#so yeah idk..... but thats why i like the Kiss as inspiration for her
fayzart136 · 30 days
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This muscial still has a deathgrip (hah) on me.
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fakeuwus · 8 months
RECKLESS | lee heeseung
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now playing ☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。 reckless by madison beer
"how could you be, so reckless with my heart?"
⁺ ⋆˚ genre: idol!hee x nonidol/university student!femreader, pure angst sorry lol, established relationship
⁺ ⋆˚ warnings: cursing, lowercase intended, barely proofread, mention of i-land LOL, lots of dialouge and idk if thats even a warning but had to put it out there, use of nicknames like babe/baby, infidelity
⁺ ⋆˚ word count: ~1k
⁺ ⋆˚ message from nic: wanted to put smth out while working on my jay fic!! got inspired by this show i was watching called "the game" (dont watch it its like highkey misogynistic and a bit racist and just overall so bad 😭) i wanted to rewatch it bc i used to watch it as a kid and now i realize how bad it was skdkd. but basically the bf is a pro football player while the gf is in med school and a certain plotline in the show inspired this 😁 also this is my first writing piece so pls be nice and feedback is appreciated!
heeseung slowly opened the front door to the apartment you and him shared, trying to be as quiet as possible since you were most likely sleeping. once he made it in he tip toe'd his way to your guys' bedroom. "did you have fun tonight hee?" you asked, while sitting on the couch with nothing but the lamp on. heeseung jumps, "holy shit you scared me! baby what are you doing up? come on let's get you to bed."
he walks over and tries to give you a kiss. you turned your head down only allowing him to press it to your forehead. you were pissed. actually, you were beyond that. words could not describe what you were even feeling at the moment.
you get up from the couch and stand before him, "you didn't answer my question. did you have fun tonight hee?" heeseung is perplexed by your tone. you sounded... hurt? angry? annoyed? all of the above? he tried to proceed with caution, racking his brain of all the possibilities of why you could be acting like this.
"uh... yeah babe, i had a lot of fun tonight. sorry i stayed out so late by the way. you really didn't have to wait up for me, you're probably tired." he was hopeful this was the right answer. it's gotta be, right? all you could do was stifle a cold laugh.
why the hell were you laughing? what was so funny? heeseung can feel his heartbeat in his ears and his skin was turning hot. you had never once acted this way in all of the years you guys had been together. it may not seem like a big deal to others, but you had always been so caring and sweet towards him.
even when you guys were arguing, your soft voice never changed. this was new. this was scary. you had a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes now and it seemed like you were staring into his soul.
"yeah heeseung. it's 2 am," you say sounding almost condescending, "but no i'm not mad that you stayed out so late. i mean i WAS, but after someone sent me a little something i realized there are worse things to be mad about." suddenly your phone is shoved into heeseung's hands. his jaw dropped. no. there's no way.
"who sent you this?! wait no it doesn't matter baby you can't believe this can you?" he reaches out for you but you pull away and start walking towards the front door to gather your jacket and bag, "so you're not even going to try to deny it? huh. i guess my friends were right." it makes him sick how you seem so calm on the outside, your words and actions treating this like one big joke while he's freaking out. he'd rather you be a crying, screaming mess than whatever behavior you're exhibiting at the moment.
you turn back around to him, "you think i don’t know who you’re giggling with on the phone while i’m sitting in the room studying for hours? that i’m stupid enough to believe that you’re not making out with her in that video? that i’m blind enough to not see the heart eyes you two make at each other while in the same room?” your words drip with venom and they shoot heeseung straight in the heart.
he feels like the room is spinning and he wants to faint. he wants to go up to you and hold you and tell you that she doesn’t matter, that you’re the only important thing in his life. but that’s not what happens. heeseung is too wrapped up in the moment to admit his wrongs.
frankly, he’s disgusted with himself and at a loss for words right now. he wants to convince not only you but more importantly to himself that he didn’t do anything wrong. and so he does. what comes out of his mouth next are words he’d soon regret. “WHAT DID YOU WANT ME TO DO YN?! i’ve been so lonely lately because you’re so wrapped up in school and she’s THERE FOR ME. she’s been there when you weren’t. i wouldn’t have made out with her if YOU were at the afterparty with ME like i asked you to! we won four fucking awards tonight and i just wanted my girlfriend there to celebrate with me.”
and just like that, you snap. the jacket and bag in your hands are now thrown to the ground and heeseung flinches. “YOU ARE SO FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE! do you hear the words that are coming out of your mouth right now?! i told you i have an exam tomorrow there was no way i was going to that damn party.”
tears are blurring your vision and your breath is becoming uneven. you don’t even recognize the man standing in front of you. “i have a life too heeseung. while you’re out chasing your dreams so am i. do you even acknowledge the sacrifices i have made for you over the past five years? tell me, was she there for you when you first became a trainee? was she crying for you every fucking episode of i-land? was she there every step of the way supporting your career?!"
heeseung doesn’t speak. he doesn’t move an inch yet his brain is moving a million miles per minute. he knows you’re right. he knows that you decline going out with your friends so you can wait for him to come home from practice. that your life only revolves around school and him. and he’s so eternally grateful for you. his heart yearns to express all the love he has for you and that he fucked up so badly. he just wants to fast forward to the part where you guys work through it and everything is okay again.
but that time is never going to come because you walk up to him with a heavy heart, placing the promise ring he gave you all those years ago in his hands.
he stares at the pretty diamond that shines in the moonlight, the only thing illuminating the darkness that’s consumed the space you both once filled with love. “i hope she was worth it,” you say as you open the door and walk out into the cold night. leaving heeseung and all of the memories of your relationship behind.
© fakeuwus 2023 do not repost, translate, or plagiarize
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taegularities · 5 months
Rid you're crazyyyyyyyyyyy
just finished cmi11 IM FUCKING CRYING holy shit that was so good oh god
first of all the conversation between oc and her mom made me cry so hard- it hit home for me, as a girlie with mommy issues, that part felt so real to me. Oc's courage to stand up for herself like that and tell her how much she hurt her own daughter is something i dont have in me. It broke my fucking heart, that yearning feeling, i cant believe you put that specific feeling into words rid [are u part of the mommy issues community as well🧐 or are u just that amazing, a true fucking artist (i saw that anon calling you the beyonce of ff and i agree 100%)] idk how to describe my feelings rn, that part definitely left a mark in my heart, ill never forget it
second the domesticity in these two dorks oh my goddddd they're driving me crazy, theyre so cute and in love and im in love with them and i want to cry bc i want what they have but bc irl men suck the hopeless romantic in me is gonna have to live through fanfics for the rest of my life and that makes me fucking miserable but bless the fanfic gods like you that keep my soul alive, idk what id do without you
lastly that scareeeeee oh god like i knew itd be a negative but it had my heart beating out of my ass (idk if thats a phrase) but the way they handled it oh god, the emotionsssssss the fears and insecurities, just reminded me that theyre human, even if theyre the most fucking adorable characters ever, theyre still human and i loved seeing such nuance. You really are doing an amazing job rid, not only writing the story, scenes and dialogue, but also the way you write these characters in such depth, its so fucking refreshing to see.
i want to kiss your beatiful head that holds your beautiful brain, seriously ive never ever been so enchanted by a piece of writing before (and i read so much fanfiction its like an addiction) you are by far my strongest fix. For real tho, your writing, and particularly cmi has touched me deeply and I'll never ever forget it. So thank you
Rest assured and stop doubting yourself bc youre seriously incredible and so fucking talented. Now rest up and take care of yourself, i imagine its not easy to birth such work (i mean 36k you monster, i loved every second of it but damn girl take a break before you burn your brain out) but no srsly i hope youre eating well, sleeping well and doing things that make you happy and relaxed. You deserve all the best of this world rid🫂🩷
sincerely ~ 🐼✒️anon
panda hi hello oh my gosh, sorry for being late, but you mentioned so many important things, so i wanted to take my time HELLO!! never stop sending these lovely af reviews 🥺
i know... she really is inspiring bc the courage to stand up against someone you feared for so long is admirable. i'm part of both the mommy and daddy issues community even though it's gotten a lot better lol like i wonder why it's such a recurring theme in my fics 🤣 i'm so sorry you could relate to oc :( but i'm glad you liked the scene so much.
and ahhh the domesticity 🤧 it's been so so fun and relaxing to write!! real life romance can be hard to find, yeah :') so i guess writing these scenes and chapters has been extra cathartic (although it drives me crazy, too — the next chapter has been making me so jejfhdjjsgd), but here's to finding a cmi jk irl soon :') much more to come!!!🕯️
the scare was one hell of a ride 🥺 i cried a lot!! and even i have been realising lately that i sometimes try to make my characters flawless, but that's actually not what i wanna go for. i always snap out of it and then try to make them flawed bc they're human, and i think the cmi couple, despite how endearing they are, is definitely vv flawed :') thank you for pointing that out 🥺
your strongest fix?? girl PLEASE ILL CRY 😭💔 i love you so much, you're so sweet for saying that and seeing me in such a way, pls i want you here forever <3 i rested a lot after cmi11! but ngl, cmi11.5 almost burned me out ksjdhehd gonna rest even more after that hehe. tyssssm, i hope you're well and healthy and i appreciate you so much for your kindness, reassurances and love for this series/me. love you so much 🤍
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good morning, lovie!! this kitten TT theyre so tiny i cant help myself TT 'what did i do?' exist 'I GOT A NEW OUTFIT FOR LISA!' oh so cute🥺 it looks so pirate-ish? 'i want to write ideas outside my reqs' if itll be easier than making reqs then do it. its ok. tumblr is nothing in comparison with your comfort. 'while rereading it i was like 'damn im really good at writing’' its good bc you are. hope you get out too. praying for you, m cutie. 'i want a hug from you for real' oh nooo sweetheart no need to cry. i only can give you dozens of virtual hugs but still luvluvluv u<з did you watch doctor who? i wanted to recommend s6 but then i understood there you cant watch just one ep bc 1-7 is the whole complete plotline💀 but it was so confusing and dramatic it worth it. 'ive seen crack edits' OH babygirl TT they had SUCH a drama TT i cried. there was my fav quote. oh what a good time it was... 'i cant write it im sorry' it fine you shouldnt be sorry! 'She loves her love for daemon more than daemon himself?' yes. 'i literally make mood boards' and its even more time-consuming? 'have not enjoyed writing a series in a long time' im glad to know you enjoy it!! 'i might really just stop writing for a while' if thats what you need then ok. you do owe nothing to anyone. its solely your choice. 'this post is really cute too' OMG YES its a leaf dragon TT and it has the paws TT 'im currently in class not listening because id rather reply to you' bad example for kids, catmom. but ok its good to know you already know it. its cute what you do to reply me<з r u better? 'its so hot my head hurts' FREEZY KISSES 'the fact you care enough to do that' OFC I DO. if i have symbols ill write one idea here. 'i dont want to fail' you will not. youre smart, talented and hard-working. you wont fail. youll graduate and everythingll be just fine. 'i also wanted to share this video about wolves' omg yes! its so.. reliving? its good to know nature has its ways. sorry i wasnt able to watch the tiger series as i cant really concentrate on the long vids and has been sleeping and dozing off for the whole day TT ill definately watch it later though. AJDHFJKF half an hour ago i was like hm i need to check smth on youtube and got completely carried away TT im back though. yk i read a fic abt shadow & bone then i did a research abt whole grishaverse so i learnt this universe and its (ESPECIALLY) language are inspired by russia in 19th century and russian and mongolian and i have LOTS of questions TT like??? ok this main idk antagonist(?) darklings name is alexander morozovA and its the fem form of last name while the fem character has surname safin but its a musc form??? and yeah the main characters surname starkov is also the musc form?? these are real last names here TT and while i can get why fem characters have musc last names 1) musc is the first form so its not rare to see musc words with the fem characters in foreign things 2) they dont derive from the real russian word BUT HIS last name???? its THE MOST common, traditional and productive way to make a surname its literally a rus word+suffix ov+ no enging if its musc or ending a if its fem. WHY??? so many questions and no answers (or i wasnt searching for them). and why tf they are GRISHA TT grisha is just the form of name Grigorii WHY TF the whole social group is called GRISHA? i have a few questions to the language but ok i wont be ranting too much. like i was SO amused. i laughed so hard TT ok i was about writing a fic idea but i got too carried away by this. so plss really let me know if you feel like it can spoil your mood or youre tired of others reqs. i consider it pretty (my bestie said its cliche and too suppy :( ) and would like too see it. but i dont want to force you. and you shouldnt do it to yourself! i dont want you to feel pressed bc of me. bc of anything really. sorry for this outburst. im still procrastinating (clown emoji bc the site i was taking them from became shitty). hope you do better. have a good day/evening/night! freezy hugs to feel a lil better! luv u! take care<з
HI <3
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have you ever watched aristocats? i remember loving it as a child but also i cant remember anything that happened in the film besides the fact i love this kitty mari(? is that her name lol AHHAH) so much
good morning, lovie!! this kitten TT theyre so tiny i cant help myself TT
'what did i do?' exist
omg HAHAHA love that for me HAHA
'I GOT A NEW OUTFIT FOR LISA!' oh so cute🥺 it looks so pirate-ish?
oh does it. it just looks... cute to me HAHAHAH
'i want to write ideas outside my reqs' if itll be easier than making reqs then do it. its ok. tumblr is nothing in comparison with your comfort.
