#heng needs to be the bad guy but also the best guy
the-wayside · 4 months
I'll be honest with you The Sign isn't even over yet and I'm like where is my next BillyBabe series?
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milkloafy · 17 days
wait..... this is hella cute!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 if ur free to do reqs could you do hsr boys summer headcanons? im not sure if theyre open so it's fine if u dont thx!!! 🩷🩷
⋆。˚ ❀ a/n: ty anon for the request!! :> yes they are open so request awayyy ! i love summer sm best season fr so this was such a fun vibe to write :3 i hope u enjoy! i wasn’t sure which hsr guys u wanted so i just picked my current favs AHDKSLDK 
aventurine would love going to the beach with you 
building sand castles, picking seashells, jumping over the shallow waves along the shore
it all feels fun and refreshing to him. something he did not have the luxury to feel when he was younger
at your encouragement, he signs the two of you up for surf lessons one day
aventurine is…not a natural 
you’re both falling off the boards and needing the instructor to come and fish you out of the waves
after a few too many close calls, aventurine decides he never wants to go surfing again 
when the sun sets and golden hour hits, you take one million photos of aventurine, at minimum 
he models and poses for you, enjoying your excitement whenever you get a good shot 
once you’d had your fill, aventurine sneaks a few photos of you as well
he shows you his favorite beach pic of you with a smile
“you’re prettier than the sunset” 
aventurine ends the day off by buying ice cream for the two of you as you head home <3 
while dan heng likes the warmth, he is not a fan of the summer heat
he prefers staying indoors during the summer, at the library or in museum with minimal walking around outside during the day
however, he does like sitting underneath the shade of a tree and reading a book 
some days, he’ll set up a hammock between two trees and ask you to join him 
when the heat cools down and the darkness graces the earth, dan heng likes to walk around and go stargazing 
the temperature is perfect at night—not too hot but also not cold enough to need anything other than a long sleeve shirt or a light jacket
dan heng has read about all the constellations you can see in the summer 
he’s disappointed there’s too much light pollution in most places, but for the stars he can see, he points it out to you and explains the story behind it
what constellation it’s part of, what planet is next to it, is that a space vehicle or a cosmo? 
he would definitely go on one of those websites that sell you a star lmao and “buy” one for you
even though he’s aware it’s a scam, he know you’d find it cute. dan heng shows you the certificate of your new star ownership and the two of you look for the coordinates in the night sky together <3
“you deserve the universe, but for now i got you a star”
jing yuan thinks going to an amusement park is the peak summertime activity 
doesn’t matter if you are sweating buckets waiting in the long lines surround by body heat. jing yuan comes prepared. he has a hat, a battery-powered fan with a built-in mist spray, and water bottles with ice 
of course, he shares all that with you once you get tired of using your foldable fan
jing yuan is an amusement park snack afficionado. a salty pretzel? yes. a sweet treat? yes. a whole ass turkey leg? also yes. 
you are never hungry during your outing since jing yuan has you covered 
when you want photos taken of you, you show jing yuan exactly how you want it—angle and zoom and everything
yet when he takes the photo, it comes out off
crooked. blurry. you’re half cut off…
the only good photo he took of you is one where you weren’t prepared and have a horrendously silly look on your face 
“jing yuan… delete that right now.” 
“why? i believe it is called a ‘candid’ by the young folks. very popular.” 
you may not have come out with good photos of yourself, but at least you and jing yuan had fun and will treasure these memories forever. no matter how bad the photo to capture it is. 
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year
You Get Injured! | Honkai Star Rail
I finally finished! AND! I added Caelus! Kinda forgot he existed for a second lmao. I personally think the delivery for this took way too long but it's ok now! ^w^ I hope you like it! ✧ Includes: Caelus, Dan Heng, Welt, Sampo, Blade ✧ Extra: Angst ahead! The consistency is weird here cuz my writing always gets longer as I write. Meaning the first one I start with is short and the last one is ridiculously long. I did try to even it out a little, though. Also I was supposed to have banners for this but... I completely forgot about them
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➺ Caelus
Caelus had told you to wait before going anywhere dangerous because he wanted to join you. You two could protect one another. But you didn’t listen because he took slightly too long. Not that you were that impatient but you just wanted to get your task done, yanno? Caelus was also a super busy guy and the last thing you wanted was to give him more work. Your plan was to go in, do what you needed, and be done by the time he got here. Simple, right?
You were too far. Too far. Caelus’ heart was pounding out of his chest as his legs moved as fast as they could to get to you. He’d just heard what happened- you’d gotten attacked by some fragmentum monsters. All he knew was you were hurt badly. His mind was a mess with all sorts of awful scenarios. The worst one was seeing you dead. He could literally imagine your headstone and he hated it. Every second of it.
The second he saw you, he engulfed you in the tightest of hugs almost forgetting you were injured. You groaned which made him realize he was too rough. He apologized and was quick to get you medical help. There was so much blood- like everywhere. It was leaving a trail as he got you to the medics. It was horrifying and he’d never felt so scared before in his life.
He was next to you the entire time. Like day in, day out, he was beside you helping you heal. Your injuries were so bad, you were unable to do anything for the first two weeks. Caelus helped you with everything. You kept apologizing, but he wouldn’t have any of it. He just insisted that you need to focus on getting better and he was right here beside you, where he belonged.
Honestly, after the whole thing, Caelus was a lot more aware and attentive. Not that he wasn’t before, but now he was super careful. That day was one of the hardest and seeing you like that? That was a day he never forgot and never wanted to re-encounter. So, whenever you wanna go somewhere, he always wants to join (especially if it’s dangerous).
➺ Dan Heng
Dan Heng has never, ever doubted you or your abilities to fight. Anywhere you’d go, he’d simply join out of the intent to be good company. He would miss you. But he never doubted you… and he never thought you could get hurt out there. You were always so strong and unbeatable.
When he heard the news, he felt his heart drop. His entire body froze and he didn’t exactly understand what he was being told. You were injured? Badly? What happened? Who did it? Weren’t you just going to a friend’s place? How could this happen?
When Dan Heng saw you- your figure which was covered in blood, your teary eyes, your limp- he raced to hold you tightly in his arms. How could he let this happen? How could he allow you to get hurt like this when he had the ability to protect you? He didn’t do his part as a good boyfriend. The entire time, he did his best not to break down, knowing it was more important to take care of you than cry.
Through the entire healing process, Dan Heng was glued to your side. He was at your beck and call- anything you needed, he got for you. There was a period where he was super nervous about having others around, but quickly came to the decision that it was unhealthy and he needed to step back. You were still happy to have him around.
The aftermath with everything was expected. Every time you left on your own, Dan Heng just had a wave of panic and uncertainty. He always had that thought in the back of his mind of you not making it back to him. He tried not to let it get to him, but he couldn’t help it. You got hurt before, so why not this time? You make sure to call to let Dan Heng know everything is ok when you arrive at your destination and sometimes, you just take him with! After all, he is your boyfriend and you adore his company.
➺ Welt
You and Welt made a good team, having fought a lot together. So, if you went off on your own or with another team, he didn’t really need to worry. He knew your capabilities and didn’t underestimate you at any point. Though, he hadn’t stopped to think… maybe you weren’t invincible.
Himeko was the first to tell him and the way she looked when she brought it up is what initially scared him. Himeko had run all the way to him, her eyes were wide with worry, and she was breathing heavily. She only said, “(y/n) got attacked.” Welt could feel his heart sinking into his stomach as the numerous bad scenarios came to his mind. Most of them included a dead you.
Welt couldn’t rest- he had to see you and right this second. Himeko wasted no time and quickly took him to see you. You were already at the hospital but when he saw you… he pretty much broke down. Himeko had never seen him like that and bargained with the doctors to let him see you just for a minute. They agreed and let him in. You weren’t awake which sent another wave of terror through him. What if you never woke up? His fears were settled when you did eventually wake up, but you were in bad shape.
Your recovery was taken extremely seriously by Welt. He made sure you ate meals at proper times, you were drinking enough fluids, and he even made sure you took the time to get up and walk around for a few minutes every now and then. He was pretty much your personal nurse and he happily took on the job. He wasn’t upset, he made time, and he took really good care of you.
Honestly, afterward, Welt had a few nightmares. When he saw you, you weren’t awake. There were nights where he walked to you in that hospital bed and you just flatlined. It became a deep-rooted fear for him. You didn’t realize how bad it was until there was a day where you forgot to call him when you left and he just panicked, acting nothing like his usual composed self. He apologized for losing his composure but you appreciated seeing what you did because now you knew how worried he got. He’s definitely an overprotective boyfriend now.
➺ Sampo
Sampo didn’t take things too seriously a lot of the time. He wasn’t neglectful or anything, but he was just a goofy guy. Due to his laid-back attitude, Sampo didn’t worry when you said you were going to visit Rivet Town to help Hook with something. He didn’t necessarily take into account how dangerous it was and just happily kissed you goodbye and told you to be safe. I mean… you tried.
Of course, he was busy doing what he did best when he saw Hook… running to him with tears in her eyes. The entire event that morning came rushing back and he just knew. Hook barely had to say anything and Sampo was demanding she take him to you. Hook took Sampo to Natasha’s clinic, which is where you’d made it to before collapsing. The entire time, he was blaming himself. He should’ve offered to go with you, he should’ve asked more- he should've been there.
