#herbal remedies for headaches
the-neat-leaf · 11 months
Relieve Headaches Naturally: 7 Powerful Herbal Remedies to Try 
Do you feel like your frequent headaches are controlling your life? You dread that pounding pain and relentless nausea with each new episode. But you’re wary of long-term prescriptions and their side effects. Luckily, centuries of traditional wisdom offer safe, natural alternatives for headache relief. Herbal remedies made from plants like chamomile, feverfew and ginger have helped millions find…
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healthmonastery · 6 months
Relief from Migraine: Exploring Ayurvedic and Natural Treatment Options
Migraine is a debilitating neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Characterized by severe headaches, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound, migraines can significantly impact one’s quality of life. While modern medicine offers various pharmaceutical options for managing migraines, many individuals seek alternative, holistic approaches…
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ashtonisvibing · 10 days
gonna try and take a break from spiritfarer to actually do some drawing JHKGFDUYFIUGLIH: i've got so much i wanna draw but,,,,,,,,, pretty game,,,,,,,,,,
in the meantime, i'm thinking of adding a liiiiiittle bit of magic to the wild wild egos au
nothing much of course, this won't suddenly become more fantasy than wild west
but just some things here and there that if you actually give a good look you'll go "wait, that's not possible-"
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spirituallessons · 2 months
Lavender Essential Oil for Muscle Pain, Tension and Headaches
A few days ago I woke up with pain in my neck and right shoulder. Evidently, I slept in a weird position. I’m one who avoids Acetominophen and Ibuprofin and only take it when the pain is bad enough to affect my day. I was getting ready to reach for Tylenol on this day, but then I remembered Lavender and how I was using it a while back for muscle pain and how it worked almost instantaneously. So…
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hollow-prey · 5 months
Amusing/indulging myself through the pain by imagining how to explain periods to Grimm without getting into the fine details of human reproduction, since Hollows don't reproduce so obviously periods wouldn't be a thing that Hollows experience.
And I just imagine the first time the topic comes up where I come into the room and Grimm is immediately on alert because he smells blood on me but I don't seem to be injured and he's puzzled like "??? how??? and who do I need to kill for hurting you". Then me having to explain to him "yeah that's a thing that happens to some humans. it's really annoying and sometimes it's a bit painful but I promise it's a normal thing and I'll be fine."
But to Grimm it's still not really clicking because Hollows only bleed if they're injured, and being injured makes you vulnerable. And despite me telling him that I'm fine, really, and this does not make me more vulnerable, he concludes differently after careful observation. during these time frames, I'm more tired and have less energy. I feel sluggish and uncomfortable. There are subtle cues and behaviors that hint that I'm in pain. all on top of bleeding that lasts for days (??? how???) but never suffering from extensive blood loss (???? how????)
of course I'm vulnerable!! Not as vulnerable as when I was sick with covid, but enough that Grimm feels the need to stick close and watch out for me more than normal. Which naturally means that he goes into full protective-cat mode, which includes a whole lot of cuddles and napping together while he keeps me close 💙
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gogonis · 6 months
3 Herbs to Keep Your Holidays Merry
The holidays can be overwhelming for people on multiple levels. Below are a few tried and true herbs to support your overall wellness this month. This is not medical advice. Never start an herbal regimen without checking in with your physician and trusted herbalists to ensure that these herbs are safe for you. 1. Rhodeola Rosia 𓇢𓆸 2. Lemon Balm 𓇢𓆸 3. Magnesium 𓇢𓆸 See infographics for more!…
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lalitrajsingh · 1 year
वच I Acorus_calamus I Heat_Stroke_लू_लगना_ Vomitting_उल्टी करना_Vertigo_सिर का चक्कर_Nervine_Tonic
वच #Acorus_calamus #Heat_Stroke #लू_लगना_ #Vomitting #उल्टी करना #Vertigo #सिर का चक्कर #Nervine_Tonic #Vach #Supplement #Anxiety #Blood #diy #Diabetes #Obesity #Antiwrinkle #memory_loss #dementia #metabolic_disorders #Digestive_Calorie_Neuro_diy#Anxiety #चिंता #Blood_Pressure #रक्तचाप #Diabetes #मधुमेह #acoraceae #Neurodegenerative_problems #brain #free_radical_scavenger #liver_detox…
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spicezen · 1 year
Cayenne Pepper Powder: Unleashing its Potential in Natural Pain Relief
When it comes to natural remedies for pain relief, one particular ingredient that stands out is cayenne pepper powder. Known for its fiery taste and vibrant red color, cayenne pepper has been used for centuries not only as a culinary spice but also for its impressive medicinal properties. Let's explore how cayenne pepper powder can unleash its potential in providing natural pain relief.