<3 <3
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'while rereading it i was like 'damn im really good at writing’' its good bc you are. hope you get out too. praying for you, m cutie.
thank you i love you
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'i want a hug from you for real' oh nooo sweetheart no need to cry. i only can give you dozens of virtual hugs but still luvluvluv u<з
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did you watch doctor who? i wanted to recommend s6 but then i understood there you cant watch just one ep bc 1-7 is the whole complete plotline💀 but it was so confusing and dramatic it worth it.
lol ok once i finish my midterms ill watch that after watching one ep from the last of us. now i have something to look forward to now i have to finish my activities
'ive seen crack edits' OH babygirl TT they had SUCH a drama TT i cried. there was my fav quote. oh what a good time it was...
they look like they have so much fun, both in the show but also shooting it irl
'i cant write it im sorry' it fine you shouldnt be sorry!
'She loves her love for daemon more than daemon himself?' yes.
damn ok HAHAH
'i literally make mood boards' and its even more time-consuming?
but its part of the process. i love making art and moodboards <3
'have not enjoyed writing a series in a long time' im glad to know you enjoy it!!
<3 it is so much fun to write that. it sucks that i find it hard to write, though i did manage to make a pedro pascal fic again AHAHHA
'i might really just stop writing for a while' if thats what you need then ok. you do owe nothing to anyone. its solely your choice.
thank you my love
'this post is really cute too' OMG YES its a leaf dragon TT and it has the paws TT
'im currently in class not listening because id rather reply to you' bad example for kids, catmom. but ok its good to know you already know it. its cute what you do to reply me<з r u better?
i never said you should follow my example. listen to your teachers kid. also idk if im better im usually out of it when im hungry im quite hungry rn but ill eat later after my grunkle is finished eating
'its so hot my head hurts' FREEZY KISSES
thank you. it rained today, so its not hot. your freezy kisses did that
'the fact you care enough to do that' OFC I DO. if i have symbols ill write one idea here.
T_T im just really hungry but this is making me emotional T_T
'i dont want to fail' you will not. youre smart, talented and hard-working. you wont fail. youll graduate and everythingll be just fine.
thank you <3 T_T
'i also wanted to share this video about wolves' omg yes! its so.. reliving? its good to know nature has its ways. sorry i wasnt able to watch the tiger series as i cant really concentrate on the long vids and has been sleeping and dozing off for the whole day TT ill definately watch it later though.
you dont have to watch the tiger series if you dont want to. i only shared it because i liked it and you shared something you like to me. i love the wolf video so much. i love nature. i love God. i love everything <3
AJDHFJKF half an hour ago i was like hm i need to check smth on youtube and got completely carried away TT im back though.
yk i read a fic abt shadow & bone
omg you like shadow and bone too <3 SLAY IM SO EXCITED TO WATCH S2
then i did a research abt whole grishaverse so i learnt this universe and its (ESPECIALLY) language are inspired by russia in 19th century and russian and mongolian and i have LOTS of questions TT like???
i know you dont have tiktok but there is this tiktok creator that is think is like... from one of the stan countries, and she talked about what you just told me, or things like that. its really interesting to know there is a grishaverse! good for you hahahh you can understand the russian stuff/inspo cause youre russian <3
ok this main idk antagonist(?) darklings name is alexander morozovA and its the fem form of last name while the fem character has surname safin but its a musc form??? and yeah the main characters surname starkov is also the musc form??
i think slay i love that for them i didnt even know that but they totally did it for me <3 HAHAH
these are real last names here TT and while i can get why fem characters have musc last names 1) musc is the first form so its not rare to see musc words with the fem characters in foreign things 2) they dont derive from the real russian word BUT HIS last name???? its THE MOST common, traditional and productive way to make a surname its literally a rus word+suffix ov+ no enging if its musc or ending a if its fem. WHY??? so many questions and no answers (or i wasnt searching for them).
i dont think i understand this anymore. AHHA i dont know enough about russian/russian names to get it AHHAH. maybe they did it for the aesthetic. are you watching season 1? or season 2? all i know is i was so sosoossosososo excited to see ben barnes my benny barnes who i keep having a crush on in every stage of my life. how dare he be so hot T_T
and why tf they are GRISHA TT grisha is just the form of name Grigorii WHY TF the whole social group is called GRISHA? i have a few questions to the language but ok i wont be ranting too much. like i was SO amused. i laughed so hard TT
it makes me wonder if the original creator of this world, the author or the books, is russian. i just looked it up, apparently she is israelli-american interesting lol HAHAHAH
ok i was about writing a fic idea but i got too carried away by this. so plss really let me know if you feel like it can spoil your mood or youre tired of others reqs. i consider it pretty (my bestie said its cliche and too suppy :( ) and would like too see it. but i dont want to force you. and you shouldnt do it to yourself! i dont want you to feel pressed bc of me. bc of anything really. sorry for this outburst. im still procrastinating (clown emoji bc the site i was taking them from became shitty).
jokes on your friend i love cliche stories. yum yum yum HAHAHH. you should have just told me my love. i love hearing your ideas, even though i have no intention to write them. i love you so much dont apologize for 'this outburst'
hope you do better. have a good day/evening/night! freezy hugs to feel a lil better! luv u! take care<з
im going to eat then do homework <3 i hope you have a wonderful day <3 take care ok
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Just me, reviewing yet another teen drama, Fate: the winx saga edition.
The highlights of the season for me were Musa and Riven, Flora finally making an appearence and the friendship between Stella a Beatrix.
Now onto the plot, i think it was a solid idea, it carried on from season one with the Aster Dell thing and i can kinda see the point of Sebastian, he's just too much of a caricature evil to inspire anything else. I did thought it was weird at the end the rest of the blood witches just....left, like, what the fuck lol, felt like a lazy way to tie up loose ends, like yeah their leader is gone but surely those people still want their loved oned back. Also i have beef with however is tasked with designing their transformations, theres no outfit change, the wings look werid once the montage is over and i hate that its probably because they want to give it "realism" ITS A SHOW ABOUT MAGICAL FARIES RICHARD, GIVE THEM SPARKLY OUTFITS.
Into the characters!
Bloom is not my favorite, she's okay, not bad for a main character, just a bit repetitive. It did bother me at the end when she told sky he was the most important person in her life when i think through out the season she had more meaningul scenes with her friends than with him. And their relationship is kind of not it, they have awful comunkcation and when she confromts him about it he says he doesnt tell her about his problems because she is the answer which, ok cute honey but you need comunication for a relationship to work. Idk, they are very vanilla but, they could be written better.
Sky's struggles made for an interesting arc this season, he went through some pretty fucked up shit and it sucks that the season ended for him with his girlfriend basically unaliving herself as far as he is concerned. One thing i like about this show is that no character has as a motivation only his love interest which is why i appreciate they gave Sky something to do this season besides Bloom. Im interested to see how he handles his loss next season.
I cannot stress enough how much i liked Musa this season, i love how they handle her relationship with her powers and she and Riven finally interacting made my freaking week. I hope they let her keep training to be an Specialist next season and i hope somebody gets the idea of giving a combat magic class, its kind of ridiculous a room full of fairies with different types of magic couldnt come up with a plan to try an scape and instead waited patiently to be rescued while being drained one by one.
Riven, Riven, Riven. His fallout with Beatrix and Dane was kind of inevitable, i do love myself some badass female grey character but relationships without affective responsability are doomed from the begining, it was definitely something while it lasted. I like the little moments when you realize he isnt a complete asshole, like when he brought each girl a drink that suited their taste or when he explained to Musa that it wasnt that he didnt want to train her because she was a woman, but because they were on the brink of war and it was dangerous for her. He cares, and i care about him, i just want him a Musa to be a happy couple.
Terra's personality annoys me so much lol, i know a girl just like her in really life and it annoys the shit out of me when i know something is right and she comes acting like she knows best and everybody elses work is mediocre, this is unrelated to the writing of her character really, is just an unfortunate coincidence. Her coming out arc was nice and her scenes with the specialist were kind of sweet but i dont think they have chemestry with each other. There's not much more to say about her, she isnt my favorite character and i doubt she'll grow on me but thats nobody's fault.
AISHAAAAAA, i like her a lot, i think they could've given her more scenes with Grey. Like at the end she tells him he lied to her for months and....i dont think we even got a scene of them just...hanging out besides the one where they kissed, i would've loved to see more of their relationship on screen and i would like for them to explore what he told her the day they left the pub about her not having to carry the weight of her friends, she is the smartest but she should allow herself to be a teen (this goes for every one of those poor girls, if Sebastian had any good point, it was the fact that they should be enjoying their lives as teenagers).
Stella, i know we all miss the og cartoon Stella, but if they were going to change her character i dont think this is that bad of a change. I mean the image of her back covered in blood because she was trying to get rid of the gem was heartbreaking and she has had good progress with letting people in and forming genuine bonds with the girls, i enjoyed her friendship with Beatrix, hope they bring her back.
Flora is a 10/10 would recomend, badass bitch all the way, i dont think the show gave her all the praise that she needed, she literally took on dozens of magic sucking thingies to save everybody without a second thought, Bloom was ready to risk it all for 17 y/o boy next door but Flora was out here bringing the brains AND the muscle, they need to thank her appropietly. I also like that she is between nerdy and an extrovert, i feel like we only get those types of characters as a popular girl is secretly smart, Flora is just smart and outgoing and confident and its refreshing.
I support womens rights, but most importantly, i support Beatrix's wrongs. She was raised by Rosalind and Andreas and their dubious morals, she lost her father, her emotional suport boytoys and got pushed aside by the woman she thought would helo her discover more things about herself, i cant imagine feeling that alone and i 100% understand her actions. Hope they bring her back next season.
Thats all, ill watch next season, its a shame we were depruved of sparkly fairy outfits, but i doubt that'll change.
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scamoosh · 3 years
oh PLEASE tell me about the persona 5 megamind au
everyone who sends me asks abt the nonsense i post abt ....... i have feelings 4 u
OKAY SO its a bit unorganized bc i never rlly sat down and worked out the details, its mostly just 4 fun bc i like the movie and i thought itd b funny LOL
-obviously goro akechi is megamind.,,, tho instead of being blue he is just goro akechi (maybe w loki's horns or smth to make him look more alien) and when hes disguised as 'bernard' he just looks like his disguise from the jazz club where u ruffle up his hair n put glasses on him LOL. also he still uses the name bernard bc i think thats funny
-akira is roxanne :3c ambitious reporter who v much enjoys the banter between them every time he gets kidnapped hehe and is sooo enamored w bernard bc hes the only other person who seems so invested in the cruel detective prince despite his Villainous Tendencies
-ryuji is hal (ryuji baby im so sorry) but not in like a 'nice guy' kinda way just in that hes the lazy bro whos always hangin around akira.,, but i love ryuji so rather than going mad w power after getting rejected like some kind of dweeb its more of a persona 4 situation where his concern for akiras safety and his jealousy of he and goros (or bernards as far he knows) relationship - it all combines and his shadow self takes over, so instead of being consciously a douche he is just consumed by forces beyond his control 😔😔 and obv snaps out of it after they beat his ass LOL
-souji is metro man lmaoo i think it fits that hed b like a role model n an inspiration to the p5 characters but also opt out of the fighting b4 it can consume him and become his entire life bc soujis character already struggles w feeling like hes living his entire life for other ppl and not for himself :/
-im not entirely sure abt minion.,, i feel like sumire fits better but i didnt play royal n havent watched the entire playthrough so idk her that well ..,, so in my heart minion is ann <33 i rlly like the hc that goro and ann are friends Anyway n i feel like the petty catty megamind/minion dynamic suits them well hehehe
so basically the gist of it is that akira is repeatedly kidnapped by Villainous Detective Prince Goro Akechi and rescued every time by local hunk and hero souji seta, who fakes his own death to get out of the public eye. in the aftermath of that akechi takes over the city but quickly grows bored w the lack of challenge.,, he and his assistant ann decide that ryuji (while kind of boneheaded) has potential to b strong and should b crafted into his New Rival !! but that backfires, as trying to motivate him through the promise of earning akiras interest only drives his jealousy to the point of being all consuming (this is when his shadow self takes the reigns).
