#hermit x you
Tall Drink Of Water
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Does my little dance for @turbulentscrawl
Rated Mature | Warning: None
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You have the same amount of energy Luca Balsa has, and many more given how you laid out on the floor rolling around playing with Ann's cat (you do not care if it is an Outer God that took the simple form of a cat to oversee whatever an Outer God oversees). The cat is playing with a ball of yarn you got from Annie in exchange for helping her with a toy project. The cat actually is playing with you rather than you playing with it, Alva a few times glances over to see being the one is playing with the yarn more than the cat.
Your logic for not fearing the cat is ‘I don’t worship it so I don’t have to follow its rules’. Neither does Alva yet here is a chosen one of that creature. His eyes linger on the way your shirt by now has ridden up exposing your stomach and dangerously close to the rest of your chest before you sit up and start petting the cat. 
It permits it the petting, the dotting upon, you have no idea you are worshipping it by doing that and Alva could not tell you otherwise given the cat is purring. When it has enough, it places its paw on your hand pushing it away then jumping on a chair and curling up in a ball to rest.
“I want five more babies, Alva.” Without context and him not paying attention you say those words.
“Excuse me?” Stopped his hands with his current task to make sure he heard you properly.
“Five more babies,” Pointing at the sleeping cat, “We can have different types too.” You bet Ann would agree but you might have to watch out for Ithaqua because you have seen him fearlessly chase the black cat. Weirdo.
The inventor needs a moment to recover, “I am sure the Apostle would not appreciate sharing your attention.” Resuming the final touches of the device he making.
You go to sit on the couch in the room then lay on it as you stare up at the ceiling before your eyes drift to other objects in the room before falling on the ass of the Hermit. Small, you can grab it and feel a bit of meat, a bubble butt. Your eyes follow the way his back is bent over slightly as he works over the workbench tinkering away.
“Alva,” You call out to him, “Have I ever told you how handsome you are?” “You do and I never grow tired of it.” He replies, “You are quite handsome too, (Name).” Sometimes sparks to life in his hand for a second then shuts off. “Yeah but,” You think for a moment then grin, “You’re a tall drink of water, baby.” Yeah, this is a good one! “And I’m thirsty.” Snickering. Both a funny and a compliment, genius.
Alva has learned to grow accustomed to your time of humor and language. Given you are from a different modern time, you are far different from the people of his time in every sense. He raises an eyebrow then shakes his head, “Given you also know how ridiculous that sounds,” He stops his task as he can feel his neck becoming strained and the statement you made is a hint. “(Name).” Turning around, “Come here a moment.” His index finger beckons you over where he is leaning against his workbench. 
It is cute how quickly you get up to go over to him and without skipping a beat you hug him, one who enjoys physical touching. A tactile person. He places his hand on your head petting your hair as you rest your chin on his chest with your eyes closed and a small content smile on your face, “I love you.” The words flow out easily from your mouth as you say them a dozen times with ease, you follow those words with action as you are happy to kiss his hand that traces your lips, his palm, then your eyes open halfway as you once again say, “I love you, Alva.”
“Do you need me?” A low sensual tone as you whine as his other hand starts at the lower part of your back, fingers tracing up your spine and the low-grade spark up your back makes you moan as he uses his power to stimulate your nerves. Strange as it sounds you found it gets you going a lot faster as he is directly stimulating your nerves and skin.
“My answer is always,” Though at times you feel bad given you have a much higher sex drive than the inventor. He is much lower, rarely does the mood strike him, but tries to be accommodating to your needs when he can keep with them.
Though you understand he is in the mood, it is understandable, you make it very clear to him that you never take more than what he can give. You are one to talk freely about your needs and listen to others about theirs, you had sat him down to ask what he needs from you and vice-versa.
“Are you sure? I have no problem using your shirt.” Asking to make sure he would not mind doing it right now, you can always wait for when he is ready. He got the hint you want to be intimate by your silly pickup line, something you do to hint but easy for him to know he can take his time. Plus, you like letting him know how handsome he is daily.
When you handle your own desires alone, you need something of his to keep on that edge, his shirt helps a lot.
God, you feel like you got it down bad for him— Because you are.
So bad that you ask him, sometimes, if he is comfortable with recording a ‘visual aid’.
A request and one he needed an explanation of. One you provided when he was sexually ready and you were the one teasing him. So you recorded yourself, well, let’s just say the man had a reminder of how different you both are from a technology standpoint too.
The recording on your phone plays back a video of you touching yourself as you call out his name. One of his spare shirts drapes over your body as you are a humping pillow. You are no pornstar but you are proud of your camera work!
You learned that day teasing Alva was returned tenfold and you were unable to return to your room until the afternoon of the following day.
Kissing your forehead, “I want to.”
The grandfather clock in the room strikes midnight and the soft tune of the clock plays.
You stand on the tip of your toes as he kisses you, slowly and methodically until the meow of the forgotten guest steals your attention.
“Pspsps.” Alva is looking annoyed at that damn cat as you slip away to kneel on the floor to pet its sleepy form, “Pretty kitty.”
“There is another kitty in need of proper attention if it returns to my side.”
You turn your head to see Alva Lorenz walking to his bed and sitting there patting his lap.
The hint in those words is not lost to you at all nor the Outer God cat as growls before standing up, jumping in the air, and disappearing.
“Aw.” You pout, “Do think it will come back later?”
“Let’s hope not,” He welcomes you into his arms as you straddle his lap, “Your attention is going to be elsewhere for a while.” His index finger traced the path of your jawline, his lips brushing against yours but not quite, no he let that tingle of electricity make it feel like he kissed you but you were not letting that slide as you grabbed him by the collar of his dress shirt and lean forward kissing him and pushing him down.
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ink-ghoul · 9 months
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hermit fanon swap - an art game!
Reblog this to let your followers know they can send art requests to your ask box
if you are a writer you can also reblog this and make little snippets about hermits and their new traits
Vex!Grian and Avian!Mumbo as fun examples
Artless version behind the cut:
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anastacialy · 5 months
guys, i think the hermits are going to accidentally start a prank war again. because just like last time, a game of telephone has begun. first, false made iskall's build into ''false beans,'' her shop from the previous season. however, to give herself plausible deniability, she signs it with "love, Joel. x" due to his username, smallishbeans.
next, iskall sees this, and completely believes it. he thinks it was joel who pranked him, and as he says to pearl while showing off the sign, which he kept even after tearing the prank down, "joel gave me a kiss." in his most recent video, he pranks joel by sending him loads of anonymous messages in order to completely spam and fill his inbox, preventing him from getting any more mail, with notes such as "thinking about you. x"
of course, joel is going to have absolutely no context for this, because he didn't make the initial prank. so who is joel going to assume sent him all those messages while he was away on holiday? well, i have a guess.
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teddypickrwritings · 3 months
A Rare Moment of Weakness - Identity V x Reader
A/N: Some character lore is just so sad and depressing that I start tearing up…I just want to hug them. I’ll most likely do this with more characters in the future!
cw: PTSD
It was obvious just by looking at him that Naib Subedar was hardened by war. That was just the norm for anyone who served in the military. Naib was not one to talk about his experiences, though. Nobody questioned him, they just let him do what he wanted.
One day, while you were in a match with him, you saw his stoic mask crumble. You had managed to escape from the hunter with minor injuries and were hoping that you would cross paths with someone that could heal you. You had stumbled onto Naib’s cipher just as he missed a calibration and it shocked him—literally. The look of terror that flashed on his face gutted you pretty badly. It didn’t take a genius to realize that the sudden loud noise reminded him of bombs and such.
He wasn’t embarrassed that you saw him mess up. He didn’t shrug you off when you instinctively gave him a hug. In fact…he really appreciated it. A lot. Naib held you for a little longer than necessary, only letting go when he realized you were injured and immediately started to heal you.
“I’ll decode with you…or I can do it for you, if you’d like,” you offered once he was done.
Naib nodded slowly, a hint of a smile on his lips. “Thank you, (Y/N),” he mumbled.
Wu Chang
A sudden rainstorm had interrupted your walk and completely soaked you to the bone. Had you stayed outside longer, and if Xie had not come to your rescue, you would have certainly gotten sick. He had immediately left to find you the second the rain had turned heavy. You had begun to protest when he scooped you up in his arms, but quickly silenced yourself when you noticed just how worried he looked.
