#hi I'm thinking about vampire women at midnight how are you
torterrachampion · 1 year
Chloé and Jeanne's relationship is everything to me actually.
Does Jeanne know? Does she know that when Chloé was in the deepest depths of despair the only thing she wanted was to see her again? Doesn't it make you feel insane!? And in a series like vnc Chloé wanted to die with Jeanne next to her or at Jeanne's hands!?
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Even more, she ultimately decided not to make Jeanne carry the burden of her life when she saw how much pain it was causing her. But Jeanne carried the burden anyway! She's a tool for killing and she couldn't even take Chloé's life when she asked for it! Saving her was beyond Jeanne's imagination, but when given a second chance she at least wanted to be the one to kill her as she once wished.
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The fact she failed the first time is in itself so foul. Jeanne's deathly afraid of someone else getting hurt because she disobeys orders but who did she have to care about but Chloé? Was there even anyone else left for her to fear losing at that time? There probably wasn't anything worse than Chloé dying.
She wanted to save Chloé so much! That latent desire is probably the only reason Jean-Jacques survived her. The second she receives the support she so badly needed Jeanne puts her all into saving her! Jeanne started the arc feeling like she made a mistake not killing her and ended it feeling like she made a mistake not trying to save her!
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The fact that Jeanne reaching out to Chloé was given equal weight to Jean-Jacques means so much to me. Their relationships to her are very different but they were both just as necessary to save her. There is no hierarchy when it comes to how and why they love her. Jeanne and Jean-Jacques were both necessary to get Chloé to get through to her in the way she needed.
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I can't be normal about them. They carried their affection for one another for over a century based on a short, almost insignificant period in each of their lives. The small kindnesses and company they offered one another was enough to form a basically unconditional bond between them.
Also absolutely insane that Jeanne ends the arc helping Chloé find the strength to keep living then immediately turns around and reaffirms Vanitas's promise to kill her. Truly a woman of all time.
Anyway, best female friendship in a mochijun manga.
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oliversrarebooks · 2 hours
The Rare Bookseller Part 68: Oliver's Speakeasy
Previous > Masterlist
tw: mind control, blood drinking
October 1925
"You have to relax a bit, Oliver," said Roger. "If you're holding your breath while I lace your corset, it will be dreadfully uncomfortable."
Oliver let out his breath and tried to calm his nerves. "I'm not used to corsets. It's not anything I thought I'd ever have to wear."
"That's how I felt as well, but vampires do love their low-necked ballgowns on men and women alike. It's another thing I've become accustomed to -- out of all the adjustments that come with being a vampire's thrall, dresses are minor."
"That's true enough. I can only hope I look acceptable in it."
"Given how your master looks at you, I believe he would think you're fetching in a flour sack." He began to lace the corset tight. "You're quite devoted to pleasing your master, aren't you?"
"I find that I can't help myself. Isn't that the effect of the enthrallment?"
"One effect, certainly. Although after twenty years, I hardly know where the enthrallment ends and I begin."
Oliver nodded. He didn't need twenty years to feel that way. He already felt as though he hardly remembered himself before enthrallment. "You seem very comfortable with your master."
"Comfortable, yes, you could say that. It's my duty to take care of him, and it's an easier life if you keep a sense of humor about it. I suspect I've become fond of him apart from the enthrallment. And I know my master appreciates my efforts." He finished lacing the corset and put a hand on Oliver's head. "Your master appreciates you as well, I'm sure of it."
"I can only hope so."
Roger helped him put the gown on, a turn-of-the-century style done in midnight blue with embroidered roses, one tailored to his exact measurements. He then fastened a delicate gold chain adorned with sapphires around his bare neck. Oliver stared into the mirror. He was dressed like a princess or a wealthy heiress, looking nothing like himself. It was a stark reminder of how much he'd been changed since the night of his capture.
It had only been weeks, and yet his former life was already receding away from him, never to return.
Oliver then assisted Roger in donning his own gown, an ostentatious red number that had very clearly been chosen by Roger's master and not Roger himself, and they made their way up the stairs to their masters' chamber to help them prepare as well.
Alexander and Fitz were lounging on the bed when they entered, but they both stood up, wide-eyed, at the sight of the thralls. Fitz whistled. "Fantastic. Lex, are you sure you want Oliver to go out like that? He's going to turn every head in the place."
"Let heads turn. If they touch my thrall, they'll pay the price," said Lex with startling fierceness. "It's no different from when I went out with you."
Fitz laughed. "Somehow, I don't think Oliver will end up grievously insulting and humiliating a vampire in front of an entire ballroom."
"It's almost a pity," said Alexander thoughtfully. "Come here, Oliver, I wish to take a better look at you."
Oliver stepped closer to his master, who took him by the shoulders and swept over him with an appraising eye. He tilted Oliver this way and that, and took his chin in his hand to meet his gaze. Oliver felt just like that fateful night in the auction house, when Alexander had decided to make his purchase, when Oliver first felt his hunger and desire. Even though his master had taken blood the night before, the undercurrent of hunger and desire was still pressing down on him.
"Master, hold still while I fasten your cummerbund," said Roger, who had started to assist Fitz while Oliver was losing himself in his master. "It's difficult to fasten when you squirm."
"You should be helping me with my attire as well," said Alexander, running his fingers down the side of Oliver's face.
"Yes, sir." Oliver felt as if he were in a dream as he began to help his master prepare, slipping the neatly pressed coat on his shoulders and tying a neat bow around his neck.
Just as the vampires were finishing their preparations, the doorbell buzzed, and Oliver ran down the stairs to answer, careful not to trip in his embroidered slippers. He flung the door open to Miss Lily, dressed in a floral pink frock and tall pink heels, the sort of fashionable thing Oliver saw in department store windows. Behind her, Miriam, also fashionably dressed, poked her head out shyly.
"Oh, Oliver, you look positively dashing! This dress suits you so well," said Miss Lily, cradling his chin in her hands. "Where are your masters? They had better be ready, because I don't want to leave the carriage waiting long."
"Well, well, well, if it isn't my bad luck charm," said Fitz, hanging over the balcony.
"Oh, Fitz, dear, thank goodness you're here. Lex hasn't cracked so much as a smile since you last left, even with this delightful thrall at his beck and call. You'd better have relieved him of his malaise."
"You want me to relieve Lex of his malaise?" said Fitz, sauntering down the stairs. "You might as well ask me to remove the water from the ocean."
"I do see your point," said Miss Lily. She leaned in towards him and whispered conspiratorially. "Has he told you about his plan?"
"His daft plan to get all of us tortured? Naturally. And I support it, of course, because I'm as daft as he is."
Miss Lily sighed. "Of course you do. I expected nothing less."
"My ears are burning. I think you must be talking about me." Lex was walking down the stairs now, with Roger following behind.
"Oh, Roger!" Miss Lily went to him and squeezed him, a fondly dazed smile appearing on the thrall's face. "I do hope you've been well."
"Never better, Miss Lily," he said dreamily. Oliver wondered if Roger had been enthralled by Miss Lily as well. And on that note…
"You look lovely, Miriam," he said politely to the thrall, who was clinging to her madam and looking perhaps a bit uneasy at all the commotion.
Her face lit up in a smile. "Oh, thank you, Oliver. You look very handsome as well!"
Miss Lily clapped her hands. "Now that we've got everyone here, let's all pile into the carriage, shall we?"
Next thing Oliver knew, he was crammed in next to Alexander in the carriage, which was only just barely large enough to hold all six people.
"I've been looking forward to this," said Fitz, shamelessly snuggled up to Alexander's other side. "It's been ages since we've been out to the Tiger's Eye."
"Lex and I were there not so long ago," said Miss Lily. "If Lex gets as drunk tonight as he was then, you're going to have to help me carry him home, Fitz."
"Oh, with pleasure."
"If I might ask, sirs…" said Oliver, fidgeting with his dress hem, "What sort of place is the Tiger's Eye?"
"Why, it's a social club for vampires and their thralls. One of the most popular in the city," said Miss Lily. "Everyone who is everyone puts in an appearance now and then, even recluses like your master, and we all bring our favorite thralls, all dressed to the nines. There's entertainment and stiff drinks and even h'ors doeuvres for the thralls. You'll just love it."
Oliver nodded, far less certain than Miss Lily that he would love it. He'd never frequented bars and clubs, finding them loud and awkward at best. At least he wouldn't be going there alone, but could stay by his master's side.
"Make sure you stay close to me," said Alexander, as though he read Oliver's mind. "Don't entertain any vampires who show an interest in you."
"Yes, sir."
They stepped out of the carriage in front of an unassuming restaurant that seemed as ordinary as any other. Clearly human patrons could be seen through the window, enjoying Italian dishes. "This is the Tiger's Eye, sir?" asked Oliver.
"It's in the basement. The restaurant is simply a front run by the same vampire who owns the club." Alexander pulled him close as they walked to the entrance. "It offers cover, and brings in human money and human blood."
"I see, sir."
A mouth-watering scent filled his nose as the group stood before the maitre'd's station. Miss Lily moved a flap on her dress to reveal a ruby pin, and the maitre'd waved them to the back. They all descended a rickety spiral staircase, the sound of music and laughter growing louder.
The Tiger's Eye club was much larger than the restaurant upstairs. All of the tables were low, with the patrons sitting on piles of cushions. While some of the crowd were wearing contemporary fashions, like Miss Lily and Fitz, a good number of them were dressed in formalwear from decades gone by, much like Oliver's ballgown. More alarmingly, some of the patrons were dressed in very little, as though they were burlesque dancers. It didn't take long for him to realize that these were thralls, kneeling on the cushions and gazing up at their vampiric masters with adoration.
There was a stage at the opposite end of the club where a jazz quartet was playing. Waitstaff flitted among the tables, and like many of the thralls, their outfits were absolutely scandalous. Their glassy eyes and sleepwalking mannerisms indicated that they were heavily enthralled as well, and there were prominent bite scars on their necks and shoulders. In one of the back corners, a well-dressed vampire was drinking from a waitress.
With Alexander, it was sometimes easy for Oliver to forget what sort of situation he was in, and feel like he was perhaps an ordinary servant to an eccentric rich man instead of thrall to a vampire. His current surroundings made him intensely aware of his situation, surrounded by potentially hostile vampires and semi-conscious human slaves. Alexander, of course, wasn't distressed at all, taking in the scene with a smile on his face.
All vampires are dangerous -- that's what Roger had told him.
Nonetheless, Alexander was by far Oliver's greatest chance at safety, and so he shamelessly clung to his master as they walked through the club. He could feel the eyes of leering vampires on him and see their hungry grins. His master's grip tightened. It seemed like an eternity before they arrived at a table with a "reserved" placard on it.
The vampires arranged the cushions and made themselves comfortable, Alexander beckoning Oliver close and pulling him halfway into his lap. Next to them, Fitz flopped over into Roger's lap as the latter sighed.
"The music's good tonight. Who's playing?" Fitz asked.
"They're regulars here. The trumpet player is an older vampire -- I've trained up a few of his thralls, and he has a great sense of humor. The others are all fledglings, more or less…"
Oliver found he couldn't really concentrate on what Lily was saying over the din of the crowd, deafened by the sound of his own heartbeat and blood rushing through his ears.
"Say there, I can't help but notice what an excellent thrall you've brought with you."
Oliver nearly jumped out of his skin. The vampire addressing Lex was a larger man in a checkered suit.
"Thank you," said Alexander with a hint of threat. "He's my most treasured possession." And Oliver's heart twisted to hear himself described that way.
"Where do you get a fine thrall like that? I'm new to the area, just moved from down south, and I'm looking for some fresh blood."
"Oh, then I'm the one you want to talk to," Miss Lily interjected. "I handle conditioning for all of the finest high-end auctions and private sales in the city. I can't promise you'll find one as good as Oliver here, as thralls like him are in short supply, but I'm sure I could help you find something to your taste."
Oliver felt Alexander's hold on him relax as the vampire in the checkered suit started to happily chatter to Miss Lily about thrall sales. He noticed that, in addition to Miriam sitting in her lap, Miss Lily was now surrounded by several other adoring thralls, draped contentedly against her shoulders and over her legs.
"Who are…?"
"The thralls Miss Lily conditions are often drawn to her," said Alexander, toying with Oliver's hair. "This happens whenever we go to a place openly frequented by vampires."
"Good evening, sirs."
Oliver looked up to see a waitress dressed in frills that barely covered her most private areas, her eyes dull and glassy. He blushed and looked away.
"We have many top quality spirits available, as well as an assortment of blood on tap, including rare specialties. If there's anything I can fetch for you, esteemed sirs, it would be my pleasure to serve."
Alexander didn't seem the slightest bit put off by the waitress's plight. "I'll have a dry red, whatever's recommended."
"Certainly, sir."
"A light white wine for me," said Miss Lily.
"I'll take a sidecar," added Fitz. "And whatever beer you have on tap for my thrall."
"Right away, sirs."
"I can order something for you when she returns with the wine," said Alexander, and Oliver realized that the waitress had, of course, only asked the vampires what they wanted.
Oliver looked up again now that the waitress had walked away. "I don't drink, sir, but if I could have some tea, that would --" His eyes went wide and his breath caught in his throat. No, it couldn't be. But it certainly was.
While Oliver had been busy trying not to stare at the waitress, another thrall had arrived to cuddle Miss Lily. She was wearing a highly fashionable teal evening dress with elaborate gray embroidery and fringe, her neck and wrists were dripping with gold, and her red hair was done up in a curled bob. She looked nothing at all like the last time Oliver had seen her, but Oliver knew he'd never forget that face, her fear burned into his mind.
Previous > Masterlist
Next week: Emily!
Oliver last saw Emily all the way back in the auction house.
