#here we go again anon
violeblanche · 1 year
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thevioletcaptain · 1 day
I know the ask is about ships but could you make a non ship one with Dean and Carlos from the Winchesters? I can't think of an exact thing for Dean to say, but the first sentence can be what Dean would say for their first meeting. Thank you if you can (*^‿^*)
"I like your hair," Dean says, staring up from where he's clinging to the bottom of Mary's winter coat, and Carlos grins wide when he adds, with all the breathless gravity of a four year old eager to impress their opinions upon a new friend; "It's swooshy and it's pretty like Mommy's hair, and your-- your beads are pretty and shiny and shiny is my favorite color."
"Swooshy and pretty and shiny is exactly what I was going for, so thank you, little buddy."
Even with almost six years between now and the last time he'd seen Mary, Carlos is relieved to find that they still have a good sense of one-another -- can still communicate silently, swiftly, like they used to when it was life or death. He meets her eye, and her face softens, and understanding passes between them before he slides one of his lucky beaded bracelets -- the bloodstone one -- free.
Dean's eyes light up when he takes it.
When he smiles, he looks just like his mother.
[for this askbox game if anyone else wants to send me a prompt]
#supernatural#the winchesters#supernatural fic#the winchesters fic#dean and carlos#hi anon i love you and YES you can have a platonic dean and carlos ficlet!!!#for the record this is set in the uh... the prime universe? og spn universe?#did we ever reach a consensus on what to call the different 'verses?#but yeah this is a world in which the events of the winchesters didn't happen#so mary got out of the hunting life as she did in spn and lost touch with carlos and lata and ada#and carlos has been on the road#and just happened to be passing through lawrence when he bumped into a heavily pregnant mary with a four year old dean at the grocery store#so here we are :P#cass writes fic#fandom: supernatural#fandom: the winchesters#also now i've made myself extremely sad thinking about a year later#carlos swinging through lawrence again and going over to the house to visit mary and meet her husband and the new baby#and finding the house abandoned and ravaged by fire#checking the local newspapers and discovering that mary had died and her kids and husband have dropped off the map#having to call lata and ada to tell them#and then not reconnecting with dean (and meeting sam) until many many years later#when they happen to be hunting the same monster#and he realizes who they are#and is absolutely distraught over what has become of mary's children#especially the sweet little boy who'd been so enamoured of carlos' pretty hair and jewelry#also i linked to a picture of bloodstone because it is indeed very pretty#and i chose that as the stone used in the bracelet carlos gives dean for several reasons:#it symbolises strength and resilience and encourages growth and positivity generally but also especially during times of hardship#so i've basically decided that carlos helped keep dean safe for many years thanks carlos <3
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endlich-allein · 19 days
u're 2 problematic to love till to love someone problematic is to be problematic there are people who have understood that and now prefer richard or christoph they've evolved
Okay I'm problematic 😉
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bosooka · 9 months
did anyone else shout "KISS HIM WITH TONGUE OR SOMETHING" out of sheer frustration at how emotionless that reunion scene was or was it just me
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jahiera · 9 months
I think there’s a definite problem though with the amount of art and fics being HEAVILY Astarion with cis women. That reeks of his queerness being erased. There should be a healthy balance of Astarion with different partners, but the “default” in the fandom is always him with a woman. As a gay man it’s very frustrating.
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Okay so. in however much any of this matters. 1. Shoving this under a cut for people who are tired of seeing the discourse (I am too, I tend to scroll really really fast past it.) 2. I know the fandom discourse machine looooves super firm and snarky opinion jabs summed up in 169 words or less but I am literally incapable of not elaborating so. sorry YOU asked. since it’s also probably relevant, Im coming at this with the Mega Dyke with the fuck around and find out perspective irt my life experiences and queerness. I don’t generally care about niche queer internet discourse and I don’t generally care about fandom discourse, so you can tell how bored I am at work rn that I’m deep diving into this. tldr yeah you’re not wrong I agree that astarion’s queerness is erased in certain spaces but that has nothing to do with being attracted to women. my funny hot take is once again that astarion is a he/him evil femme to me so. let’s MOVE.