Cayenne pepper powder contains an active component called capsaicin, which is responsible for its spicy flavor. Capsaicin has been extensively studied for its pain-relieving properties. When applied topically, it works by desensitizing nerve receptors in the skin, which can help alleviate various types of pain.
One of the most common uses of cayenne pepper powder is in the treatment of muscle and joint pain. Whether it's due to arthritis, muscle strains, or overexertion, applying a cream or ointment containing capsaicin can provide targeted relief. Research has shown that capsaicin can help reduce pain signals sent to the brain, leading to a decrease in discomfort and improved mobility.
Not only does cayenne pepper powder provide relief from external pain, but it can also be beneficial for internal pain conditions. For example, capsaicin has been found to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of neuropathic pain, which is often caused by nerve damage. By inhibiting the release of substance P, a neurotransmitter involved in pain transmission, capsaicin can help reduce the intensity of neuropathic pain.
Cayenne pepper powder's pain-relieving properties are not limited to physical discomfort. It can also be used as a natural remedy for headaches and migraines. Capsaicin stimulates the release of endorphins, which are the body's natural painkillers. This can help relieve headache pain and promote a sense of well-being.
In addition to its direct pain-relieving effects, cayenne pepper powder can also enhance circulation, another important aspect of pain management. When applied topically, capsaicin stimulates blood flow to the affected area, promoting faster healing and reducing inflammation. Improved circulation can also help alleviate chronic pain conditions by supplying essential nutrients and oxygen to damaged tissues.
It's important to note that cayenne pepper powder should be used with caution, especially when applying it topically. Due to its high potency, it's recommended to start with a small amount and gradually increase the concentration as tolerated. Avoid applying cayenne pepper powder to broken or irritated skin, and always wash your hands thoroughly after use to prevent accidental contact with sensitive areas, such as the eyes.
If you're considering using cayenne pepper powder for pain relief, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking medications. They can provide guidance on the appropriate use and dosage, ensuring that it complements your overall pain management plan.
In conclusion, cayenne pepper powder, with its active component capsaicin, has tremendous potential in providing natural pain relief. Whether used topically or consumed in small amounts as a spice, cayenne pepper can help alleviate muscle and joint pain, neuropathic pain, headaches, and migraines. Its ability to improve circulation further enhances its pain-relieving effects. However, it's crucial to use cayenne pepper powder responsibly and seek professional advice when necessary. With its fiery touch, cayenne pepper proves to be a powerful ally in the realm of natural pain relief.
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charmandabear · 1 month
11. Astarion x Reader 👀
We're not going to worry about how long it'll take me to answer these. We're not going to talk about it. Listen, I'm trying so hard to not make these into whole things, I just want to treat them like writing exercises, but I physically can't not finish smut once it's started.
From @astarionfreak's smut ask game ~ other entries
11. "I touched myself last night thinking about you." "I know."
Tags/Warnings: reader isn't gendered but has a vulva, blood/blood drinking, p in v sex, somewhat rough sex (reader gets a little feral in this one)
You're not subtle about it at all.
Every time he catches you staring, you quickly turn your head. At one point you even just shift your eyes, trying to pretend you're looking at something behind him. But there's no way he isn't at least a little suspicious.
