#here 1 minute early cause im nice
stnaf-vn · 2 years
[[[ I have an offer for you.. a trade if you will- or a threat.
My hand in marriage /for/ your name.
no takers?? Ok here’s a threat.
Im sorry Friend but I can be with someone who won’t tell me their name. Not liking your birth name is one thing (believe me I know) but going around saying your name is Friend!?! I mean what will you do when we get married? Change it to Husband? “Here comes my husband Friend/Husband!” And don’t go all “you can call me what ever you like sweetheart~~” cause that’s just lame and tells me that u got 0 creativity and like I’m bad at giving names so I guess your name can be Husband 1 (yeah I know like it sounds like I have multiple husbands but boo hoo) and our kids will be named; Child 1, Child 2, etc.
Also what will the kids say when someone asks what their dads name is?? “Oh Mx teacher!! My dad is picking me up early today, his name is Friend :)”
“Hello I am little jimmy’s father, my name is Friend XXXX”
‘oh uhhh wow that’s nice… hold on let me just *frantically calls the cops*’ ]]] \ ᕦ(ò_óˇ)
*insert angry small dog noises*
"H-hang on a minute! That's not even fair! You never even bothered to ask!"
Friend takes a breath, then releasing it.
"My name is-"
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sheisburiedhere · 6 months
New Player Series
( Hiya I originally wrote this before on wattpad so I just moved it here from my account -TheLookouttsundere so I'll be continuing this series over here on tumblr)
 The game's title screen and merry music with your potential love interests were the last thing you could recall after being  temporarily blinded with a terrible bright white light.
First of all what the hell happened, you thought to yourself as you try to regain even the tiniest strength in your legs to stand up as the light had caused you to somehow collapse .You remembered you applied to be a beta tester in the Ddlc  new 'real life' GAME, They havent chose a proper name yet I'm sure they'll make a proper name ( any ideas guys???). You appear in a  rather dark large room  with your only source of light being small flashing ones that are in a line leading to a door illuminated by the sign-
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You look at the sign in confusion and worry, you grab the handle but the the door wouldn't budge, instead a stupid white screen appears in front of the door with what looks like a male and female version of a school uniform that is on the main characters in the game.
Choose your uniform:
You make your choice...
Enter your name:
- ________________________
The screen goes blank.
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You read this and open the door...
You step in through the door.. 
and now you're falling out the sky !!!
AAAAAHHHHH!! ,shit you fell out the bed .
(Seriously like don't you hate those type of dreams where you feel like you gonna  flipping die and then you wake up like someone hit you with a door)
You trash around in your blanket in frustration as you get up groggily and irritated as you get up to return to bed.
Then you hear knocking...if life couldn't get any better . 
You reply to the knocking: (These are choices based on how you would like to be in the story)
- " I'm coming," you reply politely
-"Stop the FLIPPING KNOCKING YOU TWAT!" you scream in frustration
-" Immmmmmmm commmmmmmminnnggg," you stress on your words to show your... stress( 'shrugs')
You walk/stomp/drag yourself to your bedroom door and pull it open to see-
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Amazing art:(Doki_Satori)/Twitter
Satori replied to your attitude when you reach at the door ( Same order as your responses)
-His bright smile is like energizing pill ,"Morning Sleepyheaddd!!  nice to see I didn't have to break down the door and tickle you awake ." he grins at you😁
- He looks like a small timid puppy with his ears pulled back ," oh sorry if i woke you but i just wanted to make sure we get to school on time... Im sorry." He looks hurt😔
- He laughs at how you open the door tiredly and gives a pat on your head ,but grabs your cheeks and pull them and looks at you like suspiciously. "You've been playing videogames all night haven't you 😑"
You reply
-You giggle, "Good Morning cutie, I missed you!" you kiss him on his cheek causing his to cover his mouth and blush in surprise😲
-"I'm sorry, I just don't like being woken open so early I didn't mean to yell at you," you said apologetically. You take his hands and place them on your lips gently kissing them. He widens his eyes😲
-🥱🤔you yawned then grab his hand to stop his attack on your cheeks and pretend to think to yourself," Maybe I was ,maybe i wasn't , what you gonna do about it? Punish me?" you smirk while rubbing against his arm😏. He freezes ...."Why do you say things like that!!😳,"
You giggle and pull him in your room, as he still blushes you push him on your bed.
"Okay Satori, give me 30 minutes and ill be ready to go ," you grin at his still shocked blushing state.
You walk out the room with your uniform and a towel, while admiring the realistic environment and looking for bugs and glitching.
As Satori watches you skip out the room , he falls on the bed with his face still red and eyes still wide open.
Satori's mind.....
Internal screaming!!!!
( 723 words)  
Writer's notes:
The next story will be a one shot, Fluff with the stern and condescending Mateo, maybe he could have a change a heart about you and stop being an ass... but he kind of cute I guess idk😉🤔.
Till next time I'm out
Oh Please tell me what you think about the choices aspect of the main story , I put it there cause I know everyone will have different ways of reacting or  responding to certain situations so hope you like it.
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terewere · 1 year
ugh some days just absolutely fucking suck amirite
i had an exam today that was divided in three parts, so that you only did the parts corresponding to the part of the subject that you failed
and i was gonna do only part 1 and 2, even though i failed all, cause it was way too much for the time i had, and i was gonna leave part 3 for june
anyway, i get there, not having slept a lot cause the exam was early and i had work to do, and the professor decides to tell us "so, let's start with part 3! it's gonna take 2h :)"
and im like ???????? i wanna do 1 and 2 tho?? not part 3???
and he's like we're gonna do those after :)
and im like haha i woke up early :) for nothing :) how fun haha :) you could´ve just :) said it in an email :) like a normal fucking person :)
and so i had to wait 2 hours and 15 fucking minutes for this man to finish the exam, go have a fucking coffee and THEN do my exam
wonderful day amirite
well worry not! it's still not over! rejoice!!
i get an email from another professor with the grades from the final exam of every person in my class. but, i'm loooking though the names and how strange! i can't find myself!
i email the teacher thinking that it must have been a mistake, but i forgot that we can't have nice things
but then i get her reply saying "i know. i didn't post your grades cause i want you to come to my office later. here they are" and she-
a fucking 4.995
like wtfffffffff
is she gonna fail me for a 0.005???? really??????
so yea
wonderful day
0 notes
choupichoups · 5 years
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Press F (Instagram/College AU) Ch.9
Lucas swears he’s the absolute master of undetected stalking. Or: Eliott is instagram famous and Lucas is the disaster gay who accidentally likes his post.
He’s in the library, trying to study for his upcoming chemistry exam– trying being the keyword over here because his needy as hell boyfriend seems physically unable to detach himself from Lucas.
Boyfriend. Boyfriend. He still can’t believe he’s free to use that word with Eliott. 
daph.pink You’re really not saying anything about Eliott?? 
lucallemant It’s all over my instagram 
martineau.brie He lives!!
em.brgs You didn’t even warn us You were all hurr durr we just follow each other And next thing we know you’re canoodling with the guy
daph.pink Is it official??
em.brgs They’ve literally been cheese posting on insta 
daph.pink So? It was their hands, no faces 
goodgalimane I think the comments give it away And check Lucas’ story just now 
daph.pink Omg  I missed that
lucallemant  Yeah we’re together 
martineau.brie LOL DETAILS
goodgalimane NO details 
lucallemant  Lol no details 
manon.demissy I’m so!! happy for you Lucas!!!
lucallemant :)
“I thought you were studying?” Eliott nuzzles sleepily into his shoulder, propping his chin up to deign Lucas with a disappointed pout. 
Lucas doesn’t look over just to spite him. “I thought you were sleeping?” 
“I can’t fucking sleep when—” He digs inside his jeans pocket for his phone, struggling with the task as Lucas watches on, amused. “When this thing keeps going off.” As if on cue, his phone pings with another notification and Eliott opens it up with an exasperated sigh. “Oh shit.”
“Oh shit what?” 
“We need to leave.” 
“Why? No!” Lucas finds himself gathering his notes and textbooks together despite his own words. “What’s wrong?”
“They’re coming.”
“Those little demons—” Before Eliott can finish, a chorus of footsteps stumbles into their area. They’re in a corner at the back of the library, where Lucas usually spends his time whenever he needs to hide and focus on his studies. He’s perfected the timing to the tee, knowing when exactly to arrive so that he’d have the place all to himself.
So much for that today, though. 
“Lucas!” Abe greets him like a long lost friend, which makes Lucas laugh. He can pick him out from the group as they’ve seen each other once before when Lucas had been over at Imane’s. “Good to see you again.” 
“Hey,” Lucas says, nodding and accepting the offered hands for a high five. The other boys thankfully have their faces on their Instagram profiles so he has a vague idea of who’s who already even before Eliott begrudgingly stands up to introduce everyone. 
“So you all know Lucas,” Eliott starts, holding his hand out to pull Lucas up from the couch as well. “Lucas, these are my idiot friends, I think they’ve been bothering you for the past few days and I’m very sorry about that.” 
“We’re not bothering him.”
“We’re making friends.” 
There’s a thump and a crash and then Idris’ head pops in from between the shelves. “There you all are! I was lost.” Idris carefully jogs up to them, trying to make as little noise as possible. “Hey, Lucas,” he greets with excitement, reaching over to pull him into a hug that lasts all of two seconds before Eliott’s arm slips in between. His hand pushes Idris away by the face. “Ow, rude!” Idris yelps and the rest of the guys snicker, making disapproving tutting noises while Eliott pulls Lucas to himself. 
Lucas snorts, kissing the frown off of Eliott’s face. 
“Okay, stop. We get it, you’re in love.” He thinks that’s Adam who’s speaking. 
“No, deal with it. You all invited yourselves here.” Eliott waves a dismissive hand, sticking his tongue out like an irate child. 
Emir rolls his eyes, shushing Omar when he starts to protest. “We wouldn’t be here if you just answered your fucking phone.” 
“Oh yeah!” Abe claps his hands together and the guys shush him all at once, frantically pointing to where the librarian is looking increasingly irked. “Sorry, okay, so. This guy in my class is throwing a party this Friday and he’s asking if you’re coming?” 
Eliott’s eyes narrow. “Are you all going?” 
“Yeah, but he’s asking about you cause, you know, it’s gonna be real big if you’re there.” Omar laughs, tapping at something on his phone. “See? He’s already tagging some of the popular students in it. I still don’t know if it’s a brave or a dumb move.” 
“More like a shameless move,” Emir mumbles from the side. 
Lucas blinks at the blatant exploiting of Eliott’s fame. He looks up at Eliott to watch his expression but his boyfriend doesn’t seem to have a problem with it. There’s an amused smile playing at his lips and he stares down at Lucas, quirking a brow as if asking what he thinks about it.
Belatedly, he realizes that Eliott’s only going if Lucas himself is going. “Uh.” This is too much power for his irresponsible hands.
“Lucas, say yes, the more people come, the more free booze will appear,” Idris whispers jokingly, flinching when Emir smacks him upside the head. 
“I… yeah? Okay. Can I bring some people?” 
“Hell yeah, bring everyone you know. Okay, cool. I’ll let little Tommy over here know that he’s got Eliott Demaury in attendance.”
Lucas’ phone vibrates with a text message, stealing his attention away from the rest of the conversation.
Marie Hi, Lucas. I have an emergency back home so I’ll be out of the country for a couple of weeks. I was wondering if you’d be able to look after Champ again while I’m gone? 
Lucas Hey Marie, yeah for sure! I wouldn’t mind
Marie Thank you so much!
Lucas When are you leaving?
Marie In two days 
Lucas  Did you want me to pick her up now so you don’t have to worry about anything tomorrow? 
Marie That would be so helpful  Thank you so much, my dear 
Lucas I’ll be there in a few!!
When he tunes back in, the guys are already starting to file out, arguing about something that Lucas has completely missed. 
“Anyway, Eliott, see you in class at some point. Lucas, see you on Friday.” Idris shoots them some finger guns, walking backwards as they all try to squeeze out of the area at once. 
Lucas has no idea how the librarian's managed to resist kicking them all out. 
“Do you remember Champagne?” He flicks through the bus schedule on his phone, trying to see how long it would take for him to get to Marie’s house from here. He’s not used to busing directly to her place, they usually meet up at the clinic with his mother. 
“The dog you take on dates?” 
He laughs, recalling the conversation they had after posting that particular photo. “Yeah, her owner’s going away for a bit so she’s gonna be staying with me. I have to go pick her up. Wanna come?”
Eliott’s positively glowing at him and Lucas has to blink back from the blinding sunshine in his smile. “Yeah, of course.” Lucas doesn’t know why Eliott looks like he’s just been offered a white picket fence and three Labrador puppies but he’s not about to set out and dampen that lovely grin. 
“Okay, let me study a bit more and then we go.”
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Marie and Champagne are waiting by the front porch when the two of them arrive and Eliott falls to his knees, making embarrassing inhuman noises as Champagne toddles over in all her fluffy little glory. 
“Oh my god!” Eliott hisses, hands held out at the ready so that Champ can run straight into his arms. “Oh my god, Lucas! She’s so cute.”
“That she is.” He crouches down to rub a thumb over Champ’s face, laughing when an annoyed paw pushes his finger away. “Hey, Marie.” 
“Hi, Lucas.” Her eyes flick over to Eliott, a knowing smile plastered on her red stained lips. Lucas rolls her eyes at her and she lets out an uncharacteristic chortle-- Marie’s truly feeling more and more like that one laid back aunt who indulges you in anything and everything than simply being his mama’s nurse.
“Hello!” Eliott jumps up, Champ held securely in his arms. She seems to be enjoying her current perch and Lucas doesn’t blame her; Eliott gives the warmest, softest cuddles. “I’m Eliott.” 
“Nice to meet you, Eliott.” Marie continues to give Lucas that look and he finally gives in, rubbing a hand over his face, trying for a nonchalant expression that he’s sure misses the mark completely. 
“He’s my boyfriend.” 
Lucas hadn't thought it possible but Eliott seems to perk up even more. 
"It’s nice to meet you too,” Eliott says, gracing Marie with a smile before turning to gaze down at Lucas.
“Um,” Lucas fumbles for words, still getting used to Eliott’s constant undivided attention towards him. “So we’ll just grab her stuff and get out of your way?” 
Marie giggles, actually giggles at him. “Here you go, dear.” She hands over a grocery bag packed with supplies to Lucas and Champ’s leash to Eliott. “You still remember her schedule?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Alright, I’m not sure exactly when I’ll be back but it shouldn’t go over a month.” Marie glances at her wristwatch and sighs, clasping her hands together as she glances at both of them. “Well it was nice seeing you boys. I have to clean up around the house some more.” Leaning over, she gives Lucas a small peck on the cheek and Eliott graciously ducks down when she goes to do the same to him. 
Champ’s squirming in Eliott’s arms by now so Lucas pulls her to the ground to clip the leash to her collar. “I’ll see you when you get back then,” Lucas says, straightening up. Eliott grabs the grocery bag Lucas has placed on the ground. 
“Thank you again, Lucas.” Marie walks them to the gate, waving goodbye as they leave. That weird expression is still on her face and god damn it, when will people stop teasing him already. 
“Anytime!” Lucas shouts over his shoulder, grinning as Champ starts running with all the might in her tiny, stubby legs. 
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Lucas goes straight to the cafe after classes on Friday, having forgotten his chemistry textbook there during his last shift. Good thing he’d already studied well before the exam or he would have sent himself straight into a panic attack on Thursday. 
They’re trying to convince Basile out of wearing his lucky sweater vest on the group chat when a rapid succession of messages has his mood doused in cold water, a heavy load of unease dropping right in the middle of his stomach.
Mama I had a dream I was burning  It was terrifying  Hell must feel something like this 
Lucas Are you okay, mama? Do you want me there?
Mama It’s okay, my dear son  I will go to confession tomorrow  He will forgive all I’ve done wrong Just like he’s always done
Lucas Okay, take care tomorrow I love you 
His mama hasn’t sent a text like that in a while. It’s been really good with her ever since Lucas has switched her over to another clinic near campus. Marie has been an angel for them— her constant presence and genuine friendship has helped his mama through a lot. 
But it’s not the first time Marie has been away, it’s not like his mama can’t cope without her— there are other capable nurses in the clinic. Something must have happened.
He enters the cafe with his head down, staring at the messages as if that would help decipher the story behind them. Lucas knows his mother through and through. It’s a comfort for her to be able to send him messages when she’s having a rough time, but she likes to cover the truth in her words behind bible verses and senseless religion talk. 
There’s probably enough time for him to sneak a visit before going in for work tomorrow. He just has to make sure she’s doing fine with his own eyes. 
“Hey, Lucas.” Erin grins from the counter, seeming all too chipper for someone who’s working the late shift on a Friday night. “I’ve got your textbook right here.”
“Thanks.” Lucas reaches over the counter for it but pauses when he sees the small bouquet of flowers placed atop. “Uh, whose are those?” 
“Yours!” She beams, all giddy as she watches him run careful fingers over the soft petals. “Noel said some guy dropped it off for you earlier but, obviously you weren’t here, so they just left it with your stuff.” 
He’s almost a hundred percent sure it’s not Eliott. His guy knows that Lucas doesn’t work on Fridays so it wouldn’t make any sense for him to do this. Besides, they’re literally meeting up in an hour to go to the party together. It just doesn’t add up.
“Did he say what the guy looked like?” Lucas’s confused. He can’t think of anyone who would do this— sure he gets hit on at work sometimes but they’re mostly girls and never has it occurred to him that anyone would actually act on it. 
Erin shrugs. “He was in a rush when I got here so I didn’t get details.”
lucallemant Did you leave flowers at work for me?
srodulv No? You don’t even work today 
lucallemant Ok thought so 
srodulv Someone’s leaving you flowers?
lucallemant No lol I think it’s just a mistake
“Keep it in the back room, we need some life over there anyway.” Lucas stuffs the textbook in his bag and heads back towards the door.
“You don’t want them?” She looks thoroughly confused at the prospect of someone rejecting a bunch of flowers from a stranger. Her and Eliott would probably be great friends, bonding over romance and all. 
“No, they’re not from my boyfriend.” He waves her goodbye and jogs back home, equal parts excited and dreading what Champagne has been up to while he and Yann have been away on campus. The little rascal has a penchant for chewing up shoelaces when boredom gets a hold of her. He’s pretty sure they’ve hidden everything of import behind drawers and closets, though, so Champagne shouldn’t wreck too much havoc by herself. 
“I’m home!” He declares grandly, entering the door only to find Champagne with one corner of a couch cushion in her mouth. “You absolute brat.” She greets him back with a high pitched bark, tail beginning to wag as he makes his way over. “I missed you so much,” he says with a huff, taking her into his arms as he flops over on the couch, in need of some good cuddles. 
It feels like they’ve just settled in for a well deserved nap when a series of knocks interrupts the mindless monologue he’s mumbling into Champ’s fur. She must be so sick of him already. 
With a pained groan, he drags himself off the couch and opens the door to his daily reminder that Eliott Demaury is legions out of his league. 
“What the fuck,” he says, eyes dragging up and down in a quick motion. And then, because he can’t resist, “Seriously? It’s like you’re photoshopped.”
Eliott’s cackling up at the ceiling by the time Lucas’ eyes settle back on his face. But in all seriousness, he should probably drag his boyfriend inside before anyone catches Eliott hanging around Lucas and his ratty sweatpants. 
“If you wanted to do the Dirty Dancing lift, you could’ve just asked me, you know.”
It takes a moment for Lucas’ brain to catch up with the joke but then he scoffs, smacking Eliott’s hands away from him. “Don’t touch me, one of us will die if we attempt that.” 
Eliott looks like he’s got words about that but Champ takes the opportunity to remind them of her existence and Eliott gets effectively distracted. “My princess!” Eliott’s barely thrown his jacket over the nearest table before Champ’s already wiggling in his arms, yipping happily at the attention. “Yes, yes, I’ve missed you too, yes I did.” 
Lucas rolls his eyes at them as if he hasn’t been doing the exact same thing prior to Eliott’s arrival. He leaves the door unlocked for when Yann and the others arrive, throwing himself back into the cushions in an accurate imitation of a dolphin. 
“You’re not gonna get dressed?” Eliott asks, sitting on the armchair while Champ nibbles on his sleeves. 
“I don’t wanna go anymore,” Lucas warbles back at him. “I’m gonna look like a potato beside you.” 
The cushion next to him dips and he can feel Champ’s cold little nose sniffing around his head. Eliott’s hand follows right after, carding through his hair. “Don’t say that, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”
“You need to check your eyesight.”
Eliott laughs, “The doctor says I have 20/20 vision.”
“Well they’re lying.” 
“And why would they lie?” He feels insistent hands trying to turn him over but Lucas resists as much as he can, comfortable with his face mushed up against the pillows. 
“Because you’re actually about to turn blind but they’re letting you think that you can still see things normally.” 
Eliott’s persistence wins over Lucas’ laziness and he turns over, smiling when Eliott leans down to kiss him. “Is that so?”
“Then I’ll have no problem with you being the last thing I see.”
“Ah.” Lucas tilts his head over the arm of the couch, looking at the door upside down when he hears the knob rattle. “That was too cheesy.” He’s pretty sure he’s not the only one hearing the faint voices coming from outside.
“Was it?” Eliott lets him up, laughing as he grabs Champ back for another round of cuddles while Basile, Arthur, and Yann sort themselves out at the door.
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There’s a disgruntled bunch of people around the porch when they arrive at the party but the two bouncers stationed at the door take one look at Eliott and immediately usher them inside.
Lucas presses his lips together, looking up at Eliott and trying not to laugh. Whoever’s hosting this party must have made sure that Eliott Demaury must not be turned away at any cost. Eliott catches his expression and rolls his eyes, curling an arm over his shoulder as they navigate through the crowd. 
They get stopped more times that Lucas can count-- all fleeting chitchats that don’t last long enough for him to even remember the other person’s face. 
It’s not necessary anyway since every single one who approaches has their attention all on Eliott. Lucas gets a few curious glances but if these people follow Eliott on Instagram, they probably already know who Lucas is without question. It feels a bit weird, he’s not going to lie, but it’s a factor that comes with being in a relationship with Eliott so he’ll deal with it just fine.
“Eliott! Lucas!” He hears someone call out and they all turn to see Adam waving his arms wildly about. Imane and the girls are already at the table with them. 
When Idris comes by with a tray of drinks, puts a strangely sweet smelling cup of something in front of Lucas and a can of soda in front of Eliott, he turns to his boyfriend with a slightly surprised, “You don’t drink?”
Eliott shrugs. “I prefer not to.” He takes a sip of his soda, eyes sliding down towards Lucas. “I don’t really smoke either. I’m boring like that.” 
Lucas smiles, shaking his head. “Doesn’t make you boring.” He drags a hand up the back of Eliott’s head and pulls him down for a kiss. Eliott presses him harder into the back of the couch, almost spilling their drinks when his hand settles over the table for leverage. 
He stops paying attention from there.
The music’s loud all around them despite their best efforts to seclude themselves into a corner. Lucas’ heart pounds along with the bass, doesn’t need alcohol in his system for his head to cloud in haze. Eliott’s all he can see, hovering over him like this, and he’s intoxicated before Eliott even dares to slip searching fingers up the back of his shirt. 
Lucas buries his hands in Eliott’s hair, feeling like he’s going to melt away in the heat if he doesn’t hold on.
There’s a screech from beside him and Lucas startles, unwillingly distancing himself from Eliott to look around their friends and--
And what the fuck, how long have he and Eliott been zoned out for this to happen? 
Yann’s nearly passed out on one side while Arthur’s trying to crawl closer to him, one hand holding a tiny glass of neon pink liquid. Emma has two tiny glasses of vivid colours, holding them up over her head with a determined war cry. Abe and Idris are giggling it up as they mix colours into shot glasses like the filthy enablers that they are.
So they’ve moved on to shots then. That didn’t take long at all.  
“I think we should leave,” Eliott whispers into his ear and Lucas feels goosebumps rising on his arms.
“We just got here and this is gonna be funny to watch.” Lucas grins up at Eliott but his boyfriend doesn’t return the smile. In fact, the intensity in Eliott’s gaze makes Lucas swallow, breath hitching under its spell. 
“Idris,” Eliott says, holding out a hand without moving his eyes away from Lucas’. “Give me one.” 
“I thought you can’t drink,” Lucas mutters softly. Nothing’s even happening yet and he’s already out of breath, for the love of god he needs to get a hold of himself.
“I said I don’t, not that I can’t.” Eliott tilts his head, brushing the tips of their noses together. “You trust me?”
Lucas nods with a minute shake of his head, like his body wants to stop him even when his brain screams out a resounding yes.
Eliott smiles, placing a slice of lime in between Lucas’ lips and holy shit. No. Fuck, no. He’s not ready.
Or maybe he is. He’s ready?
Either way, he bites into it lightly, letting the sour taste of the fruit distract him from the wetness of Eliott’s tongue against his neck. He feels Eliott’s warm breath ghost over the damp spot and Lucas shudders despite his best efforts to keep his shit together. 
Lucas thinks it ends there-- that Eliott would grab the salt, take his shot, and finish Lucas up with a lime flavoured kiss on the lips. 
But Eliott forgoes all of that, blankets himself heavier over Lucas, and bites at his neck so hard that Lucas gasps audibly, letting out a startled little sound that Eliott couldn't have possibly missed. Eliott keeps him in place with a soothing caress to his hair and Lucas buries his face in Eliott’s shoulder, breathing like he’s just ran an entire marathon. 
“You dropped the lime, baby,” Eliott whispers against his jaw, calm as can be. 
Lucas takes a deep inhale. “You fucking cheated.”
Eliott chuckles, placing lingering kisses against the underside of Lucas’ ear. “You think there are rules here?”
“Yeah.” Lucas straightens up, snatching the shot glass from Eliott’s loose hold and downing it himself. He’s not sure what Abe and Idris put in those glasses but he doesn’t care, welcomes the burn in his throat and the bitterness that stays on the surface of this tongue. “Yeah, there are fucking rules over here.” He wonders what Eliott tastes when Lucas climbs over his lap and tilts his boyfriend’s chin up to press their mouths together. 
Eliott groans, grabbing the sides of Lucas’ thighs to drag him closer, but Lucas pushes against it, knowing that they’re one wrong touch away from getting out of hand. 
“We’re leaving,” he murmurs into the space between their lips, and Eliott doesn’t need to be told twice. 
The walk home is the most unbearable thing Lucas has ever experienced in his young life. For every brush of his knuckles against the back of Eliott’s hand, accidental or otherwise, an electric current shoots through him, runs along his veins, sets him alight from the inside. For every charged glance, he has to remind himself that yes, public indecency is still a thing and no, they can’t settle in a darkened alleyway and make out for just a little bit. Pretty sure that’s how people fucking die. 
So when they finally get inside the building and he pulls Eliott so hard towards him that they stagger into the door with a loud bang, Lucas doesn’t even feel one bit apologetic for it. Eliott keeps his chuckles low, mindful of the hour unlike a certain someone. 
“Where are your keys?” 
“Huh?” He’s too busy trying to lean up for a kiss damn it. 
“Your keys, baby.” Eliott cups his face with both hands, bending down to catch Lucas’ eyes. “Hey, Lucas, are you okay?” 
