#hhhh i can’t tell you enough how much i love the look of him in glasses
goldenhypen · 2 years
so you jus gonna hide them jake glasses pics or?🧍‍♂️
kim !! i’m so happy you asked 😌 you don’t know how long it took me to narrow it down to just 10 pictures of him 😭 i have too many and i love them all sjsnsjsj but for now i’ll give you some of my favourites 😌 SKNSJSJWNSJSBSJ I LOVE HIM I CANT OMG
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like look at him !!!!
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omg what a good looking man oh my-
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AND THESE LAST TWO LIKE OMG THIS LOOK- OMG T H I S LOOK IS EVERYTHING TO ME OMG JUST LOOK AT HIM 🥹 and the last pic oh my look how cute and precious pls omg and his smile in the second-last one pls i love him i love him i love him-
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sleyu · 1 year
all i everrrr think abt is post argument over something like reader being too close to a male friend and reader being oblivious to it, n ron being lowk a lil mean abt it but he ends up feeling badd w makeup sexxxx after & soft cuddly ronn
nooo because i just saw a tik tok about this exact scenario (it was the harry potter boys react to videos<3) where you wake up late for class, and ron, who’s already sitting in the classroom waiting for you, wondering where the actual hell you are, sees you walk in late with another boy who just so happened to be late as well.
buttttt we all know ron and how jealous he can get. his jealousy prevents him from abandoning any form of reason and he automatically becomes suspicious and assumes that there’s something going on between you and that guy. you sit down beside him and before you can even smile or say ‘hi,’ to your flushed boyfriend, he immediately pulls you close and whispers, ‘who the fuck was that and why’d you both come in late.’
actually, you’d be lucky if ron actually communicated his curiosity and jealousy, because the more likely scenario would be him brushing you off and rolling his eyes every time you’d speak to him. and you would be so confused :( you woke up late, didn’t get to have breakfast or kiss your boyfriend good morning, and now he’s being a big fat meanie ? the atmosphere in the room where the two of you would be together would be simply tense. ron would either glare at you, and when he relieved you of his scowling, he’d begin glower menacingly at the boy who walked with you to class.
he genuinely doesn’t care about the idea of it being a mere coincidence if he was already in a bad mood. he gets sooo possessive, especially when he gets regularly taunted by the slytherin’s for literally everything, but ever since the two of you began dating, he just feels extra threatened and is scared that someone is gonna steal you away :( the thought of some guy even being within 5m radius to you is enough to make his blood boil and his cheeks flush.
eventually, he gets soooo antsy that he corners you in an empty corridor and demands you to tell him who he was and why you would miss your daily walks to walk in with some other guy. what’s nice about ron is that it doesn’t take much to reassure him on the spot. all you really have to do his wrap your arms around his neck and stand on your tiptoes, emphasizing his height, and press a soft, loving kiss to his lips. your doe eyes, combined with a cute little pout on your lips, plus the slight tilt of your head in confusion is enough to have him apologizing for how he acted throughout the day :(
‘i’m sorry, love, it’s just—ah—i’m tense and—uh—i really missed you this morning,’ i’m sorry but he can’t communicate for shit so it’s better to just cut him off with a kiss and let him express his sorry to you physically.
hhh makeup sex with ron is so good because even after making up with him, even after all the apologies and reassuring, each thrust of his hips feels so territorial, as if he’s trying to engrave himself inside you, claiming you for himself. even though he whispers that he’s sorry and that he’ll try his best to control his feelings next time, you can still tell that the way he’s pounding into you is almost as if he’s trying to prove a point: that you’re no one else’s but his and that nothing in the world could take you away from him.
he’d groan in your ears, slow his pace to kiss you on the lips, ‘all mine, yeah? you’re all for me, y/n, aren’t you?’ HHHH
he hates himself for it, but he gets such a kick out of how small you look and how big you make him feel as he’s fucking you. your mewls, the way your eyebrows furrow, as if you’re almost overwhelmed by his size and each rut boosts his ego to the max and only makes him want to fuck you harder :( you just looks so pretty and ronald weasley is a firm believer in the fact that pretty girls deserved to get fucked well !
and you best believe, he’s leaving hickeys all over you. maybe not in places where other people can see (despite however much he wants to show the world that your his, he knows he’ll never hear the end of it if the twins or anyone else caught sight of the marks he left on you), but all over your breasts and inner thighs. it gets him going that he’s the only one who will ever get to leave marks in those places.
and let’s not forget his big finale. you best believe that after some good makeup sex, he is definitely cumming inside you. ron’s breeding kink is something we can discuss next time, but seeing his cum drip out of your abused, swollen cunt is the icing on the cake for him. as said in my previous ron fic, it completely solidifies and affirms the fact that he’s the only one who will ever be able to do that, and in years time, he dreams of getting you pregnant with his children to show the world that you’re his forever </3
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hlmoorewrites · 10 months
commentary on a scene of your choice from "the house is burning (better run for cover)"? 👁️ 👁️
hhhh but I love every scene in it how do I just chose one--!
After much deliberation, I'll be providing commentary on this scene from the house is burning (better run for cover):
“It’s pancake morning. Need to get there before McKay eats it all.”
“He’s never up this early,” Ronon says, and it’s true – McKay isn’t there, so Sheppard takes his time loading up on pancakes and genuine Canadian maple syrup and joins Lorne at his table.
“How’s the painting going, Major?”
“Almost done with the latest, Colonel,” Lorne says proudly. “Want to see it?”
Not particularly, but Sheppard makes a point of being supportive of his soldiers’ creative hobbies. It’s an impressive work, a landscape of the ocean with Atlantis in the foreground surrounded by her puddle jumpers, cast against a night sky and a full moon.
After he makes his escape, he showers and roams the large, mostly empty corridors of his city of silver and water. Atlantis’s song is quiet today, her response to his presence the brush of his fingers across her panels weak, sluggish. He walks along the southwest pier until Woolsey comms him to tell him there are complaints coming out of the science labs and can Sheppard get the ‘situation’ (code for a one Dr M. Rodney McKay) back under control, please?
The ‘situation’ makes itself immediately obvious: all four of McKay’s scientists huddled outside (thrown out?) and watching McKay through the glass panels. “What’s going on here?” Sheppard asks, and before anyone can respond, a laptop gets thrown through the window. Sheppard jumps back with a curse and orders the scientists to clear out.
“Hey, enough! Enough!” he yells, storming in between chairs and valuable, priceless equipment getting launched all over the thoroughly trashed lab. He grabs McKay by the arms, forcing his friend to stop and breathe. “What the hell’s gotten into you?”
“He’s gone!” McKay yells.
“Who’s gone?”
“Radek! Radek Zelenka!”
Sheppard frowns. “Who?”
McKay snarls and jerks out of his grasp. “Radek Zelenka, small Czech guy with glasses, crazy hair? Engineer? Come on, Sheppard!”
Sheppard doesn’t remember McKay hitting his head on the last mission, but he’s been jumpy about McKay seeing things or forgetting things since the parasite. Probably time to get Carson up here. Sheppard reaches for his earpiece. “Rodney, look, you’ve… been under a lot of stress lately, but –”
“It’s funny,” McKay continues, pacing back and forth, “you’d think I’d be less hysterical than when Teyla vanished. And don’t get me wrong, I was! I spent five loops curled up in my quarters until my powerbars started disappearing! She was the only one who believed me from the moment I told her, because she felt something was wrong even though she didn’t remember Torren! But she couldn’t help me with equations and engineering like Radek can, and now he’s gone too and the sample size is decreasing more and more every single loop which means the rate of decay is accelerating exponentially.”
Sheppard blinks. “I have no… idea who or what you’re talking about it.”
McKay stares at him helplessly, tears in his eyes. He looks gutted, an expression Sheppard has seen on his face only once: John, I’ve never been so scared, I’m slipping away, I’m slipping away and I don’t know how to stop myself.
“I’m trying to say – I can’t fix this,” McKay says. He reaches for Sheppard’s arms; Sheppard reaches back, catching McKay before he can collapse. “John. I don’t think I can fix th—”
This is from the second segment of the fic. We already know that the story involves a time-loop because that's in the summary, so this isn't a surprise to the reader... but it is the first time we realise that the loop isn't the same each time.
I chose to write this fic from the perspective of Sheppard, who actually doesn't know that time is looping, in order to see the impact of the loops on the only one who does know: Rodney McKay. My intention with this scene was to demonstrate a few things - to make it occur to the reader that time has been looping for much, much longer than they may have initially realised, and it isn't a stable loop. Things are disappearing each loop. Teyla wasn't even mentioned in the first loop, but how many readers picked up on that? It's not until Rodney mentions that Teyla was "the only one who believed [him]" that we realise she isn't there, and probably hasn't been there for a while.
In doing so, I force the reader to go back up to the first section and reread it, and compare it to the start of the second section, to identify what is missing. What's being eaten away as the fabric of reality disintegrates around Atlantis. And to sit there with existential horror, because no one else except Rodney - and now the reader - knows reality is unravelling.
Thank you for the ask!!! <3
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esta-elavaris · 2 years
Hi! I recently discovered “Catch the Wind” and I absolutely love it, it’s such a masterpiece, thanks for creating it.
I saw that you’re open for one-shot requests for that universe and I had a thought for a bit of an AU scenario: what if Theodora had been discovered by Elizabeth instead of James and his crew? Maybe she appeared on the beach instead of at sea, and told Elizabeth some version of her story that convinced her to take her in, and Elizabeth was only too happy to help her fabricate a story to fit in with Port Royal society, because at this stage in her life she’s so DONE with her lot in life as a society woman and is craving any sort of adventure, and sees Theo as a sort of exciting project but also a potential friend). What happens if as a result of this, Theo went to live with Elizabeth at the Governor’s home instead of with James? How would that have affected James and Theo’s opinions of one another upon meeting, and the development of their relationship, particularly their early days pining?
I would imagine it would make it harder for the couple to get to know each other and thus to fall in love (yay more angst!), but I have faith that they would have found their way to one another anyways. I love when you write Theo’s and Elizabeth’s friendship, especially in the early days. It’s so pure, like neither can help becoming friends, so I think we’d get to see more of that in this proposed AU. I also think it would be really interesting to read your take on Theo’s feelings regarding Elizabeth’s general apathy and dismissive attitude towards James as a potential husband, which I imagine she’s notice more if they lived together, or to read about Elizabeth’s realisation of Theo’s and James’ reciprocal feelings for one another while they remain oblivious (I’d imagine she’d notice earlier on as well if they were closer, the way Hattie or even Groves did).
Anyway, sorry for the long ask, and thanks again for your wonderful story! If you decide to take this request on, thank you so much in advance, I’ll be so excited to read it! In the meantime, here’s a nice gif of our darling man giving us a smile, look at that cutie pie
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Ooooh I’m losing my mind over this AU (and over the word masterpiece being thrown around, don’t do that to me hhhh). The thing is, it was so important to me to have Theo staying with James in the original story because I was pretty sure that was the only way he’d ever notice a woman who wasn’t Elizabeth - she’d have to be THAT much under his nose, and even then it would be an uphill battle. I think you’re right - Elizabeth would have to be in on it somehow, trying to push them together behind the scenes. I think she’d have her own motivations to do that, anyway, considering she admits in the first movie that she suspected he’d proposed, and it’s clear she’s not interested, so she’d probably consider it best for everybody if he and Theo ended up together.
I’ll see what I can do! I’ve got history with writing full blown AU fics of my own damn fics, but I can’t take something that extensive on right now, and this one would probably actually end up merging with how the original fic goes after the end of the first movie in terms of her having to make sure he ends up in Tortuga and then telling him the truth there and so on. It’s definitely something I’m interested in attempting, I’m already getting withdrawals as far as writing Theo and James is concerned, and while there’s definitely enough here for a multi-chapter arc, it would definitely have to be just a “highlight” reel sort of thing where I write the most interesting parts, otherwise it could end up being 40+ chapters far too easily. I’ll start throwing some scenes together and keep you posted! Thanks for the idea!
But YEAH, thank you so much! I’m glad you like what I did with Theo and Elizabeth’s friendship — one of the very first decisions I made going in was that they’d have to be friends, because I didn’t like the idea of creating an OC who is immediately at odds with one of the very few prominent ladies in the trilogy (if I keep calling it a trilogy enough, movies 4 and 5 will vanish, it’s science). If Elizabeth was actually interested in James at all, it would’ve been different, but she wasn’t so it just felt sort of needless? There was enough angst material in there already without Theo pinning all of the blame on Elizabeth as far as the first movie stuff is concerned.
And I won’t even get into how many times I watched that gif. It’s a sickness, I swear. Apparently 19 months//400k words of writing isn’t enough to get our lad out of my system.
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singtotheskiies · 3 years
“how are you so perfect?!” // karl jacobs fluff alphabet
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a/n: the mcyt brainrot continues so i am coping with the fluffiest karl hcs my brain can summon,,,,,,, i am affection-starved send help please
summary: a look into the abcs of dating the one and only sweetheart karl jacobs!!! (fluff alphabet template by @snk-warriors)
activities - what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?
karl loves doing literally anything and everything with you; he just loves your presence and company so much!! whether it’s late-night target runs, playing minecraft together, or just collapsing into your arms after a long, late-night stream, being with you instantly lifts his mood.
beauty - what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?
while karl appreciates and adores everything about you, i can definitely see him being a sucker for your eyes. he loves how they sparkle in certain lights, how big and happy they are when you’re looking at him, how they crinkle when you laugh, and how your pretty eyelashes flutter against your cheeks when the two of you cuddle. he often finds himself getting all blushy when you guys maintain prolonged eye contact:)))) i think he’d also love your hands and shoulders too!!
comfort - how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
karl is no stranger to anxiety and is incredibly empathetic. the combination of these two things makes him the BEST person to have around when you’re not feeling good. if you’re sad, he’ll instinctively know just what to do to put a smile on your face again. he’ll crack stupid jokes or put on music and dance with you—anything to make you happy. if you’re anxious, he’ll talk softly to you and, if you’re feeling up to it, will hold you so you can safely come down from your panicking. he’ll definitely cradle the back of your head with his hand as he holds you close, just breathing with you.
dreams - how do they picture their future with their s/o?
karl is definitely the type to fall hard relatively quickly in a relationship. thinking about the future is sometimes scary for him, but with you in the picture, he finds it less threatening—beautiful, even. he doesn’t know exactly how he wants everything to turn out, but he does know that he wants you by his side through all of it.
equal - are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
equality in a relationship is INCREDIBLY important to karl. he respects you so much and wants to make sure that your opinions and ideas are heard. the two of you 100% thrive on mutual communication and input.
fight - would they forgive their s/o easily? how do they fight?
i don’t see karl as the type to get upset easily; he’s pretty chill and is very forgiving since he hates conflict. i can see the odd argument popping up if he’s tired or stressed and accidentally snaps at you, but he’d be clinging to you five minutes later and begging for forgiveness (which, of course, you can’t resist giving him—he has an unfair amount of cute privilege).
gratitude - how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
karl is sweetie #1 and never fails to appreciate the people in his life (or let them know). you could get him a monster from the fridge and he’ll literally pepper your face with kisses while chanting “thank you thank you thank you” like you just saved his life or something. he’s such a cutie and never fails to show you just how much he appreciates everything you do:)))
honesty - do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything?
as i said before, karl thrives on communication. however, he’s often hesitant to tell you when he’s feeling down or upset. even though he knows you probably wouldn’t mind, he doesn’t want to drag you down or burden you with his problems. his tell for feeling down is getting really quiet, so if you notice this, a few gentle questions will get him to open up to you. he’s working on being more open because you always help him feel so much better!!
inspiration - did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? ex: trying out new things or helping them overcome personal problems?
without a doubt, you have both changed each other for the better!! he’s helped you appreciate the little things and the quiet companionship that so many people take for granted. he’s also been a huge constant and has helped you through tough times. you’ve been a huge calming-yet-brilliant force for him and have taught him that good things always come in time. y’all are really an unstoppable pair and mean so much to the other!!
