#here is one big post so its not multiple reblogs of added on stuff
voidpumpkin · 2 years
A Guide For New Users Fleeing From Twitter, From A User Who Needed One When They First Started:
Hi to everyone fleeing from twitter, Elon Musk is shit and he already has had an actively harmful effect on the site, one that will only get worse. So, welcome to Tumblr, it can be kind of intimidating, given its reputation and how many different features there are, I was certainly confused and intimidated when I first logged on and as I'm active on both I sympathise with y’all, so here’s a guide to anyone new:
Put your hashtags in the hashtag section. This is the only way they’ll actually have any sort of effect, or appear when you search for something. Don’t post them on the post itself.
There is a character limit for hashtags and a quite high hashtag limit. Go wild. Writing entire speeches is common. 
Don’t tag lots of unrelated stuff to your posts, that’ll get you reported for Spam and just hated in general
Don’t censor words, users are fine with swearing, doing so especially with triggering content makes it hard for people to limit their exposure to said triggering content.
There’s no such thing as ratioing.
We don’t have quote retweeting, every reblog, comment, etc counts to op’s post. They can see it all, and will be notified depending on their notification settings.
Change your icon, people will think you’re a bot if you use the default.
Give yourself a bio, it’ll make you look like a person.
Follow people and tags, that’s the only way you’re gonna see the content you wanna see. The foryoupage isn’t to be trusted.
Actually reblog stuff, liking has no effect, reblogging is the only important thing here as there is no like based algorithm. Doing so will also make you appear human.
You can hide your likes and who you’re following. Doing so is not frowned upon in the slightest.
You can block tags, similarly to muting words on twitter.
You can have multiple blogs tied to one account. 
You can customise your blog, go wild.
There is no word limit, you can write as you want. But if it gets too long make use of the keep reading feature, (the three dots beside the add gif feature)
There is an image limit of thirty, up from the former ten, though for some they may be stuck at only using ten, tumblr is kinda inconsistent. If you want to add more you’ll have to reblog your own post. 
There is no reblogging limit when it comes to a post, though there is a daily posting limit, go wild, only your followers will be upset.
You can have videos, gifs and pictures in the same post.
You can just post audio.
Adult content is still banned, but actual moderation and enforcement is spotty, especially if it’s written. 
Spam liking and reblogging isn’t a thing. Go wild.
You have an ask box that people can submit stuff to. You can respond or just delete the post. You can remove anon capability from it (which will get rid of most of the hate), or outright bar it.
You can’t private your account but you can restrict commenting and reblogging. Edit: I’ve been informed that you can in fact make your blog password protected, it’s just that it’s a rarely done thing and not widely known.
Block whoever and whenever, it’s not a big deal. Though if someone you’ve blocked has reblogged and added to a post and someone you follow reblogs that, their commentary will still be included in the post you see.
We don’t have muting, only blocking.
Yes, direct messaging is a thing (it’s the little smiley face)
The only way to promote your is through ‘tumblr blaze’, you pay a certain amount of money and your post will be promoted, but not targeted, so no invasions of privacy. You are subject to the employee’s whims on whether or not it gets promoted and unfortunately hate speech has been allowed.
Tumblr has tendency to hide/consume comments, posts and asks, don’t be surprised if they go missing.
Tumblr searching a blog relies on tags, words in the post and the users name, keep that in mind.
Posts will remain after you delete your account or the original post if they have been reblogged.
Years old posts are still circulating and that is considered normal.
You can queue up posts to be released when you’re not using your account. Or you can just post whenever you’re active. Go wild.
Wizards exist and are very popular on this site. Accept it.
There are posts with no notes that will never gain any more than a sing note for your like. Accept it.
There are posts will no op. Accept it.
Trans and autistic people dominate this site.
Don’t get pissy when someone tags a post ‘tw (insert slur)’, or any trigger warning for that matter, most are just being considerate of their followers who may be triggered by such content.
Twitter discourse is regularly mocked, it’s not gonna fly here.
No, we don’t call each other oomfs, or anything like that. We just have mutuals.
Tumblr in general lacks a lot colloquialisms that began on twitter.
We do have ‘blorbo’ ‘poor little meow meow’ etc.
Trying to go viral or trying to corporate is frowned upon.
Tumblr has a tendency to blacklist things tagged like ‘crowdfunding’ so bring that kind of logic you use for twitter posts over to tumblr.
We don’t have twitter circles, co-posting, etc.
Tumblr is surprisingly good at recommending blogs.
There are no verified accounts, and your follower count isn't visible. This is a good thing, trying to change it will get you laughed at.
People are going to just make up stuff, don’t believe everything you see and if it’s a claim about someone, investigate it rather than just believe it.
You can edit your posts after you’ve posted them, but the versions reblogged before said changes will still circulate. This editing of the original has been used as a spruce of comedy
If your worried about people seeing your potentially triggering, or even graphic content and they haven’t blocked the tags you’ve used you can use the keeping reading feature to put the content under the cut and post a warning at the top.
And this is quite important:
Stay anonymous and have fun. There isn’t an expectation to constantly expose inner details of your life, you aren’t expected to use your real face, your real name, age, etc. You’re not even expected to be truthful here. Exist however you wanna exist and have fun, that should be the point of social media. 
Also keep in mind that tumblr has its own distinct culture that is going to take some getting used to. As well as a history any user who’s been here a while will at least somewhat understand.
Also I'll be editing the post with additional info and corrections provided to me.
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the-whumpening · 7 months
Intro Post (v2, Bigger and Better!)
About Me
I’m Ruben, but you can also call me Ruby or any variation of those. I’m a 28 year old bi/pan transmasc guy from the US. I’m also disabled (chronic pain, autism, other stuff) so I have both plenty of time to be online and plenty of barriers to keeping a regular schedule, so your patience is appreciated.
Askbox is open and anon is on! Feel free to send in prompts, asks, and general conversation!
My Ao3 account
Aiming to post one chapter a week of The Pet Tiger, usually sometime between Sundays and Tuesdays
If you'd like to be added to a taglist, send me a message or drop a comment with the blog you want tagged!
Asks are open for suggestions, comments, questions, and requests
Writing Masterposts
Tigerverse (fantasy/dnd universe whump, multiple arcs/AUs)
Son of Bat (modern setting, bandmates, injury/sickfic)
Weekly Themed Posts [On Hiatus]
Things you’ll likely find here:
General whump and hurt/comfort
Non/dubcon and intimate whump
Recovery/injury whump and sickfics
Emotional whump
Occasional emeto triggers
Some pet whump
Male whumpees, whumpers, and caretakers
LGBTQ+ and disabled characters
Not currently here but maybe in the future:
More pet whump/BBU
Vampire and/or werewolf fics
More NSFWhump
Lady whumper
Royal setting
Robot whump
Non-whump fics (angst, fluff, smut, etc)
Big maybe: fanworks, probably Fallout or DC Comics
You likely won’t see:
Lady whump (no hate, it’s just not my thing)
Military settings and political intrigue
Fanfic (I greatly prefer writing for OCs, but I could be persuaded)
Minor characters, outside of flashbacks (no judgment, just not my thing)
Religious whump
Superhero/Villian/Team whump (don’t mind reading it, just not interested in writing it)
Some whump blogs I'm loving rn (off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting!):
@kabie-whump @echo-goes-mmm @secretwhumplair @whumpzone @whumpcereal
@sowhumpshaped @whumpurr @doomeddestination
My Tags:
#rublewriting (All my writing and masterposts, does not include weekly posts)
#not whump (Any post that's not writing, like memes or personal posts)
#rublogging (reblogs of others' posts)
#self rb (self explanatory)
#ruby replies (replying to asks)
#Tigerverse (any of the fics set in that universe, each has their own tag as well)
#Son of Bat (any of the fics set in that universe, each series has its own tag as well)
#Meet the Characters Monday
#Worldbuilding Wednesday
#Fuck It Friday
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What’s your new Anger? (this is the inaction to tell me I am a big fan of your crit posts. You make them consider and understandable while not being condescending to the reader (so so affectionate :) ))
OHOH BOY Heres the thing, I dont really post crit for much. Usually I will like and reblog some valid posts that come up naturally and if its really a problem for me I tend to leave easy. But Thomas Sanders is killing me and takeover is a bad influence /j
But basically he reminds me of the worst coworkers you've had and he's just. Terrible at the job he ASSIGNED HIMSELF. He brands himself as a youtuber. He promises videos for one of his most popular endeavors which was lowkey a rebranding after vine was shut down and he was no longer a popular comedian on vine. And then he abandoned his largest project. And that wouldn't be a problem! If he did what majority of other cc's do. So many youtubers leave behind what made them popular, the move on the other things because it makes them happy and allows them to continue to bring content. There's usually some fans who are angry at this move but atleast most of those youtubers are transparent about this change. They communicate with their community setting the expectations going forward and they stick with them! Thomas has not done this.
He promised us a large amount of work going into making a season finale, and then making another season and he might not be able to push out content at the rate he has done before but thats because he's putting everything into the finale
But we've had very little sander sides content since then. And these have their own problems as being short and "not being part of the main storyline" or being blatant ads. But Thomas is still cranking out other content, he took up tiktok where he is reliving his vine era, he plays games on a side channel. He streams but only for people that pay him. We took the long wait and said fine. Its nothing these fans haven't done before. But then he goes and months and months after he promised us the finale, he tells us he has began working on the script. What was he doing in those months? How is he only just starting bare basics of this thing we have been waiting on forever. Can you imagine this in a professional setting? You're coworker hell your boss has major procrastination on important projects and refuses to give you a timeline? But they still expect to be paid and continue their job while they are doodling in their office.
He attempts to reason this away with not having a lot of people and the pandemic inhibiting the team from filming. First of all they haven't hadnt had anything to film with the finale because they are still working on the script. The pandemic is no longer a major world problem right now. And when it was that wouldn't of had to stopped planning or filming, it might be harder to do with only one person there but it is possible and manageable!
When he does have his team it boggles my mind! I was in schools news in middle school, we worked in teams of 5-7. Each team was pushing out a video every week/every two weeks. Each video had an original hand crafted intro that was never done before on another episode in our show. We had multiple skits. We had announcements and weather and what we were having thst day. We had news anchors thst led us into each segment. This was all planned, filmed and edited by the team. Was it perfect? No but we had content constantly coming out with completely original ideas everytime while we were still learning how to edit videos. We spent an hour every school day on these, we also split those hours with assignments we had due. We cranked this stuff out in a max total of 14 hours. These tiny 6th graders did amazing work despite being children who are using Adobe for the first time and having such little time. This experience has made me more understanding of what exactly these youtubers do, its hard time consuming work. And this understanding is what makes me so angry about Thomas not having any progress in the finale. This absolutely could have been done by now. This absolutely could have been done months ago.
Tldr: Thomas sanders refuses to communicate effectively with his fans and to work efficiently on this project. The fact that this has been going on for over 900 days is absolutely atrocious. This is his job, one that he signed up for. If he was working for anyone in any field including this one he would have been fired. We deserved better than this and deserve better than him continuing to drag this out.
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faunabells · 9 months
✿welcome to the intro post manifesto!✿
✿✿✿we're the fragaria foragers!!✿✿✿
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~as for who we are~
♡ we all respond to the names bambie/fraise and use he/they/it prns
♡ our body's 20, born during the summer of 2004
♡ we're polyfragmented, adaptive, para/autigenic, and share a body with two other collectives. all together, we call ourselves the picnic party.
♡ we also maladaptive daydream, have audhd, low to moderate support needs, and experience alexithymia.
♡ we don't consider multiple likes/reblogs for our posts as spam.
