#hen and karen make an appearance <3
notafragilething · 4 months
911: Tommy is mentioned in the synopsis and why I think it's important.
I was going to save this for the update to my ramble tonight but I decided this deserved it's own post because I think this might be another sign Tommy's sticking around / is a bigger part of the next episode then we think? If you haven't seen the synopsis for next week's episode please check it out:
The 118 and Tommy are presented with the Medal of Valor for their work on the cruise ship rescue. Meanwhile, Hen and Karen encounter an unforeseen hurdle in their foster care journey, while Eddie’s emotional affair develops further.
So I immediately noticed Tommy was listed, which isn't new information (we saw him in the promo), but something immediately screamed "this seems important that he's named." And I couldn't figure out why.
Because obviously Tommy's been listed in these before, right?
I went back and looked at all of this season's episode synopsis and looked at who was listed by name in them. I made main cast bold, re-occurring regulars like family and love interests italics and everyone else normal.
Abandon 'Ships: Athena, Bobby
Rock the Boat: Bobby, Athena, Hen
Capsized: Athena, Bobby, Hen
Buck Bothered and Bewildered: Athena, Harry, Buck, Eddie
You Don't Know Me: Hen, Karen, Eddie, Marisol, Buck
There Goes the Groom: Maddie, Chimney
Ghosts of a Second Chance: Maddie, Athena, Hen, Karen, Mara, Eddie
Step Nine: Bobby
Ashes, Ashes: Tommy, Hen, Karen, Eddie
Out of the many names listed, there are only two other characters who aren't part of the main/re-occurring cast that got listed. Most of the time they were vague and descriptive if another character was featured.
Such as referring to Tommy as "someone else," Mara being referred to as "a new addition to the family," and Amir as "a victim of the apartment fire."
So let's look at those two other names and the roles they played in their respective episodes.
We have Marisol getting her name in the summary for episode 5: You Don't Know Me. She doesn't necessarily appear a ton in this episode but is pretty significant in the plot since Eddie's storyline revolves around finding out she was a nun and how the impacts him. She was in 3 scenes and talked about in multiple others.
Mara was named in Ghost of a Second Chance, which was her second appearance. This episode had Karen and Hen's storyline focused pretty heavily on her and reuniting her with her brother.
So the fact they name dropped Tommy? Would only happen for one of two reasons.
He's going to be in multiple scenes this week or important to the plot.
They know people want to see him and are listing him to pull in viewers.
Both are fairly good signs for people who want him to stick around.
I also want to point out that Marisol, Mara and Tommy all have something in common. They're three characters that have the potential to move into a more re-occurring longterm role in the series next season.
Mara has the potential to become family (assuming they get over whatever hurdle is happening next week) which would put her in the same category as the other children in the show.
Marisol and Tommy both have the potential to be re-occurring role as a longterm love interest like Karen.
I was convinced Marisol was going to be gone but the fact that they are referring to this as an emotional affair and Ryan has made comments about how Eddie could see himself long term with her and loves her? I could see it going either way on whether or not they keep her since they might try to make the case he didn't physically cheat on her (even though I really hope she's gone soon simply because of the actress).
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bidisasterevankinard · 5 months
So you’re pretty sure of him being next season still around… glad to know, because I totally agree, cause a lot of people is sure that they’re going to break up soon…and honestly, if that was the case, story wise, it wouldn’t make any sense to me…
Maybe you’re right and the ILY will arrive next season, but this season I would love for them to take the next step and label themselves as a serious relationship…
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Tommy will stays at least for season 8. because of story they are making and because of how bucktommy was taken by fandom and the thing that Lou was followed by 911 ig account. For me it all speaks "we want more of him"
You're absolutely right that story wise for now there's no reason for Buck and Tommy to break up. They for now was only on two dates(and we will not see the time skip to wedding I guess but still I believe it's several week after coffee date so we also can add some more dates+ wedding) and they are absolutely smitten with each other and want to try to know each other. Tim, Lou and if I'm not mistaken Oliver all said they want romcom and I can't see them break even at the end of the season,but I can see them taken more serious step as calling each other boyfriends. Oliver also said there's gonna be more kisses and Buck initiate some of them, so Buck definitely feels more confident in his relationship and I can see him only trying to make them deeper and more meaningful, but not "clinging" because he's scared to be alone, but because he really likes Tommy
When they didn't want someone for long, Ali for example, they barely gave us anything about the character. We literally just knew that where she works, that she was dying her hair blonde for a lot of time and that's all. About Ana, who stayed for pretty longer, we jts knew her work, that she has sister(right before break up) and that's all. Even Taylor had backstory only in 5s when I guess they tried to make Bucktaylor work.
About Tommy we already know some things from begins episodes and that's btw makes everything easier. Tim said that they chose Tommy because he was already existed in the universe, they don't need to create new person, but they made Tommy deeper. We literally had Tommy in 6 episodes (in one barely) and we already know more about him we know about Tailor who was around for 1,5 seasons. They showed us where he works, said that he was in the army(in begins it never mentioned), made his story we saw in begins deeper with saying "yeah, he was in closet.", told us about his interests like Muay Thai, cars, basketball, we know he's a movie fan like Chim (begins). We know he loves Love,actually and craft beer. They made him Eddie's new friend. Also they let Lou to share his ideas how he sees Tommy (hard unstable childhood) which I'm sure wasn't for nothing. I see them making Tommy the character on the Karen's level at least .The LI of the main character, who is regular with enough backstory to make them interesting and lovable to the audience, but no need to make them main. Also Tommy's job allows him to make appearance any time they want. And his friendship with Eddie, Chim and Hen too. So he doesn't need to be just "Buck's boyfriend". Tommy has way better treatment any gf of Buck or Eddie had and we have him as a LI for only 3 episodes. Imagine what they can do till the end of the season and during next one? Make him loveable LI who is not plot device, but also no need to make him main. And as Tommy not in 118, 911 don't even have to go through standard plot of "oh, we are working together and it's gonna be a lot of drama about it". Too old
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justsomethough · 2 months
I was writing a uhm, let's just say a fic on 911 and I was like hmnn lemme see what emergency would require you too call 911, ouh okay an allergic reaction right??
Made some quick Google search in regards epiPens and was like okay some US state require paramedics to have them on hand some don't, some are illegal I think anyways, this is only from Google, I might be wrong.
Aight bet, let's go with bees cause they haven't had any bees yet on the show. And lo and behold... (not saying it would be an allergic reaction, it could just be about a man who likes bee keeping and something goes extremely wrong and they have to save him or something lmao) Anyways. I hope only certain things from these prediction are right 🙃:
1. A wild MMA fighter season 3 Eddie appears again 👀👀.
2. A wild thang Eddie (S1 Buck equivalent) spawns, cause he let's loose since Chris isn't around. (would be a good arc for him to idk find himself imo, I know, I know, he doesn't need to do this to be himself, but idk, why not?? Maybe he tries and find out he's queer.)
3. But with all things considered about Eddie, the whole 118 will probs help him deal with it. I hc him and Buck go on a road trip to Texas to get Chris in the middle of the season, idk, why not lmao. Angst Eddie on a road trip with Buck 👀👀 ehehehhe. Him fighting with Buck ehehehe hehehehe (I like chaos) and maybe figuring things out a little lmao.
4. I hope we see Marisol again, cause I need to know what happens to her pleasee, she was a sweet girl, EDDIE STOP TERRORISING THE WOMEN IN LA GOD. I think everyone agrees on the fact that Eddie needs to not date this season, he needs to figure himself out, before he starts dating again.
5. Gérard either dies or get kicks out one way or another. I hc him dying because of a heart attack, cause come on, look at the dinosaur, doesn't he look like he'd have a heart condition 🤷 anyways, he dies by mid season while buck and Eddie is on a road trip. Personally don't want to traumatised any of the main cast by saying they'd be the one to trigger it cause... I'd hate that, so let's just say unfortunately, it happens during an alarm. Okay maybe he doesn't die, but he is just forced to retire after that, let's minimised the death toll a little.
6. The council women, I think they are going to cash in huge drama and sad points there. I hc the council women just gets sacked cause of something she did, I mean she bound to have some dirty laundry which Hen and Karen will probably try to dig around, but then decided not too use it against her. Or idk, i want to see how they can redeem her as a character. Maybe she'll use Gérard as an advantage or something idk lmao, just throwing a limbo here.
7. I have nothing on Madney tho, I just hope they get to live in peace and harmony for the season, CAUSE THEY DESERVE IT OKAY. Bathena, I like that people are sharing theories that Buck will stay with Eddie, so Bathena will be staying at buck's loft for the time being. I also think maybe they'll stay at Micheal's old place?? Maybe??. I hope we see more Amir too? I kinda like him.
8. RAVI AS A SEMI REGULAR CAST. let's me put it out there!! We WANT MORE RAVI cause he is super lovable and charming. LOVE HIM!! Ravi begin episode maybe?? Want to know more about him ehehehe.
Honestly these are just prediction or just thoughts I have!! What are yours??? I personally want no. 3, 4 & 8 to be real, cause i want a healthy, safe, sobbing Eddie. I don't personally want him to get hurt. I'm begging please!!!!! And I want Gérard GONE. But I doubt that's going to happen. They probs making him stay for a few episode lmao. I also want to see more ravi pleaseeee he's witty and funny.
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Buddie and Henren: Buck is Hen’s little brother
Without Hen, the 118 wouldn’t be the place it is today since she fought for equality and against discrimination in the workplace after she started working there more than 12 years ago.
REMINDER: Buck would not still be employed with the LAFD if it wasn’t for Hen because he got fired for taking the firetruck out without permission so that he could hookup with random women in 1x1 “Pilot”.  When Athena called Hen, the 118 was out on a call but after she explained the situation, she asked Hen if they had any available firetrucks and Hen said that she would handle it.  She called Buck and asked him to go help Athena.  Therefore, if it wasn’t for Hen and Athena who both spoke up on Buck’s behalf, Bobby would NOT have rehired him which means Buck wouldn’t have been working there when Eddie started in 2x1 “Under Pressure”. There wouldn’t be a Buck and Eddie if Hen hadn’t taken up for the young, restless and reckless Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley.
Hen’s the 118′s voice of reason and without her, Buck wouldn’t have had anyone to take up for him after his embolism and during the lawsuit in season 3.  She was the one who told the team that Buck not being allowed to return to work was a “body blow” for him and then she reminded Bobby, Eddie and Chimney that they all had jobs and lives before they started at the 118.  She asked them “What does Buck have?” because at the time Buck still believed that he didn’t have anything other than his job.  Also, she was the only one who welcomed Buck back in 3x6 “Monsters” when the brass finally allowed him to return to work (related post: Lawsuit vs Sperm Donor).  She entered the locker room, reminded him that he still had friends there even though no one was talking to him and she gave him a celebratory cupcake since Bobby wasn’t in a cake and banner mood.  She stood up to Bobby on his behalf after Buck was allowed to return to work because she told him that he should either let Buck work or let him go somewhere else that would.  The bond that Hen and Buck share appears to be like one shared between a brother and a sister because she has and continues to remind Buck that he matters too just like she did in 4x5 “Buck Begins” after he told the 118 that he was born for his “defective parts” (related GIF set: Buck being used for his parts).  Hen was there for Buck throughout season 1 when Maddie was still with Doug and she wasn’t responding to the post cards he sent to her.  She continuously checks on Buck to make sure his mental health remains intact like she did in 5x10 “Wrapped in Red” while Maddie and Chimney were still gone and in 6x2 “Crash and Learn” when she saw him reading that AA book.  Hen was the one who had to clue Bobby in to the fact that Buck was trying to impress him so that he could be chosen as the interim captain in 6x1 “Let the Games Begin” because Bobby had no idea what Buck was doing.  Buck is already starting to realize that he’s losing his found family and he’s scared but Hen has always been there for Buck and even if she permanently decides to leave the 118, their relationship will likely remain intact because they are really good friends (related GIF set: Buck fears he’s losing his found family).