jealousy - do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
karl doesn’t get jealous as much as he gets insecure. if he’s feeling uncomfortable, he’ll just get super quiet. after all, who is he to stop you from having fun?? maybe you’re better off with this person in the moment,,,, anyway, you’ll have to make it up to him with a cuddle session and reassuring him about how much you love him between soft head kisses:)))
kiss - are they a good kisser? what was the first kiss like?
karl’s kisses are LOVELY—soft and sweet with his hands gently cupping your cheek or jaw or even holding your own. he just loves being able to feel you and be close to you. the first kiss probably happened during a cuddle session—he would just be so caught up in your presence and softness and scent that his face would move closer to yours without him even trying. you’d make soft, shy eye contact for a brief moment before his mouth met yours. help he’s so cute ajcividiahhdjfd
love confession - how would they confess to their s/o?
god, he’s SUCH a cheeseball—he’d either do it on your birthday, delivered with a shy smile and giant bouquet, or just blurt it out of nowhere at 2am while the two of you are tired and slap-happy out of your minds. either way, he says it with such hushed reverence that your heart forgets how to work for a few minutes. so many kisses after;))))
marriage - do they want to get married? how would they propose? what would the marriage be like?
like i said earlier, karl can get a bit overwhelmed when thinking about the future. however, he does know that he wants the utter joy you bring him every day to keep going. he likes the idea of a small, pretty wedding with the people you’re closest with, but he’s also fine with just enjoying what you have. as long as he gets to be with you he’s happy:)))
nicknames - what do they call their s/o?
i get the vibe that he’d call you by your first initial or “baby” when he wants to be more casual (but he somehow imbues “baby” with so much meaning,,,,, hhhh). uses “sweetie” sometimes and also “honey” after you’ve been in a relationship for a while. basically just uses the absolute CUTEST names,,, they come naturally to him bc he loves you so much:’))
on cloud nine - what are they like when they are in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their feelings?
it is PAINFULLY obvious that karl’s in love with you. he’s always gushing about you to his mr. beast and minecraft friends, so full of fond stories that everyone groans at so much of a mention of your name (everyone secretly thinks it’s adorable tho). the two of you have had so many people compliment you on how cute of a couple you are—your joking, fond chemistry is palpable.
pda - are they upfront about their relationship? do they brag about their s/o in front of others? or are they rather shy to kiss, etc. when others are watching?
while it’s common knowledge karl’s love language is physical touch, he’s always considerate of your boundaries while the two of you are around others. he’ll likely keep pda to hand holding and an arm slung comfortably over your shoulder. it’s just enough to let you feel each other without being too clingy.
quirk - a random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
karl is super unselfish—meaning his closet, nail polish—and yes, even his prized monster energy drinks—are also yours. he truly believes that sharing is caring, and it makes him incredibly happy when you’re wearing one of his iconic sweaters or giving him a grateful smile as he hands you half of his taco bell order.
romance - how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? cliché or rather creative?
karl is a complete angel and always puts others first, meaning he’s an absolute GOD when it comes to romance. he’s always laughing and joking with you, and he never runs out of fun things for the two of you to do. at the beginning of your relationship, he’ll stick to the tried-and-true formulas of giant teddy bears, chocolate, and shared sweaters. as he gets to know you better, though, he’ll take pride in giving you super personal gifts and crafting special date nights he knows you’ll love. he’s the absolute sweetest:’’))
support - do they help their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?
karl is your biggest fan first and your boyfriend second. he never fails to cheer you on every step of the way and remind you just how incredible you are when you’re struggling. he truly believes you can do anything—he is an angel. an ANGEL.
thrill - do they need to try out new things to spice out their relationship? or do they prefer a certain routine?
the two of you have a happy, comfortable rhythm in your relationship. however, you guys definitely try things together. watching a new cartoon, trying a quirky restaurant, or doing weird challenges with each other on stream never feels too much like stepping out of your comfort zone since the two of you are so in sync. even if something backfires, you’ve got the safety net of the other person to catch you.
understanding - how well do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
karl has incredible amounts of emotional and interpersonal intelligence. he believes in the innate dignity and beauty of all people, and LOVES getting to know every single bit of who you are. he’s completely committed to you, and is the perfect person to help you with whatever you’re going through.
value - how important is the relationship to them? what is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
he considers your relationship to be the best part of his life. you’ve been with him through so much, and looking back, it’s incredibly clear just how much your presence in his life has changed him for the better. he loves you so much!!!!!
wild card - a random fluff headcanon.
karl often rants happily on and on about his newest cartoon or gaming obsession while the two of you are cuddling. he’s just so cute, and more often than not you’ll end up kissing all over his freckled cheeks and soft hair. he melts into you like a cat and the two of you just breathe the other in with pure contentment:))))) send help y’all are so cute:))))
xoxo - are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
this goes without saying, but karl is a cuddlebug supreme. if you’re not super into cuddling, he’ll understand but try and ease you into it so that he can love you the way he really wants to!! copious amounts of cuddles, kisses, and affection are central to his ideal relationship.
yearning - how do they cope when they’re missing their partner?
poor karl gets so lonely without you!! you’ll facetime him when you’re gone for even a night, and he’ll pick up wearing one of your sweatshirts. “miss me that much??” you tease, and he can only nod and pout. expect millions of wish you were heres and miss you babys and can’t wait to hug u agains spam texted to you. lots of snapchats of him giving puppy dog eyes to the camera and cuddling stuffed animals will also be sent. he can’t help it—he just adores you and is constantly pouting until you’re back.
zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what will they do?
you’re karl’s everything, and he’ll do anything to make sure that your relationship is happy, healthy, and beneficial for both of you. thankfully, though, he’s such a sweetheart that making sure things are running smoothly isn’t much of a task at all!!
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
Undercover (M)
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→ summary: the company banquets that your family loves to host are often drearier than you would like them to be. lucky for you, your bodyguards have the perfect solution: why don’t you play a little game with them? 
the only rule? you must keep quiet at all costs.
→ pairing: vamp!jungkook x reader x siren!seokjin → genre: bodyguard!au, supernatural, smut → warnings: dom!jin, switch!kook, sub!reader, remote vibrator, rough public sex, fingering, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms, blood-drinking, hypnotization, jin is kinda sadistic, basically pwp ;_; → words: 5.4K → a/n: this is for the holiday fic exchange that was held on @btsghostiewritersnet!! my fic is dedicated to ms @jincherie​ (aka the loml and also the recipient of 1/3 of the fics i’ve written this year??) who requested this prompt. i’m not really good with poly or smut fics, but i tried my best??? it ended up being a lil more jk centric than i anticipated but HHHH IDK I JUST HOPE YOU LIKE THIS EVEN A TEENY BIT ;o; anyway... happy holidays everyone!!
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You can feel their eyes on you.
Except that isn’t much of a revelation—they are always watchful of you, after all. Your father pays a hefty enough salary that they would risk their lives to keep you safe, so it isn’t much of a surprise to know that they are lurking at the sides, keeping distant and close all at once.
This time, however, is different. You know for a fact that it is different. There is a subtle shift in the air, something tangible enough that you can almost touch it, taste it. You know that if you glance back at them, you will find two pairs of eyes, watching and waiting for… something.
That fact alone is enough to keep the goosebumps on your arms from subsiding. You feel like a canister just waiting to burst, a small disturbance enough to get you to erupt into flames and burn every last inch of propriety left in your being. Tonight, they are here to ruin you.
“Why are you acting so damn fidgety? Stand still,” your brother huffs after a while, pinching you lightly in the side. It breaks you from your reverie, causing you to jolt away with wide eyes.
“W-what?” you ask breathlessly. You wipe your clammy hands across your expensive dress, leaving wrinkles in their wake. “Sorry. I just… had a lot of coffee before coming here, is all. I needed the wake-me-up.”
He watches you for a moment, raising an eyebrow at your odd behavior. You can tell that he’s suspicious, but he inevitably shrugs it off, too unbothered to care. Like you, it takes a whole deal to get Yoongi excited about anything, and having a jumpy sister is far from reaching his quota. “Whatever. Just don’t cause a scene, alright? These events might be boring as hell, but dad has a bunch of important people here tonight, so you better get your shit together.”
You snort. “Right. Like when does he not invite important people to these parties?”
Yoongi rolls his eyes. “You know what I mean. Just behave, alright? I’m not covering for you if you piss someone off.”
“Wouldn’t have dreamed of asking,” you mutter. Little does he know, you are already planning on behaving tonight, anyway. That is the name of the game, after all.
On a makeshift stage at the head of the ballroom, your father has just finished giving his opening remarks, thanking all his esteemed guests for making it to tonight’s banquet. Polite applause follows soon after, the clamor loud enough to mask the way you inhale sharply in surprise. Your back straightens imperceptibly, your body going rigid as if you had been struck by lightning. To your left, your brother is none the wiser to your panic, his attention glued to his phone.
When the clapping breaks, you nearly speak your prayers aloud when the ambush on your senses suddenly stops as well. You take one, two calming breaths, your core throbbing needily as you await the second wave to hit. Disappointed when nothing comes, you smooth your dress down, fighting the urge to look around to see if anyone was watching.
Legs slightly weaker and breath a little shakier, you walk among the throngs of people as they make their way to their seats, getting ready for dinner to be served. Instead of heading to where your family’s table would be located, you change direction halfway and walk towards the back. Yoongi does not comment, just nodding back at you and going the other way as well. This is normal etiquette for both of you, anyway—your father has always expected the two of you to wander during these parties, greeting guests and socializing with them as proper hosts should.
Except that isn’t on your agenda for tonight. Right now, you have a game to play, and you don’t intend on losing your focus to anything else.
It does not take you long to find who you are looking for. Just like he promised, Jungkook is standing close to the east entrance, standing stock still against the wall in his designer black suit. When he notices you approach, his stern demeanor softens, a small smile gracing his Adonis-like features. It is nothing more than a quirk of his lips, but it is enough for a flash of something sharp to catch your eye. It disappears before you can even blink, but you know that what you had seen is far from a figment of your imagination.
To an outsider, Jungkook looks as intimidating as any regular bodyguard should be: tall and muscular, coupled with a dangerous gaze that could pierce diamond. He certainly works like one too, as your father would have never hired him if he wasn’t 100% sure that Jungkook was up to his lofty standards.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that there is something else that sets Jungkook apart if you just looked close enough. Even from a few feet apart, you can see the redness lining his irises, the deathly pallor of his skin, the sallowness of his cheeks. As you get closer, you notice other things too, like how his hands tremble against his sides and how his breathing has gotten shallow.
Everything about him screams vampire—a starving one, at that.
“How long has it been now?” you murmur, gently nudging your shoulder against his. You keep close to him, feeling yourself relax at the mere scent of him. Jungkook always somehow manages to smell good; you suppose that’s a given since you don’t think he’s even capable of sweating.
“Since the party started?” he asks.
“No, silly. How long has it been since you last fed?”
“Three days, seventeen hours, and twenty-one minutes, ma’am. But who’s counting?” he wheezes, offering you a strained smile. “Is it that obvious?”
“Not really, but I know you,” you reply. A little too well, in fact. “Seokjin hasn’t even allowed you a snack? Even once?”
Jungkook coughs out a laugh, amused. “You and I both know that hyung wouldn’t be that merciful. He did say that if I behave today, then maybe…” he trails off. You don’t miss the way he stares longingly at you, thinly veiled desire rolling off him in waves.
You feel the blood rushing up to your face, turning away from him in embarrassment. You have to remind yourself not to rub your neck, lest the make-up covering your fading scar give away your dirty little secret. “I’m sorry, by the way. I kind of did this to both of us, huh?”
Jungkook chuckles, snaking an arm around your waist. You shoot him a warning glare, but you both know he only dares to get comfortable with you when he’s sure no one is watching. Besides, it’s always been hard for you to get mad at the boy, not when he has always been so sweet with you.
“No, it’s fine. We all agreed to this when you proposed it. Besides, neither hyung nor I are going to risk our health when your safety is on the line. It’s not that bad, I promise.”
“If you’re sure,” you say, glancing at him doubtfully. You have never seen Jungkook quite so… unhinged before, as if he’s just a step away from teetering off the edge. It scares you just as much as it arouses you, but you make sure to keep that to yourself. “I honestly didn’t think Seokjin would be this ruthless.”
Jungkook snorts. “I’ve known him for a long time, Y/N. Trust me when I say that he is definitely going easy on us, especially you.”
“If this is easy, I’m afraid to know how he’s like when he goes all out then,” you say, but the thought of Seokjin becoming even more merciless than usual sends an excited shiver down your spine.
“How about you?” Jungkook asks. “Are you doing okay with the, um, you know?” He flushes, still shy to even say it aloud even after all the things the two of you have done together.
You giggle, unable to resist the urge to tease him. “You tell me, Koo. You can smell me, can’t you?” You lean closer, looking at him through your lashes. “You could probably smell from across the ballroom, especially with how hungry you are… My poor baby,” you coo. You have your chest pressed against his, your low neckline leaving nothing to the imagination. And yet, his gaze is fixed elsewhere, red eyes following the way your tongue darts out to lick your lips.
It’s a rhetorical question; you know he can smell you. The remote vibrator in your underwear has been on the lowest setting ever since the night started. The vibrations are persistent enough to keep you constantly aroused, but it’s never enough to give you what you really want.
And just when you think you’ve gotten used to the sensation, Seokjin will spike it up occasionally, causing your composure to crack ever so slightly. You’re pretty sure he hasn’t turned it on to the highest setting yet, but judging from how the dampness of your underwear has seeped past your thighs, you aren’t sure if you’d be able to keep your cool if he did.
“Do I smell good, Koo? I know you said my blood tastes sweetest when I’m like this, right?” you whisper, trailing a finger down his chest. He does not reply, his nostrils flaring as he struggles to control his breathing. He has a dangerous edge in his expression, a simmering darkness just begging to be released. It’s the kind of lust that sweet and lovely Jungkook hardly ever has the capability of showcasing, except during moments like these, when he is at his hungriest and most desperate.
“I’m not going to lose the game this early on,” he says, voice quiet. There is danger in still waters, you recall your mother telling you when you were younger, and you find that there is truth behind her words after all. Jungkook may sound calm, but the edge in his tone is laced with meaning.
“No fun,” you laugh.
As if on cue, your own dose of karma hits you when Seokjin decides to turn the vibrator up to its maximum setting. “Shit,” you gasp, barely holding back your moans. You nearly double over, mostly from shock, not expecting the intensity of the vibrations. You feel your legs turn to jelly, your body heating up and breaking out into a sweat. You have to lean against Jungkook for support, your grip on his biceps so tight that you’re afraid that you might have torn through the fabric. If he had been human, you might have worried that you were hurting him.
Jungkook stumbles slightly against your weight, surprising the both of you as he’s normally as sturdy as a brick wall. Your worry for Jungkook supersedes the lust addling your brain long enough to wonder if his blood fast is starting to affect him.
“S-sorry, Koo. Are you okay? Are you getting dizzy from hunger?” you ask, your words stilted and breathy as you try to ignore the pleasure coursing through your veins. “We can go somewhere and—fuckfuckfuck—”
You are unable to finish your sentence, having to muffle your moans by biting into his shoulder. You’re shaking and panting, the relentless assault on your clit causing a fresh wave of arousal to drip down your cunt and ruin your panties even further. The coil inside of you is close to snapping, your long-awaited climax just inches away. You have half a mind to reach under your dress and chase after your high, but the sensible part of you reminds you that you are still at a public event—your father’s public event, to be exact. So instead, you wrap your arms around Jungkook to restrain yourself, looking to all the world as if you were just two lovers in an embrace.
Just as you’re about to finish, the vibrator shuts off completely, snatching away any hopes of you coming. You want to scream in frustration, a few tears threatening to fall as you squeeze your eyes tightly. Eventually, you release your death grip on Jungkook, keeping your head bowed to hide the way you’re still short for breath. When you feel less hazy, you take a shaky step away from him while muttering apologies to Jungkook.
