#hen and karen having clocked him for a while
alchemistc · 4 months
"Any plans for your days off, Buck?"
Buck knows his grin is a little feral, but he's kind of hoping that'll throw them off the trail. It's barely been a year, and in that time they've had three natural disasters, one copter crash, a boss intent on making Buck's life a living hell, and two almost break-ups.
It's too soon, to know for sure, except Athena and Bobby had known, and Hen and Karen had known even if they were too scared to admit it at first, and Chim and Maddie may have taken a little longer to get there but they'd known.
And Buck knows. He knows he's never felt like this about anyone before. Knows no one has ever had the ability to infuriate him and calm his fears quite like Tommy Kinard can. Knows they could have done this like they joked about six months ago and they wouldn't have regretted it.
Hen is making a face like she's trying to decide if she wants to know whatever head-tilt-cheek-bite sexual innuendo Buck's got in the barrel, because she only appreciates that about half of the time and Buck's praying she decides on no because he's a terrible fucking liar and he doesn't like keeping things from people. But it's sort of a secret, for the next 48 hours, and Buck also wants to bask in it, wants to enjoy keeping it to himself for just a little while.
"Our Buckaroo is all grown up and refusing to over share about his sex life, praise be," Chim chips in, and Buck tucks his chin to his chest and hopes his pink cheeks read as embarrassed.
His phone buzzes in his pocket, and around him lockers slam and voices drift over him. He's only got eyes for the text that just came through.
Bird's ready, suits are pressed, room is paid up. You wanna go to Adele, after? I think I know one of her people.
You know everyone, stop bragging, I'm already impressed
I'm always gonna try to impress you. You still at the station?
Yeah but not for long. I'll see you in like forty
"--right Buck?"
Buck blinks, hums, stares across at Chim.
"Please tell me you're not sexting at work right now."
"Technically, we are off the clock."
"I'll remind Clipboard Buck of that next time he shows up."
He's zipping up his bag when his phone buzzes again.
See you soon, baby.
He's pretty sure he's gonna get away with it - Hen and Chim are arguing about some reality show as they all trudge toward the open bay doors, and though he can hear their voices further back, Eddie and Bobby still seem to be deep in conversation.
Ravi comes out of left field, because of course he does, just finished inventory still clutched in his hand as he rounds the engine closest to Buck. "Hey, Buck, you and Tommy wanna catch that movie tomorrow night? I picked up a shift but I've got like twelve off in between."
Buck winces. Damn, so close. "Sorry, bud, we actually won't be in town."
Which he's realizing now is pretty uncharacteristic of the both of them, and Hen and Chim have clocked it, so he's gonna have to make a run for it, but he catches sight of raised brows and questioning expressions and he can't give them nothing.
"Tommy's taking me to Vegas, we might see Adele, okay bye!"
They absolutely let him make a break for it, let him scramble into the Jeep, let him send them all a quick wave before he peels out of his parking spot, and Buck spends the drive to Harbor viscously ignoring the steady buzzing from his phone.
Tommy snags the backpack from his shoulder before he's fully out the door, and tugs a belt loop to pull him close. Buck is pretty sure he'll never get over how much he likes being manhandled, just a bit.
"You wanna tell me why Chim and Hen both wished us a good flight?"
"Ravi ambushed me on my way out the door. Technically, they don't know anything about anything, except maybe Adele."
Tommy's fond smile makes Buck feel all warm and tingly inside, and he basks in the glow as Tommy nudges a knee between the open bow of Buck's legs.
Tommy's expression morphs, a bit, lips dropping as he tilts his head. "You having second thoughts? We don't have to-."
"No. No second thoughts."
"Evan, I know how close you are to your family. If you want to wait, make this something you can share with them, we can hold off."
He's so goddamn charmed by this man - by how he cares, by how well he knows Buck, by a million and one tiny things that Buck gleefully hoards his knowledge of like a dragon over his caverns of treasure.
"I kinda don't want to share you, for this." It's the first time since Tommy's brought it back up that Buck's been able to express exactly why the prospect makes him so giddy, but there it is. Possessive jealous Buck rears his ugly head again, only Tommy has always been a little charmed by that. At least when Buck expressed it in a healthy way.
"The moment they know, it's gonna be a spectacle," Tommy agrees, fingers curling over Buck's side.
"Exactly. So. Take me to Vegas and wife me up before one of them shows up trying to tag along."
He expects the dramatic eye roll, and Tommy's fingers digging into his sides. He doesn't expect the ear-ringing whistle echoing through the bay door to their left, or the smirk on Lucy Donato's face when she lets her looped thumb and pointer finger drop from her lips.
"We should definitely go before any of them remembers to hit her up for more details."
"Why would she -."
"Yeah she caught a look at the manifest and snooped until she found the rings."
"So you're actually worse at keeping a secret than I am."
"They're all gonna know before we land back home."
"Hen's gonna break like thirty bylaws trying to decorate a county owned chopper."
"Evan, seriously, we can still -."
Buck only knows one sure-fire way of stopping Tommy from spiraling too much - he uses the little bit of leverage he has plastered to the open door of his Jeep to catch Tommy's lips, and the resulting pleased hum shivers down his spine. Evan takes a moment to be pleased that Tommy hadn't shaved this morning like he'd threatened, and then he's tilting his head for a better angle and losing himself in it long enough that a few more wolf-whistles make their way across the tarmac -- Wendell and York, most likely, but when Buck finally breaks the kiss to dart a look over Tommy's shoulder, everyone has made themselves scarce.
"You gonna marry me or not, Kinard?"
It's a rare thing, but sometimes, when Buck makes him a little extra wild, Tommy does this growling thing that Buck always feels down to his toes. Tommy kisses him breathless again when Buck responds to this growl with a satisfied smirk.
"How much you wanna bet Hen convinces you to do a vow renewal within six months."
Buck's busy nipping at a spot of flesh just above Tommy's transverse abdominis, so it takes a second for his brain to catch up with the words.
"It's gonna be Maddie, and she's gonna rope you into it before you realize what's happening."
Tommy hums, pleased, not denying it, and runs a hand through Buck's hair, palm curling over his crown. It takes Buck a moment to figure out why it doesn't feel quite as familiar as it always does, and then he's reaching for it with a hand of his own, the tips of two fingers sliding along the smooth metal surface of Tommy's ring.
The smile he shoots up from the general area of Tommy's groin is all puppy-dog grin, and he basks in the soft, warm grin Tommy sends back. Buck tracks the crinkle of Tommy's eyes like a lifeline.
"I'm gonna lord it over everyone's head that we didn't get married because of, during, or after a health scare or a natural disaster."
"You asked me two days after we made up because of a flash flood we both thought we were gonna lose each other to, but okay."
Tommy's smile is soft. The fingers that slide around his scalp to brush reverently over his birthmark are even softer. "That time doesn't count, because we didn't follow through. You thought I was joking."
He had, honestly, at first, because they'd technically still been broken up at the time and the adrenaline and the terror at nearly losing one another had still been close. It'd taken him three days and Tommy angrily re-ringing his house key back onto Buck's keychain to realize Tommy maybe hadn't actually been joking about hopping in the chopper the next time they both had 24 off.
He's glad they'd taken the extra time, though. Glad they'd had time to drive halfway across the state in search of a ring shop they could be sure they wouldn't run into anyone at, glad they'd had the time to get new suits tailored, glad he'd had time to fuss over vows he'd still cried about while he was saying them, glad they'd done it without an Elvis impersonator standing just off to the side.
"You're stuck with me now," Buck tells him, and Buck knows Tommy's delighted bark of laughter will keep him warm for years.
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dadvans · 3 months
how the 118 (+partners) would fare in an escape room
Bobby: is the guy they have the warning about not forcing things open and breaking the puzzles for, and he listens and knows this, but his and athena’s mutual conviction that the mechanism to unlock the secret door behind the bookshelf is stuck, means, well
(there is no secret door behind the bookshelf
Athena: has rational, straightforward approach to the puzzles but unfortunately focuses on the least rational, most abstract puzzles
Buck: freakishly good at the puzzles in a way that freaks everyone out but is out of commission trying to help Bobby fix the bookshelf
Hen: somehow figures out how to crack the toughest puzzles but does it out of order and gets everyone out of the room in record time. nothing she does should work or be right, but it does work and she is right
Chimney: is just there to have a good time, figures out a puzzle based on an outdated phone or an analog clock or a VCR and makes digs at everyone born in the 90s that they would be helpless without him
Eddie: solves several puzzles without really meaning to. He’s just trying to organize magnets on a white board and a trap door pops open. He is smug about this for the rest of the day
Karen: is in an escape room on her own intended for 8 people and is crushing it. Actually, she brings Maddie with her because she needs a second pair of hands and she doesn’t trust anyone else to just be chill enough
Maddie: is patiently doing whatever Karen tells her to do and then gets to have a cute In Your Face moment in the lobby when she and Karen are already there and waiting for everyone else to escape their much less difficult room when they finally do break out
Tommy: watching buck’s back muscles flex through his tight t-shirt as he holds up the broken bookshelf while Bobby is trying to screw several pieces of it back into the wall with his hands and a prayer. Tommy knows an easier way to fix it but he’s not about to turn down a good show.
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lemotmo · 2 months
i ask this entirely in good faith since i’ve been thinking about it a lot lately but could anyone explain why fox blocked bi buck and possibly buddie but somehow tarlos was able to survive on lone star while on the same network? i mean this is the same network that also used to have glee on their roster back in the day so it’s even more insane to me that they would block it for 911 but maybe someone has a better answer, perhaps from a business viewpoint that i haven’t considered? i love your blog!
Well, I'm no expert on Lone Star Nonny. I tried to watch it, but gave up after two episodes.
However, as I understand it Tarlos was always the plan. TK was always established as gay, right from the beginning. Carlos was also gay from the start. So the plan was alway Tarlos.
FOX knew that there would be a gay couple in Lone Star. They knew it beforehand and they approved it.
In that sense Buddie is more unique. Buck started out sleeping around with a lot of women in season 1, before settling with Abby. There was never a plan to make him bisexual. Canonically, at that point, everybody thought he was straight. Which of course ended up being wrong, because in season 7 we found out he is (and always has been) bisexual.
Eddie was introduced in season 2. An insider on Twitter has talked about the fact that Eddie was supposed to be gay from the get go, but we have no real confirmation of that. Canonically he was married to a woman and the audience didn't have reason to think he was anything but straight. Now, Eddie fans quickly clocked him as some kind of queer, but it wasn't (and still isn't) canon.
Buddie was never in the plans. It just naturally developed because of Ryan and Oliver's crazy crackling on screen chemistry. They just clicked so well and anything they filmed together was gold.
Everyone could see their connection, including the show runner Tim Minear. But when he pitched the idea to FOX, they said 'no'.
Now, I'm not American, but I understand that FOX is a very conservative network. So maybe they didn't want 'another gay couple' in one of their shows? The OG already had Karen and Hen and maybe they thought that was representation enough? Maybe they didn't specifically want bisexual representation on their show? Who knows?
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Keep in mind that Lone Star came after the OG, so maybe they saw how popular Buddie was online and wanted to recreate that chemistry with two men that were established as gay from the start? Perhaps they were even hoping that people would stop asking for Buddie to happen if they threw Tarlos at them? Amost as if they thought that queer couples are interchangeable somehow? 0_°
For Buddie it would certainly have been a more complicated story line than Tarlos, since neither of them was established as anything else than straight from the start. Maybe that was the problem? Two men coming out in their late twenties, early thirties? After a lot of relationships with women and even a marriage. Not just that, a marriage with a kid.
Maybe they were afraid that more conservative viewers would drop the show if two 'manly macho previously perceived as straight' men would fall for each other?
Whatever it was, it's obvious that Ryan and Oliver are very happy to be free of FOX. ABC is giving them the opportunity they didn't get at FOX.
Good for them.
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shitouttabuck · 1 year
Buddie unintentional cuddles can power me through a whole week, so the prompt 3. Person A waking up to Person B curled up and sleeping on top of them really spoke to me <3
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hiya thank u frida and @colonoscopys for sendin this one in (and an anon too!!!) very much distracted me from my wisdom tooth woes. i need to add a disclaimer that this is NOT kink it’s just sleepy drunkenness please trust me lol (rated t even!!!! not horny!!!!!!! just unbelievably stupid!!!!)
bed-sharing prompts: person A waking up to person B curled up and sleeping on top of them
put on a slow dumb show for you | 2.2k | read under cut or on ao3
Buck wakes with the same unshiftable heaviness on his chest that he gets mid-panic attack. Except—his body is incredibly confused, because while the physical pressure is bearing down, making breathing a struggle, every other cell in his body is telling him the opposite: no reason to panic, he’s warm and swaddled and safer than he’s ever been.
His brain scrambles to organise this juxtaposition of sensations. The room is dark, and not unfamiliar, even if he’s spent the night in here less than a handful of times. Eddie’s digital alarm clock is blinking at him, and Eddie’s recently mounted décor of three framed photographs on the far wall is facing him, and Eddie’s entire fucking body is draped over Buck’s and crushing the breath out of him.
Oh. Okay. The second half of his cells were right, then—he’s safe. His heart can stop racing now. And it does, a bit.
But his brain keeps reaching for puzzle pieces, laying them out for assessment before him. His mouth tastes like he licked the bottom of a public trash can, and there’s a sharp twinge behind his temple, and he feels more than a little nauseous.
That’ll be the last five tequila shots Ravi pressed into his hands pre-karaoke. Eddie’d just stumbled off stage, arm-in-arm with Karen, fresh off a You’re Still The One duet that had Karen sniffling half-way through and making grabby-hands at an amused but equally-smitten Hen. Buck had only enough time to whoop as Eddie curtsied dramatically before they were calling his name.
Buck’s good at a lot of things, but singing is not one of them. He’d whined and stammered and straight-up crawled under the table before Ravi, sweet, evil Ravi, had ducked down to join him with a tray of shots. After that is—a bit of a blur, to be honest. There was some Carly Rae Jepsen, maybe? He remembers sliding back into their booth next to Eddie and watching the rest of their friends be disgustingly romantic.
That, coupled with the best friend he’s a little unbearably in love with singing the most hopeful love song ever written, is just a recipe for Buck’s heart to get a little messy. And maybe it made him bolder with his affection than usual? Clingier, anyway. He must’ve been pretty needy for Eddie to let him crash in his bed. But Eddie’s always making sure Buck has what he needs, so that isn’t anything new. And Eddie must’ve been pretty wasted too, if this total lack of personal space is any indication.
