#stardew valley shane fan fic
kiljoius-writes · 2 years
The View From Down Here - Chapter 28
Of Patience
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Charlotte figures out how to keep going.
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tiredf-o-u-r · 2 years
Smoke Me Out, Please.
Sweet little one-shot where Shane and Male Farmer abuse substances and get together, my first post on ao3 OR read under the cut ;)
Fandom: Stardew Valley
Pairing: Shane x Male Player
Rating: Explicit 18+
Warnings: Dubious (intoxicated) consent, alcohol, marijuana, accidental voyeurism, hooking up, frottage, oral sex, hopeful ending <3
Words: 8040
It started with a chance meeting on the pier. They went back to the farmhouse to continue the pity party.
They were sharing everything, Shane’s beers, the farmer’s weed, stories, memories, secrets, until they were sharing the couch, mouths intertwined. It was a shame, really. Shane had spent months burying his feelings for the farmer, no matter how small. He had put in so much work rejecting all his attempts at friendship, all to throw it away in one night.
He pulled back suddenly
“Ah, fuck!” Shane looked at his leg, where a lit piece of ash from the joint in the farmer's hand fell onto his bare leg.
“Shit…” the farmer ashes it properly, then puts it to his mouth again. Shane looked up at him, slightly annoyed, and matched his action by finishing the last swig of his beer. He leaned back on his hands and tipped his head back, looking up at the ceiling and shaking his hair out, sighing through his nose. When he dropped his gaze back to the farmer, even through how buzzed he was, he felt a pang in his heart, like he was crossing a moral line. If only it wasn’t so fun.
“How old dya say again?”
Another sigh…
“God, if you’re getting this bent over a few years maybe you really are an old man. It’s not so bad.” The farmer said, amusing himself. Shane just scoffed.
“A few….a dozen….barely a difference at all, huh?”
The farmer took another puff of the joint and put it down so he could start crawling on top of Shane. He let his legs stay open, the farmer filling the space slowly until they were face to face.
“Don’t you want me?”
Shane’s eyes ran all over his face, and he swallowed. Caught out.
“Then what’s the issue…”
The farmer leaned up then, connecting their lips again. Shane leaned on the back of the couch, holding the farmer's face in his hands now and tilting his head to taste him from every direction. The farmer gave it right back, trying his damnedest to run his tongue all around Shane’s teeth, when he wasn’t pliantly accepting Shane’s sloppy, urgent kiss.
“Fuck, Shane…wanna touch you…”
The farmer said, when they pulled back for air. He was grabbing himself, clearly hard. Shane mimicked the move, slowly moving his hand to himself, to find that he was also hard. His eyes shut, lips parting as he gasped. Shane looked back up at his face, still trying to catch his breath from the suffocating kiss.
“I…you…” His hazy eyes flicked between the farmer’s. He looked cocky. It made Shane feel small, here on his couch, in his house, underneath him and completely at his mercy. It was a feeling Shane hated. Being treated like the little man. What he didn’t know was how much the farmer enjoyed it when he told him off. It made winning him over all the sweeter.
“Get the fuck on with it then.”
The farmer wasted no time throwing a leg over Shane’s, so they were basically scissoring, but it got the job done well enough; their clothed boners made contact. He let out an open mouthed moan out right against Shane’s mouth, and started grinding against him hard. The smell of beer on his breath made Shane groan and shove his tongue back in his mouth to get a taste. It was like all his vices were wrapped up in one perfect beauty, begging to have him. He let Shane suck on his tongue, only able to focus on the motion of his hips.
“Gaaaahhhuhhhhh… Shhaanne…don’t make me wait anymore…” the farmer slurred, sticking a hand down his pants to touch himself. Shane enjoyed the show for a moment: the farmer with his eyes closed, breathing hard, hand moving sharply under his pants, sweat pouring from his hairline. Shane sat up, holding the farmers face still with one hand, and licked from his jaw up the side of the farmers face and across his temple, licking his lips after to savor the salty taste. The farmer groaned in disgust, but cut himself short as he was being moved back by Shane’s hands on his hips. Then he was slipping his shirt over his head and laying him back on his back, the sleepy look on his face making Shane hesitate, realizing just how much drunker than himself he was. Shane looked over to the table, and plucked the joint up, puffing on it while he sat back on his knees. He slipped his hoodie off, and started unbuttoning his polo, looking over the farmer’s shirtless body as he took the last few hits off the spliff. It’s not…wrong…if they’re both fucked up, right?
The farmer let his eyelids hang heavy over his blown out irises. He was smirking as he watched Shane loom over him, checking him out and grabbing himself while he smoked. The farmer reached out his hand to stroke Shane’s arm, admiring the muscles he so rarely gets to see.
Shane flicked the rest of the joint away, and moved to continue undressing the farmer. He let him, and even got Shane to remove everything, thanks to the high in his head and dick overpowering his self-consciousness. Once that was done, Shane crawled over him, pushing their dicks together and resting his body weight into it, making them groan in unison at the heavy contact. Shane had his hands planted on either side of the farmer’s head, with the farmer’s fingers delicately holding onto his wrist. He rubbed his hips in a circle, gasping again, and looked down at what he was doing. He had expected something different from being with a man for the first time, but even while watching how his partner’s foreskin stroked over his dick at Shane’s motions, he couldn’t distinguish what was so different between the feeling of his soft skin or a woman’s as long as it was pleasing his dick. The farmer’s increasingly higher pitched noises helped him along. Shane looked back to his face to see it tipped back, sticking his jaw out and exposing his neck completely. Shane dropped to balance on his elbows now, thrusts becoming shorter and faster as he attached his mouth to the farmer’s neck mercilessly. He gasped out suddenly, and his arms flew to grasp at Shane’s back, nails digging into his back; holding on for the ride. Shane was sloppily running his mouth across the farmer’s neck, slobbering all over him and administering pinching bites randomly, drawing out whiny “ah“‘s from the farmer each time. Then Shane was moving down, attaching his lips and teeth to one spot just below the farmer’s collarbone, already bruising the thin skin. The farmer was panting hard and sweating harder, his dick losing contact with Shane’s as he moved down. He continued to grind their bodies together, feeling his insides flip even through the euphoric haze at the feeling of Shane’s hard, leaking dick rubbing against and in between his thighs. His own cock was pressed between them, rubbing against Shane’s soft belly, where the fat there was lovingly molding to the shape of it. His body hair added an interesting texture, something that made the farmer feel hot all over and finally lose patience. He put his hands on Shane’s shoulders and shoved him back, hard. Shane couldn’t help but let his absolute shock play out on his drunken face. Not only at the amount of audacity, but also strength needed for that demonstration; something Shane did not expect from this tryst.
“Fuck, enough, please, just…just come here…” the farmer pulled Shane up with his hands on his ass to align their dicks again. He spit into his hand, and held their dicks together in it, squeezing and then stroking, moaning loud in relief, shamelessly letting his eyes roll back. Shane had his hands pressing into couch again, holding himself up while he straddled the farmer. His mouth was wide open, panting and gasping as their arousals combined. The farmer threw his head to the side, chanting curses as he moved his hand faster and faster. Shane rested his forehead on the farmer’s head, panting right into his ear, and started to tremble.
“Th that’s it…just ah fuck that’s it…”
He started twisting his wrist more and more violently, until Shane cried out, hips twitching forward and muscles clenching as he shot ropes all over them. He kept moaning, getting quieter and weaker as he kept thrusting against his hand though his release. The edge of Shane’s shaking body, wetness from his release, and throbbing dick still pressed against his own brought the farmer to his end, all but growling out a dirty “fuuuuuuck, Shane.” He grunted as Shane finally went completely limp on top of him, head resting next to his. They stayed like that as they drifted off, unwanting and unwilling to break the dreamy atmosphere they created.
When the farmer woke up in his bedroom, the first thing he registered was the throbbing pain in his head. Then the late morning sun rays warming his face - something he’s never slept in late enough to see. Finally, he rolls onto his back, eyes still closed, and realizes he is sharing the bed with someone. Shit….was only a matter of time….please don’t be someone in this god forsaken town… He worked up the courage to face the person he had forgotten spending the entire night with, taking in the dark raven hair on the back of the man’s head. Did it have a purple tint to it? Shane.
He inhaled sharply and exhaled slowly. Fuck. It just had to be the one person he liked in this town, didn’t it? The farmer whispered,
“Are you awake?”
“…a bit”
The farmer sighed again. He couldn’t place how he was feeling about it all, but he had no intention of touching that now. There was really only one thing he wanted to do before he could decide anything else for the day.
“Sorry…I uh, gotta get up…”
He was getting out of bed, being sure to put the blanket back over Shane’s shirtless body, and started looking around the clothes on his floor for something to wear. Shane sat up on his side, still horizontal, eyes barely open, squinting at the farmers scurrying.
“What’s wrong?”
“Whatddya mean?”
“…sorry to keep you in so late…”
“No! No it’s…it was…I just have to get the daily chores done is all…”
Shane was sitting up more now, surprisingly alert all of a sudden, at the farmers apparent nervousness.
“I could help with the animals- I wouldn’t mind and it’s my f-“
“No, no, it’s…I was gonna do something else first, honestly.” The farmer rubbed the back of his neck, deciding that in his tired state he couldn’t keep up lying much longer- not to him. Shane was looking up at him in confusion, waiting for him to continue. The farmer sighed.
“Meet me outside if you wanna know.”
And he left the room. Shane flopped back down, trying to decode what the hell that meant. His head was beginning to throb; a near daily occurrence these days. It was making it harder for him to think about what the farmer's demeanor could mean. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and scanning the room for any clothes that were his. There were a lot of clothes around…and ashtrays.
