#hello this is the welcome back gift i offer to everyone who bothers to read my blog
irwen-s · 4 years
wenrene / hybrid au (bunny!joohyun)
given prompt: in the first few weeks of bringing joohyun home, seungwan has to step out real quick to run an errand while joohyun was sleeping. when she wakes up to an empty house, she hesitantly tries to explore her surroundings, becoming a little more brave with each step bc she has the house to herself. When she spots something that piques her interest, she gets excited, but in her excitement she actually knocks something over and breaks it. Seungwan comes home to a broken item with joohyun nowhere to be seen. When she finds her, joohyun is anxious af. Seungwan is patient and joohyun eventually (but timidly) goes to seungwan and nudges her forehead against Seungwan’s bc this is how bunnies apologize to each other. She doesn’t say a word, her tears are enough for  seungwan to understand
trigger warning: mentions of blood, but not explicit.
when joohyun wakes up, the first thing she becomes aware of is that she’s alone.
cold fear washes over her for a few heavy seconds as she stiffens up in anxiety, but the tension slowly leaves her body once she begins to take notice of her surroundings.
for one, the tv in her room is on and playing at a low volume when she knows it hadn’t been when she’d dozed off. and the blankets she’d gone to bed with tucked loosely over herself are now swaddling her up warmly. 
it makes it a little difficult for joohyun to completely disentangle herself from the blankets wrapped around her, even with her small frame wriggling around. she eventually gives up, instead sitting up from the bed with a small, sleepy huff. 
her eyes immediately land on a familiar stuffed animal squirrel perched on her nightstand, and the sight makes her smile for the first time since waking. that definitely hadn’t been there when she’d gone to sleep. it makes it obvious who placed it there.
there’s a sheet of paper in the squirrel’s arms with a picture of something. joohyun has to lean back in order for the image to become less blurry for her, but once she does, she sees that it’s a very neatly done sketch of the telephone in the living room. a red circle is drawn around one of the buttons. 
slowly, joohyun crawls out of bed, dragging along with her one of the blankets still wrapped around her frame. she takes the paper and the squirrel with her too, hugging the latter to her chest and absentmindedly nosing into its fur, breathing in its soothingly familiar scent as she carefully steps out of her room.
the wooden floors for once feel cold beneath her feet, and joohyun’s ears twitch from under the blanket at how silent the hallway is. she darts her eyes over the rest of the doors near her, notes how they’re all closed. her grip on the stuffed animal tightens.
slowly, hesitantly, joohyun pads down the hallway. the house is eerily silent save for the sounds of her footsteps echoing against the floor. 
emerging into the living room, joohyun sighs quietly in relief; the open space is much more preferable, much more homely and inviting even when devoid of people. when she glances toward the corner of the room, the corner of her lips twitch upward upon spotting yet another familiar stuffed animal seated next to the telephone.
there is also a piece of paper in the toy bunny’s arms: a simple, red arrow points down at the same button the first paper has circled. joohyun adds both items to her armload of papers and stuffed animals, nose buried in the bunny’s pelt, before tentatively pressing down on it.
a few beeps from the telephone cause her to startle back a step, but then suddenly a voice is speaking up, and joohyun’s ears perk up in instant recognition. 
“hey, hyunnie, this is wannie speaking! if you’re hearing this message it probably means you woke up and followed all the clues into the living room. sorry about that if i scared you, by the way! i just didn’t know how else to tell you this without waking you up. i didn’t want to leave a note either since i wasn’t sure it would be easy to read. 
“did you have a nice nap, hyun? you were sleeping so peacefully, i hope you were dreaming about something good. did you know your nose twitches in your sleep? it’s really cute to see, hyunnie.”
at this, joohyun feels her cheeks pinkening. she buries her face further into the stuffed animals in her arms.
“okay, i’m getting too sidetracked. i think you might have noticed already, but mom and dad aren’t home right now, so you’re the only one left in the house at the moment. i had to leave to go buy some stuff for dinner since mom texted me saying she forgot a few things.
“i don’t know what she’s planning on making, but i’m gonna buy some tteokbokki for her to make as an apology for having us all leave you alone at home. but you can get something from the kitchen if you’re hungry, hyunnie. and you know how to call any of us if there’s an emergency. 
“i think that’s it. i swear i’ll be back soon, okay? i left around two o’clock, i should be back in about an hour. just sit tight for now. i’ll be home in a bit, hyun.”
the message ends with a click, leaving joohyun standing in the silence of the living room. for a few moments she doesn’t move, breathing absentmindedly into the toy bunny’s fur. her own ears twitch atop her head, peeking out from beneath her blanket and listening for any telltale signs of life in the house. but there’s nothing. she truly is alone. 
a weird sort of tingling excitement shoots through her, prickling the tips of her fingers and toes. on the balls of her feet, she slowly swivels around in a circle, taking in her surroundings once again. 
the thing is, it’s only been a few weeks since seungwan brought her home here. even as the house has become completely familiar to her, there’s an entirely different feeling in the walls now that there is no one else around. she’s a little scared, but her curiosity to explore is quickly overpowering that. 
besides, she thinks, clutching the bunny and squirrel closer to her. she’s not actually that alone after all. 
with a little gleeful hop in her step, joohyun begins to pad deeper into the house.
the front door swings open as seungwan steps inside, bags of groceries gripped in one hand. “hyun, i’m home,” seungwan sings, toeing her shoes off in the doorway. its only after she’s tucked them neatly in the shoe rack and locked the door behind her that she realizes the house is dead silent, and there is no bunny hybrid in sight.
a concerned frown adorns seungwan’s face, but she moves into the kitchen to sort the groceries into the fridge. “maybe she’s still asleep,” seungwan mumbles to herself. 
once she’s finished, seungwan steps back into the living room, only to freeze once she spots the mess of broken shards scattered across the floor. she immediately recognizes them as the remains of one of her mom’s prized statues she’d brought back from one of her travels. was it of an elephant? seungwan can’t remember, there’s honestly too many. 
her rambling thoughts come to a screeching halt though, once she spots the drops of blood amidst the mess. 
“shit,” seungwan hisses in alarm, immediately surging into motion. “joohyun? joohyun!” 
panic overtakes her for a few seconds as seungwan calls loudly into the hallways for the missing hybrid, worry climbing in her stomach and causing her insides to twist in fear. her heart hammers loudly in her chest, and her ears roar with a whistling noise.
“joohyun!” seungwan calls again, before she’s cut off by a yelp of surprise as she nearly trips. when she looks down, the blank marble eyes of a stuffed bunny gaze back up at her from the ground. a dark smear of red stains its faux white fur. 
all at once, seungwan shudders to a stop, pressing her palms against her thighs to still their trembling. she hadn’t been thinking. she’d forgotten. seungwan swears under her breath, breathing in and out for a few seconds before collecting herself together. 
“hyunnie?” seungwan murmurs in a quieter voice as she steps into the hallway. she doesn’t miss the few drops of red scattered across the floorboards, and it makes her swallow heavily with apprehension. “hyun, it’s wannie. i’m sorry for yelling, and i’m sorry if i scared you. i was panicked, since i’m worried. i swear i’m not mad.” 
some of the doors are open, leading seungwan to venture joohyun must have been exploring on her own while she’d been gone. she takes a peek into each room regardless, door shut or not. but there’s no sign of joohyun in any of them.
the panic she’s been trying to suppress rises with every empty room she comes across, and it’s after checking joohyun’s room to see no signs of life save for the tv still murmuring at low volume that seungwan finds it harder to breathe. 
almost resignedly, seungwan clicks open the door of her own room. “hyun?” she mumbles, voice cracking hopelessly, but then falls silent upon looking at her bed, neatly made and untouched. 
quietly, seungwan steps further into the room. the soft thump of her feet against the floorboards is the only sound as she moves closer, but the air crackles with anticipation. seungwan holds her breath. 
when she rounds the edge of her bed, her eyes automatically land on the bundle of purple-spotted blanket, hunched near her nightstand. 
seungwan lets out a smalls exhale, crouching down nearby. “hyunnie,” she whispers softly, seeing the head of the blanket twitch. “it’s okay, i’m not mad.”
for a moment, everything is still, and seungwan bites her lip nervously. but then she hears a quiet sniffle, before the blanket begins to tremble. 
seungwan’s heart breaks. 
“hyun,” she coaxes again, voice low and gentle. “hyun, i’m right here. it’s okay, baby.” 
slowly, tentatively, the edge of the blanket lifts, and seungwan comes face to face with joohyun’s teary face, her bunny ears drooped and her nose running messily. upon meeting seungwan’s eyes, she begins to cry even harder.
“oh, hyunnie,” seungwan whispers, moving forward to carefully pull joohyun into her arms. joohyun lets out a choked sob but offers no resistance, trembling against seungwan with her face tucked into the side of her neck. seungwan sits down completely, quietly rocking the little bundle in her lap and murmuring soft reassurances, letting joohyun cry it out.
“i’m so sorry for yelling, hyun, i didn’t mean to scare you,” seungwan says softly, rubbing joohyun’s back through the blanket. she hears joohyun hiccup wetly over her shoulder, struggling to breathe, and she reaches a hand up to begin gently rubbing the base of joohyun’s bunny ears where they meet her head. the action immediately causes joohyun to shudder from sensitivity and exhale shakily, slumping bonelessly against seungwan’s chest. 
with each light stroke to joohyun’s delicate ears, a wheezing, stuttered gasp leaves her; seungwan doesn’t stop though, and gradually her breathing begins to calm, body tremors lessening. she can feel the little white hairs beneath her fingers quiver at every touch, joohyun’s ears twitching and so visibly responsive, drooping pliantly under her hand. 
“that’s it, hyunnie, just relax,” seungwan murmurs gently, soothingly, as joohyun shudders and sighs helplessly into her shoulder, hiccuping every few breaths. “i’ve got you, baby, you’re okay.” 
she continues rubbing around the base of joohyun’s ears, occasionally scratching lightly at her head, until joohyun begins to emit a noise between a squeak and a purr, and that’s when seungwan knows she’s reached the state of peak calmness, her frazzled mind now fuzzy with pure sensation. seungwan smiles for the first time since she’s arrived home, relieved.
carefully leaning back, she eases joohyun away from her chest to take a look at her face. her hand falls from joohyun’s ears to cradle her jaw, gently stroking over the tear tracks on her cheek. joohyun’s eyes, half-lidded and glazed over, stare tiredly back at her. 
seungwan gives a small, comforting smile, leaning forward until her nose bumps against joohyun’s. a moment later she feels the hybrid nuzzling back with a breathy sigh, her eyes slipping shut.
when seungwan finally pulls away, joohyun reluctantly following, she moves her gaze down to where joohyun’s hands clutch loosely at the hem of her shirt. there’s dried blood splotched along her fingers as well as her clothes, particularly darker patches of red staining the blanket where joohyun must have clutched onto. 
seungwan sucks in a quiet breath, tenderly cradling joohyun’s hands in her own. there are cuts along the pads of her fingers, some blood still oozing out of them. “you tried to clean them up,” she whispers in realization, her chest twisting painfully. “oh, hyun.” 
joohyun whimpers nervously in response, and seungwan traces her thumb behind the shell of her human ear, cooing softly until her nerves settle down again. gently, seungwan maneuvers the hybrid around in her lap as she continues to inspect joohyun for further injuries. she finds a few cuts along her knees and ankles, which makes her heart ache at the thought of joohyun dragging herself through the house while bleeding and injured. 
seungwan reaches over to her nightstand to grab a few tissues. “lets get you cleaned up, okay?” she murmurs, dabbing at joohyun’s cheeks. joohyun only nods against her hand, meekly avoiding her gaze. 
she’ll have to do something about that later, seungwan thinks absentmindedly with a frown, seeing the way joohyun keeps ducking her head away. but right now she has to focus on treating those wounds. 
“i’m gonna have to pick you up, hyun,” seungwan says apologetically as she cradles joohyun to her chest, still partly bundled up in her blanket. the hybrid reaches for her shirt before quickly yanking her hands back with a small whimper, clutching onto her blanket instead. seungwan gives her a concerned, tender look. “i don’t mind, hyunnie. the bloodstains don’t matter.” 
with one arm supporting joohyun’s back and the other beneath her knees, seungwan carefully gets to her feet, and joohyun reflexively grabs onto her with a squeak of fear. seungwan hums soothingly, taking care to move with slow steps as she carries them to the door.
“does it hurt?” seungwan asks quietly as she pads down the hallway. she feels joohyun shake her head against her chest, and seungwan tightens her grip with a little, wry quirk of her lips. “liar.”
joohyun only responds with a breathy noise. 
when they reach the restroom, seungwan carefully sets joohyun down on the counter, brushing the hair back from her face with a soft smile. “i know you don’t like voicing your pain,” seungwan says understandingly, “but it’s okay if it hurts, all right?” 
joohyun looks back up at her, quiet and seemingly resigned. eventually her gaze shifts to the side with a little nod. seungwan leans in to press a light kiss against her nose. “lets do your legs first.”
she washes her hands, then helps joohyun run her ankles and knees beneath lukewarm water from the sink. joohyun doesn’t make a noise the entire time, but seungwan is pressed close enough against her back to feel her stiffen, hear her breath catching in her throat when seungwan rinses her wounds with soap. 
“it stings, baby, i know,” seungwan murmurs against her temple. joohyun doesn’t show any indication to having heard her.
seungwan finally turns the tap off, grabbing a nearby towel to dab at the cuts as they begin to ooze blood again. she feels joohyun lean her head against her shoulder, nosing along the crook of her neck and breathing quietly against her as she presses down on each injury to stop the bleeding. 
petroleum jelly follows after, applied carefully with a cotton swab, and then seungwan covers the wounds up with bandaids. she considered using purple ones, but then thought against it and just picked out the plain ones.
“done,” seungwan breathes as she straightens her back, rubbing joohyun’s shoulder soothingly. “fingers next. you’re okay, hyunnie?” 
she feels joohyun nod against her neck, but when seungwan tries to pull away to look at her, the hybrid follows her movements to stick close to her. 
seungwan sighs fondly, giving joohyun a light scratch behind the ear. “all right then.”
the whole process repeats for joohyun’s hands, and seungwan remains just as attentive and careful, but she’s realizing something is different when a muffled noise manages to escape from where joohyun’s face is buried against her. the cuts on joohyun’s fingers are deeper, more serious, seungwan knows. she tries to move a little faster.
its just after seungwan finishes washing joohyun’s fingers that she feels wetness against neck, making seungwan still with the towel in her hand. “it’s okay, baby,” she murmurs gently, hugging joohyun closer with her other arm. “i know. let it out, it’s okay.”
joohyun sniffles quietly against her neck, nosing along her skin as seungwan carefully dries her fingers. there’s a small hiss when seungwan has to squeeze her thumb when the cut there bleeds more than the others, and seungwan presses a soothing kiss to the top of joohyun’s head, conveying in it all the sympathy that she can. 
when seungwan is finished, there are bandaids taped around almost all of joohyun’s fingertips. she breathes a sigh of relief before clutching joohyun’s shoulders and gently pushing. reluctantly, joohyun moves back.
there are tears wetting her cheeks again, of course, but seungwan only smiles softly, doesn’t comment as she grabs a nearby tissue to wipe them away. “my hyun,” seungwan coos. “so strong.”
joohyun closes her eyes, a few more tears slipping out as she exhales shakily. seungwan is about to bend away to get another tissue when joohyun leans forward so that her forehead touches seungwan’s. immediately, seungwan stills. 
for a few breaths of silence, the two of them remain pressed against one another, seungwan standing between joohyun’s knees. her eyes are open, gazing with gentle understanding at joohyun’s closed ones, watching another tear slide down her cheek as her lips quiver almost imperceptibly. 
“it’s okay,” seungwan murmurs softly, tucking a stray hair behind joohyun’s ear. “there’s nothing to forgive, darling. accidents happen.”
when joohyun finally pulls away, she won’t meet her eyes. instead, she clutches at seungwan’s hands, neatly bandaged fingertips brushing against her own. “thank you,” she whispers hoarsely, voice scratchy and raw.
seungwan pulls joohyun into her arms again, pressing a light kiss to the side of her head. her heart feels warm, content, at ease. “of course, hyunnie.”
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svchengss · 3 years
hey barista! | l.dh
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summary | befriending the barista from your local cafe doesn’t seem too bad
pairing | lee donghyuck x fem!reader ft. jaemin who’s a rlly cute side character in this :(
genre | fluff, angst, slight humour (?)
warnings | a kiss?? i don’t think there’s any but if i missed anything do lmk !!
word count | 3k+
s. tg | @hyuckefi [my apologies since i didn’t release a proper teaser for this 🙏🏻]
author’s note | this is my first fic exceeding 1k words so if u enjoyed reading this, please leave some feedbacks !! rb’s are also appreciated :D ALSO I SUCK AT SUMMARIES LMAO PLS IGNORE THAT
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just another day of working at palm coffee, the same old routine. cleaning the countertop and tables before opening up the cafe, prepping the ingredients - more for top favourites! - and examining the machines to make sure they’re working properly. that’s some of hyuck’s daily routines as a barista. he didn’t mind them though, he loved his job. he couldn’t specify the reason why but all these tasks are genuinely interesting to him.
seeing you drop by the cafe is a normal occurrence for him. since you are a regular customer after all, the rest of the staff already know you well. heck, they’re even good friends with you. jaemin hangs out with you more than he does despite being jaemin’s childhood friend. except for him, he doesn’t really know why. he’s not really shy, considering the fact that he’s a social butterfly. he just couldn’t bring himself to say anything to you, the only times he did so was to take your orders when the rest of the workers were busy in the store.
upon hearing the doorbell chime which signals a new customer entering the cafe, hyuck blurted out the usual line. “hello, welcome to palm coffee! how can i help-“, looking up from the cash register only to find you in a disheveled state. “-you?” he eyes you up and down, noting how a few strands of your hair were out of place, the nude lipstick smeared on the left corner of your mouth and your outfit looks really rushed. 
“sorry, what was your name again, hyuck right?” you quickly glanced at the nametag hanging nicely on his apron. “i’m in a rush right now, can i get a,” you scanned over the menu behind him, “uh, white coffee, please?”. 
“that will be six dollars. you can use the restroom in the meantime to, you know, touch up your makeup and stuff,” he takes the bills from your hand, putting them in the machine in front of him before flashing you with that warm smile of his. you wished him a quick thanks before disappearing into the back of the place.
now that was embarrassing.
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your eyes scanned over the hall to find your friend before hearing her shout your name from across. damn, why does she have to be so loud? stares were directed towards you as you walked up the stairs to your designated seat. all the chatter going on in the lecture hall became quiet as soon as your professor placed her things on the desk, which means class has started. 
after hearing a two-hour lecture and writing some notes - where suddenly song lyrics and scribbles appear - the words you’ve been waiting to hear finally echoed through the speakers. 
“class is dismissed, thank you everyone for listening,” mrs. hui’s voice later being flushed out by the buzzing voices of the students walking out the hall, determined to finish their own activities. you stuffed your ipad and papers into your light yellow jansport backpack before going out to meet vic who’s waiting for you outside. 
“i’m exhausted, what did she even teach just now?” vic sighed to her heart’s content. you can’t blame her, today’s topic was quite complicated. circuits analysis or something? you can’t really wrap your head around it, your brain being stuffed with all the information. vic kept on ranting  about the problems she faced from the moment she woke up, making you giggle at some comments she made. 
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“wait for me, i’m almost done,” he folded his apron neatly before shoving it into the drawer and grabbing his bag from the counter to join jaemin, who’s waiting at the front door with the keycard. hyuck accepted jaemin’s request to help him with some shopping for his sister’s birthday party next week. obviously, the rest of the staff were also invited. 
jaemin divided the shopping list into two, allowing hyuck to find the rest of the things with ease.
“now where are the streamers…” he muttered out loud enough for himself to hear, crouching down to browse through the party decorations on the shelf. or he thought so, as you could hear him sighing clearly in dire need of the certain decoration, that you decided to help him out. 
“um, hyuck? i think the party streamers are in the aisle beside this one? you look a bit troubled there,” you chuckled lightly. the heat flushed to his cheeks, feeling dumbfounded. 
“really? uh, thank you for the help,” he gave you a small grin that could hardly be seen if you didn’t spot the corner of his lips. and with that, he’s long gone with his shopping basket.
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you are fond of the atmosphere you’re in right now. the decorations left you in awe - white and pink silk hanging from the wall with silver letter balloons spelling out happy birthday stitched onto them. you can see jaemin’s sister, eun-ji, being carried out of her room with a small flowy white dress and wearing a golden bow on her head, her brunette hair being tied into ponytails. the na family really adore their youngest girl.
meanwhile, there are only a couple of adults your age attending the party -  jaemin’s co-workers, some of his other friends which you aren’t familiar with and hyuck. he looked rather chill, with an oversized beige sweater and white jeans to suit the party’s theme. you’re not quite bad as well, your hair combed nicely and kept neat with a headband, a white sundress with strawberry patterns on it fit nicely on your figure, complemented with a heart-locket necklace placed on your collarbones. before reaching jaemin’s house, you made sure to drop by a local store to get some gifts for eun-ji. she’s a very well-mannered kid which made you adore her very much.
“y/n? very glad to see you here,” hyuck said as he approached you, offering you a plate of cake which he cut.
“i could say the same to you too, mr. lee,” you let out a soft laugh. he made sure to keep a mental note over how pretty you looked today.
“y/n, hyuck! glad you two broke the ice, did you know how hurt i was seeing you two act like strangers whenever y/n came by the cafe?” jaemin enveloping you into a small hug before fake pouting. you can only laugh at the fake debate the two guys in front of you were having. after conversing with hyuck and jaemin for quite some time, you realised that he’s a cool person to talk to, where all this time, you thought he hated you for some reason. before leaving, you made sure to thank mrs. na for hosting the party and off you went home. 
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following the previous encounters, hyuck felt much more comfortable around you - even hanging out with you during his shift where you would do your assignments at the cafe he’s working at. every now and then, he would also invite you to hang out with him and jaemin. however, what he didn’t realise was how he slowly pent up feelings - romantically. 
ding dong!
he pressed on the doorbell button with a box of doughnuts in his left hand. the three of you were supposed to be having a movie night, but jaemin got caught up with his groupwork which leaves the two of you alone. 
“hey hyuck! come in,” you gestured, arranging the cushions on your sofa to make it look more organized. the interior of your rented apartment is calming, the light grey walls suiting the navy blue sofa and furniture with darker undertones. the walls are also not left empty, with modern art portraits hanging from it. 
“i brought donuts, your favourite, right?” he opened the box, placing it on the coffee table while you set up the television. you wished him a quick thank you before grabbing two canned drinks from the refrigerator, handing one to him and pressing play on the remote control. you two weren’t quiet throughout the whole movie, with snarky comments on how hot the actors were or how stupid they were being were made. 
he didn’t know you were sleepy though as all of a sudden, he could feel the weight of your head on top of his shoulder. it was a rather awkward situation as he didn’t move at all so you could sleep comfortably. before long, he joined you and dozed off to wonderland. the next morning, you were more than embarrassed to find yourself cuddling up to him, with the next movie still playing on the screen.
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seeing your figure outside the front door made hyuck more excited to greet you today. after making a quick order for a green tea latte, you fished out your purse from your handbag, feeling frantic if you’ve lost it outside. luckily, you were the only customer in line as the rest of them were already seated and carrying out their own businesses.
“sorry, but i think this might be yours,” you turned around to find a tall-looking guy handing out your black purse. a wave of relief washed over your soul, thanking the latter profusely.
“mind if i buy you a drink? i hate feeling like i owe someone,” you offered, which he gladly accepted. 
“i’d like a double espresso, please,” he kept his hands into his pockets. 
“and your name, sir?” hyuck looked mildly bothered.
“yukhei,” he ran his slightly blonde hair through the slender fingers. hyuck hated how cocky he looked, feeling more annoyed than ever over the scene that was played in front of him just now. he hated how yukhei looked at you. 
why should he get jealous? he’s just a mere friend to you, that’s all. you have to stop overreacting, hyuck. 
those words kept running through his mind all day.
“dude, are you okay? you looked-” jaemin opened the staff room, interrupting him from the self-talk he was having, “-distracted,” finishing up his sentence. 
“nope, i’m just fine,” he said, bringing the honey smile back onto his face. jaemin nodded before disappearing back to the front to serve the customers. 
stop being so jealous, hyuck. you’re just a friend. not more, not less. 
“jaemin, how do you know if you like someone?” that question is kind of shocking to him, especially if it’s coming from hyuck. of course, he’s had a crush before but it was during middle school. just a silly, little crush. growing up, he’s never had one - not even in high school.
“you’ve asked the right person,” jaemin managed to do his obnoxious voice, even while driving the car. he’s right, he is the matchmaker of the friend group, just how many relationships worked out because of him? eyes still focused on the road - he’s a responsible driver of course, he began to explain the feeling to hyuck, making his points loud and clear.
“first of all, you start feeling a little too happy whenever you’re around them. and no, this is not the oh-we’re-best-friends-forever type of happy, it’s the i’ll-make-you-the-happiest-person-on-earth one. not to forget, you will also experience some kind of turbulence in your heart, expect them to be jumping around a bit. or a lot, whichever suits you the best.
you also tend to feel nervous around that person. like, stuttering your words in obvious or non-obvious ways, feeling faster heartbeats than usual, you name it. oh! if you’ve ever felt jealous whenever they are around someone else, i mean, in affectionate ways, you might have one. however, my tip is for you not to act out of your mind. you don’t want to ruin whatever relationship you have currently, do you?” even when driving, he still managed to deliver his points with full precision and accuracy. 
nodding his head, hyuck took some mental notes to be thought through when he gets home. 
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hyuck stared at you, whose figure is snoring soundly on his lap. he assumed you must be feeling exhausted, mid-terms just ended after all. while threading his fingers through your hair, he remembered what jaemin said to him weeks earlier.
1. being happy around them
like jaemin said, it is normal to be happy around your friends. but being with you, it kind of gave more joy for him. not to mention that he started to catch himself smiling over your texts and being reminded of you over small things - your favorite donut topping, the name of that one stray puppy you gave. 
2. feeling nervous around them
his heart would beat a lot faster whenever you get closer towards him, whether accidentally or to mess with him. 
3. getting jealous over someone else
he shouldn’t be jealous of how yukhei looked at you. but he seriously can’t help it. and the way he’s always there during your hangouts. he doesn’t care if he seems petty, yukhei just isn’t in his favour.
his deep thoughts came to a halt when you called out his name, eyes still half-closed, attempting to open them a bit more. 
“did i interrupt you or something? gosh, i’m so sorry,” you quickly stood up but he pulls your body back onto his lap, asking for you to stay.
“what are we?” that question caught you off-guard. the same one that has been at debate in the back of your mind these days. 
i don’t know hyuck, it’s complicated. 
“what do you think we are, hyuck?” you shot the question back at him, your gaze piercing through his soul.
“i don’t know. it’s just-” 
“are you sure?” a deep sigh left your lips. have you been interpreting his body languages wrong? did he only see you as a normal friend, nothing more? 
“sorry, i’m not feeling well. see you later hyuck, bye,” you tried your best to shoot the sweet smile of yours but only a faint one seemed to appear. once you stepped out of the room, he buried his face into his hands. 
god, what have i done?
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“don’t feel too down, y/n. maybe there’s something more that he couldn’t bring himself to say?” vic suggested, handing you some tissue.
“i don’t know, i seriously have no idea. why can’t he just say it?” you continued to sob into her arms, she pitied you, especially in your condition right now. but she can’t do anything to help you, other than consoling and listening. 
jaemin knew something was wrong, from your rare visits to the cafe to hyuck not being himself lately. something was definitely wrong and it’s between the both of you. sure, hyuck might be saying that he’s fine again and again, but his expressions can’t lie. the sweet smile of his is long gone and his jokes are no longer heard. whatever it is, jaemin is determined to solve it. he just wants his best friends back. 
looks of dismay can be read all over hyuck’s face when the person facing him is no other than the guy himself, yukhei. still, he tried to control his composure, not making his inner feelings any more obvious.
“so what brings you here?” he took a sip of the mineral water, still making his throat rough from the tension hanging in the air. 
“look, i’m not here for any fights. i know you like y/n, everybody can see it. and honestly, you were oblivious to your own feelings,” he rubbed his hands together. the latter’s puzzled face made him continue his words.
“i’m not trying to make her like me, or whatever you’ve been assuming. sorry if i gave the wrong message but you are the one who should make a move. i can see from the way she looks at you, the feelings are mutual,” he straightened up the denim jacket outside the white shirt wrapping his figure. 
letting out a heavy sigh, hyuck’s face begins to soften up. “no, i should be the one who’s sorry. i’ve been such a prick to everyone around me lately, especially you,” he took of the cap from his head, messing up his hair. 
“no problem, bro. it’s understandable, i guess. now good luck with her, please treat her well,” the two guys exchanged a fist bump for the problem solved. jaemin leaned his back against the wall, smiling and feeling satisfied.
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you called out jaemin’s name but to no avail. he invited you to his apartment but seeing that the lights are out, it’s clear enough that he hasn’t finished whatever he was doing yet. just as you were about to leave, you saw hyuck at the other side of it, both your faces mirroring the same look of confusion.
“so, uh, how have you been doing these days? it’s been a while since we talked,” he chose to break the silence. now, you two were sitting facing each other by the balcony. inhaling the breeze, you paused for a moment before responding to his question.
“i’ve been feeling, not as usual. definitely not happy but not that sad,” you pushed some of the loose hair strands hanging on your forehead behind your ears before asking about his.
“you know what, i’m just going to be direct with you. i, lee donghyuck have been holding feelings for you since i don’t know when. yeah sure, i wasn’t really sure at first about what i was going through. i guess i was just scared of how you would react,” he scratched his ears which are not feeling itchy at all, but rather an attempt to distract himself from the overwhelming emotions deep inside him. 
not wanting to waste time any longer, you placed your right hand onto his cheek, standing on the heels of your feet to bring your two lips together. the kiss was short before he pulls you back in for another, this time a more passionate one. he could feel you smile against his lips before enveloping your body into his arms.
“i’ve missed you, you know?” he whispered, his voice tender, directing right into your ears before you replied with how you missed him more. the both of you continued to whisper sweet nothings while embracing each other’s presence. 
jaemin looked at the both of you from a distance, his heart swelling with pride. 
— another pair of lovers matched, cupid jaemin signing out.
