#hey did. did I get everyone hoyl shit
luparaneo · 2 years
side mission shenanigans
I'm told IBO is a good Gundam but the fact that this is a CHILD makes me too physically uncomfortable to actually watch it
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I've only had Hayato for three minutes (and I have to buy a DLC to actually use him) but if anything happened to him--
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I know very little of Getter but the vibecheck on this dude is terrifying actually
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what the HELL style does this remind me of, I---hm.
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the 30 year anniv mission is cute actually
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sorry Edge I'm turning this game into All Brave Police, All the Time and you can't stop me
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I won't be using these three because I don't like their bug eyes, they look like fae mimics and that I should be checking for shadows. :c
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so I learned this dude was isekai'd or something and made magic robots just because he could
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Yeah. yeah.
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oh god one of the fae mimic chicks got to Mitsuba
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...Albert Wesker? Is that you?
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bro. bro are you stealing money from the government (based if true actually)
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I already had kind of a headcanon going that the Huckleberry is cantankerous to pilot so I love that it was validated
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when the intrusive thoughts are making you want to trust a fart after a Taco Bell binge
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"lol butthurt"
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I should probably actually work on my art but I'm tired and also I REALLY wanted to speedrun to get my main man Gunmax on the squad asap <3
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euclydya · 1 year
Pls info dump about your system. I saw in your tag that you want to so consider this a free pass to do so I want to know all that ya want to share
ok SO the headspace changes DRASTICALLY like every few months or few weeks or so. Just a week ago it was a copy of the house we currently live in. We like,,, grew up in this house so it was Also our headspace for years as a kid and we had the vibe tht it was. The exact headspace frlm back then too bUT WE never did get to find out bc it changed AGAIN like a few days ago. smh. Now i think we're just above & outside of The Cave™™™™™ tht was discovered here earlier this year. WHICH IS REALLY FUCKING COOL! BECAUSE THAT MEANS:
The headspace survived the nuclear winter!!*
HOYL SHIT WE'RE IN THE MAIN HEADSPACE AGAIN LET'S GOOOOO <= has been stuck in Harry's headspace for the past half yearIEJFKDKFMC
[*Sometimes it just fucking gets Destroyed. Like... Semi permanently. As in, if it gets destroyed there is Very Little Chance we'll see that variation of our headspace AgainFHDJDKFKFJ and last we uhhjj Talked to anyone in the Main System, bc we are... TECHNICALLY A SUBSYSTEM! FJDJFJ, they were like Yeah no everything is fucking Destroyed <3. But that's not the case snymore ig???????]
SO w all this information actually if we rlly wanted we could probably make a decent map of the area. cuz if We jave this headspace back then we have Everythingggg it had in it back too & everything that it was connected to THAT'S NEAT WE MIGHT DO THAT!!
uhhjjj waht else. HMMM. i thuink our current front roster is neat TBH there's some guys active rn that we'd have never expected. like HI PHYS! WYD WHY R U HERE RN <3 QJAIWOSKSKDNCXN but it's fun !!!! i hope everyone innn our subsystem will fromt here at lEast once bc I Am Lov Collecting Informatión On Everyone <= Primarily fills out everyone's PK & Simply Plural descriptions. actually I think maybe everyone has fronted a sufficiently long enough time EXCEPT FOR HAND/EYE LIKE S I R GET YOUR ASS UP HERE TELL ME ABT YOURSELF BASTARD !! GJCJCKCKF all ik abt him is that He enjoys making Pokeblocks On Pokefarm. that is IT and that's NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION MY GUY but anyways.
i also think us Existing Here is so funny in itself like our asses rlly just got Possibly permanently isekai'd huh. like. like. Genuinely I don't know if our past mains r coming back at this point but that's FINE we already did the whole 96 stages of grief shit about it IF that be the case then SO be it Whatever there's pros to this life ig. like THIS body isn't on the verge of SUDDENLY DYING FOR NO REASON and also We have a cat. we have a cat!!!!! and a dog!!!!!! whaddahell!!!!!!!
there's lotsa fun shit here But there r also the Horrors. Like I PERSONALLY WOULD LOOVE TO EXIST with Out the Constant Paranoia And Delusions but IT *IS* PREFERABLE! OVER WHSTEVER THE FUCK WAS WRONG WITH HARRY <3 AJSJDJF
I will say tho. When we uhhhhhhh All popped in & all we Just assumed we'd be Gone & dormant MONTHS AGO but ummmm . well. apparently not! sO the things we wanted 2 Experience have a High probability Of Happening,! Like PT is excited for Halloween and UNLESS those pirate fucks completely take over the roster within the next like week [0f.md s2 on the 5th babey!!! holy shit!!] then it's. Probably gonna happwn!!! which is so cool we don't actually... hey did Halloween exist in (source game)
man and speaking of. Memories Of The Past as we call source memories. It's a collective sys-wide trait thing All our fictives from aNY source rlly enjoy piecing together what they remember from their canons & all It's like enrichment for us. BUT we've been kinda piecing together a rough timeline of when We all formed in our canon That's our biggest Thought Project™ rn. No estimated time 4 when it'll be Complete tho probs never tbh. and w that in mind u may or may not believe who harry's first sysmate was According 2 what we've put togetherJTJEDKFKDJS
ok that's liek 5 trillion words Whoops. we r so talkatives <3 I am going to stop there it's like 5 am JFJDDKCKF we gotta go back to bedddd -E-Chem
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Being Franks Daughter in Hawkins pt 10
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Gif Caption: Top Gif: Marc and Steven from Marvel's Moonknight, Bottom Gif: Billy Hargrove from Netflix's Stranger Things
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Reader: 17-18 | female
Characters Mentioned: Frank Castle (MCU), Matt Murdock (MCU), Marc Spector/Steven Grant/ Jake Lockey (MCU), Peter Parker (MCU), Curt Hoyle (MCU), Dinah Madani (MCU), Karen Page (MCU), Billy Hargrove (ST), Steve Harringotn (ST), Dr.Sam Owens (ST), Joyce Byers (ST), Will Byers(ST), Mike Wheeler (ST), Jim Hopper (ST) Nancy Wheeler (ST), Lucas Sinclair (ST), Dustin Hednerson (ST), Max Mayfeild (ST), Jonathan Byers (ST)
A/n: Here we go shits goin down just wait till i make billy and Y/n fight
Warnings: Guns, fighting with Billy, chaos is a comin around the corner.
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So you rushed to get the kids at school, driving quickly to the middle school.
Parking in the first spot you seen just in time as the bell rang.
You got out and quickly went to stand by the bike racks.
Mike was the first out, and certainly in a rush.
"We need to go." Y/n deamnded.
"No. I need to go to Will's house-"
"Exactly," y/n spoke picking his bike up with ease.
"Hey!" Mike argued, Y/n carrying it to the car and putting it in the back, "Thats my bike! Be careful!"
"Kid! I could give less than one fuck about a bike. Hell. I'll buy you a new one- I know about Will."
Mike looked up at her as she closed the trunk.
"You know about the Shadow Monster-"
"Yeah. Fucker had will draw me." Y/n informed, "Where are the rest of your friends."
"They dont know Will's been seeing it. Just. I do." Mike told, "Im just going, we lost Dart."
"Dustin's pet?" Y/n asked.
"I'll explain on the way."
The two got in but a hand slammed ontop the car on her side.
"You." Billy growled, "what The FUCK is happening. You were just arrested a few hours ago! What did you tell them?"
"I dont have time for this-"
"Oh no- You're gonna fucking answer me!" Billy argued, "Now Y/n!"
"Stay in the car." Y/n told Mike as she got out slamming the door closed.
"I suggest you back up Billy." Y/n threatened
Real names were being used, this was getting serious
He took a step forward they beyond invading personal space now, "Or what."
"Watch yourself." Y/n warned.
"What did you tell them?" Billy questioned once again.
"What? Bout you?" Y/n argued voice raising, "about what your dad does? Bout there Shit justice system. About how you Let it happen-"
"Shut up. Now." He demanded.
"Why? Because you cant swallow the fucking truth?-"
He grabbed her forearm, face leaning in closer.
"And whats the truth."
"You already know the truth: You came to me I helped but you asked me to stop- to not cross that line, yet you know in a god damn heart beat I'd cross that line for you. Its at the back of your throat but you wont swallow it." Y/n argued, "Now let the fuck go of me Billy. Before I break your arm."
He threw her arm to the side, both still in each other's face: "I fucking hate you," he deemed.
"I'll go cry about it then." Y/n shot back turning around to get back in the car and starting to drive off.
"You're dead to me Castiglione! DEAD!" he shouted as she drove off.
You drove off in heavy silence, Mike afraid to even talk
But you obviously distressed.
"You...okay?" He asked.
"Yeah...Yeah nothing I can handle..." Y/n lied with a smile, "Remember. Secret Supehero."
He looked over at her, "Why do older people lie to everyone?"
Y/n sighed: "I don't know."
It was silent the rest of the trip.
You had said you'd cry about it to Billy in sarcasm, but soon as you let Mike out the car to go to Joyce you sat on the porch trying not to cry
Hopper was leaving, shove over his shoulder when he spotted you
Dad mode?
He took a seat next to you, handing out a pack of cigrattes out to you
"Should a cop be giving a teen a cigratte?"
"Yeah well. We do stupid shit when we're upset." He explained as she took the carton, "plus I was a teenager once."
She pulled out one and lit it with ease handing it back to him.
"Don't make it a habit."
"I wont." Y/n told rubbing her face, "You know. I moved from New York to Hawkins for some peace."
"Seems like the chaos followed you." Hopper told as he lit his own cigratte.
Y/n chuckled under her breathe, "Chaos follows me everywhere."
"Me and you both kid." Hopper spoke, taking a long inhale of his cigratte before blowing the smoke out his nose.
"Come on." He spoke.
"What?" Y/n asked.
"Come on. Lets go diggin."
Odd but. You follow him anyways
This time he didn't put you in hand cuffs.
And he took you to the farms.
You both got out and he told you to start digging
"For what? Roots?"
"No. Just dig until you hit something." He explained pulling out a pistol, "You know how to use that?"
"Revolver, Sam & Wesson. Model...67?" Y/n spoke looking over the revolver, "Sorry. 66."
He looked at her surpises as she tucked it in the back of her jeans and grabbed her shovel starting to dig.
"Well? Are we diggin? Or are you standing there?" Y/n asked.
He'd proceed to dig with you, making small talk along the way
He actually laughed when you told him you had done what you had to Neil Hargrove
Hopper explained he never liked Neil and that you beating Neil up kinda had made his week.
Apparently from what you could piece together: Neil had said he touched you: got into an arguement over something and it escolated.
He said it was good that you knew how to defend yourself
"My dad taught me." Y/n explained, they both take a small break sitting in the hole "but I have a feeling you don't like him."
"Barely know the guy." Hopper told her.
"I think it's about Joyce." Y/n spoke, "Ya know. Pretty ol Joyce Byers."
He rolled his eyes, smoking his break time cigratte.
"Hard to let someone go you love kid."
"I know..."
"thats what she wants and shes happy. Thats the only bad part. You think you can make her even happier but it doesn't get better than that kid." Hopper lectured with a stretch, "Don't think I've seen Joyce so happy before."
Y/n nodded standing up grabbing the shovel again, they both getting back to it.
"It plays out how it should in the end." Y/n spoke up, "Right?"
Hopper nodded, "Right."
The two contuined digging themselves what could of been there own graves
Tossing dirt over there shoulders and up top till Y/n hit something
They both quickly dug and pulled at the black vine like goo
Creating an opening.
"What in the name of America's ass..." Y/n spoke dipping her head downward into the what she assumed was tunnels.
"Fuck- what are you doing-"
Y/n dropped in, with ease. If she was going to be involved might as well as be invested.
She landed on her feet looking both ways Hopper dropping in behind her.
"Well I'll be damned..." Hopper aspirated they both shocked at what was surronding them.
You only pushed forward Revolver in hand
Hopper stopped her, he cutting off his sleeves
"Airs toxic." He explained as she took it from him tying it around her head to make a makeshift mask.
"Just like my realtionship with Stark." Y/n sighed pulling a small flashlight from her boot.
The thing about being in front is your use to Frank keeping up, or you keeping up with Frank
You're use to fast pace, you can sight see later
So when you push on and loose Hopper you're kinda fumbernucked
"Chief!?" Y/n shouted looking around, "Cheif!"
"Oh fuck...I should of listened to Marc..." Y/n sighed contuining on, "what are the odds he's down here with his bird mother fucker..."
She looked around, but the shouting from Hopper caught her attention, she quickly rushing after him.
"Cheif! Cheif!" Y/n shouted looking around "Cheif!!"
Y/n looked down feeling something wrapping around her ankles, "Fu-"
She was pulled by the ankles and too the ground, being dragged down a tunnel.
"Fuck! I just wanted a Normal fucking school year!" Y/n protested in anger as she tried to grab onto something. Her shouting only echoning in the distance.
Meanwhile Dustin was trying to find SOMEONE ANYONE to help him
He was knocking on the Wheeler's door. Just to get an uncaring answer from Mr.Wheeler
"Son of a bitch, you no help at all." Dustin complained walking away.
"Lanuage!" Mr.Wheeler complained shutting the door as Steve had pulled up flowers in his hand he muttering to himself.
"Yeah. I made a mistake. Okay. These are an apology gift for Y/n but I dont know what Im apologizing for even though I do but nothing happened at the halloween party just. I dont know how to tell her what did happen." Steve muttered to himself, he going to ask Nancy for help, and for an apology to Y/n herself, Steve felt like Nancy could atleast do that, "yeah makes sense...:
"Are those for Mrs. Wheeler?" Dustin spoke up.
Steve looked up, "what no-"
Dustin grabbed them, "hey! Man-"
"Do you still have that bat?"
"The one with the nails?"
"Yeah. Why?" Steve asked.
"I'll explain on the way lover boy. I need to go to Y/n's house."
So Dustin explained it to him, how he kept a baby demogorgin, and how he named it Dart
And how it REALLY didnt like you
Like. Despited you
"So?" Steve spoke, "You're freaky little pet didnt like Y/n-"
"Im assuming it'll go after her, and she doesnt know anything about the-"
Steve immediately floored it, driving faster to her house.
"Dude! Calm down!"
"If that thing Kills her Henderson, I'll make sure she drags you down to the grave with her!"
"Okay! Okay!"
They make it to your house and Steve bangs on the door.
Frank answers it, cup of coffee in his hand, must've just gotten home from work.
"You better have a good reason for-"
"Is Y/n home?" Steve asked frantically.
"No." Frank spoke, "She went with you last night-"
Matt joined Frank at the door.
"Is something wrong?" Matt questioned, "Y/n's not with you?"
"She's most likely with Billy-" Steve brushed off, "Yeah. There..."
"Probally out at a party." Dustin finsihed.
"Y/n hates parties." Frank argued.
"Yeah! But you know Y/n always the...life of stuff! We're gonna go." Dustin contuined as they both quickly walked away to Steve's car and quickly drove off.
"I'll get my suit." Matt spoke walking off.
Meanwhile your still stuck in the Upside down, hanging upside down, blood rushing to your head as more vines hold your arms straight down.
"What a bunch of a holes leaving me upside down...like atleast sacerfice me in a cool way."
"Hopper!? Hopper!?" A female called from the distance, it was Joyce.
"Oh thank god!" She cried out, she must've gotten Hopper out from wherever he was trapped.
"Kid! Kid!"
"Im here!" Y/n called, "Over here!"
The small group walked towards her, "Who's that?" Y/n asked.
"Im Bob. Im a friend of Joyce."
"Hi Bob Im Y/n. Joyce is dating my dad."
"What are you doing?" Hopper asked.
"Oh Just ya know. Hanging around with Mephisto's sperm." Y/n stated in a matter of fact tone, and glared at him, "What the fuck do you think Im doing!?"
So they helped you down and all of you luckily got out of there of course after being fuckin jumpscared by some guy in a hazmat suit
Your so done with different relams
Cant you just call Dr.Strange for this to be done?
God you wish
When you get out you're panicking seeing what's clearly a goverment operation
But then Will goes into what you can only describe as a severe seizure
Fuck the goverment now.
Wills in obvious pain and your main focus is to get him up and okay
But as quick as you go to help him your shoved away.
Unlike the others you actually detained, despite everyone's shouting for your release.
You fighting them to the best of your ability without severely injuring anyone
But they detain you anyways
And wow. Hawkins Lab who could of guess
There violent with you, or alteast of the verge of violent
They scrub you down with a damn hose while your in cuffs, they've cuffed your ankles.
This is beyond you just knowing now. They have to know something else.
And your chained to your chair, you had bit someone so they muzzled you
A doctor walked in, older man.
"Hello Ms.Castiglione." he spoke tossing a thick file on the table, "what do you prefer?"
Y/n glared at him, "Ms.Castiglione? Or Ms.Castle?"
She didnt answer as he sighed, "Perhaps Ms.Russo?"
"Fuck. You." Y/n spoke, venom dripping from her lips, "My name. Is Y/n Castiglione my father is Franklin Castiglione. I don't know a Russo. "
He nodded, "Alright. Lucky for you it was just a side research on my part. No one else knows."
Y/n was quiet as he opened up the file, "Multiple Premeditated and Conducted Murders. You're quiet Bust Ms.Y/n. I do thank you for taking down that molester slash serial killer, just before you moved to Hawkins. Horrible person he is."
"What do you want? Me to be quiet?"
"Infact. Yes. But I don't think that'd be a problem. With all your...past lets call it?" He explained, "Now I could care less about your track record. Wipe it clean for you if you do me just one small favor. Both you and your dad's track record."
"Why does this...entity. lets call it. You know. Where you were trapped?"
"The upside down." Y/n filled in.
"Sure. Yes." He went along with, "The upside down. What connection do you have with it?"
"It tried to kill me." Y/n told, "thats the only connection I have to it. Not a good one if you ask me."
"Why is it scared of you?"
"Shit." Y/n spoke leaning back in her chair, " why arent you asking yourself that? Aren't you afraid of me? You're the one threating my track record."
He shifted in his seat: he's uncomfortable.
"Now." Y/n spoke standing up, chains falling off her body, she pulled the muzzle from her face, red lines showed where it once pushed deep into her skin, "Shall we? Doctor-?"
Y/n looked at him as he sat in shock, she leaning in closer.
"Owens." She spoke, "Doctor Owens. Can We go? If its afraid of me. Dont you want me out there?"
He took you around the Lab, you thought you were going to see Will but ended up with Hopper
Both given hazmat suits which you decided against and just took a respirator.
Thats when you seen it for the first time.
The gate.
Unlike Hopper or the others you did hesitate to go and walk up to it.
It was like an infection, that spread throughout a body and that body was loosing
You reached your hand out but it retracted immediately and spread else where.
"What the fuck..." y/n laughed looking back at Hopper who had been yelling at her the whole time to get back.
But did you?
You walked through the gate, becausw fuck it at this point
You still dont understand how this place, or thing, or whatever is afraid of you
Can a place be afraid of you? That just doesnt sit right
Unless this Shadow Monster affecting Will is controlling this place
That would make more sense, but why?
Hopper was yelling at you to be careful when you realized it and rushed back through the portal
It knows who you are and if it knows who you are, it knows who your dad is what you both are.
You demanded to know where Will was, and Dr.Owens wouldnt tell you, so you pulled a gun from a gaurd on him.
Eventually you got it out of him and rushed to see him, Dr.Ownes behind you
Will was surpised to see you, and so was Joyce who quickly stood infront of Will's bed.
"Leave now." Joyce demanded.
She knows, "Joyce. Mrs.Byers. please. Let me explain-"
"Explain what?" She questioned, "That you killed people. Both you and you're dad!? The Punisher!? Really!?"
"Mrs.Byers those people had the right to die!" Y/n argued, "you don't understand-"
"No. I don't!-"
"Mrs.Byers. Please. Those people killed children." Y/n explained to her, her expression seemed to let up just the slightest, "Its how I ended up with Frank to begin with. He has my back, and I have his. I may have killed people but I wouldn't lie to no one. Especially not you."
"Why wouldn't you- Frank. Tell me." She asked, genuinely heartbroken.
"I. Its not something you can go flashing around." Y/n explained, "Look. You know me. You know my dad. Frank. My dad loves you and you know he'd do anything for you and your family."
Joyce slowly dropped her shoulders, "i get it. I do. Its scary." Y/n explained.
"But I know. For a fact. That If I can help save any of you. I would." Y/n contuined taking a few steps closer, "and that thing, knows I can do some serious damage. Let me help you."
She sighed, and nodded, Y/n sighing in relief, but wasnt expecting the hug that came next.
Joyce Byers was hugging you, after your whole identity was releved to her.
You don't think you've had anyone hug you after someone knew of well. You killing people.
So Joyce allows you to contuine to help
You sit besides Will.
"Hey bud...do I...scare you?" Y/n asked.
He shook his head no, "No...you're a good person."
Y/n smiled holding his hand,
"Are you kidding?" Mike added, "Your a totally bad ass! Taking down Badguys! I knew you were a superhero!"
Y/n laughed, "thank you Mike...But Will,I scare that thing?"
He nodded.
"Why? Do you know?"
Will shook his head no, "It doesnt like your friends either."
"My friends?" Y/n questioned.
"You're new york friends" He explained, "it doesnt like your dad either."
Y/n was silent for a moment, "fuck-"
Y/n got up quickly, "Where are you going?" Joyce asked.
"Its after my family!" Y/n argued, Dr.Owns throwing her keys.
"Take mine." He spoke, "go!"
You've never rushed off so quick before.
But he never told you what car he drives, and you got fucking annoyed and just broke into one and hot wired it and was off at the speed of light
Plus it was dark outside making it worse.
"Fuck. Marc I could really use you now!" Y/n argued, "Should Of just fucking listened! But No! You wanted a boyfriend! A normal life! Fuck a normal life!"
Y/n made it to her house, jumping out the car and rushing inside the house, no one home.
"Dad! Matt! Matthew!" Y/n shouted, curising as she looked around, "Karen! Peter!"
She walked into his room, "Curt!? Madani!"
No one. She went into her room, pushing over her bed, with ease and going to the loose floorboard.
"Fuck... Y/n cursed, but paused, looking at the vest, she could take it, put it back on.
Instead she grabbed the hatchets besides holstered on a belt.
"I can do this without you." She spoke, covering the floorboard and grabbing knifes from her wall.
"Thank god for Loki." Y/n spoke kissing one of the blades before holstering them on her belt.
Y/n covered the hole again and left to find her family.