Lucas blinks back at him, a slight frown visible from the narrowing of his brows. “Are you asking if I’m drunk?”
Eliott shrugs, thumbs running so softly over his cheeks that Lucas can’t muster the strength to be annoyed for too long. “Are you?”
“I had one shot, Eliott, I’m fine.” He turns around and unlocks the door, barely having enough time to see Champ’s curious little ears perk up at their arrival before Eliott’s pushing him back into the door, one arm wound securely around Lucas’ waist while his free hand tangles itself inside Lucas’ hair, placed carefully behind the back of his head to gentle its impact against the door. Trust Eliott to think of that shit even in the heat of the moment. 
“If you say so,” Eliott says, running a finger over Lucas’ clothed hip bone.
“I say so,” Lucas mutters back before surging up on his toes for another kiss, pulling Eliott down so close as if to steal the very breath from his lungs.
The two boys fumble to remove their jackets, leaving the discarded clothing on the ground in favour of stumbling messily into the living room. Lucas trips over trying to remove his own shoes at one point and Eliott catches him, offended at the notion of Lucas falling over and unwittingly separating their mouths. 
They reach the hallway to the bedrooms and Eliott tugs Lucas’ legs upwards, hands roving from the sides of his face down to the back of his thighs to which Lucas quickly obliges, letting their bodies slam against one of the closed doors and fuck yes but they also probably need to calm down a little. Just until they get inside his bedroom at least. 
“Shit,” Lucas gasps up to the ceiling, head tilted back to give Eliott more room when his boyfriend starts lining biting kisses on the side of his neck. There’s a door knob digging into Lucas’ back but he can’t bring himself to care— not when Eliott licks over the mark he’d made at the party earlier, not when he presses their lower bodies harder, and Lucas can’t do anything but squeeze Eliott’s shoulder a little closer, wrap the legs around Eliott’s waist a little tighter. “Wait, Eliott, wait.” Shaky fingers pull messily at Eliott’s hair and his boyfriend lets up with a final peck on the lips. Lucas sets his feet back down on the floor and gets his wits about him for thirty blessed seconds, enough to realize that his bedroom is actually the one on the opposing side. 
They giggle like scheming two year olds as they make their way inside the correct room, trading soft kisses that contradict everything his hormone-addled brain is screaming at him at the moment. But Eliott’s smile is wide and sweet, eyes glistening with something that makes Lucas’ heart flutter, makes him want to stay in this bubble forever if only to keep Eliott looking this way— beautiful and content like the entire universe is in the palm of their hands. 
Lucas scratches softly at the back of Eliott’s head and the latter groans, louder when Lucas begins to drag his fingernails down with more intent, reminding Eliott of the matter at hand. He gets rid of the minuscule space between them, head tilted up towards his boyfriend’s lowered lips. Lucas doesn’t quite reach him with his feet flat on the ground like this but Eliott is putty in his hands as Lucas pulls down, lower, until he’s able to touch a teasing tongue between the seams of Eliott’s lips. 
“Fuck,” Eliott curses, eyes darkened the next time they open. Lucas laughs, barely stopping even when Eliott grips him tight and nips at his lips in retaliation. 
“Eliott,” he says, cupping Eliott’s face gently in between his hands. He lets their foreheads touch for a few heart thudding seconds before Lucas pulls away, walking backwards towards the bed. “Lock the door.” 
Eliott stands there, ruffled and kiss bruised and grinning. Lucas turns around, removing both his hoodie and the shirt underneath when he hears Eliott finally moving. The sound of the lock clicking doesn’t bring the slightest sliver of trepidation, he doesn’t have to swallow down a lump in his throat, his heart doesn’t pound with nerves stemming from out of nowhere. 
And as Eliott returns to his arms, taking his own shirt off along the way, Lucas doesn’t have a single doubt in his mind that he’ll be okay. Eliott’s body above him isn’t an intimidating presence— it’s warm, gentle, safe. 
With Eliott, he’ll be okay. 
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891 notes · View notes
prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
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am i warm enough for you?
➳ tags ;; soulmate au, strangers to lovers, fluff and angst but mostly fluff, some-what canon compliant, bakugo katsuki is bad at feelings, lots of Feelings™, you guys are adults but the end of the fic but the fic is sfw, alcohol, drunk confessions
➳ wc ;; 5.6k..
➳ plot summary ;; you see your soulmate in dreams - sometimes in bits and pieces and other times in full. bakugo is less than inclined to admit he even has a soulmate - and you learn how to cope with it, one day at a time.
bakugo learns that this soulmate shit is no joke. that has to be why he keeps falling for you so helplessly.
➳ a/n ;; i wasn’t even gonna comeback this early but it felt so wrong not to post on my bfs birthday so alas </3 for anyone who cares to know this is @elysianseraph but with my new url. nice to see u all <3
this was originally posted on 4/20 but im reposting cause it didn’t show up in the tags dskjds
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It’s hazy.
A cloud of smoke settles over your body, permeating your lung. It smells like sugar, like burning, like smoke and a little like leather. You can feel your toes curl and your hands moving but your body is separate from you in a way you can’t describe. It’s a pleasant kind of warmth that spreads, creeping up from behind your neck till it’s soft and cradling your skull. It’s soft like the touch of a mother, like wool over your ears.
It’s a pleasant feeling, that’s all. Almost cozy but there’s a fading sense of distress that chills in your lungs as you encompass it. Your hands are too small to reach forward, and truthfully the sensation is so powerful that you’re afraid to reach out. You’re 6 years old, so all you know is how it makes you feel. You can’t remember many details, but you feel pleasant. Something about it is soft, but there’s a sharp edge right at the end that has your lungs gasping for air.
It’s a flash of colors. Red. Orange. Pale Yellow. Grey. Black. Forest Green. Red. Red. Orange. Red.
And then it fades into a feeling again. A blurry feeling. You feel conflict, then concern, then inadequacy in heavy waves almost like it’s drowning you. It’s the first time you’ve experienced such a pain, so your wailing and wiping tears away with chubby fingers and saying a name you don’t know and can’t remember.
Ka. You know the sound, Ka. But you don’t know of anything more. It repeats rhythmically in your mind like a knock on the door, rapping with urgency - but it doesn’t do anything to jog your memory. Someone is trying to be let in but you don’t know how to answer them, and you’re still crying. The distress, the inadequacy shakes you and all you feel is frustration in short simple bursts.
Your first encounter with your soulmate is written this way in your memory. A sense of urgency laced with frustration - but they’re not towards you. It’s him, his feelings - you can feel them even deeper then he can. They pierce you in a way that makes it hard to breathe, no matter how you try to escape them it’s an overwhelming feeling of helplessness. The only way to escape the feelings of a dream is either to control them, or to face them and swim through the fog.
Soulmates have an urgency to them, in general. His is different, you can tell as much. Your first soulmate dream leaves the heaviest impression and each one thereafter is like pieces of a puzzle.
Sometimes you simply share random dreams, like a split screen in a video game - the two of you witness different parts of the same dreamverse. Other times, and honestly - most times, you’re experiencing their emotions or feelings. You experience their core memories, their life, in flashes and bits and pieces.
It’s not enough to know them or who they are, it’s like know everything about them except the things that matter
Sometimes you meet too. Just barely.
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The room is white. When you blink, colors flash in order - red, pale yellow, orange, forest green and you know. You blink a few more times, stretching your hands out in front of yourself. Curling your hands into fist then into stretched palms, you lean forward and stretch. You wriggle your toes - notice you're wearing shoes. Clothes from your closet. Strange.
You take a look around the room but there isn't much to see. There’s a wall in front of you with a glass divider and a mirrored empty room. The room across from yours has spiky decor littered against the walls. An orange dresser, plastic grenades and play guns. You know who it is without a second warning - and a foggy part in the back of your head tells you that it’s him, again but with more force. You don’t see anything in your room, but you figure he might. All of it is confusing to you.
Before you can blink, there’s a loud thud coming from the other side of the glass. It’s a silhouette, the outline of a face - but nothing clear. Dream logic dictates you can’t know a face you’ve never seen, yet somehow you know his outline. Spiky, he’s spiky everywhere.
“Hello?,” you call out, overly tentative. The figure pauses, seems to take in whatever they must be seeing. You’re not sure what response you’re expecting, really. There’s no expectations at all.
“...Who the fuck are you?,” says a pitchy, male voice. He sounds like he’s your same age, a highschool boy. His throat is rough, yet not overly deep. It’s almost scratchy.
You’re not sure how to reply. You can see him through the glass, but not really. Still, you take note of his shadows like they’re going to tell you anything more. You shove your hands in your pockets, messing around with something inside.
“Uh.. your soulmate, I think,” you reply.
Scratching the back of your neck as an awkward silence settles, you take a few minutes to try and figure what more to say.
“We met when we were kids once too,” you explain awkwardly. He must know, has too - this soulmate thing is a two way thing, but his silence is deafening. You just want to feel this space. Is it always this awkward?
“Red. Orange. Pale Yellow. Forest Green,” you repeat, like a mantra. You hear him take in a sharp breath, and freeze. For some reason, you’d like to avoid upsetting him. He doesn’t seem like he’s taking to the information too well.
“I don’t have time for this damn bullshit… whatever quirk you’ve got to mimic this - cut it the fuck out,”
You pause, not sure how to feel. Half of you is offended, the other half is confused - had you done something to upset him? You can feel how he feels - but you don’t understand it. You sit with your mouth agape, like a fish out of water. Unsure of how to proceed, you scoff a little.
“Woah.. this isn’t a quirk thing. We’re.. soulmates? That’s already a thing,”
More silence. You’ve.. he doesn’t seem upset, but you can tell he’s not all that keen to the idea. It’s a bare minimum improvement that you find yourself valuing, without your consent. He breathes again, throat even more hoarse than before. His voice is angry but it doesn’t fit his responses, his feelings - so you don’t pay attention to his madness. Something is off.
“... I’m not supposed to have a soulmate. No fucking way I have a soulmate,” he grits. You step back, stumbling. You didn’t have any expectations.. but this wasn’t what you had been expecting at all. You feel uneasy, sick. It must be a shared feeling if the way he leans against a wall counts for anything.
A beat of silence passes before you open your mouth to speak.
“... I have no idea what I’m supposed to say to that,” you admit. He scoffs.
“Nothing you damn extra. Leave me the fuck alone,”
You don’t reply, too stunned. This was your soulmate? This.. asshole? Not that you were a peach entirely either, but this was supposedly the person that the universe had decided for you?
You shake your head. Maybe you’re just being rash? He could be a nice guy behind all the chaos. You try your best to hold onto that, that this was literally someone chosen for you before you gave up all hope. You sigh, cracking your neck.
“You can say whatever you want but.. we’re here, you know? It’s more productive to just go with it.. isn’t it?,”
“Go fuck yourself,”
“After meeting you, I’m not exactly over the fucking moon about it either. It is what is,”
“You’re not my fucking.. soulmate or whatever the fuck. Leave me alone,”
Your heart both aches with anger and sadness. You don’t know what to do. What does this shit-head know about you, anyway? You know he’s been through some shit, same as you - what makes him so entitled? You swallow the lump in your throat. It hurts. It pierces. Stupid soulmate bonds.
“Yeah? Alright. Fuck you too,”
You see him pace around for a longer before he disappears in a cloud of smoke. You didn’t even catch his name, and you’re not sure you wanted too. It must be morning, but at least you're away from him. It feels lonely, but it must just be you.
Your eyes flutter open but your heart is heavy with regret. You don’t know who it belongs to, but you’ve got class in an hour and not enough time to think about it. If he doesn’t want to meet you that’s fine.
It’s fine. Not like you wanted to meet your soulmate anyway.
You don’t have another meeting with your soulmate for months. Lately your dreams have little if anything to do with him or where he is, how he’s been. You have some of those split screen ones, where you know he’s there but neither of you acknowledge each other, even in spirit, like how you did before. When you wake up feeling angsty, you don’t know how to distinguish the feeling but you don’t try.
You wonder idly if he can feel your apathy, if he cares enough too. Maybe he also mistakes it for his own? It seems likely.
It’s a weekday where you’re getting ready for remedial classes at your school. First year advanced courses were no joke, and you find yourself regretting your choice to participate in them.
Still you get dressed anyway, put your uniform on and brush your teeth - wash your face with your eyes half open and look presentable. No one's home in the morning, the house is empty of any life but you. Food becomes a last minute priority, so you make an egg sandwich with cheese and eat it on the way to the train station.
You stare down at your feet as you step outside, music drowning out the noise of your surroundings aptly. The walk to the station is long and the ride is longer, but the streets are packed edge to edge. Musutafu is busy this time of year - the U.A. Sports Festival is taking place today and everything seems to reflect that. You barely manage to squeeze past all the strangers on the subway - clearly on their way to see it.
When you get to school, you're greeted by a mostly empty classroom with a teacher. These classes were straightforward as always, do the work you need to correct, have it approved and leave. It repeats until your finished with all the assignments and you get to be done. You give a respectful nod to your teacher before grabbing your work from your bag.
It goes on and on - occasionally, you hear an excited gasp and quiet chatter from classmates. It’s about the festival, the happenings - but you’re too caught up in completing your work that day and trying to get the fuck out of their as soon as possible.
Shit like that didn’t matter to you, anyways. It’s just a festival.
You leave around the same time the festival seems to have ended, the streets flooded with people - you miss the first station and wander towards an electronics store a block away from your highschool.
It’s the winners on TV. A guy with split hair - Shouto Todoroki, Endeavors son. A guy with a bird head, and a blonde with red eyes - muzzled to the pole.
When you see them, your heart stops. You can feel anger, an unfamiliar rage and humiliation building in your chest. It feels the word has stopped as you watch from afar, through screens. Your soulmate seems upset about something, but you wouldn’t know what.
And that blonde on TV, you wonder if you know him from somewhere.
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Red.Orange. Pale Yellow. Grey. Black. Forest Green. Red. Red.
You feel him before you even know what’s happening - and it catches you completely off-guard. You haven’t had a proper soulmate dream in two years. Smoke clouds your lungs, the taste of sugar burning your tongue as you cough yourself into awareness. This time, you’re not in a room but it’s a campground. In the middle of the space is a bonfire, burning warmly. This one feels more vivid, more real.
But you know it’s not, your body feel unusually light and your hands can’t hold anything for too long. You know it’s a dream, but you sit in the chair anyway. It feels like you're floating. You feel oddly warm. Dread builds in the pit of your stomach. Even though it’s been so long since you’ve spoken to your soulmate - you can’t forget the terrible first encounter. It sticks to the roof of your mouth - a bitter memory that fills you with unexplainable, irrational resentment.
But it’s not like you hadn’t been seeing him, to an extent. You’ve seen all his memories in bits and pieces - all of them tragic and painful. This time, you see people but they come in the form of small scraps. Spiky Red. Electricity. Tape. Pink with Horns. Music. Green. So much green and red - like Christmas, you’ve called it. You’ve seen disappearances, fear, anguish - so much anguish.
In the weeks after All Might’s fall, you were in so much pain - you couldn’t stop crying for days. It’s been enough time to know what feelings were yours and which were his - and these ones felt so much like him. It went on for nearly a year - you’d almost got accustomed to it. If tears showed up to blot the ink of your lecture notes, you didn’t think twice about it. You tried to keep yourself calm, steady - in hopes you could lend your soothing to him. Even if he hated your guts, you could barely believe so much sadness could exist in one person. You didn’t know what happened but whatever it was - it must’ve been terrible. At the very least, you felt sympathy.
Sympathy was enough to get by for a long time. A neutral, level-headed sympathy that helped soothe some of your own hurt.
All that said, you were hardly expecting to see him again - especially not this soon. You don’t remember the last time you thought about him in anything other than passing - actively. It’s one thing to know what's happening - you’ve felt him passively everyday for damn near two years.
But it’s another thing to see him in front of you, force yourself to acknowledge him as your soulmate even if he insists on not doing the same.
You squirm in your chair, noticing that you’re wearing PJ’s instead of clothes. Just a hoodie and sweats, none of which fit you quite right. You pull your sleeves over your hands, fiddling with the stray strand of thread loose.
“What the fuck is this shit?,”
Your stomach drops. Unsure of what to say, you opt to say nothing at all. Just let him be, sit quietly in your dreams and mind your business. Maybe he’ll wake up soon and it’ll all be over.
You can’t see him from the corner of your vision but you can hear him shuffle. The way he touches things, noticing how they make noise but don’t feel quite right in his hands. How it feels real but doesn’t, how it is real and isn’t. Surely, he’s noticed you by now. The lingering silence makes you squirm.
“...It’s you,”
You flinch, lifting your head up slightly to meet his gaze. His expression is unreadable, but it’s different from before. In a fleeting moment, something occurs to you.
You can see him. What he looks like. Blonde with red eyes, and a sharp chin and thin waist. You know it must mean you’ve seen him before - perhaps you’d even seen each other, but for your life you can’t remember where you’ve seen his face. It’s right there, on the edge of your mind, but you’re stumped.
“Oh,” your reply comes short, strained. Your eyes flutter as you press your lips into a flat line. “Uh, hi,”
The blonde sits in the chair, slumping down. His eyes go towards the flickering flames without another word and you decide it’s best not to engage. It stays like that for a while, a beat of silence - not awkward but not comfortable, passing by without another thought. It all feels real, present - not like normal dreams. This must be the special kind of soulmate thing you find yourself feeling resentful towards.
His eyes are heavy. Relief is overwhelming him, with an iron grip and he’s worried you can feel it. If you can, you don’t say a word.
“I didn’t think I’d see you again,”  he admits.
The words sound tender passing through his mouth, unmistakably so - but you don’t get your hopes up. Instead, you give him a placating laugh, leaning forward towards the fire and mirroring him.
“I didn’t think so either,”
When it falls silent, it feels comfortable. It’s not like either of you have anything to say to each other right now, with no manual on how this was supposed to go. If he even wanted to go there.
“I can.. see you,” you start. He squints.
“You couldn’t before?,”
This takes you by surprise. You shake your head.
“No..Could you? See me, I mean?,”
Bakugo feels heat rise to his skin. Oh. Huh.
“Yeah,” he replies, a sharp inhale leaving his lungs “I can see you,”
There’s something tense in the air. It’s a strange sensation - to know the deepest and most intimate parts of someone without even knowing their name proper, or where they went to school, or what they normally eat for breakfast. All that connects you are these mutual feelings, shared grief that holds you two to the title of soulmates. This odd bond.
“..d’ya still think I’m a quirk wielding villain?,” you laugh, or try too - you’re doing your best to cut the tension. He can feel your hurt all the way from your sit, so deep in his gut - it’s been haunting him for years. How many nights of sleep he’s lost knowing there are soft and helpless tears coming from these suppressed feelings. He doesn’t know how to say sorry, so he sighs and rubs the back of his neck. He’s changed a lot in two years - but not enough to be good at this.
“No, I don’t,”
He smiles, just a little. It’s gentle, casts shadow on his face from the light of the fire. It’s warm, everything feels warm and better and invigorating. When you look at him and his uneasy expression - you know he feels it too.
“By the way, uhm - what’s your name? Ka.. something? Right?,”
His eyes shoot up in surprise. He nods a little.
“Katsuki Bakugo,” he replies, expectantly. You seem surprised that he wants to know yours.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” comes your reply.
“Nice to meet you,” says him, Bakugo - your soulmate.
“Nice to meet you too,”
Getting to know Bakugo is unusually easy. You get the feeling it wouldn’t be, in the case that you were anything but soulmates - but Bakugo has never known being this intimate with someone other than you. Despite himself, how much he hates himself - you never seem too. Even though you feel and see all the ugliest parts of him - have since he was small enough to still be innocent, you always treat him the same.
Your conversations are short, and shallow. Regardless, he’s not used to talking so much about himself. But you’re always curious, so much so Bakugo doesn’t have the heart to see your countless questions go unanswered.
You keep a little notebook of all of your encounters. You remember them by heart but write them down too, just in case you miss something. You ask about his friends - Spiky Red and Soft Green, referring to them that way even after you’ve known their names. You ask about his work - the life of a dangerous hero, and if he ever gets nervous flying through the air.
Admittedly, he’s mean to you. He teases you so frequently, he’s lost count of all the times you’ve huffed and puffed at his sarcastic remarks. Still, you never turn away from him. You stand with your foot down and your arms crossed over your chest - insistent on making him feel flustered too. And it works, somehow - because you know all too much about Bakugou and always gets him right where he’s most conscious about. You don’t have to tease him about his feelings since you know them like the palms of your hand.
But these shallow conversations always mean a little more to him that he knows how to verbalize, and half the time he doesn’t need to do that at all. You’ve learned the masterful of working around him quietly, making all the parts of that feel too big to love - something small and fragile. Somehow, you’ve made being with him, even as friends - feel like less of an impossible feat but a dream.
Katsuki Bakugo has been in love with you since he was 6 years old. There must be some feelings we cannot share with our soulmates, because he has no idea if you feel it or not. He just knows he does, somewhere deep in the cavern of his heart, he loves you.
You never cross the barrier of romance with him, though. A paralyzing fear seems to settle in your bones when you breach too close to love and intimacy - and Bakugo understands those feelings, even if he doesn’t know exactly why they’re there. It’s not something you’ve decided to tell him yet, but he feels it in the same way he feels your loneliness. You may be kind but you’re more guarded than he is, and not fearless but reckless.
But he still finds himself aching to love and be loved by you, no matter how much he hates it. The yearning still manages to swallow him, even late into the night.
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It’s been a while since your last meeting with Bakugo but not long. You were 21 now, but your dream visits were frequent. When you weren't speaking or seeing him through dreams - you were watching him on TV. You’d been yet to meet with him in real life but to you, that was okay. Seeing him like this had been more than enough.
Today was different. Normally, that bonfire was always a back-drop to these little encounters but it was a field today - a filed with rolling hills and hundreds of flowers and tall grass that made you feel itchy. The sun was permanently stuck right before it set but it was so warm everywhere. When you get there, there’s a blanket on the top of one of the hills. You sit on it cautiously and watch the wind pass. Everything is tinged orange, and red - you know he’s there with you before he appears.
When he does, he seems different. You glance over at him as he stumbles towards you in a stupor, and when he does finally sit - you get a whiff of alcohol coming from his neck and mouth. It’s strong enough to make a little dizzy. Blinking owlishly, he sits crisscross besides you, staring a little at the surroundings.
“..the fuck?,” he slurs. You can’t help but break out into a laugh. He nearly falls over, body swaying so you bring his head down to your shoulder wordlessly, a furious heat running all over your skin. Even though you can’t feel him, the gesture makes you feel something in your belly.
“Why’re you so drunk?,”
“Birthday,” he mumbles. Your eyes widen in surprise. Bakugo is seemingly unfazed, eyes drooping with tiredness. He’s completely inebriated.
You feel yourself grow tender. You’d have to wake up and remember the days date. Despite all the times you’ve met, you had no clue about his birthday or how he celebrated. You feel your heart ache at the idea you’ve spent the latter half of it together, in your own way.
“Happy Birthday, Bakugo.”
“Bakugo this, Bakugo that,” he growls, a little incoherent “We’re supposed to be fucking soulmates and you still call me by that.. damn name.”
He hiccups a little as you sit there stunned. You blink.
“.. You think of us as soulmates?,”
“Are you some kind of moron?,”
You scowl, flicking his forehead with your thumb and forefinger. He makes a noise of indignance.
“Well, how would I know? When we first met, you didn’t seem enthused about it,”
Bakugo sighs tiredly.
“I was 15 and an asshole - clearly I don’t fuckin’ feel that anymore,”
You seem surprised again.
“..You don’t?,”
Instead of swearing at you, he closes his eyes and gets closer to you. The liquor runs through his system like liquid courage and he nods a little.
“Not at all,”
“What do you..”
“What do you think I mean?,” he barks a laugh. You feel your pulse under your skin, drumming against your chest like a hammer. You can’t even breathe.
You’ve had feelings for Bakugo from the second proper meeting you’d had with him. It was clear as a day that he was your soulmate for good reason, that inexplicable draw that kept your heart from ever belonging to anyone else. You tried to - tried to go on dates and see other opportunities through but he was always so one of a kind.
Yet, you’d given up all hope that it would mean anything to harbor these feelings, convinced that Bakugo simply wasn’t interested in you In doing any of this. You didn’t want to force him into something he didn’t want - so you kept your distance with hope that he’d still be in your life. It was enough, or you’d wanted it to be.
It’d be a lie to say that you hadn’t started thinking about it more and more as the days pass. What it would be like to see him, touch him and love him and be with him for real - these passive daydreams gone vivid. If he could see your dreams, he must know about them. But you didn’t know how to approach it - how to approach love at all.
That’s the thing with soulmates. You’re told that you’ll just have the answers, destiny will do the hard work but that’s far from true. Because even now, with Bakugo leaning  on your shoulder with this confession lingering in the air - you don’t know what to do.
“Stop being so nervous,” he mumbles. You stumble a little over yourself.
He chuckles.
“You really need me to say it, huh?,” he sighs. He picks himself. If he’s drunk and reckless, then fuck it - he’s gonna take it all the way. He drops his head onto your lap with a tired sigh.
“I think you’re my soulmate, you fuckin’ idiot,” he admits.
And it’s hard to say, because feelings don’t come easy for Bakugo Katsuki - but it’s the least he can do. All Bakugo Katsuki has ever known is to be lonely. It’s a loneliness that he’d forced on himself. Bottling up all the anger and sadness and swallowing it. It’s long since sunk it’s claws into him. That overwhelming, all consuming ugly feeling that lingers underneath that superiority complex.
That no one would ever, could ever love the ugliness that lingers in him. That no one who knew him for what he truly is, could care for him. Deku was the first of many disbeliefs and not much had changed.
Except for when it did. Except for when he met you - in a dream, and you were real and beautiful even at 15. That the universe hadn’t been playing some sick joke on him when he kept seeing you in his dreams, so soothing to his teenage loneliness. You were real and that was so fucking scary.
But you loved him anyway. Looked out for him when he was at his lowest - the soothing beat of your heart  in the days after All Mights end . When he cried himself into sleep and dreamed of you. God, how he dreamed of you. Not especially romantic dreams, but dreams of how you made breakfast. How you watched cartoons on Sunday and read manga in your classes instead of the assigned work. How you fell asleep on the train station and always ate icecream after big tests. How you were especially mundane and how he got to be apart of that everyday routine.
After all, you see dreams of each other, but Bakugo has no clue what your dreams of him look like. His have always looked like you though.
When he was worthless and empty and unable to give you anything meaningful, to apologize or put his pride away - you had loved him anyway. Felt for him with clumsy hands and held on, not letting go. Even when he was begging for you to leave him alone, in fear of this all being nothing more than a cruel dream - you held on tightly to him. With your silly notebook questions and dumb names.
Bakugo Katsuki has never known what it means to love someone who isn’t you. Even if you found someone else and there was someone better than you for him, he would grit his teeth and bear it. He wonders if he’ll ever believe he deserves you. He wants to believe you’re his soulmate - to believe you wont ever leave. To believe that he did something right enough that the universe could give him someone like you.
And he wishes he could say all this, but he can’t - he just closes his eyes and hopes you can feel it.
“You’re so mean,”
“Isn’t that why you like me?,” he grins.
