my papers he’s to be here until the afternoon, yes?”
Celine nodded, setting her son down. “Yes, today I’m starting a new job and I hope it’ll end early but you never know.”
“Of course, I wish you the best.”
The bubbly receptionist squatted down so she was at Jean’s level. Giving a wide smile she held out her hand.
“Momma?” Jean questioned, scampering behind his mother’s leg. He peeked around to stare at the stranger.
“It’s okay Jeanbo, she’s going to watch you for mommy while I’m at work. Will you be a good boy for… I don’t believe I got your name?” Celine realized, a pink blush rising to her cheek. She softly nudged her son forward.
“Mrs. Bodt,” the woman smiled. “Come Jean, I’ll introduce you to the others. I even have a son your age.”
Placing a thumb in his mouth, Jean took the woman’s hand with his free hand and walked with her inside.
“Mommy will be back later. Be a good boy!” Celine waved to her son, keeping a smile on her face despite the guilt creeping up her neck. As much as she wanted to be there for her baby boy she also needed to provide for him.
Shoving her guilt down, Ms. Kirschtein spun on her heels to leave. Before she could exit, she noticed another woman leading two other toddlers to the entrance. Celine opened the door for her.
“Ah thank you,” the woman muttered as the two tiny kids practically lead her inside.
“Mommy, mommy!” The boy with wide green eyes called out, brimming with energy. “Is ‘Min here?”
“No problem, miss,” Celine chuckled at the cute display. The tiny boy still couldn’t pronounce his r’s.
The other child, a girl in a red scarf, remained silent.
“We’ll just have to wait and see, let’s go,” the mother replied.
Celine glanced back at the woman dressed in blue jeans and a loose fitting white shirt as she left for her car. The unkempt brown hair and disheveled clothes were the opposite of Ms. Kirschtein’s business attire and straightened hair. Not everyone needed to make a striking first impression at the city’s biggest bank.
“Hello? Jaeger residence?”
“Is this Carla Jaeger?”
“Speaking,” Carla confirmed, nestling the phone between her ear and shoulder. She waddled over to the sink as the phone cable pulled back. Three steps and she already maximized the full distance of the cord.
“This is Trost Prep’s office. Your son Eren is currently sitting with the vice principal,” the matter-of-fact voice explained. “We’re going to need you to come down and pick your son up as he’s suspended for the rest of the day.”
A bubbly dish slipped between Carla’s fingers and landed with a mighty splash in the sink.
“Suspension? For a first grader? What happened?”
Carla reached into the sink and pulled the plug, allowing the water to swirl down the drain.
“We can explain when you get here but he got in a fight with another boy. Please come as soon as possible.”
With a heavy sigh she hung up the phone. What did her son do to get suspended in his first week of school?
“Don’t worry Mrs. Jaeger, we’ll take care of the dishes,” a cool voice reassured her.
Carla turned to face a small contingent of maids.
“Thanks Levi, I’ll entrust the rest of the house to your care. At least Eren picked cleaning day,” she laughed. “I can’t wait to tell his father about this later.”
Levi and his companions nodded, returning to their duties.
A few missed turns and one angry car horn later Carla pulled into the prep school her husband insisted their children enroll in. She was already a ball of nerves as she tried to navigate the hallways, embarrassed to have to ask for directions multiple times from staff until she arrived at the office. Inside she found a receptionist with tortoiseshell glasses clacking away at an absurdly large computer.
Clearing her throat, Carla made her presence known. “H-Hello? I’m here for Eren.”
Without making eye contact, the receptionist pointed with her thumb over her shoulder towards an office.
“Please go right in.”
Mrs. Jaeger walked around the desk towards the office, noticing another boy sitting in a blue hard plastic chair just outside the office.
The boy had light brown hair at his tips but it grew dark the closer it got to his head. He kicked his feet back and forth in the hair, squeezing his hands into fists on his knees. He had a few scratches and bruises on his arms. Dirt covered most of what should’ve been his pristine white uniform.
Wordlessly Carla entered and clicked the door shut behind her. In another blue plastic chair in front of the desk with his back to her sat the familiar silhouette of her son. At the desk stood a tall and blond man with well-kept hair and a stern face. The wooden nameplate on his desk had Erwin Smith etched into it.
“Mr. Smith I presume?” Carla greeted, earning a glance from the man. She didn’t miss her son suddenly straighten up.
He turned and offered a tiny smile. “Mrs. Jaeger, please sit down.”
Erwin gesture to a larger more plush chair next to her son.
“Thank you,” Carla replied, taking the seat. She wore a frown as she scanned her son. Like the boy outside dirt and grime covered his uniform, while a bruise colored his cheek with a fresh Band-Aid just below an eye. “Can you please tell me what happened?”
“Your son got in a fight with another student though we don’t know who started it-”
“It was horseface!” Eren interrupted, huffing and crossing his arms.
“Eren, don’t interrupt others when they’re talking! Especially Mr. Smith,” Carla narrowed her eyes, instantly silencing her son.
