#her face is turned away from the kisser. Is the kiss wanted? is he pulling her from the edge or towards it?
fayzart136 · 1 month
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This muscial still has a deathgrip (hah) on me.
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luveline · 11 days
I was just rereading your marauders sex shop blurb. I love how the boys have just adopted reader into their group, and how open they are with their affection for her. You do such a wonderful job of writing intimacy that rides the line between platonic and romantic. And I love the readers inter monologue of wondering if that intimacy means something more romantic like she wishes. It’s wonderful! I was also wondering if there’s a blurb on how the boys met reader for the first time?
thank you so much, that’s so nice of you <3 there wasn’t one but I hope this is okay!! —Remus, Sirius and James move into their new flat. You’re helpful. fem, 1k
The stairwell is filled with the sounds of kissing. Remus frowns, heart beating quickly, arms aching under the weight of yet another box. He gets to the top of the stairs and peeks around the box’s sides. 
Sitting on the step of their new doorway is James. And, sitting on top of James, stroking his cheek, is Sirius. His hair is falling all over the place and they’re kissing so much Remus assumes they’ll have bruised noses. They often turn their kisses into a fight, like one of them can win, though it never really ends that way. He wants to laugh as Sirius pushes James down for more kissing, and he sort of wants to watch regardless because they’re both good kissers and he’d quite like to be included, but mostly he needs the heavy box put away. 
“Someone please help me,” Remus says. 
James breaks away. Sirius squeezes his face and begins to kiss his neck. 
“Baby,” James says as he pushes him away, which is funny, unlike him and unlike Sirius to be called it, but also not actually unlike either of them when Remus really thinks about it. 
Sirius gives a last peck and pulls away. When he gets up to look at Remus properly he’s flushed all over from the activity, his neck and face turning red in splotches. 
Sirius and James have spent a lot of time spoiling Remus into love. He would’ve ended up there regardless, but he’s used to being the centre of attention. It was nice to see them kissing, and he wishes he didn’t interrupt quickly, but neither party seems to begrudge him. Sirius stands up and James is a second behind him, taking the heavy box from Remus’ arms before it can topple to the floor. 
“We’re on break,” James says with a grin. “Especially you.” 
“We have to take the van back tonight, in case you forgot. There’s still half our stuff in there.” 
“If we have to pay their fine, it’s fine,” James says, shifting the box against his chest. “I’d much rather pay the extra day than have us all hurt ourselves. How will we ever test the big bed if poor Remus can’t move?” 
“Poor Remus,” Sirius says, taking Remus’ hand to play with his fingers. 
This is pretty much everything Remus has ever wanted. To get to keep his two best friends forever, to be in love, to live together in a new city with good food and better cinemas. And here, nobody knows them. Nobody to judge them or give them strange looks. They can just be together like they’ve always wanted to be. 
Remus leans down to put his face against Sirius’ chest, their hands still held, Sirius’ free arm wrapping around him loosely. 
“Tired?” Sirius asks. 
James reluctantly leaves for the kitchen to put down their heavy box. 
“No. We really need to empty the van.”
“We will.” Sirius drops his nose against Remus’ hair. “Cliche if I kiss you?” 
“I like cliches.” 
Sirius puts his lips to Remus temple. Barely a kiss, no movement nor sound, but Remus knows it counts. It’s about intention. 
“Would you like a rough one?” Sirius asks quietly. 
“Maybe later.” 
“Please, let me give you one,” he says. 
“And have you press me into the floor? I don’t think so.” 
Sirius tips Remus’ head up and presses a kiss to Remus’ Cupid’s bow in an act of lifting his face, and then presses an equally gentle kiss to his lips. All this kissing… 
“I’m so happy we’ve moved,” Remus admits. 
Sirius squeezes his fingers, pulling away to meet charmed eyes. “All we need to do is find James a new team, and it’s perfect. Everything, finally.” 
“Hello?” someone calls. 
Sirius and Remus keep their hands held and shuffle across the hall to look down at the square. The flat building is strange, big and with an interior that’s an exterior, and you stand on the grass with a smile. 
“Hi!” you say, hands on your hips. You’re dressed for the strange weather, jeans and a t-shirt and a zip-up hoodie, entirely non-assuming. “Are you guys moving in?” 
“We are!” Remus says back. “You live here?” 
“My friend, I came to make sure her cat was okay, she’s gone to Ibiza. Do you need help?” 
“Oh, no, we couldn’t ask you to!” Remus says. 
“Sure you can!” 
You smile, and Remus thinks you look really lovely when you smile, it changes everything about your face. He feels guilty for the thought quickly, but it’s not as though being in a relationship means he can’t tell when girls are pretty. 
“Are you busy?” Sirius asks. 
You grin and make for the metal stairs up to the flat. 
Remus peeks at him in surprise, then suspicion, but Sirius only smiles at him. “We’re making friends already,” Sirius says, giving him a nudge. “That’s what we wanted.” 
James returns, having taken off his hoodie, a brown t-shirt loose on his frame. His own, then, because he insists on stealing from everybody’s wardrobes and stretching out their clothes. 
“Why are you guys shouting?” 
“Nice girl’s gonna come help us move.” 
James raises his eyebrows. 
‘Nice girl’ makes her way up the stairs. You’re still grinning when you get to the top, unperturbed by the appearance of another boy. “Hi,” you say, holding out your hand for an introduction. “I’m Y/N.” 
It’s the start of a long road. Remus shakes your hand and gets the sort of butterflies he’s terrified of now, though eventually Sirius and James will admit to the exact same thing, and no one will know what to do about it.
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sugarcoatedstarkey · 6 months
Fake boyfriend p3-
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pairings - soft!rafe! X virginfem!reader
summary - you lie to your befriend that you have a boyfriend.
warnings - alcohol, language, mention of touching.
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“So y/n, favorite position?” Kelsie questions, your body stiffens above Rafe. His hand squeezes your thigh, you screwed your face up at her. Her eyes were glassy and eyelids half closed, she was wasted. If she had been sober she would never have asked a personal question like that in a game. She would have asked you the details in private.
“Come on, don't be shy!”
All eyes are on you awaiting your answer, your skin was going to be a permanent shade of red if people kept embarrassing you. Clearing the back of your throat. “I-”
The words don’t seem to form, everyone’s still staring at you causing your heart to pound in your chest. “My girl is a lady, she doesn’t like to disclose personal information… but for the sake of the game and to keep you guys quiet she really loves to ride me”.
You have to bite your tongue to stop the choking sound formulating in the back of your throat, your skin covered in goosebumps at the idea of sitting on Rafe’s cock. Why were you suddenly so comfortable with the idea of sex? Subconsciously your body moved against him when the tingles spread from your toes to your pussy. Kelsie’s eyes are wide and she lets out a squeal. “Goddamn! Bestie you're holding out on details!”.
You shook your head, letting out a forced laugh. You were letting this fake boyfriend thing go too far, you didn’t want to lie to her about sex. Rafe’s hands tighten around your hips to stop you from moving. “You keep moving and we are going to have a problem” he whispered into your ear, the hair on the back of your neck standing up. Your body straightens up against him, did he mean what you thought he meant? Was you moving against him causing him to get an erection?
Everyone turns to Topper and waits for him to choose truth or dare. You're not even sure why you were playing the game, you’d not played it since grade 8 where you got dared to kiss Jacob the popular boy. It was another embarrassing moment to add to the list of embarrassing moments.
Rafe clears his throat, turning your head slightly to look down at him. “Sorry, I’m not sure if you wanted me to say anything”.
“Oh no, thank you for saving me. I um- I wouldn’t have known what to say anyway since you know… I’m a virgin” you whisper, you can feel his heartbeat pick up against your chest. “I see” is all he says and you both avert your attention back to the game happening in front of you.
“Rafe’s turn!” Kelsie squeals, she’s handing everyone shots which you politely decline only to get an evil glare from your best friend. “Dare”.
“I dare you to make out with y/n”
“Kelsie, they are dating remember” Sam laughs, shaking her head at your best friend. “So? My bestie finally has a boyfriend. I wanna see her kiss him again”.
The rhythm of your heart had only just calmed, picking up a few notches you could heart it in your eardrums, the same tingles spread through you when you feel him around move under you, angling both your bodies to look at one another.
You're more nervous than the night before, this time you didn’t have liquid courage. This time you were going to kiss him completely sober, you were also sure he was sober so he would remember what a terrible kisser you were.
His lips turn up into a smile, the creases around his mouth have you feeling strange. His thumb and forefinger reach up to hold your chin, angling your face up slightly. Your breathing is heavy, chest rising and falling faster than usual. His eyes search your face for a sign of discomfort, only to be met by approval. His thumb swipes over your bottom lip pulling it slightly away from your lips, your eyes flutter closed as his lips dust over yours.
You're pushing your body into his, deepening the kiss before he can. His hand holds you by the jaw, lips moving roughly against each other. His tongue slips between your lips and his hands are pulling at your waist, trying to bring you as close to him as possible. Your legs have a mind of their own, moving to straddle his lap.
You're both so caught up in the kiss you forget you're playing some childish game, neither of you hearing your friends behind you who coughed and called your names. They give up after a few tries and end up leaving the room, making their way to the pool.
You're running out of breath and pull away, foreheads pressing against each other. Your breath fans over his lips as you calm your racing heart, you're brought back to reality when you hear a loud splash. Turning away from Rafe to see no one was in the room anymore.
“Sorry… I” you begin to say but he cuts you off by pressing his finger to your lips. The urge to suck his finger is strong, you have to grind your teeth to stop you from doing so. “Why are you apologizing”.
“I don’t know…”
“Have you ever kissed someone like that before?” He questions, his finger has dropped from your lips now. Both hands lay upon your thighs as you still straddled him, very aware of the hard lump pressing against your core. “No”.
“Did you like it?”
“Yeah oh yeah definitely”
He nods his head, another small smirk on his lips. “Can I ask you a personal question?”.
“Sure” he looks at you for a moment and contemplates what he’s going to ask, his eyes searching your face once again. “Is there a reason you're a virgin? I mean you're a beautiful girl, it can’t be anything to do with your looks”.
Your cheeks flush pink again, moving your body off him and onto the seat beside him. His own body seems to follow you for a movement, his back lifting from the chair but he quickly settles back down.
“No real reason, I just have never felt comfortable with someone. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a horny 22 year old but I’m not going to pick someone up at a party. I need to feel comfortable and I went to a girl high school and when I move into uni, my parents were into me about finishing with the highest grades… I didn’t get a proper childhood”.
He nods his head in understanding, being a virgin has never made you feel embarrassed up until Kelsie wouldn’t shut up about it infront of people. It was your body and decision, no one has ever made you feel comfortable enough to get naked and go further than kissing and even then the people you had kissed before Rafe never sent shivers down your spine. Rafe had you feeling a different way, you were embarrassingly wet for him the moment your eyes caught his and you didn’t care, you enjoyed feeling this way.
“Did you want to go for a swim?”
“Let’s go”
You follow him out of the house and down the stairs into the garden, you're surprised he knows where he is going but assume he must have snooped while you were asleep. Your eyes are trained on his chest as he takes his shirt off, his abs are rock hard. You have a sudden urge to run your hands down them but you stop yourself.
“Wait I need my swimsuit”
Before he can respond, you're bounding up the stairs again, forcing your way through your bedroom and rummaging in your drawers. You didn’t own anything sexy, but you didn’t care any swim suit made your boobs looked good.
You change quickly and race back outside, Rafe still stood in the same place but with a beer this time. He nods at you as you walk back down the stairs, as soon as you're at his side he’s wrapping his arm around your shoulder walking the two of you to the pool.
Another shiver runs down your spine, his hands instinctively rub up and down them to keep you warm. You give him a soft smile and let him walk you to the edge of the pool.
Music drowns everything out, you watch closely at your best friend who floats on her back in silence. Though she can sense your near she pushes herself up from the water and locks eyes with you.
“Y/n!” Your best friend screams, you give Rafe a smile and race around the pool. Jumping into the water in front of her, she wraps her around around you and straddles your waist. “I’m having the best time, are you having the best time?”
“Yeah babe of course!”
The two of you chat and float around, swimming over to your other friends and then playing a game of Marco Polo. You swim over to the side away from everyone to catch your breath, head leaning against the concrete, Rafe joins you momentarily after.
“It’s funny how we literally just met but everyone seems to be acting like we’ve been friends for years” he chuckles softly, you straighten up and look at how everyone’s just doing there thing, he drops his arm on the cement behind your shoulders, even though he had been in the water you can still smell the cologne on him.
“Well I’ve known who you are since you arrived, everyone knows who you are. You're just more reserved and stick to your friends” he admits, he looks down at you for a brief moment and then back at the water.
He was right, you moved here just before your 20th birthday. Your parents brought you a house on the island for your birthday, and said they lined up for a transfer with your degree. They wanted you to get away from home, uni had been hard and your motivation had been lacking.
Outer banks was only a 4 hours car ride from home, you didn’t really have a choice in the matter. But you didn’t really care because you didn’t have many friends at home anyway.
“But nothing wrong with sticking with your friends, I stick with mine”
You nod in understanding and leaning back, you can feel his bicep on your shoulder blades. Goosebumps litter your skin, you can feel your nipples harden against the material of your swimsuit. “Cold?”
Your face blushed a deep red, thankfully the night sky hid it. You could feel his eyes on you for a moment and then he pulled you away from the seat, his big hands holding your thighs and wrapping them around his waist. His arms hugged you close, his mouth pressed to your collarbone. “Better?”
You nod frantically, the goosebumps still visible but the heat from his body warmed you from the inside out. You were so shamefully wet right now, you could feel his abs against your pussy. Tightening your legs around him instinctively. “You okay?”
“Mhm” you breathe, you let him walk you both up and down the length of the pool. Everyone shouts and plays games around you but it feels like it’s only the two of you in the pool. “Get a room!” Topper shouts out, everyone laughs in the response.
“Let’s give them a show”
You nod your head eagerly, your lips had been longing to feel his against yours since he wrapped your legs around him.
He’s hungrily kissing your lips, slipping his tongue between your open mouth. Shamefully the heels of your feel dig into his lower back, pressing your cunt against his abs tighter chasing some sort of pressure.
His hands are timidly grabbing your ass cheeks and your bucking your hips against him. “Sorry” you squeak, his lips trail down your neck.
“Gross!” Everyone shouts but they turn back to their game, leaving you both in your own little world. He’s walking you until your back is pressed to the wall of the pool. “Rafe”
“Sorry sorry” he quickly says moving away from you but you're quick to stop him, his eyes shoot down to yours as you pull him back. “Don’t apologize”
He nods and keeps his hands underneath your thighs, you wiggle down a little and grind your hips into his hardening cock. “What are- what do you need?”
