#here's my rant for today ty
pepi-nillo · 11 months
my brain wrote a whole beyond evil fic for my dreams today and now i'm so sad that i'll never get another chapter. it was so good
i wrote down what i remembered after i woke up, but it's not the same now that i know i can have good fics without opening my browser and adding a bunch of filters on ao3. whyyy
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weird-is-life · 4 months
Can I request a shy reader and Spencer's fic. When the reader works at a flower shop, Spencer comes in there looking for flowers. And the reader goes on a little rant about what he should buy and what each flower means.
Hii lovely, ty for the request! Hope this is okay🙈warnings: use of y/n, fluff, a few swear words, (0.9k)
Spencer needs to buy some flowers for Emily. It's her birthday and he's always brought her flower before, so even if he's already running late to her birthday dinner, he can't not go buy her some flowers.
He goes into the first flower shop, he spots on the way to Emily's apartment and that's where he finds you.
It's almost the closing time, so you are just sitting behind the counter, reading some book. Spencer immediately thinks he's in love.
He swears, you are the prettiest girl, he's ever seen and the fact, that you are too absorbed in your book to even notice him, makes you even more attractive to Spencer.
You finally notice him as he's a few steps away from the counter. You quickly slam the book shut and try not to look too caught off guard.
You weren't expecting anybody to come to the shop anymore and you definitely weren't expecting it to be a very handsome guy.
His messy, curly hair, expensive-looking black suit and the small stubble have you buckling at your knees. You are sure, that if you weren't sitting on the chair, you would be on the ground.
"H-hi," you somewhat compose yourself, "w-what can I help you with?"
He shoots you a smile and you're pretty sure that your cheeks go very red," Hi, I was wondering if I could get some flowers?"
"D-do you have any specific in mind?" you ask, barely holding an eye contact with him. You are shy and he isn't helping your situation at all.
"Ye-...No, I don't. Can you recommend me some?" Spencer literally knows the meaning of every flower you have in this shop, but something about you makes him shut his mouth, so he can stay here longer.
"I can, yes," you smile sheepishly at him, "who are they supposed to be for?"
"My friend, it's her birthday today," you would be lying, if you said that your heart didn't skip a beat at hearing that it's for his friend and not a girlfriend. You thought, that he was getting flowers for his girlfriend.
"W-well, I'd suggest, that you should definitely get some yellow flowers for her. Yellow color represents friendship, would that be okay?" you hesitantly ask. Spencer just nods encouragingly.
"Okay, so we could do some mixed bouquet. Yellow roses are definitely a yes, you can't go wrong with that, they are beautiful and smell amazing. We should also add sunflowers, they represent loyalty and adoration of the friendship. Oh and mums are grest, too. They can really make the bouquet come alive, they are like the spirit of optimism. We could also-," you ramble about each flower, that you put in the bouquet for him.
Spencer listens to your every word with a happy smile, you remind him of himself with your rambling and to be honest, he finds it adorable.
You are done too quickly tho and Spencer finds himself wanting to hear you speak again.
But his phone rings and he doesn't even need to pick up to know, that the team is wondering, where he is.
"Here, i-is this okay?" you hand the insanely pretty bouquet to him. Spencer's grin basically answers your question.
"Thank you, thank you. It couldn't be more perfect. You're a total lifesaver..." he looks at your name tag, "y/n. Thank you, y/n."
You are certain, that your cheeks couldn't be more red as they are right now. Spencer's compliment makes you blush like a fool.
"Oh. I'm..I'm glad, that you like it." You stutter out your response, looking at the ground. You carefully wrap the bouquet in the flower wrapping paper and tell him the price of it.
He pays it and before you can say no, he puts a bigger tip than it's normal into the tip jar.
Spencer then slowly leaves thanking you as he goes. And right before the door closes, it looks like Spencer wants to tell you something else, but in the last second he shakes his head and dissappears.
You wave him a shy goodbye, you are a little disappointed even if you don't really know why. Well okay, maybe you do know why. But you shouldn't have put your hopes up, thinking the handsome stranger felt the spark like you did. And that maybe, only maybe, he'd ask you out.
You sigh and sluggishly start to clean up the counter to finally close the shop and go home. The door bell rings again and your head immediately shoots up.
He runs up to the counter, a little out of breath, "shit, I'm sorry to bother you again. I don't usually do this, like ever, it's just....Would you like to go out with me sometimes? Like for a-a coffee? You can say no of course, hell, I'd totally understand if you said no." Spencer's now the one to rumble.
"I-I'd love to," you, surprising even yourself, reply immediately. Cheeks, of course, burning red.
"It's okay- Wait, really?" Spencer was totally expecting you to reject him.
"Yes, really....." you want to say his name.
"Spencer, my name is Spencer," he quickly understands.
"Spencer, " you try out his name," I'd love to Spencer, here." You bravely scramble your phone number on a piece of paper and give it to him.
Spencer takes it with a huge smile, "I'll call you, " he looks like he wants to stay longer, but looks at his watch and curses under his breath," I'm so late. I gotta go, but I'll call you, I promise."
"Bye, Spencer," you say sweetly and Spencer already knows he's fucked. Not even one date and he knows, he's down bad.
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chiiyuuvv · 7 months
can you do xikers reaction to fighting with a girl who was flirting with them around her(if that makes sense lol)
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• PAIRING — bf!xikers x fem!reader (i am sure of it this time XD)
• GENRE — honestly mad xikers, plus some clueless ones
• WORD COUNT — 289
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — ty for requesting!!
• TAGLIST — @lil-elle , @hyunukitty
Minjae was a little annoyed because he was obviously talking to you, so he just puts his arm around your shoulder and forcing a smile. "Sorry."
Junmin was scrolling through his phone, waiting for you to get out of the bathroom when he feels a tap on his shoulder. "Oh sorry, im taken." He would nod at the now frowning girl, before walking over to you when you walk out.
"No, I-" sumin was definitely tired of telling the girl no repeatedly, giving her multiple side eyes before walking out of the building and giving you a text. Ranting about the girl.
"You're really pretty." "Yeah, my girlfriend thinks so too." Jinsik would smile to himself, confused on why the girl was frowning and walking away. "Did i say something wrong..?"
Hyunwoo doesnt really know what to say so he just starts flexing his wallpaper and his phone case, proudly showing off his beautiful girl then apologizing
Junghoon would just ignore the girl, continuing about his day. I dont know what else to say 🤷‍♀️
"Oh, sorry.. i dont really like that fla- BABE YOU GOT ME A DRINK!! WITH MY FAVORITE FLAVOR! OMG HOW DID YOU KNOW?! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!" -seeun
Yujun was close to throwing hands. "But.. im prettier 👉👈" "yeah if we were comparing you to a rock!" Yujun would snort. "I hope!!"
"Oh, you're really handsome. Do you come to this place often?" "Yeah, my girlfriend just loves the food here and oh, shes right there!! She looks so pretty today, doesnt she?" -hunter
The sudden question took yechan off guard, nervously noding his head. "T-thanks..?" Panicks when the girl asks for his number, so he just blurts out 911 and starts running <3
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drewsbuzzcut · 9 months
You Did A Number On Me
nick moldenhauer x dallas blankenburg
a so it goes fic
warnings: none that i can think of except for some minor angst
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The whole week Dallas is running frantic. All her friends, and her siblings, are secretly worried about her, but they don’t bring it to her attention.
Since the night Nick dropped her off at her dorm room and promised to see her that next Friday, she hasn’t thought about anything else. It’s been fleeting thoughts of classes and schoolwork, and lingering thoughts of her upcoming date. She thought about outfit choices repeatedly, each day getting more and more frustrated when she didn’t come out with an outfit. To be fair, she didn’t even know what Nick was planning for Friday, although they’ve been texting nonstop. Honestly, that’s what’s been keeping her half sane, texting day in and day out, except when he has hockey practice.
Now, it’s Friday and Dallas still has no idea what to wear. She’s been trying to text Nick to see if he’ll give her any hints, but her texts remain unanswered.
“Sienna!!! I have no idea what to wear and I have no idea what our date even consists of,” the girl stresses to her roommate.
“Babe, I love you, but you have to take a deep breath. Just wear something casual and maybe try to refrain from something warm so he can give you his sweater,” Sienna advises.
“He hasn’t answered my texts and he’s supposed to pick me up in 20 minutes,” Dallas mutters.
“He’ll be here.”
20 minutes pass and Nick is a no show. Dallas almost wants to laugh, but she chooses to be stoic.
“Hey, Sienna, I think I’m gonna go to the studio for a while,” Dallas says, tying her hair and picking up her bag that holds her ballet things. Ballet has been a very resourceful outlet for Dallas.
“Want me to go with you?”
“No, I want to be alone,” Dallas says, not wanting her roommate to pity her.
Tears want to fall down her cheeks, but she doesn’t let herself, too embarrassed about the way she’s feeling on the inside. She hates that she thought she could actually date an athlete.
As Dallas is passing by the library, she stops in her tracks, almost shocked to death at the sight in front of her. Coming out of the library’s entrance is Nick and another girl, laughing as if they’re the funniest people in the world. She’s not sure if she should catch up to them, or scream, or turn around and act like everything is perfectly fine.
She waits until they part ways, scaring Nick when she walks up to him.
“Am I that forgettable?” She opens with her first thought. Nick jumps, not realizing anyone was next to him.
“You can’t just sneak up on me!” He says with a small chuckle, his wide smile falling when he sees Dallas’ angry face.
“I should’ve known you weren’t serious,” the girl mutters, flipping back her bangs that are getting in her face. She definitely should’ve pinned them back when she was tying her hair.
“What’re you talking about?” He asks, becoming more confused when she doesn’t answer and just keeps walking.
“June!?” He calls out against her silence.