When he got himself together and entered the front room, he noticed the front door was left open. He braced himself, and left the house, squinting at the harsh sunlight that hit his face. He started to smell cigarettes, so he followed his nose around to the small patio on the edge of the farm, by the fence. The farmer was there, sat down and leaning against the fence post, lit ciggy between his fingers. He flashed a sad sort of smile at Shane.
“Hey…uh…what’s up?” He said, trying to stay casual. He sat down in the grass, just in front of the small paved patch the farmer sat on. His gaze was cast down, his arms were wrapped around his stomach. “You doin alright…?” In all honesty, Shane was terrified of the answer the second he asked the question.
“I’m okay…this is just normal actually, heh…”
“I’m just really sick in the morning these days…” he was putting out his cigarette. Shane was watching the action, and couldn’t help but be reminded of how he felt in the mornings, even right now: like he could go for a drink.
Then the farmer was reaching behind one of the planter pots next to him, pulling out what looked like a yard decoration…or…a vase? Then he was pressing his mouth to the opening, and fiddling with something that was facing him. Shane could hear the lighter click, and some more noise until the farmer lifted his head, blowing smoke away from them.
The farmer sighed, and took another deep drag, coughing hard after that one. Something about the bags under his eyes, the practiced ease in his actions, and the cough wracking his skinny body made Shane think that this has been going on long before last night. Then he considered the look on Marnie’s face when she sees him go into his room with another six pack for the night. He didn’t want to cause the farmer that kind of guilt - like someone was watching him take another step on his downward trek, unwilling to offer anything other than a helpless audience to their misery.
“Last night was uh..it was good for me, thank you for that…” The farmer started, carefully eyeing Shane’s face to gauge his reaction.
“Oh, uh, yeah…I…was starting to worry that I shouldn’t have let that happen…but um…I don’t regret it, only as long as you don’t…”
“I don’t regret it.”
“Alright then.”
Shane leaned back a bit, gazing over the property wistfully. Some part of his brain, however, was insisting that not only is it unlikely that this situation isn’t fucked, but also that it would of course be too good to be true. Someone he could talk with, drink with, and sleep with? That simply wasn’t Shane’s luck. He swallowed, looking down, deciding he needed to at least try to make sure.
“You wouldn’t say that if you didn’t mean it, would you? Because I wouldn’t blame you, really, and I wouldn’t tell a soul.” His stomach flipped shamefully, thinking about the farmer’s good reputation, and how badly he doesn’t want to fuck that up for him.
“…No, I don’t think I would. ‘M pretty sure I mean it.”
Shane considered his answer as he watched him take another hit. He coughed sympathetically, remembering the abuse his own lungs went through last night.
“Man…not feeling so great today either…buh…” Shane let his head hang, fingers coming up to rub his temples. When the farmer finished exhaling, he decided to offer his new friend the only coping mechanism he knew how to use.
When Shane looked up, the farmer had come closer to him, sitting right in front of him now, also on the grass. He was holding out his bong for Shane to take. He grabbed it, keeping the neck in his hand but resting the bottom on the ground; genuinely taking the object out of his friend's hand on instinct. It was rather heavy, and his arm immediately dropped when Shane relieved it. He just looked at the multicolored glass bong that was tilted up facing him, considering the offer. He bit the inside of his cheek, debating himself in his head. But when it really came down to it, all Shane’s degenerate brain could consider were two possibilities: leave, and drink alone until it’s time for work; or stay here, with the farmer, smoke his weed, and see where it takes him. He looked up at the farmer again. His eyes looked sleepy again, inviting. He wanted to meet him there.
“Gimme a light then.”
He scooted forward, closer to the farmer, hand high up on the neck of the bong, and watched him reach his arm out again to relight it for him. He lifted the bowl and Shane inhaled hard. The farmer enjoyed seeing Shane bent over holding something so lewdly shaped up to his mouth right over him like this; with the way his eyes were squeezed shut. He coughed out his exhale hard, making the farmer finally crack a grin. Sure Shane could outdrink him, but this was farmer’s territory. He lifted the still-lit bowl again, and Shane followed cue and took another hit, and tried to stifle another embarrassing cough. The farmer brought it to his own mouth then, taking a deep hit and exhaling to the side, watching as Shane sat back up, having caught his breath.
They look at each other hornily. The farmer’s eyes dragged across Shane’s body, lingering around the parts that felt the best under his hands. When his gaze reached his handsome face, he realized Shane was doing the same until they made eye contact. He looked back at the bong.
One hit left.
“Bout enough left for one more…want it?” The farmer offered. The relaxed timbre of his voice made it come out so effortlessly.
Shane relented, against his better judgment, and went to take the bong from the farmer's hand. Except, the farmer tugged it out of his grasp, and motioned for Shane to lean in even closer to him so he could inhale while the farmer held it for him. He was smiling easily: looking a little more comfortable in his own body now that he was under the influence. It made Shane feel something he didn’t want to touch, so against even his better judgment, Shane leaned in to take another bong rip. When his lips aligned with the hole, the farmer slid his hand up to hold the neck higher, finger now gently touching Shane’s unshaven chin. It made Shane instinctively inhale a bit, so he started sucking up the last of the smoke, eyebrows knitting together.
The look ignited the inevitable swell of arousal that the farmer always seems to experience no matter what kind of weed he smokes. He wanted to tell him to look him in the eye while he inhaled like that, just to see it, but the thought was cut short when he felt Shane balance himself against him with his hands on his knees, as he detached his mouth to fully inhale. Then the farmer was letting the bong tip over on the grass next to them, grabbing Shane’s chin and swiftly leaning in to kiss him. When he leaned back, he kept holding Shane’s face close to his like that while he exhaled the cloud of smoke. The farmer opened his mouth and inhaled it straight out of Shane’s mouth, other hand steadying him by the back of his neck now. He sucked Shane’s smoke into his lungs and blew out a substantially weaker cloud away from them.
Shane felt like he had been transported to a different time. A time in his life when he was brave, and alive, and daring, like the man who just pulled that move on him. Luckily, the thc flooding his brain spurred on how hard he was for the farmer in that moment, along with granting him some of his bravery.
The farmer leaned back on his palms to exhale, and take in Shane’s reaction. His mouth was hanging open in awe, hazy eyes locked on the farmer’s mouth, allowing them a moment to catch a good breath before Shane was pinning him to the ground, kissing him ravenously now.
Sighing happily through his nose, the blissed out farmer received Shane’s kisses as best as he could, until his kisses moved from his mouth to his lips to all around his face until he was more or less rubbing his warm, prickly face against his like a cat.
“Mmn~ gonna give me a rug burn?”
Shane pulled back, looking over the farmer's flushed face through his heavy eyelids. The corners of his vision were starting to get hazy, like his partner was the only thing his body could perceive. Through his tunnel vision was the farmer, face framed with the grass he was laying in. Truly a daydream of some upstanding citizen that Shane must have stumbled into. He leaned in, running his lips along his neck, beard still rubbing along the way.
“Something like that…”
Then he was kissing and biting, careless of what may leave a mark, drawing out lovely noises of pleasure from the farmer. It wasn’t long before they were interrupted, however, by a sound from behind them: someone clearing their throat.
“Ahem. Hey boys! Sorry to interrupt…”
A bright voice was cutting through their shared buzz, Robin. She was making eye contact with the farmer when he opened his eyes. Shane’s blood ran cold when he realized they were being caught.
“…but uh…but I just wanted to give you this! I ordered a few too many and wanted to drop it off so…I’ll just leave it here then.” Shane saw her placing the package on the deck as he rolled off the farmer.
“Oh…thanks Robin, that’s so kind.”
The slow cadence of the farmer's voice made Shane think he wasn’t too worried about it. Right now, at least. Robin assured him it was no problem, voice trailing off near the end of the sentence as her eyes caught the bong next to them. Fuck. Shane knew she had an aversion to her sons cigarette smoking, and his partying, so he could only imagine the conclusions she was drawing now as her eyes went between the bong, the red patches around the farmers lips and neck, and finally landing her eyes on him. Her tone changed.
“Hi, Shane. It’s uh…nice to see you’ve made a friend now. Don’t uh…don’t tire him out! Hah…” Robin rubbed the back of her neck and looked away, trying to play off her awkwardness. But something about the new farmer in town reminded her of her own troubled son, so he was now subjected to her mom instincts, however unsure they often were.
“Yeahhh…is that right Shane? ‘M I your special friend?” The farmer was wearing an easy smile, reaching out and petting Shane’s hair. He looked back in absolute shock, unsure at what the farmer could possibly be trying to achieve by this. He fell back on the only defense he had at his fingertips. He flicked the farmers hand away, and huffed, putting on an annoyed voice,
“Yeah yeah whatever. This kid won’t leave me aLONE, Rob, I swear, heh.” He said to Robin, gesturing back toward the farmer. He just smiled harder, and moved to straddle Shane’s leg and hugged him, making them both topple over on the grass.
“You have a lot of special friends, Shane?” He said into his neck, warm breath hitting Shane’s skin as the farmer started rubbing the tip of his nose against his neck to make Shane gasp. It felt like the blood in his veins had been replaced with fire, cold and hot at the same time from not wanting to embarrass them both in front of someone, and much more importantly, express a genuine emotion in front of a live witness.
“Ngh! Stop! Hhhh ‘s not…funny…”
His annoyance made the farmer giggle, the extra breaths only making Shane squirm more. He was sure Robin must be horrified by seeing this tender display, this boy climbing all over him to cuddle like a puppy.
“Right then…I’ll just leave you to it then…” Robin was slowly backing away, not exactly not horrified, but only out of surprise. Maybe Shane had more heart in him than she ever gave him credit for. And that farmer…I just hope they’re okay…
“UGH. What’d you do THAT for, then?!”
