#hes kinda cray my dude
sturniololoco · 8 months
can u do one w their sister where she lies and sneaks out to a party with her friends but they show up to the same party and see her there and take her home and she has to talk about it with them
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
Warnings: Alcohol, House party shit, etc.
Did I feel bad about sneaking out and betraying my brother's trust, by going to a house party in LA with my friends? Yes. But is it gonna be worth it? Hell yes!
It was tight, sitting in the back of some random dude's jeep, with a whole bunch of girls that had way too much perfume on. But Kylie, my best friend since I moved to LA, somehow managed to score us invites to the most popular guy in our school's house party. How could I say no to that!
I didn't say no, my brothers did.
I got home from school today, happy that I got invited. I was mentally planning my outfit, hair, and makeup out in my head as I opened the front door and walked into the kitchen, where Nick, Matt, and Chris were.
"Oh my gosh, you guys won't believe it. Kylie and I got invited to go to Logan's House party tonight! Logan's! I need to get my dress, curl my hair, and make sure my makeup is-"
"Um, I don't think that's such a good idea, SLS/N. It's a school night."
I felt my heart drop as those words left Nick's mouth. I looked at Matt and Chris for support, but they were nodding in agreement with Nick.
"Oh c'mon! I'll never get a chance like this again! please, Nick?" I beg, wanting to cray a little.
"I'm sorry, but I said no, and I think your brothers agree with me too." He says, signaling that the argument is over.
But I wasn't done.
"What? This is fucking bullshit!" I say, stomping up to my room. I know I was acting like a brat, but this was so unfair.
I sat in my room for what felt like ever. But then Chris came up and asked,
"We're going out, wanna come."
I shake my head no, not even looking up at him. He steps into my room.
"SLS/N, c'mon, don't be like this. you-" He began to say, but I caught him off.
"I said I don't wanna go, Chris!" I kinda felt bad for shouting at him, as he gave me a nod, and walked out of the room.
Shortly after, I could hear the car being pulled out of the driveway and down the road.
But Then I got a text:
Hey girl! Pick you up at 7?
I thought for a second, then smiled, texted her back, and then went to my closet to get my dress.
Sounds good
So that's how I ended up in my current situation. One that I completely regret even thinking about.
This party was filled with about a hundred drunk, sweaty, loud teenagers, and a couple of older guys that looked like straight-up druggies.
And to put the cherry on top of my night:
My brothers weren't out.
They are here.
I quickly duck down behind the pool table, trying to move along the edge of the house to the front door.
“SLS/N, what are you doing?” I hear kylie say, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.
“Oh-I-uh…nothing! I was just gunna go get some air!” I say, brushing the dust from the floor off my dress. Kylie nods and walks to go find another group of friends.
I finally made it to the door, quickly opening it and stepping out. But just before I close the door, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see who was about to get me caught.
He glares at me, not saying a word. Then he grabs me by the wrist and walks down the front porch, all the way to our van.
He lets me go and gets in the drivers seat pulling out his phone. I climb into the back seat and close the door as Matt brings his phone up to his ear. “We need to go. I’ll explain in the car.” He says, then hanging up right after. He puts his phone back into his pocket.
“Matt, I-“ begin to say, but just as I start talking, the doors open and Nick and Chris climb into the car. They both look at me with confused faces.
“Guess who snuck out?” Matt says sarcastically. At this, Nick sighs and puts his face in his hands, while Chris just shakes his head and looks out the window.
I feel the tears well up in my eyes at their disappointment.
The van was silent the whole way home. When we pulled into the driveway, we got out of the car and went inside, and I started to walk to my room.
“Don’t think you’re getting out of this.” Chris said, as all my brothers sat down in the couch. I sighed, and sat went to sit in the far side of the couch.
“Do you even understand what you did?” Nick asks me. I feel a lump in my throat grow at his question.
“I-I…” I stuttered, trying not to cry. Nick interrupted me,
“SLS/N! You literally did the complete opposite of what we told you. We were going to surprise you and bring you with us! You need to understand that we said no to protect you!” I nodded, tears rolling down my face.
“Did you like that party? Was it worth it?” Matt asked me.
“…no.” I say with a shaky breath. Then I finally know what I need to say.
“I’m sorry. I just- it’s harder being a kid here than in Boston. It’s like have to re learn how to be liked by people all over again! I was scared to say no and then everyone would think I’m lame. I’m so so sorry. P-please, I’m sorry.”
I say all of this crying. But at the end, I completely break down. Hating myself for making my brothers lose trust in me.
I was sunk down in the floor at this point, balling my eyes out. I felt arms wrap around me.
“I know it’s hard being in a new place, believing me, I know. I’m sorry you feel like this, but your safety is more important than going to some stupid kid’s party where you could get hurt.” Matt says, pulling me closer to him.
I nod, and snuggle into his embrace.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’m-“ I keep mumbling, wanting to be forgiven.
“Shhh, you’re okay, we forgive you kiddo.” Chris says, joining the hug, Nick close behind.
My brothers and I cuddled on the couch after our long night, our hair wet from our showers. I snuggle closer into their sides, grateful that I have such understanding brothers.
I feel like this is cringy again 😂
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vctrvn-ls · 1 year
Pets | Beta Squad |
hehe 3am thoughts
what pets would they have and why
Honestly he doesn’t strike me as a pet person…at all. Ahahah. But you know what? He’d definitely have some fancy fish in the hallway of your guys’ house. He’d want to style the decorations, pick the fish and fuss over which color they should be. It would be kinda cute. Chunkz is a busy man and I feel like he wouldn’t have any energy to also take care of another pet, but fish would be the perfect option to liven things up a bit. You wouldn’t mind either, fish are fish. Just neutral swimming-dudes, besides they do look good in a house. Also imagine getting like some funny looking fish and then naming them together, like there’d be a Chunkz and a y/n j swimming tgthr it would be fucking hilarious.
Oh my god. I know a guineapig person when I see one. As a piggy owner I can tell you that Kenny would definitely be the perfect match. Just imagine you get a guineapig and at first he’s like questioning your choices, but after one cuddling session he’d get the hype. I swear to god he’d love having a lil piggy. Imagine him coming back home after a long day of training, getting out the guinepig and laying it on his chest. The lil guy lays down, stretches out into a long sausage (that’s what they do when they’re relaxed) and the two just lay down, chilling while Kenny strokes the lil guys head. Nah I swear this is 100% the right pet choice. Kenny = guineapig man.
Now we know Niko likes cats and he had Lil Reng, but for some reason I feel like if he were to get a pet it would be a turtle. Yes a turtle. Why? Because. It’s such a Niko thing, like he’d definitely have something unique and unusual, probably not a lizard cause those things can be scary but a turtle? So chill and cute and they live like forever. He’d definitely make an Instagram account and buy little hats and little things he can place on its shell for photos. Plus he doesn’t have to fuss around over it too much, turtles don’t really play so he wouldn’t have to worry about being busy and not be able to spend time w it 24/7.
I think this would be a surprising one. After a little thought I came to the conclusion that AJ’s perfect pet would be a parrot. HEAR ME OUT! Like remember Maverick from Logan Paul and how fucking aggressive and loud he was? That would be AJ’s pet ahahahah. Like there would be sweet moments between them, like AJ would be editing videos and the lil birdy would cuddle up in the hood of his sweater or maybe like sit on his shoulder. But most of the time it would just be a crazy duo. The parrot yelling through the house while AJ yells back for him to be quiet because he’s filming a video. AJ would definitely talk to the parrot like he would to a person. He’d also run around the house trying to hide from the cray-cray bird while it screamed and chased him around. Basically it would be chaotic but very wholesome.
Sharky’s cuddly, cute and sweet and he’d have a pet just like him. A bunnyyyy. Tell me im wrong like imagine him building a little corner just for the bunny and designing it and making it cozy and spacious and just fussing over his lil guuuyyyy. It’d be perfect cause bunnies are active and chill at the same time, like imagine Sharky going out into the garden and letting him run around, spin and flip in the grass while he laughed and watched how funny it looked. And then inside on a rainy day he’d lay on the couch, scrolling through his phone while the bunny warmed up in the front pocket of his hoodie. Jesus this would be sooooooo cute oml I’m crying.
