#hey any trauma fans alive out there
sanae-kochiyas · 1 year
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I think something is happening to me
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roryelijah02 · 25 days
Hey, wondering if you'd like to do a scene analysis for Carol and Daryl's argument in Find Me (10x18)?
When carol says "is it possible she just left?" and daryl says "WHAT" and then Carol says "it's not an accusation", I'm never sure what's happening there. What is the 'accusation'? There are a lot of parallels between leah and carol. And daryl says that he should have been there for leah while carol says she doesn't need a saviour etc. I wondered whether daryl is so sensitive about the idea that leah just left bc that's something carol has done to him which hurt him? Or maybe it means something else.
And there's also when daryl says to carol "you never know when to stop" which parallels carol saying to him during his years in the woods "I don't want to lose you out here because you don't know when to stop".
And when he says "I know where I'm supposed to be" as well as him writing to Leah "I belong with you". What are your thoughts about those things?
I also spotted that after Carol leaves the argument saying that she's going to fix the door, in the closing moment, you can hear her with a hammer presumably fixing the door while Daryl is still looking out the window. To me, this symbolises how she's trying to fix things while Daryl is still looking for what he thinks he needs to find. I haven't heard anyone else talk about the symbolism of this bit, so would love to hear if you have any thoughts?
Would love to hear your general thoughts and opinions about the scene too :)
Ooo, this is such a good ask, thank you! Season 10 Episode 18, Find Me, is such a heart-wrenching episode and I'm so excited to do an analysis for this scene. It's a very difficult scene for a lot of Carol/Caryl fans especially to get through but there's a lot of interesting details to unpick within it so let's get started.
Before I get onto the analysis of the fight scene between Daryl and Carol, I want to mention how previous to this scene happening, it's Carol who finds the note that Daryl initially left for Leah "we belong together - find me" and that's the catalyst for this whole upcoming conversation. It's no coincidence that Carol was actually the person to find the note and as she's now on her way to find him in France, I find this detail very interesting.
Now, onto the analysis. For me, a lot of this scene can be understood by thinking about Daryl's hero/guilt complex, made up of pieces of trauma that he's really struggled with as early as season 3. It started with Merle, then Beth, then Glenn, then Connie and now Leah, whom he has no idea where she is or if she's even alive. This is a big reason why the conversation starts with Daryl saying "I should've been there - I could've helped her" because he feels guilty, for multiple reasons: Daryl began his relationship with Leah during the time when Carol went to marry Ezekiel. Whilst Daryl had given Carol his blessing to marry Ezekiel, it's clear to see how disappointed and sad he is whilst doing it and it was confirmed through Angela Kang's script notes that Daryl was jealous of Ezekiel during this scene but ultimately, Daryl being Daryl and how much he cares about Carol, wants to put her happiness first and if that means giving her his blessing to marry someone else, he's going to do that. Now obviously, the main reason why Daryl was out in the woods during the 6 year time jump in season 9 was to look for Rick, I believe another reason he chooses to stay out in the woods is because he can't bare to see Carol and Ezekiel together every day and this is why he refuses their offers to stay at the Kingdom during the time jump. There are some very noticeable parallels between Carol and Leah. Firstly, there are some parallels of the scenes Daryl shares with Carol during Find Me and those he shares with Leah in the flashbacks of the same episode, one of these being the most noticeable is the fishing scene. Moreover, there are quite a few similarities and parallels between Leah and Carol as people, the most noticeable being that both women have lost a child and consequently decided to isolate themselves in a cabin away from everyone else. The theory is that Daryl, seeing all of these similarities between Leah and Carol, took comfort in Leah who almost put a plaster, if you like, over the hole in Daryl's heart that Carol had left when she went to marry Ezekiel. This is just one of the reasons why Daryl feels guilty because he was never in love with her and Leah knew this because she admits it to Pope in Season 11 Episode 4, Rendition - that's because Daryl's heart was already with somebody else, she'd just temporarily covered the hole in his heart that they'd left. Daryl probably also felt guilty because he didn't give his full commitment to Leah and only decided to go to the cabin to be with her properly once Carol told him that she wouldn't be able to come and visit him at his camp anymore due to her commitments at the Kingdom. I believe this is because Daryl finally realised that he'd lost Carol for good because before, with her continuing to visit him at his camp and even offering to come and stay out in the woods with him, his heart probably still held a little bit of hope in it. The other thing that probably makes Daryl feel guilty is that when he finally did go to the cabin to be with her, she'd already gone and from what we could tell, he didn't spend much time actively looking for her, as he had other people who'd gone missing. I think, with him saying this at the beginning of the conversation, Daryl worries that something could've happened to Leah and he thinks that maybe, if he'd been there when it happened, he could've prevented it or stopped her from getting hurt.
Carol suggests that maybe Leah left of her own accord. I believe that Daryl says "what?!" here because he doesn't want to believe that Leah would've done that after telling him she would wait for him to make a decision about what he wants and where he wants to be. I also believe this is why Carol responds with "it's not an accusation" because she doesn't want Daryl to think she's accusing Leah of just fleeing and abandoning him, especially when neither of them know the full story or what actually happened.
It's moments after this that it becomes clear Carol is, however, fully aware of Daryl's hero/guilt complex and I think she fully believes this is why he's so caught up about Leah as she says "stop thinking that every time you lose someone it's your fault, because of something you've done". This is her gentle way of trying to tell him that if Leah just left or decided she didn't want to be with him any more of her own free will, then that's Leah's choice and Leah's loss - it's not on him.
However, this is where some of Daryl's feelings about everything start to come out and there are deeper meanings under the surface that come with everything he's saying. Carol begins by listing some of the people who she believes Daryl feels like he's had a part to play in or blames himself completely for their dissapearence and/or demise: Leah, Rick and Connie. I believe that Carol in no way, shape or form blames Daryl for what happened to Connie and that she instead fully blames herself. However, knowing him as well as she does, especially as she knows of his hero/guilt complex, I think she thinks there may be even a small part of him that blames himself for Connie. She's very quickly proven wrong though because Daryl turns around and tells her he thinks what happened to Connie is on her and that she never knows when to stop. As previously mentioned, I think Carol already believes she's fully to blame for Connie but I think hearing it coming from the mouth of the person who's closest to her is a bit like a kick in the teeth. Daryl telling Carol she doesn't know when to stop is a parallel to when she told him, in one of the flashbacks during Find Me, that she doesn't want to lose him outside in the woods because he doesn't know when to stop looking for Rick. Therefore, it's like Daryl is pointing out that she told him he needs to learn when to stop but she also needs to learn the same thing. It's also him starting to let out his hurt and frustration about how, no matter what he did or said to her to try and help and comfort her, she wouldn't stop hurting herself and she broke her promise that she would stop trying to hurt herself in Season 10 Episode 9, Squeeze, whilst they were in the cave.
Carol goes on to say that whilst she's sorry for what happened to Connie, she's not sorry for going after the horde and for getting justice for Henry's death. When she says that she was right, I believe she's refering to being right about Alpha and her behaviour and her predictions for how the Whisperer war would go. This upsets Daryl more because to him, her saying that she's not sorry about going after the horde could also mean she's not sorry for the consequences that brought but more importantly to him, she's also not sorry for risking her life in the process, something he desperately tried to prevent for weeks as he was trying to get the message through to her that it would crush him if anything happened to her, but that message kept falling on deaf ears. This is why Daryl turns around and says "and that's all that matters, you being right". To me, this is a callback to Season 10 Episode 8, The World Before, when Daryl tells her "you want her dead so badly, you don't even care what happens to you." Daryl is saying this to her because he's hurt that she's willing to put the people she cares about's lives but most importantly her life on the line just so she could defeat Alpha and prove she was right about the Whisperers, when he believes that she's fully aware what the impact on him would be if she got hurt or worse, died.
It's now that Carol realises that this whole conversation they're having isn't even about Leah, or Connie or anybody else. She realises it's about her. She asks Daryl to tell her what he really wants to say. She asks him to open up to her and be honest with her. Daryl responds with "you shouldn't have come". This is him using a deflection tactic - he doesn't want to say what he really wants to her. I believe this is because of a mixture of him not wanting to open up right now because of how hurt and frustrated he is and him not wanting to snap at her and saying something he'll end up regretting. I also think there's a part of him that regrets starting this conversation and he's a bit mad that they came across the cabin which became the catalyst for the conversation and that's also why he tells her she shouldn't have come.
When Carol says that she wanted to come to help, I believe her. I believe that by the time we get to 10C, especially the latter half of 10C, Carol has realised the consequences of some of her actions earlier in the season and it's clear she's thought a lot about the mistakes she's made and is now ready to start fixing them and building bridges with people. Therefore, I definitely don't think she's lying when she says this. Daryl, however, as the person who knows her the best, knows that there's more to it than just that and that's why he responds with "no, you wanted to run." It's not that he didn't believe what she said but that he knew there was another, maybe bigger reason behind her wanting to come with him. He says he believes she's running from her guilt but I believe another part of the reason why he thinks she's running and why he's upset and worried about is because she's not happy being around Team Family, but more specifically him. He knows he would do anything to make her happy but as she keeps running, that puts doubts in his mind about whether he'll ever be able to make her happy and that hurts him (more on this later).
When he says that she made it his problem, she says his only problem is feeling like he needs to save everybody - another reminder that she's fully aware of his hero/guilt complex, because if there's anybody he can't save, he will never be able to forgive himself for what happens to them. This hurts Daryl though, even more so when Carol says she doesn't need a saviour because if there's anybody he wants to protect and save at anytime, it's her. From the very early days, he's been saving her, protecting her and looking after her just as she's done him and he's enjoyed doing this because he wants to do it for her so hearing her say that she doesn't need that is really hard for him, especially because he couldn't bare to see her in any danger.
