#hero: you're mad that i'm not murdering you? seriously?
crownmemes · 1 year
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Detective Sentences, Vol. 8
(Sentences from various sources for detectives and/or muses that like to solve mysteries. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"I don’t have any questions, no. I just think you’re wrong."
"Have you found any decent clues?"
"Don't worry, you did the right thing."
"Once they hear what you did, they'll say you're a hero."
"I'm not suggesting that you murdered the girl!"
"If I followed proper procedure in every case, I'd never get anything done."
"If you're waiting for my usual theory as to that is going on, I don't have one."
"Did she look like she'd been murdered?"
"I can't stop you from observing, but please don't interfere."
"If somebody was going to murder you, they'd hardly advertise the fact in the newspaper."
"You're a good detective. For a second, I thought maybe you were going to be a great one."
"I see no evidence that justifies the legitimacy of these investigations."
"You can never just drop anything, can you?"
"What I am about to tell you cannot leave this room."
"If I don't know her, then why won't you tell me her name?"
"I think this case is nothing more than a murderer taking advantage of local folklore."
"You are one of the best liars that I have ever met, and that's saying something."
"Come with me or don't come with me, but until they find a body, I'm not giving up on that girl."
"So, can I ask about the case you're on, or can't you say?"
"If you want to drag your feet on this, feel free. Just keep in mind, this investigation could be handled quietly, or it could show up on the evening news."
"Somebody told me you were a rather important detective from London?"
"Are you seriously trying to tell me that there's a dead body in my library?"
"Don't make me put you under arrest!"
"Some killers are products of society. Some act out of past abuses. Some kill because they like it."
"What are you doing down here, among the dead men?"
"Do you always ask questions that you already know the answers to?"
"Stay out of it. It's nothing to do with you."
"If you continue to lie to me, either directly or by omission, I will discover your lies and I will prosecute you for perverting the course of justice, and you will go to prison."
"I've got plenty of do without chasing down your vague leads or trying to decode your circular logic."
"Coppers make the worst killers, you know that?"
"You already know who we're looking for, don't you?"
"It's happening again, isn't it?"
"You'd think a man making his deathbed confession would have the grace to keep it brief, wouldn't you?"
"The only promise a puzzle makes is an answer. Liking the answer doesn't factor in."
"Our best lead is gone. Someone stole it before the lab had a chance to look at it."
"One can't solve a murder with sand in one's shoes!"
"Well, when you put it like that, it does sound quite mad."
"I'm not a psychiatrist, but I do know the criminal mind."
"The question is, did he know that he was eating someone?"
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penginlord · 1 year
Here's a list of all my D&D characters that I have, but haven't used in a while and need too before I go mad. I need to talk about them before I go insane.
Felis Brokenblade (real name: Ilana Tanner. She's forgotten it by now)
Human battlemaster fighter with a focus on duel-wielding chain whips
"I didn't do it I didn't do it I didn't do it I didn't do it"
-insane. Crazy even.
-assested and jailed for the violent murder of several people. Is completely innocent and was framed.
-was in the dungeons of a Fortress For like. . .10-15 years
-the messiest longest red hair
-got out of the dungeons of a Fortress by an "act of god" (by some means the fortress was struck by a great disaster. Everyone else died or evacuated, leaving her to have to escape or die).
-uses the shackles on her wrists with chains still attached as whips in combat.
-Keen mind. Remembers everything.
-Kinda stole her new name from one of the guards who was vaguely nice to her (Knight Avery Felis Lancer)
Fethnat Bramblewood.
Satyr Juggernaut barbarian.
"I can do it! I'm strong and capable ok!"
-satyr daughter to adoptive halfling parents. They practically run an orphanage for abandoned kids, and are very loving. But also protective.
-She's not the smartest. But she's very sincere.
-not taken seriously by anyone. Desperately wants to be taken seriously.
-honestly tries to hide her fuckups because she wants to be taken seriously.
-shes a big strong lady who wants to be a respected member of law enforcement.
-absolutely doing her best.
-hides her insecurities deep down because she needs to put on a strong face.
Ivan O'Dargen
Human college of spirits bard
"The world is meant to be explored and understood. But know this, not all of it can be tamed"
-late 19th century explorer archetype. Artic explorers spesifically.
-glorious muttonchops (important to his character)
-captain of the Northwest Expedition Team, based out of Neverwinter.
-is the sole survivor of every past iteration of his team.
-heavy survivors guilt only offset by his belief that he must keep living to keep the memories of those lost alive.
-will do his darn best to help anyone else he sees struggling with the same guilt he has, or even just PTSD or other mental stresses.
-every spirits tale he tells is of an expedition Team member.
-big leadership man. But in a support way.
-believes in diplomacy first. Will still punch you in the face if diplomacy doesn't work.
-plays the bagpipes (important to his character)
Katya Stautale
Warforged clockwork soul sorcerer
"I never knew there was so much beauty out in the world."
-very pretty???
-designed too look very human. With porcelain skin to be more "like a doll"
-delicate penmanship.
-she was told that she was built to be a demonstration of skill, and as something which can help humans
-She accepted this, and definitely wanted to do it well. But felt something strange about herself.
-considers her team of creators her parents. Loves them very much.
-Actually built with insane destructive magic abilities and as a secret weapon for the kind, although most of that's still in development.
-oops she accidentally discovered some of this power after a freak magic accident.
-oops she snuck out of her workshop and ran away with the first group of heros she met to use this fledgling power to help people
-she has no idea how dangerous she is
-shes just out there, happy as can be
-frolicking even
-so innocent, yet so determined to help.
-she will eventually accidentally blow up a town or something. Probably.
-she seems so well adjusted and mentally stable. Don't let her fool you. She's already fooled herself.
Valory Mason (my beloved)
Human Glamor bard and fathomless warlock
"Don't worry about it darling, not everyone can get what they want"
-plays the banjo
-"ex" prostitute (self employed)
-horny, but with some standards.
-yeah if she finds out you're married when you try and hire her as a prostitute she will refuse your.
-If she finds out you were married after you use her services as a prostitute, she will find your wife and tell her.
-ex con woman (definitely)
-primarily an adventurer trying to help people rn to better herself as a person
-has a daughter. (divorced + lost custody)
-ok she was a prostitute first, but also a con woman because life is a struggle and she needed to really make ends meet.
-then she fell in love with someone and tried to change her life for the better.
-he learned of her past, but not from her, and left. He still loves her? Maybe? It would've actually gone well if she hadn't been afraid to tell him in the first place
-honestly she still loves him too. And loves her daughter as well. She just has no idea how to be a mother and is scared of messing it all up
-of being a shitty role model for her daughter
-so she wants to better herself before trying to go back.
-at the least she just wants to see her daughter once more and know she's being raised well.
-absolutely would pay child support if that existed. (Probably still will on she has income. Becoming an adventurer was more for the self improvement, not the money)
-Never love an Anchor by the Crane Wives
-oh yeah she got cursed by The Void too.
-whiks being an adventurer.
-it was a whole thing.
Lady Luella Ivy Grimm
Tiefling necromancer.
"Evil and good is not darkness and light. It's how such concepts are applied which makes them evil, or good"
-peak goth
-has an undead raven familiar named Edgar
-comes from a Noble house with a long, dark and fucked up past. Demons and dark magic stuff, the usual.
-the current generation is trying to undo some of that evil
-tiefling born to human parents, they still love her. Let her learn necromancy from the court magician
-responsible necromancy. Like, asking souls for permission and giving them a second chance in the world of the living, even if short lived.
-thinks bones are neat.
-genuinely believes that everything has a good too it. That everyone has good inside them.
-this has caused her problems.
-she understands that one's evil can outweigh their good, but always initially assumes for the good.
-finds beauty in death and nature's cycles involving it.
-very respectful noble woman. Treated everyone kindly.
-uses a shovel as her main weapon if enemies get to close
-it doubles to help her dig up graves
-my most emotionally healthy and stable character.
Tiefling Chronomancer
-she ran away from her negligent parents at a young age. (Before running off she spent a lot of time reading books in libraries and temples)
-abandoned her old name, instead choosing her current one because she thought it was pretty.
-she went up to the first wizard tower she could find and basically demanded to learn magic
-the first wizard she encountered was a little gnome who was absolutely delighted to be approached by someone wanting to learn magic
-incredibly well-read. Love's reading, learning, and developing her skill with magic and helping her new village with her skills
-has a cat. Nathaniel is his name, and he's the fluffiest mother fucker you've ever seen.
-she has a really cool staff with a clock on it.
-very smart and caring. Truly the most mentally stable character I have.
Chien Jia
Human samurai fighter
-comes from the very distant lands too the east of the Sword Coast, Kara Tur.
-trained from a young age to be a warrior for her village. Expessially trained with the use of a crossbow, too the point she can basically rapid-fire one.
-very well trained in the arts along with the doctrines of war. Had hopes and ideas towards potentially becoming a general, or even a military advisor too the Emperor. Lofty ambitions.
-one night started receiving rather intense dreams about some abyssal apocalypse happening to some strange land too the west
-experienced these for a while, and quite concerned about them. Has discovered mad scrawlings on some of her weapons and gear after the dreams, all in abyssal. (Some of which she understands?)
-she approached mystics and her mentor about these dreams, and was told she was go west to resolve them. The gods must be sending her a warning, or message.
-has begun her journey to a strange land of unknown customs. Has not found any details regarding her strange visions as of yet.
Poetry Irebras
Tiefling Transmutation Wizard
-one of the first generations of tieflings (at least for the campaign I'm planning on using her in)
-Relatively young.
-When she was born her parents considered her a bad omen, and she was "abandoned" by them.
-abandoned meaning they dumped her on her grandfather, an old wizard who doesn't care much about "Demonic appearances" or "Bad Omens". Honestly being raised by him was probably one of the best things to happen in her early childhood
-He even started teaching her magic! Overall he's the most chill of old men and wizards. Although due to his advanced age, he's not the best spellcaster.
-At one point the nearby village heard rumors about "a devil learning magic", which lead too the pitchforks and torches were pulled out and she was forced to leave.
-She's still in contact with her grandfather, but she doesn't live with him anymore, for his safety. Now she lives on the outskirts of civilization, surviving the best she can.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
I'm thinking about this ask again, that I probably mentioned all of this before, but I got some new folks here (Hi, by the way).