@d-cs @latenightcupsofcoffee @thecyrulik @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @wanderinggoblin
@whumpyourdamnpears @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are @pressedpenn @pigeonwhumps @amusedmuralist
@vampiresprite @irregular-book @whumpsoda @mj-or-say10 @und3ad-mutt
@sowhumpshaped @whumpsday @morning-star-whump @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl
@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @pirefyrelight @theauthorintraining @whump-me-all-night-long @anonfromcanada
@typewrittenfangs @tessellated-sunl1ght @cleverinsidejoke @abirbable @ichorousambrosia
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@fuckcapitalismasshole @slightlydisturbedbeans @paperprinxe @demetercabingreen-thumb @the-broken-pen
@pokemaniacgemini @jumpywhumpywriter @basica11ywhumped @anoontjecanush
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madwomansapologist · 8 months
🎶let spotify predict your 2024!🎶
shuffle your on repeat playlist and the first twelve songs represent your 2024
thanks for tagging me @desert-fern! 💙
January: Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want by The Smiths
Haven't had a dream in a long time See, the life I've had Can make a good man bad
February: My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski
'Cause my love is mine, all mine I love mine, mine, mine Nothing in the world belongs to me But my love mine, all mine Nothing in the world is mine for free But my love mine, all mine, all mine
March: Good Looking by Suki Waterhouse
The skyline falls as I try to make sense of it all I thought I'd uncovered your secrets, but turns out there's more You adored me before Oh, my good looking boy
April: the last great american dynasty by Taylor Swift
They say she was seen on occasion Pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea And in a feud with her neighbor She stole his dog and dyed it key lime green 50 years is a long time Holiday House sat quietly on that beach Free of women with madness, their men and bad habits And then it was bought by me
May: One Of The Girls by The Weeknd
Lock me up and throw away the key He knows how to get the best out of me I'm no fools for the world to see Trade my whole life just to be
June: Johanna by Suki Waterhouse
Who am I? Who am I? Couldn't tell ya, couldn't tell ya Who am I? Who am I? Couldn't tell ya, couldn't tell ya I was feeling love, being used Now I'm so confused, so confused Electric lights, lucky strikes We danced all night and then I looked in your eyes And said Johanna, Johanna Only want ya 'cause I can't have ya
July: Hypnotic by Zella Day
You do it to me so well Hypnotic taking over me Make me feel like someone else You got me talking in my sleep I don't wanna come back down I don't wanna touch the ground Pacific Ocean, dug so deep Hypnotic taking over me Hypnotic taking over me
August: Is It Over Now? by Taylor Swift
And did you think I didn't see you? There were flashing lights At least I had the decency To keep my nights out of sight Only rumors 'bout my hips and thighs And my whispered sighs Oh, Lord, I think about Jumping off of very tall somethings Just to see you come running And say the one thing I've been wanting But no
September: Ainda Gosto Dela by Skank
Eu ainda gosto dela Mas ela já não gosta tanto assim A porta ainda está aberta Mas da janela já não entra luz E eu ainda penso nela
October: Liquid Smooth by Mitsk
I'm liquid smooth, come touch me, too And feel my skin is plump and full of life I'm in my prime I'm liquid smooth, come touch me, too I'm at my highest peak, I'm ripe About to fall, capture me
November: Bloodletting by Concrete Blonde
They used to dance in the garden In the middle of the night Dancin' out in the garden In the middle of the night Oh, you were a vampire and I may never see the light Oh, you were a vampire and I may never see the light
December: IN MY MOUTH by Black Dresses
I don't feel like I can be anything more than this (I've gotta...) I don't really want to be anything more than this (I've gotta...) I just wanna be whatever you want me to be (I've gotta...) I don't wanna have a soul (I've gotta...)
alright my year will be sad and horny.
Tagging: @shirebarbie @wordbunch @sotwk @harknessshi @madame-fear @arraxesfire @morpheusbaby3
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whumpshaped · 1 year
poisoned ivy vampire au- either nate or bryce is a secret vampire, your pick :)
tw vampire whumper, school setting, manipulation, gaslighting
Nate felt like he was going insane. How else would anyone explain the fact that he thought most-popular-guy Bryce Donnelley was... a vampire?
It made no sense. Bryce was clearly not very affected by sunlight, as evidenced by the fact that he attended a normal college. Well, they did have a lot of cloudy days... but Bryce was out and about even on the sunny ones, right? Sort of. He did cover up more than his 'frat bros', something that was a topic of constant lamentation among the women. But he wasn't burning. 'I get sunburnt super easily,' he'd overheard him say once.
Bryce also didn't have anything going on with his eyes. Vampires were supposed to have glowy red eyes, right? Well, his were a dark brown, as human as it could get. Normally. Sometimes, when the light hit him just right, Nate swore he could see a hint of red in them, but it always passed as quickly as it showed up.
He wasn't very proud of this one, but he had even gotten some garlic bread one time just to offer some to Bryce. He'd smiled and said he was allergic, not to mention his date with Cindy later that day. It would've been a gotcha moment– if only Bryce had kept it up.
"I'm joking, I'm joking. Thought I'd lean into the vampire thing." He grabbed one and took a bite, laughing when Nate's eyes widened. "What, don't tell me you believe that too? Is that why you thought to bring me some?"
It was embarrassing. Mortifying. Bryce made him feel like a stupid teenage girl. But there was something there, he knew it, he just had to dig a little deeper.
When they were put together as a pair for a class project, Nate thought it was the perfect opportunity to see whether Bryce could enter his dorm without an invitation. He purposely danced around the subject, all the way until they got there.
"Nice of you to invite me over. My room is a bit of a mess."
"I never invited you!" he said a bit too quickly, and Bryce feigned confusion. "I, I mean– I never invited you in– I mean..."
"I thought that was the entire reason you brought me here?"
"I... y-yeah, I just meant..."
"If you don't want me to come in, I get that–"
"No, no, come in, I'm sorry– wait–"
Bryce grinned at him, stepping over the threshold with ease. "Thanks."
Nate wanted to pull his hair out. He even dug up his old crucifix, the one he'd received as a gift from his grandmother, and then accidentally dropped it in a way so that it touched Bryce's skin. Bryce hissed in pain and pulled away– then laughed at Nate's reaction and told him it was just a joke. He'd grabbed the crucifix to hand it back to him to prove it.
There was never any conclusive evidence. Nothing to latch onto. But he just couldn't leave it alone.
He devised a plan that some might call obsessive, or even stalkerish. He was going to follow Bryce around for a whole day, make sure he didn't drink anyone's blood (he was normal, he swore, this was a totally normal thing to think about his peers), then slightly nick his finger and see how Bryce reacted. If this didn't bring any results, he would stop for good.
The day passed agonisingly slowly. He tried not to look too creepy, nor too startled whenever Bryce looked at him and they locked eyes. Bryce knew what he was after, probably, and he looked very smug about having Nate so hooked. But he didn't know about the plan. He couldn't.
Bryce ate only solids the whole day. Sandwiches, the cafeteria food, chocolate. No blood.
"Do you want to work on the project tonight?" he asked after Bryce's last class, and he could've exploded when he responded with an easy 'yeah, sure'. He was supposed to be a little agitated by now. Restless. It had been a long day, and now Nate was proposing they spend several more hours together. But Bryce never ever wavered.
It was well past midnight when they finished up. Bryce yawned, hand in front of his mouth either because he was very polite or because he was hiding a set of fangs. Nate didn't even care anymore which one it was, he just wanted to know for sure.
"I'm gonna get back to my room," Bryce said with a smile. "See you tomorrow?"
As soon as Bryce turned to leave, he cut his finger with a blade he had wrestled out of his pencil sharpener. Blood bubbled to the surface instantly, and a split second later he was slammed against the wall of his room, staring up into Bryce's bright red eyes.
"Holy shit," he breathed, just now realising that goading a vampire into attacking him wasn't the best plan of action. Truth be told, he didn't think he'd get this far.
Bryce blinked a couple times, and his eyes went right back to normal. "Oh. I can't play that off as a joke, can I?"
"You're a vampire."
Nate swallowed hard, suddenly very unsure of what to say. "Are you going to hurt me?"
"I should, shouldn't I? You found out about it after all. I can't be sure you won't tell everyone."
"Nobody would believe me!" he said hastily. "I– I just needed to know. I won't tell. I won't tell anyone. Please."
"And then there's the fact that you starved me alllll fucking day. I'm pretty hungry, you know."
"Please don't hurt me," he whimpered.
"Oh, it won't hurt."
Nate yelped when Bryce yanked his head to the side, clearly having made up his mind. His heart was pounding, and he distantly wondered whether that'd make it quicker. Higher pulse, faster bloodflow, less time with fangs in his neck–
His mind went blank when Bryce bit down. It was a strange, fuzzy feeling. He didn't feel anxious about it anymore. In fact, it was almost... pleasant. Natural. Right. He was grateful that Bryce was holding him up, because he was sure his knees would've buckled underneath him otherwise.
"You taste nice," he whispered after he was done, and Nate hummed in acknowledgment. He tasted nice... "And you obviously react very well to the venom, hm?" He pulled back and gently knocked on his head. "Anything left in there?"
Nate couldn't find the words to react. He just stared up at him through half-lidded eyes, noting that the blood on his lips must've been his own.
"I was in need of a permanent meal, and I had no idea who to even target... But I guess you just solved that issue, Detective Fane."
taglist: @whumpsday @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland
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flowerslut · 3 months
I know that you've written a bit about it in Roots, but I was wondering how you think Maria would react to Jasper finding a home and a family with the Cullens (and Bella) without the dire circumstances that caused her to visit in Roots? Like, imagine she's come to pay them a visit in Calgary to get Jasper back before it all went bad- what were her thoughts? And maybe she saw them again after Bella has been turned, maybe on purpose or maybe on accident- what would she think of Bella?? Sorry if this is a weird ask but I really love the way you write Maria and I'd love to hear your thoughts
well the guide tells us that maria "considers herself to be on good terms with [jasper]" and, to once again quote my beloved wife, maria thinks that jasper is that "lame friend who's a born-again vegan now." sure he's cringey but she thinks they're buds. it's incredibly funny because in the context of their history, this absolutely checks out! they didn't kill each other! or even try to! which can't typically be said for southern war alliances! sure, he defected like a little cowardly bitch baby thanks to that skank peter and that's super annoying and inconvenient, but their parting was as peaceful as it gets in her eyes.
we see this in midnight sun:
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so we can speculate that she views him as useful, and for anyone to be useful in an active war zone then they have to be dangerous and smart, so I'm sure maria has some measure of respect for jasper, even if it's begrudging or mocking. and note that these ⬆️ are thoughts edward has years after the whole "we'd had to move immediately" debacle, meaning that, at least in the cullens' minds, maria 1) thinks of jasper as her favorite, 2) hates peter, 3) is still "undeniably dangerous," and 4) 100% has the ability to track the cullens down.
with all that being said: I'm sure maria finds the cullens intensely amusing, if not a little annoying. i've said before that I think she should get to fuck around with the cullens more (bat them around like a house cat with a mouse) and her visit in calgary is fun to think about because of how little information we get. "Jasper had politely asked her to keep her distance in the future" vs "Maria was undeniably dangerous" are such funny facts to present to the reader, side by side. it would only make sense to connect them and just assume that edward is doing a LOT of censoring in his narration there.
I'd love to think that maria did some fun spiteful murdery shit when she visited in calgary, but it's just as likely that she just did a Normal Vampire Murder™️ that somehow blew the cullens' cover! she's just from a completely different world!!! it's so FUN to think about!! for fic I love to imagine her not taking the cullens' "please dont hunt in town" requests (or any requests) seriously, the same way I love the idea of her setting up an opportunity for the cullens' to slip up (it was just intellectual curiosity okay! she was just doing an experiment! you can't blame a women in stem for being curious!)
as for her meeting bella? tbh that scene I wrote in roots pretty much sums up how I think their meeting would go. I don't believe that, even after everything she's learned, bella really understands how dangerous maria is, especially since the information she receives via edward (and the cullens) is usually pretty sanitized and censored. I'm positive jasper was censoring pretty heavily in eclipse. the "a nightmare, a monster of the grisliest kind" seems like the gnarliest admission we get, and it's so goddamn vague it makes me feral (in a good way, don't worry). but bella doesn't strike me as someone to be afraid or wary of maria in a way the rest of the cullens probably are, and that's because homegirl never gets all the facts/the full story! likewise, I think that maria is like "who is this dumb idiot" and "why have these other idiots clearly not filled her in" when she meets bella because anyone who isn't at least a little bit uneasy about her is either 1) hiding something or 2) a complete dipshit, and i'm sure she's seen enough of the cullens to know that they're a little short on sense.
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ateezscupid · 2 years
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hosted by @tinycupids-world hello everyone! i know I haven't posted in ages, and it's mainly because I don't have any ideas on what to write and because I'm working on requests that are taking forever to write bc I'm lazy
SO, to have myself working, im giving yall a list of prompts to choose from if anyone wants to request something!
all of these prompts are just, like, the base. you can change anything up if you want to! just make sure to tell me which member you want it to be and what the genre is. this event will only last 2-4 weeks!
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Story Prompts:
Yes, you used to be in love with a vampire, but you were just seventeen, and emotions were running high. You broke it off with him before you left for college, and although it was weird to go back to the real world, you knew it was the right thing to do. But then students at your college begin to go missing. Bodies are found on campus drained of blood. You've had enough when your roommate and your new boyfriend disappear. It's time to put on some garlic, grab a stake, and end this relationship. You just hope you can resist his irresistible charms.
Your life was uneventful until New Year's Eve, 2019, when a strange portal opened before you and a panicked figure ran out, claiming to be from the future. They said they wanted to save you from government agents from their time, who were about to travel here to kill you. They explained that, sometime in the future, you will create a technology rendering all other energy sources useless. You laughed, telling them you are a broke college student who eats ramen thrice daily. Before you could convince them they had the wrong person, another portal materialized.