You walked out the house, looking up at the full moon and screamed at the top of your lungs for Moonknight.
You were glad when part of the moon became blocked out, it Marc in the ceremonial armour landing at your feet.
"Now you need me?" Marc asked the coustume breaking away.
"Get in the damn car." Y/n ordered getting in the driver seat, "I need Steven."
"Well of course you do." Steven spoke getting into the passanger seat, "What is it today love? Midnight sons? Ancient Egyptian battle-"
Y/n speed off quickly, "Well slow down!" Steven complained.
"Theres a gateway here in Hawkins. To what they call the Upside down- It knows about me and Frank. I dont know where he is! And You need to help me!"
"Where the bloody hell would he be?" Steven asked
"I don't know!-"
Y/n floored on the breaks, rocking them both forward, "The Byers house."
"The Byers house! If Frank's going to look for anyone it'd be at the Byers house! Fuck he knows me too well!" Y/n argued making a fast U turn, going back to Joyce's house.
"Who's the Byers!" Steven asked
"The moms Franks Girlfriend!"
"Frank has a girlfriend!?" Marc aspirated.
So you quickly drove to Joyce's house, well you where-
Until you stopped, smelling blood as you floored on the breaks.
"Marc I need you to contuine to look for my dad." Y/n explained getting out the driver seat.
"Excuse me!?"
"Look! Go look for my dad!" Y/n ordered, "Please."
He sighed, "You're lucky I like you."
He shifted over and took her seat, "becareful. I know you sense ya know....werid shit."
Y/n nodded.
You watched Marc drive off as you walked into the forest
You smelled Blood and Unlike Matt you couldnt identify who's blood
But with everything going on.. it was best to check
You found yourself farther than you thought as you made it to what seemed to be an old dumping grounds, an old bus, some old cars along with rubble here and there.
"Hello!" Y/n called.
She stopped when something squished below her.
"Aw...shit...always my fuckin feet..." y/n complained raising her foot.
Y/n kneeled down, taking a knife from her belt. Sticking it in the substance and bringing it closer. It was meat. Most likely beef from the color, or perhaps pork-
"Y/n!" Someone whispered in a rush. She looked up.
"Get over here!"
She looked up, and squinted, "Max?"
There was a low growl, Y/n pausing in her spot.
The bus door opened slowly, barely making a squeak Steve slowly walking out, hand loose in one hand and the other one out in sign for her to not make a move. Then brought a finger to his lips to tell her to keep quiet.
Another low growl as Y/n turned her head.
Just a rabid dog at first glance. Until it got closer. It's head made of what could be a flower bulb as it stalked closer.
Y/n slowly pulled one of her hatches from her side.
"Steve." Y/n started, "get in the bus."
"Get in the fuckin' bus." Y/n ordered.
"I'm not-"
The growl came closer as it slowly closed in.
"Fuckin' stay close then..." Y/n whispered to him facing the dog.
It came running at the two, jumping for it's killing just for Y/n to slash it off to the side.
"Let me guess. Gift from a god." Steve spoke another growl being heard from behind, Steve's shoulder blades met hers quickly, they back to back.
"No." Y/n responded, "sharpened from the thrift store. Camping department."
"Keep on the toes in a circle," Y/n told taking the second hatchet out a second dog coming at them, Steve takinga swing at it, knocking it off and back into the on rolling fog.
"Gotta admit." Steve spoke up, twilring the bat in his hand, "Kinda hot seeing you kick ass Killer."
"Not the time to flirt hot shot." Y/n laughed.
"Steve! Y/n!" Dustin shouted.
"Busy!" Y/n complained.
"There's More!" Lucas shouted, "A shit load more!"
Y/n and Steve looked around them, they completely surronded by more of these flower head dogs.
"Oh..." y/n started.
"Fuck..." Steve finished.
"Abort! Abort!" Dustin shouted.
"Go! Go!" Y/n shouted.
The two took back back towards the bus, Steve rushing in with Y/n behind him, yet one clamped down on her hand.
"AH!" Y/n screamed.
"Y/n!" Steve shouted regripping his bat.
But Y/n dragged the monster in and Dustin shut the foor.
"Im keeping my fucking hand!" Y/n shouted at it, grabbing the lip of the monster and forcing it's mouth open.
"Holy Shit!" Max screamed Y/n getting her hand out and holding onto one of its petal like lips.
"Fuck. You!"
She pulled at it's mouth forcing it more open than it should be naturally, it screeching in pain as Y/n raised her foot up.
"Die! You!" Y/n shouted kicking it down, "peice!"
With more force and the help of her weight the thing was split, "Of shit!" She shouted for a final time, it dieing as Y/n threw it off to the side.
She falling onto the floor with heavy breathe, leaning against one of the broken seats "fuck..."
They looked at her in Horror, she covered in blood and guts, then the kids lauged.
"YOU'RE A TOTAL BAD ASS!" They cheered.
Yet it didnt last long as the dogs charged at the door, trying to get in, resulting in the fear setting back in.
"FUCKING HELL! IM DONE WITH FUCKING FLOWER FUCKIN FACES!" Y/n shouted grabbing the bat from Steve.
"Y/n! Y/N!"
You had already gone to the door where Dustin had tried to block it in and with the reching in demodog you beat it half to death.
Yet it didnt stop there, a scream from Max ripping you attention away, one of these dogs, screeching down at her from the open bus emergency exit.
But before anyone could make a move, it stopped and looking off to the side it chirping, growling then roaring before it left in a hurry.
You guys were quiet no one making a move for a good five mintues.
Steve was out the door first, back with his signature bat in hand as he checked
But the creatures had just vanished
And now that you all have a mintue to breathe in the outside air the adrenaline is starting to wear off.
"Dustin." Y/n called, "you got duck tape in that backpack of yours?"
He went through his bag, "Yeah. Here."
Y/n thanked him wrapping her bleeding hand and past her wrist in duck tape, "here."
He was in compelte shock as you just contuined on without a care, putting your hatchets away at your sides.
You all walked off, hoping to find where they went, Lucas found from using his binoculars that they went "home" Hawkins Lab
You told them last time you checked, Will was there
Dustin and Lucas started to try and fill you in
But you said you already knew, and not to worry you could handle it.
You stayed in the back of the group, Max walking besides you.
"Are...you okay?" She asked.
Y/n nodded, "yeah... this? Its nothing."
It was silent, "I know...you and Billy."
"I don't wanna talk about it..." Y/n responsed.
"But I just-"
"Look! Max! I don't care what you think!" Y/n argued, in a whispered shout, "my dad's god knows where, Im dead to Billy! I-"
She stopped rubbing over her face taking a deep breathe in, "Im...look Im sorry...I just...want everyone safe."
"Is that a superhero thing?" Max asked, "taking everything on yourself?"
"It just may be...Im not much of a hero..."
"Just a badass?" Max asked
Y/n chuckled, "Just a badass."
"Well..." she spoke, "if the badass doesn't mind. I don't mind helping with anything."
Y/n smiled patting Max on the head, "I'll remember that. Your first lesson when shits not grinding in the fan. Hot wiring."
You all contuined forward, and you had to break up some stupid fight between Lucas and Dustin
Even tho they both yellled at you to stay out of it.
"Look! Both of you!" Y/n shouted, "You fucked up Dustin! You fucked up Lucas! You both get that!?"
"But-" Lucas tried to interveine.
"I said You fucked up Dustin! You fucked up Lucas! Do you both get that!? Or will I have to have The winter soilder come and stab both of you in the eye!" Y/n argued.
"You know The Winter Soilder?!" The two asked.
"Not the point!" Y/n argued, "so lets just. Go. Alright?"
The two nodded and contuined down the railroad path.
You all coming up on the lab.
Hearing hellos coming from the distance you all started towards the sound. Just for it to be Jonathan.
And Nancy...
Great she first tries to steal your boyfriend, talks to you like nothing happened, and then she was with your brother-Jonathan, she was with Jonathan.
"What are you doing here?!"
"Us!?" Nancy asked, "We're looking for Mike and Will."
"Shit what happen to your hand?" Jonathan asked Y/n grabbing the ducktaped hand.
"Nothing big-"
"Wait what are you doing here?" Nancy asked her.
"Right now? Getting Mike and Will out of there." Y/n argued pointing towards the lab.
"Gate has no power." Jonathan told her.
"Fuck..." Y/n spoke pulling away from him, looking up at the gate, "I can jump it-"
"Are you insane?!" Nancy asked, "That's barbed wire-"
"And?" Y/n asked walking towards the Fence serveying the area,"not as bad as you think."
She started to climb the fence.
"Y/n! Woah woah!" Steve stopped her, "You're injured-"
"Will and Mike are in there!" Y/n defended and started to climb again, but Nancy pulled her down.
"Are you trying to die?" Nancy argued.
Y/n turned to her getting dangerously close, "no but your going to if you touch me again."
Nancy looked offended, "What the hell-"
"Blow it out your ass Nancy." Y/n argued, "You're just Bullshit. You're pure bullshit!"
"Be quiet." Y/n ordered, "You stop me again, I will hurt you."
Y/n climbed over the fence, just barely able to throw herself over the barbed wire.
"Y/n!" Steve shouted, "Y/n!"
You ignored him and managed to hurry to the building, yet the door wouldnt open and if the power is off...
You managed with one of your longer pins to slide it between the door and the door frame wiggling around till you heard a click and the door opened letting you in
It's time to go safe the homies now
✧▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬✧
Tags: @raelwrites @miiikkeey @beebslebobs @ah-witch @supernaturallover2002 @pearlstiare @simonsbluee @stilllivindue2spite @lvbred @dancingqueen21 @writerdream22 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @knivqs @xxlaynaxx @3-spurr @eliskakratochvilova @sunshinepower17 @marssssaturn @howlerwolfmax @mxltifxnd0m @varientlyvisual
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banditthewriter · 5 years
Misdial; Redial - Billy Russo
Prompt: Wrong Number AU: Reader is going through hard times and her friend gives her number to a guy who usually helps veterans but won't say no to a civilian. But instead of talking with a polite man named Curtis she ends up texting with a guy named Billy who's incredibly witty, funny and maybe gets attached to her but doesn't want to show his face. Prompter: Anonymous
So this is my 17k word oneshot because I got really inspired by this request. It took on a life of its own. 
Warnings: Discussion of past sexual abuse. Smut. Immediate angst after smut? I don’t know if that deserves a warning or not. Just be kind to yourselves darlings.
Tags are at the bottom. Let me know if you would like to be added to one of my tag lists!
*gif is mine*
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It had been a rough year. You'd faced unemployment, homelessness, sick family members. Some of your problems were a direct correlation to your ex, some of it was just bad timing. It didn't matter which was which; it was all pretty equally ducky.
Every time something got better, two things would go wrong again. It happened over and over for over a year until you weren't sure you could take it anymore.
“I can't do it anymore,” you cried as your best friend kept his arm around you. “I'm just so tired. Of all of this.”
Kenny tugged you into his chest, quietly shushing you.
“You're one of the strongest people I know. I know this stuff is hitting you from all sides, but you're not in this alone. We’ve got you.”
He meant your circle of friends who had taken turns hosting you while you tried to find an apartment. You finally found one only for it to be taken before you had the chance.
“I hate feeling like a burden,” you said as you wiped your tears.
“No burden here except Ethan’s gym socks,” he joked as he looked over to where his boyfriend's gym bag was resting. “If I didn't love the man, I'd throw the bag out into the dumpster.”
It made you giggle which was surely his intention. Once he was satisfied that you were done crying, he pulled back a bit. The look on his face told you that he was thinking about something.
“What is it?”
Kenny held up a finger. He stood up and made his way over to the desk in the corner of the living room.
“When Ethan came back from overseas, he was a mess. He couldn't find a job, couldn't settle into a routine. We almost didn't make it,” he admitted quietly as he sorted through the drawer. “He got in touch with this guy, Curtis Hoyle. He runs a group for vets, helps them find work and adjust. He's great. And he's also just a good ear to bend when you're down.”
He pulled out a small address book and started flipping through the pages as he made his way over to you.
“Maybe you could give him a call. Or a text, if you prefer.”
You were shaking your head before he finished his sentence.
“I wasn't… I'm not military, Ken.”
Kenny shrugged and flopped down beside you, still holding out the book.
“Neither was I but he talked me through losing my dad and my brother within about two months of each other. And that was when Ethan was deployed.”
You hesitated before you finally accepted the address book from him. On the page he had turned to was about two dozen names all smushed in together.
“How can you even read these?”
He laughed as he trailed his finger along a line. The phone number was a bit jumbled but you typed it into your phone as best you could.
“Who are these other people?”
“Some are guys Ethan served with. Some are guys he met in group with Curtis. That's Ethan’s boss,” he said as he pointed to a name that was basically just a B and then a smear of pen. “He met him through Curtis.”
You nodded as you glanced at the number in your phone. You weren't sure you'd use it, but if it made Kenny feel better to give it to you?
“I promise I'll be off your couch soon,” you said somewhat miserably. “I just have to keep looking.”
“Hey, I don't care about that. I just care about you.”
You tugged Kenny close to you so that you could rest your head on his shoulder.
“You're the best.”
“I know,” he said with a grin.
Your ex was the kind of guy who thought things were owed to him. Paul took what he wanted, damn the consequences. You'd liked that about him in theory. You had completely different feelings about it in reality.
You stayed because you thought you had to, that you wouldn't be able to survive without him. You left your apartment to move in with him. You lost your job because he'd make you call out and stay at home instead of going in. He stopped you from seeing your family.
It kept getting worse until he turned his attention on you. It took Kenny taking you to a crisis center and talking to a therapist to learn that saying yes because you're scared to say no is still rape. At that point you were done. Kenny, Ethan, your father, and one of Ethan’s buddies from work all showed up at the townhouse you shared with Paul to help you pack up your belongings.
There wasn't much. He'd made you sell a lot of it.
Once you were out, you had to work on getting your life put back together. It just didn't seem to work that way. You felt like you were always scrambling to make it.
But you had Kenny. You had Ethan. You had your family. You weren't doing it alone anymore.
The new job wasn't perfect, but it was better than nothing. And the pay was pretty good considering. You went to labs, medical offices, and other places in the city to check that they were disposing of their supplies correctly and that they followed all health guidelines.
You huffed out a sigh as you settled down into the booth at the diner near the job you were on today. As the waitress brought over your drink, you felt your phone buzz with a new text.
After you ordered your lunch, you checked the message. It was from Kenny.
Have you called Curtis yet?
You sighed again, this time out of fond exasperation as you tapped out your response.
No. I don't know how I feel about it. And I don't know that I need someone to talk to.
We all need someone to talk to.
Yeah but that's why I have you!
You put your phone down when the food arrived. After the first few bites, you picked it back up curiously.
But I'll say the wrong thing because I'm insensitive and awkward. Curtis is really good at this shit.
Please Y/N? It's the only way I know how to help you
With it put like that, how could you turn it down?
I'll message him later, okay? I promise.
You got the response before you could even lock your phone.
I'm glad.
“Hey dad,” you called softly as you walked into the hospital room, eyeing the lump on the bed before you moved to his side. “How's she doing?”
Your father gave you a hug and kissed the top of your head.
“Stubborn as a mule,” he said with a small smile. “Doc was in here earlier to check her vitals and she damn near kicked him out.”
“His stethoscope was cold,” your sister complained as she turned her head to peek up at you. “Aren't you supposed to be at work?”
You huffed out a laugh and moved to grab her hand.
“I got off about thirty minutes ago.” You squeezed her hand as you looked at all of the machines attached to her. “How are you feeling?”
Kristen’s free hand went to her very large belly.
“Felt him kick earlier,” she said with a smile. “Dr Dunning said that was a good sign.”
You placed your hand on her belly and smiled. Before you could say anything, you felt the tiniest movement.
Kris smacked your arm with a laugh.
“That was your nephew telling you to be nice to his mom,” she countered with a grin.
“He says that now. Wait until he gets here. You'll be all discipline and veggies and I'll be giving him ice cream for dinner.”
The rest of your visit went much the same. Your sister's pregnancy was high risk so she was hospitalized for the last few weeks before they would have to do a c-section. It'd been tough on everyone because you wanted to be with her as much as possible but it was hard to get out there now that you were employed.
Your parents took turns spending about six hours with her at a time. The father wasn't in the picture anymore so it was just Kris. And your soon to be nephew.
On your way home, you thought about the number in your phone. You didn't think you needed to reach out to Curtis because you were doing okay for the time being. Of course you did promise Kenny that you'd message him.
And it wasn't like you'd turn down the chance to talk to someone. You were still stressed about finding a place to live. And you were still looking for a job that fit you more than what you were doing now.
It couldn't hurt, right? Worst came to worst, he'd tell you to buzz off.
With that in mind, you told yourself that you'd send a text to appease Kenny. He'd been so worried about you lately.
Curled up in the guest room while Kenny and Ethan watched TV in the living room, you decided that now was as good of a time as any. It took you a few minutes to figure out what to say, but once you started? The words just seemed to flow from you.
Hey Curtis. You don't know me but a friend gave me your number. I've been having a tough time lately and he told me that you're a pretty good with that? I just have a lot going on and I'm feeling a bit like a failure. I don't know how else to explain it except I feel like I'm failing everyone and I'm a burden to the people that care about me. And I know I shouldn't lay all this at your feet but my friend really wanted me to reach out. Feel free to tell me to fuck off if this is out of line, I just thought I'd give it a try.
You hit send before you could think twice about it. You also realized you never gave him your name or who your friend was, but you figured you'd wait to see how he responded.
With the message sent, you dropped your phone onto the bedspread and moved to your luggage. You pulled out some pajamas and started to work on putting them on.
While you were pulling your shirt on, you heard your phone buzz. Instead of running over, you stuck to getting dressed. And then you tried to think of anything else you could do before you checked the message.
Unable to think of anything that wouldn’t involve you going through the apartment and depressing yourself by seeing Ethan and Kenny being so in love, you sat down on the bed and unlocked the phone to check.
Your stomach dropped when you saw the reply.
I'm sorry about this but I think you have the wrong number? I don't think anyone would have given you my number if you were looking for comfort. And my name isn't Curtis. I know a Curtis though and he's the kind of guy that would talk you through this so I can give you his number if you want?
You swore and tossed the phone away from you. Even the knowledge that this person apparently knew Curtis didn't help. All you felt was embarrassed to have unloaded on a complete stranger. And the wrong stranger at that.
All of the numbers had been so squished together on that page. He said he knew Curtis so it was probably one of the people from group. Shit.
You'd tell Kenny that you were sorry but that it didn't work out with you talking to Curtis. It'd be a lie, but you couldn't reach out to someone else after that.
You'd just keep on going the way you had been.
When you woke up the next morning, you checked the time on your phone. There was a notification from a number you didn't have saved.
It was just familiar enough for you to realize it was the number of Not-Curtis. You had deleted the number before you went to bed, not thinking that other person would reach back out after they told you they weren't Curtis.
Instead you were faced with another message.
I know I'm not Curtis but I am worried. You okay?
This person has claimed that no one would have given you their phone number to comfort you, but they did seem worried about you.
The clock said it was just after six. You needed to take a shower and start getting ready for work. Instead you took a moment to compose a reply.
I'm fine, just embarrassed. I'm taking this as a sign that I should just not bother people with my junk. Thanks for checking up on me. And sorry for bothering you last night.
You sent the message and locked your phone, heading to grab your stuff for your shower. You figured that would be that but when you got back to the room, you had a new message from that same number.
No worries. I get it. But I wouldn't take it as a sign not to reach out. There's no shame in reaching out. Curtis is a good guy. Let me give you his actual number. He can help you adjust to being back home.
You hesitated when you read that. It made sense the person would assume that you were military considering what Curtis did, but it just helped you feel worse.
I'm not military. Part of the reason I want to just forget this happened. Sorry for bothering you.
Phone back down once more, you moved to your clothes. You still had some time before you needed to go to work, but you usually preferred to leave early to stop and get breakfast.
When you were fully dressed, you checked your phone but there weren't any new messages. You weren't sure why you felt disappointed, but you considered it a fluke.
The lab you were checking was mostly empty. You were making notes on their disposal techniques when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket.
Your first thought was that it was going to be about Kris. Instead you were faced with that unsaved number from earlier.
So you aren't military. Curtis would still be willing to talk to you.
This person just didn't know when to give up.
I decided that I don't want to bother Curtis with my issues. I appreciate your persistence, but I'm not going to message him.
You tucked your phone back into your pocket. Even when you felt it buzz later while you were explaining that the lab was using outdated cleaning equipment and could be fined for that, you ignored it.
It had to be a guy. A girl would have stopped pushing at some point. You weren't sure what kind of guy openly admits to not being someone to offer comfort and then go through this, but it somehow made sense.
On your way to the subway, you finally opened the one notification you'd been ignoring all day.
Well you aren't bothering me. I have nothing better to do right now. I'm Billy, btw. If you want, you can talk to me.
You started to type up a reply telling him you weren't going to do that either, but something stopped you. You glanced up to see what station was coming up and sighed.
Maybe you could use someone to talk to. Someone that didn't know you in person and someone you could easily ignore if it went bad. Someone with no real connection to you.
In the end it was the thought that Kris would want you to do it which made you change your response.
I've just been dealing with a lot in the last few months. Things seem to be getting worse before they get better. My friend thought I could benefit from talking to someone that isn't in my social circle about it.
You hesitated and then sent the text. His text had been about three hours ago so you didn't expect an immediate response. But it came through anyways.
What are you dealing with? If you wanna tell me
You appreciated him giving you the opportunity. The thought of laying everything out on someone you didn't know made you a little nervous so you decided the cliff notes version would have to do.
Lost my job so now I'm working a job I don't particularly like. Couch surfing because I can't find a place to live. My sister is in the hospital because she's having a difficult pregnancy. It's just a lot
You felt stupid the moment you sent it. If this guy was in one of the groups with Curtis and Ethan, he was obviously a vet. You were telling someone from the military that you were dealing with a lot and it was just–
A new text came in.
Obviously he was a wordsmith, but you could see the bubble that said he was typing.
Think of it this way. Any job is better than no job. And couch surfing means you got people that care. Like the friend that gave you Curt’s number?
I can't say much about the sister thing because I've never been in that situation but I imagine it sucks
That made it sound like he didn't have any siblings. You weren't going to pry, because you weren't sure how close to get to this mysterious Billy, but it was something at least.
I know that I've been lucky. I know that and that's what makes me feel worse. I shouldn't feel like this, I know that.
Your stop was coming up so you put your phone away. Once you were back on the street, you found yourself reaching for your phone again.