♡ the artwork above is our silly lil' system persona! it's loosely based on how our body looks irl, only embellished with some fantasy elements...in other words we deeply wished that our meat container had pointed ears and big, permanent strawberries on its head...(╥﹏╥)
~byf & interact~
♡ this space is 100% endo and nontraumagenic safe.
♡ while we don't do it frequently, we will just block anyone who makes uncomfortable. it may not be anything personal. we just, like many other tumblr users, want to have control of our digital environment.
♡ due to dissociation and a plethora of other hurdles, we may be slow to blogging og posts.
♡ our blog is primarily a source for plural positivity, but we want to post other stuff that makes us happy! things such as biology, reviews of media, and neurodiversity.
♡ we want to make our space as accessible to others as possible, so if there's anything we can do, pls don't be scared to tell us! on the topic of dms/asks: we don't bite, so you can talk to us/ask questions. (though, most of us are shy, so we may be awkward to talk to-) if there's hate/discourse/harassment involved, we'll simply ignore & block you.
[ first id: a divider of an assortment of hello kitty 3d models with a yellow heart charm on left side while having a bluse star charm on left side. ] [ second id: a traditional drawing of an elf-like person sitting down with their head turning up, away from the camera. his head has two strawberries on either side. the background is pink gingham. ]
[ final id: it's the same as the first, just repeated below the drawing. ]
~a collection of userboxes and sideblogs undercut~
this isn't all of our sideblogs, just the ones we wanted to share here:
@cherubs-on-rollerskates ~ an agere safe space for the kiddos & caregivers
@fauna-frolics ~ an all animal related identity blog
@chthonic-dreams ~ nichoe's fandom pjo/hoo blog
@cherished-milk ~ an aesthetic blog that belongs to the kitschy-kitties, one of the picnic party's separate collectives.
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[ id for first userbox: a green box with only my melody's pink rabbit ears being visible in a field of flowers. the text reads: this collective is shy and finds communication to be difficult. ] [ id for second userbox: a pink box with a cartoon paw that's made out of strawberries in front of a green, white, and pink bg. this is the pawberrygender flag. the text reads: this collective is anthro in a nonhuman sense. ] [ id for final userbox: a green box with the eighties strawberry shortcake cast inside a heart. the text reads: this collective view themselves as a community. ]
the art and userboxes are made by us, and anyone can use the boxes if they wish! credit is appreciated, but not necessarily needed. ( ^-^ )
tags will be added as we get ideas for them.
pin post last updated: july 17 , 2024
thank you for reading!
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daemonhxckergrrl · 2 years
re: your ask from greyr4t about win10: as you said in your answer its free, just needs a key for 'activation.' ime activating win10 has been worth it. like you mentioned, it isnt strictly necessary, one can make do fine in a somewhat limited capacity with the watermark in the corner forever (unless your monitor is an OLED then have fun with 100% guaranteed screen burn in lmao. or unless always seeing it enrages you disproportionately. as in my case). but having windows activated is honestly just nice, it makes many things easier and is more sustainable in the long run... worth the extremely minor hassle as like a QoL thing imo. you also brought up that its possible to circumvent microsoft (and its brazenly insane asking prices 🤬) & buy cheap keys online from third parties. i wanted to talk about how i did shit, hopefully it helps the original asker directly or at least comes in handy to know
so i bought my (shady bootleg, yes, but perfectly functional for years now) win10 activation key for even cheaper than what Synthia listed as a price point- iirc, under 5 bucks USD. (might be higher now w inflation, but id be surprised if its much more than around 10.) if things still work how they used to, you can do this on ebay. technically ebays policies dont allow it, so the accounts selling these keys come and go frequently due to getting shut down by ebay after popping up. thus, dont necessarily be put off if the seller hasnt existed for long, as often thats just how it goes (or it did. hopefully this sort of thing is still going strong🤞); do trust happy reviews. now, there are a few TYPES of activation keys– priced slightly different, nothing big– that correspond to different editions of windows 10. so basically its home edition, pro edition, and "pro for workstations". might be worth finding a brief summary of each to determine which edition best meets your needs. (there are more editions beyond the main trio, look into those too if you want, but the tldr on em is theyre for like niche markets w/ highly specific use cases.) fwiw, i got pro & am happy with it. another thing, from personal experience: may or may not be obvious but you're gonna wanna save a screenshot of your key somewhere safe and accessible. additionally though, label the screenshot somehow so you know what it is later, and if youre a disorganized scatterbrain like i am then put that in multiple places you can reliably access so if/when youre having trouble tracking it down you know where else to look; it came in handy for me to have access to it in places both online (cloud storage like google drive or dropbox for example, or even just saving the email copy of the ebay mssg in the designated folder in your email for the ones containing info you wanna save) & off (physical note on paper, stored in the files on one or more personal devices, etc). theres a huge chance youll need it again in the future– like say if you want to upgrade certain hardware– and likely more than once. final advice: highly recommend looking into comprehensive ways of "defanging" and/or "lobotomizing" windows, as they say. i.e., a tip that gets circulated is doing the initial setup for windows w your pc in airplane mode / ethernet unplugged so you dont have to make a microsoft account so they cant create a profile on you to collect your data to sell off & target ads at you (which is obvi totally reversible later if you decide the benefits of having an account outweigh the drawbacks). shit like that, plus the loads of guides out there– many here on tumblr itself– on extensive fucking around in various settings to disable bloatware / preserve privacy / other useful stuff, that can get pretty granular. i think ive even seen Synthia herself reblog posts like that here a couple times, maybe? perhaps try checking relevant-seeming tags from the tagging system in her pinned, or do a blog search for the term 'windows' and see what all there is to find
phew, anyway, jesus christ! sorry this got to be such a long writeup!!! some of this blog's aggregate of resources have been a big help to me, so i wanted to try to pay it forward a little <3 and, Synthia, if you wouldnt mind, tagging the original asker in your response to this anon so that greyr4t is more likely to see all this would be very much appreciated by me!! ty in advance!! thanks also for your careful curation of useful info on this blog, plus the helpful posts and guides youve written here for us yourself 👍🌈
hi anon ! thanks for writing all this up !! lots of great points here - hopefully they help you out @greyr4t ! the airplane mode one is real important too if you care about privacy (and the fact you can't choose to make a local account during installation unless you are disconnected from the internet is awful and yet another dark pattern-type tactic.
i'm glad my blog's been good for you <3 (though i do need to go through and make all the important stuff a bit easier to access at some point)
iirc there's some reblogs on general privacy stuff (probably under one of the REPO tags and like "net privacy" or similar) as well as my own firefox post, and maybe more will happen in the future when i get to them
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
September 29: Archivist Mina
@justbecauseyoubelievesomething mentioned me in her reblog of this post but I think my thoughts are going to get rambly and OT so I’m making a separate post instead of adding on directly. I love the OP! It’s very interesting and very timely for me.
To start, I’ll say I’m not an archivist. I work in a library and part of my job involves assisting with the library’s digital archive. I helped keep the archive afloat when the position primarily responsible for its upkeep was vacant for 2.5 long (COVID) years, and now I work with the librarian who’s taken over the job, mostly adding items in certain categories to keep everything up to date, rather than, like, overseeing, or making policy decisions, or doing big-picture stuff. Most of what I work with in this sense are born digital items, or items that were created basically simultaneously in identical print and digital formats. I say all this for context so I don’t appear to overstate my expertise, but do make clear my interest!
Further, archives, especially physical archives, are a big topic of conversation in my department right now. We have many, many boxes of the papers of a former Dean, which came to us before the pandemic, and then sat in limbo for, again, about 2 years. The main person working on them both before and after that hiatus was a student, who has since graduated. Now that we’ve gotten word we might be getting the complete papers of another person, the sense of urgency around this first set of papers has increased. Relevant context here (yes, this the OT part is getting more OT): the papers were not organized by the person who created them. As far as we can tell, he died unexpectedly, and his family packed up his office. Then, owing to some confusion re: which library the papers were meant for, they sat in the wrong one for years. Afaik that library didn’t reorganize them or do anything with them at all, but at any rate their current organization is simultaneously long-standing and arbitrary. It’s not sacred, it’s not related in any way to the person’s wishes for his papers--how they were to be presented, etc.--but at the same time, the papers have been organized like this for a long time, and who is to say that a new organizational scheme would be better? Like, we are going to make changes to some degree, but there is an instinct to preserve the boxes as much as possible in the arrangement we were given.
Again, to be clear about my expertise here, I’m working on this project in a fairly limited worker-bee capacity. I’m not in charge, more taking it as a learning opportunity. At the same time, even the simplest tasks, in theory, become much less simple when you actually open a box and deal with the physical materials.
The ultimate goal is to make the materials usable for researchers. They should be organized in such a way that one can take a clean, neat, curated list of items and know what the items are and where to find them, and understand why certain items are with other items within each folder, and within each box.
So. To get back to Dracula, my point with all of this is: there is a lot of information present in the organization of materials. They can be basically useless, or extremely helpful, depending on what structure (or lack of structure) underlies their arrangement.
That’s what Mina is experiencing. She has a lot of information, and she’s getting more and more all the time, but it’s siloed and disorganized. That’s not even going into the multiple formats, and the inaccessibility of shorthand or phonograph records, or that most of her documents exist only in one copy (before she gets her hands on them of course). Further, putting everything together in one place is only so helpful if you have to read it all separately. Then you’d have all the pieces of the puzzle, but they wouldn’t fit together into a clear picture. As she says today (9/29), “In this matter dates are everything, and I think that if we get all our material ready, and have every item put in chronological order, we shall have done much.”
In organizing the Dean’s papers, it’s more important to put like with like: all his correspondence with Justice X, all his writings on topic Y. For Mina, everything is already arranged like-with-like, in a way: all of Seward’s diary recordings, all of Jonathan’s diary entries, all of Lucy’s correspondence and writings, etc. What she needs is to cut up all the bits, as it were, and arrange them in the order in which they were created, to turn them into a chronological narrative. What was happening simultaneously to what? And what can a chronological story tell her and her friends about the Count’s movements and his ultimate plan? As Jonathan says (9/29) when he looks over Dracula’s lawyer’s papers, “It gave me almost a turn to see again one of the letters which I had seen on the Count's table before I knew of his diabolical plans. Everything had been carefully thought out, and done systematically and with precision. He seemed to have been prepared for every obstacle which might be placed by accident in the way of his intentions being carried out. To use an Americanism, he had "taken no chances," and the absolute accuracy with which his instructions were fulfilled, was simply the logical result of his care.” Only by seeing the papers in the right context can he begin to understand them, and then much becomes exquisitely clear.
What’s especially interesting to me is that Stoker’s arrangement of Dracula is NOT chronological. But the Dracula Daily experience IS. Many people have commented on how that changes the experience. In a way, it brings clarity, as Mina hoped it would. It takes out much of the mystery of the narrative. But, because we’re ALSO reading in real time, it ups the suspense.
For example, if you read about the Demeter’s arrival in Whitby first, you would probably be, yes, horrified, but also confused. Why is the ship behaving oddly? Oh, Dracula must have been here, but, why did the Captain die as he did? How did these events play out? The eventual inclusion of the Captain’s log entries provides answers. NOW it makes sense. NOW we see the previous events in a different life. We have the ending already, so there’s not much suspense in the logs. They’re just a quick summary, in a way, that fills in previously puzzling blanks.
In the Dracula Daily order, of course, there is no mystery. We hear the Count is going to England on a ship, we hear about his journey on the ship, we watch the ship come ashore. The ship in Whitby harbor acts as we expect it to act. The sight on board is horrific but exactly what we anticipated. The SUSPENSE, though, throughout the tail is much higher. The Captain’s story is parceled out day by day. We experience the exact pace at which the Count stalks his prey, the agonizing slowness with which the Captain comes to understand what is happening. His story ends in a semi-cliffhanger, his death inevitable, but not yet seen. And then more waiting until the full horror is revealed and that inevitable ending confirmed.