“Do not call me that,” she blurts out, turning around to face his bewildered expression.
During the week while they were texting, Dallas had told him about her real first name. Nick was quick to compliment the name, stating that he loved it and wanted to be the only one to call her that, and well, she caved.
“What’s wrong?” He stops his walking, trying to reach out for Dallas, but she moves away from him.
“What’s wrong? Well let’s see, we had a date planned for today at 5. You weren’t answering your texts, so I was bothered. Then, I was worried about why you weren’t showing up. However, I realized that you just decided to stand me up. As I’m headed somewhere, I see you walk out the library with some girl. You should’ve just told me that you weren’t serious about me. God! I’m so stupid for trusting someone like you,” she rants, eyes wide and lips trembling.
“Shit. Shit, I’m so sorry. My phone died after morning practice, and I fell asleep when I got back and then I remembered I had a tutoring session. Time just slipped, I swear,” he tries to explain.
“A tutoring session? This early in the year? Ever heard of a phone charger?” She yells.
“I sometimes have trouble in English, so I wanted a tutor to make sure I stay on top of things especially when we start to travel for games. I’m sorry I didn’t text you and I’m sorry I stood you up,” he finishes, looking crestfallen, not that Dallas notices.
“Whatever. It’s not like I didn’t know what I was getting into,” she says, turning around to walk away.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that my brother is a hockey player. It means that I’ve been around hockey and hockey players almost all of my life. I know how you work; I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I’m not worth remembering and you don’t care about me,” Dallas whispers, quickly whipping away a tear before walking away.
She hears his footsteps haul after her, she just about cries out in frustration when she feels his hands grab onto her in one last attempt.
“That’s not true. Yes, I did forget when I shouldn’t have. You have to understand that I’ve come so close to losing hockey so many times, I can’t risk anything that’ll take it away from me. That means a shit ton of tutoring sessions, but I do care about you. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t be here right now, dead tired, trying to get you to see that.” Nick exasperates.
“But you see, that’s a lie! You wouldn’t have even thought of me, or thought to tell me if I hadn’t even approached you tonight. You wouldn’t have remembered until you charged your phone, if it even was dead,” Dallas exasperates, quite literally on the verge of screaming.
Nick stays quiet. His eyes are wide and they’re trying to plead with the girl, but it’s to no avail.
“Just focus on hockey and let’s forget about whatever we were about to start.” Dallas walks away, ignoring Nick repeatedly calling out for her.
“Would you please just give me the benefit of the doubt?” Nick asks, not giving up.
“Would you just leave me alone!?” She spits back.
“No! Not until you give me another chance. Be mad at me, just let me make it up to you,” he tries to reason with the stubborn girl.
“So you can forget again and we’ll just keep going in circles until we’re both tired?”
“How can you be so mad over me attending tutorials?” Nick asks, face turning red and his veins starting to pop out.
“How dare you think that’s why I’m bothered. It has nothing to do with you being tutored. I’m glad you’re being responsible. This is about the lack of decency you had in regard to me. No text or thought of me! If your phone was dead and you didn’t get a chance to charge it, why not come to me and tell me in person? You’re just making excuses to cover the fact that you forgot. Well guess what Nick, I know you forgot and as much as it sucks, I should’ve known better,” Dallas corrects him, spewing out the reason she is so bothered.
“Dallas, please. Please just give me another shot. You’re right! I’m an asshole for forgetting about our plans. I’m sorry and I can tell you that a million times, but it still won’t be much. Please let me take you on a makeup date.”
“I don’t want to go on a date with you,” she finishes, chest heaving and eyes glazed over with disappointment, and finally getting to walk away without Nick running after her.
The days pass and Dallas has not allowed herself time to mope around. Everything has been go, go, go, which is why she didn’t even realize Sienna’s plan. Dallas is so focused on school and her social life that when she’s standing in front of Yost arena, everything comes crashing down. She’s stumbling over her words, trying to free her wrist from Sienna’s grip, and on the verge of screaming. She’s been wanting to scream a lot lately.
“Sienna, what the hell are we doing here?”
“I think you’re doing more harm to yourself than actually protecting, by avoiding Nick. I think you should give him another chance. Just accept the fact that your ego was bruised by him. He made a mistake just like the one you’re making right now. We’re watching the game and you’re going to talk to him afterwards,” Sienna explains, knowing damn well that Dallas is stubborn.
“No! I’m not going in there. I’m not talking to him and you’re not forcing me to stay!” Dallas complains, almost stomping her foot like a child.
Sienna gives Dallas a devilish smirk and 10 minutes later they’re both sitting in the cold of the arena.
“I think one day, maybe on your wedding day, you’ll thank me for forcing you to stay,” Sienna speaks out, disturbing Dallas’ angry silence.
“My ego is not bruised,” Dallas says, but even she knows that it’s a lie.
“Stop lying to yourself. It’s okay that your ego was bruised, but just stop lying to yourself.”
With every minute that passes, Dallas finds herself getting more and more into the game, subconsciously gazing around to find #9 on the ice. She even cheers when Nick scores, even if it’s an exhibition game, she thinks it’s fine to be happy for him.
Dallas finds that hockey is actually pretty interesting, and worth watching later down the line. She hopes that things with Nick will work out, but she hates to admit it to herself. She hates that her ego was bruised. She hates how Nick has such an intense affect on her without even knowing each other for too long.
“I’m going to wait outside, but you can head back. I don’t know how long this will take,” the girl tells Sienna, feeling and looking nervous.
“Are you sure?”
Dallas just nods her head, saving her will to speak for when she sees Nick.
“Okay. If you need me, just call. Good luck, babe. Everything will be just fine,” with that, Sienna leaves the girl to stand outside the arena.
The girl fidgets and paces around, quietly going over the possible things she can say. Dallas actually almost misses the moment Nick exits the doors as she was facing away from the direction he was going.
She sees him walking in sweatpants and a hoodie, not usual attire for a party that she knows is going down due to their win.
“Not going to the party?” She calls out, watching Nick quickly turn around.
He watched her, almost stunned that she’s there. His mouth opens and closes, he didn’t know if he should grovel or just be casual.
“I’m not in a party mood,” he decides to say.
“I saw your goal,” the girl whispers, walking up to him.
“Oh,” Nick mutters, still not knowing what to say. The last time he saw the girl, she was really upset with him.
“You played well. You deserve to go to a party,” she says.
“Thanks, but like I said, I don’t feel like going to a party. I’m tired, so see you around,” this time he’s the one to walk away.
“That’s all?” She half yells, arms raising and falling at her sides.
“What do you want me to say, Dallas? The last time we talked, you told me to leave you alone. Now, you’re here talking to me, and I don't know if you'll be mad if I actually respond to you,” he explains, watching the girl cringe when he calls her “Dallas.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry for wasting your time. I’ll just go,” she says dejectedly.
“Why are you here?” He asks.
“It’s not important.”
“It obviously is, or you wouldn’t be here if you were really ignoring me,” Nick responds.
“I’m mad at you,” she points out the obvious.
“I know. Is that all?”
“Yup.” She watches him, daring him to say something that can get her to crack.
He just nods his head and continues his walk away from Yost arena.
Dallas fights with herself, knowing she should be honest with the way she feels, but hating that she’s the one who’s vulnerable. Before she can chicken out, she quickly walks to Nick, tugging on his arm to get him to turn around. He’s about to speak when Dallas wraps a hand around the back of his neck, pulling his face down to hers and connecting their lips. His body almost falls back at the impact of her body slamming into him, but he quickly balances himself by grabbing onto her hips.
The kiss is cautious at the start, but when Nick pulls her body closer to his, her hands card through his hair, pulling on the strands, and the kiss hardens. Her action makes Nick pull away, not because he didn’t like it, but because he likes it a little too much. She rests her forehead on his chest, her breathing heavy and her hands gripping onto his hoodie.
“I’m mad at you. I’m mad that you hurt my ego by forgetting about our date. I also don’t want you to leave me alone,” she says truthfully, staring into his eyes and caressing his cheek.
“Will you please let me reschedule our date?”
Dallas immediately nods her head.
“Good. Can I call you June again?”
“You better. Also, I can tutor you,” Dallas answers, kissing his lips again before it’s interrupted by Nick’s cute giggle. He playfully salutes at the girl, knowing he’ll do anything she asks.
a/n: Second part!!! Hope y’all enjoy!
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pasukiyo · 8 months
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a royalty au. remus lupin x princess!reader. multi-part series. series masterlist.
word count; 2,635 words summary; the princess is to be betrothed soon. but she's still so, so young, she has yet to even see the world! how can she marry a man she doesn't love, much less a man she has never even met? meanwhile, the full moon is in two weeks and remus is in the most pain he's ever felt. how much longer does he have to suffer, how much longer until the pain fades away?
so even in a different life, you still would've been mine, we would've been timeless...
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‘Dear Lily,
 Things have been less than exemplary here, I’m afraid. Peter has been practically breathing down my neck as of late… (I’ve just been told off for even writing that) …and I overheard mother and father talking yesterday. They’re going to force me into marriage. 
 I know I should be happy. This is my sole purpose as princess anyway, I should feel honored to have found a suitable prince to marry. Yet… I cannot help but to feel anything but. It feels like I am wasting my life away… why can I not find a man for myself? Why must I marry without falling in love? 
 I apologise for how short this letter has been. But it is becoming rather difficult to keep Peter from reading over my shoulder and quite frankly, I do not wish to succumb to another one of mother and father’s rants. Peter is such a sneak.
 With all my love,
                                 The Princess’
 The princess sighed as she signed off her letter, narrowing her eyes up at Peter where he stood, an incredulous look upon his face as she rolled the parchment, tying it with a red, silky ribbon. “You don’t have to give me that look, Peter,” she said, fixing up the bow she had tied. “The letter is between me and Princess Lily, you don’t need to be such a snoop.”