He tried to hug you but you were unconscious on the bed, so all he could do was just wait until you woke up. He refused to let go of your hand- no matter what anyone said- he stood his ground. Eventually, they just relented and let him stay. You woke up only a few hours later, absolutely exhausted and clearly recovering.
Sampo was your personal nurse but he wasn’t the best at it. Sometimes he’d mess up, drop things, make it harder for you but… it always made you laugh. You could see that Sampo was very upset with himself and this was his desperate way to make up for it, even though he knew there was no way to do that. But you happily accepted it. You could see how much he loved you just from that.
The aftermath was… a bit to get used to. Sampo never let you go into danger zones alone. No matter what. However, you were never one to disagree. What was odd was his seriousness. A lot of Sampo’s laid-back-ness kinda went away after what happened. Of course, it wasn’t permanent but it was a bit upsetting. You could see the toll your accident had taken on him. He worried- a lot. He even admitted he’ll get flashes of that day and he wonders where he would have been had you not woken up. You just give him a big tight hug to let him know you weren’t going anywhere.
➺ Blade
Blade was always overprotective, he knew you were squishy. Meaning, you’re mortal. If someone poked you hard enough, you’d die. He didn’t want that to happen, so he was always making sure you were ok. He kept an eye on you, stuck around you, and just had your back all the time. There was one day- ONE- where he failed. And that was the day he paid the price.
When he heard, he felt nothing but pure rage for whatever hurt you. The second emotion he felt was pure disappointment in himself. He let that happen. HE did, no one else. You wouldn’t have gotten hurt if he wasn’t busy and had made time for you. He did every other day so why not this one? When he saw you, he didn’t have much of a physical reaction other than wide eyes and engulfing you in a hug. But deep inside, he hated himself for a bit because this was his fault.
Blade refused to leave your side and if anyone even dared to suggest he did, he brought down every last bit of that rage on them. He stuck by you the entire time you were under medical observation. Once you were able to go home, he did everything for you. If you dared to lift a finger to do anything, he just sent his signature glare your way. You would giggle sheepishly and just lay back down.
There was a change in his personality at home. He was much softer. He was always asking if you were ok, he would do anything, and he was super affectionate. He would hold you all the time, give you quick kisses, and just let you know he loved you. All the time. It was an unusual change but not one you hated. You loved Blade and him giving you all sorts of affection was great! A bit weird, but great!
The aftermath was expected: Blade basically became your personal bodyguard. He wasn’t very affectionate in public, but at home, that new side remained. It was as if there was a switch that had been flipped. Eventually, you finally asked him when he literally tickled you one night. He said, “I thought you were gonna die. And I realized… I didn’t get to show you just how much I love you.” That was all he was willing to say on it. You were so happy to hear that. It was nice to see how soft Blade could be with you when no one was looking.
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keyotos · 1 year
swear to be overdramatic and true
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summary ⎯ different wedding scenarios w/ the hsr men. like they are all different. none of you are getting married in this tho. modern!au
includes ⎯ dan heng, gepard, blade, sampo, & jing yuan
notes ⎯ i want to go to a wedding so bad after tiktok kept on showing me crazy rich asians-esque venues (i love crazy rich asians)
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dan heng
⎯ you promised him you’d go for the food (dan heng is not one for parties), you ended up staying for everything else.
⎯ a close friend of yours was getting married and invited you to their wedding. you were so excited and ready while dan heng was like ehhhggggg
⎯ dude is not a party-goer. but you really put your all into convincing him to go. you brought out puppy dog eyes (didn’t work), pros and cons list (didn’t work), 15 slide google slideshow (didn’t work), and finally: begging on your knees (worked).
⎯ so now, you guys are here: sitting at a table by yourselves (everyone else was dancing/mingling) and sharing a slice of wedding cake.
⎯ secretly, dan heng loved weddings. he loved the joy everyone felt and he really did enjoy the food.
⎯ he would never tell anyone this, but he was taking notes for his future wedding (preferably with you). he takes note of the theme, the food, the venues. he’s very observant of these things.
⎯ the one thing he did not like about weddings was the partying afterwards. call him boring, but after sitting in a cathedral for two hours got him exhausted.
⎯ but he could make exceptions for you. you seemed to love the party aspect of weddings: you bounced to the music and you waved your fork around like a microphone when there was a song you liked.
⎯ dan heng wished he could have your loud and exciting spirit and love for after parties, but he found himself done for the day. so now, the two of you were eating cake while most people were on the dance floor
⎯ dan heng felt bad about it; he felt like he was holding you down from your happiness because he was not the party type. he didn’t want to burden your enjoyment.
“if you want to dance, you should dance,” dan heng let go of the arm he had wrapped around you.
“what?” you furrowed your eyebrows. you took another bite out of the shared cake.
“you don’t have to worry about me. i’ll be fine. you have go have fun,” dan heng repeated himself with utmost seriousness. you almost burst out with laughter.
“i don’t need to dance to be happy,” you chuckled and interlocked your fingers with dan heng’s, “as long as i have you around, i’m perfectly content,” you grinned.
⎯ yeah. dan heng definitely enjoys weddings.
dan heng returns your smile and wraps his other arm around you once more. he pulled you closer to place a kiss on your temple. as long as you’re around, dan heng is more than perfectly content. he is overjoyed.
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⎯ you two are executives for a wedding planning company; it’s not your company, it’s pela’s. you two are friends of hers and just so happen to work there together.
⎯ you two are the best in the wedding planning game. you two are also rivals.
⎯ you guys are practically trying to outdo each other with every plan. the theme, the decorations, the music: whatever it is, one of you is striving to be better than the other.
⎯ you and gepard bicker so much that some of the maintenance people think YOU GUYS are the married couple.
⎯ gepard blushes so hard that you would think he just had a heat stroke. he quickly brushes of the comment and gets back to work.
⎯ you two are just so… different. but you’re the SAME. whoever’s idea it was to put you two together on an assignment needs to be fired bc most of the time you two are bickering 😭
“why would you make that the theme?” you questioned gepard, “that doesn’t match the wedding venue at all.”
“technically it is apart of the venue. they have two,” gepard corrected you. smartass
and also, “don’t you dare move that. it’s perfect where it belongs,” you ordered.
“it’s actually not,” gepard counters, “it’s not centered.”
⎯ you end up getting so frustrated that you have to walk off the scene and run to starbucks.
⎯ but there are some points where you see gepard in a different light. like when he helps you set up the fairy lights. also when he helps you lift heavy things.
⎯ oh yeah and the fact that he caught you when you fell from a ladder.
you didn’t know how you managed to slip from a ladder, but you did. you thought you were about to face imminent death until you felt strong arms wrap around your thighs.
“what were you thinking?!” gepard exasperatedly asked.
“uhh, that i could reach it?” you brushed him off, trying not to acknowledge the position that you were in at the moment. you were also trying to ignore how fast your heart was beating, but that was blamed on adrenaline.
⎯ even though you and gepard argued for half of the time, there were a few (many) accidents, and someone spilled punch on the ground; the wedding venue ends up looking nice thanks to you and gepard!
⎯ at the end of this tiring and long day, you sat down at one of the tables and ate a few bites of leftover cake. that is until gepard randomly comes up to your table.
gepard extends his hand to you, “would you like to dance? as a way to celebrate the happy couple?”
you raise an eyebrow and give him a sly smirk, “you deign to touch the hand of your opposition?” you joked.
“i’m full of surprises,” gepard looks away from you to scan the venue, “just like this venue. it's beautiful by the way. you did well.”
you take his hand into yours; gepard’s hand is calloused and warm. “give yourself some credit,” you pull him out to the dance floor, then you pull him closer to you, “shall we?”
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⎯ you two are some WEDDING CRASHERS
⎯ you first suggested the idea as a joke; you’ve been wanting to go to a wedding after your tiktok kept showing you wedding venues.
⎯ you never expected to actually be wrecking a wedding so soon. you didn’t even know how blade found a wedding to crash.
“are there apps for these things?”
“um… no????”
⎯ you two sneak in undetected and you arrive just in time for the after party!!
⎯ you guys end up sitting in some randos’ seats that never showed up. so for the time being you two were the married couple mr and mx anderson.
⎯ luckily, the people you sat by had no idea what the andersons looked like. they had questions, and surely they will be confused by the end of this night, but you will never see these people ever again!! so you guys answered their questions
“how’s your newborn? we heard you guys just had a baby,” the couple next to you pointed.
⎯ psa for my gn!readers or male!readers, you guys just had a surrogate
⎯ BABY??????? you nearly choked on your food. chivalrously, blade took the opportunity to answer for you.
"we did," blade smiled and rubbed your stomach, "we're hoping for another one soon," he smirked when he looked at you.
⎯ your eyes popped out of your skull and you turned to him. you took the rest of your food down with a gulp and you turned to face the couple across from you.
⎯ once they left, you elbowed blade in his ribcage. or, you tried to anyway, you doubt he felt anything from it.
"what was that?" your eyes went wide. you tried to hide your embarrassment.
"what was what?" blade asked. his tone with filled with mock-confusion. the bastard knew what he was doing.