Before I start, to that anon I hope you're doing better and I mean this with my heart. I hope your experience in the BNHA or whatever fandom you're in currently is better.
With that being said, even though I haven't seen it in a while or a lot nowadays, it does bother me that in the BNHA fandom that people actually bother people about whether they like the villains or the heroes.
In the most polite way I can say this... that is by far one of the most stupidest things ever in this fandom.
As someone who likes both hero and villain characters, it really gets to me that people even insist others to choose or change a side.
I was not aware this was damn elementary school! I was not aware we're all on the playground and about to play kick ball or something and choosing teams. I was not aware and I am mad no one informed me.
Seriously, why in the hell would it bother anyone that someone is a fan of the villains? Why in hell are you concerned about someone being a fan of the heroes? WHY IN THE HELL WOULD YOU EVEN HARASS SOMEONE TO CHOOSE IF THEY LIKE BOTH?!
Are you that stupid? Yes, stupid. It's so irritating people do this for any fandom. It's Team Edward or Team Jacob all over again!
Ever considered that person just likes a hero, villain or both just because??? That character is just interesting to them???
For fucks sake, villain fans, if someone likes the heroes don't think they lack sympathy or they're a pick me or whatever. Hero fans, don't think just because someone likes the villains they condone murder or they have daddy issues or whatever the hell else.
Additionally, if someone likes both... LET THEM. IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER.
Look, as much as I want to fight Overhaul, if I cross someone who likes him, I could give zero damns. I'm not going to go into their inbox and harass them about it because why in the hell should I care? If someone likes Endeavor? Same thing! I don't care. If they like him, they like him! I'm not paying that person's bills and I damn sure don't have the energy or time to monitor them like their my child.
I have crossed Endeavor fans who just like him because he's beefy but they do not condone abuse. I have seen Toga fans like Toga because she's just entertaining to them and not because she has murdered people.
I already feel the wave of idiots about to go and harass Hawks fans for the upcoming episode. I already feel it. And if you do this, go to hell. In addition, I just know there's gonna be some ass to go into a Twice fan's ask box to say "he deserves it". Again, go to hell.
If there's one thing about the characters of BNHA I adore is that no character is perfect, no character is the same, and they all have their traits that makes them that character. That's the beauty of it! We can look at each character from different angles and make different interpretations of those characters!
Oh wait, I forgot! I forgot how close minded a lot of you are!
I forgot some of you won't put yourself in someone else's place and try to see what they see, or how they feel or what they might think.
Shoot, these past few weeks made me realize the majority of you really don't think about the many factors of a situation be it culture, gender, whatever it is. Always so quick to judge, so critical, so damn impatient.
It's sad that how a lot of fandoms are. Wait, no. Not 'a lot'. ALL, I meant 'all'. Every fandom have people like this and we all know it.
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Hello! Would you like to ramble about your wip(s) or ocs? I didn't see an intro post for any of them, and I'd love to hear about them 💖
(P.S. dragon friends? I'm only writing them for the first time but I absolutely love them, too)
[EDITORS NOTE: I very quickly make less and less sense as I go on bc time kept getting later and later so. sorry about the words if they don't make sense. also it's a bit (very) ramble-y.]
*peers at my drafts, half of which (there are 6) are intro related* Ah yes, I knew I forgot to do something! Shit.
hello! the explanation behind the lack of intros is abt 4 months ago my current wip intros and writeblr intros became inaccurate and/or nonexistent, I removed the old one as a pinned post and intended to make a new one. that new one is sitting mildly unfinished in my drafts. whoops. I also have never made a decent character intro in my life so there are not any of those either! (Even if they were they wouldn't be current probably)
So, in approximate order of when I came up with them, here are my main wips!
Frost & Fire: The big one. the main one. the one that "created" the world that all the others happen in. Recently was revamped into a new version with a much better plot and also one that made sense! This is the one with the most dragons, but as I am physically incapable of writing anything without dragons (seriously, just ask my english teachers why I hate realistic fiction) all the other ones also have dragons. This is also the one I know the most about.
Plot is basically that a super powerful super super magical (that magic is from what is basically the dawn of the world) and super super super ancient dragon dies (or... gets Murdered? Who knows!) and someone (Dizerdrat, an asshole dragon of several centuries old who has killed A Lot Of People including two of the MC's mother) is attempting to claim the power for himself!!! A group of decently successful heroes who are Supposed to be Retired (spoiler alert; they're not, they want to be but they're not) get dragged out of said retirement to save the world!
All 4 of the MCs in that, including Enna, the narrator, are former Dungeons & Dragons characters of mine.
One of Copper: The one that comes after frost & fire. about 30 years after. I think. Maybe 50. Timeline unclear as of now.
But it involves someone (a wizard. it's always a wizard.) stealing a weapon (sword maybe?) belonging to one of the gods and he gets really mad about that and threatens to kill everyone! goddess of death, Illa (she is my favorite of the immortal OCs I have), wishes for this to not happen because she was the catalyst of the last war among the gods (spoiler alert: she used to be human/mortal! she is not longer mortal. whether or not she is still human is up for debate) and she really, really doesn't want to see that again!
The heroes of this one are, through no fault of my own but also it's entirely my fault, all trans. All of them. Only two of them were supposed to be trans but then Ash went and said ''no actually I'm a trans woman'' and Josh said ''ya know why you keep messing up my pronouns when you're writing me? that's cause I've got both sets!''
That is only of little consequence but I think it's funny that they all basically went ''nope not gonna be cis no thank you''.
But they are the exact opposite of the MCs of Frost & fire. None of them is of any actual importance anywhere. But one of them has a blood curse & magic! And one is purple! And another one (the trans woman) is a black smith! The last one has no redeeming qualities in so far besides the fact that he is really nice and has the least depression out of all of them but that's still good!
Silence and Secondhand Souls: this one comes before Frost & Fire! by abt 150 years!* It's a tragedy! The narrator is telling the story in what is possibly my favorite way to narrate! She's telling the story in first person past tense bc she's dead and a ghost who's talking abt how she died!
Her name is Alexandra "Alex" Rovenowa and she died when she was 21, and got sent on the quest that killed her when she was 19 ish! She was in training to be a wizard but a very annoying series of events got her sent on a minor quest with an acquaintance (Leo Nailo). Said quest snowballed, they got two more quest mates (Finn & Eryn Mesk), and ended up forced to fight Dizerdrat, the aforementioned asshole dragon!
They all die. It's sad.
Alright I think that's all of the main ones, and for sale of length I will not put any character intros on here but if you want to know about any of them that I mentioned or the Main Characters (MCs) of any of those wips please ask and I shall answer!
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strawhateden · 3 years
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pairing(s): bakugou x y/n authors note: hello guys! i'm having so much trying out this new theme, it makes me so happy! this one is a little sad, but i really enjoyed writing it. thanks for choosing to read! i love you guys! my dms are always open if someone wants to talk :) content: bullying, cursing, VERY SLIGHT mention of suicide, sexual harrassment
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You walked through the crowded halls of U.A., navigating your way through the crowd. You were set on one spot, and one spot only. Your locker. It's where you and your boyfriend, Katsuki met up every morning. Originally, he was opposed to the idea, and called it "weird couple shit", completely dismissing the idea. You eventually talked the angry blonde into it, though. You loved that he was one of the first people you saw in the morning, and it put you in a good mood the rest of the day. However, this morning was different. From a distance, you could see drawings and writings all over your locker. Curious, you pushed and shoved your way through the many bodies, trying to get to it as quickly as possible. As soon as you approached your locker, you froze in place, eyes widening. Your eyes moved side to side, reading the nasty comments written permanently on your locker. dumb whore! go kys you ugly slut you have a wonderful body, im sure you'd be willing to show it off for me! "What the hell?" You muttered in shock, dumbfounded by the vulgar words. As people passed, many eyes widened upon seeing these terrible comments. "Hey, dumbass! What the hell did you do to your locke-" He began walking over as he noticed your glossy eyes, pausing as he quickly read the harsh phrases displayed across the blue metal. His face twisted up in anger. Pure anger. Sure, you could say Bakugou was mad 24/7, but right now, he was really mad. "What the fuck?! I'm going to murder whoever the hell wrote that". Bakugou angrily fumed, turning to you. "Ignore that shit, don't let it get to you. Someone's obviously jealous. You're pretty, and you're definitely not a whore or slut." He scoffed, harshly pulling you in to his side, wrapping his arm around your waist. "Hey dumbass, seriously, fucking ignore it." He muttered, fuming, as he stormed to class. "Mr. Aizawa." Bakugou angrily barked, as everyone looked over, diverting their attention to the two of you. "Mind your business you idiots!" Bakugou turned to the class, everyone immediately looking away. "Aizawa, wake up!" Bakugou scoffed, as the man crawled out, sighing. "This better be important." Aizawa muttered blankly, slightly annoyed, his eyes flickering up to you and the furious blonde boy. "Oh, it's pretty damn important." Bakugou scoffed, storming off as you watched the teacher lazily follow him. You decided to sit down, most people giving you a soft smile, knowing something was wrong, but unsure of what it was. "Are you alright?" Mina smiled, plopping down. "I'm all good." You flashed your teeth in response, trying to get it out of your mind.
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"What the hell is this, huh? How did none of the teachers notice this?" Bakugou furiously yelled, as Aizawa sighed, walking over. He finally got close enough to read the red scribble, as his face twisted up in shock. "Who's locker is this?" Aizawa spoke, eyes wide. "Y/N's." Bakugou crossed his arms. "We'll figure out who did this...in the mean time." Aizawa spoke.
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"This is absolutely and completely, unacceptable." Aizawa stood at the front of the class, his eyes read and angry, motioning to the smart board with the photo of the locker. "Whoever did this will get caught and will get expelled. It better not have been any of you, got it?!" Aizawa angrily spoke, as the students nodded obediently and quickly.
