#hes like well in the moment i want it done quickly so thats what ill keep doing
vitaminkyeom · 9 months
are your requests still open? if they are then can you write a, hoshi x f!/gn reader where hoshi falls for a quiet but well-known (not popular) STEM student of his school and tries to approach her but is always unable to until he gets so mad and desperate that he literally walks up to her in a hallway?
(did this request stem from reading your gut-wrenching angst about soonyoung the other day? yes.)
PAIRING || Soonyoung x Female Reader
GENRES || Angst, Fluff
WARNINGS || seungkwan uses shit once
WORD COUNT || 1.9k
A/N || congratulations anon, you've finally done something i've been to dying to attempt: write a god damned fic thats more than 1.5 but less than 10k TT thank you so much for requesting this! and asdfghjkl poor yn did deserve a proper ending in that fic. requests are open !!!
TAGLIST || ​@romeosbreastmilk @y00nzin0 @cecedrake2217 @candidupped @ashkuuuu @hanicore @alyssng @weebotakuboy @angelfeverdream @aaniag @sea-moon-star @thepoopdokyeomtouched @hrts4hanniehae @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @amethyistheart @k-drama-adict [if you want to be added to my taglist, fill in this form!]
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he watched you through the corner of his eyes, his lips quirking up involuntarily into a small smile when he saw you giggling at the book you were reading.
“did you even hear what i was saying?”
soonyoung flinched at the sudden voice intruding his blissful thoughts of you, glaring slightly at the two boys standing opposite to him, one looking mildly amused while the other looked thoroughly annoyed.
“what?” he asked seungkwan, causing the latter to roll his eyes. 
“seriously, if you like her so much, why don’t you just tell her that?” seokmin asked to which soonyoung shook his head. “i would tell her but there’s no way she would like me back. i mean, she’s such a perfect student! all straight a’s and perfect attendance and behaviour and what not. and i’m…the complete opposite.”
“excuse me?” seungkwan said. “how are you the complete opposite? okay, maybe you don’t get straight a’s but its not like you bunk class, talk back to professors or act like a complete delinquent or something. and who knows, she might like you back.”
soonyoung looked at him dryly. “might?”
“well, i’m pretty sure she would have noticed your fifteen failed attempts to talk to her-”
“oh god, please don’t bring that up.” he groaned, burying his face in his hands. 
talking to you shouldn’t have been that hard. it wasn’t like you were a very popular student and had a huge crowd around you (well, you were still very well known and always had people asking for your help in something or the other but that shouldn’t have stopped him from trying to flirt with you) but the number of times he had tried to approach and had failed was really, really embarrassing. how ill fated was he that right at that moment something would pop up and you would leave or someone else would call you away?
and just how big his crush was on you that he was this desperate even after so many attempts? soonyoung had always considered himself as a fickle person, if he couldn’t get to know the person he liked within a few attempts, he would just forget about it and move on in life.
but you, you had caused him to be stuck in the exact same place for months like glue. what had started as an ordinary admiration had quickly turned into infatuation and before he knew it, he was heads over heels with you.
soonyoung loved everything about you. he adored your mannerism, your dedication and hard work and especially how you always managed to take control of any situation thrown at you. and also, he loved, loved your cute smile and the sound of your laughter.
“hey, y/n’s free now.” seokmin commented. “why don’t you go and talk to her now?” 
soonyoung looked up and turned to you, his heart skipping a beat when you too happened to look in his direction right at that time. you smiled at him softly and waved, and all he could was chuckle back nervously trying not to look like he was going to melt then and there. 
“you’re right!” he said, looking back at his friends in happiness. but all of a sudden that happiness was filled with nervousness, when he realised he was finally getting to talk to you. “wha-what do i say to her though?”
“just say you want to talk to her, you dumbass.” seungkwan said, slightly slapping his arm. “say you want to talk to her, take her to the ground, and then say you really, really like her.”
“and if she says no?” 
“then say you respect her choices and will always be waiting for her. and that you’ll try your level best to also show her why she should come to you.” seokmin said.
“what the hell? are they getting married or something? why are you so romantic for no reason?” seungkwan asked, looking at seokmin dryly.
“and why are you so anti-romantic?” seokmin countered back, but soonyoung had already drowned out his friends’ banter, turning back to look at you. 
you had gone back to reading your book and he braced himself for the worst. 
it's now or never, soonyoung.
taking in a deep breath, he got up and began walking towards your desk. but just as he was about to tell you ‘hi’, you got up and swung your bag across your shoulder, picking up your books. soonyoung froze and unfortunately the two of your eyes met again, your eyes widening when you realised that he was about to talk to you.
“oh hey. uh, sorry i need to run to the staff room. mr. park said he needs me.” you said, flashing him a quick smile before running out of the classroom.
all soonyoung could do was stare at your disappearing figure, mouth hanging open in disbelief. 
wow. just wow. 
he turned back to look at his two friends, who too flinched and looked equal crestfallen.
“it’s okay.” seungkwan muttered, patting his back as he made his way back to his seat. “maybe, uh, maybe next time-”
“yeah, sure.” he snapped, flopping down on his seat gloomily.
next time.
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the next time soonyoung got a chance to talk to you was when his professor decided to hold a joint class in the lecture hall. as he and his friends entered the lecture hall, his eyes fell on you (you just happened to catch his eyes always even if it was in a crowded place; soonyoung swore that it was because of goddamn beautiful face) sitting in the second row all alone.
and even before he could turn back and signal his friends that he was going to sit there, he found himself darting to the second row, ready to grab the seat next to you. 
but his legs came to a screeching halt when your friend sat herself down on that very seat, foiling soonyoung’s plan in every single way.
what do i do? should i sit behind her? or should i-
“what are you doing soonyoung? come and sit in the front row. you too, seokmin and seungkwan. didn’t you three tell me you’re finding microelectronic circuits hard?” the professor barked from the stage. soonyoung felt his cheeks flame up, clutching his book hard as he prayed you wouldn’t think he was stupid (well, he was but that was a different matter).
begrudgingly, he made his way to the front and sat down, seokmin and seungkwan on either side of him.
“shit that was a great attempt.” seungkwan muttered, opening his books.
“thanks.” he replied dryly.
“talk to her after class.” seokmin whispered back. “i saw her look at you in-”
“i was going to say she looked at you with regret, but okay.”
“that is pity.”
“no, that is the regret of not getting to sit next to you.”
“thanks, seok.” he muttered, rolling his eyes. he loved the amount seokmin hyped him always but sometimes it got out of hand like now. he could finally understand why seungkwan got tired of him.
it was like the entire universe was against him because time seemed to take forever to pass. seconds felt like they had been stretched to hours and soonyoung could feel himself getting more and more impatient with each passing second. 
finally, after what felt like a million years, the professor concluded the session. trying not to look like he was in an immense hurry, soonyoung got up and stretched a little, packing his belongings in a hurry, pausing in between each time when he remembered that he had to slow down a little. 
“dude, what are you doing?” seungkwan hissed all of a sudden, smacking him lightly. soonyoung looked at him in confusion before looking up to your now empty seat. wait what- “she already left!”
true to his friend’s words, you were already walking out of the door, arm in arm with your friend. panic seized him as he hurriedly stuffed the rest of his things into his bags, before following you out into the hallway.
the hallways seemed even more crowded than usual and soonyoung had to literally push his way to finally get to you. 
he found you standing a few feet away from him but even then, you were talking to someone, that someone in this case being the campus heartthrob choi seungcheol and he felt a prickle of annoyance creep in. 
you were laughing at a joke he had probably just made before handing him over a notebook, being the helpful angelic person you were. 
now soonyoung was really annoyed.
hell, he had worked so hard on his grades hoping he wouldn’t make a fool of himself in front of you and that maybe one day you would notice him, and here was seungcheol, just flashing his killer dimpled smile and easily asking you for notes.
maybe it was his jealousy, or maybe it was the fact that he was tired of being unable to talk to you, but he found himself marching up to you, clearing his throat when he came and stood beside the two of you. 
you looked at him in mild confusion before smiling softly at him. “hi, soonyoung! could you just give me a minute-”
“no!” it came out louder than he had expected it to be and he immediately regretted his actions when he saw you flinch lightly.
“hey dude, how about you calm down-” seungcheol began pushing him back slightly but that seemed to set his gears in motion.
“i like you!” 
soonyoung felt the entire hallway freeze as your eyes widened (probably in horror) and he felt his entire face heat up in embarrassment. oh god, oh god, what had he just done?
“ignore- ignore me.” he muttered, squeezing his eyes shut as he balled his fists, turning around swiftly to walk away.
great. now he had ruined every single chance he had with you.
soonyoung began walking away quickly, wanting nothing more but to melt into his friends’ arms but then he felt someone catch him by his wrist.
“wait, soonyoung-” he turned back to see who it was, and to his surprise he found that you were the one who was holding his wrist. but you quickly dropped his hand when the two of your eyes met, looking down at the floor. “i, uh, i didn’t get to answer you.”
“huh?” was he hearing things correctly? 
“your- your confession.” you muttered, before looking up to meet his eyes. he felt his heartbeat quicken at the new determined look on your face. “you said you liked me.”
hearing the words come out of your lips caused his stomach flip, and he averted his eyes away as he slowly nodded. “yeah,” he muttered. “yeah, i like you a lot. but i’ll understand if you don’t want to talk to me anymore-”
“i like you too.” you whispered, and he looked back at you in surprise. you gave him a shy smile (that nearly turned his knees to jelly), before repeating your statement. “i like you too soonyoung. a lot.”
“oh.” was all he could say, before snapping back to his senses. “oh. i, uh, i- oh. i-i- like you too. oh god, i’m so sorry. i’m- i’m just so-”
to his delight, you just laughed lightly, before smiling at him fondly. soonyoung too smiled back, feeling like the happiest person in this world. 
“that was terrible, wasn’t it?” he asked, taking a step closer to you. oh my god. i’ve done it. i’ve confessed to her and she likes me back too!
you nodded, glaring at him mockingly. god, you were so adorable. “it was terrible. you’ve got to make up for it.”
this time, he laughed. “how does a canteen date sound like?”
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Corey Cunningham x Reader
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Gif is NOT mine
Note: No gender is specified for the reader im almost 100% positive.
This is my first time writing and this does end on a cliffhanger im sorry😭 just so i can think the ending over make sure it goes how I want it to.
This follows Halloween ends storyline btw.
Warning: Slight cheating at the end but not really since Allyson and Corey aren’t confirmed to be together.
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You and Allyson had always been close friends so when one day she calls you after a shift talking about some really cute guy with brown hair and glasses she worked on earlier in the day you had to joke. “He wasn’t like, dead was he?” You snicker while saying. “No he wasn’t dead, he was very much alive.” Allyson says and from here tone you can practically hear the eye roll. You chuckle “Thats great for you Allyson. Listen Ill call you later I gotta close up over here.” You both say your goodbyes.
As you are locking up each window you hear something. You raise a brow reaching for your phone and a heavy object near by which happens to be a wrench. Turning on the flash of your phone you start making your way towards the noise only to find a man standing outside the front door looking slightly frantic. You quickly walk over and open the door. “Is there something that I can do for you?” You ask the man who only stares for a moment trying to group together what he wants to say. “…You wouldn’t happen to have a cable jumper and a battery would you?” He says in a soft and quiet voice. You think for a moment debating your choices he notices your hesitance. “Please..? Even just a ride home would suffice. I could always just come back in the morning with what I need.” You sigh. “Alright let me just grab my things then we can get you home.” You step aside and let him in hurrying to gather your things placing down the wrench. He watches you move around grouping up your things. “So you’re a electrician huh? Im a mechanic ” He says attempting conversation his voice shaky and nervous. “Really? What shop d’you work at?” You say as you nod your head towards the door signaling ‘we can go now’. As you both open your car door he responds. “I uh work with my stepdad not many other places will hire me really.” You turn your head to look at him before starting the car. “I don’t see why not you look like you’re in perfect condition for some work.” He seems slightly surprised at your words but decides not to question how you live here and don’t know him. “Im Corey by the way..” You keep your eyes on the road. “Im Y/n, now then Corey. Wanna tell me where your place is?”
