#hi the lumpy baby is ADORABLE
a-strange-inkling · 3 months
(rating: mature, nsfw, cw: pregnancy sex, sex to induce labor)
“C’mere, sweet girl.”
She whines softly as he massages her strained, swollen belly, pulling her in for a kiss by the neck with his left hand. It’s warm and soft, soothing the tension inside and out.
“Let’s get this baby out of you, huh?” he murmurs, kissing both of her cheeks and laying her gently along the couch on her back as she sighs quietly oh yes please, please, please.
“That’s it,” he drones, thumbing over the nape of her neck beneath her loose waves. “Just relax.”
She lets herself sink into the old, lumpy cushions, her hair splaying over the quilted throw pillow. Every bone in her body aches, every muscle pulsing and pulling around her stretched abdomen.
“I’m so sore, baby,” she confesses in one breath as he sucks diligently at her collarbone, his hand rubbing under her shirt over her belly. She can feel their daughter moving inside her under his touch, the sensation transcendent…if not a little painful. “I’m so tired.”
“I know,” he tells her, hands still so, so gently working her stomach. “Our baby girl’s being shy about coming out, isn’t she?”
“Yes,” she whimpers miserably, arching up into him. “Oh, baby, help me. Help me get her out. Please.”
“I’m here, I’ve got you.” His face softens with adoration and a little guilt, kissing her deeply.
“How about we breathe a little bit, sweetheart?” he suggests, and she nods in agreement. They do this all the time. Breathing exercises for her anxiety and panic attacks, now to help her prepare for her pending labor. They’ve become something of breathing experts. She keeps her eyes fixed solely on him as they both inhale together and hold, then release a long exhale. “Yeah, that’s it,” he drawls again, hand tracing under her belly. “Just like that.”
They do this a few more times, her arousal already beginning to crest. Eddie smiles down at her proudly as she slowly regulates her breathing, mouthing silently ‘that’s my girl’. Chrissy feels herself bursting at the seams as she smiles back through her last exhale, her soul radiating at the praise.
Giving her one more quick kiss, he begins rolling up the thin nightshirt she’s wearing. Chrissy leans up just enough to raise her arms up toward heaven, toward him, letting him carefully tug her free, leaving her exposed and shivering with aches and anticipation. It’s been so hot out, the July sun burning brightly into their apartment all afternoon, over the city, soaking into their walls, leaving a glistening thin layer of sweat on her skin. She can feel the cool air from the fan in the window as she settles back down.
“God, look at you,” he whispers reverently, palming her full, delicate breasts. “You’re so beautiful, Chrissy.”
The tears come instantly to her eyes. “I can’t be,” she gasps as he moves his wrists, pushing the sensitive, swelled tissue in a slow circular motion. “Oh, God.”
“You are,” he moves his knees on both sides of her thighs, increasing the pressure, giving her an intense and sudden surge of pleasure, just on the cusp of hurting. She’s like clay under his strong hands. “You’re so full, all filled up with me,” his breaths grow shorter, his voice deeper, swallowing a mouth full of saliva. “All filled up with my baby. You drive me crazy… so fucking crazy.”
“Eddie!” she cries as his thumb rubs over her nipple, pressing down. He gives her another hungry, desperate kiss before dropping his chin and taking her dripping breast into his mouth, sucking gently. She nearly screams from the stimulation, his low, vibrating hum traveling through her entire nervous system, making her quake like a newborn fawn. Chrissy cradles his head, her fingers tangling in his hair as he drinks from her, reliving the tautness. He moves to the other side, nuzzling his face into her plush skin before latching on.
Her whole body lurches as she grips at his skelp gently. “That feels so good, baby,” she tells him, breathlessly. “So good.”
She feels him smile around her nipple as his hand dips under her arched hips, rolling and kneading the small of her back, the throbbing core of all her physical pain. She hadn’t told him she was hurting there, but she had been bent and hobbling all morning under the oppressive humidity. “Oh, yes, please keep—right there—right there.” She feels the hot tears in the corner of her eyes sliding down her face, sobbing and panting in relief. Every inch of her existence is melting, soaking through. She pulls on his hair, dragging him back up to kiss him frantically.
“I know, I know, right there,” he says into her cheek, keeping the motion up, digging into her flesh and muscles just right. Just rough enough not to hurt her. “I see, sweetheart, I see everything…you’re so strong, my brave girl, my good girl.”
“Want to be your good girl,” she bobs her head up and down as he presses his brow against hers. She’s been so miserable and agitated, so needy, she doesn’t know how he can still stand her. “Want to have your baby, I want her so badly, Eddie!”
He groans weakly as if in pain, holding her face as he kisses her again and again and again, till their mouths are tacky and pink. His hand moves back over the globe of her stomach, flat and sturdy. Chrissy feels their daughter stirring again, the little squirmy thing she does before she finds a spot to settle and sleep. Eddie’s eyes light up at the sensation, a sweet smile blooming across his face. “I can feel her baby, feel her moving…she’s going to be so beautiful, just like you. Just like her mama.”
“I love her so much,” Chrissy blurts out. “Just want her out of me, want to see her, want to hold her…I’ve been waiting so long.”
“I know, baby,” he rasps, gently pushing her back down as he untangles himself from her and rises to sit on his knees, knocking hers further apart and shifting himself from the outside of her legs to the inside. “Me too. We’ll have her soon.”
“Promise?” She whines at the loss of his hands, of his body, over hers. Where is he going!? She props up on her elbows, watching him hover above her as he shakily shoves down his sweatpants, lifting both legs one at a time and tugging in a skilled motion till he’s naked and kneeling before her.
“I promise,” he coos, both his hands caressing her thighs pacifyingly. “So close now…”
“S-so close,” she parrots with a hiccup, closing her eyes.
“Jesus,” he gasps gruffly, flushing and sweating almost as much as she is now, one of his hands gently stroking her opening, the other propped atop her stomach. “You’re so ready for me, sweetheart.”
She reaches up for him, wanting him back beside her. “Baby—”
“I’m right here,” he assures with a laugh, his voice soft and a little teasing as he works a few fingers into her. One at a time. Slowly. She’s dying, but also going to heaven. “Not going anywhere… keep breathing.”
She obeys, inhaling as he goes in, exhaling when he pulls out, the rhythm rocking her back and forth over the edge. When she can’t take anymore, when she’s nothing but a blubbering mess, he grabs two handfuls of her hips, lifting them effortlessly as he scooches further back so her lower half is elevated in the air. “There we go… Hate to squash our poor sweet girl when we’re in the home stretch now.”
Chrissy giggles in joyful agony, bracing her round tummy between her hands as he carefully aligns them.
“You tell me if anything hurts, if it’s too much.”
“I will,” she says, beaming from ear to ear.
He waits till she nods desperately before sliding into her with a sharp gasp that breaks in a long, low grunt. “Fuck. Fuck.”
She sighs blissfully in contrast, her eyes and head rolling backwards, garbled happy sounds spilling out of her mouth. This angle feels divine, the weight of the baby she’s been carrying alleviated from her for a moment in his large, callous hands.
She moves one of her palms just over her navel. Your daddy’s so strong, sweetpea. He’s so amazing!
“Y-you okay?” He warbles out, flipping his hair back out of his eyes with a quick flick of his neck and chin, his chest all rosy and heaving. “Feels alright?”
“Uh huh,” she huffs. “Please don’t stop.”
“Oh, God, trust me I won’t—You—you feel so good,” he hisses, voice strained and almost breaking as he begins to thrust, fingers digging into her flesh. “So good, sweetheart.”
“I’m not too heavy?” she squeaks worriedly before she can stop herself. They’ve done it this way, but she’s never been so… large before. Despite nine months of his constant doting and dedication, she can’t shake away the fear and shame her mother instilled in her… all those long lectures about how someday pregnancy would ruin her body and repulse her husband. That the most she could hope for is that he would tolerate her and continue to provide after she had children.
It’s still hard to believe that something she was always told would make her as ugly and unwanted as a woman could possibly be, made her even more beautiful in his eyes. Made him want her all the more.
Eddie shoots her a quick please don’t be stupid, Christina look, lifting her hips even higher, sinking deeper in reply. She keens, shakily crossing her legs over his hips to stay steady. Eddie groans loudly when she involuntary clenches around him.
Keeping him inside her.
“You’re—fucking God!—you’re perfect—fuck-fuck-Chrissy,” he cries, his whole body shuddering, trying valiantly not to finish before she does. “You’re so perfect—carrying my baby, you look like an angel, like in a painting or something. You’re too fucking gorgeous to be real—you know that?” He starts up again the moment she relaxes, at a faster pace than before, determination set in his jaw, eyes so dark she can’t even see his pupils anymore. His hand slides over her ass to support her lower back and she can feel her end approaching quickly as she whimpers, helpless and in love. “Everyone can see what I did to you—everyone knows-you’re mine-that I filled you up—put my baby inside you-I fucking love it—All I want to do is this to you—It’s all I can think about every fucking day.”
“Eddie,” she cries sharply, coming suddenly, her whole body spasming as the relief rushes over her, ebbing away the pain of the last four days. “Oh, yes, yes, yes, thank you, thank you, thank you,” Sighing soft and high, she floats in that pink, sugary, sparkly champagne cloud, feeling light and bubbly as her body flutters between the heavens and earth. It’s not long afterward till he’s pouring himself into her, warm and overflowing, sending her right back over the edge.
She slowly comes to as he lowers her back down, his shaking, spent body wilting beside her. Tucking himself between her and the back cushions, he holds her in his strong arms on his side. Chrissy’s head falls limply against his hot, damp peck, listening as his thundering heart slows and his rough panting wanes into deep, content sighs.
“Wow,” she finally whispers in awe, raining tiny wet kisses over his chest and stomach feeling overwhelmingly sleepy. “Thank you, baby.”
“Mmmhmm, happy to be of service,” he nuzzles his face into her hair, snuggling down until they’re fused back together, running a lazy hand over her hills and valleys. “How-um-how do you feel?”
“Amazing,” she swoons, letting him pry her lips away from his skin just so he can kiss her fully on the mouth.
“Good, but I meant like,” he chuckles sheepishly, patting her bump as he keeps kissing her. “Any progress with the eviction notice?”
Chrissy pauses, evaluating. Livvy must be curled up somewhere and sleeping, as she’s stopped wiggling around. She’s low, but she’s been low since the day before her due date. “I don’t know…I can’t tell…” she muses, meeting his wide eyed gaze with her own, smiling brightly. “Maybe we should um… try again.”
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spoopyblues214 · 5 months
Salveō! Would you be willing to take a writing request for a rise!Donnie x reader? (platonic pls!)
the storyline could be something along the lines of the reader eating one of Mikey’s food at dinner with the turtles and it being a bad texture. (For me, a big one is lumps in smooth substances. Like rice pudding.. *shudder*) Anyway, the reader gets overstimulated and shuts down, Donnie brings ‘em to his “sensory room” in the lab and gives pressurized hugs and back rubs until the reader is comfortable and regulated again.
