#hes polydactyl and has 4 extra
sandymybeloved · 2 years
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felinefractious · 4 months
Hi! I was wondering if you have any thoughts or resources on the Highlander/Highland Lynx breed? Or what, if any, is the difference between the two?
I've read that they're two different breeds, but that that may only be the case because of different registry requirements..??
Also, are they really truly domestic? Every where I've read has said that they most certainly are, but that they're also crossed with Jungle Curls? That bit has left me a bit confused...
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This pretty little guy is up for adoption at a shelter near me, and I'm contemplating going to see him (if he isn't snapped up in the next week lol), but I'd like to cover all my bases for breed research first!
He apparently came in fully intact and was recently neutered which seems.... Strange to me. The people who surrendered him supposedly bought him from a breeder out of state?
I'm not by any means 100% certain, but i did look at a few Highlander catteries and I THINK I may have found his breeder? At the very least they have a king that very well looks like he could be this guy's sire
https://www. highlanderswildnwonderful.com/ Kings.html
I do still wonder why he would be sent out as a companion fully intact though... Or why he wound up in a shelter and not returned to the breeder...
Anyway! I'd love to hear thoughts/opinions resources for potential health issues
So far I've only read that they require frequent ear cleanings and have some UTI issues, but the stumpy tail does make me a little nervous... It doesn't seem to be the same thing as manx, buuuuuut......
Woah, amazing find!
From what I understand - and if this isn’t correct someone more familiar with the breed is welcome to correct me - but the Highland Lynx is essentially the outdated name for the breed more widely known as the Highlander.
The exception largely being the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry which has decided the Highland Lynx is still the Highland Lynx and the Highlander is the same thing but backcrossed to the Desert Lynx use in the breeds foundation.
Which doesn’t make sense to me, it should just be considered an allowable outcross…? But whatever. I don’t respect that registry anyways.
As for their domestic vs hybrid status it’s true that the Jungle Curl is a Jungle Cat and American Curl but it seems like the Highlander falls more into the Toyger realm… there are technically wild caat hybrids in the ancestry but they’re far enough removed that it isn’t super relevant.
Even after 4 generations a cat is largely considered domestic or “SBT” (Stud Book Traditional) and these guys are generally even further out than that.
Before I get into the health of the breed I just need to make a small correction to their description… this handsome fella is not chocolate, he’s black sepia - often called brown or sable, sometimes called natural.
The toe beans tell, and he has many beans to reveal his secrets.
Currently we are not aware of any issues related to curled ears the way there are with folded ears but anecdotal evidence suggests that they’re more fragile and.. yes, require more frequent cleaning. Dirty ears and ear infections are definitely something to be mindful of.
As much as I enjoy polydactyl cats I’m not a fan of deliberately breeding for the trait, the nails on these extra digits can be difficult for the cat to maintain and are more prone to becoming ingrown. Some cats even require an onychectomy (declaw) of the excess digits due to reoccuring problems.
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[Image Source]
So acclimating to having their paws handled and tolerating routine nail clips is an absolute must.
And finally… the tail.
Your concern about the relation to the problematic manx gene is warranted.
There are presently two types of tail mutations documented in domestic cats: the “natural bobtail” manx gene due to T-box mutations and the “asian bobtail” due to an HES7 mutation. The latter is not presently associated with the same issues as the manx gene.
HES7 mutations are not present in the Highlander.
Two T-box variants have been identified in the Highlander breed, meaning the mutation for their bobtail is the same as those responsible for the manx. Standard Highlander’s can have no tail to a short tail, those with a long tail are considered non-standarf and are largely used only for breeding purposes due to the lethal nature of T-box mutations when homozygous.
Some Highlander lines owe their bobtail appearance to a “novel variant,” meaning no known mutation has been identified. As this variant or variants are currently unidentified we can’t confidently say which gene (if either of them) it’s most closely related to or if there are similar issues associated.
All that being said not all manx gene cats will present with related problems and for those who do the severity is variable, some may have minor issues that can be managed with diet or medication while others may be… pretty severely effected.
I imagine at this age they would have a good idea of if Sampson has any issues and to what degree they’re present if he does.
If you’re prepared to deal with potential health issues should they arise I think it would be lovely to adopt him, you’re not contributing to the breeding of more if you go through a rescue and are equipped to educate others on why “Yes, mine is awesome but no you don’t actually want one.”
Like Dr. Frank Bozelka and his rescue Scottish Fold. His videos are hilarious and informative, by the way, I definitely recommend giving him a follow.
It would also be good for him to be placed with someone aware of and prepared to accomodate possible breed-related issues instead of someone who just wants a fancy cat… but I understand this can also be overwhelming, so absolutely no judgement if you decide to pass.
But if you do adopt him I’d love to see more pictures! I want to squish his cheeks.
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psystirene · 5 months
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WC x Rainworld Day 4 - Gourmand
Gourdstar is the current leader of Rainclan, joining with a ragtag group of loners many moons ago, and carving a home for himself in clan life. He became well-loved and trusted thanks to his warm personality and various skills, so much so that he was entrusted with the deputy position, before eventually becoming Rainclan's very own leader.
Gourdstar has a laid-back energy to them, but don't be fooled- They are ready to do anything for the cats of Rainclan to thrive. They know when to put their foot down and when to take a gentler approach.
Often going on patrols alongside their clan cats (they can afford it- they've yet to lose a life), Gourdstar was the one to find Goldenheart as she wandered their territories. Gourdstar sympathized with the young cat- They looked like they'd been through a lot. That, and they smelled familiar. Goldenheart was quickly welcomed into Rainclan.
Notes: - Gourdstar is a fawn cat with no white, originally intended to be a funky solid, but I'm not so sure what to go with now. Cats do sometimes just have stripes they genetically shouldn't, so that's probably what's going on here. - Gourd is polydactyl, and they have an extra toe on each foot. These look like thumbs, but can't really be used as such. - I love the Gourd...
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pedropascal-y · 1 year
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Hey! Sorry i havent posted in like forever. I’m fostering three orange kittens, they’re a handful and i start school super soon!
Some info about the kitties!!
Crab Rangoon || She’s the only girl of the three, they’re all 4 months old and is long haired! Her fur colors are orange and white! She constantly gets poop stuck to her butt bc of her long hair so i’ve resorted to baby wipes.
Itzy Bitzy Spider || He’s a polydactyl! He has two extra thumbs on both his front paws! He’s also one of the more lovey of the three even if he is a menace, his nickname is Spider tho bc i loved avatar: the way of water
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 || This lil feller is the most shy of the bunch, but when he likes you, he likes you!! He is also a fricken menace but he’s an orange boy so that’s to be expected. He likes my siblings bed and bothering my mom while she works from home!
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BasilSmall litter fun facts 4/7: Deertongue!
Mentor: Robinmask (he wanted Mottlecry, but everyone said NO, and for good reason)
Dark Defects: Oligodactyly (opposite of polydactyl, he has less toes than normal, three per paw to be specific) on all paws, protruding underbite
Dark Benefits: very good hearing
-A little bit cuckoo for cocoa puffs
-One of the most cannibalistic of the Dark Kits, but he specifically prefers blood
-Part of a chaotic trio with Smokyflame and Sandspark
-Idolizes Mottlecry and the ground he walks on
-Also really good friends with Webfang and Wormpaw
-Actually nice once you get to know him!
aw Mottle has a fan!
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rainingpouringetc · 4 years
Random question:
How many pets do you have??
4! i have two cats and two dogs.
my cats are sammy and harley, they’re both black cats and harley is a polydactyl cat! that means he has extra toes (two extra on his front left paw and one extra on all the others). sam is old and grumpy and tries to sleep on my keyboard while i’m typing but we love him.
my dogs are cooper and lady. cooper is a nova scotia duck tolling retriever (toller for short), and i love him to pieces but tollers have this thing called a “toller scream” which he does every single time someone comes to the door (you can google it if you wish, it’s pretty entertaining as long as it isn’t right next to your ear every hour or so). lady is an aussie and has megaesophagus so she sits up in a fancy chair (called a bailey chair) for 45 minutes whenever she eats.
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cecilspeaks · 5 years
159 - Cat Show
Be the annoying goose you want to see in the world. Welcome to Night Vale. 
This day was foretold and now it is here. Some doubted it would come, but the signs were clear. And I could not be more excited! It’s the annual Night Vale cat show. [laughs] I know, I rarely report on this event, but this year, I finally entered my own cat, Khoshekh, into the contest. Many of you remember that I found Khoshekh 7 years ago. He was floating 4 feet off the ground in the men’s restroom here at the radio station, and he’s still in that exact same spot, cute as ever with his furry little white paws! And elegant little black tail, and just the floofiest tentacles you could ever see.
My husband and I adore cats! We’re always ranking them, because love is above all else a competition. So we figured we should put Koshekh out there for an objective ruling on our own beliefs that he is the best cat in the world! It should be an easy win for our little boy, especially with the home field advantage. Koshekh is stuck in a fixed point in space, and the cat show is being held here at the radio station to accommodate his condition. Station Management is a bit unhappy about this, because they’re terribly allergic to cats. All morning, as the cat show organizers and competing cats have arrived, I have felt the sneezes of Station Management from deep below the surface of the Earth where they have burrowed into the warm, molten core of our dying planet.
I sent our new intern Simon Peterson out to pick up some Benadryl for the bosses, and he did, but now he’s having trouble navigating the 16 inch wide rocky tunnel Station Management dug into the break room, and Simon keeps saying he’s claustrophobic and that his greatest fear is to be stuck in a dark place where the long spindly arms touch and prod his feet, but he cannot see them. And even if he could, he would not comprehend them. Ad n the prickly limbs grab at him with increasing desperation and he does not scream, because he knows no one will hear him except the inscrutable.. thing that is now tearing open the skin along the bottom of his feet. And I was like Simon, this office is a no excuses zone, so get in that tunnel and do your job.
More on the cat show soon, but first the news. Strange men arrived in town today. They were wearing suits and carrying briefcases. They drove a black sedan. One of them wore sunglasses. They claimed to be from Washington DC from an agency called the National Transportation Safety Board. They were inquiring about a missing plane. The strange men, one of them had a blister on his upper lip, met with Sheriff Sam, and told them that on June 15, 2012, Delta flight 18713 from Detroit Mistigan to Albany New York disappeared. The NTSB still has not found the MT-90 aircraft. The men told Sheriff Sam that for many years, the agency believed the flight to have gone down in Lake Erie. Sheriff Sam laughed at this silly fake name for a lake and told the men – one of them had a swollen red lump along the cuticle of his right index finger –that they must be remembering some spooky young adult novel, rather than a real life event. The strange men – one of them had an unceasing nose bleed – said it was in fact true. They said that they recently found a report indicating that right before Flight 18713 vanished from radar, it was detected all the way down in the southwest United States, right here in Night Vale. “How is that possible?” the strange men asked our Sheriff. Sheriff Sam stopped laughing and said: “I know the plane. Or rather, I know someone who saw that plane. His name is Doug, Doug Biondi.” The strange men – one of them wore three wedding rings – nodded and said: “Take us to Doug.” Sheriff Sam said: “Doug is in the Night Vale asylum. He is dangerous. He is not allowed visitors. But…” and Sheriff Sam leaned forward, clasping their hands together across the desk and continued in a hush town: “I… could… assist… in an undercover operation. Disguise you all as new inmates, treacherous psychopaths who must be kept in lockdown in the world’s highest security mental hospital. Then, then… you would be able to interview Doug Biondi about what he saw that day in the elementary school gym.” And the strange men – one of them was weeping thick yellow tears – agreed that this was a great idea, and set out with the Sheriff to the asylum, deep within the Scrublands, to begin their covert investigation. I’m sure those strange men from the NTSB will emerge soon with a full report. More on this story as it develops.
But I have to get back – to the Cat shooooow! [excited] Oh ho ho, [gasps] so many cats have arrived! [laughs] Th-there are cages and carriers full of sweet kitties all over the station! Representing all four breeds of cat: long haired, short haired, smushyfaced and miscellaneous. When I was filling out the entry forms for Khoshekh, they asked me this breed, and he’s definitely smushyfaced, but also long haired although he’s short haired along his coddlespine and pincers, soooooo… miscellaneous? I guessed. Also they wanted Khoshekh’s last name, and I have never thought of a last name for our cat. Huh. I told Carlos we should put his last name as Khoshekh’s last name, because Carlos has a much more interesting last name than me. Plus Carlos is pretty well known and very well liked in town. Everybody knows his last name, and I thought that might carry some political weight in the minds of the judges. But Carlos insisted that we use mine, because I found Khoshekh and I adopted him. So there you go, little kitty. You are Khoshekh Gershwin Palmer. A champion name for a champion cat.
Let’s have a look now at the community calendar. This Friday night is the Tour of Lights in Old Town Night Vale. Participants can meet at Galway and 1st at 7 PM, where a tractor pulling a trailer full of hay will drive you around to look at the bright and festive holiday lights adorning the various historic homes. Last year’s favorite, the Victorian mansion owned by Harrison Kip, included a 40-foot tall Santa, his arms outstretched overseeing a vast army of toiling elves, while an old Victrola played “Ave Maria” over crackling speakers and clowns leapt suddenly from the thick shrubs, handing unsuspecting but delighted guests red and blue balloons shaped by long dead family members. Tickets are five dollars and go to support the Bilderberg Group.
Saturday evening is the bi-monthly pub crawl in downtown Night Vale. Every eight weeks or so, every bar in town becomes overrun with 7 inch long bugs that look like… a bit like earwigs but with human faces. All participating bars and pubs are offering two for one specials on well drinks and bottled domestics.
Sunday afternoon, the Tamika Flynn book club will be meeting to discuss their most recent book, the 2018 Husqvarna YTH-24K 14-inch riding mower owner’s manual. This month’s book was chosen by John Peters – you know, the farmer? They’ll be discussing the themes, symbolism and subtext of this seminal work of contemporary technical literature. The book club is open to anyone and there will be a potluck benefit.