Buck doesn’t think Eddie’ll mind waking up like this—a perk of having a physically affectionate straight best friend is that he’s mostly oblivious to a classic no homo situation. He breathes deep, weight on top of him grounding instead of suffocating, lets himself tentatively wrap an arm around Eddie to hold him steady as his chest rises with the depth of his inhale, and closes his eyes again.
Except Eddie snuffles and shifts and then jams his knee directly into Buck’s bladder. After the drinks he put away tonight? Buck’s dangerously full bladder.
“Fuck,” he squeaks, desperately trying to shift Eddie to the side. “Oh—fuck.” He clenches—everything, really, because he’s too old to wet the bed and too fond of the life he has to wet Eddie’s bed, as the aftermath of that really only involves fleeing the country.
In the end, fear of that outweighs any qualms he has about waking a peacefully slumbering Eddie, and he all but shoves him off, gasping a breath of relief when Eddie’s weight shifts from his bladder to his thighs.
“Whu—what?” Eddie slurs, scrambling up with a pinched expression. “Buck? What’s wrong?” He sits up clumsily, straddling Buck’s thighs.
“Nothing,” Buck says, voice strained. “Sorry, I’m sorry, just—really need to piss. And…” He gestures uselessly between them, face contorted in apology.
“Oh,” Eddie frowns. “Okay. Cool.”
“Cool,” Buck echoes, feeling hysterical. “Um, I’m gonna…” He tries to tug his legs free from under Eddie and Eddie clambers off obligingly.
Buck swings himself out of bed and hurries down the hall to the bathroom, cursing himself for everything from waking Eddie to ruining what could’ve been the cuddle session of his dreams to going and fucking falling in love with his best friend in the first place.
He lets the door swing shut behind him and absentmindedly lifts the toilet seat, shoving a hand into his boxers and then just about leaping a foot in the air when the door squeaks open again and Eddie shuffles over to stand behind him, resting his chin on Buck’s shoulder.
“Um,” Buck says, feeling dizzy for reasons that are only partly alcohol related. “Uh.”
“D’you need a hand?” Eddie asks sleepily.
Buck laughs nervously, frozen facing the wall with his hand down his boxers. “Uh. What?”
Eddie yawns, muffling the back-half of it into Buck’s shoulder and crowding closer, plastering himself along Buck’s back. Does Buck have alcohol poisoning? Is this the tequila version of an absinthe hallucination?
“D’you need me to hold it?” Eddie clarifies, nuzzling Buck’s shoulder gently.
Buck chokes on his own spit, body buckling as he pulls his hand out his underwear to thump his own chest. No, he skipped straight past the alcohol poisoning, he’s dead, not even a coma could dream this up.
Eddie steps back, frowning in concern when Buck finally spins to face him, eyes wide. His whole body is taut, stark contrast to the sleepy slump of Eddie’s shoulders.
“Do I—what?” he manages.
“Sorry, I wasn’t, like, trying to baby you,” Eddie says, looking unsure. “But after earlier—”
“Earlier,” Buck echoes. Eddie’s gaze has dropped to south of Buck’s navel, where his boxers have rucked up enough to leave a considerable amount of his happy trail on display. He yanks the waistband up quickly, and Eddie’s head snaps up too, cheeks dusted pink. Then his face, his perfect, beautiful face, falls.
“Wait, Buck—do you not remember? After karaoke?” he asks, taking a step back. “Oh, I—I didn’t think you were that drunk.”
“I wasn’t,” Buck insists, racking his brain, and oh.
The tequila-soaked memory swims up, Buck desperate for the toilet and stubborn about being able to get there himself, despite tripping over his stupid Bambi legs not two steps from their table. Eddie laughing and slinging an arm around him, half-carrying him to the men’s room. Buck standing in front of the urinal, frowning and arms flopping helplessly at his sides.
“Eddie,” he’d whined. “My hands aren’t working.”
Eddie’d laughed again, fond and warm, and asked if he wanted to sit in a stall.
“No,” Buck had pouted. “My zip…” He’d turned to Eddie, lopsided grin and beseeching eyes, and Eddie’d shaken his head and come to stand behind him. He’d undone Buck’s zipper and asked, “Alright?” and Buck had pouted some more.
“Can you help?” he’d asked, mortifyingly pathetic. Eddie’d raised an eyebrow and snorted, and then Buck had said, “Eddieee. These are my nice jeans. My hands don’t work. Your hands are perfect.”
Eddie’d muttered, “Might as well happen like this,” and slipped a hand into Buck’s jeans and—ah. Held his dick while he peed.
“Oh,” Buck says now, voice small. “Fuck, Eds, I’m sorry.”
Eddie narrows his eyes, somewhat blearily. “Why? I wouldn’t have if I didn’t want to.”
“Yeah, but I know—I don’t think we’re on the same page. I don’t—” Buck closes his eyes and presses the heels of his palms into them. “I don’t think it meant the same thing for us.”
“Oh,” Eddie’s face is suddenly unreadable. He crosses his arms over his chest and takes another step back. Buck wants to cry. He basically tricked his best friend into touching him—doesn’t matter if Eddie did it platonically, because drunk or not, genuinely needing help to piss or not, Buck’s pretty sure his own intentions were not all that innocent.
“I’m so sorry, Eds,” he says. “I was drunk as hell—that’s not an excuse, but it won’t happen again. I—I’ll be better at keeping it to myself. The last thing I ever want is to make you feel uncomfortable around me.”
Something passes over Eddie’s face. “Wait,” he says slowly, “you asked me to hold your dick as friends?” There’s an uncertain lilt to the question, like he truly doesn’t know what the answer is anymore.
“Uh,” Buck says. He could use the confusion to wrestle the cat back into the bag and then ship said bag one-way to Nicaragua, but Eddie’s looking a little lost, arms crossed in his black vest and boxers and mismatched socks. Buck can’t be the cause of that. “No. I’m sorry. I wasn’t—I swear I wasn’t trying to trick you. I was just really drunk.”
“Okay,” Eddie says, stepping forward again and reaching out to tug Buck in by the hem of his t-shirt. “What’s the problem then?” He slides a warm hand under Buck’s shirt, smoothing it across his skin.
Buck inhales sharply, blood rushing to his brain and cheeks and cock so quickly he reaches for the porcelain toilet tank behind him to steady himself. “W-wait. Were you holding my dick as friends?”
Eddie blinks at him, disbelief slowly overtaking the slack sleepiness of his facial muscles. “You thought—is that generally something your friends do for you?”
“No, but…” Buck falters. “Why—why did you, then? Why else would you…”
“I was holding your dick because I want to kiss it,” Eddie snaps, and then claps a hand over his mouth, eyes wide and horrified. “I want to kiss you,” he amends. “You, not your—I mean, sure, that too, but. Can you say something.”
The many million times Buck has daydreamed and fantasised and wished for this, he’s never anticipated fuzzy patches in his memory of it. But these things are clear: waking up with Eddie plastered to him like he wants to touch Buck at every possible point, Eddie following him in here unprompted and pressing up against him with unchecked affection, because even in his sleepy state Eddie just wants to make sure Buck has what he needs, even if what he needs is help holding his dick in a context that’s soft and sleepy and miles from sexual.
“You came in here to hold my dick,” he says, grin spreading.
Eddie’s cheeks are so rosy, rosier than they’d been with the flush of alcohol, even. “I came in here because I didn’t want your uncoordinated drunk ass pissing all over my bathroom.”
“Aw, Eds, you romantic,” Buck says, stepping closer. Eddie sighs exasperatedly, tilting his face up expectantly anyway. But, oh—
“Did we kiss already?” Buck asks, heart dropping. “Do I not remember?”
Eddie brings up one large palm to rub Buck’s sternum gently. “Nah. Didn’t seem like the right time. I kinda—I wanted to do that not-drunk.”
“Oh,” Buck says, sagging with relief. “Good.” Eddie gives him a sleepy, wonky smile, and Buck says, “I’m not drunk now.”
Eddie huffs a laugh, stepping back and patting Buck’s chest. “Nope, just hungover and harbouring the most toxic tequila-flavoured morning breath anyone’s ever had.”
“Don’t forget desperate to pee,” Buck grins. “You gonna help a guy out?” He flaps his arms limply, batting his lashes at Eddie.
Eddie grumbles unintelligibly, lips twitching with amusement as he bodily rearranges Buck to face the toilet again. Buck melts back into the cradle of his arms, safe and sleepy and sated enough that his dick doesn’t do any more than he needs it to right now, even with Eddie’s warm hand wrapped around it.
They stumble back to bed, Buck belatedly remembering he’s not washed his hands but deciding not to care if Eddie doesn’t, and when Buck flops down, Eddie’s right back on top of him.
Buck wheezes as the breath’s punched out of his lungs, and it becomes a laugh, and this time he wraps both arms firmly around Eddie to hold him tight. Eddie exhales into the crook of his neck, breath hot and a little gross, and then lifts his head to press a close-mouthed kiss to the corner of Buck’s lips.
“This one doesn’t count,” he murmurs against Buck’s cheek. “I just can’t believe you thought I wanted to hold your dick as friends, so. It’s an almost-kiss. An IOU. Tomorrow I’m gonna kiss you till one of us passes out. Not as friends.”
“As enemies,” Buck whispers solemnly and then grunts when Eddie digs an elbow into his ribs. “As anything you want, s’long as I can keep the kissing and the dick-holding and—this.” He tightens his arms around Eddie, feeling his chest reverberate against Buck’s as he laughs.
“Deal,” he agrees, nestling closer, messy hair getting in Buck’s mouth as he shifts. “But just so you know what I want—and I don’t mean to skip ahead—though I guess we’re doing the regular dating bases all out of order anyway—” He sighs, deep and satisfied as he gets comfortable, and says, “I’m ready to have and to dick-hold you every day of the week, you know?”
Buck didn’t know, but now he does, and in eleven months’ time when he and Eddie are saying these words in front of their friends and family, sans penis, not one single person can blame him for lurching forward and kissing the adoring smirk off Eddie’s face miles before poor ordained Bobby gives him the go-ahead. Doing true love in order is overrated, anyway.
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hollersparrow · 6 months
just some 9-1-1 headcanons/plot bunnies
so i've kinda gone on a 9-1-1 deep dive that started out casual and rapidly turned into an obsession. a few things to note, i definitely think that buck and eddie have something (whether it's romantic or queerplatonic is up for grabs but there's something beyond friendship there and no one can convince me otherwise) and i am a strong subscriber to any tropes that strongly encourage found family/families so...make of that what you will
anyway, after binging all of the available episodes, i have several headcanons that i want to put out there (for some reason a lot of them are from season 5???)
ana realizing that there's more to eddie and buck's relationship than it seems in that scene from s5e2 when she brings christopher to the station. buck clocks that eddie has started panicking immediately and ana just like. *looks* at him for a few seconds in a way that just makes me think that this woman clocked that they have a deeper than normal connection to one another. that or she's heard about buck but obviously has never seen eddie and buck interact and is suddenly realizing exactly what people keep trying to tell her about
a buck/eddie-focused exploration of the aftermath of 'brawl in cell block 9-1-1'. buck freaking out once mitchell's been carted off to get his heart taken out and refusing to let eddie go anywhere while checking him for injuries, eddie having some uncomfortable realizations about just how affected buck was by the whole experience. personally, i feel that would lead to them actually talking about the sniper and all the mess that goes with it
lots of potential for temporary angst with eddie having a lot of big feelings about having failed as a husband in his marriage to shannon and not wanting to get married again b/c of it (thinks he doesn't deserve another shot at it? thinks there's something fundamentally wrong with him to where he can't? don't know how this would manifest exactly). personally, i see this eventually leading to him and buck realizing that they're more or less functionally married and they may as well reap some tax benefits from it but you can do whatever you want with that
buck goes to the funerals of many of the people who die on calls that he's a part of. it's mostly people that he directly worked on and he doesn't tend to tell anyone that he's a first responder that was involved (b/c of how devon's sister reacted in s1) but he does go to them.
kinda of tied to the headcanon above this but! buck getting adopted by a bunch of older queer folk following the deaths of mitchell and thomas in s2. he goes to the joint funeral that was planned for the two of them, in part b/c he wants/needs to and in part bc he accidentally took a few photos from the scrapbook from the scene (he shoved them in his pocket on instinct when thomas collapses). anyway, he shows up and the older queer community has rallied to show up at the funeral and they recognize him as someone who needs more found family and just adopt him into their ranks. i could see the 118 finding out about this soon after it happens or not until years later; maybe karen and hen finding out sooner than everyone else but buck asks them to keep it quiet?
s5e14 where jee-yun gets sick? what if it actually WAS leukemia and she somehow ends up needing some sort of donation (plasma? bone marrow? idk really anything about how cancer is treated). jee's put on a list and they start testing family members, none of whom work out until...buck. cue maddie not wanting to ask that of buck b/c of all the baggage that comes with daniel and the buckley parents are absolute assholes about it (along the lines of completely disregarding buck's autonomy as a human being in the face of their precious granddaughter being in trouble), maybe a chimney that isn't trying to be pushy about it but also just...can't help pushing a bit, a buck that so overwhelmed with everything that he's feeling that he goes off the rails a bit. obviously everything works out and buck donates or whatever needs to happen and jee-yun is completely fine b/c i don't actually want it to end badly
the entire 'buck's a sperm donor' family argument and maraget saying "you're a miracle baby yourself" made my fucking blood boil and i want to see a better exploration of the fallout of that statement b/c you just know that there was more to it than it just getting brushed off
buck telling maddie that he has a checklist that he goes through every time he wakes up post-coma in s6e12. chris and eddie being part of that list, where buck is just constantly checking up on them to make sure that they're still in LA (part of the reason why it's so easy for him to fall asleep/relax on the diaz couch or in their house in general). eddie doesn't notice the uptick in check-ins b/c he's too busy figuring out the least intrusive ways for him to check in on buck at all times b/c he NEEDS to know that buck is alive/breathing. once eddie notices though, he confronts buck about it
maddie asking buck to be her maid of honor for her wedding since hen is obviously going to have best man privileges. mostly just exploring the ridiculous that this brings up and everyone joking about buck in a dress (up to you whether he actually wears one to the wedding or not), but i have to include a side note that the buckley parents are dicks about it and have no sense of humour/fun
literally anything featuring athena being worried about buck as a maternal figure, i was so disappointed by her lack of interaction when buck was struck by lightning and, while i'm so fucking happy to have may acknowledging that buck is bobby's son too, we missed out on athena being devastated by the situation as well
there will probably be more of these to come at some point knowing myself.