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thebladeblaster · 7 months
Vanguard Divine Z episode 6 reaction Ooh this one was kinda fire
Sorry for the late reaction I was busy yesterday
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I think the masked person is someone from Overdress who Akina will meet later. Mostly because Taizo recognizes them and it seems that they told Taizo about Akina’s sister. I feel like it has to be a character we would recognize otherwise why the mask? The only ones short enough that I can think of is Yu-yu, Urara, and the gremlin (but I don’t think they met). I’m pretty sure the masked person is a guy so that leaves Yu-yu or the gremlin. Those are my guesses for now. They could be putting on a voice or something.
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Taizo is so nice 😊
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I love these dorks. It’s interesting that Akina already knows to aim for a winning image though he has a very experienced friend teaching him so it makes sense.
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Haha, I LOVE this man🤣! He really said “fuck it we ball”. Okay, I feel like Akina is already my second favorite Vanguard protag behind Aichi. He’s just so funny and likeable. I like the way he won was through catching his opponent off guard with a crazy and unique strategy. I was thinking that I didn’t want him to win because it would feel like he has plot armor but the explanation is actually pretty satisfying. I was EXTREMELY worried that Akina would become Chrono 2.0 but I was wrong. This man isn’t trigger sacking he actually has some skill. Specifically this man pulled a Jotaro and bluffed like hell to win🤣. It was a real cool mind game strat. Like I don’t blame Taizo for getting sucker punched by his mad strategy. So it’s…
Favorite Vanguard Protagonists:
1. Aichi
2. Akina
3. Shinemon
4. Yu-yu
6. Kai (This is as a protagonist not a rival. I just don’t think he works well as the protagonist. He’s best as a rival.)
7. Chrono
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Of course Masanori can smell the bs. This plushie is definitely secretly evil I’m calling it. Though, who knows maybe Vanguard will try to subvert our expectations with that as they do often. Otherwise I’m thinking the plushie is linked to Gyze somehow.
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Hello, the gremlin is returning in the next episode 👀!
I’ve definitely been appreciating a return to tradition with Vanguard focusing back on character strategies and connecting to Cray.
Also I’ve been reading the comments and the haters seriously boggle my mind. It feels like they’re trying to hate it for the sake of it. Geez, they’re making og fans look bad. Like I am THE og Vanguard fan. I talk about it leagues more than the rest of the franchise but these people are seriously acting like this is the most boring and predictable series. Like dude this is not G or V series calm down. If anything those two were predictable af. The most unpredictable series have been og, Shinemon, and the D era. They’re like “oh Akina is so perfect that he isn’t a person” as if Akina didn’t lose his first fight and lose a bunch during his training 😅. The writers also went out of their way to actually justify his crazy win. Like it’s not like he trigger sacked to victory. He did a crazy aggressive and unorthodox strategy to catch his opponent off guard and win that’s actually good writing and reminds me of og. For instance when Aichi blindsided Goki with Soul Saver Dragon and it’s skill. Much like this win it didn’t come out of nowhere and was foreshadowed before and during the fight. That’s why I like the D era it reminds me of og in spirit. The characters actually have strategies to win that are explained like og. Honestly, I just really don’t get the hate. Some won’t be satisfied by anything.
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
alright so I went to a superbowl party today. jesus cHRIST. it was cray-zee. I had a lot of goddamn cheetos though. I think I have a lifetime supply now because I stuffed my backpack full of them before I left. but there was a free pinball machine right??? and I'm a pinball wizard I'm actually the person that made The Who write the song Pinball Wizard because of how amazing I am. but I'd leave it and come back to get cheetos and while waiting for a guy to move so I could go this old man who was in front of my just turned around and went "do you work here?" so like. i did not know what to say to that. because yes, technically, I did. but. I wasn't working at that moment. so I just went "yeah kinda" and he theN TOLD ME HE AND HIS BROTHER WERE THE INVENTORS ON DONKEY KONG????? AND LIKE. THEN TOLD ME ABOUT STOCKS AND INVESTING FOR COLLEGE??? AND THAT IF I HAD ANY STOCKS RIGHT NOW INVEST MORE BECAUSE EVERYTHING WAS GONNA GO UP???? then he just went "my brother and I went to harvard. you know what his job is? easiest thing in the world." and immediately I was like "well these guys own donkey kong he must count the quarters they make" because I'm a DUMBASS and so that's what I said and he went. "no. he plays golf." and so I was like "oh hahah yeah that sounds pretty nice and easy" because I was enjoying the conversation but I am an awkward bitch yknow? so he just stood there with me for five minutes talking about that. stalks. golf. harvard. how he made a thousand dollars in quarters the first time he released donkey kong. and I've mentioned before but I have a tendency to look at peoples mouths while they talk like some flirtacious freak but its just because most of the time I'm listening and I like to watch people's mouths while they talk its interesting (its okay I know I'm a sociopath) but I didn't do that???? I had INTENSE. UNBROKEN. EYE CONTACT WITH THIS BLUE EYED OLD MAN WHILE HE TOLD ME ABOUT DONKEY KONG. I never even got his name. he never got mine. he took a sip of his Starry (the new sierra mist) and went "well. see ya around" and left. I literally walked out two seconds after him and he was GONE. also there was an artistic venue house I checked out that had monkees albums in it it was pisces aquarious Capricorn and jones ltd. the monkees present. the monkees changes. the monkees and more of the monkees. yes I wasn't allowed to take pictures in the art venue. yes I took picture of the albums. anyways that was how I spent the superbowl
pinball wizard defeated by human interaction, sad 🪦😔. but for real that sounds like a bit of a nightmare dude 😂. i hate when i end up stuck in conversations where old dude are just talking about how smart and great they are (even if they did actual cool shit, it’s the level of self congratulating that gets me). thank god for cheetos, monkees albums, and paul mccartney though!!!!
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Jya-Jya-Jyamato Grand Prix!
They're mean and green! And they are mad!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Lots of Jyamato Folk.
-Game Master Beroba!
-"She's like... super dangerous, man."
-She cray-cray.
-Now I don't mean to insult all the teenage girls out there with world-conquering desires, but Beroba is like
-The objectively funniest Rider villain we've had in a while.
-I believe the youngest female Rider, and she gets not only a CGI monstrosity form, but also an entire army of demons.
-"You were the finest of your age, my children!"
-Phantoms, Gurongi, and Invess, all in one.
-Kamen Rider Buffa was created by the vile Desire Grand Prix in order to exterminate the Jyamato. To this end, he stands as a champion of the Jyamato.
-I hope you realize I live for this theming.
-Jesus Christ, she's making him play dress up.
-"Where ya goin, Michinaga?"
-Ohhhhhhhhhhh, that's a nasty trick
-"Good luck... Jyamato Rider Buffa."
-Gonna be honest, if the Jyamato weren't killing random humans for Beroba's amusement, I'd almost be rooting for them to take down Niram.
-"It'll be like Tohru-kun never died~!"
-Michinaga, you're in real nasty shit.
-"Not playing?"
-"Nah. Not a Jyamato, sadly. Honestly, it's kinda discriminatory of them. I wanna kill those DGP fuckers as much as they do!"
-"Human or Plant Zombie. Rider-kind's extermination is my only wish. ...that might include you, just a warning."
-This looks awful fun.
-Ahhh, a little lad! Ready to have fun at the festival soon~!
-"...those aren't oni."
-Lighting strikes the town~!
-Matsuri, matsuri DEATH!
-Hot damn, Keiwa! Letting them know straight up.
-"This is real!"
-"Ultimate Despair strikes this poor festival town. Yet here come the Riders!"
-Ah yep, there he is. Buffa Deez Nuts.
-Well, this is a fine mess we find ourselves in.
-Ya girl Neon!
-Ohhhh, Zombie Beat
-...does that technically make her Lord Raptor?
-Round 1 is over, bitches!
-It's the DGP's fault the Jyamato even want to kill humans so I don't blame Michinaga at all for wanting to can it, but like...
-Man, revenge is a hell of a drug.
-"...do you want us to help? :)"
-Ohhhhhh, I see... completely predetermined in the future, huh?
-"The hell's a festival, boy?"
-Oh... that's... kinda depressing, Kekera-san.
-And there he is, Kyuun the creepshow.
-Takahashi, I swear, if this dude's Neon's Prince Charming, I'm gonna shit.
-Hey, we're all in the 10%~! We got in early!
-Ah, Papa Kurama.
-No amount of money in the world's gonna be enough to keep us quiet.
-...unless, he's speaking metaphorically?
-Hey little dude. You seem awfully unreceptive to Ace motherfucking Ukiyo, biggest movie star in the world. That whole thing about your mom must really be eatin' you up inside.
-"Yeah... I feel you..." :(
-Ah, so Tohru-san's got a past.
-Azuma's got no time for all this nonsense.