When Carol tells him she just needs a friend, Daryl responds with "friends don't have the same conversations over and over again." Again, this feeds into Daryl's frustration about the fact that he was desperately trying to be there for Carol and get through to her and guide her through her grief and all the trauma she was going through, but all his messages were falling on deaf ears. On a deeper note, I also believe part of this frustration, however small, is about how stuck he is in terms of having feelings for Carol but feeling unable to say them aloud to anyone, but especially to her. Daryl has kind of gone in a constant cycle in terms of his feelings for Carol. He thinks he's lost her, realises how short life is - especially during the apocalypse, decides that he'll tell her how he feels and then something or someone gets in the way (I can make a whole separate analysis on the 'cycle of feelings' if you'd like). Consequently, Daryl is now at a stage where he wants to admit it to her so much that it's becoming frustrating for him because he still can't tell her because she's grieving, they've had the Whisperer War to deal with and she keeps trying to run away. The notion that Daryl's messages have been falling on deaf ears is emphasised when Carol says that this type of conversation is new to her and it only frustrates Daryl more, who once again tries to tell her that this is what he's been trying to tell her and help her with all along and because she's not been listening for so long, he's now at a point where he feels like his message will never get through to her.
Carol, evidently annoyed now, tells Daryl that if he'd wanted to prevent all of this from happening, he should've just let her get back on the boat and he confirms that yes, he should've done that - that he stopped her from running and he shouldn't have. A lot of fans are confused as to why Daryl says this but I do believe there's a reason behind it and it's not because he wanted her to go back on the boat. We all saw how hard Daryl tried to get Carol to stay, he even offered her to run away to New Mexico multiple times if she would've be happier doing that. However, things got in the way of them going to New Mexico and Daryl firmly believes that Carol hasn't been the same since she got off the boat, something in which he mentions to Michonne during season 10 episode 3, Ghosts. Therefore, I believe the reason Daryl says that he should've let Carol go back on the boat is because he's come to believe that she would've been happier there. That, like he told Michonne, he believes that she'd found happiness out at sea but he begged her to stay and since then, she hasn't been the same Carol that he's always known. I believe there is a note of guilt from Daryl there because he feels like he's taken away her peace and happiness.
Now comes one of the most difficult lines to hear from Daryl in the whole scene and seeing the hurt on Carol's face as he says these things is heartbreaking but I do understand and have ideas of why he says it. "You wanna run, run. I know where I'm supposed to be. I won't stop you this time." Let's break this down into parts. So firstly, Daryl tells her she should run if she wants to. I believe that this is Daryl putting everythig he's thinking and feeling aside and is willing to let her go, if that's what will be best for her. The reason he says it in the tone he does is because he's already had to let her go once, when she went to marry Ezekiel and that aleeady caused him enough heartache. The thought of losing Carol has always crushed Daryl but as previously mentioned, especially after seeing how happy and at peace it made her to be at sea on the boat, I think he's come to realise that he needs to let her go and be happy, even if that's somewhere else and with someone other than him, even if it breaks his heart - because just like he felt when he gave her his blessing to marry Ezekeil, he is always going to put her happiness first no matter what. That's why he says that if she wants to run, he won't stop her this time because no matter what it will do to him, if it will make her happy to be elsewhere and with other people, that's all that matters to him. When he says he knows where he's supposed to be, I don't think this is about Leah, or about being with Team Family or even being at any of the communities we know about, as a lot of people think. I think that's Daryl's way of saying - "I know you're my person and I know I'm meant to be with you. Now you need to figure out where you're supposed to be and if that's not with me, if it's someplace else or with other people, then I'll let you go, because i want you to be happy." That's what I feel like is hidden underneath the words he says there but he can't say that whole thing aloud because it's crushing his heart just by saying the things he is.
The conversation ends by Carol saying "I was right - our luck's ran out, you and me." This is interesting because Carol saying "I was right" refers back to when she said it during this conversation before and it makes me question whether it was this notion that she meant all along. When she talks about their luck running out, I think she's referring to the fact that they've always been so lucky to have such a close and special bond, but now, it's crumbling apart and if she thought that they had the worst falling out they'd ever had after the cave incident in Squeeze, then she was heavily mistaken, because it has gotten worse and now, it feels like their luck has run out, it feels like their bond is broken and that they've both lost each other. Quite a few fans compared this scene to being like a break up and I can certainly see where they're coming from.
I love what you said about Carol fixing the door at the end and Daryl looking out into the open. I'd never thought about that before. However, it does make sense with how Carol tries to fix and make up for her mistakes in season 11. I think the symbolism for that part would've been more noticeable and stronger if Caryl had had a chance to talk about this argument and build bridges from it in season 11 and I think, for a time, that was the plan, but unfortunately, Melissa then dropped out of the spinoff (for a time) and the main show received its end date before anybody expected so that resulted in a lot of things they wanted to achieve in season 11 not being able to be completed.
Hopefully, in the spinoff, where the focus will be completely on Daryl and Carol, they can have deep, meaningful conversations that they need to have and begin to work through their trauma and build bridges for things that remain unresolved from the flagship show ❤️🤞
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amigac0debasic13 · 9 months
hey guys. Do u even care about what I have to say. Thats right baby. It’s a mini rant. Young Garmadon edition and the horrors of white boy Star Wars core.
Okay so. Erm.? I don’t like garmadons child design in the show. This guy is way too twink coded as a young adult for me and that’s wrong. He’s a beast. And also))??? Lots of paragraphs on Wu depression. Thats the synopsis now look below for further horro r
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Hello??? Dang man tatooine is calling ???? IM. SORRY THAT WAS MEAN. I’ve always felt like the spinjitzu bro books did a better job with his design, but brunette just isn’t it. Black hair. Right now. Make it naturally white but also make him fucjing stupid so he dyes it with Ink because he doesn’t want whit4 hair cause he’s DUMB.
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Look alive. Make him wear a ponytail and give him the black dyed hair COWARDS.
Anyways that parts over. Now I’m going to talk about my issues with how people draw him in his human form a lot.
I feel like the twinkification is real. All human designs I’ve found of Garmadon that don’t use legos ambiguous yellow color are pasty white and this madness must STOP!!! I think if u wanna make him a cracker it’s ok. It’s fine. But it is a little boring seeing the same designs scatter my Garmadon picture wall(/J I DONT HABE THA)
‘And also while I’m at it, I’m gonna be real and say that any design for wu in the series is pretty good. Still mad he looks like a normal guy. TBH. Many fan designs give him more dragon like traits, and I think that’s so cool, but I’ve always had a specific idea I’ve never seen executed personally. I think Wu would chop his horns off if he had them permanently out.
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Wu clearly isn’t a fan of just showing off his dragon or Oni traits. He straight up doesn’t do it, even as a kid (he should honestly be shown with those traits cause he really doesn’t give a fuck as a child) and I believe that his tormented old man position (see the many drawings and tweets from the shows authors and writers) he wouldn’t exactly be drawn to having his traits on display. The completely reasonable solution? Scar himself permanently by wacking them off with a blade. Sounds like something he’d do in young adult hood. His horns being out insinuates he can’t just shapeshift to make them go away, so erm!! Pretty smart solution ngl!!!
‘’Now it’s time for Wu trauma oooooooo!!!!! Oh my god part of his soul is GONE????
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In one of the spinjitzu bro books Wus soul is forced into a little puppet. At the end of the book, the puppet is still alive and moving. When the ninja ask to see a puppet show before Wu recounts this, he has a physical reaction.
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so. Wu is having a great time. Also, in one of the comics (forgot the name and I can’t for the LIFE OF ME remember where I read this) he confronts. Basically the embodiment of his fears. Basically he doesn’t want to become like his SHIT father who is literally god. leave him ALONE.
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So. Uhm. In conclusion. Whirlwind (wus canon nickname) and Softie (Garmadons canon nickname) need to get their shit together <33333333
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beevean · 8 months
I find it almost saddening how much I've soured on Whisper since she was introduced. She started as such an intriguing character with, imo, a cool design and an intriguing backstory, and in the T&W miniseries we got a very touching story of the two of them growing closer together, with both (especially Tangle) showing off their smarts and why they could make a good match. And then the misery porn train got a hold of her and like 90% of the stories she's in have her get injured, hurt emotionally, forced to recall her trauma in painful ways, constantly dragging her into new traumatic experiences and not allowing her any moving on, while the 'hero' characters are not even shown in the wrong for causing her those (Tangle's crocodile tears about accidentally triggering Whisper: their team is called the Diamond Cutters now. Sonic waltzing right over her rightful apprehension of having Surge around: Surge is allowed to stay.) Not helped by the fact they wrote Silver as an "OhmahGAW GUARDIAN ANGEL!!!!! So cool! So epic! Let me worship the ground you walk on and keep this up for all issues we're gonna work together!!!!" in order to help shill her some more. Except that made that Whisper now is the coolest person in the world ever, unless when the plot needs her to be weak as fuck, crying constantly, and getting overrun by her alleged allies to make readers either feel sad or squeal at Muh Dramatic Irony. Which currently is all the time.
It's strange. So many things with IDW that people now dislike were there from the first handful of issues onwards, but only as things began to go more and more south we began to see it, I feel like.
So many things with IDW that people now dislike were there from the first handful of issues onwards, but only as things began to go more and more south we began to see it, I feel like.
I'd say it's because of multiple factors:
the post-Forces backlash that lead the fandom to have rose-tinted glasses towards IDW (I'm sadly forced to admit that I was one of those people :<)
the general love for the then recently-cancelled Archie that made fans latch onto IDW and Flynn (I wasn't one of those people lol. Never read Archie <3)
the patience towards a new series still finding its footing, with the assumption that it would get better with time. Spoiler: it got worse :)
Anyway, yes. Whisper started out with a cool concept: an introverted, shy girl who preferred to use weapons and not necessarily stick with a team. She feels different enough from the other girls in the cast, but like she could belong, especially in the earlier volumes that were meant to be a continuation from Forces.
But it's clear that the writers don't really know what to do with her, but they can't just shelf her like they could with Belle, because she's popular. And shippable, which is the very fuel that keeps IDW alive nowadays. So, well, they do to her what fans love to do with Shadow: squeeze the trauma out of her like a lemon, so that she can cry (yay angst!) and bond over and over again with Tangle (yay ship!).