A handsome stranger moves to your small town, and all the single women are desperate to impress them. As a shy bookworm, you work at the local library and read the classics. You are surprised when the newcomer frequents the library daily, reading old journals. The two of you bond over your love of books, and something different about him makes you fall for him. One day after they leave, you chance upon one of the books they have been reading, which details the town's history. You are shocked when you look at a picture of the town's founders and see someone who looks identical to the newcomer.
Two star-crossed lovers from warring planets fall in love on a peace-seeking mission that goes awry. They secretly stay in contact, although their governments are at war. They must choose whether or not to prove that peace can be reached by exposing their relationship to the world at the risk of losing everything, including their lives.
Growing up, there was a knock on the door every year at midnight on your birthday. With everyone sound asleep, you would always check who's there, only to be met with nothing. On your 20th birthday, the knock happens as usual, but someone is standing before you this time. The handsome person from your night's nightmare wielded powerful magic and saved you from a dark being during your dream. You hope that your dream was not a premonition.
You're just enjoying your day off from work, thinking about maybe watching that new movie that people keep talking about, when the literal air splits around you, and a person appears out of nowhere. They're tall and handsome and tell you they've been sent from the future to protect you. You think they're crazy, but you saw them come from nowhere. When they grab your hand, you feel a spark. This person is here to save your life—and change it forever.
Raised in an orphanage, you know nothing of your magical heritage. However, when you reached the age of maturity, you discovered that you possessed the powers of both the light and the dark. You don't know how your dark powers came to be, but they could get you killed by the magical enforcers: a group sworn to remove black magic from the world. That's why you fled the orphanage in the dead of night and never looked back. You survived on the streets, using your wit, grit, and a few of your dark powers, but only when absolutely necessary. Now an adult, you remain in the shadows, keeping to yourself. One fateful night you stumble across an attempted murder. You refuse to watch an innocent man be killed. You save their life with no choice but to use your dark powers. Little do you know that the handsome person you saved is, in fact, a magical enforcer.
"Speak softly love," he whispers in your ear. But when you turn in surprise, there is nothing there but a bust of a handsome young man staring back at you. You continue walking down the dark corridor.
You are a young person on a student scholarship at a high-profile British university. One day at the uni pub, you meet a handsome young man with whom you fell in love at first sight. The next day, you open the newspaper only to discover you have been out with a crown prince.
Your lover leaves you for somebody else, but you can't live without them. You find a way to travel back in time to discover what you did wrong and figure out how you can make things right. You can control time. But can you control free will?
You whisper to him that he is the love of your life. He backs away, looks into your eyes, and tells you that no one has been alive here in over a hundred years.
As a senior detective in the special victims crimes unit, you are hunting down a serial killer who targets young college students. The clues lead you to a reclusive billionaire with a "devil-may-care" attitude. But something is off. It's just too neat when all fingers point to him. However, you can't help but question your motives as you find yourself drawn to him in ways you've never felt before. Can you put aside your desires to find out if he's a serial killer, or will your passion get in the way of doing your job?
They say that these old ruins are haunted. That no one should ever go there at night. Well, after your partner goes missing, you go to that place. The one place that everybody said was the last place you should look for them. You hope to find your love but may find more than you bargained for.
Androids live among humans and perform a wide variety of tasks. As an android built to be a butler, you enjoy your work and are satisfied with your role. However, after a few years, you begin to experience what can only be called love for a human being who lives next door. As you diligently wash the dishes, longingly looking through the window at your crush, you decide to prove worthy of their affection. Little do you know that your love interest thinks of you as more of an appliance than an individual.
You are a time traveler, and on your latest journey, you meet and fall in love with a beautiful but mysterious person. When your lover suddenly vanishes before your eyes, you realize that they're a time traveler as well. You move through time again and again to find them.
You are new in town and determined to blend in and keep a low profile. After securing a job at a local coffee shop, you convince everyone that you are an average human, not an incubus with a dark past. When a human regular at the coffee shop starts taking an interest in you, you can't help falling for them. When you become comfortable in your new routine, an unwelcome reminder in the form of your succubus ex struts back into your life. Before they can blow your cover, you must reveal the truth about yourself to the person you love.
You are a jewel thief trying to get out of the business, but you agree to take one last job before going straight. The money seems too good to be true—enough to set you up for life—so you can't turn it down. However, there's a catch. You need to steal the jewels from an auction house where your former lover is the head of security. It's been more than ten years, but the pain of his betrayal is still very real. You plan to get close to him again to learn the ins and outs of the auction's security system. You didn't plan on falling back in love with him.
Other prompts: Angst:
“I didn’t want to hurt you. But I also couldn’t stop.”
“Just let me go. Please, I want to leave.”
“Pushing me away will not help you.”
“I don’t feel safe with you anymore.”
“Did you really believe I cared for you?”
“You deserved everything that happened to you.”
“I know you don’t want to do this. But I’m afraid you must.”
“You can’t even see how much you hurt me.”
“Stop giving me hope. It hurts so much more.”
“Our forever seems to have been short-lived.”
“I’m done. Do whatever you want, but do it without me.”
“Stop trying to make it up to me, you can’t!”
“Ignoring the problems will not make them go away.”
“How could I ever trust you again after this?”
“You’re not deserving of me.”
“You always knew me better than everyone else, so it will probably not surprise you, that I have to leave.”
“Without you here, I don’t have enough left to stay.”
“This will be our last conversation for a while. But it will never be the last.”
“I have to leave, you know that. I’m just sad that I have to leave you here behind.”
“Wherever I go, I will always take a piece of you with me. Even if it’s just the voice in my head.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, I will be fine.”
“I will be gone for a while, but I will always eventually come back to you. I promise.”
“There are other ways to deal with this. Please, don’t leave!”
“Don’t you understand how much it would hurt me to see you go?”
“This is not about me, not about us. It’s about you and I don’t want you to do something stupid that you will regret.”
“I just can’t let you go. Please, don’t make me try to make you stay.”
“You don’t need to do this!”
“Please! Please, don’t leave me here alone!”
“It would kill me to let you go and do this.”
“Tell me what I can do to make you stay. What I can say, so you won’t leave. I need to know how I can fix this!”
“I’m sorry that it had to come to this.”
“I’m sorry for not believing you.”
“I’m sorry for being too late.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t do this anymore.”
“I’m sorry for making you feel like this.”
“I’m sorry this happened to you.”
“I’m sorry for not realizing it sooner.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there.”
“I’m sorry for hurting you.”
“I’m sorry that you feel like this.”
“I’m sorry for believing what they told me.”
“I’m sorry I yelled at you.”
“I’m sorry that you think that.”
“I’m sorry for not seeing it sooner.”
“I’m sorry that I made you cry.”
“I’m sorry for leaving you behind.”
“I’m sorry for not responding.”
“I’m sorry for not talking to you.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“I’m sorry I made you worry.”
“I’m sorry that we fought.”
“I’m sorry, but that was not my fault.”
“I’m sorry that you think of me like that.”
“I’m sorry for making you choose.”
“I’m sorry for lying to you.”
“I’m sorry for not saying anything sooner.”
“I’m sorry, but I need an answer.”
“I’m sorry that I have to say goodbye.”
“I’m sorry that you had to go through this.”
“I’m sorry for not being there for you.”
staring at them with heart eyes
getting caught staring
“I’m so incredibly proud of you.”
booping the other’s nose
calling them a pet name
“You’re just too adorable when you blush.”
hands brushing against each other, finally linking together
biting their lips, while holding the gaze
smearing ice cream on the other’s nose
and licking it away
“I’m not blushing!” “Yes, you are.”
being called their girlfriend/boyfriend for the first time
hiding under the blankets to hide the blush
“May I have this dance?”
complimenting each other unexpectedly
giving them a hand kiss
“I really like that color on you. Brings out your eyes.”
blowing them a kiss
getting pushed together in a crowd
“You’re getting so red, so don’t try to deny it, my love.”
calling them “mine”
“You make me a better person.”
“Do you want a hug?”
“You’re so cute when you blush.”
“Everything alright?” “I just missed you.”
“I wouldn’t want to be here with anyone else.”
“That’s so sweet of you.”
“Rough day? Can I make it better?”
“Come on. Let’s go home.”
“Believe me, I will never be tired of you.”
“I love how you look in my shirt.”
“How come you always end up under my blanket?”
“There is no better way to start the day than seeing your face.”
“You’re unbelievable cute when you’re tired.”
“I love to hear your voice, even if you’re so far away.”
“Is it fair to say that you read the love letter and that this means ‘yes’?”
“Morning cuddles are the best part of the day.”
“Have I told you I love you today?”
“I would like my good morning kiss now.”
“Let’s go, I’ll buy you dinner. And maybe breakfast.”
“You getting so flustered is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
“I think I know what that smile means.”
“You give the best hugs.”
“How would you feel about spending the day in bed?”
“Oh my, don’t you look adorable!”
“I’m sorry for staring, I just can’t seem to look away.”
“What’s the rush? Just lay back down.”
“Is that my sweater you’re wearing?
"Let’s take a day off and just spend the day together.”
“I feel like I can breathe better with you around.”
“Mmmh, you always smell amazing!”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“Any ideas for our next date?”
“I think I deserve a kiss for this.”
“Of course I know the way you like your coffee.”
“I want everyone to see that we belong together.”
“Thank you for always being by my side.”
“As beautiful as always.”
“Just call me whenever you like.”
“I would never regret a thing in my life, since it led me to you.”
“Nothing makes me more happy than making you smile.”
“Should I bring you some lunch today?”
“I never want this to end.”
“We should just stay in tonight and cuddle.”
“I really want to see you first thing in the morning.”
“This vacation was a wonderful idea.”
“This feels better than I could have ever imagined.”
“Text me when you’re safe at home.”
“I would marry you again in a heartbeat.”
“I dreamed of your legs wrapped around my waist.”
“Don’t act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago.”
“We should probably leave, before we start a scandal.”
“Stop looking at me like that or my knees will not hold me any longer.”
“I think you lost your underwear somewhere.”
“My tongue still remembers the way you taste.”
“Is there some space left in that bathtub?”
“The way your eyes get darker when you get aroused, is making me lose my mind.”
“I want to count every one of your freckles with my lips.”
“Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you.”
“Oh no, there is only one bed, what will we do now?”
“I could make you feel better.”
“Get back down here, we’re not done yet.”
“Later you will definitely need to tell me where you learned this.”
“I know I should care about the reason why you’re naked in my bed, but I will just enjoy it for a moment.”
“You’re a lot more flexible than I thought.”
“I want to please you.”
“Tell me what you would want to do, if you were here right now.”
“Your shirt got a little dirty, how about we take it off?”
“I want to give you a hickey, so everyone can see how I feel about you.”
“Oh, I love that sound you make.”
“Do you want to take it off or should I do it for you?”
“I never imagined you to be so sensitive, but I love it.”
“Maybe you could use that mouth for more than just talking nonsense.”
“If we weren’t in public right now…”
“Your hand feels much better than my own.”
“As soon as we’re both sober, we can do every dirty little thing you ever dreamed of.”
“Come on, you have to work for it.”
“I’ll take it that you like what you see.”
“Your moans will wake everyone up and I’m oddly fine with that.”
“Your eyes are already saying yes, now I just need your mouth to tell me the same.”
“I can never seem to get enough of you.”
“How about we continue this somewhere more private?”
“Oh, can you feel this?”
“We won’t be missed for a couple hours, we should take advantage of that.”
“I went to the gym, so I will be able to hold you up even longer.”
“How about we get really dirty before we shower, so that it’s actually worth the effort?”
“Reality is even better than my dreams.”
“I told you, you would eventually start begging.”
“You always know so well what I like.”
“Oh, you’re such a tease!”
“I’m not necessarily hungry for food right now.”
“You’re so tense, do you want me to make you more relaxed?”
“Hmm, is that a threat or a promise?”
“Who would have thought that this is something that you’re into?”
“Can you feel how much I want you?”
“I can never get enough of your taste.”
“Let’s try something new tonight.”
“We don’t even have to take our clothes off.”
“I want to ruin you.”
“Yes, please, do it!”
“Your tongue is truly extraordinary.”
“I have seen you naked before.”
“No bed needed.”
“Sleep is overrated. I have better ideas.”
“You know me so well. You always find the right spot.”
“Please, don’t ever stop!”
“Our bodies fit so well together.”
“I could do this all day. And definitely all night.”
“Let’s get you out of those clothes.”
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have fun !
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askmissthunder · 11 months
Hey Miss Thunder, does your grandmother have any scary stories about her time as a superhero?
Miss Thunder: Hmmm...I don't recall her telling me anything spooky during my training or at least, nothing that really stood out.
Eli: How about we call her and ask?
Red Rabbit: Yeah! That'd be cool!
MT: We can't call her now! It's almost midnight in England! Besides, we're not all gonna hear the call, I don't have a speaker phone.
RR: I do! I can run to my place and get it!
MT: Oh, Cassie, you really don't-
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RR: I'm back!
MT: -have to.
*Ten minutes of setting up and dialing later*
*Ring ring!*
E: It's ringing!
Talon: Yes, we can hear that, Eli.
Nana: *Yawn!* Hello? Who's calling at this hour?
MT: Hello, hello, Nana!
N: *Gasp!* Penny! What a surprise! How are you, my Luv? Is everything all right?
MT: I'm good, Nana! Listen, you're on a speaker and I have my superhero friends here with me.
N: Oh?
RR: Hello, ma'am! I'm Red Rabbit, Penny's friend! I just want to say it's a real honor to speak with a veteran superhero!
T: *quietly* Tsk! Kiss-ass.
N: Oh, the honor is mine, dearie! You're the fast one, right?
RR: Hee hee, that's me!
N: And which one is the "Scary one" that Penny told me about?
T: I think that'd be me. Hello, I'm Talon.
N: Oh, you don't sound scary. You have a very lovely mature voice!
T: Oh, well...thank you?
N: And is there anyone else on the line? Oh! Listen to me! I sound like I'm on the radio! Ha ha!
E: HI! I guess we're sticking with code names but I'm Black Dog!
