#hex does self promo
hexiewrites · 2 years
Self Rec Game
Thanks for the tag @riality-check!!
Rules: recommend three of your own fics (1 most popular, two hidden gems) then tag some people!
Most popular
[I'm going to cheat a little and give you my most popular ever AND my most popular Steddie, cause I know what all of yall are here for these days]
ever: Don't Take This Sinner: A post-war Dramione marriage law fic, with a major twist! Ft. a significant amount of pining, an atrocious overuse of pretentious literary quotes, definite infidelity that isn't really cheating, and, yknow, some good good smut.
steddie: same as it ever was: Steve and Eddie grow close after defeating Vecna in 86, and then one day Eddie packs up and leaves, sending Steve into a very confused spiral. They reconnect in 1990, with Eddie on the verge of fame and Steve finally secure enough to realize why Eddie leaving fucked him up, all those years ago. Told in two timelines, ft. a significant amount of angst, stress, pining, and, again, more good smut.
Hidden gems
i met your ghost (he followed me): Steve grieves the loss of Eddie post-Vecna, until... he starts to see him, and talk to his ghost. He learns more about himself, and his feelings, and also, about what ghosts really are. Ft. Steve finally gets to have a lil breakdown as a treat, ghost sex, dubious science, and also: a happily ever after where Eddie is very much alive.
I thought I knew what love was (what did I know): Three times Eddie Munson doesn’t go in Steve Harrington’s pool, and the one time he does. Ft. Eddie having many gay!panics! over Steve Harrington and his pool. fluffy and sweet!
no pressure tags: @strawberryspence @thefreakandthehair @flashyysins @toburnup and @ anyone else who wants to do it, tag me so I can check out your recs!
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shins-rpc-sources · 2 years
so i made a tutorial in the past explaining how to do add color to your text on my previous blog @shinsources but unfortunately it's no longer active. and not only that but i found it a bit complicated so i'm gonna go ahead and remake it. the things you will need will be Beta Text Editor, Roleplay Formatter, and a website that provides you with color hexes. here are a couple that i recommend using:
wikipedia ( a - f ) ( g - m ) ( n - z )
so the reason you have to use BTE is because colored text is only available in BTE and not LTE. and the reason i recommend you using Roleplay Formatter is because the number of options BTE supplies us with is ... uh ... limited, to put it bluntly. we literally only get eight colors which sucks. but whatever. eight is better than nothing i guess. idk.
anyways! let's get to the actual tutorial, yes? because it's relatively long i'mma throw everything under a READ MORE for simplicity's sake.
now all you have to do is type out your response on Roleplay Formatter, highlight the text you want to color, and then select color text font as shown down below.
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once you click on that the image on the top will pop up. i need you to do me a favor and click on more options which will trigger the image on the bottom to pop up.
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now obviously you're gonna want to pick out your color in advance because that'll make things 1,000,000 times easier in the long run. i'mma choose emerald green because that's what i use for my ulquiorra blog over @segnuda ( shameless self promo ). the color hex for emerald green is #50C878 for any of you wondering, fyi. you will do like i did in the image on the top and paste it in the second or bottom box. once you do that you click on okay and it will turn out like it does in the image on the bottom.
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now i recommend you going ham and doing anything fancy shmancy with your text — bold, italics, strikethrough, small font, etc. — because who doesn't like fancying up their writing, right? i decided to make my text small ( in which you click on Styles until you see Small and click on that ) and bold / italicize / underline the first line as seen in the image on the top. once you get everything to your likings click on Source as highlighted in the image on the bottom.
NOTE: don't pull a me and actually underline your stuff because i forgot that BTE doesn't support underline. it won't register it at all.
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once you've done that, you'll see something similar to the image similar to the one on the top. i need you to copy the whole entire source code via CTRL + C and then get onto tumblr followed by getting a text box open. i need you to do like i did in this tutorial here and completely backspace to where it goes from the middle image to the bottom image.
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once done, click on the settings widget in the top right corner and go from Rich text to HTML as seen in the top image. it'll now look something like the image in the middle. after you've done that, paste the code you just copied and it'll look a little something like the one on the bottom.
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when done you'll click on the settings widget again and go from HTML to Rich text. once done it'll look a little something like this!
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literally all you have to do now is add any icons you want and the whole nine yards then you're good to go! simple as that!
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titconao3 · 1 year
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers ❤️
Thank you to @perverse-idyll for thinking of me <3
NGL, that's a tough one - both because i have, as of the time of writing, 170 published works on AO3 (how did this happen!!??), but also because, well. i am Very Bad at choosing and self-promo, so... i'll use the response i got from readers to guide me.
i've answered for HP fic then rambled about other fandoms. And now i should post this before i tweak even more, change my mind about the picks, etc.
