#hi yes hello this is my hill house oc
jewishbarbies · 2 years
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alison feltch + theo crain
“does she feel the same? does she want me back? I wanna be more than a friend.” - more than a friend, girli
tag list: @starcrossedjedis @heirsoflilith @phoenixsupremacy  @eddiemunscns @darknightfrombeyond @sgtbuckyybarnes @raith-way @hiddenqveendom @foxesandmagic @chlobenet @edwardsshinyvolvo  @chrissymunson @katiekinswrites @arrthurpendragon (want to be added? hmu ♡)
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antis0cial23 · 7 months
Even the Flannels: Stiles Stilinski
Pairing: Stiles x Female reader/oc
Summary: Nylah shows up to Stiles' house... wearing one of Stiles' shirts
Word Count:1,685
Rating: G
Beta Read: No
Tropes: Best Friends to Lovers, unrequited love on both sides, wearing the others clothes
Disclaimer/Warnings: insert character is AFAB, named but no physical description, no warnings
Please don't translate my work without my permission! Reblogging is allowed, thanks!
Nylah walked down the darkened sidewalk, half the streetlights out along the path to Stiles’ house. The spring evening not cold, but enough of a chill in the air to call for a long sleeve to cover her arms. Seeing his house in sight, Nylah sped up her pace a small amount, opting for the front door as opposed to his open window since the sheriff's car sat in the driveway.
“Oh, hello Nylah,” Sheriff Stilinski said after Nylah had knocked on their household's front door. “Stiles is in his room.” He said with a nod towards the stairs but before a brief questioning glance at Nylah’s shirt.
“Thank you, sir.” Nylah responded with a polite smile to the sheriff. She ascended the stairs, rounding the corner of the hallway that led to Stiles’ room. She peered into his room before she reached his open door, seeing him lying on his bed, legs propped up on the headboard and an old-looking book in his hands held above his face. She walked in plopping down on the bed next to him.
“Jesus-“ Stiles yelped in surprise, not expecting another person to appear in his room. “Nylah he… is that my shirt?” Stiles asked, placing his book on his stomach, and looking at the muted burgundy shirt Nylah wore. Nylah glanced down at the shirt she wore,
“Yeah. It’s the same one I stole the last time I was here.” She said with a shrug. She heard Stiles mutter an ok, his eyes taking a second to leave their spot on his, well now her, shirt.
“So, why are you in my bedroom at…” He trailed off, looking at the clock on his nightstand. “…nine p.m.?” Stiles asked with a raised brow, pulling his legs down from their resting spot on his headboard, opting to just fold them slightly in front of him instead and sitting up.
“Was bored and Scott told me you were doing research.” Nylah responded, grabbing the book off his stomach before he fully sat up, glancing at the heading on the page. “So, fairies?” She asked him with a raised brow.
“So not even a text that you were coming over, got it. And yes, fairies. It's for the mega monster Wikipedia I’m essentially writing.” Stiles said, marking the page with a bookmark before taking it from her hands and closing it. Nylah corrected him, calling it a bestiary, but all she received was an eye-roll from Stiles.
“So, back to the fact you’re wearing one of my shirts… Why?” Stiles asked her, his typical quizzical expression on his face, the book now discarded onto his floor with the various other papers and books.
“They’re comfy.” Nylah responded with a shrug. The shirt she had on was one of Stiles lacrosse long sleeves, ‘Beacon Hills Lacrosse’ written on the right breast, ‘Stilinski’ accompanied by Stiles’ lacrosse number sprawled on the back.
“So you stole one of my shirts, somehow considering I don’t remember you doing that, and decided wearing it back to my house was a smart decision?” Stiles questioned, amused more so than annoyed, although he wasn’t the happiest that she had managed to steal it without him noticing… but the fact that she looked as good as she did in it slightly made up for that fact.
“If you ask me to give it back, I’m stealing another.” Nylah said, holding her arms against her in an effort to protect ‘her’ shirt. “Maybe even a flannel as payback…” She said with narrowing eyes, even though her tone was joking. Stiles didn’t speak for a moment, thinking how she would look in one of his flannels, snapping himself out of the thought quickly as to not get up right there and make her put one of his notorious flannels on.