“I don’t know”
His lips are on yours again, your rolling your hips against his again. “Have you ever touched yourself?”
You nod your head, just because you were a virgin didn’t mean you didn’t chase that high. You were a believer of relieving your stress every chance you got, whether that be your fingers or a vibrator.
“Do you want- do you want me to touch you?”
Part four
Tag list - @rafemotherfuckingcameron @rafegirly @prentissesredtanktop @maybankslover @vigilanteshitposting @drewstarkeyslut @emotionsmgcbabe @ijustwanttoreadlols @uraesthete @drewstarkeyswifehoe @aysha4life
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kikiyoomis · 4 months
when you first met suna, the first thing you thought was that “yea he definitely smokes, drinks and fucks around.” and every time you saw him that impression only cemented itself.
your university program had this famed student run party. it was the only highlight of the new school year. people got so incredibly wasted, lost their virginity, got high as fuck… it was a party that encaptured the student body.
you were excited to go to the party, it was a chance to dress up, look sexy and maybe flirt with a couple of guys way out of your league using liquid courage. and besides you had your trustworthy friends with you, so at least you have someone watching your back… at least when they’re sober.
entering the party, the loud music pounded into your ears. people were dancing, drinking, playing games. you scanned the room looking for any familiar faces to go and talk to.
unsurprisingly, you saw suna standing around the patio with a couple of his friends and some girls. he had a red solo cup in hand while his friends smoked. the girls were all giggling and the boys’ body language seemed to give off a flirty intention.
a girl touches suna’s arm and he turns to face her, her hand slipping back to herself. he smiles and laughs and you think to yourself that if he does that more often he could easily be the most popular person on campus. he has the looks and the body it would easily attract a vast majority of people. and it already has for the most part.
‘but it’s none of my business’ you think before heading off towards your friends for a round of shots to start off the night.
drink after drink, dancing with your friends, talking with people you know you’ll never see again, it was really a fun night. so fun in fact, that you’ve ran away from your friends to hide in a dark corner kissing a man you don’t have a single clue about. no seriously. one moment you were dancing, and then the next moment you were no longer on the dance floor with your friends and instead with this man. not that you really care that much consider you’re having the best moment you’ve ever had in your entire life.
he was such a damn good kisser. after every breath you pull him back because you didn’t have enough. tongues fighting for dominance and lips bruising themselves purple with the intensity of the kiss.
“god, fuck, you’re really not gonna let me go huh,” he teases and you leave a hickey on his neck. he places a hand around your ass and leans back, bringing you down with him.
“mmm shut up and kiss me some more” you say locking your lips with his again. it was addicting and you couldn’t get enough of it.
“hey suna where are you?!” a voice calls out suddenly, startling the both of you. the two of you sat in silence, waiting for the guy to pass. you can hear him walking around the little corner you were in, making your heart beat in anxiousness. it would be so embarrassing if someone spots you two…
only when another friend tells him to forget about suna and to just go to the second party that the first guy leaves.
“i thought they’d never leave. that friend has some sense to just leave suna. he’s probably getting high somewhere…” you mumble, a little grumpy at the interruption. the guy you’re with laughs and pulls you closer to the point you’re straddling his lap.
“why? don’t want to share me?” the comment almost cures your drunken mind. despite literally locking lips with him for who knows how long you finally take a look at his face.
suna smiles smugly at you, amused at the fact that the person he’s been kissing simply never bothered to see who it was.
you sat there stunned, at a loss for words. suna leans forward and places a couple of kissing on your exposed nape, travelling upwards until he reaches the corner of your mouth.
“i’ve never been a stoner or done any drugs but i think what you’ve done to me is getting me higher than any drugs could” he teases.
“… you’ve never done drugs?” you say surprised as you mindlessly wrap your arms around his shoulders. though there wasn’t any proof that he did do them, it was just an assumption considering the crowd he involves himself with.
“the worst i do is drink since i am a professional athlete and need to care about diets and shit like that. but im such a lightweight that two drinks is all it takes to have me drunk.”
the reality was so far off of your impression of him. but then again it makes sense.
“do you do this often then? considering what we’re doing now?” you ask, purposefully leaning closer to him to the point you can feel each others breath.
“jealous are we?” he teases, pulling your hips closer to his.
“do you want the whole truth or should i just lie to get this over with so we can book a hotel room and have some fun” he asks, his hand reaching under your shirt, his finger lifting the underwire of your bra ever so slightly.
“if i ask for the whole truth is the hotel room offer still gonna be up?” you ask.
“of course, i’ll make you feel so good that even if you got blackout drunk your body will still remember everything when your mind doesn’t”
it wasn’t that you’ve never liked him, but you’ve also never hated him. he was someone you thought you would never be entangled with so you were indifferent. both of your lives were so different that there wasn’t going to be any reason the two of you would even speak. maybe it was the alcohol in your system but there’s something attracting you to him. something that makes you want to know him more and a little something that would make you sad to see him go.
“i want to know” you tell him.
“i don’t do these things with other people” he says.
“huh? but your frien-“
“my friends do, but i didn’t want to seem like the type of guy to flirt around and seem like an unfaithful partner around my crush. though i seem to have failed according to you”
you raise an eyebrow at suna who seemed to accuse you of ruining his character.
“did your crush reject you? considering you’re even willing to go to a hotel room with me” you act boldly, kissing his cheek while your hand caresses his body lower and lower. suna catches on quickly and grabs your naughty hand and presses to his mouth.
“i don’t think so but i don’t think they’re rejecting me since they’re so excited to go to the hotel room that they can’t keep their hands off of me”
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sturnsbabie · 2 months
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pairing:nerdy virgin!matt x expirenced!reader
summary:in which matt was a virgin and he wanted to know how to please a girl.
warnings:swearing,making out,sub!matt,f!recieving,handjob,m!recieving,mommy kink!,praising,p in v,fluff??
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matt was a virgin. all of his friends had lost their virginities already and matt felt left out because he hasnt even ever touched a girl before.
matt had a crush on his brothers bestfriend. her name was y/n and he thought she was perfect. she had a pretty face, and a nice pair of titties. he wanted to stuff his face inbetween them. he kept that to himself of course because if nick found out he liked her he would go on a rampage about why he shouldn’t like his bestfriend or even have thoughts about her like that.
matt was currently in the car with chris they were on their way to pick up nick and y/n they went shopping while chris and matt had to run a few errands.
fuck there she was. she had on a tight black crop top with some sweatpants on. her titties looked so fucking good in that shirt.
matt shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he felt his pants start to tighten. he tried to shrug it off but he couldnt help it.
“yo bro you good?” chris asked
“i-im okay” matt said softly as he readjusted the glasses he had on.
the girl got into the backseat with nick. matts eyes instantly fell onto her through the rearview mirror.
the girl felt matts eyes on her. it made her nervous. she had a thing for matt, but of course nobody knew that. nobody could know about it because he was her bestfriends brother.
she thought it was cute that matt was a little nerdy virgin. it turned her on more then she realized.
the girl was somewhat expirenced.she only had two bodies though, but for the most part she knew what to do.
matt pulled into the garage of the triplets house and everyone got out of the car headed into the house.
a while later we all sat around on the couch together. we decided to watch a movie but nick and chris fell asleep so it was just matt and i awake.
“hey. can we talk about something in my room? i need your help.” matt softly said as he looked at me.
“yeah of course.” i said as he got up and walked through the kitchen to his room as i followed behind him.
i was confused on why he needed advice from me but i shrugged it off. i followed him into his room as he shut the door behind us.
he sat down on his bed as i sat beside him. “c-can you show me how to please a woman?” he asked me
“like tell you how? i can do that.” i said softly as i was shocked by what i had just heard
“n-no. can i practice on you how to make a girl feel good? you dont have to agree to this but you’re the only girl i feel comfortable with to do something like this.” matt said shyly
“of course im fine with that. what do you wanna know?” i said softly as he looked at me.
“really?” he asked as he scooted closer to me.
“yeah,cmere and i can teach you baby.” i said softly and with that he was inches away from my face.
i grabbed his face softly as i pressed my lips onto his kissing him softly as i wrapped my arms around him.
the kiss was soft and gentle, he was a good kisser. i liked the way his lips fit onto mine.
he pulled away from the kiss and looked at me. “whats next?” he asked
“well what do you wanna learn first baby?” i asked softly
“wanna make you feel good how can i do that?” he asked as he held my waist close to him.
“you wanna eat me out baby? or do you wanna suck on my titties i see the way you always look at them.” i said softly as i saw him look at my chest.
“c-can i have them in my mouth please?” he asked desperately
“of course baby. take off my shirt and they’re all yours” i said softly
with that he carefully took my shirt off throwing it somewhere in his room. he carefully cupped one of my boobs as he put the other in his mouth starting to suck on it as his life depended on that moment.
“just like that baby” i let out a few soft moans.
he then pulled away and put the other one in his mouth as he massaged one of them with his hand.
“c-can i eat you out? i think i know how to from porn but please tell me if im not doing it right” he said shyly
“of course baby. go ahead”i said looking at him as i pulled off my sweats.
i couldnt believe that matt came to me and asked me to show him how to a please a girl and said i was the only one he was comfortable doing this with. he was such a sweet boy, and i had feelings for him so much.
he postioned himself between my legs as he attached as his mouth to my clit making me let out a soft whimper.
he started to suck on my clit as he looked up at me through his glasses.
fuck. he was doing such a good job.
he then started to thrust his tounge into me as he held my thighs.
“doing so good baby” i moaned out.
he then looks up at me as he puts a finger inside me thrusting it in and out as starts to suck on my clit.
i felt my orgasm start to build as i felt myself clench around his finger.
“gonna cum, feels so good” i moan out
“c-cum on my tounge please”he breathes out as i feel him take his finger out starting to suck on my clit at harshly as i feel myself cumming on his tounge.
he licks me clean as he sits beside me.
“did i do good?” he asked shyly.
“you did so good baby. want me to help you out with that?” i asked as i pointed to the painfully visible boner in his pants.
“please. youd do that for me?” he asks as he looks at me.
“of course baby you deserve it.”i say
“is it okay if i take these off?” i play with the hem of his sweats.
“y-yes of course.” he said
with that i pulled his sweats and his cock sprung up and hit his belly button.
i spat in my hand and started jerking him off with my hand as i watched him become a whimpering mess.
“youre being such a good boy for me.” i said as i kissed his neck as i started to jerk him off at a faster pace.
“f-feels so good mo-“he moans out stopping himself from saying the last word.
“what is it?use your words baby.” i hummed as i sped up my pace watching him throw his head back in pleasure.
“feels so good mommy.”he moaned as his legs started shaking.
i leaned down and took him into my mouth as i started to deepthroat him.
i stroked what i couldnt fit in my mouth as i continued to deepthroat him swirling my tounge around his tip teasing him.
“f-fuck” he moans out as he runs his hands through my hair as i make eye contact with him.
“g-gonna cum mommy!” he moans out.
i continue to deepthroat him as i feel him start to twitch in my mouth as he shoots his load into my mouth.
he was a whimpering and moaning mess as i swallow every drop.
i pulled him out of my mouth and looked at him.
“you enjoy that baby?” i giggled
“yes. so good.” he was breathing heavily.
i pulled him into a soft kiss as he pulled me into his lap. he pulled away from the kiss and looked at me.
“can i fuck you?” he asked shyly
“of course baby.” i say.
he flips us over to where hes hovering over me.
“let me know if im not doing anything right.” he said
i nodded and he lined himself up with me slowly pushing into me as we both let out a soft moan.
he started to thrust into me at a slow pace as he leaned down and put his face into the corner of my neck as held onto him.
“f-faster baby” i moaned out
he started to pick up his pace a bit going a bit more faster and deeper as i grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss.
it felt like our bodies were made for eachother. he fit so perfect inside me, and i loved the way our bodies were connected rightnow.
we continued to makeout as we both were moaning into eachothers mouths and all that could he heard in his room was the mixture of muffled moans and skin slapping together.
i felt my orgasm building up as i felt him start to twitch inside me.
“g-gonna cum” i moan out
“me too.” he moaned
he started to thrust faster as i felt myself clench around him as i coated his cock with my cum.
he thrusted a few more times before pulling out and cumming on my stomach.
“that was perfect.” he panted.
he laid down beside me and he wrapped his arm around me.
we both fell asleep and eachothers arms,like thats what was meant to happen.
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TAGLIST: @eupiasworld , @sturniolosloves , @mattslovelygf , @smittensturniolos , @hauntedxchris , @hearts4tatemcrae , @bernardsbendystraws , @jo-777 , @wurlibydominicfike
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iluvmorales · 1 year
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super short hobie fic:)
“Hobie, can I crash at yours tonight?” Gwen asked, taking off her mask as she watched hobie step towards the portal he’d opened.
“Uhh not gonna lie to ya, m’ not even goin home myself” hobie replied, turning his head to face Gwen.
She visibly saddened but nodded nonetheless. Hobie sighed; “you can stay at my place but I’m probably not gotta be home til tomorrow mornin’..”
hobie threw her his keys before stepping into the portal that took him straight to an alleyway behind your apartments building. He pulled out his phone and sent you a text reading
movie? Me and Gwen finished early.
Hobie didn’t even give you a chance to reply, swinging up to your buildings window and sliding it open, slipping through.
“Hobes?” Your sweet voice called out from your room. Your parents were on a little getaway and wouldn’t be back for another week, which meant you had all the company you wanted over, whenever you wanted.
Including your boyfriend hobie, who your parents never understood. He walked into your bedroom, a smirk on his lips as he towered over your figure in bed.
“Wassup love” One hand rested on your plush thigh and another on your cheek as he leaned forward to meet your lips, you meeting him halfway.
You both stayed like that for a little, before hobie began to slowly crawl onto the bed, pushing you further back to make room, all this while not disconnecting lips.
Hobie was a very passionate kisser, believing that touching lips, or any part of someone else’s body in a sensual manner was sacred.
Now you were propped on your elbows leaning back while hobie held your thighs to his sides as he made out with you, he slowly traced from the underside of your thought all the way to your ankles slowly guiding your legs to latch onto him.
After doing so, his hand rested on your cheeks, one sliding downwards, tracing your figure before stopping on your tummy.
He finally pulled away, breathing lightly. “You make me forget how to breathe” he joked, eyes lidded as he stared at you. “You’re so handsy hobes” you hummed, falling back into the bed, relaxing underneath him.
