#hes too elegant and well spoken for such a song
cannibalovers · 5 months
hannibal singing cannibal by kesha would be an interesting experience
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thewulf · 6 days
Undying Love || King Thranduil
Summary: Request - Are you taking King Thranduil requests? If you are taking... do you write with a human reader? The reader may be a Dúnedain. Or even Aragorn's aunt or older sister. She is someone who can overcome Thranduil's solid walls and sharp borders. Considering human age (although the Dúnedain lived longer) this results in sadness, as we all know. But these two can find comfort in each other, amidst their complicated relationship.
A/N: Not sure how much I like this one. It's really sweet and of course ends well. Let me know your thoughts :)
Pairing: King Thranduil x Reader
Word Count: 2.9k +
TW: LOTR Warnings
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As you walk through the dense, towering trees of Mirkwood the ancient sentinels of the forest whisper secrets of the old world with every rustle of their leaves. Accompanied by Legolas and Gimli you stride purposefully down the leaf-strewn path, your eyes alight with curiosity. The fabled woods which were spoken of in many a tale and song unfold around you with a serene majesty.
Beside you Legolas moves with an effortless grace that seems almost like a dance. His elven heritage clear in every step. Gimli who was ever the stout and steadfast companion keeps up a steady stream of complaints about the seemingly endless trek through the trees.
As the elegant spires of the elven king's palace glint through the dense canopy of Mirkwood Legolas turns towards you with a distinctly worried expression. "My father can be... quite the traditionalist," he warns in a low voice. His clear blue eyes searching yours for understanding. "His views on the dealings of elves with humans and dwarves can still be quite rigid."
You simply shrug with a slight smile playing on your lips. "I've dealt with stubborn royalty before," you reply confidently recalling countless negotiations and meetings with leaders across middle earth. "I can handle your father Legolas."
Legolas hesitates. His gaze lingering on you a moment longer. His concern not entirely abated. "It's not just his traditional views," he adds before lowering his voice as other elves pass by with graceful nods. "He has rarely opened his heart or mind after my mother's passing. He guards himself, sometimes too fiercely. Be cautious still. He is not easily swayed or impressed."
Acknowledging his words with a nod you feel a spark of challenge light up within you. "Thank you, Legolas. I appreciate your concern, but these challenges are not unfamiliar to me. I’ll tread carefully but I won’t back down. You know me well enough by now." Your response seems to reassure him slightly though he still watches you with a mix of admiration and apprehension as you approach the grand threshold of the palace.
As the three of you step into the grand hall the air shifts, filled with the soft melodies of elven music and the fragrance of exotic flowers. The elven king himself stands tall and imposing at the far end of the room his sharp eyes locking onto yours as you approach.
"My Lord Thranduil," you greet him while bowing your head slightly in respect yet holding his gaze firmly. You knew exactly how to deal with his type.
Thranduil's initial surprise at your directness quickly gives way to intrigue. He steps forward. His regal bearing unmistakable. "I am told you are the King of Gondor’s elder sister," he states looking from Legolas back to you. His voice deep and resonant. "It is rare for a Dúnedain to tread these halls."
"The rarity makes it all the more worthwhile," you quip back not missing a beat. Legolas who was standing a few steps behind raises his eyebrows in surprise at the ease with which you banter with his father.
Thranduil lets out a soft, almost imperceptible chuckle. A sound few have heard. "Indeed," he replies. His eyes reflecting a spark of amusement. "Let us hope your journey proves beneficial for us all."
You meet his gaze with a steady, confident look. "From what I’ve heard Mirkwood could use a fresh perspective. Perhaps I can offer one."
He does not look offended only amused. "An interesting assertion," Thranduil remarks. His tone still cool but tinged with curiosity. "Many have come claiming the same, yet few have left their mark. What makes you different Dúnedain?" You knew what he was doing. Throwing your mortality in your face but it didn’t change your stance.
"My heritage might be human, Thranduil. But my experiences are as varied as the leaves of your forest," you respond smoothly. "And like the leaves I believe in change and adaptation."
Thranduil studies you for a moment. His expression unreadable. Then, almost imperceptibly, the corner of his mouth quirks up. "You speak boldly for one so young by elven standards. It is refreshing... and rare."
Gimli who had been quietly observing the exchange, leans over and nudges Legolas in the side with his elbow. He whispers just loud enough for Legolas to hear, "Seems like your father might have met his match, eh, lad? Better keep an eye on these two." His chuckle breaks your concentration with the king. Legolas shoots Gimli a slight glare, but there's a hint of amusement in his eyes. He couldn't deny the intriguing dynamic unfolding before him. His friend's words carried a hint of truth that piqued his curiosity even more even if they were whispered in jest.
The king's demeanor remains composed yet there’s a glint of respect in his eyes that wasn’t there before. "Very well, Lady of the Dúnedain. Let us see what changes you bring to Mirkwood. For better or for worse… it shall be interesting." Thranduil watches you closely. His initial skepticism slowly morphing into a newfound curiosity about your presence. Your ability to hold your ground in this ancient and enigmatic court hints at the intriguing days to come.
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In the following days your interactions with King Thranduil shift from formalities to more substantial exchanges. You find yourselves often walking together through the lush, verdant gardens of the palace. The air filled with the earthy scent of moss and the distant sound of a waterfall. Thranduil who was typically reserved with his emotions began to open up under the canopy of ancient trees that have seen the passing of many ages.
One afternoon Thranduil shares with you the tale of his wife. The love he lost to the shadows of the past. His voice which was usually so commanding and steady, carries a subtle tremor as he speaks of the battles fought and the peace that never came. "Time has a way of healing, yet also of deepening the scars," he says quietly while looking out over a mist-covered lake.
You listen intently. Your heart softening towards the elven king who has borne much grief. "Even the mightiest of trees were once just seeds, my lord," you respond gently, touching his arm. "They grow, they endure, and sometimes, they too must learn to thrive anew after a storm."
Thranduil's gaze meets yours. The usual frost in his eyes thawing slightly. He nods slowly. A silent acknowledgment of the truth in your words. In these shared moments a mutual understanding blossoms between you. Both of you were shaped by loss yet you were still standing. Still reaching towards the light.
On a quiet evening a few days later you and Thranduil find yourselves beside the silver-threaded streams that lace through the forest. The conversation turns to the philosophical, exploring the ephemeral nature of beauty and life itself. "All things of grace and beauty such that one holds them to one's heart have a common provenance in pain. Their birth in grief and ashes," Thranduil muses. His gaze distant, reflecting the shimmering water.
"I know the pain of loss, too," you share softly while meeting his eyes. "But I also know that every moment of joy we find after loss is a treasure." Your words seem to strike a chord in Thranduil. His usual reserve melting away slightly as he considers your perspective.
In the following days the air between you grows warmer. It was filled with a quiet understanding. Legolas watches this growing bond with a mix of hope and worry. He approaches his father one crisp morning with caution in his voice. "Father, do you not fear the heartache that may come? She is mortal you know this. Her years will not touch yours."
Thranduil's response comes after a thoughtful pause, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion rarely seen by others. "Indeed, Legolas. I am aware of the shadows that time casts. But should we forsake the warmth of the sun for fear of the night’s chill? The joy she brings… the companionship we share, I find it to be a balm for many old wounds."
This acknowledgment marks a turning point. Thranduil begins to openly cherish the moments you share whether in laughter over a shared meal or in quiet solidarity during council meetings. He learns to embrace the present, the here and now with you by his side. He was learning to find joy in the everyday moments that life offers. Your presence brings a light to Mirkwood that had not been seen for many years. And brought to Thranduil’s heart a renewed sense of hope and happiness however transient it might be.
It was on one of these seemingly standard days that you and Thranduil find yourselves walking along a secluded path beside the murmuring streams. The serene sounds of the forest envelop you both. A gentle symphony that seems to slow the passage of time.
As the gentle evening breeze stirs the leaves, Thranduil stops before turning to face you with a look of resolve mixed with a hint of vulnerability. "The time is nearing when Legolas and Gimli will continue their journeys, exploring lands beyond our borders," he begins. His voice low and tinged with a somber note.
You nod with a sense of impending change hanging in the air between you.
Thranduil takes a deep breath, his gaze searching yours. "I find myself at a crossroads of selfishness and reason," he confesses. "Every part of me knows I should encourage you to see the world with them. To experience all that life has to offer. Yet..." He pauses while looking at you, his eyes reflecting the soft starlight. "Yet, I find myself wishing you would stay. Here. With me."
The honesty in his words touches you deeply, and you reach out, taking his hand. "Thranduil, I..."
He gently squeezes your hand. His other hand coming up to lightly touch your cheek. "I know it is much to ask, and perhaps it is more for my own heart's ease than for your good. But you have brought light into the shadows of these woods and into the shadow of my heart. If you would stay, I would have us spend every moment that fate allows us together."
You feel the weight and warmth of his words wrap around you like a cloak. "I have wandered through middle earth to its extent and seen many wonders, Thranduil," you reply softly. Your decision clear in your heart even before he asked. "But here with you, I have found a wonder that surpasses them all. I will stay. Not out of duty. Not out of necessity. But because I want to, my lord."
A smile that was as rare as it was radiant breaks across Thranduil’s usually composed face. "Then let us not count the days but make the days count," he says while drawing you closer. "For however long we have."
The decision to stay in Mirkwood was sealed by the simplicity of your shared love. It casts a new light over your days together. Despite the challenges that remain your acceptance of each other, and the transient nature of happiness only serves to deepen the love that blossoms between you. It enriched every moment you share amid the timeless woods.
As the seasons change in Mirkwood so too does the nature of your relationship with Thranduil. The initial sparks of curiosity and mutual understanding kindle into a deeper, more profound connection. You find yourselves often lost in conversation, or simply enjoying the peaceful silence that only true companionship can afford. Despite the knowledge of inevitable parting due to your mortality you both decide to embrace the present. Instead letting your affection for each other grow into love.
The palace gardens that were once a place of solitude for Thranduil become a frequent meeting spot for the two of you. Surrounded by ancient trees and the gentle sounds of the forest you share stories, laughter, and plans for the future of Mirkwood. The joy and peace you find in each other's company seem to breathe new life into the still-recovering woodland realm and even the elves begin to notice a change in their king. A lightness to his step and a warmth in his eyes that had been absent for ages.
However, your blossoming love does not come without its challenges. Thranduil's fears of loss are never fully quieted, echoing in his moments of solitude. The differences between your races occasionally give rise to tensions. Moreover, political pressures mount as not all in the elven court or beyond are pleased with a human holding such influence over their king. Rumors and skepticism swirl through the corridors of the palace adding a strain to the harmony you both cherish.
Despite these hurdles the two of you find strength in your unity. Thranduil had grown inspired by your vitality and strength. He learns to appreciate the present like never before. Savoring each day he gets to spend with you. One evening under a canopy of stars, Thranduil speaks words that both acknowledge the reality of your situation and celebrate the beauty of your bond. "Life is fleeting for some, enduring for others, but it is the living of it, the moments we share, that truly defines its value," he reflects. His voice steady and sure.
You nod as your hand found his, an unspoken agreement passing between you. The both of you decide to make the most of the time you have, regardless of its length. This acceptance brings a new depth to your relationship, allowing you both to live fully in the moments you create together whether they be marked by laughter or contemplation.
The acceptance of the transient nature of your happiness does not diminish it; rather, it enriches the love you share. Making each moment more precious. Thranduil finds a new perspective on life, one that values the joys of the present over the fears of the future. The love that blooms between you, against all odds, becomes proof to the power of embracing the now, whatever may come later.
But even time has a way of catching you. As it weaves its inevitable tapestry the lines of age begin to grace your features, each one a mark of the vibrant life you've shared with Thranduil in Mirkwood. Thranduil who was ever timeless in his elven beauty watches the subtle changes with a mix of admiration and a deep-seated fear of impending loss. The thought of a future without you by his side casts a shadow over his heart. One that grows with each passing day.
Driven by a love that has transcended the bounds of time and race Thranduil seeks a way to keep the two of you together. In a move born of desperation and deep love, he reaches out to Galadriel, one of the few with the power and wisdom to alter your fate. His plea is heartfelt: to allow both of you passage to the Undying Lands where time could no longer claim its toll on your mortal soul.
Galadriel who had observed the sorrows and joys of middle earth for ages was moved by the depth of Thranduil's love. She consents. "Let there be no more heartbreak," she declares, granting Thranduil the rare opportunity to vacate his kingship and travel to a land of peace with you.
The days that follow are bittersweet as you and Thranduil prepare for this final voyage. Legolas understood the significance of this decision. He steps forward to assume the role of king. His pride and readiness to lead assure both you and Thranduil that Mirkwood remains in capable hands.
Your farewells are heartfelt and tearful. Legolas embraces you both. His eyes shining with unshed tears but also with pride and joy for the new life you will start. "Go with peace, my father, and my friend," he whispers. "May the shores of Valinor bring you the tranquility you deserve."
Your brother Aragorn and his queen, Arwen, come to bid you goodbye, their faces a mixture of sorrow and happiness. "Sister, your happiness has always been my own," Aragorn says, clasping your hands. "May the stars shine brightly on your path."
As you stand beside Thranduil waiting to board the ship that would carry you to the Undying Lands you feel a profound sense of peace. The sea's openness echoes the vastness of the journey you've undertaken together. From the courts of Mirkwood to this final, eternal embarkation.
As the ship sails away, you stand beside Thranduil, his hand in yours. You watch middle earth fade into the distance, a land rich with memories and echoes of ancient songs. Turning to face the horizon where new beginnings and timeless shores await, you find solace in the shared silence that speaks volumes between you and Thranduil.
Looking up at the eternal stars glittering in the sky Thranduil speaks softly, a deep reverence in his voice. "Beyond the furthest shores, under the watch of the undying stars, we find our path anew."
You nod. The profound weight of his words mingling with the sea breeze. "Let the stars guide us as we journey forth into this ageless night." Together you sail into the undying light of Valinor, where the bounds of time no longer tether your spirits. In this new realm your love finds its place among the eternal sustained by the timeless peace of the undying lands.
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freak-accident419 · 4 months
Isn’t it Ironic?
Mike Schmidt x GN!Reader
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Summary: You attend an old friend’s wedding that you were surprisingly invited to. One downside—it was raining when everybody least expected it. Lucky that the whole ceremony and party were indoors, the event prospered, and you meet someone during the reception.
Word Count: 2.8k
Content: fluff, a lot of banter, you two are very awkward, gender neutral reader, references to Y2K, literally just one mention of pot, wedding, non-gendered descriptions of clothing for reader, you have a thing for Alanis Morissette’s “‘96 hit” Ironic, takes place a year before the events of FNAF, kissing
A few months ago, you were surprised to receive a wedding invitation in the mail from an old friend of yours. It’s been several years since you’ve spoken with him, but you two still kept each other in mind, which explains why you were even considered as a guest in the first place. Simply, you were close enough with him to attend his wedding.
There was one small problem, however.
It was raining.
