#henna freckled
witch-of-the-shire · 1 year
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simbl-uh · 8 months
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here's my take on the create-a-species challenge by @manawhims
they're giving space cowboy 🤠👽
nov - dec: violet/yellow skin colour
11 - 15: red/braid hair colour and type
fall: wings/non - sim ears unique feature
fire: freckles skin detail
snake w/ arms: cottage core aesthetic (i did country instead)
pick 2 random features: no eyebrows / piercings
their name is Betty Haywood and they love life on the farm! you can download them here
enjoy!! <33
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spookiat · 6 months
In go downstairs to do my chores, I am distracted by Kon-El, I go upstairs (having forgotten downstairs chores) I am distracted by Kon el (and Bart), I go downstairs-
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elliesonlinediary · 1 year
i just tried henna freckles and omg- i'm in love with them 💗💕💝💞💖💓
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mey-star · 3 months
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Headcanon: Kacchan puts henna where Izuku's freckles used to be, and it's not a very difficult task since he remembers exactly where each freckle used to be
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leafened · 9 days
i have a skin condition that makes it basically impossible to wear makeup like i obv do brows and eyelashes bc those aren't skin lol and i can kind of do cream blushes and very small color corrections but they go on patchy and don't work well ANYWAY this was fine in florida bc i had freckles that livened up my face a lot but portland is killing me
i look so bad. a girl at a party said "i don't mean this in a bad way but you look like a dead girl" like yea i know i know i know
anyway i realized i can just dye my face. i did my cheeks and lips w a heavily diluted pink koolaid and i got self tanner and henna to do freckles without sun
hunter gatherer makeup
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budugu · 11 months
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vtoriacore-rbs · 8 months
the urge to be passive aggressive w every online person who's like "well what about-" on something completely fucking unrelated. like what about it? what about it bitch? shut up this isn't about you nor is it aimed at you get over yourself the world does NOT revolve around you omg 😭 fucking scroll if it's not content you wanna see or don't relate to ffs, i be tryna find opinions and it's always like this
i just watched a video on someone doing a cute makeup thing and they have no freckles so they used henna for it and people were all like "what about the kids that got bullied for having freckles-" or "what about people who are allergic to henna-" well what about them !? saying shit like that as if the content creator personally fucking attacked you for it or smth in the past Jesus Christ the main character complex is REAL for some people 🙄 not everything is aimed at you PLEASE 😭 just felt like ranting abt this but it's so frustrating when I'm looking for shit like tips and all the fucking comments are about that ughhhhh
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starwhipnspin · 1 year
ok this is too funny not to share so today i present to you:
Things my sister called the ninja (& co.) the few times she saw them (a fairly unhinged list)
first up we got jay with:
vesuvio (yes that is the name of a volcano)
"he looks like allan from the barbie movie"
burger (about the redesign, she said it was the freckles💀)
"those freckles r so fake btw he drew them on with henna for sure"
"why does his hair look like that? those spikes go so high bro could be considerable as the 15th eight thousander" (bruh this one killed me like what💀)
he looks old now (about the redesign)
a toothbrush/bath brush (she has made it very clear she does not like his hair)
jonny bravo💀
"hes like one of those hermetically sealed containers his hair is flat on the top and the sideburns are like the bits to close the thing shut" (WHERE DOES SHE COME UP WITH SHIT LIKE THIS WHAT...)
iron man (post s3 of course)
a tempera paint tube lid (about movie zanes hair)
and at last, she just called him straight up ugly like not even gonna lie thats the first thing she said when she saw him
"look at him he's my fave his hair is nice."