“Don’t you even dare…” Stiles said with a playful glare, his flannels one of his most prized collections.
“And I don’t even wear it that much… Still smells like your cologne.” She said, holding the sleeve up to her nose before holding her hand out for Stiles to smell the shirt. He simply raised a brow at her antics, a smile on his face.
“Next time you do steal something, I’m stealing your socks.” He said, using the most ridiculous item he could think of as an incentive for her not to steal as many articles of his clothing. Although, he wouldn’t mind if she kept his lacrosse shirt considering it bared both his name and his lacrosse number.
“Oh, so you want neon blue socks with orange hearts on them?” She asked sarcastically, referring to the current socks she wore, pressing her back to the headboard as she put her legs in his lap to show off her brightly colored socks.
“Jesus…” Stiles said with a disappointed grin. “Fine, keep your socks you insane person. Seriously, who wears socks like this?” He said with a chuckle, Nylah simply opting to kick his leg at his comment.
“Are you gonna start stealing my hoodies next, Ny?” Stiles asked her, an eyebrow raised in mock accusation.
“Who says I haven’t already?” She asked, the jovial nature of her comment along with the glint of mischief in her eyes made Stiles shake his head with a smile.
“How many of my clothes do you even own?” Stiles asked, a bit exasperated, wondering if she was the reason he couldn’t find his green hoodie or his striped long-sleeve.
“A number…” Nylah replied vaguely, avoiding eye-contact with a mischievous smile.
“At this rate, I’m just wondering what you’re going to steal next.” He shook his head, unable to keep a smile off his face at her antics. If she looked even half as good as she did wearing this shirt of his, he would gladly surrender his whole wardrobe to her... but she didn’t need to know that fact.
“You’re heart.” She responded in her best yandere voice, mocking one of the many shows they had watched late on Saturday nights when neither of their parents knew they had left their respective houses. Stiles' eyes widened a fraction, not entirely expecting her comment. In that moment, he was painfully aware she had no idea she already owned it in its entirety.
“Oh, shut it, Nylah.” He rolled his eyes, hoping it was enough to deflect from the second that his eyes displayed the want he had for her. “Stop stealing things from me, heart included.” He joked back, covering his tracks as best he could. He didn’t want to ruin whatever type of friendship they had.
“Don’t act like you don’t like it when I wear your clothes, Stilinski.” Nylah said, mainly in jest, partially in truth having noticed the small glances she got from him whenever she did. She had always chalked them up to teenage hormones, deciding it was safer to think that than Stiles maybe liking the fact that his clothes were on her.
“Nuh-uh.” Stiles responded like a child, but it was all he could come up with to deflect because any more words and he would’ve caved right there and told her he really, and he meant really, did.
“Don’t worry, Stiles, I know you do.” She said with a smug smile, patting his shoulder. Some days, like these, she tested the waters to see where she stood, her confidence taking a hit almost every time as she watched Stiles deflect.
“Does that mean you're trying to be my girlfriend by wearing my clothes?” Stiles said jokingly, although deep down in the depths of his brain he rarely let surface besides late-night images and dreams, he meant it in full.
“Does that mean you want me to be?” Nylah countered, not wanting to be the one who ruined a seemingly perfect friendship. Maybe she really did want to, but Stiles needn’t know, at least not yet.
“Yeah.” Stiles said before he could think, thanking the depths of his sarcasm for tinging the words with a sarcastic edge, saving himself from utter embarrassment and ruin, or so he thought.
“Ha. Ha. Real funny, Stiles.” Nylah rolled her eyes as she spoke, a joking smile on her face even though her insides curled in on themselves at the rejection Stiles didn’t even know he gave. Stiles thought for maybe half a second, re-evaluating his life in milliseconds.
“I’m not joking.” Stiles said, jumping off a metaphorical cliff he had been clutching onto for dear life for what felt like months. Nylah’s brows scrunched together, looking at Stiles,
“Wait—really?” She asked him, voice full of confusion and insecurity.