That's not what I'm saying at all. Shit still hurts whether or not it could be worse. Don't judge how you feel against how you think you should feel. Doesn't work that way
That was heavy. You crossed the street carefully, checking both directions as you did. On the other side, you paused your trek to send a reply.
For someone who doesn't think people would go to you for comfort, you're pretty good at it
You tucked your phone into your pocket after you put it on silent. As much as your were—surprisingly—enjoying this conversation, you didn't want to be distracted when you got to see your sister again.
An hour and a half later as you were leaving, you finally checked your phone. There were two messages from Billy.
Maybe I'm just trying to channel Curt. Make it worth your time to talk to me.
You never gave me your name
You looked around as if you expected to see someone hovering nearby.
There was no harm in telling him your name, especially since he told you his. Although he could have used a fake name.
You could use a fake name. It wasn't like he'd ever know the truth.
I'd feel more comfortable anonymous. For now?
It took another subway ride to get you home. Or, well, to Kenny and Ethan’s. Inside you waved at Kenny who was working at his desk before you went into the guest room. You started to drop your bag onto the bed when you saw the text.
I get that. Can I know anything about you? Gender? Age? Zodiac sign?
You let out a short laugh. It was a bit of a surprise, so you smothered the instinct. If you didn't know better, you would think he was flirting with you. But it was probably just him trying to lighten the mood.
You gave him the answers, telling him you were a girl and giving him your age. You even jokingly gave him your zodiac sign.
It was a step. And a small step was better than nothing.
“So you don't know this guy but you've been texting him?”
You looked over at where Kris was failing to knit a baby blanket. It looked more like a really sad pot holder.
“It started as a fluke,” you admitted as you flipped through the magazine you were reading. “But it's only been the past few days. It probably won't continue.”
Even as you said it, you felt a thin curl of disappointment growing in your chest.
The past few days had involved a few conversations with Billy. Well, one conversation that didn't stop. Sometimes there'd be hours between texts, but you didn't mind. He always turned the conversation back to you, back to the things you had admitted to him that day.
You had a strange feeling that he actually wanted to help you.
“Just be careful, okay? I don't want anything to happen to this kid’s aunt. He’ll need you to keep his mommy from going insane.”
It was such a Kris thing to say that you could barely keep the smile down.
“Do you think I'm gonna do something stupid?”
Kris raised her eyebrow at you, throwing her knitting down in frustration.
“No, I feel like you get attached to people easily and sometimes you get hurt.”
You thought about Paul and how quickly everything had moved. How quickly everything had gone to hell.
“You may have a point there.”
You didn't want to stop talking to Billy, but you knew Kris was right. She usually was.
“You've seemed happy lately,” Kenny said as he flopped down on the bed next to you. “Well maybe not happy, but more settled.”
You looked over at him and smiled.
“I'm glad you think so.”
He rolled his head to look over at you.
“Did you text Curtis?”
You'd almost forgotten to tell him about it. And since your version of things was a little different, you wanted to tread lightly.
“I did. It really helped. It got me thinking about how to move forward.”
You knocked your knee against his, grinning a bit as you did.
“Thank you, by the way. I never said that.”
Kenny wrapped his arms around your legs and grinned up at you.
“I'm just happy to see the old you. Even as little as it is.”
You've mentioned your folks a few times as well as your sister. You mind if I ask why you can't stay with them?
Don't mind you asking. Parents live in Jersey now and I'm not looking to move out of the city. Kris lives with them when she's not in the hospital.
you that attached to the city?
Once you're here, who would want to be anywhere else?
I can respect that
You having a bad night?
Bad year. I want to get out of this apartment so that they can be alone. I'm just getting really tired of having to rely on other people.
I don't know your price range but I can look around. I have some people I could ask
You don't need to do that. I already take advantage of you enough
I'm giving you permission to take advantage of me however you want
That last message had made your whole body turn warm. It didn't make sense given the fact that you'd never seen Billy or knew much about him personally, but those words made you feel almost lightheaded.
At the same time, there were loud sirens going off in the back of your head. Paul had been a smooth talker. He had painted picture after picture of all these things you'd only ever let yourself dream about. And then he became the thing you had nightmares about.
You didn't respond to the text but a couple of hours later, you got another text.
I didn't mean it like that. Don't want you to think that I'm hitting on you or something.
Or something, you thought to yourself as you typed out a response.
Never crossed my mind
The alcohol was like grease on a wheel. You moved with the music that pumped from the stereo in the corner of the bar. For the first time in a long time, you felt alive.
“Wowza girly, you're gonna burn the place down,” Ethan cheered as he joined you on the floor.
He was careful to let you see that he was approaching before he wrapped his arms around you, moving with the music. Both him and Kenny were always careful like that. They'd been the ones to see you for the first time after Paul had gotten abusive.
You were thankful for their care and gentleness. It was thoughtful in a way a lot of people weren't.
After dancing got tiring, you dropped into a chair next to another friend. Kenny had taken your spot with Ethan and the two of them danced together.
It wasn't that Billy was on your mind constantly, but he was there a lot. Since the conversation where he'd very bluntly told you he wasn't hitting on you, your conversations had been stilted to say the least.
Oddly enough, you thought you missed him.
With that in mind, you pulled your phone out to check the thread. Mostly just general greetings, nothing like it was before.
Confidence provided by alcohol, you typed up a message.
Why do you never say anything about yourself? Something real
The lack of spelling mistakes and the fact that it actually made sense had you satisfied as you hit send.
The satisfaction went away pretty quickly when his reply came in.
You're kidding right
It didn't even deserve a question mark. You furrowed your browser as you stared at the phone.
Im not kidding. You ar3 alwaus talking about me, but never about you. I don't know anything about uou
That time you noticed the spelling mistakes, but not until you sent the message. Shit. You didn't want it to be obvious that you were drunk.
I don't even know your name. You're saved in my phone under your fucking star sign. Wanna tell me why you're drunk texting me this bs right now?
You had the sudden urge to call him and chew him out, but that was crossing a line in this timid relationship the two of you had. Instead you blinked a few times to try to focus your eyes before you began to type again.
I'm sorry. I just can't stop thinking about the fact that you never talk about yourself. It always about me.
But you're right, I'm drunk.
You stared at the phone for a long time, watching the little sign that said he'd read the messages. But you didn't see that he was replying.
You looked you and watched Kenny and Ethan wrapped around one another, so very much in love. Then you looked back down at your phone.
With a deep breath, you typed something else.
And my name is Y/N
The next morning while you nursed your hangover, your phone started to blink with a new text. You groaned as you held it a little ways away from your face so that you wouldn’t be blinded when you unlocked the device.
There was a link from Billy. There wasn’t an accompanying text, just the link. Your first thought was that it was spam, but you decided to give it a shot.
It opened up to about half a dozen rental listings in the city. They ranged from exactly your price range to ridiculously expensive. You clicked through them for a bit before you went back to the thread.
You didn't have to do that, but thank you. Those are some good leads for me to look into.
You didn't want to be beholden to Billy but something told you that he didn't see it that way. And sure enough, thirty minutes later when you got out of your shower, his reply told you as much.
I don't look at it as something I had to do. I wanted to.
You skimmed back up at the conversation from the night before and winced. You weren't at your best when you'd been drinking, but especially not with you unable to get Billy's earlier brush off out of your mind.
Why would he be flirting with you? Neither of you knew what the other looked like. Until last night, he didn't even know your name.
You should apologize. At the very least you should tell him that you hadn't meant it like it sounded.
Before you got the chance, your phone lit up with a new text.
I was safe havened in Albany. Grew up in the system. The moment I aged out, I joined the Marines. They put me through college and then they put me through hell. I came out the other side a survivor that has a lot to be thankful for.
You wanted to tell him that he didn't need to tell you this, but it would contradict your fit the night before. No, this was his way of reaching out, of showing more of himself to you.
It was your turn to offer an olive branch.
I've never been to Albany. How is it?
You didn't have to wait long for the reply.
It sucks
For a while, things start to look up. Your job was still kind of crappie but you started to enjoy parts of it. One of the apartments that Billy linked you to accepted your application and you were on the verge of moving in. And you and Billy were actually becoming friends.
It was the biggest surprise really. You hadn't expected much when you sent the message to Curtis, but you definitely didn't expect Billy. And upon starting to talk to him, you didn't expect for that to be the best part of your day.
The conversations changed. Instead of centering around you and your stuff, it became more of a friendship. He told you about his life, you told him about yours.
He owned a company, although he wouldn't specify what the company did. He also made it sound like he'd been on some sort of leave from the company recently but he didn't give specifics.
You knew he lived not far from Kenny and Ethan. That was probably the hardest part; knowing he was so close and yet not having a way to reach out to him. In person.
You hadn't broached the subject of meeting in person. You weren't sure how it'd go over so you held it in.
With everything starting to fall together, it made sense that something had to give. It just happened that the thing that finally did break was your sister.
A panicked phone call from your mom had you grabbing your stuff in the middle of the night to catch a taxi. Usually you'd take the subway but work had given you a raise so you weren't worried about money anymore.
You just wanted to be with your sister.
You made your way to her room. Inside was your mom and dad, but her bed was empty.
“Where's Kris?”
Your dad looked up at you, tears in his eyes.
“They took her back. They are going to check on the baby but there's a chance they may have to do an emergency c-section.”
Fear gripped you. You covered your mouth with your hand as you let yourself slump into their waiting arms.
“You said she had a seizure? Do they know what caused it?”
It was your mom who answered as she wiped away a tear from your cheek.
“They said it could be any number of things. The neurologist is with her just in case.”
For the next hour you watched your parents pace nervously around the private hospital room. At some point your mom sat down, her eyelids drooping as she tried to force herself to stay awake.
“I'm gonna go get us some coffee,” you offered quietly as you went over to your mom to squeeze her hand. “You guys want anything else?”
“No sweetie,” your mom said gratefully as she released your hand. “Coffee should do the trick.”
Despite telling them that you would get it, your dad handed you his card. You grabbed your phone and your wallet before you slipped into the hallway.
Hospitals always freaked you out, but there was something especially disconcerting about a hospital at almost four in the morning.
You'd visited Kris enough to be able to find the vending machine without any help. You stared at the coffee machine with tired eyes for a few minutes as you tried to force yourself to calm down.
Kris was fine. She was surrounded by doctors. Her and the baby were going to be fine.
Without thinking, you pulled your phone out of your pocket and pulled up your thread with Billy. After a moment of hesitation, you told him what was going on.
My sister had a seizure. They took her back to do some tests. They may have to do a c-section for the baby. I've been at the hospital for over an hour and I'm worried shitless.
You weren't sure why you sent the text at first. You'd needed comfort and he was the first person you could think of to give that to you.
While you looked around for a tray to be able to carry the cups back to the room, you felt your phone start to vibrate. Only it didn't just vibrate once, but continuously.
A phone call.
A look at the display showed Billy's name flashing. Your first instinct was to freeze but you knew that if you missed this window, chances were you wouldn't get a second chance.
You quickly swiped to answer the call.
The silence that met you made you wonder if he'd dialed you on accident. But then…
“Y/N,” he greeted, his voice different than what you expected somehow. “I thought maybe a phone call would be more appropriate than a text message right now.”
His voice was smooth. There was a bit of a New York accent mixed in there, soft enough that you only hear it on some of the words. You didn't think you'd have heard it if you hadn't been listening so intently.
“Yeah, that’s uh, that's a good guess. I'm sorry if I woke you.”
There was a deep, rich chuckle on the other end of the line that made your breath catch.
“Nah, I wasn't sleeping. I was working out when I saw your text.”
Working out. Your mind tried to conjure the image but without knowing what he looked like, nothing came to you.
“You okay?” Then you heard him swear slightly under his breath. “Fuck, of course you're not okay. I just meant–”
“I know what you meant,” you offered easily, because you did. “I appreciate it, really. I can't tell you how nice it is to finally put a voice to a name.”
There was a beat of silence where you had to wonder if you'd said the wrong thing. Then he was speaking once again.
“I don't want to keep you while you're probably with your family. I just wanted to say that I'm here if you need to talk to someone. Anytime, day or night,” he added, his voice a little lower than it had been before.
A jolt of heat went through you at that tone, but you shook your head. Not only was now not the time, but he'd already told you that he wasn't flirting with you. You needed to get over yourself.
“Thanks Billy,” you said with as much sincerity as possible. “I'll text you when I know more?”
A beat of silence and then, “Or you can call. I don't have any plans so I'm here if you need me.”
A surge of affection went through you for this man you barely knew.
“Thank you for that. I'll call once I know more,” you promised.
After a quiet goodbye from both of you, you ended the call. It had been absolutely thrilling to hear his voice for the first time.
You just wished it was under better circumstances.
You sent the pictures to Kenny and Ethan; they had both been checking in with you since they woke up and saw your message on the bathroom mirror.
The first picture was just of the baby. He had been asleep, swaddled in a blue and white checked blanket. He had your sister’s nose and your mom swore that the face he made when he was sleeping was just like the one you’d made as a baby.
The second picture was of you holding the baby. You looked exhausted but so happy, a smile on your lips as you looked down at the bundle in your arms. Your dad had snapped the picture and sent it to you.
Kenny and Ethan reacted with multiple exclamation marks and emojis that made you laugh. Kenny was also the one that asked how your sister was doing.
She’s sleeping right now, but the doctors think she’ll be okay. She’s gotta stay here for a while, but the baby will be in the NICU for at least another week before he can be released so it works out.
The room was quiet, your sister’s breathing mixing in with the machines that were monitoring her. Your parents had gone home to rest for a few hours before they’d come back. You didn’t mind watching over your sister for the time being.
There weren’t any new messages from Billy, but you still brought up the thread. You told him you’d keep him updated and you had for the most part, but the last few hours had been so chaotic that you hadn’t reached out in a bit. You knew he wouldn’t blame you for that, but you wanted him to know that things were okay.
You tapped to add a photo to the text message. You hesitated after you added the picture of the baby, your eyes on the other photo you had been sending people. Did you want to cross that line? He’d know what you looked like if you did that. Did you care?
There was a small part of you, the part that still shied away from men with the vivid memory of Paul in your head, that told you not to send it. But the rest of you wanted to take that leap.
There was something about Billy that made him the exception to most of your rules.
With that in mind, you added the second photo as well. You went back to the text and typed in A healthy baby boy. And I swear this isn’t the first time I’ve held a baby, he’s just so small.
Your heart thundered in your chest as you sent the pictures. You closed your eyes for a second before you locked the phone and put it down on your lap.
Kris was still asleep, her nose crinkling as she dreamed. She hadn’t gotten to hold the baby yet; once she was out of surgery and the doctors were certain she wasn’t going to have another seizure, she’d been brought back to the room but she was sleeping it all off. You wanted to be here when she woke up in case she freaked out about obviously not being pregnant anymore; you weren’t sure if she was aware that the she’d had the baby.
Your phone started to buzz and you smiled down at it to see that Billy was calling you again. You went over to the corner of the room, looking out through the window as you accepted the call.
“Hey, you didn’t have to call again,” you said quietly, perching on the counter with the window at your back, “I just wanted you to know that everything was okay. My sister, the baby, they’re both fine.”
“That’s wonderful Y/N,” he said, a smile obvious in his voice, “but I also wanted to check in on you. You’ve been at the hospital for almost twelve hours. Just wanted to make sure you’re taking care of yourself while all this is happening.”
You looked over at Kris and couldn’t fight the smile that overtook you.
“I’m great. Kris, my sister, is doing great. The baby is healthy and he’ll be able to go home in about a week. I’ve been so worried about what was going to happen that this feels like a lead weight being lifted from my soul. And yeah, I’m tired, but my parents will be back up here soon and then I can go home and crash for a few hours.”
“I’m glad she’s okay. And the kid too. What’s his name?”
You laughed as you stretched out your legs a bit, leaning back against the window.
“Kris has a few ideas, but she wanted to actually hold him before she decided on a name. I’m half tempted to pretend like I named him something ridiculous while she was asleep.”
That got a laugh from him. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments. You watched your sister shift a bit in her sleep, her lips smacking as she did. You could see where the baby got it from.
You were just about to tell Billy that you should go, because you thought that Kris might be close to waking up, but his voice interrupted your thoughts.
“That was you, right, in the picture?” At your hesitant assent that yes, it was you, you heard him let out an audible breath. “You uh, don’t look how I pictured you.”
You bit your lip, ducking your head as you tried to come up with a response to that.
“Is that a good thing? Or…”
Whatever Billy’s answer would have been, you didn’t get a chance to hear it. Your sister let out a loud groan, her hand going to her stomach. You quickly told Billy you’d have to call him back, ending the call and letting the phone rest on the windowsill as you moved over to Kris’s side.
You grasped her hand and waited until her eyes met yours before you smiled down at her.
“Morning sis. You’re on a lot of drugs right now, so you’re probably a little out of it. How much do you remember?”
Her free hand went up to her head. She was blinking rapidly as if trying to clear her fogged senses.
“I had a headache. I think I remember a nurse asking me some questions, maybe? And then they said something about the baby?” Her hand went to her stomach once more, her eyes widening. “Is he okay?”
“He’s great,” you said with a smile, feeling her relief race through her body. “They had to do a c-section, but he’s great Kris. They want to keep an eye on him for a week, but I think they’ll be keeping an eye on you for the same amount of time so it’ll be okay.”
She slumped back into her pillows a little.
“Can I see him?”
You smiled and gave her hand a squeeze before you pulled back.
“I’ll go get a nurse so that someone can go get him.”
Once in the hall, you let out a breath to release the tension you had been holding for a while. Relief spread through you like a physical presence. The baby was okay. Your sister was okay. And in a few moments, your sister would get to meet her son for the first time.
It was going to be okay.
You grabbed your phone to take a few candid pictures of Kris meeting the baby for the first time. You unlocked it and saw a text from Billy. Since the nurse wasn’t there with the baby yet, you quickly opened the message.
It’s definitely not a bad thing. I’ll talk to you later.
A smile spread over you at that, warmth curling in your stomach. You didn’t want to think that way, but you wondered if maybe Billy was pleasantly surprised by your looks. If there was even a small part of him that had found you attractive.
Casting that to the side for the time being, you opened up your camera. You were just in time to catch your sister bursting in tears the moment the nurse carried the baby into the room.
Things started to come together after that.
The job had gotten better now that you’d been doing it longer. Your bosses had been pleased with your work and even mentioned maybe turning you into a trainer at some point.
Kris had moved in temporarily with your parents while she healed up. You went to Jersey to see them as much as you could. Well, mostly just to see baby Liam.
And then there was the thing with Billy. Since he had made the leap into phone calls, the two of you were in near constant contact. You still preferred to send a text and see if he could talk, but he never turned you down.
The only time you called him without checking first was your first night in your new apartment. Kenny and Ethan had left with the half empty pizza box, leaving you in the middle of your living room floor with a thing of beer and all of your boxes from storage.
It wasn’t a lot, but it was yours. You had been so happy that you had grabbed the phone and called Billy without hesitation.
“Hey,” he greeted sounding pleased to hear from you. “This is a nice surprise. What’s up?”
You smiled and leaned back so that you were lying down in the middle of the floor.
“I am about to spend the first night in my own apartment and I owe it all to you,” you said with a smile so wide that it hurt your cheeks. “If you hadn’t sent me those listings, I don’t think I ever would have found this place.”
Or maybe you would have but it would have taken a lot longer.
“I’m glad it’s working out for you,” he said with a smile in his voice, “you deserve it Y/N. I’m just glad that I was able to do something to help.”
You thought back to the first time you had messaged him, on accident or not, and how he had said that people wouldn’t go to him for comfort. And now when something happened to you, good or bad, he was the first person you thought of.
That thought stayed with you for a while after that conversation. Somehow this man who you hadn’t meant to contact had become very important to you. And it was more than it had started out to be. You would honestly say now that the two of you were actual friends.
But maybe you wanted more than that. Or maybe you just wanted more than you had. The texts, the phone calls, they made your days better. But you would like to actually meet the man that meant so much to you.
You just weren’t sure how to broach the subject.
A few weeks after you moved into your apartment, you were on the phone with Billy while he complained about something with his company. He always kept it vague, but from what you could tell, he was having problems with some of his outsourced help.
You weren’t sure where the courage came from, but you said the words before you could think twice.
“You know, if you wanted to get together for a drink and complain about this in person, I can think of a few places nearby that have pretty good food.”
The silence was almost deafening.
“I don’t, well, I don’t think that’d be a good idea.”
It felt like a kick to the chest. You hadn’t been aware how much you’d been hoping for this until it was pulled away.
“Oh, yeah, I understand,” you said, hoping that he couldn’t hear the disappointment in your voice. “It was just a thought. Don’t worry about it.”
Embarrassment and rejection spread over you, heat filling you face as you tried to think of any way to change the subject. You were also thinking about maybe changing your name and leaving the city, but only a little bit.
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” he explained quickly, his words a rush as if he knew what you were thinking. “I’d love to get a drink with you. I just don’t think right now is a good time.”
Did he mean right now as in today, a nondescript Tuesday? Or did he mean at this point in your friendship?
“Okay,” you said quietly, drawing the word out a few extra seconds. “Well let me know if you change your mind?”
“I will,” he promised, his voice a little more sure than it was before. “I will.”
The picture of you from the hospital was the first that you sent, but not the last. It wasn’t always of you but of something you came across, but just like the phone calls, it was a change in the routine. Every now and then there would be part of you in the photo. And then finally you just took the dive and sent him a selfie of you on the subway one day.
The longest part of my day is what you had captioned the photo. You were pulling a face to the camera, but you still thought it looked like an okay picture.
You saw when he opened the message. You saw him start to type and then watched the bubble disappear. That happened twice more before a response finally came through.
You look amazing for someone who spends all day talking about medical waste.
As if those two things were mutually exclusive, but you had a feeling he just wanted a reason to compliment you. You smiled and started to respond but a message came through from him.
It was a photo. Your heart started to race in anticipation and you couldn’t help the disappointment when you opened it to see that it wasn’t a photo of him. Not really.
It was a desk with papers scattered over it. There was a glass of some amber liquid and a hand wrapped around the glass. It was a nice hand, you thought with a smile.
This is how I spend most of my evenings these days
It might not be his face, but it was something. You weren’t sure what it was about him, but you could tell that he had walls up. Considering you had refused to give him your name for the first few weeks that you knew each other, you couldn’t really blame him.
It opened up something new once more. Now he replied to your photos with pictures of his own. There was never a picture of his face, but the photos did help you start to piece together a mostly complete image of the man you talked to.
