#hhh but posting on tumblr is SO hard lmao
didderd · 1 year
suggestive... felly skelly.... sketch request 👀
do with that whatever you will sbsnakbsnsn
Warning: suggestive fell under
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o////o) .....
(I could'v gone.. further with this, but.. next time maybe... 👀)
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bodyswap!quirk that effects jeanist and edgeshot? and they're in each other's body for like, a week?
what do you think they'd do? quirk stuff (see: BOTH of their quirks are fiddly little things- i propose that jeanist in shinya's body just collapses into a pile of streched-out limb for a while), pretending to be each other outside of hero work to friends and seeing how long they can get away with it, maybe they go give an interview as the other person, they get away with it, the body-swap is revealed a few days later, and the internet goes feral over this... ect?
-story anon (hi, eclair!)
(...shinya makes a denim heart and gives it to jeanist. :) )
Oh they’d definitely cause problems in each other’s bodies, that’s for sure.
(Also tumbl has decided to. Say these are sensitive images???? They are not. They are my doodles how dare. /gen)
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I was gonna draw more but Christmas stuff is taking over ;-;
As much as there would be fun, I can also imagine there’s room for certain types of…body related angst-
Jeanist is probably always in a lot of pain after his kamino accident, and the toll Edgeshot’s quirk takes on his body could be quite apparent in his day to day life…..
That would make for quite a heartfelt moment between the two when they realise what each other go through silently every day <3
(Along with other hc things-)
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a/n: I wanted to add to this series because I haven’t added onto it for a while and was also starting to regret making this a series at all, so I wrote this to get my head back in the game. I’ve got some other Doctor Who fics coming up that aren’t part of this series, and maybe a big rewrite of another Doctor Who fic I’ve already posted.
This was inspired by a prompt send by @timelord-winchester-22b​ in the thirsting for thirteen Discord server I’m in! Love you lots.
Enjoy the fic!
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“Welcome back, you guys!”
Yaz gives you a big hug, squeezing you so tight it’s a reminder that she’s a policeman. “I didn’t expect to see you up!”
You’d bumped into the fam as they returned from another adventure with the Doctor and shuffled down the hallways to their rooms in the TARDIS. By bumping into them , you actually meant that they found you standing outside your room - which you (technically) weren’t allowed to leave.
After your capture, the Doctor had suggested lots of bedrest so that you could heal. For a while, this was alright - your soft bed and the fact that you were safe on board the TARDIS usually staved the nightmares away, and the Doctor’s constant presence while you slipped in and out of consciousness was enough to keep you very comfortable for a long time. But that bedrest eventually transformed into “indefinite bedrest”. The Doctor, fiercely protective and understandably scared, usually refused to let you move or leave your room, until you managed to convince her that you were mostly fine and that she needed to let you walk around or else you would go absolutely stir-crazy. That worked sometimes.
And then there’s the added factor of the fact that she kissed you while you were still bedridden, and has never mentioned it since.
“Tell you what, I’ve been missing real food,” Graham starts, and Ryan gives his grandfather a suffering look. “The Doc’s been taking us everywhere except places we can actually eat, and when we do get somewhere she usually manages to interrupt before I can get a good bite.”
“Yeah, we’ve all been eating take-out,” Ryan says. “Or the space version of it, I guess. You’re lucky, you actually get to use the kitchen.”
You shift on your feet, amused - but your amusement quickly fades when you put a little too much weight on one of your legs and feel a sharp pain lance up your muscles. You inhale sharply at that, very nearly buckling to your knees at the pain, which slowly becomes a dull ache, radiating from a certain point in your knee. Ah, maybe I forgot to mention that to the Doctor .
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” you mutter, reaching out to grip a part of the wall. Yaz looks like she moved forward to catch you, so you shake your head at her, managing a strained grin. “I forget which leg I was stabbed in, sometimes.”
Your attempt to make one of your life-threatening injuries a joke doesn’t land, because of course it doesn’t.
The fam all stare at you, faces drawn. You know that look. They looked at you like that when you were still recovering, when you had burst into tears and sobbed into the Doctor’s arms when you found out exactly how long you were captured, when you had flinched away from Ryan as he celebrated winning a round of a video game, when you had refused to touch the Doctor after you jostled the bandages on your leg. And you hate it - you’re getting better, you hope, day by day, and you’re going to prove it.
“I can make you guys something,” you offer, raising your hands when you feel steady enough to stand on your feet, and try not to feel anxious when Yaz raises her eyebrows, “something from home. If you want, I mean.”