And you can feel his sincerity. He should feels yours too.
“I love you, actually,”
He gasps, a sharp breath that stabs his lungs. He feels sober from the confession.
His voice is gravelly when he speaks.
“Yeah, shit - me too,”
Your heart beats rapidly in your chest. The address is correct, it has to be with the way this place looks. Only a hero could live here, with the floors that lead up to skies. He lives on 3rd floor, so you swallow your fear. You give yourself a thumbs up in the glass window pane of the building before entering through the doors.
When you get there, a box sits. You press the button next to his place, bouncing on the balls of your feet until you answer.
His voice feels different in real life. You  cough.
“Uh, hi,” you greet awkwardly “I’m here,”
“Oh,” he says. You hear something buzz and then him again. “Come on up,”
And you do. The elevator ride feels like it stretches mild, classic piano echoing against the empty walls. You feel yourself feel sick but you’re not sure it’s from the movement. All you can do is fidget and wait.
When the doors open, you peak your head out into the hallway. He’s the first one on the left, just as promised. You can see a welcome mat - forest green, and something in you knows that it’s the right one.
You step up and knock, three times precisely. Your heart is all the way in your ears and everything in you is filled with unease and excitement.
When the door swings open, the world stops. You gape like a fish out of water in disbelief. He’s tall and big like he promised he’d be, but you’re unprepared. His chin is scruffy, eyes full of sleep. Strong chest and arms that seem to crowd your vision, you don’t know what do.
His expression is full to the brim with feelings you’ve never seen. He steps aside with his head ducked down.
“Come in,”
“Ah.. right,”
You take your shoes off and place them in the slippers meant for you - they fit you just right, and it can’t be a coincidence. Your heart swells up a little as you take your coat off, hanging it on the rack. You can feel his eyes as they linger on your silhouette.
“So -,”
Before you can get a word out, you feel strong arms wrapped around your waist. His scruff brushes against the skin of your neck as he holds you tightly too him. The warmth of his breath lingers on your neck - and he hiccups, a sob stored in his rib cages let out with a howl. The tears blur your vision too. You can feel his drip onto your shoulder as you snivel into his neck. Your legs feel weak, but he holds you up at the door - the only thing keeping you standing.
You cling around him tightly, your nails digging into the meat of his shoulders. It’s him, your soulmate, Katsuki Bakugo. He’s real and holding you - and he smells like leather and sugar and a fireplace. He’s warm and strong and overwhelming and your crying into his shoulder with so much feeling you don’t know what to do. You hit him weakly, unsure of what do with yourself and he laughs.
“Damn you, shitty woman - makin’ me fucking cry,” but his voice is strained. It’s like something connected, how you feel each other so intimately in that moment. Not only because you’re soulmates, but because you love each other so deeply. Your heart feels heavy.
When you pull away, you manage to give him a warbly smile.
Your hands cradle his face - so handsome and wonderful. You lean forward, emboldened, and peck him. He melts into your touch like he’d been waiting for this moment his whole life. It makes you grin.
Maybe you don’t realize that he had.
He’d been waiting for you all this time.
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actualbird · 2 years
rosa | main character: a playlist with a character analysis rationale on why i chose each song
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because i saw a post that was like "spotify should have a feature that allows you to add a full essay explaining why that song is in the playlist" and im not waiting for spotify to integrate that in, imma do it myself, HAHA
obligatory disclaimer that these r just my own thoughts and interpretations. spoilers for up to main story 6.2 and other stories here and there
wc: 1.7k (2k if u add all the lyrics i quote lmao)
here is the link to the playlist. now let me walk u through my choices.
part 1: the pre-story arc of oh, im nothing special
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we dont get to see much of mc before the story's game officially Starts, but what we do get to see is through flashbacks in retrospect, and a lot of the time, mc does mention or express this sentiment of like
ah well. im not really anything special at all.
this sentiment comes in in a bunch of cards/stories with the boys (usually vyn or artem) when she sees their achievements and compares herself to them. but even sans the comparison, pre-story, i can see her under the assumption that shes completely run of the mill and nothing of note.
6/10 by dodie illustrates the "not very much" aspect of this
I feel like a six out of ten I've gotta get up early tomorrow again What goes on behind the words? Is there pity for the plain girl?
and Waiting in the Wings from Tangled Adventure is the reaction to this sentiment, in a sense. mc doesnt feel like shes much, but she does still believe in making a change, but god
when will her time come?
When you have the passion and the drive You expect your moment center stage to arrive I show up with heart a blazing Ready to achieve amazing things But I'm left waiting in the wings
this song in particular is fun, meta-narratively. it's the song of somebody wanting to the main character, and i think pre-story mc wishes for this moment, unaware that she indeed is the Main Character. like girl, sit tight, ur gonna be the protag.
pre-story mc doesnt think much of herself and is awaiting the moment she can have her chance. and when she does, thats when the story starts.
part 2: he butterflies and frustrations of falling in love
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this portion of the playlist is wholly mc just going "aaAAAAA FEELINGS IM HAVING FEELINGS (?)" and the experience is a Lot.
it's novel and sweet and exciting (The Show by Lenka). but it also can make her feel off kilter, unsure, and helpless (Helpless by Rico Blanco). it's a nice experience, but it's also frustrating because she's constantly second guessing her own feelings and the feelings of the other (I Go Crazy by Orla Gartland) aaaaaand eventually once mc finally finally realizes her feelings, i just see it as character for her to be have this....not really impatience, but a certain restlessness on how exactly to get the show on the road, get the relationship moving forward (Make A Move by Lawrence)
part 3: Enneagram Type 1. "I believe that we can fix this over time."
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swerve. from the cute delights and frustrations of love, i now wanna talk about what i interpret to be among mc's really important character beliefs: hope
and im also gonna assign her an enneagram type as well: Type 1
Type 1s are titled as The Reformer. this is somebody who is idealistic, believes in integrity, and desires the improvement of the world around them and their own self as well.
the song One by Sleeping At Last illustrates the gist of a Type 1 immensely well (while also making me cry)
Hold on for a minute 'Cause I believe that we can fix this over time That every imperfection is a lie Or at least an interruption Now hold on, let me finish No, I'm not saying perfect exists in this life But we'll only know for certain if we try
this is something apparent in the broad strokes choices of what mc does. in main story 5.3, the last trial, she thinks the line "Justice may not come as swiftly as we'd like, but evil shall never go unpunished. This is why I became an attorney. My conviction will not waver."
mc knows the world is flawed, she knows people do bad things and other people get hurt. perfection is not possible, but she is going to roll up her sleeves and work on it anyway.
this is what matters to her: trying to make things better
this isnt just in her career as a lawyer, it's also in her role as a character in the nxx boys' stories. for each and every one of them, being with her and experiencing events with her and building their relationship with her, all of that causes a shift in their beliefs/tendencies. on a narrative level, she is quite literally pushing the character development of the others
and on a "her as a person interacting with other people" level, she is a catalyst for change.
not just for them, but for her herself. as she pushes towards change, she grows and learns and the insecurity from pre-story slowly changes as well
another lyric in One is
The price of this so called perfection is everything I've spent my whole life searching desperately To find out that grace requires nothing of me
perfection isnt possible in real life and it isnt possible in herself as well. but thats alright. because who she is evidently enough to make things better and thats what she wants
this doesnt mean she is immune to doubt
part 4: what am i doing, who am i becoming, what can i do?
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this portion of the playlist is part of mc's journey SPECIFICALLY in the aftermath of main story 6.2
once artem and mc are in the hospital, artem goes on his nice speech about justice which is great and did help mc feel a bit better. however, there mc's thought process still betrayed a newfound doubt.
in my main story 6.2 reaction post, i mention this but i'll summarize it: this is the first case thus far in global that doesnt end with a court trial. it's the first case where honestly, justice arguably wasnt served. desperation, cruelty, and anguish led to ava and jerry dead. the cruelty that ava had perpetuated ran so damn deep into so many people, spread to countless lives, and was just so bad that the only way it couldve ended was the cruelty collapsing in on itself. it's over.
but not over in the way mc sees as right or just. thus, she is now doubting certain beliefs and convictions she has, like her belief in justice and good and if that can make a difference
the sheer magnitude of this case...well, since we're not getting main story 7 for a bunch more months (hyv pls feel free to prove me wrong here lol, i'd happily accept THIS schedule deviation), i can only speculate that this doubt is something thatll weigh on her mind.
and with doubt, comes questions
Where Am I Now? from Lysistrata Jones is a great song that illustrates the doubt after a failure. all that effort gone to nothing, the first questions are going to be along the lines of where do we go from here?
Maybe just some more time, just a little more fight, Like they say, no guts, no glory. All and all I did fine or maybe I'm like a hundred miles off course, Well, maybe that was too much, maybe not enough. Maybe I should just turn back now. Cuz' how do I go on When everything's so wrong. Where am I now? How am I here? Which way do I turn When it's all so unclear? I'm standing alone With nothing but fear.
Flesh & Bone by Sammy Rae is a song that continues the questions that sprout from doubt. moving on from questioning the situation, mc now begins questioning herself, how shes changed
But I need to know I don’t need to be shown I've gotta see it for myself I've gotta learn it on my own I need to know if I am flesh & bone And am I still growing or full grown?
Green & Gold by Lianne La Havas is similar to the previous song but, since im a hopeful bastard at heart, the tone starts changing. still questioning but the answer is going to lie in the fact that mc is not going at all of this alone. shes got the rest of the nxx with her, supporting her and each other. this is the way out from doubt: looking through other people's eyes
Six years old Staring at my nose in the mirror Trying to get my toes in the mirror Thinking 'Who's that girl?' And 'Does the mirror world go on forever?' Carve me a road Sharpening the knives in the attic Trying to watch cartoons through the static Thinking where am I gonna be If I'm ever twenty three? I'm looking at a life unfold Dreaming of the green and gold Just like the ancient stone Every sun rise I know Those eyes you gave to me That let me see Where I come from
Last Hope by Paramore is the acceptance that things are going to be rocky, it's not always going to be clear cut, but damn it, if she's gotta believe in something anyway
It's just a spark but it's enough to keep me going And when it's dark out and no one's around it keeps glowing
and City Lights by December Avenue represents the convergence of the questions and the conviction to keep on going anyway. the pre-chorus includes the lyrics:
Where am I going now? I need a light to shine on me
while the chorus answers it
City lights they're all with me They fill me with serenity They're coming one by one Until I separate my mind into the light And I've got my chance to look
part 5: what love really means, how love can really help
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if part 2 was about the surface level beginnings of love, this section is absolutely about the deeper benefits of love
Lost Stars from Begin Again is love still tinged with doubt, but an acceptance of that doubt. mc is never going to have a completely sure life, what with NXX stuff and also just the usual imperfections of how people work (gonna be true for all love interest routes, our boys are wonderfully flawed as hell, each w their own baggage and issues), but thats okay
because What You Mean To Me from Finding Neverland represents the uncertainty of love and how a leap of faith is what can get people through.
I won't lie I'm a little bit frightend Of my imagination Swear I'll try I'm feeling enlightened You're my inspiration We can fly if we want to I promise that faith will give you wings
and Look Up by Stars is a song that i put here not to represent a romantic love between mc and anybody
this song is a love towards herself
the chorus goes:
You're cold, maybe you just missed the sun You fall, feeling like its just begun So far, keeping it together's been enough Look up, rain is falling, looks like love
and the bridge goes:
(And still in toil, it takes heart to love the rose And still in toil, it takes heart to love the rose)
back when i was making the boys' playlists, i wanted to add this song in like. every single one of them JHAVKJHFAJKSFHA, cuz it fits all of them. they all have their moments of hopelessness or fear and they have to make the conscious choice to see better is out there, and a part of that better is our beloved rose-coded main character. back then, i took the bridge to be representing that it takes hard work (toil) and vulnerability (heart) to love her (rose)
but now i see it's a perfect song for mc herself. after all her doubts, every time shes fallen, every time it wasnt enough (toil), she gets back up. the heart she needs to love the rose, herself, is akin to her conviction in goodness. she has to believe in it (heart).
she has to believe in herself, the rose.
part 6: this story is going to be a good one, i will work to make make it a good one
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all of these songs now are on the same general theme of Making Things Better, the joy of a brighter day ahead, and hope. but the one i do wanna focus on is Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
aside from being an absolute banger and also being in line with this part's theme, it's also a song that fits mc meta-narratively
she is Literally the main character. as the catalyst for the story's beginning and the other characters' development, she is the driving force pushing the story forward. to loop this back to the beginning, mc had seen herself as nothing special or of note. yet there are many many things that does set her out as a good person, and one of which the keeps the story going is the fact that she does not give up.
so while she'll have her low points, she gets back on track cuz and Keeps Going because this is something she believes in. through this, the story continues and she's definitely got opinions on what kind of story she wants to be making. the rest is unwritten, and shes determined to make this a good story for the herself and the people she cares about
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kira-fluff · 3 years
Saeyoung, Yoosung, Jumin and Zen reacting to to “hotel only one bed” trope ? ♥️
a/n: of course you can lovely! <3 *AHEM* Lemme just say this trope is ELITE and I will NEVER not love it // also, i’m writing it like it’s before they’re dating (OF COURSE) because I want it to be spicy (actually that’s the only thing that would make sense for this prompt but you get my point whatever). ALSO also I’m basing the fancy hotel off my stay at the Ritz Carlton (it was like $25,000 a night) because my grandma couldn’t manage money N E WAYSS. Also, if y’all could let me know whether you prefer Y/N to MC pls lmk k thx 
TW: drunk old lady w/no filter, gets pretty suggestive because I couldn’t help myself, an overbearing aunt, savage Italians, and loud hotel neighbor 
Note: omfg i accidentally made this so long oh well here’s yo present lmao 
“There’s only one bed” PT.1 PT.2
Getaway missions are mad cool until you can’t sleep 
When you finally neared the parking entrance to your hotel you were SO looking forward to taking a nice hot shower before shimming into the covers of your crisp, (clean, you hoped) sheets. 
It was past 3AM when Saeyoung finally drove his elegant vehicular device (because what other word is there for it) into a secured parking space 
“Because I don’t trust those shady valets, y/n.” 
“Whatever you say, Seven”, you replied groggily. 
You hauled ass up to the front desk, then to the elevator of the exquisite hotel you were staying at
not that you cared 
because S L E E P 
but Saeyoung likes to quote Jurassic Park (because of course he does) like “I spare no expense, y/n” 
“I’m too tired to laugh” 
“Not everyone naturally stays up until the early morning light before going to sleep.” 
“It really should become a thing, it’s honestly very iconic of me.” (it’s not)
By the time your conversation ended you were glad to see your hotel number and a little key card slot. 
Saeyoung made a show of sticking the key card in like a spy or something 
it was funny for normal y/n but not for tired y/n 
“Here’s your room, M’lady.” 
He held the door open to your room as you looked around the room 
a large, lush bed set before a ginormous flat screen TV with complimentary expensive chocolates laid before you as well as complimentary take-home elegant towels and slippers. 
suddenly, you heard a knock on the door 
blinking in confusion, you opened to see it was Saeyoung 
“Um.. hey! What’s up?” 
Saeyoung looked a bit bewildered himself before saying, 
“Hey, so, I realized my key card was the same room number as yours and I was like ‘That’s weird!’ so I called the front desk who verified that I had placed a reservation for one room, not two, so I hacked into their system to see what went wrong and if I could change it but it looks like they’re completely booked and I think I had made the reservation before I knew that you had to come along and I’m so sorry” 
he was breathless after the mouthful he just gave you 
As it was 3AM a drunk, old woman was tripping her way to her room and shouted much louder than she should at 3AM, “Kiss her already n’ fuck, ya youngin’s!” 
Saeyoung’s hair now matched his face :) 
His ears were tipped bright red before coughing awkwardly 
“I can sleep on the ground. I’ve done it plenty of times, it’s actually pretty comfy.” 
“Um, Sev’ I’m not going to make you just sleep on the floor. If you want--” 
“You’re not making me, y/n, I want to do this” 
“Actually I think I’ll sleep on the floor, I sleep a lot better on the ground”, you fibbed. 
“You’re sleeping on that big ass bed.” 
“No you are.” 
“If you don’t listen I’ll sleep in the bath tub instead of the floor.” 
“Then I’LL sleep outside the room!” 
the phone rang, a worker politely asking you to quiet a bit down because even with your luxurious privacy walls, guests could still hear you arguing. 
Saeyoung began whisper shouting, “Guess that settles it.” 
he plopped on the ground, fake snoring with his arm as a pillow
you sighed 
“Fine, if neither of us are going to agree to this then we are both going to sleep in this bed.” 
Saeyoung blushed lightly at your boldness, a tad worried you’d find him creepy or weird
You started again, beginning to undress a little, causing Seven to yelp in panic and turn around immediately, shielding his eyes,
Now in your tank top and your leggings you’d been wearing under sweatpants and a t-shirt, you said, “I’m gonna go take a quick shower and go to bed. I’m so tired.” 
Seven turned around only when he’d heard the bathroom door shut 
he sighed, What am I going to do with this girl. 
By the time you’d come out of the bathroom, drying your wet hair, Seven was lying on the bed, clad in casual t-shirt and jeans. 
“Come on, Saeyoung, you have comfy clothes! It’s okay, change! I’m done in the bathroom now.” 
“Nah, this is fine.” This was not fine. Saeyoung was out of his area of expertise of expecting the unexpected because God you were so unpredictable. 
“Please” you jutted out your bottom lip in a little pout, being sure to make eye contact with him 
Something glowered in his eyes for a split second before he half-smiled saying, “Ah, little Y/n, you know I can’t say no to you when you go all sad on me.” 
He stepped into the bathroom to change, but let’s be honest. He was freaking the fuck out. 
he covered his flushed face, changing into his soft sweatpants and a cozy sweatshirt. he was scared 
the more comfortable he became the more likely he’d accidentally get closer to you and then you’d freak out because you’d hear the sound of his heart beat like it’s a fucking rave concert and then you’d be weirded forever and quite possibly never talk to him again
but on the outside, he stepped out of the bathroom, whipping his phone out with a huge smirk saying, “Smile” 
you threw up a peace sign with your tongue sticking out 
he laughed before sending it to the RFA chat 
707: Sleepover lolol [see attachment]
immediately both your phones blew up with buzzes of notifications from the chat 
you laughed lightly, brushing a stray hair from your face to tuck it behind your ear 
this was gonna be a long night for Seven. 
Zen: UGH get away from her!!!!!!!!!111!!1!!
Jumin: Maybe you should learn to type first. 
Zen: shut it cat freak
Zen: seven answer 
Zen: hey 
Zen: y/n, text “qwerty” if you’re in any kind of danger 
Jumin: What a strange code. 
You: qwerty :(
707: lololololol
Zen: !!!!!
Jumin: -_- 
You: just kidding <3 i’m fine you guys 
707: lololol 
Jumin: Have a bit more faith in your subordinates, Zen. 
You closed the chat and muted your phone, expecting the incoming argument that was quickly to ensue. 
You patted the bed lightly, ushering Saeyoung to lie down next to you. 
He obliged, though he politely laid at the far edge of the left side of the bed. 
You yawned before shutting the light off and whispering a “good night”. 
Saeyoung glanced at the clock. 4AM. Only 15 minutes had passed. You were breathing softly in your sleep within the 10 minutes after you’d said goodnight and here he was still awake. 
You suddenly tousled in your sleep, and Saeyoung raised his head, whispering a soft, “Did I wake you up?” 
You replied with a soft moan before abruptly turning left onto his corner of the bed and grabbing for the first thing you’d felt -- his torso. 
Saeyoung’s breath hitched as he felt you exploring the new found “object”, running your fingers up and down his torso and nearing dangerous areas below 
Saeyoung whisper-shouted, “What are you doing?” 
He leaned closer to hear your reply, but your only answer was more soft little snores 
Saeyoung sighed, trying to lightly grab your wrists without waking you up, and directing toward yourself
no matter how hard he’d try, your arms kept finding his own
your nails would softly ghost over his chest or neck, causing him to shiver and blush profusely 
again, he sighed, trying his hardest not to give into your sleepy state 
until you broke him with a soft utterance, “Sae....young..” 
Saeyoung’s eyes widened to the size of saucers before he dared to look down at you, your hair curling on the bed every which-way.. your mouth slightly agap... 
he groaned, his brows furrowed and his eyes shut
at last he slunk his arms around your torso, being sure to respectfully keep them high around your waist 
he buried his face in the crook of your neck to subconsciously try to hide his ever growing blush (and erection) 
I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this ‘friend’ thing when you’re driving me this crazy, y/n.
You awoke to a sleeping Saeyoung, his toned arms enveloping your small body in a hug
shamelessly, you laid still for a few moments longer. 
this bean is lonely uwu
so when he’d invited to you go with him on a trip his uncle had paid for, you felt bad saying “yes” because it’s a paid trip!! 
until he begged you because his cousin Chaewon would be there and he was always really pushy and borderline a huge fuck boi 
so you conceded 
but hey free trip for the both of you minus shitty family gatherings with no one you know, right?! 
you hope there’s at least one dog. and alcohol. 
dog + alcohol at a party = an actual fun fucking time 
you were glad Yoosung was there with you because he honestly couldn’t agree with you more 
You opened your beach-side resort room to find there’s only one bed. 
Yoosung blanched and quickly dialed his auntie, who’d made the resort reservations
“Ah...hi auntie! Um, how come there isn’t a separate room for me and y/n?” 
his aunt cackled into the phone, “Aren’t you an old fashioned little gentlemen!!! Awe~~~ you’ve grown up to be such a good boy! <3 Well don’t worry, I won’t say a word to my sister or your pops. Enjoy the time you have with your adorable girlfriend and get it on a little!! I’ve got condoms if ya need ‘em honey~~ Remember dearie, when the shlong is not covered, the child support better be.” 
Yoosung hurriedly hung up the phone, his face completely red, praying you hadn’t heard the conversation that’d just ensued. 
You did 
but you smile and say, “So.. what’d they say?” 
He cleared his throat before saying, “Well, --err.. Basically there’s been a little mishap. B-but don’t worry!! I can just ask Chaewon if I can spend the night in his room.” 
“Didn’t you say he leaves a sock on the door handle every time--”
“YES but I want you to be comfortable, okay! It’s really not a big deal.” 
You shyly smiled while looking down before softly saying, “You can sleep with me.” 
Yoosung’s eyes widened and you quickly looked up, your face flushing to a deep crimson 
“I-I-I meant in the bed!!! With me. We can lie together. In the bed---- I mean we--” 
Yoosung could practically see the steam coming out of your ears and the room felt a LOT hotter 
“S-sure! Sounds great.” he had a feeling if you didn’t agree you’d end up embarrassing yourself further.. and he didn’t want you to feel bad. And he didn’t want those thoughts circulating his mind again. 
“Alright, so I’m going to hop in the shower, y/n... unless you want to go first?”
Gulping down some complimentary water you’d found in the hotel mini fridge, you quickly replied with a shake of your head. 
Nodding, Yoosung make quick work of washing his hair and trying to give himself a pep talk before he would be sleeping next to you. 
Thankful for the big size of the resort bed, you climbed under the covers, already beginning to feel sleep take you 
When Yoosung had at last dried himself off and walked out to the bed area of the resort room, he gazed at how small you looked, hugging a soft pillow in your arms, your eyes fluttered shut 
He looked away, feeling like a creep. 
He shut off the light after making a call to the resort staff to wake him up at 8AM as directed by his uncle’s itinerary
He slid under the covers, shoving a pillow in between the two of you as a little border to separate the two of you 
it wasn’t until further in the night when Yoosung had felt a jolt and he looked up in panic, through the blackness recognizing the pillow-border had been cast onto the ground 
and even more noticeably, your leg was swung over his hip, your body flush to his own 
your arms were snaked around his neck
he felt like he could feel every inch of you
your soft breath just below his ear 
your soft .. er.. chest... against his torso 
your stomach and .. the rest of it... against his own 
Yoosung could not breathe
like someone actually help this man for he is losing oxygen by the minute 
He squeezed his eyes shut and make the executive decision to wait it out til morning 
he was terrified that if he’d move you, you’d wake up and see just how much you affect him. 
And so, when the phone rang that morning, you’d startled, looking up to see your tangled limbs lying on top of his own
he looked at you with eyes that had noticeable circles under them (darker than even after his LOLOL gaming) 
“you look like you didn’t sleep much.... --- Is it because of me!? Oh my god I’m so sorry you should’ve just shoved me off or something seriously I didn’t mean to do it on purpose, honest!!” 
“N-no, no it’s really not!! I promise!!” He tried his best to grin, though it probably looked like a grimace, because the next thing you said was, “I’ll make it up to you” 
“You don’t need to do that. Really, I liked it.” 
It took a moment for him to realize what he just said. 
“I-I mean I like you! I mean I liked sleeping with you!!! I mean--!!” 
Yoosung was quickly spinning circles in his mind 
you couldn’t help the little giggle that came out of your mouth, “I guess we’re pretty similar, huh?” 
Yoosung smiled lightly, “Yeah, guess so.” 
You walked out together toward the breakfast area of the resort
“Hey”, you started, “Is.. Did you mean what you said? About liking me?” 
Yoosung glanced away, taking a deep breath before saying, “Yeah, yeah I did. I really like you.” 
You couldn’t hold back the big ol’ smile that took over your face as you proudly declared, “Me too!!” 
Right when Yoosung was going to go in for a kiss, he saw his auntie suddenly right next to the both of you 
“Oh my GOD when did you get here?!” 
She smirked, “My question first, dearie, what did you two like?” 
Neither of you answered, your cheeks growing red 
“You know, the first time your uncle did it with me I felt the same way. Like, what a man! Must run in the fam--” 
Your blush didn’t leave you as you smeared strawberry cream cheese on your toasted bagel 
This trip was going to be very VERY difficult. Thank God there was alcohol. And Yoosung. And probably dogs. And Yoosung. 
Gotta love relatives. 
You received a call from a stern voice you didn’t recognize
<<“Hello. This is Mr. Han’s chauffeur. I’m approximately 6.3 miles away from your residence. Do not worry about clothes or other necessities. All will be provided for you.”>>
“Uh.. thanks? Where....?” 
<<“Mr. Han has invited you to join him on his stay at the Ppalgan Vineyard Estates. Have you not received the notification?”>>
You glanced at your phone, seeing two unread messages on your phone. 
You read them, feeling bad you hadn’t seen them before. 
“Yes, yes of course. Thank you. Tell him I said thank you. Are you sure it’s okay for me to attend?” 
<<“Miss Y/L/N, Mr. Han gave me specific instructions to assure you would be able to come with him. I have been ordered to give 2 minute updates following your being picked up. I can assure you, it is his utmost wish that you join him this weekend. I’d be honored to thank him on your behalf, though I feel it would mean much more to him if you said it to him rather than me.” >>
“You’re right, thank you. And thanks for driving me. And for all the other stuff you said”, you replied nervously. 
<<”There is no need to thank me, Miss. I am glad to serve Mr. Han in anyway I can.”>>
The call hung up before you could spout out more thank yous 
you phone buzzed, startling you. 
you clicked the notification
<<(XXX-XXX-XXXX HAN COMPANIES) I’ve arrived at your residence. Let me know if there is anything I can carry for you. Sent 13:52>>
You quickly texted a reply of gratitude before rushing down the stairs out of your apartment, not wanting to make Jumin’s chauffeur wait. 