I’m a sucker for autistic reader fics. There’s not enough of those :(
This seems adorable! I unfortunately don't get to the point of shutting/breaking down from bad food textures (though I do have foods I refuse to eat), but I'll try my best!
The Pudding
Word count: 546
Usually you loved dinner with the turtles. Sure, they could be loud and unruly, but somehow they didn't drain your social battery as much as other people did. Listening to the brothers fighting was entertaining, and they talked so much you didn't have to worry about finding something to say. Usually, you'd say it was one of your favorite activities, trying what Mikey decided to make.
Today, though, that couldn't be further from the truth. Dinner had been fine, one of the best Mikey has ever made, but you could feel the color drain from your face as he revealed a bowl for dessert. A lumpy pudding that you just knew you wouldn't like. You would have passed, but Mikey used his puppy dog eyes, and said something about it being something new he tried out. That's how you ended up with a small serving on your plate.
Raph and Leo ate most of it, saying the pudding tasted great, but for you it wasn't about the taste. Donnie had had some of his own, a smaller serving in comparison to his brothers, and he watched you watch the thing on your plate. Still, you steeled yourself and ate a few spoonfuls, ignoring the urge to gag. That'd be so rude. After maybe four bites you wanted to cry, physically unable to swallow the next spoonful but only feeling worse and worse with the texture just sitting in your mouth.
Suddenly Donnie pulled you up from your seat, walking you from the room just as the other three were about to start a food fight. With a three fingered hand on your back you entered the soft shell's lab, and your confusion got interrupted when a metallic claw offered you an empty garbage bin.
“Spit. I know you still haven't swallowed your last bite.”
Oh yeah.
You spit out the pudding and felt tears gather in your eyes.
Why couldn't you just be normal? Everything was great and you're being a baby over nothing.
The tiny garbage can had been placed elsewhere and you took the last couple steps into a room with low lighting. Brown noise seemed to be playing from hidden speakers around the room. You turned to Donnie, and of course he already had an answer.
“This is my Overstimulation Panic Room. When I get overwhelmed, I come in here and it helps.”
You nod, looking back around the room and wondering what exactly you should do to ride this out. It took a gentle touch to one of your arms for you to notice you were squeezing yourself.
“If you would like I could offer you some pressure in the form of a hug?”
Donnie rarely offered hugs; you found it very kind he'd do so just for your own little meltdown. With another nod he wrapped you in a hug and squeezed, his chin on your head. You could guess he was using those same metallic claws to do other things on his phone, but you wouldn't expect anything else. The buzz from the speakers let you focus on things other than your mind, sounding like wind, and the dim purple lighting meant your eyes could take a break from seeing so many colors.
You'd have to thank Donnie later, somehow.
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habit-poxly · 2 years
always forever
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Simon “Ghost” Riley x GN!reader
description: you and Simon spend the evening together in a rented cabin, taking a hard earned vacation while he’s on leave. 
domestic fluff, unedited
word count: 1.6k
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A bright display of pinks and oranges broke through the thin kitchen curtains, the setting sun nearly halfway gone behind the reaching tips of the evergreens in the distance. Fireflies danced in the wild grass outside, the smell of campfire wafted in the air, the mountains in the distance kissed the darkening sky, and the old cabin creaked in the wind.
The drive out to the mountains had been tedious: unmarked roads, unhelpful locals, and no working GPS certainly hadn’t created a vacation environment. Nevertheless, you two had arrived- albeit 2 hours behind schedule- and it had been decided to be worth it immediately. A swimming lake sat only a 5-minute walk from the lot the small cabin was sat on, although you don’t see you and Simon swimming at the public dock area; walking together until you find a tucked away beach would be much more preferable to him anyways.
“ ‘right lovie, what do you need me doing?” Simon slips his hand around the curve of your waist, fingers gently rubbing back and forth, waiting to be helpful. You had been preparing dinner for the past half an hour, now peeling the potatoes you had just washed. Simon had already unloaded the car and brought the bags to the locations they were supposed to be, he had lit the firepit outside and changed the sheets on the bed- frankly you were running out of things to get him to do.
“Wanna roll up the meatballs, baby?” You hum, leaning up and pecking Simon on the jaw as he leans over you to watch want you’re doing. His other hand moves to rest on the other side of your waist; he squeezes and nods, his hands staying firmly on your hips. Peering at his exposed lips you see a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, you knew how much he adored small moments like this- if he could he would hang them up as pictures in your home, each one held so close to his heart.
After washing his hands he begins rolling the spiced ground beef in his palms, enjoying the fading sunset shoulder-to-shoulder with you. So many times on deployment you had been why he fought so hard to come home- as cheesy as it was, it was you and him forever. Two people forever entangled until the end. That's how he saw it at least. 
“Do you want to go on a hike or to the lake tomorrow? The weather is supposed to be perfect” Your gentle voice had always sent shivers down his spine- reducing him to a puddle in your palm at a whim.
Simon let out a hum, attention still focused on not making the meatballs horribly misshapen.
“You wanted to use that picnic set you bought, yeah? Let’s take a walk down to the lake tonight and find a spot for the morning.” He glanced up at you, the smile gracing your face making you glow in the sunlight- the way it fluttered off your eyelashes making his heart skip a beat at the sight of you.
“Sounds romantic, had a whole little date planned in your head, hm?” You teased, pink flushing your face. He chuckles, bending down to place a soft kiss on your cheek.
“Got tons of ‘em, love” He adored the person he became in your presence: calm, caring, romantic, free of heavy burden for the time. You adored him for it, too. The way his hands- calloused and rough from a lifetime of hard work- would run down your body like you were the most valuable thing in the world, the way he would breathe life into you and build you high. 
“How are none of them the same fucking size?!” Simon places the last meatball down, none of them lumpy yet most of them are either a tad bit too large or a tad bit too small.
“I’m hopeless at cooking.” He huffs, turning on the sink to wash his hands again. Choking back a giggle, you poke your finger lightly into his side. “Don’t worry, darling. You’ve done a wonderful job, look!” You point at the much smaller group, “I prefer Swedish meatballs anyways”
A wide grin plants itself on his face as he shakes his head at you.  The rest of dinner hadn’t taken much longer to make. It was very good, as Simon always finds your cooking. Tonight it had been homemade meatballs, mashed potatoes, and gravy- he suspected you had planned every meal this week around his favourites. He adored the way you tended to him like that: filling his glass, sneaking more food into his plate, encouraging him to go for seconds, storing away leftovers so they’re easy for him to pop in the microwave later- it all. As a child, he had grown a fear of appearing like he was overeating, something that would have warranted punishment in his earlier years, yet the way you would take care of him made all that melt away.
After cleaning up you two moved to sit by the firepit outside wrapped in a thick quilt. You had your own camping chair, intact it sat right beside Simon’s- something which he set up. But the second you got close enough he had slithered his arm around your waist and pulled you into the warmth of his lap. This was one of, by far, his favourite things to do with you. He had a cigar he had been gifted by Price in his hand, taking large puffs in between pauses in your stories or his jokes. His hand ran soothingly up and down your thigh under the blanket, his lips kissing up your neck and whispering breathy sighs into your ear.
“ it’s a beautiful property, we should rent this cabin again next summer” You muse eyes dancing over the darkened tree line, Simon hums into the soft flesh of your shoulder.
“Inside could use an update.” He adds, “Not sure if we’ll be having sex on the bed this week, love. ‘Afraid the old thing will fall apart.” Simon grins as you elbow him in the stomach, scoffing with a smile at the comment.
“It’s an old cabin, I think the broken furniture gives it character.” You lean your weight back, rolling your head so it rests on his shoulder. Your eyes dance over the strong features of his face- deep bags still chiselled into his under eyes from his latest deployment.
“I know what you mean though. The paint colour choices are ridiculous- who paints a bathroom that horrible orange? It’s wonderful architecture- that kitchen would look beautiful with the blue that’s in our bedroom at home.” Simon had been nodding along to you as you spoke, interior design was something he had struggled with his whole life- his apartment bare before you moved in.
 Regardless of how many times he had told you that you still always made him feel included when it came to decorating. It was both of your homes, not just the house he pays for and you decorate as so many other men like him had. “It’s too small, we’d need more room if we were going to buy a place like this. You want a Green House, yeah?” Simon's head turns back to look at the outside of the cabin- it was one bed one bath, perfect for the two of you for the moment but his mind was set on the future. His arms moved to wrap around your waist- holding you tight to him.
“Yeah-“ you nod “ I’d want something with a cute wrap-around porch too. We’d have to have room for your office- if we got a house with a nice big basement we could get that pool table you want. Put a bar down there too so you and the boys can watch football.”
He hums happily, nodding along with you. “Next time I’m on leave I’ll take some more time off, we’ll go look at some houses and find something we like- ‘wouldn’t worry about renovations, I could have all that done.”
He understood the commitment that would be, a commitment he never felt the want to take on until he met you. Things like settling down, getting married and starting a family never seemed on the table for him- until you waddled into his life and cracked his hard exterior. He wanted it more than anything now- to come home to a bustling young family in a beautiful home.
“Simon- really?” You mutter, the surprise lacing your voice and causing nervousness to bubble in his stomach. For a brief moment, he feared he had messed it all up- that you would pull away from him for such a recommendation and inform him you would never dream of spending your life with him. But, he nods anyway; anxiety clear as day spread out across his face.
Shifting in his lap you move to straddle him, arms snaking around his neck as his hands settle on your hips- pulling you tighter against him.
As if on pure instinct his lips move to meet yours- the kiss being instantly reciprocated with desperate noises and your fingers tangling through his messy blond hair. He had long slipped his tongue into your mouth, as if he was consuming you- or trying to. Simon was a starved man, starved his whole life until you came with the offer of endless fullness; how could he ever possibly deny you?
His strong hands pull your hips into his, making your legs shake with under the warmth of the blanket. Pulling away leaves a small string of saliva between the two of you- which a quick peck from Simon fixes.
“Are you sure?” You whisper lips still mere inches from his own. He has never expressed any desire for commitment other than the relationship you had now. You were his, his partner, you had been for quite some time, yet there had been no mention of anything similar to this.
“I’m sure, darling.“ he kisses you again, this time deep and slow, “ I’ve never been more sure of anything.”
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7-wonders · 1 year
Been thinking a lot about a Dream who DOESN’T vaguely threaten to abscond with Lyta Hall’s baby and instead actually explains what’s going on (more likely Rose explains it but still), and thus sort of becomes a reluctant dad to Daniel.
And your relationship with Dream is still pretty new, you’re still learning a lot of things about each other, but that doesn’t mean you were expecting to fall asleep one night and see Dream calmly instructing a little boy, maybe one year old and with the whitest hair you’ve ever seen, as he tries to make dreams out of sand but just makes random lumpy shapes.
“You have a kid?” you ask.
“He is not…technically mine,” Dream tries to explain.
At the exact same moment, Daniel totters to his feet and holds his hands up to Dream while saying, “Dada!” Dream blushes violet but picks the boy up anyways since he can’t say no to him.