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purplebass-writes · 4 years
Hello! You're really gifted, I love your writing! I'm not sure if it works this way, but I'm craving for a combination of Thomastair "You're burning up" and "I can't do anything right" prompts. Thank you! 👉👈
Hi! Sorry for the delay, you sent me this in 2020 and I could just reply now. Hope this one is what you expect! It contains Chain of Iron Spoilers, so I advise you to read it only if you’ve read the book.
Couple/Characters: Thomastair, Thomas Lightwood and Alastair Carstairs Rating: T Words: 1391
Thomas was ecstatic to be alone, but he had to admit that he was a little intimidated. The killer had been caught, that much was true, but it didn’t mean that the streets of London couldn’t harbor more dangers. He still had to keep his guard up, and be vigil. You never knew what you could find around the corner. Thomas was alert. His hand went on the hilt of the knife by his belt when he heard footsteps. It was probably a mundane, despite the hour, but one could never be sure.
The noise disappeared as it came, and he sighed. Thinking about that reminded him about him. He was patrolling because he didn’t want to think about what had happened in the sanctuary. He had loved every second of it, but then Alastair had decided for him and didn’t give them a chance. Thomas was angry, but not at Alastair. His anger was not directed at the beautiful man with eyes the color of opal, but at himself. He wished he had told him then, that he didn’t agree. That he didn’t care what other people thought, he wanted to be with him.
Thomas squeezed his hands, and kicked at a stone nearby. He would gladly punch the wall, but he knew better than to do that. He felt helpless, and he didn’t know what to do. He believed that it was already important that he had been forward with Alastair, but that he had also let too much precious time pass. And now… now he missed him. He never realized that Alastair had been following him in order to keep him safe during his lonely patrol. If things had been different…
He stopped abruptly, and turned. He was sure that someone was behind him. He heard uneven steps, as if whoever was walking behind him was stumbling, and then a cough. Perhaps it was really a demon. People didn’t usually walk around in the dead of the night, unless they were shadowhunters. Or they didn’t have better things to do.
“You,” he said.
Alastair staggered as he walked, keeping his hand to the wall. His face fell when Thomas acknowledged him. “You,” he answered back, coughing. “Never learn.”
Thomas wanted to argue, and say that it wasn’t his business how he decided to conduct his life. He had, after all, decided that he didn’t want to be in it. But he didn’t. He reached Alastair, who was unable to stand still. He barely glanced at Thomas, and he looked like he would faint any minute.
“Alastair joon,” he said with urgence, worry etching his voice. “Are you hurt?”
Alastair gazed up at Thomas, who was towering over him like a marble statue. Imposing, but welcoming. A piece of art to stare at, that you longed to touch but remembered you could not. It wasn’t possible. He was frowning. “I’m completely, utterly,” he whimpered, “fine.”
Thomas couldn’t help but sigh. How long was he going to tell him lies? Because he didn’t believe that he had been honest, the last time they saw each other after the fight at the Institute. He didn’t care what he would think of him. His hand couldn’t help but reach Alastair’s neck, then his cheek. His thumb lingered on the side of his jaw for longer than he had intended, but he couldn’t withdraw his hand. He saw the way Alastair was trying to make him believe all of this didn’t bother him. And he knew better.
“Keep telling that to yourself,” he answered coolly, grabbing Alastair and placing his arm behind his back, his hand secured on his hip so he wouldn’t fall.
Alastair tried to protest and disentangle himself from Thomas’ grasp, but he didn’t let him. And the truth was that he didn’t want to. “Where are we going,” he asked faintly, as Thomas helped him stand as they walked.
“To my flat,” Thomas replied. “It is closer to this street,” he explained casually. “And you need to lie down.”
“You could just drop me home, and don’t bother, Tom.”
“No,” Thomas answered sharply, indicating that he would not argue with him over this. That stunned Alastair to silence.
No one spoke for the rest of the way to Thomas’ flat. He could feel that Alastair wasn’t feeling good, because he hadn’t bitten back any retort after he firmly stated where they were going. Thomas hoped this wasn’t going to be a train wreck, because his heart was already shattered as it was, but he couldn’t help it. I’m only doing it because he’s ill, he told himself.
They crossed the threshold, and he helped Alastair on the armchair by the small grate. He would light up the fire soon, but he wanted to check on him first. He took his coat off and placed it on the other armchair. Alastair had closed his eyes, apparently sleeping. Thomas crossed the room and got to him. He touched his forehead with the back of his hand.
“You’re burning up,” Thomas murmured with concern, and went to the kitchen to fetch a cold towel before the other could say anything, and placed it on his forehead with care.
“Thomas,” Alastair said. “Thomas, stop.”
“You’ll never get someone else help you, won’t you,” Thomas sighed in frustration, touching Alastair’s cheeks with his hand. He wasn’t just trying to make his temperature go down with his cold hands. He had longed to touch Alastair’s face, and would use this occasion to do it. Who knew when –
“Your hands are too cold, by the angel!” Alastair exclaimed, surprising Thomas.
He stopped, realizing that he probably exaggerated. “I’m sorry,” he said honestly, but he could tell Alastair was not mad. He managed a smile.
“What are you sorry for? I’m the one down with,” he coughed. “A fever.”
“Did you know that you got a cold?” Thomas wondered, bewildered. He wouldn’t get mad. He wouldn’t.
Alastair sighed. “I figured as much when I started staggering after you,” he admitted, glancing away.
“You shouldn’t have followed me.”
“I wasn’t following you,” he retorted. Thomas raised an eyebrow. “I can’t do anything right,” he said after a while. He looked defeated. Tired. Guilty. And he didn’t want him to feel like that.
“That’s bollocks, and you know it,” he said gravelly.
“I don’t know anything anymore, Tom,” he replied, and his heart broke again. For him.  
“Then let me remind you,” Thomas offered, barely registering the shock on Alastair face as he knelt down on the carpet and grabbed his face to give him a kiss that was not so chaste.
Alastair was burning. Literally and figuratively. Thomas knew that he shouldn’t do that, that he shouldn’t kiss Alastair with such ferment when he was sick. He was aware that he’d get hotter, but he couldn’t control himself. He couldn’t control his hands as they grabbed Alastair’s silky hair, and then clung to the back of his neck, of his shoulders. He didn’t care that he’d probably come down with the flu too. In that moment, they were the only thing that mattered in his private space.
“Thomas,” Alastair chided, out of breath, their foreheads touching. They were scorching hot.
“You can’t decide for me, Alastair. You can’t,” he muttered softly, desperately. “I don’t care what anybody says about me and you. About us,” he said, staring in Alastair’s black eyes to make the point get to him. “They’ll have to deal with it. Everyone will have to deal with it. And if they don’t,” he paused, “then it’s their problem.”
Alastair’s eyes widened. No one had stood up for him like that before. “Your friends are important for you.”
“And I know that I’m important for them,” he replied confidently. “You are also important to me,” he revealed, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.
“Is that right,” Alastair wondered quietly, meeting Thomas’ eyes.
“Love is never wrong.”
Alastair stared at the man with whom he thought he didn’t have any future anymore, unable to say anything coherent. Thomas waited expectantly, with bright eyes. Alastair realized in that instant that he didn’t have to say anything, that actions spoke louder than words. So, he kissed Thomas, who understood the magnitude of that gesture. Alastair had just given him access to his heart, and he wouldn’t chance to lose it.
Taglist (if you want to be added or removed, send me a PM): @princesslucinda @kit-12 @immortal-enemies @lucian-evander @esa-emery @danieldyers @blackthorn-trash @rinadragomir @fortunesandfables @itsdaughterofthemoon @silvenys@thomastair3 @livvyheronstairs @ holding-infinity-and-a-book @lovelaces @axoloteca @autumnangel20 @cordelia-cardale
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malfoys-demigod · 4 years
Tutor, Tea, and Truth
draco malfoy x reader 
summary: Reader spends her Saturday mornings tutoring lower classmen by the library. Draco was intrigued with your enthusiasm and love for tutoring that he began watching you. When you finally noticed, he tried lying, saying that he never had the guts to ask you for help in the subjects he was having trouble with. Knowing that he was the second smartest wizard of your year, you didn’t buy his lie, catching him off guard. Being defeated, Draco begins a conversation with you and eventually asks you on a date.
a/n: i was really planning to continue this, and finally i have! 
word count: 6.1k
tag list: @the--queen-of-hell​ @bbeauttyybbx​
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If there was one thing you could do effortlessly, it was giving a hand to help others. It could be through any way and it would still be considered helping someone out. 
Whether it be the simple things such as lending an extra quill, picking up the things that a person has dropped in the corridor, to much more complex things that required more will power such as being a third-wheeler at a date at Hogsmeade, walking someone back to the common room at night, and your favorite favorite thing which was tutoring. 
The act of tutoring either your batchmates or lowerclassmen was the most favorite thing of all the things you could do as help. There were so many advantages of being a tutor to students. It could help gain you more friendships with people around year-levels and houses, train your brain to remember new and old information, and strengthen your reputation as a helpful person. 
With these many advantages, your favorite reason was the idea of being able to see the smiles of people at the end of the session or seeing them come back to you, thanking you that they raised their scores, giving you all the credit when you tell them that it was them, that did it all. 
Helping other people made you the happiest person in Hogwarts. You were a smart wizard of your year, certainly not levelling Hermione Granger, but enough to help other people out. It didn’t bother you that there was the possibility of getting drowned with your own work because you could use this advantage and call on other students from your year to form a study group with you, doing the work together and helping each other. 
If they declined the offer due to many reasonable excuses, you still used this advantage to finish the work as quick as possible, with quality of course, so that when your classmates finally have the time to do their work, they can come to you and you could teach them what you learned, helping your brain remember more of what you had recently taught yourself. 
It was a way of boosting your knowledge and grades, making you one successful student. 
Tutoring was something you had gotten from former upperclassmen when you were still in your first year. As a newcomer to Hogwarts, you were very much nervous of failing classes at such a prestigious school. 
So one day at the end of your first week of classes as a first year, you decided to head to the library, hoping to seek a quiet time to celebrate that classes of your first week had ended. But what you arrived at was a study group led by seventh years. 
Not being intimidated by large and older students, you walked towards them, asking them if they could help you with school work. They surprisingly agreed to help you, also giving you the idea of becoming a tutor just like them. They showed you the ropes and shaped you into the person you were today. You were very thankful for them.
Years later, you became a respectful tutor, just like the seventh years in your first year. 
From starting a group only for students in your year, you built your reputation over the years as word passed by, telling other students of lower years that you were a tutor that could be of service for all lowerclassmen. 
Having word passed by from some students of their year, lowerclassmen were more encouraged to find the famous you, and grab seats in the library to circle around you. With more students now coming to see you on a daily basis, you started to treat them like friends rather than pretend clients who you were offering your services to. 
Today was the first week back from the winter holidays. 
Everyone was still acting as if they'd forgotten to switch off their mindsets from “Vacation Mode”, as all they could think and talk about was the holidays. This year’s holidays were somehow excellent for almost everyone where they were spending it in Hogwarts or outside of the castle. Wherever you went, people were smiling, daydreaming about possibly what gifts they received, which meals they enjoyed, and everything you could name. 
The fact that people were still thinking of the holidays meant that it was hard to return focusing on academics. People were so used to waking up late and doing anything they pleased during the holidays that it was quite difficult for them to continue keeping up their grades in school. Worse, if they were taught by the teachers who planned on giving them tests and quizzes a week or two after their first week back, to jog up their memories on the things they have learned from the month before the break.  
You yourself may have had a slight relatable feeling with most of the students at Hogwarts, but you were more lucky than them as you still managed to read a book or two about lessons you were had recently learned and lessons you will be learning when the holiday ended. This action wasn’t done frequently during the break but it was enough to feel more confident when it came to returning to school after the holidays ended. Your little tutoring business would also be booming as others would beg for your time, asking if you could help teach them the things they’ve forgotten and need to remember. 
Usually, people spent their Friday’s after classes anywhere but the library. It was their way of removing their mindset of school and into their weekend freedom. For you on the other hand, your next place right after your last class was the library, the place you happily held your tutoring sessions. You didn’t need to be asked if you could spare time for people as they assumed that you would already be there in the library, waiting for people to come and be helped. 
Their assumptions today were right. You had finished setting up your things by one of the long tables at the library, opening your notebook and bringing out your quill when all of a sudden, a massive group of second years were quietly rushing around your table, huffing and puffing tiredness. 
“Hello, Y/N!”
“Good afternoon, Y/N!”
“Good to see you, Y/N!” 
Were some of the small greetings that your second year students greeted you as they were relieved to see you. You waved at them, giving them a warm smile as you greeted them back. You fixed your posture, straightening your back as you made yourself ready to teach them. 
“Now, my dear little friends,” you spoke, “What are we learning today?” 
“History of Magic,” they all groaned, looking so distressed. 
You giggled, trying to show a sympathetic pout at them, “Ah, yes, let me guess,” you placed a finger on your chin, “Binns expected you to study over the break, which you all didn’t, and announced a test next week?”
“Exactly!” One complained, “The mad ghost is holding it on Monday, Monday! Can you believe him?” 
You nodded, smiling at the memories when you were required to take History of Magic, “I do, that’s how Binns handles his classes,” you sighed, “But not to worry, when you’re older, his class wouldn’t be required any longer, you could choose something else if you’d like.”
“What did you choose, Y/N?” They all asked, giving curious eyes. 
“I chose to have a free period,” you admitted, watching them gasp with big eyes, “I know, a ‘smart’ cookie like me should be taking up the extra classes for the sake of landing that dream job or simply showing that you're an excellent student, right? But the classes I’m taking already have me set with the many choices I have with whatever dream jobs I have in mind to be honest. Besides, there are many things I could do during my free time, such as studying and doing my schoolwork so I could use this time to help you desperate kids in need. Now come on, let’s head onto the most vile lessons in your class,” you said, encouraging them to open their books. 
“The last breach you should remember was in 1790 when an American witch named Dorcus Twelvetrees made a serious breach when she confided secret information to a muggle, or what Americans call it, a ‘No-Maj’ named Bartholomew Barebone. She told him not only about the existence of MACUSA and the International Confederation of Wizards, but also the location of their wizarding school named Ilvermorny School. Barebone stole her wand and showed it off to the press and called for No-Maj persecution of magical folks like us. Due to this, President Emily Rappaport of MACUSA instated “Rappaport's Law” which completely segregated witches and wizards from the No-Majs, and remained the law of the land until repealed in 1965.” 
All your second year students were slightly dazed, looking as if their brains had stopped processing the information you had been teaching them. Understanding what they’re going through, you closed their books with the use of your wand, closing yours and using the magic to pack up. “Alright, you kiddos,” you said, “It’s time for you to rethink about the things I’ve taught you today, I wish you luck in your test next week, and advise you to possibly not pick this subject as an elective when you’re older,” you joked. 
“She’s right,” said a new voice, “I completely welcome you to pick Astronomy or Potions. As a successful student from those classes, think of it as a recommendation from another top student like me.”
You looked to your left, seeing that Draco Malfoy was nonchalantly leaning by the bookshelves, crossing his arms with a smirk on his face. 
“Was it just a coincidence that you overheard the conversation and used the opportunity to lure my second years into your favorite subjects? Or were you here the whole time I tutored them and waited for the right timing to give us a grand entrance, because you look like you’ve been here for quite some time,” you asked, imitating your batchmate by crossing your arms out of curiosity. 
Catching Draco off guard, he tried recovering by placing a hand on his chest, appearing so offended by your words, “Heavens, Y/L/N, big with questions aren’t you?” he slightly chuckled, walking towards your table, “On you go kiddos, time to relax from all this young lady has been bombarding you with!” he joked, earning a laugh from the second years who were not aware of you, rolling your eyes at Draco. 
Draco shrugged, playing innocent as he dropped his sling bag as he pulled a seat, sitting down casually. He interlocked both his hands, placing them on the table as he gave you a small wink, “Y/L/N,” he formally greeted, nodding at you, “You come here often?” 
“Of course I do, Malfoy, everyone should know by now that I tutor people here,” you said, standing up from your table, “Shouldn’t you be elsewhere spending your Friday afternoon?” 
Draco may or may have not been lurking around the library, waiting for you to end your tutoring session for the day. He had been waiting ever since classes ended for him and had been wandering around the library in order to be caught stalking you endlessly for the entire hour as you taught your second years. 
 During the last twenty minutes of your session, he positioned himself by the nearest bookshelf on the other side in order not to be seen, as he was pulling out some books, peeping and watching you happily teach second years. 
When people passed by, Draco pretended to open the book he pulled, seeming ‘curious’ with the contents he was reading and if some gave him suspicious looks, he would quietly snap the book in front of them, eyeing them coldly and twitching his nose in a scary manner, causing them to walk away, looking anywhere but at Draco. 
“Is there something wrong with me being here, Y/N?” Draco asked, sounding so innocent, “It’s not like you own the place, dear.” he taunted, tilting his head for approval.
“You’re right, I don’t but it’s just highly unlikely for me to see you here, that’s all.”
“Would it be highly unlikely of me to ask if you could perhaps tutor me?” 
You shook your head slightly in amusement, looking at Draco who seemed so casual with the question he had just asked you. “You?” you pointed at him,  “You need a tutor?” 
“Is there something wrong with that?” he wondered.
“Well, yes,” you replied, “You’re a top student of our year, for Merlin’s sake, I doubt I’m even smarter than you!” you exclaimed, raising your hands in amusement. “You really have to be kidding me if you wanted a tutor.”
“What if I’m not kidding?”
“Okay, then, what do you need help with, Malfoy?”
Draco paused for a slight second, surprised he got far with this, a lightbulb went up quickly, so did his eyes when he looked at you and quickly said, “History of Magic!”
“Uh-huh, just like my second years?”, you asked, as he nodded in response. 
“I don’t remember you taking Binn’s class this year?” 
Draco clenched his hands as his heart started beating quickly, “And who are you to say that? I don’t suppose you’re in his class as well? Correct me if I’m wrong but I remember hearing you advise your second years not to take his class.”
“Right,” you said, with a raised eyebrow. He was correct, and you couldn’t say he wasn’t in Binn’s class, you wouldn’t know since you weren’t in his class. So you sat back down, placing your bag on the table as you removed your old History of Magic book and opened it. “So, what do you need help with?”
“Erm, Giant wars?” he asked, hoping to himself that was something people were learning this year. 
“Oh, okay, well you’re in luck because I happened to be reading that out of curiosity during the break. And well, my friends who were doing advance reading for his class were telling me all about it this week.” you said, looking for the page that had giant wars. 
When you found the page, you pointed at the chapter, “Ah, there we are, let’s start, shall we?”
“We shall,” he replied. 
“And remember, the conflicts between the giants and the wizards that had historical significance took place around the nineteenth century, alright?”
Draco calmly nodded, using his quill to write down the last thing he needed to remember for his class. Finished, he placed his parchment back in his bag and extended his hand, “Lovely,” he said, as you extended your hand, shaking his, “You truly are the best and by the way-
“Y/N!” said a new voice. 
Both you and Draco turned to the side of the open hall of the library to see Neville and Luna waving at you with beaming smiles. As Draco groaned to himself, Neville and Luna walked towards you, seeing that Draco was there as well. 
“Tutoring him?” Neville asked, looking at Draco who wanted to be elsewhere. 
“Surprisingly, yes,” you nodded, “Apparently he needs help with History of Magic and that’s understandable. It would have been more beneficial if you two were here with me, you could have taught him too considering that you three are in the same class.”
Neville looked at Luna with a puzzled look, then to Draco with a highly raised eyebrow. “That would have been beneficial indeed,” Neville said, as Draco gulped with a hint of fear, “If he actually took the class.”
“W-what do you mean?” you confusingly chuckled, looking now at Draco for reassurance, “Are you not taking History of Magic, Malfoy?”
“Nonsense,” he quickly replied, tightening his tie, “You’re confused, I’m probably in another period of Binn’s class, Longbottom.”
“There is no other class,” Luna innocently added, “Since there were only a few left interested in his class, we could only manage to create one class.”
You crossed your arms, giving Draco an open mouth, “Right,” you said, “Excuse us Neville and Luna, I think I can handle the interrogation from here.”
“Alright, see ya Y/N!” Neville said as Luna warmly waved goodbye, walking away from the scene to leave you, looking at Draco who was nervously chuckling to himself as he started packing up his things. 
Before he could stand up, you stopped him with a raise of your hand, commanding him to sit, “Don’t think you can just leave so quickly, Malfoy.”
He turned back to you, giving a small quick smile, “Right, I suppose you’re expecting a couple of galleons for your service.” He began getting coins from his bag, only for you to zip it shut with the wave of your wand. 
“Was there a reason for you to lie and waste, let’s see,” you looked at your pocket watch, “Hm, an hour of my time?”
He shrugged, smiling guiltily, “I don’t suppose it’s a waste of time, especially when you’re with me,” he said, trying to display a smirk in his mouth, which ended up looking as if he was giving his all for it. 
“Nice try, Malfoy, but really, why would you go all out and pretend you took Binn’s class?”
Draco exhaled, giving up the act of lying as he let out a small laugh, feeling ever so humiliated with himself as he looked at you and said, “Maybe I had something planned and things went too far that I wasn’t able to go back to the right track.” he shrugged, waiting for your response. 
Clueless yet interested, you leaned forward and asked, “Care to explain what your plans were?”
Malfoy smiled at himself, nervous yet ready to tell you the truth. 
“My initial plan was to wait till you were finished tutoring those little gits and ask you on a date, after all, I have been wanting to for awhile, figured it was time to make a move. I might have gone off script and used the opportunity of your tutoring sessions to… spend time with me.” 
You were vastly staggered as it was news to hear that Draco Lucius Malfoy was first, waiting for you in the library for Merlin knows how long, second, planning to ask you on a date, and third, has been wanting to ask you on a date! It wasn’t like you were head over heels for with such passion, but it filled your heart, discovering that one of the most outstanding students of your year was highly interested in you. Why you of all people? 
Still staring into the unknown, Draco’s spirits slightly started falling down as he had not received an answer yet from you. He wanted to make sure you had an answer, but at the same time, he didn’t want to make himself feel bad if he pressured you with time into giving him one. 
“You’re going to have to answer me verbally dear, contrary to popular belief, I can’t read minds.” he joked. 
You snapped back from all your lingering thoughts, chuckling to yourself out of embarrassment, as you saw that Draco gave you a faint smile. “Right,” you spoke, “I’m sorry, I was just thinking.”
“Thinking?” he said, probing. 
“Yes, uhm, first of all, my second years are not gits,” you said, pointing at him, then you looked back down, placing a hand on your chest, “Second, I’m flattered, and third-”
“You’re going to reject me?” he suggested, feeling defeat in his voice. 
You shot him a worried look, shaking your head, “Goodness no,” you opposed as you waved your hands in front of him, “I’m extremely flattered because I never thought you’d be interested in me, actually.”
“What do you mean?” Draco asked, walking around the table to come closer to you. 
“I always thought you were too good for me.” you laughed at yourself, looking down at the ground. 
Draco placed his hands on your shoulders, rubbing you sympathetically as he gave a small, exalted smile, “You have no right to say that, Y/L/N for I should be the one saying that.” he removed his hands from you, straightening his robe and announced, “This time, I offer you my time as I’d like you to spend tomorrow with me at Hogsmeade. We will have the most excellent first date, should you choose to accept.” he confidently said. 
You slung your back onto your shoulder, smiling at the invitation you were given. “Alright, Malfoy, you got yourself a date tomorrow. Should I feel free to dress to impress?” 
He shrugged, appearing as if it didn’t matter, “To me, you’d look ravishing with or without the need to do that. But if you wish,” he said, smirking. 
You rolled your eyes, “See you, Malfoy,” waving him goodbye as you left the scene. 
You were waiting outside by the gates of the castle, sitting down on the stairs, patiently and calmly waiting for Draco, who happened to be your surprising date as you were still processing the fact you were about to go on a date with him. 
You hadn’t really thought about the possibility of dating Draco. You were just a simple girl in Hogwarts, being always on the sidelines of everyone’s story. To you, you were always someone not worthy of a demanding person such as Draco. 
Why would someone important like him want to go out with you? That was something you would have to find out sooner or later in your life, and maybe this date would be the perfect opportunity to ask Draco about this, hopefully he would answer truthfully. 
All of a sudden, the doors behind you opened slowly, causing you to turn around and stand up as you saw your date, eyeing you with a smile. “Y/N, for a minute there, I thought you were going to bail. Looks like I was wrong,” he said, still smiling. 
You let out a small laugh, “Now why would I do that?”
“I was waiting for you by your dorm room, like the gentleman I am, until when the doors opened, I was greeted by your roommate, who seemed very flustered by my gesture.”
“What gesture?” 
Draco confidently pulled up a bouquet of flowers from his back, presenting it to you with such pride in his face, “Then I asked where you were, and she said you weren’t there, leaving me to think, ‘Did she either bail, or was she already outside?’ so here I am.”
Still presenting the bouquet, you received it, smelling the freshness of the flowers with a smile on your face, “Gosh, you’re one kind of gentleman. Thank you for the flowers.” 
“A pretty girl should always have a pretty bouquet.”
You grinned, hoping your blush wasn’t evident. Draco placed his arm up, “Now, shall we?”
“We shall,” you agreed, taking his arm as you started walking away from Hogwarts. 
To your surprise, Draco brought you to Madam Pudifoot’s Tea Shop. It was the place people brought their dates to, for a more intimate time with them. This was your first time inside the place, and you now understood why it was a place for intimate dates. 
The teashop was a very quiet and tranquil place that had walls and floors of pink shades, screaming ‘Love,’ in the air as the different scents of teas gave a relaxing aura around the shop. Aside from a serene and silent touch to the shop, there were barely people inside, making things more private and affectionate for dates. 
Draco again to your surprise, held your hand as he made his way to an exact table, which Madam Pudifoot reserved for the two of you. It seemed as if Draco already made reservations beforehand, and it was weird because you haven’t really recalled establishments in Hogsmeade accepting reservations.  
When the two of you sat down, Draco surprisingly gave a warm smile to Madam Pudifoot, who handed the two of you her menus. “Take all the time you need, lovebirds.” she chuckled, then turned around, leaving Draco with a flustered you. 
“Um, Draco?” you brought down your menu to give your attention to Draco, who had his menu up, as he was still scanning for the right tea. 
“Ready to order already, Y/N?” he asked in a nervous yet playful tone which made him chuckle after, “I thought this was your first time here!” 
“No, actually I haven’t even looked at the menu,” you admitted embarrassingly, “I was just curious.”
“About?” His face was still covered by the menu, but fortunately, he seemed interested in what you had to bring up. 
“Why do I have the feeling that you secretly went all out with this date and got the chance to persuade Madam Pudifoot a table for us?” you blurted everything out awkwardly, which made you feel like jumping off a cliff. 
Draco pulled the menu down from his face, flashing a smirk, chuckling, “Because it’s true?”
You laughed in relief for not feeling like the craziest person in the entire town of Hogsmeade, “Oh, brilliant,” you replied. Then you shook your head, but still smiling cheekily, “But why?”
Draco tilted his head with a raised eyebrow, “Why what?”
“Why would you go all out for me?”
Draco narrowed his eyes and mouth, trying to contain his laughter, “Darling, have you not heard of Draco Lucius Malfoy? I’d go all out for you.”
You scoffed, playing with the fabric of the table’s smooth cloth. “I think we barely know each other though. This is clearly our first time actually interacting with each other properly.” 
After clasping his hands, he pulled his hands away, tilting his palms to face each other, “Alright, why don’t we get to know each other then?” he suggested. You nodded, which made him speak again, “Okay, let me start.”
“What do you want to know, Draco?”
“What do you want to do after Hogwarts?” he prompted. 
Your eyes drifted away from the boy in front of you as you pondered on the many occupational choices when Hogwarts ended. 
“Either a Hit-Witch or an Auror,” you shrugged, “I haven’t given much thought about it but the last time I did, I was looking into those two.”
“Intriguing,” he acknowledged, sounding highly surprised and in awe, “I never imagined you as either of those, but I know you’d be one of the best that I can feel safe at night.”
“Oh, please,” you waved off the flattery in embarrassment, “Neither did I see myself as one of those jobs. But, their job descriptions really do call me. What about you, Draco?”
Draco shrugged as well, “Possibly an Auror as well. Father thinks I can make my way to the top easily and become the Minister of Magic later on.” 
“Right, and then I can TOTALLY feel safe at night with you as Minister.” you teased, earning a grin from his face. 
“Oh, shut it, Y/N, you better take that back or else when I become Minister, I’d gladly remove you from your job.” 
“Has your mother ever taught you how to threaten a lady?” 
“Now, now, Y/N, we mustn’t go there,” he playfully warned you. 
“You’re right, we actually should order something before Madam Pudifoot thinks we’re using her place just to have a thrilling conversation.” 
Draco scoffed, smiling cheekily at himself as he enjoyed being with you. After taking a quick look from the menu, he raised his hand, signaling Madam Pudifoot to come by your table. Once she saw Draco’s hand, she quickly hurried by. 
“I was suspecting to think you two lovelies were having a good time and forgot about the tea,” she teased the two of you. 
Draco smirked, looking at her confidently, “What can I say?” he shrugged, “Once you enjoy the company of someone as enthralling as her, you just forget that time passes by. I could spend the whole day talking to her, and I wouldn’t take notice of time going by. What do you think, Y/N?” he now looked at you, grinning. 
Madam Pudifoot, interested by the action going on between you two, looked rapidly to you now, wanting to know what you’d say. 
“I think we should order,” you pointed out the obvious sarcastically, to hold yourself from melting over Draco’s words. 
“Hiding how you feel now, are we?” he checked on you, still grinning with pleasure. 
You playfully rolled your eyes, finally in defeat, “Okay, so I agree with what you say,” you replied and shrugged, “And I possibly have a mindfulness of you as a wholebeing. Now, can we order?” 
Draco opened his mouth in agreement, his mouth was open, but it was with a big smile, “Ah,” he said, pointing at you, “Careful darling, you’re starting to sound as if you care. It would be... unwise, of you to lead on, something such as I.” 
“Alright,” you sarcastically shrugged. You now looked up to Madam Pudifoot, who seemed to be gushing over what she was witnessing. You ended her gushing by deciding to order, “Okay, Madam, I’ll have a warm chamomile tea. And you, Draco?” you asked, now looking back at Draco. 
“I think I’ll have the same,” he nodded at her. 
“Excellent!” Madam Pudifoot said, closing her notepad, which had her magical quill inside it, “Right away, you two!” then she turned around, briskly walking away. 
This left you and Draco once again, together alone. He leaned onto the table, placing his folded hands on the edge of the table as he let his body lean over to you slightly. “So,” he whispered, “So you do like me?”