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WIP Wednesday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 16 is available on AO3 and Chapter 17 will be posted soon.
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Currently 16 chapters completed: 549.4K Words Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 17 because there's a lot happening as Buck and Eddie continue to prepare for everything that's going to happen in the next seven weeks.
For anyone who hasn't read Chapter 16, here's a brief overview: Buck and Eddie hired a travel agent to help them schedule everything for their upcoming international adventure. They also hired a tax accountant for the 12-million-dollar settlement money Buck was awarded after the sperm donor lawsuit ended and they hired a financial advisor so they could invest some of it.
They'll tie the knot before Christmas 2023 but they are NOT getting married in the U.S. and they won't have a wedding ceremony until May 2024. Currently, they think Chris is the only person who knows they're together but now several people have witnessed their romantic and emotionally intimate moments including Bobby, Chimney, Athena, Hen, Karen, Maddie and Ravi. Even though Adriana is in El Paso, she realized Eddie and Buck are together too.
Who else is going to realize they're together in Chapter 17?
Here's a snippet from Chapter 17 of a call Buck gets early one morning while Eddie's on shift.
Buck slowly wakes up out of a deep sleep when his cellphone starts ringing.  He opens his eyes, looks at the clock on the nightstand and wonders who would be calling him at 4:12AM.
He wipes his eyes, clears his throat then he sticks his arm out from underneath the comforter to grab his cellphone.  He looks at the caller ID and when he sees Bobby’s name, he immediately sits up in bed and goes on full alert because he wouldn’t be calling this time of morning unless it was an emergency.
He slides his finger across the screen and in his rough and raspy voice, he answers, “Bobby?”
Instantly, he recognizes Bobby’s speaking in his captain’s voice.  He knows it well because he’s heard it many times over the last seven years.  It’s always distinct and different from his regular speaking voice whenever he’s about to deliver bad news to a victim’s family.
Everything starts happening in slow motion and to him it feels like ginger ale is floating around in his skull.  He also feels like he’s drowning because his eyes aren’t focused and it seems like he’s looking through some cloudy water that might be filled with debris or swimming pool cleaner or something else but he's not sure.
A few seconds pass and he realizes the reason he’s having a difficult time seeing is because his eyes are full of tears.
Any words he’s planning to speak get choked in his throat because realization sets in and he knows Bobby’s calling because something bad happened.
His voice is just above a squeak when he whisper asks, “What is it?”
“Buck, listen to me... I need you to meet me Cedars Sinai.”
There’s a lump in his throat now because he knows that tone but he asks anyway, “Why?”
“It’s Eddie…”
He can’t hear anything else after he hears Eddie’s name because a high-pitched noise starts ringing in his ears.
What happened to Eddie? 🧐
How is Buck going to handle it when he arrives at the hospital? 👀
Will he be in a catatonic state of shock like he was after the shooting? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-16 are available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
Chapter 17 will be posted soon.
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Don’t Let Go
Hurt Evan "Buck" Buckley
Protective Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
I am californian and fire season is a genuine thing
Usually there's four seasons. Fall, winter, spring, and summer. In California, there's five seasons. Fall, winter, spring, summer, and fire. Fire season comes every year without fail. It's a staple of life you get used to when you live in the sunshine state. However, with climate change, the fires get worse every year. And this year is the worst one in decades.
"118! Listen up!"
Bobby's voice rings through the fire house as silence falls. Everyone gathers around him.
"As you all know, this years fire season has been bad. Our station has been assigned to fight the fires on the southern ridges. This is going to be a five day assignment, but it could go longer. We're expected to arrive by eight AM tomorrow. I know this is short notice, and I apologize, but I just found out about this myself. After shift today, please make any arrangements you need to. If you require assistance or have questions, feel free to ask me. Thank you all."
There's murmuring from the crowd, but it dissipates as everyone scatters.
"I was hoping we wouldn't be dispatched for a bit longer," Eddie sighs.
"It comes every year like clock work. Do you know if Carla can watch Chris?"
"Honestly, Buck, I don't know. I'll call and ask."
"Karen said she could watch the kids after work. Chris can stay with Denny, it'll be like a super-long sleepover," Hen interjects. "So as long as Carla can watch Chris during the day, everything should be fine."
"Hen. Have I ever told you and Karen that you two are the greatest people on the planet?"
"Yes. But hearing it again never hurts."
Hen goes off to chat with Chim, who's calling Maddie. Eddie turns to Buck.
"I was going to invite you over for a movie night tonight, but you'll probably want to pack."
"I've got everything I need at your place. I can throw it in my travel bag. Plus, I promised Chris I would make Bobby's lasagna tonight."
Eddie has this soft smile on his face. It's one that's reserved solely for Chris and Buck. Hen calls it his 'love-sick smile'. And in all honesty, Eddie knows she's right. He's head over heels for Buck. Has been for years. It's as familiar to him as breathing. Maybe one day he'll tell Buck. But for right now, he doesn't want to risk losing Buck completely. He can't handle that. He just got him back after the lightning strike. He won't lose him again just because he can't keep his feelings in check.
The alarm goes off, spurring everyone into action. Eddie forces himself to clear his mind.
Buck knows Eddie's kitchen like the back of his hand. Partially because he reorganized it while stressed, but more so because he cooks here more than he ever does in his own home. He spends more time at Eddie's house than he does his own house in general. He's become a staple in the Diaz household. And he'll forever be grateful that they want him here.
"Okay, the lasagna is almost ready. Chris, can you grab the water from the fridge?"
Chris does so, Dodging Eddie as he goes to grab the plates. The timer goes off and Buck grabs the food from the oven. He places it on the table, taking his seat next to Eddie.
"This smells amazing."
"Lucky for you, you're getting the first piece," Buck says as he serves Chris a slice.
They all dig in. They chat about their day. Chris updates them on the gossip from school. It's the domestic moments like these that Buck loves the most.
After dinner, Buck washes the dishes as Eddie dries them. Chris runs off to his room to get into PJs.
"We have to tell him we're being dispatched," Eddie whispers.
"I know."
"I hate leaving him."
"Me too."
He bumps his shoulder into Eddie's, a silent show of support. Eddie smiles at him. They stay like that as they wash the rest of the dishes. Eventually, Chris comes back in, now clad in dinosaur pajamas.
"Hey Chris, before we start the movie, we gotta talk about something really quick."
Chris shoots them a nervous look. Buck quickly assures him it's nothing bad. That seems to relax the boy a bit, but he's clearly still worried.
"You know the fires going on? Buck and I are being sent to go fight them. We'll be gone for a couple days. We have to leave tomorrow. Carla will watch you during the day like usual, and you'll stay with Karen and Denny."
"How long will you be gone?"
"We don't know. Probably about five days. I promise I'll take care of your dad, alright?"
"And I'll take care of Buck. We'll be back before you know it."
Chris nods.
"I'm not worried. As long as you two stay together, you'll both come home," he says confidently.
"Exactly. Now, what movie do you want to watch, mijo?"
Buck spends the ride to basecamp doing crossword puzzles. Occasionally he'll ask Eddie for help with a question, but on the whole his collection of random knowledge makes the puzzles easy. Eddie passes the time scrolling on his phone. He has a bunch of articles that Buck sent him, so he works his way through those. They're about a variety of different subjects. Buck tends to go on research binges, and he'll send Eddie things he finds interesting. Eddie loves it.
When they arrive, Bobby orders everyone to disembark. The moment Eddie steps outside, he's hit by a wave of smoky air. The sky is a shade of orange. It's apocalyptic. Bobby leads them over to the main tent, where everything is being organized. A woman comes out to meet them. She's rather short, but she exudes intimidating energy. Her salt-and-pepper hair is tied back in a tight bun.
"Hi, everyone. I'm Captain Hestwen. I'm the one in charge here. In a minute, you'll be getting your assignments. Over to the left is the field hospital. That tent right there is the bunks, grab naps whenever you can. A full nights sleep won't happen. Food is at the green tent, and the tent next to that is where we're storing gear. If you need me, I'll be here. I'll be seeing you all later at the briefing."
She heads inside just as Bobby comes out. He starts listing off their different positions.
"Chim, Hen, you're on med. You're going with a team from the 159 to help with evacuations and injuries. Andrews, you're joining the 35. Jefferson, you're going to help with heli-rescue. Diaz, Buck, you two are going out with the 128 to help with search and rescue. I'm staying here to help Captain Hestwen. Keep your radios on. The wind could shift, so I want to make sure I can get in touch with you all if I need to. Stay safe, everyone."
With that, everyone heads to their designated positions. It takes Eddie and Buck a moment to locate the 128. They find the crew resting around a table. There's about four of them. A young man comes up to greet them.
"Buckley and Diaz? I'm Ryan. I'm heading up this crew. That's Teri, Hartley, and Muniz."
"Nice to meet you. Call me Buck."
They all shake hands before heading over to the table. There's a map laid out, marked by red pins.
"Okay. There's a campsite that was right along the fire line. Most of the campers got out, but there's still three missing. There's a teenage girl named Jocelyn who was doing a solo trip, and a young couple, Nick and Theo. The wind is shifting fast, so we need to move faster. There's no way to get a helicopter out in this smoke, so we're taking ATVs down. We need to cover a large distance, so we're going to take different areas. Muniz, you're with me, taking the North campsite. Teri and Hartley, you're taking the east. Buck and Diaz, you're taking the west corner. You'll all get a map. Keep in mind that the fire line will be constantly shifting, so the map may be inaccurate."
Ryan leads them to the ATVs. Buck opts to drive, since Eddie is better at reading maps. It's a skill he picked up in the army. After making sure they're all on the same radio channel, they go their separate ways. Eddie directs Buck along the side trails. The road is thin and rocky. The smoke gets thicker as they head closer to the fire line. Buck can feel it settling on his skin. He calls out all three names, praying that they hear a response.
"To the left! A tent!"
Buck pulls over when he hears Eddie yell. They get out to investigate. There's two sleeping bags, so it must be Nick and Theo's. There's not much of the tent left. It looks like the fire swept through, charring everything in it's path. Buck calls out their names, even though it's unlikely the two men are anywhere nearby. They likely would have run from the fire.
"Let's head further down the trail. My guess is that they ran when the fire came."
Eddie nods in agreement. They climb back in and start to drive again. They see the evidence of the fire all around them. They're getting closer to the fire itself. When Nick and Theo ran, they didn't know the fire line would shift with the wind. They had no idea they were running straight towards it.
"Theo! Nick!"
Eddie's voice is hoarse from the combination of yelling and smoke. Nevertheless, he yells out their names again.
"Down here! Help!"
Buck abruptly stops. They run out of the ATV, heading towards the voice. They end up on a steep ridge. Down below, the two men are sitting. One appears mostly okay, but the other has a badly cut leg. Eddie can see the white of bone from where he's standing.
"The ridge collapsed! We can't get out," one yells.
"Grab the med bag," Buck orders. When Eddie returns, Buck has already scrambled down the ridge. He's putting pressure on the man's wound with the gauze from his pocket. "Throw down a rope! You'll have to pull them up, okay?"
They don't have access to their usual gear. All they have is some rope and carabiners. Eddie ties one end of the rope around a large boulder. He gives it a tug to make sure it's secure. Then he tosses the other end over the ridge, watching to make sure it doesn't get snagged on anything. Buck quickly ties it into a rescue knot.
"Theo, you need to go up. Eddie is going to help you."
"I'm not leaving Nick!"
"I promise I'll take care of him."
"Go," Nick croaks.
Theo hesitates, but grabs onto the rope. Eddie instructs him to put the loops around his legs. Once Theo is secure, Eddie uses all his strength to pull him up. Even with his gloves, the rope bites into his hands. The moment Theo appears over the edge, Eddie pulls him fully to safety.
"Are you hurt anywhere?"
"No. I mean yes, I have some cuts and a sprained wrist, but you need to take care of my boyfriend first, please-"
"Buck's got him. Go get in the ATV, we're going to get you both out of here."
The radio attached to Eddie's chest crackles to life. Bobby's voice comes over the line.
"All search and rescue teams, be advised that the wind is shifting. Fire is rapidly heading west."
Eddie swears. The fire is heading right for them. He can see it in the distance, getting closer with each passing second. They need to get out of here. He runs back to the edge of the ridge and throws the rope back down. Buck helps Nick up, carrying the majority of his weight. Buck has tied a tourniquet just above his wound. With a good bit of help, Nick gets secured to the rope. Buck gives Eddie a thumbs up.
It's when Eddie gets Nick to the top that the ridge collapses, taking the rock and rope with it. Eddie barely grabs Nick in time. Half the ridge falls, boulders tumbling down. He pulls Nick to safety before running over to check on Buck. He breathes a sigh of relief when he sees that Buck is stumbling to his feet.
"You okay?"
"I'm fine. Ankle might be broken though," Buck says. He's leaning heavily on his right side.
Eddie can see the fire getting closer. It'll reach them in only a couple of minutes. He has to get Buck up and out of here fast. Theo has already helped Nick into the ATV. Eddie searches the back for another rope, but there's none. Fuck. Eddie races back to the edge, wary of the fact that the ridge is unstable.
"You need to climb! Can you?"
"I don't think so. Eddie, you need to get Nick and Theo out of here. I'll find a different way up."
"I'm not leaving you."
"The fire is heading this way. You need to go!"
Eddie looks at Nick and Theo. Theo still has a small backpack on.
"Theo! Do you have any rope on you?"
He checks his bag, smiling when he pulls out a thin line. Eddie grabs it, testing its strength. It's enough. It has to be. He finds another hefty boulder and ties one end of the rope around it, making sure it's tightly knotted. He throws the other end down. He can feel the heat emanating from the fast-approaching flames. Buck knots the other end around himself. He looks warily at the flames, now eating through the trees only a few feet away.
Eddie begins to pull. His muscles scream at him, exhausted from all the work, but he ignores the pain. All that matters is getting Buck to safety.