FYI: If Hen does leave the 118 for good, then Buck will definitely be affected by it.  While Eddie is Buck’s impulse control, Hen is Buck’s sister in arms and she’s the one who continues to speak up on Buck’s behalf to Bobby and whoever else tries to dismiss his actions as him being childish and reckless.  That’s something that everyone should remember.
Related Buddie and Henren GIF sets: 
Celebrating with The Buckley Diaz and Wilson Families
Eddie and Karen are good friends
Buddie and Henren Family time parallels 
Buddie and Henren Work related injuries parallels
GIF 1x1 “Pilot”
GIF 2x1 “Under Pressure”
GIF 3x1 “Kids Today”
GIF 3x5 “Rage”
GIF 3x5 “Rage
GIF 3x6 “Monsters”
GIF 3x10 “Christmas Spirit”
GIF 3x15 “Eddie Begins”
GIF 3x15 “Eddie Begins”
GIF 4x5 “Buck Begins”
GIF 4x6 “Jinx”
GIF 5x10 ″Wrapped in Red”
GIF 6x1 “Let the Games Begin”
GIF 6x2 “Crash and Learn”
GIF 6x2 “Crash and Learn”
GIF 6x4 “Animal Instincts”
GIF 6x4 “Animal Instincts”
GIF 6x4 “Animal Instincts”
GIF 6x5 “Home Invasion”
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beyourownanchor6 · 3 years
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i know, i know…i said i was done posting fics for the year, and that i wasn’t going to get suckered into a new years fic…but a last minute pinch hitter was needed and i couldn’t resist 🙈
i hope you enjoy @nottheblogurlooking4 !! 💙🎆
Missing Piece
Chris has big plans for New Year's, ones Eddie would like to avoid, kind of like his feelings for his best friend. 
rated: g
read on ao3
Eddie waited for the other end to connect, pacing around his kitchen as he did so.
There wasn’t much time before he needed to leave to pick up Chris from his sleepover, and he’d already been putting this conversation on hold for too long.
As the all too familiar voicemail message rang out through his ears, Eddie sighed, though the ridiculous message made him smile every time.
This is Buck! If you’re hearing this, that means I’m busy being a badass firefighter or a badass uncle…or uh, hanging out with my favorite little buddy. 
It was the last part that always got to Eddie, Buck not knowing how to refer to Christopher, even though they’d practically been co-parenting him for the last few years, Eddie officially making Buck Christopher’s legal guardian if anything ever happened to him; for all intents and purposes, they were a family—just not quite in the way Eddie yearned for. 
Eddie clicked the end button before he could leave any words he might later regret, pocketing his phone and grabbing for his keys. 
He kept his eyes focused on the road, though he continuously looked out of his peripherals, hoping the adorable picture of Buck and Chris eating pancakes would appear over his screen, signaling his best friend was calling; it didn’t.
Chris was all smiles as he greeted his dad, the two hugging each other tightly, Eddie thanking his classmates’ parents once more.
“Hey bud, you have fun?”
“Can we go tonight, please?”
 Of course, the first thing out of his son’s mouth would be the thing that Eddie had been trying to avoid, especially since he hadn’t been able to get ahold of Buck.
“Um, let’s talk about it when we get home mijo.”
Chris sighed, though he got into his seat, Eddie making sure he was buckled before moving to the driver’s side and taking off. 
He never wanted to disappointment his son, hated the way it made him feel, but Eddie wasn’t sure he was ready for this, not Christopher, but Eddie himself. 
Looking in the rearview mirror, Eddie could see Chris’ arms were crossed, the boy looking out the window, clearly trying to avoid his dad’s gaze. Eddie sighed to himself, gearing to come up with some lame excuse when that all too familiar picture popped up on his screen, Chris instantly recognizing the ringtone. 
As he clicked accept, Chris excitedly cheered aloud.
Buck’s laughter filled the air, his voice warming Eddie wholly.
“Hey buddy, how was your sleepover?”
For the next several minutes, it was as if Eddie wasn’t even there, Buck and Chris talking all around the other; Eddie didn’t mind.
Focusing on the road and their cheery voices, Eddie almost forgot why he’d called Buck to begin with, almost.
“Uh Eds, you um, you called?”
He could’ve easily lied, said that it was a butt dial or something…. technology was always out to get him. 
“Yea, I uh—”
Why was this so hard?
Oh right, because Eddie had left the 118 and they’d barely talked since, not to mention Eddie may or may not be repressing some old fears—he did not panic, ok?
“I just um….”
Before he could muster up the courage to get the rest of the words out, Christopher took over.
“Bucky! You should come with us tonight!”
Thankfully they were at a red light, because Eddie then whipped his head around, glaring at his son, his voice a harsh whisper.
“Chris! I said we would discuss that at home.”
Chris only shrugged, Eddie having no idea where to go from there; he only turned back around when he remembered they weren’t quite alone, Buck’s voice echoing throughout the truck.
“Uh, come with you where?”
If the light hadn’t turned green, Eddie would’ve slumped his head against the steering wheel, maybe even banged into it a few times for good measure. 
“Chris, he um, he wants to go to that New Year’s Eve show, but uh, you probably already have plans and—”
“I’m free.”
Christopher squealed with delight, the sound making Eddie feel slightly less guilty.
“What time should I come over?”
Chris began to recite the times, much like any kid who committed their favorite commercials to memory; Eddie was only grateful he didn’t have to do much of the talking. 
“Ok, I’ll see you about seven then.”
Chris and Buck said their goodbyes as Eddie pulled into the driveway, grateful to be home.
There was a pause, Buck hesitating, though in the end he seemed to change his mind.
“See you soon.”
“Yea, see you when you get here.”
When they got inside, Chris beelined for his new Lego set, the one Buck had gotten him for Christmas, no doubt eager to show his Buck all the progress he’d made since the last time he’d shown him. 
Eddie was once again left alone with his thoughts, wandering around the house aimlessly, cleaning things that didn’t need cleaning as he went. 
The new year always brought a lot of thoughts, but especially this year; Eddie wasn’t sure if he could handle anymore change. 
As the clock clicked closer to seven, Eddie busied himself with helping Chris get ready, moving to do the same for himself after.
Promptly at seven, there was a knock on the door, Eddie’s gut wrenching just a little; when had Buck stopped using his key? 
Eddie rubbed his palms against his jeans before pulling the door open, Buck’s smile bright as ever, dimming slightly on the edges as their eyes met; yea, what could go wrong tonight?
They stood there awkwardly for a moment, neither of them knowing how to greet each other, Chris thankfully popping up behind Eddie to take over. 
Buck offered to drive, but Eddie waved him off, insisting this was their treat, when in reality he needed the distraction, something to keep him focused. 
And so, the three of them piled into the truck, Eddie trying not to think about the somewhat lengthy drive they had ahead of them, Buck sitting all too close, Christopher beaming brightly in the backseat. 
Eddie turned up the radio, hoping to drown out some of the silence, grateful when Buck and Christopher quietly bean to hum along. He hadn’t realized how much his leg was bouncing up and down until Buck’s hand came to rest over it, Eddie stilling immediately; these rolls were usually reversed. 
As their eyes met, Buck looked him over curiously, removing his hand shortly after; Eddie felt anxious all over again, though for a completely different reason this time.
When they finally pulled into the parking lot, Eddie couldn’t tell if he was ready to get out of his truck to avoid the tension inside, or stay in his truck to avoid his fears of what was to come. In the end, he got out, following closely behind his boys as they went, letting them guide the way. 
There were vendors and people all around, music blasting through the air as they went. Everyone had on headbands or necklaces, all lined with 2022 or the words Happy New Year. It didn’t take long before Chris was begging for a set of his own, the three of them waiting in the long line to get their own 2022 attire. 
After they were all decked out, they stopped to get some food, the three of them sharing a plate of nachos, followed by churros for all of them; at least there was one good thing about the night.
They wandered around after, eventually running into Hen and Karen, plus Denny and Nia; they really made such an adorable family. 
“Hey boys, why don’t you join us?”
Hen smiled to them brightly, Karen patting the blanket they were currently spread out on.
Chris was quick to join them, Eddie lingering awkwardly, watching as Buck quickly got distracted with the kids, the four of them making funny faces; he was so in love with this man that it physically pained him sometimes. 
Eddie finally settled after a bit—meaning he uncrossed his arms and plastered a smile over his face—the others playing some board games Hen and Karen had brought along.
With midnight fast approaching now, the kids were tuckering out, Eddie becoming all the more anxious.
Hen looked over to Eddie, then to Buck who was watching him intently; she needed to put them both out of their misery.
“Why don’t you guys go watch the show? Christopher can hang out with us.”
Chris seemed content to do just so, already comfortably sprawled on the blanket.
Eddie had no idea how to answer, wanting to flee the event altogether. It took Buck nudging him with his elbow to bring Eddie back to the present, Eddie offering him a half smile in turn. They both thanked Hen and Karen, each of them ruffling Chris’ curls before wandering off.
They walked side by side, shoulders and hands bumping every so often with their close proximity; it was Buck who finally broke the silence.
“So, are you going to tell me why you really invited me, because I know things have been uh, weird since you left, but this feels—different.”
Yes, it is different, because I announced I was leaving and we haven’t talked about it since.
“Technically Chris invited you.”
Eddie sighed, coming to a stop, Buck following suit.
“I just—I didn’t want to come here tonight, but I didn’t know how to tell Chris no, so I uh, I invited you.”
Buck furrowed his brows, not quite believing Eddie’s story.
“Why uh-why didn’t you want to come here tonight?”
There it was, the question Eddie had been avoiding all night, and pretty much since the moment Chris had asked him.
He shrugged his shoulders lamely, not looking up to meet those piercing blues. 
A soft touch was pressed under his chin as Buck used his hand to lift Eddie’s head, their eyes meeting automatically. 
“Eds talk to me. You know, you know you can tell me anything…right?”
Eddie read the unsaid words there—like about you leaving the team, me.
“I just—I thought I could handle it.”
“Handle what?”
Handle not having your back every day, handle shit on my own, handle the fact that you’ll never love me the way I love you.
“Eds, I’m sorry that we haven’t—talked, that I, that I haven’t really been around, but—”
Eddie put his hand out between them, motioning for Buck to stop. 
“Buck it’s not—”
He couldn’t lie, because that was part of his problem, just not the current one.”
As the announcer came over the loudspeaker, announcing the show was just minutes away, Eddie’s heart began to race, the words he’d been holding onto finally spilling from his mouth.
“I’m afraid of the fireworks, ok?!” 
Buck didn’t laugh, didn’t tell Eddie he was being irrational, just simply pulled Eddie into his arms, hugging him tightly.
“Eddie I—I wish you would’ve told me sooner.”
Yea, me too Buck, me too.
“We can leave now if you want. Just let me grab Chris and—”
Eddie shook his head, pulling away from Buck slightly.
“No, no I don’t—I just didn’t want to be here alone” without you.
Buck gave him a soft smile, reaching out to squeeze his forearm.
“Then you won’t be. I’ve got your back, remember?”
Eddie could only nod, not wanting to let his emotions overtake him.
They made their way toward where the fireworks show would be happening, neither of them needing to be too close with their height; sometimes it had its advantages. 
While they stood and waited, Eddie couldn’t help but to shift closer to Buck, the man not seeming to mind in the slightest.
“I’m usually good about—”
“About hiding your feelings? Yea, I know.”
Alright, that was fair.
“Yea, I uh—after everything this year I just didn’t think I could handle fireworks, as lame as that sounds.”