-Archimedel's ready to bring the thunder!
-Hit the beat! Keep the beat!
-"Ace and Azuma, together at last!"
-Ziin, I swear, your fanboying's the least help we've been getting from you.
-Secret Mission, Clear!
-Wow, that was pathetically easy. These achievements are really getting out of hand.
-"Well played, nerd."
-Hot damn, that bitch is orange.
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strider-rambles · 5 months
holy shit the first motherfucking ramble is an emo one this shit crayz
anyway. uhm. man. as a kin(?) <- dubious but thats how ill be referring to myself for now ive always like. had such a tough time finding not only canonmates, but just.. sourcemates. in general. that i vibe with. i think perhaps my vibes are occasionally mad atrocious, but it's also like. OTHER PEOPLE are half of the issue too you know
takes two to motherfuckin tango, and bro, i'm stepping on these bitches' feet like it's dance dance revolution and like as a dave kin specifically. one who like. was quite young when i got into the fandom however many years ago and, even if i didn't know the term kin back then, i kinda.. knew. or, maybe the fuckin chicken (me) came before the egg (the kin) or whatever but
whatever. it resulted in me being.. kind of in a kinshift for like 4 years during the most formative years of my life
cray-z right
doesn;t matter its just like. because it's been such a present thing through my life ive met.. so many individuals who are like. you know. other kins which is great and all, but like
i haven't found people that i've vibed with for homestuck. the majority of the people i know and interact with now are comfortably in my little kin circle or whatever, are sort of the closest thing that i have to canonmates
nothing for homestuck. well nothing beyond a dirk. but i got lucky with him and i KNOW i got lucky with him because i. we're both kind of outcasts in the community, in the sense that we're. neurotic striders, i guess.
but he's like. helped a lot with the whole feeling alone and being all emotionally constipated about it thing.
but that doesn't help with the other shit
the missing my friends shit, the approaching so many fucking people bein' all like yooo whats GOOD bros and being hit with vibes that clash with mine or WORSE. vibes that WORK WITH ME. but they already have their dave
so whats the point you know?
i'm not going to be THEIR DAVE.
i have so many diverging fucking timelines and like
im dave. im davesprite. im every goddamn iteration of this stupid fucking asshole and MORE.
i hate the idea of being the secondary one, i guess. which is funny because. gestures. but like
it's gotten to the point where im so DESPERATE to find people. so DESPERATE to find my bros and my homies and my gals that i like i promised myself i wouldn't do this but i'm actively going "hey i can be your secondary dave, haha" you know. all fucking pathetic and shit
but i just.
i MISS my friends. so bad. and i think part of my struggle is like this is an OLDASS FANDOM. at least in terms of the internet, and so its harder to find people who have those roles unfilled, because like it's already.. you know.
and so like.
i'm stuck here. rambling into the fucking VOID on tumblr because i'm too. fucking. i dont know late??
funny to be late as a time player but womp womp motherfucker, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and start damage control
but like
in all seriousness. i'm losing mad hope
ive gone from being like hey, yall need a dave? to hey, yall need a davesprite? to. radio motherfuckin silence.
and as a result i kinda yap at dirk too much, which totally makes me tweak the fuck out, like, dude. he has a life (albeit a totally like. chill one, that aint all that busy) and he doesnt have the time to like tend to you like youre a child with scarlet fever, and every last word that your whiny little vocal cords can muster could be like... you know. your last. like his ass is NOT writing your obituary
and so like i pull away kinda. and like. because of that pulling away i suddenly have this like. yapping desire that needs to be fulfilled but like i like having peer review. like it keeps it from being a massive fucking echo chamber of just misery and bullshit and like.
and so i.
i don't know, man. i made this blog for a reason.
i don't know if i thought it would help, or if it would like. help me connect to people, or what
what am i even doin here dawg
like theres just this existential feeling of DREAD here. doomed timeline type shit lmfaoooo i don't know though i
it could bring something good
or this could be something terrible for me
or it could be like journaling. which i used to do in physical books, because i liked doodling back then, but, ive lost that hobby, so like
this exists
but i only journaled when i didn't have friends
i have friends
i think
i just understand that those friends don't want to listen to me. frankly i wouldn't either, i mean like. read this shit again. would you really wanna sit down with your bro and hear this type of shit i don't know. this kinda turned into. something horrible haha
i'm better mentally than i was 4 years ago but whats the point when i be bitchin and moanin and whinin like this still
point is:
i miss my friends. i miss yapping (at) with them. i miss having friends in the first place. i miss feeling like i'm home, kin wise. the irony of the matter is im LOCKED OUT OF THE HOUSE. instead of uhh (checks notes) HOMESTUCK.
haha. im so funny. haha. yeah. uh. ramble over for now. i might pick this shit back up.
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the-cat-chat · 7 months
January 27, 2024
Christine (1983)
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JayBell: My understanding before going into this movie is that it's Herbie but with murder. And honestly, it's kind of true. I will say this movie actually wasn't as silly as I thought it was gonna be. It could've been wayyyy sillier.
My major issue with this movie is how sharp and sudden the transformation of the main character is. Like the big deal is that he makes a supernatural connection with this car, and the car begins changing him. But because the first part of the movie is from the perspective of the friend, the viewer doesn't actually get to see his change from nerdy dude to asshole. He just shows up one day, already full asshole and lacking glasses and with a new wardrobe. It would be nice to see this as a progression and not a sudden change.
The construction of the plot feels odd. It's broken up into segments. The friend's point of view, and then the main character's, and then it switches back to the friend. I also think the investigator guy isn't as incorporated into the plot as he should've been.
It's basically the plot of Carrie, but focused on a young guy instead of a young woman. Well-meaning best friend, controlling parents, supernatural force (aka car) used as instrument for revenge against bullies. It has almost all the elements of Carrie, but Carrie is way more sympathetic and has a more interesting dynamic with her mom.
Rating: 5/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: I really have no clue what to say other than this is a total experience. And that I loved it while also being simultaneously baffled and cringing bc of the weird behavior or the characters. First off I could see how Arnie was kinda cute (later to realize it’s the younger Matty Healy rat boy look- and then even later to change my mind when Arnie loses his mind). Andrew the old man selling the car?? I’m not saying anymore on him he needs to be forgotten. But let’s divert- the guys at school- ummm they’re all at least 35 right??? Did they really look at them and say sure he’s 17, sure he looks full of youth??? Bc I didn’t. And again the teenagers in this are almost as gross as the Halloween ones- actually grosser maybe. And what they do to Christine?? Annnyway, I really don’t understand his mom’s whole conniption over the car??? And it seemed excessive?? And then Arnie “changes”- can we talk insane??? Love how we get no insight into how he linked up with the girl his friend had asked out- he just shows up at the football game with her. And it’s actually nuts bc his friend gets so distracted he almost, AlllllMoST becomes paralyzed. I think it’s interesting that Christine didn’t do anything but maker Arnie “cooler” I guess until people kept saying that they hate her. Like would everything have been good?? Bc I know she did the same mind control/ killing thing with the guy who owned it before?? But this time it seemed only when there was a threat to Arnie keeping and owning the car. I don’t know cray it’s cray either way. Also???? Just remembered bc the car like bit?? The guy on the assembly line- then killed the other guy that worked there too. So nevermind im wrong I know nothing. And then the murders! And Harry Dean Stanton as the cop?? Who does nothing? And all the other kids that bullied Arnie get murdered too.
I really was wishing that the car was doing all of it alone without taking over Arnie- but alas that’s not what happened and Arnie dies too :( —— I hate how they try fighting the car - and it takes forever- and they’re like Christine will come- ok and your shocked when you kill your best friend??? Why not steal it and crush it with something when he’s asleep, or drive it off a bridge. But nnnoooo. And in the cringy words of the girl - she said it best- and the weirdest/ “we didn’t do so hot” ——- he’s dead!!!! You didn’t do so hot!!!! What!!!! It was his best friend???? And you knew him for what like a month and half that time he was scary/ borderline aggressive and verbally abusive?bc his car took over his mind and soul. Oookkkkk.