 Peter hissed, watching the princess as she rose from the desk, dusting off the skirt of her gown. “You understand that it is my job to keep you in line?” He scoffed, following close behind her heels as she walked up the steps of the Owlery, catching sight of her beloved owl, Athena. “Your mother will be very displeased if she were to know the contents of that letter.”
 Her eyes rolled in their sockets as she soothed her fingers on Athena’s mottled brown and white head, a satisfied hoot slipping from her beak. “Which is why I trust that mother won’t hear of this,” she said, her lips curved in a cheeky grin as she tied the parchment to Athena’s claw. “Deliver this to Lily, would you, Thena?” She cooed at the owl, the creature giving her knuckle a tender nip before she outstretched her wings, pushing her body off of her perch, soaring out the window and into the night. The princess sighed as she watched the owl take flight, an envious burn in her heart. 
 “You’re lucky I am feeling extra generous today,” Peter replied and she huffed, turning back around to face him. “‘Extra generous?’” She chuckled as she pushed past him, holding onto her skirt as she made her way back down the steps of the Owlery. “Since when were you capable of being generous?” 
 With a smile, she turned her head around to peer over at Peter just in time to watch his eyes roll in their sockets. “You jest, my princess. Perhaps I’d laugh if it weren’t damn near midnight. You should be in bed, may I remind you.” She sighed as she pushed her way out of the Owlery, Peter following close behind like a shadow. “Don’t get your knickers in a twist, Peter, I’m going,” she giggled as they made their way through the garden and back into the castle, stepping inside one of its many hallways.
 “My knickers are not in a tw–”
 “Goodnight Peter! I cannot wait until the morning where you will chastise me again,” she smiled and waved at the Royal Advisor behind her, lifting her gown as she made her way up the staircase. She could hear Peter scoff behind her, her lips still curled into a soft smile as she made her way through the corridor towards her quarters, yawning and rolling her neck as she smiled at the guard outside her room. With an indifferent expression, he pushed open the door for her, stepping aside to allow her to enter the bedroom.
 The room was warm with the marmalade glow coming from the candle she had left lit earlier and she hummed at the sight of her handmaiden, Marlene, in the corner of the room, silent as she focused on the parchment in her lap. At the sound, Marlene snapped her head towards where the princess stood, pushing the parchment off to the side as she scrambled to her feet. “My princess! Let me grab your nightgown for you…” Marlene hurriedly stammered out, rushing to the closet to grab one of the princess’ many nightgowns, pulling a long, white lace one from the sea of many fabrics.
 The princess’ lips twitched in an amused smile as Marlene practically sprinted back towards her, presenting the gown for her to take. “Marlene, what have I told you?” The princess chuckled, graciously taking the nightgown from her handmaiden’s hands. “You can relax when you are with me. You make me seem like one of those stuck-up, snobby princesses that care very little for others’ wellbeing. It is almost insulting.”
 Marlene’s rosy cheeks flushed and she bowed her head, locking her shaking fingers before her. “M-my apologies, your highness,” she hardly managed to stutter out, earning yet another roll of the eyes from the princess. “Marlene,” the princess called her name again, reaching out with her hand towards the handmaiden’s chin, tilting it up until their eyes met once again. “Relax.”
 Marlene’s chest heaved when she inhaled a deep breath, her muscles visibly relaxing at the sound of the princess’ soft, gentle voice. She exhaled as the princess’ lips grew in yet another warm grin, making her way around the dressing screen and making quick work of her dress. “Do you need help with your corset?” Marlene’s voice called over the screen just as she unlaced her own corset, her muscles aching in gratitude, her waist finally free of its confinement. “I’ve got it,” she sighed, tossing the corset until it hung over the top of the screen as she began to shimmy herself out of her dress.
 “Princess,” Marlene’s voice called again and she hummed in reply as she tossed the dress over the screen as well, rolling up her nightgown until the head was visible. “The King and Queen requested you for brunch tomorrow. Apparently, Lord Sirius will be spending the day in the castle.”
 Her lips twitched at the mention of Lord Sirius and she stepped out from behind the dressing screen as she soothed the nightgown down her body. “Thank you, Marlene,” she nodded her head. “May I request that I wear that midnight blue dress, you know, the one I wore the last time Lord Regulus came around?” Marlene’s face lit up in an almost knowing grin, although she tried to suppress it. “Trying to impress Lord Sirius?’ The handmaiden couldn’t help but giggle and the princess chuckled as well, shaking her head as she made her way towards her bed. “No, of course not,” she replied. “Lord Sirius is only a dear friend. And I like that dress. It is very comfortable– you did well on it.”
 Marlene flushed and bowed her head, “thank you, princess,” she murmured shyly. The princess smiled as she tucked herself beneath the covers, gazing up at the dusty pink ceiling of her bedroom. “Is there anything else you’d like before you sleep?” Marlene inquired and the princess shook her head in response. “No thank you, Marlene,” she murmured softly. “Have a good night.”
 “Sweet dreams, princess.”
 The princess blinked up at the ceiling as the marmalade glow faded when Marlene blew the candles out, the room slowly shrouding itself in darkness until she was gazing into a void of black. She listened to Marlene’s footsteps as she sauntered out of the bedroom and out of her quarters, leaving her alone in the room much too big for one woman.
 Everything was still, the sky outside her window was black and frankly, she should have been asleep. Alas, her mind was reeling, a dark, swirling tempest of much-unappreciated thoughts. What was she to do about her impending marriage?
 Call her a sap, call her a hopeless romantic— she wanted love. She didn’t want a prince of some far away kingdom, she didn’t want to be his shadow— she wanted to properly fall in love with someone, to marry someone on her own accord. She was still so young and still had so many years ahead of her, how could she be forced into wedlock!
 The thought put a sour look on her face and she turned to her side, wedging an arm beneath her pillow to support her head. She gazed out her window at the night’s black sky, eyeing the twinkling stars illuminating it. This couldn’t happen, it just couldn’t— she’d find a way to be sure of it.
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 Remus howled in pain as he stumbled through the back door of Lord Sirius Black’s manor, his muscles aching and the contents of his stomach bubbling at the pit, threatening to spill from his chapped lips. He could hear footsteps somewhere on the other side of the mansion and he hoped to whomever it was watching down on them that it was his dear friend. 
 Remus growled as sweat beaded down the side of his face, crashing into the bookcase against the wall as he tried to regain his balance, chest heaving as a thread of saliva fell down in a string from his lips. He groaned as he blinked up at the figure approaching him, hardly able to make out the face in the darkness of the manor. 
 “Sirius,” Remus managed out, yelping at another particularly rough jab of pain in his abdomen, practically slamming his forehead down on the nearest shelf of the bookcase. 
 “Merlin, let’s get you upstairs,” Sirius muttered, grabbing a hold of one of Remus’ arms, tossing it over his shoulders as he used his other arm to hoist his friend off of the wall. Remus hissed through his teeth at the pain and squeezed his eyelids shut, throwing his head back as he tried to move his feet to aide Sirius. 
 Sirius grunted as they approached the stairs, practically dragging his friend up the steps, much to Remus’ displeasure. His belly lurched at a particular rough landing on one of the steps and he pursed his lips together, hoping the acid bubbling in his throat could be willed to stay down. Sirius grabbed a hold of Remus again and hoisted him forth, finally arriving on the second floor of the manor. 
 He rushed Remus into one of the empty spare bedrooms, practically tossing his dear friend on the mattress as he rushed for the waste bin he kept in here for this sole purpose, handing it to the man. Remus wasted no time in spilling the contents of his stomach, a sour, rotten odor Sirius had grown far too accustomed to to care about imbuing the bedroom. 
 Sirius found a washcloth and poured some cold water over it, sighing as he plopped down in the chair beside the bed, handing the cloth over to Remus once he was done vomiting. He fell back against the pillows on the bed, chapped lips agape as he tried to catch his breath, slapping the cold rag down on his entire face. He squeezed his eyelids together hard enough to see stars, feeling his heart drum against his chest. 
 “Sorry,” he managed out, his voice low and husky. Sirius rolled his eyes and scoffed from his bedside, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. “I think we’re well beyond an apology, my friend,” he chuckled. “Besides, you know I don’t mind.”
 Remus huffed and coughed against the rag, furrowing his brow as he folded it to only lay on his forehead, pressing it down hard enough to let some of the water trickle down his skin. He sighed at the feeling of the cold water reaching his chapped lips, his tongue swiping between them just as Sirius pressed the rim of a bottle to his lips. Remus’ lids shot open and he peered over at Sirius before back down at the glass of water, practically ripping it from his friend’s grip as he chugged the entire thing down, hiccuping and wiping the little bit that had dribbled onto his chin before handing it back. 
 “Sorry if I woke you up,” Remus apologized, letting his head fall to the side to get a better look at Sirius in his night clothes. Sirius shook his head, setting the glass of water down against the nightstand, once again leaning back in his seat. “No matter, I was awake anyway,” he replied. “Was just figuring out what to wear for brunch at the castle tomorrow.”
 Remus rolled his eyes at this— somehow, it always seemed to slip his mind that his best friend was rich, and a lord for that matter. “Right,” Remus muttered. “While I’m doing my best not to die, you’re rubbing elbows with royalty. Almost forgot.”
 Sirius, too, rolled his eyes and snickered at this, “it’d do you well to remember that I’m the one making sure you’re not dying in this very moment. Wouldn’t want to jeopardize your position right now, would you?”
 Remus scoffed, rolling his head to gaze back up at the ceiling. “Right,” he murmured. “Well, thanks for helping me out, mate. And don’t worry, I’ll be out of your hair come morning.”