Buck turned to fully meet him then, his voice sincere.
“Eddie, there’s nothing lame about your fears, especially with everything you’ve been through.”
Eddie pulled in his bottom lip, biting at it, nodding his head in agreement, even if he wasn’t quite on the same page as Buck yet. 
“What can I do to help?”
After thinking about it for a minute, Eddie didn’t say anything, simply reached his hand out to link it with Bucks’. Buck didn’t say anything in turn, though he squeezed their fingers, instantly calming Eddie; you he thought, you’re all I need.
They stood hand in hand, Eddie trying not to wince as the announcer declared it was time. Midnight was only ten minutes away now, Eddie anxiously squeezing Buck’s hand. 
When Buck tugged him closer, Eddie couldn’t help but to look over at his best friend, not taking his eyes off the man he loved, not even when the first boom erupted into the air. 
Buck was looking straight ahead, all the beautiful colors reflected in his eyes, Eddie unable to look away, which is why Bucks’ voice startled him, Eddie smiling sheepishly.
“You know, I dunno why you invited me to watch the fireworks with you, when all you’re going to watch is me.”
“Nothing shines brighter than you.”
Buck snorted, though he ducked his head in a shy smile, Eddie letting his head fall against Bucks’ shoulder; God this man made him such a sap. 
As Eddie lifted his head, Buck was staring right back, those blues glistening in the night light. The crowd around them began to count down from ten, neither of them looking away, blue holding brown. 
With every number their heads drifted closer, their lips brushing together just as midnight rang out. It wasn’t like the fireworks erupting in the sky, or the loud cheers around them, but something more, almost as if the world around them ceased to exist. 
Their kisses started slow, soft even, Bucks hands eventually moving to cup Eddie’s cheeks while Eddie moved his own to Bucks’ hips, pulling the man impossibly closer. When they finally pulled apart, they were still close enough to breathe each other’s air, Eddie already dizzy with want.
“Happy New Year Eds.”
“Happy New Year Ev.”
They came together for another searing kiss, the two of them smiling into it. Eddie reached his thumb up to brush over Buck’s lips, leaning to rest their heads together.
“C’mon, let’s take our son home.”
With their hands linked once more, they made their way through the crowd, oblivious to anyone around them. Hen and Karen only gave them warm smiles, the two giving their thanks before wrapping Chris in their arms, carrying the sleepy boy back to the truck.
Their hands met again as they took their seats, Eddie’s body calming once more. There was much to be discussed, but for now, they had each other, and that was enough. With Buck by his side, nothing could bring him down; they would always be there to lift each other up or bring them back down. 
The new year always brought change, ones Eddie usually feared, though not this time; sometimes change was good. After all, change is what brought them together to begin with, Eddie never trusting anyone more to have his back; it was a new year indeed, one Eddie intended to make the most of. 
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archerincombat · 2 years
man, that’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told
“Look,” Buck says, “Anyone can say that they’re bi.” He narrows his eyes. “I’d have to date a guy to prove it.”
“You’ve dated guys, Buck,” Karen points out, backing up her wife. “Even if you hadn’t, you’re still bisexual. I don’t see why you’re so insistent that no one will believe you.”
“You should get a nose piercing,” May says helpfully, while texting one-handed. “All bisexuals have nose piercings.”
ao3 | 16k
for my BELOVED @henswilsons <33333
There’s a reason Buck can’t be left alone in front of cameras.
This isn’t much of a problem until he dates a reporter—because no one else except for Taylor ‘the truth is everything’ Kelly would paint firefighters, of all community groups, in a bad light. Not that—okay, Buck practically does her job for her, these days, when she’s somehow at every single call the 118 takes, even the stupid ones, which makes Ravi giggle.
And also, because he’s Ravi, Buck’s partner, narrow his eyes at her like a guard dog.
“Shame that they couldn’t get anyone else to cover this,” Ravi will say, grinning with his teeth bared like some sort of giant teddy bear with teeth, like the evil one from Toy Story 3. “I know how much you wanted to do real journalism.”
It becomes sort of like an inside joke, only not really because Ravi’s laughing and Taylor looks like she wants to spit on him, and Buck will apologize, only it comes out way too sarcastic, and then Bobby looks like he wants to spit on them too.
—And the circle of life continues.
This time, though, Taylor’s not there. They’re at a minor car crash off Sunset and Beverly and they only have to use the jaws on one of the three sedans—Buck lets Ravi handle it as Chimney and Hen bandage cuts and deal with possible concussions—while he and Bobby clear the crash from the intersection. 
“I’m not lonely,” Buck argues as he takes a chunk of metal from Bobby. “Like, personally, I think everyone should be glad that I broke up with Taylor.”
“We are glad, Buck,” Bobby responds, with the air of someone who’s had this conversation before. He has. “We also think you might be lonely. It’s been a couple months now, hasn’t it?”
“A couple of months of freedom,” Buck counters, and Ravi appears out of nowhere to fist bump him.
“Yeah, man,” Ravi says cheerfully, hair matted to his forehead. “Women suck. I love misogyny.”
continue on ao3
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bathenasupremacy · 2 years
Bathena and Buddie look after six-year-old Jee-Yun edit
The edit is above, but i insistently recommend you to read the notes below before the watching
FIRST OF ALL: About Bobby calling Jee 'Little Corn'. I was rewatching 911 from the S1. Chim in 1x01 ate that thing... Fast popcorn for microwave. You know? So, I was thinking about it. And it seemed cute to me if Jee also wanted to repeat after her father one day and asked Buck to make her such popcorn in the kitchen at the fire station. As a result, they started a fire and were saved by Bobby. Since then, Bobby affectionately called Jee 'Little Corn', and also he called Buck very rarely, at special moments, 'Big Corn'
In this video situation is:
1. About 4 years after the end of the 5S
2. Buddie is together
3. Chim and Maddie wanted to go to holiday
4. Hen and Karen was away too
5. Chris and Harry are about 16?… I'm not sure. They are with friends and not at home. But to be honest… I just couldn't find the right fancast. I mean, May is already at the age when you can't change too much in appearance in 4 years. But Harry and Chris should definitely look much older than in the show. So, yes. Harry and Chris are with friends in this video. May is about 21-22, she is studying at the university and came to her parents for a short time.
6. While Madney were on vacation, someone had to look after Jee-Yun during the week. Buddie looked after her for the first part of the week. For the second part of the week, she was looked after by Bathena.
7. Buddie and Bathena really have raised only teenagers for the last 4 years. May, Chris and Harry. HenRen have raised Danny (he is about 16 too) and adopted children (like Nia), so they have faced little children recently.
8. Okay. Why am I trying to deceive someone? I just wanted Buddie and Bathena to look after Jee-Yun because it's cute. Period.
9. I'm sure that Bobby is exactly the type of person who gives little kids funny nicknames.
This edit should have been a small thing while I was finishing my other biger edit, but something has gone wrong…
I like the shot where Athena is standing behind Jee, and Jee is smiling at Bobby.
I hope, this huge text does not scare you. So, enjoy the edit… I hope :)
Also, what do you think about the fancast of Jee-Yun?🙃
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Reasons/signs why buddie is likely to go canon
Hey, Nonnie! Oooo, great question, okay I've got to think about this.
I would say the main reason why Buddie is likely to go canon is because both Buck's and Eddie's stories are so intertwined, it only makes sense for them to get together. Not just as family but also romantically. They are literally the answer to what they're each looking for in a partner. Nothing else makes sense though the show has had quite a few opportunities to veer off of this course for a while now but they haven't taken them, and instead seemed to have double downed on it, getting us closer and closer to Buddie canonization.
As for signs, hmm...
Well, other than seeing Eddie pining for Buck and how much we're getting closer to that portion of the story where it will be confirmed in some way, they've given us more than a few. But I'll pick the main ones:
1) Eddie and Ana breakup - a previous nonnie mentioned how Ana is essentially the perfect woman for Eddie and I agree, she's good on paper (in season 5 at the least), which we saw being shown in that firehouse scene in 5x02. There is literally no reason for these two not to stay together (except for it not being what Eddie wants and their severe lack of chemistry/love). Christopher loves her and from what he said, he obviously expects that a marriage is in the future. She would be a good support for Eddie, she's empathetic and she's always reaching out to him and Christopher physically. She also would be a great partner, not just with Christopher, but also in certain situations like we see in the firehouse scene. She immediately took charge of the situation when it appeared Eddie wasn't going to when it came to Ravi and sort of made it a little easier until the wife mention. And then she rolls with it when Eddie asks Ravi to give her a tour so he can make his escape. She's perfect on paper. So for them to show us this, this late in the game, only to turn around and discard it soon after because it's what's triggering Eddie's panic attacks due to it not being what he wants...to me, that's a huge sign we're heading to a Buddie canonization. Especially, when Ana has been paralleled and contrasted with Buck several times during the short time of her relationship with Eddie. Especially since Buck has to be the one to tell Eddie to let Ana go and not hurt her if she's not what he wants. Especially when for a second there, it became The Buckley Diaz family vs The Flores Diaz family and we know who won out in that round in Eddie's eyes and which one he felt more at ease with.
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2) The parallels - I know we always talk about these but I believe this is one of the most telling signs that we're heading to canon Buddie. Buck has been paralleled to Chim, Hen, Bobby, Athena, Karen, and of course Maddie. Eddie, the same. Not to mention, Buck and Eddie have been continuously paralleled and contrasted to the romantic partners in their lives, both past and present. With all of this foundation being built, with all of these direct parallels and contrasts, there's no way Buddie isn't going canon. They've been weaving this story way too intricately for it to be loosened or unraveled or to start weaving something new for one of the guys or both now.
3) The other relationships around Buddie - time and time again, Buddie has been linked/paralleled/connected to the other canon relationships in the show: Bathena, Henren, and Madney. Not to mention that they've done this within the context of romance, such as the 3x13 scene where Eddie asks Buck if he wants to come over. Which Buck declines and then they go about having Hen confirm she and Karen have a date night, then Bobby has one with Athena, and then Chim wants to spend the night with Maddie, so Buck ends up alone. And they've also done it a few times in framing:
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You have Bathena and Henren on one side, and Madney on the other, with Buddie in between. Not only are they trying to throw strong hints at us but there's literally no reason for them to keep doing this if they didn't plan to make Buddie romantic at some point and endgame (especially when paralleled with Bathena and Henren). If they wanted to only display the deep partnership and friendship, the only relationship they should be paralleling/keep getting connected to is Chim and Hen's partnership/friendship.
4) The stand-ins - each time there seems to be some sort of separation between the two, physically or emotionally or both, they've opted to use stand-ins for both characters. The biggest examples are Lena for Eddie during the lawsuit arc (standing in for Buck), Marjan and TK in the crossover (standing in for both Buck and Eddie respectively) Ana (besides being who Eddie felt he needed to move on with, she's a stand-in for Buck in 4x14), and Taylor (standing in for Eddie in 4x14). The fact that they use stand-ins, to me, is a very big clue. These two have come to rely on each other that much that the story/writers need to provide them with stand-ins, usually in the form of women (and TK, a confirmed gay character who mistakenly thinks Buck is hitting on him at the end of the crossover). They also use smaller characters in the story to be stand-ins for Buck and Eddie as well, in certain situations (not all of them women) and aren't necessarily provided for the other character to interact with, i.e. Corey the gunman in 4x08 was a stand-in for Buck (so was Mr. Nowels), Brian the fake firefighter in 4x06 was a stand-in for Eddie, the guy Eddie beat up over the parking space in 3x05 was a stand-in for Buck, etc. To me, that's a very big tell.