The rope creaks.
It snaps.
Eddie lunges forward, grabbing Buck's hand just in time. The rope drops into the flames below. Eddie tries to pull Buck up, but he gets dragged towards the edge. The only thing holding him in place is the root his foot is lodged in, but that's about to give way too.
"Eddie, you have to let go, I'm going to pull you down with me," Buck begs.
"No," Eddie chokes out through gritted teeth. If he lets go Buck is going to fall. And if the fall doesn't kill him, the inferno waiting below will.
"Chris needs you."
"He needs you too!"
"Tell him I love him, okay? And- and there's notes for everyone. Just in case. They're in a box in my closet. Tell everyone I love them, alright?"
"Buck, please-" Eddie's cut off by his own strangled sob. The root gives way a little more.
"It's okay. I love you, Eddie."
With one last smile, Buck lets go. Eddie watches him fall.
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rqgnarok · 1 year
you knew what it was (he is in love)
I don’t want you to be alone, Pepa had said, but she had also hugged him goodbye with a kiss on the cheek and a murmur of say hi to Evan from me.
read in ao3
And the longer you’re alone, the easier it is. I don’t want that for you. 
Pepa’s words haunt Eddie the whole drive back home. Streetlights paint the inside of his truck golden and the last of Los Angeles’ sunrays are hiding behind the horizon. He tries not to zone out too much- there’s a reason why he prefers Buck to drive them around everywhere, his thoughts get away from him too easily- but the more he thinks about it, the more he hyperfixiates on the entire situation.
Truth be told, he’d felt blindsided about being set up not only because of the whole principle of him being unable to take care of his own personal life, but ever since he got back to therapy and to the 118th, he hadn’t felt alone. The team had family get togethers every few weekends when their schedules allowed it, he got together with Hen and Karen for drinks and gossip, movies with Chim, afternoons with Buck-
And mornings with Buck. And evenings. Entire days, sometimes more than that whenever he stayed over to cook them breakfast in the morning and just- wouldn’t leave.
Not that Eddie minded. Ever since the lightning strike he preferred to keep Buck close, where he could see him and reach for his wrist to feel for a pulse every time Eddie’s brain tried to play tricks on him. 
They’re closer than ever before and he likes that. He likes their routine, how intertwined they’ve become. There was a time- a long, achingly endless stream of years- in which Eddie thought they’d never get it right. It was Taylor, and then Ana, and then both and neither. It was the shooting, Maddie and Chim leaving, Eddie’s panic and the distance that kept building between them.
And then it dissipated. Eddie got better and he came back home. Buck almost died and he realized he was worthy of other people’s love, that the lack of it from his parents didn’t really matter to him anymore, now that they were so willing to give it. It’s not that they were too late, but Buck had filled that void inside him created by them with Eddie and Chris and the 118. People who loved him without him having to ask. 
He’s good. They both are. Great, even. Their seamlessness at work is stronger than ever, and that harmony doesn’t cut off when it’s time to go home. Eddie follows him back to his place or Buck follows him home and they just- exist in each other’s general vicinity. Buck takes over his kitchen and helps Chris with his homework and falls asleep on the couch sitting up with his mouth open and snores stuck in his throat. 
In return, Eddie orders takeout and steals Buck’s chair in front of the TV. He uses his phone as a speaker and puts some music while they drink beers in the balcony as they stare out into LA traffic, he disagrees with Buck regarding some point in their favorite true crime podcast so he can watch him flush with offense and rant for hours about something he believes in. Eddie just stares, feeling almost overwhelmed by the fondness, and watches his best friend rage from the other side of the counter.
He’s not alone. His life has never been fuller of people who know and love him like he is. Eddie’s so greedy with it, trying to swallow the experience whole whenever he’s with them that he forgets sometimes- he gets to have this. He’ll see them again, this isn’t a one time thing. There’s no clock ticking, not another shoe waiting to drop. He gets to keep his life.
Which is why Pepa’s words bothered him so much. He’s not actually mad at her- annoyed, maybe- Eddie knows she did it because she loves him and wants him to be happy- but Eddie already is. He is happy, and the sudden implication that he’s not, that he needs to fill his free time going on not so casual dates- 
It had put a dent in Buck’s smile, momentary and gone in a blink, but Eddie had caught it. He’d told him about it while they were on their way to work, and Eddie had watched his hands tighten on the wheel, his jaw clenching before he forced himself to loosen up. 
He’d joked around during breakfast and grinned at Hen and Chim in all the right places, but Eddie had carried that image of tension all through the day and into the date. He’d barely realized she was planning on letting him down easy because he’d been too busy wondering what he’d do about Buck when he came back from dinner.
Buck, who’d been waiting for him at home, asleep on his couch after helping Chris to bed. Buck, who seemed to lose all traces of sleep when he asked Eddie how the date had gone even if he’d already told him there wasn’t gonna be a second one. Buck, who melted back into the plush blue cover when Eddie assured him of this and grinned at him, asking him to hand him a beer. 
Buck, who’s at Eddie’s place right now, even if Chris is still at school and Eddie isn’t there. Buck, who has been using his key with the freedom Eddie had spent years trying to convince him is more than well deserved. 
Buck, who Eddie’s coming home to.  
I don’t want you to be alone, Pepa had said, but she had also hugged him goodbye with a kiss on the cheek and a murmur of say hi to Evan from me. 
Eddie curses to himself as he nearly misses his exit. Fuck, did Pepa know? Has Eddie been so obvious about his feelings that everyone has him all figured out? He’d told the team that first dates usually felt like a performance to him, and even though Hen had tried to reassure him that most new relationships actually were, Eddie saw the look she shared with Chim and Buck. Eddie knows the breakthroughs he’s had about Buck in therapy aren’t exactly platonic- he didn’t need Frank’s direction to know that I want to build a life with him wasn’t something you said about your best friend.
Still, he’d been handling it. Or so he’d thought, he babbled and stammered his way through an explanation of why he didn’t want Pepa to set him up. He couldn’t say I have plans with Buck because it would open the door on a conversation he wasn’t ready for. The same one people have been having with him ever since they met, along the way of one day one will chose to have a relationship and what will you do then? What happens when one of you leaves and it all falls apart?
But Buck had promised. And so had he, in different ways and at different times, so Eddie can’t really give a shit about what other people think. They don’t understand, they don’t get how they work, how tightly intertwined their lives so easily became. How willing Eddie is, everyday and one day at a time, to let go of the control he’s so terrified of losing and giving it to him. How easy it was to sign his name on the documents that gave Buck the chance to be a part of their family.
Sometimes he thinks Buck doesn’t either. He made the mistake of not speaking about many things right after getting shot and this apparently had given Buck the idea that him getting Christopher was a back up plan. A break-the-glass-in-case-of-emergency situation, something that would only happen in the worst of scenarios in which Eddie didn’t get to come home to see Chris finally get the other parent he deserved.
It’s not, Eddie mutters to himself as he finally makes it into his driveway, breathing out in relief and taking the keys out of the ignition. Buck has never been in any way his back up, the man proved himself to be worth so much more than that almost as soon as they met. 
There’s nothing marginal about Buck. Along with Christopher, placing him at the epicenter of Eddie’s life was the most seamless thing that’s ever happened. He didn’t even realize it had until he was bleeding out on a random Los Angeles street, reaching towards his best friend until his sight went blurry and the pain overpowered his every sense. 
God, Eddie thinks, unlocking the door and taking off his shoes and jacket as soon as he closes it behind him, hanging the keys in their rightful place. He’s gonna have to tell him soon, he’s driving around LA fully dissasociated from his surroundings because he’s too busy thinking about how nice it’d be to kiss the best friend that he loves like no one else, only second to his son. 
“Hey,” hablando del rey de Roma, Eddie thinks as he’s met with Buck’s head popping out from the kitchen. “You’re back early.”
“Pepa sent me home with my tail between my legs,” Eddie replies, going into the kitchen and dropping himself on the table defeatedly. The entire house smells like freshly made frijoles and his stomach grumbles despite having just eaten. He feels like a cartoon character that’s dazedly floated into the kitchen by the smell of something nice cooking in the background.
“She figured it out then?”
“Apparently I’m not a very good liar,” Eddie grumbles.
“I could’ve told you that, I caught every single tell of yours at the poker game last week,” Buck points a wooden spoon at him as he goes to search into the fridge and serve him a glass of water. “That means she didn’t give you any leftovers from breakfast?”
“That’s cause you know me too well,” Eddie holds the glass tenderly in two hands, like it’s a precious gift Buck had handed him instead of a drink from his own fridge. “And we ate out. She says hi, by the way.”
“Oh,” Buck’s grin is soft and pleased, a flush high on his cheeks from being thought about despite not being in the room. If he only knew how much time Eddie spent thinking about him, there’d be a permanent pink stain on his face. “That’s nice. I’ll text her sometime. I still wanted to ask her if she managed to get that hibiscus stain off the tablecloth.”
“You know she doesn’t blame you for that, right?” Eddie wonders with a raised brow. “It’s not your fault you’re not in control of your limbs yet. You’re still going through puberty.”
“Ha, ha,” Buck deadpans with an eye roll that fills Eddie with giddiness. The sip of cold water he takes does nothing to relieve the warmth of his insides. “I’m serious. I offered to buy her a new one but she said no. I just hope it’s not some precious family heirloom that I ruined and accidentally cursed your family.”
“No such thing,” Eddie says innocently, making cow eyes at him. “What would the Gods do in retaliation, hit you with lightning?”
“You’re such an asshole,” Buck throws a bean at him from absolute nowhere. It lands square on his forehead and Eddie only pops it into his mouth happily. “See if I ever heat up the frijoles for you ever again.”
“Your pronunciation is horrendous,” Eddie’s response is automatic, but he can’t hide the fact that he’s a little charmed. “Smells good though. You’re really getting the hang of it.”
“Yeah?” Buck wonders in earnest honesty, expression lighting up. Eddie doesn’t draw back his chair to stand up and kiss him, but it’s a close thing. “I thought about making them with salsa, but I figured Chris should try them fist and add it himself if he wants.”
“That’s wise,” Eddie knows, feeling high on something that keeps him opening his mouth and giving out compliments like they’re free. Anything to keep Buck happy and flushed, apparently. “Other than you, he’s the worst at figuring out how much spice he can handle.”
“You love us,” Buck says proudly, and Eddie can’t do anything else other than smile at him indulgently. Bastard doesn’t know how right he is. “So, was it that bad with Pepa that you don’t want to talk about it, or?”
“I didn’t say that,” Eddie takes another sip, emptying the glas.. “But she was onto me from the beginning. I kinda felt bad, considering she’s trying to help me in a way. A very tía, conservative way of you need to be married to be happy, but it comes from the right place, I guess.”
“Should I schedule myself for more babysitting, then?” Buck asks, and Eddie doesn’t miss how he grows a little tense, just like that day in the car and the night after the goddamned date. 
Eddie isn’t sure what it means, but he hopes. Christ almighty, does he hope. It’s the very same hope that has him opening his mouth and saying the stupidest thing he can come up with. 
“Nah,” he says, casual, as if he hasn’t been hit with the epiphany of his feelings for Buck at least twelve times in the past two years. “Next date I have you’ll be coming with me.”
Buck blinks at him. Eddie drinks happily from his glass.
“Um,” Buck says when his brain has finished resetting. He frowns. “You mean- like a double date? Because, I, um, I mean I’m flattered Pepa wants to- but I’m not really looking right now-”
“Not even if your date’s handsome, fluent in Spanish, and has an adorable soon to be teenage son?” Eddie raises a brow like his heart isn’t about to beat out of his chest. He feels anxiety churning at the bottom of his stomach, but it’s not panic. It’s not catastrophe waiting for him at the next turn, but rather the possibility of something good. Something better. “He’s a little bit of a work in progress but he’ll want to make it work with you. You’re not worth anything less.”
“Eddie,” Buck says, a little devastated. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying,” Eddie stands up and walks to him, takes the wooden spoon he was stirring the frijoles with from his hand and leaves it on the counter, tilts his head down to search for Buck’s eyes and stares at them, all bright blue and unshed emotions Eddie knows are reflected in his own. “That this whole thing with Pepa knocked some sense into me and made me realize that I don’t need to go on more dates with other people. I’ve already got the one I want. Even if he looks ridiculous in an apron and is as blind about the whole thing as I am.”
“What’s the thing?” Buck murmurs, shoulders tight and jaw locked as he stares ardently at Eddie, like he’s trying to keep himself at bay until he can confirm the type of conversation they’re having.
“I love you,” Eddie shrugs, his lips tilting upwards involuntarily when Buck’s breath catches in surprise. “I’ve loved you. Even when I didn’t put a name to it, I loved you. When we were seeing other people and when I swung a bat to everything I own and when I tried to reach for you in the middle of a storm and your heart stopped beating.”
“For three minutes and seventeen seconds,” Buck recites quietly, looking all over Eddie’s face like he’s a wonder he can’t figure out.
“The longest of my life,” Eddie confirms. He wants to touch him so, so badly, doesn’t feel like he’s getting his point across unless he reaches and holds Buck’s face in his hands, soothes over his cheeks and presses his mouth to his birthmark and the corner of his mouth before- “I don’t wanna waste more time, Buck. I don’t want to be set up or have you drive home at the end of the day or pretend that what I feel is anything other than-”
“Eddie,” Buck says, placing his hands on Eddie’s chest like he’s trying to prove he’s real. His grin is wide and his eyes are wet. “Kiss me.”
Something in Eddie’s chest stutters and flips. “Yeah?”
“I love you,” Buck tells him, sliding his hold from Eddie’s chest slowly up his neck until he’s cradling his face, as if expecting to be denied at any second. Eddie shivers, takes a step closer without even realizing it. Buck’s breath is warm against his mouth. “I didn’t think- if this is all I had then I’d take it, of course I would, but you and Chris, you’re-”
He leans in for a kiss, firm and close mouthed, over sooner than Eddie would like. He didn’t even get a chance to touch him back. “You’re my life, both of you. You know that, right, you gotta know.”
“Sweetheart,” Eddie tries, feels something inside him soften when Buck makes a little sound at the back of his throat, helpless. “Come here.”
Eddie reaches first this time, slotting their mouths together and letting his hands fall to grip Buck’s hips, leaning them both back against the counter. Buck runs his fingers through Eddie’s hair, opening his mouth and swallowing Eddie’s noise of contentment. 
