#her wig was the worst piece to get out
trynadollsiesplay · 9 months
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
Excuse me? I really love your work and I was just wondering if we can get another chapter of Passion for Fashion?? I really love that but no rush whether or not u wanna. (Also, I'd love to see the Batfam or croc or anyone be educated WHAT KC actually is lololol I just think it would be fun.)
Danny stares at the man across from him with barely concealed bemusement. Red Robin hides behind his menu, muttering about all the pizza toppings.
It seemed pineapple was a must, and he fought not to wrinkle his nose as various people shot their table side glances. He's noticed the staring since they changed, but Danny is tired of the lingering gawking.
He gets that his date looks suspicious in his get-up, but it's not the worst.
They had to stop at a second-hand store, where he went in to buy a trench coat, a pair of large sunglasses, and a fedora, per Red Robin's request. While inside the store, Red Robin somehow produced a blond wig and some makeup, changing his features just slightly so that he appeared to be a different person.
They both stop at a local gas station to change outfits and finish their prep work in the bathrooms.
Danny had gone in sweats, a stained shirt, and mismatched shoes—he had not been expecting a date—but when he left, he came out wearing an experimental style Dan had found.
It was called Corp Goth, and he secretly adored it. Maybe Sam was onto something when she said a pure black offit made anyone attractive.
It was a form-fitting black jeans, a top with a darker shade of black long-sleeve shirt, and a flowing black trench coat. Dan had included various jewelry pieces, with strict instructions on where to put them so that the style was "balanced," it gave him the slightest hints of old-style rock aesthetics.
Danny felt good about his clothes until Red Robin saw him. He didn't think he was that bad-looking, but if it caused the other to run into a streetlight, Danny would hate to think what other less kind people would say.
"Would Hawiian be alright?" Red Robin finally asks, his voice just a tad bit high. Is he that nervous to be seen by people?
Danny raises a brow. "If that's what you like. I'll do whatever you want me to."
The other teenager—is he? He looks older now with his make-up—a few years—and makes a strange choking sound. "Okay."
"Alright. So now that we know what to tell the waitress when she comes here, can we return to the fact you broke through my window?" Danny asks, leaning back in his seat and crossing his legs to get comfortable.
A girl nearby chocks on her water, making Danny's head snap in her direction. Her friends quickly pat her back and urgently speak to the blushing girl. When he confirms she is all right, Danny returns his gaze to Red Robin.
He is taken aback by the sharp attention now being aimed at him. Yes, he can't exactly see the other eyes behind those dark sunglasses, but he feels the heavy stare all the same. "I want to discuss your connection to Killer Croc and the Infinite Realms."
Danny considers it. On the one hand, he can't talk about his secret mission, but on the other, he needs to find some information about this place. He's gotten bored wandering around, tinkering with things while the fashion contest dragged on.
They have been here for months and have made no headway in helping Batman. Heck, Danny has yet to even see him. If anything maybe this guy will know some information.
But he thinks he shouldn't lay all his cards just yet. So, he needs to bend the truth a little.
"There isn't much to tell about Killer. He was involved in our kidnapping a few days ago. I guess they hired him without explaining what the job was since he came to apologize for almost trafficking us." Danny shrugs, thinking over his answer as he takes a small sip of his soda, missing his mouth slightly. He quickly catches some of the spilled drink with his tongue, mentally debating himself for being so clumsy. There is a gasp from the same girl three tables away.
Danny fights the urge to sink into his seat as he ignores her. "He said he sells drugs, not people. How he tracked us down is anyone's guess, but since he came all the way in person, I figured I should invite him in and offer him a drink."
Red Robin tilts his head. "Why?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why would you invite him in and offer him a drink?"
"Ugh, 'cause it's good manners?" Honestly, did big-city folks really have no sense of being civil? Amity Park has a small population, but there are enough people to be called a city, and none of them have ever been confused by the idea of being invited in for a drink.
Red Robin considers this answer before he leans forward. "How about your connection to the Infinite Realms?"
Here, Danny carefully selects his replies, ensuring that all his answers are accurate, just not in the way the others will get. "You can say it was my parents, but mostly my mom. She was the one who made the final step and connected the family to the Realms."
"Your mom? Where is she?"
"Dead," Danny whispers, thinking of his own mom, whom he hasn't seen in weeks. He wonders if she or his dad has noticed him missing yet. If they have reported it.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
Red Robin looks down at his hands in silence in a show of respect. Danny can appreciate it. However, that doesn't last long before he lifts his head again, this time with a stubborn little tilt to his mouth.
"That wasn't a full explanation of how the Infinite Releams involve you or your brother."
Danny shrugs. "It's how we got our meta powers. The portal to the other side opened on Dan and me, triggering our ice and glowing eyes. We've been inside it a few times, but the portal sealed shut the last time. We haven't been able to go back."
"That's why you here," Red Robin says in great realization. "Gotham has enough death in it that it helps your powers."
Not really, but they can work with that. Danny smiles, putting one finger up against his lips, and Red Robin is true to his name by turning a lovely red hue. Danny hasn't seen anyone blush that hard since Jonny 13 when the other asked him out on a date.
It's cute.
"That and it's also the cheapest living city. Dan really has his heart set on being a fashion designer so we need to save money on fabrics and stuff."
"You're his model. Have you always wanted to go into modeling?"
"Not really. I like mechanical engineering more. Maybe when I finish helping Dan, I'll look for a school to apply to." Danny shrugs, leaning forward to give the other a smirk.
Star once told him that Danny's slow up and down was his best flirting technique after he had done her math homework for her. In return, she agreed to help him get better at dating.
He's not sure how well her lessons had gone, seeing as he still struggled to get a date back home (with the living anyone), but he thinks some of it was right since Red Robin goes even redder, if that's possible.
"Enough about me. How did you get involved in smashing widows and looking tasty in spandex?"
"I-um- well funny enough I-" Whatever he was going to say is lost as a figure jumps down from the darkness, landing on their table. Danny yelps, pushing himself away, but in doing so, he falls backward since his chair is not meant to be leaned like that.
He crashes to the ground with a swear, closing his eyes at the impact. The back of his head stings a little, as Danny slowly cracks open his eyes and stares upwards- at...a man in a bat suit?
"Moby Dick! Are you Batman!" He gasps, finally feeling like they are about to make a step forward in their mission.
The man glares down at him before grunting. "Red Robin. Retreat to cave."
Then he throws a smoke bomb on the ground. Danny leaps up, but both men are gone by the time the smoke clears. "Wait! Mr. Batman, sir, I need to talk to you!"
There is no reply, just the girls filming with their phones and the sound of speeding cars. Danny kicks the ground. "Oh come on!"
When he wanders home, he finds Dan lying face down on the ground with various ice cream tubs surrounding him. On some pieces of paper are various-sized hearts, the initials "DF + KC" inside them.
Dan is singing heartbreak sounds into the carpet, muffled by his tears.
"Dan, man, have some dignity. You knew the EverBurning for like ten minutes."
The muffled crying gets louder, and Danny rolls his eyes. He slumps onto the couch with a sigh. "Listen, I think I got a lead on Batman. It's a man dressed like a bat. How hard can it be to find him?"
His clone-turn-twin raises one hand, pointing to a smashed button Danny missed when entering the living room. Upon closer inspection, he is startled to find out that it's a miniature microphone and tracker. There is a very tiny symbol on the side.
"Did Red Robin bug our house after breaking our window!?" he asks in outrage as Dan nods. "To think I flirted with him!"
Dan sobs louder. "I tried flirting with the best tail I have ever seen in my life and you got a date with a stalker! We're going to die alone!"
Danny really hopes they finish this stupid mission soon. He's getting tempted to let Clockwork's bomb take him.
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bookshelfdreams · 4 months
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Very true, Niko! And you would know all about that, wouldn't you.
Niko's wardrobe (just like her entire character) is very - strange. Usually, you want your characters to be recognizable, especially early in a story. Characters will have their colour palettes and silhouettes, their statement pieces, their individual style that fist their role in the narrative and who they are as a person. For the most part, the costume design in dbd adheres to this standard; almost every character has a very cohesive wardrobe.
Except for Niko. There's nothing that unifies her costumes, that allows us to get a sense of her style. Even her hair is constantly changing, despite the hair&make-up department clearly struggling to do anything with that horrible wig.
The most recognizable thing about Niko is her monochromatic outfits, but even those are so inconsistent, the colours vary so widely, that they don't tell us anything about her as a person - but they do reflect the stories she finds herself in and that unfold around her.
So let's look at the associations of the colours, because I don't actually know anything about fashion, but I do love colour theory.
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Green is for emotional stability, thinks Niko, but that's not quite true. Green is more commonly associated with growth, life, new beginnings, rebirth, hope.
This episode, Niko comes out of her shell for the first time. She makes friends. She leaves her room to go on an adventure, even though she gets scared by her own courage, at first, and retreats (she will not make that mistake again).
A home is not always a safe space, is it? Sometimes it is a trap that you're caught in. Niko leaves hers at the end, running out into the streets to save her friends: growth. New beginnings. And her friends, meanwhile, freed those poor Devlin girls and their mother from their horrible prison. An end, but also, rebirth in death: they finally get to move on to the next step, leave the stasis they have been for almost three decades. And the older girl's name is Hope, which is probably a coincidence, but nonetheless extremely satisfying to my conspiracy-prone brain.
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Red. Courage, as she herself says: Niko is quite literally leaving her comfort zone, going on her first case, and needs all the courage she can get. It is a bold, decisive colour, fearless, strong. The colour of firefighters and ambulances, a colour that tells you you're about to be rescued, and she does save Crystal's life in this one.
But, of course, that easily tips over. Red is a colour of aggression, of anger and pain and violence. We have the Night Nurse, who goes around dredging up trauma, making people relive their worst moments. We have our monster of the week, we have raw meat and blood to bait it. We have, of course, the washer woman. And we have an outbreak of violence at the end.
(And also, red light is the most affected by absorbance. It is hardly visible underwater and disappears completely after about 10m. Maybe that is why Niko wasn't affected at all by Angie; maybe she just couldn't see her.)
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What does the pink mean then? Romance, of course, the central theme of this episode, but her outfit is uncharacteristically mismatched, even for her, and so are the romances in this episode. Nothing works out as it's supposed to, does it? Maxine and Jenny, the jocks and their girlfriends, even Edwin and Monty: everything shoved haphazardly together, held together by force of will alone, no harmony at all.
Well. It's not Niko's fault nothing works out in the end. But man, she really did need to take off the rose-tinted glasses (metaphorically, not literally. The literal glasses are great.)
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Oh, feeling blue, are we? A colour of melancholy and regrets. Niko is trying so hard to leave behind the whimsy, to be mature and disillusioned, but even at her lowest, this bright, powdery shade doesn't really bring the mood down. Niko is too much herself to give up on the things she loves that easily.
Blue is also the colour of dreams. Hidden things, the subconscious. And this is what this episode is all about, not for Niko, but for Crystal. She unlocks that which sleeps within her. And it is Niko (unwillingly, through her own special kind of luck) who hands her the key.
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Bright orange! That is an - unusual colour choice for symbolism. Orange has few strong associations. Most often, I think, orange is a signal. Not quite a warning, but close - watch out, it says, pay attention. And Niko does, and saves the day.
(And what else does orange remind you of? A highly visible sign, something that shows you the right way? The warm glow of a flame, contained in a lantern or spreading uncontrollably in an explosion? Yes, this is an orange episode.)
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Obviously. White is the colour of the dead and dying: bones, and bloodless skin, and flowers on a grave. Of course Niko would know to dress in a shroud for her last day on earth. You cannot wear an all-white outfit and expect it to not be bloodstained at the end of the day, and Niko knows it's scary and the odds are bad and we might die horrifically.
But she has found bravery, and will not run away, will face the danger head on. Dressed like an offering, pure and untouched, off to sacrifice herself she goes.
It's not the end though. Death is not the end, not in this story, and white is the colour of purity, of a blank slate, of transformation. Death is only here to guide you on your way forward. Niko's story does not end here. It is her kindness and pure heart that saves her; and although she dies, she is not gone. She changes.
Into what remains to be seen.
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nightwriter357 · 1 month
Smosh Summer Games: Ships 5
Hello friends! Here’s Part 5 of myDamien x Reader series centered around Smosh summer games. This one is definitely smut(18+) so prepare for that. Hope you're still enjoying the story and my ask is always open for suggestions or just general questions.
Love you allll
Part 5: Why won't anyone dance with me? Cause I wanna fuck you.
The group gathered in the lounge, excitement buzzing in the air. You and Damien exchanged a look, a mix of anticipation and nervous energy building between you.
Courtney nudged you with a mischievous grin. "So, what do you think the next game is?"
Before you could respond, the door burst open, and Spencer sauntered in with exaggerated flair. He was previously seen in a long judge's robe with an old-timey wig, but now the robe was cut to the same length as a miniskirt, revealing hairy legs and red flip-flops.
The wig was gone, but he still wore the whistle around his neck. He strutted into the room, dramatically posing as everyone turned to look. For a moment, there was a stunned silence, followed by an eruption of reactions.
Spencer raised his arms theatrically. "Behold, the new and improved judge!"
Everyone burst into laughter, some doubling over while others clapped in amusement.
"Oh my God, my eyes!" Shayne groaned, shielding his face.
"That is the worst thing I've ever seen," Amanda said, unable to stop laughing.
Ian leaned back, trying to keep a straight face. "That's... certainly a choice."
Arasha shook her head, grinning. "Spencer, what happened to you?"
Chanse managed to get out. "Dude, you look ridiculous!" Before going right nack to laughing again.
Trevor, however, was all smiles. "That looks awesome, bro!"
Spencer rolled his eyes good-naturedly, striking another pose. "Alright, alright, enough with the comments. Clearly, someone tried to sabotage my look, but all they did was make me even sexier."
He shot a glance at Courtney and Shayne, who both tried to look innocent, but their eyes darted to you and Damien.
Arasha's eyes widened. "Oh my God, you guys cut up his robe!"
Noah looked between you and Damien, realization dawning. "That makes so much sense. That's why you were being so weird this morning, you were distracting us."
Amanda nodded, laughing. "Oh yeah, you guys were acting crazy. Now it all makes sense."
Shayne, catching on to everyone's comments and piecing things together, added, "We did it yesterday, actually," giving you and Damien a knowing look. His tone implied he suspected there was more to your recent behavior.
Angela raised an eyebrow. "So there's no explanation for you guys being weird this morning?"
Damien shrugged, smirking. "We weren't being weird."
You chimed in, playfully addressing everyone who had commented. "Yeah, you guys are weird."
Spencer cleared his throat, regaining everyone's attention. "Alright, listen up! The next game is... Just Dance! Each ship gets one duet, and Ian and Anthony will have the final dance duel!"
Ian and Anthony exchanged a look, their playful rivalry flaring up immediately.
"Oh, you're going down, Padilla," Ian quipped, puffing out his chest.
Anthony smirked, crossing his arms. "Bring it, Hecox. You're about to witness dance perfection."
Courtney leaned in closer to you, her voice low and teasing. "Are you going to be able to focus with Damien all up in your space?"
You felt a mix of excitement and nerves tighten in your chest. Being this close to Damien, especially in front of everyone, was thrilling but also made you a bit anxious. You shot Courtney a look, trying to play it cool, but the smirk on her face told you she saw right through you.
Damien, catching the tail end of your conversation, leaned in, his voice flirty but low enough that no one else could hear. "I guess this means I get to touch you after all."
Your heart skipped a beat as you met his gaze. "Just try to keep up."
Courtney watched the exchange, clearly amused, knowing there was more going on between you two than you were ready to admit. Shayne, who hadn't even been told anything explicitly, seemed to be putting the pieces together too, exchanging a knowing glance with Courtney.
As the game was about to begin, you couldn't help but feel both happy and nervous. Being close to Damien, especially under the watchful eyes of everyone else, felt like walking a tightrope between excitement and the fear of giving too much away. You weren't sure how much people knew, but with the way Courtney and Shayne were acting, you were beginning to suspect that maybe you weren't as subtle as you thought.
As everyone gathered around the makeshift dance floor, the Just Dance game loaded up on the screen. Spencer, still looking gorgeous in his outfit, stood at the front, twirling his whistle on its cord. "Alright, let's get this party started! First up, we have... Arasha and Trevor!"
The opening notes of 'Uptown Funk' began to play, and Arasha and Trevor stepped forward. Their routine was full of energy, with Trevor throwing in some goofy moves while Arasha added flair with her sharp, confident steps. The two played off each other perfectly, getting the group hyped up with their enthusiastic performance.
Next up were Amanda and Angela, who danced to 'Single Ladies.' Amanda leaned into the choreography with sassy confidence, and Angela matched her energy, both clearly enjoying themselves. The room erupted in cheers when they nailed the iconic hand flip and ring finger move, everyone clapping along to the beat.
Courtney and Shayne took the stage next, performing to 'I Wanna Dance with Somebody.' Courtney's enthusiasm was infectious, while Shayne's moves were surprisingly smooth, showing off his hidden dance skills. They had the group laughing and cheering as they added their own twists to the routine.
Shayne grinned at Courtney and then turned to the others, confidently declaring, "There's no way we're losing this one, guys. 'Peg-leggers' for the win!"
After Noah and Keith's electrifying performance to Michael Jackson's 'Smooth Criminal,' Spencer called out, "Next up, we've got Damien and Y/n!"
The familiar opening notes of '(I've Had) The Time of My Life' filled the room, and you felt a rush of nerves. Dancing had never been your strong suit, and the pressure of performing in front of everyone-especially with Damien-was making you feel a little clumsy. You exchanged a quick look with Damien, who gave you a reassuring smile.
"We've got this," he whispered, his hand lingering on your back as you got into position.
The dance began with Damien dipping you low. His grip was steady, and for a moment, everything felt perfect. But as the routine continued, you found yourself getting more flustered. Damien's hands on your waist, guiding you through the steps, were distracting in a way you hadn't anticipated. You stumbled slightly as you spun out of his hold, catching yourself just in time.
"You okay?" Damien asked, his voice soft but amused.
"Yeah, just... trying to keep up," you replied with a sheepish smile, focusing on his movements to steady yourself.
The dance continued, and though you missed a step here and there, Damien was quick to cover for you, his hands finding your waist again and pulling you back into rhythm.
His touch was gentle but firm, guiding you through the more complicated moves. You couldn't help but feel like you were messing up more than usual, the combination of your nerves and the closeness to Damien making it hard to concentrate.
The room's attention was on you both, and you could hear a few whispered comments and cheers from the group.
"Damn, they're really into it," Noah whispered to Keith, who nodded in agreement.
"Look at those moves! Go, leg-peggers!" Tommy shouted, his voice filled with encouragement.
As the song built toward the iconic lift, you felt your heart race. This was the big moment. Taking a deep breath, you ran toward Damien, who lifted you effortlessly into the air. For a few seconds, it felt like everything else disappeared. The room erupted into applause and cheers as Damien held you steady, both of you grinning like idiots.
"Wow, didn't think they'd pull that off," Courtney muttered to Shayne, clearly impressed.
The performance ended with Damien lowering you gently back to the ground, both of you out of breath but smiling. The group erupted in applause, with a few hoots and whistles thrown in.
"That was incredible!" Angela yelled, clearly impressed, sipping on a glass of paint.. water.. it's probably water.
You glanced at Damien, who gave you a wink. "Told you we could do it, lover."
Next up were Chanse and Tommy, who danced to 'Toxic' by Britney Spears. Their performance was full of exaggerated moves and hilarious facial expressions, clearly playing up the dramatics for the crowd. The room was filled with laughter as Chanse did his best Britney impression, while Tommy leaned into the over-the-top choreography with a mischievous grin.
Finally, it was time for Ian and Anthony. As the first notes of 'You're the One That I Want' from 'Grease' played, the room buzzed with anticipation. Ian, always the performer, threw himself into the role of Sandy, prancing around with exaggerated hip sways and dramatic hair flips. Anthony, taking on the role of Danny, tried his best to keep up but ended up laughing halfway through as Ian's antics became increasingly ridiculous.
As the song reached its climax, Ian and Anthony leaned into each other, their faces inches apart before bursting into laughter. The room erupted in cheers and applause, everyone clearly enjoying the playful rivalry between the two.
Spencer stepped forward, trying to keep a straight face as he held up his whistle. "And the winners of this round are... the Peg-leggers!"
Ian pumped his fist in the air, grinning with satisfaction. "Yes! That's how it's done!" He turned to face the camera, his expression smug. "The score is now: Seamen: 2, Peg-leggers: 1. We're coming for you, Anthony."
Anthony rolled his eyes, but he couldn't hide his smile as the group cheered and laughed, everyone still buzzing from the excitement of the dance battle.
As you caught your breath, you couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and exhilaration. Dancing with Damien had been nerve-wracking, but it had also been... fun.