“I think I said I possibly have a mindfulness of you.” you smirked.
“It’s another way of saying that you care for me, and thus, that leads to liking me.” he reasoned out. 
“Pansy and Daphne care for you, but do they like you?” you pointed that fact out. He shook his head, rolling his eyes, “That’s different. They’re not here with me on a date, are they?”
“True,” you said, eyeing and receiving the tea that Madam Pudifoot had given the two of you just now. “I guess I’m the lucky girl who's about to take sudden interest in me,” you half-jokingly said. 
Draco beamed, silently sipping from his warm cup of tea. After a good sip, he shook his head, patting a cloth of napkin on his lips softly, as his eyes were back onto you. “I’m afraid you’re far too late my dear, you already have me thoroughly captivated.” 
Your eyes smiled affectedly, highlighting the sudden blush you had on your face. It felt as if you skipped a heartbeat, surprised with his words as you gulped the sip you were about to swallow. After swallowing carefully, you slowly placed the cup back on the table, leaving the warmth from your fingers. 
Chuckling lightly at yourself, you said, “That fast?” 
“Don’t think you had me captivated just today, dear Y/N,” he pointed out, “I may or may not have had eyes for you for quite some time.” 
“You couldn’t have possibly, Draco,” you narrowed your eyebrows, light-heartedly denying his statement. 
“Oh, but I have!” he admitted confidently. He fixed his sitting position, causing him to enthusiastically lean towards you, “You my darling, are one unique girl.”
“Is that so?” 
“I’ve never met another girl who could be so patient and loving to tutor anyone. I would be vastly impatient and non-committal to such things. I couldn’t possibly handle dealing with those… children. And of course the low-brains of our year.” 
You were extremely flattered by what Draco had said, causing you to simply flash a warm smile at him, bringing back the tea in your hands as you started sipping your chamomile tea once again. 
The date you had at Madam Puddifoot had unfortunately come to an end. Once the teacups were empty and your stomachs were full, Draco had paid for the expenses of the teas like the gentleman he was and pulled you up from your seat, waving goodbye to a happy Madam Pudifoot. 
Now, you and Draco were walking together around Hogsmeade. While you were looking around the shops passing by you, Draco’s eyes were taking a few glances at his hand and yours, wishing he had the courage to hold your hand. 
Somewhere under his nervous thoughts, his confident aura had started picking up again, reminding him of the smooth person he had in himself. There was a small smirk in his face as he perfectly knew what to do. 
“Y/N?” he asked, sounding curious. 
“Yes, Draco?” you asked, looking at him now. 
“It came to my attention that it seems your hand looks heavy.”
“Yes, in fact, would you like me to hold it for you?” he nonchalantly asked, giving himself an innocent tone to such a smooth question. This leads you to widen your eyes with such flattery in your face. Aside from blushing madly, you chuckled in embarrassment, feeling so unprepared with words to reply to him. 
“Oh,” was all you could say at first, “I’d love that, they do awfully look heavy don’t they?” 
“Indeed, I’m surprised myself. Lucky for you I’m here to address the issue.”
“What if you weren’t, though?”
“From now on, expect me to always be around. I doubt there would be another soul at school who could point out that issue. They’re too blind to see the little things such as that.”
You smiled at yourself, taking in the compliment that Draco had bestowed upon you, waving your hand with his, back and forth merrily. 
“Yes, Y/N?” he asked, imitating your voice from earlier, causing you to roll your eyes playfully. 
“Did you really mean it back at the tea shop?”
“Mean what?” He asked, stopping you and him from walking any further. 
“How you were captivated by me? Have you really been fancying me for some time?” 
“I know it sounds bizarre, you know, for me to come out suddenly to tell you how I feel but I do, I do have fancied you for some time. I-I like you.”
“That’s good then,” you truthfully told him, “Because I like you too.” you courageously admitted to him. 
Draco flashed the biggest smile he had ever shown in his facial expression. This smile may have had a smirk in his mouth, but it was also filled with genuine happiness, something he rarely felt and gave out.
Without hesitating, he grabbed you by the face, cupping your soft, smooth face with his hands as he shot a kiss on your lips. It was a short but whole-hearted kiss, which he had been dreaming about ever since he took interest in you. You were a little surprised that it was a short one, this was because he felt that he might have been overstepping his ‘first date boundaries’, so he was making his way on ending the kiss by slowly pulling himself from you. 
It was like you instantly read his mind, knowing that he was scared of overstepping his boundaries, but you answered his issue by pulling him back in, finishing the kiss with a much longer time given. Once you were done, the two of you synchronously pulled away from each other, looking at each other with such care in your eyes. 
Your eyes widened with realization, “Merlin’s beard!” you exclaimed, causing Draco to feel terror in his body. 
“W-what? Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?”
“No! I did!”
Draco frowned, assuming you felt the kiss was a mistake. “Oh, I see,” he said, only for you to wave your hands in front of him.
“Heavens no! I mean, I should have kissed you first!”
Draco raised an eyebrow, deeply confused, “You? Why? That’s not the right way to go, it should be the gentleman first.”
“Well, that doesn’t matter if I could have got you back with a pick up line!” 
Draco laughed, exhaling a wave of relief to hear your explanation, “Bloody hell, Y/N, all for a pick up line?”
“Yes! I thought of a good one which came well with the situation right now!”
“Alright,” Draco chuckled, “Let’s have a go with it, then.”
You composed yourself, breathing in to say, “Draco, do these smiles come with kisses?”
Draco nodding in agreement that your pick up line was a good one said, “Of course they do. Would you like them now?”
“Without a doubt,” you replied, knowing that Draco was about to lean in and kiss you. 
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olivarryprompts · 3 years
Fanfic Friday #11
Welcome to Fanfic Friday! Each Friday I post a new here and on A03. Enjoy x
Read and save it on A03 here https://archiveofourown.org/works/33567529
{fancy suits from dad}
Ships: Peter Stark & Tony Stark, Pepper Pots/Tony Stark
Warnings: swearing, just fluff otherwise :)
Wc: 2,319
Here’s the thing, Peter Parker grew up in Stark Tower, which eventually became Avengers Tower of course. So whilst his whole class was buzzing about their field trip, all he could think was, “shit, shit shit.” His dad was going to embarrass the hell out of him. His Aunts and Uncles were going to endlessly tease him.
So, no Peter was not looking forward to the field trip. Not in the slightest. He still wanted to go, though. He knew that the rumors of his internship being fake were started by Flash, the annoying teen. He also knew that Flash had not once said his real name, preferring the name Penis Parker. It didn’t bother him as much as it used to. Also since highschool began, Flash had calmed down with his bullying. Well, maybe Flash hadn’t calmed down and high school was just bigger and he had thicker skin. And a new support system with plenty of people to go to.
Peter had been adopted by the Starks when he was a mere ten years old. At first, he was terrible at receiving any gifts or even too much attention. Slowly but surely, he got more and more used to it. Now, he wouldn’t not know what to do if any of that was taken away. Plus, he really did find a liking for expensive suits, however shallow. He looked good in them, and his father always insisted on buying him more and more. Tony would always find an excuse to spoil the kid a little more, however much Pepper tried to stop him.
“Peter, please see me after class regarding an urgent matter.”
Brough out of his thoughts, Peter swiftly nodded his head.
He looked at the board to see the words from before still written on them, “Field Trip to Stark Industries!” It might as well have said, “Dig Peter Stark’s Grave!”
“So, let’s get started with today’s lesson, graphing imaginary numbers on the complex plane!” He’d done this one a while back with his father. Something about not only learning applicable science and engineering. Peter tapped his glass, and the episode of Arrow he’d been watching on the car ride over began playing. He’d be ever grateful for his father’s gift of EDITH to him. Pepper had tried to ban him from wearing them to school, but hastily gave up when Peter pulled the spiderman danger card.
“Alright, class dismissed. Please remember to do this homework pages 11-18 on this unit’s homework handout.”
Peter, forgetting his teacher's previous request, was very glad to be on his way home. He was one foot out of the door when the teacher called his name. Now, his day had gone pretty well up to that point. Bucky made pancakes for breakfast, which were delicious. There was wayyy less traffic on the way to school. He’d aced an essay and a couple of quizzes, and then he even participated in PE effectively. But alas, all good things had to come to an end.
“Mr. Parker? The discussion.”
“Right,” Peter thought, joining the teacher at his desk.
“Peter, you are truly a great kid. I know you’ve been through a lot recently and in your life, but it is no excuse to make up an internship. We both know that it is not real. Now, acknowledging that you have a bright future, the administration and I have come forward with an offer. If you agree to write an apology, expressing that you understand what you did was wrong and immoral, you will both be allowed to come on the trip and no punishment will be given to you. If you choose to not take this opportunity, you will be banned from the trip and will be chastised.
Peter just stood there, not really comprehending. Apparently Flash’s little rumors were a lot bigger than he anticipated.
“I-i-I’m not lying,” was all he could manage. He had filed all the right paperwork and proved his internship.
“I’m sorry to hear that you will not come forward with the truth. You have up until the day before the trip to hand in the letter if you change your mind. Goodbye Peter.”
Peter just let his legs take him out of the classroom, then out of the school, and then to the road, a couple blocks away, where his dad picks him up from.
“Hello mini-me.”
“Hey,” Peter said, jumping into the passenger seat.
“‘Hi Dad, thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to pick me up each and every day. Sick new car by the way! I’d love to drive it sometime!”
Peter just rolled his eyes with a smile, “Car looks great dad. McLarren’s are superior yet.”
“Ungrateful, so so ungrateful. What’s got you in a mood then?”
“Nothin,” Peter said, pulling out his phone.
“Oh come on, tell me. Tell me or I’ll call Ted.”
“Ned, Dad. We’ve been friends for like three years.”
“Not the point.”
“Just something at school.”
“Wow how very descriptive. You know I’m trying to do the whole feelings thing here, and you should appreciate that coming from my emotionally stunted self.”
“You’re so dramatic. Basically we’re having a field trip to your tower, and I’m not allowed to go because the teacher doesn’t think I really have an “internship.” Which, to be fair I don’t but that’s on you and not me.”
“Nah na na. I offered you an internship, and you said I’d be bored.”
“It would be. Doing a project for your company under strict supervision of some person would be sucky. I mean I can do anything I want from the lab you built me.”
“I know, but remember technically you are my intern. Remember we did that whole personal intern bullshit for the school.”
“Oh right. Is that why you keep harassing me about submitting all my completed projects.”
“No, that’s all your mother. Something about not wanting a lawsuit over a fake internship.”
“Make sense. She tends to be a lot smarter than you.”
“Ah, I feel so attacked. The abuse I suffer.”
“You’re terrible.”
“I am internally crying, kid. Sobbing.”
“Shut up,” we laughed.
“Who’s home?”
“You saw Buck and Sam this morning. Nat and Steve came back from their mission this afternoon. Thor and Loki are back for dinner tonight.. Strange might be coming round, not sure though. Cliff and the family aren’t back for at least a couple weeks. Oh and Bruce is wholed up in his lab as usual.”
“Shit. Everyone staying till the end of the week.”
“Yeah, oh the field trip. You’re screwed. You should have not told me.”
“I love your life Petey.”
Peter walked into the kitchen and saw Steve reading a newspaper.
“Uncle Steve! Your back!” he smiled, dropping his bag off near the sofa. Steve got up to give the smaller boy a hug.
“Yep. Mission completed.”
“Nice. Can you tell me about it?”
“Yeah, it was nothing too interesting. We just needed some more intel into a terrorist organization stationed in the US. Most of the mission was recon. The next steps are being taken in a couple weeks.”
“Good to know there’s an active terrorist organization out there,” Peter said lightly.
Steve just smiled, not quite understanding the modern humor.
“Where is everyone else?” he said, realizing the living room was not in it’s normal chaotic state that he’d come to love. The chaos was his favorite reminder that he had so many people. He liked having lots of people, even after all this time.
“Nat and Buck are training, they invited you to join if you want. Bruce is in his lab, and dont worry he slept and ate last night. Not sure about the rest.”
“Right, thanks. I think I’m going to go train.”
Before he knew it, it was Friday morning, and his school was coming to his home. He was going to try very hard to ignore them. To do so, he asked his mum to let him sit in on some meetings. He had an easy in to the R&D and mechanical side of the company via the other interns. He was actually planning on hanging out with some of the “other” interns later that day. They were always happy to let Pete in on their projects and let him give them a hand. But he was always interested in getting more detail about the business side of the company, and he liked to get a window into it. Pepper was always happy to show her son the ropes. I mean he was heir to the company after all, even if he didn’t know yet.
He asked his mum to only schedule meetings after 12 as he requested a sleep in. Pepper was always happy when Peter slept as he was a little too much like his father. So, he woke bright and early at 11:00 o’clock.
After a scroll through his phone and a quick shower, he was ready to pull on his far too expensive Brunellio’s custom suit. It was one of his favorites. His father had got it custom made when he was in Italy, and told him he simply could not resist getting one for the kid. Pepper just smiled.
He had a large breakfast (enhanced metabolism) and headed towards the 34th floor where his first meeting was located. He’d been shadowing his mum for almost a year now whenever it was convenient, so he had the rointine down. He was almost sure he could take over a few of her meetings.
“Hi honey,” Pepper said, giving the boy a quick kiss on the cheek on the way to her own chair beside him. Peter blushed before resuming his professional posture and facial expression.
“Good morning everyone, as you can see Peter will be joining us today. I want to talk about some of the services we provide for our employees and their feedback. I’m aware we have a large portion to talk about so Kendra please take it away on that front.”
The first meeting went smoothly as planned. It was a discussion on the progress of the internal services, aka the IT department. Peter hadn’t learned much about their IT department, so it was good to listen in to. Pre these meetings, he, of course, does research into the background stuff, so he’s not completely lost. Pepper’s assistant usually provides him with a packet of info about the Stark Industries side of things. He is also given a list of key words and concepts he might want to make sure he understands. The research is fun for him, it makes him feel all professional.
Usually he spoke during the meetings, asking a couple questions and suggesting some ideas, but for this one he just learned and took in. The next meeting, however, was very much so his field. He’d spoken a lot with advertising, becoming very interested in the data analysis behind it. He even took a stats class so he could keep up. In that one he asked questions Pepper was on the verge of asking twice. He also contributed to the analysis of data once. Pepper usually liked him to participate as it was good for him, but he always felt bad suggesting stuff to the senior adults. He usually spoke to his mum or dad about projects for the company, preferring that.
They hung back in the room of the second meeting.
“Good job in this one Pete. Took two questions right off my tongue.”
“Thanks ma,” he said, always appreciating some approval.
“That’s all I’ve got for you today, kid. Rest of the stuff is, ya know.”
“Course. Thanks for these two. It was good to learn about internal affairs a bit more. Have a gap of knowledge there.”
“Yeah. Was that the first time meeting our CIT?”
“I believe so.”
“Well, next time we have a broader IA meeting, I’ll pull you outta school,” Pepper suggested.
“Really? That’d be epic.”
“Course, hun. Jarvis, sort that out please.”
“Of course Mrs. Potts.”
“Thanks J,” Peter yelled.
“Anytime mini-boss. No need to disturb the entire floor.”
“Are AI supposed to be so snarky?”
“Dad programmed it, what else would it be?”
“Valid point.”
“Right, got to run. See you later.”
“Bye, love you mum!”
“Love you too, Pete.”
“Jarvis, could you send me the tour plan for the visiting tour today?”
“Absolutely, sir. They’re on your phone now.”
“Thanks J.”
Looking at the plans Peter smiled. He had successfully avoided them the entire day. It said they were supposed to head back to school at 2:30, and it was about to be three. Smile on his face, he trotted down to the lobby to grab a coffee before going to meet Loki at the arcade. Don’t judge them, it was their thing. Taking the private lift down, and then walking straight to the coffee stand and ordering.
“Mr. Parker!” he heard the angry voice of his teacher, “How dare you show up here aft-”
Shit. shit. Shit.
“Edith, call dad, and tell him it’s urgent in the lobby.”
“Of course Peter.”
“Peter, are you listening to me! You are going to face extreme consequences for this.”
“Your coffee,” the man said, not realizing it was Peter, level ten personal of the tower, that was being yelled at.
“How dare you get coffee! In this building! Security!”
Tony arrived spotting his son instantly.
“Kid this best be impor- I see.”
“Hey Mr. Stark,” Peter said weakly.
“Mr. Harrington is it? Please stop harassing my intern.”
“H-he, he is y-your intern?”
“Yes. My favorite. Please exit the building and never question him again. You will be hearing from me.”
Let’s just say, Monday was an interesting day. At least Flash backed off, he was definitely an intern at SI, and no one embarrassed him on the trip.
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Mold Me New (1) – Taehyung
A Small Town Swoons story
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Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Wordcount: 3.2k
Genre: ceramic artist!Taehyung, divorced!reader, Strangers to Lovers, Fluff, Angst, Slice of Life
Rating: 18+ (for future smut and explicit thoughts)
Hello to my readers!!!  Welcome to the Small Town Swoons Universe! 🥰✨
In this episode: Introducing the reader’s backstory, exploring her life as a wife and then as a single woman who is slowly getting to know herself as an individual person.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: There are mild curse words, a bit of a sad vibe regarding falling out of love and getting a divorce, description of several bad dates and good ones that end badly, mention of getting drunk, mention of sex toys, mention of one night stand.
In case you like my writing, here is my directory for idol!AUs, scenarios and imagines, and in case you need it, here’s the Spotify music companion.
I forgot to mention, bc I’m dumb and bc we’re becoming one body with two souls, but this chapter (as most of the decent, edited things I post) was beta read by the magical @joheunsaram​ (she’s recently lost her previous blog and she’s rebuilding it, please go say something nice and YOU SHOULD FOLLOW HER SHE’S A QUEEN ,,,,, my queen 🥺✨)
Enjoy 💜✨
Navi: Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7 
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When you fall in love with someone, the feeling is like entering a chocolaterie. The scent engulfs you, full and rich and sultry, igniting your senses, the heat making your skin glisten in a light sheen of perspiration, making you exceedingly vulnerable to pointless stuff, like the way your lover exhales. Or their hands skimming your arms.
At least, that was what your best friend had told you.
You had none of that. To you love was a daisy being twirled under your nose, sharing cotton candy, the smell of crisp apples, flannel sheets, the sound of dead leaves crackling under matching footsteps, a sturdy but shiny steel band around your finger suddenly substituted by a golden one.
That had been the beginning of the end. When practicality and simplicity had turned into conventionality and disinterest.
When gifts stopped being things you loved and became things he thought you loved. And then things everyone loved.
When love became a chore, that's when everything crumbled. When kisses became just a good morning and a welcome back, when there were no more laughs echoing in the kitchen, when leaves kept falling but it was your footsteps alone making them crackle, when flannel sheets kept feeling warm but still something was missing — because someone was missing — when suddenly there was no more time for fairs and cotton candy, when daisies became roses, Love stopped making sense. It stopped having a meaning for you.
You were no longer sure of the life you had built with the man of your dreams, the boy you had fallen in love with when you were eight, the guy who had walked with you across the corridors of your high school, who had made you twirl under the lame disco ball of your prom, who had gone through college finals with you, who had spent three summers making your hangout spot into a home, turning the small old shack into a proper place for you to build a new life together. He was your first kiss, your first valentine, your first time. He was the man at the end of the aisle, the man who would walk with you until the last of your days.
But one day he started running and you still walked.
Or maybe you were both running in different directions, no longer on the path to the same destination, your priorities somehow switched.
Of course, it wasn't his fault.
It wasn't yours either.
You had both participated in this small unraveling, and you had both expressed the intention of changing, of finding compromise, an in-between, without either of you actually making the effort of fixing your trajectory, small habits and old pet peeves pulling you even farther apart.
The attempts — multiple ones — were painstakingly embarrassing. There were tears on both sides as you wondered what had caused this sudden rift that separated you — except it wasn't sudden, only your realisation was; the crevasse had been there for way longer. Maybe it had started as a small chipping the very day you met him, and it wasn't until now that you realised how the small sign had turned into an ominous presence, and then into unfathomable, inevitable doom.
And then the divorce.
It had been disgustingly easy, both parties agreeing on the procedures.
You didn't want the house. And you didn't need it. He didn't either.
Selling it had been exceedingly painless, you had shared the money, since he wanted to offer you stability. He already knew you would both suffer and he didn't want you worrying about rent. He was still your friend, after all.
Going back to being alone scared you at the beginning, until you realised that few things were truly bothering you. At least there wasn't this ghost of a human making you doubt all of your plans. You could plan dinner five days ahead or improvise. You could go to the restaurant as a last minute deal. You could go on long walks without the 'I'm sorry baby, emergency' making you rush back to town.
It felt like a bit of a liberation.
And your family's bookshop was doing well enough, since it was situated near the college and it also offered printing service.
Of course there were bad days. Sometimes you woke up searching for a body beside yours, however that feeling had significantly subdued after you had gotten used to the new bed. You missed human contact, being close, intimate with someone, having someone who knows you that deeply.
And then the true nightmare.
Finding someone new.
You were genuinely uninterested in dating. You had given it a go and it had sufficed.
It wasn't your world.
How could it possibly be?
You had never dated. You had basically offered your heart to the person that has always owned it. It's not like you had any experience in that labyrinth that is dating. All those unspoken social norms and the pining and tension. You only knew the comfort of a warm hug, the beauty of a kiss sparking from innocence and affection and slowly turning into steady, warm passion. You didn't like infernos, you liked candles. You liked the domestic hearth. You liked moderation.
And dating was all about extremes, from strangers to 'I'm inspecting your throat' on date one. And then suddenly it's date three and the same guy who brought you to a pizza place and a diner is suddenly going out of his way to bring you to a pretentious, expensive restaurant as a way to propitiate the possibility of you dropping your panties.
You had allowed this foolery only three times. Apparently all the suitable suitors were either really prone to pushing the pedal or had a passion for tongue gastroscopies.
The first one, Albert, had been quite the gentleman on date one. On date two he started making inappropriate jokes with a heavy body shaming undertone — a bit cliché for the stereotypical gym rat. And on date three he had dropped all pretenses at politeness and had outright palmed your ass in public, which made you rightfully uncomfortable. As you pointed that out, he proceeded saying that after all it was your third date and it was time to loosen up a little.
You didn’t even bother staying for dinner, left a bill on the table and left.
No matter the first disappointment, you decided not to let that disrespectful fool slow you down. And since your best friend knew everything about rat headed number one, you allowed her to set you up with one of her colleagues after she reassured you he was nothing like the one before.
Except somehow he was. The first date was at the local pub, and you somehow found yourself getting along well, his jokes were funny and he had good timing, he was relaxed, confident but still a bit clumsy and shy. He could be a good candidate.
But that was before he pushed his tongue to your tonsils as he kissed goodbye.
You gagged.
On date two he admitted you weren’t exactly his type. You were glad to reciprocate the statement after he told you his dream was having four children and a farm, alluding to the fact that his bride needed to be the perfect housewife.
You were pretty adamant that was not the kind of future you wanted for yourself.
Candidate number three was a guy you had met while grocery shopping, and somehow he had impressed you in an absolutely positive way on date one and two. Everything had been perfect, he was kind, considerate and well-mannered. Date three had been innocent, simple, down-to-earth. And then date four. Perfect dinner at his place. He had made you swoon and he had a very pretty cat he was very affectionate with.
He was the first man you had felt desire for in a very long time — almost eight months after your divorce.
The sex had been decent for being a first time.
And then he had entirely disappeared and never texted or called you back, which didn’t sit entirely wrong with you. You wished him all the best but you were actually glad. You liked being you and doing your own thing: having someone too much down your neck, getting in a relationship, having to check in with another person again felt more like a burden than a win.
Maybe it was just a coping mechanism to avoid facing the fact that he had been someone you could have liked, someone you could have built something with.
You were a happy woman, and it’s not like you really felt lacking or incomplete, like some of your single friends felt. And you had no intention of starting a family anytime soon, no matter if your old high school classmates had begun popping out kids left and right. You were more than happy to live the teen and early-twenty years you had spent in a relationship.
You were getting to know yourself in a way most of your friends didn’t have time to — you could already see them going through a midlife crisis after their kids became old enough to navigate life by themselves, which meant no more need for overprotective, and sometimes borderline suffocating, mothers, who suddenly found themselves with too much free time and too little tasks to complete.
Knowing your needs made you a stronger, better woman, and solitude had gifted you a level of introspection and balance that you doubted they could ever reach; maybe that was an arrogant consideration, but you knew there was no way knowing and loving yourself would ever bring you to crying over disrespectful, ungrateful youth whose only fault was that of growing up out of their mothers’ plans.
Unfortunately, there was no way your family — especially your grandmother — could ever tolerate the idea of you not needing a man and a family to be happy.
“Oh, come on, isn’t it time for you to bring a nice fellow back home?”
You shook your head as you and your grandma took a walk along the river, the sunny March afternoon feeling way too nice to stay at home. “Granny. There’s no people like Grandad anymore.”
“Oh, darling. You’re starting with the wrong role model. Not even back in my days we had men like him. He was the exception.” She nodded to herself with a sweet smile, remembering the husband she had lost a few years back.
“It’s so frustrating. And after all that happened… You know how it was. We were together for years. He was the only one I had. I don’t even know how to do these things. And books cannot teach you stuff like that. The more you read, the more you realise that most of these men had never even seen a rom com.”
“Oh, come on, but you have the internet these days! Can’t you find him in there? You have all these phones and computers and everyone has them, there must be a good one in the internet.”
She always said that “in the internet”. Like it was a physical place.
“I don’t even want to look in there, Granny. There are so many dangers in there.” You shuddered as you thought at the funny instagram pages where the people posted screenshots of the worst descriptions. All the embarrassing playboys and the fishermen and the lame wanna-be poets.
“Right… How can you know he is really is a person?” She considered, patting your back proudly. “You’re pretty. And you’ve always had the most perfect bum of all your cousins. Just like mine!” She grinned cockily, giving a playful smack to your ass, making you laugh loudly.
“It won’t last long.” You said, looking down. Solitude scared you sometimes. Being old and alone could be hard on the spirit and you had a feeling that old hag you would curse your dumb arrogance and inconsideration. However, for now you were still somehow making it through. Your divorce was finalised almost ten months ago. You could still consider yourself just fresh out of it.
“You’re smart. And I’m sure you have a lot to offer. You’re a good woman, and you’re far from being too old. There’s never a thing such as too old. Don’t let yourself be fooled. Look at me.” She said. “I’m still living a good life. Herbert has left me but I’m still here. Walking. Cooking. Drizzle keeps me good company.” She smiled sweetly at the mention of her dog, a lovely large poodle elegantly strolling at her side, its light grey fur finely trimmed by your grandmother’s expert hands. She had been a hairdresser for decades: learning how to keep Drizzle’s coat had been a cup of tea for her and he’d kept her distracted from grief after your grandpa passed away.
Her face formed a meditative pout. “Maybe you should just get a dog. Or even better, a cat. You’ve always looked like a cat child to me. So quiet and focused, like you knew some secret that nature would speak to you alone. You were always so attentive as a child!”
You smiled and looked at the path under your feet. Drizzle stayed unbothered as a loud, angry dachshund walked towards him, barking annoyingly. You had never felt sympathy for that small evil breed.
“I think I could get a kitten one of these days. Or a cat, from the shelter.”
“I’m sure you’ll find it in the internet!”
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“So we’re really doing the party thing?”
“Listen, baby. It’s gonna be your first party as a free woman. Real mind blowing birthday sex.”
“I’m not a virgin, you know?” You stared at your face in the mirror, spreading some moisturiser over your forehead, inspecting the small lines there. You shrugged and let them be.
Maybe you would spend your best years single and find a sugar baby in ten or twenty years. Wait, weren’t those called toy boys?
Who cares.
Maybe it was time to get the post-grad you had always dreamed of. You would need to check your bank account before making that decision — maybe finally telling yourself yes could be the real birthday gift. That is, beside the huge dildo waiting in your drawer. Not being attracted to men or women didn’t mean you didn’t like sex.
You just found it difficult to imagine being with someone.
“Darling I’d bet an arm and a leg he never gave it to your right. You just need a bit more experience.”
All you needed was a hot bath, some candles and a good book. No man, no one night stand, no birthday sex could possibly make you as happy as decent jazz, wine and a novel.
“Why aren’t we doing that wine tasting at the winery out of town?”
“Because I want you choking on cheap alcohol, having all the fun you didn’t have on your twenty-first birthday because you were planning your own wedding. And I bet you’re the only one who wasn’t fucked in the bathroom of the Wickhead.”
Terry could be incredibly crude, but you loved her nonetheless. You loved her even more for it. She had never hidden anything from you, she had told you even the most embarrassing details of her own life. And she had always been the kindest, most faithful friend: she had driven you way out of town when you were eighteen and your period was late and you needed to buy a pregnancy test without all everyone and their dog knowing; she had chosen your wedding dress for you, spotting it and telling you it was going to be the one before you could even see it. When your marriage had started crumbling, she had spent countless nights with you, keeping you company when your husband was busy with his business trips. Though Terry had insinuated cheating, you knew he would never break your trust like that, and she had decided to trust your better judgement.
You had simply fallen out of love with each other.
And when you had moved into your new apartment, Terry had helped you repaint the walls and build the extra bookcases and install the shelves and fill your wine stand. Before leaving she had grabbed an unfamiliar box from her car, placing it on top of your bed, opening it and spreading out a set of “single necessaire”, as she called it. A couple toys, lube, condoms. To celebrate your re-found sexual promiscuity, she had said, though you objected, it was hard rediscovering something you had never had.
She had shaken her head and left you to “familiarise” yourself with everything.
“You know I’m not exactly a party person, Terry. This will end badly.” You said, sitting on your bed with your back against the headboard, your legs stretched out before you.
“You can allow yourself some fun once in a decade, you know?” You could hear her scoff on the phone.
“But I do have fun. Book. Wine. Bingo!” You explained, rolling your eyes as the booed.
“Come on, do it for me. Do it for your single friend who wants to get drunk and possibly sixty-nine? Please?” The other thing wrong with Terry is that if you ever met her in person, you would face the sweetest five foot three and a half — she insisted on the half — human being you could ever meet, with pretty wavy blonde hair and wide, sweet green eyes, the most boopable button nose and a sprinkle of freckles on her golden skin. She literally glowed in sunlight and her flowy gowns always made her look like a goddess: you could see men fighting for her, dying for her and going to war for just one of her gentle smiles.
“Don’t you have a FWB for that sixty-nine thingie?” You asked with an exceedingly inquisitive tone. It had been a while since she last updated you.
“Dumped him.” She replied curtly.
