#hetalia Drabble
wickedwanchii · 8 months
As I am once again consumed with thoughts about AmeRus and their relationship during the Cold War, I am reminded of an idea I had, a moment between the two of them.
They fought a lot, bickering constantly during the War, and of course, physical fights were not uncommon. But near the end of the War, perhaps at its most rockiest, it was then that Ivan said something during an argument that no doubt still lingers in the back of Alfred's mind to this day.
"You are Icarus, young and free, but far too careless and wild; a curse which shall inevitably be your doom. You fly too close to the sun, and one day...it shall be your downfall."
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So how about a Big county Y/n, Eventually Y/n is bigger than Russia 2x More bigger, they Have everything like everything, strong soldier like US, bigger army like China, and Powerful weapon like Russia, even happiest county like Finland [ btw i search it on google ] Dang like they can take The heck out of everyone, their most land or their whole country , even the yandere , so yandere!US, Yandere!Russia, Yandere!China, olso Yandere!Germany... So how would they react and act.. Eventually i am curious about this
- ⛩️ anon
While I can’t write a complete Mary Sue character (to me that archetype gets boring REAL quick) I think I did get pretty close. Afterall all good characters have some relatable weaknesses. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for your patience ⛩️ anon!
Yandere! America can go either way.
I can see him wanting to join you or plan out your demise. Depending on how many times you beat his ass in a war and how masochistic he feels like being will determine how he may just show up with a “treaty” that's rigged with a ton of caveats that make him seem that he’s in the position of the upper hand when he isn’t. The man's ego is being crushed right now, so go easy on him lol.
You absolutely get on him about some of the issues that he needs to handle, like health care and the quality of life for his citizens. Bro is definitely gritting his teeth and barring it but deep down he kinda just wants to be smoothed in hugs by you. Have you live with him and he lead but for now he can’t really think of a feasible way to do that.
He’ll actually become depressed that he isn’t number 1 in the world and will not show up for awhile. But trust me he’s been obsessively watching every video, news report, magazine cover, etc of you and your many successes. He’s even gone so far as to have some of his FBI agents go to your nation to see if it’s really as serene as the articles and stories make it to be and when they come back to confirm it. It makes him all the more depressed. Eventually, though he’ll come to the conclusion that the two of you should be married so that he can still seem like he’s the one on top. After all he has no intentions of allowing other superpowers like China or Russia to have you first. So the extent that after a few months of him being in a deep depressive haze. He’ll regain that vigor 100% concentrated on having you to himself. That also does mean that he’d go into some crazy war for you in a heated attempt at keep away.
Yandere! China knowledge really is power in his case along with wisdom
Since he’s mature and has seen the likes of this similar to Rome. He’s going to play it cool and not be rash. But on the inside, he’s contemplating how in the hell you got power like that in under the span of 100 years. He is going to do an in-depth analysis of your inception to your current-day success.
At meetings, he will make it a point to ALWAYS sit next to you he will either glare or bribe whoever dared to sit next to you with food, medicine, or better trade deals if they promise to NEVER sit next to you. That right is reserved for him and him alone. He will start building his relationship with you to see if he can extract extra information about your success and plan on if he can try to take you down and claim you for himself so that he can finally beat the likes of America and Russia altogether while having someone as lovely as yourself under his control. He will go out of his way to bring Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner to every conference doting on you and showing how versatile and refined his palette is. He will ask you your preferences and stick to them and they will be at the forefront of what he and his chiefs cook you for every meal. Eventually, he will get more intense by asking if you want to go shopping in Beijing, Sichuan Province, and Guangdong and dressing you in all of the trendiest fashions in China.
Since you tend to have no reason to fear for your own safety, your guard is down. After all, you’re the most powerful nation. But lacking the wisdom about some of the older nations' darker tendencies, you wouldn’t have anticipated that Yao began to poison your food. It’s not like it makes you vomit or anything, but you’ll be exhausted to the point where you’re unable to board a plane and would decide to stay with him for a while longer. After all, he’s being so kind and understanding.
Essentially what’s happened is that his Yandere tendencies have morphed into Munchausen Syndrom by proxy and you’ve fallen into his hands without you really taking notice of it. His wisdom, mixed with crazy yandere tendencies, wins this time.
Yandere! Germany being diplomatic is his forte
He’s definitely bought a few books on your culture, history, art, etc. He does keep track of all your happenings. He’s intrigued by how you were able to accomplish such feats in only the span of a century. He definitely admires your hard work and dedication to the improvement of your society and your people. And yes, he’s bought a book titled:
How to romance a (Insert Country Ethnicity here) for the hard-hearted German. Although learning from his mistakes in previous romance attempts, he does add some nuance and subtlety to his actions.
He’ll always allow you to have the opening comments in the world meetings and the closing comments. He loves hearing your lovely voice and will actively make sure that you have even more speaking time than America, China, and Russia. Blatantly showing his nepotism. He knows that he can score some points with you this way. He always has keynotes for you and what you need in his types up notes before every meeting and he will always ask if you need any help and if he can have some “private” side conversations with you about trade deals, alliances, and if his citizen s could be able to freely roam in your country if he gives you “x”. He’s extremely diplomatic in his attempts to woo you. Even though on the inside, he’s screaming, “Ja! Ja! I get to be closer to (Y/N) than anyone else!”