He leaned over to you, "you know, I've really had the time of my life, and I do owe it all to you".
You smiled back at Damien, "you swear that's the truth?"
The sun had set, casting a warm, amber glow over the dining area as everyone gathered around the long wooden table. After the intense Just Dance competition, the group had taken some time to freshen up, and now they were enjoying a well-deserved dinner.
You looked around the table, taking in the different conversations happening all at once. At one end, Arasha and Trevor were locked in a spirited exchange, their banter aimed squarely at Ian and Anthony, who were content to let the younger duo have their fun.
Trevor leaned in with a grin. "You know, Arasha and I were obviously the MVPs tonight. We're still in our prime, and sooo young compared to you old farts."
Arasha grinned mischievously. "You know, Trevor, every time I'm out in public, people ask me why I'm not at school. They can’t believe I'm old enough to be out on my own."
Trevor laughed, nodding in agreement. "Same! I get asked if I'm selling girl scout cookies all the time. I guess I just have that look about me."
Arasha smirked, leaning closer as if to share a secret. "Oh, and did you know that these guys," she gestured toward Ian and Anthony, "created a channel called ‘Smaush’ or something on YouTube… like 40 years ago?"
Trevor gasped, playing along. "No way! I didn’t know that, Arasha. Is that true?"
Ian and Anthony exchanged amused looks, but before they could respond, Arasha nodded seriously. " I saw it on tiktok so it must be true."
The two of them dissolved into laughter, high-fiving each other as the rest of the table chuckled along.
Across the table, Amanda and Angela were too absorbed in their own conversation to notice the banter.
Amanda pushed her chair back and stood up, gesturing animatedly. "Okay, so when we did this move," she demonstrated a quick dance step, "I was thinking, you could come up behind me and do this," she said, mimicking the action.
Angela nodded, standing up to join her. "Yeah, and then when we do that, we can hit the 'oh-oh-oh' part right on the beat!"
They both laughed, trying to synchronize their movements in the small space beside the table.
You couldn't help but smile as you watched them. The whole room felt alive, everyone caught up in their own little worlds of conversation and camaraderie. But despite the lively atmosphere, your attention kept drifting back to Damien, who was sitting in front of you, his presence impossible to ignore.
Every now and then, you felt his leg brush against yours under the table, a subtle but deliberate touch that sent a shiver up your spine. You tried to focus on your food, but it was hard not to be distracted by the warmth of his thigh against yours, the occasional graze of his hand against your arm as he reached for something.
Courtney, sitting across from you, caught your eye and smirked, leaning in slightly. "Are you going eat? Or is someone a little too distracted tonight?"
You rolled your eyes playfully, trying to brush it off. "I'm fine, Court. Just... enjoying the evening."
Damien, catching the exchange, leaned in closer, his voice a low murmur. "So, with the way things are going, do you think we could sneak off ? Just us?"
Before Damien could respond, a burst of laughter at the far end of the table caught your attention. Spencer had just made a playful jab at Tommy. "Spencer, you really don't think highly of me, do you?"
Your heart skipped a beat at the suggestion, and despite the temptation, you shook your head with a smile. "No way. That would be too suspicious, we've been going to bed early two nights in a row."
Without missing a beat, Spencer replied, "I actually think about you a lot when I'm high."
The entire table erupted in laughter, the unexpected punchline catching everyone off guard. You laughed along with them, feeling the warmth of the camaraderie wrapping around you like a comforting blanket.
As the laughter died down, Courtney leaned in again, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Okay, you have to spill. You guys definitely didn't just accidentally kiss just once. I saw the way Damien was acting yesterday. I mean, when we walked in and saw you two with the mattresses put together, I knew something was up. Damien would not let you sleep on the floor."
You sighed, realizing there was no getting around it. "Okay yes, we've slept in the same bed, but only because it was uncomfortable. And the proximity... it's the only reason we kissed. We just got caught up in the moment, that's all. Nothing more is going to happen."
Courtney smirked, clearly not entirely convinced but willing to let the subject drop for now. "Alright, if you say so. Just know, I'm keeping an eye on you two."
You glanced at Damien, who was engaged in conversation with Noah across the table. He caught your eye and gave you a small, reassuring smile.
As the evening wound down, the lively atmosphere of the dinner began to quiet. Conversations slowed, and laughter became a background murmur as people started to drift away from the table. One by one, guests said their goodbyes, heading to their rooms or heading out for the night.
Soon, the only sounds left were the distant footsteps of the last few stragglers heading to their rooms and the occasional burst of laughter from the hallways. Damien and you eventually made your way to your room, later than usual, but the quiet of the house reminded you that you were among the few still awake.
As the door to the room clicked shut, the quiet of the night enveloped you both. You turned to Damien, your heart racing with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. "I need you tonight," you confessed, your voice almost trembling.
Damien's eyes searched yours, a mix of desire and concern. "Are you sure?" he asked softly.
You nodded, your resolve firm.
Damien stepped closer, his hands brushing lightly against your skin, causing you to shiver with each touch. His fingertips traced a path along your arms, down to your waist, and across your lower back. His lips followed, placing soft, reverent kisses on your exposed skin.
You let out a soft moan as his hands roamed your body. His breath was warm against your neck and you felt yourself craving more of his touch. You wrapped your hands behind his neck and lifted your head up to meet his lips. Kissing Damien was just as nice as it had been the night before but this time there was something more.
The kiss grew more intense as you both found your way to the bed. You pulled your shirt over your head, barely noticing Damien's eyes taking you in before you went to kiss him again. You both undressed as best you could, not wanting to break the kiss or stop touching.
His fingers alternated between light feathery touches and nails digging into your skin. Mostly he was on your thighs, squeezing and letting his fingers stroke over every part of you except for where you really wanted him. You broke the kiss and gently guided his hand to show him what you wanted.
You shivered as his fingers pressed up against you panties, "Damien, I need you now."
He started with a teasing touch, feeling the wetness of your panties through the fabric. "You're already wet," he murmured, his breath hot against your skin. His fingers lingered, stroking the fabric as he watched you squirm.
The slow removal of your panties felt almost ceremonial. Damien's touch grew bolder, his fingers gently brushing against your bare skin. His gaze was intense, filled with admiration and hunger. "Your body is so fucking perfect," he breathed, his eyes never leaving your face as he explored your body.
Your fingers found their way to his hardened cock, your touch tentative yet eager. As you stroked him, Damien's breath caught, his pleasure evident. One of his fingers slid inside you, moving with a deliberate rhythm. Your bodies were close, the heat between you palpable.
Damien's hands were a masterful combination of tenderness and need. One hand worked skillfully by your crotch, pumping into you, while the other grasped your breast, his nails gently digging into your skin. You responded to his touch with an eager passion, practically riding his finger as you let your hand run up and down his throbbing cock.
Damien's gaze was locked onto yours, his expression a mix of awe and hunger. "You feel incredible," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. "I can't get enough of you."
You panted, your breaths coming in short, ragged gasps as you moved against his fingers. "Damien," you whimpered, "please."
He pressed his body closer to yours, his eyes never leaving your face. "I want you so badly," he said, his voice a low growl. "Just seeing you like this, feeling you around me... it's everything."
The connection between you was electric, each touch, each kiss intensifying the moment. Damien's finger worked in you with a steady rhythm, pushing deeper, his movements expertly timed to match your needs. The way he touched you made you lose yourself in the pleasure, every sensation heightened.
Finally, as he positioned himself above you, his eyes locked onto yours. He entered you slowly, inch by inch, his gaze intense and filled with a mix of reverence and hunger. The sensation of him filling you up completely was overwhelming, his movements deep and deliberate.
The initial thrust was painstakingly slow, his cock stretching you out as he eased deeper, savoring every reaction on your face. His hands cradled your cheeks, his touch tender as he brushed away the sweat and tears from the corners of your eyes. He could feel you adjusting, accommodating his size, and he watched you closely, his breaths coming in steady, controlled pants.
As he continued to move inside you, each thrust was measured and deep. He could tell you were doing your best to take him fully, your moans growing louder with each inch he pushed deeper. His cock filled you completely, stretching you in ways that made every touch and movement feel profound and intimate.
Damien's hands roamed to your back, stroking and soothing as he watched the way your body responded to him. The overwhelming sensation of him filling you up was evident in your strained breaths and the way your hands clung to his back. Your legs wrapped around him instinctively, pulling him closer as if trying to meld your bodies into one.
Damien's voice was low, but commanding. "Can you be quiet for me? I need to fuck you harder. Look at me-I want to see you."
His thrusts grew faster and more intense, each movement hitting deep and hard. The rhythm was no longer slow but a relentless pounding that drove you both wild. Every powerful thrust elicited loud moans from you, your hands gripping his back desperately and your mouth finding places on his body to bite into to muffle your cries. Your body responded to his urgency, your legs clenching around him as he slammed into you with a fervent, almost frantic pace.
Damien's grunts and moans matched the intensity of his thrusts, his focus solely on the way you felt around him. He seemed addicted to the sensation, the feeling of you tightening around him, and he moved with a fierce, consuming need. The impact of his movements was overwhelming, a perfect storm of pleasure and pressure that had you crying out for more
As you neared your climax, you begged him, "Please don't stop, Damien. Keep fucking me like this, please."
Damien's response was a fervent promise. "I won't stop. I'd keep you like this forever if I could. Just watching that pretty expression on your face, hearing those sweet sounds from your lips... it's fucking perfect."
The intensity of your orgasm was overwhelming, your body clenching around him, driving him to his own release. He filled you completely, his final thrusts deep and powerful. You both collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily, the room echoing with the sounds of your shared pleasure.
As the last waves of climax subsided, you reached for each other, pulling into a tender embrace. The closeness was comforting, and you felt overwhelmed at what you had just shared.
'That was amazing," you whispered, your voice filled with wonder and satisfaction.
Damien nodded, his smile warm and genuine. "It was. I've never.. wow."
In the quiet of the room, with the weight of the night's passion settling over you both, you held each other close, savoring the intense bond that had just been solidified.
You looked over at him, with your cheek practically glued to his chest. " You are so not a shellfish lover."
He smiled at you, "but you do really grab everything with two hands".
Despite what just happened between you there was still a part of you that craved his closeness and still got a bit flustered and nervous when his lips touched yours.
You let out a small laugh as Damien pulled you into a kiss.
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gojuo · 3 months
To be fair, most wigs suck. It doesn't help that the hairstyles are a disappointment. Like, Rhaenyra's hair, she expected elaborate braids like Dany in the later seasons, but she's almost always just hanging lifelessly in a few sad braids.
Poor Rhaena and Baela get the short straw even in this, not only do they have the worst wigs, but they only have two hairstyles, down or huge shapeless buns piled on top of their heads. Rhaenys has at least improved from the weird cone-head-shaped half-updo of the first season, small victories.
Even Helaena has floppy hair now. Where are mom's pretty curls? The only person who serves looks from the first day is Alicent. Those luxurious auburn curls, beautiful, chef's kiss 🥰.
you're right, the wigs are bad which is then compounded by shitty unimaginative hairstyles and a sore lack of hair accessories/jewelry in a time where targaryens are at the height of their power + at their wealthiest. it's so maddening because i just don't understand why a multi million dollar production is so bad in the hair and costuming department !!!! i def think baela got an upgrade this season but it's just ringlets up to her shoulders. it's boring. rhaena is .... my god her hair doesn't even look like it has locs instead it looks like the straw ends of a broom!! helaena and rhaenyra and rhaenys aren't better either, it's all just lame braids taking the front pieces of hair out of everyone's faces then placed randomly at the back of the skull and NO accessories at all! and all the hair stops at the waist too like come on this is a fantasy show AND it's wigs!! why is everyone's hair stopping at their shoulderblades!! why is the hair of my royal ladies not falling down to their butts and beyond!!! why is it all pin straight!! it's not even prettily wavy either!!! no crowns or gemstones interwoven with the braids either!! it's so boring!! literally just add some gold trinkets in the hair + tight curls + thicker and longer hair, i am on my knees begging at this point 😩😩😩
they really could have done so much more with the afro hair but they refuse to. they had the perfect opportunity with rhaena's locs to add some gold hoops or beads or something, anything of the like!! something to break up the monotony of the hairstyle and to just show off the targ wealth! she's literally a targ princess!!! why does she look like she doesn't have 100 maids at her disposal?! just anything like this would have sufficed like look at the material... why does it look like nobody in this royal family takes care of their hair...
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and the white girls suffer from having straight hair made worse by the most plain if not downright lifeless hairstyles. everyone has a braid that pulls back the front pieces. the rest of the straight/not even fully wavy loose hair that stays unbraided just goes down to their shoulderblades while looking like it hasn't seen a drop of oil like ever. what the fuck. this is hbo, why are the hairstyles this ugly !!!!! why can't we have gold jewelry and tight curls and colorful ribbons braided into their hair which should be cascading down their backs like silver veils instead of stopping short at the shoulders? and the hair is so thin and lifeless too! why is everything in the hair and costuming department so lackluster? just weaving 2 or 3 tight braids together in opposing directions does not make for a pretty look! it might be intricate but it looks downright ugly. they are the ROYAL family where the fuck is all their hair accessories and jewelry at???? WHERE IS THE HAIR OIL ??????????
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instead we get this crap..... BORINGGG
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pythoness94 · 2 months
I love your commentary on the fanon perception of the party
so id love to ask how you'd think the different members would *actually* react to will coming out to them
also thank you for acknowledging byler fights AREN'T one-sided. they're both love struck teens that say dumb things sometimes and thats perfectly fine
I know! It's a thing that's been bugging me because as i'm writing my fic. ( a react fic with the characters watching the show.) I'm forced to watch scenes upwards of 10 times or more while writing, i've rewatched episodes almost everyday, skipping around back and forth to write the characters reactions. By doing this, I have been able to go "WTF IS DUSTIN DOING IN THIS FIC BRO???". Since i've seen the show probably more then I should have and more often than average it's a lot easier to piece canon from fanon when canon is etched into your brain. I'm able to acknowledge every character's faults because I see it and have to write it down into my story, analyzing how each character would react to each situation. I am, of course, not perfect because i am VERY fond of Mike since see myself in him so i'm more sympathetic to him and i'm trying to be better about that.
However, instead of just seeing them as (this is the worst cases i've seen, mostly in 2020 fanfics.) Mike's a dick,( He's a teen boy who's been getting in terrible situations since he was 14, and trying to process that while realizing he's gay and thinking that he's leading El on. He's scared so he's snapping at the hand that feeds him, not being a dick for no reason. ) Will's a sad gay baby, (He's the same as Mike, 14 and trying to process his trauma, except he was a lot more of it. His best friend is wigging tf out over his girlfriend and distancing himself from him, making Will feel even more alone and worried so he's trying his best to save his relationship by sacrificing himself for Mike's relationship. not realizing that's the EXACT opposite of what Mike needs. He's not JUST sad, he's scared, he's scared of things being taken from him, so he's giving them away first.)
Max is mean, (She just lost her fucking brother, she is trying to grapple with the fact that she doesn't really feel all that bad about losing him. That's what is making her snap. Billy was horrible to her, but she was his brother so she should feel bad, that's her thought process and Vecna is preying upon that. Trying to make her feel like a terrible person infecting everyone around her, so Max is pushing everyone away, making herself look terrible and mean so that way they leave her alone to rot as she thinks she should. She's not mean, she's scared.) Lucas is dumb but strong, ( he played basketball in one season guys. He's strong but he's also a nerd. He's loyal, he's funny, he WANTS to protect the people around him. That's what Lucas is, a protector, he wants to keep his party safe and is trying to be strong for them. Trying to keep everyone together and in his sight. He will lose his shit if ONE more person gets taken from him. He's scared not dumb.)
Dustin is funny, (He's a kid who has lost many things, he's trying to cope with the things happening around him. he thinks Dart is his fault, he knows he should have told the party from the start but instead he lied, and it caused a bunch of pain for his party. He refuses to make that mistake again. However, he knows his party is struggling and he doesn't want to add onto that, so he laughs and jokes, trying to keep the mood up despite how he's panicking. Losing Eddie is going to terrify Dustin. he's going to be quieter and more thoughtful. I know that when Mike inevitably pulls his self-sacrifice bullshit, he does in every season to some extent. Dustin is going to flip his shit, seeing Eddie dying, and refusing to let Mike pull that. Especially since he was there for the quarry, he's going to be protective of Mike, not only because he doesn't want to lose him and knows Mike would GLADY pitch himself in front of a Demogorgon if he saw fit. But because Mike knew Eddie to, he was as close with Eddie has Dustin was and he wants to talk about that with him. He wants to keep Eddie's memory alive, and he can't do it alone. He's not just funny, he's terrified.) El is incapable outside of her superpowers. (This is regarding her knowledge to the outside world, but we're past season 1 guys, she knows how the world works, just not all of it. She won't be asking what things are every five seconds, mostly she'll just SUCK at picking up social cues. She wants to be her own person, she'll do her best to learn this stuff alone as time goes on, trying to advance individually to be on equal grounds with her party. She doesn't want to have to rely on people, she wants to be the person people rely on and not just for her powers. She's not incapable, she's not just 'superman.' she's her own person who is scared of people not seeing her as such.)
One thing i've noticed is that everyone in the party is scared, everyone is scared of something. That something is giving Vecna a chance to prey on every one of them. Making them more scared, so, instead of pushing each other away, they are uniting. They saw how going solo worked out for Max and they refuse to let that happen again. So, keeping all this in mind, how would the party react to Will coming out? Not one of them would be disgusted by Will, confused? Yes, disgusted? no. They have all been the weirdos they have always been the weirdos. The party knows that each of them have something about them that makes them "different" and being gay has always been that for Will even when the party didn't know it to be true.
We all know how Mike would react. A bit shocked at first but accepting, (this is if Mike is straight.) he pushed Troy over in season one for calling Will a fairy, he would NOT be homophobic. That man was besties with Eddie along with Dustin, he embraces that kinda stuff even if he's scared by it. If he was gay (because being fr he is.) he would also be hopeful. He would stop distancing himself so much so he can try to be there for Will.
Max would be chill with it. She is Californian and ,coming from a fellow Californian, it has always been way more liberal than any other state. especially Indiana. Cali is more open to change than most other places and even in the 80's it was less homophobic than Indiana. So Max, being from there, she would be more exposed to it and less shocked. She would be supportive of Will, and if told of his crush, would be the ONLY person to go "Oh really? Mike?" and it would be joking. she would totally try to set them up. (Remember season 3 with the magazines, I like to think she would try to do something similar for Will and Mike.) although she would be a bit worried about El after figuring out their...situation, she would be on board with it after they broke up.
Dustin would be curious, he would be like. "Wait...you're gay?" Not connecting all the dots until he looks back on it and goes. "Ohhhh, that explains why you thought Phoebe cates wasn't hot!" he'd be supportive but wanting to look deeper into it, taking a second to process y'know?
Lucas would be on it immediately, I get the feeling he already knew. He would be like, "Yeah, that makes sense." Since he knew Mike and Will the longest i'm sure he already had it figured out. Lucas is literally just waiting for Mike to get is shit together. He would be supportive and tease Will about his crush on Mike until they got together and them he would tease the both of them.
Finally El, she wouldn't understand Homophobia (this is one of those social cue things I was talking about.) however, I think two things could happen. A being I don't think she would really KNOW that boys can like Boys and Girls can like Girls, so she would be like. "Wait...that can happen?" and then she would need it explained to her. Will would be extremely nervous, because El is Mike's girlfriend but while I think El would be a bit sad if she knew Mike had a crush on Will she would understand that you can't really change that. Also that she doesn't deserve to treated like that and should have someone who loves her. The second thing I could see happening is El going. "So? i like boys too??" and needing Homophobia explained to her, to which she goes. "That's fucking stupid. Mouth breather behavior honestly." and being supportive of Will.
Thank you for the ask by the way! I really wanted to talk about this and I hope you enjoy it!
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greatwyrmgold · 4 months
Reading the Amazon Lily arc gave me some thoughts about how One Piece handles women.
I'll start with something positive: The Kuja tribe proves that Eiichiro Oda can draw women who aren't either fat hags or supermodels with I-cups and waists too thin for their intestines. The background characters show almost as much variety in visual design as One Piece's male characters.
On the other hand, this kinda draws attention to the fact that most of One Piece's female characters (especially the named ones) are supermodels with different wigs and sometimes fish tails, while most of the rest are oval-shaped and often have jokes made about how ugly and undesirable they are. (Poor Kokoro.) And to be clear, Oda still defaults to the supermodel shape for lots of the Kuja.
While I'm talking about character design, I'm not a fan of the Kuja tribe's clothes. Most of them wear as little clothing as possible, either a bikini with accessories or unusually skimpy variations on other outfits, like that one Kuja pirate who wears a jacket that leaves her midriff and the middle of her chest bare.
