#here you go. enjoy cowboy pete
ythankucaptainmccoy · 2 months
The Cowgirl and The Aviator Ch.1
I keep seeing all the City Girl Reader x Jake stories, but no cowgirl reader x Jake. So I decided to take the liberty of writing one myself. Hope y'all enjoy it!
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This was the first time you were going to see Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. You had both crossed paths in college becoming close friends, and when he heard that you were trying to get away from a stalker ex boyfriend he had suggested you come stay with him. He had just gotten back from a big mission, but couldn’t tell you the specifics other than he had a near death experience. The skyline was beautiful as you drove towards Bradley’s apartment.
When you pulled up the apartment was close to the beach. You walked up to the second floor finding his apartment number and knocked on the door. It only took a few minutes when the door swung open to reveal Bradley in shorts a white tank and ugly Hawaiian shirt. “You still wear those Hawaiian shirts”, you laughed. “Of course, and you're still wearing jeans, cowboy boots and that ratty old ball cap. You’re in California now might as well go for some shorts”, he laughed back.
“No way”, you said. Bradley swooped you up squeezing the life out of you. “It’s so good to see you,” he stated. “Same here Rooster same here”, you smiled. He set you back down and offered to help you bring your stuff in. “You still drive this old truck”, he said. “Yeah I can’t let this baby go. Great gas mileage and as Joe Diffie says an 8 foot bed that never has to be made. Not to mention the bench seat”, you giggle as Bradley’s face goes red.
“I swear your mind is always in the gutter”, Bradley jested. “Well I grew up on a farm with brothers what did you expect”, you huffed dramatically. Bradley helped you get your measly duffle bag into the apartment. “Holy shit Roo this is an apartment? More like a small house”, you say more to yourself than Bradley. “Well I’m a tall guy I gotta have room”, he joked. He showed you to the guest room, and left you alone to unpack.
It took you all of ten minutes to unpack your things, and when you walked out to the main living area Bradley was hanging up his cellphone. “Hey want to go down to the Hard Deck with me?”, he asked. “If it’s a bar ya’ know I’m in” you respond eagerly. “You want to change?”, he questioned. “No I’m in comfortable clothes”, you replied. Once the apartment was all locked up you went straight for the Bronco. It was the same as you remembered it back in college no changes had been made.
The drive to the bar was filled with remembering old stories. When he pulled into a parking spot at the bar he got that serious look on his face. “Listen, some of the guys I fly with will be here, but there is one in particular you should stay away from”, he all but growls. “His callsign is Hangman and he is the type you don’t want to get mixed up with”, he tells you. “Noted”, you fake salute as you both make your way into the bar. 
It was lively for a Thursday afternoon as you followed Rooster to a pool table where two guys and a woman were playing. “Rooster, good to see you man and you brought a date”, one of the guys said. “Oh no we aren’t dating. This is the friend I told you about (Y/N)”, Bradley stated. “You’re right there is no way you could have snagged her, she's too hot for you”, the woman laughed. “Phoenix but you can call me Nat”, she said, extending her hand.  
You shook her hand as she introduced Payback and Fanboy. You sat back as they continued their game. Bradley had sneaked off to get another round of beers. When he came back he handed everyone their beers as the next round of pool started. You declined to play as Bradley joined this game. Half way through you were out of beer. “I’m going to the bar if anybody needs anything”, you announced. Everyone saying they were alright for now you headed towards the bar. 
Low and behold there was Pete. He had come to some of the college baseball games when Bradley played and Bradley had introduced you. You said hello as a woman stepped up to ask what you would like. “What bourbons do you have?”, you questioned. The woman listed them and you made your choice. “I’ll take the Jack n’ Coke and make it a double please”, you answered. 
As she made your drink Pete introduced you to her. She was the bar owner, Penny, who he was currently dating. You congratulated them and turned to find Bradley had taken to the piano and the pool table was free. You quickly made your way there and picked up a pool stick. You were down to the last couple of shots when you swore you felt someone was staring at you.
Jake had just walked in and was ordering a beer scoffing when he heard the familiar tune Rooster was playing on the piano. Then movement at the pool table caught his eye. A woman that definitely didn’t fit this type of bar scene was bent over the pool table lining up a shot. He couldn’t help but stare at her ass and the way those jeans hugged it. Once Penny handed him his beer he started making his way to the pool table.
“Uh oh looks like Hangman has his sights set”, Penny said. Maverick looked and started to laugh, “Oh don’t worry she can handle herself trust me”. Penny gave him a questioning look, but proceeded to watch what was about to happen. Jake had just made it to the pool table when you sank another shot. “I don’t mean to be rude darlin’, but it doesn’t look like you’re from around here”, he stated smiling. 
“As a matter o’ fact I’m not”, you replied. “Well with that accent I’d say the south”, he guessed. “And with that accent and cocky attitude I’m guessing Texan and an aviator”, you said, sinking another shot while looking him in the eye. “Well you’d be right. Mind if I join ya I promise I’ll go easy on ya. Names Jake by the way”, he cockily replied. “I guess, but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I go easy on ya. Mines (Y/N)”, you smugly replied.
Jake liked this one already, feisty, and willing to dish it back at him. Usually women would already be giggling and batting their lashes at him. “I would say gentleman first, but you don’t look much like a gentleman”, you scoffed. “Ouch. I would say ladies first, but you look more like a hellcat. Tell me how sharp are your claws”, he said wiggling his eyebrows at you. “You’ll never find out”, you replied. “How about a bet”, he said. “Alright I’m listening”, you responded. 
“I’ll give you a hundred dollars if you win”, he states. “What if you win?”, you inquired. “If I win you go out on a date with me, and maybe if I like you we can go back to my apartment”, he added. You seemed to think it over as the smile stayed on his smug face. Who did this guy think he was for one and for two you weren’t one for one night stands, but a hundred dollars was a hundred dollars. “Alright you're on, but when you lose don’t throw a tantrum like a child”, you told him.
He let you go first which was his first mistake. You shot and the balls scattered and the solid red seven went in. The next shot you lined up and the yellow one ball went in. You were lining up and about to shoot when the man you were playing against brushed up against you to whisper in your ear. “Ya know, ya look good bent over this pool table wonder what else you would look good bent over”, he declared.
You knew he was trying to throw you off, and you glanced over your shoulder at him giving a sultry look. Then you sank your shot standing to line up your next shot. “Honey just quit while you’re ahead”, you smirked. You missed the next shot and he took his turn and sank one of his shots. Jake was lining up his next shot when he looked up, only for you to be right across from him leaning on a table with your ass jutted out talking with none other than Bob. 
No you weren’t talking you were flirting how could you flirt with Bob and not him. He was tall, handsome and could show you a much better time he was sure of it. When his shot missed you quickly turned to look at him with a shit eating grin. “Looks like it’s my turn”, you declared. You sank a shot, but then you felt him behind you and he leaned over you almost caging you in. “You sure that's a good angle?”, he examined. “Oh I think I’ll do just fine”, you retorted then brought the pool stick back tapping him below the belt.
He groaned and backed up enough for you to sink your shot. You sank another shot, but missed the next one. As he bent over the pool table to line up his shot you took your chance. You walked up and whispered in his ear, “How many rounds do you think I could ride before fallin’ off”. Then for good measure you turned letting him watch your ass sway as you walked to get your drink. He was imagining all the ways he could have you whimpering and calling his name.
He lined up his shot and it was slightly off making him frown. You were starting to get to him and you both carried on like that until there were only a couple shots left. You were winning and to be honest Jake couldn’t even be upset. Just being around you and flirting, if one could call it that, was entertaining and he wondered even if he lost if you would give him a chance to take you out on a date. You asked for a break to go to the bar and get another drink.
“I’ll get it, what're you havin’?”, Jake asked, accent thick. “Thanks but I can get my own drinks. Bob make sure he doesn’t cheat”, you smiled. Bob nodded and Jake watched as you made your way to the bar putting a little more sway in your hips than normal. When you made it to the bar Penny waited on you again. “You know you should be careful with that one”, Penny told you, referring to Jake. “Why’s that?”, you implored. 
“He is a one night stand kind of guy”, she mentioned. “It’s alright Penny I’ve dealt with his kind before”, you smirked. Pete shook his head as he continued to drink his beer. You made it back just in time for Rooster and his friends to come back over to the pool table. Rooster grabbed your elbow asking, “What did you bet?”. “Calm down Roo he bet that if I win he gives me a hundred bucks and if he wins I go on a date with him”, you huffed. “Seriously, why the hell would you do that?”, Bradley grits out. “Because it seemed like fun and a hundred dollars is a hundred dollars”, you respond.
“Bradshaw as I live and breathe”, Jake states. “Hangman”, Bradley spits back. Now it made sense this was the guy that Bradley had warned you about. “Bradley it’s okay I only have two more shots to sink to win”, you told him. You grabbed your pool stick and lined up your shot and sank it without problem. The last one you had to sink and you looked up to see Bradley gripping his beer bottle so tightly his knuckles were turning white.
Then you looked at Jake seeing him smirking at Bradley before saying, “Ya know I was wondering if inviting her to my house for dinner would be a good first date. I make a damn good steak”. Bradley looked like he could punch him any moment so you took your shot making them both whip their heads to the table. The last ball smacked the side and right into the corner pocket. “Alright Hangman pay up”, you smirked.
His smile stayed on his face as he pulled a hundred out of his wallet handing it over to you. “I was expecting you to choke”, he said. “I bet you thought I’d be choking on you after the imaginary date too huh”, you laughed. Nat’s eyes widened and she tried to contain her laughter as Jake’s smile faltered a little. He couldn’t respond. You had actually left him speechless and the image burned itself into his brain as the others started to dog him and make jokes at his expense.
Jake watched as you high fived Rooster and finished your drink. He watched as you made your way back to the bar to order another drink. On your way back a guy cut you off from continuing to the rest of the group. You obviously turned him down as he watched this man call you a bitch. You said something back as you walked around the man and he started to get up to intervene. The nerve of this guy that had just asked you if you would like to go back to his place for some fun; then got angry and called you a bitch when you refused.
He grabbed your arm and spun you around making you spill your drink. The man was obviously drunk and you were now pissed that your drink was all over the floor. “Look I’m not going to go home with you asshole. Now let me go ya’ fucker”, you seethed. “I don’t think you know who I am bitch”, he stated, and that's when his hand came up and slapped you. It stung and knocked you back a couple steps as your brain registered what happened. You had long dropped your drink and balled your hand into a fist and let it fly.
It hit the man right in his nose as blood gushed from it. “You whore”, the man spit. He was about to charge at you when two people got in between the fight. The first you noticed was Bradley and the other was Jake. “You need to apologize and get the fuck out of this bar”, Jake said. “I’m not apologizing to that whore”, the man responded. The bell rang out as everyone started shouting overboard. You had no clue what was happening.
Rooster and Hangman nodded to each other and grabbed the guy by the arms as Payback came over to grab the man's legs. They carried him to the back deck and threw him out onto the sandy beach. “If you come back you mess with all of us”, Hangman shouted. All of the people in the bar shouted in agreement as Penny and Pete were checking you over. “Your cheek is already swelling”, Penny said as she went to get a bag of ice. 
While you were waiting on Penny, Pete helped you onto a bar stool looking at the red hand print on your cheek. “Are you alright, darlin?”, Jake asked as he came up to you and Pete. “Yeah nothing I ain’t used to”, you respond. Jake smiles but you can tell it doesn’t meet his eyes. “I’m fine I swear’, you state. When Penny gets back with a bag of ice wrapped in a small hand towel you thank her and ask for another drink. Jake watches as Penny makes your drink and he smiles genuinely then.
“Should have known you would like a strong drink”, Jake says. Bradley finally makes his way to you to make sure you are okay. “We should go after you're finished with that drink”, Bradley states. “Oh come on it was a slap not a punch”, you huffed. “Yeah and how long were you on the road for before you got here?”, Bradley questioned. “Look I slept in my truck till noon and hit the road then. I got a full eight hour sleep. I am not leaving yet”, you replied stubbornly. “You slept in your truck?! Do you know how dangerous that is?!”, Bradley shouted. 
“Hey ease up Rooster she obviously can handle herself”, Jake jumped in. “Stay out of this Hangman”, Roster seethed. “Look, I'm a big girl and can make my own decisions. I’m not your girl and I swear if you say we need to go I’ll just get a ride from Jake here. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind”, you stated. That seemed to have Rooster backing down as Jake grinned. “I wouldn’t mind taking you anywhere you needed to go darlin”, he replied. 
“No he will not”, Bradley huffed. “Then it looks like we’re staying a little longer”, you said. You grabbed your drink and made your way back to Roosters friends who had once again taken over the pool table. “She’s a pistol”, Jake said aloud. “You don’t know the half of it.  Do me a favor and stay away from her. She doesn’t need anymore heartbreak than she's already had”, Rooster grumbled. “Not making any promises”, Jake responded. 
You watched as Bradley and Jake spoke to each other then started making their way to the pool table. “Rooster, how about you take my spot!”, Fanboy yelled. Rooster agreed, taking Fanboy’s spot and now that he was distracted you made your way out to the deck of the bar. The smell of the ocean and the slight breeze helped you to relax. Jake came to stand beside you leaning over the rail. “So you and Rooster huh?”, he inquired. 
“No nothing like that. He sees me more as a sister”, you replied. “So what really brings you out here?”, he pried. “I thought Rooster would have told you all, but I was being stalked by an ex boyfriend and when I told Roo he told me to come out here”, you explained. “My sister dealt with an ex boyfriend like that, but in Texas we take care of our own. Why didn’t you go stay with your family?”, he asked. 
“I would if there were any alive to talk to. The only family I have is a brother and he doesn’t want to have anything to do with me”, you explained. “Damn well if you ever need the dagger squad we’ll be there for ya’ unless we are out on missions”, Jake responds. “Thanks”, you responded. “If I would have won would you have gone on a date with me?”, he questions. “See we were having a nice conversation and you ruined it”, you laughed. 
Jake frowned until you looked him in the eyes and said, “I would have if you had won”. His smile returned as you finished the rest of your drink, and dismissed yourself back to the pool table where Bradley had just finished up. Jake couldn’t help but watch as you walked out the door with Rooster thinking of how to get you to go out with him.
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amhrosina · 2 years
Touch Me (Frank Castle x f!Reader)
A/N: Hi friends! I know I said I wanted to get this out by yesterday, but I ended up at my local(ish?) urgent care yesterday afternoon because ya girl has apparently been walking around with bronchitis for two weeks now. I’m on medicine, and I’ve been resting/editing this all day, but I could not for the life of me get this thing finished yesterday. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! It is literally porn with plot. P.S. - bearded Frank makes me go absolutely FERAL, and the gif I chose for today's fic makes me even MORE FERAL!!!!!!
Request: if requests are open, do you think you could write about Pete/ Frank still works at the construction site and reader is his girlfriend and she visits him for lunch at the construction site and the guys are astonished and you can come up with the rest if you would like.
Word Count: 4.6k
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Summary: When Frank’s coworkers notice you a little too much after you bring him his forgotten lunch, you want to remind him that he’s the only man for you, but Frank’s a generous lover, and you’re not leaving the truck until he’s made you come at least three times.
(Warnings: oh boy, smut, SMUT, did I mention smut??, porn with plot, v fingering, hand job sort of??, oral (fem receiving), p in v, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, creampie lol, truck sex, soooo much kissing, protective Frank, you save the horse and ride the cowboy – know what I mean??, Frank talks you through it!!!!!, mentions of oral (male receiving), Frank is a consent king, Frank will be damned if anything bad happens to his baby girl!!!)
Frank eyed the clock, a nervous tick he’d developed over the last three hours as he waited for lunchtime to roll around. On any other day, lunch would’ve come and gone without a second thought from Frank, but not today. In his hurry to get to work this morning, he’d left the lunch you’d generously packed for him the night before. It was your fault, technically, but Frank was a gentleman, and gentlemen weren’t supposed to blame their girlfriends for forgotten lunches, especially when it was the incredible head you were giving him that made him late leaving this morning.
He'd gotten shit for it the minute he stepped on the site, barely getting a chance to pour his coffee before the guys were on his ass about his punch card. Frank brushed it off. It was all in good fun anyways, and he was the boss around here, so it didn’t really matter if he was late once in a blue moon. He didn’t divulge the reason for his tardiness, much more inclined to grunt a “fuck off” towards the guys and start his work for the day.
The nervousness set it when you called and told him you’d bring his lunch to him. The guys knew almost nothing about Frank’s personal life, which is what he preferred. They didn’t know anything about his past, and they certainly didn’t know about you. What he had going on before and after work hours was none of their business, you were none of their business, but that would change any minute.
“You got a hot date or something, man?” Antonio, one of the only guys Frank tolerated, asked as they moved a stack of wooden beams towards what would eventually become a master bedroom.
“What?” Frank lifted his head, narrowing his eyes at Antonio.
“You’ve checked the clock more in the last 25 minutes than I do on Friday afternoons. You expectin’ somethin’?”
Frank let out a nervous chuckle, which did little to subside Antonio’s curiosity. Instead, intense concern crossed Antonio’s face, and Frank sighed, shaking his head. His brain felt like it had been rewired, and he had no idea how to respond to Antonio’s question without causing more questions. He didn’t have a chance to respond, though, because the sound of clicking heels had caused heads to turn faster than Frank knew was possible.
Frank turned, relaxing when he spotted you. You smiled and waved, ignoring the men around you that were clearly enamored by your presence. Frank couldn’t blame them – you were beautiful – but that didn’t keep the bubble of anger from welling up inside his chest. You were his, and if he was going to make one thing clear to them today, it was that.
Frank marched up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling your body into his chest. He pressed a sultry kiss to your lips, slipping his tongue in your mouth in his way of saying hello. When you pulled away, you were smiling, and Frank couldn’t think of anything more beautiful than that damned smile of yours.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He grinned, slightly ashamed that he’d let his jealousy get the best of him in front of the guys that worked for him. It was definitely unprofessional to make out with your significant other in the middle of an active construction site while the entirety of your team gawked at your display of affection, right?
“That’s lunch.” He called out, not taking his eyes off yours.
The guys filed out, some with smirks on their faces, others with nothing but food on their minds. Antonio was smiling when he walked past the both of you, wiggling his eyebrows at Frank. Frank rolled his eyes, trying to remind himself why he barely tolerated the kid.
“Speaking of lunch,” you smiled, eyes bright and adoring as you looked at Frank, “Where do you want to eat? I’m not sure I can handle the roof.”
You were all too aware of Frank’s frequent lunch spots. Sitting a the top of buildings that were half constructed, legs hanging over the edge, was Frank’s favorite way to spend lunch, much to your chagrin. You were terrified of heights and refused to even think about how dangerous Frank’s lunch activities were.
“You want to stay?” Frank asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Of course! As long as we’re not eating on the roof.” You pointed upwards for emphasis, shaking your head.
“I guess I could change up my lunch spot for the day.” Frank faked an exasperated sigh. “What about my truck?”
“Sounds good to me, babe.” You smiled, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the front of what would eventually be a nice house in a nice neighborhood outside of Brooklyn. A house that Frank wished he could afford to buy for you. Hell, he’d build you a house if he could afford the land to build it on. You didn’t mind the small apartment you and Frank shared, but Frank couldn’t help the incessant desire to spoil you.
It was a brisk 35 degrees outside, and you bundled into Frank’s side as he opened the passenger side door for you. Frank hustled to the other side of the truck, quickly shutting the door behind him and starting the truck. The heat blasting from the vents was a welcome warmth, and Frank couldn’t shake the tiny sliver of guilt that sliced through him when you began blowing in your hands to warm them up. If he’d just remembered the fucking lunch box, you wouldn’t be sitting in the cold right now.
“Damn, the heat works so well in here.” You observed, holding your hands in the path of the hot air.
“One of the perks of being the boss, I guess.” Frank shrugged. The truck was a necessary purchase, especially once Frank’s work picked up, but you still weren’t used to it. You’d spent so many years taking the subway to get places that having access to a vehicle was a foreign concept to you. “I’m sorry you had to come all the way out here just to bring me lunch.”
“Don’t apologize. I like to see what you’re working on. I wish you’d let me come by more often.”
“You’d be bored. It’s just a bunch of sweaty old guys hammering nails.”
“Sounds like a wet dream to me.” You smirked, clearly joking at Frank’s expense. “I didn’t realize I’d cause such a fuss by showing up.”
Frank shrugged. “If any of them say a single word about you after lunch, I’m gonna break their jaws.”
“Frank, baby, relax.” You ran your hand up his arm. “Even if they do say something, it’s probably just because they had no idea I even existed.”
“I don’t like them knowing about you. You’re mine.”
Frank was aware that what he was saying was insane, but he never cared much about his sanity when it came to protecting the woman he loved. He’d be damned if another person was taken from him, and if that made him crazy, then so be it. Frank Castle would take crazy over mourning any day of the week.
You crept closer to Frank, shifting so that you could lean your elbow against the back of the bench seat.
“Them knowing about me doesn’t change that I’m yours, Frankie.”
Frank grunted, annoyance running through his veins. He knew you were right, but the fact that the guys were probably running their mouths about his relationship with you right now was getting on his nerves. He didn’t want you anywhere near their fucked up thoughts.