5) 5x01 relationship link - they purposely showed us that there is something missing in each relationship for each guy, even though they have these seemingly perfect partners for these points in these guys' lives and where they're currently at. And it revolved around the physical. For Buck and Taylor, it was sex on the surface but had more to do with the emotional, since we saw Taylor was determined to find the answers about what happened that day than focus on Buck. For Eddie and Ana, we get a hint that their relationship has progressed physically by a comment and reaction, then we see Eddie having a panic attack, but underneath it all, he was triggered by the store clerk mistaking Ana as Christopher's mother, and there is a lot more since Dr. Salazar intimates that Eddie is repressing the anxiety aka something emotional. Not only is that a sort of vague parallel between both relationships, but it's also showing us that there is definitely something missing from both of these dynamics for both guys. (which is why it doesn't surprise me in the least that Eddie is able to talk candidly with Buck in 5x02 and vice versa)
6) Eddie and Buck only seem to be able to be truly vulnerable with one another - this to me, is just a given at this point. Not that we haven't seen Buck be vulnerable with Bobby or even Maddie (I would say Maddie and Eddie are the two people who know Buck the best out of everyone and who Buck can truly be vulnerable with, while Bobby and Buck provide that same dynamic for Eddie), but there's definitely an exclusive window into Buck that Eddie has, with and without Buck's invitation. Eddie sees Buck for who he is and vice versa. To have this unique part of their emotional relationship exist, and then it's contrasted to all of the romantic partner in their lives who can never seem to have that access, is another big sign to me. They could have kept it strictly as two friends, two partners, who just get each other, and that's that. And then eventually a romantic partner would come along for one guy or both who would after a time (and possibly approval from the other, depending how cliche and trope-y they would have wanted to get) gotten that access as well. But they didn't. They've made this vulnerability pretty much exclusive with the exception of Maddie and FireDad.
7) Show making Buckley Diaz family official through legal guardian reveal - if there was ever a big neon sign flashing (without showing us Eddie's feelings) that pointed the way to Buddie, this is it. Is it possible that two friends, two partners, two brothers, could have also had this development without any future romantic implications? Sure. But that's not how it went down. If it did, we would have had the reveal a lot sooner or happening when Eddie first woke up or happening at another time when Eddie is in danger or wounded again (like this alleged hostage situation coming up). But instead they chose this very specific timing and context of when Eddie chose to reveal this information to Buck. Because it absolutely is not about their friendship or Eddie's concern of what will happen to Chris should he not be around anymore. He doesn't even know about the crane climb (at least that we saw). But he chose to reveal it right then because Buck had said it would have been better for Chris if he had been shot. Not to mention they showed us Eddie's reaction to this line:
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Eddie needed Buck to know that he matters to Christopher, to him. That he isn't expendable. And Christopher 99.9% of the time is synonymous with Eddie. And Eddie uses the mention of Christopher as a shield. The legal guardian reveal was all about Eddie, and Buck. And the show purposely chose to put it in this context and within this dynamic and timing when they didn't have to, in order to keep the lines clear. Instead, they double-downed on the Buckley Diaz family and how it would lead us into the next season, and how it would affect these two specifically, whether that be the dynamic at work or outside of it or both.
There are many other signs but these are the top 7 off of the top of my head. Buddie's going canon. There's no two ways about it. And while the relationship may not happen instantly, a conversation (and realization) is definitely due to happen this season. Eddie's feelings are all but glaringly obvious enough that they're written in Sharpie on his forehead and I don't see how Buck can remain oblivious to this fact much longer (or to his own feelings), whether that's him seeing it himself or someone else pointing it out to him.
I hope I was able to answer your question thoroughly, Nonnie! Thank you for the ask! Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend!!! <3
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diazboys · 4 years
i like watching the days go by with you | 2k words | buddie | pre-relationship, domestic fluff | ao3
written for Eddie Diaz Week 2021 | Day 2: “This is nice.” + soft
A quiet but persistent buzzing noise coming from somewhere behind his head is what startles Eddie awake. He peaks one eye open but his vision is still fuzzy from sleep so he almost knocks over the lamp as he tries to locate his phone. Eventually, he manages to silence the alarm. With a sigh, he falls back onto the pillow, blinking and waiting until he feels awake enough to roll out of bed. The curtains are slightly parted and the already bright L.A. sun is creeping up the floorboards, painting a narrow path across the bed and widening up on the wall behind Eddie. He smiles to himself. 
At the beginning of their group sleepover — or quarantine, if you wish — in Buck’s apartment Eddie made a small comment that getting blinded by the sun first thing in the morning wasn’t really his favourite thing to do. Since then, the curtains were kept shut every morning. Sometimes, when Eddie stirred awake as Buck was getting up, he saw his friend walk towards the window to peek outside. And every single time he parted the curtains just the tiniest bit, mindful of Eddie’s half-serious comment. The thoughtfulness made Eddie’s heart soar. 
This whole living at Buck’s place thing has been… interesting so far. The sleeping arrangements seemed like a challenge at first but they’ve dealt with it pretty quickly. On the first day when they showed up on Buck’s doorstep, he had an argument with Hen about giving her the bed. Unsurprisingly, Buck lost and Hen happily took the couch. Chim, only slightly less happily took the mattress they've placed downstairs. There was a perfectly good mattress waiting for Eddie in the loft as well. 
But the problem was that… he never really used it. That first night they were all tired after their shift, Chim and Hen already snoring quietly downstairs. Eddie moved over to the corner of the room, with every intention of crashing there for the night. But then Buck made a casual comment about the bed being big enough and that they could share if Eddie wanted.
And Eddie wanted. For a lot of reasons. Though the one that sounded the most reasonable at that moment was the fact that the bed was way more comfortable and required much less preparation than the mattress. And Eddie’s brain was too tired to tell him why sharing a bed with Buck was a dumb idea. ‘Having some kind of not-strictly-platonic feelings for Buck’ would definitely make it to the top of the list. But there was no list at the time, so Eddie just snuck under the covers on the left side of the bed that Buck left for him. They were both out within minutes. 
And then Eddie just… didn’t bother with the mattress. Even though — or maybe because — on that first morning he woke up well rested and content, with Buck’s arm thrown loosely across his waist. It was nice. It took all of Eddie’s willpower not to roll over, closer into the warm embrace. Neither he, nor Buck commented on it and they let it be. Eddie was more than sure that Hen and Chim noticed — they noticed everything — but except a curious glance or five every now and then, they didn’t say anything. They kept up the whole thing even when Hen decided to go back home to Karen and the kids. Chim took the couch instead, his mattress had been put away. And Eddie stayed in Buck’s bed.
So here Eddie is now, sprawled on said bed with a stupid smile on his face, staring at the curtains like it’s the best thing ever. It certainly is great and lets him wake up without feeling like someone’s flashing a torch into his eyes. But it’s not directly responsible for the stupid smile, he must admit. 
It takes him another minute before he finally wills his body to move. The right side of the bed is already vacant when he rolls over onto his stomach. He sends a glance downstairs. Buck is bustling around the kitchen, earphones in so he won’t disturb anyone. Eddie is pretty sure that he’s listening to this science slash comedy podcast he’s been obsessed with lately. He can’t really remember the name but he’s pretty sure there was a “fish” in it.
With one more content sigh, Eddie rolls out of bed and makes his way downstairs barefoot. As he walks closer, his brain recognises the scents coming from the kitchen. Coffee and something delicious that smells of tomatoes and fresh basil. His smile grows even bigger. He’s spent enough mornings here to hope that there’s a cup of freshly brewed coffee waiting for him as well.
Before Eddie can make a beeline for the coffee machine and check, Buck turns to take something from the kitchen island. His eyes skip to Eddie and his whole face lights up in a smile. Eddie’s breath hitches but he reciprocates the gesture. How can he not when Buck is looking like that, all happiness and soft curls? Eddie’s right hand twitches by his side. There’s a sudden need in him to run his fingers through Buck’s hair, to see if it’s as soft as it looks like. To stop himself from doing something stupid, Eddie grabs the barstool and sits down. He stuffs his hands under his tights, for good measure.
“Morning,” Buck greets, taking his earphones out and putting them in his pocket.
Before Eddie can say anything, a cup of coffee is placed right in front of him. He inhales the scent and lets out a happy little hum that makes Buck laugh.
“Hildy sends her regards,” Buck jokes, laughing even harder at the unimpressed look on Eddie’s face. 
Really, it’s about time Buck let that go. It wasn’t Eddie’s fault that he had been startled, hearing a strange voice saying “Hello, Eddie” as he walked into the kitchen that first morning. And he already apologised for the mug he dropped. To Buck’s credit, he did disable the voice greetings after that. Now the cursed machine was just… quietly lurking from its place on the counter.
“Thanks, Buck,” he says sincerely after all, deciding to ignore the comment. 
Buck only shrugs with a smile and turns back to whatever is sizzling on the pan. Eddie wraps his hands around the mug and takes a sip. Another content hum escapes his lips before he can stop it.
“This is nice,” Eddie says.
He’s not even sure what exactly he’s referring to. The coffee, the slow and calm atmosphere of the morning, the sight of Buck in a soft hoodie, pushing an omelette towards Eddie? The domesticity of it all that makes Eddie’s heart ache? It’s all of it and probably more. If only Christopher was around to join them in the kitchen right now, to ask for pancakes for breakfast and complain about his online classes or tell them about the dream he’s had. Then, Eddie would be completely and thoroughly happy. 
And this is a thought that both excites and terrifies him at the same time.
But it’s a bit less scary when Buck is standing right in front of him, his big arms resting against the counter as he leans forward. He’s looking at Eddie with those soft eyes and a beautiful smile on his lips. The only thing Eddie can do is to stare back and hope that his face is better at controlling his emotions than his heart is.
It would be so easy to just lean forward a little and—
“God, you two make me miss Maddie even more,” Chimney says from somewhere behind Eddie’s back.
His sudden appearance startles Eddie enough that he pushes a fork off the counter. It falls to the floor with a loud clatter and he quickly ducks to retrieve it.
“I’ll start giving you plastic utensils at some point, I swear,” Buck says, shaking his head at Eddie. His eyes are laughing, though, so Eddie knows he’s not being serious.
“Oh fuck off, I apologised for that mug already. And it was just a fork this time, don’t be dramatic,” Eddie rolls his eyes at him but he’s smiling as well. Then he turns and adds, “Morning, Chim.” 
Chimney is freshly showered and pours himself a cup of coffee. He’s also watching them with a raised eyebrow and an amused smile on his face. Eddie tries his best to ignore that, just like he ignored Chim’s comment. 
“Um, so,” Eddie starts, wanting to steer the conversation onto a different track. “What facts did they have today?” he asks, pointing his chin at Buck’s phone laying on the counter. Just like he expected, there’s a paused episode of that No Such Thing as a Fish podcast.
“Oh, did you know that there is a type of pasta that only 3 women in the world can make?” Buck’s eyes light up in excitement. “It’s some fancy one they make in Sardinia and it’s called threads of God. The recipe has been passed from mother to daughter for ages.”
“What if they run out of daughters and have a son?” Eddie asks.
“It’s fine, cause the recipe isn’t even secret or anything,” Buck says, pointing the spatula at him. “It’s just a pain in the ass to make. They’ve been trying to teach people how to do it but it’s just hard enough that most of them just give up.”
Chimney chuckles at that around a mouthful of omelette. "You should totally try. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd manage to do it, out of sheer stubbornness."
And Buck — both because he's interested and because he rarely steps down from a challenge — reaches for his phone and starts googling for the recipe and reads out whatever he finds.
It sounds really interesting. And not only because Eddie has a soft spot for Buck and the little tidbits of information he gathers and then excitedly shares with everyone who wants to listen. Eddie always does. Some people just shrug or roll their eyes at Buck, but Eddie really admires his interest, the childlike curiosity about the world that Buck has. There are so many things Eddie admires about him.