Rating: 4.5/10 Cats 🐈
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lucillemartinisme · 1 year
Les Twins Birthday Song at Tampa Workshop
So me left with the taxi man n me noticed that he had a accent n he told me that he was Haitian n then started going off about the Haitians beating the French n me didn't know where that came from since me didn't tell him that me was there seeing anything french but it could've been a coincidence but anyways instead of going to the ATM we went to McDonald's first then he bought me food then we went to a gas station n he asked me did me want anything n me asked him would he buy me some cigarettes and a beer n he did he then asked me what time the bus was coming me told him middle of morning maybe only cause me forget what time so he like ain't you the only woman up there n me like yea something like that n he said let's go to my place and we can drink a lil there n that he had some beer there n me went along with that n he said he had a dude roommate but he was gone to work n won't be there n me like ok so anyways we got there some gated apartment community n we walked to his apt it was spotlessly clean black furniture black stereo black Jesus at last super n the only thing weird was a bottle of water in the middle of the living room floor the furniture was in shape of a open square n water bottle in the middle we went in his room and he closed n locked his door n he had a mini refrigerator in it with beer he was about 50 n had a nice ok body for 50 n had a bald head he took his shirt off saying he was hot from driving all day anyways do what it do just as expected n handed me a beer me didn't really drink it he kinda made me nervous by locking door behind him n he was supposed to be the only one there n taking off his shirt but it is Florida so he got a beer n started talking about our brains being nothing but wires n shit like yep me believes n then start spraying Victoria secret body spray on him think it was some type of vanilla n then sprayed some on me then laid down across the bed talking about he was tired from driving all day n you know the men how they do he get to asking me how old me was n me was about 45 possibly n said me look like me in me 20 's n if any other men come me way again after he dropped me off back at the Greyhound tell them that me was in me 20"s n thought me was lying about me age anyways so he started touching here n there but light flirtatious touch n asked me can he eat me kitty n me was looking cray cray to me remember me missed the bus n traveling walking eating at churches n sitting at parks with Hershey so food stains on clothes the bus is cold had on sweats that was to big n kinda falling off me n no wigs me had dreadlocks under me wigs but never showed them unless they got cameras in the bathroom at the hotel me don't believe but anyways it was about a day and a half ride n still was mad at the whole experience especially Larry Bourgeois n dude the cab man was dark skinned n kinda built like me ex husband for 50 anyways cause yea most dudes in 50"s body aint built n he told me how pretty me was looking like 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
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From the whole ordeal ESPECIALLY Mr Larry Bourgeois of Les Twins indeed
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mblue-art · 3 years
Howdy, Why does Classic NM hate strawberry? And why does strawberry NM look like a maniac?
I can't find full information about it, but I really like he-
There's almost no canon info on SNM (u_u), so I'm just basing him off of what I've seen in fanart, others' headcanons, and my silly little headcanons as well :") (I try to have fun atleast fndkxks)
Sometimes, when he's bored, Strawberry NM will pay a visit to his OG counterpart and annoy him.
He'll whine about his brother ("I haven't seen my dear brother in so looong." He's met with silence on NM's end. The man does not care about your brotherly woes.), about how he's sooo bored and needs entertainment, etc etc...
(He thinks it's funny seeing classic NM's reactions when he does the cutesy shit. Maybe classicmare doesn't like seeing a pink version of himself doing those faces... and with the same voice too... ugh.)
NM feels there's something more... sinister, about him though. Nightmare has never seen Strawberrymare truly upset. Of course, curiosity wants him to try to push his limits, see how far he can go, see what he truly looks like under that disgusting facade he puts up.
What that monster will do if he's filled with unbridled rage.
He's not afraid of him at all, in fact. But somehow, he doesn't take those chances. There's a slight uneasiness about him that he can't quite understand.
For now, Nightmare doesn't want this headache to overstay his welcome. He already has four of those to deal with on a daily basis.
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jungwnies · 2 years
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༺ prompt ;; how ateez is with public display of affection (pda)
༺ warning ;; teeth rotting fluff & suggestive content ༺ requested ;; yes! ༺ author's note ;; this is a series with the groups listed on my masterlist! i will try to have every groups out by the end of this week if not sooner! please be patient with me, and check out my other stories here
༺ please remember to like, comment & reblog ♡༺ please respect that these are simply MY opinions
the love is deeply appreciated, and thank you on 65 followers already guys ♡
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⚘ hongjoong
○ hongjoong definitely prefers privacy  ○ he doesn’t mind kissing you in public, hugging you, holding your hand, or anything much  ○ but he DOES just prefer privacy and intimacy  ○ he’s pretty cautious in front of the cameras ○ not because he’s tryna hide you or anything, he just wants to protect you from some crazy ass fans  ○ sometimes he doesn’t notice it but he does kiss you randomly in public, and then he realizes it like 10 minutes later and gets all shy ○ he doesn’t usually get jealous… jk im lying ○ he does get jealous, but he won’t blatantly show it, so he brings it up later, but when he is jealous it’s just tighter hand holding, a subtle arm around the waist
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⚘ seonghwa
○ boy oh boy ○ seonghwa does not care ○ maybe it’s because he’s an aries and they just don't get shy too often, or he just radiates “idfc” energy  ○ he will full on make out with you in public, but sometimes he does get a little shy when he’s around a lot of people ○ but like i said, he DOES NOT care at all ○ he isn't even jealous because he knows that you’re his omg…  ○ sometimes during,,, wink wink he teases you about it and is like,  ○ “could he fuck you better than i can?” HDJSCKJD ○ he’s intimate, passionate, lustful, literally everything wherever y’all are ○ he’s just head over heels for you tbh
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⚘ yunho
○ he doesn’t make out with you in public ○ but he’s always holding your hand, like… always… literally always… ○ he’ll kiss your cheek sometimes, but he keeps you close by holding your hand ○ he prefers to make out with you at home, soooo ;)) ○ if he’s feeling extra special or sees another guy looking at you he will make out with you just to be like ○ “i didn’t like the way that guy is looking at you” ○ and you’re just like, “you just wanna kiss me, admit it” 😭 ○ he’s also cautious with cameras because he just wants to protect you :’) ○ like hongjoong, definitely prefers private intimacy ○ boy is head over heels for you, but way more softer than seonghwa  ○ yunho can get a lil 🤪🤪 though LMFAOOO
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⚘ yeosang ○ he definitely prefers private intimacy  ○ he gets shy when there’s cameras capturing the love you too share with each other  ○ he’ll hold your hand in public, but honestly?  ○ that’s about it ○ he’s more of a private dude, so when you guys are alone he IS all up on you ( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ ) ○ when he gets jealous he might become a bit more touchy, but he kinda just pulls you away and tells you he’s uncomfortable ○ yeosang is really good at communicating his feelings with you especially  ○ he never finds himself in the position to feel threatened by other guys looking at you :’)
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⚘ san
○ he will kiss you, make out with you, hug you, hold your hand, EVERYTHING with you ○ however~~ ○ he makes sure you’re comfortable with it first, because even though he doesn’t care he wants you to know he cares about what you care about so he doesn’t do anything past your limits ○ depending on the situation he will get a little flustered kissing you (he still does it any ways) ○ he doesn’t usually get jealous but he does get protective around other guys because, “i know what those guys are thinking” ○ he just doesn’t want another man to steal you away from him :’(
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⚘ mingi
○ mingi cares but like does not care at the same time ○ even though mingi is a little cray cray he prefers making out with you off camera ○ like hongjoong and yunho he doesn’t go crazy in front of the cameras ○ mingi just wants to protect you in public and then completely destroy you in private 😫 ○ he does get jealous and he does not care to show it or not ○ sometimes he will be lowkey about it, but other times he’s making out with you, touching you, literally hands all over when he’s jealous ○ not because he feels threatened but just cause he wants to be like, “yeah y/n is mine” ○ asserting his dominance or wtv 🤪 ○ and then he gets embarrassed after doing that because the cameras were watching and he’s like, “well…” 
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⚘ wooyoung
○ like seonghwa and san he doesn’t care ○ boy is not even careful in front of the camera’s like … sir???? ○ popping up on dispatch couples weekly 😭 ○ new headline of y’all every week LMFAOO ○ wooyoung doesn’t get jealous either, literally never ○ sometimes he sees other guys looking at you and he’s just proud to have bagged you ○ wooyoung will literally get into your pants in public and not care
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⚘ jongho
○ typically jongho is private ○ but he does whatever he wants ○ very reserved in public and keeps in mind how other people around him feel ○ if he feels the moment is right he will kiss you but usually it’s just casual hand holding ○ cameras never get any scandalous pics of y’all because jongho is just very chill and lowkey in public ○ in private tho? that’s another story ○ jongho doesn’t get jealous either, like i said ○ BOY IS RESERVED AF ○ he might mention it back at home, but it doesn’t bother him 
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© 2022 junthusiast / neosexuals
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I'm on the final episode of Star Trek Next Gen
I feel like Deanna is kinda getting tired of Worf saying the word stimulating😂
Data's house is full of cats, whata mood😂
Riker is definitely not all good with Deanna dating Worf, and I find it completely hilarious that he's distracted by it
Hell yeah! It is!
