#hhhh this is so hecking cool
castle-dominion · 1 year
Starting off sexy af, love the music love the costuming (even tho 40s colours were not ideal) love the singing love TJ/LP/BS love everything about this ugh I am dying & I have played maybe five seconds of the episode Ugh the way they talk mmmm I remember when I first watched casablanca & then it was ages until I had the chance to see double indemnity (which actually takes place 10y before this but shush) & heck the way we start off in the middle with castle/JF doing the investigation mmmmjsfhkjhdsjfs it's just sooo good so good so good. "I'm lookin at her" hhhh their eyes meet across the bar aaaaah this is so good.
You know before they flashed forward I thought this might have just been an AU.
Love this fellow's outfit she's so new york. Is ship coming in a figure of speech? We've heard it before. Does it just mean they are coming into money or getting something good like a job promotion? JE: Well, if you can remember anything else, can you please give me a call? SRO manager: Don’t hold your breath, hot shot. *walks out* KR: I think she likes you.
Banks: [we last spoke] Two months ago, which is crazy, ‘cause there was a time we couldn’t go two hours without talking. Glad s2 rysposito aren't here bc espt would make fun of ryan for calling jenny sm. Maybe he was an entomologist. Yo stan owes someone A Lot of money
KR: Just a bunch of books about mobsters and Manhattan in the ‘40s. Castle should read them. he'd probs enjoy them & he's a speedreader too. Ooh the diary! RC: Uh, this diary in Stan’s stuff, it’s also from the ‘40s. It sounds like it belonged to a private eye. Listen to this. “Usually wives turn on the waterworks when shown pictures of their husbands stepping out, but not this dame. She wanted payback. So what’s worse, that I pitched woo with a client, or that I invoiced her for services rendered after?” espt sounds so good when he uses the term "right on" I like it RC: Um, Beckett? Can I take this home for the night? I mean, it might be the key to what Stan was looking for. KB: You just want to read it because you think it’s cool. RC: Yeah, well, that, too. KB: Okay, just so long as…you… [Castle is already walking off with it.] KB: Bring it back in the morning.
Mmm music, old diaries, this is so good. I love the transition bc I could hardly tell what with the VO & the bourbon. Joe Flynn/Rick Castle: So, I figured I’d kill two birds with one stone with a little hair of the dog that bit me. What does that mean?
Oh Martha/Florence Kennard I love! Ugh the outfit the coat the accents & vernacular mmm! The way the characters have a bit of their counterparts in them is so good. Kennard is just enough like martha & susan sullivan can play her so well
How did you know it would change your life? When are you writing this diary? Is it the evening after today or is it days later or what? After the case entirely? Picture of map of manhattan in the 40s. Oh that accent is... something. Gosh alexis is a baby how is she a married woman? hhhhh I can't say everything I love abt it "my shingle" Was her name really vera mulqueen? Was sally's maiden name sally mulqueen? *dabs her eyes* $15 in 1940 is worth $325.85 today or at the time, what 2012? $245.99 in 2012. That much a day plus expenses, hoo that's a lot Ugh the costumes, the acting, the preproduction... JF/RC: Looking at that photograph, all I could think was… Me: Hot dang? JF/RC: what a beautiful doll.
Ugh the scenes of the city jjghhjkfhghg
I KNOW THAT GUY HE IS MR SCOFFIELD I THINK, FORSHADOWING OMG Satchmo Besty Sinclair <3 ugh she sings so well. & I love this music & I love dancing but I do better with big band music I think. I would loooove to dance there. Shrapnel in my hip? From ww2? Well I love how we get to learn about So Much of the character but it is only mentioned in passing. He is such a big character but we only get these little pieces of him & it was just one mention of shrapnel but it tells us a lot about his character. She's pretty af! & you can see dempsey there in the background. gorillas lmao is that what you called your henchmen back then? You got it boss. RC/JF (V.O.): What was I thinking? This dame was trouble on two legs. I kept telling myself to look away. [A tough-looking man steps up next to Beckett/Vera.] RC/JF (V.O.): She was with Tom Dempsey, for crying out loud – the most ruthless mob boss New York has ever given birth to. [Beckett/Vera kisses Dempsey on the cheek.] Ooh his outfit! RC/JF (V.O.): Dempsey sent over two of his gorillas – an Irishman and a Cuban on loan from some Havana mob family. You can loan henchworkers? [Ryan/irishman and Esposito/cuban tough-walk over to Castle at the bar.] Esposito looks almost normal but ryan looks way out there. KR/Moxie: The boss wants to see you, boy-o. Ooh that accent tho. (my canadian ass first thought "newfie" lol but they say bo'y not bowy or they even say b'y) RC/JF: Sorry, boys. My dance card’s full. JE/Cuban: This isn’t a request, compadre. *shows his gun* That accent too They get to have fun & play other characters. But the characters are not too far off. Their ties too btw, wowie
& the music! Audio mirroring! RC/JF: The waiter? I’ll take a whiskey. The boys here can share a sloe gin fizz. LMAO Great fight scene! Going to clip that for sure! Words cannot describe how I feel about this. (noo not the kitchen! ugh the way he picks him up) & ngl that booty as he throws him into the alley? Nice.
RC, probably not what JF actually said: You should see what my face did to the other guy’s fist. Vera/KB is wearing the fur over her neck entirely. Covering up the goods. Que passando? I speak french not spanish but is that "what's going on?" like "what has passed?" Doesn't put the tapped R before the D, yeah lol. Ah finally revelas the necklace!
Woah that was kind of jarring to jump back to present day but heck yeah! RC: The Blue Butterfly. It’s a necklace. That’s why Stan Banks was killed. Why am I narrating? Because you were just imagining this guy's day while reading his narration & bc it's what hot girls do. u never talk to yourself? ig it is different from narrating...
Ok so what I know from acting is from the moment you hit the set you need to use your accent, you cannot just slip it on & off easy so filming the ryan parts & the henchone parts must have been, well, something. Gosh I can't believe we only get one audio commentary of this ep. I want more, more I say! Also I like ryan's patterned red tie & red vest but that striped shirt? The only reason it's ok is bc he is mostly covering it with the vest. It has red stripes. He has a lot of buttons on the sleeves of his jacket. American flag lapel pin today. With smth else ig. Ooh blue diamonds. I miss when blue diamonds were sexy & white diamonds were just there. RC: *passes his papers to ryan* KR: *shows it to Beckett as if castle didn't already hold em up for her to see*
RC: Turns out the Blue Butterfly disappeared sometime in the ‘40s, and rumor has it, it’s hidden somewhere in The Pennybaker Club. If he found it…a million dollar-necklace? Talk about motive for murder. By the way, Ryan, say “boy-o.” [meaning he really was imagining these people in these positions] KR: *looks up from the papers castle gave him* Boy-o. RC: “Boy-ohhh.” KR: Boy-o. RC: “Boy-o.” KR: Boy-o. RC, accented: “Boy-o.” KR: Boy—O. ??? *looks to beckett* [they go back to talking about the case & rick doesn't get nazi gold but SS officer diamonds which is the same thing. Cursed necklaces? stealing stuff from nazis? mob bosses? this is right up castle's alley.] KB: Okay, Ryan, you see if you can get a hold of the bookie. Castle and I will go back to the crime scene. KR: Okay. RC: Boy-o' KR: Boy-o RC: Boy-o' KR: Boy-O RC: Like a leprechaun. KR, with an angry "ew" face: Castle! RC: Sorry.
RC: Can you blame the guy? I mean, she was gorgeous. Castle how do you know? You are reading it not seeing it. You are imagining beckett there. I was too caught up in the story to think about the "animosity back home" they kept saying Castle is so right. Minor hidden safe, very hidden secret safe. I love how castle insists on telling the story to get to the part abt the safe. RC: Well, people didn’t waste time back in the ‘40s
Oh gosh look at her dress... lmao the transition
KB: Did you just say, “Kate”? Are you picturing the P.I. as you, and me as the gangster’s moll? RC: What? No. And I didn’t say “Kate”. I said “Fate”. “Fate’s heart quickened.” I was being poetic. (chuckles nervously) God. Anyway, as I was saying, they were just about to kiss when… Why not just read from the diary & say the PI was being poetic? Maybe she would read it & call him out tho. Or ig he was reciting from memory
Oh I love the collar on Esposito/Cuban Henchone rn! Raises his fists like that lol & then Besty/Lanie saves the day & gosh that is a good kiss. "mixed laundry" XP Betsie/Lanie almost sounds normal lol
Two Brunos? Interesting word. Well they are not here right now actually so...??? So you became the girl of a mob boss to wear his jewelry? That's it? That's the reason?
KB & me: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT'S IT? I'M NOT ONLY INTERESTED IN THE SAFE I'M ALSO INTERESTED IN THE STORY. btw I like her coat with that red scarf it's v pretty. KB: Well, why would you tell a story when you don’t know the ending? RC: If you wanted a beginning and a middle and an end, I have 27 novels you can choose from. XD
Ray Horton: Stan? And who— who killed him? KR: JE: RH: Me? Why would I kill my business partner? 10g for a diary?
RC: So, I traced the diary. Stan did his research. He purchased it from the granddaughter of Joe’s old secretary, a woman by the name of Ruth Huntsacker. Ah that's where the diary came from KB: Look, Castle, I admit that Joe and Vera’s story is fun and romantic, but whatever happened back in 1947 has nothing to do with who murdered Stan. RC: Uh… (chuckles) I’m not so sure about that. Our bookie alibied out. But ballistics came in, and we got a match. The .38 caliber revolver that killed Stan was used in an unsolved double homicide…in 1947. WOAH NOW THIS IS GOOD. This is so so sexy. Ok so vera mulqueen is her name so sally scoville probably made that mistake when meeting joe flynn on purpose.
