everett-fornow · 7 days
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family photo, 1905
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somedayonbroadway · 2 years
Henris getting found out by Jack?
For sure! Here’s the first Henris scene I wrote too!
Jack had had a rough day. He’d accidentally eaten something with dairy in it and had been leaning over the toilet in the boy’s locker room, throwing up since third period. He looked pale when he walked through the door, finally. He left before the last period had started. He was supposed to meet Katherine at her doctor’s appointment later, but he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get back up if he laid down now.
No one else should’ve been home. Jack had a schedule for all the kids in the house. It was currently 1:30 in the afternoon. School for the older kids let out at 2:45 and the younger kids were supposed to be picked up at 3. No one came home until 3:12.
So when Jack heard someone giggling in the kitchen, he was taken aback. He was hunched over a bit and he slowly put his bag down on the ground so he could shuffle in to see who was breaking the rules. He wasn’t prepared for what he saw. “Get the hell off of my little brother!” he cried.
Morris jumped up immediately from where he’d been sitting on the ground in a pile of loose flour, hands up Henry’s shirt and their lips locked. Henry quickly followed suit. “Jack, it ain’t what it looks like— whoa, are you okay?”
Jack lunged at Morris who immediately rushed to get out of the house. He ran out the backdoor and Jack chased him. “Get back here, you coward!” He watched Delancey jump the fence so he stopped. “Stupid, stupid, kid,” he growled as Henry grabbed his arm.
“Don’t chase him!” Henry insisted. “Jackie, he wasn’t hurting me. He loves me, I love him, Jack, I love him.”
Jack stared at Henry for a long time. Then he shook his head. “Henry, you don’t know what that means,” he insisted, walking back to the house and reaching for the phone. Trespassing is a felony. He could get Morris in trouble for that.
“Jack, I love him, he’s not a bad person—“
“You’re being stupid, Henry!” Jack hissed. “He’s not in love with you and you are just so lovesick, you’re letting yourself fall right into this! He’s the reason Racer’s been to the hospital twice in the past three months! He’s the reason I almost died last year! He’s a psychopath! Not to mention, homophobic—“
“It was an act, Jack! It’s internalized homophobia!” Henry cried, grabbing the phone out of Jack’s hand. “His uncle is awful to him! He’s just as fucked up as we are—“
“No! We don’t hurt other people for fun!” Jack growled. “We are nothing alike—“
“He reminds me so much of you, actually. You’re both too stupid to see past any little incident that happens!” Henry growled.
Jack scoffed. “Incident? That’s what you call him literally poisoning me?” he hissed.
“He didn’t know it could kill you—“
“Fuck off, Hen. You can’t see him no more. This is not love. You don’t know what love is!” Jack spat.
“And you do? You knocked up some girl, so what?! You don’t love her! We all see the way you look at Davey!” Henry shot.
And Jack froze.
It was then that Henry knew he’d taken it too far. He looked down. Jack was having a horrible time trying to navigate this with no real parents to help him. Katherine was pregnant. They hadn’t meant for it to happen. And Henry knew how sensitive this subject was.
But before he could apologize, Jack was storming away and slamming the door to his room.
Henry didn’t follow him. Jack’s definitely did not want to see him right now.
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Art by: Henry James Garrett
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rainbowthefox · 5 months
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Im so sorry but this is the funniest fucking thing
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bruhstation · 6 months
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you’re just like the rest of them
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jovoy · 5 months
sometimes you guys are extremely strange but i have to forgive you because to me mutualship is like catholic marriage where you have to put up with weird bullshit forever amd you cant get a divorce no matter what
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mclsquared · 1 month
“why do you still use tumblr?”
listen— i have to keep track of my hyper fixations somehow
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Why did William get FNAF springlocked? Is he stupid?
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everett-fornow · 22 days
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it's not nice to take over another demons vessel without asking politely.
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I saw a lot of people drawing their ocs and personas bill-ified and given Henris already has an emotionally unstable brightly coloured one facial feature having creature using him, this was the only outcome I could think of
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pearwaldorf · 10 months
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This is some cold-ass shit. As President, Biden has to say something. But he can say it in a way that says nothing and everything.
I want to shake the hand of the staffer that wrote this because this is absolutely fucking superb.
I know we (in general but especially neuroatypicals) prefer things to be clear and straightforward. But occasionally, you can do things in full view of the world like this. And that's kind of incredible.
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bornandbredginger · 10 months
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fluidstatick · 10 months
When I was little, my dad hired a Cambodian refugee called Jack to help him drywall a dining room ceiling. Jack spoke very little English; he'd recently gotten a part time job in a little Asian deli not far from our home and needed to pick up some extra work. He was very kind to six year old me and my exhausted mom; he brought us day old leftovers from the deli counter often, and liked to tuck the knuckle of his index finger into the dimple in my cheek whenever I smiled at him.
He soaked up construction skills and other information like a sponge, and by the time he left my dad's tiny construction company he'd gotten his GED, learned to drive, reunited with his sister and her family, and had begun remodeling a vacant business on the rich side of town into a Cambodian restaurant. He invited us to their grand opening on lunar new year, and I'll never forget when he gave me a red envelope with five dollars in it and told me, "tonight I am the luckiest man in the world, so this will bring you luck, too."
Years later, my dad told me that Jack had witnessed his parents' murder during the khmer rouge, and was immediately separated from his sister. He had to cross the killing fields at Choeung Ek alone, on foot, eating grass and insects to survive. He somehow made it to Cam Ranh on the coast of Vietnam, where a distant friend of his father's put him on a boat to Seattle. Jack was nine years old.
I tell this story because, even though I haven't seen Jack or any of his relatives in thirty years, I pray he's well and happy and eating like a king tonight with everyone he loves, celebrating the long overdue demise of the pestilential sonofabitch who tried to wipe them out.
Fuck Henry Kissinger's pathetic ghost, and fuck all those who praise him. Fuck Imperialism. Fuck the genocidal war machine. Drink deep for the freedom of all souls tonight, my friends. And tomorrow, keep fighting.
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fantastic-nonsense · 10 months
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beggars-opera · 10 months
Mitch McConnell next, like to charge reblog to cast
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amarshmallownamedo · 10 months
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Bluesky is also having fun
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