#hes like my fav brawler
mrmosseater · 5 months
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my magnum opus gray art
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averys-happy-space · 5 months
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putting this here more for myself than anything. i wanna be able to look back at it in a year and see how its changed. explanations for each section under the cut
ship i loved at first sight: tara x piper. i don't know what the ship name is. taper? pira? pira seems nicer lol. anyway, tara used to be my favourite brawler (and is still up there in my top 5) and i think the first time i saw tara x piper fanart was on reddit. it was by Xpyray and i swear to god ive never fallen in love with a ship faster. their art is so fucking good and they dont rlly draw brawl stuff anymore but i still follow them cuz their art is so so so pretty (please go follow them if youre reading this). anyway so yeah thats how tara x piper became my fav ship.
ships i initially didn't like: rico x piper, shelly x colt imma be fr at the start i didn't really Get these ships. but after watching some of the official animations and learning more of the lore, i started to appreciate these ships more. i don't love them or anything but they can be cute
ships i don't like anymore: sandy x nita, leon x jessie, sandy x leon there is no real reason for this other than the fact that i simply stopped liking them as i grew up. as i was making this i realised that when i was younger i used to like the ships with the kids/teens more, but now i'm 17 and i'm just not interested in them anymore. i guess thats what happens when you grow up lol. these ships are still cute, but i just don't engage with them anymore
favourite popular ships: mandy x chester, fang x buster so a bit of background, i actually quit brawl stars for a while, i think after the gale brawl pass. i dont really remember why, but its probably because i just got bored of the game lol. i think that also played into why i'm no longer interested in the same ships as before. anyway, i came back this year during the bizarre circus brawl pass and accidentally fell in love with these two ships. honestly, i'm not even entirely sure why i fell in love with these two ships in particular. chester definitely caught my eye when i came back to the game because a) i love clowns b) i love a good troll c) i love the random XD energy chester has and d) he has super interesting & fun game mechanics. i have no interest in mandy really but then i saw One suggestive mandy x chester fanart that went hard af and suddenly i was on board lmao. on the other hand fang and buster were two characters that i took some time to fall in love with, but now they're my favourites lol it's so strange. i really don't know how it happened.
favourite rarepair: amber x maisie i was looking at a diagram of all the trios so far because i was brainstorming ideas for who to include in a fanfic and as i was looking at it, suddenly it Clicked in my mind that amber x maisie would go hard af. like think about it. overconfident fire entertainer who gets so swept up in performances that she forgets about safety x safety coordinator with a fire extinguisher for an arm who secretly likes being in dangerous situations? come on!!!! im surprised more people havent thought of this pairing cuz as soon as it clicked for me it seemed like such an obvious pairing to do. but then again they've never interacted in any animation/promo material/etc so i guess it's not a pair people would just think of without prompting. but it's so fucking good!!!! more people need to get in on this ship.
controversial ship: none here's the thing. i don't know any controversial ships that i can see myself shipping. the most controversial one i know is probably edgar x colette but i see them as siblings so i don't ship it nor do i engage with fanart of them. edgar and colette ships in general are probably controversial seeing as both of them don't have canon ages and it's vague enough that people are always talking about whether they're adults or minors. but i personally see both of them as older teens so i don't ship them with anyone. (to me, they're too old to hang out with the kid brawlers but also too young to hang out with the adult brawlers. it's weird because there's no other brawlers where i see them as teens, so in my mind edgar and colette both have 0 shipping potential)
ships i want to become canon the most: amber x maisie, fang x buster they're my current favourite ships. what else to say.
comfort ship: fang x buster i think about them All the Fucking Time. lowkey i started to project on fang a bit just cuz i like him so much. i don't even know why or how i started liking him this much but he's my favourite brawler now and it's horrible. i think the seal in the coffin was @/giveittomegay's fanart of them. THEY'RE SO FUCKING CUTE. like omfg. confident, charismatic chinese immigrant who just arrived at starr park x introverted insecure white guy who doesn't know how to approach others. slowburn where they become closer through working at the cinema and buster realises he's fallen in love basically immediately but fang hasn't realised his own sexuality (has had crushes on girls before so always assumed he was straight) and doesn't realise he's in love with buster until maisie straight up tells him. fang's confidence means he jokingly flirts with buster all the time because he thinks it's funny to tease the guy and make him flustered but doesn't realise buster gets flustered because he likes fang. fang is fucking stupid. also, i think using fang x shelly here as a conflict plot point would be so good. like, fang seeing a pretty girl and approaching her, flirting with her, etc. i like to think fang is dense as fuck and would genuinely believe he's in love with shelly despite buster occupying 90% of his thoughts because his thought process would be something along the lines of "oh, i just think about him a lot cuz he's my best friend, i'm sure this is all regular, normal bff things". and buster just fucking dying inside but not saying anything because he thinks it's none of his business and he shouldn't interfere in fang's love life. MAISIE WATCHING ALL THIS HAPPEN AND WANTING TO MURDER BOTH OF THEM FOR BEING SO DENSE. like ohhhhhh my god there is so much potential here it's fucking insane. side note: fang doesn't have anything against gay people. i like to think maisie x amber comes way before fang x buster, so fang knows gay people exist and like he is perfectly fine and comfortable being around them, he's just so stupidly dense that he doesn't realise HE is gay (or more specifically bi). he also assumes buster is straight because default sexuality and whenever fang makes jokes based on this assumption buster never corrects him. because buster is a pussy. god. i want to write this fanfic so bad but i'm so fucking bad at writing dialogue it's insane.
ships that deserve more attention: amber x maisie, brock x bibi, barley x bull, max x janet LET ME COOK HERE OKAY. amber x maisie i already explained above. brock x bibi (i call them bibrock) is because it's noted in bibi's bio that she's secretly a huge nerd and i think it would be super cute for her to have a bf who she can indulge in nerdy and geeky shit with. to me they're both massive comic book fans who become close by playing all the superhero video games together before branching out to other games. they're console gamers btw and they get SUPER competitive whenever they're playing against each other. but they also do play coop games where they work together. usually brock is the one who does a lot of theorycrafting and tries to minmax his grind so he can get all the resources in the most optimal and time efficient way possible, whereas bibi prefers just going into fights and wrecking havoc lol. barley x bull is because they're both restaurant owners/servers (barley has his bar, bull has his diner) and i think they would bond over shitty customers and interesting food/drink recipes. they're both also familiar with having fights break out in their establishment and are fully capable of shutting fights down, even if it means getting their hands dirty. they think they're on opposite ends of the spectrum but they're actually more similar than they realise. for sure a very slowburn romance (especially because i think bull would be denial about liking a fucking robot lmfao) max x janet is because they're both celebrity entertainers. yeah, that's it. no but seriously i see max as someone who puts up an outgoing persona in public and is generally a very hyper, high energy person but at the same time, she tends to keep people at a distance because she's scared of intimacy. before janet, her closest friends are surge and meg. surge kind of Knows something is up with her because every time he tried to ask about her past she clammed up and gave noncommittal responses. he worries about her but doesn't know what to do about it so he just tries to make her happy in the present. meg is a kid so she doesn't realise anything is wrong lol. hanging out with meg and surge makes max happy and she considers them family, but she still has a wall up around her true self. janet is the one who is finally able to help max come out of her shell and address her past trauma. it also helps that max thinks janet is very pretty and desperately wants to kiss her. this is canon btw don't question me.
first otp: tara x piper | current otp: fang x buster i basically said all i have to say about these ships so yeah. that's it.