“Yeah…?” Stiles trailed off, a small squeak in his voice, tone uncertain to her response.
“You do know that means it's now socially acceptable for me to steal more of your clothes… Right?” Nylah responded with a wide smile, the corner of her eyes crinkling. Stiles waited for a second, processing her words, realizing the meaning behind her words, the acceptance of his horribly worded proposal to date.
“Yeah… you- you’re ok with being my girlfriend?” Stiles asked, happily but wanting to be certain.
“Stiles, we kind of already act like we are dating… I think your dad already thinks we are.” She said with furrowed brows and a smile directed at Stiles. Nylah’s eyes went wide for a moment,
“Does this mean I can take your flannels?” Nylah asked excitedly, sitting up off the headboard.
“Even the flannels… I concede.” Stiles said with a wide smile at his now girlfriend, he shook his head at her excitement.
“Yes!” Nylah cheered excitedly, already thinking of which one she would steal first.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, woman… and the death of my closet.” Stiles said with a fond smile, resting his forehead against hers with a content smile as she chuckled, a smile of her own resting on her face as well.
“Maybe, maybe not…” Nylah said, planning the closet's demise as she thought of every item she could steal. And that would be the life they lived. Stiles constantly buying new clothes since his kept disappearing, and Nylah stealing those too.
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seriesxwriting · 1 year
I wanted to make a request for Negan. I have an idea for the plot of the request. Idk if you do just x reader or you put names to the main character but the idea is- Negan will reunite with my oc or the reader in the apocalypse after not seeing each other in years the last time they saw each other was when he found out Lucille had cancer. They we best friend my oc or the reader age would be in her early to mid twenty before the apocalypse making her in her mid to late 30s.
Thank you for the request!! I love negan this was so fun to write <3
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you and I against this world
W negan (twd)
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Series- twd (the walking dead)
Summary- request 🤍
Warnings- swearing, use of guns.
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“Daryl” negan yelled from across hill top. He turned around on his motorcycle Looking for who called his name. Negan walked over to him “are you going to that house now?” He questioned after getting closer. “What’s it to you?” Daryl darkened his eyes replying bluntly. “I wanna come” he shrugged “we’re trying to welcome new recruits not scare them away”.
“Look everyone here is giving me the stink eye” “that ain’t my problem your not coming”. Negan let out a little laugh looking at his feet. “Fine, who knows what I’ll get up to with you and Maggie gone”. Darryl stood up angrily. “Is that a threat?”.
Negan smirked looking around hill top with a shrug before Daryl’s hand shot out wrapping round his neck. “Get in the truck, I wanna keep an eye on you” he spat throwing negan backward. He stumbled but never lost his grin. “Wise choice” he winked as he began walking to maggie’s truck. “Get in the back” she growled eyeing him evilly, clearly not happy he was coming.
Negan raised his eyebrows and threw himself into the truck grunting because of the rough landing. Maggie had already began driving off following Daryl on his bike in front.
“Y/n A car and a bike just pulled up outside” “I heard, is the snipper ready?” I questioned standing up from my desk chair. “Yes boss, will is upstairs” “perfect, go and greet our guests sam” I smiled dangerously snatching up a knife sliding it into my belt and doing the same on the other side before eyeing the window. “Let’s show them how we greet trespassers”.
“Hello? We know there’s people living in there- we’re not here to attack”
“That’s what they all say” my eyes rolled sarcastically making Sam laugh under her breath. I followed Samantha out into the dinning room where I took a seat and watched her walk to the door. She opened it holding out her gun to Aaron, Daryl who were standing at the bottom of the steps. Not that it had many bullets, only two. That was all we had left for the hand guns. The sniper had a few more rounds but not many.
“Woah- Woah- we don’t wanna hurt you, my names Aaron and this is Daryl”. The man with the cross bow nodded at her without a smile. Arron then pointed to the truck “that’s Maggie and Lydia” he explained with a smile.