Monday is running a few minutes late, but wants everyone to know we can go ahead and start without it.
The cat show is finally underway and wow! What a sight! I’ve never actually been to a cat show before today, it is, it’s fascinating! So, the judges take each cat one at a time. They hold up the cat’s tail to examine its posture and form. Then they pry open the cat’s mouth to check its teeth. Then four judges hold each of the cat’s paws and stretch it out into a furry X, as a fifth judge measures the cat’s latitudinal, longitudinal and diagonal lengths. I’m surprised at how gentle these cats are with all this rough handling. Khoshekh – [scoffs] Khoshekh usually tries to bite me or-or sting me when I feed him, and I appreciate that about him. It’s hard to respect a cat that would let any stranger look it directly in the eyes, let alone touch it. People sometimes think cats will behave obediently and chummily, like dogs, but cats are individualistic. They show love, yes, but it is conditional and judgmental. You must give a cat space to learn its environment and develop its own social rules. Plus those pincers really hurt! The cats they’re showing right now are really cute, but it’s [sighs], it’s hard to respect them, like the way they let these judges just treat them like slabs of meat. [shouts angrily] Stand up for yourselves, you glorified sock puppets!
Oh, I’m getting some nasty looks from the judges and other contestants. Good, good. (-) [0:12:26] is important in contact sports. Let them know who’s the front runner.
Amber Akini and her husband Wilson Levy are showing their cat now, a tiny fist-sized orange and white shorthair named Berthold. Berthold might be my second favorite cat, behind Khoshekh of course, because he’s a - oh, oh what to call that kind of cat with extra appendages the poly.. polydactyl, polydactyl, that’s it. Anyway, Berthold is a polydactyl cat. He has eight legs and a mesmerizing array of shiny black eyes covering his cute little face. I’m not so sure Berthold has much of a chance of winning, though. Because when the judges tried to check his teeth, he skittered up the wall and won’t come back from the web he built up there. Ah, well now Susan Willman is showing her cat. He’s a scraggy, but otherwise basic tabby with dirty teeth like Spanish rice and the sunken posture of a playground swing. Oh I didn’t catch his name, although it sounded like she called Dumpster. [chuckles] [low voice] Not a chance, loser.
OK, oh wait. The judges are all wide-eyed and cooing over Dumpster, like he’s a rare bejeweled artefact. Wait, they’re nodding to each other as if they’re impressed. I don’t get this! He’s a trash cat. That’s why she named him Dumpster of, knowing Susan, maybe that’s a family name. Ooh ho-ho! Oh, I’m getting a shush sign from the judges, and Susan is glaring at me. [chuckles] I had no idea how political this cat show would be. What a racket.
Let’s have a look now at traffic. There’s a slowdown on westbound lanes of Route 800 near Exit 19. There is no construction or accident. Highway patrol said that everyone on that side of the road simply started thinking about Urinus and giggling. Every single driver, simultaneously, remembered how the name of that planet always made them laugh in school. Scientists want to study Urinus. They thought it wants really probe the dense noxious clouds covering the rocky surface of Urinus. They considered in unison, their ruddy cheeks quaking above sore jaws and below tear-filled crackling eyes: scientists think the pressure inside Urinus is so great that here may be diamonds inside Urinus. The drivers all howled, the audible din enough to slow even the eastbound lanes, who were trying to think of a single funny thing about Saturn, but could not. I’m not sure I get why any of that is funny. But expect westbound delays of 20 minutes or take an alternative route.
It’s the big moment, listeners. The judges are visiting Khoshekh right now in the men’s restroom. I tried to tell them to use hazmat gloves, but they sneered and said: “We know how to handle cats, sir.” OK, they are professional arbiters of all things feline, so I believe them. They’re holding up Khoshekh’s tails right now, examining his nacreous scales. They brought in two other judges to try to hold Khoshekh’s tentacles down because, well he keeps trying to grab at the main judge’s face as the judge attempts to examine Khoshekh’s teeth. Oh, I wonder if they’ll deduct points for Khoshekh having more teeth than a normal cat. I mean he has five rows of them. OH, oh! Oh no. Ohhh, the judges are not controlling this situation well at all, Khoshekh has wrapped up all of the jduges in his many spiraling suctioned arms. They’re struggling to break free, but those tentacles secrete a sedative oil and the judges are wobbling.. They’re passing out, yup, not good. Every single judge is unconscious, and now Khoshekh is wildly flapping his wings and, while I cannot hear it I can tell, he is emitting a shriek that only other cats can hear. He does this when he’s upset. OH, there’s Berthold coming down from the safe haven of his web. There’s Dumpster, hollow-eyed and purring, waling toward Khoshekh. And all the other cats are coming too. Their mouths agape, emitting I m sure the the same ultrasonic tone, a harmon of protest, of uprising, of bloodthirst. They’re gathering now in the men’s room, eyes glowing, all slack-jawed and silent screaming at the sky. On yeah, the other pet owners are sobbing and they’re running for the exist, but they know they cannot leave. They would not leave even if they could. It is silent now in the station safe for the panting exhaustion of frightened human owners, and the strained wheezing breaths of unconscious cat show judges. I think Carlos and I have a great shot at winning this thing, listeners. an announcement of a champion coming soon!
But first, The weather.
[”Weather: “Fuzzy Disco” by Talkie https://talkie.bandcamp.com]
The judges woke up, but they no longer speak in English nor any human language. They are licking themselves and eating moths that they caught by the single swinging light bulb in our radio station’s interrogation room. Their brains are feral and feline now, as they hide under tables and hiss at the other cat owners. I tried to warn them about using hazmat gloves, but they didn’t wanna hear me. [big gasp] Or maybe they did! Perhaps this was their gambit all along, I mean this is after all my first cat show, I don’t wanna pretend like I know how these things go. No winners were announced. The judges joined the high-pitched catervauling of the other cats. And then they all left in a unified clatter, out the men’s room window and into the street. I can see them now, running toward the alley behind the CVS, several other cats joining their ranks, all except - Khoshekh, who cannot leave his spot in the station restroom. Four feet in the air.
I told Khoshekh that he’s a winner in my mind, and I put on my thick rubber gear and gently stroked his smushed little face! [giggles] Right between his middle two eyes! Huh. It’s hard to tell what cats are thinking or feeling, but I think Khoshekh is happy. He’s happy to have such a loving home and two doting dads. But something in his eyes tells me he wanted to run free with his new cat friends. I gave him a catnip plushie though, and he looks content, if a little coked up.
Stay tuned next for a noise you cannot hear, rallying a feral insurrection.
Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: Wanna feel old? Don’t worry, you will.
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squidkitties · 6 years
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Since I’m an easily confused bitch, I decided to keep track of the cats mentioned in Live A Hero by BeyondTheClouds777 on AO3 using a modified version of this base on dA. This was before chapter 12 clarified Rainbow was fully white, lmao, but since it has I’m still putting this one out. Every single cat here follows real cat genetics, and since BNHA takes place at least 150 years in the future, I figured some of the genes that are much rarer today might be more prevalent even in street cats! Red arrows are from kitten to adult color on the left; the ones on the right show what’s under the fully-white-masking gene. Green checks are the cat’s Izuku is keeping.
If you want the genetics involved as well as real life inspo, check under the cut!
Cats shown from left to right, top to bottom!
[F] MOTHER 1: Short normal coat (long carrier), solid chocolate tortoiseshell (genetically spotted) w/ 0-50% white, bobtail, & extra toes (cinnamon/dilute/classic/amber/point carrier). NOTE: Her extra toes are on her back paws. Ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh bbl/XOXo/Dd/dmdm/aa/Mcmc/Spsp/tata/ii/wbwb/Ee/Ccs/Wsws/wdwd acac/sfsf/jbjb/mm/mkmk/Pdpd site --> pic
[M] FATHER 1: Long normal coat, silver classic tabby w/ 0-50% white (chocolate/dilute/solid/bobtail carrier). NOTE: Full brother to FATHER 2. ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh Bb/XoY/Dd/dmdm/Aa/mcmc/spsp/tata/Ii/wbwb/EE/CC/Wsws/wdwd acac/sfsf/Jbjb/mm/mkmk/pdpd site ---> pic
[M] Fluffy: Long normal coat, solid black (genetically spotted mackerel) w/ 0-50% white, & extra toes (cinnamon/classic/amber/point/bobtail carrier). NOTE: Inverted his mother’s toes for thumb-like placement. ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh Bbl/XoY/DD/dmdm/aa/Mcmc/Spsp/tata/ii/wbwb/Ee/Ccs/Wsws/wdwd acac/sfsf/Jbjb/mm/mkmk/Pdpd site --> pic
[F] Rainbow: Short normal coat (long carrier), silver lilac (dilute chocolate) & cream (dilute red) spotted mackerel tortoiseshell w/ 50-100% white & bobtail (cinnamon/solid/classic/point carrier). NOTE: This is her natural pattern. Makes constant use of her own Quirk: Color Drop: she can extend her individual colors to cover her whole body. Can be fully white, fully lilac, fully cream, or even the darker tabby-spot variants of lilac & cream if she ever concentrates on it. Ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh bbl/XOXo/dd/dmdm/Aa/Mcmc/Spsp/tata/Ii/wbwb/EE/Ccs/WsWs/wdwd acac/sfsf/jbjb/mm/mkmk/pdpd site --> pic
[M] FATHER 2: Long normal coat, silver red (cameo) (genetically black) mackerel tabby (chocolate/classic/amber carrier). NOTE: Full brother to FATHER 1. ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh Bb/XOY/DD/dmdm/AA/Mcmc/spsp/tata/Ii/wbwb/Ee/CC/wsws/wdwd acac/sfsf/JbJb/mm/mkmk/pdpd site --> pic
[M] Snickers: Long normal coat, silver black-to-amber (at 3 months old) classic tabby (chocolate/dilute/solid/point/bobtail carrier); still has black nose & pads. NOTE: He changes color because he has a realized Amber gene, which only seems to appear in VERY select purebreds. The site listed explains the gene, if anyone’s confused about it or hasn’t heard of it before. ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh Bb/XoY/Dd/dmdm/Aa/mcmc/spsp/tata/Ii/wbwb/ee/Ccs/wsws/wdwd acac/sfsf/Jbjb/mm/mkmk/pdpd site --> kitten pic / adult pic
[M] Skittles: Long normal coat, silver red (cameo) mackerel tabby (genetically chocolate) w/ 0-50% white (cinnamon/dilute/solid/classic/amber/point/bobtail carrier) ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh bbl/XOY/Dd/dmdm/Aa/Mcmc/spsp/tata/Ii/wbwb/Ee/Ccs/Wsws/wdwd acac/sfsf/Jbjb/mm/mkmk/pdpd site --> pic
[M] FATHER 3: Short normal coat, seal point (genetically spotted) (chocolate/dilute/classic/bobtail carrier) LL/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh Bb/XoY/Dd/dmdm/aa/Mcmc/Spsp/tata/ii/wbwb/EE/cscs/wsws/wdwd acac/sfsf/Jbjb/mm/mkmk/pdpd site --> pic
[F] Marshmallow: Short normal coat (long carrier), solid full-chocolate point (genetically spotted mackerel) w/ 0-50% white & bobtail (dilute carrier) Ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh bb/XoXo/Dd/dmdm/aa/McMc/Spsp/tata/ii/wbwb/EE/cscs/Wsws/wdwd acac/sfsf/jbjb/mm/mkmk/pdpd site --> kitten pic / adult pic
[M] FATHER 4: Long normal coat, solid blue (dilute black) w/ 50-100% white [van; white diamond face] (classic/point carrier) ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh BB/XoY/dd/dmdm/aa/Mcmc/spsp/tata/ii/wbwb/EE/Ccs/WsWs/wdwd acac/sfsf/JbJb/mm/mkmk/pdpd site --> pic
[F] Icee: Short normal coat (long carrier), solid black (genetically classic) w/ 50-100% white [van; tuxedo masked face] & extra toes (chocolate/dilute/amber/bobtail carrier). NOTE: Her extra toes are on her hind feet like her mother’s, where placement is rarer than on the front. Ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh Bb/XoXo/Dd/dmdm/aa/mcmc/spsp/tata/ii/wbwb/Ee/CC/WsWs/wdwd acac/sfsf/Jbjb/mm/mkmk/Pdpd site --> pic
+Mama 2 / Fistfight (injured front paw) & 3 newborns
[F] Fistfight: (FULLY WHITE MASKED) Short normal coat (long carrier), solid fawn (dilute cinnamon) (genetically mackerel) (classic/point/bobtail carrier). NOTE: Deaf in her left ear, though her right hears perfectly fine.
Ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh blbl/XoXo/dd/dmdm/aa/Mcmc/spsp/tata/ii/wbwb/EE/Ccs/wsws/Wdwd acac/sfsf/Jbjb/mm/mkmk/pdpd
sites without white --> pic 
[M] FATHER 5: Long normal coat, black classic tabby w/ 0-50% white (chocolate/solid/amber carrier) ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh Bb/XoY/DD/dmdm/Aa/mcmc/spsp/tata/ii/wbwb/Ee/CC/Wsws/wdwd acac/sfsf/JbJb/mm/mkmk/pdpd site --> pic
[F] Snowball: (FULLY WHITE MASKED) Short normal coat (long carrier), chocolate classic tabby (cinnamon/dilute/solid/point carrier). NOTE: Looks almost exactly like her mother. A rare case of an animal having a Quirk, Duplication: splitting once means their left eyes stay blue but the original has green on the right with the clone having yellow instead. Both copies can split again meaning 2 cats w/ two blue eyes, a third with green, & the fourth yellow. This one is the reason Izuku sometimes has more cats altogether than he should, & why sometimes he counts less kittens from Fistfight. Ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh bbl/XoXo/Dd/dmdm/Aa/mcmc/spsp/tata/ii/wbwb/EE/CCs/wsws/Wdwd acac/sfsf/JbJb/mm/mkmk/pdpd site with her mother --> pic site without white (in brown section) --> pic
[M] FATHER 6: Short normal coat (long carrier), red ticked tabby (genetically black) w/ 0-50% white (cinnamon/dilute/classic carrier) Ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh Bbl/XOY/Dd/dmdm/AA/Mcmc/spsp/TaTa/ii/wbwb/EE/CC/Wsws/wdwd acac/sfsf/JbJb/mm/mkmk/pdpd site --> pic
[M] NEWBORN 2: Long normal coat, fawn (dilute cinnamon) ticked tabby (solid/classic/bobtail carrier) ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh blbl/XoY/dd/dmdm/Aa/Mcmc/spsp/Tata/ii/wbwb/EE/CC/wsws/wdwd acac/sfsf/Jbjb/mm/mkmk/pdpd sites German? version OR English version --> pic
[M] FATHER 7: Long normal coat, solid blue (dilute black) (genetically mackerel) ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh Bbl/XoY/dd/dmdm/aa/Mcmc/spsp/tata/ii/wbwb/EE/CC/wsws/wdwd acac/sfsf/JbJb/mm/mkmk/pdpd site --> pic
[M] NEWBORN 3: (FULLY WHITE MASKED) Long normal coat, solid fawn (dilute cinnamon) (genetically mackerel) (bobtail carrier). NOTE: Born with a patch of a suggestion of his base color on the top of his head which eventually fades. Has a quirk (and no one will notice except maybe Kouda): he’s got entirely violet eyes, an eye color not available in anything other than an albino (not just white) cat. ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh blbl/XoY/dd/dmdm/aa/McMc/spsp/tata/ii/wbwb/EE/CC/wsws/Wdwd acac/sfsf/Jbjb/mm/mkmk/pdpd site (Wild About Harry) --> pic sites without white (directory) --> full page --> pic
+Tree-Rescue Kitty
[F] Fiddlesticks: Short normal coat, solid fawn (dilute cinnamon) (genetically mackerel) (classic/point/bobtail carrier). NOTE: Has dichromatic eyes (pic) of hazel & green. ll/RR/ReRe/lplp/whwh blbl/XoY/dd/dmdm/aa/McMc/spsp/tata/ii/wbwb/EE/CC/wsws/Wdwd acac/sfsf/Jbjb/mm/mkmk/pdpd site (Butterscotch) --> pic
Fur Length: Short (LL), Short (Ll), Long (ll) Cornish Rex: Normal coat (RR), Normal coat (Rr), Wavy coat (rr) Rex/Hairless: Normal coat (ReRe), Normal coat (Rere), Normal coat (Rehr), Selkirk rex coat (SReSRe), Selkirk rex coat (SReRe), Devon rex coat (rere), Hairless (hrhr) LaPerm: Normal coat (lplp), Curly coat (Lplp), Curly coat (LpLp) Wirehair: Normal coat (whwh), Wirehair (Whwh), Wirehair (WhWh)
Eumelanin: Black (BB), Black (Bb), Black (Bbl), Chocolate (bb), Chocolate (bbl), Cinnamon (blbl) Red: [M] Not Red (XoY), Red (XOY), [F] Not Red (XoXo), Red (XOXO), Tortoiseshell (XOXo) Dilution: Non-dilute (DD), Non-dilute (Dd), Dilute (dd) Dilute Modifier: No modifier (dmdm), Caramelized (Dmdm), Caramelized (DmDm) > Dense (dilute; caramelized): black (blue), chocolate (lilac), cinnamon (fawn), red (cream; apricot) Agouti: Solid/Non-agouti (aa), Tabby (Aa), Tabby (AA) Tabby: Mackerel (McMc), Mackerel (Mcmc), Classic/Splotched (mcmc) Spotted: Normal (spsp), Spotted (Spsp), Spotted (SpSp) Ticked: Normal (tata), Ticked (Tata), Ticked (TaTa) Silver/Smoke: Non-silver (ii), Silver (Ii), Silver (II) > Smokes are Silver+Solid Wide Band (on hairs): Normal (wbwb), Wide Band (Wbwb), Wide Band (WbWb) Amber: Non-Amber (EE), Non-Amber (Ee), Amber (ee) Colorpoint: Not pointed (CC), Not pointed (Ccs), Not pointed (Ccb), Colorpoint (cscs), Mink (cscb), Sepia (cbcb) White Spotting (white areas): No white (wsws), 0-50% white (Wsws), 50-100% white (WsWs) Dominant White (fully white): Not white (wdwd), White (Wdwd), White (WdWd)
Curled Ears: Normal ears (acac), Curled ears (Acac), Curled ears (AcAc) Folded Ears: Normal ears (sfsf), Folded ears (Sfsf), SFSF dies in womb Bobtail: Full tail (JbJb), Full tail (Jbjb), Bobtail (jbjb) Manx: Long tail (mm), Short/No tail (Mm), MM dies in womb Munchkin: Normal legs (mkmk), Short legs (Mkmk), MkMk dies in womb Polydactyl: No extra toes (pdpd), Extra toes (Pdpd), Extra toes (PdPd)
232 notes · View notes
shadowthorne · 5 years
all of them oh god please reveal your cat
Ask me about my catSend me a number and I’ll answer for my cat
I HAVE THREE OF THEM?? God this is going to get long… 
1. Name? 
Sinn, Vertigo and Marble.
2. Fur color?
Sinn; Black, with a tiny patch of white on his chestVertigo; Fluffy orange and white boyMarble; Grey and white
3. Any family you know (other than you)?
They know my partner, of course, and my parents and brother. Though that doesn’t mean they like any of them…. Yikes. Sinn loves everyone, strangers too. Vertigo loves me and no one else. Marble loves my partner and I come in second, and wants to brutally murder anyone else who looks at him.
4. Age?
All of them are about ten years old.
5. Favorite toy?
Sinn’s favorite toy is anything with feathers and his little wand toy thing. Vertigo’s favorite toy is anything with strings to chase, and one of those ridiculous tracks with the ball in it that you buy for kittens a fraction of his size and weight. And Marble’s favorite toy is whatever either of the other two are having fun with, and catnip.
6. Nicknames?
Sinn; Squeeny Bean, just Squeen or Squibbles.Vertigo; Vertibles or Chunky Monkey.Marble; Mabble Babble or Meeble Beeble or just Mabs.
And they each know and will answer to their various nicknames, too lol
7. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Sinn; Cinnamon roll, through and throughVertigo; Somewhere between, leaning towards problematic faveMarble; Problematic fave
8. Length of fluff?
Sinn; no fluff, just fuzzVertigo; No less than three inches, with his tail getting into the five inch rangeMarble; A medium length, like two inches or so, maybe three in his tail
9. Any funny habits?
Sinn; He noodles... And flops onto his side when he wants attention, and just wiggles around and purrs until someone gives him attention.Vertigo; Rolls onto his back and sleeps with his legs straight outMarble; “sings” when you say “Sing sing sing Mables” at him
10. How old were they when you met?
Sinn; about six monthsVertigo; Also about six months (I got him and Sinn together at the same time)Marble; about a year
11. What does their food bowl look like?
Just basic, stainless steel bowls. Vertigo is allergic to everything else and breaks out if he eats out of plastic or ceramic for more than a few days :(
12. Indoor or outdoor cat?
INDOOR. Sinn likes to walk on a leash, though.
13. Recent picture?
Tumblr media
14. Old picture?
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Look how big Vertigo’s feet were as a little kitten, we should have known he’d be a monster...
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15. Cuddly?
Sinn; Y E SVertigo; Covertly, when no one is looking and only with me, and his idea of ‘cuddling’ is just to lay next to me.Marble; Yes, but only when he feels like it
16. Ever changed their name?
All of their names :)
Sinn’s used to be Odin, before I adopted him.Vertigo’s used to be Stanley before I adopted him.And we never knew Marble’s name. He was a stray who’s previous owner abandoned.
18. Eye color?
Sinn; goldVertigo; kind of... hazel? Grey? They’re sort of bluish at times.Marble; Greenish
19. How do they express love for you?
Sinn; C U D D L E S 24/7, whether you want them or not. Will also try to bring you things he catches, which amounts to toys and the occasional dead flyVertigo; Purring so loudly you can’t hear yourself think and rolling onto his back to show you his belly. If he REALLY likes you, he likes belly rubs too.Marble; Giving you an ounce of attention that isn’t him trying to hiss, swat and bite you, and kneading your tender human flesh with his razor claws. Lots of slow blinks.
20. How do you express love for them?
All of the regular human-on-cat smothering, plus too many toys for them to ever use, no less than half a dozen empty cardboard boxes set up randomly throughout the apartment at any given time, access to every surface other than the kitchen counters, and cuddles/pets/playtime whenever they want. 
21. Any theories on what breed?
Sinn; Could get away with saying bombay mix probably?Vertigo; Probably a Norwegian forest mix, he hits all the breed standards but he’s not as pretty and regal looking as registered ones.Marble; LKSJDflkjsdf vague shrugging he’s really long and lean and has a mildly oddly shaped head, so maybe some oriental in there????
22. Do they ever wake you up?
Sinn does constantly, Vertigo will on occasion, and Marble is a Good Boy who never does.
23. How much do they meow?
Sinn; When he wants attention, which is pretty much always.Vertigo; Will literally hold a whole conversation with you, he’s very vocal.Marble; Rarely. And he doesn’t really meow, he kind of. Gargles and gives tiny, high pitched ‘Hhheeeee’s (we call them song mows)
24. Any hiding spots?
Sinn; would never hide ever, how would people pay attention to him??Vertigo; In a random box, where he can watch you suspiciously and like he’s better than you.Marble; In whatever seat you want, so that way he can get pissy at you and have an excuse to make your life flash before your eyes
They all hide under the bed when they actually get scared.
25. Do they enjoy guests?
Sinn; Fuck. Yes.Vertigo; He enjoys staring at them judgingly and yelling when they want to pet himMarble; Nope. He doesn’t even enjoy our roommate of almost two years
26. Lofty objects to sit on?
Cat tree, back of couch, dresser, bathroom sink, table, a particular tall shelving unit 
27. Wear a collar? (and describe collar?)
Sinn; A black, leather, studded collar because he’s a little stud. Vertigo; A fancy blue collar with a reflective strip on itMarble; A bright green collar with a bell
28. How much shedding?
Sinn; a regular amount but his fur is short and black and you never see itVertigo; Not actually that much?? But he has a double coat and LONG ASS ORANGE HAIR so you see it when he doesMarble; A FUCK TON
29. Do they enjoy brushing?
Sinn; God yes. Almost as good at being petVertigo; No and he’ll scream about it, posture like he’s going to fuck you up, and run awayMarble; No, will actually fuck you up (but we’re working on conditioning and he’s getting better about it!)
30. Ever drink from the toilet?
Sinn; NoVertigo; No, but he fell in onceMarble; Will drink literally any source of water he can find (yes)
31. How do they get your attention?
Sinn; forced snugglesVertigo; yelling until you give him what he wantsMarble; puts a dainty little paw on your thigh and then flexes his razor claws until they sink into your flesh while looking up at you very cutely and slow blinking
32. Embarrassing thing they’ve done?
Sinn; Regularly noodles off his perch and acts like nothing happened when he hits the floorVertigo; He’s embarrassed by his whole existence. Marble; He’s ran face first into the window going after birds multiple times
33. Weirdest thing they try to eat
Sinn; nothing, he only eats cat food and meat productsVertigo; granola bars and crackersMarble; the other two cAT’S HAIR?? Please stop that.
34. Are they like your siblings, children, or friends?
Children, but I don’t I don’t really like kids, so better.
35. What time do they eat breakfast?
5:30 sharp, or Vertigo throws a goddamn fit about being late
36. Do you cut their nails?
Yep. Sinn sits patiently and probably just thinks it’s weird cuddling. Vertigo is mostly declawed. He has his back claws and one front claw. I cut the front claw whenever I see that it’s getting too long AND MARBLE tries to kill me, but yes. It takes me three days because we can only get a few toes in at a time, and lots of courage.
37. Do you think they understand you?
Yeah, at least to some extent. They definitely know certain words, including their names, and they’re good at cluing into moods and body language.
38. Ever make fun of them?
39. Do you take their picture often?
Fairly regularly.
40. Ever hiss at you?
Sinn; No, he’s an angle babyVertigo; Not at me, but at my partner, the other two cats, and everyone elseMarble; He’ll his at his own shadow
41. Ever try to scratch or bite you?
Sinn; absolutely not, he’d probably sooner hurt himselfVertigo; No, he puts on a big show, but he always runs the other wayMarble; Oh yeah. He’s the opposite of Vertigo in this respect. No talk; all bite.
42. If you try to grab their paw, what do they do?
Sinn; rubs his face on you and purrsVertigo; pulls them away half a dozen times until he gets annoyed and walks away nonchalantly.Marble; will murder you, your mother, and all your neighbors.
43. Do they ever eat bugs?
Sinn; he likes to bring them to us instead...Vertigo; No interest.Marble; Yes.
44. Canned or dry food?
They eat dry usually, but love canned, so they get it once a week or so
45. Weight?
Sinn; 9lbsVertigo; about twenty poundsMarble; like fifteenish
46. Ever got lost?
Sinn; Nope. He got out once. We didn’t even know, and he got scared and cried at us from under the porch as we were about to leave the apartment. We heard him were just “??? Is THAT SINN?? WHERE?????” and he came running out to us like it was the most terrifying ten minutes of his life.Vertigo; No, he only goes outside if I go outside, and he wont leave a five foot radius of me.Marble; Once. Friends of ours didn’t shut the door all the way and he was missing for several ours. Turns out he made it thirty feet down the parking lot and into a dumpster and was too scared to come out until he heard us calling for him. It was a terrifying experience for all involved.
47. Do you buy them presents?
For every Christmas! And occasionally randomly throughout the year
48. Do they respond when you call?
Yep, they all know their names :)
49. Do they ever see other cats?
Very rarely. Vertigo and Marble hate other cats. Sinn wants to be friends with everything.