Also, they give Luffy clothes after he arrives, and they're flowery and frilly. Few of the Kuja wear floral clothes and IIRC none have frilly ones; the flowers and frills are just added because they're stereotypically girly, and Oda thought it would be funny to put Luffy in emasculating clothes.
The scene where Luffy accidentally smashes into Boa Hancock's bath was...I'd ask why it had to be her bath and not Hancock doing literally anything else, but I think we know the reason.
Not sure how to feel about Luffy beating up the warrior-women tribe's best warriors without significant effort, even though they're proficient with Haki and he thinks it's that ice sport.* On one hand, it feels awfully close to that stupid trope where women are treated as automatically weaker than men.
On the other hand, the man in question is Monkey D. Luffy, who has fought multiple Warlords of the Sea and usually come out ahead. Also, the Kuja tribe's best warrior, Boa Hancock, doesn't actually fight him. If that status doesn't just come from the Devil Fruit that can't affect Luffy's aroace ass (or any other aroace part of him), maybe a fight between them would have been more even.
*This joke was not made in the actual manga. It should have been, though.
Speaking of Boa Hancock and Luffy, though...the absolute worst part of Kuja Tribe lore is fucking Love Sickness. Apparently some Kuja women suffer literal lovesickness when they fall in love with a guy. It's fatal, unless they leave the island to be with the man they love. Gross.
If Boa Hancock had fallen in love with Luffy after he beat up his sisters, that would have been dumb but tolerable. But making it an actual physiological ailment that's common among the Kuja when they meet men...that feels way too close to saying women need a man to be healthy. I mean, that is literally true for these women who live among other women. And it's apparently a leading cause of death among their empresses. I hate it. Love Sickness should have been damned to editorial hell.
Revealing that the Boa sisters used to be slaves wasn't a big problem. But having that revealed a few chapters apart from Robin getting enslaved on the island she landed on (long story), when that didn't happen to any of the other Straw Hats, when Robin is one of only two women in the Straw Hats...petty, but I mostly want to complain about Robin getting enslaved. I don't think they even put seastone cuffs on her. Why is she just accepting this.
The general tropes about a land of woman being fascinated by the first man they see are a bit irksome, but on reflection, I think they only bother me because of all the other stuff. The Kuja tribe's reactions are mostly expressions of ignorance rather than innately feminine attributes, as expressed in the running gag where they keep assuming that the weird Luffy things Luffy does are what all men must be like. So mark that as another positive.
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 7 months
i just finished live action avatar the last airbender. buckle up. obv spoilers incoming.
honestly just gonna list the good and the bad and give a number rating at the end. this will be long. also THIS IS JUST MY OPINION!!!! nothing i say is right or wrong. dont hurt me.
the good
sokka (ik this is controversial bc of his actor okokokok im js purely from a performance standpoint he ate)
zuko (absolutely devoured)
fight scenes!!!! obv not as good as the animated (we knew this) but i still enjoyed
zhao!!!!!! do not sleep on him he killed this!!
overall loved the focus on avatars other than roku
suki/suki and sokka
attack on the air nomads… ik it was unnecessary and a little hard to watch but still was v interesting
azulaaaaa and the fact that we see her this season. LOVE this addition. also the way they added her was veryyyyy well done. didnt feel forced.
bumi/how they handled the bumi arc in general. some parts i actually like better than the og. like how aang knew he was bumi right away. makes way more sense to me.
sokka and katara has some very sweet and genuine moments
aang and gyatso reunion awwww
omg. the “twist” with the 41st division that zuko accidentally saved becoming his crew. the bestttttt change that they made. i loved this. something so small but felt SO impactful.
yue/sokka and yue. this is a BIG one bc i think the original show really lacks with how they wrote yue and especially her relationship with sokka. i think it was a lot better here.
when zhao admits at the end he was working w azula and that ozai was just using zuko to motivate azula. omg. that was such a cool thing they added
and now. the bad.
aang. JDHSKSJDJ SORRYYYY dont care! he got better as the show went on. overall acting wasnt great and the writing for him definitely did not help
katara OOPSIES HEHEHE sorry but again same thing. kind of a dull performance. where is her PASSION?!?! wanted to like her so bad bc katara is my girl and this girl was giving katara on paper but the performance was just kinda bleh. didnt hate but DEFINITELY did not love.
costumes. dying on this hill i do not care. it was giving spirit of halloween. and some of these wigs…. yue’s wig? azula’s fuck ass pieces hanging out? HOW MAI AND TY LEE LOOKED IN GENERAL?! ouch
^in general mai and ty lee did not need to be here at ALLLLL. def shouldve waited till s2 for their appearances.
where is the silliness? where is the humor? hardly tried to embody the fun spirit of the original and when it did it failed miserably.
gran gran saying the thing. that’s katara’s thing.
too much exposition dumping.
first ep was by far the worst imo. how sokka and katara came across/met aang? WOW what a let down holy shit.
they should’ve kept it as aang running away from the southern air temple. not that he went for a late night drive with appa. dont care that this is a small thing. it is a HUGE part of aang’s character.
idk how to word this one and i think ppl would disagree anyways. but they are making iroh too obviously “good”. ykw i mean? when we first meet him, we know he’s not like the rest of the fire nation but we still don’t truly know where his morals lie. this show made it too obvious too soon.
why did katara never train w pakku?? that makes 0 sense. i understand she was mostly self taught throughout s1. but the whole thing was that: yes, katara was good before pakku, but when she finally did get a master, she became EXPONENTIALLY better and really came into her own. i am not buying that she becomes the master katara we know and love without learning from pakku. so unrealistic. when zuko says “u found a master” and she said “yes ur looking at her”. oh girlboss feminism u are going to HELL!
would like to take a moment to say^^^ i am a feminist ok. do nottttt get it twisted. but girlboss feminism is brainrot.
aang. did not bend. a single drop of water. are u fucking KIDDING ME? that was nuts.
really felt like if u did not watch the original series, this show would feel SO all over the place and u would have so many “wtf is happening” moments. the whole omashu shit was kind offfffff a mess. i see where they were going and why they were doing that but in hindsight after the fact i was like… if i knew nothing ab this show that would have been the most confusing clusterfuck.
and i think my biggest/most general complaint that i already talked about that i will briefly touch on: trying to do too much. why are we putting in characters and plot points that do not come till seasons 2-3 and are completely unnecessary now (secret tunnel, wan shi tong, swamp-kinda episode, etc.)
final thoughts?
it was enjoyable. i cannot deny that. landscapes were gorgeous. fights were well choreographed and looked GOOD. some changes were genuinely made for the better, and even changes that i do not necessarily think were better, i could respect the creativity of some changes and understood why they were there. but overall, as most live action remakes go, this was a flat portrayal of one of the greatest pieces of fiction of all time that suffered from some overly ambitious ideas and dull writing with little to no sense of whimsy. while some performances exceeded expectations, others that were crucial to the integrity of this show really disappointed me.
overall: 6.6/10. this number is completely subject to change.
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pisboy · 11 months
as a fellow alopecia haver would you mind if i asked a few questions about how you cope with it? like, do you wear hats or wigs or do clever hairstyles to hide it or do you just let it show? ive tried pills and scalp shots and nothing is reversing mine. im only 26 and i feel like this is the worst thing to ever happen to me and i dont know what to do about it. nobody even thinks balding women exist. nobody considers how it is to actually be one. im so scared no one will ever like me or find me cute again. i used to think i was so cute. this sucks so bad.
For me the back of my head around the nape and up to nearly the top of my scalp has never grown hair, not even when I was born. My father also has alopecia areata and he has a few golfball-to-coin sized patches he loses and regrows at a random basis. So I've had my entire life to contend with hair loss and family that was familiar with it, so I sympathize so incredibly hard to women who develop it later in life. It is probably mortifying.
So yeah, shots and pills and balms and oils and etc have never worked for me. I also lose hair at random basis around the rest of my scalp, mainly around the margins of my crown (losing my bangs) and the sides of the back where I already do not grow hair. I also lose half my left eyebrow on a regular basis. If you go far back enough in my #me tag I've posted what it looks like. I also preface some of my advice might not be helpful if you have afro-textured hair, but I will recommend someone who will be extremely helpful in that respect.
Also I hope you don't mind me doing a shotgun blast of advice but maybe my experience will help someone
Things that worked for me:
I've always been flipping my part as my hair cycles in a growth/loss state for my bangs. Low pony tails tend to hold better than high ones in what is essentially a clever combover. Uhhh and always keep a hair tie around in case there is wind lol I always get self conscious when there's a breeze.
This is kind of vague and probably shitty advice but I've noticed over the years I lose hair when I am stressed, so I've had to make the call (in addition to other factors) to quit jobs that really strain me and I've noticed improvement in hair growth. So depending on your circumstances I say make some effort to reduce your other stress factors while you go through figuring it out. This shit is literally traumatizing.
This thing here is basically a pepper shaker for keratin bits that can color-fill in patches of missing (or really tiny short baby) hair. I can only speak as a brunette but it works pretty damn good as some camouflage for your skin poking out where you can't cover it. Do note it kind of has an ashy texture so it's something to wash out at night like makeup. Scalp makeup lol.
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Hats are good. I wore trucker hats for most of my teen years, but I don't wear them much anymore, especially being out of the stress of school. However - a piece of advice from a mentor of mine, Jamie Elmore, is to call hats, bands, scarves, wigs, anything under an umbrella term "accessory." It's kind of corny but sometimes conceptualizing these things that way helps coping with the impulse of a world that demands you hide your hair loss and another where you can freely express yourself without fear of judgement. Anyway, I recommend looking her up, she has a magazine and works hard for the alopecia community, particularly for black alopecians.
Oh yeah if you can find those hippy chick silk hair bands that have the elastic around the back, I love those. Regular bandanas are also good.
Uhhh shorter hair also tends to weigh and pull less, which I think everyone has varying sensitivity to, but to anyone considering a bob, why not might help lol. I also lose my hair in the largest amounts in the shower, so like, if you develop a weird complex about showering I know allllllll about it.
I have tried partial wigs, which are custom cut out and adhered to your head, and it's nice if you want to do hairstyles you otherwise could not, but it's high maintenance, very itchy, and gets gummy after about a week.
But yeah it's been a very slow and steady process to get used to going out in public without putting effort in camouflaging my alopecia, and that mostly has to do with tuning people out. The existential stuff gets personal so I save those conversations for a 1-to-1. *Holds you by the shoulder* we are all coping out here.
I look at that sword of Damocles hanging over my head and if my scalp gets wiped out beyond all sidepart repair, I'll go full wig-wearing. I once had a hair stylist who was giddy at the idea of shaving my head when I explained it to her, which was comforting in a silly way.
Anyway, it's been years since I've dipped my toes into the greater Alopecia Community, the ones with all the acronyms, but there are NAAF chapter groups that you can meet and hopefully find people to connect with. I think you need to join an email group though. Anyway. For the longest time the only people I knew with it was just my dad and a cousin who had it for 1 year and never again and seeing a group of people with patchy/full baldness in person for the first time made me cry.
To end on a good note, there have been trials for JAK inhibitors (a treatment for many autoimmune disorders) having really breakthrough success rates at hair regrowth, but I haven't looked into it lately. Seems very promising. A lot better than cortisone shots in the scalp I figure, maybe worth the pain lmao
EDIT: i misremembered it being lupus medication, but it was actually Janus kinase inhibitor trials with success.
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thimbledoll · 2 years
Poppy's Purpose
CW: Abuse, neglect, needles
Not for the first time, Poppy thought to themself, “Which is worse, the sting of the first needle’s bite or that of the hundredth’s?” They’d hardly finished the thought before their Witch inserted the hundred and first.
Once the pain had subsided, they continued internally, “On the one hand, it’s always surprising just how easy it is to forget how much that first needle hurts.” Prick. “On the other, they just get worse and worse as she goes on…” Prick.
Whichever it was, the doll couldn’t be sure. Prick. All they knew was that the pain of having their Witch wound them over and over again with that expression of sheer malice on her face was the worst pain of all. Prick. She never had a reason for these sessions that the doll could discern. Prick. She’d just dress Poppy up in rags or wigs they’d never seen before and stab at their clothen body with such spite and animosity she never showed her other dolls. Prick. No, they never had to suffer these sessions. Prick. As best Poppy could tell, it wasn’t ever for anything they had even done. Prick. “But if that’s this one’s Purpose, there’s no helping it…” Poppy thought to themself.
Finally, without a word of gratitude or remorse, the Witch unceremoniously dropped her doll to the desk she worked at. The pain of all the needles rattling through Poppy’s body at once as they hit the wood was their Witch’s signal that their session was over; their Purpose had been fulfilled. Closing the door without regard for how the heavy thud resonated through Poppy’s ragdoll form and shook the needles once more, they were left to clean up after their Witch’s work.
The going was slow and agonizing, pulling each needle out one at a time. It was all Poppy could do to not collapse after pulling one out. The reminder that the needles would jostle inside Poppy once more if they did fall over was all that kept them upright. It was a predicament that never failed to make them wonder why they’d been Made with the ability to feel pain. The possibility that it was another piece to their Purpose was the best Poppy could guess at. The possibility that Poppy was simply Made to suffer was the worst they could guess at.
So long was this process that night inevitably fell, leaving Poppy to continue their seemingly endless extrication by candlelight. Pull. Rest. Pull. Rest. Pull. Rest. It wouldn’t be until the moon was visible high in the night sky through the atelier’s open window that they finally freed themself of the final fixture. It also wasn’t until then that Poppy realized they weren’t alone.
Drawn to the room by the light of the candle’s flame, a lone moth sat atop the lantern’s lip, staring down at Poppy. She wore a quizzical expression as her wings lazily flapped for balance, leaving a thin film of dust on the glass lens of the lantern. Without any regard for privacy or propriety, the moth asked, “Why do you do that?”
Poppy wasn’t sure whether to reply, much less how. Their Witch had always said not to talk to moths. She’d called them “psychopomps of the Unreal,” whatever that meant. But then again… she’d never told Poppy not to talk to moths, it was simply an instruction they had heard the other dolls receive. Poppy considered themself lucky if their Witch ever spared a word for them…
In the absence of any direct instruction though, it seemed to Poppy that they were free to do as they pleased. Besides, it would be rude to ignore the moth, they figured. “This one isn’t quite sure they understand your question. Why does this one do what, exactly?” Poppy inquired.
The moth flitted down from her vantage point, getting much closer to Poppy’s personal space than they’d prefer, her face mere inches from Poppy’s own. “Put up with it,” she answered unhelpfully.
“Put up with wh-what?” It would have been hard for Poppy to work out the moth’s meaning under normal circumstances, but she was now using her antennae to feel up Poppy’s body. The sensation of her bristly appendages running over the rough cotton used in Poppy’s construction sent chills up their stitching. Poppy fearfully considered the possibility that they were being sized up for a snack.
“It hurts, doesn’t it?” Her eyes stared unblinkingly into Poppy’s shining buttons as her antennae continued whatever it was they were doing, hastily running over their chest, their neck, even their face. It was all Poppy could do to answer her question.
“Oh, that… This one… supposes it does. But if that’s this one’s Purpose, then there is no helping it.” Poppy couldn’t help but wonder why they were being so forthright with this strange creature. It must have been her unusual demeanor, throwing Poppy off-balance.
She began to maneuver around Poppy, putting her hands on their shoulders, her feelers wrapping around their head, her mouth closing in right next to where their ears would be, had they been anatomically correct. Poppy stood transfixed to the spot, unmoving, though only for lack of the ability to shiver or quake. Breathily, the moth whispered, “But there is.”
“How?” Poppy’s response carried the same eagerness as a man overboard clawing at a lifeline.
There was a hunger in the moth’s voice as she answered, “Change. Remake. Metamorphose. Take your pick.”
“This one can… change…?” Their Witch would never approve of it. It was lunacy to think of it. Heresy, even. A doll existed only for their Witch’s needs… or so their Witch had said. Yet the possibility called to them.
“If you want to,” she replied, inching even closer to Poppy’s backside, ever so slightly tightening the grip her feelers held on their head.
Slowly, carefully, trepidatiously Poppy gave the slightest of nods. That’s when the moth took her first bite. _______________________________________________________
By morning, Poppy’s memory of their chance encounter would be nothing but vague wisps of distant dreams. Leaving them alone on the office table, dazed, confused, and slightly smiling, the moth declared to no one in particular as she flitted out the open window, “Purpose really is the best midnight snack.”
For once, Poppy was not in pain. For once, Poppy was Still.
End 🧵
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creampie-capital · 2 years
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✦「Killer x Marine! Reader」✦
ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ/ᴍᴀɴɢᴀ║One Piece: Stampede
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ║18,010
「ᴀꜰʟ」 𝟏𝟖+ 「ᴘᴡᴘ」 ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ━━━➤ 「ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʙᴀʙʏ」
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
❝ᴀᴅᴍɪᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴍᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ❞
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Do not steal, copy, or repost anywhere. My work is currently on both CREAMPIE_CAPITAL on wattpad and Imtropicalbaby on Quotev. If posted on another account or website, please report and notify me immediately.
Now onto the smut :)
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
"What the-Get that out of your mouth!?"
Before the two could react, you snatched the duo cigars from Smoker's mouth and threw it in the rubbish can.
"(Y/n), no-"
"(Y/n), yes." You retorted and lowered the newspaper you used to hide your appearance. "We're on an island surrounded by pirates for The Pirates Fest and you want to smoke?"
The older male grunted and licked his dry lips. "They're not going to recognize me."
You felt your left eye twitching. Smoker looked exactly like himself except his outfit was different and even then on the left side of his chest were extra cigars.
He even still had his jitte, only having it wrapped in a white bandage attached to his back.
While the Vice Admiral's disguise was rather simple and plain, his subordinate's was much more flashy. Tashigi wore her blue capris and magenta long-sleeve with a pink scarf around her neck.
And the most flashy thing she wore was the large exaggerated pink hat with a yellow puff flowing behind. Not to mention she even had her sword attached to her hip.
"Your disguises are ridiculous. These pirates will be able to recognize you from a mile away." You grumbled under your breath and crossed your arms under your chest. "I knew I should have bought your disguises for you..."
"You should look at yourself first before saying something to us." Smoker answered, provoking you to raise an eyebrow.
"Huh?" You asked with your left eye twitching. You took this infiltration seriously, especially when you were trying to work your way up the ranks.
Being a Vice Admiral was great and all, especially when your subordinates considered your rank just below Veteran Tsuru and Monkey D. Garp.
It was a great accomplishment but many actually believed you didn't deserve it since you weren't a devil fruit user.
You were proficient and Haki enough, but there was clear Bias against you because of your gender than your male counterparts.
Not to mention the jealousy from your peers from how fast you ranked up compared to others.
It didn't matter at the same time since they were nothing to you. You use your position for the well-being of others, and the more accomplishments you have, the more power you earn.
To hide your prominent appearance, well known to the pirates, you adorned a short black-haired wig with a few golden stripes.
Instead of your marine uniform, you wore a red tank top that stopped below your naval. Black leggings covered your bottom and ended at your ankles where red heels protected your feet. And to cover your well know jagged scars on your back and shoulders, a black leather jacket was worn over your arms.
Your crystal fans were skillfully hidden inside your jacket, making you appear rather harmless if it wasn't for the intense gaze in your (e/c) iris'.
"I am the most unrecognizable one, you foolish marine. If it wasn't for Black Cage Hina, you wouldn't have been able to stay in your position due to that mouth." You snapped causing Smoker to get in your face.
"You're one to talk. Being a Vice Admiral but somehow always losing to that mask-wearing supernova from the worst generation. "
His words caused you to gape at him like a fish. "That's funny coming from you. And I wouldn't consider it losing if there is never a winner." You hissed.
Smoker laughed in his throat and leaned back. "I'd consider it losing if I were to be scarred like that by his blades." He said, referring to the markings all over your body, especially the one on the left side of your lip.
A thin slice started at the bottom of your nose and ends at your chin. It was a fairly new injury so you knew the pirates wouldn't recognize you with the new wound.
"Not to mention you wouldn't have even made it to that rank if it wasn't for Fleet Admiral Sakazuki wanting to get in your pants." Smoker stated.
"I should kill you." You mumbled in response before placing a strand of the fake hair behind your ear. "And Fleet Amiral Sakazuki didn't want to suck my titties until after I was promoted to Vice Admiral."
Tashigi let out an awkward laugh at the tension and lowered her newspaper. "Let's not forget why we're here." She said and attempted to change the subject.
The brunet brought up a tan piece of paper with important information on it. "Our main target is the big boss, Festa the "Festival Maker". A big-time pirate from the days of Roger, who we thought died in a sea king accident."
"And this guy too." You added in and handed the female a folded piece of paper. "The man the Navy quarters won't even admit is alive."
The woman unfolded the paper and assessed the bounty picture printed out on it. "Douglas Bullet...The worst escapee from level six at Impel Down..."