“(Y/N), I am so sorry. We shouldn’t have left you alone out there,” Xie said once you had changed into dry clothes. He had managed to calm down for the most part, but his voice was still laced with anxiety. “We didn’t know it would rain. I’ll never forgive myself if you get sick…”
“I’m okay!” you reassured with a tired smile. You reached over and gently squeezed his hand. “Thank you for getting me out of there before it got too bad.”
Xie gave a weak smile of his own, but his eyes still looked pained. He paused, seemingly listening to something. Then he nodded and his form changed to represent Fan. The Black Guard checked your vitals, and after confirming that they were normal, held your hands tightly. “He wanted to be able to save a loved one this time,” he explained. And that was all you needed to hear for you to understand.
“Alva, do you ever feel frustrated?” you asked tentatively, watching the inventor writing notes in one of his many journals. His quill came to a slow stop as he pondered your question.
“It is natural for one to feel frustration,” Alva said vaguely. He turned in his chair to look at you with an unreadable expression. “Why do you ask?”
“I was just curious…you always seem so composed. I admire it,” you admitted.
Alva allowed a small smile on his face. “Nobody is ever what they seem, (Y/N). Keep that in mind,” he said, beckoning you over with a little wave of his hand. You stood up and went to him, surprised when he enveloped you in a hug. “I am sorry that I do not show emotions very often. I am…still getting used to the feeling by having someone I can trust.”
You could’ve sworn you felt him tremble a bit when he said that. But the moment was over too soon and he released you. “You have a match, yes? You shouldn’t be late,” he said and gave you a little push towards the door. You left with a smile on your face; Alva trusted you. That was all you could think about.
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dork-a-doodle · 5 months
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Animal Talent!Scar and his trusty steed, Jellie the cat!
Also I wanted to infodump about the ConVex in this AU:
Fairies become Vexes when directly exposed to large amounts of corrupted magic which changes them both physically and mentally, making them vicious and blood thirsty
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The process is reversible, but requires restraining the Vex which can be quite the challenge. And even when cured, the Vex magic will leave permanent changes to the fairy’s body, like lingering blue pigmentation, slightly sharpened teeth and altered wing shape
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Neither Cub nor Scar will tell anyone how exactly they managed to expose themselves to enough corrupted magic to get turned into Vexes
But based on the faces they make when asked, it probably happened because they were doing something very, very stupid.
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myokk · 3 months
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fast sketch of my one-shot with Ominis💓
Word count: 1.700
Rating: M (language)
Ominis Gaunt is a lost case - lost to the whims of one very determined Gryffindor sitting at his side.
They sit in the back of the History of Magic classroom, the only two students not lulled to somnolence by their professor. He: trying his hardest to focus on Professor Binns’ droning (easier said than done). She: trying her hardest to distract Ominis while not being entirely sure of being successful or not (easier attempted than understood).
Professor Binns is completely insufferable, of course. Ominis wonders if the ghost is as blind as he is: Binns willfully ignores the fact that all of his students use his class as an excuse to get a nap in (maybe he simply doesn’t see them sleeping - only one of many reasons why Ominis has decided he could never be a professor), rambling on and on in the most boring way possible. As if he were trying to be as dull as possible (maybe he does it to avoid interacting with the students which…can’t be to blame). In a different life, Ominis could see himself quite liking the subject, but as things stand he despises it.
Especially now.
Ominis fervently wishes that he could fall asleep.
Then, he might avoid hearing her thoughts - they’re consuming him and he can’t ignore them as much as he would like to.
Normally, he loves this class - not the subject, obviously - but the class itself, for the sheer fact that it is the only time where he gets some peace and quiet. Everyone’s minds nice and quiet and shut off for the time being while they sleep. Although he has gotten used to ignoring the thoughts of everyone around him, their various voices mixing and mingling with each other into a dull thrum in the back of his mind, it is nice to have some quiet once in a while.
But right now, with everyone asleep except for the Gryffindor at his side, her thoughts are so loud it’s like she’s screaming at him.
So here he is, wishing he could fall asleep, leave the class, maybe turn off the infernal legilimency that has haunted him his whole life.
(His parents and Marvolo insist it’s a gift handed down from Slytherin himself, just like the Parseltongue Ominis despises. It is not. It is a curse.)
He is stuck listening to her.
It doesn’t help that she seems to have caught on to him - something he had managed to avoid until now. Nobody else, not even Sebastian or Anne, has ever suspected a thing. But, in all fairness, those two are extremely loud and say every single thought that passes through their minds out loud even when they should remain quiet, and nobody else has had the opportunity to spend enough time with Ominis to begin to suspect anything.
Until her.
He had to go and let that blasted girl worm her way into his life, not leaving him alone ever, always looking for excuses to talk and ask his opinion, and being so intelligent that he wanted to invite her to study with him and talk with him and…
Since it happened a few nights ago, he hasn’t stopped cursing himself for that stupid offhand comment he made. They had been studying in silence in the library together, by the history books where nobody else ever ventures (thank you, Professor Binns), and he could have sworn that she asked him if he was finally going to walk her back to her common room (he blames a lack of sleep and wishful thinking for this mishap). His traitorous face had flushed and he had jumped at the chance to escort her - maybe she would let him carry her bag, or… - only to feel his whole body go cold and his stomach drop when her response wasn’t what he’d expected.
A pause: then: a confused voice: ‘Ominis, I didn’t say anything.’
His Gryffindor wasn’t stupid like Gryffindors were normally wont to be. He knew her, and he knew that after his monumental mistake, the gears in her brain were turning and he was terrified that somehow she had figured it out.
(His Gryffindor?)
She had been unusually quiet around him since then, although he bitterly noticed that she was still acting normally with everyone else. Still finding every opportunity to punch Sebastian in the shoulder and laugh with Anne, still whispering with Natsai about Merlin knows what, still…
But she had been avoiding Ominis. He couldn’t stand it.
Well, avoiding him right until this stupid class, when she had to go and sit right next to him (ignoring the fact that she always sits next to him in History of Magic, that everyone already has and adheres to their unofficial seats), and he can’t ignore her.
She’s pretending to take studious notes, but he knows better. The scratching of her quill blending with the droning of Professor Binns’ voice but not drowning out her thoughts. They float above the other noises, her voice sweet and piercing. Ominis wonders vaguely what she’s actually writing, because he’s positive it isn’t notes.
Professor Binns looks so sexy right now with his medieval hat, talking about…whatever it is he’s passionate about. I wonder if he would let me talk to him after class without floating through me like he normally does…
Ominis is determined not to react. She’s obviously trying to bait him. But…what if she is attracted to Professor Binns? Is he an attractive man? At the thought, the fist that’s resting on top of his desk clenches, but he works to make sure his face remains impassive. Apart from a twitch of his lips, he thinks he’s been quite successful.
She: huffing and shifting in her chair, her robes rustling as she crosses her legs. He: keeping his head facing forward, steadfastly ignoring her.
She changes tactics.
Maybe she’s just as insufferable as the other Gryffindors, after all.
I wonder what Ominis would say if he knew I woke up moaning today after a dream about him -
He shifts slightly in his seat, hoping that she’s so busy taking notes (who’s he kidding) that she won’t notice his discomfort as his trousers tighten -
…the girls in my dorm have been bothering me nonstop about who I’ve been mooning over but I don’t want them to…
His hand is in such a tight fist it’s a wonder he’s not breaking any fingers as he tries to remain as still as possible, but his traitorous arousal is making her thoughts harder and harder to ignore. Had he ever been able to ignore her?
…his tongue was deep inside me as I screamed his name…
He feels his face heat up at the thought - where had she learned such vulgar language? - and his whole body stiffens. He’s sure that she can feel the tension and warmth radiating off of him in waves but that…she…his insane little lion keeps shouting at him in the silence of the classroom. She’s now stopped all pretense of taking notes and is sitting stock still.
…his cock deep inside of me as…wait…what else did I hear Garreth say to Leander that night?…um… She shifts uncomfortably, her knee grazing Ominis’s as she moves to squeeze her legs together. It’s all he can do to not groan and remain impassive. Oh god…I…what’s that feeling? This was just supposed to get back at him for probably - maybe - reading my thoughts and I’m officially insane because how would he even be able to do that?…his ears turning red from embarrassment are so adorable and I can’t stand this anymore and…
Ominis tries his hardest not to move his head in her direction. His jaw flexes. Maybe he can drown her out if he starts reciting potions ingredients, or if he focuses on what Professor Binns is saying, but even he knows its futile. He’s hanging on to her every word - thought? - and his head slowly turns in her direction as she keeps going.