 “Now, wait a minute here, you’re not going to get rid of me that easily,” Sirius chuckled, leaning forward in his chair. Remus peeled a single eyelid open, glancing over to his friend. “The full moon’s not for another few weeks now, is it? And you’ve already got it this bad.”
“Two weeks, actually,” Remus sighed. “My symptoms seem to have gotten worse lately. Not even one of your million galleon beds takes away the pain.” Sirius pursed his lips, “not a million galleons, for one thing. Second, I thought you didn’t get this bad until the day before a transformation. Are you alright?”
 Remus opened both his eyelids again, cocking an eyebrow towards his friend. “Really?” He scoffed. “Oh, I’m doing just fine and dandy here, thanks so much for asking.” Sirius’ chest puffed when he huffed, “I can throw you back out onto the street if you fancy.” 
 Remus huffed, easing himself further down into the mattress. “I’m better now,” he sighed. “Just… tired.” Sirius eyed his friend, Remus’ skin still slick with a layer of sweat but at the very least, he didn’t seem prone to hurl his dinner out at any given moment anymore. Sirius soothed his palms over his thighs before pushing off of his seat, fingernails scratching at his scalp. “Get some sleep,” Sirius said as he made his way towards the door. “Leave whenever you need to tomorrow. I’ll probably already be gone.”
 Remus’ lips tugged into a smirk, “off rubbing elbows with the royal family?”
 Sirius hissed and rolled his eyes in their sockets, “piss off.”
 With that, Sirius closed the door behind him, leaving Remus all alone in one of the manor’s many bedrooms, blinking up into the black above where the ceiling would be. His muscles were sore and aching, the upcoming full moon lingering in the corner of his mind. How much longer would he have to bear this? How much must he suffer before he finally went numb? Before he felt nothing at all?
 Remus sighed, letting his eyelids flutter closed, hoping sleep would overtake him soon. He was grateful for Sirius, for having at least a comfortable bed to sleep in, unlike his own bed at home that was no better than sleeping on pins and needles. Remus let himself fall deeper into mattress, slowly but surely feeling himself slip into the arms of a deep slumber…
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a/n; so uh... surprise? so sorry for my long hiatus! between college and work, i have just hardly had any time for anything, especially writing but i'm back! and with a series of all things lol but i'm so excited to finally be posting this and i hope you all enjoy this as much as i do! please either comment or fill out my taglist form in my pinned post if you'd like to join my taglist for this series!
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mqsi · 1 year
Hola! Sorry if I bother, I wanted to request something! Could you do a Gavi fluff where Reader is on her period and has some homework to do so she's really stressed and at the same time in pain and he justs steps in to help her a bit, makes her relax and even he tries to help with her homework? (Not me having my period and everything hurting) Please! And thanks!
Hey love, of course you’re not bothering me :) I’m always open for a chat/rant, anything!💓💕💗
I wrote this as soon as I could, I hope you like it. I hope you’re feeling better today, fuck periods😡
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Writing an essay was dreadful by itself but your body decided that was not enough pain. You were currently uncomfortably sitting in a chair with your legs pressed against your chest. Your laptop was open alongside a milion different tabs and papers sprawled out on your desk in hopes of helping you.
You felt a stabbing pain in your lower stomach every few minutes and with every move of your body you felt your pad move. You cringed at the feeling, but continued typing down the words. Gavi was out training and just came home. He went upstairs and slowly pushed your door ajar.
“Hey baby, what are you doing?” he asked, peeking trough the crack since there was quite a few incidents of him launching in the room while you were studying and earning a scolding. You turned your head in his direction, discomfort obvious on your features.
“Pablo” you whined extending your arms for him to hug you. He walked over, pushing you against his chest.
“Are you okay?” he whispered.
“No, I’m not. I have to finish my homework but I got my period. It’s hurts like hell”
Gavi was never sure of what to do when you’re on your period and this situation wasn’t helping him. He kissed your forehead gently.
“Okay, wait here, I’ll try to help” he said before rushing downstairs. He called his sister, asking how to make you more comfortable, and even wrote down some stuff in his notes.
Gavi returned to your room and placed down a cup of tea and some sweets he knew you loved. Then, he brought your fuzzy blanket over, draping it across your lap and practically tying it around the chair.
“My sister told me I should keep your tummy warm, so don’t you dare move. Oh and here’s a pain killer,if you want to take it” he said, placing it down next to your tea.
You smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you, I feel better already” you said. Gavi smiled back and then pulled over an armchair that was in the corner of the room.
He sat it down next to you and got comfortable in it.
You let out a confused laugh. “What are you doing?”
“I’m gonna help you with your work. What are you even doing?” He said, leaning in so he can read what’s on your screen. History essay: world war 2 events. Gavi made a face, letting out a sigh. “How does this even work?”
“Pablo, I appreciate your desire but” you said trying not to burst out laughing. Your mood completely changed with Gavi’s actions, and you were glad he came home ready to help you “but I’m sure you can’t even pronounce half od these words”
“Hey! Is that a thank you?”
You kissed him softly, “Don’t worry about my work, you’ve done enough”
“Okay, I’ll go and prepare you a warm bath so you can jump in after finishing it” he said, getting up. He paused at the door frame, turning to you once again.
“I love you, you know that?”
You looked at him, and felt safe. Everything he did made you feel safe. You basically forgot about the pain, Gavi’s presence making everything better.
“I love you too Pablo”
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melonminnie · 1 year
Requested by @liawoo:Hiii!!! I'm here to ask bout an Atil Takar x Reader can be fem or they/them ! Their relationship is like a puppy love and them being a parent to lil Lyrica! Haha if that's okay :P
And say “I miss you” -Atil x fem! Reader
-Tysmmmm for requesting enjoy <333 this is my first time writing 4 atil So Ty again hehehe lyrica is sorta OCC sorry ☹️ </3
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Atil was ranting about something that was Going on with him, a few moments ago he had barged into your room with desserts in his hand ready to hang out with you knowing he wasn’t supposed to.
“Atil what are you doing this time?” She acted shocked as if he hadn’t done this a million times, “hanging out with you of course” he stated laying on the girls bed with a smile on his face.
He put his hands behinds his head and still laid down, “what are you even doing at this hour still awake?” He asked his blue eyes focused on her.
“I couldn’t sleep” she stated, “Why are you here?” She questioned him. “Same reason” he replied.
there was a moment of silence on both your parts, for some reason this was the first time none of you could utter a word to each other, maybe it was just sleep taking over your body but the boy looked troubled.
“What’s wrong you look sad” she asked, rubbing her eyes. “Nothing..” he replied his eyes drifting away, “Open your mouth” The girl stated grabbing a cookie from the tray, He complied opening his mouth, the sweetness of the desert filling his mouth his eyes light up slightly.
“Please don’t be sad” She smiled, “I won’t as long as your with me I’m happy”.
The next day was going usually okay as normal, Except you and the prince had something planned today, but he didn’t want to let you go from the brink of dawn he’d forced you to follow him like a duck.
it would’ve been fine if you weren’t as busy as you were, “Atil can I leave now?” The girl questioned impatiently, “Nooo, Why do you wanna leave me?” He whined, his head rested on his desk piles of books around him.
“Because I’m busy too you know!” She explained, “I’ll take over your work then” he murmured staring at his assistant (forgot his name sorry)
You swore you saw him cry at that moment, “I need to meet lyrica too” you stated again, “Mmmm I’ll go with you” he declared standing up.
“Are you sure?” She smiled standing up with him, “Yeah I am” he answered eagerly grabbing your hand and practically running out of the room to his younger sisters.
The door was pushed open by force, Before the crown prince declared his presence, “I’m here!~” he answered smiling, the brown haired girl turned her head at the voice her eyes lighting up.
“Atil!, y/n” she ran up to the two hugging them, “How are you?” The older girl asked, “I’m Perfectly fine!” She chirped smiling, “What’re you doing?” Atil asked scanning the room.
“Nothing! I was eating cake with brin” she replied, “Y/n! Join me” she insisted, “I can join you later, I have something later so I can’t eat right now” she apologized.
“What are you doing” she asked tilting her head, y/n hesitated for a moment looked into atils eyes for confirmation, he shrugged giving her the green light.
“I’m gonna eat with atil later” she answered, “Ohhh! Where I wanna know” she urged, “In the garden” Y/n stood up brushing the dust of her dress.
“Can I come? Pretty please?” She questioned. The entire room was silent for a few minutes, “Of course the more the merrier, only you though don’t invite anyone else” Atil interrupted.
After a few hours, the three of you were seated together on the ground. Assortments of food spread on the cloth.
“Waah! There’s so much food” The princess stared at the food in glee, “wait can I eat this!?” She questioned staring at Atil, the boy nodded staring at her.
Lyrica took the invitation eating as much as she can and as fast as she can, “Lyrica please don’t eat fast you’ll get hiccups” The older girl warned, lyrica noted that and started eating slowly.
After the three of you finished, You noticed there were some food on her face.
“Lyrica” you spoke, she turned her head towards yours, “You have food on your face, here” Y/n took a handkerchief and wiped the girls face.
“Thank you!” She thanked the girl going back to her conversation with Atil. For a few moments Atil didn’t process what his sister was saying.
he leaned forward, indicating he wanted to say something in your ear, you leaned forward towards the boy giving him your ear.
“I’m glad I met you y/n” he whispered.