Since the night you let Astarion bite you, the tension between the two of you has been palpable. Something about having him pressed down on top of you, his lips on your neck and his hand cradling your neck in a way that was disproportionately gentle set something on fire inside you. You really thought that you could just get over your little crush if you got it out of your system. Sate the need and you could go back to just being friends... Or whatever you are with him.
But it had the opposite effect. Now, his very presence turns you on. The wind catches his scent and you instinctively press your thighs together. He grins after making some sassy remark to Gale, and the glint of his fangs in the light makes your mouth go dry. You even need to suppress a moan when he gets a particularly impressive kill. You really hope no one heard that one.
So now, sitting around the campfire with the rest of your companions, you're just trying desperately to appear normal. You laugh absentmindedly at whatever joke Karlach just made while in your mind, Astarion's railing you up against a tree. It's only when you realize that Wyll has been trying to ask you a question for the past 90 seconds that you know you're too far gone to be in polite company.
"Sorry, I'm just a little out of it, long day," you make the excuse lamely. "I'm going to turn in a little early, I've got a bit of a headache."
"Do you want something for it?" Shadowheart asks with a frown. "I've got some herbal remedies that might help."
"I'm fine, I think I just need some rest." You force a smile onto your face. "'Night, all." You walk back to your tent stiffly, speeding up to cover the last few meters quickly. Your breath wracks through your body and your blood pounds in your ears. You've never - never - gotten this worked up over another person, never mind a man. Honestly, he's not even really your usual type, you'd normally be much more likely to pursue someone like Shadowheart. But she so clearly has a thing for Karlach, and that's not something you'd want to get in the way of.
But this pale, devastatingly handsome vampire elf has your desire in a chokehold.
You light a lantern inside your tent and take out your journal to sketch. You try to conjure some of the imagery you saw today to keep your brain off Astarion. Scratch and the owlbear cub playing. The terrifying harpies that almost lured one of the tiefling children. Astarion's blade dripping with harpy blood while his bright red eyes sparkle with mischief and the thrill of he kill.
Fucking hells.
You eventually put your journal away and lay down on your bedroll, staring at the ceiling of your tent while the others continue to chat and laugh outside. You listen to their conversation die down, their goodnights, and finally the distant sound of crickets and other nighttime fauna. Your eyes start to grow heavy, or at the very least bored of looking at the support rods in your tent.
You only realize that you've drifted to sleep when you're startled awake by a soft tapping on the canvas flap that separates you from the rest of camp.
"Y-yes?" Your voice is shakier than you'd like, although it's not like a vicious creature would politely knock on your makeshift door. The flap lifts up to reveal the literal last person you'd like to see right now.
"Hello, darling," Astarion grins in that irresistible way that he does. "I wanted to check in on our fearless leader. You've seemed dreadfully jumpy all day."
"Oh! Um." You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks. "I'm.. fine. Thank you, Astarion." You nod your head in a gesture of dismissal, but he doesn't move.
"Are you sure? You're positively flushed." His smile suggests he knows more than he's letting on. You chew on your lower lip to distract you from the growing ache between your legs.
"I'm perfectly fine, Astarion, thank you. Good night." You reach to close the tent flap but he holds onto it. Your fingers brush against his and it's like a jolt of lightning passes between your hands.
"I'm not buying it," he hums, dropping his voice. He pushes his way into your tent and you scramble backwards. The last thing you need is for him to touch you - you might not be able to control yourself if he does. "Now tell me, what's had you so hot and bothered all day?"
"N-nothing," you stammer, wishing you could just disappear on the spot. He raises an eyebrow and you backpedal. "Well, fine, I think something Gale cooked isn't sitting quite right with me. I was... embarrassed." The lie rings hollow even to you.
"Come now, love, we both know you're a terrible liar." He crawls towards you on his knees, a predator stalking his prey. Your breath catches in your throat. "Do you have something you need to confess?"