You tutted before exhaling. Emotionally constipated people — what’s wrong with them?
“He’s dating someone since he was ready for a relationship.” Terry sounded a bit colder than usual.
“And you weren’t?” You asked. You felt your tone hesitate with slight concern. You knew she would just put up a wall and ignore your question.
Fortunately, she didn’t. “I’m not ready to talk about that. It’s complicated, Frog.”
She was hurt and wanted a distraction.
“Okay, Terry. We’re going to get rip roaring drunk this Saturday.”
The line went silent.
“You know I love you right?”
“I love you too, sweetie. Now go to sleep, you have an early shift tomorrow.”
The line went silent after you bid each other goodnight, your body settling underneath the sheets once you realised your eyes were fluttering shut  as you tried to read a few pages to put yourself to sleep.
Placing down the book, you hugged the extra pillow, settling your face in the corner between your sleeping pillow and your spare one, the heavy woolen comforter acting like a weighted blanket. You placed another pillow behind your back, making a soft cocoon all around you.
Yes, sometimes you still missed being hugged to sleep.
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Navi: Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7
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misanthropecopy · 3 years
@telekinetiq, @gooselullaby​
         The hour had come.
         With all the time she spent preparing not only did Psyche find a new place to stay, she also completely set up new abode for family. The Mewtwo came up and collaborated with the villagers to create a new system of the island they were staying at. She figured out all the best places they could gather food, in their new home. Finally, she found multiple, backup locations in the unlikely event that Giovanni and Team Rocket would destroy their territory once again. Legendary was NOT going to be caught unprepared, this time. 
         The layout for their new system was a fairly simplistic one, or at least something villagers were faintly accustomed towards. The Zoroark would use their illusionary powers for concealing island completely from humanity’s radars and satellites whenever there were not any real storms going over, while Psyche would make sure to amplify their skills tenfold when amidst new home. No Pokemon was allowed to leave the island unless they asked Mewtwo first and save for some situation where an individual wanted out entirely genetic experiment would take them wherever she went, then keep a telepathic eye on wandering Pocket Monsters when exploring. If in the case of an unlikely event where some person just accidentally stumbles onto their territory they were to be tested as always. Those who weren’t involved in orchestrating these trials would need to keep their distance and if a human failed even once, they were to be immediately subdued until clone teleported them back towards wherever man originated from. Finally, any drones or tracking devices found were to immediately be terminated on SIGHT. No accused device containing surveillance functions was going to enter their sanctum, again.
         It was more of a harsher life, then what the villagers had once known and Psyche did not exactly feel entirely satisfied with choices made herself but they all were pushed towards taking such measures. Besides if anyone scarcely believed this life was meant for them, individuals were free to take their own path and Mewtwo would drop them off wherever they wanted. 
         All the villagers were gathered around Mount Quena’s lakebed, taking one last look at their ephemeral home. It was evident that they had developed some fond memories here, with Stein, his clones and even “Amber”. Even if some had to hold themselves back on their natural instincts, they would never forget this place. Psyche herself would muse over these past, few weeks inside her heart for a long time. Elder clone had granted her a personal mercy, by allowing chosen kin to briefly remain here. Though whenever they spoke towards each other more masculine experiment’s tone often sounded critical, his actions spoke louder then meager words could express. She hoped that... he wouldn’t think less of her, for doing this. 
         Honestly, it was for the best that they leave. Stein was making enemies on so many sides and even those he dubbed allies Psyche knew hardly had his best interest at heart. Elder clone had provoked the dark side to come out from others and younger one wasn’t sure who she could trust outside of family anymore. Additionally though she tried so hard to refrain from getting involved in conflict, more savage-hearted side still leaked through and now newer Mewtwo was URGED on in creating advanced Pokeballs in case a certain, alien species tried invading or destroying planet. She was falling into that Raboot-hole of hypocrisy and more feminine Pokemon felt compelled to leave before villagers were dragged down with her! They had already been through enough, she didn’t want them fighting against Silvally and foul aliens too! Besides it’s not like she failed to inform other genetic legendary about her plans. From the very beginning she stated they would remain until another, suitable home was found. However... there was a possibility his ideas on this arrangement could have changed. Either way, she was not sticking around to find out. 
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         Eyes engulfing themselves in a white light, with one broad extension of her arms she teleported villagers and herself to new home. This was the start of a new journey for them; a new adventure, waiting on the horizon. If all went well, the villagers would have a peaceful life here. As she and chosen kin vanished from Mount Quena however, something special was being delivered to Stein’s fortified abode.
         With a flash of bright light, a single flower appeared near each and every one of Stein’s clones. These blossoms shaped similar towards stars contained white petals, which blended into a deep pink at its tips. Golden anther and filament stemmed from their centers, bringing with them a lovely aroma into atmosphere. They were gracideas and Psyche hoped bringing them these gifts would help appease any pain this parting evoked. 
         While each of the clones would receive their own blossom, there were two cases amidst Stein’s family who were especially lavished. Nanako, now called Amber would have many blossoms surrounding her person. Amidst these blooms would be a single note. If the little girl noticed it and picked item up, this is what she would read:
Dear “Amber”, 
I know this may all be confusing to you; having these things suddenly appear before your person, so I will try my best to explain it in this letter.  When me and Myuutsu met and he offered to let us stay with you all, it was only meant to be for a little while. We agreed that we would remain in Mount Quena until I found the villagers a new home. I have since then done that, thus by the time you read this letter the villagers and I will have already left the place. I know you considered us all family and I admit a part of me wishes we can still be that in your eyes, but this is for the best. Don’t be sad though! Life is full of hellos as well as goodbyes. Sometimes things have to change and maybe sometimes they are for the better.  Whatever the case may be, know that we all love you very much and you’ll always be welcomed in our new home. This is why we left all these flowers for you, to show that. Just because we’re far apart now, shouldn’t mean we aren’t family anymore however if you feel differently because of our leaving, I understand.  Finally, make sure to keep a good eye on Myuutsu. If he does anything that worries you, don’t be afraid to tell him about it. Out of everyone else in the world, you will probably be the one he listens to the most. 
Sincerely yours, Psyche. 
         The second person who was given many gifts was surprisingly, Stein himself. In his most private quarters lied a plethora of not only gracidea flowers but lavender as well, all piled together. It was no small present and elder clone would need to lack sight and scent, in order for offering to go by unnoticed. She hoped such displays would be enough for him to acknowledge it, at least. 
         In the center of this mound there was a truly unique blossom, as it was not natural but meticulously crafted out of various gemstones. Shaped similar to the gracidea flowers, its petals were forged from amethysts whilst clear quartz made up the anther. Moonstone strands acted as the filament and magenta-colored metal strapped against sides of petals; seemingly holding small sculpture together. Finally two, green bloodstones were carved as the bloom’s leaves and protruded on its left side. 
         Another written note was right next to this present, if Stein bothered reading it the following words would be seen:
Dear Stein,
You will be pleased to know that I managed to find a suitable home, for me and the villagers. As per the agreement, we are now officially off of Mount Quena. You will not have to worry about us anymore, though if Rocket does stir up some trouble for us again I will be sure to let you know. I did not initially intend to inform you about my discovery through this, as I desired to tell you in person. Then again, you probably realized we were going to leave which is why you left first with your clones.  The things that are coupled with this note are mainly gracidea flowers. They are said to bloom whenever an individual is extremely thankful and are given as a sign of gratitude. Each of your family members have received at least one and your little girl has been given enough for a bouquet or two. The villagers adored her, after all. The pile here however is specifically just for you, as it is a little something from all of us. I understand my family and I have thanked you numerous times verbally, for your hospitality and willingness to put up with what quirks we presented, but words were not enough. Thus we felt compelled to express our appreciation through some gesture, like this. You will also find lavender amongst your pile. This specific blossom grew in our former territory and its scent can be relaxing to where it even helps one sleep better. The gems making up this floret next to this letter are stones that I managed to salvage from the wreckage of my home. They were abundant in the caves there and each jewel is said to enhance a psychic’s clairvoyance, telepathy amongst other abilities. The bloodstone forming leaves in particular is said to protect its owner from evil, which you might need now more than ever.  I will not lie to you, Stein. Everyone is worried for your well-being. The villagers, your clones, your little girl, even I myself have become concerned. I am aware of your strength and you are fully capable of handling yourself, but you have made countless enemies recently and I will be frank that I do not trust your newfound ally one bit. However since I assume you have left us out of whatever negotiations you forged with that individual, I will refrain from delving into that matter further.  I do not doubt that humanity’s time will come, one day. They were erroneous to create sentient entities and then treat said creatures as if we were not alive. Their hubris will undoubtedly lead toward their downfall, in some fashion. I just hope they are not eradicated, while there are still other little girls like yours out there. What I am trying to say is, please be careful and most importantly watch your back. I fear that despite my efforts to crush any knowledge concerning beings like us, a flaw in our design may have been heard by ill-intentioned ears.  I hope that you will stay safe, Stein. I do not wish for your family to possibly loose its protector. I don’t want a young lady to watch the closest thing she has towards a father be seriously wounded or worse. I do not want to see you get hurt, as you have already been through so much. Regardless whatever decision you make, I will try not to stand in your way. Whatever choice you put into action, I know you will do it out of consideration for your family.  The villagers and I will never forget your kindness towards us and I confess that I hope it will not be too forward of me to call you a friend now. If you do not desire for me to regard you in such a way however, I will comprehend it.
Signed, Psyche. 
         It was Psyche’s wish that elder clone and the others might have some gratitude towards this little, grandiose gesture of theirs. She hoped that somewhere inside more masculine clone might at least appreciate the effort, put into it. However she would not set her hopes too high, on the matter. Stein, the clones and “Amber” were their own individuals, thus if any of them reacted poorly towards this she would accept it without protest. 
         She simply had to muster up faith, that they would all be okay. 
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sweetwritertanya · 4 years
The Most Memorable Halloween
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A/N: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Here it is, my last story for this special month, the thirteenth story I promised you guys! And… it’s a OT7 fanfic! I usually prefer to write only for one member at a time, but for this story I wanted something special so I included all of them. The relationship with the reader can be read however you like, be it romantic, platonic or just as a friend! Up to you! Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this series and that you like this story for the finale. Love you guys and let me know what you think!
Summary: You take all the members of BTS to go out camping during the Halloween weekend. Just the eight of you. What could possibly go wrong?
Warnings: HORROR! But not quite, just a spooky idea I had and wanted to share! Hope you all like it!
Word Count: 4769
There was a particular difficult issue that you always knew would come up when you first got to know the seven boys of BTS. Getting close to them, befriend them, caring for them would end up being incredibly frustrating during special days, like birthdays or Christmas or Valentine’s Day. And the reason why was simple: they were rich and already had any and everything you could envision them wanting for themselves.
Coming up with gift ideas became so stressful to you, that the boys had to put on an intervention one day and make you promise that you would never buy any of them a present ever again. So, since then, special days were celebrated with kind words and long messages to each other, lots of food and drinks if you could all be together and an overall good time in each other’s company.
And yet, when a friend of yours got a job as park ranger at a beautiful national park with amazing views, you got an idea. That particular park was closed down as they were redoing some of the roads and adding trails for hikers, being safer to just close off access to any pedestrians or campers for the month of October. So, if your friend could get you and the boys into the park, no one would be there to recognize them or bother them. And they had the weekend of Halloween off just in time.
It took a bit of persuading, but it’s not something Taffy hadn’t done before for her friend’s or something you had done for her back in the day. It would be just for the weekend, when no one would be working in construction either way, and she would be at the station in case anything went wrong.
In your eyes, it was the perfect gift you could give them. The boys liked camping, but they only ever did it with a bunch of cameras, never really just by themselves. They have been talking about a trip like this for months. And you could offer them just that.
“Have a good stay up there, babe” Taffy’s voice came in through the walkie talkie she gave you as you met her at the station to come in.
“Thanks, I owe you big time, queen” you radio back at her, a smile on your lips as you look out the van’s window while you continue up the path.
“Yeah, you do. Just watch out for wildlife and new forks in the roads. They haven’t put up the new signs yet” she warns.
“Will do. See you tomorrow.”
With that you decide to keep the walkie in your backpack before you ended up losing it.
“I still can’t believe we are actually doing this!” an excited Taehyung next to you says, a boxy smile and sparkling eyes thrown at you.
“It’s going to be fun. We’ll put up the tents, make a fire and eat some s’mores…” Hoseok chips in, sitting across the table from you with that usual cheery smile of his. “We’ll drink some beers and dance under the stars!”
“Yeah, I don’t know about the smores” Yoongi warns, on the other side of the moving van, body leaning against the window on his side, but looking your way. “We didn’t buy any marshmallows, so unless you packed some, no can do.”
“What?!” Hoseok turns around in his seat to talk to Namjoon, who was currently on the passenger side upfront, next to a driving Jungkook. “Say, Namjoon, did you buy the marshmallows like I asked?”
“Hum? What?” He does his best to turn around in his seat and look at us, but you can only see half of his square jaw and one of his slim eyes as he stretches, short hair covered by a cap.
“The s’mores for tonight” Hoseok persists.
“Oh, crap. Sorry, totally forgot about it!” Hoseok sighs in disappointment, and Namjoon feels guilty about it. “Should I go back and buy some?”
“No, of course not. It’s okay, another time we’ll have some” Hoseok remains positive and smiles brightly again, much to the leader’s relief.
“Yeah, this won’t be the last time we go camping, surely” Jimin, sitting next to Hoseok across from you and Taehyung, comforts him although he didn’t seem to need it any longer. “If I remember next time, I’ll buy you some myself, hyung.”
“How’s it going, JK? Is it much longer?” Jin yells as he leans to try and see the driver from his seat across from Yoongi.
“What?” Jungkook asks back, turning his head towards us slightly but keeping his eyes on the road and hands steady on the wheel.
“How much longer?” Jin repeats.
“The last sign I saw said two miles to the camping ground” he answered.
“Okay, good job!” Jin compliments the youngest.
Soon enough you arrived at the camping site, some bathroom facilities nearby that your friend gave you the keys to use as well some wooden tables and benches. There were tall colorful trees surrounding the clearing where you would all be staying tonight, with a beautiful view to the peak of the mountain, high on the sky, so much further away.
The boys all jump out of the van even before Jungkook managed to shut the engine off, screaming and stretching their legs as they walk outside into the grass and fresh air. Jin and Namjoon both ask you for the keys to the bathroom since they had to go for a while, only for Taehyung to steal them out of your hands and go first, with a shouting angry Jin and an annoyed resigned Namjoon following after.
You help Yoongi and Hoseok taking out all the necessaries in terms of food preparing, while Jimin and Jungkook tried to set the two tents up. When the rest of the members joined, things picked up quickly and you, Jin and Yoongi got a station ready for cooking while the rest of them took care of everything else.
It was early afternoon when you all arrived, but the night was commencing by the time you all sat down to eat. The hours felt like minutes, not a moment passing by in boredom with these boys around. Be it Jin telling you his silly jokes as he sliced the ingredients next to you, Yoongi asking you to taste every dish he prepared multiple times to know if it was good, Namjoon trying his best to help only to look at you with guilty eyes as he holds in his hands a broken part of the chair he and Hoseok were assembling. Hobi laughing about it in disbelief with you. The three younger members all struggling to put up the tents at first, calling you to help them but you only end up stuck under the fabric of the tent when they let it fall on you.
Not a dull moment with them. And so, hours went by like minutes.
By the end of dinner, you are all sited in chairs around the fireplace – Namjoon siting on one that was missing an arm, since he broke it – all watching the starry sky in comfortable silent, interrupted occasionally by a remark or two.
“Thank you for bringing us out here, Y/N. You’re the sweetest” Jimin murmurs in a chair next to you, his hands moving from his lap to brush at the skin of your fluffy arm in a gentle manner.
“Oh, you are welcome, ChimChim. Anything for you guys” you assure him, patting his hand that stays placed on top of your wrist.
“I didn’t think we’d ever get to be out and about like this ever again, just us without cameras, without causing trouble” Yoongi confesses, with a bit of a slur and his accent coming out due to the few beers he had to drink.
“Yeah, me neither. It’s all thanks to you, sweetheart” Namjoon agrees, throwing you a dimpled smile that had you smiling right back at him.
“Guys, please, stop it” you say as you grow a bit embarrassed and uncomfortable.
“Ohh, I think she is blushing! Look at Y/N’s cute chubby cheeks going red!” Taehyung points out, a long index finger pointing playfully your way, a mischievous look in his eyes.
“Maybe the beer is getting to her head only now” Jin proposes in a chuckle, leaning forward to look at you with puffy lips tugging up.
“Shut up! It was only one beer, how lightweight to you think I am?” you try and defend yourself.
“Pretty lightweight if I recall from that night at the karaoke…” Jungkook chips in.
Knowing exactly the night he was referring to, and mortified that he would spill all the embarrassing bits to everyone, you end up taking your slipper and throwing at him. But he just catches it and giggles, throwing it back at you with measured strength.  
“Wait, guys, shush!” Hoseok suddenly gasps from the opposite side from you, turning in his chair to look at the woods behind him. “Did… Did anyone hear that?”
“Is your mind already playing tricks on you, hyung?” Jimin questions.
“No, no, I heard something. Like a branch snapping” Hoseok persists, on edge. “A-Are there bears in this mountain or something?”
“You hear a branch cracking and your first thought goes immediately to bear?” Yoongi wonders, not sounding amused. “How about a rabbit, a fox or even a coyote before you think of something like a bear?”
Yoongi did have a point, and nobody heard anything except for Hoseok, but seeing how concern he was, you decide to appease him.
“I’ll call Taffy and ask her about what wildlife we are dealing with, okay, Hobi?”
“Thanks, Y/N, you’re a real angel. Unlike you guys!” He pouts at the rest of the group after throwing you an appreciative look of relief.
“Hey, Taffy, you there?” you say into the walkie-talkie you took out of your bag.
It takes her a minute or two, but she does respond.
“Hello there, gang. What’s up? Already bored?” she jokes.
“Nothing like that. Just wandering, what kind of animals are there in the mountain? We won’t be seeing any bears or anything like that, right?”
“Oh, we had some bears alright” she says through the static and Hoseok yelps while the rest of them widen their eyes at the walkie in your hands. You heart skips a bit in unexpected fright, but then she continues. “But since we are closed, there won’t be any large hairy gay men around any time soon, sorry to disappoint!”
A collective sigh of relief and a chuckle or two are heard around the fireplace and you pursue your lips as you close your eyes, imagining just smacking the back of her head if she was there with you for scaring you like that.
“Very funny, thanks for that” you sarcastically reply.
“No problem, anytime. But yeah, there’s only like foxes and wild cats to watch out for in here.”
“Good to know, we’ll be careful.”
“I see the smoke. You guys around a fireplace?”
“Yeah, we finished eating and we’re just relaxing before hitting the sack. Don’t worry, we’ll set it out before going to sleep” you promise her.
“Alright. Make sure the nine of you cuddle up for warmth, it will be cold tonight” she teases.
You know she is trying to tease and embarrass you, but you frown at what she says with a strange feeling instead. The boys don’t seem to pay it much attention apart from Namjoon and Jungkook, who look at you frowning as well.
“You mean eight. There is eight of us, me and the seven guys” you correct her.
The static goes silent for longer than it should and you realize that you have a bad feeling. Hoseok must have sensed it, cause his expression seems to mimic yours.
“She must have just counted wrong” Namjoon tries to calm you down.
“Hey” Taffy’s voice returns from the walkie and you don’t even realize you are now leaning in the chair, holding the device in front of you for everyone to hear it. “You guys all went down to the fountain to gather water, didn’t you?”
It was Jin who answered, a bit more serious now than he was before.
“Yeah, the buckets would be heavy to carry back to the camping site so we all went to help.”
“There are cameras every ten miles up the path and I saw you in one of them” she explains. “I’m looking at the recording right now and I count nine people walking by.”
A chill runs up your spine and your throat closes in on itself as you feel nauseated. This was not right; something was not right.
“Y/N, get everyone out. Come back to the station, there is someone else in the park!” your friend’s voice commands with assertiveness.
“OH MY GOD! I knew it, I knew it! There is A KILLER in here!” Hoseok starts to panic and, as much as you feel on the verge of terror yourself, you try to remain calm the best you can.
“Hobi, calm down” you say, running to him and placing your hands on his arms, rubbing them up and down through the sweater he had to try and keep him steady.
“Everyone on the van. NOW!” Namjoon orders and it takes less than thirty seconds for everyone to run inside the vehicle and leave all the stuff you had outside behind.
Instead of sitting, everyone seems to be looking out the windows with suspicion, into the dark distrustful woods, all the vehicle’s door locking as the sound of the motor roars to life. Only to stutter and crumble. Seven the heads suddenly snap to the driver’s seat, where Jungkook was again turning the key on the ignition. And the same happened.
“What the hell Jungkook! Get us out of here!” Jimin cries out, showcasing he was just as scared as Hoseok was looking right then.
“I’m trying! The van won’t start!” you can hear the guilt in his voice as he continues to try and try again to start the motor, but it just won’t work.
“We’re sitting prey! WE ARE SITTING PREY!” Hoseok is shaking profusely next to you and you hug him for support. His arms wrap around you as he leans his head against yours and breathes.
“No, we’re not. There was a ranger’s jeep on the side of that cabin next to the toilets, remember?” Namjoon starts, sounding a lot more confident than the clumsy man looked. “If we can get inside that cabin and find the keys, we can drive back to Taffy and wait for the police.”
“That’s IF we can even get to the cabin without encountering whoever is out there and IF we can get in and IF we can find the keys and IF the jeep even works!” Jin points out in a very matter of fact speedy speech that is difficult to keep up with. His nervousness was beginning to show. “How about we just lock ourselves here? Lock the van and wait for rescue? Y/N’s friend must have already called the police by now, we can wait here for them.”
“And be sitting ducks? Hell no!” Yoongi disagrees, biting at his nails before he speaks again. “I’m with Namjoon on this one. Whoever it’s out there, is just one person and there’s eight of us. And we don’t even know if they mean us any harm, they haven’t done anything yet.”
“Except messing with our van” Jungkook sighs irritated, giving up on starting the vehicle. “It worked perfectly before, someone must have messed with the engine.”
“Exactly, which means they wanted us here. They planned for us to stay here so, I say let’s get out there and try our luck with the jeep” Yoongi perseveres.
“You’re assuming they didn’t think we would wander off on our own, hyung! You don’t know! At least here we have four walls between us and whoever is out there, they wouldn’t get in” Jimin objects, sitting down and hugging his knees to his chest.
“Y-Yeah! S-so what if they shut the engine? We s-still have power so we can stay warm all night while they freeze outside!” Taehyung sides with Jimin, speaking for the first time in a while with evident fright in his voice but putting on a stoic front.
“What do you think, Y/N?” Jin asks you, coming to your side and taking your free hand into his while your other one was still around a terrified Hoseok’s back.
“I… I… I don’t know” you confess, completely undecisive. “Both ideas have their pros and cons. I don’t know which would be best, honestly.”
“Well, we do need your keys to try and get into the cabin. You still have the set of keys Taffy gave you, don’t you?” Namjoon asks.
“Oh, yeah, in my pocket” you say as you take them out. There were two other keys besides the ones for the toilets. “You think one of them is for the cabin?”
“Must be, right? It would make sense to have them all in one set if they’re next to each other.”
“I say let’s split up” Yoongi suddenly declares.
“What? That’s the worst idea, have you ever seen a horror movie?” Jungkook refutes. “We should all stick together, keep each other safe.”
“Well, we can’t seem to reach an agreement on what to do and we’re just wasting time. And this is not a horror movie, Jungkook, this is real life. We need to make our move and fast” Yoongi counters back.
“Let’s vote. Who wants to stay on the van?” Namjoon questions.
Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung immediately raise their hands.
“Okay, who wants to try and get to the jeep?”
Namjoon and Yoongi raise their hands. Both Jin, Jungkook and you stay neutral, unsure of what to pick. But Yoongi was right, you had to make your move sooner rather than later. So, with a deep breath, you go and stand between Namjoon and Yoongi, your decision made.
“I want to try and get out of here. Siting here, doing nothing, just creeps me out. I’ll go with them.”
“No, Y/N!” Jimin pouts with worry and stretches his arm to pull on yours, but you shake your head. Seeing his sad expression, you take his face in between your hands and peck at his forehead.
“If we get to the jeep, we’ll come back for you so we can all leave this place together. No one gets left behind” you promise them.
“I’ll go with them too” Jungkook decides, getting up from his driver’s seat and joining the group. A protective hand lands on your shoulder and you feel a little bit better.
“Then I’ll stay on the van. Keep an eye on them” Jin decides.
“Okay, that’s settled. Everyone, we’ll open the door, gather our things and we’re running” Namjoon says.
“I bet Yoongi is wishing he stayed in the van right now” Jin teases to which Yoongi just scrunches up his small nose. He wasn’t much of a fan of running and neither were you, but you both would have to for now.
“Stay safe, all of you” Taehyung wishes, coming in for a hug. You hug him back and try not to let negative thoughts go over your mind.
“I better hear the motor of the jeep coming soon, okay?” Hoseok asks, obviously nervous for you all.
“We’ll be right back” you promise again, rubbing his arm up and down before leaving.
Jimin holds your hand again, not wanting to let you go, but giving up once you move out of reach. Jin opens the door for all of you to step out and kisses the top of your head before you descend from the van.
You grab your backpack and it’s on.
All of you run towards the cabin, staying close to one another and away from the edges of the woods where there was no light. It was like any shadow could be someone, hiding, ready to strike. But there were four of you. People used to say there is strength in numbers. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to testing that.
The cabin was not particularly far, but in the context of the situation you were in, it felt like a continent away. The seven hundred feet distance took much too long for comfort, with the night sky darkening with each step. The running footsteps of the four of you were so loud you couldn’t tell if someone was following you. You just kept going, trying not to slow down the group with your poor running speed, especially with Jungkook staying right behind you.
When the cabin was just a few feet away, when you struggled to get the keys out of your pants’ pockets while you ran, that’s when you all heard it. A faint noise of glass being broken. And screams.
“Oh my God, oh my God…” you whisper with a trembling voice.
All of you stopped in your tracks as you look back at where the screams were coming from. From the van. Something happened in the van.
“Fuck! Jungkook, stay with Y/N and get to the cabin! Find that key and meet us by the van, we have to go back and help them” Namjoon orders in an almost shouting command, those dark and bushy eyebrows pulled so closely together in apprehension and fear that they almost meet at the bridge of his nose. He was trying to remain brave, but he was just as scared as you all were.
“N-No! I need to go to! We need to help them!” you refuse, already trying to walk back to the van, but Jungkook’s arms come around your shoulders and he keeps you pressed to him while you struggled.
“Focus, Y/N! Me and Yoongi are going back, you two go get the car. NOW!”
They were already running back as he speaks, decision already made despite your aching heart. The youngest members pulls you along with him to the cabin, even as your head remains looking back, heart at your throat and praying to any God out there that they were all fine. That everything would be all fine.
“C’mon, Y/N… I’m sorry but we need to get the car and fast.” Jungkook presses, one hand around your back keeping you running forward to the cabin.
“T-They are okay, r-right?” you force yourself to speak despite the lump on your throat. “They can’t b-be… be hurt…”
Your voice ends up dying in your mouth as he looks away with clenched jaws, not able to give you the response you wanted. Not having a response to give, probably being just as terrified as you were. All of his hyungs were back there in danger, relying on him and you to go and get them out. With that in mind, you force yourself to focus on your tasks again.
You try the first key on the lock and it doesn’t fit. Hands shaking, you try the second key. It goes in. You turn it on the lock and a nervous and relieving chuckle escapes you as the mechanism of the latch opens.
“Okay, okay!” you utter as you open the door and get in.
“Right, search for the key of the jeep! Quick!”
Letting go of him, you start searching the small cabin. Every drawer, cabinet, even under the rug gets searched. The plan was cemented around finding this key and getting to the jeep. The key had to be here, it just had to be. You went into the bathroom, even rummaging through the med kits in hopes it was somehow lost in there. It came to you then, that you still had the walkie talkie with you in the bag.
“Kook! I’ll try to ask Taffy on the radio again” you yell out to him, already taking the walkie out of your bag. “Taffy, can you hear me? Taffy, are you there?”
There’s only static. And silence.
The back of your neck breaks into goosebumps. It was silent. The cabin had gone absolutely dead silent. Not a single step, not a single breath, not a single movement was heard.
“Kook?” You step out of the bathroom slowly, wide restless eyes searching around the hallway and peering into the bedroom next to the restroom. Much to your terror, no one’s there. “… J-Jungkook?”
No one answers. You voice cracks as you call for him when walking into the dark living room, tears of distress gathering at your eyes that strained to see with only the moonlight coming in through the windows. The white light bounced off the furniture, the sofa and cabinets and the table. But no Jungkook. There was no one at the cabin. You were suddenly all alone.
“Oh no… oh no…” you whisper into the darkness, completely frozen as you don’t know what to do anymore.
Your body crumbles beneath you and you feel at a complete lost. So, you just do what you’ve been avoiding all this time: you break down and cry. It starts in small sobs but soon you are drenching your hands as they hide your face, crying your heart out.
It all happens so fast you can barely keep up. Eight figures jump out from behind the large sofa on the other side of the room, a loud bang releases a bunch of confetti suddenly into the hair and someone crunches down in front of you with a hand on your shoulder. Through your tears, it takes you a while to realize it’s Jungkook.
“W-What?” is all you manage to say as you sob.
“Damn it, guys! I told you this would make her cry!” a voice you recognized too well says. It was Taffy, standing among the boys with a tray of food in her hand.
“Hey, Y/N, it’s okay, you’re okay” Jimin, who came to squat down next to Jungkook and took your hand into his, says in a calming sweet voice.  
“But… the van and the screams…” you whisper back, your brain trying to make sense of the mess you found yourself in.
“Sorry, sunshine! We didn’t mean to scare you this much!” Hoseok apologizes. “Someone dropped a glass cup while we waited and it scared me, so I may have screamed a bit too loud.”
Hoseok shoots a look at Jimin, who whispers another ‘sorry’ to you. Your eyes wonder around all of them and you find yourself staring blankly at Jin, who just shrugs.
“Happy Halloween?” he expresses.  
“We may have gone a bit overboard. But we were also trying to prove a point! We agreed to not get each other gifts anymore and you went ahead and planned all of this for us. So, we planned something for you too” Namjoon starts explaining.
“We definitely over did it. She’s crying, hyung!” Taehyung points out, with a guilty expression.