akechi accidentally bumps into akira just like in the movie where he panics and disguises himself ( tho i think rather than freezedrying some poor dude its a magic thing idk bc i think its funny if that why his disguise sucks so hard its just bc he was flustered and in a hurry not to b caught so all he could manage was no horns messier hair big glasses) and akira talks 2 him abt how awful it is that soujis gone and that he never even Disliked akechi in fact hed grown rather fond of him after all their flirty rapport and bernard (akechi) has 2 b like mmhmm yeah that guy sucks. and hes caught between sounding indignant bc his pride is wounded and sounding all too genuine in talking abt how much he hates goro akechi LOL😖
ummm they get closer over time trying 2 pinpoint where akechis Evil Lair might be and then they 100% still have that sad restaurant scene where akechis disguise gets all fucked up (i like to think its bc he got so flustered by being kissed that his brain short circuited and the spell dropped for a sec) and akira does the whole 'wtf why did you lie to me why did u string me along was this all to humiliate me?? or worse was this all genuine to you? did u ever think i could love someone like you??' and walks home in the rain especially sad bc hed confessed that hed had feelings for akechi prior to soujis death so now it just feels like its being thrown back in his face Twice smh
akira still gets snatched up by shadow ryuji and cant do anything abt it but not bc its helpless its bc he doesnt wanna hurt his best friend ): he knows thats not him!!! but tldr goro shows up and ryuji gets bonked around bc akira comes 2 goros aid just 2 subdue him not 2 actually injure him! and then he comes back 2 himself and is so sorry and its ok they r besties again :) and goro and akira kiss on the mouth maybe
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leonardhoee · 3 years
Reasons Why I Love Leo
Inspired by @nad-zeta’s one about Theo. (btw I’m so sorry you have to see me simp so hard here LMAO. Just had to give you credit for the idea. This is not gonna be anywhere near as well written as yours. I’m just rambling.)
Okay you know those ex’s that you try so hard to hate but you just CAN’T and they're still on your mind 24/7, even when you're with other people? And then you end up getting back together cuz you basically belong together? Yeah thats Leo.
To be completely honest I was SO mad after I finished his route the first time because I thought he didn’t care about MC enough to fight for her (which is just plain wrong but I was being dumb). I was SO mean to him just cuz I was mad and then I read his side stories a few months later and realized how WRONG I WAS????? I felt so bad bruh, I know he has his flaws but he did NOT deserve my hate. ANYWAYS yeah I love him to death and tbh I probably always did so HERE’S REASONS WHY I LOVE HIM.
Warning: Embarrassingly intense simping (If there are crammed or spelling errors ignore it I’m just typing this super fast because I’m having ✨thoughts✨ rn)
1) He is so protective. Like the first night MC showed up he stayed outside her room the WHOLE NIGHT. (Even though he didn’t want to admit it). He just looks so safe. Like even if we just met I would literally trust him with my life??? He’s like a protective teddy bear. AND HE TOOK SO MANY BULLETS FOR HER. If there was an asteroid about to hit earth in 48 hours and I had no one but him, I would have complete faith that I would make it out of the literal apocalypse, alive. Because he is just that protective and innovative. Idk if there’s something you can trust someone with more than your life or soul or whatever but if there was I would trust him with it.
2) He is literally like comfort food personified. I don’t know WHAT it is but looking at him makes me feel like I’m covered in a warm blanket eating my favorite comfort food (which just so happens to be his irl favorite too. No I didn’t plan that.) Or like, the feeling of running around having fun in a hot summer night??? He is literally a walking cure to my anxiety. I BET HE GIVES THE BEST HUGS HES SO WARM. And his smile is so contagious, I could be bawling my eyes out but he’d be like “hey it’s okay Cara Mia” and smile and then I’d immediately start smiling.
3) HIS EYES ARE SO BEAUTIFUL. He’s my home Screen on ikevamp and every time I open up the app I just sit there and stare into his eyes for a solid minute and like, I could’ve been accused of insurance fraud with a possibility of going to jail but if he looked into my eyes and said “Cara Mia” I would immediately feel better??? Like everything is going to be okay?? Just because he’s here??
4) He is literally so kind and considerate and generous and caring and tbh a much better person than I’ll ever be. And all he cares about is making people smile and the fact that seeing other people happy makes him happy is just SO wholesome I just want to give him a hug. And his family was so horrible to him and somehow he’s STILL such a GOOD person. I literally want to cry I would set myself on fire if it meant making him not be sad anymore. I DONT WANT HIM TO SABATOGE HIS OWN HAPPINESS FOR THE SAKE OF OTHERS ANYMORE BECAUSE HE DESERVES TO BE HAPPY AND LOVED FOREVER AND IMMORTALITY MAKES HIM SAD WHICH IS WHY I WOULD DO THIS.
5) He is literally beautiful. His hair is so soft and pretty and when he puts it in a ponytail it’s just WHEWW *chefs kiss. And he smells godly. He is the scent of paradise. Who needs heaven when I have him. And I already talked about his eyes but they look like molten gold and they’re so gorgeous and captivating and they make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And that little pouty face he makes is SO CUTE I just want to kiss him. But also his SMIRK makes me feel so many things and most of them will send me straight to horny jail. He’s so tall and I’m like 5’4 so he can quite literally just pick me up like he does Lumiere and walk around. And idk something about the image of him smoking cigarillos does things to me. Even his messy fashion sense is endearing. I don’t know anyone else who can pull off two completely different boots and still look like a damn model.
6) He is so smart and talented. Ik he doesn’t think he’s all that but he’s literally one of my biggest inspirations?? My mental health is so much better because he set this example that it doesn’t really matter what other people think because if you do something you love doing you’ll be happy with it. He literally did whatever he wanted (and honestly he’s the main reason I even started writing on here cuz if there’s one thing I learned from him it’s that shit does not matter. Just do whatever makes you happy. Which also inspired this. People’s judgments don’t matter. You are your OWN icon.) So guys WEAR that gown and corset you’ve been wanting to wear but have been too scared to. Do that crazy makeup. Sing and create art and have big dreams and follow them. Because in the long run, most people won’t talk about that one cringey thing you did. They’ll talk about how you were so free and how you did everything you love and how they wish they could do that too. (I guess I always heard people say this but it never really sunk in till Leo)
7) He raised my standards for men. That’s it. He is the standard. He is the blueprint. He is the dream. I had no standards before him he is the only husband I could ever want.
8) He is so attentive and he would make sure you’re taking care of yourself physically and mentally. I wish I had him during my exams because I was stressed out of my mind and he probably would’ve made me minestrone soup and helped me relax (which I don’t know how to do). And I think he could probably teach me how to LIVE and smile instead of just surviving through every day, dreading the next day, being stuck in the same place and routine. I don’t really know how to let loose or have fun and I think he would just make my whole life more vibrant. Like fresh water in a plant that’s never been watered?
9) He’s a nerd, I’m a nerd. You can literally talk to him about anything you’re curious about and he’d be able to carry on a conversation about it. I could run into his room at 3am talking about idk whether it’s scientifically possible for plants to have like, jacked muscles (imagine a plant with Dwayne Johnson’s muscles) and he would drop everything to have a discussion with me about it (unless it’s astrology since he thinks all astrologers should be castrated). And he would never make you feel like you’re a burden or being annoying or that you had a stupid question because he finds it super endearing when you’re passionately talking about anything and he wants to encourage your happiness and curiosity.
10) He’s a hot mess. Emphasis on hot. His resting face is bedroom eyes and somehow he makes everything sexy. Sleeping on the floor is hot now. I can’t explain it but everything he does is attractive. Also back to his self sacrificial nature. There was a line in his dramatic ending side story that hit me so hard snd it was something about “if our love is a sin then let me take all the blame. I would give up all my genius and bury Leonardo da Vinci in history making MC my only passion” and “I will love you till the world is gone and the stars burn out” (those probably aren’t the exact quotes but they were very similar). IT MADE ME CRY. He loves Mc so much I can’t believe I ever thought he didn’t care??? And I don’t WANT him to sacrifice anything for me but the fact that he’s so ready to do that just omg makes me cry I love him so much.
I want him to draw me😭
Anyways I hope that was at least kind of coherent because I’m a rambling mess when it comes to him. I literally wrote a song about him that I’m currently in the process of recording
Please, accept all these pictures of him. I could probably go on longer about every single picture of him but I won’t because this is embarrassing enough. It had to be said though because he deserves it.
Because I’m a simp.
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*this pic is so cute I
literally don’t know
what to do with myself😭
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oldsmobile-hotdogs · 3 years
Stuff I’d Like to See When (manifesting) Seasons 2/3/4 Happen
These are just some things that would bring colour back into my life if they were included in future seasons of JATP. No big.
JULIE’S A WITCH. She has super crazy powers and so did her mom and that’s why the Molina women’s music is so fucking electric it’s because every performance is fucking imbued with force magic. She doesn’t have to like, learn the books or whatever, it’s more sorcerer-y than that, but like her spell focus is performance and I love that for her. Remember how she made the sun rise by performing Wake Up? Yeah <3.
Willex duet. Not a ballad, but like something giddy. They’re in love and they dance and hold hand and kiss idk.
Rose and the Petal Pushers songs. I will not rest until I know what Rose’s compositional output was like pre-Julie.
Carrie redemption arc. She obviously has lots of feelings that deserve to be heard before being gently told that no one's trying to steal her spotlight.
Expansion of the found family. They have room for, like, 4 more in that garage, no problem.
More flashback footage to 1995-ish. Maybe we open on them again before cutting to just after the end of Stand Tall. Maybe they’re playing another Sunset Curve song. Maybe.
Booboo Stewart on the soundtrack.
More Jadah Marie on the soundtrack.
Official last names for Willie, Flynn, Nick and Bobby.
Names for Dirty Candy 3, 4 and 5.
Madison mentioned wanting episodes that are just denser in their song count and I could not agree more. A soundtrack thats like musical-length would be grand.
‘This Band is Back’s for Luke, Alex, Julie and Bobby/Trevor (post his redemption, which he deserves), and ‘Wake Up’/’Unsaid Emily’s for Alex and Reggie.
The boys run into more young people ghosts. They don’t have huge roles - they’re like tertiary - but they have like a hangout spot that isn’t evil af? And the boys + Willie can all go hang out there if they want and get some nice exposition from some quirky ghost kids. Some of them should be old as shit too.
Caleb has a boss. The boss is played by a theatre legend. Pick your fave. (I want Patrick Page. No I will not elaborate.)
Dirty Candy break up for like 3 episodes. All the girls, rightfully, want to front for a song and Carrie takes it as a personal attack because of course she does. Potentially this acts as a catalyst for the redemption arc bc honestly? Julie just thinks Carrie looks lost when she’s alone. They reunite before the season’s up and we get a song where they all have lines.
Reggie has a moment where he’s piecing together all the lore they’ve been taught about ghosthood so far and suddenly just this truckload of myth knowledge spills out of him, like, ‘If we were meant to be following the book of the dead we would have been finished ages ago because we haven’t been returning to our graves each night. But the dark room certainly wasn’t Elysium because it fucking sucked and I don’t remember willingly coming back for a chance at ultra-ultra paradise.’ and everyone’s just like, ‘...Where were you storing that?’ and potentially that’s when Reggie says he’s bi.
Possessed!Nick just slowly starts developing a better sense of style. More artsy hoodies, better-placed rips in the jeans, fewer badly-shaped hats (he can keep wearing hats, they've just gotta frame his head better), until someone (Flynn, probably) up and says like "something is seriously wrong with Nick. He looks like he's about to be interviewed for GQ." and thats when they realise.
We see Carlos do like a full Bella-googling-vampires thing except it's just "can sisters fall in love with ghosts?" and the info is just very poorly sourced Quora and Yahoo Answers posts.
They actually perform Home is Where my Horse is. The absolute madlads.
Flynn gets put in the band for a couple shows to just play the instruments that fill in the gaps. Like that guy in Yello who was in charge of tapes. Like, trumpet in the Middle 8, temple block drumfill into Chorus 2. She’s running across the stage but it’s fine. At some point she learns the harmonica. She’s vibing.