N: Well, hello there! I- wait.
MT: What, Nana?
N: "Black Dog"? As in...? *Gasp!*
MT: What?!
N: You're Penny's sweetheart! "Eli", I believe? Her mum told me about you!
E: *Blushing* Yeah, that's me. Hello, Ma'am.
N: Ohhh, it's so nice to speak with you, dearie! With all of you, really! Now, what can an old lady like me do for you lot? And Penny, aren't you going to get hit with a charge for international calls?
MT: Well, we had a question for you, Nan, what with it being Halloween time and all but we'll try to keep it quick. Do you have any scary stories during your time as Miss Thunder?
N: ..."Scary" as in how?
RR: Well, like, have you seen any ghosts or fought any monsters during your time in Ocean City?
N: Hmmmmm...let's see...I've never been one for ghosts. They're a dime a dozen.
T: Wait, so you've seen ghosts?
N: Oh, yes! Plenty! But they're not that exciting. You can't punch a ghost, though. I always have to use my connections to get somebody to get rid of it. They're more sad than scary, really. *Sighs*
MT: Nana, you can't just tell us you've seen multiple ghosts and act like it's nothing! We've never seen ghosts!
N: I've told you they're not that bad. Once you get past all the moaning and groaning, they're usually some sad soul who didn't realize they died. In fact, I'm shocked I didn't see one that one time I fought a werewolf.
MT, RR, T, E: WHAT?!?!
E: You fought a real werewolf?!
RR: Weren't we just talking about vampires being real?! If werewolves are real, then vampires have to be real!
N: Oh, yes, vampires are real, too. Nasty little buggers. Don't let the movies fool you. They're not nearly as pretty and they stink like a slaughterhouse. Still, it was funny whenever they tried to bite me and realized they couldn't. If a bullet can't even pierce all this blubber, what chance does a fang have?
T: What'd you do to it?
N: Well, he tried to bite me and I held him in a bear hug he couldn't get out of. I just held him for hours until the sun came up. Pretty simple, innit?
T: Huh. I guess your brother's friend's cousin wasn't full of shit after all.
RR: I told you so!
MT: What about the werewolf?
N: Oh! Yes! The Werewolf! It was the summer of '34 and there were reports of a killer on the streets of Ocean City. 6 women had been ripped to shreds by some fiend. I remember hearing that it was Jack the Ripper coming out of hiding in America but that was a load of bollocks. He would've been an old man if it was him and besides, these murders were WAY worse than the Ripper Killings. I had the misfortune of coming across one.
RR: *Gasp!* Oh no!
N: Oh, it was bloody awful! Literally! I was on patrol one night and well, I could smell it.
E: Eww!
N: I followed the smell and *Sighs* ...it looked like the woman had been, well, "torn apart" doesn't quite do it justice. More like someone had put a bomb inside a woman and her insides became outsides.
MT: Oh my god, Nana! That's horrible.
N: *Sighs* Yes, it truly was. I didn't even know this woman but...I just remember feeling so absolutely gutted. Gutted that I couldn't help her, that I was too late. And when the bobbies told me that the other murders were just like this one, well, I knew I had to do something.
T: What'd you do?
N: It took a lot of patience but I went on patrol every night for almost three weeks straight, keeping my head on a swivel for even the smallest hint of where he could be. Then, it happened.
E: What?
N: I heard a lady scream and I leaped like the Devil over to where she was. I just managed to catch her running into an old apartment building with some man chasing after her. I didn't waste any time and I smashed my way in. Crash! Right through the windows! I got lucky because my entrance distracted the man from his intended victim. "Go!", I told her, "Call the cops!". She ran out and the man slowly turned towards me. He was a big man with fair skin, ruddy hair, and a mustache, dressed like a dock worker. But those eyes. I'll never forget those eyes.
RR: Like a wolf's eyes?
N: Not just yet but they were savage looking. Like a feral animal. Full of bloodlust, they were. He snarled at me, "You made me lose my little lamb. For now, I guess I'll have to settle with a great fat pig."
MT: Did he transform?
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N: Mmm-hmm. I could see him growing taller. More wider. His skin was starting to get fuzzy, claws were popping out of his fingernails. i could see his face was starting to stretch out into a snout. The thing is, though, he was taking an awfully long time of actually transforming that I wondered "Why the bloody hell am I waiting for him to finish? Get him now!"
T: Did you?
N: Heh heh heh...I'll admit, seeing that shocked look on his face when I charged at him was soooooo satisfying. I suppose most women he killed were just paralyzed with fear, he never expected one to just go at him while he was in the middle of transforming. He also must've been new in town if he had no idea who I was. I grabbed him by the leg and I slammed the little bastard like a bloody rag doll.
MT, RR, T, E: Whooooaaa!
N: I slammed him on the floor, against the walls, up on the ceiling. That flat looked like a wrecking ball had gone through it. He kept trying to scramble away but I kept reeling him in for more. Eventually, the police did show up so I grabbed Mr. Werewolf by the throat, leaped out the window, and slammed him on the street from five stories up. Made for one hell of an entrance! He was just a mangled bloody mess but with his powers, he was still managing to heal his wounds.
E: Then what happened?
N: After the beating I gave him, the git had enough and practically crawled to the cops. "I DID IT!", he screamed, "I'M THE KILLER! LOCK ME UP! JUST KEEP ME AWAY FROM HER!!!"
MT: Ha!
N: No matter how vicious and cruel he was, at the end of the day, he was just another bully, going after those weaker than him. What I want you to learn from this, Penny, no, what I want ALL of you to learn from this is that no matter how scary a bully may seem, the instant someone comes up that can push back, they start legging it with their tails between their legs. So, never be afraid to stand up to a bully, you lot understand?
MT, RR, T, E: Yes, Ma'am!
N: All right, I'm off to bed, then. Thank you for calling, Penny! It was very nice to hear from you and your friends! Have a Happy Halloween!
MT: Thank you for answering our question and Happy Halloween, Nana! Love you!
N: I love you, too, sweetie! Bye bye, now!
RR: Wow! That was so rad! Your grandma seems so sweet! I want to meet her in person!
T: Yeah, your grandma's pretty cool, Penny. Now, I know what I have to do tomorrow.
E: What's that?
T: Stock up on silver knives. Can't be too careful now knowing both vampires AND werewolves are out there.
MT: That's very true!
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atherix · 2 years
Be prepared for the most u filtered brain vomit because i havent discussed anything with anyone
Im bashing my head into a brick wall
Ahem im totally normal about them
Blondie is there, traumatizes cub and just dips wuthout saying anything. I cant decide if i should be happy or upset she didnt say anything, she just left without being weird and creepy with cub
Like sir you come across another fae and ypu just leave, no banter what so ever, you just up and dissapear
FALSE YES PLEASE, i know nothing about false, but the bat and the bombs and i feel like there was some false lore i didnt pick up on because i know shit about her and her character
Cub knowing how shadows work and how territorial clamming works better than mumbo is the funniest shit tonme and i love it
Also cub immediatly knowing something was up and then mumbo being all of us explaining how gods arent fucking immortal and hes been one fprm3GOD DAMN DAYS WHERE HIS FATHER WAS ONE FOR FUCKING YEARS GOD DAMMIT. Sorry im very passionate with this concept
And cub just knowing to leave because shits gonna go down and he doesnt want to be there for either them arguing and being pissy with eachother for the rest of the night. Or them bickering and then just end up making out or some shit, idk man seems like something theyd do
FAE KING, LIKE HOW HALF A PERSOB CAN GO FOR DAYS ABOUT MUMBOS DEAD KIDS ILL GO FUCKING MONTHS TALKING BOUT THIS DUDE, hensees cub as another son because he was like a son to him . Cub was there when scar left and so cub was probably the most he had left of scar and so he keeps him around
alright ima stop and go collect thoughts with the children, loved the update have a splended night. You amazing person, and getmsome sleep and water
Hehehe this is DELIGHTFUL
I love Fae lore hehehehehe <3 More Fae lore coming up, too 👀
I'm not normal about them and I am not gonna hide it <3
Makes you wonder what she's thinking huh 👀 She just dips without taking advantage of Cub and Mumbo being weak......... hmhmhm mmmm
I LOVE FALSE. 10 outta 10 could kick my ass and nigh on unkillable and I love her 😌 Hehehe women hitting bombs around with baseball bats, my weakness
Look, my mans Mumbo here barely knew he could control his shadows beyond shadow walking places and it took him a good 100k words to realize he had a Coven and was now a Vampire Lord, give him a break <3 (it's everything to me, too LMAO. Cub, who just happens to be related to the Death Pantheon just because Death favors the Illagers the Vex are contracted with, knowing more about the Vampire's magic than the Vampire himself hgfkk)
YESSSSSSS Mumbo immediately realizing HEY GRIAN THERE IS A FLAW WITH YOUR LOGIC hjkfdjksjk look, I am so glad because I am too. Just because you became a god, sir, does not make you a walking deus ex machina 😔
Cub like ✌ "im out" bc he don't want no part of that LMAO
HJGDJHGDKJFJK I LOVE THE FAE KING SO MUCH just ask Belle I have gone on entire tangents about him <3 Also thank Belle because they managed to threaten talk me out of a certain plotline LMAO Yesss Cub is like another son to him. Bonus son as it were. And you're right, Cub was there when Scar was not 😔
YEAH COURTS. Which I feel like I still haven't fully explained but that's neither here nor there 😌
Thank you so much <3 your words are much appreciated :D I had fun writing it <3 I did sleep and I have plenty of water thanku <3
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Fanfic WIP word any or all? (Not gonna lie, doubt I would find comfort in any of mine).
some of these are from fics that are ANCIENT or that people don't even know exist, hahaha
all i have is "comforting"/comfortable, so let's see:
“Shut the door before you say anything like that again,” José says.  “And lock the fucking thing, would you?”
José waits for the comforting sound of the lock before he speaks again. (from my poor mourinho/granit WIP that i'd love to finish but maybe never will)
Geri wakes up in the middle of the night thirsty.  He goes and grabs a glass of water from this new kitchen and shuffles back to bed.  He’s still mostly-asleep but even in this state there’s something just a little bit uncomfortable in the room.  It’s not a mystery what it is, not to him.  It’s him getting used to new breathing. (my infamous shakira/sergio serard revenge pegging fic)
He and Mladen always wind up sharing a room when they have an away game. “Look at this shit,” they like to joke. “Sticking all the Balkan guys together.” But really, it’s nice to have a friend with the same background playing for Basel with him. They feel extra comfortable together. Maybe that’s why Mladen’s always fucking with him on the bus, asking him to rub his legs. (from my uhhhh...ivan rakitić coming of age fic shall we call it)
Granit had thought Milot was asleep.  He’d seemed asleep and the clock on Erdin’s cable box says 3:30 AM.  But he’s suddenly sitting up on the mattress and cracking his knuckles, and then reaching behind him to pull on the sweaty t-shirt of Granit’s that he wears to bed when Granit wants him to, and then—Granit holds his breath because now his sweet little boyfriend is reaching under his pillow and grabbing his gun.  The mattress lurches as he gets up, and Granit’s stomach lurches with it. (a flashback chapter of dangerous AU, where we see when granit start to get the xhaka fam properly established in london)
The bedroom is big and the bed bigger. If John were here Frank would make some joke about how many women he could fit in it, and John, good friend that he was, would be gracious enough to tell him just save some for me while I'm out getting the drinks, Lamps! (10022)
Footballers talk a whole lot, he thinks, flopping down on his new couch in his new home in his new-old city.  They say a lot about how early they have to go to bed.  And it’s all bullshit no matter who’s saying it.  Like Luka.  Luka’s nocturnal—Dejan knows this well from how many times he offers to send Luka photos of his dick in the dead of night.  Like Domo—from how many times he offers the same to Dejan at some hour when only the devil is awake.  And—
Just after 1am in Lyon.  Just after midnight in Liverpool. (new movren based on that article/interview from the spring)
“Hey, Granit can go off and be some English dude’s little sugar baby,” Nedim laughs.  “A little fish and chips, a little dick sucking, then we’ll have an extra bed.” (dangerous AU flashback 2--xhakas and their friends realize they need to move abroad)
“The way I need someone to touch me,” Granit continues, his voice soft but strong.  “They say prison changes a man, and for me, I am strong, it is not hard here.  But it is changing me too, you know? I need to be touched.”
“I understand,” Leandro whispers.  “When I rest in my coffin, it isn’t the same as sharing my bed with my partners.”  He doesn’t think he should name Kieran.  As far as he knows, Granit doesn’t know who Kieran is, and his instinct tells him to keep it that way. (arsenal crime au + some of them are supernatural....leo is a vampire sniper...granit is as always Human and yet somehow the most terrifying of all)
“That means this is over between us,” Pep says.  “You want that?”
“You want to go back to your old life?  You would prefer unhealthy anonymous sex to a relationship with me?”
“Uh-huh.  Yeah.  I would.  At least I am in control then.  You want to control every part of me.  And I can’t live like that.  So I’m done.  Fuck you.”
And he climbed out of bed and got dressed.
“Mikel.  Mikel!”  Pep was still sitting there in his boxers looking more confused than anything else, as though he would never imagine someone would have the audacity to break up with him.  “My little angry boy, I’m not surprised to see you acting so stubborn. I’m sure you’ll regret it.  I’ll forgive—” (dangerous AU: mikel's memory of toxic bf pep--except the wink wink nudge nudge here is mikel is a SERIAL KILLER and yet pep is the "toxic ex" shit like this is my fav part of dangerous AU)
They step off the elevator and into the hallway, the hum of air-conditioning and the smell of hotel cleaning products all over the world the only thing around.  And sure, this is Luka and not Šime or Mo, and this is Qatar, but this is Luka and they’re old and there’s no Šime or Mo so he flops down on a couch in the lounge area outside the elevators because he just can’t go back to his cold, empty room.  A World Cup without someone to share a bed with is…it’s torture.  It’s wrong. (world cup sad modren)
Ivan thinks back to fooling around with Mladen. They never got past groping each other, some clothes still on, always in the dark, always returning to their own beds after. (rakidrić vanja and luka are bank robbers AU)
Showing Granit his childhood bedroom is strange.  It is relatively unchanged from when he was a kid, though thankfully his parents had gotten rid of the medical equipment that used to be in there.  Granit looks around at the fading posters—Cruyff, Arsenal, Tears for Fears, Stone Roses—and then sits down on the thin plaid blanket.