…does he know how much I think about him? Oh god, what if he dreams of me the same way I…
He slams the open book in front of him shut, the loud noise causing Sebastian to jerk awake and babble incoherently for a moment before slumping back over his desk, drooling and snoring lightly. Nobody else in the class seems to notice except her of course. Blissfully, she has stopped talking - thinking - and he can finally -
It’s no use. He needs to get out of there. She has invaded his mind and…What if she starts up again with her filthy thoughts that are bleeding into his own and -
Did he hear me? I didn’t actually think…oh god, can he hear me now? What have I done?
Ominis very slowly brings his hand over to where he knows hers is. The quill falls out of her hand and he hears a sharp intake of breath at their contact. His fingers trace her knuckles and then he slowly trails them up her arm. His fingertips are so sensitive that he could swear that he feels every thread that he passes, her skin warm and alive underneath the fabric. Then to her neck, her throat bobs and he feels her erratic heartbeat. Finally, he reaches her face. She remains very, very still as his fingers brush over her features for the first time.
He has never touched someone like this before.
Her skin is like velvet, soft everywhere he touches. Now that he knows what it feels like he’s not sure he can go back to before. His fingers trace the curve of her eyebrows - he finds that her nose is straight before it flares up a tiny bit at the tip - his fingers ghost over her impossibly soft lips. He drags his thumb across her bottom lip as her tongue darts out to wet them. It’s impossibly intimate and the world has melted away and it’s just the two of them in that moment.
He leans forward.
“Ominis, I…” she whispers, stricken.
His hand moves to tuck some of her loose hair away from her face - does she always wear it like this? - and his lips brush against her ear. He inhales deeply, her sweet smell invading his senses. She shivers under his touch and he breathes, “I heard everything.”
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sea-of-dust · 5 months
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Alva,Frederick,Edgar,Demi x Rock Vo. GN! Reader
Compared to the way you dress they would have never guessed you knew your way around a ballroom
N: I'm gonna keep thinking of acheron and black swans dances final frame. Also Frederick's new skin, that thing has a grip on me,poppin party,Céline Dion,Mustard service references
Warnings: mentions of drinking, might be ooc
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Ugh, you and luca being friends is one thing, him noticing the hunter and saying "ez sweep" is another. Luca would tell you what to do against him you'd do it, he'd get pissed you two would do it everytime you see em. Strangely enough is that you've never seen Alva before and when you asked who the fabled "tall coat guy" luca would answer "litterally a tall coat guy"
As soon as you did see him however you knew why luca didn't want you to ever meet him. His cold gaze, the scar near his eye, the elegance he radiates. "Are you single?" "Excuse me?" Luca would know instantly if you met him when you come back like a children's cartoon protagonist that's just been kissed by their crush. "Wow..." he was mortified.
Luca does get a bit werided out when he thinks too much about you crushing on his teacher, that dosent stop him from giving you heads up tho. "There's a public map" you stop tuning your neck nearly snapping to see him "where? Can I perform? Is the tall coat guy gonna be there?" "Dunno" "I'll take it" So the most delulu person on earth (you/j) decided to perform under the deck of the ship, not paying much mind as you played songs you thought he'd like, trying not to make direct eye contact with this seemingly uninterested man, too focused on his conversation with the clerk. You thought maybe he had tuned you out after the first few chords, until the next match with him where he hummed. A humming a little too similar to the lyrics you sang. While kiting him you could barely believe your ears, you had to have Demi fact check you.
A few more performances and a chair was all it took for him to begin to speak to you. "That voice of yours is wonderful" your eyes widen, looking up at him quickly, he smirks, reminiscing on the concert. "I'm normally not the type to like rock. I'm glad you're an acception" you froze, you could have sworn he could hear you internally scream or atleast see you blush as much as you did
He isn't very social but you've gotten the treat of seeing him smile, and not terror shock you as much. "You've gotten soft" "have I now?" In truth you went from being able to kite at least 3 ciphers to 2.5, he doesn't terror shock you but he makes up for it in actual shocks. Atleast he's friendly enough to show you where the dungeon is before poking you with the staff. There would also be the occasional soft look in his eyes eventually making a bit more physical contact with you. "You're so pretty" you re-wrap his bandages causally mummbling that out, he retracted his hand quickly. "Did I tie something too tight?" "No" you hold out your hand for his arm. "Do you really think im pretty" your eyes widen "I didn't think you heard me but yea, the way your eyes pierce into people is attractive" you blush embrassed you're rambling this much "atleast in my opinion" he looks away before placing his arm into your hand to continue wrapping, you continue on nervously wrapping them. He'd look at them later on in the match, thinking about what you said, it's too distracting for him to just not hear "you're pretty" over and over
He'd ask you out pretty awkwardly, because it would be straight to the point. "I love you, please consider me as a partner" "." He'd stand there like a brick and you would be to, out of pure shock your brain would have just exploded by then. "Sure-" brainfart of an answer, biggest regret of your life. Thank god he didn't seem to mind.
He likes comming out of his office just to see you out there practicing, you'd hear his foot steps and greet him with a smirk. "You've been in there for 15 hours I can't feel my hands" "I'm sure you're fine" "they feel like white noise" "so you feel them" "no" closing his eyes he'd listen to your careful fingers press on strings and strum, whenever he opened his eyes he always looked love struck so you try to block out his face from your mind, but the more you try to shut it out the more clear it gets. You had to stop looking at him when you practice
He'd notice if you've overused your voice during a match. Coughing, trying to relieve strain, pinching the front of your neck. He'd stop you mid kite and tell you about ways to relieve it. "Hopefully you like tea and honey." "?" "For your throat" "oh" he kisses your forehead. "I'll prepare some after this. Go decode for now" you'd have a higher chance of failing ciphers after that, Luca had to supervise. "He's so pretty..." "decode for him" easiest way to get you to lock in and to shut up about Alva
The only pet peeve he has with you is when you're both in a match and a survivor would say something along the lines of "I don't know how to get around this hunter" and you and luca would respond simultaneously "ez sweep" so he started finding loop holes, such as winking at you during kites, flirting with you if he found you first leaving the cipher bare, and just going after Luca first. He was no longer "ez sweep" to you two anymore, you had to tell a new survivor to "follow their gut!" For a while
He didn't care much for your rumors about being an aristocrat, if anything they're an afterthought, and an explanation on why you're able to causally name plants, and almost never use your hands when eating you'd eat fruits with a fork or a toothpick. This did come into play when you asked him to dance. Surely nothing it could be fine? He barely remembers how to do ballroom dance, so you went easy on him. It felt like a roller coaster. You could be able to tell he was embrassed everytime he almost stepped on your feet, the quick turns he wasn't ready for you'd catch his eyes widen. Somehow able to dip someone as tall as him you catch an exhausted smile on his face. "I should do this more often with you" he scoffs "maybe another time"
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Ugh, as a musician he respects you knowing your talents after attending a show you did in the lobby, or just hearing it blast a few times but knowing your background you're gonna have to go the extra mile to even get him to associate with you. A person dressed like some local turning out to be an aristocrat, and their family respects that? Ridiculous you must be lying
He'd warm up to you slowly, he was annoyed he could hear you practice? Take these headphones. Then he couldn't hear the piano? Alright you'll change the time you do practice. He'd hate to admit it but when overwhelmed He'd purposely look for you while practicing, chaotic riffs like the ones you play would usually overwhelm him, but there's a difference when you practice, you're humming the lyrics softly while playing watered downed versions of certain bits, sometimes pleasing soft riffs. It's therapeutic, won't let you catch him listening though
That changes when you begin to date him. Now he's in the same room! "Im gonna pratice one i dont think youd like much" "I'm sure I can enjoy it regardless" you hum uncertainly hesitantly placing your fingers where they need to go, and begin to play, the melodies seeming uncertain of themselves as if shy. "With all the times I made mistakes infront of you I never expected you to be so considerate it hurts your performance" he sits closer to you "I'll be alright, play as you see fit regardless of me being in audience" "alright..." You play a bit hesitantly in the beginning, but pretty quickly you practice as usual, you sigh as you complete it. "That was too difficult" "do you want me to not be here when you practice?" You're not very sure how to answer that
He'd enter your room at night. "I know you're awake" "WOAH" you jolt back squinting your eyes to try and get a better look at him. "Why are you here at this hour?" "I got scared" "Sure bud" you embrace him, letting stiff arms return the favor. In truth he was kept awake by the thoughts of things couples usually do, sleeping in the same bed being one of them, imagining you there just wasn't going to cut it for him, to have you near him, to trust him enough to sleep in the same room as him let alone close to his chest, he felt at ease. You would wake up to his grip firmly around you or from him carassing your cheek or playing with your hair.