You're trapped. You've run out of room in the tent to back away, and Astarion has all but crawled on top of you. His scent is intoxicating and his eyes gleam in the low light. The words tumble out of your mouth before you can stop them.
"I touched myself last night thinking about you."
"I know." The grin that curls across his face is fiendish. Your heart threatens to beat out of your chest.
"You know?" Then you gasp suddenly. "The tadpole..."
Astarion lets out a bark of a laugh, loud enough that you're worried it might wake your other companions. "Darling, I didn't need a tadpole to figure that one out. Like I said, you're a terrible liar." He nudges his knee closer to the apex of your legs and you can feel your arousal making your underclothes wet. "What I want to know is, how did you picture me? My head between your legs? Did I have you on all fours in the forest? Or..." His lips ghost against yours now and your head feels dizzy with lust. "Or perhaps I had you pinned down in this very tent, taking my time as I had my way with you?"
Your instincts take over and you close the minimal distance between you, pulling him down on top of you as you ravage his lips. You claw at his clothing, no longer interested in maintaining decorum. He tears at the laces of your breeches, pulling them down below your hips and exposing your dripping cunt to the open air. A cry rips through your throat as he licks a thick stripe up your slit, and his chuckle rumbles deep in his chest. He pulls up on his knees and grins down at you, open and wanton, as he slips out of his pants.
"So very eager," he hums as he frees his cock, engorged and already dripping. A shudder runs through you as you see it, and you yank on his shirt and pull him down to meet you. You kiss him roughly, catching his lower lip in your teeth as you hook your leg around his waist.
"Shut the fuck up and fuck me, Astarion," you hiss through gritted teeth, and you groan loudly when he easily sinks in up to his base.
"Someone wants the whole of camp to hear," he growls in your ear as he begins to slowly thrust into you.
"Then you better make it quick so we don't wake them," you snarl in response, all pretenses having vanished. You tangle your fingers into his hair and press his face to your neck. You feel his lips stretch into a smile just before he sinks his fangs into you, the icy shard of pain melting into the heat of his mouth warming with your blood.
You jut your hips up into him, desperately chasing your release as he drinks his fill. He fucks into you, hard and messy, and before long you're feeling the pressure building in your core.
"Gods, Astarion, don't stop," you gasp hungrily in his ear, and he increases his pace to a punishing rhythm. You're starting to grow faint from blood loss just as your orgasm comes crashing down on you. Your walls clench and shudder around his length and he tears his mouth away from your neck, his expression wild and bloody. A few more broken ruts and you can feel him spilling inside you, the feeling his pulsing cock prolonging your own climax.
The two of you eventually still, covered in a sheen of sweat and panting heavily. Your ears strain to hear if there has been any disturbance in camp to indicate that your other companions heard anything. Outside your tent remains, thankfully, silent.
"Well then," Astarion exhales quickly as he slides out of you. "Darling, if it's going to be like that, then you just need to invite me next time."
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the-neat-leaf · 11 months
Feverfew: This Traditional Medicinal Herb May Soothe Headaches and Discomfort Introduction Welcome to this overview of the remarkable herb known as feverfew! This traditional medicinal plant has a long history of use around the world and remains valued today for its many potential wellness benefits. Feverfew is a flowering plant that has been used for centuries to help treat various ailments. In…
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healthmonastery · 9 months
Relief from Migraine: Exploring Ayurvedic and Natural Treatment Options
Migraine is a debilitating neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Characterized by severe headaches, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound, migraines can significantly impact one’s quality of life. While modern medicine offers various pharmaceutical options for managing migraines, many individuals seek alternative, holistic approaches…
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werecreature-addicted · 8 months
I honestly thinks werebears deserve more love, cuddly and big killing machine with a soft spot for their so? Yeah sounds nice.
I've been playing a ton of Baldur's Gate 3 lately so I'm 100% thinking about Halsin when writing this.
He calls you his "Polyohonte" after the greek myth where a woman is cursed to fall in love with a bear.