Cue a very awkward conversation about what happens when a ghost and a human have sex in the Dreaming because the ghost took advantage of Dream’s absence and slipped into the realm to escape going to the Sunless Lands. While you’re still a little confused, you can’t deny just how sweet and adorable Daniel is.
(In conclusion, I love reluctant dad!Dream”
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greetingsfromuranus · 6 months
What qualities do you like about Double D the most?
Soooo so many things I love about him - I often think about how soft his skin would be, like his cheeks are all soft and squishy, and his neck is probably so delicate and warm, his skin would probably be a bit clammy (he's so anxious and riled up all the time....) but not in an unpleasant way, it's just how he is lol. He's definitely one of those people with really cold hands and other extremities, but a warm enough torso
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I love the way his face stretches when he smiles! I love seeing all the different shapes he takes but his smile is my favorite :3 how do I describe it- he isn't lumpy or anything, but he just has so many interesting moving parts, I love how his cheeks stick out and his chin sticks out and his jaw behind his ear sticks out, and his lil eye lines/eye bags, and of course his tooth gap! Big ol teeth...... He's just so wonderful to look at and I wish I could give him a big kiss on the forehead... boop his nose while I'm at it.... he's shaped all awkward like a newborn kitten or and I love it
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I love how long he is! Lanky lil ferret creature, like a cat, or a weasel, or a salamander! I like the salamander comparison best, I've studied their anatomy before and it ready fits Double D the best..... They're all lanky and squiggly and flexible just like Double D ^w^
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I really like Edds funky posture, he has such a cute lil belly and messed up scoliosis back lol..... like he's all tall and thin compared to everyone else but he's still fleshy and soft >u< like you can see his ribcage and spine poking out, but he still has a big kitten belly... I just wanna hold and squish him! his limbs are all lanky and awkward, but theyre more like that of a delicate baby bird than a bony human!
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Also... cute butt........ squishy squishy 🤤🤤 LOL I know it's probably just his big ol shorts but it's still cute..... I love how all his clothes are so big on him! It's adorable!! I can imagine all the textures so vividly.... his outfits are def 10/10 comfy ^^ I love how he just wears knee/thigh high socks, it's very cute and funny, I also wear socks that go up to my shorts sometimes and it is VERY comfy when they fit well.
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I also love his tiny lil legs and the way he walks/runs! They go pitter patter as he skitters around like a dachshund or a lizard a a funky lil bug!
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And I really like the way he handles his energy... ill start with describing the other eds first!
With Ed, his energy is sort of consistently radiating out, he has an IMMENSE amount of power and imagination in there, but he's big enough to handle it. It seeps out like radiation from a 10 ton brick of uranium.
With Eddy, he has more explosive tendencies, he's short and stout, which makes it harder for him to hold everything in, but he tends to compress it all down into a little ball. He's extremely volatile and reactive, you set him off and BOOM it all explodes out! His little body just can't handle anything new, he's already backed up with so much repressed emotion that there just isn't room for anything new. His explosions are like dynamite, or a star that got too much mass and imploded on itself.
Now Edd is the Anxiety Creature™, his energy is also volatile in nature, but I guess he's more electric, or like plasma. It's the kind of heat that's so hot it starts to feel cold again, like coming inside from the snow, turning the bath faucet to the hottest temp and butting your feet right under it. The difference between him and eddy is that Double D isn't able to hold anything down, as soon as it's created it's let out into the world, however that may be. He wears his emotions on his sleeve, expresses any and all fear, excitement, disgust, and affection he feels because he just doesn't have the volume to hold any of it in. He creates huge amounts of energy, and there's nowhere for it to go but out into the world! His tiny body just can't hold it all in.... it's hard to find a comparison like the other two, something so small with so much energy.... his energy sorta functions like the sun, once you look at it up close.
Here's a diagram I made to visualize it better, (it looks better on computer than phone) I feel like Edds colors are different based on whatever emotion he's expressing, but theyre always bright, whipping out like pink and yellow and blue solar flares. Eddy's are definitely more firey and messy than what i drew, think dynamite mixed with a supernova.
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I've been writing this post all morning, and I think im gonna call it here for now lol. I will add some stuff about Double D's personality later lol.
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deliciouskeys · 1 year
@cozycornerkinktober ’s prompt #3: Breeding/pregnancy
Deleted scene from The Selfish Gene (Butchlander)
Warnings: Let’s see. Homelander is pregnant. Homelander has both male and female equipment. He’s carrying Billy Butcher’s child. If that sounds inexplicable, well, it all makes perfect sense in the fic (or not). This deleted scene is supposed to be comedy, but ymmv. Could also be horror.
Inspired by the finale of a long conversation about mpreg with chatlander:
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“What’re you always checking in there?” Billy asks. Homelander shifts his gaze off of his belly —off of Lena’s innocent adorable little face— and turns his attention to Billy who’s sprawled out on the bed, underneath him. It’s true that he got distracted, even while moving up and down his cock.
“Nothing. I can’t take a look at my baby once in a while?”
“Look, you asked to f—”
Homelander shushes him. “Stop swearing, she can hear.”
Billy raises a skeptical eyebrow. “You think she’s gonna pop out of you preloaded with all sorts of curse words she heard?”
“Maybe!” Homelander glares. “Just because most babies don’t learn, doesn’t mean she won’t.”
“Alright, in any case, you’re the one who wants to get it on, and then the entire time we’re doing it, you’re staring down at her, and- you’re flippin’ doing it again! While I’m talking to you!”
Homelander shifts his gaze off of her.
“Is she able to look clean through your skin or something?” Billy asks and Homelander’s eyes flee to the side in spite of himself.
“What? No…” he says, trying to sound neutral but he can hear he’s protesting a little too much. He guesses that telling Billy this sort of truth would be offputting. “No, what makes you say that?”
“Because you’ve been babytalking to your stomach and making faces as if she’s looking at you the last few days.”
Homelander gets a guilty look. He’s been less circumspect than he thought, because a few days ago, he feels like his relationship with Lena changed dramatically.
“I don’t think I’ve ever eaten cottage cheese in my life,” Homelander grumbled as he peered into the container he just opened. It smelled strange, and it looked lumpy. “You better have wanted this, because I have no idea what possessed me to order it otherwise,” he said. He talked to Lena throughout the day, whenever Billy wasn’t home. He knew it would sound a little bit insane to any bystander. Maybe it was a way of coping with his sense of loneliness, but it was a vast improvement over how he used to talk to himself, in the bad room, and then later on in his own apartment. He’s left that behind with Vought. He’d never be unkind to his own child. Lena might not talk back, or respond in any way really, but that was fine by him. She should be able to hear him now, if the info online and in the baby books was to be believed. And if she was anything like him, she might also be hearing the neighbor three floors up and two to the right having an irritatingly vacuous conversation over the phone discussing some reality show finale.
He dipped the spoon in and tried the cottage cheese. “It’s not that bad actually,” he said through a mouthful. He took the entire container with him and put his feet up on the coffee table to alleviate some of the swelling in his ankles. The cottage cheese hit some weird spot he didn’t know he even had just right. He ended up eating the entire container. “Good choice, baby,” he said, smiling, and glanced down only to see Lena’s upturned face, eyes wide open and staring up at him through the veils of amniotic fluid, tissue, skin. He felt a little taken aback at how penetrating and focused her gaze was. He moved his hand toward her, then moved it to the side and waved it. Lena’s eyes tracked it perfectly.
“Holy sh- smokes. Hi baby,” he whispered, breath catching when he saw her swivel her head back up towards him. “I’m not even sure your eyes are supposed to be open yet,” he said to no one in particular. She was definitely on the early side for every milestone, but babies allegedly didn’t focus their eyes until after they were born. Babies also probably didn’t see much inside the womb without penetrative vision though.
“Maybe we won’t tell your other daddy about this. He might get weirded out,” Homelander said to her, conspiratorially, as if she might understand him.
Billy might say he’s fine with the idea of their daughter having all the superpowers he has, but Homelander didn’t want to push it any more than necessary. All in due time. His super senses were the powers ordinary people seemed most worried about, somehow. He looked down and Lena was staring up at him again. She definitely seemed particularly interested in his face.
“You’re adorable. I love you so much,” he said, shivering because now it really felt like he was talking to a real person. He kissed his fingertips and touched them to his belly. Lena blinked. “Can’t wait to hold you.”
“I’m just- I’m pretending she can see and hear me. It’s for my own sake. She’ll be out in a couple of months, anyway.”
Billy raises his eyebrows, tilting his head and Homelander can’t stand it, not when they agreed not to lie to each other, and Billy seems to have a pretty good sense when he’s lying.
“Okay, fine, yes, she can see me, and she looks up at me a lot, and it’s really hard to ignore her. So sue me.”
“And you still want to do this?”
“Well why not?”
“I don’t know.” Billy grimaces. “It feels wrong to have her coming along for the ride if she can see and hear everything.”
Homelander scoffs. “She’s not going to know what we’re doing.”
“And yet she’ll remember the word ‘fuck’?”
“Fine! Say whatever you want.” Homelander rolls his eyes. “God forbid I stifle your self-expression by cutting a few words out of your vocabulary.”
“Those few words are very useful and versatile.”
Homelander cracks a smile. He tries to start moving up and down again, but Billy seems to have gone soft inside him, and he opts to squeeze him with some kegels, and just tilt his hips back and forth instead. Billy runs his hands up Homelander’s kneeling legs, and ends up holding his hips, tapping his fingers against his lovehandles.
Maybe it’s a bad position. Homelander’s hips have started to ache if he puts them under any kind of pressure. The doctor said it was supposed to happen— that all of his joints are looser at this stage of pregnancy, but especially his hip joints. Knowing it’s from pregnancy makes him sort of relish those aches though. He starts to move himself up and down, now that Billy’s body is back in the game. At least he tends to have powerful orgasms when his thigh muscles are working hard. He’s soon distracted by Lena looking around.
“Stop looking at her, you’re throwing me off,” Billy grumbles. “Now I’m wondering where she’s looking.”
“She just looks… a little scared… about why everything is… bouncing around her…” Homelander says between movements. Then his voice changes as he looks at her. “Baby, don’t be scared…” He rubs his belly.
“Oi, this just isn’t going to work. I can’t look at you baby talking to her and just keep going.”
“Well, tough, she’s my priority, and she will be for the foreseeable future. If she’s scared of our sex, I’m going to comfort her.”
“She’s not the only one scared of our sex right now.”
“Oh boo-fucking-hoo,” Homelander says, not catching himself before saying the f word because he’s fed up with Billy’s arbitrary turnoffs. He pulls himself up off of Billy’s cock, and lies down beside him, turned to the wall.
“You cross with me?” Billy asks, and he does sound apologetic.
“No, just... do it from behind. That way you don’t have to see me watching her.”
“You even want this?” Billy asks, positioning himself and slowly entering him from behind.