In some ways, I’ve felt that the daily reading is closer to experiencing what the characters do, because my pace is a reader is the same as their pace in their lives. But, except for the early days of Jonathan’s diary standing alone, I have a vastly different perspective in another critical way: I see everyone’s experiences at once. The experience of Dracula for the characters in Dracula is one of confusion and mystery. Much that puzzles them is clear from the start to me. I have the ability to put the different narratives together, including the newspapers clippings and other context-giving documents, without any effort at all. I see the larger picture.
That’s what Mina is trying to give her friends: a coherent, big picture view. As I and other Dracula Daily-ers know, this makes a big difference and greatly increases one’s clarity, even if nothing (short of binging the whole story from the perspective of the aftermath) could lessen the suspense of building terror.
OP’s point was more about the format of the archived work: how Mina makes the shorthand diaries and the phonograph accessible by making them into typewritten sheets of paper, and increases their availability by making copies. I think it’s a very interesting point that she not just incidentally but perhaps PURPOSEFULLY also flattens the works by this process. Much of what made them unique artifacts is gone: Jonathan’s handwriting, Seward’s voice. Information you might glean from their way of preserving their thoughts is gone. It’s really important, actually, that Jonathan wrote in shorthand! That’s (possibly) how he evaded having his secret, written thoughts and plans read by Dracula. It’s also something he shared with his now-wife; I got the distinct impression from Mina that shorthand is something special between them. And then of course, there’s the special, unique, un-duplicatable nature of the original-as-original. The little cylinders, neatly arranged, that Mina carefully describes. The diary that Jonathan touched with his own hands, that he kept on his person through a harrowing journey, that he offered to Mina and she carefully sealed with her wedding ring on the day they married. If Jonathan were a real person, and his diary were in a library somewhere, how many Dracula Daily readers would like the opportunity to go and visit it, perhaps gently page through it? Even though, or perhaps especially because, we came to read it most recently and/or first in emails sent to our computers and phones? Yes, there would be more information there: did his hand shake when he wrote such-and-such an entry? Did his handwriting change over time? But there’s also emotion. It’s a meaningful object. This is why we simultaneously digitize old, rare books and keep them safely in special collections within libraries or archival spaces, instead of just throwing them away when we’ve got our e-copy all set.
Tl;dr on this last point, I 100% agree with OP. Mina is an extremely practical person who does not hesitate to open her own and her husband’s private writings to public, or at least group, scrutiny if doing so serves a greater purpose: destroying the Evil that threatens her city, almost killed her husband, did kill her close friend. But she’s also the woman who sealed her husband’s diary with her wedding ring. I don’t think she would want Van Helsing, Seward, Arthur pawing through it, taking in at length all of the little details that make this a unique and personal object. This is the compromise she offers Seward as well: no one will hear your heart beat, but they will read your story presented in a dispassionate and neutral format in order to glean information from it.
To tie the two points together: her ‘Dracula archives’ are created for a specific purpose and this is apparent in BOTH the format she chooses for them AND the organization. She wants to destroy Dracula. So, she puts together all the known facts into one collection: chronologically arranged, type-written, mostly duplicate copies. As a result, the overarching story is as clear as possible, facts are consistently emphasized over emotion, and distracting and/or personal details are stripped.
One could say that this last is a coincidence, that this is a loss she’s willing to live with to increase accessibility. This is the case with, for example, adding transcriptions to audio and video files online, something else I’m working on currently and coincidentally had a long discussion about today. Obviously, transcriptions increase accessibility, allowing people who can’t hear to gain access to the content being preserved. They can also provide additional information, like clarifying an unknown or hard to understand word. And they’re more easily searchable. Finally, the transcript is another copy of the item: should the original become corrupted or lost, or the means to play it become obsolete, you still have the transcript. The best way to preserve anything is to have multiple copies in multiple places, and, if possible, multiple formats. But transcriptions aren’t perfect: you lose tone of voice, you lose the visual aspect even if some parts are described in addition to dialogue transcription--plus, even the most faithful transcription does involve some degree of ‘editing,’ i.e. the transcriber making choices about just what that unclear word was or how to split up paragraphs or how to present or format the transcription.
But I don’t think these are concerns of Mina’s. Again, OP’s point is fascinating: to her, these are all pros. She IS an editor, she IS making conscious choices about format and organization, and she LIKES the consequences of these choices, even when they involve, in a sense, loss.
(All of this is assuming she isn’t actively cutting out sections of the diary, which I suppose she could be, but I don’t see any particular evidence of that. She keeps many details she could have cut for privacy reasons, so, why would she cut other things? It makes more sense to me to say that the missing/implied parts, like more concrete evidence that Jonathan was fed upon, are missing because the original writer was not able or willing to include them. Also, personally, I find this, the possibility of Mina censoring content specifically, an uninteresting question simply because--well this is a novel, it’s not real, so if she “edited” out a portion it truly does not exist. So it’s a hypothetical that is impossible to spin out very far. It just becomes purely speculative at that point.)
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lavender-hemlock · 4 years
Clearing the Air
Good morning darlings, I hope you’ve had a delightful year thus far. 
Honestly no one is, we’re all suffering. The next episode release of 2020 is coming out soon, my bet is on aliens. 
As much as I would like to joke my way through this to make it easier, this won’t be. I have very recently had very serious issues be brought to my attention as to how someone in this community behaves. At first I was going to keep quiet because in the end- this was my friend. I care so much about the sake of others, when really I was letting behaviors go that are unacceptable. 
I believe the power of a callout post should be used seriously, and never be used for personal abuse of power. A lot of the examples I use will be from my point, and it is personal. He is very aware how stressed and tired I have been, so to treat me this way was unwarranted. 
I have only decided to step forward due to more than one girl stepping forward about these behaviors that are detailed in the list below. This post is for awareness of his behaviors, and his ideals on rape. 
I also do not appreciate being spoken badly of RECENTLY only to have a heart to heart with another girl on the lies being told so that we would not speak to each other (This is referenced below under the list of points.) 
-- The accused is Kazex Voss. Every line in this post has screens embedded for evidence and clarity.
Here is the list of what he is being held accountable of. I am not the sole subject of the below, and I am also not the subject of one or two of them: Screens are linked for evidence, if a screen is more important to note- it is bolded or posted. Screens are `mostly` in order under their number for subject. 
*The way I have used male and female is how he kept describing gender. 
1. Using personal trauma as a plot device. 
Ex. rape. Writing rape plot to someone who is confirmed to be a victim of traumatic events pertaining to rape and abuse [Scrn Link]. 
- Excusing using rape as a plot device to have “females” overcome their trauma [Scrn Link].
- Another screen of him describing his point of view as a “male” compared to “females.” In here, he addresses my question head on by describing he does not understand because he is “male.” [Scrn Link].
- Another screen of the problem of his “rape therapy” villain. Me asking him directly if he does this to other girls. 1st opportunity to be honest because I already knew the truth. [Scrn Link] (related to the below)
- (related to the above) Next day where I confronted him 1 more time to be honest with me if he does this to other women. Evidence of him doing this to other women, lying, and then agreeing [Scrn Link]. 
- Him saying, “In real life rape is wrong, but are you going to tell me what to write? [Scrn Link]
- More context.
2.  Manipulation.  
 Lying to two people and turning them against one another to hide his secrets and lies so that neither question the other about the subject’s habits.
- Claiming I’m perfect in order to switch blame despite me addressing him on the subject of his rape RP and his bias against how fast I respond to him. 
[Scrn Link]
-  Abusing guilt tactics to encourage more for what he wants out of a “friendship”. You don’t treat friends like this. There are "standards” you can have for a friend, but you don’t use it like this. [Scrn Link.]
- Justification as if I am the one who has let him down for him writing a book. Addressing past issues I kept personal because it did not merit a callout. 
[Scrn Link.]
- how the fight started, more behaviors. To which this inspired my main issue (Point 1, and Point 4.) Notice how this went from me bringing up an issue of rape, and behaviors, to suddenly I’m in the wrong. [Scrn Link].
- Justification for belittling someone, plus context of “he knows what kind of person he is” so he didn’t need to claim anything I questioned or accused him on. [Scrn Link]. 
-- Acknowledged he was gas lighting throughout our argument. Dismissive.
[Scrn Link].
3. Belitting someone over their content, ideas, or writing to make them feel inadequate. 
-- From the other girl who addressed me today, the same that told me I “disliked her” as addressed below. 
2 & 3: have been used to isolate another girl and keep her from approaching others, or myself. Either because I am one way or the other. It has also been confirmed by both girls (the one experiencing rape plot as well), and then the other girl that was isolated have both expressed they were told to keep their ships secret. Even as far as telling one of the girls to take down their screens they took together with the excuse that she could “post them later at the right time.” 
4.  Taking IC to OOC and blurring the two together. 
5. Encouraging poor behavior to pander to his wants by comforting, nurturing depression/discouraging any “toxic” behavior such as boldness or growth of a spine to tell him when something is not okay. 
-- One of the latter screens: probably an important summary of my entire issue that me doing this post, or even making an issue with him was never about just ME. Posted as an image since I feel it expresses the ENTIRE post.
Tumblr media
----- To end this discussion of points and evidence, I will address that he did apologize, but evidently this is not being taken seriously since as of last week to today, I am being lied about by him. I will refuse to accept that treatment in case there is anymore confusion of my character. 
This is an awareness that no matter how much you can know about someone- you don’t. Lies are just pretty words to be used to get their way, and when questioned, this subject will ask that you don’t ask why they lied in the first place. 
I am by no means a perfect person. I have been depressing, stressed, or confused when told that everything is fine- and its not. Nothing he ever told me was ok, or just a mistake and he’s “sorry”.
Why did I come forward now? Why not when I found out another girl like the dates of the screens? 
This is an open inquiry that if you have been told that I dislike you without a probable cause for me to dislike you, please reach out to me. I have recently been confronted by one of the girls in an open discussion that she was informed that I did not like her by Kazex. 
I was confused by this, because while I was adverse to talking to her because of the things he told me- I didn’t hate her like she thought I did. 
We talked and lined up our facts- and we were both told things to make the other question ever speaking to each other. He told her to secretly ship, and he told me that she was this flaky person so we both wouldn’t question the other or speak.
Let this not happen again. 
Love your fellow gamer. Please take other’s judgement as a grain of salt rather than fact (unless proven otherwise based on your own judgement), because everyone has an opinion. We’re all one community, and it is people like this that seek to isolate you or keep ships “secret” so that their target does not think there is competition. 
I was led to believe that no matter what, he would always try to ship with Haine because she was the only ship he wanted. This was not what I wanted or the case, and neither did it work to flatter me. I don’t understand everything that was shown to me, but I refuse to be held accountable for not saving someone else the trouble when this is actively happening. 
I hate doing this. I hate that among everything I ever stood for, stood with others for, that I have to call out someone I used to think the world of with many of our adventures for the eyes to see. 
Let this be the wake up call he desperately needed. It’s not okay to treat women like this. It’s not okay to turn people against each other because females “can’t co-exist.” This is not RP, this is not art, and this is harmful. I’m sorry to anyone else who may be keeping quiet, among those who have come towards me to talk it out. 
There are many more screens, much more context, and evidence. I tried to keep this as un-biased and relevant as possible to keep the points clear with context to support so that others are aware that this is how he is. 
Let this post be an awareness that this behavior is not okay. Let it be a warning and a consideration on how you treat others. Let others see how you can be, and change. You’re capable of being better, as I can also improve, because I am in no way a perfect person. 