“S-sorry about that. So much for Seokjin going easy on me, huh? I really didn’t expect him to pull a fast one on me like that—”
When Jungkook doesn’t respond, you turn back to face him. “O-oh,” you whisper lamely, your blood heating up when your gaze meets his. “Jungkook?” you call out, though you don’t think he’ll be up for much conversation right now.
You have never quite seen him like this before. His eyes have started glowing red, so much so that there’s barely a sliver of white remaining. His fangs have extended far past what should have been humanly possible, its sharp tips puncturing his bottom lip. He doesn’t even appear to be moving, not even showing any signs that he might have been breathing at all.
“Jungkook,” you repeat. You tug on his sleeve hesitantly, but he stands as still as a statue. “Jungkook, get a hold of yourself!” It takes you a few moments of coaxing and shaking before some semblance of lucidity returns to him.
He blinks a few times, but his incisors have yet to retract. “Sorry,” he grunts, bringing a hand up to his face. He rubs at his eyes, and when he reopens them, they’ve stopped glowing. His irises are still a deep shade of red. “Sorry, I didn’t think I’d lose myself there. That’s never happened before.”
“You were kinda scary there for a second,” you laugh nervously. “Almost like you were going to eat me alive.”
“I honestly might have,” Jungkook admits. “If Seokjin hadn’t stopped you from coming right then, I might have just fed from you right in the open.”
You shiver. You kind of hate yourself for liking the sound of that, even if it was hypothetical. Your bodyguards wouldn’t risk your reputation like that. For a moment, it almost could have been real though, your mind unhelpfully supplies.
“You would’ve lost the game then,” you say instead.
Jungkook chuckles weakly, shaking his head. “You, Seokjin, and I already knew from the start that if anyone was going to lose, it was always going to be me.”
“Conceding defeat, then?” you ask. You press your thighs together in anticipation, catching the way he watches your movements like a predator awaiting its prey. “Is anyone watching us?”
With your back facing the party, you would never have known if anyone was close enough to hear your strangled moans back then. Ever the attentive bodyguard despite hunger and lust clouding his mind, Jungkook had still made sure that the two of you were far away enough from prying eyes. Well, with the exception of one.
“He was watching us,” Jungkook mumbles. You don’t turn to look when he points somewhere behind you. “He’s by the northwest entrance. He was watching us the whole time, but now he’s talking to your brother’s bodyguard.”
“How much do you wanna bet he won’t notice us sneaking out?” you ask, giggling when Jungkook gives you an incredulous look. “What? Didn’t you once say you could sneak me out of anywhere without my father knowing?”
“Your father and Kim Seokjin are two different people in two different leagues,” he points out. He glances at Seokjin once more, rubbing his neck nervously. “Oh, he’s definitely going to figure out what we’re doing the moment we get out of here.”
You shrug, already tugging him by the hand towards the restroom outside the ballroom. You wink at him, your giggles full of mischief. “Then it’s settled. We lose this game, and then we start another one.”
“Another one?” Jungkook echoes, following you like a dutiful pet. When you exit the ballroom, you find the reception area empty save for a few other security guards loitering by the elevators, surreptitiously on their phones. You easily make it past them and head to where the restrooms are, setting your sights on the polished wooden doors.
You push Jungkook inside the women’s restroom, locking the door once you both are settled inside. Turning to face him with an eager grin, you almost let out a laugh at the overenthusiastic gleam in his eyes. “New game plan. I call this one the ‘let’s see if we can get off before Seokjin catches us’ game.”
“Sounds thrilling,” Jungkook chuckles, but he’s already opening his arms when you walk over to him. You accept his embrace, pressing him against the marble sinks and slotting your lips together.
The kiss is fiery, all teeth and no finesse. He has one hand grabbing fistfuls of your ass and the other cupping your jaw as he holds you in place. Your own hands almost seem like they don’t know what to do, scrambling up and down his sides before finally locking around his neck as your mind goes blank.
Jungkook’s incisors cut your lips accidentally, causing droplets of blood to trickle down. They don’t even make it past your chin before Jungkook’s voracious tongue is already lapping it up, his groans echoing in the vastly large room.
You barely register the pain before Jungkook is offering another distraction in the form of his lips trailing down to your jaw until he reaches your neck, his breath leaving goosebumps across your skin. “Y/N,” he rasps, his fangs dizzyingly close.
Before he can choose to do anything, you trail a finger to his chin, forcing him to look at you. His eyes appear glazed over, almost as if he isn’t even fully cognizant of his surroundings. But when he catches sight of the way a fresh droplet of blood is already beginning to take form on your lips, his gaze hardens immediately.
You smirk, giggling when he groans at you licking up your bloodied lip. “No marks on my neck, baby. You’re gonna have to drink from down there.”
In any other scenario, you might have been concerned at how quickly he drops to his knees. He doesn’t look too bothered, however, as he bunches up your dress to your chest and tears your pathetic excuse for underwear into shreds. The small purple vibrator falls to the ground along with it, neither of you worried about where it is rolling away.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he groans, burying his nose into your cunt. You yelp loudly, sensitive after hours of edging. You unconsciously try to trap him with your thighs, but he holds them apart with an iron grip. From your vantage point, you can only see his eyelashes grazing your stomach as he licks two long stripes across your slit, nearly causing you to fall over had he not been holding you.
“Shit.” He leans back to look at you properly, his mouth shiny with your slick. “Can I? Can I please?”
You don’t even know what exactly it is that he’s asking, but you’re already nodding anyway, eager for him to do something, anything. “Yes, yes, yes. C’mon, Koo. Give it to me,” you whine. Your voice sounds hoarse to your ears, desperate and delirious.
Not one to disobey, Jungkook does exactly that. One moment he is on the floor and the next he is lifting you with ease, placing you on the marble counter and standing between your legs to keep them spread. He returns to kneeling and hooks your legs onto his shoulders. He caresses your thighs with a gentleness that seems out of place, craning his neck sideways so he can plant a chaste kiss on your inner thigh.
You whimper impatiently, nudging him with your knee. “Jungkook, this is sweet and all, but my pussy has been aching to be stuffed for hours now so I’d really appreciate it if we can just get on with the pro-o-g-gram—” you stammer, your verbal skills forgotten the moment his thumb brushes your clit. Your body jerks on instinct, his delicate touch like lightning on your skin. “Ah, fuck! Jungkook, please!”
You have your head thrown back, unable to keep still when he proceeds to push a finger into you without warning. He pumps into you slowly, the drag of his fingertips torturously slow as you incoherently beg for more.
“More? You fucking asked for it,” he grunts, adding a second finger and being rewarded with another chorus of moans from you. He fucks his fingers into you like a drill, the obscene squelch of your sopping cunt coupled with the sound of palm hitting against your clit is like music to his ears. He can sense the way your blood is rushing through you right now, pleasure thrumming through your limbs and making you intoxicatingly sweet.
“I can’t wait to taste you, darling,” he says, licking his lips in anticipation. “You must love this, don’t you? Love it when I finger you like this, even though you know hyung is going to catch us and punish us for this?”
You nod fervently, incoherent babbles dribbling from your open mouth. “W-want both of you! Want S-Seokjin to catch us and make us cry.” You gasp, your stomach clenching when he curls his fingers in just the right way to make your toes curl in pleasure. “Koo, I’m a-almost there!”
Your pussy, despite hours of being constantly aroused, still feels like a vice grip, selfishly sucking him back. He relishes your moans, drawing more sounds out of you that you had not known you were capable of producing. There is no time or space for shame as your whines grow higher in pitch, calling out his name when you sense your orgasm approach.
Jungkook feels feverish when he finally takes a bite from your skin, your blood made sweeter when you climaxed from his fingers alone. The meat of your thigh gushes crimson like a fountain upon his desert-like tongue. He is drunk on you; not even nectar can be sweeter than you.
He drinks for what feels like hours, lapping at your wound until he cannot stomach another drop. A blatant lie, of course, but he also does not wish to drink you dry. So with a heavy heart, he pulls away, leaving one last lick up your thigh to stop the bleeding. He slumps back on his knees, his head lolling drowsily as he looks at you with a satisfied smile.
You are in no better condition, your chest heaving as you struggle to regain your sanity after both the mind-blowing orgasm and blood loss. Still, you smirk sleepily back at him, your eyebrow raised as if in question.
“What?” Jungkook drawls.
Instead of a verbal response, you point at his crotch with your feet. When he looks down, his dick is completely hard, his erection straining against his slacks. He was so deeply engrossed in the flavor of you that he had not even stopped to consider his own arousal, but now that it has been so kindly pointed out by you, the need to be inside of you consumes him like a fire burning him on a stake.
A guttural sound escapes his throat, a renewed fervor pushing him to climb to his feet in an instant. Impatient, he struggles for a moment to loosen his belt, has half a mind to just tear his pants in two when—
“Jeon Jungkook, can you hear me?”
Jungkook stiffens. Unable to hear the voice coming from his earpiece, you give Jungkook a quizzical look, wondering why he’d suddenly stopped in his tracks. “Koo? What’s the matter?” you ask, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Jeon Jungkook, answer me,” Seokjin’s voice is slightly garbled by static, but the authority in his tone is unmistakable.
Jungkook swallows thickly. He lifts the small microphone attached to his lapel, bringing it closer to his lips. “H-hyung?” he stutters. Your eyes widen, realization and panic seizing you.
You both share a frantic look. Fuck!
Seokjin chuckles darkly. “Took you long enough. Did you and our little mistress have fun?”
“W-well, we—” Jungkook stammers, looking to you for help. You shrug your shoulders, equally as tongue-tied. He returns to his mic, “We were just, umm…”
“Open the door,” is all Seokjin utters before Jungkook’s earpiece goes dead. Jungkook rips the small piece of plastic from his ear, both of you turning to the door when a loud knock reverberates across the restroom.
“It’s…” Jungkook cuts off, but he doesn’t need to say anything for you to know exactly who is waiting outside the door.
“Open the door,” Seokjin repeats, but there’s a certain quality to his voice that makes both you and Jungkook immediately want to follow his command. Without another word, Jungkook stands up stiffly, his feet dragging as he unlocks the door to allow him inside.
“No fair,” you complain. You pout, crossing your arms. “You used your siren voice on us!”
“I wouldn’t have needed to use it if you two weren’t acting like a pair of brats,” Seokjin says, sickly sweet. He’s smiling, but there is darkness lingering in his expression. It doesn’t help that your lower body is still exposed, free for his gaze to roam. “Do you have any idea how much trouble the two of you are in?”
“I’m sure my father is hardly concerned,” you scoff, filled with false bravado. You smirk when his eyebrows furrow, keen to tempt his anger. After all, Seokjin is the most fun to play with when he lets go. “Besides, I pay you to look out for me, don’t I? I’d expect you to come up with an excuse on our behalf.”
“I suppose so,” Seokjin hums. He glances at Jungkook, whose prior arousal has yet to subside. In a flash, Seokjin has Jungkook backed up to a toilet cabinet, roughly grabbing his bulge. Jungkook wheezes, his eyes flashing open in surprise.
“And you?” Seokjin asks, using his free hand to force Jungkook to face him. “You understand that you left your post, don’t you?”
“Yes,” Jungkook gasps out. Seokjin’s grip tightens, and Jungkook releases a soft moan.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes hyung,” Jungkook emphasizes, his hips unconsciously rutting upwards. Seokjin situates his thigh in between Jungkook’s legs, letting the younger boy rock against it for a few moments before pulling back just as quickly. Jungkook whines pathetically, jaw agape.
“You both lost the game. What makes you think you deserve anything?” Seokjin asks. He directs his question to you, glancing over his shoulder. “Well? Did I interrupt something I wasn’t supposed to see?”
When you don’t reply, Seokjin frowns. “Answer me, Y/N.”
His voice is musical, and it pulls the answer out of you, unable to resist. “Yes,” you say, through gritted teeth.
“What were you going to do?”
“He was going to fuck me,” you say. You smirk when his shoulders tense. “We were going to fuck without you.”
At your admission, Seokjin considers you with an unreadable expression. The tension in the air is tangible. Jungkook has his eyes averted, but judging from the way his cock twitches in his trousers, you know he’s also aware of what’s going to happen. All you need to do is wait a little, and then Seokjin will—
He steps away from Jungkook and walks towards the chaise lounge situated near the wall of the entrance. He sits on it primly, his back straightened as though he were about to call you in for tea. “Go on then,” he says, flapping his hands flippantly. When neither of you moves, he quirks an eyebrow in amusement. “What? Don’t let me ruin your fun. Continue where you left off.”
“Um…” you say, thoroughly at a loss. This is usually the point where Seokjin decides to punish either of you, or perhaps drag the two of you back home for more adequate disciplinary action. Instead, he seems content to allow the two of you to do as you please. He has a mask of indifference on, and it’s always been a little hard for you to figure out what he was really thinking.
“But…” Jungkook gulps. “W-we wanted you to, um…”
“What? To join you? Oh please,” Seokjin laughs, a little cruelly. “No, I’d rather not stop your fun. Carry on.”
“Carry. On.” Seokjin commands, his power trickling onto his words. At once, Jungkook straightens up, his feet carrying him towards you and spreading your legs apart. You gasp, the sudden movement surprising you.
“Seokjin, what are you..?”
“Fuck her, Jungkook,” Seokjin interrupts, ignoring your baffled stutters. “Fuck her until she can’t even stand.”
Jungkook shoves down his pants and underwear in one swift motion, kicking them off his ankles somewhere behind him. He situates his cock against you, rubbing the tip against your slit for a second before thrusting forward and splitting you open.
You both scream and moan at the sensation, your warm walls clamped around him deliciously. He begins his brutal pace immediately, both due to his desperation to meet his orgasm and also the magic imbued in the simple command given by Seokjin.
The intoxicating roll of his hips has your eyes seeing stars as he pulls out nearly all the way before pushing back in. He angles himself until he hits your sweet spot with every thrust, ripping ragged whimpers from your throat. Your second orgasm is quickly building before you know it, your body tightening up as he continues to rut into you.
With a trembling moan, you gush around him, coating his cock with your arousal. Your legs are still shaking even after you finish, your entire body going limp from the exertion. Jungkook slows down, still painfully hard inside of you.
“Did I tell you to stop? Keep going,” Seokjin utters quietly. He is the picture of calmness, his hands folded delicately onto his lap.
“What?” you exclaim. “I can’t, no, it’s too much—”
But when it comes to Seokjin, his word is the law. Between the two of you, Jungkook has always been more susceptible to his voice, completely powerless under Seokjin’s influence. And so, Jungkook resumes fucking into you, mindlessly obedient.
“I’m too—Jungkook, stop, I’m sensitive,” you cry out, but your pleas go unheard as he reaches between the two of you, his thumb grazing your clit and causing your entire body to jolt forward. Your walls squeeze around his cock in response and Jungkook trembles in pleasure. His ministrations on your clit, in tandem with the swiveling of his hips, are almost vicious, the sting both pleasurable and painful.
You can feel the beginnings of tears forming, the assault on your senses almost too unbearable to handle. “S-Seokjin, please! Make him stop!”
Jungkook is nearing his climax, his rhythm growing erratic and showing no signs of slowing down. He is unable to hear you past his desire, completely entranced and hypnotized.
“You want him to stop? Fine,” Seokjin says, amused. “Jungkook, stop.”
“No, please!” Jungkook lets out a tortured wail. His body freezes in place, his cock still twitching inside of you. The poor boy lets out a few stray tears, his eyes squeezed shut as his body refuses to do his bidding. He sobs, his voice cracking as he pleads, “Hyung, I was so close!”
“Not my problem,” Seokjin giggles. He gets up from his perch on the sofa, leisurely walking towards the both of you as he surveys the frozen boy with a satisfied grin. “That ought to teach you a lesson,” he says, patting Jungkook on the back.
“And you,” he says, facing you, “aren’t getting away so easily.”
You gulp, a shudder running down your spine. “B-but, the party..?”
Snorting incredulously, Seokjin taps his microphone on. “Namjoon-ssi? Yes, I’m sorry for leaving so suddenly. I found Miss Y/N. It seems that she is having stomach problems, so I’ll be escorting her home. Please inform Master Min about her early departure,” he says in one breath, shutting his earpiece off before the other man can reply.