Same goes for Tangle, even though she was by Flynn's own admission created as a replacement for Blaze and to basically be a "not like the other Sonic girls" flex lol. She used to be cute and a genuine friend. Now she's a grating womanchild with the sensitivity of a rotten pepper, but hey, as long as she keeps hugging Whisper, no one will complain! They both deserved better.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 11 months
SALLY SHIPS AND WANTED RELATIONS OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD (I will add into this with stuff I forget)
SALLY AND OTHER GHOSTS, does not need to be inherently romantic but can be if a partner wants it to be! Either with burning hatred or a really, almost uncharacteristically gentle demeanour. Sally is never ‘eh,’ when it comes to the matter of spirits. You either oppose her and stand as a threat to the flock of lost spirits she cares for, or you will soon join them as one of their numbers! Either way I want Sally to be in both positions! BRING OUT HER WEIRD GHOST EMOTIONS!!!
SALLY AND A PARTNER: more in the broad sense but Sally doesn’t love in a… typical manner. And I’d love to explore the spooky dynamics of her in a relationship with another being: dead like her or alive! ESPECIALLY if it involves a lot of growing pains on either side which leads to character growth or regression!
SALLY AND ANDREW, this is the most out there but at some point I’d kill to have Sally and her deceased husband interact, either prior to his death or when they found each other again in the afterlife… which left Sally killing him because she refused to accept her Andrew would be anything less than in love with her after everything. BUT STILL!!! THE ANGST!!!
Sally X Huntress is a big ship I’m a fan of! I think the gals would be very adorable together, at least until Sally learns that their shared trauma of losing children isn’t shared in the typical sense and that Anna’s been killing her kid’s families, stealing them and then losing them to disease and hypothermia! After that there’s some rich room for angst, or we could just avoid that entirely!!!
Sally x Artist could be interesting! I’ve seen art of it around and a couple of morbid gals at least bonding together over art wouldn’t be remiss! Even if it never gets beyond platonic!
I THINK SALLY AND ADIRIS WOULD BE REALLY CUTE NGL, I don’t have any justification but I think Sally SHOULD clean and dress her wounds lovingly!
I THINK SALLY COULD AND SHOULD BE PUT AROUND HAPPY FAMILIES, not in the sense of her destroying them but rather destroying her. I think she should feel anguish for what she wants and guilt for feeling dissatisfied with the flock of ghosts she’s gathered. She doesn’t want them afterall, she wants her family with Andrew, but she couldn’t have that. So she tried to set them (being herself and her patients) free from this world, but that didn’t work. So now she’s trying to combine the two and she feels incredibly numb and hurting for a comfort from something she’ll never have
SALLY AND DOCTOR MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE ADVENTURES!!! This is 99% for her Survivor Verse and exclusively platonic but I think they should overpower a killer and experiment on them to try and deduct ways to disable them in trials long enough to escape! Sally and Herman should be out here making the other survivors worry that their teammates are killers, even though they’ve never been anything friendly to them!
Personally, I do not see Sally romantically with Max or Phillip, per my understandings of the character and Trapper isn’t exactly into women! But hey! I’m willing to change per another persons portrayals and if they wanted to! I have some cute dynamic ideas too! Though they’re mostly plantonic!
I think Sally x Oni could be cute! Given they are both people stranded outside of any time period they understand or can relate to and are extremely isolated in that regard and can understand and provide sympathy to both the intense unease with the changing times around them; and also how those changing times have brought death to their livelihoods and any respect they had in the worlds they originated from! Plus plus, they’re both firmly subscribed to the ‘If anything happens to Rin I am slaughtering everyone in this realm,’
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loli-momo1908 · 8 months
New Hazbin Ocs head-canon ideas
Hey, Hazbin fans. Now that the first 4 episodes of Hazbin Hotel have been out on Prime Video, I believe now this would be a good time for me to share my head-canon ideas for my ocs.
Blitz aka Bradley McNight : He has his own trauma with his controlling ex-girlfriend, Britney Coleman, using him for his money and tried to steal his virginity if Sophie hadn't gotten in the way and made him see her true colors. Which is why, except ladies, he beats up horny men who would try to take advantage of him.
Britney Coleman: She was Blitz's ex-girlfriend from the past and he was the first man who ever dared to dump her. She uses her perfume to hypnotize any men she chooses to make them romantically submit to her will. And years later after the breakup with Blitz, she works for Velvette as her famous top fashion model while she still has her obsession of claiming Blitz for herself by any means necessary.
Josephine McNight: Back when she was alive, Josephine sold her soul in order to possess her dark art magic known as the Moonlit Witchcraft as her own powers. After her death and the moment she arrived in Hell before falling in love with Arthur, Josephine has been known as one of the powerful overlords, technically referred to as The Grand Witch Overlord.
Ryan O'Grady: 4 years later after finding out Blitz and Sophie escaped his wrath, he may have slowly discovered that his arch enemy, Arthur, has survived alongside Josephine. Now, he was sent on a hunt to find the McNight family and put an end to them in order to exact his revenge on Arthur for killing him first in self defense. During the time, Ryan is hired by The Vees to assassinate Blitz due to not only Valentino's frustration with seeing Angel getting close to him that makes his self confidence grow strong enough to stand up against the abusive pimp, but the Vees fear of Blitz will grow powerful enough to overthrow them and he will one day take over his mother's title to be known as The Grand Warlock Overlord. Ryan also has the ability to make his victims gaze into his multiple red glowing eyes. Once in contact, the victims' eyes glowed red as they began to hallucinate into seeing their deepest and darkest fear. The only way to break this effect is to find enough courage for them overcome their worst fear.
And I think that's pretty much it for right now. Anyways, I hope you like my head-canon ideas I've thought up for my ocs.
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storycraftcafe · 10 months
SO what’s your process for creating characters? Especially supporting cast who are important but not influential in the plot? Walk me through it!!
Hey Buddies!
Hokai so Character Creation is a big big ass subject and a very important one. To quote Chuck Wendig: “Stories are soylent green, they’re made of people”. And if you take even a glance at fandoms you’d see how important characters are to readers and fans. Characters are how we step into story and these wonderful worlds writers create, they’re what we connect to, empathise with and so on.
I like to break character’s down into three groups: Main Characters, usually our hero, main villain, any POV characters or live interests. Side Characters, the protag’s friends, allies, love interests, smaller antagonists. And supporting characters, everyone else that fills up the world and makes it feel alive and gives it depth. 
So if we’re gonna focus on side and supporting characters, there’s a few key things to remember:
Characters aren’t just people, they’re tools in our storytelling kits. While we should seek to make them feel alive, we need to remember their purpose and function in the story. 
All characters save for the once and done ones you make up on the fly like that barista with a bad attitude or the kindly bus driver should have some depth, positive traits, flaws and at least a suggestion of change, if only in how readers and pov characters see them. 
Draw from life but don’t copy from life. 
It can be so easy to slip into cliche and offensive stereotypes so it’s vital to be mindful about what kind of character’s you’re putting on the page and how you’re using them. Some stories are not yours to tell and that’s okay.
Finally to be perfectly honest, a lot of this for me is kind of instinctual. Some of my favourite side characters popped up out of nowhere and had at most a sentence in my outline telling me their purpose. But I’ll try to explain my thought process.
When I’m planning or writing a story and the need for a Side character comes up (a protagonist’s friend or neighbour, coworker, boss,) someone that’s gonna have some influence on the pov character, that we’ll see more than once I try to settle on their purpose.
Are they an ally? A friend? A helpful neighbour? Are they this asshole down the street that has conflicts with the pov character? A henchman of the bad guy? Are they there to help or hinder or be a foil or a mirror?
Say we have a protagonist who is kind of isolated and withdrawn. She’s gone through some shit, has trauma from before the story but their character arc isn’t about struggling through the dark alone but learning to make bonds, to finding their own people and community. They’re gonna need some nice side characters to help with that. Someone she can bump into a lot and form those beginning connections with.
Off the top of my head that means neighbours, either immediate or down the street/hall, people that frequent the same places she will like the cafe on the corner, wherever she works, etc. Let’s go with neighbours. Maybe… Older nosey neighbours, the kind that’d chat over the fence or bustle by to say hi and welcome and offer something baked.
Right off the bat, I get a bunch of ideas, my brain throwing at me examples I’ve seen or read of before either as they are or recombined into new ones. I see Wilfred from Dr Who, Carl from Up, a bunch of Karens (male and female) from social media, people that I’ve known in real life, including my own Grandmother. And I think about this character’s purpose.
 I want them to be an ally, someone that helps my protag along their personal journey. That’d mean they’d have to be friendly, warm, good hearted, but a bit nosey and probably very stubborn to get past the walls my protag has thrown up. My mind clicks onto the archetype of a grumpy old man, all bristle and hot air but caring. No nonsense, no bullshit, calls it like he sees it but not tactless.
I like this idea but I don’t stop here. I keep poking at it like I’m building something from lego without a plan, putting things on, taking them off. Maybe this guy is a widower and just as lonely as our protagonist. Maybe a grandfather estranged from family but wishing he could have done better. Maybe his wife is still alive but they never had kids.
Eventually, I settle on this idea of the two old love birds, no kids but they like to take in strays. Meaning they keep an eye out for anyone alone and offer a welcome. Nothing pushy, just the ‘neighbourly thing’ to do. Then it’s just what they look like (He’s broad and blocky, strong in his youth, and she’s small and petite with eyes magnified by thick glasses), what their basic personality is like (he’s a grump but sincere, she’s sweet but mischievously sassy and they bicker for fun), maybe things like heritage(Italian-American, Irish, maybe Eastern European), health concerns(he has arthritic knees and a replaced hip and uses a cane, she maybe had breast cancer), habits, etc and that’s enough for me to go off.
I only really understand my characters after I’ve written them for a bit, so try them out in a few scenes and see how you like them.
This is also where I double check my work for stereotypes, especially when working with identities and so on beyond my own experience. I highly recommend you double check with people belonging to those groups, or refer to one of the blogs on tumblr that act as a point of reference like WritingWithColor. Be humble and open to learning with this.
