#her name is Jen :)
doctorsiren · 3 months
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they were in love your honour
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aq2003 · 1 month
the thing that gets me the most about culture warrior weebs going "the anime designs for the greek gods are so much better than the woke leftist designs in hades" is that they are simultaneously the ones actively getting mad at hermes being east asian in the game. like they want to fetishize asian aesthetics so bad bc they cant let go of their oversexualized anime waifus but the minute an asian person actually gets depicted they lose their fucking minds
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gothicwill · 5 months
Do y’all fuckin remember that woman who ran a tattlecrime website early on in this fandom and it turned out she was a cult leader and kidnapped a teenager
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oxygen-stealer · 1 year
Fuck it, here's also a sketch dump
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Sorry it's like all Jon 😭 I'll try to draw more of the other rogues I promise I love them too
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lanabenikosdoormat · 4 months
Fem!Jed makes her cringefail debut
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ozlices · 2 months
pssst I couldn't post this as a reply but on the whole watcher "tv quality content on youtube thing" ....
markiplier was also literally nominated for an Emmy for in space. Like. THE EMMYS.
how they even say something like that with a straight face, knowing the kind of content he and so many others are producing, knowing how damn hard Safiya works at her content quality even discounting everybody else.....
I've no idea.
yeah sorry abt that i have replies from non-moots turned off bc of how this website can be at times tjhrerj but ty for going out of ur way to send me an ask abt this bc I HAD NO IDEA???????
i dont rly keep up with tv award shows and havent for years so i literally didnt know, but that truly makes that so much worse. holy fucking crap. get off your own dick, ryan. you arent shit.
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onedivinemisfit · 4 months
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Some more Poisoner!yuki doodles~
- sexy obiyuki cover bc now they’re two people with sekrits
- kind prince zen offering poor “kurayami” some velvet with which she can show her mourning the loss of her country’s crown prince… he means well, and she understands that - in fact, zen’s support has helped her ruse a lot
- (metaphor) obi goes by a lot of names. In this AU, reaper seems to be shirayuki’s nickname for him
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
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pastasilly · 6 months
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fem jim hawkins edits i did!! ^_^
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buckttommy · 1 year
Need the 911 cast to be on that same level of psychosis that j2 was on like they actually absorbed their characters' consciousnesses into their inner chakras and became nothing more than mere vessels for the ghosts of the addict and the bisexual. why do i want this for them???? well because i think it would be funny.. thanks
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booasaur · 1 year
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Perry Mason (2020) - 2x01
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mutants-r-us · 2 years
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time to pull out all your fleabag jokes
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Okay I'm gonna do them one at a time but here's the 'William and Henry both went through messy divorces in the 70s' lore.
Will met his wife (Maggie Schmidt) outside a bunch of clubs in the 60s (they both smoke a lot). They hung out and hooked up a couple times and Maggie ended up getting pregnant. Since it was the 60s and also Utah they had to get married cus of this. While Will's happy with what a nice, suburban family does for his image, and Maggie appreciates the finacial security; they both can't fucking stand each other. I think this is cus they are, ultimatly, very similar and this pisses them both off. They try to hold it together for a while for Mikey but all this really does is result in 2 more kids. Maggie eventually has enough of Bill and files for divorce. He's initially pretty reluctant but the way his community reacts to the news is to SHOWER him in sympathy (he's really into that) so he goes through with it and plays up how it's effecting him. The kid's stay with Maggie most of the time but Will has them for the weekends (he also refuses to pay his child support). They're seperated fully come like 1982. They're both happier for it even if Will pretends it's a sore subject.
Henry and his wife (Eryk Maya) got married because all their friends were getting married and they got along pretty well (they were in the same Uni circles and were generally nice to each other). They really really don't click as a married couple though. Henry's really distant, aloof, cares more about machines than his human family; Eryk really doesn't understand this and isn't getting given the affection and support she needs. They divorce pretty amicably there's not really any hard feelings between them- they split a little sooner around 1978. Eryk takes Sammy and Henry keeps Charlie with him. He really doesn't handle the situation very well, he gets very in his own head about not being able to fulfil the nuclear-family-husband role as well as Will (apparently) can. Eryk starts dating his sister and also Maggie but Henry is completely oblivious to this (even when he starts living with them in the 2000s).
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
Some background for Scott bc we actually see him dating a woman in s1 and @momotonescreaming​ and I decided they should be besties instead <3
'Jen, I have something to tell you.'
He didn't want to do this, not at all, but he knew he had no choice. Jen was perfect: she loved it when he went on long monologues about obscure scientific theories, she laughed at his nerdy jokes, she thought his mustache was sexy, she could always tell what he needed by his expression alone...