Smoker leaned back in his chair and placed two more cigars in his mouth, lighting them unapologetically. "If those two are teamed up, this is clearly no ordinary festival."
Before you could speak the ground suddenly began to shake and pirate ships in the water began to get sucked into a vortex that was forming.
People began to panic and knock into things around them. You had no reaction as Smoker and Tashigi looked around worriedly.
"Don't worry about it." You mumbled and slowly stood up from your sitting position. "It's nothing you need to bother with. Come on, let's see if we can find some information."
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━�� 𒆜𓊉꧂
"(Y/n), you're getting distracted."
You snapped out of it and quickly wiped the drool that you had salivated. Although you were trying to be serious since there was a lot riding on what you three could come out with, you couldn't help but get distracted at the food stands.
"No, I'm not." You snapped and quickly made your way down the street. Tashigi and Smoker looked at each other before sighing to themselves.
You were typically much scarier than this but when you were at events-like festivals-you were the type to get rather sidetracked. Even reverting to a child-like wonder since as a child you were never able to experience the youthfulness of the world.
The two marine officers followed after your form and listened closely to those around them. You did the same...but couldn't help diverting your attention to the food that smelled absolutely delicious and the jewelry stands that displayed accessories that twinkled like mini stars.
The Vice Admiral had to basically hold you back at certain points when you started to wander off on your own. You couldn't help it, shiny objects always attracted your attention, and that was how you were stuck with Saisei Kurisutarufan, the regenerative crystal fans.
Your attraction to glistening objects was your downfall. Originally you thought they were just crystals in odd shapes, but as soon as you grabbed hold of the weapons, they immediately named you their master and fused themselves to your soul.
Ever since then you were unable to rid yourselves of the fans. They were a part of your soul and always found their way back to you.
"Did you hear that?" Tashigi's voice brought you back from your thoughts as she pulled the three of you into an alley. "It's only a rumor, but it's spread so widely."
You nodded your head and crossed your arms under your chest. "I know. And if we're caught, this could end extremely badly for us."
The white-haired officer nodded his head and inhaled deeply from his two cigarettes that you were quick to snatch and stomp under your heels.
"You disgraceful marine!" The male snapped. "You're worse than Tashigi and she's incredibly absentminded!"
Abruptly you slammed your hands against the older male's mouth and shushed him. "You're gonna blow our cover, you obstinate fool!"
The male flicked your hands off of his face and wiped his mouth as if it was dirty. Tashigi began to speak again, but your attention was seized when something shiny caught your eye.
Moving without thinking you walked down the alley into another street to stop at a stall. The display cases held glimmering ornaments, and even some daggers the color of gold.
You gawked at the gems and brought your purse out, ready to buy the items without really thinking. However, you were quickly pulled out of your fantasy when a cool gust of wind raked through your clothes.
Glancing around you noticed the sun was setting and the sky was becoming visibly dark. Tashigi and Smoker were nowhere to be found, and you couldn't blame them this time since it was indeed you who wandered off first.
"Sh*t." You cursed under your breath and quickly left the stand. You had to find the two officers on this giant island and even though they weren't disguised the best, there were thousands of people here you had to look past to find your partners.
And because you didn't want to deal with the Vice Admiral at night you went and booked a separate hotel away from the two. Blowing air out of your nose like a bull, you continued down the street to make your way to your hotel.
Tashigi knew where your lodging was so if they were really concerned they would meet you there. The hard expression on your face morphed into a sudden grin.
And that meant you could finish exploring the streets to your pleasure without the white-haired male berating you for getting distracted.
And of course, you enjoyed it to your heart's content. Hungrily you devoured the grilled meat (or alternative :p) and churros that you bought from a couple of stands.
You strutted down the streets, the glow of the lights casting upon your skin as you grew closer to your lodging.
"Hey! Do you want to play a game?"
Your attention was diverted to a male calling out to you. It was a rather large stand with tables and chairs surrounding it.
People were sitting around eating and obviously enjoying the delicacies. The one who called out to you appeared to be a tall muscular man with styled brown hair.
He was sitting at a table with another man with black hair. At the table they were sitting at was a giant platter with takoyaki stacked up in a pyramid.
You swallowed the bite in your mouth and stepped closer to their table. "A game?" You sought. "What kind of game?"
The one who called over to you directed one of his hands to the mountain of food. "It's a game sort of like russian roulette. Most of the takoyaki here is normal, with regular filling but there are some that are alternatively filled with wasabi."
You gained a bit of interest from the idea and sat down at their table. "Go on."
"Each of us grabs seven and puts them on our plate. The first one to finish all seven wins. It's a simple game but the wasabi they sell here on Delta Island is crazy spicy."
"And the reward?" You asked.
The black-haired one snorted. "Bragging rights."
"I'm down." You shot back. You were rather competitive, even if there was no true reward. You just liked to say that you won.
"Alright." The brown-haired male cheered. "I'm Delano and he's Tajo. We'll be your competitors on this fine evening."
You couldn't help but snicker at the pirates. Even if you couldn't fight any pirates or you would break your cover, you'll sure as h*ll win a simple competition.
"Greetings to you two. You may call me Enola." You said using your alias.
"Nice to meet you, Enola." The two chimed before fixing their posture and straightening their plates.
"Ready," Delano asked you.
You nodded your head.
"Begin!" Tajo declared.
Using your chopsticks, you skillfully placed seven on your plate before devouring them. The first two were normal, tasting absolutely delicious.
But the third one almost knocked the wind out of you. "Holy sh*t." You choked and coughed aloud. 'They didn't lie when they said this was spicy.'
Delano laughed at you, causing himself to choke on his bite. Tajo shook his head and was already on his fourth one but inhaled deeply at what you assumed was a spicy bite.
It literally didn't really matter if you lost, but you're quite a sore loser regardless of what the competition was about.
You ate a couple more, the three of them being tampered with takoyaki. Your eyes watered from the heat, though you swallowed strenuously and sniffled.
Mama ain't raise no p*ssy b*tch...Well, mama didn't raise you at all, but that's not the point. Stuffing the last one in your mouth, you dropped your chopsticks on your plate in accomplishment.
You leaned back in your seat and crossed your arms under your chest in a proud manner while swallowing the last two that were regular.
Delano threw his eating utensil on the table and grabbed a water bottle to chug down the bite in his mouth.
"Wow, I lost to a little girl." Tajo groaned and pushed his plate away from himself. You flared your nose and shook your head.
"I'm twenty-five."
The two males did a double-take and choked on their spit. "Y-You're older than us by two years?" Delano asked as if he was in disbelief.
You snickered at their reactions before standing up and sniffling from the heat that was burning within your mouth.
"Well, pleasure beating you children, but I must be on my way. Have a fine night." You called out at the two males, who waved their hands dejectedly.
While walking down the streets, your mouth still burned, and your head felt fuzzy. The heat from the wasabi was really getting to you now.
Buying a bottle of water, you continued down the path, whereas for some reason, you began to feel uneasy, as if someone was watching you.
Glancing around, no one was paying any attention to your frame. Everyone was too busy with their own matters for you to be the center of attention.
You took another sip of your water, but it didn't seem to be any help at all. In fact, you were beginning to feel worse.
Not only was it just your tongue, but your whole body began to feel hot. Your limbs felt heavy, and you couldn't help but sway.
The bright street lights were hurting your head, yielding you to enter one of the alleys and hold yourself up against the wall since it was so dark and dim.
You couldn't help but pant heavily, your chest rising and falling raggedly. "What...Is wrong with me?" You wheezed out, shaking with most of the strength in your legs, feeling as if they were dissipating.
"Ha, it took longer than expected to work on you."
You swallowed thickly and slowly turned to look over your shoulder to see Delano and Toja making their way down the alley.
"What are you-" Delano didn't let you finish as he grabbed your arm roughly and pulled you close to his body, your water bottle falling to the ground.
"There were drugs in the ones you ate. You didn't think we called you over just for a stupid game, did you?" Toja asked, his hands running up your leg.
"You..." You could barely get the words out from how heavy your tongue felt. "You f*cker's spiked it."
"Don't worry." The brunet mused. "It's nothing bad, just something to put you in the mood and extra sensitive. Plus-" His free hand played with the hem of your leggings. "-they say older women do it better. So why don't we find out~."
You grit your teeth, fury mending into every fiber of your muscles. Tajo's lips could be felt on the side of your neck with Delano's hand attempting to pull down your leggings.
"W-Wait!" You cried, but they didn't listen. Your black jacket was ripped off your torso; a bruise now formed around the side of your throat from the black-haired male.
His hands grasped the hem of your shirt, pulling it upwards while your leggings were being tugged downwards.
With all the strength you could muster, you summoned Saisei Kurisutarufan. The glimmering teal and lemonade pink fans with the black opal handle flew from under your coat and landed in your hands.
You didn't even hesitate in your movement, slicing their throat with the sharp edge of your weapon. They gasped, halting their actions before falling backward and landing on the ground with a loud thud.
A wide slice was made across the skin of their throats and was opened widely. Dark-colored minerals protruded against the cut, with their blood turning into pearl-shaped gems.
You huffed loudly and fell against the wall, barely able to keep your frame on the surface. Your body was burning up to the point where you felt like you were going to melt.
"I never thought I would actually see you here."
Whirling around, you pointed your fans at the end of the alley and glared. "Show yourself!"
There was a moment of silence before you heard footsteps, and a man's figure was illuminated by the glow of the streets.
Your eyes widened at the sight; you were in disbelief. It was your worst enemy, your eternal rival, and the one who you continuously never won over.
The Massacre Soldier, Killer.
If Killer recognized you, then he would most definitely take advantage of your situation and end you right there and there.
He was dressed just as he usually was, only for his light purple jeans and his shirt a dark mulberry purple. The sash around his waist was tan, and his sheaths were still attached to his hips.
The last time you saw him was when he busted your nose and gifted you your most recent scar on your face.
"W-Who are you!?" You asked, still having to keep your cover.
"Do you really think I wouldn't recognize you?" You flinched from his deep voice and cowered slightly when he took long heavy steps to your frame. "I'll always be able to tell it's you, (Y/n)."
You bared your teeth and attempted to slash one of the twin fans across his throat, but you stumbled instead, and the male had to catch you.
You barely had any more strength, the effects of the drug growing stronger the longer it stayed in your system.
One of his muscular arms was wrapped around your waist to hold you upright while the other grasped your discarded jacket.
The heat of his body made you tremble; your mind was so hazy, and your throat so dry. And when you smelled the faintest hint of the sea and cologne on his body, your p*ssy couldn't help but throb because of his manly scent.
"You're so..." You swallowed hard and panted. "Lucky I can't f*cking kill you right now."
The male glanced down at you and tilted his mask-covered face. The wig that was on your head was starting to slide back and reveal your real hair beneath.
Your face was flushed with color; a smoky look was in your eyes with your lips parted. Heavy pants left your lips with a slight trail of drool dribbling down the corner of your mouth.
The sight of your face was already as er*tic as it was. But then, when he looked closely and gazed across your bare shoulders with the straps of your top falling down your biceps, it was almost too enticing.
The bottom of your shirt was pulled up and crumbled at your chest, revealing your bare stomach covered in scars.
Not to mention the hem of your pants was lowered, revealing the thin straps of your undergarment pressing into the skin of your waist.
Your appearance was completely disheveled and troubled. The sight made the male swallow thickly and took a deep breath.
You were the woman from the Marines that he always fought, always went toe to toe with but could never beat. The strongest female he knew, and here you were in an alley, unable to even raise a fist to his face.
You were completely vulnerable, something he had never seen before.
"Let me go, you f*cking oaf." He blinked before glancing down at you and doing as you said. As soon as the support was gone, your legs crumpled, and you fell to your knees, groaning from the pain.
"Whatever happened to the big bad Vice Admiral, huh? The Pirate Killer?" He teased lightly and crossed his large muscular arms over his broad chest.
You grit your teeth at his taunting remarks and weakly hovel to your feet. Snatching the coat from him, you placed the fans back within the inside pockets and leaned against the wall.
"I ate something spiked; moreover, I'm livid, so If you don't get out of my way and leave me be, I'm going to f*cking tear your throat open."
The male shrugged his muscular shoulders and turned his body to show you his back. "That's if you ever get the chance. When I leave, you'll be alone in such a defenseless state." He responded.
"I can handle this myself."
Killer scoffed quietly and turned back to face you. "It wouldn't take much for someone else to find you like this. They'll probably recognize you, kill you maybe, or take advantage of you."
He suddenly leaned down from his height of 6'5 (195 cm) and brought his masked face close to yours. "Do you think these pirates would miss the opportunity to defile and humiliate a female marine? Especially a well-known one of your rank."
"You're notorious, (Y/n)." His low voice saying your name made your p*ssy throb and walls clench. "But if you want me to go, then I'll oblige. I'll wait for another day to kill you; well, that is if someone else doesn't do it for me first."
He pulled away from you and stood to his full height. You glared at his stupid blue and white mask, wanting to smash his f*cking face in.
Swiftly he turned around and began making his way down the alley. The roar of the pirates from the streets grew louder, and because of Killers' words, the panic was beginning to settle in.
You knew he was right; you were in no position to defend yourself. Already had you used the remaining strength on Delano and Toja.
Your hotel was at least a mile or two away from where you were. The masked man was right; you'd never make it back safely.
"W-Wait!" You stuttered and cringed at what you were going to do. You hated needing anything from others, and you especially hated asking for it.
The male halted in his movements and turned his head slightly to face you.
You took a deep breath, scrunching your face up before letting it relax. "I need...Hmph, I need your assistance."
It was absolutely embarrassing, humiliating even to ask the arrogant pirate - who you had been feuding with for years - for help to get back safely.
The blond turned his full body to face you. "I think you can do better than that, (Y/n). The word I'm looking for is 'help'."
"F*cking a**hole!" You cursed under your breath and launched your jacket at him. He caught it swiftly with his left hand but still awaited your 'appropriate' plea for help.
Your lips trembled as you attempted to speak. With all your heart, you loathed asking for help; you despised even saying the word.
Nothing good had ever come from you asking for help, in fact, it was twisted on you, and he used your plea for help as a way to take advantage of you.
Memories from that sullen place never left you. Memories of your desperate pleas for salvation only for it to be your doom.
You were damn sure Killer didn't understand the severity of the word, but he really was using the opportunity to get a one-up on you.
The feelings of your eyes burning from attempting to keep your tears of frustration in brought you back from your thoughts.
Killer just stood still, waiting for you to ask, but you struggled greatly; he could tell. He suddenly pivoted on the balls of his feet and began to walk away.
"K-Killer!" He paused for a moment before continuing out towards the end of the alley to the other side of the street.
"Please..." It was as if the words burnt your tongue and smacked you in the face. "Please help me get back to the hotel."
The male swiftly shifted, stepping closer to you before suddenly gripping your waist and heaving you over onto his right shoulder.
"K-Killer!" You screeched from surprise and had to adjust the wig from falling.
"What? It's the quickest way. Now, which hotel are you staying at?" He asked, his grip on your waist securing you firmly over his collar.
His touch was distracting; the warmth of his fingers made the skin feel as it was being ignited aflame.
"(Y/n). I asked you a question."
You blinked your thick lashes and swallowed the saliva in your mouth. It was a bit embarrassing only because almost everyone knew of your childish interest.
"It's over by the main jewelry stores, Emerald Cove Hotel." You replied, and you felt his shoulders tremble.
He most likely was going to laugh, but he physically had to stop himself. You knew he hated his laugh, especially after the defected SMILE incident.
"Figured as much."
The masked blond began making his way through the less crowded streets to get to your hotel. He was quiet as usual and didn't say anything more after his little comment.
You didn't say anything either; however, that didn't mean your mind wasn't racing with extreme thoughts. His touch was driving you mad, and the heat of his body made goosebumps rise all over your skin.
With every step he took, you could feel your body bounce against his own, and it felt like electricity shooting through your nerves. You had to squeeze your thighs together, and you hoped he wouldn't notice even though your a** was basically right next to his head.
After what felt like forever, the two of you finally arrived at the luxurious lodging. The male didn't even put you down as he entered.
"Which one's your room?" He sought.
"The suite on the top floor." You replied after a moment of gathering your thoughts.
Strutting over to the lift, he entered it and clicked the highest button on the panel. You couldn't help but shift and groan quietly as the drug coursed through your veins.
"We're almost there, just a little longer." He stated, and you only responded with another groan. A minute or two went by until the lift door opened, and a short hallway with a set of double doors at the end came to view.
As he stepped forward to the doors, you spoke up. "The key card is in the pocket on the right side of my leggings." You didn't have the strength to maneuver your arm back and grab it.
But maybe you should have because as soon as his large hand had dipped into your pocket and slid against the thin fabric to grab the card, your hips bucked, and you unconsciously shifted closer to his face.
You could basically feel the heat growing in your lower region, oh so desperate for anything to assist the sensitivity.
Killer unlocked the door to your room and turned on the lights before entering inside, gazing around to take in the appearance. Exactly what he thought your room to be.
Clean, most definitely, but extravagant as well to match your interest in sparkling gems and jewels. He set you down roughly on the couch, causing you to groan and rub the back of your head from hitting the armrest.
"I outta kill you!"
"You outta give me a thank you."
His words caused you to purse your lips and turn your head to avoid his gaze. "Whatever." You whispered under your breath while sitting up.
Your body smelt of sweat and the aroma of food from the festival. You needed a shower, and maybe a cold shower could help surpass this drug or at least cool you down.
Weakly you stood up to your feet and pressed yourself against the wall. "I'm going to shower, so you can leave now." You mumbled as you entered the pristine marble bathroom.
The blonde-haired pirate didn't say anything, simply watching you close the door, and a few moments later, he heard the water running.
He turned to leave, and right as he reached the door handle, he heard a cry from the shower. Without thinking, he ran to the bathroom door.
The faintest sound of your breathing could be heard; however, it sounded more of what he assumed was heavy panting.
"I'm...I'm fine." You called out hoarsely before clearing your throat. "Can you wait here? You know...till I'm done, just in case anything happens."
The masked man didn't say anything, staring at the white door for a few seconds until he sighed. "Fine." He grumbled and stepped away until he reached the couch.
He set himself down and crossed his leg in a figure four, his arms supporting his body on the bridge of the sofa. Leaning his head back, he closed his eyes and thought to himself.
What was he even doing here? Not to begin with, he was here helping the female marine that always seemed to get in his and Kid's way, and he was helping her.
The whole situation was a mess, and he should just do what would be most beneficial to him and the Kid Pirates.
He should just kill you now.
Taking you out when you were weak would be perfect when you couldn't fight back. But then again, he didn't like that either. If you couldn't fight back, then what was the point?
If he couldn't cross weapons with you and feel the strength against his blade, then it would be a waste.
The Massacre Soldier was so much in his thoughts that he didn't hear the shower shut off or the bathroom door opening.
When you exited the washroom, you saw the male sitting on your couch, staring at the ceiling. Swallowing the saliva in your mouth, you crept over to the light switch and shut it off.
Immediately the room was enveloped in darkness, and it startled the masked man. He jolted in his spot and was about to get up, but your words stopped him.
"Don't move...please."
His instinct was telling him otherwise, that this was a trick or an attack. He should've just killed you already. And to hear you say 'please'- a word you hated to use just as much as 'help'-made him hesitate.
He swallowed thickly and stayed in his spot, but he kept his hands scrunched around his gauntlets by his side. He heard your footsteps approach him slowly, and his heart drummed noisily in his ears.
The anticipation was killing him, and he disliked this, how he was at a disadvantage in the darkness. There was little light, but it came from the window behind him.
Your body came into the line of his sight, causing his gaze to fling to your frame. You met his gaze and stopped walking right in front of his spot on the couch.
With the small amount of light from the window, he could see the wig was off, and your real hair was down, still dripping water.
The only thing protecting your body from him was the thin white towel wrapped around your body. But to his surprise, you let go of the cloth and allowed it to fall to the ground.
Immediately the blond sucked in a breath at the sight. It was something he had never seen before in all the years he had known you.
Your body was bare, nothing shielding his blue orbs from seeing your most private parts. Water droplets dripped down your body, and he couldn't help but follow the trails that led down your stomach.
"What are you-"
"One night."
You had quickly interjected his words and looked deeply at his blue and white mask. Your face was flushed with color, and a frustrated but smokey expression rested on your face.
"I can't deal with this; it's not going away..." You stepped closer to his frame to set his leg down and straddle his lap, your wet limbs on either side of his.
Killer could immediately feel the wetness from your c*nt on his crotch, and it took everything in him not to grab your throat right then and there and just kill you.
You were tempting him like the devil and could possibly only be acting. You could be using this chance to make him vulnerable and finally kill him.
"Please, I'm desperate." You begged and brought your hands down to his own. You fingered the attachments and unlocked his hands from the grey gauntlets.