RC: Murdered. That’s too bad. I really thought those two crazy kids were gonna make it. KB: Yeah, not exactly the ending I was hoping for. RC: I didn’t even know ballistics went back that far. Me, who watches murdoch mysteries: Oh ho ho! The man also invented blood types & fingerprints & tape & silly putty & (he didn't actually invent any of this he's a fictional character) KB: You know what? I bet you Dempsey caught the two of them trying to run away together, and he killed them. But how does Stan’s killer get Dempsey’s gun sixty years later? KR: Unless Dempsey killed Stan. He’d be, what, like 90 years old? But it’s still possible. RC: Couldn’t have been Dempsey. He died of a heart attack four months after Joe and Vera were killed. KR: Ah. RC: Still…we should dig up that 1947 police report. There could be something in there about the gun that could shed some light on Stan’s murder. KR, resigned: All right. I’ll go to the warehouse and I’ll pull up the old case files. RC: Oh, wai- oh, uh…I want to go. KR: ? *looks to becks* KB: *shrugs* KR: Uh…okay. RC: Can I drive? KR: I don’t care. RC: OwO!!! Espt always make ryan take passenger & beckett never lets castle drive so this is fun. But is it a police car or a personal one? bc castle is probs not allowed to drive if it is a police car.
Belasco is pretty for an old guy. Watercrafter lookin dude.
Someone else accessed your police files? Nice location u got here. Different place to film in. RC: Damn it, Joe. You old sap. Dizzy with a dame and got yourself cooked. KR: So, Mr Bogart, what exactly are we looking for here?
CB: Of course not. When I asked to see the alleged diary, he refused, and yet, he wanted access to all my research on The Pennybaker Club. I mean, really, the whole thing was absurd. Yeah that is kind of rude...
Esposito's hair is... interesting. Short but long enough that he brushes it & parts it.
KR: It feels like we’re looking for a needle in a haystack, except for, we can’t find the haystack. RC: Who needs a haystack when the needle is right here? Wait I just realized-- where did they get that previous photo of tom dempsey?? Wait nvm it was in castle's internet search along with the initial photo of the blue butterfly
Love the transitions "Hatchet men" lol Doyle, my nova scotian uncle has that last name. Lots of scottish & irish immigrants there obv. It's like newfoundland but less intense. Then PEI is like nova scotia #2. RC/JF: So every clover-loving Irishman worth his salt will be huddled around a radio tonight, cheering good ol’ Jimmy on. You’re gonna wait till a rousing part of the fight. Then you’re gonna excuse yourself. Whoever’s assigned to be watching you surely won’t be paying much attention. That’s when you slip right out the back door, where I’ll be waiting for you. that's way too easy. No way theyre going to let that happen But hey they are both so good looking. JF/RC: Look at me. I’m a new man. I’m a better man. I haven’t even had a drink since I met Vera, Girl it's been like a week. Then again for someone who consistently drank himself to sleep in his office, maybe this is a miracle. What if she doesn't have a sister HA I WAS RIGHT
KR, with his cheek in his hand, listening: What happens next? [btw I like his wedding ring, it's rly pretty. & also I love seeing it, he is In Love.] RC: I don’t know. That’s the end of the statement. KR: But if Sally wasn’t Vera’s sister, then who was she? [I love how castle is getting everyone invested in this story] RC: Sally set up the P.I. It’s a classic film noir twist. KR: But whhhy? RC: I don’t know. :D KR: What was Sally up to? [Ryan he only knows as much as you do! He may be a writer but you are a detective] RC: I don’t know. :D KR: Do you think she was connected to Dempsey? *takes the file* RC: I don’t know, :D but isn’t this great? KR: KR: *double take from castle to the file to castle*
YESS THE ADVENT OF WEST SIDE WALLY At least espt excuses himself before taking the call. That's the polite thing to do. Becks sharing the file with some other detective there. the little things make the show
Man has a wedding ring... WOAH TOM DEMPSEY Nice outfit! the makeup team possibly could have done a bit more to make him look related to tom dempsey not genetically identical to him imo but whatever that's just me Wait no maybe they did do enough about it I think. it's good.
So how do you know his real name was stan? Pillar in the community...? Oh guest book at betsy's funeral, that's how he figured it out. TD: No, I did not—I did not shoot him. Stan—Wait. Stan did find it? KB: Come on. You tell us. TD: I don’t know. I was not there! "was not" rather than "wasn't" I like it
Ok espt what are you wearing? Today you are wearing a dress shirt & a tie which is nice (if different from your frequent pyjama look) but grey on grey with THOSE greys does not work bud.
Ah good grammar <3 Jerry Maddox was the old bartender??? (But ik how this goes, why would he sign his name that way in the guest book?) JE: Good job, Castle. RC, like a puppy: Yeah? JE: .. Yeah.
The med guy calls him jerry too. I see. Aw she offers homemade soup <3 Beautiful blue eyes on this man, love the old music too. JM: but I was just a bartender back then What did you become later then?
Ooh interesting, he says: Of course. It was a big deal back then. Dempsey, the fella that owned the club, shot them in cold blood. So confirming the story But then when rick asks: The same year, do you remember a woman named Sally Scofield? She was a redhead. In 1947, she would’ve been about 18. JM looks really confused like he doesn't know her. Which would make sense for Jerry Maddox, but he looks overly confused bc he is JF trying not to reveal that he, well, you know.
Gina? Ooh different person narrating! Except... not really a different person narrating ; ) Drops the pretty girl for a new, younger, pretty girl. Ew. Then again she was there bc she wanted to wear his bling RC: & Sally? JM: Couple months after, uh, Vera and that P.I. got whacked, Dempsey died of a heart attack. RC: (yea I asked abt sally bro) JM: The evening of his funeral, in walks Sally, all dressed up. Ordered a whiskey neat, slammed it back, gave me a big ol’ crocodile grin, said she was free. Then she strutted on out the door, and that’s the last time I ever saw her. Interesting claim... it's a revenge story. It would be SO good from the other point of view, you're in the hold of a mobster & then he dumps your mom for the younger prettier thing & mum kills herself with pills bc this pretty girl wanted bling & your mob daddy wanted a pretty girl so you kill the pretty girl & probably kill the mobster too? That would be good except we know it didn't happen like that & it ends up a tragedy. RC: Somehow she used the P.I. to do it. JM: >:(
KR, pink shirt no tie, cute af as usual: So…West Side Wally. May I call you Wally? WSW: I prefer West Side. I LOVE HIM SM WSW: Whoa. Cagney and Lacey, [XD] you can stop right there. I wasn’t living in the club two days ago. I had already gotten bought out by the other guy. [but u leave your sleeping bag & stuff?] KR: Bought out? JE: By the other guy? yeah babes that's what he said. I love west side, he's great.
No he cannot do his show from prison b'y Oh & again he looks good he has nice style too. Bull whip. That's cool ig. lol so dramatic holding his hand as he says stan was holding the necklace Sure bestie.
Wasn't it so that she could kill vera or smth but dempsey did it for her so she ended up faking his heart attack instead & she killed the one who stole her mother's spot & the man who dumped her mom? Except wait why would maddox only see her in 1946? Maybe that's when he started idk. Do you trust what a man has to say abt shoes? Also there are many pairs of shoes, they could have both had those shoes... except then you said she'd be wearing heels. RC: Beckett, I just realizes something. KB: ? RC: "I Can't Give You Anything But Love." KB: ???? Ouh louis armstrong Satchmo! But listen maybe he played this club many times & that's why they BOTH fell in love with his music.
the fear on their faces when they get called by their old names <3 so good (sad)
He really really sounds like Castle's Joe Flynn when he says: Lady, you got it all wrong. WHOA THE MED AIDE? Huntsacker? His mom sold the diary. Her gramma was mrs kennard. He's back here after all this time. yk that's a good point. He is gently being a spy but then some other guy bullies them lol. But for how long were these two pretending to be the bartender? Frankie Benjamin Huntsacker the aide called him jerry earlier when the detectives came to talk.
"Bushwhack" lol
GASP THE BLUE BUTTERFLY Ugh the MUSIC tho! *casually touches it with his hands* How much of it was paste? Apparently the one they actually made was made of blue sapphires & they auctioned it off for charity. There are plenty of minerals that you can use in place of diamonds. Moissanite & white sapphires are both subs for diamonds. I'm sure blue sapphires can replace blue diamonds, except blue diamonds are typically not as coloured as a good quality blue sapphire.
Joe you said that any irishman worth his salt would be around the radio, not the cuban & mob boss too. I can't believe dempsey let her go but ig he was focussing on the fight. Hoo that leg The ice? Oh the bling, the diamonds Oof she just killed lenny! Yeah Sally was totally a victim! That's sooo cool they just ran away & burned the bodies & UGH THAT'S SO GOOD I'VE BEEN WANTING TO LEARN HOW TO LIGHT A MATCH ON MY THUMB FOR YEARS They probably lied tbh... You know, didn't want to get caught for a murder they did so many years ago, they did not struggle for the gun & have it accidentally go. Girl it is not up to YOU to decide. Tho I do like your decision. JF: We don't know how to thank you RC: I do Ok but here's the thing, how would they get by without the money they were going to get from this thing? Also hold on didn't this guy have a fake? The writer believes it was always a fake, castle believes it was switched out back in the 20s, Jerry & Viola (Joe & Vera) seem to think that they hid the BB but Frankie got his hands on a fake... idk I KNEW the brick would be a thing! Oh the music <3 RC/JF: Let the bastard spend the rest of his life not knowing his prized possession is right under his nose. Love <3 <3 <3 woah that dog! Tell them it was fake or tell them someone found it? The way he pulls her in like that <3 ALWAYS <3 <3 <3 How did they make it without the money from the BB tho? That's why they concocted this plan in the first place Weird ending but So Good I love it! ugh too good! Brilliant!
I am going to transcribe the audio commentary I swear.
this episode is one of my faves & I know I say that abt a lot but DANG this one was golden! So freaking good! So Freaking Good!
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noramoons · 1 year
I’m super excited to hear about wips 🫡 honestly I still go back and reread frwad a lot hehe so I’m always happy to hear more about your amazing writing 💕💕💕 and aww hhhh tysm to know you think that about my writing 🥺
AND YE I have ocs haha my core identity as an artist is being an oc artist ever since I was young I was making ocs but now I have a main story. my art acc is @izuizzy and although I don’t have a ton up I have more oc stuff up than skz stuff haha 😂 I’d love to tell you about them sometime if you like oc talk is always so much fun for me
HEHE im excited to hear abt what you’re working on too!! and AGFNDFNDJ oh my gosh you’re so sweet what the HECK 😭😭 that means so much coming from you that you enjoyed frwad enough to even want to read it again?? 🥺🤍🤍 i rlly am so glad you enjoyed that series hehe it was so much fun to write !! i do have another series (hopefully 💀) coming soon and writing it has really felt so similar to how writing frwad felt, i’m excited to make some more progress on that one. and yes OFC omg you are a phenomenal writer AND artist like omg !! an all-rounder!! 😌
AAA that’s so cool !! i love learning abt people’s ocs hehe i’m following your art acc rn :D i used to have sm fun working on my oc lore tbh it might have been more enjoyable than kpop writing 🤭 LOL but that’s amazing that you’ve been working on their story for so long! have you ever posted any writing for the storyline before? and yes we should absolutely have a little oc infodump HAHA i would love to hear all abt them 🥰
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veil-needs-sleep · 6 years
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Oh man! It’s I’m-Really-Love-My-Friends O’clock!!