They stay silent after that, exchanging silent looks with one another. You can practically hear what they’re thinking - if it’s safe for you to be in the TARDIS kitchen alone, surrounded by knives and things that burned, or if it’s safe for you to be completely by yourself in the TARDIS at all without the Doctor by your side. If they had voiced their thoughts, you would agree with some of them, especially on the knives and the fire. But cooking was normal . It was something you used to do before everything happened. And even among all the adventure of travelling with the Doctor, you could use a little bit of normal.
So you roll your shoulders back, and try a smile.
That seems to work, because Graham places a hand on your shoulder and smiles back. The man always had a way of making the fam feel like a family , and the action is enough to make your smile wider. “Well, you’d better blow us away, or we’re letting you have some of that space take-out Ryan was talking about.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Thank you,” you say graciously, sincerely . Yaz nods her head at you, her eyes crinkling at the edges as her lips curl up into the faintest of smiles.
“No, thank you ,” she says, then nods her head to the side. “We’ll wait for you. Come on, Ryan.”
Yaz leads Ryan and Graham away, the sound of their footsteps echoing and eventually disappearing down the amber-colored halls of the TARDIS.
You sigh again, fishing out your phone from your pocket, and decide to look up some recipes.
A few minutes later, you come to the conclusion that you’re really not an organized person. Standing in the TARDIS kitchen, surrounded by a heap of ingredients that you haphazardly pulled out of the fridge and the pantry, you think to yourself that this is the perfect example of your disorderliness.
After much pacing the TARDIS halls by yourself, phone in hand, you’d eventually decided on a kind of beef stew you had eaten when you were young - your mother had cooked it in soy sauce and lemon juice until it was soft, and you had many fond memories of eating just the sauce over rice when the rest of your family members ate all the meat without you.
You were surprised to find any ingredients, honestly, in the TARDIS kitchen. You had just been getting by with what the Doctor was giving you in your room, which were presumably things she cooked herself (did she even cook?) or some of the leftover “space take-out” Ryan had been complaining about.
As you hold up a vaguely lemon-shaped plant to the light, you realize that maybe not all the produce is human produce. You sniffed the lemon-y plant, scrunching your nose when you come away with the overwhelming acidic smell of citrus. It would have to do.
But thankfully, the TARDIS had onions - which you needed to top the beef stew. Gingerly, you set the onions onto the already overflowing counter, then proceed to sweep the ingredients on the overflowing counter to make space for a cutting board. You try to pick the smallest knife in the cabinet ( there aren’t many, anyway ). Picking up one of the onions, you steady it on the cutting board and start to slice.
But as soon as your knife breaks through the skin of the onion, the familiar smell hits your nose, and when you start to feel your eyes prickle you groan. Maybe you should have prepared better for this.
You slice rings from the onion, and with every slice, your eyes water more and more. By the time you’ve started slicing the second onion, you have hot tears running down your cheeks. They drip from your chin and onto your cutting board. You think dimly that it must be a health hazard to cry onto your vegetables, but you’re going to cook them so it must be alright.
“Anyone in here?”
You nearly drop your knife.
Oh, crap. The Doctor’s familiar voice echoes from outside the kitchen. Instead of comforting you like it usually does, her voice makes your stomach drop to your feet. She didn’t know you had gone outside your room, and more importantly you hadn’t asked for her permission. The Doctor was very fond of making up the rules as she went. Maybe this time she would really enforce that “indefinite bedrest”.
You pick up your knife again and push away the other onion rings to make way for the third, and final, onion. Maybe if I ignore her she’ll just go away.
The sound of footsteps slowly gets louder and louder, turning from boots hitting a metal floor to boots scuffling onto polished tile. The door to the kitchen noisily swings open, creaking with disuse - which it didn’t do when you opened it, what was that about - and then softly swings shut.
You don’t turn around when the Doctor calls your name. She hasn’t said your name since the last time she left you in your room. Or really spoken to you, for that matter, except for when she has to change the bandages on a few scrapes you have that haven’t really healed. You’re not emotionally hurt, or anything, but you’re just -
The Doctor takes a few steps forward, moving a chair that scrapes against the floor.
“I didn’t expect to see you in here,” she says softly, as if not to startle you. “Honestly, no one really uses the kitchen anymore. The TARDIS usually puts it really far away now.”
You hum, staring at the one onion on your cutting board. It’s almost like it’s mocking you - when the Doctor isn’t around, you seem so confident, but the moment she steps into a room you can’t do anything . You can’t even cut a vegetable. You hate to agree with an onion, but for once the vegetable is right.