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manikas-whims · 3 years
Things my brother said whilst watching Shadow and Bone:
*he's never read the books, only tolerated me rambling about SoC Duology and a bit about Darkling here and there
First Impressions
About first scene with Mal & Alina: lemme guess..childhood friends to lovers?
About that scene of Kaz stopping Jesper at the table: Ohh this is the Kaz guy you keep talking about. I like his cane and hair. I love canes!
When Inej shows up: major assassins creed vibes, is she an assassin or just an informant?
4 episodes in..
About Kaz: are they saving him for later seasons? cause he'll outshine the lead female?
About Matthias and Nina: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) i spot enemies to lovers..
Meanwhile me: you have no idea, its all just pain 〒_〒
About the scene with Inej handing her knives to Kaz: Dono mein bahot yaarana hai ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
meaning: these two are too buddy-buddy
Also about Darkling: No! Evil man! You were doing so amazing! Don't get pussy-whipped!
About Kaz: what happened to that amazing hairstyle!?
About Arken: ye bhot bada waala h
meaning: he's a big one, like the cunning evil
About Jesper: show-stealer! He's my fav crow!
About Inej: Yes! She's assassin! Her short height is advantageous too!
About Mal: i thought he's the Chad but he's Pro-Chad XD
About Fivan/Heartrender Husbands: i like what i'm seeing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
About Kaz: Ahhh Kaz Brekker, the biggest self-cockblock! XD
After finishing..
• Honestly, Fedyor and that meanie, plus David x Genya needed more screen time
• I like this guy Kaz. He walked and ran the most in the show.
• Jesper is amazing.
• Nina and Matthias could make room on that small raft but Rose couldn't do it for Jack!?
• Waffles!
• Alina is a dork.
• Darkling's Kefta was amazing.
• Inej is best female character in the show.
• Matthias was good. Liked Helnik ♥
• Kanej handholding when???
• and my fav one..
Bro: I can't believe I liked Mal.
Me: that means the show writers did well on rewriting his character
Bro: no no! good as in he's a good brawler. Mal should join the Dregs gang!
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coffee-in-veins · 2 years
Hi hi, I noticed I didn't have a rant post about DD2 Dismas, I just vaguely complained about it in tags of two different posts lol Another person asked about it too, so I'm writing a post about it. Might take a while to finish it though, cause I need to adjust my tone as to not sound too sour about it! Just wanted to send you this so you don't think I'm ignoring your ask! Also, *thank you* for disagreeing with Buffmas, he's supposed to be a swift rogue, not a brawler.
thank you, it's so sweet of you to let me know about this :}
and oh, please, do be sour about it! i loved your takes on neckerchief and the "sleeve bandana", those were amazing reads. scorch our eyes with the bitter righteousness! let the fiends of improper wording scatter and burn in our hyperfixated overindulgence in the lore of those fictional characters >:}
if you want to, of course.
to be frank, i want to go on a personal rant about DD2 and what feels like a very specific treatment of Dismas. idk, maybe it's my paranoia, but even to my fangirling eyes, he got too pretty as well? younger, taller, muscular, less scarred...
i don't want to assume anything but i can't be the only one who feels like it's an approach taken because he's fav character of one of the founders? and they saw an opportunity to make him "so cool and handsome and dazzling can't you see it guys!?" and ran with it...?
would anyone be interested in this rant even, i wonder, heh
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marukrawler · 3 years
bakugan battle brawlers liveblogging episode 40
- for whom do the bells toll
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- oh snap we’re in russia i think
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- OHHH alice has an aunt. . .wild
- idk the idea of alice w relatives outside of her grandfather is lmaoo p unreal
- ok but why have ur niece sleep in a barren attic 🤨 maybe this is why alice doesn’t visit yall
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- surprisingly cheery all things considered. woww
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- yeah i was gonna say those houses looked v european but idk russia like that so i didn’t want to assume it wasn’t russia lmaoo
- so ig this is how she eventually meets klaus (let👏 klaus👏 speak👏 german👏 pls)
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- ok so her parents are dead
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- alice staring in awe at the 2d pigeons
- when did we get the budget for those
- im surprised the weather is so calm in germany. . .i thought the world was ending EVERYWHERE
- woww even the mention of bakugan sets her off. makes sense since repressing traumatic memories can only do so much.
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- ow????
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- time to rob klaus
- WAIT isn’t this going to be super special awkward since masquerade beat klaus and sent his wife to the shadow realm
- well time to deliver the finishing blow by stealing all his riches uwu
- literally no security in that castle either, he’s asking to get robbed
- oh wait i thought this loser was talking to himself askadsdjsdkj I COMPLETELY FORGOT EVERYONE GOT THEIR BAKUGAN BACK
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- if we can ship spectragus w the master/minion dynamic then why not ig
- love how klaus and alice both are like ‘ahh the world is so beautiful and peaceful’ whY IS GERMANY SOMEHOW EXEMPT FROM NAGA’S GLOBAL WARMING????
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- oh wait im a dumbass, i was like ‘why does the water look like that’ bUT ITS ICE
- ohh they don’t know that dan and co. got all the bakugan sent back from the doom dimension
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- thanks bro
- alice: i’ve committed so many sins, there’s no way i can remedy all of it. i should never be involved w bakugan ever again
klaus about to propose a battle: inch.resting
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- alice put on ur burglar’s mask and rob this man
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- ah that’s why there are no guards. the clap of their ass cheeks would’ve fucked this whole place up
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- wait. is this allowed.