“You said you liked it sweetheart” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to your cheek before fixing himself against the headboard, kicking off his boots and jacket. He motioned for you to come lay with him, you complied and swung a leg over his, arms around his torso as you laid on his chest.
His hand traveled up and down from your hip,to your thigh, to the calf then all the way back up. His free hand shot a web at the remote sitting on your dresser bringing it back to him, then he clicked on the tv.
“Are you staying the night?” You whispered, attempting not to disturb the quiet and comfortable atmosphere.
“Yea, Gwen’s back at my place n’ I really want some alone time with you sweetheart..” his low voice rumbled his chest as he placed another kiss to the top of your head.
“Okay..” was all you said as you watched TV, listening to hobbies heart beat.
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intoxicating p.2 | s.r
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word count: 4.3k
warnings: smut, cussing, jealousy?, nothing too crazy guys. but i can definitely make some kinkier stuff if you’d like *muah*
mdni por favor
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part 1 here / aaron version here
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A small part of you couldn't believe it had worked. Chewing on the bottom of your lip, your body not halting its movements as the song continued on playing. You swore on everything that you could hear your heartbeat pounding, as you made eye contact with the guy who had clouded a good chunk of your mind all night.
The smallest chuckle left Derek's lips, as he pressed a longer than necessary kiss on your cheek. Detangling from your body, clapping the brunette's shoulder as he took his current spot. The nervous man wrapped his arms around you like he was scared you would regret it as soon as it came, your hands running up his chest and to the back of his neck a small smile on your lips.
"I didn't expect you to come over. I thought you didn't like dancing," You whispered against the cusp of his ear, his grip on you tightening his mind getting lost in the sensation of your sweaty body against his. He seemed at a loss for words her giggling against his neck driving him insane. Before he could utter any words the girl pressed a soft kiss against his neck instant goosebumps appearing on the visible skin she could see. "Morgan and I had just barely started-"
"I couldn't watch the either of you anymore," Spencer mumbled against you, your small kiss still sending waves of shock throughout his overwhelmed body. "I-I couldn't bear the thought of another man being as close to you as he was... my mind just kept telling me that it should have been me."
Your heart fluttered at his words, tightening your hold around his neck pulling him closer. "You could have just asked,"
Fuck. Every ounce of your body was trying to stop itself from pouncing on the glossy eyed agent.
His eyes were blown wide open, his hands trying to memorize every inch of your body. His touch leaving a trail of chills, your lips parted open. The strobes of light flickering across your face lighting your face up in a delicious manner, not wanting to blink and break eye contact.
The alcohol was doing all of the work now, leaning to press an open mouthed kiss on his neck. Spencer hissed at the sensation, his head thrown back as he allowed your mouth to decorate his neck in your sparkly gloss. Your sober self was screaming at you to get it together, your fellow co-workers most definitely watching as you made a mess out of the younger boy.
"P-please. I need to kiss you."
Before you could react, Spencer had cupped your face in his much larger hands and crashed his lips into yours.
For a split second, you had thought the music had been turned off. The ringing in your ears should have concerned you but you paid no mind. The sensation of Spencer's lips on yours all your mind could focus on.
Your hands quickly found his hair, entwining your fingers into his chestnut locks. Spencer's hips instinctively found yours, grinding against you out of force of habit. A groan leaving both of your lips. A small part of you hadn't known Spencer would be this intense of a kisser but he poured every ounce of his being into this kiss. Like he was speaking with his actions. His mouth moved against yours like he was being starved from your touch, allowing your tongue to part his mouth as he moaned against your lips. His chest was growing heavy from the lack of air, but he didn't care.
His body just wanted more. More of you. And damn, he couldn't get enough.
"Spence," mumbling against his now swollen lips, trying to pull away so you could breath. But the brunette had already moved his kisses down to your neck, soft moans leaving your lips. The sensation of someone burning a whole onto your head made your eyes flicker up to where you knew you would find the harsh gaze of Aaron Hotchner.
What a sinful sight.
Your glazed eyes making eye contact with him as the brunette coated every inch of your body he could see with his lips.
Straight out of a nightmare.
Knowing the girl he was pinning after was being pinned against a wall by his friend.
Hotch felt like every inch of his body was on fire. And not in the way you had made him feel only moments prior. He needed to leave and take the coldest shower of his life, hoping it would erase the memory of your lips interlocked with the spewing fun fact machine.
The same lips that he was close to kissing.
The same lips that were flirting with him only moments before.
And now-
Spencer had your body in a way only Hotch could imagine of having you. Every part of your body was so responsive, leaning into his touch to show him he was doing everything right. A small part of him wanted to walk over there and yank you away from his touch. He wanted to crash his lips into yours, and show the younger man exactly how to touch you. He wanted to slam you against a nearby table, and mark your body to let everyone else know that you were his.
Only his.
Not Spencers.
Not Morgans.
Almost as if someone else had a hold of his body, heavy thuds ringing in his ears as he found himself making his way over to her. Your frantic hands tapped on Spencer's shoulders, his actions not faltering. His brain having turned off relying on his instincts.
"Spence- Hotch is- fuck- he's coming over."
The mention of Hotchs name made something click in his brain. Popping his lips off of your neck, proceeding to move to your abused lips. His mouth slamming against yours a small gasp leaving your mouth, using this chance to allow his tongue to enter your sweet mouth.
Jesus christ. Who the hell was this guy?
His tongue left not a single inch of your mouth untouched. His moans sounding like heaven in your mouth, not wanting to stop the boy in your hazy state. Your panties stood no chance against him. Knowing they were behind soaked at this point, clenching your legs together to create some type of friction.
"Mn- spence- stop. Please,"
"Please what sweet girl..." A moan left your moan at the sinful way he moaned your nickname, trying to push the brunette off your limbs not cooperating with what you were trying to convey.
"I think she said stop, Reid." A small shudder ran down your spine at the cold tone of the taller man. Spencer just about snapped back into reality, realizing he was doing all of these activities in front of his boss. The bespectacled boy turned around less confident than he was when he was destroying your neck, his hold on you faltering.
"Hotch, it's okay. I just needed a breath-"
"You should know when to stop, Spencer. No matter what. You of all people should know this." His curt words were slicing through the sexual tension, leaving you standing there like two kids being scolded by their parents.
Spencer ran his hand through his tousled curls, chest rising up and down as he tried to catch his breath. Your now empty hands fiddled with the metal hanging around your neck nervously, clearing your throat awkwardly.
"I think this is a good time to call it a night," Your words landed on deaf ears, seeming that was the plan before Hotch had made his way over to you. "I'll go find Pen and Morgan."
Leaving Hotch and Spencer didn't seem like a smart idea at the time, but you just wanted to get out from in between them. Shaking your head at your antics, finding Penelope pretty quickly her giggly form told you she was pretty gone.
"Morgan, I think Hotch and I are ready to go. Are you guys ready?"
"Yeah, let me go get Reid. He asked if we could take him home as well." Your heart dropped even further into your stomach, hands fiddling with one another at the thought of being stuck with them again.
You brought this on yourself.
You did this to yourself.
Fuck me and these stupid ass men.
Your drunken state made the trip between the bar and into the car a haze, the only thing you knew was that you were sandwiched in between the hottest people you have ever seen in your life. Holding your hands around your body, in fear of them going and doing something stupid again.
Hotch's intense stare was focused on the road ahead, his knuckles a stark white. He was clutching his jeans in a tight grip, trying to hide his frustration from the soft girl beside him.
What did Spencer have that he didn't?
Was is that he was young and cute?
Was it all of his fun facts that kept her wrapped around his finger?
Maybe she thinks I'm too old for her.
His subconscious was feeding him every possible scenario, believing them over and over. Before he could dig a deeper hole for himself, the sound of car doors opening snapped him out of his trance. His eyes fixating on your house, not having realized they had already arrived.
Spencer held the door open for you, his hand extended to you as you thanked him softly.
"Want me to walk you to your door?"
Yes please.
Before you could argue back, your body had already accepted his offer slipping your arm through his. Turning around to face the car, biding everyone a farewell your eyes hesitating over Hotch's. Not being able to ignore the unrecognizable emotion written all over his face.
"Morgan, you can go ahead without me. He can just spend the night here. What's the worst that could happen?"
The sound of Morgan laughing at his choice of words made the vein on the side of Hotch's forehead throb, trying to ignore the suggestive tone in Morgan's response.
"Don't have too much fun with him, sweet girl. I want him at work on time and in one piece."
A small giggle left your lips, saluting the chauffeur as Spencer led you away. The soft chirps from the crickets were all that you could hear, the cold air feeling nice on your sweaty frame.
"I hope you're okay with me spending the night- I know we've slept in the same room together before, but if it's too much I'll just sober up for a bit and head on home. Should take me about an hour and 37 minutes to be fully sober-" Spencer rambled grabbing a hold of your keys, expertly opening your front door as he held it open for you. Your scent slapped him right in his face as he made his way inside, locking the door behind him flicking the lights on.
Your house screamed you.
All of your little knick knacks around the house, the way you decorated your house just made sense.
It was like he could see your exact thought process on where you had placed your furniture, the decorations.
The colors you picked all worked well with each other.
Whoever walked in and saw your place would be able to know what kind of person you were.
Spencer had only seen your house from the entrance of your front door, but seeing it in all of its intimate details made him feel a little warm.
A smile making its way onto his lips as he locked eyes on a picture of you and the BAU team. Everyone in the picture was smiling straight at the camera; except for you. Your head was thrown back a laugh frozen in your expression, your fingers on Spencer's bicep whose arm was resting happily beside you. He could see the fondness in his eyes, noting the way everyone just moved into you. Spencer remembers this day in a fonder memory than he does every other day- he was able to have a special part of you that no one else could touch.
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"Did you know that Texas' state flower is the bluebonnet?"
"I always thought they were more of a weed." Morgan questioned, tucking his sunglasses into the neck of his shirt. You smacked his arm at his comment.
The team was currently on a case in Texas. More specifically, on the side of a highway in Texas. The sound of people speeding by made you a little nervous, but you felt safe surrounded by all of your fellow co-workers. That and the fact that the sun was your biggest enemy at the moment. You had lived in Texas for the longest before pursuing the F.B.I., the agonizing sun reminding you of one of the worst and best things about Texas.
Currently sporting your almost not work appropriate tank top and some bootcut jeans to match your matching cowboy boots.
You figured what better time to bring out your pride and joy than now.
Elle hadn't stopped growling at you the second she had seen your outfit, whispering sweet nothings to you in spanish. 
Making you wonder why you hadn't pursued Elle any sooner.
"That's rude." Crouching down by the blooming field of blue, touching the petals lightly. "They're a gorgeous flower. Their color is so vibrant! The petals look like the bonnets women used to wear on their heads- look!"
"I think you've been hanging around Reid too much, sweet girl."
"If I was, I would have been able to tell you that bluebonnets are a part of the pea family and of the-"
"- North American lupinus genus." Spencer finished for you, a wide smile coating his features dimples poking out. His cheeks a bright red, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.
The brunette was dressed in semi different attire, a pair of black sunglasses hanging off the tip of his nose. He rid of his usual cardigan leaving him in just his baby blue button up, the top button undone leaving his glistening collarbone exposed. You had barely been able to concentrate when he looked that good. Licking your lips slyly as you eyed the taller man from your position on the grass.
Morgan rolled his eyes at the boys words. His hand reaching down to grab your hand lifting you from your dazed state, a giggle left your lips as he about hoisted you off the ground.
"Thank you, handsome." Teasing the dark haired man who just smirked at your flirting, wrapping an arm around your waist. Immediately regretting the decision as the heat between the two of you became unbearable pretty fast. Before you could split, you felt a someone jump on your back their arms wrapping around your neck . Turning to face JJ who was giggling at her current position atop your back.
"JJ, what in the-"
"Hey! No group hug without me!" Penelope shouted, running towards you a huge grin etched on her face. A bubble of laughter tumbled out of your lips, her shorter frame placing itself directly next to Morgan's who happily wrapped her up as well. Elle had somehow snuck in as well, her body lying horizontally on the plush grass. She fanned herself with a manila folder, her hair blowing in the small gusts of wind.
"Come here, pretty boy."
"Oh no, I'm perfectly okay not being surrounded by sweaty bodies-"
"Spence! Get your big ass over here," At the sound of your sweet voice hitting his eardrums he trekked over to you. Derek had moved over so he could be in the middle, alongside the girls giggling frame as she held onto JJ tightly. Spencer gently rested his arm against yours, not wanting to invade your personal space but you had other plans. Happily resting your unoccupied hand on his bicep, squeezing him happily a huge grin on your face.
"Everyone smile for the camera." The sound of Gideons voice made everyone get in position, their sweaty faces looking at the older man who bore amused expressions on his face. Your hand never once faltered on Spencer's arm.
He knew it was medically impossible; but his heart felt like it was going at light speed. Trying to regulate his breathing as he grinned at the camera.
"Sweets. What do you a call a small pepper in late autumn?"
The most genuine laugh that could ever come out of you bubbled out, throwing your head back at Gideons question. The rest of the group eyed you with a bewildered look on their faces, except for a pair of hazel eyes. Spencer bore the most awed and adoring gazes he could ever bare, as they saw her wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes. 
"A little chili!"
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Spencer chuckled at the memory, setting the picture frame back down.
"Of course not. I- I was kind of hoping you would want to anyway," The blood rushed to your face fiddling with the back of the couch behind you, facing the taller man with a smile on your lips. "I can't guarantee that I will be able to do a whole lot of talking tonight."
"Whys that, sweet girl?"
The name slid off of his tongue deliciously, clenching your thighs together as you fumbled to find the words. You felt the air shift almost instantly, eyeing his frame his hands tucked into the front of his slacks.
"I think- I um- my brain would be able to form coherent sentences when I'm not as intoxicated as I am right now. I'm not drunk- by any means. But I definitely wouldn't trust the words leaving my mouth. They would just be screaming at you to just shut up and kiss me-"
Spencer took your words literally his body moving before he could process it. Slamming his lips against yours. Your body instinctively followed him, fumbling your fingers into his feather soft hair. The brunette moaned into your mouth, pressing you against the back of the couch his grip on your hips tight.
A soft whine left his lips as you grinded against his half hard member, not wasting any time in sliding his slender fingers under the hem of your dress trailing it up your thighs ever so slowly. Your hands fumbled to his shirt, unbuttoning the buttons like second nature exposing more of his torso.
"I can't believe- mm- that you're kissing me right now- fuck me."