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chososdiscordkitten · 2 months
life update:
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im still in a rut, recently there's been a lot of construction in mai house so I haven't been getting that much sleep :( added with the horrid smokers/tuburculosis cough I had, and still having to go to work, I have been completely drained of my energy, inspiration, and money.
it has been a week since Ive last posted, and I have no fucking clue when ill post again (im so so so sorry)
it also doesn't help that people have been very mean in my inbox, and I put my life on hold to maintain this account- only to not see much progress in growth (im such an attention whore, I know) and to get back such negative marks on my writing.
by no means am I saying I am leaving this account- no. I just need a lil sabbatical where I have the opportunity to go outside on my days off, and not stay home for the sheer reason of, "I have to write." because I felt guilty for spending my free time not writing.
and I think that's why I have been so drained- ive spent allll my weekends since November saying, "no I cant go out today- I have to finish this piece before tommorrow."
people have taken advantage of my eagerness to please- being so demanding of free content and not giving me feedback on it- why spend days in my inbox asking for a req and when I finally post it- not even a reblog or a comment? whatever.
this has turned into a rant I didn't mean for it to, SORRRRYYY
anyway. I am grateful for the people who are active in my inbox and my comments, I see y'all and I love y'all for making me feel like my writing isnt some lower quality version of another author on here.
because, yes ive been told that, that I am a less talented version of a popular author on here.
and me thinks, from how much effort ive put into my fics, time, sleep, ignoring my physical needs just because I didn't wanna disappoint strangers on the internet, isnt worth it if im just gonna be compared to others on here.
I chose this- I know I did. and I will continue to choose it. I love the lil community ive built with people who I fucking appreciate sooooo very much for how much they've offered to me.
I will be back, I promise I will. my brain just hasn't been braining recently.
ive said it before- I will never fully leave this acc because I love it sooooo much, so I wont. but just for a lil bit.
if u wanna keep interacting w/ me, I have a twt where I spam shit, here it is :D
if you've read this far- KISS ME. ty for supporting me nd reading my 'lesser' writing lmaoooo
from a sad cowboy who misses choso,
(p.s) I hate my new shower head :(
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mysticalrambling · 2 years
Dance with Me? (C.E)
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My Main Masterlist is here.
Chris Evans Masterlist is here.
Summary: a song can be associated with many memories...
Warnings: none.
Seldom, do you and Chris ever throw a party. You both love your friends, yes but with all sincerity, the pair of you prefer to much rather sit at home, cuddle, watch a couple of sappy romance films; just enjoy a mundane intimate night. However, you both are actors and with that, comes the responsibility of maintaining your social lives. 
Planning a party is dreadful and still to this day, one of the reasons you try to delay doing things like this to the last minute possible. 
“Darling, you look great,” near the entryway, he keeps his gaze trained on you as you keep fumbling with the back of your dress.
“As if. I can’t get this stupid dress to knot. My hair is all kinds of frizzy today and my makeup looks horrendous.” A scoff makes its way past your lips the moment you finished your little rant.
“Say whatever you want; I’m standing by my statement.”
“You and your politically correct statements.” 
He knows that you don’t exactly approve of his recent endeavors so he tries to steer clear of the conversation. “Darling, you don’t see what I see.”
“What? An insufferable mess?”
“No, the prettiest woman alive.”
“Nice save, dumbass.”
Walking towards her, he speaks in a playful tone. “We still on that nickname?”
“Yes, for all eternity. I addressed you as dumbass in my vows so it’s legally my obligation.”
Crowding you up from the back, he gently takes a hold of the silk belt hanging loose by your sides and tugs you backwards flat against his chest. Teasingly, you glare at him through the mirror but he doesn’t really seem to care. Tying it in a perfect knot, he places a kiss on your shoulder and murmurs with affection lacing his voice, “Can’t wait to take you out of this dress.”
“How romantic.”
“It’s the best way to express m’love.”
“Sure, dumbass. Go downstairs and entertain the guests, just have to make some improvements.”
“See you on the other side.”
As he starts to walk out, you call after him with a hint of sarcasm dripping from your tone, “Stop being such an actor.”
“Too far gone, can’t stop now, darling.”
You can’t help but laugh as he leaves. 
Some people are very punctual because the moment the clock struck eight, a stream of cars came pouring into your driveway, one after the other. Chris didn’t want to rush you because you have been pretty stressed out lately. Your new upcoming project might have been a source of it so Chris was trying to give you space. 
“Any new projects you working on, Evans?” Pulling him out of his thoughts Robert came to stand right next to him. 
“You’ll get to know with the rest of the world.”
“You seriously think your fans don’t know that you’re starring in the Gray Man?”
Mouth a gape, he couldn’t formulate a proper sentence without stuttering. Sometimes, he truly did forget his fan base’s crazy devotion to him. Thank God, you weren’t here because you would’ve never let him live it down. 
The small group formulating around him subtly shifted their attention to the stairs and Chris didn’t have to turn around to guess who had captured their attention. 
“Can I have this dance?” Turning around to face you, he let a smile grace his lips. After your first party together where you asked him for a first dance, it has been like this ever since. You like to recreate moments; be it your first date or your first dance. 
“Of course, m’lady.”
Swaying to the beat of the song, he soon came to a realization that it is the same song you both danced to the first time. A loud laugh escapes him when he realizes that you are behind this. 
“You really are something else, babe.”
“And you love me for it.” Lips close to his ear, she lightly whispers to him. 
What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding
I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me
But I'll be alright
“You’re so cheesy.” 
“What? I just really like the song.” Dipping you in his arms, he brings you a little bit more closer than you would deem appropriate for a public setting. Oh, but who are you to complain. “Boy, you really are not good at this whole dancing thing.”
“Excuse me, mister? I’m not the one with two left feet.”
“If I ask any other girl to dance with me here, they won’t constantly be stepping on my feet.”
“What makes you think any girl would like to dance with you, old man?” 
He speaks after bringing you back in his arms, “Babe, everyone wants me. Now hush, my favorite part is coming.”
'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
You know that you shouldn’t be tearing up at these words but it is a reminder of all the good moments with your husband. Your first kiss, your first date, your wedding and now your first baby.
“I’m pregnant.”
“Wha- What?” 
“Don’t stop dancing, Chris. We don’t want everyone to know.”
After getting his bearing back, he whispers softly, “I’m so lucky to have you and our life is perfect.”
“I wouldn’t change anything about it.”
“Nothing, baby.” A gentle kiss at the end of the song sealed the promise of forever between you both. “Perfect time, I guess.”
“Perfect time.”
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: There was a note from editor that I think I should keep to myself for now💀 @peculiarpenman. Hope you all enjoy this because it has been sitting in my drafts for too long😊
P.S. poster credits: @peculiarpenman
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takecareluv · 2 years
i’m projecting SO hard rn but i have a rq for you babe!! imagine ur hairdresser cutting ur hair WAYY too short for what u asked for and ur miserable and vinnie is there to be like! it’s okay! u look great☺️ LMFOAOA ty🫶🫶
a.n hi, my love! oh no, we’ve all been there... i’m assuming this is coming from personal experience so i just wanna say i’m sure you look absolutely beautiful babe, don’t doubt it for a second 🫶🏼 also i’m supposed to get a hair cut on thursday and this made me a little nervous ngl haha. anyway, hope you like this & makes you feel better! sending lots of love <33
bad haircut || vinnie hacker x reader
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you made a beeline for your car, trying to avoid bumping into as many people as possible.
as soon as you were sat in the driver’s seat, you slammed the door shut and allowed all the tears you had been holding in for the last ten minutes come out.
what a mistake, you thought out loud.
earlier in the week, you were scrolling through instagram when you came across a local hair salon that had slowly becoming popular in your area. you stalked their entire page and were rather impressed with all of the photos they had posted of their client’s hair. not a bad photo in sight. you’d recently been in desperate need of a hair cut and figured why not go to them.
well, you thought wrong.
you knew you should’ve gotten out of there the second you walked in the place and they told you one of their newer hirees would be doing your hair.
now here you were crying the whole car ride home with the worst hair cut of your life. you didn’t even bother putting music on, that’s how upset you were.
in the back of your mind you knew you were probably being dramatic, but as of right now it felt like the end of the world.
once you reached the driveway of your home and came to a complete stop, you grabbed a sweatshirt from the backseat, slipping it on and pulling the hood over your head so no one could see the horrible hair cut.
before you got out, you took a quick glance in the mirror to check that no strands of hair were peaking out of the hood. you also made sure to wipe away any dried tears that had fallen to your cheeks so no one could tell you’d been crying.
but just with your luck, that was the first your boyfriend noticed.
“baby, what happened? are you okay?” he rushed over to you as soon as you entered your shared bedroom.
“yeah, i-i’m fine” you mumbled, trying to hold yourself together, although all you wanted to do was cry and rant about the stupid haircut that probably wouldn’t grow back for who knows how long.
but instead, you kept quiet in attempt to switch the subject.
however, vinnie would not budge, he needed to make sure you were okay. any other occasions you would’ve thought it was sweet, but right now you only wished he would let it go. “are you sure? it looks like you’ve been crying, love. you know you can tell me anything.”
as you thought about it more, you came to the realization that you wouldn’t be able to hide it forever. it would be hard wearing hoods for the next three or so months. meaning, much to your dismay, vinnie would eventually have to see your hair. why not rip that bandaid off now.
“so you know how i had that hair appointment today?” you waited for him to nod before you continued. “well she kind of messed it up… bad.” you sighed as you pulled the hood off your head, finally allowing him to see what had you so upset.
you grew more nervous at vinnie’s lack of response. oh my god, he must think i’m so ugly. he’s probably going to break up with me. i should’ve never gotten this hair cut. so many thoughts were racing through your mind as a single tear fell from your eye.
vinnie pulled you into his warm embrace. “oh baby, no don’t cry. you look beautiful. there’s nothing wrong with your hair. you look just as gorgeous as you did before, okay? you’re still the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen, you hear me?”
“really? you mean that?” you looked up at him with a pout.