a bit emo
he just like me (about the movie version, cuz she also likes AC/DC and rock in general)
like hulk (when he was a ghost)
coconut head from ned school survival guide (when he was a kid)
idk he reminds me of the ninja turtles (cuz green)
"his eyes give off snake vibes"
dora the explorer
"she looks like she got the bob just because it was trendy and it do not look good on her"
"why she look like that"
"extra fake cuz they already made out of plastic and she has the audacity to paint metal details on her face like come on girl so fake"
"tf is he supposed to be"
"why do his eyebrows look like that"
"why is he green when the other ones are all yellow"
"reminds me of the flintstones lady the one with the bone on her head"
minecraft spider (for some reason immediately followed with "incredible")
honorable mentions also include:
"they r like the winx they transform ENCHANTIIIIXX~" (after seeing how zane changed post s3 lol)
dollar store power rangers
"hold on he kinda looks like gerard way" (about possesed lloyd LMAO)
"it's like the wafer they give you with ice cream" (about wu's hat)
and thats the end of the ninjago slander thank u for coming and goodnight
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lesbian-time-traveler · 8 months
So you know how transphobes are always like “but chromosomes!” To deny trans people’s existence? I’m taking AP Bio right now and that argument has ZERO basis in science and here is why:
1. Chromosomes are highly compacted DNA that only look like an X and a Y WHEN THEY ARE BEING DUPLICATED. The DNA in chromosomes is too compacted to be used in that state. Chromosomes are sort of like suit cases, you put your clothes in their for ease is travel but it’s too inconvenient to actually get your clothes from there and a regular basis. So, the rest of the time they are just loose chromatins laying around waiting for their genetic information to be used.
So the concept of like “oh chromosomes define your gender” isn’t even based in reality when DNA isn’t even in chromosome form half the time lol
2. Ok so the transphobes are scrambling now. “BUT what about the DNA, that clearly defines gender”. Let’s set aside that gender is a social construct for a second. Yes, DNA does define sex. It also defines hair color, hair texture, eye color, freckles, wether or not you have a hairy liver, cancer, adhd, you get the point. DNA includes the instructions to literally EVERYTHING in your body. If you are going to say trans people are “breaking biology”, than I want you to criticizing perms, fake freckles, contact lenses, adhd medication, plastic surgery, GMO’s, insulin all the other products we use to alter our “biology” to make us life a happier more confortable life. Trans people getting surgery and hormones are literally no different than any of this other stuff. Yet I don’t see any effort by politicians to get rid of any information about plastic surgery, and perms in schools? I don’t see millions of clinics and hair salons being shut down by the government? I don’t see people with henna freckles getting hate crimed on the streets.
Because transphobia isn’t about biology. This is about maintaining the patriarchy by controlling trans peoples bodies and identity.
Yours truly,
Non-binary vintage lesbian
(Ps. Feel free to share on other platforms, and to copy and paste this argument literally anywhere. I’m so sick of the transphobes. )
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brother-genitivi · 1 year
10 for a wayhaven pairing? Uwu
hound tsym!! 10 - "please. please just listen to me.”
Rating: teen + up Pairing: Mason / Aydın Word count: 1k
“Hear me out-”
“No way. I don’t do weddings.” Mason comes to a stop near his room. Just as soon as the words come out of his mouth, he regrets them. He hates weddings, it’s true. But it is Aydın who’s asking. He’d go for him.
“Listen for just a second!” Aydın’s voice rises in pitch. A nervous giggle escapes his mouth. “Wait, wait. Please, please just listen to me.”
Mason leans against the warehouse wall and folds his arms. He makes a movement with his head as if to say, ‘I am listening’. His mouth curls into a comfortable smirk.
Aydın points a very serious finger at him. “Don’t look at me like that!”
Mason's smirk grows wider.
“I’m asking for your help. Or to just hear me out. Pretty please- are you laughing at me?” Aydın thunders. “Asshole.”
He breaks out into a huge grin and aims a playful punch at Mason’s shoulder. Mason is behind him in a flash. He slides his hands onto Aydın’s wrists, gently pinning him to the wall.
“Unfair,” Aydın mutters. His eyes bore into Mason’s, deep dark browns soft with adoration. Mason wouldn’t mind losing himself in them.