He's huge, a mountain of a man even when he's not shifted into a bear. He has a tendency to come off as intimidating even when he isn't trying he's just so big.
He hibernates during the winter. He's too sleepy to get anything done, but the basic necessities to stay alive, and you best believe he'll do his best to keep you in bed with him. What do you mean you need to get up and do stuff? It's literally December- stay in and cuddle with him.
He likes using you as a pillow. He's too big to lay on you, but he likes putting his head on your chest or stomach while he sleeps. Loves it when you lay on him too. It's just nice having you close, especially when he's sleeping.
He knows a lot of random herbal remedies for things like headaches or stomach pain. He's also a great cook, although he has no gauge for how much food a normal human eats so he always ends up making too much.
You know about the honey game? You blindfold a partner and then place a drop of honey somewhere on your body and they have to find it and lick it off. Yeah, he's a big fan of that game. Although- his sense of smell is good enough he can basically tell exactly where the honey is even blindfolded, but that's his little secret.
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harmonysanreads · 30 days
Sumeru love hexagons Yandere Alhaitham this Yandere Alhaitham that but what about Yan Tighnari... that man would act as if he's the most reliable and trustworthy person you know then use his nature and plant knowledge to his advantage, manipulate you into opening up over some 'calming herbal tea' and then sigh and say he does understand how exhausting it is to work in a busy tavern especially with all those troublesome people that you have to deal with daily, he'll tell you exhaustion can actually cause you to feel a little unsafe and on severe cases like someones watching you, but oh, dont you worry, he knows just what can help you and ease your worries, maybe if you stay a little bit more he will tell you more of this 'magic exilir' of his. <3
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Ahh yes, Tighnari.
The responsible Forest Watcher who does not mince his words, a little condescending sometimes but people can agree that he means well — unless they have twigs for brains, that is. Whatever others' opinion of him maybe, his expertise in biology is unrivaled in Sumeru ; this, no one can deny. He knows the forest keenly and can utilize that knowledge seamlessly, if he so desires.
His care is akin to that of a cautious parent's and with Collei as an example, no one can call him heartless, at least. Indeed, in the broader sense he's a trustworthy individual, far more than a stoic Scribe whose intentions are hard to pinpoint without the help of time and effort. Tighnari appears to be far simpler and he presents himself with sympathy — something a drained you could really find comforting.
And oh, it feels so good to finally not be a listener as you share your innermost paranoia ; the seemingly perpetual lingering gazes, the stolen sense of privacy, the strange tension that engulfs the room when you are present and the increasing count of citizens you were somewhat acquainted with disappearing. The first private chat with the Forest Watcher felt unbelievably relieving, the headache that had threatened to crack your skull for a few days was miraculously soothed by the incense he'd lit and the concoctions he'd recommended.
Tighnari assured you that your concerns were just results of excessive stress, perhaps you should take a few days off from the Tavern? Oh, your headaches seems to only get worse? Why don't you stay in Gandharva Ville for a while? The pollution free ambiance might just be the remedy. Besides, you did feel better the last time you were here, didn't you?
And after a while of this charade, that becomes the issue precisely. The only times you don't feel like you're going to collapse is when you're with Tighnari. A new suspicion leers at the back of your mind but you can't quite bring yourself to verify it. It might be that you're afraid of betrayal or, that it doesn't quite make sense, because, why would he?
Well, you're not going to find the answer to that question quite appealing, if you were to dig in.
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nightingaletrash · 9 months
Okay, but Durge constantly suffers from headaches, and the only way to relieve those headaches is to indulge the urge. Imagine the rest of the party trying to help however they can, whether to ease their discomfort or to distract them from it.
Gale makes a soup that his mother would make for him when he was ill as a child. He'll happily make any adjustments that don't include roast dwarf, and he'll spout off some tips he's come across in his books.
Lae'zel recommends some martial exercises that focus their attention to other parts of the body. Focusing on anything besides the throbbing behind their eyes is useful when food and magic don't cut it.