Shane was still laying back on the grass, covering his eyes with his palms now; the farmer rolling off and laying next to him normally again once Robin left.
“Mmm?” He shrugged, looking up at Shane. He shot him a pissed look, as if to say, “the fuck does that mean?” The farmer rolled his eyes. It all made sense to him, and he knew it would to Shane too if he could read his mind. He was just too tangled up inside to figure out how to articulate it right now. He just sighed and got up, walking a short distance and looking in one of his chests before walking back. Shane could hear water sloshing in whatever he was carrying, but didn’t look, keeping his head flat on the ground and aimlessly staring at the sky stubbornly. Until the farmer came into his view, towering above him. He dropped something on the ground, leaning against Shane, and sat down next to him again. Shane raised his head to see the farmer filling the bong with water from his watering can, and repacking a bowl. Then he saw what the farmer left: a bottle of wine. He scoffed, but immediately sat up again.
His leg started bouncing. An obvious tell, but he let himself have it as he considered the farmer’s offer yet again. He was trying to be offended. What, you trying to get me drunk again? I really shouldn’t…I still have work…and I’m already so… the farmer was blowing smoke out, and rested his head back against the fence post again, hand resting on his crotch, drawing Shane’s gaze there. It became impossible for him to not stroke the wine bottle in his hand ever so slightly, not even realizing it.
“Just thought it might make you feel better…’m not trying to trick you or anything.”
The farmer mumbled after a few more moments of Shane just staring at it. He felt a small jolt of excitement when he heard him pop the cork and take a swig. Soon Shane was sitting with his back on the farmhouse, leaning in for the farmer to give him another hit from his bong. Shane willingly accepted the kiss/inhale trick when the farmer pulled it again, leaning back and kissing him back slow and deep. Then his hand was holding the back of the farmer's head, keeping their mouths pressed together, while the farmer got as close as possible on his hands and knees.
“D'ya wanna…?”
“Kay…” Shane tried to pull them both up to go inside, but the farmer stayed on top of him, yanking at his arm close to keep them there.
A cheeky grin and a nod.
“We can’t do it here…”
“Why not?”
Shane pulled back farther, looking at him confused again.
“You really have a short memory span, don’t you?”
“Do you think she’d come back here unannounced after seeing that? I thought she would THROW UP. Hopefully just everyone knowing you’re here’ll be enough for them to leave us alone…” The farmer said, and moved in to kiss Shane’s neck, which succeeded in his goal of distracting him from being offended, if only slightly.
“Uhgh! What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“You know…”
Shane couldn’t believe the nerve of this guy. And although he purposefully let out an “ah~” to show his approval when he felt the farmer's teeth graze against a pulse point on his neck, he was still resolved to fight his corner. With his hands on the farmer's shoulders, he peeled him off and held him back like their bodies might snap back together like magnets. The farmer wrapped his fingers gently around Shane’s arms which were locked straight, feeling like he was flirting with danger as he stroked Shane’s flexing muscles. His hoodie had been long discarded in the spring heat they were lounging in, displaying Shane’s strong masculine arms again.
“So I’m just that disgusting then, huh? You want me to guard the gate to keep the goodies away and then fuck me when you’re drunk and horny?”
“God Shane just……just stop worrying, ok? I’m not worried about it, you don’t need to worry about it.”
“About what?”
“Whatever the hell you’re worrying about!! It’s fine, Shane, and I don’t see you like that. I’m showing you how I feel. We don’t need to worry about anyone else…okay? You want it and I want it, and it doesn’t affect anyone else, so if we’re only hurting ourselves, then what’s the harm, right? You too good for that now?”
The last question stung enough to make Shane pause, just staring at the farmer’s face trying to force the words through his unwilling brain. The farmer reached his hand out, petting his hair like he did before. Shane’s eyes softened. The accusation made him feel sad, and he let his tired eyes close at the gentle touch. He was tired of holding them in focus, tired of holding himself accountable, tired of everything.
“Don’t wanna hurt you…”
“You won’t…”
“I have…”
“…I don’t care…I just want you…”
The farmer finally succeeded in bringing their mouths back together, so he did his best to put his heart into it. Accommodating Shane’s motions when he kissed back, licking his lips, the high in his head reconnecting with the pleasure in his stomach when he felt Shane’s tongue against his. Shane’s mind was still in a dark swirling storm, but he couldn’t help how his body naturally accepted the farmer’s words, relaxing into his embrace. It felt so right, and he did crave him so badly… He pulled back with a ridiculous smacking sound to speak.
“I wanna make it up to you…”
The farmer’s eyebrow quirked up.
“Yeah? And how do you wanna do that?”
“Whatever you want. I’d do anything…”
Shane’s heart pounded at his final confession. The thought started out innocent, but by the time it left Shane’s mouth was dripping in insinuation. Not to say he didn’t mean it - once the flirtation left his mouth, he felt his mouth water at the ideas that filled his mind.
“Yeah? Anything?”
Shane nodded, and placed another light kiss on his lips.
The farmer grabbed himself through his pants, saying, “I have a few ideas” and stood suddenly, placing a hand on Shane’s head to keep him trapped against the wall. He groaned in response and looked up while he shifted from sitting to kneeling, back now bending at an uncomfortable angle to keep his head pressed to the wall, now in between the farmer’s legs. Shane’s head was spinning with excitement but he accepted the challenge, however out of his depth he might be. The farmer put his clothed bulge on Shane’s face, rubbing back and forth in response to the way Shane moaned and nuzzled against him obediently. Shane’s face started burning with embarrassment, and he wished he was a lot more drunk than he currently was. He was really gonna remember this. Shane had one hand braced on the farmer’s thigh, and the other one palming himself as he let the farmer keep grinding his face. It was getting hard to breathe with how he was pressing the side of his cock hard on his mouth, and Shane started to hope the farmer didn’t expect too much of him as he gasped for breath in between thrusts. He gave him some space to breathe when Shane put both hands on his thighs and pushed him away, sucking in a lungful of air.
“Fuck…that, that was too much…”
“That was so hot…” The farmer took a few steps back to give Shane some space, and took his cock out to start jerking it to full attention. “I’ll go slow…”
“Uh, yeah you will.”
The farmer bit his lip, trying to conceal how excited he was that Shane was still willing, thinking he may have gone too far letting himself lose control like that. Shane had his hand under his pants once he was steady, looking at the farmer pump himself as he did the same. It was working for him; and he did want to try it, he was just wholly unsure if he would be able to please him how he needed, being so inexperienced in sucking dick. The thought of how he already almost suffocated on it before he was even out made Shane have to remove his hand from himself to not start jerking at full force.
“Fuck man, I…I don’t know if I can do this-”
“Shhhh yes you can…”
The farmer cooed, stepping forward and placing his thumb against Shane’s lips until he opened his mouth, accepting the tip of the digit inside.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, you can do it…”
“No, I just mean… ‘nother drink might help…”
Shane’s eyes sparkled up at him as he spoke, eager to please, even going back to sucking on his thumb after he spoke. He felt cheap asking for it on his knees in front of this man, but hey, if the ends justify the means…The farmer scoffed in amazement.
“Yeah…yeah…just try to relax, that’ll help.”
He backed up again to allow them some space, patting the various pockets on his body until it hit the pocket on his chest. He pulled out something thin and white. He stuck it in his mouth and lit the end with a lighter, inhaling and exhaling a puff of smoke. Oh. He leaned down to place the joint in Shane’s mouth for him before he walked off to rummage through more chests. When he returned, he swapped the joint for another bottle, handing it to Shane and taking a hit.
They lost track of time between then and when the farmer found himself lying flat on his front, hands around Shane, leaning up to kiss him. Their shared buzz had blossomed into a thick high. The skin under their clothes where they were pressed together was getting sticky and damp as the morning turned to noon. They broke for air, and Shane leaned his head back on the farmhouse wall again, groaning when he felt the farmer slide down and rest his head directly on Shane’s dick. With the full weight of his head resting on it, he nuzzled his head, then turned to start pressing his lips and nose against his bulge.
The farmer drew out the last word, blowing out as much hot breath over his thin gym shorts as he could. It made Shane’s stomach muscles flex hard, making him sit up more, looking down with his mouth open, eyes red and heavily lidded.
“Fuck, dude…”
“Yeah? You want it?”
The farmer kissed him again, licking into his mouth however he pleased, Shane’s tongue struggling to keep up until he pulled back enough to speak. “Lemme suck you off…then I’ll take that apology. How ‘bout that?”
“Mhm~” Shane moaned out, nodding enthusiastically.
The farmer slid his hand up to grab Shane’s dick.
“Get it out.”
Shane scrambled for his waistband, pulling down his shorts enough for his dick to pop out. He braced his hands on the ground, gripping the grass between his fingers. He could feel the blades of grass on his bare ass as well, prickly and a bit uncomfortable, but it reminded him of where they were and just how exposed he was in this moment, how willing he was to push his own limits and try something new for the farmer’s sake, but he let himself blame the substances clouding his brain for that. The farmer placed his hands on Shane’s bare thighs, leaned down and put his mouth on Shane’s cock, appreciating how his entire body jolted up a little in time with his desperate groan. He rubbed it with his parted lips up and down, then wrapped his lips around it and took the head onto his tongue. He ran his tongue all around the head, leaned back to spit on it, then took him deep enough to make himself gag. He came up gasping and put his hand on Shane, stroking his spit up and down his length. He looked back up to see Shane absolutely enthralled, looking down at him like he was inventing air. It made the farmer smirk hard, feeling cocky as all hell now, and put his mouth back on the tip as he stroked it. That’s right, chicken man, let me show you how it’s done in the big city…
“Gahhhh…God that’s so good…I can’t…”
The farmer moaned around the head, and continued stroking when he pulled back for some more air. Licking his lips, he dipped his head and poked at Shane’s balls with his tongue, giving in to every dirty urge he got. Shane moaned out a curse, and the farmer could hear blades of grass being ripped from the ground, predictably caught in Shane’s clenching fists. Despite the distinct sweaty smell and hair getting in his mouth, the farmer kept going, pulling his balls into his mouth and sucking, the surprised sound of pleasure from Shane making it all worth it. Pleased, the farmer started making a “mmm” sound around the balls in his mouth, the vibration overwhelming Shane and prompting him to shove the farmer back by his shoulders, then grab the back of his head when he still brought his face back to where his hand never let go of Shane’s hot cock.