Thank you to those that have come forward and spoken to me. 
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queer-enderdragon · 2 years
How to fix the reblog to likes radius
1- Go back to your likes, select a post and hold E + put your pointer over the rb icon, choose the blog u want to rb to n press it (this is the fast rb, it takes less time n energy than the traditional method) 2- do that in Many posts (even if the post it old, specially if its art. many ppl will be surprised, but happy) 3- remember that you can always edit rb's if you want to leave commentary or organize with tags (there's never a time limit to add tags) 4- if you dont want to clutter a blog with random stuff/want to keep that blog a specific aes or theme/are afraid someone will judge, make a sideblog 4-1 like literally, you dont have to organize Just with tags in one blog if you dont want to. just make a sideblog 5- Try to make going into your likes an habit. (if it helps, keep a tab to your likes open and pinned. if you get bored doing something you can procrastinate in your likes <-does that) 6- [This next one if Completely a suggestion] if youre now checkin your likes regularly, i recommend taking the like off after you rb 6-1 this is so the rb radius increases 6-2 also if you think of rebloggin in general, try not liking if the likes are already a lot more than reblogs 7- remember that you can rb one thing to as many blogs you like 8- remember you can like once, but you can always rb multiple times, and multiple versions of one post
Reasons to rb: -a reblog with a tag (and luck) in your blog is easier to find than a random like in a sea of likes -if the original post is deleted, it will still be up in your blog with a rb, while in your likes, if you like the original post and not a rb, will be lost for a good while -tumblr has a culture, a culture based in the fact that sharing, even in silence, is better than just leaving a like, As Likes Where Added After Reblogs -this is not instagram or twitter, the only algorithm here is bare-bones and mainly Not connected to likes (check the Reblog Graph at the side of likes in a big post. if you dont have it, turn the thingy on in settings -> labs. it shows best how reblogs help) -with reblogs you can basically create a time capsule of interests in your blog. your blogs have something called Archive for a reason -also youll make someone really happy, even if you dont leave tags
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johnbroutledge · 4 years
fyeahbuddie >>> kelly-severide
rambling about fandom/the future of this blog under the cut.
first things first, cause i know it’s gonna be a question: no, i am not leaving 911 fandom. i still love the show and i will still be talking about it and creating things for the fandom. 
that being said, a lot is going to change.  to be completely honest, i haven’t been happy with my tumblr in a while. i’ve been doing a lot of stuff because i feel like i should, because i think it’s what people want, and not because its what nikki wants and it’s high time i quit doing that. i’m a people pleaser by nature and i genuinely would rather be miserable myself than upset or disappoint other people, and honestly, that attitude re: fandom is making me hate it. 
i’ve put a lot of pressure on myself in this fandom. i felt obligated to gif every new episode and to liveblog and to keep everything up to-date as best i could. i reblogged everything i was tagged in without question, even if if was something that i maybe, personally, wasn’t all that interested in. even when i’d already reblogged 15 of basically the same thing, even when people who don’t follow me and have never spoken to me started tagging me in things and never interacting with me otherwise. i took every single request. i never wanted to be the person who said no. 
i was miserable. 
i literally measured out every single post i made, did i post enough 911? is that too many posts about other fandoms in a row? did i an answer an ask in a way that could possibly upset someone? am i taking too long to respond, will people think im an asshole who ignores them? 
it was around christmas i guess, i was sick as fuck with covid and i was in bed, going through multiple daily panic attacks about my health and rather or fucking not i needed to be in the hospital, and still beating myself up about the fact that i hadn’t made gifsets, that i realized how awful my experience had become. 
don’t get me wrong, y’all, please, i love every single one of you. i am so fucking eternally, crazy grateful that 900 of you decide to be here everyday. but i can’t do this anymore. 
as some of you know, ive been struggling with writers block and it’s one of the big things that i’ve wanted to work on getting through this year. the thing that got me through covid and christmas was this incredible special outer banks fic idea that @daisiesandmoonlight and i have built, that i love so incredibly much, but i literally have talked myself out of even trying to write it because i felt like my first fic back into writing had to be buddie. 
i’m over that too. so, here’s how the future looks for this blog. 
-this blog is multifandom. completely. it will no longer be 99% 9-1-1. i will still be posting/talking about, and creating things for 911 fandom, but it is no longer my sole priority. my interaction will probably go way down as incorporate my other fandoms in earnest.  -i will be making gifs, but when i want to, for what i want to. i will no longer be holding myself to a strict “i’ve gotta live gif every episode” schedule. i will no longer be taking every single request. in fact, i will most likely not be doing 95% of what was in my inbox pre covid. i just, i don’t have the inspiration for it. those of you who have asked for requests via discord, i will still be doing yours for sure.  -i will not be reblogging every single thing im tagged in, if it’s not something im personally into, if im overwhelmed or i feel like there’s just been too much going on, i won’t be reblogging. im sorry, y’all. i really am, i love you and i love being this positive light who always hypes people up, but my tags are insane, especially on show nights, and it’s honestly too much a lot of the time. -if it inspires me, im going to let it. if that means i post 8 gifsets from one fandom in a row, or my first fic back into writing isn’t buddie, that’s okay.  -i will be adding admins to @thebuddielibrary to help take the stress off there. hopefully that is a positive growth for that blog as well <3 -i will continue to be a positive blog in all my fandoms. i will still not be interacting with drama or ship wars or ship or character bashing. that isn’t me and it’s not the vibe i want to cultivate on my blog. 
basically, i’m prioritizing my own self for once. i’m cultivating a blog that makes me happy. i don’t know what that looks like yet, honestly, but im going to find out. and i love all of you, but if you no longer want to follow me, i completely understand. you’ve all gotta shape your own experiences too, and i get that. 
in short: this may not be my final form, but it is my first evolution.  thanks for listening guys. and thanks for being here. tagging some mutuals so maybe i wont get lost. 
@ashavahishta @maygrant @taylor-kelly @briinstardust @sopheliza25 @bvckleydiaz @burzekbrettsey @gilbxrt-blythe @selenaurrr @matan4il @tylerhunklin @deareddie @doctornineandthreequarters @buttercupbuck @hennwilson  @siriuslyjamie @tarlosbuddie @whattarush @evanbuckleyed @evaneddie @herodiaz @nymika-arts @firefighter-diaz @maurawrites @malikjavaddzayn @captaincasey 
im sure i forgot someone so please signal boost this!!! 
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fabianocolucci · 4 years
Can we have one lighthearted and optimistic show or movie for once?
Hello, I am writing this post because I have read that the CW is making a TV show about the PowerPuff Girls, except they’re going to be depicted as “20-somethings who are disillusioned after having spent their childhood fighting crime”.
Reading that angered me, I have to admit it, because this is just the latest of a never ending series of shows and movies that try to take something that is supposed to be lighthearted, funny and optimistic and turn it into something dark and edgy about how much life sucks, trying to highlight that “we live in a society” and so on.
Riverdale is the example many people come up with most of the time, and I can see why: its shared universe (which includes The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) is a textbook example of how Hollywood keeps handling these things. However, what many people fail to realize is that this trend has been going on since long before the CW took Archie Andrews and the others and tried to be as dark and edgy as they can.
When Batman Begins proved to be a huge hit, and it was followed by an even greater hit (The Dark Knight), Hollywood apparently thought that the reason of its success was that it tried to be darker and edgier. However, those things worked only because Christopher Nolan wanted to take a popular superhero and tried to depict him in a more realistic tone (after all, their movies may be even darker than what Batman is supposed to be, unless you take in consideration any Batman comic written by Frank Miller).
Since then, we’ve seen countless movies, games and shows that tried to be so dark they’ve become bleak and, honestly, even a bit bland.
On the superhero side, we’ve seen multiple depictions where, for instance, Superman has become evil and is now a force that needs to be stopped (they even made a movie about this being a possibility, as if it’s inevitable), while we’ve seen at least four live-action depictions of Batman being a killer hero who has lost his vision and hope (to the point where Batwoman casually mentioning how Batman has a no killing code was enough to make that world’s Batman a lighter version than what is the current trend). The Netflix shows about Marvel superheroes even made it look like the Avengers’ arrival caused nothing but problems for New York (admittedly, they kind of have to depict New York this way, otherwise it would feel weird how there’s so many superheroes in that city and yet crime is still a thing).
On the fantasy side, because of Game of Thrones’ success, now every fantasy TV show wants to emulate it, and as such we have bleak, humorless worlds where there’s a lot of darkness, with constant “mature” content like swearing and sex (The Witcher is a great show, but they could have toned it down a bit, in that context). It’s like even a genre whose name is literally “fantasy” can’t escape in trying to depict a more gritty and real world where everything always has to be dark.
On the science fiction side, well, we’ve seen the new Star Wars movie, which took the ending of Episode VI, which was full of optimism and hope, and basically said “nope, everything now is so dark and lonely”. I guess one of the reasons why you could pretend the sequel trilogy never happened is that, well, they end with a more positive note than whatever happened after episode IX.
On the TV side, there isn’t just Riverdale or the upcoming PowerPuff Girls show. The Winx Saga has taken away all the color of the cartoon (no, seriously: everything is so grey and soulless looking in the TV show that someone may have to tell you they’re supposed to be The Winx Club in live action). The Nancy Drew show now is a dark mystery more in line with Riverdale actually. Netflix is making an Avatar show and apparently they want to age up the characters “so that they can have sex” (which somewhat implies that there’s someone who looked at 12 year old Aang or 14 year old Katara and thought “I want to see them have sex”, which is so creepy and disturbing that I even regret pointing it out).
This would not be such a big deal if there wasn’t the fact that we’re talking about the vast majority of big movies and shows! Even something funny like Lost in Space has been turned into a dark remake.
Why is it so hard to find something in Hollywood that doesn’t try to be dark and depressing? Well, I think there are multiple reasons, which I’m going to point out:
·       There is this idea among writers that drama is the only thing that keeps the plot interesting. Characters need to have tragedies thrown at them all the time, they constantly have to fight and (usually) heavens forbid if they even try to lighten up a bit. This is, of course, wrong, as shown by how many fanfiction writers take characters who have a life made of day-by-day drama and depict them in quiet scenes like them making a meal for their beloved or just going to a vacation where they can relax. Just because depicting nothing but quiet and peaceful moments can become boring on the long run, doesn’t mean it can never happen;
·       Because we live in dark times, then everything has to be dark. It’s as if people can’t experience any sort of hopeful escapism when out there it seems like nothing but tragedies and negativity occurs outside of their windows. Illnesses, war, deaths, recessions and so on happen 24/7, so how can you showcase even a bit of positivity? Well, I have one question: what kind of escapism would constantly remind you of the very thing you are trying to temporarily escape from? If I want to forget about the World’s problems for an hour, then why on Earth are you making me think about them? Who decided that the best way of forgetting that life sucks is to have your story say “life sucks” all the time? I don’t understand;
·       Writers are probably influenced by the “loser culture” on the internet. I mean, wherever you go on social media, people seem to have a race to see who has the most miserable life. Many comic artist have their characters experience all sorts of problems and negativity, there’s a lot of memes about negative stuff (how many times have you seen a wholesome post with a reblog or a retweet adding something negative? For example, I don’t know, someone tweets “I asked my mom a puppy, she brought me five of them” and someone says “if I asked it to my mom, she’d bring five slaps to my butt”). Of course, if I, a writer, see that people can’t stop talking about how much their life suck, I would think “well, maybe that’s all they want to hear about” and make characters with miserable lives;
However, I have always noticed how there’s a medium who seems to not be easily affected by all this stuff: animation.