He was tall, if the length of this legs were any indication. You were more than a little obsessed with his hands; it wasn’t just dirty thoughts although there were plenty of those. You could also tell from a few pictures that included his torso that he wore a lot of suits. There was even one picture where he’d been in bed that you spent a lot of time thinking about.
There’s no way he could take a picture of his bare stomach and his legs which were barely covered by a sheet and think that it was in any way platonic. You spent a lot of time staring at the lines of his abs because it kept you from trying to figure out if the bulge was from the sheet being bunched up or… from something else.
You decided to test a theory. If he was going to send that picture without a hint as to if you should comment or not, you were going to do the same. As you got ready for sleep, you decided to do something different than your usual ratty t-shirt and sweats.
It wasn’t easy to take the picture. You weren’t wearing a shirt or a bra, but you were on your stomach so nothing was visible except your bare back. And the soft cotton shorts that looked more like underwear than anything else. You positioned the camera so that it caught the fact that you were nude from the waist up. With your head on the pillow, you gave a lazy smile to the camera and snapped the picture.
Once you were satisfied that it looked alright but not like you were trying too hard, you added a caption and sent the photo to Billy.
Sweet dreams!
You quickly got up and put on the ratty t-shirt that you had had on standby. You left on the shorts because they were actually pretty comfortable. By time you got back to the bed, your phone was blinking with a message.
From Billy. As if it could have been anyone else.
I don’t think sweet is the word to describe my dreams after that
You bit your lip as you rolled over in the bed, typing up a response.
Oh? And what word would you use?
His reply came in seconds of him reading your text.
Your breath caught in your throat at that simple word and what he meant by it. Heat spread down your chest and lower, so much lower. You clenched your legs together, burying your face into your pillow as you tried to calm your breathing. So he wasn’t as unaffected by you as you had once thought.
Your phone buzzing had you sitting up in a hurry. Billy was calling you. After those texts, you weren’t sure you could talk to him without bursting into flames.
Finally, something good came from the two of you only talking over the phone and not in person.
“Hello?” God, were you really that breathless? Way to be obvious.
“Hey,” he greeted back, his voice almost apprehensive. “Listen, I didn’t want to do this over a text. If I overstepped with that, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said something like that without–”
“Yeah, please don’t take that back. Not unless you didn’t mean it,” you added because now you were feeling a little insecure.
You heard him let out an audible sigh.
“I meant it,” he said lowly, his voice making your stomach flip. “You’re gorgeous. And that photo? Kind of broke me.”
“Oh. Well there’s always more where that came from,” you teased as you fingered the hem of your shirt.
He groaned, the noise loud in your ears. You couldn’t help but wonder in what other circumstances he’d make noises like that. If you could make him make that sound again. How it would feel against your skin.
“Y/N, if you–”
He was going to give you a chance to back down with your dignity intact but you’d decided that dignity wasn’t that important right then.
“Do you want me to tell you what I thought when you sent me that first picture? The one where you were holding a glass of alcohol and surrounded by papers?”
“Sure.” His voice was so low that you barely heard it.
“I was thinking about your fingers. They looked long, strong. I couldn’t help but wonder what they’d be good at. Playing the piano, maybe. But I also thought they’d be good at other things. And I couldn’t stop thinking about what they’d look like against my skin.”
It wasn’t the sexiest thing you’d ever said, but you’d never done this before. It was new territory for you but like so many other times, you jumped head first in with Billy at your side.
“You sent that one picture of you in a skirt and all I could think about was sliding my hand up your thighs.” He seemed almost timid as he spoke, as if he wasn’t sure this is what you wanted. At your very approving noise, his tone got a little more confident. “Wanted to know if I could make you come apart with just my hands.”
You bit your lip as you squeezed your thighs together again.
“Considering how good you’re doing with just your voice? I’m pretty sure you’d have no trouble with your hands.”
He laughed, low and short. You had the phone pressed so hard to your ear that you were pretty sure you could hear his breathing pick up at that.
“You thinking about my hands on you? Running up your thighs? That picture didn’t leave much to the imagination,” he reminded you in a downright filthy tone, earning a muffled moan as your hips gave aborted little thrusts. “What about you, huh? Have you ever touched yourself and thought about me?”
You hadn’t. It felt like a betrayal of your friendship so you never crossed that line. But now? You dragged your nails up your thigh, biting your lip at the feeling. Then you cupped yourself, the heel of your palm pressing down against your clit through the shorts.
“I am now,” you whispered, voice breathy and stuttered as you thrust against your hand. “Have you? Thought about me like that?”
You needed to know. His answer was a moan, deep and guttural as if he was taking himself in hand.
“I wish I could see that,” you said with a laugh as you slipped your hand under your shorts, fingers slipping between your folds to tease at your clit. “It’s not just your dreams that are wet,” you teased breathlessly.
He moaned again, earning a grin from you.
“You’re wet just from my voice? Like it that much?” His breath audibly hitched. “Fuck I don’t think I’ve been this hard this fast before. Pretty sure I’m lightheaded.”
You laughed, biting your lip as your fingers continued to play with your clit. You’d never laughed while doing something like this before. Sex with Paul had always been either perfunctory or a terrifying experience. And before then it was always just both you and your partners trying to get off and get gone.
Your relationship with Billy, as strange as it was, was the first time you’d ever felt like this before.
“Only enough blood to work one head at a time,” you joked, your eyes closing as you started to push a finger inside. “Your hands look bigger than mine. I wonder how many fingers I could take.”
“Fuck Y/N,” he said around a groan, a slight laugh at the end. “I bet you could take however many I gave you. Bet I could make you scream.”
You bet he could too. You back arched as you pumped two fingers in and out, the heel of your palm rubbing almost painfully against your clit. It’d been a long, long time since you’d been this turned on and you knew you wouldn’t last long. You bit your lip to hold in a whine, but Billy’s voice called out to you.
“C’mon, you don’t have roommates anymore. Lemme hear you. Don’t hold back,” he half pleaded, half demanded, his own breathing coming out in bursts. He must be close too.
You let down your guard, letting him hear the noises you made. Normally you’d be too embarrassed but right then, all you wanted to do is let him hear you as you came apart at the seams. You arched and writhed as your hand moved, fucking yourself hard and fast. Your other hand released the phone, trapping it between your ear and shoulder so that you could reach under your shirt and squeeze your breast.
“Billy,” you called on a gasp, his name tearing out of you as you got closer to your climax. “Please Billy, I’m so close.”
You weren’t sure what you were asking for. You were dizzy with arousal, your whole body aching with need and so close to release. Whatever you wanted, Billy seemed to understand your pleas.
“C’mon Y/N, come for me. Lemme hear you. Imagine it’s my hand on you, making you feel that good. C’mon, let go.”
You cried out wordlessly as your orgasm finally crashed over you, clamping your thighs together so hard you were worried you might break your own hand. You came back to your senses in time to hear as Billy swore through his own orgasm, your name falling off his lips a few times.
You slumped back on the bed, chest heaving as you fought for air. You knew you’d never come like that before, never felt your body lose all energy the moment it passed. If that’s what you had been missing all this time, no wonder people talked about sex all the time.
And that wasn’t even sex. That was just you with your own hand and Billy’s voice in your ear. Imagine how it’d be in person.
That felt like a splash of ice cold water. You sat up in the bed, pulling your hand out of your shorts and wincing as wiped your hand off on your shirt. You were holding the phone to your ear still, but it was quiet on the other line.
Maybe he had fallen asleep? It would be for the best. You needed to think. Before you could figure out if you should just hang up, Billy’s voice called to you.
“Is it… are you okay?”
How honest should you be? You bit your lip. Then you curled your legs up and into your chest.
“I just… wasn’t expecting that? That we did something like that and I’ve never even seen your face.”
You just wanted to be honest with him. After what you’d just shared, surely you owed him that much. His continued silence made you start to feel a little uncomfortable but you didn’t say anything.
“Without seeing my face, you can imagine whatever you want,” he said bitterly, surprising you.
“I don’t want to imagine anything or anyone else. I just would like to have been able to picture you, is all.”
He spoke before you could try to explain.
“Well we don’t have to worry about it, because it won’t happen again.”
You called his name, but the line dropped. With tears starting to gather in your eyes, you tried to call him back but it went straight to voicemail.
You hesitated as you brought up your text thread. Biting your lip, you typed up a message to him.
I don’t know what I did wrong. I know that you have your reasons for not showing me your face, but after that? You have to know that I don’t care what you look like. If that’s what this is about. I just want you Billy, no matter what.
You hadn’t meant to be that honest with him, but you couldn’t deny it anymore. You wanted Billy; you wanted his friendship, you wanted his wit, you wanted his deep philosophies, you wanted his corny jokes. You wanted a chance to meet the man you were falling for.
You stared at the little notification that would tell you he had read the message, but it didn’t appear. The longer you stared, the harder it got to see because tears had started to fall.
Even when you finally went to sleep, there was nothing to show that Billy had read your message.
“You look like shit,” Kenny said as he stepped into your apartment. “No seriously, I haven’t seen you this bad since Paul. What’s going on?”
You wiped at your eyes and gestured for him to follow you to the couch. There you grabbed your phone, a comforting gesture. It’d been five days and you still hadn’t heard from Billy. Sometime the morning after he’d hung up on you, you’d noticed that he had read the message you sent. But there still hadn’t been a reply.
He ignored all of your phone calls. You sent a few more texts, asking him to please talk to you, but they were met with silence.
They were all read, but none of them were replied to. It hurt so much that you finally stopped texting him. But it didn’t mean you gave up on hoping for a reply.
Kenny mentioning that he hadn’t seen you like this since Paul had almost made you laugh. You felt pathetic, but you knew it was true. As your best friend wrapped his arm around you, you buried your face into his shoulder and let yourself cry for the first time since that night.
“Y/N, you’re scaring me. What happened?”
It took a few tries before you finally explained it.
“Remember how I said I contacted that Curtis guy? Well, it turns out I had the number wrong and I got someone else instead.” Kenny started to get worried, but you shook your head as you tried to wipe away your tears. “It was this guy who was funny and nice and even though he wasn’t who I meant to talk to, I kept in touch with him. We’ve been talking for a few months now.”
You explained it all to him. For the first time, you laid it all out on the table. You started with how much his original messages helped you, to your drunken text about him not talking about himself, to him calling while you were at the hospital with Kris, to the flirty texts and pictures. You didn’t exactly mince words when you told him about the phone sex, although you didn’t go into detail.
And you ended it by telling him about Billy’s reaction when you mentioned how you’d never seen his face before.
“He just hung up? And now the bastard is ghosting you? Give me your phone, let me give him a piece of my mind,” he joked as he reached for your phone. Then he reached out to cup your cheek. “Forget him babe. If he can’t see that you were genuinely interested in him without even seeing him and therefore wouldn’t give a damn if he looked like a tree, then he doesn’t deserve you.”
You knew he’d say something like that because that was just the kind of guy Kenny was. You leaned into his arm and sighed, your eyes darting over to your phone.
“Easier said than done,” you complained lightly.
Even if you could forget him, you weren’t sure you really wanted to. Despite how it ended, knowing Billy had really opened you up. You didn’t want to forget that too.
“Who is a handsome boy? That’s right, it’s you,” you cooed at Liam, bouncing him a bit in your arms. “God you made one cute kid sis. It must have skipped you and gone straight to him.”
Kris swatted at you with the towel she was folding.
“I thought you came over here to spend time with us, not insult me. Just for that, you’re on diaper duty.”
You grinned at her and then looked back down at the baby in your arms. As far as you could tell, he didn’t look anything like his deadbeat dad who had disappeared the moment he found out he’d knocked your sister up. She had never really been scared to do it alone, not in the way you had expected her to be. No, her fear hadn’t come until they told her it was a high risk pregnancy.
But it worked out in the end. There was a happy baby boy that was healthy as an ox and your sister was all patched up too. She’d even probably be able to have more kids down the road if she wanted.
You’d finally told Kris everything about Billy. She had taken the high road and hadn’t said ‘I told you so’ even though she had. She’d told you that you’d get attached and get hurt, but you’d ignored her.
It was your job as her little sister to not listen to her. You were pretty sure you’d signed a contract at birth.
“You thinking about that douchebag again?”
You snorted as you looked over at Kris. She was sitting in the recliner with laundry piled up on the coffee table, grinning at you as she folded it all. And while once upon a time douchebag would have referred to Paul, you knew she meant it about Billy this time.
“Kenny said I should forget him,” you replied as you looked back down at Liam who was yawning, his eyes starting to droop.
“I always liked that guy,” Kris said as she handed you Liam’s pacifier.
You pressed it against his lips and watched as he immediately put it into his mouth, the gentle sound of sucking filling the silence as he slowly started to drift off. You tucked him up into your arms and rocked back and forth to help lull him to sleep.
“The thing is, I don’t want to forget Billy. Meeting him, our conversations and what came of it? It showed me that I can open up to people still. After everything with Paul, I wasn’t sure I’d ever get to that point again, but I did. And it’s because of Billy.”
Kris raised her eyebrow at you, obviously not believing that was all.
“And because you’re still in love with him, right?”
Well. You’d never been able to lie to your sister.
“Yeah, apparently,” you sighed as you looked down at Liam. “It’s been almost two weeks. If I can’t forget Billy, maybe it’s at least time for me to try to move on.”
It was the least you could do.
The company you were going to was actually the one that Ethan worked for. He had told you that he’d meet you at the front door so he could lead you around. Apparently the company had recently added a medical aspect and your company needed to make sure that they were not only equipped for anything they might take on, but also that they were prepared for any disposals.
Ethan met you at the front of the large warehouse like he said, grinning at you as he did.
“Welcome to Anvil,” he said as he held the door open for you. “I don’t know what all you need to see or do; Mr Russo doesn’t work from the office much since the accident.”
You pulled your tablet out of your bag and looked over at Ethan curiously as you unlocked it.
“The accident?”
Ethan motioned to his face before he opened another door for you, showing you into a large open space where people were working out and sparring.
“It’s the reason he looked into expanding with a few medics on the payroll. He was doing a job with one of his teams and there was an accident. Huge explosion, killed a few guys. He had been pulling the client to safety and got hit in the face by shrapnel.” He gestured to his face again, lowering his voice as the two of you passed by some of the recruits that were sparring. “He’s pretty scarred up. Guy was ridiculously hot before the accident and I think it’s the vanity that makes him stay home as much as he does now.”
You felt sympathy for this Mr Russo. You couldn’t imagine having to face a life after becoming disfigured like that. Hopefully he had people in his life that helped him.
“He’s still pretty hot, actually,” Ethan said as he bumped into your arm. “I’ve thought about hitting on him just so he knows that he’s not some kind of monster.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes. Before you could say anything else, Ethan gestured to a set of doors that were labeled Medical Office. When you pushed them open, you saw a few people milling around what resembled a doctor’s office.
“Guys, this is Y/N Y/L/N from that one medical company. She’s here to make sure we aren’t idiots when it comes to syringes,” Ethan joked with a wink in your direction. “Y/N, this is Jake Pell, Lorraine Morrow, and Curtis Hoyle. They are our medics.”
The name almost didn’t register, but then you were struck with it. The black man who was the third to shake your hand was the guy you were supposed to have sent a text to. Kenny had given you this man’s number in your time of need.
“Uh, hi,” you greeted, pulling your hand back and clearing your throat. You needed to be professional right now. “It’s not that we think you guys are idiots, but the government has very specific regulations for these kind of things. It’s my job to go to labs, medical offices, and apparently security firms who open medical offices to make sure that everyone is properly trained.”
Lorraine and Jake seemed to defer to Curtis, so you ended up spending more one on one time with him that you thought you would. Somehow you were able to curb your urge to tell him that you’d almost met him once more.
But every time you thought about mentioning it, mentioning that Kenny had tried to give you his number so that you could talk to someone, you thought about who you ended up talking to instead. At least this time when your mind went to Billy, there was a reason.
And you remembered that Billy had mentioned that he thought he knew the Curtis you had mentioned. The thought of Curtis knowing Billy, maybe knowing how to reach him since you had been ignored, made your chest hurt.
And yeah, maybe part of you wondered if there was any chance that Billy had mentioned you. Somehow you doubted it.
At some point in your tour around the office, making sure everything was up to standards, Curtis got a text message.
“Ah, the boss man is here,” he said as he looked up at you. “Does he need to be down here for this?”
“Well you three are the medics, so technically I just need to make sure that you guys know what you’re doing. But I do need him to sign a few things actually.”
Curtis nodded and typed something up. After a few moments, his phone dinged and he read it quickly.
“He’s gonna be in his office for a while. Once we’re done here, I can walk you up that way.”
You kept that in mind as you went over the rest of the information with them. Once you were satisfied, you had them sign off on the procedures. Then you turned to Curtis and gave him a smile.
“Lead the way Mr Hoyle,” you said with a nod.
Curtis walked beside you through the halls. You’d noticed the peculiar gait he had and it took a moment to realize that he probably had a prosthetic limb. You started to feel bad for asking him to take you but you remembered that he had offered.
At the office, you remembered what Ethan had said about Mr Russo’s scars. At least you would be prepared. You didn’t want the man to feel worse than he probably already did considering he apparently often hid himself from the world.
Curtis knocked on the door and pushed it open.
“Miss Y/L/N needs your signature,” he said before he stepped out. “It was nice to meet you. Thanks for the training.”
“Of course Mr Hoyle, thank you. I’ll email you all the copies of what you signed when I get back to the office.”
When you stepped into the office, you saw Mr Russo behind his desk. He was looking up at you curiously and you tried not to stare. You crossed over to his desk with the tablet in hand.
You knew what Ethan had meant. Yeah, the scars were bad, but he was still ridiculously attractive. It really wasn’t fair.
“Good afternoon Mr Russo. I just need a few signatures on these procedures. I’m going to email you and your people copies so you can look over it and reach out if you have any questions.”
Mr Russo still stared up at you, but the curiosity had turned to blatant staring at some point. You shifted on your feet as you held the tablet out, wondering why he wasn’t reacting at all.
Did you need to go get Curtis again?
“Mr Russo?”
He seemed to snap back to focus. He grabbed the tablet from you, standing up and walking over to your side as he looked it over. He removed the stylus and signed the first page, gesturing to you with it. You looked it over from the side and flipped through to the next page where you needed his signature.
“Right there,” you said as you tapped the box so he could sign something hastily. “Aaaaand here,” you added as you flipped to the next one.
Once he had finished signing, he held the tablet out to you. You reached out for it with a smile, your eyes darting from his intense gaze to the device. You reached out to accept the stylus but froze.
You had stared at some of the photos Billy had sent you for a long time. Almost to the point where you thought you could draw his hands from memory. Was it completely insane for you to think that these hands looked so much like his?
You looked back up and met his eyes as you took the stylus, your finger brushing against his. His mouth opened slightly, those dark eyes narrowing in on you.
“Thank you Mr Russo,” you said softly, uncertain. It was all in your head, right? You just missed Billy. “I’ll email the copies as soon as I can. It’s been a pleasure.”
You held your hand out to him and waited. After a moment, he wrapped his hand around yours, giving it a quick, perfunctory shake.
After you had your hand back, you slid the tablet back into your bag. You were very aware that Mr Russo was still staring at you. You gave him a brief smile and turned to leave, unsure what else to do.
As you reached the door, he spoke for the first time since you’d walked in.
“Y/N,” he called, his voice strained.
How… Curtis had referred to you as Miss Y/L/N and you hadn’t introduced yourself. It was the first thing that you thought when he’d said your name.
And then you realized that you recognized the voice. It was different in person, but it was still so familiar.
You’d missed it so much these past few weeks.
Back tense, you turned to look at him. He was still standing where you’d left him, his eyes wide as he looked at you. And even though there was no way that this was real, you couldn’t help but respond.
His eyes widened and you watched him slump against the desk. It was him. After weeks of radio silence, weeks of missing someone you kept being told to get over, you were face to face with him.
You watched him swallow, his mouth working silently for a moment before he said your name again.
“Y/N, I can–”
No. Even the pleasure at hearing him say your name again, in person no less, wasn’t enough to overturn the pain you’d gone through for weeks.
“I’ll forward you the finalized copies shortly Mr Russo,” you said in what you hoped was a professional voice before you turned around to leave.
You barely refrained from running from his office, taking the steps two at a time to the front of the warehouse. You heard your name being called, but it wasn’t from Billy. Ethan was standing nearby, confusion on his face. He made his way over to you, his arm immediately going around your shoulders.
“You okay? You’re shaking,” he said as he looked over his shoulder in the direction you’d just come from. “What the hell happened in there?”
“It’s nothing,” you said, voice shaking and undermining what you were saying. “I’ll explain it to you later E, I promise, but I gotta get out of here.”
He nodded, guiding you towards the doors. You couldn’t help but peek over his shoulder. Billy was in the windows that had been behind his desk, overlooking the training area. You knew he could see you so you turned to look forward again.
“I’m calling Ken though. He’s off work today. I don’t like you leaving while you’re like this. I can ask Russo if I can leave early–”
“No, don’t,” you said in a rush, your eyes almost darting back up to where you’d seen Billy moments ago. “I’ll go straight to my office and finish this up and then I’ll go to your place. Please, don’t leave work because of this.”
You could tell that he wanted to push back, but instead he nodded. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead, walking you the rest of the way to the front.
“I’m still calling Kenny,” he said with a smile.
You didn’t expect any less.
Kenny had pulled you into the office and marched you over to the couch before you even had a chance to knock. After you’d gone to your office to email the papers to the people that needed them, you’d left work a little early and went straight to Kenny and Ethan’s place. And it seemed that Kenny had been waiting for you.
“So I get this long text from Ethan while I’m doing dishes, right? About how you had been at Anvil and the last he’d seen, you were fine, but then you come back and you look like you just saw a ghost. He told me that you wouldn’t let him ask off work to stay with you and he was worried. And I already don’t like my best friend being upset and my boyfriend being upset, but both of them? It was a fun afternoon.”
“Kenny,” you started, but he held up a hand and didn’t let you finish.
“I started to think about what it could have been because you’ve been doing great. Then I remembered that Curtis started to work for Anvil recently. Of course I discarded that idea because Curtis wouldn’t have done anything to hurt you. But then,” he said pointedly, letting you know that this was the part for you to focus on, “then I remembered his boss’s name. William Russo; known to most people as Billy.”
You felt sick. You weren’t even sure if you were crying or if your body was just shaking, but Kenny immediately wrapped his arms around you.
“It was him, wasn’t it? And he was there? How’d you recognize him?”
You wiped at your face but your hand came back dry.