A deep chuckle rumbled his chest, his lips parting from your already marked neck. Spencer wouldn't bring himself to admit that he liked seeing you covered in hickeys. Hickeys that he made.
"Jump up for me sweets." Following his instructions without hesitation, your legs wrapping around his waist hands cupping your thighs tightly. The bespectacled boy made his way around the couch, gently sitting down with your legs on either side of him. "Fuck... you look gorgeous. I just want to eat you out so bad."
Moaning at his confession, instinctively grinding against his now too tight slacks. Spencer's mouth was parted as he eyed you in awe, his hands guiding your hips back and forth on his cock. Your clit was getting all the friction it could possibly get with only your panties to cover your soaked cunt. Feeling your arousal seep through the thin material, leaving a wet spot on his dark pants.
"Pretty girl... oh you're so pretty when you moan." Spencer's praise went straight to your head grinding on him at an embarrassing speed on his lap, his hands groping your exposed skin his finger trailing along the hem of your panties.
"Spence- please. I need your mouth. Your cock- fuck- just anything please."
Spencer could come right then and there if you had asked him to, shoving you off his hips laying you flat on the couch your legs spread wide open. He shrugged his shirt off exposing his slender body your shaking fingers trailing down his torso making their way to his waistband.Shaking his head at your needy whines, laying on his stomach to get closer to your soaked panties. A soft moan left your lips as he wrapped his arms around your thighs getting comfortable, his warm breath fanning over your leaking cunt.
"Please don't hold back on me, sweet girl."
Before you could utter any words of protest, Spencer had slid your panties to the side and licked a stripe up your slit. Hissing at the sensation of him on your swollen clit, bucking your hips up. He chuckled against you looking up at you through his lashes, enjoying the view of you gripping the couch cushions in a tight grip. Taking a deep breath as he delved in, his mouth leaving not a single inch of you untouched.
He moaned at the taste of you feeling himself getting addicted to your arousal his lips wrapping around your clit, feeling his cock harden at the sinful sounds leaving your lips. Your head was thrown back chest heaving up and down, your fingers trying to find something to grasp. 
"My hair."
"Your hands- grab my hair." Without a second thought you trailed your hands to his head full of curls, allowing your fingers to tug on his feather soft hair. A guttural moan leaving his lips, sending waves of pleasure down your legs. "Just like that."
Spencer adjusted his hold on your thighs his free hand toying with your clit as he used his tongue to fuck your spongy walls.
"Jesus- fuck. God, Spencer. Please..."
"Mmm" He hummed against your puffy lips, not faltering his movements as he eased two of his slender fingers inside your warmth. Feeling as full as you did should be illegal, clenching your eyes shut as he fucked you gingerly not wanting to make you cum quite yet. "I want to see your eyes, sweet girl."
Fluttering your eyes open locking eyes with his dark eyes. The sight of your glossy eyes was enough to make him want your cum to coat his cock, speeding up his slick fingers carefully inserting a third feeling you clench around him. 
"Fuck! Yes… please don’t stop-"
A pair of sticky lips pressed against yours shoving his tongue in your mouth as he fumbled with his slacks, tossing them elsewhere. He couldn't be bothered to remove either of your garments, tugging his cock out of his briefs a soft hiss leaving his lips at the freeing sensation. Stroking his slick covered hand over his cock, coating it in your sweet juices. 
"I'm on the pill. Please. I just want your cock deep inside of me," You blabbered out too far in your haze to form coherent sentences. A soft chuckle left his lips, lining himself up with your cunt enjoying the way you shivered at the sensation of his leaking cock against your abused hole. "Spence.."
"I know pretty girl. I just want to soak up every bit of this,"
Soft gasps left your lips as he eased inside your spongy walls, his scrunched up face let you know he was trying to hold back. Taking matters into your own hands wrapping your legs around his hips, using your entwined feet to push him deeper into you bottoming out.
"Fuck me like you mean it." His eyes darkened even further, snapping his hips against yours a loud moan leaving your swollen lips. Pulling out all the way enjoying your whines of protests, his body seeming to move without him needing to think . Fucking you like he had never dreamt of anyone before, soft pants leaving his body as he felt the coil tightening inside. 
He didn't want to stop.
Not when you looked so heavenly yet oh so sinful below him. 
Your hair was splayed on the couch, your doe eyes looking up at him as he destroyed your pretty little cunt. The sound of his cock squelching with every thrust would be engraved in his brain forever, quite literally. Already replaying every moment in his head, as he leaned down to press a feverish kiss to your lips wanting to inhale every bit of you.
You tasted so sweet. 
Oh so sweet. 
Your cunt tasted just as sweet as your lips did. He couldn't get enough. Your walls clenched around his cock, a groan leaving his lips giving you a harsh thrust enjoying the loud sounds he was able to pull from you.
Having been on the edge this entire time, his cock feeling like a heaven sent. You didn't want this to end, having stopped yourself from cumming like your life depended on it. Not being able to hold it back anymore your hands clawing at his back for something to hold.
Taking one look at his face, his glasses had been tossed somewhere on your rug. His eyebrows furrowed as he focused on the sounds leaving your body. A small whine left your mouth as you took every inch of him in.
"Jesus... Spence. I'm-"
"Cum for me sweet girl... I'm right behind you," He mumbled into your lips his tongue having found his way back into your mouth. Those words were all you needed to hear, arching your back off the couch a groan leaving your lips as you writhed under him.
Every last inch of your body felt numb. Everything had gone foggy. Feeling a new wave of content wash over you as you began to climb down from your orgasm. 
The feeling of Spencers thrusts speeding up made you tighten your hold on his back your nails digging into the soft flesh. Heavy grunts escaped his lips at every thrust, his hair clinging to his sweaty forehead. The sight of your lips parted open, your breasts bouncing with the harshness of his thrusts sent him over the edge his hips sputtering with every snap of his hips.
Shooting ribbons of his cum deep inside your velvety walls, a soft moan leaving your body at the filling sensation. The brunette didn't dare move his body tingling as his chest heaved up and down.
A soft giggle broke him out of his trance, his eyes snapping up to your flushed face. Your hands were covering your face as you giggled into your hands, peeking an eye open at the confused boy.
"Morgan is going to absolutely murder me. Look at the state of your neck," Your comment send the two of you into a fit of giggles, shaking his head at the girl who looked up at him with a wide smile. Your eyes blown wide open eyeing him with something he couldn't quite place.
Where had he seen that look before?
His mind immediately blanked, only being able to focus on one thing flashing in his mind. 
The picture.
The picture of him and the team. The only person looking down at you; was him. The same twinkle in your eye as you eyed him flushed face was one he had seen on his face countless of times. Feeling his heart rate pick up tucking a strand of your hair behind your eyes, enjoying the warming of your cheeks under his large hands. Spencer couldn't believe someone as sweet as you was his.
 Who could have ever know?
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hey you lovely’s! i’ve been watching criminal minds for like the first time ever!! and i’ve been obsessed with just about every character on that show. please, if you want to send me any requests feel free to do so <3 i think i’d be open to write just about anyone and everything so :p thank you guys!!!! lots of love and kisses
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a/n: GUYS WHAT PLEASE IM SCARED. FILTHY. let me know if yall enjoy <3. this is my first criminal minds fic.
a/n: considering making an aaron option??????? lmk if i should pursue
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quin-ns · 1 month
The blue IV (JJ Maybank x Reader)
Series summary: JJ has a secret, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold onto it. He discovers his breaking point when his best friend starts to show interest in you, his step sister, who he’s already fallen hard for
Series tags: step brother!jj, dual pov, jealousy, one sided john b x reader, drinking, inappropriate relationship, public sex, oral sex (f receiving)
Series masterlist + OBX masterlist
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As you laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, the touch of JJ’s lips against yours still lingered.
You could feel the ghost of his presence, it didn’t matter that he was across the hall, locked behind a door in his own room.
You lifted your hand, your fingertips brushing against your lips. Your face felt warm and you jerked your hand away, but it didn’t stop the memory from keeping you awake all night.
You couldn’t fathom that JJ had kissed you. You should’ve felt betrayed or something, after all he’d always been something akin to a brother to you, but you didn’t. Not really. You were mostly just confused about why you weren’t upset, and you weren’t sure what to do with that feeling.
In the morning you contemplated hiding in your room or fleeing from the house. You weren’t sure you could face JJ—what would you say to him?
It wasn’t like you had done anything wrong, so why did you feel so weird about it? He should feel weird if anything. He kissed you, not the other way around.
Did you kiss back? Even for a second? You were trying to remember.
It’s not like he was a bad kisser. The opposite, actually, but you couldn’t get over asking yourself why he did that.
You couldn’t even feel relief in solving the mystery of what was up with JJ and John B.
Jealousy was hell of a motivator.
Kiara texted you, and you came to a conclusion to your debate. She was up earlier than usual but hey, it was the perfect excuse to get out of the house.
You pulled on fresh clothes for the day and swung your door open.
The universe had a sense of humor, because JJ did the exact same thing. At least, the second part.
He was standing in his doorway across from you in only his boxers. You averted your eyes when you realized that.
“You’re not usually up this early.”
He sounded just as awkward as you felt. You swallowed, eyes flicking anywhere but his tan, exposed skin.
“Neither are you,” you replied, familiar warmth rising to your cheeks. “I’m going to Kie’s.”
“Do you…” JJ trailed off, swallowing back the words.
His instinct was to offer you a ride that way he could make sure you got where you needed to go safely, but it was too soon for both of you evidently.
You took a breath and met his gaze. You could feel him watching you.
“I don’t really know what to say here,” he admitted, scratching the back of his head.
“That makes two of us.”
The silence that followed felt so thick, filling the air around you.
“If you hate me now, I get it,” he said, voice low, and you could tell he was giving himself hell for it.
You almost laughed at the notion. Almost, but didn’t.
“I’d never hate you, JJ, don’t be stupid.”
Just the thought was absurd—how could he even think that for a second?
“I’m kinda running that department right now, actually.”
“What if we just… forget it?” you offered after a moment.
JJ’s brows twitched up. He hadn’t expected that.
You hadn’t planned on it either, but you didn’t know what else you were supposed to do. Scream at him? Ask him to do it again? No, ignoring it and going back to normal was the only logical choice.
“Okay,” he agreed.
There was something hesitant lingering in the background. You felt it too.
You took a breath. “Okay.”
“So do you want a ride to Kie’s then or…?”
“She's gonna pick me up,” you informed, maybe a little too quickly. JJ got the hint.
“Right. Got it,” he replied in the same tone.
You nodded a little, then turned down the hall. You were going to wait on the porch, that way you could make a clean getaway. If you got in her jeep quick enough maybe she wouldn’t try to stick around to say hi to JJ.
“Hey Y/N?” JJ called right before you turned the corner. You looked back at him, noticing a hint of worry before he masked it with the smallest of smiles. “Thanks for… y’know, not hating me.”
Again, you nodded. You then disappeared, and then wished you had said something, but you were already on the porch. You weren’t going to go back inside, back to the uncomfortable conversation you had just left.
Instead, when Kiara’s jeep eventually appeared, you climbed in and didn’t look back. You just needed to get your mind off of things, and a girls day would help with that.
Except Kie wanted to talk about last night, because of course she did.
The two of you ended up sitting on her bed leaning against the wooden headboard. The Youtube video on her laptop had been long forgotten as she persisted in getting an answer from you about what happened with JJ. You wouldn’t give her details despite how bad she wanted them.
“Are things good now at least?” she finally asked instead.
You swallowed, resisting the urge to lick your lips. JJ had taken up residence in the back of your mind the entire day.
“Yeah, it’s cool,” you replied vaguely, not quite meeting her eye. “He was just being protective of me. You know how it’s been.
Kiara hummed, seemingly agreeing. “He seemed way more pissed, but if it’s cool then it’s cool. I don’t get the big deal anyway, you’re your own person,” she started. “The ‘protective big brother’ thing can’t last forever.”
As she said the words, paired with air quotes, you cringed. Overnight you decided you didn’t like that title for him anymore, not when you knew what his lips felt like.
“He’s not my brother,” you muttered, more so to remind yourself of that fact. It wasn’t exactly cut and dry perfectly fine, but it could be worse right?
Kie gave you a look of concern. She heard, and hadn’t been expecting it.
“Are you sure everything is fine?”
You nodded, forcing out a chuckle. “Yeah, I already told you.” You nudged her with your elbow and she let herself smile, but it appeared to be cautious.
You ended up deciding to spend the night at Kie’s, texting JJ in the afternoon what your plans were. As strange as things felt, you didn’t want him to worry about where you were all night. He read the text but didn’t respond. At least he knew. You didn’t bother notifying Luke, you never had and it had never been a problem. He didn’t care.
You did worry about JJ though, hoping that nothing awful happened in your absence.
Your stomach was still churning with guilt when last minute Kiara asked if you wanted to go to an outdoor movie when the sun started to set.
“Yeah, sure,” you agreed, starting to feel claustrophobic in her bedroom anyway. “What movie?”
“Not sure, but Pope and JJ are going so if it sucks we can all make fun of it,” she replied.
A part of you was glad JJ wasn’t home alone with his dad (a big part, actually). The other part felt a rush of anxiety at the prospect of seeing him. What would you say to him? Could you two actually pretend everything was normal?
You’d seen JJ tell pretty believable lies, but he wasn’t exactly a professional at being able to hide his emotions.
Then again, he’d kept his real feelings hidden from you for who knows how long.
It was too late to back out. Kie was already searching for her car keys, with shoes on and her hair up, ready to go.
You were quiet in the jeep, which she might’ve noticed if you hadn’t requested to blast music with the windows down. Anything to drown out your thoughts and Kiara’s potential questions.
When Kiara pulled into the parking area of the field, the sun had already set. Perfect for a projector movie night.
That was one of the fun things about living in Kildare, the random little events that went on. Movie nights were common in the summer. Everyone would bring their own chairs and blankets, a projector would get set up, and concession sales would fund the whole thing. It was on the Kook’s side of the island where Kiara lived, but it wasn’t uncommon for both sides to attend, and it was peaceful for the most part.
You and Kie each grabbed a chair from the back of her car. They were dinky little beach chairs, but it was better than sitting in the grass.
It was a little crowded when the two of you began to weave through people, searching for the two boys, your main light source being the large projector.
Finally, towards the middle, you saw Pope stick his hand in the air and wave. You had just enough light to confirm it was him.
“Hey, they got a decent spot,” Kiara commented, leading the way to the them. You only hummed in response.