When they part to heaving breaths moments later, Eddie noses at his cheek, voice warm and molten. “Is that a yes to the date?”
“As many as you’d like,” Buck assures, sounding a little emotional. Eddie lets it pass for now, knows that this moment has been years in the making and he can check in on his partner later when the high has rushed off. If it ever does. “I’m sorry I wasn’t ready before.”
“I wasn’t either,” Buck soothes his hurt with a slow hand up and down Eddie’s back. Eddie nestles close against him, tucking his nose against his neck. “I don’t think- I don’t think I would’ve believed you, if you’d told me before. So it’s. It’s good now.”
“Yeah?” Eddie wonders.
“Yeah,” Buck assures, no trace of doubt in his voice. “We’re gonna have to send Pepa a gift basket or something, aren’t we?”
“I think letting her say te lo dije will suffice,” Eddie doesn’t look forward to it, but Buck’s laughing and untangling Eddie’s octopus like grip to find his mouth and kiss him again. Eddie melts into it and thinks yeah. Yeah, maybe he can bear a billion ‘I told you so’s for the rest of his life as long as he gets to be in Buck’s arms for it. 
hablando del rey de roma / speak of the devil
te lo dije / i told you so
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For the ask game if you're still taking prompts! It's got to be Buddie with: "I really shouldn't be surprised, and yet."
"I really shouldn't be surprised, and yet."
Eddie doesn't jump at the words, nor the sudden presence at his side. He'd clocked her as soon as she entered, has been keeping half an eye on her as she made her way around the glittering ballroom, talking to people, enjoying champagne and hors d'oeuvres. He'd half hoped she wouldn't notice them, but Hen and Buck have been working the room all night, both of them decked out to the nines (Eddie's hands have been itching to peel Buck out of that fitted tux practically since the moment he put it on). He leans back against the wall he's been unobtrusively hugging all night, tilting his own champagne flute back and forth contemplatively.
"Agent Grant," he says neutrally. "What brings you out tonight? You look lovely, by the way." He lifts his drink in a little salute, smirking when her eyes narrow dangerously. It's not a lie, of course. She does look beautiful, statuesque in a pale gold strapless dress that hugs her like a second skin, tiny crystals sparkling every time she moves under the lights. Bobby's gonna be disappointed he opted to run the op from the kitchens tonight.
Although those miniature mushroom and spinach quiches are delicious, so Eddie's not complaining.
"What are you doing here, Diaz?" Agent Grant asks sharply, the grim set of her mouth daring him to try and bullshit her.
Eddie takes a sip of his champagne, grimacing a little at how warm it's gotten and flagging down a waiter to take it away. Regretfully, he waves away the offer of a fresh glass. Chimney and Bobby assured him the chances of his particular skillset being needed are minimal, but minimal is not zero and he's not risking his head being even slightly clouded with Hen and Buck so out in the open.
He shoots Agent Grant a lazy grin, just because he knows it'll irritate her. He likes her (and Buck freaking adores her for some reason...Eddie suspects it's mostly because Bobby is so far gone on Athena Grant that it's not even funny, and Buck likes anything that makes Bobby happy) but he's not entirely sure they can trust her, yet. Sure, she's looked the other way for them on a few different ops, but she's also helped the FBI burn down some really good aliases Chim set up for them.
"I can't just be here for the shrimp puffs and free champagne?"
Agent Grant does not look impressed. "Uh huh. And that's not Wilson currently schmoozing every bigwig in this place while Buck robs them blind."
"Buck's not robbing anyone blind," he says, immediately defensive of his boyfriend.
*Buck, put that bracelet back...that's not what we're here for.* Bobby's put upon voice over the coms immediately makes him a liar, and he's just grateful Agent Grant can't hear them.
*Aw, Bobby! That's vintage Cartier! Do you know how much those go for? Besides, I was getting it for Karen.*
*You are not shopping for Hen and Karen's anniversary gift in the middle of an operation,* Bobby replies sternly.
*Well now hold on, hold on...Buck has excellent taste in jewelry. You think she'd like it, Buckaroo?* Hen jumps into the conversation, and Chimney's line is suddenly filled with the clacking of keys.
*Absolutely! Tricolor gold braid, diamond setting, circa 1950? Fifteen to twenty thousand, easy. Oh, and I mean, it's pretty. I think it would look pretty on Karen.*
Eddie can't help a snort of laughter. One couldn't really say Buck had excellent taste--his boy is mostly just drawn to all things pretty, sparkly, or soft--but he does have a superb eye for jewelry. Especially high end, very valuable jewelry.
*If it helps, the lady Buck just lifted that bracelet off of recently cut her company's parental leave policy from 12 weeks paid to 4 weeks, citing budget concerns, and rhen gave herself and her board of directors a ten percent salary increase,* Chimney supplies helpfully, drawing a squawk of outrage from Buck.
The squawk sounds like it's in stereo, and Eddie looks up to find Buck himself only a couple feet away from him.
"Well shit, I'm going back for the matching earrings before we're done here. Athena! Hi! You look gorgeous!" A wide, sunshine-bright grin splits his face, and he leans in close, smiling even wider when Agent Grant rolls her eyes, but tilts her cheek up for Buck to kiss. She's always had a soft spot for Buck. Most people who meet him do, honestly.
Eddie had certainly lasted all of 24 hours, even with Buck being kind of a dick to him when Bobby first brought him onboard.
"Hello Buck. I'm going to ignore what I just heard about you stealing earrings. Now, back to my original question...what are you all doing here?"
Some of Buck's enthusiasm at seeing Agent Grant dies away, and he steps back to lean against the wall with Eddie. Eddie automatically winds his arm around Buck's trim waist, splaying his hand across his hip. Buck relaxes against him, briefly turning to drop a kiss on the corner of Eddie's mouth.
"What do you think we're doing here?" Eddie asks carefully. Agent Grant sighs heavily.
"Diaz. Buck. I am asking you not to interfere, here. Greenway has three federal agencies investigating him. We are going to get him on something, I guarantee it."
Eddie opens his mouth to reply, but Buck beats him to it.
"Right, I'm sure Mike Caulfield's family will feel really good when Jonah Greenway gets three years probation for tax evasion." His voice is hard, flat. Eddie slides his hand to the small of Buck's back, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb.
Mike Caulfield had died in a freak accident at one of Jonah Greenway's factories almost a year ago, leaving behind a pregnant wife and two children under the age of ten. Cases with kids always hit them hard, but Buck takes them even more personally. It had been obvious from the start that safety measures at the factory had been lax, but the evidence is piling up that Mike Caulfield had been about to turn whistleblower on just how lax Greenway Industries was on all their properties...and Greenway found out.
Forget tax evasion, they're gonna nail Jonah Greenway for murder and make sure Mike Caulfield's family is taken care of for the rest of their lives.
"Buck, the system is in place for a reason," Agent Grant tries, and Eddie winces as Buck goes completely still under his hands.
He doesn't have to look to know that his boyfriend's face has gone entirely blank, his beautiful blue eyes like two flat chips of ice. It's the expression that always makes Eddie's stomach clench unpleasantly, makes him want to hunt down everyone who ever hurt Buck or took advantage of him (and he knows more about Buck's past than anyone else except maybe Maddie, but there are still things Buck won't talk about, won't share).
"The system only works if everyone in the system wants it to, Athena. And people like Greenway definitely don't." He flicks a look out over the ballroom. "If you'll excuse me, I need to go get a keycard and then bust Chimney into Greenway's office. Kiss for luck?" He turns to Eddie, some of the warmth returning to his eyes, and Eddie obligingly slides his hand into Buck's sandy brown hair, mussing up the gel holding his curls in check just a little, and kisses him thoroughly.
"You don't need luck," he says with a laugh, biting down om Buck's plush lower lip just a little. And it's true...his boy certainly looks like he fits more in Eddie's line of work, but Buck's reputation for getting in and out of places he shouldn't be is second to none. Watching him crack a safe is a thing of beauty.
Buck smiles at him, tips a little wave at Agent Grant, and melts into the crowd. Eddie watches him approach their target, already thoroughly distracted by Hen, and then turns back to Agent Grant.
"You gonna try and stop us?" he asks, cocking a challenging eyebrow.
Agent Grant, also watching Buck as he weaves his way through the crowd, drains her champagne flute. "You really think you can nail him?" she asks finally.
Eddie's smile is feral when he answers. "To the wall," he assures. And then, because he does like her, and he also wants Bobby to be happy, he tilts his head a little. "There's always room for one more on the team, you know. You don't even have to be a con artist. Hen's wife does a lot of research for us...Buck's sister does a lot of our recon."
Maddie Buckley also usually drives the getaway car, but Agent Grant doesn't need to know that.
She shoots him a sideways glare, picking up one of Bobby's canapes when a waiter carrying a loaded tray passes. But Eddie doesn't think he's imagining the look of consideration in her eyes.
"Have a good night, Agent Grant. Enjoy the show." He winks at her, and then heads off into the crowd himself. Buck is making his way towards the elevators, and Hen might need help creating another distraction.
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
I 've recently found your writing and I'm so glad I did!! You're incredible, and I absolutely love the way you write Arthur in an established relationship. There's so much fic about the excitement and will-they-wont-they of a new relationship, but it's so sweet to see a dynamic with Arthur and someone who just knows him so well. New love is fun and world shifting, but there's nothing like the old comfort of a love that it backed by time <3 Idk if you still take requests but consider this one!
A/N: I wasn’t too sure if this was what you meant or not, but I did an established relationship with Arthur. This is just fluffy morning softness with him. If this isn’t what you meant and I completely got it wrong, please let me know! I’ll definitely get to work on a new one! It won’t hurt my feelings at all if I did interpret it the wrong way and you would like another one! (I love writing for Arthur he makes me happy)
The sun was just beginning to shine through the thick treetops that surrounded Horseshoe Overlook. Birds chirped in the trees and a few squirrels scurried around just to your left in the bushes.
You sat at a table with a cup of coffee and one of your favorite books in hand. It was early in the morning, far too early for most of the camp to be up but a few of the older members such as Mrs. Grimshaw and Herr Strauss were awake. 
Over the years, you’d grown accustomed to waking up bright and early with Arthur Morgan. You liked to see him off on his busy days when Dutch or Hosea had him running half away across the state for a job. And on the days where he wasn’t needed immediately, you enjoyed sitting with him for breakfast or coffee. 
“Good morning, Y/N.” Hosea greeted you as he passed by your table to get to the pot of coffee.
“Morning, Hosea.” You gave him a smile.
He migrated back to his tent, choosing to sit at the table nearest to the tent while he looked over a map. You silently wondered if whatever it was he was planning would involve Arthur. 
The sudden feeling of something big behind you almost made you jump. But the hands on your shoulders let you know exactly who it was. He rubbed circles into your shoulders with his thumbs, leaning down to kiss the top of your head.
“Mmhm. Your hair smells good.” Arthur hummed. 
You tilted your head back to look at him, a smile coming to your lips.
“Good morning, handsome.”
“Good mornin’, pumpkin.” He dipped his head down to kiss between your brows. “How’s the coffee today?” 
Arthur began to reach for your cup of coffee sitting on the table. 
“You won’t like that.” You tried to warn him, but he was already taking a drink of the hot beverage.
He cringed, placing the cup back on the table and bringing the back of his hand to his mouth. 
“Now you know very well that you wouldn’t like that, Arthur.” You looked up at him. “I put sugar in mine.”
“Yeah, yeah. I don’t like sugar.” He muttered, pulling a chair around the table so he could sit closer to you. “I was hopin’ after all these years you’d come to your senses.”
“And drink that bitter shit you drink? No thank you.” You giggled. “You want me to get you a cup?”
“I’ll get one here in a second.” Arthur shook his head, looking around camp. “Who’s awake?”
“Strauss and Susan are up and chatting over by the cliff.” You nodded towards the north end of camp. “Hosea’s over there at the table and earlier I saw Dutch come out of his tent for a minute but I think he must’ve gone back to sleep. It’s been pretty still all morning.”
Arthur nodded. 
“You didn’t sleep much last night.” He spoke quietly, leaning forward on his elbows. This put him closer to you. 
“Tossed and turned a lot.” You closed your book and picked up your coffee. 
“I know. I could feel the bed move every time you threw yourself around.” He chuckled a little. “What kept you up?”
You shook your head, not wanting to bother him with your worries.
He reached over to take your coffee from you, gently prying it out of your hands.
“Come on, pumpkin. What was it?”
“You know how I get.” You shrugged your shoulders. “When Dutch mentions his ideas and plans at night, I don’t sleep. Don’t think neither of us really do but I…. I just…. Since Blackwater, I haven’t been able to sleep.”
Arthur’s brows were furrowed together softly as he looked at you. 
“I’m worried about us, Arthur.” You admitted. 
He stayed silent, lips pressed together in a line. 
“I got a bad feelin’ in my stomach. Blackwater was bad, Arthur.”
He nodded a little and reached over to take one of your hands away from your coffee. He brushed his thumb over your knuckles, eyes focusing on a scar that ran across the back of your hand. 
“Blackwater went sour, but sometimes that happens, pumpkin. Sometimes jobs don’t go how we planned. You remember that job we did back in Montana in ‘82?”
A small smile crept on to your lips. 
“That was ages ago.”
“Sure feels like it.” Arthur chuckled. “We found a rancher to steal from.”
“If I remember correctly, I found a rancher to steal it from. You messed it up.” You poked his chest, your tone teasing. 
“I know. I know.” Arthur muttered, adjusting his hat. “Just ‘cause you had to flirt with the old bastard didn’t mean I was gonna sit by and let him about you like you were some saloon girl.”
You spent a week flirting your way into the pocket of a rich rancher in Montana while Arthur played an up and coming rancher from out of town. On the night that you were supposed to rob the mark, Arthur went out for drinks with the rancher and you while you accompanied the rancher as his date. Soon, the rancher and his friends were drunk and their gentlemanly charm had vanished. The second they started practically harassing you, Arthur dropped the act and start throwing his fists. 
“You walked out of there with a broken nose” You reached over to cup his face, brushing your thumb along the bridge of his nose. 
“And somehow, you managed to get that scar on the back of your hand and another on your arm.” Arthur sighed. “Didn’t mean for it to happen like that, but sometimes jobs go sideways and we can’t always see it until it happens.”