- love how alice’ gate card is multicolored bc she’s not fighting using just ONE attribute
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- *points* is he allowed to combine dan and sellon’s fav words like that
- wait. klaus’ gate card was blue but he’s using haos el condor and now and pyrus knight??? WHATS GOING ON
- why is peacemaker a thing. how does it help anyone
- this dude is really forcing alice to fight against her will in order to earn his forgiveness. we hate to see it
- he’s even laughing during the commercial break screen, why is he an antagonist again all of a sudden lmao
- can alice tell that her eyes can see power lvls or does she assume everyone can do that lmao
- shun we’ve found someone who knows how to prolong a fight better than you
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- oh damn its almost like she doesn’t uhhhh wanna do this
- i wonder, is it possible for someone to leave the field mid-battle
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- omg shut up
- its one thing to battle in a cowardly way but you’re literally fighting someone who clutches her head at the mention of masquerade and CLEARLY is showing she doesn’t want to do this
- idk how else alice is going to get over this besides uhh lots of therapy and space away from bakugan as a whole but clearly that’s not going to happen
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- don’t talk about klaus’ feelings like we care about his story. bc we don’t
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- ohh i noticed she hasn’t used her darkus bakugan yet
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- shut uuuuuuuppppp
- ig there’s a point to be that since alice knows everything about bakugan, it would be foolish of her to give it up when the world needs her the most or smth like that BUT YOU CAN SAY THAT TO HER YOU KNOW??
- also whoa, the way darkus centipede just starting. glowing with minus energy??? is that saying that alice/masq has that effect on darkus bakugan specifically???
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- klaus saying that its not right for alice to give up on the fight bc centipede still believes and fights for alice even tho its about to lose. . .ok that’s nice and all but what about THE BIGGER PICTURE??? this battle is kinda significant I GUESS but how about weaving in some long term stuff??? some fate of the world stuff???
- i hope alice isn’t JUST getting serious bc her kawai centipede is about to lose, in a battle she never asked to partake in.
- the field opened a screen so they could conveniently see dan and co. jump into the hole in the ocean 😂😭
- not alice using oregano murder to turn the battle around
- if she somehow whoops klaus’ ass w only CENTIPEDE, im. gonna be mighty happy bout it
- bruh klaus was lucky alice didn’t have hydranoid with her. a basic centipede can only do sm 😔👌 he did his best tho
- there’s no way in hell im crediting alice’ recovery to klaus, his approach BLOWS. SHE DID THAT BC SHE SAW HER FRIENDS WORKING HARD TO SAVE THE WORLD
- but ig his dumb little spiel about the attribute circle needing to be complete or whatever isn’t totally. bogus.
- but um. how is this going to stop masquerade from taking over whenever he wants?? except. i’d say he’s p much done w that at this point, isn’t he?? lucky for alice, all those sweet abilities are free real estate now
- there was no need for this dude to turn off the lights like that, i just realized it.
- ig this was alice finding her own identity??? as a battle brawler?? idk
- this battle also made me realize that um. there’s nothing stopping you from using 3 different attributes and switching them up in every battle and abusing tf out of the attribute correlation chart. why aren’t more people. doing that.
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brocks-shades · 3 years
We have incredibly similar feelings on Stu- what are your HCs for the funky guy?? :]]
((fellow stu enthusiasts..? ( /j idk what that word even meansss-)))
ok since this is my second ask abt this ill share a bit more abt he!! the boi <3
- He has been on countless trips to Pam's scrapyard before since he constantly gets hurt, so they kind of became friends
- Jessie also helps her mother a lot, and both of them have always wondered about his eye,,, i mean, why is it blue?? They tried to fix it but.. it seems its not that way because of an error
- On the topic of his eye, it hasnt always been that way but... Stu honestly doesnt remember his eye being the 'normal' yellow
- Its no secret its like that because hes,, yk? a bit depressed, but lately hes been getting better!!
- His friends help him find some healthy coping mechanisms and hes changing a bit how his stunts ahow goes!! He gets hurt way less now
- His favorite hobby is dancing!! He thinks its fun and likes doing twirls :)
- This one is kind of random but- I feel like hed like picnics, idk just let him enjoy bein with his friends laying on a blanked and having fun, he deserves it
- He was actually surprised when the other brawlers didnt get mad or make fun of him for his voice glitches. Theyre really patient with him and let him take his time to speak ^^
- Since he hangs out with Rosa and Sprout a lot he knows his fair share about plants, and his fav flowers are orange lilies!! :>
- Also!! He hangs out with Max and Surge when they arent busy, and they like running together a lot
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sailorfailures · 5 years
October 22nd is Minako Aino/Sailor Venus’s birthday!
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So how can you celebrate?
♀ Rewatch or reread your favourite Venus-centric chapter, episode, or musical! She might’ve been the last of the Sailor Team to be introduced, but she was actually the first Sailor Soldier ever - Sailor V. Prominent 90s anime episodes include episode 036, one of the earliest Venus-centric episodes, where she take Usagi out for a haircut to cheer her up; episode 042, where we finally learn of Minako’s (anime-canon) past working in London as Sailor V with her mentor, Katarina; episode 078, where the rest of the Sailor Team falls ill with a mysterious flu and it’s up to Minako to “help” nurse them to health; episode 100, where an old unrequited flame gets Minako rethinking her life goals and considers quitting her duty as a Sailor Soldier; episode 114, where Minako gets a shot at becoming a real idol, but has to compete with the villain Mimete; episode 141, where Minako goes on two dates at the same time and reaps the reward of her own hubris; and episodes 175 and 192, where Minako gets even closer to realising her idol dreams with some industry experience.
Did you know Minako has her very own manga series? In fact, it was written before the Sailor Moon manga even existed! Codename: Sailor V is much shorter, more comedic, and action-oriented than PGSM, and elaborates not only on Minako’s character and role before meeting the other Guardians but also the history of the Silver Millennium and the Dark Kingdom. If you were disappointed with Minako’s under-utilised role in the 90s anime, now is the perfect time to give the 2003 live-action a shot, where she has a much more prominent and plot-heavy role.
♀ Sailor Venus has several official image songs across different canons you can play for her big day, particularly in the live action, where she is a professional idol:
90s anime: Anata no Yume wo Mita Wa [“I’ve Seen Your Dream”]; Setsunakute Ii [“It’s Fine Even if it Pains Me”]; ROUTE VENUS; Ai no Megami no HOW TO LOVE [”How To Love per the Goddess of Love”] Live Action: C'EST LA VIE ~ Watashi no Naka no Koi Suru Bubun [“C’est la Vie ~ The Loving Side Within Me”]; Katagoshi ni Kinsei [“Venus Over My Shoulder”]; ROMANCE; Kiss!² Bang!² [“Kiss! Kiss! Bang! Bang!”]; Sayonara ~ SWEET DAYS [“Farewell ~ Sweet Days”]; HAPPY TIME, HAPPY LIFE; I’M HERE Crystal: HEART ga Tonjau Sora Dakara [“As It’s the Sky My Heart Soared Through”] Musicals: TRADITIONAL THE GRACE ~Ai no Arashi~ [“Traditional the Grace ~Storm of Love~”] Her voice actress Rika Fukami also recorded a cover of Shocking Blue’s hit song, Venus, inspired by the Bananarama cover that popularized the song in Japan. The opening bars of their version were also referenced in many of Minako’s official video game themes.