“It seems like everything is already taken care of,” Seokjin says angelically, even though he is anything but. He bends down to pick up Jungkook’s discarded pants, handing them to the younger. He also finds your forgotten vibrator under one of the sinks, picking it up and placing it neatly into his pocket.
He smiles. “Get dressed, both of you. The night is still young, after all.”
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cinnamonest · 4 years
I feel like I’ve found my kin, I fell in love with Kakashi when I was like 8 LOL. Can I request some general yandere Zoro headcanons btw? I loved/still love him too 😶
Yes you may ahhh!!!! I love Zoro so much. I love writing for fandoms like this bc shounen anime are... Well, shounen, they're aimed at dudes, so they tend to not have as large of a female audience so there's not a lot of content out there. I love Luffy and there's like zero girl-targeted content for him. I swear I've spent so much time looking for wholesome, decent LuNa (my otp im sorry i just hhhh) doujins that aren't super male-oriented, and there's like... 2. For a 900+ episode anime. 2.
I also love the concept of a yandere in a situation where they CAN'T kidnap you, they're limited by their circumstances, so they have to kind of adjust or go insane. It's an interesting dynamic because it eliminates the norm for yanderes.
I think I mentioned this but I'm not 100% caught up with one piece (I mean, who is?), so I'm just keeping it simplistic and going with kinda basic Zoro and nothing with specific character developments or any spoilers other than his backstory
Yandere Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
Tws: all the usuals -- yandere, noncon, kidnapping
He meets you while he's lost. I'm sorry I just. Zoro gets lost in the middle of some place they're docked, and you're just such a sweetheart, you see this guy clearly not knowing where he's going, and offer to help him. He's kind of taken aback by your softness and sweetness.
He's not easily made aware of his own feelings. He's a rough and tough sort of guy, and he has dedicated himself to swordsmanship so much that he's neglected to focus on himself and his interpersonal relationships, and he's not really self aware at all of his own feelings, very out of touch with his emotions.
Obviously, even if he tries to shove it down, Kuina weighs heavily on his mind in relation to you. He's another man that has known loss and it's dealt its damage on his psyche. He can't lose another person who's dear to him again.
This results in him becoming insanely protective, one of the most protective yans out there. He's easily one led into paranoia delusions regarding your safety. However, he's an honest and reasonable guy and can be level-headed when confronted. If someone (not yourself, as he thinks you're naive, but maybe another girl like Nami or Robin) tells him he's being overprotective and exaggerating about your safety, he may actually have a moment of self-realization and admit to it. He's capable of being reasonable enough to see it once it's pointed out to him. However... this doesn't stop him. He tries, really, he genuinely tells himself that he needs to stop. But his instincts just kind of take over. It's an impulse, to stop you from doing even the most slightly dangerous things.
Once you join the Straw Hat Crew, he just kinda... clings. It's a silent presence, but he's always there, constantly seems to show up wherever you are. Unfortunately, you can't really... get away from him per se. You're kinda limited to one ship, at least as long as you're out on the sea. Your only option for respite is going to your room or bathing, otherwise, he's gonna follow you, even if he's not saying anything and (very badly) trying to feign indifference, pretending you just happen to be going the same way all the time. He doesn't really know what to say, he's not good with these things, and often he's acting without really thinking too much about it. He won't usually strike up a conversation, he just... is there. Watches. May awkwardly ask a question or make a passing comment.
One scenario I imagine is you jokingly picking up one of his swords and wielding it around giggling and he just flips out, takes it from you and yells at you not to do that, are you an idiot? Do you want to trip and fall and have that impale you? Do you realize how easy it would be for you to slice your arm open by accident? It's startling to both you and anyone watching -- even for someone who gets yell-y as easily as him, it seems like an overreaction. He'll apologize but insist it's a safety thing, really.
And he really tries to hide his more... aggressive nature, because he thinks it will drive you away -- he's a blunt, tough guy with a short-fused temper, and he thinks that's definitely not something women like very much. He tries not to yell at you, not get mad so easy, keep his calm better around you, and might even be nicer to others so that you don't think he's mean. And for the most part, he can manage that. Except when it comes to a very specific, very problematic blonde crew member. His little conflicts with Sanji get worse, to even a point that he's snapping at him so frequently that even Sanji himself is a bit bewildered and caught off guard by it. The others notice they fight a lot more often... and Zoro always seems to instigate it, picking quarrels over the littlest things. In reality, he's afraid of the other's... sleazy nature. He can't have you falling for that bastard. He even starts to get jittery when you're in the presence of Franky, Usopp, hell even Luffy of all people. It's noticeable, and everyone kinda worries for him.
He kicks himself for it as soon as he does it, but he finds himself insulting you nonetheless. It's a terrible habit. He gets so awkward and flustered that it's second nature for him to say something snarky or even rude when you talk to him, and he immediately is just mentally screaming at himself for doing so. This will get a bit better with time, though, if you two talk more often.
Now, even if you can fight, you're never gonna really get the opportunity. In battle, he's clinging to you and protecting you at every moment, even if it costs the others some unnecessary wounds. It's highly uncharacteristic of him, and they notice. He won't leave your side, insisting that you're a weak fighter and that he has to take care of you. You just don't get it, you overestimate yourself, you underestimate your enemies, you're a girl. What, Nami and Robin? Well, they've been at this much longer than you, and they had rough upbringings. You're different. You're soft... fragile. You just can't see it. You're lucky he's here to protect your dumbass.
Due to your setup, well, he can't really kidnap you per se. He undoubtedly would if you two were somewhere else, in another life or another setting, but that's not really an option, and even as a yandere, he would never go so far as to kill or abandon his crew. So, he's stuck with just... slowly, slowly mentally deteriorating.
Now, he's not capable of kidnapping, he's not smart enough to really manipulate you into anything (although he WILL tell you that some of the other guys are out to use you), so, he's left to be the guard dog he inevitably becomes to you. If you avoid him, he'll just follow you. If you don't talk to him, that's ok. If you confront him, he'll just insist he has no idea what you're talking about, and you'll start to feel like maybe you're just paranoid. The others... don't really know what to do, to be honest. I can see Nami/Robin potentially confronting him, but in the end, they can't force him to change his behaviors, and they can't afford to lose him. This results in, gradually, everyone slowly kind of accepting your dynamic onboard. They feel bad for you, really, but... in the end, Zoro's just more valuable to the crew. Sorry. They're not gonna get rid of him, but they don't want to get rid of you either.
If you leave? It may just be one of the very very few things that could ever cause him to leave the Strawhats. It would tear him up, really, it goes against his dreams, his pride, his loyalty, but in the end... his loyalty is first and foremost to you. He'll follow you if you leave. It's a bad move on your part, because this gets rid of the only thing standing between you and kidnapping. Which, at that point, surely will happen. Like his other behaviors, he'll feel bad, he'll try and stop himself, tell himself it's wrong, but you'll end up bound in some dark basement nonetheless. He's one to take a very simple approach. Find you alone, sling you up and over his shoulder and carry you off before anyone can come.
Rejection doesn't faze him. No matter what, he'll remain by your side. Even if you never love him in return. It's just his nature, he's a guardian through and through.
In the end, he'll be right there by your side, scaring off any competitors, clinging to you like glue, ever in your presence like a shadow, forever. Whether you want him to or not. He's just an inescapable force, an unmovable object, and you're wasting your time trying to change your fate.
Now, he's very flustered with anything sexual. Highly embarrassed, lots of shame, and doesn't talk much about it. It just kind of happens. He doesn't talk much during, mostly grunts and the occasional fuck when you clamp down, occasionally asking you if you're ok, if it hurts, if it feels good. It's one of the only very soft sides of him. In the end, he really, truly loves you, and doesn't want to hurt you, he wants you to feel good and just love him. It's a very different side to him, one no one else has ever really seen, it's the most vulnerable he himself has ever been with another person.
He feels shame for it, but initially he'll definitely be one to steal your things, sit outside of your room at night, listening to you through the wall, try and get glimpses of you bathing or dressing. He really, really feels guilty, and he's one that will, once you're comfortably restrained and never going anywhere, just sit down and list out every nasty little thing he's ever done regarding you, just to get it off his chest. He understands if you react badly, and he'll apologize, which is a bit ironic considering how much worse kidnapping you is.
He'll apologize for that, too. He's actually one to do so a lot. He's normally a proud guy, but with this? He knows it's wrong, he knows it's fucked up. He knows he can't stop. And he'll be sorry to the moon and back. Just never sorry enough to stop.
He's actually a pretty vanilla guy. Hand-holding missionary type. And, despite being so embarrassed over it all, oddly romantic about it. It's one of the only things he's ever soft and gentle about, it's almost unbelievable to you that he's capable of being so gentle and slow with anything. But he'll kiss your forehead, really take his time with it all, make you cum on his fingers before ever actually fucking you. Hold your hand, look into your eyes. It would be honestly incredibly sweet if it weren't... you know, taking place in some dark sealed off room after dragging you there against your will.
If he's particularly mad, he can get rougher, but he'll apologize after. It's a lot of harsh grabbing, biting, it leaves bruises that he'll rub over softly, whispering an apology, even if a little part of him likes the way it looks on you.
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saintobio · 3 years
saint ;-;
i opened the finale of sn with a heavy heart only to read your additional notes and end up with a heavier heart. does this mean you're done writing? on another note, this finale truly broke me to pieces. i'm at a loss of words yet again. thank you so much for all the hard work and dedication you've put into making sn and the rest of your series. you have touched my heart time and time again and i can never thank you enough for helping me get through tough times through your writing (even if we've never directly spoken).
much love, 😔
Anonymous said
Ok, I haven't even read the chapter yet, just your author's note and when I saw how you signed it too, ahhh I never wanted to give someone a virtual hug so badly!! Your writing is beautiful and you always went the extra mile for us with all the research and everything! I really hope you enjoyed this journey as much as we did🥰
Anonymous said
Did I cry a lil reading your additional note on the finale? Yes, yes I did.
Saint, I absolutely adore your writing. Better than actually published stories I've read. Your writing is so fluent and overall stunning. I love it.
Saint, I wish you the best in everything you do. I don't know you personally, but I genuinely believe that good things will come your way.
Loved Sincerely Not, and can't wait to see you in the sequel.
With love and adoration,
awww thank you :’) i knew it was the perfect opportunity to sign off using ‘sincerely yours’ hhhh and i’m rly glad to have u guys on this journey. s2 is here now, and i hope you’ll enjoy it too <3
Anonymous said
Saint, people may have mixed feelings and different opinions about how the story is, but I want u to know that I enjoyed it so much 💜😭no matter how much I may disagree with any of the characters, the story is amazing and I’m so grateful for this amazing experience 💜thank you for this masterpiece! Pls rest well, enjoy your well-deserved break, and we’ll be waiting for your return! ✨Congrats for finishing SN1!! 🎉
Anonymous said
Hey Saint,
Just wanna say that I love your writing!
I know that after this chapter a lot of people are going to give you their opinion on how you are choosing to navigate the story/ plot. But I want you to know that I as a simple bystander am simply here for the ride. I support all your plot twist and trust your process of story telling. I can’t wait for SN2! Thank you for this masterpiece! Rest and take care of yourself on your weeks off! You deserve it!
that’s ok !! like i said in the prev ask, people’s opinions will vary depending on who’s perspective they’re looking at. anyway, thanks sm for being so sweet and for generally trusting my process <33
Anonymous said
Genuinely thank you so much for writing this series!!It gave me and probably a lot of others something to look forward to for the past few months. I had no idea how attached I’d get to the series. I just wanted to ask a few other questions.
What happened to Toji and the Ballerina 👀
Since Toji helped to raise Y/N’s child won’t it be especially painful for him when YN inevitably chooses Gojo since he’ll essentially lose a child he helped raise.
I completely understand where Y/N was coming from when she hid her pregnancy from Gojo. But also 3 years, when a child develops sm and everyone agreed to keep the information from Gojo. Although I was one of the ppl that really wanted Gojo to receive his karma I don’t quite understand why YN did that considering that who Gojo was as a husband is separate from who he’d be as a father. I understand 1 year to get away from the chaos but 3? Why? Also who knew? Ieri? Gojos mom?
Sorry if most of these will be revealed in S2! Thank you again!
ty very much <33 toji and ballerina remain just friends, and he had lesser contact w her ever since he got with yn :) and to ur other question, it’ll be painful for him but he also knows and respects his boundaries esp the fact that sachiro rly isn’t his child.
Anonymous said
kinda irrelevant rn but I've gots to ask this!! What's your opinion on Sera and her relationship with gojo?
I personally think they weren't in love with each other at all. Sera liked the good, healthy, happy and perfect parts of gojo, bec she rarely saw him in the kind of situations that y/n did, and she was hellbent on thinking that her relationship with him is the only good thing going on in her life, so ofc she held on to that idea of a perfect man (that gojo definitely was not) And gojo oof I rlly think that he just used Sera to piss off his dad, and eventually just got used to her company??? and just kept her around bec subconsciously it gave him some sense of control over his own life and decisions (which were otherwise dictated by his father) and ofc it helps that she was an attractive woman. SOOO PLS TELL ME YOUR OPINION ON HER!!
I started feeling particularly bad for her, bec I can really understand where she's coming from. Yeah she was extremely unpleasant at times and had serious issues, but I can't find it in myself to really blame her :(( she was done wrong by gojo. both her and y/n. they deserved better. I think this is why I still don't particularly feel sympathy towards gojo, Idk it's all his karma catching up to him in my opinion 😭🙏🏻
i always think that their relationship was toxic. she didn’t care for him more than having this image of a ‘perfect rich man’ while gojo’s love for her had always been strictly physical. sera has many flaws as a character, but that’s what makes her human. she leaves you conflicted on whether you should stay mad at her or if you should feel bad bc of her struggles in life :) all in all, her character is complex and will be judged from different lenses. personally, if i was yn, i think sera has learned her lesson and that’s enough for me to forgive, but not exactly forget ykwim?