Slowly he will begin to pry on how you have advanced military technology and how you keep your secrets. He does have a secret notebook where he keeps track of all the things that make you successful and takes note of it. After all, you have to get to know your target well in order to take them down. However, once he figures out that taking you down would only have a 2% success margin he would move to trying to have a permanent alliance with you. So if he’s ever in a pinch, he can depend on his sweet (Y/N) to help him out, and in turn, he’ll be devoted to you in any way that you need.
Yandere! Russia just wants you to hold his hand dammit!
From the start, Russia won’t mince words: He wants to become one with you and you to become part of mother Russia. He’s the most direct about what he wants and he’s lived long enough to know that there are some bets you simply don’t take, and trying to be sneaky, wagging war, or trying to take you down from the underground will lead to issues in the future. So he will be forthcoming about his intense affection for you. After all why be afraid of him if he knows that you could already kick his ass? Heaven's sake, he even leaves his beloved metal pipe of pain at home. To show you that he is dedicated to becoming a good ally to you and that he just wants your attention and affection….
ALL OF IT. However, that does mean that he isn’t above being intimidating to others, particularly America, China, and Germany, during meetings. He tries to hold back that ominous dark aura that he has, and to some degree, it works because it does manage to evade your attention, and he’s able to concentrate it on whomever successfully managed to take the second seat beside you in meetings. (The four of them have managed to create a schedule on who gets to sit next to you and have all made a group chat lightly threatening not to sit next to you ever. All four of these nations understand that they can’t get into a hight level fight over you if they want to stay alive but also not have you intervene. Your disapproval of them in any way stabs them in the heart.) He does sit only about an inch away from you, and sometimes, his scarf will find its way around your neck on occasion in a loving manner.
“Oh, Y/N aren’t you cold, da? I can share my warmth with you.” If we're being honest, his behavior toward you is kinda cute.
He’ll always have some new draft of an alliance for you to look over, and with each attempt, he will bring in a bottle of your favorite booze, a large stuffed Russian polar bear, or other types of gifts. He’s trying to stay in your good graces while presenting himself as a gentleman. He’ll also offer to drive you back to your hotel or ask if you want to see a play with him or gaze at the nighttime sky. He will also take note of your interests and tailor his dates to that. Anything to keep you the hell away from the others. He also has a habit of grabbing your hand ‘by accident’ before the start of every meeting because he likes to feel your warmth. His motto in this scenario: “If you can’t beat them join them!”
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Russia x Dutiful Assistant Reader
Honestly this is just a Drabble that desperately needed to exist.
“Russia, there is someone I’d like you to meet (First Name and Last Name); they’ve been hired to help you with your duties and optime your life since you’ve been so stressed out lately.” His boss just states as he shifts through some papers.
“What?” Confused, he runs through his ash-blonde hair. “What and who are you talking about, boss? There is only you and me.”
His boss raises his gloved hand, and each of his fingers drops as if counting down. When his hand created a fist, the door behind Ivan burst open and popped in the assistant with a brand new iPad in hand and a handbag dangling off their left arm and earpiece in their right ear.
“Very nice to meet you, Mr. Braganiski, sir!” You eagerly shake his hand and pull up your task apps. For a split few moments, your (eye color) meets with his violet hues. “What can I do to help you?”
Frozen for a few moments and lagging behind your unwavering smile that sent beams of sunshine to his brain. He needed a few moments to keep up with your pace.
“Okay …um can you pull up the reports for the latest developments of the summer festival that I’m supposed …”
A hologram of all the tasks that had been completed, currently in progress, who they were assigned to, and some of the possible issues that they may run into all beautifully mapped out on a real-time spreadsheet.
“Would you like me to go over some of the issues with your project first or would you like to check out some of the booths that have already been completed to see if they meet your standards? If anything is wrong, I’m able to contact the person who is working on it so that changes can be made swiftly. I can also show you your schedule for today and duties that air on the urgent side.” Your all to ready pen was ready to take down every word.
‘This is going to be interesting.’ As Ivan prepares himself for a long day.
The day of the summer festival arrived, and both you and Ivan, as he now had you refer to him, were ecstatic. It had been a few weeks since you started your temporary assignment working for him, and you were soon to be assigned somewhere in one of the Baltic states in about a week. All the nights you spent out with him in a drunken haze, talking about your dreams, and meeting his polar opposite sisters, made the experience about the daydream. You weren’t entirely ready to leave within just about a week. This was probably the most enjoyable assignment that you had.
“You’ll come back to visit though sometime, da?” Ivan knocked you out of your mind and into the presnet moment.
“Of course, when I have some time away from my job. Maybe when I come back we can go to Peterhof Palace. I’m curious about being able to see almost 200 golden fountains!” To you, it sounded like small pieces of heaven sewn into the palace grounds.