After arriving to his home you stop. “Thank you for the ride you really helped me out.” He says a little rushed you nod your head to him and smile softly. “Its no problem. You have a good night Corey.” After you say goodbye you drive off headed back to your own place.
A few days pass by and your working late once again a couple of minutes till close. The door opens and you don’t look up for a moment till the person stops at the desk in front of you. You look up from what you were doing. “Hey Y/n!” A slight smile spreads across your face as you roll your eyes. “Geez you’re coming to annoy me on the job now?” You say teasing as you look back to Allyson. She scoffs “Whatever you don’t know what you’d do without me.” You chuckle softly and ask her what it was she came by for. “Well…” She says reaching into her bag and pulling out a small poster promoting a halloween party at the near by bar. “I don’t know Allyson.. You know I don’t really care for these things.” But with how persistent she is you eventually find no point in further arguing. “Please.. Im gonna bring the cute guy from the hospital too.” You roll you eyes and smile. “Alright.. are we supposed to wear costumes?” She nods at your question. “You should dress sexy you never go out, jump at the opportunity.” She smirks.
The time for this small event at the bar approaches and you’re getting ready your hair and makeup done putting on your costume. You look at yourself in the mirror and shake your head with a smile thinking of how in the world Allyson convinced you into agreeing.
You get to the bar and call Allyson to see if shes already here. She picks up and says she coming out right now. You see her and step out of your car. She smiles “You look so good!” You look at her outfit “I thought you were dressing up too?” She shrugs with a smirk showing she never had the intention to actually wear a costume. You sigh and smile at your sneaky friend as she starts to drag you inside the bar. She takes you to the counter where a man is sitting with a scarecrow mask on. “Corey this is my friend Y/n.” You raise a brow curious if this was the same Corey that came by your work a few days ago. He has the same brown curly hair. Corey moves his mask to the side and shyly smiles, you softly smile. “Hey Corey.” Allyson raises a brow as to say ‘You know each other?’ You explain how the two of you met.
As the night goes on you feel yourself let loose. You all are having a good time when Corey heads back up to the bar leaving you and Allyson to dance. When you suddenly see him dart out the door Allyson sees too and starts heading for the door she asks you to come with her just in case he’s feeling sick. Once you get out he looks frantic like on the night you met but more scared and worried. You tune out there conversation deciding its not really any of your business that is till you hear a very upset Corey. “Im not your fucking project Allyson!” She tries to defend her words but he’s already turning and walking off seeming rigid. “Y/n.. Do me a favor and follow him. I wanna be alone and clear my head.” You look at her sad and nod giving her a hug before jogging to catch up with Corey. “Hey…” He takes in a breath trying to calm himself. “You doing okay.?” You ask softly. He nods, you see a car driving up in your peripheral as the car comes to a stop in front of you Corey seems to freeze. You narrow your eyes and watch as a group of teens step out of the car. They immediately start taking to harassing Corey talking down to him he’s holding his weight well for now so you don’t step in. That is until the boys start putting their hands on him after he said some stuff about the boys dad. You shove one away and try to smoothly knock him out not wanting to fight with a kid. But thats when you see that Corey has gone over the bridge thats when you stop fighting with them.
You immediately run to the slope connecting under and above the bridge you make it down and don’t see Corey. You feel yourself begin to panic when you hear something from the sewer tunnel. You reach for your phone turning on the flashlight before walking in. Then you see him leaned against some concrete out cold you immediately try waking him. “Corey.. Corey come one you gotta get up.” Shaking him trying to make him open his eyes you hear him groan. “Cor-“ Then suddenly everything goes black.
You start waking up groggily blinking your eyes. You look around at your surroundings looking to your right you see Corey still unconscious. The events of last night begin coming back and suddenly your in a rush to get up and get Corey up as well. “Corey!” You say getting up whisper shouting. “Corey lets go we gotta go!” You say shaking him awake with urgency in your voice. He starts to blink awake “Hey.. Come on lets go.” You say helping him up hurrying to get out of here. He walks behind you, You make it to the end turning to make sure Corey is still right there. Hes a little bit behind your about to call out to him when suddenly a hand reaches out and chokes him. You gasp and are sent into a panic looking around for something anything heavy to hit this random arm with. You see a wooden plank and grab it before immediately hitting this mysterious arm the plank breaks and you look over where the arm came from and lock eyes with the Michael Myers. You freeze and he drops Corey once you realize he let go of Corey you grab his arm and immediately rush out of there scared.
You both had been walking for some time not saying anything when a car pulls beside Corey the window rolls down the man speaks to him but Corey says nothing the man quickly drives off seeming startled.
The two of you head to your place. After getting there you ask Corey to go take a shower so the sewer smell goes away you walking to do the same after giving him a pair of sweatpants and a baggy shirt. You exit your bathroom dressed and he exits the guest bathroom in the clothes you gave him. “Corey come sit on the couch.” You say softly. He does as you ask and you go to grab things to clean his wounds and wrap them. You kneel in front of him cleaning the scraps on his face. “How did you land.” He looks at you for the first time since getting out of the shower. “What..” You make eye contact with him. “How did you land?” Asking him slower than before. “M’back.” You stand asking him to lay on his stomach lifting his shirt to look at his bruised back. You take a ice pack and slowly place it on his back to sooth the bruises. Corey whimpers slightly “Sorry.” You say softly.
After all those events you didn’t feel quite normal. You don’t know what it was but it feels like theres this hunger when you get angry the need, urge. You try not to think about it much not hearing from Corey or Allyson. That is till you get a phone call. “Hello.” You say without much emotion in your voice. The person on the other end doesn’t respond for a moment. “Its Allyson I need you to come by Corey had earlier and I want to talk to you.” You make your way over there Allyson ranting to you about the odd things she was seeing happening with Corey. “Did something happen that night after the party?” She asks you, You make eye contact with her. “No we just walked and eventually got to his place and split off.” You lied, you aren’t sure why but you did. You soon enough leave Allyson’s place heading to your car not before Laurie stops you. You look her in her eyes, she seems startled immediately moving out of your way and deciding whatever she was going to say is no longer important. Once your in your car you start pulling out making your way to Corey’s. You knock on his door, a older woman answers. “Is Corey here.” You say nearly monotone. She seems to be slightly agitated with your question her husband stepping to the door and pulling her away before telling you Corey was upstairs. You open his bedroom door, he’s standing in front of his mirror with his scarecrow mask on you look around and spot a mask on his dresser. Examining it before pulling it over your head, looking in the mirror before looking over at Corey and moving the mask to the side. Leaning in unknowingly…
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whumpbug · 2 months
whumperless whump event day 22: better out than in @whumperless-whump-event
vomiting / “i got your hair, it's fine.” (that dialogue is shown thru action i still wanted to include it)
see this post for character information!
caretaker: Archie
whumpee: Simon
cw: vomit (not super graphic but. yknow. its there. its the prompt.) AND slightly graphic descriptions of blood and broken bones (unrelated to the vomit)
for those who want to skip the actual vomiting, it starts at the line "Simon are you sure you're--" and ends at the line "I know, I know.."
Simon was trying, in vain, to nap when a knock on his window startled him awake.
There was really only one person that was so polite as to knock before breaking in. He sprang to his feet.
Well, not really sprang. More like.. slowly dragged himself to his feet so as to not jostle himself more than he needed to. His stomach felt… off.
Well, he sort of felt off in general.
He wasn’t sick though. Nope. No way. Archie was the one with the constitution of an old man, not Simon. Simon got his flu shot every year and drank tons of water and washed his hands nearly every hour. There was no chance he was sick. Not in a million years.
So he dragged his perfectly healthy body out of bed and shuffled to the window to see what mess he was going to have to clean up this time.
Archie waved to Simon through the window as he approached, so at least it didn’t seem to be a life-threatening injury right off the bat. Still, there was blood staining his teeth, slowly streaming from his nose and down to his chin. 
The sight of it made Simon’s stomach lurch. It wasn’t the sight that bothered him, he was used to that, but the thought of having to taste all that blood. He wondered if Archie’s tastebuds were also enhanced like the rest of his senses. He hoped not.
He hooked his fingers under the window and pulled it up, allowing Archie to stumble in. 
“Long time no see. Can't tell if thats a good or bad thing,” Simon quipped, catching Archie by the arm before he could faceplant on the cool tile.
“Awww somebody missed me~” Archie chirped, voice audibly a bit more nasal than usual. He straightened and allowed himself to be led to sit at the kitchen table.
Simon playfully rolled his eyes, though the action made him decidedly more nauseous and he stopped. He swallowed. 
“Yeah, sure. Just tell me what I’m working with here,” He motioned in Archie's general direction.
“Nothing too bad! I think I broke my nose, maybe a rib, and definitely sprained my ankle,” He listed. They had done this dance countless of times, and considering the states Archie had come to Simon in in the past, this really wasn’t too bad.
Simon pulled on his gloves. “Alright, let me take a look.”
Simon gently tilted Archie's head back. A lot of blood had already dried on his lips and chin, but there was still a decently steady stream of fresh blood dripping out. Again, the sight of it wasn’t what bothered Simon, but this time it was the smell.
It was metallic and overpowering and it was right in front of Simon's face. It was far from the worst thing he had smelled by a long shot, but it was enough to bring his queasiness up a few notches. He turned away, giving himself a few seconds to regain his composure.
Still, he knew he wasn’t sick. He must have eaten something weird or maybe he hadn't eaten enough. Sure, he had been feeling sort of run down and chilled all day, but that could be chalked up to stress, not illness. That much he was sure of.
He steeled himself and applied gentle pressure to the bleeding appendage. 
“It’s not broken,” He said, handing Archie some napkins to plug the flow of blood. He got up to change his gloves, silently grateful to be away from the coppery smell for a moment. “You just gave yourself a nasty nosebleed.”
“Oh sweet! I was honestly a little scared that I had--” Archie paused. “Simon? You okay? You look a little.. pale.”
“I’m fine. Just tired. Let’s check your ribs.” Simon said quickly, swallowing convulsively and standing. “Lay on the table.”
Archie lifted an eyebrow, but said nothing. He winced as he got up and sat on the wooden table, hissing as he lowered himself down.
Simon began palpating his side, applying gentle pressure. Simon’s fingers caught the lower left rib and it shifted with a grotesque scraping sensation, earning a yelp from Archie. Simon blanched.
“Yeah, definitely seems uh..” He swallowed again. “It’s a light fracture. Just ice it.”
Simon shut his eyes. Again, usually none of this stuff bothered him, but the feeling of Archie’s bones grinding against eachother beneath his finger was a sensation he felt in his teeth, and, consequently, his stomach. 
Evidently, his body had enough.
“Simon, are you sure you're--”
Archie was cut off by Simon suddenly sitting as straight as a rod, lips clamped together, sweat beading on his brow. There was a beat of silence in which Simon ran through every possible way to avoid what he knew was about to happen, but it was too late. Archie opened his mouth to speak again, but didn't get a chance before Simon bolted to the bathroom.