And she still wasn't enough. They had been dating for almost two years, which made her the longest relationship he ever had. And for a while, he had genuinely thought he could be with her forever. But lately, something had started to change: the thoughts that had been hiding in the back of his mind for some forty years, had finally caught up with him and were now at the front of his mind, all-encompassing and no longer willing to be ignored, screaming at him, demanding his attention and not caring in the slightest that he didn't want to give it to them. He had started pushing those thoughts to the back on one very confusing afternoon when he was barely twelve years old and playing hockey with Robert from next door, and he had kept doing that for all the years to come. Until Jen. Until it started feeling like he was hurting Jen by merely existing beside her. Like he was lying to her with every word he didn't say.
So he had to say it. He owed it to her to say it. He had thought long and hard about how he should say it, and in the end, he had decided it'd be best to just rip the band-aid off immediately.
'We have to break up.'
He didn't even give her the time to react to that before he finally allowed the lie he had been living to catch up with him with two simple words he had only whispered at himself in the mirror once before, when he was in his freshman year of college.
'I'm gay.'
Jen's face was oddly calm. She nodded. 'I thought so,' was her simple answer.
They stayed up all night talking. She didn't cry, didn't scream at him, didn't even blame him for anything. There was nothing but understanding and kindness. Never before had Scott wished so strongly that he was normal, that he could love this woman in the way she deserved to be loved. But she only embraced him and told him she loved him for all that he was, and that he wouldn't be Scott Clarke if he were normal, and that she admired his bravery.
After that night, they parted ways as friends.
'Something's going on with you.'
Jen looked at him through squinted eyes over her coffee. It had been more than a year since they broke up, but she could still read him with no words at all and only one thorough look.
He didn't even consider denying it – that would be no use anyway – so instead, he didn't say anything and averted his gaze to the eggs and sausages in front of him that were an unmissable part of their bi-weekly brunch tradition.
'You met someone, didn't you?' she asked him.
Scott Clarke wasn't a bashful person; but right now, he had no idea what to do with himself. He didn't know where to look, where to keep his hands, what to say...
'It's okay if you did, you know,' said Jen. 'You deserve to be happy.'
He looked up into her eyes again and finally managed to smile.
'Yes, I think I met someone,’ he admitted.
She shot him an encouraging smile. 'You wanna tell me about him?'
'He works at the plant,' he started. 'I never even expected him to become my friend. I can imagine what they'd think about people like you and me at the plant – the ones who got life handed to them on a silver platter. But he never looked at me with disdain, or judgement; he always treated me with kindness. And he doesn't talk easily, but he shows that he cares, with all kinds of little things. He remembers how I take my coffee, actually pays attention when he asks me how my day was, fixes my car before I even realize it needs fixing... And when he speaks, it's always worth listening to. He has this quiet voice, beautiful accent, always visibly thinks before he speaks... But it’s also easy to share comfortable silences with him. There's always this attentive look in his eyes, like he never misses a single detail of what’s happening around him. And he has those big hands – I could look at them forever. It's like the whole world is mapped out in his veins. Those hands, they basically tell his whole story. You can see that he's lived, that he's worked hard all his life, that his life has been hard but he's still trying to be soft. We go hiking sometimes, and he'll catch all kinds of bugs, and he'll be so gentle with them and ask me all about their Latin names and their place in the ecosystem and he'll be so careful not to hurt them.' He suddenly cut himself off with a chuckle. 'Sorry, I'm rambling like one of my lovesick middle school children.'
Jen laughed, too. 'It's cute,' she commented, and the look in her eyes was genuine. 'So, what do you think is going to happen?'
Scott sighed. It was the question that he hadn't been able to stop asking himself ever since he held Wayne's hands for the first time, back when the man was crying for his missing nephew and Scott had been at his side in an attempt to comfort him. He had held those hands again a few days later, when Eddie had finally resurfaced, wounded but alive and quickly recovering, and Wayne had thanked Scott for getting him through that week.
He hadn't touched those hands since. Maybe he had lingered a little bit, when Wayne would hand him a beer or a cup of coffee, or when their fingers accidentally brushed together while they were walking side by side, but no more than that had happened.
'I don't know,' he admitted to Jen.
It felt like there was a hidden meaning behind everything, with Wayne. It wasn't just about the lingering touches. It was also about the outings that neither of them ever called dates, about the spark in Wayne's eyes when Scott made him laugh, about the unmistakably romantic music that softly played in the background when they were driving around in Wayne's truck or having dinner at Scott's place...
There was a knowing look in Jen's eyes.
'Take his hand, next time,' she simply said.
And maybe it would indeed be as simple as that. Maybe love could just be grabbing someone's hand, instead of a secret whispered into a mirror behind a closed door. Maybe love could be holding that hand, tracing the veins, caressing the calluses, and letting all else fade away into the background.
(More Clarkson content here)
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questionabletrash · 1 year
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So uh i was playing with whiteboard
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withleeknow · 1 month
on a lighter note, remember the secret contact name in wishful thinking? well, we'll find out in wt7 :)
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404-mind-not-found · 3 months
Reblog with your Jen Emily designs!!! It's for an art thing >:P
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