Eren’s face paled and his gaze fell to the crème colored carpet.
“Eren and Jean got into an altercation over this new phenomena called pocket monsters. As a result of the fight we’re suspending both students until the end of the day to set an example for others as well as themselves,” Mr. Smith explained. “Since they’re so young nothing will go on their permanent records of course, but we have a strict policy here at Trost Prep that we must maintain as we raise the next generation of leaders.”
“Of course. I’ll see to it that Eren learns his lesson and this won’t happen again.” Standing up, Carla glared at her son. “For starters, no more Pokemon until he learns to behave himself.”
“But mom! He tried to be Charmander when I called him!” Eren pouted, his shoulders falling.
“I don’t know what this Charred salamander is but I don’t think it’d want you fighting others, Eren.”
As Mrs. Jaeger chided her son, a knock at the door drew the attention of those in the room. The receptionist popped her head in and looked straight at the vice principal.
“Mr. Smith, I was able to get ahold of Mrs. Kirschtein but she’ll be unable to get her son before the end of the day. What would you like me to do?” She asked.
“Take him to the empty gymnasium so he can think about the mistake he made. I’ll speak with his mother when she gets in.”
Mrs. Jaeger frowned at the thought of leaving a child so young alone but punishment is punishment.
“Come, Eren. Your dad returns from his conference today so you can explain why you’re suspended and your uniform is a mess.
“Yes, sure. I’ll have to call you later, Shannon, I have another meeting right now,” Celine spoke as she navigated the hallways of Trost Prep with ease. How many times had she followed this same path over the years? She turned the corner as she clamped her cellphone shut, almost jumping from surprise when a familiar shocked face appeared.
“Ms. Kirschtein!” Carla Jaeger greeted, dressed in a relaxed crème colored sweater and blue jeans.
“Mrs. Jaeger!” Celine replied. 
Carla smiled nervously, “Oh I really hope this doesn’t become a habit of theirs…”
“Ugh yes, I hope so to… I mean-” Celine instantly agreed, adjusting her suit jacket. How many lunches had she sacrificed to her son’s shenanigans at this point? “I’m tired of grounding Jean for the same reason over and over again. It’s really stressful!”
Celine pressed her fingers to her temple before continuing.
“’Why can’t you just get along with this kid? Why?’ ‘Cause he’s the DEVIL ITSELF’- And I’m like Jeanbo that’s not possible!”
Celine waved her arms around as she recounted her son’s ridiculous claim. Much to her relief, Carla laughed her mockery of Jean. The two walked to the office together as they continued their discussion.
“It’s the same for my Eren. No matter how many times I punish him he continues to come up with lame excuses. ‘He’s mean to Armin, he always starts it, he likes broccoli!’ and I’m like ‘Honey, no. You’re not even trying.’” Carla recounted, earning a chuckle from Celine. “And of course he now does this right before his birthday. I might just have to take away the party we promised him.”
Ms. Kirschtein paused right as they reached the door to the office. “Eren’s birthday is coming up? Jean’s is next week.”
“Yes, Eren’s is in two days. He only had to be good for two more days but boys will be boys,” Carla sighed as she rolled her eyes.
Celine rubbed her chin as a new idea formed in her mind. The more she thought of it the wider the smile on her face got.
“I might have a solution,” Celine stated.
Carla cocked her head, gesturing for her to continue.
“Well if grounding them isn’t going anywhere they clearly need to learn to cooperate with each other. They can have their birthdays still, but celebrate with each other,” Celine elaborated.
Furrowing her brow, Carla thought about the proposal. “Well it would be a punishment and we’d be there to monitor them… let’s do it! And we can do it at our house, we have more than enough space. Do you know where the Mithras district is?
”Mithras?! O-of course. You live there?” Celine barely caught her jaw from dropping.
“Perks of a famous researcher who moonlights as a physician,” Carla shrugged as she opened the door to the office.
The receptionist barely glanced up as the two women entered.
“Hey Carla and Celina. You know the drill,” the skinny woman waved them over to the principal’s office.
“Happy to see you too, Hanji.”
The cheery appearance faded as the two put on their best angry mom expressions. Carla turned the knob and let the door creak open, opting to place her hands on her hips and glower. Celine crossed her arms and mimicked her expression.
The door opened to reveal the two boys sitting next to each other with their backs to the entrance, talking to the principal. Their sons slowly turned their heads, already wide-eyed and sweating. Unlike most office visits, both boys were relatively unharmed and their uniforms were thankfully clean.
“Celine, Carla, please have a seat,” Erwin greeted the pair of mothers with a tiny smile. “How familiar are you two with the concept of Yu-gi-oh?”