He unceremoniously crashed to his knees in front of the toilet just as he began to retch.
“Shit!” Archie staggered up from the table, limping as fast as he could to the hallway. Stupid ankle!
As he rounded the corner, he let out a sympathetic gasp at what he saw. Courtesy of Simon forgetting to close the door behind him, he was able to see him clinging weakly to the rim of the toilet, panting in between bouts of nausea. Sweat was dripping down his brow, and Archie could finally see how green around the gills he really was.
“Oh Simon..” He cooed, hobbling over to kneel next to him. He placed a hand between Simon’s shoulder blades and rubbed gently up and down. “ It’s okay.. Just get it out..”
Simon’s body tensed as he shoved his head back down into the bowl and gagged unproductively. He was silently grateful for Archie rubbing his back, as it gave him a sensation to focus on other than his stomach trying to turn itself inside out. He let out a low whine.
“I know, I know..” Archie used his free hand to simultaneously push Simon’s hair back from his forehead and check for a fever. He frowned. “You’re burning. Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”
Simon screwed his eyes shut as he finally pulled away from the toilet bowl, collapsing into the wall. “Not.. sick..”
“... Come again?”
“Don’t.. don’t need.. m'not sick..” He breathed, but it came out as more of a whine, and Archie couldn’t help but snort.
“I need get that on video. I’ll play it anytime you tell me I’m being ridiculous,” He laughed, gently running a hand through Simon’s sweaty locks. He ignored Simon's absurd denial. “Let’s get you in bed.. you think you’re done?” 
Simon kept his eyes shut as he nodded, knowing that if he looked at his mess, it'd just start up again. Archie leaned over to flush the toilet for him and took a bit of toilet paper to clean his chin. The act was so small and so tender that Simon found his eyes welling up with tears. He blamed the fever.
It took some maneuvering, considering both of their states, but Archie eventually got Simon into bed, and tucked in, once he saw begin to shiver. He placed a small trashcan beside the bed, just in case.
“You should.. should get in bed..” Simon murmured weakly. “Rest your ankle..”
Archie giggled. “You’re just saying that because you want a warm body to latch onto.”
Simon hummed noncommittally.
Still, Archie wasted no time changing out of his Vigil jumpsuit and into some of Simon’s clothes before cleaning his face of blood and slipping beneath the covers, next to Simon.
As predicted, Simon sidled right up to Archie and buried his face in his neck, inhaling the familar scent.
Archie smiled. Though it rarely happened, without fail, Simon became a complete cuddlebug when he was sick, and Archie was absolutely soaking it in.
He drew Simon close to his chest, and ran a hand through his hair. He used his other hand to rub wide circles across Simon’s warm back, and it wasn’t long before Simon visibly relaxed under his touch. 
Simon wasn’t used to being in this role, but was hardly complaining. It felt kind of nice to be doted on. He lazily threw an arm across Archie’s chest and pressed himself closer.
"Maybe.. I'm a little sick.." He slurred, already halfway to dream land.
Archie's chest vibrated with a soft laugh as he carded a hand through the dark locks rhythmically.
The two drifted off, tangled in eachothers arms, with the silent promise to deal with their respective ailments in the morning. For now, they slept.
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miitarashi · 10 months
OK, so being a woman, in many cases, means getting the dreaded bloodbath, so, as someone who gets the most painful and heavy periods known to man (thats how i feel anyway, i often get cramps that leave me physically unable to walk for up to almost four hours), could u do headcannons where Tintin takes care of the reader during that time? What he would do if we had cramps or just feeling ill on our period, I just think he would be a total sweetheart when it comes to caring for someone who feels sick
Nah i totally feel you on this one,i have really bad cramps too lol. Such cute request need to be done 😌👌🏽
[Name] = reader (female)
Warnings: bloodbath cuz God fucking dammit-
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☆Tintin headcanons☆
- Taking care of you on your period
Let's just start by the fact that this boy didn't had that much contact with other womans before. You was the first more active in his life.
Castaphiore is not that present so she don't properly count here (even more on the movie since Tintin only saw her,not even talked before lol)
So,he didn't really know what to expect,to say that he wasn't surprised is a lie even more watching your squirm in pain because of the bloodbath of the month coming down.
The boy got scared for a second,confused and then was just the "Oh..." from the realization lol.
But if you was dramatic about it (just like me,always feel like i'm dying slowly) it'll be 100% more funny. Like
Tintin just got back from the library passing by your home,hear your painful pleas and rush to see you squirming in pain
"[Name],what happen? Are you hurt?"
"Yes! I'm dying!! It hurts like hell! .....i'm seen the light...it's so bright..."
"[Name] don't say it,tell what is wrong,where are you hurted??"
"...Tintin...Tintin my love...my last words...listen and listen well..."
"[Name] please stop and explain!"
"It's this damm uterus!! Take this out!!"
".....what in the great heavens-"
After you finally calmed down (just enough to not make another drama) and explain about the period bro was literally like this 😐
Almost gave him a heart attack but hey! It was hurting you know? You had your reasons.
But after all drama,he soon put his hands at work asking what you wanted and what would make you feel better in his jornalist kinda of way gauthering all the information he could to not need to ask again,only act.
Even more after seen your state,feeling this much pain couldn't be normal.
First thing he did was to get the water compress with hot water for you and quickly get out to buy whatever you asked.
Chocolate,medicine,pads and everything and he new the type since he made sure to ask about it.
Your fluid temper was even a bit funny to watch. In a moment he was cuddling with you because you asked and wanted comfort but suddenly you pushed him away complaining about the closeness.
But as soon he walked a little away you begged for him to come back receiving a well deserved smug look from him.
If you got angry,that was the easy one. He already deal with Haddock,bro now the hints.
"Indeed,you're right"
"Now now..." smoothly coming closer,putting a hand on your shoulder and a chocolate bar on the other. "You're indeed right my dear,now,don't force yourself too much,here" slowly moving the bar towards your mouth that you open and munch the sweet
"There,better?" You nod. "Cuddles and nap?" You nod again and softly follow him.
Bro need one chocolate and a dream lol.
He spend the whole day with you until you feel better,even so he still stay just to be sure that at least the excrutiating pain passed.
And he respect every little thing. You become clingy? He'll keep you around,hugging you from behind,resting his head on your shoulder while watching something, never fully keeping his hands off you.
Want space? He'll keep close just enough to hear and help you with anything you need.
Suddenly feeling sad and ugly? Shower you with compliments saying every little thing he likes or find cute while caressing the back of your hand with his thumb.
Renting and mumbling? Keep talking because this man is listening and focused on your words to discuss about it independent of the subject.
Overal,he'll do his utmost best to help yoi with the monthly bloodbath, even more prepared after this first proper experience of your living hell that you'll not pass alone anymore 😘
A/N: Hey there! Sorry for the late post,just really was working on that one long fic i just posted on my AO3 account but! I'm back now to write the requests that are getting dust on my ask box lol. And bro??? Why and how i'm so close to have 100 followers?? Like what- thank you guys so much! 😘
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
I also wanted to submit smth else yippee
Ofc its gyro again its me were talking ab🙏
Idk if its like modern au or smth so we can make this work but yeah ill leave that to u💯
Soo to get to the point Gyro w a fem reader who cannot focus on her homework even if she rlly wants to like zoning out etc (adhd moment hahahahaha send help😻) and is frustrated about it (im gonna pull my hair out im so mad with my brain rn😻🙏)
Yippee TY FOR UR TIME UR WORKS R TRULY AMAZING also keep an eye out for more dpf as soon as im done w exams hehe🤭🤭
Distractions - Gyro Zeppeli
notes - AHHHH DIEGOSAUR MY BELOVED! I have had a CRAZY Gyro brainrot as of late and remembered this was here, so I thought it would also be a nice short fic to get me out of a block! Thanks so much for the request and I hope you're doing well <3 word count - 328 summary - (modern AU) You are stressed out for exams coming up and keep getting distracted. But luckily, your boyfriend, Gyro, is willing to help you study
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You chewed on the end of your pen and zoned out for.... what was it.... the fifteenth time now?!
You groaned at yourself, nearly feeling like you were losing your mind.
College was getting too damn stressful and it didn't help that you had to work a job and exams were coming up.
"Hey, I'm back." You heard Gyro enter your shared dorm, placing his keys in the bowl in front of the door. "How're you doin' pumpkin?"
"Fine." you said rather passive aggressively, making Gyro giggle.
"You don't sound fine." he said.
"I just can't focus and it's pissing me off. Stupid brain." You rested your hands on your head.
"Do you need help?" he asked super nicely.
"You would do that? I mean, I know you're busy with your internship and-"
"Look," he interrupted, placing a little kiss on your lips. "If we cut up time into sections, that might help. I can study with you for 45 minutes and then we can watch TV and cuddle for... lets say... 20 minutes, and then back to studying."
You thought about it in your head. Not only would that help you a lot, but you would get the reward of cuddling your boyfriend.
"Sounds good!" You high fived him and quickly got to work. Whenever you would space out, Gyro would be able to help get you back on track or know when a break was in order. He was so used to doing things like this by himself that helping you was a piece of cake.
The breaks consisted of TV and dinner, and finally, you felt succeeded in your studying, not scared for your exams one bit.
"You ready to cuddle then?" Gyro smirked.
"Yes please." You hugged around the back of his neck and pressed a kiss to his ear.
He carried you upstairs and the two of you fell asleep with smiles on your faces.
You were ready to kick that exam's ass.
jjba masterlist (2) (3) | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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rosewoodconch · 12 days
RWCH Readathon Days 13-14?
Undercover Princess: Ch. 40-45
Mega liveblog
Ill be honest. I'm really ill: but i am on a bus for 2 hours. So: heres a really porrly written summary of like... the lead up to the ball
Ch. 40
"Promise you'll also be happy"
Shes happy sometimes?
I really like that again we see that question of jamies origin which doesnt seem so important until youve read everything else
Ill be honest, i usually skip the valentines day bits
Lola is an icon, shes right. Jamie not liking cupcakes is blasphemous
And ellie getting lottle the flowers her name was named for is really sweet and i miss this era of them when it was so easy to fix
Also that note is so incredibly stupid and yes its a threat but also imagine jamie in his room making up the rhyme
"They might take ellie away" GIRL YOUR JOB IS TO PROTECT HER NOT TO KEEP HER FOREVER. Go read the diary again cmon
Ch. 41
Exams! The ball! Finally we hear more about the ball. Its crazy that they get results that quickly
Lottie having nightmares about failing her exams is... oh this poor girl
Shoutout to angus the most scottish person here i love him
Binah is so funny. I absolutely hated people who reacted like that in school
I'm so proud of Lottie like genuinely because after all of the chaos, shes still done incredibly
I was that one sobbing ivy girl ngl. I litterally appealed my b in nat 5 physics because i was convined i deserved a A. I didnt
Ollies messages was so sweet. I missed him so much. He deserves so so so much better. I wish he was able to know things but hes so right to be concerned and hurt. Then "have a good life"
Ch. 42
DRESS SHOPPING i probably dont have many thoughts other than OMG DRESSES AND SHOES so sorry in advance
Lèon is an icon and i love him
"I never like to be predictable" YES LOTTIE HARNASS THE SASS
Hes so real with the day and night hes all of us
I really wish ellie got to wear a suit here, it wouldve contrasted so perfectly to the book 5 ball
Ellie telling jamie to "just leave" is such a horrible awful thing to have said knowing all we know on reread.