Add your own if you want ! I might add to this if inspiration punches me in the face
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cattles-bians · 3 years
exes au part 15
post directory
em: viola teas i am like. incapable of sleeping in
em: i woke up 10:30 on the dot and i thought. what the fuck
em: 10:30 is especially offensive bc it means the mcdonald’s breakfast is done
obsetress: brain immediately said viola up and about doing all the chores vacuuming with no sympathy for her constantly sleeping in snoring girlfriend dani clayton
obsetress: but nah i'm sorry for you that sucks
em: inspiring deranged viola behaviour is
em: the greatest gift of all
obsetress: god so true when u think about it
obsetress: not that viola vacuums, she def has cleaners but
obsetress: actually no
obsetress: she has cleaners but she's prob not satisfied and gets out her expensive vacuum she has no idea how to use and is clattering n making such a fuss
obsetress: and poor dani
em: she’s up and about rearranging things, she’s causing a ruckus,
obsetress: dani's like "you have just as bad insomnia as me and you're just... getting up? that early?"
obsetress: viola shrugs "i don't need that much sleep"
obsetress: "you do, though"
obsetress: she shrugs and disappears into the kitchen
obsetress: insomniac gf and insomniac gf
em: insomnia gfs
em: viola runs on like
em: supernatural element carrying over: viola is a little too good at running on no sleep and no one knows if she ages
obsetress: YEAH
em: i love a sorta, grounded real life show w like one or two unexplained ambiguously supernatural things that no one blinks at
obsetress: i was gonna be like
obsetress: i wonder what dani and viola do when theyre up not sleeping at night and then i was like
obsetress: Well,
obsetress: no they do that but they also do the most random borderline unhinged shit like
obsetress: dani tries new baking recipes and they sit on the countertop in their pjs or underwear or nothing and eat scones at three am
em: go for night drives
em: night drives aren’t even unhinged but they’re nice
em: but they don’t listen to music they listen to fucken podcasts
obsetress: that fuckin lorde song
[em note: it's supercut]
obsetress: they go to the roof and dani lays her head in viola's lap and stares at the stars while viola reads to her in french
obsetress: ugh i put it on oh god why did i put it on
[em note: it's still supercut]
obsetress: in my head.........
obsetress: i do everything right............
obsetress: when you call............
obsetress: i'll forgive and not fight.............
obsetress: ours are the moments.........i play in the dark OH MY GOD VI'S INSOMNIA AFTER DANI LEAVES AND SHES ALONE
em: ur a MONSTER
obsetress: i need to lay on the floor and put this song on repeat
obsetress: anyway um
obsetress: another thought from when i was thinking about the vacuum like
obsetress: viola has a degree of learned helplessness that all rich people have but she's not an idiot like the rest of them yknow and i think like
obsetress: she had to do a lot when she and perdita were kids!
obsetress: after her mom died
em: hannah......
obsetress: and then after her dad died before she married arthur and like
obsetress: then being a single mom (viola lloyd single mom i'm drooling) even w all the help she can afford
obsetress: she has a chip on her shoulder and Does Things For Herself but also just
obsetress: sometimes it happens! there's never enough time and never enough help!
obsetress: and she loves isabel so much like
obsetress: viola making isabel her lunches
obsetress: oh god
em: making her little lunches at like 2am bc it’s been a busy day and she’s tired and she’s sore and she’s sad but the one thing viola will never skip is like
em: making sure isabel gets her lunches
em: hey what is wrong with us
obsetress: GOD YEAH
obsetress: EXACTLY
obsetress: anyway um yeah viola making isabel her lunches at two am
obsetress: i know that i wrote jamie leaving flora notes on her napkins but like
[em note: read 'and she taught me a lesson alright']
obsetress: i just think it's something a mom who really loves her kid and wants them to feel safe and okay would do so i want to say vi does it for isabel too!!! and what of it they're different universes it's fine
em: ur just building the hannah obsetress cinematic universe
em: building up some Themes and Motifs
obsetress: themes motifs and symbols
obsetress: anyway viola packing isabels lunches she writes little notes and puts on lipstick n kisses them
obsetress: so isabel can get a kiss from her mom
em: im going to kill u w my bare hands
obsetress: cut to vi in the bathroom wiping it off later à la jennifer check
em: im GONNA
obsetress: sometimes when vi has to go out of town for business or w/e she leaves a stack of napkins with arthur to put in isabel's lunch so she can still get a kiss from her mom even when she's gone
em: thats so extra??
em: its so viola
obsetress: exactly
obsetress: she definitely has a fear of isabel favoring arthur over her (abandonment issues etc etc)
obsetress: gestures at canon
em: dani 'its casual' taylor
obsetress: leave the typo
obsetress: dont you dare change it
em: i need u to know that i DO fuck but
em: hgfngjkyhGJBJKFHD FUCK
em: ruined my own joke
obsetress: in the most spectacular way
em: dani 'i need you to know i DO fuck but im accepting offers' clayton
obsetress: she takes care to drop that like
obsetress: it's just casual SHE'S not anything serious. i'm not dating HER or anything
obsetress: jamie's like dani i know you're gay you literally stare at my lips every time i talk
em: dani getting off the phone and dramatically rolling her eyes like 'ex girlfriends, am i right? whats up with these women i-' and jamies like love i get it
obsetress: jamie raising her eyebrows "how many ex girlfriends do you have"
obsetress: dani's like "well, just the one, but"
em: but i COULD have more. if i wanted to. bc i am looking to date more women
em: jamies like ok cool
obsetress: jamie, a little too casually: oh? any, uh. prospects?
em: danis like (patented nervous dani lip bite) maybe but
em: jamies like drat
em: jamies like darn
em: and then she gets home and shes like
em: wait
obsetress: jamie calling dani back "when you said maybe"
obsetress: and dani immediately is like yEAH?
em: jamies like do you think you could ever be interested in me and danis like umm. yeah.
em: jamie hangs up like ok cool
em: long beat
obsetress: oh my GOD
obsetress: ok last thing i was gonna say
obsetress: i meant to say this earlier and got distracted a hundred times over
obsetress: but um imagine dani helping isabel with her english homework
obsetress: vi helping isabel with her math homework
em: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
em: SOFT
obsetress: well,
em: oh no
obsetress: isabel needing help w her english homework post dani and vi's trying to help and vi's smart n all but
em: get HELP
em: dani 'hooking up w my ex is actually a v girlboss of me' is SO funny to me
em: when they get together danis like, oh but havent we all- and jamies like nooo i have very good boundaries
em: except for the perdi vi psychosexual power play ig
obsetress: moment of weakness
obsetress: who wouldn't want to hook up w their hot boss
obsetress: when dani goes up to london whatever weekend like friday night to get her closure dinner with vi
obsetress: boom haircut and therapy reveal
em: 3 day bender u say
obsetress: all of a sudden it's sunday night and
obsetress: YEAH
obsetress: they spend
obsetress: all fucking weekend
obsetress: in vi's bed
em: sighs dreamily
obsetress: dani playing with her hair
obsetress: "this is nice"
obsetress: "i'm gonna miss your bun though"
obsetress: vi's brain is short circuiting at "i'm gonna miss"
em: later danis like look. jamie. what would you have done? and jamie chokes on her beer and splutters 'not fuck my ex for 3 days straight?!'
obsetress: dani "well you've never fucked v–– oh wait"
obsetress: "you really can't blame me, jamie, you KNOW" jamie: (grumbles)its different... dani: well i mean i guess, technically, you didnt,
obsetress: unrelated in some bad fight at the end vi is like "you can't go isabel needs a–– you're like her–––" and dani's like "a what? say it" and viola's too stubborn and proud and hurt to say it
em: just perpetually bouncing back to the worlds angstiest break up
obsetress: i don't know WHY
obsetress: as someone who HATES ANGST
obsetress: i am so DRAWN to these two
em: its ummmm weirdly cathartic??
em: the whole exes au is based on a joke about them being friends and exes. we are v firm in like. viola and dani reconcile!
em: idk i love a catharsis moment! i love it when a character claws their way to happiness. or even begrudgingly goes to therapy
em: viola can go through a little hell as a treat
obsetress: turns out the only one who could fix her in the end
obsetress: was the one who said it's not my job to fix you
em: dani transformative power of (platonic) love
obsetress: "Platonic"
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
that hugging sebastian anon keeps making me want to flex my babs and it makes me angry >:((. this is a submission because i want to blab :“)
my other chick’s name is Adonis Blue, and she was an extremely sheltered child before she set her house on fire to escape her mom 😔. she was born out of my love and adoration for Miles, and was childhood friends with him, Phoenix and Larry until he (Miles) moved away. she talked to Larry and Phoenix often from inside of her yard (her mother was overly controlling and wouldn’t let her leave), and then started sending letters to them. she still writes letters to Phoenix, but stopped sending ‘em to Edgey when she realized he probably would never reply 😔.
like i mentioned above, Adonis set her house on fire and faked her death so she could get away from her mom, all at the age of 23 :). Dola was accused by Adonis’s mom for starting the fire and murdering adonis, so Dola went to Phoenix to ask him to be her attorney (Adonis had mentioned to her that Phoenix wanted to be a defense attorney so that’s how Dola knew) because uh, YEAH there was a trial. Adonis was always pretty nice to Edgeworth so i’d imagine he’d be 1) pretty upset that one of the few kind people in his life "died” and 2) angry because Dola “killed” Adonis. big yikes. i don’t have the whole trial planned out but it would be a big one, and eventually they would discover that Adonis actually planned out everything (Dola was merely an accomplice) Adonis actually revealed herself to Phoenix on the second day’s investigation and testified on the third day’s trial. Adonis was charged with arson and, according to Google, that means prison time :(((. Phoenix or Edgeworth (idk who) managed to sway the final decision and she just did community service for a looong time, which is cool.
but, as a more personal consequence to her actions, Adonis became fascinated with fire and likes setting stuff on fire. oh, and she’s also a kindergarten teacher :))).
Adonis wasn’t allowed to watch tv, play videogames or do any of that in her household because her mother didn’t want anything to inspire her to escape. this means she barely knows anything about pop culture 😔😔😔. this!! this is why i think she’d be great friends with Maya, actually. Maya can flex all her pop culture knowledge on Adonis and teach her about all these cool shows and food joints, it’s really sweet :D. Adonis is Maya’s girl best friend ;D.
i kinda wanted to be clever with Adonis’s name like i was with Dola’s, so Adonis Blue is actually the name of a butterfly uwu. Adonis likes butterflies!
sorry if i talked too much, i just always have a lot to say when it comes to my ocs :“)
here’s an art i did last year of adonis!:
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I LOVE THEM!! the whole plot.. its so insane and adonis’ backstory is just *chef’s kiss* fantastic!! it’s so amazingly crazy and well thought out that i could 100% see this being an actual ace attorney case. i could just see the trial being so god damn in sane omg this character radiates last case vibes I SWEAR. this is just so amazing
like !! i just love the whole faking her death shit.. it’s so interesting and compelling. the angst, the character between her and edgeworth and phoenix. its all so GOOD. I LOVE YOUR OC MAN PLEASE BABBLE ABOUT HER MORE, IM INVESTED NOW. 
i also could see her being good friends with maya! maya loves sharing her interests so i can totally see her babbling to adonis about steel samurai and other pop culture things, even if she has no idea what she’s talking about haha. but that only makes them closer!! they’d be such good friends 
she’s so interesting!! every detail that you provided about her just made me like her more. once again- thank you for sharing this!! and don’t be afraid to babble on more about any of your ocs
man, you guys are making today so interesting and fun by sharing your ocs!! please keep sending stuff in ^^
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swynlake-spill · 3 years
Boba, please bully some of our shyer residents into posting selfies! I am dying for some Rarer Insta Content.
ok i’ll try here we go 
@rikuxnakayama sir  i cannot keep buying overpriced coffee from [name redacted] just for the ten seconds of eye contact we have i simply do not make enough money have pity on me and POST 
@vitani-blackwell u arent really shy so i dont understand how you are not posting daily thirst traps i have seen your body and therefore seen god please RESUME REGULAR CONTENT 
@melody-the-unwritten typing ur username just now made me cry. :( melody i MISS YOu. melody i dont think u understand u could be miss swynlake if u wanted... this is your YEAR
@princess-ting-ting you post extremely quality pics of your fish and family jigsaw puzzles and stuff and thats valid and good plz dont stop but also you are the qin i respect in this world and i think you deserve to be told how beautiful u are js 
@littlelectriceelduh ur mysterious and look like the boy my mum warned me about. plz indulge my worst desires and help me star in my very own all time low pop punk fantasy 
@arista-the-musical BLASPHEMY that i am tagging a triton wtf did your sisters teach u!! arista when i say that i believe if you post selfies tagged #stopglobalwarming that it could maybe inspire a movement im not even being hyperbolic i think the power is in your hands and you should use it 
@cinderellaashbourne HONEY PLEASE COME HOME tiana as her roommate why are you not instilling in ella the confidence needed to become a powerhouse insta mom im just saying she could build an empire off her smile 
@babettexdurand seeing u makes me go  🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 sincerely do not think there are words... 