“Good to see you Miss Y/L/N. Is there anything I can get you? I have been given orders to purchase anything you may want or need on our way to the airport.” 
He quickly texted something on his phone, presumably a text to Jumin about your safe arrival to his limo.
“A-airport? You mean, like, flying? Are you sure I don’t need my wallet? It’s not too late for me to go grab it, right? I have my debit card on my phone too, otherwise.” 
“Miss Y/L/N you are not to spent a single won on this vacation. All is paid for.” 
“But my clothes... I don’t want Jumin to have to pay for all new things!!” 
"I assure you, money is not something Mr. Han wishes for you to be concerned with.” 
You’d stayed silent at that, feeling bad that you’d already bothered the poor man who’d just been ordered to drive you, not reassure you of Jumin’s financial affairs. 
You grew quiet, looking out the window as trees, streets, and cars zoomed past you. 
“If you so wish, there are numerous meals options in the compartments below the seats as well as alcohol, carbonated beverages and iced water glasses. You are, of course, welcome to any of these. Please do not hesitate to notify me if there is something you’d like instead. We’d glad to make it a regular option in all of our limousines.” 
You flushed, embarrassed at the amount of power Jumin’s words, and effectively, your own seemed to have on the entire Han Conglomerate as a whole. You laughed a little, it was funny thinking to yourself that you had so much power as to decide snack options for Jumin’s cars. 
Jumin was extra like that, he always went above and beyond to make you comfortable. You loved that about him. It made you feel a little spoiled, so you instinctively rejected most offers at things that seemed to further complicate his worker’s duties. 
You had no idea that when the chauffeur had said airport he meant the Han Private Airway Transportation Zone. 
As in... private jet. 
It was hard not to feel like you were in a whole different world. 
Not that Jumin treated you that way... but it was hard not to notice! 
You bowed in thanks to the driver before hastily finding your way to the nearest man standing in another black suit, his hands folded together in front of him. 
As soon as you uttered your name, his whole demeanor changed and he instantly had gone from cool and collected to humble and overwhelmingly kind. 
He’d quickly made his way to the boarding area, escorting you to the jet before leaving you at a polite distance way from Jumin who’d been looking at you from the moment you’d entered the aircraft. 
His eyes searched your own as you’d yet to discover his presence 
He couldn’t help but rake his eyes up and down your body, admiring the way you could look just in anything. 
He at last saw you searching the spacious cabin, at last laying eyes on him. 
His heart pounded faster, as if your noticing him made his heart leap in joy
You looked relieved and smiled, running over to him and sitting down next to him 
“Hi Jumin!! Oh, should I be calling you Mr. Han? That’s what your chauffeur called you.. sorry if that’s what I should’ve been addressing you as!!” 
His deep voice rumbled in your ear, causing you to shudder, “Jumin is fine.” 
You gazed up at him through your lashes, noticing the way his perfectly tailored vest made him look so... well... for lack of better word...hot. 
“Wow. You look...” Your eyes moved from his hair, to his face, to his neck, to his torso, slowly to his groin, to his legs... before you realized what you’d been doing and quickly your eyes shot up again. 
You bit your lip, “You look nice.” 
You laughed shyly, and slightly (embarrassingly) breathless, “Yeah. Yeah you do. Nice.” 
Jumin couldn’t help the sly smile he’d been holding back before replying, “You look beautiful.” 
You flushed and looked down, squirming in your seat a little before looking at him once more, offering a small, “..thank you..” 
After a few minutes of silence, you’d decided to change the subject, chattering on about how you wondered what this mysterious vacation would hold 
Jumin couldn’t help is concentration half on every word you were saying, but also your lips. Slowly licking his own, he nodded along when you’d gotten especially enthusiastic, grinning slightly when you’d gotten so excited you’d leapt out of your luxury seat. 
Within a half hour of the trip to your destination in Italy, Jumin had trouble concentrating on much else. 
Get it together, Jumin, you’re not some fool like Zen. 
It’d gotten worse the more you’d leaned further in your seat, your chest becoming slightly exposed
he covered his mouth with a hand, opting for looking out one of the many windows of the jet. 
You’d always caught his attention and made him lose his focus -- something he’d never lost before he met you 
He blamed the strawberry sent that you’d always carried with you 
He wasn’t much for expensive, faux perfume that so many of his father’s skanks would wear... it was like no other. 
After a few hours of grueling torture on your part (though you hadn’t know every single time you’d grabbed his hand or arm it’d sent his heart on a sky dive) Jumin was glad to have arrived in the gorgeous Italian acreage of the countryside. 
It was even more beautiful at the dusk of night, you’d decided 
Immediately a shiny vehicle pulled up, ready to transport you and Jumin to the estate you were to be residing in for the weekend. 
Upon pulling into the culdesac, you almost scoffed at the word “estate” -- it was more of a country in and of itself, land stretched beyond what you could see 
The mansion itself stood on pillars and high, Gothic windows. 
Inside, flying buttresses decorated the building, giving it an elegant and aged ambiance that you just adored 
“It’s so beautiful.” 
He smiled at you then, watching you take in the wonders he’d realized he took for granted. 
He was then directed to a double-door entrance way, “Your room, Mr. Han, Miss Y/L/N.” 
“Separate, correct?” 
The man stood in surprise, looking slightly aghast, “T-they never specified such details.” 
“Contact them immediately to confirm. I’ll work it out from there.” 
“Yes, Mr. Han.” From there, the man scurried away to contact the head of the estate. 
After a few moments, he returned, “The Rossi Conglomerate had assumed that you’d brought your fiance with you.” 
“Did you mention I don’t have one?” 
“Y-yes, of course! But, Mr. Han, your father--”
Jumin sighed, “I’ll take care of it.” with a wave of his hand, the man was gone 
You thanked him on his way out. 
Jumin looked at you, searching for a reaction of displeasure or worry
When he didn’t find one, he began, “I was notified the Rossi had booked their other estates to their American investors. My being here is a formality, but it is business. It would be a great discourtesy to demand--” 
You smiled reassuringly, “Jumin, don’t worry about it.. we’ll share the bed, okay?” You held your hand in his own, rubbing soothing circles on his knuckles. 
Jumin looked at you, choking on his spit slightly. 
“Y/N you do understand that--” 
“It’s fine, Jumin!! It’s late already, I’ll just put up my hair.. and.. do you know where the night clothes would be?” 
He watched as you fixed a bobby pin between your teeth before running your fingers through your hair, watching as you arched your back to-- 
“Jumin? ...you don’t know?” 
He cleared his throat, looking away, pink dusting his cheeks
You thanked him, unaware of his watchful eyes 
It had been a few seconds since you’d entered the bathroom before he heard a loud and alarmed, “..UM....JUMIN...?!” 
He’d quickly made his way into the bathroom
“What’s wro--” 
He looked and laying on the long granite island of the large bathroom was a silky set of lingerie as well as a note in Italian you couldn’t read. 
Jumin’s words stopped dead on his lips as he stared at you, then the silky underwear set, you, silky underwear, you.......silky underwear. 
On the outside, Jumin liked to think he came off as calm and collected, saying, “I can get you something else to wear.” 
But when he’d made it two steps out of the bathroom he had a little collision. And by collision, I mean his face.. and the wall. 
He looked in every drawer, finding nothing. He presumed clothes would be delivered as specified. But it was late already.. their servants are dismissed, only the protective guards surrounded the inside and outside of the estate.. explaining the situation to them didn’t seem very promising. 
Of course you were kicking yourself, before you’d found their little....gift... you’d cast your days clothes into the washer. They were probably soaked by now. 
Maybe I could use a hair dryer...? Or I could stuff them in the dryer?? 
Either way you’d be without clothes for.. too long. 
And nothing would be greater punishment then showing all that in front of the man you had completely fallen for... 
You heard a knock on the bathroom door. You listened from inside. 
“Hey, I, uh, couldn’t find anything. Do you think you could wear your clothes from today?” 
You whimpered, on the verge of tears, “I already put it in the washer!” 
He knocked again, “Can I hand you something?”, he asked, undoing the buttons of his formal shirt. 
“C-close your eyes!” 
Jumin chuckled darkly before covering his eyes and handing her his collared shirt 
“I’d give you the pants, too, but I don’t think they’d really fit you. Could you look at what they’d provided for me? Maybe slip on something from mine.” 
“N-no! That’d be even worse for me!! .. and you!” You blushed again imagining him half naked
You hurriedly shuffled through the drawers, but to no avail. 
You gulped, slipping on the lingerie to ensure that maybe something would be covered before buttoning Jumin’s formal shirt on you as well. 
it was so big it didn’t leave much for the imagination 
but you decided through a 10 minute pep talk that you’d suck it up and try your best to make his shirt into a night gown. 
You at last stepped out of the bathroom, Jumin’s head shooting toward the sudden noise before taking you in 
He could scarcely breathe, much less come up with a coherent sentence 
you were in his shirt... 
with barely any clothes on underneath
and you looked up at him shyly, biting your lip a little 
drawing even more attention to your lips 
Jumin had to stifle a groan, opting to head to the bathroom to change
After splashing some cold water on his face in a poor attempt to get his head out of the gutter, he quickly got on his pjs 
after you both were ready for bed, Jumin sat on the bed, opening a small novel he’d been enjoying, Anthem.  
His attention was immediately diverted from the dystopian fiction when he saw you were stretching
His shirt rode up high as he took in the way the lingerie perfect accentuated your curves, though it didn’t cover much below the waist 
Noticing your folly, your eyes widened in shock before you immediately put your hands down
which, just your luck, made it all worse. 
the sudden movement disheveled the shirt, causing it to ride down completely on one side, openly displaying the soft brassiere beneath it 
Jumin slammed his book so hard it left an echo in the large room. 
Great. He couldn’t even make it look like his book was suddenly unbelievably interesting that he just so happened to not take notice of the obvious sight before him.
You blanched, feeling a breeze along your shoulder, gasping before running to your side of the bed and pretending you don’t exist anymore 
Meanwhile Jumin is in a  c r i s i s 
In the most eloquent of words, his mind said holy fucking motherfucking shit oh my God fuck fuck fuck AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH oh my god shit shit shit fuck shit sdfasodjgiajsidogjosdg MALFUNCTION!! WARNING!!!! RUN BITCH!!! 
But Jumin didn’t run
because mama ain’t raise no bitch 
but also because if he stood up it would be blatantly obvious that he had-- 
Stop thinking about it, Jumin.
He tried to redirect his mind to his 5 senses, a grounding technique he’d learned when he got too anxious when he was younger 
But sight seemed to dominate it as his mind replayed your facial expressions, the way your hands awkwardly tried to cover yourself up, the way you looked the way he’d take it all off--- 
Oh God. I’m deep in shit. 
He had never been so pissed at himself... and embarrassed. 
He looked over at you, a horrible decision, really. 
You were still awake, your face was redder than the strawberry sent that adorned you 
“s-sorry..” you whispered, willing yourself to try to forget, “pretend that never happened..” 
Jumin was practically feral and you were saying it never happened? 
Jumin couldn’t just pretend he didn’t just see a fucking goddess 
but he would for you 
“..........pretend what never happened?” 
You sighed, a small smile on your face as you quickly turned to thank him 
but he was a LOT closer than you imagined 
he was propped up on one elbow, looking down at you, his head slightly angled. 
And suddenly your faces weren’t so far apart.
And you couldn’t help but slowly close your eyes 
Jumin felt confusion when you’d done this
he can be a bit of a pea brain, so he of course said, “I’m sure you’re very tired.” 
He shut off the light, reaching over you 
You held back the big frown you’d gotten when you realized he’d rejected you 
unbeknownst to you that it took everything in him, from the moment he’d saw you in the jet cabin, not to scoop you up in his arms and make out with you the whole way there. 
Was Zen going to invite you to his own fucking tour? 
Of course he was 
he liked flexing his connections 
and most of all, showing you just how much he cared about you 
and loved you
but not the love part because God if you ever found out Zen might jump into the nearest body of water and never return 
not that he didn’t have any confidence
he has lots of it 
but it all kind of disintegrates when he gets to talking about his real feelings
But come on, it was blatantly obvious to anyone who had heckin eyes 
or ears 
or just any functioning body 
the way he’d try to subtly throw an arm over your shoulder 
or he’d lean in whenever you spoke 
or the way he’d readjust his posture when you walked into a room 
or the way everyone caught him staring 
like anytime you weren’t looking 
or when you are looking because he is “built different” 
So the limo ride to the fancy hotel he was to stay at was something that had him looking forward to the tour, but also dreading it 
you’d sat close to him in the limo because his agent and other workers were sitting along with him. 
So close that your ass got pushed further and further onto his lap
because damn where the fuck are we and why are there so many goddamn potholes 
Zen tried to steady you by firmly grabbing your hips 
which was NOT the move 
because now that you were firmly set on his lap, every bump felt like a fucking war against his hormones. 
Like a gentleman, he quickly opted to seat you next to him, not wanting you to feel embarrassed 
still, he could feel you being pulled closer to him with every long turn the limo made or every bump or abrupt stop 
and it was torture. 
like this man is sweating 
but by some miracle you arrive at the hotel in one piece! Yay! 
but Zen’s soul has left his body~~ 
so you get set up 
You open the room, “Look, Zen! This bed is HUGE!!”, you ran over to it and plopped your face onto the sheets
He chuckled, watching you act like a little kid excited about a hotel for the first time 
his brows furrowed when he realized there was no door separator between your rooms 
He immediately called the front desk 
all you could over hear was “No, there seems to be some kind of mistake” 
and “I reserved two rooms -- conjoined” 
“Alright, ok. Thanks.” and then he hung up. 
“So..” he sighed, “They can’t get another room because they’re completely booked. Someone must’ve recognized the limo and lots of fans immediately bought up all the rooms in hopes of seeing me.”
“It’s alright Zen! I can ask to switch with your agent or something!!” 
“NO!” Zen said a little too loudly. “No. Um, look it would be bad because he’s a man.” 
“Your a dude, too, Zen.” 
“I-- yeah, but that’s different because I’m a guy you can trust.” 
“So I’ll sleep on the couch, ‘kay?” 
“Zen, no! You need your beauty sleep to be ready for your performance tomorrow!!!” 
“It’s alright, really!”
“I’ll sleep on the couch!” 
“Like hell you will.” 
“Please :(”
“Y/N, seriously--” 
“Then how about this! You and I just sleep in the same bed!” 
Ever the dramatic soul, Zen gasped with his palm over his heart “How SCANDALOUS!” 
“Aren’t you supposed to be Mr. Playboy?”
“Only for you, baby”, he winked. 
You stuttered, “T-that’s not funny! Seriously don’t make it weird you horn- dog!” 
He threw his head back in laughter, “Horn-dog?! I thought you said you trusted me!” 
“Not when you’re obviously thinking about doing this and that to me!!” 
“Doing this and tha---Hey! Who do you think I am?!”
There was suddenly a loud bang on the wall and a burly man shouted, “GO TO FUCKIN’ SLEEP YOU OBNOXIOUS, SEXUALLY FRUSTRATED LITTLE SHITS!”
You smirked, holding in a laugh saying, “Sounds like your fans are getting jealous.” 
Zen’s mouth dropped and you began laughing hysterically 
“T-that was like a 60 year old man!” 
You fell back on the bed, laughing louder 
Zen shouted back, “WELL EXCUSE ME, SEXY, 42 YEAR OLD MAN” 
There was silence before a harsh knock sounded at your door 
All Zen’s bravado disintegrated and he made a dash for the bed, whispering loudly for you to “Turn off the fuckin’ lights, turn off the fuckin’ lights!” 
You stifled more giggles rising up to your throat as you clicked off the light, making sure the room was locked, and climbed into bed
you breathed out your last laughs, sighing to yourself contentedly before noticing the close proximity you were to Zen 
You stared at each other for a long moment 
You leaned in closer 
Zen placed a palm on your cheek, gently cupping it
he softly whispered, “Can I kiss you?” 
You answered by harshly connecting your lips
The two of you feeding off each other’s oxygen as Zen bit your lip, causing you to gasp and open your mouth to make way for his tongue 
you whimpered, feeling faint from lack of oxygen
the two of you parted, out of breath 
Zen wanted to say something smooth like “I’ve always wanted to do that.” 
but instead he said “I’ve always wanted to do you.” 
He mentally smacked his head, blaming the lack of oxygen for his stupidity
But you smirked up at him coyly, replying, “Then why don’t you?” 
Um yeah rip your hotel neighbor he will literally hate both of you so much 
I had honestly SO MUCH FUN writing this!! Let me know if you want, like, a part two to this. I think I’d just be so fun lol
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hookingminor · 4 years
4 times his friends posted you on their instagram + 1 time he did - mat barzal
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a/n: I wrote this literally back in july so lets just ignore how idealistic this is regarding quarantine but im a slut for some barzy this is all fluff
word count: 4,733
summary: like the title says, some friends (with benefits?) to lovers + a tyson cameo, fluffy summer quarantine fic
tagging @davidpastrsnack​ so kate can get on the barzy train
To say the whole quarantine thing was an inconvenience was an understatement. School had ended online, your summer internship was cancelled, and it seemed like your summer would turn into an uneventful couple of months stuck in your apartment in, probably, the worst place to be stuck in during a pandemic: New York City.
Or so you thought.
You’d planned on having the most boring summer ever until your friend, Mat, had invited you to hole up away with him and a few friends in a lake house back in Vancouver. Well, friend was a loose term. The two of you were friends… just ones that kissed occasionally… and sometimes more than kissed. You’d met him about a year ago at a bar while he was out with his teammates after a game. A cliche meeting, but you hit it off instantly. Instead of ending up in his bed at the end of the night (which you would eventually end up at after a couple months), it turned into an exchange of numbers and an invitation to hang out later in the week.
You hadn’t thought anything of it at first, just thinking he was being friendly and wanting to end the conversation, so you were surprised to get a text the next day from an unknown number asking if you’d wanted to go on a bike ride.
Flashforward a year later and the two of you still went on bike rides together. At least, up until the pandemic started.
When the text came telling you to pack your bags for a month or so, you thought he was joking. Surely he couldn’t have meant you to join him in Vancouver over the summer? You were proven wrong when he showed up at your apartment the next day, two coffees in his hand.
“Uh, hi, Mathew,” you said hesitantly, opening your door to reveal your disheveled state, having just woken up.
“Why are you dressed like that? We have a plane to catch in four hours,” he said, pushing himself through your door, uninvited, to set the coffees on the counter.
“What are you doing here? What plane? You’re not supposed to be going out,” you reprimanded him for showing up unannounced and in the middle of quarantine.
“I told you we’re going to Vancouver, I know you read my text. Now let’s hurry up and pack, we gotta get going,” Mat rushed, already on the way to your bedroom.
You followed him after a brief moment once you’d processed what was going on. Mat had already pulled out your suitcase and set it on top of your bed by the time you entered the door. He was in the middle of rifling through your drawers and grabbing random garments to throw into the suitcase when you’d spoken again.
“You’re actually serious about this?”
“Of course I am. What better things do you have to do in a city on lockdown for an entire summer? Honestly, I’m doing you a favor,” he explained easily, turning back to grab more items.
“Oh, you’re doing me a favor? Thank you, Mat, for saving me from a summer of suffering. It’s not like I had other plans to find different internships or focus on my summer classes,” you replied sarcastically.
Mat rolled his eyes. “I am doing you a favor, and you’re doing me a favor by going. I need a hot piece of ass to get me through this, or I will lose my mind.” You slugged him on the shoulder in offense, but all he did was chuckle.
“And anyways, you can still do your classes in Vancouver. Instead of doing them locked in this apartment, you can do them lounged out under the Canadian sun. Preferably in a bikini,” he finished. You slugged his arm again, harder this time.
“In fact, you should take the red bikini, it makes your tits look amazing,” he said, noticing you shuffling through your swimsuits. You rolled your eyes at him but grabbed the red one anyway along with a couple others.
With both of you folding and packing, your bags were ready to go in record time.
“Alright, baby, let’s go.” And so you were off.
A week had gone by in total bliss. As much as you hated to admit it, Mat was right. Vacationing in Vancouver in a secluded lake house was a lot better than being alone in your apartment, even if you did still have classes to do. Mat teased you about it, but he always left you alone for a few hours in the day for you to focus on your work. Unless he really wanted something… like right now.
Mat had joined you laying on the couch while you were in the middle of annotating a book for class. He wiggled his way between your arms, causing you to break your hold on your book. He rested his head on your chest, arms wrapped around your middle, and nuzzled his face into your neck. Joining your hands back to your book and bringing your highlighter to the page, you continued to underline phrases you’d come back to later. A couple minutes passed in silence before Mat started sighing. And then he sighed again.
“What do you want?” you huffed out, closing your book with the pen marking your page.
“Let’s go swimming,” he said, pushing up to his elbows to look at your face.
“I have to finish, like, three more chapters today,” you explained.
“You can do that later. I want to go swimming now,” Mat whined.
“You know you sound like a petulant child right now, right?” you asked, moving a hand to his head, pushing his hair back as he pouted.
“Stop using big words on me. Let’s swim,” he said, rolling his eyes.
You paused to think about it for a moment, “Hmm… okay, I guess,” you said with a smile. Mat returned your smile with one of his own before hopping up to drag you to your room to change. It didn’t take much to convince you to swim. It was a really nice day out, and you didn’t really care to finish reading about 17th century philosophy.
You changed into your red bikini, Mat swapped his shorts for a pair of swim trunks, and threw on a backwards baseball cap. You went out back to join the rest of his friend group, who were in the process of loading up the boat with supplies and equipment.
“Oh, look, if it isn’t Brainiac and the Beast. Are you two finally going to go boating with us?” Tyson shouted from the dock. You rolled your eyes at his nickname they created for you and Mat. It had only been a week in Vancouver, but the chirps about you and school were tired by now.
“Princess here wants to swim in the pool, maybe next time!” you shouted back, pointing to Mat.
They laughed at your response, turning their attention back to the boat and running supplies to and from the house. You turned your attention back to Mat, who was taking off his hat and was about two seconds away from jumping in the pool.
“Mathew, stop!” you yelled out, “Get your ass over here!”
“What is it?” he asked, stopping just short of the deep end. He grumbled before marching over to you.
“You need to put sunscreen on first, dumbass,” you reprimanded. As you turned your back to grab the bottle of sunscreen, he rolled his eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, Mat,” you said sharply, turning back to face him with a raised eyebrow.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, baby.”
You ignored him, opening the cap and squeezing lotion onto your hands. You gestured him to turn around, and you spread the lotion over it, making sure to rub it into his shoulders.
“I don’t see why I have to put sunscreen on. It’s not even that hot outside,” he muttered.
“First of all, you’re a dumbass. Second of all, heat doesn’t automatically mean the UV rays aren’t strong. And lastly, you’re white, baby, you’ll burn like a sun-dried tomato and being in water only increases the amount of sun you’re exposed to,” you explained, reaching up to rub some on his face.
“Sorry, Miss Meteorologist,” he grumbled, clearly not happy he’d lost this argument.
“One of us has to have brains. We can’t all get by on our good looks and skating ability,” you replied, slapping his cheeks when you were done for good measure.
“Okay, well, if you’re finally done,” you nodded in confirmation, “Let’s go.” He picked you up from under your thighs and ran at full speed towards the pool before you could even process what was happening. You screamed his name in protest begging him to put you down, claiming you hadn’t had time to put on sunscreen yet. He ignored you as he jumped into the deep end, dragging you with him.
You emerged from the water clinging to Mat’s wet body, your hair sopping and hanging over your face like you had come straight out of the movie The Grudge. Mat was laughing at your chaotic look, knowing you were well pissed at him. You jumped higher in the water on top of him to dunk his head under and tried your best to drown him.
It wasn’t until you were relaxing on the couch later that night doing your routinely social media scroll that you saw one of the guys recorded your sunscreen interaction by the pool, you calling Mat a dumbass, and him throwing you in the pool onto their instagram story with a caption “all these two do is fight” with some laughing crying emojis added for effect.
After a long day or hiking, you’d immediately crashed on the couch once you’d gotten back to the house, not bothering to walk all the way to your room. It was only early in the afternoon but you’d been out since sunrise, and dealing with people for hours on end had drained you. The group laughed at you as you plopped your body down onto the couch, curling your head under your arm instead of grabbing the pillow two feet away from you. The rest of them gathered in the kitchen, refueling their bodies with assorted snacks as they started popping open bottles of beer, ready to start the night. It seemed that even an entire day on their feet had not emptied them of their, seemingly endless, energy.
“Jesus Christ, we hiked for, like, six hours and you’re all still bouncing off the walls,” you sighed deeply.
“We’re about to go hit the boat and go water skiing, too. I’m assuming you’re too tired to join us?” Tyson teased.
“I will not be joining you because unlike some people, I need a nap. Now get out of here, you’re all giving me a headache,” you said, pinching your fingers on the bridge of your nose to emphasize your point.
They all snickered but kept quiet as they shuffled around, packing up more food to take outside. You heard the sliding door shut and close a few times as they ran in and out before it was finally silent. You let out a sigh of relief as you took solace in the calm quiet.
That was until you felt a pair of arms shifting you closer to the edge of the couch. You peeked one eye open to see Mat rolling your body over to give him some space as he climbed over your body to nestle himself between you and the back cushions.
“Not going out on the boat?” You asked as he tucked a pillow under the both of your heads and pulled a blanket over your bodies.
“No. They’re exhausting. I need some time for myself,” Mat replied, wrapping his arm around your middle to pull you into his chest.
“No offense, but if you’re with me, you’re not by yourself,” you explained, closing your eyes again as you settled into a comfortable position.
“Yeah, but you’re you. You don’t exhaust me,” he said quietly. You didn’t know what to say to that, so you didn’t answer. Within a few seconds you heard Mat’s breathing even out, and you followed quickly behind him into a deep sleep.
A couple hours passed in a dreamless sleep when you heard the sliding of doors and laughter travel through the house. It stirred you from your sleep and you both shifted around, letting out displeased groans.
“Are they both still asleep?” You heard one of them ask from the kitchen. Neither of you wanted to answer in hopes they would leave you two to continue sleeping.
You were sadly mistaken.
“Hey! Sleeping beauties! Time to get up!” Tyson shouted from somewhere above you.
You both groaned out a “Fuck off, Tyson,” without opening your eyes, both of you giving him the middle finger. Tyson laughed to himself and you expected him to keep bothering you, but you heard his footsteps lead away from the couch. You turned over on your other side, tucking your face into Mat’s neck before falling back asleep.
When you woke up later that evening, you checked instagram again to see Tyson posted a new story. It was the video of him bothering you two and flipping him off with a caption that said “I get no respect around here :(“
It had been raining all day. Which meant everyone was stuck inside watching movies and eating pizza. It didn’t take long for you to get bored of lounging on the couch, especially when all they wanted to do was watch Fast and Furious movies. You sat on the loveseat you were sharing with Mat, and you distracted yourself from the boring movie by tangling your hands in your hair, French braiding the strands into pigtails mindlessly. You unbraided and rebraided your hair into a fishtail after the pigtails, and then into a regular braided ponytail after that. You let yourself get caught up in daydreams as you stared blankly at the TV when Mat started tugging on your leg. Dropping your braid, you finished tying it off with a hair tie and turned to look at him.