This wedding was planned quite intricately, yet nobody ever expected it to rain heavily. The forecast barely gave any warning or prediction about rainfall, so there was no doubt that people, especially the bride and groom, were apprehensive. However, it didn’t matter too much, because the venue was in a nice, fairly large ballroom that was completely indoors. While this event’s relation to Alanis Morissette’s ‘96 hit remained uncanny and undesirable, the ceremony still went graciously well. You never expected such elegant vocabulary from your old friend as he said his vows, which was actually a refreshing listen. You watched the couple kiss after hearing the officiant say ‘you may now kiss the bride’, and the room erupted in joyous cheers and applause.
It was now the reception, as you sat down at a round table, a thin, white cloth draped loosely over it. And as you tapped on the surface, fidgeting with some of the silverware, your eyes scanned the room, trying to find the man you had just recently met.
Earlier today, you were prepared exquisitely for the wedding. However, as you changed into your best attire, you began to hear soft tapping on your window. At first you thought nothing of it, but with time, the tapping transitioned into violent spatters against the glass. Finally looking out your window, it was raining hard. Like, it was pouring.
The forecast, weirdly enough, never expected any rain. And for this unnatural and abrupt weather to be on the day of the wedding was quite painfully ironic—again, an uncanny resemblance to Alanis Morissette’s song (that you found delightful to reference). And so, with this, you made sure to bring your umbrella.
Getting out of a taxi, you noticed that the front of the venue building was crowded with people trying to get in, several umbrellas protecting their heavily expensive formal wear. As you made your way to the front, you noticed that, with all the people walking around you, there was one person that caught your full attention.
It was a man walking without an umbrella, having to hold his blazer above his head, leaving him in his white button up and lampblack skinny tie. You immediately felt bad, and rushed over to him, holding up your umbrella so that you two were both protected under it.
“Oh! Um, thank you,” he smiled softly, a bit awkward in his mannerisms. “Did you, um, know it was gonna rain?”
“No, um,” you began with a chuckle, shaking your head. “I don’t think anybody knew. It was, like, completely unexpected.” He nodded at your reply.
“Kinda, uh, reminds me of that one song—”
You interrupt him eagerly. “By Alanis Morissette?”
An low, amused chuckle escaped his lips as he looked down, then up at you. “Yeah.”
You weren’t much of a romantic, or someone who believed in fate, but his acknowledgment towards the ‘96 hit by Alanis Morissette nearly convinced you that he was your soulmate. Yet, you shook off the feeling.
“So, uh, how do you know the… the newly weds?”
“Oh, uh, I was friends with Quinn in, uh, high school,” he answered as the two of you approached the venue’s entrance. “You?”
“I met Emmett also in high school,” you say, “Through, uh, mutual friends at the time.”
You two finally got inside the venue, closing your wet umbrella and finally being able to see the man more clearly. He was pretty decent looking, maybe even above average, at that. There was something so charming about his big brown eyes, brown curls and stubble that made you feel… flustered, you suppose. “Uh, I guess I’ll see you around,” you offer a kind grin.
“Oh, yeah, um definitely. Yeah.”
The encounter was a bit awkward, but there was also something there, you felt. You weren’t really sure what exactly it was, but you were determined to find out more about this man.
Which led you to this very moment. You watched the groom and the bride’s first dance happen in the very center of the venue, a sweet, classical song being played by a live band, and the deep, loving eye contact the newly weds shared.
Then, when your eyes drifted away from them, you finally saw him across the room, sitting at a table, and noticing you at the exact, same time. The man from before.
“Do you believe it?”
“Oh, h-huh? Believe what?”
You shrug. “That the world is ending next year.”
He looked confused.
“You know? Y2K? People believe that next year, the whole, like, all of computer systems will crash because code can’t read the year two thousand and the glitch is going to cause an entire apocalypse.”
You two sat at the same table after he joined you, in which he came over quite awkwardly, resting his damp blazer on his chair, placing his plate of cake on the table, and then finally sitting down. And now, you two were just conversing about random topics while eating cake and drinking mediocre beverages.
“O-oh, yeah, I think I, uh, heard of that.”
He was a bit awkward. But it was nothing you couldn’t handle.
“So? Do you believe it?”
“Um… No, actually. It’s too… theatrical. I know a lot of people bought so much flashlights and candles because they assumed that the whole bug will cause everyone to be forced to camp, but… It’s just a bit ridiculous,” he answered, taking a sip of the champagne.
“Right,” you agree.
“And you?”
“Do you belie—”
“Oh, no, of course not,” you chuckle lightly. “I, uh… It’s ridiculous, as you said, but… sometimes it’s kinda fun for the world to panic over dumb shit together… It… reminds me that we’re all just humans, trying to live and survive, experiencing the same thing everyone else is, just co-existing.” You looked at him for a while until your eyes widened suddenly. “Sorry if I got too, I don’t know, serious abou—”
“No, no, um… I agree. You’re right,” he smiles softly and you return it.
You clear your throat. “Do you, uh, actually like that stuff?” You ask, pointing at his tall glass of champagne, then looked at your own.
He pursed his lips. “I mean… It’s okay, I guess.”
You scoff. “It tastes like hand sanitizer. Like, you’d think this expensive ass wedding would have better drinks, you know?”
He paused. “How would you know how hand sanitizer tastes?”
“It’s just a feeling. Like—I’d imagine bar soap to taste like white chocolate,” you say.
A small chuckle leaves his mouth, which you seemed to admire heavily. You wanted that to happen again. It was a sweet, wide smile, his tired eyes growing bright, and his soft laugh entrancing you completely. You wanted to take out every lame joke of your shitty humor book stored in your prefrontal cortex to see him chuckle like that again.
“Shit,” he grumbled, his face contorted in discomfort as he attempted to look down under the table.
“Are you okay?” You asked, raising an eyebrow and trying to see what was bothering him.
“No—I mean—Yeah, I am, it’s just… I’ve never been to something formal in a long time, and I never got to buy new shoes so… They’re kinda tight,” he explained, moving the table cloth slightly to see his shoes in view under the table.
“Oh,” you reply.
“Doesn’t help that the rain made my socks wet too.”
He paused, then looked at you. “Should I take ‘em off?”
Your eyes widened. “Wh—Seriously? Are you insane?”
“It’s not like anyone could see it. C’mon, my feet are really aching,” he complained.
“Dude, look at what the bridesmaids are wearing! Look at those damn heels, you’re really gonna complain about your own feet when they have to wear those the entire day?!” You exclaim, but you couldn’t help but laugh softly. He liked your laugh.
“I’m taking them off.”
“No!” You giggle. “What the fuck are you thinking?!” Your voice lowers in a murmur, ensuring that nobody else hears you.
“I am taking these guys off.”
“Dude, no! If—If Quinn finds out, she is going to be pissed,” you urge.
“Hey. You knew the groom and I knew the bride. Meaning that I know the bride more than you. And I would know, that if she found out—”
“She’s gonna kill you,” you interrupt.
He paused.
“Yeah, she’d definitely kill me.”
You both laugh softly, enjoying each other’s presence. “You know, weirdly enough, I think my feet hurt even more when they’re all stiff. Like, walking doesn’t hurt as much as them being still.”
“Seriously?” You raise an eyebrow.
“You’re not just saying that so you’d have an excuse to dance with me, right?” You tease, letting a playful smirk appear on your lips. “Because that logic literally makes no fucking sense.”
His eyes went wide, and you swore you could see his face flush red, and he began to stammer over his words. “N-no, I—I mean, that wasn’t—uh…” It seemed as if he gave up. It truly wasn’t his intention to dance with you, but he was too flustered to even state his case.
You stood up, walking in front of him and took your hand out. “You don’t have a date, do you?” You ask, raising an eyebrow with a gentle smile.
“Um, no. Why-why would I—”
“Okay, good,” you nod, “Then may I have this dance?”
He looked up at you in surprise and parted his lips to respond. “I—I don’t know how to dance—”
“Anybody can dance. Anyways, wouldn’t it be ironic if there was a wedding without any dancing?” You inquire.
“I mean, yeah, but, like… I’m not saying that dancing shouldn’t occur, I just… Me? I just can’t, I don’t think I—”
You scoff and roll your eyes. “Just take my hand, dude.”
He places his hand in yours, and before he was given the chance to completely stand up, you hastily dragged him to the dance floor.
Despite all that, you smile at him warmly, giving him a sense of comfort and safety. Your hands held onto the back of his neck, and he placed his hands on your waist. “Can’t dance, my ass,” you mumbled playfully, which brought a stifled laugh from him.
The two of you swayed with the soft music, looking profoundly into each other’s eyes. You couldn’t take them off each other if you tried. You only knew him for a few hours, and you just met him today, but you felt like his soft, deep hazel eyes told you his whole life story, engulfing you in solace and intimacy.
And then it hit you:
You didn’t even know this man’s name. And he didn’t even know yours.
“Hey,” you chuckle, your voice only widening his present smile.
“It has just occurred to me that I don’t know your name.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Wait, seriously?”
“So we never told each other our names in the past hour we’ve met?”
“Hm, no, I guess not,” you giggle.
“Damn,” he sighs pleasantly. “Um, do you wanna go first?”
“Does it matter?”
“Should we do rock-paper-scissors?”
He scoffs in delight. “Seriously?”
“You’re right, that’s ridiculous… It should definitely be a thumb war.”
He laughs. “What?”
“Or maybe I’m thinking of a number between one to fifty? I mean—”
“I’m Mike.”
“Y/n,” you say immediately after him.
You two smile at each other, and it was apparent that you were trying not to laugh.
“Ow—” You hiss abruptly.
“Shit, sorry,” he breathed. ‘Mike’ stepped on your foot.
“It’s okay, it’s fine,” you giggle.
“I told you I can’t dance,” he frowned.
“But you’re doing it right now,” you retort.
“Not doing it very good,” he corrects.
“But you can admit you’re dancing,” you smile.
He chuckles. “Yeah, I guess I’ve proven myself wrong.”
You two share a look, a very particular one that communicated adoration and captivation for each other.
“What number would you have said if I did get you to choose one from one to fifty?” You ask out of curiosity.
“Hm… Maybe… maybe si—?”
Mike cut himself off once the lights suddenly shut off, all of the electricity in the venue failing simultaneously. A few panicked gasps and even screams escaped several people’s mouths as the entire venue was black. You couldn’t see anything, and you held onto whatever was closest to you, seeking comfort in a warm embrace.
A man called out the explanation, saying how it was the rainstorm that caused the power outage, and only a few seconds after that was said, the lights all switched back on.
Your eyes adjust, only to realize that you were pressed against Mike, you two holding one another against each other. Your hands, which were on his shoulders, dragged back down to his arms as you pull away slightly, the two of you exchanging awkward chuckles and smiles.
The two of you spent most of the wedding day together. You both didn’t really know anyone else that well enough, so you relished in each other’s company.
You found an empty, unoccupied room in the venue, another small ballroom, you presumed, that wasn’t used for the party. You and Mike sat at the edge of the short stage, giggling after making a few jokes to each other.
“Um… You met Emmett in high school, so, like, does that mean you’re from Pennsylvania?” He asked after the laughter had died down, his sweet grin still remaining on his lips.
“Oh, um, yeah. But, uh, I live here now, y’know, we had a small friend group and decided to go to the same college together, or at least state, and we all ended up in Minnesota,” you answer. “Why? Would you have been disappointed to find out that I’m just visiting?”
He shrugged, but smiled amusedly, never tired of your antics. “Kind of, yeah.”
“Kind of?” Your raise your voice playfully, placing your hand on your chest in offense.
“Okay, okay, the truth is, I would’ve been devastated to know that you didn’t actually live here,” he says, chuckling.
“Devastated, huh?” You smirk, taking out a pen (that you kept on yourself after finding it before the reception because you did plan to give your number to him tonight) and a clean napkin you had from earlier. You began to write down your phone number, then handed him the completed note. “Don’t hesitate to call.”
“And if next year does result in the failure of all technology?” He raises an eyebrow, making you scoff, taking back the napkin and scribbling more down.
“Then don’t be afraid to be old fashioned and write me a damn letter,” you grin, handing him the napkin once again. It had not just your name and phone number, but your house address as well.
Mike smiled to himself, knowing that his awkward, yet cheesy ass would send you flowers at your doorstep one of these days. What a total pansy.
“I had a great time tonight,” you tell him quietly, looking into his sweet, brown eyes.
“I did too,” he nodded, smile only widening.
“Never thought, uh… This sorta, um, ‘thing’ would happen to me during someone else’s wedding. They weren’t lying when they’d say romance is in the air, huh?”
“You sure it’s not just the gas leaks?”
You chortle. “Mike—”
“Or Emmett’s grandmother’s unnecessarily strong perfume?”
The two of you laugh hysterically, and you add on yourself. “Or the shitty pot that Quinn’s sister snuck in?”
And as soon as your laughter died down, you found yourselves kissing each other deeply, your hands cupping his face as you feel his soft lips against yours. There was no specific, long quiet moment that led up to the kiss, it just… happened. There was a mutual understanding between the two of you, in which you both had the urge to press your lips against each other.
You two look into each other’s eyes silently once you pulled away gently from one another’s lips. A smile rose at both of your faces as you began to giggle with him sweetly. His laugh was addicting, as you observed from before, and his face even more enthralling, with his pretty smile and big bright eyes.
Your thumb was still under his chin as he waited in anticipation, for your lips to come in contact with his again. The two of your eyes had been half-lidded ever since the first kiss, and they completely closed once again as your lips crashed onto his again, the kiss done much more confidently than before.
“Take me out next week, will you, Mike?” You pulled away, raising an eyebrow.
“Y-y-yeah, sure. For sure,” he replied, making you two laugh together again, attaching your lips together once more.
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httpskuzuu · 1 year
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Yandere!Fyodor x Reader
I am spanish and I have no idea of english, I translated this by google so I am sorry if there are mistakes, idk
it's the first time I write for him so it's probably that fyodor is quite out of character, sorry for that too.
tw: kidnapping, yandere, manipulation¿, mentions of god, I think, stockholm syndrome, fyodor is a general tw.
I have been a whole month kidnapped by Fyodor.
The first three weeks there I was in a dark and empty basement, typical of a horror movie. I don't remember much from when I was in the basement, my brain decided that the best thing for me would be to forget everything I experienced there, I only remember very specific things. I remember that he didn't talk to me until the first week, and that I stopped crying on the fifth day. Since I stopped crying the emotions disappeared, there was fear, of course, but at a lower intensity than at the beginning.
After my stay in the basement he decided to take me upstairs, he gave me a room to myself and from then on all our interactions were cold and distant, almost null most of the time.
Today I decided to go back to writing, a hobby I had before I was kidnapped. It was relaxing and made me feel a little better, it made that emotional block that I had been carrying with me since the fifth day here disappear for a few seconds.
Everything was going well until I heard his cello being played, that made me not be able to continue writing. I don't know why I couldn't continue, maybe the simple fact of knowing that Fyodor was just a door away from me made me disconcerted. Now, for some reason, I am about to open that door that separated us.