50. Declawed?
Vertigo is half declawed. As mentioned above, most of his front claws were removed for medical reasons. He’s a big, male cat with polydactyly, meaning he has extra digits. A lot of polydactyl cats end up with extremely thick, ingrown claws. Vertigo is no exception. His back claws are ungodly thick and grow really long, but luckily don’t curve much. His front claws, however, constantly curved until the points were embedding into his paw pads and would get infected and be painful. After struggling with it for years, we decided it would be less stressful on him to get them removed and we could deal with pain management for arthritis he’ll likely have as a result when he’s older. So far so good, though, and he has no problems with his feets.
51. Funniest expression?
Sinn; full, open mouthed squealing. He’s so dark, but his teeth are so white that it looks ridiculousVertigo; sometimes gets his cheek fluff or chest fluff stuck in his mouth after grooming and it’s so goofyMarble; goes cross-eyed when he yawns
52. Favorite place to be pet?
Sinn; e v e r y w h e r e   everywhereVertigo; his head, or if he’s into it that day, his bellyMarble; under his chin
53. Worst thing they’ve destroyed?
They don’t destroy things, they’re very good boys
54. Give them a head kiss.
Gladly, but I already do more often then they probably want... Except Sinn. He wants all the kisses.
55. What time of the year is most exciting for them?
Sinn; Summer, he loves the sun!Vertigo; Winter, he loves the snow!Marble; I’m not sure he has a preference 
56. Are they good at hunting real prey?
No..... Sinn makes friends with everything. The other two suck. We had a mouse in our apartment once, and had to buy a mouse trap. Three cats, and we had to buy a mouse trap slksjdf They would die if they ever got lose and couldn’t be found
57. Do they ever attack nothing?
Yes! They’ll randomly pounce on nothing, and it usually turns into playing amongst themselves or with a nearby toy.
58. What are they doing right now?
Sinn; snuggling meVertigo; somewhere in a different room, probably sitting in a boxMarble; laying at the foot of the bed, squinting at me
59. How long have you had them?
Sinn; 10 yearsVertigo; 10 yearsMarble; 9 years
60. If you could have them stay as a kitten forever, would you?
Nah. I loved them as kittens, I loved their annoying awkward teenage years, I’m loving their middle years, and I’ll love their old men years. 
61. Ever baby-talk to them?
I mean. You read their nicknames, right...? (yes)
62. Favorite napping position?
Sinn; curled up in the crook of my armVertigo; on his back in the middle of the floor where he can easily be stepped on and yell at you for itMarble; classic cat side saddle lay at the foot of the bed, head either up or on crossed paws
63. Have you ever stepped on their paw?
Yes...... T^T
64. Ever tripped you on stairs?
Yes :\
65. Any ear hair?
Sinn; white ear hair, oddly enough, so his little ears look mostly baldVertigo; all the fluffMarble; some long tufts
66. Favorite view from a window?
They all like the patio door and the humming bird feeder out there, and the front window, where the watch people walk around like it’s a sport
67. Describe why they are precious.
Sinn; perfect, sweet, adorable little angle Vertigo; so grumpy, but when he’s happy, he’s so deeply happy and purrs so loudly and freely and he’s probably the most loyal cat I’ve ever seenMarble; winning his affection is so rewarding and he’s such a sweet boy when it finally happens. He’s also derpy as hell when he’s comfortable around you and will let you lion king him and throw him over your shoulder
68. Fit the cat stereotype?
Sinn; lol noVertigo; yesMarble; Yes, but fierce 
69. Chaotic neutral?
I would say for all three?
70. Do they enjoy following/ keeping you company?
Oh yeah. All three migrate to whatever room I’m in at any given time. My partner says that on my weekends, when I sleep in, they’re lazy and quiet until I get up, then they’re active and playful and want attention. And Vertigo knows my work schedule. He waits by the door for me to get home.
71. Are you their favorite human?
Sinn; probably? It’s hard to tell.Vertigo; Absolutely.Marble; Second favorite, but it’s a close call, I think.
72. Do they like tv?
Neither of them have any interest in the TV
73. Favorite noise to make?
Sinn; happy happy purrsVertigo; He has a really rumbly, adorable, purr-meow thingMarble; Song mows
74. If they were a Neko Atsume cat, what would their momento be?
I don’t know what that is tbh...
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katakana1 · 5 years
Warrior Cats game idea. Something that has been on my mind. Warning, it is extremely! long.
Ever since the news of the warriors film came out, I’ve been thinking of what a game could possibly look like. After coming up with more and more, I decided to write it down. Sadly I’m no game developer (some of the stuff I’ve been thinking off might not even be possible to recreate in a game), but if by the very small chance you are one, and like this idea, or some of it, this is gonna make it seem like I’m blowing my own trumpet I know, but feel free to use it, you have my permission :) Just let me know, I’d love to see it :) 
Character Creation:  Cat species:  - A specific purebred breed.
- A specific cross breed.
- A specific breed with some minor differences.
- A mix (from 2 to 4 different breeds, choosing between which trait/look you want from which breed).
- A normal none specific house cat.  Fur colour/pattern:  - Single color ( with or without different lighter or darker markings). 
- Two colors (choose where you want which color to be and the size and shape). 
- Spotted/Classic/ Mackerel/Ticked or Patched Tabby (choose where you want which color to be and the size and shape for the Patched Tabby). 
- Tortoiseshell/Cryptic Tortie (choose where you want which color to be and the size and shape).
- Calico (choose where you want which color to be and the size and shape). 
- Color points. 
- Albino (half or full).
- Choose a specific, already made traditional color pattern and colors.
Fur:  - Thick, dense, thin. 
- Long, medium, short. 
- Curly, glossy, wirehair, normal. 
- Extra fur around the neck, between toes, inside and/or on top of ears. 
- Doubled layer coat. 
- Hairless.
Other character build choices/Look: - Body size: Small/skinny/lean, sturdy/big/muscular, normal.
- Body length and height. 
- Eye color (same or one for each eye) and shape: almond, round, oval. 
- Nose shape (flat or normal) and color.
- Whiskers length and shape (straight or curly).
- Claws length.
- Legs length (hind legs can be longer than the front legs or all 4 can be of the same length).
  - Tail length and look (plump, feathery, thin, bushy or stumpy/bobbed).
- Ears size and shape (rounded, folded/floppy/loosely folded, curled-from 90 to 180 degrees or straight).
- Number of toes (normal or one extra). 
- Shoulders size (broad or normal). 
- Face shape: flat (mild, moderate, profound, severe), round, triangle, square).
- Scars (these will show up during practice during the warrior/medicine cat apprentice ship or after a fight during the warrior/full medicine cat part of your character’s life). 
- Paw size. - Mutation:
Paws: Syndactyly/“lobster-claw”, polydactyl (thumb-cat/polydactyly, “hamburger-feet”/polydactyly). 
Ears: Four ears.
- Extra flap of skin between the flank and back knee. 
- Missing body part.
- Reduced or complete loss of one of the senses.
Any missing or partly missing body part, mutation or reduced or complete loss off one of the senses will make the game harder and can cause your character to go through a special training arc or it can end up deciding if you play as a medicine cat or not for you. Other choices:  - Clan (or take an in game test). 
- Full blooded or half-blood cats (choose what trait/skills you want from each clan. It will cause you to have a longer apprenticeship in order to prove your loyalty and dedication as gaining the trust of your fellow clanmates will be harder). You can also choose if your character and clan knows or is unaware about the fact that they are half-clan if they’re living with only one of their parents. The half-clan option can lead to several different possible outcomes for the parents, your character and siblings depending on how you played the game and how well and how many in game characters trust and like your character unless you chose something specific.
- If your character’s parents lives in different clans. - If your character’s parents lives in the same clan. 
- If you want your character to grow up with their mother or father (if the parent’s lives in different clans. The game will give you a foster mother and siblings in that case). 
- If your character grows up with none of, some of or all of their siblings (if the parent’s lives in different clans).
- Parent(s) with half-blood (what traits he/she has from each clan, and if they’re in one of the clans they has blood ties to, or in one of the other three. If they are in one of the other clans this will give you the opportunity to add traits from said third clan to your character, deciding how many/few traits you get from each clan, as long as your character’s other parent has blood ties to the third clan). 
Most traits from=check off 6 boxes, some traits from=check off 4 boxes, few traits from=check off 2 boxes. In case of half-clans you can check off 6 boxes from each side/clans, or remove some from one side and spend them to the other. If both parents has blood from the same clan, that clan/side has to be what the player character has the most filled out boxes from.  
- If your character’s parents are still together.
- If your character’s parents are getting along or not. 
- If one of your parents is a leader, deputy, warrior or medicine cat-the medicine cat options leading to several different possible outcomes for the parents, your character and siblings depending on how you played the game and how well and how many in game characters trusts and likes your character. - Gender. 
- The Medicine cat path.
- The Warrior path. 
- Your character’s voice. 
- Specific likes/dislikes/preferences regarding:
Fur color(s)/pattern and eye color on other cats.
Rival clans.
Other ranks within the clan.
Half-clan cats.
How they feel about:
The opposite gender.
Different personalities.
These choices will affect the dialog options in the game. 
- Your character’s name (either the whole name or just the first part, in which case the second part will be given based on your dialogue choices/reputation and what specific skill(s) you excel at). 
- Choose what you want your character to be honored for during the full name ceremony or have the game choose based on your game-play/performance (same with what lives your character receive if they become clan leader). 
- After finishing the game the 1st time, you’ll be able to go to the menu and choose one of the special powers mentioned in the series (maybe also some new once) to give to your character. You can also go into the menu and change it during the play-through if you want. And you can choose to play as a character from the Warriors series.
Possibly other choices:  - The personality of your character’s parents (if they stay close or grow distant/cold towards your character. What they feel about their former mate and if they have moved on and started a new family or not if they’re in different clans).
- The looks of your character’s parents (unless they’re the foster family).
- The look your character’s siblings (unless they’re the foster family).
- Number of siblings (unless they’re the foster family). 
- The sibling’s names (unless they’re the foster family).
- The sibling’s genders (unless they’re the foster family).
- The personality of the siblings (unless they’re the foster family). 
- If your character or one of the siblings are your character’s parent’s favourite or if everyone gets equal attention/love (regardless if they’re the foster family or not). - How your character’s siblings feel about one another and your character. Who’s their favourite sibling to hang out with, who they don’t get as well along with, if any (regardless if they’re the foster family or not). - If your character and the siblings are half-clan what traits each of them got from the other clan(s), what they feel about being half-clan, what they feel about the way the clan treats them and if they want to switch clan.  - If one or both of the parents passes away and when (before birth/kit-hood, apprenticeship, early warrior), giving you the possibility of being in a clan that mostly don’t trust your character with only your character’s siblings for comfort if you chose the “parents in different clans” option (if you choose for both of the parents to pass away or the mom while your character lives in her clan while your character is a kit the game will give you a foster family).  - An option for it being certain and one for being uncertain about whether or not all your character’s siblings survives into adulthood.  - Having the option to start the second playthrough as a kittypet or rogue (full, part kittypet/rogue, part kittypet/clancat or part rogue/clancat). Choose if you encounter the clan through positive or negative reason. Choose at what age you meet the clan. Choose whether your siblings chooses to join the clan as well and if they choose to join the same or wants to join a different clan.
- Choose which season (and possibly time of day/night) your character is born in.
- A random button that picks your family situation, blood ties, clan and position for you. This can give you a special quest of finding out what clan one of your parents is from and who they are (both rank and personality wise) if the “half-clan” and “parents in different clans” options gets chosen. 
- A random button that randomly chooses your character’s look, personality, breed and gender for you. 
- And a random button that picks every choice regarding your character be it family, clan, blood-tie, role in clan, personality, gender, breed and look for you.
You can cross out the boxes on something if you don’t want that/those spesific thing(s) to be randomized.
- A peace mode where you can walk around and enjoy the territory without the risk of enemies, and possibly the other clan’s territories and camp, watching the in-game characters walk around, performing tasks and interact with each other without the risk of getting attacked.
The Warrior apprentice path:  - Learn about the warrior code. 
- Learn about the territory and its layout-how to use it to your advantage. 
- Learn about predators and how to fight them or stay hidden from them. 
- Look for, discover and learn about different tracks and track them.
- Learn about prey and how to detect, sneak up on and catch them as different prey requires different techniques. 
- Learn where the borders are.
-Learn where scent marks are.
- Mark the territory.
- Learn to look for signs that someone has crossed the border and/or taken prey from your clan’s side. 
- Master different battle techniques, learning when to attack and defend and what technique you can/should use when. 
- Train and specialize in your clan’s abilities:
Thunder/Shadow/SkyClan: Tree climbing.
ThunderClan: Moving/sneaking through heavy/thick undergrowth.
Shadow/Wind/River/SkyClan: Sneaking in more open/exposed area.
ShadowClan: Special night lessons.
RiverClan: Swimming and fishing lessons and fighting in water.
WindClan: Races and obstacle course.
SkyClan: Jumping/leaping lessons. 
- Learn and detect the different scents of prey and predators, if it’s stale or fresh, and what kind of prey/predator it is, rivaling clans, dogs, two-legs and none clan cats. 
- Learn how to deal with cats waiting at the border. 
- Collect moss and water. 
- Fixing dens and nests.
- Removing ticks. 
- Keep guard outside your clan’s camp (After the first playthrough you can go into the menu and shorten the amount of time it will take). 
- Learn about the important cats from rivaling clans (leader, deputy, medicine cat, medicine cat apprentice), their scent and their clan’s specialties and weaknesses, and how to best beat them. 
- Protect the kits and elders during camp raids. 
- Travel with your character’s mentor to the Moonstone and survive in the area outside your clan’s territory (Scripted so that different things can happen on different trips, so two trips in a row is rarely the same. After the first playthrough you can go into the menu and shorten the amount of time the journey will take). 