“He uh, he recognized me. He just kept staring at me and I thought… but I wasn’t sure. I was just about to leave and he said my name.”
Him saying your name had always been one of your favorite parts of your phone calls. And the night… well, the night things had gone to hell, him calling out your name? You wished you could say that you didn’t hear it in your dreams, but it’d be a lie.
“Shit. Did he even try to explain why he ghosted you?”
You could vaguely remember him starting to say something before you cut him off. Maybe he had been about to explain, but you couldn’t hear it. You couldn’t listen to anything he had to say.
Kenny took your silence to mean that Billy hadn’t explained. He tugged you back into a hug and sighed, his hand pressing to the back of your head as he held you.
You would have to explain it all to Ethan. You doubted Kenny had betrayed your privacy by telling him before now, but he deserved to know.
You just hoped it wouldn’t affect him at work.
It was quiet in your apartment. You’d settled down in the chair, your legs drawn up to your chest as you stared at the muted television. Ethan now knew everything. After you told him what happened and talked to the two of them for a while longer, you had come home.
It’d been a long day and you should want to go to bed, but you knew your dreams would be of Billy. Now you knew what he looked like so it would give those memories and fantasies a face.
Was that why he’d been so against you seeing his face? The scars were bad, sure, but you didn’t care. Even if he hadn’t still been ridiculously attractive, you didn’t think those scars would have changed how you felt about him.
Your phone lit up on the coffee table and you sighed. Kenny had told you he’d call and check in, but you thought he had meant tomorrow.
When you grabbed the device, you nearly dropped it when you saw that Billy’s name was flashing on the screen. In your shock, you let it ring through. Once the screen went dark, you wondered if you should try to call him back.
Did you want to talk to him? You deserved an explanation at least.
Before you could convince yourself to call him back and demand an explanation, the phone started to ring again. This time you answered.
“Well it only took you three weeks,” you said in a flat voice, your hand shaking against your knee. “Granted I’m well aware you wouldn’t have called if I hadn’t come to Anvil, so I guess it shouldn’t count.”
“I wanted to explain at the office, but you didn’t seem like you wanted to hear it.”
You settled into the chair with a frown.
“Because it was three weeks too late, Billy. I tried, you know, I tried to get an explanation from you. Hell, I would have accepted you telling me to fuck off. But instead I just got ghosted. And right after…” You couldn’t fill in that blank, but you didn’t think he needed you to. “So no, I didn’t want to hear your explanation today. I shouldn’t have to hear some bullshit three weeks later just because I was there.”
There was nothing but silence on the other line. You pulled the phone back and saw that it was still connected, so you knew he hadn’t hung up. This time.
“Why did you even… you could have just stayed quiet. I wouldn’t have known that it really was you. I could have just left, no drama.”
He would have known it was you, but you could have been blissfully unaware.
“I thought you deserved to know,” he said softly, to the point that you had to strain your ears just to hear him. And then a little clearer, “What do you mean you wouldn’t have known it really was me?”
You hadn’t realized you’d said that. You closed your eyes but decided what did this matter? You’d already had your heart broken; a little embarrassment was nothing, right?
“Your hands. When I was taking the stylus from you, I saw your hands. They just, well, they just looked familiar. I told myself it was just in my head. That I missed you and that’s why I thought they looked like yours.”
This time the silence was a little more pronounced. You were just about to pull the phone back and check again when he cleared his throat.
“You missed me?”
You felt like cold water had been dumped over your head. It was your turn to clear your throat as you tried to come up with something to say to that, some response. You weren’t sure why you decided to just lay it all out for him, but you were tired of holding it in.
“Yeah, I missed you. You were important to me. You made me happy, even just… just as friends. And then what happened after, well, after what we did, it…” You felt like you couldn’t breathe. You took a deep breath, your eyes screwed shut as you continued. “I don’t think I ever told you about Paul, my ex. He made it so that my whole world revolved around him and then when that wasn’t enough, he got violent. And because of that, you know, I thought I wouldn’t ever get to that place again. I thought that I couldn’t handle intimacy in any form because it was going to make me vulnerable and I never wanted to be in that place again.”
You were crying. You wiped at the tears, but it didn’t matter. It was plain in your voice that you were crying.
“And then I get to that point again, for the first time since everything went to hell, and it’s great. Not just because it’s great,” you stressed, unable to help the little laugh you let out at the word play, “but because it was someone that I trusted and that I thought… someone I cared about. And for a split second, I let myself think that being vulnerable wasn’t that bad. And then my heart is being ripped out of my chest and I’m left to pick up the pathetic pieces.”
The tears were still falling. You felt like your body had been dragged behind a car and all you wanted to do is hang up and go to bed, but you didn’t move. You tried to get your breathing under control, focusing on that first. Once you were sure you weren’t about to break down into sobs again, you tried again.
“I should have listened when my sister and Kenny and Ethan told me to get over you,” you whispered as you wrapped your arm around your legs.
And yet you still didn’t hang up. You rested your head on your knees and waited.
From the other end of the call, you heard his breath catch at that last part. Maybe you shouldn’t have included Ethan in the list, but it was true.
“I pushed you away,” he admitted, his voice thick with tension. “I know it was the coward’s way out, but I had my reasons. I figured if you saw my face that you’d–”
“That I’d what, run away screaming? You thought so little of me that you didn’t trust that I wouldn’t give a damn about some scars?”
“No,” he said in a raised voice, not quite yelling but close enough to make you jerk upwards in surprise, “no, I didn’t think that little of you. I think that little of myself. You never saw me before the accident, but yeah, I’ll admit to being insecure. And I didn’t think I was worthy of this thing with you unless it was anonymous. I figured that way you wouldn’t know what you were missing.”
He had said that without seeing his face, you could imagine whatever you wanted. It made sense, looking back, but it didn’t stop the hurt you felt. He had run away from you because of his scars; he didn’t even give you a chance to show him that it didn’t matter to you.
“If that’s how you felt, you should have just told me to stop. To stop sending the pictures, to stop flirting. When you called me, the things you said, I thought that you wanted me too, but if you didn’t want that, you should have–”
“Of course I wanted you,” he said quickly, drawing you up short in your emotional ramble. “When I realized it was you in my office this afternoon, I felt like I was having a heart attack. I heard your voice and I thought it was you, and then you were there—close enough to touch, to smell your perfume—and you looked so much better in person than you do in pictures. And you weren’t looking at me in fear or disgust. You just… looked at me.”
You let out a watery laugh, running your nails over the cloth that covered your knee.
“My first thought when I saw you was that it wasn’t fair that you were that attractive, actually,” you informed him as you sniffled, wiping under your eyes.
He sighed and you wondered what was going through his head.
“That night when you texted me, after I hung up, you said that you wanted me.”
There was a lump in your throat and no matter how many times you swallowed, it didn’t disappear. It felt like your heart was going to break all over again.
“Yeah, I d–did,” you said, stumbling over the last word and which tense you wanted to use.
You could hear him sigh again, the noise carrying over the line. You bit your lip to keep it from wobbling as you waited to see what he’d say.
“If there’s any chance that you still feel that way or that you might, some day, feel that way again, I just want you to know that I want to try again. No walls this time. I want to take you out on a date and meet your sister and your nephew and Kenny and Ethan—although I already know Ethan, actually—and I want to show you that I can do better. You deserve better and I want to give that to you.”
The tears on your cheeks were fresh. You dropped your forehead to your knees, not sure if you wanted to cry or laugh at that moment.
“You think it’ll just work like that? You want to do better and I deserve better and that erases what happened? Suddenly it doesn’t matter that we have phone sex and then two minutes later you break my heart?”
“I didn’t say that,” he said softly. And then a little firmer, “I know that I fucked up; I’m not denying that. What I’m saying is that I want to make it up to you. I’m sorry for what I did. I was sorry the moment I did it, but I stupidly thought I knew how it’d end so I decided to end it before it got that far. I fucked up. Let me show you how it should have gone.”
You sniffled as you sat up again, the beginning of something brewing in your chest.
“How should it have gone?”
There was an audible sigh of relief on the other end of the line.
“Well when you said that you didn’t want to imagine anyone else, I should have told you about my accident. I should have told you about the scars so that when I sent you a picture, you wouldn’t have been surprised. And then if you were sure that they didn’t bother you, I should have asked you out on a date. Maybe not somewhere too public because I still get looks and I haven’t figured out how to react yet, but somewhere with the two of us. I should have shown you that I was falling for you. And that you were the only thing that I wanted more than I wanted my face back.”
You were crying again, but it wasn’t in pain this time. Or maybe it was, but a different kind of pain. This was loss of something you could have had. Three weeks of silence when it could have been handled so differently.
But you didn’t want to dwell on that. You needed to make a decision.
You looked at the clock on your bookshelf and bit your lip. It was just after eight.
“Do you know that diner a few blocks down from Anvil, the one that’s open all night? I can’t remember the name,” you offered a little helplessly.
“Yeah?” He sounded so hopeful.
“It’s usually empty around this time except for the people that work there and a few college kids. Do you uh, would you want to meet me there?”
You held your breath as you waited for a response, but it was there before you had a chance to think twice.
“I can be there in twenty,” he replied easily. “And Y/N?”
Your name on his lips once more. Butterflies erupted in your stomach at the sound.
You could hear a smile in his voice.
“Thank you for giving me a second chance.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
“Don’t make me regret it Billy, please. I don’t think I could handle that again.”
A kiss was placed to your cheek and you looked up, smiling as lips met yours in retaliation.
“Hi,” you mumbled into the kiss, clutching Billy’s collar and pulling him in a little closer. “I missed you.”
He pulled back long enough to mumble the words back before he kissed you again, diving in a bit deeper this time.
“Okay guys, there’s a baby present,” Kris complained with a grin as she switched Liam over to her other arm. “We gotta tell auntie to keep it PG, don’t we? Because she can’t keep her hands off her man and it’s gross.”
Billy settled in next to you in the booth, grinning over at Kris. Kenny and Ethan were on the inside of the half moon shaped booth, both of them rolling their eyes.
“Sorry Kris,” he offered, leaning over to tug on the blanket so that he could see Liam’s face. “And sorry Liam, but one day you’ll meet some girl and you’ll understand.”
“Hey, he could meet some guy,” Kenny complained with a pout, earning a kiss to the cheek from Ethan.
“Let’s not start debating the kid’s sexuality before he’s even a year old,” Ethan said, grinning at Kris as he did so.
“Touche,” Billy said as he raised the beer you had ordered him to his employee. Then he leaned into your shoulder. “Sorry I’m late, by the way. I got stuck in traffic.”
You leaned up and kissed his cheek, a move that had taken you a while to get him used to. You barely noticed the scars on his cheeks and while he was a great deal better now, you knew he still had moments of insecurity.
Hell, it’d taken all this time for him to start being able to go in public again.
“I’ll forgive you this time,” you joked as you laced your fingers with his, pushing a menu between the two of you so that you could both look. “Kenny was just telling us about him walking into his boss’s office and seeing her changing. He’s traumatized and it’s hilarious.”
Billy didn’t even get a chance to say anything before Ethan cut in.
“That’s why I always knock before I go into your office Billy,” he said with a grin, his eyes going between the two of you, “because I feel like I’d respect you more as a boss and Y/N more as a friend if I don’t see you two having sex.”
“Hey!” you cried, laughing even as you felt your cheeks heat up.
“Wait, you two haven’t actually had sex in his office, have you?” Kris looked between your ashamed face and Billy’s very satisfied smirk and let out a loud groan. “You two aren’t allowed to babysit Liam anymore. I don’t trust you guys not to go off into a dark corner to boink. Seriously, at what point in a relationship do you stop wanting to be all over each other?”
“Hopefully never,” Billy said as he brushed his nose against your cheek, making you smile.
“They’ll get out of that stage,” Kenny said with a wave of his hand. “Ethan and I have been together for five years and we’re not that bad.”
You gaped as you looked between the two of them.
“You’re kidding me, right? I had to buy earplugs my third day living with you guys and I was on the other side of the apartment. I feel bad for the people that share a wall with your bedroom.”
As the group dissolved into laughter at that, Kris jokingly scolding the two of them for scarring her baby sister, Billy wrapped his arm around your waist and tugged you in closer to him.
“Maybe because I almost lost the chance to ever get this, I don’t ever want to miss a chance again,” he whispered into your ear, just for you.
You looked up at him and smiled softly. The memory of the pain was so faint that you could almost laugh about it now. He’d more than made up for his poor reaction in the time that passed.
“I love you,” you whispered, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“I love you,” he replied back just as quietly, his lips brushing yours as he spoke. You could see the mischief in his eyes as he glanced over at the table where your friends and family were still distracted. “Wouldn’t want to sneak away to the bathroom or my car, would you?”
You grinned wide, kissing him again.
You really needed to thank Kenny and Ethan for having such horrible handwriting that you couldn’t tell the difference between Billy’s number and Curtis’s. The difference it made in your life was palpable and you couldn’t imagine a life without Billy.
Guess there was no such thing as a wrong number.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Starcrossed Losers (Josh Wheeler xReader)
A/N: Cause no one was doing it so I might as well go do it. If you like it and want part two don’t forget to leave feedback! 
Words: 1,892
Warnings: Blood, this is an apocalyptic world so, plenty of gross. Swearing and bad writing cause I did this in a hurry to get it out of my system, this is a series so the end of this chapter isn’t the end of the story uwu
Next chapter
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Oh. Hi. How’s life?
Well, I guess that if you’re reading this, life isn’t exactly going fine. You looked for this, you know what’s up, with the apocalypse, I mean. Not with me, so I guess I’ll start with that.
My name is Y/N L/N and my life is great. Kinda. 
Okay, my life is good enough. The problem is that before this whole thing I wasn’t popular. No, I wasn’t a loser either; or an outcast that only played by her own rules. I was just a kid. 
I was the right amount of friendly, I was an “ok” student at school, I was free to go to parties and I did, but I also spent plenty of Friday nights binge-watching Netflix at home until I couldn’t feel my butt. No one ever watched me up-close, and now I don’t even have parents that look after me or to talk about how my day was. And I really wish I had someone that I can tell how my fucking day was. If I’m honest, these last few weeks have been nothing but a lonely existence.
“But Y/N!” you say, “Didn’t you mention you had friends?”
Well, yeah. Emphasis on “had”. See, even if I had plenty not all of them wanted to form a new group: two of them left with the cheeramazons, others found their home with the gamers, some even were brave enough to leave the city and go look for relatives their age that might still be alive. I was one of them. I went looking for my sister with my ex-best friend to her college hoping that I would find her; which I did. Turns out being twenty years old is enough for you to turn into a ghoulie. So I parted ways with my best friend and I went back to Glendale, the only place where I know my way around because I’ve lived here since I was a baby, and I’ll probably die here in about a month or so, let’s face it.
Since most of the tribes intimidate me, I quietly made my way into the far lines of the jocks. I wasn’t noticed, kind of like the backstage crew, I did things here and there whenever they asked me to do them and got no recognition from that. I was fine with it, honestly. That until Turbo finally lost it and started to kill kids for fun. Like we didn’t have enough with Baron Triumph!
So I left the place and nobody stopped me, of course, no one really cared. My normal life was quiet; my post-apocalyptic one is just that, but with a bit more of freedom. I’ve been living on my own for like three months now, and I think I’m doing pretty good so far. Adapt and survive, right? Just like in Highschool.
And I was doing just that until Josh wheeler decided to crash into me.
“Hey!” I growled from where I was laying on the floor, my knee and elbow scraped and burning, “What the fuck are you doing?”
“No time! The jocks are chasing me, c’mon!” 
Now, I could’ve said ‘No thanks! I’ll leave you to it!’ but the guy was scared shitless and he didn’t wait for a reply, He stood up and pulled me with him. He got on his skateboard without letting go of my hand and I had no choice but to move along, my roller-skates were going so fast against the asphalt, that I was sure they’d be ruined once we reached… wherever it is Josh is taking me. 
At some point, he let go of my hand and I simply decided to stick around for a moment. If he was actually in trouble, he could need a hand.
“Wait, here…” 
Josh gave a sharp turn to the right and into an alley, I followed. Once he made sure no one was there he leaned against the wall and sighed deeply, eyes closed. I stood there with my arms crossed, waiting for the explanation he owed me. When he opened his eyes and realized I was still there, he tilted his head.
“Y/N, right?”
We knew each other, barely though. We got paired up for a school project and that was it. Josh was the typical new kid that no one really pays attention to. He didn’t have any specific traits or amazing talent. He did manage to date Sam Dean I think, I don’t know how did he manage to do it, but I guess the thing is that he’s nice. A good guy overall. He was just Josh.
“Josh,” I frowned, “care to tell me what the hell did you do to piss off Turbo?”
“Nothing!” He scoffed, “It’s all fault of the golf team, I thought they had Sam and I went after them… turns out it was Angelica.”
“Bummer,” I said, though I didn’t really care, “so it was your fault.”
“I just said-”
“You went out of your way to annoy the golf team cause you thought they had Sam Dean kidnapped or whatever, and now you’re saying it’s their fault that you’re being chased down?”
“Yeah?” He stopped for a second, then continued, “okay so it was kinda my fault…”
“Yeah,” I scoffed, “you probably messed up a bit.”
He let out a dry laugh, then stared at me for a moment.
“So what are you doing? are you part of any tribe?”
“Me?” I raised my eyebrows, “I used to, now it’s just me.”
“Yeah, same,” He nodded, “well, I never belonged to a tribe but, I mean, it’s easier, isn’t it? On your own”
“I don’t know… I guess” I looked down at my shoes and whimper at the sight of them. They were most definitely ruined.
“Roller-skates?” He asked with a smirk, “seriously, Y/N?”
“Who are you to judge?” I replied with a frown, “a shitty skateboard against the monster trucks that Turbo drives around? Yes, that’ll definitely gonna leave them biting the dust”
“Hey, my skate is great! And I have a car,” He defended himself, “but… fuck, I guess I left it on jock territory”
“We should keep going,” I replied, deciding not to comment on what he had said, “they might be getting close.”
“You could leave if you want,” Josh shrugged, “after all this whole thing is not your fault”
“I could, but I just left my place cause it got destroyed, my skates are fucked and if the jocks don’t find you they’ll be on the hunt for something else to play with so to be honest, I think that staying with you for a couple of hours won’t hurt.”
“Cool,” He sighed, moving away from the wall.
“Good,” I moved beside him, “ so, where are we going, exactly?”
“Uh,” Josh rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling nervously, “the mall?”
I stopped dead in my tracks, looking at him in disbelief.
“Are you trying to make all the wrong choices today?” I huffed, “Do you have a death wish?”
“No,” He rolled his eyes, stopping in front of me, “Someone told me Sam might be there, so I’m going”
“Do you realize that is Baron Triumph’s territory?”
“Yes, I do. Thank you for reminding me.”
“What is up with you and Sam Dean anyway?” I asked in annoyance, “Were you two together during this mess and then one day you fought, she left the house and now she’s missing?”
I was trying to be sarcastic, I wasn’t expecting him to reply with:
“Yes, that’s exactly what happened.”
“Oh,” I blushed in embarrassment, “sorry, I didn’t… I didn’t think…”
“It wasn’t exactly like that,” He lowered his eyes to the ground, kicking the dirt, “we weren’t together when it happened, but we did fight before. I haven’t seen her since the whole apocalypse stuff.”
We stayed silent for a moment, I didn’t know what to say, not because I didn’t understand the situation, I did. I also had someone important that I wanted to find desperately, and when I finally did, it was too late. I think that I was surprised, I never saw Josh Wheeler as the type of guy who would stand alone in front of Turbo and his crew just to find a girl. If he could be that stubborn about love, he certainly had to be it for surviving. 
“Alright,” I said in a defeated voice.
Josh looked at me in confusion.
“Alright what?”
“Let’s go then, to the mall.”
“You coming?” He smiled, “seriously?”
“I know you don’t need me,” I moved until I was standing face to face, “but I think that we can make a good team, for a few hours though. I hate group projects.”
Josh laughed, giving me a simple nod.
“Don’t worry, we’ll finish this in no time.”
And boy, was he wrong about that.
We hurry our asses off to get to the mall fast and unnoticed, once there I saw two kids cornered by a woman against the doors and I pointed towards them, Josh hurriedly pulled out his sword and stabbed the ghoulie, the woman turned around and ran away, revealing two familiar faces that I was definitely not expecting to see.
“Ah, shit! My sword!” Exclaimed Josh, losing grip of his weapon.
“Y/N?” Asked the boy.
I looked at Josh with a stern face.
“Wesley Fists?” I said, “you ally with Wesley Fists and our school’s drug dealer?”
“I didn’t get much of a choice,” He grumbled.
“You suck at heroing,” Said the blonde girl.
Josh turned around to look at her.
“I saved your stupid lives. Twice.” Then he leaned to grab his skateboard from the ground and added, “now hurry, Turbo’s on our ass.”
I moved to a side and waited for him to open the door when Wesley spoke up again.
“Uhm, no. He’s not,” We all looked back, facing the empty street, “Why aren’t they chasing you?”
Almost as if to answer the question the sound of an engine coming closer made us quiet down, and a black figure appeared in front of us.
“Baron Triumph,” mumbled Josh, probably about to shit his pants like the rest of us, “oh, shit…”
He stepped back and pulled me with him by the hem of my shirt, my skates moving easily against the dusty road.
“Anyone know who the hell this idiot really is?” Angelica, the little blonde girl on my left asks in an upset tone.
“I heard is Marco Lions, that gearhead that lived in Hollywood?” Offered Wesley.
“Didn’t your bestie, Jayden Hoyles ride a motorcycle like that?” Asked Josh in a bitter voice.
“Well,” Wesley nodded without looking back, “Hoyles is a real prick.”
“And you just figured that out?” I asked.
“Whoever he is,” Interrupted Angelica, “here he comes…”
Everyone prepared their weapons for the fight, and it was then when I realized…
“Fuck!” I whispered, “I don’t have anything to defend myself!”
“Don’t worry, we got you” Josh whispered back.
“You literally just lost your sword on a ghoulie’s back.”
Josh was about to reply when Baron got off the motorcycle and we all froze once more. He swiftly took off his helmet, and…
“What the…”
So what’s my life like during the apocalypse?
It’s never what I want it to be.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Dancing in the Dark
Surviving Lewis Wilson’s attack was far more intense than surviving the Invasion, or the Ninjas, or Fisk combined. It was more intense than anything else, because she had honestly thought she was done for until Frank was there, Frank had taken several bullets for her, a bomb, he had wrestled his temper back (she had witnessed it) and he’d been prepared to be caught. She would not allow Frank Castle to be caught, and they would damn well know it but they’d never be able to prove it.