Anonymous said
Miss y/n doesn’t sound very convinced about her second wedding huh… I wonder if she would have had that same reaction if Satoru had not showed up. Idk about y/n but I’m about to run to that altar and marry Toji myself at this point. Anyways I feel really bad for Satoru and I hope he can heal himself rather than be healed by y/n. I know eventually he’ll have to face her again about the whole fake abortion and hiding their baby thing, but for that to happen, I hope he can at least be levelheaded or else the child will be the one suffering with an unstable father. If he’s bound to end up with y/n at the end of the story, I just hope he can find peace within himself first and that y/n doesn’t go all “I can fix him”. But I trust you Saint, I know you’ll deliver the good drama and the craziest plot twists. I truly can’t wait for season 2 and all the new characters we’ll get to see. I’m most excited for mr sukuna and how he’ll be introduced to the story 😗
yes exactly, the best way to deal with the storm is once he’s levelheaded, but we’ll see 🥺
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moonlit-han · 4 years
stray kids’ reactions to you taking medication for depression & anxiety ↠ all members
genre: reaction word count: 2.4k warnings: discussion of depression and anxiety, description of panic/anxiety attack, swearing request: yes
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a/n: hi anon! wow, this one turned highly personal really fast. so, this turned into a combination of your original request and how stray kids would react just knowing that you have depression/anxiety. i think how they’d care for and support you is a large part of their reactions to finding out, if that makes sense. i hope this brings you comfort~
✧ masterlist in bio ✧
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bang chan
as with most things, chan would be very understanding
he’d just want you to feel and function the best you could
and not have to worry about whether you’re going to be able to make it through a day
he’d noticed when you first started dating that you occasionally withdrew into yourself
and needed time alone
chan didn’t really think anything of it 
bc he also kinda just turns into a hermit and hides to reset and recuperate
but when you’d told him that you take meds for anxiety and depression
his sneaking suspicion that you’d been struggling with something was confirmed
it all made sense!
chan would be immediately and absolutely on board to support you
he wasn’t gonna let those nasty depression demons get the better of his y/n
no! fucking!! way!!! \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
when you could stand it, he’d be really cute and cuddly to try to make you feel better
and he’d also research everything about the meds
on the days that you just needed to be left alone, he’d be worried 
bc he wouldn’t want you to be lonely or to need him and for him to not be there immediately for you
but sometimes even just the presence of another person is exhausting
even if it’s your partner
he’d always come back with flowers or your favorite kind of pie or curry or something else delicious or beautiful
all he wants is for you to feel like you can face the world
bc he’ll always be there by your side (♡‿♡)
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lee minho
minho would be matter of fact and accepting about the whole thing
he wouldn’t be fussed
and would just accept that sometimes you’d be less than cheerful
and that it has nothing to do with him or his actions
while he wouldn’t necessarily understand the ins and outs of depression and/or anxiety,
he would still be totally committed to supporting you
he’d be glad that you have meds
because it’s hard for him to see you so down and feeling so blank
he just wants you to be okay
he’ll ask if you’re okay and what he can do
sometimes he just has to ask you a few times
just to be sure
for his own peace of mind
if any family, friends, coworkers, anyone gave you shit about your depression and anxiety
minho would be the kind of person to just:
Σ(☉‿☉✿)Σ(☉‿☉✿)Σ(☉‿☉✿) “hold my flower”and prepare to fight the world for you
minho would always make sure that you have your meds on time
either going to pick them up from the pharmacy for you
or reminding you to get them yourself
he’d also remind you to take the meds on your especially bad days
when you can’t exactly think or do much else
while he jokes that cats are the best medicine for anything
minho knows and agrees that medication for mental illness and such is important
bc it helps you be able to function
but that doesn’t stop him from trying his best to make you feel energized and focused through other means!
you have a weekly picnic date, even after dating for two years
it’s the sweetest thing ever
and definitely helps (≧◡≦)
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seo changbin
it was the first time you slept over at his place
(a really lovely evening with lots of sweet cuddling 。゚(゚∩´﹏`∩゚)゚。  )
(((oh no now i’m soft HHHH)))
and you’d left your bag sitting out in the living room
changbin had thought it would be nice if he got your things for you in the morning
and he also wanted to make you breakfast (✿◠‿◠)
so he'd gone to pick up your bag and saw the little pill bottle
and was just “oh, okay~”
when he'd come into the bedroom, changbin looked a little nervous?
bc he wasn’t quite sure how to ask you what meds you were taking
he wasn’t really worried or anything
he just wanted to support you with absolutely no judgement because meds aren’t a bad thing~
he was so understanding and immediately, like chan, researched everything he could about helping someone with anxiety and depression
and then made you breakfast bc that’s wonderful anytime at all
on the days you felt like you couldn’t get out of bed
(or simply couldn’t whether you wanted to or not)
changbin would be there
if you could stay in bed the whole day, then he’d stay with you
if you had to get up and actually do things, he’d do his best to help you
he’d make you food, help you shower, even pick out clothes for you so that you wouldn’t have to think
he’d understand that sometimes you need a bit of a prod to do things
changbin would definitely try his best to make those reminders as caring and lighthearted as possible
after all, you don’t exactly have control over when lack of motivation strikes
changbin would understand and know a lot of the feelings you have
and be able to empathize based on his own experiences
really, he would just continue to love you ♡
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hwang hyunjin
hyunjin, oh sweet hyunjin
he’d be so understanding
and would feel really sorry for you
but not in a weird, pitying way
just sad that your brain had decided to betray you in such a way
*insert all the empathy here*
he knows all too well the feelings of hopelessness you sometimes feel
he’d be glad that you have meds, actually
and would even remind you when you have therapy (if you do)
he’d probably send you random “when you have anxiety/depression” memes
you’ve busted out laughing at inopportune times more than once from said memes
when you’re in a depressive episode, hyunjin would be like a cat
just curled up with you as much as possible
if you can’t stand to have someone near you
then, he’d still text you cheesy stuff like those ridiculous valentine’s day pickup lines that are, in fact, funny at any time of the year
oh and don’t forget about the utterly sincere, will-make-you-cry texts, love letters, post-it notes, notes written in blueberries on the counter, and even signs he’d write for you
one day, you’d even opened a lunch he’d made you to find a little note rolled up around your fork:
“hi hello yes you, the pretty one reading this! i love youuuuuu~ have a wonderful day, darling
p.s. remember to take your meds <3”
hyunjin’s gentle nature would be just what you needed
to support you
to love you
to care for you, not only emotionally but also physically
he’d be like a sheltering tree for you
grounded and calm with deep roots, but able to bend with whatever wind your depression/anxiety decided to gust through your lives
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han jisung
jisung would…
well, jisung would just:
“AAAAAY, ANXIETY BUDDIES!!” (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ;;;;;;
definitely not the response you’d been expecting
but it was perfect nonetheless
you spent an afternoon together just talking about how your anxiety and depression manifested
what helped you to cope
what helped him to cope
which meds you took and if there was anything jisung should be particularly aware of
he’d be really interested in just how your depression and anxiety manifest
bc in order to care for you and help
he wants to know what bit of your brain chemistry has decided to fuck shit up
(sometimes jisung feels like he needs to fuck shit up, too. but really? come oooon y/n’s brain)
he’d leave you notes reminding you to do things when your ability to focus goes completely out the window
you’d wake up to find one of those large sheets of poster paper taped to the ceiling above your bed, saying:
“i love you, even if you have depression/anxiety that makes you forget to do the dishes. again. you’re still my little gremlin <3”
jisung would give you any and all resources he has to help you
he’d probably even write songs for you
there’d probably a mixtape out there somewhere of him screaming at your depression and anxiety
telling them to leave you the fuck alone
bc you’re too wonderful to have to deal with that shit
your weekends together would be spent in the bedroom
under the covers
giggling your asses off
and cuddling
bc it’s dangerous outside the blanket  ( `^´ )
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lee felix
felix would be so chill about it
you’d tell him and he’d just be like
“okay! so what kinds of toppings did you want me to put on this pizza again?”
you’d just kinda blink at him
you’d been worrying about what he’d say
and if he’d leave you or something
(thanks, irrational brain. love you. NOT! ffs)
as if lee felix would ever leave you,,,,,,
it was a relief not to worry about that
felix would still bundle you up in the biggest hugs ever
and smile his sunshine-filled smile at you
honestly, that alone should be enough to cure depression
but, unfortunately, it’s not
((*shakes fist at depression/anxiety*))
but with felix’s smile and meds, you’re feeling much better, thank you
felix would try to make life brighter for you after finding out
he’d understand that sometimes you want to do things but just can’t
there’s no rhyme nor reason to it
and it wouldn’t matter to him
bc he’d still get to spend time with you, even if it just meant sitting on the couch watching movies
felix would know that sometimes he would just have to make decisions for you
not in a controlling way
but just because your anxiety over making decisions and following through with things would get the better of you
he’d make sure you drink water and eat lots of yummy food
his deep voice is the most calming thing oh my god
and whenever you have an anxiety/panic attack
felix would immediately catch you up in his arms and slow dance with you through the entire episode
even if you’re barely able to stand, he’d hold you up and support you
just so, at an incredibly scary time, you’d have the most loving arms around you
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kim seungmin
you were having a panic attack when seungmin came over one time
and you’d just kinda slumped against the wall as soon as he’d come in the door
aaaand you’d had to explain what was going on
but seungmin had just helped you breathe deeply
and eventually you’d calmed down to the point that you felt like
well, like a limp noodle (@_@)
you know that feeling when your body is so exhausted from having a panic attack
that you can’t exactly do much else?
yeah. that.
so, he would be glad that you have meds for your depression/anxiety
like jisung, seungmin would want to have A Stern Conversation with your depression/anxiety
bc he’s tired of its shit ψ(`-´ )ψ
not because he can’t deal with it or you
because he hates to see you in so much distress
no one should have to feel like there’s no joy left in the world, irrational thinking rules their brain, and like they’re trapped in a cycle of dysfunction, no matter how hard they try
bc sometimes just trying isn’t enough
and seungmin understands that~
sometimes you just need a little outside help
he’d come up with all sorts of things he could do for you to help ease your anxiety
he’d write down all your triggers just so he’d know what avoid
or what to tell other people to avoid alkdfjhakljdfh
bc we all know seungmin is that person (-_-;)・・・
when he found out that you have trouble deciding on food at restaurants
he’d immediately printed out the menus to all the restaurants you loved
just so you could take your time deciding at home
and not feel overwhelmed
aksjfhlskfjdh what a good bean
seungmin is just a sweetie who wants the best for you, really
plus, when you’re feeling better….
the two of you can go on adventures!! (⌒▽⌒)
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yang jeongin
jeongin would be a little baffled that someone’s brain could be that cruel to them
“you mean you sometimes just can’t be happy?”
“yep, or function, really. sometimes moving or getting out of bed or eating just isn’t a thing”
‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
“don’t worry about. i’m on meds for it so it’s not as bad”
“jeongin i promise it’s okay…..”
you just ended up cuddling him and explaining how depression and anxiety worked
(or rather, how fucking annoying and, even, debilitating they are)
that made him happier bc he understood
he’d try to help you do things that help with the depression
like going for walks
or drinking enough water
definitely regulating your sleep
jeongin: “i know, i know, y/n! it’s hard but you haaaave to wake up”
y/n: “mmph” (¬_¬)
jeongin: *lightly swats you with a pillow* “get! up!!”
y/n: *grumpgrumpgrump*
nights are even harder alkjhsjkslkfjhs
jeongin, on the phone: “no you’re not being a night owl tonight. no! y/n~~~~ come on, i’m tired and wanna go to sleep”
y/n: “but i’m not tired!! i’m just gonna play one more round of this and then go to bed. i promise!”
jeongin, not having any of your shit: “uhuh….”
y/n, *sweats*: “i promiiiiiiiiise”
3 am
jeongin, via email: “this is an automated reminder to  G O  T O  S L E E P”
y/n: “shit.”
he’d want to be there to listen to you whenever you needed him
even though he doesn’t have much experience with this sort of thing
jeongin would do his best as a kind and properly aware person
like everyone else, he just wants you to be okay
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almondmilks-posts · 3 years
C!schlatt- executed
I got lots of DMs asking for more angst so here
* You and schlatt get into an argument about him being president and executing tubbo ect, in a drunken rage he stabs you.
*Woah this is the longest thing I've ever written.
It all started when Fundy tipped you off about schlatts plans of executing tubbo for helping Wilbur and Tommy out,which you knew about ofc. You treated tubbo like one of your own and even sometimes helped him sneak out the Whitehouse without schlatt knowing; but killing tubbo over that broke you. You had to say something to hopefully put a stop to your husband's madness and his drinking. God did you hate how much he drunk, it drove you nuts.
You- he's just a boy. (Get the reference...)
Schlatt- I. Don't.give a fuck. He's. Traitor
You- do you blame him schlatt? Him and Tommy are close brothers even he probably felt terrible about what happend you know when you-
Schlatt- oh well should of thought I'd that before helping that that CHILD. HE'S MY RIGHT HAND MAN HE HAD ALL THE POWER AMD NOW and now he's going to pay the price and it's an expensive price to pay.
You walked over to the window and stood looking out into manburg. Just thinking about how you can save the poor boys life. How  could warn him without schlatt finding out? you came to nothing. You and schlatt were married you were first lady, wherever you went he went. You were in a deep thought about tubbo and what his death would mean to the server when quackity quietly Knocked on the dark oak door.
Quackity- uh boss I hate to interrupt but you have a meeting in 20 minutes down at the twitch prime church.
Schlatt sighed. Stood up off his chair and walked over to you, but not before grabbing the bottle. Schlatt got super close to your face, so close you could see the little wrinkles that had developed around his eyes and forehead since becoming president, your nose scrunched under the smell of alcohol from his breath or from his clothes you honestly couldn't tell anymore.
Schlatt- we will no longer speak on the matter. I AM THE PRESIDENT FOR MANBURG WHAT I SAY GOES.
He slaunted away from you pushing past quackity. Quackity gave you a sad smile as you both knew how mean schlatt could get when he drank, and recently he had been drinking alot. Quackity turned towards the open door to make sure schlatt was outta ear distance.
Quackity- go.
You- huh?
Quackity- I told Phill that you would be seeing him thecno Wilbur and Tubbo in the bunker. Go warn them.
You- i- hhhh thank you quackity I love you so much man.
Quackity- I know I know. Hurry because it looks like we are going to be in for along night if schlatt messes up this meeting
You- he's so drunk he can't even walk straight of course he's going to ok I'll run along I'll take the horse to speed things up.
Quackity quickly shut the door before running to where schlatt would be waiting downstairs for the meeting while you grabbed your axe and saddle. You made your way out the escape hatch in your office and found your horse (name your horse here pls comment the names I wanna see what y'all name your animals)
Horse- neyyyy
You- heyyyy boy shhh it's just me ok ok steady ok I'm getting on 3...2...1... And uppp fewww ok not so bad is it (horse name) ok off to warn Tubbo.
Your horse stamped it's hooves and took off for the bunker. You had ridden this path hundreds of time so it was easy for you and the horse to get to, quackity said he already told Phill about your arrival do he should be waiting for you to turn up. You were right because Wilbur was waiting outside for you to arrive. His usual green jacket and black Beanie on his head.
Wilbur- hey y/n in here look you can rest (horse name) in here Niki built it.
You- Niki joined? Awesome o haven't seen her in so long, well since she messed up the soup and schlatt fired her
Wilbur- how is he by the way y/n? Come inside and we can talk about him later or should I say rant
You- true true.
You walked through the entrance carefully, you had fallen down the rails the first few times Wilbur took you here. Over his presidential campaign you and wilbur had actually been pretty close and luckily kept in contact even though schlatt won. SBI was a group you practically grew up with just not enough for Phill to adopt you, but you don't blame him, you wouldn't fit the dynamic plus your parents didn't really like the idea but they never really liked anything you did.
Phill- oh hey y/n were all down here what do you want to talk about quackity said it was urgent so I called a meeting.
You got to the bottom of the steps to find everyone waiting on the floor for you to arrive. By everyone I mean: Phill, Tubbo, Tommy, Niki, thecno. You waved at Niki who had changed her hair colour since you saw her last she waved back with a huge smile on her face but a hint of sadness in your eyes. You had changed so much, you just look exhausted which was not wrong.
You- oh um yes hi everyone, sorry to be so blunt but uhhh there is no better way to say this. Tubbo is in grave danger. Schlatt is planning to...
Your hands started to shake vigorously, you felt dizzy, you wanted to throw up. Almost as if your body is warning you about doing this right now it's screaming at you to not betray your husband of four years like this but you have to.
Tommy- planning what y/n spit it out?
Niki- hey, y/n it's ok shhh Tommy what schlatt planning in doing to Tubbo?
You- he's PLANNING TO EXECUTE you tubbo. He knows, I don't know why or how but he knows about all of this and your his right hand man he's going to kill you tubbo, hang you for tertiary. I'm so sorry I-
Tommy- Tubbo? No? You can't die not now
Thecno- all our plans. Just gone.
Phill- he can't hang tubbo he's just a boy.
At this point you were sobbing now. Full on ugly crying. Your heart physically hurt from all the angst and the possibility of Tubbo dying. Your knees gave out on the floor as you wept for the young boy and he was still alive. The others argued in the back as to what to do. Tommy grabbed Tubbo and hugged him, Wilbur was crying over the threat of danger even thecno was a little on edge.
You- I'm sorry. But I must go I can't I can't stay im sorry.
Phill- it's ok. Thank you for warning us sport.
With that you climbed the stairs thinking about nothing honestly. You were numb. Your husband was going to murder someone you looked as your brother for years what did this mean for you? You were also helping them did he know about that? How did he know about tubbo's tretariy? You got on the back of your horse and rode back to manburg.
Climbing up the shoot to your office was miserable. You felt miserable, confused and alone. You had no idea how long you were sat in your chair looking at the chipped desk until the door was slammed open hitting the wall with a lud bang. You didn't need to look up to know it was your husband. Even before marriage he always slammed doors open like they were nothing.
Schlatt- what's got you all down in the dumps? HM sweetheart?
You- you know what and don't call me that.