@luckytimetravelpenguin  @haventbeentotivoli  ;;v;; 💚💚💚💚💚
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Chill Out, 141!
After the battle in Verdansk, the 141 squad could use a little bit cool down time with ice cream cuz it do be hot af out there.
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Living her entire lifetime surrounded by war, Farah has never had an ice cream before, so Alex makes sure she gets the delicious, tasty, yet simple one : two scope chocolate and strawberry with colorful sprinkles, while he gets the simple, plain 'ol vanilla flavour. (It's Alex's first move on Farah shhh)
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Been a REAL long while since these three brits enjoy a good ice cream!
- Ghost is content with the classic mango ice lolly (Ghost likes ice lolly, okay? He's the biggest and scariest of them all but ice lolly is for kids and kids and heart). I HC that he likes to lick it instead of biting like the puppy he is. (WHY DID I DRAW HIM SO CUTE OMG)
- Soap enjoys the classic rum and raisin flavour for the faint taste of alcohol that certainly reminds him of home.
- Gaz LOVES the cappuccino flavoured sundae with whip cream. Yes he's a brit but he's that one bloke that drinks coffee instead of tea. He makes sure to accompany them with chocolate chip and wafers.
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What about Price? Well, Price pays for the ice cream like the dad he is. He actually wants the mint chocolate one, but he's out of money before he could buy one for himself, so Price said, "Ice cream is for kids."
Wait, is that Nikolai? Yes, it's Nikolai! What is he doing behind the counter?? Well, he sells the ice cream, of course, but where the heck did he get a whole ass damn ice cream cart??? Guess we'll never knew.
WHOO that was fun! It's really hot here even though it's wet season, and I was craving some ice cream (choco chips or oreo is my favourite >_<) and I bought it and THEN I thought about Farah and Alex! So yeah, I made a scene about Alex giving Farah ice cream since I thought maybe Farah and the people of Urzikstan may never get the chance to taste such simple things like ice cream :( So here it is. And yes how could I left out the rest of 141? I simply couldn't.
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pyarini · 2 years
ideas for when im not lazy:
a blog that's an archive of basically all puzzleship fics. people can submit asks for like specific tropes or a fic that they kinda remember but don't know what the title/author was. i think thatd be cool, but like....so much work hhhh
p.s. if someone actually wants to do this please take the idea because i sure as heck wont at least not for a long long time
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You know what makes me sad? Really old cultures and civilizations dying.
The Aboriginal people in Australia are one of the oldest civilizations and colonization totally fucked them over. I’m not Australian so forgive me for my lack of knowledge but holy hell does it piss me off what happened! Seriously, go google it, it’s really interesting.
Colonization in general sucks ass, but the fact that it wiped out groups who have been going on for thousands of years is hhhh.
I also hate how people act like people from the past were dumb. Even in ancient Europe they knew some cool stuff. Nobody was dumb, they just didn’t have the technology or science yet to know what we knew. You can’t exactly blame them because in the future will look at us the same way. Not to mention people in the past DID have plumbing. They DID know the earth was round an knew about the planets.
For fuck sake, modern day Mexico had FLOATING CITIES!!! Fucking floating cities like god damn that is impressive! And all those ancient buildings from various cultures with the cool shadow work?
“Wow, how did they build this? It must be aliens!” No you dingus! You’re just underestimating human capability. Those “primitive” civilizations were smart and capable just like us.
I’ve met people who’ve said if it wasn’t for Europeans, indigenous people would still be living in Teepees.
1: How the fuck would you know?
And 2: How is that a bad thing? It was good system that served their lifestyle. If something works, it works, and there’s no need to change it. Not everything has to be technologically advanced. Yes, the Europeans had all that, but that doesn’t make the other cultures lesser. They never needed the same things. Why develop a gun when you have something that works just fine? Who were they to except some stinky dudes too come over and ruin everything.
3: All cultures advance you dumbass. The indigenous people advanced and you’re too lazy to google shit. Even then, it’s just common sense.
I don’t know why this popped into my head but it did. I wish people would give ancient civilizations more credit. Heck, not just ancient ones.
“Victorians were so stupid, they put arsenic in their wallpaper.” Dude…you vape. Don’t act like we don’t do unhealthy stuff on a daily.
Welp, that’s my thoughts.
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tmmyhug · 3 years
alright this is my blog and i do what i want so we are going to break down avarice by late august right here and now (meaning i will ramble stupidly about cool drawings n colors n stuff. if that’s not your thing keep scrolling)
opening credits
oh this song has some sexy, sexy bass
and august took so much advantage of it
the poker chips building on the beat!!! increasing tension! giving the eyes somewhere to move!
there’s some faint flashy light thingy around the edges which is cool
ruh roh villain quackity
i’ll probably say this too much but my god, august kills it with the musicality. every single movement is on beat. every transition is chosen to fit the sound. such a wonderful experience
neatly done perspective going on in this weapons room
dark purple is an awesome color choice - that orange lava glowing against it? gorgeous
lava stretchy. yum. cheese.
the ROTATING SHADOW IS SO COOL!! the intrigue! the drama! the villainy! the 3D effect!
shots shots shots shots
clever lighting to create a glowing neon effect without actually including anything glowing or neon. i can hear the fluorescent bulbs buzzing.
look at the liquid moving. look at the cut during the glass sliding so we can see it go from hand to hand. hhhh
palette change! watch the bright red blood drops fly towards you when the poker chip hits the puddle
and THIS transition back into the drink glass made me scream
himbo time
difficult perspective shots when quackity turns the page. we see it from the FRONT. THAT’S SO HARD TO DRAW
cape transition for extra drama!
return of the rotating shadow. i want to make out with it
some obvious red color symbolism and whatever. look at the rotating shadow it’s so sexy
achievement unlocked: manipulate 4/4 minors
the transition of the ufo explosion is effortlessly pleasing. the way the sky goes dark -
explosion is pink for some reason. i’m not complaining it looks cool. but how did he pull off hot pink in the middle of a muted palette animatic
august can do nothing simply and i love it. THREE separate cuts during quackity tossing the poker chip to purpled so the background can change from red to purple and the red chip can contrast at the end
notice how the TNT button and the chip are both sinister red circles
the sky in the wide shot of the tower has SUCH cool moving textures
another hard perspective shot!! why would you draw fundy from an angle AND below us??? i’m gonna cry that’s so difficult
The slime is a primordial ooze that has roamed the lands for centuries. Slimes are bouncy, cube shaped, hostile mobs that sometimes spawn in swamp biomes and, occasionally, deep undergr
august. august i love you. august what is this wing design. august you can do better. august those are not wings those are noodles
i screamed when i saw quackity turning the poker chip over his fingers the movement is so smooth im passing out as we speak
and the transition flip. it’s so shiny. are you trying to kill me
love is dead
karl’s fingers... do you know how hard that angle is. do you know how hard fingers are. augh
palette change to blue george is a tad jarring but i think that was intentional. need to contrast that red poker chip of course. also nice and spicy to keep viewers’ attention 2/3s of the way through
shattering glass background mirroring the effect from the disc finale animatic
obsessed with the el rapids fire transition. obsessed.
let’s play cards
this is getting long let’s speed up
CARD SYMBOLISM HECK YEA the way that card flips up with the electric riff is captivating
at this point august starts putting characters inside previous images for a few transitions and cutting the screen in half and i love it. makes me think of animated comic book stuff
techno’s character’s lines!! long cape long hair long ears pointy crown!! 
the attention to detail!!! the way the King card gets placed is animated so gently and perfectly
almost done
previously i think one of august’s weak spots has been keeping a cohesive storyline throughout an entire animatic but this one is very nicely wrapped up. beautiful improvement sir
and of course i have to comment on these shots of tommy and wilbur. my beloveds. interesting that they’re both Jokers.
i still want to make out with the rotating shadow
that’s all if you read the whole thing i am handing you a sparkly seashell
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yamagucji · 4 years
a series of thank you’s i’ve been meaning to give for a while now. please note i couldn’t get everyone bc im smol brained and im forgetful :(( also its vedy long so i added a readmore link but if it’s okay then i can remove it!
i would’ve preferred to go to your inboxes/dm’s but im scared t🤢umblrs going to glitch on me if i do it again a ha ha
i remember you sent in my first ever request and i was SO happy like🥺 my account had no visibility on week 1 but then you somehow found my blog and since then you’ve been supporting me. i love the aesthetic of your blog and i always look forward to your rb’s because they so cute and insightful !! ik we haven’t talked much but i definitely perceive u as a gentle person here’s 1k hearts for you and you only <3
please i was *intense squealing* and *happy noises* when you said you wanted to be mutuals :’) im definitely uhhh way too immature for u but you still stick with all the caps and !!! i send you😭 you’re such an interesting, talented person. day 1 you got me HOOKED with your art and im gonna say this again,, i have never seen skin look soo s o f t painted. im really grateful for your company and all your cats and the hinata art you made me🥺 i am not still thirsting over it i swear and then you sent me pieces of your writing and i def expected hc’s but then BOOM🧍‍♀️ im so amazed by your writing. also you are vv pretty i hope you know that
matching heart memes matching heart memes😾 i don’t talk to you as much but our main form of communication is literally exchanging heart memes w/o a word,,, if that isn’t true love idk what is :// anyway i love our little convos so much it always brightens my day! and omg lets not forget when you made me a drabble back😳 like wha- HUH !! i was so touched i rlly went boom boom woosh bc no ones ever written me one back and i!! that yamaguchi gives me so much comfort. you give me sm comfort, thank you bub <3
hehe my first tumblr crush😼 as soon as i deactivated my reading account to my a writing blog i was like “ok bean is on my top to-follow list” like i thought you were so cool and i was vv shy to interact with you🥺 and YOU STILL ARE COOL!! your works are really amazing and i am vv much still in love w my matchup w suga :’)
HHHH GRR BORK BORK I LUB U B NEVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU BHH💓✨ bro,,,, when we switched over to insta it was WILD like— our sense of humor? matched. immaculate. please i love seeing all the memes u send me it makes my day so much like u don’t understand😭 and our convos really go chaos sometimes gkfjdj i love it. u need to pull up and play among us w me sometime 😡
m-my first spouse🥺 even tho it was a joke the first time and i said sike fkdjdjdj but you still accepted my dino chimken nuggie ring hehe <3 bub your are literally the CUTEST HHHHH LIKE,,, cuteness overload !!! i love talking to you sm and our little exchange of heart memes make the butterflies in my tummy go ✨
may🥺 imy bub i hope you’re doing well and taking good care of yourself. still very grateful for that time you pulled through to check which of my links weren’t working. and there’s a LOT. like the fact that you took time out of your day for me still baffles me. anyway im lomve you ik we don’t talk as much but you’re still a valued moot to me. im offering u free headpats hehe
hi maria👉👈 you’re so wonderful and rlly amazing w your smaus. absolutely smitten over our chaotic conversations fkfjd we haven’t talked in a while but if you see this just know that i’m here for you <3 take some self care okay? hope you’re doing good bub
dalia, you wondering being💞 please what did i do to deserve your love >;( we don’t talk much but we have exchanged heart memes before and you’re always out here supporting me whenever you can and like!! tysm bub. i hope you’re feeling better from the last time we interacted, and please do take good care of yourself!