A warm smile spreads across Ivans face it was reassuring that you did want to come back. He feared that once your assignment was up you’d disappear into his bear paw palms like a delicate snowflake, never to be replicated again.
“Ivan! Y/N! Are you ready to begin the festival!?” Ivan’s overly animated boss who shouted and somewhat slurred his words. He definitely downed a few cocktails in his last meeting and approached the two of you. He hands Ivan a pair of golden scissors so that he could cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony. “Go have fun I’m off to meet with some other dignitaries.” He left the two of you as quickly as he came.
“Ready? The event is set to begin in about 30 seconds!” You gently guide him towards the white, blue, and red ribbon. You notice that he is shaking a little and was slightly nervous so you boldly grab his large palm and squeeze it gently; it is the signal for him to address the crowd that is ready for the festivities to begin.
“Welcome Friends to the annual Summer festival! Please have fun and enjoy!” With a quick swish of his hand he cuts the ribbon. Thunderous cheers are heard as people begin to flood into the brightly colored arena filled with games, activities, and plenty of food carts to visit.
“Well, Ivan, the last things that I have to do with you this week are hold the closing meetings with the staff and report back to you on Friday before I take off that evening.” Sadness dripped from your voice even though you tried to carry it with a cheerful overtone. Ivan’s ears did pick up the subtle hints; it was also obvious in your eyes.
“There is a booth I want to show you, one that I’m glad managed to fly under your radar.” He tugs you along for a while through the festival, where flowers, bubbles, and fairy lights illuminate the twilight time of the long summer day. It all feels like a fun daydream coming to life where everything is perfect, even if only just for a little while. From the moment you grabbed his hand, he’d never let go of it. Even he wanted this moment to last forever.
When you finally arrived to the aforementioned booth, his two sisters were there holding a few things. Belarus had a lei made of sunflowers and a Personalized matryoshka that had your nation's flag on the back and was painted all of your favorite colors.
“It’s been great having you as my temporary assistant Y/N, and I hope you’ll be back to visit. You really did optimize my life and make it easier.” He placed the lei of flowers over your head and the flowers of the sun graced you perfectly. “And don’t open the matryoshka until you’re on the plane, da?” He gave you a long embrace before he let you go. “Ready to go enjoy the festival?”
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hetaliafucker · 12 days
Usuk Thought (Mini Headcanon?)
I hate England calling America fat, and I don't really care about the show or manga's canon a lot of the time for a multitude of reasons, but alas.
You cannot convince me that this immortal being who has seen the changes of beauty standards throughout centuries would One) Judge someone's body type all that much or give a single fuck. Or Two) Wouldn't be lowkey happy. His childhood was literally primal. So to him (And very likely most nations), more fat = Better fed, thus safety, and also more body warmth. His subconscious primal brain is likely thinking 'Oh fuck yeah, I bagged a good one. He'll keep me warm this Winter'.
So now I imagine Alfred getting insecure because he thinks he's gaining weight, and Arthur being like 'Absolutely not' and shutting down any insecurities Al would have, because he's hundreds of years old, dammit, and the beauty standard throughout history has changed so damn much. Plus, he can’t complain when Alfred's just comfier.
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healrod · 1 year
sometimes i forget that poland also has anxiety and like. thinking about it is so interesting. my interpretation of lietpol is that liet has more generalized anxiety (existential dread, what am i going to do for work, will the bread that i bought one day ago get moldy before i can eat all of it, etc.) and po has more social anxiety. i like to characterize po as having a super intense and eccentric personality that Not A Lot of People can Handle. so po worries more about social acceptance, whereas liet worries more about his life’s material circumstances that are sometimes, but not always, determined by social acceptance. does this Make Sense
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appleandsnow · 6 months
Francis and hairties
Au contraire to popular belief, Francis was a laid-back person; preferring to spend his days cooking warm, hearty stews and meals, or, on other days, reading.
It was soothing.
He was soothing.
He calls for you from the kitchen and you're only too happy to check in on him.
"Darling, i need a hair tie"
"Got it"
It was a rare thing for Francis to forget to tie his hair back but now that he had, you stand on your toes to reach up and tie it back.
"Thank you, sweet one"
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zatdummesmadchen · 4 months
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☆ Some Prukraine for my soul ☆
It's funny how someone so tenderly can empty your heart of whatever it's good for. Perhaps Gilbert didn't mind it. he wanted to give away everything to her for some keepsake. to hold and caress his soul she managed to hurt with just a smile. Oh he couldn't have her, but she managed to have him tightly in her grasp nonetheless.
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darcymariaphoster · 3 months
Coffee shop AU with ScotNor? ❤️
I am so sorry this took me forever. I was excited to see this in my inbox, and then I quickly realized that my first attempt would have been waaaay too long. 😅 I hope this is okay, and you enjoy it! Thank you for the ask! 🫶
Lukas is absolutely not adventurous where his coffee is concerned. He likes it one way and that’s it. For the last twenty years, he has always had his coffee the same way -- light roast, a splash of cream, no sugar. Nothing to hide.
That is, of course, until he met Alistair.