- Race to the camp to warn your clan’s leader about surprise attacks, possibly outrunning a pursuer. 
- Attend Gatherings and meet and mingle with other apprentices and make sure not to give anything important away. 
- Train/fight against your character’s fellow denmates while inside camp. 
- Bring prey to queens and elders. 
- Pass the warrior assignment (skipable).  
After the first playthrough you can choose from the menu to skip the parts where your character learns about the territory, detecting/tracking/finding, prey and predators, hunting ,scent marks/borders, fighting/ battle techniques, cats waiting at the border and tresspassers/signs of it, shortning your character’s time as an apprentice. The Medicine cat apprentice path:  - Learn about the medicine cat code.
- Learn about the territory and its layout-knowing where to find which herb and when they grow/are in season. 
- Master basic battle techniques and when to use which. 
- Attend Gatherings. 
- Learn the scent of different herbs, predators and other cats and how to detect them. 
- Learn the names of different herbs.
- Learn what the herbs looks like.
- Learn what the different herbs does.
- Learn how to prepare different herbs.
- Learn how to make poultices. 
- Learn what’s dangerous and not. 
- Learn about different complications and stuff that can go wrong and what to do.
- Learn how to heal different wounds (keeping infection away), diseases and poisons. 
- Learn to recognize symptoms for different diseases and keep it from spreading. 
- Travel to the Moonstone (Scripted so that different things can happen on different trips, so two trips in a row is rarely the same. After the first playthrough you can go into the menu and shorten the amount of time the journey will take).
- Receive dreams/warnings/prophecies from StarClan. 
- Learn to assist queens giving birth. 
- Learn how to deal with different patients. 
- Make sure the plants don’t get destroyed or rot. 
- Assist and go over your character’s clanmates after a battle and/or make sure you have enough herbs before a planned battle.
After the first playthrough you can choose from the menu to skip the parts where your character learns about the different herbs, injuries, illnesses, territory, fighting, kitting, predators, detcting, poultices, complications, preparation and prevention, shortning your character’s time as an apprentice. Warrior path:  - Pick up interesting news and whispers at Gatherings without getting detected. 
- Listen to and/or share stories. 
- Stand guard duty at night and after your character receives their full name (Skipable, but you can also, after the first playthrough, go into the menu and shorten the amount of time those nights will take). 
- Lead patrols and decide where to hunt. 
- Become a mentor (you can ask for a specific kit. Mentorship is partly skipable - ceremony - both for your character’s apprentice apprentices and warrior ceremony and assignment, as well as teaching your character’s apprentice about territory, detecting/tracking/finding, prey and predators, hunting ,scent marks/borders, fighting/ battle techniques, cats waiting at the border and tresspassers/signs of it).
- Make sure your clan has enough prey and that your character is healthy. 
- Help your clan through battles and harsh seasons. 
- If you want find a mate and start a family, name some of the kits and watch them grow into warriors or a medicine cat. 
- Go to other clans in times of war and ask for assistance.
- Join a patrol lead by your leader to another clan’s camp.
- Help find lost kits.
- Rush to help during a border fight.
- Deal with trespassing none clan cats or predators. - Perform escort missions. 
- Do side quests like playing with kits, help out friends within or outside the clan and learn about their past, dreams and secrets.  - Share tongue with the in game characters. 
- Build your character’s reputation and popularity and increase the chances of them getting chosen as deputy. 
- Take your character’s apprentice to Gatherings and tell them about other cats.
- Take your character’s apprentice to the Moonstone (Scripted so that different things can happen on different trips, so two trips in a row is rarely the same. After the first playthrough you can go into the menu and shorten the amount of time the journey will take).
Deputy: - Organize patrols (skipable, in which case the game will pick random in game characters). 
- Report to and stand by the clan leader. 
- Go on behalf of the clan leader and deliver important messages to the other clans.
- Step in whenever the clan leader is away from camp. 
Ceremony skipable.
Leader: - Go to the Moonstone and receive 9 lives (skipable, in which case the game will choose what lives your character gets based on the actions they have taken and who they have supported). 
- Choose the clan’s new deputy (skipable, in which case the game will pick the most suitable in game character based on the in game character’s personalities). 
- Make decisions affecting just your character’s clan or several.
- Get help and guidance from the medicine cat and elders.  - Travel to the other camps to discuss clan matters with that clan’s leader. 
- Convince the in game characters about the decisions you make with your character as clan leader. 
- Give reports at Gatherings (choose how much you want to tell and what you want to hold back) and solve any possible outbursts. 
- Listen to and decide what to do with rival clan cats or none clan cats coming into the camp. 
- Make sure the warrior code is being followed and punish rule breakers. 
- Enter StarClan and receive tips, guidance, encouragement or comfort when your character loses of their 9 lives depending on what claimed one of their lives (skipable). 
- Hold ceremonies and assign mentors (skipable, in which case the game will assign the newly made apprentice a random mentor). 
- Give warriors their full name and chose what to honor them for based on the reports from their mentors (skipable, in which case the game will choose a name based on the in game character’s actions). 
- Guide and boost the warrior’s spirit during challenging/harsh times.
Medicine cat path:  - Make sure there are enough herbs.
- Makes sure the herbs are fresh. 
- Keep as many of your character’s clanmates as safe as possible during outbreaks and take precautions. 
- Give advice to other medicine cats and/or pick up tips. 
- Go with other medicine cats and help out their clanmates. 
- Pick the herbs that might need before leaf-bare kicks in. 
- Walk with the cats in StarClan, asking them for advice/guidance. 
- Talk with the clan leader to find the hidden meaning behind warnings/prophecies.
- Help elders through leaf-bare. 
- Make sure your character’s clanmates gets what they need in both herbs and knowledge before going on a long journey. 
- Go to the Moonstone with the clan’s newly appointed leader (skipable). 
- Get though a hard season with only a few herbs. 
- Race out of camp to help seriously injured clancats or queens giving birth too early.  - Break heavy news and comfort life changing, seriously injured or ill cats (or family members/mates of mentioned cats) or help train them back up again if recovery is possible. 
- Prepare fallen clanmates on their way to StarClan (skipable). 
- Become the clan’s sole medicine cat (skipable). 
- Train an apprentice and give them their full name based on their performance (skipable, in which case the game will choose a name based on the in game character’s actions. Mentorship is partly skipable - ceremony - both for your character’s apprentice apprentices and full medicin cat name ceremony, as well as teaching your character’s apprentice about herbs, injuries, illnesses, territory, fighting, kitting, predators, detcting, poultices, complications, preparation and prevention).
- Help your character’s clanmates keep faith in StarClan during times of crises.
- Join your clan leader and clanmates on trips to enemy camps as a show of peace/good faith.
- Share tongue with the in game characters. 
- Take your character’s apprentice to Gatherings and tell them about other cats.
 - Take your character’s apprentice to the Moonstone every half moon (Scripted so that different things can happen on different trips, so two trips in a row is rarely the same. After the first playthrough you can go into the menu and shorten the amount of time the journey will take).
Small side game:  - You can play as the spirit of your character, hunting and exploring StarClan or The Dark Forest.
- Get to meet and know the other clan cats you might not have gotten a chance to in the main game. 
- Look over the clan, the next generation in your character’s family and how they’re doing.
- Visit your character’s descendants in their dreams.
- Walk around your character’s old clan camp and its new members invisible (and listen in on what kind of stories your predecessors are telling about you).
- Pass on prophecies and/or guidance.
- Take part in meeting between fellow StarClan cats and decide what is best to do for the clans.
- Meet old famous cats.
- Be part of the 9 cats that give a clan leader his/her extra lives (choosing what you decide to give a life for). 
Play as an elder: - Telling kits-possibly your character’s grand or great-grand kits, stories about your character’s life.
- Spend time and share tongue with your character’s mate and/or fellow den mates that made it into their senior years. 
- Roam freely though the territory. 
- Take fallen warriors to the burial place and help bury them.  - Based on your dialogue/options your character can either pass away during a raid on the camp, defending the clan members one last time, or pass away in their sleep during peaceful times. - A cut scene plays out where your character hears the voices of old clanmates calling him/her, and his/her spirit stands up and walks upwards towards the starry sky.  - As the camera goes from the ground to the sky the clan leader can be heard informing the other clans of your character’s passing during the next Gathering before you start playing as a StarClan/Dark Forest cat. The game:  - Starts with your character opening their eyes for the first time. 
- Spend some time as a kit, exploring the camp, playing, practicing the hunters crouch, leaping, surprise attacks and wrestling, meeting clanmates and listen to the elder’s stories (after the first playthrough you can go into the menu and reduce the amount of time your new character(s) spends as a kit). 
- If you spend some time with a specific warrior the odds of you that cat becoming your characters mentor increases. 
-Go through your character’s apprentice ceremony (skipable).
- After the first playthough you can choose to start with your new character as a newly made apprentice or warrior (starting with the ceremony).
- Encounter different cats outside your territory.
- During hunting or stealth/sneaking mode make sure not to step on or brush against anything that can make sound or move giving away your position. 
- Make sure the wind is towards you and keep to the shadows if possible. 
- Activate a “scent mode”, where you get to see everything in different colors, each color representing a scent (the amount of it telling how old or new it is).
- You’ll get points based on how well you hunt, fight and help out inside the clan, and if you do well enough your character gets taken to Gatherings. 
- Getting caught breaking the code will result in punishment. 
- The game ends with your character joining StarClan or The Dark Forest after a lifetime (or 9). 
- How your clanmates remember your character will be based on your choices, how well you played and how much you learned.
- Day/night and seasons cycle.  
- Stay a clan cat, switch clan, become a loner, rogue or kittypet (which can cause your character to not end up in StarClan/The Dark Forest). 
- Easy, normal, though, challenging and random mode: It makes it so that event like outbreaks, natural disasters and major wars happen a specific amount to time within each mode. Easy can make it so that none of it happens even once during the whole play-through, or once or twice. Normal two to four and so on. The random option leaves it random. 
- Different cats could end up becoming mates and different she-cats can become queens. Different characters could end up dying or be named deputy if your character isn’t. Different cats could end up being leaders, medicine cats + apprentices and warrior apprentices could have different mentors. In game characters might make different decisions and perform new actions. New in game character events could happen. StarClan can send new prophecies/warnings. . The amount of prey during the different seasons could be smaller or bigger. Seasons could be harder or easier than last time, arriving earlier and/or lasting longer, tension between the clans could last longer and/or be more severe, and three clans could end up challenging your character’s clan or cause trouble instead of one or none, increasing the chances of an allied attack against your clan. Different illness break-out. There could end up being more or less trespassing cats or dogs or border fights than last time, giving the game more replay-ability.
- The view could be an behind/over the shoulder, or through your character’s eyes, or both switching freely. 
- Fighting, battle training, tree climbing, fishing, swimming, leaping, pouncing on prey and obstacle course could be a combination of using the moving buttons and mouse/button clicking). 
- If you make several characters you can see them in camp and on the territory if they’re in the same clan, or during border patrols and Gatherings if they’re in different. 
- You can save and switch characters whenever you want.
- If your character ends up getting too many punishments from getting caught breaking the warrior code too many times, the whole clan can grow to distrust, and eventually, even kick your character out.
- If in-game characters finds your character on their territory alone often, that rival clan will be on a look out, more hostile/aggressive towards, and talk about/discuss your character in a negative way during Gatherings (this could have a negative effect on a patrol if your character is part of a patrol travelling to an enemy camp). - If your character has a good reputation, enemy warriors will respect and enemy apprentices might look up to and admire your character and talk in an positive light and exited way about your character at Gatherings (this could have a positive effect on a patrol if your character is part of a patrol travelling to an enemy camp).
- Kits could end up play pretend as your character regardless of the distrust/trusted status.
- Follow an evil rout and your character could end up becoming a scary story that keeps disobedient kits inside their dens at night.
- Follow a good rout and your character could end up becoming a popular and exiting bed time story for the kits.
DLC or Sequel:  - At a young age, your character, your siblings and mother spot a group of strange cats travelling from the mountains to the moor land and forest area not far from the two-leg place, where your character’s family lives as loners. 
- Your mother makes sure your character stay well away from them, as blood is suddenly being shed over newly made borders and the prey within, kin attacking kin over the right for space and having prey in their mouths. 
- When your mother passes, you must make a choice. Try to survive on your own, or join this strange, rouge group of cats? 
- Will you stay in the group or leave and try and fend for your own? 
- Do you switch alliance to a different group, or do you stay with the group that took you in when no one else might have had? 
- Learn a new way of life and survival depending on where you choose to live. 
- Try to survive and get enough prey through leaf-bare as hostile strangers and hungry rivaling groups eye your character’s prey. 
- Help keep the campmates safe by helping them fight off intruders with the goal of chasing you off.  - Get through harsh seasons and fight off dogs, foxes and badgers.  - Learn how to heal campmates with herbs or help them by training kits and gathering prey. 
- Attend their meeting every full moon and learn their history (as a tribe or their personal one) and about the other groups. 
- Find a mate, start a family, and fight to protect and keep them alive through storms and diseases. 
- Watch them grow into independent adults expand the family tree. 
- Walk in the paw steps of the mysterious mountain cats and become a true wild cat and a part of the early 5 clans.  - A cut-scene at the end of the DLC/Sequel will play showing your character from the main/1st game as a kit in the nursery, being told a story about one of his/her earliest ancestors, the character you just played, in modern Thunder/Shadow/Wind/River/SkyClan.
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tinybit92 · 6 years
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals!
Tagged by: @derpyslurpy-da-derp-master​ (you’re not bugging me, shoosh.)
1. Are you named after someone?
Funny story that. My parents liked the sound of the name Brittany but didn’t like the spelling, then one day they came across the spelling Britney while reading the news. What was the news story about? A sex worker who had been murdered. So that’s a thing. Also my middle name is from my godmother.
2. When was the last time you cried?
If we’re just talking tearing up, the other night when I was watching Kitbull. If we’re talking actual tears rolling down my face, I think a couple weeks ago when I was reading a super angsty Bumbleby fic.