“Let me practice on you,” Mat said quietly.
“Practice what?” You asked.
“Braiding,” he said, shuffling to sit upright. He tried to gently push you off the couch until you got the hint and moved to sit between his legs on the floor.
“You think you can do it?” You asked, ready to offer him a demonstration.
“I’ve been watching you for the past half hour, I got this,” he replied, pulling out your hair tie. You rolled your eyes at his confidence, but let him continue unraveling the strands.
Every few minutes Mat would sigh exasperatedly before pulling out the twists he’d made to start over. Eventually, he’d almost gotten all the way to the end of your hair before he sighed again, clearly fed up by how long this was taking him. You didn’t say anything as he restarted for a third time, going for a straight back braid instead of a French braid.
After another ten minutes, Mat had finally completed his simple braid, tying your hair off with the tie. He tapped your shoulder to indicate he was done, and you pulled the long tail over your shoulder to look at it.
It was a braid.
An extremely loose one where he mixed up the strand order in a couple places, but a braid nonetheless. You turned around to get back up on the couch, and you were met with his triumphant smile.
“Good job, bud,” you complimented, leaving the braid in as you resumed your previous position on the couch.
You checked your phone to find a notification of a new story tag. You opened the app to see a picture of you on the floor, staring at the TV while Mat had his hands twisted in your hair and a confused look on his face and tongue poking out of his mouth. Next to your instagram tag was “he’s been knotting her hair on purpose for 20 minutes now”
Your final exams for the summer classes you were taking were in a week. Finals stressed you out more than anything else in the world, and when you were stressed, you did a lot of baking. A lot of baking. After finishing your finals study schedule and nearly breaking down almost twice because of the amount you had to get done, you decided to start baking instead of going to sleep. So, at 3 in the morning when everyone was asleep, you’d  turned on the oven and brought out the bowls.
It began with a few dozen cookies. You figured everyone could at least enjoy the cookies. Who didn’t like cookies?
Cookies turned into muffins, muffins into cupcakes, and then cupcakes into pies. By the time everyone was waking up, it was nearly eleven in the morning. You’d gone to the store twice and had taken a few twenty minute naps while you waited for your desserts baked in the oven. And right now, you were in the middle of finishing off some cinnamon rolls for breakfast
“Oh my god, what the hell happened here?” Mat had asked with a scared expression, taking note of the disastrous kitchen. You didn’t answer him as you were topping off the rolls with some icing.
A few more bodies had gathered in the kitchen and began to fill the seats at the countertop while they watched you with worried eyes.
“What?” You asked innocently, placing the plates of cinnamon rolls in front of all of them. Their eyes followed you carefully as you pulled more goods out of the oven where you were keeping them warm. Plate after plate you set on the counter, all the cookies and muffins and cakes.
“How long have you been up?” Tyson asked cautiously. You swear you’ve never heard him use a softer voice than right now.
“I’m not sure. I never went to sleep, I guess? What time is it now?” You asked, pulling out glasses for orange juice.
“Nearly noon. You seriously didn’t sleep?” Tyson asked. The others had delved into the confections, eyes bouncing between the two of you as they stuffed their faces.
“She’s stress baking,” Mat replied quietly, helping himself to a cinnamon roll.
“What the hell is tress baking?” One of the other guys asked.
“Yeah she does this when she’s stressed. Usually when finals are coming up,” Mat said, directing it more towards you than his friend. You gave him a sheepish look, deciding not to comment since he already answered for you.
Mat was used to your stress baking as it resulted in you showing up at his place in the middle of the night with bags full of pastries in the late hours of the evening. It was always against his diet and he frequently gave most of your desserts to his neighbor, but he could never tell you no when you arrived with gifts.
“Well, I’m all out of flour, so, I’m going to run to the store again to get some more supplies so I can make a chocolate cake later,” you said hurriedly.
You did a quick double check of the kitchen, flashing all the guys a bright smile before heading out the door with your purse in hand, all of them staring until the front door shut behind you.
When you came back, you found Mat in the kitchen doing the dishes and nearly all the sweets you’d baked earlier were eaten or wrapped and put away. Maybe there was a plus side to being in a home with five other people.
“Mat, you don’t have to do that,” you said, setting your groceries down and hip checking him away from the sink.
“You’re already stressed, I figured doing the dishes would take away some of that,” he said with a shrug. He continued rinsing out some bowls as you gave him a small smile.
The two of you continued to wash the dishes in silence, moving to clean the countertops when you were done. After half an hour, the mess you’d made was gone and any signs of a baking breakdown had been erased.
It was a shame you were about to tear up the kitchen all over again.
“How about this,” Mat said, noticing the frown on your face at the thought of making another mess, “Let’s have a competition.”
You quirked your eyebrow, “I’m listening.”
“You said you were making a chocolate cake, right? How about we see who can make the better cake,” Mat propositioned.
You raised both your eyebrows this time. You both knew you were the better baker by a long shot. You did have this same breakdown at least twice a year. You weren’t even sure Mat knew how to make anything that didn’t come with box instructions or included possible salmonella-inducing ingredients.
You knew what he was really trying to do. He was trying to distract you from all the stress, and he knew you couldn’t turn down a competition. You were just as bad as him when it came to winning. Thankfully, this was something you knew you’d win.
“Fine, but I hope you’re prepared to lose,” you agreed with a smile.
“I don’t know, I have been practicing my cooking skills lately,” he said, grabbing the bowls he’d just dried off.
“Yeah, I’ll believe that when I see it,” you replied with an eye roll and heavy sarcasm.
You joined him in gathering all the ingredients and materials on the counter, setting up your respective stations. Mat divided the workspace in half, drawing a line in flour which made you laugh. You split the bowls between the sides and set up the ingredients on the second counter just like an actual cooking show.
“Okay, ground rules first. Half an hour to make the cakes, we bake them at the same time, and then another half hour for decorating at the end,” you explained, tying your hair back in a ponytail. Mat nodded at your statement and set a timer on his phone for 30 minutes.
After about two hours, your creations were done. Well, they were supposed to be. Mat’s cake looked more or less like a brown lump coated in frosting and stripes. You’d tried your best to decorate yours with small chocolate roses, but you could’ve turned out a plain cake and probably would have done better.
“I think I won,” you stated confidently.
“You’re not allowed to decide, you’re biased! I’ll make a poll on my story,” Mat said, going to grab his phone.
“You can’t do that, your followers are going to pick yours.”
“Fine, we’ll get someone else to do it— Josty! Come here,” Mat called to his friend passing through the kitchen. He hesitantly walked over to where you were, not wanting to come in the middle of whatever you two were shouting about.
“We need you to make an instagram poll to see who’s cake looks better. Oh, and you’re going to taste test them,” you said, picking up your cake to pose for a picture as Mat did the same. Tyson sighed before realizing you two were serious and he opened his app to take a picture.
He added the photo to his story with a poll asking “Which one is better?” With two options, Y/N’s or Mat’s.
After you set the cakes back down, Tyson picked up a fork before stabbing them to pick out a chunk from each. He ate yours first, nearly moaning at the taste.
“Holy shit, this is, like, the best cake I’ve ever eaten,” Tyson said, shoveling down another forkful. You gave Mat a shit-eating grin.
“Okay, okay, try mine now,” Mat said, displeased. Tyson rolled his eyes before forking out some of his.
“Uh,” he coughed, “it’s a little,” cough, “dry.”
“What? No, it’s not! Let me try,” Mat shouted, outraged, and grabbed Tyson’s fork to try for himself.
It took him two seconds before he was spitting the cake into a napkin.
“Fine. You win,” Mat conceded, throwing a dish towel against the counter in mock fury.
You gloated for another 5 minutes, pointing out Mat’s terrible baking skills as Tyson continued to eat your cake and laugh at Mat.
You won the instagram poll too.
+ 1
It was the last week before you and Mat were flying back to New York. The past month had passed quickly, and Mat needed to get back for the start of training camps. As the summer began to end, the whole crew thought they’d spend one last day on the boat before everyone started parting ways.
It’s not like you were opposed to being on boats, but when all the guys did was water sports and no one wanted to slow down to teach you, it wasn’t as fun.
Today, however, had been quite calm as you sat against the front of the boat, a seltzer in hand as you watched Tyson wakeboarding in the back. Mat was curled up behind you as you leaned back against his chest, tanned skin shining in the summer sun. You reached back to grab the baseball cap off his head, placing it on yours to shield your eyes from the sun. You’d forgotten to bring sunglasses, and you figured Mat could part with his hat since he had a pair.
The day passed peacefully as all the guys took turns until it was sunset. Mat had joined you back on the seat, skin wet from just getting out of the water. He wrapped you in his arms before pulling you onto his lap, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek.
“Hey, Tys, take a picture of us real quick,” Mat said, shoving his phone into Tyson’s chest.
You thought nothing of it, you and Mat had taken many pictures together, and this was no different. Mat rested his chin on your shoulder, his arms wrapped around your stomach as you both gave your cheesiest smiles to the camera. A quick shutter indicated the picture was taken and Tyson gave Mat his phone back.
Mat called your name from your bed as you stood in the adjoined bathroom, finishing your nightly routine.
“Hey, do you mind if I post that picture of us on my instagram?” Mat called out.
“The one from the boat? Why?” You asked, drying off your face with a towel.
“It’s a cute picture,” he shrugged when you reentered the room.
“People are going to start talking if you do,” you warned with a cautious tone.
He paused for a second.
“Would that be such a bad thing?” Mat asked quietly, looking up to meet your eyes.
You stayed silent as you climbed in under the covers.
“What are you trying to say, Mat?”
He took a deep breath, “I think you’re amazing, you know that. And we’ve been friends for so long, it kind of feels natural, doesn’t it?” His fingers began tapping against the sheets anxiously as he held his breath and waited for your response.
You gave him a small smile, moving your body around to fully face him.
“It does,” you agreed, “But if you want us to be something more, you’re going to have to ask me on a date first.”
“A date? After I’ve already gotten you into bed? What’s the point?” You knew he meant it as a joke since he could barely finish the sentence without laughing, but you gently slapped his head as he began to apologize.
“I’m kidding!” He said between chuckles, “Will you go on a date with me once we get back to New York and it’s safe to go out again?”
“I’d love to, Mat,” you replied, leaning in to give him a sweet kiss.
“I’m still going to post that photo tomorrow, though,” he said after a short pause, smiling against your lips.
The next day when Mat had gone on a fishing trip with the guys, you saw a notification pop up on your phone.
“@barzal97 tagged you in a photo”
You unlocked your phone.
“Isolation isn’t so bad when you have this girl to spend it with”
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earthflaxmachina · 2 years
1 dere(k)volution
P: heres to the first of the second try at ramble posting on tumblr. instead of random rants, these posts will be centered around some kind of oc meta. also this time i have a co-host of sorts to keep it interesting because i am a dull turd.
D: It’s Derek.
P: cool. the topic for discussion today is the evolution of derek. but like the concept of derek. not this derek’s canon character development or whatever. to start by looking at the first ever image of derek that i scrolled through my camera for 10 minutes to find.
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(from 2/2019)
if you didnt know already, his name was Dolan at first. the name Derek is fairly recent.
D: Dolan. What an ugly nerd name.
P: right. also. his design was based off a bottle of water i found at the grocery store. back then i had a weird tendency to draw very thin necks for some reason. along with very short torsos and long legs. so thats why the proportions look really weird.
D: That explains why you draw really thick necks now to compensate. Hahaha.
P: basically the beta concept for his story was that he lived in Hell and had an incredibly powerful wand that he inherited by accident after getting lost in the snowy woods or something. (Dolan) didnt really know what kind of responsibilities came with the wand and consistently wanted to become a magician (not fantasy kinda magic... like card tricks kind of magic) and misused the wand for trivial things such as taking a shortcut to the grocery store.
D: So I’ve been a amateur magician since birth!
P: yes. its incredible how youve stayed an amateur for this long. fun fact: harlow was also created at a similar time and was exes with one of luciano’s brothers. wow. the prosciuttoverse was a cesspool back then. a furry world PLUS heaven/hell setting? get outta here.
D: Harlow was also my love interest for quite some time!
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(from 4/2019)
P: yeah. maybe we’ll do a commentary on harlow’s evolution at some point.
D: God I had such a weirdly-shaped head.
P: lets look at some other pics of dolan.
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(renewed ref, from 5/2019)
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(from 1/2020)
P: nothing more to note other than the fact that i remember writing a lot about you having a nice butt on your charahub/toyhouse profiles. despite the fact that your butt is pretty mundane in the evidence provided. god what the hell is that shading.
D: Ah I look so young and happy.
P: right i think dolan was meant to be in his early 20s. like literally every other oc i had at the time. next, the start of 2021 was when i revamped/redesigned dolan.
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(from 2/2021 and 3/2021 respectively)
P: theres the first ever image of human derek and harlow. not much has changed tbh
D: We look like a lesbian couple.
P: the story concept was also pretty different from the original. basically i made a whole hierarchy for both heaven and hell and the world was completely extinct so everyone was either in heaven or hell. the world itself was the wence boys’ world. so the story wouldve taken place way way in the future. blah blah blah something about heaven being evil or corrupt or something corny like that, and dolan (being half devil/angel what a cliche) wanted to change The System (tm). also he was running a campaign 2 be ruler of hell or something as part of his plan. maybe he was evil maybe he wasnt idk. its old corny stuff.
D: Sounds like boring philosophical politics. Bluh bluh.
P: yeah. anyways timeskip to later in the year when i completely revamped your story AGAIN! ill try to limit the pictures from now on because im almost at the max 10.
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(from 7/2021)
D: Look at me and my pronounce!
P: so at this point. there was a heaven/hell but it wasnt the main setting it just existed. there was an office kinda deal going on for the admin stuff. a dead persons soul could either be reincarnated in heaven/hell or destroyed iirc. there were 4 different departments because people die all the time so they categorized them. dolan had the biggest department because it was Death by natural causes/accidents. the 3 other were Pestilence (disease), War (conflict or generally murder), Famine. at this time i changed dolan’s name to Death because he was literally the grim reaper. he also wasnt God at this time. there was still some kind of higher power i think it was Stig. harlow was human and also lesbian now. nothing else interesting.
D: So when did I become Derek?
P: I dunno. some time after my birthday? when i started the storyline where you became human for a bit and needed a human name for Death. then i just got tired of calling you Death and stuck with Derek because it is better in every way.
D: Excellent judgement.
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(from 28/10/2021)
P: this was probably the start of the all New and Improved derek storyline. the rest is pretty streamline from here and doesnt really need a recap.
D: Woof look how sweet and well-adjusted I looked back then! And that tiny nose.
P: yeah you still had some humanity (pupils) in your eyes. and still had the square glasses thing going on. eugh. waitwaitwait lets look at the first time i drew you and rumi lol
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(from 11/2021)
D: We were so in love.
P: wow you guys have changed a LOT since then. for one: you were probably never that sweet to her. and she hates your guts now. 
D: If I had any!
P: alright. that concludes this ramble on THE EVOLUTION OF DEREK
P: that sounds stupid. welp. i will probably make a poll on whose meta we should recap next - because i am always looking for an excuse to make a google form. or just send smth to the askbox. i dont care. bye
D: Goodbye friends!
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dripkingpetey · 3 years
3 times you thought of each other after the breakup+the 1 time you realized you were the one for each other-b.boeser
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a/n:hey! this is my first time writing in months so I really hope you enjoy it! its just a little 3+1 I put together last night so it might not be the best :) im trying to get back into writing again (I said that last time too lol) also this was supposed to be angsty but idk what it turned into haha
The first time
“Yeah uh, I’ll just grab these and go.” Brock mumbled to himself as he walked into your apartment, scared to make eye contact with you, let alone talking to you. And your heart ached, partly because you still loved him, and partly because you couldn’t believe what Brock had done to you. 
Brock gathered his things and headed for the door wanting to hear you talk for one last time. “Y/n, I’m really so-” Brock tried to say before you shut the door in his face, you couldn’t handle it anymore. After you shut the door you practically broke down into tears, sliding down the door with your back against it.
Brock still walking your apartment brought back all of the fun memories, well all of the fun memories before you found out about his little fling he was having with a girl back home, in Minnesota. It had happened during the off-season, you had originally gone with Brock but had to return to Vancouver early due to your job. If Jake didn’t get drunk one night and slip out the secret you never would’ve known. But part of you almost didn’t want to know, part of you wondered what would’ve happened if you never found out, would you and Brock still be together? Or would he cheat on you again with someone else? 
On the other side of the door, Brock was also breaking down into tears, trying to hold them back till he got into his car, that’s when he let it all go. Yelling at himself about being so stupid to let it happen, to let you go like that. Brock didn’t say it but he was still in love with you, so in love that he’s acting insane, sitting in his car as he sniffed the hoodies he left for you, they all smelt like you, everything did.
The second time
Things with you and Jake stayed the same, you and him had always been the closest out of all of Brocks teammates and honestly, he was the only one to reached out genuinely. And tonight he just so happened to ask you to go out for drinks, he knew the team was going on a long road trip next week and had to catch up with you before he left. Usually you would be dreading for the Canucks to go on a road trip since Brock would be gone, but this time? You were happy, happy that there was no chance of you running into Brock randomly. 
“Hey you probably don’t wanna hear this but Brock was talking about you non-stop today.” Jake mumbled with a frown, you sighed and gave him a look, telling Jake to tell you what Brock said immediately. “He said his mom asked about you, and then it just turned into a spiral of Brock rambling about how stupid he was and that he misses you.” “I miss him too, so much. I don’t know if I could ever talk to him again, he really broke me.” You mumbled, looking down and fidgeting with the straw of your drink. 
The conversation died down, the both of you taking a minute to think about Brock and yours relationship when your guys’ song came on. Somehow the lyrics hurt this time, it was no longer happy and joyful for you to listen to it. Instead it was dreadful, waiting for the song to finish before you couldn’t take it anymore and asked if you could end the night early.
Jake gave you a nice, tight hug before the two of you had to go separate ways. “Hey, I’m always here, just shoot me a text or call me if you need someone. I love you.” Jake mumbled into the top of your head as you nodded. “Thank you, I love you too Virtanen.” You smiled at him before heading back to your apartment.
The third time
Brock walked through the door and watch greeted by his dogs, smiling and chuckling as he pet them before heading to the kitchen, which was always where you where if Brock came home after a road trip or practice around dinner time. Except for, this time you weren’t, you were sitting in your bed in your apartment crying. About how you shouldn’t have let Brock go, even though you were the one who ended things with him. 
Brock sighed, tossing his phone on the counter before looking in the fridge for something to eat. Which, there was nothing. Brock didn’t realize till now how much he depended on you, it wasn’t like he couldn’t do all of those things on his own. He just didn’t have time, he never had time to take care of himself. You were always there for him though, there to help him out so he could be focusing on hockey. 
Brock pulled up your contact in his phone and went to go text it, writing sentences over and over again after deleting them. He couldn’t bring himself to text you, he knew what he did was wrong but he also wanted you back, just as bad as you did. And you? You were doing the same thing, wishing you were in his arms, happy instead of crying, with him instead of being lonely. You were about to text Jake about everything when you saw the little text bubble next to Brocks name,  at first you thought it was a glitch so you refreshed the app, but the you went back it was still there, you sighed and took a screenshot, sending it to Jake before you could even process what was happening. “Does he miss me too?” You mumbled to yourself out loud before trying to forget about it. 
The one time you realized you were the one for each other
You don’t know how but you found yourself at the park that you and Brock used to always bring his dog to for late night walks, so many memories were made there. But now, they’re just killing you. You sat down on a bench, taking in everything before you noticed a dog right next to you, jumping on you to get your attention. It was Coolie.
“Hey.” You grinned as you pet Coolie and he licked you face over and over again. It wasn’t long before the panic settled in, that you were gonna have to face Brock and that he wasn’t definitely somewhere near. 
“I’m so sorry, Coolie come here.” Brock didn’t even notice it was you until he grabbed Coolies harness and took him off of you. “It’s okay.” You smiled at him. Brock was shocked, shocked that you were here and that you were smiling at him, you motioned for him to sit down next to you and you scooted over right against him, laying your head on his chest. 
“It’s like the first time we met.” You said quietly. “I was sitting here and Coolie ran over to me, he was just a puppy at the time.” You looked up and smiled at Brock, who was still confused at what was going on but went along with it cause he missed you, way too much. 
“Yeah,” He paused his sentence with a chuckle before finishing it. “Holy fuck I missed you, everything about you.” Brock kissed the top of your head, the same familiar feeling was there, you didn’t know how to describe it but you felt like you were home, Brock was your home. “I missed you even more.” 
“I’m sorry for what I did, I don't know what I was thinking.” You heard him mumble quietly. 
You sat up straight and cupped Brocks cheek with you hand and the both of you smiled at each other. “It’s okay Brock, just please don’t do it again.” He smiled and nodded at your words, knowing you had truly forgiven him. “I promise.” He whispered. “Promise me something else,” You said quietly. “Anything, as long as you’re back in my life.” 
“Never leave me again, ever.” Brock responded with a nod before pulling you in for a kiss, his lips were softer than you remembered. For the past month you had been fantasizing about this and it actually happened. 
“Never, it’s always going to be you.” Brock whispered.    
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stardew-mermaid · 3 years
im WEAK for my faves as parents and i know lots of y'all are too so here are
bachelors as dads vibes
(bachelorettes as moms will come soon too ❤️ under cut cause it got very long lol)
a chill dad. when u were very little he'd let u sit in his lap while he codes and consequently u find heavy metal soothing cause he would be playing it while he works and u would always fall asleep against him
if he wasn't using his second computer u could play around on it while he works. 'existing in each other's company while u both do stuff' time becomes a regular thing even as u get older, u would do ur homework next to him at his desk and he'd help if u were confused
the first time u were deemed old enough to go for a ride on his motorcycle u were SO fucking hyped even if u had to be absolutely decked out in protective gear. sometimes while u were in high school he'd help you flex by picking you up/dropping you off on the bike
would bundle u up in his hoodies as a toddler and there's a few pics of u absolutely SWIMMING in them with the hood all the way over ur face pretending to be the grim reaper. he'd never been so proud
an eloquent dad, but still has goofy dadlike tendencies. he may be the picture of a dark academia dilf with his slacks and button ups sipping coffee in the morning over a manuscript, but he'll still make the jokes. calls u things like little one and taught u to play piano
he got u ur own little bookshelf for all ur baby books and he'd read to you every single night without fail. he'd make up stories too and u would help and make a collab tho it often got u more excited than relaxed for bed but it was worth it!!! when u were grown up u helped him compile the short stories u made up together and published it. he'd also share with u poems he wrote for you and about you over the years, lots of them to do with the wonder of watching a whole tiny person grow into a big person
would always take u on nature walks and play at the beach!!! u would find shells and rocks to give to him and he'd always look like u just handed him pure gold
u made a pact that u would sit still for him while he did ur hair if u could braid his hair in turn. u both looked very stylish
cool dad!!! fun dad!!!! watches anime with u when u get into it and is forever ur player 2. if u had a skateboard or a scooter he'd always show u up by pulling off sick tricks and it became a friendly rivalry. taught u to stick it to the man at a very early age. teaches u to play guitar and took u to ur first rock concert when u were like 8
there are baby photos of u wearing sunglasses that cover half ur face and when asked about it he'd say 'u were just a rly cool baby!!!!' in some of them he's wearing matching sunglasses and carrying u in one of those front baby pouches. he'd also always sing to you as a baby and still does it idly sometimes and has written songs for u!!!!
ur #1 hypeman. praises u for everything and always makes sure u know how cool u are just for existing. he loses his mind at ur grade school talent show and at ur graduation he's there holding up his phone and crying like FUCK IT UP KENNETH!!!!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
tho alongside all the fun he teaches u to be very responsible and polite and above all extremely kind!!!!
has the most potent typical dad energy. the socks with sandals, the jokes, the ac/dc, the funny hobby projects, the rivalry with other pta parents, all of it. calls u squirt and kiddo and the kind to ruffle ur hair. always gives u piggy back rides even as u get older, says it helps him stay in shape. when u were little you'd always bap ur baby hands against his stubble cause heehee funny scratchy face
u loved when he was in charge of dinner growing up cause it was often takeout pizza/burgers. 'hey im making a pot of kraft dinner should i double it for u' kind of guy, adds cut up hot dogs and after ur other parent voices a need for nutrition adds frozen veggies too. VERY good at cooking all kinds of eggs tho, would always feed u eggs from his own chickens and would accept nothing less!!!
teaches u a lot about chickens and some of ur fave memories with him are in the coop or chillin in a field in spring with him and the new chicks. some other faves include the regular tea parties with him and cousin jas, and even as u both get older u all sit down and have tea together sometimes and occasionally break out one of the old barbie movies for funsies
u learned how to say fuck from him when u were 3 and he died laughing. if called and told that u got into a fight at school would reply with 'did they win'
sweet, dorky doctor dad. would get SUPER worried whenever u got so much as a cold, made u stay home and rest and HYDRATE. taught u proper medical standard handwashing from when u first learned how to turn on the tap, also taught u a lot of basic first aid. when u were fussy he would read u his old textbooks from med school and it'd get you to sleep in minutes
refuses to let u leave the house without eating something first and would often get up early to make u a big breakfast before school (it's the most important meal of the day!!!!). yes it's ok if ur late ur english teacher can wait until you've had ur veggies. when u were a baby his standard of keeping u fed was 'if i had to change less than five diapers a day it wasn't enough'. encourages taking a snack and water everywhere
as u got older u realized how hardworking he is so u make sure he knows how much u love and appreciate him, goes all out for his bday and father's day like how he goes all out for u every day and it makes him cry. he cries at ur first birthday and ur graduation too, cried when u got him a #1 DAD mug specifically for his morning coffee, he just cries a lot and it's very endearing, dad taught u it's okay to be emotional. u also gift him funky socks to wear at work and he goes bananas for them
he taught u how to assemble model planes and u would sit with him while he tuned his old radio, u liked the bwee bwee sounds. he would play jazz and swing and dance with u standing on his feet. when u were little u liked to play with his moustache and occasionally he would fall asleep while watching u but the most u ever did was add a goatee to the stache with washable marker which he thought was pretty funny
strong dad!!! jock dad!!!!! would flex and let u hang off his bicep, play wrestle (u would always win), sit u on his shoulders and run around making airplane noises, play sportsball in the yard and would come up with fun challenges for u if u got bored of catch. pretty much the master of keeping ur baby self entertained and was always there to tuck u in for a nap when u got tired out
makes an extra protein shake for u every morning and loads of scrambled eggs, will also sneak u a cookie tho
he's always super encouraging and positive and enthusiastic about everything u do which u pick up fast. u go to his games and even if sports turns out not to be ur thing the fact that ur there rooting for him makes him put in 1000% effort, calls u his good luck charm!!!! he will also throw u over his shoulders and use u for weightlifting while u shout encouragement directly into his ear. this continues until ur grown up (and sometimes even then so he can flex even as an 'old man')
gets really really worried about you whenever ur sick or get hurt and will lose sleep over it but stays upbeat for ur sake. he will cuddle u tho. sometimes you'll ask for stories about ur grandma and he'll tell u and it's so nice to him to talk about his mother and smile instead of being sad, you help him heal because it's so wonderful to think of her as a grandmother and how proud she'd be. he plays her music box for u to help u sleep when ur little and it still makes u feel sleepy and safe when ur older
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bibbawrites · 3 years
Beach Baby - Single Dad!Charlie x Owen
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Request: none
Word Count: 3907 words 😳
Summary: Part 4 of Single Dad!Charlie, Margaux and Charlie reunite with Owen in Hawaii after months apart due to lockdown, just in time for Margaux’s fourth birthday 
Warnings: technically underage drinking, i guess technically i have to warn that this is implied mutual crushing between owen and charlie, if you dont feel comfortable with romantic chowen do not read 
A/N: i couldn’t get this out of my head so i had to write it, and boy did i write it this is the longest non-chaptered fic ive ever written and honestly i could have made it longer but i didnt want it to drag on any more that it already did this is literally more than double the length of my normal fics, i got very carried away
also just a note that i’m not trying to be rude about the fans who met the boys at the airport and i’m sure in real life the boys were happy to stop and chat, but from a parents perspective charlie’s first instinct would be to protect his daughter so i just thought i’d add that. please don’t get upset for that part!
sorry for any mistakes, its 4am and im half asleep trying to read through this to post lol anyways, hope you enjoy! 