All things considered, Eddie shouldn’t be surprised that somewhere along the way he has fallen in love with his best friend.
It catches him a bit off guard, being able to put a name to the feeling that has been blooming in his heart for so long. But it doesn’t make him panic, at least no more than having feelings for his best friend already did. It’s more of a relief, really. It all makes sense now. 
Eddie doesn’t even realise that he’s been smiling and staring at the half-eaten omelette in front of him until his phone buzzes with a new text message. It shakes him out of his thoughts and he opens it to find a photo from Christopher.
"Everything okay, Eddie?" he hears Buck ask.
Raising his head, Eddie is met with a slightly worried gaze. He smiles, showing Buck the text he's just gotten.
"Yeah, Christopher's just complaining about his history assignment," he explains.
Buck chuckles at the photo of Chris' pouting face as he holds a history textbook and 'There's too many dates!' with a row of angry emojis written underneath. "We should FaceTime him later. I miss that little rascal."
Eddie doesn't point out that they've done that barely two days ago. Instead, his smile grows bigger as he agrees. He knows for a fact that Chris misses his Buck just as much and that the two of them have been texting a lot.
For some reason, Chimney sighs, rolls his eyes as Eddie glances at him, and leaves the kitchen with his coffee cup still in hand. Eddie's not sure what that was about. He doesn't have time to dwell on it though, because Buck drops on the barstool next to him with his own breakfast, their knees knocking together as he makes himself comfortable. Sipping the last of his coffee, Eddie bites the inside of his cheek to stop a smile.
He really could get used to spending all of his mornings like this.
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pink-lightsabre · 3 years
okay so like. i am an eternally optimistic clown. sometimes this works out in my favor. sometimes it doesnt. with that in mind. i'm gonna word vomit about some stupid firefighters for a minute.
bobby and athena. bc some straights deserve rights. athena literally walked thru FIRE to save her man. i fucking love it. "you think saving lives is hard? trying taking them." *immediately gets shot by athena* we love Cinema.
give me the "chim studying to be a lt and bobby thinking about retiring and giving the 118 to chim" story line we all deserve.
chimney and maddie! the only other straights that deserve rights. god i feel so fucking bad for maddie. i know she's gonna get through this and i am so proud of her for asking for help from chim.
hen and karen! and nia! and nia's birth mother! i was in real tears!
okay now for the actual word vomit.
i still love taylor. i've loved her from her first appearance in canon many moons ago. i spent all season saying i would be fine with her and buck being endgame if they weren't gonna go for buddie. which i didnt think they really would until last week but whatever that's for later in the word vomit. i just. do not understand. what the point of 1) bringing her back 2) having them be super flirty and then 3) have her turn him down hardcore TWICE if they were just gonna. do that. which brings me back to the eternally optimistic clown part. there's no way they last. buck refusing to chase after her bc of all his character growth is excellent and wonderful and also kinda spells out the end of their relationship. yeah he's not gonna chase after her bc he knows his worth. bc he's got a family and he's got people in his corner. and he doesn't need to base his whole life on his romantic partners like he did in previous seasons. his devotion to his family. to the 118. to eddie and christopher. eclipses any feelings he has for taylor. and i dont think she'll stand for that for very long.
now i wish i could say as much about ana as i did about taylor but! she doesn't have a fucking personality! slightly teary by her boyfriend's bedside and then smiling at his welcome home party! that's the great relationship in eddie's life? i don't fucking think so. eddie is gonna... struggle in 5a. even if it doesn't look like we're gonna get to see him physically struggle in 5a i really dont think they'll let the army vet get shot by a sniper in the middle of the street in broad daylight stateside and have that be that. one of the things that eddie is gonna struggle with in 5a. is going to be his feelings for buck. because yall know how you sign legally binding documents making your totally platonic buddy best friend guy pal the legal guardian of your son, who is the center of your whole entire world, over your flesh and blood family. some of whom LIVE IN LOS ANGELES. and who we got to see again which was so nice. even if it was just for a second.
and just. the beginning of the episode started off with so much fucking promise. buck's absolute fucking panic and desperation. dragging eddie to safety and screaming for him while he crawled under a firetruck. eddie seeing his blood on buck and asking if buck was hurt, which was straight out of a fic. "are you okay buckley?" "......... no" buck being the one in eddie's house to take care of chris. buck being the one to tell chris. buck's bad habit of jumping without looking bc he couldn't stand to be stuck in the same position. couldn't stand to be helpless again.
and just. maybe buck's lil speech about not chasing after people that dont want him. is something he's applying to eddie. and maybe he's with taylor bc he likes her and bc eddie is with ana and he's not gonna go where he's not wanted. and maybe eddie telling him that buck is essentially his next of fucking kin can start to sow some seeds. maybe in the best version of s5 we get eddie being overtly jealous and having to come to terms with that. which leads to the eddie/ana breakup that has to be coming. and maybe buck doesn't start to let himself think about the possibility until eddie's 1) "over shannon" and 2) single.
these two are the only ones who havent had large, sweeping romances in the same way that the rest of the team has. bobby has athena. maddie has chim. hen already had karen, but they had shit they had to work thru together. buck and eddie havent. instead they already had other relationships that have since ended bc they weren't right for each other. i refuse to believe that they give them a love interest that's so hot and cold (taylor and buck) and one that could be easily replaced with a sexy lamp (ana and eddie).
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lemotmo · 3 years
Chapters: 12/15 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Characters: Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan “Buck” Buckley, Bobby Nash, Athena Grant, Henrietta “Hen” Wilson, Howie “Chimney” Han, Karen Wilson, Maddie Buckley, Albert Han, Ramon Diaz
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Star Trek Fusion, Firefam in Space, main pairing: Eddie/Buck, minor Athena Grant/Bobby Nash, minor Henrietta ‘Hen’ Wilson/Karen Wilson, minor Maddie Buckley/Howie 'Chimney’ Han, slow burn
Series: Part 1 of Firefam in Space - AU
“Please, can you tell us— where’s Eddie?”
Isabel studied Buck’s face for a moment. He seemed almost afraid to hear the answer to his own question. It crossed her mind that this man must care a great deal about Eddie. He had that desperate look to him that she had seen many times before staring back in the mirror, after one of her loved ones had been -once again- in danger. In fact, she had seen it only this morning as she couldn’t stop worrying over her grandson’s fate.
AKA the one where Buck will stop at nothing to save his boys, but will he make it in time to save them both?
Knowledge of Star Trek is not necessary to read, understand and enjoy this story. To anyone who might want to skip this fic in fear that they won’t be able to follow the story-line. Do not worry, Star Trek characters will not appear in this fic. The ST-universe is only the backdrop for the 9-1-1 characters to play in. So go ahead, give it a try if you want. :)
The prologue is written in a story-telling style. The rest of the chapters are all written in third person POV.
This is a WIP, but the entire story-line is mapped out and will be written over the next couple of weeks/months. I try to update regularly (about every 3 to 4 weeks or a little more), unless real life steps in an decides to interfere with my schedule. Don’t be afraid to dive in. This fic will be finished. :)
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tarlosbuddie · 4 years
4K words, Angst, Hurt, gunshot wounds
Summary: Buck and Eddie have been dating for a year when Buck suggests they record videos for each other in case one of them dies.
“It’s weird Buck.” Eddie says. He turned his back on him and started doing the dishes. He put a lot of energy to his tasks, he was either trying his best to clean up a dirty plate, or he was mad about when Buck had just suggested. 
Of course, Buck knew him enough to know it was the latter. 
“It’s not weird, Eddie." Buck answered. He took a couple steps toward his boyfriend, keeping his tone calm because he could feel Eddie was upset. "Our job is dangerous and we both know we can die. We’ve just updated our will because we know the risk. I just want to make sure that if anything happens to me, you will have something better than a piece of paper saying that you can have my jeep and the few dollars I have at the bank.” 
“Yeah. But a video? I don’t know. I just don’t want to think about losing you.”
“I don’t want to think about that either. But I just made one for Maddie, Chim and my niece and one for Christopher. If anything happens to me, I just want you to have something to remember me by.”
Eddie stopped cleaning and practically threw the sponge on the kitchen counter. He let his head down and sighed. He hated to think about losing Buck.
"You almost drowned last year." Buck added. He didn't want to talk about that ever again and saying those words hurted him as much as it hurted Eddie. "I remember every single minute of that day Eddie."
“It’s the day you told me you loved me," Eddie said. He will always remember lying in this ambulance, shaking from the cold and the adrenaline leaving his body, his best friend by his side. Buck was so quiet, so scared, and the words barely left his mouth, but he said them. He told Eddie he loved him on the ride to the hospital. The two of them had stayed silent all the rest of the way, stunned about the unplanned confession. 
“It’s the day I almost lost you, Eddie." Buck remembered. "You went under and I thought you died. I thought I would lose you before I had a chance to tell you how I feel. I never want to relive something like that, but if something happens to one of us, I don't want to leave anything unsaid."
Eddie turned to face Buck. He wasn't the only one having a hard time with this conversation, Buck looked like he was about to cry. Eddie erased the distance between them and put his hands on Buck's cheeks. 
"Please" the blond begged.
"Okay," Eddie agreed, he placed a tender kiss on his boyfriend's lips. "I'll do it. I'll make a video. But only because you're not allowed to die before I do."
(only) three weeks after that day. 
The station was really quiet when Bobby entered the loft. They were halfway through a 24-hours shift. Hen and Chimney had turned the TV on but none of them were paying much attention to what’s playing. They were too exhausted to speak, but they were there for each other, even without saying a word. He finally understood the energy that it takes to be a parent, so he enjoyed the quiet moments as much as she did. She had offered to take his baby girl for a night, but he was already over protective of her. Every time her best friend’s phone buzzed, Hen knew he received a picture of his daughter. Karen and Maddie were having a playdate with their daughters. They hoped that both Nia and Joy would be as tired as their parents when they go home from their shift.
Buck and Eddie were catching some well-deserved rest in the bunker. They were officially together for almost a year, and Bobby was okay with it. He was not always happy about having a relationship in his house, but they both proved to him that they made an amazing team, they have always been. He trusted them to be professional and if Buck needed Eddie to be his pillow during their nap so he could be well rested on their call, it was none of Bobby’s business. The bed was way too small for two firefighters, but Buck had his head and most of his upper body on top of Eddie’s chest, enjoying his boyfriend's hands in his hair. Eddie was too nervous to fall asleep, but Buck was so relaxed he was drowsing. He could fall asleep anywhere as long as Eddie was by his sides.
The alarm rang and everyone was on their feet in a matter of seconds. Adrenaline replacing the exhaustion. They hopped in the truck and drove toward where the dispatcher operator was leading them. Buck vaguely recognized Josh’s voice through Bobby’s radio. He loved his sister, but it was always easier for him to focus on the job with another dispatcher. He remembered how terrified she was when he called her the day of the tsunami and he never wants to cause his sister such a scare again. The fire was in a huge warehouse, so it would probably take time to put it out, but dispatch said it was abandoned, which would make it easier to put it out when without having to worry about any civilian getting hurt. Josh stayed on the line to relay the information he had on the building. Bobby divided his teams in two, telling them to be on alert for possible victims, just in case the place was not as empty as they were told. 
Eddie and Buck were the last to enter the building. They checked the east corner. Something seemed a little off about this place, but they are too focused on the fire to know what. The smoke was quite thick and they could barely see each other through it.
One of the rooms was locked and they needed to force it open to put the fire out. 
“Bobby, I think we’ve located the source of the fire, but the door is locked.” Eddie called over his radio.
“Do you need help?” 
“Buck’s on it.” Eddie replied, leaving the decision to send more men to his captain. “But whatever is behind this door it’s burning quickly, cap.” 