I received the second one within the first few minutes of the first, and I’m goingggg to proceed on good faith and with the idea that I think we’re all in agreement for the most part, because I think we are. But I’m going to address the most obvious thing that. I don’t really…. think is necessarily the point in this. first of all, I empathize that it suuuucks to not see as many works made for your main pairing of choice (there’s generally a deficit for literally everyone BUT astarion to boot too.) however ultimately fanworks are exactly that: fanworks, and they’re made For Free and posted by a Fan Author who has done this As A Hobby, “a problem nobody is addressing” in this context is……. you are one google doc and keyboard away from writing what you want to see in the world. or, I don’t know. encourage + comment + follow up on fic authors that write what you enjoy. fic is not paid content and the fic authors in bg3 are writing for themselves and what they put out, that they wrote for FREE, is up to them. I once again empathize with not seeing as much of a specific thing as you would like, and I definitely empathize with seeing a popularization of specific characterization that makes you want to scream, cry, throw up, etc. which brings me to what I can actually comment on and critique here. (general note: if you proceed to misread me on the basis of “people can do what they want!!” I assure you. you can do whatever you want forever. I do not care. I am not mad. I am minding my business 90% of the time. do I like domstarion? no. but it is NOT my concern nor my judgement.)
“That reeks of his queerness being erased. There should be a healthy balance of Astarion with different partners, but the “default” in the fandom is always him with a woman.” <- so! now that we have “it’s all for free man idk what you want me to say here” out of the way. we CAN critique something real in this that I do agree with. the sort of…. honestly kind of fascinating (derogatory) trends of what I’ll call Straightifying astarion for lack of a better word.
this brings me to the point I kind of offhandedly made in the previous post, about how there IS nuance to be said on astarion’s queerness getting erased. I do actually agree with you that in some spheres of the bg3 fandom, his queerness has been heavily sanitized and he’s become something of a placeholder for Sexy Vampire Boyfriend romance tropes. he’s mostly there to be a stand-in for a sexy dom vampire man; MANY of his complex character traits that have literally Nothing to do with romance have been basically entirely removed to serve a specific idealized idea of him that suit the scene. it’s frustrating! I find it frustrating. I also agree that within this specific Brand of Mischaracterized Astarion, he’s been so……….. reduced down to this that his more overt queerness is basically entirely removed. however, the issue is not that he’s with a woman in this? the issue is that the writer is not incorporating a sort of.. overarching queer lens, for lack of a better term, to the characterization they’ve got going on. you can write whatever you want forever, but it’s not written in a vacuum, I agree.
Since these are all popular straight romance tropes, he falls directly into the pit of Sexy Man (straight) very quickly, and his attraction toward others (let alone, good god, his complex relationship to sex, sexuality, desire? good fucking luck finding something thoughtful in there about that) tends to fall by the wayside as a result. It is what you would expect but it’s not without room for critique in what I think we’re aligned on; which is seeing astarion’s queerness erased is maddeninggg. And it is EXTREMELY frustrating to see if you’re someone like me, or possibly yourself, who’s into 1. really analyzing characterization and 2. really into exploring queer dynamics in writing + lit + media many different formats. THIS—the sanitization, the removal of astarion’s queerness—this is what is irksome as a queer reader.
however. the issue I’m seeing is that ^^^^^ this brand of mischaracterization is 1. being conflated with simply that he’s with women, and 2. the frustration of having less content (understandable) is turning into a very WEIRD dialogue in which the extreme of “well actually he wouldn’t even want to fuck women!!” is the stance to take (very weird) (kind of misogynistic) (kind of also reeks of continuing to talk about women as sex objects that astarion would not or would want to fuck) (astarion himself doesn’t even want to fuck for about 90% of his romance so maybe we should talk about that too) — rather than that it would be nice if his queerness would be addressed more openly and with more nuance and clarity than it currently is in That Particular Sphere Of Astarion Characterization. and, of course, the idea that it would be nice if he was portrayed with other kinds of partners! which I agree with and equally appreciate.