One of Lukas’s friends, Arthur, owned a coffee shop nearby his workplace. Of course he had started frequenting the shop to support his friend. When Arthur’s brother, Alistair, started working there, things changed a bit. Lukas’s first impression of him wasn’t favorable by any means. He asked for his order instead of just knowing it, like everyone else who works at the coffee shop. He’s been going there for the past two years, since it had opened, and it was such a basic order that it was easy to remember and everyone had it memorized within a week, so Lukas never bothered to remember what his order was after that.
But, of course, Alistair was new and didn’t know his order. So he asked for it. And Lukas floundered. Whatever drink he had gotten was absolutely not his normal, and he hadn’t enjoyed it even a little. Somewhere between being too stubborn about supporting his friend and being curious about Alistair, a sort of game had been established between the two of them. Alistair made a new drink for Lukas every day, and Lukas would rate it -- and usually threaten at least once that he wouldn’t return if he didn’t get a good drink one of these days. With each encounter, they would chat for a while -- or, rather, Alistair would chat at Lukas, who would sometimes answer.
And that had been about three months ago.
Lukas leans his hip against the counter, scrolling through his phone as he listens to Alistair chat about something or other as he makes some sort of mystery coffee concoction. He’s not really listening, and he’s not really paying much attention to what’s on his phone either. He’s thinking. Well, it’s the same thought he’s had for several weeks now, and he’s mostly telling himself what a bad idea this thought process is. It’s Alistair, for shit’s sake. It’s the brother that Arthur always complains about. And what does he really know about him besides that and the ramblings he’s been listening to over the past few months?
The sound of the cup hitting the countertop snaps Lukas back to the moment and he glances at it with one eyebrow raised. “What awful flavors am I going to be subjected to today?” he asks dryly, locking his phone and slipping it into his back pocket as he reaches for the cup.
Alistair gives him one of his wide grins, clearly amused, as he watches him take the drink. “Why don’t you taste it first?”
Lukas narrows his eyes. “Haven’t you yet picked up on the fact that I hate surprises? Why would I try it before you told me what it was?”
“It’s macadamia,” Alistair informs him, not even a little dissuaded. “And I would have thought at this point that you would trust me just a little at this point.”
Lukas hums, not nearly as amused as Alistair is, and picks up the cup. Not at all convinced that he’s going to like this, he takes a hesitant sip of the coffee in question. Damn, it’s actually a good one. “It’s rather sweet.” Alistair chuckles, leaning against the countertop as he watches Lukas try another sip before looking over the cup. “Another thing. When are you going to give me your number?”
That actually seems to catch Alistair off guard, and he stands up again with a startled bark of laughter. “Oh, so that is what’s happening? You really have been flirting? Or some attempt at it, anyway.” The offense must be obvious on Lukas's face, because Alistair reaches over and takes the cup from him. “It's cute,” he assures, grabbing a pen from the register. He scribbles something on the cup and hands it back to him.
Lukas accepts the cup, spinning it to inspect the phone number and smiley face that's now on it. “The rating of this drink is low because I had to prompt for your number, just so you know,” he informs him as he takes another sip. “A four, I think.”
Alistair offers him a pout, and Lukas ignores how his heart flutters a bit at it. “What would it have been if you hadn't had to ask?”
Lukas considers the question for a moment and then says, “A seven.”
“That is the highest you've rated any of these drinks,” Alistair complains, and Lukas shrugs.
“You still have time to impress me,” he reminds him with a smug smirk and a wink as the bell over the door tings. He takes that as his cue, and meanders towards the door. “Don't worry; there's always tomorrow to gain points.” He doesn't give Alistair the chance to respond as he leaves, rather proud of himself today. A free drink and Alistair's number? What a way to start the day.
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(If you do multiples or please choose one you like best) Romano, Italy, and Denmark walking in on their gf fast asleep on the couch or bay window having been reading. Stormy night outside, candles or fireplace lit, her book on her lap and glasses slightly askew. Plus size again please? You are truly amazing!! ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍
Romano, Italy, Denmark X Plus-sized!Reader on a stormy night
Romano; Lovino had had a terribly long day. The stresses from work and life seemed to wear him down a little more than usual today. And now, as if to top it all off, it was absolutely pouring rain outside. Not even the weather would give him a break and the moment he got out of the car, Lovino became pelted with the ongoing rainstorm, leaving him soaked to the bone.
Lovino cursed under his breath.
He was sure this day really couldn’t get any worse.
Trudging up to the entrance of his home, he ripped open the door and slipped inside. Never had he been more thankful for the respite of his house. Lovino hopped a bit clumsily toward the bathroom, attempting to spare the hardwood flooring with little luck. He snatched a towel and did his best to dry himself off but couldn’t find himself trying too hard. His clothes would be coming off to be thrown into the wash anyhow.
With that idea in mind, he set off down the hallway. Lovino made a passing glance at the study on his way and stopped his brisk walk when he caught sight of you. Lovino hardly felt his wet clothes anymore when his eyes drank you in. Stepping further into the room, he found you fast asleep in that little nook in the window. You loved that bay window. To the point that Lovino had bought cushions to make it more comfortable for you to sit in—or, in this case, sleep in.