“Yeah, we’re not the best at coming up with a plan at the last minute like this. All of this was just supposed to spook her, not terrify Y/N like this. And there should have been a lot less running!” Yoongi complains.
That brings a chuckle from everyone except you, as you are still processing it all.
“S-So… So, this was all fake? To scare me for Halloween?” you sum up their explanation the best your jumbled brain could.
The guys and your friend all share a look, before answering you in unison.
Slowly, you stand up, your bulky legs no longer shaking, eyes closed as you inhale deeply and exhale soundly. When you open your eyes again, there are eight pair of worried ones staring at you. And you only had one thing to say.
“I hate all of your stupid faces!”
It’s a lie and they all know it. To apologize and earn your forgiveness, you are suddenly pulled into a group hug by the boys while your friend turns on the lights of the cabin and prepares the fireplace.
You spend the rest of the Halloween night hearing all about their malicious plan, the preparations and outrageous ideas they came up with before settling on this one. You never thought you would be grateful to only have gone through this situation until you heard some of their ‘spookier’ concepts they had. And, although you wouldn’t admit it to them, this would be the Halloween you would tell everyone about until your old years to come. It would be the most memorable Halloween of your life.
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batterycityghoul · 4 years
Hello there! I don't know if you are accepting requests, so I'm just shooting my shot. I was thinking about a short one shot with Diego based on the song Wait a minute by Willow Smith. Actually the part where she says "You left your diary at my house And I read those pages, you really love me". I know you're busy with These Hands Stained Red, so it's okay if you can't write it. Have a nice day! 🤗💖
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Title: You Were Bound to See
Pairing: Diego Hargreeves/Reader
Word Count:  2.9k (whoops?)
Author’s Note: I was already in a Birds of Prey mood, and your additional requests for 'number 8/singer in a bar/power has to do with her voice' gave me maaajor Black Canary/Dinah Lance feels. So, I used some of that character's story for inspiration. I hope that's okay! (I also had never heard the song before, so I hope I did alright with your song prompt! Thank you so much for sending this in! 💖) 
You sat on your bed, waiting for him to show up. On nights like these, it wasn't uncommon for him to sneak into your apartment, seeking a night together.  
When you heard the window beside your bed slide up, you felt a smirk tug at your lips. You glanced over your shoulder, catching sight of him standing there in his domino mask and usual vigilante gear.  
"What was it this time?"  
"A robbery," he answered. "What? You couldn't see that with your little musical gift?"
You quirked an eyebrow at him, not amused by his snark. "It doesn't work like that and you know it," you snapped, shooting him a glare. "And why don't you take that stupid thing off your face? You look like an idiot."
Diego rolled his eyes, reaching up to pull his mask off. "You used to wear one too. Or did you forget we used to be on the same team?"
How could you ever forget? Your mother had only been a lonely, scared teenager when she suddenly became pregnant and gave birth to you all in one day. You didn't remember much about her, but you did remember that she used to call you her little miracle. She didn't have much money or anyone to rely on, but she loved you. And you? You loved her.  
You were just a kid when she got sick and passed, there and gone in what felt like a blink of an eye. In the weeks before she left you, you spent many nights at her bedside, singing her song after song, your head filled with visions that never yielded what you hoped to find.  
After she passed, you ended up bounced around the system for a few years until you ran away. You learned at a young age that you truly couldn't rely on anyone but yourself, so you resigned yourself to being alone.  
You had to become resourceful to survive on the streets. It wasn't the most glamorous lifestyle, but you figured it was better than trusting someone who would only ultimately let you down.  
Your life took a sudden turn when you were only thirteen. You had gone a few days without food, so you had to resort to looking through a dumpster in search of a meal. You thought you had found the jackpot outside of a mansion, since you knew rich people were always throwing away perfectly good food.  
You had just jumped inside when you startled at the sound of someone banging a fist on the side of it.  
"Hey! You find anything good in there?"
You peeked over the side of the dumpster to see a boy about your age leaning against the side of it. He glanced up at you, throwing you a wink, before he brought a cigarette to his lips and took a drag.  
"Smoking kills, you know?"  
The boy shrugged his shoulders. "Death doesn't concern me that much," he offered with a grin, lightly laughing at the words as if it was a joke only he would understand. "What are you doing in there?"
"Looking for food," you answered, figuring there was no harm in being honest.  
The boy squinted up at you before he nodded his head. "Alright," he said. "Come with me."
You shook your head. "I don't even know you."
"Oh! Right," he said, hastily dropping his cigarette to the ground before stepping on it. "I'm Klaus. And you are?"
You considered the boy for a few moments before you sighed. "I'm Y/N," you finally offered.  
You were surprised when Klaus took you inside the mansion. He was quick to introduce you to a woman named Grace who immediately started to fuss over you. She made you food which you promptly ate while listening to Klaus ramble away about his life and family.  
"Well, this was great," you started once you finished the pancakes and eggs Grace had made for you. "But I should really be going."
"I believe we would both agree on that," you heard a man say from the doorway of the kitchen. "What were you thinking, Number Four? Inviting this strange child into our home?"
Klaus snorted before he shot you a commiserating look, as if you could possibly understand what was really going on. "I was thinking, Reggie, that she was hungry and needed something to eat."
"This is not your house, Number Four. You did not have my permission to invite a stranger inside."
It was then that you noticed the other kids crowding around the older man. It took you a few moments, but you realized that you recognized some of them. You frowned at the one wearing a domino mask, a scowl on his face as he watched you.  
"We don't have time for this," the older man snapped. "It is time to debut the team. There is a robbery in progress and you and the other children are going to stop it."
"At a bank?" You asked, tilting your head to the side as you watched the older man. "There's going to be men hiding in the bank vault. Make sure you get them too."
The man turned to give you his full focus, staring you down for long enough that you started to feel truly uncomfortable. "Tell me," he started. "When were you born?"
"What? What the hell does that matter?"
"Your date of birth," the man demanded. "Now."
"October first," you answered.
You shot a quick glance at Klaus, seeing that his eyes were wide with wonder as he waited for your answer.
"1989?" You hesitantly offered, not sure why it came out as a question.  
"Where did you find her, Number Four?"
"Uh," Klaus started, staring at you uncertainly.
"I was outside in the dumpster looking for food," you answered for him.  
"I see," the man mused. "It seems I may have some use for you after all. Stay here," he commanded. "I want to speak with you when we get back."
You watched as the man herded all of the kids out of the kitchen, leaving Grace with instructions to make sure you stayed put.  
Of course, you had no intention of staying. You didn't trust the man or the way he seemed to think you were suddenly valuable to him. You didn't want to see what he had in store for you.  
So, the moment Grace turned her back, you made a run for it.  
It didn't take you long to learn that Reginald Hargreeves really did have no intention of letting you go. He managed to track you down within a day and offered you another meal if you only listened to what he had to say.  
You agreed, even if you were hesitant to believe that he was offering you salvation.  
He spun you a crazy tale of superhero kids and a bid to save the world. It took some coaxing, but you finally admitted that you caught glimpses of the future. All you had to do was sing a song and visions played in your head of what was to come. You couldn't control it and it only seemed to stretch as far as a few days ahead, but you always tried your best to understand them when they came.  
"Precognitive music," Reginald confirmed with a nod of his head. "Well, I'm not sure how useful you can be to the team, but I'm sure we can find a place for you. Welcome to the team, Number Eight."
Despite having an official welcome to the team and family, you still tried to run away. A lot. But Reginald always brought you back.  
You didn't really mesh well with the team. You didn't bother to get to know Luther or Allison. The one they called Number Five disappeared not long after you joined the team and Ben was so quiet and reserved that he usually kept to himself. The only ones you really forged any kind of connection with were Diego, Klaus, and Vanya.  
Klaus didn't really give you a choice about whether you wanted to be friends or not. He seemed to just barge right into your life and stay there, pulling you into his antics from time to time.  
You bonded with Vanya over music. Once you heard her play her violin, you instantly fell for her talent. You spent hours listening to her play, eventually having the confidence to sing to her and sharing your visions with her.  
And Diego? Diego only seemed to show an interest in you because he didn't trust you. You were pretty sure he thought you were going to somehow kill everyone in their sleep one night. Which, to you, didn't make sense, because he was the one with the lethal power.  
Diego's constant watch over you meant that you ended up spending a lot of time together, whether you truly wanted to or not. You discovered an anger in Diego that you connected with. He was angry with his upbringing and constant dismissal from his father that left him feeling like he wasn't good enough and you were angry at the shitty hand life had dealt you and the constant voice in your head telling you that you didn't belong. Over time, you learned how to talk each other down when you truly felt like you were going to lose it. Sometimes when you tried to run away, Diego would be the first to talk you out of it.  
As you grew older, you started to rely on each other. You were the first one to have his back on a mission and he made sure you knew how to spar just as well as him so you could better defend yourself. You started spending most of your time together, forging a connection you never would have seen coming, despite your precognitive ability.  
When you turned seventeen, you and Diego left the Academy together. You both took up odd jobs, sharing a shitty apartment just so you wouldn't have to spend one more moment under the roof of Reginald Hargreeves.  
That first year you spent together, just the two of you, was one of the best years of your life. Diego took up playing guitar and you would sit on the bed you shared, singing to him. He was always so interested in your visions, but that wasn't why you chose to share your talent with Diego. Singing had always been something you loved, and in a way, it was something you did for the people you loved. Your mom. Vanya. And then Diego.  
Of course, you knew you were too young for those kinds of feelings and young love rarely lasted.  
Your problems started when Diego wanted to start up a vigilante lifestyle. He ended up washing out of the police academy, stating that it wasn't for him. Instead, he took to wanting to patrol the streets at night, listening to a stolen police scanner, and throwing himself into danger. You tagged along at first, but you quickly realized that you didn't want to be a superhero. It became a point of contention between the two of you.
"Diego, we can't keep doing this," you insisted one night. You were bleeding from a cut to your forehead you had gotten after a close call with a group of men who were intent on robbing a convenience store.  
"Doing what?" He asked, carefully dabbing at the cut with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol.  
"This," you insisted. "Saving people. Being good little superheroes. I thought that's why we left the Academy."
"That's why you left the Academy," he pointed out.  
"I'm not cut out for the superhero life," you said, trying to make him see that you were suffering for it.  
"You were born for the superhero life," he countered. "Otherwise, what's the use of having a power if you don't use it to save people?"
You shook your head, glancing away from him. "I didn't ask for this," you whispered. "Aren't we meant for something more?" You couldn't help but wonder, feeling like your heart was tearing in two at the silence that followed.  
You left not long after that. You ended up singing in a dive bar for a boss with shady connections and as far as you knew, Diego took up a job at a boxing ring during the day while he moonlighted as a vigilante at night.  
Even though you both didn't seem to agree with the other, you couldn't stay away. The rest of the team had been irreparably broken for a long time, but you couldn't seem to quit Diego. He didn't like that you were seemingly wasting your nights singing in a bar, keeping your visions to yourself, and refusing to use them for the greater good. You didn't like that he was risking his life for people who didn't give a fuck about him and wouldn't care if he died in the process of saving them.  
You spent years going back and forth. Some nights, after you were done at the bar, you would make your way to The Fighting Lion, waiting on Diego's bed until he bothered to show up. Other nights, he would come see you after saving some hapless victim, crawling through your window like you were teenagers in some kind of sweet rom-com.  
It didn't matter how much it hurt that you would never truly agree, because you knew that you loved him. You loved him so much some days you could hardly think past the need to have him right there at your side.  
Now, you barely resisted the urge to roll your eyes before you turned your back on him.  
"I can guess why you're here," you started, shooting him another quick glance over your shoulder. "Catch the bad guys?"
"And saved some lives, baby," he told you with a smirk.
"Don't call me that," you said.  
"What should I call you then?" The smirk never left his face as he started pulling off his holsters, dropping his knives on their unofficial designated place on your dresser. "Remember what I used to call you when we were younger?"
"Don't," you warned, knowing what he was about to say.
"My little songbird," he crooned with an almost mocking note to his voice. "You used to sing just for me," he reminded you.  
You watched him continue to strip until his shirt was off and his pants were unzipped.  
"You're awfully confident about where this is heading," you pointed out to him. "What if I said I just wasn’t feeling it tonight? What if I showed you the door?"
"You know, I caught your show tonight," he informed you, seemingly completely ignoring your previous words.  
That was news to you. As far as you were aware, Diego had never bothered to actually come to the bar and see you sing. He thought you could do better and you didn’t quite disagree with him.
"I listened to you and watched you," he said, slowly approaching you until he was standing just beside your bed. "And I realized something."
"Oh, yeah?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at him as he put a hand to your shoulder, coaxing you to lie down. "What was that?"
He moved to hover over you on the bed, propped up on his arms on either side of your head with his eyes trained on yours. "You don't really love it," he finally responded. "You just go and sing because you enjoy it, but it's nothing like those private shows you used to put on for me. I never realized before how close we were then. How intimate," he said as he leaned down, placing a kiss to your jaw. "I remember the look on your face every time you sang just for me." Another kiss was placed in the hollow of your throat. "You used to look at me like I was everything to you. You gave yourself away."
You felt your breath hitch as he placed a biting kiss just under your jaw, his teeth lightly scraping over your skin.  
"I did?" Your voice was breathless as you attempted to glance down at him.  
"You did," he confirmed with another smirk, finally rising up so you could see him.  
"And what did I give away?" You couldn't help but ask, torn between knowing and pulling him down into a kiss.
"You love me," he said. "I didn't notice at first, but tonight made me see it. It made me see you. You love me, Y/N. You really love me."
It was hopeless to deny it. You had known since you were only seventeen. You had resigned yourself to loving Diego for the rest of your life, because you simply couldn't help it. It didn't matter if you would always clash and were wrong for each other in so many ways. Your heart never seemed to listen to what your brain had to say. You loved Diego.  
"And what if I do? Does that change anything?" Your hands clenched into fists at your sides, your instincts warring between pulling him closer or pushing him away in the event he just ended up hurting you again.  
"Of course it doesn't," he answered with a shake of his head. He offered you a soft, sincere smile before he leaned down again, his lips brushing against yours as he spoke his next words. "Because I love you too."
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sweetmemories2606 · 4 years
Dangerous Game (Gruvia and NaLu fanfic) Chapter 5
I am so behind on posting this one here, sorry about that. I hope people still remember this story, but in case you need a reminder, here's the basic info:
Title: Dangerous Game
Pairings: NaLu and Gruvia (main), Gajevy, Miraxus and MesCana (minor)
Summary: While Natsu wonders about all the times he failed to protect Lucy, Gray worries about the dangerous game that he's been playing. Who will have to pay the price for his decision to leave Juvia behind?
Timeline: Avatar Arc (SPOILERS if you haven't watched the first 8 eps of the Final Season)
Genre: Angst
Word Count: around 12000 words (all chapters)
Links: Chapter 1 (NaLu focused)  Chapter 2 (Gruvia focused)  Chapter 3 (NaLu focused)  Chapter 4 (Gruvia focused) , Chapter 5 (Miraxus focused)
Also, if you want to read ahead: Chapter 6, (Gajevy focused) Chapter 7 (MesCana focused)
I hope you enjoy! 
                             Chapter 5: Searching For Her
                                       March X792
A lone figure walked along the forest, forced to take slow steps because of the snow. They were covered by a dark blue cape, hiding them from the world. Although, there wasn't anyone else in the forest.
After a long time, they found themselves standing before a large tree that was actually a house. With a relieved sigh, they made their way towards it and knocked on the door.
"Who's there?" An angry yell was heard.
The figure removed her hood to reveal long, wavy hair as white as snow and big blue eyes. Gently, she answered. "It's just me, Porlyusica. Will you let me in?"
She was met with silence before another voice spoke. "Mirajane? What the hell are you doing here?" It was the person she had come here for. Laxus.
Mirajane had learned a few days before that he wasn't as okay as everyone had thought. Instead, the bane particles which he had inhaled in his attempt to save Magnolia had never left his body and continued to damage his organs.
Now aware of this, Mirajane had decided to try to help him, thus she had come all the way to Porlyusica's cottage where he had been staying for the past 2 weeks-much to his displeasure.
After being welcomed in and briefly chatting with Laxus and Porlyusica, she asked how she could assist. The healer informed her that the only way he could improve was for the particles to be fully removed, but that had proved impossible.
Having recently taken over all the demon gates from Tartaros, Mirajane suggested one of them should be able to do this. While Laxus was not in favour of her taking such a risk to save him, Porlyusica reminded him that he would die otherwise.
"This isn't your choice to make." Mirajane argued. "I came here to help you and I will do so, regardless of the risks."
                                       June X792
With Laxus healed, the only issue remaining was the unspoken feelings between them, which neither was willing to discuss as of yet. Instead they resumed their friendship as it was before the war against Tartaros, neither willing to take the next step.
They kept on like this for 3 months while staying at Blue Pegasus' hideout since Laxus had previously joined said guild and wished to return after he was healed.
The Thunder Legion and Blue Pegasus members certainly did not help them keep this charade, for they kept teasing the two despite their protests. Evergreen and Bickslow wasted no opportunities commenting on Laxus' feelings for Mirajane, Sherry and Jenny always made it clear she should make a move and even Itchia brought up the possibility that they were secretly dating at times.
"Will you just quit it?" Laxus yelled after they were teased again, making everyone silence. "There is nothing going on between us, so stop trying to pretend there is."
"But Laxus..." Evergreen tried, but was interrupted.
"Instead of trying to force us into a relationship, you should figure out what you want from Elfman." Laxus continued.
Her face paled at his words. "That's none of your business!" She snapped.
"Doesn't feel nice when people get into your business, does it?" He raised a brow.
Before the conversation could go any further, Sherry and Ren came into the hideout, looking nervous. "Mirajane, you have visitors."
The woman in question frowned, confused. Who could it be? After thanking them for warning her, she quickly left the room, eager to get away from the tension.
Once outside the hideout, she was surprised to find Jellal and Doranbolt-or was his name Mest?-standing in front of it, looking nervous. "Hello. It's been a while." She offered them a smile.
"Mirajane." Jellal greeted her with a nod. "I'm sorry for bothering you."
"We need to talk to you about something important." Doranbolt spoke, tense.
"What is it?" Mira asked, concerned. Is something wrong? Why do they look so unsettled?
Instead of answering, Jellal suggested that they distanced themselves from the hideout since they didn't wish for their conversation to be heard by the Blue Pegasus members nor Laxus' dragon slayer hearing.
Once they were at a safe distance, in the heart of the forest where a long time ago the battle against Grimoire Heart and Jellal's revival had occurred, Doranbolt finally told her why they were there.
He mentioned that they had been searching for her for quite some time because she was the only one who could help them.
"Help you with what, exactly?" Mirajane asked.
Mest proceeded to explain his undercover mission at the council and how Makarov had instructed him to keep an eye on Alvarez. Then he mentioned how Angel, now known as Sorano, had warned him of their plan to send Lilith, a demon from the books of Zeref, to infiltrate Fiore.
Jellal noted how he believed that Mirajane could help them track Lilith since she was familiar with demons. He also highlighted how important this was since Lilith could be gathering sensitive information which would harm Fiore in case of war.
It didn't take much to convince Mirajane to help. She easily agreed to join them in their search, thus they waited outside the hideout while she said goodbye to her friends and packed a small suitcase.
Laxus, who had disappeared while she was talking to everyone, showed up while she was packing. Without much time, they had a brief conversation about her leaving, the mission and his-barely concealed-concern for her safety.
He also thanked her again for saving him all those months before and let her know that if she ever needed his help during this mission, she should call him. Mirajane was surprised when Laxus presented her with a cellphone, Warren's new invention, but she gratefully accepted the gift.
They shared a rather awkward hug as she wondered if perhaps this was a good time to tell him how she had been feeling for a while. Unfortunately, he pulled apart before she could decide and left her with another goodbye.
She watched him leave the room, suddenly cheerless as she realised it might be a long time before she had another chance. However, there were bigger priorities at the moment thus she finished packing before going outside to meet Jellal and Doranbolt.
Their journey to find Lilith began that day and they were later joined by Meredy and Cobra- who now referred to himself as Erik. Over the course of their mission, Mirajane got to know all of them better and learned about their pasts, present and hopes for the future.
Neither member of the group expected that it would take them so long to actually find the demon, but 3 months passed and though they had searched almost all of Fiore, Lilith's trail remained cold.
After Mirajane received a letter from Lucy about Fairy Tail's reunion, she decided to briefly leave the group. What she didn't expect, though, is that this would be the answer to their quest.
After watching Juvia threatening Lucy's life, and listening to her dialogue, Mirajane quickly figured out that this must be Lilith.
Knowing that the demon was in fact possessing the water mage made things more complicated because this meant she couldn't directly attack it without harming her friend. Thus Mirajane took some time to think of a solution while simultaneously contacting both Laxus and Crime Sorciére.
Unfortunately, the situation soon became even worse once Lilith trapped Natsu and Lucy. Though Mira wanted to help them, she quickly realised that the only way was for Juvia to take control back.
Gajeel and Gray seemed to think the same for they began encouraging the water mage. Mirajane was actually surprised when Gray confessed his love for Juvia in front of everyone, but relief soon filled her once the water mage returned.
When she apologised, though, Mira was back to worried and once she realised what Juvia was about to do, she screamed. "No, Juvia!" I can't let her die!
It was too late. Juvia had already stabbed herself before anyone could reach her. She let out a gasp before removing the bloody dagger and throwing it on the floor. Her face showed pain and sorrow, but also relief once she looked back at Gray.
He was the first to reach her, having ran so fast that even Jet seemed impressed. Mirajane watched, still in shock, as the ice mage held onto Juvia as her body gave in.
"No, please no." He kept mumbling while his hands desperately tried to stop the blood flow.
"You idiot! What the hell did you do?" Gajeel yelled at her, trying to take a step but Levy stopped him, placing a hand on his arm.
"Let Gray talk to her first." She told him gently.
"But I…." He looked back at the water mage in anger but also fear. Mirajane felt sorry for him. He doesn't deserve to lose his best friend.
She glanced around, looking for Wendy, who could surely heal the water mage. She was busy helping Lucy, who lay unconscious in Natsu's arms.
"Come on, Lucy." Mirajane overheard him plead. Poor Natsu. He must be so worried.
"She'll be okay." Wendy reassured him.
"I was supposed to protect her." Natsu lamented, frowning deeply.
"Don't." Juvia's plea made Mirajane look back at her and Gray. She noticed that he was about to use his magic to stop the blood flow. Why is she telling him not to?
"But Juvia..." Gray protested.
"I'm sorry." Juvia's hand reached for his hand. "I just wanted...to be free..." A pause. She coughed a bit, which reminded Mirajane of Laxus. I need to save her too…
"And you will be." Gray told her as he squeezed her hand. "We'll find another way."
Mirajane really hoped they would, but time was running out. Checking her phone again, she was disappointed to find no messages. Why aren't they answering? She started panicking as it became increasingly clear that she would have to figure this out on her own.
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jojo-daydreams · 5 years
Hello! Welcome to taking over the world with fan fictions! Here's my request. If you are willing to do the whole group I would like to request the Stardust Crusaders hanging out with their S/O and their just relaxing and chatting until their S/O jokingly says lets take over the world. Would they join in on this chat, make a full blown plot, or just be judging their S/O? Lol. I can't wait to see what you can manage with this. If you can't do the whole lot of them choose who you want to do!
this is my first request :oooo
I hope you like it! I changed up the prompt setting a bit for a few of them just to change things up, I hope you don’t mind! ^^
Jotaro Kujo-
You and Jotaro had just been relaxing in his room.
A long week of finals was finally behind the both of you, and at his request you’d come over to “celebrate” (read: lay on his bed and very nearly fall asleep while casually snacking and chatting)
The two of you had been talking about nothing in particular, the weather, sports, a stupid commercial you saw the other day.
It was just a simple casual hangout, but it was something you realized you desperately needed after the week you’d had, and you could tell the laid-back atmosphere was good for Jotaro too, although your stoic boyfriend rarely showed how stressed he was, you knew he felt just as tired as you did.
You look up at him, his eyes are closed and his signature hat is missing from his head
“You know, when I’m with you I always feel so happy and content, like I can handle anything.”
He snorts at your sudden confession but doesn’t open his eyes
You’re grinning now, “You know what Jotaro, we should take over the world! We could probably do it too, you and me. I’ll be the brains and the beauty and you can be the muscle.”
His eyes snap open at Take Over The World
You pout. “Whaaat? How can you shut me down so fast like that.”
“Taking over the world is a serious thing. It’s a no.”
His tone implies the conversation is over.
You sigh, puffing out your cheeks a bit.
It had just been a joke but wow what a crushing reply that had been.
You played with the edge of your shirt as you sulked.
It was quiet for a few minutes after your failed proposal before Jotaro spoke up again.
“And anyway, I’d have to be the brains and the muscle and I’m not doing two jobs.”
Joseph Joestar-
Currently you were sitting next to your husband, Joseph Joestar, on an airplane as you accompanied him on a business trip.
Something something property something or other. To be honest you hadn’t been paying attention.
Joseph was a busy man, so when he asked you if you wanted to go with him this time, you’d jumped at the chance without a second thought.
You two were both watching “The Black Cauldron”, a childhood favorite you’d insisted upon when you saw it on the screen.
As a child, the villain, The Horned King, had scared you so terribly you remember sleeping with your parents for two night in a row after.
Now his monologue and evil lair seemed a bit cheesy- you felt like you could probably do it better. In fact….
You turn to Joseph, yanking out one of his earbuds.
“We could do this way better than this Horned King guy, you know?”
“Huh? Do what better than him?”
“Take over the world, raze the opposition in hellfire, make loyal followers of the rest.”
Your tone was so very casual.
Joseph scratched his chin for a minute, pretending to think.
“We’d probably need some extra help. Maybe I could get my grandson on the case as well.” He mused.
You laugh as he plays along, turning to face him fully as much as the airplane seat would allow.
“Jotaro would certainly be a worthy investment in the cause, we could do it on our own but he’d surely increase our efficiency by at least …. 75%!”
“What would our first decree be when we finally finished taking over everything, then?”
This gives you pause.
Wow you never thought you’d get this far. Ruling the world. What should the first thing you do be?
“Um. I’m not sure. I’d probably… take a day off?”
Joseph grins, leaning back a bit.
“Just one huh? What a hard working ruler you would be.”
“Well fine, then what would you do?”
He pretends to think very hard about this again, his mischievous grin never leaving.
“I would make my birthday a world-wide holiday, and then make yours a slightly lesser world-wide holiday, like only half a day off, so that everyone would much more excited for mine.”
You gasp, “That’s so mean Joseph! Maybe you’re not going to be a part of my plans now!”
“Ahh, the world’s new overlords first lover-spat!”
Mohammed Avdol-
“I’m going to take over the world, you can join me, or you can stand aside.”
Harsh terms, but that’s what someone who was going to take over the whole world had to be like sometimes.
Avdol frowns.
He wasn’t exactly sure where this was coming from.
The two of you had been sitting at your kitchen table, eating a peaceful breakfast together and talking about nothing in particular.
Then you’d said something to the affect of “Cereal ALWAYS goes in the bowl before the milk, always.” Which had turned into a small muttering rant and had somehow led to world domination.
“I’m not sure that is a good idea.” he replies, measured.
You finish another mouthful of cereal, swallowing as fast as you can to reply.
“I cannot let people exist out there who are making cereal wrong.”
You shake your spoon for emphasis.
You’re mostly joking but it does bother you a bit when people do that. Its unnatural.
Avdol watches you as you go back to eating, eyes unreadable, and waits for you to finish eating before weighing in once again.
“What if instead of world domination we travelled the world and taught people to pour milk at the appropriate time.”
You hide your smile behind your hand as best you can.
You’re joking about the whole thing of course, but even in this fictitious scenario your ever serious boyfriend is trying to come up with a practical and reasonable solution. Sometimes he was just truly too kind for his own good.
“Well. I suppose I can try that way first, but if I go on this milk peace mission you have to promise to help me when it fails.”
Avdol gives you a gentle smile, leaning over to kiss your cheek.
“If. If it fails. And of course, if it came to that I would take on the world at your side.”
Noriaki Kakyoin-
Readjusting you grip on his hand, you pulled your boyfriend to a stop beside you, forcing him to turn and look at the setting sun with you.
The two of you had spent a lovely evening at the beach, laying around and playing in the waves a bit, but now it was time for your favorite part of beach trips.
The sunset part.
Kakyoin allows himself to be pulled along without any resistance, letting go of your hand only so he could stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder as you both took in the scenery together.
Deciding it was time to break this tranquil silence, you spoke up, perfectly serious.
“This sunset is so pretty, I think I’m going to take over the whole world and keep them all for myself.”
Kakyoin tenses for a moment behind you, arms holding you a bit tighter.
“Take over the world? Where is this coming from?”
You shrug as much as you can in his embrace.
“I just love the sunset, it would be cool to own it.”
“Own…it…” He trails off, unsure how to respond to such a strange idea.
“Well, I suppose if it makes you happy then do what you must.”
“Thank you for the permission.” You reply with a smile, turning around in his arms to face him.
“You know, since I’m quite fond of you I think I’ll let you have all the sunrises.”
Your loving “gift” causes a small smile to blossom on his face, and he turns his head to hide his blush.
“Thank you, but… that was so sappy!”
“Well, I have to treat my trophy husband nicely now don’t I?”
Jean Pierre Polnareff-
You sat across from your boyfriend Polnareff, mindlessly stirring your coffee as you listened to him talk about the cop drama he��d spent all night watching.
You weren’t particularly interested in the show, but you found it adorable how animated he had become as he talked about the characters and the drama, so while you wouldn’t say you were tuning him out, you were certainly more focused on his actions than his words.
“And then he was like BAM BAM and the criminals were forced to face the hand of the law and- hey, are you listening?”
Uh oh.
“Huh? Oh yeah, of course. Bam, justice.”
Polnareff doesn’t seem totally convinced, but he shrugs it off, unbothered.
“Sorry, I know you don’t really care about the show haha, I just get so into it!”
You smile- ‘Oh I know you do’
“Anyways, tell me what you’ve been up to? What’re you thinking about?” Polnareff prompts, leaning forward towards you a bit.
“Me? I was… Thinking about…um. Taking over the world.”
He leans back again, confusion plain on his face, but before you can clarify that it was a joke or, hopefully, change the subject to look at bit less silly, he’s on the move again, throwing himself into the chain next to you instead of across from you and grabbing both your hands in his.
“Baby, you don’t have to worry about that- if you want the world just tell me and I’ll get it for you!”
You blush, unsure of how he can declare something so absolutely cheesy with such sincerity.