I opened the door cautiously. The room is moderately large, with Fyodor in the middle, seated and holding the cello between his legs. His slender hands play the chords of a song, unknown to me, with such elegance, he has an amazing composure as his fingers lightly press the strings of the cello. His face is expressionless and cold, but suddenly he looks at me out of the corner of his eye.
The silence is suddenly deafening, with the atmosphere too tense to be true. Fyodor stops playing his cello and looks directly at me.
"I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?" I break the silence in when it becomes too much for me. It's been a while since he's spoken, not in full sentences, at least.
His gaze is different, I can't describe it accurately. I've never been able to describe Fyodor accurately.
"No, I was simply thinking about the meaning of your actions." Was it curiosity I'm noticing in his tone? I really don't know, I'm not that good at reading people.
Fyodor put his cello aside and approaches me calmly. He's much taller than me, much to my disgrace. I can smell his cologne on him, it's heady and expensive, I wouldn't mind smelling it any longer.
He smiled slightly, a fake smile, his eyes didn't move from his cold expression.
"There's not much to think about it." Even I didn't know why I walked in. "I guess I wanted to hear you play your cello closer, it sounds beautiful."
I noticed a small change in his expression, now he was really smiling, not only his mouth but also his eyes formed a smile. He keeps his hands folded behind his back as he looks at me intently. I feel nervous about his whole body language, and more so about the fact that he hides his hands, he can perfectly kill me with them in just seconds and I wouldn't see it coming.
"You were looking at me, weren't you? And yet you didn't join me. It's strange that you want to look at me."
The mere thought of approaching him and hearing him play gave me chills. I just shrugged, hoping that would be answer enough for him.
"Will you keep playing?"
"Of course, would you like to join me this time?" Fyodor's smile softened as he said those words, and I, surprisingly, returned the same smile.
I followed him to the center of the room, he sat in his chair and I sat on the floor beneath him. He feeling of inferiority didn't take long to come from being in this position, and more so with his gaze fixed on me, making me feel like I was prey.
I listen attentively to Fyodor's melody, while playing with my hair from time to time to try to calm the nerves of being under Fyodor. My gaze is riveted on him, I feel like a believer watching his God. From the perspective below, Fyodor's features stood out much more, making everything even more enigmatic.
Fyodor stopped playing and looked at me with those violet eyes, pale and piercing, calculating yet peaceful. "What is it, маленькая мышь?" he looked like he could almost read my mind. "What's in that pretty head of yours?" He almost seemed to want to annoy me by the way I looked at him, and more so when he kept a playful smile on his lips.
"Nothing important…" I felt too helpless against Fyodor, against the closest thing to a god in this world. I'm on the ground in front of the Russian, completely vulnerable and helpless, I'm easy prey for him.
"Lying to your God?" his hand came to rest on my hair and began to slowly stroke it. The first affectionate touch I had had in this whole month, it was inevitable to enjoy it and it was inevitable to close my eyes so I could feel it better.
"I'm sorry…" I know very well that Fyodor could kill me simply by activating his ability right now, but for some reason I simply couldn't feel fear about it. I simply stopped bothering and let myself go.
"You belong to me, моя любовь." His hand went down to my cheek and I just leaned against it. "I will never let you go, мой дорогой." He seemed to be talking more to himself than to me, but I nodded anyway.
"I know, I won't try to leave." And I'm not lying, I don't have it in my plans to try, I know well what Fyodor is capable of.
"You have no choice." I opened my eyes slowly to see his figure looming over me, he had a sadistic smile on his face, and leaned closer. His eyes moved to my lips. "If you try to leave, you will be punished."
I don't like that word, punish, it makes me feel like a helpless child. That was a bitter thought, to think of Fyodor as a father angry at his son for disobeying, to think of Fyodor as a God angry at his worshipper for not having faith.
I nodded again as I snuggled even more against his hand. Comfortable enough to forget those thoughts, comfortable enough to forget the situation I was in.
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rowan-like-the-tree · 2 years
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pairing: mammon/fem!mc
tags/warnings: fluff, pining, dumbass in love (affectionate), extremely self indulgent, idk if it counts but tiny sprinkle of angst
note: this was inspired this fic by @devildomditzy, please check it out! ♡
also listen to the song! ♡
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"one song about a girl, can't breathe when I'm around her."
he can't quite remember when it began. this warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest when he was with her. it made him louder, more confident, happier. he wanted to impress her, watch her face light up and her eyes glitter. it gave him him a better rush than winning at the casino, though he'd never admit that aloud.
sometimes it was different. quieter, more relaxed. they'd be sitting together in his room, watching a movie maybe. there'd be no light, other than the flickering screen. he wouldn't be paying much attention, the movie didn't really matter. he'd watch her, as much as he dared to get away with before she'd notice.
sometimes she'd curl up against him and lay her head on his shoulder, the movement making his heart race and his breath catch in his throat. once during a family movie night, there wasn't enough room on the couch for her. she had turned to him, and as casually as if she were asking him the time of day, she requested to sit on his lap.
the only thing that betrayed her poker face were her eyes, bright and sparkling with mischief. somehow he had managed a yes, despite feeling like his face was on fire. ignoring his brothers' loud protests, she simply grinned at him and made herself comfortable. it was safe to say his brothers made sure there was room for her on the couch ever since then, but she still chose to sit by him most of the time.
"i wait here everyday, in case she scratched the surface. she'll never notice..."
he had never been good with words. he wasn't intelligent and calm like lucifer, or poetic and well spoken like satan. he wasn't even good with compliments like asmo, or straightforward and honest like beel. that didn't usually bother him, he never really needed to speak about his feelings anyway. until she came along.
he so desperately wished that by some miracle, she would read his mind and figure out exactly what he needed, what he couldn't say. he was trying to find the right words, string together a coherent couple of sentences. he'd keep it short and simple, his prose wasn't exactly elegant enough to present her with a well thought out speech. that wasn't really his style anyway.
what was his style? he could save up some grimm, get her a real nice gift. but he knew that wouldn't work. she'd thank him, giving him that beautiful smile and he'd desperately back out, denying any romantic implications to the gift before she'd have a chance to say no. he knew she'd say no, deep down. why would she settle for a good for nothing scumbag when she could have any one of his brothers? hell, she even had that angel wrapped around her finger.
he ran his hand through his hair in frustration, crossing out "gift?" from his ever shrinking list of ideas.
"last night i knew what to say, but you weren't there to hear it. these lines, so well rehearsed. tongue-tied and overloaded, you never notice"
he was hoping to catch her before dinner, maybe after if he was running late. he manages neither, only because he was too indecisive to pick a gift. he wanted to pick the perfect ring for her, something he'd heard humans exchange as a sign of love. eventually he settled on a simple silver band with an engraved heart. not exactly original but he thought it would suit her nicely.
he rehearses what he'll say as he walks, making his way to her room. he knocks nervously, heart pounding against his ribs. when he's met with nothing but silence, he turns away, heading deeper into the house. now that he's finally worked up the courage to tell her the truth, he refuses to give up this quickly.
eventually he hears her laugh, coming from the library. now that he's paying attention, he notices light spilling out from under the door and the hum of voices. they're speaking too quietly for him to hear properly so he gets closer, watches through the crack of the door that was left slightly open.
she's telling them human world stories and they're all so invested, looking at her with nothing but adoration. even lucifer seems content to listen, a small smile replacing his usual, cold expression. he watches the way she grins at them as she gestures animatedly.
he should just leave them to it, he decides. maybe it was fate that he was late today, that she was already busy by the time he was finally ready. the way she smiles at him never fails to make his heart jump in his chest, but now she's smiling like that at the rest of his family. he realises that maybe that's just how she smiles at her friends, maybe he's nothing special after all. he goes to sleep early that night.
"i'm not in love"
it had been a hectic couple of weeks, with the responsibility of organising both the play and dance falling onto the student council members. he hadn't managed to be alone with her for very long since their "date" at the travelling carnival. he was hesitant to call it an actual date, but the memory alone made his heart flutter. he was all too aware that asking her to the dance was a perfect opportunity to get her alone and finally tell her what was on his mind, but the possibility of rejection had been holding him back.
there were only two days left until the big event and he was still stalling, making excuses about how she'd probably already agreed to go with one of his brothers by this point. he had all but given up on asking her, but now here they were, alone together for the first time in days. she was talking about something, probably still lucifer, but he cut her off.
"hey, aren't you forgettin' about somethin' here?" he did his best to sound natural and confident despite his racing heart. she looked up at him, confused.
"what..?" she furrowed her brow, clearly trying to figure out what he meant.
"the dance is comin' up, isn't it? ain't there somethin' you wanna ask me?" he knew this strategy hugely depended on her actually wanting to go to the dance with him, but it was the best he could think of. once she understood what he was getting at though, her face lit up with a smile that eased his doubt a little.
"right, of course." the fond way she was looking at him was almost too much, and he had to hold back the urge to back out of the situation.
"mammon, would you go to the dance with me?" she asked with a soft smile, never breaking eye contact as she waited for his response. he did his best to look composed.
"i thought you'd never ask." he hoped he didn't look too flustered.
"this is not my heart."
the play had been an enormous success, as evident by the students who were chattering excitedly as they filed out of the theatre and headed for the dance. he waited for her backstage as she changed, trying to ignore his racing heart. she didn't keep him waiting long, stepping out of the dressing room after only a few minutes. she must have noticed his anxiety because she questioned if he was alright, concern replacing her soft smile. he should have known she'd notice, she knew him all too well, but he still tried to play it cool.
"it's nothin'," he insisted, taking her hand. "you look great by the way..." he averted his eyes, feeling the warmth blooming on his cheeks. he was surprised to see her cheeks flush too, but it gave him a sudden burst of confidence.
"i'm happy ya chose to come to the dance with me, mc." he confessed. "i assumed you'd be goin' with someone else already."
"of course i'd want to go with you mammon." her smile was warm. "i had been declining invitations all week, hoping you'd ask me." his heart felt like it was going to explode with how hard it was pounding. she must have taken pity on him, seeing just how flustered her admission made him.
"c'mon." she gently tugged on his hand, beginning to walk. "i don't wanna miss the dance."
"i'm not gonna waste these words..."
he had been waiting for the opportunity to dance with her like this since the retreat at the demon lord's castle last year. now that he had her in his arms, he realised it was better than he could have ever imagined. she was warm against him, and whenever she'd lean in to say something over the music and chatter, he could feel her heart beating against his own.
eventually their dancing devolved to swaying to the music in a corner of the dance floor. her arms had somehow wound up snaked around his neck and his around her waist, bringing them much closer together. he was lost in the moment, but she brought him back from his thoughts when she looked up at him through half lidded eyes, smiling softly. the sight of her looking so content in his arms made him want to tell her how much he loved her, but he held back. he couldn't say it here, not in this room full of people.
"you look so good like this," she murmured, carding her fingers through his hair lightly. "my pretty boy." his eyes widened in surprise, breath hitching slightly. she clearly had a little too much to drink tonight, he thought.
"...about a girl"
when the crowd got overwhelming, they decided to step outside for a quick break. she was still holding his hand, refusing to release him even away from the party, where she couldn't possibly get lost in the sea of demons. as they wandered through the grounds, he decided that this was a perfect opportunity.
once they were in a more secluded area, he stopped walking, making her pause too.
"hey, can i tell ya somethin'?" he couldn't maintain eye contact, instead focusing on the ground.
"anything." she squeezed his hand gently to reassure him. out of the corner of his eye, he could see her looking up at the stars and he appreciated that she wasn't looking straight at him, likely giving him a moment to organise his thoughts.
"i wanted to ask ya to this dance because i wanted to be alone with you without any interruptions," he started nervously. "because i like you mc.. i love you, actually. so how 'bout it? tell me ya feel the same way." he urged, suddenly filled with doubt. had he read her behaviour completely wrong? what if this was a mistake?
"of course i love you too mammon," she smiled, shaking her head at him fondly. "more than anything." a wave of relief washed over him, and he laughed in pure disbelief. he couldn't believe his luck. she released his hand, moving in front of him instead.
"we can still kind of hear the music from here," she continued, wrapping her arms back around his neck. "one more dance?"
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sereinordic · 8 months
Coffee shop
Artem Wing x fem reader • fluff
'I just fall in love with him at the very first sight..'
• 07.59 am
As the older sister of Marius Von Hagen, you're expected and imagined by many to be full of dignity, elegance, and mature woman. Well that's not false, but you also had the inner side that well cheerful side or maybe beyond that and actually love to sing with playing a guitar.
Today was none other than the usual visit to one of the Pax cafe and by visit, it's not just come and just sit after ordering something. You visit the cafe to sing a song and play guitar.
Amidst the tranquil and sweet ambience of the cafe, you tied your hair into a ponytail, straightening the white shirt and blue jeans that you wore. After some little rehearsal, you start to sing.
Sweet melodies emit from your mouth, and you see the costumers enjoy your performance as well. It makes you happy to see them so relaxed and full of smile with the happy yet soft coffee shop song you've bought.
You then close your (e/c) orbs, still singing and playing the guitar, enjoying the ambience you felt at the moment. It's just, a ringing of the bell from the coffee shop's door making you open your eyes.
And by the time you open those (e/c) ones that soon encountered by that piercing blue orbs..
A soft blush formed instantly on your cheek, your body freeze and your guts saying that.. maybe you just fall in love at the first sight with the perfectionist looking man..
• 08.37 am
And damned as it was Marius, your teaser kind of brother immediately steps towards your frozen figure and nudge your side whilst smirking in full of tease. "Oho, what is it that i see? Does my older sister finally found her crushy crushh~?"
No reaction coming from you, but the blush on your cheeks surely is deepening. Damn it.
Immediately you covered both side of your face with your hands and turn to your back.
Too embarrassed by already messed up your performance over a guy and be teased by your brother. Although the costumers do not complain not minding their business to anything about it and still continue their activities, you still felt embarrassed..
That baritone voice send shudder to your body. Although it's not your name that is spoken.. that voice truly made your body acted up.
You took a peek from your hand.
"Yo artem!" You see Marius casually talk to your crush that turn out is none other than one of his acquaintance, god.
You can't be more damned about it.
The last time you've fall in love with Marius acquaintance, Marius end up making fool out of you in front of them and you end up crying before leaving the scene.. thus the memory of your childhood.. and you don't want that to happen again. Never.
"M-marius-" So the time you felt those blue eyes of your crush set upon you, immediately you bow your head to him giving him your business card that had your photo, basic info, and personal number before dashed out of the cafe all red because of the embarrassment you felt at the moment.
"Ah too bad you make sissy run out Artem." Marius snickered sipping the frappe he ordered while watching the way Artem stare at your business card in hand all indifferent.
Artem slightly amused at your shyness but still gave him your business card, maybe the next time he went to the cafe he will gave you his business card as well. "She's your sister?" The attorney ask.
"Yep. Pretty isn't she?"
Artem think for a while, recalling your all flustered appearance again before nodding in agreement. "She is indeed."
Knowing too well that maybe Artem had the slightest interest for you, Marius get into the point of what he wants to say.