“Copy that. I’m sending help your way”. 
Buck got the door open and they both entered, trying to control the fire the best they could. Every box in the room was burning and it was hard to know where to start. But they quickly jumped into action. The men Bobby had sent have arrived and they all worked on controlling the fire. The fire was loud and they could barely hear each other. Eddie had his back turned on Buck for a second. He heard a small sound through the loud noise of all the boxes burning. The sound of metal pieces hitting the wall. He looked around, noticing shells flying over his head. The building was not abandoned, it was a warehouse full of ammunition. 
When Eddie understood where they were it was too late. Buck was no longer behind him; he was lying on the floor, bleeding. Eddie’s whole world began to blur. 
The man he loved when on the ground and Eddie couldn’t see the fire anymore, all he could focus on was the face of his boyfriend, in pain. He kneeled by his side and opened his turnout coat, noticing at least 3 holes in the material of the jacket. One of them didn’t get to him, but the others ripped the coat and found their way through Buck’s flesh. The injured man looked confused. 
Everything happened too fast. The boxes he tried to put out were filled with bullets, and when the fire was hot enough for the powder ignite they flew off their shell cases  and Buck was shot. The fire was not out yet, but Eddie could feel the heat anymore. All he could see through the helmet was the panic inside Buck's eyes. It hurted so much to see those gorgeous blue eyes he loved so much filling up with tears. The other firefighters tried to talk to Eddie but he didn't hear them. His hands were both on Buck's stomach, trying to stop the bleeding. He didn't even register that the flames were gone, he only noticed Chim and Hen appearing on his side and taking over and applying pressure to Buck's wound. 
He didn't want to let go. He couldn't. He followed them in the ambulance, the feeling of déjà-vu was tearing him apart. He wiped a tear away from his boyfriend's cheek, but they kept falling. They were his. He didn't know when he started crying. And he couldn't stop. 
That was the worst case scenario Buck had planned for. This is why he recorded a video three weeks before.
“I hope you’re watching this and thinking ‘Wow, he looks so young’ because that would mean you’re watching this, decades from now. Meaning that you and I grew old together, had a full life together. I want nothing more than to see you become an old grumpy grandpa who tells our grandkids about the time you and I saved someone’s life.”
The doctors took Buck away and Eddie felt like they took his heart out of his chest. He watched them disappearing with the man he loved more than life itself. The doors closed and Eddie felt his legs giving up under him. His knees met the floor before he realized what was going on. Hen and Chim held him up and guided him toward the nearest chair. He stayed silent. He knew his friends were worried about him, he could see it on their face. But he couldn’t care about anything but Buck at this moment. If they had tried to talk about it, he would have blamed the exhaustion from their shift. Buck couldn’t die. He wasn’t allowed to die before him.
“I love you, Eddie Diaz. So much that a part of me wishes you’re watching this. Because if you are, it means that I’m the one who died, in two days or 40 years I don’t know, but it also means that I've never lost you. That no matter how long my life was, I spent all of it by your side.”
They waited so long to be together, too long, probably. Eddie refused to accept that he only had one year with the man he loved so much. They were supposed to have a lifetime together to make up for the lost time. He started wringing his hands, picking the skin where blood was starting to dry. He couldn’t look at anything else but his hands.
“You're not the man in my dreams Eddie, cause I could've never dreamed of finding one person that makes me so happy, I didn't think I deserved it. You proved me wrong. You turned my life into a dream I didn't dare to have.”
Eddie had plans for the three of them, so many plans. When Buck mentioned the video, Eddie hated the idea of thinking about their death. But if he was honest, it loved the idea of Buck making plans for their future. The video was proof that they were together until the very end. Buck had no doubt that they would; it was a “til death do us part” situation. So Eddie knew that day in the kitchen when he was kissing his boyfriend, that he wouldn’t be his boyfriend for much longer. Soon he would make him his husband. 
Eddie’s fingers circled his empty ring finger, the emptiness on his hand echoing with the void he was feeling inside his chest. That wasn’t how things were supposed to go. His brain was planning now for the worst scenarios. He was a field medic. He knew how bad Buck’s condition was. Every time he saw a doctor coming toward his direction, he imagined them telling him that he lost someone he loved, again. 
“You made a dad out of me, and I love our son so much. I love you two with all my heart and I loved every second I spent with you. You and Chris didn't just show me how to be a better man, you showed me how to live, to love.”
Hours went by without any news on Buck’s condition. Chimney and Hen had to go back to the station to finish their shift. Chimney couldn’t tell Maddie over the phone, especially when they had no news on Buck, nothing any of them could do to help him. He promised Eddie he would bring Maddie to the hospital as soon as he could, but he was pretty sure Eddie didn’t listen to anything he or Hen had said after the doctors took Buck away. Except for the tears he shed in the ambulance without even realising it, Eddie hadn’t cried. He stopped responding to them. They both worried about him, but had no choice but to leave him. 
“I don't know how I lived the first 26 years of my life without you in it. I only know that I would do everything all over again if this leads me back to you.”
Their shift was officially over now and Carla was probably waiting for them to go pick Christopher up. He thought about his son and the conversation he was not ready to have with him. 
Eddie replayed every moment of the fire in his mind, trying to understand how he could have missed it. He didn’t have Buck’s back. He might lose him because he didn’t protect him like he promised to. The images of Buck, bleeding, wouldn’t leave him. The pain, the terror, the agony. He dug his nails harder against his skin, trying to get rid of these images.
“No matter what will happen, I need you to remember you are not alone.”
Bobby was the first to arrive at the hospital at the end of the shift. Eddie was in the same chair he was when Chimney and Hen left. He hasn’t moved. Bobby knelt by his side, to force Eddie to look at him. The man was still covered in Buck’s blood. He must have touched his face to dry his tears, cause they were blood under his eyes and cheeks too.
“Eddie, why don’t we go clean yourself a little?” Bobby said in his most paternal tone.
“Buck needs me to have his back.” Eddie sounded confused, like he was on the field with him all over again. His voice was more broken than he wanted to show and Bobby looked at him with pity. So Eddie cleared his voice before saying in a more confident tone that would hopefully get Bobby’s out of his back; “I’m not leaving him.”
“You’re not leaving.” His captain reassured him, he took both Eddie’s hands in his. “We’re just getting you clean, okay?”
“You’re the strongest person I know. But don’t try to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Don’t try to be a tough guy. Don’t push people away.”
Bobby tried to help Eddie’s back on his feet to guide him to the bathroom, but Eddie removed his hands from Bobby’s grip. He followed his captain to the bathroom in silence. The vision in the mirror was horrible, yet Eddie couldn’t care less. The two of them didn’t exchange a word as they watched Buck’s blood disappearing down the sink. The absence of reaction from Eddie was worrying Bobby.
“That’s it.” He said. “You don’t want Buck to see you with all the blood when he’ll wake up.”
“The patronizing tone might work on Buck, but I’m not him, Bobby. And I know what his chances are. I know how to take care of myself, I don't need a babysitter.” Eddie snapped. Bobby tried not to be offended by his tone. He knew Eddie wasn’t angry at him. “He might not wake up and we both know that.”
“I’m sure he will, Eddie” Bobby said, he knew better than to promise him anything. Hen and Chimney told him how bad the situation was and he couldn’t promise things would be okay. “Have you called Carla?
Eddie shook his head. He dried his hands with the paper towels and threw them before leaving the bathroom.
“Do you want me to do it? To ask her to bring Christopher here?”
“What am I going to tell him?”
“Tell him the truth. Tell him that Buck is fighting. He’s strong, Eddie. If someone can survive this, it’s Buck.”
“I don’t know if I can tell him that we might lose Buck. He’s been through enough already.” 
“Christopher’s gonna need you to be strong for him. You think you can do that?”
Eddie nodded. He was already doing his best not to fall apart. But it took Bobby advice. They went back to the waiting room, Bobby called Carla to let her know what was going on.
“You’re allowed to feel whatever you want to feel. It’s okay to be angry, it’s okay to cry. I know you and Chris have each other, and I know you are gonna be okay eventually cause that boy is as strong as his dad. The idea of not being with you guys is hurting me in so many ways, but I just know deep in my bones that you two can do everything as long as you are together. Be there for each other, but don’t hide your pain. I know you always have a hard time letting your guard down, but if something happens to me, I don’t want you to bury your feelings Eddie.”
Twenty minutes after Bobby’s call, Carla arrived at the hospital with Christopher. He rushed toward his dad as soon as he entered the hospital, letting his crushes fall on the floor when he saw his dad. Eddie could bottle his emotion pretty well, he has done it after Shannon’s death, but he couldn’t fool Christopher. Seeing his son made it too real and he did his best not to fall apart.
“Are you okay dad? Carla said Buck was hurt and you look sad.” The boy asked.
Eddie looked up to Bobby and thought about his advice. His boss told him to be strong for his son.
“Show Christopher that he can be sad. He needs to know that boys can cry.”
“I am sad.” He admitted to his son only, he felt uncomfortable having to say these words in front of Bobby and Carla but there was no way he could hide his feelings from his son. He didn’t want to. Thanks to his therapy with Frank and some conversations with Buck he knew better than to force himself to be strong. “Very sad. You know how much I love Buck. I know you do too.” 
“Is he going to be okay?” 
“I hope so. I really do. But I can’t promise you something I don’t know.” Eddie confessed.
“Last week you told me Buck was going to be with us forever.” Christopher said. His little voice was shaking. He already knew what losing a parent felt like. 
“I asked you if you would want for me and Buck to be together forever.”
Bobby overheard the conversation, and understood what Eddie had asked his son. He took Carla’s arm and took a few steps back to leave the Diaz have their privacy.
“And I said yes, daddy.” The kid said with so much sadness that Eddie’s tears were flooding his face again. “You said that if Buck said yes too we’ll be a family forever. I don’t want Bucky to die please.”
“I don’t want that either, baby. But that’s not in our control.”
“I hope that by the time you’re watching this, he’s a grown man. Maybe he even has a son of his own. Can you imagine the two of us, in the hospital, holding our grandson for the first time? I know I can. When it comes to us, I can picture our future, so clearly.”
Chris came on Eddie’s lap and buried his face in his father’s arm. Eddie could feel his son crying against him. 
“You're the love of my life, Eddie. You're my favorite person, my future, my… everything.”
A nurse came toward them, Eddie braced himself for the conversation he was going to have.
“You’re Mr Buckley’s family?” he asked them. 
“We are.” Eddie answered standing up to meet the nurse, Christopher stayed by his side, grabbing his dad’s coat with all his strength.
“It was a tough surgery and Mr Buckley lost a lot of blood.”
“And if I died, know that I died the happiest man on earth cause I get to be loved by you.”
Eddie felt like he was gonna pass out, but the nurse gave him a reassuring smile.
“He’s going to be okay.” the nurse said.
“It was all worth it Eddie. You were worth it."
“He is?” Eddie needed to be sure.
“He is. Your dad is very strong, little man.” The nurse told Christopher. “He’s asleep, but we’ll move him in a room so you two can see him”.
“He’s alive.” Eddie repeated. “He’s alive”. He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in.
He’s alive, and Eddie didn’t have to listen to the video that day. He hoped he would have never to. Eddie would do anything in his power to never see the day where he’d sit in a room and listen to Buck’s last words. He wanted so many things for their family and he swore to himself that he would stop wasting their precious time.
Christopher stopped crying, but seeing Buck on a hospital bed still, made his heart clenched in his chest. Eddie wanted him to go home with Carla but he refused to go anywhere until his Buck was awake. He really was his fathers’ son. Eddie laid his son on the couch against the wall. He tucked his son with the covers the nurse brought them and kissed his son, telling him that he would wake him up when Buck would be awake. He sat in the chair near the bed and took Buck’s hand in his.