“yes really, sweetheart. i would never lie to you. you are stunning. my pretty girl, always will be.”
you nuzzled your head further into his chest, now tearing up due to his sweet words. “i was so scared you would think i looked ugly and break up with.” you giggled slightly, realizing how absurd you actually sounded.
“what? baby, are you crazy? i could never break up with you. especially over a hair cut. i would be a complete dick if i did that.”
“now c’mon,” he continued, “let’s go cuddle and we can watch whatever movie you want and soon enough you’ll forget all about your hair cut. mkay, baby? how’s that sound?” he questioned, kissing to the top of your head.
“can we order milkshakes too?” you asked shyly.
“of course, sweet girl. anything you want.”
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angelpuns · 11 months
Ranting anon is having a bad time trying to draw right now so I figured I'd make myself feel better tryin spread a little positivity though admittedly this is kinda a random topic.
So I suck at drawing faces and heads right now and I'm ngl I'm gettin a little frustrated so I'm taking a break and I just remember, oh yeah this happens to literally everyone, somedays you can do something flawlessly and some days you can't! That's just how it works! And that can be applied to actually anything! Some days you can cook, somedays you can't. Sometimes you can get up and clean and some days you cant. Sometimes it's a lot easier to take care of yourself then it was the day before and that's just how it works! Sure, today you can't do something but another day you can! You and your work isn't worth any less just because sometimes you can't do something. Idk if you needed to hear this or not but maybe one day you will! And it'll be here <3 hope u feel okay today and if not, that's just how it is sometimes.
Hell yeah!!!! I'm tucking this into my pocket because it is a nice reminder and I know I'll reread it one day and be like ' yeah ' and it'll just be a good, nice reminder <33333
ty for the positivity post, as always you're the sweetest ranting anon!!!
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louscartridge · 2 years
heya im here requesting kevin…again. how about kevin and reader are secretly dating and the way hunter finds out is that kevin n reader have a pregnancy scare so they arent as careful and accidentally leave the pregnancy test out on the open in her room and then hunter later sees kevin kiss her and hunter freaks out on them. ofc dont feel pressured to write this ty for the consideration! <3
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i do not give permission for my fics to be posted claiming to be yours, translated, or posted on another platform without credit
sorry this took so long! 
kevin schlieb x reader. although they/them pronouns were used its involves pregnancy so yk. 
cw- pregnancy, like 2 curse words, hunter being slightly obnoxious, slight panic?? idk tbh 
“fucking hell.” you let out an exasperated sigh, sitting on the edge of your bed as your leg bounces up and down anxiously.
“what am i gonna do?” you ask yourself quietly, looking down to your hand with the pregnancy test in it. you put the test on the corner of your dresser, taking a steadying breath.
“what day is it?” you question, pulling your phone out of your back pocket.
“sunday. so i can tell him tomorrow at school. great. however, i have no idea what im gonna tell hunter but ill figure that out when the time comes!”
after going downstairs and getting a snack you go back in your room and put a movie on, falling asleep soon after.
hunter hadn’t heard anything from y/n’s room in a while, so decided to check on her. quietly opening the door he looked around their room and soon see them lying on their bed.
“y/n!” he whisper-yelled. “are you sleeping?”
he receives no response, so he walked over to the bedside table, grabbing the bowl sat there to take it to the kitchen, but something caught his attention making him pause.
‘this better not be positive’ he thought to himself as he eyed the pregnancy tester sat innocently on the desk.
he stared at the middle of it.
‘shit, its positive. did they see this before they fell asleep? should i wake them up? no let them sleep stupid if they didnt see it thell see it when they wake up tomorrow’ so many thoughts rush through his head, and it’s not even his problem to deal with.
one particular thought nagged at the back of his head until he couldn’t ignore it anymore.
‘who? who are they doing stuff with? i mean like y/n’s one of the most single people i know. well- not as single as me but… close enough!’ he thought to himself again.
hunter quickly came to the conclusion that he wouldn’t tell anyone. it wasn’t his issue, and was quite frankly none of his business. he would just wait and see how this all plays out.
as the obnoxiously loud ringing of the bell shocks you, you get up from your seat along with the other 20 kids in your class and exit the classroom.
the only difference this time was that instead of kevin going to a normal class, he would go with hunter to band practice.
before he could open the door, y/n grabbed kevin’s arm and pulls him behind it, making him jump.
“woah, hey! don’t you have art right now?” he questioned.
you always liked the fact that you both remembered eachother’s class schedule. you always knew where the other was.
“yeah but listen i have to tell you something. and i know you’re busy right now and have stuff to do and-“ you ranted.
kevin cuts your ramblings short by placing his hands on your shoulders.
“hey, slow down. i can skip today if you want.” he says moving his calloused hands up and down your arms soothingly.
“no i don’t want you to skip.” your voice slightly calmer.
“impregnant.” you speak so quickly your words merged together.
kevin’s eyes widened and he didn’t say anything at first. he just stared at you.
“are you coming or what? you need to practice more man!” hunter yells to him, rolling his eyes and not giving anyone the chance to respond.
tears started forming in your eyes, his lack of response starting to scare you.
he glanced around awkwardly and took both of your hands in his “hey hey it’s ok!” he says reassuringly.
“no kevin it’s not, what are we gonna do?” you say, voice shaking.
“well. we have a few options and we have time to decide. we will figure something out.” he leans in to kiss you not noticing that hunter never walked away from the door.
“oh my god! you? kevin? seriously!” hunter yells in disgust, swinging open the door to the music room.
“y/n, out of all the people you could’ve banged and you chose this nerd?” hunter laughed, smacking kevin on the back of his head playfully.  
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sierradeaton · 3 months
I’m sorry I’m sorry I know you get scared by asks (?) but I saw your recent post and I braved the world of Pinterest yesterday and now I can’t unsee it. how much of fandom culture (hopefully it’s changed since the 2010s when we were teenagers) is just like. Incel culture for teenage girls?? like ‘good luck post for your fave to notice you’ but then there’s a culture of cycling between Actually Expecting That (thus being mean to irl gf’s etc) and like. Not knowing what to do when it inevitably either doesn’t happen or you do interact but they’re just the kind of friendly they are with every other fan and you’re not special?? and to me it’s sad bc we’re here to connect with their art and maybe you can bond with people irl who connect with their songs too, and yet there’s this entitled expectation that goes and ruins it not only for those people but actually does a bunch of collateral damage to the few who end up yk dating a celebrity??? anyway. rant. I’ll probably come up with some Nice Thing to do about it but mostly I’m glad the fandom has outgrown that (for the most part at least)! anyway. I really hope you’re doing well today you deserve all the love <3 (and all the… ramen?? idk)
i do get scared you're observant 😭 thank you for prefacing this with that actually so i stay calm 🥺
i think fan culture IS really sad :( i'm not sure what pushed it to be this way, a mix of social media and capitalism in fan culture i think has a lot to do with it. i don't know if people are JUST fans of the music as much as like people who grew up listening to 90s/00s music are? not to pull like "back in my day" grandma type shit but 😭 i feel like so much of fan culture ruins the actual experience of just listening to the music even.
i think it's harder to find like minded fans these days here for the right reasons. i looove the community we've cultivated on here with the amazing mutuals i have and bonding over the art we're given & loving these boys for who they are and not what we'll get out of it. i do think a lot of the fandom here has outgrown that stuff and it's different even than when i joined the tumblr fandom in 2019. it's better now imo. :')
ty for engaging with me on this 💖
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emotionallyrin · 2 months
im deadd
i have been playing overwatch since season 7 on OW 2, played paladins before that but finally quit after 1000 hours lol, and holy mother of lord. i've been wanting to join comp for a while but never thought i was good enough so i grinded for like 150 hours on other modes first, finally played comp and got my placement. Gold 4 on support like T-T, this matchmaking is ass especially when im relying on having dps to do their job or a tank to not go off on a 3rd season 4th episode side adventure just for a filler arc. im gonna hate grinding to get out of gold frfr cos it was already ass getting in here. i play mostly ana and kiri now cos ana's kit is op and suzu is good counter for anti nade BUT that doesnt matter, today i played lifeweaver after an entire season of not playing him. i got only 10 hours on him so i not good at doing dps but holy mother of lord grip IS SO STRESSFUL. ive never had more stress in my life on this game, i gotta grip at the perfect moments to prevent my team from dying and for tanks sure thats decently easy but for dps thats where the stress comes in.
a venture says ty for the grip and im goated but like ... ngl im still shaking from how hard it was to see any opportunities to save people without pissing them off. spamming grip is fine and all if you wanna be an ass, you cant do it too early or people get pissed at how you ruined their opportunities but do it too late and they get pissed you didnt save them. its PAINN. love getting good grips but holy this character is stressful and ontop of that im still trying to get like 20k heal, stay alive, position better and learn to get kills on this character. the day i can confidently pvp on lifeweaver will be amazing lol.
anyway bit of a more happier rant since its just funny lol, no eggy today just getting stressed at having fun on overwatch lololol.
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desiredcaramellatte · 2 years
Captain Ice x Child reader
Platonic! Hcs
Greetings my comrades!
I usually do Cookie Run Kingdom, but I have also gotten into Cookie Run Oven Break as well! Sadly, I do not know all the characters as well as I do Crk characters, so I will only be writing for a select few, which will be listed at the end of this post, as well as my rules blog.
Like all your local Crob noobies, I got Captain Ice and she meta at the moment, but I found her love for returning lost children home a d o r a b l e !! So, I wondered what it would be like to be her child!
At first I thought of asking a blog, but then I realized, “Hey, I am a blog!” And so, after conversing with myself, I decided it would be a good idea.
But you’re not here for my rambling, you’re here for the cute fuzzies! Onto the Headcannons!