“You’re so tense, Frankie.” You mumbled, eyeing the way Frank was clenching and unclenching his fist in an irregular pattern. “Let me help you.”
This got his attention. His head swiveled around, eyebrows raised, as he looked to you for confirmation on what you’d just said. You matched his expression, unwilling to move until he consented to your idea.
“Yeah? You wanna help me?” He asked, already leaning back to make room for you to climb onto his lap.
“You could eat your lunch instead.” You mumbled, “If that’s what you want.”
Frank slowly shook his head, watching the way your throat bobbed when you swallowed.
“You’re not hungry?” You asked, inching closer to him.
“Oh, I’m hungry.” Frank conceded, “But I’d rather have you for lunch.”
This omission sent a spark through your body, and you lurched forward, swinging your leg over his hip to straddle him. You looked down at him, enjoying the way his face already seemed more relaxed than moments before. You pressed a soft kiss on the crease of his forehead, the one that always made an appearance when he was stressing about something, and watched as it smoothed itself out.
Frank tilted his chin up, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss. His hand snaked up your back, curling his fingers in your hair and gently pulling on it, which elicited the most delicious gasp he’d ever heard slip from between your lips. He decided right then and there that if that sound was the last thing he ever heard, he’d die the happiest death a man could ask for.
He slammed his lips onto yours, unable to constrain himself any longer. His hands found themselves wrapped around your waist, pulling your body flush against his. You grinded yourself against him, moaning against Frank’s lips when you felt how hard he was through his jeans. You couldn’t stop yourself from grinding against him again, letting out a devilish groan when the friction of the movement rubbed against your clit.
“Frank,” you moaned in between kisses, “touch me.”
It wasn’t just a desire to please you; it was a need. Frank was nothing if not generous, and the minute you started begging, he had already unbuttoned and unzipped your jeans, shoving his hand down the front of your pants. Frank let out a loud groan when he realized how entirely soaked through your panties were, clenching the fingers that were fiddling with the waistband of your jeans.
You pushed your hips closer to his hand, dying to feel his fingers. The panting coming from the both of you had fogged up the windows of the truck, obstructing anyone’s view into the truck. The construction site was dead anyways, but at this point, you didn’t think you cared if someone could see in. You wanted Frank so badly that you had lost your ability to care about anything besides Frank’s fingers.
“Want me to touch you, baby?” Frank cooed, “Want me to make your pretty pussy feel good?”
Frank’s breath was hot on your neck, and you nearly came from his words alone.
“I’m supposed to be making you feel good.” You moaned, grinding your hips against Frank’s fingers again. Your actions completely juxtaposed your words, but you couldn’t help yourself. Frank was just so good at making you come.
“Making you feel good makes me feel good, sweetheart.” Frank pressed the pads of his fingers against the fabric of your panties, swirling them around in an achingly slow circle. A shiver worked its way up your spine, and you threw your head back, gasping with pleasure.
“Are you sure?” You panted, unsure if you could stand being clothed for another second.
Frank responded by swiping your underwear aside and running two fingers between the folds of your pussy. When his fingers finally covered your clit, you let out an agonizing moan. Frank resumed circling his fingers around your clit, but his pace was more urgent, like he wanted to see you get off on his fingers just as much as you wanted to come all over his hand.
Your legs began to shake, and you wrapped your arms around Frank’s neck, pulling him into a feverish kiss. His tongue dipped into your mouth, and you began to grind against his fingers in a rhythm that matched the pace of his hand. It was a flurry of passionate kisses and sinful moans as you came apart on Frank’s hand. You breathed through the orgasm as it crashed through you, slumping against Frank’s shoulder in exhaustion.
“My beautiful, beautiful girl,” Frank pulled his hand away from your clit, wrapping his arms around you and flipping you over so that your back lied against the front seat of the truck, “You did so good.”
Frank hovered over you, pressing a soft kiss onto your nose before gently capturing your lips with his. You were still reeling from your orgasm, content to stay in this position forever, when Frank suddenly sat up. You blinked up at him, wondering if maybe his lunch was already over, but the way he began to pull your jeans down your hips told you he was nowhere near done with you.
You kicked your jeans and panties off, pussy clenching around nothing as the air hit your wet core. You spread your legs further, giving Frank a view of how easily he’d ruined you.
“Fuck baby,” Frank groaned, rubbing his thumb through the slickness that had begun running down your inner thighs, “This is the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.”
You moaned when he began playing with your clit again, overstimulated but too turned on to stop him.
“Can I taste you?” Frank asked, fully focused on how wet you were. His eyes were glazed over, pupils dilated with desire.
“You’re being too generous.” You sat up, resting on your elbows as he finally locked eyes with you.
“I want to.” He shrugged, already positioning his face near your core. He threw your legs over his shoulders and rested his hands on your stomach, glancing up at you to make sure he had your consent. You spread your legs wider, nodding.
“I need words, baby. Can I taste you?”
Frank’s hot breath coasted over your pussy as he spoke, and the dull throb of desire erupted into a full blown ache.
“Yes, God, please.” You whined.
When his tongue finally met your core, you threw your head back and moaned so loud you were sure the entire neighborhood heard it. Frank was astonishingly graceful at eating pussy, approaching it like it was a dance between his tongue and your clit. He knew exactly when to be gentle, when to roughen it up, and when you were seconds away from coming all over his tongue, he knew exactly how to suck on your clit so that you saw stars for hours afterwards.
Frank normally liked to take his time with this, coaxing multiple small orgasms out of you before finally letting you fall apart around his mouth, but today he was on a time crunch, and he wanted to make you come around his cock before his lunch break was over, too. So instead of going slow and steady, Frank dined on your pussy like a man starved. He circled your clit with the tip of his tongue, licking and sucking all throughout your core as you came closer and closer to your orgasm. He teased your entrance with his tongue, coasting over it every time he flattened his tongue against your folds.
“Oh shit, Frank.” You groaned, arching your back.
He hummed against your pussy, which had your legs shaking so aggressively that he had to clamp his hands over them to keep them from sliding off his shoulders. You were so close, and Frank knew it. He smirked against your core, trailing his tongue around your clit before slightly sucking. Your body felt like it was on fire, and when the crux of your orgasm finally hit you, you couldn’t stop yourself from squeezing your legs into the sides of Frank’s head. You could feel your heart pounding against your ribs, and no matter how deeply you inhaled, you couldn’t quite catch your breath. The world around you faded, and the only thing you could focus on was the feeling of Frank’s hands gently caressing your thighs.
Frank crawled up your body, hovering over you as you came back to yourself. You hadn’t expected to come that hard, especially not in a cramped space like Frank’s car, but he always managed to surprise you.
You swallowed thickly, blinking up at his swollen and slick lips. He was always beautiful, you thought, but right now, you’d never seen anything as beautiful as him covered in your wetness. You leaned upwards, kissing him with every ounce of yourself that you could. The taste of you was still fresh on his tongue, and he groaned when you swiped your tongue against his, grinding against your unclothed pussy with his denim jeans.
The friction was overstimulating, but you wanted him deep inside you so badly that you began meeting his hips halfway, grinding against him so heavily that you were sure he’d have stains on the front of his jeans later. He shifted his weight onto one arm, reaching down and unbuckling his belt with one had. He was moving at a languid pace, and you couldn’t stop yourself from knocking his hand out of the way and unbuttoning his jeans. He chuckled when you undid his zipper in record time, forcing his jeans and underwear halfway down his thighs.
“Someone’s eager to feel my cock, huh?” Frank cooed, brushing his nose against yours, “You want me to fuck you silly, sweetheart?”
You wrapped your hand around his achingly hard cock, pumping up and down as he teased you. The tip was already wet, drops of precum beading at the head.
“Can I ride you?” You asked, pushing his shoulders slightly.
He raised his eyebrows at your boldness. You were usually so eager to let him control the situation, but the look in your eyes when you spoke told a different story. You wanted to make him feel good, and you weren’t planning on letting him leave until that happened.
“Sometimes,” you started, sitting up and pushing Frank down into the seat underneath you, “I want to be the one to fuck you silly.”
You straddled Frank and lined him up with your entrance. You were not going to waste any more of his break not fucking him. Frank let out a stuttering moan as you lowered yourself onto him. When you were finally full of him, stretched out and pliant, you panted at the overwhelming feeling. No matter how many times Frank fucked you, it always took you a few moments to adjust to his size.
“Fuck, sweetheart.” Frank leaned his head against the headrest, grabbing onto your hips in a brutal hold that you knew would bruise later.
You slowly began to rock against him, holding onto the seat behind him for leverage. You moaned when his cock pushed against the spot deep within you that drove you crazy, and couldn’t help the way your breath stuttered out of you. Frank angled his face towards yours, watching in awe as you panted over him, licking your lips and squeezing your eyes closed. He leaned toward you, nipping your jaw with his teeth in a teasing gesture. You ground down on him even harder, and he chuckled.
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart.” Frank hummed, running his nose along the curve of your cheekbone. “Your pretty pussy drives me crazy sometimes.”
“Yeah?” You mumbled, picking up your rhythm as you grinded against him. You yelped when you felt his arm wrap around your waist, bucking up into you so hard that you swore you saw stars.
“Can’t think about anything else some days.” Frank nuzzled his cheek against yours, tightening his hold around you. “You’re fucking perfect, baby.”
You mewled at his praise, even though you had made it clear that you wanted to be the one making him feel good, not the other way around. You couldn’t help but mewl. He always knew what to say to make your chest warm and fuzzy, even when he was fucking up into you so hard that you knew you wouldn’t be able to walk straight for a week.
“C’mon baby girl,” Frank’s tone was low and delicious, and the tingle that worked its way up your spine told you exactly how much you liked the sound of it, “Give me one more, baby.”
“Frank, I-” You let out a guttural moan when you felt his fingers tracing a circle around your clit. Your legs began to shake again, and you knew you were seconds away from coming again. “I’m supposed to be making you feel good.” You finally panted, quickening your pace as you grinded against his cock and fingers.
“I want you to come on my cock, sweetheart.” Frank smirked as you squeezed around him, “That will make me feel good, baby. Can you do that for me, baby girl? Hmm? I know you can. Make me feel good, sweet girl. Come on my cock.”
Frank was talking you through it, and you could not fathom how incredibly hot it was. The intensity at which your orgasm hit you was earth-shattering, and if the neighborhood hadn’t heard you earlier, they certainly heard you this time. You rocked against Frank, whining and panting and doing everything in your power not to fall apart completely before he could reach his high as well.
“My good girl,” Frank wrapped both arms around your waist, pulling your chest against his so that he could kiss you all over your face, “You did so good, sweetheart.”
His praise made you whine, and you couldn’t stop yourself from slamming your lips into his, quickening your pace as you grinded against him. It was overstimulating, sure, but you couldn’t think of anything you wanted more than Frank coming deep inside you.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Frank mumbled against your lips, tightening his arms around you, “’m gonna come.”
“Come in me,” you panted, squeezing around his cock.
“Yeah, baby? Want me to fill you up?” Frank was breathing so heavy against your ear that goosebumps littered down your back and shoulders. You dug your nails into his shoulders as he pounded up into you, and when he finally came, warm spurts of come coating your walls, you both slumped against each other, worn out and sweaty.
Frank’s heart was pounding in his chest, and you subconsciously tapped your finger against his neck in the same rhythm until it finally calmed down. You leaned back, glancing over Frank’s features. His eyes were closed, chin tilted upwards in a relaxed, casual position. The stress creases in his face were long gone, and he looked a decade younger than he did when you’d shown up earlier.
“Wish we could stay like this.” He mumbled, running his fingers along your thighs.
“Me too, Frankie.” You nodded, cupping his cheeks in your hands, and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. “How much time until you have to go back?”
Frank slightly opened one of his eyes, checking the clock on the dash before closing it again. “Just enough time to drop you off at home and come back. The guys will appreciate the extended lunch.”
You shook your head. “I can get an uber or take the subway, Frank. You don’t have to drive me.”
“What kind of man would I be if I didn’t drive my beautiful girlfriend home after she came all the way here to bring me lunch and make me feel good?”
“A normal one.” You snorted, rolling your eyes.
“Well then I guess I ain’t normal.” Frank smiled, leaning in to kiss you before tapping your thigh with his hand. “I hate to say it, but I can’t drive with you straddlin’ me like this.”
You lifted yourself off him, rolling over into the passenger seat. Your limbs still buzzed with pleasure, and it took you longer than you care to admit to find your panties and put them back on. You were pulling your jeans over your hips when Frank began to roll the windows down and wipe the windshield off. You and him had emitted enough fog that it was impossible to see out of any of the windows, let alone drive.
When the windows were finally cleared and Frank had texted Antonio to let him know he’d be a few minutes late getting back from lunch (Antonio’s only response was the winking emoji), Frank drove you back to the apartment you shared with him. He walked you to the door, kissed you goodbye, turned, then turned back to kiss you again.
“I left your lunch on the passenger seat, okay? It should still be warm with how hot the truck was earlier.”
“Thanks, sweetheart.” Frank grinned, pulling you in for a third goodbye kiss.
You finally pushed him off you, chuckling when he tried to chase your lips with his.
“Go to work, Frank. I’ll see you tonight.” You laughed as he rolled his eyes, giving you a final kiss before turning and jogging back to the truck. When you closed the door and locked it, you slumped towards the bedroom, the only thing on your mind being the nap you were about to take.
Frank ate his lunch on the drive back to the construction site, nearly getting choked up when he realized you had gotten him Lombardi’s pizza. You knew how much he loved it, and he vowed to show you how grateful he was when he returned home. When he made it back to the site, he was only half an hour late, but that didn’t stop the guys from joking with him about it.
“Twice in one day, boss? She worth it?”
“Must be. He doesn’t look half as grumpy as he usually does.”
Frank rolled his eyes, counting to ten as a way to manage his anger before outwardly responding.
“If any of you fuckers have anything else to say about her, I’ll bash your heads in with the sledgehammer. Got it?”
Frank glanced at the faces around him. So much for managing his anger. Antonio was the only one that didn’t look utterly terrified as they returned to work.
“So, boss.” Antonio started, smirking as he leaned against one of the structural beams.
“Don’t you start.” Frank pointed at him for emphasis, warning the kid away from any topics he may regret bringing up. He really wasn’t a bad kid, and he was one of the hardest workers Frank had encountered in the business, but he did not want to discuss his love life with his 22 year old employee.
“I was just going to ask how much plaster you think we’ll need for the bathroom.” Antonio pointed behind him with his thumb, gesturing towards the space that would soon be an ensuite.
“Sure you were.” Frank couldn’t wait to end the day and crawl into your loving arms, but he had a shit ton of work to do before then, and he would always be the last one on site for the evening.
Later that evening, after he’d finally trudged through the door, showered, and ravished you, you were caressing his chest as he pressed a kiss to your hair.
“So,” you murmured, “D’ya break any jaws after I left?”
“You’ll be happy to know that I didn’t break any jaws after you left.”
You quirked an eyebrow at him.
“What?” He asked.
“You mean to tell me that you didn’t lose your shit on anyone after I left today?”
“No,” he shook his head, “that’s not what I said. I definitely lost my shit, but I didn’t break anyone’s jaw.”
“Oh, that’s good.” You mumbled sarcastically, rolling your eyes and chuckling.
You nuzzled into his chest, relaxing as he enveloped you with warmth.
“I love you, sweet girl. I’m not ashamed of that. Hell, I’ll shout it from the rooftop if you want me to. I just don’t like people knowing my business. I want to keep you safe.”
“I know, Frankie. I’m not upset about it. I love you too.”
“You promise?”
“That I love you?” You smirked against his chest.
“No, smart ass. That you’re not upset.”
“I promise.” You grinned as he pressed a kiss into your hair.
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crepesuzette2023 · 5 months
Ivan Vaughan writes about John and Paul
This is just a relatively brief excerpt from Ivan Vaughan's book, which, for the most part, focuses on his life with Parkinson's disease. (From what I can tell so far, it's absolutely fascinating: far more than 'simply' a memoir, it's a reflection on illness, the mind-body connection, science, psychotropic drugs, patients' autonomy...and much more.)
But since this blog is climbing the drainpipe to the John & Paul business, and there's been some recent discussion of Mark Lewisohn's claim that John was such a bad boy Ivan's mother sent her son to a different grammar school to separate the two, I thought the following might be interesting.
And the ending of this chapter also gives some context to Paul's reaction to John's murder—another topic about which ML has interesting opinions.
This isn't to pile on ML, but more...as words from someone who was there.
(CC: @mythserene, @anotherkindofmindpod) I met John when I was three or four years old. One wet morning there was a knock at the front door. My mother opened it, and looking down, found a boy a bit older than me, smiling, but preoccupied with the effort of remembering what he had been rehearsed to say.
‘I believe a little boy lives here. I wondered if you might like to come out and play.’ He stood there in the porch, rain pouring down behind him, with a pair of slippers under his arm.
‘Come on in. What’s your name? You live round the corner don’t you?’
Next day I went around to the house where he lived with his aunt and uncle. We played with Dinky cars. I was surprised by his generosity and willingness to share his toys; he was happy even for me to take some of them home. When his Uncle George came home with some sweets John readily shared them. There was an immediate bond between us. He was older, read books, and his great intelligence and experience were apparent. I accepted his leadership but I was determined to preserve my independence. From the warm security of Aunt Mimi’s control, John accepted me into his life.
John was a member of his local library and immersed himself in books so that by the age of five he was already a fluent reader. I was still in the infant school when he started at Dovedale Road Primary School, but we played together after school and weekends. There were numerous parks, a golf course, and fields full of tangled growth and trees — just right for playing cowboys and Indians. In one barren area with large lumps of hard earth we played football and cricket. We spent hours digging all tracks to race our Dinky cars. Our most exciting game, though, was ‘fires’. We would go to a large area of waste ground and simply set fire to the straw and watch the place. I have never understood why nobody stopped us.
John’s gang comprised, besides himself, Pete Shotton, Nigel Wally and me. I was the youngest and was constantly having to prove my worth. I feel privileged to be John’s friend since he was nearly two years older. He protected me against Timmy Tarbuck and his gang on the rare occasions when I made the mistake of confronting one of them.
John and I went to different grammar schools, but I used to hear about the chaos and riots that seem to be a daily feature of his schooling. I’d rather lost touch with him when I went to university, and did not see him again until sometime after I was married. Then one day, as I was playing with my little boy Jus on the steps of our house in London, white Rolls Royce turned into the road. John jumped out followed by a woman I have not met before.
‘Hello, Ivy! This is Yoko.’ (…)
My attachment to both John and Paul ran deep and occasionally I would go to great lengths in order to see them at a moment’s notice. Maybe Paul saw our continuing friendship as a way of maintaining simple values he held dear. Jan liked Paul, though she did not see much of John. She was not the least bit mesmerized by their fame. She enjoyed eating at expensive restaurants in sampling London’s nightlife, into which Paul took us from time to time. But, should the effort to come to great, she was willing to let the relationship fade.
A month after telephoning John in New York [with the news of the Parkinson’s diagnosis; their first conversation in years], a heavy parcel was delivered. It was not until I was reading the titles of the books it contained that I realized they had been sent by John and Yoko. There was one by Arthur Janov, author of the Primal Scream, and one entitled Mind Magic. How to Get Well had on the fly-leaf a message from John that read ‘to start looking’, and The Snow Leopard had a note saying ‘to relax’. This last book gave me the greatest pleasure and I frequently re-read passages from it. Its author, Peter Matthiesen, lost his son through illness and journeyed in Nepal and in Inner Dolpo on a completely pointless journey to catch sight of a snow leopard. The peace he found travels across to the reader from each page.
John’s accompanying letter urged me, in punning language, to keep my spirits high and strongly suggested that it was up to me whether I sank or swam. I must not lose faith in myself.
Ten weeks later he was shot dead. Paul and I did not contact each other about it; in fact, we never brought it up in conversation. I hardly reacted outwardly at all. The day after John’s death, however, a colleague said that he supposed I was very upset at what it happened. I heard myself say: ‘I don’t know what I feel. I don’t know that I feel much at all’. As soon as he had gone, I instinctively made my way to a room where I knew I could be alone, and I wept profusely.
-- from Ivan-Living with Parkinson's Disease by Ivan Vaughan. 1986.
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wiypt-writes · 1 year
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Epilogue: Until The Cows Come Home
Summary: Five years post the final battle, Life at Avengers Ranch is pretty sweet
Warnings: Language, smut (NSFW) 18+
Pairing: Cowboy Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Reader. Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any of the characters contained within this series bar the Reader and any other OCs that may or may not be mentioned. I do not give permission for this to be translated and/or reposted on any other platforms. Reblogs are fine: Sharing is caring.
By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: So here it is! The epilogue. I hope you enjoy. As of now, I have no plans really to continue but…perhaps if the muse strikes we might see a few one shots to follow up.
Rawhide Masterlist // Main Master-list
 Part 14
W/C: 5.4k
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“My grandad told me about a cowboy he knew, once. We’re going way back to the forties here. He rode into town and stopped at a saloon for a drink. Unfortunately, the locals always had a habit of picking on strangers, which he was. When he finished his drink, he found his horse had been stolen. He went back into the bar, pulled his gun, and fired a shot right into the air.”  Clint made a gun motion with his fingers and mimed the action.
“Way to make friends an influence people.” Pete rolled his eyes.