@evil--endeavors you want to be taken seriously as a business woman, totally fair! however, fourth wave feminism said stuff about idk owning ur sexuality or-- nvm dont do it for me do it for the young LESBIANS. also kick me in the face :) 
@one-lucky-lad small confession...i have a crush on this darling I KNOW I KNOW HOW EMBARRASSING however i am not immune to the specific charms of his beautiful blue eyes. im just saying haha what if we kissed 
@tink-bell tink used to post all the time but then she got her heart broken or something and i just think she needs to build up all that very valid fierce tink bell confidence she was famous for!! tink PLEASE give me the bed selfie i know you have! txt me u up ;) ? ask me to netflix and chill! also post on instagram obviously! 
@sanmononoke what is going on with this person real talk besides ofc being very hot as per swynlake’s hotness requirement. idk if she has an instagram. bet she’d post like feet pics and shit like that. think that we need a little bit of that spice in swynlake dont you!!! 
@moon-yeongjun frankly it is a crime that we are all collectively robbed of the journey that would be jun moon instagram experience. if you dont think he’s hot you’re lying to yourself!! new rule every time jun posts a petition he owes us a selfie its only fair idk im once again putting tiana to the task of making that happen
@notmuchofatail he’s been posting more lately but it is not enough for me. gregory eeyore is my past present and future. like im in love with him is what im saying. 
@a-merman-not-a-guppy stop pretending like you’re not a handsome lad its EMBARRASSING. what is the point also of designing ur own clothes if you arent putting up your wares on instagram. again this is just common sense i cannot believe im giving this immaculate advice for free. 
@notbad-justsungthatway again she posts decently but i think she should post more bc she is easily in the ten hottest people ever in swynlake. its a fact not an opinion and we’d all feel a lot calmer if she was active daily on instagram
@pinkpearlpark the coolest of the teens!! i need her to post so she can teach ME how to post. like idk what im doing teach me the ways of being an attractive rich cool person miss park! 
@bucktoothed--ice-prince again idk whats going on here he’s this very mysterious stranger who blew into town out of nowhere. maybe going without an instagram is the whole point but i would rather write dumb things on ur posts tbh
@trickster-knownas-pan AND A THIRD person who i know nothing about. maybe i am just nosy but also you are hot so you owe me something thats how survival of the fittest works maybe !!!!!!! i failed science three times!!!! 
@devyn-morey lol i know he posts a lot but obviously! obviously! 
@geehosaphat on the other hand martin has two posts on his instagram maybe and thats abysmal. martin you do realize you’re like. hot right. i mean it like you could be in a magazine. you’re hot. take off your shirt sometime maybe if you’re comfortable so you can flaunt it! 
@winndeavor again i know ur a serious business person who has a certain brand to maintain. on the other hand: you have abs. much to think about i know. 
@hclyghcst DISGUSTING that you could win jewel of the season or w/e and then disappear from my life. you owe me like ten selfies at this point! you’re cute kind and a good friend to people in your life! fuck im obsessed with u!! 
@vvinter-queen and now we shout out to her sister ANNA to help her. anna how is it that u have a moderately thriving bookstagram and yet elsa has no idea what a filter is. intervene. fix it. she’s beautiful. imagine how much ice cream u will sell. 
@gleamdncglow u dont have to post bc it might actually piss me off considering how pretty you are. but if you want to i guess (please please please please please please) 
@gabriella-marino you know what’s the best way to get to know ppl in town and make friends! yeah ur right, its thirst traps on instagram! i think you’re so cute on a serious note please tell me more about u...maybe in the captions on your thirst trap for instagram! 
@edwardandalasia honestly just curious how it would go if someone showed edward who is maybe suffering from some textbook case of amnesia how instagram works. you also have the best skin ive ever seen. send me ur tips. ok thank u!!!
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tinytigerrrr · 3 years
11 for 11 may 🙏, 15, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, 38, 45, 48 😉 & 49!
11 for 11 may, my god bless you my friend!! <3 And Also THANKS FOR THE ASKS!! <33 Sorry it took so long I really wanted to take my time hehe c: 11. Describe your ideal day. I think my ideal day is sleeping in late, what for me is normal, around 12pm. Then I wake up, eat a good breakfast, sit with my cat on my lap for smtn like an hour. And then I go outside, bcs the sun is shining. I meet my friends and we go picknick somewhere in the sun beneath a few little trees. I buy smtn to drink somewhere because its very hot and ofc I forgot my drink. Its so refreshing and I feel so alive and the world is so beautifull. Me and my friends, we laugh a lot and just enjoy the good weather, the nice day and the little foods. And than at the evening we bbq or eat smtn else nice, and have a good evening. We sit outside for a while, feeling the summer evening becoming cooler. We watch as the stars come out and think to ourselves if we ever looked up at the same stars together in another life. And then when it’s really late, I go back home, feeling the cool breeze against my skin while I ride my electric bike. At home everyone is asleep so I walk in very softly and there I see my cat sleeping in the chair so I walk to her and bent over giving her a gentle kiss on her little head. She makes mmrrr sound and I tell her I love her and that I had an amazing day. After that I give her some food and I go to bed. Maybe take a showe bcs it was so hot today. And then I lay in my bed, tired but very fufilled after such a wonderfull day. Storing the happy memories in my head thinking how blessed I am with my life. As I fall asleep I feel gratefull for today and all the beautiful things that brought it.  Yeah, I think thats mu ideal day. Friends, good weather, sunshine, little food, laughter, love, my cat lucy, summer - yeah smtn like that c: 15. What is your favorite compliment to recieve? I like all kind of compliments. Im a sucked for compliments. I know I do a good job most of the time, but there’s just smtn in me that really likes the validation? I know I don’t need it. But it just makes my soul shine like: Ohmygawd thank you so much this makes me so happy D:. But If I had to think, I think I like the compliment saying I have a good energy or vibe the most. Bcs its so pure and real and not everyone can sense/say that. And you’re energy is not smtn you can fake or make more beautiful. So its such a sincere compliment, that I think thats my favorite compliment to recieve c: 21. Tell us about your music taste. Bro, this is a long one HAHAHA. But I will keep it short: ‘Diverse.’ I think that describes my music taste the best. Because I listen to A LOT of different things. Just what I feel like or in what mood I am. And one thing I also like a lot is when a song makes me feel ‘free’. As if im totally cut off from the world. Thats a really nice feeling music can give you. And ofc songs that make me feel things. Bcs often then I can use it as inspiration. So yeah, thats abt my music taste haha c: Also! I like it when songs have a deeper meaning. Idk why, but thats just megical c: 23. Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a kid? OH I already answered this one so I will just copy and paste it here! c: ‘’ YES! I HAD. AND I STILL HAVE IT! I dont sleep with it anymore but it has a honorable place among my other stuffed animals. It is a cow, that is formed like a teddy bear so its more cartroony instead of animal like, her name is Koetjeboe and you could play a musicbox song of A Small World from Disneyland. It was my favarite soung and whenever I felt anxious as I child I would play it and it would sooth my soul and fill me with happyness. Aaah good times c: I also had a cat, named, Poes, she is very very very soft, well was, nowadays she aint HAHA she looked like my cat when I was younger, Sjimmie, I loved the plush. Mom bought it for me in England in the Harry Potter castle. It was amazing c: So, I kinda had two, but Koetjeboe the cow is rly my birth stuffed animal haha c:’’ 25. What dream trip would you take with your wife? Honestly, anywhere with her would be a dream. And if she has somewhere wehere she really wants to go, I would just go with that c: Seeing someone you love happy is such a gift so I totally wouldn’t mind going anywhere. That is also because I have so many places I want to go, and almost every place interests me. I can’t think of a country or city or place I am not interested in visiting. I always loved to travel, and still do, so anything would be good c: But if she’s like: Hey what do you want badly? I would probably say somewhere with a beach. I love the sea and I love the beach. So that would be a thing I would love too hahaha. But yeah, anything rly, and the beach c: 28. What makes you smile? Oh boi, what doesn’t?! HAHA. A lot of things make me smile tbh bcs I get happyness out of almost everything. I can remember that I was crying and felt sad, and even then I smiled because it was such a special experience haha. But if I had to say some things I would say; My cat Lucy, cant help but smile whenever I see her, my friends, you super included <3, sunshine, good food, baby animals and honestly just life in general c: 31. How do you show your love? Again, how don’t I? I learned at a very young age to show love in different ways. Bcs I wanted to be a good person. And one of those things is showing love. So I do it with words, saying I really love someone or giving them compliments, thats a big one for me haha. I also like to really support my friends through words. Just supporting them for whoever they are! I also like to give things. It can go from small presents to food to many or big presents on their birthday. Also I like to help people, to give them advice or agai support them any way I can. I also show it through physical contact, as in hugs ans such. And I even sometimes lean toward just really cuddling up to someone HAHAHA But I don’t do that tbh, bcs at the same time it makes me feel uncomfy, but at the same time im like: Ohmygawd I love yo uso much just lemme huddle up against you to share my love with you and ahfgs. So amny ways HAHAHA some more difficult for me and others really easy. Like presents or food, hit me up, imma get you some nice flowers or some sweets or a book you really like bcs I love yu!
38. Who do you admire? Myself *smirk* HAHHA no kiddin. I admire my friends. Because those people have been through hell, or still going through hell, and still decide to be genuine good persons. I’ve seen from upclose what they have to deal with. And they still give so much love tot he world and people and want to help. Its really a blessing to have people like that around me. And I thank the heavens for that. So I would say my friends. Yes. (pls know you are in this picture too. Hello, going through hell still being super good person, ok.) 45. Do you have tattoos or want any? Yes, I have one underneath my feet. HAHA oke jokes, sorry HAHA. No I don’t have any. And I would like one yes. Im not sure what I want tho. I am always thinking of a tiger. Or a lotus flower. Or a little symbol on the inside of my left wrist. That last one I smtn I’ve had for years. I dont know why but I would really like that. A small thing on that place. But what that is gonna be, I have NO idea. OH and I want a smilie face underneath my big toe! Thats just one for fun, but I would rly like it haha.
48. Did you know you’re actually a gift tot he world, for real? IM NOT CRYING YOU ARE *SOB* Thank yo uso much frend!! It means so much to me to hear that I just can’t. My gosh. When I see yu imma hug ya big time. SOB 49. What’s your favorite memory? Ooh this is a hard one. Mostly because I have many good memories and also because Im actually pretty bad at remembering things HAHHA thats two opposites I know xD But uuh, oke I thought about it, but im so sorry i cant think of one RIP. But if I had to choose I would choose smtn that made me smile. That made me really happy. So one with Lucy, many with Lucy, or one with my friends, many with my friends, with my mom, traveling, and so fort. There are a lot and I wish i could show them all to you. Sadly I can’t. BUT We can make our own favorite memories. So lets do that, okay? <3
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amjustagirl · 3 years
Hii nikki jie!!!! Idk if you've had time to read the tags on the reblogs of a sea of flowers in bloom but in case you havent i just wanted to drop in and tell you that i love every single chapter sobsob. Pls i didnt even know there was a tag limit until i reached it when i was rambling after one of the chapters. This fic has officially gotten me through my first 2 weeks of uni and life will not be same without more kita for me to look forward to every tuesday as my sch week starts and every friday as my sch week ends lsjkdfh HAHA
anyways i absolutely loved how you handled kita's insecurities and reader's character growth was absolutely incredible. Her learning how to grab happiness with her own two hands and that leading her to give kita a chance after he apologised was soso beautiful to me 😭 like idk i feel like usually when a character has that kind of growth it ends up with them not having a man which is a great learning lesson on how you dont need other people to be happy BUT this time reader also knows how so very kind kita is and gave him a chance and STILL had her happiness and i think that's why the line "You’d already learnt to grasp happiness for yourself, but with his companionship, his friendship, his love (and gods, his kisses are to die for), the sprout of happiness you’ve cultivated multiplies into a whole sea of flowers in bloom" resonated with me so much i full on sobbed when i read this askjfksd
I loved all the pictures you painted throughout this whole fic; the ocean, drowning, life rafts, jumping off a cliff, all eventually leading back to 'a sea of flowers in bloom' it was absolutely amazing. I loved kaiyo and tsumu's banter and reader's friendship with kaiyo (and reader making friends with the msby boys had me crying too🥺).