Karen could never rightly explain what it was about Frank Castle which had her rushing to his defense; she didn’t see him as some lost puppy despite whatever anyone else thought of her, she didn’t, she knew he was dangerous. He was safe though, he was safe and she couldn’t throw that away. Frank Castle, he was the ugly truth and she found that to be the best part about him. He didn’t lie to her for any reason. He might try to hide from her, but Karen would remedy that. The bastard did not get to die on her again now that she was sure he was alive!
Not happening.
Karen didn’t have a starting point per say, but she did have points to look into.
However, after the Lewis attack, she was going to wait for the heat to die down on Frank since Ellison had over reacted and green lighted her being in Protective Custody. A major inconvenience, because being watched was not something she liked. However, she couldn’t fault their logic from thinking the angle that Frank Castle could ever hurt her, from thinking that Frank was a mindless brute attack force that didn’t care who he killed. She would totally kick Reyes’ ass if she ever crossed paths with that woman in the afterlife for the shit she had pulled and how she had painted Frank in the media’s lime light. Not that what Frank was doing actually helped his image, but she knew for a fact that man was not insane; there wasn’t a shrink on this planet who could convince her that he was. Cunning; yes. Ruthless; absolutely. Methodical; beyond question. Vicious; he was taught to be. Dangerous; undoubtly. But insane; no, he might have PTSD that he didn’t acknowledge, he might suffer from depression or something, but he wasn’t insane, he’s survived war only to then have an unspeakable tragedy happen where he should have been safe snuff out his world. Frank Castle wasn’t insane, pissed off, yes, but insane he was not, of this she was sure of.
Then it was just chance, she had been home alone, after assuring Foggy for the millionth time she was alright alone, the cops were right outside her building watching her, she had changed into her warm fuzzy pajamas, sat down on her battered couch with some left over take out, and flipped on the television. The news was what she watched in the morning and the remote clattered from her fingers as the Chinese take out landed on the ground.
The shoot out at the carousel was all over the news, Frank’s face was plastered up there with Billy Russo’s and there was something about two kids and a Homeland agent being shot. Frank was dead was all the news was saying. Nothing about what happened, really happened.
Karen had gone into work the next day with every intention of digging, the reports were saying Frank Castle had been killed.
Ellison had had her covering a range of topics, from the Avengers, to Stark, to the freak in Brooklyn, the Mutant riots, the Mutant school in Bayville, the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. and other things that didn’t interest her. No, she didn’t feel the compulsion to dig for Matt like she did Frank, but she did all digging for Frank on the down low because it wouldn’t do if everyone knew she was looking for Frank. Cause when she found him; because she would, she’d kill him; so it wouldn’t do for everyone to know she was going to kill him because then she’d have to have an alibi, and after the last murder she’d been framed for she wasn’t committing one without an alibi.
She started with Lewis Wilson, it was the last point she had been around Frank and she could reverse engineered from that point. No way Frank just happened to be found out on that mission because he was sloppy. No, there was something else there.
Only reason he would get caught is if he was saving someone who mattered to him, and she meant that in the kindest way because Frank would save everyone who was innocent, but to get caught… it had to be someone close to him.
So she started with the Lewis attack, reversed it from the hotel. He had come for her, but she wet further. Deep diving into Lewis Wilson’s life she saw where he’d attacked, and saw the notes of a survivor where Frank Castle had been first spotted. Digging into that she found that one Curtis Hoyle had been strapped to a bomb by Lewis Wilson; he insisted that was the only villain of his narrative though the cops were pushing it to be Frank and Lewis together.
Digging a bit into Curtis she saw he was a US Navy Corpsman, lost his leg in Afghanistan, involved with the group therapy of vets. She’d start there. She could bet, safely; that he had been involved with Frank, Frank would never leave a man behind, and she felt that Curtis was a safer starting point than the carousel shootout. Madani was Homeland and if Frank was alive then she’d bet that Frank did not need to be on their radar.
So that brought Karen to Curtis Hoyle’s apartment complex this fine February morning, after about four months of digging, and paging his number.
“Who is it?” a voice demanded.
“I’m Karen Page, a reporter for the Bulletin,” she answered honestly.
“I’m not interested,” he replied.
“I’m here about Frank.” She nearly screamed it though she knew she didn’t say it above a whisper as she stood there trembling. The pause was long, almost an eternity; at least to her, before she heard the heavy buzz of the door.
“Thank you,” she whispered as she walked in. Walking up to his apartment she tried not to be hopeful about this encounter but she couldn’t help it as she knocked on the door. It opened to reveal a rather tall man, his face was sporting two nasty scars and his dark eyes scanned her over. “Hey,” she smiled.
“And what do you want with a dead man, Miss Page?” he asked, allowing her into his apartment. It was very clean, neat, put together, simple. Homey though. It was his home, his space, she could see that, Curtis walked after her as he directed her to the kitchenette.
“Well for starters, is he dead?” she asked turning on him.
“Uh-uh, you first.”
“Frank is my…” she stood there at a loss for words as to what Frank was now. Her brain scrambled as she tried to catch something that he could be to her that didn’t sound dramatic or romantic, he wasn’t a friend, lover, or protector, he wasn’t a client or source, he wasn’t even someone she had a claim on. But he was…“My person,” she sputtered out.
“Your person?” he lifted a brow.
“Yeah, my person,” she huffed folding her arms as she stared levelly at him.
“Frank sure does know how to pick them.” Curtis sighed.
“So where is he?” she asked.
“No ma’am I do not know where he is,” Curtis replied sharply. Karen bit her lip as she sighed and then she looked over at a unit picture, she immediately spotted Frank’s face, and Curtis’, so they knew each other. That much she was sure of now.
“Look, I… You don’t know me, and I don’t know you, obviously you don’t trust me,” she said nervously as she watched him. “But, I know Frank, and you don’t owe me anything but I’d like you to listen,” she said softly.
Karen started from the beginning, she spared him no details, even when Frank was shooting at her, the hospital, Grotto, his house, the first meeting, the trial, the investigation, his death, his return, the bomber, she spared no details. She even informed Curtis that she demanded Frank take her hostage when Lewis was dead because she wasn’t going to let him get caught. She would sooner die than allow him to get caught. Curtis made them coffee while she talked, because she didn’t hold back. And she ended her story with the news about the carousel shootout because the fact no one could confirm if Frank was dead or alive and the not knowing of that was killing her. She was pacing and on her tirade about why she couldn’t just waltz up to Homeland and demand to speak to Madani and interrogating the woman until she had answers on if Frank was alive or not. She was about to go into graphic details about the pain she would inflict on that twig Madani to get answers when Curtis handed her another mug of coffee and he was chuckling.
“What’s so funny!?” she demanded.
“You,” he answered as he gestured her to sit again, she realized it was two hours later now, collapsing in a chair she rubbed her brow and sighed. “You know Maria could go off on him like that too, a lot more Italian cursing involved, and threats with butcher knifes but she could do it too.”
She smirked at that remembering what little Frank had said. ‘My old lady’ he had called her, and he said she was utterly ruthless when she tore into him, stomped on that shit and fed it to the dogs.
“I’m sorry,” she sighed then as she looked up at Curtis then.
“Don’t be, it was kind of nice to hear, though I’ll have to talk to him about his manners for shooting at you ma’am,” he warned her sitting down.
“Oh that’s fine,” she waved off.
“To answer your original question, he’s laying low, Homeland is watching him right now, so he’s keeping a low profile,” he informed her.
“Oh thank God,” she breathed her head falling forward. She didn’t know about the weight resting on her about this until now as she finally felt like she was able to breath again, the tears welled up and she lifted her head as she furiously kept it in. “I’m sorry about this.”
“I get it, he’s important,” Curtis said softly.
“He doesn’t lie to me,” she said and Curtis’ head snapped up and then he shook it as if amused or having a sense of déjà vu.
“He sure does know how to pick them,” Curtis mused.
“I… I take it as in you knew Maria?” she asked uncertainly. Yes, she had wondered how she would measure up to the mysterious Maria Castle, the woman who had captured Frank Castle’s heart so thoroughly that he had waged a war in her name; and won the war. Maria Castle, the woman who had mothered his children, loved him, and put up with his terrible tastes in music. Would she and Maria be friends or enemies? She wondered about it far more often than she should.
“Maria, yeah, she was family, there through PT hell and everything else,” Curtis omitted.
“Really?” she blinked twice at that.
“I didn’t get a say,” Curtis said. “She just marched into the hospital, after Frank called her and told her I’d be home, she showed up before my mama or my father, and she was with me until I was done and out, said I was Frank’s brother that made me her family, and it didn’t matter what my thoughts on that matter were she was sticking around.”
“What was she like?”
“Maria? An Italian angel, woman could cook. And not new style, we’re talking old style secret Italian family recipe cook. She could sing, sang like an angel, she and Frank they could sing duets, and Frank he sang so poorly off key it’d have everyone throwing things at him and Maria insisted he sound like an angel,” Curtis snorted. “She was a fantastic mother, fierce as a lioness about her kids. Honestly, she was… she was pretty amazing, and fierce. God save whoever was under her wrath, she’d make Frank look like a choir boy if she went on a warpath.”
“Frank killed thirty-seven people, that we know about,” Karen stated.
“Maria would have killed twice as many with a smile in place to offset the nastiness of her temper. Frank you know you’re in trouble, Maria though, there was this sugary coating as she tore you to pieces with this elegant ease and after she was done shredding you, she’d patch you up and do it again for kicks.”
“Well that explains a lot,” Karen snorted.
“You’re kind of like that,” Curtis said.
“I doubt I’m anything like Maria Castle,” Karen muttered. She couldn’t live up to the legend that was Maria Castle, no one would wage war in her name like that. Hell, no one had ever loved her how Frank Castle loved, loves, Maria Castle. Even in death he was so in love with her it wasn’t even funny, she had no doubts that he’d destroy the entire galaxy to have his wife back for a day. Hell, she knew he would do it for his kids.
“You’re not, not really, which is good, but you both seem to tear into him.”
“Well… I was worried,” she mumbled.
“It’s a good thing,” Curtis shrugged. “Look, I’ll tell him you stopped by, but until he’s ready to be known I can’t tell you where he is.”
“I get that, just… just tell him to be safe,” she decided as she stood. “And thank you for today.”
“I will ma’am, and… today was nice, been a while since someone came to be about Frank in a positive way,” Curtis admitted.
“I’ll see you later Curtis,” she offered, she didn’t want to say goodbye. He was a link to Frank, and she found she liked him on his own merit. Karen smiled as she walked out the door.
Frank was alive, Thank God.
Her phone buzzed and she sighed as she saw Foggy’s name there.
“Hey Foggy,” she greeted. “I haven’t forgotten about tonight. No I’ll be on time. I promised! Yes I promise I won’t let you embarrass yourself.”
With that she hung up, knowing she’d be meeting up with Foggy to help him and Marci move into their new place. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as she walked and she paused, her hand slipping into her pocket where her .380 was resting as she looked around. She didn’t see anyone, and she shrugged it off as she walked to the subway, her .380 a comforting weight.
Frank watched her walk away, the leggy strawberry blonde was unmistakable. She looked good, real good. Frank watched her to the subway when he saw Curtis heading his way, a cup of coffee in hand.
“Here,” Curtis shoved the cup at him and he reluctantly took it as he took a sip of it, and Curtis nodded. “I like her.”
Frank said nothing as he looked at his hands.
“You sure do know how to pick them though,” Curtis snorted. Frank smirked a bit at that as he walked to Curtis’ place then. Karen would be fine, he already knew she’d be with Foggy for the rest of her day. She’d be safe.
“I didn’t pick her,” Frank said as they walked into Curtis’ building.
“Sure you didn’t.”
“She’s… not… Karen’s…” he fumbled for a term for what she was and he frowned. He’d told Lieberman that Karen was on level with Sarah, that Karen was essentially his wife and family. He didn’t have a claim like that on her. “Karen’s family,” he decided.
Curtis gave him a look as they walked into his apartment.
“What?” he demanded.
“Nothing,” Curtis shrugged it off. Frank didn’t like that look, it was the look before he found himself spilling his guts and informing Curtis of his emotions and shit, and frankly he didn’t want to dwell on what Karen was to him beyond her being important.
Since he had first met her he had had this draw to her, a magnetic pull which annoyed him and he couldn’t fight it. It was like the pull he felt for Maria, but different, and it terrified him. Any connections terrified him, but Karen…
Well, that wasn’t something he wanted to think on.
“Madani letting up the heat?”
“No,” he answered sitting down. Madani was the main reason he avoided Karen, he didn’t want Madani sniffing around Karen. Madani wouldn’t let shit lie still though, and she kept poking at him, especially since Billy had escaped. Billy’s escape was being kept off the radar because there was nothing to find. He knew that, Curtis knew it, which added another reason to stay the fuck away from Karen. Billy had snatched Maria, Lisa, and Frank Jr. from him, he didn’t get to take Karen.
“Well, it’s not like he could’ve gotten far with those injuries.”
“It’s not about where he’s gotten too, where’s the body?” Frank asked. Billy had burned all bridges, and he would be back, if he wasn’t dead already, considering doctors hadn’t expected him to ever wake up again. Madani being a vindictive bitch had pinned him down as Pete at his place of work to demand information about Billy and where he’d go. After she was gone he had called David and Curtis, and he had run to check on Karen to assure himself that she was safe.
There was a shit storm brewing and he knew it.
To what end he didn’t know, and he didn’t like it but Billy was not getting close to Karen. Billy didn’t get to take Karen, so he’d continue his vigil over her from afar; he was kind of relieved to have David and Curtis knowing about her though.
David was wired into her phone and all cameras around her, so they knew where she was.
Curtis knowing about Karen and liking her… that added another layer of protection.
“So what’s the plan Frank?”
“Find him, track him, kill him.”
“Why didn’t you do that the first time?” Curtis asked dryly.
“I wanted him to know what it was like to lose everything in this goddamn world he cared about,” Frank omitted.
“And Karen?”
“We keep her the hell out of this shit show and keep Madani and Billy away from her,” he snapped. Last thing he needed was another delusional psychopath after her. Karen Page was a light which seemed to attract the darkness, and he like many others was helplessly entrapped by her beguiling appearance. Fucking trouble maker, with a temper and a .380 she’s not afraid to use. Madani even knowing about her was bad enough, but that was just public records, he doubted Madani had figured out anything past public records. But Madani had been there that day Lewis had had Karen trapped.
It was unsettling.
But the fewer people aware of Karen the better. Curtis and David were brothers to him, he could trust them.
Hell, David trusted him with his family, and Sarah demanded his presence for Sunday dinners, David had even asked for Curtis join for the coming football Sundays. Though Frank seriously doubted Lieberman would know the difference between football and baseball, but it was for Zach. Leo even texted frank questions about her science homework, or how to fix something questions. It was a bit unsettling to have them dragging him into their family and their business.
However, David had never mentioned Karen and it was staying that way.
“You do know she probably doesn’t need your protection, from what she told me,” Curtis chuckled.
Frank scowled. “It’s about keeping her safe, not protected. Protecting her is Red’s job.”
“That’s bullshit man, and you know it.”
“I’m not doing this,” he warned Curtis. “What have you heard about Billy?”
“Nothing, no one’s heard shit about Billy, and since you’ve killed most his contacts and Anvil’s dead he’s not looking to them for help.”
Frank said nothing about this because it was starting to piss him off.
Men injured like Billy did not just get up and walk out of the hospital. Not even he could do that, and he was a tough son of a bitch; he was more than well aware that he should be dead on several occasions. Starting with, but not limited to, the bullet he took to the head when his family was killed.
Curtis said nothing, for which Frank was grateful as they shared lunch and coffee in companionable silence. One of these days he’d master small talk. Not today though.
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austinpanda · 3 years
Dad Letter 101721
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17 October, 2021
Dear Dad--
Well, in a surprising turn of events, Stacy was able to visit! She showed up on Friday. More on her visit in a bit. Since I’m off work to be here for her, I’m able to write this letter on the same day I’m sending it, Sunday morning. I needn’t have waited, because this morning has been unpleasant so far! Only because Zach was awake most of the night, and it has put him in a foul mood. It’s been raining since yesterday, and the leak by our back door got bad last night, and the amount of water coming into the trailer was becoming biblical, so he had to wake up and deploy towels and a bowl to catch the drips, and it seems bad enough that it may have caused permanent warping in the hall floor. Living in a single-wide in Bangor, Maine isn’t as glamorous as it sounds, I reluctantly confess.
A marvelous thing happened last week! A genuine, much-needed, actual, according to Hoyle miracle occurred: Our corporate overlords are giving us all nice pay raises. And the manner in which it happened was even funny. One day, we’re bitching to the boss about how little we’re being paid, and how difficult it makes being a living grownup. Next day, corporate overlords are announcing significant raises for everyone. (I’m going from $14 per hour to $17 per hour. Still not what I’m worth, but that’s a whopping big raise.) The day after that, I complained to my coworker, saying, “I’m going to go to my grave wondering why our corporate overlords just did that. I KNOW it wasn’t because we deserve the money and it’s the right thing to do.” The day after that, I swear by God and sunny Jesus, I read an article in the Washington Post that explained the whole thing to me.
It seems that, for various reasons, many having to do with Covid, and its effects on the country, lots of Americans are quitting their jobs. There are lots of jobs out there, and not enough people to fill them, so people in shitty, low-paying jobs have collectively decided, “This is bullshit,” and quit those jobs, in favor of new jobs with better pay and working conditions. Here’s a fun statistic: About 3% of working Americans quit their jobs just in August. (Apparently that’s a lot.) And 40% of those quits were in the restaurant and hotel industries--in other words, food service and hospitality, in other words, MY JOB at a hotel/casino. I then noticed that the guy who hired me six months ago has since quit. And his boss, the man who ran the department, has since quit. And others, including the other auditor quit. And our restaurant and our casino bar are having to close early and stay closed for days at a time because of staffing shortages.
And then it hit me--working here is okay, but the pay is absolute shit, and it’s causing everyone to leave, in search of better paying jobs, and someone in the company’s upper echelons just figured out, “Hey, we’d better stop paying our employees dog shit, or we’re not going to have enough employees to run the hotel/casino any more.” And lo, as if by magic, we’re getting bigger raises than anyone remembers getting EVERRRRR. All that shit I read in the news can’t be a coincidence, right? I think this place, and the other hotel/casinos in the chain, were hemorrhaging employees, and someone finally realized it would help staunch the exodus if they paid us actual grownup wages. And there you have it, an explanation for the corporation’s magnanimity that is completely free of any actual magnanimity of any kind, and therefore guaranteed to be closer to the truth than any other explanation so far. Age has made me cynical.
And although I don’t seem to be remotely capable of disguising my bitterness about how much they pay, I have to take time out to give credit where it’s due: I am very grateful for this raise, because without it, I was drowning, and with the raise, which takes effect in about a month, it won’t be a struggle to keep my head above water. That is a huge sigh of relief that echoes through every bone of my body: I’m not going to be struggling so much any more. I’ll be able to stick money in savings for emergencies. I’ll be better able to afford a car payment. The fickle finger o’ fate just patted me on the head and said I was a good boy. I’ll take it.
So Stacy found herself able to visit Bangor, and I’ve been able to spend some time with her for the last couple of days. It’s been gray and cloudy and wet and cold outside, which is exactly what she hoped to find when she left Texas, where it’s still in the 90s and everyone is still wearing flip-flops. Here, it’s good weather for sweatpants, and fall foliage and shit. So she flew in on Friday, and yesterday I took her to a few of the Bangor sights. We went to my workplace, because the top deck of the parking garage gives you a nice view of the river that the casino sits on, and lots of fall-colored trees, and lots of Bangor, with little white church steeples poking through the trees here and there, like a postcard. While we were looking around the top deck of the parking garage, I consulted my phone, and found we were only about 4 minutes from Stephen King’s house, so I took her to Stephen King’s house. By now, I’m guessing Stephen King is a billionaire, so his Bangor residence is famous and is very, very pretty in the fall. I’ll include some pictures.
Then we went to a brand new marijuana dispensary near my trailer called Firestorm! I like to add the exclamation mark to the name whether it actually has one or not. (Firestorm!!!!!) It is a silly name for a place that sells a drug that makes you become one with the sofa. FIRESTORM is the place you go to buy your cocaine and your PCP, I think. This place should be called something like Sofastorm, or Sleepysoft, or something more mellow like that. Then we went to the store to get her a couple of toiletries she forgot to pack, and she got to appreciate the amazingly boring manner in which liquor is sold in grocery stores here. She’s still used to Texas, where it has to be a liquor store, and they can’t be open on Sunday! Maine continues to stand out, for me at least, as a state that trusts you with the grownup stuff. Want to buy booze? Get it with your breakfast cereal and milk at the store! Want to buy weed? Come on down to FIRESTORM!!!!! and buy some! Want to visit a casino and play the slots and shoot some craps and bet on some ponies? Maine has you covered. The casino even has pamphlets you can take if you have questions or concerns about gambling addiction.
Did you know you can exclude yourself from a casino? I didn’t know this, and I doubt any of us will ever need to, but if you think you have a gambling problem and you don’t want the casino to let you gamble there any longer, you can approach a security person and ask them for a self-exclusion. Sign a form, and the casino agrees not to let you gamble there for a certain period, which I assume you can specify.
Not sure what we’re going to do today. It is gray and wet and cold here, still, and unless it stops soon, I fear we’re all going to get seasonal affective disorder. (Supposed to clear up and see the sun again by tomorrow.) Once you’ve seen Bangor in all its autumn splendor, and you’ve taken pictures of Stephen King’s house, I’m not sure what else there is left to do here. I know the band KISS played here a couple of weeks ago; we could have been in a big hurry to NOT see that. (Screw those guys. Never liked those guys, ha ha!) But we’ll figure it out. In the meantime, all my love to you both, and I’ll have more to tell you about next Sunday!
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Your life is gonna change me (Biadore) Chapter 3 - AbbiNeedless
I told you, I’m impatient
After a couple tries without any results Adore started to feel really frustrated, every time they went to the clinic they got the same result.
“You are not pregnant.” The doctor would say. “You’ll see next time will be different.”
But the results were always the same. After them getting the same “No” as always she would arrive home and lock herself in their bedroom so Bianca couldn’t hear her cry. Seeing Adore’s heart being ripped apart every time broke Bianca’s heart as well, one morning she decided to light up her wife’s spirit by cooking a pizza for breakfast.
“This is going to make her feel better.”