"Oh, i think i overheard rosa said that a woman named celestine says your mother want you to have a girlfriend right? Why don't you take her?? She's single and you as well! Both of you will be a perfect couple! I don't mind having you as my older brother in law~"
At Marius sentence, Artem facepalm whilst sighing. "I'm married to my job. Also i'll took my leave if you still talk about matchmaking."
"Gee. Well just put in mind, sissy is a perfect woman in my opinion. Too bad she's my sister, probably if she's not related to me i'll marry her by now." With a shrug from Marius, Artem take a look at his watch before leaving for sure.
• 09.26 am ―
Your (e/c) orbs staring at the piled documents and paperwork on your office desk. 'It wasn't as much as Marius.. still.. rip my back for sure.' You cry internally as you took a seat.
The gold frame eyeglasses makes your figure even more professional whilst working on Pax important business. Surely.. you need some big teddy bear that you can hug on at your office room.
Although you believe you had focused that much at your work.. the image of the professional guy in the cafe successfully making you distracted from work. And instead of work you start daydreaming of him.
Be ready to get scolded by your secretary 😉
Artem now back on his office. Glancing at the documents here and there, he carefully analyze the documents with his knuckle over his mouth.
The attorney grab his fountain pen before circling a words, lining a sentence, and draw some arrow sign then wrote down the important point on his notebook.
One documents are done, he then work the other.
• 12.00 pm ―
'It's lunch.' Artem thought to himself as he set the documents neatly at the side of his work desk.
His hands goes to his bag, letting out a homemade dish he made before. Pairing it with the beverage he bought from the cafe he mets that clumsy-
'Ah.' Perhaps he's suddenly bewitched or not, he rummage his pocket and take a glance at the (h/c)-ed girl business profile card out of curiosity.
With thumb brushing the profile of the cute girl that he found out name is (y/n) von hagen, unconsciously a little smile form on his lips the more he thinks about her.
'(Y/n) von hagen.' her name completely flooding his mind as he recall the very first time he saw her performance at the cafe yet that time she doesn't recognize his presence at there who's enjoying her voice with a cup of coffee and glaze doughnut.
'She's now recognized me.'
Guess who's now eating his lunch whilst thinking of someone? Yes you're right the answer is the tsundere senior attorney!
• 13.00 pm ―
...lunch even has passed and you can't be more damned by these documents that you need to sign. Moreover you already scolded by your secretary sigh.
Munching some of the red velvet homemade cookies (that is a little burnt), the sweet taste from the choco chip and vanilla hopefully made your stomach filled. And with earl grey tea, you've fully stuffed belly.
'Ah.. cookies and tea... it's worth it to skip the lunch menu. But today's lunch.. is my favorite.. /sob. Why you're so harsh to me life!!!?'
• 18.50 pm ―
You do some stretching at your back.
And guess what? Finally. The paperwork are done.
Congrats to yourself woohoo! 🎉
You happily kick your desk whilst doing some victory poses, but the pain soon come and you're now laying on the floor whilst holding your knees.
Maybe.. you now need to call Marius beside your office room to pick you up..
Artem is now back at his home. What a hectic day but it's a good things he doesn't need to spend the whole day on Themis Law since his work today wasn't that complicated.
He place his suit to the laundry basket, unclapping the golden tie clip he wear almost everyday then undone his tie to hung them onto the hanger, he unbutton the top three button on his shirt before walking to the kitchen.
Mr. wing is now ready to cook for his dinner!
• 20.30 pm ―
You were getting carried by Marius back to home and he even had the nerve to call you his only lovable big sis.. heavy oh you make sure he learn how to kneel properly later.
After took some nice bath and change into pajamas, you have a family dinner with your father and Marius. It was a joyous and happy meal because it's quite rare that the three of you were free from work- until father bought up the topic of Marius having a crush, and Marius becoming a brat he is, really doesn't accept only himself labeled as a simp by father making you who recently got a crush mentioned too.
Your father sob dramatically as he say out loud how time passed fastly, it was like yesterday Marius still crying because he peeing on his pants and you run in a circle that surrounding him because you don't want him went to work.
You and Marius just eat quietly at the mentioned embarrassed moment..
After cleaning the dishes, Artem do his own attire laundry by himself. He took some nice bath and brush his teeth while checking the time.
He then went to his bedroom, quite proud of the tidy and neat room before goes to sleep.
• 10.00 am ―
The day after Marius were bored as usual when he got stuck with the merciless paperwork that yet to be signed on, so he thought something fun that includes you in.
He knew too well his older sister probably was missing out lunch again which is her favorite because how preoccupied she is with work.
Truly a corporate slave and workaholic if he thinks about her.
Then the young master of von hagen starts to dialing a number. Upon sensing his call received he immediately get to his point.
"Come visit PAX mann. If you don't occupied- wait no. Just come here. You always occupied I wonder why those paperwork never even end."
Without even having the attempt to replying Marius careless words, Marius himself has ended the call between them.
• 11.00 am ―
Lmao Artem really arrive at Pax company making Marius dramatically held such a grand greetings, and just that Artem knew that the reason behind Marius asking for his arrival were none other than another Marius boredom kill thingy.
Marius had those crocodile fake tear making Artem more despises him.
At the same time, you who's completely occupied was surely got disturbed by the fact there were such a loud noise on the outside of your office room. Grumpily, you went to the company hall ready to giving a lecture to whoever group it was, though you never ever come up with the idea that there will be 'his' arrival on the company.
It's from the name tag pinned on his pocket chest that you can tell his name is Artem Wing.. your crush.
"Yooo jie jie come here!!"
No bish. You come here :)
"What are you doing Marius!? There's nothing to celebrate and you create nothing but loud noise that interrupt everyone work." Pissedly you rub your temple, exhaling a really deep sigh.
"Probably it's just you who got pissed. Everyone enjoy it since they can get free from the hilarious amount of work."
"Tsk. Whatever I'm going back. If you're not gonna end this celebration then lower down the voice. Got it?"
"Alright! Byee corporate slave!"
Immediately you took a leaving from the room without batting any more eyes to catch your surroundings.
It's just that, you don't notice the lingering gaze someone had for you.
• 13.00 pm ―
'how to court someone you never interact with before! even mr. Introvert approve!'
It was quite embarrassing to bought the book, though compared to reading the book in public and getting watched is far more worst..
[The first step is muster up the courage!]
Artem upon seeing the first sentence on the book, he already exhale a very long sigh.
He start to reminisce all the time he want to talk with you that only end up his voice weren't out and he blushed madly.
'Sigh.. can I really do this..?'
'do I.. even deserve her? she's out of my reach...'
'n-no. I need to do this.. I need to muster up my courage. I like her. And want to be her significant other. Let's do this..'
You were buried under the ton piles of paperworks.
You start to swim around the sea of paperwork.
'am in da wotah!'
you start to became crazy.
It's until a notification pop up in your phone.
From unknown number? Who it might be?
[vChat - xx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx]
While laying down at your work desk, you look at the massage. Examine it.
'I-it's creepy.. um. They add dot to the end of their text HSHSHHS. W-what am i supposed to do..!?'
'The message I send.. was it so awkward..?'
Artem lean on the chair, staring at the massage he had sent.
He's nervous, really.
He really doesn't know how to woo someone..
Not to mention that someone is the older sister of someone he'd known. And the someone he'd known can be annoying so much 🙏🏻
But he had made up his mind, if he's going to be with her then he will also be in a good relationship with her family even if a certain younger brother of her can be annoying..
Well with the power of love even cat poop taste like chocolate.
Back to the matter at hand, he start to regret everything because there's any reply coming from her.
it's start to be some hours now, yet there's still no reply..
he knew it, his text were so awkward..
but then a notification pop up.
[vChat - (l/n) (y/n)]
Hey there, who is this if I may know?
/Ba-thump! Ba-thump!
She finally reply!!!
But the happiness and excitement growing inside him immediately changed into a despair as he held his head frustratingly.
'how can I forget to introduce myself!?'
[vChat - xx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx]
Sorry, this is Artem Wing.
A-another dot ending the sentence..
Oh it's Artem Wing-
- Notice -
Do you wish to save this contact as,
"My crush! :3"?
[Yes] [No]
[vChat - My Crush! :3]
If you're free, after work. Do you want to have a dinner with me? It's on me.
At his office room, Artem can only flusteredly burying his face deep to his hand.
There's no turning back now..
He can only hope she will say yes..
Here goes nothing..
Yet at the moment there's a notification popping up from his phone screen, he really hope she will agree because it's been half an hour after he send the text.
[vChat - (l/n) (y/n)]
Yes i would love to! :3
Thank you for the invitation ^^
I appreciate it so much!
Ah.. his heart beating so fast when he read those cute text..
And how butterfly dancing on his stomach..
He shyly smile at how cute she is.
Should he reply her an emoji?
[vChat - My Crush! :3]
• 19.00 pm ―
After make sure you aren't messy nor looking tired, you stood at the lobby waiting for Artem.
Usually you were now already at the car with your father and Marius, therefore your father was confused when seeing you alone and not in the car.
"Why are you here, (Y/n)?" He ask worriedly, he already look so tired from his work but his energy seems to recharge when he saw his daughter. He really love his daughter.
Right. You forgot to tell him..
"Father! Um.. I'm waiting for someone.."
Your father had this knowing look. As he coughed and look at his secretary.
Why do you sense that something will.. happen?
"I'm already so old, no? It must be great to have grandchildren." The CEO of PAX sob dramatically to a handkerchief that appear out of nowhere, the man even nailed his act by gorgeously snort.
As if not going to lose his acting skill to the CEO, the secretary also put this knowing look and nod dramatically. "You're right sir."
And finally your father gave you that smile before wave you off. "Marius also try to court a certain miss attorney, so he will not coming back with me. It seems both my child took a liking to an attorney huh?"
"This old man only want grandchildren, my child... A twin, plumpy grandchildren 😁."
You're left a blushing mess by what your father said to you. You just get to know him, do he want you and Artem to get married right now and had seggs!? H-he- really..
..had a nice idea.
"It's still too soon, father!!"
Just as your father want to tease you more, a car show up just in time. this making your father gives you another of 'that' look and smile.
Before leaving, he 'cough' as a farewell, the secretary also give you a look for farewell.
Artem whose unaware of everything since he just arrive is confused at how you're looking like a blushing mess.
He gets out of his car, and take out his coat for you to wear. He thought maybe he just thinking things and you just probably cold outside waiting for him.
He also give you his scarf to use.
After making sure that you're look like warm enough, Artem internally had this proud noises while you in the other hand blushing even more by his sweet act.
You bury your face deeper with the scarf and his coat, his scent emit from it. You smile softly.
It's.. warm and smell nice.
"Have you been waiting long..?"
With half face now covered by his coat, you're unable to look at his eyes as you became shy.
He's relieved to know that.
Artem then goes to opening the doorknob for you, all while treated gently like this making your heart beating so fast and butterflies partying in your stomach. The butterflies are feral.
Though you always get the same treatment by your assistants and people work in your house, these feeling you felt right now is totally different..
"Thank you Mr. Wing.."
• 19.37 pm ―
To broke the awkward silent (for him) he clear his throat while took a little glance at you before focusing at the road again.
"If it's fine by you, you can call me Artem."
The man really try his best to overpowering the shy and flustering mess he usually was. He was sure that this time without Celestine guidance and knowledge, he can have her love him back.. maybe.
"You can call me (y/n) then, Artem."
You give him a soft smile as you look at the city night view outside. It's so beautiful. But not as beautiful as Artem Wing, the pretty boy of prettiest boy ever.
"Alright. I'll do so.."
When seeing your bright smile, Artem cheeks reddened as he give a soft smile in return.
• 20.05 pm ―
The two of you arrived at a fancy romantic restaurants.
Artem as a gentleman he is, really try his best to make you feel special and treat you really nicely.
After ordering the food, there's this comfortable silence shared upon the both of you.
With only our eyes sharing glances, some minutes had passed and a soft laughter erupt from the both of us.
We chat about work and love life.
It seems Artem really never expect that you never dated anyone before, as well he didn't expect that someone had rejected your love confession.
You also quite shocked as to he never had dated anyone, although yes he found someone attractive and perhaps trying to court her, he really in the end still solely focused on his work. Therefore..
"R-really? I never expect you haven't dated anyone, Artem."
Said man let out a soft chuckle as he see you adoringly. "Yes. I think I might even clueless when it comes.. to relationships." He shyly scratch his nape.
You see, honestly it's rare of Artem to say his weakness or letting his unprofessional side of him out since he's always aiming for the best and cover it moreover in the front of his chosen life partner soon to be.
It was this time he trust his gut to just be himself, even letting his clumsy nature out.. he feels that the female he's infatuated with, would accept everything about him, even his flaws.
"I.. I think that.. Artem is so otherworldly amazing! Therefore um I thought you had plenty of ex.. and really experienced in relationships." Letting out a soft sheepish giggle, you then move your eyes to admiring his beauty.
His clumsiness only adding the adorable point he already exceeded, it's.. over beyond.
God. He's so perfect.
"You see? You're just so.. perfect to be true."
Artem choke on his food at the unexpected praises. He's a blushing mess now, he really thankful of the dim lighting that perhaps his blush can goes unnoticed.
He drink up a little before clear his throat, his hand over his mouth as he shyly glance at you.
You also can notice the way he fixed his tie whenever he's flustered or avoiding your gaze for a slight minute. He's so adorable.
You love him.
"(Y/n), you're as amazing as what you've took me for.."
Now it's time for you to blush.
• 20.58 pm ―
"(Y/n) my deepest apologize to take you out until this late.."
At the sudden mention of time, you finally take a glance at the forgotten hand watch that you've wear. It's so enjoyable with Artem that time become meaningless things to think about.
"Oh wow. Time passed so fast.. I don't even realize it's already so late.."
Out of sudden appear the imagery of your father, father's secretary and Marius interrogating you at home, you start to break out in cold sweat.
"Let me drive you home."
The imagery change to how your father, father's secretary and Marius, heck even the maids, butler of your house interrogating both you and Artem when you arrive at home.
Immediately you reject his offer.
"Ah no it's okay, I don't want to trouble you-"
"You're not troubling me (y/n). Please, let me drive you home.. I.. want to make sure you were safe and sound.."
But how can you reject him when he looks like such a cute puppy!?
'No, I'm just a sucker for Artem. I can't say no to him.'
"O-oh.. alright. Thank you then Artem.."
It's just the both of you were forgetting something, a notification coming from each of you.. family group.
[vChat - Papa <3 | family <3 ]
No plumpy grandchildren, no coming home :)
[vChat - adopted child | family <3 ]
No marriage, no coming home old sis :p
Oh should I call you Mrs. Wing now? :O
[vChat - Mother | Artie go married already. ]
I heard from someone, you're out there courting some girl??
Momma waiting the good news!
Finally. Give me a plumpy grandchildren!!
Don't forget to introduce her to us Artiee.