but there is no default. literally, there’s no default. what you’re seeing is what people are making of their own tavs, and maybe you would like to see more of another kind, but it doesn’t hold up as an actual fandom critique. what holds up is when we dive into how people write him; how do they write his personality, what traits are being exaggerated and what traits are being ignored; IS his queerness remembered within the text at all? and beyond that, how is that queerness treated when it is written? because I’ve seen the other extreme in which it’s The Homophobic Gay Stereotypes That Maybe We All Agreed At One Point Were Equally Offensive To Exaggerate To The Point Of Horror. half the discussion I see AROUND his queerness amounts to “omg he’s such a slutty flamboyant little fag” but in a quirky haha internet way. very “fruity is a nice alternative to saying queer!” “calling a gay guy fruity in the real world will get you punched out.” vibes in here sometimes and it is EQUALLY weird.
anyways. Astarion’s a multifaceted character which means the first thing everyone did was pick one or two traits to exaggerate and cling to and these color the entire reading of his character rather than taking in the whole. i agree that means his queerness got put to the wayside in some formats of him, and that’s deeply unfortunate + very frustrating. but fanfic is free, so I’m not with you that there’s a Problem That Needs Addressing so much as that’s what people are creating, and you should add to what you want to see in the world.
I’m not going to go on a tangent about how “oh let m/f be a thing!!” because I ALSO agree literally no one needs to be told “m/f is okay to do ❤️” we live in the real world here. and it’s really mindboggling how in some iterations he’s been turned into Straightstarion rather than his CANON QUEERNESS being applicable in every format of every relationship dynamic he could ever possibly be in. However. However. the answer to that is not? acting like the baseline attraction to women is the problem. if the way you’re talking about attraction to women feels rooted in upset about not relating to it and feeling like you’re forced to either relate to it or simply not engage, I do Get It, but at the risk of opening up an entirely different can of worms that needs an entirely different essay to address, gay men are not immune to misogyny and if the language used while talking about women is also objectifying or belittling women to some extent or acting as though attraction to women makes his queerness lesser. newsflash. that is still misogyny (and biphobia). it is not about defending straightness here, it’s entirely that reducing women down to sex objects even in the conversations about not seeing women sexually is alive and well (and repulsive), and that’s what I mean when I say I can hear the “lol I don’t fuck WOMEN that’s DISGUSTING” behind some of the other side of the conversation here. also this is an entirely separate essay but queerness will almost never exist in an easily consumable binary and trying to type him by his character traits is also. kind of weird. just as a thing.
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
here's a rather juicy concept for you darling!!~
steve getting too into his head and after a fight with eddie, assuming they're over. the bridge burned, tells himself eddie hates him and didn't feel the same, that he'll always be bullshit, that he'll always be in King Steve's shadow.
A month after, Eddie shows up on his doorstep drenched from the rain with no other explanation than " you're worth the love it takes to fix this"
It takes time but they make up, get life sorted, and get married and adopt a dog and live as happily as they can~<3
welcome back!!!!!
Steve living life on autopilot, Robin and Dustin can’t even say that he’s doing anything wrong because he isn’t? He’s doing everything he’s supposed to, picking up the kids, going to work, feeding himself, keeping up with his appearance. It’s just…there’s no Steve in it. There’s no bitchy comments when Mike puts his feet on the back of the car seat, no raised eyebrows with Robin with a customer comes in looking for ‘a movie with yellow in the title, or maybe it was the poster that was yellow?’ He’s technically there but there’s no joy in it.
And he’s not even properly avoiding Eddie, he just happens to not be where Eddie is. Almost like they’ve subconsciously orchestrated their days so that they never cross paths. Every day that goes by Steve just seems to retreat more into himself, his personality dimming until there’s nothing he can be called out on, keeping it all inward facing so there’s no opportunity to be told he’s not good enough.
It’s affecting al of them seeing him like this but Robin and Dustin agreed that telling him would just make it worse. If they try to cheer him up, drop kick him out of his pit he’ll sense it and blame himself, maybe even push them away. He reassures them both, letting Robin know he’s okay, assuring dustin nothing is wrong They just don’t know what to do and it hurts. Steve doesn’t know what to do either. The thing is he doesn’t know if he cares. He cares about his friends. Obviously he does. There’s nothing in this world he wouldn’t do for Robin and Dustin may as well be his own flesh and blood but he’s tired, he’s tried everything he can and just when he thought he’d finally cracked it. Thought he’d found his happiness he ruins it for himself. He knows he’s thinking himself into circles but what else is there to do? So he goes home and every night he puts the tv on to try and pretend that the house isn’t lonely, that he’s okay and that he can cope with the way his life is going. Blames himself when it gets overbearing and drags himself down on the couch to sleep. Rinse and repeat.