Ch. 43
Jamie lore
I like that we get this explanation before the ball. Because rereading we can see how much the "normal" route relates to ani and saskia and it makes us wonder about who else could be
Jamie is different
The fake story of Hirana, and all of the information about her being lied about not just to ellie, but to jamie too, is so so sad.
Ellie wants nothing but Jamie and her to have normal lives. For them to not be connected in this way. "Everyone should get to choose"
I really love that thats echoed in the ending of the series.
Ugh again with the trust. How often do we hear them go we need to trust each other then lottie hides more stuff again. Im tired lottie.
The Cinderella moment 😭😭😭😭
Ch. 44
Let it be known that in the audiobook connie says Queen Matilda
Her "Real Room" makes me so so happy and i cannot wait to eventually read about it again.
In fact does Lottie ever see it!??!?!?! Someone tell me
See this is what i mean about the trust thing.
Im sorry but if a girl i had a crush on pinned me against the wall, said to tell her a secret or shed bite me i think id pass out
"Youll be mad at me" well no shit sherlock
Jamie is an icon and i love him. Never change
Ch. 45
"I cant promise not to be mad, but I'll hear you out" is so eloquent and I'll always have that in my mind
Creepily similar? A resemblance perhaps?
Ellie lying to try and help lottie is sweet but scary. Because how often does she do this?
I really do think that underneath he is pained for lying to his queen. But not just because hes loyal to her, or that it is his job, but also the queen is nurturing and kind and i think he does internalise that
Lottie defending herself to jamie is so painful
I love the difference between jamie "acting pained" and then the following
For anyone who isn't using the audiobook, i want you to understand how terrifying it is when it switches pov here. Because the whole book has been connie, for the prologue was her mum.
But here, theres a male voice. Jamies va.
Jamie recognising all the palace staff is really sweet
The fact that he has such a routine, hes been trained to hide his emotions from everyone including himself.
And the simple sentence of "he broke down" honestly cuts deeper than if it had been fully elaborated. Its so simple. And thats why its so powerful. He cant even cry and feel comfort. He has to retreat away from everyone and everything
Next chapters are the ball and everything so I'll probably do another mega liveblog for those ones!
Its just easier when I'm ill to group them like this!
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daadddysprincessss · 2 years
Part 1; Stranger things shiftverse.
Summary: Your Dustin Henderson older sister(your going into senior year) - this part takes place in season 3. Your working at Starcourt mall, upper level floor in the brand new record store - your coworkers are Eddie Munson & Gareth. Every lunch Robin and you share some fries in the food court. (of course within season 3 Robin knows who Dustin is and he is present for when the group goings to see Dawn of the Dead)
(you were present for all seasons) - Things have gotten tense between Steve and you since he basically saved you from the tunnels when you decided to help the kids distract the demodogs (season 2). You were one of the popular girls in school - you also happened to be a secret nerd who loved playing DND with her little brother, your best friend is Robin Buckley - until you dropped band to hangout with your "new friends". Those same friends teased and humiliated Nancy Wheeler, you werent a bully but you sure didnt like Nancy - maybe thats why the both of you never got along, because of the shared likeness of Steve - of course only Robin knew how much you liked him (season 1).
It was a normal day in the record shop - stock, hangout, front face, hangout - and took a lunch somewhere in there. "Hey Eddie - im gonna head for lunch" a smile ripped across your face "you know your like the coolest boss i could ever ask for" -
Eddie exhaled sharply - "if your asking for a FREE extra 15 then you better come back with some Orange Julius for me" he smiled. Before you could squeal your bottom lip was between your teeth -"thank you Eddieee".
You were zipping through the crowd of people on the escalator to reach scoops before it was too busy in the food court - 'thank god' the table Robin and you usually sit at was unoccupied. Quickly you walked over to scoops to grab Robin - to your surprise Steve stood front and center slinging ice cream, "Wheres Robin?' you asked while walking in-
"Ahoy there" Steve softly shouted with his big goofy smile - "shes just grabbing more cones in the back, but judging that your here im assuming its lunch?" Steve spun the ice cream scoop in his hand - quickly to attach it to his side.
You nodded softly - "yeah - let her know ill be at the table" you smiled back - Steve nodded. You heard the door fling open behind you as soon as you turned around.
"ill be right there y/n - just a sec" Robin shouted - she was holding what looked to be at least 6 really long boxes of cones. You wanted out of there - looking at Steve was reminding you of his 'heroic' moment - saving you from that demodog, sharing a soft kiss - just for him to run right back to Nancy's side. You rolled your eyes at the thought and waited for Robin. Robin came jogging out of the back with her backpack on and holding her cassette player - "go go go" Robin laughed -
"ROBI-" Steve shouted behind the both of you. - "what did you do??" you questioned while walking over to your table-
Robin still laughing - "I hid both ice cream scoops" she snickered.
Lunch always felt short, Eddie always gave you a free pass with letting you go for longer lunches but Robin always had to go back at the 30 minute mark. Robin packed up her backpack and took the rest of the fries(you usually shared) - "I'm still good to come to your house this weekend right?" you asked while picking up your mess.
"yeah yeah my dad said it's cool" - Robin smiled - "see you after work"
Robin walked back to scoops and you walked towards Orange Julius to grabbed Eddies drink. You stood in line tapping your foot to the beat of the mall music - well of what you could hear, 'why was it always so busy at this time' you thought to yourself-
"Hey" Steve's voice chimed through your ears - startling you
"what the hell dude" you jumped "that was not cool" your heart was racing
"What are you doing? I thought your lunch was done 5 minutes ago" Steve asked - now standing beside you.
You looked down at your feet - then quickly back up at Steve - "just grabbing a drink for Eddie." you practically vomited out that sentence - "he lets me take an extra 15 if I grab him a drink"
Steve's hand quick met the back of his neck - looking down at the ground now - "so are you and Eddie - like a thing now?"
You started to laugh "sure he's cute - but Eddie is just my friend" still laughing - "well and my dudgeon master"
Steve's face quickly lifted from the ground - "NEXT" the cashier yelled out - quickly Steve and you jolted forward, Steve stood there silently while you ordered Eddies Original Julius smoothie.
"So - y/n, I'm throwing a party this Saturday - would you uh like to come?" Steve looking down at you with those soft brown eyes-
You exhaled sharply and grabbed Eddies drink - "maybe - I'll think about it" you smiled - "Have a good lunch Steve" you smiled.
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deansawthetvglow · 2 years
my coworker will sit at work and browse industrial shelving units like 'this would look so nice in my room' GET THERAPY YOU'RE NOT DEAN WINCHESTER
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nofoundboy · 2 years
pennywise x male reader- reader just finishes a big life time project of theirs but it breaks just as when they’re showing it off (if its like an art project maybe it broke in the museum or sum in front of people) and they’re feeling fucking the worst bc of that like man ion wanna do anything man like all lazy around n shit like what is the purpose and pennywise is like being shitty bc idk i think thats how they are like why u sad all of a sudden weirdo? So kinda like angst to fluff in a way bc penny decides ‘hmm imma hear reader out and like yk be a better s/o and comfort them’ yk 
hahah I like it, I hope I get it right and I'm excited for this, I really love Pennywise
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The dark circles under your eyes were unmistakable proof of how hard you had worked for it. How many nights of sleep you had sacrificed in order to achieve that work of art, that intricate and significant piece that now stood before your eyes and before the eyes of several other people admiring it in that art gallery.
The move had not been easy, but it was finally there, and you intended to enjoy the attention given to it, to boast about what you had worked so hard to achieve.
Until, before your horrified eyes and those of all those people, it had begun to fall, shattered by some effect of the material that no one had foreseen.
Maybe it had been the sun, maybe the transfer had really affected it... you had no way of knowing, no matter how many calculations and tests you had done previously, you simply could not understand why it had acted in this way, just at this moment.
The face of surprise of those present quickly changed to one of mockery, of indignation towards you and your lack of preparation, of pity and even indifference.
You felt your insides boil at their ill-considered reactions. And just as their empathy had abandoned their expressions at the first failure, so did your desire to continue in that place, because you knew perfectly well that apologizing and smiling in shame before those bitter critics would consume your will to live until you were nothing more than a shell.
So you simply grabbed your jacket, your keys and ran home, the only place you could get shelter from your humiliating failure.
When you arrived, Pennywise was already there, hunched over, staring at your window.
You didn't even feel like saying hello, so you just turned off your cell phone and collapsed on the couch.
You felt the presence of the clown next to you, who was watching you curiously and somehow knew perfectly well what had happened to you.
"I...I'm not in the mood for anything" you said in a sigh before sticking your face to the couch until you could see nothing else. He seemed to mumble something, touching your head and legs briefly, as if he wanted to make you react.
The above was repeated for a few weeks. You just went on autopilot, not wanting to do anything and not having the energy to care. And you kept asking yourself, did it really make any sense? The last thing you had done had turned out to be a disaster, a waste of time, resources, effort, and even health.
It didn't help that Pennywise was walking around your house trying to force reactions out of you, scare you or make you laugh with no success, only provoking your annoyance against him.
He would make constant jokes about the fact that you didn't sleep, he would put your plate of food everywhere. Although at first, that seemed like a considerate gesture on his part, it ended up being obnoxious, as he never stopped.
"Shit shit shit...do something!" he would suddenly shout. You didn't know where he learned that word from, as it wasn't a curse word you used.
You simply avoided him or shouted so loudly that he was the one who ended up getting fed up, although he never left for long.
"That's enough! If you want to stay here you have to shut the fuck up and leave me alone!" you exploded once he wouldn't stop following you around, looking for you to stop being 'so bored' as he said.
"You, you're acting weird you stop it!" he shouted in turn, pointing his long fingers at you and straightening to his full height to demonstrate his physical superiority.
"Shit" you whispered before fading to the ground, exhausted and thanks to your terrible eating schedules.
You didn't know how long you had slept, the only thing you noticed was the warmth of a large body beneath you, soft breathing in the crook of your neck, and impossibly long arms wrapped around your body.
"Are you all right now? Your body went 'plop' on the floor" he whispered when he realized you were already conscious.
Feeling his warmth beneath you, his presence, as reassuring to you as it was terrifying to others, and his total attention to your well-being made you smile softly, gratefully.
You knew how desperate he could be, especially if he didn't understand something, but now he showed you nothing but gentleness because he understood that you were unwell, regardless of your refusal to go on with your normal life. It only mattered that something like the previous episode would never happen.
"I'm not well at all. Just...what I do never seems to matter" you began to run your fingers through his hands, so large in comparison to yours and probably anyone else's.
"Did you care?" his peculiar voice crept into your ears, making you think for a moment.
"Yes...I still care, it's my life" you felt his nose touch that spot on your neck that made you burst into laughter and you let yourself be carried away by the pleasant sensation of being pampered by your peculiar partner.
"So...live, yes? Bitter ones don't taste good" was his way of consoling you and although very unorthodox, it had worked.
"So I'll just be your next dinner?" you turned until you felt your chest press against his and saw his face in front of you.
"No, you stink" and with his big claw, he touched the tip of your nose, laughing at your grimace of indignation.
You needed a bath, but before that, you decided to stay curled up on him for a while longer, not without giving him a soft kiss on the lips that made him laugh.
"Finally! World's most horrible boyfriend!" he gave you a light smack on the forehead that caused you to grimace.
"I am?" you were glad to be going back to those warm moments you enjoyed so much.
"Yes, but only when you're sad...would eating a child help?"
"Eww, no. I'm going to go take a shower, you idiot" you exclaimed before being interrupted by his lips, greedily seeking yours. You let yourself go until you were out of breath. That never happened to him. His taste was weird but somehow, intoxicating. You loved it.