3. Do you have or want kids?
Definitely want. Probably two, maybe three.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
I come from a family of sarcastic assholes, so yeah.
5. What do you first notice about people?
I think their facial expression, that way I know what I’m getting into when I talk to them. I will always take extra note of anyone who has a nice smile.
6. What is your eye color?
Grey blue. My body doesn’t know what melanin is.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Always happy endings. Give me characters to be invested in and let me watch them achieve their happiness.
8. Any special talents?
Uh, I’m really good at memorizing song lyrics. Does that count as a talent?
9. Where were you born?
Washington state, a little ways south of Seattle.
10. Any hobbies?
Video games mostly, but I also like writing, and I’m self-taught in sewing. I make cosplay stuff and plushies.
11. Any pets?
Two cats, Dexter and Digit. They’re about to be 18 and 2, respectively. Dexter is an asshole unless he wants to cuddle and always has been. Digit is so affectionate and needy that I think he might be part dog. When I finally move out, I’ll be leaving Dex with my parents, and picking up Digit’s little brother Charlie from my friends who are fostering him. Digit and Charlie are both polydactyl. Also I have a Russian tortoise named Jude. He just hit puberty and keeps trying to bang rocks.
12. Sports? 
I always liked running, but I had some medical stuff growing up that prevented me from overexerting. The rare occasions I have an excuse to break into a sprint are really freeing.
13. Height?
14. Favorite subject?
Back in school my favorite was always art classes.
15. What is your dream job?
My dream job was to get into animation, probably as a storyboard artist, but I couldn’t afford the schooling. Nowadays I’m thinking I want to be a paraeducator, because I like kids, but I definitely don’t want to be a teacher.
Now let’s see if I can come up with fifteen mutuals.
@foodncomfort @sunder-the-gold @yang-did-everything-right @teleportingoctopi (I just realized I wasn’t following you and I don’t know how? You’re killing me with Dark Harbors.) @kirani56 @agenderchaseyoung @rvyven @righteous-tiger @feralcivilitas @roseymoseyberry @andrewhussiespisskink @shouldnt-you-be-doing-work @morganpixie @kingspacetrash @sunnychespin @thehiddentriforce
That should not have been so hard. I had to download the mutual checker extension. 
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rikirachtman · 7 years
Injuries/conditions suffered by musicians that resulted in more unique playing styles
At age 17, Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi lost the tips of the middle and ring fingers on his fretting hand while working in a sheet metal factory. Iommi found a solution in putting two plastic caps on the tips of his injured fingers, which acted as simulated fingertips. This resulted in his middle fingers having more trouble pressing down on strings; this was why Iommi began using light-gauge banjo strings and began to adopt a more power-chord oriented style that would mostly require use of his index and pinky finger.
As a teen, ex-Megadeth guitarist Chris Poland punched a plate-glass window and severed a tendon in his left pinky finger. The injury not only forced him to develop a unique method of string bending and legato, but also allowed him to bend the finger further than he would normally be able to, allowing it to reach higher up the fretboard.
At age 18, legendary jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt suffered extensive burns to his left hand in a house fire, resulting in him losing the ability to move his ring and pinky fingers. Reinhardt learned to play almost exclusively with his index and middle fingers, only ever using the injured fingers for chord work. Reinhardt was particularly noted for the speed at which he could play solos with just two fingers.
At age 21, Def Leppard drummer Rick Allen was involved in a car accident that resulted in him losing his left arm. With the help of several engineers and friends, Allen created a specially-designed drum kit that allowed him to play with just one arm, controlling most of the left half of the kit with various foot pedals. Allen has stated that while his injury has made him a “less speedy” drummer, it has improved his sense of timing considerably.
At age 4, Grateful Dead frontman Jerry Garcia lost two thirds of his right middle finger while steadying wood that his brother was chopping with an axe. Although this did little to impede his guitar playing, it would go on to become something of a symbol of the band itself, as Garcia would frequently salute the audience with the severed finger in full view, and a famed illustration of his handprint is one of the Dead’s more popular pieces of iconography.
Possibly the strangest case on this list as it wasn’t entirely an accident: Blues guitarist Hound Dog Taylor was born with polydactylism, a condition that resulted in him possessing six fingers on each hand. One night in the late 1960′s, an extremely drunk Taylor cut the extra digit off of his right hand with a razor blade, though he did not remove the left one. Taylor’s remaining additional finger, while too small to utilize while playing guitar, nonetheless continued to give him notoriety in his later years among fellow guitarists.
Disturbed vocalist David Draiman long suffered from acid reflux and received surgery to repair a stomach valve that had ‘burned away’ shortly before recording Down With The Sickness, which allowed him to produce the song’s infamous ‘ooh-wah-ah-ah’ sound. 
KISS frontman Paul Stanley was born without his right ear due to a congenital deformity. At age 30, Stanley underwent several surgical procedures wherein doctors removed cartilage from his rib cage and constructed an artificial ear, which was then implanted through a series of skin grafts. This did not affect his playing style, but as he was missing an ear for the first 30 years of his life, Stanley was likely partially tone-deaf, which is why he thought Kiss was ever a good band in the first place
(I’m just kidding Paul please don’t have Gene sue me, my mom thinks you guys rule)
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notayloritsbecky · 4 years
A horror story of Craigslist proportions
So nearly 4 years ago I moved to Texas from Florida with my cat Boots. When we left I had to leave behind a cat he had spent his whole life with, her name is Sassy. Long story short she hid my stepmoms house the day I was leaving, I couldn't find her, and had to leave her behind. My stepmom has her and she is enjoying the life of a single cat household
Boots, having never been without a companion his whole life, was depressed and didn't understand where she was. He was lonely.
So my brother went on Craigslist, we were roommates at the time, and found someone giving adorable polydactyl kittens away for a small rehoming fee (it means they have extra toes). They were 6 weeks old and we were assured that they ate on their own, used the litter box and were fully capable of being separated from their mother. So we took a tiny pound and a half black and white kitten home.
At first he was fine, he ate, played, snuggled with Boots, and Boots loved him he bathed him constantly and they shared a bed. The next day it became apparent there was something wrong
The little kitten, now named Castiel, was not eating. All he did was sleep and cry and I didn't know what to do he snuggled with Boots and even tried nursing but Boots is a boy and definitely not his mother. I went to the pet store and bought this stuff by GNC called weaning formula and some of the Whiskas cat milk to encourage him to eat something. It worked, thankfully but not before he went from weighing over a pound to 12oz very quickly.
He is perfectly healthy now, except for a suspected deviated septum and a stubborn extra toenail that doesn't retract that he doesn't like to let me cut(He has, in total, 27 toes, most cats have 18. 5 on each of their front paws and 4 on each of their back. He has 9 on his right 8 on his left and 5 on each of his back). His vet says both don't affect his quality of life except that he sometimes snores, so he's fine. He is going to be 4 next month and he weighs about 11 pounds. He still loves to snuggle and Boots even tolerates the little cow lounging on him constantly.
I think what I'm trying to get at is be wary of Craigslist kittens, the vet suspect that little Cass was not in fact 6 weeks old but closer to 4 and a half or 5, which in kitten time is not very old, 6 weeks was even cutting it close. He's healthy now, and except for some behavioral issues that idk if they're related to be separated too early or if its just because he's an asshole he is fine.
Out of a litter of 5 he is most likely the only one to have survived if his siblings handled the separation as badly as he did and if his new humans didn't know what to do. If they did and the people didn't he is likely the only member of his litter that actually survived kittenhood. Which is really sad
So please, spay and neuter your pets and if you cat does get pregnant atleast wait till her babies are 8-12 weeks old before you try giving them away. And ALWAYS charge a rehoming fee, even if its only $20 it'll deter anyone who wants to use the kittens for nefarious purposes
He's a photo of the little shit, he's the white one. Boots is the black one
Tumblr media
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
Stan-at-Home - Chapter 2: An Idyllic Domestic Life
Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5   Chapter 6 Chapter 7   AO3
Okay so I wasn’t planning on updating this fic before I finished “Stan Pines, Farmhand”, but my muse, she inspires me.  And I wanted to write something, since I’m officially post-op and have not much else to do while I recuperate.  But anyways, in this chapter, we meet Stan’s wife!  And we find out more about the family dynamics, as well as how Stan and his wife met.  We also get a few hints about some of the drama coming in the next chapter, with Bill Cipher.  Seriously.  The next chapter is gonna be intense, folks.  Anyways, enjoy~
               Ford sat bolt upright, drenched in a cold sweat.  His breathing slowly steadied as he looked around the sparsely furnished, but clean guest room.  He threw the brown-striped covers off and sat on the edge of the bed.
               Fuck!  See, Stanley, this is why I don’t sleep!  Bill always finds me.  Always. Once his heart had stopped pounding in his ears, he could make out the clatter of cookware and voices chattering. Ford hesitantly stood up and opened the door.  He was immediately greeted by a waft of marinara-scented air.  His stomach rumbled.  How long has it been since I’ve eaten?  He walked down the hallway and into the living room.
               “You got Daddy in trouble,” an accusatory voice said.  He looked down.  Danny was standing in front of him, her diminutive arms crossed and brown eyes narrowed.  
               “Yer daddy got his own self in trouble,” a female voice said in a thick southern accent.  Ford looked over.  A short woman with mid-length caramel-colored hair and a very large nose was standing in the kitchen, wearing a clearly hand-embroidered apron.  Her eyes were hidden behind a pair of half-moon reading glasses. She stood in a pose similar to her daughter’s.  “Let that be a lesson.  Ya don’t lie ‘bout yer fam’ly.”  
               This must be Angie.  Fiddleford’s younger sister.  She smiled politely at him.  She’s going to hate me when she finds out what I did to her older brother.
               “You’re Stan’s wife?” he double-checked.  She nodded.  
               “Though I like to think of it as bein’ Stan’s my husband.  You must be Ford, the brother-in-law I didn’t know I had.”
               “You’d be Ms. McGucket, then,” Ford said.  She grinned crookedly, and it made Ford’s heart ache.
               That’s Fiddleford’s smile.
               “Actually, it’s Dr. McGucket,” she clarified.  “But ya can call me Angie.”
               “Oh, that’s right.  Stan mentioned you have a doctorate.”  Angie nodded again.  
               “Yessir.  In herpetology.”
               “Wow.  That’s quite the achievement.  Biology was always something that fascinated me.”
               “Well, we can talk ‘bout that over dinner, if’n ya want,” she said cheerfully.  She wiped her hands on her apron.  “I was just ‘bout to send someone to fetch ya.  Dinner’s ready.  Spaghetti and meatballs.  It’s all homemade and all kosher.”
               Kosher?  Ford looked at Stan, who was setting the table. 
               “Stan, do you practice?” he asked.  Stan shrugged.
               “Not really.  But Angie and I agreed that the girls should grow up knowin’ some of the family culture. Which means they’re bein’ raised with a weird mixture of Catholicism and Judaism, but eh.  It works out pretty well.”  He glanced over at Angie.  “Like our wedding.”  Angie smiled fondly.  
               “Speaking of, why wasn’t I invited to your wedding?” Ford asked. Stan raised an eyebrow.
               “Like ya can’t figure that out on your own.  I didn’t want ya to show up and start yellin’ ‘bout how I ruined your life in front of my fiancée’s entire family.  She’s got four older brothers, and all of them know how to use a gun.” He grimaced.  “Didn’t need ‘em to think I’d ruin her life, too.  Her folks are still suspicious about how soon the girls were born after we got married.” Stan placed the last bowl down. “Hey, lil monsters, get yourselves in here.  It’s dinnertime!”  Danny abandoned her post in front of Ford to run to the kitchen, where she was summarily lifted into her chair.  “Daisy, get your butt in the kitchen,” Stan said.  
               “Wanna play,” Daisy whined from somewhere behind Ford.  Ford turned.  Daisy was busily scrawling in a coloring book.  He squinted at the pictures.
               That’s not a children’s book.  Those are textbook photocopies.
               “I know ya like yer fancy colorin’ pages,” Angie said, taking a seat at the table, “but ya need to eat, junebug.”
               “…Fine,” Daisy sighed.  She stood up, but stopped before she reached the kitchen.  She held out her six-fingered hand to Ford.  “Hold?”
               “Uh…”  Ford looked at Stan and Angie helplessly.  Angie was clearly fighting back a grin.  Stan laughed, not bothering to hide his amusement.
               “C’mon, kid.  It’s not like he’s gonna take ya for a walk or somethin’,” Stan said.  He walked over to Daisy and picked her up, then put her in her chair at the table.  Stan took a seat next to his wife, giving her a kiss on the cheek before he sat down. Angie responded with a kiss of her own. Ford tried not to stare at the blatant display of loving, happy domesticity.
               My wild twin really did settle down.  And it’s clearly a healthy relationship.  If Mom ever found out Pops lied to her like Stan did to Angie…she wouldn’t even talk to him, let alone let him kiss her.  
               “You gon’ eat, Uncle Ford?” Daisy asked.  “It’s friendly food.”  Ford reluctantly walked to the table and sat down.  
               I can’t remember the last time I ate a meal with someone else.
               “‘Friendly food’?” he asked.  Daisy nodded.
               “It’s how we described kosher,” Stan explained.  “Easier than the whole spiel.  At least, right now.”  Angie cleared her throat.  Ford looked over at her.  Her eyes were closed.
               “On this day, we thank the Lord for the bountiful gifts he has given us,” she intoned solemnly.  Ford looked around.  The other people at the table had their heads bowed.  “We pray that he continues to bless us with food, family, and happiness. Amen.”
               “Amen,” Danny and Daisy echoed.  Stan grinned at Ford.
               “Surprised ya, huh?” Stan asked cheekily.
               “I, uh, was definitely not expecting that,” Ford said.  