If i stick to Harry Potter fics, i'd go with: > Realisations, because it's been recced by others (!!!), and it's first-person narrative, which is a nice challenge to write. i went into it wanting to see if i could do first-person smut, but of course it's mostly feels. If anyone had told me, back when I was still a Hogwarts student, that I’d have a crush on the one and only Severus Snape – dungeon bat, greasy git, Death Eater, etc – I would definitely have laughed. Or, more likely, screamed at you, maybe tried to hex you, and assumed you were a Voldemort supporter.
> The Box, because it's Petunia-centric and it was recced as well (!!!!!). Petunia is a fascinating character, when you take a step back from the children's book trope and try to see what made her the way she is, what would make a person become Petunia Dursley. Petunia Dursley is a sensible woman; she’s always been. She’s not the kind to get all fanciful and trust shady people, oh no. She knows only too well what happens when you do.
> Winter Bloom, written for Hoggywartyxmas for @my--witch. Severus Snape/Kingsley Shacklebolt. i aimed for both humour and feels and flirting. Features Bill Weasley, and Severus in a vintage leather jacket (art by @my--witch !). “Romantic? You’re dressed like Santa; I might be a Death Eater but even I am not that much of a pervert.”
> Fuck, Marry, Kill which got positive feedback for the humour. It's very Idiots In Love, misunderstandings galore, etc. And Firsties dedicated to their Head of House! He’s an addict, after all, like his parents before him – his father to the bottle, his mother to his father, himself to power and now to Potter. Every time Potter’s hand winds into his hair, pulls and then softens, cradles his too-sharp cheekbone and touches his too-thin lips, he can feel the sheer power in it. He could obliterate Severus, if he wished to; he will one day, either because Severus pisses him off one too many times or because he’ll realise all the reasons why this, all of this, is a terrible, terrible idea.
> The Fair - look, i managed a short fic for Snape Case! It's child Sev centric and his parents. Like i do with Petunia, i want to delve into Eileen and Tobias. We don't know much about them, but i like to think about the circumstances that made made Tobias hate magic, that led them both to neglect Severus, that resulted in what little we see of them. i like to think that they loved each other and their son, once. They feature in several of my HP works. He was still hungry afterwards, but he didn’t say anything. He’s only six, but he’s not a dunderhead! He’s heard his parents whisper angrily at each other, heard his dad ask why his mum can’t magic them some money. Every time he does, his mum shakes her head and says she can’t, and every time, his dad goes out and slams the door and comes back after Severus is in bed.
Daredevil AHAHAHAHA omg. What ship? What mood? egads, there are so many. i don't know! i wrote mostly Matt/Frank, Matt/Elektra, and Matt/Foggy.
If i may, i'll start by saying i consider what i do as event admin for @daredevilexchange, @frattweek, and @themattfogblog as work i'm proud of, even if technically they're not fics i've written (well, i did participate several times ;-).
But as for my fics... there's a lot in that fandom and i really can't pick 5, so let's go with some rare pairs, like Matt/Venom/Eddie (Snacks at the Laundromatt), or Matt/Tony Stark (Court Crush), Matt/Cap (Through Your Eyes), or Matt/Hawkeye (Hawkguy and the Devil). There's even Matt/Loki, Green Sleeves! And there's gen as well.
And actually, this is the occasion to remember @dichotomystudios, who unexpectedly passed away a year ago. Her many contributions to the fandom ranged from wonderful art, great canon knowledge, heart-warming cheerleading, dedicated work as part of the SaveDaredevil campaign... to being a friend to many in the fandom. She created three art pieces for The Littlest Catholic, a Frank/Matt fluff, angst, and humour fic featuring dollhouses. We talked a lot about it, exchanged ideas, giggled like loons... she is very missed.
For those of you struggling with Ikea furniture, may i point you to Nailed It for some Schadenfreude - but really, i wrote several Fratt fics going for the lulz (crosswords flirting, dating app adventures...), and i hope readers enjoy them. Also, there's a dog in the Lucy series, and a cat in a fic titled (i kid you not) The Fratt Cat. Yes, i am good at titles. Oh! And the Dog POV fic: A Good Dog !
Let's also mention Crossing the Styx, which was a writing collaboration with @pixelbypixelfanfic. i don't think i could have a better experience with anyone else <3 we wrote this over... oh, over more than a year, and i think in the final result it's really hard to say who wrote what.