[vChat - Father | Artie go married already. ]
Stay virgin outside marriage life okay boy? @ Artem Wing
Make sure to give us plenty grandchildren ☺️ the more the merrier!!
• 21.40 pm ―
"Thank you for driving me home Artem. I really appreciate it.."
As you're ready to get off the car, he told you to stay put as he get off from the car and open the door for you.
He offer his hand out, you take his hand and get out from the car while smile sheepishly at his sweet act.
"The pleasure is all mine (Y/n).."
Holding your hand warmly, he gives you a charming smile in return.
You just can't hold it anymore as you lean closer to him and kiss him on the cheeks.
"A thank you kiss."
Artem blush heavily when he trace his cheeks that were kissed by you before goes to embrace you tightly that you return immediately.
Giggle emit from your mouth as you feel his breath fanning over your earlobe.
"..may I tell you something?"
His voice were nervous and quite shaky as his embrace get tightening even more.
"What is it, Artie?"
At the realization of you giving him cute nickname, the bravery he had mustered just a second ago breaking down instantly as he bury his face on your nape.
"..." He try to say it, but it's only emit as a humming.
"Take your time Artie.."
With a shaky breath, he break apart the embrace. His blue eyes lovingly gaze upon yours (e/c) one deeply.. as he carress your face with his right hand. His left hand's encircled your waist, holding your figure close to him.
It's such a bold action of him but he will risk it all.. he once overheard that Kiki and Rosa get really excited over the romantic scene where the male lead in drama got so bold over the female lead.. so.. perhaps you might love this too. He just need to make sure he doesn't cross the border of appropriate.
"..I love you."
"(Y/n).. do I have the chance to marry you?"
Oh. It seems the words get misplaced.. it's supposed to be 'get in a relationship with you' but somehow his mind filled with married life with her.
At the sentence Artem had uttered, both the attorney and the worker had their cheeks aflame instantly.
"I-i I mean-! (Y-y/n-"
Somehow you get the feeling that this man before you want to rephrase what he said but you don't want him to change any words he have said to you.
Therefore, pulling down his tie a little bit you goes in to kiss his lips. "Don't rephrase.. I want to marry you.. Artie."
"I love you too."
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nonclassyparty · 2 years
[TEASER] Starring Role- ACT II (C.S; S.MG)
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title; just another dressed up heartbreak
We’ve all read about the infamous player who falls in love with the good girl that manages to make him change his ways…but what happens to the other girl? The pretty, popular one that has warmed his bed before the good girl came along and took him away.
Well, no one cares about her. After all, she’s just a side character.
It almost feels like a joke to play a part, when you are not the starring role in someone else’s heart.
pairing: choi san x reader, song mingi x reader (for now lol)
wc: t/b/a
warnings: t/b/a
Dropping down the makeup brush you used to carefully apply the highlighter to your cheekbones, you gaze meet your reflection in the mirror and you heaved a deep sigh.
Your foundation was applied to cover all your imperfections, small beauty marks on your cheek and freckles that scattered across the bridge of our nose. Face contoured to make your cheekbones stand out. Eyebrows plucked and filled in, glittery eyeshadow carefully applied to your lids along with a meticulously drawn cat eye. Lips a pretty shade of dark pink with gloss over them.
You looked perfect.
So perfect that sometimes you could see your face as a door hanging on hinges that would come loose every so often and reveal the broken mechanism that lies beneath it. All the screws and gear that usually make up the inside of your head would be shown and they're rusty with moss growing over certain parts, little sparks of electricity coming from empty eye sockets and pieces barely being held together by bolts ready to snap in half at any given moment.
All serving as a testament to the malfunctions that lie beneath a perfect facade.
"Y/N, are you done with your makeup?" Your mother's voice yells out from across the hall. "We still need to do your hair!"
You blink and just like that the hinges fit back into their original place and the door slams shut, locking itself in like a vault and you're back to staring at pretty glittery eyes and glossy lips curled downwards.
"Yes!" You reply loudly, eyes fleeting down to the surface of your vanity as you hear soft clicks of heels approaching your door.
Your mother is beautiful, both you and Seonghwa inherited your looks mostly from her. Her black hair was pulled in a sleek up-do and her slim body was wrapped in an elegant Yves Saint Laurent dress in the color of champagne.
"Ah!" She muses, taking out the clippers that kept your curls intact and letting them flutter past your shoulder one by one. You observe her through the mirror. You were beautiful just like her on the outside. But you feared that you will also be rotten just like her, on the inside.
"Aren't you glad we didn't cut your hair last summer? You were so insistent on it but if you cut it in that tacky hairstyle, you wouldn't be able to do anything with it."
You only nod in agreement although it's the last thing you actually agree on. She ever allowed you to cut your hair past the middle of your back, it was always straight, long and in your natural hair color. When you were younger it was to make you look untouched and innocent but now that you're older, it's to make you look sophisticated.
You want to vomit.
You watch her pin each curl in a low bun, adjusting it the way she likes. It's always what she wants.
Once upon a time, when you were younger and had Seonghwa to back you up, you would rebel and it would never make any difference but you were happy to have at least fought back. Now, Seonghwa isn't your friend anymore and you're too tired to go against her. She is draining when she gets her way but she is an absolute terror to be around when she doesn't.
"The Jungs will be there tonight. With their son." Your eyes connect through the mirror at that and you clench your jaw, annoyance bubbling underneath your skin.
"Mom, don't start this again..." You groan, eyes falling shut as she pins another curl.
"Y/N, he is a very nice boy. Your father and I have spoken-"
"Wooyoung and I hate each other!"
"That's because you never bother to get to know him!" She snaps back, eyes narrowing in slits as she stares at you in the mirror. "You need to quit being so damn childish! Both us and the Jungs would benefit a lot from the two of you being together!"
"I will not be dating Jung Wooyoung." You firmly object, hands curling around the end of your robe.
"You are so ungrateful." She hisses, tugging on your hair a little harsher than necessary which makes you wince through a glare. "A perfectly nice and handsome boy but even that isn't enough for you."
And here comes the guilt tripping.
"You need to grow up and start thinking of this family, as well. If your brother can work day and night to learn and be able to inherit your father's company while you're wasting time and money studying something as useless as art then the least you can do is marry well. You're an adult now so start acting like one." She checks your hair after she pinned the last curl and you bit your lip, willing the tears away. "Don't you dare cry. Get dressed and be downstairs by eight."
And she's out the door. One look into the mirror is enough to know that the hinges of your face are so close to slipping but you can't afford it right now, so with a sharp breath you suck the tears in and stand up, walking over to your closet and pulling out the hanger with the dress you were supposed to wear.
It's a deep red dress with a straight neckline that clings to your body perfectly showing off your waist, reaching the floor with a slit that comes up mid thigh and it looks perfect on you. Everything is perfect.
You check your makeup one last time, before taking your clutch and heading downstairs.
Seonghwa and your mother are already waiting in the foyer by the time you arrive and she greets you with a scoff while Seonghwa only sends you a blank stare before looking away. Hwa, when did we become like this?
Your father waltzes out of the living room area, adjusting his blazer and doesn't even spare you a look. This is the first time you see him this week.
The car ride to the venue where the gala is held is silent as well until the car door opens and Seonghwa opens the door and holds a hand out towards you to help you out with a smile that looks so real, if you didn't know him that well you could never be able to see through the bullshit.
Suddenly, your father is making sure your mother's dress doesn't get dirty by helping her with the trail of it, both of them smiling at each like teenagers in love despite the fact they've slept in different bedrooms since you were fourteen years old.
It's time to play the perfect little family.
The venue is nicely decorated and filled with people you mostly know. It's almost always the same elite that attends these gatherings. You greet people you went to high school with as they stand with their parents or chatting amongst themselves, not really caring for them in the slightest but your smile is still dazzling and wide.
You stick to your brother and parents in the center of the hall as people come and go greeting you, it's how it usually is. Your parents always want to be the main attraction and admittedly, sometimes you do too.
It's when the Jungs step up towards you that things turn even more sour than they were before.
Jung Wooyoung stands just behind his parents who greet your own, in all his handsome, infuriating glory alongside his older brother sporting the most annoying smirk he can offer to the world. And fuck, he looks gorgeous.
Honey skin, hair swept to the side, pretty lips and a suit that looks like it was molded just for him. But it's his pretty eyes that make your blood pressure rise because you can see past his fake smile as he watches you and you know he will go out of his way to piss you off tonight.
"Y/N," He gently holds your hand, bringing to his lips and letting them brush against your knuckles for a second which annoyingly enough, makes your mother squeal. "You look beautiful tonight."
The annoying smirk is replaced by an innocent smile and you know what he's doing. He knows you hate that the two of you were paired up with each other since you were little (he hates it too) and he's playing right into it in hopes your fuse will run short and you will snap, making you out to be the wicked witch while he's the sweet, polite little angel that was only trying to be nice to you.
But not tonight.
"You don't look too bad yourself, Woo." You counter back with a smile of your own and it's not a lie but you'd never say it to his face if the situation was any different.
"The more you both grow older, the better you look beside each other. Don't you agree, Soyeon?" Wooyoung's mother gleefully sighs turning to your mom who, of course, nods in agreement. You squeeze Wooyoung's hand harsher than needed and he throws you a glare that goes unnoticed by anyone but you.
Of course, they make you sit beside each other at the long table during dinner. Both of your parents sit across from you and a little bit to the side so at least, you're not directly staring at them. Seonghwa left you to fend for yourself and opted to sit with his 'friends' as far away from you as he possibly could.
While you try to enjoy the soup the waiter delivered to the table, you and Wooyoung don't speak a word to each other. In fact, you both talk to the people sitting on the other sides of you. It's when you notice Wooyoung's mother mouthing something to him with a slight glare from across the table and as inconspicuously as she could muster, gesture towards you sitting next to him.
You pretend not to notice, eyes falling to the soup and your spoon playing with it. Wooyoung pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue, giving you a quick glance before looking at his mother one more time. You know what's coming.
"So, Y/N," You grip the spoon tighter in your hold, looking to him with a fake smile just to see him sporting one of his own. "Heard you were fucking some guy from the slums, now. That's a new low, even for you."
He says it so sweetly, almost whisper-like that if anyone was watching you they would for sure think he was trying to flirt with you. Your smile tightens but his only widens when he sees the fire in your eyes grow.
How the fuck did he know about San? Did Jennie tell him? Did Minjeong tell him?
"It's not even the fact that he's some hillbilly from the countryside fucking you, it's the fact that he's got you wrapped around his finger all while he's also fucking through your friend group. Now that's truly embarrassing." Wooyoung meanly adds, eyes glistening with satisfaction as he watches the smile melt from your face.
You're three seconds away from pouring an entire plate of soup in his lap, your fingers are already curled around the plate ready to do damage but then, for a split moment you catch your mother's eye just down the table- watching you with a warning in her gaze.
She doesn't give a fuck if Wooyoung hurts you, she never did. You were always supposed to put up with everything, for the sake of your pristine image.
Your fingers loosen around the plate, hands dropping to your lap politely before facing Wooyoung again with another composed, brilliant smile.
"You can say whatever you want but it still beats fucking Choi Yeonjun's leftovers because you can't get any bitches of your own." You fire back innocently, pretending to bashfully giggle when you notice the tick in Wooyoung's jaw.
Both of your mother's look positively ecstatic across the table but little do they know that their kids are one insult away from ripping each other's throats out in front of everyone here.
"If I remember correctly, you're his leftover as well Y/N-nie." Your hands clench into fists at the mention of your embarrassing relationship with Choi Yeonjun and your eyes narrow when Wooyoung leans closer to you, lips brushing your ear lightly and sending chills down your spine. "Are you trying to tell me something here, princess? Do you need someone to take care of you after he dumped your ass just before you started college? The hillbilly isn't doing it for you?"
You pull back and giggle as if he just made the funniest joke and his smile stretches because he knows you're only laughing because you're pissed off and are thinking what to say in response.
One of the biggest reasons why you hated Jung Wooyoung was his impressive capability to keep up with you. Ever since you were children, he was able to dish insults back with the same cruelty, sometimes even worse.
If there was anyone who you considered to be a match for you when it came to being a terrible person- it was him.
You send him another soft smile, eyes crinkling at the corners as you wipe a non-existent stain from the corner of his mouth. The romantic gesture makes both of your mothers so giddy, you think you can hear their hushed squealing from here.
You lean closer to whisper in his ear,
"I don't fuck men who are eternally in the shadows of their best friends. That's why I didn't go for you in the first place." And you lean back in your chair, sweet smile still intact.
Wooyoung is smiling as well, he even laughs a little. Smile bright and pretty but his eyes are dark and furious.
"You fucking bitch." He hisses through his teeth and you can't help but let a real grin form on your face.
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untilthenextencore · 2 years
Old Habits Die Hard~: Ch. 1
Robert remembered when it happened. He remembered the day. In the midst of an upturn in his solo career thanks to the Honeydrippers he was invited onto many an international show. In many a genre. Variety. Music. Even the odd kids or teen fare. Things he thought he had long since past his appeal for. Never one to turn down a chance at new experiences, Robert took on as much as he could. This was one of them.
The show he remembered being called something like "El Dia Ardiente" "The Fiery Day" nicknamed "Viernes Ardiente" aka "Fiery Friday" due to it being a Friday night staple for young Hispanic kids in Mexico & the Latin Market at large.
It featured a group of young teens & twenty something dancers, Singers, actors, models & all around variety talents that were thusly nicknamed "Los Ardientes" "The Fiery / Hot Ones". There were cheeky skits frequently featuring the stars of the week, reviews of albums & concerts passed or announcements & interviews with stars from either those passed or upcoming concerts & albums. There of course was a bandstand type element where artists could appear & perform while the kids danced around.
A kind of Mexican American MTV. Sort of like Bandstand meets Laugh In with touches of SNL. Robert didn't know how to explain it. He just knew he liked it a damn sight better than Saville.
It was there that he met Katia. Or at least that's what he initially thought she was called. It turned out later upon meeting her that he had misheard her nickname amidst all that rapid fire Spanish being spoken. She was not called "Katia" but rather nicknamed "Gatita" or the even shorter "Gati" aka "Baby Cat" or "Kitten", the playful diminutive of her first name, Katarina. He quickly corrected himself. Yet as time went on, between the two of them joking references to the mixup kept popping up. And between the two of them the name "Katia" - along with her actual names & nicknames "Gati" & Katarina of course - stuck.
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But first he saw her. Earlier in the day before meeting her. Catching fleeting glimpses of her throughout that morning's warm-ups. Clutching her script of sorts to her chest, hair in pigtails as she listened to the producer telling her any last minute changes he had made to her segments.
Later again when she was getting her makeup touched up at the same time he was. Now with her hair messily clipped up. Loose tendrils fireworking out & framing her face. Unfortunately for him, she was too far to make small talk then. Add to the fact she was yet again wrapped up in a conversation; this time with the stage director.