"please, don't make me say it out loud," you hide your face in your hands, trying not to smile. to say you haven't thought of a domestic life with blade would be a lie.
blade rubbed your shoulder and then slid his arm over your waist, pulling you closer, "it was funny," he chuckled.
you unmasked your face to punch him in the shoulder, "it was mortifying," you laughed.
blade planted a kiss near your ear, "'m sorry," he was not, "let's go dance. enjoy yourself. before the next one comes," he added. you almost shoved him off of you after that.
⎯ blade is NOT funny.
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⎯ here you were surrounded by so many couples, yet you are alone. you are alone at the bar and you've had waaaaay too many margaritas to be thinking straight.
⎯ you were almost about to leave when a mysterious blue-haired man slid into the seat next to yours.
⎯ sampo had been watching you for the entire wedding. maybe watching wasn't the right word: he had been observing you. that is not the right word either. simply put, he was entranced by you. you were stunning; you lit up the entire room. it's strange how someone like you had no one by your side.
"care if i bought you a drink?" sampo asked, leaning towards you.
"i think i'm too drunk to drink," you slurred. you were tired and single and lonely. not even this random man could console you.
⎯ when you laid your head down and groaned, sampo was a little concerned. he was concerned for two reasons: for your wellbeing and for what he might've accidentally gotten himself into.
⎯ sampo has fallen victim to hangovers multiple times and, judging by how wasted you are right now, you are about to be the next victim.
⎯ he asked the bartender to get you a glass of water. now, he just had to wake you up. or cheer you up.
“hey, you might wanna drink think,” sampo pushed the drink towards you.
you raised your head up, surveyed the drink, and then pushed it away. “nice try buddy. i know you put something in that.”
⎯ sampo’s jaw went agape. he completely forgot about that possibility. of course you wouldn’t take a drink from a stranger that randomly came up to you.
“uh, how about we just get you another glass of water,” he grabbed the cup back and ordered another one, this time with you watching. once you made sure nothing happened to your drink, you gulped it down.
“thanks,” you set the glass down. “i’ll be needing that in the morning,” you groaned.
⎯ even when you’re miserable you’re beautiful, sampo thought
“i get it,” sampo laughed. you two exchanged names and you started to tell the story of why you were so drunk in the first place
⎯ when you finished, sampo remembered every detail of your story. he wanted the sound of your voice to be imprinted into his brain; he wanted the sight of you burned into his eyes.
⎯ and by the end of that night, after you two exchanged phone numbers, sampo was sure to make his dream a reality.
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jing yuan
⎯ best couple alert??? you guys are just there for fun and relaxation
⎯ everyone knows you two are the couple that’s getting married next. just the love that you two have for each other is enough evidence to prove their theory.
⎯ you two are there for the reception, the actual wedding, the after party. like you guys EAT WEDDINGS UP.
⎯ it’s a sweet and silent love. it doesn’t overshadow the wedding couple, but everyone can tell that it’s prevalent and it’s most definitely there.
⎯ everyone can also see the immense love jing yuan has for you just by looking at his expression. as a general, most would think his mind is preoccupied on strategy and tactics. that is not true though; jing yuan would argue that, half of the time, his mind is on you. he wonders about you, thinks about you, wishes about you.
⎯ and his actions?? the way he always pulls out a chair for you so you can sit before him. the way he carefully tugs you to the side if someone were about to hit you. the way his hand rests coyly on your thigh.
⎯ don't get me started on when you two start dancing.
cliche as it is, sometimes i does feel like the world is shining it's light on the two of you when you two dance. you two aren't master dancers or anything. with jing yuan's lifestyle, there is no time for trivial activities such as dancing, but for you he'd always make an exception.
⎯ you two are both awful. omfg you guys actually suck at dancing. like get off of the dance floor LMAO. since you two probably have very busy lives, there isn't much time for fun like weddings. that's why the two of you try to embrace weddings and other fun activities as much as possible
"you keep stepping on my feet," jing yuan laughs. he tries to guide the two of you to an empty slot on the floor, but fails.
"i'd be able to dance properly if someone stopped knocking me into others," you jokingly retorted. even though jing yuan was a general, all his poise and prosperities was washed away on the dance floor.
"i highly doubt that," he twirled you. you leaned closer into his chest this time, melting into his body. he was warm; a good contrast to the chill of the room. even with his shitty dancing skills, you think that you could never be sick of him.
⎯ yeah u two are definitely getting married in the near future. jing yuan is sure of it. after all, he's already gotten a ring.
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the-scythes-pen · 4 months
Professor!Dan Heng is the sweetest guy. All of his coworkers love him, all of his students love him... It almost seems like he's qualified in every subject- able to fill in for his coworkers when needed, happy to assist in marking assignments or suggesting what assignments to give.
Professor!Dan Heng is the BEST professor you can get. Kind, understanding, perhaps a little bit dry sometimes, but he makes up for it with the interesting tidbits he throws into his lectures, or the topics he chooses to cover in class.
Professor!Dan Heng is popular among students not just because of how he teaches, but also his appearance. Of course, how could they not? Dan Heng is oblivious to this, even when Professor!March or Professor!Himeko try to point it out to him.
Professor!Dan Heng is always more then willing to help out a student whos struggling and looking to improve- or even just to answer questions that students have after class. He loves how curious you are, how you ask such interesting questions both during and after class- and he particularly enjoys you coming during office hours to ask him to help you with an assignment.
Those moments, alone with him in his office, are often the best. He's so kind, offering you tea as he helps guide you through the questions on the paper, always maintaining a respectful distance and attitude towards you.
However, Professor!Dan Heng can't help the way his heart flutters when your eyes light up when you get a question right all on your own- can't help the way his smile mirrors yours when you finally begin to understand what you had previously been struggling with.
You two slowly get closer; with you asking more and more interesting questions, engaging in conversation with him post-class, the topic often eventually straying to some other subject- but he doesn't mind, because Professor!Dan Heng truly is a dork who loves to share his knowledge and discuss different ideas and possibilities.
Professor!Dan Heng is always respectful of you, even when his heart is fluttering and he's barely able to maintain a friendly but slightly stoic facade. When Dan Heng falls for you, he keeps it silent- he lets no indication of his feelings for you slip out.
Its only when you, alone with him in the classroom one day, burst into tears over something- a bad or even failing grade, whether in his own class or a different one- and his heart aches at seeing his favourite student so stressed, crying and trying to excuse yourself so as not to embarrass yourself.
But no, Professor!Dan Heng isn't going to let you leave in such a state. You try to leave but then his hand is around yours (your hand fits his so perfectly), pulling you back towards the classroom and sitting you down at one of the desks, sitting next to you and leaning forward, gently caressing your hand in such a soothing motion as he asks you for details. What are you struggling with? What happened? He's more then willing to help you, no matter what the subject is. He's qualified to teach in many, many areas- and if you happen to be struggling in a subject he's unfamiliar with, he can easily go to whoever your teacher is and explain things to them, or even ask to be briefed on the subject so he can more easily help you.
Once you've calmed down a bit, Dan Heng leads you out of the classroom, down the hall and towards his office. He brews some tea for you- whatever he's noticed your favourite flavour to be- and ensures it's made to however you like it, whether it's with honey or milk or sugar or anything else.
It doesn't matter how late it gets, he'll stay there with you until you feel better. He doesn't mind if you vent to him about whatever is bothering you, or if you just want to sit in silence, or even talk about something completely different- no matter what it is, he just wants you to feel better.
And when you finally stand up to leave, throwing your arms around him in a moment of emotion to thank him gratefully, he hesitates- but only for a moment, before his arms are around you too and holding you gently, his hand reaching up to stroke your hair soothingly, and perhaps he's pushing the boundaries of a student-teacher relationship just a bit, but in the moment he doesn't care. All he cares about is you, and helping you feel better.
His smile is gentle- caring and handsome when the two of you pull away, and he asks you if you're doing better, if you'll be ok on your own now, and when you nod, he lets out a silent breath of relief. He watches you leave his office with a fluttering heart- you felt so good in his arms, so vulnerable and small- no matter how your stature compares to his, he felt a need to protect and cherish you. Thus, to him, you felt small.
And after you're gone, Professor!Dan Heng has to admit to himself that he cares about you. A lot. And... perhaps, he even loves you. And thats a problem.
So he denies it. Denies that he loves you- says that he only thinks of you as a friend, and thats ok, right?
But when you come back to him, excited about your good grade after his assistance, he can't deny how he loves your bright smile, how comfortable he feels when you embrace him again in your excitement as you thank him endlessly.
And when you pull away from the hug yet again, he can't let you go- no, not this time. He keeps you somewhat close, that soft smile on his face as his hand hovers on your cheek, and its only when he takes in your shocked- and flustered- expression that he realizes what he's doing.
It's the first time you've seen the stoic man blush. He goes to pull away, hesitantly- but you catch him, tell him it's ok- and his hand is back on your cheek, his eyes searching yours for any reluctance or hesitation or anything-
And then his lips are on yours. They're soft, gentle, loving; and in that moment Professor!Dan Heng accepts his feelings for you, accepts that despite your circumstances, he loves you. He can't help it.
His hand caresses your cheek, his fingers card through your hair, and then his touch is drifting to your waist, pulling you closer against him as his tongue hesitantly swipes at your lips.