“Oh well, um, thank you Polnareff.”
He’s still smiling at you charmingly as gives your hands a reassuring squeeze.
“Anything for you baby! And while I’m at it, I can ask the writers how the main detective is going to beat his rival this season.”
You roll your eyes at that, but lean against his shoulder anyway, offering your silent support of his antics.
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Rushing Whispers Part 3/?
Read from the beginning or Part 2
May 21 & 22, 1970 ((approx. 5350 words))
Lily was peculiar in the morning. She insisted on cooking breakfast for me and my sister, and wanted to know our schedules for the day so she could align the meals for us. A chorus of “I don’t know” came from us when asked about our plans for the day. The weather seemed okay, but it could turn at any moment in Scotland, so there was no guarantee for sun. 
“You could go to the coast and watch the ocean,” Lily suggested, but Liliane decided on a strong refusal of that offer. 
“I think I’m going to just walk around and look at the architecture. I can’t get enough of it,” I told them. “You can do whatever you want, Lil.” 
“Sure, no problem. Do you want to have lunch somewhere at two?” 
Before I could answer, there was a loud knock on the door. 
“Who could that be?” Lily asked rhetorically. She never answered the door between the milkman and the postman, the latter of whom we were not expecting for another hour.
My sister was the first to get up and go to the door. “We have to see who it is, auntie.” 
“So, who is it?” I asked. 
A snicker was all the answer I needed to go to the door and see for myself. Standing on the small raised porch was Cameron, a small gift box in hand. “Might I speak to Emily, please?” he asked softly. 
I emerged from behind the living room partition and smiled. “Hi, Cameron. What brings you here?” Then, with a foot nudge to my sister, “Thanks for getting the door.” 
She threw me a sidelong glance and left, but I didn’t trust the look on her face so I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. 
“I was hoping you’d be here,” Cameron said before I could say anything else. “I got this for you. From the north.” 
My smile grew wider as I accepted the gift. “Thank you, Cameron.” I gently opened the box and saw that inside was a small wooden carving of a highland cow. “This is very kind, thank you.” 
Cameron looked bashful as he glanced to the ground and then back to the carving in my hands. “I saw it in an apprentice shop and thought you’d like it. A nice little memory of Scotland.” 
“I have many memories of Scotland, now.” 
His smile widened and the bashful look dissipated. “Would you like to come to breakfast with me?” 
“Only if we can go to Donovan’s,” I replied. “I’ve heard they have delicious black pudding.” 
“They do,” he told me with excitement. 
“That’s settled, then. Let me go get my coat.” 
I turned around and headed inside to grab my shoes and a light windbreaker. “Lily, I’m going to breakfast with Cameron, I’ll see you guys later!” I closed the door behind me without waiting for a response and turned to see Cameron holding his arm out to me.
“Shall we?”
“Do you usually go round to women’s houses this early in the morning?” I asked him jokingly once we had ordered our breakfast. 
“No, only the ones I like.” Cameron winked at me and I felt myself redden. “The tour is quite nearly finished and I remembered you were leaving Scotland soon, so I wanted to come by and say hello.” 
“Well, hello,” I answered with a cheeky smile. 
Cameron laughed and asked when I would be leaving. 
“Our flight is mid morning on the twenty-seventh,” I informed him. Honestly, since meeting and getting to know Cameron, I didn’t want to leave Scotland at all. 
“A week from now.” 
The food arrived and we dug in, happily eating in silence for a few minutes. 
“Might we see each other again? Before you leave?” he asked, seemingly unsure of himself. 
I smiled reassuringly at him. “With your penchant for showing up at my doorstep, I’m sure we will.” 
He chuckled softly. “I know it was a bit unexpected, but.. We have a show tonight at Malmaison Hotel and I wanted to see if you would like to come. Free of charge, of course.” 
“That would be wonderful, I’d love to.” I could feel my cheeks burning for the second time this morning but tried not to let it bother me. 
“Excellent, I’m glad. Do you know where the hotel is?” 
“No, but I’m sure I could ask Lily..” I trailed off, not even sure if she would know of the Malmaison Hotel. 
“No bother. I’ll come by to pick you up before soundcheck.” 
“Sounds great,” I beamed.
Late Afternoon
All Cameron had told me of the band was that they played progressive rock, which suited me fine. I dressed up in clothes nicer than my usual jeans and respectable shirt; thankfully I had done some shopping while in Scotland and slipped on, a mini skirt and a semi-loose buttoned shirt with flaring sleeves. I glanced at myself in the mirror and decided that bare legs were a little too much. 
I went to my sister’s room and knocked on the door. 
“Hey, have you got any pantyhose?” 
She gave my outfit one look and snorted. “What’s in town tonight? The circus?”
“I’m a lady at a prog rock concert, I can’t show up in old denim.” 
“You usually do,” she persisted. “But I’ll see if I’ve got a pair.” 
I waited at the threshold until she tossed a bundle at me. 
“Tan would go best with that outfit,” Liliane suggested. 
I thanked her and went back to my room, slipping on the pantyhose and heading downstairs to have a cup of tea. 
By the time four o’clock rolled around, I was waiting anxiously for Cameron to show up. The curtains were open so I could see his car park and know when to step outside, so I wouldn’t have to deal with any more quips coming from my sister and Lily. 
I sipped my tea while sitting on the sofa, my family chatting to each other. I ignored the comments I could hear coming from them and tried to keep calm. I was beginning to get nervous despite myself. 
Before I could worry too much, a dark blue truck pulled up. I didn’t realize it was Cameron until he stepped out of the car and began to walk towards the door. 
I stood and almost spilled my tea. I went to the front window, motioning to Cameron that I would be out in a moment. Suddenly very self conscious, I pulled the only footwear I had with me, some All-Stars, and frowned at the way they looked with the rest of my outfit. ‘Nothing to do about it now,’ I told myself. 
I brought my cup into the kitchen and set it down on the counter. “I don’t know when I’ll be back, but keep the back door unlocked and I’ll just pop in.” 
Lily scoffed and pointed to a small object on the table. “You think I’ll leave the door unlocked? The spare key. I’ll keep the front light on for you.” 
I grabbed the key and thanked her as she and Liliane wished me a good time. I stepped outside and saw Cameron’s eyes widen when he saw my outfit. 
“Is it too much?” I worried instantly. 
He shook his head. “Not at all. I like it,” he added with a smile. 
I smiled back, and we walked towards the truck. “What happened to your car?” 
“The van?” He opened the passenger door for me. “The crew are still unloading the equipment from it. This is Clyde’s truck.” 
“Clyde?” I asked when he walked around to the other side and sat in the driver's seat. 
“He’s the drummer. He was at the pub when we first met, but you were never introduced,” Cameron explained. 
“I guess there’s a first for everything.” 
Cameron turned the key in the ignition and chuckled. “Yes, there is.”
We got to the venue not long after, chatting all the way to the hotel. Cameron had told me the names of his band mates, and told me that the band was the brainchild of himself and Willie. 
We had seen the crew setting up the equipment on the short stage, surveyed over by some of the hotel staff. I suppose Cameron could feel my nerves because before opening the door to the backstage area, he took my hand in his and squeezed, giving me a reassuring smile. 
“Thanks,” I said quietly as he opened the door and let me walk through first. 
The change in atmosphere was not quite describable, but very palatable. One of the men huddled in the mass came up to us, cigarette in hand. 
"So, Cameron, this is the lass you've borrowed my truck to pick up?" 
"Clyde, this is Emily. Emily, Clyde." 
"Hello," I said with a polite smile. 
"Nice to meet you," Clyde said, before turning his attention to Cameron. "They need you on stage, something about your keyboards. I can't quite remember now, but I think they said a key fell off." 
"Shit, alright. I won't be long, Emily. Make yourself comfortable." Cameron shot me a quick smile and left towards the stage. 
"You look familiar," Clyde mentioned as he offered me a drink. I declined, but looked at all the bottles of alcohol and wondered, jokingly, where their personal distillery was located. 
"We met in Garlogie, a couple weeks ago. At the pub," I explained. 
"Ah yes, the raggedy girl. Well, nice to meet you officially." 
We were standing in front of the group of about a dozen people, who it seemed all turned to look at me at the same time. 
"Everyone, this is Emily. Cameron's girl." 
'Cameron's girl?' I wondered what exactly he'd been telling them about me, but pushed the thought aside when a long haired woman hopped off the table she'd been sitting on and extended her hand to me. 
I shook it and she introduced herself as Clyde's wife, Sylvia. This left Clyde to rejoin the group and light up another cigarette. 
Sylvia brought me to the refreshment table and motioned to the homemade sandwiches. "I don't know if you've eaten yet, but these were made this morning by me and Darla," she explained. "You're welcome to eat and drink whatever you like." 
"Thank you." 
"How many of us have you met?" she asked happily. 
"Not many," I admitted. "Cameron, obviously. You, Clyde, and Willie." 
"Cameron is a sweetheart," she whispered to me, even though we were far from everyone else. "He does like you. And he's coming this way," she added, bouncing off back to the lounge chairs. 
I looked to my left and saw that she was right. Cameron, wringing his hands, was walking towards me. 
"I see you've met Sylvia."
"Yes, she's quite nice," I noted. 
"It's almost time for soundcheck. Have you ever been this exposed to the makings of a concert?" 
His cheeky smile made me smile back. "No, actually. The last concert I went to was last year, even. I missed the opener and barely made it in time for the first song." 
"Shame," he noted. "At least tonight, this is another memory I can give you of Scotland." 
The look on his face was hard to decipher, which made me think that maybe Sylvia was right. Maybe Cameron did feel about me how I felt about him.  
"Did you get introduced to everyone?" 
"No, just Sylvia and Clyde." 
"Well, beside him is Willie, who you know, of course. He plays guitar. Our bassist Leroy is to his left. Then that's Dale, the-" 
"Alright everyone, soundcheck is now," Willie stated with authority, interrupting us. 
"Upright arse," Cameron said under his breath. Then, to me, "Come, let's go." 
I'd never seen a soundcheck before, let alone one where I was practically a VIP. I stood by the side of the stage and watched as they began to play. Cameron's keyboards started off quietly and then grew to be the driving force of the song. Only when Dale started to sing about three minutes into the song did I realize this wasn't an instrumental. 
They took less than fifteen seconds between each of the four songs they played. By the time they'd finished, nearly everyone on the stage was soaked with sweat. 
"Did you like it?" Cameron asked as he walked up to me, leading me to the backstage area once more. 
"It was great! I didn't know a keyboard could be played like that," I admitted. I snuck a glance at his collar, spotted with sweat. I felt a small shiver go through me but luckily, Cameron didn't notice. 
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Just wait until there's four hundred people here, we really rip it up," he added. 
Cameron excused himself for a moment and stepped behind the free-standing room divider. I wondered what he was doing until he stepped out in a different shirt, coming up beside me as I poured myself a tea. 
"Would you like one?" I asked.
"Yes, please." 
I poured another cup and set it down in front of him. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he added two drops of milk and took a sip. He was still clammy but the change of clothes had reduced my desire to rip off his shirt, though not satiated it entirely. 
"Come, let's sit." 
I followed Cameron past the row.of chairs and tables into another room. I hadn't noticed the door earlier but it was obvious now, painted a different colour and had the words 'storage' written on it. 
The 'storage' room was nothing like I expected. There were boxes, yes, but mostly just an empty room with a loveseat and a coffee table. 
"A little unorthodox for a storage closet, isn't it?" I joked. 
Cameron chuckled and smiled at me. "I asked to move this in here, I figured you might not want to have a dozen pairs of eyes looking at you all evening." 
"That's very thoughtful," I said, setting my tea cup down on the table. 
"Was I wrong?" he asked worriedly. 
"No, no. I just wasn't expecting you to be so.. accommodating." 
Cameron smiled once more. "Emily," he said, and when I looked at him, I could see the fire behind his eyes. He put a hand on my cheek and I hoped he could see behind my eyes as well. 
He kissed me then, softly but eagerly. He pulled back too soon and I put my hands on his chest and leaned forward. I kissed him harder, and before I knew what was happening, we were entangled. 
I pulled back after a moment and felt my cheeks a deep red. 
"Cameron, I.." 
"I'm sorry, Emily. I didn't mean to bring you here and force you into anything, I just-" 
'He's nervous.' 
"Cameron," I said with a smile. "I do like you." 
Though he tried to hide it, his face lit up. Cameron sat down and ran his fingers through his hair. 
“Relieved?” I asked with a laugh. 
He looked at me with relief clear on his face. “Yes, actually.” 
I sat down beside him and put my hand on his. “Did you think I’d reject you?”
He huffed and nodded slightly. “I wasn’t sure.. I haven’t always had the best of luck,” he admitted. 
“Your honesty is endearing,” I whispered. “Can I kiss you again?”
“God, Emily,” Cameron said. “You don’t have to ask.” 
I smiled shyly and scooted closer to him. We were facing each other and I held his hand in mine. Without thinking about it too much, I leaned forward and closed my eyes as I reached his lips with mine. The intimacy sent shocks through my body, as if I had been waiting all my life to be kissed by him. That wasn’t too far from the truth, though I had only been waiting about a week for him to do so. 
Within minutes, we were entangled once again. My hands on the back of his neck, his hands on my waist. I prodded at his lower lip with the tip of my tongue and he responded by opening his mouth. I moaned quietly and I felt him chuckle against me. I’m sure he was fighting his desires as I was mine; all I wanted to do was pull him on top of me and take him. 
I pulled away to brush the hair out of my face and push the thought from my mind. Cameron gazed at me as I did so and smiled. 
“What is it?” I asked. 
He looked down bashfully and I saw he was looking at my breasts. 
“What, they’re peeking at you?” I giggled. 
Cameron laughed. “I suppose they are,” he admitted. 
I pondered for a moment but decided against taking my shirt off, in case anyone walked in and saw me straddling him in my bra. Instead, I placed his hand on my waist under my shirt and he began to thumb at the edge of my bra. My whole body was on fire. 
I kissed him again, harder, and he responded with just as much voracity. His hands moved to the small of my back and I pushed myself against him. ‘They’re more than peeking at him, now,’ I said to myself. 
Time seemed to stand still until we heard a knock at the door. 
“It’s filling up, Cameron,” someone whose voice I didn’t fully recognize said through the door. 
“Thanks, Geoff,” Cameron responded. 
“I guess you want me to get off?” I said quietly. 
“I don’t want that, no. But if I’m to play a show tonight, you’ll have to,” he answered cheekily. 
I laughed and smiled shyly. I slid off of him and sat against the arm of the couch. I could see what I had felt just moments earlier, pressing against me. I suddenly became shy beyond words, and got quiet while Cameron fastened the two buttons at the top of his shirt. 
“Are you alright, Emily?” 
I hadn’t noticed he was looking at me, so his words surprised me. I looked up at him and smiled as best I could. “Yes, I was just thinking.” 
“Did something I do upset you?” he asked worriedly. Cameron sat back down beside me and looked at me with concern. 
“No, not at all, Cameron.” I tried to be as reassuring as possible. “I just..” 
“You can tell me.” 
“I thought it would never end.” I looked at him and saw the concern was still there. “In a good way,” I added. 
He smiled and took my hand in his, squeezing. “Me too, Emily.” 
We calmed ourselves down for a few minutes, but when the second knock on the door came we had no choice but to venture out. Sylvia winked at me and I blushed, which made her laugh loudly. 
“Everyone else is behind the stage. You might want to join them, Cameron,” she told us. 
Cameron snuck me a quick kiss on the cheek before darting off to join the rest of his band, leaving me with Sylvia. 
“So?” she inquired when he was out of the room. “What happened?” 
“I don’t kiss and tell,” I answered. 
“Oh, so you kissed! I knew it!” she squealed. 
“What, were there bets?” I asked jokingly. “When does the show start?” 
“Almost,” she quipped. “And, it’ll start momentarily. We should go to the side now, actually.” 
I followed her past the throngs of people to the best spot in the house. 
“Do you want to see his ass or his face?” she asked me with a cheeky grin. 
“Uh, I, um..” 
“Kidding! Let’s go.” 
We walked the last few steps to the designated viewing area for crew and entourage. ‘Face it is,’ I thought as I saw the set up. We were on the side with the guitar and bass, set to view the keyboardist from across the stage.
“I stand here, to see my husband better,” Sylvia told me as she settled into her viewing spot. 
“You can see the whole crowd from here,” I noted in amazement. 
“Never been side-stage before?” 
“No,” I answered. 
“It’ll be fun! I suggest you stand here,” she said, pointing to a spot about four feet from her. “You’ll be able to see better.” 
Just as we finished speaking, the lights dimmed and the crowd roared. A solitary man came onto the stage and went to the microphone. 
“Let’s welcome to the stage... Amoeba!”
The crowd’s roar grew and the rush of adrenaline I felt must have been nothing compared to Cameron’s as they came onto the stage. Each of the members raised a hand in their wave to the crowd. I caught Cameron’s eye and he winked at me as he began to play.
The concert was amazing, I’d never seen a crowd going wild like that. There seemed to be something in the air that made them go wild, hollering and dancing to the music. I found myself dancing as well. The songs were well written and had beautiful music, hard to explain without having heard them before. 
The final note struck out and Dale’s “thank you! Good night!” echoed in the hall. Sylvia pulled me along with her to the backstage room, which the band entered at the same time. 
The first thing I noticed was Cameron’s shirt, it was drenched with sweat and his hair was wet. He beamed when he saw me, and a smile lit up my face. 
“That was incredible!” I exclaimed before he had the chance to say anything. He walked up to me and put a hand on my hip. The touch was electrifying. 
“Glad you enjoyed it!” Cameron was obviously happy to see my positive reaction to the band, and that made me happier than I thought it would. He went to change his shirt again behind the room divider and I was glad, because I didn’t think I’d be able to keep my hands off him if I saw him sweaty and shirtless. 
Once he emerged, he caught the attention of Clyde and they both nodded at each other. Cameron came up to me and asked if I had everything I came with. 
“Yes. Why?” 
“We’re going to go somewhere,” he told me. 
When we got to Clyde’s truck, I realized the significance of what had happened inside. Cameron had asked to borrow the truck again. But where were we going? 
I refrained from asking and instead decided to compliment him once we got into the truck. “I didn’t think you could play keyboards like that.”
“Me in particular, or just any old anyone?” he asked with a chuckle. 
“Well, I have heard some great keyboards jams but nothing quite like yours.” 
“Thank you,” he said genuinely. 
“So, now that I’ve buttered you up,” I began, “where are we going?”
“I’ve something to show you. It’s an old building in Cairnie, maybe eight miles from here.” 
The drive was short, maybe twenty minutes from Malmaison Hotel to the building Cameron spoke of. 
“Is this a house?” I asked him incredulously as we got out of the truck. It looked like a miniature castle, built with stone and a large wooden door. 
“Whose is it?” I turned to look at him and he smiled.
“Yours?” I repeated. I was surprised. “You live here?” 
“Well,” he began as he unlocked the door. He pushed it open and beckoned me inside. “It’s my mother’s. But she’s given it to me unofficially. I haven’t spent much time here recently, what with the tour, but this is my home when we’re in the area.” 
The inside was so grand I had trouble putting words to it. Cameron gave me the tour and excused himself to take a shower. I wandered the house while he showered, noting the layout of the house. The main floor had a sitting room, kitchen, and a bathroom, along with a bedroom and what seemed to be a music room. 
I slowly walked up the stairs and saw two more bedrooms, each with an en suite bathroom. It was quite something to take in, especially when my home was a small one bedroom apartment. 
I went into the bedroom where Cameron was showering, resisting the urge to peek into the bathroom. I took my shoes off by the door and sat on the bed with my back against the headboard and my legs stretched out. I contemplated taking off my pantyhose, then I stood up and did so. I had just tossed them next to my shoes and sat back on the bed when Cameron emerged from the bathroom in a towel at his waist. 
“Hi,” he said, surprised by my presence. 
“Hello,” I giggled. 
“Comfortable?” he asked, nodding to the pantyhose on the floor. Suddenly I felt very bare. 
“Very,” I answered. 
“I’ll just..” he began, looking around the room. “Ah, my jeans. I’ll just go put them on.” 
Cameron grabbed what, at a quick glance, looked like boxers and a pair of jeans. He stepped back into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. 
I wiggled my toes and decided that shaving my legs yesterday was a stroke of good luck. 
“I didn’t bring you here to seduce you, or anything,” Cameron said. He was standing at the door of the bathroom and looking at me intently. “I suppose simply put, I wanted to spend time with you but not at the crummy hotel Geoff booked for the band.”
“That’s very sweet of you, Cameron. And, well, you’ve already seduced me.” I added in a quiet voice that was almost a whisper. 
His face changed and he smiled. “I’m happy. I didn’t think I could be, but I am.” Cameron came to sit beside me on the bed and I turned to meet his gaze. 
“Why didn’t you think you could be happy?” 
He shook his head as he walked towards me. “A story for another day,” he reassured me. “But I am happy.” 
“Me too.” 
Cameron took the opportunity to kiss me, hard. I answered him and he lowered himself onto the bed beside me.. My hands went to his bare chest and he put his hands on my waist, his touch feeling electric. I knew that this time, with no one around to interrupt, I wouldn’t be stopped by a voice in my head. 
I tried to make my intent clear with the ferocity of my kissing, but to make sure he got it I pulled away for a moment. He shifted to have his back against the headboard as I removed my bra and tossed it to the floor without removing my shirt. 
“Emily, you don’t have to-” 
“I want to,” I answered, moving to straddle him and grinding my hips into his. 
I heard him gasp a little as I kissed his neck and he suddenly rolled me onto my back and pinned me down. 
“Oh, you’re playing like that?” I asked rhetorically. “I’ll keep that in mind.” 
Cameron laughed and put his hands on my thighs. “You’re burning,” he noted. 
“You should feel the rest of me,” I teased. “I’m on fire.” 
He smiled at that and kissed me once more. I didn’t feel as though I was giving myself up to him, rather that we were both doing that for each other. I could tell he was as wanting as I was. 
Soon, my skirt was on the floor and my shirt unbuttoned. He stared at my chest for a moment too long and I asked him if everything was okay. 
“Everything is perfect. You’re perfect.” I blushed deeply and he put his hand on my cheek. “Don’t be shy, Emily.”
Light was just coming in through the curtains when I woke. We had made love for hours, or so it seemed; there was no clock in the bedroom. Cameron woke when I shifted to my side and he spoke groggily. 
“Good morning.” 
“Good morning,” I answered. I gave him a kiss and he pulled me closer to him. 
When he let me go, I was nearly breathless. His sweet smile made me melt and all I wanted was for him to be with me, for much longer than the time we had. I hadn’t realized I was frowning until he spoke. 
“Everything alright?” 
“I should have been back at Lily’s after the show,..” I confessed. “She’ll be up soon, and so will my sister.” 
“I’d forgotten about them.” 
“Me too, actually,” I said with a light chuckle. “Time moves too fast sometimes.” 
“It does.” 
We stayed in silence for a few minutes. I could have stayed with Cameron all day, but I knew that just being out until morning was scandalous, let alone being out all of the next day as well. 
“You can shower when you’d like. I’ll make you some tea and bring you back to your aunt’s,” Cameron told me, as if reading my mind. 
“Thanks,” I said, and slipped out of bed. I could feel him looking at me as I walked to the bathroom, but I didn’t mind. 
The hot water felt so good, I barely wanted to get out and dry myself. Once I did, the thought of clean underwear crossed my mind and I heard Cameron call out from the bedroom. 
“You haven’t got any clean pants, but these jeans were my sister’s. You can wear them if you’d like.” 
I stepped out of the bathroom and thanked him, taking the jeans from his outstretched hand. I slipped into them and my shirt; Cameron was already dressed. I put my shoes on and gathered my underwear, pantyhose, and skirt, slipping them into my purse. 
“The tour is finished, now, so I’ll be staying here for a few weeks,” he let me know as we made our way to the truck. “I put the house phone number in the jeans pocket, so you can call me whenever.” 
“Thank you, Cameron. What will you do now that the tour is over?”
“We have about a month off before we head into the studio. I suppose I’ll mostly be writing music, and sleeping,” he said with a laugh. 
We were at Polmuir Road before long; Cameron parked in front of the house and parked the car. We both began to speak at the same time, but he urged me to speak first. 
“I had a really great time at the concert, Cameron. And with you.” 
“As did I.” He smiled and gave me a quick kiss. “Call me before you leave, okay?” 
“I will.” 
“I’ll bring you to the door.” 
We stepped out of the truck and Cameron took my hand in his as he walked me up the pathway to the front door. 
“Well, I’ll see you soon, Cameron.” I smiled at him and he brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it softly. 
“I look forward to it.” 
I smiled at Cameron once more as he let go of my hand; we didn’t need to say anything else. I reluctantly closed the door behind me as he walked back to the truck. 
The house was quiet for only a moment, before my sister bounded down the stairs.
“Where have you been? Lily was beyond herself!” My sister whispered angrily.
“Calm down, I’ll tell her I’m alright.” I was already fed up with my sister and it had only been ninety seconds. 
“Whose jeans are those?” she asked. 
“Well, they’re-” 
“What happened to your skirt?” she interrupted me. “And my pantyhose? Don’t tell me you ripped them!”
“Would you shut up for a second? Oh, hi Lily.” 
Our great-aunt had walked in from the kitchen. “Emily, you’re back? I thought you said it was-” 
“I’m fine, I’m here now. I was with Cameron,” I explained. 
“All night?” Lily was shocked.
My sister was beyond shock. “Do not tell me you were in a hotel room with him!”
“He’s got a house in Cairnie, it’s fine,” I added. 
“Girls nowadays,” Lily scoffed, heading back to the kitchen. “Breakfast will be ready in 30 minutes, girls.”
Part 4
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queenmylovely · 5 years
Hundreds and Thousands
Summary: Ben hardy x fem!reader. A new customer at the café catches your eye
Word Count: 4k 
Warnings: just fluff!
A/N: This is my gift for @rogerinaismyqueen for @dtfrogertaylor‘s A Night at the Fandom! I’m so excited for you to read this, and I hope you enjoy! I combined the kind of date you selected with the way they met and in this, Ben is not a part of Borhap so who knows how he makes a living lol 
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Working at the coffee shop had its perks. Free coffee and day old pastries were a plus and your coworkers always had entertaining stories to tell you. One of the biggest perks though, was all the people that came through. You genuinely loved your customers, and as most of them were regulars, you got to know them (or at least their coffee habits) pretty well. There were always new faces though, and one of your favorite things to do was point out the cute guys to your work mates. They could always count on you noticing the hottest ones walking in, even if you were seemingly focused on making a drink or ringing up another customer at the register.
So, when a blonde beefcake walked in one boring sunday afternoon, you were the first to notice.
“Mayday, mayday, this one’s too hot to handle,” you muttered under your breath to Grace, the girl you were working with that day. She looked up lazily from the counter she was wiping down, but almost did a double take as she saw who you were talking about.
Now, the coffee shop had its fair share of attractive customers, but this guy was really something. As previously mentioned, he was blonde and muscular, but also had great bone structure, was pretty tall, and had gorgeous green eyes.
As you were the one on register, you kept yourself composed, grabbed your pen, and stood up straighter. The guy didn’t come to the register right away, taking a moment to look at the menu and the pastry display before stepping up. While you were waiting, you looked around the café, clicking your pen a couple of times out of habit.
Looking to him as he walked up, you put on your customer service smile.
He smiled back and said, “Hello,” in a deep, accented voice that made your knees a little weak and you were glad for the counter to hide behind.
“Hello, what can I get started for you today?” you said, cheerfully.
“Um, can I get a 16oz mocha?” he asked politely.
“For here or to go? And would you like it hot or iced?” you asked in clarification.
“For here, and hot, please,” he replied.
“Would you like whipped cream on that?”
“Yes please,” he said back enthusiastically, making you smile and laugh a little genuinely. It always surprised you when muscular men came through and got the sugariest drinks they could.
“Alright, and a name for that?”
“Ben,” he told you.
You nodded and typed his order into the register, saying the total. He handed you his card and you rang him up, handing it back to him when you were done.
“That’ll be right out,” you said with another smile.
“Thank you,” he replied with a smile that had you staring for just a second too long before you remembered you were the one that was supposed to make his drink.
As you started making the drink, Grace came up next to you and smiled giddily.
“Wow, was he a looker,” she said with a giggle. “What was his name?”
“Ben,” you whispered back. “Be quieter, he’s still right there,” you reminded, pointing with your gaze to where he was choosing a table to sit at, only 20 feet away.
“Eh, he can’t hear me over the milk steamer,” Grace shrugged.
You finished the drink, spraying the whipped cream on top in a perfect swirl before adding some chocolate sprinkles for extra effect.
Walking over to the part of the counter that was for giving drinks out to customers, you called out, “16oz mocha for Ben.”
Ben stood up quickly from the table where he was setting up his laptop and walked over. Grabbing the drink from where you had set it down, he looked at you with a smile. “Thank you, and thank you for the hundreds and thousands.”
“I’m sorry, the whats?” you asked in confusion.
“Um, I think here in America you call them ‘sprinkles,’” he offered, unsure.
“Oh, that’s an interesting difference,” you laughed. “I like that, hundreds and thousands. You’re welcome, have a nice day.”
“You too, Y/N,” he said, nodding to your nametag and winking when you had a bit of confusion. You smiled back genuinely; although many customers would recognize your face if they came in often, most of them didn’t bother to learn your name.
Ben walked back to his table and got settled and you got back to work as a new customer had just walked in.
Over the next hour or so, you took orders and made drinks, stealing looks at Ben all the while. He was engrossed in whatever he was working on, brows furrowed slightly as he read and typed alternatively.
When you and Grace switched roles, you left from behind the counter to head to the back and grab a broom while she took over the register. You went to the area where the tables were and started sweeping up the little bits of paper and dust that had accumulated over the course of the day.
You came up on Ben’s table in a moment, and when he saw that his bag was going to get in your way, he picked it up quickly.
“Here, let me get this out of your way,” he said, again in that low voice, but this time you didn’t have the counter to hide behind.
“Thanks. Hard at work?” you asked, nodding to the laptop in front of him.
He laughed and nodded, “Yeah, I always find it easiest to work somewhere with a little noise. I’m glad I found this place.”
“It’s pretty great for that,” you agreed. “Are you new to the area?”
“How could you tell?” he said jokingly.
“I guess I just have a good intuition for such things,” you said sarcastically but with a smile.
“I just moved here last month, still getting used to it,” he explained casually.
“Well, welcome to town! Anyway, I’ll let you get back to it,” you said cheerfully as you started to sweep again.