Wyll will ask what they need from him; someone to vent to, words to fill silence and distract from the pain, or a good old-fashioned rub down to help ease their aches and reduce their discomfort. Whatever they need, he'll do his best to provide.
Shadowheart knows what it's like to live with chronic pain. She'll help with magic if asked, but she knows a few physical methods that make a difference. Just don't ask how she learned them.
Astarion really doesn't think he has any help to offer in this department, but he's good at coming up with distractions and unexpected words of comfort and solidarity. And sometimes a bite, if the nausea is preferable to the ache.
Karlach struggles with helping at first because she can't touch anyone and in Avernus, all she could really do about physical pain was grin and bear it. Once touching is on the table, she's happy to be a heat pad for Durge if needed.
Halsin knows a few herbal remedies and teas that help with headaches, and if those don't feel like they're particularly helping, he can take the edge off of it with some magic.
Jaheira is all too familiar with the things that a Bhaalspawn might have to deal with. Durge might think she's joking when she offers them some bark to chew, saying that it helps... until she starts chewing some herself because when you take on the kinds of responsibilities she does, you end up with a lot of headaches.
Minsc is also familiar with the struggles a Bhaalspawn might endure and will back Jaheira up on the bark chewing suggestion. He'll also offer to distract Durge with stories and hamster cuddles, because hamster cuddles from Boo are wonderfully restorative.
Minthara will offer her healing skills, as any kind of distraction of pain can be fatal in battle, especially when the head is involved. If that doesn't help and they just need a distraction, she'll offer to teach to play them the lyre if they'd like.
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ikaroux · 1 year
How are they with their pregnant companion? Tighnari
Synopsis: Pregnant, your husband/partner is over the moon. But how would he take care of you during pregnancy?
Style: Cute, fluffy, female reader.
Bonus NSFW (18+) I remind minors to avoid reading this kind of content.
Alert: May contain story spoilers for some characters.
Characters: Tighnari.
Note: I wanted to do Capitano and Kaveh at the same time as Tighnari, but having had the flu this week, I unfortunately didn't have the strength to move forward. I still wanted to get something out for the holidays. I hope to have time to do Capitano and Kaveh for the new year. I really enjoyed writing this for Tighnari, I got very attached to the character, especially from my other fic "Before the Sun and Moon." (I unfortunately didn't have time to translate the last few chapters into English). I hope you'll like it!
Part 1 Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya, Xiao, Venti, Albedo, Kazuha, Childe.
Part 2 Scaramouche, Dainsleif, Thomas.
Part 3 Dottore, Pantalone, Alhaitham
Part 4 Cyno, Ayato
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"Tighnari, which color do you prefer?"
Tighnari was working on a poison remedy for foresters when you walked in with a pair of clothes in hand, one fir green and the other indigo. "Um… Indigo, I'd say." And once he had given his opinion, he returned to his research, not catching your insistent gaze on him. After a few seconds of your lover remaining focused on what he was doing, you noticed that his body froze, ears and tail erect while his eyes were as round as an owl's. The clothes you brought him were far too small for an adult… Tighnari turned back to you, his eyes darting between what you held in your hands and your face. The gentle smile you offered him and then your nod propelled him into a daydream. You were pregnant, he had been waiting for this moment for months! The fox man rushed to you, lifting you off the ground to trap you in a warm, loving embrace. He was finally going to build a family with you, his beloved. He was the one who brought up the idea of a baby, the enthusiasm and warmth of his words making you melt for him more and more. Before he met you, he was once a distant and solitary man, preferring to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the academy, and the plots. It was in his genes, he was made that way. But with you, everything was different. He loved you more than anything else and the day he asked you to be the mother of his child was the most beautiful proof of love he could offer you, not to mention his marriage proposal…
Tighnari would only tell close friends about your pregnancy, so Cyno will be the first to know. Although he feels a great affection for Collei, he will prefer to wait a little before telling her that he will be a father in a few months. He knows that she is quite emotional and awkward, so it was better to bring it up gently.