"I thought I could just do it myself, but it's just getting worse..." Your voice cracked at the end to signify your clear, very emotional standing. "I-I can't go to anyone else."
You gripped his hands and steered them to your waist. As soon as his rough, calloused hands brushed against your skin, you sucked in a breath and shuddered against his body.
He immediately felt that response and willed his own body to not react. His self-control was great, but he was human after all, and everyone falls to their desires at least once in their life.
"So just this once, I beg you to forget your hatred and...please help me."
You brought your face close to his mask in the darkness, and you could hear him breathing laboriously.
"Just this one time?" He asked in a soft voice you've never heard before. It made butterflies erupt in your tummy and dance around.
Instead of replying, you grasped the sides of his mask and removed it gently from his head. You knew the male hated to have others see his face, always sporting the iconic blue and white mask.
But if you were in the darkness where you struggled to see, hopefully, he'll allow you to take it off. 
And thankfully, you were right.
His grip on your waist tightened as he now sat maskless in front of someone for the first time since childhood. Even though you couldn't see, he still grew a bit tense and even itched to wear it again.
However, those thoughts slowly began to dissipate when he felt your hot breath against his lips, so close to touching.
"Just for one night." You whispered as softly as he did. "I need you."
Not a moment later did, the blond place his lips against yours and pull your body closer to his chest. Your lips moved in sync sloppily, a desperate action that could only be described as yearning.
One of his arms wrapped around your back and gripped your shoulder. The other reached down and grasped your a** that he had only ever seen in the white pants of your marine uniform.
But now he was touching it, caressing the warm flesh and squeezing it. The action made you gasp against his mouth, allowing for him to enter his own tongue and taste you.
He could taste the takoyaki you ate but also the sweet sugar candy from the multiple stalls in the streets.
His grip tightened as he pushed you harder against his chest. He could feel your hard n*pples through his thin shirt, poking against his skin and begging for attention.
Your hips began to grind against his growing erection, dampening the cloth of his jeans with your liquids of arousal.
The tent in his pants was pushing against your cl*t, which sent sparks running up your abdomen. You couldn't help the breathy moans from escaping your lips.
Everything felt extra sensitive; the littlest of movement sent jolts of pleasure through your veins. You dragged your nails down his chest, pressing into his flesh through the shirt and shuddering against him.
Killer removed his arms from your body and back slightly so he could remove the purple top from his torso.
Immediately your hands found their way to his muscular chest again, trailing against his visible muscles and a few prominent veins.
The blond pirate always had such a beautiful physique, and even the long scar across his left arm and shoulder was attractive.
His hands found their way to your breast, grasping them in his large hands and squeezing.
You covered your mouth with the back of your hand while your spine arched slightly. The hardened buds were pressing against his warm palms, hardening your n*pples even more.
Slowly he dropped his hands to your hips and helped you grind against his erection. You closed your eyes, panting as he rolled you harder against him.
One of his hands found its way to the side of your neck, almost in the back, and pressed down. You groaned from the pain and dug your nails into his bare shoulders.
"This is from one of those guys?" He asked knowingly.
You nodded your head slackly. "Yeah."
He pursed his lips before returning his hand to your hip. "I don't like seeing it."
You grinned and rolled your hips against his crotch. "Then do something about it~."
Killer did not have to be told twice as he placed his face in the crook of your neck and licked your soft clean surface.
His lips kissed your skin tenderly, his thumbs caressing your sides as he pressed his hips upwards against your c*nt.
Soft mewls escaped your mouth while you closed your eyes and ran a hand through his soft long blond hair.
The sensation of him sucking felt like a tingling pressure that stung so much it felt good. He covered your throat and shoulders in dark love bites, ranging from pinks to reds, and to purples.
The stinging pain hurt just as much as it felt immeasurable. His name left your lips breathlessly again, seeming as fuel to the male.
That mark left by the boy from the festival was quickly covered by the ones of Killer's. But he wasn't done there; his tender, intimate sucking and kissing steadily shifted to the valley of your breast.
Those large hands of his left your hips only to grasp your breast once again. He gripped them firmly, pressing his fingers into the soft flesh.
These were the breast that pushed up against your shirt and stretched from each fluid movement and strike you made against him when you fought.
For years he had never seen your body in such an exposed and intimate manner. He hated this, but he loved it.
He hated you but damn, was he always attracted to you. From your fighting ability to your unwavering resolve and strong willpower.
You were just his type, but unfortunately, you were a marine, a high-ranking marine known as the Pirate Killer.
The same could be said about you. The attraction was always there, finding his loyalty to his captain endearing and his level-headedness charming.
His deep heavy voice was appealing, and not to mention his physique was arousing. You were an adult, and you couldn't help if you were attracted to someone, but that someone, unfortunately, had to be the man you also hated.
The man you always fought head to head, but no one was ever the winner between the two of you. No matter how many times, neither one of you had come out the victor.
It was such a fate the position you two were in. A Marine Officer and a Worst Generation Pirate who despised each other but also couldn't help but be alluded to one another.
Killer brought his face to your left breast, breathing his hot breath on your areola before taking it in his mouth.
You inhaled deeply, clenching your legs against Killer's thighs as his warm mouth entrapped your sensitive area.
"Oh my~. Don't stop." You hummed airily.
The blond swallowed the saliva in his mouth and sucked on it harshly. His teeth pressed into the buds gingerly as if testing your reaction.
Your hips bucked against him, your fingers grasping strands of his long locks and tugging on them.
His lascivious gaze flickered to meet yours, watching as you observed the way his mouth took in your n*pple and teased it fondly.
"Your breast is sensitive." He stated, his voice coarse and low. "Do you like it when I bite them too?"
You pouted slightly and refused to answer. His question felt like he was teasing, almost mocking you. You weren't normally this sensitive, but the drug was doing something to your body.
The pirate's teeth graze your n*pple again as he began to massage and mold your right breast in his hand.
Subconsciously you pressed your chest harder against his face and panted wearily. You could feel the smirk on his lips against your skin, and he tugged harshly on your hair.
"I didn't ask for you to tease me; I asked for you to f*ck me."
"We'll get there." He mussed, his goatee tickling your breast. "Right now, I'm enjoying these."
He bounced your breast in his hands before he squeezed tightly. His lips displayed a devious smirk when he witnessed how you responded to him.
Back arching and thighs quivering. If you were responding to him just like that, he couldn't wait till he was deep inside your body, f*cking the sh*t out of you.
He leaned down, placing his face in between your breast while his hold on your bust grew tighter. He sucked on your body again, bruising the skin as he pressed your mounds against his face.
Your flesh was hot, almost burning against his skin. They were so soft yet firm against his tan cheeks. Your body smelled so good that he never wanted to forget the scent.
The room was beginning to feel humid, and your two bodies were already sweating. It was beginning to smell like s*x already from your wet c*nt and his pre-c*m that soaked through his undergarment and jeans.
The foreplay was great and all, but he felt like it was time to go farther. More importantly, he wanted to taste the juices that were being secreted because of his touch.
One of his hands inched down to your crotch before slithering his fingers between your slits. He could feel the hot, slick liquid and aimlessly ran his fingers along your c*nt before rubbing your little cl*t.
His mouth entrapped your other n*pple, sucking on it intensely and looking up to you through the darkness.
"I'm going to eat you out and have you begging me for more."
You didn't respond. Instead, you grasped his face and brought it back up so you could kiss him. He stood up swiftly and held your legs around his waist.
He carefully maneuvered himself to the bedroom as you sucked on the flesh of his muscular shoulders and throat.
Killer plopped your body down on the mattress, sliding himself down and grasping the back of your knees.
He wasted no time opening your legs to reveal your sopping wet c*nt that was begging for him.
With the little light from the window in the bedroom, he observed how the slick covered your lower lips and even the inner part of your thighs.
"Stop..." You were panting already. "...F*cking staring at it you oaf."
"Why shouldn't I?" He responded back and dropped to his knees in front of the bed, his hot breath fanning your lower region. "I said I was going to eat you out, didn't I?"
A soft whimper left your lips, hoping for more of his touch. But your hopes were pushed away when he let one of your legs go, his fingers teasingly stroked around your c*nt and refusing to touch any of the more sensitive areas but still giving you a taste of what you could be having.
The tips of his calloused fingers just slightly grazed your cl*t before returning back to the skin around your slits.
Again his fingers trailed along the outside of your folds, not close enough to stimulate your cl*t but close enough to tease you with extreme frustration.
And incredibly frustrated is what you became. You had your brows furrowing with displeasure and your eyes glaring in anger. You huffed audibly, taking a deep breath, and releasing it loudly with a bit of attitude.
"It wouldn't do you any good to act like a brat, either."
Before you had a chance to reply, you felt one of his thick fingers finally reach your folds, pressing right into your entrance. It quickly became coated in your liquids of arousal, and your walls clenched around the tips of his extremities.
More liquids started to secrete from the slight bit more stimulation. If possible, Killer's grin grew ear to ear. His wet fingers now circled your folds almost fondly but still teasingly, smearing the sticky liquids across your lower region.
Instead of a whimper or a huff, you cried out loudly. An audible wail escaped your lips and reverberated within your bedroom.
Your breathing started to become labored, chest rose and fell rapidly at an erratic pace. His fingers continued to press against your entrance slightly before pulling back and playing around with your slits.
The frustration you felt only grew as the male continued to tease you, giving you some sort of stimulation but not enough to please you.
"You're pissing me off." You hissed.
His head slowly shook from side to side as he forced himself not to laugh. While being focused on his frame, you suddenly let out a choked gasp when two of his fingers were pushed into your body and pressed upwards against your bladder.
Your eyes widened, your grasp on the bedsheets beneath you tightening as you fought to close your legs unconsciously.
The one leg he was not holding was pressed against his head, while the other was no match for his tight grip on the back of your knee.
His fingers had stayed still for a moment as he observed the beautiful expression of lust and desperation on your face. Swallowing thickly, you tried to wiggle your hips in an attempt to get more stimulation.
Your action caused Killer to shake his head in a disapproving manner. He clicked his tongue and suddenly pressed his thumb right up against your cl*t.
This drew a shaky breath from your chest as you squirmed with aggravation. His finger pressing against those bundles of nerves was sending little jolts all up to your body and especially through the muscles of your abdomen.
Sweat began to drip off the back of your neck, dampening your hair and slicking your skin. You wanted to almost beg and plead for him to stop this blasphemous teasing and just give you what you want.
But both of you were too stubborn. You didn't like to admit defeat, especially against him, and tell him that you so desperately needed more of him.
The pirate already loved to ridicule and tantalize you more than anything else. Your fights were both physical and verbal. Sometimes he hit the mark on certain things and could have your cold front collapse in front of him.
Killer gradually leaned forward, his mouth entrapping your cl*t as two of his fingers went back to probing your entrance.
"A-Ah~." You hummed, your walls clenching down on emptiness. Your hands flew to his hair, entangling within his long blond locks and snarling it.
He let the flat pad of his tongue lick at your throbbing cl*t; his fingers felt more of your natural lubrication seeping out of your entrance.
You couldn't help but suck in your abdomen and tug harshly on his hair. "S-Sh*t." The word came out breathlessly.
The pirate entrapped your cl*t with his mouth and began to suck harshly. He hollowed his cheeks while swirling his tongue around your sensitive area.
The pressure on those bundles of nerves had mewls leaving your lips and echoing all over the hotel bedroom.
Killer observed your ecstasy-filled expression, watching with extreme interest as your cheeks flared with color and your eyes became glazed.
He could see your stomach rising and falling with every quick sharp breath you made. Suddenly he hummed, letting the vibrations stimulate the sensorial nerves.
It felt like a tingling sensation that was becoming almost too overwhelming. You tugged on his hair and swallowed whatever saliva was in your mouth strenuously.
You were becoming lost in his sweet touch, your mind simply only focusing on his tongue. It was your body moving on its own, grinding harder against his mouth for more, that caught Killer's attention.
He gave your little cl*t a single last lick before his tongue dragged downwards across the rest of your c*nt. The action caused you to shudder and contract your stomach.
His warm tongue maneuvering around his fingers made you flinch from the sensitive sensation. While you were distracted from your tongue, those two fingers that were at your entrance finally pushed in again.
A choked gasp echoed in the room as you squeezed your thigh against his head. His fingers maintained their still position inside you, but that didn't stop your body from clenching down on his extremities.
His lips formed into a coy smile, and you could feel it against your throbbing c*nt. To have the great Pirate Killer writhing beneath him because his actions almost him feel boastful.
Every once in a while, his nose would brush up against your cl*t, causing you to jolt in your spot. Your juices were all over your thighs and dripped down your bottom.
The mess couldn't have been any hotter for the pirate. He pulled his tongue out only for a moment so he could kiss the slick, swallowing it with throaty gulps before returning back to your cl*t.
His plump lips left longing smooches that applied pressure and had your back arching.
Killer had you a f*cking mess. Sweaty, your skin coated in the salty liquid. Aroused, your p*ssy wetter than ever. Desperate, your nails digging into his muscular shoulders and threatening to break the skin.
Once again, his mouth was entrapping your bundle of nerves, howling his cheeks as he sucked again. The pressure had your lower body clench and your hips buck against his face.
Killer's long nimble fingers began to move, pulling out and causing you to clench down even more on his extremities. You didn't want to permit any of him to go at all, even if it was just his fingers.
And because of this, you were extra sensitive to whatever he was doing. Even if it was just him pushing the two digits back inside of you.
A shaky breathless moan left your lips that was soon followed by his name. You were the one extra sensitive and aroused because of the drug, but it was as if it was affecting the blond in some way as well.
He was feeling almost affected, extra excited, and more animated than ever. Blood was rushing all throughout his body, and he almost felt like he was swelling.
His own felt light, and his mind was so hazy. Never before had he ever been so in love with such a sight. It made his heartbeat quicken and warmth surge through his chest.
Killer's fingers gradually worked to thrust at a consistent pace. It was slow at first, allowing for him to feel your clenching velvety walls and witness the way you ground your hips for more stimulation.
He pulled back to swallow the slick that accumulated in his mouth before hollowing his cheeks again and swirling his tongue around your sensitive area. The pressure on those bundles of nerves had mewls leaving your lips and echoing all within the hotel room.
The pirate's misty blue orbs flickered up to look at your face as he moved his free hand to rub soothing circles on your hips.
His touch on your skin was just as desirable as his touch on lower regions. You wanted everything from him. It felt like you were a little spoiled girl who could never have enough.
You wanted it all. You wanted all of him.
The male observed your concupiscence-filled expression, watching with extreme interest as your cheeks flared with color and your eyes became glossy.
"You look so beautiful like that."
Grinding your hips against his face, you shuddered from his words and gazed down at the beautiful male who was relinquishing his thirst with your juices.
His piercing optics was looking at you too, meeting your gaze and locking it. He also wanted you to watch the dirty, sensual action that he was performing on your body.
A little while later, his plump lips pressed against it once again before he turned his head to the side and began to litter your right thigh with kisses as well.
Killer began to suck on your soft supple skin, leaving behind red/purple bruises that stung with pain but tingled with pleasure.
All while, at the same time, he let the pace of his fingers increase and pressed harder against your sensitive areas.
There was this feeling in your lower abdomen; it was pulsating and slowly started to grow stronger, alerting you of your nearing climax. A beautiful release that would fill you with ecstasy and satisfy the burning desire that was ignited beneath your fingertips.
The blond could tell as well by the way you bucked your hips and moaned his name. You were squeezing so tight around his fingers he knew that your aroused body was approaching an org*sm.
One of your hands that were digging its nails into his muscular shoulder trailed down his just as muscular biceps and squeezed.
His hand that had been holding your hips moved your right thigh where he was littering them with love bites, began to intimately trail the tips of his fingers against your sensitive skin.
Your thighs clamped tighter against his head as you squeezed your lower body around him. It was too overwhelming how good Killer was doing.
There was an itch in your throat from the dryness of having constant moans leaving your lips. You were feeling exhausted and drained already, but your body still burned with desire.
Your spine had a small divet in it, slightly arched and off the slab table. Killer breathed a deep breath to inhale the scent of your arousal and lowered himself back on your sensitive nerves.
He hummed, grazing your cl*t slightly with his teeth before resuming to sucking it. He knew you were close, so close.
You were trembling and grinding hard against his face. Your grip was tight on his shoulders, and you were desperately begging for more.
"You taste so f*cking good."
Your hips bucked against his face, your nails breaking past the skin and drawing blood. Killer couldn't help but grin at your reaction.
Such a beautiful woman you were, a complete mess and covered in sweat. Your body was hot, tight around him and the sound of that desperate voice of yours calling his name made him almost lose it.
The feelings you were experiencing were indescribable. All you knew was that everything just felt so good but so overstimulated. You knew you were getting to the end, right at the edge of the cliff, where you'd fall into a pool of blinding pleasure.
And before you knew it, your org*sm hit and flushed all through your body. Surging through your bloodstream and pounding your head with bliss.
"Ah, K-Killer~!" His name spewed out of your mouth melodically, reverberating against your chest and the room.
Your stomach contracted, and the abdominal muscles were tight from how much you sucked in your gut. You clenched as tightly as you could, squeezing his fingers so tightly you thought you might break them.
The hand that was holding his shoulder dropped to his abbs, where you dug your nails into the firm muscles.
Harshly your thighs clasped even more firmly against his head, and you squeezed almost as if you wanted to break his head off.
With your spine arching from your climax, you lay your head back against the bed with your swollen lips parted. The sight itself was astounding for the pirate.
Pure pleasure displayed on your face with your body trembling against him was an image he wished to forever capture in his head.
The pure ecstasy that displayed on your face was something the male just wished he could eat up. He has made you tremble in pain before but to have you quivering, completely vulnerable because of him in a much more intimate manner made his heart skip a beat.
Killer used his thumbs to spread open your slits so he could easily lap up the liquids of your climax. He savored the sweet taste and sticky texture against his tongue.
You were shaking against him, twitching from your oversensitivity. Your eyes felt so heavy, and your body was already exhausted, but you knew this wasn't over.
Not only was the drug still prominent in your system, but you knew this wouldn't be over with just you having an org*sm.
Killer still had to get his d*ck wet and plunge himself inside you. What man could resist the opportunity to do such a thing, especially when it was the woman he was incredibly attracted to?
Steadily the pirate pulled away from your thighs and stood to his full 6'5 (195 cm) height. His large hands unbuttoned his jeans.
He pulled them down along with his undergarment, which freed his member. It sprung up youthfully and tapped against his naval lightly.
Your mouth parted at the sight, and you have to say you were a bit surprised. The energy Killer gave off was arrogance, but his ego was never easily attacked.
He didn't react harshly against insults and rather 'laughed' them off. You always found it a bit strange, but now you know the reason.
Underneath the protection of clothes, he hid something that had your jaw dropped. Killer always had that big d*ck energy for the right reason.
"That look in your eyes." He mused and hummed gutturally. "Can't say that I hate it."
"Shut up, oaf" You hissed.
Instead of reacting to your words, the male suddenly gripped your hips and dragged you closer to the edge of the bed.
His grip rose to your ankles, where he swiftly parted your legs again. His action made you swallow thickly and look up at it his face.
Again, it was incredibly dark, with very little light sweeping in from the window. You could see the lines of his sharp jaw and the smirk on those plump lips of his.
"And you were the one begging me to f*ck you."
You turned your head away In embarrassment and crossed your arms under your chest, your lips forming into a pout.
"Don't say it like that." You whined.
"Why? Because it makes you seem weak?" He teased.
Before you had a chance to reply, one of his hands left your ankles to grasp his c*ck and place it at your entrance.
You could feel the hard tip prodding your hole, and swallowed the saliva that was in your mouth. He rubbed it up and down on your cl*t, smearing your slick along your c*nt.
He continued to do this and refused to enter fully. His action was causing you to tremble and suck in heavy breaths.
"Y-You can't keep doing that..." You stuttered quietly, but the male still heard.
Killer pressed the tip against your entrance, pushing in and allowing for the thick head to enter. However, just as quickly as he was inside, he pulled out and smacked the tip against your cl*t.
Your hips bucked forward, and you whimpered aloud. What a b*stard he was, teasing you when you already had enough trouble as it was controlling your body.
"I will when you admit you need me again."
Your brows furrowed as you bared your teeth at him. Even if he was helping you with your situation, that didn't mean the rivalry between the two of you suddenly stopped.
He still resented you, and you still despised him.
"I should f*cking kill you now!" You attempted to make your words appear threatening, but they were more breathless than anything.
This caused Killer to smirk and slowly enter the tip in but stop once the head was immersed.
"I'd like to see you try."
You weren't able to reply, only clenching your teeth and feeling as just the tip was stretching your walls.
"Just say it again. One more time, one last time."
Quite pants left your lips as you attempted to wiggle your hips and enter more of himself in you but he grasped the top of your thighs and halted you from any further movement.