“It is a small bed,” he says to Mikel, stretching out on it.  “For a small guy, I guess.  Come here.”  He pats the space next to him and undoes his pants.  “Suck me off.”
“Not with my mom waiting for us out there,” Mikel says.  “That’s weird.”
“Well.  I guess I can’t force you in your parents’ apartment…That’s not respectful.”  Granit zips his pants back up.  Mikel is somewhat surprised Granit even knows the concept of respectful. “We are really sleeping in here?” (dangerous AU: mikel brings his boyfriend to his parents' in san sebastian for christmas and his parents don't like his vibe chapter)
ok there's probably more but i'll cut myself off there lol.
Lying in an empty bed at a World Cup.  He’s not used to it.  Every night it’s been worse.  
Tonight his skin is on fire.  There is so much in his mind he can’t even pin one thought down.  It’s like a whirlpool that he’s clinging to the edge of, trying not to get sucked in—trying with strong muscles that feel almost too tired to be strong— (world cup sad modren)
He scrolls scrolls scrolls scrolls scrolls.  Only one person could make that kit look good.  No offense to your club brate…That person is YOU by the way…He scrolls some more.  Amazing save holy shit, 10.0 on sofascore…SUCK MY DICK BENZEMA SON OF A FUCKING BITCH…a bunch of selfies that he’ll go back and save later…That Modrić guy’s alright I guess, he looks familiar do we know him from somewhere?…Brate I am getting tears in my eyes watching you…ljubavi…Thank God you got the surgery done, thank God you’re back…Modrić is alright I guess he could be the next Vrsaljko…Watching you play is like watching an artist paint.  I’m crying brate…But I’m strong 💪💪 (ancient luka/šime i was working on during the like april 2020 stage of the pandemic)
Granit nods.  “Smart little thing.  I was late to see you today, right?  I was getting my dick sucked in the shower stall.”  Leandro flushes.  “The wardens know better than to rush me.  It was good, but it was nothing.  When I felt my Mikel against me, in here, with all his clothes on, it was more than any of the mouths in this place could ever give me.” (the same arsenal criminals AU)
This almost never happens.  Granit has a certain sort of old-fashioned masculinity, as Mikel thinks of it.  It doesn’t come up too often, but it does for things like this.  Granit is not one to suck a man off.  “No wayyyyy,  Mister, nice try. That’s for you to do to me, right?” That sort of thing. (the abandoned 'arsenal has a locker room orgy after man utd spring 2022 game' fic)
i'll stop here otherwise it's just a lot of bad smut hahahah
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japhan2024 · 8 months
You asked and you shall receive lol
Damien feeling self conscious and Anthony showing him how beautiful and sexy he is
ooooh I love this. I hope you like what I did with this prompt!
I'm yours
The doorbell rang.
Damien scuttled to get his coat, his bag and his keys. He kissed his cats goodnight and opened the door.
"Oh, but this isn't fair..." went through Damien's head. It was like his entire world was spinning. He couldn't compare to THAT!
read on ao3
"Antonio! I'm so stoked you're coming with to Quadcon! Do you wanna travel alone or shall I pick u up? My jeep is already packed w all my gear haha! Please lmk?"
Anthony smiled at the text. Damien was so into cosplay and took gaming so seriously, it was cute. Really cute. Anthony smiled widely while closing his eyes. A bridal fantasy played in his mind; him and Damien walking through an adoring crowd of lesser larp-ers, all cheering and clapping.
It was close to midnight and Anthony was still scrolling through Instagram in his bed.
"Yes, your jeep will do just fine, thanks!"
He couldn't believe he got to go with Damien, and only Damien. He was so bad at group interactions. But one-on-one, they'd have so much fun, and bond more than they already had. Hopefully Damien would like him.
Damien was so interesting to Anthony. He was like this dark prince, with a vast body of knowledge he didn't flaunt about with. But sometimes he'd say something implying pools of wisdom Anthony couldn't wait to jump into with him.
Anthony really hoped Damien would like him! And not think he was soo extreme or something. He knew he could be a bit 'much'. But as much as he tried to temper his intense personality, however many therapy sessions he booked... he couldn't help it.
Anthony also knew that Damien had something of a 'manual' so he hoped that they could trade off their quirks and come away somewhat even.
"Oh, Damien..." Anthony thought before he fell asleep.
Damien looked in the mirror. His simple looking but actually intricately and carefully made white vest fit him. Maybe, maybe it was a tad tight around the waist. But around his neck it was nice and loose, and the stings were neatly strung through the holes, but not 'too' neatly. His white silver hair styled to look messy, his dark roots matching the dark circles under his eyes.
He was Astarion.
The doorbell rang.
Damien scuttled to get his coat, his bag and his keys. He kissed his cats goodnight and opened the door.
Clive stood there. "Oh, but this isn't fair..." went through Damien's head. It was like his entire world was spinning. He couldn't compare to THAT!
"Hey, you look great! But, are you okay, Damien?"
Clive, or a somehow hotter version of Clive was looking at him with slight concern. How was this possible? Anthony had straightened his hair into a shiny Anime style. The leather pants FIT him, like they were made for his legs and his legs alone. The tattered cloak looked so well constructed... Anthony looked out of this world beautiful. The kind of beautiful that makes you sick, that makes you want to vanish, that makes you want to get away from it but you can't because you're mesmerized.
"You look so fucking hot, Anthony."
Anthony giggled. Thank god, that snapped Damien out of it.
"Why thanks, you look hot yourself!" Anthony was lucky he was so bad at fake-flirting. His pathetic swagger and negative charisma made up for his insanely good looks.
"Well, I guess Astarion's the side-kick tonight."
"What do you mean?"
"I can't compare to you, look at yourself! It's like you're the brand name and I'm the Dollar Store rip-off version."
"What? What are you talking about, look at your hot open vest, like the vampire vibes are strong, man! Women can't resist a good vampire."
"Let's be honest though, they won't even look at me if I walk next to you. I'm not attractive like you. Let's just get to my car."
Anthony kept giving Damien side-glances on their way to the convention. It made him even more self-conscious. He had to refuel so he stopped the car at an otherwise abandoned gas station. Anthony kept looking at him, but didn't say anything.
Damien quickly got out and took a deep breath. As long as Anthony didn't speak, Damien was beyond attracted to him. He even got goosebumps. Or was that the cool night breeze? He paid the machine and wanted to get back into his car, but saw Anthony wasn't inside anymore.
Damien turned around, and there Anthony stood, much closer than Damien was used to or comfortable with. But he was exhilarated by it now. Anthony's black eyes had a red glow to them, even though it was probably Damien's car lights. His red shirt somehow showing his abs. And now Anthony's hands grazed Damien's waist.
It was exactly the area Damien worried about. His belly, he didn't have abs like Anthony. But Anthony rubbed him up and down, massaging with his thumbs. They both parted their lips and Damien whimpered something- but whatever it was, we will never know because Anthony locked him into a kiss.
Damien took a step back but Anthony took one forward. They bumped into Damien's jeep and Anthony grabbed Damien's wrists and pushed them against the metal.
"Don't you ever dare to tell me that you're not attractive, Damien," he growled. Then he licked Damien's neck and bit, rough and hard, and Damien moaned just a bit loud. Luckily, nobody was there.
Anthony pushed his leg between Damien's legs, forcing Damien to reveal he had a hard-on. He smirked and pulled Damien's hand down to his crotch. Anthony was hard too.
Were they really doing this?
"So, do you want to fuck me?" Anthony asked, panting, right next to Damien's elf-shaped ears.
Damien didn't give an answer but grabbed Anthony's slender torso and pushed him against the car instead. He had him pinned with his back to him now. Anthony laughed. "That's more like it! Take control, Damien!"
Damien unbuckled his and Anthony's pants, and massaged Anthony's ass. "Yeah, that feels so good, Damien! Now, fuck me!"
Damien's pre-cum acted as lube and he slid into Anthony, thrusting into him, and it really worked. He felt more secure, more sure of his own looks.
"Whose are you?" He asked Anthony.
"Yours, Damien! I'm - argh - I'm yours!"
The jeep wobbled as they kept pushing against it. But Damien didn't notice. He only noticed Anthony. He reveled in the experience of Anthony - THIS closely, just his straightened dark hair and his muscled arms in sight, zooming into a blurred vision each thrust. It was something Damien had never thought he'd do. He couldn't believe he was here with Anthony and Anthony alone.
"I'm gonna cum, oh god!"
Both Anthony and Damien were panting. Damien exited him and he turned around. His face as aggravatingly pretty as ever. They kissed, tenderly.
Damien's semen had dripped out of Anthony's ass, all over their costumes. They cleaned it up with some spare cloths Damien had in the back of the jeep. They got back into the car.
"That... that was... incredible?"
"Yeah, it was. I didn't know you wanted me like that."
"I have, ever since we met. I have tried to keep away from you a bit. Keep a distance. Because it would be too obvious I'm down bad for you, Anthony."
"You're so hot, Damien, so handsome. It felt so good giving in to you."
"Are you ready to go to the con?"
"Yeah, I am. Let's go."
Damien looked at Anthony with a new found love. When he wasn't acting, and was totally himself, he was such a sweet soul. Ugh. Hot AND kind. But Damien didn't feel self-conscious anymore. "That hottie over there? Mine!" Damien smiled.
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✞ The Moth Kiss ✞
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Rene Simm X FemReader
❥ fluff
【 y/n is a vampire! 】
Idk how to write fluff. Sorry.
❥ Tw: small scary details. Some curse words.
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It was before the disaster, when night butterflies — known as moths — were man's greatest fear. Such a harmless creature, it was said that it brings death on its wings and consume light sources. How many power outages he caused! The residents of the block were always shouting curse words at this problematic being with their fists pointed at the sky. " The moth left us in the dark again, this little shit with wings! ". It was also said that they eat the chapped lips of children, the eyelashes of women, that they sit in your ear and whisper only obscenities. This one is interesting: if you touch one, your grandparents will die the next day! The poor and small nephews would run from the room crying when they saw one! Anyways, as if the Night Kingdom wasn't scary enough, a new character has appeared!
" By any chance, do you remember the madman from Bram Stoker? “ y/n asks, looking up at Rene. They were at a table lit only by a jar. The jar had Christmas lights in it, and captive, in the small space, was a moth! Struggling desperately and noisily, you couldn't tell he was anything like what was said of him. It's like you pity him, how he was taken by vampires and now he's sequestered, instead of flying peacefully, disappearing into a dark sea where he will find peace, far from the apocalypse. And all this happens the night before Halloween! He can't even fly at will on a holiday! How sad, how sad! And what if it's the apocalypse? Does that have to erase the beauty of the holidays? What a crap! Then I don't need any more apocalypse! To hell with the apocalypse! Either way, the guilty vampires were both sketching from the moth’s appearance. The brunette vampire was drawing it as it was, y/n who knows what she was scribbling in there, you can never tell what was going on in her head! Even Rene was wondering how he ended up having a secret relationship with such an energetic and crazy nature person. The woman's preferences in beauty were truly dubious. Maybe that's why they ended up falling in love! Come to think of it, they have such a cute date! Both of them drawing alone in the dark with that poor light. But that light makes such a great atmosphere! It was y/n's idea!
" The one who ate creatures, such as flies, spiders, believing that he would live forever if he consumed their lives. “ he finally answers and y/n just claps slowly. Although he answers simply, in his characteristic style, she is always enthusiastic about everything he tells her. She is immune to his indifferent and bored facade. That's because her way of being has destroyed, long ago — maybe a century ago? I lost track of time! Oh my! — the facade he had and they both only have fun when they're together. I dare say they entertain each other. Because the cure for boredom is fun. And they decided to cure each other, to infinity!
" Yes! Bravo! That’s correct! How can we be vampires and not know about Stoker? That would be absurd! It's like not knowing the national anthem, while being a citizen of a state! Hey! Don't look at me like that, I'm not exaggerating! I claim a universal truth, for us, vampires! We are obliged to know Stoker! But anyway, what I'm going to tell you, this character, he is almost like the madman from the novel! One difference though, this man never wanted to live forever, to achieve immortality — probably he also knew that immortality was crap, we know that too — he wanted to get closer to his great love: the Great Empress of the Night! That's what a night butterfly told him. That they have an Empress and he described her so beautifully in his ear, the poor man fell in love on the spot. So he started eating moths at night, collecting them day by day and eating them only on Fridays, at midnight!! Since all the horrors begin, Friday at night, like in those movies! Do you still remember them? They were very cool! Now I feel like I miss the 90s! Oh! Sweet nostalgia! — Getting back at the story: He ate so much that his eyes were changed into moths, and some of their corpses were forever stuck in his teeth — yet a few had a thread of life hanging on and they were still flapping their wings helplessly. I know, I know, such a disgusting detail! When he entered the Kingdom though, he found out there was no Empress and that he was tricked! Alas, what a tragedy! He made himself miserable for nothing! What would have been in the soul of the poor man? Who knows? He knows! Him and the night butterflies! Still he accepted his fate, probably fell into his own madness and guess what? He messed up!! Yes, yes, he messed up really bad. Reason, like humanity, have left him! And since then, at night, it is said that the most beautiful girls can notice him in the corner of their bedrooms. He approaches them, smiles and frightens them with his teeth — with that typical wing that even today, still moves between his teeth! — with the deathly stench of his disgustingly hot breath and finally, he kisses them. Once kissed, they'll be just like him, with moths instead of eyes! And you know what he's going to do to them? He will drag them after him in the dark, feeding only on the small sources of light they can find. These are his wives, this is — “
" Why did you make up this whole story? " Rene interrupts her, putting the sketch pencil down and y/n just smiles contentedly, even proud.