He’s just settled in for the night, inconsequential show playing and a sad bowl of over boiled potatoes on a plate with unseasoned salmon that shrunk after he left it too long in the oven. It’s a sad state of affairs but Steve doesn’t contemplate it too long, no point.
There’s a thudding at the door as he half way through a bite of too soft potato. Thinks about ignoring it but doesn’t want to cause a problem so heaves himself up. He makes it to the door, hearing anxious muttering on the other side as he unlocks it. Doesn’t register the voice, actually he doesn’t let himself register the voice until the door is open and Eddie is stood staring at him. Sad, sad eyes meeting Steve’s own.
‘You’re worth the love it takes to fix this’ it’s a simple statement but Steve can’t accept it, won’t let himself. Believes it to be pity, a kindness eddie offers him out of the goodness of his heart. He can feel his head shaking minutely, eyes cast down.
‘Eddie, you don’t have to do this’ it’s despondent and flat. But eddie doesn’t back down, takes a step forward and crouches slightly so he’s in Steve’s line of sight.
‘I know I don’t. That’s why I’m here. When have I don’t anything because I have to Steve?’ He tries to let out a laugh but it doesn’t land, ‘I want to. I need to. Please don’t let this, us, go. I don’t think I can do this without you now’ it’s earnest and real and Eddie’s voice breaks at the end. One more step and Eddie is fully in his space, asking Steve with his eyes as he grabs his hands. Steve nods, let’s him take them.
‘You might not like it but I’m basically a vampire, you invited me in and now there’s no getting rid of me’ Steve looks at him. Finally let’s himself take all of eddie in and it’s a bone deep ache. He wants to pull him in close, bring him into his house, make a home for him, with him. He just wants so much and maybe it’s too much. He doesn’t realise he’s said this last part out loud, words slipping past his lips to show Eddie where it hurts.
So Eddie does what he’s been longing to do, he cradles Steve’s head between his hands ‘Steve, if this is too much i don’t want any less, ‘Kay?’ He finishes with an uncertain smile, then it’s quiet, a pause before Steve brings his own hand up over one of Eddie’s, let’s their foreheads rest together.
‘Okay’ and Steve feels a lightness threatening to break free in his chest, a dam built up and ready to burst with everything he’s been keeping back. The effort to unlearn what he’s been told will be worth it if it means he gets this. If he can look at Robin and Dustin and allow his love to fill him. If he gets eddie back.
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marchy-emmet · 6 months
An update: I just deleted the last ask. I think it's 100% just the guy using scare tactics in some failed attempt to get me to delete myself from the internet.
But I must reiterate, even if someone IS actually sending people disgusting edits and/or recreations of my art: My REAL Discord user is marchy_emmet, underscore and all. Same for Twitter. I don't really use any other platform other than these 3.
If someone under an attempted impersonation account sends you something nasty, all you can really do is block.
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lil-vibes · 1 year
i would die if you wrote anything expanding on that post about chuuya being taken over by baki and just floating all over the place and speaking with an echo until he gets to dazai at the ADA office - that was a great idea, very cool
yooo thanks man !!!
here you go, a little more brainworms regarding that au!
• when Baki wakes up in a back alleyway and tries to stand up they overdo it and snap Chuuya's spine in the process. they try to walk and all of a sudden they are on the ground with mild pains from the vessel' legs. they aren't sure how a human body works, so for now they decide to just float.
• Baki, in my hc, is very curious for just about everything because it's quite rare that they 'view' the world through a humans' eyes
• piggybacking off of that, i think that they'd have trouble expressing their thoughts in the beggining (speaking in short, sometimes conflicting/unfinished sentences) because using human vocal cords without snapping them is difficult and also words have changed since the last time they were actively using them. Ranpo just chucks a dictionary at them and they absolutely ABSORB every word
• i also think that they'd want to sword fight with both Fukuzawa and Golden Demon/ Kouyou for fun
• they can make Dazai float and he just about gives up on life ( something something 'your human existence can not deny mine' yeah me thinks)
• i personally think that theyd be slightly more chill than expected, however when they get upset, or emotions generally run high, the control over the body begings to wobble. some examples of that being:
- the overlapping voices are the most common ones. they are a mass manifested through war and suffering and vengeance, thus Baki has to be extremely careful of how loud they speak because there's a great chance that someone's eardrums will explode.