There's some more MCU/Marvel stuff, mostly Loki-centric, some shippy like Frayed Threads (Loki/Steve Rogers, there's not enough of you) and some not like in the religion of the insecure (i must be myself) (mentioning that one because lookit, i too can do the all-lowercase song lyrics with brackets title thing!).
i was lucky to collaborate with several artists who are also friends in the general Marvel fandom - @rrr-nightingale and Iithril, looking at you <3 - and @metaderivative podficced several works, including the Dog POV one :D
i dabbled in other fandoms (my What We Do In The Shadows fics are more feelsy than humour, with bonus focus on Zoroastrianism for the second one), the Good Omens one is pre-TV show and not vibing with today's fandom, we should simply forget about the old, old Star Trek TOS stuff, and then there's the whole Lucifer catalogue. i started writing again because of that fandom, but it's also one of the few that i've left behind, for Reasons. However, out of the *checks* 52 fics i wrote there, there's also some fluff, some angst, some smut, some plot. Even the de-aging plots, the mega depression fics, the Latin titles, the let's think real hard about death fics, the bodies and sex are hard omg fics, mixing humour and feels, having religious themes (Lucifer angsts about being Lucifer! Matt Murdock decides to become a monk!!) etc. I did start several trends of mine there ;-)
Sorry for the ramblings; i figured you wanted only the HP stuff but i wasn't 100% sure. i have a small enough number of HP fic out for now so it's easier to pick 5, but for the rest? ...nah, can't °_°;;;
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fictionalginger · 4 years
wandavision theories for ep 8 | contains spoilers
Obligatory disclaimer, these are my opinion + thoughts, and ideas, take all u see here with a grain of salt as of course, these are just theories. Now, shall we?
I’m writing this at 7:30am on Friday 26th, it’s taking all my self control to actually write this down before I go watch the episode.
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Let me start this by saying that ever since this show started I’ve looked like this every single week, until the next episode, and then the cycle just starts over. I’ve seen the promos and the trailers in like 0.25x so many times. 
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I called it from before the show’s start and the fact that it was so obvious makes me think she’s not really the main but more like a pawn that’s serving a supervillain if that makes sense. 
On episode 1, there was the June 2nd line and then the “Charmed” thing that confirmed it for me.
I think that she’s either 
just crazy
I’m leaning a bit more towards the crazy part, she’s been an instigator throughout the whole show and seems to be doing it and enjoying it (ie agatha all along)
basically put the idea of having kids in Wanda’s head 
instigated Vision’s doubts which then ultimately made him realize something was wrong
she literally gave him the last push for him to try to go outside the hec which might have killed him 
she killed Sparky
brought Peter from (according to me) Fox’s universe as a stand in for Pietro bc he’s dead…
From the couple of promos and leaked images for ep 8, I think she’s gonna show Wanda her past which I think is tied to Mephisto because let’s be honest, how does a witch have powers comparable to those of someone who basically was exposed to an infinity stone. The amount of demonic symbolism in her secret lair was a lot, the cicadas, señor scratchy, what looks to be the darkhold.
I also think she’s the one that manipulated Wanda into creating the hex, seeing as her creepy basement is apparently outside of it. She manipulated her into having kids, we’ve seen that every time the twins are about to age up, she’s there. She didn’t even blink to Wanda having powers. That’s why I think she killed Sparky, because for some reason she wants to age the twins into teenagers to serve her purpose. 
But why?
Does she want to bring someone back from the dead? Or does she want to manipulate Wanda into opening the multiverse because she knows she’s a Nexus being? Is she using her to bring Mephisto into the MCU world in a physical form?
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I’m sure he’s just Peter from X-Men who Agatha pulled into the MCU as a stand-in for Pietro.
I think when Wanda yeeted him in the halloween episode, he got snapped out of Agatha’s control and we might see him team up with Monica to help Wanda and the residents of Westview.
I think he might stay in the MCU and be in Dr. Strange the multiverse of madness, and then we’d see him return to Fox
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Not sure what name she’ll go with, Photon, Spectrum or even Captain Marvel 🤷🏼‍♀️
I do think she’ll take over as Director of S.WORD since I’m 99.9% sure Hayward broke the Sokovia Accords (and Vision’s will) 
Hopefully we see more of her and why she’s so mad at Carol
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I have the feeling that there’s a lot more to her, but I’m on a time crunch and really want to go watch ep 8 so I'll just say that she’s either Arcanna Jones or Clea and I’ll be disappointed if she turns out to just be Dottie.
Also, she’s not on the board so I have my doubts about her.
I’ve hated since I first saw him
I’m 99.9% sure he was experimenting on Vision trying to bring him back online which is a breach of the Accords, but he couldn’t and then saw that Wanda had breathing, living version of Vision and became hellbent on getting him, that’s why he’s vilifying Wanda so he can put the blame on her. 
This one’s a bit tricky, because I have my doubts about him being Old Vision, but I really liked him throughout the show and it sucks that he’ll probably die at the end.