" Oh dear, I thought you wouldn't ask me! I decided to tell it to the children here. It breaks my heart to think that no grown-up bothers to tell them a horror story like that before bed! I mean it’s almost Halloween! “ the man in front of her sighs and leans back, arching an eyebrow slightly.
" I'm sure they don't need a story to be scared already! ” although his tone seems as dry and bored as ever, some trace of amusement can be inferred. "You are too fascinated by this crap of legends and morbid things. I could tell you have a livestock-like fascination. " and now it's her turn to lean back and arch an eyebrow. But the moment doesn't last long, the sly smile returns to her face. She probably took it as a compliment.
" Well, that's why I'm with you, I think your face matches my passions perfectly! " and Rene just snorts, briefly looking away. There was a snort followed by a smile, I dare say he's actually flattered by such a remark. Probably bullying each other is some type of love language between the two. None of them minds, after all it's easy to keep things interesting that way.
His eyes fall on the sketch of his girlfriend, noticing that it is him on the sheet, clumsily drawn, but it is him. And another interesting thing is that instead of eyes, he has moths! He couldn't help himself and started laughing, making y/n snort this time and hide the sketch with her hands. Indeed, the sketch is poorly made — he is the big artist in the realtionship — but the idea itself is funny.
“ I’m never-ever drawing with you again! I’m sorry for not being talented like you! “ she brings the sheet to her chest and crumples it, hoping that this gesture will make him stop laughing. However, she ends up laughing too. At first she smiled shyly and then she joined him. It was impossible to imagine someone like Simm laughing so heartily. Sometimes he is so quiet around his friend Lacus, that you might not notice him at all! This is Rene in the eyes of the majority. Silent, indifferent, neutral, unimportant. He really liked staying that way. He is much more comfortable. Is this a role he has assumed for his own peace of mind? Only he knows! But believe it or not, with y/n, he has moments like this almost everyday. Why do you think a vampire like him would get involved with a secret relationship, if the person wasn't special? And she is very special. Especially for him.
" Am I the monster in your story? “ he calms down and y/n nods. “ And who are you? " she blushes while grinning, as if she couldn't wait for such a question.
" The virgin. " she responds.
" What virgin? “
" The virgin who fell in love with this monster, with this scary looking man. " she moves closer to his face, slowly caresses his bottom lip with her index finger. Rene frowned slightly before grinning.
" How mean you are! Did you somehow made fun my teeth? How dare you! It’s far from the truth you idiot! " he grabs her finger and pulls her closer to him, only their noses making contact, they were so close to kissing! They just sit like that, in that position, teasing each other!
“ Me? “ she points at herself, acting like she’s surprised. “ Never! It's just that I don't know what it feels like or what it looks like. I forgot! The last time we kissed was yesterday, so I, you see, jumped to an innocent conclusion! If you would allow me to kiss you, I would correct this image for sure! “ she slowly moistens her lips and then blows cold air on his, teasing him further.
" You're a damn bitch sometimes! “ his grin doesn't go away, but he's more impatient than ever. She also feels like she can't do it anymore, she's burning inside!
“ Am I getting what I want though? “
No vocal response needed, their cold lips sticking together is enough of an answer. Even if it's impossible, for a few seconds, you can feel them sharing a little warmth. Maybe it was in their heads, because they love each other immensely! And this love sometimes gives them the feeling that they have a heart and that heart beats on top of that! Immortality is a splendid gift with the right one. And how lucky! They have each other. Finally, a frozen kiss between two vampires is beautiful. So beautiful, that another moth appears, flying slowly, unnoticed and just as subtly — he settles on their lips, censoring the kiss between them. And they, undisturbed, continue. As if the moth respects their secret love, wants to help them by covering their romantic gesture from our prying eyes, even adds a morbid yet artistic element to the scene — just like their taste.
It is also said that the moth also appears when the dead love each other. But the moth doesn't make disasters. It moves its wings slowly and sends a blessing to their moment! That’s The Moth Kiss!
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sirenreading · 3 years
Paring: Vampire!Ezra x F!reader
Summary: Ezra spent years looking for his lost love whom the Gods promised would return to him.
Rating: Explicit (18+)
Word count: 2.3k
Warning: mentions of : blood and death, PIV, unprotected sex, biting, age gap (obviously) , no use of y/n.
A/N: finally able to post this after writing it for a week, was on such a bad writers burn out ugh anyways enjoy! sorry for any mistakes if i missed them while editing! (creds to @/cinewhore for the idea of vampire!ezra) (creds to gif owner)
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You walked down the dark hallways of an unknown castle. Your black floor length dress dragging behind you as you finally see light coming from inside of a room, Quickly making your way in, Your met with a tall man, he's handsome with brown eyes; That stare right into your soul. And a smile showing you his white fangs. You begin to slowly back away as he slowly approaches you. “Don't be scared my love, I have finally found you. This will only hurt for a second.” As he grabs you by the arm, sinking his teeth into your neck.
You awake, Your whole body hot, Sweat coming down your forehead, You try to slow your breathing, throwing the blanket off of you to run to look into the mirror.
No bite marks.
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“Sir Ezra, all the invitations have been sent.” A small voice said, Ezra stood looking out the window of his castle; that sat at the tallest hill a little outside of the village. “Perfect.” He said ”Thank you.” slightly turning his head, waving the maid away. She quickly made her way out before Ezra could change his mind and have her as an evening snack.
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‘You are hereby invited to Sir Ezra’s Masquerade Ball’
You read the small note, Sent to you and every other woman in the town. Sir Ezra threw this party every 20 or so years, Some say out of pure fun, Some think he's searching for something, or someone.
You set the letter down and go hop in the bath to prepare to do your chores. Once you showered and done your hair, You put on a simple dress from your closet and made sure to pack your knife, That your late father gave you for safety.
On your way to the watering hole you saw women and girls of all ages making their way into dress and fabric stores, All getting ready for the ball. You didn't understand why everyone was so excited to meet this man.’ He stayed up in his castle looking down at all of us like ants.’ you thought
You looked up through the trees and could see the dark castle shrouded by fog, Shaking your head as you continued on.
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Ezra sat up in his bed, After dismissing another maid, He barely gave her time to recover before sending her back to her duties. She pulled back on her clothes and whipped the leftover blood on her neck, Before making her way out. Ezra let out a brief sigh, As he stood and retrieved his robe, Wrapping it around his naked body.
He heard three knocks to the door and told them to come in. “How are we this evening Sir?” His butler asked, Obviously asking about the sexual encounter. “She was like the rest of them, Beautiful but, Not her.” Ezra looked out at the midnight sky, looking up to see the stars and the full moon.
“Sir, Your reincarnated love will find her way to you soon, just as the Gods promised; I’m sure of it.” Ezra wasn't sure at this point living as long as he had, Having all the women he had, Throwing ball and the one with the face of his love nowhere to be found. “Sir, The ball is tomorrow, You never know. She may finally turn up.
Ezra turned to him, “I hope you're right.”
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That night you awake from your dream once again, You’d had this dream countless times, Never understanding why or what was happening. You would walk into a room, see the vampire and he would bite you, walking you up. You wanted to understand who this man was, And what he wanted with you.
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Ezra also awakens from a dream or i guess this is more of a nightmare, The same dream he had since his wife, Elizabeta died. He would go off to war not before giving his wife a tender kiss, Telling her he would return, Only to return to his home, With blood all over him, Finding his wife’s deceased body. Picking her up and holding her against his chest as his tears fell, Yelling to the Gods asking why.
Ezra walked into the bathroom running water over his breaded face. He would have to get one of the maids to save it for him later seeing he couldn't do it himself.
The ball a mere hours away, But all Ezra could think about is having to spend eternity without his soulmate, He’d lost her once, But his future foretold him that he would see her face, on another , again. So he was patient.
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You sat as your friend finished putting your hair up in a neat but tight updo. You looked in the mirror at your makeup, the curled lashes along with the dark red lip you had on felt out of place.
“You look perfect.” Your friend said as she finished with your hair. “Thank you.” You gave a small, fake smile. She sighed as she sat next to you. “Ever since I talked you into going to this ball you've been upset, What's wrong?”
“Nothing, I'm just nervous.” You looked down at your gloved hands. “Nervous of what? That Sir Ezra will take a look at you and Fuck you?” you both giggled.
“Of course not, But i've been having these weird dreams, I dont kn-'' Before you could finish you both looked to see her mother knocked at the door, Telling you both the ball begins soon and it was time to make your way up the hill. You both quickly put on your masks and run out the door.
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As you both sat in the carriage your friend arranged for you, You stared out the window, As you gained closer to the castle the fog became more intense, You couldn't barely see, the mask was no help. The carriage made a sudden stop, You both got out hand and hand making your way to the opened door of the castle, Maids in dresses greeted all the guests.
You walked into the open ballroom, The room was crowded with people from your town, and even some who didn't look familiar. Your friend whispered that she was going to find a dance partner and you waved her off trying to not show how nervous you were. Something about this castle felt familiar, you couldn't explain it.
You watched all the people in the ballroom as they began a slow song and slowly stepped away to the garden outside. You found the garden to be peaceful. Hopefully it will help calm your nerves. You walked towards a fountain with a dove on top, the only noise coming from the drips of water.
“It's a beautiful night isn't it.” I deep voice said behind you, You gasped quickly turning to see a man, very tall, you couldn't make out his face, due to the mask that covered his eyes, but he could see his deep brown eyes, and tan skin with a little bit of stubble around his chin and mouth.“I didn't mean to scare you Miss, My apologies.” He nodded, as he was about to walk away. You stopped him.
“It's fine, I j-just very nervous, I couldn't even tell you why, Thought i’d just catch some fresh air.” he nodded understanding “may i?”
He said sitting with you on the bench, The two of you staring up at the sky.
“I also needed a break from the party.” Ezra said, breaking the silence. “No nerves, just tired of waiting.” You looked over at him. Something about him felt so familiar. “Tired of waiting for wha-” Before you could finish, A butler holding a tray, called for the man sitting next to you. Sadly only calling him ‘Sir’ so you didn't catch his name, He politely dismissed himself, telling you to enjoy the party before disappearing back into the castle.
After a few more minutes alone you decided to make your way back into the party.
You felt a sudden shiver go up your spine and cold air went across the back of your neck, You turned to see a dark hallway. Just like the one in your dreams, You turned to see if any other guests were experiencing it too, Only to see everyone dancing, laughing, and getting drunk.
You slowly walk down the hall,’ This is stupid’ You think to yourself, ‘You know how this ends.’
You opened a room far from the party and came face to face with something you’d never seen in your dreams, a painting of a woman, she was wearing a dated dress with her hair down her back in a braid.
You and her were identical, You couldn't believe it. You began to breathe heavily and took steps back to leave the room, before you bumped into the hard chest of someone behind you.
“Hello, mi amor” He said into your ear, You turned to see the man who had been haunting your dreams for a year. You wanted to scream but could barely make one out.
“Mi amor, I've finally found you.” He said, grabbing your face between his cold hands. You tried pulling away but he was too strong.
“Don't be scared. I would never hurt you.” You turned your chin up forcing you to look into his eyes. You noticed the small blonde hair streak. “It’s you.” you said whispered.
“You are just as beautiful.” He was lost in your eyes, he couldn't believe he'd found you after all this time. “As all those years ago.” He leaned in kissing your plump lips, You immediately fell under his spell. His lips had a faint taste of blood, but it didn't bother you. A tear fell from Ezra’s eye, He finally found the woman he would spend eternity with, His soulmate.
Once you two finally broke the kiss, you stared at each other once more before Ezra picked you up, setting you on the bed.
“I'll be back mi amor.” He said giving you one more peck on the lips.
Ezra made his way to the ballroom, whispering to the butlers that everyone was to go home at once and all maids and butlers were dismissed for the night. They nodded and Ezra made his way back to you.
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While Ezra was away you looked around the room, seeing old photos, books all looked hundreds of years old.
You heard the door crick behind you and you slowly turned, Seeing Ezra put a smile on your face, You barely knew the man, But something about him brought you comfort. Ezra noticed you were lost in thought and asked what was on your mind.
“At first when I had all those dreams, I was scared, terrified of what they meant, I thought it was showing me my future… my death. But here with you, I feel safe.”
Ezra smiled down at you “It's because you are her” Pointing to the woman in the painting, “My wife, my soulmate , my Elizabeta. I searched for hundreds of years to find you, I almost gave up, I was told by the Gods, If I continued to search I would find you.” He stood looking at the painting.
“And I did.” He turned to you making his way towards you.
Taking your lips once more, Your hands tangled in his hair as he picked you up placing you on the edge of the bed. He began to unbutton his dress shirt, leaving him in only his dress pants.
He took in his chest, Everything about him was so familiar and perfect.
“Mi amor, May I?” Asking permission to remove your dress, You nodded eagerly. He unzipped the dress, letting it drop to your hips, before pulling it completely off, leaving you in a bralette and panties. He finished undressing himself , and crawled onto the bed to unhook your bra, throwing it across the room.
“May I taste you, mi amor?” He asked already sinking to his knees, you eagerly shook your head yes, He began trailing kissing from your foot all the way to you thighs, stopping before he got to your core, and slowly sank his fangs into them, you threw back your head in pleasure, you’d been nervous it would be painful but he’s taken all your worry away.
He licked the leaking  blood before moving onto your folds, he lapped at them, drinking your juices before taking his fingers and slowly fucking them into you, spreading your lips apart and attacking your clit as he did so. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you ran your fingers through his soft hair. You told him you were close, he immediately crawled up to meet you face to face, “We're going to come together.”