However, the thought still sends a hint of anger straight towards your heart. Holding your knife with a bit more force than necessary, you send it straight down onto the onion. You regret that when a single whiff of the cut onion makes a few more tears slip out from your eyes, and when you sniff the Doctor practically runs towards you.
Before you know it, the Doctor has placed her hands on your shoulders and turned you around, and for the first time in a few days you see her face. It hits you that you must look terrible - with tears running down your face and your nose and cheeks red and splotchy - so you quickly try to turn back around.
The Doctor pauses, quickly taking her hands off your shoulders. She looks like a child who’s just been caught doing something naughty, when it clearly should be the other way around.
“I’m sorry,” the Doctor gasps. Her shocked expression softens when she notices your tear-stained face. “Are you crying? Why are you crying?”
The Doctor quickly starts to fuss over you, furiously looking you over. She’s not wearing her coat, you notice, when she leans down and you catch a glimpse of her collarbone underneath her shirt. You mentally hit yourself when your mind drifts to thoughts of when she wrapped you in it and if she ever left it in your room.
But the room, unfortunately, still smells of onions, so a few more tears leak out. You sniff again, reaching up to rub your nose, but stop when the Doctor looks up at you.
If there’s ever a time to use the words “puppy-dog eyes”, it’s now , because the Doctor had looked up at you so sadly you’re ready to start actually crying. Worry lines her beautiful features, and when she takes your hand you feel like you’re going to combust.
God, I’ve already kissed this woman and she still manages to make me feel like a little girl with a crush.
“Are you alright?” the Doctor asks, worriedly.
You shake your head, the smell of the onions stinging your nose.
“Is this because I haven’t seen you in a few days? It probably is. Oh, I should have put in that “indefinite bedrest” rule, then maybe you wouldn’t be crying right now - or maybe that would make you cry more -”
The Doctor had been worried about you many, many times before. It was usually in extremely dire situations, and she was usually very serious when she was worried, but now it’s just… cute . Her blonde hair bounces around as she emphatically lists reasons as to why you might be crying, with none of them being any close.
Part of you wants to keep up the charade, because it’s quite cute to see her this worried - then your heart drops when you remember that the last time you had cried was when you were still very much injured and afraid, and that she had looked like she was carrying the weight of the universe when you cried.
She had very good reason to be worried before, and worry never did look any good on her.
“Doctor,” you try with a laugh, wiping the tears off your face, “I was cutting onions .”
Realization dawns on the Doctor’s face, and she lets go of your hand.
“Oh,” she says simply, standing up a little straighter. You see her purse her lips, her eyes glancing to the side - she’s embarrassed, and when you fail to stifle a giggle she actually starts to look offended . “Well, syn-propanethial-S-oxide can be very annoying. I should introduce you to an onion I found on another planet that doesn ’ t release that chemical irritant when cut. Very convenient for chefs, and - what? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Sorry,” you say, stepping to the side and showing her the counter you’d been working on. She scrunches her face at the onions, which you unconsciously mimic, because the cutting wasn’t really that good. The Doctor snatches up the weird citrus fruit you’d picked up and whips out her sonic, giving it a good scan before quickly reading the results and putting the fruit back.
“Just checking if that fruit’s poisonous. Which it isn’t. It may have gone a little bad, though.” The Doctor says, still looking at the table. “Can I have some when you’re done?”
“Always,” you say, and you watch as the Doctor goes still and silent. It’s something that she said to you, a long time ago when you asked her if you could go back to your hometown. Something she said before all of everything happened.
The sight of the Doctor with her back turned is practically beckoning you to come closer.
The Doctor was not really a hugging person. Sure, she received a few hugs from thankful individuals that you met on your adventures, but she never really hugged you, or the rest of the fam. Even when you were injured she never hugged you, but you had chalked that up to your injuries.
She doesn’t move when you place a hand on her elbow, though, so you take that as a sign to keep going. When you wrap one of your arms around her waist, you feel her tense up. When you wrap your other arm around her waist, fully hugging her, you think you feel her breathing hitch.
Sometimes silence speaks louder than words. You can feel the Doctor’s worry practically radiating off her body. You press your face into the Doctor’s back, feeling the soft fabric of her shirt and taking in her scent - which, you discover, is vaguely of honey. The Doctor lifts her hands to lay it over yours.
“You’re worried,” you whisper.
“How can I not be?” the Doctor asks softly. You feel her stroke your hand with her thumb.