The farmer situated himself over Shane’s lap again so he could lick the tip while he finished him off. He let it twirl around the head, and tried to make eye contact while he did it, but his eyes kept fluttering shut each time he swallowed. Shane was blown away, nearing his limit, and unable to tear his eyes away from the farmer’s sloppy performance. It was perfect. Had he not felt utterly helpless, he may have used the hand gripping the farmer’s head to push him down further, enough to satisfy him, but the slow build from the farmer’s unpracticed teasing had Shane teetering right on the edge, face scrunching like he was about to sneeze.
Then the farmer was coughing as wetness hit the back of his throat, shutting his eyes hard and keeping his lips sealed around the head as he kept stroking him. He swallowed rapidly and squeezed the pulsing vein under his thumb when he felt it twitch rapidly as Shane finished in his mouth. He was moaning unabashedly in time with his ragged breaths, then couldn’t help turning to higher pitched whining when he felt the farmer’s satisfied “mmmmmmmph~” sound as he slowly pulled off. He stroked some of the wetness off and wiped his hand on the grass before sitting back, rubbing the back of his neck that was beginning to get sore, and let out a dramatic
“aaaahhhhhh~ that was nice~”
When he looked back at Shane’s reaction, he was once again filled with bone-headed confidence when he saw Shane’s wrecked condition. Looking blazed out of his mind, sweat was glistening all over him, pretty mouth still open and panting. He pulled his shorts back up and sat up straighter against the wall.
“That was… fuck that was good. I don’t know if I can do all that for you…”
The farmer took his cue to stand up again, cradling the back of Shane’s head to guide it to rest against the wall as he stood over him again. Shane looked dizzy with affection from where he was, hands grasping the farmer's legs again as he rose to his knees to get face-level with his crotch. Still dying to give the farmer his very best, then they’ll be even. Yeah, that’s what it’s about…just paying a guy back…
“Don’t worry…just let me do the work, yeah?”
He had one hand working on freeing his own cock and placed the other on Shane’s face, hissing out “thaaaaaats it…” when Shane happily began sucking on the thumb the farmer had placed on his bottom lip. His eyes were shut, more of a reflex from trying to focus on his partner through the tornado in his mind, but also making it a surprise when he felt the farmers spongey tip against his face. Luckily Shane was loaded enough that his burning embarrassment easily turned pleasurable again, though he feared that he would still be remembering this quite clearly in the future.
The farmer moved to brace his hand against the wall, swiping his cock against Shane’s open mouth. The feeling of his hot wet tongue between the feeling of his coarse stubble against the farmer’s sensitive dick had him clenching his teeth and cursing. He swiped it across Shane’s face like that a bit more, making it a wet mess, reveling in the scratchy feeling.
“Okay…here…just stay like this…”
The farmer adjusted Shane’s mouth open so he could freely slide his dick in and out, rubbing against the inside of his cheek. Shane allowed it, eyes still shut, and did his best to keep his lips around him. He put his arms down, bracing them against his own legs, unknowingly performing a personal favorite for the farmer: no hands. He moaned loudly in appreciation, getting goosebumps when he heard his voice echo across his property. He threaded both hands around Shane’s head gently, and let his hips do the work, so the head was making Shane’s cheek stick out lewdly. The obedient display made the farmer wonder if Shane was unfairly drunker than he was, despite being so blazed himself that his mouth was now painfully dry. That, or the man beneath him was also genuinely getting off on letting the farmer fuck his mouth however he wanted for the very first time. The farmer put his faith in the latter and kept going, thrusting in and out at a steady pace.
“Hhhhhoh my god Shane…you’re doing so good, baby….” The farmer moaned out. “Just…stay just like that for me, yeah?”
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from where Shane’s lips were stretching wide around him. He kept making noises, little moans and groans of surprise coming from his throat as the farmer moved his cock around inside his mouth. The head was making his cheek poke out each time he went as deep as he could, and the farmer was impressed with how far Shane was taking him. His eyes were squeezing tighter with each thrust, focusing on keeping his lips tight over the ridge of his tip as it fucked his mouth. The farmer was captivated by the sight, moving a hand to cup Shane’s cheek, a rather sweet display, even if it was only to feel his dick through Shane’s skin. He opened his eyes in response, looking up, and unintentionally made a desperate noise to match his desperate eyes.
“Oh, fuck, Shane, ‘s perfect, I’m, fuck,”
Shane squeezed his eyes shut, reinvigorated and refocused now that he sees the end’s in sight. He was determined to make up for his social blunders up to this point, then him and the farmer would be even. As if the farmer was ever offended in the first place. No matter if he was up or down, he wanted Shane, and he knew Shane wanted him too, at least like this. So he’d take him like this, if that’s what he could get.
Shane took a deep breath through his nose, and started adding his tongue into the mix, running it across his shaft as it pumped in and out of his mouth. The farmer moaned out loud when he felt it, then full on shouted Shane’s name, followed by a whiny moan when he started sucking too. It echoed for several seconds, loud enough that if there was anyone on the paths leading to the farm, they would be well aware of what they were getting up to. Shane moaned in response, and used his hand to start jerking the farmer into his mouth, sucking on the tip now. He felt a little bad when he heard how breathless the farmer was getting, and wondered about the state of his poor lungs. It left his mind easily when he heard the farmer moan for him again
“Ffuuuuuuuuuuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, Shane, I’m gonna fucking…God, ‘m gonna-“
Then the farmer was huffing hard, not pulling back, letting Shane decide for himself how to finish. He just moaned in response, bobbing his head and jerking him straight into his mouth until hot cum was dripping onto his tongue. He sucked, continuing to milk his dick with his tight fist, then he put both hands on the farmers thighs and took his cock all the way to the back of his throat, lips hitting the farmer’s pelvis, and swallowed a few times, making a disgustingly explicit gulping noise that delighted the farmer from his heart to his balls.
“Hhholy shit, Shaneyy….”
He was far too enamored with the pleasure still radiating through his body to notice, much less care, about letting out that childish nickname at such a moment. Shane heard it just barely as he pulled back, sitting back against the house again with a huff. He leaned his head back and wiped his hot lips with the back of his hand as the endearing name sank into the cracks in his heart. His lips and tongue felt a bit numb and tingly against his cool hand. He’d never used them that aggressively on someone before. The nickname struck a specific cord within him, an emotion that mixed strangely with the afterglow sinking in as he watched the farmer redress himself right in front of him. It wasn’t the first time he’d been called that name. Their voices played in his head; his parents, his sister, his god-daughter…it was only ever people that loved him who called him that. His throat and chest constricted, and he was fighting to keep himself from crying as the farmer finally sat down in front of him yet again. Their eyes stayed on each other as the farmer lazily crawled over Shane again, cradled his head in his hand, and gave him a sweet kiss. He rested his head on Shane’s shoulder then, holding him in a close hug, which he reciprocated, wrapping his arms around his back, pulling him closer, finally able to take a deep breath. They stayed like that, in peaceful quietness, listening to the birds and the leaves rustling and the animals in the distance.
“I want you, Shane. I really do.”
The whispered confession pushed Shane over the edge, and before he knew it he was letting out quiet sobs and gripping harder at the farmer’s back. He wanted to say something, he really did, but with every thought another stuttering sob wracked his body, until he decided that he couldn’t lie if he wanted to in this state, and conceded to try and be honest with himself for once, and let his tears flow freely down his face. He hadn't consciously noticed the way the farmer was gently petting him until his crying had slowed, but he felt his heartbeat through his chest: an even, soothing beat that steadied him like a metronome. And here he was, offering it freely, convincing him that he is truly wanted. Shane called on all the bravery he could summon, and decided to be truthful.
“I-I want you, too…”
His words were like music to the farmer’s ears. He could work with this. He squeezed him tighter.
“Then be with me…”
He pulled back, enough for them to face each other. Shane’s eyes ran all over his partner’s face, landing on his lips, which he stayed looking at as he nodded, and whispered back,
The farmer leaned back in, slowly, and kissed him again, even slower. And they stayed like that, holding each other, kissing each other, loving each other.
;-; dis got so sappy at the end…they really DO want each other don’t they…comments and suggestions welcome
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purpleandgreen13 · 1 year
Pirate/SDV crossover is now, officially finished! Little epilogue to complete the tale: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42174876/chapters/124998061#workskin
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floopthecooper · 2 years
oh mah GAWD
it's time to join us in hell folks 'cause we're at it again
that's right
new chapter
please to enjoy our favorite ranch fam's spirit's eve costumes. @coolcoolglasses and I came up with the best costumes for these noodles. can you guess who they are? no??
well then you'll just have to read the new chapter to find out, won't you?
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yeah, we gotchu
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ursulanoodles · 2 years
New Chapters of Affliction are Up
Posting a little early today since it’s my husband’s bday :)
Chapter 56. Patchwork
Chapter 57. Christmas Time in the City
Also of import, I’ll be taking a little break from posting on AO3. I’ll tentatively be back on Friday, March 24th. 