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The next time he saw her was when she was posed behind one of the hosts for a "beachy" intro segment. The palm frond used for styling obscured her vision of him as well as did the lights. All he could do was hope that the thousand watt disarming dimple flashing smile he was shooting her could rival them if not outshine them & catch her attention. He saw her gaze in his direction with a slightly stunned look on her face. A sign of recognition perhaps? That he was in fact looking at her? Surprise at the "Hi" he mouthed & the wave he added? Robert wasn't quite sure. He'd find out later.
After that segment she disappeared into wardrobe for a quick change & reappeared soon after with her hair pinned up slightly more neater this time. Elegant. Coolly seductive. Clad in a rich earthy toned gown, cinched at the waist with a full skirt & stockings. Robert felt his knees weaken slightly. Not only would he be singing the songs of his youth but with a living reflection of the girls of his youth next to him. The ones he used to gaze after. Lust after. Chase after. Pine after. Follow home from school holding their books after.
And as she was directed towards & neared him on his stage he decided, this was it. He had to get to know her.
Taking her hand, he guided her up onto his platform carefully. Gentlemanly. Also placing a gentlemanly kiss to the back of her hand as everyone was busy setting up & finding their marks, greeting her. "Nice to meet you."
She curtsied a little with a half smile half grin at her own over-politeness. "You're so sweet. Thank you. I'm glad to meet you too, Mr. Plant."
Mr. Plant? My, she was being formal!
"Please, call me Robert. Katia I hear your name is?"
Here went the cliffs notes of the explanation.
"Gati I think you heard. Gati or Gatita. Like Kitten. Short for Katarina. Long story..." She rolled her eyes & smiled exasperatedly.
"I hope you'll see fit to tell me one day." He grinned, flashing his popped dimples at her again.
"Oh, I wouldn't want to bore you. It's so silly."
"You could never bore me, darlin'. Trust me. I can tell already." He patted her hand. Then moving on to caressing it. Keeping it locked gently between his two much larger mitts. Never having let go of it once. "So you're my partner for today, eh?"
"Yes, sir." He gave her a look, mouth peaking in a grin. "Um, I mean Robert. Yes, Robert. I'm supposed to kind of dance around you as you sing. And maybe with you if you don't mind. Sort of a little window dressing. Not that you need it though."
"Of course I don't mind, Gati. Though I must admit I've never had my window dressed before. Certainly not so prettily. A hell of a first time it's about to be I'd say. Lucky me, eh?" There went that grin again. Those dimples. And that thousand watt smile which she blushingly returned with a nod.
If only he knew what awaited him passed that "window dressing" and how nothing would be the same for him again...
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With her doing a slowed version of the stroll, undulating next to him it was surprisingly hard to focus as he sang "Sea of Love". Focus on the camera. The audience. On anything but the lyrics, her & this moment. Moreso when she came to the point where she was instructed to turn in towards him & slow dance with him as he beckoned her to "come with me to the sea".
A petite brunette knockout in stockings & petticoated skirt looking up at him with seemingly bated breath as they slow danced to a doowop song. Where was he again? In time & place, he wasn't sure. It just felt so right.
Was he seeing things or was she mouthing the words "I love you" to him every so often? Oh, right! The song! Those were the words! The words currently coming out of his mouth. She was mouthing along to the song. Was she playing along though? Was he?
He didn't quite know.
Running through the number a few more times didn't make it any easier. More time to get lost in the song. And her. More time to lose himself in her eyes. Her perfume. Her softness folding into his arms & yet somehow outright enveloping him. Her lips as they mouthed the words "I love you" over & over. Holding in a tentative breath or seeming to at times. Holding with them a kiss he longed to steal. Or feel.
It was enough to make him snap!
He did snap...
It was later that day after they had done the little promo bumpers for his appearance. Robert surrounded by Gati & a few of the other kids. Gati in another full skirted number. This one black with white polkadots, equally cinched at the waist with a bow at the collar. Robert even managed a little Spanish after a few quick notes by Gati & the kids on pronunciation.
He was surprised he could manage the finer points of the language in any regard being in such close proximity to her. Inhaling her perfume again. Watching those full lips pout & part as she taught him how to roll his R's as necessary. That sight of her trilling her tongue so definitely made his trousers shrink. As did the bright smile that followed after his attempt.
It was too much...
And so it was that as a wrap was called and the kids & crew scattered to the winds after the customary surrounding him for autographs & pictures, Robert cornered Gati. Literally cornered her. She barely had time to react when as she walked away, he called out, "Gati!" Her only managing to whirl around, skirt & petticoats fanning out around her, as tendrils of her hair fell to frame her face. All of it coming in slow motion to him.
When her lips had barely parted in response "Wha--?..." He pounced. Wrapping his arm around her waist & pressing her to him, claiming her lips in a kiss that had been all day in coming. He felt her gasp against his mouth. That bated breath again. And growled. Her lips faltered against his until he guided her in a smooth & easy rhythm that she hesitantly picked up.
"Mmmm..." He purred, feeling his trousers grow tighter still, rivaling some of his more famous pics from the Zep days. Just as he had thought. She tasted as sweet as she looked.
He continued the kiss even as he backed her against the nearby wall. Helping the trembling & shocked thing stand, while also helping to press her against him. When he accidentally - or was it instinctively? - ground against her gently, eliciting another gasp from Gati, he broke the kiss. Giving her a chance to compose herself & breathe.
Surprisingly, Robert found himself needing a bit of a breather himself as well.
Was it her perfume that made his head spin?
Was it the feel of her near?
Or just her?
He didn't know.
So instead he tried to lose himself in some small talk, trying not to show just how taken aback he was by his actions & his reaction to her. And how his shock rivaled if not dwarfed even hers!
"So... Gati... That long story about your name or nickname... How's about telling me over lunch? Or dinner, maybe?"
"Really? Tonight?" She looked a bit incredulous at it all. "Are you sure? I mean.. Sure you're not too busy for me? What with your shows coming up & other promos?"
"For you, luv?" Again, he made sure to flash his best dimple displaying grin. "I'll make time... So c'mon... Whaddya say?..."
"Okay!" She nodded, helping him wipe off traces of her lipstick carefully as she tidied up her own. "As long as you're sure... Wait right here while I get my things. I know a great place for lunch."
Robert couldn't believe his luck. Though he'd also assume that others wouldn't believe he couldn't believe his luck.
The one thing he really didn't believe was when one of the crew sidled up, apparently noticing him gazing at Gati, to him & in a mixture of Spanish & English told him something & revealed something to him that gave him pause & made his blood run cold. "Be careful, Mr. Plant. She's beautiful & brilliant... She's insanely talented... But she's also sixteen..."
Just his luck...
As ever, this is forever under construction & being edited~...
Hope you enjoy~!...
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terrorpenned · 11 months
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studies in: the merciless captain, Mr. Rochester and Bertha, Heathcliff, Mr. de Winter, Le Barbe Bleue, colonial ascendancy, ill-gotten mansions, the revenge of the dead.
FULL NAME: Captain Gideon Gorelieu. alias Captain Bartholomew Gore, alias Roberts AGE: 44 BIRTH DATE: May 17, 1682 ETHNICITY: white, French and Welsh GENDER: cis man ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromantic, lean towards women SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual, lean towards women RELIGION: largely agnostic, some spiritualism and sailor superstition SPOKEN LANGUAGE: English, Welsh, some Gaelic and Louisiana / Creole French CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: split between a mansion in French colonial Louisiana; his flagship, La Tuerie; or his schooner, La Petite Revenante OCCUPATION: pirate, smuggler, plantation owner
PARENTS: Alain and Carys Gorelieu   SIBLINGS: a handful of brothers, deceased SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Miss Priscilla de Claire of New Orleans CHILDREN: none, that he knows of
EYE COLOUR: blue-green HAIR COLOUR: red HEIGHT: 5'9″  BODY BUILD: bulky, athletic TATTOOS + PIERCINGS: small gold sailors hoops (permanent) in each ear, several nautical tattoos scattered across his chest and arms including an anchor, crossed canons, swallows, and a carrick bend knot NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: distinctive, flaming red hair; a pointed mustache and goatee, elegant clothing that is salt-stained and what suspiciously looks like blood; always heavily armed with a pair of pistols at the ready and a large broadsword, as well as grenades, daggers, and poisons
INTELLIGENCE: extremely smart when it comes to practical, battle maneuvers, sailing, and smuggling / spywork. can read and write as necessary for the ship's logs, and decent arithmetic, anything beyond that is a bit of a struggle and can be a little masochistic. tends to rely on natural intuition rather than planning, mostly to his success. LIKES: alcohol of all kinds: namely gin, rum, and red wine ( rumors persist that the Captain adds a little blood to his cabernet sauvignon ), the smell of black powder, oysters, catfish, gumbo, oxtail, pain de campagne, storms, nightfall, the smell of blood, oil paintings ( particularly the Dutch masters ), silver, bronze, brothels and seedy taverns, jewel-toned clothing, leather, the sound of the french language, sea chanteys and work songs, the scent of ladies' perfume, onions, lemons, brick, wood, the feel of velvet, the sound of the guitar and harpsichord, an intoxicated ballroom, working with his hands, wielding power, comprehensive control DISLIKES: democratic piracy, brassy women, colonial officials ( to the extent that he is not them and does not wield their power ), the English and their navy, gold accents, pearl accents, the feel of silk clothing ( on himself: on women it's delightful ), the sound of the violin and flute, sunny days, windless days, cowardice, surrender, macaroni fashion, the feeling of wigs ( he tolerates wearing it when he has to, but does not enjoy it ), hardtack + weevils, burgoo, salt pork – anything preserved and flavorless, bananas, strawberries, the Idea of love and its weakness, waiting, any perceived pretentiousness / academia ( decently enjoys reading/books/etc, but despises the european collegiate structure, the royal academy, etc ), structural Christianity, sand in his boots
Gideon Gorelieu was born almost nothing to a pair of indentured servants in French Louisiana: his father repaired the local magnate's fishing fleet, his mother a maid in one of the minor sugar baron's households. he watched his two older brothers die in a hurricane that wreaked horror on their coastal community, and his younger brother never lived past childhood –– dead of sickness and starvation, and his mother died of grief soon after. with a decent knowledge of fishing boats and weather patterns, he took to sea on a merchant vessel as a green hand, but showed promise and eventually made his way up through the ranks. as an officer, he was instrumental in staging a mutiny against their captain, and the ship became a profitable smuggling operation rather than a legal merchant ship. with her dark grey sails and unique capacity for escaping the notice of the law amongst the sandbars and coves, the schooner took a new name: La Petite Revenante.
for a while, Gideon bent his head to the new captain, but in an outburst of his soon to be infamous temper, killed his only competition in a duel of honor. when they put to sea again, he raised the prospect of piracy: any dissenters had their throats slit and were tossed to the sharks, leaving only the most merciless, and callus, among them. after a few minor prizes, cutting their teeth as buccaneers and filling out their ranks, Captain Gorelieu set his sights on a Spanish frigate. the revenante's crew swarmed aboard, and slaughtered almost every single man, leaving only a few to swim ashore and tell the tale of the newly-named CAPTAIN BARTHOLOMEW GORE.
Gore rapidly became a successful pirate with his flagship, La Tuerie, in his command, taking several prizes that he allocated to the command of his officers and building out a sizeable fleet. the Louisiana governor, wishing to keep Gore as an ally rather than an enemy, offered him a commission as a privateer, a plot of land, and some political influence if in exchange he would show mercy to the colony and share his ill-gotten wealth with them instead of elsewhere. Gore could not refuse, and began construction on the place which put fear into the hearts of all those enslaved and indentured who worked on it: Bloodmere Manor. to separate the privateer who now lived in privilege and wealth ( and hard won fear and respect ) in New Orleans from the bloodthirsty pirate captain, Gore occasionally used the name Roberts in other ports like Nassau, Port Royal, and Havana, but the people of Louisiana always attributed the stories of bloodshed to their own captain.
on one of his returns to New Orleans to check on the progress of his new mansion, Gore dined with the governor and a few of the city's socialites and was introduced to Miss Priscilla de Claire, a lovely, innocent nineteen year old heiress who –– kept in the dark about Gore's piratical exploits –– was charmed by the older captain who could be most gentlemanlike when he wanted to be. he began courting her, swaying her with expensive gifts and endless attention, and the two were set to be married as soon as the manor was finished. Gorelieu began integrating himself more completely into landed society and into his role as a plantation owner, befriending the de Claire's and most of the other New Orleans families with a by-and-by more polished exterior. but by night, he drank heavily, and every time he closed his eyes began to be haunted by the faceless masses he had put to the sword.
on the very night they were wed, Gorelieu hosted the de Claire's and other prominent families in the richly-decorated mansion, but while he entertained his in-laws, Priscilla snuck off alone to explore her new home. in the basement, she discovered a chest full of relics of his pirate's life: weapons, and maps, and worst of all, the bones of his enemies, kept like souvenirs and not all of them cleaned. she confronted Gore, horrified, threatening to have their marriage annulled. Gore was incensed. ( alongside the loss of his love, he stood to lose her dowry, too ) in a fit of rage, he dashed his bride's head against the wall, and bricked her body up in it.
while the de Claire's searched the bayou endlessly for their missing daughter, assuming she had balked from married life and fled the obligations of becoming his bride, Priscilla ensured her husband could not enjoy his newfound wealth, or find any peace in the expansive house: her ghost tormented him to madness, until he fled again to sea ( hoping to escape some suspicion, as well ). but he found no respite from his bride, there, either, and the visions followed him until –– his ears filled with endless screams –– he hung himself from the yardarm, a ghostly specter on a ship of death, leaving the mansion empty of everything but ghosts.
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kiatheinsomniac · 1 year
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇-𝐔𝐏!*˚ .♡⋆ˊˎ -
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𓆩♡𓆪 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄! @yoiieczwhynot
Hi hottie, i wanna ask for a Valentine match-up, Black Bulter ver. ♡ But before I start, i need to remind you that eng is not my first language. So there will be some mistakes in my grammar or spelling, please forgive me. 🥺 I'm bi, but prefer women a little bit. The kind of men attracting me is good-looking, well-mannered and wise one. And women, safe to say i like all. I'm an INFJ, have a Scorpio sun, Virgo Rising and Libra moon. I'm a girly girl, 'just like the other girl' one. I had a 'I'm not like the other' phase in the past, though. I'm a soft spoken and polite one, so people often don't take me serious. But i can make you feel bad about your existence with only my tongue if i want to. I'm into romantic and beautiful things. My current obsession is new Taylor Swift's album. Just her vibe and her lyrics make me feel deeply. I like being treated kindly. Because of my childhood and my household, i don't like loud noise or violence. Oh yes, I'm trying to tell you i have family issues lol. I always crave academic validation. I love learning! Just the idea of learning new things make my heart go crazy. But i hate studying. You know, trying to force yourself to study something you don't like. So tired. I love reading and writing. Since my mind doesn't stay quiet for a single second, i enjoy activities that help me not focus on my thoughts. So i also love music. My wildest dream is to become a successful CEO owning a company in Paris. My deepest fear is becoming the kind of person like my parents. That's something about me. Hope i will have a respond soon. Looking forward for you prettyyyyy. Thank you and love you.