You want a fantasy show where everything is colorful and bright? There’s lots of cartoons for that.
You want to see superheroes doing their best to fight for the good of the World? There’s plenty of them in animation.
You want hope and positivity? Tune in on any station that airs cartoons and you will find it.
However, the problem is that this goes hand to hand with the old stigma that, well, “cartoons are for kids”, so it feels like movies and TV shows are saying “positivity and happiness are for children. Grow the hell up and see how dark and hopeless the World truly is!”.
Why is trying to be positive and optimistic something that can’t happen if you’re a mature person? Why is it so wrong to just want to see a bit of peace in these media?
I don’t know what else to say or to add, so it’s best if I finish my post right here. So, here’s my opinion:
Even though it is okay for you to tell me a story where nothing matters, where “we live in a society” and where you can’t have good things, it should be balanced with something. Have you ever seen the Yin Yang symbol? Why do you think it depicts darkness with a little bit of light? Because nothing can be completely dark. So, just try to add some good energy in your story. It won’t be an issue for anybody to just have one moment where everyone smiles.
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fazar234 · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 143 times in 2021
16 posts created (11%)
127 posts reblogged (89%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 7.9 posts.
I added 186 tags in 2021
#amphibia - 60 posts
#reblog - 35 posts
#amphibia fanfic - 21 posts
#corrupted sprig theory - 17 posts
#anne boonchuy - 13 posts
#sasha waybright - 11 posts
#marcy wu - 10 posts
#spranne against the world - 7 posts
#amphibia season three - 6 posts
#the owl house - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 98 characters
#when a meme for your favorite show becomes so popular the creator of said show acknowledges it too
My Top Posts in 2021
Mr. Boonchuy: Don't talk to us or our daughters ever again.
Mr. Wu and Mrs. Waybright: They're our dau-
Mrs. Boonchuy: NOT ANYMORE, B****! (slaps adoption papers in their faces)
16 notes • Posted 2021-12-13 09:48:41 GMT
I just realized something...
So far in Season 3, we've met three of the new human characters: Dr. Jan, Ally, and Jess. I just noticed that Marcy actually has a few things in common with them:
Like Marcy, Dr. Jan is big into history.
Like Marcy, Ally and Jess invent stuff.
I wouldn't be surprised if the next humans we meet also have something in common with Marcy. Maybe part of the series' ending will involve Marcy making friends with the humans that helped Anne and help her realize that she's not an outsider after all.
20 notes • Posted 2021-11-01 19:58:28 GMT
Can’t Show My Face
Hey everyone! I’m proud to announce the full fic is finally here! (I ended up finishing this sooner than I thought lol) With that being said, enjoy!
(tw: self-harm)
Tags/Inspirations:  @hughjidiot , @eeveearoace-creative , @space-lynn , @dawn-is-gay , @thecrusadercomrade , @iamnota-sexualperson and @iamthelordoftime
After everything that had happened, Sasha Waybright had never expected her life to start taking a turn for the better.
It had been two whole months since Sasha and Grime attempted (and failed) to overthrow King Andrias, who revealed himself to be a tyrant bent on conquering multiple worlds, starting with Earth. Two whole months since Marcy confessed to having stranded them on Amphibia intentionally out of the fear of losing them. Two whole months since Anne activated her powers, thinking she’d lost Sprig, and attacked Andrias. Two whole months since Anne and her frog family, the Plantars, fled into the portal for Earth.
Two whole months since Anne and Sasha both had to watch Marcy get stabbed by that tyrant, an apology barely escaping her lips.
Since that day, Sasha and Grime had taken refuge in Wartwood, and started a new and improved rebellion, consisting of not just toads, but also the frogs and newts as well. Sasha herself had begun trying to be a better person, getting to know the town better, who also came to know her better. She had befriended Ivy Sundew, the girlfriend of Sprig Plantar, whom Sasha had tried to kill that day at Toad Tower (the subject was still awkward for the both of them). She had protected them from Andrias’ robots, but they helped fight too sometimes. She had even managed to make up with Percy and Braddock, after some tough conversations.
Sasha had come to love Wartwood. It was funny, really. Before, she had only seen the town and its people as something to rule over, to control. But now, it felt like a home, a real home, one where she could be loved, cared for, and understood, unlike her home and parents back on Earth, who never bothered to listen to her.
One fine afternoon however, Sasha was heading back to the Plantars’ house to check up on Bessie and MicroAngelo, the two snails of the farm, when suddenly someone yelled “AMBUSH!” and tackled Sasha to the ground. She didn’t need to look up to know that it was her friend Ivy.
“Ha! Gotcha again!” Ivy exclaimed, as Sasha sat up, rolling her eyes with a smile.
“Yeah, you sure did,” Sasha chuckled, before asking, “So, uh, what’s gotten you so excited today kid?”
“Oh, you are NOT gonna believe this,” Ivy said, bouncing up and down as Sasha giggled at the sight. What she heard next, though, made her freeze.
“Anne’s back!”
Sasha blinked once, trying to understand if she had just heard her correctly. “Wait, what? What do you mean she’s back? W-what are you talking about?”
“I said Anne’s back, genius,” Ivy replied, rolling her eyes, unaware of the fear in Sasha’s voice. “One of our spies spotted her and the Plantars in a nearby village, northeast of Wartwood. Should be about a few hours before she arrives, which will give us enough time to throw a Welcome-Back PARTYYYY!” she whooped, stretching the last word. Her smile faded when she saw the look on Sasha’s face. “Uh…Sasha? You ok?”
Sasha didn’t respond, her mind too clouded with fear and dread of her inevitable reunion with Anne, especially after what had happened the last time the two were together. Memories flashed, her first fight with Anne at Toad Tower, when she let go of Anne’s hand, her second fight with Anne on the Newtopian gates after her second betrayal, where she was more furious and untrusting than ever, and refused to listen to her warnings about Andrias. Her words echoed in her head, words that had opened her eyes ever since.
“You’re a horrible person, Sasha, and I’m DONE being friends with you!”
She’ll be angry if she sees me. She’ll think I’m hurting them, and she’ll try to kill me. I can’t show my face to her. I can’t. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I-
“I can’t,” Sasha whispered, and with that, she ran off towards the barn, much to Ivy’s surprise and concern, past Grime who never got the chance to welcome her back, and locked herself in.
Ivy ran after Sasha, concerned for the blonde, as it wasn’t normal for her to just run like that (She had done that before when she first returned to Wartwood, but still). She had always known that Sasha would be nervous about seeing Anne again, provided that things between them were rough, but she didn’t think she would be THAT scared.
She headed towards the barn, where she found Captain Grime, the toad that Sasha served, knocking on the door, asking her to let him in. She ran up, gave Grime a quick wave, and knocked.
“Sasha?” she called. “Are you in there?” No response, except for a few audible whimpers and sobs, which showed just how stressed the blonde was.
She looked towards Grime. “Alright, old toad. On the count of three, we break in. Ready?”
“I’m not that old, but fine,” Grime grumbled as he prepared his hammer.
Their strength combined, the two broke the door to the barn (Hop Pop was going to give them an earful for that) and found Bessie and MicroAngelo, who nodded their heads towards where Sasha was. But they were NOT ready for the sight that awaited them: Sasha cowering in the corner of the barn , hugging her knees, and scratching at the scars that littered her arms, which had come from battling hordes of robots sent after her.
“She…here…too soon…can’t…” she whimpered as she continued to scratch at the scars, making them even worse.
See the full post
29 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 19:17:56 GMT
Can’t Show My Face (WIP)
Hey, everyone! I have officially started writing my very first fanfic. It’s for this awesome show called Amphibia (which you should TOTALLY go check out by the way) and this fanfic focuses on everyone’s favorite blonde, Sasha Waybright herself! This is a small WIP, because I wanted to share what I’ve written so far! It’s my first one, so it might not be great, but let me know what you think!
(special thanks to @hughjidiot , @eeveearoace-creative , @space-lynn , @dawn-is-gay , @thecrusadercomrade , @iamnota-sexualperson and @iamthelordoftime whose amazing works inspired me to start writing a few of my own!)
After everything that had happened, Sasha Waybright had never expected her life to start taking a turn for the better.
It had been two whole months since Sasha and Grime attempted (and failed) to overthrow King Andrias, who revealed himself to be a tyrant hellbent on conquering multiple worlds, starting with Earth. Two whole months since Marcy confessed to having stranded them on Amphibia on purpose out of the fear of losing them. Two whole months since Anne activated her powers, thinking she’d lost Sprig, and attacked Andrias, two whole months since Anne and her frog family, the Plantars, fled into the portal for Earth.
Two whole months since Anne and Sasha both had to watch Marcy get stabbed by that tyrant, an apology barely escaping her lips.
Since that day, Sasha and Grime had taken refuge in Wartwood, and started a new and improved rebellion, consisting of not just toads, but also the frogs and newts as well. Sasha herself had begun trying to be a better person, getting to know the town better, who also came to know her better. She had befriended Ivy Sundew, the girlfriend of Sprig Plantar, whom Sasha had tried to kill that day at Toad Tower (the subject was still awkward for the both of them). She had protected them from Andrias’s robots, but they helped fight too sometimes. She had even managed to make up with Percy and Braddock, after some tough conversations.
Sasha had come to love Wartwood. It was funny, really. Before, she had only seen the town and its people as something to rule over, to control. But now, it felt like a home, a real home, one where she could be loved, cared for, and understood, unlike her home and parents back on Earth, who never bothered to listen to her.
One fine afternoon however, Sasha was heading back to the Plantars’ house to check up on Bessie and MicroAngelo, the two snails of the farm, when suddenly someone yelled “AMBUSH!” and tackled Sasha to the ground. She didn’t need to look up to know that it was her friend Ivy.
“Ha! Gotcha again!” Ivy exclaimed, as Sasha sat up, rolling her eyes with a smile.
“Yeah, you sure did,” Sasha chuckled, before asking, “So, uh, what’s gotten you so excited today kid?”
“Oh, you are NOT gonna believe this,” Ivy said, bouncing up and down as Sasha giggled at the sight. What she heard next, though, made her freeze.
“Anne’s back!”
Sasha blinked once, trying to understand if she had just heard her correctly. “Wait, what? What do you mean she’s back? W-what are you talking about?”
“I said Anne’s back, genius,” Ivy replied, rolling her eyes, unaware of the fear in Sasha’s voice. “One of our spies spotted her and the Plantars in a nearby village, northeast of Wartwood. Should be about a few hours before she arrives, which will give us enough time to throw a Welcome-Back PARTYYYY!” she whooped, stretching the last word. Her smile faded when she saw the look on Sasha’s face. “Uh…Sasha? You ok?”
Sasha didn’t respond, her mind to clouded with fear and dread of her inevitable reunion with Anne, after what had happened the last time the two were together. Memories flashed, her first fight with Anne at Toad Tower, when she let go of Anne’s hand, thinking she was better off without her, her second fight with Anne on the Newtopian gates after her second betrayal, where she was more furious and untrusting than ever, and refused to listen to her warnings about Andrias. Her words echoed in her head, words that had opened her eyes ever since.
“You’re a horrible person, Sasha, and I’m DONE being friends with you!”
She’ll be angry if she sees me. She’ll think I’m hurting them, and she’ll try to kill me. I can’t show my face to her. I can’t. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I-
“I can’t,” Sasha whispered, and with that, she ran off towards the barn, much to Ivy’s surprise and concern, past Grime who never got the chance to welcome her back, and locked herself in.
That’s all I’ve written for now. Please let me know what you think (constructive criticism is welcome) and I hope you have a good day!
29 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 13:14:53 GMT
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We did it bois, Marky Wu became so popular that Matt himself has noticed it.