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steebrogurz · 6 years
The Snow in Winter Chapter 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader, Matt Murdock x Reader (a small part)
Summary: When you wake up in a dark room with no memory of who you are the Avengers come to your aid as you try to adjust to your new life with them.
word count: 1,625
warnings: physical pain, death, 
Masterlist | series masterlist
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I swore as I ran my fingers through my hair. It felt slick with sweat and grease and for the first time since waking up in this place, I thought about how I must have looked. I moved to stand in front of the bathroom mirror to fully take in my appearance. My hair fell limp and greasy around my face, my eyes held an icy hardness to them that told me they had seen a lot even though I didn’t remember. My face had been wiped clean but it looked like everywhere else had the same dirt since the cave. Thankfully, however, my clothes had been changed. A thin long sleeved shirt and soft sweatpants that were too big for me hung off my thin torso. I must not have been fed too much.
I turned towards a glass box that contained only a shower head and a drain, after inspecting the wall further I still didn't see knobs or buttons to turn on the water.
"Friday?" I asked out loud wondering if this computer would even understand me.
"Hello miss. What can I help you with tonight?" A woman’s soothing voice answered in my own language.
"How do I shower here?" I felt silly talking to no one but that feeling dissipated when a screen in the wall of the shower lit up with the controls. What a strange house this is. I thought to myself.
I stripped down and saw for the first time how skinny I really was. I was too skinny, too many of my bones were visible, it was a wonder how that man didn’t break anything during our altercation.  As I stepped onto the warm tiles of the shower floor. Next to the control screen, a little hole had appeared in the wall containing tiny bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and soap.
I was able to get the water running at a decent temperature and scrubbed away all the dirt and sweat that clung to my skin. As the water washed the grime away, the tension I had been holding onto lessened too. The knots in my shoulders loosened, my hands stopped shaking, I felt a calm wash over me.
Once I was clean I stepped out and dried myself before slipping back into the clothes they had provided. I walked back into the bedroom and sat on the bed looking at my hands. They gave off a shimmer that reminded me of the way freshly fallen snow shimmered in the sunlight. How was this possible? Had I always been like this? They said I was experimented on maybe I was created. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply willing something to happen. After a few minutes of some sort of meditating nothing changed. No snow, no frost, no ice, nothing. I sighed and laid my head on the firm pillow not bothering to pull the blankets up around me, my body seemed to relax even more as I drifted off to sleep.
My dreams, however, were anything but relaxing. I only caught snippets. Flashes of a life I didn’t remember and faces I didn’t know...except the woman named Wanda. Her face drifted in and out of focus as the scenery changed. Echoes of laughter rang out before the screams started. Pain was the last thing I felt before I opened my eyes. I jerked awake breathing heavily and covered in ice and snow, for a moment I thought I had woken up outside until I felt the bed beneath me. I wasn’t outside but it had snowed in the room. Sheets of ice covered every surface in the room, it clung to my hair and crunched beneath my feet as I stood up from the bed. The bathroom was clear of snow when I opened the door, so it was just the bedroom.
I was brushing my teeth when the door to the room opened and I heard more hushed voices at the door. I spit out the toothpaste and slowly walked out into the snow-covered bedroom to see Wanda standing at the door with yet another man I didn’t know.
“Y/N, this is Doctor Bruce Banner. He is going to be running some tests to figure out what they did to you in that compound.” She said calmly with a sweet smile on her face.
“I saw you in my dream last night. I knew you.”
Wanda’s eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope.
“Will it hurt? The memory restoring?” My arms curled around my body in a protective manner. I tried to look strong but the truth was I was scared. Scared of what I would remember if it worked, scared of the pain I know I would feel. But her face, Wanda had meant a great deal to me before and when I looked at her now I felt nothing. I needed to know.
“I’ll get Mr. Stark. He’ll tell you everything.” She left the room leaving me with the man she had introduced as Bruce. His words just washed over me as he spoke to me and even once he realized I couldn’t understand a word he still talked. He talked on the way to a lab area, he talked as I was hooked up to machines and monitors. I just stared ahead and let them move me to where they wanted me to be.
These tests seemed to take half a day. Once Dr. Banner had finished with his scans Mr. Stark sauntered into the lab like he owned the place and clapped his hands once as he walked up to me.
“Alright Elsa, Wanda tells me you’ve had a change of heart,” he said grinning at me as the AI translated for him. “I can’t tell you it’ll be easy or painless, it looks like a big chunk of your life has been wiped but hopefully with this you’ll be able to tell us a little more about what they were doing down there and if there are more of you.” I nodded along with him hoping he wouldn’t notice my body shaking in fear.
I was moved to yet another lab room but this one had less equipment in it. I stopped at the door as soon as I saw the large machine in the middle of the room. Lights blinked around the edges with a few monitors and nothing else but a chair sitting in front of it. Something about this room made my stomach tighten and heart race. My legs shook and I had to steady myself on a nearby desk, but something in my heart gave me the strength to eventually step forward. Mr. Stark placed electrodes on my forehead and temples and what looked like a helmet over everything, he pushed a few buttons and I could hear the hum of electricity surge through the helmet. The sound grew louder and louder until all I could hear was that buzz. White hot light blasted through my head and a pressure began to build inside my head until it felt as if my head would explode then everything went dark.