If you really want to go further, you can give them an arc of their own.  Maybe they have their own struggles you wanna touch on that could flesh out the story, give your protagonist a chance to do something in return. Maybe a problem that reflects the main conflict but on a micro scale. But the trick here is the audience doesn’t need to see all of it, just the changes that matter and serve the greater story.
And of course as always, sometimes my plans explode in my face and I have to adapt. I’ve made these characters up on the fly when I realised I needed one, I’ve also cut them from the story or combined two or even three into one, or I realised I needed a friend to be an enemy. I’ve even had to take really minor supporting characters and upgrade them, or downgrade side characters.
To create very minor supporting characters, I do the same just with way less detail. 
Maybe my protag is taking the train and there’s another passenger that’s kind of a rude entitled business guy and we get to see some tasty petty revenge or he just makes a bad day worse. Or there’s a cafe our protag always goes to and there’s this barista she maybe says hi to and shares compliments with who notices a change for better or worse.
These super minor characters I really just make up as I go and as I need. They’re really simple and I like to use them to emphasise a mood I’m going for, to break it up or to highlight just how my POV character is feeling or in denial about.
Like any part of writing , character creation is a skill you can practise and develop over time. 
And one part of this skill I am constantly mindful about is making these characters diverse, but respectful. With these simple ideas it’s so easy to slip into harmful stereotypes and I feel writers have a responsibility to be as mindful as we can, to constantly learn and try to do better.
If you made it this far, go get yourself a treat, have some water and feel free to ask more questions if you have any.
 Good writing!
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alentiahart · 6 months
Hey, are you still alive?
I'm worried about you...
I've been a fan of Sentire for a long time and it's been half a year since you last posted and you said that life has been hard in October... Is everything okay?
Hello! And I'm sorry 😭😭😭 Still very much alive, thank you for asking.
I've been working on the second half & ending of Sentire for a couple months now. TL;DR I'm trying to finish it all so I can upload it in one go. I'll definitely make a big announcement when it's live!
Longer story after the cut, but that's pretty much it. Thank you for enjoying Sentire 💜 Sincerely, sincerely appreciate you.
The longer explanation!
Writing got really difficult for me in the second half. In Sentire, one of my OCs is Eris Travers. She is loosely based on my own childhood and trauma. Pretty much everything, except the fire/deaths in the house thing. This all ended up being a really dumb idea, because I was unearthing a lot right before the holidays (where long story short, I was seeing my low-contact parents twice). Not to mention Alabaster is based off my abusive ex, who... well, you'll see what happens with that one.
Anyway, I'm much better now and in a better peace of mind. Writing Lenne's story instead of Terra's has been a good cleanse mentally, and a good bunch of those stories are on TikTok now. But I'm working on both now.
I haven't made any changes to Eris' character, but instead am using this story as a way to move forward. My current deadline with Sentire is June due to work constraints, but I think I'll be able to get that out earlier.
If you ended up reading this, well... 💜 fr.
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scc fans: being cool having fun being dedicated sending fanart
yhk fans: tired dumpster rats writing ten page essays on yhk and how it works and WORDS
anyways more propaganda:
1. Reader/Protagonist/Writer dynamic, you literally cannot get more cosmic than that. they could not exist without each other. they need each other.
2. the dedication, devotion, gratitude, affection and love they show to each other. the acts of love they express. the fact that each and every action we keep talking about is CANON.
3. the many different flavours of their dynamics and how natural it is. they are cringefail losers, they look at each other and decide that they are forever stuck together. they are all so annoyed with each other, they all cannot leave each other. HSY IS THE BREADWINNER !!! YJH IS THE HOUSEHOLD HUSBAND !!!! KDJ IS JUST THERE AND THE OTHER TWO ARE JUST REALLY FUCKING HAPPY HES THERE !!!! THEY WOULD PROBABLY LET KDJ DO WHATEVER AS LONG AS HE WAS THERE AND NOT OFF DOING SOME BS SELF SACRIFICIAL PLAN !!!
4. the fact each of them have been so intrinsically affected by each other. none of them would have survived without the other two. all of them have been changed by each other.
5. they WANT each other. if one of them went off without any notice by god the other two will do everything they can to make sure that idiot comes home. it’s esp prevalent with the other two abt kdj. they WANT kdj. they want him safe and happy and WITH THEM. they see kdj trying to hide his flaws and trauma and they go “no. we’ve already seen all of it. we want everything. we want every part of you here and happy.”
6. the amount of trust they have with each other. the trust you would need to let someone go, to trust that they’ll come back and come back with the other idiot. the trust you’d have to have to be able to leave everything to the other, to trust that they are doing everything they can on their end. the trust they have that the others can handle themselves. how can you trust someone so much like this? how can you trust that they will follow through? how can you trust so much that you will wait however long it takes? how can someone even take that?
7. they are precious to each other. yjh needs the other two alive because they defy his expectations in ways he never realized could happen. hsy holds every memory she has of yjh and esp kdj close to her heart. kdj sincerely wishes for the happiness of yjh and hsy, he cares more abt their happiness than his own. (what he doesn’t realize is that their happy end involves his happiness too.) they mean so much to each other
8. they chose each other over the world. over themselves. they would hand over anything and everything to each other if needed.
9. “I realized something just then. I managed to get this far because these two lived on their own terms - respected my decisions in their own ways.
I began thinking; with these two around, maybe not all hope was lost, after all.”
10. they are capable of hitting each other on the head when they are reaching concerning levels of stupid. hsy literally crashes a yjh vs kdj fight just to make sure they wouldn’t actually kill each other. kdj breaks yjh out of his uncaring attitude. yjh and hsy would probably beat up kdj every time he went “hey i’m back” if they weren’t also mildly emotionally every time it’s happened.
11. what if my love language was sacrifice
12. kdj’s inner dialogue repeatedly describing yjh and hsy as attractive?? (some of his inner dialogue is peak pining like bro what are you doing 🤨???)
13. wasn’t there an arc where kdj intended to give hsy a love letter for a scenerio but yjh went “this is so bad” and also didn’t they in the same arc have this short scene where they talk abt novels and hsy wanting to write a novel later and discussing genres and then kdj FOR SOME REASON brings up romance?? and then they try to change the subject to jhw and lhs, like. y’all aren’t slick.
14. the book is literally about love and stories and loving stories and human connections and relationships and how stories facilitate connections. like. knowing that and knowing who yjh, hsy and kdj are. they are literally the pillars of the novel. they are so incredibly important to the story not only as individuals but also as a trio.
vote yhk i beg -Toon
im so sorry ur friend betrayed u 😔 all is fair in love war....
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fountainpenguin · 10 months
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I made a proper cover image for my favorite passion project 'fic! Here's a proper Tumblr post to go with it.
Dog's Life - 3rd Life SMP Fan-Season
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Longfic - In progress - Updates Tuesdays
💚 More Pixels Imperfect series 'fics
💜 Worldbuilding posts + Art posts
Synopsis: Dog's Life is a 3rd Life SMP fan-season (Drafted before Secret Life) that balances goofy Minecraft gameplay with server hub meta. Life Series shenanigans and interpersonal drama abound in this world of mob hybrids, anarchy players, soul crystals, fantasy politics, glitches, dragons, moral dilemmas, past trauma, and more.
This season's mechanic allows players to steal the traits of the mob they most recently killed. Every player is also assigned a quarry: a fellow player they're allowed to kill to boost themselves up a life. If you kill your quarry while on Green, you're bumped up to Purple life.
Of course, playing in a world of glitchy servers and experimental mods is just asking for trouble. It doesn't take long to realize something is very wrong with this game... And with anarchy players closing in around the "hidden" server hub of New Star Station, it looks like life off-server may not be peaceful much longer, either...
If this 'fic interests you, check it out on AO3!
Also, everyone gets their own character arc! Some of my favorites include:
- Sometimes you lose things you'll never get back and you're gonna have to deal. Sorry about your chronic glitches and/or your irreversible isekai situation; get well soon - Assuming the worst of others will only cause you heartbreak. Hey clock duo? Get some counseling - You can't be best friends with everyone, but everyone can be the best friend to someone. Including nonexistent museum curators or demon robots with a special interest in rustic houses - Setting boundaries is healthy and cool even if you're scared of offending your friends. Especially if they insist on you possessing someone's body - Captain status isn't all it's cracked up to be. Sometimes you CAN get what you're sure you want... but at what cost? 💔
Enjoy! (First 1,000 words under the cut)
impulseSV - Pre-Game
Grian: impulse Grian: what kind of candles do you want in your summoning circle Grian: the new life series impulseSV: lol impulseSV: ocean mist is good! impulseSV: and bamboo :)
💚  💛  ❤️
Impulse isn't breathing. You wouldn't either, if you were the one flying through the Void. Breathing here will fill your lungs with icy spikes. Yeah, he was technically coded as a demon, his mortal flesh warm with the taste of life, but breathing here still wouldn't be a good idea. It's smarter to free-fall in an exhale. Smarter to suck the empty air through your nostrils (if at all).
The Void smells like frost burn, gunpowder, and the gooey poison of cave spiders all mixed together and baked in a cake of death. It's a small improvement over the steamy sulfur of the Nether, but neither one is a cake you should be eating. While the Void isn't alive, sometimes Impulse hears it huffing at him. If you skim low enough, you can hear saliva crackle as it licks its lips and rumbles, hungry for its prey. It wants you. More than any lover every will, more than any ravager or vex or creeper, and it will crush your lungs if you so much as grant it breath. Impulse has died to it a dozen times, but this won't be one of those days.
It's a wall. It divides this world from other worlds. It will gobble you up and leave a petrified husk behind. Your unmoving body will float a few moments in empty space until the Void spits out your code again beside a bed. Falling out of this world, plunging into the depths of the Void, is one of the fastest deaths there is (right up there with a bad fall that snipes all ten of your hearts in one blow)… but it's the death that always takes the longest to regenerate from. You never hit the ground. There is no sudden snap. It just devours you. It's dangerous and beautiful and Impulse loves it for its mysteries. He wants to grip it in his hands. Run thick streams of it through his fingers. Immerse himself in danger and delight.