can’t believe you made a reputation of having a piss kink. what power. what energy >>> anyway it’s fun seeing your chaotic energy on my feed/tl. sometimes i won’t even look at the user and say yeah💔 that’s hero alright gkfjdj also you’re so cute what the heck😡😡
[ insert 100 hearts ] this for u bub. im still going crazy over your tsukki lipbalm piece like i was so FLUSTERED you really did that huh😭 you’re so nice and sweet, ty for giving me headbonks as well im really glad to get them😌 hope you have an amazing day bub, and take care!!
cutecutecutest bean ever🥺 you have such wonderful works and im truly in love with your writing😌 also you’re so SWEET WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE U GKFJDJ literally you weren’t obligated to stop by my ask and check in but u did >:(
hehe ik we haven’t interacted in such a long time but im including you!! bc i appreciate you!! i know you’ve supported me a lot especially when i just started this blog and im really thankful for it. also uhhh im still not over accidentally turning off anon when i was- yeah😿 i wish you all the love in the world, and please do take gentle care of yourself 💓
frannn👁👁🤲 yes im gonna start with how big brained you are. your passion for textiles and improving the environment is vv cool to me. and then there’s the fact you write these hq characters so well. yes i am absolutely still living for your character analysis. i am thriving off of them!! here’s me manifesting kita and/or sakusa to show up in your dreams hehe
i hope you dont mind me sending u stuff every now and then! anyway im in awe of your writing and art skills. you brought a realistic yamaguchi and i ascended😳 i genuinely think you’re such a cool person but also please take breaks!! ik it’s such an overused phrase but i genuinely mean it. i care u <3
you’re so sweet and you do really be sending me back some heart memes😳 i go BOOM BOOM yaya that’s more to my collection;) also you and your hq anon interactions go WILD omg it really does make my day more interesting whenever i see them😂 also i do be seeing some of ur chaotic energy on my dash and i am HERE for it
hemlo clara🥺 d-do you remember me gkdjshsjs i think its been a while since we interacted. you’re so sweet and AHH lmao did u know we were in a poly with wiss😔💔 yeah❤️ n e way i hope you’ve been alright these past few weeks, and if not, please get some break!
miya twin supremacy😡 can’t believe you made me swerve over to osamu’s lane because of your amazing writing. how could you. the mf audacity. i rlly do fell in love with that piece do so THAMK U and that also goes for the support you’ve given me💗
ozzy👁👁🤝 ngl our conversations have been top tier im glad i got to uhmm,,, get some of these *thoughts* out of my head. you’re such a sweet little bean!!! that art/sketch you did with the purple (?) themed uniforms was really cute. im glad to have u as my moot and *cough* my vip reader *cough*
our heart meme streak was strong until school happened😔 but i really enjoy them tho!! it’s very calming talking to you (fun, but also vv calming idk that’s how i feel) loving the brainrots we give each other of our favs from time to time :’) also omg OSRRY im barely active in the server please spare me😿 im lomve u
gee!! AHHHH KGFJJD GRRR u sweet bean oh my goodness. where do i start- ??? i’ve already gushed so much abt your writing but here we go again; i love your writing so much and your attention to the little details is so great. they flow so well and i hope u get more visibility bc it’s what u deserve!! also please take care of yourself and don’t work too much u nerdy bean
ely my plant kinnie, my spouse (?) and also the blog that i dump my h word thots on😭❤️ ahhh im lomve you, you’re amazing. from your writing, to your makeup skills, and your room, the talent really ✨jumped out✨thank you for supporting me so much, i genuinely appreciate it. i hope we can stay moots despite me being busy gkfjdj anyway take care bbie don’t work too much okay?
TATE😤 the amount of hq brainrot you’ve fed me is astronomical. idk how you keep coming up with such good ideas but im all for them!! i love your writing so much and the plots are so *chefs kiss* (yes im still gushing over mermaid!bokuto). thank you so much for sending some bits of positivity into my life, im really grateful for it :’)
EL!😼 you sweet bean. wish i could bombard ur asks but school is saying no </3 you’re such a sweet mutual and your writing is absolutely amazing. still kinda hurt over that angst u made💔 but anyway i loved it sm. also please wear safer shoes next time on big events so u dont get any more BLISTERS kgjdjdh jkjk
nashnashnash🥺👉👈 wth you’re so cute and even cuter with the little emoticons u put in my asks. i really appreciate you taking time out of your day to check in on me. i think your works are really heckin cool, im still very into that sock agenda one and the akaashi fic AHH i love them sm. i hope that u have better experiences with online learning and i really wish you all the best on ur art journey <3
did u forget abt our walk to the strawberry field😿 jkjk heyyy atlas!! im lomve your theme and your writing. i have the urge to say you’re as sweet as strawberry bc im unoriginal like that💔 let’s just pretend i put something kute :’( n e way u are vv cute, make sure to take care of yourself ok!!
your rb’s and comments on ppl works... i just... my heart is full. im complete. i go absolute doki doki for you. you’re such a genuine person and you give people so much love❤️ here’s an unlimited supply of my love to you bc you deserve it. ty for all the cute questions btw🥺
🕊 anon - still wondering if ur one of my already-moots or not😳 but anyway dove anon i have a lot to say,,, like how ?? do u go “ok let’s check in on aaron today hehe” like am i interesting??😭 i feel kinda bad ngl you really don’t have to talk to me. but nevertheless im really appreciate of all the support you’ve given me. i genuinely think you’re a cool person and you do all these fun stuff like photography which is amazing. here’s the biggest THANK YOU i could ever give <3 ps. your art is CUTE and AMAZING @bee-kins
do i??? spam your feed??😭 you’re always liking my posts and i feel so sorry for spamming but also vv appreciate of all the interaction i’ve had with you!! im very glad i got to ask you qotd and stuff because i got to know that you like plants as well!! thank you for sharing plant facts with me, it really made my day. i genuinely think you’re such an awesome and big brained person for knowing all those facts🥺👉👈
ngl i was very intimated by you bc of all your angst and really good works which is probably why i never reached out to you sooner😿 ur my uhhh third spouse <3 but anyway your CHAOTIC ENERGY is thru the roof i love that sm and your writing is so mf beautiful i wish more people got to see it😡 i will gib you flower soup and muddy pie to make you feel better ;) jkjk but you’re very amazing and i hope you know that!
hehe you’re in here😼 thank you ???? for supporting me even tho you’re not obligated??? like wh- i- bub🥺🤲 you have all my heart and i rlly rlyy want to stop by your inbox and give you heart memes but me why >;( i hope you have the most amazing day(s) of your life because you deserve it SO much.
FINALLY someone i can simp over yamaguchi with😭 ik we haven’t talked much but AH i love the conversations we’ve had so far and all that insight you gave me about the new wanda film (truly a blessing bc i was so genuinely confused gkfjdj).
just. JOLLIBEE. can’t believe one of our first interactions was u sending me chain mail smfh i cannot believe you😭 anyway po i appreciate you so much na kaka tawa ako sa mga msgs mo and all the good vibes u radiate. mag bisaya unta ko nimi pero baka mag nosebleed ako😿 im losing my native languages it’s not even funny anymore but when i got to talk to u in my mother tongue, i felt a bit more at home. thank you bub <3
hihi👉👈 idrk what we first talked about, i think it was spending vacation in the galapagos islands??😭 riding turtles??? what a great way to start our friendship :’) i rlly think you’re cool and i just,,,, admire u from afar- yeah. sorry this message is too chaotic but anyway u might not have a green thumb but look at you growing potatoes accidentally😌 anyway i think you’re cool i just haven’t said it before because im s Hy
seal, bub, i genuinely care about you. you’re such a sweet person. i know we haven’t interacted much but im looking forward to more conversations with you!! please find little fun things to do... maybe do some self appropriation if you can, bc you deserve it. maybe even treat yourself... or any self care tasks that make you feel better. i care about you a lot, im just an ask/dm away if you wanna talk about anything at all💕💞✨
@hqgardenia - jkjk this is my spam account idk why i put this here but here probably bc im dumb as fuck
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lord-explosion-baku · 5 years
Tumblr media
Yandere Warlock!Monoma x insecure witch!reader
Warnings: dark themes, yandere, suggestive themes, hinted dubcon scenario, light violence
A/N: THIS WAS RUSHED AS HECK. Like when I say that, the story just moves along really fast and I’m hhhh sorry about it. This is the first thing I’ve ever written for Monoma though! Fun stuff! Also ahhhh I’m not loving the way the reader reacts to how Monoma treats her. I’m so used to writing the reader with a hint of ANGERY BASTARD inside but I figured that if she’s insecure, and wack enough to fix a love potion for someone, this might be natural for someone like her?? Idk dood. I love magic and I am a newt.