Here’s a playlist of all these songs and other Sailor Venus BGM cues!
♀ Indulge in some of Minako’s favourite foods! Minako is living that carb life, as her faves are ramen, gyoza (potsticker dumplings), and curry rice. Order out or challenge yourself to cooking them from scratch - just don’t include any mushrooms, which are Minako’s least favourite food.
♀ Minako is a very goal-oriented person, even if she’s not always the most focused, and many of her hobbies revolve around her dream of becoming an idol. Topmost, of course, is singing! She’s loved to sing and dance ever since she was a child. Learn a new dance routine - YouTube is a great start - or go clubbing with some friends. Minako is also particularly relevant to karaoke in the live action; why not gather a group and hit a karaoke bar?
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Minako’s pride and joy is her long, silky hair, which she takes great care of. If yours is in need of some TLC, treat it to a fancy hair mask, or make your own from simple ingredients. Alternatively, if you’ve been looking for a sign to make a drastic hairstyle change, chop, or colour, this might be that sign, as Minako is a huge advocate for how changing your hairstyle can change your outlook.
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She might not seem the type, but Minako has also been shown to enjoy knitting. Maybe she uses these skills to contribute to her massive collection of stuffed toys? Pick up those needles and finish that project you’ve been putting off or learn how to start from some videos or a local meet-up. If you’re an expert, you could even try a Sailor Moon pattern.
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Minako is a video game junkie, which makes sense, considering her alter-ego stars in one. She seems particularly fond of racing games, but also side-scrollers and fighting games; why not give a new indie title a try, or play as Minako herself in one of the many retro Sailor Moon games for the Super Nintendo and other systems? (Personally, my favourite is this arcade brawler.)
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After being an idol, and (maybe) her duty as a Guardian, Minako’s highest priority is volleyball. She had an incredible talent for the game even before discovering her super-human abilities as Sailor V. Why not hire some equipment for a casual game with some friends on the beach? (Though Minako wouldn’t judge you if you just played virtual volleyball instead.)
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♀ Dress like Minako for a day! She had the widest variation in fashion styles amongst the show’s characters, ranging from sporty, to preppy, to “cool”, to girlish, to eccentric high fashion. In colder weather she loved scarves and oversized jackets, but in warmer weather she opted for simple, breezy, minimalist looks. She favoured vests, and shorts/flowy, non-restrictive skirts so she was always ready to leap into action. The consistent element linking her different styles is her tendency to layer, layering jackets over vests over turtlenecks, layering necklaces over sun-dresses over summery blouses, etc.
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Her one mainstay accessory was her iconic red hair-bow, though she actually did swap it out to coordinate it with her outfit at times, and it was a pale yellow when she was a Princess. She started wearing the ribbon to impress a boy, but after he turned out to be a monster - uh, literally - she decided to keep wearing it because she liked it; so if something you used to love wearing has been tainted by a toxic relationship, you can Love and Beauty Shock it into something you wear for yourself. (By the way, before she wore the bow, she used a simple red scrunchie.)
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(Manga scan credits: sailormusic.net, MissDream.org)
As Sailor Venus, she started with simple yellow/orange studs that later became red and wore orange flats (often styled as d’orsays) with ankle-straps. Her nail polish was a fresh tangerine, and in her attack Love and Beauty Shock we can see she wears a pale orange/coral/peach lipgloss. Her image colours are orange, yellow, and a navy blue accent.
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... And of course, Minako never missed an opportunity to go big or go home; so if you have an over-the-top campy stage costume just lying around...
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♀ Match with your BFF twin for the day!
♀ Take up the sword!
♀ Line up a date. Or two. On the same day. (But don’t complain if you get caught!)
♀ Fav and read some Sailor Venus fanart and fanfic on sites like Pixiv, Twitter, and AO3 - or contribute your own new content! Don’t forget to tag!
Feel free to reply and reblog with your own ideas of how you’re going to celebrate Mina’s day!
Happy Birthday, Minako!
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tarisilmarwen · 4 years
fav sabezra headcanons???
Oooh, do you want canon compliant ones or do you want me to go full hog with my personal shippy ones?
You know what, it's my blog, Imma do both.
Sabine absolutely was the one who cut Ezra's hair in between S2 and S3.  She caught him hacking away at his hair in the middle of a particularly self-hating angst fit (it was getting long enough to tie back and Ezra took one look in the mirror and choked at how much he looked like Kanan) and gently took the scissors away from him and sat him down and fixed the mess he'd made.  They don't say much to each other—Sabine makes a snarky comment about, "Well if you're gonna do this, you're gonna do it properly." and Ezra quietly thanks her afterwards—but it seems to clear Ezra's mood for a little bit at least.
(During this nice quiet moment, Sabine has a moment of Realization when she observes how much sharper Ezra's facial features have gotten and wow he looks so much older now and why is this making me feel Some Type Of Way?)
(Sabine absolutely has several moments of horrifying Oh No He's Hot about post-puberty Ezra that she cannot deal with, the poor dear.)
Ezra is actually a fairly decent artist in his own right (as evidenced by Ezra's Rebel Journal) and Sabine bonds with him sometimes by giving him technical pointers and sharing her paints with him.
Sabine is super protective of him.
Sure she teased and bullied him a little bit in the early days when Ezra was new to the Ghost but after getting fond of him and becoming one of his closest friends she just develops this very intense protective instinct over him.  If anyone remotely threatens him or talks down about him she is immediately up in their faces ready to fight.
Pre-Fulcrum Kallus learned this the hard way once when she basically lobbed a grenade at his face because one of his shots grazed Ezra across the back.
Among the recruits on Atollon, she develops a bit of a reputation for being likely to break your hand if you hurt Ezra's feelings.  Pretty much everyone on the base figured out very quickly that you did not mess with Ezra or you would have a very angry, very hot-tempered, very vicious Mandalorian girl to deal with.  (On top of the Lasat, the scary mom friend pilot, the psycho droid, and the Jedi dad-figure.)
Ezra... tries to be protective of her but it's not as effective.  Until he starts getting to be really skilled at fighting that is.
It manifests more in that he's willing to deliberately put himself in danger (repeatedly!) to spare her any harm, sometimes literally taking a bullet for her.
Sabine is very much an Anger Born Of Worry kind of person about this and will berate him for his reckless actions because how absolutely dare you, do you know you could have DIED?