As for outtakes, if i may offer asami and shoma? Maybe one of their playdates or even when asami introduced shoma to her parents as her boyfriend HAHA but if youre not comfortable or inspired to write that no worries :> is it too shameless to say i would just take whatever crumbs you give us HAHAH
Help not me spending like 20min to write this out instead of doing my tutorials asdfkjs sorry for the long message i just felt the need to make my love for a sea of flowers in bloom known HAHAHA hope you have a great day and a good weekend :) (Ive only sent you an ask on anon like once without signing off cuz i was too shy but i think ill start signing off cuz i would probably want to drop in more often 😆) ~ann :> (if thats not taken?)
ann <3
dw bb i've been reading and rejoicing over ALL your tags - the number of times ive gotten weird stares cos i giggled on the mrt is....more than my fingers HAHAHA. ahh i'm glad i made such a difference to the start of your uni sem! if you ever wanna rant about uni or life my inbox is always open, yeah!!
and adff,sgjkldfj;dsfdskj maybe it was me wanting to be greedy and give reader-chan the best of both worlds - growing into her strength while leaving space for love. she definitely doesn't need kita to be happy, but i recognised that he has the potential of making her happier - so that's what i was rly going for in this story. and that line you quoted (pls don't sob bb *wipes your tears away gently*) really encapsulates her growth and destination at the end of the fic. and it also signifies both of them coming together by marrying the imageries they're associated with, the sea imagery with the flower imagery and yeah :3
omg ty for appreciating the imagery!!! sometimes i wonder if im going overboard with it, whether im being poetic for the sake of being poetic but like...idk they kinda speak to me and i do try to be intentional with their placement. i'd say (as mentioned above) that there are two main imageries - sea (i.e. lift raft, ocean, drowning), and flowers (the river of flowers, sprout of happiness etc) that each character is associated with, and then married together as their paths converge and perhaps a dash of imagery for fun (and to tie it back into the storm chaser universe where taking a chance was likened to jumping off a cliff ><)
oh i am definitely gonna write the asami / shoma outtake sometime soon HAHA. let's torture kita and make him sweat a bit. and pls don't be shy about sending asks or even slipping into my dms! i love to chat, and i 100% am happy to talk abt anything under the sun HAHAHAHAHAH. i hope you have a lovely weekend, darling <3
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cake-in-a-tin · 4 years
My thoughts rewatching all the Harry Potter movies back to back
forgive typos, and be warned - there's a lot...
the first two have a smaller amount of thoughts for some reason, idk why
 Philosopher’s Stone
teeny harry haha
that snake is so beautiful
no post on sundays bro
hi hagrid
how did the dursleys get off the island tho
aw harry is so teeny and innocent
ollivander’s entrance is so iconic, like i want to enter every room like that
hermione is so great already
and you are…
‘you’ve got dirt on your nose by the way, did you know?’
haha tiny malfoy
TREVOR! + neville
that death glare mcgonagall omg
oof snape really hates harry
it's leviooosa not leviosaaa
troll in the dungeon!!!
hi fluffy
ew norbert is gross to be completely honest
creepy malfoy staring at the window
malfoy being sassy wow
‘nighty night…’ whyyy filch?
oof ron are u ok
bye hermione
voldemort is kinda cute with his big eyes
harry really just killed quirrell jeez man
alas earwax
Chamber of Secrets
ah go away dobby don't be weird
yes the car with fred and george
oof bye uncle vernon haha
ah awkward let go of harry lockhart we hate u
haha ginny is iconic
rons face when the train comes omg
ron can drive? that's impressive…
ooh a voice scaryyy
hey colinnn
eat slugs - yas
let go of his arm lockhart
uh oh colin is petrified
hahaha snape annihilated lockhart wow
gosh moaning myrtle is annoying
tom riddle is such a weirdo hgh
ew spiders
lockhart is hilarious when he has lost his mind wow
yas fawkes
ew he just stuck the sword right through its head didn't he...
powerful sock…
go away lucius ur annoying
Prisoner of Azkaban
ugh aunt marge blow up already
sassy harry tm
tom is iconic
so is crookshanks tbh
the knight bus kinda sucks in the movie tho
yess lupin hi
ugh shut up trelawney
ah the best scene aka harry and draco being sassy towards each other
‘it’s killed meh!’
the other best scene: lupin, boggarts and the record player
love when they are eating sweets and just being good friends
yay marauders map - iconic fred and george
nice snowman also
my dad didn't strut and neither do i - yeah right...
yes leave hermione
trelawney stop being creepy
take that malfoy
harry third wheeling
yas remus save sirius
"old married couple" haha snape knows what's up
die peter lol
haha yes they will chop your leg off ron definitely
ugh harry stop being noble
haha yes mentioning the marauders
ew stop peter
oh no werewolf
sirius is so dramatic haha he cant stop turning into a werewolf my dude
bad idea yes ron i agree
oof fight him sirius
no sirius!
the dementorssss
no harry that's not a real patronus dude
nom eat the little soul nugget nice
ah no they're gonna kiss sirius nooo
scabbers did it ok... shut up ron
dumbledore just smacking ron's broken leg and being mysterious
and enter many time paradoxes
‘this is not normal’ hahahah wow harry
yess save buckbeak dudes
yas beautiful patronus dude
this music tho wow
au revoir sirius
I wonder how many stairs they ran up...
poor ron so confused
that bird just got squished no
don't leave lupin
please tell harry about the marauderss
i love lupin omg
ooh a firebolt thanks godfather
the ending face wow
Goblet of Fire
ooh nagini hello
yay frank you will die soon so enjoy your tea
dr who!
ah voldemort's creepy little hand tm
yes ron is covering his non existent boobs wow
hermione's so mad 4 some reason
yes cedric diggory in a tree
everyone has long hair why
isn't just any manky old boot mate
cedric amos and arthur are show offs
feet off the table!
i luv magik
wow krum is enjoying himself
Why is draco wearing a suit?
lucius is very ominous
think ur in luvvv ron
is there no winky in this? sad
harry is so awkward omg
bye hedwig find sirius even though the ministry cant
oh bonjour beauxbatons
wow so dramatic here come the durmstrang peoples
wow run filch ao athletic
ew the beauxbatons entrance is so weird and compared to the durmstrang one is kind of sexist
ow poor flitwick a fork to the hand that's gotta hurt
moody is so dramatic
dumbledore already shouting nice
why does he have so many bugssss
ah that is a creepy spider
poor neville he has to have cuppa with moody that sucks
yess fred and george back at it again
hermione ruining the vibe
what would happen if harry was just like "nope"? would he die that would be interesting
igh rita skeeter go away ur creepy my dude
hate it when ur eyes glisten with ghosts of ur past
yas sirius in a fire
"who are u talking to?" "im vlogging ron" (how it should have gone. harry should have a youtube channel just saying)
poor harry a third wheel yet again between madame maxime and hagrid ew
wow draco in a tree, why? so many people in trees this movie
malfoy as a ferret is my favorite character
my father will hear about thissss
omg rita get outttt
fight the dragonnnn
feel like someone should have stopped the dragon after it broke free... idk *shrugs*
it would be so boring if u were watching the tournament because you can't see anything that's happening most of the time, only for the 1st task and a bit if the 3rd task.
knew u wouldnt die harry, lose a leg - or an arm -pack it in all together? nevaaaaa
god just open it harry
ron ur so awkward...
harry spitting out his drink will never not be funny to me
oh yes the gorgeous dress robes
poor ron has it tough, having to dance with mcgonagall and having ro wear those robes...
*babbling bumbling band of baboons*
the twins are hilarious in this haha
aw neville!
snape is really violent can't 2 boys discuss their love lives or lack thereof in peace
ron's jealous of viktor krum haha
love harry just being so confused and saying "spectacular" when cedric speaks to him.
given the fact harry literally told him the task cedric didn't do that much to help.
ugh no myrtle stop
harry going "do i" when neville tells him he seems tense is such a mood
harry's hair when he was swimming haha
just leave them harryy omg too noble
harry holds his breath for a long time after his gills go away - longer than i can
fred and george making fun of harry having 'moral fiber' is exactly what i would do in the situation
mr crouch stop being weird
yes finally singing hoggy warty hogwarts
oh hi mr crouch, taking a nap in the forest are u? cool
i would say do not stick your face in the pensieve but that's just me
Dr Who changed a bit since i last saw him, he's a bit mental now...
snape is so iconic wow
"bubble juice sir?" bahaha sassy harry back at it again
this music is so great
i would freak out if i had to go in that maze it's so creepy and feels like it would be so filled with jumpscares just nope
"a cauldron? What are u guys gonna do - eat me? that's gross!" feels like it should be in the movie
aw baby voldemort is so cute
ugh just chop off another finger or something wormtail jeez so much drama
how is voldemort still alive - the cauldron is on fire??
the movie is also really missing voldemort dancing with the death eaters
u dont have hair my dude stop caressing ur bald head
voldemort has lovely long fingernails
lucius' blonde hair poking out from beneath his hood is so funny 4 some reason.
"i can touch u now" is really not a good sentence
bit awkward to return with a dead body...
its alright harry *shakes his head violently*
uh oh that's not professor moody its barty jr
Order of the Phoenix
halfway done woo
the intro music is still a jam the 5th time
that is big whinging not little whinging
hi big D what a great nickname...
uh oh dementorrrrr
yes mrs figg the most iconic character in the movies
harry looks a lot like frodo baggins
yay the order is rescuing him finally
yes remus and sirius and mrs weasley and everyone
ooh kreacher
jeez hermione attack him
crookshanks attacking the extendable ears is just what my cat would do
cute godfather godson moments yeass
arthur weasley trying to function as a muggle is just so wholesome
ugh not umbridge ew
yes clear those charges
aw padfoot yess
wow that's a lovely coat sirius
voldemort looks great in a suit wow
didn't harry see his parents die? why couldn't he see the thestral before?
yes luna!
oh shut up umbridge oh my goddd
yes ron u tell seamus like a good friend
sassy harry reaching full potential
ugh umbridge sucks wow
so evil torturing harry
yes weasleys wizards wheezes
luna is so pure and perfect
the friendship between her and harry is so amazing
yas tell umbridge, mcgonagall
trelawneys bad but she doesn't deserve to be kicked out by umbridge
oof professor dumbledore just straight up ignored harry
yes harry just say you're rubbish that will make people think your sane
yes hermione break the rules!
oof ginny is jealous of cho liking harryyyy
yay the room of requirement!
dumbledores army is so fabuloussss
nigel is amazing and i love him
wow hermione just knocked out ron haha
harry potter the boy who made cheesy inspirational speeches
wow ginny is so powerful
harry and cho are so awkward eeehhhh
just because you’ve got the emotional range of a teaspoon *cringy forced laughter*
occlumency lessonnssss yay what fun
cute christmas scenes wow
ooh the family tree and sirius' backstory yay
harry u aren't becoming like voldemort u are going through pubertyyyy its hormonesssssss
yay hagrid finally
oh no it's bellatrix get ready for crazinesss
poor sirius he keeps getting the blame for everything that's so unfair
is neville tall or is harry short, because there is a huge height difference
aw all the patronuses are so cute
uh oh here comes umbridge...
noo they are captured and dumbledores lying waaa
oof dumbledore is as sassy as harry at some points - "dumbledores got style"
no umbridge is heaf and shes fricking evilllll
grawp yess. hes kind of cutee
ron is jealous of grawp bahaha
sheesh snape chill
yes a bit of maraudrrss aahhhh
thats it? noo
aw fred and george comforting a little boy is too cute!
yes fred and george!!! disrupt those OWLS!!
no harry! he doesn't have sirius nooo
yes hermione fake it till u make it ( or until u get umbridge attacked by grawp )
yay the centaurs are here as well get herrr
'i must not tell lies' the sass omg
jeez how many prophecies are there wow
pranked, harry dude ur kind of rubbish
well done ginny you've made all the prophecies fall
yh id rather watch my friends die than give u the prophecy, don't really like them tbh
yas sirius!
the order yes
you're beautiful sirius
noooooo siriusss 😭😭😭😭
yooo voldemort my dudeee
hope the ministry has a massive roomba
the DA just come in to see harry writhing on the floor and are like 'cool'
nice one fudge finally realised he's back cool, cool
ah yes angsty harry tm
aw poor luna, her shoes are all stolen.