I woke up again in another hospital bed hooked up to more monitors. With every movement pain shot through my whole body tensing every muscle, but I fought to open my eyes. It took a few tries as the light was almost too much to handle. Once I could open my eyes enough to focus on my surroundings I looked over to see Wanda, my best friend, sitting in a chair beside the bed.
“Wanda…” her name scraped up my throat and it came out as nothing more than a hoarse whisper, it felt so dry I couldn’t swallow.
Wanda looked up from her chair. Tears ran down her face and she breathed a sigh of relief. “Y/N… oh my god Y/N!” She jumped from the chair and hugged me as tight as she could sending more pain through me but I didn’t care I had my friend back. “What happened to you? How did you end up with Hydra?” She pulled back but never lost contact as if afraid I would disappear if she let go.
“It was shortly after you and Pietro- Pietro! Where is he? Is he here?” I looked around the room and out the windows hoping to see his carefree smile. Wanda placed a hand on my cheek forcing me to look at her again.
“Pietro died Y/N, he died saving the world.” Sadness clouded Wanda’s eyes but there were no tears, she had already made her peace with it.
“No…” I brought my hands up to my face and suddenly our breaths came out in clouds. The temperature dropped and icy snow began to fall, a blizzard forming around us. The wind picked up inside the small room sending papers flying and knocking paintings off the walls. Tears fell and froze on my cheeks as a sadness I had never felt rose in my chest.
“Y/N! Please!” Wanda cried over the winds that whipped our hair. “We need you to calm down. You need to stop this!” Her hands glowed red and suddenly I was transported back to our early days before everything. Pietro and I sitting on the grass holding hands as we watched Wanda throw stones into the lake. I stood from where we were sitting and joined Wanda by the water’s edge. We couldn’t have been more than fifteen. I was filled with a sense of peace as I relived the memory and when I came back to reality the blizzard had stopped and I broke down to tears, ragged breaths wracked my aching body as I cried into Wanda’s shoulder.
chapter 3
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gimmetheheadcanons · 6 years
Sinners & Scapegoats 5/?
A/N: This is a little long. I’m kinda sorry for the slow pace of this story and wrote this as a way to thank you for your patience. I’m really into slow burns (but feel free to let me know if I’m taking it that to the extreme.) Just a quick note: I re-watched some scenes from 5x12 so some of the dialogue here is inspired by that. You all may have noticed I enjoy using lines from the canon quite differently. 
read chapter one   chapter two    chapter three    chapter 4
5. Observations
 They walked the empty school halls in silence. Rick watched the back of Michonne’s head in front of him. As the last of the light from the gym refused to follow and the hallways darkened, Rick focussed not on what he was leaving behind but what lay ahead.
He had thought himself so careful and smart but as the conflict with Lori escalated, sad, sad secrets kept inside for so long, threatened to spill out into the clear light of day. It was arrogance on both their accounts, to think that a kid at that age wouldn’t notice his mother sneaking in and out of the guest room before the crack of dawn. Or that his father pulled every excuse he could out of his hat to avoid family dinners.
And what of himself, Rick wondered, what was it that he was determined not to hear? To see. To finally take heed. This woman before him; leading him to her classroom, with the promise of grave news regarding the emotional welfare of his boy. This mysterious woman somehow inserting herself into broken families without waiting for an invitation but because it was the right thing to do. Or the man, the friend he left behind with his son, doing the same thing in his own way – playing the surrogate father no one asked him to.
And possibly more.
Rick felt his head throb, his tired eyes welcoming the darkness but his heart wondering when things would become less so.
Once they arrived in the room, Michonne switched on a small desk lamp before pulling out a sketchbook from her drawer.
“This is Carl’s, from last year.” She said flicking through the pages for a second. “I asked the kids to bring them in when I first started so we could do a lesson on our art journey and inspirations.”
She handed him the book and Rick took a quick look at the pages.
He’d seen this before, several colorful drawings of comic book characters, some Rick recognized as already established icons from popular books and others, original creations from his son’s impressive imagination. Carl’s favorites were recreated on the larger poster pages decorating his bedroom wall.
“Carl is a big fan of superheroes.”
“Aren’t we all.” Michonne replied smiling but her tone implying there was more in store.  
“Here is his book from earlier this year.” She continued, handing him a second sketchbook. “Mrs. Randall, their previous teacher, wrote a couple of notes for you and Lori to see.”
Sure enough, there it was – in the scratchy writing of the elderly woman – everything Rick had been trying to ignore. Underneath a chilling picture of a wailing woman with bony hands grabbing at her hollowed out cheeks, her eyes empty pits and her stringy hair filling the entire page like a web she couldn’t escape.
Utter despair.
This is a still life class Carl you can draw movie monsters in your own time!
There was more, Rick flipped through the book to find many black and white pictures in the same vein. An empty baby stroller. A turned over patrol car. A house with no windows. A silhouette of a woman, hunched over as if crying, sitting in a rocker with her back to the viewer.
Inappropriate imagery. See me at break.
Rick swallowed hard before finally speaking.
“It’s grim.”