All of them sat on the couch and watched a movie while they ate, except Adore; she just stared at her plate without eating.
“Baby, are you alright?” Bianca asked her. “Yeah, yeah…” “Are you sure? If you didn’t like the pizza I can cook something else for you.” “No, I.. I…”
Suddenly nausea hit her, she had her hand clamped over her mouth and ran to the bathroom, she crouched over the toilet without even minding the fact that her wife and niece were behind her, Bianca took her hair out of her face.
“Tia Adore?” “I’m ok, Val, I’m ok.” She tried to recover her breath, she got up and looked at herself in the mirror when realization hit her. “Bea, what day is it?” “March 18th, why?” She saw her wife just looking at herself in the mirror. “Adore?” “Are you ok?” Her niece touched her shoulder. “My period is late, 6 days late.” “Oh geez…” Valentina walked to the drawer and took a pregnancy test from a little box. “Hey, why do you have this?” Bianca asked her niece. “That’s not important.” She handed it to Adore. “Take the test, we’ll wait for you outside.”
Valentina took her aunt out of the bathroom and closed the door behind her.
“Valentina, why did you have pregnancy tests in the drawer?” “That’s not important now, what is important is the result of that test on Adore, ok?” “We haven’t finished this conversation, young lady!”
After a few minutes Adore got out of the bathroom with two pregnancy tests in her hands.
“So? Are we mothers yet?” Bianca asked her nervously. “I’m not sure…” “What do you mean you’re not sure?” “One of the test I took was negative and the other one was positive.” “Then you should go to the clinic.” Valentina said. “It’s better if they do the tests for you.” “You’re right.” Adore said. “Well, let me call and make an appointment.”
“Welcome to Reproductive Technologies. How can I help you?” The woman on the desk asked them. “We have an appointment for today, miss Fontaine.” Bianca said. “I told you last time to not be so formal with me, chula. Call me Cynthia.” “I like you Cynthia.” Adore said with a nervous voice. “Can you tell me your last name again, mi amor?” “Delano, Adore.” “Delano, Delano… Aha!” She dialed a number on her desk’s phone. “Ivy? Hi, hermosa, I have here miss Delano and her wife, they have an appointment with doctor Velour… Ok, thank you, hermosa. Bye bye, besos.” Cynthia hung up and looked to them again. “Doctor Velour is waiting for you, you can come in.” “Thank you Cynthia!” Adore took her wife’s hand and entered the doctor’s office. “You’re welcome, chula and good luck!”
“Mrs Delano. How have you been feeling since we saw last time?” Doctor Velour asked her. “I’ve been feeling good.” Adore said. “But I’ve had a lot more cramps and I’ve been more tired than usual.” “Those are some symptoms of what we’re trying to achieve here and that’s a good thing!” Doctor Velour gave her a big smile. “Any other symptom?” “She threw up today and has not been eating properly.” Bianca said. “Ok…” Doctor Velour got up. “Have you taken any pregnancy test?” “Two, one was positive and the other one was negative so I’m not sure if we succeeded.” “Well, let’s see if we got it.” She took her to the hospital gurney and Bianca helped her to lay down while Doctor Velour prepared the machine. “How do you feel?” Adore asked her while she exposed her stomach. “Nervous, I think it’s gonna me the one who’s gonna throw up.” “There’s a trash can if you need it, some parents really throw up sometimes, believe me.” She put the cold jelly on Adore’s stomach, the cold of it gave Adore chills. “This jelly prevents friction so I can rub the ultrasound transducer on your skin and also helps transmit the sound waves so we can hear your baby’s heart.” “Wait, are we going to hear the baby’s heart today?” “No yet, darling. If my calculus are correct you might me five weeks pregnant, we’ll hear your baby’s heartbeat around week eight.” She started rubbing the transducer around her stomach and pointed in the black screen. “This is the anechoic free fluid in pouch and… Wait.” “What?” Adore asked her. “Is there something wrong with the baby?” Bianca started to think that grabbing the trash can was a good idea. “With the babies you would like to say.” Doctor Velour looked at them excitedly. “Congratulations, ladies, you are pregnant and expecting twins!”
Twins, they were expecting twins.
“Bianca, you heard that? We’re expecting two babies!” Adore felt tears forming in her eyes, it was ok, those were happy tears. “Two babies…”
Doctor Velour took some extra measures and printed the photos for them while their nurse helped Adore to wipe the jelly from her stomach. Adore went to talk with Doctor Velour and let Bianca free to recover her breath. Twins, they were having twins.
“Bea, look at this!” Adore sat on her lap and showed her the pictures. “I asked for three copies because I know my mom would like to have one next to her other grandchildren photos, I’ll have one on my desk in my office at the university and this is for your studio. They’re so tiny!”
Adore had a look of love and adoration that just made her heart beat faster.
“Yeah, they’re so small.”
Adore took her wife’s hand and left with her feeling happy and excited for the months to come.
Bianca: They’re twins Court: WhAt, Adore is pregnant with twins?!?! Valentina: what? :0 Bianca: They’re twins, we’re having twins Court: Hoyl dhit Court: Holy shit* I cannot even write correct, I’m that speechless! Valentina: You’re having two babies! Valentina: That’s amazing!! :DD Valentina: Tia Bianca? You there? Court: Bianca? Bianca: Adore speaking, sorry, she had to throw up Court: Damn Court: Anyways Court: Congrats on your twins! Valentina: I’m having two primitos! That’s gonna be so amazing! Bianca: Thank you! What if we all go to my mom’s and have dinner? Court: We’ll be there Valentina: Can I bring Violet? Bianca: You know you can, see ya there at 3 pm? Court: Sure
Adore: GUESS WHAT Jinkxy: you hit a glass door again Alyssa: Trump is finally not president? Katya: you finally watched Contact! Adore: no, I’d love that, not yet Adore: I’m pregnant, bitches!! Jinkxy: YAAAAASSS! Best news ever!!! Katya: Поздравляем! You’re gonna be the best mom ever! Alyssa: OH MY GASH! Congratulations, Dorey. Adore: pregnant with twins ;) Katya: wAit What? O: Jinkxy: Twins!?! Adore: Yup Alyssa: Wow, congratulations x2! Adore: Thank you!! Wanna come to celebrate to my mom’s? Katya: I’ll take Trixie with me, what time? Adore: 3 pm Jinkxy: We’ll be there! You have to tell us everything!! Adore: I will! See ya there :D
Bianca sat on Adore’s old bed while everyone else was in the living room having a good time; the twins’ new had everyone super excited and happy, even Violet who always had a bitchy face smiled to the news. Everyone was excited, except Bianca. She had been ok with having one baby, but two? That was far too much, they’ll have to buy everything double now, is the money going to be enough? What about their sleep hours?
Bonnie opened the door and found her daughter in law with her head in her hands.
“Are you ok, mija?” “I’m good.” Bonnie got into the room and closed the door behind her. “Had Adore ever tell you that you’re a very bad liar?” “Then my degree in scenic arts was a waste of time.” Bonnie sat beside her. “Come on, tell me how you’re feeling.” She rubbed her hand on her shoulder. “I’m good, Bon.” “You’re not, Bianca. There’s something wrong and you don’t want to tell someone about it.”
Bianca looked at the pictures in the wall, the picture of them hugging in Christmas caught her attention, Adore had an enormous smile in that picture. “I don’t feel ready to talk about it.” She remembered the two small bumps in the screen of the doctor’s office. “Whenever you’re ready you know where to find me.”
Bonnie hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek. “Now let’s go and have something to eat, Adore told me that you threw up after your appointment with the doctor.” “How many people do know that?” “All of us, Ernie says that is ok, that he threw up as well when Salina told him that she was expecting another baby.”
Bianca smiled to her and let her took her to the party.
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 5X13 The Song Remains the Same
aw nuts I'm still one behind
ah well I'm severely burned and prom is tomorrow
god I hope Cas is in this one
Listen I actually like this song
He's dreaming isn't he
this is a nice set
Ah right when Cas was Conflicted I see
ok so meeting
I still think Angel Anna popping in to say hi and shit was fun man
wait no I see Cas is lamp and where that came from I see it now
they told Cas, Cas didn't let them
'no on escapes' oh?
that was a cool scene why don't we have more
"another way" here we go
"you've changed" "maybe too late" : (
"come near Sam Winchester and I kill you"
are...are they even friends though?
"who's glenn close" aw
no give me more Sam and Cas too goDAMIT
yes I know why leave me alone
the Exasperated "I don't understand that reference" and Dean's "my cool guy-ness doesn't work on him" IS SO FUNNY
also cas looks FUCKEd
ah way back when things weren't horrible and not disillusioned
the fucking trench coat
did they steal a car off screen lmao?
Dean please chill
oh this is gonna be fun
"you look familiar" *Dean and Mary exchange a panicked look*
Sam is not taking this well
Sam and Dean, Sam and Deanna
Sam is just staring at his mom :(
Dean you little shit
HearT Attack Huh Mary
the little half smile before he says "not exactly"
the like...half power, but half not is COOL
were times tough? was it Anna projecting?
"you too Dean" HER VOICE SHOOK :(
oh good time to explain it to John he's gonna take it well
Dean explaining hunter things to his dad has to be fucking weird
Well...John doesn't seem like an ass, he wants to help
just cuts his hand ok then
"how big"
"you remind me of my dad" HE LOOKS SO FUCKING SAD
he's also so much more subdued
"my dad raised me in it"
John: proceeds to trash talk himself for like...a whole minute
"your father was supposed to protect you" SPOKEN BY THEIR FATHER IS
fuck it I'm tearing up
"I get it" Sam and John are super similar ok I see you
no what happened is that John made Mary this martyr that didn't exist, this exalted thing
"I understand" SAM I S W E A R TO FUCKING G O D
"I'm still your superior" ooo?
"They will kill you uriel" THAT WAS YOU AND CAS
"you're just gonna have to trust me" D E A N
"i'm your son" oh my god Dean
oh this.scene.
I'm crying again
"I raised my kids to be hunters, I did that to you?" aofs'
yeah I'm like...actively crying fuck me
that date is...burned into his brain isn't it
god Mary's reaction of "no not this, not again" oh my god no no no no I'm crying
This is not hyperbole I was actually sobbing
"leave John" IS YOUR PLAN
"you can't have that normal life" oh Sam :(
'your children will be cursed' jesus Christ
oh god she's pregnant that's why she reacted like that
shit both of them
I cannot see ANYTHING
bloodline, like novak
"well get some therapy pal" dean...dean you can't say that it just looks funny if you say that
"I practically raised him" oof
"you're gonna do whatever god says' "yes because I am a good son" OHHHHHHHHHH
Dean: that is a dead end street
"I got to believe I choose what I do with my unimportant little life" HOYLS HIT YHES
you...planned it..oh my god
free will's an illusion NOT IF CAS HAS ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT
ah he scrubs their minds so she can't remember
ah fuck he's failed this plan twice now it's gotta HURT
the arranging the jacket was so fucking sinister
"you made it" "I did? I'm very surprised"
I love him
"one ex blood junkie, one dropout with 6 bucks to his name and mr. comatose over there"
"i'm not laughing"
you guys fucking suck at making objective decisions
" i can't even put my finger on why I like it" I hate this
"angels are watching over you" I'm going to eat glass I love the glass it's so crunchy
1. hunting. FUCKING- BOTH OF THEIR PARENTS WERE LIKE "HeY whoever got you into hunting probably fucked both of you up" AND THEY'RE LIKE NAH It'S FINE. THIS IS THE SAME ENERGY AS LIKE...several people staging an intervention and you still not getting it. Young!John is great! He's rightfully concerned! Mary is badass! with knife fight
2. free will. The EXPLICIT free will vs destiny thing, the basically dragging free will into existence despite everyone telling you that's not how it goes, the subtle reinforcement with the angels at the beginning, Michael coming into the bloodline, the whole thing with hunting, how they still ended up hunters it's just. Fuck me.
3. Sam's giving up, that's not good. Like you can see it in the "I forgive my dad," you can see it in the "just give up, I don't want to exist anymore" thing. Like...he's tired of fighting, he wants it to stop? I think is what I'm getting.
4. I FUCKING LOVE CASTIEL. He doesn't get the pop cultural references, just kinda does HORRIBLY bad shit that's bad for him, and in the end just kinda is Out of It. I love him. He makes every scene he's in better. Also I'm seeing the more...Sam thing? like I see potential, and they're both the Weird Kids of their crowds?
5. I like the sets. Like the art direction for the sets was nice, and the costuming felt especially on point this episode? Like they changed Anna's look a lil, and I thought it worked really well.
6. ANNA. She seemed so remorseful, and she had this whole thing going on, and she was still their superior and she was great. Also, she's trying to execute free will too! like it's in an entirely different manner than Sam and Dean's but still? This better not be her last appearance.
7. For posterity, that scene where they're talking to their mom and Dean just kinda...breaks down instantly and says "you're my mom" and both of them say "leave our dad, no more existence," and the "I'm pregnant" and the "I raised you to be hunters, I did that to you?" and the "no john did." fucking broke me. Like so much pain is happening there and it broke me
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Starcrossed Losers IV (Josh Wheeler xReader)
A/N: Y/N has trust issues and terrible luck.
Remember to leave feedback!
Words: 2,199
Warnings: Blood, a lot of running, cursing, a lot of gross ig??
Previous chapter // Next chapter
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Josh steps inside the store and prepares to put his hand in danger, not without whining and groaning, of course, I can’t blame him, putting your hand down someone’s throat must be disgusting. 
The closest thing I’ve seen to this is that time Alex and I were over at Nathan’s and Alex had to pull a plastic cap out of Nathan’s dog’s mouth. The way his hand smelled that day... ugh, totally would not recommend. We had to rush over to the vet to make sure Patty hadn’t swallowed any more plastic items, it’s like a block away from the mall, so we decided to let Nathan take his dog back home and we stayed here.
-Time for another beautiful flashback, sponsored by the terrible image of Josh searching on a ghoulie’s stomach with his bare hand-
“Don’t ever let me put my hand down a dog’s throat ever again.”
“How often do you think it could happen?”
“Dogs are silly, Y/N, I don’t know,” He shrugs, examining his hand with repulsion.
“If you ask me, I think that was pretty heroic,” I offer.
“Shut up,” He whines.
“For real!”
“You’re only saying that so I don’t feel as gross...”
“I say it cause I think it was a brave move. Patty’s a pitbull, she could’ve eaten your arm,” I giggle.
“Nah, she’s an angel” 
Alex is the angel, but I won’t admit that to his face.
“Will you ever take a compliment without shrugging it off?” I roll my eyes, “I’m trying to say that I admire you, bitch.” Alex laughs at my outburst.
“I only do it so you keep complimenting me, isn’t it working?” He winks at me, and I feel the urgent need to push him towards the passing cars. Or hold his hand. Whatever.
“Sure. Tell you what, let’s go to the mall, I’ll get you icecream and you can look for a bathroom and wash your hand.”
“Yes, please,” He sighs and takes my hand to practically drag me on the direction of the mall. Alright then, I don’t mind at all.
Josh got the keys. His hand is covered in something gross and I can’t hide the smirk that’s growing on my face.
“The things we do for love, am I right?” I grin.
“Don’t start, Y/N,” He complains.
“No I mean, fucking respect. Not everyone would do that for their crush.” He shakes his head at my statement, not flattered at all.
“I just wanna find Sam.”
“And I want to get out of here, so let’s go!” I start walking, a new burst of energy going through my veins now that we have the keys.
“I’ll see you around,” He tells Angelica, and I happily wave goodbye while passing.
“Guys!” She says, following us.
“So what’s your plan, then?” Josh looks at me, “You’re leaving too? What about your skates?”
“There’s a store close to my old neighborhood, I’ll get a new pair from there.”
“You can’t wait to leave, huh?”
“Same as you,” I frown, “I’m sure anywhere’s better than with a bunch of weirdos.”
“Hey! Just because you’re not as cool doesn’t mean I’m weird” He replies playfully.
“I don’t think so, mister,” I hold to my backpack tighter, getting ready to go out, “I just need to leave this place, this mall has brought me nothing but trouble...”
And I wasn’t talking about Triumph or the Jocks only, I was also thinking about that day with Alex:
“How’s that hand?”
“Still smelling like crap.”
“Too bad. Here, take it. My treat,” I give him the icecream cone I bought moments ago, hoping it’ll make him feel better.
“Jee, thanks, Vinchi.”
I smile at the stupid nickname; it was the invention of a ten-year-old Alex that saw my drawing of a butterfly and thought  I was the next big paintor, “like that guy, ’vinchi”. He meant to say Da Vinci, but the other name was funnier so it’s the one that stuck. You know how you’re supposed to hate silly nicknames? Well, even that was impossible when it came from Alex. I liked him too much. 
I liked everything about him, or slightly related to him. Yet, I managed to keep my distance. Why? Cause you don’t get attached to things you cannot have. Alex was dating our friend Stuart. 
Unrequited love is not something I personally enjoy, so is better to stay away from it. And just like unrequited love, if a bunch of rowdy misfits is running in your direction, you run faster and hide.
Angelica has been insisting on staying and forming our own tribe. Fucking crazy, right? You’d have to be out of your mind to try to form a tribe with these people. There’s no way I’m trying that.
“Angelica, maybe next time okay?” I look at her over my shoulder, “seriously you don’t want us on your tribe, we’re very dumb and slow.”
“You know that’s a lie.”
“Still, it’s better this way, you don’t need us.”
“Bye-bye Angelica,” Says Josh while opening the exit door.
You know when things are bound to end in tragedy? You get this feeling that it’s going to be one shit after the other, and you’re right, cause that’s all that’s been happening so why would it change, right? Yeah, well I was so excited about leaving that I forgot this was the case.
The same ghoulie that had run off with Josh’s sword on her back was outside the door, she jumps on him and throws him to the floor, Angelica and I jump back in surprise.
“Get off me now! Shit!” 
“Don’t die!” Angelica runs back to get her molotov bombs (because according to her, fire is the only answer) and I’m left with no weapons to defend us.
“Okay! it’s two against one I can do this!” I try to reach the sword but the ghoulie keeps moving and I don’t wanna hurt Josh by accident, “Hold on, I’m trying to get the sword!”
“Try harder!”
“Shut up, I’m saving your life!” I kick the ghoulie’s hip and she doesn’t budge. Josh seems to be having a hard time and I can’t do much without putting myself in danger as well, the sword is halfway out and is dangerously close to his chest. If I make the wrong move, I’ll kill him.
“Fuck! I need a real weapon, hold on!”
I run like hell until I get to the hardware store and my eyes land on the only thing that I feel capable enough to handle. A sledgehammer. Because judging by my record, I’m pretty good at smashing things. I grab it and run back to where Josh is, lifting the tool at shoulder level.
“Here’s Johnny!” 
I swing it hard and hit the ghoulie’s head with full force, she tries to stand up but Eli appears on the other side of the hall exactly where she landed and pulls the sword from her chest only to put it back, this time in her head. She falls like a puppet on the floor.
“Eli?” Josh seems disoriented, I help him stand up.
“You better be worth it,” He replies, handing him the sword and looking at my hammer with a nod of approval.
We run again until we reach the elevator, we find Wesley there, keeping the door closed.
“I can’t hold it!” He screams.
“Let him in!”
Wesley steps back and the door opens harshly, Triumph stepping in like a nightmare. The guys attack but Triumph easily beats them, I swing my hammer but he traps it mid-air and pulls me towards him. I kick his crotch and he barely groans. It’s not enough.
“Hoyles! Man! This does not need to end up in violence!”
Triumph stops and lets go of me, throwing me into the floor. Eli and Josh both pull me far from him, I grab my hammer tightly.
“Wes!” Josh warns him. Triumph is getting close to the boy and I know that he won’t be able to pull it off alone either, Samurai or not, he’s still a kid.
“AHHHHHHHH!” Crumble jumps from the roof of the elevator and attacks Baron Triumph with her bare hands. He easily pushes her away. Crumble stands up slowly, we’re all expectant, not knowing what the hell to do.
And then Crumble raises her hands and starts speaking in what I’m most certain is nonsense in Spanish, but it does the trick: Triumph backs off until he reaches the elevator and closes the gate. Wesley closes the second gate and supports his back against it.
“What the fuck was that?” Asks Josh.
“I wanted to help you,” whispers Crumble.
“How did you get out of the store?”
“I can turn myself into mist,” She explains excitedly, “and then I float through the cracks. Watch!” Then she proceeds to run straight into the elevator’s door and knocks her lights off.
“Outstanding,” I look over to Angelica, “bet you’re really proud of your Ghoulie witch now.” Angelica just smiles back at me.
So... that happened. Thank god it’s over, now I can finally go. But first, I think I’ll take Josh’s word and go shopping one last time.
“Thanks again for the icecream.”
“Anytime, Al,” I smile.
“You ‘going home now?”
“I guess, it doesn’t look like anything interesting is about to happen so...”
“Hey, about what you said...” He scratches the back of his neck, “you really think it was heroic?”
“Patty could’ve died. Of course I do,” I answer with full honesty.
“Thanks... I think you’re very heroic too.”
“What?” I laugh, “Dude, I’ve never done anything out of the ordinary.”
“You call out the jocks on their bullshit even if they annoy you afterwards. When Lily got high and was having a bad trip, it was you who took her to the shower and made her threw it up out of her system,” He puts a hand on my shoulder, applying light pressure to it, “You may not be saving the world, but you take care of your people. That’s cool.”
And maybe it’s the sugar rush, maybe it was the way his words sting on my heart or the way the artificial lights inside the mall made his eyes look so shiny. But my feelings for him went through the roof. Exactly like my common sense.
Whatever it was, all I know is that suddenly we were too close, and suddenly we were kissing outside the icecream shop. It lasted only five seconds though, cause then he tried to cup my face with both hands and the smell of dog’s saliva made me step back in disgust.
“Oh my god, what is that dog eating?”
“I’m sorry!” Alex covers his mouth with both hands and regrets it immediately after, grossed out by the smell, “fuck, I need to put on sanitizer.”
“I have to go,” I mumbled in a hurry, walking towards the exit.
“Wait, Y/N!”
“See you on monday, Alex,” I walk faster, almost crashing against a random boy wearing the ugliest reddish pants on earth, seemingly also running for his life.
Don’t. Just don’t. Whatever you have to say, trust me, I already heard it in my head every night for the past six months. I know it was a shitty thing to do, kiss someone else’s boyfriend. My best friend. Who had been dating my other friend for the past four months.