The kiss doesn't go father then that- as Professor!Dan Heng is too shy, too respectful of you to do more then that just yet, even if he wants to. So he breaks the kiss, his cheeks flushed as he continues to hold you close and mumbles
"I'm proud of you."
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fairykazu · 5 months
my doors always open ft. dan heng⋆˚☆˖°
cw: pinning, best friends
although it is late at night, dan heng is aware of your antics of accidentally scaring yourself at night, scrolling through your apps at night, and then crawling into someone else’s room out of shame.
usually that someone is him.
it’s around the time you scrolled on tiktok for way too long, you knocked on his door like a stray cat begging for food, “dan heng?”
dan heng was already up, waiting for you, or studying the archives and updating the contents. “come in, name. you know that my door is always open for you.”
the door slid open as you trudged in with your blankets dragging on the floor. he adjusted his glasses as he asked, “what kind of video were you watching this time?”
flopping onto his bed, dragging your blankets with you. “some guy owning haunted dolls and he was speaking to them.” you said with a shiver. dan heng hid a laugh,
“fun?” he noticed from the corner of his eye, your face changed before replying,
“terrifying! i dont understand how stelle was able to handle them.”
dan heng rolled his eyes, rolling back his chair towards the bed, “im pretty sure they’re different creatures. one being a mythical being and the other possibly faked.”
you rolled yourself into a ball, “still scary either way!”
“okay, sure.” dan heng rolled back to his desk, placing his red glasses down. “show me the video. now i want to see how scary this being is.”
“but i dont wanna see it again!” despite your words, you opened the app again, favorited in the collection called “show dan heng.” though he wouldnt able ever see the name of the collection, he does feel special that you exclusively show him.
he walked to his bed, tucking you in with your and his own blankets just before sitting on the edge. the video was someone adopting a shipped order of dolls from one of his fans, saying that the fan didnt want the dolls anymore.
“the dolls seem not haunted but spirits are tethered to the doll.”
“it was not their choice staying there. does that make you feel better?”
“not really, now i feel bad for them. also a little still scared of the dolls they live in.”
“that’s fair. now do you want to watch your favorite sitcom to get over it or sleep right now?”
“…hmmm.” you hummed, deciding a choice even though the both of you went through this routine before. “i choose-”
“let’s sleep. we can watch your favorite show tomorrow.”
“promise? you said that yesterday and we didnt get to watch it today.”
“yes, i promise.” dan heng said with a quiet snort. you nodded just before you drifted off to sleep.
dan heng sneaked onto your phone just to watch the videos himself, laughing a little out of giddiness from seeing that he had a collection just for him.
clicking through the videos, he watched about ten of them, mumbling and taking notes.
“huh, seems kind of scary. i need someone to make a debunking channel.”
in the morning, dan heng kept his promise to watch the show with you as long you see this new and viral account on tiktok, it being a debunking story for videos you just saw.
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lorebeth · 11 months
HSR Headcannons
Hiyaa these are quick notes I think that different Honkai Star Rail characters would do or behave like ALSO IF YOU THINK IT'S OOC THAT'S FINE SHSKAHF I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS SO MUCH ANYTHING THEY DO IS REAL TO ME ❤️
Characters: Blade, Dan Heng, Gepard, March, Serval, Kafka
-He holds your hand when you cross the road (it seems like something he would do just absentmindedly, if you bring it up he won't do it again).
-He likes to take you places you've never been to, as chaotic as his person is, I think he really likes the more calmer days and enjoys finding new places with you, albeit he's also looking to run away from the authorities at the same time...
-I am a firm believer that Blade watches all types of movies, even romcoms. You enter the living room and see him watching '10 things I hate about you' and he's genuinely into it thinking about how he relates to a character.
-He has matching phone accessories with you. Kafka makes fun of him whenever he comes to work with a bright coloured pompom hanging out of his pocket.
-He is quite chill when you bring him little trinkets, he might not know what you're supposed to be doing with such an oddly shaped item, he might even stare at you blankly, but he knows the object reminded you of him and that makes him happier than he'd like to admit.
Dan Heng:
-He likes to smell you (THAT SOUNDS SO CREEPY). He loves the smell of your shampoo and has decided to buy the same one as you, however he didn't like it because March caught a whiff and made fun of him for weeks with you in earshot.
-He likes when you doodle on his hand with a pen or a marker. He also let's you do his eyeliner because you recenctly only realised he had one eye done and the other not, seeing as you start to do this more often, he buys more eyeliner and different colours for you to experiment with. (Although you both agree he looks better in red.)
-ABSOLUTELY 100% LOVES YOUR MUSIC! At first he didn't because he thought it was weird, but you eventually start catching him humming your favourite songs and you start to slowly make him play lists and organise an entire library of his and your favourite music together.
-He has matching plushies with you, you guys switch them every night and act like divorced parents who have to switch kids every weekend.
-He eats all the food in the fridge and you see him with his mouth dirty and can't help get too mad at him when he says he hasn't been in the kitchen all day. Other than his crimson cheeks, messy mouth and embarrassed eyes, nothing tells you more of his crime than his horrible acting skills.
-When he goes out, he likes to bring you back something, honestly anything. He once brought back an entire couch because he heard you needed a new one that fitted the aesthetic of your living room.
-Think golden retriever, you shall receive golden retriever.
-He likes when you praise him, it gets him happy and excited, a little shy and he just acts like he has just received the best present in the world, however it backfires when he compliments you as well. Your face heats up and even if he can't tell, he knows from your expression and attitude he got to you more than you let him see.
-She’s 100% tried to steal your clothes and you catch her every single time.
-She is so bad at hiding the fact she steals your clothing that whenever you walk into your room, you INSTANTLY sense your favourite sweater was taken hostage.
-Obviously she loves you and gives you fashion advice, but only when she’s ready will she let you borrow her own clothes. For her, this is an extreme act of love and trust.
-She totally takes your phone and blows up your storage with 100+ pictures of her or you sleeping, your phone almost shut itself down on multiple occasions 😭.
-Likes to try bake you little sweets from different planets. Due to her past, she cannot remember where she is from, so her love language is giving you things from other planets or your home planet, especially through baked goods! She’s either a cooking pro or she burns down the entire Express. It’s a 50/50.
-Loves hearing you sing. You sound like Gepard? It’s okay! She has her best smile on to encourage her lover!
-She 1000% stole your musical instrument (if you play one) and tried learning it for you if you don’t have a guitar.
-Not everything with her is musical, but she finds it does help when she’s cooking, cleaning, working in her shop, she even has a playlist that has your name on it and is full of songs that remind her of you.
-She shows you baby pictures of Gepard and Lynx. You’ve never ONCE seen her though. Kinda sketchy. Just ask Gepard and suddenly you have millions of cute chubby little Serval’s everywhere!
-That one fangirl who waits for Serval or tries to catch a glimpse? Not anymore! All the windows are now only see through on the inside and Serval has taken extra measures to keep her and your life private from her groupie. Will tell the girl to knock it off if you’re extremely uncomfortable.
-She has the passwords to every account you’ve ever made on any platform. She doesn’t go through any of them but she likes that you share that with her, she in turn lets you go through her email. That’s all she has. 🙁
-She caught you wearing her uniform once and just stayed at the door watching you say her signature catch phrases. 11/10 embarrassing, 100/10 her thinking it was cute as hell.
-She doesn’t really have time for dates or anything of the such, but whenever you really need her, desperately, she’s there instantly. Sometimes you use your trump card when there’s a creepy bug and she catches it ONLY TO THROW THAT MF IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION.
-Has a pet snake. I genuinely am a firm believer she has a pet snake that she named in your honour. If you like snakes or not, you will have to feed it when she’s gone. 🙁
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antimatterz · 1 year
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down bad, huh?
pairing: dan heng x gn!reader (ft. march 7th)
summary: you can't hold it in anymore; your crush on dan heng is getting serious and you just have to talk about it. but little do you know that a certain someone is within earshot.
cw: fluff, pining, bit of humor (?) maybe, probably ooc dan heng
enyo's note: got this idea while answering an ask. to the anon who sent that ask; thank you for indirectly inspiring me !
content under the cut | masterlist
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"so what is it that's on your mind?" march asked, looking at you with curious eyes. "you look like it's really bothering you."
"it is bothering me," you nodded truthfully.
and oh, it was. and it had been bothering you from the very beginning. and by now it had reached a point where you just couldn't hold it in anymore. you had to talk about it, because it was driving you insane.
ever since you woke up without memories, two people had been around you non-stop. and like that, they grew to mean something to you, both in a different way.
there was march, who grew to be your best friend rapidly. the girl was always there with her everlasting enthusiasm, making her very easily likeable. she was your biggest hypeman, but as much as she was a talker, she also proved to be a good listener who tried her best to give you advice when you were in need of some.
and then there was dan heng, the mysterious raven-haired guy with solemn gray eyes that never seemed to stray away from you. it had taken you some time to get used to him, if you were fully honest. the male was often quiet, and when he spoke he was blunt and straight-to-the point, unintentionally bold sometimes. but he enthralled you, and your infatuation was quick to grow into a silly crush.
a crush you had to talk about with your best friend.