The Void will kill him if he spends much longer down here. Even if he holds his breath. And he can't fault it for that. When he's down to the last threads of durability on his elytra, he really shouldn't be skimming this low in the inky darkness. It's either been 15 minutes or an hour of waiting for Grian's call… Both are indistinguishable, the rocket count the only indication that time exists down here under the world at all.
Yet some kind of yearning in his code demands he play the waiting game here… Something raw, something primal, buried deep within his data core.
Question: Why?
Impulse blasts another rocket, arcing upwards. Years of practice keep him from bashing his head straight into the bedrock ceiling, but… Eee, that squeal he made when scraping close wasn't exactly the most manly thing he'd ever done. Skizz would get a giggle out of it and wax poetic about how much he loves those little shrieks, but Skizz isn't here right now. He's off in the mines hunting down a little extra coal. Though he didn't bump his head, Impulse rubs it anyway and gives the bedrock a little kick.
"Mean," he mutters to himself. He should probably stay up here. There's more oxygen near the bedrock. The cold doesn't bite as much. But he dips his elytra and ducks away from the ceiling anyway… mostly because he doesn't trust himself enough not to slip up and punch it with his fist. With ungloved hands, punching it is sure to result in damaged knuckles. His hunger haunches aren't full enough to offer natural regen after that.
Goosebumps blister across his skin. The yawning Void stays empty underneath him. And Impulse, so often steady in his faith… begins to falter. What's going on? He made a schedule. Has recording for the new Life Series already started without him? Maybe Grian told him the wrong date. Or…
Maybe, in spite of last week's chat messages about candles on the Hermitcraft server… Grian forgot that one of his players needs a special invitation to join a new world for the first time. As a demon, it's built inside his code. He needs a circle. His name chanted thrice…
No. Grian won't forget him.
Impulse swoops into the blackness and pulls up like a hummingbird. He juggles double rockets in his offhand. Okay. Okay. His breath slithers out in a silver cloud. Every inhale stabs his lungs. The Void is freezing- really freezing. Do people realize that? It's already eating away his skin like maggots and he hasn't even touched the worst of it. Or is he just crazy? Yeah! Maybe he's gone crazy from spending 15 minutes to an hour straight down here, doing nothing but fly in aimless circles, awaiting a portal that may never come…
The Void feels blacker here in the Overworld, somehow, than it does when you're in the End. It engulfs him in a cloak, and Impulse cannot breathe. The wings of his elytra strain at his shoulder muscles. Oh. He's too low. They're trying to pull away from him, like the pockets flapping from his cargo shorts. The wings are weaving in and out of his code. That's not unusual this close to the Void. The Void is weird like that. It wants to rip him into pieces. It wants to drag him closer. It wants to gobble him up.
Paf! goes half a heart of damage. Paf! Paf!
Ow. Impulse whips his mind back from its wanderings, throwing all his energy into his wing muscles. His elytra strain, but with the help of a rocket, he sails a little higher. His hearts stop flickering. He presses a hand against his chest. Okay… He can still feel six of them beating. He's okay.
Grian won't forget about him. He won't.
[Full 'fic on AO3]
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692blog · 11 months
call of duty tiktok: ghosting your boyfriend
call of duty is a first-person shooter video game that was released by activision in 2003. COD (acronym pronounced like the fish), originally, focused on a WWII storyline involving a fictional military unit fighting historical threats. activison has since expanded outwards to other various battlefields – all centering around a team of deadly soldiers and a playable hero main character.
COD has been wildly successful; guinness world records marks it as being the best-selling first-person shooter series of all time. all of this violence and war has been marketed as more masculine, but there have been non-male fans of the franchise since its conception.
a popular character that has been present in the series since 2009 is simon “ghost” riley. he’s a british special forces operator with just about as much trauma as lazy writers can force on one character – one peek at his character wiki will leave you either breathless or with a headache.
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simon "ghost" riley - photo: activision
here’s a quick, but by no means definitive, list of things that have happened to mr. riley across the franchise:
1. traumatic childhood 2. tortured (but never successfully brainwashed) by his turncoat unit leader. this leader is then killed by another boss and ghost is buried alive in his leader's casket, breaking out using the rotted jawbone of said former leader 3. temper-management issues 4. family killed by previously mentioned brainwashed comrades and ghost is framed for it 5. prevented nuclear war 6. shot point blank in the chest with a .44 7. snowmobile accident (blown up by a man named templar, who, if you can believe it, belongs to the enemy group ‘five knights’)
a lot of people separate ghost into '2009 ghost' and 'current ghost', in reference to the remaster of his original game. this allows for ghost to not only have a melancholy air, but melancholy potential. something that fans everywhere are chomping at the bit for.
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ren's tiktok - notice the spelling of 'kill', 'prostitute', 'die', 'overdose', and 'murder'. there’s a lot more lore about this character, but the gist of it is that he’s a tragic anti-hero that is trying his best to do good (remind you of any other topics on this blog?)
on archive of our own, there’s about 8,000 pieces of fanfiction centering around ghost and his scottish squadmate, john ‘soap’ mactavish. there’s a substantial amount of fanfiction dedicated to ghost/female reader - that being a fanfiction about ghost written from a second person pov, with the protag having female characteristics - hovering around 2,500 works.
ghost is a growing character in terms of fanfiction, with a lot of the most popular pieces written in the past year or so, despite the character originally debuting almost 15 years ago; soap being introduced two years before that in 2007. i don’t think activision set out to create intense homoerotic subtext in their war-idolatry games, but, hey, it happens to the best of us.
what i’m discussing here is a more recent addition to all of this fanfare: the existence of ghost tiktok. the interesting thing about COD tiktok is that it's a growing female userbase slowly infiltrating a traditionally masculine part of the internet.
there are a few kinds of tiktoks that populate the ‘#simonghostriley’ tag. the major ones being edits of ghost clips from the newly remastered modern warfare 2 (released in 2022), or, more notably, tiktoks showcasing ghost cosplayers. cosplay, is of course, a portmanteau of ‘costume play’, describing the action of real life humans dressing up as their favorite (mostly) fictional characters. think comic con – anime, video games, movies.
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ashanyx's tiktok - note the 2.7 million likes and the commenter 'Buzzarre'; i believe he is said boyfriend.
(there's also a smaller community of ghost fanfiction writers on tiktok. they post their work in sections screenshotted off their phone and put in a photo carousel. it's an ease-of-use thing - being able to read the fic without switching apps - and most ghost fanfiction exists in other corners of the internet which is why i didn't include it in this post.)
i want you to know, on a exclusively personal note, that these cosplay tiktoks were very hard to watch. i don’t know what it is, but the confidence that these (mostly) men go at these cosplays makes me itchy. explore at your own risk - and heed warnings, a lot of creators tag their content with 'MDNI' or 'minors do not interact'.
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tiktok user 'smollgrim' - one of the pinned videos on his account describes his 'boundaries' - which he usually reiterates in shorthand in all of his tiktok descriptions.
this confidence is one of the reasons ghost tiktoks are so popular. ghost is a masked character that’s cocky with plenty of pre-recorded dialogue. combined, these things make him extremely accessible to cosplay. all you need is ghost’s iconic skull balaclava and you’re set. if you’re wondering why he wears a mask, the answer is sexy mystery (or facial scars. or as a intimidation tactic. you decide).
ghost, as a character, has all of our favorite love interest characteristics. powerful, aloof, and most importantly, being misunderstood. the mask allows him to remain emotionally anonymous, maybe he's smiling at a joke you made, or secretly blushing. this ambiguity is alluring to an audience, as they can project anything onto ghost - allowing for multiple interpretations from the same video clip of him.
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ghosty's tiktok - see the diverse interpretations of the same clip of ghost killing an enemy: either he's angry because you're incompetent or he's protecting you. ghost sits at the same table as our favorite mafia bosses, the avengers, and draco malfoy.
while there is a larger community of 'real life' ghosts - cosplaying him involves a little bit more fanfare than the usual bad boy. since ghost is special forces, he wears a lot of military gear. this results in wannabe ghosts fully decking themselves out in tactical outfits - which they then use to play pretend in front of a camera with lights blinking on and off in the background.
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these are two different tiktoks - jewels' has the search suggestion of 'call of duty cosplay x y n sad', which is very telling of what people are trying to get from these videos. cupid's tiktok has an audio saying 'this is a homicidal maniac! no you cannot date him.' - which is also very indicative.
the harsh contrast of these smug ghost cosplayers and the brutality of the media they're adopting remind me of a quote from the preface to the picture of dorian gray:
"We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely. All art is quite useless."
which, to me, means, yeah this might be ridiculous, donning face paint and night vision goggles to get compliments on tiktok, but life is ridiculous. that's kind of the whole point.
i can only see ghost getting more popular; famous internet personality brittany broski is infamously in love with these cosplayers and talks about it all the time on her various platforms.
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(1) (2) - these are very popular ghost videos, and mentions of brittany flood the comments and search suggestions.
if i have learned anything from this research, it's that anti-heroes with lots of power will always be attractive to a large audience. no matter the melodrama, the violence, or the miscommunication, if bad boys exist, fandom spaces will be created - and i commend the internet for that.
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Hey, is there anything that I need to know about my soulmate/future spouse? Thank you <3
I can see what comes up :)
🙈🙉🙊🐵🐒 🙈🙉🙊🐵🐒 🙈🙉🙊🐵🐒 🙈
Monkey, zoo, this person may work with wild animals, may like wild animals, or acts like a wild animal “party animal”
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Soulmate Message
Hey baby (a title tipsy) Don’t judge me. I’m going through something (slurring). It’s been a rough little bit and I need to let loose (were they in a frat or something? Getting big like sports fan and beer drinker). I’m still young and hanging with the bros, I just needed to let off some steam. Works been busy, I’m working my ass off to say I do this job that looks good on the outside, but I hate it (seeing light blue button up and khakis, maybe early to late 20s vibe, disillusioned) I thought this was the way to go, practical, but I’m losing my soul. I’ve been out, dating around, but it’s just, everything feels so numb these days. I thought women and money and partying would make me feel alive but now, I’m thinking it’s distractions from these deeper things I gotta deal with. But if I start, I might break apart, and I’ve never let myself do that (I get like middle management work vibes and maybe something involving money). I’m scared to go back to the past and heal. I’d rather pretend it didn’t happen. Whatever. Back to the boys (kinda closing that back up). I got brown vibes but that’s not a color I know how to use on here.