“Well, it was his horse, ya know, valuable commodities in those days. They still are.” Clint shrugged, “So, he goes back into the bar, kicking off, demanding to know which snake had taken his horse. No one answered, so he says that he’s gonna have one more beer, and if his horse ain’t back outside by the time he finished his drink, that he’s gonna ‘do what I dun in Texas, and I don’t like to have to do what I dun in Texas…’” Clint mimicked a southern accent and cleared his throat. “Some of the locals start shifting a little, ya know, nervous like. Anyway, true to his word, he has another beer, heads outside and his horse has been returned.”
“So, that’s it?” Bucky frowned, “that’s the point of this story?”
“Pretty much.” Clint shrugs, “he saddled up, and started to ride out of town. He hasn’t got more than a few yards though, when the bartender comes out and asks ‘say, partner, before you go…what happened in Texas?’ Dude tips his Stetson as he looks back and says, ‘I had to walk home’.”
There was a moment of silence, before the group groaned collectively, as Clint laughed. Bucky threw the crust of his sandwich at Clint’s head.
“That is the stupidest joke I’ve ever heard.”
Steve snorted, listening to the guys banter as he leaned back against the tree trunk, his hat pulled down over his face. It had been a busy few days, moving the herd back down to the summer pastures and getting ready to bale the hay and silage that would see them through the winter. But he wasn’t complaining. In fact, he hadn’t complained about much over the past 5 years or so.
 Well, bar Bucky being a persistent pain in his ass, but what else was new?
In the months that followed the battle, Fury had been appointed interim president of the WSC and had been permanently installed following a term of elections, for two terms running now. As such, the World Security Council had made good on its promise. Each state had their own elected representatives, and the divide which had separated red and blue states had been torn down.
 Of course, some states still held conservative views, but even in those areas things had gotten much better for Omegas. Because their basic human rights had been secured through the Omega Rights Act at a federal level, something they failed to do the first time round due to the WSC preferring the appeasement method. Now, violation of those rights was punishable by law, no matter where you were, although how much it was enforced was anyone’s guess and varied, again state to state.
It wasn’t perfect, but then again nothing was. And it had been met in some instances with violent opposition, but that had been quashed pretty quickly. Some had been in favour of a more gradual overhaul, suggesting that each state should be allowed to install their own laws around Alphas, Betas and Omegas, as a sort of half-way house with a view to eventually changing the overall attitudes of people.
But, as Tony said in his speech when he was elected as the Senator for Montana, “sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.”
Essentially, it was all that they could have hoped for, and whilst it wasn’t perfect, it was a damned site better than it had been. Steve's shield and suit, and indeed the rest of the Avengers’ weapons and kit remained untouched, gathering dust in the armoury. 
Things had even taken a turn for the better at the ranch. It was bringing in good money, both from the cattle and the sudden tourism boost, people flocking to see the battle grounds where the latest Civil War had taken place. This, in turn, had seen an expansion to the ‘Dude Ranch’. Although Steve hadn’t been particularly on board with that idea at first, he’d quickly been talked around.
As such, life for all the Avengers Ranch and everyone else in Stark Wood was good. In fact, life all round was good, but from a selfish point of view, the former was all Steve really gave a damned about now.
His mind strayed to you, and a soft smile spread across his face. Married now, you bore his name and his rings. More symbolic than anything, given the fact you were bonded beyond the normal ties of a bond anyway. But he’d wanted to show you exactly what you meant to him. Following his casual proposal, the night you’d returned home to the ranch, he’d done it properly a few weeks later. The pair of you had taken a ride up to the top of the hills and he’d gotten down on one knee at sunset, offering you his Mom’s ring. Which you’d tearfully accepted.
You’d married in the same place, the following summer, Thor overseeing the ceremony in his ordained state as Sheriff, and then you and your friends had partied long into the night in the huge tent on the grounds of the ranch.
Steve had kept good on his word too. Once he felt it was safe, the pair of you had gone to Texas where you’d visited your mama’s grave and told her you were okay, laying a bunch of her favourite wildflowers by her headstone. And then, you’d located Colin’s. Tactfully, Steve kept his distance there and allowed you to say a proper goodbye to your previous alpha. You’d told Colin (or at least you’d spoken to his modest headstone) all about your job at the ranch, how you worked shifts at the Vet clinic with Banner. You’d chuckled when you’d explained how you were still the one doing the books because your Alpha was just as bad at it as he had been…and you’d finished by thanking him for his sacrifice which meant you were alive today, and living the best possible life you could. Whether Steve believed in the afterlife or not, it had clearly made you feel better having said a proper goodbye, and who was he to deny you that?
He’d deny you nothing. He’d give you the moon and the stars in the sky to make you happy.
A boot kicking at the sole of his foot jerked Steve from his daydream, and he tipped his hat to look upwards.
“Ready to kick on?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah, yeah I am.” He smiled. With a groan, he pushed himself up and dusted down the seat of his well-worn wranglers before he mounted Star.
Together, the five men herded the longhorns down towards the pastures which surrounded the ranch, where the work would start over the next few weeks to tag the calves and conduct the health checks needed on the females. When the last one was in the correct pasture, Clint closed the gate with a click.
As they turned the final corner towards home, Steve couldn’t help the smile as he saw you in the riding arena. You leading Quin around, your Stetson sat on your head, a grin on your face as you walked. And upon Quin’s back sat a smaller figure, whose head was covered by a safety helmet.
Your daughter, Serenity Clara Rogers, known as Seren. It was a name chosen for its various meanings. In its full form her first name meant peaceful, which was what your lives had been since the battle and what you both hoped it would be for the rest of your lives. In its shortened, it translated as star, a small tribute to Steve’s emblem.
Her middle name was a payback to your Southern roots, and it meant bright and clear. And when it was all put together, it was exactly what she was to you both, a shining, bright star of peace and love and hope.
Getting Star up into a trot, and then a loping canter, he was pulling into the main grounds of the ranch a few minutes later.
“Daddy! Looks! I wides Quin!”
Steve grinned as he hopped off his horse and strode towards the paddock fence, looping the reins around the top rail. “I can see that!”
“Cans I has my own?”
Steve laughed, “you think you’re old enough?”
“I’m free!” A tiny handheld up three fingers as Steve faulted over the post and rails and strode towards you both.
“Hi, Cowboy.” You beamed as he kissed you softly.
“Hi, Doll.” His lips brushed yours before he turned to look at his daughter. She was much like you, same eyes, same hair, same attitude, and excitement to life. But, very much with the Rogers attitude and, funnily enough, his cheekbones and nose. 
“Good day?” 
“Yup, all cows present and correct. Did that new family check in?”
“Yeah, all good.” You nodded. “Oh, Banner called. He asked if I could cover the on call shift tonight at the surgery. Apparently Natasha has come down with that bug that’s going round, and he doesn’t want to leave her to take care of the baby Danny alone. Think they’re all still adjusting, ya know, after the adoption…”
“I think that’s okay, don’t you, Wren?” he playfully poked Seren’s tummy, speaking his nickname for her and she giggled.
“Cans we watch Toy Story? Wivs popcorns?”
“Toy Story? Again?” Steve groaned and Seren narrowed her eyes.
“I wikes it. Is my fave-rite.”
“Really, I’d never have guessed.”
Her Daddy’s sarcasm went right over Seren’s head, and you chuckled. “We got everyone coming for dinner tonight, baby, so you might not get chance.”
“After dinner?”
“We’ll see.” You smiled, “you ready to get down? I think Quin could do with a drink before we pop him out.”
“Otay…”Seren sighed, dramatically. She held her arms out and Steve reached up to pluck her out of the saddle. Her little arms wrapped around his neck as he kissed her cheek. “Daddy, your whiskers are scratchy!”
“Are they?” Steve frowned, before he rubbed his cheek against hers, causing her to squeal. Her hands pushed at his face as she giggled. With a laugh, Steve pulled back and she cupped his face, her fingers threading into his beard as she smushed his cheeks together.
“I wobes you, daddy bear.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. More than all the stars.”
Your heart swelled, the way it always did when you watched Steve with your daughter. She was the apple of his eye and he doted on her in all the right ways. He indulged her, let her be her own person, but wasn’t afraid to dish out the discipline when needed.
In contrast to Bucky, who pretty much let her get away with anything and everything.
Steve carried her out of the paddock, and you followed, leading Quin.
 “Unca Buck!” Seren squealed as she spotted her favourite uncle and she wriggled. Steve let her down and she took off towards him.
“Hey, Squirt!” Bucky grinned as he picked her up. “You had a good day?”
“Yips. Me and Mama took ‘Mando for a walk, dens we made lunch, and I rides!”
“yeah, I saw you on Quin. Bout time daddy got you a pony of your own, huh?”
“Dass what I saids!” Seren held her hands out to her side and Bucky laughed, ignoring the death stare Steve was shooting him.
“She might have a point, Alpha.” You smirked as you passed him by and tried not to chuckle as his head whipped towards you.
“huh?” he followed you into the barn. “Really? You think she’s old enough?”
“It’s not like she’ll be going on cattle drives.” You smiled as you undid the girth to Quin’s saddle. “But what harm can it do? A little pony or something she can love and cuddle. You’ve seen what she’s like with every animal she comes across.”
“Yeah, which is how we’ve ended up with a damned cat that lives in the house now and not the barn, much to Commando’s disgust.”
“Hey, Barney would have died otherwise…”
“And the guinea pigs? Were they on deaths door too when Bucky and Sam bought them for her?”
“Sparkle and Cookie live outside, well in Summer anyway…”
“The tank of goldfish?”
“She won one at a fair. Thor was right, it was mean to keep him in a bowl on his own. He needed friends.”
Steve scoffed and you snorted.
“Stop being a grouch.” You teased, “make the most of her being like this. Because give it ten, twelve years she’ll be out dating and chasing boys instead.”
“Over my dead body.” Steve glowered.
“You can’t fight her growing up.”
“No, but I can fight any punk that comes within a three mile radius of her.”
That made you laugh, as you placed Quin’s saddle on the rack. “Oh, Steve.” You turned towards him, stepping into his arms. He groaned, his face pressing into his neck.
“Stop it…”he whined. “I don’t want her to grow up, ever. Where’s our baby gone?”
“Okay, I’m sorry.” You kissed his cheek. 
“What time are you on call from?”
“Seven-ish.” you stroked the hair at the nape of his neck, which was a little damp with sweat. Not that you cared. “I might not be needed but, you never know.”
“Okay, so if we grill for dinner at sixish, you should be okay?”
“Counting on it.” you smiled, “sides and fixings are all ready.”
“You’re too good to me, to us.” He smiled, his lips pressing back to yours.
You hummed into the kiss, allowing him to pull you closer. The smell and feel of your Alpha, your soul mate, your husband washed over you as his strong arms wrapped around your back. You allowed yourself to get lost, giving into that Omega part of you that you now loved as much as Steve did. 
“Mama and Daddy is smoochin’!” A loud giggle came from behind you and Steve gave a small groan as he pulled away.
“Ewww!” Bucky wrinkled his nose, “do they smooch a lot?”
“Aaaallls da times!” Seren said, dramatically. “Unca Tony says mama wobes daddy’s animal maganatism…”
“I’m gonna kill Stark.” Steve muttered as you, and the rest of the gang laughed.
As was customary post the cattle drives, you hosted the guys, plus their partners for dinner. Thor and Tony also joined you, along with his daughter, Morgan and Pepper who was sporting a pretty large bump as Baby Stark number 2 was very much about to make an appearance.
Morgan and Seren, separated in age by less than a year spent the spring evening playing in the garden, and by the time everyone was leaving they were both exhausted. Steve took this as a win as he didn’t have to sit there and watch Buzz and Woody for what felt like the hundredth time that week.
After bidding everyone goodbye, after clearing down the dishes and table, you headed off to take a call which had come through from the surgery.
Steve scooped his daughter up, “bedtime, baby.”
“I nots tired…” Seren protested, as she yawned and blinked hard.
“Sure…” Steve chuckled, “well let’s get you bathed and then we can discuss this, huh?”
Once bathed, dried and in her little set of cowgirl themed pajamas, Seren had given up the fight and was, indeed, half asleep. Steve tucked her into her little bed, chuckling as Commando took up his usual place on top of the comforter, by her side. Her little hand curled into his fur as she yawned.
“You bet.” Steve smiled, “which one tonight?”
“Spinderella.” She grinned. “I wikes dat one.”
“Spinderella it is…” Steve crossed the room to her bookshelf and then looked as you wandered into the room.
“I gotta go in.” You sighed, “one of Mr. Craft’s horses has injured itself, pretty badly in its stall. He said it can’t wait until tomorrow.”
“That’s okay, we got things here, huh Wren?”
“Yups.” Seren yawned again.
“I give her two pages, tops.” Steve chuckled, waving the book at you.
“I bet its four.” You smiled, leaning over to kiss her head. “Night baby, momma loves you so much.”
“Wobes you too, momma.” she hugged you before you stood up, ruffling commando’s fur. You then turned to Steve and kissed him quickly.
“I dunno how long I’ll be.”
“It’s okay’ Mega.” he smiled. “Drive safe, okay?”
You winked before you pulled away, his hand squeezing yours and you turned and left.
Seren actually fell asleep after three pages. When Steve heard her breathing even out, he glanced down and saw her eyes closed as she snuggled into him.
With a soft chuckle, he gently moved, his hand curling the back of her head. He lay her down, made sure she had her little bunny teddy with her and tucked her in.
“Night, my little star. Sweet dreams.” He whispered as he kissed her head.
Commando followed him as Steve headed down the hall after quietly shutting Seren's door. He padded his way down the staircase and found refuge at the wet bar for a drink before he settled up on the couch. His faithful dog hopped up next to him, resting his rather large head on Steve's lap. Flicking through channels, he found the mundane drone of the news filled his ears.
He watched the report and the panel as they chatted over a high profile court case that was filling the news at the moment, an actor versus his ex-wife who was accusing him of having jars of cocaine and ‘mega pints’ of red wine or some bull shit like that.
It was frivolous. And really, Steve had no idea why it was news. But the fact it was, meant there was nothing more worthy of the airtime, meaning things with the WSC and senate were calm.
Which was fine by him.
He sighed contently and brought his whiskey to his lips. He'd nearly finished the glass by the time he'd heard your truck pulling up toward the porch.
He checked his watch, all in all you’d been gone just over an hour. Which meant whatever it was can’t have been that serious. Hopefully, you wouldn’t get another call that night. It was rare that you did when you were covering the emergency shift.
Commando grunted and slipped off the couch to greet you at the door.
“Hi…” you bent down to give him loves, “hi, fella…”
His tail wagged and wagged happily. And when Steve snapped his fingers, the dog walked off. The simple command allowed you to get back inside and shut the door.
"That was quick," Steve spoke gently as he stood from the couch. He made it a point to never, ever have his back to you in conversation if he could help it. You were his equal and you deserved  equal respect.
“Oh, daft animal had been rearing in his stable and got his leg stuck. Nasty cut but I managed to clean it and pad it. Gave him a tetanus booster and that was it, said I’d check back in tomorrow.” You smiled, “I just need ten minutes to type up the notes before I forget.”
"Alright," Steve nodded. "Can I get you a drink. 'Mega?"
“I’ll take a tea, please.” You smiled, “best not drink anymore in case I gotta go back out.”
You took your tablet from your bag and headed to the couch. By the time Steve was placing your drink down, your notes were done.
You shut the device down and placed it on the coffee table, picking up your drink and getting yourself comfortable as you swung your legs up beside you.
Steve picked up your leg from the ankle and set it in his lap, his strong hands rubbing over your calf through your jeans.
"Seren go down okay?"
“Three pages.” Steve chuckled.
You smirked as you blew a little over the rim of your mug, "new record."
“Think today tuckered her out. And I did a little thinking…”
He watched you wince a little as he dug into a knot, "what's that?" You looked at him.
“Maybe a pony of her own ain’t such a bad idea.”
“Okay, that…that didn’t take much convincing at all, Alpha.”
Steve chuckled then he sighed, "I think she's ready. I could make a few calls, see who's got one available."
“No need…” you bit your lip. “The Crafts have one…their youngest has outgrown him. I said I’d talk to you…”
"Oh," Steve nodded, "that works then."
“Yeah, convenient…” you agreed. And then Steve noticed the smirk on your face.
He gave a groan and a snort. “Was I actually going to get a say in whether or not she got a pony or was this just something you were gonna do regardless?”
"I mean I was just making it known that we'd discussed it. Formalities of checking with my mate and all that."
Oh, checking with your mate? Don’t you mean asking permission from your Alpha?” Steve teased.
"Details, details," you sniggered.
Steve rolled his eyes and took a sip from his drink. “So, what is it?”
“A male Shetland pony. Called Coco.”
Steve merely nodded as you continued.
“And. Let’s face it, it’s an investment.” You continued, “because when Seren has outgrown him, well…hopefully there’ll be another little one who’s ready to take the reins so to speak.”
Steve's face softened. "yeah?"
“Yeah.” You looked at him, a smile on your lips. “I thought that maybe when my next heat is due to hit, I don’t get my shot…see what happens.”
"Don't, don't do it." He sat forward, "I'm ready, darlin'."
You bit your lip, “me too.”
Steve held your ankles on his lap with one hand and leaned forward toward you more, "I want as many pups as we can, while we can."
“Woah, slow down there cowboy…” you chuckled, “I’m absolutely happy for two, I could be persuaded for three…”
Steve pecked your lips, "I'm teasing. We talked about two, but I'd be alright with three."
You smiled, your hand running through his hair, and then you moved to press your fingers to your mark.
I love you… your voice echoed in his head.
“I love you too," he whispered lowly. "So much, 'Mega."
“Kiss me Alpha.”
It took a tiny growl from his chest before his lips slowly, tenderly melted against your own. His soft kiss fluttered your insides and without though to it, you were in his lap.
Your hands cupped his bearded cheeks, the pads of your fingers softly brushing against his bristles as your lips allows his to lead them in a slow, sensual dance.
"Lemme love on you, 'Mega."
“Always…” your nose brushed his, “take me to bed.”
Steve needn't say another word, nor make any extra moves. He simply stood as he settled you into his arms and began his way towards the stairs. Blindly, yet expertly, he carried you up and up, to your bedroom where your bed awaited.
With a tenderness he reserved especially for you, he laid you down in the middle, on top of your pale blue comforter and positioned himself over you. One knee nestled between your thighs, his left hand planted by your head whilst his right hand cupped your face.
"My beautiful 'Mega," his voice whispered as his breath gently fanned your face.
Your own hand reached up, fingers gently tracing the curve of his jaw as he closed his eyes.
“My handsome, strong, protective Alpha.” You purred.
Time stood still when the two of you were like this. The intimacy so pure, that it squeezed at the heart in your chest that now beat for only he and Seren.
Steve dipped his head and captured your lips in a soft kiss. The feel of his lips on yours made you hummed against him. You parted your lips as the tip of Steve's tongue tickled at the pucker lines of your bottom lip.
Your hands dipped, finding the hem of his shirt and you gave a tug.
Steve's kiss barely stopped as you pulled the shirt up and over his head. The material pooled at his wrist by your ear. His fist curled together in his right hand, and he knuckled the mattress to flick away his tee. His lips were quickly back on yours trailing across your jaw and down your neck.
You sighed, happily, an Omega trill rolling in your throat which made Steve grumble a chuckle in response.
He sat back on his knees and pulled at the hem of your own tee as he did so, taking your body with him. With a light giggle you fell back with a little bounce to the mattress.
"That's better," Steve rasped as he bent back over you. He continued his trail of bearded kisses down your décolletage, to between your breasts and descending towards your navel.
He smiled against your skin as your belly twitched, always the same. So sensitive and ticklish in areas. He found it cute, and sexy.
He gave a nip to the skin below your belly button at the tip of your scar that gave him his daughter. Then he kissed the sting away tenderly. Those glittering, cerulean eyes looked up at you and he smiled against your skin.
You felt as if you blinked and then suddenly you laid naked before your Alpha, bar the bra that covered your breasts.
You chuckled and Steve looked at you, his chin resting on your sternum.
“Nothin, just the speed at which you undress me always amuses me.”
"You make me very impatient, doll."
“I bet you say that to all the girls…”
"Just you," he smirks as his beard began to tickle the inside of your calve.
“Good to know…” you sighed.
"Mmhmm," he kept his lips to your leg.
You trilled again as whiskers tickled the inside of your thigh.
“Oh, Mega…I love those noises…” he worked his way up.
He nudged that joint where hip and thigh came together, scenting you. Your hand automatically tangled in his hair, your breath hitching in your chest.
Tentatively, Steve nosed your mound, the tip of his tongue tickling your swelling, sensitive bud. You whined, your back arching off the bed.
A low rumble sounded in your ears as Steve tasted you. He locked at you like a kitten to milk.
You whimpered and moaned softly, your knees caging his head in at his ears as your alpha gave you what you craved, what you wanted.
He'd eat away at you with fervor, then he'd slow to a near stop and  make love to you there like it would be the last time.
And you loved every single moment.
Your orgasm was growing close, and you felt your body teetering on the edge of bliss. Tingling through your body felt like soda bubbles in your nerves.
"S'close, Alpha..."
He growled a little, before just as you knew he would, he slowed down. Leaving you mewling and begging for more.