You were stuck in a stand hold, and the only way to get out was to do as he said. You had to beg.
"I need you, please."
You took a deep breath and grabbed one of his hands to bring it to your mouth. Your lips lightly traced against his calloused fingers before sucking on his index.
And to his surprise, you pulled back only to press his index and ring finger into your mouth. You shoved it back until he reached your throat, where you gagged.
Pulling it back, you both looked at his saliva-colored fingers before making eye contact.
"I need you so bad, Killer."
The pirate swiftly gripped the back of your knees and pressed them into the mattress. Slowly he entered more of himself, pushing inside of your body and becoming swallowed by your tight wet walls.
Your back arched as a loud quivering moan left your lips. His girth was wide, stretching your walls more than they ever had.
Not to mention his length could reach farther than anybody ever had. He wasn't even fully in, but he was already so deep.
Drool dribbled down the corner of your lips as your mind became blank. Immediately you had succumbed to his c*ck.
A dumb lustful expression covered your face, and the male could see the absolutely lewd gaze in your smokey eyes.
His c*ck couldn't help but twitch at the sight. Such a beautiful, strong woman you were, now limp on his d*ck.
A blessing and a curse.
He let your body adjust after a moment so he could relish in the feeling of your warm, velvety walls forming to fit his member.
His fingers dug into your warm flesh and pressed you harder into the mattress. You could feel the strain in your pelvis, but you were in no way going to stop.
After a moment, he rolled his hips outwards before rocking it forward. He plunged himself back in and reached deep into your body.
Your head was thrown back as you jolted in your spot. Your hips bucked upwards as you flung your nails to press into his muscular shoulders.
His hips jerked as he quickly gained momentum and rolled his hips continuously. Killer's strength was far beyond human, the both of you knew that.
So when he began his movements of thrusting into you, he was using every muscle of his body to penetrate you deeply and ripple pleasure through your veins.
His name was moaned breathlessly in such a needy, desperate manner that he had to swallow the saliva in his mouth to control himself.
He had to be careful; he knew you were strong, but you were extremely powerless against him at the moment.
Killer had all the control, he was the one leading the motion, and you could only take it all in.
The male was being clenched down by your inner walls, sucking him in even deeper. The head of his c*ck is just briefly brushing against your cervix.
Your walls that were clenching down on his member fitted tighter around him, allowing you to feel every thick vein that protruded against the skin of his c*ck.
You molded so tightly around him as if your body was trying to keep him inside as much as possible. As if you never wanted to let him go and keep him all to yourself.
The pace of his gloriously rocking hips grew. Every time he rocked his hips forward, he pressed the head of his c*ck against the entrance to your womb.
Killer found that every time he did that, you writhed and cried out loudly. Clawing at his shoulders and telling - no - begging for him not to stop.
The force he used to rock his hips made your body bounce on the mattress; it didn't help that his feet were planted firmly on the ground, which allowed him more stability.
One of his hands had let go of your legs to trail down your stomach. He could see through the dim light of the multiple marks and scars on your skin.
All over, they ranged from shallow to deep, from jagged to clean. He knew a few of them came from him, the perfectly clean sliced ones.
But he had never seen the others before, and there were so many that there was barely any skin that had yet to be marked.
Gingerly he trailed his fingers across the scars, wondering how you came about to have these. What had you done to get to where you are now?
Who did you have to kill to be covered like this? And was it worth it? He didn't know, and although he was curious, his attention had turned back to the throbbing bundle of nerves in your lower region.
His calloused fingertips tenderly brushed against your little cl*t, ensuring an immediate reaction from your body.
Your hips bucked as you dug your nails into the wounds you had created before. He bled once again; small strings trailed down and smeared against his skin from your palms.
The male had no negative reaction to the wounds; instead, his lips curved upwards into a smug grin, his fingers stroking your sensitive cl*t as he thrust his c*ck within your walls.
He made sure to align his pace with his fingers; every time he had pulled out, he flicked your sensitive bud with his fingers, and every time he was in you, he stroked it accordingly.
This brought about waves of pleasure that caused your already trembling form to be quivering like a startled animal.
That memorable sensation in your lower abdomen returned. A tight pulsating feeling that could only mean one thing.
Your org*sm was arising, your abdomen clenching while you sucked in your stomach. The male could feel the heat wafting off from your body, his grip becoming slightly loose for a second before he fixed it and tightened his hold.
Killer grunted and increased the speed of his thrust. His crotch hit your own as his c*ck began to pound at the entrance to your womb.
Your whole body was trembling as your climax grew closer and closer. Your climax was there at the edge. You could feel it once again, waiting to be released.
And you could tell Killer was close as well, holding off until you had reached your peak first.
His rolling hips increased, slightly sloppy, as he focused more on reaching deep and hitting your sensitive areas.
Suddenly the blond's hand that was holding down one of your legs flew over to your throat, where he was quick to grasp it in his hold.
His palm pressed against your larynx and applied pressure that had wheezes leaving your lips. The low amount of oxygen that made its way to your brain had your mind hazy.
Killer felt an immediate reaction from your lower region. Your body that was already as tight as can be held even tighter onto him than before, causing another low grunt to leave his lips.
He squeezed his hand around your throat, forcing your chin up to the ceiling as he continued his thrust along with his fingers on your cl*t.
The asphyxiation seemed to be exactly what you needed to reach or org*sm. With the overwhelming amount of stimulation flooding through your body, the tight, tingling sensation in your lower abdomen basically released.
"F*ck~." You cursed under your breath, your words slurred and barely audible from his choking.
Your (e/c) eyes rolled slightly in the back of your head as you clamped your thighs tightly around Killer's muscular hips.
You removed your nails from his bloody shoulders to wrap around his neck and pull him down closer to your frame.
You had forced your hips slightly upwards while you sucked in your stomach. Every muscle in your body contracted with your body tensing up.
Your back arched upwards, the divet in your spine fairly visible. Thanks to the blond pirate, you had climaxed a second time, your walls unbearably tight and warm as you came.
The liquids of your org*sm milked his c*ck, the presence of it being seen on his member every time he had pulled out.
You reached the very peak of your ecstasy as it burst and spread all throughout your body. Pleasure rushed throughout your veins as adrenaline would. With eyes rolling back in your head, drool dribbled down the corner of your lips.
You saw white with your hearing suddenly zoning in and out; the only thing you could hear was the man's muffled grunts and groans in your ears.
He was hitting the deepest areas of your body while the heat of his skin wafted off onto yours. His large hands held you so close and tight against his.
The creamy white liquid of your org*sm pooled around the base of his c*ck and spread across your folds that were already sopping wet.
Even though you had reached your limit, Killer had yet, but he was so close. He wanted you to c*m first so he could see you so weak and lewd beneath him.
As the pirate continued to thrust sloppily, the liquids of your arousal and climax smeared all over his crotch and dripped down your cheeks.
Because you just had your climax not even a moment later, everything was extra sensitive. You quivered underneath, unable to hold back the deafening cries of pleasure.
Killer could feel you trembling underneath him and knew that it was the perfect time to let himself go.
And not even a moment later did the male suddenly feel that unbearably tight tingling sensation in his abdomen, signifying he had reached the peak of his org*sm.
Ecstacy flowed through his veins as his member twitched within your walls. His pace slowed as he came, his c*ck spurting out thick hot jets of c*m that pooled within your womb.
He painted your insides white as his hands flew to wrap around your body and hold you close to him.
The sensation of his release spilling to you felt ever so warm, like a heating pad atop your abdomen where your womb was.
Killer stayed still for a moment, catching his breath and allowing for himself to relax. His hands slowly released your body, and he swiftly pulled you into his arms.
"What are you-"
"I'm sure you would like a shower." He mumbled and made his way to the bathroom in the darkness. He set you down gently on the seat in the glass shower and turned to leave, but you grabbed his wrist.
You swallowed the saliva in your mouth and turned your head away. "Won't you join me? I mean, you're sweaty too."
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After everything that had taken place earlier, the two of you retired to the bed, where you all lay under the blanket.
Your back was facing the male as you attempted to sleep, but his fingers that were trailing against the scars on your back were distracting.
"Can you not do that!?" You snapped.
"I'm just curious." He replied but didn't stop. "I never knew about these. I didn't think you'd have so many from your battles."
You were silent for a moment before shaking your head. "Battles they are from not. It was much more humiliating, all starting from when I was young. If I never would have found my weapons, I would have never been in this position."
The blond hummed and removed his fingers from your scarred flesh. He leaned on his left elbow and supported his head as he looked at you.
"Well, do tell. We have all night, after all. How did it all happen? How did you get to the position you are in now?"
Your arms slithered under the pillow and gripped it close to your face. You felt so tired and sluggish, but you couldn't fall asleep yet.
Closing your (e/c) orbs slowly, you breathed in deeply before responding to his question.
"When I was a child, maybe around six, my mom was mad at me, so she locked me out of the house that night. She usually did that when my father would make her mad, considering she blamed me for their unhappy marriage. I decided to just take a walk and come back later when she had cooled down."
Your legs pulled upwards to your stomach as if you were trying to curl into a ball.
"I was walking along the shore when the current swept me in. I thought I was going to drown, especially when I hit my head against the inside of a cavern. But I floated upwards and crawled my way out to find myself in a crystal-covered cave. Everything was covered in diamonds, opals, and emeralds."
"Sounds like your kind of place." Killer mused and scratched his blond goatee.
You hummed in reply while nodding your head nonchalantly.
"I remember looking around, amazed by everything, before I felt as if something was pulling me. I looked all around and found these two black cylinders sticking out of a giant crystal. I don't know what it was, but it felt as if it were telling me to grab them, and as a child, I just did whatever. I pulled them out and felt this pounding headache forming. It hurt so much that I dropped the crystals, and they flared open like a fan. A heavy raspy voice whispered its name in my head. Saisei Kurisutarufan, the regenerative crystal fans."
Killer could hear a soft hum and saw a soft glow from your black jacket. The fans must have reacted to hearing their name.
"I had lost consciousness after that, and when I woke up, I was home in my room. My mother came in soon after and yelled at me. A fisherman had found me asleep on the shore and recognized me as their daughter. She was embarrassed because it made her look like a bad parent. And then everything went downhill from there. I cried, my eyes burning with tears, and when they fell from my eyes, they turned into tear-shaped blue diamonds."
Your grip tightened on the pillow.
"My mother couldn't believe it, and she called my father in. They wanted to know how this happened so I told them everything about the cave and the fans. The two tried to look for the cave but it was as if it had completely disappeared. My father tried to grab my fans and sell them but when he touched them, the fingers on his left hand turned to stone. I was the only one able to touch them because they had chosen me...I really wish they didn't."
You blew air out of your nose and rubbed your eyes tiredly.
"Because they couldn't find the cave of jewels or sell my fans, they used what they had, my tears. I remember constantly, day after day my parents would do anything they could to make me weep. Berate me, scold me, hit me. Whatever could make me cry they did it. Eventually, a few years later I wasn't able to cry anymore. Their words had no effect on me anymore since I couldn't feel anything anymore. Suddenly one day...I met someone."
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Your stomach ached, churning with hunger. It had been a few days since you had been fed as punishment for not crying.
Sluggishly you laid your head against the flat pillow and pulled the thin blanket over your frame. Since you couldn't eat, the only thing you could do was sleep and wait for one of your parents to arrive.
However, it didn't seem like you needed to wait any longer. The front door to the lighthouse was blown apart with a loud bang.
You covered your face as debris flew everywhere and knocked up dust everywhere.
"Is there where you felt it?"
The voice was of someone you didn't recognize. It was a deep voice that had to have belonged to a man.
"Yes, Captain Rin." Someone replied.
When the debris cleared out, footsteps were heard, and you watched a singular man in sailor-ish clothing entering your imprisonment.
A man so very tall stepped forward and kneeled in front of the bars that kept you enclosed. He was tan, his body large and muscular, with multiple scars on his visible skin.
His black hair was slicked back and reached the base of his neck; a few loose strands framed his face.
He wore a black coat over his shoulders, and a blue button-up covered his torso. His legs were covered in black pants, and shiny black boots protected his feet.
Golden guns were strapped to his waist and glinted in the little light there was. The captain looked at you through his piercing black orbs and tilted his head slightly.
"You're such a young child, all locked in a small place like this." He stated while observing your frame.
You didn't say anything, staring at him with a blank expression. It felt difficult to feel much emotion after what your parents had been doing since a young age.
"Doesn't it get lonely all by yourself?" He asked, but you didn't respond to him. You just continued to stare at him as if he were the most uninteresting thing you could have observed.
The captain opened his mouth, ready to speak again, but the loud rumbling of your stomach had gotten his attention.
"Hungry, aren't ya, kiddo?"
Your bottom lip quivered, and he saw that.
The man opened the satchel around his right thigh and pulled out a healthy-looking fruit. "Here." He called out and threw it through the space in between the cell bars.
Quickly you caught it, and you felt your mouth salivating at the smell of the fruit. You didn't want to accept something from a stranger however, you were so hungry.
Without wasting a moment, you devoured the seedless fruit leaving nothing remaining. It barely did anything to satisfy the great hunger that festered within your stomach.
It seemed as though the pirate could tell as well because he grinned and threw you another. You devoured the second one even faster and clutched your stomach tightly.
"I'm...I'm so hungry."
Rin nodded his head. "I bet you are. It doesn't look like anybody takes care of you here."
You licked your lips to savor the sweet taste. "My parents sometimes do." You asserted.
"Ah." He hummed. "A parent shouldn't only 'sometimes' take care of a child. Very irresponsible of them since they leave a starving abandoned child all to herself."
A grin formed on the captain's lips as he slowly stuck his hand through the bars.
"But I can take care of you. You can eat however much you want whenever you want. I can take you away from here, away from this island. Would you like to travel across the sea and visit other countries?"
His offer was tempting, a potential chance of salvation from this abuse. But would Rin be the better choice? You didn't know.
"You'll probably just lock me up too..."
The captain shook his head and waved his hand slightly. "I have a little power that lets me make unbreakable promises. And if that's what you don't want, then I can make sure that it never happens."
Your brows furrowed as you crossed your arms. "How do I know you're telling the truth."
The black-haired male shrugged his shoulders and grinned. "You won't know until you make one with me. All you have to do is say please and ask for help. You can even add in your little conditions too."
"That's it?"
"Of, course."
Slowly you crept forward and kneeled in front of the older man. You swallowed hard and grasped his large hand with two of yours.
"Please help me. I need your help to get out of here to actually live. I don't want to be locked up all the time anymore. I don't want to starve anymore. I don't want to die...I just want to live."
When you finished, the back of your hands began to glow a deep blue hue before disappearing and leaving behind a blue-tinted complex marking.
Swirls and coils covered the skin of your hands up to your wrist. They glowed as if alive and even hummed quietly.
"See, now we're under an oath." He stated before standing up to his feet. Without warning, he gripped the bars and bent them open as if they were taffy.
Rin stood tall and proud, grinning down at your smaller frame while sticking out his hand again. "Now you're free, so won't you join me?"
You didn't even hesitate as you grabbed his hand and he heaved you into his arms, holding you against his broad chest.
He brought you down to the sea and boarded his large extravagant ship on the ocean. There were tons of people all around, curious of who the young girl was that the captain had brought along.
You hid behind his long legs and peeked out curiously.
"Everyone, this is (Y/n), and she is our new crewmate. I hope you treat her like a jewel and take care of her."
Rin looked down at you and grinned brightly.
"This will be your new home and your new family." He turned his head back to face the other pirates. "(Y/n) is fairly hungry, so why don't we prepare a feast for our new member!"
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"Pirates saved you, but you hunt and kill them now?" The blonde asked.
You slapped a pillow across his face before laying on your back, staring at the ceiling. "I wish he never did."
You turned slightly to face him, and even though you couldn't see his facial features, you could still see those misty blue orbs of his.
"Because he was worse than my parents. He was the devil himself."
A pitiful laugh left your lips as you slowly turned to face the ceiling.
"He gave my parents gems and jewelry so he could have me, and my parents agreed. They didn't want something that was broken and couldn't provide for them anymore. At first, I felt like I was in heaven. The crew was nice to me, telling me stories of their adventures and playing with me. I was fed until I could burst and sleept on a bed as soft as fur...And Rin took over the role of a father and mentor."
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"Don't lean so close to the edge, your gonna fall."
Your ten-year-old self peered up from the ocean to find the captain making his way over to you. It had been about two years since you joined the Treasure Pirates, and you'd gotten used to things around the ship.
Although you were in a better environment, it was difficult to change your personality. You were still very pessimistic, cold, and aloof.
Everyone tried to make you happy to the best of their ability, and you couldn't say you were ungrateful. The ship was your home, and you lived it to the fullest.
"I can swim if I fall. Can you?"
You asked coolly, causing the older man to flinch. As you stayed on the ship, you found out about something called the devil fruit.
It gave him the power to make unbreakable promises and deals in exchange for his ability to swim.
Rin scratched at the back of his head and laughed awkwardly. "I will throw you overboard by your ankles, miss." He retorted and stopped once he reached your frame.
You pouted slightly before turning your gaze back to the ocean. It was fairly dark out, the moon high in the sky with thousands of twinkling stars accommodating it.
"I didn't think you would be up with how much you drank, old man. You were already passed out a couple of hours after dinner."
The captain placed his large hand on your head and rustled your hair.
"I didn't sense your presence in your room, so I came out looking for you." He declared.
His words made you turn your head away and rest your arms over the railing. You were still somewhat uncomfortable with affection; you still felt like you didn't deserve it.
"Don't worry about me, old man. Your lovers will be upset if they wake up and do not find you by them."
"Hey." The man called out and poked your forehead. "When you grow up, you'll find that having people by your side like that is very beneficial."
"I don't want to be a wh*re like you."
Rin gripped your ankles and held you upside on board. "Don't call me out like that, miss. And I am not a wh*re; I am a professional lover."
You gave the man a deadpan expression.
"That's a wh*re."
The man shook your body up and down, causing you to cover your mouth to hold in your dinner. "I'm gonna puke."
"Hmph." The man flipped you over in mid-air and placed you atop of his broad shoulders. The two of you didn't say anything, just enjoying the sight of the ocean and the sound of roaring waves.
You leaned over and rested your arms upon his head. The man held your calves securely so you didn't fall over into the water.
"Do you like it here with us, (Y/n)?"
"I'd rather die."
Rin grinned.
"You love it~." He teased and reached up to pinch your nose.
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"I thought he was my salvation, but you never truly know someone. I would say he changed, but he never really did. All he did was drop the act."
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"You called for me, Captain?"
Rin looked up from the documents on his desk and placed them down gently. "You're about to be eleven. It's been three years since we took you in and made you part of this crew."
You nodded your head in understanding. "Yes, Captain."
Slowly the very tall male stood up from his seat and reached around to the front of his desk. He leaned back and sat casually across the surface.
"Come here."
You did as told and stepped closer until you were right in front of him.
"Now that you're getting older, you're going to have to start helping out and providing for this crew. We will start training so you can be proficient in your weapons."
"Understood, Captain."
The black-haired man nodded his head before slowly standing to his feet. It was as if he was faster than light in his next movement.
He appeared right in front of you, and a gasp immediately left your lips. You didn't feel anything at first but slowly the pain started to course through your veins.
Looking down with jerking movements, you saw the dagger that you made for his birthday, now embedded deep within your abdomen.
Swiftly he pulled out the weapon and took a step back. Your body staggered, almost falling, but you caught yourself after a moment.
Your hands flew to the wound as it began to bleed. As soon as the crimson liquid left the wound, it turned into blood-red jewels.
Red diamonds, rubies, alexandrites, and red beryls fell to the floor and pooled around your frame. You sucked in a weak breath and fell to one knee.
The man bent down to be squatting in front of your bleeding frame. "I didn't bring you onto this ship just to save you. Word was going around that there was a girl who cried diamonds. I needed you. With your ability, our wealth will increase, and your gems will be used as bargaining chips with the marines."
He placed his hand against your cheek and tightened his grip to bring your face close to his.
"I brought you here to use you. Your only reason for being alive, the only reason we keep you alive, is to be a money bag."
A grin formed on his lips, and it looked just like the ones he usually gave you however, now that you knew the truth, it was more sinister than anything.
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Killer was silent for a moment, his mouth parted as if he was going to speak, but he was unable to get the words out. It was tragic your history, and he understood you a lot more than he ever had.
"So...how did you get to where you are now? With the Marines, I mean."
You used a hand to cover your eyes to hold back the tears that wanted to fall.
"After that day, Rin began to instruct me how to fight. Physical strength, agility, proficiency, and weapons training. Everything I know now is because of him. And after that first wound healed, I was called back into his office, only for him to cut into me again. He always did that, waiting until I healed and a scar was left behind."
You gripped one of his hands and brought them to your shoulder so he could feel one of the jagged scars on your body.