A few hours went by until the anesthesia wore off. Eddie could feel Buck’s fingers slowly moving against his hand. He used his other hand and brushed a strand of hair from Buck’s face.
“That’s it, baby. Come back to us.”
When he opened his eyes, Eddie could see they were still glassy and full of pain. He hated to see Buck that way. 
"I'm not dead...” Buck started to cheer Eddie up a little. “...yet." he added to lighten the mood.
Eddie shook his head. He was too emotionally drained to laugh and he knew that if he had any tears left he would be crying again. Buck squeezed his hand, reminding him that he was still here.
“Someone told me I wasn’t allowed to die.” 
“Never” Eddie said. He placed a kiss on Buck’s forehead. He could see that Buck was struggling to stay awake, so he didn’t wake Christopher up. Buck would be okay, and they would have all the time in the world to be together.
"You saved me.” Buck said before closing his eyes. 
"I didn't.” Eddie replied. He was sure Buck had fallen asleep already. So he sat back in his chair, never letting go of Buck’s hand.
"You and Chris did.” Buck whispered. “You gave me a reason to fight.”
"I love you so much." he said to an already asleep Buck. That's exactly what he told him one year before. Except that he was the one lying in a hospital bed last time and Buck was the one holding his hand. But one year ago, Eddie confessed his feeling back to Buck and they have been happy ever since. Because through the best or the worst, they were together. 
Yeah, one day he would make him his husband, Eddie swore to himself. But for now they just fall back to sleep, knowing they would have a future together.
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heeeeeyyyy!! how are you doing? 911 anon here I just wanted to tell you that I've just finished season 3 and now I'm broken. I need more I mean... I was used to watching 10 episodes a day and being kept company by those characters and now I feel sad...
ok, so final conclusions now that I have watched the whole thing. first off, I think hen is one of the greatest characters that I've seen in a show. a poc lesbian woman with a wife and kids, kicking ass, saving lives and being so incredibly smart and kind and a good friend while also making mistakes which gives her the human element but also being kicked a few times by life and still winning in the end is the most wholesome thing that I've seen in a while by show.
second I wanna talk about chimney. I knew I'd like his character but I never assumed that I'd like SO MUCH! after seeing his background story I had another level of respect for this man and I'm so glad and happy that he found someone who appreciates the real him. all of it. which brings me to Maddie. I mean.... come on!!! a bad ass woman who finally got her freedom and saves lives but still cracks and cries and cares about all the people she's helped! and she finally finds the man who can give her what her ex husband has taken away from her. safety! chimney and Maddie are the couple I will be rooting for the most in season 4 just sayin'...
having said THAT I don't want to forget the no 1 power couple of the show which is obviously Athena and Bobby. both with their own struggles and still keeping it together (at least most of the times). I can't express how happy I was when Athena and Bobby became a thing and Bobby had a second shot in a family! also, Athena a beautiful, strong woman who never gives up... ugh... that's WHAT I'M HERE FOR!!!
and finally I need to address the elephant in the room. Buck and Eddie which were the reason (because of your posts) who got me intrested in this show. Buck in season 1 was not a very likeable? for me. before Abby he was just portrayed as a young, impulsive guy that used sex to fill an emotional void should I dare say? and after Abby although he seemed legit about this relationship it just... wasn't working. I mean don't get me wrong, I liked Abby but their dynamic with Buck was just... not it. neither of them were in a stage in their life to be in a relationship and they just couldn't help each other. it wasn't their age difference but their lives were in a very different place. they were both trying to figure themselves out. so I think it was for the best they were not together anymore. now, I know that buck 2.0 was supposedly with Abby and after Abby but I think the real buck 2.0 was when Eddie came into the scene. Eddie is a very likeable character. he saves lives, he's a single father with a kid that he has to look after... his whole appearance screams 'NICE' and I know he's done some wrong choices but I think in his case the good outdoes the bad. and this is why I love buck's and Eddie's dynamic in this show! Buck's relationship with Christopher is just adorable and ever since the tsunami episode.. ugh... I mean Buck was in such a distress! the tsunami episode is so hard to watch tbh. buck was in PAIN! and I think it's pointless to just pinpoint every single moment buck was like a second father to Chris. it would take a whole another essay. anyway, in conclusion, yes, I'm rooting for something between them, but because of what this show has given us between buck and Eddie I still wouldn't be mad if they just leave it as best friends.
as far as the other characters are concerned, I think Josh has a special place in my heart as well and I was so sad for what had happened to him. Christopher I've talked about what a lovely, happy kid he is! he's adorable. Michael is also a great character and I was relieved in the last episode that he's getting better!
to conclude, this show was one of the greatest I've seen lately and thank you so much for introducing me to it and also for being there enduring my rambles through the whole thing while I was watching it.
ps. I apologize for this humongous message but I told you to be prepared lol I had a lot to say
pss. I'm ready to be emerged into the fiction hole to swallow me whole! so if you have any recommendations I'M IN!!
sincerely your 911 anon
oh boy oh boy this is a long message lmao.
1. YES hen is one of the best characters and her and karen are PERFECT and i love that they worked through their issues together and i really hope hen has some good storylines in s4!!
2. chim and maddie make me so happy you have no idea they’re such strong characters individually and then together they’re so soft and lovely and i just want them to have so much happiness UGH SO MUCH HAPPINESS
3. YES BATHENA POWER COUPLE!! i honestly don’t think i’d like bobby as much if him and athena weren’t a couple i love seeing their interactions and the entire grant-nash family are just !! however athena i adore on any and every level she is my wife a goddess i worship her
4. i sort of agree with your opinion of buck, whilst i did like him in season 1 (after the first episode at least) i agree that he definitely developed more as a character in the second season without abby. and yeah, their relationship wasn’t great and i wish more had been made of the fact that it wasn’t great. eddie is *deep breath* the loml he’s a DAD he’s HOT he’s GOOD AT HIS JOB he’s FUNNY he’s COMPLICATED he’s GROWN fuck i love him and i love christopher and yeah, whatever happens between them relationship wise I’d be happy bc they are a really good portrayal of a healthy male friendship which media needs more of!! however bro some of those moments hhhh they need to be EXPLAINED!! what is the explanation!!
5. the minor characters yes every single one of them is so strong and every single one i wish we could see more of! luckily it looks like may grant will be more of a regular next season bc she works in dispatch it seems, and albert also seems to be in more so !! here’s hoping!
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collxpsedhexrt · 4 years
Matchup tingsss 🥺👉👈
just a warning i type this in a shit post format bc im too scared to talk about myself in a grammatically correct manner because i hate myself
huge note: my type is BIG w big ol shoulders and big and tall and did i mention big so yeah cuddles ok thanks bye i also updated a photo of me- bc i suck at describing my appearance
ok so anyways lets a gO
NOTE: i dont label my sexuality sorry idc who to swing for ion like swinging i like hugging thanks ok bye also im EXTREMELY mentally and emotionally unstable haha ok thanx 🥺😳💅
I am 163cm and 190lb (I am also very peculiar about knowing my exact measurements, height, and weight all the time?? Confusion???)
I am one pasty ass bitch despite being (excuse the lele pons moment) LaTiNa👁👄👁,,, I have very long warm black hair that is either wavy or borderline kinky curls no in between,,,, I have amber eyes and have FrEcKlEs everywhere but not like super intense,,, i could probably put a photo (and i will at the end-) bc idk how to describe my ugly ass morbidly obese bleached walrus headass face tbh??
Not to be an annoying basic bitch but i supposedly have an hourglass figure but im more plump so ig i have a more motherly appearance- idk tbh my body dysmorphia says i look like patrick star on my 600lb life so lets get poggers in the chat, tea?? tea sis?? who’d knock me tf up im ugly doe ahaha 👁👄👁
hngh i never stop apologizing- even if u knock me down multiple times ill keep going back to you and forgiving you, and thats on daddy issues
im an empath and like a lot of spiritual stuff like tarot and stuff,,, wont get too into it bc im inexperienced
also bc i like gaming i can be “one of the bros” and tbh i LOVE being a semi-stereotypical jock-like gamer boy like “oHH YEASAH *crushes soda can on my head* GAMING TIME BOOOYYYYSSS” and i kinda forget im a girl sometimes bc i (gross warning) can like,,, burp wit da bois 😳👉👈,,,,
I am an INFJ-T (the T means im a shitshow!) and ion wanna get too much into my uh,,, issues w/ eating,,,, but basically lets say it causes a lot of dizziness on my end but like im still obese so its ok lol
also im like,,,,, the runt of the group like literally nobody likes me (at least thats what i tell myself aHEM-)
and also i have eXTREEEEEEEME trust issues like holy fuck nobody can catch a break
Oh shit wait i should say idk what i am in terms of sexuality literally nothing fits me ahaha but i am an afab female lady girl as far as i know bc im not currently in a safe place to explore these things, Jimbo!
also im so sorry for being messy im spacing things out so it can be an organized mess im so so sorry i love you anf thank you for taking your time to read this i love you and appreciate you!!
I am a libra sun, and a pisces moon and rising so that means im a crybaby bitch but to the third power (^3)
oh shit yeah im also a hufflepuff
basically i like to make everyone laugh and im not good with serious shit but when it comes down to it sometimes i can take on a maternal role when comforting friends but u will never get me to admit it..... wait-
ART ART AND MORE ART OH MY GOD FUCK OH GOD OH FUCK SO MUCH ART- im specifically into the character design and i actually plan on going into game development in coolegg
i havent sang seriously in like,,,, years tho bc my choir teacher kicked me out the choir bc my brother was having a life saving surgery the day of a performance anD I NEVER FORGOT IT KAREN. meaning ion let shit go like that bc im an insecure and emotionally broken biTCH
ok i love games- from little big planet, outlast 1/2, detroit become human, beyond two souls, TO OVERWATCH YES I LOVE YOU OVERWATCH, and aminal crossigng uwu
ok so anyways i mean yeah uh,,, i also like writing poetry sometimes and writing but im like yuri (ddlc) and cant help but be borderline pretentious with using over complicated words despite my shit grammar here lol
but yeah
i also live on a farm and i love taking care of my chickens duckies turkies andn pheasants mvmvmbm,,,, i lvoe themn,,,,fhfjdjd,,, OMG I USED TO HAVE GOATS AND GUINEA HENS BUT FUCKINGNG CORONA VIRUS MADE IT HARD TO CARE FOR THEM SO WE HAD TO SELL THEM AND HMMMMMMM ANGERY
but on another note i hav doggies and uwu!!! they v cute best dogeis ever 100/10 recommend these dogies,,,,
꧁𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜꧂
im a hermit and quarantine is just fun to me
I have a high pitched voice so my friends deemed me the god of anime voice thank u
But honestly i find my voice creepy, it’s as if my voice is ghostly and haunting. That’s in real life, but say we called on discord.... I’m loud and obnoxious but i always make people laugh, only when im on a call like that does my personality change so much.
im an amazing host tbh,,, “Hey- I have tea, coffee, coffee with foam, water, milk, juice, soda, and i could make you some food!” “Do you want some popcorn? Are you sure? Do you need a blanket? Would you like for me to turn on the humidifier?” I WILL SPOIL PPL ROTTEN WITH LOVE AFFECTION FOOD AND DRINKS GALORE
“hhnngh,,, maybe if im good enough of a host it will fill the void,,,”
oh also i have a weird accent bc im puerto rican
my love language is physical touch mainly but i can channel it through making food n stuffs uwu
I rarely if ever fall in love. but when i do, i crash hard. I become putty in the person’s hands, willing to take (metaphorical) beating after beating and insults and cruelty just for their love to be reciprocated. I become totally helpless and obsessive, memorizing their schedule and things they like. Treasuring every memory of when we can be physically close to one another, platonically or not... I become my “best self” and my performance rate drastically increases, but my mental state drastically decreases. I become horribly depressed and anxious, always making meticulously calculated movements and always showing that im willing to support them with everything.