luna is an icon though
we have something voldy doesn't - noses hahahaha
Half Blood Prince
uh oh the dark mark is here
death eaters as well fun
fenrir greyback!!
oh no not this bridge! i went across it and i was scared af
dumbledore appearing out of nowhere is so funny
ew slughorn no
wow i need dumbkwdored tidying spell so badly
slughorn collecting people is kind of creepy tbh
im so glad i dont have as many staircases as the weasleys
oh yes narcissa and bellatrix being shifty
oops snape u probs shouldnt have done that
yess fred and george!!!
weasleys wizard wheezes looks amazinggg
uh not cormac mclaggen
oooh its "draco and mummy"
no fenrir we wanted to look at draco stroking a cabinet
yes arnold!
yes draco malfoy is a "creepy bloke" ronald
why is draco always wearing a suit??
yes draco is going to pigfarts!
ouch why would u stomp on his nose??
yez luna save him
noo dont let snape teach defense against the dark arts!! i miss lupin...
poor harry having to do potions again ugh
dun dun dunnn the half blood prince
poor seamus stuff is still exploding
haha dumbledore ships hermione and harry lol
baby tom riddle is creepyy
tom riddle and slughorn were bffs wow so cute
edgy draco in his loki suit
aw rons the only one listening
ugh cormac mclaggen is so gross nooo
haha ron is so rubbish at quidditch id be just like him
'the binding is fragile' hahaha excuses
harry sleeps with his potions book hheehe wow
wow sneaky draco
rons face when hermione mentions her snogging him haha.
uh oh cursed necklace alert
harry pottrr the boy who just knew
snape is so sarcastic wow icon (not really tho ew)
oh god they're talking about skin aahhh
noo harry stop being awkwarddddd sit downn
ew cormac stop eating profiteroles so suggestively ugh
haa rons outfit
ew lavender stopp
oh yes "felix felicis" makes ron great at quidditch
poor hermione she just loves ron thats all
aw hermione and harrys friendship is so nice
angsty draco standing in a tower
"bUt I aM tHe ChOsEn OnE" god harry so pretentious
luna is the coolest person there is, nice work harry
draco in a suit again looking sad he does that a lot
no draco ur apple!
oh nvm its back dw
ugh cormac sucks.  hermione why??
at least cormac did 1 good thing and vomited on snapes shoes
draco was lurking omgggg thats his vibe now
cant break an unbreakable vow - figured that out for myself thanks (sassy harry)
ew lavender stopppp
ooh noo ginny dont feed him a mince pie awkwarddd
thanks ron
stoppp ginny. harry can tie his own shoelaceee
why do they need to burn the burrow this doesnt happen in the books #not canon
wow everyones sassy including hermione now
also lav is an awful nicknname
aha tom riddle is still creepy
okay thats a lie slughorn u told him about horcruxes
uh oh ron loves romilda vane oop
harry thinks the moon is divine haha
Ron hugging a pillow then falling off the sofa in the background oh my gosh
slughorn is so useless
haha snapes face while rons saying hermiones name
draco being edgy again woowwww
lavender that is a death glare if ever i saw one
oh no draco is crying in a bathroom now like a moody teenager
let him cry in peace harry god man
'nyaaah' is dracos go to dueling sound
oops harry u kinda killed him a little bit.
no this is so awkwarddd ginny dont
just kiss like in the books after the quidditch match thats way better
yes the felix felicis
love harry potter like this its so funny
‘harry!’ ‘sir!’
not to mention the pincers *gestures awkwardly*
nice speech harry, now u have answers on the horcruxes
ooh back to tom riddle being creepy
yas harry and dumbledore field trip quality student teacher time
snape being edgy now wow everyone is in this movie
oops foreshadowing...
harry has precious blood apparently?
yay boat ride and smoothie
harry potter not harry water bro
noo bad just aguamenti right into his mouth Harry
yay new friends!!!
dumbledore ur gonna set harry on  fire careful my dude
ooh death eaterz
did draco change intot hat suit to impress the death eaters?
oop bye dumbledore
harry brooding in dumbledores office
yess RAB get wrecked voldemort
harry ur thick apparently?
aw cute friendship
Deathly Hallows Pt. 1
rusty logo wow
‘ello whoo are u
oh scrimgeour hi i dislike u dude
veey dramatic
aaawww hermione no
yas dudley being nice to harry and vernon listening to him and leaving
ron brooding wow
bye parents sad face
wow vernons old man
ooh its snapeee he looks loke he has a lot of contpur on
yay snape has a savey seat
pius is a great name
uh oh i dont wanna give u my wand voldy
dracos face haha
ugh do they have to watch nagini eat professor burbage gross
the dursleys house looks so empty
yay the cupboard happy memories and his baby toys cuteee
moody thinks that harrys gorgeous.
yay remus and tonksss
shut up mundungus
blimey hermionee
'just trying to diffuse the tension' hahaha lol
wow so many harrys lol
yh  wouldnt want to go in the motorbike tbh
uh oh death eaters
wow parkour harry
nooo hedwig - the saddest bit of this movie
yo voldemort wassup
oops the pylons fell down... just fly away good idea
nooo george's ear
jeez lupin y are u being crazy dude
george is saint like and holy aw so cute brother moments
uh oh bye moody u were a bit creepy tbh
ha lol harry a lot of people are going to die for u
harry stop being moody omg
wow george way to ruin the vibe dude
yo minister leave pls
ron just being ungrateful - u can turn out lights now ron lucky u
yay hermione you get a childrens book thats great
wow a snitch lucky u harry. hes so pleased with that. little does he know.... its a resurrection stone bro
give him the sword man
yay nice wedding
luna interrupting deep thoughts casually
xenophilius is creepy
ron and hermione staring at each other is a mood.
way to crash a wedding dude
hermione is the most competent out of all three it has to be said
i really want that bag of hermiones
shouldnt have said voldemory now the death eaters are here whoops
"hermione" *strokes face awkwardly*
sassy harry yas
oh yes grimmauld place
oof voldys having wand struggles
hi kreacher please leave ur creepy thanks
aw siriuzz room so cute sad hes dead
regulus arcturus black yay
ugh mundungus fletcher u suck dude
aw neville
oh no pie dude is the minister if magic now
uh shut up umbridge
feel like u dont need that many posters
sentimental piano playing wow
yo dobbyyyy
umbridge ruins everything omg
ron - u dont have a wife
haha harry getting out of the lift and walking in such a weird wayyy bahahaha
ew umbridge has moodys eye groosss
yas the ugly plates are still in her office
oops ron u just kissed that random dudez wife
nice suit harry
ouch splinch
lovely tent
kill the locket dude
dean thomas is on the run ooh fancy
yh harry stop letting voldemort in dude
harry stop being so moody bro
ooh watch snape on the map thats not creepy.
oh no snatchers...
ah u almost got caught dudes
ron ur so weak wow cant apparate or anything
lot of missing people...
haha a quarantine haircut
yes hermione ur brilliant
oh god ron stop chill
bye ron i guess lol
poor hermione
yas awkward dancing timee
awkward stares
kissy for the snitch. he must really miss ginny
uh oh its opening at the closee
vfd!!! an eyee!!!
ooh godrics hollowwww
oop its christmas eve whoopssss
oh a deathly Hallows
parents grave yay!
ur bathilda? nope im a snake boiii
bathilda is 1 creepy lady
what are u saying my dude????
ew snake lady
chaira are good defences agaunst snakes definitely
ah she jumped at them
looks like a nice campsite
wow now hermiones being sentimental
oop she sat on harrys wand
wait nvm
oooh a doe a deer a female deer
dont drown harry that would be awkward
omgbharry stop undressing
oof the locket strangling him
yay ron saved him yas dude
ron kill the horcrux
u tell him hermione
nice ron tell them u have been hearing voices
yes go see xenophilius the crazy dudee
aw ron ur so awkwsrd bro
their house is so cute
shut up ron god
yay we know about the deathly hallows now
xenophilius is so suspicious tho
why would you say his nameeee
noo snatchers
ooo ominous malfoy manor
draco dont doo ittt
yay dobby!
ah no hermione
aw draco looks sad in his little loki suit
yay dobby 'maiming and seriously injuring'
nooo dobby! he deserved so much better 😭
"hey guys welcome back to my unboxing video today we are opening dumbledores grave"
yay the elder wand wow
giving away ur position a bit dude by shooting stuff in the air
Deathly Hallows Pt. 2
snape hi ur brooding
lots of dementys
dramatic music
waaa dobby
yay bill and fleur
yo griphook what up
the sword was in a river bro
madam lestrange? no!
oops thats not dracos wand anymore wowww
wands are just like 'ya hiiii we have feelings too'
oop ollivander knows about the elder wand bros
ron looks great with a moustache tho
harry just broke the law jeez...
wow that cart looks fun
wow they fell from the cart nice
oh no ron broke the law too whoops
yay a dragon
lots of gold nice
yay the cup
oops they messed up nkw everything is multiplyinggg
griphook y are u evil my dude
yay ride a dragon
oops they fell no
yas they escaped
uh oh voldemort is onto them
that's a lot of dead people
oh no everyones looking for them
ah aberforth hi!
the other part of harry's mirror!
oop dumbledore was a secretive dude
ariana yas
i love neville hes so great now
yay all of the DA
ginny is being awkward
'shut up seamus' hhaha
aaa snape yooo
snape stop being a meanie
stop being angry harry
yas queen! mcgonagall!!!!
uh oh voldemort is whispering to harry again
stop voldemort you need a cough sweet
yes everyone protect him
haha filch is a blithering idiot wow
i love mcgonagall
run harry
boom! seamus blow stuff up!
yay the knight peeps
uh yes theyre protecting harry and everyone
yes luna is so smart and iconic
go talk to a ghost harry
thats a lot of death eaters
go away voldemort no one likes u
yes go stab a crown harry
yay remus
fred and george aw
ron fake parseltonguing lol
nooo quidditch
lol peeps got disintegrated
go hermione stab the cup
yessss kisss!!!!
tonks and remus together wow
wow i hate voldemort's bald head with the weird veins
run neville!
yay ginny and neville
yay a little kiss for harry!
ooh the room of requirement
edgy draco back at it again
ooh the diadem
no dracooo
yh draco y didnt u give harry away?
aw ron loves hermione
uh oh fireee
nice work goyle
bye crabbe lol
yay hes saving draco
nice killed the tiara
oops voldemorts getting angry
snapes gonna dies dudes
runnnnn guys
lavenders being eaten
yay aberforth
yeet snapes dying
gosh naginis violent
“ew snape sorry i dont like u even tho u loved my mum” - what harry should have said
woops bye snape
freds death is too sad
nooo remus and tonks
go watch snapes life my dude
yess the always bit (i dont like snape but its iconic)
poor harry
its so sad that hes just sacrificing himself
his eye contact with ron omg im cryinggg
ooh yay his familyyy
he should have said 'its muffin time’ to the resurrection stone and it would be like 'cool bro here's your dead family'
u got this harry
yay teddy mention
"until the end" yas james
lets do this harry
wow voldemort why are you standing like a weirdo
yes harry be a brave man
byee harryyyy
oooh hes alive still
hi dumbledore
yes harry is a brave brave man
cool explain it to him dumbledore
bye dumbledoreeee
wow voldy u weakk bro
yas dracos alive get off me
aw neville u got this man
voldy yeeted that dead giant wow
ew snakey boi
nooo hes dead waa
poor draco such an awkward hug
oop neville what?
ok ur just making a speech that fine carry on
voldys very polite for a villain
yay harrys alive
haha dieee
run lucius wow
oof destroying the school harry really
naginis coming run hermione
u got dis neville
noo ron
yes molly!!!
y r u hugging dudes u arent friends... did u forget? oops..
bye snake boiii
neville is so iconic omg
kill him HARRY
haha disintegrate voldemort
dont breathe in voldemort guys
wow harrys a mess
yay hagrid
hermione and ron are so sweet aw
harry yeet the wand
wow draco owns the wand and now harry has it
aw the friendship
yess 19 years later
wow that hair harry
all of their haircuts are tragic tbh...
should be albus remus potter... just sayinggg
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roguestarsailor · 4 years
thoughts on a court of mist and fury *spoilers*
***** lots of spoilers folks *****
- tamlin needs therapy like pronto; we dont stan a unsupportive partner and partner who is unwilling to share pain!! CANCEL TAMLIN 2020
- rhys popping up during the wedding scene was *chef’s kiss* and i noticed that he didn’t “claim” her as he said he would for like three months after everything. i suspect he was being a good person and literally letting her live her life. also for loving someone, tamlin was super chill and just kind of let her go??? idk i thought there would be more of a fight??? when feyre was literally like why are your claws retracting man?? fight for me??? hello??? but then again rhys is definitely more powerful than tamlin and probs some unspoken laws and such between high lords i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ anyways tamlin aint shit
- page 296-298! fucken shook me to my core. that self awareness, that confrontation, she identified the core of everything and it was such a turning point and im just so proud of her!!! She's recognizing her traumas and is healing!!!!!!!!!!