“Tell me you love me…”
You’d spent so much of your time yearning for Neito Monoma, wondering if he’d ever give you the time of day. It was wild and unexpected of you to crush so hard for someone as arrogant as that warlock; usually types that constantly had to one up everybody irked the living hell out of you, especially since you were too modest by nature, too nervous to ever give yourself any credit when you’d excel, but Monoma paid you a few compliments here and there. He smiled at you during passing periods and even told you he liked the way you cast your spells. You thought that maybe he was this way with all the other witches, even so, he made you feel less obscure, visible to even a stronger caster such as him. You had no idea that he’d reciprocate your feelings, at least, until it was too late.
It was a simple potion, you couldn’t even call it a love potion. Sure, you may have added some reagents that had similar properties one would put in a love potion, but it wasn’t supposed to be for “love.” You just wanted to be more recognized by him. And woof, after you’d slipped that potion into his morning pumpkin juice, you were for sure recognized.
Things started out fine. You had stumbled upon Monoma in the school gardens, a place he rarely studied but it was one of your main haunts. He was sifting through flowers, making an eclectic bouquet full of different varieties of your flora friends. When he’d caught you staring at him, he gave you a bashful smile that nearly melted your heart.
“I was hoping this would be a surprise,” he said, tying a black ribbon around the bouquet that made the various colors of each petal pop out more. He held the bouquet out to to you and when you took it, his long warm fingers lingered of yours. Clear blue eyes scanned your face, lingering on your lips before you brought the bouquet to your nose to take in the sweetened aroma. “The prettiest flowers for the prettiest girl.”
After that, you spent so much more time with Monoma. He seemed pretty normal to you other than how often you caught him staring at you from across the classroom. He’d leave you cute little notes, if you could call them notes; honestly, they were a bit more like sonnets than anything, and he’d bring you nice gifts and pay you sweet compliments. He made you feel special. You had never known that someone who spent most of his time boasting about his power and shutting everyone else down had such a way with words! He was nearly the perfect boyfriend.
Until he started to get a little more creative with his gift giving. You’d find roses left on your pillow when you returned back to your dorm room after a hard day’s work. Warlocks weren’t permitted to enter the witch’s dorms but somehow Monoma figured out a way past certain enchantments. You thought it was cute that he was willing to break some rules for you. After you told him that you were interested in brewing a certain master level potion that required fairies blood, a super rare rageant that not even Aizawa, your potion’s professor, could get his hands on, Monoma came to you with a box full of four vials of fairies blood. That was a bit excessive. The potion only called for a tiny bit.
Monoma grew more violent towards other warlocks in your life as well. He’d hexed your best friend, Hanta Sero, giving him octopus arms after Sero carelessly threw his arm around your shoulders in the main hall, right in front of Monoma and sometime after Kaminari asked you what you saw in your new, probably too invested boyfriend, Kami’s lips were seen sewn shut for about four hours until a professor figured out how to reverse the curse. Kaminari never told you how it happened, but after everyone who was supposed to be your friend started avoiding you, you kinda figured you knew what was going on.
On top of everything else, he was advancing on your hardcore. You enjoyed the attention, in fact, you craved it, but you weren’t ready to go all the way with him and he was beginning to get really pushy. When you didn’t do whatever he wanted, he’d get frustrated, accusatory, he’d make you feel guilty about things you never did! Claiming that you weren’t faithful to him seemed like his favorite thing to do and the only way to get him to stop was for him to use a strange truth spell on you, one that you were always afraid would work so you’d tell him about the potion you slipped him, though the questions he asked never lead to that. Once he was satisfied with your answers, he’d litter your neck and body in hickeys, little bruising love marks to make sure that if you weren’t committed enough, everyone else knew that you belonged to him.
So you knew you had to confront him.
Walking up the steps of the astronomy tower, your shared secret spot with Monoma, the place you’d use to make out amongst other things without being caught by any school faculty, you gripped the note you’d written out for Monoma tightly in your trembling hands, trying to steady your breath. You knew what you’d done and you had to admit to Monoma that you were responsible for how he was acting. Aizawa always said that you shouldn’t mess around with love when it came to magic. You didn’t think you were when you’d made that potion, but deep down, you knew what you were going for. This was your stupid mistake and you had to right your wrongs. You shoved the note in your pocket and opened the astronomy room door.
Monoma was already there, standing by the extravagant telescope, tapping his foot impatiently. “You’re late,” he said, hands latching onto your hips immediately. “I was beginning to think that I was going to have to fetch you.”
Instantly, he yanked you close so your body pressed flush up against his, and he turned so your back was against the wall. His body felt… warmer than usual.
“I missed you,” he murmured, nuzzling into your neck. Almost instantly his tongue slid out and he licked a strip up your neck to your ear, making you shudder against him. “Don’t make me wait for you again, angel. I can’t stand not seeing you.”
He squeezed your hips before trailing a hand up to the edge of your shirt, thumb gently caressing the skin underneath. “How are you?” He asked, playfulling toying with the elasticity of your skirt.
“Um- I’m okay,” you stammered, catching his hand in yours that only made him smirk as he brought the back of your wrist to his lips.
“Just okay?” He lifted a brow, brushing his lips across your skin. “Better now that I’m here?” He closed his eyes and breathed you in. “Oh!...” you took in another long whiff. “You got a new perfume…”
He brought your arms to hang around his neck, keeping your gaze locked into his. You wondered if he could tell just how guilty you were just by looking at you. “Did my sweet girl have a bad day?”
“I’ve just been… a little stressed, is all.”
“Mmmm, I can tell,” he mused, “lucky for you, I know the perfect way of relieving tension.”
You bit your lip, dreading the blood that undoubtedly rushed to your face. Even if Monoma wasn’t all there, he still made your heart jump, especially when he got himself riled up.
“Sound nice?” He smirked, leaning closer back to your face. “I’ll be gentle. You know I only want to take care of you, right?”
“Neito,” you began, turning your head away from his cool, mint scented breath. “N-not right now…”
He scoffed. It was too easy to aggravate him and pissing him off was a dangerous game to play. He never… forced you to do anything you didn’t want to, but he was not above throwing fits. “Then why don’t you tell me what’s going on with you? Honestly Y/N, you’ve been acting strange for weeks, and if you don’t want me to show you just how much I love you, then you might as well come out and tell me who you’ve been fucking already.”
“Neito!” You shot him an incredulous look. “I haven’t been sleeping with anybody! You know I’m a-!”
“Who is it? You can tell me,” he cut over you, not bothering to hear you out. “You know I’ll always forgive you, but I want to know what filth has been tarnishing what’s mine.”
“Nobody, Neito! I’ve never had sex!”
“Was it Todoroki? I saw him talking to you after your Charms class.”
“He was lending me notes! I missed classes because I was with you!” Jesus, you hadn’t even seen Monoma after you had charms, he was like some kind of obsessive ninja.
“It better not have been that trash, Katsuki Bakugou! He’s been eyeing you since the moment he saw that you were with me. I bet he can’t stand seeing me have something that he doesn’t!”
“You’re not listening to me!” You cried, moving your hands from his back to gently cup his face. You watched as his eyes went from feral and angry to soft and loving as you drew your thumbs across his lips, trying to ease him back to his senses. “Neito, nobody’s been talking to me… even if they were, I’d let them know there’s only one guy for me. I… really liked you, Neito. I liked you enough that I did something very wrong and it has hurt you and for that, I’m sorry. ”
“Hurt me?” He didn’t understand.
“I spiked your drink with a love potion. I thought it would just make you notice me, but now everything is wrong!”
The pregnant pause between you and Monoma was nearly deafening. He lifted his hand to neatly place over yours, his body hot. His eyes searched yours, seeming to register what you were saying. But his eyes lied.
“Liked?” His hands tightened over yours. “As in past tense?”
“That’s not the point and not really what I meant-!”
“Oh, darling, don’t be cute with me right now. I’m thinking!”
You only realized how hard you were shaking when he pulled away from you to let you breathe. Monoma ran his fingers through his hair, messing up its usually neat style. He let out an exaggerated sigh and began to pace. You brought the note out of your pocket. If he couldn’t understand your words, maybe it’d make more sense to him if he’d read them?
You reached out for his shoulders, he tensed at your tender touch for a moment before relaxing against you. You hugged him from behind, burying your face into his back and held the note out in front of him. “Please read it,” you asked, muffled by his blazer.
Gingerly, he took the note out of your hand. He read it over; it basically said all that you had done, when you did it, and why you did it. You noticed his back growing damp and you only realize that you were crying when he turned to face you, with an unreadable expression.
Monoma’s thumb found your cheek and he wiped away an escapee tear you hadn’t intended to let him see. He sighed and watched your lips part, a natural, possible submissive instinct you’d picked up since you started dating the warlock. “I love you, Y/N,” he muttered, trailing his warm, now shaking fingers down to your chin. “I love you so much, it hurts.”
“I-I know.” You forced yourself to speak even though your skin was nearly vibrating from anxiety. “And-“ you gulped “-It’s all my fault. But I’m going to fix this, Neito. You won’t have to hurt… anymore.”
Monoma’s hand found your neck, his touch tentative and gentle at first until his fingers wrapped around you and he started to squeeze.
“You know?” He demanded, his face inching closer towards yours. “If you know how much pain I’m going through, then why the hell are you trying to push me away? Why don’t you ever say you love me back? Why is my angel lying to me?!”
“I’m not,” you squeaked back, pulling on his arm but that only encouraged him to back you up against the wall again.
“I’m going to make you tell me who’s making you say these things to me and then I’m going to have you watch as I strap them to a chair and set them on fire!”
“N-no, Neito,” you choked out as he began to raise you against the wall. The corner of your eyes started to blacken as you stared into the raging blue irises of the crazed blonde.
“I’ve done so much for you, Y/N, and I’ve asked so little in return!” He scoffed at the pathetic, reddened face you were making. You didn’t think you could hold on much longer. “Tell me who it is, Y/N. Tell me who it is or I swear I’ll kill every last warlock, hell, every last caster in this whole goddamn school!”
“Aizawa!” You cried out, noting the shifting black figure across the tower windows.
Monoma blinked, registering who you had named. He was silent for a moment, not noticing the older warlock muttering an incantation behind him.
“Filthy slut,” Monoma finally seethed. “You like older men, then? I bet he gets a kick out of that, taking advantage of something so pure-“ he dropped you to the floor “-so fragile.”