It feels werid when you two aren't in manor games together, you're like eatchothers lucky charms, he can't really handle if you're in too many games without him in a row. "I gotta get back soon Frederick might sleep on the piano again" Demi raises an eyebrow "he what?" "what if he stares so hard at my guitar it ends up full of sorrow" Demi's heard it all, she's heard of him evaporating, laying on couches, playing piano then sighing pausing and continuing to play a more loudly and harshly (according to Luca) "he thinks about alota things at once you know"
He does feel a bit strange when it comes to physical affection. Hugs and small kisses did feel a icky, when you do show him physical affection you'd try to keep it to a minimum accolading this, he judges you for that. Playing with his hair and stopping he looks up at you with narrowed eyes "what?" "Keep going" he grumbles. He'd start turning around to judge you if you dared to remove your hands from him. Sometimes even initiating, which would confuse and fluster the heck out of you. He does have his limits don't push them and he'll be fine.
He'd invite you to practice with him sometimes. It would always fluster the hell outta you but barely for him. "Are you sure?" You look around a bit frantically "I'm sure" "I'll get my gutair then" as soon as you sit down with him it usually goes with him beginning to play, you joining in after seeming to get the gist, you realize there was sheet music the entire time for you, say that you're "built diffrent" for just knowing what to play automatically "I'm just built like that" "Uh huh..." he disregards it, he knows you forget about the sheet music most of the time. Atleast he doesn't stay there for hours away from most people, that much anymore, now he spends atleast half of that practice session with you.
So to punish you for almost always never paying attention, he decided to make a song, no surprise he'd already think of making you a song, this was just an excuse for if you ever asked him why. "Do you mind if we practice again today" "you can't get enough of me can you" teasing him, you go with him hearing the unfamiliar song he began to play, you get behind him and begin to read the sheet music. "This one has alot of emotion to it" you continue to listen, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I think I got this" letting go of him, you play along with the emotional tone of the song. Test magically passed
You'd tease him with some song choices, letting him recognize the songs he wrote played on your gutair, or singing a lyric he just can't pass over for some reason "you haven't found everything you've been searching. Find it with me then we'll lose it and find it again" he blushes you could tell he was thinking too much on it. he turned away closing his eyes as you continued on singing, was your voice always this hypnotizing? Why are these chords so flustering now of all times? "Please stick to rock" "this is rock" "oh" you could barely hear that, getting closer to him you whisper in his ear "pleasantries-" "something I say to you, love" "so you know this" he tries to hide his flustered face. "The lyrics are pretty tame I'm surprised a song you've heard for a while now flustered you" you hug him kissing his cheek. You look foward to his reaction whenever you play songs like that near him, or just him paying too much attention to the lyrics and drifting into his imagination
Now imagine him finding out those you being an aristocrat rumors were real. You had him thinking you were normal until you ate a grape with a toothpick and knew how to tie his aggressively fancy bows. As soon as a partner dance came along you quite litterally swept him off his feet. A style of partner dance that was unique full of dramatic turns it almost felt like you were just dragging him along a bit, a weightless, graceful dance that would have been unexpected if you weren't accustomed to it. A dip is where you two make eye contact. "Did I tuker you out too much?" You smile uncertainly,him huffing to catch his breath, his mind racing with thoughts. "I'm fine" "would you like to do for another then?" "I'd rather not"
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Ugh, pretty loud and he just hears the mumbles, he'll think it's incoherent metal, disrupts painting when you hear a sudden yell no matter how pretty it is
He dosent dislike you personally, after all you gave him your spare ear muffs when he brought this up to you. He becomes a good ally after that, you could go for a rescue and he'd be able to cover you. Those ear muffs come in handy, so handy that hunters try to take them. Unfortunately, you or him are always the first to yank them off or knock It out the hand of the hunter
He would slowly become apart of you Demi and Lucas crew. That one guy in a group that's never there but when he is it makes that day better, he's that guy. It gets so hype over there the hunter would turn their head wondering about the noise. "we got it guys!!" "YEA" "were getting a 4 escape!!" The hunters oprea singer
He'd grow super attached to you after you say something positive about his art. "Youve made this in a day?" "Yea?" "I find that hard to believe, the layering in this, the way they don't just lay ontop of eatchother but blend, not to mention accurate shadows" you take a pause dazed at the fine work. "It's beautiful" he doesn't speak, shocked that you knew the beauty and worth of his art something that most he met didn't understand, he fell for you hard over those comments, exactly why he shows you his pieces more often
You two would start dating rather quickly, you dropping signs the most aggressive way possible, causally holding hands when alone, sharing a cipher and really bad ideas "we should rescue luca" "no" "?" "He told me I should cut my canvas in half so I had four drawings instead of two" "...I mean in concept it's good but it might set ya off" "it already did" "after half then?" "Yea" thankfully Demi swooped in
You do try to sit down and paint with him. It was like a toddler following along a Bob Ross tutorial, but atleast Bob didn't stare at your painting for long periods of time. "Are you familiar with aristocrats?" "Yea?" He narrows his eyes "are you one?" "Are my drawings that bad?" "No these strokes are just ones nobility usually do" "crazy" he knew you were an aristocrat, and one that appreciated his art is even better. "Consider me your biggest fan in the art world" he giggles going back to his piece
He's run out of paintings during a match? Suddenly this isn't a match it's a rock show. "Find something in the item boxes nearby I'll distract them for you" distract them the loudest way possible how did you even bring an amp to a match?! "Why do you keep playing poppin party songs" "1) they're loud enough to cover the sound of us moving 2) they're more focused on me, the source of the music and 3) if you actually noticed" you point at Joseph "I found out he in particular has a real liking for Arisa he's not just gonna ignore her out of all people" Sure enough a familiar photographer appeared in the distance. "You mind opening the exit gate"
Despite him being sarcastic as hell he tries to sing along when you practice or perform. "You look like someone just sucked the life outta you" "how do you do this on the regular?" "Vocal practice wait till you have to scream in matches to save people" "." This stuff isn't for him but listening to you do it sounds alot better, and its nice to hum. You've caught him humming more times than you can count, and whenever you tell him he gets embrassed. "It's cute tho" "I'm sure the hunter could catch us if I continued" "They're across the map"
He hates the way you kiss whenever you're rushing somewhere. You do this thing he calls the entertainer's peck. Where you'd wave or acknowledge him, kiss his cheek and continue walking. He hates it because of how it lingers, you can't just take his hand to turn him toward you only to kiss him on the cheek and leave to a concert area or to decode. You're making him lose focus, one of those kisses that make you want another. You'd have him mummbling like a fool, espically if he could chase after you he'd give you his own peck, which led to the part he hated the most, the soft "I'll cherish this" expression on your face when you look back at him. He's giving you another until you stop looking at him like that!
He knew you were an aristocrat and he was thankful for it there was a higher chance you realized his talents. Hed ask you to dance first. "Shall we dance?" "Sure" informal way of accepting but formal style of dance. The way you both were able to be in sync no matter what move you threw at him, it turned out to be more of a test of skill than a friendly dance, as soon as you dipped him you could see all of the energy he lost hit him at once as he could barely keep himself up, you giggled at his predicament. "We should do this more often, you're alot more used to this than I thought" "we should, maybe I could try tossing you" his face straightens "nevermind"
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Party! She's litterally with you all the time, with Luca as a carry on. You three would basically host rock concerts in the manor. You'd sing about freedom and living on, who cares for the noise complaint invest in ear plugs!!