However, I’ll be posting plenty here. I plan to post my Sim versions of the Stardew NPCs sometime soon (probs starting this weekend) and I have some more Shane headcanons I’ve been working on ♥
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lily-alphonse · 2 months
One of my main rarepair ships from SDV is Morris and Shane simply cause of the power dynamic with Morris being Shane’s boss
Oh anon you slimy little genius I welcome your kind here with open arms lmao
I had to engage the assistance of my bestie @ao3-totallyhumanexe for this one because he is Morris' number one fan. Human loves him a scrunkly fuckin trash bag of a man so this is right up his alley.
My idea is just that maybe the higher ups of Jojo is breathing down Morris's neck about profits not going as expected in the valley due to you know the farmer or whatever He has a really awful call with them where they're MEAN to him but in a professional way, so he goes out to take a breather just as Shane has a smoke break behind the building. Their eyes meet. It's awkward. Shane clearly doesn't know what to do. "...want a cig?" Morris feels like he can't go because that's admitting defeat in his head. He knows he looks a mess, stressed and angry, but he doesn't actually want to be perceived as this awful boss who runs away from confrontation or social interaction just because he's on the edge of a meltdown. They share the cig. Morris coughs at it. Shane laughs. It doesn't feel too bad, Shane gives him advice on how to pull down the smoke.
If you guys want this one I suggest going to (VERY POLITELY) bother Human about it on his account he is a fantastic writer. He would probably pull off an excellent redemption arc for him where these boys find comfort in not suffering alone.
Me, I kinda want to go full-send on the toxicity (surprising absolutely no one, but very few of you know how bad I can actually make it lmao) Because see, a power dynamic I adore is the person in a position of objective weakness flips the situation to their advantage. The secretary blackmailing the boss to keep sleeping with her, the court jester topping the king, that kind of thing.
Lowly store employee taking out his frustrations on the world by breaking down the man he sees as a personification of all of the worst of it? JUICY.
Maybe it's a bad end where Shane takes over as the new manager. Maybe it's a good end where Shane succeeds in tearing Morris down to his level and realizes he's fucked up, but in a way, it was kind of necessary to shake Morris of the Joja programming. He realizes how far he's come from his well-intentioned beginnings and they build each other up from their rock bottoms. Maybe they burn Joja Mart down lmao.
What do you think of this wild pairing? Is there any hope for them?
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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madlysage · 6 months
my stardew valley bachelor headcannons:
(basically just me creating my own characters as fodder for fic atp :,)
elliott (my darling)
- is from a wealthy family- his dad is british and a distant descendent of the royal family
- went to college for an english and philosophy double major and graduated with honors
- had an affair with a professor in college (he didn’t know she was married) and is estranged from his parents as a result
- secretly loves trashy bodice ripper romance books
- always comes in without knocking (dramatic man that he is)
- cannot garden to save his life
- an ugly crier
- yappiest yapper ever
- LOVES dancing (and was classically trained as a child- hello rich preppy parents)
-bi king
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^^ like this but longer red hair (UGH)
- bi-icon
- he’s mixed white and native american (choctaw to be specific)
- i always picture him with long ass black hair (it’s hot sorry)
- literally always picture billy wirth….
- he has a secret belly button piercing (but he’s hiding it from robin)
- his mom and dad had him as teens and his dad abandoned them because his family didn’t approve
- wants to be closer to maru but doesn’t know how
- alternates having crushes on sam and abigail (but let’s be so real it’s gotta be sam)
- has a soft spot for classical music
- smokes weed even more than cigs- feels responsible for how much sam smokes too
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sebastian fans come at me all u want this is the man in my head when i picture himmmmmmmm
-another bicon (could honestly be pan)
- secretly a smoker (don’t tell jodi)
- has tons of army men in his room- he started collecting them when his dad got deployed
- loves crop tops and will cut any and all of his band tees- but his mom keeps throwing them away
- is still kinda in the closet and a little girl crazy (particularly for abigail and penny)
- is teaching jas to skateboard on school breaks ever since she asked (a bit to impress penny)
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(this just works for me idk- he gives me this vibe but like grungier and spunkier maybe)
- refuses to drink anything but black coffee
- king of anxiety
- secretly a good cook
- loses his glasses at least once a week
- can name any model of plane just from the sound of the engine
- wants to get his pilot’s license
- has a phenomenal record collection
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………… yes this is my harvey and I WILL TAKE 0 NOTES GO ATJ GO
- leaned how to braid hair just for jas
- was on the gridball team in highschool but keeps it a secret to avoid alex begging him to join his rec team
- was also best friends with jas’ dad in highschool from the gridball team and since his death he hasn’t been able to bring himself to play again
- wanted to go to college for agriculture but the loans would have been too much
- let’s jas paint his toenails any color she wants but is too embarrassed to let her do his finger nails
- got his ears pierced one night on a bender in the city but never wears them
- has a little crush on emily but is too embarrassed by it to ever tell (he doesn’t think she would ever feel the same)
- 1/4 indian on his mom’s side but isn’t in touch with the culture
- is a vegetarian but never talks about it
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likkkke COME ON
- wears a specific cologne and gets very upset whenever he runs out and can’t have his “signature scent”
- gets up early and makes breakfast for his grandparents everyday
- is poly but doesn’t rlly know that’s an option- and it ruins most of his attempts at monogamous relationships
- went to college for human physiology on a gridball scholarship but got Cs the whole time (but he’s still smarter than u would think)
- does yoga with evelyn every sunday and does george’s physical therapy each day too
- is the stardew equivalent of a freaking baptist christian (he’s all into Yoba)
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likeeeee is this not bro
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sa10mb0n3z · 3 months
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All About Mo
☆ Hi, I’m Mosquake, but you can call me Mo. I’m a fanfic writer and self-taught artist.
☆ I am a genderfluid person, I prefer more masculine pronouns but frankly I don’t care.
☆My main fandom I am writing for is Stardew Valley (Harvey my beloved)
☆ And if you couldn’t guess, my favorite color is Green
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00. Rules
Just to get this out the way, here are my rules for fan-fiction. I’m putting this here for so there is no confusion.
1. NO RAPE OR NON CON. (Includes consensual non consent.) I admit that I am a weird and cringy person, but I am NOT a creep. Block me and go somewhere else with that gross shit.
2. Kinks; don’t get me wrong, we’ve all got our quirks, and I am perfectly fine with writing some weird kinky stuff. This is the tumblr, you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t at least somewhat weird But I draw the line at Gross shit. NO SCAT, WATERSPORTS OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT.
3. DON’T ASK FOR A HETRO READER. I understand this rule might seem out of left field, but understand that there are already SO many straight fics on online, it’s hard to find something for Queer!readers. This page is for trans and masculine readers mostly and this isn’t to say I don’t like straight people or anything, but this is mostly for girls and gays. Haley x Female farmer for life
Congrats! You’ve reached the of the rules. Now on to the best parts! ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
O1. Requests
☆ will write fluff, angst, and smut (within my rules) Stardew valley bachelors & bachelorettes.
☆ I have will mostly write about the bachelors, because they’re my favorite in game specifically Harvey, Shane, and Elliott <3
☆ Will Do Character x Character please specify in your request if you want headcanons, drabbles, or regular length fics.
☆ will write for any gender or identity, but I do tend to lean on the more masculine side. This includes Trans men (obviously)
☆ I have an incredibly SOFT spot for any POC readers. Plus sized fem readers, disabled readers and neurodivergent readers.
03. Tags
☆ You can find me underneath any #MosquakeWrites Tags.
☆ For smutty fics, I’ll use #MoSmut for Fluffy I’ll use #Mofluff and for angst I’ll use #MoAngst.
Thank You, GoodBye and
Enjoy My Page <3
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lokidjarin-7567 · 1 month
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Letter To An Old Poet
True Blue - Shane SDV x reader - Chapter 1 - 4.6k words
Hi all! So this fic is a passion project for me - I’m a massive Stardew Valley fan and have been a little obsessed with Shane since I first picked the game up! This is still a work in progress,so expect plenty more chapters! I'll add a link at the bottom for the next chapter (and previous ones!)
When Ada got off the bus, she was just glad it wasn’t raining. There was a soft breeze flowing through the valley, picking up petals and leaves on its way, and hints of sunlight breaking through the soft clouds. Ada’s first thought was that she should’ve worn her sunglasses, and her second was that she wished she’d remembered to ask her mum for the mayor’s phone number, because she had no fucking clue were she was going. She put her bag down as the bus pulled away, pushing her glasses up her nose and frowning. No going back now, she thought, pulling her phone out to check maps when she realised she had no signal.
‘Shit’, she muttered to herself, internally cursing her impulsiveness to come here.
Then she reminded herself of how she felt when she reached for that envelope her Grandfather left her in his will. In many ways, yes, it was the riskiest thing she’d done in her entire life. The most reckless, the most scary, but the most freeing. She needed this. And this was it, this was all she had left and there was no chance she was abandoning that because she doesn’t know which way to go. She could be an entirely new person here - they didn’t know her life or what she’d been through. How she’d wasted her time at that shitty dead end job doing nothing worthwhile, only making enough money to self-medicate and stay alive. Yeah, it was going to be really fucking hard, and yeah, there’s a lot that she couldn’t change about herself, but she could be the only version of herself that Pelican Town had ever known. She could revive that bright-eyed kid, dead set on making the entire goddamn world bow down to her.
She remembered when she was 13, and she visited for the summer. When she cried to her grandad, because she got rejected by her crush at the time, and he wiped her tears and told her,
‘You’re Ada fucking Nicholas. He is nothing compared to you. Nothing.”