You crossed your arms still refusing to make eye contact with the ram hybrid. This really pissed him off. He however pissed you off more by calling you sweetheart which to some would seem sweet but you knew schlatt better. This time was dripping in sarcasm because he was mind fucked drunk by now not caring about anyone or anything. Schlatt waddled up to your desk and stood right on front of you, still not looking up at him you pulled out some paperwork and started to mindlessly sign it.
Schlatt- me YOUR PRESIDENT just signed a huge deal with badboyhalo.what is wrong with you recently huh? Cats got your tounge ok what about pig hybrid got your tounge? Or angel of death got  your tounge or exhild child got your tounge?
You froze. He did know.
Schlatt- AHH struck a nerve, don't stop signing MY papers dear you are my wife after all.
You- no. Fuck you schlatt you can't hang the poor boy he's so young and innocent what was he supposed to do? You know I have to sign paperwork before you do anything and I won't sign off on it.
You threw your pen at schlatt in a rage. You didn't see if it hit him to enraged to care, papers were ripped, you there everything off your desk onto the floor. Schlatt just stood there blank expression not saying anything to you.
You- fuck you schlatt you don't control me.
You picked up the photo of you and schlatt on your wedding day. You ponderd on it for a second before stomping up to schlatt and shoving the picture on his face.
You- look at it. LOOK AT US LOOK HOW HAPPY I WAS NOW LOOK AT ME? DO I LOOK HAPPY TO YOU? OR DO I LOOK EXHAUSTED? STRESSED? because I am all of them things being married to you schlatt you are a terrible president and you have no power you're a pussy and won't face your problems like a real man.
Schlatt picked up the bottle of vodka and downed the whole lot you just stood there absolutely raging over this man's attitude and willingness to just disregard everyone in his life.
With every word schlatt got closer and closer to you. Terrified of schlatt, becoming increasingly more angry to the point his horns have grown pitch black out of pure hatred. You moved back as far as you could against the glass in your office. Schlatt pressing you up against it with his body but this time shoving a finger in your face and still yelling about how incompetent you are as a wife and as a person.
Suddenly you felt a stabbing pain just above your heart. You look down to see a black colour sword through your chest and red blood gushing out onto your clothes and floor ( ok the sword is still in so in irl not a lot of blood would actually escape unless the object was removed top tip but for theatrics blood eveywhere) you weakly reach up to grasp the blood covers wrist of schlatt to pull the sword out but to no avail as you suddenly feel super dizzy and everything goes black.
Quackity- she's.... She's.....y/n's dead
Quackity heard you and schlatt yelling in his office when silence happend. He knew this was a bad sign and anxiously walked to schlatts office with shaky hand. He got close enough to hear a loud thud and XP drop on the ground. He ran back to his office to think when schlatt walked by ( in this his office is made.of glass) staring at his hands, suit all covered in blood. His heart dropped and ran back to the office to collect your stuff, running on adrenaline he ran all the way the he bunker to tell the others. No time for him to cry yet he was still in shock over what just happened.
Niki- no no no no pls say your lying pleas no no not y/n
Niki dropped to her knees sobbing and rocking backwads and forwards much like you did less than three hours ago when you came to warn the crew. You were her friend and was the only person who helped her when she was working for schlatt at the white house.
Wilbur- no no why how? Pls no?
Wilbur and you were probably the closest, he found you in the forest over 12 years ago chasing after foxes and collecting berries Wilbur always wanted a younger sibling as this point Phill only had thecno and Wilbur.
Phill- oh no poor y/n.
Tommy- what the fuck how?
Phill when he first saw you recognised you emidiatly looking much like your father. However he knew the man and knew what he was like so he had no problems when you visited them for tea many nights a week. He did think about adopting you right after Tommy arrived as you looked after him so well. Crafting him many clothes and many pumpkin pies. So so so many he always asked Phil if he had the recipe as he knew you couldn't make them as frequently as you used to.
Everyone was going to miss you greatly they just didn't expect to see you at the festival but now as ghosty/n. All your tries and efforts were in vain. Manburg still got blown up. But you did make good friends with Ghostbur. Glatt knew off you but was too embarrassed to see you.
Ugh ok this took me over two hours to write non stop. I just got this idea and ran with it omg I got so carried away. As of now probably my fav story.
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can i have some aushun hcs? im in desperate need of fluff cuz i just had a bad day haha
Sure thing! Yes, fluff is good, fluff is very good, especially when you’re having a bad day :)
(Sorry these kinda took a while though—)
Ok, one of my biggest hcs for this pairing has got to be this one: ok, so I feel like Austria can’t sing for c r a p—like, ofc everyone knows this man is incredible on the piano but he just can’t sing lmao. Hungary is basically the opposite—she can’t play an instrument to save her life but she has an amazing singing voice. Sooo in short, it works out perfectly for them! Austria plays the piano while Hungary sings the lyrics :)
Austria looooves Hungary’s hair. Like he’s just obsessed with it. Whenever she’s sitting next to him, 90% of the time he’ll reach his hand out and play with her hair. It’s just so thick and curly and long and beautiful and hhhh—he can’t get enough of it :’) Oh, and also, he loves to brush her hair and does so at any opportunity he can get.
Hungary, on the other hand, just adores Austria’s eyes. She loves looking straight into those deep purple orbs, it’s just the prettiest color in the world to her tbqh. He’s also got super long, pretty, dark eyelashes that she 100% e n v i e s.
I honestly feel like sometimes Austria gets s o invested with writing music/playing his piano/other things he might be doing that he sometimes forgets to do literally basic things for himself, like eat or take a break or whatever. Sooo most of the time Hungary is there to remind him it’s ok to take a break. Also, while he’s in one of these moods, Hungary will usually just serve him his plate of food/his drinks right at the piano—and when the food still goes untouched she’ll scold him again until finally he relents and either eats his food right there or even, if she’s lucky enough, goes to eat with her at the table. Deep down he’s v e r y grateful for this though :)
You can’t tell me Austria hasn’t written like a million love songs for Hungary.
They’re not too too physically affectionate with each other, but honestly, for both of them, just being in each other’s mere presence is comforting af. The big ways they show each other love and affection though is more of the smaller things—gift giving, remembering small details about each other (like how they each like their tea/coffee, what their favorite food is, stuff like that), etc.
They are super snuggly together in bed though. Usually Austria will sleep super close to Hungary and wrap his arm around her tightly.
Austria normally: *cheap af lmao* Austria when Hungary even ever-so-subtly mentions wanting something: *doesn’t even think twice about spending as much money as possible to get it for her*
Ok, that’s all the hcs I have for now! Hope y’all enjoyed and I hope that made you feel just a little better, anon :)
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theyapper0 · 3 years
Amphibia season 1 rewatch + notes :)
So I just finished rewatching the ENTIRE season 1 of Amphibia and I have some notes on the episodes that stood out to me! There are some quick notes, a couple lengthy analyses and even some headcanons sprinkled in! It's like a written stew of season 1! I'll be doing a written Amphiba stew for season 2 too!!
It's kinda long so you could just skip this or hit the keep reading button and give it a read! 
S1: E2 Cane Crazy
Anne shows general disregard over other people's things
(Mimicking Hop Pop and breaking his cane, throwing all the wood carving things that Loggle made, even a coo coo clock that she even said was nice (And for him to say it took 20 years to make right after she broke it))
S1: E2 Flood, Sweat and Tears 
Anne would be the WORST during sleepovers and I LOVE IT!!! My girl is just being a tween, staying up late, playing would you rather and keeping everyone else up. I think that's ADORABLE and now I'm thinking about how sleepovers might've been back home with her, Sasha and Marcy… 
She also just stays up late in general?? She reads dumb magazines and eats CRUNCHY snacks. She is really just 13,,,
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And it looks like Sprig does it too, not as much as Anne (probably because he is younger than her) but it seems like it has to be in his terms. Before, he looked to be annoyed with it when he was trying to sleep. But, if he was awake, like in the beginning or at the end of the episode, he had no problem staying up playing would you rather!!! 
S1: E3 Hop Luck 
Anne: Old things are dumb! 
Anne:* violently GRABS Sprig and shoves him against the wall* don't you DARE talk about pineapple in my pizza… Ever…
Anne: Okay! Let's go get these ingredients! 
HHHH ANNE!!! I love this funky little child SO MUCH!!! 
Hop Pop loves these kids so much that he was willing to put aside his old, traditional family recipes in exchange for making pizza with them. My heart is gonna explode I'm-
Anne please don't make your surrogate frog brother get married just to get some pizza dough I'M BEGGING YOU-
S1: E3 Stakeout 
Hop Pop: I'm a crisp 68!
Is Hop Pop actually 68 or does he mean more of 68 going on 80 68? Either way he looks great! 
Anne has Blam Berry Blitz ("the drink that punches you in the face and doesn't stop") in her bag along with all the OTHER stuff we already saw (air pump, toe nail clipper, pencils, cat toys, bath bombs, etc)
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Anne is officially those friends that have EVERYTHING in their bag no matter what. 
I really like the relationship between Anne and Hop Pop, how they both in some way yearn for what was but in different ways (Anne wanting to go home and Hop Pop's olden ways when he was a little pollywog) but are still similar in how they try to remember. They try and try and try to keep what little family/friends they have safe and protected. They love the relationships they've formed with other people (And with each other) and would go great lengths to help and protect them!
Also I MAY be looking way too into it buuuut was Boulder-Tron (that rock dude that Polly hallucinated at the end) supposed to foreshadow Frobo??
S1: E4 Taking Charge 
Okay quick one, Anne nearly having a whole ass panic attack when her phone dies because she couldn't look at her photos or videos of home actually made me sad. This girl is only a CHILD and her entire home and everything is gone and she for real thought she couldn't ever get it back,,, 
Hop Pop: I mean, the part where the island itself is revealed to actually be…!
Sprig: No! 
Polly: Don't!
Anne: Spoilers 
I dunno why and again, I MIGHT BE LOOKING TOO DEEPLY INTO THIS, but maybe this is foreshadowing something with the land of Amphibia? That maybe there is more to this crazy land than we know? Maybe even a reason it, along with all the other universes even exists??? 
S1: E5 Breakout Star 
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S1: E7 Dating Season 
Anne said that ⅔ of ALL soul mates start out as "just friends" 
I'm looking at you, team Sashannarcy 
S1: E7 Anne vs. Wild 
Hop Pop's behavior at the end of the episode when Anne finally shows them the calamity box is awfully sus…
He doesn't say anything but "may I?" To inspect the box and then is like "Nope, never seen it" I just feel like he knows something and then adding onto it with the whole burying it to protect his family just sounds like… he definitely knows something, maybe not a lot but there is something he's not telling the others 
Also, why would a book that HE has have information on the Calamity box?? 
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(I fully support the Dr. P was a Planter and also possibly the pink frog who was friends with King Andrias theory)
S1: E10 Toad Tax 
At this point, Anne said that she has already been in Amphibia for over a month now. 
(And damn, Sasha's been in prison for like a month,,, yikes)
Also Hop Pop teaching Anne how to pay taxes is so adorable, she really is part of this family now guys,,,
And I love how Anne was able to win over the Wartwood people by being her natural, charming and not to mention caring self. Anne, like Marcy and Sasha, can be selfish because honestly what kid, especially a 13 year old, isn't. 
But what matters is that she always tries to make up for it. 
Yes she did join the arguably sketchy toads into getting the taxes from everyone in order to feel somewhat included in ANYTHING, but while she was doing it, she knew it was wrong. Anne knew it was wrong and tried to give back some of the stolen stuff. Hell, even at the end she risked her safety to protect people she felt didn't even LIKE her, like, Anne literally broke her arm from them because that's just how Anne is. 
S1: E10 Prison Break 
I always forget how like,,, SUPER cunning Sasha is. I mean, she was able to talk FIVE toads into quitting within a WEEK as a PRISONER. Like?? 
Grime: That's not a bird. It's a heron, a murderous predator that happens to love the taste of flesh 
Sasha: Cute 
The lines in this show I'M-
So Anne was a varsity tennis player and Sasha was a cheerleader and did Tai Chi. I still can't believe they were both jocks,,, 
(Well, Sasha I get but Anne? Sweet ol' lil baby with the lanky limbs Anne???) 
Hey um, why the FUCK does Grime have acid spit?
Sasha: *looking at photo of her, Anne, and Marcy* Hold on for a little longer, girls. I'm coming for you. And when I find you, we're gonna get home. But first, I think we're gonna have some fun with this place 
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Okay so this line right here. Now I may not be even remotely correct but this line, this last piece of dialogue spoken by Sasha right before the episode ends leads me to believe that she… doesn't take this world seriously. 
At least not yet. 
I think the 3 girls all see Amphibia differently: Anne as more of an obstacle, a wall preventing her from being home, Marcy sees it as an escape from her life with constant stimuli, and Sasha, she sees it as just really another thing to control. Everyone and their mothers know that Sasha can be a little more than controlling and we all know that she liked being lieutenant just a little too much. 
This world is interesting to Sasha, not in the interesting that Anne sees it (who is interesting in the new people and the relationships she's formed) or Marcy (who is also interested in the relationships she's formed along with the thirst for knowledge and again, the constant stimuli in an environment where she isn't stifled and allowed to flourish). 
No, Sasha sees Amphibia as interesting because it gives her something to control. In a world that is not your own, a world that you will leave eventually, who would actually FOLLOW the rules put in place there? Especially a 13 year old who is basically like a war commander who, even if she does do something wrong or breaks a rule or two, the only person who might even dare to stop her is Grime, and even then, he might just encourage it because it is season 1 and they aren't that close and he doesn't really care for Sasha at this point. 
She also is actually very logical. Everything she does in Amphibia, all the morally questionable things she does, it is always for the same reason (or at least at first), to get her and her girls home. Wanting to sacrifice and kill Hop Pop at the end of season 1? Well The toads had promised if she helped, they'll help her find Marcy and bring the 3 of them home. She cares for Anne and Marcy SO MUCH that she is willing to go great lengths to help keep them safe. 
But even though Sasha didn't really care about anyone in Amphibia besides Anne and Marcy at first, it doesn't mean she won't ever. We see countless times throughout season 2 of Sasha caring. She feels regret with her impending betrayal on Anne and Marcy, she cares enough to try and warn Anne about King Andrias' evil plans. Hell, even in the season 3 intro we see her and Grime at Wartwood and it looks like they're gonna be starting another rebellion against the king to help all the amphibians in Amphibia. 
I just really like watching Sasha's appearance and knowing what will happen in the future with her character. 
S1: E13 Trip to the Archives 
Anne: I get this place. It's like a library from my world. Zoo books and manga, here I come! 
So whenever Anne goes to the library, presumably with Sasha and Marcy, she'd go straight to books on animals and manga probably while Marcy did whatever work they needed (if Anne's dialogue in season 2 with Marcy always doing the work for their group projects was anything to go off on)
I dunno, I think that's kinda cute that Anne liked reading books on animals and probably reading all the manga that Marcy recommended. 
Maybe Anne and Sasha would sit right next to each other while Marcy worked and read fun manga together and cackle with each other while Marcy tried SO HARD to concentrate and NOT infodump to them because she's read that specific manga 20 times and HAVE YOU GOTTEN TO THAT ONE PART WHERE THE MAIN CHARACTER GOES- 
S1: E15 Wally and Anne
When Anne wakes up in the middle of the night and goes to grab Wally at town square, her hood is up and it's dark. The only thing we can make out of her face are…
Glowing blue eyes.
Glowing eyes that share an uncanny resemblance to the moss men.
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And Anne loves doing elaborate, silly handshakes? That's so CUTE! Too bad none of her friends liked them as much as she did :( 
When they finally reached the foggy mountain place, Anne noticed glowing blue butterflies and started to follow them, which led her right to the moss man.
S1 E20 Reunion 
Okay I WAS about to say that there wasn't anything to say about this last episode that hasn't already been said before BUT
The last couple moments, when Anne is holding Sasha off the cliff and trying to pull her up with the Planters, there's a couple interesting shots that I would like to talk about. 