Wait, Beverly is married to Picard? Huh.
Beverly's look at Jean-Luc when he also responded to the person saying Captain Picard 😂
Huh, they're divorced. Sounds about right 😂
"He's Jean-Luc Picard, and if he wants to go on one more mission, that's what we're going to do." The foreshadowing to Picard👀
The poor past Enterprise crew is so confused😂
It seriously took Picard that long to realize Q was involved? I figured that out as soon as the first people showed up in his vision.
"You're going to deny us travel through space?" Dude no, he's Q, he's probably gonna deny you the ability to exist
I was right! Ha!
Yeah Jean-Luc, you definitely have a much bigger problem than you realized.
Jean-Luc Picard,
The man who caused the annihilation of mankind.
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Role model indeed.
Q sees Picard as a pet💀 thank you Data 😂
There's no love lost between Worf and Admiral Rider, it would seeem🤔
Not gonna lie, I thought Word's ship slammed on the brakes abruptly when he jerked forward saying "Dor-sHo GHA!"😂
Aw, Beverly had Picard sit in the chair for old times sake😭
Poor past O'Brien, he's so confused
Oh my god, did they find old footage of Riker? Because it doesn't look like he's talking on a video call
"So, Captain, how long shall we stare at each other across the Neutral Zone?" The extraness of this dialogue delivery 😂
Makes me wonder how long they were staring at each other on video, or if the dude is referring to the ships
There is nothing there, future Picard, nothing. No need to yell.
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And undermine Beverly on her own ship!
Seriously though, the poor past Enterprise crew 😂
Oof, I do not envy Geordi right now
*deadpan* Oh no, a rupture in time. Whatever shall happen, I wonder? However will they survive?
Seriously tho, I would have such doubts about going on the Enterprise if this Picard was the Captain and being completely confusing.
Rip to Ensign Chilton
Goodness, that makeup Riker is wearing is quite something 👀
Ok, there is definitely some tension between Worf and Riker. Did something happen to Deanna and that's what's causing the tension? I wanna know!
Alyssa's baby, noooooo.😭
Why hello Q
Picard is the cause of the anomaly 👀
Truth be told, I thought that was where this was gonna go.
Oh shit, three identical time pulses 👀
Oh no
Okay, so the thing between Worf and Riker has been going for over 20 years🤔
Deanna's funeral? Shit, I didn't want to be correct that something happened to her
"I always thought that we would get together again. And then she was gone."😭 Meh heart💔
Picard, you do sound kinda cray
Good job Data! You understood what he was saying. Of course, when it comes from Data everything makes much more sense.
I would really prefer to transfer to another ship if I was on the Enterprise during this past Enterprise experience
The ship shaking makes me imagine the scene to the song Party Rockers
It worked! Yay!
The Continuum didn't believe in Jean-Luc Picard, but Q did, and sometimes that's all Picard needs
Q's out here giving so much good advice.
And it's back to when he interrupted Worf and Deanna's kiss!😂
That long look shared between Riker and Worf, you would think they were having a telepathic conversation 😂
Deanna!! She sat next to Will, and in my book that says something good😂
Picard joined them at the poker table ❤️
That ending scene, man. It was a sweet end to the TV series 😭😁
Now I gotta go find which movie to watch next
Overall, the show was good, and on a 0/10 scale, I'd rate it a solid 8.😁
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
Wait, wait, wait... what do you mean Shigiraki’s redemption is confirmed? Through meta’s or like that whole Deku thing with kid Shiggy? If so, that makes me relieved. Honestly, at times I’m so scared HK won’t give the villains redemptions, especially Dabi with the how HK portrays him being this psychotic individual who may be “to far gone.”
Oh boy
Okay first I’ll address Shigaraki’s redemption.
Is this
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and this
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and this
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and this
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not confirmation enough?? We’ve been shown time and time again that not only are we supposed to stop viewing Shigaraki as a villain who wants mindless destruction, we are supposed to look at him as somebody who has a very valid point, and somebody who desperately needs and WANTS help. I don’t know if people have been feeding you bad takes anon, but spit them out and ignore them lol. That panel of baby Midoriya and Shigaraki is important yes, but the entirety of chapter 305 should have been confirmation enough. Anybody who says Shigaraki is still doomed and never going to be saved is just in straight up denial. AND they’re big mad about it. Let them be. A lot of people I’ve seen who are anti-villain have had their predictions proven wrong time and time again. In fact, many swore up and down that Midoriya would never even want to save Shigaraki because of all the people he has hurt. And yet, look where we are.
Not only is chapter 305 important because it’s a huge turning point, in that it introduces a whole new challenge that wasn’t being explored by the main character/heroes before, it’s also important because Horikoshi literally announced the “final act” of the story in the immediate following chapter. I’m sorry but...you don’t just make a chapter like 305, say that story is getting ready to come to a close, and then back track and act like chapter 305 never happened. Chapter 305 preceded the final act, it’s what’s brought on Midoriya’s *shocking* choice of leaving UA and going all vigilante on us. I mean look, Horikoshi could definitely screw us and just stop the villains through killing and punishment, but that would basically be like giving us a big fat fuckin middle finger. It’d be cruel too, considering the types of villains he’s created and the morals of the story he’s been drilling into us since the beginning. “Not all people are created equal. And that’s a problem. Let’s fix that.” 
To end the story with “not all people are created equal, but this guy got super lucky and he’s going to make sure that he keeps the extremely damaging status quo in place” as an ending thought is just....it’s a bad look fam. Horikoshi ain’t gonna do it. So idk, I look at people’s takes that say Deku is going to realize that “not everybody can be saved” and kill Shigaraki and THAT’S how he’ll become the GREATEST HERO and all I can say is just 
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Don’t listen to them. 
Now look I’m not Horikoshi so I’m not gonna bet my life on Shigaraki’s redemption. But if Horikoshi decides to screw us then we’re all gonna suffer together, and I WILL bitch about it until I’m six feet under, so there’s that. 
Now Touya....dude. He’s not psychotic. And I myself have said time and time again that we as readers don’t get to decide when a character is “too far gone.” Touya is NOT acting without reason. He is not acting mindlessly. Is his mental health in the best state? Fucking no. It’s not. He tried to kill his father with every intention of dying in the process. He is not okay, that boy needs help. But that does not make him psychotic, or crazy, or “too far gone.” 
I personally don’t see how he has been portrayed as you describe him...like at all. Literally the entire story he has been quiet, calm, collected (on the outside), and he’s got mad self control, seeing as how he could have killed his dad in chapter 191 and been long dead by now having fulfilled his goal. But he waited and strategized. 
He could have killed his unconscious dad here, and chose to retreat. 
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He knows what he’s doing, and he isn’t doing it mindlessly. He’s not too far gone to bring back, to heal, and recover. And just because Hori drew him looking kinda cray, doesn’t mean he is. I love reading manga because the art and the text work together to tell the story. You don’t have to rely on just one of the other. He looks like he does during the war arc because his emotions are running at an all time high. He just revealed to his family who thought he was dead for ten years that he’s alive. It’s really not that hard to figure out. Touya’s words do not indicate he’s psychotic, they indicate he’s emotionally numb, and hurt, and angry. And we know his fire is affected by his emotions from the flashback chapters. 
Also, I think it’s also worth noting that Shoto doesn’t think he’s psychotic or “too far gone” either:
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So unless people think Shoto is psychotic as well, I mean....okay lol
SO. Yes, Shigaraki’s redemption is basically confirmed. If I’m wrong, oh well. I’ll be mad about it. But seriously, anybody who can read context clues and understand foreshadowing and think critically about the characters and their words and actions can see that this story is not going to end with punishment and despair, it’s going to end with optimism and hope. 
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steve0discusses · 3 years
Yugioh S5 Ep 21: Joey Takes A Snack at that Cray Sauce
Hey guys! The 17 yo cat with kidney disease I was out of town watching lived to see another week (she was a very good girl). Which means now I can get back to the good stuff. This episode is brought to you by the colors red and orange, and I hope you like this color, and I hope you like this after effects they CGId onto this volcano.