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♡ Sebastian admires your ambition! He also likes that you're soft spoken but are able to cut deep with your words - it shows a sort of humility and he admires how you have that sort of power but don't flaunt it too much.
♡ He makes sure to treat you with kindness as he sees you deserve it and you've earned his respect. Sometimes, he'll add extra activities to your schedule if he thinks you've been a bit too focused on your thoughts lately and need the distraction to clear your mind - he wants to look out for you.
♡ You have an elegant and respectable vibe that has drawn him in and he wants to treat you for the upcoming lovers' day so he asks you to be his Valentine!
♡ Sebastian would clear your schedule for the day. He'd prepare all your favourite treats and teas to have afternoon tea in the greenhouse together. He's got some flowers for you and a new coat for the day if he knows the weather will get a bit chilly.
♡ He's a complete gentleman and he knows how to woo you with his silver tongue. He's bought you gifts and he'll use a little demon magic to get a small orchestra to play some of your favourite songs for you while you dance together.
♡ Sebastian always thought that demons couldn't feel love so what is this? Obsession? Deep admiration? A want to nurture or protect? How odd... he might need some more time with you to figure these feelings out.
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missed the match-up event? try ships instead!
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andie-cake · 2 years
rambling at length abt my pmd ocs okay here i goooooo
Vex (they/them), our protagonist, a human-turned-Sableye who wakes up in the Pokémon world near the outskirts of a snowy little town called Frostfall Village, with no memories of their personal life aside from them having once been a human. They don't even remember their name for a hot while, they take to calling themself "Vex" after someone calls their predicament "vexing" and they decide they like the sound of it. At first, Vex is skittish and a bit emotionally-delicate, as anyone would be after waking up in a world of unfamiliar creatures, as one of said unfamiliar creatures (and one with gemstones for eyes, at that!), with no memories of their past. But as they get adjusted to their new surroundings, their normal personality begins to shine through more. They're compassionate, soft-spoken, and something of a jokester, a sensitive soul with a bit of a playful side. But they also show signs of having been a bit of a scrapper pre-arrival in the Pokémon world, not taking too long to get adjusted to combat. Not to mention, they're a total archeology nerd, eager to read up on Pokémon world history and geology (not an easy task when they realize they can't read the local language, but the sentiment is there). It's these traits- their kindness, their fighting ability, and their enthusiasm for exploration and learning, that makes them perfect for a Voyager Team, and so they end up forming one with their new friend, Crispin. Speaking of which...
Crispin (he/him), or just "Cris" for short, a Monferno who becomes friends with Vex after saving them from a trio of malicious bandits (more on them later), leading to them eventually forming Team Glimmer together. Crispin is a passionate treasure hunter, always dreaming about making incredible discoveries. Though a tad boastful at times, he's remarkably laid-back, and fancies himself a protector of Frostfall Village. He's well-liked among the locals for his kind nature, though Vex notices that he seems a bit... secretive when it comes to his past. For a good while, the most Vex knows about his past is that he apparently used to be a sailor who traveled the world with some friends. Friends whom he refuses to talk about. Still, despite his occasional dodginess, Cris and Vex soon form a sibling-like bond (in case you're wondering, Vex is 19, which is still considered a child by Pokémon standards, and Crispin is 24), and show incredible synergy in mystery dungeons as Team Glimmer rises through the ranks.
Guildmaster Meloetta (she/they) is, well... the legendary Pokémon Meloetta, and the owner/founder of the Melody Guild in Blue Sky City, where Vex and Crispin travel to form their Voyager Team. Once a deity of music and dance, worshipped by Normal types, Psychic types, and sometimes Fighting types, and looked to for guidance by musicians and dancers. But one day Meloetta got bored of living the life of a goddess and decided to live like a normal Pokémon, becoming an explorer and forming the Melody Guild. For the record, she prefers being called "Mellie" these days, or "Guildmaster Mellie" if you're one of their charges. An elegant and refined leader in both appearance and tone of voice, but unable to contain her glee when something delights or amuses them. She's got a bit of a dorky side, though she'll ask her employees not to tell anyone about that. That's in Aria Forme, anyway. When they use Relic Song and shift into Pirouette Forme, they're an unabashedly spunky spitfire with a hankering for action. Still, whether graceful and composed or a hot-blooded fighter, Mellie is still a caring Guildmaster towards her employees, and does their best to foster their Voyager Teams' skills while also keeping them humble.
Kell (she/her), a Vaporeon and the leader of Team Stormchasers, a highly-regarded Platinum Rank Voyager Team who recently transferred operations to the Melody Guild. Kell is an incredibly skilled fighter with a strong air of professionalism, qualities that make her seem more intimidating to talk to than she actually is. But she's far from perfect. She can be brash and impulsive, and her strong moral code makes her rather unsympathetic towards even the most non-threatening outlaws. She just can't seem to understand why anyone would have a reason to steal anything, a noticeable contrast to Crispin, who seems to find low rank outlaws to be not worth apprehending. And speaking of Crispin, it would seem that he and Kell have something of a history together, one that had them parting on bitter terms.
Dalton (he/they), a Staraptor and one of Kell's teammates in Team Stormchasers. Dalton is cocky and somewhat vain, but takes their job as a rescuer very seriously. He's not quite as approachable as Kell is personality-wise, but he's always willing to show off for others, especially for young Flying types who admire him. For the most part, they share in Kell's strong distaste for lawbreakers, though Dalton's vitriol is moreso directed towards higher-ranked outlaws and he finds that Kell is a bit too harsh towards petty community service-level thieves, which the two butt heads over on occasion.
Lukas (he/him), an Amped Toxitricity and one of Kell's teammates in Team Stormchasers. Hailing from Rumblerock City- a town known for its fighting arena, Lukas is a quick-tempered, hotheaded flirt who's always ready for a brawl. He's a total loudmouth, and often bickers with his two teammates, but he still loves them. He'll never say that out loud, but he doesn't need to, Kell and Dalton can tell.
Tanga (she/her), an Abra who works at the Blue Sky City Library. Tanga is timid and sweet-natured, and (unsurprisingly for an Abra) not much of a fighter. She does actually know more moves than just Teleport (specifically Flash, a Ground-type Hidden Power, and Confusion passed down from her father as an egg move), but she's not very strong, something she's very insecure about and eventually finds herself wanting to change. She befriends Team Glimmer on their first day of Voyager work, when they come to the library to help sort books for their first job, and soon becomes a valuable ally to them. Whether it be teaching Vex how to read the Pokémon language or helping the duo find information, she's eager to help. Some say she may even be harboring a bit of a crush on the amnesiac Sableye, one that Vex is oblivious to but Crispin has definitely noticed.
Ellison (he/him), a Thievul and the leader of Team Whiplash, not a Voyager Team, but a trio of bandits. Ellison fancies himself the smartest and most competent of the bunch, but in reality he's a foppish, arrogant moron. That being said, he more than makes up for his idiocy in terms of sheer cruelty. More than willing to kidnap a lost and terrified amnesiac teenager for his team's goals, and then threaten to murder said teenager once they've outlived their usefulness to him. If that what he's willing to do on his own terms, just imagine what he could be convinced to do when paid handsomely enough by a mysterious newcomer...
Rae (she/her), an Ariados and one of Ellison's accomplices in Team Whiplash. Rae is crass and moody, and doesn't seem to respect her leader much. But she shares in his desire for riches and notoriety, so she sticks with the gang anyway. She's smarter than Ellison and could definitely whoop his tail in a fight just by virtue of her type advantage, but she's bull-headed and impatient, making her not much better than the leader she dislikes so much.
Joyce (she/her), a Raichu and one of Ellison's accomplices in Team Whiplash. Despite having a sweet-sounding name and the cute and cuddly appearance of a Raichu, Joyce is easily the most competent of Team Whiplash, and she knows it. She's the strong, silent type, usually only speaking up to threaten whoever her current target is or to snark something at Ellison and Rae, both of whom she openly does not like or respect. Her motives for following the Thievul's orders are unknown, as she could undoubtedly run the team a million times better than either him or Rae.
That's about all of them for now! There's currently like two other characters who I can't say any meaningful things about without spoiling literally the entire plot, and I know I wanna add more characters and maybe change some species around. But for know, these are the most important funny lil guys in the story!
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mythvoiced · 3 months
@crue11 | ♥
The first thing the beautiful and ever-so-righteous Xiao XingChen hates himself for today is the way he trembles, ever so slightly, when Xue Yang touches him.
When Xue Yang touches him. Xue Yang. Xue Yang.
Xue Yang whom Xiao XingChen had vouched for, he'd looked at him once, and even despite the things he was already doing, a part of Xiao XingChen would always assume he would have made it out. Would have learned how to be better, would have recognized the error of his ways, how power means nothing if it's built on hills of corpses, quite literally it seems.
All at his own expense.
All because he didn't know better, all because he thought he knew better.
It's different now.
The voice he hears is both more and less familiar than the one he used to sit next to, entertained by stories and tentative touches, inching closer to a reality he didn't think he was allowed solely because it served no purpose other than indulging himself and whatever desire he'd managed to develop over the years.
Xue Yang.
He's still caring. He cares every day, there's food every day, even while his face continues to ache in pain at this point near-numbing, even if he bleeds through nearly every fabric wrapped around his eyes, Xue Yang, Xue Yang, will be there, and wipe it clean, the face he couldn't protect.
Every time Xue Yang comes back, Xiao XingChen is overcome with an intensity of emotions unbecoming to the moon he used to be equalled to. Where Song Lan was icy wind, he was the kinder breeze. He was praised for being gentle, soft-spoken but assertive, someone who'd do the right thing without ever stepping on others, unless terribly provoked, and even then solely to protect the innocent.
When Xue Yang doesn't show up... or when Xiao XingChen gets lost inside his own head and forgets to count the seconds, minutes, hours, when he can't hear him shift around outside, when it's too quiet... it's worse.
He's never been afraid of his disability. Even growing accustomed to it hadn't scared him. It wasn't easy, the jump. It was dreadful, but like a painful challenge, not a terrible reality he'd never learn to come to terms with.
Now, though, the idea of waking up one day and realizing Xue Yang had left, either because his passion project had come back wrong, or for some other reason, none good enough for Xiao XingChen to not think about stumbling out the coffin house and try to track him down.
It wouldn't be fair... if he left now. And yet... can he stomach having him around?
Who's who's property.
When Xiao XingChen used to move, back then, 'grace' and 'elegance' would be associated to him the way clouds were associated to the sky, and depths to lakes.
Now when he knocks the bowl of water over with an accidental swat like he doesn't seem to care for it, as uncaring of the way he sways before he rights himself and reaches for where he'd last heard Xue Yang, Xue Yang's voice, he resembles more all those men pitied for being once large and now small.
He doesn't want to go to him. He can't also not move away from him.
He gets stuck somewhere halfway. He just stops.
"Are you ever going to be honest with me," spat, choked. There's so much ache behind the words he can't make it sound like hate even if he wanted to, but it is. It's the kind of hate born from... well.
It's wet, and it means too much, it's almost swallowed back in a hitch of air, not one of surprise, but one caused by the struggle to not lose his breath under the onslaught of whatever he feels.
Never once does he think about killing Xue Yang. Never once does he think about hurting him. That's not what he wants. He doesn't want Xue Yang to pay. He doesn't want things to be this way.
He wouldn't have hated him.
Under different circumstances.
"I don't want your eyes," that's more like it. Angrier. Tighter jaw, but so aching, so yearning. It's not fair. And for the first time in forever, Xiao XingChen indulges. Allows himself to whine about it, even if only in his heart. Allows himself to selfishly wish it'd been someone else in his stead. Allows himself to hate the entire world, just for a moment.
He's exhausted.
"Why are you..." if only he could cry proper tears. His face contorts. He looks like he's watched a loved one die, without the tranquility of mind to realize what that means for him, for them, as they are. "What do you want from me...?"
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(all insights are based on textual evidence from Genshin Impact & the character Wiki Page) - Hazel’s character analysis are not official, just analytical*
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Song: Old Friend, Darlingside
“In his long life, he has met countless people, and shall meet countless more still. As they say: the waters change course, but the mountains move not.”
Values: Fairness, Advocacy, Honor
Love language giving: Gifts, Quality Time
Love language receiving: Acts of service
*Highly traditional, common customs of the new Era are not as known to him as ones from memories long past though he is very open and accepting of everyone, willing to try new things often (a hipster with curious eyes)(courting will be traditional as well - respectful, patient)
Knowledgeable about almost everything as he’s has 6k year to gather information and considering that time he still has a good memory of past events
*He is prone to spending an abundance of money, his acquaintances often foot the bill - he is forgetful of the fact that he no longer has the ability to have mora whenever he wants -- “he knows a great deal about the value of money ... also understands the suffering of the people”
*very particular - the type of person who send food back when it’s not cooked right but does so in such an incredible way that he doesn’t come off as rude
*Contracts are very important - keeping and binding them
*Not the most skilled at understanding human emotions and it still learning
“Contracts cannot be used to define friendship, nor measure sentiment. So just what can we use to measure the weight of our emotions? Do you know the answer, friend?”
Extroverted* - active in the nightlife scenes (concerts, museums, festivities, etc.) 
Reserved Body Language - keeps hands to his side, sometimes crosses arms, often holds his chin when thinking, uses his hands to speak (holds elbow with one hand and will discuss with the other), long talks deserve sitting with a good cup of tea, rests his hands clasped in the dip of his lower back when standing
Environmental impacts - he’s very extroverted and comfortable in front of many varieties of people, will speak when spoken too but often lets the conversation go on without his input / interruption (see Sal Flore quest) -- when alone he can easily get lost in his own thoughts and memories 
Dialogue: (listen to his archon quests - these are most helpful)
his tone is often proper, elegant, and poetic - one of the most complex speakers in the game
“... it is where many things come to settle. “ // “ It is the blood that runs through her heart. As for whether your own heart shines like gold — we will have to wait and see. “ // “if fairness is lost, then the contract shall become proof of one's deception.” // “ What fills an ordinary person with intrigue is but an aspect of daily life for me...”
word choice: formal, flowery - the order of his phrases is also different than most characters
“For those that live too long, the friends of days gone by and scenes from their adventures live on in their memories. As such, I have no regrets in meeting you, friend. Should the day ever come that we are not together, you will continue to shine like gold in my memories. “
recommendation: when writing his dialogue, write your sentence without worrying about it first (get the gist down). Then go back and work the word order, word choice, make it formal, sometimes metaphorical, poem like and see if you can hear him
Other observations / info
*Prefers people who act more proper and ‘older’ - “... does not like [Hu Tao’s] childish behavior” 
loathes sea food - after a horrible purging of strange slug like creature from the beaches ... he’s forever hated the thought of them (see “that which rises from the sea”)
“There is no way Zhongli can starve”
*Venti is the reason the Seven Archons met and spent comfortable days in Liyue drinking wine and enjoying each others company until five of them left their seats never to return (this was three thousand years ago)
items marked with * are canonical
I may add to this as I think of other things or increase my analysis*
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soundsfaebutokay · 3 years
On Elsa's Song
Hey, TAD fandom. What are our fan favorite interpretations of this song around here? Most reviews I've read about Love Run on music sites mention "Elsa's Song" as an anti-war number, and obviously it is that, but I think there's something deeper there?