Pope and JJ already had the area set up. A blanket they both sat on, a cooler that JJ leaned his back on, and a big bag of pretzels Pope probably snatched from his family’s cabinet.
“You guys made it just in time,” Pope said, smiling up at you and Kie. “They’re starting in a few minutes.”
Your eyes flicked to JJ, who had adverted his gaze from you. He seemed really interested in the loading screen up ahead.
Kiara set her chair down next to the blanket, and you opted to put yours next to her. It was inconspicuous enough, no one would think you were putting space between yourself and JJ (even if you were).
“Is John B coming?” Kie wondered, asking no one in particular.
Pope glanced to JJ, which you only noticed because you had done the same thing. Had JJ told Pope?
No, definitely not. Pope would’ve had something to say about it for sure. He wouldn’t have asked you all to hang out in such a casual manner if he knew.
“Don’t know,” JJ said, opening the cooler and fishing out a beer. He popped the cap off and took a long drink. “Did you guys let him know?”
“No,” Kie said, dropping down into her chair.
“Well, there’s your answer,” JJ said with a shrug.
Kiara made a face.
“So you still have an attitude?”
“Can we just watch the movie?” you jumped in, sitting down in your chair.
The movie coming on a few seconds after your words halted any argument that could transpire. You were relieved to say the least.
You focused on the movie, trying to get into it, not letting your gaze wander. You made back and forth comments under your breath with Kiara, and sometimes you’d lean past her when Pope had something to say. JJ was quiet, which was abnormal for him. He was always talkative during movies, cracking jokes alongside you. If it wasn’t for the tension lingering between the two of you you might’ve forgotten he was even there.
You thought about trying to make a joke to get him involved in the little conversations, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. Nothing sounded clever enough to say aloud to him. You used to not think about how your words would sound to him, but now you concerned yourself with it. What you’d say to JJ if you could manage it, or if he was at least overhearing your comments to Pope and finding amusement in them—you cared too much about that all the sudden. Did he think you were funny?
Trying to be normal with JJ around was significantly harder than you thought it would’ve been, despite being the one who suggested it.
How were you supposed to be casual around your step brother who kissed you? You hadn’t thought it through in the morning, and it became clear to you that both you and JJ knew things weren’t copacetic. Problem was you didn’t know how to fix it.
You could feel JJ looking at you every once in a while, but you avoided his eyes. Not only did you not know what to say to him, but even if you did, the two of you couldn’t exactly talk about it in front of your friends.
After about an hour into the movie, the opportunity arose when JJ stood up out of nowhere.
“I’m gonna get something to eat,” he mumbled, making his way to the little building nearby.
“We have pretzels left,” Pope offered, but it fell on deaf ears. He looked at you and Kiara once JJ was out of earshot. “Is he still mad at John B about yesterday? He’s been weird all day and John B isn’t even here.”
When Kie turned to face you, you realized he was just talking to you.
You shrugged and said, “I wish I could tell you.” Neither of them looked convinced. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m not his keeper.”
“No, but you live together and you’re the person he trusts the most,” Pope acknowledged, worry in his tone. “If he would go to anyone it would be you.”
“He hasn’t said anything to you?” you asked.
Pope shook his head.
“They’re best friends, even when they argue they get over it,” Kie reminded.
“Did he ask you to not invite John B?” you continued questioning Pope, remembering JJ’s comment from before.
“No, John B’s working tonight. Something with the Cameron boat.”
“He definitely still seems mad at him,” Kie said, a knowing tone in her voice as she looked to you. “You never told me—what did he say to you when you got home?”
You could’ve lied but your brain wouldn’t come up with anything.
“Nothing really. Can we just watch the movie?” you asked instead. “Please?”
Everything had been fine just a day ago and now it was all so overwhelming.
Pope and Kie exchanged a look, but didn’t discuss further. It took about ten minutes for Pope to speak up again.
“JJ still isn’t back…” he noticed aloud. He craned his neck to look towards the snack line, but it was definitely no use. “Maybe someone should go find him.”
Someone. He meant you, didn’t he? You gave Pope a look, and he shrugged.
“Do you want me to go?” Kiara offered.
You shook your head. “It’s fine.”
It wasn’t, not really, but you got up anyway.
You crossed your arms over your chest as you walked to the small building, searching around for a sign of something familiar—blonde hair, his shirt or anything to tip you off. It took a bit of wandering, but you eventually found JJ. He wasn’t in line, but around the back of the concession building.
He was alone, sitting on the ground, a flask in his hand, and his back against the stone wall.
“You disappeared,” you commented, drawing his attention. You approached him, leaning on your side against the wall next to him.
Blue eyes turned up to you.
“They send you to find me?” he guessed snarkily. “I’m fine, thanks. You can go.”
You scoffed at his tone. “This is your plan, then? To hide back here and get drunk?” You guess whatever was in the flask was stronger than beer.
Something between a look of sadness and frustration crossed his features.
“What else am I supposed to do? Clearly you can’t stand to be around me,” he shot back, glaring up at you.
You were taken aback, jaw falling slack.
“I was the one that said we can forget it and go back,” you reminded.
JJ scoffed at that, getting to his feet, leaving his flask to fall to the ground.
“Then why can you barely look at me?” he asked, gesturing with his hands, defeated. You proved his point as you failed to meet his gaze directly. “I mean seriously, even Pope knows something is going on.”
If this had been a regular conversation, you might’ve laughed. Even with how smart he was, Pope could be oblivious sometimes. It was one of the running jokes amongst your friends. But now didn’t feel like a time for jokes.
You straightened up, standing across from him, holding your ground.
“I’m looking at you right now,” you stated, albeit with much less conviction than before. You did indeed meet his eyes, but it was forced, and meant you had to see the pain in them. You hated seeing JJ in pain. “It’s not too late to pretend things are normal.”
JJ laughed. It carried all the hurt he was struggling to keep in, the sound lacking nearly all humor. He took a step closer.
“Don’t you get it? There is no normal. Not for me,” he confessed, deeper emotion creeping into his voice. “There never has been and you—you act like you can’t even be around me now so I don’t know what the fuck I’m supposed to do.” The whole time he had been moving toward you absentmindedly, only noticing the close proximity when you had to look up to meet his gaze. He took a shaky breath, eyes pleading with you. “I can’t stop feeling the way I feel so just—just tell me what to do.”
“JJ…” you started softly, not knowing what to say to fix this. He must’ve been carrying this around for so long and all you wanted to do was help.
You weren’t sure who was more surprised when you pulled him into a hug, JJ or you. But he fell into your embrace regardless. He circled his arms around your waist when you wrapped yours around him. He held you tight, pressing his entire body to yours, like you could slip away any second. JJ’s head fell to your shoulder, and you couldn’t help but run your hand soothingly across his back. You could feel his heart racing in his chest and smell the fresh alcohol on his breath. He didn’t sound buzzed but it would’ve been his goal if you hadn’t interrupted.
“It’s gonna be okay,” you assured quietly.
Something about your words made him straighten up. You saw how his eyes glistened and the pout on his lips. The bruise on his cheek still lingered. A strand of his hair had fallen into his face and you brushed it back into place.
You always knew JJ was handsome, but right now, looking at him, the word beautiful came to mind. There was something about him that made it hard to look away.
Your eyes fell to his lips, recalling how they had felt pressed against yours.
You and JJ hadn’t always been close, but now you could hardly remember a time when you weren’t attached at the hip. It didn’t matter how recent that change had happened. He was always there to make you smile or comfort you in his own way, and you did the same for him. He always looked out for you, and you took care of him when he needed it the most.
Your relationship had never been very sibling-like the more you thought about it. Siblings weren’t close in the way you and JJ were. Why did it take you so long to realize that?
The proximity had to be clouding your mind. You felt overwhelmed by JJ’s presence and just… you glanced around, making sure no one was around to see. You two were alone behind the building, the movie and people sounding miles away.
Ever so delicately, your hand rose to his uninjured cheek. You heard JJ’s breath hitch as you leaned in. He lowered his head and let you kiss him softly, meeting you halfway.
You didn’t know what had come over you, but heat filled your body at the way his hand fell to hold your waist.
JJ made an attempt to deepen the kiss, and you let him. His tongue tasted yours and you couldn’t help the soft moan that escaped you.
That triggered something in him. JJ turned the both of you, backing you against the wall. Your back hit stone as he pressed himself against you. His kiss became more desperate, like he was afraid he was dreaming and might wake up. You tangled a hand into his hair and he groaned into your mouth before kissing you harder.
What the fuck were you doing? This was about the last thing you had planned and you didn’t even understand why it was happening. It was like the moment he kissed you just a night ago your brain was sent in a confusing spiral trying to place what you felt for him now that another option had opened up.
But had it really? This was wrong, it didn’t matter how good or how natural kissing JJ felt. It didn’t matter if you had come to the realization your relationship was more complex than you initially assumed. You both knew you shouldn’t be doing this, it was evident from the way you hid what happened from your friends, so how could it be okay?
You let your hand fall from his hair the deeper you sunk into contemplation. Your body pressed further back into the wall. You were retreating, and JJ could tell. He parted from you, noticing the way you turned your head away as if to prevent him from leaning back in.
“What’s wrong?” he asked carefully, nose nearly brushing your cheek.
“We…” You were trying to catch your breath. “We can’t do this. I’m sorry.”
You heard him swallow, stunned.
“You’re sorry?” He stepped back, face shifting between a flurry of emotions as he tried to figure out what to say to you. You wouldn’t know what to say to you either if you were JJ. “First I kiss you and you ignore me, now you kiss me and you’re sorry?”
You met his gaze, begging him to understand. Tears stung at your eyes and you blinked them away. You had a lapse in judgment and you knew you fucked up.
“I know, and I—“
“Don’t apologize!�� You winced at the way he raised his voice, but you guessed you deserved it. You really wanted to sink back into the wall when his eyes filled with sorrow. You’d never been the cause of him looking at you in such a way and it felt awful. “Are you trying to hurt me?”
“That’s the last thing I want,” you professed, throat thick, but he shook his head.
“Then tell me what you want.”
What did you want? It shouldn’t have been a question that puzzled you, but in that moment, you found yourself without a true answer.
So, your mind went to the default, trying to preserve some sense of morality.
“We just need to forget it, alright?”
JJ scoffed. “You said that before and look how well that worked out.”
Your heart clenched in your chest as you said, “I mean it this time.”
JJ eyed you for a long time, silence heavy between the two of you. He was trying to figure out what to say to that. Obviously he didn’t agree, but how could he argue?
“Whatever,” he finally muttered.
JJ scooped his flask up off the ground. His hand pressed to his chest and you knew how deeply you messed up. He didn’t spare you another glance as he stormed off, leaving you teary eyed and alone against the wall with the knowledge that you screwed things up worse than he had before.
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The blue taglist: @empath-bunny @juniebugg @lashay28 @redhead1180 @mariaeirhnh @wearemadeofstardust0 @obxwatcherficreader
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sturnrm · 4 months
I’m literally sending this to everyone I need to read this fic idea
So it’s where Matt and reader are bestfriends and reader has a date but has never kissed anyone before so Matt says practice on him then it semi escalates (smut or no smut idm) and reader cancels her date for Matt ???
Matt sturniolo x bsf!reader
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Warnings: swearing, kissing, ass gabbing, grinding, mentions of sex
I was at the triplets house sat on matts bedroom floor on my phone, matt was playing Fortnite and Chris and Nick had gone to get food.
I was messaging this boy who I had met at top golf a few weeks back and I was going on a date tonight with him but I hadn’t told Matt yet, although matts my bestfriend he is very protective with who I see and who I don’t and apparently ‘he just doesn’t wanna see me get hurt’ which is sweet yes but it has resulted in me being a virgin and never kissed a boy.
“FUCK” Matt screamed slamming his fist into the keyboard
“You lost again?” I asked
“Yes smart ass” he rolled his eyes at me.
I mocked him by mouthing what he last said and pulling a face.
“You wanna watch a movie and get doordash” he asks me switching his monitor off.
“I can’t today” I say biting my lip already knowing his response to going on a date
“Why” he furrowed his eyebrows
“I have a date in about 2 hours so I needa get ready” i say smiling holding eye contact with him
“The guy from top golf he’s called Jack” I reply
“Alright have fun then” he scoffed, he picked up his phone looking away from me and fixated on his TikTok for you page
I didn’t reply to him I was definitely confused on why he didn’t ask any questions but if I kept my mouth shut I could just enjoy my date.
I had gone home to get ready and my date was picking me up in about 30 but I told him to get me from the triplets house since I wanted matts opinion on the dress.
I walked up to his room he was sat on his bed on his phone.
I was wearing a short black dress which was tight at the top but semi flared out at the bottom just barely covering my ass.
“What you think” I say spinning so he could see the whole dress front and back
Matts eyes widen “wow you look good” he smiles he sits up at the edge of the bed
“Thank you” I giggle
“What are you guys doing then” he asked
“Well he’s taking me for food then I’m going back to his to watch a movie” i say straightening the bottom of my dress out looking at myself in the mirror as matts eyes didn’t leave my body
“Here” he turns around grabbing something from his draw and throwing it at me “your gonna want this if your going back to his place” he smirked
I looked at my feet to see he threw a condom “seriously matt I’m not gonna fuck him” I pick it back up throwing it at him
“Why you can tell me allll about it after” he laughs
“Because I’ve never even kissed a boy let alone fucked one and I’m not gonna loose my first virginity to a guy I barely know” i say sorta embarrassed
“WHAT” his eyes widen with a shocked look on his face “okay I understand that you may have never fucked a guy but you haven’t kissed a guy” he asked making me more embarrassed
“Well you always crash my dates” I blame him
“Because the guy your with is always a dick and I don’t wanna see you get hurt”
I roll my eyes
“Well Y/N you better hope your decent at kissing or it’s gonna make things awkward between them” he says
“I don’t know if I’m a good kisser”
“Come here I’ll tell you” he smirks standing up
“What” I say confused
“Your my bestfriend I’m helping you out here, ill help you learn how to kiss them your date will be even better it’s just a kiss” he stepped closer to me “but only if you want my help”
Matt was the one person I trusted with my life and I knew he wouldn’t judge me but was I seriously about to kiss my bestfriend???
I stood there looking up at me not a word left my mouth
“Ive kissed a lot of girls they have told me I’m a good kisser it will be fine think of it as a lesson,a kissing lesson” he said cupping on side of my face with his hand
I didn’t know what to say I just nodded in approval
“Never seen u so submissive before damn” he laughed “but use your words I need you to use your words Y/N”
“kiss me teach me” i stared up at him
He used his other hand to pull my waist closer to him resting it on the lower of my back and pulling me in for the kiss
It was slow but I quickly got the hang of it moving my lips to the rhythm of his as my arms ran up his chest and wrapped around his neck.