~| I see Captain Ice Cookie as a very stern, no-nonsense mother figure- kind of like how she is with her crew. You have to be up at 8:00 AM sharp, have your bed fixed, and have eaten a balanced breakfast before she even comes in to tell you good morning. Very stern on having good manners “Yes ma’am” “No, ma’am” “Please” “Thank you” and those sorts of things.
~| She will NOT allow you on the Icepeircer until shes 110% sure you will not get hurt in any way, shape, or form. Very overprotective in every mannor possible. You won’t be allowed to help her fight pirates until you’re 80 :).
~| Despite her stern nature and overprotectiveness, she is very loveing towards you. Often gives you hugs or cheek kisses and smiles at you. If you do something correct, Captain Ice will always be there to give you a pat on the back, wether it be taking down a pirate ship (to which she’s pretty much freaking out the whole time that they’re attacking with you on board her ship), hoisting a sail, or even tying your shoe, she’ll be there to compliment you.
~| Don’t care how old you are, she will tuck you in at night and give you a good-night kiss. She will even sing or read a book to you if you request it. If you get up later at night, she’ll shoo you back to bed no matter your reasoning with a cup of water, and will sit beside you until you fall asleep. Captain Ice Cookie will help comfort your nightmares as well, you can tell her anything.
~| Makes sure that you eat 3 meals a day and drink lots of water. Will literally stop whatever she’s doing to come find you. “How much water have you drank today?” “Come on, you need some lunch, snacks are not filling enough.”
~| Loves it when you call her mom or any type of form. It solidifies your relationship that you’re not just a crew-mate, you’re her child. She likes it when you follow her around, as well (unless she’s doing something dangerous), since that means she will always know where you are and that you’re safe. If you’re ever out of her sight for long, even 2 minutes, she’ll start to get worried for your safety.
~| Captain Ice will 100% set a curfew, doesn’t matter if you don’t go out or if you do. If you miss the curfew then you’re not allowed to go out without her for a month <3. If you continuously miss the curfew then you’ll see your mom literally b r e a k d o w n in tears and rant to you about how much she worries for your safety and well-being every second of the day that you’re not with her. Don’t make your mother sad :(.
~| She supports you completely and fully! You gender, sexuality, your beliefs, everything! She may not always understand them (she’s a bit old and was raised differently :() but she’ll try her best to! You may have to sit down and explain them to her (Captain Ice will probably ask some questions as well, just out of pure curiosity), but she will support you through thick and thin. If someone puts you down for your beliefs, then she’ll go on full mama-bear. You may have to stop her from committing an assault.
~| Despite wholly supporting you, she will always come off as cold if you start dating someone. She wants you to have the best in life, and will always see others as not fit for you. She will start to warm up to them if you’re genuinely happy, and she sees they’re a good person who will take care of you. But if they’re not, if they touch you in a bad manner or abuse you then she’s p i s s e d. She will get the cleaver and start chasing them around town.
~| God I wish she could be my mom.
Crob characters I will write
- Captain Ice Cookie
- Pitaya Dragon Cookie
- Earl Grey Cookie
- Chess Choco Cookie
- Wind Archer Cookie
- Raspberry Mousse Cookie
This is just as of posting this! If you’re looking at this later, it may be outdated- make sure to check my rules post to find out! ↓
~ Feel free to request, my inbox is always open! Also, if you have any Earl Grey requests, I feel like writing for him but I have no clue what to base his off of, so please send any ideas or requests you have for him in as well!
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loki-lover84 · 2 years
Season 3 Episode 4 Part II
A/N: Because I didn’t stick to my schedule ya’ll get two updates today Yes I spent today writing both of them I hope they’re good enough for ya’ll.
I don’t know what time I eventually drifted off again but I woke up to beams of sunlight streaming in through the gaps in my curtains. I check my phone for the time and see it’s half ten. Fuck. I look at the messages on my phone next just as another buzzes through.
The messages from Hughie pretty much saying Butcher and Frenchie are at a meeting, he’s visiting Annie and he’ll text me when and where to meet up. The most recent messages are from Lionel, telling me the plumber will be at my apartment within the next half hour. I jump out of bed throwing on a comfortable pair of joggers and a baggy t-shirt tying my hair up messily hiding my joint, hiding my pictures with Soldier Boy and making sure anything to indicate/ relate me to Amphitrite is hidden and out of the way.
I stand up breathing a sigh of relief just in time to hear a knock at the door.
“Hi, you’ve got a burst pipe.” The greying man asks his dulling green eyes peering at me.
The scary part is if it weren’t for the V I’d probably be aging like that, thankfully I haven’t physically aged a day. He stares at me and I can see the cogs turning in his mind desperately trying to place me.
“You look familiar, you related to someone I know or something?” He asks entering my apartment with his toolbox.
“Not that I’m aware of.” I say smiling kindly at him.
“So what happened here? Looks like it’s been pulled off.” He states examining the damage.
“Honestly no idea I was cooking and next thing I know there’s a rumbling and suddenly the pipe bursts off the wall and there was water everywhere, it happens a lot though it got fixed a few weeks ago too.”
“Shoddy work.” He grumbles before getting to work.
“Can I get you a drink, tea, coffee, anything?” I offer.
“Tea would be nice.” I head to my kitchen turning on my kettle after topping it up with water grabbing a cup and tea bag.
“Do you take milk and sugar?” I call.
“Milk yes sugar no.”
I place the tea bag in the cup pouring the now boiling water into the cup letting it brew for a few seconds before stirring with a teaspoon taking the bag out and adding a few drops of milk stirring it once more before carrying it out to him.
“Any idea how long this might take?” I ask handing him his tea.
“Half an hour tops.” He says taking the cuppa off me.
“Alright I’ll just be in my room if you need anything.” I say retreating to my room and setting my laptop up creating Maeve’s schedule for the rest of this week and some of next week emailing that over to her.
Seconds later my phone rings.
“Y/n, how’s everything going?” I hear Maeve ask a hint of urgency to her tone.
“Everything’s fine so far, Butcher’s making a deal with someone to find out where the lab is, I’m waiting on a text to find out what’s happening next.”
“Are you okay? I mean, it’s not too much for you is it?”
“I’m fine I’ve been to a few self defence classes.” I try to joke not realising how genuinely concerned she is.
“This isn’t usual routine this is going to be really fucking dangerous.” She hisses and I know she’s pacing around her room.
“I’ll be fine trust me I’ve been through a lot of shit, I can look out for myself.” I hear Maeve sigh.
“Okay…I trust you, you let me know when it gets to be too much for you though.”
“I will. I promise, stay safe. Oh and see if you or Starlight can get any other supes to stand against Homelander.”
“Already on it. See ya around.” With that I end the call and get a knock on my bedroom door.
“Okay so that’s all fixed up for you. It’s done properly now at least. Who should I send the bill to?”
“My landlord, we’ve already got a repayment plan set up.” I say smiling at him as he hands me his empty cup.
“I’m off, if you get anymore troubles with it get your landlord to call me back.” He says kindly before leaving my apartment.
“Definitely gonna need to go elsewhere to rant.” I say to myself as my phone once again buzzes.
It’s from Hughie with an address of some air base and twenty minutes.
I redress into something more appropriate and head out to meet them.
I walk alongside MM, Kimiko and Frenchie as Hughie calls Neuman telling her why he’ll be absent as we approach a private plane.
“What did I miss?” I ask.
“We’re going to Russia.” MM says before walking next to Hughie.
“Five years I’ve worked for Nina, twenty three contracts. Never she’s given anything away. What is this? Now she’s given us the plane, those shiny new passports? You think he promised her Cherie?” Frenchie whispers the last part to Kimiko. I’m not involved in any of this and at this rate I’m glad they’re keeping their private drama private because that’s a whole other can of worms I want nothing to do with.
“Fucking hell, Frenchie. What kind of monster do you think I am, eh?” Butcher says striding past us to take the lead. “Enjoy. Pretend you’re on Entourage.”
I follow them onto the plane settling down for the flight. When the plane lands we climb into a greyish white van as Butcher drives us to a desolate petrol station which I can only assume will be our hideout whilst we’re here.
Upon entering Hughie turns the TV on and the Russian, I want to say news station, is mocking him with the reveal of #Homelight on the screen. We’re all aware it’s bullshit but he doesn’t want the reminder, leading to him turning it off.
“Good news.” Butcher says gaining all of our attention, “Nina’s had a word with her Kremlin piss boys, and she’s located the lab.”
“That’s great-” Hughie begins until I cut him off.
“Where is it?” I ask making sure not to sound too overeager.
“Before she tells us that, we just gotta do a little job for her.” As usual an evil glint flashes in Butcher’s eyes as he says that. “Ain’t nothing just some local oligarch who got in her bad books.”
“Non. I don’t do this anymore. Definitely not for Nina.” Frenchie states firmly.
“Well that’s a good job, then, innit? Cause you’re not the one doing it. They are.” Butcher says gesturing to Kimiko and me. “Sorry love, victim of your own success.” He says to Kimiko not explaining why I have to go either. “Now, Nina’s got you both in. You’ll be the wanker’s pro girls for the night. You just get in there give the cunt a good noose and get the fuck out. Easy-peasy.” Kimiko begins to type on her phone.
“I’m begging you, no.” Frenchie says on behalf of Kimiko.
“Look Frenchie, it was this or Cherie’s head. Fucking hell. No good deed.” Butcher says turning to Hughie and MM before Kimiko slaps his arm showing him her phone stating ‘I’m not your fucking gun.’ “That is exactly what you are. In case you two forgot…I tell you what to do…and you fucking do it.”
“I’ll go. Alone.” I say firmly.
“Y/n. He’s asking you kill someone you -”  Hughie begins.
“I said I’ll go alone. End of I can do it.”
