#here are tags
That one is dumbdumb but relatable : which characters are the "i want this one - dude they don’t want you back, they don’t even give a fuck about you - i don’t care, i want this one i like this one" types when going for someone
Tokrev characters and the chase
If the other person doesn't show interest first they give up real quick (maybe they're just too considerate for their own good)
Takemichi, Draken, Mitsuya, Kazutora, Hakkai
the "I don't care if they don't give a shit who I am. I want them" squad (love and it's on sight)
Kisaki 'unrequited love' tetta, Mikey, Baji, Hanma, Sanzu
Chases someone blatantly uninterested and gets rejected (You think you're better than me? #stay toxic)
Smiley, Ran, Shion, Wakasa, Taiju, Takeomi
Chases someone impractically that they can't have (we love a self fulfilling prophecy)
Izana, South, Shinichiro "no bitches" Sano, Rindou
Accidentally drawn to toxic relationships (help them please)
Kakucho, Rindou, Mochi
Is fully oblivious to being chased
Baji, Shinichiro, Draken, Koko, Inui
At the first gesture someone makes that makes them feel wanted they're hooked
Chifuyu, Hina, Pah, Angry, Muto, Benkei
Not looking for a relationship, let alone the chase
Inui, Naoto, Senju
No chase at all, they've acted like you're theirs since day 1 (friends to loversTM)
Yuzuha, Senju, Benkei
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vixlenxe · 2 years
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People who were here like a week ago should know who this is, cause that was when I actually made him.
But in case your still clueless, his name is Renjiro Emiya.
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I’m not done with the Zedessa Royal Family yet, but until I find more fcs, this is who I have that’s available for rps now:
Tsar Emanuel Valdamir Urzici von Zedessanici XI
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(Faceclaim - Roger Alpheus from Who Made Me A Princess?)
Tsar, or ‘Emperor’ of Zedessa. As the sole ruling monarch of Zedessa, he is one of the last rulers(along with King John Li) still alive that have seen the Old War. Given what he had seen during that time(losing much of his kingdom’s territory & influence) he is worried about possibly returning to war, & tries to do his best to prevent such from happening. A workaholic by nature, he sees his many children as tools to gain another ally to Zedessa, through the age-old art of political & alliance marriages, of which he trusts his Tsarina, Aurika Alexandrescu Eliduca von Zedessanici, to make.
Tsarevich Teodor Flilip Dragonic von Zedessanici
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(Faceclaim - Cassis Pedelian from A Way To Protect The Female Lead’s Older Brother)
‘Prince; of Zedessa, thirdborn child & third son of Tsar & Tsarina. Of all the royal children, he is the true fifthborn. Born 11 days before his half-sister, Stela, he is the only one who tries to defend Stela from the abuse of her mother, Concubine Ruxandra Preda. Forced to stand by & do nothing for most of his childhood, while his half-sister suffered, he has become rather cold towards others, but will act to recuse a person he sees is in danger. He detests ‘bystander’s syndrome’ & will scold others for not acting when someone is clearly in need of aid.
Tsarevna Bianca-Cosmina Pirvu Niculescu von Zedessanici
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(Faceclaim - Sylvia Pedelian from A Way To Protect The Female Lead’s Older Brother)
‘Princess’ of Zedessa, fourthborn child & only daughter of the Tsar & Tsarina. Of all the royal children, she is the true sixthborn. Easily the most beloved princess of the three daughters of the Tsar, Bianca has mastered the art of always having a smile to her face, even when she is angry or upset. Sweet & charming, she is thought to be the most like her mother of all four of the Tsarina’s children.
Concubine Ruxandra Preda
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(Faceclaim - Queen Katherine from Ophelia the Oracle Queen)
Tsar Emanuel’s third 'unofficial wife’ & concubine, her original name was Ruxandra Preda van Lansciar. She was the last to be selected by the Tsar to be one of his wives, & he did so mostly out of a design to strength his bond with the Lansciar family. Born a noble, Ruxandra’s family was the ones that suffered the most loses of both life & land during the end of the Old War, with her father placing the blame on Tsar Emanuel’s poor leadership & lack of strength. This belief was doctorated into Ruxandra as well, & she agreed to be at the bride-show as part of a plan she & her father made to eventually rest control of Zedessa out from under the noses of everyone. This plan involved Ruxandra becoming one of the Tsar’s wives, baring him a son & making that son become the next Tsar(& making Ruxandra by extension Dowager Empress), which would effetely make the Lansciar family the most powerful nobles in Zedessa & allow them to control the Tsar. However, this plan has mostly crumbled, as Ruxandra had a daughter instead of a son, & Emanuel refuses to sleep with her again, as he finds her 'boring & uninteresting’. Angry, bitter & disappointed, Ruxandra is often abusive towards her daughter, Stela, venting the loss of her family’s plan & placing the blame solely on her.