- corruption markings are a damn near permanent fixture on Chuuya's skin, more so to help remind everyone that this isn't Chuuya in control right now (Dazai is constantly stressed about it, and has to consistently tell himself that it's fine), but they tend to grow and glow and move around like they are alive too, as if also taking offence that Baki is agitated. they also burn if touched directly
- people around an Agitated Baki feel like they are about to poof out of existence simply by being too close. Mori nearly dies once because Baki can see his general soul and is not pleased. it kinda feels like your blood suddenly starts running the other way, or your like heart is beating backwards and double in speed. not fun !
- sometimes birds fly into the windows. maybe the sky tints red, maybe there is ringing in the ears, static in the brain of those around them. maybe looking at Chuuya's form hurts a little, burns a little, blurs around the edges. what were his features again? what color were his eyes? his hair?
• Baki loves Chuuya and learning all about him :] ( "and his name? what is his name? we would love to know who our vessel is."
"it's Chuuya Nakahara.."
the entity thinks, hums for a bit, vibrations making the lights swim around it, then pleased, it smiles "hmm Chuuya... it suits him a lot" )
• disregarding stormbringer for a moment, when asked how exactly one traps a being like it, Baki kindly informs them that there are runes carved into every bone inside Chuuya. yes, they do mean every single one.
• also, and that's a little.... gruesome, but it's a misconception that Baki and Chuuya share only a consciousness. "it's like that most of the time, but right now what you are looking at is ... ah, let's say, our clothes. we are woven in-between his skin and bones and every blood vessel, but also we are separate. it's like a hand pupet? we are under his skin :)"
• Baki absolutely says unhinged things like its normal
• they also find it funny to tease Ranpo because they recognise just how smart of a human he is but also he's just that to them. a human
• i also have this scene when someone complains about the sun or something so Baki just,,, shifts either the Earth or the Sun a bit so that it's not shining directly at the person. everyone FREAKS abt this btw
• Baki also loves the Akutagawas and Kouyou bc Chuuya loves them :]
some skk things bc i love them:
• Baki tells Dazai, hand pressed against his heart, looking him dead in the eyes with that slightly unhinged expression "no wonder you hold onto warm things, for you have been warm once, then never again. no wonder you seek to be warm again" and Dazai just has to go through his day after that
• okay last thing off of the top of my head, but somehow they (the ada) get into the topic of worship and Baki casually drops that yes! they get prayers sometimes but nothing even begins to compare to the feeling of the worship from their most devoted person. naturally everyone wants to know who that is, and Baki tilts their head a little and then points to a Very Confused Dazai (Ranpo and Kunikida are exhanging money in the backround btw).
("but... i don't worship the hat rack?? what?"
"oh, but that can't be" they sway a little from their perch on Dazai's desk, appearing as if deep in thought. after the day, Dazai knows better. "but we can distinctly recal feeling a sort of warmth from you. say, how do you define worship? because it can be food offerings too. or thoughts about us or even just the pure, unrelenting faith that as long as you believe in us, your wish will be made into existence"
Dazai blinks at them, stunned.
"so now, has your answer changed?" )
• LAST one. Ranpo asks them if Dazai has ever nullified corruption with a kiss and Baki is like we think so? but Dazai denies that hard. Baki counters by saying that every place where 'coruption' has been nullified burns to this day. twice on left the wrist, once at the forearm. once at the right hand, once at the cheek, and once ot the lips. Dazai may or may not work harder to resolve the issue after that (he's never gonna beat the gay accusations)
(end of skk things hh)
• when it's time to surrender themselves back to Chuuyas will, Baki tells the ada + the Akutagawas and Kouyou, that when their time finally comes, when Chuuya is either one of them or dust in the wind, they will remember the kindness they have experienced. that they will live forever in the mind of a god
• Chuuya is so, so confused after waking up
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drugsforaddicts · 3 months
yes yes using the sauna for, um, sizing each other up iykwim, just assessing, seeing what you'll be up against later
with bojan's thighs and dick and jere's tits and ass it'll be sweaty, um ok so send post ig
Oh I see, we’re back being horny on main 😏
Jere on his knees, sweaty tits pressed together, worshiping Bojan from the lower benches. Bojan’s fingers going through Jere’s hair, tugging just a little…..