“I’m okay, I’m right here,” you say, “ and I’m getting better . Thanks to you.”
The Doctor turns around in your arms. You still have your arms wrapped around her waist, but now that she’s facing you your back hug has turned much more intimate. She lays her hands on your waist, not bringing you any closer but not pushing you away either.
This was the Doctor, brave and reckless and unique, and she was sad .
“You don’t have to be worried.” You smile, unwrapping one of your arms and raising a hand to her face. She doesn’t flinch away at your touch. “It’s just onions.”
“It’s just onions,” she repeats, finally breaking out into a smile. She reaches up to grasp the hand that’s resting on her face, looking both surprised and in awe.
I love you, you think, and all you know is that even if you’re not ready to say it yet, you already feel so loved.
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autisticstarseed · 4 years
idk. the idea that people still find ways to defend call out posts for anyone under 18 or even have normalized seeing 16-21 as a fully matured adult is so weird and really accentuates how fucked up our current internet centric culture is. like. having completely public, readily accessible and all but permanent info from the timeline of every single stream of consciousness that also has a computer has warped everybodies fuckin brains. yall are actually ok with shouting about your right to make a 14 yr old feel like a demonic vile irredeemable villain that belongs in guantanamo bay, and half of the time over things that you or your closest peers literally also did as a teen, the only difference being you dont have an online receipt about it. and ur trying to pass this off as a moral obligation.
if you’re so mad that a teenager did something wrong (hint; somewhat common) that you’re stalking them and encouraging harassment in some weird obsessive revenge fantasy you need to step back and recognize what your place actually is in this scenario. like forgive me for the hot take but social media culture is a mistake and teenagers arent meant to be put on display to adults like this, when they make mistakes the Only acceptable punishment for that is in a Safe and Caring environment, from adults they fucking >KNOW AND TRUST<, in healthy and productive ways. “its about responsibility” where is your responsibility to not damage a child in your anger and retaliation. “but they need to know it was wrong” mam let me put it this way if you went up in public and tried to punish somebody Elses kid or rather went up to a random teen By Their Self and began shouting smth they did wrong and actively tried to get other people in the area to shout at them too you would be arrested. the internet is just the same people in public except theyre talking on computers. do you understand that like do you comprehend why thats the wrong way to go about the situation and you are not the right person to be doing that. tbh you are a literal adult stranger, no matter what its just downright inappropriate of you to try to put yourself in that role. and sorry if this is cringe but it really just borders on child abuse to encourage cyberbullying of minors amongst other adults. im not saying ‘leave it to the parents’ who prob have no idea whats going on, but i am saying, you are definitely the farthest thing from one, and should keep that in mind.
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binch-i-might-be · 3 years
my best attempts at imitating you
“hello tumblr mutuals of mine it is 5am and why am i awake you may ask? i have no fucking clue but i just had a ✨ breakdown ✨ because i don’t want to go to work lmao”
“YALL I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING! So basically when I was a child, like I was 5 years old or something, I had this friend (I called her Strawberry) and we would get up at 3am, break into cars and drive them into the sea, and I’d come back home at 5am sopping wet and smelling slightly of fish and my detested mother would be like “ok” lmao. Fond memories from that time!”
“i fucking hate my job y’all are not gonna believe this so I was stacking cans of tomatoes and this 60 something man just walked in, KICKED THE FUCKING SHELF, AND RVERYTHING SLID AND BROKE, AND HE LEFT WITHOUT A WORD?? AND NO ONE SAID ANYTHING?? NOW I HAVE TO CLEAN IT UP i’m literally going to drive off a cliff”
“I just took this test for autism and it says if you score over 40 you’re probably autistic. I got 340 but anyways”
“thinking about Him rn....My Sweet Boy....my little angel son darling child boy angel...my BOY....HE <333333”
“i literally hate work so much let me go home i hate my life also my boss is a piece of shit and i should legally be allowed to kill customers”
“Guys when I was like 16, I just remembered one day I pulled an all nighter and got drunk and showed up to school with a hangover and me and my friends ended up having a debate in history class about whether or not hanging is ethical and i yelled “EAT THE RICH” and then threw up on the teacher and everyone cheered because we all hated her lol”
“I AM HOME!!!! #hhhhhh literally Vibrating rn i hate work i am Home!! #haha maybe i shall Do A Write..... #almost done with this chapter! she’s 9k right now i might need to split it into two 😭”
“I Am Heating The Soup :)”
“Soup is literally the meaning of existence #hhh...SOUP!!!! #SOUMP!! #i toasted some bread too and added some garlic butter #ascending to heaven rn”
first of all, so true bestie???? like yeah I never know why I'm awake I just know that I Hate it and that I don't want to go to work!