Card Pull— Druid Craft Tarot
The Chariot— triumph, success, mastery, control, will, the developed ego, overcoming obstacles, fame, journeys
“Maturity and wisdom come from courageously engaging the difficulties and challenges of life. The art of success lies in knowing when to surrender and when to take control”
The chariot is a major arcana card which means it is a more overarching energy. It’s the number 7, which is a number of spiritual advancement. Plus this year is a 7 year, so it may mean this shift is happening this year. I actually see this as showing that some energetic or spiritual shift that is happening through some hardship you and they are facing will ultimately lead to a victory. The hard lesson will be understood and overcome. It seems like this is where your person is at, but you may be too. I think both of you will come out the other side victorious.
Nine of Swords, reversed— “you may be struggling with feelings of shame or oppression—how you respond to it is up to you. Emerging from a period of difficulty and finding yourself in an improving situation, a deliberate exploration of your deepest fears may allow you the opportunity for real transformation”
So 9 symbolizes the end of the cycle. And this just affirms all that was said above. I think both of you are working through some deeply held trauma and beliefs that are causing a lot of stress and turmoil, but ultimately this will lead to a graduation into a new beginning. A cycle ends in victory and a new one begins soon.
I hope this helps and would love to know if it connects in any way :) Good luck! Change is always worth the risk.
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gaybo-over-yonder · 1 month
hear me out: mary sue or gary stew who’s powers had only been prophesied and unlocked in their late-teens, but they had gone through some crap for all that other time and now has trauma. also they’re undiagnosed audhd and depression and anxiety. they continuously have panic attacks whenever a monster attacks because they have this internalized belief that they are going to die young.
also, they have a hard time even wanting to live because of their depression, so theyre stuck in this infinite loop of “i dont enjoy this life” monster attacks “i dont want to die and i cant die because of how many people depend on me”, and they suffer because of it.
theyre getting burnt out, yet, whenever they share their struggles, everyone tells them how blessed they are to have such great powers and how helping people should be enough to make them want to live. so, now theyre being guilt tripped. they dont have a secret identity. everyone knows who they are.
they flee to online to try and get help, people try to help them, but one of the main motivations for many other people online staying alive is them, the mc, this overpowered hero.
it gets so bad that they start to turn to their haters, because at least their haters arent guilt tripping them. but this has a terrible effect on them. their haters are actively being terrible to them, without even realizing that the person the haters are talking to is literally who theyre hating on. at one point, a hater shares a link. keep in mind, this main character is still in their late teens and not yet a legal adult. this hater’s link leads to a whole website that s3xualizes the main character and they see art of the main character with gore and whatnot.
they feel sick, this finally seems to make them realize that they need to stop looking at this stuff and interacting with these people. the main character decides to just force themself to go outside, just wanting to find a way to be happy and hoping that maybe theres something that can help.
very quickly after going outside, however, we have a villain. there are other heroes that exist, and the mc is just not ready yet to face this villain, so they start to turn to walk away. yet, a young fan spots them and calls out “hey, its the big hero, here to save us!”. now they have to fight. they fight the villain while also fighting off a large panic attack. luckily, this villain runs away at the last second.
the young fan runs up to them, tugging at their sleeve, thanking them for fighting the villain. the mc stares down at the kid. suddenly, they simply cannot take it. they start off feeling nothing when they speak, but hateful emotions start to build up.
“th… thank you? youre thanking me. do you even know what youre thanking me for? for what, saving your life?! what about my life?! are you thanking me for risking my stupid life to save yours? and what about me?? why doesnt anyone care about me? you all just care about living another day. and then you rely on me to want to live another day. what. about. me? who do i have to rely on? because it certainly isnt you! none of you!”
(they turn to the crowd)
“you claim to be my fans, you claim to support me, but that just bullshit! when have any of you actually cared about me or even tried to save my life. especially you-“
(they turn back to the child, but they arent really talking about the child, moreso everyone who forces them into these fights, but in their anger, they have no way to differentiate between the two)
“-you think you can just force me into these fights. you think youre just entitled to living. you. arent. you deserve nothing. you deserve nothing but the fights you force me into. you deserve to feel the shittiness i feel every day. you dont deserve to even want to live. you are a pathetic excuse for a human being. you… you are…”
at this point they realize they are just saying things they think about themself. they take another actually look at the kid, looking past the rage and hurt that blinded them, and see the kid again. the kid is quivering with fear. crying. they look back up at the crowd. none of them know what to do. this main character is the most powerful. what are they supposed to do against that?
the main character doesnt know what to do. they know that the second they stop being mad, theyre just going to break down and cry.
they run.
the main character runs away. they dont run back home -they cant. they cant deal with this yet. they run into a forest. they hide. once hidden, the slump down against a tree or wall or something. the hurt finally hits them, now with the added guilt.
they cry. they cry that kind of cry where youre gasping for breath. the pull their knees against their chest, pull their elbows on their knees, close their eyes, and cry. after a while, they just curl up into a ball. they fall asleep.
waking up a while later, they check their phone. the news is reporting on what had happened. people online are starting to wonder if its a good idea to have just one very powerful person, that, if they were to turn bad, could possibly destroy everything and everyone. and yet… nobody seems to think about the main characters feelings. they feel all of their bad thoughts coming back and feel as if the thoughts are now correct.
they are a bad person.
they contact a news station, wanting to clear up stuff. the news station immediately agrees, wanting to be the first to report on the situation. the news station sends a car for the mc, the mc character says where they can be picked up, and while they wait, they cant help but cry again. they are picked up, and they arrive at the news station. they see the other most powerful heroes there, clearly posing as security.
the main character realizes that people see them as a danger. the main reporter tries to tell the main character, “oh, its just to protect everyone, you know, youre a big figure…” but the main character knows. “no. its because people now fear me. i… get it. its fine.”
the main character is sent to a station to get ready, but they shoo away those trying to put makeup on them. there is an uncomfortable energy all around. those that work there and are more than 10 feet away from the main character whisper to eachother. the main character takes a gulp, trying to push down the hurt and feign off more tears from gathering in their eyes. they get dress in better clothes and head on to the news set.
they sit down. there is a pause, someone signals for it to start, and the reporter speaks. “here, right now, we have (mc), giving us the first interview since ‘the (word relating to what happened) incident’-” the main character winces as they realize its already been labeled as that “- where (mc) had an outburst-“ the main character cuts them off.
“i think everyone knows what happened, by now. they dont… need the recap.” truly, the main character doesnt think they can handle having to listen to a recounting of what happened. they look to the side, once again fighting off tears. they take a breath.
theres a pause before the reporter speaks again, as they seem to pick up on the main characters feelings.
(reporter) “so… people have been wondering a lot since that incident.”
(main character) “im sorry to be using your station like this, but im not actually here to answer your questions.” the reporter is taken aback, the mc shoots them a shrug with this kind of face :| 😐.
(mc) “im here to say… im done. im done with everyone around me. i know that what i did was wrong. im not going to deny that. but, cmon, all of you seem to think you just get to act like youre not the problem! well, youre not the main problem, i suppose… as i said, what i did was wrong. but that doesnt make what any of you guys do right.
“i have so many times now tried to talk about how hard it is sometimes for me. i dont get even an ounce of sympathy because im the hero. i want to be a hero. ive never not wanted to help people. but it is so god damn hard sometimes. every day i fear im going to die. and then i get back home and wish i had.
“i check my phone and see everyone so happy that i saved people, and yet, i cant feel happy myself. but i cant take a break. i dont get to stop. because not only do i always need to save people, i dont want to stop. its such a constant guilt trip from all sides. why dont i get to stop? why am i always fighting? this should be what i wanted, but it isnt. because none of you actually care about your heroes.
“none of you have even once stopped to think about how seeing people die can effect someone. i have seen so many people die. and im done pretending. i cant handle any of this. i cant handle any of you. you arent just guaranteed a hero and you dont just get to be sad when they do something bad because you forced them over the edge.
“what i did may have been inexcusable, but what the hell is your excuse? i cant even keep up friendships because of how constantly i have to be a hero. i dont have time for my own things. thats not even to mention the fact that so many people dont want heroes to be paid. how am i supposed to live if i am not being paid? i cant get a job outside of being a hero.
“if you think that pay is what will turn heroes corrupt, then youre dead wrong. this whole hero society is always going to be doomed. there will always be corruption. if youre so worried about corruption, then maybe you shouldn’t have made it so hard to want to be a hero in the first place.
“none of you care to help anymore. you expect everything to be fine because of heroes. things dont always turn out fine, and if there are casualties, you blame the heroes for not doing a good enough job. anything bad is the heroes fault, and anything good is just whats expected. oh, and guess what? ive never liked being noticed and called out in public. i do not like having so many people physically close to me. yet whenever i try to say that, im unappreciative and a bad hero and role model. im not. im a human being.