“Yes I want this!” Homelander says impatiently. He’s been pretty sexually frustrated, easily turned on throughout the day by the extra blood that seems to just hang out around his uterus and pelvis. But jacking off was becoming physically awkward, to the point where he’s found it easier to reach behind, and snake his hand between his legs and stroke his dick or clit that way. But Billy can’t possibly guess all of that. So he tacks on a quiet ‘please’, and sighs happily when Billy grips his thigh and starts to move.
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miilkybnn · 1 year
I know these have been requested already but I adore your 09 and cowboy Ghost/Roach/Soap art and would love to see more!! Also, do you have any cowboy/gunslinger headcanons for the three??
I, too, adore ’09 GhostRoachSoap AND cowboy/ranch life GhostRoachSoap so you absolutely WILL see more of them, I promise!!
As for ideas/hc for the cowboy au, it’s a lot more “ranch life” based than gunslingers so if you are into that, keep reading below the line!
If not, then you are more than welcome to skip over this :}
Disclaimer: Most of my ideas are a bit scattered so I apologize for the messy layout, I’ll try my best to keep it coherent. Also, this is not all of them I don’t want this to be overly long
The AU takes place in Roach’s family ranch where all three members have been discharged from duty.
In this AU, because I like happiness, there is no war over the horizon and is simply a group of people living their lives out on the rolling plains of either Texas or Tennessee— I’m leaning more towards Texas just because I know more about the agriculture of the Texas plains.
In this AU, the 141 & Co simply live their lives from either being retired/discharged/etc. While everyone is involved (except for Shepherd, eat shit and die Shepherd), they all do their own thing but primary attention is mainly on GhostRoachSoap
Roach (+ extended background):
Roach and his other 5 siblings have the ranch under their and their parent’s name. He and two of his siblings, the youngest and the second oldest, are more active in taking care of the ranch's needs now that their parents are well into their ages. The other three help ever so often with more minor things but they have their own families to tend to and his parents don't actually live in the ranch anymore (again, due to age) and live closer to the city.
Roach, however, is the main caretaker for the ranch. He spends the most time on the land and is often alone, that was until Ghost and Soap came
His accent left when he joined the army. Came back tenfold after a week on the ranch.
Has a collection of cowboy hats and each one serves a purpose (although his favorite is his very worn-out Cattleman that he leaves by the front door to take on his way out)
Expert horse rider. I'm not saying you would see this man at the Rodeo, but he’s had his fair share of bucking broncos, and not ONCE has he been bucked off.
Though there are horses on the ranch, his horse is Estella— a Chestnut American Quarter Horse with three white socks (forelegs + right hind leg) and a star + stripe. She loves to chew on people’s clothes if they turn their backs on her.
Has slept in the barn before (multiple times) and regrets it every time (wouldn’t recommend it, very lumpy and you WILL wake up with straw in places you don’t want it to be)
LOVES cattle work, and hates paperwork 💀 (he lets Ghost, and his two other siblings take care of it) due to this, he is good at reading the animals and knowing when something is wrong!
Are good friends with the vet! (It’s his ex 💀) (They broke amicably though so it’s okay!!) (“So, like, when I kiss you??…. it’s gross” “OH thank God, I thought it was only me")
Gets SOOO distracted when Soap is picking the hay bales. Bff short circuits for a good minute before Ella gets miffed at him and throws her head back
Cows > sheep (will make an exception for baby lambs tho)
Along with Ghost, realistically both would not actually retire in some rural Texas town but because I can, let's say they decided to retire to some rural Texas town.
Soap is the most recent member to the farm and took to it like a duck to water. (We'll ignore the times he forgot to lock the chicken coop). He was on active duty but after a close call that was too close to comfort, he decided that maybe it was time to retire. Price is the one that mentioned the ranch to him, although at the time he did not know it was a ranch.
All Price told him was “if you are looking for something a little different, take a look here" and looking he went.
Not on the friendliest terms with the cattle dogs but boy do they LOVE him (they’ve tried to herd him multiple times and have succeeded) (he cusses both Ghost and Roach out for watching and letting it happen)
Loves the nitty gritty work. Hay bales? Check. Cleaning the stables? On it. Shearing the sheep? The Clippers are all warmed up already. If there’s a job that involves getting his hands dirty, he is the first in line
Sheep > cows
His horse is a Buckskin American Quarter Horse that he very proudly named Buck. This name came after Roach told him the color of his coat but was reinforced when Soap tried riding him and was almost bucked off. They became the best of pals after that, and Buck occasionally tries to nibble Soap’s mohawk for fun.
His favorite chore is feeding the animals! He loves watching them all flock to their food and munch away. He doesn't find it much of a chore as it fills him with such joy to see all the creatures he cares for flourish.
Gagged the first, second, and third time he saw a sheep give birth. Man has seen a soldier’s leg come clean off from a bomb and recovered in less than 5 minutes but BIRTH? Get the bucket ready.
Discharged after a mission had gone wrong, Ghost had no idea where to go. With no family to go back to and no friends to crash with, civilian life was looking very bleak until Price came to him with a plane ticket and an address to some rural town in Texas.
Ranch life was… different for Ghost. It wasn’t bad per say, and he can’t really find much to complain about, but it was just different. It is... steadier? softer? he's not too sure but at least it lets him sleep easier at night.
It took him and Roach a while to find a rhythm. It wasn’t easy and it was very awkward at first but eventually they were able to settle on something unique for them that worked out.
Sheep > cows
He likes to roam around with the LGDs. He greatly respects their jobs and has grown a soft spot for them. He knows he’s not supposed to distract them, but he just can’t help himself and always gives them a good belly rub.
Became good friends with the farrier. Farrier does most of the talking but Ghost will join in here and there. He really likes learning about the Farrier's different methods and likes to watch him work on the horses. (Lowkey thinking about making Jackson the farrier bc why not)
One of my favorite personal hc's about Ghost is that he is shit at naming things so yeah, he named his horse, Horse. Roach almost took his horse privileges away because of it but anyway, his horse is not an AQH like Roach/Soap but is instead one of the two draft horses the ranch has! His horse is Blue Roan Clydesdale with a very splotchy coat that loves peppermints and loves napping her days away (she’s had three kids alright she deserves it)
Genuinely enjoys doing the ranch paperwork. Sure, he has to ask Roach here and there where some of the stuff is at but honestly? Could spend hours reading and organizing the books and such. He's very interested in the topics discussed.
Earliest riser. His favorite time of the day is just before the sun peaks over the horizon where everything is blue and foggy, where condensation sits on his skin, when the crickets are still chirping, and when the mourning doves are softly cooing. Roach wakes up soon after him.
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vimbry · 6 months
another thing I was against as a kid was the huge design shift they did in the "legend of spyro" continuity, even tho I realised not that long ago, it's actually much closer to charles zembillas' concept art than the og trilogy models were, which I've always liked!
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I think the big lumpy head, bulging eyes, and crooked mouth give him this adorably ugly baby crocodile/bird charm.
the "new beginning" design's grown on more on me since, but I do personally still think it doesn't translate well to the grounded, over-detailed stylised models art-direction of the late 2000s (e.g. "twilight princess"), because they couldn't really push his expressions to match the exaggerated features. so he just sorta looks a bit. uncanny.
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squirrelpatties · 1 year
A long list of HTF headcanons but they’re the stupid ones I thought of to be funny
Giggles often guilt trips Nutty by reminding him of all the starving children in foreign countries that would be well fed if he just ate the 6 green beans on his plate (he has severe ARFID)
Lifty and Shifty are trans men with top surgery but they’re poor so they could only afford to remove one boob each so when Shifty isn’t wearing his hat the only way to tell them apart is by who has the right or left boob
Pop once spent an entire day watching skibbity toilet vs Friday Night Funkin mod comps to try and find secret codes because he was convinced that the gen alpha elsagate on cubs IPad was indoctrinating him into a cult somehow
Russell talks like a senile old person (he’s 35)
Giggles is, in mind and spirit, a white millennial democrat from Portland, Oregon with a coexist bumper sticker
Mime has hoof hands but wears gloves which by cartoon logic work perfectly like hands
Splendid was sent down to planet earth cause by his species standards he was an ugly baby (he was an adorable baby by earth standards)
splendid is super tall, like lumpys height with freakishly humanoid ultra buff proportions. People still have trouble recognizing him in his civilian disguise
Splendids secret identity is named Typically. Splendont’s is Typicnonely.
Russell has a whole set of proper prosthetics but actively chooses to wear his own shoddily made custom ones
Handy voiceclaim: that one Spongebob bg character that went “OH BROTHER, this guy STINKS”
Flaky poses for photos like those Zach Hadel stock images
Sniffles is a cartoon reviewer who gets mad at children’s shows
Toothy is disowned by his entire family because he doesn’t wanna do construction
Flippy once suplexed a toddler for the last bluey plush. No it wasn’t Fliqpy fronting it was just Flippy.
Mole only speaks when he’s threatening people
Tiger General became a superfascist who tried to take over the world cause when he was a lad kids made fun of him for being tall
Nutty probably unironically enjoys object shows
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kinshenewa · 4 months
Sun bounced giddily, giggling happily as he walked with Cadence to his room. Eclipse had returned an hour ago, bringing his mother with him.
Cadence followed, smiling happily as she was ushered into their room. Eclipse, upon seeing Cadence, excused himself to go to his room. Sitting on the couch was someone Cadence had yet to meet, a feminine figure that seemed thrice her height when the stranger stood.
"Cadence, this is my mother, Andromeda," Moon said, motioning to the new person. She was very tall and gangly, her right side being off-white as her left side was a blue so dark it was almost black. She had 3 large petal-like appendages on her head, one on each side of her head and one on the top, resembling how Eclipse and Sun have rays on their heads. The petal on the top was half white and half black. Her right eye was a pale purple while her left eye was a pale yellow.
"Hello Cadence, I've heard so much about you!" She cooed, kneeling down to encompass Cadence's hands in her own, "You must be the human female my boys love so much!"
Cadence's eyebrows raised slightly, Moon averting his eyes. Eclipse returned with a small stormy grey blanket, draping the blanket around her shoulders to form a sort of poncho.
"Mother, it is customary in most cultures to cover thine upper half," Eclipse murmured to his mother, who nodded.
Cadence's eyes widened, and she quickly looked at the ground, shielding her eyes as she exclaimed, "I am SO sorry! I didn't realize you were half-naked!"
Andromeda giggled, patting Cadence's head and replying, "Oh, it's fine darling! You were unaware. And besides, I'm a bit jealous~" Andromeda giggled, lightly cupping Cadence's breasts as she said, "Is this all natural? My my, I've heard of humans having large breasts, but I didn't think they could get this big!"
Cadence froze, eyes widening as she stiffened.
Andromeda straightened, hands dropping to her sides as she said, "Oh! I almost forgot, you simply must meet their brother!" She left the room, leaving Cadence flabbergasted.
"What the fuck?" Cadence finally said, looking between Sun and Moon surprised.