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As the day went on, Bakugou got increasingly more and more protective over you. Bakugou even tried to beat up Monoma, but he swore it wasn't him. You were now just curious of who it was. Who would do that to you? It turned out to be two random 2nd year students. They weren't even in either of the hero classes, they were just two random kids you hadn't met before. In a way, this made you feel better. A lot better. At least you knew it was because of jealousy, now. Still, Bakugou clung to you for the next week. He was secretly scared of you getting hurt again by such awful comments, but he'd never let you know that. "Hey, Katsuki?" You turned to him as he just nodded at you. "I love you." You smiled, putting your head on his chest. "Yeah, whatever, you idiot. You too."
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wendynerdwrites · 3 years
Really getting annoyed at people who think that the point of The Green Knight was to just retell the poem onscreen and not to tell its own story. Y'all, sorry, but the movie was not going to have a montage of Gawain just killing random dragons and giants until he stumbled into the Lord and Lady's house. And no, he's not going to be a cinnamon roll with one moment of weakness. And no, this was not going to all turn out to be some ploy by a last minute cameo to try and make Guinevere die from shock.
Working on an essay right now about how the movie is a commentary on the changing nature of heroes throughout periods of major social change. Like, guys, there's a reason Gawain starts out as a schmuck who is just sent on an adventure and gets handed a bunch of shit. That was once all you needed to be a hero. See: Jason, Heracles, fuck, even King David was a murderous adulterer. Then the chivalric codes started being established to try and keep the titled rich kids in check, and after that you were expected to be kind and charitable and generous and nice to women and honest and blah blah blah. And yeah, the stories of King Arthur and his knights were sort of the representations of new heroic ideals that came about as a result. And even those were not entirely consistent. So yeah, Gawain going from a rich idiot who is handed everything he needs but still tripping over his own dick to actually learning to make a sacrifice, not be a selfish dick, and take a risk instead? I think that's on purpose.
As are the facts that they never actually use the words "Arthur", "Guinevere", "Morgan/a", "Camelor", "Ex Calibur", etc.
Oh, right, about that--- if you're going to get mad at inconsistencies in Arhurian Legends, or the re-telling of them in any medium, hoo-boy do I have some seriously bad news for you.
Don't go see the movie if all you want is the poem on screen and if any deviation of it is going to upset you. It's fine if that's not your cup of tea. But if you're going to claim the movie is BAD because it's different, then... yeah...
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Yes, it's not a straight adaptation. That doesn't make it bad art. It makes it new art.
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 years
Just popping in to let you know I’m on night shift currently (nurse) and I just SPED through The only heaven on my break (unsure how to shorten this? Demon!Lexa Au?) and it has absolutely murdered me so far and I’m teetering so far off the cliffhanger that I’m practically hanging on with my fingertips 😮‍💨 just had to let you know it’s murdering me in all the best ways. Jealous Clarke going toe to toe with the devil??? To spend life with Lexa??? Imaging how Lexa is going to lose her ever-loving mind (hopefully not for long) when she finds out what Clarke has done? Clarke being the only one that Lexa has been with in all her time being fallen??? The cute ass bedroom wing love scene???? Holy shitballs, man. Can’t wait to see what happens next, don’t mind me just anxious turning on my post notifs for your crazy brainchild story (I love it and you)
This was such a lovely message among the madness 🥺 thank you so much. Seriously. Also my mom was a nurse so like, I'm feeling some kinda way. I love nurses they're the best. Doctors suck ass nurses are the heroes (no offense to any doctors here it's just an ego thing 👀) Would you like a snippet from the up coming chapter? I just past 11k so I'm willing to part with a bit
Hope you're staying safe out there and that you have wonderful day💕
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
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Pairing: Dabi x villain!Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, non-con, stalking, mentions of human experimentation, non-consensual drug use, lots of swearing.
Words: 1841.
Summary: Running away from the lab where you had been experimented on for years, you have no choice but to join the League of Villains to escape from the government. Of course, you don’t expect things to go smoothly, especially when one mutilated son of a bitch just can’t leave you alone.
P.S. I’ve suddenly remembered Rogue who had been my favorite character once; the heroine’s Quirk is partly based on her ability.
My dear @navegandoaciegas​, this is my first attempt at writing Dabi. Hope you’re going to enjoy reading it ❤
"Fuck, how much can you drink at once, birdie? Ain't you scared to pass out in a place full of men?"
Oh God, it was that smug bastard again. For the past couple of days Dabi couldn't get off your back for a full damn minute.
"Men? Here?" You opened your eyes and raised an eyebrow at the man whose face was right above yours as he leaned on the back of the couch where you laid. "I see just a couple of kids and one burnt corpse who can never fucking shut up."
"Oh? Wanna see how well can a burnt corpse fuck you up?"
Always up to a challenge. You rolled your eyes at his obvious display of hostility despite the fact he'd most definitely lose against you. Besides, Shigaraki would barely enjoy you two ruining the League's hideout, and upsetting that asshole ready to go berserk any moment certainly wasn't one of your priorities.
"Just go fuck yourself, would you? I'm not in the mood to bark at you."
"Well, then don't. I didn’t come here for that, actually."
This was something new. He suddenly became calm as you studied his grotesque mutilated face inches away from yours. Your expression didn’t betray any emotions either since you weren't shocked or disgusted by the way Dabi looked: you've seen worse in the laboratory, and repulsive things had long stopped looking repulsive to you.
"What are you here for, then?" You asked him, trying to remember if you finished that second bottle of sake or not. Since the time you accidentally got one of those useless Quirks, you couldn't get drunk anymore - now strong alcohol only made you sleepy.
"I've always wanted to ask why the fuck are you wearing these." Dabi pointed out to the black leather gloves laying on the coffee table in front of you, and you rolled your eyes again. One more useless question.
"In this team of no-brainers you're the last person I expected to ask me this question." Groaning, you moved up a little to take more comfortable position and stared at the man above you intensely.
"Don't you want to gather as many Quirks as possible? If so, why wearing gloves when you can only get a Quirk through touch?"
You were close to snapping at him, and it certainly made Dabi look even more smug.
"Who the fuck do you think I am, a garbage bin?" You barked wishing you could teleport the bastard somewhere to Hawaii. "I only take Quirks I need, and it isn't easy to find those in that damp of useless abilities regular citizens have. Besides, some Quirks are quite dangerous for their owners and I'd prefer them not existing at all. You, of all people, should already get that, Pretty Face."
He smiled at you, but you saw his hollow eyes sparkling dangerously at your last remark, and you felt his body emanating heat he could turn into his famous blue flames within a second. Nasty shit, that what's you thought of his Quirk. Who on Earth would want anything like that? You doubted anyone but a true psychopath could really appreciate something as fucked up as Dabi's ability to burn anything and anyone, himself including. You definitely didn't want to use his Quirk despite already taking it as almost all of those belonging to the League of Villains. It wasn't intentional, though.
"You'd better start watching your mouth, birdie. You ain't back in the lab." His smile grew wider as he saw your expression darkening at the mention of the lab.
Fucking son of a bitch. You bet he'd go insane during the first month being locked up there.
"Huh, calm down, dear. I think it's better we get along."
You sent him a glare wishing you could throw his overconfident ass out of the window. Dabi loved messing with fucking everyone, Shigaraki included, but he was still a valuable member of the team. Killing him would do you no good.
Showing him your middle finger, you put your head on the pillow and took the half-empty bottle of sake. Thank goodness you didn't finish it. You hoped Dabi would vanish by the time you were done.
You spent a few minutes in complete silence as the man kept leaning on the couch and watching you drinking while you did your best trying to relax. Why the Hell was Dabi stuck here with you? Didn't he have any other things he should be doing now? Was he here to get under your skin even more? Shit, you just wanted to be left alone. You wanted it since the time they brought you to the lab, but since then somebody had always been getting on your nerves one way or the other.
"Seriously, what do you want from me?" You grunted as you opened your eyes again and stared at Dabi's face. "You wanna take the couch or what? I ran out of sake if you're here for it."
There was that smug smile again. Saints, the guy had been creeping you out with his long intense stares for quite some time, but today he was even less bearable than usual. He definitely wanted something from you, and the feeling was making you uneasy.
"You wanna hook up, birdie?"
You thought you were gonna choke on air when you heard him saying that. What? Seriously? Did he hurt his head so bad last time heroes attacked? So, that was the meaning of those stares, then? He thought you were the one he could stick his dick in. Wincing from the thought like from a toothache, you squeezed your eyes shut. The guy was clearly mad.
"Are you out of your mind? Why would I want to hook up with anyone?" You huffed with irritation and realized Dabi was having way more fun than you.
"Don't tell me you're actually a virgin."
"You think I can be a virgin with the life I'm having?" You sounded more bitter than you thought you would, and the man above you chuckled. He was getting on your nerves more and more with each passing second.
"Then why not? Sex is a good way to relax. You certainly seem like you could let off some steam." You flinched when Dabi extended his hand to you, but he had only brushed of a lock of your hair out of your face. "I bet I can help you with that better than most of the team."
"Sex is painful, and I don't like pain. Go have fun with Toga, she seems more into that than me." You narrowed your eyes at him, your hand almost touching his neck if the villain decided he'd go further without your consent. His stupid grin going wider was making you more and more mad.
Of course, he wouldn't go to Himiko. That asshole had his own type, and she certainly didn't fall into that category. Why did you? You had no idea, but you doubted he would ever lay his hands on you. Yeah, you knew what sex was, and it had nothing to do with pleasure like in those stupid romantic novels you once bought. It was humiliating and painful. If you had a chance to get back to those who did it to you back in the lab, you'd rip their hearts out of their rib cages.
The expression on your face didn't seem to faze Dabi even the slightest bit, and you rolled your eyes in irritation. Apparently, he wouldn't give up unless you showed him you weren't some doll he could play with, and Shigaraki was probably going to get real mad at the both of you this evening.
All of a sudden you felt some strange tickling in your muscles you had never felt before. What was that? Confused, you quickly glanced over the room to see no one except Dabi still on his spot. What was that? Was it some hero's work? Had they found your hideout? No, it couldn’t be. You'd hear them, feel them before somebody even set their foot on your territory. It wasn't a hero.
Unwilling to wait for any surprises to happen, you used a regeneration Quirk, the one you were gifted on your 14th birthday so you could heal yourself after they ran the tests without troubling a healer too much. Strangely, the Quirk did nothing about the tickling, and you felt your legs getting weaker. What the fuck was that?