Your glasses were endearingly askew on your face, and it made Lovino chuckle out a breath. You made it easy for a smile to find his lips, and for that he was so thankful. Here, you looked so gentle and soft and entirely peaceful. So unaware of the world around you as the weather crashed outside.
Lovino found himself right beside you and couldn’t stop the urge to brush a few pieces of hair away from your face.
As cute as this was, he figured you would be terribly sore if you slept like this all night. The window was good for a nap, but not for a full night’s sleep. So, regretfully, Lovino decided to wake you.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, and still leaning over you whispered, “Sweetheart?”
You mumbled a bit in response, and he could only smile.
“You should move to the bed. It’s not good for you to sleep here all night.”
Finally, you opened your eyes to look at him. After fixing your glasses and a deep yawn, you nodded and sleepily found yourself on your feet, swaying a little too much in the process. Lovino was quick to steady you, but his proximity had you accidentally bumping into him. Your brow furrowed in confusion.
“Why are your clothes all wet?”
“Probably because it’s raining outside,” Lovino talked a bit too smartly and nodded toward the bay window to further drive his point. You shot him a look. Typically, you looked more ferocious, but due to you being so tired you were hardly a threat.
Lovino only laughed as you found your way to the bedroom.
Italy; These nights felt so easy. It was entirely too lucky how the storm started on your cozy night in. The wind howled and the rain hit harshly against the paned window, but here, Feliciano’s arms were wrapped around you just right and everything was as warm and comfortable as it could ever be. The two of you had leaned back on the couch. With your head rested on his chest, you could feel the rhythmic beating of his heart stirring. At first, his heartbeat was racing at a rampant pace, but the more you settled into the evening the more it calmed. Comfortable just as you were.
You had to admit, Feliciano providing his body heat was the least he could do, considering he was the one that had woken you up. Sometime earlier Feliciano had found you fast asleep on the living room couch. You’d started the fireplace, and after having wrapped yourself in blankets it seemed as though you couldn’t stay awake any longer.
Even now, Feliciano saw you struggling to hang onto your consciousness. The ambience of flickering candles you’d lit prior was hardly helping either. Your hair was charmingly messy, and your glasses were clumsily hung askew on your face. Feliciano pressed a smile to the back of your head, hugging you a little tighter. He closed his eyes taking in the scent of your hair.
He loved you like this.
Your breaths became slower and slower, and eventually they were steady and easy. You had fallen back asleep. Just as you were before, but this time you both were able to enjoy this rest together.
You nestled your face into his chest, and your glasses would have fallen off if Feliciano hadn’t grabbed them in time. As silently and carefully as possible, he placed them on the nearby end table. He knew you wouldn’t forgive him if he woke you up twice in one day. Though the thought did make him laugh a bit.
Feliciano allowed himself to sink into the cushions. No stress, no work—just the warmth of the fireplace and most importantly, you.
Denmark; Matthias gently closed the front door to your shared home. The warmth of the house kissed his face, and he already felt his chilled skin begin to soothe from the bite of the wintery, wet storm. He began to shed his gloves, his coat, his boots. All the while, Matthias was being uncharacteristically quiet while the wind howled outside. He had noticed the lack of lights the moment he drove in. Though, you had graciously left the lamp on in the entryway so that he would be able see what he was doing.
Odds are, you were already fast asleep. Curled up in the bed—warmly inviting.
Matthias let out a deep, relaxed sigh at the thought. It’d been a long day, and he wanted nothing more than to find his place right next to you. Without further ado, Matthias easily started his way up the stairs. In reaching the second floor, he had intended to make it all the way down the hall to the bedroom, but his eyes were drawn to the flickering light coming from the reading room instead.
It was then that he could also hear soft music playing. The corners of his mouth twitched into a smile.
Maybe you were still awake?
Matthias quickly learned that this assumption was not the case. Leaning against the frame of the doorway, he took you in fondly. The light from the fireplace danced across your skin in a lovely dance as you slept comfortably on the couch. You had even gone so far as to light a few extra candles that left a delightful scent to the room.
After a moment, Matthias left his spot in the doorframe to make his way over to you. Upon further inspection, the book you had been reading was still loosely held in your hands resting against your lap. Your breath was easy and deep, and with the way your head tilted in your slumber, Matthias was impressed that your glasses hadn’t fallen off and onto the floor below.
Matthias held back a laugh as he snuck up beside you at the foot of the couch. Gently crouching down to your level, Matthias rested on his knees. Slowly and carefully, he attempted to readjust your glasses so that they would sit on your face right. Unfortunately, the tickle at your face was undeniable and you drew a quick breath in.
Matthias froze. His hand still hovering by your glasses.
Upon opening your eyes, you jolted a bit, obviously not expecting anyone to be there. You sleepily took in Matthias’ face and his hand right next to your face.
“…What are you doing?”
“Fixing…your glasses?”
You huffed out a laugh in response, sitting up a bit and putting a little distance between you both.
“What time is it?”