Eclipse sat on the couch with a piece of jerky, rolling his eyes as he said, "Our mother is not well-versed on human customs. Excuse her if her touching offends you, touching is quite common in our culture." Sun wrinkled the middle of his face in distaste at the sight of the meat, and he fanned his face a little as he took a couple steps back.
Andromeda walked back into the room, smiling giddily. "Come along dearie," She cooed to someone hiding behind her legs.
A small face peeked out, a round face that was half light blue and half normal blue, with a nightcap appendage like Moon's, except lighter in color and looking almost underdeveloped and lumpy. Their light blue eyes looked up at Cadence shyly, hands clutching at Andromeda's legs. The child couldn't be taller than 4 feet.
"This is Lunelle!" Andromeda said cheerfully, urging the small child forward, "Forgive his shyness, he's not used to other people. He did grow up on a moon, after all."
The child stepped forth, wearing a simple baby blue shirt with puffy long-sleeves, and a light blue pair of jester pants with stars on it adorning his upper half. If anything, he looks like a sort of pastel version of Moon.
He waved shyly. He had a tail, which had a small blue heart on the end of a long and very thin black tail that almost resembled string.
Cadence smiled, crouching slightly to be more on his level. "Hey little guy," She cooed, waving at Lunelle, "You're so cute. I'm Cadence."
Lunelle smiled, hands clasped together as his tail waved back and forth anxiously. He nodded once before quickly scurrying back behind his mother's legs, shyly peeking out.
Andromeda chuckled, leaning down to gently pat Lunelle's head. "He likes you," She said, smiling at Cadence, "He doesn't usually do that with strangers around."
Cadence smiled happily as she said, "Aw, thanks! He's so adorable, really truly. Can't wait to get to get to know him." She smiled sweetly at Lunelle, who smiled shyly back.
"Well, I am quite hungry. What sort of foods do they offer here?" Andromeda said, looking at Sun and Moon.
"All sorts of food!" Sun piped up excitedly.
"Yeah, night, day, it's all okay, the food is many, a cosmic buffet," Moon said with a chuckle, "I'll go get you some." Moon then left, and Eclipse stood from the couch.
"I should get you a shirt so that you don't have to go around wearing that blanket-like clothing," Eclipse said, checking his tablet.
Andromeda walked over and hugged her son as she said, "Oh my sweet little Soleil! Always so sweet! Thank you, dearie, wouldn't want to embarrass her." Andromeda motioned over to Cadence, who blinked in surprise at being suddenly pulled into the conversation.
"Ah, well, I'm just not used to being around someone whose culture doesn't involve wearing a shirt..." She murmured in reply, rubbing the back of her neck as she looked at the ground.
"Ah, no need to be shy, dear! I don't mind, really," Andromeda said, Eclipse coming back with a plain black button-up shirt that fit Andromeda perfectly when she put it on. "It isn't even an inconvenience. I can tell you are uncomfortable," She added, smiling at Cadence.
"Well, I don't want to be rude... And looking at people when they aren't fully clothed is usually considered rude..." Cadence replied shyly.
Andromeda simply laughed in response, leaning down and patting Cadence's head. "Oh, you are just the most! None of my sweet Soleil's girlfriends were ever this polite! Humans must be a magnificent species!" Andromeda chirped, gently stroking Cadence's head.
Cadence unconsciously lifted her head into Andromeda's hand as she replied, "Well, not really. Humans have done a lot of bad shit."
"Yes, but humans also have so many more customs than most species I've met!" Andromeda replied cheerfully, grinning happily down at Cadence. "Aw, and you're even touch-starved! Like a precious little kitten!"
Cadence sputtered, eyes opening in shock since they had started drifting closed. She jerked back, looking embarrassed as her hands glued to her sides. She couldn't even formulate a response, sputtering for a second before her jaw just hung open in shock.
Andromeda turned to Eclipse as she said, "Make sure to really lather the attention on this one, she's a real keeper. I bet my grandbabies would be the absolute best!"
Cadence looked shocked while Eclipse rolled her eyes. "WHAT?" She wheezed, eyes wide as her face started burning a bright red.
"Mother, we have yet to officially label the relationship, you likely aren't going to see grandchildren for half a decade," Eclipse replied with a sigh, crossing his arms.
"Oh, that's no problem! A couple years is nothing!" Andromeda replied, waving a hand dismissively. Meanwhile, Cadence was stunned speechless, watching the exchange with a dropped jaw, Sun casually eating a whole yellow onion.
Moon returned, holding a small black box with a single white button, and Andromeda's eyes lit up at the sight. "Oh, thank you, dear!" She said happily, grabbing the box from Moon and pressing the button. One of the top corners just dematerialized, and she tipped her head back and put the corner to her lips, seeming to drink from it. I faint golden glow traveled down her throat and pooled in the middle of her abdomen, Cadence's eyes widening as she realized that the liquid must be hella bright to be seen from the outside.
Andromeda sighed, wiping her lips of a faint golden substance, the box decompressing into a simple black square. "That feels better," She hummed contently, patting her stomach.
Lunelle sat behind Andromeda, picking at his tail. He squished it in his hands, a small orb under the surface of his skin. He squished it around, the orb slowly popping out of a small hole that was in the crease between the two bumps of the heart.
The orb was no bigger than a marble, a deep Red Berry as the inside had a lot of little hearts, and a bigger symbol in the exact middle that was a little crescent moon.
Lunelle got up and scurried behind the couch, slowly sneaking towards Cadence and walking up behind her.
She could see him approaching, of course, but she was curious about what he planned on doing, so she acted like she didn't know he was there.
He came up behind her and slipped the orb into her pocket before scurrying back from whence he came, taking the same path to go back to behind his mother. Cadence resisted a smirk, and Andromeda smiled at how brave her little boy was being.
"Well, I think my little Lunelle is getting tired, so we will be turning in for the night," Andromeda announced, gently scooping up Lunelle in her arms, "Eclipse offered his room, so we'll be sleeping there."
Eclipse walked up and stood beside Cadence, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he said, "And I'll be staying in Cadence's room."
Cadence looked up in surprise, starting to say, "Wait what-" before she was thrown over Eclipse's shoulder like a sack of potatoes, one of his lower hands holding her thigh firmly as he turned to leave.
Andromeda smirked mischievously, calling after, "Go easy on her, Soleil! I don't want to carry her around while getting to know her!"
Cadence looked up in surprise at Andromeda's words, the door shutting in her face as Eclipse walked to her room.
She huffed, lightly smacking his back as she said petulantly, "Put me down, I can walk."
"I would love to change that," Eclipse said mischievously, and when Cadence made a confused sound, he smacked her ass, causing her to yelp. "Quiet down now, it's about time we turn in for the night as well."
"I still need to change into my PJ's. And brush my teeth," She exclaimed, squirming.
Eclipse sighed, rolling his eyes as he stopped at her door. His upper right hand touched the doorknob, sending a small electric spark through it and unlocking the door. He unceremoniously plopped her onto the bed, crawling on top of her and laying heavily on her.
"You don't really," He muttered, resting his face on her chest.
"I do!" She exclaimed indignantly, pushing at his shoulders, "I do not wear day clothes to night! And I hate tooth sweaters!"
Eclipse lifted his head, smirking as he said, "I can help you with that."
She narrowed her eyes, and the tip of his bright orange tongue poked out of his mouth. She rolled her eyes as she replied, "Making out with you will not clean my teeth. Get off me."
"How can you be so sure?" He teased.
"Because your saliva is not Crest 3D White," She said dryly, pushing at his head. He chuckled, obliging her as he got off her. She got off the bed, fetching a shirt from her wardrobe before heading into the bathroom.
Eclipse waited patiently on the bed, getting under the covers and waiting for her. After a couple minutes, she came back out, walking with her back to him. She seemed to be hiding something, and she inched towards her wardrobe before quickly putting something in there without him seeing.
She was wearing a simple long-sleeved grey camo shirt and black briefs, and came over and crawled into bed beside him.
"Why do you wear male underwear? Are you male?" He asked curiously, wrapping his arms around her.
"My cheeks fall out in normal ladies' underwear. And it's all so unpractical. Mostly thongs and lacey things, no simple things," She replied, resting her head on his chest and closing her eyes.
He grinned mischievously as he rumbled into her ear, "I wouldn't mind seeing that."
He could feel the shiver that went down her spine, and she huffed as she lightly smacked his chest. She rolled over, putting her back to him as she pouted.
Eclipse merely chuckled, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her against him tightly, lightly nuzzling her head with his face as they went to sleep.
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taavisplushies · 1 year
You asked for plushies I give you plushies, part 1: Big Plushies
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Kirby (video game Character) and Tian Tian (Dragon)
I use Kirby as my primary pillow because of his nice shape(although they looks mighty lumpy in this pic), they are very squishy and have a really soft and stretchy fabric.
Tian Tian I received earlier this year as a part of a Fluffnest kickstarter, he is huge like length of my torso the little loop in his body makes a perfect airplane style pillow huge. I adore his design and his fuzzy texture with lots of embroidered details is nice. Also his antlers flop around and I think it’s cute :)
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Bobo (Toucan) and Rockefeller (Moth)
Bobo was the first plush I got from fluffnest and he is still one of my faves to this day, he’s perfect for hugging and I love stimming by flapping his little tail back and forth. Also the fabric they used for his body is ultra soft.
Rockefeller was another kickstarter exclusive that came this year and although their body is a teeny meatball, their wing span is like the length of my arm. I love wrapping them up like a little burrito and Like with Tian Tian their embroidery work is just stunning.
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Pompompurin and Froop Hopkins
Pompompurin is flat as Stanley /reference, and made with a nice vintage fabric that reminds me of carpets and an old sweater I had, however the way it’s styled or something keeps it from being too itchy and is a surprisingly nice texture to pet. They come with a cute hat and removable cape that come in a more traditional plushie fabric that is very nice as well.
Froop Hopkins or just Froop is a build a bear I customized to give more eyes and a zippy pocket on his back which is hidden by his cute bandanna halter top. He is messed up a bit from my dry as it had an accident we’re it burns my plushies unless they’re in a bag or pillow case so you can see some melted bits on his face and feet. Another perfect hugging size though, he reminds me of a small baby and I take him with me to stressful places like Exams for comfort.
If you find this interesting I’ll share more tomorrow or something, get well soon
whoa kirby looks like such a comfy pillow!!! and tian tian looks so cool, lots of unique features on him!!!!!
bobo!!! he looks sooo cute!!! i love him so much…. and omg rockefeller!!! i’ve never seen a moth plush before… this is so cool!!!
pompompurin looks so cute!! and the way you describe their texture makes it sound so interesting….! i wanna give them a hug! froop is so cool, i think you did a great job customizing him!! he looks very fancy with his top and bracelet too!!! very cool how you bring him to exams and stuff! i hope he continues to bring you lots of comfort!!!
thank you so so much for showing me all these fellas!!! i really appreciate it <3 if you ever wanna share more i’d love to see! :3
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labrabeet · 6 months
Craft Update Dump (Part Two)
Doc Plush-
Doc is coming along okay- I’m using a free rabbit plush pattern I found online with instructions. He’s gonna be a little more quadrupedal than Donnie/Leo, and smaller. He’s made using minky-type fabric, which feels SO nice but is a nightmare with shedding during cutting.