"okay, where do i start," you mused, suddenly feeling slightly nervous now that you were about to speak up about your crush on dan heng for the very first time.
how would march react? would she be surprised? would she disapprove of your feelings for your fellow trailblazer? though you couldn't think of any reason why she would do so, you were a little worried regardless.
"i wanna know everything from the start, y/n," march urged, and the girl was nearly at the point of clenching her fists in excitement. she was so eager to find out what you were about to tell her, curiosity sparkling in her pretty eyes.
"okay, here goes," you sighed, your shoulders drooping a little as you forced yourself to relax. for the final time, you shot a glance around the area to see if you were really alone, and then you spoke up.
"it's dan heng." you felt butterflies in your stomach as you said his name out loud, and march's eyes widened as she realized where this was going. after all, what else could this be about? the blush that painted your cheeks gave away the words that weren't spoken yet, but you continued regardless.
"you know, that moment when i opened my eyes and he was basically about to kiss me?" you said awkwardly, taking the hem of your shirt between the pads of your fingers. "it made me feel butterflies all over, and i guess those never left."
"sooooo, you like dan heng?" march marvelled, a massive smile creeping up her features. "that's so so so cute! you have to tell me more, y/n."
her enthusiastic reaction brought a grin to your face, relief washing over you. she seemed excited about your confession which spurred you on to tell her more.
"yeah, i do. he's just so... so... have you seen him, march? his hair is so fluffy, his eyes are beautiful, he's beyond pretty. and aeons, don't get me started on his personality. okay, i have to admit that i was intimidated by him at first, but he's such a nice and caring guy when he opens up and you get to know him. and his words, march. he just... i'm so down bad."
a breathy laugh bubbled up from your best friend's throat, and she wiggled her eyebrows at you suggestively. "oh, y/n, you really are down bad. so what now? are you going to do something about it?"
you hastily shook your head no, for merely the idea brought you a rush of panic. confessing to dan heng? you could never. you didn't have the courage to do that, afraid of being turned down by him. you weren't sure if you could handle that. and besides, you developed quite a nice friendship with the male and you knew better than to put that at risk.
"aww, but you two'd be so cute together!" march protested with a pout, her voice being way too loud for your liking.
"march," you hissed, pressing your index finger against her lips to shut her up momentarily. it looked like you were alone, but hertha's space station was packed with researchers and you didn't want any of them to find out about your crush.
"sorry," the girl sheepishly apologized.
"don't tell anyone," you almost pleaded her. march was an absolute harmless sweetheart but her mouth often ran faster than her mind. but she was your best friend regardless, so of course you had to share the news with her.
you offered her a smile, one she enthusiastically reciprocated immediately. she was obviously elated after hearing the news and it wasn't hard to figure out what went through her mind right now. she was probably shipping the two of you avidly by now, and you could only hope she wouldn't come up with crazy ideas to get the two of you together. really, as much as you liked dan heng, you didn't want him to find out. let alone if march would meddle about. you internally cringed as you imagined the girl dropping not-so-subtle hints around the male. no, you sincerely hoped it wouldn't get to that point.
"my lips are sealed, y/n," she promised you.
little did you know that it mattered not; a certain someone had overheard your entire conversation. march keeping quiet or speaking up would no longer make a difference.
~ ♡ ~
it was pretty late at night. you were still in the lobby of the astral express, seated on one of the comfortable benches. march had passed by a couple of minutes ago, bidding you goodnight before retreating to her room. welt and himeko had left quite a while ago and you didn't know where dan heng was. well, you were quite relieved about the latter. you didn't know if you were prepared to face him after today. you've harbored feelings towards him for a long time, but it somehow felt more official now that you've said it out loud.
it was about time you headed to your room as well. you were getting pretty tired, almost dozing off right then and there. it was utterly quiet inside the train, which didn't aid to the fact that you were nearing the point of falling asleep.
but the door opened, and the person you least wanted to see entered the lobby. your drowsiness evaporated on the spot and you sat up, cheeks painted in a shade of red that rapidly gained saturation. okay, your previous statement held a faint hint of a lie; you did want to see him, but were you prepared? no, you weren't. you fought the urge to hide your face in your hands, forcing yourself to offer him a reluctant smile.
you expected him to pass you by, to head to the archive room like he usually did. but he didn't, and instead took a seat next to you.
"hi, y/n," he greeted you, his solemn gray eyes meeting yours.
something about his gaze awakened a swarm of butterflies in your stomach, and you struggled to maintain eye contact as you greeted him back. a silence followed, and you fidgeted with your fingers as dan heng's gaze didn't falter. he seemed to be looking right through you, and you were pretty damn sure your blush was painfully obvious by now.
"so..." dan heng spoke up after what felt like long minutes.
you hummed questioningly, eyeing him curiously. the male suddenly looked reluctant and awkward instead of his usual calm and collected demeanor, and a sense of suspicion grew in your mind – much to your horror.
dan heng cleared his throat, momentarily averting his eyes as he seemed to gather himself before facing you once more. he looked more confident now, though his reddened cheeks basically confirmed what you already feared.
"down bad, huh?" he inquired, and you swore your soul left your body at that very moment. your breath halted for a second, and your heart performed somersaults in your chest.
a rush of panic came over you. dan heng knew? that was your worst nightmare coming true. you breathed out, trying but failing to calm yourself. this had never been part of the plan, he wasn't meant to find out! aeons, you were supposed to crush on him in silence.
"d-did march–" you stuttered, because what else could've happened? she was the only one who knew, you told no one else about your feelings.
"no, it wasn't march," dan heng reassured you. "she didn't tell me anything. i just... i just happened to be there and then i heard you saying my name. i got curious and eavesdropped."
you felt ashamed, so so ashamed. you genuinely thought you were all alone when you told march, you checked multiple times and besides from a few researchers far out of earshot, no one was around – or so you thought. this was the worst case scenario, the worst way he could possibly find out. oh aeons, you were doomed. you weren't ready for what was bound to happen next. he would reject you, and your friendship would turn weird.
"i'm sorry,'" you squeaked, staring downward in order to avoid his gaze.
"for what?" dan heng asked, taken aback by your sudden apology. "are you sorry for liking me? you don't have to say sorry for that, y/n."
"but–" you began, all sorts of reasons and excuses flooding your panicked mind. you bravely faced him, but it was as if the air was knocked out of your lungs as you found him looking at you with a tiny smile.
"i'll be honest. i'm glad i overheard that conversation," the raven-haired male admitted, nervousness brimming behind his gray eyes for once. "because if i didn't... i wouldn't have had the courage to tell you that i feel the same."
"you... what?" you asked, the meaning of his words not yet quite dawning upon you. your feelings for dan heng were not unrecruited? you feared that he wouldn't feel the same, which had kept you from confessing for so long. and here he was, telling you that he felt the same after accidentally catching wind of your crush on him.
"i like you, y/n," he said bluntly, the little smile disappearing as his placid mask ghosted over his features again. but his eyes had changed, as he gazed at you warmly.
he inched closer to you and took your hand. the gesture made you laugh awkwardly, but you scoured your entire being for some leftover courage and leaned against him.
"i like you too, dan heng," you smiled. "so much that i wish i didn't wake up before you were about to kiss me– i mean, give me cpr."
then, as you realized what you had just blurted out, your hand shot up and clasped over your mouth. oh, you were really hanging out with march too much, your mouth was running faster than your mind way too often!
"oh?" dan heng said, quirking a brow.
"i–i mean– !" you quickly began, but a finger against your lips made you seal your mouth. you swallowed your words as he succesfully made you shut up, even more so when his index finger was replaced by his lips.
they were soft, incredibly so, and felt heavenly against yours. your widened eyes were soon to flutter closed as you grasped on to what was happening, and you kissed him back. a whole zoo sprung to life in your stomach as you realized, dan heng was kissing you!! it only lasted briefly and he pulled back way too soon for your liking.
"you don't need to be knock-out for that, y/n," the male spoke. "i'll kiss you without needing any reason to do so."
you beamed at him, happiness filling your entire being. dan heng was so blunt sometimes, making him unintentionally bold – which, on its turn, brought butterflies to your tummy.
"then do it again," you grinned, delighted with this unexpected turn of events. you didn't know where you got the sudden courage from, all the awkwardness dissolving.
"gladly," dan heng nodded, and he complied.
it all started as an accident, but it turned out to be the best mistake you ever made. you felt silly. silly, because you so long feared that your crush was one-sided. but apparently coincidence was on your side, and when you went to sleep that night, you were no longer single.
you couldn't wait to tell march.
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pix3lplays · 1 year
Honkai Star Rail Men and how they act when they’re sick, and taking care of them
Dan Heng: is the type to try to push through it when he’s sick, and continue to do his job. Unless he’s literally on the brink of collapse, it’s nearly impossible to convince him to rest in the archives and let you take care of him. He doesn’t wish to trouble you. Not that he doesn’t like it when you take care of him, he’s just…not used to it. When you do have to take care of him, he frequently apologizes for taking up your time, not that you mind. You’re happy to take care of him. He’s very quiet when he’s sick. Kinda frustrated that he has to just lay around and heal while there’s STUFF he could be doing, but there’s nothing he can do about it.