54 notes • Posted 2021-11-16 20:54:23 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kotsume · 4 years
my observations as a content creator :) warning: it’s long
if you’re reading this, don’t think too deeply about what i wrote - it’s just my analysis of fan blogs and some fandoms (so it’s all from my perspective). do what you want with this information, and feel free to lmk what you think ;) 
*i tried to include as many anime-applicable blogs as i could remember*
multifandom reblog blogs (ones who track a tag):
@/allanimanga: lots of original content every day. does not reblog from tag anymore bc most members who had that job are inactive. i’m an admin and i’ve been told not to worry about reblogging from the tag, and just make content. has member privilege abuse from certain users; normally you make content for the blog and you get to reblog your stuff over in a 1:1 ratio, but they will just use the blog to promote themselves without contributing. it’s really sad but there’s nothing we can do bc most of the time it’s an admin.
@/animacia: was debating whether or not to put this one. reblogs mainstream anime (sailor moon, studio ghibli) and has a tag, but the tag itself does not seem to be actively used as the most recent post can see tagged for this blog dates back to june 2019 (more than a year ago). it’s an active blog regardless of slow tag activity. 
@/animationsource: active, but very picky? idk man they either do or don’t reblog your stuff. it’s a hit or miss with them. seems to have member privilege abuse/preference (explained up there). not too sure if they have a queue or just reblog sporadically.
@/anisource: active. seems to run on a large, backlogged queue bc their tag is full of stuff that has yet to be reblogged. edits will probably take a while to be reblogged, but they’ll eventually get there! 
@/dailyanime: new blog, but from what i’ve experienced, they will queue it, and your post will be reblogged in 1-3 days (it probably depends on how much is in their queue).
@/fyanimegifs: will reblog your stuff, but they have a very slow queue.
@/graphicsources: not really active; spontaneous at best. don’t count on them to reblog your stuff. 
@/fyeahshoujo: not really active, but not completely inactive.
@/fysportsanime & @/sportsanimedaily: active. seems to have a backlogged queue, but just wait and you’ll be reblogged! it will take some time because there are lots of posts.
@/animangascenery & @/otomokatsuhiro (#oldanimeedit - changes url from time to time? that’s why i included the tag they track): inactive unless a member looks at the tag. in that case, they will most likely reblog the tagged post. typically mass reblogs/queues from the tag every once in a while. 
@/bbelcher & @/fyeahmovies: will reblog ghibli and makoto shinkai stuff. bonus points if you have added a text description to gifs. 80% dependable.
@/filmgifs, @/filmtv, @/stream, @/movie-gifs, etc. (basically big reblog fansites that aren’t anime-oriented, but do reblog mainstream anime movies): 90% chance they will not reblog anything from you if there is no text description. add text descriptions to studio ghibli/makoto shinkai film gifs and make it pretty! use text gradients!! that will increase your chances of being reblogged by them. they don’t reblog seasonal anime.
a note: many creators use tags as a way of reaching a broader audience. it's really helpful for smaller blogs who would like to share their content to others, but do not have the means/numbers to do so. just bc some people don't utilize tags to their full potential, it doesn't mean it isn't useful, so pls don’t try to act superior to those who want more exposure. everyone deserves a chance at getting the attention they deserve for their hard work!
studio ghibli reblog blogs:
@/ghiblisdaily: great. amazing. i love them!! will reblog from you 99.9% of the time. probably the most reliable ghibli blog as of right now. uploads original content
@/fyghibli: used to be good at reblogging from tag, but has gone kind of inactive. i think they’re becoming more active again, but it’s very sporadic.
@/kikisdeliveryservices: they track a variety of studio ghibli related tags, and they do reblog a lot, but i don’t think they’re as consistent as ghiblisdaily. lots of original content.  
@/oh-totoro: not really active, but when they are (and they reblog from you), your activity skyrockets.
@/dailyghibli: not active.
@/daily-ghibli: sometimes active, a little wishy-washy. they seem to be reblogging a little bit more consistently now?
@/princessghibli: not active, but reblogs here and there.
@/ghibligif: a new blog, but decently active. will reblog post from their tracked tag within a day. lots of original content.  
main point: there are many studio ghibli blogs (wayyyy more than i’ve listed here), but only around 3-4 active ones. choose your tags with what you think will give you the best exposure bc if you have too much, tumblr will go “fuck you” and not show your post at all :)
random anime fandoms:
i’ll really only be including ones i’m in, or know a bit about.
haikyuu, bnha, kny, yoi: healthy and very active. content for these fandoms do well even if they’re not in season. has multiple active fan blogs (except for yoi tho - they’re all inactive for the most part).
noragami, ohshc, ons, snk, tg, swnku: active fandoms. edits will do moderately well bc most people have seen these. 
popular sports anime (knb, free, dna, tsurune? idk i don’t watch much sports anime): they do okay. i rarely see any new sports anime edits beside haikyuu, but people do love their sports anime. has active sports fan blogs.
pokemon & sailor moon: old but gold. lots of people love these anime bc it’s part of their childhood. still very popular amongst tumblr users.
violet evergarden: does moderately well. @/fyeahvioletevergarden will reblog your stuff if you choose to tag them (big boost)! with the new movie coming up soon, there may be a resurgence in activity, but the most recent movie did not have much content made for it, so that hope may be crushed.
tpn: not very active, but with the new season coming up soon, there will be a resurgence in activity.
ditf: kind of dead, but lots of people love zero two. edits do moderately well.
sao: dead. absolutely dead. i thought there would be some activity bc it’s in season right now, but no, it’s a dead fandom. low key sao sucks tho. idek where the plot is going; i’m just hoping for an end.
hxh, one piece, fma, code geass: i’m not in it, but i think they do okay bc they have a large following, just not as well as haikyuu or bnha (but they’re still very popular). it depends on your blog demographic tho.
mp100, opm, bsd, given: kind of medium-tier fandoms. not as prevalent as haikyuu or bnha, but there are still edits being made for these anime. they don’t really have any active fan blogs (besides given i think) bc none of them are airing rn.
makoto shinkai & studio ghibli films: they do great! everybody loves good scenery, and the films are very well known and loved by all!
some seasonal anime (spring/summer 2020)
fruits basket: well this reboot blew up and overshadowed everything in it’s path. tbh only edits posted on the first day of the new episode do well. it’s a very competitive fandom for creators. 
kaguya sama love is war: first season was good, edits did well. second season drifted off into the shadow of fruits basket. relatively obscure fandom for how popular it is amongst people (non-creators). 
tower of god: popular with creators. now that it’s not airing, no one gifs it. respective fan blog is doing its best with content from the manhwa.
fugou keiji balance unlimited: people were simping even before the first ep came out, and then the anime went on hiatus for a few months. now that it’s started to air again, everyone acts like it never existed in the first place... was a good fandom up until the hiatus and now it will probably take a while to recover.
god of high school: nonexistent even tho it’s a popular pick this season (summer 2020). in the shadow of fruits basket.
deca-dence, bna, great pretender, kakushigoto, the misfit at demon king academy, rent-a-girlfriend: *sigh* didn’t see much of it on my dash. lesser-watched seasonal anime in comparison to fruits basket and tower of god (all relative to tumblr). there are gifs being made, but you have to follow the right blogs.
main point: if there’s any seasonal anime paired up against fruits basket at the same time, fruits basket will win and the former will be left in the dust.
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thewebcomicsreview · 5 years
Ko-Fi Commission: LeaseBound
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Leasebound is a “gender-critical” (TERF) webcomic that attained notoriety after releasing a chapter with hateful depictions of trans people, leading to it getting banned from Smack Jeeves. It’s currently self-hosted on a comic press site without a cast page, archive, or even menu, and doesn’t appear to have a patreon (and likely won’t, given its content). It’s a small enough comic that I wouldn’t normally feel comfortable reviewing it, except that the creator explicitly encouraged me to and appears to be getting off on the bad press. 
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The story starts with two characters finding out that they both rented the same apartment because the landlord was incompetent and double booked it.
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And this particular landlord doesn’t have any other rooms available. There’s a host of logical objections to this set up, such as
Isn’t this fraud on the part of the landlord?
Wouldn’t a major deception like this void the lease?
Why don’t the women move to some other landlord’s apartment and sue the shit out of the woman who sold them a single apartment and surprised them with a roommate?
How does a huge apartment complex with at least 18 rooms have two people booking rooms that don’t talk to each other?
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Is the groundskeeper also doing the paperwork and background checks? You don’t buy an apartment at the apartment store, it’s like a whole process.
Isn’t this just the fanfic “but there was only one bed!” trope taken to an even more illogical extreme?
But that road leads to becoming CinemaSins, so let’s just acknowledge that the premise is ludicrous and all the characters are morons so we can move on with our lives. Anyway, the characters introduce themselves as Jaden and Riley, and casually accept sharing a bedroom. They exposit a bit about how Jaden dropped out of college and Riley never went, and
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RILEY: Sorry- I wasn’t trying to pry. JADEN: All good. Earlier you said you had a ���few things” in mind RILEY: Right, yeah! I thought it was be good to set some ground rules. JADEN: You can add’ “more organised” to the list then too. Haha. RILEY: Wait, really?  JADEN: Stories for another time
What the fuck? What list? What is Jaden talking about? Why is there an apostrophe hanging out after “add”?
You know how in PS1 JRPGs the translation would be really bad and sometimes people would just say weird shit that didn’t seem to have anything to do with what was just said?
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That’s how Leasebound dialogue reads, bizarre punctuation and all. The add’ with an apostrophe is baffling, but I also like how “Haha.” is it’s own sentence with a period at the end.
 Anyway, the rest of the chapter is about how Riley owns a cat but has to keep it a secret because she doesn’t know if the landlord allows pets and I guess didn’t think to ask when she was applying for the lease.
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So, the status quo is established. Jaden and Riley wanted to buy a single apartment but got foisted with a roommate, but they’re happy because that means the rent is cheaper. Personally if I wanted a cheaper apartment and was willing to have a roommate I’d get an apartment with a roommate in the first fucking place but we really can’t keep complaining about how stupid the premise is we have to move on. So Jaden is in the living room and, hold on, sorry
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This living room is massive. The kitchen has a fridge, and oven, and two matching sofas. In chapter 2 Riley’s going to fit in a four-seat table in here. This is supposed to be a studio apartment in Downtown City
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Y’know, City. Not any particular specific real or fictional city with a name, but City.
And Jaden and Riley, neither of whom have college degrees, are so hard up for cheaper rent that they’re comfortable with the surprise revelation of having to share a bedroom with a stranger. But they’re also in a huge apartment in the middle of a metro area? This living room is nearly as big as mine, and I have three roommates and live in Cheaper Suburb. Why are you buying all this space at City square foot prices if money is tight? Get a smaller apartment, or if you really need the space get an apartment that’s not in the middle of City? The author of this comic is 23, has she not looked into getting an apartment? Bigger ones are more expensive.
Okay, okay, the premise is dumb. Let’s move on. Riley and Jaden make sm-
Why are you sharing a tiny bedroom if your Living room is party sized and has multiple sofas? Why not partition off some of the living room with room dividers from IKEA to make a faux bedroom with privacy?
Ahem, Riley and Jaden make small talk and order a pizza and it takes a long time and it’s not super interesting but it’s supposed to be cute and I can’t really fault a slice of life comic for taking its time. Riley’s worried that her girlfriend won’t like that she has a roommate (Riley why don’t you move in with your girlfriend?), and Jaden gets a call from work that they’re shortstaffed.