Theory 1:
He can’t leave the Hex, which makes me think he was created by Wanda, I mean after all she can manipulate things to a molecular level and could’ve given him the same traits as Old Vision, that’s why he has the stone and can’t really remember anything from before Westview, because he didn’t exist but still exhibits his selfless behavior (i.e doesn’t even remember being an avenger yet he wanted to help and then when he was dying outside the hex, he asked for help for the people and not for himself even though he was disintegrating)
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This scene from one of the promos where Wanda’s still wearing modern day clothes and then she’s wearing the outfit from the first episode, and Vision’s like “Wanda?”. I think that’s where she created him, and gave him some basic memories to start from.  
Here, where she’s looking at the stone, in another promo I believe, I think it’s that she’s “destroying” the stone which will inevitably kill vision.
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Or when she has to inevitably bring  down the Hex, he’s gonna die, again. The only plot hole to this theory would be, how is Hayward able to track him? Is he tracking the Vibranium signature only? 
That scene where Wanda’s at S.W.O.R.D and she’s recovering his body, makes sense that maybe she made Westview Vision from Old Vision’s scraps, but he was completely disarmed and taken apart, how could she have done that? She would have had to completely put him together (which shouldn’t be hard considering her powers) but I’m guessing he wasn’t Vision anymore, they were turning him into something else.
Theory 2:
I remember reading in October, that White Vision could make an appearance which kinda makes sense? After all, he was killed and taken apart by a spy agency which could be S.W.O.R.D as it is now a “Sentient Weapon Observation Response Division” that is very specifically focusing on robotics and A.I. This could be what Hayward mentioned that he intends on launching on episode 7. Considering there’s only 2 episodes left, this seems like a lot to include with so little time left. But the possibilities are endless, it is Marvel we’re talking about.
Either way I think he’s gonna die and we’re all gonna cry. His death might be what pushes Wanda over the edge and into insanity, if even when she was living a normal, happy life she was pushing her grief onto those she was controlling, what would it be like when she has to let go of this? Heartbreaking, that’s for sure.
Billy & Tommy
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I think they’re somehow fully real, made from who knows what but real
I don’t think Agatha killed him, but she might have aged them as that seems to have been her goal (it also makes them the right age for the young avengers set up they seem to be going for)
Perhaps, instead of living with Wanda, once the Hex goes down they’re forgotten? Like when, in the comics, Agatha wiped them from Wanda's mind.
I read a theory that the missing person Jimmy was looking for at the beginning was Teddy Altman who ends up being Billy’s husband in the comics, so that’d be cool.
Poor Wanda has been manipulated this whole time.
Going with my theory that Vision’s body was completely torn apart when she got to S.W.O.R.D, I don’t think she could take it with her like that, that’s why I think Hayward is so obsessed with finding the Vision that she has alive inside the Hex. 
I feel she was manipulated by Agatha all along, Westview might’ve just been the first town she found as soon as she left S.W.O.R.D where Agatha manipulated her into creating the Hex. This whole time she thought she was in control, it was Agatha behind the scenes controlling everything. Jimmy mentioned that she was displaying an amount of powers that far exceeded anything she’d displayed before and I think her crumbling mental stability, along with the fact that Vision almost died at the end of episode 6 (or he did actually die idk) could be what’s causing the Hex to start glitching and failing.
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There’s a scene from one of the promos, and honestly it was hard to find, but we can see her in the town surrounded by all of Westview’s residents who look like they’re begging her for something (Phil). Maybe she couldn’t keep her control over them or once Agatha showed her the truth, she decided to free their minds.
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and this scene where she holds hands with Vision while wearing modern clothes, I think it might be one of their last scenes together.
My working theory for Wanda is:
She realizes she’s been manipulated and how wrong it all is
Frees everyone
Tries to take down the Hex but has to fight Agatha and Hayward(and whatever he launched) in order to do so but she has the help of Vision, Monica and Peter
Inevitably kills Westview Vision when she takes down the hex, says goodbye and we’ll cry
Grabs her children and we go into dr. strange 2 where she’ll try to fix what she fucked up 
She forgets her children, probably Agatha’s doing and goes crazy with the grief of losing everything at once hence setting her up as one of the main characters (villain?) of Dr strange 2
I’ve had the feeling that phase 4 is going to revolve around her and her powers, spiderman 3: no way home and dr. strange the multiverse of madness, even loki and antman: quantumania. They all give multiverse, ripples in the fabric of reality kinda vibes.
So far all I’ve got are more questions for episode 8
Why did Agatha do this? What’s the purpose of it? 
Is Vision gonna die? Is he alive? Are my theories right?
Are the kids alive or aged up? Trapped in the creepy ass basement?
Is Peter under Agatha's mind control or will he team up with Monica? 
Will the town people die in Haywards attack? 
Will we get to see the big bad in the show? 
Who is the aerospace engineeeeer? 
Hope you’ve enjoyed reading my delusions, expect a theory for the final episode after I watch ep 8. Leave me a like or reblog if you’ve found this interesting. You can also follow me on Twitter where I usually post my dumbassery first!
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