While the Planters were holding onto Anne, they say things like "Hang on, Anne! We got you no matter what!" 
And even when the stone cliff starts to chip and break, none of the frogs back off, they don't loosen their grips, they just keep holding onto Anne. 
And they will never let go. 
Because they love her. Because in only 3 months, Anne was able to get a surrogate frog family and dozens of other frog friends in Wortwood. Because Anne has this amazing support system both literally and metaphorically. Because Anne is Anne. And Sasha...
Isn't like Anne. 
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Matt Bradly himself even said that both Sasha and Anne are different from Anne, Anne is the heart, the emotional connection in their logical worlds. Anne can make so many friends so easily and Sasha… Sasha became a war genral, she lost a fight against the one person who she thought would never fight back. 
Sasha doesn't have what Anne has. She doesn't have the kind of skills to make such strong relationships, the kind where you risk your life for the other, in such a short amount of time. 
Hell, they even play a song called "Lean on Me", Anne has people to lean on and they would lean on her just the same. She found these people, made these friends, formed amazing relationships, in only THREE months. 
"Maybe you're better off without me"
And Sasha was only dragging her down. 
Sasha loves Anne, she cares for her and would do anything to protect her. That's why she let go. She didn't want to drag Anne down, to hurt her more than she already has. 
Sasha would do anything for Anne, even die. 
Over all notes: 
Season 1 is SUPER FUNNY!! The lines hit and they don't rely on toilet humor to get the audience to laugh. They use great one liners and physical humor that isn't fart or butt jokes. They do an excellent job on showing how crazy the world of Amphibia is through humor like how the animals are always eating each other. 
I really like how the characters were crafted so carefully! And the storyline!!! You could notice things that get explored in season 2 and I can't WAIT to see how many bread crumbs were left to lead up to season 3!
That stuff is in her SCHOOL BAG, why would she bring it to school??? So far I've got an air pump, toe nail clippers, pencils, cat toys, bath bombs and an energy drink. WHY??? I wonder if she held on to any of Sasha or Marcy's things too or ever forgot to give them back
Also again, I'M STILL IN SHOCK OF ANNE BEING A JOCK. I don't even know why I am, I knew she played sports and stuff it's just,,, she's so lanky,,, 
Her and Sasha are jock buddies and WILL shove other jocks in lockers if they ever pick on their nerd Marcy.
I also am in LOVE with Hop Pop's screams lmao
Be ready for an analysis of season 2! 
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thebigqueer · 4 years
Yessss can we get some desi!solace headcannons?
YOU ABSOLUTELY MAY!!!! (i’m about to project a lot alskjdjlfk)
as i said in another post, will absolutely loves paneer but like he purposefully does not eat it often just so he can always indulge into it like every time and every time nico and will order out nico just watches will consume like an animal lmao cuz will is so paneer-deprived (but like literally who can blame him paneer is so fucking hot i love it)
LKSJDFLKSLDFKJJKFDKSFD okay okay but. i raise you: will has to go to like a wedding or special event with like some desi family members. and he’s like “ugh. i have to dress up now.” cuz he doesn’t wear traditional clothing that often so he’s a little embarrassed. so he wears this really really nice kurta and nico’s like SDKFHGIUSDHKFJSDFJLAJSHFJDSF like he can’t even form words cuz HHHH will looks excellent <33333
i think sometimes will gets a little bit self-conscious about the fact that he’s a little detached from his culture and like i think he feels like he’s not “indian” enough for india, but not american enough for america - but most of all, i think naomi feels that way even more, because she’s more of the first gen american in her family (her parents are the immigrants). so she tries to assure will that no, he’s still indian, and his living arrangements do not change that. 
she and will are both probably kind of detached from their culture, so maybe one summer they try to like get into it, try to learn a little more. (i think naomi going on tour a lot also pushes her to stray away a little because she’s always a little too busy). and like. one of the things they do is watch indian soap operas. and like. they just keep laughing. cuz if you’ve ever watched an indian soap opera, you know how dramatic they can be. 
naomi has a really yum paneer recipe and will always begs her for it but every time he asks she puts on a deadly serious face and goes “no, my child. you are not yet old enough to know the universe’s secrets.” and will just pouts a lot :(((( but also she’s totally afraid he’s going to like botch up the recipe cuz hes such a bad cook LMAO
listen, i actually don’t know that much about hindu mythology (i really should go into it some time hhh) but i think will really enjoys them. also, this isn’t to say that every single desi/indian person follows Hinduism, i’m just projecting here. i know lots of desis who grew up following Christianity or Catholicism or Islam or etc. 
with that said, as a kid, naomi probably grew up reading & hearing the hindu mythologies and after she had will, she would probably tell him some during the night while putting him to sleep (i think his favorite is the ramayana) 
will also knows a little hindi, but i think again he’s a little strayed from it, so mostly he’s better at comprehending it than speaking it. also, again, this isn’t to say that every indian knows or speaks hindi; there are a lot of languages in india. i just know hindi, so i’m just projecting. 
i hope you liked those!!
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shinayashipper · 3 years
3, 11, and 33 for Rivalship OTP ask. 😍
I actually didn't intend it to be an open ask BUT IF IT'S OTP TALK I CAN'T RESIST HHHHH
OKAY BUCKLE UP because.... because it's them... I kinda rambled...
3. By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh…I adore them…”
For Yugi, it was definitely when he sees Seto being Soft with Mokuba ❤ Yugi is always friendly and sees the Good in everyone but we know he's not oblivious; Yugi knew that Seto's Not Genuine in befriending him during their earlier days (early-manga & season 0) but I'm certain he at least admires Seto since the beginning. It will kinda deepens during Duelist Kingdom, when he sees how much Seto treasures Mokuba. Deepens more during Battle City and (anime-route) the Virtual World happening, Yugi kinda forming certain understanding for what made Seto This Way. Deepens even more during DSOD when he can literally sees the shared grief he has through Seto's eyes.
FOR SETO........ hmmm!! Actually just looking into their Canon material (as in, the ones that happened on-screen), I can't really pinpoint the exact moment he goes ~soft~ for Yugi 😂 Even when Yugi stopped Yami from launching the last Attack during Duelist Kingdom, Seto's reaction doesn't really give off that ~soft~ moment I was thinking about. Canon-verse Seto only got the eyes and attention for Yami. While we can see Yugi's inner thoughts regarding Seto often, we didn't get that from Seto 😂 even that iconic "Yugi, my heart beats Faster when I duel you again" is aimed at Yami 😂 Ignoring the anime-route where Seto watched Yugi beats Atem and "finally sees his worth", I like to go more with DSOD-route, where Seto didn't watch the Ceremonial Duel, and there is just this raw tension between them, and Yugi practically ~demands~ him to *Look* at him and duel *him* (in the sub, it's much Softer, but in the dub Yugi's practically just THREATENS HIM HHH, pick what you like 😂), like shaking his shoulders to snap him out of it!! Because, damn, Kaiba-kun!! You gotta stop this!! Atem's not here anymore!! </3 and That is just the moment that Kaiba *looks* at Yugi, regards him properly, "a true duelist" or something he refers him to. The moment he goes ~soft~ I always think it's around that 2 years gap before their collab to develop Spherium 2. Them spending more time together post-DSOD, and Yugi helping him out through his Grief, or maybe Atem shows him something that made him realize Everything during his stay in the Afterlife... who knows!! Many things could Happen, there's just so much room for Seto's ~realization~ moment!! But yes, it happens "off-screen" and post-DSOD for Seto, while Yugi goes from small Admiration <3
11. What fears, past traumas, etc. would be hardest for them to talk about with their partner?
Seto finds it Hard to talk about anything regarding himself, but the thing that's Hard for both of them is... The fear of Losing beloved people. Yugi went through many kinds of "farewells" with the Biggest one being ofc Atem's departure, and then Graduation, Anzu leaving, everyone's going separate ways, changing, having new life etc. And he wants to be Happy for them! Wants to support them, and he does! But also!! It's freaking hard!! And he gets Sad too, but he Doesn't Wanna Talk about it!! Because he's not supposed to be Sad, he's supposed to be Happy for them!! And Seto must be feeling the same way with Mokuba too. They both have tendencies to Deny their feeling of loss 😂 it's hard to talk about this!! 😂
33. Under what circumstances would they feel jealous?
Seto is the most Reactive when he's Jealous 😂 especially because Yugi's just... so Nice and so kind to other people, even strangers 😂 even to Yugi's friends, there will always be this flare "am I just Not Enough for you" thing, but he's better in controlling himself through the years 😂 Some people might sees Yugi's kindness in a different way and thinks to take Advantage of it. Mostly Seto just reacts when someone being Awfully Friendly/Flirty and threatens to invade Yugi's personal space like Nope, he's Not Letting any smarmy bastards touching Yugi with their dirty hands-
Meanwhile Yugi gives the Silent Treatment 😂 Same circumstances, with those people being Annoying and Touchy like that. Yugi will be Silent yet Fuming and if it's Too Unbearable, Yugi will just pulls Seto away and gives those people one of his Fake Smiles that's just borderline Unnerving and tells them "Seto has to go now"
GOSH I'M....... SO SORRY for rambling so much HHHH
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-Nightmare- (12)
Warnings: mentions of domestic abuse, alcohol, violence is alluded to.
Wc: 3.8k
(Note: The song Y/n plays on her guitar is Sweet Night by V. I highly recommend listening to it for added ~feels~)
(Also- I can’t English hhhh. I apologize for the grammatical mistakes I make sometimes~)
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Minho was woken up by your squirming. He looked down at you, eyes scrunched and frowning as you clutched his shirt tightly, and realized you were having another nightmare.
“Y/n...” He hesitated, kissing the top of your head and stroking it. “Shh, it’s okay...” He hugged you tighter, gently squeezing your shoulder. You opened your eyes as he did so, sweating and blinking rapidly, looking up at him with a confused expression.
“How did we...Where’s J-” You squinted, sitting up and slightly pulling away from Minho as you heard the doorbell ring.
“Fuck, it’s Juyeon...” You glanced at Minho, making a sound of frustration as you stood up.
“Oh. Why’s he here now...? Oh wait, never mind, I forgot.” He grimaced, sitting up a little and moving the blanket to the side. 
“Maybe you should go hide or something...”
“Why the fuck should I hide? It’s not like you cheated on him with me or anything. Besides, need I remind you that this is my apartment as well?”
“So...you’re staying here?”
“Yup. I’ll get my things from Chan’s again. I obviously wasn’t planning on staying at Chan’s forever.”
You sighed. “Right.” You walked over to the door, running your hands through your hair and opening it.
“Baby!” He grinned widely, quickly pulling you in his arms.
“J-juyeon...can’t breathe-”
You giggled as he let you go, hesitating before kissing your cheek and walking in.
“Told you I’d be back early morn-” He stopped, frowning as he saw Minho on the couch, scrolling through his phone lazily. 
“Why’s he here?” He asked, his voice calm.
“Dude. I live here.” Minho rolled his eyes, not looking up from his phone.
“Yeah, but I thought...”
“Y/n and I made up yesterday. Congratulations, by the way! Treat her well, or else.”
Juyeon rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath. “That’s rich, coming from you.”
You looked between the two, stuttering as you excused yourself, going to your room to brush your teeth.
Minho waited for you to leave before glaring at the man. “I heard that.” He sneered.
There was a silence for a while as Minho sighed, remembering what he’d promised himself yesterday. He set his phone down. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” Juyeon raised an eyebrow. “For what?”
“I don’t know, everything. I’m trying to make myself a better person...and I wanna acknowledge that I’ve hurt people.”
“That’s...nice of you. Why, though?”
“Well...” he trailed off, groaning as he gripped his thigh tighter. “I just want to...I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore.”
“Yeah well, I just want to tell you something. Apologies are nice and all, but Y/n’s mine now, okay? You living here again is fine, but...I didn’t spend all this time pining after her to lose her to an asshole like you. So don’t even try taking her from me.” He snapped.
Minho scoffed, laughing. “What makes you think I would want to do that?”
“Chan told me you’re in love with her.”
“He did? Huh. Well it’s a lie. I don’t have feelings for her, she’s just my best friend and roommate.”
“Okay. If you say so. I saw the way you ran after her that night, though. I mean, if you didn’t care, or had zero feelings, you wouldn’t have done that.”
“Are you dumb? Of course I....care about her. You can’t be best friends with someone for sixteen years and not care about them.”
“Yeah okay, whatever.”
He groaned. “Look, Juyeon, I don’t want to have any tension between us. For real, I’m not trying to steal your girl.” God, that hurt to say. “Look, if you’re going to be my best friend’s boyfriend, we should get along. I assume you’re going to come over a lot, so...we need to be civil to each other, okay? For her.”
He nodded. “Yeah, sure. For her.” He said, just as you finished getting ready, returning to the living room.
Juyeon’s frown quickly melted into a smile as he turned from Minho to you, standing up and holding his hand out. You took his hand, glancing at Minho’s neutral expression.
“Hey, if you wanted to walk with us, we don’t mind...”
He rolled his eyes. “Nah, it’s okay. You go ahead. My classes don’t start until later, anyway.”
“Okay.” You gave him a smile which he reciprocated, waving to him as you left.
Minho sighed, smile dropping instantly as the door closed, getting up to go to his room. God, he missed it. He pulled off his shirt, hating the way your scent was still clinging to it. Collapsing onto his bed, he clutched at the bed sheets tightly, trying to control and retain all the burning anger and dejection he was feeling. His heart had been twisting when he’d seen Juyeon hold your hand...and you laughing as he kissed your cheek. 
It had barely been a day, and the green-eyed monster inside him was already on a rampage, making him breathe shakily as he tried to banish the thoughts. 
He didn’t know if he could do this for much longer.
Minho was envious and possessive. He couldn’t deny that he had those traits in abundance.
He’d been possessive ever since the two of you were young. Seeing you talk and get friendly with people who weren’t him always made him queasy...sometimes, he’d even go to the extent of purposely sabotaging your other friendships. He stopped doing that when middle school started, but try as hard as he could, he never did get rid of that feeling of ardent jealousy.
He was afraid that one day, you would finally realize that he wasn’t good enough for you. For anyone. His father constantly reminded him of that fact, after all.
He really didn’t want you to leave him.
When he first met you, he was entranced with your wide, innocent eyes and the way you looked so happy and pure. Despite being so young, Minho didn’t have an ounce of innocence left in him. He’d been forced to grow up all too fast...
Minho saw in you the kind of person he wanted himself to be. He liked coming over to your house, too. Your family was always so sweet and accommodating...the complete opposite of his. The more time he spent with you, the less he dwelled on his own fucked up life.
He liked all the sleepovers, especially. He would sleep at the foot of your bed in a sleeping bag, the two of you still talking late into the night. The first time he’d stayed the night at your house, he’d fallen asleep quickly for the first time in his life. Your soft snoring had calmed him, a welcome change from the sounds of glass breaking, the angry shouts that he’d gotten used to back home. 
Sometimes, you’d dangle your arm off the side of the bed and he’d hold it, the feeling of your warm hand in his making him even calmer. 
Your bedroom was where you hung out until middle school started. After that, the two of you found another place to call your own, a place that was special to the two of you.
You were the one who’d discovered it, one day before school as you waited for Minho to come pick you up from your house, so the two of you could walk together to school. He’d been taking slightly longer than usual this time, so you decided to take a walk to the lake near your house. There had been a few water poppies you’d spotted last time you were there, and you wanted to pick some.
You squinted at the grass near the lake, frowning as you couldn’t find any that weren’t smushed- a dog must have trampled all over them. You walked along the length of the lake, trying to find ones that were intact, when you noticed the big willow tree that was right across the bend. 
You were surprised, because you hadn’t seen such a big tree before- but then neither had you walked this far.
When you walked back, Minho had a worried expression on your face as he saw you.
“There you are! Oh god, i was going to call your mom-”
“Come on, I wanna show you something!” You grabbed his hand, not caring that you were late as you tugged him along, taking you to the grassy area, and pointing at the big tree.
“Wow, it’s so beautiful...”
“It really is, isn’t it?”