“It is.” Michonne agreed in a soft voice.
“Now I’m all for emotional expression, but the way Carl engages with his class mates and then what is reflected in his art –  it just doesn’t seem very emotionally healthy.”
“And you’re blaming me for this.”
He closed the book slowly, pushing it back into Michonne’s hands as if it burned in his.
“No Rick. I’m not.” She said gently placing the book on her desk before stepping closer and taking hold of his hands. Rick closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Her comforting tones couldn’t reach him.
“I just wanted you to know. You should be made aware when things aren’t right.” She sounded like she had a story of her own to tell, a warning playing on her lips of something worse.
He felt sick. Imagining his happy little boy in a state of perpetual sadness.
Dark thoughts swirling underneath that beautiful head of dark hair.
Dark enough to do what?
Suddenly shuddering at the unthinkable places his mind had managed to go, Rick withdrew from Michonne.
“I’m sorry but I’m concerned.” She said in her teacher voice, reverting to her cool professional and somewhat distant self.
Feeling the immense weight of guilt, Rick reverted to what he knew best – denial.  
“We’re fine.”  He said then stubbornly repeating himself a little louder.
“Lori and I are fine. And now I know Carl will be fine.”
Michonne looked taken aback, her eyes wide and a hint of disgust forming on her face crushing Rick. Instead of speaking, she grabbed the sketchbook off the table, turned it to a page in the back and shoved it angrily into his chest.
Breathing heavily, Rick took a look.
It was a picture of a hat in a spotlight, his own sheriff’s one, on the floor of what was unmistakably a representation of their living room – wrecked.
“I need to go.”
It was all Rick managed to whisper before turning to escape a place that felt suffocating. Once in the hall, he stopped for a moment to catch his breath and take in what he’d just seen. A depiction of his failure in his son’s eyes.
There was no ounce of doubt, the banshee like woman who kept reappearing on page after page, emanating waves of sorrow and anguish was his Lori, abandoned by a man whose vows amounted to nothing.
Despite his best efforts, his son had a front seat ticket to the breakdown of his marriage and worse, he blamed him for it.
Michonne’s approaching footsteps pulled Rick out of his thoughts.
He couldn’t bear to look at her. To hear her voice.
Not now. Not after this.
“I’m sorry Ms. Anthony,” he said quickly turning to meet her. “I made you uncomfortable with my earlier remarks. It really was just a thoughtless comment. Thank you for showing me Carl’s book but if you don’t mind, I think I should return to my family.”
A face full of regret and pity was staring at him.
Even in the shadowy hall they saw each other. Completely.
“What will it take for you to believe this is real?” She begged him.
Rick rubbed his face. “Stop it. Please, Michonne. Not you too.”
He was sick of this, sick of the blame being laid at his feet, sick of being looked to for answers and consistently coming up with a big fat pile of nothingness. Sick of doing, sick of not.
“I’m doing my best.” He yelled hoping she would listen. “For Carl’s sake.”
“Do you know what that’s like, feeling like you’re the only one trying to hold together the pieces? Grasping at something you’re no longer sure exists”
Her eyes hardened. “No one asked you to just get by. To just survive.”
“What’s that supposed to mean.” He demanded, stepping in closer. Undeterred by the visible anger on his face, Michonne met him with a defiant expression of her own.
“Your only commitment should be to Carl and what’s best for him.” She said flatly and with unblinking eyes. “Everything else is an excuse.”
Outraged Rick lashed out to make himself feel better.
“Why are you so interested in the state of my marriage? Why really?”
Michonne shot him the iciest look possible.
Rick stopped for a moment, recognizing how far he had gone. The woman in front of him had done nothing untoward. She attempted to alert him to a deeper issue he’d been ignoring and as thanks he decided to tear into her. Exposing his own weakness and shameless desires as a man. Projecting onto her feelings he had no way of knowing were in anyway reciprocated.
Visibly offended and deeply disappointed, Michonne shook her head before leaving him behind.
“I’m s-.”
Rick began, attempting to make amends but she wouldn’t hear it.
“No Rick.” She said simply, turning around just once to strike him down with her words. “This is yours to deal with. Not mine.”
Rick opened his mouth to speak but then decidedly shut it, settling on a remorseful nod instead.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have other parents I need to greet.” Michonne’s detached teacher voice was back. “I’ll make sure to come say hello to Mrs. Grimes when she arrives.”
If Rick ever heard a threat, that was it.
They returned to the gym separately, Rick joining his son and best friend and Michonne disappearing into a crowd of parents and kids.
When he met up with Carl, the boy had Shane Walsh practically eating out his hand, the grown man seemed to be gushing over Carl’s work and showering him with praise and attention. The kids around them looked on with envy and Carl delighted with his cool grownup cop friend.
Rick acknowledged his partner with a small nod. The childish innocent smile beaming at him as he approached was the handiwork of Shane and Rick was grateful.
He then embraced his son, kissing him on the head and squeezing a little harder than a teen would’ve liked to be hugged in front of an audience of peers.  