As you raised your head to ask Dabi for help, you suddenly realized he was eager to see what you were doing. He looked like he enjoyed watching you in such state, confused and even frightened, your knees slightly trembling as if you became weak within a couple of seconds.
It was him. He did something to you. The bastard had the nerve to do something to your body so it'd be easier to handle you.
"What have you done?" You hissed at him while he chuckled, pointing at the bottles of sake on the table. "Have you poisoned my drink?"
But the regeneration would work in that case. You knew for sure.
Running his finger around the shell of your ear, Dabi hummed with content, "Poisoned? Come on, who do you think I am, an Evil Queen? That's just a little handy potion that has a tendency to slowly accumulate in your body. Makes you a little softer, don't you think?"
Oh. Oh. That's why he was always watching you. He had no idea when the effects would start to show. Did he fucking realize it could happen in the heat of the battle when you needed your Quirks the most? Did Dabi have any idea what would happen if heroes managed to lock you away again?
"Seems like you planned to abandon me if heroes attacked, didn't you?" You gritted your teeth when Dabi got on top of you, his hands on your chest as he caressed your body like a lover would, his hot fingers getting under your clothes.
"Of course not. I'd play your personal hero and save your stubborn ass the trouble of murdering everyone."
While you desperately wanted to kick him off you came to realization you weren't able to even stand up, your arms and legs so weak you could barely move while Dabi had no problems stripping you out of your clothes, his hands on the your thighs as he took off your pants.
Shit, shit, shit. You couldn’t use any Quirks to hurt him, all of them barely responding to your call. What was that potion? Why nobody in the lab prepared you for this? How on Earth did that shithead obtain such a dangerous thing?
"If you hurt me, I'll rip your brain out of your skull and bring it to Shigaraki as a present."
His chapped, disfigured lips brushed against your neck almost gently when the man murmured, "It doesn't have to be painful, birdie. I'll show you how much fun we can have together."
Tags: @coolio-love @awesomerextyphoon​
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blueflamedemon · 3 years
BlueSky { Dabi x OC }
Chapter Three - Call Me Sir Again
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*Chapter Summary - After butting heads a couple of times, Dabi comes to the conclusion that he and Sora are very much alike in many ways, including something that he will never admit to.
Chapter one HERE
Weeks went by with no word from Shigaraki. Sora and the others grew worried that he had been captured, so Sora took to watching the news every day to make sure he and the rest of her new friends hadn't been captured, since none of them self comfortable enough to check in with each other too often.
She was keeping her head low, being careful when she went out into public for too long, making sure not to in one area for too long. Somewhere down the line, Dabi found her a wig that hid her face enough and made her look like a whole new, younger person. It was a bit surprising when he came back one day and gave it to her out of nowhere, though she was very impressed with it.
The first few days, Dabi bought them a room in a little air b&b on the outskirts of town, tucked deep into the woods, so there would be no disturbances. Mostly, he got the place so they had somewhere to shower quickly and sleep it off for a few hours, though both were pretty difficult with her leg bandaged up.
After that, he decided it would be best if they rented a small apartment, something where Sora could hide easily and gave them both enough space to sleep--when Dabi showed up, that was.
Dabi had taken to leaving for days at a time, not calling her to check in or let her know when he might be coming back. He'd appear for a little while to make sure she was doing okay and disappear sometime during the night.
Normally, she heard him slipping out. It was hard for her to fall asleep, so she laid awake and stared out the window that her bed sat in front of, listening to the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore and Dabi's shallow breaths until he woke up. She found herself asking him where he was going at all hours of the night, but all he would ever tell her was that he was looking for recruits.
"I don't understand why you can't wait for Shigaraki's word." Sora said one day after Dabi climbed through her opened window and sat at the tiny table. "You also have a key; you don't have to become Spiderman."
"Finding new villains for the League can't wait." Dabi stated firmly, grabbing for a piece of toast that Sora had just made for herself. "When he does give us that call, I want to be ready."
"It sounds like you're trying to create your own League. Isn't there some guy that's helping Shigaraki find recruits? He found you and Himiko." Sora took the piece of toast back from him and took a huge bite out of it.
Dabi rolled his eyes and stood up, making his way over to the fridge and pulling the door open. He leaned over to look inside. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. But there might be someone he misses. Don't you have any juice boxes?"
"Are you two?" Sora raised an eyebrow. "There's a whole carton of juice in there. Grab a cup like a normal human being." She sat in the chair, seeing as only one came with the apartment, she wanted to sit in it to finish eating her breakfast.
Grumbling something she couldn't understand, Dabi reached in and pulled out an energy drink that she stored in there for training, though she hardly ever drank them because she stopped at a cafe just down the street before she trained. It was a little problem. "Why aren't you working on your Quirk?"
"You told me to take the day off. I'm really going to need you to decide what you want, sir."
Dabi was beside her instantly. He sat the drink down on the table and lifted her chin up with a single finger. "Call me 'sir' again." He breathed.
She gasped, nearly choking on the last piece of toast. Looking up at Dabi, she saw his eyes were wider than usual, and his brows were knitted together, almost in confusion. "Excuse me?" Was all she could say.
"Just what I thought. Princess better not mouth off again." He huffed and let go of her chin.
Sora grabbed his wrist, right where his burn scars ended, and she felt each one of the metal hoops that were perminetally attached. The first time she ever touched one, she thought it would be gross, like touching a reptile, but that wasn't exactly it. The scars did feel rough, but it still felt like skin. When she touched him the first time, she couldn't help but to pause and stare, which made Dabi think she was appalled, and it caused a rift in between them for a couple of days. "Is that why you've stuck around for so long? You think you can get some?"
Dabi hesitated, caught off guard by the fact he was just grabbed. His eyes flicked up to meet hers. "Somebody needs to take care of you."
Himiko was the one who called Sora the most. She would talk on the phone for hours, telling Sora about the boys she met, but that they just couldn't stand up to Izuku Midoriya.
When she was done explaining her need for Midoriya's blood, she would always ask how things were going with Dabi and if anything had sparked between them yet. And every time, Sora would groan and tell Himiko that nothing would ever happen between the two.
"He isn't my type." Sora would exclaim.
"But you're his." Himiko would giggle on the other end of the phone. "And last week, you told me that he got mad at you for talking to a delivery guy for too long."
"He didn't want the guy to realize he was talking with an escaped hero turned villain."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
It was rare to hear from any of the other villains, though she assumed they were just trying their best not to screw this up for any of them. When they did talk, they refrained from giving their location, even went so far as to not really mentioning places they visited. If one of them was caught, they would never be able to give away locations of the League.
As time went on, Sora read some rather concerning articles about charred bodies found in dark allies all throughout Japan. Police thought it strange because there were no other identifiable things that were burned, just the bodies, and most of them were hard to justify as an actual body. It was clear where Dabi had been running off to in the middle of the night.
"Dabi?" Sora opened the bathroom door to see the mysterious boy sitting on the bed, his coat draped over the foot of the mattress, and his shoes kicked off at the door, for once. She let out a small sigh of relief. "I told you to knock on the bathroom door if I'm in the shower."
Dabi rested his head against the wall, his eyes closed and his hands clasped over his stomach. "Mmmhm. You tell me a lot of things."
"Seriously, Dabi. One of these days I'm going to open this door and that's when my Quirk is going to mysteriously start working." She began drying her hair with a towel, squeezing as much water out as she could. "I keep thinking somebody broke in."
"That'll never happen on my watch."
"How will you know? You're off all day, burning people."
His eyes opened and they shifted over to her. "What do you mean by that?"
"I mean, you're all over the news. Keep going and you're going to get caught. That wasn't the point of all this." She threw the towel up to dry and walked over to the closet to pick out some clothes.
"I am?" She felt the smirk to his voice and she refrained from rolling her eyes.
"Not the point. You better slow down. How many people have you killed?"
"I only killed those who weren't worthy."
"Aren't worthy?" Sora turned around to face him. "Dabi, that sounds crazy."
"I am crazy, princess." He winked at her without missing a beat. "I kill people, remember?"
"When I met you, I had killed more people than you." Sora reminded him. She pulled out a skater dress with the ribs cut out and a pair of biker shorts to go underneath it. "So that little act you have going on? Not impressive."
Dabi was beside her in a second, one hand against the door of the closet, causing Sora to gasp and drop her clothes to the floor. She held her robe together as she stared up at him. "A while back I told you to remember your place. That still applies. You're still the pro hero in training in my eyes and you know how I feel about those ass hats." He said through gritted teeth, peering down at her with a blood-thirsty look swimming in his eyes.
"Then kill me." Sora put it simply, giving him an easy out. There were days that she was sure Dabi was tired of babysitting her, probably even sick of waiting for her Quirk to get back in working order. She never asked for this life, never asked to be a hero nor a villain, it didn't matter to her either way she went at this point. If she stuck around long enough to reek havoc on those who wronged her, she was happy, but not if it meant working with somebody who couldn't treat her as an equal. "Kill me if you feel so inclined to do so. But try to find somebody out there with as much hatred for those heroes. They didn't care about helping me, either. The one mistake I made, they threw away the key and never gave me a second thought. Never bothered to check in on me, to ask how I was doing. They pumped me full of drugs to keep my Quirk at bay and nearly killed me in the process. So go ahead, Dabi, kill me if you think for a second that I would ever go back to being called a hero."
He was silent for a moment as he towered over her, hunching to get in her face. Inches away from her nose, she caught a whiff of burning flesh, causing her to believe Dabi had just finished another one of his mass murders. It was a bit early for that, but she didn't put it passed the blue flamed boy, he was eager to kill now that he was on his streak.
For a moment, Sora thought he might burn her to a crisp right there. There was no emotion to his eyes, though his mouth twitched a few times as if he were going to say something. When he didn't, he broke their eye contact and gazed down at her lips. Butterflies broke free in her tummy and she felt goosebumps appear on the back of her neck. Was he thinking about kissing her? Or murdering her?
Dabi pulled back, slouching as he tucked his hands into his coat pockets. He rarely ever wore anything to hid himself, which made Sora wonder how he hadn't been caught yet. "How did it feel?"
Blinking, Sora looked up at him, still clutching her robe against her. "How did what feel?"
"To be abandoned by Endeavor and the other pros after promising to make you a better hero."