I pulled back with my arms still around his neck his still on my waist and cheek
“Your not bad” he said pulling my hand to the bed as he sits down, I’m stood infront of him
“I’m not” I ask
“No but I think you need more practice” he smiles pulling me onto his lap straddling him
He pulled me back in for the kiss this time one of his hand on my waist other on my ass
My hands played in his hair, the kiss was stronger this time more passionate, he lifted the bottom of my dress up and moved his hands to my hips and pushed me down bucking his up feeling his dick against my cunt making me moan lightly
He pulled away smirking, he kissed my neck which sent shivers down my spine.
I could feel his hard dick against my clothes cunt, I knew I shouldn’t have liked it as much as I was but I didn’t want it to stop I wanted more, I needed more.
Matts hand went up my dress on my bare ass squeezing lightly still sucking on my neck, I grinded my hips slowly to feel some sort of friction, “fuck” Matt groaned as he froze squeezing my hips stopping me from moving.
“Don’t do that” he said looking down at my neck “you might wanna cancel your date y/n”
“If I cancel can we continue” I ask
“If we continue it’s gonna escalate” he whispered in my ear, I could literally hear the smirk on his face as he spoke
“Well deal then, I’ll cancel and you fuck me” i smiled, I don’t know why I said that but I was sure as hell being serious
Matt looked at me shocked but with a huge smile on his face “cancel it” he said picking me up and throwing me on the bed.
“I’m pretty sure we’re gonna need this” he laughs picking up the condom that he threw at me earlier.
this is pretty bad but leave requests if y’all want me to write something else 😭
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leviathanspain · 1 year
will i see you again?
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bill weasley x reader
synopsis: a one night stand in egypt has him reeling about what could’ve been. bill returns home to see his possibilities right in front of him
a/n: i wanted more bill x reader and there barely is any so i had to take matters into my own hands
part two
you stared at the bump that was protruding from under your dress. summer was all year round in egypt, but as you got bigger, your dresses got tighter and shorter, and you knew that it was time to return home and face the undying music.
a consequence of a night you knew you would never forget. he was lucky, you thought, he would never have to know your world, carry your burdens.
only thing you regretted was he would be missing out on a child’s life. his child’s life. but there was also the possibility that he would’ve never given a damn to begin with.
your lips connected and all you could taste was the bitterness of his rum that he had chugged before letting you drag him away from the tantalizing bar maids. his hand mushed into your hair, and kissed you roughly. he was all teeth, and you felt your lip in between his. it made you feel the thrill of it all as his hands roamed your body. it was dark, people were dancing around you and you could hardly feel anything but him until you realized what this was going to lead to. you were anything but someone to fuck on the dance floor like this.
you grabbed the man and pulled him close as you ducked the arms of dancers and dashed towards the bathroom. you threw the door open, seeing a woman washing her hands. it was ill lit, a neon pink decal above the mirror was your only light as you kicked the girl out with a mere gaze.
you pulled the man back onto you before slamming the door shut with the weight of his body. he moaned as you kissed him, a hand reaching for the lock, you turned it and let yourself roam his body.
he was attractive, a redhead, which was new for you but you’d try anytbing once. he had a scar on his face that made you question everything but he was a great kisser, and that was all it seemed to matter in the moment.
he didn’t bother asking your name, and nor did you, all you knew him by was- “sir!” you screamed as he fucked you against the door. you were gripping his shoulder as he was holding you. you threw your head back and the thumping got louder. he was frantically fucking you, and you felt yourself tense up as you came, moaning loudly as you shook. you felt cum trail down your leg and realized he too had came.
“fuck.” you muttered as he set you down.
the house was the same. old, creaky, dusty, hateful and wretched. but it was home. and as you set your bags down, really taking it all back in, the familiar house elf from your childhood came to greet you.
“mistress y/n.” kreacher gazed at you with squinted eyes, taking in your pregnant self, “how was your trip.” it was more of a statement rather than a question so you ignored him as he stalked away with your bags.
your father was supposed to be here, but as you gazed at the clock, you realized that you had arrived earlier than you had expected. so you grabbed your remaining bag and hauled it up the steps, following kreacher to your old room, you passed the portrait of your grandmother and the silence was suddenly filled with a shriek of disdain.
“don’t tell me you got yourself impregnated unwed! a disgrace this great house has been brought, such a disgrace, like your father!” walburga shouted, and you sneered, “i missed you too, grandmother.”
as you looked at your room, everything left in its place as the night you had left it, you realized with a sinking feeling that you weren’t a teenager anymore.
you let a hand trace down your belly, you were a mother now.
as you toured your old belongings, you came across the pictures that you had pinned poorly to your budoir, pictures of you with harry and your father, a makeshift family, you had always said. another with your old friends, cedric before he passed and cho.
a knock at the door brought you out of your thoughts and you pulled your feelings back and turned to see your father at the doorway.
you sniffled, wiping your teary eyes, “sorry, it’s the hormones.” you excused and embraced sirius. sirius chuckled warmly, “don’t worry about it, kid. im just glad your home.”
you pulled back and sirius looked down at your belly, “you too.” he talked to the baby and you laughed.
sirius grabbed your arm and pulled you into the hallway, “molly has been preparing a dinner for your return at her home.” he looked at you, “i understand if you don’t want to attend, but harry will be there.”
and now you were apparating to the burrow, a long heavy coat over you as you had failed to realize too late that no one knew of your surprise.
as you opened the door to the weasley home, nothing but the warm scent of cinnamon and honey filled your nose as you walked in. shouts and banter could be heard from somewhere in the house and all eyes were on you suddenly.
molly was practically jumping up and down as she ran to hug you. as she hugged you, you realized that your belly was bumping against her, but molly didn’t seem to notice in her joy. you had always been like a second daughter to her, coming around so often after harry had set your father free.
“i’m so happy you’re back, my darling girl!” molly kissed your forehead and she laughed joyfully. she greeted sirius with a smile, “i just know your father is so happy that you’re home, he wouldn’t stop talking about it when you wrote that you would!” you turned to your father who was now a slight shade of pink.
before you could say anything else, harry, hermione and ron all ran up to you. harry was the first to hug you, and unlike molly, he was the first to notice you were different. harry frowned as he pulled back and you exhaled. you tugged the coat off reluctantly and your bump was now in full view.
the three looked down at you with shock and you smiled sheepishly, “surprise?”
hermione didn’t care as she hugged you, screaming joyfully that she was going to be aunt.
harry and sirius exchanged a series of looks and all ron could do was stare.
“blimey, y/n, but you certainly put some weight on abroad.” he hid his shock and hermione pulled away from you with a roll of her eyes, “she’s not fat, she’s pregnant, ronald!”
you chuckled, “it’s alright. trust me i thought i was getting fat too.”
molly was busying herself in preparing the dinner so she was the last to notice your bump. yet still the loudest in her congratulations.
it seemed that everyone, your father, harry, hermione and the rest of the weasley family all made the pointed question not to ask about the father.
wouldn’t be the first time someone from the noble house of black would be a single parent. sirius was with you, and that earned you some interesting nicknames growing up.
but you and your father liked to joke that you were like zeus and athena. a mere thought turned into a child, you didn’t need a mother if you had your father.
but after he was put away, you found the much needed influence of a girl in tonks, who had done the great deed of taking you in, even if she was barely an adult herself.
and after your father had returned during your fourth year, you spent time with him until you realized that the world of war had no place for you, and you had saved yourself the rest of the despair after cedric died.
“why didn’t anyone wake me for dinner?” a voice could be heard calling down the steps. you turned to molly who smiled, “bill is home from egypt. i was assuming he was tired after traveling all day, so i let him sleep.” she mentioned and you nodded.
out of all the weasley siblings, you had only met ron, the twins, ginny and the insufferable percy. the two eldest weasley brothers had been a total mystery to you, something out of legend as you hadn’t even seen pictures.
“hurry down now, bill.” molly called out, and as he finally rounded the corner towards the table, you realized with a wave of nausea who it was.
and seemingly, he did too.
bill hadn’t bothered to properly greet his family when he came home. it would all be in due time, he excused, and made his way to his bedroom where he would continue to wallow in the sorrow.
it had been just a few months since that night but it was like she had been a siren, a woman untouchable that he only desired more of. she consumed his thoughts, his dreams, even his nightmares.
bill had to leave egypt to escape her, or at least the thought of her. but back home, it seemed to intensify even more.
all he could remember were her piercing eyes, a sight he would never forget.
as he heard clamor downstairs bill sat up and stretched. he saw fred exiting the room and he stopped him, “what’s going on?”
fred shrugged, “mum said sirius and his daughter were coming over for dinner.” bill waved a hand as his brother left and threw himself into the pillows with a yawn.
he tried to make himself comfortable but the smell of the food had snaked its way up to his room, and now all he could feel was the pain of his empty stomach.
so with a sigh, bill pulled himself together and set down to greet his family and the guests.
you gulped as the silence seemed to drag on.
“bill?” you asked and he nodded. the same man from the nightclub was standing in front of you. in a pair of sweats, ruffled hair and a cheap hoodie, he was standing there.
same facial scar, same hanging earring. the father of your child was bill weasley.
bill was astounded. hearing his name from your lips had him flown back into a muddle of daydreams. he had imagined this moment before. meeting tou again, and professing his love to you.
but the shock of seeing you with his own two eyes for the second time was enough to send him back into a slumber.
you had stood up and he had noticed it. a bulging piece of evidence from under your dress, bills mind went to all the possibilities.
what if the baby is mine? was she pregnant during and i had missed it? have i gone so crazy that i’m imagining her face on other bodies?
“between the looks of you two, i’m assuming you two know each other?” fred let out a whistle and you and bill looked at each other before answering at the same time.
“no.” you echoed.
fred and george both cringed and suddenly things became awkward. molly caught their hint and clapped a hand, “dinner will resume in twenty minutes. let’s all have tea in the living room!”
your father looked at you with a raised eyebrow and you shrugged slightly as he was dragged off.
bill went outside, and a cigarette appeared in his hand. he was nervous, seeing you was too much. seeing you pregnant was coma worthy, and how he was still standing was an achievement.
you followed him and stood away slightly as you realized he was smoking.
silence once again, and you cleared your throat as you moved a hand down your belly, “it’s yours.”
“what?” bill was too busy trying to focus on his cigarette and missed your comment.
you repeated, “the baby. it’s yours.”
bill looked at your belly and back at you, “i know it’s a shock. trust me, this wasn’t in my plans. but we didn’t even know each others names and i-“
bill was too busy gazing at your belly than to listen to your rant, “may i?” he held out a hand, and you stopped mid sentence to grab his hand. a reluctant step forward, you set his hand on your belly, “it’s too early to feel anything but-“
bill gasped, there it was. a small kick just on his hand. you had felt it too, and your shock was mutal.
bill tossed his cigarette and smiled as both hands grabbed your belly, “wow.” he whispered.
you looked at bill, “bill,”
bill looked at you, “y/n.”
you raised an eyebrow and bill laughed, “how could i forget the name of sirius black’s rebellious daughter who ran off into the night?”
“you knew it was me?”
bill shook his head, “i never saw a picture, i just knew of you.”
you scoffed, “i guess i could say the same thing.”
bill pulled back his hands and was now crossing them, “i understand why you kept this to yourself. a million chances and it wouldn’t be this lucky.”
you nodded, “if you don’t want to be involved that’s fine. wouldn’t be the first time i do something alone.” you looked down at your belly and held it before looking at the sun setting just overhead.
bill held out a hand, “i want to be. i want to be a father. and i want to be with you.” he was pink, a shade of embarrassment as he realized what he had said.
bill nodded, “it might sound incredibly odd but- i just haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. i left egypt, quit my job because you were haunting me. knowing this, knowing how perfect this turned out to be makes me realize one thing.”
you raised an eyebrow, “what is it?”
bill smiled, “that you were true to your word.”
as zippers were heard being zipped, you fixed your hair. the panting of the man was heard quietly as he looked at you once more, “will i see you again?” words slurred just so slightly that you laughed.
“i hope that for your sake, you do.” you left him right after that, leaving the man to fade into the darkness just as the blasting music met your ears.
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milessluvr · 11 months
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“don’t we look cutee?” y/n said viewing the photos they took at the photo booth.
 "Of course you would think we look 'cute'," Miles sneered, crossing his arms rolling his eyes. ‘‘you’re the one with all the lipstick on.’‘ 
“well duh because it looks good on me” y/n said placing the photos down fixing her brown-ish lip combo.  "
No it doesn't," Miles scoffed, "You're embarrassing yourself." miles pulled out his phone scrolling on instagram  
“meanie.. don’t be jealous that my lip combo looks better on me than you.” y/n said. 
" mami i don’t wear makeup the last time i did your sister forced it on me." Miles said looking down at his girlfriend placing his phone back in his pocket.
"So what... do you want a another photo?" Miles said crossing his arms. 
“Nuh uh you said I’m embarrassing myself !” y/n said huffing and turning away from him. 
"That's not stopping me tho mami.," he said  again, his hands holds yours fingers connecting. 
 he pressed his lips against your own as he wrapped an arm around you to pull you in tighter. 
Miles's lips pressed firmly against hers, holding her close with his free arm while he kissed her. His tongue caressed her lips, tasting the fruit flavor coming from the lip stick as they kissed longer and longer. 
Miles finally pulled away, breathing heavily, a light smirk spread across his face.
“I keep forgetting how much of a good kisser you are.” y/n said. 
"I could say the same for you," Miles laughed softly, running his hands along her body as well. He kissed her nose affectionately and then her lips once more.
Miles smirked playfully and placed a  kiss on her forehead, his lips lingering against her skin lightly. Then he pulled away, leaving her with a playful wink and a smirk.
“Miless we gotta head home or your mother gets mad she’s hella scary when she’s mad..” y/n  said.
"You're right," Miles sighed softly, "If she doesn't whoop me herself, she'll definitely send Aaron to whoop my ass."
“I thought uncle Aaron been stopped doing that ?” y/n said.
"It's not as often, but he still does it." Miles groaned, "I'm pretty sure he enjoys doing it."
y/n giggled hearing miles groan
"Hey, hey, don't laugh at me." Miles scoffed.
“why not It’s funny !” y/n said smiling while saying it.
"Well, it's a good thing I'm handsome then." Miles joked.