His mood sours as his thumbs gingerly press into Aydın’s pulse points. Not because of how they quicken (that would normally give Mason a sense of satisfaction), but because of what lies under his skin, rushing through his veins.
Mason releases him and draws back, jamming his hands into his pockets. A flash of concern passes over Aydın’s face.
“So why exactly do you need me to come?” Mason asks quickly. Aydın tilts his head to the side, but thankfully decides to answer his question.
“I was talking to my teyze and she misheard something I said. Now she thinks I have a boyfriend and I felt too awkward to correct her because she kept saying ‘oh, it’s about time!’ and ‘I am so happy for you, it’s been years now!’, like okay, goddamn, and she’s given me an invite for my imaginary boyfriend and already told the entire family about him because I keep getting texts from everyone asking if he’s hot or not and if we’ll make gorgeous half-Turkish children with curly hair, so I need to show up with someone or I’ll explode and die. I don’t even want children!”
He heaves in a deep breath. Mason stares at him, processing.
“Seriously, Mason, I will never hear the end of it if I go by myself. Turkish women are tenacious.”
“And you want me to… help? I’m your go-to?” Mason asks incredulously. “Not Nate?”
It’s true, they have been close for a while now. He can tell Aydın anything, or not say anything at all and still feel comfortable with him. He enjoys their shared silences the most.
But it’s Nate that Aydın spends most of his time with (when he isn’t with Mason). He naturally assumed that Nate would be his go-to.
“Oh, I love Nate,” Aydın says nonchalantly. “But I already brought him to the henna night party. And made it very clear that we’re just friends. Like I said, Turkish women are tenacious. Always assuming and always in other people’s business.”
“And you want me to go with you instead?”
Mason already knows the answer. Yet, for some reason, he wants to hear Aydın say it.
“I do.” He wrings his fingers. “But not if you’re uncomfortable with it. I don’t want to pressure you. I went to you first because I trust you.”
Hearing that Aydın trusts him is a strange kind of euphoria. Suddenly he feels light, happy. It doesn’t feel wrong. Just… normal.
It's almost as if Mason is in-
“But you can and should say no if you want to.” Aydın says firmly, cutting across Mason's train of thought. “I want you to be comfortable.”
Mason’s forehead wrinkles in confusion. Why does he have to be so damned genuine all the time? It wrenches his heart for a reason he can’t identify.
He makes a thrumming motion against his arm with freckled fingers. His grey eyes narrow then soften, the crinkle between his brows disappearing entirely.
“I’ll go with you,” he says finally.
Aydın peers at him curiously. “Are you sure? I really don’t want you to do something you’re not happy with. I mean it, you can say-”
“I’ll go with you,” Mason repeats. “I want to.”
The shining smile he receives is worth any discomfort he’ll have to go through later. Though, with Aydın there, he might not be uncomfortable at all. Mason can admit that to himself, at least. As much as it frustrates him not knowing why.
Aydın rises to the tips of his toes, his hands coming to rest on the line of Mason’s jaw. “Thank you, güneşim.”
He plants a soft kiss on Mason’s cheek. Aydın draws back and makes his way to his own room, a lightness in his steps. Mason watches him go, stunned into silence, using the wall as a backrest.
He touches the spot where Aydın kissed him. His heart rattles against his ribcage, a hot flush creeping up his neck. Aydın has kissed him there before (the only time he's kissed Mason, really), after they rescued Sanja, but something has changed since then.
It’s different. There was something different in that kiss. Such a simple motion, lips pressed against his skin, fleeting, but it’s left Mason even more confused than before. He wonders what Aydın's lips would feel like against his own.
It feels like the evening after the auction, where Aydın eased his nightmares just by being near him. They had slept in the same bed, side by side, curled into one another. A perfect fit. Normal. And more than what they were before.
Whatever that means.