Tsarevna Stela Imanuela Enache von Zedessanici
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(Faceclaim - Aristia la Monique from The Abandoned Empress)
'Princess’ of Zedessa, the first & only child of the Tsar & Concubine Ruxandra Preda. Of all the royal children, she is the true fourthborn. Stela was the child that was meant to be a boy & carry her mother’s plans in full force, but instead was the brick through the window of those plans. On top of being born female, Stela was also born right before the Empress’s third son & was born looking just like the Tsar, when Ruxandra wanted her offspring to look more like her; further driving home her mother’s hate & ire. She is often abused by her mother, & no one else in the castle does anything to stop Ruxandra, as it is 'not their duty to tell the concubine how to raise her children’. Stela, as the first & oldest princess, is the one expected to get married first. She has learned to be stoic, quiet, proper & in well-control of her emotions, as these traits are what usually keep her out of trouble.
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hellishqueer · 1 month
we ask that the defense not say "me when i lie" while the witness testifies
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My friend just sent me the greatest home listing I think I have ever seen
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I mean, check out this beutiful riverside home! Double garage! Upstairs access from the outside! Lets check out the inside
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Open concept kitchen, nice, nice
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Oh, the whole Floorplan seems to be open concept. Okay! That floor is a little odd, but not a deal breaker.
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That bathroom could use an update
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Need to change out that curtain
Okay, let's go take a look at the back yard!
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ikarakie · 4 months
if a character means enough to me i will truly never stop thinking about them. i just retire them into a little back room in my brain and periodically bring them out to stare at them under a little light
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 19 days
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License to Kitty.
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reblogforsamplesize · 4 months
🐛 caterpillar - the returning champion of the 2023 race at 41.6% of the votes
🐌 snail - runner up of the 2023 race at 38.3%, only 3.3% behind the caterpillar.
🪱 worm - placed last in 2023, with only 20.1% of votes
🪲 beetle, 🐞 ladybug, and 🐝 bee are new competitors!
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zytes · 6 months
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this manatee looks like it’s in a skyrim loading screen
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haunted-xander · 22 days
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chomps you affectionately
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transannabeth · 2 months
if you opened discord’s april fools day loot boxes how long did it take you to get all the items? it took my friend 18 boxes but me 65 and i want to see how bad my luck is
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taffybuns · 4 months
if anyone has money to spare for donations, im forwarding more links for palestinian aid
CareforGaza is a nonprofit that provides direct aid to Palestine, and you can donate directly here
Operation Olive Branch is a document that lists evacuating families that need assistance, which gives information on the families, the urgency, and tracks the progress of their fundraisers
eSims for Gaza lists very clear instructions on how to purchase e-sims to keep them connected, they are urgently in demand
Here is a project that distributes feminine hygiene kits directly to Gaza
Mutual Aid Diabetes has channels set up for you to donate insulin and medication to diabetics in Gaza, as well as lists fundraisers for diabetics seeking to evacuate
please keep sharing and adding links on this site, please add more if i'd missed any, and please don't stop talking about Palestine.
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Did you guys know that the most recent version of sharks have fins that are kinda leg like and they like to walk up onto land?
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nessieartss · 5 months
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big bro sukuna because im a sucker for sibling au
Part 2 | Part 3
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goldensunset · 8 months
a real blorbo is someone you can both write a lengthy and serious/sad analysis on yet also constantly and i mean constantly make stupid jokes about
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"A story doesn't need a theme in order to be good" I'm only saying this once but a theme isn't some secret coded message an author weaves into a piece so that your English teacher can talk about Death or Family. A theme is a summary of an idea in the work. If the story is "Susan went grocery shopping and saw a weird bird" then it might have themes like 'birds don't belong in grocery stores' or 'nature is interesting and worth paying attention to' or 'small things can be worth hearing about.' Those could be the themes of the work. It doesn't matter if the author intended them or not, because reading is collaborative and the text gets its meaning from the reader (this is what "death of the author" means).
Every work has themes in it, and not just the ones your teachers made you read in high school. Stories that are bad or clearly not intended to have deep messages still have themes. It is inherent in being a story. All stories have themes, even if those themes are shallow, because stories are sentences connected together for the purpose of expressing ideas, and ideas are all that themes are.
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