"Please, Alpha..."
With a final grunt, Steve pulled away and wiped his face on the comforter. With a quick movement, he was up, out of his jeans and then back over you.
You were breathless, your body aflame. A sheen of sweat was beginning to cover your skin as you burnt hot from within.
“I got you, mega…” he whispered.
Steve held himself as he slipped right into you, a moan from you and a groan from him filling the airy space of the room.
Your hands flew to his broad back, curling round his shoulders as you dug your fingers into his muscles.
"You feel so good, doll." Steve's voice tickled your ear.
“You too…” you whimpered, your voice barely a whisper over your panting.
Steve pulled back and slowly thrust back in, a rolling tide to his hips as he set the pace of loving on you.
His hands reached for yours, fingers lacing through your own as he pressed them either side of your head.
You sighed as his body melted into yours. The weight of him felt like a warm blanket, comforting you and securing you. It gave you a never ending sense of security. And to lock your bodies together tightly; you raised your hips and brought your ankles up to settle the heels of your feet against his lower back.
“Shit…” he grunted, his eyes closing for a moment before they opened, locked back on yours.
"There you are, Alpha," you sighed as he kept rolling those hips into you. "Don't ever hide." His eyes flashed a little as you arched into him even more. “Let go, Steve…”
"No....not 'til you...."
Always putting you first, that never changed. No matter what, you were his priority in your moments together. 
You preened your neck, stretching out for him. You felt his nose dip along your mark, and he shuddered. Your lips parted in a sigh as you started to tilt your hips again to meet him.
His teeth nipped softly at your mating gland, enough for you to feel it, but not enough to break the skin.
"Oh shit," you rasped. "Alpha...."
“Mega…my mega…”
"I'm...." you needed just a little more, you were so damn close.
Steve knew, he always knew. His hips picked up the pace, but somehow he kept the same depth and rhythm. 
His lips claimed yours, the kiss deep yet soft. A juxtaposition. Just like your alpha himself. So strong, get gentle. So firm, but soft.
"Alpha...." you whined as you tightened around him, your nose buried right against his mark.
“Cum for me, mega…” his voice was deep, his instruction clear. It was an alpha command, the only time he ever used them in you was in moments like this. 
And you craved it.
"Oh my....fuck, yes," you came with a cry.
“Good girl…” Steve panted, his lips back at your mark.
You whined, whimpered then whined again at the praise.
“My beautiful Omega…” Steve’s words were almost whispered, a strain in his voice. 
He was close.
"Steve....let go, baby," you cooed.
You nudged at him with your nose, bringing his eyes back to yours.
Like times before there was the fleck of gold that flashed in his eyes, and you knew he saw it in yours. For the room went black and beyond the gaze of your connection a galaxy swarm around you.
When you finally found yourself again, Steve’s face was buried in your neck. He was panting, deeply. The rise and fall of his chest pressing against you and then releasing you from its hold.
Your fingertips danced up his spine and into the hair at the nape of his neck.
He gave a soft hum.
"I love you, my Alpha," you whispered.
“I love you too, my Omega. And I always will. Until the cows come home.”
“Until the cows come home,” you kissed his neck, before he moved and captured your lips with a soft, sweet kiss. “Until the cows come home.”
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dylanblakesgal · 4 days
Hi my nickname is Jessie I love Sunflowers, Wolves, and my favorite boy characters I love talking about them I don't have alot of characters I obsess over but there's a few here's some of my favorites out of many I love as characters.
#1 Cooper Howard
#2 Dylan Blake
#3 Varric Tethras
#4 Goro Majima
As you can see I have a type of man I love there's a pattern bad boys with a heart or just bad boys I also gotta love my cowboys, pirates, dwarfs, and people with super powers.
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Age:30. Gender: Female. I Express Myself As A: Tomboy. Content: 20+ Mixed. I make things like Gifs, Moodboard Edits, Picture Edits, and so on.
I admit I have an obsession for Dylan Blake from RE Dylan Blake is happily married to my OC Character Serena Blake.
Oshi he's like a brother to Cooper Howard in Fallout there blood brothers justice can't be denied everywhere they go he's also brother/friends with everyone My OC Character Oshi is a mix of Majima from Yakuza Like Dragon and Cooper Howard from Fallout TV Series Oshi has a similar look with his duster to Majima's jacket then his Desperado Hat is like Cooper's I was going for a certain look I wasn't even trying with his appearance it's just a coincidence he kinda looks like these two now I joke and say it's there long lost kid or the love child they had with a someone Oshi is my favorite character I must protect him at all costs he's just the guy who wants to help and have wholesome but cool vibes while just being platonic with certain people I know am a girl and my OC Character Oshi is a boy I put some of my personality into him and in my other OC Characters anyways sorry for my rambling I just saw some similarities with Oshi with these two also I don't ship Oshi with no one he's just like a brother or friend to people I use my other characters for ships but Oshi is not for that he's off limits plus it doesn't interests him.
Somethings I make is a joke ok not being serious. I just post things I love and enjoy
Disability: I have ADHD/Learning Problem
My Favorite Tropes Is Are The: Protective Lover, Soulmates, Forbidden Lovers, Wholesome Couples, and sometimes Enemies To Loves plus Platonic.
I have my comfort characters Cooper Howard, Dylan Blake, Gerry and Pete, Jensen, Chris Mclean, Connor, Finn, Hunter, Crosshair, Varric, Majima, and others that makes me smile and laugh my favorite characters got me. I have multiple interests and like any character that interests me and fandom.
My top favorite actors are: Woody Harrelson, Oliver Phelps, James Phelps, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Domhnall Gleeson, Keanu Reeves, Walton Goggins, and more these are my comfort actors.
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hangmanstigerlily · 2 years
The Sky, The Shore, and The Sea
I am a new writer here on Tumblr. I used to write and never post my writings....and here we are. Please let me know what you guys think!
Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Named OC (Callsign is TigerLily) Warnings: None at the moment, it’s just some angst and more of a drabble, there will be future mentions of death...if future parts are wanted or I post them! Jake has a serious thing for Bianca, an old friend of Rooster and Maverick. But what will he do about it? Bianca is definitely hiding her past from everyone except Rooster who knows why. Rooster tries to help get them together and of course may lead to messing up his friendship in the process. (This work isn’t done, I just wanted to see what people thought of it! Enjoy!)
Also, I do not give permission to copy this work or any of my future work! But please if you enjoyed it, reblog and let me know! I’m really nervous about posting stuff!!
“I honesty don’t know what to do Bradley” Bianca took another sip of her beer as she looked at her friend and glanced back over at Hangman chatting up a storm with a petite blonde at that bar, while he waited for another round of drinks for the Dagger Squad. She had been falling for Jake “Hangman” Seresin more everyday since she met him at Rooster’s Halloween party last year.
“Bianca! I’m so glad you could make it!” Rooster yelled over the loud music playing. He was dressed as a cheesy vampire complete with the teeth and spiderweb collar. “You look ridiculous Bradley!” She laughed and playfully hit his arm. “You’re one to talk!” He laughed as he hugged her. She had settled on dressing like a tiger, an omage to her old call sign, complete with a tail and ears. She knew of his callsign, heck she knew everyone’s callsign thanks to their almost everyday conversations but nobody knew she had ever been a pilot or have a callsign. Bianca knew Rooster from Top Gun and through a family friend, Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, her herself had passed the captains test but had stepped down because of a bad mission and accident, though only Bradley and Pete knew that part. He introduced her to everyone, joining Phoenix and Bob on the dancefloor, laughing. 
“Well what do we have here? What’s your name tiger?” A deep, southern accented voice cut through the surrounding sounds of the party and music. Bianca’s heart flipped slightly at the stranger calling her tiger, spinning and crashing into a strong body donned with a button-up plaid shirt, she looked up into gorgeous green eyes. His bright smile almost took her breath away as he winked. “I’m Bianca, a friend of Bradley!” She yelled at him. “What’s your name cowboy?” She said loudly, glancing up at the black cowboy hat on his head. “Name’s Jake, but most call me Hangman” She looked at him quizzically at the callsign. So this was Hangman, the cocky, self-assured pilot, the one Bradley had warned her about being a womanizer. But hell if she was gonna pass on getting close to him. 
One thing she knew was that she didn't swoon easily. “You wanna dance?” She asked boldly as she continued to hold his gaze. “Thought you’d never ask darlin’.” Rooster looked at the two and hummed in annoyance as Hangman put his hands on Bianca’s hip as they danced to the music. “Jealous?” Phoenix nudged his arm. He shook his head “No, I just know that look she gave him, something I'd seen her give past guys she likes. I know her all too well and I certainly know that Hangman is going to hurt her.” Phoenix looked at them. “But maybe she’ll take some of that cockiness out of him, she seems alot different from your typical girl.” Rooster just nodded in agreement. 
Bianca and Jake couldn’t seem to get enough of each other, hanging out for most of the night. He was cocky all right, but maybe that’s what she liked about him. He reminded her of how she was at Top Gun before her accident. Jake’s head was full of thoughts, mostly of Bianca. She was like a bright flame that he was drawn to. He was so enthralled by her, he walked her to her car but was confused when she didn’t try to kiss him. Even if she didn’t, he couldn’t stop thinking about her long after the party. 
Jake glanced over at Bianca as she took a drink from her beer at the Hard Deck. The blonde was chatting up a storm with him as he politely responded. Sure he would take the number she offered him but lately, he wasn’t feeling like his usual self. Studying Bianca when she looked over at Rooster, he thought of nothing but wanting to capture her attention, he wanted her near him in any capacity and if that only meant as a friend, he would have to settle for that, but it still didn’t stop the rush in his system every time he heard her voice, saw her, or saw her looking at him. He took the paper, put it in his pocket and nodded at Penny and the girl. “I’m sorry…was it Monica? I’m not really interested, but thank you” He smiled again and turned away, walking back over with the four beers in his hand. Penny glanced at him and laughed slightly as the girl paid and left, no doubt feelings hurt over Hangman’s rejection. 
“....maybe try talking to him about it?” Rooster glanced up at her as he played pool, realizing she may have not even heard half of what he said. She shook her head, scoffing slightly, not asking him to repeat the first part of his statement as she had been lost in thought. “Oh yeah, ruin our friendship and never live down confessing to him” She looked back over at Hangman, he flashed the blonde another one of his blindingly bright, cocky grins and slipped the paper into his pocket before picking up the beers and sauntering back over to the pool tables. Her heart did a flip as his gaze settled on her, trying her best to look slightly bored, finishing her drink. Damn him and his good looks. 
“Guess who scored again!” Hangman’s words came out with a slight drawl as he passed out the beers. “Let me guess, another notch for your ever growing belt Bagman?” Rooster stated, slight annoyance seeping into his voice. “Don’t be mad because you don’t have my level of game, Rooster.” Jake chuckled and picked up the pool cue to take his turn. “Whatever” Rooster muttered and glanced over at Bianca who seemed to be lost in thought again, staring off into space. Hangman hated keeping up the appearance that he was getting girls' numbers and actually calling them but as soon as he stopped, they would know something was up. He had never cared about another person like Bianca before and it scared him to change ways so suddenly. 
Bianca stood up and stretched, “I’m gonna go guys. Got to stop by the restaurant tomorrow morning before dogfight football. I’ll see you at the beach.” She hugged Bob and Phoenix first, then Rooster, and then Hangman. She was slightly surprised when he didn’t let go right away, her hands gently played with the hair at the nape of his neck, holding onto him as tight as he was to her. Her face was pressed into his shoulder and could smell the mix of spice and sandalwood, no doubt the cologne he didn’t use often. But why did he today? He felt her tighten the hug, burying his face more into her neck and hair, she smelled like her perfume, a mix of vanilla, cardamom, and a hint of coffee. She breathed in his cologne slightly, before pulling away, trying to disperse the blush on her cheek with a chuckle. “You know I’ll see you tomorrow Jake, you act like I’ll disappear before then” He smiled that brilliant smile again at her “Maybe I just like feeling you against me, darlin’.” He winked. “Sure Bagman” She waved as she left the bar. 
“You know, you can just tell her right? That you love her? You’ve been like a puppy following her around. You spend a lot of time looking at her. Who knows, maybe she even likes you back." Rooster looked at him, seeing the moment that had just occurred in front of him. Hangman looked at him “I don’t know what you are talking about Bradshaw '' He shrugged and walked over to the jukebox. Rooster watched him and took notice of him tossing the paper with the girl's number on it in the trash, trying to be nonchalant about it. Liar. Rooster thought. Phoenix glanced at Rooster "you think we need to step in and help?" Rooster nodded, pressing his lips together, only knowing of one way to do that, bring up the past and push her towards Hangman, but he had to do it alone because only himself, Maverick, Bianca’s mom, and Penny knew who she really was. 
He hated the idea of doing that. But he knew one way that would bring back her memories. Maverick had salvaged her plane, the Tempest and had restored it in a hangar on base. It was going to be a surprise for Bianca’s 30th birthday in December. She loved that plane, it had been her dad's and had been given to her. In her first mission though she had been shot down over the ocean and there were bad memories attached to that plane as well. Bradley pulled out his phone and told her to be ready in the morning, he would pick her up, take her to the restaurant and then he had a surprise for her. He swallowed hard as she agreed, this would hurt her and hurt their friendship, he knew it. 
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crazybigredlove · 2 years
14th October 2014
Dear Pete, 
Your brother wasn't going to talk to me this morning, so I made him. 6am may not have been the best time in hindsight, but how do we know unless we try?! 
"Why, hey there, sleepyhead. How are you on this magical spring morning?" Fake enthusiasm oozes out of my every pore but I am pumped and ready to go hang out with Dylan, I mean go to CrossFit. 
"Stop it. It's too early." I wave my coffee under his nose. "This magical elixir makes it never too early." "Go away," he growls. "Where's the new girlfriend? I've really been looking forward to spending some more time with her. Especially after yesterday when she asked me if you could get a ferry to New Zealand and how long I thought it might take." He groaned. "She didn't." "She did. So, here's the thing," Temporarily forgetting that coffee is a hot liquid, I take a big dramatic sip and then nearly spit it out all over him. I clear my throat and aim to carry on as if nothing has happened. "Now that you've called her your girlfriend, and now that it's been established that basic geography escapes her, it doesn't matter how good in bed she is, you're going to have to break-up with her eventually. Gee, you really taught me a lesson here." "What's that supposed to mean?" "A day and a half ago we have a massive fight in which I tell you that you're incapable of being in a relationship, and then that night you find yourself a girlfriend? I'm an idiot about lots of things, Chris, but this game you've got going on with her? That's not one of them. This makes you a jerk anyway because she's going to end up hurt." "Keep your voice down or she'll hear you." I lower the voice but not the attitude. "Pfft! It's not like she'll understand enough of the words for her feelings to get hurt." "Stop being a jealous cow." 
"Stop being a jerk." "Admit it, you're jealous." "I'm not admitting anything unless you admit you're a jerk." 
We're glaring at each other across the kitchen and the silence is unbearable, partly because I hate confrontation and partly because I really need to pee. Luckily he doesn't wait too much longer before he shakes his head and walks off, allowing me to both relieve myself and rush off to training. Our heated discussions have never been particularly mature... 
Not even 6:15am and my kitchen resembled the Wild West. Which reminds me, my new anthem is that 90s country music song by LeeAnn Rimes, I think it's called Commitment. It's all about holding out for the right guy and not settling. It is a fantastic theme song. What I mean by that is there are about 7 people in Tennessee who really enjoyed it and can probably also relate to the song and what I am currently experiencing. 
Think I'll find me a cowboy. 
Liv x 
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chrishoughton · 2 years
How are you spending your summer?
Mainly working since we're in the thick of things with BCG. Between the series, the movie, and shorts... things have gotten biz-zay. However, I'm never too busy to light a summertime sparkler (evidence is above).
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Summer to me means getting away and I'm lucky to say we were able to do so on two different occasions this year: earlier this summer we had the opportunity to visit Michigan. And more recently, we got-away to WV which really felt like a taste of summer. It was wonderful and was much more exciting than sitting on zoom (shocker!). Above is a shot of my brother Pete showing me the actual entrance to the underworld. Now we're back in Burbank (there is far less moonshine here) but I'm looking forward to having a few of my cousins swing by over the summer, stay with us, and get stuck in LA traffic together.
My dog Cowboy is recovering from surgery so we've been doing a lot of small walks and trying to build back his strength. For a number of weeks, it was like having a drunk frat boy for a roommate. He was injured yet so drugged up, it was difficult to convince him of his injuries. He's doing so much better these days and I'm looking forward to being able to get back to hiking together by the time fall rolls around.
I haven't done much gardening this year, but a bunch of Roma tomatoes popped up in my side alley. The yield has been more plentiful and tastier than anything I've grown intentionally. The lesson here: DONT TRY
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I've been reading a lot of Roz Chast and Alison Bechdel's work. Roz is hilarious and Alison is so introspective. Both are wildly interesting.
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I'm also trying to paint as much as possible. Here's a recent piece:
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How's your summer going? I hope you're able to get outside, drip popsicle on your shirt, and befriend someone with a pool. Regardless of what you do, enjoy it!
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savage-rhi · 3 years
gene and khaio getting high and making fun of higgs? i love their dynamic so much, comfort ship
@nemodoren coming up hon :D
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Laughter erupted in the back end of the porter residencies. The sounds echoed down the hallways and luckily, out of earshot from the higher-ups. Gene and Khaio were enjoying themselves, exchanging a few cigarettes that had been laced with marijuana. Both of them experimented with the different strands, seeing which ones they preferred and what gave the most benefits.
There was nothing against porters hitting blunts or using the drug, but it was frowned upon. However, given the week the two had with delivery runs and trying to outmaneuver BTs attempting to kill them, they needed to let loose.
"We should have done this a long time ago." Gene mused as Khaio nodded, taking a hit from his cig as he smiled. The smoke emitted through his nostrils as Gene snorted.
"Yeah, I don't know why we were so freaked out with talking to each other either!" Khaio said and smiled. "I mean there was nothing stopping us."
"I can name something we have in common that aided that. A certain fella who made our lives stressful as hell. He knew we'd be too powerful if we became acquainted." Gene grinned, watching Khaio's expression turn ecstatic.
"You don't mean--"
"Yes, I do!"
"The man of the hour!"
"Higgs fucking Monaghan!" They both exclaimed, erupting into another laughing fit. Both their faces turned red before Gene tried to shush Khaio.
"There's something I gotta tell you about him---"
"Okay, okay I'm listening!" Khaio moved closer to her, to where both Gene and he were huddled up like a couple of kids trying to plot something.
"Higgs isn't his real name."
"Get the fuck out of here!"
"No joke! You want to know what it is?"
"Tell me, tell me, tell me!"
Gene tried to control her laughter, a giggling fit starting to escape from her throat as Khaio shook his fellow porter by the shoulders to snap her out of it.
"His name is Peter!"
"No fucking way!" Khaio and Gene once more roared into a fit of laughs. They cackled like hyenas howling into the night. Gene wiped away her eyes, tears going down her cheeks as Khaio slapped his leg several times to get the energy out.
"There's no way I'm gonna take him seriously now! No way!" Khaio said in between breaths as Gene nodded in agreement.
"Gene, Gene, that reminded me there's something I gotta tell you about Pete--I mean Higgs."
"Tell me!"
"Word is, he's got a nipple piercing."
"You are bullshitting me!" Gene shouted wide-eyed, on the verge of another fit.
"I shit you not! Some porters from the D-12 unit caught him in the public showers, where he NEVER goes to and saw him with it!"
Khaio furrowed his brows, taking another hit as Gene was losing it against the wall. She was laughing so hard he couldn't tell if her lungs were collapsing or not.
"Gene? There something you want to tell the class?"
"I'm sorry--" Gene panted. "But I pictured it being like a drawstring toy, you pull the nipple ring back, it's attached to a cord, it goes back to him and he starts saying random shit like the cowboy from Toy Story!"
In between Gene's strained voice explaining herself, Khaio nearly collapsed beside her. He was holding onto his stomach at the imagery. Truth be told, it was probably the most ridiculous thing anyone had said but he was too high to care.
Footsteps from around the corner could be heard, and Gene and Khaio quickly tried to compose themselves. They even went so far as to toss their cigs or hide them underneath their porter boots. Fear overtook whatever joy they had as they nervously looked around, trying to appear inconsequential.
"Shouldn't you two be on the upper floor working?" Higgs said, raising a brow at them as he showed up.
Gene and Khaio, the moment they locked their gazes with Higgs lost it. The imagery in their head was too strong to hold back as they pointed and laughed at him.
Confusion settled on Higgs's face as he got ready to say something, even attempt to correct the behavior but he decided against it. Whatever was going on, he didn't want to get dragged into it as he shrugged, shaking his head, and walked off.
If you like my work and feel generous, feel free to donate to my ko-fi account or my cash app account!
Cash App: $JayRex1463
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maximoffs-girl · 3 years
i saw your ‘coming out to peter as bi’ headcanons and was wondering if you could do the same but with the reader being non binary and maybe not being accepted by their family (something i struggle with). thank you so much if you do this, and i really like your work :)
Hey honey, thanks sm for the request! I hope your family will come around and accept you for who you are! If you ever want to just talk, I'm here. ❤ (glad you're enjoying my work btw!!)