You'd always be with her or luca during the games, though you do prefer Demi a bit more, she dosent laugh so hard it alerts the hunter. She's also more aware than Luca making running away alot easier. Though after games you prefer Luca, Luca doesn't cling to you so much you have to sleep in the same bed as him to make him feel better, he just calls you his hero
Does help when you're rescuing her, Naiad could be dashing toward you yet all be stopped by a simple ear spliting shreak from you, you had her seeing double. "I didn't know you could also do metal" "it's useful with the amount of commissions I get"
She'd randomly get an idea to try and wing along while you play. "I got it I got it" reasuring herself you begin to play familiar chords as she opens her mouth you change them to diffrent ones "I DONT KNOW THE LYRICS TO TEAR DROPS" "you got it!" She indeed barely had it, barely able to say of the lyrics correctly. Her revenge? "You mind playing this" she shows you probably the most confusing sheet music you've seen in your career a Frederick special if you will. "Alright-" and so the manor wondered what happened to the music they randomly heard when passing your room for the next 2 days
She'd fall asleep If you two weren't summoned for a round that day leaving you and her alone to explore the manor or practice guitar. People would come and go to you twos makeshift karoke. Espically Norton apparently. "IT WAS LOST LONG AGO BUT ITS ALL COMMING BACK TO ME" those two would sing with their hearts out the whole manor could tell you the lyrics by heart. You could play a cord to a song she'd accidently "ITS ALL COMMING BACK TO ME" "." "That wasn't the right song?" "No"
Almost scream royality. Random bug? "AHHHHHH" small spoke? "AUHHHHHHH" you and luca pretending to be possessing eatchothers bodies "NOOOOOO" surprisingly she doesn't scream like this when a giant nun lady jumps at her, except when she did and found out why you're scream royality. "So how'd ya get chaired?" "Rescue me first" "you're way too far from half" she pouts "so I tried screaming to burst her ear drums like you do..." "and?" "And she looked me straight in the eyes, then the cat screamed louder I swear it was like one of yours and then I was here" ".pft" "not cool!"
She gets tipsy during rounds, leading to some fun confessions of love. "Y/n...I love youu" she leans onto you, puckered lips to an exaggerated degree. "I gotta decode Demi" sighing you let her cling onto you tighter "did any person tell you how cute you are? Am I the first?" "You aren't" she gasps dramatically "reallllyyyy?" "Yea, a barmaid got to me before you" she blows a raspberry
She leads you away for rounds, asking for help setting up a kiting area. "Thanks for the help" she lands a kiss on your cheek. "Demi" "what?" "I appreciate it but Luca might vomit over this again" "he forced himself to" she wraps her arms around your waist, leaning in to be closer to you "he'll be fine" he wasn't fine. "You two really gotta get a room" "wadya mean?" "You keep looking with these lovey dovey eyes, were all on the same cipher and that poor guys probably single handedly evading that rock guy. "Arent they the same person" "yea they both got that same scar" "now you're tag teaming me?" "Yea" you both make the same look.
If she were ever to escape the hunter injured she'll run to you near instantly. "I think you should kiss me and all my injuries will heal" "that's not how it works Demi" you continue your healing "you're so warm..." "I know" "hehe" you kiss her forehead, finishing up. "I'm still injured" she dramatically places her hand on her forehead, both of you hearing a cipher being popped. "Oh look you're at full health" she sighs "worth a shot"
You being an aristocrat? She didn't care much but it did affect how you did certain things, and explained why you knew how to take care of plants,paint, and piano...barely the gutairs more fitting. When you asked her to dance, she got flustered, such a formal request, but comming from you it should have been a bit obvious it was comming. She didn't expect how graceful you were, it felt like an instructor dancing with their student for a test, the turns focused eyes turning to soft looks whenever you made eye contact with her. It was a flustering the hell outta of her she couldn't think for more than two secounds with you suddenly invading her thoughts with the shift in demeanor. When she took the lead by the end and dipped you, you seemed to snap out of it. "You're really good at improv" "how sweet of you" she huffs bringing you up to stand. "Would you like to dance again later?" "You sound like an old noble"
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saintunhinged · 2 months
hello! I was hoping to request asra (with faust?) reaction to mc having a ferret as a familiar? you can also do m6 or write it however you want!
asra’s familiar, faust, the purple serpent, is initially intrigued by the ferret, her slitted eyes narrowing in curious appraisal
your ferret always scampers around, and faust coils lazily, her serpentine body mimicking the agile movements of the smaller creature.
sometimes asra chuckles, “looks like she’s found a new friend. quite the playful duo, aren’t they?” he’ll say as he wraps his arm around your waist and watches your magical companions play around
when your ferret attempts to engage faust in a game of chase, she playfully sways away, matching the lively energy with a surprising amount of enthusiasm
there’s never a dull moment when the four of you are alll together, and of course, your fluffly companion along with faust make it a mission to keep you and asra on your toes
malak, julian’s raven, will definitely eye the ferret with a haughty demeanor, as if unimpressed by its presence.
though your ferret, undeterred by his aloofness, constantly attempts to engage in a game of hide-and-seek, which causes the raven to caw disapprovingly
“well, malak, it seems you’ve got some competition for mischief in the house,” julian would tease while watching the dynamic between the two familiars
mercedes and melchior, the two white borzoi girl dogs, initially view your new familiar with curiosity and indifference.
the ferret, with its boundless energy, tries to initiate a game of tag with the elegant borzois, causing them to elegantly dodge its advances.
lucio would grin, “seems like the dogs have a lively new companion. quite the trio we have here!”
as the ferret curls up beside the borzois, lucio pats them all affectionately. “is this okay, my lovely trio?” he asks, receiving a chorus of approving barks.
chandra, the sophisticated and stuck-up owl familiar, regards the ferret with a disdainful hoot, clearly unimpressed by the smaller creature’s antics.
your ferret, undeterred by chandra’s attitude, continues its playful escapades, earning an eye roll from the regal owl.
nadia smirks, “it appears chandra has found a challenger to her elegance. quite the lively addition to the court, don’t you think?”
your familiar, seemingly unfazed by the owl’s haughtiness, curls up next to her. nadia chuckles, “well, it seems they’ve reached a truce, at least for now.”
pepi, portia’s cat familiar, eyes the ferret with so much curiosity, yet with mild irritation, unimpressed by its energetic demeanor.
your small companion, seemingly oblivious to pepi’s disapproval, tries to engage the cat in a game of pouncing, earning an annoyed swat in response.
portia gasps, “pepi!” she exclaims, calmly scolding her own familiar as she’s quick to coddle yours.
when your ferret curls up next to pepi, portia grins, ”is this okay?” pepi responds with an aloof purr, a sign of reluctant acceptance.
innana, muriel’s gray female wolf familiar, observes the ferret with a stoic gaze, her tail flicking with mild interest.
your ferret, undeterred by her imposing presence, attempts to engage her in a game of tag, earning a patient tolerance from the wolf.
muriel, with a rare smile, simply murmurs, “that’s more her speed.”
as the ferret nuzzles against innana’s fur, muriel ruffles both their heads. “is this okay, innana?” he asks, receiving a quiet but affirmative huff from the wolf.
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turtledotjpeg · 2 years
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I don't know anything about the hunter x hunter mobage aside from the art I see people post on tumblr, but it seems like Melody isn't in any of the cute seasonal outfit card sets and it makes me sad
So I scribbled some of my own beach Melodys o/ I think she deserves a beach day
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cody: i know everything about you obi-wan.
obi-wan: oh, really? what am i allergic to then?
cody: the full spectrum of human emotion.
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NSFT Alphabet: Alva Lorenz
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More wonderwall! lol this for @vaecci and written with the help of @turbulentscrawl
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Alva seems like the type to be good at aftercare. Checking on you, rubbing parts you point out are sore, he also allows you to touch him if you need that part of aftercare to focus yourself (it is also why he is touching you and talking you through it too)
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His mind, until you say what physically he likes about himself. He would then say hands (privately you say his mouth wink). He likes your hair, as texture and stim for him. This goes for your nails and hands.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He does not hate it per se but he is quick to clean it up and would cum on you on easy spots like the stomach or back.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
It is not a dirty secret but he would like to have a child with you. Not a breeding kink but just something a man of his age and time would want his partner.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
The man was married so he would know what to do.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
You on your back uwu
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Not much hair, and if there is hair it is very well groomed
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
He is enjoying himself
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t have a high enough sex drive to get him going
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He is not very kinky tbh and given both a man of his time and him only having a high libido, I don't think he explored much. You can offer some things tho! Just understand if he not going to choke you during sex. I agree with him being the type to like seeing you dressed up and know what is underneath all of that too.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His room or yours, the man is private
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Alva has low libido but it does not mean some things do not ‘spark’ the mood sort of speak.  