"Worthless." Sora said without thinking. "Like I just lost..." She paused, unsure if she wanted to get into her true feelings after that moment with Dabi. "He was a tough mentor, but I always viewed him as a father figure, seeing as I never had one. In school, he picked me to intern for him. He picked me after I graduated to be trained along side him, to better myself. He wanted me to be as strong as he was. He was harsh and had no real social skills, but I thought that he truly did care for me, somewhere deep down."
"He has no feelings." Dabi huffed. "None of the heroes do. The world would be much better without them around."
Sora always had a strange feeling that Dabi had more to his backstory than he let on. In fact, she wasn't sure he ever went into detail about why he hated everyone so much. Day by day, she saw his hatred for the pro heroes grow. Something happened to him, and she wasn't going to push it, but it felt bigger than just locking him up and throwing away the key. "I'm going to get dressed. Still be here when I get out?" She asked, calmly.
He turned his head to the opened window, which he'd previously climbed into, despite him having a key to the apartment. "Dunno."
"I'd like it if you stayed. You need a break from those murders of yours before you cremate more of yourself." She stated, picking up her clothes and walking into the bathroom, not really expecting him to stick around just because she asked. Dabi did what he wanted, when he wanted. That was why he never stuck around, he had a mission--a duty, and he was going to finish it out on his own.
She turned around and walked back into the bathroom, wondering if she should tell Dabi the whole truth about her hero days, but the thought of replaying those moments caused her skin to itch and she felt her stomach tighten. Maybe if she kept it to herself until she was ready.
Looking into the mirror, Sora saw a girl she no longer recognized. The girl staring back at her was different from the girl she saw a few months ago. This one had more freedom, despite her current situation. She had friends, she had a family. And it only took them a few days to really accept her. How ironic.
With her clothes on, she stepped out of the bathroom to see Dabi gone, the window wide open as if he had just left. She sighed, wondering if he would ever stay long enough for them to have a normal conversation.
Her phone started to buzz on the table. She picked it up without looking at the name, assuming it was Himiko. It was around that time for her to call in and check up on her.
"I can't get Dabi to answer his phone. I assume he's still with you." Shigaraki's cold voice was on the other end.
"He just left." She stated, taking a seat on the bed. "Why?"
"Catch him and tell him it's time. I'll message you the location. Bring that asshole if you have to drag him by his hair!" He ordered. Sora heard the faint buzz as the line cut off.
"Nice to talk to you, too." She mumbled, glancing down at the message that flashed across her screen.
She saved opening it for later, so she wouldn't forget, and looked for Dabi's number. She quickly called him with no answer, which was a bit weird. He rarely answered his phone, but he typically picked up for hers.
Something felt wrong. She tried to call Dabi again, and this time it went straight to his voicemail. She pulled the phone away and looked at the number, making sure she was calling the right person.
Is he ignoring me? She thought as she typed up a quick message to tell him that Shigaraki called and they were all meeting up soon. Hitting send, the message failed immediately. He turned his phone completely off...
"You still haven't heard from Dabi?" Himiko asked as she twirled one of her knives in the air. "What a prick."
"I left a voicemail and told him what happened back at the warehouse. He hasn't stopped by the apartment, either." Sora watched out the window of the apartment, hoping by some chance she would see him prowling around outside.
"Maybe he was killed. I've seen the news, he's been a busy man." Himiko shrugged then paused. She looked up at Sora, her eyes wide and her mouth opened. "I'm sorry... you liked him, didn't you? I'm sure he's fine!"
Sora felt her cheeks warm up at the thought of liking Dabi. She couldn't fall for a guy like him, he was emotionally unavailable, a guy who could never feel anything towards her at all. He made that abundantly clear from the moment they ran away together. "I don't know what I think about him anymore. I mean, what kind of guy does this to a girl he's helping?" She sighed. "I've lost all progress we made..."
"Are you saying that you can't use your Quirk still?" The little girl tilted her head.
"I'm saying that it's hard since Dabi quit pushing me. I can't explain it, but it's like he knew how to get under my skin, make me angry, and that always helped me power up. Anger, it fuels me."
"Here," Toga raised her knife in the air, ready to slash somebody. "Let me take a swing at you, see how angry you get."
Sora giggled and shook her head. "I don't think so." She looked over at her friend. "What does Overhaul want with me? He said he was working on a drug to stop Quirks. What could he possibly want with me?"
During this meeting at the warehouse, Twice had brought a potential new recruit named Overhaul. The interview was meant to be nice and pleasant with no trouble, so Tomura claimed. Of course, nothing went exactly as planned and in the process, they lost Big Sis Magne and Compress' arm. After the fact, Overhaul warned Tomura and the others that he would be expecting Sora change sides and start working with him, as he could use someone with her type of power.
If only Dabi had been there, she wondered if Magne would still be alive, or if Compress would still have his arm. Today showed her just how much they really needed Dabi and his flames, and she bet that he knew that, too. If only he stuck around long enough when they actually needed him.
"I'm gonna kill him." Himiko said through gritted teeth. "Him and every single one of his members. They can all die."
"Dabi would have had him up in flames." Sora cracked a small smile, thinking back to the night of the bar. He'd let his walls down just enough to show concern for her. Regardless if he was actually worried or not, it felt nice that somebody was willing to fight for her.
Toga paused, then smiled, too. "Yeah... he would have. Hey, are you gonna be okay if I head out? Twice asked me to stop by his place for a sec and I don't want Tomura to think we're ganging up behind his back."
Sora waved a hand and nodded. "Go ahead, I actually just want to rest a little while, maybe go on a walk."
Sora threw on some shoes and a jacket, deciding on walking Toga outside before they went their separate ways at the fork in the road. She needed a walk to clear her head, to get her mind off of the Overhaul thing. It amazed her that two villains wanted her on their team, and yet they knew that she was Quirkless until she could heal from all the damage. Of course, once she got back into her groove, she'd be unstoppable.
Her usual park was closed due to an attack earlier that day, so Sora took a route to her second favorite place, an abandoned stretch of beach. It wasn't a very large one, in fact, you could see from one end to the other pretty easily during the day, but it was still nice and private. There was a little shack sitting above one of the rock formations, which Sora took to hiding in a couple of times, just to get away.
She left her shoes on the boardwalk to feel the sand between her toes as she walked along the sand, sticking close to the water. For someone who hated water, she loved to sit and listen to the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks, and watch the sun disappear beyond the horizon. It gave her a sense of humanity, reminding her that she might have a strong Quirk, but she was still human on the inside, she still held human emotions.
"There you are, little mouse."
Sora jumped in the air and landed with her hands ready for a fight. She saw a familiar looking figure sitting on the steps to the shack, slouched over his knees with his hands clasped in front of him. "Dabi?" She blinked.
"Sorry for the scare." He said, lazily. "You weren't back at the apartment. I figured you'd gone off with this Overhaul guy."
She let her hands fall to her sides and she walked up to the wood steps. "You couldn't tell by my voicemail that I was upset over it?"
"Yeah," Dabi shrugged his shoulders, not bothering to look up at her. "Doesn't mean you wouldn't have gone with him."
"Tomura is furious over it, too. Even if I wanted to join Overhaul, I don't think he would let me. Though the way Overhaul talked about this drug, it has me wondering."
"Sounds like he might just be using it as an excuse to get Tomura jealous. You don't think he really has a drug that can erase Quirks, do you?"
Sora tucked her hair behind her ears. "Either way, to think I might get answers about the drugs they gave me.... If he has those kinds of drugs, maybe they're the same ones."
"I would have been here sooner but... I had something to take care of." He mumbled, changing the subject, possibly to get her mind off of it.
"I thought you just got tired of me. You could have said something, you ass." Sora smacked his leg playfully.
He finally pulled his head up to look at her. He bore that same empty stare that he nearly always had, except she thought she might have seen something leave his eyes as he faced her. "Didn't want you in the middle of it. Turned out to be a dead end anyway, but it might've been more. If the police caught me, there was no way in hell they were going to find you."
"Awe, you do care about me." She teased.
"You and I aren't so different from each other."
Sora tilted her head a little and leaned against the railing, looking up at him. "Will you ever tell me your story?"
"When you need to know it." He said simply.
"You say we're alike." She pondered on that for a moment, thinking if all the ways they might be linked. It was enough for him to feel the need to keep her around. "You were an orphan, too?"
"Something like that." Dabi shrugged. "Enough guessing games. I can feel something big coming up and I need you to be prepared." He rose to his feet and jumped over the railing, landing perfectly on his feet. "That Quirk of yours is going to work eventually."
"How do you know?" Sora stepped back down into the sand. "I haven't been able to use it in weeks, you think it's just going to start now?"
"Do you trust me?" He faced her.
She paused, thinking over those words carefully. "You mean, do I trust a villain who won't even tell me where he goes every night?"
"Do you trust me as in the guy that protects you."
"Again, you're hardly around. If I'm attacked and you aren't there..."
"Answer the damn question."
"I want to trust you."
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aspen-lol · 3 years
Aubrey: S-Sunny, I'm sure Hero isn't mad at you, he's probably just... reminiscing, again.
(Sunny doesn't say a word.)
Aubrey: H-hey! Hey! Look at me.
(Sunny turns [or well, Aubrey turns him] to Aubrey.)
Aubrey: Sunny, you're not a murderer, do you hear me? It was an accident... just an accident.
Sunny: (sniffles)
(Aubrey immediately begins to panic.)
Aubrey: N-NO NO, DON'T CRY.
in all seriousness, he did cover up manslaughter sooooooo
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katsukikitten · 5 years
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You waltz back into the living room as Kirishima yells into the head set. Little do you know why he has it on in the first place.
At first it was to get teammates together to win a better game but it quickly turned into the purpose of drowning out your moans.
He yells again, telling his teammate that he can take the flag there until you plop onto his lap. Straddling him as your hands go beneath his loose muscle tee. Hips grinding slightly to entice him as you would Bakugou. You feel him twitch beneath you while heating the all too familiar sound of a console powering down.
Hook, line, and sinker.
You gaze into his ruby gaze as your eyes scream lust, hands fondling muscles that move to readjust your body. You don't know how long he's dreamed of this exact situation.
Of you interrupting a game session or finishing a game session with him just to ride his cock all night.