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They’re so short-staffed that they’re going to send an employee out to go pick up Jaden. Can Jaden not get to work on her own? That seems like the kind of thing that would make her not want to move in to this specific apartment. Why would you move to an apartment that you couldn’t get to work from? You’re in the middle of City, and your job is a big nightclub in City, and City has public transit. You previously did not live in City, meaning you used to live further away from work than you now do. How did you get to work before? Isn’t picking up a Jaden a tremendous waste of an employee’s time? Even if the club is aware that Jaden can’t get in on her own and is willing to bend over backwards for her here, why not “Jaden, we need you at work pronto. Take a uber over, we’ll reimburse you”, which is dramatically easier for all involved? Why is everyone in this comic so fucking stupid?
Well, Jaden goes to work, and that leads us off into the infamous chapter 3, “The T is for trouble”
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We open the chapter with a bad-faith trigger warning that looks like a real content warning but is actually designed to get trans people really mad as Jaden heads to work and-
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Hey hey, Rusty started putting links to her tumblr in the comic pages. Someone was expecting pages from this chapter to go viral, wasn’t she? Was the chapter where Riley and Jaden spend a few pages ordering a pizza not giving you enough engagement? But now that you’re the official #2 Terf Webcomic you get lots of angry people in your tags that you can reblog and be snarky at. Bet that makes you feel powerful. I know the feeling. I built my tumblr following by writing reviews and advice columns for five years, but you went from zero to hero in like a week and all you had to do was say mean things about trans people oh my god I figured it out
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You’re Mary. Rusty Hearts is Mary Bradford from Dumbing of Age. You want the validation of the “wrong” kind of people giving you shit. That’s why you made sure all your transphobic comics had links to your tumblr and your getting pizza comics didn’t. That’s why you keep reblogging my ads for my comic that I place in your tags. That’s why you see me post the review and make a response like this
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And you know what?
I’m not going to include chapter 4. I’m not going to read it. I’m not even going to include chapter 3. There’s nothing that I can add to it that hasn’t been said by a ton of other people. I can post your anti-trans stuff and get the vapors about how bigoted you are, but at the end of the day I’m not the Social Justice Report. I’m The Webcomics Review. And your webcomic sucks. It’s boring, it’s stupid, it doesn’t make any sense. Your premise is ludicrous and quickly abandoned to bait and switch people into reading a political polemic (I did skim chapter four, it’s literally people standing around in a circle talking about how trans people are bad like a terfy Ayn Rand novel). Your characters are all morons in order to get to plot points you want to get to, and your first two chapters are a mountain of pointless exposition and characters being vaguely cryptic about their backstories.Your art is bad not just in that you can’t draw well, but in that you don’t bother to include details to give your world a sense of place, and the details you do include like that luxurious living room actively undermine your alleged story (to the extent that there’s a story at all).
But hey, you got your 15 minutes of fame (and zero patreonbux) from the anti-trans stuff. You got people to read your comic. Good hussle. Well done. Tatsuya Ishida does it better.
Leasebound gets zero genders out of a spectrum.
Like this review? Follow me on patreon, or buy me a Ko-Fi! Or even just read my own webcomic, Saffron and Sage!
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ssnakey-b · 6 years
FF8 English-French translarison, part 22: dinner with a side of quest.
Welcome back, everyone! As promised last time, today, we’ll be finishing up on some side quests.
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Starting with the Centra ruins, we have Odin. In the English version, he speaks in a very antiquated tone, the type that Hollywood writers think people spoke like in medieval times but is really just modern speak with some Renaissance-era words thrown in. That does not happen in French, where he speaks in a formal but still fairly modern tone. His speech is also slightly different.
Excellent, prepare thyself. The weak shall perish. The strong shall triumph. Prevail over my sword, and I shall grant it to thee. For honor... let us fight!”
Perfect. Prepare yourselves. There is no place for the weak in this world. Triumph over my strength and I shall swear allegiance to you. En garde, impudent mercenaries.
I do like the added implication that Odin has some level of omnipotence or mind-reading or something, and knows that they are mercenaries as a result. And while I’m at it, what he says when you defeat him is also different:
Thou art strong, mortals! I shall grant thee my powers. Call upon me in times of trouble...
You know the art of war, mortal. I hand you my humble powers. Summon me should strength fail you.
I also went for Tonberry King afterwards, though there aren’t many differences. Except for this!
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Yes, in French, they are called Tomberry. With an M instead of an N. Now that’s probably just to do with French grammatical rules, but I remember being very surprised to learn it’s spelled with an N in English considering it just seems to make sense for their name to include the word “tomb”, seeing how in every game they appear, they tend to roam tombs, or ruins, or creepy dungeons, etc... also, if I recall, even in English, a B is usually preceded by an M rather an N. Oh well.
Oh and by the way, this specific creature is actually known as Tomberry Senior in French during combat, although the full name doesn’t fit afterwards.
And that’s it for the Centra ruins! Now let’s move on to Winhill. And first, i’d like to bring up this freaking cat:
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Yeah, in  case you missed it, the bloody thing talks, and it doesn’t seem to think it’s weird. I guess that IS a very “cat” thing to do to be able to talk but just not being arsed with it most of the time. And yes, it does talk in meows, so you may be wondering, does it do the same in French?
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Sure does! And it actually says pretty much the same thing in both versions, and it never fails to baffle me in either version.
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Now for something far more rational: ghosts. And here we have another case of the French version being a lot more down-to-earth with the way characters speak, as this lady doesn’t say “pu-lease” or anything simila  in French. She just says “A ghost? Come on, now... those don’t exist... right?”. Well lady, hate to burst your bubble, but I met one after beating up two minotaurs. It gave me playing cards.
There’s also an odd little difference where in English, she says she noticed stuff being rearranged by itself whereas in French, she instead mentions the closet getting tidied up on its own, which doesn’t sound like a problem to me and also sounds especially funny when you know the conclusion to this quest.
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This isn’t really a translation difference, but I love this bit too much to ignore it. If you go there with Quistis in the group and examine the armour, you’ll get this text box (it’s the same in French)... only for Squall to immediately turn to Quistis and tell her to cut it out, and she dejectedly admits to being the one to be saying it, seemingly disappointed that Squall figured it out so quickly.
I love the implications of this scene, not only that Quistis randomly knows to throw her voice, but that she uses that for pranks, and apparently does it frequently enough that Squall immediately knows it’s her. It seems there are A LOT of untold stories behind this moment, many of which I assume end up with Squall being embarrassed. And I also love that Linoa swallows it hook, line and sinker, and then quickly looks away in embarrassment once Squall exposes Quistis.
And hey, there IS a little bit of a difference, as in English, Linoa tells Quistis “Don’t scare me like that!”, but in French, she’s a bit more direct, telling her “Quit fooling around!”.
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Another small difference. In the French version, this lady’s lines are shorter. In English, she asks “how are you today?” at first and “Are you here to visit an acquaintance?”, which she doesn’t in the French version. Don’t why, but if I had to hazard a guess, I’d say it’s due to technical limitations as they could probably only fit so many words in one box (and French is often quite wordier than English).
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Newt we have these DISGUSTING FRAUDS. In English, after Squall informs them that they’re actual SeeDs, in English, the fake SeeD tells them “Hahaha... So that makes you our junior. Keep up the good work. Hahaha...” but in French, we don’t really have that concept of calling younger students your “juniors”, so instead, he says “Ah ah ah, you’re still green. Make sure you listen in class, kid!”.
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But here’s the most interesting part, especially since I forgot about it in both versions. When you talk to the one in the cadet outfit (who I’m pretty sure still tries to make people believe he’s a graduate, bonus points for a detail that makes the joke work even better), he mentions someone helping the town in both version, but the way he brings it up is quite different.
In English, he says “I’ve heard there’s an undercover figure that helps this town out. I wonder if this person has some kind of sentimental attachment to this place?”.
However, in French, he says “They say a mysterious stranger gives this town a hand. I wonder what their motive could be.”
Now I’m guessing that in both versions, they’re referring to Laguna, but notice how in English, the way they put it seems to imply he physically comes to the town to help them out, whereas in French, the term “mysterious stranger” seems to imply that he’s supporting them from afar, in more indirect ways.
And assuming they are indeed talking about Laguna (who else could it be?), I like that second interpretation better. First, even for FF8, it feels a bit weird to me to imagine Laguna coming into town in a disguise and somehow fooling everyone. Not only do I have a hard time believing nobody in Winhill would recognize him, let’s not kid ourselves, Laguna isn’t a subtle man, and he can’t do “undercover”. On top of that, if he physically came to Winhill, I also don’t buy that he wouldn’t have found out about Ellone & Squall’s whereabouts, and that he wouldn’t have gone after them in turn.
But if you think of it as him sending anonymous help, perhaps through various channels, from Esthar (fpr example, it would make sense for him to send packages to Horizon, who would then send it to WInhill), it makes a lot more sense. It could have taken him a very long time to even learn that Raine died, and considering Winhillians are probably not to keen on speaking to Estharians after two invasions, multiple deaths and at least one child kidnapping, he probably wouldn’t have learned the details of how she died, thus not knowing that he had a son, and similarly would have lost Ellone’s trail (because I don’t believe for a second that Laguna wouldn’t drop everything to find his kids if he knew where they were). And if you consider it that way, it also feels more like he’s doing it as a way to apologize for indirectly causing Raine’s death and not being here for her when she last needed it.
And on that bombshell, we end this entry. Sorry it’s a short one after such a long wait, I thought there would be more to it than that, but as it turns out, the two versions are actually quite similar on all those parts. Hope you had fun reading it though and next time will definitely make up for this small update as we will begin a big undertaking: the Battle of the Gardens. Yeah, this will doubtlessly provide A LOT of material, especially since just from memory, I remember some fairly big difference that I’ll have a lot to say about, so it’s probably going to be covered across multiple parts.
I’m very excited about it, and in the meantime, don’t hesitate to comment on the differences, ask questions either through the “ask” feature on my blog or by commenting on these posts in some manner and if you enjoy the translarison, please make sure to reblog it as it really, really helps its visibility, especially now that Tumblr has decided that the only thing that was allowed to be screwed on its site is the users.
Goodbye! Have a nice day!
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anonymousminimouse · 6 years
This post is very important, please stop scrolling and take a moment to look at this
This is a call out post about @harrisontheweirdone AKA harrisonbuttergem (and also known as Lost Dreemurr on discord)
Let me get one thing out of the way, This is my first time doing anything like this, and I’m not doing it for the drama uwu or to get people to go after this guy, its simply to warn people to be careful when talking to him. Please do not go after him, simply block and move on, Maybe even reblog the post so people can see this another thing: there is no order to the things I point out other then when they first started happening in our or my friends conversations
Also warning: the following subject deals with: - Mentions of NSFW - possible abuse? don’t quote me on this - mentions of rape - Death threats
Let me add: this guy is an adult, both me and my friend are minors
so, me and one of my best friends @green-eyed-eevee really got involved with this guy when he joined one of my servers and the second he joined something seemed very off about him, I had known the guy for years and he joins my server asking to be called “royal pronouns” which is They/Them? Now, I know for a fact this guy is cis male, i even asked him about the royal pronouns at one point and he just kinda blew it off
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Seeing his response, as a nonbinary made me feel kinda upset, but I didn’t think it was really worth sharing with anyone until now.
As time went on, He started to talk about NSFW in my SFW server full of minors, Constantly “forgetting” that fetishs are considered NSFW
every time I’d warn him he would either A. Play victim, or B. type at me in ALL CAPS and say things like “jesus fucking christ”
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Also, sorry to jump off topic but, GOODNESS he asked me and my friend to draw him NSFW stuff multiple times for him (for free, might i add) The reason we agreed to do it half of the time was because he knew something we didnt want getting out to the rest of the world, so he was sorta blackmailing us, it was also a matter of us stupidly trusting him until the end
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NOW, before we go on, I started to talk to him to get more proof of how he can be dangerous, I fully admit that i was adding gas to the flame in order to get proof, I will not deny this. But that’s not the only reason i kept adding gas to the flames, I also believed i could help him become a better person, I truly did
OK Back to the topic at hand
Me AND my good friend Toto made it perfectly clear we were uncomfortable with the nsfw after a while, 
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and what does he do??