You could hear the fondness in his tone. So much so that you leaned in to press a kiss to his lips. Matthias hummed sweetly.
“We should probably get to bed then…” your reasonable tone quickly shifted into childishness as you dramatically stretched out your arms, whining, “Carry me.”
Matthias dramatically rolled his eyes as he all too easily bundled you into his arms and lifted you off the couch. Playful laughter fell out of you as he brought you down the hallway and to the bedroom.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Wild Card: Write whatever you want
So this is a Drabble I hope to expand within the next year but it’s a RusAme Fantasy/ Space thing that I wrote in August but enjoy the unedited things I wrote when I’m not answering specific asks.
Stars in space n stuff with some n$fw
Bio-humanism ? (least that is a theme I want to explore)
Alfred tried to type out another code to try and signal another cluster in the nearby star system that was closest to him. He was stranded on a somewhat habitable planet. He’d been away from his original galaxy for a few lightyears and it was beginning to be a major lag on his extroverted personality. He missed his home….he missed his husband who was supportive of his aspirations …..but didn’t want to leave the original planet that both were born from. He didn’t understand how complete opposites yet strong headed souls could bond in a union together even though it meant they would have tremendous amounts of time slip between them and the starlight.
He sucked in a sharp breath when the slight signal that he had fizzled out into the void.
“Well arent I just fucked?” His hands were itching to destroy the technology that for now left him stranded. Being alone was beginning to weigh down on his heart and spirit as if its mass was Jupiter’s bone crushing surface.
Could possibly be about ALfred’s rough journey back home with them having spicy conversations and phone sex. The longing and the build-up.
Thier marriage being tested when other people / aliens want to fuck while they’re apart because to an extent it is beneficial and people still have much to gain from their separation. And this could fuck up more than their marriage.
Star systems being destroyed
So yeah some sad death scenes really push the sad vibes in this one.
Alfred sometimes regretted the choices he’s made that led him to be so far away from his loving husband… and his strong arms and tight abs that he enjoyed filling his hands with. The lazy mornings where, spellbinding golden sun rays that burst through the window. The mutual shared warmth between two kindred spirits …just the mere thought of being cozied up and lazing the day away.. Made his heart quiver with anticipation. It made him turn on the hologram that he crafted with a team of specialists to capture the Russian husband’s strapping charm. The snow kissed this massive large nose and ever present smile that held back cruelty and chaos that Alfred was well aware that he was capable of.
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starthornisscratching · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: America/China (Hetalia) Characters: China (Hetalia), America (Hetalia) Additional Tags: AmeChu Week 2024, AmeChu, Alternate Universe - Human, Drabble, SO RUSHED LIKE IT'S SO RUSHED, Cute, Tooth-Rotting Fluff Series: Part 5 of AmeChu Week 2024 Summary:
Little drabble about how their relationship is.
--- (This is so short it causes me pain, but I wanted to post it on the right day.)
Technicallyyyy I got it on the fourth in my timezone! (Like, with fifteen minutes to spare but whatever.)
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itstokkii · 3 months
Tomato Red
in which turkey pays uzbekistan a visit. summer 2023
"It's getting hot, can't we go in for a break or something?" Sadik wiped some sweat off his forehead. He had hoped they'd spend some quality time in Nargiza's living room, watching some Turkish dramas in her living room under the merciful air conditioning.
Instead, he was out in her gardens helping her pick crops in the merciless 40 degree weather in Uzbekistan.
"Sadik, we've just started. All you have to do is fill the bucket halfway with tomatoes and cucumbers while I check on the rest of the plants and pick the basil leaves. Besides, you wanted to see me cook, right? The other foods are ready, and this is the final step," She didn't spare a glance at him, instead tending to her rose bushes. How cruel...!
He had to admit, having a whole house instead of an apartment definitely had its perks. Her house, like so many others he saw while driving to her address, had a gigantic gate, and was walled up on all 4 sides. When she let him in, he was greeted by the sight of wires holding up vines of sweet, ripe grapes. There were 2 plots of land on each side of the entranceway to her house, with pomegranate trees on one plot, and apricot trees on the other. Among her crops, she had tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, and bell peppers.
So she definitely saved on grocery bills, huh?
As the tomatoes and cucumbers piled up on his basket, he took a few glances at her. She was watering some plants that were beginning to shrivel a little.
It was kind of weird to see her in an informal setting. He always got used to seeing her in pantsuits. Now, she was in a matching dress and trouser set, a scarf tying her long hair back. She looked a little...cute? Domestic? He couldn't describe the feeling.
Feeling her eyes on him, he whipped his head back and picked the last crop.
Glad to be in the kitchen, Sadik sought refuge as he watched Nargiza thinly chop the tomatoes and cucumbers he picked. He noticed a bowl of onions soaked in water next to him.
"What's that for?"
"We don't want the onion's flavor to be too strong in the salad."
He chuckled a bit at that.
After everything was chopped, she strained the onions, added them into the mix, and seasoned it with salt before plating the finished salad.