But he was always too much a gentleman to ask if you were interested. Especially after he saw you smiling at your phone so often.
Funny how he hesitates even now and you present yourself to him. He searches your eyes for something more but all he sees is white hot lust.
You stare deeply into his eyes, noticing the slight differences in their eye colors. Glistening softness vs glowering burning intensity.
"Y...y/n?" He asks with a slight blush, although you're more than sure it's not from embarrassment as you feel him harden beneath you. Another twitch has you kissing him before you can change your mind. Tongue rolling over tongue as you grind a bit more on him.
His hands roll up your sides, peeling off your shirt to reveal a nice pair of tits. He salivates as you shove them in his face, reaching for your phone. You snap a picture of Kirishima's sharp teeth biting gently into your collar bone as he all but worships you.
You send the photo to Bakugou quickly tossing your phone to the side.
Another harder bite on your collar bone has you moaning.
"Bakugoooo." Instantly the man beneath you freezes as hot embarrassment flushes your body.
"Y/N?" Kirishima pushes you back slightly to see your face. Hard on dying from both the hurt in his chest and the the hurt in your face, "Is Bakugou the hero who's 'just a friend'?"
The question has you burst into tears, sobbing as you press your face into the cool skin of his neck. Breathing in his comforting scent of sandalwood cologne and soft natural musk.
His arms fly around you tightly. Gladly falling back into the best friend category especially so since this is the first time he's seen you cry.
And you've lived with him for three and a half years.
You both were broke as hell desperately needing a roommate in order to survive in this part of the city.
You a photographer and painter and he a start up hero.
You both made more than enough to have your own apartment within the first six months but somehow the two of you just kept renewing the lease. More than happy to "save" for a house.
So to hold the strongest woman he knew as she sobbed was an honor.
Even if it meant only being the shoulder to cry on.
"I..I'm so stupid Eiji. So fucking dumb. I..." Another sob as you try to collect yourself, "I really fucking like him and then I go and use you to spite him. I'm sorry Eji I'm sorry I'm such a slut. I'm sorry."
Is all you can say as you clutch onto his shirt as if you had been lost and he was the first to find you.
The first to be salvation.
"Hey..." He soothes pushing his own hurt pride down, "It's okay. Just don't do it again. I know you're sad...."
"I'm sorry...." You say again wiping away the tears as you borderline hyperventilate.
"Here." Kirishima says pulling his shirt from his toned form to shield you from non existant prying eyes, "You wanna catch up on some anime? Eat some iiiicccceeeecreeeaam?"
You nod shyly as he lifts you onto the couch, wrapping you in the faux fur blanket you insisted should be in the living room before he heads to his room for another shirt. He comes back just as quickly to see you staring down at your phone with sniffles, he turns on his heel to pop into your room, careful to avoid anything on the floor or night stand.
He grabs your favorite giant plush and returns.
Little does he know it's one Bakugou won for you. But your face doesn't become crestfallen when he tucks it in your arms.
More tears prick your eyes as his actions remind you of Bakugou's normal after care. The rare time where his wall his down and he speaks so softly.
And just for you. Your heart squeezes in your chest as you think of the moments you fell in love with him.
"I'll be right back. Kay?" Kirishima says before slipping out the door.
Not ten minutes later he finds you in the same spot, although you do have the anime series you two were watching pulled up. Your crying had slowed but not by much as you stare down at what must be a dry phone.
He places the icecream in your hand sitting beside you. He watches you snap a picture of you holding your stuffy and the icecream to send to Bakugou before you lean into him a little like you normally would.
Kirishima is happy to be your shoulder to cry on. Silently he is rooting for you two. Especially now that he knows what must be going on. He's seen the way the two of you look at each other at parties.
More than lust lies in both yours and his scarlet eyes.
Kirishima pulls you closer to place a soft kiss on your hair line before the two of you settle in for a long night of anime.
You wake to the sound of banging on the door. You breathe in deeply as Kirishima startles beneath you. Having fallen asleep in what has to be the most uncomfortable position you've ever seen.
"Sorry. I'll get it." You say softly as you stand, stretching as you assume it's your neighbor two doors down looking for her lost kitten. Again.
"Sorry I haven't seen your kitten." You say opening the door without looking, instantly regretting not only your choice of words but your outfit. Scarlet eyes stare you down as he pushes past you into you into the apartment.
He cannot tell if you are being a brat or not.
He cannot tell if you slept with his best friend or not especially with the two conflicting pictures you sent.
"Oh uhh Hey Bakugou!" Kirishima scratches the back of his head awkwardly. Scarlet eyes notices his outfit. A brick red shirt and jeans.
No one puts jeans back on after they fuck, at least not in their own house. Still Bakugou keeps his hands deep in his black dress pants, still clad in a collared shirt, loosened tie and black vest from his early morning debriefing.
He would have been at apartment 3C earlier if it hadn't been for that stupid fucking meeting.
"You might want to leave." He keeps his voice even yet still his normal gruff as he speaks to Kirishima. The red head nods in agreement before looking to you.
Poor exhausted cried out you. He swallows thickly and whispers to you as he leaves out the door.
"Tell him and text me if you need me." With that Kirishima closes the door to leave you sealed inside with a deadly tiger.
"Care to explain, kitten?" He lets his eyes rove over the semi messy apartment, a pizza box and empty icecream containers litter the coffee table, the stuff animal he won, or more so threatened the game worker at the fair sits on the couch slightly tucked into the blanket.
"Or is it as you said and you are not my kitten anymore?"
Shit. He took your words seriously when they were intended for someone else entirely. If you told him the truth would he believe you.
"I'm still your kitten, sama." You say softly, avoiding eye contact. Still exhausted from the night before.
"Yea?" He asks coming closer, bending down to catch your eyes, hands still in his pockets to keep from popping, "Then prove it."
You rack your brain of all of his favorite lewd things you do for him and think of only one thing that has him admit you're in control. You sink to your knees, hands going to unbuckle his pants when a calloused hand seizes your throat. Choking you as he lifts you back up to your feet. Furry clouds his eyes as he looms over you.
"This is not what *my* kitten would do." He snarls, "*My* kitten would defy me until I pushed her to her knees. My kitten is disobedient. She shows her claws and bears her teeth when she's mad."
"And she's always fucking mad." He snaps letting you go to sit on the couch. He waits for you to follow and when you do not he slaps his knee hard.
You gulp as you wonder if this is the other half of your punishment.
You crawl over his lap for him to growl over your shorts. The ones that drive him mad even when he's pissed. Like now you feel him growing hard especially after he massages your ass to warm it up. He waits for any sort of protest before he comes down with a hard slap. You whince as he waits, eyes falling to your head, when you nod yes to go on he proceeds to spank you over and over again. Massaging and moving to other parts of the ass but relentlessly attacking.
"This is for wearing these around Eijirou." Another slap before a cool rub down, "This is for making me think you fucked him."
As his hand rubs over your ass and down between your thighs he speaks again.
"Are you going to tell me why you were eating icecream and snuggling with King explosion murder?" He asks referring to your fluffy angry looking bear. You're still unable to answer earning another spank, you cry out but he continues.
"You only eat icecream when you're sad." More silence and another hit this time increased intensity with aid of his quirk.
"P..please please sir. I'm..." You swallow a bit of your pride as he brings another blasting palm to your ass, "I'm starting to hurt."
"Ah so you do know how to use your words." He rubs his fingers against your dampening shorts and you buck for better access. He slaps your ass again, "Kitten gets spanked until she tells me what's really got her acting out."
One, two, three more slaps before tears are welling in your eyes. Still he looks to your head for a nod of approval when it doesn't come he decides he will do a final slap before trying a different approach.
This slap sends you over the edge as you think and think and God damn think.
"I like you. Like really like *like* you and I wanted you to be my fucking valentine!" You yell out, tears slipping down cheeks. You're righted quickly, he has you straddling him as he looks up at you.
His eyes are the same as they are during after care. Kind, soft, worried and only ever for you. Your heart pounds faster in your chest as he pushes some hair out of the way.
"Y/N....my kitten why didn't you tell me?" His voice is laced with hurt as he searches your eyes.
"Because I told you no feelings and then I go and fuck it all up!" He squeezes your ribs before his hand wipes away more tears. He gives you a soft smile that slowly turns into a deadly smirk.
"I guess I fucked up too huh?" He kisses you tenderly before putting in all of his burning passion onto your lips. Tongue fighting yours as you start to grind into his hips. He breaks the kiss hands falling to your hips placing the ball in your court.
"You like like me?" You ask, hands crumpling his nice dress shirt.
"No." He says slyly, kissing your forehead, "I love you."
You blink, heart bursting in your chest as you stare down the most emotionally unavailable man you knew. Or at least thought he was emotionally unavailable.
"Have been. For months." He admits, now it is your turn to kiss him, one hand working to free his member while his hands move aside the shorts.
"Are you sure?"
"Always Sama. Please." You say desperately before he aligns himself to plunge into you. You gasp, holding his eyes as this is the first time you've faced him.
All the other times you had asked to be bent over or blind folded.
He slowly thrusts into you before you ride him out, wanting to give him pleasure for once. He squeezes your hips as you're in charge praising your work and movements as you begin to chase your own high.
"Fuuuuck. You're riding me so well." He says coming up to bite on your collar bones, sucking hard enough to leave small bruises. You feel him twitch in your as he gets closer causing the tightness in your stomach to double.
You were going to make him come all your own. You hump harder as your clit rubs against his boxers just right causing your moans to come out shuddering.
"I..I'm close." You gasp out, core grasping onto his hard memeber for all that it's worth.
"Cum for me kitten." He breaths and he thrusts into you, holding your eyes causing you to come wholly undone. Emotionally physically and as cliche as it sounded spiritually as you watched face contort in sinful pleasure as he fucked deeply into you, hand pressing your forehead harshly to his as he filled you to the brim.
The two of you are quiet for a moment, his grip letting up as your tightens on him. You get up off of him but do not leave his lap. He stares up at you with even newer eyes, your body shudders on it's own from his duality you so desperately needed.
"Be my valentine kitten?" He asks softly supporting you even though you are on top. You smile down at him before your inner brat takes over, stealing a feverish kiss before adding.