“if you want a hero… then youre going to have to put the fucking work in to make someone want to be a hero. until then, until you listen to heroes problems and requests and treat them like actual fucking human beings instead of gods, im not going to be your hero. unless im on the job, im not your hero anyways. i will only be stopping huge crimes that cause the threat of mass destruction, because i still do care. i think im done here- wait! also, im sorry to that kid, i didnt mean what i said, i was projecting onto you. you do deserve to live. im sorry for any trauma i caused you.”
the main character walks out. they research who the kid was and donate to the family, as well as making donations to many causes for mental health and whatnot. for the next few days, they travel around the world and take a vacation, having cashed in a favor from another hero to stay under the radar and ensure they arent recognized by people.
theyre trying to enjoy it. its hard because they still simply cant deal with the loud noises, the crowds of people, or the depression that plagues their thoughts, but theyre trying. its a start. they try not to check their social media while on vacation. finally, they return to where they were before. they check there social media and see that peoples minds are in-fact starting to change. well, slowly, but change is change.
they walk around the outside, no longer disguised, and people dont know how to act. finally, someone comes up to them. the main character looks at this person expectantly. then the person, instead of talking to the main character about hero stuff, they simply compliment the mc’s shirt. the mc smiles and lets out a soft sigh, thanking the person in response. the person then walks away.
theres a time skip, and a villain has appeared. the main character is having a meal with some people they now consider to be actual friends. the mc gets an alert on their phone that theres a villain, and they tell their friends that they want to go help out real quick. the friends say its all good, and the mc heads off. after a while, the come back, and as there is no longer a paparazzi that bothers the mc after fights, they are simply able to get back to the meal with their friends.
people are actually listening to the mc and their wishes, and there are other heroes being treated the way they want to be treated. theres more concern starting to gather about heroes mental health, and heroes arent bound to fighting a villain or monster if they happen to be there at the same time. those who truly care about helping others do, and those who are in it for fame do the same, but flashier.
theres corruption, sure, and bad heroes, but heroes are given more slack. of course, there is a legal and ethical dilemma in the government about how much to hold heroes accountable for and how to pay heroes, but with more regular citizens helping out with searching and rescuing when instructed to by heroes, there has been less death. and with people realizing that heroes are genuinely there to protect them and that staying to watch heroes put them in actual harms way, there are less needless causalities due to negligence.
oh, and also, heroes of any protected more from unwanted s3xualization or romanticism, and the excuse of “youre in the public eye, of course thats going to happen” is starting to not be acceptable.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
What do you think of Rin and her dynamics with Kakashi and Obito?
There is this view that Rin’s only existence is to be a source of Trauma for Obito and have a crush on Kakashi... While Yeah, I agree with it if I just look at her profile alone.
But hey, Can we look sideward and ask ‘What’s the purpose of Iruka other than Acknowledging Naruto in Chapter 1, Worrying about Naruto during Chunin Exams, buying him Ramen here and there, Consoling him after Jiraiya’s death and advising him to come alive after fighting the War...???’ 
I totally summed up Iruka’s character in few lines which can be counted within our fingers. But somehow, I never saw anyone mocking Naruto for saying Iruka as his important person. I am pretty sure, if something happened to Iruka during the Pain Arc, Naruto would have gone Batshit Crazy. And He also went crazy after Orochimaru taunted him with Sasuke’s name. But if Obito does the same, it’s called ‘He was simping for a Girl & started a war for her who didn’t even love him back’. I just find this claim to be pretty sexist. 
[[Yeah, Yeah... I generously mock Sakura for simping over Sasuke who don’t even love her back. But Unlike Sasuke, Rin genuinely cared about Obito just as much as she did with Kakashi.. So, Obito having such strong feelings for her is understandable. But In Sakura case.... Ahem]]
With that being said,
Rin & Kakashi actually had no development or dynamics to be honest. At the very least, I saw her having a mild Crush on him and after Obito’s death, they just gave me some comrade vibes. And also, Even when everyone were alive, Still Rin was not rabidly chasing Kakashi to the point of tiring him out. I think it’s safe to say, she actually moved on from this crush business after Obito’s death. And from Kakashi’s side, he respected her as his Team Mate with no special feelings from his side.
However, when it comes to her dynamics with Obito though, It really gave me this childhood Best friend vibes.
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When everyone in his Academy didn’t bother to care about him, Rin was the one who does these little things to acknowledge his existence. It’s almost like Rin saying, ‘I am here for you and I got this’.
To be honest, Fans are underestimating these little Gestures from Rin by passing it off as ‘Rin was just being nice with a Guy’. 
Well, At this point of the story (at 599th chapter), We have seen so many characters like Haku, Gaara, Kimimaro, Kabuto and finally Naruto who were all subjected to lot of sufferings and one of the major issue was Abandonment. Because they didn’t have anyone to say, ‘You are good, I need your presence...And I am here for you’. These are very simple but powerful words to which every abandoned characters crave for. Haku clearly said “Zabuza-san acknowledged me and that’s why I will do whatever he wants”. Same with Kabuto and Kimimaro. And we all know what happened with Naruto in that famous Chapter 1. 
Now tell me, how is Rin any different from Iruka in terms of acknowledging a person without expecting anything back????
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Here, Obito is clearly saying that he wants Rin to stay by his side, watch over him and correct him if he makes any mistakes. [[Yes, Yes.... He also meant it in a romantic way]] 
As Obito expected....
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Rin was really watching over him when Obito was doing something reckless. And it’s very clear from his expression that he was very glad to have someone at his side who can see what he was hiding (in this scene, he was hiding a wound he got while fighting). 
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And this is Rin’s way of saying, ‘Don’t sulk in the corner like a Silly Kid... Show me how you’ll save the world. Let’s go’
Just like Iruka, Rin provides an acknowledgement and moral support to Obito whenever he feels down (Remember Iruka consoling Naruto after Jiraiya’s Death?). And that’s why For Obito, Rin became an important person because she did something which no one has ever did for him. Yeah, He also loved her romantically and he clearly knew that she likes Kakashi. But that doesn’t diminish him from not considering her as someone Precious. It’s like, “It’s Okay, Even if she doesn’t like me in ‘that way’. But I like her presence and She makes me Happy... That’s Enough”.
It’s actually these simple gestures plays an important role in many characters life in this series. For Naruto, Sasuke’s simple smile near that Lake Pier flashback gave him the resolve to continue living without feeling lonely. For Kabuto, Orochimaru’s acknowledgement mattered a lot at that time, no matter their twisted brains. 
And that’s why even during his dying moment, he said this...
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And that’s why he couldn’t accept the reality of Rin dying before his Eyes. Also, he couldn’t accept the reality of Kakashi being a failure and his Great Sensei, Yellow Flash of Konoha being an absentee. 
When Naruto goes Feral on hearing a Boy’s name, it’s okay... But when Obito does the same, it’s called Simping, eh???? 
However, when it comes to Rin’s dynamics with her Team as a whole.... She is a person who connects both of her Teammates. Whenever Kakashi and Obito goes into some heated arguments, Rin was the one to say, ‘Enough... Both of you, Let’s go and work together’.
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I do think that this is another intentional mockery of Sakura & Team 7 from the Author’s side. Because Rin really had an influence on both the teammates and it’s no denying that Kakashi & Obito, both will listen to her. 
Whereas, with Sakura
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“Don’t Interfere with us!”
LOL.... Naruto, a boy who usually gets along with everyone and especially with Sakura, he takes all her bullshit without any complaints but when it comes to this... He puts her in her place in a rude manner. This is something Obito will never say to Rin, Not in his life.... that’s for sure. This is exactly why people love Team Minato despite giving off this ‘dysfunctional vibe’. 
I’ve seen comments like ‘Team Minato is totally bad because no one gained anything from it. Obito was dead because he sacrificed himself, Kakashi was traumatized by Obito’s death and Rin’s suicide, Minato was never there for them when they needed him the most and he died later... That’s why Obito going so far for this team is unjustifiable.’
Well, Just now I’ve provided all the panels about how Rin was a Precious Person for Obito on more than one occasions. Since he was also an Orphan, just like Naruto, He craves for acknowledgement and he got that from Rin. He got a Rival/Friend from Kakashi and he got his inspirational, heroic Sensei from Minato. But everything got crushed in front of his eyes on the day Rin died. Kakashi, a boy with whom he had an immense respect to the point of setting aside his ego and called him as ‘Captain’ failed to protect Rin. Minato, a hero with whom he revered had failed to be there when it mattered... It’s these failures he wanted to rectify through Mugen Tsukuyomi.
So Yes, Considering this story is not about Obito, we didn’t see much of Team Minato due to the lack of narrative time dedicated to it. While Rin doesn’t have a profound dynamics with Kakashi other than a mild crush, I clearly see Rin’s dynamics with Obito is very similar to Iruka + Sasuke’s dynamics with Naruto. 
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thedarkestcrow · 3 years
Hi, I have a question, but it's not about the next chapter, sorry if this is too silly for you, apparently I'm the only living creature that can't understand it, mmm, why are fans talking about Ciel saving himself from the contract? Why would he do such a thing? He has two options;1: getting eating by a demon and getting away with his crimes. 2: living for 50-60 years, then burning in hell for eternity. So I don't get it.
Hey there! :) No worries, that's actually a pretty interesting topic. ^^ So, I must say that I haven't kept up all that well with the fandom lately so I'm not aware if there's any new focus on that topic lately. But I guess the end of the contract or a way for Ciel to get out of it has always been discussed since the contract is one of the main topics of the story.
Like you said, there are not many possibilities for Ciel regarding the contract. The most likeliest and probably easiest way for it to end is that Ciel gets his revenge and Sebastian gets to eat his soul. The alternative is that Ciel somehow gets out of the contract and gets to keep his soul. Undertaker may play a role in trying to achieve that alternative. Thing is, at the moment it doesn't seem like Ciel would want that. He agreed to the terms of the contract and he's okay with giving his soul if that means that he'll get his revenge. So one important step would be to actually convince Ciel to want to keep living.
But you pose an interesting question: Is it even beneficial for Ciel to get out of the contract?
For a story which revolves so much about souls, demons and death we know very little about what there is after death. But since there are shinigamis who collect the souls of the dead I suppose there must be some sort of afterlife; something must happen to these souls. If there is something like heaven and hell and if it works in a similar way as in the Christian belief then it doesn't look too good for Ciel.
If his soul gets eaten I suppose it doesn't really matter because without a soul I think neither heaven nor hell (nor any other form of afterlife or reincarnation) is an option. Ciel would probably just cease to exist. (I guess one could argue what Undertaker would be able to do with his Cinematic Record (like with the twin) but that's a topic for another time.)
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If Ciel somehow gets out of the contract and manages to stay alive he'll still die one day and given his crimes he would probably end up in hell (if that exists in Kuro). He has certainly done enough to end up there. Maybe there's a chance for forgiveness and redemption. But Ciel really would have to change a lot for that to happen. I really don't see him going to church, asking for absolution for the sins he committed.
So if those are the two only options one could really wonder if getting his soul eaten might not actually be the better option.