"You sit down in the living room. I'll bring the food." She affectionately?? shooed him as she focused on the plov and somsa she showed Sadik how to prepare throughout the day, plating those as well and carefully bringing them to the table.
In the meantime, he was flipping through channels and trying to make out what the news reporter was saying about the approval of a new set of apartment buildings to be constructed in Tashkent.
"I cannot believe she just told him all that!" She gasped in shock as they both watched the climax of the Turkish drama they were watching. "You can't trust bad boys like him!"
"He literally kissed her once, that doesn't make him the bad boy archetype?" He looked at her, chuckling at her idea of what a "bad boy" was.
"Wait, they kissed? When did that happen?" She sipped on her black tea.
Oh right. Censorship. "Way back in episode 7. They were like, throwing themselves on top of each other. The broadcasters probably cut that scene out here."
"And for good reason! We can't be influencing the youth negatively like that–"
He gently grabbed her wrist and brought it to his lips.
"I–! Wha–!" Nargiza let out a string of stammers, her face becoming redder than the embroidered pomegranate cushion next to her.
She buried her face into it as he laughed. "You're as red as the tomatoes! But it's ok, 'cause red is my favorite color~"
"SADIK!" Her voice was muffled through the cushion.
He could stay here for a while. He didn't mind the Uzbek summer heat anymore.
Notes: tagging @billowingangel since i know you wanted to see their dynamic! i hope you enjoy!
also, i suck at description, but the house and gardens are based off of close and distant relatives' homes back in uzbekistan! uzbek homes truly are something else...
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stirringwinds · 2 years
(a short snippet from one of my WIPs, about how people might respond to the immortality of nations. cw for references to historical violence)
To be what they are is to be one of the undying, Arthur had once told Alfred, when he was very small. 
Miracles of the Almighty, they called us, Arthur had said, nonchalance born of a life long-lived. In the beginning, some of his people had thought Father one of the fae. A changeling. Something rather more alien and sinister. But after that, Father was one of the holy ones, blessed and consecrated. A child of God. A miracle. And it helped, having a whole line of monarchs to attest to his being. 
Some of the other Old World empires had fitted into their respective cosmologies with similar ease, it seemed. The likes of Sadik and Antonio, for whom conquest and religious fervour walked hand in hand. Holy. Blessed. Talismans who rode into battle and who rose always after they fell, standing tall and glorious in their armour and heraldry, a testament to their divinely-ordained righteousness. Their halos never transformed into nooses. 
But of Alfred, the people of Salem had thought otherwise.
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FRUK Week 2024- Day 1: Roses & Flowers (631 words) by ambeestone Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: England/France (Hetalia) Characters: England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia) Additional Tags: FrUk Week, fruk week 2024, FrUK, World Meeting (Hetalia), fruk bickering of course, and a bit of fluffy stuff, had to sneak in a uk economy joke cos im so done with my own country, the duality of francis, Drabble
@aphfrukweek an entry for day one !
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appleandsnow · 7 months
Matthias and Movies
Matthias can bench press thrice his weight.
He's seen the horrors of war firsthand.
He's been part of viking conquest.
Some consider his existence a mythical miracle.
And yet, you know that when he screams, he sounds as shrill as a little girl.
You're watching a horror movie with him and waiting for the jumpscare, which, when it arrives causes Matthias to scream, flip a table and huddle in his blankets onto the cold floor.
He wishes the floor would split open and swallow him whole as you laugh mercilessly at his expense.
He'd get you back for this! Just you wait!
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akaeijis · 2 days
What's your AC? Because I need to hit that
prompt: library books and pouring rain x “Just five more minutes.” tags: spamano, vaguely high school au, pre-relationship
“Just five more minutes.”
“Lovino, I’ve never seen you read so much before.” Antonio frowned, “Is it because it’s raining outside?”
Lovino flipped to another page and said without missing a beat, “Sorry that you’re too stupid to ever notice, but I do read.”
Antonio sighed. He thought that staying at the library after school was booo-ring, but it was raining outside and no one else was free to entertain him. Francis had left as soon as school ended and Gilbert was at band practice. There was no soccer practice today because of the rain, so he thought that it was the perfect opportunity to spend some time with Lovino!
He was not expecting to be ignored the whole time. Antonio groaned, leaning back dramatically against the beanbag he was sitting on. He began counting the books on the shelf behind Lovino. He couldn’t make it to ten.
“Lovino, I swear it’s been five minutes already. Can we please, please do something else now?”
Lovino checked his phone quickly and turned back to his book. “It’s only been two. Let me finish my chapter and maybe we can do something else. Maybe try thinking of what you want to do since it’s raining.”
And like that, Antonio was chopped liver.
Antonio hated the rain. He hated anything that wasn’t a beautiful sunny day with a bright blue sky. Fall was a bit tolerable, but gloomy and pouring rain might as well be his circle of hell. He didn’t really have any great ideas on what to do on a rainy day. Usually, he stayed in and played some video games. Sometimes he would bother Francis and Gilbert and they would get up to something, their latest adventure being that they stole wine from Francis’ parents and played poker.