Tag List: @happinessinthedarkesttimes​ @littlemissaddict​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​ @headheartbellarke​ @lovesanimals​ @bartok-the-magnificent​ @juliefromaustralia @multi-universe21 @rangerelik @kaitieskidmore1 @katrina765​ @fandomxreaders​​ @ifilwtmfc
“Papa!” Margaux screamed, racing across the airport to Owen, the blond boy scooping up the nearly four year old and spinning her around when she reached him. 
“Maggie! I’ve missed you so much.” Owen exclaimed, pulling his mask down to pepper her cheeks with kisses, causing Margaux to giggle loudly. “Where’s your Daddy?” 
“Right behind you.” Owen spun around to find Charlie standing there, clearly smiling at him despite the bandana that covered his mouth, and Owen’s heart skipped a beat at how good Charlie looked in the early morning sun streaming through the airport windows. 
Meanwhile Charlie was thinking the exact same thing, admiring how attractive Owen was, especially when he was in his dad mode. He really understood why girls had such a weakness for cute boys with cute kids when he saw Owen with Margaux. 
Charlie stepped forward, pulling Owen into a tight hug and Margaux whined in complaint at being squished between her dad and her self declared papa. They pulled away from each other, both boys fighting to hide their slightly flushed cheeks. 
“I’m hungry.” Margaux whined, and Charlie was snapped out of his heart eyes daze, his whole focus back on his daughter. 
“Let’s get some food into you before our plane leaves then eh.” He replied, and Margaux nodded happily. 
Feeling bold Owen grabbed onto Charlie’s hand, lacing their fingers together. It wasn’t unusual for them to do this but it was the first time doing it when they were well known enough that someone might recognise them. But neither of them really cared. They were just happy to be back together again. 
The minute they arrived in Hawaii they were met with fans. As much as he loved meeting the fans Charlie couldn’t help but sigh slightly as he tried to protect Margaux as much as he could.
It wasn’t that the fans didn’t know about Margaux, because it was a well known fact that he was a single dad, it was more that he wanted to keep her away from the spotlight. She hadn’t asked for her dad to become a well known actor, and she didn’t deserve to have her life changed because of it. He was determined to give her the most normal life possible. 
Eventually they made it to the villa house that they were staying in while in Hawaii, and after throwing their bags into their rooms it was time to have a bit of fun. 
“Swim time swim time!” Margaux sung, running laps around the living room. Kenny chuckled at the small girl, looking up at Charlie who was following closely behind her. 
“It seems like only yesterday she was a tiny two year old who cried every time you left her side.” He said, and Charlie smiled fondly, sitting down on the chair next to Kenny. 
“She’s growing up too fast.” He agreed. “I can’t believe in less than 24 hours time I’ll be a dad to a four year old.” 
Margaux tripped on the tiles, landing with a clatter, her bottom lip jutting out. Charlie jumped up, but before he could even think about moving across the room Owen was by Margaux’s side, helping her up and pulling her into a tight hug. He whispered something in her ear and Margaux giggled loudly, her fall already forgotten.
Charlie smiled softly at the scene, his heart filled with love for both the blond boy and his little princess. 
“Daddy.” Margaux called, snapping Charlie out of his daze. 
“Yeah baby?” He answered, finally making his way across the room. 
“Can we swim now?” She asked, grabbing onto his leg. Charlie subconsciously ran his hand through her soft curls.  
“Of course we can.” He replied. Margaux glanced up at Owen. 
“Papa too?” She questioned. 
“Papa too.” Charlie agreed. Margaux peered past him, her gaze landing on Kenny.
“Coming Uncle Kenny?” She asked, and Kenny laughed, standing up. 
“Coming Little Gillespie.” He replied. 
Margaux smiled contently, taking both Charlie and Owen’s hands to pull them outside towards the pool. 
She really did have every single one of them wrapped around her little finger. 
Dinner that night was special, as it was supposed to be Carolynn’s last day on the island. They decided on a joint party for her last night, as well as celebrating Margaux’s birthday a day early. 
They had headed to a tiny restaurant near their villa, and Charlie had allowed Margaux to pick whatever she wanted from the menu, not that it mattered because she chose chicken nuggets and chips anyways.
The meal was nice, and before they knew it they were arriving back at the villa. Jeremy, Carolynn and Kenny all excused themselves for bed, and Tori settled into the couch, flicking the TV on. 
“Bath and bed time baby.” Charlie told Margaux, and she pouted but obeyed, following him into the hallway. 
“Hey Char, can I ask you something?” Owen asked, trailing behind the father daughter duo, and Charlie stopped, letting Margaux run ahead to their room. 
“Anything.” He smiled. 
“Do you mind if I share your room? I know the other bed was meant to be for Margaux but-” Owen started, playing with his fingers slightly. 
“She can share with me.” Charlie cut him off. “Bed’s all yours.” Owen looked up, his eyes widening. 
“Really?” He checked. 
“Of course.” Charlie smiled. Owen grinned, throwing his arms around Charlie’s neck. 
“Thanks Char. I just didn’t really want to sleep alone.” He admitted, and Charlie squeezed him tight. 
“Any time.” He told Owen, and the blond boy pulled away with a smile, before heading off to the room he was originally going to stay in to collect his bags. 
Charlie entered the room that he and Margaux, and now Owen, were sharing, finding his daughter already snuggled into one of the beds, still wearing her dinner clothes. Charlie sighed, moving to pull her out of the bed. Owen entered the room, bags in tow, and Margaux looked up at him excitedly. 
“Papa! Are you sleeping here?” She questioned. Owen placed his bags in the corner before answering. 
“I am Miss Maggie.” He said, and Margaux cheered. 
“You don’t mind sleeping with Daddy?” Charlie checked, and Margaux shook her head, jumping up to throw her arms around Charlie’s neck. 
“Nope! More cuddles!” She stated. Charlie laughed, picking her up. 
“Exactly right. Now, it’s bath time.” He said, grabbing Margaux’s pyjamas as she clung to him. 
“Bye Papa!” Margaux called as Charlie moved to leave the room. Owen waved. 
“Bye Maggie!” He replied, matching her enthusiasm. Charlie couldn’t help but smile. 
Margaux was so lucky to have someone like Owen in her life. They both were. 
“Daddy! Wake up!” Margaux screamed, jumping on top of Charlie. He groaned, squinting as he looked up at his daughter. 
“What time is it?” He mumbled. Owen sat up in his own bed, grabbing his phone to check the time. 
“4:47am.” He informed Charlie, his voice thick with sleep. Charlie tried to ignore how sexy Owen’s morning voice was, instead focusing on his daughter. 
“Mags it’s too early to be awake.” He told her. Margaux pouted, flopping down on top of him. 
“Daddy, it’s my birthday!” She exclaimed. Charlie smiled, kissing her cheek. 
“I know baby, happy birthday. Now can we sleep for a little bit?” He tried. Margaux thought for a moment. 
“Only if Papa comes here too.” She decided. 
Charlie’s eyes widened slightly, eyes fixed on Owen as the younger boy sleepily slid out of his bed with no hesitation, and into Charlie’s, snuggling into Charlie’s side the minute he laid down. Margaux squirmed her way under the covers, squishing herself in between the two of them. 
Charlie shut his eyes in an attempt to get back to sleep, but it was no use. He opened his eyes again, staring up at the ceiling, as Margaux slept soundly next to him.
His mind was racing, noticing every single little place where Owen’s warm skin was in contact with his. It felt like he was on fire.
“Stop thinking.” Owen mumbled, and Charlie turned his head to see Owen staring at him, his eyes half shut with sleep.
“How did you know?” He questioned. Owen gave him a small smile. 
“I always know. Whatever it is, just ignore it for now. Get some sleep, it’s gonna be a big day.” Owen whispered. Charlie paused for a moment, just staring at Owen in the dim light from Margaux’s nightlight. Even half asleep in the almost complete darkness of the room Owen still looked gorgeous. Charlie swallowed. 
“You’re right. Thanks O.” He replied. 
“Love you.” Owen yawned in response, his eyes shutting again. Charlie smiled softly, moving his hand to brush a bit of Owen’s hair off his face.
“I love you too Owen.” He replied, despite the fact that the younger boy was already asleep. He pressed a soft kiss to Owen’s head, and lowered his voice to no more than a whisper.
“More than I probably should.”
After what felt like no time at all Charlie was being shaken awake again. 
“Daddy is it time to get up now?” Margaux questioned, sitting on his chest. Charlie yawned. 
He reached over and checked his phone. It was just after 6:30am. 
“Okay we can get up. But we’re gonna leave Papa to sleep a little bit more, okay?” Charlie compromised. Margaux thought for a moment before agreeing. Charlie grinned, sliding the both of them out of the bed careful not to wake Owen. Once they were out of the bed Charlie lifted Margaux up, placing her on his hip. He pressed a soft kiss to her temple.  
“Now. Let’s go make some birthday pancakes.” 
“Happy birthday Little Gillespie.” Jeremy sung, entering the kitchen with Carolynn close behind him.
Margaux grinned, her mouth full of pancake. 
“Thank you!” She exclaimed, her words muffled by her food. Carolynn stepped past Jeremy, moving to place a gentle kiss on Margaux’s head and whisper to her. Margaux grinned before looking up at her father.
“Hey Daddy?” She spoke. Charlie made a noise in response.
“Yeah?” He said, flipping pancakes onto a plate for both Jeremy and Carolynn.
“Do you think the birthday fairy could found me here?” Margaux questioned, her eyes full of hope. Charlie couldn’t help but smile, not even bothering to correct her words, as he placed the pan down.
“Should we go find out?” He asked. Margaux’s eyes widened in excitement.
“Yeah! But first we have to get Papa.” She decided. Charlie nodded.
“You wanna go wake him up? Tell him we made him some pancakes?” He asked, and Margaux grinned, already sliding out of her chair.
“Okay Daddy!” She replied, before rushing out of the room. The room fell silent for a few moments before Carolynn cleared her throat.
“So Charlie...” She raised an eyebrow. “How long have you been in love with Owen?” 
Charlie choked on his coffee. 
“I’m sorry, what?” He spluttered. Carolynn grinned. 
“You heard me.” She said. Charlie hesitated. 
“I’m not-” He stopped. “I-” 
He groaned. There was no use denying it if clearly he was obvious enough that his friends had figured him out.
“Since filming.” He admitted. Carolynn cheered. 
“You owe me $20.” She told her husband, who glared at Charlie. 
“You just had to admit it, huh?” Jeremy shook his head, and Charlie shrugged, a small smile on his face.
“Admit what?” Owen’s voice came from behind them, deep from sleep, and Charlie took a sip of his coffee to try to distract himself. Owen always looked good but in the early morning light, his hair still a mess from sleeping, he looked ethereal. Charlie bit his lip to stop himself from staring.
“Nothing important.” Carolynn replied, and Charlie shot her a thankful look. 
“Can we see if the birthday fairy visited now?” Margaux sighed, clearly impatient. They all laughed. 
“Of course baby.” Charlie told her, standing up. He grabbed the plate of pancakes he had made for Owen, handing them to the younger boy as he passed him. 
Margaux lead the way to the living area where Kenny and Tori were already sat waiting, squealing with excitement when she saw the small pile of presents on the table.
“They came!” She exclaimed, and Charlie couldn’t help but smile, ruffling her hair affectionately.
Margaux settled down on the couch as everyone spread out around the room, and one by one she opened the presents, eyes widening with excitement at every single one. 
Charlie had gotten her a few dolls that he knew she had been wanting, plus some new clothes, books and other toys. 
Jeremy and Carolynn had gotten her a small paint set with a Frozen paint by numbers. 
Kenny had gotten her a tiny version of the Sunset Curve shirt that the cast had all received. 
Tori had gotten her a little lilac tutu. 
Madi, Jadah and Savannah had sent their presents, some handmade earrings, little stud versions of the ghost drawings that Carolynn had created from Madi, a small pair of overalls from Savannah, and a colouring book from Jadah.
But her absolute favourite gift had come from Owen, a tan coloured bear from Build-A-Bear that he had dressed like Luke, and the clothes to change the bear into Reggie, Alex and Julie if she wanted to. 
After hugs all round the group decided to go their own ways, with Kenny heading off to spend the day relaxing, and Tori, Jeremy and Carolynn going to the beach to sunbathe since Carolynn’s flight had been delayed. 
“Where do you want to go today birthday girl?” Charlie asked, as he and Owen collected the pile of gifts to move them back to their room.
Margaux frowned in thought, the bear still grasped in her arms.
“Hiking.” She decided, and Charlie laughed. She was definitely his daughter.
“You sure? We can do whatever you want to do.” He checked. Margaux nodded, her attention focused on her new clothes that Charlie had placed on the bed to fold later. 
“I’m sure.” She said, reaching for the Sunset Curve shirt and overalls. “Can I wear this?”
“Of course you can.” Charlie agreed. 
“I’m gonna have a quick shower.” Owen said, grabbing some clothes out of his bag. Charlie nodded, focused on helping Margaux change out of her pyjamas into her new clothes.
“Do you think we can have some time tonight just you and me?” Charlie asked once Margaux was dressed, moving to grab her hairbrush and some hair ties.
“Yes please Daddy.” Margaux agreed, sitting on the edge of the bed as Charlie sat behind her.
“We could go get dinner just the two of us, and then come back here for birthday cake.” He suggested. Margaux frowned, clearly thinking. 
“Is it chocolate cake?” She asked after a moment, and Charlie paused from brushing her hair to kiss the top of her head. 
“You’ll have to wait and see.” He teased. Charlie finished tying her hair up into two little space buns, not quite proper buns but as close as he could get with her shortish hair.
“I hope it’s chocolate cake. I love chocolate cake.” She giggled, standing up on the bed and turning around to hug her father. Charlie wrapped his arms around her, a gesture that was so safe and familiar. 
“Me too baby, me too.” He agreed. Margaux snuggled her head into his shoulder. 
“Is Papa coming hiking?” She questioned. Charlie grinned to himself. 
“Do you want him to come?” He asked. Margaux didn’t even hesitate. 
“Then I’m sure he’d love to come.” Charlie assured her. She pulled away. looking him in the eyes. Charlie had always loved that she had gotten his eyes. 
“Do I ask him?” She said, eyes wide. Charlie struggled to contain a laugh at how serious she looked. 
“When he comes back, yeah.” He nodded. 
“When who comes back?” Owen asked, re-entering the room. Margaux jumped up, throwing herself at the 20 year old. He lifted her up with no hesitation. 
“Are you gonna come hiking?” Margaux asked, her bottom lip jutting out in a pleading way. 
“Of course I am. Wouldn’t want to miss spending time with my two favourite people.” Owen grinned, kissing her nose causing her to giggle. Charlie’s heart skipped a beat at the declaration that he was one of Owen’s favourite people. 
“Yay! Can we go now?” Margaux turned in Owen’s arms to face her father. He nodded, standing up from the bed. 
“Shoes, and then we can go.” He said, and Margaux squirmed her way out of Owen’s arms to go find her running shoes. 
Charlie exchanged a look with Owen, the both of them thinking the same thing. 
It was going to be a long day. 
Hiking with a just turned four year old was exhausting, even despite them choosing the easiest possible trail so that she wouldn’t have any issues.
It was fine at first, Margaux excitedly looking at the plants and trying to spot any animals in the trees, but after about twenty minutes she got bored and tired, and Charlie and Owen spent the rest of the hike passing her back and forth between the two of them.
Finally they made it back to the villa, and after a quick stop for lunch Margaux was recharged and ready for the rest of the day.
“Can we swim?” She asked. Charlie nodded.
“We’ll go and get changed, and then we can go in the pool for a while until we have to get ready for dinner, okay?” He suggested. 
“Okay Daddy.” Margaux smiled sweetly. 
After quickly changing into their swimmers, Charlie, Margaux and Owen ended up in the pool, Jeremy and Carolynn lounging nearby. 
They swam for a few hours until Margaux got thirsty, and with a promise of apple juice she and Charlie climbed out of the pool leaving Owen to go sit with the Shada’s. 
Charlie walked inside the villa, finding Kenny sat at the kitchen bench reading while Tori lounged on one of the couches, staring at her phone. 
“Why don’t we do cake now, so that you don’t have to worry about rushing home?” Kenny spoke up, as Charlie manoeuvred through the kitchen to get the apple juice out, Margaux clinging to his chest like a baby koala. 
“That’s a good idea. Do you want to do your birthday cake now Mags?” Charlie asked his daughter, pouring her some apple juice. She sipped on the juice, looking up at him with wide eyes. 
“Yeah!” She exclaimed. Charlie smiled. 
“Okay, can you go get Papa, Aunty Care and Uncle Jer for me?” He asked, placing her down. She nodded eagerly, handing her cup of juice to him before rushing outside to where Owen, Jeremy and Carolynn were still sat.
Charlie grabbed the cake out of the fridge and placed it on the bench, before putting the four candles in, and grabbing a lighter.
“Have you seen my camera Kenny?” He asked, and Kenny just pointed to the end of the bench where the camera was sitting. Charlie smiled gratefully, grabbing the camera.
“Want me to take photos?” Tori offered, and Charlie nodded, handing her the camera. 
Margaux re-entered the room, Owen and the Shada’s following close behind her, and when she reached her father he lifted her up. Kenny took the lighter, lighting the candles on the cake and together they sung Happy Birthday to Margaux, Tori snapping photos as the four year old blew out her candles. 
Charlie held Margaux close to him as Kenny divided the cake up, thankful that he had such an amazing family to spend his little girl’s birthday with. 
When Charlie and Margaux made it back to the villa after their dinner that night, the newly four year old was ready to fall asleep. Charlie carried her to bed, silently thanking his past self for deciding to give her a bath and do her birthday cake before they went to dinner because now all he had to do was change her into her pyjamas. 
He changed her quickly seeing that she was almost asleep, and tucked her into the bed. 
“Did you have a good birthday baby?” Charlie asked softly, settling down next to his daughter.
Margaux just nodded in response. 
“That’s good.” Charlie ran a hand through her curls. “Goodnight baby girl.” 
“Big girl.” Margaux mumbled sleepily. Charlie smiled, leaning down and kissing her head. 
“You might be a big girl now but you’ll always be my baby girl.” He whispered. “I love you.” 
“I love you too Daddy.” Margaux replied, her eyes already shut and her arms wrapped tightly around her new bear. Charlie stood up slowly and headed to the door, leaving it open a crack for a little bit of light to shine in. 
He paused for a moment, just taking in the reality that Margaux was already four years old, and that she was growing up too fast. With one last look at the door he made his way down the hallway and outside to where he knew Owen was waiting. 
“She’s asleep.” He announced, flopping down on the outdoor sofa next to Owen. 
“I’m not shocked, she’s had a big day.” Owen replied, handing Charlie a cold beer that he had clearly gotten for him. Charlie took it thankfully, taking a large swig. 
“Can you believe that she’s four already? It feels like she was only just born and I was waking up to find out that her mother was gone and that it was only me and her. It was terrifying at the time, but looking back I wouldn’t change it for the world.” He rambled. Owen rested his head on Charlie’s shoulder and Charlie wrapped his arm around the younger boy, pulling him closer.
“You should be proud of yourself Char. You’ve done an amazing job.” Owen complimented, snuggling closer to Charlie as he took a mouthful of his beer.
“You think so?” Charlie questioned. Owen nodded against his shoulder.
“I know so.” He sat up. “Margaux is the most well behaved kid I’ve ever met, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her misbehave once in all the time I’ve known her. She’s an amazing kid and it’s all because she has the most amazing father.”
“Thank you.” Charlie whispered, suddenly realising how close Owen was to him. He could feel Owen’s warm breath on his lips, and he found himself leaning in, the urge to kiss Owen overtaking his entire being. His lips brushed against Owen’s ever so slightly, but before they could properly commit to the kiss they were interrupted. 
“Hey, we’re gonna play...” Tori’s voice came and they jumped apart quickly. She trailed off, eyeing them carefully. “Were you two about to kiss?”
Charlie cleared his throat. Owen’s eyes widened.
“Uh... no?” Owen lied. Tori shot them a suspicious look but clearly decided against pushing.
“Right... well we’re gonna play Cards Against Humanity if you want to join us.” She told them, before turning and heading back inside. Neither Charlie nor Owen moved, the silence was deafening. Finally Owen spoke.
“Sorry.” He muttered quickly, before standing up and rushing inside. Charlie groaned, watching him leave, the feeling of Owen’s lips still lingering on his own.
“Fuck.” He sighed, downing the last of his beer before standing up to join the rest of the group inside.
He would have to deal with the Owen situation later.
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ewritesthangs · 4 years
The Big Day
Today, was the day. Corpse and you were getting married. You woke up bright and early, but not before Corpse. He left you a rose with a note beside the bed. 
'I'll see you later. I'll be the guy at the alter. 🖤' 
Starting the day off with an even bigger smile than before. You received a text from your maid of honor, your mom, your dad, Sean. All basically saying they're excited to see you guys get married. You just chuckle and get ready for the day. First was nails. Then hair and makeup. Then to the venue. You put on a shirt that said "Bride", some jeans and your converse. You drive to breakfast first, since the nail salon wasn't open yet. The wedding was at 1. It was 945. Your appointment was at 1030 for nails. Breakfast was only some muffins and coffee. Iced, for you. You guys get there early, so they take you in early. You get acrylics. (See picture above) this took over an hour. By the time you finished, you had about 15 minutes to go to your next appointment. Which was only a few minutes away. 
"Were gonna be late!" 
"I'll call and tell them that I might be late. Don't worry Y/BFF/N." you did as you said, calling to make sure it would be okay if they were a little late just in case you guys were. 
"Of course love! You are my only client today. I want to see you guys get married. Uh-duh." You laugh. 
"Thank you so much. I'll make sure you get a nice tip."
"Just give me some extra cake." 
"You've got that too." You hang up and head over there.
I awoke earlier than my wife to leave her a cute note with a rose. I leave her with a sweet kiss to her forehead before actually leaving for the day. Our day. Our wedding day. I was spending the day with Sean, Felix, Sykkuno, and some other friends of mine. Today was going to be a great day, though I am super anxious. I take some of my meds to help. The guys pick me up and bring me to go to breakfast first. At my favorite spot. 
"Soooo, are you nervous? Excited?" 
"Yes." I chuckle and order some food. "I'm nervous something might go wrong. But i'm excited to marry the love of my life." 
"Awww our Corpsey is growing up." Felix says feigning choked up. 
"Yeah, I really am. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Y/N." 
"So sappy. I love it." Sean chimes in. We eat once the food arrives and converse about anything and everything. 
"Where are you guys going for your honeymoon?" 
"Welllll were going to...." I tell them where. (Keeping it a surprise to you guys still.) 
"She is going to love it!" 
We then head to the venue to get ready. 
You were finished up with your hair and makeup. You looked breathtakingly beautiful. Your mom chokes up. 
"My baby girl. Getting married." 
"Mom you're gonna me cry." You fan your eyes and hug her. 
"Lets get to the venue and get you dressed. Thankfully the venue is right around the corner." She chuckles. You guys head there. 
Upon arrival, you see many people already there. You were nervous, yet excited to marry Corpse. You get out of the car and go in, making sure no man sees you. You wanted to capture the moment your father sees you and your husband, of course. You go into a room of the barn there. You get dressed with the help of your best friend. Them and everyone tear up. At how breathtaking you look. 
"I said I wouldn't cry but crap here we go." Your best friend says, fanning their eyes. You laugh, tearing up yourself. 
"Guys I'm gonna cry!" You fan yourself. "God today is so emotional. I knew it would be." 
"It's almost time guys!" Your mom yells, excited. She goes out and sits down. Your best friend goes out and waits for her turn. Your dad comes in and stops, his breath hitching. 
"My baby girl. Getting married. To a wonderful man. Im so happy for you. You're so beautiful." He lets a few tears fall as he takes you into his arms. A Thousand Years by The Piano Guys starts to play. Signalling its time. Time to walk down the aisle to your future. 
"Don't let me fall, daddy." You whisper, holding onto his arm. You take a deep breath. 
"Never my love." You guys begin your ascend. You walk from the barn, to the aisle. Corpse sees you and instantly his eyes fill with tears. You were the only girl in the world, in that moment. Your own breath hitches at the sight of your future husband. You slowly walk to your Corpsey. He holds his hand out for you. Your dad lifts your veil and kisses you gently on the cheek. 
“Who gives this young lady to this young man?” The wedding officiant says. 
“I do.” Your father says, voice breaking. Corpse takes your hand and you hand off your flowers to your best friend so you can hold his other hand. 
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Corpse and Y/N. If anybody has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace. Thank the Lord nobody said anything.” That comment causes everyone to laugh. “The bride and groom have written their vows. Corpse, your first.”
“Y/N, when we met I knew we would be at least friends forever. When you said yes to dating me, I knew we were in for the long run. I had grown to have strong feelings for you. And they keep growing for you every second of every day. The love I have for you is unmatched. I never knew I could love anyone as much as I do you. You have shown me I am loveable, I am enough, I can conquer anything. You mean more to me than I ever thought possible. You really do complete me. You have made me a better man. And I am eternally grateful for you being in my life. Now here we are. On our wedding day, granted I started writing this when you said yes to marrying me, you look beyond breathtaking. You standing in front of me ready to say I do, I hope.I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives and beyond together. I promise to uplift you, to love you forever and beyond, to be there for you, to cherish you, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer. Together we can do anything. I love you, Y/N Y/M/N.” By the end of the vows’ you were in tears, happy tears but still. You were thankful for good setting spray and waterproof makeup. Corpse’s voice had waived during the duration of his vows’. “Oh baby.” He wipes your tears from your cheeks, trying so hard not to kiss your supple lips. 
“That was beautiful, holy crap. Any dry eyes up in here? No? I didn’t think so!” You chuckle. 
“Y/N, are you okay to say your vows?” The officiant says. 