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Anyways, they first have to do this familiar ledge fall, because, it’s Yugioh, and if there’s a bunch of lava, Tristan wants
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And then Joey decides...hey you know what? I’m gonna jet. And...it’s not the first time he’s pulled a wild card and been unpredictable, I mean none of us can really forget that time he decided to get murdered by Mai instead of going in a straight line towards the end boss last season, but this time it was kind of funny how it was hastily composed.
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And off he goes, folks.
As he left, Tristan was like “Ya dummy!” and Tea was like “nono, we gotta encourage him--run Joey! You can do it! See? Now he’s gone.” and it’s like...Tea is either trying to kill Joey with her support or honestly thinks that’s good support and I can’t fully tell which she is.
(read more under the cut)
It’s at this point that Grandpa has the gall to say “Did any of you happen to catch the lore? I fell asleep during that part.” Just like my Dad when we watch any movie as a family.
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Meanwhile, maybe 100 ft away from them, Joey is in mortal peril but it’s Joey, so he’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it.
In fact, this episode seems like it would have been a better arc if it stretched out more episodes because the Joey neglect happens so quickly and out of nowhere that it’s...less organic than your average children’s show. Honestly it’s kind of funny how fast the fall of Joey Wheeler happens this episode. And I think it could have been a fun interesting time if it was handled better but youknow...it’s crammed into one single episode and you’ll se what happens.
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As Yugi ruminates a cool thing that would have been really interesting this season--like running into more rando’s from other periods of time than just Alexander--Tea looks across the lava highway and was like “found it.”
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Back at the dragon situation, Joey starts opening his heart to this dragon and it’s like...did they originally intend for Seto Kaiba to be here? Because I guess Joey uses Red Eyes a lot, but I also skip a lot of the card games, so when I think “who likes the dragon card?” Joey is not the first one I think of.
That and like he got over his Atlantis dragon card like hella fast, right? Like totally already over that?
And also if you thought Joey would pull out his other dragon to try and communicate or get a hold of this dragon like...nah.
Back at the fort, these guys decided to ditch Joey to get to this sword at the top of a volcano to solve the riddle, and what follows is some weird ass canon.
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As I’m pulling up my Google Doc with my deathcount on it, Tristan decides this is the time he won’t freakin die and turn into a robot monkey for 15 episodes.
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And he makes a huge ass green dragon. You’d think this MASSIVE dragon would do more in this episode, but nah. Although he pulls out Massive Dragon, it’s like kind of worthless, so he mostly puts it back in his pocket.
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And then Tea pulls this elf chick out and it’s freakin hilarious because look at her giant elf.
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Like Tea is not a small person! Are Yugioh monsters all 12 ft tall???
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Yugi is also all ham about fusing with his dude now. It knocked him out a couple episodes ago, but Yugi is so keen on destroying his body that he’s back in clown town. And like...took his Grandpa for a ride, I guess, although I’m pretty sure Summoned Skull has wings.
Course, Summoned Skulls insides are his outsides...and I dunno if you’d want Summoned Skull to give you a big hug and carry you around. Summoned Skull just seems like he’s sticky.
And, once they make it to the top of the volcano where the plot sword lives, we first have to visit this plot twist of the century.
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Aaaaaaand now Joey is going to try and kill everyone here. I did not skip anything, PS, Joey dipped off-screen.
PS, everyone’s reaction to “I will kill you!” was a whole lot of rolling their eyes at first being like “Joey, stawp.”
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So, now that Joey’s randomly possessed by this dragon, we get a peek into what Joey’s brain zone looks like. It’s a whole lot of nothing in between his ears.
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Consistent to S1 actually, when we had a bit of a Joey Brain Zone moment. It was a blank void there, too.
So apparently Joey decided, back when he was confessing his love to Red Eyes Black Dragon, that he would jump on it’s back to calm it down--and it just...fused with him. So...now he’s a dragon.
Sure, I guess. I mean...there’s really no limit on what a Duel monster can’t do, so I’ll allow it.
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The team tries to just say “ah screw it” and pull up this sword themselves (you can kind of see it in this shot) and the sword just slurps into the dirt even more out of spite. Seeing that there’s a bit of a time limit, Grandpa pulls this one out of his back pocket.
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Yo, Grandpa’s not even possessed. Hey, remember that time that Grandpa nearly died giving Arthur Hawkins the last of his water back in Egypt? Remember that?
Like uh, you can definitely tell this was made by a different team that may not have gotten that cue card. It may have been lost in the mail. Either way, kind of a hilarious heel turn on Grandpa’s personality here, although it does make logical sense to save most of the kids from sacrificing one kid. It’s just...that kid is Joey...so...that’s like his adopted Grandson, right?
So Yugi does something very on brand for Yugi and invades a brain.
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And like...obviously Yami and Yugi would say no to this. They would never do this. Not after all the dozens and dozens of times they have sacrificed the world and everything for their best friends.
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But...maybe just this one time we can kill Joey? As a treat?
So uh...Yami hella vaporizes Joey with his new powers. Luckily, Joey Wheeler has Shaggy Doo energy and just...he survives it for some reason. I don’t know why he isn’t dead, maybe because the dragon made him stronger? Eh, don’t do the math (on any part of this episode).
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So Joey gets up and is like “I know the answer to the riddle!” As the sword kinda melts into the volcano and Gramps is like “Well we’re dead, actually, so no one cares!”
And Joey’s like “Look!” and he hops onto the back of the Red Eyes Black dragon and reveals this random thing:
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Because it turns out, that the dragon was the real problem and not this volcano with a sword in it.
Which youknow...could have been cool if this episode wasn’t so many insane plot points so quickly. Kind of a lot of episode here. This episode could have been a whole season of a show.
Like how long was Joey Possessed by Marik in S2? Like 5 or 6 episodes? And you can see how much more successful it was at selling the story although it was a lot of the same themes and ideas. Pacing is important.
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And then Joey passes out from the suit juice.
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Which is when we get one more Alexander cameo, just kinda watching them leave and onto the next arc of their little journey.
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They sure did put a lot of eyeliner on Alexander the great, and, being real...he may have actually been wearing a hell ton of dope eyeliner when he was alive, so this could be historically accurate, for all we know. Those old marble statues used to be painted, after all. Maybe they had dope Yugioh eyeliner down to his cheekbones? One can wish.
And like if you ever get the time--seeing what those marble statues looked like with paint on it is so freakin goofy and fun, I love it. I love that for 600 years we thought those marble statues were supposed to be naked and white but it’s like, nah man--this guy’s just wearing a skin tight breast plate and when you paint it, it’s so garish it’s like a freakin clown outfit.
But anyway, that’s all for now! Hope y’all have a good weekend, and as always, here’s a link to read these in chrono order, if you just got here!
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discountskeppy · 2 years
HMMM radical centrist and or horseshoe Centrist maybe (sorry I like seeing peopme talk abot my faves i)
dont apologize i love these guys im cray over them
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual :smirk cat: no reason he just has. vibes.
Gender Headcanon: a guy for sure. could be trans, cis, whichever. perhaps a touch of nonbianryism for him as well... theres probably a centrism joke i could make here but i wont
A ship I have with said character: i think radcen and modlee is cute, and yknow it has potential to be very anguishing which i always appreciate in a ship. however i think any of the centrists put together could be cute. like i once saw radcen and horseshoe centrist. thats kinda cute
A BROTP I have with said character: all the centrists are real good friends i think! and i think with like, the climate of the series, how theyre in a whole war and stuff, it has a lot of like potential for fanstuff that i wish more ppl went into
A NOTP I have with said character: idk if id really have one? like the only characters ive ever seen him shipped with are the other centrists so. idk theres nothing i really dissagree with there
A random headcanon: his soul is extremely Tourtured and hes a broken man
General Opinion over said character: i REALLY like him. i wish the fandom did more with him cuz like with what the show gives us theres so much POTENTIAL like. this dudes brother is being possessed by fucking ayn rand dude
Sexuality Headcanon: well the way he sees it, theres no difference between someone being a man and someone being a woman! which is to say, bisexual. or pansexual? omni? all these terms augh.
Gender Headcanon: again, the way he sees it etc etc bigender.
A ship I have with said character: tbh... horseshoe and antirad LOL its very niche like i dont think ive seen anyone else ship this but. theyre dear to me ok. i like it mainly cuz the pirate and cowboy aesthetics but. theres some other made up bullshit in my head that makes me ship it. and again i think pretty much any centrist pair could be cute (maybe.... centrist polycule... no no the world isnt ready for such a thing...)