“Dad.” Carl whispered blushing at the gesture.
Rick smiled a little, relieved to see he hadn’t emerged from that room to an entirely different world.
He was determined, at least for the time being, to leave behind the sketchbook and all the nightmares it contained.
Except reality had other plans.
It took Rick a moment to fully take in what he was seeing in front of him.
It was a charcoal drawing of two dark shadowy figures, hand in hand, with their backs to him, walking down a road. Faceless but not genderless, the figure on the right had feminine curves, the one on the left the frame of a tall, lean man. The road they were on was a clearing in a heavy forest of towering curved trees, boxing them in.
“It’s called The Way Back.”
“It’s about how we can get lost sometimes, like Hansel and Gretel and how when things are scary, all we can do is try and find a way back.”
“Ms. Anthony helped me name it.” Carl admitted, Rick noticed he had a slightly sad smile on his face. “I didn’t really have a name for it. I just started drawing not knowing what it was gonna be until it was finished.”
Rick had no words. At least none, that wouldn’t end with him shaking the shoulders of the small boy in front of him to stop.  
Thankfully Shane stepped in with his own commentary.
“That’s sure one hell of a picture buddy.” He said clapping Carl on the back. “Deep as a bottomless well. Making the rest of the competition look like a bunch of squiggly line drawing pre-schoolers.”
Carl’s face turned red.
“Shane.” He muttered, signalling with his eyes to the blond boy next to him.
Shane smiled awkwardly before apologizing. “Sorry. You did a great job too Kyle. Really like the use of…red in your one.”
“Kevin.” Rick said quietly, correcting his friend. But it was too late, the damage had been done and young Kevin was evidently unimpressed by Shane Walsh’s lack of respect.
“Yeah. Kevin. That’s what I said. Isn’t that what I said? Anyway, great job kid.”
With a sour look on his face, Kevin left to find his own parents.
“Thanks for that one Shane,” Carl groaned. “I’m sure Kev’s gonna mad about that for at least a week.”
Shane simply shrugged. “Hey not my fault you artistic types are so damn sensitive!” He said playfully chiding Carl until he too was laughing at the incident.
Rick couldn’t help but watch his son more carefully throughout the rest of the evening. The boy was doing everything Michonne had warned. Laughing louder than everyone else, talking more than anyone else. Constantly on the move as if standing still weren’t an option.
It made Rick uncomfortably and by the time Lori arrived, he was surprisingly glad to see his partner. Finally! Someone he could count on being on his side. At least when it came to all matters related to Carl anyway.  
“You didn’t tell me it was formal wear Carl.” Lori lamented as she walked up to Rick, Carl and Shane.  “I would’ve gotten here earlier had a certain somebody warned me about the type event this was.” She said pinching her son’s cheek after kissing it.
Rick smiled warmly at his wife. “Yeah we didn’t get the memo on that one either.” He said offering his wife a warm smile and solidarity in his disapproval of Carl’s absentmindedness.
Unflustered by the glares he was receiving from both his parents, the boy simply shrugged. The grin on Carl’s face however was short-lived as Lori gently smacked his arm.  
“Not funny Carl! I almost showed up in overalls!”
Rick noticed she had gone to great lengths to ensure she hadn’t. Lori Grimes was wearing a completely new outfit – a long, flowy, white maxi dress with small red, green, and yellow flowers running up and down it.  Her normally wavy hair was perfectly blow-dried straight and swept behind her confidently, revealing pale freckled shoulders as she moved in to hug Shane.  
When their brief yet completely chaste embrace ended, Rick couldn’t help but notice the way Lori ran her fingers through her hair, tucking the loose strands behind her ear before smiling for the man with dark eyes firmly fixed upon her.  
“Still would’ve been the prettiest girl in the room Lor.” Shane said smoothly and to Rick’s horror, Lori blushed.
“Yeah mom you look amazing.” Carl kindly concurred, giving his mother a confidence boost Rick was ashamed of he couldn’t quite muster.
He quickly moved in to hug Lori and her lips, painted a deep red Rick hadn’t seen in years, granted him an obligatory kiss on the cheek; but making sure to pull away before his own could touch hers.
With Lori finally standing close to him, Rick noticed how his already tall wife was almost towering over them all. On her feet were brown sandals with the huge chunky, block heels –  sandals she once upon a time told Rick she loathed enough to bury.
She must’ve dug them up just for tonight.
“Prettiest girl in town.”
“Maybe at one point.” She said answering Shane, acting all unnecessarily coy.
Shane shook his head firmly.
“No. Always.”
There was nothing particularly special about Shane’s behavior, yet the way his wife was responding to it irked Rick. Thankfully, his son was there to defuse the situation. With the niceties out of the way, Carl was ready to drag Lori away and showcase his work to her.
“Mom, that’s my piece!”
The boy didn’t need to wait long for Lori’s praise.
“It’s wonderful baby. Amazing.”
“It’s called The Way Back.” Carl said addressing all three of the adults admiring his work. “It’s about finding your way back, because nothing ever changes so much that we can’t. You know?”