“Yes. I’ve got this.” You take a deep breath before taking out your vows. “Corpse. My love. I knew from the moment I met you, we would forever be in each others lives. When I began to catch feelings for you, you asked me out. With great relief, I said yes. He likes me too! I knew from that moment on, we would get married someday. And I had a feeling that if the feeling was mutual, you’d pick Halloween as our wedding date.” You chuckle and sniffle a little. “My love for you only grows stronger as the seconds pass. I can’t imagine, nor will I, a life without you. You make me the happiest every moment of every day. I promise to love you until the end of time and beyond. I promise to be there for you, to love you no matter what happens in life. I promise to let you stream peacefully. I promise to have and to hold you in every way possible. I promise everything. I do I do I do. With all of my heart and soul, I do!” You wipe your tears and smile at your Corpse. 
“Beautiful! Now who is ready to put them rings on?” The officiant chimes. “Corpse, do you take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold? For richer or for poorer? In sickness and in health from this day forward?” 
His face broke out in the biggest grin. “I do.” He slides on your ring. 
“And do you, Y/N, take Corpse to be your lawfully wedded husband? You heard me say that stuff for him right? I don’t have to repeat?” He causes everybody to laugh again. “To have and to hold? For richer or for poorer? In sickness and in health from this day forward?” 
“Hell yes I do!” You slip his ring on with the biggest grin matching Corpses. 
“I now pronounce you husband and wife! Corpse, kiss your bride.” 
“With pleasure.” He takes your cheeks in his hands and he kisses you passionately. Sparks and butterflies fly around. And you pull him in closer by his waist. Everyone cheers for you. 
“I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. H/L/N!” He pulls back only slightly before pecking your lips then holding your hands up. 
“We’re married!” He cheers. You giggle and cheer as well. Your best friend hands you your flowers. You walk back down the aisle, a married woman. 
Decorations flow in the light breeze of the autumnal afternoon. Laughter and conversations warm up the reception before the bride and groom enter. The final click of the camera notifies you that it was time to go to the reception. You hold onto Corpse's arm, walking into the reception once announced. You guys had planned on doing the first dance right away, to get it out of the way for both of you don't dance the best. You guys practiced a slow dance though, the whole time you guys were engaged. I'll Follow You by Shinedown begins to play. You and Corpse go to straight to the dance floor. Your arms wrap around his neck loosely and his arms wrap around your waist. 
If I could find assurance to leave you behind 
I know my better half would fade 
And all my doubts 
Is a staircase for you 
Up and out of this base 
The first step is the one you believe in 
The second one might be profound 
Eyes lock. Love emits. Kisses pressed to your lips. 
I'll follow you down to the eye of the storm 
Don't worry I'll keep you warm 
I'll follow you down 
While we're passing through space 
I don't care if we fall from grace 
I'll follow you down 
Twirls. Corpse twirls you a few times and pulls you close once again. 
You can have the money and the world
The angels and the pearls
Even trade my heart for color blue
Just like the tower we never built
And the shadow of all the guilt
When the other hand was pointing at you
Yet the first step is the one you believe in
The second one might be profound
You look at your husband with nothing but pure love and joy. He truly makes you the happiest. 
I'll follow you down to the eye of the storm
Don't worry I'll keep you warm
I'll follow you down while we are passing through space
I don't care if we fall from grace
You are picked up by your husband and spun around a few times. 
I'll follow you down to where forever lies
Without a doubt I'm on your side
There is no where else I'd rather be
I'm not about to compromise
Give you up to say goodbye
I've got you through the deep
I'll keep you close to me
I'll follow you down to the eye of the storm
Don't worry I'll keep you warm
I'll follow you down
While we are passing through space
I don't care if we fall from grace
I'll follow you
If I could find assurance
To leave you behind
I know my better would fade
I'll follow you down
Corpse pulls you in for a sweet kiss. Dips you down. You squeal, feeling butterflies in your stomach. He chuckles at your response and pulls you back up. "I love you so much Mrs. H/L/N." 
"I love you just as much, maybe more." 
Later that night, as the reception is winding down, you find your husband with his streaming buddies laughing away. 
"Honey, it's almost time." You softly remind your husband. You knew you guys had a flight soon for the reception was almost finished. 
"Okay baby, let's go get dressed." His voice, though always raspy, was soft and sweet. He pressed a kiss to your temple. You just smile up at him and press a kiss to his jaw. Back to the changing rooms of the barn, you guys venture off to. You change into a cute little white dress, while Corpse changes into a button up shirt and some jeans. You guys meet back up, your veil still on. 
"My beautiful wife." Emphasis on the wife. "I'll never tire of calling you my wife." His smile was unbreakable. 
"Where are we going?" You ask, still unaware of where he was taking you for your honeymoon. 
"Hmmm. Where is somewhere you have always wanted to go?"  
"Bora bora?" 
"Yes baby." 
"What! How?!" 
"Thank Sean for helping. It was part of his gift." He winks and chuckles. You jump up into his arms and hug him tightly. Perfect way to end the perfect day. 
Tag list: @teenloves @whatinthyworld @deadangelbride @teamragnarssons @lovely-ki
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kiljoius · 2 years
The View From Down Here - Chapter 16
Moonlight Jellies
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The town goes to see the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies.
Summer 28
Charlotte flinched at the feel of her phone buzzing and set her clippers down next to her basket of tomatoes, the last of the season she figured. Reaching into her pocket, she clicked on the phone to see an unfamiliar number over an unread text. Curious, she unlocked the phone and opened it.
Would you like to join me in watching the Moonlight Jellies tonight?
She furrowed her eyebrows together as she pondered who it could be. Shane didn’t have her number, she had Sebastian, Sam, and Abigail’s numbers in her phone already, so it could only be…
She smiled as she awaited the response, setting the phone gently on her batch of tomatoes as she went to clip the next. Her phone buzzed again immediately; no games being played here.
Indeed. Apologies, I should have led with that.
She giggled to herself as she checked the time. 1:00 pm.
What time is it at?
A bit late for her taste, especially since tomorrow was the first day of fall and she wouldn’t have help in the farm for initial seeding this time. She twisted her lips to one side as she pondered. The Dance of the Moonlight Jellies was her absolute favorite part of summer whenever she visited her poppops farm. It also marked the end of summer, signaling her responsibility to return to school. She sucked in her lips and nodded to herself.
I’d like that.
She waited for a moment before continuing plucking tomatoes, expecting a response. When it didn’t come as fast as she expected, she set the phone back down and continued her chores. After about 15 minutes and 30 or so tomatoes later, she received another buzz.
were all gonna go to the pier to look at the jelly fish. u down? im bringing beeeeer
This one was from Sam.
I’ll be there but I’m gonna be with Harvey.
She raised her eyebrows, curious how the “gang” would respond to this.
lol nice. well see u there
She smiled, it was an expected response from Sam. The phone buzzed once more, right before she set it down, now from Harvey.
Perfect. I’ll swing by the south side of your farm at 9:30? So, you won’t be self-conscious.
So considerate.
I’ll be ready.
She pulled her phone to her chest as she locked it, closing her eyes. A normal date, doing one of the events she liked most. She took in some of the last of the fresh summer air as she lowered her hands, a grin on her face.
As the clock struck 9pm, she pulled off her gloves. She had been disassembling the plants ahead of time to get a head start for tomorrow. Arriving at her porch table, she spread the seed packets out to observe what she had in store. She was becoming more bold, evident by the number of packets: grapes, eggplants, cranberries, pumpkins (for Abigail), artichokes, yams, and fairy roses (for Jas). The pepper seeds sat sad and off to the side, causing her to frown. Turning on her heel, she made her way inside to get ready.
When it hit 9:30, Charlotte was already bouncing on her heels at the south entrance of her farm, a little early. But in the distance, Harvey approached, exactly on time, holding his hand up to wave. He was in his usual get up, a sleek white button up, dull maroon tie, green tweed jacket and brown slacks, and of course his rectangle glasses, which she swore were the exact same ones he had on in college. He was so concerned about health, though, she was sure the prescription was up to date. She pushed her own horn-rimmed glasses up her nose as he approached, making way towards him.
He had a warm smile on his face as they stopped in front of each other, him taking in the sight of her. A shiny blue blouse with a black jacket, and a neat black skirt with low top converse. Her style hadn’t changed much as he realized neither of them were too different from 9 years ago.
“You look lovely,” he offered, gesturing down the path.
“You look like you,” she teased, joining alongside him as they approached Marnie’s ranch.
“Jas, your coat,” they heard in the distance, Charlotte squinting to make out Shane’s figure in the doorway of the ranch. She huffed a sigh as hurried her pace, causing Harvey to pick up into a light jog to keep up.
“In a hurry?” he chuckled as they passed the ranch painlessly, Shane avoiding looking out until they were gone.
“I’m excited,” she lied, peering up at him.
“I am as well. It’s always a beautiful sight. Did you ever get to study them in your work?” Harvey inquired as they walked past Sam’s house.
“Sadly no,” she sighed, looking down.
“Well, this will be a special occasion,” he offered, tilting his head to see if he could get a look at her eyes. She lifted her head to meet him, nodding. “I’m happy you accepted my invite.”
As they made their way over the bridge leading into the coast, the fresh ocean air hit their faces. Chatter buzzed around them as the town made way towards the pier and dock, mixing with the sound of the ocean crashing into rocks and the piles of the pier. Charlotte’s heart pumped faster as their feet sunk into the sand, nearing the pier and the warm glow of the floating candles lit the scene.
“Wow, it’s been a long time…” Charlotte mused, hooking her arm into Harveys. He glanced down at their interlocked arms, cheeks reddening, then traced his way up to her face. She looked like an excited child, full of wonder.
“You used to come down for this, right?” Harvey asked quietly as they set foot on the dock.
“Yeah, it was my favorite part of the trip,” she matched his quiet nature, eyes locked ahead.
“Charlie!” They both whipped around at the call of her name, finding Marnie standing just off the pier in the sand. Charlotte smiled nervously as she unhooked her arm from Harvey’s, walking towards her.
“Hey Marnie,” she waved as Harvey followed behind.
“Glad to see you out here,” Marnie smiled warmly up at her, glancing at Harvey, “both of you.”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” she huffed, and they both nodded.
“Please try to say hello to Jas if you see her tonight, won’t you? She still talks about you,” Marnie smiled sadly at her, more guilt hitting her.
“I will, absolutely,” Charlotte nodded, almost bowing.
“Looks like you won’t have to wait long,” Harvey whispered to Charlotte as Shane and Jas crossed the bridge. Charlotte looked up just in time to meet Jas’ eyes. They immediately lit up and she launched into a sprint towards Charlotte, practically jumping in her arms.
“Oh boy!” Charlotte hollered as Jas wrapped her arms around her neck, forcing Charlotte to hold her up, “hey!”
“I’m no boy,” Jas tsked, pulling away, “where have you been!”
“Farm stuff,” Charlotte dismissed, dropping her to the ground and crouching next to her.
“Will you please come over to see my cursive? You said you’d read it!” Jas demanded as Shane slowly approached them, rolling his eyes.
“I’m so sorry,” Charlotte patted Jas’ cheek, looking guilty, “I will come over. I promise.”
“Yes!” Jas fist pumped, looking up at Shane, “Uncle Shane, farmer Charlie is gonna come over!”
“Great,” Shane huffed, walking further up the pier to leave them to it.
“I hope there are baby jellies tonight!” Jas jumped in place, clapping her hands.
“Just be careful on that pier, it’s very old,” Marnie spoke in a hushed voice to Charlotte, who eyed the pier warily. Charlotte nodded briskly as Harvey led her to walk further up the pier behind Jas, then passed her as she began talking Shane’s ear off.
“You seem to have a fan,” Harvey smiled down at her as they parked themselves at the end, near the fish shop. She gave a simple shrug, staring down at the candles while Harvey continued, “it’s very important to stimulate young minds, it’s good she has someone around to do that for her.”
“Well, she’s got Shane and Marnie, too,” Charlotte looked up at him, shoving her hands in her jacket pockets.
“Of course,” Harvey nodded, looking out towards the ocean. Silence fell between them as they stood together, Charlotte turning her attention back to the ocean as well, taking in the sensation of waves crashing on the pilings below her and vibrating the wood planks beneath her feet. She peered behind her to catch a glimpse of Shane, his signature sullen look somehow even more sullen than it was before. Jas was full of energy and excitement as she went on about the jellies to Shane, contrasting him completely. She returned her attention to the ocean, realizing Harvey had been talking, “…trying to remember what Dr. Mullion said about the Midnight Jellies glow, it had something to do with GFP?”
Charlotte shook herself out of the trance to look at him, furrowing her eyebrows to remember, “yeah, GFP, GFP…green fluorescent…”
“Protein,” Harvey finished, causing them both to giggle to one another.
“Right! How could I forget,” Charlotte grinned, bumping her elbow into his.
“Ah, I miss those days, everything was so simple,” Harvey spoke dreamily, looking up at the sky.
“What?!” Charlotte spoke in disbelief, “yeah right, maybe for you! I hated school.”
“For me, I suppose, school was the easy part,” Harvey glanced down at her, “residency was another monster. I saw many things I wish I hadn’t.”
“Right,” Charlotte exhaled, looking away from him, “I could see that.”
Just as their conversation neared a dangerously serious turn, they were snapped out of it by the chatter of Sam and Abigail across the way, on the pier, Sebastian trailing behind. Charlotte gave a wave as her eyes locked with Abigail’s who in turn hit Sam’s shoulder and pointed their way.
“Oh, hey farmer!” Sam called as he whirled around, holding a beer up and shaking it lightly as an offer.
“No thanks, Sam,” she called back with a smile, her eyes bouncing towards Sebastian. His head was lowered, not making eye contact with anyone as his hand retreated to his lips, smoke pouring from them.
“Suit yourself!” he shrugged, cracking it open as their conversation turned to normal levels, Charlotte unable to hear over the crashing of the ocean and the other conversations around them.
“You hang out with the town kids a lot?” Harvey questioned next to her, causing her cheeks to redden as she turned away from him.
“Uh, no-well, kind of. Kids? They’re not really…” Charlotte trailed off, searching for the right words. Harvey chuckled, releasing the tension.
“Alright, I admit kids is a bit strong. Just a bit immature I suppose, still figuring out their lives.”
Figuring out their lives, huh? Guess I fit in.
“It’s good you found company,” he finished the thought, crossing his arms behind his back as he stared out into the ocean. When silence fell over then, he turned his head towards her, examining her face. Her lips were pursed, eyebrows furrowed, seemingly lost in thought. Arms crossed, toes pointing inward, shallow breathing. Harvey took note of all these characteristics before he spoke, “I apologize. I’ve struck a nerve by being too personal.”
Charlotte opened her lips to suck in a shallow breath before she looked up at him, suddenly a grin spreading across her face to Harvey’s relief. She once again hooked her arm into his and shook her head, letting out a soft chuckle, “same old Harvey, over analyzing.”
They both let out laughs and Harvey gently tightened his arm around hers, the two pressing their sides against each other as the cold front from the ocean began washing over them. Footsteps approached behind them before they heard the booming voice of the Mayor, “now that it’s nice and chilly,” he started, to soft laughter in the crowd, “let’s send out the candles!”
And with that, several of the older adults approached and aided in releasing the candles, even Jas and Vincent got the chance to unhook one together. As the candles drifted away, darkness consumed the coast, to the dismay of Vincent who could be heard quietly crying as he stomped down the dock. Just as soon as the darkness overtook, a faint glow approached. And with that, the spectacle began.
Varying sizes of jellies bobbed away in the water, swaying towards the dock and pier. She could hear Jas chattering in the background excitedly as tiny jellies surrounded one large jelly, “Aunt Marnie, Uncle Shane!! Babies!”
Soon, the entire pier was completely alight with the soft glow of what seemed to be hundreds of jellies, and Harvey couldn’t help but look down at Charlotte. The green reflected off her glasses, enveloping the rest of her soft skin in the glow, a glow not just from the jellies, but also the glow of an ecstatic child, full of wonder and amazement. His focus was no longer for the jellies, but on Charlotte, breathless at how beautiful a full-grown woman could look with childlike wonder encapsulating her, something Harvey had lost long ago. Admiration covered his face as her eyes darted around the ocean, her body completely still except for the ever-tightening grip on his elbow. Suddenly, her focus was broken as she began to feel his eyes upon her, and she twisted her head up to him.
“What are you doing looking at me?” she snickered, eyebrows drawn together in concern as his smile grew, “I’m not the interesting one here.”
“You are,” he whispered, tilting his head thoughtfully. Her cheeks immediately began burning and her eyes dove back into the ocean, but now he could feel her body shaking very slightly. He placed his free hand on her upper arm and turned his attention back to the jellies, and strangely this comforted her, allowing her to return her focus to the jellies.
After several minutes passed by, with jellies circling the wooden posts of the pier to the “oohs” and “ahhs” of the crowd, they began their dance back to the deeper parts of the ocean, the light slowly fading from the coast. Just before Vincent’s concerned voice could be heard, the fisherman flipped on the light in front of his shop and suddenly everyone began to stir.
“Let’s go, Jas,” Charlotte’s dreamy state was broken at the gruff voice down the dock, and she shook her head, bringing a hand up to rub her eye.
“Ready?” Harvey asked, tilting his head towards the bridge. She shook her head again, still holding his arm.
“Just a couple more minutes,” she suggested, assuming he would think she just wanted to look out into the ocean for a bit longer, but really just wanted to give Shane a head start. Harvey nodded and they stood together in silence for a few more minutes, the beach slowly emptying out.
“You lovebirds headin’ out or do I need to keep the light on?” the sarcastic voice of the fisherman called behind them. Harvey looked down at Charlotte once more and she proceeded to nod, tugging him towards the entrance.
“No, that’s alright Willy, we were just heading out,” Harvey explained with a beaming smile, leading Charlotte away, “you have a good night! I’ll see you for a checkup soon!”
“Sure, doc,” Willy laughed as he waved at the couple making way.
As the two trudged through the sand, into town, they continued to reminisce about the jellies and school life, still hooked by the elbows. Charlotte let herself conform to Harvey as the night grew colder, which he seemed to embrace just fine.
“I just remember you correcting him. He was so shocked, I’d never seen him be anything but cool and aloof,” Charlotte giggled, causing Harvey to shrug.
“Dr. Green took it in stride, though. Asked if we could speak privately when I wanted to correct him next time,” he chuckled, his head giving a little shake. As they approached his practice, they came to a stop under his porch light, “well, my apartment is just above.”
“Right, I’ll let you go,” she released her grip from his arm, slowly pulling away.
“Or you could just come inside,” he spoke casually, catching her off guard, “the weather called for rain tonight, and with it being the night before the first of fall, I would highly recommend you stay here instead of hiking back through the woods just to sleep at your home. You could take my bed and I can sleep on the couch.”
Everything he said was incredibly matter-of-a-factly, and she couldn’t help but consider his offer feeling the warm air dissipating, rising away from them as cold began whipping across the ground. She checked her watch: 1:34 am. Finally, she looked above her to find dark clouds confirming his words. She looked up at him with her head tilted, scanning his face. His features were warm, his eyes seemed sincere. His eyebrows were raised somewhat expectantly, and the bristles of his mustache were slightly upturned in his small smile. She swung her shoulders gently side to side as she contemplated.
“You didn’t plan it this way, did you?” she eyed him, crossing one leg over the other. He immediately shook his head, panic slowly spreading over his face.
“No-I would never! It was just a coincidence-“ his voice became somewhat breathy before she grabbed his hands, calming him gently. He took a deep breath before grasping her hands back, “I apologize, I see how this might seem like a scheme on my part. I can walk you back-“
“Let’s go inside,” she tugged his hands with a mischievous look on her face, stepping towards the front door of his practice. His eyes widened a tad before he fumbled in his pocket for his keys, swiftly unlocking the door and hurrying them inside as the first sprinkles began to descend. Charlotte quickly pulled her hood up just before she got in, letting a laugh bellow out of her as she did. He couldn’t help but let a chuckle escape, swiftly shutting the door behind him and locking up. He grasped her hand and gently tugged her towards the stairs in the back of the hallway, barely allowing her any time to observe the office after hours. Once they ascended, he threw up the door to reveal a quiet studio style apartment, brown and dull, but perfectly suited to Harvey.
“Wow,” she let out a breathy chuckle as she scanned the room, taking in every detail.
“It’s not much…” Harvey trailed off, pulling his tweed coat off his shoulders. She smiled and turned to face him.
“It’s definitely you,” she grinned up at him, becoming bold as she grabbed the bottom of his tie, giving a teasing tug. She watched red spread over his cheeks, feeling his shuttered breathing as the twinge of a smile betrayed him.
“Hmph…take your coat?” he offered quietly, lifting a hand expectantly. She nodded and pulled off her jacket, handing it to him. He swiftly hung up both coats and the turned to her, a serious look taking over his face. She raised her eyebrows up at him and let her bottom lip retreat between her teeth.
“Thank you, Harv,” she began, feeling bold as she quickly snaked her arms around his neck, pulling herself closer to him. Harvey lowered his eyes at her, heat building between them as their chests came together. He took the hint and gently wrapped his hands around her hips, leaning forward. Charlotte let her face come closer, until their warm breath was upon each other, “…for inviting me.”
“My pleasure,” his voice was low now, and she saw the desire spark in his eyes just as his finger began to curl around her hips.
“Harvey, I-“ she began but was cut off as Harvey swooped down, bringing her in deeply for a kiss. She gasped lightly at his boldness, but immediately began melting into him, tightening her arms around his neck. She felt his hands snake around to her back, his fingers pressing into her upper hips on opposing sides, bringing her in closer. His lips felt starved, the bristles of his mustache tickling her.
She let herself be pushed somewhat aggressively into the door behind them as he released a hand from her hip, using it to prop himself up. She ran a hand from his neck to the back of his head, running it through his thin, wavy brown strands, then pulling the hand towards his face to rest on his cheek. She gently pushed a thumb under his chin, pulling him away. As he released from the kiss, he let her catch her breath, investigating the state of her. Her cheeks rosy, eyelids wide open and lips parted, gasping in breath.
“I-I didn’t know this…side of you, Harv,” she let out a shaky giggle, letting her eyes rise from his mustached upper lip to his nose to his eyes, still serious, still eager. She watched his eyes dart across her face, down her collar bone, taking in every deep breath that lifted her chest to his.
“I’ve…always admired you, Charlotte,” he whispered, lowering his head so his lips hovered just above hers. She didn’t know if her cheeks could become anymore red, but if they could they definitely were.
“I liked you, too, Harvey...” she admitted quietly as she felt his grip tighten, then release as his hand slowly made way down her backside, gripping her firmly. She gasped lightly as he gently kissed the tip of her nose, then pulled away to take the glasses off of her face, carefully setting them on the dresser next to them. She squirmed underneath him as he gently pushed his hips into her, feeling his groin against her stomach.
“You’re brilliant,” he continued, his free hand joining the other under her, fingers rubbing in circular motions.
“Stop,” she chuckled, looking away from him in embarrassment, one of her hands dropping from his neck to his chest. He leaned down and laid a small kiss on her forehead before running his other hand down her backside, obtaining a firm grip under her. She let out a small squeak as he lifted her up to him, her legs instinctively pulling up around his waist. She couldn’t help but giggle more as he carried her to his bed, gently laying her down, allowing himself to nestle on top of her before taking her in again for a fervent kiss. She felt his heart beating against her and could only wonder what her own heart felt like as she tightened her grip around him. His tongue gently but urgently pried her lips open, tasting the inside of her mouth. She lightly bucked her hips upward as his hand found its way back into her hair, gripping a fistful as softly as possible, pulling her head back as he took her in. He felt the soft gasps coming from her, soaking every one of them in as he slowly pressed himself against her. He took in every positive sign she gave him until-
“H-Harvey..wait,” she pleaded gently under him pressing her hand against his chest. He immediately propped a hand on the bed beneath her and pulled away, breathing deeply as he attempted to recompose himself, “sorry, I just…”
“Charlotte,” he silenced her, pulling his free hand around her neck and gently stroking her cheek with his thumb, “I was…too forward?”
“No!” she began immediately shaking her head. He chuckled, pulling his thumb to her lips.
“I apologize,” he whispered, brushing his thumb across her lips, causing her to blush. He gently placed another kiss on her lips, soft and quick, before pulling himself up, straightening out his tie, “I don’t wish to make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m sorry, Harv,” she breathed out as she rose from her laying position to seated. He put up a hand to wave her off, running a hand through his whispy brown hair as she spoke, “it’s just…been a while-“
“You have zero obligation to explain to me,” he cut her off as he turned, swooping down to one knee to become eye level with her. He grasped her hands and looked her in the eyes, something he was acutely good at but made her squirm, “besides, we should take it slow and each do a full panel STD test before we decide to become more…serious.”
“What?!” Charlotte couldn’t help but shout incredulously, her eyebrows furrowing as she rose to her feet, “you’re serious?”
Harvey chuckled as she removed her hands from his, rising to his feet as well. He towered over her, forcing him to lower his head and readjust his glasses as he examined her, “we’re both adults, Charlotte. And I am a doctor.”
“What makes you think…I would…well,” she stumbled over her words, feeling his gaze burning into her, a playful twinkle in his eye as she become increasingly flustered, “that I would you know…you know! Fuck you?” she finally blurted out, whirling around with her arms crossed. His continuing chuckle only made her feel more self-conscious, just as he placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I don’t assume anything. It’s just a good idea…and I enjoy your company, and if anything were to happen…” he trailed off before pulling her shoulder, forcing her to turn to face him, “I want to be safe, for both of us…I think you’re an amazing woman, Charlotte.”
Charlottes breath caught in her throat as his hands wrapped around her upper arms, his thumbs tenderly rubbing. She reluctantly nodded, pulling her lips in as he let go, “I…enjoy your company, too, Harvey. Don’t get me wrong…it’s just kind of fast.”
He lifted a hand to politely silence her once more, shaking his head, “my last intention is to make you do anything you don’t want to do. I apologize for my forwardness and hope you can look past tonight.”
Charlotte finally let herself let out a giggle as he explained himself so thoroughly, so professionally. She raised her hands to grasp his and let a smile envelope her face as she pulled it in to kiss it softly, “its okay Harvey. You’re very sweet, don’t worry about it.” Harvey let out a sigh of relief as she pulled his hand to her cheek, letting it warm her.
“I’ll let you get some rest,” he gently caressed her cheek for a few second before releasing her, slowly stepping away to excuse himself to the bathroom. She let out a heavy breath and fell to her seated position on the bed, letting herself lay down. Her head felt a bit dizzy now, her heart thumping in her chest.
Is this really happening? Already?
She felt a pang of guilt as Shane’s face flashed through her mind. She felt guilty for Shane, but also felt guilty for thinking of him at this moment. Squeezing her eyes shut, Charlotte willed his image from her brain, pulling her hands up to her eyes to shield them from the light. She released a deep breath before yanking her hands down, widening her eyes.
Buck up.
“I don’t suppose you will want to change into something more comfortable, but if you did,” Harvey startled her as he approached her with what looked like a grandfathers pajamas. She eyed them and let out a soft giggle before shaking her head.
“I’ll be alright,” she pushed the clothes away, swinging her legs up, “you could join me, if you wanted…you don’t have to sleep on the couch.”