Tears were streaming down your face. You couldn’t manage to look at him and didn’t dare look at Aizawa while he was preparing a spell without Monoma noticing.
“I bet you call him daddy before he makes you choke on his cock, huh?” Monoma grabbed a fistful of your hair, forcing you to look up at him. “Once I rid the world of him, I’ll make you do everything you've done to him to me. I’ll be your daddy then, and you’ll be my dirty. little. princess.” He laughed dryly, yanking your head closer to his crotch. “But why wait until then when I have my pretty angel on her knees all ready for me?”
“That won’t be happening.” Aizawa’s low voice sounded across the room. Before Monoma could even turn, Aizawa muttered something in Latin and your boyfriend’s arms were magically bound together and he fell to his knees beside you.
You grabbed Monoma before he could topple over onto the floor, hugging him tightly, whispering ‘I’m sorry’s’ over and over again. Monoma looked at you incredulously before thrashing around in your embrace as Aizawa approached the two of you.
“Obsessive and violent behavior, attempted assault on a student,” Aizawa sighed. “This is exactly why you don’t screw around with love magic, little witch.”
You wiped at your wet face, looking up to your teacher. “You knew?”
“Of course I did.”
“Then why,” you sniffed, looking apologetically bac to Monoma leering next to you, “why didn’t you do something sooner?”
“We have to from our mistakes by facing the consequences,” he said as if your situation were so simple. A potion vial appeared in his hand. “Now it's time to take care of your mistake. Step back.”
You looked to Monoma who had his lip curled up at your teacher. His eyes flicked to you. “Don’t you dare.”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered before scooching away from the writhing warlock.
“Stay away from me!” Monoma snarled at Aizawa as he got a bit closer.
“You need to drink this,” Aizawa said to him, “it’s going to cure you of your ailments.”
“Lying pig!” Monoma all but screeched at your teacher. It burned you to see him this way. This was all your fault, all your fault. “You just want her for yourself!”
Monoma’s eyes once again found yours as he pleaded, “angel don’t do this to me. You love me right? I love you… tell me you love me baby, just this once— KEEP YOUR HOBO HANDS OFF OF ME!”
Monoma kicked his legs up, nearly knocking the vial out of Aizawa’s hands. Your teacher sighed, “at this rate, it might be better to just knock him out.”
“I dare you to try,” the blonde growled.
“Neito, please,” you silently begged, “this is only going to help you.”
Monoma answered you with feral noises, he was practical foaming at the mouth, being over dramatic and kicking himself away from his threat, even while Aizawa backed off and waited for your go ahead.
“If you do this for me-“ you inhaled, heart beating rapidly against your chest “-I’ll do anything and everything you want.” Though, you were sure that after this, Monoma would want nothing to do with you. “I promise you, Neito, anything.”
Monoma scowled at you. “You promise?” He asked. “Anything?”
Another tear fell to your cheek. You nodded.
He finally let up. He stopped his squirming and Aizawa could finally get close to him. Monoma didn’t fail to warn Aizawa that he was going to “be the end of him,” before Aizawa popped the vial into his mouth, and Monoma drained it dry, all while keeping his glare on you.
Minutes passed. You stayed on the floor, allowing silent tears to roll off your face while Aizawa stood cross armed, watching the motionless Monoma intently. Finally, Monoma groaned, squeezing his eyes shut.
“How are you feeling?” Inquired Aizawa.
“I…” Monoma winced. “My head feels like it’s splitting in half…”
“That’s to be expected.”
Guilt hung on your shoulders. Still, you managed to reach out to Monoma’s legs. His eyes opened, he looked right at you, then down to the floor, crossing his legs closer in to himself.
“You should probably go,” Aizawa said to you.
You never wanted this. You never wanted Monoma to be hurt, never wanted him to be obsessive or possessive, never wanted to feel how did you now. You just wanted him to recognize you so you did something vile to him and now you had to live with your guilt and your shame. Now you had to live with Monoma hating you. And you carried your guilt all the way home, using it to cry yourself to sleep.
You didn’t go to school the next day. You would have to face your problems sooner or later but after the night you had, you couldn’t face Monoma or Aizawa or anybody else who would without a doubt know about the heinous act you pulled.
You went into town, trying your hardest to forget about who you were, but whenever you saw a couple holding hands or simply exchanging glances, your heart stung. You managed to split Monoma’s head in half while you simultaneously ripped your heart to shreds. It was what you deserved.
Your legs felt heavy as you crawled into bed. You hardly had enough energy to kick your sheets over your body. You thought you just about drained yourself of all of your tears, but when your head hit the pillow, they came rushing back to you. You could only hide for so long. You were going to have to go to school tomorrow.
Sleep crept its way into your bedroom all the while another force snuck its way in. You were busy having a dream of being forced into a cauldron, when a heavy weight was pushed onto your torso. Your eyes snapped open and you found yourself face to face with Neito Monoma.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” he said, a sickly sweet smile crawling across his face. “You were so still, so… perfect… Did you know you talk when you sleep?”
“Monom-!” Before you could get his full name out, Monoma’s lips locked into yours. He moaned as he kissed you, fingers wrapping around your wrists and bringing them up above your head. He took your breath away, but it wasn’t all that uninvited. You had missed him.
He pulled away, sighing as he took in your flustered physique. His body pressed down harder on you and you were finding your breathing to be a bit strained. He was crushing you.
“I waited for you today,” he mused, peppering kisses down your collarbone. “It seems I’m always waiting for you…”
“What… are you doing here?”
“I’m hurt you even have to ask,” he chuckled sarcastically. “Don’t you remember the promise you made me before making me drink that poison?”
You promised him you’d do anything he wanted. “But the potion was supposed to change you back…”
“It didn’t work,” he said thoughtlessly while his hand slid down to palm you breast.
“W-wait!” You grasped his hand but his merely pushed your arm back down, pulling his knees up to hold your sides tightly.
He glowered down at you. “What I mean to say is, the first potion you slipped me didn’t work.” He smirked. “Do you think that I’m so much of a fool that I couldn’t tell that a drink of mine had been spiked? I was insulted at first, of course, but your actions did give me incentive to pursue you. I’ve always had these feelings for my little angel, and soon, you will too.”
In one swift motion, Monoma held both of your hands back with one of his, while the other pressed glass against your lips. Cold liquid was forced down your throat. Panicking, you swallowed, making Monoma grin and coo, “good girl.”
You coughed when he pulled the vial away from you. He hushed you and kissed your forehead. “Things will be better this way,” he whispered as your body began to shake. “You’ll see me just as I see you. We just have to wait a few minutes.”
Your head spun and it felt like your body was sinking into your bed. Your mind was clouding over and there was nothing you could do about Monoma’s wet, hot, hungry kisses across your body. But in a matter of minutes, just like he said, it wasn’t of any negative concern. Your head, along with your heart, was changing.
“Neito,” you sighed his name and leaned up against your bed.
Monoma placed a tender kiss on your stomach before looking up at you with the most dazzling and brilliant blue eyes. You lifted your hand out to him and he wove his fingers through yours.
“Is my angel ready to make good on her promise?” He asked. You nodded and he grinned, crawling up your bed to level his head with yours. “Then let’s start with one simple request,” he said before brushing his lips against yours.
“Tell me you love me.”
TAGS FOR EVERYTHING (NOT SPICY): @ayeputita @yandere-inamorata @dee-madwriter @unboundbnha @rizamendoza808, @rubycubix @smbody-stole-mycar-radio @zellllyyyy @sarcastictextstuck @kpanime @captain-sin-allmight-queen @psionicsnow @wickedlewicked @ghost-of-todoroki @kattariapenn @im-an-adult-sometimes @bnhya @local-senpai @eggpienutbuttercroissant @usernamekate94 @reyvenclaww @hi-ho-and-hello @rubyred-imagines
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moonbeamsung · 3 years
under the cut you will find my comprehensive brain dump about hot sauce <3
okay in addition to all the shitposts i made about the album as i listened for the first time, i have so much i wanna say about each track so here we go, even if no one reads this i don’t mind because i’m just posting it for myself! this is 15% semi-professional-sounding album review talk and the other 85% is me freaking out lol
hot sauce: someone said this is zimzalabim’s brother and i can’t stop thinking about it, but unlike that song it honestly didn’t take multiple listens for me to like the song itself. the only thing that was the slightest bit off-putting about it was the higher pitch of the chanting (which i still don’t know if i’m imagining or not) but i don’t mind it as much as i used to. the beat is so interesting and funky and the latin-ish(?) sound of some parts suits them unexpectedly well :,) all the members’ voices are so distinct and i think they all got a chance to shine, like even without looking at the line distribution it just seems pretty even to me when i listen. okay now onto the mv i think it’s super cool and when i saw it for the first time it felt like there was a lot going on and it was a little overwhelming but i think that’s just because it was 5 in the morning and my senses were overwhelmed lol (like the lyrics say o_o (i think??)) also JISUNG’S DANCE BREAK I AM ON THE FLOOR. he sounded so good sjdfbds. renjun’s adlibs (in the final chorus especially) are really something else and his lil duet part with jisung in prechorus 2 is amazing showstopping never been done before etc etc. haechan’s high note and jeno’s and mark’s (side note i can’t believe we really have 7dream again :,)) and jaemin’s raps and chenle’s voice throughout the entire thing are just,,, perfection omg. overall i love this song so much and think it was a great title track for them!!