Peter Maximoff x nonbinary!reader
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You had been struggling with your identity for quite a while now
You finally found something, some name, some label that you felt comfortable with: nonbinary
You had thought it out very carefully: first you'd tell your family, then your boyfriend and then your friends
You gathered your family into the living room and carefully broke the news to them
Their reactions weren't what you had hoped for at all
Plain disrespectful, rude and hurtful were the words and looks that were thrown at you
Feeling hurt, shocked and distressed, you went to the one person you felt safe with: your sweet boyfriend Peter
Peter would smile brightly when he saw you approach but his demeanor would change in a snap when he saw something was wrong
"Hey sunshine- wait what's wrong?"
Immediately speeds over to you and checks for injuries
"Are you hurt? Are you okay? What happened?"
You shook your head and almost fell into his arms
Peter held you gently, shushing while you cried into his Pink Floyd t-shirt
When you calmed down, you told him everything
Your struggles with your identity, your journey to figuring things out, your plans and how your family reacted
He pulled you into another hug, cursing your family under his breath
"Baby, I'm so sorry you had to go through that alone. You know I 100% accept and support you, right? I'm so proud of you."
You nodded, a little teary-eyed, barely believing what a wonderful and supportive human being your boyfriend was
After a few sweet kisses, tight hugs and accepting words
Peter suddenly said:
"Babe, we're cowboys now."
You frowned, not following him
"What do you mean, Pete?"
He grinned so big it almost hurt his face
"You're my partner! We're partners!! As in: howdy partner!!!"
You bet your ass he'll keep saying that
In conclusion: Peter Maximoff is just the sweetest, most accepting boyfriend ever and would love you no matter what you identified as
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Peter Quill x Reader
Prompt: “am i your lock screen?” “you weren’t supposed to see that.”
Requested by: @starlord7555​
Summary: five years after the battle of earth, you are helping run the avengers and find yourself looking forward to every brief visit the team gets from your galactic counterparts.
Warnings: smut, fluff, vaginal sex, oral sex (female receiving), shower sex, unprotected sex, sexual over-stimulation, adult language,
Word Count: 4,099
Got a Request? Prompt List: here
follow my fanfiction blog
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a/n: full disclosure, I have not proof-read this but I’m too tired to do so and overdue on posting. Enjoy :)
“You know, I could spend every day for the next ten years training my ass off, but I still don’t think I’d ever actually win one of these no-powers-allowed fights.” you pointed out jokingly as you pushed yourself back up off the floor, having just been knocked on your ass by Peter Parker. You brushed a few wayward strands of hair out of your face with the back of your hand, and he bounced happily on his heels as the two of you caught your breath. “Not while you’ve got those super-special-spidey reflexes playing in your favor.”
He grinned back at you, one corner of his mouth rising in a crooked, charming smirk. There was a faint sheen of sweat on his brow and the same was darkening the collar of his shirt and the curls of his hair. The two of you had been sparring for the last hour and a half, and you knew you looked worse than he did.
“No, but it’s cute that you keep trying,” he replied in an easy taunt. His smile widened when you rolled your eyes at him, and he laughed cheerfully before conceding, “Your reaction time is getting better.”
“Thanks.” The two of you began trading blows again, and you flinched away when he landed a hit on your shoulder. “How do they not count as a superpower, by the way?”
Peter shrugged, ducking under a wide swing you threw, using the movement to sidestep and get behind you. You turned quickly on the ball of your foot, catching him by surprise with a spinning kick. ‘It’s not like I can turn them off. Besides, I don’t need them to kick your ass.”
The two of you were dressed for training, and at twenty-one, Peter Parker was a more capable opponent than ever. His shoulders had broadened slightly in the last five years, his muscles more defined and his hair worn a little longer. Still, he had the same almost lanky frame, and the same soft, disarming features he’d had when you’d first met him.
You’d been the same age before the Blip, and he’d been the one to introduce you to Tony Stark and the rest of the Avengers before Thanos’ attack after he’d caught you using your abilities at school. Hell, it was his heightened senses that had tipped him off about you in the first place. But he’d disappeared during the Blip and you had remained, aging five years before you got to see him again. It had been more than a little disconcerting for him when he’d returned. Still, despite that adjustment you were as close a pair of friends as ever, and as some of the longest serving members of the Avengers, you spent a lot of your free time together.
You were living at the compound full time, leading the team alongside Sam and Bucky. Peter was attending classes at NYU and still living with his aunt, but he was at the compound at least three times a week, often working out of the labs Tony had set up with him years ago to upgrade and experiment with tech. the only person he might have spent more time with lately than you might have been Bruce.
“Don’t get cocky, web-head.” you snarked back at him as the two of you circled each other slowly, eyeing his movements warily. Peter had been thoroughly beating you for the entire training session, but only just. His heightened reflexes meant that he would always beat you in a fight where you couldn’t use your abilities, but you’d spent the last two months focusing on your hand-to-hand combat with Bucky, and it showed. “You know I’d destroy you in a real fight.”
“Oh, c’mon. We’re like fifty-fifty.” he argued, dodging another kick you aimed at him. It was true; your abilities might make you hard to pin down and give you a definite edge in a fight, but his spider-sense meant he was able to keep up. It also made the two of you a hell of a pair in a battle. “And I’ve got some new tech you haven’t seen yet.”
“Ooh, color me intrigued.”
“I’ll show you la—” he stopped suddenly, straightening and turning towards the windows. “EDITH?”
“Nothing to – A ship has just entered the atmosphere above us.” the A.I. corrected itself midsentence calmly.
“That spidey-sense of yours never ceases to amaze, Pete.” you told him as the two of you moved to the windows. Picking something up before EDITH’s sensors was impressive to say the least. You both craned your necks to watch the sky, and a smile slowly grew on your face as a ship came into a view.
“Did you know they were coming?”
You shook your head, eyes still on the sky. “I haven’t had an alert over the comm system in weeks, not even from Wakanda. EDITH, send a message out to everyone on the current residential list; tell them to expect company when they get home. And contact FRIDAY; I’m sure Pepper will want to bring Morgan by once school lets out.”
“Right away.”
Peter rolled his eyes in amusement as he watched you bounce in place. “You really have no chill when it comes to this guy, you know.”
“Shut up, Parker,” you shot back. “You’re just worried you’re my second favorite Peter.”
You winked at him cockily as his mouth fell open in mock-offense. You pointed finger guns at him, snapping your fingers and disappearing with a muted popping sound. You reappeared in the same second, now standing at the front door downstairs. You could barely make out Peter’s answering bellow as he came thundering down the stairs after you, no doubt exasperated at your sudden teleportation. You heard a dull thump; rather than take the time to walk down the stairs, he’d clearly jumped the rail to the landing below.
“I better not be!”
Peter Quill was one of the last to saunter out onto the lawn from the ship, a cocky smirk on the edge of his lips and his eyes squinting against the afternoon sun. The light caught in his hair as he joined the other Guardians on the grass, blonde shining honey gold. He closed his eyes for a moment, inhaling a long breath of air of his home planet. His smile broadened as he opened his eyes and caught sight of you, stepping out of the main building, Peter Parker by your side.
You cast a brief glance over the rest of his team, your gaze lingering on Gamora for a moment. She stood beside her sister, her expression a polite kind of friendly. She nodded in greeting when she caught your eye, and you turned gaze back to Quill. “This is unexpected.”
He shrugged a shoulder, stepping forward until he was barely three feet from you. “We were in the area,” he replied easily, and Rocket scoffed beside him, rolling his eyes.
“No, we weren’t.” Drax corrected him, genuinely confused by Quill’s claim. “You said you wanted to see Y/N.”
Quill rolled his eyes in exasperation. “Drax, c’mon, man.”
Your lips quirked to one side in amusement. “You could have let us know you were coming.”
“Why, you got plans?”
Your teeth caught your bottom lip as your smile widened, and you jerked your head toward the man standing beside you. “Peter was going to show me some new tech, but I’m sure he’d prefer Rocket’s opinion.”
The raccoon’s ears flicked forward in interest; his eyebrow cocked. “Yeah?”
Peter nodded, an almost boyish excitement lighting his features. And despite Rocket’s brash, dismissive attitude towards Earth’s current level of tech, he was always more than happy to offer his opinion and advice to your crime-fighting partner – even if it came with a healthy dose of sarcasm and derision. “I’ve been playing with some new ideas, working on my own version of those suspension traps you showed me last time. Wider range, triggered by sudden displacement and reappearance of body heat.”
You smacked his arm. “You sneaky son of a bitch. That’s how you were going to beat me?”
“You and anyone else faster than me,” he shot back with a wink.
You rolled your eyes at him. “Oh, honey. I’m still gonna find a way to kick your ass.”
“Now who’s getting cocky?”
You snickered, shaking your head and turning to head back into the building. The Guardians followed after you, and both Peters fell into step close behind you. “Help yourselves to anything in the kitchen, and you’re welcome to any of the amenities on the grounds. If you need supplies, give the list to EDITH; she can have pretty much anything delivered from the city within the hour.”
“Mr. Barnes and Mr. Wilson are on their way back to the compound now,” the A.I. announced coolly as you came to stop in the foyer. “Dr. Banner should be here by nightfall. I took the liberty of notifying the Langs, but they are currently unavailable.”
“Thanks, EDITH.”
“Mrs. Stark is on her way.”
You turned to Nebula. “I thought you might want to see Morgan. She asks about you whenever I see her.”
The woman nodded, a grateful, awkward smile on her face. “Thank you.”
Quill stepped into your side as the others dispersed, his arm wrapping around your shoulders. “It’s so hot when you get all commander-in-charge like that.”
You scoffed a laugh, pushing him away. “Cool your jets, Space Cowboy. I need a shower.”
Your breath left you in catching moan as your back met the tiles behind you, melting into a giddy laugh before your lips were crushed in a kiss by the man holding you against the wall. You wrapped your arms around Quill’s neck, one hand sliding through the hair at the back of his head as he slid his tongue into your mouth. His body pressed hard against your own, his naked thigh pushing between your legs to press against your sex.
The hot water hammered down on the two of you, your whole body warm and tingling with his touch. His lips left yours to tease the side of your throat, his teeth grazing against your pulse point and up to your earlobe as his hand slid down over your naked hip, slick with vanilla and jasmine bodywash. He took hold of your thigh, hitching it up against his side.
You moaned again, louder than before, grinding down on his thigh. You grabbed hold of his bicep for leverage, rolling your hips into him. You other hand fumbled down his stomach, nails grazing over his abs before your fingers encircled the base of his cocked and squeezed. Peter grunted against the curve of your collarbone in approval as you stroked him slowly. He palmed your breast roughly with one hand, biting down on your shoulder. “Holy shit, I’ve missed you.”
You smiled, breath catching and head tilted back, your eyes closed against the spray of the shower. You gave his cock a playful squeeze. “I noticed.”
Peter snickered, his laughter catching as you swiped your thumb over the head of his cock. He pinched your nipple hard in response and you gasped, hips faltering for a moment. His lips finally found yours again as the roll of your hips became hurried and more disjointed, your breath quickening. His tongue slid over your own almost languidly, his stubble scratching at your chin. You carded your fingers through his hair and his hand slid back up your side, tickling at your waist before he took hold of you hip again.
His grip was hard, enticingly strong, his fingers digging into your flesh as he forced your movements to stop and pinned you harder against the wall. You couldn’t help the whine of complaint you made in response, and he broke the kiss, chest heaving for a moment as he caught his breath. He paused long enough to shoot you a cocky wink before he fell to his knees in front of you.
Peter pressed a kiss to the skin below your navel, inhaling through his nose to drink in the scent of you before burying his face between your thighs. His tongue curled around your clit and he pressed his forearm to your stomach, hand clutching at your hip, holding you in place as you tried to buck up against his mouth. His other hand travelled up the back of your leg, hooking under your knee and hooking it over his shoulder.
You gripped blindly at the top of the shower partition for balance, your other hand fisting in his hair. Peter hummed against you, hand moving up your thigh to caress your ass. He broke away from your cunt to press teasing, biting kisses to your inner thigh, his hand moving from your ass to roll his fingers over your clit, soaking them in your arousal before burying two of them inside you. He sucked a mark into your thigh, and your eyes rolled back as he returned his talented mouth to your clit.
Peter tortured you like that, fucking you slowly with his mouth and hand until the leg you stood on was shaking and your hand was so tight in his hair your fingers were cramping. You’d come more than once, every high he brought your to only half gone before he began building you to another.
“Pete—fuck, Peter…” you groaned through gritted teeth, moaning when he hummed against you in response. You tugged his head back forcefully, pursing your lips to hide a smile when he grinned cockily up at you, eyes squinting against the spray of the shower. He reached down to fist his cock in his hand, withdrawing his fingers from you to pinch your clit instead. His smirk widened when you jerked in response. “Quill, if you don’t hurry up and fuck me right now, I swear to whatever god you believe in, I—”
Peter was on his feet before you could finish your threat, taking hold of your thighs and lifting you. Your surprise at the sudden shift bubbled out of you in a laugh, and you wrapped your legs around him. Your teeth dug into your bottom lip as his hands squeezed your ass reflexively. Peter pressed his forehead to your own, nuzzling his nose against yours. “You know I’m half-god, right?”
“And all cheeseball,” you retorted jokingly, grinning as his jaw dropped in mock offense. You grinned, pulling him into another kiss, the gesture long, languid and yet still almost aching with need. He groaned into it as you reached down to take hold of his shaft, stroking him slowly and shuddering as the head of it pressed into you.
Peter spoke again, his breathless voice teasing, affectionate and cocky. “Just remindin’ you in case you feel the need to invoke a god’s name in the next few minutes or so.”
You smacked his chest, your response melting into a moan that he echoed as he lowered you onto his cock. His lips found yours in a harsh, despite kiss as he began to fuck you in long, steady strokes.
“How are you always so fucking tight?” he muttered, his lips brushing against your sternum. He dragged his face your nipple, stubble grazing along the wet, sensitive skin before he sucked into his mouth. He circled it with his tongue, catching it between his teeth and tugging. You grabbed at his shoulder, your other hand returning to the top of the partition to leverage yourself over him. You pushed your hips into his with every thrust, the sound of flesh meeting flesh echoing off the tile. “You keep squeezing me like that, sweetness, and I’m not gonna last as long as I’d like…”
You caught his earlobe between your teeth for a moment before speaking in his ear, a shiver running down his back. “I’m not kicking you out right away, Star Lord… you’ll get another go ‘round. Just make this one good.”
Peter growled into your neck, biting down hard enough to make you gasp. He kissed you again, roughly, his hips pounding into yours. Any break to breathe was filled with cursing and grunting moans, almost obnoxiously loud in the steam-filled room. You jerked suddenly as overwhelming sensation met your clit, your body arching into his as your toes curled and your whole body tightened. He’d unhooked the detachable showerhead from above you, turned it to jet and brought it down to your clit, and you could feel his smirk against your lips as you came again.
Each bounce on his cock brought the rush of water back over your clit, and your nails scored his shoulders and back as you clung to him. You released him only to grope at his wrist, urging the showerhead away from you. But Peter shook his head, lips teasing along your jaw.
“Not a chance, sweets.” he growled, his other hand tightening almost painfully on your ass. “You don’t get to stop coming until I’m finished.”
You whined in response, hips seizing as another wave hit you. Peter groaned as you tightened around him, his thrusts losing their rhythm for a moment. You arched your neck back, eyes half closed, and Peter’s lips found your throat once more, sucking a mark into the skin below your jaw. “Fuck, Peter… I can’t…”
“Hold out for me, Y/N.” he murmured back, barely audible over the sound of the water. It was beginning to cool, running too long, sending goosebumps over your over-sensitized skin. Your nipples brushed against his chest with every thrust, your hair slick and sticking to your neck. “I’m so close, baby… I’m so fucking close, baby. God—”
The showerhead clattered against the wall as Peter released it, his hips almost buckling as he finally came, his face buried in the side of your neck. You whimpered, body shaking with aftershocks as he lowered you to the floor, hands pressed to the walls for support, your body held up by his still pressed against yours.
He kissed your cheek, giggling almost deliriously in your ear as the two of you caught your breath. His hands came to rest on your hips, trailing over the skin carefully to your waist. You slung an arm around his neck, pulling him into a kiss, reaching past him with your other hand to turn off the shower. “It’s good to see you too, Peter.”
You scrubbed a towel through your hair, sitting at your vanity and watching Peter through the mirror. You’d dressed in a pair of shorts and an old tee shirt, and EDITH had announced that all but Bruce had since arrived at the compound. “So, how far out of your way did you go this time?”
Peter shrugged, nodding absentmindedly along to the music you had playing, his own hair an endearing tangle of still-damp curls. He was stretched out on your bed, a towel wrapped around his waist and his back pressed against the headboard and pillows. He had one hand tucked behind his head, the smallest of smirks on his lips. “A day or two. Maybe more.”
“So, you’re thinking about hanging around then?” you asked, turning around to face him, leaving your towel on the vanity. “You keep doing this and that crew of yours is going to hate me.”
Peter chuckled, shaking his head. “We’re between jobs. We’ve just been paid; they could use a few days leave.”
“And the free room and supplies just made us all the more appealing, huh?” you teased, moving towards the bed.
“And a couple of other things.” he held a hand out to you and you took it, making yourself comfortable and curling up into his side. He draped his arm around your shoulders, and you didn’t release his hand, holding it by your shoulder.
You smiled, but the expression slowly faded into something more somber as a thought returned to you. “So… Gamora…?” Peter exhaled, a crease forming between his brows. “I take it you two…”
He shook his head. “She’s… she’s sticking around for Nebula. And we’re friendly, it’s just…” He sighed, but his voice wasn’t pained like it had been in the past. “Sometimes, she’s so close to who I remember. Which makes sense, I guess. She’s the same person, but… she’s not. Whatever we went through, whatever it is that made the old Gamora love me, she doesn’t have that, she didn’t go through the same stuff. So, she doesn’t see me the same way as the other Gamora did. And she can’t even… she doesn’t know that Gamora. She can’t see what we had. The whole thing is like… she told me, hearing the stories, it’s like I’m talking about somebody else. Someone she’s never met. And she’s right.”
“Peter, I’m sorry.” You murmured, leaning your head against his shoulder. You squeezed his hand gently. “I thought maybe… it’s been three years since you found her, and with Nebula wanting to stay with you guys—”
“It’s okay, Y/N.” he assured you softly, turning his head to press a kiss to your temple before resting his chin on top of your head. “Like I said, she’s not the same. She’s not the person I… my Gamora is gone. And it might’ve taken a while, but I… I get that. It just took me a while to wrap my head around it.”
The two of you fell silent for a while, the weight of the conversation settling over you like a blanket. You played with his fingertips absentmindedly, eyes unfocused.
“You hungry?”
You looked up, offering him a warm smile. “Starved.”
Peter’s face broke into a cocky, teasing smirk. “Yeah, you are.”
You scoffed at him, elbowing him in the side. He laughed, shying away from you, arm withdrawing from your shoulders. “We can order from that steakhouse; get it delivered?”
“Works for me.”
“And you won’t even have to put pants on,” you teased, laughing as he poked you in the side in retaliation. “Is it too early to order? Hand me my phone?”
Peter picked it up from your bedside table, the screen lighting up as he did. You snatched it out of his hand quickly, your cheeks warming slightly. A surprised, smug grin slowly bloomed on Peter’s face. “Am I your lock screen?”
“…You weren’t supposed to see that.” you admitted awkwardly, face flushed. Your background picture was a photo of the two of you that you’d taken on a previous visit; grinning at the camera like fools, caught up in the music you’d been blasting at two a.m. He’d been emulating everything he thought a Rockstar should be, over the top and frankly, adorable. You pushed yourself away from him, moving to clamber back off the bed and away from the embarrassment of being caught out. “It’s not a big deal, I just thought it was a good picture, and—”
He caught hold of your wrist, dragging you back to him. He pulled you on top of him, legs on either side of his, trapping you there with hands on your waist. “Come with me.”
“Come with me,” he repeated, his expression surprisingly earnest. He released your waist to take hold of your hands instead, enclosing them between both of his. “Come see the universe.”
“Quill, you’re being—”
“C’mon, Y/N.” he insisted, his tone an almost boyish excitement at the idea. “It’ll be great! You and me and the whole universe to see. You’ll love it, I promise.”
“Peter, I—” you struggled to find the words, taken aback by his sudden proclamation. This was something you thought about, late at night when you were too tired to think of all the reasons it wouldn’t work. “I ha-have responsibilities, here. I can’t just—”
“Just think about it,” he urged, his head ducked down to meet yours beseechingly. “We could be like this all the time. We could… we could be together.”
“And… you want that?” you couldn’t help but ask. You knew Peter’s reputation – Drax and Rocket had alluded to it more than enough – and up until now you weren’t entirely sure if you were his only… hell, you didn’t know what to call it.
He nodded, hands tightening slightly on your own. “We fit, you and me.” you swallowed, halfway torn between running from the room declaring your avenging too important and throwing yourself into his arms. “Just… say you’ll think about it? Please?”