Gepard Landau: Also tries to push through and do his job when he’s sick. However, it’s a lot easier for you to convince him than Dan Heng to come home and get some rest when you can tell he’s feeling under the weather. He likes it when you take care of him, so he’s willing to put his work aside to get some rest. Although he does get antsy with time, so he might end up doing work anyways, even if that’s just writing a report or something, regardless of your insistence he doesn’t work while sick.
Jing Yuan: is very willing to take a sick day off, especially if you’ll be taking care of him. He loves attention from you, and him being sick is a great way to get some. He prefers to just sit outside with you and relax when he’s sick. He enjoys the escape from work, and the lovely company. He’s not one to fake being sick for attention though, he still has a sense of duty and his job to attend to, as much as it pains him to pry himself away from you. Still, every time he gets sick, you’re the first one he calls.
Welt Yang: knows to admit when he’s sick. He’ll send you a text to let you know he won’t be leaving his room today, and you surprise him by showing up at his room to spend the day with him. The two of you have a very lax sick day for him. Drinking some tea, reading some books, he’s very well behaved when sick because he knows he doesn’t want to get anyone else sick. Unfortunately, YOU might end up getting sick because you decided to spend time with him. He appreciates you taking time out of your day to be with him, but he does feel bad that he got you sick. He’ll take care of you too.
Sampo Koski: is very dramatic when he’s sick. Very whiney and needy when he’s not feeling well. He just wants to lay on your lap and complain about his headache, and you always indulge him for some reason. He’s hard to resist somehow. You tend to get him whatever he wants because you feel sorry for him. This guy would totally pretend to be sick to get attention from you.
Blade: oh, Bladie…he just doesn’t listen to you or anyone else who insists he’s sick and needs to rest. He’s so STUBBORN and refuses to back down from his missions, even when he’s on the verge of collapse from sickness. He doesn’t really like being taken care of by you when he’s sick. It makes him feel weak. So he avoids it as best he can. Until he literally passes out and wakes up to you bringing him some soup. He does appreciate that you don’t say ‘I told ya so’ though he probably won’t say that. The second he can stand up, you know he will be up and trying to get back out there, regardless of your protests.
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 10 months
Honkai Star Rail Period HCs (Sampo, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Luka)
Original Ask: Could you do more period hcs? Dang Heng/Yinyue, Jing Yuan, Sampo, and Luka please.
Herr you go @yunthebishoujo
CW: blood, mentions of castration (Sampo), mentions of period sex
Sampo x afab! reader, Dan Heng x afab!reader, Jing Yuan x afab!reader, Luka x afab!reader
NOTE: Requests are now open
Sampo Koski
Tall, blue, and handsome? After dealing with you on your period or during PMS, he might be tall, blue, and singing soprano for the rest of his life
Good gods, Sampo would be insufferable. Not that he isn't anyway
It's not that I think he would be actively mean, but he's annoying and hormones make girls grouchy
That and I wouldn't put it past him to use your period as an excuse to run a scam
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he's used the female populace's monthly affliction as a scam premise prior to dating you
He's just really likely too be just too annoying and end up with no dick as a result
On the other hand, he's a kinky bastard. He'd be up for period sex
Dan Heng
Dan Heng is #1 most clueless guy when it comes to periods
He's not a bad guy, but really, chicks don't advertise the call of mother nature, so he hasn't really dealt with Himeko and March on an intimate level
I'm not sure that's something he came across in his research and the Vidyadhara can't reproduce, so there's every chance female Vidyadhara don't have periods, so he may not even know periods exist
Needless to say, his first experience with your period is a bit of a surprise.
I feel like it would probably be something like waking up with blood on your sheets or having super bad cramps, or blood on the pants, ya know, shit that happens when you bleed for a week out of every month (total BS if you ask me)
Any way you cut it, Dan Heng is seriously concerned. To the point of potentially losing a little bit of his composure. He wouldn't panic but you're bleeding. is something wrong? Do you need to go to the doctor? Why didn't you tell someone?
"Yo, Dan Heng, calm down. This is normal. I do this every month."
Cue Dan Heng.exe has stopped working
To his credit, he stops, listens, and calms down. He's still unnerved, but he helps try to make you comfortable
But afterwards he goes to ask Welt and Himeko about it
In the future, he's pretty good about being aware of it and trying to be as good as possible about it, but I don't think he truly gets used to that much blood every single month
Jing Yuan
You know what? Jing Yuan is not that bad.
He has the advantage of age and being part of a species that reproduces
I'm not sure he's super familiar with the whole period thing, but it's at least on his radar to some extent
But when he starts dating you, he's like the most gentle person. He's the sort who really likes to take care of you and make sure you have what you need
He won't mother hen, but expect pads/tampons, heating pads, whatever your craving is, and plenty of cuddles and you don't even really have to ask
I mean, this guy is known for his ability to be prepared. 100% applies that to you
And if he's at all weirded out by the whole bleeds for a week straight and is fine (which, i do understand, in any other situation someone would have bed out already), he's not overt about it and doesn't let it affect how he treats you
Luka, Luka, Luka
Of the four, he's probably the most likely to be a typical guy about it
You're bleeding? And still functional? You do this every month? What sorcery is this?
At the same time, he has mad respect for you because he knows he couldn't do it
He also gives appropriate sympathy for cramps
At the same time, 100% best boyfriend. Ask and you shall receive
Totally down for period cuddles, stomach rubs and just general comfort
10/10 Luka is great
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myechoecho · 6 days
The Double, ep 20 & 21
I'm not sure where Li thought the Duke was, but he finally gets the confirmation about her true identity. Not that he really needed it, since he's known forever. I wonder too, if Li knew that he was likely around and was fine with him overhearing. It's a way of letting him know without being direct.
I very much enjoyed Li jumping on the Duke's back and wrapping herself around him in a death grip. Thank you, random rat. Once the the guards leave, neither know quite what to do nor are they in any hurry to have her get down. LOOOL at them coming out from around their hiding spot with Li still on him and Li's father's supporters being scandalized.
First sighting of the Duke fighting with something other than his fan. But never fear, he brought his fan with him. I cannot get over that his weapon of choice is the fan. I can't say I've ever really considered a fan a good weapon, but the Duke makes it work effectively.
Li calling the Duke Xiao Heng when he gets hurt! Li saving the Duke's like by throwing a rock at the bad guy's head. The looks they give one another when she does. And then they have matching wounds and are all focused on one another. Despite the battle still going on a few feet away. It was all so extra.
I smirked at him telling her to look down only for her to ignore it after a couple of second and then look her fill. He doesn't even care. Then they have the most ridiculous flirting session. His face when she says he was stuck with her was everything.
Though I think one of more important aspects of this interaction is when he asks his subordinate to get her some appropriate clothes to go the magistrates office. The reason? It's the first meeting after a long separation, she shouldn't go all dirty. And she smiles because he understands her. It's also her basically admitting and acknowledging her identity to him. He knows who she needs to see there and he wants to make sure she looks her best for her father.
More importantly, when they confront the Magistrate she listens to him. She holds herself back when she sees her father, no matter how hard it is. Because she believes the Duke, and she says as much.
The Magistrate was beyond vile. Love that the Third Uncle gave her his knife without hesitation. That mean deserved all that that he got and I extra appreciate the two handed stab to his junk. The Duke lets her stab him, because she needs it as part of her justice. But he stops her before she goes to far, both for her sake and the sake of his case.
I love that the Duke was waiting for her, just to be with her and comfort her though nothing was really said. He did give her instructions because they are a team. But mostly, the just were together in comfortable silence.
I'm not sure who the secret letters the Duke wrote are for, but my guess is one was for Shi Jie and the other the Emperor.
Most of episode 21 was about the political stuff however, we did get the confirmation that the real power behind the Li family was the Princess. She's the one behind everything, which is treason to the Emperor. As for the reason why - my only guess is because she was sent away as a hostage.
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HSR men with a chronically ill reader
CW: mentions of chronic illness, medications, doctors/hospitals, mentions of bodily fluids, slight whump, slight hurt/comfort, gn!reader
Note: some minor spoilerish references for post-Lofu story quests.
Caelus is the type to lay down and cuddle with you when you're feeling unwell. The man will collect every stray pillow, blanket, and comfort item he can find aboard the Express, all to make a comfortable nest in your cabin and settle down with you. Pom-Pom turns a blind eye to this, as long as all things are returned to their proper place after.
If you're having a particularly bad flare, he'll help you shower and change, will do pharmacy runs for you, even cook if you trust him enough to do so. Every trip off of the Express he uses as an opportunity to stock up on energy drinks and snacks for when you're feeling well enough to eat again.
Dan Heng is not the cuddly type, but he will sit with you and read to you if you're having trouble sleeping. He knows it's important to get in exercise, so if you're bed-bound due to weakness or illness, he'll help you stretch and move your limbs so you don't lose mobility or get bed sores.
After speaking with Bailu on the Lofu, he picks up a few tips and tricks for helping with more basic symptoms, if he isn't already aware (think different herbal remedies for fevers, coughs, congestion, headaches, acute pain.) He's no healer, but he'll learn what he can to alleviate your pain.