Sadly, Lori and Shane seemed to not know but politely nodded nonetheless. Rick on the other hand, wished he didn’t know as much as he did. He had all the context now, facts regarding how deep his son’s unhappiness ran. Well informed, however, did not mean well-equipped to handle any of it.
“If we walked a path once, we can always walk it again. Just need something to jog our memories. You know?”
“That’s really insightful of you Carl.”
Rick was spared having to answer his son by the sudden arrival of Michonne who caught Carl’s last words and responded with the sincere encouragement of a mentor.
She ignored Rick, walking straight past him and Shane to introduce herself to late addition to their party.
“Michonne Anthony.” She said warmly extending her hand to his wife.
“Lori Grimes.”
The two women meeting should’ve cracked open the ground under Rick’s feet, causing him then to fall deep into that chasm and straight towards the hell that he knew awaited him. A hell he deserved.
But it was a quiet respectful affair. Michonne showing no desire to hurt him for his earlier transgression.
“You have a special boy Mrs. Grimes. You and Rick both.”
“Call me Lori. Please.” It was supposed to be friendly, but Rick knew Lori’s every inflection. She was demanding the similar familiar treatment Rick had gotten from the sophisticated ‘city gal’ in front of her.
Rick winced a little. If left unchecked, Lori’s insecurities would undo the happy family home narrative he’d been hoping to construct for Michonne. Besides, he had let the family unit down enough for the both of them tonight.
Lori deserved to come out of the evening untarnished.  
“Whatever Carl does right in school, he got it from my wife. She’s the genius in the family.” Rick piped in, trying to play the role of the loving husband.
Lori smiled at him appreciatively, happy to play her part in the pretence. Just like a partner.  
But just as soon as he commended her, Lori switched on him.
“Always the mothers, picking up that slack!”
Michonne frowned a little, as if she had suddenly become aware of what Rick was up against. Without the others noticing she shot him a sympathetic look. The look should’ve been comforting but it had the opposite effect.
“You’re both extremely lucky to have such an amazing kid.” She said diplomatically. “Regardless of who put in the work.” Her clear laugh taking the mean-spirited edge right out of Lori’s comment.
“Guess I shouldn’t be offended.” Rick added sarcastically, feeling every bit as petty as Lori in that moment and unable to mask it.
“You shouldn’t be.” Michonne said, looking him dead in the eye. Her eyes telegraphed an apology for their tense earlier interaction and the sincerity eased Rick’s mind. He was feeling fragile, his life an act and now he found out that his son was in on the charade.
Tonight, had been devastating.
Or it should’ve been.
Michonne’s soft eyes connecting with his told him another tale.
The conversation about the joys of parenting continued without him. With Shane now unapologetically acting as a placeholder for him, an overwhelmed Rick checked out.
Then the party moved on, setting up camp by the refreshment table.
Leaving him with his thoughts.
All but Michonne.
Left together Rick took the opportunity to speak his mind and make amends, but she stopped him.
“Don’t apologize.” She said surprising him.
Rick frowned, and after a moment of contemplation she boldly placed a soothing hand on his shoulder, adding in a low pressing whisper. “Just do something. Whatever it takes to get there. Just as long as you get there.”
She was pointing at his son.
“When you first came to town and got to know Carl. What did you hear him say about me?”
“And Shane?”
There was a pause on her end and Rick filled in the blanks for himself.
“Sometime tomorrow or the day after, I’ll be outside my home. And without seeing inside or calling ahead, I’m gonna have to decide to open that door.” Rick admitted, his voice hoarse and fraught. He was leaning against a wall for support he hadn’t anticipated on needing.
Michonne nodded, her eyes no longer hesitant about meeting his own unblinking ones.
“You asked me before what it would take for me to believe what’s happening is real. The truth is, I’m not sure that anything can convince me to go in there. To find out.”
Rick took a step forward, bridging the gap between them before speaking once more.
“But I’m gonna see.” He promised her and only her. “I’m gonna see.”
Michonne simply nodded, relief washing over her face for a moment before being replaced by a more sombre look.
“The struggle. You gotta let it go.”
“I know it’s hard. After it’s kept you warm, your family together. Kept your vows alive. But the struggle –  turns on you. Eats away at what was there. What you thought you were fighting for in the first place. You gotta let it go. It’s the only way to find your way back to where you need to be. With Carl.”
“That’s what you were trying to tell me, back in the classroom. What to risk. What’s actually important.” Pausing to inhale deeply, Rick looked away before continuing. “I thought I knew what it meant. What being a father – a husband meant. But the rules keep changing.”
For better or worse…
Or hushed phone calls…
Or hard to explain receipts from never explained solo trips to Atlanta…
Or the tall unmistakable figure of his best friend, not sick in his own bed, but slinking out of Rick’s house, in the middle of the day.
Michonne smiled sadly as if suddenly overcome by poignant pain. “They did for me.”
He wanted to ask her exactly how, but he never got the chance. They were interrupted by loud yells from Carl, calling them to come join him at the refreshment table.