A BROTP I have with said character: again all the centrists r best friends ^_^
A NOTP I have with said character: n/a. i dont think ive seen any non centrist horseshoe ship. ive hardly even seen any horseshoe ships at all the world of centrist shipping is a barren wasteland
A random headcanon: uh. yeeeeeeeehawwww. i dont have any LOL srry... ill become crazy over him again and think of some dw
General Opinion over said character: luv him.... i love allthe centrists just so dearly ugh
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plsbyallmeans · 3 years
yuck, why am I doing this episode 2.
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NOT REALLY A SERIOUS Commentary. just for the lulz.
I was prohibited by Tumblr to comment further on my original post hence this huge ass post. HAHAHA.
I actually like ML's friend. HAHAHA.
Ewww so this is where Monica hurriedly went to her mom and told her that the President kissed her. She looks so thrilled and proud like as if Bill gave her a star or something. GIRL, I MEAN SERIOUSLY. HOW COULD YOU BE PROUD OF THAT?
She's really delusional. That's it.
Clive Owen is so funny. LMAO.
Awww where Bill hugged Hillary and Chelsea but lmao this is so uncomfortable. Everyone looks like shit.
Dang girl she really likes beret. LMAO.
Ewww so this is where she is pictured giving Bill a kiss on the cheek on the ground of White House. LMAO. Clive is so funny. So awkward. lmao. Seriously the hilarity of this series. LMAO I THOUGHT MONICA WILL BE KISSING BILL'S JACKET. LIKE GADDAMN THE GIRL IS SO THIRSTY.
Girl is so damn cray cray.
oh yikes, so this is where Monica said it's the President. lmao. She finally told Linda that it's the President and of course. of course, Linda got crazy because she could see all the $$ $ $$ $ $ $ $
Oh she's now recounting when it first happened.
She's really obsessed with him. lmao. Oh hahahaha she literally showed her thong. HAHAHAHAHA. I laughed more than necessary on the thong scene. Bananas.
Here's the Pizza scene. I know where this is going. What's with the slowmo? This is sickening. LMAO.
Eww, these two. hahaha.
It gets lonesome some days - Bill Clinton
LMAO these two. fudge.
Ewww, Bill is flirting.
Shucks. This two is crazy and even nuts. Oh they literally skipped the part where Bill asked for permission. Actually, the kiss is solid. lmao. crazy
"We secretly plan to run to each other."
Yes damn down to 35 minutes.
HAHAHA. Girl, you are naive. Wow, this girl fell hard. Girl, your ass is going to fall hard on the concrete after your confession to Linda. Watch ya back.
Linda is so crazy.
They really characterized Bill as someone who would take advantage of the women working in the White House. LIKE DUDE. U OK? I mean it's being insinuated.
#Isurvivedthegrosskiss2021 #Isurvivedthiscrazyseries2021
Girl you trapped.
he ain't calling you because he's having seks with Hillary. ya dammit.
lmao, Bill you crazy shit. But I still you. Like you and your troubled soul.
"I missed your voice" BWAHAHAHA! BILL YOU OAF.
These people are fat because they like microwaving stuff. Don't people have like a stove or something?
"I have a gift monica," - Linda. Yes, Linda, you have a gift. A gift fit for a witch. wtf. you monster.
Yes, 29 minutes left!!!!!
They really have an ugly setting. ugly background. boring. boring.
dull. wtf. don't they have funds?
Everyone is so ugly. WTF. That's why this series is not getting views (besides its boring plot).
That and it's still fucking dark.
Seriously, I know that back in the '90s are not yet modern with makeup, dang girl, everyone looks ugly. I mean, I'm not that beautiful but come on I expected something.
Ann is really horrible.
Awww, Cobie. I still love you. <3
See everyone is really crazy about Bill's eggplant.
"THE GOAL IS TO EMBARRASS HIM" - YEAH SIR you got that right.
I can't wait for this series to end. <3 <3
oh, they really want ya Bill to get impeached.
22 minutes before it ends, come one. end now. this is so boring. no wonder this couldn't pull viewers.
will they show Bill and Hillary kissing because I am more interested in that?
WAT. Can I fast forward? This is so boring.
Wow ya girl is persistent. Wants to be the one to send the gift and she wants to get back in the white house.
"SHE'S A GOOD KID" - like what the fuck. lmao.
Oh here's the blue dress. YAY. Monica keeping it as a souvenir. HAHAHAHA. I still cannot.
"It's just Hillary" - like girl, u ok? that's Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton for you, Linda.
lmao - hahahaha Bill is hinting to Monica that she's being a weird-ass stalker. lmao.
LMAO LINDA USED AN EXCEL TO DO A TIMELINE FOR MONICA AND BILL'S "MOMENTS". girl, I would also do the same. Like how I do my fanfics.
Let's just get it done and over with. GIVE ME EDIE - I want to see cold robotic Hillary Clinton.
I miss HILLARY huhu. love you girl.
HAHAHAHAHA! Actually bill and Hillary dancing together smiling kinda gets it. I mean it lacks the sweetness but it's kinda there.
you know I kinda understand why Sarah Paulson hated taking this role. Linda is just a monster.
lmao Paula Jones got a glow-up in her interview.
I think everyone's ugly because of everyone's nose. They all look huge. WTF.
Just give me Cold Show Hillary pls. I am so tired.
Bill's playing solitaire is gold.
aww I miss Bill and Hillary. <3
LMAO "TESTING 1 2 3" - I imagine Bill doing this.
EWwww here comes creepy Monica giving Bill a creepy dreamy stare. ewwww. ewww. ewww.
Yay down to 7 minutes!!!!!
"Boy I miss that smile" - Bill Clinton - eewww, Bill. Like u ok? hahahaha. I laughed.
Wait what did he gave her? i thought it's a wand. like a harry potter wand.Fucking studio light. I cannot see everything.
Oh, it's a hat pin! I thought it's a pen.
oh, here's the leaves of weeds book.
Bill should have given Monica a bible.
6 more minutes! I am done!
These monkeys. Hurry the fuck up.
I really miss the Clintons. lmao.
"We have to be really careful." - Bill Clinton ; eeewww, yuck
oh they kissed twice in this show. Ewww. this two. gaak.
Overall comment:
they really depicted it as what it is: Monica is crazy about Bill. She teased him. They had consensual affair.
Monica pinned hard for Bill, he didn't return the fondness.
Monica had a mistake trusting Linda.
She was trapped by people who have a selfish interests.
I think Monica wanted to make herself innocent by making it appear that she is just someone who fell in love with the wrong person and who trusted the wrong friend.
The way they portrayed the whole thing is really consensual. But they made Bill really look predatory.
The lighting is really so bad. lmao. Their makeup is kinda bad. It's still boring
Nothing new that we don't know of.
I actually don't hate Bill after watching this. LMAO. I actually missed them! bwahahaha. I miss seeing Bill and Hillary. Maybe I would read some fics and watch their past interviews.
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zachsgamejournal · 3 years
PLAYING: Breath of Fire IV
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I think we’re closing in on the end. But in good ole BoF fashion, the last leg is taking the longest. Also, Nina is totally the main character of this game.
I’ve only ever beaten BoF 3, 4, and 5--though I’ve played 1 & 2. It’s a constant that Ryu is the main character, and that Ryu is the player. Ryu is never (to rarely) given dialog because the player is meant to imagine the voice of Ryu. And while this definitely works for BoF 3 and 5, Nina is clearly the main character in 4.
1. We Start the Game as Nina
In both BoF 3 and 5, we start the game as Ryu, and that’s basically where we stay for the whole adventure (occasionally controlling other characters). BoF 4 has us start with Nina. It’s a simple distinction, but sets up my next point.
2. Nina Makes All the Decisions
My screenwriting professor said the main character makes the decisions that drive the story. In this sense, Ryu is extremely passive. He’s mostly just along for the ride. It’s Nina that offers to help him, Nina that decides he should tag along, and it’s Nina’s quest he joins. Later, Nina decides to rescue Cray. Nina goes to her father for help. Nina asks the gods for assistance. Nina insists they save Ryu. Nina encourages Dies not to abandon Ershin. Nina insists on the helping that furry...thing. All the while, Ryu is just like, “...sure.”
I vaguely know how the game will end, so we’ll see if this all holds up.
3. It’s Nina’s Quest
The game starts with Nina and Cray on a mission to find/rescue her sister. While Ryu is integral to the plot, he doesn’t have a lot of skin in the game. Nina is also royalty, and this game has some Games of Thronesian politics going on. While Ryu’s actions carry little weight beyond the act itself, everything Nina does has the ability to affect policy and international relationships. We see this when the Empire pressures the Alliance to cede territory post Nina’s rescue op failure.