Ezra tends to relax a lot more around her, and just feels super comfortable with her.  There's a kind of easy-going trust between them that he considers very precious.  He has absolute faith in her to have his back, and vice-versa.
They spar together sometimes when they both have a spare minute.  Sabine is much better at hand-to-hand of course, but Ezra surprises her sometimes with how much of a brawler he can be.  He also knows a lot of fascinating dirty/street fighting techniques.
They both have awful nightmares about the Nightsister incident and would often find each other up in the middle of the night making caf and unable to sleep.  They'd talk until morning most of the time, though once they fell asleep shoulder-to-shoulder in the dejarik booth to be found by a very concerned Kanan.
She actually really likes painting helmets for him.
Tristan teased her mercilessly about Ezra while she stayed at Krownest.  She had to insist, many times, "It is not like that, Tristan, I don't have any feelings for him, shut up before I dent your face."  Tristan doesn't buy it for a second.
Ursa of all people has Suspicions about them, and inserts withering comments occasionally about how improper a husband he would be, much to Sabine's embarrassment.
Alrich, on the other hand, absolutely adores Ezra and makes embarrassing comments in the other direction.
(Really, give me all the Mandalorian court shenanigans with the Wrens not fully approving of Ezra and Ezra having to prove his worth and the depth and sincerity of his feelings for Sabine.)
Sabine cut her hair short as a tribute to Ezra, after he disappeared.
She keeps his lightsaber until she can finally hand it back to him, in person.  After many tearful hugs.
(This is also when she basically proposes marriage to him.  "I spent the last seven years without you, Ezra.  I don't want to spend another day without you by my side.")
Oof, I made myself sad.
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mod-bubamon · 4 years
Musician,drumroll please.
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This took WAY longer than I wanted but I finished it,sort of. I will reblog this with the different skins,entry and victory draws. So for now,let's do this!
(Just a heads up,most of what I base these of are from Super Smash Bros Wii U but not all)
Michele would be a fairly medium weight character. Ranking about 23 on the SSBU weight chart.
Now Michele will be LIKE A mini fighter,but based off of what I know about him he would seem to be a Mii Gunner and a Mii brawler, so I'm going to add my own twist to it.
Basic attacks
Michele would have a 3 punch combo that leads into rapid Jabs. (First a right uppercut then a left bomb and finish with a left roundhouse punch.)
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Michele would be able to triple jump and that's about it on movement. (I realize I should put this before the attacks but I'm lazy)
His dash attack would have Michele do a forward knee jab.
His side tilt will have Michele launch a small short range blast like the mii gunner.
His up tilt will have him punch right above his head. Good for hitting enemies right above him.
His down tilt would be like the mii brawlers,performing a split kick that hits behind and in front of him.
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His side smash would be like the mii gunners,except a large aura beam instead of multiple shots,but it still does multi hitting damage .
Micheles up smash would be like the mii brawlers,a flip kick.
His down smash would also be like the mii brawlers.
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His nutral air would be like his side tilt,except with more range.
His forward air would be a left downward swing that launches enemie down.
His back air would be a double back kick.
His up air would have Michele swing his aura wings above his head.
His down air would have hi. Swing his wings underneath him.
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Michele would grab opponents like a mii gunner. With his right hand and pound them with his left.
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His forward throw would have Michele swing his foe around 2 times and throw him forward,then blast them.
His back throw (this one is my fav) would have him slam his opponent behind him,then kick them in the butt.
His up throw would be a powerful uppercut. Launching the foe up.
Hid down throw would have him slam the foe down in front of him on the ground,them he slams on top of them,elbowing them in the gut,using his gunner arm to propelle him.
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Special attacks
Like a mii,Michele would have multiple special attack choices. Only he would have three for each special attack.
(Again I got lazy and only drew my modified specials.)
For his nutral specials he would have the choice of the mii gunners charge blast,the mii brawlers shot put and my maid up special "aura charge"
when you fully charge this,his attacks will double In damage. This can be interrupted by any attacks,but not by grabbing.
His side special choices would be the mii gunners flame pillar, (Idk) the mii brawlers head ache maker, (I like this one) and my maid up special "baroll winger."
"Baroll winger" makes Michele hurls himself forward with his wings wrapped around him. He finishes by swinging his wings forward,launching foes in front of him.
His up special choices would be the mii brawlers piston punch, (I love this move.) The mii gunners lunar launch and my maid up special "aura wings".
this move is similar to pits and falcos up special,he launches in a upward angle,dealing the most damage at the end of the flight.
For his down special choices he would have the mii brawlers feint jump,the mii gunners echo reflect and my maid up (i mean down) special "ground sweeper".
Enemies caught in Michele's ground sweeper will tripped over like a banana peel.
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Final smash
His final will have 3 different outcomes.
First Michele will preform an uppercut that will bring him above the arena. If one or more foes gets caught in the upper cut, Michele will use the mii brawlers final assault. If the foes get caught they will receive heavy amounts of damage. If the foe has more than 100 damage they will be Knocked out.
If he misses anyone with his uppercut,he will use the mii gunners full blast Faced down. You can angle it left or right.
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And for the final outcome,you have to have the "aura charge" and have it charged before hitting the final. Doing this you will unleash Micheles full aura form. In this form he can fly and is immune to free fall.he will only have 2 attacks,but they are both very dangerous. For His A attack, he will simply slash his claw at enemies. It has serious launching damage and long-range. For his B attack, Michele will release a aura charge.
Actually hitting the ball will cause small flinching damage,but when the charge explodes it will deal a SCARY amount of launching damage.
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I will finish this I just made too many pictures already so here is part 1 of Micheles super smash move set.
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fabiasheen · 3 years
Bakugan Defenders of the Core
Episode 5: Keeping Up with the Brawlers MC and Ace Edition II (AKA mc wtf)
• damn these phone in bakugan ain’t playing games
•MC you’re so god damn gullible
• okay okay, i take back some of my ace slander
• MC was being stupid high key
• like if ace didn’t show up drago wouldve been gone
•how did drago NOT recognize mylenes voice from the beginning-
•okay ngl i’d be upset and react the same way ace did to MC almost giving away drago
• i might still slander ace a bit bc even tho he’s one of my favs. it’s funny to slander him
•up next to the sacrifice table is ingram <3
•ingrams voice makes me feel safe
•jfc mc your shit decision making skills landed you into trouble LMFAO
• ty for your concern baron and yes i did get in a fight (,:
•aight we back in japan now
• the fact miras been in japan this whole time while we traveled to two countries looking for her-
• at least we saved a bunch of bakugan !