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He “forgets” he “forgets” a lot
and more on the topic of NSFW, He contacted me about a server with all minors besides himself and
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yeah....did you get the point?? bc u mentioned nsfw stuff a shit ton of times after you said this OH and did i mention, what could be taken as death threats?
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Maybe I’m overlooking it, but, Knowing who this guy is? i cant imagine anything good was in his mind when he sent these I had a screenshot of me telling him I didn’t wanna hear about his nasty kink RP, and then he proceeded to tell me anyway, but i lost the original and this was the closest I could get
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Alright, Last point i want to make, Due to the conversation at hand, I forced myself to calm down after he mentioned one of my triggers in less then 2 minutes, and i’ve been emotional unstable every since,,, But heres a big thing i wanna warn people about
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YIKES OH YIKES, JUST LOOKING AT THIS SCREENSHOT MAKES ME WANT TO VOMIT,  I Started to shake and cry, I managed to get myself to stop shaking pretty quickly so i could keep having the conversation but i cried for a good 2 hours because of this question, This is not an ok thing to ask even if the person doesn’t have the trigger and even better, he damn well knows it one of my triggers, I’ve told him quiet a few times
Update: (8/17/2018) Ok, so my friend reached out to him one last time, and,
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do i even need words for this???
Also, about the account he called out on his DA, Since i’m gonna get a lot of ask about it, I’ve sworn of using it til April 17th 2019 when I turn 18
I may add onto this in the future or make a 2nd post about everything I missed
if you wanna help spread the word by reblogging, please feel free
PLEASE DO NOT WITCH HUNT THIS GUY!! just block, maybe even report, and move on Thank you for your time
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eyes-of-dominance · 6 years
@lil-deviousbrat for asking me to answer all the questions.
1.  what is your biggest kink?
Spanking; it’s been my thing since before I had any idea what sex was, and it’s what led me to the rest of my kinks. However, any form of domestic discipline kinda applies here as well. I just have a thing for naughty girls learning their lesson.
2.  describe your go-to masturbation fantasy
I have a few, but my most common is surprisingly a low-key bed time or otherwise domestic spanking. The girl being punished is usually dressed in sweatpants or cute pajama bottoms. She’s led to the edge of my bed as we talk about the offense; usually she gets very whiny and apprehensive about what’s about to happen, begging me not to, but to no avail. I then lower her bottoms, put her over my knee, and give her an exceptionally hard spanking with multiple implements until her ass is cherry red, tears are flowing, and her apologies and cries fill the room. After a post spanking lecture, it then usually leads to sex or an edging session for her. There’s a couple variations; sometimes she’s gagged for mouthing off or tied up for not cooperating, a lot of times I imagine her doing corner time beforehand, admiring her cute bottom before the main event, the implements used often change based off what I’ve been excited about recently, though the hairbrush usually features in some capacity. I sometimes find it weird that the majority of my sexual fantasies are kinda low-key and domestic in nature, but I guess I just like to fantasize about the kind of life and relationship I want more than something a little more conventionally sexy or scenario based. Even in my other more specific fantasies, the roots often trace themselves back to this core scenario.
3. do you play a more dominant or submissive role?
If it wasn’t clear by now, dominant.
4. describe a roleplay scenario you would enjoy
I’m not terribly big on roleplay; as stated earlier a lot of my fantasies are more domestic in nature, and that dynamic covers a lot of what I enjoy. That being said, there’s some things I can see myself having fun with. The classics of teacher/unruly student, coach/lazy player, boss/secretary, preplanned forced sex, all sound fun and enjoyable in their own way.
The main one that sticks with me in came from the internet. I read it awhile ago, so the details are fuzzy, but there was a scenario where the Dominant acts as an interrogator trying to get a piece of information from the submissive, given to her before the scene. The Dominant, within limits of course, then tries to extract that information from the submissive in any way he can, spanking, bondage, clamps, edging, until the submissive can’t take it anymore any gives it up. Perhaps a reward can be given to the submissive if she successfully keeps the secret within a time limit, so there are some stakes. Sounds like a really fun way to assume a character and have fun with it while still giving it some meaning as well.
5.  what’s a kink that you’re not into but would do for a partner?
I’m very sexually adventurous, in that I really don’t have much that I couldn’t get into to some degree or wouldn’t try for a partner. I guess the easiest answer for something I’m not innately interested in would be the more overt aspects of ageplay. I’m not really into paci’s and diapers and all that; I’m much more naturally attracted to middles in that regard, but if I liked the girl enough I could see myself giving it a shot.
6.  what was the best orgasm you ever had?
I mean, that’s a hard thing to keep track of. One that stands out in my mind is when I was writing a story. I was trying to plan it out in my head before I actually began to write it, and I absentmindedly just began stroking as I thought about it. Wasn’t very vigorous, just enough to keep me hard and in the mood. At least an hour passed, probably more thinking back to it, where I was just stroking myself thinking about all the things I’d do to this brat, and by the time I started going at it in earnest and reached the edge, it became overwhelming. The orgasm lasted a fair bit longer than usual, was extremely intense, and I came far, far more than I normally do, which was a sensation in itself. The funny part is, I can’t remember what story it was even for, because my mind ended up drifting off the original course.
7.  do you have any kinks you’re ashamed to admit to?
Not that I can think of.  As a kid/young teen I didn’t really understand why I was different in my desires, and I’m not exactly out telling everyone about my dominant feelings everyday, but I have come to terms with my kinks/fetishes and see them as much a part of me as any other, if not more so. There’s pretty much nothing I’m into that a close friend wouldn’t be able to ask about. 
8.  what’s a kink you enjoy in fantasy but wouldn’t really want to try?
There’s a few that there’s too many issues with. The first is a very public spanking. Now, I have little qualms about spanking a naughty brat in front of her/my friends, or in a place that it could potentially/likely be seen or heard by someone else. But the kind of fantasy you sometimes see in stories about a Dom turning his submissive over his knee in the parking lot of a crowded store, the bathroom of a mall, or otherwise around a ton of strangers? It’s hot to think about, that she gets her punishment wherever and whenever, no matter who’s around, but involving other non consenting people in my kink isn’t sexy, I’m sure it’d be way too much anxiety for both her and me, and I’d rather not have to explain D/s to a crowd of randos. 
The second is really, really long term denial. Like the several months to a year kind. As hot as it is to read stories about, there’s one major problem; I love to see girls cum. Particularly a girl I’m involved with. The only person a several month denial period would be harder on than me is the poor girl subjected to it.  I still love denial as both a punishment and as a power dynamic, but I’d likely stick to the shorter term variants. 
Also, hardcore bondage. Can look very sexy in porn and in photos, but I’m not exactly looking to wrap my girl from head to toe and hang her from the ceiling any time soon.
9.  would you say you’re sexually adventurous?
I would, especially within the realm of my kink. My main hard limits are knife/blood play, and stuff like scat. Pretty much everything else within the dynamic I am open to try.
10.  tell us about the kinkiest sex you’ve ever had OR if you haven’t had sex, your kinkiest masturbation session
Well, one of my single greatest regrets is that the one time I’ve had sex it wasn’t kinkier. So that leaves masturbation, which raises the question, kinkiest way I’ve masturbated or kinkiest thing I’ve masturbated to? I don’t really know how to respond to the former; aside from switching up techniques and adding some different stimulation, I’m not sure what constitutes as kinky or not. For the latter, I’ll go with fantasies, not like videos I’ve seen since that’d be too hard to track down. The kinkiest thing I’ve fantasied about would probably be the ‘sex doll for a day’ style fantasy. Where the submissive is gagged, blindfolded, earplugged, and tied up extensively, and spends a prolonged period of time being an ass to spank and a set of holes to fuck. Completely impractical and arguably dangerous in real life, but it’s hot to think of a consenting girl being put in such a position that you have complete and utter sexual control over her for a prolonged period, where she has no idea when or in what manner she’ll be used, only that she’s going to be there quite a long time.
11.  has a scene in mainstream media ever tripped your kinks really hard?
Quite a few times. I love Tangled for so many reasons that aren’t sexual, but the bondage potential for Rapunzel’s hair is quite endless, and any time she is especially adorable trips my daddy side quite hard. I never really watched the show, but I remember my friend once reblogged a gifset of Jade from Victorious being put in time out; that did a lot to me.  Any scene in which a cute female character is mildly embarrassed or put in a compromising position tends to trigger the sadist in me. I actually have to give this one a little more thought, since I’m sure there’s a ton more but I’m kinda drawing a blank at the moment.
12.  how did you discover one of/some of your biggest kink(s)?
There’s not really a huge moment of self discovery for most of them. I was interested in spanking as long as I can remember. My first developing sexual thoughts were about spanking pretty classmates and girls I knew rather than touching breasts or normal adolescent thoughts. That developed into my love of domestic discipline and traditional D/s in all its shapes and forms over the years. I will say that Realspankings helped shape a lot of my sexual preferences, and I started learning a lot about spanking and discipline in general from reading Michael Masterson’s old blog.  I didn’t really get into the more broad world of BDSM until late adolescence, and specifically the DD/lg side of things until I came to Tumblr, and more specifically met @lil-deviousbrat. All the other stuff has just fallen into place over time.
13. are you into [send a kink]?
The brat that asked to to answer all the questions neglected to give me a kink to answer this one. Until she gets back to me with one, this will remain blank.
[Updated: The kink is suspension rope play]
Rope play in general is something that I’m curious about, but am somewhat apprehensive to get involved with, as I have learned that I am very much a novice at it. It definitely can be hot, and if I ever get better at it I think my interest may increase, but for the moment it’s a fantasy only type thing, until I can get reasonably good at restraining a non-airborne girl.
14. do your real life friends know about your kinks?
A few do. My brother and a close friend know explicitly.  My brother’s girlfriend/fiance used to joke about me being DD/lg a lot, but I’ve never responded to it and she to my knowledge doesn’t know any specifics beyond that. I assume my mother kind of knows, but we’ve never discussed it outright. Outside of that, I tend to make jokes that hint at the fact with my close friends, but I doubt any of them know beyond a suspicion at best.
15. what is the weirdest situation that has ever turned you on?
I’m not sure about weird, I’d have to ruminate on that one a bit, but I’ve had a few unexpected/sudden ones that kind of count. I remember I was in the pool with my friend that I had a gigantic crush on. We had a slide right next to the pool, that occasionally we would jump off (maybe 7-8 feet up) into the deep end. I remember that she went to climb it, put her foot on the edge, and stalled for a second. I, somewhat worried for her safety, told her jokingly that she better not jump. She mock responded something to the effect of “what, you’re gonna come and get me?” So I got out the pool, walked over to the ladder, and started to climb it briefly considering how to bring her down from the ladder. I ended up letting her jump, but the D/s part of me was instantly and massively triggered by the whole event.  Another one is when she tried to tickle me, and as we wrestled for control I ended up with her pinned over my knee with both hands behind her back. To say I was aroused would be an understatement. Not very weird, but was definitely a “0 to 100″ moment.
In general, the “weird” things that turn me on tend to be innocent phrases or scenarios that relate back to D/s. I will also say that I get intensely turned on by expressions. Some make sense, like a girl rolling her eyes or flushing with embarrassment, but there will be times where I have no idea why it turned me on at all. Some might consider that weird.
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