“No worries,” Harvey offered her a small smile and shake of the head, “I’m going to go down and do a bit of paperwork before bed.”
“Don’t you have to be up in a few hours?” Charlotte questioned, pulling a blanket over herself. His smile grew slightly before he gave her a nonchalant shrug, turning on his heel.
“It’s Sunday, no work.” She watched him open the door before looking over his shoulder at her. “See you in the morning, Charlotte,” and he was gone. She sighed and rested her head on the pillow, pulling the blanket up to her chin. As she inhaled, she felt enveloped by his presence. And she knew she wouldn’t be sleeping tonight.
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Crying In The Club
 Overhaul x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, bullying, false love, physical abuse
*Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*
A/N: Bruh i didn’t mean for it to be this long. I think i might have gotten to into it. I promise that this was only going to be angst but then i started. This is not as angsty as i thought it was gonna be but i still like it. The ending may seem a bit rushed and to that im sorry OvO
@zuffer-weird-girl finally finished it after many gruesome hours trying to figure out where this fic should lead too XD
It wasn’t a secret to anyone that knew you that you always a a taste in mysterious and secretive men. You just couldn’t help it. You liked the mystery. You were never one to back down from a challenge.
That was until you met Chisaki Kai.
You were introduced to him by the club owner of the place you use to work at. For some odd reason you couldn’t help but fall in love with those mysterious golden eyes. Whenever he was around you, your heart would beat faster then it ever had for any of the other men you have dated over the years.
His voice sent shivers down your spine making you bit your lip. Your co-workers noticed that whenever he came into the club for business reasons you were always the one who needed to be their server. They didn’t question it cause they found the little game of cat and mouse funny.
You kinda knew you were playing with fire when you started to flirt with him. You made sure to do your research before going up to a complete stranger and start flirting with them. You knew that he went by the name Overhaul even though his real name was Chisaki Kai.
5 month’s after you first met him
“Hey Overhaul. What would you like today sir?” You say smiling at the gangster. You may have done some research but you only knew his name, his real name at least.
“Black coffee.”
“Of course sir!” You turn around and walk towards the counter. Even the slightest things made you all pink and blushy. You couldn’t help that you were so damn attracted to this sex appeal of a man. 
“Just ask him out already dipshit.” You snap your head towards the voice, about to go off before you realize it was your boss.
“W-what do you mean boss?” You laugh nervously trying to avoid the subject.
“It’s obvious you like him. Whats the worse that can happen? He could say no.”
“Or he could kill me-”
“That too. But hey, it’s a no unless you ask.” With that final word he turned around and left, leaving you to your thoughts.
You make his coffee before going back to the seating area and giving him his coffee, quickly smiling a quickly running back to the bar to watch him from afar.
Once he picked up his coffee he noticed a small piece of napkin underneath his cup. He was going to complain but before he could he noticed the numbers that was written on the napkin.
“The hell is this?” Kai said as he picked up the piece of napkin with his gloved fingers before looking at you which in return you quickly looked away.
“I believe she gave you her phone number boss. Doesn’t surprise me, she’s been hitting on you for awhile.” Overhaul looked at his clock haired friend.
“Really? I must not have noticed or cared.” Overhaul looked at the paper again before destroying it with is quirk. He had no time for relationships when his drug was close to perfection. He looked in the direction he last saw you in, which you were no longer there.
You were in fact hiding in the emoplyee’s only bathroom crying your eyes out. Why are you crying? You didn’t even know him that long.
‘It could be the fact he just decided to tear it up in front of you.’ You thought to yourself as you felt your mascara running down your cheeks. You probably looked like a hot mess but you didnt care. You were hurt. Rejection hurt in general but for some reason when it came to him, your heart felt like it was disintegrating in your own chest.
“I can’t go back out there. It would be too embarrassing.” You say to yourself as you try to calm yourself down.
“No what’s embarrassing is the fact i just took multiple pictures of you crying on the bathroom floor.” A smug voice laughed at you. You looked up and saw it was one of your ex co-workers. You remembered her. She was the one who was recently fired from her job here since you were doing so well that they decided that they didn’t need her.
“I’m going to print this picture and put it all over the bar how does that sound? Sounds pretty embarrassing if you ask me.” She laughed at your quivering figure on the floor. How would you even show your face at work after that. 
Before she could say anything else you got up, pushed her to the side and ran out the back door, all the while with tears streaming down your face.
You haven’t shown your face there since.
3 months after incident
You were called by your boss over and over again begging you to come back to work. Saying how that the girl was arrested and how nobody even saw the pictures. Which was a complete fucking lie. The girl even sent you the pictures she printed of you hung all around the club. Including some of your co-workers and customers laughing at you.
What if he saw them?
The fact that Overhaul could’ve seen them sent you into a frenzy. How would he look at you now? Probably as some low little girl with no sense of dignity. That’s probably what he thought about you. 
Kai sat at the VIP lounge with his body radiating angry. He had just left the Shie Hassakai base in a rage after an argument with his adoptive father.
His foot tapped rapidly on the ground while his eyebrow twitched. His hands clenching into fist that left his knuckles white.
How dare Pops do this to him?
Pops had told Kai that day that if Kai wanted to become the next head of the Shie Hassakai, that he would have to find a relationship. In Pops words ‘someone to calm you down whenever you upset or stress.’ 
Kai knew that being the head of the Shie Hassakai would be stressful, but he didn’t need someone to ‘calm him down’, he was fine by himself. Even though it pissed Kai off royally, he didn’t want to disappoint Pops. Which lead him back to the club you use to work at.
After the incident of you asking him out he didn’t show back up for awhile. He hated awkward encounters and to see your face after it? Gave him shivers. SO he didn’t show up to said club after a couple months, hoping that by giving it time, everything would go back to the it was.
He heard the familiar footsteps of someone approaching the lounge. He expected to see you but was disappointed when a different server came prancing in.
“Where is (Y/N)?” Considering how long you served him, he knew you by name. So considering that you weren’t there was confusing.
“O-oh! Miss (Y/N) quit a 3 months ago after a incident happened. But what can i get you?” The girl felt scared as she looked at him. He had a reputation for being mean and angry, not to mention how many people he’s killed. So the fact that you were able to go up to him without a problem was kinda cool.
“...Black coffee.”
“Right away sir!” The girl quickly scurried away leaving the man to think. 
He hoped that maybe some coffee would clear his mind and try to figure out of the situation he was put in by his father.
Then it hit him.
If you were willing to go out with him once? Why wouldn’t you try to ask him out again? Of course he would be only using you for his own personal gain, not really caring if you were happy but if he was dating you then Pops would finally get off his ass.
4 months after incident
You were walking by your old job with a mask covering your face wishing that no one noticed you.
But he did.
“Hey you.” You froze up, remembering that enchanting voice. You turn around and are greeted with a close up of the man who kinda screwed you over.
“What do you want?” You say trying to sound confident but you only came across as meek and scared.
“Why did you quit?” He looked down at you. His eyes felt like he was peering into your soul, leaving no room for lies.
“I rather not speak about it.” You go to turn around and leave before you feel a gloved hand grab your wrist and pull you back closer to the male.
“I wanted to talk to you about another thing.” You looked at him, trying to figure out what he could possibly talk to you about.
“Okay I guess...what is it?”
“Would you still like to go out on a date?”
“I...your not making fun of me are you?”
“I may be an asshole but I would like to apologize.” Kai said as he looked at you directly. You were going to say no, since the damage had already been done, but you couldn’t find it in you. There was just something in his eyes that you couldn’t look away from.
First Date?
You were excited to say the least. After he asked you out and you said yes, you agreed to meet him at a cafe nearby on Sunday.
As the days went by, you slowly got more and more excited. How could you not be? After a few shitty months something actually good happens.
“Casual I should dress casual- SHIT ONLY 20 MINUTES LEFT?!” You screeched as soon as you saw the clock. You had already taken a shower. A long one in fact since you knew the man didn’t like germs. 
You grab a simple outfit that you thought would do the trick and quickly put your hair into a ponytail (if you have short hair you can just vibe :) ).
You grabbed your purse and got into your car as fast as you could. You hoped you would make it on time since everyone seemed to be going places that same day.
You managed to get to the cafe 5 minutes early only to see him already there.
‘Nice going (y/n), now he’s gonna think we have horrible time management.’ You curse yourself in your head before walking in and sitting down next to him.
“Sorry, it was really busy traffic.” You giggle nervously as you tuck a lose strand behind your ear.
“It’s fine. Now tell me about yourself.” Straight to the point huh? Well that’s another thing you liked about him. Your little crush probably had sparkled into a whole ass infatuation. 
You only smile before a pink blush covered your cheeks and neck. You let out a little chuckle before you pretty much told him everything. You liked how he was listening to all of it, it made you all giddy inside.
Kai looked at you continue to ramble about non-important things. Well it seemed important to you. But not to him. Like he said before, he didn’t care about you. He just wanted Pops off his ass so he could just be the next head of the yakuza.
Oh god how he wanted to kill you. Your rambling was getting on his nerves. Did you ever shut up? Kai wasn’t a patient man and many people knew this. 
“But enough about me, what do you like to do for fun?” You questions snapped him out of his thoughts and brought him back to this disgusting cafe.
“I’m usually too busy to do anything other than work.” He wasn’t lying. His work was getting the best of him and he had no time to dilly dally around.
“Well that sounds like it sucks, but hey at least your hardworking! That’s a good trait right?” You said trying to lighten up his seemingly sour mood.
“Sure. What kind of education do you have?” His question seemed to have struck a cord with you when he saw your smile drop. He didn’t show it but behind his mask he was holding back a chuckle.
“I n-never went to college....” Kai looked at you with disgust or disappointment he couldn’t really tell. You didn’t even have a college degree. Jeez, your just a lowly spec underneath his shoe.
“Why so?”  You then proceeded to tell him that you needed a job to pay for your brothers medicine and that your family was too poor for college.
So what? Sure you didn’t have the upper hand in life but neither did he and look what he accomplished! God you were so insufferable.
After the date
“I had such a good time! Did you?” You ask as you smile out of extreme happiness. This has been the most happy you’ve been in a long time.
“Yes.” Overhaul looked down at you. His face still as blank as ever. But it didn’t bother you, he was always like that!
“Well that’s good to hear. I should get going now-”
“Come home with me.”
“What?!” Your eyes went wide as you stare at the taller man who only looked at you with a questionable glance. What did he mean by that?
“I want you to meet someone.” Oh thank god it’s only that. You were getting kinda worried that he was jumping into THAT STUFF. But he only wanted you to meet someone.
“Oh okay...who am I meeting?” You ask nervously as you followed Overhaul to the direction he was going.
“My father.” SHIT REALLY?! THIS EARLY?! Okay okay (y/n) don’t fucking panic. Everything will be fine. Everything will be okay, just don’t act super fucking stupid.
“Pops this is my girlfriend (Y/N).” Kai said as he pushed you towards him. Kai could sense you surprise but he knew that you wouldn’t do anything about it. You were to shy for that.
“Ah is that so? Tell me miss (Y/N) how long have you been dating?” Pops looked down at you. Overhauls presence was suffocating as you were pushed to lie just by his presence.
“About two months now. It’s great to meet you!” You smile at the older man who seemed pleased at your response.
“That’s good to hear. I wished you would have told me about her sooner Kai. She seems like a swell lady.” The older man said to his son. 
So people on the street called him Overhaul but in this house he was Kai. Interesting. You turned and looked at Kai a smile on your face but he didn’t seem to notice you. He walked up to his father and started talking to him in hushed whispers. You wanted to lean in closer to what he was saying but decided against it in order to stay on his good side.
One Month Later
As you sat in the back of Overhauls car you couldn’t help but tap your leg repeatedly. Your nervousness getting the better of you as you make your way to the Shie Hassakai base once more.
One week ago Overhaul had told you he wanted you to move in with him. He said it was for ‘safety purposes’ considering you were the girlfriend of the future head of the Hassakai. You were unsure at first but you said yes eventually with enough convincing.
You didn’t have many things in your apartment so moving wasn’t really that hard for you. You had sold a lot of your things just to be able to pay rent. SO you only had stuff that had sentimental value.
You looked around the empty car that was only occupied by you and the driver. Who was another Yakuza member. You pat your knees nervously as you look outside the car window seeing it moving past stores and people.
“I’m here.” You say as you entered the compound. You grab your things and begin to look for Overhaul. 
The silence in the compound was deafening. it felt like it threatened your entire exsitence.
“This way.” You jump at the sound of Overhauls voice coming from behind you. You turn around and meekly follow him into a plan white room. There was a bed a bathroom connected to said bedroom and a closet. You walk into the room looking at it in admiration.
“This is so cool! Thanks-”
You jumped in place and turn behind you quickly. And to your surprise, the door was closed and Overhaul was no where to be seen. You rub your arm meekly and turn around to unpack your things.
You open up your suitcase and begun to take out your clothes and your personal items before going into the bathroom to take a shower.
The next morning
You sit in your lovers office while he talks to his father. You didn’t even say anything this entire meeting other then sit there and look pretty. Honestly you were so close to drifting off but thankfully Pops had asked you a question before you could.
“What do you think is my sons best quality?” You were shocked at such a random question but answered no less.
“There are too many to choose from! His work ethic is outstanding and his confidence is what I like about him. Of course there’s more though.” You smile. You went to move a bit only to accidentally brush a single fingertip on Overhaul’s thigh. You didn’t even notice it honestly.
But he did.
How fucking dare you touch him? How dare you rub your disgusting quirk filled body onto his pure one? You even touched him in front of his father! He was so embarrassed. It took him his entire being not to break out in hives and kill you right then in there. He couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t handle knowing that you thought he loved you when in reality he was only using you to get what he wants. Its not out of guilt it was maybe if he told you, you would be so close to him. That you wouldn’t even speak so he didn’t have to listen to your disgusting ass voice.
He was surely going to punish you after this meeting was over and you both were back in your room.
You walked towards your room after the little meeting having a spring in your step. It seemed like it was all going well. Pops liked you and Overhaul seemed to not be bothered by everything as much anymore.
You open your door to your room only to be pushed in and the door locked behind you.
“Hey what the hell?” You turn around to see a really angry Overhaul covered in hives and a murderous look in his eye.
“Are you o-” Before you could say anything else Overhaul grabbed you by the throat lifting you up in the air.
“How fucking dare you touch me during that meeting?!” You let out a little gasp for air as your legs kicked around trying to find stable ground.
“B-but i thought.” You choke the words out as your vision starts to go black. His grip around your throat getting harder and harder.
“Well you thought wrong. The only reason im with your pathetic ass is because my father said that if i don’t get a girlfriend he won’t make me the leader of the Shie Hassakai.” Tears formed in your eyes as you realized that this entire time was just a ploy to use you for his own personal gain. 
“Why m-me?” You gasped out the words as your entire body felt like it was dying. Your energy going down by the second.
“Cause you were the only one I knew who would immediately say yes.” He let go of your throat and letting you fall to the ground. You hold your throat as you choke and gasp for air. Coughing as air finally entered your lungs once more. You look up at Overhaul who only smacked you on your left cheek.
“Whenever we’re alone you are to not look at me, touch me, or even speak to me. I want nothing to do to you other then use you for my personal gain. You will never mean anything to me understand?” His words carved into your heart like knives. Just as you started to feel like yourself again, another incident comes to fuck it all up.
“I said do you understand?!” Overhaul grabbed you by your hair tugging it making you face him. 
“Yes I understand!” Tears fall down your eyes like a water faucet. Overhauls fingerprints stain your neck as they slowly start to bruise. The red hand-print adorned your face like a tattoo and the grip on your hair felt like he was ripping them all out slowly.
Overhaul finally let you go after you had answered him. Your body lying on the floor shaking in sadness and fear.
“When my father asks you why you have those finger prints on your neck lie about how you got them. Or you will be in even more trouble that your worth.”
“O-okay...” You hiccuped. Overhaul turned around and left the room locking it from the outside.
You grab your knees and bring yourself into a fetal position as your tears make the carpet wet. 
2 months later
After that situation you never really came out of your room. Only when it was necessary. Why would you leave? It seems like every time you do, it always leads to another sort of punishment.
You sit in your room lying on your ed and trying to plan an escape out of this hell hole and a revenge plan on Overhaul.
‘You could tell his father.’ You say to yourself as you let out a sigh. How would you even get close to Pops? Overhaul is around him like bee’s to honey.
‘Do it when he’s in the bathroom! You’ll be protected by him. There’s not way he’d hurt his father.’
You felt a gleam of hope at this newfound idea in which you got up quickly to get dressed a little bit better. 
Once all dressed and ready you walk the halls of the compound silently hoping to find pops and tell him everything that has been going on.
You tip toe around the base as you look over your shoulder repeatedly hoping that Overhaul wasn’t there. You tip toe faster when you hear the voice of Pops in a nearby room.
You open the door and see Pops sitting on a couch talking to someone. Once you heard his voice you go to shut the door but Pops had spotted you before you could make a run for it.
“Ah (y/n), what can we do for you?” Your head was running a million miles per hour as you look at Overhaul who glared at you with his golden orbs.
“Uh Pops can I talk to you privately? I got a surprise for him but i wanted to know your opinion.” That was a complete lie. You would never give that monster anything. But maybe if you told Pops that truth he would punish him and would be able to set you free.
“Oh sure! Kai your girlfriend is such a sweet little thing.” Overhauls widen once he realized you plan. But before he could drag Pops back you had already had him out the door.
“So whats the surprise?” Pops chuckled before you started tearing up and balling.
“Woah woah, what wrong?”
“It’s your son! Don’t believe a word he says! He doesn’t love me! He’s only using me to be the head of the Hassakai! Please you have to help me leave! Every time i do something he doesn’t like he punishes me for it!” You cry as tears stream down your face.
“Is this true?” His voice was calming as it soothed your fear. You looked up at him feeling safe with a bit of hope gleaming in your eyes. You shook your head yes.
“I’m so sorry my son had done this to you I’ll-” Before he could even finish his sentence Kai had touched Pops in the neck, causing him to pass out onto the floor. 
“You really did it now (y/n).” Overhaul took steps towards you as you walked away from him. Your entire body shook as you stared at the ruthless man.
“What did you do to Pops?!” You scream at him. 
“That’s nothing of your concern.” He ran at you with high speed as to catch you. You turn around and begin to run like your life depended on it. Which it did.
“Get back here!” Your tears stained your face making it difficult to see where you were going.
You knew you couldn’t out run Overhaul forever. He was way more fit then you were and was taller too. But through your tears you saw the front door of the compound.
Your heart nearly jumped out of its chest before running even faster using all of your energy to try and make it to the door. You saw your freedom right in front of you, it was there. You could almost feel it-
“Got you (y/n).” You felt your hair being grabbed then tugged backwards, causing you to land on the ground.
“Please..just let me go...”
“After that stunt you just pulled? I don’t think i can do that.” With your hair still in his hand he dragged you back to your room by your hair.
“If your gonna kill me just do it already then you piece of shit!” You scream at him from the top of your lungs. You continue to swear at him and try to escape from his grasp.
Your room door open and you were thrown into it. Hearing the door lock behind you. You rub you head and see Overhaul standing above you.
“Now where to begin?”
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yarrowleef · 4 years
Read Darkness Within all in one sitting last night and then passed out so here are my scattered thoughts i wrote down as i read, (afterthoughts in parenthesis)
Darkness Within Spoilers, obv
Just remembered Sandynose died and got a small boost of happiness (will Hawkwing and Plumwillow ever be allowed to talk again now? I mean probly not b/c they aren’t protags and non-protags don’t rly have friends but I can hope. Sorry, Hawkwhing and Plumwillow’s short-lived friendship in Hawkwings Journey was one of the last times I felt something)
Ghost fleas lol
Mothwing: i’m rude now. (but more importantly, Fuck Tigerheartstar for forcing his son to be around the cat that hurt him so badly, like he HAS to know how upset everyone is regarding Shadowsight and his accidentally helping the imposter, and he’s making him be the sole one to tend to him??? There is NO REASON Puddleshine couldn’t have done it. You think Puddleshine is going to try and murder someone?? )
Oh no don't make this a traveling book, and a ROOTBRISTLE traveling book this is going to be insufferable
Lightleap Is Good (Hey didn’t Shadowsight have another sister? lets be real we all knew Pouncekit was going to end up as the forgettable 3rd one)
Bristlefrost’s crush continues to feel unnatural to me. It’s like she’s grasping at straws romanticizing the most generic things.....wow....I love how ur just so...bare minimum competent....being polite to the loner we came all this way to ask for help like any somewhat reasonable person would....How admirable...I love the way you just *clenches fist* exhibit some basic traits of loyalty and skill that literally every warrior has (I s2g I’m this close to head canon-ing Bristle as a clueless aromantic who doesn't understand what romance is actually suppose to feel like so she just looks at feelings of low-bar admiration and assumes “oh I guess this is that “romantic attraction” everyone’s always talking about? guess I must be in love???” because both her crushes have felt out of nowhere and like. Idk fake/forced sounding like she’s just telling me that that she’s In Love Now while I continue to not actually feel it at all from her end. I know it’s just that I hate the way Erin’s write female characters in love but this head-canon makes me laugh)
Got scared because I thought they were going to villainize Spotfur for not wanting kits for a minute, but also excited at the concept of maybe exploring a female character that doesn’t want to be a mother, but it turns out she was just pulling a Sparkpelt and actually DID want the kits all along and was only hesitant because she’s sad. Shrug oh well.  (the only female character in warriors that was distinctly upset about pregnancy and motherhood was Lizardstripe and as we all know she was eeeeeevil and abusive and “overly ambitious” because why else would you not come around to being happy about motherhood?? YES I’M STILL SALTY ABOUT YELLOWFANG’S SECRET, BAD BOOK)  Whatever it’s fine so long as Spot doesn’t lose her rebel leader spirit forever and default to “soft mom” personality for the rest of her life, I gotta have hope because I actually like Bristle and Spot’s current relationship. Also I am actually very grateful they never made Bristle resentful at Spot for getting with her crush, as lots of middle grade/YA media has a very bad habit of demonizing female romantic “competition” and its super gross, so I rly do like that Bristlefrost is so protective and caring towards her instead. )
This series is trying to tell me that Rootspring is actually Big but I refuse to accept that. he has dumb scrawny bitch energy and we all know it
Sunrise: “Thunderclan may be better with a new leader” lol go off (i mean........they right tho...It’s unfortunate that the tension in this whole plot is a bit dampened by the fact that i DO in fact want bramble to die v badly. I don’t even have special hatred for him, I’m just bored of him.)
Yes Lionblaze beat the shit out of Ashfur
*HOLY SHIT THAT’S FUCKED!!!! (I wrote this in reference to the ghost summoning scene, this was all I could manage at the time, that scene was WILD and I am VIBING WITH THE HORROR OF IT ALL)
* Brashfur: Oh yeah? Could Ashfur fake THIS? *stands up with slightly better posture* Shadowsight: oh damn you got me there...... (asdfhhfhhgh im sorry that was really funny, how did that prove anything?? ONLY A ~REAL~ WARRIOR COULD STAND UP STRAIGHT WE ALL KNOW ASHFUR IS INCAPABLE OF GOOD POSTURE!)
End of the book: *LAUGHING NERVOUSLY* WHAT THE FUCK??? (I thought he was just gonna kill Squirrelflight right there holy shit can you imagine the RIOTS that would ensue in the wake of all this Squirrel/Bramble discourse I was so scared for a second.  
 But it’s fine, she just....went to super hell instead......Warriors has come so far lmao WHAT IS HAPPENING
Final Notes:
*On Mothwing, I don’t think her behavior struck me as “CHARACTER BUTCHERING” as much as it did for other people? I mean.....Warriors fans will say that literally any time a character does ANYTHING less then perfectly nice I think her actions just seemed that much harsher because we are reading from Shadowsight’s POV, and Shadowsight is taking everything 10x more personally right now (understandably so, but Mothwing isn’t inside his head) she wasn’t trying to hurt him. Also... like... Shadowsight DID get his name too early. It’s not Mothwing’s job to put his feelings above everything else, she’s not even his mentor, Puddleshine on the other hand, as his main mentor, I don’t understand what his deal is ignoring Shadowsight, that’s not how you help an apprentice but I suppose I chalk many of his mistakes up to also not being the most experienced medicine cat (he barely even had his own mentor.) Maybe he’s distant because he feels guilty and actually blames himself for not guiding Shadowsight better?? the two of them haven’t communicated about it yet so idk
 any way I give Mothwing a pass to be a little short tempered right now as a cat who has had her abilities periodically questioned all her life no matter how hard she works or how much experience she has, just because she doesn’t vibe with the spiritual cult side of the clans, I can understand why she’s a bit defensive of being questioned and frustrated watching so much hurt happen Yet Again due to reliance on StarClan visions over common sense, and I for one still stan her for slandering StarClan and refusing to accept Mistystar’s bullshit banishing like everyone else. Sometimes a character is at the end of their rope and can’t manage to be 100% nice 24/7 and that’s maybe not inherently bad writing? idk just my hot take. At a certain point we all gotta reckon with the fact that our perception of most popular supporting characters in heavily colored by fanon and we can’t always get mad at the authors for not adhering to it
*The sisters magic shit is my fav worldbuilding warriors has had in AGES, I love the way it’s described and it actually feels like it adds something to this world. I love this horror imagery with the ghosts, very excited for that. 
*still won’t be thrilled if Ashfur is working alone, because his motive doesn’t make sense right now. I mean the trying to get Squilf thing, sure, whatever, but the “I will make everyone pay for what they did to me”???? cause like?? Who??? they didn’t do anything to him?? Ashfur’s grievance was very specifically JUST Squilf. He has no other cause for revenge, he had no other beef or complaints about the clans to my knowledge? The cat that killed him is dead, and she’s like, the only other one that I could see as having “wronged” him?? I guess he also didn’t like Firestar much according to Graystripe’s Vow (and on account of how willing he was to kill him w/ Hawkfrost) but Firestar is ALSO dead. I don’t understand his angle. Will have to see last 2 books to judge i suppose.
*All in all I am interested to see where this is going!! but also the pacing as I feared is becoming a major issue. It’s better then ending the main conflict on book 3 like Vision of Shadows did, but omg. Hardly anything happened in all these pages. I realized I was over half way through and nothing about the situation had actually CHANGED or advanced at all in all that time. Similar to the past 2 books which I believe could have been combined, this plot felt like it should have been the first half of a book. Discussing whether or not to kill the imposter isn’t much of a standalone plot, it’s just the set up to a plot. Finding the sisters didn’t need to be a whole long thing, the debates about the Imposters fate didn’t need to be repeated 10 times, all those chapters illustrating that “Shadowsight is sad” were also drawn out, repetitive, and interchangeable, we probably only needed 2 or so chapters showing his struggles to get the necessary information across. It felt like a lot of padding, it was really slow and I did a lot of skimming. I am still very interested in the overarching plot and mystery behind the ghosts so that kept me reading but man this “will they won’t they kill him” plot did not justify it’s own whole book. Alas this is a persisting issue that will never be resolved while they continue to force 6 books into 1 series that doesn’t need 6 books. I’m sure the writers are doing the best they can with these unfortunate constraints but still, it’s a wonder this slow padding isn’t more of a detriment to their younger readers that the books are supposed to be marketed to.
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