“Thanks for the reprieve, though,” he replied with a smile that you returned easily. His smile really was contagious.
After your round of sweeping, you joined Grace behind the bar to restock the things she needed. As you were bringing a couple of jugs of milk up from the back, she turned to you while she was making a drink.
“Flirting with customers on company time, Y/N? I’ll have to report you,” she said, but you knew she was joking— she was always flirting with customers— and shook your head with a smile. “Any more info about him?”
“Well, he’s not from around here, but that was pretty obvious from the start,” you answered. “Just moved here a month ago and likes to work at coffee shops, but that’s everyone. Didn’t say what he was working on.”
“Hmmm, very promising. Did you tell him you could show him around?” she said suggestively just before she capped the drink and called the order out to the customer.
“Ha! No, after the two sentences we exchanged I did not ask him out,” you said a little incredulously. “Who do you think I am?”
“You can’t fault me for hoping you would be more forward,” she claimed as she stepped up to the counter and started greeting a customer. She was a master of switching from personal to work conversations without caring if the customers heard.
As she helped the customers, you went back to your tasks, and after about half an hour, finally had a second to relax. Surveying the café, you saw that everything was going well and the customers looked happy and relaxed further before realizing something had changed. Ben wasn’t in his seat anymore and there was no trace of him left. He must have left while you were busy and didn't notice. It was a little thing to be upset about, and not like there would never be another hot customer, but you were still kinda sad that you hadn’t seen him leave.
You sighed to yourself and resigned to continue to work, although a little forlornly.
A week later, you showed up for work just on time and clocked on, tying your apron around your waist before pulling your hair into a ponytail and washing your hands. You stepped out to the front and said hi to Grace. You and she worked weekend afternoons together but you worked weekday mornings most of the time, so you didn’t see much of her during the week.
She sighed in relief when you got there, “It’s been such a boring day today. Still no sign of blondie.”
You chuckled at her words. Yesterday, when she had eagerly asked, you had informed her of how you hadn’t seen Ben all week. She hadn’t either working the closing shift, so you had assumed either he came midday or hadn’t come at all. You switched positions; you taking over the register for the first part of your shift while she cleaned and restocked.
As you signed in to the system on the machine, you hummed to the song that Grace had playing over the system. The rule was that whoever was on register got to choose the music, and you hadn’t got around to changing it. You were just about to walk over to the little CD player that controlled the sound system when you saw a customer out of the corner of your eye.
Turning back, you recognized the face and smiled for real. You felt heat rise to your cheeks at how happy you were at seeing him, but the embarrassment faded a little when you saw the enthusiastic smile already on his face.
“Hi,” you said brightly.
“Thank goodness you’re back! None of the other baristas have been giving me sprinkles!” he said in mock exasperation and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“I think they’re actually called hundreds and thousands,” you replied to his delight. “You know, you could just ask for them.”
“I feel silly as an adult asking for sprinkles on my mocha that already has whipped cream,” he explained.
“But it’s completely fine for me to put them on there?” you clarified.
“Exactly, you get it,” he said happily.
You laughed and shook your head in amusement, “So that’ll be a 16oz mocha, hot and for here with whipped cream and sprinkles?”
“Only if you insist,” he said with a wink, and you could swear there were butterflies taking flight in your stomach.
You finished the transaction and went to make the drink. As you were pouring out the ingredients, Grace walked up to you, about to comment on how annoying cleaning was when she spotted Ben. Quickly closing the distance between the two of you, she hit you lightly on the shoulder with a shocked look on her face.
“How could you not tell me that he was back?”
“What was I supposed to do? Shout ‘Grace, get over here, the blonde hottie is back in the store!’ as soon as he walked up?” you questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s really all I ask,” she said simply.
“I’ll do that then next time, sure thing,” you said sarcastically and rolling your eyes. Your focus went back to the drink and you finished it, again adding the sprinkles.
“Why are you adding sprinkles? Isn’t that just a regular mocha?” she asked, confused.
“He likes them,” you said quietly.
“Oh, that’s so cute! He’s like a little-” she gushed before you quieted her. As you waved her away, you called the drink out to Ben and he was there in a second.
“How am I going to survive another seven days without these hundreds and thousands?” he asked wistfully and you chuckled.
“You know, I do work the rest of the week too. Just in the mornings. Although I’m not sure it’s recommended to have a mocha every day of the week. You know, health-wise,” you pointed out.
“I think I’ll be fine, I’m very healthy otherwise,” he said with a smirk, and as you raked your eyes over his body in what you hoped was a subtle fashion, you couldn’t disagree. If he noticed you checking him out, he didn’t say anything. “Guess I’ll see you on Monday then.”
“Okay,” you nodded, answering and watching him walk away. Damn, what was that saying? You hated for him to go, but loved to watch him leave.
You hadn’t expected to actually see him the next day. It was one thing to like sprinkles, but it was another thing to get up early (or so you assumed) to get coffee before work if it wasn’t a regular thing.
But there he was at 7:30am, in line with all the early risers, ready for his mocha and already smiling at you. It was hard to stay focused on the other customers as the two of you kept making eye contact. How was this one guy, with a bit of an obsession with sprinkles, making such an impact on you?
By the time he was the first person in line, the two of you were grinning at each other like idiots.
“I kinda can’t believe you actually came here,” you told him.
“I’m serious about my sprinkles,” he joked and then added, “Plus, I think starting off my day talking to you isn’t such a bad thing.”
That really made you smile, but you had to look away for a moment as you were flustered. Ben just kept smiling at you. Noticing that the people behind him were looking a little grumbly you tried to hurry along the process.
“Do you want that for here or to go?”
“I better get it to go,” he said and you nodded, grabbing one of the paper cups. Since it was the busy morning shift, one of your coworkers was making the drinks, but you made a note to add sprinkles. He paid and walked away as you started helping the next customer.
When your work mate called out the drink for Ben you looked over and saw him grab it. He was looking back at you, and gave you a smile and wave as he left.
Over the next four days, he kept coming into the café in the morning, and the two of you fit as much flirting in as you could before other customers got mad about the line. He didn’t come in on Saturday, but you had kind of expected as much since he hadn’t the week before.
Sunday started as all Sundays had, with you grumbling as you turned off your third alarm of the day. That was the last alarm you set for yourself, and you knew that you had to get up after it went off. Since the weekends were your day to sleep in, you were always reluctant to get up and get ready.
Thankfully, it was a 9:00am wake-up time instead of the 5:30am you were used to on weekdays. You had read that it was better to have a consistent wake-up time everyday, but it seemed plain wrong to get up before 8:00am on a weekend.
You ambled out of bed and to your kitchen, opting for a cup of peppermint tea to start your morning. Since you worked at a coffee shop, you tried to keep the caffeine at work so you wouldn’t become too dependent. Sipping on your tea, you made toast and eggs and ate those while flicking through the notifications on your phone.
After breakfast, you brushed your teeth, washed your face and started getting dressed. Since you worked at a local place and not a corporate place like Starbucks, you had a very loose dress code; basically don’t wear profanity and wear closed toed shoes. You were looking through your closet and dresser trying to find something that you wouldn’t mind getting dirty, was comfortable, and felt cute. Remembering that Ben was probably coming in today, you started thinking if he would like what you were wearing but quickly shook the thought from your brain. You didn’t dress for men in general, and today wasn’t any different.
You ended up deciding on a pair of dark wash jean shorts and a black and green striped t-shirt with a little pine tree embroidered on the breast pocket. It was a go-to look and one that you felt confident in. Hooking in a simple pair of silver hoops and pulling your hair into a small bun, you looked at the clock and saw that you still had about two hours before you even had to think about leaving.
Deciding to listen to some music, you walked to your living room where you kept one of those record player/CD player combos and flipped through your small (but growing) record collection. You decided on one of your all time favorites, Jazz by Queen. Pulling the record out of its sleeve, you set it on the player and placed the needle down. A second later, you heard the opening notes of “Mustapha,” and smiled happily. While it was maybe one of the lesser known Queen albums, you loved it for how different it was and the fact that it contained some of your favorite songs, “Fun It,” and “Don’t Stop Me Now.”
You sang along to the songs as you did some light cleaning, taking breaks to dance along to the more upbeat songs and maybe going a little too hard when “Don’t Stop Me Now,” came on. As the album wound down with “More of That Jazz,” you put away your things and decided to switch to TV for the time being. Putting something random on Netflix, you scrolled through your phone instead of paying too much attention to what was on. After about an hour, you needed to gather your things for work and head out.
You arrived at work a couple of minutes early and hung out in the back until you could clock on. Grace came back to grab something quickly and saw you.
“No sign of your guy,” she said with a smirk.
“Shut up. He doesn’t come here every day and he’s not my guy,” you reminded her.
“With what you told me yesterday, I’m not so sure that’s true,” she said slyly before going back to the front. You had told her about the flirting and how he came every morning that week until Saturday. Once you clocked on, you joined Grace in the front, and seeing her unoccupied, started talking again.
“The reason he comes everyday is to get a mocha with sprinkles, so I don’t even see your point.”
“What really seems more likely? He’s ‘too embarrassed,’ to ask for sprinkles from any other barista or he comes here early every morning to see you?” she asked with a quirked brow.
You frowned and were trying to stutter out a response when you heard the door to the outside open and both of you looked over, seeing Ben.
“There’s your man,” she said smugly.
You brushed off her comment as you signed into the register, collecting yourself and smiling when Ben came up to the counter.
“Afternoon, Y/N,” he said with an easy smile.
“Good afternoon, Ben. Would you like your usual?” you asked.
“You know, actually, I’m looking to expand my horizons. What would you suggest?” he said with a curious look on his face.
You considered for a moment and then said, “I’m a big fan of our chai lattes. They’re best iced, though.”
“Iced chai latte?” he repeated and you nodded. “That doesn’t come with whipped cream or sprinkles does it?” you shook your head no, a little concerned as to whether he would take your advice or not. You worries were assuaged when he replied with enthusiasm, “Well, guess I’ve got to break that habit someday. Iced chai latte for here, it is.”
You smiled and told him his total, finishing the transaction before he walked over to find a table to set up shop. Watching his movements, you started making the drink. Grace sauntered up to you as you were doing so, catching you off guard and almost making you spill.
She snickered as she said, “Looks like he doesn’t require sprinkles with his café experience. Makes you wonder..”
You rolled your eyes at her, refusing to play her game and called the drink out to Ben as you finished it. He came over quickly and you insisted he try it before walking away.
He did as you said, his eyes lighting up when he got a taste, “Wow, this might be even better than a mocha.”
“I’m glad you like it,” you said with a little bit of relief.
“I’m glad you recommended it,” he said with a smile before turning to go back to his table.
After helping another customer, you realized you hadn’t changed the music from Grace’s, and although you weren’t averse to Ariana Grande, you were in the mood for something else. You bent down a little, opening the cupboard where a lot of the CDs were kept. The player had an aux cord, but you knew there was a CD that fit your interests and opted for that instead. Laying eyes on it, you grabbed it and opened the case, popping the CD into the slot and waiting for the music to start so you could adjust the volume accordingly.
Hearing the starting notes of “Bohemian Rhapsody,” you smiled in contentment and turned it down a little bit so it wouldn’t bother anyone. You worked and listened as time went on, serving customers and chatting with Grace about work stuff mainly. There was a little break in customers and you were humming along with “Somebody to Love,” absentmindedly while doodling on a sticky note with your pen.
“On a bit of a Queen kick?” you heard Ben’s deep voice ask you and you looked up smiling a bit sheepishly.
“Ah, the real question is when am I not?” you joked back and he laughed.
“I’m fond of them myself. Pretty much have to be living in England,” he told you.
“That’s like saying I have to be a fan of Journey just ‘cause I’m American,” you pointed out.
“Huh, you’re right. I am a fan of them though,” he admitted.
“Journey?” you said with a smirk.
“Queen,” he said laughing. “Since you’re a self-proclaimed fan, I assume you listen to more than their Greatest Hits album?”
“I do. What about you?” you said, turning the question back on him.
“I have, I think,” he said, looking up and trying to think of any.
“Yeah?” you said, unbelieving, but wanting to tease him further. “What’s your favorite album?”
“Ummm, that’s difficult, how am I supposed to choose that?” he stalled.
“Well then, just choose one that you really like,” you suggested with a smile that rivaled the cheshire cat’s.
“I- uh- the-,” he stuttered, unable to think of any.
“Are you sure you’re a Queen fan, or was that just an excuse to come up here?” you called him out, causing him to blush.
“Maybe I’m a casual fan looking for someone to teach me more about them,” he hinted.
“And who would that be?” you asked, wanting him to spell it out.
“This barista I met the other week by the name of Y/N,” Ben said, looking at you with apprehension, to make sure he wasn’t pushing a boundary or anything.
“I suppose that could be arranged,” you said with a smile that he returned. You wrote on the sticky note that you had doodled on and handed it to him, “This is my number. Text me and we can set up a lesson,” you said with a wink.
“Will do,” he said with a nod and happy smile. He turned to head back to his table and you called out before he got too far away. Turning around and walking back with another smile, he raised his eyebrows as he waited for you to continue.
“I’m happy to go anywhere,” you said, smiling already due to his catchy one. “So long as it’s not a coffee shop.”
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A Taste Of Christmas, 6/6
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 6/6.
Pairings: Metacrisis Nine x Rose.
A/N: Sequel for The Summertime Of Our Lives. Written for doctorroseprompts' ficmas challenge. Ficmas challenge: Celebrate, Gifts, Joy, Unwrap, Friends, Mistletoe. Tagging @thebookster on her demand.
“Christmas is a time when you get homesick - even when you're home.” - Carol Nelson.
The day had finally come. It was hard to tell who was the most excited. The Doctor would say that it was his Rosie but Tony wasn’t outdone. They were bouncing around the house and singing Christmas songs. Rose had gone through the entire repertory and taught them all to Tony who was more than happy to sing them at the top of his lungs along with his sister. The Doctor felt compelled to run away from the house to save his ears from the slaughter of songs he never liked anyway. He had learned to love Christmas with all his companions and if songs might have pleased some of his past incarnations, he wasn’t like that. Humans had taken the concept of Christmas too seriously and were overdoing it with the decorations and music and last-minute shopping rushes. Well, he hadn’t been better on that point. He had travelled in this universe to gather the best decorations and ingredients for a perfect celebration. He was currently organising the last details for the evening: checking the exterior’s decorations, all the cables; making sure the fairy lights would switch on at the right time and… shovelling the alley leading to the house. To magnify their Christmas, snow had decided to fall all night. The main roads of town had been cleared but it was up to the inhabitants to clear their places. Consequently, the Doctor was shovelling the alley, drawing a path in the middle of this white cover. Rose had insisted for him to wear a thick coat, a scarf, gloves and a hat. She didn’t want him to catch a cold. It wouldn’t be the right moment. He hadn’t been sick yet since he was a human. Except for the events of last summer, except for his depression. He had never gone through basic sickness and Rose thought he would handle it very badly. As if he was that vulnerable. She didn’t know him that well. The night was slowly falling. Rose and Tony were in the kitchen. They were cooking the last dishes for the dinner and setting the table. The Doctor had provided everything they needed, had helped as much as he could – especially with the alcohol making. Now, his job was to welcome the guest when they would arrive. They shouldn’t be long. The meeting hour indicated on the invitation was drawing closer. The excitation and anxiety too. That was their first meal between friends. There would be a lot of people and that was an ordeal to eat in front of people, including people trained to notice every detail. Alec Hardy disliked him. Their relation had gotten better after he saved him on that boat. It wasn’t the best but it was better than it had been when they first met. In a couple months of time, it was an improvement. He had better bonds with the other guests. They were nicer, more agreeable. Hopefully, they wouldn’t remark his eating disorder. “Don’t bite your nails. It’s gonna be alright.” A soft hand topped his and gently forced him to put his fingers away form his mouth. It delicately wiped the saliva away and let go of his hand. Thankfully he hadn’t had the time to bite them too badly. His hands were red and cold. The temperatures had dropped and it was freezing outside. The windows were already decorated with ice crystals turning them opaque until the next morning. Their guests wouldn’t be surprised by the slippery roads. The Doctor had thrown salt all over their alley so they could park safely. And if they had to stay over for the whole night, the guest rooms were ready. “It’s just a bunch of friends. You’ve met them already.” “Ellie and Beth are fine but…” “Because they’re women?” Rose mocked him. “Because they’re not Shitty Face and God-Botherer.” “Don’t call them that.” He only gained a slap on the chest with such nicknames. Rose dragged him inside the house. Tony was watching cartoons on telly and wouldn’t move from there until the guests arrive. He was wearing an elf costume and hadn’t forgotten about the ears. Rose had picked a red dress and had worked hard on it to turn it into a full Mother Christmas costume for herself. He was the one who made Tony’s costume with the TARDIS’ help. He had told Rose that he had bought it on a market in a galaxy far, far away but she was seeing through the lie and had guessed the truth. It had been her idea to wear matching outfits that were Christmas related. He was supposed to wear a Santa Claus costume, had refused but the clothes on the counter weren’t the ones he had picked earlier. He gave Rose a suspicious look. “You swapped my clothes.” “Yup.” “Yup,” he repeated, exasperated. “I said no.” “You sound like Donna, careful love;” “Doesn’t that scare you to death?” “Donna had a terrible temper but she was a great and faithful friend.” “I can’t deny that. But you’re avoiding the subject.” “That’s just black pants and a red shirt,” she sighed. “You’re no fun.” She gave up on him to focus on her reflection in the mirror. The clothes were the first part of her getting ready for the celebration of their first Christmas. Now, she had to comb her hair and do her make-up. She didn’t need his help for that so he pulled on the red and white striped socks, the black pants and the red shirt. On the chest pocket, he noticed an embroidered white gift. One of the loops of its ribbon was continuing its course and forming elegant words on the pocket. Santa Claus. Discreet and distinguished. That, he really liked. And for that reason, he accepted to wear the formal shoes and Christmas hat. He ignored Rose’s smile in the mirror and left the bathroom. He just had the time to check on Tony before the first doorbell rang. A brief push on the button. Someone serious. Probably the one the Doctor wanted the least to be left alone with. Opening the front door proved him right: the detective Alec Hardy was standing on the threshold. His daughter Daisy was with him. She gave the Doctor a smile when Hardy just nodded a hello. “Dad was very intrigued by your ‘Christmas’ thing,” chuckled Daisy. “But I still had to convince him to come over. Last time he has been invited was at Ellie’s.” “And I brought wine, flowers and chocolate as gifts because I had no idea of what to bring at a dinner with other people.” “That’s what the conventions want when we’re living in society. No one takes in consideration that we might not be comfortable with these things.” For once, the detective was being nice. Was it because he was invited over? Because he was with his daughter? Or just because of said conventions? They were all gathered in the living room, sat on the couch and armchair while Tony was still on the ground, the eyes locked on the telly. They would turn it off when everyone would be here. Ellie joined them a couple minutes later with her sons, Fred and Tom. Behind her was Beth and her young daughter Elizabeth. Obviously, they had forgotten about their feud – more than a feud, it was Beth who couldn’t cope with the fact that Joe, Ellie’s estranged husband, was responsible for the death of her son, Danny. They had decided to forget this fact for a whole evening obviously. The Reverend Paul Coates was the last one to arrive. Reverend was just a name he was given since there was no clerical hierarchy here. He did believe in a superior entity watching over them all. There was just no word, no story to confirm his beliefs. People were going to him when they needed to talk to someone who wasn’t a doctor. The man was nice, full of optimism and he could find the right words when needed. That was his bad habit to always trying to convince everyone of his truth was the only thing the Doctor had to reproach to him. The celebration truly started when Rose honoured them of her presence. The Doctor was speechless when he saw her coming downstairs in her red dress, combed hair and perfect make-up. His heart might have stopped too. Rose had to whisper in his ear for the spell to be broken, for him to snap back to reality. His pupils were dilated and his heart was beating hard. He couldn’t wait for the moment he would be able to slip that dress down her body. He was the only one not to be single tonight. Well, maybe. Their Christmas was a real success and everyone was filled with joy. They enjoyed this party they knew nothing about weeks ago. Beth even said that she would probably celebrate it again next year. Ellie thought it was a nice tradition to have, Paul agreed and Hardy… Hardy was being Hardy. Happy but sullen. Daisy was translating his expressions, reading between the lines of a father that almost never showed anything. When midnight rang, the Doctor picked the large bag of gifts from the workshop and distributed them all to the guests, Rose and Tony. It was a big surprise to everyone who didn’t know about Christmas and they unwrapped their package to find out the small present their hosts were offering them. Everyone seemed to appreciate and the Doctor was looking at them all with a smile. “You forgot a present, Doc,” noticed a tired Tony. “Nope.” “Where’s yours?” “I don’t offer gifts to myself. And I have all I need here.” His arm encompassed the table where his family and friends were all gathered. The one life he thought he would never have. The one life he was living day after day. This was the most precious gift he could ever have asked for. “Actually, I have one for you.” Rose got up and walked to her workshop. She grabbed the package she was keeping hidden in one of her boxes of art supplies. It was a little nothing, just a frame she had made herself with pictures of him and her. A frame he could hang anywhere in the house. “Do you like it?” Rose was very anxious about her art and needed to be reassured all the time about it. The Doctor wasn’t pronouncing a word and that didn’t help with her anxiety. However, he was so moved by this small gift that he couldn’t find the right words. “I love it,” he finally articulated. “Everyone will be jealous. Now, they can see how talented and beautiful my wife.” The concerned wife blushed while their friends were laughing at the cuteness of their love. They certainly were jealous of their happiness. Especially when Tony pointed out that there was a branch of mistletoe above their heads, obliging them to share a kiss for the tradition to be respected…
The end...
A Taste Of Christmas © | 2019 - 2020 | Tous droits réservés.
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etherealwaifgoddess · 5 years
I Love  You,  Merry Christmas Pt.1, An Avengers Holiday Adventure
Main Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: It’s your first holiday season with Bucky and time to meet his Avengers family! Set in the AU of What He Wants, which you can read HERE if you missed it.
Warnings/ Content: Tooth rotting fluff then some lemons at the end
Word Count: 3898
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! We’re back in the What He Wants AU again. This is a three part fic to follow What He Wants and Friday Night Tradition.  I know it's not the holiday season BUT the three chapters here are all critical to the happily ever after we're following for our boy. So please forgive me for rushing seasons and brace yourself for some sweet fluff, heart wrenching angst, and a surprise in the works.
Again, for the tag list peeps: I’m tagging all the original WHW tag list, if any of you want removed, or if anyone new wants to be added, just let me know.
XOXO - Ash
I Love You, Merry Christmas
Some days Bucky finds it hard to believe his life was ever more than this; the simple, easy life he has with you out in the woods of rural Pennsylvania. Where his only worry is if you remembered to get more coffee when you were at the store, and when you’re going to finally breakdown and pick out a new sofa. HYDRA, alien enemies, and battles for humanity seem like distant memories and he’s happy to leave them as such. But when Shuri’s face pops up on his cell phone screen on one cold December morning he can’t ignore his past. 
“Mholweni, Shuri.” He says answering the call and brings the phone up to his face so she can see him as well. 
“Mholweni, my friend.” She replies grinning. “It’s been too long.” 
“It has. What have you been up to?”
“Oh you know, working on upgrading the security software we have at the palace and generally driving my brother crazy.”
Bucky chuckles, “That sounds about right.” 
“Did you hear T’Challa is coming to New York for Christmas?”
“I didn’t. What’s got him crossing the Atlantic at this time of year? Doesn’t he know it’s freezing in New York in December?” 
“There’s some big meeting going on the week after New Years and Pepper offered for him to come out and spend the holidays at the compound. I think she’s planning to get everyone to come stay at the compound for a week or two. Has she called you yet?” 
Bucky shakes his head, “No, not yet. I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it though.” 
Shuri glares at him through the phone, “James Barnes, if I am traveling thousands of miles to deal with snow and ice and rude New Yorkers you had better be there too!” 
“I’ll have to make sure we don’t already have plans.” 
“Ah, yes. I heard you had found your Isithandwa. I need to meet this woman who has stolen your heart.” 
“If we come up for Christmas you’ll get to meet her then. Let me ask her and I’ll let you know for sure as soon as I can.” 
“I can’t wait. I have a few upgrade ideas for your arm too if you don’t mind letting me poke around at it a bit. I want to try and sharpen the sensory receptors using a new type of….” Shuri rattles on for several minutes about her new tech breakthrough which Bucky only gets the general idea of. He smiles and nods as is appropriate and Shuri finally realizes she’s lost him. “When did I lose you?” She huffs at him.
Bucky gives her a quick grin, hoping to avoid pissing her off, “Right after the words tech breakthrough.” 
She lets out an exasperated laugh and shakes her head at him, “You’re impossible. But you’re going to love the upgrades I have in mind. Now, go ask your love about Christmas and text me so I know if I should bother tagging along with T’Challa or not.” 
“Okay, will do. Don’t be a stranger.”
“You too.” Shuri disconnects the call and Bucky wanders into the kitchen to find you. 
You’re adding more spices to a large pot of chili which has been simmering on the stove for the better part of the afternoon and Bucky leans against the doorframe for a moment watching you. Your hair is tied up on top of your head in a messy bun and you’re wearing your favorite ancient, soft, sweatshirt over thick leggings. Your favorite playlist is filling the kitchen with upbeat punk rock and you move your shoulders and hips along with the beat while you stir. Bucky thinks there is no more perfect sight in all the universe and a vague plan starts forming in his mind of something else Shuri can help him with while she’s visiting. 
“Hey, doll.” Bucky calls, breaking you from your reverie. 
You spin around at his voice and smile at the sight of him leaning against the doorframe. “Hey babe. What’s up?”
“What do you normally do for Christmas?” 
You’re caught by surprise at his question. “Well, nothing much really. We exchange gifts at the center and then most years I just have dinner with Martha and Chris if they’re home for the holiday. They’ll be down in Florida this year though. Why?” 
“I know we had talked about going up to the Avengers compound at some point, but it’s still really soon, so don’t feel like we have to…” Bucky’s rambling and you cut him off, sparing him from working himself up any further.
“Do you want to spend Christmas in New York with your Avengers family?” 
Bucky’s face is eager and hopeful. “If you wouldn’t mind.” 
“Of course not. They’re your family, of course we should spend the holidays with them.”
“Thank you.” Bucky lets out a relieved breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. 
You cross the small kitchen to wrap your arms around him, “They’re your family, Buck. We absolutely should go.”
Bucky places a kiss on top of your head as you nuzzle into his broad chest. “I’ll text Shuri and let her know. I’m sure Pepper will be calling about it too.”
“Is everyone going up for the holidays?”
“That’s what Shuri said. Apparently Pepper is trying to get everyone to stay a week or two around Christmas and New Years. T’Challa was already coming out for some meeting in New York so Shuri is tagging along. If everyone shows it’s gonna be a full house. You sure you’re okay with going? It’s gonna be a lot.” 
“I was going to meet them all eventually, anyway, it might as well be all at once. The center closes from Christmas Eve until January 2nd every year so we have the time.”
“Thank you, doll. It means a lot. It’s gonna be our first year without… them… and I want to be there for Pepper and Morgan. It’s not going to be the easiest time.” 
“I get it. My first Christmas alone was awful. It’ll be good for all of you to be together this year.” 
“You’re too good to me.” Bucky tilts your chin up with a cool metal finger and presses soft kisses against your lips before resting his forehead against yours. 
You expected the holidays to be bittersweet for him but at least now he’ll have a support system that’s more than just you. Being around so many close friends will be good for him and you are looking forward to meeting everyone at last. 
December flies by and you barely finish shopping for everyone by the time Christmas Eve rolls around. Bucky is frantically looking for his spare hair tie and you’re already leaving 20 minutes late. 
“Just grab one of mine!” You call into the bathroom at him. 
“Fine. Fuck it.” He growls snatching up a pink hair tie from the top drawer. 
He’s been on edge all morning, nervous to see everyone despite how much he misses them. 
“Hey.” You push a hand against his chest, stopping him for a moment. “Take a breath. We’ll get there when we get there. Everyone is going to be happy to see you regardless of when you arrive. You’ve been looking forward to this all month, don’t let your anxiety get the best of you.”
Bucky heaves a breath and you leave your palm in place until you feel his chest rising and falling a more normal pace. “Thanks doll.” He says with a grateful smile.
“Any time. Now, the car is packed, your hair looks fine, and we can stop at the Dunkin’ on the turnpike for coffee. Let’s go!” 
Bucky nods and grabs your hand, following you to the car.
You’re not sure who squeals the loudest when Bucky’s feet hit the pavement outside the Avengers compound. He’s barely out of the car when Morgan, Pepper, Shuri, and Sam come running out the door. Morgan has wrapped herself around his legs like a tiny attack koala while Sam and Shuri each take a shoulder to hug. Pepper waits patiently and gives him a quick hug and a sad smile once she pulls Morgan off of him. 
“Now that’s a welcome!” He laughs looking around at his closest friends. 
You hang back on the other side of the car, watching the scene unfold. There is so much love for him here and it warms your heart. After everyone pulls back and the questions begin you notice Bucky shifting uncomfortably on his feet. He’s not great with so much attention being put on him and you go around to his side, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him against you for support. He shoots you a grateful look and puts his arm around your shoulders. “Well, guys, this is Minnie.” He tells them and then points out each person to you. You had decided a week ago that you would continue to use your SHIELD alias with the Avengers. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust them but it would make things a lot less confusing since most of them had heard of you before as that name. 
The group welcomes you warmly with assorted hellos and hugs from everyone. After Morgan grumbles dramatically about freezing her toes off, the group of women head inside leaving Bucky and Sam to unload the car. You follow the women to the living room where you’re introduced to Wanda who’s typing furiously on her phone. It’s a little nerve wracking being surrounded by so many amazing, talented, beautiful people but you tamp down your nervousness and find yourself falling into easy conversation with them. 
Bucky, Sam, Bruce, and T’Challa join your group in the living room some time later, arms full of presents to scatter around the tree amongst the already large pile of gifts. Bucky seeks you out straightaway, pulling you against him with his arm draped around your shoulders. It anchors him, having physical contact with you, easing his nerves. Shuri moves over to sit on his other side on the large sofa and starts poking around at his vibranium arm. He allows her free reign, used to her science driven mind. She is so proud of her creation and wants nothing more than to continue fine tuning things for him. “Shuri, if you can wait until later I’ll take the whole damn thing off for you to play with.” His tone is mild, teasing.
She chuckles, “Sorry. I just want to get it perfect, you know? Stop by the lab later and I’ll make the adjustments I have in mind.” 