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Next I gotta adjust his proportions, since I may or may not have made him a tad lumpy. Then I gotta sew on the feet bottoms, tear open his head to attach ears, and add his distinct lil nose!
I’ll embroider his face like I did with the turtles, but I’m keeping it simple since this is a prototype Doc and is mostly just a baby Doc! (So just lil rabbit face)
After that I gotta draft up a rough idea of how I want his tail to look, since the pattern only said “Add a Pom Pom.” This is inaccurate to both Doc and actual rabbits, so I’m making my own tail for him. Once that’s done, I’ll stuff him, sew him closed, and start on his little outfit. Since I want him to be on the bed with some of the other stuffies, I’m making him a nightgown. I already bought some really soft nursery fabric for this, as well as some ADORABLE tiny buttons. Most buttons for anything, I’d just make custom ones from polymer clay. But I was in the store and I saw some shiny gold star ones (I do not have shiny clay or gold leaf so, hey! Button time!)
If any of you want the pattern, info on my process/tools, or anything, lemme know. I love detailing my messy creative process to folks. Next dump update will likely be about Donnie’s upcoming surgery, which will happen when I’m done with Doc (which will be very soon). Depending on how much material I have left over from Donnie (I have so much) I could reasonably make one more Donnie, or multiple smaller ones!
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prince-honeypaw · 2 years
i am yet again asking for one of the babies (shinsou or tamaki) honestly just wanna read any hcs u have of either
i love ur content sm and often read it when im small, it reminds me to take care of myself not just physically and i hope u remember to do the same
♡ It means so much knowing you read my stuff when you're small! I know I always say things like this, but it never gets any less true! And... I appreciate you checking in on me, you're too kind. :3 ♡ Decided to go with Tamaki this time around since I can always go for a baby Tamaki!
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♡ Tamaki's regression age can be anywhere from newborn to three years old! He doesn't ever go very big since there's so much always going on in his life that it's just nice to let go for awhile.
♡ Since he goes so small, though, he doesn't like to regress by himself if he can help it. The few times he's involuntarily dropped alone he ended up with permanent marker on his curtains and every bracelet he owns on his tail from base to tip.
♡ A very sensory oriented baby! He isn't picky about food, but if a texture feels bad he simply does not partake. Baby time isn't about eating things that are lumpy or feel weird! The only time that weird textures are allowed is when Papa does the airplane noises.
♡ His sensory feelings also apply to if he wants to use bottles or sippy cups. Sometimes he wants to hear the click-clack of his teeth on the plastic spout of a sippy cup and other times he just likes how the bottle nip feels.
♡ As stated in previous posts, Tamaki has paws and a tail! He's just a little critter that likes to scamper about with the tippy tap of his peets. As a bonus, having a tail is just having a toy attached to your body at all hours!
♡ At his toddler age, he'll roll around and swish his tail about like a cat toy. If he's really in zoomy mode he'll even chase his tail until he gets dizzy and simply Must fall over.
♡ But, at his tiniest, he just lays on his playmat and slaps tucks his tail up between his legs to nip at the tuft on the end. There's no wrong way to play with it!
♡ While not a fashion focused baby, Tamaki does like to be dressed up as long as the clothes he's put in feel good. Nejire likes to dress him in soft pastels and cute hairclips because she wants to see his adorable face! He rather enjoys the clothes she picks out for him, but she flusters him terribly.
♡ Absolutely a cuddle bug. He loves to be hugged and carried around, but he's always been a lap baby at heart. No, he does not know that he is 5'9", and he will not be told that he is anything but teeny tiny itty bitty.
♡ A real sweetheart once he comes out of his shell and gets his bearings. He is very affectionate and just loves to surround himself with people that he loves!
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crissiebaby · 2 years
Growing Into Diapers: Chapter 6
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, sissification, humiliation, forced drug use, domination, masturbation/diaper sex, hyperwetting, anal play, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Commissioned By: BlossomBitchDolly
This feeling of being filled and stretched to your fullest potential was something unlike anything Edan had ever experienced. Since the only thing that had ever gone in and out of his butt was poop, he had little to compare the feeling to. It was like if he squeezed his colon too much, the thing would just pop right back out, even if he knew that probably wasn’t true thanks to the diaper holding it firmly inside.
The toy inside of Edan wasn’t just big, though, it was also lumpy. Scores of bumps and wavy lines ensured that not a second passed without the butt plug sliding against his prostate in new and outrageously arousing ways. He could feel his cock throbbing against the front of his diaper in response, begging to be released from its fluffy, squishy prison. And with each throb came a ping of both pleasure and pain that shot through his shaft and through his pelvis before spreading across his entire body. Never had he felt pleasure this intense while doing nothing more than lying down.
Edan was so focused on the way his butthole felt that he’d almost completely forgotten about the supernaturally large flesh pillows that his face was sinking into. Every rattle and moan that he made reverberated throughout Aubrey’s tits, allowing her to feel closer than ever to her new baby. “Aww, look at that. I think she likes it,” she said, gently petting Edan’s hair with one hand while supporting his neck with the other, “Are you ready for your reward, my baby?”
“Wuh…ward?” muttered Edan, his words barely audible. His brain was so scrambled by the anal toy that he’d completely blanked on what he’d earned. Rotating his head upwards, he stared up at Aubrey, finding himself getting lost in her kind, adoring eyes. It made him feel loved in a way he’d never felt loved before. Moreover, it made him feel so humiliatingly small as though she could squash him like a bug if she chose to. But he knew she wouldn’t do that. Deep down in his heart, even though he felt incredibly teensy tiny, he felt safe and comforted in her embrace.
“Alright, girly, open wide?” said Aubrey, lifting up her breast and angling the nipple so that it was presented to Edan’s mouth. Without even the slightest hesitation, Edan leaned up and latched onto her teet, causing her to let out a soft moan as his tongue encircled her aching nipples.
For Edan, this was a magical experience. Her breast was smooshed up against his nose and mouth in such a way that it was almost suffocating. Not that he cared. So long as he got to sink his face into her smooth, pillowy flesh, he was willing to asphyxiate himself.
Luckily for Edan, Aubrey was more than observant enough to catch his lack of air intake. She quickly shifted position so that her weighty watermelons weren’t completely crushing his face, allowing him to continue suckling on her in a safer way. Still, while the feeling of being sucked on was glorious, she could feel the copious amounts of creamy milk that were begging to be ejected into Edan’s mouth. 
Unbeknownst to even Malorie and Rita, Aubrey had been pumping milk from her tits for well over a year now as a way of enlarging her boobs while also encouraging them to increase lactation. Tacking on the CrissBaby Mother’s Milk tablets that she was ingesting daily and her boobs were as futile and full of milk as a real mother. Sadly, that didn’t exactly mean that her nipples were always ready to cooperate. A pressure mounted from Edan’s endless suckling, she was forced to grit her teeth in hopes that sweet relief would come soon for both of them.
Aubrey let out an almost animalistic howl as milk burst free from her boobs and quickly overflowed Edan’s mouth. Streaks of white cream dribbled down his cheeks and chin as he gobbled down as much as he could. Gripping the back of his head, Aubrey pressed Edan’s face into her boob with a wealth of strength, increasing the level of milk that was streaming from her nipples two-fold.
Meanwhile, stationed down by Edan’s diaper, Malorie and Rita could only watch in a mix of fascination and deep-seated jealousy as their boss was given the honor of feeding Edan first. “I need to start pumping after this,” said Rita, struggling to pick her jaw off the floor. Malorie could only nod silently in agreement as her lower lips moistened in response to the spectacle she was observing.
With the remote for Edan’s buttplug in hand, Aubrey leaned in and planted a kiss on his forehead, saying, “Mommy made so much milk for you. Now it’s time for you to make milkies for her.” And with that sentiment, she pressed the ON button, kickstarting the vibrator contained within Edan’s plug.
“MmmmmMMMMM!!!!” moaned Edan, he cries getting louder the second his device was flipped on. In an instant, his attention was yanked south toward his booty toy, relishing in the unreal pleasure it filled him with. The walls of his anus shook and tightened in ways Edan never even thought possible. It was so powerful that he nearly climaxed on impact. However, he couldn’t focus on the plug for too long as his mouth was stretched to capacity within seconds of not swallowing. It was a vicious cycle of nursing and pleasurable sensations that slowly melted his brain, slowly turning him into a thoughtless baby whose only purpose was to feed and cum.
Not wanting to be left out of all the fun, Malorie and Rita descended upon Edan’s diaper, resuming kissing and rubbing it as his throbbing member went wild in response. “How many times do you think he’ll make sissy cummies? Five? Ten?” joked Malorie as she rubbed her dark red lips all over the diaper-covered tip of Edan’s dick.
While Malorie focused on Edan’s diaper front, Rita decided to get a bit more playful with his rear. Sticking her hand under his skirt, she pressed hard against the lumpy end of his buttplug that was bulging out of his tight sphincter.
“MMMMUUHHHHHH!!!” screamed Edan, the suction he had on Aubrey’s boobs broke away, sending streams of milk flying everywhere as his entire body went limp. With all the strength in his body zapped away, there was nothing he could do as Aubrey pulled his head back in between her soft, engorging bosom. Within seconds, he flew far beyond the peak of the mountain and was sent hurtling back to Earth in the climax to end all climaxes. Without warning, he unloaded what felt like a gallon of semen into his diaper, giving the front of his diaper a healthy coating of slippery seed.
However, Edan was in for the shock of his life as he felt a second orgasm mounting before the first one had even finished. His mouth went wide as if he were going to scream out in unyielding pleasure. Surprisingly, though, no sound came out. He was so far gone down the rabbit hole of sexual bliss that his body lacked the will to make any noise come out of his mouth beyond his heavy pants for air.
As Edan’s hips trashed up and down and side to side, Malorie and Rita were forced to hold on for dear life as if they were riding a bucking bronco. Wet splotches of jizz were now visible from the outside of his diaper as his semen soaked into the thirsty padding. 
For Edan, this was the first time in his life that he’d ever experienced a double orgasm. His already limp body went into atrophy as his body began to calm down. During his second orgasm, Aubrey must’ve taken pity on him because the toy in his butt was no longer buzzing. Nuzzling himself against Aurbery’s warm chest, a weak smile crossed his face as he drifted off into a deep slumber.
“Edan? Eeeeedan?”
As his mind returned to reality, Edan’s heavy eyes flickered open, greeted by Malorie’s heavily made-up face. “Rise and shine, sleepy head. It’s quitting time,” she said, snickering as she playfully ruffled his hair, “Did you really sleep away the whole day?”