“But Arthur, that was back when it was just us and Hosea and Dutch. Now we have three times that many people to worry about and look after.” You furrowed your brows together. “Dutch has got to see it ain’t all about the money. Sure some of us may not have much more time left on the clock, but we got some young people too. Jack, Tilly, Mary-Beth, Lenny, Karen, Sean, and now Kieran too…. We need to think about how what we do will affect them in the long run.”
Arthur chuckled softly, looking down for a moment.
“What are you laughin’ at, Arthur Morgan?” 
“You, pumpkin. I think it’s adorable when you play mother hen.” He kissed your forehead. “Pumpkin, they’re young but they are grown ass people. They can make their own decisions.”
“Just like you did when you were their age?” You raised your brows. “Look where it’s gotten you, Mr. Morgan. Sitting in a bum camp living like someone who ain’t got nothin’ to live for.”
“And look who’s sittin’ right beside me in this bum camp.” He tapped the outsides of your thighs. You laughed softly, knowing you walked straight into that one.
“I’m sittin’ here ‘cause I followed some fool with blue eyes and a heart of gold all the way from out west” You muttered. “Ended up findin’ the love of my life too.”
Arthur gazed at you for a few moments, his chest warming up with your words. 
“Anyways, I wouldn’t change any of the choices that I made when I was their age.” He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his nose and crossing his arms. 
“Oh yeah?” You stood up to get him a cup of coffee. “Why not?”
“‘Cause I found the biggest pain in my ass in the whole damn country when I was their age.” His eyes followed you. 
You handed him the cup of coffee, warning him that it was still pretty warm. Before you could move back to your seat, his hand took yours, keeping you by his chair. 
“My pumpkin….” His eyes focused on that scar on the back of your hand again. “She’s been with me through thick and thin, and even when I haven’t been so kind to her.”
“We all make mistakes, Arthur.” You reminded him. You knew he was talking about the few times you two had broken up and he started a relationship with Mary Linton. “Only thing that matters is you came back to me.”
You took his hat off of his head so you could kiss his forehead. 
“Love you, pumpkin.” He spoke quietly, letting your hand go so you could return to your seat.
“Love you more, Arthur.” You gave him a smile, replacing his hat on his head. 
You sat down and picked up your cup of coffee to take a sip. 
Arthur’s eyes flickered over to Dutch’s tent. Molly was pinning the lapels back, meaning that the two were waking up. 
“We’re gonna be just fine, pumpkin.” Arthur told you, nodding his head a little. 
“I know. We always are. Just doesn’t come easy sometimes.”
Taglist:  @doggone-cowgirl @winterwolf @lauramb7 @caraqas @bluscryn @krenee1drful @zodiacaldust @nonodino @gabstaroc @cal-lifornication @thefirelordm @sargeantsea @sokkasdarling @thecollection @mayday1284 
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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firehousewithaview · 2 years
Saw the teaser. Had a breakdown. Bon appetite.
Let the record show, there is no worse place to be than the hospital waiting room. However, the members of the 118 have banked a statically high amount of time there. 
It’s the middle of the day this time, the cheerful sunlight a mockery outside the windows while a frosty silence penetrates the waiting room. The other two people there have huddled near the exit, eyes casting worried looks around their group every so often.
Buck stays with his head in his hands, unable to look up. He’s terrified of the accusation he’s sure to find on the faces of the people gathered around him. 
Because this is his fault. 
He’s the one who told Taylor enough to write the story. He’s the one who was stupid enough to believe her when she promised not to run it. He’s the one who put two of his closest friends in danger because he trusted the wrong person. 
He can hear Jee-Yun somewhere to his left, babbling incoherently over the clicking of her plastic keys. 
The others are there, he knows, standing their silent vigil while they wait for news. Karen had dropped Denny off with Carla and Christopher before she came, running through the doors at top speed only to be stopped by the arms of Bobby. The only reassurance he could offer was that Hen was stable when they brought her in. 
He’d put his head down as Bobby explained what happened and hasn’t lifted it again. Not even when Maddie came rushing in, terror shaking her voice, and Bobby started his explanation over again. Especially not then. If he had seen the moment Maddie realized it’s Buck’s fault they’re here, he’s not sure he’d ever recover.
Fuck, how could he have been so stupid?
He wanted to believe she’d changed, that the woman who was so willing to use Bobby’s past against him had learned the error of her ways. Had learned that there’s more to life than being the first one to a story, than putting the brutal truth out there to tear apart lives.
But she hadn’t. 
And here they are. Waiting to learn if her actions would be the death of two of his family.
The sound of heels on the floor isn’t unusual, so Buck ignores them until he hears Maddie hiss, “Leave, you conniving bitch.”
Head shooting up for the first time in almost an hour, Buck clocks who she’s talking to immediately. 
Taylor’s standing a few feet from the group, wide-eyed and shocked. Like she hadn’t expected to be met with hostility here. 
There’s a ringing in the back of his head that pins Buck where he is, paralyzed by his rage and fear. 
Maddie has no such qualms.  
She passes Jee-Yun to Bobby before she’s stalking forward, stopping Taylor from walking any further into the room. “You are not welcome here.” She snaps, voice low but no less forceful. “You aren’t welcome anywhere near me or my family ever again.” 
“I just wanted to see-” Taylor starts, hands up placatingly, eyes dancing around the room for an ally. 
That’s what spur Buck to stand up and glare. “See if they’re really dead?” He snarls, arms crossing, but moving no closer. “See if you became an accessory to murder?”
Taylor flinches but stands her ground. “They weren’t supposed to get hurt.”
“Bullshit!” Buck snaps back. “I told you people would get hurt if you ran this!” He hears Maddie let out a small gasp, but he doesn’t look at her. Can’t.
“It wasn’t supposed to be them!” Taylor snaps back, face slackening for a moment, as if she hadn’t meant to say that. 
Finally, Buck steps forward, shoulder to shoulder with Maddie. “So who was, Taylor?” He points down the hall. “Some random person from the street so you can have your spotlight?” He gestures to the pair watching from near the exit, both slack-jawed. “How about one of them? Or is that too close to home too?”
Squaring her shoulders, Taylor levels him with a glare. “People deserve to know the truth.”
“I wasn’t asking you not to tell them!” He explodes, louder than he intended. Bringing his voice back down, he points at her. “But you couldn’t wait because, god for-fucking-bid, someone but you runs the story first!” 
“Don’t make this my fault, Buckley.” She steps closer, a finger to his chest. “They were the ones who decided to go hunting for a killer, your precious addict captain was the one who hired him, and you-” Her eyes cut across his face and a smile slowly breaks across her face. “You’re the one who told me all about it.”
The hit she was aiming lands. He doesn’t have an answer for that because he is the one who told her.
“So he was supposed to, what? Assume his girlfriend would ignore him saying ‘off the record’, break all codes and ethics of journalism, and write a story about things he told her in private?” Maddie’s voice is wet but strong. “You don’t get to make this his fault. You were the one who wrote the article, you were the one who ran it when you swore not to, and you were the one who almost got two first responders killed.” 
Taylor opens her mouth to respond, but a voice behind her cuts her off. “I think it’s time you leave, Ms. Kelly.” 
Athena appears beside her, full uniform and hand cuffs already out. 
When Taylor looks ready to argue again, Athena raises an eyebrow. “Please, keep talking.” She cocks her head. “Give me a reason.”
God, it’s like he can see her calculating the bad publicity of being walked out of a hospital handcuffed. “Just go, Taylor.” He sighs tiredly. 
“Fine.” She bites. “I’ll see you at home.” Then turns to leave before waiting for an answer. 
As he turns back to the rest of the group, Buck curls his shoulders, trying to be small. “I-I’m sorry.” he whispers. “I’m just- I’m so sorry.” 
Maddie reaches for his arm, eyes soft, but is interrupted by the arrival of a grim faced doctor. “Family of Henrietta Wilson?”
Buck shoves his guilt back and focuses on the problem at hand. 
He reaches Karen just as she collapses in sobs.
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archerincombat · 3 years
I'd like to say something about Athena's character development from season 1 into last night's episode. It was weird, the entire thing was out of character, and at many points, it was just bad writing.
(I also want to make it clear that I have no room for cop-apologists. I do not care if you think that criminals deserve to die; it wasn't Athena's job to kill him. I'm tired of cops acting as judge, jury, and executioner).
In episode 1, season 1, Athena tells Buck point blank — "You do not get to choose who lives and who dies." The theme carries all the way into 4x14 as Bobby tells the sniper the same thing.
And we've seen Athena as a vindictive cop before — 1x02 when Michael told her she met someone and she sought out that man who robbed the home with the dobermans. When May was in the hospital and she went after that girl (I'm still iffy on this one. I get why she did it, and she was on the clock, but she did get put on restrictive duty for it, so obviously she broke some sort of protocol).
You could argue that both times she was in uniform, so this one was the outlier. But Michael says, "There's no way in hell you're just going to sit here." Or she makes Buck send her into that fire so that she can rescue Bobby, without thinking about the consequences if something had gone wrong.
I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad trait though. To be a woman of color in a white male dominated field, you've got to learn to be good at what you do or you won't survive. No doubt Athena's instincts are what makes her a good cop.
In the words of Bobby in 4x14, "This was not that."
I can't tell you why the writers did this. If it were me trying to develop a retirement storyline for Athena, I still wouldn't have stretched this arc for 50 minutes of the episode.
I wouldn't be surprised if this ruins Athena's character for me for a while, because this is the opposite of everything she's been presented as. The moral conscious — "Bobby, maybe lay off Buck and the lawsuit." "Hen, you're not a bad person for wanting Karen to get better." I hate copaganda, and so I despised this arc, but the fact that they made Athena the one to carry it out just twists the knife in the wound.
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911 headcaons cause i miss them pt.2 bedtime addition
(Fwi, I know their schedules must look. different all the time so i’m being real generous)
Bobby : he used to have bad sleep but Athena helps him.
He goes to bed at 9pm after having tea time with Michael his bestie.
May made him have a skin routine and he’s grateful but forgets a lot of the time.
He breakfasts and lunch preps for the next morning.
I’d like for Him and Athena have matching pjs from the kids.
Athena: goes to bed at 10 after watching trash reality tv show with May.
Cup of Tea while talking with Hen.
Listens to podcasts while doing her skin care.
And reads at night.
Chim and Maddie:
They dont sleep they have a baby and go to sleep in the clothes they came home in but they definitely have “music for babies to sleep”.
Though Maddie tries mediation to calm her down
Chimney makes tea and preps bottle formula. 
They know they shouldn’t but they sleep in the living room with jee-yun.
Goes to sleep whenever but tries to sleep at 10 but is on social media til 12am sending memes in the group chat. left unread.
Sleep over at the Diaz’s every friday and reads Christopher his bed time stories.
Always has a gallon of water by the bedside table.
From advice from his therapist he has his journal to write every night.
Lights a stress free candles from Maddie.
also tries to tell Maddie goodnight but is left on read
Texts the 118 goodnight. (And sends a separate to Eddie and Chris”
His skin care routine is either really complex and expensive or it's just water and soap.
He is also the one to leave his laptop open and just fall asleep right then and there.
He definitely leaves his phone out and puts on “relaxing rain 24 seven live”
Her and Karen definitely tell the kids bedtime stories whenever they want to but Karen and the kids always make sure to wait for her to come so that we can all do it together.
She watered her plants because I feel like she has a green thumb and Karen does not.
Make sure to grocery shop for the next day so that Karen can cook and karen definitely makes a checklist for everything hen tries to keep it all together for Karen but she'll forget sometimes.
She definitely prepares her outfit for the next day also trying to tell Karen whether the outfit is good or not.
She tries to go to bed with Karen every night but since she is still studying for her medical school she has her own little office that she has and she'll work there until like 1 AM.
Will have a cup of decaf coffee to manipulate her brain and she's on caffeine but she's not really.
Will definitely make tea for her and Karen.
Will sometimes text buck back lol
Eddie definitely has a checklist throughout the whole day because of his virgo ass.
He reads Christopher his bedtime stories with buck on zoom or carla.
after Christopher is set he makes a cup of tea. (Yes they all love tea but buck)
He make sure his and Christophers alarm clocks are set for 6 AM in the morning.
You'll definitely try to get some last-minute laundry in the dryer for the next morning.
He checks Christophers homework to make sure that it's all good and ready to go.
He checks in with Carla making sure whether or not she can take care of Christopher or Abuela or buck.
Sometimes if he's a little stress he will clean the entire house from all the way till like the bathrooms to the fridge to the countertops to his room or whatever room that he can find a mess in.
He didn't make the checklist for the next day and one of his to do is for sure “make a checklist for today.”
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15 from the july prompt list for buddie, please! 💕
Slowly making my way through these prompts, I promise!!
July Prompt List
15. “It has made me better, loving you.”
I’ll Always Be By Your Side
Hen spotted Buck sitting on the couch, head in a tattered paperback that looked more like he’d pulled it out of the garburator than purchased it at a second-hand store on some lazy Saturday afternoon. The years since marrying Eddie had calmed the whirlwind energy the blond used to carry with him. He was still reckless and more than a little naïve, but she found herself worrying about him less. Too much loneliness and poor decision making had made him cautious and grateful for the family he had.
She’d told him a few times (and she’d likely tell him again) how proud she was of how much he’d grown up since they’d met. As much as she loved to tease her boys, it was easy to see that they were better together.
Though, she really loved to tease her boys.
“Didn’t know you were into trashy romance novels written decades before you were born.” She hopped onto the cushion beside him, grinning at the way he jumped out of his skin, nearly throwing the book across the room.
“Seriously, Hen?” he glared, pulling the pen out of his mouth so he didn’t accidentally bite it in half; though his disapproval only lasted from one breath to the next, shifting into a secret smile. “It was on the communal shelf.”
She had a sneaking suspicion of who would have added the old historical romance to their little library, but she let it go for now.
“Where’s your better half?” She threw an arm over the back of the couch as he turned back to his book.
Buck’s dismissive shrug gave her pause. “I don’t know.”
“I thought you two were attached at the hip.” Her stomach dropped, shifting into concerned and protective Mother Hen. “Did something happen?”
“No.” Buck shook his head again, eyes locked on the book, pen back in his mouth. The only thing keeping her from fearing the worst, was the gentle way he sunk into her side, cuddling under her arm as he drifted back into his fantasy world.