• i wish we could use the trap bakugan tho
• time to save best girl mira
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
Im so sorry i have so many much thoughts today n the shipname talk is always making me think about fetishization which this time made me think about one character in bungou stray dogs dw no spoils just fandom threating a character rant
Now Chuuya is one of my fav characters in bsd even tho hes grossly underutilzed n when we did get his backstory i thought it was pretty stupid but thats commentary for another time and trust me i have a lot to say about how all that was handled
But anyway chuuya has this nice mix of feminin n masculin traits. He wears his hair long, he cares about fashion and looking good a whole lot n hes generaly plenty compassionate. Hes also brawler on par with miruko tends to yell a whole lot n has batshit feral mode
I love him very much.
But just as with dabihawks, in chuuyas most popular ship theres always this big lean towards the other person and chuuya is usually kinda just support there. Like tbh i havent been in bsd fandom for a while but last time i went to check in all i found in the tag was porn so i didnt bother reading any. Porn n like one other thing. Both when i was active in the fandom n during my last check in a particular trope seems to be rather popular with chuuya
That trope is 'omg chuuya has to wear a dress for mission reasons n he HATES it and is very embaressed n dazai (his go to ship) keeps teasing and sexualizing him in it)
And ye thats exactly what i mean by fetishization. For mist people chuuya is the designated bottom so its popular for him to be fetishized and his femininity exploited for his partners shits n giggles. Like i think chuuya would be a fun character to explore gender with or the way he displays his masculinity but most of the time its just hehe embaressed man in dress so sexy
But srsly chuuya is so good he holds on to his hat when he fights so it doesnt fall off n ruin his look tm i love him
Oh no the gushing about chuuya train
Hes also so dumb n straightforward which i say is really fun in his main ship cuz its pure brawn x pure brain
Anyway one timr he was trapped in a murder mystery n his solution was 'well if i punch everyone ill eventually punch the killers too' i just adore him
Oooh, now this is interesting! I have a friend who loves Dazai and has complaints about the ship too. 
Apparently many of the work that they’ve come across tends to bastardize Dazai’s character or make him out to be worse then he actually is in order to make Chuuya more sympathetic (or something similar to that). So to see that people who also love Chuuya have complaints on how the ship is written and how he gets treated too is kind of showing me that the fandom doesn’t really know how to write their characters XD (I know, I shouldn’t prejudge but it’s still interesting how fans of different characters in the same ship have similar complaints about it. I guess it’s a prevailant issue.)
It just seems like fans of the pairing fall into the more toxic “yaoi” traits when it comes to shipping them (shorter person is more submissive, because a dude looks slightly more feminine they’re act like a girl ect) and their actual personality traits get ignored.
That’s a shame, they both seem like fun characters and I can’t wait to see them in action (I guess I’ll eventually see first hand what you guys are talking about when it comes to content about them T-T).
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kinda random question, but what’s your fave fandom atm, and who’s your fave character in it? and what kind of whump does it feature versus what kind of whump do you wish it had more of? (sorry if I’m bothering u with this lol feel free to ignore) -phase
Friend, you are never bothering me! Don’t ever think I won’t appreciate a random message in my inbox from you, @set-phasers-to-whump! <3
My favorite fandoms change SO quickly, well. Not quickly, but it feels like it cause I’ll get so single minded about a show when I’m watching it and it’s all I can think of basically for weeks but then once I’ve finished it it’s usually within a couple weeks - a month the interest usually peters out but that can vary depending on the amount of fanfic/fan theories I can find (Or how soon the show will be returning)
But the rest of this is going under a read more cause you found the “make Kee ramble for way too long” button lmao
One that I keep going back to and I absolutely love is The Expanse! My interest has kept up cause I’ve been reading the books, which the show has been really accurate to (Though amazingly some of the whumpy bits are worse in the books, wowee) (And by worse I mean more brutal, for example fairly early on in the series one of the characters breaks his leg bad enough for bone to break skin. They don’t have a medic so the rest of the crew has to set it for him. In the show it’s fairly straight forward but so whumpy and great. In the book. OH LORD. in the book it takes at least two tries to set it and I actually felt nauseous at the description.)
My fav character is Amos, who gets a decent amount of the whump, but I’m also happy with whump for pretty much all the characters too. There are a lot of instances of the crew getting knocked out during intense maneuvers with the ship (cause SPAAAACE) when they pull a lot of G’s. And Amos has at least twice through the series where he gets tazed and sedated (👀👌) and he gets shot a couple times (👀👌) and complains about being the one that gets shot a lot (👀👀👌👌) and he also gets the shit beat out of him (he likes to fight and I think that’s why I like him so much haha)
I found the show intriguing and very easy to binge watch so if you like space and being scientifically accurate and fairly frequent whump with pretty guys (and girls! I’m not someone who specifically seeks out lady whump, but the ladies in this show are all drop dead gorgeous imo)
Another show I’m watching, or rather re-watching, right now is The Musketeers from BBC. I watched the first two seasons back in like 2014 or ‘15 but never did watch the third and final season despite the fact I run a blog specifically for the show haha because it’s been so long since I watched the first couple seasons (though it’s another show that I’ve occasionally gone back to watch some favorite scenes every once in a while since then) I started back at the beginning of season 1 and I think I’m on episode 7 now.
It feels like it’s completely on the opposite end of the spectrum from The Expanse, whereas that one is a few hundred years in the future and in space, Musketeers is like. 1600′s and Paris. But British accents cause this is the BBC, thanks. Also it’s a lot more romantic, like whatever guest lady they have in any given episode gets hit on by at least one of the Musketeers (Santiago Cabera’s character cannot keep it in his pants)
But there is still good whump! Sword fights, pistol fights, pistol whipping, kidnapping, one guy gets an axe in his shoulder and needs field surgery, another guy gets thrown out a window, one has a mysterious past that causes him a lot of angst.
My favorite character is Porthos and he’s a fighter too and I’m seeing a pattern in my favorite kinds of characters hahaha Brawlers, that’s apparently the type of characters I like 😆
As for whump I would’ve liked to see more of in either of these shows. I feel like there are a lot of shows that could always use more whump lmao Off the top of my head right now I can’t think of any specific tropes I would’ve liked to see more of asides from ya know. Just more.
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changeling-rin · 5 years
Will you sort all of the Links into Hogwarts houses and tell us their favorite classes/teachers?
Oh dear.
Okay, compromise?  I’ll Sort them, absolutely, but fav teachers and classes is for another day.  This post is gonna be long enough as is.
Gen would be in Gryffindor, mostly because he has a hero complex about a mile wide and keeps trying to ‘save’ everyone in the form of forcibly-administered Health Potion.
Speck is a little Ravenclaw.  It takes a special kind of brainpower to make sense of the world from two different perspectives, after all.