Sitting up slowly, Edan's groggy memory slowly resurfaced as he recalled the events of what happened in Aubrey’s office. His cheeks turned bright red as he averted his eyes from Malorie, feeling ashamed that he’d allowed himself to be so easily subdued by three of his female coworkers. Or at least… that's what he thought?
Looking down at himself, Edan was struck by the fact that not only was he wearing the same outfit he’d worn when he came to work this morning, but the diaper he had on was also the same, right down to the clear, cummy splotches that adorned its front half. Carefully, he wiggled his pelvis, feeling the smaller buttplug he’d been wearing for almost a week shifting inside of him. Had the whole thing really been one enormous wet dream?!
“I…I guess I did sleep through the day,” Edan mumbled, his brain finding it much easier to rationalize what happened if the whole thing was just an elaborate sex dream. After all, there was no way that the woman in front of him could act this casual if they’d actually done anything. That didn’t make it any easier to look her in the eye, though, as naughty thoughts of what he imagined her doing to him dominated his view of her.
Placing her hands on Edan’s shoulders in a gesture of comfort, Malorie shook her head solemnly. “Dang, and I thought I had sleep issues,” she said before reaching into her purse and pulling out an unlabeled CD, “Here, the girl who works in the cubicle next to me, Lana, gave me this. She said it’s supposed to lull you to sleep. I’ve never had any luck with stuff like this but maybe you will.” She placed the disk on Edan’s desk, giving him no room to refuse. 
“Oh…um…thank you, actually. That’s really nice,” said Edan, his quivering hand grabbing the disk from his desk and tucking it away inside his briefcase, “I’ll be sure to let you know if it works.”
Tapping Edan twice on the top of the head, Malorie giggled like a schoolgirl who was talking to her high school crush, attempting to lull Edan into a state of ego-driven complicity. “Happy to hear it,” she said as she placed both hands on the side of Edan’s chair and spun him around, “Now, c’mon. No one wants to stay late on a Monday. Let’s walk down to the parking lot together.”
Taken aback by his sudden popularity, Edan graciously accepted Malorie’s offer as he followed her through the maze of cubicles toward the elevator.
Standing in the doorway of her office watching Edan and Malorie leave, Aubrey took a sip from her fourth mug of coffee that day, feeling like a queen in her domain. “See? I told you he’d fall for it?” she said, nudging Rita with her elbow.
“Color me shocked,” responded Rita, who could only shake her head at how naive Edan truly was, “Look, I’ll admit you were right but this was still a very risky idea. What would’ve happened if he didn’t buy into the gaslighting schtick?”
Slurping down another sip of her hot, caffeinated beverage, Aubrey shrugged indifferently to Rita’s question. “So what? We’ve got him trapped under our thumbs. It’s probable that he wouldn’t have been able to stop what we’re planning even if he knew the truth,” she said, her eyes locked onto Edan as he boarded the elevator giggling alongside Malorie, “Besides, now that he’s gonna start listening to that CD every night, it won’t be long before he’s nothing more than a drooling, docile baby girl.”
You could've read this story two weeks earlier! Join my Patreon, where you can get early access to commissioned stories like this one, as well as exclusive content you won't find anywhere else! Dozens of exciting stories are already available, so be sure to check out patreon.com/crissiebaby!
Edited by AllySmolShork
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deathbyvalentine · 2 months
Desolate Throne Commission
The Lover
Dearest counsellor, Congratulations on your re-election! I was most pleased to hear of your success, especially due to your kindness in the past and too, I hope, in the future. Because even as your campaign draws too a close, my work is never done. There are beloved children filling every bed here. I have enclosed a list of desperately needed items overleaf. I know I can count on your support, just as you have counted on mine. 
Dearest Florie,
Do tell me how you’re getting on. Wonderfully I’d guess - is it wonderful? As much as it saddened me to leave the sanctuary, my heart was gladdened that such a committed, compassionate person such as yourself would be stepping into my shoes while I travel. You know me, I’m sure I’ll return before long with sixteen dogs, ten cats, two birds and a turtle. Prepare yourself for that.
Though I confess, sometimes the children feel easier to manage than my travelling companions! THE LOST is forever wandering off, THE ENEMY bickers when she’s tired. But, for the most part, we are a merry band. I adore them all. 
And I adore you! Do send word of how you’re doing. Remember Eliza needs to apply the poultice three times a day. Don’t let Cecil eat all the sweets at once when you take him to the village fete. And do find some time to yourself darling, I know how hard it can be.
The Hearth
Tell THE HEARTH when a ration has run out so it can be placed. DO NOT JUST PUT BACK THE WAX PAPER.
Swords do not go on tables. Neither do axes/glaives/daggers.
Armour must be dried as soon as shelter is found.
We only walk as fast as our slowest walker.
We never wander off by ourselves - always take a buddy.
I heard from Mae - the baby is born and very healthy. It’s so odd - it feels like yesterday I was holding Mae as a baby and now she’s all grown up, having her own children. I’ve sent her some of her old baby clothes to reuse, and I think she liked that, given that dad knitted them himself. Who cares if they’re a little bit lumpy if they’re made by family eh? I’d been holding onto them ever since he passed and I’m glad I did now.
How’s the farm? Did you remember the trick with the peat like I told you to? It’s going to be a cold winter so start drying out the wood now. I hope I’ll be home by then but you never know where the road will take you. Well, I mean, I do. It will always lead me home eventually. 
Take care,
The Enemy
Second Winter, Third Day
I don’t know who these armoured dickheads think they are. Showing up to this village and feeling like they can judge the people there. I said I’d know Declan all my damn life and he isn’t any bandit. The kid catches bugs and puts them outside for petesake. Does that sound like a killer to you? I don’t think so. Of course he ran from them - someone starts waving a sword about and accusing you of all sorts, you’re going to run. I’m going out to look for him, it’s too cold for him to stay out all night in the woods.
Second Winter, Fourth Day
Well that got a little bit exciting, didn’t it? I went after Declan, found him in a tree, managed to get him down and into the house. Gave him some stew to get some warmth into his shivering bones and then there’s someone knocking on my door fit to knock it down. I answer and these so called paladins tell me to give Declan up. I say no chance and they grab their swords. Well I grab my poker, shut the door behind me and off I went. Managed to lamp a couple but ended up on my back. Just as I  thought I was a goner, little Trizz from the village appears and said the bandit had just struck again but lawmaker Kalen had got a grip on him. Well then. The paladins were about twenty minutes into an apology when the biggest and shiniest one offered me a gig. Life’s funny sometimes isn’t it - because I said yes.
The Chain
“Now we’ve all had time to cool our heads and consider our words, before we proceed to examining the wording of the compact signed by defendant and plaintiff both, I would like to remind all of us here of something. The law exists not to cajole or to punish. It does not exist to shame or to embiggen. It is here to make concrete the promises we make to ourselves and to those that would exist with us, to strengthen our society and to keep proper order. Order has broken down in the relationship between the two standing before the council today and our job is to restore it. Let us leave this place with nothing but goodwill and refreshed understanding, so we may be better friends and neighbours to one another.” 
Village Rules, Final Additions as Proposed by THE CHAIN
Disputes of any size may be brought before the village council, not just those with a monetary value at stake.
Children may bring disputes to the council if they have been vetted by their caregiver and deemed unresolvable by the caregivers of all children involved.
Defendants always have the right to a co-speaker that they have chosen to help plead their case.
Village rules apply to all that travel and reside within it. Travellers are both protected by the laws and required to abide by them regardless of their provenance. 
Both the spirit of the law and the wording of it will be considered in all criminal and civil cases.
The Rose
The rain pours The sky, looming. The ground will freeze The river will overflow Our breaths will catch with sorrow 
And they will ask me
“Is this beautiful?” “This destruction, this pain?” “Even this.” I will say. 
“Even this.”
I rather think they might be the most talented bard this town has seen in some time. Perhaps ever. I went on a lark with Fabien and Geegee, hoping to hear a tune or two before we moved on to the next tavern. I felt my heart sink when they stepped up onto the crates fashioned into a stage as they held no instrument. But then they started speaking. And I was enraptured. Poem after poem fell from their lips and an hour passed and I didn’t even notice. When they were done the applause sounded like thunder and when I stepped out of the tavern, blinking into the light, I could have sworn the world looked a little changed. 
The Warrior
Experienced duellist and melee fighter.
Provides own variety of weapons and own armour.
Variety of fighting styles.
Brave, dependable, eagle-eyed and tireless.
Would be ideal as a second in a duel, village guard, member of a mercenary band, member of a household guard/body guard, monster slayer, etc etc.
Reserves right to refuse any job posting. 
Inquire at the White Rabbit and ask for THE WARRIOR. 
Third Summer, 7th Day
I had the most frightening day in all my life today, diary. I had taken a carriage south to visit my ailing mother. I’d a modest basket with me, no valuables apart from my departed aunt’s ring but that didn’t stop the bandits. I was pulled from the carriage as they turned over the inside, their tempers growing as they did not find the gold they seeked. In a fury, one of the brigands grabbed my hand and attempted to wrench the ring from it, despite my pleading. He never succeeded however as from nowhere, a figure appeared and cut the assailant down where he stood. I closed my eyes as the sound of violence erupted around myself. When I found the courage to open them, the thieves lay bleeding around me and in the distance, on the road, asking for neither reward nor thanks, the single swords person walking away. 
The Lost
Last seen in the village of Horsedown.
Last seen wearing a travelling cloak of brown and a robe of deep red. They were carrying a large pack/
They appear tall with brown hair and brown eyes with spectacles.
They may be travelling with an animal companion.
No reason was given for their departure and they have an anxious family waiting for their return. We believe they may have been headed west, towards Littlegreen.
The North Star Meditation 
Take nine deep breaths. Inhale, then exhale, feeling it deep into your lungs.
Search the night sky. Find a star that calls to you in the east, south and west.
Take nine deep breaths while looking at each. 
Feel the dissatisfaction of staying still, feel your feet itching to move. 
Stay in your place.
Find the North Star. 
Take nine deep breaths.
Imagine the cool white light of the star falling on you from such a long distance away with such gentleness. 
Let the starlight fill your lungs and mind. 
Know that however much you move, you will always have one point you can come back to.
Composed by THE LOST.
The Lightbringer
Principles of Note:
Love whatever you can.
Make a home wherever you can.
Apply justice fairly.
Fight for what you believe. 
Do not be complacent. 
Find beauty in everything. 
Explore where you can.
Never stop striving. 
We find strength in togetherness.
After three months of terror, the monster lurking in the corn has been slain! Farmers and millers rejoice as they can finally attend to the harvest in safety. And who do we have to thank for such a thing? Travelling heroes!
The small band of adventurers had heard of our troubles from neighbouring villages and came to us in great haste to slay the creature that had claimed four of our lives. Nine in total, they refused payment in favour of a soft bed to sleep in and a homecooked meal which Father Crispin was all too happy to provide. 
The Gazette managed to catch a few words with what seemed to be the leader, a glittering figure who was resplendent in their armour. They had this to say; 
“Anybody can do what we did. Anybody can be a hero. All you need is that drive to make the world a better place. I encourage everyone to look to their communities and strengthen them together.”