Even still, Hen swept a cautious eye over her friend, taking in his relaxed brow and tired eyes. She meant it when she told him that they’d still be a family after they all parted ways (unlike her old crew, she actually liked his personality), but she always thought they’d have parted ways by now. Either she’d move on, or the boys would get transferred when they started their relationship, or Bobby would retire, or Chimney would vie for a promotion once he became a father. Some of them had tried to get away from the 118 – to build a different career or a life away from the everyday dangers – but they always came back to the house and to the people they called family.
Time had made them fond of each other, closer, more affectionate. After their fifth brush with death in as many years, the quartet were quicker to express their emotions around one another and take care of each other on and off the clock. Chimney liked to credit himself with setting Buck and Eddie up on their first date, but really, it was the constant reminder of how short life truly was, that had Eddie kissing his now-Husband while they were out for drinks one night.
Buck cuddling into one of them was no longer a surprise, more of a welcome excuse to show their affection. Instead of questioning him, she let her favourite young firefighter settle in, turning the volume low on the episode of The Young and the Restless she was hoping to get through before a call.
They were barely halfway though, when her relaxation was interrupted; not by a pounding alarm, but by her own traitorous thoughts wandering back to the man at her side. Buck looked fine, but this wasn’t the first time in the past few weeks that he and Eddie had been spending less time together.
When they weren’t on a call – and sometimes even then – they were separated. They weren’t acting differently; but from the day they’d met, Buck had been trailing after Eddie like a puppy. Eddie had been just as bad. Everyone assumed that once they’d gotten married, they’d only get worse. She hadn’t been seeing that lately.
It probably didn’t mean anything (she knew better than anyone that marriage changed the way people expressed their love) but she made a note to keep an eye on their interactions in the coming days. Maybe she’d mention something to Chimney, too – although he’d tell Maddie and she might ask Buck, and it wouldn’t do to stir up trouble if she was just being hypervigilant.
For now, she’d keep her concerns to herself.
She was right!
Hen mentally scolded herself for feeling vindicated. For the rest of the week, she watched the Diaz’s interactions with one another while they were at work and around the house. It was a strange dichotomy: the times they were next to each other, they had the dopey grins and intimate touches that she was used to; but more often than not, they were on opposite sides of the room, ignoring their spouse.
They no longer sought each other out – exchanging longing looks – the way they had for years.
Something was different about them.
Finding Eddie alone was easier than normal; ironically, he was sitting on the couch and reading a tattered paperback, the same way his husband had just last week. It wasn’t as easy to sneak up on him, though.
“What’s up, Hen?” She rolled her eyes when he called her out before she even reached his side.
“Can’t I just sit next to my favourite firefighter?”
Eddie peaked over the cover; an eyebrow raised in disbelief. “Buck’s downstairs.” He shifted his feet for her to sit beside him, nonetheless. Where Buck had adopted a little of Eddie’s reserved attitude, Eddie had taken on his husband’s knack for unprompted gift giving. “Are you still good if Buck and I watch the kids this weekend? I don’t want you and Karen to worry; we’ll take great care of them.”
Hen shook her head, never doubting for a moment, that her idiots in shining armor were perfectly capable of caring for three young adults and two toddlers (Nia and Grace were still a little young to be playing with the Three Troublemakers).
“Yes, I have every faith in you two.” No time like the present to bring up a painfully awkward subject. “How are things between you and Buck, by the way?”
Eddie’s eye practically lit up at the mention of his husband – only serving to further concern Hen. “We’re great; he’s actually taking me bowling this weekend. I’d invite you to come but you really don’t want to see that side of him.”
He spoke with such sincerity, she was sorely tempted to ask. So, she gave in. “What side is that exactly?”
His eyes glazed over, almost haunted for a moment before he answered her. “There are some things in a marriage that are sacred and can’t be spoken of.”
“Putting a pin in that for later” she announced, eyes wide in confusion (and maybe a little terror – what the hell did he mean by that?). “I actually wanted to talk to you about Buck.”
“What about him?”
If there was one thing that could get either of them to focus on the task at hand, it was the mention of their spouse. Even so, the usually annoying gushing that would burst forth from their mouths, as they animatedly talked about whatever subject was vaguely related to their husband, had significantly dulled over the past weeks. The way Eddie placed the book in his lap to give Hen his full attention, was still a fraction of the usual enthusiasm he carried for Buck.
“Are things okay between you two?” she asked, cautiously.
Eddie’s expression could only be described as ‘lost’. He blinked at his friend a few times, shaking his head with a small frown. “We’re fine, why do you ask?”
Hen was seriously beginning to regret her decision to meddle. She should have known better – but her love for their happy family, and desire to keep it together, had made her think irrationally. Oh god, she’d pulled a Buck!
Like her favourite firefighter, she barrelled through.
“I’ve just noticed the two of you acting differently lately. You’re not as touchy, and you’re not in each other’s laps all the time.”
Eddie snorted. “You hate when I sit on Buck’s lap.”
“I know, but you guys are always around each other and the last few weeks, you seem to be keeping your distance.” She placed a gentle hand on his knee, the same calming way she soothed Buck – to the same effect. “I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
The former medic was silent a long while, brown eyes boring into Hen’s as if he could see the truth behind her quiet demeanor. But those eyes were sad. Eddie had always had sad eyes – as long as she’d known him – brought on from the history she only knew a fraction of. Being with Christopher and meeting Buck had brought happiness back into his life, but every once in a while, she saw the man he used to be.
She prepared herself for a speech or a dismissive remark as he walked away, something to prove she’d crossed a line. Instead, his sad eyes softened, and he placed the tattered old paperback into her hands.
It was small but fairly thick; the spine was so worn, it seemed held together by bits of string. The cover (what she could make of it) was a light red with two heterosexual lovers painted in a rather risqué embrace. No part of her was interested in reading this.
Okay, a small part of her was interested in reading this, but not enough to accept it as a recommendation from her co-worker. Hen opened her mouth to say as much, but her eye caught a bit of blue ink on a page that had nearly fallen out. Curiously, she opened the book and read the note she recognized to be written in Buck’s blocky handwriting.
Why wouldn’t she pick Roberto? He has way nicer abs.
Flipping through the remnants of the book revealed more commentary and corrections; other words circled or underlined, all from Buck’s pen.
Who says thineist? I don’t think that was ever a word.
You’d look good in a puffy pirate shirt. Just saying.
She’s just trying to get back to her family.
Okay I teared up at this part so be careful.
Remember that restaurant you took me to on our seventh date? You got so nervous because you were going to ask me to be your boyfriend that you knocked into the waitress and she spilled someone else’s wine down my shirt? This was the same wine.
That is not how you properly dispense CPR!!!
You’ll love this scene.
Hen hadn’t read all of the notes, she knew, but she understood enough. Without a word, she passed the book back to Eddie who took it with a knowing smile.
He held the book differently – irreverently – like something precious. In a way, she supposed it was to them. When he spoke, he still brushed his hands over the covers, turning it over and over despite her sneaking suspicion that he’d already memorized its shape.
“You know Buck and I haven’t always had the most luck with relationships.” Hen resisted the urge to snort at his understatement, allowing him to continue uninterrupted. “Finding someone that Christopher loved as much as I did (maybe more), was kind of a miracle. It took us a long time to settle into the fact that neither of us are going to leave the other; I think it took us even longer to figure out that we don’t need to be together to… be together.” Eddie’s smile was a secret he chose to share. “I’m never worried about us, because we’re here for each other, even when we’re apart.”
Eddie held the book in his lap, trying in vain to hide his blush, leaving Hen to watch over his head as Buck came up from behind. With a silence she didn’t know he possessed, Buck walked over to the pair, pressing a kiss to Eddie’s cheek when he presented it without looking at his husband. Without a word, Buck walked over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water, returning to the gym with a passing smile at Hen.
Such a simple moment, but she understood exactly what Eddie had been saying: They didn’t need to be constantly at each other’s side because there was a trust and a sixth sense between them.
“You guys really are unbearably sappy, aren’t you.” The words breathlessly left her mouth before she even thought to stop them. Eddie smiled anyways, opening up the book to the place he’d left off.
“Yeah, we are.”
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spnirwin · 4 years
Nobody Fights Alone - Part Five
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x reader
Word Count: 2,307
Warnings: Cancer
A/N: Part five!!! The penultamate chapter of Nobody Fights Alone! Co-written with @anotherspnfanfic. We have one more part coming your way in a couple days. We hope you enjoy! ☺️
Series Masterlist
Part Four
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Slowly blinking your eyes open, you turned your head to look at the bed beside you. Eddie had his elbow on his pillow and his head rested against his palm. “Good morning, beautiful,” he whispered.
You smiled and rolled over to kiss him. “Good morning!”
“Waffles?” he asked, rolling out of bed and reaching his hand out for you to take. You tilted your head in confusion. “I can work a toaster. We have frozen waffles.”
You laughed. “That sounds perfect.” As you sat up to take Eddie’s hand, the smile dropped from his face. “What?”
He nodded towards your pillow. You turned to see two clumps of hair sitting there. Instantly, you ran your fingers through your hair, pulling them away to find another handful. Tears welled up in your eyes and Eddie was beside you again, pulling you into a hug.
“Shh, it’ll be okay. You still look beautiful.” He pulled back and wiped away your tears with his thumb. “I can shave my head, if that’ll make you feel better.”
“That’s sweet.” You chuckled and ran your hands through his hair. “Don’t you dare make this worse by taking your hair away from me, too.”
Eddie was getting ready for work. He was wandering around the apartment filling his duffel bag. “Are you sure about this?” he asked.
You raised an eyebrow in confusion. “About hanging out with Christopher today? Why wouldn't I be sure?”
“I mean, are you sure you feel okay?” he asked. “It’s not too late to have Carla come hang out with you guys.”
You stood and wrapped your arms around his neck. “I’m fantastic, and all we are doing is watching movies. I promise not to do anything more strenuous than that.” You leaned up to kiss him. “And besides, the station isn’t far away and neither is Carla. I’ll call if we need anything.”
He stared at you silently for a moment. “Alright, fine.” He said goodbye to Christopher and grabbed his bag to leave.
You gave him a hug and a kiss at the door and then turned around to face Christopher on the couch. “How about a Mutant Ninja Turtles marathon?” you asked.
He smiled. “Yeah!”
You made a big bowl of popcorn. Then, both of you got curled up on the couch and you started the movie. Within a few minutes, Christopher had explained Donatello was his favorite. After that, he was fully engrossed.
About an hour into the movie, Christopher looked over at you. You glanced over, meeting his eyes. “What’s up, kiddo?”
He broke into a big, bright smile and leaned over to hug you. “Love you, Y/N,” he said.
You hugged him back. “I love you, too. Thanks for hanging out with me today.”
Eddie was sitting on the couch at the station, listening to Hen talk about her dinner reservations for Karen. “Hey, Eddie, don’t you and Y/N have an anniversary coming up?” she asked.
He nodded. “Yeah. Tomorrow, actually.”
“What are you guys doing to celebrate?” Chim asked.
Eddie shook his head and glanced toward the floor. “Nothing, really. Probably order in Chinese and relax at home. Chemo has been kicking her ass this week. She probably won’t want to go out.”
“You don’t have to go out to do something special for her,” Hen said.
Chim added, “Yeah, a candlelight dinner goes a long way.”
Hen smiled and nodded. “Ooh, yes, and maybe a nice bubble bath.”
Buck shook his head. “Can we not talk about bubble baths and my sister, please?”
Everyone laughed.
“Hey, I could make you guys something special for dinner. If you want,” Bobby offered.
The next evening, Eddie had asked you to hang out in the bedroom because he had a surprise for you. You were excited to see what he was planning. He knocked on the door gently before pushing it open. “You ready?” he asked.
You nodded and stood from the bed. He took your hand and interlaced his fingers through yours. He led you into the kitchen where the table was set with a couple candles and a single red rose in a vase. There were also rose petals dusted around the plates. Tears welled up in your eyes at the sight. “Oh, my god. It’s beautiful.”
He smiled and leaned in to kiss you. “Happy Anniversary, corazón.”
“This is amazing. You are amazing.”
You both sat to eat. You shared favorite memories of your relationship, some of which had you in tears of laughter.
After dinner, he disappeared into the bathroom to run you a bath. The room was similarly filled with candles and rose petals. You soaked until your fingers started to get pruney. Finally, you curled up on the couch with Eddie and he turned on Dirty Dancing.
You smiled as it started. “It’s been forever since I watched this.”
Eddie pressed a kiss to your temple. “Buck mentioned it was always a favorite when you were younger.”
You fell asleep less than halfway through the movie. You stirred when Eddie carried you to bed. “Thanks for tonight. I love you,” you mumbled, still half asleep.
“I love you, too, more than you know.”
You were on the couch, cocooned in a mountain of pillows and blankets. Eddie and Christopher were getting ready to go out for the day to give you some time alone with Buck.
First, Christopher stopped in front of you and leaned in to give you a big hug. Next, Eddie leaned over and gave you a kiss. As he pulled away, he ran his fingers down your cheek.
“We gotta go,” he said. ”We’re going to be late for our movie. Buck will be here any minute.”
“Okay. Have fun.”
He bent down and pressed a kiss to your forehead before heading out the door. You heard Buck greet them in the hallway on his way into the apartment.
“Hey, sis,” he said, sitting on the couch by your feet. “What do you want to do today? I was thinking we could go for a nice, long run.” He laughed as you rolled your eyes.
“Ha, ha, very funny.” You kicked your feet over his leg and tossed him the remote. “You’re picking the movie today.”
He scrolled through titles for a minute before starting Monty Python and the Holy Grail. He set the remote aside then tossed the end of your blanket over your face. He laughed when you pouted at him.
You tried, unsuccessfully, to pinch his arm with your toes. “Ugh, I need a pedicure. It’s weird not having nail poilsh on.” You sighed.
Buck stood quickly and disappeared down the hall.
“Where are you going?” A moment later, you heard him opening cabinets in your bathroom. “What are you doing?”
He came back carrying your nail polish case. “Pick a color,” he said, setting the polish in front of you.
You gave him a sad smile. “I can’t paint my toenails, Ev.”
“Just pick a color.” He rolled his eyes.