After a moment, you nodded slowly, wetting your lips nervously. “I’ll think about it.”
tags: @lovely-dreamer19​ @wittyforachange​ @wefracturedmotivation​ @january-echoes​ @glossyloner​ @capitalnineteen​ @youclickedthislink​ 
If you would like to be tagged in future peter quill stories, or in my marvel stories in general, please send me an ask :) I hope you enjoyed it, and please like/reblog/comment :)
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
I Hate You P3
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I groaned as I woke up seeing the bright light cascading from the windows and door, Loud music coming from the other room, I groaned sitting up rubbing my eyes. I slipped my robe over my shoulders going out to the rest of the apartment seeing y/n stood at the oven making pancakes, her hair in rollers, in a little blue sleeveless dress slightly dancing to the record player.
"Morning" I groaned
"Morning Husband!" she smiled "Coffee?"
"Uhhh yeah sure"
"Here you go" she smiled handing me a cup of coffee
"Aww thank you wifey" I smiled giving her a kiss "why are all the lights and the music on?"
"Because this is the time I get up benny. Get used to it"
"Fine, see how long you can keep this up when I don't go to bed till like three Am"
"fine, have your coffee darling"
"I shall" I nodded having a sip of my coffee but it tasted terrible, "Ughh! what is this!"
"I made you coffee darling" she smiled
"what did you do to this coffee? what was the exact steps in you making it"
"Coffee powder, milk, Water"
"I did however use Almond Milk"
"Ughhhhhhhh...." I relused almost being sick "Okay. Thank you dear" I sighed tipping the coffee down the sick "I'm going for a shower"
"Ohh you might want to wait, I used up all the hot water" she smiled "sorry darling"
".... Its fine dear" I sighed starting up the shower and it was a cold as ice, "I'm gonna use your shampoo okay hun I'm out of mine" I told her as I climbed in the shower
"No! benny! it's mine use your own!"
"what's yours is mine darling"
"Fine, Ohh by the way I used your razor to shave my legs"
"... You know what that's not a problem, I wasn't planning on shaving,"
"You should"
"Should I?"
"It would make your wife happy"
"so would a divorce and I'm not giving you that either"
"I'll wax it in your sleep"
"You wouldn't dare"
"Wouldn't I Benny?" she smiled as she did her hair "Ohh I'm having some friends over later by the way"
".... fine. Then I'm having the boys over tomorrow" I told her as I climbed out my shower I smirked and dried off then threw my towel on the floor and wrapped my robe around me she seemed annoyed with me already "Feel free to leave me wifey, It's only going to get worse"
"Ohh is it now? well I'm going to stay put, I know I can last longer then you"
"why so sure darling?"
"Ohh I'm two days out from my period benny. You ready for it?"
"are you now? How about I start getting really into Diy projects that I will never complete"
"How about I get really into cooking and constantly make terrible foods"
"I'm never buying a dish washer"
"I'm gonna get a cat"
"I swear to go I will stat having chess themed orgies in this house, with or without your participation"
"I going to take a female lover"
".... Actually I'm fine with that. In fact I'd be slightly into it" I shrug "I will..."
"You'll what?"
"I will get you so fucking pregnant, you'll give birth to fucking twins or worse"
"My god do I hate you"
"I hate you too" I smiled pulling her to kiss me she resisted at first but happily kissed me back wrapping her arms around me tightly
"You'd be into me having a side girlfriend?"
"Kinda yeah? If you'll let me watch"
"You're disgusting" she sighed going to the bedroom
"what! It's hot!" I complain following her but she threw my jeans at me
"Put pants on!"
"My house! I can walk around naked if I want"
".... Damn it I can't you'll enjoy it"
"I will" I nodded "Infact could you, like seriously. that would be very very nice wifey" I smirked cuddling her from behind
"Hands off unless your going to fuck me benny," she laughs pushing me off her "Can't try this sugar sweet before you buy" she smirked playing with her hair and shaking her ass at me so much her dress physically moved from side to side with her shaking
"I thought I had bought it. considering... we are married."
"Don't you poke holes in my sexy analogy"
"Maybe I would have had sex with you if you'd given me a minuet"
"Nope! dwindling to none existent sex life. Welcome to married like benny watts"
"Our sex life is not dwindling if I have anything to say about it"
"Who said you did?"
"Our sex life is not going anywhere" I smirked grabbing her pulling her to my chest and grabbing her ass "Not at least till give got you pregnant y/n"
"You are never getting me pregnant"
"Aren't I?" I smirked "Just you try and stop me"
"Even if you do I'll make sure there all girls, all hate chess and want nothing to do with there father"
"You have no control about that honey, I do remember. so I'll make sure there all chess playing, messy, dirty little boys who all look just like me"
"I hate you"
"I hate you too" I smiled pulling her to kiss me.
I sat at the table working on my next book, Y/n came in bringing the last two crates of beer in she had borrowed my car or well she took my keys without telling me she was getting beer in for her 'freinds' she had visiting tonight,
"who have you got coming tonight anyway?"
"My friends"
"what friends?"
"My poker friends"
"I thought you poker friends was luke and everyone?"
"Ehh some of them yes"
"You have other friends?"
"I assume you have other friends then just lukes and your chess guys?"
".... I do not"
"Ohh. Well I do" she shrugs taking the beer to the kitchen i tried to take one but she slapped my hand "Not for you"
"Owww..." I complained "How many people are coming then?"
"A few"
"A few?"
"Just some poker friends, some biker friends, and Dan he's my bestie"
"Is he now?"
"will you just chill. also pack your chess board away unless you want it broken"
"Because It'll get broken if you leave it there" she laughs
"I am growing more and more concerned about your friends"
"Yeah and I've been concerned about yours since I met them"
"Have you?"
"The boys are weird"
".... I'll give you that" I sighed
"Yeah?" I sighed as I put my board away
"I don't like your clothes."
"You have mentioned that many times y/n"
"what! you do dress like a cowboy porn star!"
"Okay the cowboy I get where are you getting porn star?"
"The weird caterpillar you keep above your mouth"
"You love it" I smirked as I put it away
"But seriously benny I don't like your clothes"
"Take them off"
"...Ohh" I laughed "Something you wanted wifey?" I smirked leaning on the kitchen counter beside her
"Nope just wanted to make you hard so I can abandon you" she smirked groping my dick though my jeans and then walking off
"You are evil"
"yep" she smiled as the door knocked "Get the door please husband"
"Yes wifey" I sighed going to the door as it was pounding by now, I opened it and almost gulped seeing the gang of tall, muscular, burley, heavily tattooed, leather jacket wearing men with bags and boxes of beer. "Uuuuuhhhh Hello" I smiled
"Uhh Yes, that uh that's uhh she's over there" I told them letting them all in,
"Ahhh my boys!" she smiled hugging them each tightly, once they where all inside I shut the door as they opened the first box of beer, My god she's turn my flat into a biker bar.
"y/n? are they going to kill me?" I whispered to her
"Maybe if you piss them off. wouldn't be the first time" she smiled as she walked off to chat with some others
"Wait- what? what do you mean wouldn't be the first time?" I asked her "Y/n? Y/n? Don't leave me alone" I whined following her carefully
"Benny watts are you scared?"
"Yes! this is little the first time in my life I'm NOT the most insane man in the room." I told her "I know I like to stick out but this... this is in a way I don't like"
"Boys?" she called making them all silence and look at us "Don't murder my husband...." she smiled
"That's it?"
"Don't murder my husband... Please?"
some nodded but most just returned to their conversations, their beer's or other such things, Y/n walked off to put some of her records on, and helped out one of the guys with something.
I mostly just sat at the table trying not to get in the way as my apartment was full of these... well biker guys, The smell of cigarette smoke wafting across the air, as well as the smell of beer, motorbike oil, and cannabis. The empty pile of cans and bottles of beer piling high by the door, The rock music blaring, men shouting and swearing at each other. Some guys arm wrestling others betting on it, spilling beer across the side, another group was doing something with vodka shots I wasn't sure, Y/n had helped one guy set up all the cushions on the floor like a bed and he had a little... let's call it improvised tattoo machine and sat cross legged smoking something as he did tattoo's on other guys, often he would pass the cigarette to y/n as she went around gathering empty bottles, checking on various things. as much as it wasn't my scene I loved how... she's kinda the queen of this shit, on anything she had the final word, on beer's, on who won games, everything went though her.
"Come on Baby? where's my sugar?" One guy asked sitting in the leather chair trying to pull her onto his lap
"Oi! hand's off Pete, ladies busy" she argues pushing his hands off her
"Besides, little ladies married now" Another guy spoke up from the table
"Yeah, how'd that little weasel get his hands on my baby?" He smirked more to y/n then anyone else
"Reasons" she smirked winking to me,
"Hey? Watts right?" he asked to me
"Yeah" I nodded
"You party?" he asks offering me a cigarette
"Uhhh no. No thanks"
"Whatever, fun little hubby you got y/n" He smirked pulling her onto his lap
"He's fun" she smirked getting off his lap "sometimes" she smiled as she walked past giving my cheek a kiss
"Y/n? your up" The guy called as he finished up the last guys tattoo
"wait your getting another tattoo?" I asked her
"No just touching up mine" she smiled "You wanna come hold my hand benny?" she whines playfully
"Alright" I smiled holding her hand so she dragged me over she laid on the pillows as this guy looked her tattoo over. He was taller then me, muscular and toned, Tattoo's covering every inch of his body, he was shirtless with only a pair of jeans and some suspenders, he sat cross legged on the cushion as he cleaned his needles and got some ink ready in a little glass dish "Y/n are you sure this is... sanitary on our floor?"
"Our floor's cleaner then the shop I got this done in" she laughs tapping the ottoman so I sat on it and took her hand "I don't really need you, I did it last time with just a lollipop and a foul mouth" she laughs "But... give you practice" she winks
"We good?" He asked her and she nodded and he started, it was only fascinating to see him touching up the colours and lines of her dragon even if at times it felt like she was going to break my hand till he took a break to change the colour or needle I don't know,
"fucking hell" I complain shaking my hand where it had gone numb
"Ohh this is nothing wait till I have a baby"
"Hell no, I'm waiting in the husband room with a paper"
"No your not your going to hold my hand that or stare at the human forcing its way out of me. either way" she smirked
"That is if you have a baby?"
"Like your not gonna get me pregnant" she smiled giving my lips a sweet kiss
"I might" I winked
"You don't I will" That Pete guy smirked
"You're done" The guy told her and she smiled sitting up
"You're turn"
"what? no way!"
"Awww what's the matter benny? You scared?" she smirked "I knew you wouldn't" she giggled as she got up "Guess I have a better pain tolerance then you,"
"I could sit though it y/n. I just don't... want anything"
"I bet you can't"
"I bet I can"
"Put your money where your mouth is then watts." she smirked the room going quiet
"Yeah? Okay. If I do it you have to stop this stupid competing." I told her and she seemed shocked "we call the bets off, all of them"
"and what would we do about... everything?"
"I get to give in. and stay married to you. as long as I want"
"Humm found of your wifey now are you watts?" she smirked wrapping her arms around my neck
"I am. no more fighting, No more dares. and you stay my wife" I told her wrapping my arms around her waist
"And if you can't do it? If your chicken out?"
"Then we call our bet off and you win. you can leave me"
"Hummm... Okay" she smiled "But I pick what you get"
"Deal" I sighed
she smirked and pulled me to heavily kiss her, I happily kissed her back tightening my grip on her, I could hear the guys wolf whistling at us till she pulled away "Get cosy Benny" she smirked running to the table getting a bit of paper,
I breathed and laid on the cushions trying to get comfy staring at my celling while my head screamed at me
'Helloo! Earth to benny's rational mind what the fuck are we doing! why do we agree to this! She's gonna tattoo a dick on me isn't she?'
"You done this before?" The guy asked me
"I aint gonna lie to ya man, It's gonna fuckin' hurt"
"Yeah... I know"
"Ankle, under 15." y/n smiled handing this guy a bit of paper but I didn't see what it was on it "Get him on the bone"
"You're intentionally making this hurt aren't you?"
"Ohh relax benny, My first tattoo was my ankle"
"It was? so... it's an easy first place then?" I asked as she came over getting comfy with me
"Ohhh noo. I screamed" she smirked rubbing on my shoulders
"don't move. Or It'll take longer. and hurt more" he told me
"Great" I sighed
"Ohh relax I'm not that evil to you benny"
".... we got married out of spite of course your fucking evil to me" I said starting to panic as he moved my jeans up 'ohh fuck oh fuck this is getting real, this is getting real, it's not to late I can get out of this'
"Yeah," she laughs giving me a cuddle "I hate you"
"I hate you too" I told her and as I did I felt the scratchy pain across my ankle "ahhh fuck!"
I blocked it out or at least tried to, Mostly just laid there with my hands over my eyes narwing on the inside of my mouth as y/n cuddled me and sometimes gave me kisses often going here and there to do other things as people began to leave to head home every so often i felt him drag something across my skin wiping away
"what uhhh what are you wiping?" I asked trying to focus on something other then the pain
"Ink." He says "and blood"
"I shouldn't have asked" I sighed
"Almost done" He says
"Is it normal to feel sick?"
"You're probably just low on sugar" Y/n laughs "You should have eaten something"
"Yeah well... waiting for my wife to make me dinner"
"Make him his dinner y/n" Pete Laughed as he had now came close to watch my pain sitting on the rug even if I did notice him ever so often ogling y/n
"Benny make y/n her dinner" Y/n giggled
"I would by my wife insisted I get my ankle amputated" I sighed
"Ohh grow up your getting a single line tattoo under fifteen centimetres. Not like I made you get my dragon" she laughs
"How long did your dragon take?"
"six hours in two three hour blocks one for line work and one for colouring" The guy smirked as he worked
"How much did that cost?" I asked
"Two crates of beer, fifty bucks and a free fuck with my friend Lina" she laughs
"How much is this?" I asked
"The beer and the cigarette I've had tonight" He shrugs "And your done"
"I'm done?"
"All finished man. you feel alright?" he asks as I sat up
"I feel like I'm going to faint or hurl"
"Go lay down benny," y/n smiled helping me up even if I couldn't put weight on my ankle instantly falling into her arms "whoa. Okay to bed Mr watts right now" she laughs helping me to our room and instantly she tucked me into bed "You get some rest okay sleep tight" she smiles kissing my head before going back to the living room leaving the door open a crack
"Back in a sec y/n I gotta clean up" The tattoo guy said as he headed to the bathroom
"Sure dan" she waves
'ooohh so that's dan"
I tried not to focus on the aching and throbbing pain on my ankle trying to get to sleep
"so? can I have a little sugar now baby?" Pete asked
"Pete knock it off. How many times I'm not into that anymore"
"what? seriously? but your my little biker baby?"
"Yeah well Not anymore"
"What? Because you got married in Vegas your actually going though with this shit? you got drunk and hooked up so what divorce him and lets get back to our sugar?"
"Pete, Look I'm serious. I'm married now"
"You can't really be staying with this little weasel"
"I am." she smiled "I Like being a wife, I like a lot of things about it but... I'm happy,"
I smiled a little and quickly fell asleep.
I groaned as I woke up my ankle still aching but I felt y/n cuddled up with me "Ummm good morning wifey" I smirked holding her close
"Ummmm hello Husband" she smiled cuddling me tighter "How are you feeling?"
"Better, now I have you"
"Yeah me too" she smiled kissing me softly I smirked and pulled her closer kissing her back being careful of her fresh tattoo
"so... we're married. and not looking for a divorce."
"Nope. Unless you like.. I don't know cheat on me or anything like that" she laughs "but other then that. I'm happy"
"Yeah, I'm happy too y/n" I smiled "We're happily married my darling"
"Very happy" she smiled "coffee?"
"Yes please my sweet wife" I told her and she smiled getting up and tugging me along with her, to the kitchen, I smiled wrapping my arms around her nuzzling into her neck as she made coffee, "We're really... not competing anymore? you're happy to stay married to me?"
"Very happy benny," she smiled turning to give me a kiss "For as long as you are"
"I heard... you and pete last night?"
"Did you now?"
"did you and him?"
"Once. Yeah, well you heard last night don't you trust me?"
"I trust you, Even if I hate you"
"Yeah I hate you too" she laughs "Do you like it?" she asks as she turned to face me
"Like what?"
"You're ankle?"
"Ohh. I haven't really seen it yet"
"Come on then" she giggled excitedly dragging me over to the Livingroom sitting her little mirror on the table and angling it down so I could see my ankle I was a little worried what I now Had permanently on me but I was pleasantly surprised,
The careful and beautiful linework of the outline  of the king piece
"oooohh... I like that actually"  I smirked rather impressed with it even if it was rather red,
"See. trust me" she giggled
"It's beautiful darling, I really like it"
"Good, I thought you would" she smiled moving a little closer standing beside me and I could see in the mirror as she got closer she had a fresh tattoo on her ankle too a tattoo in the same style in the same place on her ankle but of a queen piece so as we stood together they matched
"after you went to sleep, before Dan left"
"I love it even more now, it's amazing my darling"
"Ummm" she smiled hugging me tightly nuzzling her head into my chest "I love you"
I was in shock, my heart beating quickly, I relaxed a little and hugged her tightly pulling her as close as I could "I love you too"
I smirked as we arrived at lukes my arm around y/n my hand on her butt though her coat
"Hey! you guys are togethere and aren't murdering each other? this is a rareity" Luke laughed letting us in leading us into the poker room where everyone else was already waiting
"Hi everyone" she smiled
"Hey" I waved as we got to the last two seats next to each other, I slipped my jacket and hat off  
"Drinks?" Luke asked
"Just a cola please Luke" she smiled
"Me too" I told him
"This is... weird" Luke said getting them from his little fridge "But come on you two know the rules"
"Course. You look beautiful y/n"
"Awww thank you benny, you look very handsome too" she smiled I happily kissed her giving her lips a sweet intense kiss
"What- What the hell is going on?" Luke asked as everyone was confused
"You go on wifey" I winked slapping her butt as I sat down she smiled widely and showed off her nice diamond ring,  and wedding ring. everyone looked impressed and shocked so I smirked and showed off my own with my signet ring
"You- You two are... fucking married now?" He asked
"Yep happily married" she smiled slipping her coat off putting it on the chair
"Yes! I knew it!" Mark laughed from across the table "the second y/n wasn't drinking I knew it"
"Yeah, Four months now right?"
"Four and a half" she smiled as she sat down and took my hand "I love you" she smiled nuzzling into my shoulder as Luke dealt the cards
"I love you too" I smirked giving her a kiss
"This is the most insane thing I've seen in my life. But I knew you two loved each other really" Luke laughed.
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santiagonex · 5 years
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As 2020 is nearing, it’s time to see what 2019 has brought us when it comes to gay representation in tv shows and movies. Below ‘read more’, there’s a whole list of tv shows/ships/movies (with pictures and basic description) which include/are about gay (used as an umbrella term) men and couples (so basically have gay storylines and at least one gay person is a main character of the show/movie).
Since I’m a gay man, I keep up mostly with mlm, if I included wlw as well, I don’t think the list would be complete with my lack of knowledge, so sorry about that. I’m pretty sure there are more competent people who can do that instead of me.
Total Count of TV Shows in the list: 65 Total Count of Movies in the list: 27
 Anyways, here we go.
The Other Two: the funniest most-relatable show centered around three siblings – one of them is gay (left). A must-watch for sure. He’s pretty much the hugest part of the show, there are some love storyline (...and they were roomates), some self-loving moments and iconic lines. Just watch it, you won’t regret it.
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Sex Education: show about two best friends, one of them (right) is gay. His name is Eric and he gets involved with his enemy Adam (left). Amazing show.
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Special: show about a gay man Ryan (right) with mild cerebral palsy, who wants to live his life as an independent person to the fullest. Easy and short show to watch.
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Druck (German SKAM Remake): if you don’t know SKAM, it’s pretty much a show where each season is devoted to one character. Third season of German SKAM aired this year and it was revolved around a gay guy (left). For the first time in SKAM history, the main character’s love interest is a trans guy (right).
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Skam France (French SKAM Remake): the French version of SKAM had a gay season this year as well. 
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WTFock (Belgian SKAM Remake): Belgium has a season focused on the main gay character this year as well.
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El corazón nunca se equivoca: I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of Aristemo from ‘Mi marido tiene más familia’. Well, they’d already aired the first season of the new spin-off centered around their lives in college (I think).
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Merlí: Sapere Aude: Bruno (left) and Pol (right) fans, it’s time to make some noise. Brunol is coming back because Pol is getting a spin-off which will be taking place in university. Bruno will be in it as well. First episode airs on 5th of December this year.
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Pose: second season of Ryan Murphy’s popular show with main transgender and gay characters has aired this year.
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The Politician: another show from Ryan Murphy was created. The main protagonist of the show (right) is played by Ben Platt and he’s gay. The show contains many LGBT+ main characters.
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Tales of the City: the revival of the Tales of the City sequence of miniseries aired this year. The show includes many LGBT+ storylines.
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The L Word: Generation Q: the revival of The L Word show will air on 8th of December this year. The show is mainly about lesbians, but based on trailer, there will be a gay couple included as well.
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Years and Years: very futuristic show with a political message. Includes both mlm and wlw as main characters.
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The Red Line: the plot of this show involves a white cop in Chicago who mistakenly shoots and kills a black doctor named Harrison. Harrison had a husband (left) and daughter (right). The show deals with the consequences of the event.
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Now Apocalypse: all I’m gonna say is that Beck from Victorious got to make out with Scott from Teen Wolf, Matty from Awkward and Jake from Glee. The show was renewed for second season and later this statement was taken back and it got cancelled – which I guess says enough about the show.