The Four are Hufflepuffs.  They spend more time worrying that their synchronicity might be an inconvenience to other people than thinking about how to use it strategically.
Ocarina is a Hufflepuff, because he’s an Innocent Smol Child even if he’s not actually Smol.  
Mask is a Slytherin, and let me say, the transition from Hufflepuff to Slytherin mindset is a convoluted and fascinating road.  
Dusk is also Hufflepuff, and he pairs excellently with his Slytherin Twili partner.  He’s also a very good rational balance for his Gryffindor co-leader, who quite honestly gets carried away sometimes.
Blue, Green, Vio, and Red are Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff, respectively.  You can see why they get into so many arguments.
Lore is Slytherin, because only the craftiest of people can turn Distraction into a viable fighting tactic the way he can.  Literally everything he does is a calculated move, how could he be anything else?  The only problem is that he uses his manipulation to be completely ridiculous, which is why it’s a good thing he’s paired with a grounded Hufflepuff and a righteous Gryffindor to keep him on the right track.
Sketch is Ravenclaw.  He tries very hard to approach everything systematically and realistically, which is why his phobia annoys him so much.  Nothing like an illogical fear to irritate the heck out of a logical person.  (This is also why he dislikes it so much when logic doesn’t make sense, or is actively counterintuitive to what he needs to do.)
Realm is a poor optimistic Hufflepuff who has somehow not been crushed into pessimism by his life circumstances.  It’s a good thing too, otherwise he’d never get where he’s going.
Wind is a Gryffindor with almost as big of a hero complex as Gen, but he regulates it better.  He literally ran off a cliff trying to save his sister from a giant bird and Tetra had to catch him, if that’s not a Gryffindor move I don’t know what is.
Steam is Gryffindor, because his first response to a Ghost Zelda was ‘Well, let’s go fix that’ and then he promptly went on an adventure.  Plus, it takes a certain amount of adrenaline to decide and pilot a high-speed machine of steel and fire for a living.  (And isn’t that just the most metal description of a Train?)
Shadow is actually funny, because for all that he pretends to be a Slytherin, he’s an extraordinarily repressed Hufflepuff.  Like, he’s one of those touch-starved people that doesn’t realize he’s touch-starved until the group hugs him, and then he complains the whole time but never actually makes a move to leave.  It’s honestly sad to think of what he could have been if he hadn’t been used by villains.
Oni is a Ravenclaw, cold calculation at it’s finest.  Emotion doesn't factor for him very often, it’s all logic and problem-solving.
Now for my spin-off/sequel boys~
Rune is a Gryffindor, even more so because he doesn’t have much memory to work with.  What’s a bokoblin?  Is it dangerous?  One way to find out: let’s go poke it with a stick.
Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw respectively, except that Ruby’s Gryffindor manifests in an angry need to prove himself, Sapphire’s Hufflepuff manifests in ‘Oh gosh if I do this thing then that might inconvenience everybody else in these thousand other ways, it might just be best if I don’t do anything at all’ and Emerald’s Ravenclaw manifests in how he’s going to make sure everyone gets along.  It’s a very complicated dynamic.
Lux is a Slytherin - or at least he would be, if he had a voice to be cunning with. He feels very repressed, which is not helping his anger issues.  Except that he can’t do anything with his anger, which makes it worse, it’s a cycle.  Consequently, fighting turns into his anger management.  There’s a reason he’s a brawler.
Lyric is a Hufflepuff.  He’s just ‘dancing through life’.
And... I think I’ll throw in a bonus.  My own House is Hufflepuff.  Hope this was enough for you! 
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Hello!! I was wondering if you have any fav non destiny related characters?
Hello and Yes!! And actually, quite a few from games that aren’t Destiny. You can read about all of them under the cut
Elder Scrolls:
Serana- My most useful follower because I never use magic or projectiles and her story line is probably one of my favorite.
Naryu Virian- I just think she’s cool and thought it was funny that she, a Morag Tong member, was helping out my character who was a member of the Dark Brotherhood and dressed like it publicly
Veezara- He was ride or die, and I appreciate that from the guild of murderers
Assassin’s Creed:
Evie and Jacob Frye: I loved how one was the brawler/fighter character, while the other was the brain/sneaky character. Also, it was cool to play as twin assassins.
Henery Green: He was so chill and was sort of the nerd version of an assassin. 
Kassandra/Alexios: They’re just so badass and it works. Also, they’re designs are some of my favorite that I’ve seen from an AC game
Mary Read/James Kidd: She made it with the pirates and still had their respect even after she revealed that she wasn’t a man. She didn’t deserve to die and that’s one of the few times a video game death genuinely upset me.
Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor: He had the coolest clothes, one of the coolest stories, and one of the most badass arcs. Also, he got to kill Haytham.
Maya the Siren: Was my first character that I played in Borderlands and I hated how quickly the killed her off in Borderlands 3. I like her backstory and I also like how she was revealed to be asexual. When I first began playing Borderlands and found out Maya was ace, I was excited because I had never had the ability to have an ace character before. 
Athena the Gladitor: I love her personality and her play style. I also like how she actively tries to be better than the people who trained her and for her wife. 
Zer0 the Assassin: My friend played Zero whenever we played together, so I just grew to love him as well. His facial expressions are what caused me to love him so much
Flak the Beastmaster- My sister played them and their voice lines and story had me laughing. Also the representation of a non-binary character delighted me and excited me.
Tiny Tina (though I guess it’s just Tina now): A child that is an explosives expert and is asked to help out grown adults because she knows the most about explosives. It’s like impossible to not like her (but that is just my opinion)
Roland the Commander: I love characters that want to help out those that can’t help themselves or that just want to protect people, so it was natural that I would like him. Also he was another character that did not deserve to die and who’s death was pointless.
Legend of Zelda: (You’ll notice a theme here)
Twilight Princess Zelda: Her dedication to her people and protecting them is admirable to me. She gave up her own life for that of her people and that is why she is my favorite Zelda. Also, her design looked the best to me.
Twilight Princess Link: Much of the same reasons I love TP Zelda. He wanted to save his family and friends and was willing to help anyone who asked. He’s a good person with a gentle heart. 
Zant: I thought he was an interesting villian because there were moments when you could tell that he didn’t really want to do what he was doing, but most of the time he just talked about taking over Hyrule. His mental breakdown at the end surprised me and I like how they showed it. I thought he was a creative choice for a villian and liked what the creators did with him.
Lady Urbosa: Besides just being a great overall character, she choose to be a mother figure to a girl who needed it and she didn’t even have any hesitations about doing so. She’s a good leader and tries to do what’s best for her people and for Hyrule. 