It doesn’t matter that he kept going. It was wrong. “Y/N, you bitch ass liar, you told us none of you ever made a move!”. Joke’s on you, a kiss is not a move if it doesn’t affect on anything after it happens. A kiss is just a kiss. Mine was a huge mistake for sure, but not a love declaration.
Alex and Stuart kept dating and we never mentioned our incident. Not even after he broke up with Stuart two months before the nuke. Not even when he went with me to look for my sister Katie.
So how’s that for a move huh? That’s the reason why I’m leaving. Cause it doesn’t matter if you’ve known them for a day, a semester or ten years. I thought that the people I hung with during Highschool would be my tribe during the apocalypse. That we were inseparable. Turns out we weren’t.
Love is weak compared to personal interests and I refuse to be the only idiot that gets attached. No one is worth that much pain. I’m leaving. Best of wishes to Josh and gang of weirdos but I’m out. I’m backing up. Stepping back. I’m-
“Y/N, come here quick! Stupid Josh cut his finger and now I need to get bandages and duct tape! Make sure he doesn’t faint!”
I’m coming into a halt and drop my backpack and weapon to the floor as I’m rushing over to the restrooms.
“He did WHAT?”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Starcrossed Losers IX (Josh Wheeler xReader)
 A/N: Friendship is cool but it gets you in a lot of trouble. Also, Happy Christmas’ Eve!!!
Words: 4,339
Warnings: Blood, cursing and weird outfits 
Previous chapter // Next chapter
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“Y/N, can I ask you a question without making you mad?”
“I don’t know Josh, you’ll have to ask me the question first”
“Why are you still wearing that?”
I look down at my clothes and laugh.
“I forgot,” I look at my reflection on the closest glass and examine the torn shirt that covers my body.
“So it wasn’t a fashion statement?” Asks Josh with a smirk.
“Sadly no,” I stand up and stretch my arms, yawning, “I think it’s time I get a new outfit.”
“You’re finally changing your resident evil cosplay?” Wesley walks by me, eyeing me up, Josh laughs.
“Don’t be mean,” I stick out my tongue, “I’d rock a resident evil cosplay”
“I don’t doubt it,” He raises his hands, “go nuts”
Wesley points towards the stores and I happily comply.
“You want us to go with you?” Josh raises his voice, following me with his eyes.
“I’ll be fine, you guys stay”
As I’m walking away I hear Wesley talking to Josh.
“We should practice our sword skills”
“Dude, yes!” Josh answers.
I chuckle lowly and head straight into my favorite store. 
It’s been a while since I got new clothes for myself; being alone is okay I guess, but it’s nice to be able to calmly pick an outfit without worrying about being attacked. 
I also get to pick something that will match my skates no matter what. You know when you have a specific favorite outfit that you wanna wear all the time but is not socially acceptable to do so cause then people will think you don’t shower? Well, now those rules don’t apply anymore cause everyone wears the same clothes all the time and it’s a known fact that we don’t shower. 
With that in mind, I pick the stuff that makes me the happiest and put them on. When I look in the mirror I feel amazing, and I take it as a sign that I have finally found my outfit.
“Y/N, we prepared a whole obstacle course, come see it!” 
“You wanna see my new outfit?” I ask excitedly from the changing rooms.
“Sure!” Josh replies, walking in, “Where are you?”
“Turn around and I’ll come out!” I drag the curtain and walk out towards him, I’m pleased to see he followed my instructions and is facing the entrance, “You can look now!”
He turns around and I show my outfit with my arms extended.
“That’s a... are those short overalls?” He examines them carefully.
“Yes!” I smile wildly, “and a lime-green shirt. With fun socks,” I raise my eyebrows, “get it? so I can match the skates you gave me”
“That’s, uh...”
“You don’t like it,” I lowered my arms, frowning, “Why?”
“It’s not that!” He quickly counters, “it’s just... well, your arms and legs are exposed and we live surrounded by things that bite.”
“Yes, but I have a hammer,” I say sternly.
Josh stares at me.
“A hammer won’t protect you from a horde.”
“Fair,” I agree, “but it’s not just my hammer. I have two samurais on my side, right? Either way, Ghoulie bites aren’t that dangerous.”
“They are if they rip your arms off”
“You’re exaggerating. I’ll be fine,” I walk past him, “you gonna train with Wesley or no?”
“Yeah but-”
“Hey, are you guys coming or what?” Wesley screams from the main hall.
“Going!” I scream back.
I found a bunch of tables with a small piñata, a watermelon and god knows what else spread around the place in order to make training harder. Wesley lets out an exclamation of approval when he sees me.
“Now, that’s a hundred percent Y/N-brand. You look good, girl!”
“Thanks! I feel good,” I smile at him, then look over at Josh, “See? Wesley gets it”
“I never said I didn’t like it...” He grumbles.
“We can talk about our fashion sense later. First, we train,” Demands our friend.
“Who’s first?” I ask, leaning against a column far from the obstacle course.
“Let me show you how real warriors do it...” 
Josh and I look at each other wondering what will Wesley do to try to impress us. When he kneels on the floor and bows to his sword, we have to look away so we don’t start laughing.
But don’t worry, our laughter dies as soon as he does the wildest moves ever, totally not humiliating us in every possible way. 
When he fixes his posture and takes off his mask, he vaguely points towards the mess and then to Josh.
“So, clean this shit up and, uh, your turn,” He smiles. 
“What?” Josh asks in pure outraged. I laugh and he looks at me with a bitter smile, “oh, don’t get so amused. You’re helping me.”
“What?” Now is my time to be scandalized, “Why?”
He shows me his injured hand and smirks.
“Cause I'm a disabled person in recovery.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not how this works,” I frown, “but I’ll help you anyway, cause I don’t want you to cut another of your little fingers by accident”
“How nice of you,” He mocks.
It takes us about ten minutes to replace and arrange everything. When we’re done I sit next Wesley, arms crossed and a knowing smile on my face.
“Just do your best, Wheeler. Try not to fall over innocent people, please.” 
“Very funny, L/N,” Josh sneers.
When it’s his turn to train, Josh does... his best. I managed to remain silent for most of it until he hits the mannequin and the only thing he cuts it’s the finger. 
“Oh my god,” I cover my mouth and stifle most of my laughter. Wesley stands up and looks at the result.
“Wow, that is... ironic.”
“It’s...” I say between laughs, “it’s so sad...”
“Dude, I’m a terrible swordsman. Especially with only one good hand,” Josh replies.
“You are in good company,” Wesley retorts in an attempt to calm him down, “Skywalker, Furiosa... Jaime Lannister, if you can get past the child-killing, incest, rape.”
“Meh,” I squint my eyes, “I think you should stick to Skywalker.”
Wesley shakes his head and mouths something that looks like ‘not now’, so I stay silent as he continues his speech.
“Hands gives us identity. Chefs cut, artist paint, warriors... warrior.”
That’s definitely not how you call it, but uh, that’s not the point, right?
“All good Jedi lose a hand.”
“I couldn’t even get that right!” Josh replies with annoyance, holding his hand up.
He leans against the column and falls slowly to the ground, it’s quite a miserable sight. I stand up and walk over to sit next Josh, I pat his back softly as a way of comfort.
“You know what I love about right now?” Asks Wesley, “we are free. We can do anything!”
Josh looks at me and I know he’s thinking about the story I told him yesterday. 
“I couldn’t pull off those pants,” He offers, discretely changing the subject, “you and Y/N could wear anything and still look good. I can’t, so I’m not that free.”
Wesley looks down at his clothes.
“No. No, you cannot. But is not about having cool shit, it’s about being cool as shit,” He slowly makes his way to us, “you define yourself. Who are you?”
This is getting real way too fast. 
Who am I? Besides the weirdo with a fixation for the lime-green. I told you this before, there’s a reason why I never joined any tribe. I clearly don’t have a thing. If I don’t have a thing, then why am I still here? What am I supposed to be doing?
“I’m oni samurai, when I get done with my quest and find redemption, they will write songs about me.”
“Who?” I ask, bewildered, “the fairies in your head?”
Josh stands up suddenly, getting face to face with Wesley.
“Look, I couldn’t save Sam’s life. I have to avenge her death,” I stand up as well, hearing attentively, “those scratches on her body were made with a butcher’s knife. I’ve only seen one douche with a weapon like that.”
And before he says it, I already know what he’s planning to do.
“I’m gonna kill Baron Triumph,” He leans over and speaks on Wesley’s ear, “I’m gonna kill Jayden Hoyles.”
Oh, poor stupid, love-sick Josh.
I know, judging by Wesley’s face, that this took an unexpected turn for him. For me? Well, I can’t say I knew exactly what Josh had in mind, but I figured he wouldn’t just stay here and cry for the rest of his life. He’s got hero-complex. Which, unfortunately, is gonna get him killed.
But it’s good to know that I’m not the only one looking for redemption now, whatever it was Wesley did and Josh’s burden are now on the line. Maybe that could be our thing? The tribe of regrets. The redemption circle. The I-can’t-stop-fucking-things-up club. No? Meh, I’ll find the right name eventually.
I follow Josh towards one of the stores. He’s in a bad mood.
“Don’t try to talk me out of it,” He interrupts me, “I need to do this.” 
“I wasn’t going to stop you,” I reply.
“You weren’t?” He stops, turning completely this time, “Why?”
“You want me to stop you?” I raise a brow, “Cause I can do that too if you want.”
“No, I mean... I don’t know, I thought you’d be upset about this. See it as a way of holding on to something that won’t bring anything good.”
“I do think that you’re closer to get killed with this plan and I do believe that killing Hoyles won’t make you feel better. The difference is that I don’t follow any samurai rules, so I don’t think it’ll bring you bad karma or whatever. It’s your life, you decide.”
“Okay,” He has an odd expression. I can’t tell if he’s suspicious or curious, either way, it makes me feel nervous, “then you could help me?”
“To kill him?” I tense, “What, just because I killed once it means I can do it again?”
“No,” He rolls his eyes, “I’ve killed Ghoulies too, and I don’t judge you for what happened with your sister. You did what you had to do.”
“I was going to ask if you could help me find a new weapon... or hand”
“What?” I giggle, then I see him ready to get all defensive and I stop, “Sorry, what do you have in mind?”
And he pulls a list out of his pocket, like the dork he is.
“I have a few ideas...”
“We can try them,” I nod, “I’ll put on my skates so I can help you get the stuff faster.”
“Sure, I’ll be here, analyzing my list,” He lowers his eyes towards the paper, excitedly reading all he wrote.
I snort, walking away.
“You’re too cute, Wheeler.”
Oh fuck. Oh fuck. I said that out loud, didn’t I? 
Well, now I can’t turn around to see if he heard me, god I hope he didn’t. If he did that means he’ll start to get suspicious and I don’t wanna ruin another friendship. Besides, I don’t like Josh that way. I don’t.
We’re friends. I just gained a friend (several, actually), I won’t ruin it just cause I think he has pretty eyes. I told Angelica that I won’t be playing her games and I’m too stubborn to admit she may have a point. Also, am I forgetting that Sam just died? This isn’t exactly what I would call perfect timing.
Josh is focused on his work when I go back and I’m too nervous to talk to him, still thinking about how he might have heard my not so subtle compliment.
What is wrong with me? I never had this issue with Alex, he was easy. I mean, we also knew each other since we were six so I guess that’d have influenced the way I perceived my behavior around him.
“Huh, yes?” I jump, “sorry, what did you say?”
“You spaced out,” He says with a small smile, “you didn’t listen a thing did you?”
“No,” I give him an awkward smile, “I got lost in my own head. I’m here now though, tell me what you need.”
“What do you think?” He points to every item on the table, “You see something that fits my... uh, whatever Wesley said I should have?”
I slide closer, examining all the stuff.
“You understood what Wesley was saying?”
“Yes... no. I don’t know. I get that he’s trying to convince me that life can be better without revenge, I guess?”
“Don’t ask me, I don’t know what he was trying to say,” I mumble, “all I know is that I have no clue of who I am. The apocalypse kind of fucked up my identity.”
“Well, who were you before?” He steps closer, carefully grabbing the glove with blades and trying it on.
“The artsy girl, according to my friend Maya,” I reply, a bit self-conscious, “I wasn’t that good if I’m honest but you know, if my friends ever needed to draw something for their projects or if they were looking for some new not-so-famous band to listen to, they’d give me a call.”
“So you were the ‘not-like-the-other-girls’ girl?” He smirks.
“Ugh, that is misconceiving,” I scoff, “every girl is their own person, we’re all the same. Just like the guys, and humans in general. We just have different likings, I really liked all kinds of art before, that’s all”
“Okay,” He takes a minute to think about it, “you’re right, there’s no tribe for that.”
“And it’s not like I could use my drawings to defend myself,” I grin.
“Well, the disciples of the Kardashian aren’t exactly trained warriors.”
“Maybe,” I help him take off the glove, “but there’s more than one, they share one specific trait. The jocks protect them of course, they don’t need to know how to defend themselves, I do. I have no one.”
“You have me now,” He replies promptly, “Uh, I mean us. You have us. We can protect you and you can go back to being the artsy girl.”
“To be honest, going back to that would be dull,” I squint, “I know I said I wanted my old life but that’d only work in the old world. I can’t be who I was, so I have to find a way to be a new version of myself, meaning I’ll have to use my creative instincts in something else.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Josh answers, grabbing a knife and weighing it, “your thing and mine. We have time.”
“That, if you survive to Hoyles,” I say subtly, “cause if not then we don’t have time at all. Or... if you wait a bit longer before going after Triumph, maybe we’ll have it...”
“Ah, there it is,” Josh has a smug smile when he leans towards me, “that is how you’re trying to convince me about not doing this?”
“Is it working?” I get closer as well, grinning.
“Almost,” He sighs, “but not enough, I’m still going. The only thing that could stop me from going is if I don’t find something to help me with my bad hand, which seems more likely than not.”
“I tried my best,” My foot accidentally kicks a mannequin’s hand and something comes to my mind, “hey, we have one more item (not listed) that you can try on for your new look. Who knows? Maybe it’ll bring you good luck.”
“What is it?” He curiously looks around the table.
“Here,” I pick up the hand and show it to him.
“Y/N,” He gives me a stern look, “tell me you’re joking.”
“What? We don't have functional prosthetics laying around, that is the closest thing you can get,” I put a hand on my hip, “you know is your best choice. You’ll get used to it. Adapt and survive, man.”
“Fine,” He sighs, “but I’m not obligated to use it if I don’t like how it looks.”
“Sure,” I agree, “it’s your body.”
I sit next to the table while he goes to a changing room. I hear him break the hand and I hope he didn’t screw up the fingers. Not that we can’t get more if that’s the case, but you know, time is not something we have to spare.
Wesley enters and sees the bunch of weird things we’ve come up with.
“Okay,” He nods, “yeah, hell yeah! This is what I’m talking about, brother! You define yourself. Come out here and show me your new killer digits.”
Josh pulls the curtain and walks out from the changing room with the white, plastic finger tied to his hand. Wesley and I laugh.
“Nice figure, Kim Cattrall,” He notices neither Josh or I get the joke, and he continues, “because she was a mannequin.”
We stay quiet.
“In the movie mannequin?” I shake my head without saying a word, “about a mannequin who comes to life? They made a sequel with Kristy Swanson, the orig Buffy the vampire slayer...”
Josh walks out of the store, showing Wesley his middle finger.
“I can’t tell if that means he liked it,” I mention, standing up next to Wesley, “but I take that he won’t waste more time on this?”
“Okay,” Wesley sighs, “let’s go hunt Baron Triumph.”
The sound my skates make against the gravel is like music to my ears. I had missed this, the outside. As dangerous as it is, it gives me the liberty that no safe haven ever could. I know these streets like the back of my hand, I got this.
Maybe I enjoy myself a bit too much, skating around and humming an old song I haven’t heard in a while when I realize Josh is staring. I immediately stop what I’m doing.
“Sorry, I should be quiet,” I look away, limiting myself to just skate beside my friends.
“No, it’s okay,” He says, “I wasn’t- I was staring but I... it seemed like you were enjoying yourself.”
“I shouldn’t,” I reply, “this is not a fun trip, I’ll stop.”
“I...” Josh is about to say something when Wesley speaks up.
“Hey, look at this!” He picks up something from the street, “second left molar, nice craftsmanship on the porcelain ceramic filling...”
“Your dad taught you a lot,” says Josh.
“A thing or two.” 
“It was knocked off by Triumph.”
Wesley turns around and looks at Josh with a sly smile.
“You don’t know that.”
“I only know one dude in school with a size fourteen shoe... cause I licked it.”
We look down at the mud and see the footprint that Josh is pointing to us.
“Hoyles,” whispers Wesley.
“He went east, toward San Fernando,” Mentions Josh.
“You’re like a Canadian Wolverine,” Replies Wesley in amazement.
“More like Deadpool,” I correct, “’cause the katana..?”
“Wolverine is a Canadian Wolverine,” Josh shakes his head, “can we focus right now? Look, I hunted elk every summer...”
He starts to walk away, but Wesley keeps talking.
“Your dad taught you a lot.”
Josh stops only to answer.
“A thing or two,” He smirks.
“You can track. But you can’t fight.”
“Here we go,” I roll my eyes, moving away from their discussion to look for more clues.
I don’t pay much attention to what they’re saying while I turn my back to them and analyze the footprint. Josh is right, it’s heading towards the industrial section. I know the old Hoyles’ cereal fabric is there, maybe we should take a look and see what we find... 
“Run!” I turn around abruptly, raising the hammer above my head. I see Wesley sprinting towards the other side of the street, Josh gives me one panicky look before looking behind us in confusion.
“Okay!” Josh runs after him with me close behind them.
We run around town like maniacs, I have the hammer ready but I don’t actually see any danger, so my fear isn’t growing but I’m not calm either. At some point, a couple of Ghoulies start to chase Josh and for some reason Wesley doesn’t let me help him. We wait until Josh gets rid of them and we go back to the running. My skates are going fast, soon enough I leave them behind and I hear Wesley scream:
“Get under the car!”
I stop harshly and skid without being able to control my movements. I trip falling on one knee and my legs and arms get a few scratches. My hammer flies like four feet away from me.
“Y/N!” Josh tries to go over to me but Wesley grabs his ankle, already under the vehicle.
“They’re coming!”
“Dude, I don’t see anybody!” He complains, obeying against his own will.
In the few seconds that takes me to stand up again, Wesley and Josh are already getting out from under the car.
“Let’s go! Go! Go! Go!”
“Wes, I’mma smash your knees with my- Where’s my hammer?” I look around frantically until Josh touches my shoulder lightly.
“Here,” He gives me the tool and I thank him silently, rushing over so we catch up with Wes.
“Wesley!” I scream after spending five more minutes running, “Stop! I think I hurt my knee when I fell, shit...”
Josh stops immediately after hearing what I said and looks over my shoulder, frowning.
“Dude,” He stops Wesley, “what the hell? Dude, there’s nobody after us. And now Y/N got hurt, look at her knee!”
I look down and I yelp at the sight. My knee is bleeding, swollen, and one of my hands is pulsating in a way that makes me think I might not be fine to continue.
“I think I can fix it,” I groan, gently touching my scratches.
“I had the Baron’s trail and now I’m all lost. Why did you do that?” Josh inquires.
Wesley seems to struggle to find a proper answer when we hear the engine of a car coming closer. Soon the golf team appears, annoying as ever.
“Great,” I grab the hammer from beside me and prepare to fight.
“Remember us, just Josh?”
“I remember there being more of you,” He retorts.
“We’re downsizing”
“Yeah, but not by choice, by circumstance.”
“The circumstance being death.”
“We’re currently taking applications for new membership.”
“Oh,” Replies Josh, “not interested.”
“Not talking to you,” complains Barry, “we’ll deal with you next. Hi, Y/N!”
“Hi, Barry,” I sigh tiredly, “how’s your wrist?”
I know them, of course. The golf team was like the lowest of them all, they weren’t so bad, only terribly stupid. During my time with the Jocks, I did some stuff for them as well, small things like collecting their balls and keeping their golf sticks clean and ready to use... I hate talking about golf cause it always sounds like I’m talking about sex.
“Better, thank you. I see you got a bad knee, I can get you an ointment for that.”
“No thanks, I’ll manage”
“What say you Fists?”
“You ready to come home?” Asks the other... is it Larry? They all have similar names, I can’t bring myself to remember, “listen to fate: Gary, Larry, Barry... Wesley”
“It doesn’t fit the line,” mumbles Barry.
“There’s a ‘y’ at the end” He replies.
“Meh, it’s kind of a stretch,” adds... Gary? I’m pretty sure it’s Gary.
“Close enough for Armageddon. Three is not a team, four can play spades.”
“Just because you have balls, doesn’t make golf a sport.”
It is, though. But I won’t say that right now.
“Gotta start somewhere to earn your way back into his good graces...”
A second car appears, this time on the other side. We’re face to face with Turbo. My wrist is killing me but I lift the hammer again, this time looking at the other side of the alley.
“Not gonna lie,” I say, “I’m starting to regret this”
“Tell me about it,” Whispers Wesley.
Turbo steps out of the car and growls. He does that a lot. As a matter of fact, it’s the only thing he does now. Wesley understands perfectly so he translates all that into a petition to fight to the death, only Josh and him, no weapons.
“You got all that from a look?”
“I speak Turbo.”
“What did I even do?” Asks Josh.
“Besides making all the wrong choices?” I ask.
“He said he doesn’t like to lose.”
“This isn’t Mario Kart! You tried to capture us, we got away”
“Wait, that was all?” I frown, “Turbo is chasing you because you won in a tag-you’re-it game?”
“He’s sensitive about this stuff,” explains Wesley.
“More like a fucking baby,” I reply.
Turbo grunts. Josh steps forward.
“Who cares?! God, this is... there is no your side or my side. Hoyles is out there trying to kill all sides. He’s killed out friends...”
“I’ll be your friend!” A small, mechanical voice replies behind us, “I love you. Let’s be besties!”
“What the fuck...” I mutter.
Larry picks it up and says he knows those bears, something tells me he’s in danger.
“That’s pretty. Put it down,” I urge him.
“They had their names stitched on their butts. What’s your name, guy?”
“I’m pretty sure he can’t answer that,” I insist, “Wesley that’s not a good sign, we need to leave.”
He nods and opens his mouth, but when Larry turns the bear around something catches our eye.
“Larry put the bear down!”
The explosion makes us fly and fall hard on the ground, disoriented and stunned. I hear screams and rushed steps around us, I open my eyes with difficulty and I see Josh’s body a few feet away from mine. 
All I do before passing out is watch as the figure of Baron Triumph walks out of the dusty cloud.
@letsbloodmagic @hollywaterpls​
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