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This Close: the show is about two best friends who are deaf. One of them (left) is gay and has a storyline and spicy scenes with the guy on the right and some other guys as well. 
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Schitt’s Creek: David (right) and Patrick (left) aka the cutest softest couple of all time. The last season of the show will air next air. Watch the show if you wanna laugh and watch the healthiest gay couple on tv. They also got engaged this year, which was beautiful.
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Daybreak: both main characters and basically on different sides of the battles. Who wouldn’t want to watch enemies being in love Romeo & Juliet style.
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El Juego de las Llaves (The Game of Keys): very interesting and fun show to follow, the one on the right is the main character. He’s closeted, has a girlfriend and gradually realizes there’s something else out there. Nice kissing scenes, plus one very spicy scene. Doesn’t hurt that the guy on the left he will be involved with looks like a dollar store Chris Evans if you squint hard enough.
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Five Bedrooms: 5 strangers moves in. The guy in the middle is gay. His mom is a very traditional Indian woman who just wants grandchildren. The whole show is heart-warming and sad at times. The guy gets fair share of screentime and some love interests including a cop from the neighbourhood.
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Made In Heaven: Indian show that follows the lives of Tara and Karan (left), two wedding planners in Delhi running an agency named Made in Heaven. Karan is gay. Very progressive show with spicy gay scenes.
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What/If: haven’t seen the show yet but friends said these two have a nice storyline in the show. Threesome included.
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Bonding: show about two best friends Pete (left) and Tiff (right). Pete is gay. They basically... do freaky shit for work... umm. Just watch trailer or something.
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Osmosis: I have no idea what the show is about but the guy on the left is set to betrying to find a soulmate or something. I think I remember seeing some spicy scenes.
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Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists: basically some gay romance with the guy on the right and someone else. The one on the left dies the first episode so I did not even bother after that. But you can be the judge of it.
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Doom Patrol: Larry (left) is a superhero, kinda. There’s something haunting his past, though. Something that involves being gay.
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The Umbrella Academy: Klaus (left) my favorite character. He’s kind of a hero along with his other siblings. There’s a deep gay storyling along the way.
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Weird City: anyways... all I’m gonna say is that Dylan O’Brien played a gay for one episode in a show. Wish there wasn’t this huge ugly age difference.
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Roswell, New Mexico: cowboys, aliens, bisexuality, homosexuality and all that. Didn’t really see the show but there’s a lot of content with these two.
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Good Trouble: never saw the sow but the guy on the picture is a main bisexual characters. There are some mlm scenes.
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The Society: Grizz (right) and Sam (left) literally the highlight of the show. Just watch it, it is worth to see it for both of them. Sam is also deaf. The show is basically about a bunch of teenagers getting stuck in a town with no one else in or around.
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High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: The High School Musical tv show has just started airing on Disney+. Carlos (left) is confirmed to be gay and to be getting a nice development this season which will probably involve Seb (right) as well.
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The Heights: Australian tv show. Sully (left) is gay. Got a thing for Ash (right) at the start. Then things were messy. Then they suddenly kissed. And the things are messy again.
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El Club (The Club): very interesting show. The gave these two really (like REALLY) spicy scenes. Some romantic stuff. But there’s really not much depth in my option. Check and see.
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Volevo fare la rockstar: didn’t see it but it’s an Italian show and there’s a romantic storyline between these two.
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No Good Nick: Jeremy (right) came out this year on this sitcom. Nice and very weid sitcom. Unfortunately it was cancelled, but the way they handled his gay storyline was rather nice.
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World on Fire: follows lives of ordinary people from Britain, Poland, France, Germany and the USA during World War II. Two of them are gay. And yeah one of those two is Will from sense8.
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Andi Mack: the show that made history. Andi Mack is a Disney Channel show and for the first time in Disney Channel history, Cyrus (right) came out using the word ‘gay’ and made it official with the recurring character TJ (left) this year. The two-season slow-burn was really worth it.
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Shadowhunters: Malec got married this year. Yay.
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Grey’s Anatomy: Levi and Nico still going strong.
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La Casa de las Flores (The House of Flowers): despite the first season making it seem like it was the end for Diego and Julián, that’s not the case. In season 2, they’re stronger than ever, the scenes are spicier than ever and the show is gayer than ever.
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Baby: first season was mostly focused on Fabio (face on right) realizing he’s gay. The second season has shockingly showed us that Brando (face on left) is gay as well. Very toxic ship so if you enjoy Gallavich this is probably for you.
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Élite: Omar and Ander continuing their journey.
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Shameless: Ian (up) and Mickey (down) came back to Shameless season 10 as main characters. About time.
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Station 19: new love interest (left, a deaf character portrayed by a deaf actor) was introduced for Travis (right) in the season 2 finale. Let’s see what happens in season 3, which airs in 2020.
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Ackley Bridge: they pretty much baited us with Cory (left) and Naveed (right) this season. They stayed just friends, but Naveed found a love interest, so that’s nice.
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Find Me In Paris: Never saw the show, but Jeff (on the picture) is gay and his love interest Isaac gets introduced in second season that aired this year.
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13 Reasons Why: Tony and Caleb going strong. It was also revealed that Monty (right) is a closeted gay and had a storyline with Winston (left). There’s probably more to come with them in next season. 
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Insatiable: unfortunately they didn’t serve much Bob (right) & Bob this year. But they introduced detective Rudy (left) and there were some scenes and twists and turns. Whatever.
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Riverdale: I don’t care. Kevin (left) is still there. There are some gay charcters based on wiki, but yeah. Crumbs, I bet. Whatever.
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Charité: second season (which has the two main gay characters) takes place in Berlin in 1943. You don’t need to watch the first season at all, to understand the second one with them, it’s basically a stand-alone.
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Animal Kingdom: Deran and Adrian’s story coming to an end?
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The Magicians: Well, they killed off the central bi character Quentin (on the picture), so fuck them. 
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How to Get Away With Murder: Connor (left) and Oliver (right) still there.
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Dear White People: haven’t seen it, but Lionel (on the picture) is still there and he’s gay.
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Zoe Valentine: there’s this web series and these two have a storyline in second season that aired this year.
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Sturm der Liebe: Boris (left) and Tobias (right) are married and lived happily ever after. Really cute and sometimes dramatic storyline overall. Check it out.
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Malhação: Vidas Brasileiras: Santiago (left) and Michael (right) had a gay storyline but the show ended this year.
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Malhação: Toda Forma de Amar: Guga (right) and Serginho (left) have a gay storyline in the show.
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Eastenders: Ben (left) and Callum’s (right) storyline has begun this year.
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Neighbours: David (right) and Aaron (left) aka husbands still in the soap.
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Queer Eye: five gay guys helping others. Season 3, 4 and a special have aired this year.
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Are You the One?: for the first time in the show’s history, season 8 of this dating reality show had an all-sexually fluid cast this year. Which means mlm and wlw and anything else. Really fun show.
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Benjamin: don’t even remember what the movie was about but I rec because it was cute and I mean hello Merlin.
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Boy Erased: homosexuality and religion. Has a Troye Sivan in it. Very decent movie.
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And Then We Danced: my favorite gay movie of this year. All the things they had to do to be able to film this in homophobic Georgia (the country)... just wow. It’s a must-watch.
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Who Would You Take to a Deserted Island?: didn’t know what to expect from this movie. It is based on a play and it shows. Watch and be the judge of it. The acting was really highlight of the movie.
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This Is Not Berlin: hasn’t seen it yet since it was just officially released. But it is included in an LGBT+ section so... hopefully they didn’ lie.
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Rocketman: movie about Elton John with Taron Egerton and Richard Madden... I mean, phew.
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Un Rubio (The Blonde One): gonna watch this, apparently it’s amazing based on what some of my mutuals have said.
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The Death and Life of John F. Donovan: Jon Snow being gay and kissing Chris Zylka. Made by Xavier Dolan. A literal tripple threat. Genuinely enjoyed the movie and the soundtrack.
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Ranchlands: haven’t seen this but my friend said it’s amazing.
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Steam Room Stories: this movie was something... Eating Out levels of ‘I-’ but without all the sex. I guess watch this if you are bored.
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Posledice (Consequences): very spicy and intriguing movie. Slovenia snapped with this one.
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Papi Chulo: didn’t like this movie and the concept of it but... you can check out and see for yourself.
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Dolor y gloria (Pain and Glory): Antonio Banderas kissing a man. Hopefully it really is a gay-related movie because I haven’t seen it yet.
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Die Stropers (The Harvesters): brilliant cinematography but I expected much more from the movie.
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Giant Little Ones: what happens when you’re into your best friend’s sister but the best friend gives you a BJ. Well... watch and see.
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Kanarie (Canary): a war musical about a small town boy who gets chosen to serve his compulsory two year military training in the South African Defence Force Choir and Concert. Loved the involvement of the Boy George music, aesthetic and story. One of my favorites this year. 
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Luciérnagas (Fireflies): haven’t seen it yet but the description says that the main gay character (right) “flees from persecution in Iran and ends up living in the tropical town of Veracruz.”
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El Angel: haven’t seen it but apparently there are some implications it was lowkey gay... so yeah.
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Dear Ex: from wiki “San Lian was devastated when she discovered her late ex-husband left his insurance payout to his male partner Ah Jie. She decided to bring her son to fight for their rights, but her son instead chose to stand on the other person's side.” Will watch this soon, sounds interesting.
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Sauvage: one of the best gay movies this year. Don’t know how to describe it so let me copy paste the description “ Léo is a sex worker who uses drugs whilst longing for love.”
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Sócrates: haven’t seen it yet as it was just released.
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Marilyn: story about a farm worker who discovers his sexuality in a hostile environment. Didn’t see it since someone has told me there are some scenes that are really HARD to stomach and I ain’t about that life.
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Les Crevettes pailletées (The Shiny Shrimps): the movie is about an Olympic swimming champion who makes a homophobic comment in a television interview, and is disciplined by the national swim team with the responsibility of coaching a gay water polo team who aspire to compete in the Gay Games. Sounds and looks like an amazing comedy and can’t wait to watch it when I will be able to.
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Fin de siglo (End of the Century): it’s not out yet as far as I know, but it’s about two men who meet in Barcelona and realize they have met already 20 years ago.
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Matthias et Maxime: another excellence by Xavier Dolan. Story about life-long friends who question their sexual identities after they kiss. Looks amazing and I can’t wait for it to get released finally.
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The Goldfinch: not a gay movie, but I’ve seen many people considering it as LGBT+ cinema because of the book and you know what, they kissed after all so you can perceive it beyond friendship if you want. If not, then just skip it. I feel like it is worth mentioning it tho.
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Mapplethorpe: movie is about the life of photographer Robert Mapplethorpe. Didn’t see it but Doctor Who plays him so there’s that.
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9-1-1: Lone Star: The spin-off of a popular show 9-1-1 by Ryan Murphy is premiering 19th of January 2020. It’s confirmed that the main character TK (a firefighter, left) will be romantically involved with the main character Carlos (a police officer, right). The show will also have a main trans man.
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Love, Simon: The Series: A Disney+ Love, Simon spin-off is on its way and will premiere in 2020. The series will follow Victor (right) and his coming-out story at the same high school where Love, Simon took place. Didn’t find a photo with his love interest. The guy on the left will most likely be his enemy.
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hi sarah! you'd been talking a lot about the history of blues/bluegrass a few months ago and i just remembered it so i was wondering if you have any book/article recommendations for the history of those genres?
Absolutely! My research has tended to focus on the history prior to the 1960s, since by that point both blues and bluegrass had mostly settled into the genres we recognize today.
BLUES is technically older, and the creation of black Americans, based on a Southern threading together of spiritual music (itself with deeper, trans-Atlantic African roots), slave working songs, and uniquely African-American folk ballad traditions. It encompasses an incredible amount of regional variation, as well as religiosity, and a slide into sub-genres like dirty blues and its euphemistic cousin, hokum blues. (If you want to hear the difference, listen to Lucille Bogan’s “Shave ‘em Dry” versus Bessie Smith’s “I Need a Little Sugar in my Bowl”.)
Sources for the Blues:
Samuel Charters’ “The Country Blues” was published in 1959 and is considered the groundbreaking history of the genre. The book has some failings and errors (it definitely over-romanticizes black life) but it really was the first of its kind and ignited all the study afterwards. Charters’ recordings of the blues artists he spoke with and interviewed has also been made into an album of the same name by Smithsonian Folkways.
There’s no way I can talk about the blues without referencing Alan Lomax—an ethnomusicologist and director of the American Archive of Folk Culture, who, when the Library of Congress stopped funding folk music recordings, went on collecting them independently. “The Land Where Blues Began” is both the title of his account of finding those recordings, and the documentary he directed and narrated for PBS. 
For more of a straightforward history, I recommend "Deep Blues“ by Robert Palmer or “Delta Blues: The Life and Times of the Mississippi Masters Who Revolutionized American Music” by Ted Gioia. They’re both good “big picture” histories.
A lot of blues histories are written by white historians and critics—with the exception of LeRoi Jones’ “Blues People” (since publication, Jones has changed his name to Amiri Baraka). It’s less a history than a theoretical project, an ethnography and sociological history of the people blues came from and why black people could make the blues in the first place. Still, it’s a great read and deserves to be on this list.
I’ll also give a shout out to “The Black Musician and the White City” by Amy Absher, which is all about the music scene in Chicago—the chapter I’ve linked here is a fascinating picture of what the music scene looked like, as the Delta blues branched off into Chicago blues and black musicians struggled to make inroads into a highly segregated profession (also, a look at the tension between largely-white unions and black communities in Chicago that continues to inform city politics).
If you’re looking for introductory reading….
I found this article on African-American Song from the Library of Congress a good starting place—it’s only partly about the blues, but I think it’s good to understand the context of blues, and the various other styles that were co-evolving with it. Blues, string-band, vaudeville, gospel….all these genres were talking to one another, and understanding that gives you a better grounding for the actual history of the thing.
Though less formal, PBS actually created “The Blues - Classroom” in 2003, which is a repository of lesson plans and essays to accompany the seven-part film series of the same name. It’s a great, quick resource, if you’re just getting started.
BLUEGRASS is much younger, if you’re going by when Earl Scruggs invented the particular picking style every banjo player since has imitated—or co-equally created, based on old-time string band music and what Al Hopkins in the 1920s called “hillbilly music.” You’ll often see the genre referred to as “bluegrass and old-time music” as a way of referencing both the pre-WWII folk/hillbilly music that gave rise to the genre as well as all the followed after Bill Monroe and the Blue Grass Boys. (Though the debate as to what “counts” as bluegrass is so ubiquitous that the International Bluegrass Music Association message boards gave it an acronym: WIBA, short for “What Is Bluegrass Anyway?”)
Sources for Bluegrass & Old-Time:
A pretty foundational text in this area is Neil V. Rosenberg’s “History of Bluegrass”—Rosenberg almost exclusively studied bluegrass in the US, and had a column in Bluegrass Unlimited (the “bible of bluegrass”) for years. If you want just a taste, there are a number of his articles on jstor. Personally, I recommend “From Sound to Style: The Emergence of Bluegrass.” (He tends to be overly partial to Bill Monroe, but it is a heavy-hitter book in the area.)
There are a number of personal accounts that I could list here—for instance, Bill Monroe (the ‘father of bluegrass’) has a biography that’s supposedly pretty good, and Butch Robins, who later played banjo for the Blue Grass Boys, has a video series where he talks about bluegrass and his experience as a musician. However, I don’t know if these are actually enjoyable resources for anyone except the true devotee.
“What is bluegrass anyway? Category formation, debate and the framing of musical genre” by Joti Rockwell, from Popular Music. I love a good categorical debate!
Some of my favorite post-1960s bluegrass comes out of what I would call “folk resistance music”—figures like Pete and Mike Seeger, Woody Guthrie, Hazel Dickens and Alice Gerrard, all wielded the particular sound of bluegrass, but in a way that made it ideologically more similar to blues or traditional folk music. As someone who watched Harlan County, USA at a tender point in her life, I have a particular affection for Hazel Dickens, and I did enjoy her biography “Working Girl Blues.”
If you’re looking for introductory reading…
The Library of Congress entry on bluegrass music is a good place to start.
The Journal of American Folklore did an entire issue on hillbilly music and its influence on bluegrass. You can find it digitized on jstor here, including a very instructive article called “Introduction to Bluegrass” by L. Mayne Smith, himself a musician of the folk music revival.
……..as a final note, I also want to point out that though it’s tempting to think of blues as distinct from bluegrass/hillbilly/old-time, as well as easily separated out from folk, gospel, jazz, ragtime, vaudeville, and traditional English/Irish/French/West African/etc. sounds, it’s simply not true. Talking about these musical trends as separate and distinct ignores the fact that many were happening at the same time, evolving concurrently and together, borrowing extensively from one another as musicians swapped techniques, styles, and dirty tricks. 
By way of example, the “blue” in “bluegrass” comes from the addition of blue notes, which is also where you get “the blues.” Bluegrass definitely borrowed them from the African-American artists who had been blending blue notes and various styles of gospel music for decades by that point. But blue/bent notes are popular in Irish and English folk music as well, particularly on various types of mouth harps and pipes (…in America, mouth pipes became the diatonic harmonica, which, along with the banjo—itself evolved from West African gourd instruments—gave birth to cowboy blues. It’s all a huge, weird, mess of people making noise.)
Nevertheless, there are intense politics wrapped up in who each genre “belongs” to. As Lil’ Nas X’s “Old Town Road” recently demonstrated, music genres often serve to keep “black” music and “white” music as distinguishable as possible—even when the sound is the same. This has been true since the origin of record labels, when recordings of black artists were “race records,” or “string-band” and white artists made “hillbilly” or “old-time.” (They sound very similar and frequently borrowed instrumental techniques from one another.) It doesn’t help that bluegrass rose to prominence with an all-white band, at a time of intense racial tension and as many Civil Rights activists and black historians were reclaiming the blues as a distinctly African-American sound. More recently, Joe Thompson and Tony Thomas (a fiddler and a banjo player, respectively) have spoken out about their experiences as black musicians in a musical subculture that is often designated for-and-by white people.
I bring this up not to invalidate the sources I’ve listed above, but to point out that the story of blues and bluegrass and the space between them is complicated—there’s not just one story to tell. The 1960s’ blues fetishism has been equally damaging and helpful; the idea that bluegrass is “white” music is in a sense correct, but also a gatekeeping mechanism to keep black artists out of music they have always participated in and influenced. Much like every other aspect of American history, there is a dense and complex interplay between race, class, and self-made mythology that historians are still unpicking.
But goddamn, the music is cool.
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Bad Trip
Hands Off Part Two
Request: can u write imagine about tom coming back to hotel and freaking out about the paparazzi incident
A/n: This was a separate request but they came in one after the other and fit perfectly and I’m excited😁
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You woke up to Tom rustling around, getting ready for his day. He had a schedule full of events that you were previously excited to attend with him, but that was all going to be put to a halt. You sat up in the bed, watching Tom as he turned at the sound of you moving.
“Morning, love,” he said, moving to stand in front of where you sat and placing a kiss to your forehead as you leaned into him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s okay. I just wish I could go with you,” you said softly. Your head resting on his chest as he held you, hands rubbing over your back.
“Maybe you can meet us when you get done at the doctors?”
You smiled at the suggestion, “we’ll see.” You looked up at him, placing a kiss to his lips, and standing up to move to the bathroom. You winced feeling the pain in your ankle, slowly limping across the room.
“Are you going to be able to get there by yourself?” Tom asked as he watched you struggle to get to the bathroom. “Why don’t you take Harry with you. Last thing we need is for you to fall and get even more hurt.”
You leaned against the wall as you turned to look at Tom again. “Then who’s going to be there to film all your adventures?” You joked. You were already upset with yourself having to miss out- you didn’t want to force Harry to miss out too.
“Trust me, so many people. He’ll probably be thankful for a few hours away from all of us,” he tried to assure you. You sighed, accepting that Tom wasn’t going to let you go alone. He couldn’t go with you himself, but he could definitely send someone with you.
“As long as he doesn’t hate me for stealing him away,” you answered.
“He won’t, y/n, I promise,” Tom told you with a laugh. “And if he does, I’ll beat him up for you.”
You laughed at his joke, “my hero.”
. . .
You made it to the doctor’s office, Harry helping you walk in without having to limp or worry about falling. Like Tom, he made sure to assure you that he was okay with missing out on the mornings events. You were taken back and seen by the doctor after a long wait where you took x-rays and tested your range of motion before he told you the news. Just as great as you thought they would be.
The doctor left you alone, giving you time to call Tom and tell him the news.
“What’s the verdict?” He asked as soon as he answered the phone.
“Not broken but severely sprained. He said just a smidge more pressure and we would’ve been looking at surgery, but thankfully it wasn’t. But I can’t put any weight on it so I’ll be in a boot with crutches for the next few months.”
You heard Tom sigh, “I’m sorry, Princess.” He shared the information with someone that was with him before speaking to you again. “Will you be able to join us tonight?” He asked hopefully.
“I don’t know, Tom. I don’t want to slow you guys down and with how crowded it’ll probably be...”