Also, Nina just told Ryu that she loved Cray. Ryu isn’t even the love interest in this game.
I’m actually really happy that Nina is the star. Female characters aren’t normally given the respect they deserve. Maybe instead of Breath of Fire, they should have called this “Wings of Destiny”...cause Nina has wings.
Back to the Plot
So, Ryu went super-Dragon and killed some imperials. The gods have offered to help Ryu, (as long as he plays hide and seek first), and Fou-Lu has escaped the village in which he had started to feel at home.
Nina and the team discuss things and decide that if it’s Ryu’s destiny to meet up Fou-Lu, they might as well confront him proactively. They seem to be under the impression that the empire is using Fou-Lu gain power (if they only knew).
Ursala is the Imperial captain that captured us, but now she’s our captive. The team asks her to help them get into the Empire. She’s confused. It was her mission to bring the dragon to the Empire, so this kind of works out...She agrees and is now a playable party member.
I like her.
Heading back to the warp gate, we learn that it’s broken because of our previous activities (and because we were attacked by Captain Jackass). Ursala tries to make us feel bad, but she works for an evil Empire--so jog-on. We have to head north and need a sandflier but don’t have the cash. This is comical, cause I put in a cheat for infinite Zenny way back when...
We’re supposed to ask a merchant sandflier for help, but we’re too late. Ursala immediately jumps to action and without a word, Scias follows her lead. They take the merchant ship like a band of pirates and it turns out to be a French-accented froggy friend from before that sexually harassed Nina, Marlok. He tries to make use feel guilty, which works on Nina and Cray--but the rest of us know he’s a POS. He offers us a bond to buy a ship, expecting that we’ll do great things and thus able to cash in on our success.
We get to a checkpoint, but it’s blocked. Ursala wants to fight the guards, but Nina is against it. We do the non-violent solution of trampolining over the wall. We get to a ship yard...I only now realized in the game that the oceans aren’t water--but mud. weird...where’s all the water? So the only seas are up north.
The captain doesn’t want us on without the blessing of the sea god. We got to coastal cave and find the Sea Dragon there...I think. We get his blessing and are good to go. The captain now doesn’t want women on board. The women insist that they are tough and have been through a lot. The muscle the dude we keep fighting shows up, and it’s implied that his defeat would prove we’re tough. Ursala shoots him and falls off the mass of the ship. So  a new test of courage is needed. Ursala and Nina must stay within the hull of the ship over night with ghosts and bugs. They succeed.
As we travel across the sea, we fight muscle dude again (he was much stronger this time). And then the wind stops. The sailors think this area is haunted, maybe by a god. We go check it out. The dungeon is interesting, but frustrating. You have to walk across planks to get to the other side, but the planks break and drop you down into the hull. There’s a light over your head to warn you when you’re about to fall, but I still fell a lot. In the hull, as you walk, skulls that are spread about rattle and vibrate: it’s eerie and entertaining. Eventually we find a rock creature that thinks of itself as a god, but it’s just a rock powered by god-power. So we kill it.
No remorse.
The wind returns and we make it across the sea. After traveling through a jungle, we meet a furry thing. I feed it some food and it seems happy...I think. At the end of the jungle we find a treehouse and are attacked by more furries. The previously furry comes to our defense and we meet Beyd. He has married one of the furries and maybe these are his children? Cray had my reaction and was like, “Well...uh, anyway--how do we get to the empire?”
One of the furries gets sick and Nina vows to save it (cause she’s the main character!). This brings us to an interesting, but not super fun mini game. We get to sail the boat, but you have limited supplies. Every second you’re on the seas, the supplies get used, but they’re used faster if you row. Rowing is necessary because the wind doesn’t always blog in the direction you need. So you have to decide whether to burn supplies by rowing, or wait for the wind to change directions. There’s places to find and treasure to discover. It is, kinda fun...
While we’re out here collecting medicine on the high seas, I also find the sea god: SCORE!
We save the furry and are guided to some islands that are available to walk across when the tide is low. So we venture a cross some tropical keys. It’s pretty. The group gets tired and Nina insists on taking a break: cause she’s the main character. After our rest, the tide has risen and the group is trapped. Cray is pissed and Nina feels responsible.
This is an interesting part of the game cause the group has to survive on an island and reflect on their mission. Ursala warns it could be months or years before the tide recedes. Chill Ursala. The group explores the island and finds both water and and great fishing spot. We’re gonna be fine. Just delayed.
Scias likes the island, as he just sleeps all day. After a while, Cray chills out and apologizes for his temper. While Ryu is casting a line, Nina reveals that she’s in love with Cray, causing Ryu to trip. Nina reflects on her feelings, unsure if they’re true and doubtful that Cray feels the same.
The tide recedes and the team escapes. We come to a riverlands that requires some log riding and log dodging. It’s cute, but I want to get out of here...
Fou-Lu, after escaping the village, receives a direct hit from the hex canon. They apparently used the friendly lady that help Fou-Lu as a “sacrifice” to power the canon. EVIL! Fou-Lu survives and arrives at the capital. He meets statue guardian that recognizes him as the first emperor. Fou-Lu orders the guardian to destroy the imperial city. Fou-Lu is pissed, and just doesn’t seem to think humans are worth it...
As the guardian destroys the city, Fou-Lu cleans up loose ends, finally killing the general that ambushed him on the night of his awakening, and then killing the current emperor. The Emperor first tries to act subservient to Fou-Lu, but then stabs him with the “dragon slayer” sword. It doesn’t work and Fou-Lu laughs in his face.
Similar to Breath of Fire 3, the game has reached a point where it doesn’t have more story to tell, but wants to add hours. So there’s tons of little quests and obstacles that have little to do with the overall plot. It’s sad, because the minigames and mini-nations they’ve created are really interesting.
I tried to think back to how Final Fantasy 7 handled this. I think, for the most part, the game doesn’t make its endgame clear until much later. Most of the game is, “What should we do now?” So I don’t feel there’s as much a “rush” to get to the end. Also, much of the game is about tracking Sephiroth, so you’re really looking for clues as you find obstacles, vs having an end destination and just running into a million reasons why you can’t get to it. You feel out of control and inconvenienced. But these obstacles would make really interesting and fun side quests. Having them as options would absolutely make them more interesting.
Another thing that Final Fantasy 7 really succeeds at is making each new area a new piece of the puzzle. You’re always learning history about the world or a character. So while it might be a brief obstacle, it’s also an interesting deeper dive into the world. Breath of Fire’s diversions don’t feel as enlightening.
Still, BoF4′s diversions still feel like progress cause we inch closer to the goal...it’s just that we’re not getting much character or world development in the process.
I do prefer the combat over BoF3 (and many RPGs). I like that the other characters are always on-call in the battle, and it’s easy to switch out (more so than Final Fantasy X -- how I remember it anyway). I’ve done zero grinding, and I’m pretty proud that I’ve survived so far. After crossing the sea, it seemed like the enemies were getting ahead of me, but I got better at using the spell combos (which are cool!). So surviving a few battles usually meant getting a few levels up. When I first played the game, i was cool with grinding, but I’m glad I don’t have to now. The only thing that is cheating: I gave myself 99999+ zenny. So I’m able to stock up on healing supplies. Though it helps, I’m sure a few hours of grinding would have me being just as well stock on healing supplies.
Is it better than Breath of Fire 3?
I’m a little torn. Breath of Fire 4 is “epic”. There are multiple nations that have a strong sense of culture and history. The mythology around the dragons is of the galactic scale. World War is in the balance and my party includes two members of royalty and two semi-gods. The world feels huge even if the story is pretty linear.
In contrast, Breath of Fire 3 had three nations--that I could tell: Wyndia, Eastern Kingdom, and across the sea. Strangely, Wyndia had gangster cities, gangster markets, and amoral lab that was accidentally making mutants. While eastern kingdom seemed pretty chill and peaceful--but lacked a ruling entity. Hmmm...
Where Breath of Fire 3 feels “better” is that it feels more personal. The story starts small: a lost dragon-boy found my starving thieves. We live in a small town and solve small-town issues. This slowly grows to include local gangsters, a kingdom, and a dragon holocaust before we battle God. I like Breath of Fire 4′s characters, but I feel like I have a stronger bond with BoF3′s. Also, I felt like BoF3 tried to explore the grey area: killing monsters that had feelings. I felt emotionally challenged in the different scenarios. Whereas, BoF4 is always: “We’re the good guys, and we do the good things!”
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