               “We say grace before each meal,” Angie explained.  “It’s a tradition in my fam’ly.  But I’ve been tryin’ to make it a bit more…inclusive, since the girls ain’t just Catholic.”  Ford picked up a fork.  Angie’s eyes were immediately drawn to his hands.  Ford swallowed, once again fighting the urge to hide his polydactyly from Stan’s family.  “Stanford, Stan mentioned ya know Fiddleford?”
               “Uh, yes,” Ford replied.  “He was my college roommate.”  Angie nodded, a contemplative expression on her face.
               “I think Fidds mentioned he met his roommate again a while back.  ‘Bout seven years?  It was around the time we first met, Stan.”
               “Well, um, that wasn’t the last time I saw Fiddleford,” Ford said.  Angie cocked her head.
               “I saw him more recently, um-”
               “We can talk about that after dinner,” Stan interrupted.  
               “I wanna know!” Daisy protested.
               “It’s just boring grown-up talk, sweetness,” Angie said soothingly.  Daisy crossed her arms and pouted.  
               “You met in ’75?” Ford asked.  Stan and Angie nodded.  “How exactly did that happen, by the way?”  Angie smiled at Stan.
               “Stan showed up at my folks’ house, tryin’ to sell some sort of vacuum.”
               “Stan-Vac,” Stan supplied.  Angie chuckled.
               “You were a door-to-door salesman?” Ford asked.
               “Yeah.  My products weren’t good, but I was.  Angie’s folks still saw through me right away,” Stan said.
               “They figured this young man needed some help, so they invited him to stay fer dinner.  And then he stayed the night.  And then another night.  And then my folks asked him if he wanted to stay permanently, as a farmhand,” Angie finished.
               “When Angie came home from college for Thanksgiving break, she walked into the barn and saw me and, well, that’s how we met,” Stan said with a shrug.
               “That’s quite the series of coincidences to bring you two together,” Ford remarked.  
               “Yep,” Stan said.  He grinned at Angie.  “Glad they happened, though.”  Angie smiled back at him.
               “Ick!” Daisy said loudly.  Stan rolled his eyes.
               “What?” Ford asked.
               “The girls don’t like it when their ma ‘n dad get lovey-dovey,” Angie said.
               “‘S boring,” Danny said.
               “Then what do ya wanna talk about?” Stan asked.  Danny frowned thoughtfully.
               “Why is Uncle Ford more fingers?” she asked after a moment. Angie’s eyes widened.
               “Stanford, I’m sorry,” she said quickly.  “The girls ‘re-”
               “No, it’s fine,” Ford said.
               “They don’t mean anything by it,” Stan added.  “They’re just too curious for their own good.”
               “Seriously, it’s fine.”
               Is it, though?
               “To answer your question, Danny,” Ford continued, despite the awkwardness, “I’m a polydactyl due to a flaw in my genetic coding.”  Danny and Daisy stared at him blankly.
               “Ford.  They’re three years old,” Stan said shortly.  “They’re not in high school.”
               “Oh.  Right.”
               “He’s got extra fingers ‘cause that’s just how he is,” Angie said. “Like how some folks have red hair, and some have brown hair.”
               “I have brown hair!” Daisy said.
               “Yes, ya do.  And like yer Uncle Ford, you’ve got more ‘n ten fingers.”
               “You actually inherited that trait from your father,” Ford added.  “It runs in my family.”
               “Then why does Daddy have ten fingers?” Danny asked.
               “Some things skip generations,” Angie replied.  “Yer Gran and Gramps don’t have red hair, but yer Auntie Violynn does.  It’s just how things work sometimes.”  Danny and Daisy nodded.  Ford looked at Angie.
               “I must admit, it’s refreshing to hear a full explanation, instead of just telling them ‘That’s how things are.’”  Angie shrugged and leaned over to wipe sauce off Danny’s face.
               “The girls are too curious fer somethin’ like that to slide.  Anyways, I always hated hearin’ that, growin’ up.”  
               “I suppose you’re glad to find out where Daisy’s polydactyly came from?” Ford asked.  Angie paused.
               “Yes,” she said after a moment, in a calm, level tone.  “I suppose I am.”
               Dinner passed by cheerfully.  Though Ford, for the most part, felt like an outsider looking in, as he watched Stan and Angie flirt, carefully keep their daughters’ faces clean, and attempt to engage the girls in meaningful conversations.
               Why does Stan keep asking them what they would do in hypothetical situations involving “pug trafficking”?
              “It’s after dinner, girls,” Stan said.  “Ya know what that means.”  Daisy leapt out of her chair.
              “You’ll never catch me alive!” she shouted gleefully before bolting.  Danny followed suit.  Stan stood up with a chuckle.
              “I’m comin’ for ya,” he growled playfully, stalking after his daughters. There were squeals of joy from somewhere else inside the house as he left Ford’s field of vision.  Angie began to clear the table, humming to herself.  
              “What, exactly, is going on?” Ford asked.  Angie smiled fondly.  
              “It’s a bathtime ritual thing.  Stan started it.  He’s a goofball, that husband of mine.”  
              “Gotcha!” Stan shouted.  There were more delighted squeals.  Angie chuckled.
              “Stan’s a heck of a father, by the way.  After my maternity leave ended, we couldn’t find anyone to watch the girls. Well, not anyone that Stan thought was good enough for his babies.  Stan told me ‘Ya know what, I’ve always hated my job anyways.’  Quit that very same day.”
              “So he’s a stay-at-home dad?”
              “Yessir.”  Angie deposited the dirty dishes in the sink and began to clean them.  “I appreciate how involved he is in raisin’ ‘em.  I’m pretty busy most days, so it eases my mind to know that they’ve got one of their parents watchin’ ‘em.”
              “What are ya impressed by?”
              “Honestly?  All of it,” Ford said.  Angie looked at him, bemused.  “I never thought Stan would settle down, or have a kid, or, if I’m being completely truthful, if he did have a kid, I didn’t suspect he would make an excellent father.” Angie pursed her lips.  “I mean, I thought he’d be a serviceable one.  But not the one I saw today.  It’s not like we got any ideas from how to be a good father from our own.”  Angie nodded silently.
              “That’s understandable.  But it’s fer the best if ya don’t say that ya weren’t expectin’ Stan to be a good dad. It means a lot to him that his kids adore him so much.  He’s put a lot of stake in his abilities as a father.  He don’t need to hear that negativity from his twin.”
              “…Of course.”  A few minutes passed while Angie continued to wash the dishes.  Ford looked around the kitchen.  Like much of the house, it was tastefully decorated, in bright colors with pictures on the walls.  Ford cleared his throat.  “So, um, did you take these pictures?” he asked.  Angie beamed.
               “Yessir.  Well, all of ‘em ‘cept fer the ones of me.  I’ve always been a fan of photography.  Had my own camera since I was thirteen.  Pretty useful when I did field work fer my thesis.  Can’t draw worth a darn, but I can make a salamander look like a movie star in a picture.”  She shrugged. “If the lightin’ is right, ‘course.” Stan walked into the kitchen, slightly dampened.
               “Kids are tucked in,” he said, taking a seat at the table.  Ford eyed him curiously.
               “Did you take a bath as well?” Ford asked.  Stan laughed.
               “Nah, the girls just like to have splash wars.”  Angie put aside the dishes and joined her husband at the table.
               “So, Stanford,” she said in a business-like manner, “at dinner, ya said that back in ’75 weren’t the last time ya saw Fiddleford?”
               “Uh, no.  Far from it,” Ford replied.  “He actually was my assistant, up in Gravity Falls.”  Angie frowned.
               “Yer assistant?”
               “But Fidds was hired by someone named Stanford Pines, not Stanford-”  She cut herself off and crossed her arms. “All right, which one of ya changed yer last name?” she asked, looking back and forth between Stan and Ford.
               “What?” Ford asked.  Angie turned to Stan.
              “Hey, you knew I was a grifter.  I went through a lot of different names.  And I ended up takin’ yours anyways so-”
              “Ya didn’t tell me yer real name!  Ya didn’t tell me that, and neither did ya tell me ya had a twin brother!”
              “We’re married.  We have two beautiful children.  We need to be able to trust each other with our secrets.”  Stan looked down, abashed.  “I hope ya know where yer sleepin’ tonight.”  Angie leaned in.  “An’ it ain’t our bed.”
              “Yeah, figured,” Stan mumbled.  He glowered at Ford.  “Way to go, Sixer, Tuesdays are the nights we get it on.”
              “I wasn’t the one who lied to your wife,” Ford said defensively.
               “Stanford,” Angie said suddenly, “if Fidds was yer assistant, do ya know what happened to him?  No one’s heard from him in weeks.  We’re gettin’ awfully worried ‘bout him.”  A deep discomfort knotted in Ford’s stomach.
              “He’s…not himself.”
              “What do ya mean?”
              “He’s lost his sanity.”  Angie’s eyes filled with tears.  “I’m so sorry, Angie.  I- it’s my fault.”  
              “Wh- how?”
              “It was through the course of our research that he- shit!”  Ford scrabbled backward, falling out of his chair in the process.  Angie had launched herself at him.  Stan grabbed her torso, preventing her from actually harming him.
              “Angie, what the hell are ya doin’?” Stan asked her.  
              “He has a son!” Angie yelled at Ford.  “A fam’ly.  An’ it’s yer fault that he’s gone?  Worse than gone, he’s there in body but he ain’t there in mind!”
              “Angie, chill!” Stan hissed.  “He explained it to me earlier.  It’s not completely his fault.”  He nodded at Ford.  “Tell her.”
               “It’s- Fiddleford saw something that drove him mad.  The domain of a former research partner of mine,” Ford said. Angie glared at him.
               “Yer not helpin’ yer case, Stanford,” she growled.  “It still sounds an awful lot like it’s yer fault that Fidds is- is-”
               “I don’t think he’s completely lost,” Ford said.  Angie blinked.
               “No, I- I think he can be saved.  It will be difficult and fairly intensive, but you can have your brother back.” Angie sat down again.  Stan kept an arm wrapped firmly around her torso.  
               “All right,” she said softly.  “If yer willin’ to help bring him back to his fam’ly-”
               “And I am,” Ford said quickly.  “Very much so.”  Angie nodded.
               “Okay.  Now, tell us ‘bout this former partner of yours.  What kind of person is he, to have a sanity-wreckin’ ‘domain’?” she asked. Ford sighed.
               “This is going to sound insane, but…a demon.”  Angie and Stan stared at him blankly.
               “A demon?” Angie parroted.
               “Sixer, what in the hell are ya talkin’ about?” Stan asked.
               “Bill Cipher is a dream demon.  He- he assisted in the construction of a device of mine.  Something to allow for interdimensional travel.  But he lied to me.”
               “Demons tend to do that,” Angie said flatly.
               “Ford, how are we supposed to believe ya?” Stan asked.  “A demon?  Seriously?” Ford sighed.
               “I know.  And I don’t have much by the way of proof.  Beyond, well, this.”  He took his first journal out of his trenchcoat pocket and handed it to Stan. Stan placed it on the table and opened it.  He and Angie skimmed the journal with interest.
               “This is either the truth, or a very powerful and complex delusion,” Angie said slowly, after reading a few pages.  She looked at Stan.  “I’m goin’ to defer to you on this, sweet potata.  Ya know Stanford.”
               “This is real,” Stan said softly.  “Ford wouldn’t make all this up.  And he’s not like your cousin Thistlebert.  He’s not a madman.”  Angie nodded.
               “Okay.”  She looked at Ford.  “We might need some more proof eventually, but fer the time bein’, we believe ya.”
               “R-really?” Ford asked, surprised.  
               “Yes,” Angie said.  “And we’ll help ya.”
               “Like I said, Ford, no one messes with my family,” Stan said.  He grimaced.  “Even if it is a ‘dream demon’ that’s tryin’ to wreck my twin’s life. What’s the difference between a dream demon and a normal demon, anyway?”
               “Well, that’s a rather complicated topic,” Ford said.  “The difference-”
               “Stanford, maybe that’s a conversation you can have with Stan later,” Angie said.  “I have to be up early tomorrow fer work, so I shouldn’t stay up much longer.  Do ya have any questions fer us right now?”
               “Actually, yes.  Stanley, when I called, why didn’t you tell me you were a married father?” Ford asked. Stan crossed his arms and leaned back.
               “I didn’t hear from ya in over ten years.  Then ya call me up, askin’ me to go to a different state to help ya. Forgive me for not wantin’ to tell ya ‘bout the life ya clearly weren’t interested in,” Stan said bitterly.
               “I didn’t know how to contact you,” Ford said.  Stan’s eyes narrowed.
               “Bull.  I’ve had a steady phone number since 1975.  Ya coulda gone through Mom before, but ya only did it last week.  Ya didn’t wanna talk to me.  Do us both a favor and quit lyin’.”  Ford resisted the urge to look down like a scolded child.  Angie frowned.
               “But when I got here, why all the secrecy?  I had to figure out that you were married and who the girls were on my own,” Ford soldiered on.  Stan shrugged.  “That’s not an answer.”
               “Maybe ya figured it out before I got a chance to tell ya like I planned,” Stan said.  “Maybe I was nervous about tellin’ ya I settled down, when everyone, includin’ me, said I wouldn’t.  Maybe I’ve got a flair for dramatics.  Who knows.”
               “Stan,” Angie intervened, “did ya mention Ford contactin’ yer mother?”
               “Yeah, why?” Stan asked.  Angie crossed her arms and glowered at him.  “…I just bought myself another night on the couch, didn’t I?”
               “More like three.  Yer mother’s alive?  Is everything ya told me ‘n my fam’ly a lie?”
               “Are ya sure?  ‘Cause it’s startin’ to feel that way.”
               “Angie-” Stan started.  Angie sighed.
               “I know ya had yer reasons.  But the lyin’, this can’t keep goin’ on!  Is there anything else you’ve kept from me?”
               “No,” Stan said firmly.  
               “Are ya sure?”
               “Yes.”  After a pause, Angie nodded.
               “Okay.”  She stood up. “Tomorrow, we can discuss a way to deal with this Bill problem.”  She shook her head.  “Bill. That’s quite the normal name fer a demon.  Is his full name William or somethin’?”