Her RaRa was pretty damn cool. And she was gonna live up to the name he gave her.
As she picked up her bag, she heard voices approaching the bus stop, and as Mayor Lewis rounded the corner with Robin - the lovely, kind town carpenter - relief flooded her body. She had never really gotten on with the Mayor (Ada’s worldly view didn’t quite gel with his) but they were civil and friendly, and that’s all they needed to be. Robin, on the other hand, was like an aunt to her. She taught her a lot during her summers in the Valley; all the carpentry and DIY skills Ada had were from Robin, and she’d spent countless dusky summer nights in her garden with Maru, playing scientists and making rockets from vitamin tablets and Joja cola. She immediately dropped her bags again and rushed over to Robin’s open arms, squeezing her tight as Robin laughed.
“You know you could have visited whenever you wanted to!” She said, “It’s been five years of summers without you; the garden’s been dying without your experiments to nourish it!” With Maru at college, and her parents bringing her grandad to them in Zuzu City the past 5 summers, the thought of coming back to the Valley hadn’t even crossed her mind until he passed.
“I know, I’m sorry. I’m here to stay though now, I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” She pulled away from the hug, smiling wide.
“I know you will, Lovelace. Don’t worry.” Mayor Lewis softly cleared his throat next to her, stretching his hand out.
“Good to see you again, Ada. And I’m glad you’re staying here for good. Your Grandad would be proud.” He smiled warmly and she shook his hand, thanking him with a smile.
“I’m very glad to be here! Although I will admit, I have no idea which way to go, its been a few years…” she trailed off, picking up her bags as Robin chuckled.
“Oh, honey, one of the brightest minds, but the worst sense of direction I’ve ever known.”
They led her down the path to her Grandad’s land, which looked… nothing like how she remembered it. Robin and Lewis made their excuses and left pretty quickly - it was getting late in the afternoon and they had a lot to do - but not before the promise of help fixing anything she needed from Robin, and a large packet of parsnip seeds from Lewis to help get her started. They wished her good luck as they walked back towards the bus stop, and she couldn’t help but think she was going to need it. The sprawling acres of farmland were overgrown and impossible to navigate, save for the path to the mailbox, the house, and a decrepit shed off to one side. As for the farmhouse, that was something that had stood the test of time. It looked older, worn out, but it was as beautiful as she remembered it, with red roofing, and gorgeous wood siding, and even though the ivy growing up the side hid most of it, you could still see the (now peeling) sage green paint that made the window shutters stand out from the dark leaves. She remembered painting those when she was 5, and she could still see the flecks of green staining the grooves in the front porch - painting was not a talent she possessed.
Inside, however, was immaculate. She had felt like laughing earlier when Lewis said he’d been keeping on top of things for her, but now she understood. Everything was perfectly clean and tidy, the exact same furniture she remembered from years ago. Even the house plants were healthy. She would have to do something to thank Lewis, but she was too tired to think about that now. She put her bags down and started to unpack - all of her possessions fitting into two suitcases and a backpack.
It wasn’t until she was looking for a cupboard to put her empty bags in when she saw a note perched on the dining table. She rushed to open it, excited.
I hope you’re doing well, sweetheart, it’s been a long time! I’ve left some food in the fridge for you - I’m sure you’ll be tired after your long journey. And please come visit the ranch as soon as you can! It’s been a long time since the ‘Nicholas Magic’ has touched this place.
All my love,
Marnie xx
She smiled and rushed to the fridge, suddenly starving, and she found a beautiful homemade lasagna, and a bottle of Rosé. ‘Like she read my mind,’ she muttered to herself, turning on the oven and rifling through the cupboards for a wine glass. It had been a long time since she’d heard that phrase - ‘Nicholas Magic’. It’s what Marnie used to say every year, that everything from the farm was grown with magic, that the hay and amaranth and other produce she bought for her animals made their milk and eggs so much better quality. That his presence alone made them happier. It caught on around town, and it stuck. It was nice to see his legacy was still being remembered.
She missed him.
She poured herself a full glass of wine, got out a notepad and pen, and began to plan. She researched seeds, and animals, and produce. The most profitable ways to process what she could grow, other forms of income she could make to tide her over. How to forage, what tools she would need, what her animals would need. Everything, until it was 2AM, the wine was gone, and the table was covered with pages of scribbles. She grabbed her phone, set her alarm to 6AM, and dragged herself to bed.
It was the first uninterrupted sleep she’d had in a very long time - that was until her alarm went off. She groaned, glad for the preparation she had done last night. She knew herself - her brain doesn’t work first thing in the morning, even if her body does. She hauled herself out of bed, taming her curly hair and brushing her teeth, changing into what used to be her painting clothes - an old pair of jean shorts and a tank top, both flecked with paint - then padding downstairs, for her normal breakfast. Which consisted of…
Shit. No coffee. Not a good start.
And Pierre’s didn’t open until until 9 (if her memory served her correctly), so she was screwed until then. She opted to have the other half of her favourite breakfast - a quick cigarette - and walked out to the shed to suss out the tool situation. She managed to find a scythe, a hoe, an axe and a pick axe, all in good enough condition, as well as a lot of other things she would need to fix up soon: some preserve jars, a new irrigation system to install, cheese presses, mayonnaise machines and looms, as well as a set of old keys labelled ‘cellar’. That was something to explore later. She dug a little bit further and discovered gardening gloves, 2 pairs, one that were RaRa’s, and another that were hers when she was little, pink and blue, covered in fairy roses. A sudden wave of guilt washed over her, and she moved out of the shed, clutching the matching sets in one hand, taking a long drag on her cigarette in the other. She sat down on the long grass, staring at how small the gloves were. It had been so long since she helped on the farm. When he got sick, she didn’t even think about what would happen to the farm; it didn’t even cross her mind that he wouldn’t be able to keep it up, that he might have needed help with it all. She was so wrapped up in her own bullshit that she didn’t even think to care for the member of her family that loved her the most. That she loved the most.
The sound of rustling snapped her out of her pity party, and she looked up to see someone climbing through the foliage of the farm fields. He was tall, with dark hair that had a hint of purple in the soft, early morning light. Stubble dappled his face, and he looked tired, bruised bags under his eyes, and he was wearing.. a Joja uniform? As far as she remembered, the next Joja store was in Zuzu - definitely not walking distance - so that must mean they’d set up somewhere in town. Damn, she really needed to go into town at some point.
Wait, why the fuck was someone walking through her fields?
She opened her mouth to speak when he looked up and noticed her, visibly startling, then a scowl spread across his face.
“Who the fuck are you?” He grunted the question at her, finally making it through the foliage and standing on the path in front of her. She frowned, standing up and wondering if he really had the audacity to ask her that.
“I’m the person who owns this land, who the fuck are you?” That earned a scoff from him and he started to walk off.
“I’m surprised someone bought this shit hole.” He muttered, making his way to the gate. “Sorry for trespassing,” he practically sneered as he said it, “won’t happen again.” She was rooted to the spot, not really sure what to say. If everyone in town was that rude, she might have made a mistake after all.
As soon as it hit 8:50, she gave up wrangling the axe and threw on her old flannel shirt, opting to head into town to explore and do a bit of shopping for the essentials. The walk was peaceful, bird song echoing around the trees. She passed the bus stop, noticing a large bunch of dandelions nestled in the grass there, and she made a mental note to pick them on her way back; making tea from foraged flowers was one of the sources of supplementary income she had planned on last night. And then she was in town, and for 9AM on a Tuesday morning, it was quiet. She expected people to be travelling to work, or just generally moving through town and running errands, but she forgot how small the town was, and how few people actually lived here. Village life was very, very different to city life, and it was going to take a lot to get used to that.
She was very thankful when she bumped into Mayor Lewis outside Pierre’s general store. He was more than happy to give her a quick tour around town, showed her how she could use the noticeboard to make a little money, where everything was in the shop, and reintroducing her to the shopkeeper - Pierre. After she bought her essentials, she excused herself, thanking Lewis again and she ended up agreeing to come to the Stardrop Saloon on Friday night to meet the rest of the town, just so the Mayor would let her go.
She checked the noticeboard on her way out, and saw Marnie had added a note asking if anyone had any dandelion tea. She grabbed the notice, silently thanking the universe. Even though Marnie asked her to come over, she was nervous about just showing up to her house, so this was the perfect excuse.
A fair few hours later, after wrestling with her tools, trying to read the ‘manual’ to set up the irrigation system (a crudely scribbled note in RaRa’s shitty handwriting), and figuring out how to dry flowers for tea in the oven, she had managed to dig out the trenches for the sprinklers, and successfully made a decent batch of dandelion tea. She fit the watering system in place and rigged it to the river, and by some fucking miracle it worked. And her first batch of seeds were planted. She felt… accomplished. Proud, almost. It had been a while since she felt that.
It was a surprisingly warm spring day, so by the time she was done, she was sweating. She sat down, taking a second to breathe and sip from her water bottle, before checking the time. Shit, it was already 5PM. She jumped up and ran inside the farmhouse to change, and walked down to Marnie’s ranch as quickly as she could muster the energy for.
Aunt Marnie’s ranch was another place she spent a lot of her summers growing up. Her grandfather and Marnie were very good friends, so she spent many an evening eating dinners by the lake and running around Cindersap Forest. Nostalgia washed over her as she neared the ranch, so strong it made her nauseous. She realised how nervous she was to see Marnie again, and wondered how she would react. People in small towns took everything personally, and Ada hadn’t visited in years. But before she could even knock on the door, Marnie had opened it and pulled her into a tight hug. She felt the tension leave her body and laughed.