"I thought a King never asks."
@lady-bakuhoe here is the kirishima part 😊
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aros001 · 3 years
Going in blind: Watching season 5 for the first time. Random thoughts.
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Episode 1: Well...that dinner got dark. From what other fans have told me apparently Glimmer gets a lot of hate for her decisions during the series and I just find that odd. I was more annoyed with her in the early seasons where her actions were more harmless simply because she had no patience and wouldn't listen because of her immaturity. Season 4 and here though? Even her most reckless and risky actions have at least been fueled by the genuine desire to keep people safe during a very hard situation. Even here, yeah, she tells Prime something it's very bad for him to know but he was going to have Adora and everyone else literally murdered before her eyes if she didn't. I can't really be mad at Glimmer for making a bad choice when it flows logically and fueled by the desire to keep the people she cares about from being slaughtered.
I don't think we've ever seen Catra this completely at the mercy of another person before, save maybe for Shadow Weaver when she was a child. She has nothing to offer that Prime doesn't already possess. Nothing he wants that he can't get for himself. Her relationship with everyone these past few seasons have been either "I'm your commander and you have to do what I say" or "You are my commander and here's the reason you have to keep me around". This time she has nothing to protect herself behind and the only reason she's still around is because Prime might think of a use for her later.
I love having Scorpia on the heroes' side.
Episode 2: That ending though.
I think what helps elevate Entrapta for me and keeps her for being annoying or irritating is that the show really sells that she just genuinely has trouble understanding why she should/shouldn't be doing certain things. It's not stupidity or even pure self-absorption, she just struggles with people and social ques while machines and science is a lot more straightforward. Heck, she was probably able to bond so well with Hordak because work together in the lab was them meeting on a common middle ground she could understand and relax in. The way she's trying to overcome the issue to help save Glimmer reminds me a little of Mob from Mob Psycho 100, feeling a little frustrated in not understanding something that she knows she should be.
Episode 3: Anybody else get a Disney's Hercules vibes at the end there?
Catra: "Besides, O Oneness, you can't beat her! She has no weaknesses! She's gonna kick your...!"
Prime, smiling: "I think she does, little sister." [Strokes Catra's hair] "I truly think...she does."
This episode really sold how completely isolated Catra is. With the sole exception of Glimmer, she's in space, no idea where exactly she is, onboard a ship filled with nothing but Prime and hundreds of cultist clones. Throughout the entire series we've seen Catra push everyone away and now that she's in a situation where she is almost well and truly on her own with no power, freedom, or authority, she seeks out the one other person around to find any sense of comfort in. Despite everything, Catra doesn't like being alone.
Little child Catra lashing out because she didn't want Adora to have any friends other than her kind of reminds me of Glimmer and Bow during the Princess Prom episode. I imagine it's the same mentality. Growing up in isolation, even if in different forms, and finding only that one person they feel thay can really lean on, there is that fear that they'll find someone else they like more and start caring about them less, or even outright stop. The difference is Bow set Glimmer straight, assuring her he'll always be her friend no matter what but he's not going to be just solely dedicated to her. Her fear was understandable but she was not respecting him as a friend either. Adora never really had that with Catra, one because she was much younger and less mature than Bow, and Catra was probably all she had too, to an extent. As we saw season 1, she was always trying to look after her, even when Catra needed to take responsibility for herself. Bow is not Glimmer's keeper, while Adora too often was that for Catra, so Bow and Glimmer have a better foundation of mutual respect while Adora and Catra's dynamic has been really screwed up for a long time.
Kind of tying into that, despite all that's happened between them, the minute Adora hears Catra's in distress she starts panicking and tearing up. The last time they saw each other they were very much enemies and Adora was done reaching her hand out to her. I suppose you could make the argument she's really been hoping all this time that Catra would finally do the right thing for once, just probably didn't expect it to be like this.
Prime better not mind wipe Catra like he did Hordak.
Episode 4: See, calling the heroes the rebellion now makes sense since they are rebelling against the established power, which is Prime.
Love that trick with the reflections, where you can sort of see/sort of can't see She-Ra. A nice little tease for what I imagine will be a big reveal later.
I really like that explanation for what Bow's going through. Last season's finale was the last he'd seen Glimmer and was desperately trying to save her, and he's been consistently worried for her since then. Now that she's safe he's starting to let himself process his other emotions towards her, and I totally get it. It's hard to be mad at someone when you're also terrified over what might be happening to them, even if your anger is justified. While I get why Glimmer last season did what she thought she had to, it was still a big risk that Bow warned her about and she didn't listen, putting them all in danger. This situation and Glimmer's words is a very mature way of handle this topic. He's not wrong for being mad and it's not a contradiction to what we've been seeing from him this season. Humans and emotions are complicated.
Episode 5: SHE HAS PAAAAAAAAANTS!!! (I will miss the cape though)
That almost makes up for them cutting Catra hair. Seriously, that mane was beautiful!
But boy, speaking of Hercules, that return of She-Ra definitely felt like Hercules emerging from the pool of souls to save Meg.
With the one clone being disconnected from the hive mind and having a breakdown over it, that does make me wonder if Hordak has been connected to it. Wasn't he deemed a defect because Prime couldn't connect to his mind? I suppose it's possible that flaw was corrected. Clearly Prime can take over minds other than just his clones, like with Catra. But if he could do that I'm wondering why he just didn't when Hordak was first created and he instead cast him out to Etheria.
Was Catra purring at the end? I swear there was a sound that sounded like purring.
Episode 6: Assimilation is easily one of my biggest fears in fiction, be it zombies, Borgs and Cybermen, Get Out, the freaking Sapphire Dragon from Xiaolin Showdown that scared the hell out of me as a kid! Just the concept of having your free will and autonomy completely ripped away from you, potentially with you still being aware but unable to do anything about it, is horrifying! At least with Prime's chips the process is reversible.
Anyway, in lighter plots, I kind of love Wrong Hordak. He's really funny. I feel bad that he's being deliberately misled, but he really shouldn't be following Prime anyway, so...
I do like that Adora is being a little more tough on Catra. She needs kindness, yes, but she also needs honesty and discipline, the kind that has actual love and care behind it, unlike what she got from Shadow Weaver. Adora is genuinely trying to help so Catra needs to stop acting like a brat and LET HER HELP.
Episode 7: Catra was definitely purring.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume people probably ship Scorpia and Perfuma. Not that I have any problem with that. It's like the Midoriya/Todoroki ship; I don't ship it myself but I totally get why others do. It's a relationship based in mutual respect and one of the characters having a significantly positive effect on the life of the other. As long as the shipper themselves is not horrifically toxic, I don't care.
Also, I don't think I've ever been so intimidated by Mermista before than I was with that one shot of her in silhouette, just before the reveal she was chipped.
Episode 8: Okay, I definitely love Wrong Hordak. Just that realization of his. "Horde Prime...lied to us..." There's just something about it that's so full of character. Obviously he's a brainwashed clone but he was truly devoted to Prime and just to find out that he would keep something so big from them, from the hive mind that's supposed to be so open to him and each other, it destroys everything he ever believed in. It's hilarious to watch him prepare to lead his brothers in a revolt against Prime.
I assume magic is Prime's "weakness" in that he himself cannot control it. Obviously he can control magical beings like Spinnerella and have them use magic but magic itself is too free and too powerful for him to contain and fully fight back against. He's all about order and stillness and magic is basically chaos.
Episode 9: I like to believe the mushroom kingdom they saved is a Mario reference.
Something I like in hero stories is "the power of a name" or "the power of a symbol". Something as simple as Superman's S-shield can have so much weight and meaning behind it just because of the person it's tied to. She-Ra isn't just a powerful warrior to the people of Etheria, she's a hero of legend. We saw it touched on even back in season 1 how much Adora returning She-Ra to the world meant to everyone. She-Ra to them is a symbol of hope. If they have her on their side, then they believe they might be able to win and with that ordinary people can find the strength to fight too. It's something I think the Green Lantern put best with how the Blue Rings of hope supercharge the Green Rings of will but lose a lot of their functions when the greens are not around. Hope is useless if you don't have the will to also act, but in turn hope can give people the will to act. The more hope they have that they can win, the more they will fight to win.
That was the nerdiest comparison I've ever made.
Episode 10: I appreciate a good bad dad joke and that's why I can't approve of "punderstand". It's too much of stretch to flow well. "Ruined" was good though.
I'm less surprised that Scorpia's been chipped and more that she's even alive. She was at the bottom of the ocean when the roof broke and she's a scorpion woman. I don't think water is a very friendly element for her. She's even commented on how good the desert was to her.
I wonder her She-Ra mode is not working for her simply because Adora is exhausted; mentally and physically. I don't think she's ever used the form this continuously before, and she's been doing it without the First Ones' sword that she has experience with. Her new sword and its transformations may be made out of her own energy for all we know. And then there's just the emotional toil of having Catra back in her life while it feels like more and more of the world is being turned against her.
Episode 11: Oh, I'm definitely shipping Hordak and Entrapta.
I think Re:Zero has spoiled me on dark magic. While Micah with his dark magic is a threat, in this show and many others dark magic basically just equates to "spooky, evil, bad stuff" magic that isn't that different from most other kinds of magic other than being either harder to control or more geared towards causing harm. In Re:Zero, dark magic was DARK. It felt unnatural, like a perversion of how their world's magic is supposed to be and that it didn't belong in this reality. Micah's dark magic is basically "I'm attacking you with shadows, oOoOoOo so scary!"
Not really surprised Catra left. She just got Adora back and now she's potentially about to let herself die. Perfuma said it best, letting people in and letting herself be vulnerable is hard. Caring about Adora and watching her die would be a huge blow, so Catra would rather curl back up into her shell and block out Adora again than have to risk taking that hit.
Episode 12: I keep saying it but now having them right next to each other, yeah, Mara's She-Ra outfit is better than Adora's. I don't know, there's just something grander about it. Anyway, on topic, I'm a big fan of superheroes and legacy and all that and I really like Mara's words to Adora. All she did and sacrificed was so that others, especially the next She-Ra, wouldn't have to do the same. It doesn't matter how noble and heroic it is, tragedy is tragedy and anyone who knows that kind of pain doesn't want anyone else to have to go through it.