bestie I was laughing so hard at this I- also it's funny because when we were six or seven a friend of mine and I almost did steal a small excavator! so you captured that spirit very well <3
okay wow you went for my fucking throat huh 😭
to be fair,,,,, I SHOULD be legally allowed to kill customers so-
this sounds like something that could have legitimately occurred, sans the throwing up on the teacher part,,,,, Aryan is this a memory you stole from me
KAJFGKAJHDKJDHKJAHD THE WAY YOU CHANNELED MY UNHINGED RAMBLING FROM THE TAGS 😭😭😭 like yes I do Vibrate on occasion,,,,, yeah I keep writing Long Things by accident which I then have to split,,,, Are You Secretly Me By Any Chance My Good Sir
yeah I've probably posted this verbatim before haven't I 😭
anyway uh, sobbing! I was cackling aloud as I read this the first time, this is hilarious, I'm keeping this forever, thank you for yoour service <3333
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i never get negative here and have yet to ever make a vent post but omg i just need to get this off my chest
this isn’t about anything in particular at all, its an accumulation of everything that ive seen in the last two months ive been back, but i just always kinda... have some looming cloud of doom over my head here that people hate me and talk about me behind my back even though i know that’s a ridiculous thing to think. like i’m not that fucking important lol
but knowing ive been soft/hardblocked by over half a dozen people makes me feel sick like i know it isn’t always that serious (people probably just dont want to write with me! and that’s totally fine!) but it hurts every time, and im worried that im labeled Problematic and A Bad Person but i don’t know why and i don’t know how to fix it??? the fact that anyone has to hardblock me on both my blogs is like holy shit what did i do, and beyond me being a dickhead and feeling bad about myself it’s like omg??? i’m so sorry that i’ve done anything to make anyone uncomfortable??? all i want in this world is to be happy and make other people happy, i’m just here to be a fucking clown, im so sorry to anyone i’ve put off somehow
and every time im unfollowed i feel this sense of doom like just being myself makes people dislike me and just god fuck 
also it is stressful as hell to try and keep track of who has softblocked me vs who tumblr randomly unfollowed vs who i never followed in the first place... ive been trying to keep track and keep a list of urls but god damn im so scared of doing something wrong and being seen as even more Problematic and Bad than I already am
idk i forgot to take my anxiety meds for two days in a row lmao so im just freakin out but wow i feel... worse and more scared and shameful that i usually do here hhh
i just wish i wasn’t convinced that people hate me, didn’t put certain people on a higher level than myself, and didn’t take things so personally. i’m working on it. i try so so hard to not let it get to me. but it does still really fucking bother me. 
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Me; “post more dcmk”
Tumblr; shows me Bsd <- it’s obvious not dcmk!
I can’t NOT reblog it TT hhh how to be single fandom!? It’s so hard gkakcka orz
Blame this idiot ..? 😂 ↓
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
so.... i was tagged to do this by @nuisanceandthehandsomeprince hhh here it goes!!
1. What do you prefer to be called by people?
i go by “a” on tumblr so that’s okay here but honestly any nickname as long as it’s not offensive or with bad intentions it’s fine
2. When is your birthday?
december 20th!! i’m a late 2002 baby :’)
3. Where do you live?
spain :-)
4. Three things you are doing right now?
laying down, typing this and breathing lmao jshksfjsfj
5. Four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
oh boi so she ra and the princesses of power, love victor (have only watched the first episode because i dont have hulu FFFFFF), where your eyes linger and maybe dark blue kiss?? i’m currently watching it but it’s one of my favourite bls already
6. How’s the pandemic treating you?
could be better,,,,,,, that’s all i’m gonna say
7. A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
if you would had asked me a few weeks ago, i would’ve said restless by bibi, but right now i don’t have any song on replay in my brain,,,, i usually have 3 songs playing in my head it’s weird and it gets really frustrating when i’m trying to concentrate (hence me using lofi music as bg for when i write)
8. Recommend a movie!
i recently rewatched the hunger games movies and they’re honest to god so good i didn’t remember them being this good and i know i already posted my opinions on these movies back when i rewatched them but yall should watch them too because it’s amazing acting amazing plot line amazing characters amazing messages behind these movies amazing visuals amazing everything go watch them you’re missing out if you haven’t