Ezra kissed you as he slowly sank himself into you, you moaned allowing him to sneak his tongue into your mouth--His hands grabbed at the flesh on your hips roughly. “I've waited a thousand years for this mi amor.” He said as his hips barred into you, With his precise movements he lifted your thighs, “I could show you so many things.” trying to get himself deeper. “Just one bite and we can have eternity.” he said into your ear, the heat from his voice attacking your neck.
You were writhing beneath him. You were so close. “Ezra” you barely made out, your breath shaky. He starts applying sloppy thrusts as he tries to ride out his orgasm , you could hear the moans slipping from his lips into your ear, his warm breath behind your neck. Your hands gripping the white stain sheets on the bed.
“Mark me , Ezra.” You finally make out with a shaky voice, Ezra takes a quick look deep into your eyes, still deep inside of you, asking once again for permission to bite you and make you one of him. You nodded as well as you could before he sunk his teeth into your neck, making you let out a moan as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. “ Te quiero mi amor, now we have eternity.”
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t4tbruharvey · 2 years
Yeah the french Harvey was...a choice! The part where Bruce was being nice about his scars in the beginning was neat but the rest was...something.
Making up werewolf lore sounds so fun though!!! And vampire lore too but yes werewolves are very fun especially in combination with identity issues and things like chivalry codes and having to pretend to be someone you're not etc.! And ahh!! The whole idea of your AU sounds so interesting tbh! And magic user Harley and plant curse Poison Ivy sounds so fun too! The plant curse immediately made me think of mandrakes too...plants whose roots look vaguely human shaped and who's painful shrieks when being unearthed could kill people according to legend...I know that's not what you're going for but now I'm just thinking about cursed mandrake Ivy raising from the soil due to witchcraft (having been...a mandrake bewitched by someone lonely who wanted a partner but when she got ripped out of the mother earth her pained shriek killed the witch that created her and..and ..agsvgsfs I'm getting off topic here sorry...) also fae Joker sounds fun too! Unseelie court I'm assuming?
So the thing about the bodies and gender lecture ...there's quite a lot of stuff to talk about ! I'll probably have to write it down separately but one thing I found interesting in regards to gender is that according to our professor in medieval and renaissance times while people believed in there being two genders they also believed that there was only one sex. the explanation for that might go into nsfw territory though so idk if you want to hear it but it's...interesting and to summarize basically renaissance people thought women were 'less developed men'. It's a whole...thing...but yeah it's interesting and maybe could help you with your AU so I'll try my best to write it down in a way that makes sense tomorrow!
hi i feel like every time i go to answer these it's either midnight for me or there's Stuff but hi i'm doing it now sorry for the delay <3
MAKING UP WEREWOLF LORE IS SOOOOO FUN like the sort of progression and the areas they'd gravitate towards, like i'm thinking of it as partially a microcosm of evolution in that they'd form smaller groups in more rural areas where there are forests to hide in, and similar to highwaymen i think they'd target isolated travel routes which means that in a more mountainous area you'd be FUCKED as a villager in the valleys but in more densely populated cities there are probably werewolves AROUND but they're not as likely to attack you because of how difficult it would be to do that stealthily. and so there are very pervasive ideas about werewolves that aren't completely true but aren't completely false either and it lets me make harvey have this intense internal debate about This Whole Thing and the nature of evil and how to remain in a society that no longer wants him – and maybe never has!!! i'm still not sure about what the societal rules about being gay are but there definitely is some form of transphobia because it's MY au and i want to work through MY issues as a form of escapism :-)
the mandrake thing sounds SOOO cool i wanna have something like that in it so badly now omg... like i've already said that ivy was a human who was cursed to have plant abilities but she was also a sorcerer's apprentice/assistant so she could have performed a spell similar to that with a mandrake or saw him do it and then he reversed it for her and OH MY GOD yeah no ok. he pulled an uno reverse with the spell on her but it's hard to just like... reverse the direction of a spell? and THAT'S why she's so fucked up currently. fuck yeah love it when this happens. (fae joker is unseelie court definitely and i think harley might initially mistake him for being from the seelie court depending on how good his glamour is i'm not decided yet)
ONLY ONE SEX??? you HAVE to elaborate oh my god!!! like that sounds vaguely familiar with the ideas about development but still!!! wild!!! au stuff aside that sounds SO super interesting and i'd love to hear about all of the bodies and gender stuff regardless; like it'll definitely help a lot but also that stuff is fascinating in general
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hextiger · 3 years
More Research Excerpts
This time it's Der Alptraum in Beziehung zu gewissen Formen mittelalterlichen Aberglaubens. (English: The Nightmare in Relation to Certain Forms of Medieval Superstition).
You can find the PDF here via Project Gutenberg, but it's in German.
For context though: this appeared in 1902 in a magazine published by Sigmund Freud. That fact is very much apparent throughout.
"My focus is not on the historical side but the deepest psychological meaning" phrases that clue you in that there's a lot of nonsense coming
Nowadays the word "Weib" really just reads as "woman (derogatory)"
Dream and Belief
"the breath soul and the shadow soul" I'm sorry what. What! Shadow soul?????
"Freud's discovery of psychoanalysis" I don't know that I'd call it a discovery rather than "wholesale invention" or maybe "ass-pull" but sure
You can at times REALLY tell this is influenced by Freud. Example: "The more people have a certain type of dream the more likely it is that its' subliminal content is of a sexual nature" good (?) news for all the people who dream about their teeth falling out
Something something dreaming of your dead mother or father something something oedipus complex repressed in childhood
You can really tell this was written in the early 20th century. Take me back to the 18th/19th century weirdness please
"In a court in 1516 the jury of Trojes admonished the caterpillars who had devastated some distracts on punishment of curse and excommunication to leave within a certain number of days" I have SO MANY questions
The source for the above is "Cesaresco. Essays in the Study of Folk-Songs, P. 183" which I now have to read
"It is generally known that nightmares have a greater influence on the fantasy of waking life than any other dream" my dude you JUST went on for a whole chapter abt sex dreams so like are you sure
"I have added that the repression of female masochistic sexual urges is more suited to the creation of the typical nightmare than that of the male one, a view that Adler agrees with" I just wanna read abt weird hairy creatures sitting on people's chests, not this nonsense
Ok HERE'S something interesting. Dude's talking about how nightmares express deeply repressed wishes like yes. This I can vibe with
"Digestive problems do not explain the appearance of beautiful women from keyholes" sure but if that were a thing I'd sure as hell take the digestive problems
Incubus and Incubation
"In the middle ages the belief was generally that there were evil spirits whose sole function was to have [...] intercourse with sleeping people" HE JUST SAYS THIS. WITHOUT A SOURCE
"A favorite form that incubi took was that of clergy. Hieronmyus reports the story of a young lady who called for help against an incubus which her friends found under their beds in the form of the bishop Sylvanus. The reputation of the bishop would have suffered if he had been unable to convince them that the incubus had taken his form"
People at the time reacted by saying "Oh an excellent example for the wizardry of Sylvanus" so I don't think this bishop was believed
Anyway I WISH that had been an incubus but it really sounds like it was just a creepy old dude
Sir why do you keep randomly throwing untranslated French quotes in this German text
Oh hey another mention of people who were supposedly children of incubi. This time it's Alexander the Great, Caesar, Martin Luther, Plato, all of the Huns and everyone who lived on Cyprus
You're right, it would be unnecessary to linger on how snakes are phallic symbols thank you for not doing that
"The belief that the soul leaves the sleeper in the form of a snake which escapes through the mouth" UM HOLD ON
I checked the source and yeah, that sure is a thing
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This one's from Thorpe. Northern Mythology, 1851, Vol I. P. 289f https://archive.org/details/northernmytholog01thoruoft/page/n309/mode/2up
The Vampire
"The wish for reunion, which has its origin in the living person, is here partially projected on the dead" FINALLY some good content
"Widows can get pregnant by their vampiric husbands visiting" uhuh sure
"After the transformation into a vampire is complete it can be discovered by finding the unburied body with red cheeks, tightskin, full blood vessels, warm blood, grown hair and nails and open left eye"
May have found another source on alps here. Features slut-shaming of sphinxes as far as I can tell
"The Wallachian myth wherein dead redheaded men appear in the form of frogs, bugs etc. and drink the blood of pretty girls"
So depending on which church you were a part of before committing heresy you'd either become a werewolf (roman-catholic) or a vampire (greek)
"Like the vampire the Alp can be the soul of a dead person and suck the blood of sleeping people" whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy do I only read this now
The Werwolf
Apollo's apparently associated with wolves, which I did not know
Oh yeah I forgot about the part of werewolf lore that's like "Yeah they turn their human skin inside-out cause the other side is a wolf pelt"
If you're born on christmas day you're apparently destined to become a werewolf as punishment for your parent daring to deliver on the same day as Mary
"The seventh son is destined to become a werewolf, the seventh daughter a mare" mmmmmmmmm there's Something here I may be able to use
Quick gallows, wow what's that? Oh. Oh it's a gallows where the person has their hands bound behind their back, is pulled up by their bound hands on a pulley and then dropped from great height??????? That's uh. That doesn't sound like a good experience
Armenian werewolves are women who sinned and were thus punished by having to live for seven years as a werewolf.
There's also a creature that's somewhat between werewolf and vampire which, apparently sucks blood from the soles of the feet of people walking by
Very rough translation but "One has to burn the werewolf because otherwise he will rise from his grave a few days later. In ravenous hunger he will eat the flesh from his own hands and feet and when he has nothing else on his body to consume he will burrow out from his grave at midnight, fall into the herds and steal the animals or even go into houses, lay down by the sleeping and suck their blood from them" this is good, actually
I cannot stress enough how openly freudian this thing is
Werewolves can apparently also leave behind their bodies and wander about at night
"Belief in devils can be traced back to an oedipus complex" ok. sure
Apparently the devil used to be a close parallel to jesus. The whole deal: twelve apostles, went to hell and was reborn, hot bod
The devil had his own bible which was written down in Bohemia and is now in a library in Stockholm k so who's down for a trip to Stockholm after [waves hands] all this is done
"One of the later bynames of the devil was Grendel (english Grant)"
The devil is canonically bisexual and bigender
He can only impregnate folks if he previously acts as a succubus
....Merlin was a son of the devil? He was born because the devil was imitating God? His purpose was to defeat Jesus? Is this what Fate Grand Order is about
"if a woman sleeps alone the devil sleeps with her" well good for her
The devil has a second face on his butt that looks like a beautiful woman's face. He sits the wrong way around in chairs. His genitals are on his back
The Witch Epidemic
Witches like to eat babies, especially unbaptized ones
Witches apparently sometimes turned men into horses to ride to sabbath??? rad
Or they rode the devil himself in form of a horse or goat. sure
Why would witches have stigmata. I want to know, but not enough to check the source that's cited for this
The roman-catholic church is at fault for witchcraft
Apparently 40 year old witches turn into Drude which are also similar to alps
In Conclusion
This entire thing was a trip but I cannot recommend reading it or a translation. It's far too Freudian for my tastes. At least there's a little bit here that I can use for A Pale Imitation and its potential sequels.
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
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Imagine requested by @theshyprincess : You take his virginity
Pairing: MG x Vampire!Reader
Warnings: smut
Disclaimer: I am not supporting minor and adult relationships but for the purpose of readers backstory, we are allowing it. Especially considering that is basically what all the shows are about if you think about it. Also I have nothing against MG but I just thought it would be a surprise to not have them dating. Also I thought the idea of the boy being the Virgin is a little more unique considering all stories I've read for this particular request are all girls having their virginity taken, so I thought I'd be different. Also the age of reader isn't completely known to me but I wanted her dating Kol when she was 16 and since they dates for 3 years she must be 19 but I'm not sure if you can stay longer at the Salvatore school unlike normal school. Hope you enjoy !
Since I started the school, Milton's always had a little crush on me but of course me growing up and developing into a women only intensified that crush and here we are. He's not a bad person but I haven't ever seen him in the way he wants me to. But of course he asked me to the back to school dance Lizzie thought would be a good idea to through and of course I couldn't say no. See a few weeks ago, he wouldn't have even dates asking me considering my ex boyfriend is not only and older more intimidating man, not just a vampire but a Mikaelson. Yup, you did hear that right. It wasn't supposed to happen but it did.
See Hope was going home to New Orleans to visit all her family at Christmas around 3 years ago and since I didn't have anywhere to go she invited me. So I went with her met her family and everyone was really nice, but her uncle Kol was particularly nice to me. We were only meant to be staying until the 28th of December and then going back home but Hope was convinced to stay till New Years by her Uncle...Kol. So there we were New Years in New Orleans, drinking champagne. The countdown began, Kol and I were stood in the back and three bottles of champagne had been shared between us both alone. It didn't take long for him to make his move that night, 5 minutes after midnight we were both intoxicated, horny, hot and naked. The amount of times it happened that night, without us giving a care in the world. That was what most of our relationship was like, but I'm afraid it got to careless and he cheated on me with a girl called Davina. He tried apologising but I wasn't hearing any of it, three years down the drain because of lack of loyalty and a bottle of white.
So here we are present day, 20 minutes before the dance and crying into my pillow. Just because I wouldn't hear Kol out doesn't mean the thought of him isn’t heart-wrenching. I pulled away from the pillow, praising myself for using waterproof mascara accidently. I walked to the mirror ran my fingers through my hair, wiped the fresh tears off my face and straightened out my dress. I walked out the door and locked it behind me, walked down the hall and down the stairs to the big hall, where the dance was. I pushed the mahusive brown door away from me and walked into the hall, MG greeted me at the bottom and led me to the middle of the floor.
He grabbed ahold of my waist and hand and started swaying us to the music.
“Look y/n I know that your probably heart-wrenching about breaking up with Kol, so this is the only time I'll mention it but I am sorry. Even if it worked in my favour.”
I looked at him, tears pooling in my eyes. I don’t want to tell him I can't see him that way but I have too eventually, so it might aswell be now.