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spxnglr · 10 months
Hateful Anons Get In The Bin Challenge 2K23.
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okay, okay. Those last spicy anons got me curious. How many people did spellbound Peeta sleep with? Men and women
Anon, you’re gonna get me in trouble again.
Spellbound Peeta’s number is a little more difficult for me to pin down, in part because it’s significantly higher than pretty much all of my Peeta’s. And a lot of this will be mentioned in the next chapter, so I don’t really feel like it’s a spoiler??? I’ll give you the minimum. Feel free to assume it’s higher, but not much higher.
- 6 women: a high school girlfriend, a college girlfriend, a fuck buddy, at least one one-night stand, Natalie, Katniss (eventually)
- 3 men: a college boyfriend, at least two brief flings
❤️ kdnfb
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imminent-danger-came · 9 months
thinking about that one quote that's like "to say you abandoned me would be very unjust, but that I was abandoned, and at times horribly, is true" with MK and Wukong
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Now I'm thinking about this one quote with MK and Wukong
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spectra-bear · 10 months
are you still mutual/friends with pinetreevillain? I just wasn't sure and wanted to let you know they're really not a good person.
As respectfully as possible, i dont think its your concern who im mutuals/friends with, and ive known pines way longer than you think before they got into rise, if there are any rumors spread abt them being bad, theyre wrong
i know what this is about, and id rather not be a part of it ty
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leopardom · 4 months
the live is not even geoblocked so how is it a bad thing sharing the song after? were u mad at people who shared videos of ssol from the nordic tour before the release date? are u going to police everyone who livestream the new tour because they can spoil unreleased songs?
let me break this down for you as quickly or not as possible:
a radio station playing the song for the first time and only once is one thing. screen recording it and posting it publicly is another. the radio station has rights to the song, geoblocked or not they can play it. we have no rights to it yet and until it's officially released. if you have it screen recorded then idk, keep it to you DMs at least
on this note, an official release date has been set for a reason
in the same sense, the people close to jo who have already listened to the final master of the song should be able to spread the word about it. do they do it even if they can? no. it's a matter of respect towards the artist
jo did let us know the song was gonna be played on the radio. they didn't explicitly say it, but we all guessed it immediately. their intention was for us to hear it and start talking about it more. even if they're probably more than aware that someone may end up recording it, i guess this wasn't their ultimate aim. again, a matter of respect towards the artist
playing a song live for the first time to a whole audience, no matter how big or small it is, and playing a song on the radio is different. not only because songs sound different live than their studio versions, but because on a live show the artist is fully aware people are going to record that and maybe post it online. if they don't want this to happen they'd probably have people sign contracts about not recording anything unreleased at live shows (yes, this is a thing and it happens)
that being said, in both cases the artists are fully responsible for this. the difference is that since any unreleased content belongs to them, they give the rights to radio stations to play it, there's legal action behind it. they "give us the right" to use the song however we wish as soon as they release it to the world themselves, may it be via streaming platforms or live performances
if you think this is policing then okay. i think this is called common knowledge but apparently i'm wrong
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wintersera · 4 months
- 🤰
WEYLP welcome to the club 😭 almost everyone thought it was winter sera
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rice-enjoyer · 8 months
Fun facts: Cisgender is a word made by a sexologist, Volkmar Sigusch, who defended pedophilia. Gender surgery was begun by John Money, a rapist. The transgender flag was made by Robert Hogge, who stole thousands of dollars from his wife and children before finally abandoning them, “changed” genders because he proudly stated that cross-dressing was his sexual fetish, wrote a book that sexualized a teenage girl, and this year adopted a teenager.
So yes, cis is a slur. It was made by someone who intended it to help justify sexual abuse.
i pity you that you would spend your valuable time spewing hate on strangers whom your grubby little hands can reach. i sincerely hope you get better
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