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Impact play
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
The man is amazing, too good, you gonna be lying on his desk pretty sure you unlocked the secrets of the universe
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
I think he can be fast as he gets close but I do not think he would go straight to fast and rough. He is slow and sensual, enjoying the moment type
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
No quickies, again he is enjoying the moment
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
You gonna have to bring it up to him tbh
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
He can push two rounds tops (great foreplay so don't worry)
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He does enjoy toys and would use a remote-controlled vibrator on you in the privacy of his room while he works. Also, the use of toys is encouraged if you have a high sex drive, he can’t keep up and would encourage you to use those (of course he will not just toss that on you, this is spoken about before anything sexual happens between you both).
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can tease especially when you hand over control of the vibrator
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Quite but breathy
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Uses electrical stimulation
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He satisfying 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Low sex drive
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He fall asleep with you
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tubbytarchia · 6 months
Ok Jizzie is one thing but I'm sorry. Cumscarian?????? Wow that takes the cake wow good job fandom I don't think it's gonna get better than this
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mcytshipsandmore · 16 days
Is this just where we put random mcyt ship headcanons and stuffs? Hope so cause thats what I'm doing
Ariana Griande (as like a separate character to Grian) and Cleo are exes who are still flirting constantly, despite this neither of them will ever ask the other out again
Idk i just thought of Ariana and Cleo being gay for eachother once and now i cant get it out of my head and it is pain because there are no fanfics about just them
Geuss i gotta write some
On the topic of Cleo ships though I think that people should write shadowrot but with Enigma Lizzie from Afterlife
Like Lizzie litterally killing anyone she looks at for too long but Cleo not being affected cause she's already dead
Somebody do this now or i will
You are a masterpiece of a genius 🫵
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fluxedbuds · 2 years
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who are you really protecting?
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paperstarwriters · 25 days
Hey, do you take requests? I loved your Modern Roomate Muriel X Reader fic and I would love a part 2 if you ever felt like writing it <3
Yes I take requests! But it does take a while for me to finish them cause I'm slow and this was no exception lol
thank you for waiting though! and I'm glad you like my writing enough to want more!
For this one I've tried to keep descriptions vague but also I tried to be accurate with Muriel's colors. Though if you can't tell I'm still not exactly confident with makeup lmao. Tbh i can't use it much since I'm prone to rashes, so I don't have much experience lol. Still I hope you enjoy <3
Pairing: Modern Roommates Muriel x Reader
Warnings: Lots of fluff & Author knows little about Makeup 😅.
Summary: Muriel admits that he has worn makeup before, but under such bad circumstances, you can't help but want to give him a better experience.  More important than the colours, more important than the fine lines, you want this to feel... Nice for Muriel. Like he's being pampered. He deserves that you think.
Word Count: 3, 640
Part 1 | Masterlists | The Arcana Masterlist
"So have you worn make up before?" 
Muriel pauses in making breakfast, turning to face you as you sip at your glass of water at the table. Had he not noticed you come in? He's typically very (annoyingly) good at that. Any chance of preening at your sudden ability to sneak up on your roommate falls flat as he makes a scrunched expression. Disgust perhaps? Or discomfort? You can't tell as he quickly turns back to his cooking, too soon to let you see what exactly he might have felt. 
Thankfully, he graces you with a reply. 
"I... Did before..... For a bit.... For a.... Job." 
Your stomach sinks. 
It's funny how much there is to notice. What you can pick up and understand when you live so closely with a quiet roommate. How a hum can mean a number of things, ranging from a simple yes to, "I think that's kinda dumb but you know what, you do you." or "I appreciate you too much to disagree." And for all that Muriel did not talk to you about his past, he only ever reserves the word "Job" for one job he's had in the past. Everything else is called work. This, you're sure, is better called torture. 
Asra mentioned it once to you before, when you were new roommates and he was far grouchier and colder. Muriel worked a job under some toxic super wealthy frat boy manager doing something violent and unsavory. A boxing ring you sometimes imagined, an assassination job it sometimes sounded like. In desperate need of money he had to do a lot of terrible things. It's a wonder he ever got out without someone chasing him to drag him back in, but well, thanks to the r3d outbreak getting away is way easier when your employers get sick, or when you can feign an illness and leave as the higher ups fear for their lives.
What kind of make up would that kind of job need? Maybe something black around the eyes like they do for the military with their masks? Or was it make up to appear more sick in order to escape?
Muriel sighs as he pushes your plate closer to you, startling you as you hadn't even noticed it was there. You mutter your thanks before you start eating the eggs and rice he's prepared for you, still trying to chew over what his possible past experience might have been with makeup while you try to chew your food at the same time. The result is tenuous of at best as you run very close to choking on your food a handful of times and miss your mouth once or twice when particularly deep in thought. 
What kind of makeup did Muriel even use?
...What would he look like in makeup?
On that point, what would suit him best? Something dramatic and edgy or emo? Or maybe a pop of colour? Green around his eyes might draw lovely attention to the green within, but a dark eyeliner might as well. What about contrast? Red against green? Wouldn't he look lovely in red? A lingering stain of red on his cheeks, and a bright red stain of red on his lips... Ah how kissable they would be then?
...well, anyone would consider his lips kissable if such plush things were stained a vibrant red...
"Are... Are you done?" Muriel mumbles, eyes diverted to tracing the scuffmarks at the bottom of the wall beside him.
It takes you a moment to realize that your plate is already empty, and a moment longer to realize you had been staring at Muriel for the last few minutes as you daydreamed about makeup. You're quick to rectify your mistake as you redirect your attention to your empty plate, though it takes you another moment to remember that it's your turn to wash them, plucking your plate and his from the table to go and wash.
It's silent for awhile. An anxious little silence wrought with a familiar lighthearted tension. It's more awkward than anything, but someone needs to break the silence, someone needed to say something. If you could just—
"Do you wanna try wearing makeup?" you blurt out. You don't even need to turn to look behind you to see his shocked expression at your offer, maybe even a little bit of hurt or betrayal that you just cannot bear to see. So you keep your eyes on the dishes before you, quickly scrubbing away rice with a sponge as the used pan sits below soaking in the water. "Not any battle make-up or anything, but just something... I don't know... Artsy or something? Something colourful? Something that would compliment your eyes..... Uhm not that your eyes aren't pretty or something—or that you're not pretty without makeup—or that you even need to do this at all haha!" 
Above you the light from the small kitchen's lightbulb is eclipsed by a familiar figure behind you. With a gentle touch of your shoulder, Muriel brings your attention up towards him though he still looks away, avoiding your eyes, as the corner of his lips twitches. You can't tell if he's fighting a smile or fighting a frown. 
"You don't have to, Muriel. It's just an idea..." 
And finally he meets your gaze. "I... No. I... I'd like that. It sounds...nice." 
His eyes wander away from you again, as if ashamed to confess that he'd like to wear make up—though maybe, considering what you've heard about that shitty old job, he is. Maybe his old job was the type to argue that pretty makeup was for the weak and spineless, or maybe he was convinced that pretty makeup was only for the rich and wealthy who came to watch or hire him to fight for them, all while they'd sit so far away and safe and cozy in some plush lounge seat, so far away from the danger and the violence, but getting the chance to watch, and delight in the wretched outcome.
Either case is so awfully sad. Either case only makes you want to doll him up in makeup even more.
Furiously you scrub at the pan, and within a matter of seconds you've scraped off anything that had ever threatened to stick, thoroughly scrubbed at it with soap and set it aside to dry with the plates as you wipe your hands on your shirt and nearly bolt off to your room to search for your materials. Hopefully you had colours that would work well with him. 
It takes you a moment to realize that you're alone in your room, turning with a handful of tools to find no one there behind you, and as you peek out of your door and down the hallway, you find Muriel still standing in front of the sink, staring at you with wide confused and slightly worried eyes. 
"Do you not wanna do it anymore?"
His eyes seem to go even wider for a moment, before he replies, "right now?" 
"Did you want to do it later?"
And back in to your room you go, this time with the added assurance that Muriel would follow, marked by the faint thud of his feet against the hallway floors.