You both chose to stay in Gandharva, the atmosphere being more peaceful than in the city of Sumeru. It will be Tighnari who will take care of you during the whole pregnancy. Nevertheless, he will not hesitate to ask for advice from colleagues when his knowledge reaches its limit.
Tighnari will do his best to be by your side as often as possible during the first months of your pregnancy, wishing to support you during the first trimester which was the hardest for a pregnant woman to bear. He knows that his presence reassures you and calms your anxieties as a mother-to-be and Tighnari is well aware that this child must be expected by two.
Your husband will always be behind you when you feel ill, gently stroking your back if you are vomiting, or applying an herbal balm to your temples to soothe your headaches. He will stay by your side when you sleep, rocking you tenderly, his soft eyes admiring your face. Maybe you dreamed it, but you could swear you heard him whispering words of love in your ear…
Unfortunately for you, your sleep will often be disturbed during the first weeks. Tighnari, having a very developed hearing, will wake up at the slightest noise you make. Seeing that your eyes are wide open, the man will whisper a few soft words to you, his hand tenderly caressing your face to numb your senses before wrapping you in the warmth of his arms. He will only fall back asleep once he feels your steady breathing against his skin, indicating that you have fallen into a peaceful torpor.
Tighnari has made a habit of letting you stroke his ears and tail when you're stressed, even if he's in the middle of his work. He knows that this soothes and comforts you. He'll usually wrap his arm around your hips and pull you closer to him, resting his head against your belly.  Anyone in Teyvat could tell you were the most adorable couple they had ever seen.
Being a forestry brigadier, Tighnari is sometimes forced to be away in the forest for days at a time. You both hate being away from each other, and even more so now that you are pregnant. Fortunately for him, you get along well with Cyno, who will always offer to take some time to visit you and check on you. "I want your child to call me uncle Cyno." He will say with a serious look to Tighnari as a token of thanks. The fox man will look at him blankly, ears lowered as Cyno nonchalantly raises his thumb in the air before joining you. "Ah?!" Was all that Tighnari found to say, his friend being already too far away to hear him (or pretended not to hear him…).
It is after a long week of absence that Tighnari realized the volume that your belly took. Slightly rounded, hardly visible to those who were not paying attention. For your husband, however, it was obvious and he found it beautiful… Seeing you, the one he cherished most in the world, going about your business as your child grew inside you. He couldn't help but look at you in silence, his eyes full of love and tenderness.
You were in the early stages of your second trimester, and your belly had taken on a shape that made Tighnari blush with joy. How many times did he feel like he was being slapped in the face by the evidence of your pregnancy? He couldn't stop looking at your belly, let alone touch it. So in those moments, you'd invite him to join you on the couch or bed, making yourself comfortable before inviting him to rest his head on your belly, stroking his hair as he savored the moment. "Tighnari, I'm sure our little boy will look just like you." The man laughed against you, gently making the baby react against his cheek. "Why do you think it will be a boy?" "I saw him in a dream." Tighnari looked up at you, clearly amused. "Oh, then it will be a girl." Your eyes opened wide, further amusing your husband. "You have a 50/50 chance of cheating on you my love, so my money is on a little girl. Besides, how many mothers have been wrong in their dreams of their unborn child?" You grunted, frustrated by your husband's words. He reassured you, however, whispering that no matter what sex the baby was or who it looked like, he would love and cherish it as his greatest treasure.
Your outings into town were always in pairs. Tighnari would stay by your side, affectionately holding your hand as he nonchalantly strolled the streets of Gandharva. Your belly was now perfectly visible to everyone, prompting locals who knew you well to approach you. Tighnari's colleagues and friends even dared to ask you to touch your belly, despite your husband's reluctance… He begged the Rani Kusanali to help him when he felt the impatience rising in him at the sight of all these people touching you without fear in front of him… Your husband has become particularly good at finding any excuse to keep you away from the crowd…
When you reach your seventh month of pregnancy, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to rest, especially when the baby seems to be living its best life in your belly. Although fun for those who touched your belly, it was unfortunately something that made your daily life more exhausting. The pain in your back intensified with the fatigue and stress of the approaching birth… When you felt exhausted, you looked for your husband who was your lifeline when you felt like you were drowning in uncertainty and doubt… Tighnari would listen to you calmly before taking you to a quiet place to sit on him, his hands and lips taking over his words to soothe you.