9. How old are you?
i’m 17 heh it’s on my bio if yall didn’t know :’)
10. School, university, occupation, other?
well this is hard to say because technically i didn’t drop out of school but i haven’t attended a full day of classes since like february lmao also the last day of me going to class was the last day the school was open before they locked down so my locker has all my books and shit JSFHKHFKSFJ
11. Do you prefer hot or cold?
depends because i feel hot really easily but the cold gets me easily too,,,,,, but i also don’t get sick very often so idk..... cold seems more bearable so im going with cold
12. Name one fact others may not know about you!
i’m trying really hard to think about something i haven’t said on the internet yet........... okay i did recently so not many people know but i’m an ISTP !! 
13. Are you shy?
oh yeah i tick off almost if not all the requirements for being shy sjkfsfhls
14. Do you have any preferred pronouns?
i use she/her !! im cis but if someone addresses me with any other pronouns i won’t be mad or anything
15. Any pet peeves?
every time someone asks me this i forget all my pet peeves,,,,,, sigh
16. What’s your favourite ‘dere’ type?
i only know tsundere lmao
17. Rate your life 1-10. 1 is crappy & 10 is best it could be
sometimes it’s 3 and sometimes it’s 6′5 idk depends on the day and my mood
18. What’s your main blog?
this one :’)) i did have tumblr before this one but that blog is Deleted baby
19. List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
i have only one and it’s for my kpop shit,,, if u wanna know how it’s called then message me hhhhh
20. Is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
i SUCK at replying texts and dms my friends hate me for that shfslfjdkg
this was so much fun !! i’m tagging @a-tired-leftie-carnation, @fan-mari, @lirtay and @oneflydude :-)
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milkybonya · 4 years
So I may have felt a little inspired by your acc and felt a little encouraged after talking to another acc and decided to make my own acc and I spent a while trying to make it look nice and I'm really proud but I realized idk where to //start// like how does one operate a writing acc?? Lmao this shows my impulsiveness but I still wanna try ~one of your anons
omg,, inspired,,, by my acc ?? i am honoured. seriously HONOURED ! also im so glad you are proud of your acc :D give your acc the lovin it deserves !!
imma put a keep reading because this got longer than i expected
hmm weLL first come up with a few ideas ! if you feel super uninspired, you can do some reading of other aus, go for a walk or watch some kdramas :D when you have some ideas, start writing them ! i know some people write their stuff on a google docs before posting it, but i personally just save stuff in my drafts on here. Write and write! Write anything that you want :D it’s important that you use the tags feature and use as many tags as possible! that helps people find your acc, and if they like your writing, they could request things :D but of course, you don’t have to do requests if you don’t want to :)
i made a masterlist and request guidelines after i had posted a few of my writings already, but you can make one write from the start if you want!
for tags, request guidelines and masterlists, you can look at my acc or other accs to see how they’re structured if you’re completely unsure of where to start :)
but the MOST important thing is having fun while writing :D writing on tumblr can be weird and hard to get the hang of at first, but you’ll get it as you go along! you’ll also begin to discover what you like to write more - i realized i didn’t like writing nsfw and preferred fluff/angst - and you can use this to shape your acc !
if you have any other questions at all, feel free to ask :) i hope i can see your acc around soon hehe, and i wish you all the luck ! HAVE FUN and i’m sorry if my advice was repetitive hhh
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ichorandpride · 7 years
how skywarper and i met
since ive been asked this a lot, i decided to make a fuckin post about it lmao also @megatronforever since i saw youre reply just now...
@skywarper originally followed me on tumblr around July 26th 2016 (haha one year ago to the day Im writing this) and i made a vague post about them because I saw that they’re Starscream kin or whatever and im Megatron uhhh here i dug into The Archive to find it:
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in case its a bit hard to read, the last one says “food and sleep is a good common ground i spend about half my day doing that. you seem cool tho im glad to know you either way”
I never actually responded to their last reply because I got a bit socially awkward and honestly felt pretty bad ghsgshghshg but we continued contact since then as really good friends and it grew from there.
They then started spamming their blog with megastar content (here’s one of the many things they reblogged -- also this one too) and so I vagued somewhere saying something like “a Starscream kin followed me (megatron) and all theyre posting is megastar. im not too sure how to take that” but I forget exactly where i vagued it (I think it was in a PM to a few friend HhH). It Was A Sign.
so thats literally how we started talking. a fucking vague post i made about them and eventually sending each other ask memes and then using tumblr IM to talk hsghrhrshgsrg
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