“Good to see you too, Aunt Marnie.” Marnie chuckled and pulled away from the hug, cupping her cheek lightly, still grinning.
“By Yoba, little Lovelace, you’ve grown.” Ada smiled back.
“A lot older, but not much wiser.” Something her Grandad used to say.
“Oh honey, neither is important. And trust me, you’re not old. Not yet. Listen, Ada darling, you must come in for dinner,” she opened her mouth to protest but Marnie just kept talking, “I’ve already made more than enough - I was just going to drop the extra portion to you later this week so you have to have it now.”
“That’s very kind, Marnie, thank you.” She was exhausted beyond belief, too exhausted to argue with her, and she knew if she didn’t integrate herself into life in this town quickly she’d be out of the loop. Plus, she was way too tired to cook anything. “As long as it’s not an imposition?”
“No, of course not dear. My nephew might join us, although he’s often late back from work.. he works at the Joja Mart in town, have you seen that yet? Oh, and my..” she paused for the first time, and it took Ada a second to realise whether she was taking a breath or thinking, “grand-goddaughter - is that a thing? Or maybe a great-niece? It doesn’t matter anyhow, she lives here so I think of her more of a granddaughter anyway. Well her name is Jas, and she’ll be here too…”
Marnie talked like that the whole way through dinner, but that was ok as it turned out to just be them. The nephew never came home, and Jas was staying at her friend Vincent’s house, so they got a good chance to catch up. Ada told her all about her job and her life in the city, and Marnie told her about how her nephew - who’s name, she learnt, was Shane - and Jas came to stay with her. Their story broke her heart, losing your parent at such a young age and moving to a place where you know no-one and nothing, no family left, just a family friend and his aunt, Ada truly couldn’t imagine such a burden on a young mind, let alone those left to care for her. Marnie spoke so warmly of them though. They filled her home even though it wasn’t always easy, and she was grateful for that. Marnie had never been one to like an empty house.
Ada left when the sky was just starting to darken, giving Marnie a big hug and promised to have her to the farm soon. As the door closed behind she turned to leave, when she heard a noise behind her, followed by a shout.
“Hey, you’re the new farmer right?” A girl shouted from the doorway of a little house by the river. She had long, auburn hair that was pulled into a plait, and it looked like she was covered in paint or clay or something artsy.
“Yeah,” Ada called back, raising her hand to wave, “I’m Ada, I moved into…” Before she could finish, the new person had cut her off.
“The farm north from here, I know. Listen, I need some fresh eyes, do you mind?” Ada took a second to answer - she had forgotten how close small towns were, and she realised she had to drop the big city mindset that everyone was out to get her. “I’m Leah by the way! And I have wine, if that helps.” And with that, Ada was sold.
“I’d love to.”
Leah’s place was gorgeous. Although it was only one room really, it felt bigger than that. Spacious and light, you could feel the passion emanating from every piece of art on the wall. And they were beautiful, truly. Ada was struck by that sense of solemness you only get around truly good art. Leah came from the ‘kitchen’ (an arrangement of cabinets in the open plan area that constituted a kitchen, anyway) holding two well-filled glasses of wine, and she accepted one gratefully.
“Your work is beautiful,” Ada complimented, looking at one piece in particular, which she recognised as the lake in Cindersap forest.
“I’ve really been enjoying painting different bodies of water at the moment, and capturing the different kinds of movement.” Ada nodded. She understood.
“I used to do the same, actually, when I composed my own music - I was obsessed with the concept of imitating the movement of the sea.”
“What do you play?”
“The violin primarily, although I don’t compose anymore. I sing and play guitar as well, but I haven’t in a while.” Ada took a sip of wine.
“Do you like it?”
“The wine?” Leah nodded. “I do, reminds me of strawberries.”
“I made it myself, from my small batch of strawberries I grew last spring. I’ll teach you one day, with a farm as big as yours you could make a living out of it.” Ada went to thank her, but Leah had already started a new conversation - her mind moved so fast. “Why don’t you sing anymore? Or compose, for that matter.”
“I..” she paused. They were veering into uncharted territory, and if she wasn’t careful, she’d let something slip about her past that she didn’t want to. She took another sip. “I used to sing with some friends, I was the songwriter and we had a little band of four. But we stopped talking so that was that.”
“How come?” Leah sounded genuinely curious - she wasn’t pushing unnecessarily, I mean she had no reason to want to hurt her, Ada was just .. sensitive about this topic. Leah had no reason to know that. And she had to keep it that way. So she steeled her voice, and stayed calm.
“With the bassist, well, her boyfriend wasn’t a very nice person, and that caused a rift. And the other singer, her husband got a job across the country so she moved.” Easy lies and half truths.
“And the other one?” Ada paused again. “You said it was a band of four?”
“She..” *She threw herself off our apartment building and left me a note that explained fuck-all.* “… moved away as well.”
“That’s a shame. It’s sad when good things come to an end.” Ada didn’t have a response, so she hummed.
“Do you smoke?”
They shared a cigarette and finished their wine, talking about where they came from and what they left behind - shitty exes and dead end jobs. About who Leah’s friends were in town and the best way to get integrated into small town life. She said she gets on best with Elliott because he’s an “artsy type”, and that Marnie next door was always kind when she first moved in, so therefore she became friends with her and her family. They went inside and had another glass of wine or two and talked a little more about art and music and how Gus is always looking for new bands to play at the saloon, so she should ask if she could sing there. Ada was non-committal. Leah asked her opinion on a few pieces she was working on and she tried her best to be honest and helpful, even though she didn’t know very much about art. Then, they were sitting outside having another smoke, when Leah asked her why she came here.
“Well, Grandad left it for me in the will, but I didn’t realise until a few weeks ago...”
“Ah that makes sense” Leah said, taking a long drag on her cigarette, “I was wondering why someone didn’t claim the land! How come you didn’t know?”
“He gave me the deed before he passed, but in a sealed envelope which he explained I should open it only when I felt stuck in life, like I needed a change. I still don’t really know why.”
“So you appreciated it more.” Ada stopped and looked at her. Her hair looked like it was glowing in the soft light of the cigarette, and she looked serene, like she hadn’t just answered the question Ada had been wondering since she opened the deed.
“Damn. You’re so right.” Leah turned and grinned at her.
“I’m always right.”
Another voice rang out from behind them, deep and familiar.
“No you’re not.” When Ada turned around, the guy she had seen this morning was standing there, looking even messier than before, his hair disheveled and the bags under his eyes looked worse. Leah turned around and smiled at the stranger.
“Hey Shane!” Wait, Shane? As in Marnie’s nephew Shane? But he was so rude, she thought, he couldn’t possibly be related to Marnie. Regardless, she raised her hand slightly in greeting, nodding at him.
“You want to join us?” Leah called out, scoffing at his last comment. He hesitated. He hasn’t seen Ada until that moment, but his eyes shifted to the wine and she could see him give in.
“Yeah, all right then.” He sat down, and Ada decided then and there she would give him an olive branch.
“You smoke?” She asked him, extending the pack. He looked at her, and it wasn’t until then that she realised how attractive he was. Why do the assholes always have to be so hot? she thought, as he shook his head gently at her offer.
“No, thank you.”
“Have you guys met yet?” Leah helpfully interjected, which was followed by a chorus of ‘not really’, and ‘briefly’ from Ada and Shane. “Well, Shane, this is Ada Nicholas, old Mr Nic’s granddaughter. And Ada, this is Shane, Marnie’s nephew.” After a muttered ‘nice to meet you’ and polite nods, Leah picked up on a slight awkwardness.
“How was work?” She interjected, and Shane rolled his eyes and groaned.
“Every day is the same, stocking the shelves, having bitchy customers complain at me, told I’m slacking. It’s not the best.”
“You work at the Joja Mart, right?” Ada asked, vaguely gesturing to the bright blue tabard he had hung on the back of his chair. Leah muttered something about getting another wine glass and hurried inside while he answered.
“Yeah, on the far side of town.” She noticed then that he was slurring his words ever so slightly, and the faint scent of whiskey hung around him.
“I worked for Joja too back in the city, corporate side.” He nodded vaguely, so Ada carried on, feeling slightly nervous. “Every day was the same there too, not exactly a nice place to work. That’s kind of why I moved here actually, had to get out…” he scoffed quietly at that, and she frowned at him.
“Well, not everyone has that choice.”
“Oh no,” Ada blushed, embarrassed, “I wasn’t implying that..”
“We don’t all have family to bail us out and give us a farm. That’s not how life works.” He was practically sneering now, and Ada normally would have apologised, but that comment just pissed her off. She took the last, long drag of her cigarette and put it out.
“Are you implying that I’m lucky that my granddad passed?” She watched as shock washed over his face briefly, then he caught himself, clenching his jaw. “I’m going to go.” She got up quickly, grabbing her shirt and heading inside to say goodbye to Leah. She gave her a hug and her phone number, and Leah promised she’d come round Friday afternoon so they could go to the saloon together. Leah followed Ada out, giving her another bottle of strawberry wine to take home and then sat outside with Shane, who was still scowling. Ada decided not to make too bad of an enemy on her second day in town, so she called behind her (in only a slightly passive aggressive tone.)
“Goodnight Shane, see you around.”
“Goodnight Lovelace.” She spun around, shocked, to see him pouring himself a glass of wine, grinning at the table. Goddamn you Marnie, she thought to herself, blushing and shaking her head as she carried on walking.
“Lovelace?” She heard Leah say when they thought she wouldn’t be able to hear.
“Marnie’s nickname for her… thought she’d find it annoying.” Leah punched him playfully.
“Don’t make an enemy of her already, Shane. She’s a good one.”