"He would let me bleed till I was almost dry, then he would send in the ship's doctor to take care of my injuries. And the crazy thing was, out of his office, where he cut and hurt me, he would act just like he usually did. Like I was his daughter, and he was my father. He still would come out of the middle of the night knowing I was there and would watch the sea with me. He joked around lightly and brought me gifts from his travels or what he stole from others."
You shifted onto your stomach and pulled the pillow close to your face.
"You wouldn't understand how much that f*cked with me. Especially as a child dealing with all of that, I was developmentally stunted. I thought that love was to hurt another and that it was okay to almost kill them. Because at the end of the day, you're still family, right?"
Your eyes closed as you took a deep breath.
"And it continued on for seven years. I was seventeen years old before he did something to me that I could never forgive."
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"Come here. Closer, (Y/n)."
Wearly you stepped closer to his frame, staring at the clean diamond-encrusted dagger. It was the same one you made him years ago and the same one he continued to hurt you with.
Lazily he lifted your shirt to your naval and revealed your lower abdomen to him. Your brows furrowed as you stared down at him.
He never would cut so low on your abdomen. Yes, he would cut your legs and thighs, but never so low on your gut.
The tip of the dagger touched your skin, and you braced yourself for impact. He pressed in slowly at first before driving it all the way in until the hilt met your skin.
You sucked in a breath and gripped his shoulders, the pain flooding through your system. You were used to the wounds he would inflict, but this felt much worse.
He yanked the dagger out roughly and placed it back against your skin a few inches away. Plunging it just as deep, your hands tightened around his body as you leaned forward.
A cry of pain was stuck in your throat, and the only thing you were able to do was tremble in agony from something that hurt more than usual.
Rin pulled it out unapologetically and let you slump against his body while the jewels trickled down onto the wooden metal floor.
He placed the dagger back in its sheath on his thigh and wrapped his arms around you.
"You're going to be of age soon and no longer a child. You might one day find someone you'll 'love' and want to start a family with."
He spoke those words as if they were poison and held you tighter against him. His head was atop yours while you struggled to breathe upon his chest.
"I don't like the idea of your love going to anybody else but me. I am your father, (Y/n). I am your only family, and it shall stay like that for as long as you live.
The captain kissed your forehead and petted your hair. "So don't be too mad at what I did. You can't blame a father for loving his child so much, right?"
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"So, what did you do?"
"I killed him, obviously."
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The last body fell on the floor of the ship, crystals and rubies formed around the deep cuts that you had inflicted.
You straightened your form and lowered your arms that were holding Saisei Kurisutarufan. Blood was splattered against your skin and clothes as well as your weapon.
Rin's eyes were wide, his body trembling; however, he could not escape the crystals that were around his frame. It kept him in a place like ice would keep something frozen still.
"(Y/n), think about this. I'm your father, for god's sake!" Rin shouted, but you had no reaction to his words.
Everything he did throughout your life on the ship left you cold and impassive. You felt nothing as you slaughtered every pirate on the ship while leaving the captain for last.
You had spent nine years on this ship, and those nine years you spent with every single one of the crewmates.
They were family but just as guilty for allowing Rin's torture for their own greedy benefits. Stepping closer to his frame to sheathe the fans in their holsters on your thighs and hold onto the sides of the older man's face.
"I know you are my father." You replied coldly and caressed his cheek with your thumb. "Which is why I'm being so merciful."
Rin threw his body against your crystals to get out, but his efforts were futile, and he knew it. Your crystals were unbreakable, and there was nothing he could do against it.
Placing a long kiss on his forehead, you dug your nails into his throat at the same time.
"Ah!" He hissed, his blood breaking past the layer of skin to drip onto your fingers.
"I love you father."
"(Y/n), Wait!"
You placed your hands against the crystals and pushed him over into the water. He screamed, pleading for your help as he quickly submerged in the water.
Even though he was a pirate who sailed across the open seas, he couldn't swim due to losing the ability to after eating his devil fruit.
You weren't able to physically kill him due to the power of your oath, but you were able to use his weakness against him.
He would drown in the ocean, alone, betrayed, and suffocating painfully from the water filling his lungs.
Now that he was dead, the marking disappeared from your hands and officially unbound you from the cage he had put you in.
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"Shortly after, a Marine ship arrived, and they saw the damage I had done. I told them the names of everyone I had killed, and I assumed they were going to capture me and contain me for the bounty on my head. I had even dropped down to my knees and held my wrist out to be taken away. I didn't have a reason for living; there was nothing I wanted and nobody I needed. But instead of capturing me, Great Staff Officer Tsuru offered me a deal."
You couldn't help but smile at the memory.
"There I was, drenched in the blood of hundreds of pirates and covered in scars, but she was offering to have me work for the Marines. She offered a murderer a place in a powerful organization that was supposed to maintain law and order as well as impose the will and might of the world government."
A trivial laugh echoed from your throat.
"I refused. I'd rather die than be used by authority again. And so Tsuru said she'd kill me then. For the first time in a long time, I remember smiling at her and then doing something I had been unable to do since I was eight years old. I cried, blue and clear diamonds hitting the floor as I bowed my head and exposed my neck for her."
You brought your hands to the back of your neck and rubbed your thumbs over the thin-sliced scar.
"I felt the coolness of a sword against my neck and waited for her to end my life. She dug it in, and I felt the blood seep out of the wound and turn to jewels before they hit the floor. I remember telling her to do it, to get it over with, because I was so tired of being alive in this world. But she pulled the sword out of my neck and threw it to the ground. Instead of killing me, she offered her hand and told me that she would never allow another to use me again so long as she lived."
Killer turned over onto his side to look at you. "And you believed her after being lied to before?"
You shook your head in response.
"No. I told her to go to hell."
Killer cleared his throat and stopped himself from laughing. "Certainly sounds like something you'd say."
You smiled at his words and nodded your head.
"That old woman kicked me over and shook her fist angrily. She yelled at me for wanting to waste my life when there was so much I could do for the greater good. The marines knew of my history, almost everyone did, and Tsuru used that against me. She said I could use the gems I created to finance an organization for children who were like me. Abused, abandoned, and sold into slavery. I could stop others from having to go through what I did. That would be my reason for living."
You didn't say anything for a moment, just breathing deeply from remembering the memories.
"I raised through the ranks quickly, quicker than almost half of the marines. The other soldiers didn't like that and were opposed to my position. People who weren't my subordinates tried in every way to de-rank me or have me fired. But just because I joined the marines didn't mean I wasn't merciless either."
An unapologetic grin formed on your lips.
"I had been a murderer since childhood, and that was never going to stop, and they were lucky I didn't want to lose my position by killing them. But there are other ways of getting even that don't require killing. Not to mention the previous and current Fleet Admiral didn't want to lose me and my work. Monkey D. Garp is seen as 'The Hero of The Marines,' but I was the one who saved countless children from abuse and slavery. My subordinates and I took down pirates after pirates in a very...un-marine-like manner which is why we weren't a favorite to the higher-ups."
You closed your eyes and rested your hands on your stomach.
"And that's where we are today. A Vice Admiral for the Marines, the owner of the world's biggest child salvation program, but still a murderer with blood on her hands."
A yawn left your lips, causing you to turn onto your side and face away from the blond pirate. "I've told you enough, more than I should have, but I don't want your sympathy. In the morning, I wish to see you gone and we'll pretend like this never happened. Deal?"
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
"You're pregnant."
"I'm sorry, say that again."
Tsuru hit your face with the paper in her gloved hands and shook her head. "Stop being hard of hearing." She muttered while crossing her arms under her chest.
"You are carrying a child in that womb of yours."
Immediately you fell back on your bed and stared up a the crystal-covered roof of your canopy bed. "No f*cking way."
"You gave me the paper and told me to read it because you wouldn't believe it if you saw it yourself."
Your bottom lip quivered as everything set in. You were going to be a mother to the tiny human that was growing inside of your body.
And the only person, the father, could be the last person you slept with a couple of months ago.
The Massacre Soldier, Killer.
"Oh my god. My baby's father is a pirate."
The papers fell from the old woman's grasp. She stared at the wall, shocked, before flinging her gaze to your face. "What!?" She asked in disbelief.
"I-I-I-" You couldn't get the words out, feeling dread and shame filling your entire body. You felt like a disgrace to the Veteran Marine who stared down at you.
Your eyes watered, and as soon as the liquid escaped your bottom lids, they turned into teardrop-shaped diamonds. "It's not what you think." You whispered, but it only seemed to enrage the grey-haired woman even more.
"W-Were you r*ped!? Taken advantaged of!?" Her hands flung to your shoulders, where she held them in a tight grip. "(Y/n), you can tell me the truth."
You hung your head in shame and covered your face with your hands. The diamond droplets pooled within the palms of your hands, causing you to abruptly stand up and face the wall of windows.
"No! No...It's none of that..." Your words were coming out like a whisper, but the veteran still heard you.
"Then what, (Y/n)?"
You bit into your bottom lip with your teeth and hugged your arms tightly against your chest.
"During my infiltration on Delta Island, I ate some spiked food, and it affected me. I initiated the idea so a pirate and I shared one night together to help me, but I didn't think that I..."
You turned your head slightly to meet the strong gaze of the older woman. "You remember what happened when I was younger. He tore my tubes...and sterilized me..."
Tsuru swallowed thickly before placing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I know, but what's done is done. You are with child, and we're going to have to tell Garp about this." She stated.
"No!" You cried and gripped the woman's hands. "You absolutely cannot."
Monkey D. Garp and Tsuru were your mentors when you first came to the Marines and eventually became your surrogate grandparents.
They helped you accomplish your goals and vouched for you when others complained about your quick promotions.
"(Y/n)." She said your name softly and looked down at you from her 6'8 (204 cm) height.
"You are in no position to be fighting anymore. Since you are pregnant, it means over time, your tubes have healed and mended themselves back together, but that doesn't mean you are safe. Your womb is extremely fragile, and the chance of miscarriage is high."
You released her hand and stepped away. "No." You whispered. "Then let it happen!"
"(Y/n)!" The woman shouted in disbelief.
"I cannot be a mother. I will not be one ever!" You hissed and grabbed the dagger you once gave to Rin from the weapons rack on your wall. "How am I supposed to be a mother when I don't even know what one is!?"
You placed the point against your lower stomach and faced the woman who looked frazzled by the situation.
"I don't even know what love is! How am I supposed to 'love' some creature in my stomach!? I wasn't raised on 'love' properly, and I could never raise this thing correctly! I will only destroy its life as my parents and Rin have done to me!"
Your eyes water which was followed by the blue and clear diamonds that hit the floor. The overwhelming emotions that you were feeling caused your knees to jerk and give out, causing you to fall to the ground.
You didn't remove the sharp dagger from your stomach; in fact, you pressed it harder and pierced your skin, blood being turned into gems that hit the floor with a clink.
The veteran marine swallowed thickly and cautiously kneeled in front of you. "Listen to me, (Y/n)." She said slowly.
You kept your gaze on the ground as you hung your head low from shame. "Why? What can you tell me? Everything I said was right...I'm not fit to be a mother at all. I'd rather kill this thing than bring it into this world just to suffer as I did..."
Tsuru slowly placed her hands around your head and pulled you into her chest. "Think about it, (Y/n). I know you were raised the wrong way and weren't raised like how you should have been, but that doesn't mean you will do the same. You know what's right and wrong; you know what should and shouldn't be done. Garp and I have tried our best to show you what raising a child should have been like."
Her calloused hands raked through your hair softly, careful of your tender head.
"You'll be okay. You can do it. You are not your parents or Rin. You even own and finance a program to help children, so they don't suffer. You find them good homes and also provide funding to the families so they can support the child."
"And remember the most important thing." She tilted your head up to look at her. "You are not alone...I am here for you. Garp and Gion are as well. We'll always be there for you...no matter what, so don't you forget that."
Your grip on the dagger loosened, allowing the woman to grab it from your hold. She threw it on your bed before helping you to your feet.
"Let's go tell the Vice Admiral now. We'll have to figure this situation out and decide the best option for you and your child."
꧁𓊈𒆜 ��━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐚 signing out
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blorbobird · 2 years
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Lucemond × Hogwarts AU
( in which luke is hospitalized for the damage aemond's caused, aemonds gone into an unexpected spiral, and haelena calls him on his bullshit )
Not even death could grant Lucerys the peace of absolute silence.
There he laid in the hospital wing, unconscious and sore, unable to open a single eye or be too aware of pretty much anything. It all had been in an out. Murmurs, dazy pictures and blurred vision in the brief moments he could gather the strength to open up his eyes. None of it mattered and none of it made sense anyway.
The only thing that notified him that he was infact alive had been the voices. His brother's, his mums, other indistinct ones that merged into Charlie-Brown background chatter. It had started to get more frequent and clear with time. Merlin only knows how long he's been out for. 
"You think he'll be okay?" His mother, Rhaenyra's, sweet voice asked a disembodied person on the other side of his hosptial bed.
Deep, humored, masculine. "Maybe just a nasty headache for a few days," Daemon, possibly. "If he was in any real serious danger Id make sure Aemond's stupid little head was hanging above my fire place right now."
Yes. Definitely Daemon.
"The boy should be expelled." Rhaenyra says in an upset, low voice. Over protective as always and playing with the image of Aemond's head on a pike even now.
"Lucerys apparently provoked him," Daemon says with all but an eye roll. It isnt that hard to believe, the boy is mouthy, but he is also lively aware how quickly that damned group of people twist things. " Hightower convinced detention until the end of term. Its obvious however that a number of people don't want Aemond's name withdrawaled from the tournament before they even get the chance to see whom is entered."
The two brief meeting they had on this topic hadnt gone well. Lannister, Cole, Hightower and even Baratheon such all voting in favor. Rhaenys had settled no expulsion until the boy woke up. It probably helped also that Aemond himself made no argument towards any of this. He had also been the one to carry Lucerys to the infirmary seconds later, wasting no time, but such a small useless detail meant nothing.
Especially to Rhaenyra. Who saw his subtle regret when no one else was looking, but also knew damn well that reckless male was the reason her precious boy was harmed at all.
Lucerys feels something warm squeeze his hand and he groans in response. Trying to squeeze it back but he doesn't have the energy. He wants to comfort his mother, tell her that he's okay and wrap her in a silly big hug so her voice stops sounding so broken. So concerned. 
More murmurs and a kiss on the forehead before he truly dozes off again.
His next memory feels like eons later but in actuality, all it had been was a day. He lays unconcious, trying to get feeling in his finger tips, wiggling them at his sides.
It had been under Jace's watch during the night. His older brother hadnt left his side since he heard about the incident and frankly Jacerys blamed himself for it. 
Had it been all that damaging? No. A few first-degree burn marks on his arms that were currently being healed away with potion and herbs. The fiendfyre hadnt gotten close enough to wound by the time Rhaenys said the cancellation spell.
A pair of singed off bodyhair had been the remaining crux of it. His eyebrows had grew back in within a few hours thanks to the Maester's knowledge of hair replacement charms. 
"He's quite pretty," Haelena said so quietly to the point where if Lucerys had been fully conscious, he would've jumped out of his skin. Not even aware of her presence. "Like sleeping beauty." 
She hums a tune and Jace smiles for the first time in several hours. "His hair is a bit longer with all these healing and hexes happening. He'll be livid." A gentle muse that has Lucerys gently sighing.
Wondering how fucked up he look, a piece of bacon with a glam-rock wig perhaps? He could only imagine the worst whilst he couldn't view the damage personally yet.
"I wanna play with it, its so curly," He feels finger tips gently stroke at the locks by his base of his neck. "But I dont wanna braid it until he allows me. Some people get grumpy with that." She thinks of Aemond. How he use to let her braid his hair but doesnt let anyone go near it anymore. A prank with Aegon got wrong, another story for another time. "Maybe some flowers though?" 
Jace's smile remains. "Perhaps," Humored at the thought.  "We can put them in before mom arrives in the morning. It think she'll like it too. Get those yellow ones he likes—" 
Foot steps enter then a humored voice. "There you two are!," It sounds petty, somewhat accusatory, like the male doesnt like Haelena and Jace had been where he thought they were. Like he caught them doing something wrong instead of tending to a unconious family member. "Searching half the castle for my sweet little sister. Funny to find you here-"
"Aegon," Jace's voice no longer hints at kindness. "Not now. Go away," He'd been avoiding him since this happened yesterday. Nothing good can come from such a secret affair. Exhibit A was lying in the bed to prove as such.
The foot steps stop. "Oh, how you wound me," A hand over the heart with a dramatic sigh. "I just wanna talk,"
"Im busy-" 
"Just five minutes," He prompts and its quickly declined with a shake of the head from Jace. Haelena helps however persuading sides once she stares at her brother long enough to relaize motive.
"I can watch him," Her voice sweet and quiet. Like shes afraid to speak. "You havent even had a bathroom break or food in a while. A few mintues wont harm? Stretch out your legs."
Jacerys wants to comment that he has stretched out his legs with the eariler constant pacing enough, thank you and goodbye. But the way Aegon is looking at him, fists clasped at his sides, and sleepless. Along with the idea of food does hesitate the string of swear words all alluding to 'Fuck Off' and 'Begone, Slut' when Haelena looks at him like that. His dear precious aunt, who he respects and trusts so much more than the rest of the Hightower Clan.
A single glance back at Luke before he gives in. "Two mintued and two mintues only," Voice firm as he stands. Dismissed away with Aegon down the hall who looks both relieved and amused.
The hospital wing becomes silent once more as the doors close behind the pair. Haelena waits until the footsteps are out of sound and the boys are out of sight completely until she stands. Brushing a few strands of hair away from Luke's face.
"You are quite pretty," he looked like Rhayenra to her in a way that Jace hadnt. The way he spoke maybe, youthful sass and determination. Whilst Jacerys always carried her leader ship qualities, Luke held more of her fire. Less bravery and more so reckless ness.
Not to mention his flushed, cute little cheeks that she pinched mindlessly. Watching a tinge of pink spread across his face and nose when she hears a creak. Something others would dismiss, its such an old castle anyway, but it was all she needed for confirmation.
"I know you're there, brother." Although thought genuinely, mostly by Aegon, to be a complete dumbass the girl was rather wise. In a way her family didnt really expect. She was a ravenclaw after all, why did her relatives question it so much? All besides this one. "No ones here. You'll have a few minutes-"
Aemond stepped out of the shadows as if he'd been there for a while. Face tight but half startled he was revealed so easily. His and Aegon's timing to dismiss Jace had been rather clear, and Haelena caught on rather quickly. He wondered how many seconds into his younger sister walking into the room eariler, had she realized he was watching? 
"For someone who wants him dead you do spend an awful amount of time checking up on him?" She quips looking up to meet her brothers gaze finally. 
He finally speaks. "I dont-" He sighs through the nose. Voice quieter. Not wanting to admit his error.
She reads no signs of such and gladly calls him out on it. "You lost control of your wand," 
Aemond's lips press into a thin line but he doesnt object at all. The best fiendfyre caster at Durmstrang, and he lost control? How demeaning.
She continues. "Why'd you go after him in the first place-"
"His mouth-" That girl was touching his hair, too. But he doesn't say that. It had added to the fire of singing him again. How perfect and untouched his life had been.
"You taunted him with a dark curse?! Infront of everyone!"
Thats not true. None of the adults were there. None of the ones that mattered, at least. Just useless students clogging up tables and continuing on with their lives as he sat there. Time had changed, everyone had, but he hadnt.
"I just wanted to see how good at dueling he's got." He hasnt moved from his first step. Eyeing the open space at the foot-end of Luke's bed. Guilt racked at his insides and he despised every moment of it. Something Aegon and him use to joke at celebrating, hurting one of those boys, that house, but when he was handed a wine glass after all he tasted was bitter fruit and the means to upchuck it all. "... He's still horrible." 
Had Lucerys had known water was useless, enchanted and not, against Fiendfyre? No. His knowledge remained some what dismal to dark magic. Common sense was irrlevenent there. Only one spell can undo it and it had been a spell he hadnt none.
"He hasnt had to face hardships at this school. In his life to the same degree even, as we have!" Haelena raises her voice just so at the thought and it quickly lowers back down. 
The thought of it twists Aemond's insides differently. That lucky bastard had no hardships. No calpsuses on his finger tips or scars on his perfect flesh, wounds in his soul.
"And you know that … you wanted him to fail." And fail publicly at that. Embarrassment had been the goal. Harassing fear into the small thing, striking some feverant emotion as Lucerys had done so blindly into him. "You wanted to hurt him and make a show out of it."
He didnt need to be told what he wanted. He knew what he wanted, and it didnt need to be mixed up by anyone else. Aemonds thoughts and actions were his and his alone to act upon. Misconstrued opinions be damned. 
Even if she was someone correct.
"I didnt want to kill him," He repeats like prayer. The mantra he's been saying over and over again to any countless person who asked.