diggity: IT GOES SO HARD IT’S CRAZY. first of all here are some timestamps that make me lose my mind: 0:30 i swear the adlib sounds like mark but the video shows that it’s renjun and he sounds😳whew. and 2:48.....jisung.........i can’t do this............for maximum pain watch a clip of him talking from 2016/2017 and then listen to this part but warning you may cry. HE SOUNDS SO SKDFBL WHEN DID HIS VOICE GET SO DEEP🥲like i knew it was but this is just. another level lmao but anyways, the bridge in this song as a whole sounds amazing!!! i’m very much in love with really small moments like the little “na na na”s in mark’s rap and the way they sound, sorta minor in tone. also love how the beats build up to the chorus each time and i just wanna bop my head to it! it seems like i hear new little harmonies and adlibs every time i listen and it’s such a nice mix of vocals and strong raps :)
dive into you: the VIBES of this song??? i liked it from the teaser but as i listen more and more it gets even better it seems. like imagine a summer roadtrip to the coast because that’s what this sounds like.  mark and jisung really started things off with one of the catchiest raps i’ve ever heard and everything about it is so perfect😩jaemin and jeno singing >>>> and chenle chose violence with his high note and hearing all the harmonies from every single one of them makes me so happy :> they’re so beautiful like aaaaa. also i just love the minor-sounding notes (that’s a favorite thing of mine can you tell) in the chorus with the “you-ooh” parts. VOCALIST JENO AT 2:36 IS THE PRETTIEST THING I’VE EVER HEARD DO YOU HEAR HIS HARMONY. can’t forget vocalist jisung either, any time he sings i’m just🥰which has happened a lot this cb which is GREAT :DD and then on top of all that, the track video is adorable and they look so happy!! driver haechan doesn’t hurt either lmao AND THE PERFORMANCES OF IT ARE SO CUTE TOO LIKE HHHH
my youth: something about this song sounds so nostalgic and it’s going on my driving playlist because it just gives me such a carefree feeling, like being on the highway or driving through a city at sunset. it’s really chill and it’s one of the softer songs on this album so it balances out the harder-hitting tracks :) jaemin’s rap is so nice, reminds me of how much i love his voice :( i heard a clip of them singing this song live and it doesn’t sound the slightest bit different, it really shows all their singing talents🥺
rocket: omg definitely another favorite of mine on the album, it’s so upbeat and reminds me of dream run!!! also it’s moonshine produced so you know it’s going to be a total bop. for some reason it feels like something that would play on a rollercoaster if they had music, the scales and the synth make it sound really fun and it’s extremely enjoyable to listen to, makes me wanna dance around :) jaemin’s rap with the little star wars line is cute hehe. and chenle’s “level up” part, he sounds SO GOOD! from the bridge towards the end, that’s my favorite part, it’s such an energetic beat and, like, bouncy? i guess? that’s not the best word but i really really really love this track☺️☺️☺️
countdown (3,2,1) : besides the fact that mark decided to k word me with that “explOsive” line at the opening i love this one too! it sounds futuristic almost. i never knew how much i needed to hear jisung say “control freak” before this and his singing voice at 1:15 and 3:11 and 3:24 is just wOw—plus his RAP I’M NOT GONNA RECOVER FOR A WHILE😔🤭......also love the transitions from jaemin into mark and then jeno for that part in the bridge and the buildup it has to the final chorus. i think haechan’s and renjun’s voices sound so good on this track like at that softer part? aND HOLY HECK IS HYUCK THE ONE DOING THOSE ADLIBS TOWARDS THE END BECAUSE IF SO DAMN. yes boys you are very dangerous
anl: why couldn’t they have just called it all night long because everyone’s reading it wrong🤠this one is really chill and i think the way it sounds kinda matches the vibe of their boring ver. photos, if that makes sense. it’s also going on my driving playlist!! i don’t know what to call the little twinkling sounds at the start but i love those, and mark’s voice is so soothing in this song🥺something about the way renjun sings “sky high” is gorgeous and jisung’s parts with the harmonies are truly a blessing to the ears :] the chorus sounds so inherently dream and i feel like track itself has something mature about it? (not in that way geez) but like it just shows how far they’ve come music-wise/vocally
irreplaceable: except for mark’s one english line in the bridge (you know the one don’t make me type it) (but it doesn’t make me cringe quite as much anymore) i also adore this song☺️if this track had a video, i’d picture it looking something like the cafe 7dream content. it sounds really acoustic and warm and like they could just be casually singing it together in a cozy cafe or studio! also, i realized that it reminds me of another dream song when i hear it and i figured out that it’s bye my first hehe. HAECHAN’S HIGH NOTE IS WITHOUT A DOUBT THE BEST PART, MARRY ME SIR.
be there for you: literally the renhyuckle ballad we’ve always wanted!!! i don’t even have that much to say because it’s just so beautiful, all three of their voices blend so well together and it’s such a comforting track. nct’s slower and softer songs like this are very distinct and have a gentle kind of power. listening to it feels like a hug and the harmonies and high notes and the extent of their vocal ranges are just so, so amazing.
rainbow: for all the times i’ve cried to it, i still love it :,) those first lyrics from chenle make me want to bawl my eyes out simply because his tone there is so nostalgic and pretty and sad-sounding, and reading the lyrics makes me even more emotional (or maybe i’m just overly sensitive oops). the softer raps and angelic vocals and every little harmony and adlib are EVERYTHING, this is another song that just suits the unit so well. regardless of their positions this track proves that every single member is beyond capable of being a vocalist. i don’t know why it seems like such a sad and nostalgic song to me, but it’s also really hopeful at the same time. it’s like this dreamscape of emotions (no pun intended), and the video is so otherworldly and enchanted it seems almost magical. the colors and the playground set? their expressions and interactions with one another? i swear, their friendship and bond is unlike any i’ve ever seen. this track also makes me think of how proud i am of them, and i wanna give them all the biggest hug in the world🥺
if you decided to read this whole thing i would like to say i’m sorry for the ramble but also thank you for being interested in what i had to say :)
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chimtaera · 5 years
imagine model namjoon.
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ok let’s not kid ourselves
boy’s already a model
he’s got the body.
got the looks.
what can i say, he’s no super model (too clumsy), but he get’s around with the more diverse castings yanno
probably got started on instagram,
with his #kimdaily outfits
which are sometimes just chill, pretty, sporty, casual, cool
and other times completely wacky and just ??? how did you even think to wear those ??? at the same time?? together ???
he always looks good tho
but some looks will give you whiplash. ur warned.
but that’s part of his appeal tbh
hhhh probably gains a lot of popularity when one of those more ‘out there’ outfits circulates on twitter or reddit and people are like “hOW does he make that work??? why does it look good??? is he just that hot??”
the answer is yes.
from there he builds a solid following.
for his great looks, great fashion sense, and his 4am instagram stories that are just a black pic with like a three paragraph text about how rain might feel if it had feelings.
also, solid music recommendations omg 
you probably make ur own spotify playlist with just his recommendations.
ok ok so you best bELIEVE when this boy finally gets cast for a show he’s gonna fall on his ass and go viral
claim to fame baby
probably becomes a meme and rolls with it tbh
like he’ll share the memes in his story, so as not to ruin the ・゚:*aesthetic*:・゚and react to them and shit
but then also get on live and talk at length about how faceplanting on the catwalk impacts your self-esteem, how he’s habit he could benefit positively from such an embarrassing moment, and how there’s a lesson for everyone here, and that he hopes all our embarrassing moments may in some way benefit us one day.
he’s such a sweetheart im-
so you might be a stylist?
a hair stylist?
makeup artist?
fellow model?
whatever you’re comfortable with.
you definitely see him on instagram first tho
you came for the memes but are super impressed with his profile and end up staying for the music.
...... and him.
he’s hot, come on.
also 90% of networking is done on instagram these days let us be real.
okay so oNE DAY, or like late evening, who cares
he post a music recommendation and you’re like !!!!!!!!
it’s that low key indie band with like only one EP out that you found on some obscure spotify playlist and you’ve been jamming to since october
and apparently namjoon has too because they’ve released a new single and you didn’t even know ????
and you’re so excited your fingers slip and oopsie you’ve sent a short but rambling message explaining exactly that into his DM’s
instant regret.
then the anxiety bubbles up in you.
and then you calm yourself and convince yourself that he gets a LOT of messages he probably won’t even see yours, so it’s fine it’s fine it’s-
next morning you have a reply
a new follow
yikes, you didn’t even have time to give your feed a spring cleaning
you just like his short “ikr!!!!”, too mortified to reply.
alas, the regrets!
but also
the butterflies.
then you see him at an event one time.
it’s fashion week, you’re hecking busy and about to leave because it’s like midnight and you’ve got places to be tomorrow
but it’s always so strange to see people from insta irl like ??? all those dimensions??? you really be lookign like that ??? damn.
once you’ve stared long enough to be certain that’s actually what he looks like (so handome!!! so tall!!!! wtf!!!! who allowed this??) you turn to leave just as he glances up and cetches your eye for like the tiniest fraction of a second
and you hightail it outta there and hope to heaven he doesn’t know you were staring.
but he likes your pic from the party the next morning and you almost choke on your coffee and the lump in your throat stays there all day
and you’re like, am i?? catching feelings ??? for the catwalk faceplant guy??? you’ve never even talked to the man smh
he’s fucking hot tho.
so, fashion week ends and with it comes another party
you can finally relax, celebrate, wind down from the long week.
you’re talking to some designer about their next project and they’re going on about this instagram dude who’s already on board when they start waving someone over like “hey hey, there he is, y/n have you met kim namjoon yet?”
you turn around you’re like !!!!! fuck. he’s so much taller up close.
“hey, no, yeah, no, but i’ve seen you on, uh, on instagram. i think.” smooth, y/n.
after introductions, the designer gets pulled along into some other conversation and you and namjoon are kinda awkward for a minute.
you just sip your drink like ‘fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck aaaaaaa’
but then he asks you easy questions about what you do and what you’ve been working on this week and it’s the same thing you’ve been talking about with everyone you’ve met this week so it goes pretty smoothly
he makes it easy for you, like he’s very attentive, nods along enthusiastically asking follow-up questions and seems genuinely interested in your work it’s so nice! he’s so nice!
and you ask him the same things you’ve asked everyone else this week like you haven’t seen everything on his instagram already.
actually you’ve missed a few things since you’ve been so busy and your interest is genuine, before you know it the two of you are at a table and getting along like a house on fire, showing each other pics from the week.
he asks you send him a pic from one of the shows he didn’t get to see and when he do he’s sees your old messages and is like ?? oh !!
i mean, he totally knew it was you, but he had forgotten the part about that obscure indie band and the new single, so he shows you!
you’ve been following them even closer since then so you know they’re playing a gig in like two weeks and you tell him.
turns out he’s missed this info because of fashion week and he’s super excited!! you guys have to go together!!!¨
“i mean, we don’t have to- it’s just, i don’t know anyone else who listens to them, i could probably go alone, but, you know, it would be cool-”
and of course you’ll go with him, so you two exchange numbers and end up texting the next two weeks.
at first you’re just making tentative plans to meet and go to to the gig, but then there’s a gallery opening the same day, and you know this realy good thrift shop nearby that he should check out, and you guys should get dinner before because namjoon knows this really cool place and-
and it’s a date.