On the surface, it's a song about war, and a dying soldier who doesn't believe that he is loved, who doesn't believe that he will be remembered. The most telling lyrics:
You will scream, "I won't forget you" But I'll cover my cold ears It cannot be a lie if no one hears
'Cause although you say good day to me I know I don't belong And although you hold my hand and say "I love you," you are wrong Because love does not exist here In this garden, there's no feeling And you say the words so often That I barely know the meaning
And when all the flowers are rotten And all the cannons shot I'll scream, but you won't hear "Forget me not"
But why won't the soldier believe the protestations of "I won't forget you" and "I love you" that were spoken to him? Why does he think that he doesn't belong even when he is greeted with welcome?
I'm entering into the realm of glorious speculation here, but I think it has to do with the fact that people can't love you if they don't know who you are. And the soldier, he doesn't feel known. So he can't accept the words of love that are given to him.
"You say the words so often that I barely know the meaning" can be taken two ways: 1.) that freely given affection is difficult for the singer to comprehend, or 2.) that too-easy declarations of devotion may come across as cheap and insincere. I'm going with option 2, mostly based on the last stanza:
And in years to come you'll wander To the place up on our hill And then you'll cry to our painted sky "I loved him then, I love him still" And you'll strew some sage and lilies And roses where I rot Of all the flowers you picked I knew you would forget Forget-me-nots
Sage, roses, and lilies have some of the strongest, most distinctive scents in the botanical world. Sage has lovely silvery-green foliage that's hugely important for its culinary, medicinal, and religious uses. Meanwhile, roses and lilies are two of the showiest, most popular blooms you can find at any florist, and they are the most well-known floral symbols of love and devotion.
Forget-me-nots, on the other hand, are wildflowers. They're small, scentless, and delicate. They're lovely en masse, but one flower by itself won't make much of an impact, nothing like the striking elegance of a single stem rose or lily.
But they're a sweet symbol of remembrance. It's in the name itself. And it's telling that the self-professed lover forgot to bring them in favor of the bigger, bolder, and more fragrant blooms and foliage to offer at the soldier's grave. It's even more telling that the soldier knew this would happen. "And then you'll cry to our painted sky, 'I loved him then, I loved him still'" seems performative and grandiose within the context of all these other little clues.
So much of the Western cultural narrative of war involves the veneration of those who died in battle. There are special cemeteries for fallen soldiers, lofty monuments, and designated dates of remembrance. But what if a dying soldier knew that none of it would be real? I'm thinking of Leonard Matlovich:
Gay Vietnam Veteran's Tombstone, Congressional Cemetery, Washington DC, 2011
[ID: A black tombstone with the text: "A Gay Vietnam Veteran When I was in the military, they gave me a medal for killing two men and a discharge for loving one."]
I'm also thinking of countless others who escaped such a fate only because they were never found out. They died with their medals, accolades, and secrets intact, with grand memorials about how they fought, but none about how they loved, or who they really were. To a man dying on the battlefield, ostensibly for his country, it's a bitter pill to swallow that no legacy of his would survive if that same country ever found out about his true self.
Things have changed now, in some places, at least on paper. But that doesn't erase the long history of fear and secrecy, or the countless men and women who would never be remembered or honored for who they truly were because they were forced to hide.
We could even zoom out from the war narrative and consider how many cultural heroes and icons who were secretly gay, trans, bisexual, etc., died without ever speaking their truth. Not that they owed it to anyone to come out, but how many of them felt like they had to choose between their legacy and the life they wanted to live? How many of them listened to the world heap praise and love on them, knowing that none of it would stay if they broke the image that the public so adored? And how many—today, all over the world—still live with that fear?
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notnctu · 3 years
forever | PREVIEW
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❀ slytherin!doyoung x hufflepuff!femreader ❀ genre - slow burn, angst, fluff ❀ details - hogwarts!au, exes to lovers!au, ft. boyfriend!jaehyun ❀ teaser word count - 849 ❀ expected word count - 8k - 10k+? ❀ warnings - explicit language, possible violence? ❀ synopsis - in which an ambitious slytherin and a loyal hufflepuff find their way back to a forever love.
❝ I'll love you forever, Doyoung.❞
❝ You will?❞
❝ Yes, that’s the problem.❞ ❀ a/n - this will be the PART 2 to PUSH & PULL. This is also written in part of @danishmiilk​​’s OF WITHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY COLLAB. this will be written as a standalone fic, so you don’t have to read the previous parts but the characterization and relationships are all the same. also if you recognize the quotes:)) its from the uk tv show skins and is very popular on tiktok LOL i was also listening to bridgerton’s thank u, next when writing this scene hehe
The frosted evergreen trees stand at the front of the Great Hall. Snow drifts down from the ceiling in falling white specks of glitter. It’s almost unrecognizable, how astonishingly well decorated it is for the Yule Ball. Intricate glass carved sculptures sit beautifully as center pieces on large clear round tables.
Dazzling floating icicles frame the tips of the front mantle, replacing the usual floating candles that lit the room. Winter graces every corner of the room in the most elegant way, just breathtaking at how bright and white the atmosphere has become.
Doyoung refused to look your way the entire night, knowing very well you’re incomparable to the beautiful decorations. You have always been the centerpiece, without even trying. He avoided every possible glance on the dance floor during the tournament champions’ first dance.
Despite every effort, he still sees you in the midst of the heavy crowds. Doyoung chokes up at the sight of you. Your hair is nicely made to frame your features, the soft glow that kisses your skin, and simply how beautiful you look in your gown are all the ways that make his knees weak. Some passing peers may have noticed tiny stars in his pupils, but they must understand that the pure feeling that comes from looking at you is more than he can explain.
He swallows the lodged spit in the back of his throat, you look too beautiful to be left alone at a table. Doyoung scans the room for Jaehyun, who cluelessly chuckles with his huddled group of friends at some other corner of the room. You sit alone twiddling your thumbs, the most evident pout on your glimmering face.
Doyoung doesn’t know what compelled him to walk toward you. Could it be the sudden change in song? He swears that he wouldn’t look your way the entire night. But now, he stands in front of you with a racing and shy heart.
“May I have this dance?” He opens his palm for you to take. It has been quite some time since you two had last spoken. Though Doyoung half predicted that you’d brush him away, the greatest shock and adrenaline fills his system when he feels your warmth glide into his hand.
He takes you to the dance floor, among the few pairings that sway to the slow tempo song. Your arms wrap around his neck so naturally and his hands find their way around your waist. This is the first time in a long time that the proximity between you two has been so close. Ever since your breakup, you two distanced yourselves so far from one another.
Doyoung gives you something that Jaehyun does not. A sense of comfort, familiarity, and serenity surrounds you in Doyoung’s embrace. Every lightest touch feels right where you’d want to be. Everything with him feels right. Doyoung feels like home.
Standing so close before you may cause him to lose his mind. He can feel his chest twisting in knots, the sole aching of his broken heart yearns for you. He misses you beyond any knowledge.
“You look rather stunning tonight.” Doyoung speaks with a gentleness that reminds you of memories from your past relationship. All the moments of shyness, of soft compliments that were rare for him to say, every moment that caused your heart to soar.
The way your heart beats for Doyoung is different compared to when you are with Jaehyun. It is loud, a drum in your ears. It is consistently wishing to be his.
Then something clicks within you, this feeling will never go away. You blink up at the starry-eyed boy, and he’s like every dream come true under the winter hue. Doyoung makes you feel magic that no other wizard can. A love that will never fade.
But Doyoung takes your silence as a form of hesitation, with fear that you’re still angry at him. “Is there anything you’d like to say to me?” He asks, knowing that the song is quickly coming to an end.
Your heart speaks before you can catch your tongue, “I’ll love you forever, Doyoung.”
His eyes widen and quite frankly, your statement causes him to stop in his movements. You two stand still in the middle of an empty dance floor, in each other’s arms and eyes locked. Doyoung feels a lump in his throat, knowing how horribly wrong he was to not chase after you the night you two broke up.
“You will?” He questions, his eyebrows knit together in confusion.
“Yes, that’s the problem.” You say, as you hear Jaehyun’s voice calling for you. He walks up to you and Doyoung with hands shoved into his pockets.
Jaehyun clears his throat, “I’d like to have my girlfriend back now.”
Before Doyoung can respond back to you, you’re being whisked away by Jaehyun. Just like that, you slip away from him so easily yet again. Doyoung can’t shake this unsettled feeling in his chest, a pain that is fueled by regret and every foolish thought. Your statement lingers in his head, you still love him.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Hannibal Lecter x reader
Word Count: 1.4k 
Warnings: prison 
Author’s Note: I hope you like this dear! It’s always nice to write for Hannibal, he’s such an elegant character and everything he says is so fun 
Requested: by @lzzygeekk, Hi!! I just see that you still take request , so can I have Hannibal x reader.  the reader visit Hannibal in prison when she remember in tender side or so specific memory. Maybe Hannibal made a quote from Chilton book know the she married the Chesapeake reaper. With the prompt that in found : " you give out pieces of yourself to people but never let them see the whole picture. I see it and I know who you are" ❤️❤️
Summary: the request 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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Your home seemed so big without Hannibal. You thought about it all the time, his absence. When you made dinner you would stand in front of the fridge for far too long, knowing that when you married Hannibal you thought you would never have to make a meal in your life. You wanted to bring food to him but Alana didn’t allow anyone to do that. You could see him but no gift giving.
Not even on his birthday. You had a stack of presents in a corner, waiting for the day he would come back home again. 
You leaned against the kitchen counter, eating a cup of pudding. You weren’t really focusing on eating. Your thoughts were wandering. You had on a record of one of Hannibals’ old classical vinyls. You started to sway as you sat, closing your eyes and imagining what he would be doing if he was there. 
He would likely chastise you for eating a pudding cup when you could have a full meal. Then again, he was feeding you people. 
At the memory of that your eyes snapped open and you took a deep breath, shaking your head. You put the pudding cup down beside you and slid off the counter. You had the dining room windows open, causing a chill to go down your spine at the cold.
The phone rang. 
You jumped but then briskly walked over to the phone and picked it up. You stood up straight, just as Hannibal would have. You didn’t really think about it as you did it. Perhaps you were just subconsciously trying to have him here in other ways. 
“Hello?” you said. Your voice cracked a bit. You realized then you hadn’t spoken in hours. 
“Hello, Y/N?” Alana said in her professional voice. The two of you had been friends before Hannibal went to prison but when you wouldn’t divorce him she started to drift away from you. 
“Yes. Is everything alright?” You looked down at your hand, messing with your wedding ring. 
“Yes everything is fine. Hannibal was asking to see you. He says that it’s your birthday today. Happy birthday.” You looked over at the calendar that was hanging up. It was your birthday. How could you have forgotten? You rubbed your eyes. 
“Yeah uh, I’ll be there soon.” You hung up the phone and walked to go and get your coat. 
You walked up to the behavioral hospital. Your shoes hit the stone as you walked up the stairs, holding your bag close to your side. You walked up to Alana’s office and she was sitting at her desk waiting. 
She stood up at the sight of you, a polite tight smile on her face. You gave her a soft nod. She gestured to the door, grabbing her keys off of the desk. 
“Shall we?” You nodded.
“We shall.” 
She led you down the familiar hallway. The hallway that had become your constant companion when you went to see your husband. 
She unlocked the door that led to his cell. She gestured for you to go in and you did. She closed the door behind you, not following. Hannibal stood up from his desk. You noted that Alana hadn’t taken away any of his things this week. 
He walked over to the glass. 
“Happy birthday my darling,” he said with a gentle smile on his face. You smiled back at him and eased in his presence. It was so nice to be with him. If only Alana let you in the cage. You pulled up a chair and he did as well so you were sitting as close to each other as you could get.
“I forgot it was today. I thought it was tomorrow,” you said honestly, laughing a bit. 
“You did have a tendency to forget the date.”
“Clearly I still do,” you joked. He pulled something from his small pocket and put it in the sliding glass container. He pushed it toward you. You opened it up a small box. Inside was a tiny necklace with a golden heart pendant. “How did you get a hold of this?” You meant for it to sound joking but it came out in awe.
“I have my ways.”
“I have your stack of presents still in the corner of the bedroom,” you said, taking the necklace out. “It’s beautiful Hannibal. Thank you so much.” 
“It reminded me of our honeymoon in Florence. I had Alana to get it for me. Do you remember the beautiful pendants they had on the street we stayed in?” You laughed a tad, reminiscing on the moment. 
“Of course! I wanted to stay at your family's estate but you insisted we didn’t.”
“I didn’t want to be reminded about such sad things on such a happy occasion with you.” You thought about that trip. It truly had been magical. Hannibal knew all of the places to go and see and he was beaming the whole trip. If you thought it wasn’t possible to love him any more, that trip proved you wrong. 
“Oh do you remember that street performer? The singer?” He nodded fondly. 
“He sang one of my favorite songs. What luck that was. We were filled with luck on that trip,” he said. 
“If you’re referencing the four leaf clover I found then you’re very right, we were filled with luck,” you said laughing. Hannibal watched as your face moved and smiled with adoration. He wished he could touch your cheek, kiss your chin, run his fingers through your hair. “It was only fitting to have such a wonderful honeymoon after a wonderful wedding.” 
He didn’t want to bring it up at first. He didn’t think it was necessary but he said it anyway. 
“I believe Frederick Chilton said something similar.” You scoffed.
“Chilton said ‘It was only fitting to have a crazy wife to accompany her undiagnosed husband’. In reference to eating the food by the way. I thought the food tasted amazing, perhaps I am crazy.” He smiled slightly.
“You liked the way I prepared it.”
“Everytime. You know I had a pudding cup for lunch today?”
“On your birthday? Goodness gracious,” he said, shaking his head disapprovingly. “I’ll break out just to make you a decent meal and then I’ll come right back.”
“I wouldn’t let you come back.” His face fell a tad. The fact that he was gone clearly had an effect on you. He wasn’t surprised about that but it pained him to see nevertheless. 
“You’re not crazy. There’s not one thing Chilton got right in that book.” You nodded.
“Because you give out pieces of yourself to people but never let them see the whole picture. Chilton is not an exception. He got the psychiatrist Hannibal Lecter and a little bit of the cannibal but not nearly enough.”
“Do you see me?” 
“Of course I see you. I know who you are.” He smiled and put his hand on the glass. You put your fingers up against his, just an inch of glass between the two of you. That inch proved to always be a nuisance. 
“Happy birthday my love,” he said again. 
“Thank you Hannibal.”
Alana watched and listened from the cameras. She felt a pang of guilt seeing your hands almost touch. She was tempted to open the door herself but knew better. He may not kill you but he would not hesitate to kill Alana. It was a promise he likely intended to keep.
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