It’s then that Mason realises he doesn’t want to go to the wedding at all. Not if it means pretending to be Aydın’s partner. Not if they have to part ways afterwards, back to how they were before without another word, constantly dancing around an issue Mason didn’t realise existed.
He wants it to be real.
And he has no idea why.
“Aydi, what the fuck are you doing to me?” Mason growls quietly.
He stays slumped against the wall for a little while longer, until the sun begins to dip beneath the trees. Finally, he heads off towards his room to find a nice shirt.
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miss-miaumiau · 3 months
"Get to know me" - ask game
RULES: bold or colour the ones that are true & tag 10 people to do it
I am white // I am asian // I am middle-eastern // I am native american // I am latino // I am black // I am multiracial // dark(er) skin // light(er) skin // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // redhead // blonde // brunette // black hair // short hair // medium length hair // long hair // straight hair // wavy hair // curly hair // brown eyes // hazel eyes // green eyes // blue eyes // gray eyes // short // average height // tall // I am pleased with how I look // I have or had braces // I have gotten non-surgical cosmetic treatments (like filler, botox, etc.) // I have gotten cosmetic surgery (not ashamed of that at all)
Preppy // Sporty // Gangsta // Boho // Vintage // Punk // Goth // other Alt-Fashion style // I have one or more piercings (just my earlobes) // I have at least one tattoo (only my eyebrows, I'm not into tattoos otherwise) // I typically wear makeup (lipstick - yes, mascara - sometimes, eyeliner & eyeshadow - only for events, but foundation - no, I can't stand how it feels on my skin) // I have dyed or highlighted my hair (I used to dye it either black or red with henna in the past, but not rn, though) // I paint my nails // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // shirts with geeky prints (yes, please) // I like skirts // I like trousers // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards // I wear sneakers // I like heels / I own designer clothes (not very much into that, but still, I do own a few pieces - Ralph Lauren Blazer, Prada sunglasses, Balmain watch)
I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I love stargazing // I have slept under the stars (I'd love to) // I enjoy cloud watching // I enjoy rainy days (sometimes) // I enjoy thunderstorms // the sound of chirping calms me // I know what snow tastes like (didn't every kid try that at some point!?) // I have climbed a tree // I have attended a bonfire // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // I meditate outside // spring is my favorite season // summer is my favorite season // autumn is my favorite season // winter is my favorite season // I have a collection of crystals // I pay close attention to colors // I have a canopy above my bed // I listen to music to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I enjoy visiting the library // I enjoy going to museums // I enjoy going to theatre // I like modern art & architecture // I like older art & architectural styles
my parents are together // my parents are divorced // I am adopted // I am an only child // I have at least one sibling // I have made an online friend (RIP Lunna ... I will always miss you!) / I met up with someone I have met online // I give advice to my friends (and vice versa, of course) // I have a best friend who I’ve known for at least ten years // I have dated my best friend // I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have never been in a relationship // I have a crush (do fictional ones count!?) // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I believe in true love
Gen Z // Millenial (early Millenial, to be precise) // Gen X // Boomer // I enjoy spending time with friends // I am the mom friend // I (have) own(ed) a dog // I (have) own(ed) a cat // I (have) own(ed) a bird // I (have) own(ed) an exotic animal // I know how to swim // I play a sport // I can do a handstand // I can execute a perfect somersault // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can play an instrument (at least I could ... once) // I enjoy singing // I am artistic // I can do origami // I can do calligraphy // I know more than one language // I enjoy writing (sometimes) // I have read a new book (series) this year // I prefer movies to tv shows (I like both, if they're good) // I wish I lived in a video game // I live by a certain quote // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I like the smell of sharpies // I enjoy cooking & baking (primarily cooking, but yeah) // I can cook or bake without a recipe (not in terms of baking, but with cooking - definitely yes ... after 20 years of being the family chef, I've actually gotten quite good at it) // I enjoy Japanese food // I enjoy Mexican food // I enjoy Italian food // I could survive in the wild on my own // I travel during work or school breaks // I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I don’t often smile // I have at least one interest commonly considered as weird (of course, I'm a sperg, after all ... anyway, I'm very much into ET & UFO stuff)
Whoever wants to do this - feel welcome to!