Carl. Lori.
And Shane.
A pretty enough picture to challenge the ones on any billboard or in any shopping catalogue.
To challenge the one sitting framed on his desk.  
Feeling an unexpected wetness in his eyes, Rick turned to Michonne.
“Before we get going. I gotta take a moment.”
Understanding, the woman before him nodded. Instead of waiting with him, she made her way to the join the rest of the company first, buying him that moment.
Rick waved his fingers weakly, with the last of his strength forcing one final grin for the sake of his son.
His tired eyes then turned to his beautiful bride, the woman he built a life with these last twenty-two years. The only girl he ever loved; now laughing brightly at a joke told by a man he trusted above anyone else. A good joke, Rick was sure of it, one that would’ve reduced him to tears too.
Shane loved to tell dumb cop jokes.
Rick sat and waited for a moment longer than he needed to. The strength returned to his body with each breath, his eyes hardened and the salt water turning to steel. The punchline came and went without him needing to hear it.
He knew enough.
When the laughing stopped, he walked over slowly to meet the people who had made a fool out of him for long enough.
“You’re here.” Lori said her face smug and uglier than he ever remembered it being. “We weren’t sure if you’d come back.”
Shane placed a careful hand on Lori’s shoulder, a small brief action powerful enough to command her attention and relax, suddenly forsaking her planned attack on her no good husband.
There was a pause, a friendly grin on Shane’s face clearly waiting to be thanked.
Had Shane known the extent of the hatred in his best friend’s heart, he’d know that he was the one who needed to express gratitude; simply for still having the use of the limb with which he made the fateful mistake of latching onto Lori Grimes.
“I was just telling everyone about that time whe –”
“You need to go.”
Shane didn’t blink for a second at Rick’s icy interruption.
Carl however, was openly disturbed by the foreign fury on his father’s face.
Shane’s smiles were getting difficult to maintain. “Hey buddy, I don’t know what’s up with you bu –”
“Now and quietly.” Rick growled.
He could feel his wife’s body tense beside him and when Shane turned to Lori for even the slightest indication of support, Rick had to fight the devil himself not to put his best friend in the ground. Right here. Right now.
In a several torn parts and in front of all these damn kids.
He was pleased to see his wife had at least some sense left not to respond.
Rubbing his head, frustrated and confused Shane rocked uncomfortably. Taking glances at Carl, then Lori and then back to Carl he waited for someone to say something more.
Finally, he straightened his back, staring down Rick directly in hope something more would be said between them.
Turned to stone, Rick remained silent, numb to even Carl who continued to desperately tug at his father’s shirt.
Shane let out a sigh signalling defeat.
“Your dad is right kid.” He said with a perfectly manufactured smile to comfort the young boy. “I – I got something I need to go do. Work.”
Unconvinced but unable to argue with either men, Carl instantly twisted towards his mother, hoping to try the softer of the three.
Rick remained unmoved despite seeing the color drain from Lori Grimes’s carefully bronzed cheeks as their son looked for answers.
“What’s happening?”
The already small voice was microscopic, unable to reach any ears after being crushed to nothingness under the weight of the tension Rick had created.
Shane didn’t stay long. After a rushed, uncharacteristically solemn goodbye the man was gone, leaving behind the Grimeses to pick up the pieces.
Next Michonne, who had been forgotten by everyone but a bewildered Carl who just lost one grownup to turn to, made her own excuses and left.
It was the act of her looking straight past his son that snapped Rick out of his rage induced fugue state. She looked spooked, Rick thought, noticing her face just before she deserted them. At first, he attributed it the ethical dilemma and the uncomfortable burden of realizing some of the details surrounding Carl’s family problems but being unable to tell the boy.
However, Rick was wrong.
It was some entirely different family drama that had unnerved her.
The sudden and apparently unexpected arrival of Carol Peletier sans Sophia Peletier. To Michonne, the sunken in eyes staring from across the gym had the weighty pull of a terrible star.
Unable to press time out on his own crisis but unwilling to fully commit to it now – Rick’s attention became divided. Sensing his hesitation and choosing to view it as being granted a so-called stay of execution, Lori took her son by the hand and departed, immediately cooking up the latest lies for Carl to swallow.
Rick stayed. The Cop inside him beating out The Husband and Father.
Watching the two women standing deep under shadows of the gym bleachers, he noticed Michonne clutch at that disturbing signature brown bag a little more tightly. Their interaction, lasting a mere minute, was one wholly made up of frantic whispers. It ended in Michonne unclasping the bag and her right hand disappearing inside.
Carol’s eyes flashed with fear, her trembling hands shooting up ready to meet Michonne’s, only relaxing slightly upon seeing the hand return empty.
In the end, arms linked, as a show of strength against an unknown enemy, they hurriedly exited together –  leaving Rick Grimes suddenly with a second decision made for him tonight.
It was finally time to seriously start worrying about what exactly it was that Carol Peletier and Michonne Anthony were intending to get involved in.  
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