               “I’m not sure.  I never asked,” Ford said, surprised by her candidness.
               “Ah, well.”  Angie looked Ford up and down.  “Don’t take this the wrong way, Stanford, but…yer a bit of a walkin’ disaster right now.”
               “I’m well aware.”
               “Stan, would ya get yer twin some towels and show him how to use the shower? Oh, and lend him some of yer clothes, please.”
               “There’s no need to do that,” Ford said quickly, holding his coat tightly. “I’m perfectly fine in the outfit I’m wearing.”
               “Stanford, please, just borrow some of Stan’s stuff.  I can throw yer clothes in the laundry tomorrow mornin’ and it’ll be done by dinner.”
               “You can keep yer coat,” she said with a smile.  Ford relaxed slightly.
               “All right.  Stan’s clothes won’t fit me, though, I’ll have you know.”  She nodded.
               “I know.  But they’ll fit better ‘n mine or the girls’ would.”  Angie kissed Stan on the cheek.  “Darlin’, don’t forget, yer sleepin’ on the couch tonight.”
               “I know,” Stan muttered.  He stood up. “C’mon, Ford, I’ll show ya how to use the shower.  It’s a bit tricky.”  Ford followed Stan to the bathroom.  He could hear Angie hum as she resumed cleaning the dishes.
               Well, I just completely overturned their normal, happy, life, didn’t I.
31 notes · View notes
Me: Alright, I guess? Feel stupid? I dunno. Numb? Depression numb?  Sunflower Charlie: So tall. Daniel can’t even reach the top. 7′ now?? Gonna bloom soon.  Sunflower George: Almost reaches Charlie. Rivals.  Sunflower Miriam: 4 blooms! Gonna get more. Bees all the time, so cute. Yellow jackets, less cute. But good for pest control.  Tomato: They’re starting to grow. More flowers coming. Needs pruning.  Mint: Needs pruning. Keeps getting eaten by bugs.  Money plant: After the sun burning, growing so many buds now. Growing nicely. Bigger pot??  Rubber Plant: Doing well.  Pachira: Better now that the fan isn’t pointing at it.  Palm: Surprisingly alive.  Succulents: All good.  Đậu Đen: She’s doing good. Healthy. God, I hope she ain’t pregnant. 
Dear you, 
Today I went to work, still depressed. Elliot was kind enough to ask how I was doing and give me advice. I love Elliot. I don’t care what the rest of the crew says. I’m thankful for him.
Ervin told me he had to call out on Friday as well. He has hypertension. He keeps eating red meat though. I’m worried about him. I wish he could stay forever but come August, a new rotation.
Jeff wore a new hat today. It was, like. A golf cap? Instead of his usual cowboy hat. It looked good on him! I also appreciate Jeff. 
Did runs. Easy day. Picked up Hydrogen Sulfide detector. The jambalaya Daniel made was so delicious. I love that he helps me get my lunch ready. I love Daniel. 
Daniel kept sending me pics of the kitten today. I was so excited to see her. The second work ended, I drove home and ran straight to her (after dealing with mail). She seemed so quiet and lazy. It got me worried. It surprised me to roll her over and see 12 toes on her hind legs. Daniel said not to worry, she was probably napping. I couldn’t help but worry. Worry’s my middle name. Thanks to anxiety. He was trying to get me to calm down and convincing me to eat. 
While eating, I tried to calm down. Told him to put on spongebob. But I kept thinking about what I had read online. The lethargy. Kittens were supposed to have energy. Her gums looked white. She meowed weakly. 
Daniel could tell I was worried. He went out and got Đậu Đen and brought her inside. We had her and her kitty meet. It looked like the kitty kept trying to rub up on her and Đậu Đen kept walking off. It made me cry, I thought she was trying to abandon her. Daniel calmed me down, saying I was just being reminded me of my childhood. Eventually, the kitten kept rubbing up on her mom and Đậu Đen kept licking her like crazy. I felt so much relief. 
We watched the two. The kitten kept weakly going up on her mom. Đậu Đen licked her, ate, and would walk off. I was wondering if we should get the kitten back to Đậu Đen but she wouldn’t take her. We called a hospital earlier, the hospital said hard to tell if it was an emergency and that walk ins would end soon. 
I still didn’t feel right. I looked up a 24 hour animal hospital. I told her she was weak. Then I thought about it and told Daniel to tell them the kitten seemed like she was breathing hard. They said it didn’t sound right. We loaded her up in the cat carrier and took her to the car. 
Đậu Đen walked with us, we tried to see if she wanted to come in the car with us. She didn’t. I figured ‘cause she had the other two kittens to worry about. We made off to the hospital. 
There was a car there before us. A white couple with a beagle. I noticed the girl wiping away tears. It was hard to see. I wondered if we were taking up valuable timer with our kitten. 
The hospital staff quickly came out and retrieved the kitten. We waited in the car. They quickly called us and said they needed a $500 deposit to get some vitals up. No info on what was wrong. I took a deep breath. I made a lot of money now but $500 was still nothing to sneeze at. I looked at Daniel, he said it was my money. I thought about how I had $2200 in checking and $3k in savings. I said to go for it. 
I took out my embroidery. We joked around. I listened to a podcast. I felt bad joking around while the girl in the car next to us was crying. 
Daniel and I had decided to name the cat. Noticing she was polydactyl on her hind legs, she had 12 toes total. Daniel decided to dub her Doce, the Spanish word for 12. I had named Đậu Đen so it only seemed fair to have one with a Viet name and one with a Spanish name. 
Another call. They took down some info, transferred me to the doctor for the low down. The doctor explained Doce had been infested with fleas. She was a tiny cat, less than 5 weeks. With not much blood to spare, the fleas had sucked her down to nearly nothing. She asked if I had fed her. I told her just sugar water that we fed with a plastic syringe like thing we had used to give Đậu Đen her antibiotics. Then some salmon/water cat treat. I was on the verge of tears telling her this. I thought the doctor was gonna get mad I couldn’t feed her enough.
The doctor merely asked if she ate those things. I told her she did, the cat had licked at them. I think it was a good sign, that it meant Doce still had some energy. The doctor said the kitten was in critical health, knocking on death’s door. It was a good thing we had brought her in. They asked if I was willing to care for the cat, I said I was. She transferred me to billing.
While we were on hold, I joked with Daniel I hope it wasn’t $2k, knowing how much I had in the bank. 
The billing went down. 
“The doctor would like to do this test, that is $200. Then a fecal test for parasites. Another $200.” 
As she listed the items, my stomach dropped. 
The kitten had to be in an oxygen tent. $500. Luckily, she was small so IV would be cheap. Cheap as in $130. Another several hundred for transfusion. Another several hundred for blood test. 
It went on and on and my stomach was clenched. 
“Total comes to around $2,008. Not including the $500 you had put in as deposit earlier. The complete total is $2,508. What would you like to do?”
Was it expectations? Was it my inability to turn people down? I said yes. But I mentioned that I did not have enough in the bank. The billing lady said I could apply for carecredit. 
I immediately remembered the first time I applied for carecredit. I was making $9,000 a year. I had severe dental problems and the dental bill was $1,200. I cried at the dentist’s office. I couldn’t afford it. CareCredit gave no interest for up to two years if you could pay within then. I was so thankful, I thanked them profusely even if they had nothing to do with it. 
I looked at Daniel. He shrugged and told me it was my money. 
With no hesitation, I went on my phone and applied. We called billing. It was all good. The nurse loved Doce’s name. Everyone marveled at the credit limit I was given. I felt somewhat good and happy about that. 
The hospital said we could go home. They handed us the bill. 4 weeks and 3 days, they estimated Doce’s age. 
Daniel went to go get the bill. The couple next to us, I guess they were finally called to bring the dog in. The guy opened the girl for the girl, banged the door on my car. I saw her cradle her dog and hurriedly left. I couldn’t care less they banged my car. I was mad, briefly, like, hey, wtf. Pay attention. But I saw the dog. Remember my car was dinged up anyways. Felt bad I was upset. Told Daniel. He also didn’t care, he also saw how they felt about their dog. 
On the way to get gas, I realized by the time we got home, I’d have nearly 0 hours to relax. I told him he couldn’t tell anyone I spent this much. He agreed. He could tell I felt ashamed. Told me it was my money. Not in a way he didn’t care. But that this was what I wanted to make money for. I wanted to care for others. I wanted to donate most of my money. I’m saving a cat and I was looking for a pet. This is perfect. I asked what if the doctor says the kitten belongs to her mom? He said he’ll try to ask the vet if there’s any way we can keep her. Since it seems she got infested with fleas. We’ll find a way.
I hope so. I hope we can keep her but I just want her to be happy and healthy.
I felt dumb and stupid and insane for dropping this much money on a stray cat I’ve just met. I had to talk to Nevi. Nevi calmed me down, said it wasn’t a waste. 12 years of a cat’s life, this was nothing. I saw my money and knew it wasn’t completely necessary for now. I budgeted for it. I saw the value of the money going toward the cat. He helps me so much. I love Nevi with all my heart as well. 
I watered my plants. I couldn’t sleep. I should be sleeping right now for work tomorrow but I’m too energized and nervous. 
I don’t believe in God, but Daniel saw me do the sign of the cross in the car waiting to hear back on the news for the cat. Even being an agnostic, I find comfort in believing in a higher power. 
I told him he knows I don’t believe in God but does he think God sent the kitten to us? Knowing we could help her? That’s why Đậu Đen tried ot get us to see her kittens. That’s why she left the kitten with us? ‘Cause after the antibiotics, she felt better and she knew we could help her? Did she know? Did God send her right when we were looking for pets, not having one yet, so we had extra money to care for her? 
Did believing in God make me feel less guilty about spending the money on her? I think it did. 
I donated money earlier this week to grassroots organizations that supported BLM. I hope to keep donating more money to those organizations per paycheck. 
I hope that everyone stays happy and healthy. That there’s more community resources. I hope Doce survives and we can take her home and show her to Đậu Đen and Đậu Đen can see how happy and healthy she is. I hope we can be a happy and healthy family.
I love Daniel. I love Nevi. I am going to stay up and do some craft work. I love Daniel even though he’s making me shower in fear of fleas and I hate him for that. 
I go to tomorrow with hope things turn out well. And work goes out well. And Ervin stops listening to conspiracy theories and takes care of himself. I hope BLM works out and we get changes we need. I hope I get enough rest tonight so I can work well tomorrow so I can make money for the cats and for Daniel and for my future pet dog. 
I hope for everyone’s health and happiness. 
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cutshawsnidowoa · 5 years
5 Fascinating Facts About Polydactyl Cats
The post 5 Fascinating Facts About Polydactyl Cats by Angela Lutz appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
Some friends of mine have a polydactyl cat named Dougus, whom I affectionately call “The Toes.” He certainly earns the name: With six toes on each foot, he is well above average — and he’s off the charts in good looks and charm as well.
Polydactyly is not unusual in cats, so Dougus is hardly alone in his freaky awesomeness. Here are five fascinating facts about six-(or-more)-toed cats.
1. Polydactyly is a genetic abnormality
Owen, a polydactyl cat. Photography courtesy Annie Butler Shirreffs.
Count your kitty’s toes. Odds are she has a total of 18, with five toes on each front paw and four on each rear. If your kitty is polydactyl, however, she might have as many as eight toes on any given paw. The word is Greek in origin, with “poly” meaning “many” and “daktylos” meaning “digits.”
Most polydactyl cats have extra toes on their front paws, which sometimes resemble thumbs and make your kitty look as though she’s wearing adorable mittens. These extra digits are not opposable, which means your polydactyl cat will not be able to start feeding herself at 5 a.m.
2. Polydactyl cats are also known as Hemingway cats
When a ship captain gave a white polydactyl cat named Snowball to writer Ernest Hemingway, the captain kicked off a pretty fantastic obsession for one of history’s most prolific cat guys. At Hemingway’s island home off Key West, FL, he collected more than 50 cats, almost half of whom had extra toes. Thanks to his obsession, today polydactyls are frequently called “Hemingway cats.”
As Catster’s Dorian Wagner did, you can visit the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum, where the cat colony still thrives — and some of the kitties are descendants of Snowball, Hemingway’s original polydactyl.
Bonus fact: Polydactyl cats are such a big deal that they’ve made it all the way to the White House: President Theodore Roosevelt had a six-toed first kitty named Slippers.
3. The world record for the most toes on a cat is 28
The Internet cannot agree on which polydactyl kitty actually has the most toes. According to Guinness Records, the title belongs to Jake, a ginger tabby from Canada. He boasts seven toes on each paw, for a grand total of 28. Each toe has its own claw, pad, and bone structure.
The rumor mill also tells of a 32-toed cat named Mickey Mouse who lived in the ’70s. But instead of polydactyly, he might have had a condition known as “double paws,” in which each paw is actually comprised of two fused mirror-image paws. Having extra toes is complicated!
4. Polydactyly is common in Maine Coons
Historically, polydactyly was a useful trait for Maine Coon cats. For a breed originating in snowy Maine, doublewide paws with extra digits functioned as natural snowshoes. At one time, as many as 40 percent of all Maine Coons had extra toes. Though the trait is no longer as predominant in the breed, Maine Coon polydactyls are still recognized as an official breed by many cat fanciers.
5. Polydactyl cats were once considered good luck at sea
Back in the day, polydactyl cats got their sea legs by accompanying fishermen on many journeys. And they earned their keep — they were rumored to be excellent mouse hunters, and their extra toes gave them better balance on ships that encountered rough waters. The cats’ many travels might explain their widespread presence today, predominantly in the United States, Canada, England and Wales.
Thumbnail: Photo CC-BY Flickr user brownpau. Some modifications may have been made to fit the specifications of this site. 
This piece was originally published in 2013.
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How to Trim Cat Nails, and Why You Should
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The post 5 Fascinating Facts About Polydactyl Cats by Angela Lutz appeared first on Catster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Catster.com.
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