You pulled out your favorite shade of blue and placed it in his waiting, outstretched hand. Next thing you knew, he was attempting to paint your toenails for you. You tried not to laugh every time he messed up a toe.
He finished and looked up at you with a goofy, proud smile. “Problem solved.”
You couldn’t contain your laugh any longer. “Uh, thanks, I think. Pretty sure there is more polish on my toes than the nails, but I appreciate your effort.”
You heard the front door open and close, followed by the sound of Eddie’s voice echoing through the apartment. The time on the clock on your bedside table read 5:32. He was home early. 
It was his day off and he had spent it with Buck. Your brother had decided he wanted to renovate his kitchen, which had quickly led Eddie to decide that he needed to help. Buck wasn’t exactly known for his skills with power tools, and you knew Eddie was concerned for his safety if he worked alone. 
Truth be told, you were grateful for the days of peace that their work provided you. You loved both men dearly, but their hovering was getting a little overwhelming. Having a couple days here and there that were silent, aside from the sound of your own breathing, was a blessing. You were a little over halfway done with your chemo treatments and they were kicking your butt. 
Some days, you could barely stand due to the nausea and dizziness. Other days you felt fine, as if nothing was happening. Thankfully, today was a good day physically. Your mental and emotional state, however, were not quite as strong.
You sat up in bed, pressing your fingers to your eyes while desperately hoping they weren’t too puffy. There was a gentle knock on the door before it opened and Eddie’s face was looking back at you. 
“Hey, Christopher said you weren’t feeling well.”  He entered the room, closing the door softly behind him. “Why did you call Carla to pick him up from school? I could’ve just left Buck’s early.” He crossed the room and sat down beside you on the bed. 
“I didn’t want to interrupt you guys,” you said with a shrug. In truth, you had called Carla because you knew she would leave you alone. You hadn’t wanted Eddie home because you weren’t ready to talk yet. He wasn’t afraid to push and could see through you in about two seconds. That’s exactly what he was doing currently as he studied your face. There was no more hiding from him. 
“What’s going on?” His voice was soft, almost a whisper. The tears you had been crying all day resurfaced, slipping down your cheeks in their familiar pattern. 
“I’m so tired of crying.” You barked out a short, humorless laugh. Crying had always been your reaction to any sort of strong emotion, but since beginning chemotherapy it seemed that you were doing it at the drop of a hat. 
“Well, talk to me about what’s going on in that head of yours. Maybe we can get the tears to stop for a bit.” Eddie was looking at you so earnestly that it was almost too much to bear. You were certain that you didn’t deserve him. 
“I shaved my head,” you said, slowly nodding your head. “I shaved my head because my hair started falling out. Now, I wear a wig because I’m too vain to let go of something as simple as my hair. If I can’t let go of my hair, how am I supposed to let go of my ability to have children?” You choked on the last word, barely audible through your growing sobs. 
“Hang on, back up. Take a breath. You lost me there at the end. What are you talking about?” Eddie’s brows furrowed together, clearly confused. 
“I found out today that chemotherapy can affect my fertility. I could go into early menopause, or it could damage my eggs. Even if I do wind up pregnant, the chances of having a miscarriage are much higher. Do you understand what that means for me? For us? No babies. Not together, anyway.” Your chest was heaving with the force of your breaths. You were nearing hysterical, unable to process this newfound information. 
“Oh, Y/N.” Eddie’s voice dripped with sadness and sympathy. He placed his hand on your leg and squeezed. “We don’t know for sure this is something that’s going to happen. I know it’s all overwhelming and this is just one more layer piling on. We’re going to need to take this one step at a time here, okay? When this is all over, we’ll go see a fertility specialist and get this figured out. As much as I would love to have kids with you, I’m thankful to just have you. It’s enough for me to just have you here and healthy. So let’s just focus on that right now, alright? Let’s get you healthy before we worry about what comes after. One step at a time.”
You bit your lip and nodded as you processed his words. He was right, as per usual. You needed to tackle one problem at a time instead of staring at the giant mountain in front of you. If you ended up not being able to have children at the end of all of this, that was something you could figure out together. 
You took a deep breath, the tears finally beginning to slow. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for. It’s a lot to handle all at once. You’re doing so much better than I ever could. You’re the strongest person I know.” Eddie smiled before pulling you into his chest. 
You sat together for a while, completely wrapped up in each other. Eddie’s love and support were endless, and you still couldn’t believe you had gotten so lucky with him. 
After a fair amount of time had passed, Eddie pulled back and looked at you. “Are you hungry? I can order a pizza, I’m sure our boy is starving out there.” He pointed towards the bedroom door and the living room beyond it.
You smiled and nodded, moving to get up off the bed. Before you could stand, Eddie pulled you closer one more time and pressed a kiss to your lips. “I love you,” he said softly. 
“I love you, too,” you replied. “And thank you.”
Sitting on the couch later that night with your feet jammed under Eddie’s leg and Christopher snuggled against you, you smiled. It was there that you realized that if your family stayed just like this for the rest of your life, you would still be the luckiest person in the world. 
Tags: @beth-winchester21 @ lovinnholland @ashtonirwin1234567 @jackiehollanderr @ylirasblog
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degrassi-fanatic · 4 years
Happy Father’s Day
Yet-to-be-inflated balloons are strewn across the dining room table, only two or three streamers are hung up so far, and a banner that reads Happy Father’s Day is still inside the plastic packaging he bought it in. All the decorations have been readily ignored and abandoned in favor of a lovingly worn and torn photo album with a cracked spine; the result of being open and closed for many years. 
Sitting at the head of the table, Bobby touches the cover of the album, gently tracing the words: The Nash Family. 
Although it might seem a tad bit morbid and sad to be alone on Father’s Day looking at photographs of his late family, it’s become some sort of a tradition of his ever since they’ve died. 
It used to be far worse, though. He would call in sick for work if he was scheduled that day and drink his body weight in alcohol as he flipped through the pages of the photo album with white knuckles, refusing to let himself forget what he lost. 
Now, it's different. He turns the pages in the photo album with only a deep ache to replace what used to be a sharp sting in his chest. Memories used to only equate to suffering for him but now Bobby looks at all the pictures with a renewed sense of love.
Overtime, Bobby has learned that memory can be a beautiful thing sometimes.
Bobby was alone in the house today as earlier in the day, Michael had taken May and Denny back to his own apartment for their own private Father’s Day celebration before the joint party that was supposed to take place here in the evening. Michael had asked if he wanted to join but Bobby had only politely declined, only half-lying about having to decorate. 
In all honesty, even after all of these years, Father’s Day was still a sensitive subject for him. 
Suddenly, at the sound of a doorbell chiming throughout the house, all of his melancholy thoughts are put on pause.
Setting aside the photo album on the dining table, Bobby pushes himself out of the chair and walks over to the door. He pulls open the door to find Buck standing on the other side with his hands stuff awkwardly in his front pockets. 
“Hey Buck.” he greets pleasantly surprised, “What are you doing here?”
“Bobby.” he says as he darts his eyes to the ground, “I was—um, I was wondering if I could spend the day with you.”
“You do realize what day it is, right?” Bobby asks as he wouldn’t put it past Buck to forget.
He watches as Buck avoids meeting his eyes, only scruffing the toe of his shoe against the ground. 
“My—my dad’s in town and I really don’t want to be around him.” he begins to explain and suddenly Buck’s surprise appearance makes much more sense, “Everyone else is busy; my sister’s with Chimney and Joy, Eddie’s with Christopher, Karen and Hen are using today as a second Mother’s Day, and Michael has Denny and May at his until Athena comes back from her shift.
“So I was hoping I could spend the day with you?” Buck asks, scratching the back of his neck. 
“With me?”
The small smile that was tugging on the corner of Buck’s lips disappears with his words, in its wake is a resigned look. Nodding his head, Buck lowers his gaze to Bobby’s shoulder. 
“Y’know what, it’s fine.” Buck says, “I’ll just go to the mall or something. Sorry to bother you.”
He feels something sink deep inside of him as he watches Buck turn away, heading down towards where his Jeep is parked near the sidewalk. 
Desperate to right whatever wrong thing he must’ve said or did just now, Bobby blurts out, “I could use an extra hand with setting up for the party today.”
In the middle of the concrete pathway, Buck stills. As he turns around to face him, Bobby pushes open the door fully and motions with his head for Buck to make his way inside. Practically skipping, he does so immediately. 
Once he’s inside, he gestures for him to make his way down to the kitchen as Bobby closes and locks up the front door. 
“Thanks for letting me do this.” Buck says as he picks up a string of reflective blue streamers. 
“Helping me decorate?” he teases as he begins to tear open the plastic packaging of the banner. 
“You know what I mean.” Buck responds with an eye roll.
As he does, he catches sight of the tattered photo album near the edge of the table. Suppressing the urge to hide it away where no one could find it, Bobby lets Buck pick it up and search through it. He decides to concentrate on rolling out the Party City banner in his hands. 
“What’s this?” Buck asks.
“It’s just a photo album from my first marriage.”
Right away, Buck closes it before setting it back right where he got it from. 
“Sorry,” he says with guilt laced in his voice, “You probably don’t want to talk about that.”
“It’s okay. I’ll always miss them but, it doesn’t hurt to remember them.” he explains.
At Buck’s hesitant, almost wary look, Bobby decides that maybe it’s time this old photo album finally gets some new attention. Picking it up, Bobby searches through the pages until he finally settles on one. 
“Here, this is my son Junior and this is my daughter Brook.”
The picture was the two of them awkwardly linking their arms around each other's shoulders. It was taken at Junior’s middle school graduation ceremony. With a smile, Bobby remembers how much Brook whined when her parents forced her to take a picture with her brother, complaining that Junior didn’t shower enough and smelled like he just came back from hockey practice. 
From his peripheral, he sees Buck shift around until he’s looking at the photograph from over Bobby’s shoulder. 
“What were they like?” Buck asks. 
“Brook loved reading. Her whole bedroom was lined up with bookshelves. Y’know she won this personal essay contest once...” Bobby says, still bragging about his daughter even after how many years have passed since she’s been gone
Old habits are hard to break, huh?
 “Yeah, she won five hundred dollars for it.” he explains, “She was always doing stuff like that.”
“And Junior?”
A chuckle bubbles out of Bobby. 
“Oh God, Junior, he was always getting himself into trouble. But, he was a good kid, he had a good heart.” he remembers.
Kind of like someone else I know.
Pulling his gaze away from where he was looking at Junior’s face, Bobby shifts his attention to Buck. For a second, he takes in just how light his irises are and how blond his hair looks in the light. 
He likes to imagine that this is what Junior would have grown up to look like. 
 “Junior would’ve been a lot like you.” he mumbles, more to himself than Buck.
It takes a few seconds of gears grinding and cogs turning around in his brain before Buck fully processes the depth of his words but when he does, he tilts his head to face Bobby and gives him a shy smile before taking a step backwards. 
“High praise.”
“Yeah well not that high.” Bobby jokes as he closes the photo album, “The kid got himself stuck in a tree that was only four feet above the ground once. And I was the one who was dispatched to get him out of there.”
At the story, Buck starts to double over laughing, clutching at his abdomen as he forces himself to take a breath between every wheeze and snort. Soon, Bobby is following suit; Buck’s laughter is infectious even on a bittersweet day like today. 
For a brief moment as he studies the way Buck throws his head back chuckling, he cannot remember if Buck always sounded like Junior while he was laughing, or if Bobby’s still-grief-ridden mind is having some sort of auditory hallucination. 
“Seriously?” Buck asks as the laughter begins to wane. 
“I never let him live it down.” he answers as he wipes a tear from the corner of his eye. 
Placing the photo album back on the table, Bobby decides that they’ve spent enough time on the subject and judging by the clock, they should really get back to decorating if they don’t want Athena to come back home to a complete mess. 
“He must’ve been a lucky kid.” Buck says, as Bobby searches through the mess to find a roll of tape or some thumbtacks. 
“To have you as a dad.” he explains as he hands Bobby a cello tape dispenser, “Junior, I mean.”
If Junior was lucky, he would’ve been alive right now. 
“When I wasn’t drunk and or high out of my mind, I did alright.” Bobby responds with a hint of self deprecation. 
“Yeah, well, I think you’re doing a great job right now.”
Before Bobby can open his mouth and ask Buck what exactly he’s referring to, he’s cut off by the blaring sound of Buck’s cellphone ringing in his pocket. He pulls it out with a huff and practically glares at the screen lighting up in front of his face.
He waits for Buck to pick up the call but all he does is mute his cellphone and shove it back into his back pocket. 
At the way he clenches his jaw, Bobby can deduce who it is with little difficulty. 
“Your dad again?” he asks.
His only response is a short nod as he begins to busy himself with preparing some pieces of tape for holding up the banner; harshly ripping them off from the dispenser before attaching them to the edge of the table. 
Suppressing a sigh, Bobby knows he needs to push Buck into doing the right thing, even if it isn’t what either of them want to do. 
As much as Bobby wants Buck around today, not only to ward off all the bad memories associated with today’s holiday but also simply because he enjoys the man’s company, he knows he shouldn’t monopolize his time. 
Buck deserves a father. Though Bobby may downright despise Phillip Buckley, the man had the honour of holding the aforementioned title and that was something he could not compete with. 
Buck already has a father. He may not be a good one, but he was trying.
Even if he is 29 years too late.
“Maybe you should go meet him?” Bobby suggests, “I mean, if I got a second chance to become a father, you deserve a second chance to have one.”
Buck stops ripping off pieces of tape. His hands travel down to the edge of the table and he grips so hard at the wood that Bobby’s afraid there’ll be claw indents once he’s finished. 
Within a second, however, he pushes himself off of the table and he goes to reach into his pocket. 
Bobby barely has enough to take a look at what Buck’s pulled out before it’s already shoved into his hands. Tilting his head down, he sees a semi-wrinkled piece of printer paper that has been folded in half to make a card. On the front, in big and bold handwriting that he recognizes to be Buck’s, he sees the words Happy Father’s Day and a couple of messy drawings of two firefighters scattered across the page. 
“I already do.” he answers, “Do you—um, do you like it?”
“I love it.” Bobby whispers.
He opens up the card to find a long and what he presumes to be a heartfelt message on the inside. At the top, it says, To the best father and at the bottom, Love, Buck.
“Also, um, some of those random hearts and flames are courtesy of Christopher, who helped me make this, by the way.”
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