Miles stared at you for a few seconds before speaking up, "You ready to go home?’’ miles asked 
“I’m ready to go home we can finish this at home..” y/n said
Miles smirked and offered her his arm. "Shall we?"
“We shall.”   y/n said
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softhairedhotch · 7 months
VERY LATE POST but i wrote a quick thing and wanted to post itttttt aaron hotchner x male reader you and aaron get locked in a bathroom for seven minutes. warnings/content: kissing, alcohol consumption, drunkeness, lil dash of penemily, flirting n kissing n making outtt, pre-relationship fun <3 word count: 1.4k also on ao3!
seven minutes in heaven
“I can't remember how it feels to kiss you,” Penelope manages to get out, sighing as she looks off into the distance. “I mean, I know that you're a good kisser, but… God. You're a good kisser.”
You feel your face burn at her admission, laughing to yourself as everyone turns to look at you. Derek raises an eyebrow and says, “Pretty boy, you've kissed my baby girl? Thought you were, y’know, gay and all that.”
“I am,” you reply with a shrug. 
“Yet you kissed her?”
“Made out with, is the right term,” Emily adds with her own giggle. “They were pretty drunk and Penny dearest got all handsy.”
“And who was I to deny such a pretty lady?”
“Wait,” Spencer butts in. “You're saying that you… you two had, that you did, that you, you slept together?”
“No,” you laugh. “Just some casual kissing and groping. You know, between friends.”
Penelope snorts and bursts out into giggles, dropping her head against your shoulder. “I forgot about the groping, but I do remember being thoroughly impressed!”
“Ew,” Derek groans, “did not need to know that!”
Dave laughs into his glass of whiskey, Spencer rubs at his eyes tiredly, and Emily throws her head back with raucous laughter. JJ giggles alongside Penelope, far more awkwardly and reserved due to not drinking as much as everyone else, and Aaron… well. He stares at you with dark eyes, a small smirk on his lips as he runs his thumb over the rim of his glass. When your eyes meet his, however, it jolts him out of his stupor and he looks away, a small blush tinting his cheeks. You cock an eyebrow at him, confused yet curious by his response, but he refuses to look back at you and you let it go, feeling your stomach flip a few times.
After everyone calms down, Penelope gasps and jumps up from her seat, stumbling for a moment before regaining her balance. “Oh! I know what we should do!”
“What, have an orgy?” Dave says, deadpan.
Penelope flushes a dark red. “That is not what I was gonna say. What I was gonna say is that we should play seven minutes in heaven!”
“Oh, god, that’ll cross so many boundaries!” Emily snorts.
“You don’t have to do anything with the person you get, of course, but if you want to then it’ll be fun!”
Aaron shakes his head. “Perhaps not.”
Dave smirks. “Don’t you wanna have some fun?”
“Are you trying to tell me something, Dave?”
“No, sorry,” Dave starts, sighing dramatically, “you’re not my type.”
The room bursts into laughter again and Aaron tilts his head at Dave with an amused look, downing his drink instead of responding. His eyes meet yours again for the briefest moment and you catch the playful glint in his eyes, unable to stop your mind reeling with all the possible meanings it could have. 
“So,” Penelope starts once the laughter has died down, grabbing an empty beer bottle from beside Derek’s foot and placing it in the center of the coffee table before sitting back down. “Let’s get going! I’ll go first!” She spins the bottle and it flies off, clattering on the ground beside Aaron’s foot. “Oh, god, does that count?”
“For your sake,” Aaron starts, picking up the bottle and placing it on the table, “I’ll say no.”
She blushes and smiles. “Right, yeah, that’d be awkward, huh? Okay, here goes.” Spinning it again, it lands on Emily. “Ohhhh my god, yes! I’ve always wanted to kiss you!”
Emily laughs and stands up, reaching out to pull Penelope up to her feet, and they drunkenly giggle together as they enter the bathroom. Derek huffs out a laugh and reaches out for the remote beside him, turning up the music. When Dave raises an eyebrow at him, Derek shrugs. “What? Just giving them some privacy.”
“Good man.”
Five minutes later, they leave the room, both of them blushing a bright red. Lipstick is scattered all over Emily’s face, mostly on her cheeks and dipping under her shirt, and Penelope’s hair is noticeably dishevelled.
“That wasn’t even seven minutes,” you tell them as they sit down on either side of you on the couch.
Spencer nods. “It was 5 minutes and 27 seconds, to be exact.”
“Well,” Emily smirks, lifting her drink to her lips and taking a slow sip, “we didn’t wanna go too far.”
“Had to stop ourselves,” Penelope grins, before turning to you. “Anywho, it’s your turn!”
Anxiously, you reach for the bottle and spin it. It does a full circle once, twice, three times, before slowing down and inching toward Spencer. Relief fills you when you notice it hasn’t landed on your boss and long-time crush when fate seems to laugh down at you and turns the bottle a few inches to the right, pointing directly at Aaron’s knee. The room erupts into cheers and laughter and before you can say anything, you and Aaron are being herded out of the living room and into the bathroom.
“Uh…” you start, trailing off when you turn to look at him properly in the new light. His eyes bore into yours and you wish the floor would open up and swallow you whole. “We can just stand here, it’s fine.”
“What? Don’t I get to see how good of a kisser you are, too? Why does Garcia get to have all the fun?”
Your jaw drops at that. “What?”
Aaron’s eyes darken as his eyes drop to your lips. Taking a step toward you, he reaches up to cup your cheek in his large hand, his face inches from yours. “I wanna see it for myself.”
“If you say so,” you manage to get out, flashing him a confident smirk and pressing your lips against his.
At first, it’s tentative, both of your lips moving slowly against the other. But then, to your surprise–as if this isn’t all a big surprise, anyway–he gently bites down on your bottom lip and plunges his tongue into your gasping mouth, deepening the kiss. Shock floods your veins but you take it all with stride, the liquid confidence egging you on, and push him back against the door with ease, pressing into him harder. It’s his turn to gasp and you can’t help but chuckle against him, feeling as if your skin is on fire.
“Shoot,” he whispers against you, chasing your lips when you pull back for air. “That was… you… Garcia was right, you are a good kisser.”
“When is she ever wrong?”
He huffs out a laugh. “True.” 
Realising you’re still pressed up against him, you flush and take a step back, feeling less confident now. Immediately, Aaron reaches out and wraps his arms around your back, pulling you back in. “Oh,” is all you can say.
“You didn’t think I hadn’t noticed the way you look at me, did you?”
You shrug, grinning. “Did you think I hadn’t noticed how you looked at me either?”
“Then why didn’t you ever say anything?”
Leaning forward, you press your lips against his with a hum. “Why didn’t you?”
The two of you kiss again, starting off slow but quickly devolving into a desperate need to be as close as possible. His hands tug you as close as he can as you hold him firm against the bathroom door, fingers lost in his hair and tugging the strands in all different directions. Suddenly, someone starts banging on the door, making the two of you fly apart.
“Come on, love birds, your seven minutes are up!” Derek laughs.
“Oh, god,” you whisper, glancing at yourself in the mirror. “You think they’ll believe us if we say nothing happened?”
Aaron glances at the mirror and his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Would you prefer me to say yes?”
“Then no, but I’m sure we can convince them.”
You snort. “Yeah, sure, whatever you say.”
There’s another knock at the door. “Eight minutes now!”
“We should leave, huh?” You say, walking toward the door and reaching for the handle. Before you grab it, Aaron’s hand is tugging you back. “Hotch?”
“Can I take you out?” He asks, tilting his head and giving you the cutest look ever. “I mean… on a, on a date.”
You smirk and kiss him once more, opening the door and walking out, him following close behind like a confused puppy. “If you spin the bottle and it lands on me, you’ll get your answer.”
You’ve never seen Aaron try so hard at a silly party game until that day.
➥ TAG LIST: @hotchs-big-hands @supercriminalbean @pandorasdreamings
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mymegumi · 6 months
it had been about three or four years since you’d last seen hajime, waving him off as he left for america, as the two of you had done just months prior for tooru.
tooru was loud, dramatically crying as he wrapped his arms around the two of you. you remember you had rolled your eyes, but you still wound your arm around his shoulders, feeling as if a piece of you was leaving.
it was even worse when hajime had left for his internship. yes, you were beyond proud of him and were excited for the next step he was about to take, but there was so much unresolved between the two of you. the morning after a party, you hadn’t known whether or not to bring it up with him—the making out, the touching—not knowing if he truly was black out drunk, or if he was just slightly buzzed, as you had suspected.
when the two of you met up for a cup of coffee, the silence was awkward, and you had occupied yourself by sipping gently on the warm liquid. glancing at him over your cup, you noticed the slight reddening on the tips of his ears and you suspected that he was struggling to find the words he wanted to say to you. the thought alone made a smile spread across your face, and you took matters into your own hands, coughing to grab his attention.
when he looked at you, you raised an eyebrow at him, quick and questioning, “so, last night… didn’t know you were such a good kisser.”
watching the blush bloom across the highs of his cheekbones was more satisfying and endearing than you thought it would have been. he tossed you a cheeky, yet shy grin your way as he moved a hand to rub at the nape of his neck, “yeah, you’re really good, too.”
on the table, he flipped his hand over, an unspoken invitation to you. he left the option up to you, and gladly, you took it. sliding your hand into his, you enjoyed the warmth of his grasp as you let your fingers trace the callouses on his hands that he’d forged playing volleyball. it was more natural than you had expected.
the rest of the afternoon was spent holding hands, shy glances being thrown at each other, and talking about the next steps.
you both knew that things would be hard, and had decided that while the two of you had feelings for each other, it would be easier to keep things unlabeled. hajime was leaving for an entirely different country, and if the time zones were going to be hard, it would be even harder worrying about maintaining a relationship.
that, however, didn’t mean that the two of you didn’t make your relationship exclusive. while there wasn’t a label, you had told him that you’d wait as long as he needed, and he had agreed. together, you made a promise for when he would eventually make his way back home.
at the end of the day, when he had dropped you off at your house, you questioned him about the levels of his sobriety.
sheepishly, he had admitted that he had only one drink because he wanted the courage to finally make a move on you that night. he was only kept from his goal when someone had frantically pulled on his sleeve, asking him to keep a stalker away from her. not knowing if she was serious, or just seeking attention, he didn’t want that on his conscience for the remainder of the night if something had happened to her.
you had made a point of smoothing out the collar of his sweatshirt, tugging him closer as you pouted at him. he smiled faintly, teasing you at your jealousy before you finished the day with a kiss.
when you were texting that night, you told him to never act as someone else’s boyfriend while he was in america, and he responded, ‘i can only act like your boyfriend now, anyways.’
while the two of you had an oddly mature talk about the nature of your relationship, it was still confusing and heartbreaking the day he had left. without one part of your trio and still recovering from missing tooru, the two of you had stuck together like glue. he hadn’t wanted to admit it, but it was strange without tooru teasing you at every turn, commenting on the flush in both of your cheeks as you intertwined fingers.
the months leading up to hajime’s departure were filled with warmth, lazy morning kisses, and long nights of talking. your favorite had been when he had taken you to aoba johsai, sneaking onto the roof where you had watched the stars pass by. one last time under the exact same set of twinkling lights before you were tossed into different time zones.
at the airport, hajime had pressed soft kisses against your hairline, arms wrapped tightly around your shoulders as your tears stained his shirt. he had pulled away, wiping your tears away before smiling gently at you. there was sadness in his eyes, but he wasn’t crying.
you knew he would start as soon as he walked away, so you didn’t see him.
the two of you had spent the last hour together holding each other gently. your fingers were practically digging into the fabric of his sweatshirt, trying to hold on to him for as long as humanly possible.
waving goodbye to him was one of the hardest things you had ever done.
since the day he left, he made sure to carve out a portion of his lunch break to call you, right before you went to bed.
he would tell you all about the things he was doing in his internship — everything he was learning, and all of the experiences he was having. you could listen to him talk right through his break, and sometimes he did.
you, on the other hand, would tell him about your day. you were on your way up the food chain at your job and he was proud of you, if the thousand times he had told you were anything to go by.
he had even sent you the photo he had taken with ushijima, and his smug smile had been every indication that he intended to send it to tooru, but you were just grateful to see how happy leaving had made him. his smile was wide, his cheeks were rosy with sunburn, and he was every bit the man you loved.
while the distance seemed greater than ever, especially considering the two of you were practically never without the other, it was nice in a way to find yourself without him. you could become your own person, develop your own tastes and enjoyments without worrying about him too hard at the end of the day. it was such a relief that the two of you had had that discussion leading up to his departure, even despite the uncertainty of your relationship when he would return to japan.
of course you missed him dearly, finding that you always wanted to show him something as soon as it happened, or you just missed the weight of his embrace, but somehow, the absence of him made you realize how truly grateful you were to have him in your life in the first place.
distance makes the heart grow fonder, but god you just wanted to press your face into his chest and have his arms wrap around you. you wanted to feel the press of his lips against yours and to wake up next to him in the mornings.
most nights ended in a soft ache, and a part of your bed colder, as if it were missing something. the warmth of hajime’s phone call lingered, but the coldness of his absence was constant.
today, however, was special.
hajime was finally home and, at this exact moment, was curled around you. the couch in your apartment held the two of you, a random movie playing on your tv as you snuggled in closer to your loved one, nosing at the base of his neck as you sigh contently.
“what’s on your mind, love?”
you hands were intertwined, restly loosely as you were tucked underneath his shoulder, legs thrown haphazardly across his legs, “i just missed you. it’s been a really, really long time since i’ve seen you.”
“mm, but i’m here now,” he smiles and presses his lips to the crown of your head before pulling the pair of your hands, laying another kiss across the back of your hand, “and i’m not leaving anytime soon.”
honestly, the two of you couldn’t keep your hands off of each other. even on the drive home, your hand found his as you drove, since the eleven hour flight had basically knocked the wind out of him when he landed.
his apartment was lined up for moving in next month, but until then, he’d stayed with you at yours. it was close to both of your jobs and it had just made sense, both for the sake of your relationship and for the ease of travel.
“i’d hope not,” pulling back, you loop your arms around his neck lazily, smile easygoing and relaxed, “the olympics are only a year away, mister, and japan needs you to make sure we win.”
“of course,” he nods very seriously, eyes portraying that he knows the weight of his job, “and i would hate to let my home country down.”
“did tooru tell you?”
hajime raises an eyebrow at you as you laugh, pulling your phone out to open the messages that tooru had sent you, filled with emojis, winky faces and declarations of missing both you and hajime.
“he’s coming back a week early before the olympics so he can visit,” together the two of you huddle over your phone as you reread what he sent you, “he wanted to make sure he took us out for dinner and drinks.”