Bucky nods and then joins in the conversation you’re having with Sam who’s taken a seat on the other side of you.
Sam gives Bucky a ridiculous grin and thumbs up, “I like her, Buck. You better not mess this up or we’ll keep her and give you the boot.” 
“I have no plans on messing this up. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I know it.” 
You blush under his praise and Bucky just beams with pride. 
It’s late that night when the group disbands for the evening. Bucky shows you to his old living quarters and you’re surprised to find it’s basically a small apartment and not just a bedroom like you expected. There aren’t many things of his around the space and you see why he wasn’t overly concerned about coming back to collect his belongings. 
You snuggle into his small single bed, your body pressing up against his. “How are you holding up?” You ask him sleepily. 
“ ‘M’kay so far.” He mumbles against your neck. 
“Good, I’m glad. Everyone seems so happy to see you.” 
“Missed them too.” Bucky is only half awake as he basks in the warmth of your skin molded against his, “They like you, ya know?”
You try not to chuckle at the sound of his soft, sleepy voice, “I like them too.” 
“ ‘M’glad.”
“Alright, sleepyhead, get some rest. We’re gonna have to get up in a few hours for presents.” 
“ ‘M’kay. Night, mouse. Love you.” 
Your whole body tenses at his sleepy admission. Sure, you knew the emotion was there but neither one of you had dared to verbalize it yet.
Bucky notices when you tense up and he replays his words in his head looking for the cause. Oh shit. He’s fully awake now, desperate to ensure he hasn’t just scared you off. “Shit! I… I know it’s too soon. God, I’m such a fuck up. Please, please don’t run. Please…”
You watch as dozens of emotions flicker across his expressive face. Your heart is pounding in your chest and you know you have to push forward to relieve his anxiety. “I’m not running. Did you mean it?” 
Bucky swallows thickly, he can’t lie to you. “Yeah, I did. I love you, Y/N.” 
“I love you too, Bucky.” 
Bucky makes a choked sound and holds you even tighter against him. 
You feel dampness on your chest where he’s buried his face and you stroke his hair gently, letting him ride out the wave of emotions he’s feeling. “You’re not a fuck up. I know it’s soon but I’ve felt it for a while too. It’s okay.” 
He shudders a breath and nods, sniffling. You slide down a little so your faces are in front of one another’s and smooth the tears away from his face. “It’s okay. I love you.” You reassure him. 
Bucky nods again before pressing his lips against yours. You can taste the salt of tears on his soft, full lips and your body responds to his instantly. “I never thought I’d have this. Didn’t think it was possible for someone like me.” He quietly confesses. 
Slowly his hands roam the curves of your body and you gasp as he runs his palm across your breast. Bucky shifts so you’re on your back and he’s hovering over you, arching his hips against yours and pouring every last ounce of desperation and love into his frantic kisses. “I need you, doll.” He moans against your mouth. 
“I’m yours.” You reply, digging your nails into his shoulders as he plunges himself into you. There’s no preamble and you groan at the stretch and fullness of Bucky burying himself into you.
 He pauses once he’s fully seated inside you, his hair falling around you like a silken curtain. It’s grown out more and you love wrapping your fingers in it. “I love you so much.” Bucky begins moving, rolling his hips and making you squirm as he hits the sensitive bundle of nerves deep inside you. You shudder with pleasure and he moans your name, shoulders shaking from the effort to slow his motions. “So perfect. It’s like you were made for me.” He slips his right hand down to the apex of your thighs to rub in rhythm with his hips, driving you over the edge quickly. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” You gasp, your words punctuated by the slapping of his hips against yours as he loses himself and begins pounding into you desperately. You’re close yet again and Bucky rolls your overly sensitized nub between his fingers until you climax, crying out his name. 
Your name is a growl on his lips as Bucky finds his own release, clinging to you desperately. Once he’s spent he collapses on top of you, barely catching himself so he doesn’t crush you under his full weight. You sprinkle kisses across his face, “Best. Christmas. Ever.” You say in between kisses.
Bucky chuckles softly, “Agreed. Now, we really do need to sleep. Morgan is going to have the whole compound up in about four hours.” He rolls off you, tucking your back against his chest so he can hold you.
“Mmm, I have no doubt. Merry Christmas, I love you.” You say with a satisfied smile. 
“Merry Christmas, I love you too.” He echoes. 
It’s just after six thirty in the morning when FRIDAY announces that Miss Morgan Stark has requested everyone’s presence in the living room. You groan but get up, pulling on soft flannel pajama pants and an old faded AC/DC T-shirt. Bucky emerges from the bathroom with his sweatpants riding low on his hips, his sleeveless tank clinging to his broad chest, and you can’t hide your reaction. He grins widely, knowing what he’s doing to you. “See somethin’ you like, mouse?” He teases, crossing his arms emphasizing the wide expanse of his shoulders just a little more. 
You fight back a smile and shake your head. “We don’t have time for that. Stop it.” 
Bucky laughs and catches the hairbrush you toss at him. “Stop what?” He shakes his hair out a little as he brushes it and you force your attention elsewhere.
“You know what you’re doing, jerk. No one has the right to look that damn good this early.” You jump when his arms snake around your waist, you hadn’t heard his approach. 
“The feeling’s mutual.” He moves your hair away from your neck to press an open mouthed kiss against it and you shudder. “But you’re right. Come on, I want to give you your present.” Bucky grabs your hand and leads you out to the elevator so you can head down to the living room. 
Everyone is already gathered around the large space and Pepper is handing out gifts. Morgan is surrounded by boxes which she’s tearing into at lightning speed but she’s quick to thank the gift giver once she sees what it is. 
“Morning love birds.” Sam jokes, “We were wondering if you’d be joining us or not.”
“Shut it, bird-man, or no presents for you.” Bucky grumbles affectionately, giving Sam a shove. 
Bucky and you take turns handing out gifts to everyone, pleased that each person seems to genuinely appreciate the gifts you selected for them. You’re all but bouncing in your seat when it comes time for Bucky’s gift. You had spent a lot of time researching it and even called on Sam for a little assistance. Waiting for Bucky to take the seat next to you, you hand him the envelope with shaking hands.
“What could it be?” He asks dramatically, giving the envelope a little shake. “It’s certainly not the jacket I put on my wish list.” 
You rolled your eyes at him, if he wanted a new leather jacket so much he could just go out and buy one. You had much bigger plans. 
Bucky tears open the envelope and plucks the silver key out of the envelope, dangling from the key is a leather keychain with the Harley Davidson symbol stamped on it. “What is this?” He asks slowly, wide eyed.
“Well, you had talked about how much you missed your bike and I knew it wasn’t something you would just buy yourself so…” you shrug.
“You got me a motorcycle?!” Bucky all but yells. Everyone stops their unwrapping and looks over at him but he is completely oblivious to the attention. 
“Not just a motorcycle, a Harley Davidson Street 750.” You tell him proudly. 
“That’s…. I can’t….”
“I think you fried his brain, Minnie.” Sam jokes.
Bucky stops his stuttering and throws himself on you, hugging you tightly as he practically crushes you under him.
“I’m glad you like it but I need to breathe.” You squeak. 
Bucky eases off of you, “Sorry. Thank you, doll. This is an amazing gift. How did you know?” 
“I had a little help.” You high five Sam, pleased your plan worked out so well.
“So where is it?” He looks eager, like a little boy waiting to play with a new toy. 
“It’s out in the garage. Pepper was kind enough to let me have it delivered here. You can take it out after breakfast.” 
“I can’t wait. But I’m seriously rethinking your gift now.” 
“I’m going to love it, whatever it is.” You assure him.
Bucky pulls out an envelope and you laugh, “If it’s a motorcycle we’re gonna have a problem.” You tease him. 
“Nope, definitely not a motorcycle.” He gives you a lopsided smile.
Inside the envelope is a beige certificate with gold script: D’Or Mer Luxury Spa. Day passes for six guests, Le Mieux package. You had heard of the spa, it was the best on the east coast and celebrities regularly raved about the place. The last time you’d even been near a spa was to get your hair done before prom in high school. You had a pedicure at a nail salon since but even that was at least two years ago. For six people though, you didn’t even have two friends to take, let alone five. And the salon was outside New York City, it was going to be a really long drive for a day trip. “This is incredible, Bucky. Thank you.” You push aside your spinning thoughts and let yourself be grateful that he had been so thoughtful. 
“I just figured, you take such good care of me all the time, you deserve to be taken care of by the best. And it’ll give you a chance to get to know everyone better too. You’ve said you missed having a close knit group of girlfriends and, well, I have friends to share.” 
“Wait,” you stop him, confused. “What?”
“The appointment is set up for this Friday. Pepper offered to have you all fly down and back in the helicopter. I’ll just hang out here with the guys and you can have a whole day to relax and be pampered.” 
“All of us…?”
“Yeah, I wanted to be sure you had a fun day so I’m sending all of you. You, Pepper, Shuri, Wanda, and May and Laura are coming in later today.”
“You are the most over the top, sweet, kind, thoughtful, amazing…” you would have continued but he cuts you off with a searing kiss that has Sam cat calling behind you.
“Just say thank you!” Pepper shouts across the room. 
You pull back, cheeks flushed, “Thank you, babe. I love you so much.” 
“I love you too. I know it’s not a motorcycle, but still… okay gift?”
“Awesome gift, really. I can’t wait.” 
Pride radiates off of Bucky as he pulls you onto his lap where you’re able to sit back and watch everyone else open the remaining gifts. It’s your first Christmas in over a decade that feels like a real holiday and you’re more thankful than words can express. 
Later in the day Peter and May show up, and a few hours after that Clint, Laura, and their children arrive as well. Even though the compound is massive, the number of people sprawled out between the living room and dining room and kitchen make the place seem full. People are mostly standing around chatting, but some of the guys had started up a game on the Xbox and Bucky joins in after you all but push him at Sam. You knew he wanted to join his friends and didn’t want him to miss out because of you. You had developed a fast friendship with Pepper earlier in the day and find yourself hanging out with her for most of the night. It was a perfect first holiday with the group and you hope Pepper will continue the tradition in the years to come. 
Tag List Lovelies: @my-current-fandom-is @blacklightguidesnic @amazonianbeauty@ladyemofhousestark@abswritesfandoms@rupestria @dark-night-sky-99
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hajimesh · 5 years
The Nutcracker
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
Summary: nutcracker au
A/N: this is my first time writing for bucky, i enjoyed it a lot so expect more of it in the future ;) also, a big thank you to @writingsoftheloser for beta-reading this, i already told u this but dude, you were super helpful and kind and i can’t thank u enough. aaand it just happens to be her BDAYYY! happy happy birthday Vi!! i hope you have an amazing day, sending you lots of love and hugs♡ 
let me know what you think, feedback is welcome :) *gif not mine*
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Snow falls in front of you as you stare outside, leaning on the window. It’s Christmas Eve and the whole family is currently at your home. A giant Christmas tree sits in the corner of the living room and all the lights of the house are off, the only light is coming from the candles placed all over the place. The adults are in the dining room chatting and drinking while you are stuck babysitting the younger kids in the other room.
Suddenly, you hear the door open and another guest comes in. Once you see who it is you feel your mood lift to the skies.
You catch his attention by exclaiming his name. He turns his head slightly to the side to look at you and once he sees you, he opens his arms. Getting up from the windowsill, you run towards him and embrace him in a tight hug. He has been a friend of your parents for a long time and you consider him an uncle. He is the sweetest man you have ever known and he is always so attentive and kind to you.
“Hello, child.” His gruff tone welcomes you and you release your grip on him.
He begins to search something in the giant bag he’s carrying with him and once he finds it – whatever it is the he was looking for – he puts it behind his back and turns to the rest of the kids in the room.
“I brought gifts for everyone, would you like to see them?”
He quickly catches their attention and he’s attacked by them. Loud cheering and shrieks are heard as Drosselmeyer hands them toys and trinkets. A loud scream echoes in the room as one of your cousins lifts an impressive replica of a train with rails included.
You stand there watching the kids play with their new toys and you frown as you realize no one thanked Drosselmeyer for the presents.
“Why the long face?”
Getting you out of your thoughts, Drosselmeyer stands before you with a gentle smile on his face. You smile at him and dismiss his statement. He seems to know what’s bothering you because a second later he’s searching in his bag again but this time he hands you a present.
“For you, my child.” Resting on your hands there’s a beautiful nutcracker.
It’s carved in wood and it seems to resemble a soviet soldier. He has black clothing and boots, and a black mask on his face as well. You launch yourself into Drosselmeyer’s arms and thank him. You hear whining behind you and you turn around.
“Why does she get a nutcracker and I don’t?”
Your cousin, who has just received the impressive train, is whining in front of you. His face is contorted in displeasure and quickly rips the nutcracker from your grip.
“Hey! What are you–”
You’re suddenly cut short by an ugly snapping sound. Your cousin stands there, eyes wide open as he holds the nutcracker with one hand and one of its arms in the other. He freaking broke it and it has just been given to you.
Not believing your eyes, you blink again and rage begins to fill your body. Your cousin, sensing the change in your demeanor, flees the scene leaving the toy on the floor.
You kneel and pick it up, trying to piece back the arm to no avail. Drosselmeyer watches you silently and it isn’t until he sees the tears forming on your eyes as you gaze at him, helplessly, that he embraces you in his arms comfortingly.
“It’s alright dear, I think I can fix it.”
Lifting your head to look at him, you clear the tears from your cheeks. “Really?”
Nodding his head, he fishes for his tool box in the bag and begins to repair the toy. You stand by his side trying not to bother him and after a few minutes he’s done.
“Well, it’s doesn’t look like it used to but I think it looks even better. What do you think?”
Handing you the nutcracker, you examine it and sigh. He placed a new arm on it but it was made with a different material so now your toy had a metal arm. It’s not like it doesn’t look good, it certainly does, but you can’t help but feel sad about getting it broken in the first place.
With a squeeze on your shoulder, Drosselmeyer leaves the room to finally go with the adults in the dining room. You sigh and sit back on your spot by the window, looking at the snow fall.
Hours pass by and most of the guests are gone by now. Your parents retire to their room and you and your cousins are instructed to go to yours.
Falling on your bed, you sigh and close your eyes. Looking after a hoard of kids was hard work and it took a toll on you. Suddenly remembering the incident with your nutcracker, you open your eyes and sit up. Concern sits at the pit of your stomach and you wonder where you left it.
Okay so after sitting by the window you placed it next to you, on the windowsill. But when mom and dad came to tell you to go to sleep, you stood up and left.
You left it on the windowsill.
Groaning to yourself, you walk to the door and yank it open. The hallway is dark and you can’t see a thing, but you can’t let something happen to your nutcracker again. Tiptoeing, you make your way to the living room and once you’re close enough you see it sitting where you left it.
You relax and walk towards it, picking it up and examining it. Taking a seat, you lift your legs on the cushion and minutes later you're fighting to keep your eyes open. With the nutcracker still in your hands, your breaths even out as you fall asleep leaning on the window, a gentle smile gracing your lips.
*     *     *     *
The clock strikes as it reaches the midnight.
Yawning, you stretch your arms over your head and groan at the sound your back makes. Blinking slowly, you try to focus your sight but a yawn interrupts you again. Rubbing your eyes, you slowly realize you fell asleep on the windowsill and as you look down, you notice the nutcracker on the floor. 
Standing up to stretch some more, you turn towards the tree, admiring the twinkling lights and ornaments but your brows furrow when you notice something strange.
Your eyes focus on a sudden movement between the branches and you take a step back. Keeping your gaze on the tree, you begin to circle it, trying to find whatever it is that’s in there but the sudden sight of the tree expanding in front of you sends your mind into overdrive.
Gasping, you watch as the tree towers over you and the ornaments grow to the size of your body and that’s when you realize that the tree didn’t expand, you are the one who shrunk. This is a dream, you think, it can’t be real. Looking down at your own body, you notice it looks the same and when you lift your eyes again you can’t help the scream from escaping your lungs.
Your nutcracker is… moving? It is as if it has come to life!
You watch as he moves his metal arm, staring at it. You see his lips move and you’re too flabbergasted to connect it with the sounds coming out of it. It isn’t until he stands before you that you’re brought back from your stupor.
“Miss! Are you alright?”
His long hair falls like a curtain on his face but his blue eyes pierce through it and catch you off guard. He gives you a concerned look and gently tries to catch your attention.
You realize you are probably making a fool of yourself and advert your eyes, looking away from him as you tuck your hair behind your ears.
“Sorry I–” your mind goes blank. What are you supposed to say? Hi! I just saw you come to life but it’s all good!
Hell no.
He must have noticed your hesitation because after a few seconds without you talking again, he decides to cut in.
Offering you his hand, he introduces himself. “My name’s Bucky, I mean no harm.”
You take his hand and shake it slowly, still unsure about the whole thing. You tell him your name and he sends you a smile, making fine lines appear beside his eyes. Cute.
As you realize the way your thoughts are going, warmth settles on your cheeks and you lower your head trying to hide the blush from him.
Bucky’s eyes can’t seem to leave your face. He marvels at how soft your hair looks and he finds himself itching to feel it. You gaze is fixed on the ground but he remembers the wonder in your eyes and your brows raising in utter astonishment. Adorable, he thinks, but before he can act upon it a loud fuss catches your attention and your mind can only focus on one thing.
A big horde of mice is making its way to you, all of them seem to be armed with swords and battle armour. You see Bucky take a gun from one of his pockets and he turns to look at you.
“Get some shelter!” Your heart is pounding and your eyes widen at his words. What is happening!?
Noticing your presence still behind him, he turns one more time to yell “NOW!” And this time you obey him.
You run towards the couch, thinking that climbing it and staying on top of it might keep you safe but you stop to a halt when you see an army of toys making their way to you. Your breath catches in your throat in a failed gasp and you close your eyes, bracing yourself for your imminent death but, they pass you by.
Opening your eyes slowly, hands still on top of your head, you see the army of toys join Bucky and place themselves beside him. Looking a bit further, you watch the mice still running and, on the front line, there’s a bigger and darker-looking mouse with a crown on his head, like some sort of king.
Your attention is brought back to the army of toys and Bucky as you hear a battle cry. They begin to run, meeting the mice halfway through and then the fight begins.
Sword against sword, both armies fight with what you can tell is mighty force. A few seconds in and there are already some fallen soldiers. You shiver and your eyes scan the place in search of Bucky. The pounding in your heart intensifies with each second that passes by without him on your sight. The good news are that you find him still alive, the bad news… well, he’s fighting against the Mouse King.
Bucky looks tired and weak, for each punch that he manages to dodge he receives two more. You wince as another blow hits his face and you begin to feel helpless. He snatches a dagger from one of his pockets and aims it at the king but the latter dodges it easily. In a quick movement, the king manages to catch a fist of Bucky’s hair and brings him down. He seems to say something to him but you’re too far away to hear it. The king turns around and with a single hand movement his army quickly submits the toys under their power and the battle stops.
We lost.
You watch as the mice bring the toys with them, walking away from the scene. Looking back at Bucky, you see the king pushing him forward and then kick him on his stomach as he falls to the floor. Your body suddenly fills with rage and anger. How dare he?
With big strides, you make your way towards the king who’s too busy kicking Bucky on his ribs to notice you. As you're walking, you pick a hammer that lies on the floor next to your feet and once you're right behind him, you smack it against the king’s head.
He falls on the floor with a loud thud and you’re left panting with adrenaline coursing through your veins. Bucky’s eyes widen in shock at the unresponsive body next to him. He looks back at you and then back to the mouse, still not believing his eyes.
You drop the weapon and offer him your hand. Wincing, Bucky stands up and you help him by flinging one of his arms over your shoulders. Looking at his face, your gaze grows concerned at the many wounds on it.
“Are you alright?”
He moves his head in order to look at you and smiles dashingly at you. He has got to be joking, you don’t understand how he manages to still look good even with a bloody and sweaty face.
Shrugging his shoulders, he gives you an innocent look. “I’ll survive.”
You roll your eyes and this time he can’t hold back his laughter. You give him a weird look and he only shakes his head. “M’ fine doll, don’t worry.”
You’re pretty sure the way your heart is pumping isn’t normal anymore. His words make you feel some kind of way and the blush is back on your cheeks. Fixing your gaze somewhere else so he doesn’t notice, your eyes fall on the mice dragging their King’s body away, the toys free from their grasp.
“I guess it all worked out in the end.” You let out a sigh as the last mice escapes from your sight and the previous adrenaline rush begins to die down.
“It’s all thanks to you, y’know.” You whip your head back at him and your words falter.
His eyes are fixed ahead of him, but he seems to be somewhere else. A gentle smile graces his lips and he brings his gaze back at you.
“You’ve set me free.” A thankful grin settles on his face and you mirror it, even if you have no idea what he’s talking about.
Before you can question him about it, a soft glimmer engulfs him and you gasp, completely thrown off guard. Bucky lets go of your shoulders and gently signals you to step away from him. After a few seconds you can’t see him anymore, he’s totally engulfed by the bright light and you don’t know what to think of it. Worry fills your mind.
What if he’s hurting? He seemed calm about it but still. Another thought clouds your mind and this time, you feel scared. What if it’s the ‘light’ and he is being sent away from here?
You’re about to step in when the light suddenly fades. Letting out a sigh, relief flows through you: he’s still here. But once he steps closer, your eyes widen in surprise: he looks– well, different?
His clothes are no longer black and bloody, they’re replaced with a nice tux and he looks clean. Like your very own prince charming.
He notices you ogling at him and chuckles lightly. Offering you his hand, he waits for you to accept it and you do, gingerly placing yours on top of his. His eyes are fixed on yours and you find it impossible to look away from them. He starts walking, dragging you along but he stops briefly when he feels the hesitance in your movements.
“C’mon doll, there’s something I want to show you.”
The soft smile on his lips captivates you once again and you nod absentmindedly, his fingers tracing lightly the top of your knuckles.
Screw him and his stupid smile.
*     *     *     *
It has been a while since you left home.
Bucky went through a small opening in one of the walls and assured you that you had nothing to fear. Minutes later you were facing a long trek covered in snow and flanked by large trees. Still holding your hand, he led you through it as you made small talk and after a while you just walked in silence, content with each other’s presence.
You feel the muscles of your legs and your feet aching in pain and you’re about to tell Bucky to stop when he suddenly turns to you, a wide smile on his lips.
“We’re here!”
You frown at his words and start looking around. There’s nothing. “Are we?”
He looks back at you and sees the confusion on your face. His brows furrow and you watch as they slowly raise and his mouth opens before letting out a laugh.
“Shit, sorry doll. I forgot.” He claps his hands twice and you jump, startled by the sudden noise.
You’re about to question his sanity when a soft, pinkish glimmer appears in front of you and seconds later it reveals a big castle with candy adorning it.
Okaaay, this is getting ridiculous.
Looking back at Bucky you see him making a gesture towards the castle as if nothing happened. You narrow your eyes and shove him away, secretly amused by this new playful side of him. He laughs loudly and beams at you.
“What’s the matter, doll?”
He’s trying to annoy you but you only roll your eyes and start walking towards the castle. He gives up and quickly catches up to you. Both of you are facing the monumental, wooden doors in front of you as they slowly open; revealing what it seems to be a hall flanked by chocolate soldiers.
You’re too caught up staring at the weird ‘people’ in this place that you don’t notice Bucky calling out your name. It isn’t until he places his hand on your shoulder that you finally turn to look at him.
“Huh?” Your head tilts to one side and you frown at him.
He smiles and squeezes briefly your shoulder. “There’s someone I want you to meet.”
Oh dear, more surprises? You nod your head hesitantly, wondering if it was a good decision to follow him here.
Reaching the end of the hall, another set of doors looms over you. Bucky nods at the guards in front of you and in return they open them. Loud chatter immediately fills your ears and you are met with quite a sight.
The giant room in front of you is decorated with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, a high, gold staircase at the back of the room and many, many people dancing and drinking in extravagant clothing. Your mouth is slightly ajar and you have no time to adjust before Bucky drags you across the room.
You stop once you reach a woman with wavy, dark brown hair and a – very puffy – lilac dress. He taps her shoulder and she turns around, gasping. She immediately engulfs Bucky in a hug and your hear her squeal.
“Oh goodness, it’s you!” She sounds excited and you see her embrace him tightly again.
A weird feeling creeps up on you and you don’t notice the tensing of the muscles in your jaw as you smile sourly at the scene in front of you.
They separate from each other, finally, and Bucky turns to you with the brightest smile. “Doll, this is the sugar plum fairy.”
He introduces her to you and this fairy finally looks your way and widens her eyes.
“What is your name, dear?” She looks genuinely curious and you look at Bucky once again.
He gives you a soft nod of his head and you turn your eyes back to her, introducing yourself. She beams at you and steps forward, holding your hand in hers and bringing it to her chest.
“It’s so lovely to meet you!”
She catches you off guard. Pleased to meet you? Deciding to shrug it off, you force a smile.
“The mouse king was defeated thanks to her.” Bucky suddenly exclaims proudly and he manages to catch not only the fairy’s attention but also from the people around you.
Her gasp is loud and she starts clapping like a mad woman. “This deserves a toast!” She looks at you and steps closer. Once she’s inches away from your face, she softly whispers “Thank you, for finally freeing him.”
The smile she gives you this time feels rather warm and you feel bad for thinking badly of her. She takes a few steps back and turns to the band sitting on a stage at the back of the room. Giving them a signal with her hand, they begin to play a beautiful melody. The fairy scurries away, finding her own dance partner.
“Would you like to dance with me?”
Bucky’s voice gets you out of your previous thoughts and you turn to look at him, mouth and eyes open. His hand is stretched before you, waiting for you to take it. Looking back at him, you nod your head and place your hand on his.
He walks the both of you to the centre of the room and once he places his other hand on your back, you begin to dance.
The way his blue eyes shine under the candle lights is mesmerizing. Instinctively you turn your gaze somewhere else and it just happens to land on his lips, which look softer and rosier than ever. A blush tints your cheeks and you look away, focusing on the orchestra on your left.
The sound of the violins dominate the room and it gives you goosebumps while the gentle melody of the harp contrastes against the trumpets. Somehow, the room feels colder but your whole body feels warm and ablaze from the soft contact of your body against Bucky’s chest.
He twirls you, making your hair fall on your face and once you’re back in his arms he can’t help himself from tucking it away from your face. Once again you’re captured by his lovely eyes and you smile.
Letting out a sigh, he slows down a bit your pace and places his mouth on the shell of your ear.
“Can I tell you a secret?” His tone is deep and it vibrates through your whole body.
Swallowing, you try to wet your suddenly dry throat and you nod your head. He moves a little bit away from you, just enough for him to see your face again.
“I kinda owe you my life.”
There it is again. A frown settles on your face and you’re ready to finally ask him what all the fuss is about.
“Yeah, I was wondering what you meant by that. And she,” Pointing with your eyes at the fairy. “said it too.”
He chuckles lightly, his breath fanning over your face making you dizzy. He’s going to be the death of you.
“When I was a little kid, a witch casted a spell on me by the mouse king’s orders. He wanted to ensure his ascension to the throne so he had to get me out of the way first.”
Still rocking you side to side, he sighs softly and you look at him with concerned eyes. His gaze looks distant, brows furrowed tightly.
With a tight lipped smile, he continues. “She turned me into a nutcracker, making it impossible for me to fulfill my duty as a prince. Thankfully, the sugar plum fairy took care of me, protecting me from the ones who wanted to hurt me until I was able to fend for myself.”
You heart breaks for him, this was horrible! You can’t begin to imagine how painful this must’ve been for him.
“Isn’t there a way to break the curse?” Staring straight at his eyes you ask, trying to find a solution. It’s not fair that he has to go through such a terrible thing like this.
You watch as the corners of his lips lift up in a smirk and a heartbeat later he’s dancing again.
“This is where you come in, doll.” His eyes are twinkling again, the playfulness back on his gaze.
“The only way to break the enchantment is by the Mouse king dying at the hands of a commoner.”
A loud gasp escapes your mouth and you look at him offended. “Rude.” You pout, turning your face away from him and crossing your arms in front of you.
His head tilts back as he laughs, his cheeks turning pink. Once he recovers, he looks down at you again and circles you with his arms, bringing you closer. Still holding your gaze, he smiles and traces a fingertip on the side of your face.
“And now, thanks to you, I’m human again.”
His words send your heart in a frenzy, making you warm and giddy. A giggle escapes your mouth and his smile widens.
Oh, how beautiful you are, he thinks.
Not caring anymore, he closes the space between the both of you and places a kiss on your, still flushed, cheek. He joins your foreheads and sighs dreamily, his heart threatening to burst out of his chest.
“My sweet princess.”
*     *     *     *
You open your eyes and blink rapidly trying to get the sleep out of you. Once you realize what’s going on you sit up abruptly and turn you head in all directions only to realize you’re sitting on the windowsill of your home. You look down at your hands and there he is.
Bucky, but as the nutcracker.
You feel you heart sink and sadness engulfs you. This couldn’t be happening. It all felt so real; him, the fight, the dancing… the kiss. Your eyes begin to fill with tears and a sob threatens to escape from your body. You turn your face to the tree and stare, longing filling your chest. Minutes pass by and you keep your eyes fixed on it until something catches your attention.
There’s a white envelope sitting between the vines of the tree, peeking slightly. You frown and rush towards it. Grabbing it, you realize it’s not an envelope but a box, hiding between the ornaments. You make your way back to the windowsill and you feel your heart pounding on your chest. Opening the box the first thing that catches your eye is a shiny thing and, once you pull it out of the box, you gasp.
There, laying in your hands, is a beautiful tiara adorned with the most precious gems. You study it briefly and then decide to keep checking the box. This time you feel something soft against your hands and grab it. A note.
Scanning your eyes quickly across it you feel your eyes water again, clouding your vision. Your heart constricts and a sob finally makes its way out of your mouth. You cover your mouth with your hand and close your eyes. A few minutes later you feel yourself calm down a bit and you read it again. And again. And again.
Warmth fills your body and you sigh both in contentment and anguish.
It has been such a pleasure and a privilege to share this adventure with you. Know that my heart belongs to you eternally, no matter what. I will always be looking out for you, my princess.
With love, Bucky.
Your tears are dry by now and you see the sun creeping up behind the curtains, lightly casting its light through them and showering the room with it. Yawning, you decide to make some tea to calm and wake yourself up.
A knock on the door stops you and you groan. Making your way back, your bare feet pad around the wooden floors and once you’re in front of the door you try to make yourself seem presentable by gliding your fingers through your hair. Yanking the door open you’re met with a familiar pair of blue eyes.
Your breath hitches and you can’t help but gasp. He smiles and winks at you.
“Hello princess.”
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