Aside from that, I'm tagging:
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peters-brain · 9 months
Lilys freckles faid in the winter so she uses henna to redo them
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pure-ablution · 2 months
What are your favorite makeup products?
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Lakmé Absolute Kohl Ultimate (Ash Brown): a brown kohl is a must for my routine. I tightline my top lid and the outer half of my lower lid to widen my eyes and give myself a Bambi look. The kohl by Lakmé is just as good as my more expensive liners from Sisley, and I always pick it up when I’m in India.
Kimchi Candy Girl Fake Freckle: this is a bit of a strange one, but although I have natural freckles, I also add freckles to my routine because they break up my face a little and distract from the features I’m not wholly happy with. I use henna to do my freckles and then use this pen from Kimchi to bring out any that were covered up by foundation; it’s the most natural-looking freckle pen by far, in my opinion, but there’s still a bit of a knack to using it.
Lancôme Cils Booster XL: this is the only mascara primer that works, and it really does work. I buy it by the bucketload and use it very liberally on my lashes; it not only stops my mascara from smudging, but it thickens and lengthens my lashes, too.
Chanel Lumière de l'Océan: this is apparently an illuminating powder, but I use it as a highlighter. I picked it up when I was last in Bordeaux and had time to kill in the airport, and it’s one of the prettiest highlighters I’ve ever used. It gives a bit more than the ‘soft glow’ that seems to be trendy right now, but it’s not chunky or overly blinding. I use it on my cupid’s bow and the inner corners of my eyes for everyday looks, and as a usual highlighter for fun nights out.
Guerlain Météorites (01 Blanc de Perle): my favourite finishing powder by far, although my favourite shade is Asia-exclusive and I have to wait until I travel out before I can pick up a new tin. Thankfully, it lasts an incredibly long time.
YSL Rouge Volupté Candy Glaze (13 Flashing Rose): I mourned the loss of the original, but actually, Candy Glaze is quickly becoming a favourite. Although there aren’t as many shades, and the formula is quite different, I love a glossy lip and a bullet lipstick, so this was perfect for me. I’ve been wearing this shade all summer—it’s the perfect raspberry lemonade shade on my lips.
AliExpress individual lashes: I’m really picky about my falsies, right down to the curl type, and AliExpress is one place that can guarantee me what I want. I spend hours mapping out my lash looks and finding the exact lashes I need on Ali, and I definitely couldn’t go back to using strip lashes.
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skincareroutine · 5 months
fake freckles like w henna or whatever dont look natural on me at all cus ive been wearing sunscreen since i was 12 so i just dont have any sun spots naturally so theres nothing for them to blend into. then WHY praytell do i keep buying freckle pens like this time will be different and it never is
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mishas-sims · 1 year
Non Default Skin List
All the non default skins I use. Current favorites are marked with a ♥️
Lilith’s Honey Supernatural [Alien, Werewolf] ♥️
Skooge’s Lilith’s Honey [genetic & towniefied] ♥️
Lilith’s Apple Pie
Lilith’s Honey (no freckles) ♥️
Lilith’s honey (with freckles)♥️
Lilith’s Feather’s
Lilith’s Eve
Lilith’s Spattergroit
Lilith’s Bloom
Lilith’s Alien Flavors
Lilith’s Solitude
Lilith’s Watermelon
Lilith’s Moonlight
Lilith’s Peachy
Lilith’s Sunshine
Keoni’s Honey Tattoo
Keoni’s Rei
Nymphy’s Birdsong on Lilith’s Peachy
Nymphy’s Tattooed Lilith’s Eva
Yuichen’s Henna on Lilith’s Moonlight
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