- yeah i immediately ship cassian and nesta; i hope she fucks shit up in the next book  😀 😀 😀 😀  
- maybe az and mor are truly the slowest of slow burns   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- i pictured pollution from good omens as how Amren is suppose to look like
- rhys is such a strong leader and im just -- baby deserves all the love. He's really good at plotting. He really made feyre learn all these things so they can nurture their love but also be a strategic advantage its interesting that even tho theres love there he still treats her like a weapon
- the joy in his rhys eyes when they winnowed into his regular ass town house that feels super lived in. and his friends banging on the door like he isn’t the feared night court high lord that he is. that was so refreshing to see that hes a regular person and not that high lord man who lives in a near empty mansion. he puts on a mask for everyone but he himself is just a regular fae.  
- reading about the peace that velaris was able to live through was beautiful. i imagined a city like san francisco with the hills and views of the ocean but kind of like the peace found in super small towns or cities in asia; maybe even some european cities (which is prob where this location is inspired by but i haven’t visited many euro cities). the scenes of ppl dining out, making art and music and just chilling is so lovely esp given our current pandemic. art is so treasured there and im like thats the epitome of a great society isn’t it? being able to do things because you just can without the pain of financial insecurity, civil unrest, etc. i definitely would love and die and for a society like that. its just so wonderful. i was filled w happiness while reading those scenes. :)
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- rhys and his inner circle taking feyre out into the town and just being casual. nobody treats them like theyre royalty or anything special. theyre just a regular group of friends who enjoy hanging out. its super nice and nostalgia inducing esp during this pandemic when friends are so far away and not like it used to be.
- when rhys immediately saw how under weight and dead freye looked when she was in spring court -- AND IT WAS THE FIRST THING HE SAID TO HER WHEN HE SAW HER THROUGH THE DOOR WHILE TAMLIN DIDNT FUCKEN NOTICE
- i also take back my frustrations in book 1 when freye always wondering around the grounds in spring court esp during calanmai. i thought it was because the author needed to move the story forward but its just freye. she doesnt sit still and now that shes w rhys, we are seeing soooooo many things about prythian and thats beautiful. tamlin was truly a hinderance huh
- rhys sent her music when she was in the cell in Under The Mountain which was found in velaris. maybe he wasnt risking a lot but he just showed her a glimpse of the forbidden world right under aramantha’s nose holy shit he saved her from destruction!
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- when rhys had his nightmare and feyre came to comfort him and kissed him on the cheeks and gave him such tenderness made my heart sing~
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- rhys is literally opposite of tamlin is soooo many ways. RHYS DID THINGS OUT OF LOVE, WHILE TAMLIN DID THINGS FOR LOVE. everything from how rhys made sure feyre can grow into who she is meant to be, to how he introduces her to his friends and how he interacts w everyone in his court, how he handles pain, everything is so different than tamlin. tamlin feels pain and just bulldoze over things, doesn’t think about how his actions are hurting others even as he is hurting. he doesn’t talk, he doesn’t share, he doesn’t try to get himself or feyre out of this misery and just sees threats everywhere and hits them. he was also supper passive honestly. no doubt hes riddled w guilt and grief but can’t figure out how to handle it so he uses feyre as his crutch where if he can “save” her he will be free smh
- Ianthe was sus from the beginning!! i knew it!! although i did bet she was gonna sleep w tamlin on the side. But she's a lot worst so we don't like her either
- the throne room scene was steamy af this time its fine because there was ~consent~ and also because we see the dynamic and growth between the two and how they work together. this was great although I was kind of like pls get a room tho
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- LUCIEN AND ELAINE HOLY FUCK WHAT A LEFT FIELDER i hope this is the push that will propel lucien to defy tamlin. going back to the contrast between how tamlin vs his court and rhys vs his court, rhys has a group of unwavering loyal friends and are treated equally esp letting them joke around so much and it feels like a casual group of friends hanging out. tamlin has just as much loyalty from lucien but theres still a power structure that tamlin maintains. luciens words doesn’t have much weight whereas rhys’s friends do. both tamlin and rhys have so much power and sway and similarity in traumas and tragedy but both execute things completely differently. tamlin only wants to upload what he is familiar with, maybe what he thinks his father wants whereas rhys actively tries to think of something better, to change the system regardless of how hard it is.
- tamlin you dumbass. He didn't learn from amarantha. He again let his pride fuck over a bunch of other ppl. He shat on amarantha and fucked over his court. Now he fucked the rest of prythian and human world by bargaining w the king. Smh goodbye tamlin
- I straight up knew the queens were bad!!! I knew they had to be plotting something. The sixth is "ill" my ass.
- when hybern was destroying velaris. I WAS GONNA THROW HANDS BRO. I'm glad we saw the extend of how powerful feyre could be and how she was clever and we can really see how she's completely different from before. She has bite and fight in her and it's so refreshing!
- how about we let az and cassian live in peace. Those boys had to deal w the blunt of literally everything. from being the only shield in valeris to poison/hurt wings against the king, just beat up all the time 🥺
- suriel is their version of a wikipedia
I read all 600 damn pages in like 2.5 days and I was loving it the entire time! My heart sored when feyre and Rhys were getting close and starting to break down their walls and really connect. This was a truly good enemies to lovers, slow burn tale and the drama is so great. There were good stakes that changes a character and their behavior and a good balance of action and excitement but at the same time so many little moments that let u see the character and how they interact w each other and the world. a lot of big plot moments, slice of life moments, a bit of romance and comedy. overall, an amazing book but super long. thus far this is my favorite book and im hoping the rest of the books can be just as charming and lovely but not too heart breaking. i hope rhys and feyre makes it. i cannot predict what to expect in the other books in the series (isn’t there gonna be 8 books total???) 
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ok so i feel like telling the world my bias list (kpop) for no reason and i was a little scared to but oh well lol
im gonna do this in parts. this list is my bias’ in boygroups pt.1
soo yeah if you wanna see some beautiful asian men you can keep reading lol
kinda turned out long oop
imma do nct on another post bc thats fucking loonngggg
1. kim hongjoong; stage name: hongjoong (leader of ateez, rapper, lyricist, producer and composer (i forget if those are the same thing) )
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king of the lesbians
personally i think hes SOME type of gay but, y’know, you do you baby (’good lil boy’ is the song he wrote on their new album akjsdl)
prince of mullets in kpop (king is minghao from seventeen)
so?? pretty???
he paints his nails for the polished man campaign!!! (this was before the group became ambassadors.) v socially aware as well
his voice is very high for a rapper but i rly love it
wanna hear what he thinks of atinys?? (the fandom) listen to ‘aurora’
korean big minion 
very very good at english, despite what he says
is so caring for his ‘children’ ugh such an amazing leader
also a little brat sometimes but we dont talk about it
fuck gender roles
5′7 skirt guy you’ve probably heard of in the kpop tiktok community
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the official campaign pic:
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2. han jisung; stage name: han (main rapper of stray kids, lead vocalist, producer and composer, lyricist, ult bias uwu)
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heres the tea
this man literally saved my life
he has been through so much and i relate to that. seeing that he made it through the worst gave me hope.
his music and lyrics just speak to me (wanna see me cry? send me the song ‘19′, its written by him)
on to the happier things
his s q u i r r e l   c h e e k s
hes honestly so pleasing to look at ugh
vocals????? fricking great???? listen to ‘hellevator’ and ‘district 9′ for his vocals
jEoGiYa NoOnA HoKsI nAmJaChInGu IsSeOyO (’wow’ 3RACHA)
part of 3RACHA, a rap group between him and two other members
his american name is peter and he loves nat geo wild and cheesecakes and honestly if thats not amazing idk what is
lived in malaysia??? for 6 years???? lovin the melanin y’all
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3. im changkyun; stage name: I.M. (lead rapper of monsta x, sub-vocalist, maknae (the youngest), producer and composer)
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fam im WHIPPED for this man like honestly i dont like subbing or sex in general lol ace things but i’d let him r a i l me
lived in america for 3 years and israel for 4; speaks fluent english and its SEXY
rapping skills??? on point???? both in english and korean ugh
is one of those people that does n o t like to be touched but then he’ll kiss your cheek out of nowhere
confident in his own skin and super open about it
“For IM, ‘Wearing a harness is just to express our song concept. Showing the audience what we want to show is the most important thing. We’re not ashamed. We’ve done a lot of sexual items, like harnesses and chains. We’re comfortable.’ “ 
“But, for argument’s sake, where does your own sense of masculinity come from? IM pauses for a long moment. ‘Having a dick,’ he says bluntly, sipping coffee as his bandmates’ jaws drop and shocked laughter ripples around the table.”
that interview is here 
kinky lil bitch
i can go on and on about this man but im just gonna stop there
i lied he has tattoos (one on his wrist [ :): ] and the one on the nape of his neck, it reads “the one who wants to wear the crown must bear the crown”)
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i like this picture bc its his hands and theyre pretty and fuck gender roles from a kpop idol
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thats enough of him 
4. kim wonpil; stage name: wonpil (pianist, synthesizer, and keyboardist in day6, lyricist, vocalist, also a a dj and mc for a podcast)
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was the maknae but then dowoon came along and now hes not lol
honestly like hes such a good pianist and is really great on the keys
is really good at making song lyrics out of thin air
like, he can hear the sentence “i really want chicken rn but i can’t have it im on a diet” and he’ll get “i crave your taste, but there is a wall i built myself blocking you from my love” like literally
im pretty sure he wrote the chorus for their song ‘zombie’
honestly bruh his vocals are so good
like pls go listen to ‘emergency’ and ‘congratulations’ (theres an english version for that song alsjdk)
guys hes just a big babie honestly
so pretty to look at omg
“i dont really care what my spouse looks like or what gender they are, as long as we’re happy and they love me” (wish i could find that photoset)
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5. kim namjoon: stage name: RM (leader of bts, main rapper, sub-vocalist, lyricist, producer and composer)
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literally the reason im into kpop, so thank you namjoon
a 5′11 babie, tbh
i remember finding out he had his own like, mixtape (’mono.’) and iT WAS SO GOOD AND IT STILL IS KAJHDJ
an amazing rapper and leader
can sing and i do not CARE what anyone says
so as you can see by now i kinda of have a type (except wonpil, idk wtf is going on there with me biasing him laksjk #no regrets)
anyway yeah he was the first kpop boy i found, and it was on his birthday
so every year on september 11th 11:50 p.m., i start i planting a tree in my backyard (bc then its on his birthday in america and korea lakajs so quirky i know) also bc its the day i started listening to kpop so its an anniversary for me lol. 
very very psychological
also very inspiring and loving (to the fans)
doesn’t really show affection, hes better with words than actions, and i really relate to that
dimples aGAIN
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and last but not least for this list bc its already so frickin long
6. byun baekhyun; stage name: baekhyun (main dancer of exo, main singer, sub rapper, pianist, actor)
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he’s so talented???? and amazing???? and overall just kinda perfect??????
dated another idol in the past but personally i think he’s a little *hand goes limp* if you know what i mean
my sister (4) calls him bacon he said it in an interview one time and it stuck to her
is a solo artist too!!!!!!! go listen to his albums!!!! theyre really good!!!!
hes so frickin funny omg like i can laugh at with him all day
understands english but refuses to speak it
honestly kokobop baek was amazing idc what anyone says
is in like 3 different groups damn (like two of them are sub-units of his group and the other one is superm lol)
pls go watch the ‘men on a mission’ episodes with exo bc hes so fucking hilarious i will never get over it
a clown ass bitch that is always ready to square tf up a caring and v nice person that wont fight anyone ever
can also tapdance
lots of video games
very very very very very loud when playing video games
another man i endlessly love
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well. if you made it this far, congrats!!! and thanks!!! i honestly dont care if no one sees this lol i just kinda wanted to do it, so, yeah lol. theres still more groups (superm, nct (seperate post), seventeen, vixx, pentagon, the rose, annnd oneus)then like idk if i’ll do a soloist one, so yeah. this kinda gives me something to do its one big infodump and im sorry lmao. yeah, love y’all !!!
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