You dig around for your cleanest brushes, and grab your most trustworthy (and thus most used) brushes alongside it, grabbing something to clean the brushes as you bolt off to the bathroom  to wash your tools, before you return to searching your assortment of tools in search for items that would suit him. The red of one lipstick would look lovely in contrast to his eyes, but a muted dusty pink might look just as pretty wouldn't it? Perhaps a bold black eyeliner, would be a bit much—and maybe a bit too similar to whatever black eye paint they used in the military if he used that stuff, so maybe a brown eyeliner would work a bit better? If you even had one of those... Though maybe brown eyeshadow would be effective enough? Ah but maybe brown wouldn't be as noticeable...
You zip back and forth between the washroom and your tools, between cleaning and searching for colours and palettes rummaging through your rather limited assortment of makeup tools. Having only ever bought stuff for yourself, you didn't really have much outside of your favourite colours or in tones that would suit your skin, but a few older products that you tried and didn't like, or a few palettes with sparsely used colours were surely somewhere within the mix. 
You only pause in your searching as you're pulling your brushes out from the washroom, having dried them off loosely with a towel to go further air dry them beside a nearby fan or in the sun by the window or something, you had been in the middle of deciding when you realized you had forgotten a crucial component. 
"Hey Muriel?" 
He sits up straight at the sound of his name, head snapping away to look out the door, as his hands ball into fists as if bracing for the touch of your brush. 
You can't help but hesitate a bit at the sight. 
"Oh, uh, you should probably go wash your face, and use some cream on your skin as well. The one in the flat container should be pretty good for most skin I think?"
Muriel nods, still not looking your way as you return to your make up drawers in search for odd colours you only maybe, hopefully had for him.
When the sound of the sink finally shuts off, you take it as your cue to give up. It's an odd assortment of colors—you doubt you'd use that neon shade of green on him, even if green is his colour the brightness might be a bit...off-putting right away, but you have a general colour scheme you can follow using some of the colours on hand. 
Face ever so slightly damp and shiny from the cream, Muriel returns, looking... Anxious to say the least really.
He fiddles with his hands a bit, touching his face almost just as much, trying to wipe away invisible droplets of water, or trying to smooth down the thicker patches of the lotion you let him borrow. 
And again, you find yourself hesitant.
"Are you sure you wanna try this? No shame in backing out. It's easy to put this stuff away." 
Muriel nods, following his silence with a half whispered reply. "No, I'm ..... I'm okay. I want to try...."
You nod, and pulling your first brush from it's little cup, you settle down, and begin to get to work. 
It's a lot of careful maneuvering, carefully dabbing colours onto some places with a brush, rubbing other places with your fingers, before you lean away to check how you're doing. Were the colours too bright? Was that line off? There are a few things that you end up having to scrub off with a makeup wipe, but even with that you're careful of his skin. More important than the colours, more important than the fine lines, you want this to feel... Nice for Muriel. Like he's being pampered. Muriel barely moves through the entirety of it all, but for what little he does it means all the world to you. Silent and unmoving, eyes and mouth closed, Muriel serves as the perfect canvas, only difficult in the fact that it keeps you from seeing whether he likes it or not, if he feels pampered or not. At the very least, you hope it feels nothing like whatever his old job used to do for him. 
Ah, but you can only really hope. 
An orange-red lipstick is the final touch, but your limited supply of brushes are already all packed with colours, and you'd like to —if all possible—keep the things that touched your eyes from going towards anyone—including your own—mouth. 
So you elected a far simpler method instead. You rub your finger against the lipstick bullet, and with your finger to his lips you smudge the colour against his skin. And with a simple touch to his lips, you make him jolt, breaking his statuesque composure, for just a moment before he's still all over again, albeit maybe leaning a little more foreword than before. If he has, it's barely noticeable, and probably caused by that one jolt of movement. His lips are a bit chapped and dry, so it takes a few attempts, but you manage to stain his lips with a suitable amount of colour in your eyes. 
You take a step back to see what you've done, and smile, satisfied at your work. It's nothing special, nothing on the level of some professional in a studio with all the makeup options in the world at their fingertips, but you think that it suits him, and you're proud of that much at least.
"You can open your eyes now." 
You offer him a hand mirror, and let him examine your, admittedly shoddy work. It's not perfect, but the colours look nice you think, though you can't help but wince at the selection a little. You just didn't have a shade of green that would fit him well in your opinion, so you leaned instead into the red colours that you did have. You used the only greens you could find to add a little colour to the inner and outer corners of his eyes, and used a warm orange-y-red lipstick on his lips that turned out pretty dark against his skin, you also smudged the colour a bit along his cheeks as well, as a sort of blush really though if you could you'd like to try to capture that shade of red his face so often blooms. It really isn't your best work, limited as your colour palette was, but....
Well, the way his eyes seem to glitter more at seeing it.... Well, it would make any make up look pretty on him really.
"Can I... Ask for one thing?" 
You blink, surprised for a moment before you're immediately grabbing the makeup wipes again. 
"Sure! Do you not like the colours? Is there a colour that you'd rather wear?" 
His cheeks tint red, and you almost curse yourself for the smudge of dark red on his cheeks, making it harder to decipher that exact shade. Surely you had lipstick in that colour at least...?
"What.... What was the colour of lipstick you were wearing last night....?" 
You pause for a moment, dropping the attempt of colour matching to grab the tube of lipstick from it's place on your table. It was a dark red shade, almost like the colour of blood, a shade you specifically aimed to avoid, hoping that it wouldn't make him uncomfortable. 
"This one? You wanna try it on?" He barely even looks at it before he nods, making you sigh as you bring it closer to him to let him inspect it. "It might look different on your skin than it does on mine just an fyi, so don't be surprised if it looks different okay?" 
Muriel nods again, this time having looked at the lipstick a little more thoroughly. He doesn't react to the colour at all no trace of hesitance or weariness, so perhaps they didn't try to paint him in "blood" or anything dramatic like that. 
With your fingers once again, you press the red colour against his lips, as Muriel leans into your touch this time, eyes closed as he lets you work. The sight of it startles you for just a moment, looking as if he were leaning in for a kiss. 
Your finger slips from it's path, and a smudge of red, streaks away from his lips, but even that looks so.... Pretty against his skin. Like he's been kissed, like whatever lipstick he had been wearing had been smudged by another pair of lips eager to express their affection. 
You hesitate, staring at his lips for a moment before you finally turn away to grab more makeup wipes. When you turn back, Muriel's eyes are already open, already staring at your sloppy job with his lipstick. 
"Sorry I'll fix it. Do you like the colour though?" 
Muriel's eyes flicker to yours for a moment before he looks away, but a grin curls his painted lips, as more colour takes to his cheeks. A resounding yes, then, confirmed by a faint hum. A job well done in your books then, and thus a debt well repaid, for his gentle hand at helping you wash your own makeup off. 
You dab at his lip to wipe away the smudged lipstick, before you begin to pack up your supplies. "Feel free to wear that for however long you'd like, I...." you cut yourself off. The offer to help wash the make up from his face tucked away along with your makeup containers. Muriel helped you to clean off the makeup only because you needed his help exhausted and maybe a little drunk from your night out, but Muriel can surely handle himself. 
When you turn back around, Muriel is staring at himself in the mirror. It's the most you've seen him look in a mirror to be honest. Not including the bathroom, your room seems to be the only one in the apartment with a mirror, and though you've offered to let Muriel borrow your mirror if he needs to, or to help him buy his own, he's staunchly refused your offers. It was a small thing though, nothing that you'd feel the need to press him about. He's covered in scars after all, and you know full well how he feels about those—the whole reason why you let him use a handheld mirror than your full sized one. 
But now, as he holds your little handheld mirror up, to look at his face, you can't help but notice how he traces his own lips with a newfound reverence, fingers dancing along the flesh with the barest touch as if he were worried it would smudge, or wipe away with a mere touch. Yet even then, the corners of his lips are pulled up. Did he like it that much? You make a mental note to buy extra of that colour the next chance you get alongside some green eyeshadow perhaps, though by the looks of if, Muriel seemed to much prefer the lipstick that stained his lips than any of the other colours you've splattered on his face. 
It takes him a few moments, but when his eyes finally flicker up to you, he does so with a smile, that promptly fades into a blushy pout as he realizes your attention. It's a tragedy to see it go, but seeing his lip jut out at the attention is nearly as good. 
"Do you like it?" 