"Thank you" you whispered, before rushing to the shower.
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hoshi-y · 2 years
When they cheat on you
Genre : Angst
Characters : Yugi Amane, Minamoto Kou, Aoi Akane
TW : None
A/N : None
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Yugi Amane
You were like any other he would admire.
He acted a bit more distant
cold even.
You couldn't understand this new behavior of his
maybe men do have periods?!?
kidding, maybe he was in a bad mood or had a bad day !
So you decided to make your boyfriend homemade donuts to cheer him up ❤️
Went out of your way to buy ingredients to make his favorite homemade donuts, and even made paper stars all day and wrote a wish in each strip and but it in a small jar
After you were done, you set off to his house !
It was a lovely afternoon, elementary students walking home, the elderly chatting outside, and kids playing outside
You wanted to surprise him ! so you didn't tell him you were coming to his house
you began to walk faster to his house, wanting to see his reaction with your gift in hand
But a much bigger surprise was yet to come
His parents already knew of your relationship, and is really fond of you, so they let you come in and out of their house
And thats what you did
You noticed another pair of shoes outside his house
Womens, school shoes to be exact.
Anxious, you quickly took off your shoes and went inside
"Amane?" You called, as you put down the cutely decorated box that had the homemade donuts in, and the jar of stars on the table
No answer.
Weird, he doesnt have soccer practice, nor has any due projects
But you can hear the tv in his room playing
You quickly went up the stairs, and opened the door so wide—
"Ammaannee!! surprise! i have something—"
Your smile quickly dropped when you see him cuddling with your own best friend, not to mention they looked so comfy in each others arms.
He finally noticed you and pushed your best friend off and stood up
"[F/N] i can explai—"
you cut him off with a slap on the face.
You didn't know what to do
you we're feeling so many emotions
Anger, Sadness, Confusion, most of all, the feeling of Betrayal
He tried to reach for you but you yanked your hand away
Tears filled your eyes, you ran out of there
Never wanting to see them ever again, you locked yourself in your bedroom
The image of your best friend, and your boyfriend, being in each others arms will forever burn in your mind
He was your light, your moon, your everything yet he didn't feel the same, He looked at you as if you were any other star he would admire
you don't know how to face him now.
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Minamoto Kou
How could you do this to me.
Honestly, You couldn't think of any possible way on how he would cheat on you, he was a ball of sunshine !
But of course, not everything about him is all sunshine and rainbows
He started to pay less and less time with you, always giving out excuses
"Sorry [F/N], I'm busy at the moment, i promise ill make it up!" excuses. "Ahh i forgot, im sorry.." Excuses. "Im busy sorry, maybe next time"
Excuses, just a whole bunch of excuses.
you don't know how long you can keep eating on his excuses
so today was the day your gonna force him to have time with you !
You went on to find yokoo, satou, and mitsuba ! Your three best buddies and also your boyfriends !
as you were about to enter the classroom and ask them where he was you overheard them talking
"this is just a load of BS !! [F/N] Has to know!" Mitsuba says as he slams his fist on the desk
Making yokoo and satou flinch, "We know but, we don't know how to tell them.. and i most definitely know they wont take this news too well.." Satou says
"Won't tell me about what?"
You scared the three
they looked, Sad?
"What's going on?"
"[F/N]! Uhh,, i-it's nothing dont wo—"
"I want to know, Yokoo" You cut him off as you sit down infront of the three
They gave you a look of pity, and sadness
But before they can say anything, Kou entered the classroom, before you could even stand up to go to him you saw your senior, Yashiro clinging onto him
They look so happy.
"Kou, are we gonna go to that cafe down the street?"
"Yup, I'll just grab my bag and we'll be on our way"
You look at the three who had their heads down
He hadn't even noticed you, cause they were covering you from his field of vision
"Hey guys ! Me and Nene are gonna go—"
He stopped when he saw you, Your hands clenched so tight on the table and the sounds of sobbing
"Why, Kou?.." You looked at him with teary eyes "To think you would cheat on me, with our senior?" Looking at Yashiro who had a look of guilt
"[F/N] Its not what it lo—"
"Save it. you don't have to worry anymore, cause this relationship is over" You stand up and leave the classroom, But Yashiro grabs your hand and had tears in her eyes
"[L/N] I-im"
"You're sorry?" You look at her, no emotions whatsoever "You knew about me and kous relationship, yet you still got in the way of it, I knew you still had feelings for him, but wow. To think i ever thought so highly of you, You don't deserve my respect nor my friendship."
You yanked your hand from her and ran
He tried to call you
Text you
Even went to your house, But your parents would always kick him out, and even went as far as to call the police for trespassing
The damage was done, there was nothing he can do to fix this
His sorrys, and gifts won't fix this damaged relationship
Whenever he sees you in the corridor, he would try and fix the mess he made
he played you for a fool
You started to distance yourself from him, Just seeing his face makes you wanna break down
How could he do this to you.
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Aoi Akane
You were never my first option.
It was a miracle and a huge shock that you were his s/o
You confessed to him a few weeks ago about yoir feelings towards him, and he returned your feelings !
Officially together~
Started off with going on dates, walks home, cuddling at home, you know the usual any couple would do
But after a month he started to give you the cold shoulder
and you just can't find him anywhere
went to the student council where he always is, but teru said he hasn't seen him come in
Went to his class, But not even Nene or Yamabuki has seen him
Where is he?
The one person you haven't asked is his childhood friend
Aoi was taken by the student council President so you doubt she would do anything funny
The last place you haven't checked is the rooftop, He would go up there to let out some steam
You didn't see aoi but you heard commotion out there, so you peaked a little, eavesdropping
"Akane?" You call out, but you hear, Fuji? how odd, he would most likely charm yashiro into doing his work and he'll skip off with his friends, its surprising that he's still here
"You can't tell me what to do. Fuji."
'Akane !'
you peeked from the wall, It looked like those two were arguing
"Dude! Lay off! Akane-san has already turned you down multiple times, plus you're in a serious relationship!!" He says as he grabs his shoulders
"Serious? More like clowning, i still have feelings for Aoi. I thought that if tried to put my feelings onto another person that is not her it would worl, but it didn't, my heart still beats for her."
You walked in on those two and they stopped arguing
"Really Akane?" You ask in disbelief, You were on the verge of crying yet he hasn't shown any sign of guilt nor sadness
Haha.. just plain ol cruel Akane..
"Did you really think I'd like you THAT much?, I only dated you cause you act and talk as Aoi. my heart still beats for her, but that damn president got to her first."
Now that you realized it, He would constantly mention Aoi's name.
Even from the start of your, what do you even call this thing you have between you two
He just used you as a rebound.
"You really are a cruel person huh?" You say as you look up at him with tears in your eyes
You really thought he would like you
Loved you back even.
You did everything just for him to notice you.
Studied hard.
Joined the gardening club.
"Look what you did Ao—"
"Stay out of this Fuji. Why don't you run along and play with Yashiros feelings. What im doing is the same as yours, right?" He looks him dead in the eye and Fuji walks out
He's so cruel
He even put down every mistake you did during this 'relationship' you had with him
"Tsk. Did you really think I'd love you as much as i loved her?" He says as he walks towards the rooftop doors
"Might i add" Stopping beside you, he looks down at you
"You were never my first option, and never will be, consider this.. Clown of a relationship over."
Hitting your shoulder as he goes back inside
probably off to find Aoi and confess his love.
You broke down
But why?
You really did love him, Everything about him. He was the one that inspired you to become better, to study harder..
In your eyes, He was your Number 1
but you weren't his.
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Aha, see what i did there, with the number 1— ill shut up
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yb-cringe · 2 years
Ur into a lotta smps right what are ur favorites. Trying to get into more smps
hmmmm ohh thats a. hard question. i’m into a lot bc I love a lot of varied genres Within them though- they may not fit your vibe. Top 3? I’ll try a top 3
I’d. Imagine since you’re here, you already know Empires smp (if you dont, how did you get here) so ill skip that but emotionally its here. and the other common ones- Dream smp and the Life series. Which you should Also watch
(list below!)
1. Mianite. /MIANITE/.
I’ve never been so quickly charmed by an smp before in it’s first season. Usually it takes a bit for SMPs to start ramping up and making sense of themselves but watching from Captain Sparklez position, you basically start the series AFTER the rules are already set in place.
We watch our titular main character Mr Revenge himself enter a world of gods and conflict where he has no interest in either. He doesn’t want to side with ‘good’ or ‘evil’— he wants to survive (A rather relatable feeling these days lol). He demands a third option and by god, does he get it.
Mianite does an exceptional job at keeping you hooked with personal interactions between players, Purges or main pvp moments, and natural lore that lends well to the rather unsteady alliances made throughout. Watching other povs isnt necessary but adds so much to the experience. I can’t recommend it more.
2. YDYD season 1 Achievement Hunter
If you can ignore a *single* person in there who’s done some rather awful things- then this series is to die for. The cast of Let’s Play AH play minecraft hardcore where, if you’re dead- you’re dead (hence the name).
What makes it different from OTHER series like 3rd life or X life is that instead of breaking apart into duos to fight each other, the entire group works /together/ to try and make the series as long as they can. And it’s in spite of this that people die, graves are made, people are lost, and one person still ends up being the winner.
It’s a twist on the genre I don’t /see/ a lot bc most hardcore series are very much Hunger Games esq in that you’re all trying to kill the other to survive the longest. And that- doesn’t really become a main motivator here. No one wants to be the last one standing. They already /know/ that’s lonely.
3. Outsiders SMP
So. Much. Love went into making this smp possible. It’s a finished series as well, with well over several hours of vods or at least 3 in youtube videos of content. It’s planned, organized, detailed with lots of World building but what matters most is the connections between people.
Everyone on the smp lives in a Clearing, a la Maze Runners, surrounded by a large wall and a maze beyond that which traps people when the gates close at night. Outsiders isnt afraid to talk about the difficult choices being in this situation gives you- brings morality into question and the worthwhileness of political powers in a place without them.
You don’t leave Outsiders with questions. Not unless you missed the answers. It wraps everything up in a neat little bow and I felt satisfied with how it all panned out. I think getting into the more /consistent/ lore rather than ‘improv but mostly fucking around and then whoops lore’ is important bc not many ppl actually give this area of mcrp attention and i want this brought into spotlight as a shining representation of what Good Consistent MCRP planning and communication is.
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom and Y/N decide to work in the same room together. The problem...both of them get easily distracted and a whole lotta fluff comes with it.
A/N: Whoa its been awhile but here we are again! Thank you for 1,000+ followers it means the world! Surprises to come 😉
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“Hello beautiful.” Tom greets Y/N with a cheeky smile on his face. He quickly pecks her soft cheek as he places his laptop across from his lovely girlfriend, who was currently focused on her work.
She takes a second to look up, returning his smile with a soft one. “Hey, good looking. What’s up?”
“Nothing really. Is it okay if I work here with you? I just want to be close to my girl.”Tom pouts.
Y/N’s heart could burst at the sight and reason he gave. An inaudible “aw” prolonging through her mind...until she quickly realized that there could be some complications with this as a slight frown starts to replace her dimpled smile. “Wait...are you sure?”, she asks. “Dont you have press interviews that require absolute silence? I doubt any of you will want to hear the constant typing in the background.”
“Yeah, your typing is horrendous with those lead heavy fingertips of yours.” Tom teases.
“Well these lead heavy fingertips aren’t leaving anytime soon, so youre probably better off working elsewhere.” She suggests, pointing off to the distance. Tom groans at the idea, using his one hand to put her finger down. He engulfs hers with his, lacing her fingers and holding on tightly.