I particularly have a thing for tall guys with big shoulders.
god i just- idk i have mixed feelings abt amberlynn reid bc obviously shes super hurt n stuff but shes done so much crap i just HNNGNHH,,,, ANGERY,,, but i show support sometimes but i aint ever giving her my money by subscribing
I also like (cue the angry mob) fnaf-
homestuck and harry potter r also LIFE
i dont like when ppl are egotistical unless theyre charming,,,, bc if theyre charming i 100% feed their ego.
i HATE when people do self destructive things (IM A FUCKING HYPOCRITE) like “NO- nO dont fRICKIN do that- BAD. here, let me make you some food...”
anyways heres that promised picture if this ugly mug
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troybarnesbucky · 4 years
I woke up and decided to analyze each 9-1-1 pairing with regards to timing and also buddie
I just woke up and all im gonna say right now is this: this is long-winded but basically it takes a look at all the relationships on 9-1-1 and compare the timing and level of intimacy to that of buck and eddie’s relationship. 
at the end of season 1 of 911 I remember watching and realizing they were gonna push the whole bobby and athena relationship, and I was surprised, because I didnt think there was any preamble or much hinting to it. but I guess it made sense to me - they were both single, both in the same social circle, they got along. sure, made sense. and then season 2 comes along and they’re smack dab in the middle of their relationship and we have zero time to adjust to it as an audience, but once again, we quickly did (mind you, I did not watch it live as intently as a fan would, but I do recall a lot of episodes because my mom watches the show and I remembered a lot when I was catching up myself). at this point bobby and athena are happily married and I really do love them together, genuinely.
then, maddie comes along and there’s a bit more to the story. she has a lot going on, a lot she’s been through and we spend much of her first season getting to know her and watching her confront her past and create her own present. chimney had a bit of a rough start with relationships (.... tatiana, sorry love, but you could’ve had it all sis). her and chimney start out as friends but it’s very clear from their blossoming friendship that the writers intend for us to want a relationship for them, and we DO. because theyre adorable together and genuinely have so much chemistry and they’re good for one another. it’s a bit of a slowburn but we get there eventually, so much so that in the season 3 finale, we find out maddie is pregnant! which yes, did make me cry shut up. 
hen and karen had a rough start. even if they did look happy, they went through a ton of shit in the first and second season, especially the first season. which is fair; hen cheated on karen, and a large part of her storyline revolved around her ex and having to fight for denny. but there’s so much love between them, and a heavy history that is palpable through the screen. by the time season 2 comes around, they are a bit more grounded, and more so by the time season 3, too. it was interesting to think about their relationship is comparison to the others, which we watched blossom in real time. especially in season 3, because we see their love and support of one another during their attempt to have another child, and yes I also did cry when they met nia for the first time and no I will not elaborate. hen also went through a lot of shit this season; karen, despite what she went through, was and continues to be super wonderful and supportive, if a bit wary (but its okay because drunk karen and chim was a gift and we were well fed) for a second. their relationship is everything and also karen carries the whole show’s sense of humor on her back, I said what I said. 
then we have three more main relationships: michael and athena’s, which is over in episode 1; buck and abby (im not counting ali because genuinely she was in three episodes, im only looking at the main relationships for each character), which starts and ends in season 1; and eddie and shannon, which technically starts before season 1 and kinda ends in season 2 but then she dies. 
personally I dont think there’s much to add about michael and athena’s relationship. firstly, michael is a doll and if they hurt him in season 4 I will riot. but more so, the show gave us a LOT to work with in terms of their past relationship. also, it was interesting as a viewer, to learn about them from the bottom up. we see the tail-end of their romantic relationship and watch it get replaced with a genuine love and care for each other and their family. it’s a stark contrast to what a lot of shows on television would go for; it has a bit of rough, bumpy start, but by midway through season 2, they’re both on steady ground in terms of personal family life, and it’s actually a breath of fresh air. their dynamic is heavily surrounded by love for family, and we love love love that. 
I think with abby and buck we all liked it a little, at the start. buck was sweet to her and we see a change in attitude and an effort from buck that is clear to have never been made before. abby is also a pretty admirable character; she takes care of her mother, is incredible at her job as a dispatcher, and she struggles with maintaining personal relationships but still gives it a go with buck. and buck, from the start to end of the season, grows a lot, both independently from and surrounding their relationship. as a viewer I watched the show way later on, so I knew abby was leaving and honestly, I really did like her and their chemistry. as we go into season 2, we have buck, who is still living in abby’s place, and then the introduction of eddie.
so here’s the thing; this is where I was trying to get to. the show (the writers) made and continue to make interesting character and relationship choices. with eddie and shannon, there is a very clear closeness and chemistry between them that yes, does get revamped for a little. there is also history, which is very important and can’t be disregarded. but more than anything, we are looking at timing in this meta. eddie comes along in season 2 and there are a lot of things happening: hen and karen are getting back to normal, athena and bobby are suddenly dating, buck and abby are - despite what buck thinks - very over, and chim is single and ready to pringle, plus maddie is new and freshly separated from d*ug. as we go through season 2, we see development with athena and bobby, very clearly on their way to a stable relationship and marriage. hen and karen are working through things, we don't really doubt their relationship either. both maddie and chimney are single, and they become friends, and we very quickly, as viewers, realize where the writers are taking us and what they want us to think. 
so now im gonna get on my clown shit when I talk about buck and eddie. specifically, regarding the writers and their timing and why I think they’re either really stupid or actually very smart.
listen, everyone loves slowburn. hell, I'm writing a buddie au that will probably end up being like, upwards of 80k words and it’s gonna be a slowburn. buck, at the beginning of season 2, is in denial. im not gonna go through details but I will say that like..... okay, he’s heartbroken and thats fair. eddie, through means of “what a man,” is introduced and within one fell swoop, buck is immediately jealous and then like, twenty four hours later, they’re besties. tea. totally fair. in terms of timing, especially regarding relationships, there really aren’t many things to note: buck goes through that weird thing with taylor kelly, eddie goes through his drama with shannon, and when shannon wants a divorce, it kinda all goes to shit. by the end of season 2, we have buck trying to move on (and also nearly dying by means of a firetruck but thats not my point but also writers wtf) and dating ali (guys how do you spell her name lol) while eddie deals with the aftermath of his (ex, technically but I don't know if its mean to say that) wife. there are more than a few moments between buck and eddie that hint to a potential romance and feelings, like the santa scene and multiple others. then, season 3 is very very interesting. 
buck and ally(? seriously I don't know) are broken up, eddie is focused on christopher and actually, also buck, and then the tsunami happens. there is also not much going on in terms of other relationships on the show; maddie and chim get their shit together while also having a crazy season starting and ending with talking about having kids with a brief intermission of “I cant say I love you” and nearly dying on both parts and albert appears lol (and then disappears, too?? wtf). athena and bobby are pretty cool, hen and karen are trying for kids and hen wants to be a doctor. we have some others, like josh, who go through too much shit for my liking and deserve better, and michael, who...... deserves the world. 
okay. cleared that up. but timing-wise, if we look at the writers and their regard for timing, then we see this: any time two characters are single and there’s an ounce of friendship even hinted, they end up together. fine, that’s fair to say because we’ve seen it, right? after the tsunami, which is a WHOLE OTHER thing im not getting into, we have the lawsuit, eddie fighting, lena bosko (yall can be mad but she was hella cool), hen killing that cello (I think) player, michael getting sick, wow this season was fucking insane holy shit.
but in terms of character relationships and timing, a lot goes on with buck and eddie. in this one season alone, we go from eddie being the first one to hug buck at his surprise party and christopher giving buck a card with “bff” on it, then buck almost dies (again) and eddie is, quite frankly, the only one who takes no crap from him after he quits and then the tsunami and buck literally tearing himself apart to find his best friend’s son and collapsing at the sight of them reunited and then “there’s no one I trust more with my son than you” (is that the quote, I don't know it by heart) and THEN heart eyes, and then the lawsuit and supermarket and “you’re exhausting” and “christopher misses you” and “I couldn't even call you to bail me outta jail” and then the “I’m hearing a lotta ‘I’s, buck” and “I forgive you” and then the Infamous Kitchen Scene and me endlessly screaming WHY WAS BUCK’S HAND ON HIS BELT LIKE THAT? but also very pointedly I will say eddie fighting specifically when he can’t talk to buck and then it stops around the time he can hmmmmm. and also “this is eddie’s house im not really a guest here” then the fuckaifajfgkjfglgakjdgag tunnel collapsing and buck literally, once again tearing himself and everything apart for a diaz, digging with his bare hands and the defeated look on his face and refusing to think about eddie dying and eddie very nearly dying but then recalling christopher, his family, buck, then christopher and buck, then christopher and buck again, then a rare shannon appears, and then it’s just-
okay. OKay. O K AY. ok. here’s what I think. either the writers are incredibly smart or just viciously stupid, or the third, lesser liked option, they know what they’re doing and don’t give two shits. they are sitting on, and quite frankly they have created, a fucking goldmine. but in terms of timing, and relationship choices, we have eddie and anna(?) as a brief thing that will either reappear in season 4 or never be touched again, then abby’s lame-ass apology that was just her attempting to justify her actions by claiming she simply just should’ve told buck sooner. but a lot of this season explores buck’s loneliness, and in a way, too, eddie’s. 
yes, eddie has christopher, and the others? they have families and significant others. buck has no one (except maddie but you get my point) to go home to. I think, in terms of timing and thematic elements, this season took the time to explore the loneliness of two men, but also by doing so, only high-lighted their need for one another, their love for one another. in the past, that has lead to two couples getting together: athena and bobby, and chimney and maddie. 
so, my point is, season 4 is the make it or break it point. we got (weak-ass) closure with abby, eddie’s anger and regret with shannon (and yes, christopher), an exploration of both of their loneliness, and a very, very clear rocket launch of their closeness and dependence on one another, in season 3. it started with a lot and ended with closure on all extraneous factors that could have possibly deterred the two of them from a potential relationship. more so, abby is getting married and buck has no choice but to move on; he may not have loved her anymore but he needed the closure (and no I do not think it was good enough and I think buck deserved more but that’s not my point).
this can’t be read that much into. it’s not subtle, it’s not subtext. it’s very clearly there on our screens, with every small or big line. they mean a lot to each other. anyone with eyes can say that, has to say that. the problem is, what’s the intention? like, are the writers actually doing what I've just said, setting up for a slowburn, taking it season by season. you can look at it that way, and it actually doesnt take a lot to get to that point of a thought process. there is a HUGE, fundamental shift in buck and eddie’s relationship in season 3. there is a perceived difference in their friendship versus both their relationship with others and the friendship between others. denny doesn’t call chimney his best friend, “his chimney.” athena has never once told hen she trusts her children with her more than anyone in the world. 
there are a lot of interesting choices that have been made over the course of three season, particularly this past season. there are also a lot of possibilities for the upcoming season. we may see a return of that teacher, we might see buck fall into other women, we may see eddie not fully over shannon, or (hopefully not) an abby return. it’s just a matter of waiting, but there’s no denying the way things were left off; buck and eddie were both single throughout the entirety of season 3, considerably closer and not guests at each other’s place, both very lonely in spite of the people around them, closer to each other than the rest of the 118, both have a family member (or more than one for eddie) to keep them anchored. buck is, yes, more lonely, but they are both left off in the same place. my question, more than anything, is whether it’s intentional after all that’s said and done. and if it’s not, then why, pray tell, are the writers following their OWN very clear and self-fulfilled pattern of timing and relationships to an even stronger extent than they ever have? 
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