I wonder if Undertaker is thinking about that. Maybe his plans for Ciel do take all this into account and he's trying to find a way for Ciel to end neither in hell nor as Sebastian's dinner. I mean, considering everything Ciel went through, his trauma, his young age and the dangers he's being confronted with on a daily basis one could try to defend his actions. Ciel has not only taken lives, he has also saved lives. But well, he has taken innocent lives and there's no excuse for that. And I guess striking a deal with a demon alone might be reason enough for him to end up in hell. So if Undertaker is considering all that I do wonder how he would find a solution for that problem. Maybe heaven and hell simply doesn't exist in Kuro. Or maybe Undertaker just wants the last remaining Phantomhive (not counting the Midfords here) to live on a few years longer and to have the chance to keep the Phantomhive line alive by having his own children, no matter the cost.
So yeah, a lot of maybes there. And given that it has never really been mentioned what kind of afterlife awaits the dead (if at all) I'm not sure if Ciel's chances for heaven or hell if he gets out of the contract will even be relevant to the story.
So, in short, people are discussing the idea of Ciel getting out of the contract because that's an alternative to the predicted ending of his soul getting eaten by Sebastian. I also think many would be excited seeing Ciel and Sebastian on opposing sides for once. And since Undertaker seems to be working for that goal it's quite likely that a situation will come where Ciel has to decide whether he even wants to be "saved" from Sebastian. But you have a valid argument that even without his soul getting eaten, Ciel's soul might already be damned to end up in hell which wouldn't be so great for him, either.
However, I think this story will revolve more around Ciel's opinion on himself, his feelings of guilt and whether he thinks he deserves to live, rather than what happens after his death. The focus is more on the journey of Ciel learning to forgive himself and accepting that what happened to his family wasn't his fault, rather than seeking forgiveness from an unseen God which Ciel has denied when summoning a demon.
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Meeting and Dating Ian Malcolm
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(When I tell you I love this man.)
- You and Ian meet when you attend the same STEM related conference; though it would be more accurate to say that you met while you attended a conference that he was lecturing at. 
- Nevertheless, you were both in the same room and wound up interfacing before the meeting was over; an interaction that would lead to a very interesting and at times exasperating relationship. 
- You found him fascinating; just like pretty much everyone else in the crowd, someone who had a big, entertaining personality in a field that so often lacked personality. You liked him the minute he opened his mouth. 
- He, in turn, thought that you were gorgeous and found himself falling for you the minute he locked eyes on you. He was looking forward to the moment he could slink off stage and find a way to talk to you. He did so right after he finished his speech and the applause settled down.
- He artfully found his way through the crowd and managed to convince the person beside you to switch their seat, taking it for himself after the starry eyed boy got up. 
- The two of you sat in silence for a little while before he leaned over and introduced himself, shaking your hand for a lingering moment before you both turned your attention back to the stage. 
- Another beat of silence passed between you before he leaned over and murmured a funny comment to you, reveling in the way you tried to hold back your smile. You spent the rest of the meeting trying to stifle your laughter as your new ironic commentator continued his jokes and flirtation. It certainly made the conference more enjoyable. 
- Once the shows over and everyone begins to clear out, he asks if you’re doing anything before asking if you’d like to go out and grab a couple of drinks or talk someplace. 
- That's how you find yourself seated next to him at the bar of a nice little restaurant, listening to him explain the chaos theory in detail and trying your best to digest everything that he’s saying; along with your drinks. 
- Along with his mathematical explanations, he also provides a lot of compliments and flirtation. You spend the evening feeling like the most important and sought after woman in the world
- Since you could easily; and very accurately, consider that little get together to be your first date, let’s move on to your first kiss. 
- It’s a date or two later that the two of you share it. You don’t want to give in too easily; even if you want to kiss him a lot sooner, so you play coy until you cant take it any more and the moment feels perfectly right. 
- Perfectly right seems to mean the middle of your kitchen after you invited him in for some coffee but hey, to each their own. 
- Nevertheless, you’d invited him into your home after one of your dates and gone to your kitchen to get the two of you your drinks. He’d followed you in and when you handed him his cup of coffee, he’d leaned in, pressed his lips to yours and given you a soft kiss.
- When he pulled away, he smiled at you, raised his mug, and gave you a somewhat teasing thank you before he lead the way into your living room. 
- One mug lead to another and you've been staying up late with each other ever since. 
- Ian suffers from a deplorable need to constantly be touching you. On top of that, he really isn’t too preoccupied with how other people feel so Pda is very common and performed very shamelessly.
- His arm is usually wrapped around you in some way, whether it be draped across the back of your chair, wrapped around your shoulders, or haphazardly thrown in front of you while a T. Rex is charging towards you.
- Tight hugs; which usually means that you’re being somewhat picked up since he’s so goddamn tall.
- Having your hair played with; oftentimes while he uses his flirtation on you.
- Knee squeezes. His hand belongs to your knee whenever he can’t wrap his arm around you.
- He loves cheek kisses. He loves the sort of showing off feel of them whenever you’re in front of someone else; and he just loves how soft and sweet they are.
- Slow, passionate kisses.
- Oftentimes, you wind up sleeping in the crook of his arm; usually with your head resting against his chest. That being said, the two of you also just cuddle haphazardly, snuggling in any which way you can, your limbs entangled and your bodies relaxed.
- He tends to call you honey or baby but, considering the fact that he calls his daughter Queen, my goddess and my inspiration, there’s room for a few more over dramatic pet names in your relationship.
- Waking up together. Ian's a math professor so, depending on both your schedules, you’re usually getting up around the same time. Although, if you get up earlier than he has to, he’d definitely; somewhat begrudgingly, adapt to your schedule.
- The two of you are attached at the hip a lot of the time. If you choose to go somewhere, he’s bound to follow; whether that be to keep you safe or just because he enjoys spending time with you is anyone’s guess.
- Working on separate things while you’re together. Sometimes couples just want to be in the same room while they do their own thing and I think that’s beautiful.
- Going shopping together. He’s a fan of clothes shopping, groceries, not so much.
- He likes trying out new things and going to all those different places that pop up in town so the two of you visit a lot of new restaurants and shops.
- Going out to dinner at nice restaurants. He’s the Rockstar of the math community so of course he’d want to take you to a few high end places; whenever he could afford it that is.
- Traveling around the world together. Whenever he has to go somewhere, he likes taking you with him.
- Being in the crowds of his conferences and public appearances. You like cheering him on and he appreciates the fact that you’re always there for him; even if he doesn’t necessarily need the support.
- Ian isn’t the greatest at keeping his word and he can get really caught up in his work to the point where he forgets important things, but he does always try his best to make things up to you whenever he can.
- Becoming close with Kelly. She enjoys living with you when her mother can’t be bothered and Ian’s bogged down by work. He loves both his girls dearly so the fact that you get along with each other is very important to him.
- You get to use the fact that you’re with Kelly as an excuse to go do stupid and somewhat childish things like visiting arcades and county fairs. Not that you couldn’t do that without her but I think you know what I mean.
- Movie nights; usually with him and Kelly.
- Museum dates.
- He genuinely thinks that your weird interests and quirks are endearing and fascinating. Other people would consider them strange, Ian considers them to be a compelling part of your personality.
- Seeing you talk about things that you’re passionate about is one of his favorite things in the world. He thinks that drive to learn and do and the intelligence that you possess is extremely sexy.
- Sometimes he’ll just look at you like he wants to eat you alive and it’s extremely problematic. Sir, we are in public.
- Lots of flirting. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together, he still enjoys making you flustered and treating you like the prettiest girl he’s ever seen.
- Unnecessary and frankly disrespectful noises. If he doesn’t stop making salacious growls at you, you’re gonna have to act up.
- Letting him explain all his different theories and findings to you. He loves showing off and having your undivided attention.
- Breaking rules together. If you aren’t keen on doing so, he’d definitely tease you for being a goody goody.
- He carries around a flask most of the time so the two of you can always just park somewhere and drink together whenever you feel like. Some of your best memories take place in his car, passing around a little metal container and talking about nothing in particular.
- Sarcasm drips from this mans every pore so you should try to get used to it. As annoying as it can be, it does make for some funny comments here and there.
- Snarky comments; whether they’re directed at you or someone else. Ian can be a bit of a bastard so don’t be surprised when his mouth opens and something mocking comes out. Just be prepared to occasionally slap his arm and stop him from being a total ass to people; even if it’s justified.
- Corny little jokes.
- Trying to keep him from verbally destroying people. He’s very verbal about his opinions so chances are, he’s going to speak his mind at one point or another and you might not want to be there when he does.
- He’s a voice of reason for just about everyone on Earth so if you need someone to tell you when you’re being stupid, he’s perfect for you.
- Sticking with him and being there for him after everything happens. He changes very drastically in the following years after meeting Mr. Hammond but you love him no less.
- No matter what people may think of him, you still defend him and proudly stand by his side. You’ve learned to ignore the opinion of others and not entertain their gossip.
- Helping him deal with the trauma that comes with almost getting fucking eaten.
- Ian doesn’t get jealous very often. He’s secure enough in himself and knows that you wouldn’t cheat on him, but every now and again, if you’re particularly close to like a colleague or something, he’ll show some signs of jealousy. Mainly, he’ll just ask a bunch of questions about them and your relationship; all the while trying to play it off as normal curiosity.
- Ian is incredibly protective of you; particularly after the events of Jurassic park. He’s willing to do whatever he can to keep you safe; even if it means endangering himself or doing something that scares the hell out of him.
- The two of you don’t fight extremely often; and you rarely have very serious fights, but you do have an argument from time to time. He may say something sarcastic or hurtful in the heat of the moment on occasion but he never means it and he always immediately apologizes.
- Very few fights last overnight. He’s usually so quick to apologize and try to sort things out that you’re back on track in no time. Under his egotistical shell, he’s really just a big softie who wants things to be alright between the two of you.
- He tells you that he loves you a perfectly average amount of times; not too much and not too little. And he loves hearing you say it back or just tell him that you love him for no real reason.
- Ian legitimately loves kids. Like he’s fully prepared to get married and start a family with you at any given moment. Believe me, you just say the words and he’ll pop the question.
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