"You tried to burn him alive?" Haelena retorts standing and moving away from the bed. Her voice curious now, gentle. "Why?" 
A flesh wound marred enough to be permanent. 'You made your mark on me, I wanted to return the favor.' A physical reminder of Aemond to match. His initial goal amongst returning was of course the eye. It had always been the goal.
Upon meeting his gaze at the Triward Tournament entry ceremony, however, his goal changed. He couldnt bring himself to take out either eye once seeing them. Aemond hadnt known why and decided not to think too deep into it. 
"I wanted to burn him as he burns me." He says finally. "Nothing fatal." 
"But he didnt-" Haelena becomes silent. Sighing through her nose once more. Not understanding, yet seeing more than anyone else had. Lucerys hadnt burned Aemond, not physically. 
Looking back at Luke in the bed she stares. "Just try to make peace with them. Both of them, Lucerys especially. The little one, too but I doubt he'll cause any drama." She says hearing footsteps come back. Distant bickering between Aegon and Jace about probably something dumb and dull. Lovers quarrels, yes. She knew of that too. 
"You dont have to love him. You dont even have to like him," She laughs. "Just stop trying to kill and or maim him." 
No longer pulling for thread with Aemond, a beat passes between them. The eighteen year old neither agreeing nor disagreeing until finally somethings made of as they both stare at him.
Aemond takes a step forward. "He's been trying to move his fingers," He says finally. Seeing those small twitches become ignored over and over again. "Stimulate his blood cells and nerve endings in his wrists and he should be fine." He's seen enough dueling injuries to know better. 
"He'll be awake in no time." It was the last time Aemond dared to visit Lucerys.
The last time Luke remembers waking up doesnt feel that much later. The nurse gives him something that tastes rancid and slides down his throat like slime.
The taste alone has him up at retching. 
"Oh, Heavens!" She scurries back over with a summoned bucket before he can spill his sick on anything important. Sheets and floor remaing clean. "If he keeps throwing this up he won't get any better," She scolds as he's propped up with pillows.
The long haired Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher stands at the foot of the bed. Head tilted, hardly any expression shown. A slight smirk on the edge of his lips though, somewhat satisfied. Like he knew that would wake the youngling up.
"I gather no one likes the taste, Maester. Its more rotten than a hangover," Nose scrunched in slight disgust at the stench of Luke regurgitating his insides but waves it off. "Your mother will be glad you're awake."
Luke blinks enough to let things come into focus. Everything was a bit off. 
"You dont have your contacts in." Daemon says then adds. "Your vision might be blurred for a bit because you smacked your head off the ground-"
Luke goes to say something but wheezes a bit.
"Your breathing, too." Daemon continues. "Got alot of smoke in your lungs so try dont not to do any strenuous activity that requires too much breathing." He hadnt been an athletic boy, on the Quittich team like his brother, so he should be fine. "The burns are mostly all healed up too." Such explains the soreness in his arms and the gauze bandages wrapped up the right one.
One of the healers hand Luke a pair of glasses, gross old things he didnt like to use if he could help it, and managed them onto his face. The world a bit more clear but still dizzy. 
He wanted nothing more than to be out of this damned bed. The room that smells sterile and infected at the same time. He's handed a handful of chewing pills, to get rid of the nausea and metallic taste in his mouth. Chasing those down with a cup of water a short time later when Rhaenyra busts through the door like theyre made of paper.
"LUCE!" She runs to his aid and he winces. That fucken nickname. Only she had been allowed to do it, even Jace or Joffery didnt dare to. "Oh, you're awake just as Daemon said, even more so." She grabs his face gently to inspect.
His brown eyes enlarged from the spectacles, a bit glazed over from vomiting. Hair even more unruly than unsual from the pillows and his skin pale with nausea. 
"Hi mum," He smiles as she resists the urge to tackle him in a huge. Making the mental decision that she never wants to worry this much again. She'll make them pay for the pain they've caused. But right now she wouldnt focus on that. She'd focus on her baby, awake and alive as ever.
"Hi, my little dragon—" 
Theres a snap then a swish. Someone teleported into the hospital wing.
 A servant of the hightowers walking over. A petite female house elf. Seeing Lucerys is alive before staring timidly. "Madame Alicent requests your presence." She says.
Anger bubbles in Rhaenyra's chest. "He just woke up." She seethes.
Luke feels himself becoming sick again.
"His presence is requested by the Hightowers." The servant requests again. More clear this time. More afraid of her masters than then the trio before her, but not entirely.
 Daemon takes a step foreward. The house-elf cowers so he doesnt approach farther. "Does your master know we're both with him?" 
She shakes her head. "Master said only the boy when requesting. When Boy wakes up, master says." Looking to Luke with her large eyes as if to make sure he was infact awake.
"Well," Daemon smirks and looks to Rhaenyra. Steadying her with a single glance of eye contact. "Lets not keep them waiting." 
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alovelyfox · 4 months
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Chapter 1 : Split Blood and Coffee
Killing wasn't something that came naturally to Kyle. It took a lot of work, both mentally and physically, to block out the moral compass he'd had since middle school in order to get the job done. He always made sure the death was quick and painless, no matter how much the casualty deserved it. He didn't like to call them victims as in his mind, that word was reserved for helpless people who had no idea about what was coming. The people that Kyle killed did, and that's why they earned the punishment he gave them.
He had never planned to become a killer. He was smart, the smartest out of his redneck town of South Park. He was gonna make it out of there with a full scholarship into the most prestigious school in the country, and become a human rights lawyer to make the world a better place. But a few years of doing that destroyed any hope he had left for humanity. Day in, day out, he would fight for the little guy, and every time the politicians and businessmen with more money and power would crush him. He would come home defeated and distraught at his inability to do anything to help. So, he took matters into his own hands.
It started a year ago. He had just lost a case to a particularly sleazy fellow lawyer who had raped his secretary, but due to her not having the proper paperwork and him greasing the hands of the judge, he wasn't charged. The man had no remorse, and that night at a nearby bar Kyle overheard him brag about how that girl wasn't the first and he planned to hire 'another piece of ass that I can tap then send back over the border when she gets boring'. Kyle couldn't take it, so that night he followed the man home and waited until he fell asleep. Kyle had never planned to kill him, maybe rough him up enough to get him to leave the country. But seeing how soundly he slept after ruining that poor woman's life snapped something inside of him. He took the sharpest knife he could find and made several quick plunges into the man's heart. Apart from the blood pooling around him and the several stab wounds in his body, the man looked exactly as he did when he was sleeping. Kyle took the knife and ran back home, his adrenaline catching up before his mind did. He only realized what he had done when he was back home safe in his apartment, his hand gripping the knife so hard he was sure it's handle print would be carved into his skin. He spent the next month agonizing over what he'd done, or more importantly, how good he felt doing it. Eliminating scum like him from the world was exactly why he'd become a human-rights lawyer in the first place, and now he had found a way to do it permanently.
Since then, there have been a handful of others. People the world would be better without. He made sure to pick casualties that he would felt no remorse over, and then took them out. It was painful work, and not just the physical aspect of murder. The constant justifying as to why he had to do what he did, it exhausted him to no end. He grappled with it everyday, along with the restless anxiousness of being caught. Since that first kill, he made sure that nothing could be traced back to him, from shoving on boots double his size to wearing wigs in order to hid his unruly (noticeable) red hair. Still, sometimes he wondered if it would really be the worst thing to be sent to prison for his crimes.
His parents would be distraught, but since moving out of his hometown he didn't see them that much anyways. The only family member he kept in touch with was his little brother Ike, who even then only came to visit him when he needed a break from school. Kyle appreciated these visits, and decided that he would give Ike his apartment if the cops ever came knocking. He was the only other person who even came to it nowadays. He didn't have any friends in the city. He thought he would be lifelong friends with his South Park buddies like Stan Marsh and Kenny McCormick, and he wished he could blame his declining mental state from the killings on it, but the honest truth was that they just lost touch. At the end of senior year Stan had stayed in South Park, while Kenny had fucked off to who knows where the minute he turned 18 to get away from his abusive parents. He hadn't heard from either in years, and while sometimes his fingers lingered on their phone numbers when he was feeling extra miserable with the world, he never saw the point. They would exchange pleasantries, reminisce about their childhood nostalgia for a couple minutes, and upon realizing that they no longer had anything in common, hang up. It wasn't worth the effort. Nothing was worth it anymore, apart from the killings.
He still worked at a law firm however, which had recently hired a new junior lawyer who he was supposed to 'mentor'. He heard she had graduated top of her class and made the Dean's List. Anyone with her achievements was surely sought after by much more high-paying firms, so despite not knowing her, he found it admirable that she had decided to go into human rights. He wanted to be excited to meet her that fateful morning, but he barely registered joy as an emotion anymore. The only time he ever felt anything was the rush of adrenaline he got from removing the dirt that roamed the earth. Plus, he had spent the night stalking researching a potential casualty, and finding out all the shitty things the person he was destined to kill had done always depressed him. So he stopped by a coffee cart before going into work. He had just been handed his usual when it was splashed all over his shirt. A young woman on a neon pink bike had just crashed into him, toppling them both to the ground. Neither were hurt, but she acted like she had accidentally maimed him.
"I am so so so sorry, are you alright? Oh god, please don't be mad at me or anything. I swear it was just an accident, sometimes I get lost in my thoughts when riding, and then shit like this happens. I'm so sorry once again. Here, I'll pay for a replacement coffee, and I'll pay for you to get a bagel because your shirt looks really expensive and I really don't want you to ask me to pay for that".
She was talking and moving at 100 miles an hour, so much so that by the time he'd gotten up, she'd paid the owner of the cart and was back on her bike again. Her helmet was about 2x the size of her head, Kyle was surprised she could see clearly under there. Or considering she'd just crashed into him, maybe not. His eyebrows were burrowed together in confusion, and she was still talking about how sorry she was, so he leaned in closer and tipped her helmet back so he could see her face properly. He had done that so he could reassure her not to worry about the coffee, but he was so taken back by her face his mouth just gaped open. She was beautiful, glowing under the soft light of the morning sun. Her lips were slightly parted, like she wanted to say something to him but the words weren't coming out. He was as much gazing into her eyes and she was his, but after a moment hers widened. The look of tenderness she once had was replaced with anxiousness, but Kyle was too dazed by her appearance to offer any kind of comfort.
"I, uhmm, have to go. I'm sorta already late for my first day at my new job, and as cute as you are, we can't spend all day staring at each other".
She fastened the helmet back onto her head, and cycled away from him. He watched her do so, only interrupted from his trance by the owner handing him the coffee and bagel. He grabbed it and headed back on his path to work. The spilt coffee had now dried and made a nasty stain on his shirt, but he had spares in his office. Plus, he didn't care. Only two thoughts were racing through his mind.
I just met the most heavenly woman I've ever seen. And she thinks I'm cute.
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basmathgirl · 3 months
Hi! Totally meant to send this a while ago but work got so busy. I guess its better late than never, but sorry this is a bit removed from the conversation!
A couple weeks ago you guys were talking about Catherine Tate's bangs/fringe in the 60th specials and how they were a hair piece. I think you also mentioned that she said she doesn't care for them on herself (was that in some bts or at a con? Sounds like such a random topic to bring up in an interview but now I'm curious!). I agree, she looks so lovely with the fringe (she looks lovely any way, but I digress) and some of my favorite looks on her are when she's got the side bangs that frame her face! But I would guess she's not crazy about the look because they're a lot of extra work for someone with naturally curly/wavy hair. My hair is similar to hers (unfortunately, just in texture and not the beautiful color) and growing up I begged my mom for bangs because everyone else had them. She kept telling me no because I would regret having to deal with it the minute the weather wasn't perfect outside with zero humidity (which is basically never). Senior year of high school rolled around and guess who finally got bangs? Yep, me! Guess who got real tired of styling them all the time only for them to never stay right for long? Yep, me again. I tried so hard, unsuccessfully, to keep my hair straight. And for some reason, the bangs always frizzed up the worst! I didn't have the patience to try a million and one products to see if I could find one that would tame it so I ended up just growing them out after a few months.
CT seems like a fairly low maintenance person. I'd hazard a guess she said no to that hairstyle because it's just way too much work, especially given how London weather is.
Hello kind Anon
Never mind; better late than never.
As for Catherine's fringe/bangs, I can't remember what interview it was that she dismissed the idea of having one (something like Good Morning, I suspect); but she certainly doesn't choose to have a fringe in every day life, only for specific roles.
When you look at her hair when she was younger
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it was extremely thick and full, even before perms were the fashion. Must have been an absolute nightmare to manage. She even she had a fringe
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for a role in The Bill. It didn't last, so the practicalities of it must have irked Catherine a great deal.
My hair is nowhere near as curly as Catherine's, or yours, but straighteners have been a godsend. You have my full sympathies for your earlier angst; especially as I once took the foolish step of getting my hair permed. I hated it and only liked it when wet... but we were talking about you. Sorry.
Did you also do the hot brush or curling tongs in a vain attempt to style your hair? Sheesh, things were difficult.
Yes, the rain in London is a problem; although people tend to be armed with a brolly and/or waterproof hood, so it's not that huge an obstacle. No, most of the blame would go on the thick curly hair doing its own thing. But it does make you realise why Catherine resists growing a fringe and sticks to hair pieces or wigs to gain a more favourable appearance.
I hope you've now managed to tame your hairstyle without too many products to invest in.
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likeabxrdinflight · 7 months
oh they really fumbled episode seven
major step back in this one. there were some weird plot deviations happening in five and six but it was still reasonably decent. here, the plot is sticking much closer to the original again, but good lord the changes they did make...yikes.
yue's all wrong and her wig is atrocious. her being the fox in the spirit world was fine as like, a vision of sokka's- like a premonition. but no, she was actually the fox?? what? also she's not engaged anymore, hahn is just a nice guy, and so there's no tension with her and sokka at all. they're also trying to make her more kick-ass and assertive but that's not...they're girl-bossing her and she's a character who doesn't need it.
meanwhile the actual girl boss character of this franchise is just. katara what have they done to you?? they kept all the elements of the northern water tribe's sexism intact, and yet it just doesn't hit the same. maybe it's in the performances, maybe it's in the writing, but katara and pakku's fight is so lifeless despite having almost the exact same choreography as the cartoon. and katara doesn't challenge him impulsively in a moment of anger either, she plans it.
ironically, they have made her character too much water, not enough fire. it's such a fundamental misunderstanding of who katara is- yes she's compassionate and caring, yes she's responsible and can be gentle and kind and loving. but she's not meek or quiet or "holding herself back." katara is brash and impulsive, she's headstrong, and she's angry. katara has a deep well of rage inside her that is always just moments from bubbling to the surface. and they have taken all that from her in this adaptation. this version of katara is quiet and reserved and insecure. she grows more confident over the course of the show but she never seems to find that spark, that fire that the original had from the start.
they've also taken a key piece of her trauma from her. yes katara was traumatized by her mother's death, I don't mind the way the live action plays this up and makes it something that gets in the way of her bending as an emotional blockage. that's fine, that's good even. but two things are missing- one is the anger I mentioned, but another is what happened after. the live action adaptation goes out of it's way to show us how sokka was affected by stepping into hakoda's role after he left, but it shows us nothing of how katara was afffected by having to fill kya's. it completely erases this aspect of her character- at no point does it ever seem like katara had to step up after her mother died and fill in for her. there's no mention of cleaning sokka's dirty socks, or doing extra chores with gran-gran, or helping to care for the other children in her tribe. none of that, it's just gone. if anything, sokka is now the one who got all the parentification and had to take care of her. he treats her like his baby sister that he had to half-raise, not the other way around.
and like...the original cartoon didn't always do a great job at showing how this "mothering" side of katara was in and of itself traumatizing for her, it did not always depict this as something negative that was wrong for her to have had to endure. but it sometimes did, or at least got close to it. episodes like "the runaway" for example. and this show seems to think that instead of just honestly depicting that as a bad thing from the jump they should just remove it entirely.
this is the worst part of this adaptation for me by far. it is okay to change things, I am fine with that, I am fine with most of the plot changes, but when you make one of the central characters a shadow of herself, when you make her completely unrecognizable? no. something has gone very wrong there.
they also didn't mention pakku's engagement to gran-gran, the fact that gran-gran left the tribe, or that katara's necklace was originally gran-gran's betrothal necklace. maybe they'll pick back up on this in the next episode, but it's not here in this one.
there's also no waterbending training happening. aang isn't learning from pakku at all, his entire plot is around trying to stop his vision from happening (this was an unnecessary change btw and it's like...it's not one of the better changes).
the dialogue was also really rough in this episode. there's this heavy-handed "power of friendship" theme running through this adaptation that never needed to be so stupidly textual in the original, it's less avatar and more my little pony here. unnecessary and cheesy.
this might be the worst episode of the bunch, honestly.
but azula was here for five minutes to shoot lightning so that's cool I guess.
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kcyars19992 · 1 year
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Always remember this part:
I want y’all(yes every single last one of you, heck even the aliens if they exist among us) to realize Tory had the opportunity to take a plea deal and serve damn there no time.
Megan lied to police to protect Tory immediately after he shot her, he slandered her in the blogs and so she decided to tell the truth to law enforcement.
The courts offered a plea deal, Tory threw it back in their face and dragged this out for years to keep the lie going and burned up his own money on legal fees and taxpayer dollars on a trial. The courts gave bail, Tory used that time to torment and harass Megan which only hurt his case and was a key factor in his heavy sentencing when the day came.
At every single turn the goodwill of the universe/God offered this man an opportunity to save himself — and he laughed at it and sabotaged it.
He could have owned up to his actions.
INSTEAD, he was so arrogant in the process bc he thought painting Megan as a liar on social media would hold up on trial. It backfired in the worst way possible.
The Tory fans, his family, even Tory himself may never publicly admit it — but he completely allowed his dangerous ego to land him in a cage for the rest of his 30s. One day he’ll have to face that.
He is the maker of his own self destruction, the creator of his own downfall, the artist of his own shortcoming, pride and ego led to where he is now.
and that’s why I don’t feel sorry for him, it’s not thoughts and prayers is sorrows sorrows prayers. It’s not prayers up but prayers down for him. He had an opportunity to not be CHARGED at ALL cuz she was willing to PROTECT his buck tooth hammer head toddler built bitch ass. She lied to protect that ungrateful piece of work, trying to prevent him from being another name , another hashtag, another life taken by the cops, another black man getting shot to death by the police or having his life choked out in a illegal chokehold as he’s screaming, “I can’t breathe!” , another black man screaming “ mother!”, another Trayvon, Sandra, tamir, Ahmaud, tyre, Mike, Eric, Breonna, George, Jacob, Elijah, and other black lives either taken away or forever traumatized and he repays her by being so cruel, and mean towards her having people hurt her for no good reason but to gas him up, and you expect me to feel some level of sympathy because he said that he had a difficult childhood, losing his mom at a young age and an alcohol addiction? yeah I don’t think so.
Fuck him. I don’t feel sorry for him. He deserves every bit of those 10 years . He should’ve been taken accountability for his actions, but no , he gone too big for his britches, and he chose to be a full blown psychopath and a sociopath .
Now look at this Canadian Bitch.
Lace front looking like something out of the dollar store struggling to hold on to his head Down to the wig glue damn. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Broke because his lawyers he got from craigslist Or Amazon or education connection
gonna be ****d by bubba in the showers or spreading wide for poptarts and ramen noodles soup
All because he can’t control his big ego in his small body of his and his violent tendencies
Oh well, maybe he should have just took a plea deal or better yet shut the heck up or here’s an even better idea 💡: never shot at her!
Meg cut him deep wit that “The only reason why your popular at the moment is because you are in a feature with Jack Harlow “comment and he with his violent tendencies and toxic masculinity couldn’t take it.
That munchkin is thinking what does he got that I don’t?
I don’t know, perhaps good looks, talent, a full set of hair, charm, attractive personality, and him not in a jail cell for the next ten years and possible deportation
That troll had the nerve , the audacity , to be talking about no weapons formed against him shall prosper, when shot a black woman who was walking away from him and then lied and gaslit her, slut shamed her, made up a misogynistic lie that another woman shot her out of jealousy, violated a restraining order, and antagonized her and her boyfriend through his music and you wonder why I don’t feel any ounce of sympathy towards him and others like him.
It’s one thing for a man to harm a woman because she rejected or criticized him and his work that makes him a coward but when that same man torments her even though she was generous and kind enough to not press charges against him then he is no different than the sadists who take pleasure from causing others pain
If anything he is the weapon and it was, and is prospering against him ! He didn’t deserve 1/10000000th of the consideration she gave him that night. She was too kind to him. People can really take other peoples kindness for weakness and you wonder why TV shows like snapped is on TV and it’s been around for like 33 seasons as of this year.
I’m not sorry that he’s suffering now. sorrows, sorrows prayers
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