“Noooo. Dont wanna be anywhere else. Please darling? ” He pouts once more.
She giggles at his plea, rolling her eyes. “Course you can, bubz.” Tom excitedly scoots his chair in as he rubs his hands together to prep for the work to come.
And work they did...for at least 10 minutes. Tom was getting antsy as he read through his next script. Occasionally his eyes would roll to the left, and observe Y/N as she continued to read through an article on her screen. Not that Tom didnt find his own work fun but he always found watching Y/N do her thing just a bit more interesting.
He hadn’t realized himself, but his body start to shift and lean more towards her. His arm extending to wrap her in, as it glided up and down in a steady motion. His thumb doodling hearts on her shoulder. Tom could tell it had an effect on Y/N, discreetly smirking to himself as he heard her audible shakey sigh.
He wanted to see what else could make her sigh like that, so instead of his thumb he used pointer and middle finger, running them up and down her shoulder. Tom could see the smile creeping on Y/N’s face and her little head shake. She knew what he was up to and yet, Y/N still wanted him to think that he was not gonna get her that easily. But God was it hard. Every touch felt like tiny fireworks against her skin, goosebumps forming all over her body with every touch. She to stay strong. No distractions.
Tom eyes perked up, at the action. He must go further, he thinks. Tom starts to trace his nose from her shoulder to her neck, leaving kisses at her jawline. “C’mon darling. Think its time for a break.”, he whispers in her ear.
She turns her head towards him as she smiles, leaving a quick kiss on Tom’s lips. “Its only been ten minutes.” She laughs. “Five if you want to count the distractions.”
He backs up, pretending to look appalled. “How dare you. I’ve been a good lad focusing on my script for the whole ten minutes.”
A playful glare formed on Y/N’s soft face which ultimately ended her up with a fit of giggles. She couldnt take him seriously, but then again she never did with anything. Tom has always said if they were kidnapped by a pair of robbers, her first reaction would be to laugh. As the laughter died down, Y/N paid her attention back to the screen which had been inactive during the playful banter and continued to type out those set of documents that she had been meaning to get to.
Tom on the other hand was still reading through his script, taking mental notes on how he was going to approach his character. This time he was completely engrossed in his work. His eyes moving left to right with every line he took in. Until...he felt something ticking his lower calves. Tom knew it was Y/N’s foot, by the way it brushed just as he had done with his hand on her shoulder. The movements never stopped, her legs now curling around his own. Y/N was trying to getting back at him, but one thing she always forgot was that Tom always wins.
Naturally he had to the same, and what once became a playful game of footsie, now ended up with Tom shifting Y/N to sit on his lap. Her legs now wrapped around his waist and his hands holding onto her hips. Both of them connecting their soft lips, feeling every spark and essence of love. He looked up at Y/N with admiration, thinking how lucky he is to have her in his life. Yeah Covid sucked for the most part and limited their ability to even do anything exciting outside, but it gave them the opportunity to be with each other far more than they could have on a normal day. On a normal day, Tom would be jumping around country to country while Y/N would be home miles and miles away from him. Course, nothings changed with jumping from country to country, but Tom gets to bring Y/N with him now and thats all that mattered to them.
But work never stopped them from keeping busy. Just as their kisses were getting more heated, and their hands tangling each others hair both their alarms went off. The couple stopped their antics as they leaned their heads back, groaning in synchronization.
“Ughh. Thats my cue. I have to prep for an interview.” He mumbles as he nuzzles into Y/N’s neck.
“I know. I have to get ready for another business meeting. Whoo.” she speaks in a sarcastic manner, dropping her head.
“What time?” He asked pressing a kiss to the shell of her ear.
“Mm...3. Why?”
Tom plays with the strands of her soft hair. “Was wondering if you’ll stay with me through mine and Ill stay with you through yours.”
“As much fun as that would be. I dont think were allowed to —“
“Im not saying we have to be on camera for each others meeting. But if one of us will be off camera itll be all right.” He plans, still looking at his girl with pleading eyes. Y/N’s mouth twitches to the left, her eyes furrowed with suspicion.
“You’re doing it again.” Tom states, a small chuckle escaping his lips.
“Doing what?”
“You’re making that face again.”
Her expression quickly changes to confusion, not entirely sure of what Tom was noticing that she didnt about her own face. “What face?”, she asks.
“The one where you twitch your lips and make your eyes look angry. You only do it when youre indecisive about something. Its bloody adorable.”
Y/N snorts at his comment, and tries to get off to give him time to prepare, only to be stopped by his hands pushing her back down on his lap.
“I was serious about wanting to stay with my girl the whole day while doing work. Please?” He pleads again, this time bringing out the puppy face. “I’ll be good and do the dishes tonight.”
To be fair, Y/N knew she was always gonna say yes to Tom. Its pretty hard to deny her dorky boyfriend when hes asking so sweetly and just wants to spend the day together. More so, if the roles were switched, she would have done the same thing. “Go get changed movie star, before youre late for your interview.” She murmurs to him, kissing his cheek before she scrambles of his lap to sit across from him.
Tom whoops with victory as he runs out the room quickly changing into his shirt, fixing his hair, and adding glasses for that sophisticated touch. Sure he wanted to look his best for the Cherry Press, but he made sure his outfit was something Y/N would very much adore as well.
“How do I look?” Tom asked coming out of their shared bedroom.
Y/N looks up from her computer, and smiles widely. “Handsome as always.” She couldnt take her eyes off of him, admiring every detail of the clothing and how it perfectly complimented Tom’s feature. She eyed him from top to bottom, until she noticed something. “Uhh..honey....you’re not wearing any pants.” She asked a bit confused. Her eyes engrossed in the muscles of his thighs and the fit of his Calvin Klein boxers.
Tom smirks at her. “Its uncomfortable wearing pants. Besides no one will see...except you.” He teases, gently lifting her head up so that her eyes meets his. “Eyes up here love.”
“Youre something else.” She laughs, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. “Well...least we know who wears the pants in the relationship.”
Tom laughs loudly at her comment. He hooks the waistband of Y/N’s sweatpants and snaps them back to further prove her point. “That was a good one. Ill give you that.” Tom and Y/N high five each other, and then it was press time.
Y/N kept quiet and tried her best to minimize the typing unless it was really needed. Seeing Tom talk about his work and dedication was something that she had always admired about him. He loved his job and everyone can see that. Occasionally they’d steal glances from each other, smiling and holding each others hand under table so that no one could see. But it was just one of those moments that Tom and Y/N couldnt help themselves too. Two hours passed and Tom was free.
“You did so well.” Y/N praised Tom and awarded him with a quick kiss. “I love it when you talk about your passion.”
“Thanks. I love that you were there with me to sit through it all.” He smiles. “I believe its your turn now. It’s almost 3.”
Y/N frowns, knowing shed have to dread through hers. Instead of getting to talk about her passions, itd all be about business, business, business. “Ugh. Do I have to?”she groans.
“Come on now. Dont be like that, you’re gonna be fine. Ill be here with you the whole time.” Tom reassures her with kisses all over her face.
“No distractions?” She asks.
“No distractions.”
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lucy90712 · 3 years
morning sickness (pregnancy series)
⚠️emetophobia warning⚠️ a/n: sorry for the lack of posts I’ve been away with awful WiFi 
Series masterlist
The sickness throughout the first part of my pregnancy has been awful and has lasted all of the first trimester and into the second trimester. Every morning I wake up feeling so nauseous and throw up most days not really for any real reason. George has been so good and will try his best to take care of me.
This morning I woke up feeling extra nauseous from the second I opened my eyes so I knew it would be a bad day which happens sometimes but it isn't any fun thats for sure. I felt so awful that I couldn't move but at the same time I really needed to try and eat and drink something to make me feel a little better which is a constant battle that I have with myself.
I stayed in bed until the nausea took over and I had to quickly move George's arm off me so that I could run to the bathroom. I threw up more than I ever thought I could before resting against the sink to regain some composure even though I still felt awful. I threw up again before George came in still half asleep but concerned.
"Are you doing ok?" He asked even though he knew the answer
"Not really" I replied
"How many times have you been sick?" He asked
"Two so far" I answered
He got down on the floor with me and rubbed my back for a minute before going to go and get water for me to sip like he always does. I rested my head on his shoulder and just let him hold me which was the only thing that seemed to help me feel a little better.
When I recovered a little bit we went downstairs so that I could try and eat something but as soon as we got to the kitchen just the smell of the cat made all the nausea come flooding back so I went right back to the bathroom and threw up again. It's is going to be one of those awful days again.
I have been so lucky that I haven't really felt too nauseous but there are some days especially at the moment where I feel quick sick. On one of those days like today I normally stay in bed or on the sofa doing nothing under strict orders from Clay who won't let me push myself too far because he wants me to take care fo myself.
This morning I curled up to Clay while he was still asleep because I was feeling pretty bad and he makes me feel better even if its all in my head. He woke up as I moved closer to him and looked at me to see what I was doing.
"You ok there?" He asked
"I feel sick" I replied
"Do you think you are going to throw up or just feel sick?" He asked
"I probably won't throw up but I feel pretty bad" I said
That was enough for him and he lifted me up carrying me to the living room and putting me down on the sofa before going to the kitchen where he came back with water. Which he gave me as he got on the sofa behind he so that he could cuddle me.
We spent the whole day cuddled together on the sofa watching films and Clay cancelled his plans for the day or pushed them back until this evening so that he could take care of me.
I have struggled so much with sickness throughout the pregnancy so far an not even just nausea I throw up multiple times a day. It's awful and just so exhausting but I can't sleep because I feel so sick which is just the worst endless cycle. Sapnap tries his best to help me and be there for me but he hates watching people throw up which I understand but he is there for me when I'm not throwing up.
This morning I was doing pretty good and hadn't thrown up yet and I've been up for about 45 minutes which is quite unusual for me I have even made myself some breakfast which normally makes me throw up but maybe I'm slowly getting over this sickness. I went to wash the dishes but as soon as I got the washing up liquid open the smell sent me right back to my constant state of sickness.
I ran to the bathroom and threw up all the breakfast I just ate and more which just doesn't seem possible but somehow it is. Sapnap came into the bathroom after watching me run from the kitchen he knew what was happening but he had heard me saying only minutes prior that I felt better today so he knew I would be upset.
"Oh babe I'm sorry" he said sitting down and rub my back
"Why do I have to be sick all the time why can't I just feel better" I sobbed
"I don't know but what I do know is that you are doing such a good job at coping with it and being strong I could never live with this but here you are" he comforted
Sapnap sat with me the rest of the day even when I was throwing up because he knew it was just one of those days where I was really feeling it and he cared more about making me feel better then having to watch me throw up.
I have been so lucky with my pregnancy that I really haven't had any sickness at all I mean sometimes some things will make me feel nauseous but never very bad at all but for some reason today that has changed and I woke up feeling really sick for no apparent reason. I tried getting up to see if getting up and getting on with things would help the sickness to subside but it really didn't at all work if anything I felt worse.
Nothing is helping this sickness either. I have tried everything that google or other people recommend but it isn't helping. Alex has been trying to help too by distracting me to take the edge off which is sweet of him but it wasn't helping a whole lot. He gathered that distractions weren't going to work and so he made me go back to bed so that we could cuddle and watch a movie.
"Just relax love we can have a lazy day and forget about everything else I just want you to feel better" he said
"Thank you Alex but you can leave me if you have something to do" I said
All he did was shake his head and hold onto be tighter which gave me my answer to if he was going to leave me.