Macready, Danse, Veronica, Sarah Lyons, Dogmeat, Rex, Roxie, ED-E, Strong, Deacon, The King, Cait, Piper, Nick Valentine, and Preston Garvey- All of them had personalities that I loved, admired, or made me laugh. I love these characters and most of them I had with me as companions or were just my favorite npcs.
The Lotus: I like how she looks out for the Tenno and tries to protect them while also allowing us to make our own decisions. She’s a motherly character who tries her hardest to protect what she loves most even if it’s not what she is supposed to do. I was upset when she left us.
Teshin: Although I don’t play the Conclave or like how he blames Lotus, I can see where he comes from. I also like how he treats the Tenno as adults instead of just treating them purely as children. He fights for what he think is right and that is something I really like about him.
Samus: One of the first video games and characters I ever played. I love her story and her games. All her games interest me and I always enjoy playing them. She became a favorite of mine just by being one of the characters and games I’ve played through time.
This post was long, but I enjoyed writing about them! Thanks for the ask anon!
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skater-gril1997 · 4 years
Hey sorry this took so long but here is chapter two of my reprisal fanfic.
Chapter 2 -Lucy/Kira
It felt like it was hours before the brawlers started to rip Matty away from the creep to figure out why the fight was happening outside the area where it was allowed, which still blows mind is even a thing. One of the older Brawlers, I think his name was James, screamed "why Matty boy are you fighting a paying customer" while gripping Mattie’s shirt. "I was protecting Lucy!" Matty yelled back at James while getting into the older Brawlers face. "the shit head was trying to have his way with her and she was not into it" Matty screamed at James, and my cheeks blushed hard at that of embarrassment that I could not get myself out of this situation. " I don't care Matty, if she was into it or not, she's a working girl, and working girls do what they have to get the job done so we get money. Isn't that right Lucy" James said to be with a creep sexual look in his eyes. God I hate these guys! But as much as I would love to kick James where the sun don't shine, I decide to use this as time to get back to spying. "Of course James, I'll get back to work now, so I can make your guys money" I said as sweetly as possible while trying to look I did not want to murder him. "that's a good idea Lucy, why don't you do that, and don't think Lucy, I won't be telling Queenie about this, huh" James yells to me as I get out of the Crip of Johnson's arms, to which I just give an innocent of as a smile as I can while walking back to do my rounds.
Couple hours later I feel in hand crap my wrist and pull me into a darker corner of the Bang-A-Rang, and again I know who it is before my " fav hero" says even a word. "What do you want Matty" I say without even looking up at him. "Well a thank you to start seeing as I rescued you again from being some mans cheep slut for the night" Matty says sarcastically back. "I was fine Matty, I can take care of myself, I don't need you "rescuing me"" I yell back while yanking my wrist out of his Crip. "Whatever you say Lucy, but if your worried about James telling Queenie an her getting mad, she won't she hates when the patrons crab the non "working girls", so relax Lucy your not gonna lose your job". At that I look at Matty in the eyes and I can see hint of dark bruising beginning to form on his one cheek. "Matty what the hell happened to you cheek?", I ask while reaching up to get a better look, but before I can Matty craps my wrist again to stop from touching his face. "I'm fine Lucy, it's none thing to be worry your little mind about" Matty says looking at as a warning, but I don't care, "Matty did James do this to you for rescuing me again?". Matty dose not answer me, but based on the look, I'll take it as a yes. Felling super guilty I decide to apologize. "Matty, I'm sorry that James did this to you. I'll try and be more care-full when I'm near the drunks", cause while the Brawlers are horrible people, The Three River Phenoxies are actually not half bad, especially Matty when the want to be. Matty smiles at me, "Don't be Lucy, it's a part of the job, but if I do have to keep saving you from the drunks I will have to ask you to pay me back" he says with the smirk that implies what "pay me back" really means, and just like that even a somewhat good man falls for the stupid Bang-A- Rang curse as I like to call it, that all women are just objects for their enjoyment. "Ohh, I wouldn't worry about that Matty cause their won't be a next time, and Matty you might wanna try actually blocking some of the brawlers punches, unless you like looking like Barney the Dinosaur" I yell to Matty over my shoulder as I walk away to get back to my shift. But base on the bang I heard from behind me as I walked to couple of farmers drinking Matty didn't like my comments, which brings a smile to my face.
Once my shift was over I headed towards the dressing rooms in the back to my locker to retrieve my bag and head home for the night. Once I got their though I walked in on Meredith and her friend who's name I still cannot remember passing drugs to each other to sell to the patrons in the Bang-A-Rang. When they heard me walk in the paused and gave me the death stare, like I was not suppose to see this and, because I did, I needed to be dead to them. So, to diffuse the situation I just looked at them and said "the guys on the top floor in the corner in the booth by the far wall, would love those and probably would buy a lot of them". They looked at me like I was crazy for telling them that, “look I don't care what you ladies do on your shift to make more money, hell I don't blame you, but I would appreciate not being looked like a person Yawl need to kill." With that statement Meredith smiled "your not have bad Lucy and here we thought you were too good to be a brawler girl". I smirked "No not to good, I just act it because the boys love the good girl vibe and I make more money that way". Meredith and the other girl smiled at that and started to walk out to the floor, but before Meredith walked all the way out she stopped, "Hey Lucy!", yeah I said. " I heard about what happened to ya earlier, peace of advice don't worry about losing your job if you deiced to punch one of these drunks, Queenie won't fire you, she gets it". I smiled "Thanks Meredith I'll keep it in mind next time it happens, have a good shift" I called out to her as I close my locker after retrieving my bag and walk out the back entrance of the Bang-A-Rang.
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cosmic-hyena · 4 years
I feel like Gus is only rude to people who were rude to him first. Or people he thinks is rude. Like hes rude to the other vexos because they 1) were disrespectful to Spectra and 2) called Gus names. And then of course he's rude to the brawlers because they're on opposing sides. But maybe I'm just being biased because he's one of my fav characters 😅
well, in sum it all the same turns out that with all:, D. But I was thinking about that scene with Volt and later with Brontes. Gus seems to be trying to negotiate. , but Volt refuses and Gus simply "then you will regret it completely."
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and in the scene with Brontes, he says, “I don’t need you anymore,”(or something like this) but the scene itself says that he threw out Brontis because he felt sorry for him in this situation, BUT he hid behind this “I don't need you”. but I'm sorry why you don’t need a strong fighting Bakugan, (and you not threw Elico). so, as it were - even at the moment when he feels something, he covers it with rudeness.
But idk it’s just headcanon and of course he is good in the end with all ppl around because he can trust them all
+ I think rudeness it’s just a part of personality of all vexos because all of them must be «real» soldiers
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