I'm not surprised by the love confession between Glimmer and Bow. I felt it could go either way with them either hooking up or just staying really good friends, but that in itself is a sign of how good and natural their friendship is. I can easily buy how it would evolve into something more between them. The situation they're in probably helps. When Glimmer was taken they both thought they might never see each other again and that fear and worry probably caused them to reevaluate how they feel about the other. They've been clinging to each other since getting back, as every day could be their last. Something like that is naturally going to push two people together.
Episode 13: So...are there any plans for a season 6? Or a comic continuation like Avatar and Korra got? Because this was a good finale...buuuuuuuuut I feel there are definitely some things that needed a bit more exploration.
This is typically why I like stories with epilogue endings, especially those set some number of years in the future. Little glimpses of what everyone's doing now, allowing the audience to fill in for themselves what happened in-between. There's nothing wrong with this episode but it does just kind of...stop. They beat Prime. Everybody's cheering and happy. Adora suggests they bring magic back to the universe. And...that's it. We don't see anything more. No aftermath, no post-war, nothing. We end on the moment of victory, and while it's not a bad moment it leaves the ending feeling a little incomplete.
It kind of feels like the writers either really had to rush to the ending to make the 13 episode deadline or simply didn't want to address whatever happens with Catra and Hordak now. With the bigger threat of Horde Prime it makes sense why everyone puts aside past issues and works together. But now that the crisis is over, naturally everyone would have to address everything the Horde had done to Etheria for years with Hordak and Catra leading it. Don't get me wrong, I believe that Catra loves Adora, I believe Adora loves her, and I believe Catra wants to be a better person. It's not like I'm saying she needs to be locked up or executed. But she did cause a lot of damage and put Adora especially through hell, and just because Shadow Weaver is the one who screwed her up so bad doesn't mean she doesn't have any responsibility for her own actions. So it just would have been nice to get even a little bit of lip service to show that Catra would be trying to right her wrongs from this point forward, instead of just "Prime's gone, everyone's happy, bye!" At least with Entrapta she seemed to genuinely not understand why what she was doing at the time was wrong and Scorpia, like Adora and Huntara, defected from the Horde to do the right thing despite it being even more part of her upbringing than anyone else. I can't even imagine what happens with Hordak now.
Don't get me wrong, this is far from the worst I've ever seen a redemption handled. I haven't read/watched any of Boruto outside of the movie and Gaiden tie-in but I've read all of Naruto and there is no reason that Orochimaru should just be walking around and casually talking with people after all he's done. Kaiba in the Yu-Gi-Oh manga built an entire theme park to try an murder Yugi and his friends and they bring it up like twice after that arc. Kylo Ren turning back to the light was one of the potential paths for his character, so that made sense in TROS, but they essentially did "He died heroically and therefore totally redeemed himself for every terrible thing he's ever done."; basically a cop-out. Catra's alive and can at least potentially still own up to her actions and work to redeem herself. And I love Steven Universe, but kind of like with Catra nearly killing everyone (including herself) via the unstable portal, fans have naturally pointed out that the Diamonds enslaved and committed genocide on multiple planets and really faced no consequences for that other than "Stop it". Catra's not at the gold standard of redemption stories, which for me is probably Zuko and Endeavor, but she's far from the bottom. I think the best way to describe it is that Catra had as good, if not better, reasons for being so bad and screwed up as Zuko did, just as good step-up for turning good as Zuko did, but she didn't have nearly as much payoff afterwards to make it feel like a full journey like Zuko did.
But enough about all that. Love the basically goddess She-Ra Adora became. Given the emphasis on healing powers with She-Ra we've had, I'm guessing that's essentially how she destroyed Prime. She purified Hordak and Prime was basically an infection within him. I like when heroes snatch victory from the jaws of defeat but I also when there's an implication towards the villain that "Wow. I never stood a chance." She-Ra's power just dwarfs his. Full potential realized by Adora and he was just gone.
Also I don't know how I forgot that Prime could jump into the bodies of his clones but his possession of Hordak got me. I genuinely couldn't think of how he'd survive after Hordak shoved him off the edge (set free by the power of love!).
And even if the ending feels a little incomplete, the episode itself still did well with my emotional investment. I was gripped by during Catra's confession and the tension within the heart.
Season 5 and overall series verdict: I'm very glad I saw this series. Even though its ending falls a little short for me, this was still really good. Seasons 3 was probably my favorite overall but this story had a very good flow to it. It steadily built up bigger each season, with Catra and Hordak being really compelling villains driving the whole thing. Not that Prime was bad. He was a genuine threat and his cult of clones is a good creepy concept. He's just not as good as the other two. I'm sure part of what elevates him up is because I'm thinking of the JL director's cut but Hordak really is just better Steppenwolf. Everything that worked about that character, Hordak is that to an 11.
Given how I've talked about her more than any of the others, Catra is probably my favorite character. Just the damage that girl has been through. I always understood why she was doing what she did, even though there was rarely a moment I'd agree with exactly what she was doing. Again, it's one of the reasons it feels like the series just kind of ended. There's a lot to be seen with Catra's character now, a lot that can be done, and it just feels like a shame to really not show any of it. This isn't a fault of SRPOP itself because so many series, especially animated and anime, are guilty of but it always bugs me when a series ends on two characters hooking. Relationships are interesting, I'd argue more so than the build-up to them, but no writer ever wants to actually explore them after the hook-up. I never cared about Korra and Mako being a couple but I still found their relationship as a couple more interesting and character building than any of the will they/won't they build-up to it. And I actually like the idea of Adora and Catra as a couple. It's a big reason why I'm so happy the Harley Quinn animated series got renewed for a third season, as it otherwise would have just ended on a hook-up between two characters who, like Adora and Catra, love each other but have had a complicated dynamic for a while. I believe Adora and Catra love each other, but they've got a lot of stuff to work out and I want to see that! Catra's got abandonment issues and that in turn caused her to be unhealthily possessive over Adora. Just seeing the two of them try to work through that alone would be fascinating.
Like I suspected early on, Scorpia's my favorite supporting character. Entrapta's a decent 2nd. Took a small dip when it seemed like she was joining the Horde over feeling abandoned by the princesses when they thought she was dead but that picked back up once it was made more clear "Oh, okay, you're not being petty or stupid. You genuinely don't understand." It made her a more interesting character, and I love her and Hordak's relationship.
Least favorite characters...probably Sea Hawk and those three former Horde friends of Adora and Catra. I never hated them but I never cared about what was happening when they were on screen. They fill out the world a bit, they drive the plot, they're not wastes of space, they even get some laughs. There are just so many other characters in the series way more interesting than them.
Biggest surprise for me was definitely Glimmer and Bow. I never thought I'd dislike them but the best friends characters in series like this can kind of go one way or another with how relevant or deep they are. Glimmer especially I was surprised how much I was invested. She really grew a lot as a person throughout the series and I thought the dilemma over the Heart of Etheria was a good one.
Honestly there's a lot more I could talk about but I have only so many words and my thoughts are a jumble right now so I'm going to leave it at that. I will say I really appreciate how supportive you all on this Reddit have been. It's something I hate about some other fandoms I'm in where they basically are so toxic that they make no one else actually want to watch/read the thing they're fans of because they can't help but associate it with them.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/o2p6wq/going_in_blind_watching_season_5_for_the_first/
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♀️ Permanent ♀️ Wrath ♀️
If you could do something about the world if you can stop any of the poison so you can heal the women and make them not so crazy and toxic.
You would suddenly find the CIA the FBI or some other law enforcement arresting you with some crime you did not commit.
. . .
The Reason why, MGTOW, exist is because it's the last and only frontier men have against women or shall I say away from them.
. . .
Women I don't know why but apparently I don't know if it always was this way but the sociopaths all they can do is live in a house and mirrors all I can do is that their emotions roll down let their emotions rule their mouth but their emotions completely rule their brain they have no control over them they scream the throat out it's impossible at this point I realize there's no way to Soft talk a woman into Calmness.
. . .
I'm going to admit I don't know what like to be a woman but in the same time I don't understand why women just let their emotions take them on a roller coaster ride and whatever pops up in their head they let they allow themselves and fire it off and everyone around them while they allowed myself to public to throw temper tension and scream and yell and I don't know why when a woman gets mad she feels inside.
. . .
I don't understand inside a woman why she feels that her anger, it Equal's diplomatic immunity ?
. . .
I just don't get it.
. . .
Ultimately I say stay away from women most there's a lot of men out there that really really cannot and a lot of men are now dead because of that because women go crazy are women just get dark and they kill them and I keep seeing crime scenes but women get arrested for committing murder then immediately released.
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At this point being alone enforcement is a joke it's such a you're a tool you're such a tool for the elite it isn't even funny you're not the excuse is the law enforce but you're not really even doing that the attraction is morality the job is law enforcement just ruinforcement which is, take the heart out of the whole idea of being a cop being a cop was supposed to be a hero or protector of people and then they just beat over your head you're only jobs to enforce her stupid rules.
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So as far as I can say a woman in America does whatever she wants women kind of rule America that kind of rule America they can do whatever the Fuck they want they're too crazy they're too naive how the world works and that's the way they'll be at least want them they want them crazy they want them stupid they want them thinking they know everything like a narcissist does they want them raging psycho inconceivable narcissist that just lose their Shit 24/7 and go crazy they get there they're great distraction for the police officers when there's a Real Shit going down.
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The cops can't turn their head away from them because they're women and women are crazy and women just can't handle hearing that because they're extremely narcissistic extremely sensitive and extremely strong feeling I mean yeah being called crazy hurts me too it hurts me bad but you don't see me running around with a shotgun.
You don't see me screaming and swinging a knife around losing my Shit do ya ?!
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I don't think it's a responsibility thing at this point for women I think they really need some effing medicine and I don't mean the stuff on Rockefeller 🖕🏻
I don't I don't mean that evil poison called medicine now that that's I got some seriously wicked stuff to say poisonous medicine and then it wants someone die and you reptilians are a really really sick people I get really tired of being on this planet I really wish the great alien and just left me alone just be around I really do I wish they just let me sleep I wish I just I wish something someone somewhere 30 years ago just killed the Grey aliens just killed them all so I can just be in this beer will not have to suffer this Planet, along everybody else.
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