Welt will listen to you gripe and whine and grumble with a patient ear and the occasional nod of understanding, and a reminder to take your medication as directed. He feels bad, seeing someone so young be afflicted with such a burden, so he makes every possible effort to help you feel more comfortable. This man will use his mimicry ability to show you episodes of his animations, will also read to you if you ask him to. His voice is extremely rich and soothing, and he's happy to talk until you fall asleep.
He'll also be the one to help you arrange doctor's visits, or hospital trips for procedures. He knows how sometimes people won't listen to a younger person talk about their symptoms, especially if they are femme-presenting. So he's entirely able and willing to be an advocate on your behalf, to make sure you are getting the full scope of treatment options presented to you. He will NOT let any sort of negligence happen, not on his watch.
Blade will also not let any sort of malpractice happen while you're under his supervision. He's big, he's quiet, but he's scary, and makes for the perfect companion when anyone tries to give you nonsense about your diagnosis or any mobility aids you might need. Shuts that noise down in a second. After all, while he may not be an openly friendly guy, you're still entrusted to him, and he never leaves a job unfinished. Even if that job is taking care of you.
That said, he also is really good when it comes to the more gross side of being ill. He might grumble about it later, but he'll make sure you can get yourself somewhere safe and get cleaned up if there are any embarrassing accidents. The grumbling is never directed at you, more about the inconvenience of those who get in his way while he's trying to take care of you. He will never flinch at any kind of fluid your body produces; he's seen so much worse. You've got nothing to be embarrassed about with him.
He, like Dan Heng, knows the importance of movement and exercise, and as such will similarly help you stretch and move. But he will also settle down and let you lay your head in his lap, washing your face or brushing your hair. He's not clingy, but will gladly show you physical affection if you ask for it. Whatever you need in that moment, he will provide to the best of his ability.
Luocha also makes for a superb patient advocate. He's got more in-depth knowledge than others when it comes to medicine, and will always ensure you get what it is you need. What kind of merchant would he be if he couldn't procure your medications, after all? You don't need to worry about a thing, let him handle it. You just rest up as much as you need.
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hsr-texts · 1 year
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Lmao the fact that welt had an accent and everything for this scene is hilarious 😂
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Also POM POM WTF EHHSJWJEEJKSJSJ when she appeared i straight up laughed
Also I know people might say when they did loucha’s quest they didn’t really find anything fulfilling but me personally I think that this gave us insight into that he isn’t really a bad guy per-say me personally I feel like he is more of a grey character but we don’t really know much about him yet
But a lot of people (march 😒) judged him but welt had every reason to judge this man because of what happened in HI3 and I can understand having his suspicions because of the messed up stuff he did.
The reason why I’m giving march the side eye 😒 is because she was soo quick to be impatient and snappy and it kind of annoyed me because of how quick to anger was too rash and wanted to hurry up the process of the case she got which was irritating not to mention she hates negotiating which is a very key in every transaction and if you want something you’ll have to sometimes charm someone for the right price that or to charm the person your getting information from for example, sampo.
How else do you think do you think he’s able to so easily charm his way into his victim’s hearts and scam them out of their money? He gets patient and waits for the right moment to strike I just get frustrated with march because these are things that your supposed to get used to and if you want something you have to work hard for it even if it’s tiring eventually you’ll get the results you wanted
Talking bout some “oh because we need this information” proceeds to have npc scam her out of her money. 😒 do get me wrong I love march 7th but she irritates me sometimes
I mean yeah that's pretty on brand from March considering how she treats Sampo 😅
I'm more surprised that the Realm-Keeping Commission just watched her do that whole roleplay thing without even going like "Yeah maybe this wasn't the best idea to ask complete strangers who are... very eccentric"
But I'm guessing they had to add more filler so that the ""plot"" could plot ;w;
And yes I'm aware the quest is meant to be like- A buffer to mitigate those "Luocha is Otto so he's a bad guy!!" ideas but I feel that this... was still not the best way to do it.
We only learn that he's not such a bad guy until the very end when it's revealed this whole goose chase was practically for nothing since all he did was save some two guys and gave them a prescription, then stopped people from getting spoiled.
People say that the companion quest is like this because MC hasn't met Luocha but... then they meet him on the Express after his quest bc Dan Heng apparently invited him there...
We also had a companion quest for a character we haven't officially met before and that was Silver Wolf. I'm pretty sure MC has only seen Kafka at the beginning before Kafka handed them over to the Express. You can also argue that she's possibly a bad guy since she's wanted criminal by the IPC for 5 billion credits.
Despite Silver Wolf not having as much screentime as the other characters in the quest, we still learn a pretty important part of her character. We get to see her motivations and what drives her actions. Even though the Stellaron Hunters' story isn't complete yet either. Plus we get valuable lore about her homeworld "Punklorde", which was very interesting to me.
But I digress. Ultimately, I'm speaking from my perspective as a writer. I have my own standards for what makes good character writing but people can have equally valid ideas for what they believe is good character writing as well. The fun of art is that it's subjective and everyone has a different interpretation.
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Hello! I hope you have a lovely day. Can I get a match up for Honkai Star Rail, Genshin, and Haikyuu?
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac/MBTI: Gemini, INFJ
Appearance: Short black wavy hair. Brown eyes. Light Brown skin with a beauty mark on the bottom corner of my left eye. 5'1" and a slim body (But I'm actually the oldest among my friends and siblings)
Personality: I'm the introverted who got adopted by my extroverted friend group. I'm quiet and shy but will speak when spoken too but I will be more talkative with people I am comfortable with. I am also the type of person who show care in subtle ways since I am way to shy to express it clearly (such as buying food or listening to my friends when they are in a bad mood). I'm also very observant to the people around me and I can pick up if something is wrong. I am more book smarts than street smarts, hence my introvertedness. I'm also pretty imaginative and I usually daydream a lot. I could say I'm intelligent to some extent, I study hard and very interested in knowing facts and tidbits about a topic I'm interested in. I can tolerate almost any people I meet but when it comes to people who doesn't respect me or my loved ones boundaries I get very angry and will get passive aggressive.
Likes: I like reading, the smell and sound of rain and forests (we have a farm that are surrounded by nature and a forest at the back), cheesecake, playing video games like Pokemon or Stardew Valley, quiet and calming places, listening to music, stuff toys, owls, and dogs.
Dislikes: Anything that is overly spicy, loud crowds, people that doesn't know boundaries, pushy people.
Hobbies: Dancing, Writing, Reading, Crochet, Playing Video Games.
Extra Information: I am a cuddler, I usually sleep hugging my stuff toy and if not a pillow, and I become restless when I sleep if I have neither of those things.
My love languages is acts of service and physical touch.
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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Dan Heng likes your introverted nature. It’s a nice change of pace from March and the other members of the Star Rail.
His favourite moments are when you’re reading together and there is the faint sound of rain in the background. Whether it’s real rain or a recording, he likes the peaceful atmosphere.
Not a huge fan of video games but he doesn’t mind watching you play them. Games like Stardew Valley are particular favourites of his since they’re relaxing but also have planning elements.
Can be persuaded to dance with you, but only if the song strikes him. He’s got a soft spot for slower songs that he can sway to, holding you close.
Dan Heng’s not the best at physical affection or words of affection but he’ll learn for you. He secretly loves receiving affection, he’s just bad at showing it.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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There’s no shortage of rainforest when you’re around Tighnari. Since he works in a forest, he’s more than happy to take you on patrols and teach you things about the plants and animals you come across.
He likes your stuffed toys but may get a bit jealous sometimes. If you want something to cuddle as you go to sleep, he’s right there!
At the same time, he’s glad you have them there so that when he’s working late, you have some form of company.
Please crochet something for him! He’ll treasure it forever. If it’s something he can wear, he’ll wear it every chance he can. And if it’s a little trinket, he’ll put it on his desk so he can look at it every day.
Tighnari’s very good at respecting boundaries. He’s got his boundaries, such as not touching his tail without warning, he’s more than happy to respect yours in return.
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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Asahi is the sweet teddy bear that you need in your life. Those stuffed toys? Now you have the living version!
This guy absolutely loves cheesecake and I will hear no criticism. He just gives off those vibes. Whenever he’s at the shops and gets a slice for himself, he’ll get a piece for you as well.
Please teach him how to crochet. He’s got a bad reputation at school as being a scary guy so he thinks picking up a hobby like crocheting will help change that image.But he also just enjoys crocheting.
Never pushy and always respectful of your boundaries. He’s really good with things like that, even if people sometimes wonder if he’s coercing you into a relationship if they don’t know him.
I don’t think Asahi has a love language; instead, he adapts to whatever you respond best to. He can do anything, as long as both of you feel it’s expressing affection.
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linabirb · 9 months
👀👀👀 For the bingo, I'd like to hear your thoughts on Aki (csm just to be safe because its quite a common name haha), Makima, Isagi, Kaiser, Reo, and Mikoto.
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.. i'm going to be honest. I GENUINELY FORGET AKI EXISTS SOMETIMES. like my brain just goes "uhhh remember denji and power's big bro" and im like "OH". if you remember my akutagawa bingo, i think you can see a pattern which can only be described as "i am so sorry but i just cannot make myself care about brooding dark-haired anime boys" 😭😭 (dan heng from hsr is one of the few exceptions) idk i really do think his story was sad but i'm also kinda like. i was too focused on other things when i read and watched csm JSKDSLASLSL. "what things" well.. let's talk about the next character on our list.