“MG look. You are the sweetest man I've ever met and your funny and incredibly handsome and any girl would be lucky to have you, but I don't see you like that. I think your amazing but it's going to take me a while for this Kol thing to blow over and I can't give you hope for something to happen when it's more than likely it won't. I appreciate you asking me to the dance and always being there for me but we aren't ever going to date MG, I am sorry.”
He looked down at the ground a gripped me tighter. He looked back into my eyes. 
“Eh it was a long shot anyway. It just sucks that you don't feel that way about you, I don't think you quite realise how much I do really like you.”
I smiled slightly and looked him the eyes, I giggled slightly before I spoke.
“What you mean, when you spend hours getting Josie to teach you how to bake everytime I'm upset so you can bring me some food? when you sprain your wrist getting Lizzie to teach you how to dance to impress me? when you sit in your room crying to yourself when you think about me with someone else? when you blackmailed Kaleb into teaching you how to fight property so you could protect me ? I do see all of this Milton and I've tried so hard to feel the same way, it makes me the only girl who wouldn't fall for it. But at the end of the day, would you not rather have me as a really good friend and never lose me or date me, something goes wrong and then we never speak again.”
He had tears in his eyes and he decided to twirle me.
“You saw all that ? I guess I would rather never lose you.”
We looked deeply into each other's eyes and grinned.
“Okay so we can either continue dancing and be boring or go steal Ric's bourbon and Emma's red ?”
He laughed and dragged me out the hall. We snuck into Alaric's office and grabbed the drinks we then took ourselves to Emma's office and stole her brand new, very tasty, expensive bottle of red. 
Around 1 hour later, we were waltzing around the halls together with empty bottles in our hands and stumbling into everything around us. We then heard Alaric calling us from round the corner so we opened a cupboard and slotted ourselves in. It was the janitors closet, so I watched through the grates in the door so find Alaric. He was looking around completely clueless and I was silently laughing until I realised how close in proximity me and Milton were. The fact that we were intoxicated probably didn't help. His member swiftly brushed against my behind and turned me on more than I realised. His hands travelled down my waist and his mouth did the same but to my neck. His warm breath fanned on my neck.
“We might be safer in here, away from innocent minds and prying eyes.”
His big soft lips brushed against my neck and my eyes rolled back. I suddenly sobered a little but he wasn't completely with it. I turned around so we were facing eachother and his member was definetely an important factor in the conversation now.  
“Milton, honey... have you ever done this before ?”
He shook his head and still continued his movements. Points to the guy for confidence, seriously. I mean what's the worst that could happen, I can't get pregnant because I'm a vampire and he's drunk anyway so he wont't remember that it even happened. I'm still not entirely sure I will yet.
I lifted my dress up and kissed him roughly.
He pulled away from the kiss.
“Wait stop. Just before we do this... you looked really beautiful tonight.”
I smiled at him in awe and kissed him again.
“Thankyou Milton.”
I ripped the buttons of his shirt and kissed down his chest down to the waistband. He started breathing really heavily.
“Milton, calm down.”
He nodded and slowed his breathing. I smiled and undid his belt and slipped his trousers down. His buldge prominent through his black boxers. I used my hand to stroke his clothed member whilst placing little kisses around his man region. His eyes started to close with pleasure so I ripped his boxers off and flicked my tounge out to collect the pre cum dripping from his tip. His breathing started to quicken as I took his whole cock into my and swirled my tounge around it as I did. His tip collided with the back of my throat and already his dick was already throbbing. I jumped back up before he came and I kissed him passionately. He grabbed my throat and pinned me against the wall.
“I’m okay with teasing but that was too far. Let's see how you like it.”
He lifted me up and ripped my panties off. He held me on the wall and thrusted his cock into me with no warning. It was a very surprising gift. He kept doing it until I was just about to cum, he pulled out and kissed me. We made out for a couple of minutes and he then lifted me higher and stuck his face in between my legs and stuck his tounge straight into my entrance. I was nearly at my peak again when he pulled away.
“Okay Milton, I've learned my lesson. Just please let me come.”
He lowered me into his dick once again and my orgasm was fast approaching. As soon as he's finished his fourth thrust, I released all over his cock. Squirting into his stomach and my legs. He started to rub my clit and I squirted even more. I couldn't handle the pleasure. It was overstimulation at it's finest.
I jumped down with a grin on my face and pulled my dress back over my head. Milton was putting his suit back on before he spoke up.
“The no panties thing was lucky wasn’t it. It's like you knew it was going to happen.”
I laughed and shook my head, I opened the door.
“Don’t get to cocky Milton. It wasn't for you Kol was meant to be coming tonight and whether I forgave him or not, I've been super horny all day. I needed some release and I knew he would give it to me.”
He laughed with me and he walked me back to my room, where there was a surprise waiting for me.
He looked at me in horror and walked into my room slamming the door behind him.
“Milton thank you for tonight, it was great. But I need to make sure he doesn't go rouge.”
He smiled and I left him alone. I walked into my room and I'm telling you, i'm dead meat.
Tags: @akshi8278 @theshyprincess
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hanna-writess · 4 years
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Title: I made a mistake, love.. (Oneshot)
Characters: Adrian, Amy, Laura.
Warnings: arguing, mentions of cheating, a little sadness but fluff overall.
Notes: hi guys! I'm so sorry I haven't written fanfic for Adrian and Amy in awhile, but I lost inspiration for awhile :( BUT! I made this fanfic for a very special friend of mine (more like a sister) @adriansbiss ! Happy birthday Angel, I love you so damn much and you're the best, I hope you like this 💖❤ (everyone go follow her 💗 sorry this is late, it's a bit sad in the beginning but it's a fluffy ending)
I watched as Amy sat on the couch, a warm blanket covering her body, her glasses hanging a little as she read her book, zoned out from her surroundings. I stood at the front door, in the dark thinking. Was it true? Should I ask her or not? Will it end badly? All of those doubts swarmed around in my mind, but I couldn't go on without knowing.
I took off my jacket and sweater vest, along with my shoes before walking closer to her, gently kissing her head as she jolted a little in surprise. But smiled nonetheless, I returned it with a small smile and sat beside her, carefully wrapping my arm around her waist, it was now or never.
I froze for a moment, just admiring her features. Her smile, beautiful brown eyes, long wavy blonde hair with hints of brown, soft almost tan skin covered by a sweater. But I shook myself out of that, it was too easy getting caught up in my own thoughts.
I finally got the courage to speak up and calmed down "have you been sleeping with Anthony Richards?" I saw her smile fade, and how she gently pulled away from me, sadness and a hint of anger lingering in her eyes. "How could you ask me that? I would never cheat on you Adrian!" 
I couldn't tell if she was lying or not, because she was great at putting on an act or shielding herself from any pain, it was what she was used to. And to a certain point I couldn't blame her, but now I needed the truth. And used the other side of me, the one she sort of disliked. The demanding and strong headed side of me. "Amy.. I want the truth"
I watched as the love in her eyes was slipping away, and tears were taking that place, she held the book close to her and shook her head, letting tears slide down her cheeks. "I can't believe you. I married you, I had your daughter even though it was supposedly impossible, I risked my life and died for you and our friends, I stay by your side through it all, and you accuse me of cheating after all this time?"
I sighed and felt guilt building inside me, rising up and threatening to spill out. She was right though, about everything she'd given up to be with me, how she couldn't see her family or travel, or go out in the sun like she used too. How she saved my life countless times before, got through being a newborn vampire all while trying to channel her powers, while being chased by two insane power seeking gods.. oh how I had messed up.
"Amy I know how it sounds but the rumors-" she scoffed and got up, standing up tall and brave, anger radiating off her. I was in for it now "you're basing this off of rumors?! What will it take for you to trust me Adrian! Know you for hundreds of years like Kamilah? Or Serafine and how she gained your trust by "helping" you and Kamilah- oh wait no, you just slept with her."
I winced at that last comment, she had her father's temper and it wasn't always a good thing, but right now I deserved this, I couldn't have been more naive. "Amy.. I'm sorry.. it was wrong to even accuse you love.." I was a little nervous to look her in the eye, knowing they were probably burning with a passion.
"Oh no, don't try and get all lovey dovey now, I can't believe you Adrian. I've heard rumors, seen things that made me terrified, or how women love to touch you wherever they can when I'm not around, or how in Paris you seemed to care about Serafine more than me, I never said anything because I love you, and trusted you! It seems that trust only goes one way."
I felt built eating away at me more fiercely, tearing me apart and breaking me apart. I wanted to gently grab her and hold her, kiss her all over and beg for her to forgive me and stop being so upset, but I knew she didn't want that right now and probably wouldn't for awhile. I tried speaking, my voice coming out quiet as ever.
"I understand Amy.. you can be mad at me, I deserve it. But.. please don't leave" she had her arms crossed and her breathing was low and shallow, she looked at me directly in the eyes, her eyes glinting in the light, showing a little compassion. But her walls were still up very high, which made me sad on the inside.
"I'd never leave Adrian, we have children together. But we'll be sleeping in separate beds tonight, see you in the morning." I watched as she walked off upstairs to one of the spare bedrooms and closed the door behind her, I groaned and fell back onto the couch. Feeling my heart pound in my chest, as I turned down the brightness of the lights. I closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands. Thinking as I sinked in guilt deeper and deeper.
Then after a few minutes, I felt a small form crawl beside me, surely not Amy. I removed my hands and opened my eyes, seeing little Laura curled up in my side, her arms holding me. My worries slowly slipped away and I wrapped an arm around her, gently moving aside her wavy hair, and tucking it behind her ear.
I leaned down and kissed her head, then she nuzzled me and I could tell she was wide awake, hard to believe she stayed awake until midnight to see me, only being 5 years old. She opened her eyes and smiled lightly, her eyes just like mine.
She was a perfect mixture between me and Amy, and she buried her face in the crook of my neck, her small quiet breath fanning there. I chuckled softly and gently rubbed her back, she could be clingy most of the time which I loved.
Then her small voice chimed up, in a whisper "could I sleep with you and mommy tonight..? I had a bad dream.." I sighed and watched as she held me tight, that was the third nightmare this week and I couldn't bear seeing her scared, so me and Amy always gave in and said yes.
"Well.. mommy is sleeping in a different room tonight.. she.. wants some time alone, but you could still come in our room and share the bed with me" she nodded and held onto me as I picked her up and carried her upstairs, she was slightly shaking which made me frown.
 but when I set her down under the covers and turned off the light, but kept on a small night light, she looked calmer now. I relaxed a little, seeing her scared like this made me tense but knowing she felt safe with me or Amy, or just both of us was a relief.
I kissed her head and rubbed her arm "I need to get changed and get ready for bed, will you be okay for a few minutes?" She nodded and buried herself further under the covers, I walked to the closet and closed the door, changing into a pair of black sweatpants and then white t-shirt.
I neatly folded my clothes neatly and then went to the bathroom, washing my face and combing my disheveled hair a little, then brushed my teeth and turned out the lights and walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later.
I yawned and got under the covers and looked at Laura, her eyes closed and her form curled up, the covers wrapped comfortably around her, I smiled and laid back, keeping one arm around her while I closed my eyes, falling into a deep slumber.
*the next morning*
I woke up and moved a little, but felt two small arms wrapped around me, I yawned and rubbed my eyes before opening them, seeing Laura right beside me, fast asleep and drooling a little, which made me chuckle quietly but smile. I carefully lifted one of her arms off me and replaced my spot with a pillow, which she held close to her.
I got up and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind myself and looking in the mirror, my hair messy and my eyes tired but the same, my clothes wrinkled but comfortable. I washed my face and grabbed the towel, drying all the water off and then brushed my teeth
I turned on the shower, making sure the water was warm before getting in, I took 5 minutes but it didn't matter because nobody was up, and Laura was a heavy sleeper. I got out and dried off, putting on a grey sweater and black pants and combed my hair.
After a second I heard giggling outside and was surprised, it was still early. I unlocked the door and peeked out, seeing Amy sitting on the bed with Laura as they talked, the tv was on but was quiet enough that they weren't paying much attention, soon enough they laid down and got under the covers, watching the tv in a comfortable silence.
I closed the door and cleaned up the bathroom, throwing the towel I used in the hamper along with my clothes from the night before. Then walked out and after a minute they looked at me, Laura smiling and getting up, off the bed and over to me, hugging my waist. I chuckled and picked her up, kissing her head "have a good sleep?" She nodded and leaned her head on my chest
"What are we having for breakfast daddy?" I looked at her, her smile present and eyes shining with happiness. "What do you want sweetheart?" She went silent for a moment, thinking. She could be picky sometimes but it was cute, then she said "waffles and bacon!" I chuckled and gently tickled her. "Alright, that sounds good, you go get dressed while I talk to mom for a second"
She kissed my cheek and then ran out of the room as soon as I set her down and then I looked at Amy, her gaze was a bit cold but better then last night, I could tell her anger died down now, which I was thankful for.
"I'm sorry about last night Amy, I just.." I sighed, not knowing how to continue, not having an excuse for accusing her, it was just nerves. I could see now they were just friends. "I shouldn't have accused you, I listened to others when I should have just trusted you, I know you're friends with him and there' nothing wrong with that"
I walked closer and sat beside her, gently taking her hands in mine, kissing them. "Forgive me, love?" Her expression and she had a light smile on her features, her hands intertwining with mine, then she leaned closer and wrapped her arms around me.
"Of course I can.. and I'm sorry for overreacting.. I just need to control my temper a little better" I held her close to me, and kissed her head, a smile on my face. No matter how many mistakes were made, we still got through it, she really was my dream girl, my wife.
We held each other for another few minutes, then chuckled when we heard Laura's small voice ring up from downstairs, we got up and walked down, holding hands as we talked quietly about Laura's birthday coming up next week, then began cooking breakfast with her, messes were made, and laughs were shared. Most importantly we were having fun together. My life, my future, were with my precious daughter, and wonderful wife.
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