As you approached your ninth month of pregnancy, you felt unable to move because your belly was so round and heavy. Exhaustion was showing on your face and the pain in your back was becoming unbearable. Tighnari had become the one thing in your life that made you feel safe, cherished and loved. You relied entirely on him… As you were nearing the end of your pregnancy, Tighnari took a few weeks off to devote all his time to you. When he wasn't busy with household chores, your husband would sit on the bed next to you, chatting quietly with you while keeping his head and hands on your belly, enjoying your caresses in his hair. He cherished his moments of intimacy with you, basking in your caresses as he felt his child playing in your belly. He had told you so many times since you were together, but by the seven archons, he loved you more than anything in the world. Tighnari has never felt happier…
Tighnari will be an extremely gentle father, never raising his voice at his child, believing that education should not be about obedience, but about self-respect. He loves the contact with his baby, looking for every possible excuse to hold him. Having already had Collei under his wing, he will be very pedagogical with his little one, loving to answer his questions and teach him new things.
NSFW Bonus:
It was not easy to imagine that Tighnari was the kind of man who sought physical contact, he who was always known as a solitary man, preferring to hole up in his office or go off into the forest on his research and patrols. Yet he was the first to come to you and claim you, loving and savoring every part of you with a consuming passion. You had never felt so loved and wanted as you did with him…
Seeing your body change with pregnancy, you were afraid that it would turn him off and that he would pull away from you while your sexual desires only intensified. Your fears were unfounded, and while Tighnari avoided touching you for the first few weeks of the pregnancy, preferring to give you time to recover from the nausea and exhaustion that your first few hectic nights had caused, once he felt your intense gaze on him, he knew he could once again indulge his need to touch you.
He was always the first to make contact, approaching you from behind like a fox looking for its prey and wrapping you in his loving arms as his lips sought the softness of your skin. His hands always lingered on your belly before slowly moving up to your aching chest, massaging it languidly as you felt his canines nibble tenderly at your neck. He always had loving, passionate words to whisper to you before he started anything, telling you how beautiful and desirable he thought you were with his baby in your belly. He knew that you were afraid that you wouldn't be desirable anymore, that the stretch marks would appear more and more as your belly grew… Or even that the thought of making love to a pregnant woman might scare him away from you. But you were beautiful in every way, pregnant or not, Tighnari needed to feel you against him, your warm skin, your moans and the melodious whisper of his name when he made you feel especially good…
The sex was always passionate and languid, and while you liked to hold him, Tighnari had a preference for taking you doggy style. Although it was easier for you and for him with your increasingly rounded belly, it was a habit he'd picked up long before you got pregnant. He was always gentle with you, only getting carried away when he felt your orgasm approaching. His lips were never far from your skin as his ears strained, the pleasure he felt inside you making him dizzy. He was always careful not to crush you, constantly keeping a protective hand on your stomach.
As soon as he felt you tighten around his member, Tighnari would slow down to savor the feel of your tight walls, before straightening up behind you, grabbing your hips to lift you a bit off the mattress you were lying on. He would seek release as soon as you calmed down, flipping you onto your back before penetrating you again. The quick movement of his hips made you moan and Tighnari crushed his lips to yours to swallow the vibrations of pleasure from your throat. And as he felt his orgasm pouring into you, one of his hands grabbed yours, tangling your fingers together as the pleasure overwhelmed him, his moans swallowed by your passionate kiss… Archon, he loved you so much it was painful. His forehead resting tenderly against yours, Tighnari closed his eyes, thinking of how happy he was to be starting a family with the only woman he'd ever loved…
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