And what could be so interesting that Lovino was reading anyway? He didn’t even try to look at the title, since the book was one of those older ones with no cover and just some imprinted letters on a dark background. The book was Gulliver’s Travels.
Antonio racked his brain trying to figure out how he had heard of that book before. “Why are you reading that book? I remember Arthur talking about it in class, but he’s annoying and I tune out everything he has to say.”
Lovino rolled his eyes, “You tune out everything.”
“That’s not true. I listen when I think it’s important. Like with my friends. Or with you.”
“What, am I not a ‘friend’?” Lovino grumbled, but put the book away. Antonio was gleeful from the newfound attention. “It’s a satire from the 1600s. It’s about this stupid sea captain and he travels the world.” Lovino said flatly.
“Mhmm. But I asked why you’re reading it. See, I’m aware of stuff.”
To Antonio’s shock, Lovino stayed quiet. Antonio smiled, he finally figured out what he wanted to do for the rest of their afternoon now.
“What, are you hiding something? I can’t really think of what you’re shy about, but I won’t make fun of you. After all, it’s just a book.”
Lovino was scarlet. Antonio was terribly intrigued. He swung his feet from under the table, waiting for Lovino’s answer.
Then, Lovino whispered. “It’s for my D&D group.”
“What? D&D… Isn’t that…”
“Yea,” Lovino nodded slowly. “Dungeons And Dragons. We’re doing a campaign where our PCs travel across the sea, and I wanted to check out old-timey adventure books on the sea for inspiration. Our DM recommended it to me.”
Antonio sat. He had no idea how to take in this information. Lovino, sweet Lovino, who almost fell asleep in every class. Lovino, who had very high standards when it came to, well, everything, was… a nerd?
Instead he focused on, “What’s a DM?”
When he took a peek at Lovino’s embarrassed face, Antonio’s heart almost burst out of his chest. “Dungeon Master.”
Antonio grabbed Lovino’s hand and watched with delight as he turned a bit more red. He asked, “When is the next game?”
Despite his flush, Lovino rolled his eyes and said, “We call it our campaign session. Why?”
“Please let me come with you!”
“What the hell is he doing here?”
Antonio ignored Arthur and observed his surroundings. They were in Arthur’s basement, which was pretty dim and decked out with a lot of candles. Antonio wondered if it was a fire hazard. The table was hollowed and had a map in the center. Inside were little figures of trees, ships, and other impressive details.
“He wanted to check it out, so stop your bitching.” Lovino said, sitting at the corner. He pulled up a stool and pointed for Antonio to sit there.
“I didn’t know we could bring guests,” Lukas said, who was sitting next to Antonio. “I would’ve brought Emil.”
“No guests aren’t allowed. This is a closed group, Lovino!” Arthur scowled. “We cannot start with him here!”
Lovino replied with heat, “This is not a closed group. You bastard, you literally brought Alfred here two months ago! All because you let him hit.”
Antonio covered his mouth to stifle his giggles. Across the table, he saw Elizaveta and Matthew laugh a bit.
“Fuck off, that’s not true. He wanted to join that day to get inspiration for our other campaign,” Arthur rolled his eyes. But he let Antonio sit without question and Arthur went to plug his laptop.
“It’s true,” Matthew spoke up. “Our campaign was getting a bit dull. Even I was getting bored.”
Lovino inched closer to Antonio and whispered, “Arthur, Matthew, and Alfred have another campaign with Yao from math class. It started because they’re all neighbors, but I hear Yao likes to go too much into the lore.”
Antonio barely heard what he said. He was too focused on Lovino’s hot breath by his ear.
Lovino took out a little figurine. His character had a sword and a shield.
Antonio asked, “So this is your character? What’s his name?”
Despite the chatter, the room seemed so silent. Antonio waited.
“His name is Don Quixote.”
“Uhm… Lovino isn’t that-”
Lovino turned to look at him with eyes wide with emotion. “Shut it, dumbass. I know what you’re going to say. Yeah, whatever it’s like a satire so was the other book I was reading today, I got a brain. Anyway, I just thought that I could give him another life on the board. See his dreams get fulfilled or whatever.”
Antonio was taken aback. He sat there in silence, processing everything Lovino had said. He heard Lovino grumble, “Whatever, if you don’t have anything to fucking say.” He then went back to setting up his papers and whatnot.
Antonio put his hand on Lovino’s shoulder as if he had no control over his body, and said, “I really want to kiss you right now.”
Instead of turning into the lovely shade of red that Antonio was expecting, Lovino furrowed his eyebrows. “This is what makes you fess up? What, you have some kinda nerd fetish or something?”
Without a beat, Antonio said, “Yes. When it’s you.”
Lovino rolled his eyes and swiftly pecked him on the mouth. “You are so fucking weird.”
a/n: i might post this on ao3 but not sure. I'm trying to do this thing where I post drabbles & one shots as writing exercises. anyway, looking for more of my writing? here's my ao3 I'm working on a spamano romcom :) this was so fun to write! i don't know anything abt dnd LOL and it took a very long time to research stuff abt it anyway this is inspired by romano's adventure w paladins & knights & don quixote
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