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feel free to shoot me or stab me for this. but yes, THIS WOMAN IS ACTUALLY MY FAV CSM CHARACTER 😭 (along with kobeni and asa) i just love evil women! and i love well-written evil women! and i have so much to say about her. i genuinely love the way she was written and she's a very realistic character, but i am not a fan of how the csm fandom just. doesn't care about her character at all and cares only about her crimes and i'm not even talking about her basically destroying the whole world and killing SO MANY PEOPLE, i'm talking about her relationship with denji. which is, OF COURSE, bad and extremely toxic and unhealthy, especially considering that denji is a minor. however, i think seeing that as her only "personality trait" is so.. it just doesn't sit right with me. like i would be okay with people talking about everything she's done and analyzing it and going "yeah she's still a bad person even if she's well-written and deep" but i am NOT okay with people going "yeah she's a groomer and also she killed my faves :(" like. i don't know. if you don't want to interact with such "problematic" content just don't read it? though i'm gonna be honest i'm pretty sure most csm fans are very young and from what i heard, a lot of them haven't even read/watched any "dark" content before csm. me picking "they are innocent if u ignore their various crimes" is obv a joke, i definitely agree that makima is a terrible person, but also. i can't deny that she's pretty <3 and also the fact that she just needed a hug breaks my heart every time i think about it. i actually have a plushie of her too! one of the best purchases i've ever made, she stares at me with her big ol' yellow eyes and i do everything she says. thank you for motivating me to do my hw, queen.
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but enough talking about my faves. honestly.. i don't really care about isagi? which actually makes me very sad bc i found him very relatable at first but then i kinda got bored? like i can't even describe his personality, i can only say "uhhh he's friendly with other guys unless he's playing football and also. uh. he likes football"? and ig that can also be very fun and i'm usually a huge fan of characters that usually act nice but also have a very rude and mean side, but isagi is just. idk, i don't really find him that interesting and those moments when he's like, busy analyzing everything and coming up with strategies.. honestly, i just skipped them JSDKSLSLS. I WANTED MORE ACTION OKAY. i think his relationship with bachira is cute though!
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BACK TO MY FAVES. i would bite kaiser's head off if i ever got the chance but he's also one of my fav characters. yeah. he's so cool, i love his design sm, i need to look like him. i want to get into his head and figure out what's wrong with him. i want to squeeze him and crush him and tear him apart, but i also love him so much. tbh i don't know anything about the new chapters, but i'd love to learn more about him, it's like, at the same time, i want him to have a backstory that's a little bit (or maybe VERY) sad, but i also kinda want him to be like that just bc he can (even though i'm pretty sure it was implied that he does have a reason for acting like that). and yes, i love his relationship dynamic with ness. yeah.
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reo. another fave of mine. though i actually didn't like him that much when i first saw him, but. i knew deep down that a purple boy will become one of my faves. love this gay disaster of a man, everything that happened between him and nagi was more entertaining than every single romance movie that i've ever watched. i want him to get better and realize that he's capable of doing great things without him. i also want him to become even more dependent on him for angst reasons. it's hard. and i honestly both love and hate that moment when he decides to return to nagi right after he finally started to get some character development, because YES I WANT HIM TO GROW AND I WANT HIS PERSONALITY TO BE SOMETHING OTHER THAN "if i spend at least one day w/o nagi i will die", but also it's very realistic and as someone who was in MULTIPLE (platonic) relationships that were exactly like his relationship with nagi.. that moment was very painful. in a good way. and again, i wanna look like him.
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my relationship with mikoto is very hard to explain bc it's like. in theory, i'd love to learn more about him. i'd love to stan him. but also.. i'm not a fan of how the fandom pretty much makes his DID his only personality trait? maybe i'm just on the wrong side of the fandom, but i rarely see any posts about his other traits? again, i'd love to learn more bc i have a feeling that we have a lot in common, but. but yeah. i'm a huge fan of his minigram version though <3 so silly. so squishy. so funny. (honestly, me being salty that almost all convos about mikoto usually discuss his DID is so funny to me now that after three therapy sessions i've found out that i'm most likely a system SJHSJDKDLSL like bro THAT IS YOU) about "i would push them down the stairs" i mean it in a silly playful way :) like i want him to fall down and scream in a very cartoony and funny way.
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
Hello! Just writing up my info for the trade! If you have any questions please message me and lmk!!
Name: Mochi
Fandom: Honkai Star Rail
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pansexual
Zodiac: Libra
Likes: walks, open communication, honesty, arts and also crafts, video games, board games, buying my partner gifts
Dislikes: loud noises, two-faced people, cooking, cleaning
Personality: Very bubbly sweet and friendly but a little shy and awkward it takes me awhile to be my usual weird and quirky self around others. It's very important to me to surround myself with open minded, honest, and accountable people who I can be myself around without judegement. I have a great sense of humor, but outside of jokes I can be sensitive and emotional - sometimes a little emotionally volatile. Very playful otherwise and generally jovial, I try to treat others with kindless and respect but I'm always down for playful teasing. I'm bad at expressing my emotions the first time and often need a little prodding, but in turn I'm a great listener and very perceptive when others are feeling off. I'm very intelligent and a deep thinker and love philosophy and hypothetical thinking. I do love to go for walks but I'm mostly and indoorsy homebody, and most of my hobbies and interests are best pursued from indoor spaces. I'm a big nerd too interest wise! I believe I need someone fun, but stable and secure in a way that grounds me.
TYSM for trading with me!!!
We Interupt your regularly scheduled program for.......A MATCHUP TRADE WITH @misssakuramochi!!!!!!!!
Hello Hello thx for trading with me here is your matchup...DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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(It took forever to decide if I should go pink and blue or just pink, but it wouldn't quite be March if I just did one or the other.)
You and March are a match made in heaven (or whatever higher power you do or don’t believe on I guess). You two have so much in common you get to talk for hours about the most random things. You’re the best of friends…and maybe more.
When you first arrived on the express you were a bit shy, but March was so enamored with you on day one. She would talk your ear off about all the planets she visited and all the things she’s seen on her adventures. It didn’t take long for you to open up to her warm personality.
From that point on you were thicker then thieves. Taking in the sights of each new planet, going shopping, trying the food, (giving Dan Heng a hard time) and more. March took so many photos of you guys she’s currently on her 5th scrapbook (we all know this girl scrapbooks i mean come on)
You two have had countless sleepovers in either on of your rooms. Eating snacks, pillow fights, watching movies, and sharing secrets. One sleepover you guys were talking about romance. I think you can see where I’m going with this.
You were talking about what kind of people you were into and if either of you had gained a crush over your travels. She told you about all the boys and girls she thought were attractive and would have a crush on them for awhile, but sadly had to leave them. She doesn’t regret it however as she sees romance as part of the adventure even the heart break.
When she turned to ask you, you replied that you hadn’t really thought about it. You said that if you were to like anyone that they would have to have a fun personality but be grounded as well when needed. The conversation ended after that, but the more you thought it the more you realized that a lot of the qualities you were into…matched March. Normally you guys share a bed and sleep just fine during your sleep overs, but that night you couldn’t sleep a wink.
A few weeks later when you reached your next destination, you had finally gained the confidence to ask March to be your girlfriend (with a bit of a blunt nudge from Dan Heng). You 3 did your usual exploring and emersion, when you decided now was a good time to ask her. When you saw an unusual sight…March was hugging another girl and blushing.
Your heart was shattered. You solemnly walked back to the train. Back on the train you ran into Himeko, she took one look at your crestfallen face and immediately knew something happened. You asked her what do you do when the person you love falls in love with someone else. She said that if you love something let them go. So that what you did.
Over the next few weeks you distanced yourself from March. She was confused, but took Dan Heng’s advice when he said you needed space for awhile. And that’s how things stayed for awhile, until March was injured in a fight against the Stelleron Hunters.
You stayed in the infirmary day and night. March was stable, but know one knew when she would wake up. While waiting for her to wake up you talked to her every single day hoping she could hear you. Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. You were starting to lose hope.
One day you came and sat next to march as usual. After talking to her for awhile your voice started to fade. You told her how you weren’t sure when she’d wake up, how you wish you’d told her your feelings earlier even if she didn’t reciprocate, and how you were sorry you couldn’t protect her.
At that moment, you felt a cold hand on yours, you turned you head and saw a very much awake March smiling brightly. She said she loved you too. You were confused and in shock. Turns out March had woken up sometime in the night before, but didn’t want to alert anyone besides Himeko and welt (aka the author thinks someone being coherent enough to tell you they love you after waking up from a fucking coma makes no sense).
After being relieved she was awake and healthy, you asked her about her crush on that girl on (insert planet here). Apparently she was an old friend of March and was giving her advice on how to ask out her real crush: you. After that confirmation you asked if you could kiss her. She said yes.
After that you were closer then ever. Thr sugar sweet love birds of the Astral Express Crew. Always going on adventures, having fun, with a little flirting and kissing thrown in (Dan Heng said you two were more insufferable now but he actually thinks you guys are really cute). You two end up getting married and settling down after your last adventure to start a new one: the adventure of love.
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Woo another doozy. Well I hope you like it anyways thx for doing this trade with me.
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