namjoon has every intention to kiss you that night after the gig, but he wants to ask you first and he’s not sure exactly how so he’s just like “um ??? can i ??? uhhh ?? do you ??? uh”
and ur like, “hey, namjoon, i really want u to kiss me, please?”
the rest is history.
you two are too cute, with your instagram aesthetic and lowkey couple outfits, and highkey couple pics, i’d follow.
you two would be gOALS, and it does wonders for both your careers tbh
omg imagine all the cool collaborations you two could do.
and eventually namjoon would go viral again when the paparazzi captures him spilling his coffee and your cute reaction.
but the best thing about dating model namjoon is he makes you your very own playlist.
and you get your very own story highlight with all the aesthetic pics he snaps of you just like buying milk and stealing his fries, and exploring the city on sundays afternoons, going vintage shopping and reading in the park, titled: “bae.” with every colour heart.
hyping each other in the comments always.
and the thirst omg
anyway, nsfw under the cut.
so you take it kinda slow at first because turns out namjoon has a huge crush on you and he lowkey can’t keep his hands off you but also wants to “date you properly”, whatever that means.
props to you if you get impatient with him and tease him a little, a thirst trap here, a netflix and chill there, sending a sexy song his way, or even better post it on your story for him to see.
if it doesn’t provoke him to action it’ll at least get him hard flustered, which is cute.
in the end joon is a soft boy and you can sit up all night talking, so you end up talking about sex long before having it.
and that just makes it all the more special tbh
and when it does happen, it’s like everything else the two of you do, a little awkward at first, a little clumsy, fumbly, but a lot of fun, and it’s namjoon, and you love namjoon. so, so much.
like it doesn’t matter if he accidentally bumps your nose, because he’ll apologise and the two of you will just giggle and continue. 
and he might pull your hair on accident, but that way you can admit to him that it’s.. kinda hot.
and when your teeth collide when you kiss it’s only because any amount of distance between you quickly becomes unbearable, and you both need each other so, so much.
imagine slow, lazy sunday morning snuggle fuck with namjoon.
and then later when you’re on a blanket in the park reading both your books he’ll get distracted, thinking about it, lean in close and tell you something ridiculous like he wishes you would wake him up by sitting on his face.
and imagine backstage heavy petting after a show, leaving the afterparty early, because you’re both buzzing with unrelieved tension and namjoon is very hard in his pants, pressing himself against you as you try to have a polite conversation with some influencer.
love, love, loooooves, watching you ride.
and he’ll go down on you for hours if you let him, honestly.
anytime, anywhere tbh
how did you get so lucky?
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princeanxious · 5 years
Fun ramble time bc i can’t make up my mind!
Okay so i usually know how clothes work and stuff and can usually get a good idea of the clothing type to give a character based on a given time period(vaugely taken as i’m not starkly strict abt clothing per era staying exactly so, bc i do fantasy aus more than historical aus), given i get to do a fair bit of research about what i’m generally looking for.
However. I am. At a genuine loss atm. Because Patton??(at least my take on Fanon Patton) Our sunshine boi??? Could wear ANYTHING at ALL and rock it bc that boy is a golden retriever and would probs be happy to wear almost anything given that he thinks its neat or looks cool.
In my “The Fear of the Found AU” world, its fnatasy, a bit olden timey bc theres still castles and royalty and vampires(tho to be explained, they’re different) and other fantasy species and some lowkey magic and telephones aren’t quite a thing yet but they getting there and yada yada sorta unimportant.
Patton is a Vampire, hes a fruit bat vampire(common), not a vampire bat vampire(rare), hes got a human form with unhideable bat-like wings, terrible eye sight, huge bat-ears, a small tail where his wings would attach when shifted into bat form, and, bc of the type of bat he reflects, has a white puff of fur around his neck that i’m debating to hell and back if i should even keep due to its interference with his design of clothing to make Patton look like Patton in old time-y clothes.
I have a pin-board almost entirely dedicated to finding shirts and stuff that might fit Patton for this au alone, bc if its not the wing-hole issue(certain shirts designs can be adjusted to make them work, others not so much) its the neck-floof issue. I’ve considered button ups that come off the shoulder(but dont do so enough to feasibly allow full wing room in the back), sweaters??? Heck Patton could probably happily go shirtless and lay in the sun if he wasn’t surrounded by stuffy royalty. Maybe a simple loose long sleeve?? A pretty cropped top was what i’d been aiming for originally but its not feasible. Kjhjhagfshg i’ve been stuck on this for a few days if you couldn’t tell?? And its not that big of a deal but if i can figure out Pattons outfit I could finish his digital design and i’d have three fully colored digital drawings for the ‘The Fear of the Found AU’ of the three main vampires in the story. Jgjgrjjdgsrjgstkhdhtdkhtdj bleh.
Should i remove the neck floof?? Is it worth it?? Maybe replace to w/ a fluffy article of clothing??(tho that poses its own stylistic problems bc i’m trying to give Patton a sunny design hhhh) i just wanted a little visual allusion in Patton’s human form that his bat form is based off the honduran white bat. xD
okie. Ramble over (for now.) time to get back to functional clothing planning for Bat-Pat
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sadbreadcrumb · 4 years
so, i was asked on a date by some guy on insta
- seems nice, cool&smart (why the heck people around me are always so fucking smart i get insecure...)
- a cat lover. has two cutest cats hhhh
- vegan. consciousness or whatever is good, right...?
- i get a crush on almost everyone i meet anyway, why not?
- it's good to get at least some dating experience, right????
- the She can't be my first priority forever, i guess... she wanted us to be just good friends, right?..
- he's a guy. i'm so uncomfortable around dudes. i don't know when was the last time i talked to one. no experience hanging out with dudes whatsoever. i'm scared
- i don't know him personally it would be so much easier with someone i know why no one likes me...
- what if we get to sexy stuff one day?? it's so complicated why why why. it's way to early for thinking about that but still
- i WANT to focus on her. i kinda like to live dreaming about her starting to have feelings for me and stuff lol. not good, though. not sure it would work out anyway...
- if i think about it for too long i get terrified lol
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pollenprince · 4 years
♥ Lady dreemurr (you know what I just remembered? We said we would throw Ladydreemurr and WhatisLv a Welcome Back party if they ever returned to Tumblr...we should get on that.)
SO. I just love Toriels, so I might be subjective as all hell, but? I really, really love yours. She just comes off so motherly and caring and hhhh. I love her, okay. AND her face in the icons is amazing, the art is wonderfully expressive, and it looks so soft... just look at those ears... I am rambling and I am not apologetic in the slightest.
Your Toriel is an extremely well-written lady, full of love and care and fire, and I live for her interactions with kid characters. Those are amazing. I really hope I will get to interact with her much, much more!!! And you seem super cool yourself, so that is a nice bonus, haha.
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I have a request. So what if the reader is very fond of Mirio, like they respect him and he knows they are a big fan. But they are going through a hard time with bullies and he comes by and saves the day Mirio style and gives our reader some awesome advice and cheering up?
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Ah yes, Mirio Togata-
The shining star of UA High
You've heard rumours that he's the next closest to becoming the #1 Hero, and that's including the pros!
If that didnt make him cool enough already, he was also a really cool guy in general!
He's nothing but humble when it comes to his skills and quirk, always insisting that a big part of why he is where he is now is because of the guidance of others.
He always makes sure to shift the praise from himself to those around him, happy to get a chance to show appreciation and gratitude to his friends, teachers, and fellow classmates.
And on top of that, Mirio had this light about him, this positive and determined resolve that made people flock to his charming self.
He was a great person, and you admired and respected him a lot, not that you'd ever actually spoken before other than basic introductions, (where you may have gotten a little bit excited and gushed about him.....to him....hhhh)
You wanted to be positive and bright like him too!! And push past your own limits and be Plus Ultra!
One of the things about being bright is that you're more noticeable in the dark, and that can be a cause of some unfortunate situations.
Like the one you were currently facing as you were roughly pushed against the wall by a student you didn't even know
"Hey there friendo, noticed you've been quite the overachiever lately, all sunshiney and full of hope, it's really been- hm what's the word I'm looking for, oh right!"
You're pulled and smashed into the wall once again
"Annoying. It's really fricking annoying."
You feel their grip tighten on your uniform as it looks like they're about to hit you, when a voice cuts through the air with a chilling sense of authority and calm.
"Excuse me, do you go to this school?"
You look over the shoulder of the student pummeling you to see none other than Mirio Togata, calmly grasping the bully's shoulder and turning them so he could look directly at them.
The bully takes a glance at you then back to Mirio, and deciding you weren't the priority in that moment, lets go of you and faces Mirio.
"Yeah I do, from class 2-C, I'm in the hero course, why are you asking?"
You can tell the bully is trying to play this situation off with defiance, but is visibly shaking as Mirio never once breaks eye contact with them.
You see Mirio's grip tighten ever so slightly on the bullie's shoulder
"Listen, I dont know you, and I dont know why you're doing this, but for whatever reason understandable or not, this is wrong; and as someone training to be a hero? You should know that better than anyone."
You've never seen someone have such an intense aura while seeming completely calm.
It was pretty hecking cool
The bully, facade of confidence falling and embarrassment taking its place, roughly pushes Mirio's hand off and grumbles as they scurry off to class.
As soon as they're out of sight Mirio turns to you looking concern, his intense face falling and swiftly changing to one of concern.
"Oh gosh, hey are you alright y/n?"
Your name? He remembered after talking to you once?
"Yh- Yeah thanks- heh my feelings were hurt more than me to be honest"
You let out a stale chuckle and sunk to the ground, leaning your back against the wall behind you.
"Thanks for helping me out there Mirio, though I'm still honestly pretty steamed, I didnt do anything to deserve that! Hhhh I don't want to bully em back or anything, but gosh a teeny tiny bit of payback sounds tempting right about now"
Mirio smiles and sits down next to you, letting out a quiet chuckle as you have a calm moment.
"Well hey, I understand, its valid you're feeling that way, it wasn't fair they treated you like that y/n, but as someone striving to do the right thing on the path towards being a hero, you gotta remember-"
He turns to look directly at you, the serious expression returning to his face
"Blowing out someone else's light won't make yours shine any brighter."
He stands up to leave, giving you a soft smile
"You're doing amazing y/n, keep going, keep being kind, and I think you may just end up brighter than all of us"
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