It's been a bit up and down throughout my pregnancy in term of sickness, some days I feel quite sick and others I'm fine and it doesn't really have a pattern it just really depends on the day. Today happens to be one of the days that I don't feel great after going a good week and a half of feeling good.
Karl got up with me this morning to make breakfast for the both of us as well as get me the things that usually make me feel a little better which I have discovered after trying about a million things on the days I was feeling extra bad. He gave me sprite and tic tacs because both of those things work for me which I had while he ate breakfast while mine was on the side away from me so the smell didn't make me feel worse.
For the whole day Karl was so attentive and barely left my side so that he could take care of me and when he did have to go somewhere he took me with him so that he wasn't far from me at all times.
I haven't really felt sick since before I found out about the pregnancy which has been so nice and I know I'm very lucky because a lot of people feel very sick for quite a long time. I have been able to eat all the things I normally would without anything making me feel ill which has made me very happy.
Tonight I'm making dinner for Wilbur and I and I had a tomato which I was cutting up and for some reason it made me feel very sick all of a sudden. I tried to keep going hoping it would go away but it got worse and I felt like I was going to throw up. I ran out of the kitchen and to the bathroom only just making it before I threw up.
Wilbur came into the bathroom seconds later and pulled my hair out of my face and rubbed my back until I was done. He got me some water and let me brush my teeth before picking me up and putting me on the sofa to sit down while he finished making dinner for us. It was weird because I could eat the tomato but the smell of preparing it was too much but it was kind of worth it because the meal was very nice.
From then on Wilbur said he was going to make dinner to avoid that happening again because he knows how much I hate throwing up and he didn't want me to if there was something he could do about it.
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rinasfinances · 3 years
Good Kisser (Oboro Shirakumo x Fem!reader)
genre: smut, slight angst.
this is my first smut.
ps: i cried writing the end
PLOT: your best friend since middle school, Oboro Shirakumo, invites you over to spend the night at his house. things get a little...spicy ;)
(this is written from your pov)
i sat down on the bed. my best friend since middle school, invited me over to his house to stay the night. who is my friend, you ask? None other than Oboro Shirakumo. Easily the hottest guy in class 1b at U.A high. "so,'' Shirakumo started to talk. ''Now that youre here, what would you like to do?'' i knew exactly what i wanted to do. You see, i had a crush on him ever since we met. I wanted nothing more than for him to just kiss me. i wanted him so bad..but i havent told him yet. ignoring my lustful thoughts, i responded with a weak and vague answer. ''well..do you have any video games..?'' i asked him, it was the first thing off the top of my head. ''i do, actually!'' Shirakumo responded. ''what do you wanna play? i have mario kart, pac man, tetris..'' his words were drowned out by my thoughts. fuck..i didnt want to play video games. i wanted to play with his cock, thats what i wanted to play with. But..i couldnt keep fantasizing for too long. ''y/n? y/n! earth to y/n...???'' He was waving his hand in front of my face. i must have zoned out far longer than i expected. answering him with whatever i thought about first, i quickly spoke. ''uh..mario kart!'' ''epic! i love that game!'' he responded as he handed me a controller. with shaky and slightly sweaty hands, i grabbed the controller as he booted up the game. ''bet ill beat you round 2~'' he said. ''in your dreams!!'' i responded. a few rounds went by, and he was right. he did beat me, many times. mostly because my eyes were occupied on his hands. his fingers quickly moving on the controller. how badly i wanted him to fingerfuck me was insane. those fingers. so. fucking. fast. ''damn, y/n. youre zoning out again?'' Shirakumo asked. i quickly turned to look at him. ''u-uh, yeah..sorry about that! lets continue playing..'' i said. ''no, somethings off about you..are you ok?'' he responded. ''um..yes! im fine!'' i lied. i was far from fine. i was so, painfully aroused. ''hm.'' Shirakumo said quietly as he put his hand on my cheek. ''your cheeks are red and hot. hold on........are you...blushing??'' he asked. his remark only turned me on more. ''i-i- uh-'' i stuttered, not knowing what to say ''awww, youre blushing! thats adorable. is it....because of me?'' he said with a grin. that sly bastard. ''maybeeeee~'' i responded in a flirty tone. ''oh so you wanna flirt with me now, eh?'' he got close to my face, his hand still on my cheek. without thinking, i kissed him. i fucking kissed him. ''mmf-!'' Shirakumo exclaimed. holy fuck, what did i just do?! im so stupid, i shouldnt have done th- my thoughts came to an abrupt stop when i felt myself fall backwards onto the floor, and Shirakumo's tongue slip into my mouth. he was making out with me and pinning me to the floor!! oh my god, was this really happening? he pulled away for a moment. ''youre such a good kisser, y/n~'' he said lustfully. without thinking, i caressed the sides of his body, and started to slip my hand down his pants. He pulled away for a second. ''i- oh my, y/n~ not so innocent now, eh?'' he slipped his hand down my pants and started rubbing my pussy. at this point i was so aroused, my pussy was wet and throbbing. ''holy shit, youre wet as fuck! i love it.. perfect for me to fuck you~'' Shirakumo said. he knew what he was doing. ''ahh~!'' i moaned, i couldnt keep my moans in. his fingers felt so good going in and out of my wet cunt. i stared rubbing his dick through his underwear, my hand already down his pants. ''mm..oh fuck, y/n..~'' he moaned. i could feel him. he was so hard. and so big..i wanted to ride him so fucking bad. he kept fingering me with one hand, and with the other, he was lifting up my shirt and pulling down my bra and playing with my tits. it felt incredible. i unzipped his pants and pulled down his boxers and started moving my hand up and down his big, thick cock. ''mmm, goddamn you make me feel so good, y/n..~ i'll fuck you real good, i promise~'' he said with a smirk. his words made me blush, and i could feel i was close to cumming. ''o-oh god, Shirakumo~!! i-im gonna-!!'' my words
were cut off as i felt myself cum all over his hand. ''did i make you cum~? of course i did.. i always knew you liked me. now..why dont we get off the floor and take this to the bedroom, my little cloud~?'' he said. the nickname he gave me made me blush. what an innocent nickname, considering what we're doing.. i felt him lift me off the floor and carry me to the bed bridal-style. he gently set me on the bed and i watched him take off his clothes. he was pretty quick with it, too. he got onto the bed and started taking my clothes off, too. ''you ready?'' he asked as he lined up his cock to the entrance of my pussy. ''y-yes!'' i responded quickly. i must admit, i was so needy, so desperate to cum. i felt a pain as Shirakumo's big, thick cock entered my pussy. i couldnt help but gasp and moan loudly. ''a-aahh~!! Shira- k-kumo!'' the pain quickly went away as i got used to his cock, and suddenly my mind was filled with pleasure. ''o-oh god, y/n~! y-youre so t-tight~!!'' Shirakumo moaned. he started thrusting. slow at first, but gradually speeding up to the point where he was absolutely pounding my pussy. it felt absolutely divine. i couldnt get enough. i felt that familiar feeling, deep in my core. i was gonna cum. ''ah~!! i-i love you~! i love you, Shirakumo~!!!'' i screamed out in pleasure as i came. i saw him bite his lip, and he let out one last moan before i felt his hot, sticky cum being released inside me. ''Ah~!! fuckfuckfuck y/n~!! i love you too~!'' we were both trying hard to catch our breath. 'i-im not done with you yet.'' Shirakumo said. ''w-what?'' i asked, wondering what was next. ''on your knees, you little slut~'' he said. ''s-slut!?'' i asked confused, and slightly worried. ''yeah, youre gonna suck me off. now get on your knees.'' he said with a serious tone. ''o-okay..'' i complied. Before i even had time to think, i felt Shirakumo's cock slip into my mouth and down my throat. ''mmh-!!'' i exclaimed in shock. He put his hand on the back of my head and bucked his hips. ''suck it.'' he said. i complied. ''a-ahh..~'' Shirakumo leaned his head back and moaned softly. i kept sucking his dick, kept deepthroating. i could tell he was about to cum, his moans got louder. ''ahh~! y-y/n~!'' he exclaimed. i felt several ropes of hot cum release into my mouth. i didnt care. i wanted him. i swallowed all his cum. ''damn, y/n..youre r-really good at this..'' Shirakumo said in a slightly shocked, yet exhausted tone. ''i-i am? this is my first time doing this, so..its good to hear that.'' i said, a bit shocked by his words. ''listen..im still not done. i want you, i want every bit of you to be mine..and im not gonna leave things unfair.'' he said as he kissed my body all the way down from my tits to my cunt. i felt him lick my pussy and suck on my clit. ''mmm..youre so tasty, y/n~'' Shirakumo said as he licked and fingered my wet cunt. ''a-ahh~! f-fuck...~!'' i exclaimed. i felt his fingers going in and out of my pussy, and i felt his tongue on my clit. it felt absolutely incredible and i wanted so badly for this feeling to last. i felt that feeling i knew too well. a feeling like electric sparks in my core, i was going to cum. ''Shirakumo~!! i-im gonna c-cum~!'' i yelled in pleasure as i felt myself cum on his hand, and on his face. i was a little embarassed, but the embarassment quickly faded as i heard him talk. ''y/n, that was amazing.~ but, im not gonna leave it at that..'' ''eh?'' i said, questioning what could possibly be next. ''i wanna fuck those pretty little thighs of yours. then i wanna fuck your tits. theyre perfect, and they'd look even better covered in cum.. my cum.'' i blushed at his words. ''o-of course..'' i said, very flustered and excited. i felt Shirakumo's cock slide between my thighs. ''mmm...your thighs are so soft, babe..'' he moaned softly before moving his hips so that he was fucking my thighs. i bit my lip and made little sounds of pleasure. even though it wasnt that much stimulation for me, i knew it felt good for him. ''i..i wanna cum..on your tits..'' he said trying not to moan or cum.
''come on then..'' i pressed my tits together. ''...cum on my tits, im ready.'' i said. Shirakumo took his cock out from between my thighs and placed it between my boobs. i placed my hands on my boobs and moved them up and down his cock, jerking him off with my tits. ''a-ahh~! y-y/n~! i-im gonna c-'' his words were cut off as he came on my face and on my tits. ''y-y/n..~'' ''yes?'' ''that felt amazing..'' ''it did..'' we exchanged words before embracing eachother and cuddling. Shirakumo pulled a blanket over us, both of us feeling so safe and loved. ''y/n..?'' he said. ''yes?'' i responded. ''i..i love you. and im not just saying that because of what we just did..i really love you. so much. i wanna be yours. forever.'' Shirakumo said. i was at a loss for words. ''r-really..?'' i qestioned. ''yes. i've loved you for so long, i've always wanted this.'' he responded. ''i-i feel the same..! i love you so much, i feel like im gonna die without you..im so glad we met..im so glad i kissed you..and i'd do it again.'' i said before i kissed him deeply and passionately. he kissed back. i loved him so much. i was positive i would have him forever. that we would spend eternity with eachother. i was sure he would be the one i would spend the rest of my life with. well..that was until..