The Longing
I urge every council, every board, every member of every village to reconsider the punishment of exile. I understand its appeal - it removes both the problem and the burden of guilt from any would-be executioners. But I would beg for a reconsideration. Have all of us not made mistakes? Our urges and wants and needs can lead us into the darkest of deeds. But that does not mean the people who commit them cannot be brought back into the light. Exile is the cruellest of tortures - to be removed from what you know, what supports you, what you love. Instead of this easy solution, we must hold close those who have wronged us and understand why they have, and forgive them anyway. We should wish that such grace be extended to ourselves. I know I certainly wish it had been extended to me.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
“Hey, I uh, saw a new taggin’ spot down by Crosby Avenue,” Casey told Raph, “Wanna come check it out?”
Their code had proven to be a life saver. A way to get away and be alone without having to worry the others. Tonight it was a confession, though what type was unclear. 
Casey didn’t bring his weapons, but he did have his duffel bag with him, having stuffed it full of a few random couch pillows from his house. It was bumpy and lumpy, but it was big enough for him and Raph to both use it to rest their heads on. Casey’s hand resting on top of Raph’s own, fingers interlaced; he had figured out a decent way to do it. He was quiet, staring at the sky. Casey adored nights like this, where they did nothing, simply enjoy the presence and appreciate the knowledge they weren’t alone. But he hadn’t dragged Raph out here to gaze at the stars. Nah, he had been...reflecting, on some things, and now...now Casey understood how bad he could get. And that Raph needed to know,
“So...this is gonna sound real dumb,” Nothing new there, “But I, I think yer my Guardian Angel Raphael.” 
He tightens his grip, stares at the sky,
“Yer there for me, always in my corner, no matter how dumb I’m bein’,” Casey starts, “Yer help me with Angel, you lemme vent an’ take me out t’ fight Dragons, you patch me up whenever I get my ass kicked,” He lists, “You’re there for me, an’, I really appreciate that you are always there for me, no matter what.” 
He swallows thickly, tells himself to keep it together,
“But I gotta tell you somethin’, an’ I know yer aint gonna hate or leave me cause of it, but, I’m still kinda scared t’,” Casey admits, learning, slowly, to be more open, “Cause, I tol’ yer somethin’, an’ yer took it so literally that I didn’t wanna correct yer, an’, I even suggested it ‘gain when yer were upset with your brothers.” 
Bite the bullet Casey, spit it out, you can’t fully accept help until you acknowledge how bad things really get,
“Raph when I tol’ yer about the whole ‘walkin’ off into the woods thing’, I didn’t mean it literally...I wasn’t actually gonna just go run off into the woods,” Casey murmurs, feeling the wobble in his voice, “I meant it, I, well, what I meant it as was...yanno, me doin’ something more permanent, somethin’ that I couldn’t change if I actually do it...” 
He can’t bring himself to say the word, but damn, he hopes Raph understands what he’s trying to tell him,
“‘Cause I get tired of fightin’ Raph, or tryin’ t’ keep it together, or actin’ like things are okay, an’ it feels like if I was gone, with no way of comin’ back, it would make things better,” He goes on, “But yer...yer said you’d come drag me back, an’, I don’t think you know it Raph cause I aint really good with this whole talkin’ thing,” As if he hadn’t shut up, “But...but you’ve saved me more times than I think yer realise, ‘cause, now, whenever it gets t’ much, I jus’ think of yer, an’ think of the good we got an’ how much I care for yer an’ yer care for me an’...”
Fuck, fuck, he’s getting emotional, he can feel it. Keep it together Jones!
“An’ I love yer Raph, an’ I dunno where I’d be if I didn’t ‘ave yer t’ save me.”
| Muse interaction
“Hey, I uh, saw a new taggin’ spot down by Crosby Avenue,”
Soon as Casey dropped the usual code Raph was already moving up to his feet getting up off the couch not caring much for anyone else around. Hey the moment Casey said the code it meant Raph was dropping literally anything for his boy friend. Though he was a bit confused about why Crosby, he didn't question it though happy to play along as he handed Savage over to Mikey. Not needing a word to say he was on baby duty Mikey never complained he loved how tony they were.
“Wanna come check it out?”
Smile offered to Casey as he tapped his knuckled against their arm, a far more light punch. More affection in the action when he did it this way. "Lets get going the soon the better don't need any amateurs trying to snag it from us first right?" Even with the cat outta the bag with them dating not that it was gonna be easy to keep it between them with how Casey went about that. No one still seemed to bother to try and crack their code on what they were really up to. Made sneaking off to talk easier for them, When they got to the roof top and Casey set his duffel down, it was easy to tell it wasn't loaded up with weapons or even spray paint. Raph moved to rest on the roof head on the bag, could feel the pillows stuffed in there as Casey joined him. Seemed Casey was expecting to be here for awhile. That only left Raph to grow far more curious now, glancing to his side as Casey was busy eyeing the sky above them. Heck even if Casey ended up not talking least they could just stay like this though he did wonder if maybe he should try and press a little? it seemed like something serious. For now he waited lowering his gaze down to their hands. it was a little awkward at first what with his three fringes well Casey had five but after a bit they figure out how best to let fingers lace together. Maybe it was dumb but simple hand holding still got to him.
“So...this is gonna sound real dumb,”
Raph twisted his wrist around so he could hold Casey's hand back, giving a slight squeeze, wanting them to know without wording it that he wasn't going to think it was stupid. Just wanting Casey to know they could speak up on it
“But I, I think yer my Guardian Angel Raphael.” 
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Eyes snapping over to the side to better look at Casey now, tilting his head over at the wording still he tried to ask about it trying to see the reasoning "Imma? your what?" slightly cut off by the way Casey squeezed his hand. Hmm they finally found the words Raph wasn't going to cut him off.
“Yer there for me, always in my corner, no matter how dumb I’m bein’,”
"I always will be"
“Yer help me with Angel, you lemme vent an’ take me out t’ fight Dragons, you patch me up whenever I get my ass kicked,”
"Angels a good kid, she wouldn't them beatin' you like the peace you bruise like."
“You’re there for me, an’, I really appreciate that you are always there for me, no matter what.” 
"I always will be there for you."
They went back and forth just now Casey pouring out what well they both knew. It was the same on both ends they were just always there for each other. Raph just wanting to reaffirm all that Casey was saying he knew Casey was telling him this because he appreciated that Raph did all that it was more Raph wanted to know why he was telling him stuff he already knew? Eyes focused on Casey watching them closely trying to get a read on them. Sensei always said you could easily read someone if you did, but that wasn't the same as being a mind reader. As Casey swallowed hard before they spoke once more.
“But I gotta tell you somethin’, an’ I know yer aint gonna hate or leave me cause of it, but, I’m still kinda scared t’,”
Okay finally, not trying to be impatience if anything it was worry creeping up and making him near wanting to shake them till they finally fessed up. No he couldn't that if anything that would have made things far worse.
 “Cause, I tol’ yer somethin’, an’ yer took it so literally that I didn’t wanna correct yer, an’, I even suggested it ‘gain when yer were upset with your brothers.” 
Raph took a second to try and figure out what Casey meant? Something he told him that he took literal? If he was honest when it came to him being upset with brother more just remembered how nice it felt to near be held by Casey at the time. So He held thier hand tighter.
“Raph when I tol’ yer about the whole ‘walkin’ off into the woods thing’, I didn’t mean it literally...I wasn’t actually gonna just go run off into the woods,”
uh? what did..what did that mean then Raph asked himself? He figured it meant that cause Casey family had that farm house in the woods? For some reason this was feeling him with a bit more worry, slightly moving to lie on his side propping himself on his elbow.
“I meant it, I, well, what I meant it as was...yanno, me doin’ something more permanent, somethin’ that I couldn’t change if I actually do it...” 
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A stunned silence. Casey didn't need the exact wording. Raph was slowly piecing it all together now. He had to admit when Casey said he had a confession well not once had he thought it would go into such dark territory. That hold on Casey's hand changed his grip didn't tighten but he did shift his hand around to keep Casey here, right here with him.
“‘Cause I get tired of fightin’ Raph, or tryin’ t’ keep it together, or actin’ like things are okay, an’ it feels like if I was gone, with no way of comin’ back, it would make things better,”
He had no idea, he didn't hear Casey well enough to understand. This whole time they were trying to tell him but Raph missed their point. Twice at that.
“But yer...yer said you’d come drag me back, an’, I don’t think you know it Raph cause I aint really good with this whole talkin’ thing,”
green eyes shift to look over Casey again, yeah he did say that hadn't he. Raph didn’t know how him making that threat seemed to matter so deeply for Casey though either. He would though he drag Casey back no matter what.
“But...but you’ve saved me more times than I think yer realise, ‘cause, now, whenever it gets t’ much, I jus’ think of yer, an’ think of the good we got an’ how much I care for yer an’ yer care for me an’...”
He manages a slight smile at that bit, cause yeah they did have it pretty good between them didn’t they? He just wish he had noticed a bit sooner what Casey been struggling with so much maybe he could have helped better?
“An’ I love yer Raph, an’ I dunno where I’d be if I didn’t ‘ave yer t’ save me.”
“You..you love me?” Raph said it, softly okay yeah sure they were dating, they were boy friends, the pretty much had a kid together with how they dotted and care about the turtle Casey got him but still. Sure the feelings were very romantic between them but this was the first time either of them said it out loud. Yeah Raphael felt it deep down. How he loved Casey and was sure Casey may feel the same. But hearing it? Raphael just wasn’t sure what to say in the moment between the two confessions he just got. He moved a bit closer letting go of Casey’s hand he was a bit hesitant in what he was doing.Setting a hand on Casey’s face slightly moving their head so they could look at them. Just needing a closer look at their face. Casey hide it all so well, but right now? it was so clear to see how tried and worn Casey looked over everything. What do you say to all of this? “You’re not alone Case” he offered at least Raph didn’t wanna assume how it was for them with this whole thing. But he wanted to show Casey he was still here. They said they were scared and he could see why now, looking into those deep dark brown eyes of Casey’s. “I’m sorry I didn’t quite get what you were saying till now. I do mean it when I say you can tell me anything if this stuff alright?” in case Casey fear was still there. he leaned down a bit letting his forehead rest their against their own.He might not be able to make it go away but least he can try and reassure them about this part right? “I won’t go no where.” he could feel the warmth against his face though swloowing thickly himself. He been thinking it for a good time himself was now okay? He wasn’t sure but..he meant it so it be fine right? “I love ya too Case.” He tells them “An’ I wanna be there for you okay? No matter how ya need that to talk, to help with your sis, or just sit up on the roof like this okay? I love you and I wanna be there for you.” The heat on his just got worse he said it twice properly even. But he meant it if he can at least be there as much as Casey is for him? moving to rest on his side again, as he lays an arm over them tugging them his way so Casey could curl up against him if he wanted, like how he curled up against them. He just wanted casey to know, He got them. 
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