Next chapter: First Time
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salt-apple · 3 months
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series? 
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like? 
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think?
For Stardew Valley :3
ty for the ask!!!! :33
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
this is a hard one imo.... the fandom is obsessed with watering characters down...... but from what ive seen people tend to make elliott out to be this freakazoid when he rlly is not......... guys he is not a fetishizer of lesbians what is ur PROBLEM...
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series? 
im not sure...... i dont have a lot of unpopular opinions generally. i do think u can use exploits and etc bc honestly ur game u do what u want. i personally dont but who cares if u do truly
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
i would probably remove/replace clint (with his ingame purpose being replaced ofc) bc he was chill until you know.....the creepy stuff....the misogyny stuff.....
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like? 
not sure if it's unpopular but i rlly like pomegranate wine esp nowadays....... i read a rlly good fic abt them... but then again i have never seen art of them like i have dr pepper (even tho i prefer dr pepper)
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
GUYS HE ISNT A CREEP HE'S JUST AUTISTIC...... guys...... harvey does NOT have a crush on maru.... GUYS..... in a world where autism is the norm penny also doesn't understand this it's ok penny .....
💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think?
sam probably. i can honestly see the appeal with seb even if i disagree but sam i just cannot get behind. im a fan of fat hairy men so i wont say shane but people r wrong about his entire appearance almost all the time he is not some skinny twink
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kiljoius-writes · 2 years
The View From Down Here - Chapter 21
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Charlotte makes up forgetting Harvey's birthday to him.
tw: smut
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kiljoius · 2 years
The View From Down Here - Chapter 24
Games We Play
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Charlotte parties and makes what seems to be a mistake.
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sexystardew · 2 years
Tumblr media
POV you finally convinced Shane to play pool with you at the Stardrop Saloon 🎱♥️✨
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ursulanoodles · 2 years
New Chapters of Affliction are Up!
Officially on ‘Part Three’, though I’ve posted it all as one work because I hate how AO3 breaks things up idk.
Ch. 52 Breakdown
Ch. 53 Snowed In
I post every Friday night. :)
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mxvladdy · 4 years
Little Stardew somethin’ somethin’
*Barges into your house with fluff nobody asked for* In this house we LOVE and RESPECT our sad boi and wish him well. 
Hopeful Fluff of Shane getting better. Idk what to call it but I wrote it soooo-
TW: Mentions of alcoholism and withdrawals symptoms 
Mornings were your favorite. The crisp mountain air coming in from your open windows. Helping erase the slight bitter tinge of mead and wine fermenting in your basement before the next festival. Pouring another cup of coffee you watch the sunrise from your kitchen window. It’s golden rays bounce off the river water flowing lazily outside your garden wall. A few fat salmon jumped out teasingly, scales shining in the cool fall air. 
“Whatca think Salem?” You pat your shepherd's head. “Fishing after herding the sheep? Or a horse ride into town? I think Gus has got some new treats for ya.” Salem woofs, wagging his tail once before trotting to his dog bowl. He eats quickly then eyes the back door expectantly. “All right, herding it is.” Checking the breakfast casserole in the oven and peeking in on your boyfriend’s sleeping form you tiptoe out the house to get your morning started before breakfast. 
Watering and harvesting took longer than usual. The fruit trees hung low and groaned under the weight of their labor. The peaches looked exceptional this harvest too. You pick them, making a mental note to preserve some for Evelyn and Abigail then sell the rest to Pierre. After the harvesting and several trips to the storage shed you go to check on all your babies. 
Several new chickens had hatched overnight too. Three brown, a white, and another void. You tuck the little black chick into your hoodie and give it a smooch. As useless as their eggs were for eating you always had a soft spot for these tiny goth chickens. Taking it to the coop you had specially built for your void-born feathered friends you deposit the little one amongst its brethren. It peeps in thanks before waddling off to peck at the fresh feed.
Morning chores done, you jog back to your house hoping your casserole hasn't burned. The house smelled of spiced ham and fresh garlic when you reentered. The rest of the windows open to let in the river breeze and faint scent of your flower patches. The fireplace roared in its corner, chasing away the frosty nip that clung to your cheeks. “Shane?” You follow the noise from the mudroom to the kitchen entrance. 
“Ye?” He poked his head around the corner. Warm brown eyes blink at you blearily. The corners of which were still crusted over with sleep. He must have just rolled out of bed. “Morin’.” He yawns widely scratching at his rumpled old gridball hoodie. Exchanging a brief morning breath laden kiss you smooth down a few of his more wild strands of bed head. 
“Thought you were taking the day off?” Your lips touch again, pulling a happy little hum from him. 
“I am. Just thought I would finish making breakfast so you could put your feet up faster. Plus, I think I finally figured out your ham recipes.” He drags you to your favorite spot at the breakfast nook before going back to the oven. “It’s the clove to cinnamon ratio ain’t it? Too much of either distract from the flavor of the fat.” 
You nod in approval at his deduction. He pours you another cup of coffee, his hand shakes on the carafe handle. He was jittery today. Whether it was his anxiety spiking or just the jitter after a decent night of sleep you don’t know. But he’ll tell you when ready. He catches you staring when he turns back with two steaming plates of your eggs and veggie casserole and a thick slice of ham. “Tell me what you think.” 
“I’m sure it's fabulous. Gus better watch out or there will be a new chef in town.” Shane practically glows at your praise watching you like a hawk as you eat. You inhale it, the morning exercises catching up with you. He lets you eat in silence, his previous twitchiness evaporating into a nervous silence. “Everything good?” You ask in between bites. You hated to pry or push but sometimes he needed a little nudge to get talking. 
Shane stares into empty space above your head worrying his low lip. His fluffy brows dipping low. “Shit-ye- I got something to talk to you about.” He rose then, shuffling off to your shared bedroom. You exchange a worried look with Salem. He whined low in his throat then followed Shane. Since Shane had moved in Salem had stuck to him like glue. It tickled you, as he was not the friendliest dog to people that took your attention away from him. But, with Shane, he found a couch companion and a late-night walking pal. It worked out great for Shane’s mood and recovery. 
Your boyfriend reappeared with a black binder and several stacks of paper. He places them in front of you. “I’ve been thinking over what you’ve said.” He stuffs his hands in his hoodie pockets burrowing himself deeper into the thinning fabric. “Between you and Harvey I-I want to have a go at it.” His eyes are downcast in shame. You riffle through the brochures. 
Brentforest Care Facilities 
“It’s a three-month inpatient care program. Harvey helped me set up the initial psych evaluation and has vetted for it. He’s got some friends that work there too. He-we think it would be good to work on a few hold-ups I’m having.” His stomach turns sour at the downward tug of your lips when you see the zero’s on the page. “Marnie is helping me cover the cost, an’ after the first few weeks I’m even allowed guests.” He pitters out, the overwhelming need to fill the dead air as you read disappeared as quickly as it had come. 
“You got it all sorted out huh?” You look up from the documents. Shane nods. You look back at the books, then him. He forces himself to breathe through his nose. This is it. This was the last straw, it had to be. He couldn’t blame you though- he wasn’t worth the effort. 
No-nope. Not starting this again. He fought with himself shaking the thoughts right out of his head. He trusted you. Dr. Martina trusted you. You were there during the worst of his withdrawal symptoms. The fevers, and shakes; you never flinched from his unwarranted shouting and irritability either. How many sleepless nights had you spent comforting him as he wept over things he wasn’t ready to talk about. You had gone through a lot with him and still was. You wanted to see him healthy. This was just another step. 
“Dr. Martina- my therapist- and I have been working on this for a bit. I just need a few more signatures and to make the initial payment. Then- then I’m good.” He raises his eyes to meet yours, pushing the fear he felt further down in his chest. 
His arms were suddenly filled with you. Your warm body flush with his. Soft skin and fresh windswept hair flooding his senses with your hug. “I’m so proud of you.” You mutter into his jacket. Farm callus fingers grip him close inviting him to hug you back. Shane let out a shaky breath he hadn’t even known he was hiding and reciprocated. He held you close and rocked you both side to side. “What do you need me to do?”
“Mmm?” He pulled you away from his neck. You loved burrowing your face there for some reason. Months ago he had hated when you did that. He always thought he smelt of stale sweat and the recycled air of the JoJo Mart. It had clung to every part of him for years. Hardly attractive by anyone's standards. But now, working out in the coops and fields alongside volunteering at the Community Center, it had all but disappeared. Now you swore he smelled like earth and like the pine trees that grew around your house. You had even admitted his sweat smells better too. Perhaps his alcohol sweats were finally lifting. Or maybe it was the better diet you made him eat. 
“What do you need of me?” You kiss his scruffy cheek. Eyes alight with determination and affection. 
He returns your kiss with a light peck of his own. “A few signatures- to show you can visit. An’ if there was an emergency you would be a contact. If-if that’s ok with you?” He asks.
“As if you had to ask.” You beam putting your forehead to his. “I’ll miss you.” You whisper between feather light kisses.  
Shane sighs in utter relief around your coffee scented lips. “Promise to write?” He asks cupping your cheeks to rub his thumbs over the sun kissed skin. “And feed Charlie too?” You laugh, nose scrunching up in delight at his joke.
You seal the deal with a kiss. 
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sdv-queen · 4 years
Hi everyone 💕
Longtime member of the SDV fandom and tumblr, (and longtime fanfic writer,) first-time fanfic blogger. As a proud pan, I adore and have married basically every available character and would l o v e to share some of my excitement of you.
As of today (7/21/20), I’m hoping to become an active member of the imagine/hc/fic/stardewblr community!
Disclaimer: I am a Real Adult™️ (25) with a full-time job so please dni if you’re not about that!
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