You're startled at his question, for a moment, scrambling for coherent thought to best reply to him. The reply you give in the end makes your own face grow warm, though earnest and true. 
"You look lovely." Even your expression softens a little, as your eyes flit back down to his lips.  Once more, Muriel's face picks up colour again, but try as he might, he can't quite keep the smile from curling up the corners of his mouth at his words. 
"Thank you."
Standing, Muriel fidgets with the mirror for a moment before handing it to you, mouth parting for a moment before he thinks better of it and closes it again. It continues for a moment or two, making him stay longer than you'd expect him to, as he stares anywhere but you. Familiar with the gesture, you wait for him to get his words in order, even as he looms above you while you're half sitting against the ledge of your drawers.
If anything, you take the moment to re-assess your work, recalling all the improvements you fully intended to make if he let you do this again. If you could, you'd use a shade closer to his eye colour as his eyeshadow next time, to bring more attention to the colour there. Or maybe even some sparkles next time? If he didn't mind them that is, it could be a bit irritating to try to clean off sometimes. And maybe next time you'd choose a better shade of blush that would match the actual red to rise in his cheeks. 
And the red of his lips... You're tempted to reach up, to press a finger to his lips once more, if only to feel how plush they were again, if only to give him more of that pretty red that he seemed to like so much despite his past.
And you watch as those pretty painted lips part, as those lovely emerald eyes finally dart your way. You watch as his attention finally turns to you, mouth parted as if ready to speak before he pauses, just for a breath, eyes searching your face for... Something. 
And maybe he finds it. Maybe he doesn't. But in reaction to whatever he sees, just a little bit of that tension escapes his face, shoulders sagging and the faintest curl of his lips gracing his expression. 
"Next time," the spell breaks as he speaks, mouth corralled into a pout once more as his eyes dart away from you, "Next time let me put your make up on for you."
And with that he turns away fingers just brushing against yours as he leaves your room, leaving you to blink and wonder what sort of makeup he knew to apply. 
If anything, at least he seemed to like it.
If anything, you had another reason to feel his fingers against your skin...
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grapenamjams · 2 years
All For Me
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Genre: smut, NSFW
Characters: Muriel from the Arcana & fem. Reader
Contains: oral (M. Receiving), M. Masturbation, Voyeurism?, soft dom Muriel?
A/N: tried a different writing style. I don’t know if I like it though….
You considered tonight one of those moments were you were glad that you had been blessed with the ability to use magic.
Enchanting the walls of your room above the shop to contain the noises coming from your bed. Keeping every gasp and moan private, to only you and Muriel.
Of course Muriel’s moans we’re currently muffled against you. With you’re Thighs on either side of his head, his tongue lapped, swirled and sucked as much as he could. His now expert mouth after countless nights like these, had your moans and praises be the ones reverberating off the invisible walls.
Having both of your hands gripping the headboard infront of you as your mouth loosened with moans as Muriel’s tongue flicked your sensitive clit while sucking. The noises your body made along with his deep intakes of breath increasing that pleasure flowing through you.
You could feel the all to familiar build up within you’re core. Needing more, you thread your right hand fingers through his dark thick hair, pulling slightly causing him to moan into you which sent a vibration through you that made you start to grind against his mouth.
His stubble added to the pleasure to your center and along your thighs, imagining his beard soaked with your essence. Muriel indulged your greedy movements for a second, flattening his tongue so you could use it as you pleased.
But a whimper and plea falls out of you when his large hands tightens around your hips, stoping you, knowing well enough if he had let you continue, you would have came sooner than he wanted you too and he was far from done tasting you.
Your hips jutted unconsciously having Muriel let out a disproving grunt. Lifting you slightly away from him to look at you. The sight alone could have made you go over the edge. His face underneath you with a gleam of both sweat and your juice. his usual forest eyes darkened with want and his jet black hair a mess in your hand.
Unfortunately you were instructed to place it back on the headboard, in order to keep you from squirming above him. The ache pulsing from your center from the brief lack of stimulation was soon replaced by his warm tongue.
Muriel Hummed in delight in being able to taste you again, never being able to get enough of you. Enjoying everything about being in between your legs, being able to stay there for hours if it was possible. His movements were soft and slow, taking his time with you. Committing every gasp, clench, and shiver from you into memory.
One hand stayed on your hip as the other went up your back feeling your hot skin under his rough hand splayed out against your back. Making way to your lower back again he pushes you more into him. Continuing his torturous play.
That’s what it was, torture. Somehow he has been keeping you right along the edge. Building you up till your brain thought of nothing else but his mouth on you. If you moved your hips you knew it would cause him to stop and torture you further, and you didn’t know if you were able to handle that right now.
You opened your eyes when your head leaned back at a specific jolt of pleasure ran through you. A gleam catches your eye, realizing it was the reflection of a mirror at the corner of your room, it was angled in such a way that allowed you too see Muriels lower half, which meant you could visibly see his own need straining against the fabric of his undergarment.
An idea made it’s way into your head that filled you with more arousal than you thought possible. He was making you feel so good that you also wanted him to find release. Wanting him to use you to get himself off.
Muriel’s eyebrows rising up and his mouth stopping for a moment was a sign that he had heard your words. Eyes looking up at you taking in your moving chest, flushed face and teasing smile above him. He was throbbing from the moment he placed you on his face. Aching with each passing moment. But up till now he was solely focused on you, now that it had come to his attention the fabric was to constricting and uncomfortable. After some encouragement from you, relieving some shyness about you seeing him like this. One of his hands left your hips to reach down his toned stomach to take out his painfully hardened cock.
A pleased sigh leaves his mouth at the relief. You watch it twitch in the mirror, tip blushed pink with a large drop of precum already running down the length of him making your center throb and pool with more arousal. You continue to watch as Muriel begins to move his hand, fingers spreading the liquid around. His hips jutt out slightly at the new and needed sensation, having a pretty moan ring out. Your eyes look back at his face, seeing his eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed.
However it didn’t take long for his eyes to open, giving you a small grin before his mouth was on you again. Having you moan out his name. His moans were constant and deeper now that he was touching himself. You tried to not shut your eyes as you watched his hand in the mirror moving up and down, setting a pace for himself.
Seeing him pump himself, with his moans sending a stream of vibrations through you as he ate you out the same time was to much for you. Already being at the edge for so long with the added sensations, a plea left your lips as you shut your eyes. A muffled response was given to you as well as a moan and lips around your clit helping you let your self go over the edge feeling that rush of ecstasy. Your hands turned white from gripping the headboard in order to not close your thighs around him.
Your hips unconsciously moved, ridding out your orgasm as Muriel’s tongue went up your slit wanting to catch everything. Your breath was still shaky as Yelp left your lips. Muriel’s tongue not stopping,flicking and sucking your clit.
A protest died on your lips when his tongue entered you again. resting your head on the wall whining at the overstimulation. Your hips lifted up to get away but with one hand the large man under you seated you back down, not letting you go.
The hand stroking himself quickened it’s pace just as his tongue. He pressed himself into you like he was a desperate man without water. His moans were unrestrained mixed in with curses and praise. He asked for one more, he wanted you to go over the edge once more for him, he was so close. His mind fogged over, your scent the only thing he could sense.
Nodding, not being able to deny him anything you lifted your head once more to look at the mirror. His hand almost looked like a blur in some instances while he sped up and slowed down. Your moans joined his as did your praise encouraging him further.
Because of your sensitivity, you couldn’t last as long. your moans increased in your shared space. And as your second orgasm of that night overtook you, his name fell from your lips repeatedly like a chant. Hearing you and your thighs squeezing him so that he is totally surrounded by you, Muriel came with a loud groan watching his hot release falling on his stomach and chest.
He continued to stroke himself, feeling the jolts of over stimulation start as he tasted every last drop from you. There were small tears at the corners of your eyes, from having two orgasms in a row and simply feeling the effects of pleasure Muriel can only provide you. still coming down from your high, You giggled as Muriel left one last kiss on you before moving you down to lay next to him.
Looking at each other’s eyes taking in the post orgasm glow of each other, Muriel wiped the tears from the corners of your eyes. Asking if you were okay, concern filling his eyes, starting to apologize if his actions where to much or if he asked to much of you. You smiled and shook your head reassuring him that you felt amazing, that he was everything you ever wanted. A blush bloomed on his cheeks before cupping your face in his hands to bring you in for a kiss. Mumbling three words that where only meant for you.
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