“oh cool,” he slides the phone from your fingers, ignoring your protests as he places it on the coffee table, “but that’s in a year, and we have a lot of time together.”
you smile as hajime leans you down, hovering over you as you relax on the couch. reaching up, you hold his face gently in both of your palms and he leans into your touch, eyes closing as he sighs softly, breath fanning over your face. when he opens his eyes again you take in a sharp breath, your smile spreading even wider as he leans down, and ghosts over your lips.
“hajime,” your thumbs run along his cheeks, admiring the tanner tone his skin has taken on, assumedly from the california sun, “move in with me.”
he laughs, arms curling to fully wrap around you. his head dips slightly and he presses the softest kiss to your lips, whispering your name like a prayer of worship, “i lied about that apartment, i was hoping you’d ask.”
“jerk,” you mutter it under your breath, eyes rolling as your lips find each other again, “what if i didn’t ask you?”
“i knew you would,” you can feel the smug smile against your lips, and you breathe a laugh, “you’d have missed me too much, anyways. i’d spend all my nights here anyways.”
“you’re a cocky bastard,” gently, you rake your fingers through his hair, and he sighs contentedly as he kisses the outer corner of your mouth, “you are so lucky i love you.”
he stills, and you can practically hear the pounding of your heart in your chest. you two had been exclusive for years, practically dating despite it all, and yet, you had never let yourself say those words. you were afraid of the reality of them, of the love you felt for him and mostly, you were afraid it wasn’t enough to bridge the oceans between you.
now, however, he was home, and in his arms, you were home, too. it didn’t seem as scary, nor as earth-shattering. it felt natural.
pulling away from you, his lips curled into an almost knowing grin, hands sliding to hold your ribs, thumbs brushing right underneath your chest, “i love you, too.”
together, the two of you celebrate hajime’s moving in with gentle touches, wandering hands, and teasing laughter. you make dinner together in your apartment, and make preparations for his key to be made, and name to be added to the lease.
falling into bed that night, the two of you begin to fall into a routine of domesticity that warms your heart. you haven’t really put a label on what you are yet, but you know that it isn’t an issue. hajime had waited years to come home to you, and when he did, he found you patiently awaiting his return, arms wide open.
there wasn’t anyone in the world that mattered to him more than you, and for you, you’d known from the minute you had met him, that hajime was the only one for you.
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billluver0124 · 4 days
"middle school shenanigans!"
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synopsis : tom goes through his 'first love' experience with y/n! WARNINGS: there is none, its a fluff story !!
authors note: once again, @rottinglilys helped me with the plot of the story ! i hope you guy enjoy my lovies<3
it all started back last year in grade 7, tom had a MASSIVE crush on y/n. he would always catch himself staring at her in classes because they had most classes together.
he always adored how she looked; her hair, her eyes, her bubbly personality, her willingness to be kind towards those who dont deserve it. but most of all...her smile. toms heart used to explode like fireworks whenever he was blessed to see her smiled.
then on the day before spring break started, tom slipped her a note in her locker.
"Hey, ich bin in dich verknallt. Magst du mich auch?
ja oder nein ?-t.k"
y/n was so confused when she got the note. she didn't know what 't.k' stood for, until the very last hour of school. when tom decided to man up and go up to her.
"y/n!" he yelled, jogging up to her to catch her attention. she turns around "oh hi tom!" she said, smiling. tom almost fell to his knees right then and there, but no! he needed to tell her how she felt! "did you get my note?" tom asked, his hand wrapped around the back of his neck. then it hit y/n straight in the face, t.k = tom kaulitz, how could i be so fucking stupid? she thought to herself. "o-oh uh yea!" she answered nervously. "c-can i see it?" tom asked, y/n nervously giving it back. he opens it to see that it wasnt answered "you didnt answer it, do you not like me back?" tom felt his heart sting a little but it was soon reassured. "n-no i do like you, i like you a-a lot!..." y/n blurted out "i just didnt know what 't.k' meant at first until now..." tom chuckled, "what did you think it meant?" "i-i dont know...t-turkey kabob?" she joked, causing them to both laugh. after a moment of silence, tom speaks "so, are you my girlfriend now?" tom asked, not knowing where to go from here. y/n nods, giving him a hug. tom feels his heart flutter at the feeling of y/n in his arms. "you wanna hangout this weekend? ill ask my mom if its okay" she asked, tom nods "yea for sure! ill see you then"
it was now grade 8, tom and y/n have been dating for a year! their families have grown fond of each other and they hangout at each others house after school most of the week and sometimes on weekends...
with the condition that the door must stay open of course...
today they were at toms house, tom was showing her a song he was playing some guitar for her and she just peacefully watched. y/n always admired toms talent on guitar, she knew he was gonna make it big one day.
after a little while, he puts the guitar away and pats a spot next to him "wanna cuddle liebe?" he asked, she smiles and lays next to him. he pulls her into his embrace, her pretty head rests upon his chest as he strokes her hair.
as tom stroked her hair, y/n found herself staring at a particular feature on his face, his lips. the pretty pink color, the way they curved into a smile whenever he was happy, and oh my god his lip piercing...y/ns never kissed anyone before, but she wanted to kiss him so bad. "is something wrong?" tom asked, slightly nervous. "nothing its just..." y/n took a breath before she finished her question "h-have you ever kissed anyone?" tom sighed "uhm, yeah..my babysitter when i was like..9" "oh.." "why? have you ever kissed anyone schatz?" tom asked, y/n looks down; embarassed "n-no, i havent.."
then almost immediately, tom got an idea in his little brain>.<
"do you want to have your first kiss?" "well, yeah every girl wants to have their first kiss" y/n joked "no schatzi..." tom chuckled "i mean do you want to have it...with me?" y/n hesitates for a moment, nervous of if shes a good kisser or not. shes really new to this! what if shes a bad kisser? what if she goes too far? but it couldnt be that bad right? its just a kiss for christs sake!
"yeah..is that okay tommy?" "its more than okay with me schatzi.." tom sat up, scooting closer to her "you ready?" he asked...
y/n nods, shakily moving her face closer to him. tom places a hand on her cheek then boom! their lips were sealed together! (aww so cute! >.<) y/n places a hand on his shoulder, deepening the kiss. then they let go because if they kissed any longer they would suffocate!
"woah.." y/n mumbled, tom chuckling at her reaction "did you like it?" "yeah i did" y/n said, softly smiling... "then we should kiss more often then hm?" tom said, smirking at his girlfriend.
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gavisfanta · 6 months
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summary: where you and your friends decide to go to a club but suddenly you and him end up in the bathroom alone.
smut, 18+
As you got ready for the party you and your roommate were going your phone went off.
It was Anita, she called you to see if you were ready. "I'll be right outside. Wait a second." You said immediately as you picked up the phone. Without even giving her a chance to respond you hung up the phone.
You quickly fixed your dress and grabbed a jacket, your phone, and your keys. As you made your way outside you already saw the black Porsche, Anitas friend would pick you up in that.
"Hello," You smiled while climbing into the backseat of the massive car. You smiled at Anita who was sitting next to you.
"Hey," Anita pulled you into a quick hug and then the two guys in the front looked back too. "This is Pedri, my friend and this is Gavi, Pedri's friend." Anita pointed at the man with black hair first and then at the one sitting in the passengers seat.
"Nice to meet you." You smiled at both of them.
"Nice to meet you too." The man named Gavi said while the man named Pedri scanned your whole body.
You cleared your throat and that made him look up to your eyes again. "Hey." Were the only things that escaped his mouth.
You shook it off and turned to face Anita again. You two fell into a conversation when Pedri suddenly pulled up at the club.
"We're here" He said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and so did everyone. You made your way inside and the four of you went to meet up with your other friends.
You all sat down on a couch and you stood up. "I'll go and get a drink." You said and walked away, you could feel a pair of eyes lingering over your body.
However, you decided to ignore them and go to the bar. By ordering two shots of tequila the bartender gave you a huge smile.
"Rough week?" He asked and you nodded your head, telling him that he was right.
You needed something to enjoy this Friday evening. You weren't out to party for too long so it was time to enjoy yourself again.
You quickly downed those two shots and you pulled a face as you felt the burning liquid going down your throat.
"So I heard you had a rough week?" A man came closer to you and sat down next to you on the barstool.
And immediately an uncomfortable feeling rushed over you as the man started touching your bare thigh.
"Don't worry, her boyfriend will help her relax." You suddenly felt two arms wrap around your waist from behind.
You felt the same addictive smell you felt in the car. The man who touched you earlier on then excused himself and you turned around to look at your savior.
Pedri, you already knew but it was still a pretty surprise seeing him in front of you.
"Thanks." You said quietly and he rubbed his jaw while his eyes moved down to your cleavage.
You couldn't help but feel your cheeks heat up while you looked at him. His strong muscular arms which were perfectly put into light by the black shirt he was wearing.
"You're welcome." He looked up into your eyes again and then he let his hand fall down next to his body again.
"What do you say to a quick visit to the bathroom?" Pedri asked and a devilish smile crept onto your lips while you started to feel your core beginning to leak.
"Mhm" Were the only things you hummed before Pedri grabbed your waist and guided you to the VIP bathrooms.
He locked the door and while he did that you leaned against the counter. He then turned around and started walking back towards you at a rapid speed.
He immediately crushed his lips onto yours and you felt his warm lips on yours. He was a good kisser, you had to admit that.
"Get on the counter." He whispered between the kisses you two shared. Pedri wanted to get a taste of you as soon as possible.
He didn't even know what went through his head as soon as he saw you, something about you turned him on.
As you sat on the counter He put his hands on your knees and pushed your legs open.
Then he slid his hands under the dress you were wearing and pushed it up, until your hips.
He hooked his fingers around the material of your panties and then made eye contact with you again as his mouth was hanging slightly open.
"You're soaked." He whispered and then also pulled down your panties, leaving you exposed in front of him.
His gaze was strongly fixated on your clit, him basically drooling over it. Then he grabbed the back of your thighs and pulled you to the very edge of the counter.
You looked at him taking off his pants and then his shorts, his hard dicj springing out of his boxer shorts. Precum was leaking all over the tip.
You gulped as he spat onto his dick and pumped himself a couple of times. Then he walked closer to you and started rubbing your clit in circles with his tip.
You threw your head back at the teasing while you clenched around nothing, you were too turned on to even think about something.
Your movements didn't go unnoticed by Pedri as he leaned down to your core and kissed it softly. "You're so needy, aren't you?" He mumbled against your core once again and the vibrations sent shivers down your spine.
"Just fuck me." You let out a needy whimler which made him smile. He had full control over you, and he knew it.
"Be a good girl and be quiet for me." He said as he aligned himself with you, you couldn't wait to finally feel him inside of you.
He was so fucking attractive and he had the biggest dick you've basically ever seen.
You threw your head back as he began to slowly enter you, not in a careful way, but in a teasing way.
At that point, you couldn't hold it anymore and let out a loud moan as you felt him slowly slide inside of you. The things he did to you were unbelievable.
As soon as he fully pushed himself inside of your pussy, you clenched around him because of the burning sensation you felt.
"Amor, relax." He leaned closer to you and kissed your neck as you let go of him again, allowing him to slowly start pumping in and out of you.
You threw your head back as whimpers escaped your lips at his size. He then fastened his speed and that made you slightly move back on the counter.
As it was almost impossible for him to reach you, he pulled out of you fully, picked you up, stood you up, and then pressed your upper body onto the counter.
Then he slapped your ass while slipping inside of you again. Your face was on the cold countertop top but you lifted your head as soon as you felt him inside of you again.
"Fuck Pedri." You moaned as he started pushing you against the counter even more and you let out even more moans.
You tried to be silent but it was hard for you. You felt his balls slap against your clit.
In the next few seconds, you felt his tip brush on your gspot and you moaned loudly.
Pedri noticed that he hit the right spot and kept moving in the same way, he hit it multiple times as his movements became sloppy.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum." He said and you whimpered as his tip brushed against your g spot one last time and your orgasm came up.
You felt your whole body clench as he was still pumping in and out of you, just a few seconds later you felt him come into you, the warm juices felt incredible inside of you.
"My god, you're incredible." He collapsed onto your back and he breathed heavily.
"Fucking hell." Were the only things coming out of your mouth as you were still bent over, over the counter.
He then stood upright again and pulled out of you, making you whimper quietly.
He pulled up his pants and stuffed his dick back into his boxers. Then he walked over to the paper dispenser and grabbed like two of them. He watered them with warm water and then cleaned you up.
Then he threw those away grabbed two others and soaked them up with cold water. He then pulled you up but held you against the counter since your legs were still shaking.
As you looked up at him he cupped your face with one hand and with the other he fixed your mascara which looked like a disaster.
Then he threw those away and gave you your panties. Pedri however changed his mind and took them away from you again. "Let me do this." He mumbled as he kneeled down and helped you step into them.
You stepped into them and then he pushed them up until your hips. His next movements were grabbing your dress and pulling it back down again. "You look so fucking hot." He noticed.
"Is that why you fucked me?" You asked while laughing a bit.
"Sassy, aren't you?" Pedri asked as he guided you towards the door and opened it for you, he wrapped his arm around your waist and then guided you back to the others.
"Where were you two?" Anita asked as she was smiling, it was so obvious that she was drunk.
"Oh, we were just dancing a bit." Pedri answered and his grip around your waist tightened as he put on a smile.
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Would it be too much to ask for a Shape shifter S/O for Vox?
Like originally they planned to rob the Vees blind by entering the tower pretending to be Valentino but they get impressed by Vox who figures them out and then keeps trying just to get Vox's attention?
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“Hey,” I said, poking him gently. “Hey. Hey! I want attention.”
Vox sighed and turned in his chair. “Could you leave me alone for five minutes?”
“No,” I said with a grin. I shifted into Velvette and walked around his office. “Hows this? Am I copying her walk well enough?”
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“The walk is fine, you just need to work on the hand gestures,” Vox said casually. He turned back around, facing away from me. “Velvette is very expressive, and you’ve noticed that with her facial expressions, so you copy that pretty well. Just translate that to the hand movements.”
“Gracias, mi papito,” I murmured, leaning over his shoulder as Valentino. “You have no idea how much I appreciate it.”
“Of course, my love,” Vox said immediately, with a smile. He leaned over and gave me a kiss. When I didn’t kiss back, it dawned on him that I wasn’t Valentino. He pulled away and buffered for a moment. I stood there, flabbergasted that it had worked, and extremely flustered. Fuck, he was a good kisser.
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