“Yeah- no, I understand. You should probably be resting it anyways.” The disappointment in Tom’s voice broke your heart.
“I’m still definitely going to the premiere though. I just need to find a new dress- I had a gown, and I’m not going to be able to wear that with this boot,” you started thinking out loud.
“Don’t worry about it, we’ll get you something. Even if it takes an emergency visit from Law- I’ll make sure you’re the most beautiful girl on that carpet. And we can get your boot bedazzeled also if you want it,” Tom began to speak excitedly. He was scared that you wouldn’t be able to go, but he was determined to do everything in his power to make sure you are not only there, but that you are comfortable and happy and have so much fun.
“Slow down, cowboy,” you said with a laugh. “I think the bedazzeled boot would be a bit much.”
“Sorry, I just want you to enjoy your time at the premiere. Not be upset because you’re injured.”
“I appreciate it, but that night is about you, Tom. And as long as you’re happy, I’ll be happy,” you told him. You laughed as Harry made a face and let out an ‘ew’ at how cheesy you sounded. “Love you, Pete.”
“That’s not my name,” he replied, trying to sound mad but not able to control his giggle. “I love you, too.” You were ready to hang up the phone when your heard yelling causing you to bring the phone back to your ear. “Jacob says hi by the way.”
You laughed at the sweet friend of Tom’s. “Hi, Jacob.”
“Hey, y/n! Sorry about your foot, but it’s good you can still go to the premiere. You’ll have so much fun,” Jacob said.
“That’s the plan. I’m invincible- sprained ankle can’t stop me,” you joked making him laugh. You heard Jacob laugh before Tom took the phone back saying ‘bye’ once again before hanging up. The doctor walked back in shortly after, fitting you for the boot and showing you how to use all of its features.
“Do you want me to stay here with you?” Harry asked when you got back to the hotel, placing the crutches on the wall beside your spot on the bed while you sat on said bed.
“If you want to go meet up with Tom and them, that’s fine. I don’t really plan on leaving the bed for the rest of the day,” you told him.
“You sure?” He asked again. “I don’t mind staying.”
“No- go have fun,” you told him.
“Okay, call if you need anything,” he said before walking out the door leaving you alone. You scooted back to lay on the bed, turning the tv on to a random channel and sliding under the covers, not bothering to take the boot off.
Hours pass and you find yourself watching Tom on Stephen Colbert. You smiled as you heard him talk, seeing his smile and hearing his laugh making you feel better. You were worried Colbert might bring up the airport incident, but thankfully he didn’t. Tom left not too long into the program, heading straight back to the hotel. You grabbed your phone off the bedside table when you heard it vibrate.
Harry: Just a heads up, Tom is pretty mad about something that happened earlier
“Thanks” you send back simply, wondering what had happened. A few minutes later, Tom walked in, throwing the contents of his pockets on the counter. “What happened?” You asked softly. You heard him sigh and shake his head before turning back to you.
“What didn’t happen?” He asked angrily. “We’re at the Empire State Building first and there was a huge crowd of people wanting pictures and autographs, which is usually fine, but they couldn’t just stop. They just kept pushing and screaming- I tried to tell them to calm down, but they wouldn’t listen. I just fucking walked away.
“And then at the Colbert show, before it started there was a line of people waiting behind some barrier things and these huge, grown ass men are literally crushing this girl against the metal. Like on her knees, getting choked out because some meatheads want to make money off a stupid pen scribble. It’s pathetic- fucking ridiculous.”
“Is she okay?” You asked, hoping she didn’t go home with a panic attack or something.
“She told me she was, but I don’t know. I just can’t believe how they’re acting. Fucking men that probably don’t even know who I am for real are so worried about getting a signature, they’re hurting young girls. My girlfriend included. I can’t even process it.”
“Tom, it’s okay,” you tried to calm him, but he wouldn’t take it.
“It’s not! It’s not fucking okay. That girl was basically choked, you have a sprain that almost needed surgery, and you’d never admit it but I know the back of your head is hurt too. Who knows how many other people haven’t gotten hurt like that. They shouldn’t be allowed to do that shit. And there’s nothing I can do about it either- that’s what pisses me off the most.”
“Tom- stop,” you said firmly, needing him to calm down and hear you out. “What did you do when you saw her?”
“I told the guys to back off- threw their shit on the ground. I talked to her, made sure she was okay and that they weren’t touching her anymore.”
“And when hammy touched me, you knocked his lights out,” you reminded him. “Tom, you are doing everything you can to take care of the situations you’re handed, and that’s all you’re responsible for. I’m sure that girl is over the moon that you did what you did when you could’ve just walked away. You can’t control someone else’s actions, but you can step in and try to help. And you did. Be mad about their actions as much as you want, but don’t be mad at yourself for what you can’t control.”
“Yeah, note taken,” he said with a huff. He sat on the bed next to you, wanting to distract himself from the topic. He pulled the blanket off your leg to reveal the chunky boot you wore. “You have to sleep in it?” He asked.
“No,” you replied. Tom took that as his cue to remove it from your leg- unclasping the velcro and gently sliding it off your foot. He took the time to inspect your ankle where the damage was.
“It looks a lot worse today,” he said quietly. “Darker bruise, more swelling. Does it still hurt?”
“When I move it, yeah, but the doctor gave me some pain meds for it so it’s no big deal.”
“That’s good,” he said mostly to himself. “I spoke with my publicist about tomorrow, and I have the entire afternoon off to take you shopping- find something for you to wear to the premiere that’ll look lovely with your beautiful new boot.”
“You didn’t have to do that, Tommy,” you declared, but you couldn’t help the smile that graced your face. It touched your heart that he was willing to make time to help you find a new outfit. “I could’ve gone by myself.”
“I know, but I want to,” he simply said, looking at you with a smile. “Besides how are you going to pick something without my expert opinion?”
You reached over and smacked him, your smile mimicking his own. He leaned over to kiss you once before standing up and doing his nightly routine. “How did you know my head was hurt?”
“Last night- I was wide awake and started to play with your hair. I guess I moved some strands that were connected to that spot because you winced and moved your head back.”
“Why did I react if I was asleep?”
“I don’t think you were fully asleep, yet. Or if you were, it was a light sleep,” Tom answered. It amazed you the things he noticed about you, as if he studied your every move.
He made his way back to the bed, sliding under the covers and cuddling into you with his chest to your back. He made sure to be careful where he moved his feet, not wanting to accidentally kick your injured ankle. You intertwined your fingers together when he wrapped his arm around your waist. Bringing his hand to your mouth, you place a kiss to his knuckle.
“You’re the best boyfriend ever, Tommy.”
“Yeah?” He responded sleepily. “It’s the least I could do for my gorgeous girl.”
Tom nuzzled his face into your shoulder, placing a kiss to the exposed skin. You fell asleep feeling comforted, happy, and safe in the arms of your love.
Tag list: @rexorangecouny (Add yourself here)
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Day Two - Remember Me
AN: Y’all we made it!! I’m so excited to share this one with you guys and to see what our talented fandom has done! Here is my contribution to day two! It’s all kinds of sappy, soft, sweet, sad (peep the title) and just emotional in general, and I hope you guys enjoy it. <3
Again, thank you @spideychelleweek for making this all possible!
Prompt: Meet the Family
Here is some 2.9k odd of fluff and hurt/comfort! 
“Listen, I know you’re a huge nerd and everything, but..." Michelle’s voice holds a teasing, slightly judgmental edge as she struggles to hold three DVDs in one hand, hastily catching one as it falls out of her grasp. “Do you really need more than one copy of The Force Awakens?”
“Okay, first of all,” Peter starts, defensively holding one finger up, “One of those is Ned’s.”
MJ blinks slowly.
“Second of all, May bought me one as a random gift after I’d already pre-ordered it, and I couldn’t just… you know, give it back,” He reasons. “So, yeah. To answer your question: I do need three different copies.” Peter turns his attention back to organizing the box of various electronics hastily thrown together by past-Peter.
MJ still seems less than impressed with that explanation. “Okay. Why?”
“Well,” Peter shrugs, mouth pulling into a slight frown. “What if I lose one?”
When she doesn’t respond, Peter glances up, not surprised to find her staring blankly at him, her expression as impassive as it’s ever been.
He relents, letting her toss one of the three into the “give away” bin before promising to give the second back to Ned.
MJ, out of the kindness of her own heart— or out of boredom, either one— has been helping Peter, in her own words, “get his shit together,” for most of the afternoon. Too many times has she tripped over a stray book, his backpack, a hoodie or even a lone pair of boxers on the floor of his bedroom; times where she’s been unable to find the spare iPhone charger through all the spare papers, pens, and God knows what else in that mess he calls a “stuff drawer.”
Now, none of this is to say that Peter is the messiest person in the world, per se. He can be a relatively tidy person when he needs to be; his room is never littered with trash or the general grossness that comes with some teenage bedrooms.
The cluttered state of Peter’s room is often a reflection of his own mind.
Which is why Michelle is there.
Plus, she’d seen one episode of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo one day when she was home sick from school, and with her room already pretty damn organized-- if she could say so herself-- she has to have some kind of outlet.
So, in a way, they’re really helping each other.
“Oh, hey,” Peter’s voice cuts through her internal monologue, his attention drawn to an ancient— by today’s standards, at least— video camera at the bottom of his second ‘random tech’ box. “Uncle Ben’s camera!”
For a moment, MJ’s ready to go into full-on Comfort Peter in the Best Way She Can Mode at the mere mention of his late Uncle, and she’s trying to decide whether she should do a full or half-hug when his fond, distant smile stops her.
“Wow, really?” She inquires cautiously, craning her neck slightly to get a better look at the artifact. “What’s on it?”
Again, Peter shrugs, flipping the screen open as he examines the device. “I dunno. Old home movies. Probably embarrassing videos of me.”
And he immediately regrets that last part, not having to see the cheshire grin that stretches across her features and the playful quirk of her brow to know that they’re there.
His shoulders sag as he rolls his eyes, fighting back a smile. “You don’t wanna watch any, do you?”
“Um, of course I do.” Her brows furrow as she glances side-to-side. “Are you kidding?”
“It’s not even charged, though.”
“So charge it.”
A beat of silence passes between them.
“Okay, fine,” Peter gives in, though he seems to be far from annoyed, searching for the charging cable near the bottom of the tangle of wires.
MJ cracks another smile at him before continuing to sort through his DVD collection.
The old camera feels strange in Peter’s hand, heavier than today’s technology, screen casting a faint blue light as it turns on for what may be the first time in a decade. He’s surprised they’ve even been able to charge it, judging by how old this thing is.
MJ sits on the bed beside him, head resting against his, watching as he navigates the almost laughably ancient menu, an audible, very dated beep-click sounding at every push of a button.
Neither of them know what to expect as Peter clicks “play” on the first video.
The screen flickers slightly, the lens focusing on what they assume to be the old dining room. A man and a woman are setting the table, chuckling quietly to themselves as they joke with one another. They continue to chat idly as they place the plates and cups down, the context of the conversation lost.
They’re at first only vaguely recognizable to MJ, but the feeling is fleeting, the realization almost instantly dawning on her when she sees the mop of curly brown hair and dark eyes on the man, the cheery smile on the woman’s face.
Richard and Mary Parker.
The date at the bottom of the screen reads: August 4th, 2005, 6:07 PM
Her eyes pass a quick glance to the boy next to her, gauging his reaction. There’s a faint, barely-there grin pulling at the corner of his mouth as he watches his parents interact, neither of them paying any attention to the person filming.
“I wanna help!” A tiny voice sounds from behind the camera, and the view shifts quickly, showing a much younger Peter bounding into the room, napkins in his tiny hands.
Mary turns, beaming as she talks to her son, crouching down to show him how to fold the napkins.
MJ feels herself mirroring the expression on his mother’s face.
Peter is still silent beside her, and she can only wonder how he’s truly feeling as they both watch. While she has certainly experienced loss in her near seventeen years of being on this earth, she’s never gone through the pain of losing a parent, much less two biological and one emotional.
“My mom and dad,” Peter finally speaks, as if introducing them to her, his voice quiet.
Under normal circumstances, she might tease him for pulling a Captain Obvious, but she refrains.
She hums in acknowledgement.
“It’s crazy…” He starts, eyes never straying from the screen. “I— I don’t really remember much of them, you know? They… Well, they died when I was really little, so I didn’t really get a chance to make very many memories with them, and everything I did remember I kinda forgot. But—” He pauses, a fond smile playing on his lips. “Hearing their voices… Even though it’s not really something I actually remember… It’s almost like… like it all comes back. Like, it’s so clear, you know?”
It’s said that the the voice is usually the first to go, the first thing one forgets about someone else after they’ve gone. And the more she thinks about it, the more MJ realizes just how true it is. She remembers, very specifically, the last time she heard her grandfather’s voice, but it had been so long since then. In that moment, right then and there, she can just barely recall it in her memory.
She knows, however, that if she were to hear it in a recording— or in this case, a home video— she’d remember once again.
Memories are funny like that, she guesses.
“Yeah,” she nods, gently knocking his shoulder with hers. “I get it.”
The video goes on, with the cameraman— who Michelle can only assume at this point to be Uncle Ben— having moved to the kitchen.
A younger Aunt May stands in the room, poring over a recipe on the counter. “Damn, May,” MJ jokes appreciatively, laughing as Peter gives her a playful shove.
“Don’t even!”
The lens zooms in on May’s face, and she turns, an exasperated grin breaking across her features as she rolls her eyes. She swats at the man behind the camera with a dish towel.
“Hey, how ‘bout you put that dang thing away and make yourself useful around here!” May teases, her eyes sparkling as an immature-for-his-age giggle is heard from the cameraman.
The video ends as the screen pans down, the next playing with only a second in between.
The date reads: August 7th, 2005, 3:36 PM
“Whatcha got there, Pete?”
This time, Aunt May’s voice can be heard from behind the camera, the smile in her tone infectious as the little boy beams up at her through a mop of curly brown hair. A slightly-too-big cowboy hat sits on top of his head. He proudly holds up the pinto hobby horse, jumping with excitement.
“It’s a horsey!”
Aunt May oo’s and aw’s. “What’s the horsey’s name?”
Little Peter pats the neck of the toy with semi-gentle, reverent hands. “Shunshine!”
“Shunshine?” MJ asks incredulously, doing absolutely nothing to hide the snort that had escaped.
MJ can hardly blame the kid though; she’s pushing seventeen and she still has trouble with consonant digraphs every once in a while.
“Hey!” Peter laughs along with her, though there was no stopping the red tint that settled over his features. “It’s a great name!”
“Very creative.”
“Shut up.”
Their joined laughter fades as the next few videos play, falling into a comfortable silence as the old Parker living room shows up on the screen. Red and blue streamers adorn the walls, dozens of balloons in the same shades touch the ceiling, a comically large Happy Birthday! is strewn across the banister.
The date reads: August 10th, 2005, 4:14 PM
The camera circles the room, showing off the decorations, before finally landing on the birthday boy himself.
“What’s your name, sir?”
A new voice full of mirth and humor asks from behind the lens; his father.
Young Peter looks up, a toothy grin stretched across his chubby face. “Peter Benjamin Parker,” he answers, emphasizing each word with a firm nod.
“And how old are you today?” His mother asks, tone laced with hushed excitement.
The boy smiles again, eyes wide, holding up four fingers.
“Four years old!” Both of his parents gasp-cheer.
August 10th, 2005, 5:23 PM
The birthday cake is simple; funfetti with chocolate frosting and red and blue sprinkles, a giant “four” candle placed in the center. Peter wiggles in his chair, eyes wide with wonder as he watches his mother light the wick.
“Are you ready, Peter?” She asks him, and he nods happily.
Happy Birthday is sung as it should be; full of enthusiasm, each singer being in a different key by the end of the song, cheers filling the room as the candle is blown out.
His mother plants a loving kiss on top of his head before smoothing down his unruly curls.
August 10th, 2005, 6:16 PM
The lens briefly goes in and out of focus, showing young Peter as he sits among torn wrapping paper and discarded boxes, his mouth stretched into a toothy smile as he looks at his presents. He jumps up, running around the room to give everyone an enthusiastic hug, thanking them over and over again for the toys.
August 10th, 2005, 7:02 PM
“Happy Birthday, Pete!” His family cheers in a happy chorus.
Peter responds with an excited, “Thank you!”
Aunt May briefly glances up, flashing a smile at her husband behind the camera, before looking back at the young boy in her lap. Her arms surround him in a loose, but loving embrace.
“Did you have a good day?” May asks.
Peter’s answer is an excited nod, followed by an appreciative hum.
Though the snippets of this past life are brief, they’re still able to elicit a familiar warmth from within present day Peter, and he huffs out a quiet chuckle at the way his younger self babbles on and on about how cool his brand new cowboy boots are.
And it’s infectious, as MJ feels the stirrings of the same, incandescent feeling.
The next clip starts from a whole new perspective, it seems.
Seeing as now they’re much closer to the ground, and the excited giggling coming from behind the lens, it seems as if young Peter, at some point, had gotten a hold of Ben’s camera.
August 12th, 2005, 5:50 PM
The view is shaky as the little boy darts throughout the apartment, pausing every few feet to film one of his relatives— though he only gets their legs in the shot; he’s only just pushing 3’1”, after all.
“Whatcha doin’, Pete?”
A new voice can be heard as a pair of work boots come to a stop in front of the boy, one they hadn’t heard yet.
Michelle can feel Peter freeze at the sound, and she glances at him through the corner of her eye; his gaze is still trained on the small screen, his smile tightening.
Uncle Ben himself crouches down, his tall body barely fitting into the frame, the top of his head partially cut off. A broad smile is stretched across his kind face, green eyes looking over the lens and at the boy holding the recorder.
“Filming,” young Peter says simply.
“I can see that! Got anything good yet?”
The camera moves as the boy nods proudly. “Uh-huh. Just like you!”
“Just like me?”
“Yeah! Are you proud?” Though the word comes out more, “poud.”
“Of course,” Ben chuckles gently, reaching over to ruffle the boy’s hair, eyes crinkling as his smile widens. “I’ll always be proud of you, bud.”
The video pauses, the screen frozen on the happy scene.
Present-day Peter hasn’t relaxed, his lips pressing together into a thin line, releasing a weighted breath as his thumb hovers over the play button.
MJ’s stomach churns with a new sense of guilt. “We don’t have to watch anymore… if you don’t want to.”
He nods quietly, slowly closing the screen, gripping the camera in his hands, knuckles nearly turning white at the pressure. Michelle sits, arms folding across her chest as she faces the internal struggle of what to say next, still unable to shake the unease festering in her gut.
“It’s just—” Peter starts, his voice cutting off. He sniffs again, glancing away as he preemptively wipes at the corner of his eye. “Hearing him again… his voice… seeing him actually talk...” He shakes his head. “It just— It got to me, I guess…” He trails off, his gaze still trained on the wall in front of them.
MJ places a hand on top of his, watching his face as he continues to speak.
“And I thought I was… good now? I don’t know. I mean,” he swallows, trying his best to keep his voice even. “I know that you never really forget them, that you never really move on… And everyone always tells you that it’ll get easier but it doesn’t... But, I guess I just thought that I was actually doing better. That it really had gotten easier. Maybe I was the exception... I stopped thinking about him every second… I had some voicemails— that he’d left me, before he… you know… but I’d never listened to them, I guess… because I was too afraid. Of what? I don’t know...”
She gives his hand a comforting squeeze, her own heart pounding in her ears.
“Like, I know that it makes sense that I don’t really remember what my parents sound like, their voices. ‘Cause, you know, I didn’t get the chance to. But I never—” His voice is caught in his throat, the shakiness making it harder and harder to speak. He finally turns to look at her, bloodshot, red-rimmed eyes clouded with tears.
“I never thought I’d forget his.”
At that, without a second thought, she opens her arms, and he falls into them easily. She wraps him in a warm embrace, his face burrowing under her chin. He doesn’t weep, tears falling silently instead as she rubs soothing circles on his back.
And she doesn’t know how long she holds him like that, how long they sit there. No words are exchanged between them, though none are really needed.
“Sorry… For making you watch that,” MJ’s voice is nearly inaudible as she mumbles into his hair. “I shouldn’t have pressured you.”
“No, uh—” This time, he shakes his head, the quiet sniffle between words not going unnoticed. “No. No, it’s okay,” he reassures her, finally pulling back, though he still stays in her arms. “It’s actually really nice… seeing my parents. Seeing Ben. I’m not gonna say that it’s like they never left... But it’s like they’re still with me, he’s still with me, in a way.” His lips quirk into a sad smile, his hand reaching up to wipe at his eyes again. “And… I’m glad you got to see them.”
Michelle finds herself easily returning his bittersweet expression.
While she’d never had the chance to meet his parents, from the short clips she saw, she could tell that they loved each other and that they truly loved their son. She’d also never properly met Uncle Ben, only seeing him in passing as he’d pick up Peter from middle school, or come to decathlon meets in their Freshman year. It wasn’t much, only snippets of their actual lives, but even the smallest glimpse made her feel closer to Peter, to his family.
It was a feeling she’d treasure for years to come.
Perhaps in a more emotionally stable state, she’d make fun of herself for being so cliche, so dramatic. But at this point, right in this moment, she didn’t care.
Her lips press together into a small, faint smile as she takes his hand in hers again.
“I’m glad I got to see them, too.”
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