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hi hello so i know this isn’t about carolyn but im rewatching ke and i wanted to know what your thoughts are on Kenny cuz to me he’s so precious i love him and i hate the way everyone pushed him around yk
oh thats ok man !
sorry if this is a bit delayed though ;v;;
honestly my thoughts on kenny are. quite complex, as i have a lot of emotional attachment not only to him but also his overall family and the neurodivergent depictions of the presented three (3)
kenny was a character that, at the time where i first knew of this show, (probably like. two (2) years ago) i quickly came to take a liking to for the simple factor of relatability, as well as the charismatic aspects of him that in season 1 completely lacked in carolyn herself - as they are very much alike, but for my "younger" mind i chose to stick around to a character where i knew the emotional corruption would simply not be as heavy as with someone as cold and stoic as her, no matter how infatuated i was already since that one "do you want anything from the store" line of hers.
he gave me such a sudden and impactful confort, that although came crushing down with this biting and harsh realization of the mutual understanding over not understanding our surroundings and acting the way we do, everything that i hated about myself, every little aspect of awkwardness and those who i considered negative ive found to be entertaining and nice on him - an unraveling of neurodivergent thinking that was not bad or treated with disgust, but with actual nuance and reality.
i quickly fell in love, of course (platonically)
he was my comfort character, my blorbo, the one who i could talk about and know every inch of complexity to such a degree because finally i had found a character who i could truly understand with my own mind. and the feeling that brought up to me and my brain was so exciting, like a sudden burst of happiness and relief in midst of all the personal chaos ive been going through on that very year i came to discover the show
he was. so genuinely nice and capable
he was just like me, and he was still treated as much of an important character to the narrative - as far as his role went - as any other one. that feeling of relief is something ill never be able to take off my system
it was overwhelming, i cried many times, but truly after i came to sort myself through i realized how lucky i was to meet him in such an specific period of time where i dealt with so much self-hate and doubt over my own identity and "bad" neurodivergent traits
i cant say much over how his character truly came to be constructed, if it was well done narrative-wise or not, because through such rose-tinted glasses my brain comes short on rational thinking before events from season3
but i will say that, although his time was rather ill spent through certain moments thay would have been more crucial for his development if the thought of keeping him on further into this show was already as a main possibility, he still came to entertain me like no other character within this show (aside from carolyn, of course, which is a much deeper hole, and another whole deal when it comes to how im attached to her in a manner that relates to the neurodivergency represented within this specific character)
i was sad when he died, cried more than one (1) time about that for sure, but at this point came to realize that a certain detachment was what i needed the most regarding the show, so the entire process of "grieving" wasnt something i chose to actually pursue
in my mind its all but a fictional piece of media, where characters that impact my life simply come and go with no actual importance beyond the usual "i will miss them" lines we all throw - with no actual strings attached, really ^^" -, but this show and most specifically kenny are still so very much an important part of me and my life.
may whatever poor and miserable plot be offered, i would still watch his character development and growth if the state of mind and personality were still kept the same
it was nice to know someone like me on such a mainstream show, and i would never choose to abandon that kind of concept, no matter what else is presented to be negative
(though, to cases like of racism within ke's production ill still very much talk about it)
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sour--disposition · 4 years
Baby Steps
harry lewis x fem!reader
Request: Can I have an imagine where Harry accidentally gets you pregnant but no one knows your dating and you are scared to death but he is really good and it all is okay in the end and the rest of the sdmn are very supportive in the whole situation when they first find out about not only the two of you dating but also of the pregnancy. Thanks xx
I’m super open to doing a part two of this where baby w2s meets the uncles and we get super cute harry and baby fluff so lmk if thats something else i should add to the to do list
please check my masterlist to see if requests are open
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They were taunting you. The two lines on the stick. It was like they were laughing at you, enjoying the turmoil erupting in your gut. Maybe that was the baby making itself known. Who knows?
What was Harry going to say? Neither of you were ready for a baby, were you? Harry’s career was only growing at this point, the sky was well and truly the limit for the Sidemen and for Harry himself. You couldn’t jeopardise that with an accidental pregnancy. It could ruin everything.
You’d been safe, you were on birth control, for Christ's sake. Yet, here you were, having a face off with 3 pregnancy tests.
You texted your best friend, Gee, immediately, asking if you could come over. She replied instantly, worrying about you but telling you to come over whenever you wanted to.
“What’s wrong?”, Gee asked as soon as she opened the door to you. She looked up up and down, checking you for damage.
“I’m pregnant”, you whispered. “I was late and I thought it was just my birth control fucking around with me but I’ve been really ill the last couple of days and I just thought that I’d take a test and rule out that silly possibility because no way am I pregnant but I am and-”
“Breathe, Y/N”, Gee told you firmly, taking your hand in hers and dragging you over to the sofa. “It’s going to be okay”, she said softly, pulling you into her arms. “Does Harry know?”, she asked.
“No, I came straight here”, you whispered. “Oh, shit. The guys don’t even know we’re together. I think Freezy does but... Hi guys I’m actually Harry’s girlfriend surprise also surprise, I’m pregnant”, you said in a put on, over the top, happy voice. “My God, my life has gone to shit, Gee”, you huffed, slumping back onto the sofa.
“It’ll be fine. It’s your body, Y/N, and it’s your choice what you do with it. If Harry is supportive, that’s great. If not, you’ve got me, and the girls and Will and his friends. Whatever option you pick, you don’t have to do it alone”, Gee told you reassuringly, running her hand comfortingly up and down your arm. “You need to tell Harry and then you can take it from there”.
Gee let you sit with her for a little while longer, letting you calm down and get your thoughts together before you attempted to face Harry. You texted him, asking if he was free and if you could come over. He replied quickly, thank God, telling you to come over whenever you wanted.
“You can ring me whenever, okay? And if you need to come here after, you don’t have to ring, just come straight over. Let me know how everything goes, yeah?”.
The drive to Harry’s was stressful. You seemed to hit every red light possible, and every driver in front of you seemed to have zero sense of urgency. You tapped the steering wheel impatiently, flicking through the Spotify playlist you’d set when you left Gee’s.
By the time you’d parked up and gotten to Harry’s front door, you were practically shaking where you stood. The nerves were wracking through your entire body. Forget butterflies, there was a whole stampede going on in your stomach.
“Hey”, Harry smiled once you’d finally knocked on the door. “Are you okay? You don’t look too good”, he said, worry written plainly across his face.
“Is Freezy here or is it just us?”, you asked, chewing on your lip.
“It’s just us”, Harry said simply, taking your hand in his and guiding you over to the sofa. Once you’d sat down, he rested his hand on your knee. “You’re really worrying me, Y/N. What’s wrong?”.
“Promise you won’t be mad?”, you asked, voice small. Harry nodded, moving his hand to hold yours. “I’m pregnant”.
Harry seemed to lose all control of his face. His mouth dropped open slightly in shock and his hand around yours slackened. “I-”, he spluttered. “I thought we were safe”, he said quietly.
“We were”, you said, voice watery as tears started to fall. “There’s, like, a less than 1% chance. I’m so sorry”, you said, voice cracking slightly with emotion.
“Don’t be sorry, don’t cry”, Harry shushed. He seemed to snap back to reality there and then. He bundled you into his arms, carefully pulling you closer to him. He gently wiped the tears off of your face, leaving his hand there to cup your face. “Don’t ever be sorry”, he whispered, leaning forward to kiss you.
“But the boys and your channel and they don’t even know about us”, you rambled. “I don’t know what to do, Harry”, you whispered into the soft fabric of his hoodie.
“It’s your choice, Y/N. It’s your body. I’m not going to force you to have a baby that you don’t want to have, but I’ll be there every step of the way if you choose to keep it”, Harry told you.
“What do you want?”, you asked him quietly. “In an ideal world, what do you want?”.
“Ideally? This would’ve happened a little bit later. But I love you, Y/N. I’ve known from day one that I love you. I want nothing more than to have a family with you and if thats a little bit sooner than we first thought, then so be it. But I’ll be here, no matter what decision we make. All I ask is that you include me. No matter what choice we make, I’m not going anywhere”, Harry said. His thumb came up to swipe at a few more tears that had fallen.
You looked at Harry in awe. “Of course I want this with you, Harry. There’s nothing I want more. Sure, a couple more years would’ve been great. But we can do this, right?”, you asked, voice wavering only slightly.
“Yeah, we can”, Harry smiled. His hand moved from your thigh to your stomach, cupping around what would become a bump in the next few months. “Hi, baby”, he cooed softly, dipping his head down to rest on your chest. “I love you and your Mummy so very much”, he hummed. A smile fell into place on your face as you let yourself bask in the soft moment for a little while.
“Do you want to tell your friends?”, you asked Harry a few minutes later.
“Yeah”, he said simply. “I wanna be a good dad to my baby and that has to start from now. I think they know I’ve got a girlfriend, but I want you to meet them properly finally. And I’ll tell them there and then about Harry Junior. If they can’t get on board, then that’s a them problem”, Harry said with a sense of finality.
“We are not calling this baby Harry Junior, no matter how great of a dad you are”.
You were nervous, but not nearly as nervous as when you’d told Harry that you were pregnant last week. You were sat with Harry on the sofa of his living room, waiting for the rest of the Sidemen to come around. You’d already told Cal, it was kind of hard to deflect the question when he came into the room to see Harry affectionately cradling your body and stomach.
“What if they hate me?”, you asked Harry, leg bouncing in anticipation.
“You know them already, sort of. They won’t hate you. You’re amazing”, Harry promised.
“Yeah but they don’t know me as your girlfriend or the mother of your child”, you stressed. Harry opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a knock on the door.
“That’ll be some of them”. Harry bounced up to open the door, returning to the room followed by Vik, Tobi and Josh. “I got a text from Simon, him and JJ are down the block in an Uber”, Harry said, quickly returning to his spot next to you.
You made small talk with the 3 boys and Harry until JJ, Ethan and Simon arrived. The wait couldn’t have been any longer than 5 minutes, but to you, it felt like a life time.
Once everyone was situated around the living room, Harry gestured at you awkwardly. “So, you know Y/N”, he started, sounding unsure of himself. He was met with a round of nods and ‘mhm’s. “We’ve been together for just over a year”, Harry said bluntly.
You were surprised by the lack of surprise in the room. “You dragged us all the way over here to tell us something we all already knew?”, Vik asked, looking around at the other boys.
“Yeah, it’s not exactly a well kept secret, Harry”, Simon laughed with a smile on his face.
“Oh, well...”, Harry trailed off, blushing and spluttering slightly. “There is something else, though”, he said quietly. “You’ve said I’ve been a bit off the last week and it’s because I’ve really needed to speak to you lot about something”.
“You aren’t pulling a JJ, right?”, Josh asked with a dramatic sigh. “I can’t do diss-tracks again, man, it feels like a fever dream”, he whined. Everyone around the room let out a low chuckle and Ethan poked at JJ’s shoulder, purposefully trying to wind him up.
“No, it’s not about that”, Harry laughed nervously. Harry looked like he was trying to find the words, but he was too nervous to string any of them together to form a coherent sentence.
“Last week I found out I’m pregnant”, you said, squeezing Harry’s hand gently in your own.
The shocked faces almost made you burst out into laughter. Over the last week, it was all you and Harry had talked about and it helped the both of you come to terms with the reality of the situation. It was still daunting, but you knew that you weren’t doing it alone which lifted a massive weight off of your chest.
Shocked faces soon broke out into huge grins. “Congratulations!”, Josh beamed from the other side of the living room. “How far along are you?”, he asked you.
“I’m not too sure, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow because I need to know if my birth control will have done any damage. But I’d say maybe 8 weeks, give or take”, you smiled.
“You had a good time in Italy then, Harry?”, JJ teased from his spot in the chair, earning him a swift swat from Simon. 
Harry’s face screwed up in confusion. “What does our anniversary trip have anything to do with - Oh...”, Harry trailed off, cheeks immediately setting alight with a pinkish red blush. You couldn’t help but giggle, leaning gently against Harry’s side. “Wait, how did you know about our anniversary trip?”, Harry asked.
“Like we said, Harry. You aren’t very subtle”.
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