“You were only going as a distraction, I doubt you could bring yourself to do something like this.” Butcher says condescendingly.
“I’m going, alone. Leave Kimiko out of it.” I defend not backing down.
“Fine but you mess this up and I’ll-” Butcher starts.
“Bring it.”
They all settle on letting me go in alone, Kimiko shows me her phone. ‘You don’t have to do this.’
“Think of it as you’re getting a short break.” I say kindly to her before going to change into the surprisingly nice silver sequin dress and matching silver heels.
“Thank you.” Frenchie says before he Kimiko and I climb into the van to sort out the favour for this Nina woman.
“Irina, yes?” The man at the door asks in Russian and I nod. “You’re late.” He adds in disinterest opennig the door for me as I smile sweetly up at him.
He leads me down the warmly lit corridors leading me to the room at the very back. Upon entering I see two armed guards at least six other girls in their underwear and the hideous pig of a man that’s my target. Calling me over I give him the best smile I can fake giving the circumstances. He briefly wraps his arm around me.
“Now for the most delicious part.” He says, “These are contraband.” He say letting me and a blonde haired woman go as he opens cupboard filled with supe inspired dildos and vibrators as he tells me to choose one.
He grabs the Starlight one for the blonde and leads her to the end of the bed. Whilst he’s engrossed in her I pick up the Black Noir inspired one and thrust it through the back of his head. Unfortunately his blood splatters all over the concubine he was toying with making her and the rest of the girls scream in horror.
“I’m sorry I had a job to do. None of you would have wanted him near you if you weren’t being paid for it.” I try to reason with the women before turning my focus to the armed guards.
I kick off the heels and attack the closest one with the Noir toy leaving it lodged in his eye as the other one begins shooting at me. I grab the next nearest dildo hitting his hand successfully disarming him until he pulls out a blade.
“This is hands down the weirdest fucking fight I’ve been in.” I say countering his attack before barely dodging out of the way for the next slash as the blade catches the top of the toy slicing the top clean off.
I turn around and quickly grab the next ones successfully elbowing him in the stomach catching him off guard. Using the one made of glass I smash it off his head dashing behind him jumping on his shoulders before penetrating the Deep’s one straight through his chest. The door opens and the guy that lead me here appears, without wasting a second though I throw the Starlight one straight at his neck killing him with one blow. I take a photo of the targets corpse.
“Sorry, needed evidence. You can all go home early now though.” I say to the still screaming and crying women wiping some of the blood off my face.
I turn to leave next thing I know there’s a bullet lodged in my shoulder. Unfortunately bullets don’t quite ricochet off me like most other supes, I feel the force and the pain before bleeding however, thankfully I do heal after about ten minutes.  
“You fucking bitch.” I seethe marching over to the girl that shot me, I watch her hands tremble and she begins to cry once again as I snatch the gun off her. “Count yourself lucky I’m not gonna fucking kill you.” I turn and leave meeting up with Frenchie and Kimiko once again.
Arriving at the hideout still covered in blood and the now uncomfortable dress I’m greeted by a mortified look from Hughie, a grimacing look from MM and a curious look from Butcher.
“Well, how’d you get on?” He asks as I toss the phone to him.
“I managed.” I reply coldly
“Oh Nina’s gonna love this. See, told ya. Easy-peasy.” He says as I walk away to find a sink to wash the blood off and change into the grey overalls we’re apparently wearing to finally get to Soldier Boy.
Once again we’re in the van going to the lab, I feel my lips tremble as I fight back a long overdue smile. I’m so close; I can wait a few more minutes. We clamber out of the van once again and I give the place a once over. Of course it’s a military fucking lab and not just a regular lab, that would’ve been too easy.
“That chick Nina didn’t do us no favours. That ain’t a lab. It’s a military compound.” MM says in a irritated hushed tone.
“Russian military compound.” Butcher says before trying to cut out the power, “Be like storming into a Baja Fresh.”
“Baja Fresh ain’t shooting us with AK-47s on full auto, motherfucker.” Getting impatient with fiddling with wires Butcher pick up a wrench and smashes it against the power supply ensuring a power outage.
Everyone else rushes over on Butcher’s signal. MM grabs a guard keeping him hostage whilst Butcher takes his key card. We follow in suit Butcher opening all the doors the guard not risking an escape as we drag him along too. Eventually we enter the lab in pitch black. Only having torchlight.
“Rocky Four motherfucker.” MM says knocking the guard unconscious.
“Come on. We ain’t got much time.” Butcher insists.
“Any idea what this supe-gun’s supposed to look like?” MM asks the group.
I’m confused for a moment not even hiding it on my face, thankfully no one was shining a torch my way, I forgot they don’t know we’re not going to get a gun we’re going to get Soldier Boy instead.
“Ain’t the joy in the discovery, eh?” Butcher says not even hiding that he has no clue.
I approach a large containment unit, this has to be it.
“Butcher over here.” I whisper motioning to it.
“What is it?” Hughie asks taking it in.
I overhear Frenchie and MM discussing a test subject in a glass cage before knocking on the glass. Before I hear glass cracking and red warning lights light up the room setting off an alarm. No. NO. I’m too fucking close, fuck those guys! I stress glaring at the trio.
“LOOK LIVELY!” Butcher yells as his crew begin to take cover and arm themselves , I just hide behind the containment unit realising I didn’t bring a gun.
The next second there’s yelling and rapid gunshots constantly firing.
“I’M OUT!” MM yells just as Butcher’s gun empties too I watch from behind but know the realisation has dawned on him, he needs to expose the fact he’s got temp-V.
I watch him nod to Hughie and I as we return it as if saying you have too.
“OI! Evening Cunts.” Butcher says walking away from the containment unit bullets bouncing off him as the Russian’s begin to panic.
I watch as he kills them like it was nothing. Just like all of us shot up with V. It’s as easy as breathing, not necessarily the mentality but the act itself. In my peripherals I see Hughie’s eyes widen as he yells to MM vanishing from his hiding spot.
“Butcher?” MM asks with the unmistakable waver of anger in his voice.
“Alright, alright, look, hang about.”
“You and Hughie both took Compound V? What are you two fucking supes now?”
“Temporary V.” Butcher says calmly, as Kimiko violently signs at him before hitting Frenchie.
“Oh, she says, ‘Why do you do this to yourself on purpose?’” Frenchie translates.
“Only lasts twenty four hours, all right? Break glass in case of emergencies, you know, like this one.”
“And you give this to-to Hughie?” Frenchie argues in disbelief.
“I didn’t give it to him. The thieving git must’ve broken into the case and nicked it.” Butcher snaps glaring at Hughie. Let’s just find this thing and get the fuck out of here, alright?”
“You’re better than this kid.” MM says to Hughie before turning away.
“Butcher, I’m…look…I’m…I’m sorry, okay? It’s just, I…” He stammers before scoffing as everyone walks passed him.
Butcher comes over to the containment unit pulling the front off as steam rushes out with a dull hissing implying he broke a valve. As the mist begins to clear I see him, I see my Ben, my husband. I don’t even attempt to hide the smile on my face, not that it would matter everyone’s eyes are locked on him. He’s as well endowed as I remembered his beard���s grown a little out of control that’s just to be expected, it’s been forty years I’m amazed the Russians stayed on top of shaving him as well as they had done. He slowly regains consciousness and I’m not certain he’s even seen me yet.
“Soldier Boy.” I hear Butcher say in shock under his breath as Ben breaks his restraints.
He removes the oxygen mask from his face as he unsteadily climbs out of the unit his far more hardened eyes scanning the new faces before they lock on me. He takes a moment but realisation slowly sets in. However maybe bringing a group of strangers along wasn’t the best idea I watch as he resumes glaring at them locking target on Frenchie.
“Ah…it’s okay.” Frenchie attempts to ease him as if Soldier Boy were a fucking dog.
The ground begins to tremble as Ben’s chest glows, I don’t know what’s happening but he’s aiming at Frenchie, I glance to the wall behind Frenchie.
“Shit.” I exhale.
Kimiko dives in front of Frenchie as Soldier Boy’s new power is unleashed destroying the wall. Grabbing my hand as he pulls me over a now unconscious Kimiko taking me with him. I glance behind to see none of them particularly bothered about following us. Engrossed in a bloody and semi-unconscious Kimiko, which is a relief all things considered.
Once he grabs a tatty looking tracksuit from one of the locker rooms and gets dressed he finally looks at me, properly looks at me.
“What year is it?” He asks taking a deep breath.
“Two thousand and twenty two.” I answer he sits on a bench his hands dragging through his hair. “It’s been forty two years since I last saw you.” I add tears streaming down my face.
He grabs my hands gently pulling me closer to him, his grip occasionally tightening as if testing to see if I was actually here.
“You haven’t aged a day. What did they tell you?” Ben asks a soft smile on his face.
“They said you were killed in Nicaragua forty years ago. I didn’t believe it but I had no proof, I’ve spent all this time trying to find you and I’d do it all again to get you back.” Ben stands up pulling me into a tight embrace as I crumble.
“Sweetheart. What happened to you?” He wonders aloud kissing the top of my head.
“They buried Amphitrite. It was bad enough they kept you away from me for two years, we had-have a son, Vought abducted him shortly after they told me you were killed. I went on a killing spree finding out as much information as I could but I kept hitting the same dead end. I still haven’t found him, I’ve only just found you. I’m pathetic.”
“We have a son?”
“Yeah, our little John. Every time, every fucking time I tried to reach out to you Vought intercepted. I lost everything forty years ago.”
“We’ll find him, we’ll find him together.” Ben says firmly. “We’ll revive Amphitrite too.”
“I love you Ben.”
“I love you too Y/n.” We find our way out of the compound before starting to find our way home.
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