Since then, you met there every day after school, under the shade of the tree. It became your little haven, a place where you told each other secrets, and laughed at things your fellow students would do.
One day though, as you laid your head on Minho’s thigh, your hands occupied with making a daisy chain, he sighed, voice shaky as he spoke.
“Sometimes, I feel like I’m going to end up like my father.”
You looked up at that, frowning at him.
“You won’t. You’re a good person, Minho.”
“I don’t know. It’s in my genes after all, isn’t it?”
“People aren’t always exactly like their parents. Don’t put yourself down. You, Lee Minho, are amazeballs.”
He giggled, pinching your nose and cringing at the 13 year old lingo. 
You laughed. “Shut up. You know what I mean. Kind, cool, strong, funny...”
His gaze softened as he looked down at you. “You think so?”
“Yeah.” You sat up, facing him and taking his hand in yours. “I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through. I won’t pretend to understand. From what you’ve told me though, I know you’re nothing like him. You’ve always been there for me, Minho, always been someone I can lean on.”
He sighed, nodding. “Yeah. But that’s only because you’re my best friend. I’m not this nice to others. You know that.”
“Not everyone can be nice all the time, you know? That sounds tiring. And to be honest, not every one deserves people being nice to them.”
“That’s true...how do you do this? Manage to cheer me up, always? You’re so...perfect.”
“Me? Perfect? Shut up. You know I’m far from it, Minho.”
“To me, you are.”
You stuck your tongue out at the cheesy comment, erupting into a fit of giggles as Minho pulled you close, his hands tickling your sides.
He finally stopped after multiple protests from you, smiling down at your breathless form. 
You hummed. “I know you can’t really call the place you live home...so can we be each other’s home?”
His smile grew wider.
“Yes, we can.”
You made him feel special, worthwhile. You saw the good in him that he couldn’t see, no matter how hard he tried. 
A while after he graduated from high school though, he came home one day to an empty house. A few minutes later, he received a call from the hospital that his mother had been admitted under critical care and that his father was being detained by the police.
He realized you were wrong. He definitely wasn’t any of those fucking things you said he was. He wasn’t there for his mother when she needed him. He’d let that monster act according to his wishes. 
He slowly decided to stop caring. His college life would be different from the one he’d led so far. After all, what was the point in trying? People don’t change. Being vulnerable never ended up getting you anywhere, and his own home life was evidence enough. You wouldn’t have wanted him to give up, but he always knew he’d let you down sooner or later.
When Minho woke up, he noticed it was already dark. It was about 6:00. He’d missed his classes, but he didn’t really care.
He sighed and slipped off the bed, rubbing his eyes as he pushed open his door.
You were sitting on the sofa, humming as you mindlessly strummed your guitar like you usually did, whenever you were nervous or sad.
He came forward, sitting on the couch with some distance between you. You looked up as you saw him, giving him a small smile. “I thought you still weren’t back.”
“I slept all day...missed my classes.”
You nodded, turning back to your guitar.
“Where is he?”
“Juyeon? He left a while ago. He had plans.” 
There was more silence as Minho thought of what to say next, leaning back and watching you as you slowly started playing a small tune that sounded familiar, but one which he couldn’t quite place. Your humming slowly turned into singing, softly pronouncing each word.
Minho felt his heart pounding as he closed his eyes like he always did when you sang, preferring to focus on your voice without any distractions. As the song came to a close, he realized he head tears pricking his eyes. The lyrics hit too close to home.
He opened his eyes, staring at you. “Did...did you write that song?” He asked slowly.
“No...I really like it, though...”
“Yeah, m-me too.” He gulped.
He couldn’t take it anymore. Every part of him was screaming, telling him to man up and confess already. You’d confirmed that you didn’t reciprocate his feelings, but he couldn’t bring himself to care anymore. If he didn’t say anything, he would burst.
“Y/n, I...”
You looked up at him. “Hm?”
It was so hard. Why was it so hard to just spit out those words? He felt so frustrated with himself.
He shifted closer to you. Maybe if he couldn’t say it...he could show it instead.
Your eyes widened as he came closer, his eyes wet as he gently touched your cheek, leaning in further.
“W-what are you doing?”
His lips brushed against yours. You felt sparks shooting through you despite the minimal touch, warning signals going off in your brain.
You pushed him away before he could deepen the kiss any further, feeling so utterly heartbroken that you could barely breathe.
“Stop- just s-stop.” You cried, rubbing at your eyes and standing up, glaring down at him. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
He frowned, confused. “I...I was just trying to-”
“Shut up. I’m so sick of you. Why are you doing this to me? Why do you keep trying to kiss me, why do you look at me like....like that sometimes? I don’t understand how you feel about me, I don’t know if you even think before doing shit like this-”
“Y/n, it’s not-”
“No. Please. Stop talking. Stop the excuses. Do you care about me? What do you feel? Cause I don’t understand.” You scoffed shakily, running a hand through your hair and staring at the ceiling. 
“We had sex. Was there really nothing behind it? Was I just another girl for your fucking bed? Or do you...do you feel anything for me?” 
You swallowed, looking at his dumbstruck face and panting.
He stayed silent, his face passive as he took in your words. 
You raised an eyebrow. “Answer me...please, Minho. I’m...I’m begging you.” 
He swallowed, his hands folded in his lap.
Come on Minho. This is your chance.
I’m in love with you.
I think I always have been.
Please don’t leave me.
He stayed silent. 
You scoffed. “That’s what I thought.”
Glaring at him, you left for your room and slammed the door behind you. 
You lay in your bed, fingers playing with your hair-tie as you lost yourself in your thoughts. God, love was a shitty feeling. All the movies and books described it as something beautiful, tender and soft.
In reality, love was painful. It felt like needles were poking your heart every time you saw his face, remembering all the happy memories you’d made with him. Memories that were now tainted. 
You picked up your phone as it rang, sighing as you realized who it was.
“Hello, baby! I’m so sorry I couldn’t call earlier. I have a night shift so I’ll be late, but I hope today I can finally stay over?”
“Um, yeah, sure.”
“Yay! We can have our own little sleepover.”
You laughed softly, rubbing the remaining tears away and sitting up a little. “Okay. I’m looking forward to it!”
“Hehe, see you later, sweetheart.”
You sighed and let the phone fall from your hands as you slipped further down the bed, smushing your face in the pillow and trying to get a moment’s peace. You got rid of all the thoughts in your head, choosing to replace them with emptiness for a while.
A few hours later you were woken up with a gentle shove. You opened your eyes sleepily, turning around and smiling. 
“Ah. You’re here.”
“Uh huh. You okay?” Juyeon frowned, taking note of the dried tear stains on your face. You nodded, blinking as you sat up. “I’m fine.”
“Good.” He held up his laptop, smiling widely and getting into the bed next to you.
“I’ve downloaded a bunch of movies for us to watch together.”
“Ah.” You mumbled, smiling slowly and yawning. “That’s nice.”
He sighed, seeing your expression and putting the laptop aside. “You seem sleepy. I’m fine with cuddling. Scoot~”
He moved you to the side a little bit and pulled you against him, stroking your hair and smiling.
You felt a feeling of profound guilt, his face so innocent and caring that the disdain you felt for yourself grew. Why were you so caught up on the emotionally tone-deaf asshole in the other room when you had someone right here who actually cared about you?
Because you and Minho have been through so much together. You were there for each other when no one else was. No matter how hard you try, you would never get over him, would never get rid of the fact that all the two of you really knew was each other.
Juyeon watched as your expression darkened, his fingers pausing, drifting down from your hair and cupping your cheek, just like Minho had done a few hours ago. 
He leaned in, his lips slightly open.
No. You couldn’t do it. This was wrong.
You stopped him, your hand over his mouth as you closed your eyes, not wanting to see his hurt expression. 
“I’m...s-sorry.” You whispered, sniffing. 
“I can’t string you along like this anymore. I’ve never really been a good person...and I’m still not. But I can’t do this to you. Can’t stay with you when I know I can’t return the love you give me. I don’t deserve it.”
“Open your eyes, Y/n.”
You slowly peeled them open, breath hitching as you looked at him.
“I knew.” He pulled away, sighing and sitting up on the bed. “I know you don’t like me. I know you only got together with me to prove something. I guess I fooled myself into thinking one day you might actually fall for me, if I could prove to you what a nice boyfriend I could be...” He glanced at your distressed expression.
“Look, it’s okay. Don’t put yourself down like that. I just...I wanna know why.”
“Is it because you love him?”
Your eyes widened as you sat up, facing him. “Um, who-”
He shook his head, chuckling. “I should have seen it coming. You know who I’m talking about. Now, tell me. It’s the least you can do.”
You gulped, nodding after a moment’s thought.
“Hmm. Knew it.” He stood up, grabbing his laptop and glancing back at you. 
“I’ll leave, then. I don’t mind staying friends, though.”
“Yeah, I don’t, either.”
He smiled, walking out of your room and to the front door. He passed Minho sprawled out on the couch, glassy stare directed at the Tv that was playing a random infomercial on repeat.
“Hey, bro?”
Minho ignored him.
Juyeon let out a wry laugh. “You don’t know what you’re doing.”
Minho sighed, tearing his eyes away from the screen. “What do you want?” He snapped.
“Nothing, I just wanted to say you’re an idiot.”
“Ah well, I kinda knew that.”
“No, seriously. You don’t know how lucky you are.”
Minho frowned up at him. “What do you mean?”
He shook his head, making his way to the front door, turning around as he opened it. 
“I’m just saying...seize the opportunity when you have it. You never know when you might lose it.”
“What the fuck are you going on about, dude?”
Juyeon rolled his eyes, flipping him off before leaving.
Minho watched him go, frowning as he glanced at your still shut door. Why’d he leave as soon as he came in?
He wondered if he should check on you. It was probably a bad idea, considering the way you’d blown up at him earlier...
He stood up, going to your door and raising his hand to knock, hesitating. He could hear soft sniffling sounds coming from inside that made his heart break. But seeing him might just hurt you even more...
He sighed, dropping his hand. At the end of the day, he was just a coward. 
He went to his room, sitting down at the table and grabbing a piece of paper. If it was so hard to say those words, maybe he could just write them?
He wrote a small paragraph, before shaking his head and crumpling it up into a ball, throwing it on the floor. About half an hour passed by, and he’d made no progress except for increasing the pile of paper balls on the floor.
He threw his head back, groaning. How do people even do this...
You’ve never had problems like this before. Why are you being such a pussy now, when it really matters?
He chuckled, rubbing his forehead and sneering at the voice in his head.
It isn’t that easy. What if I lose her when I do confess? What if she freaks out, pushes me away completely? I can’t afford to lose her.
Well, if you continue being an asshole like this, you truly will lose her.
He made a sound of frustration, slapping his head as he got out of his chair, thinking about what Juyeon had told him. 
Did it mean what he think he did?
He didn’t want to get his hopes up. He paced the room, running his hands through his hair and trying to figure out what to do. 
If he confessed to you now, it would definitely fall flat. He needed to do something that made it clear that he meant what he said. That he wasn’t joking around, that he was serious. He’d never been so serious in his life, in fact.
There was a possibility he would lose you after this...and the existence of it frightened him. But if being away from him was best for you...he’d gladly stay away.
He opened the door to his room, making sure your door was still closed before dialling Chan for help to set his plan up, leaving the apartment. 
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babysizedfics · 4 years
@switchyticklebug requested tickly teasy concept!!
ro teaching michael how much vee loves tickles and teases
side note: another concept i builded on in messages with someone else - @a-little-bit-flustered this time - so pls excuse any weird formatting r grammar hasdhshd and  any indednted text  is bea typing not me
i imagine during the time that michael stays over at the family’s house a lot in his top surgery recovery, he gets to see a lot of the family dynamics that he just hasn’t been close enough to witness before - including roman and vee’s teasy tickly dynamic
AHH makes my heart go whooosh to think of vee and michael hanging out with roman in the living room and vee has been giggly all day and rlly sweet but also is  gettin kinda of fidgety but neither or nor michael realise why
but occasionally mimmy will say smth sweet that embarrasses vee and she goes (⌯≧ ﹏ ≦⌯)  "nooooo" and wiggles and hides her blushy cheeks (and smile) on michaels shoulder
and michael is a sweetie and is like oh okay i wont say that again sorry kitty! because he just wants to respect it if she tells him not to do smth
but then roman sees vee pout a little but shyly go quiet and fidgety again and hes like OHHHH i seee what kinda mood she’s in....
and hes like "hey Michael wanna learn smth about vee vee?" 😏😈 hsjsjsj
and he scooches over and pulls vee into his lap and michales like aww :3 but vee is rlly blushy like HHHH ros gonna do it he’s gonna tease me in front of mimmy ! and tbh this is rlly what shewanted all along
and roman explains teasy "when she whines 'noooooo' , unless she says cotton candy then it ACTUALLY means 'pleeaaase make me blush and stutter more' " and vee squeaks and buries her face and michael is just like :0 ?really??
and ro whispers "and sometimesss..." and wiggles his finger rlly RLLY lightly under vees ear and vee squeaks and whines "it means 'pleeeasee tickle tickle tickle me'" and starts tickling vee in front of micahel hhhhss >///<
and michael just thinks its rlly funny and cute and laughs when roman 'teaches' him all the tickles vee likes
AHHH and imagine roman gets michael to hold vee in his lap while roman goes for her tickly thighs and vee is SO PINK and whiny and squeaky and giggly and wriggly
and michael is laughing like “ahh oh my gosh kitty youre so ticklish this is so funny!! awww youre so cute look at you!!" and he pinches her cheek while ro tickles her
and logan walks in on them tickling her so much and her rlly blushing and hes like “okay boys i know youre having fun but lets be gentle with vee okay? “
and michael instantly straightens his back and is like 'uh yes logan, sorry sir'
and romans like "yeah hang on right after this" and wiggles ALL his fingers right on the insides of vees thighs and she SCREAMS and accidentslly kicks romans shoukder rlly hard and roman falls back winded and michaels like OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY and vees still gasping for breath and logans just so apathetic like "you brought this upon yourself" and walks out
omg this is like during the day before a michael stays the night tho so like michael is gonan be there for HOURS and vee is gonna be so flustered jsjsjdjdj
@a-little-bit-flustered : AHHHHHHHH they’ll literally be chilling together later in the afternoon and vee will just be sat there STILL blushing and full of butterflies because she can’t stop thinking about how flustered all of the teasing made her and the little tiny smile/sparkle in her eyes never quite disappears until they go to sleep later ashdhfjfhh 🥺💗🥺
YESSS and when theyre laying in bed in vees room that night  then michael just has a rlly cheeky smile and vees cheeks burn again but faer lips pull up and fae hides it behind minty and whines "whaaaaat"
and michael teases "you like being tiiickleeed~" in a singy song hsjjsjd and vee just squeaks and buries faer head under the blankies
and michale asks a lot like "so why do u like it ? where are u most ticklish?? does only roman tickle you? how often does he do it ? why are u blushing? does me saying the word tickle make u squirm??? omg it does!!! tickli tickle tickle tickle" and hes just rambling constantly and vee is DYING
NOOOOO THE SINGY SONG VOICE omg poor vee just wouldn’t be able to handle it, she’d bury her face into minty and stay under the blankie to hide her blushing and the big big smile on her face and michael is just like “kittyyyy, come out of theeeere~” and very gently pokes her side like how roman showed him before and all of the teasing has made vee so sensitive that she *squeals* bc the build up and anticipation is just way way too flustering and she’s just a little puddle of giggles ahshdjfgh 😭😭💗💗
AAA omg the poke and squeal shsjjs ohh and imagien then patton ducks his head in a couple minutes later and they both clam up and blush rlly bright and micahel is like "we were just playing - um! n-not like—not like that kind of playing but like--"
and patton chuckles like yes honey i know vee likes to play the special tickly game (vee whimpers) , but i think you both need to get your rest - we have a hospital patient AND a baby in here, you both need an early night!
and michael feels a lil guilty and says sorry and good night and patton gives vee another bedtime kiss (and minty of course) and then hes like "anyway, the more sleep you get tonight the more energy youll have to play tomorrow!!"
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