“You wanna talk?” Sam asked raising an eyebrow “you the leader?” Daryl questioned gently “your on my land, I’m doing the talking I said do you want to talk?” Sam repeated before cocking the gun. “Yes! We want to talk we have an offer” Aaron put his hands up in defence. “Good start, now if you want to talk to the boss your going to have to leave your weapons there” she ordered pointing the gun at the ground.
Daryl was first to remove his cross bow before putting it on the ground. Aaron put a knife down and Daryl put two down. Maggie threw her knives out the window. In that moment negan popped his head out the back. “You missed one” she pointed the gun at negan. “He’s irrelevant and not coming in” Daryl commented before he began climbing the stairs. “Does he have weapons?” She asked moving the gun to Daryl.
He looked across from her being on the same level now. “No” he stated before Aaron reached them. He gave a small smile suggesting he was ready to go in. Sam stood to the side letting the men in the house. She pointed to the next room where I locked eyes with them. “Take a seat” I put my hand down. “Your- in charge?” Aaron questioned raising an eyebrow. “Got something to say spit it out?” I smiled sarcastically.
“No, we’ve met lots of different people and lots of different leaders- none that looked like you, but that’s a good thing” Aaron shrugged taking a seat at the table. “Isn’t that arm classed as a weapon” I eyed the spiked ball swinging in the air. “It’s a bitch to take off” he half smiled. The other guy Daryl didn’t seem like much of a talker. He kept a straight face sitting opposite me.
Sam brought over Aaron’s bag to me laying it on the table before standing by the wall. “Most people that come in here, they don’t get back out” “we have no intention of fighting, we’re on a recruiting mission actually” Aaron nodded at his bag. “In there are some good samples and there’s even some photos of the communities we live in”. My brows knitted together “your here to get us to come back with you? So what you can imprison us- you want our stuff from here?”
“What stuff would we want? We have everything we want we’re here to give you everything you want” Daryl piped up making my attention turn to him. “Oh he talks” I half laughed siting back in my chair. “I haven’t heard such mockery since somebody said the dead are coming back to life”. My head shook and my arms folded across my chest in disbelief. I didn’t trust them and I didn’t want them in my house.
“Mockery?” Aaron questioned throwing me an innocent look. “You think we can’t survive here? That we’re too weak or don’t know what we’re doing?” “No that’s not- why we came I-.” Aaron started but he wasn’t going to cut in, not in my house. “You didn’t think you could just waltz in here and expect me to trust you after shoving you fancy apple sauce and carrots in my face did you?” I chuckled pulling the items out the bag.
“Why don’t you tell me how you found us” “we found you because your bad at covering your tracks, if we could find you that means others can too- now we have had enough experience to know that you don’t want people knocking at your doors” Daryl began looking me dead in the eyes. All of a sudden a loud gunshot went off from outside. “Was that you?” Aaron’s eyes widened he jumped up to move to the window.
“Sam” I nodded at the door for her to check it out. “I had snipers on your people the whole time, if they shot they had a reason to” I shrugged my shoulders. “Stop right there!” Sam yelled pointing her gun at whoever was trying to get in. “I just want to come and say hello because I’m sure these two would be fucking it up”.
Sam stepped out into the porch before dragging a man in with a gun pointed at his head and an arm wrapped round his neck. “Do you want another one or should I put him in his place boss” Sam hissed against the man’s face. But I hardly heard her. I was too busy studying the man’s face.
“Negan?” I blinked in disbelief
His smirked dropped as he squinted his eyes at me. “Y/n?” He whispered, he took a second before he started struggling against Samantha. “Stand down sam” I shook my head standing up. Negan didn’t move a muscle from the shock he was going through. I took about three leaps which forced me to almost do the splits. My arms wrapped around Negan’s neck as he copied me holding my head into his neck. “I can’t belive you made it” I whispered to him blinking at the wall.
“Oh I knew if anyone would you would” he chuckled under his breath. “You two know each other?” Daryl asked from the other room. “From before the fall” I nodded stepping back taking him in once again. “I tried looking for you but…” “I know- I know” I shook my head not wanting him to say the words. “I’m super glad you guys are reunited but at the end of the day we’re here for one thing” Daryl spoke again, getting straight down to the point.
I looked at the two men in my dining room and then looked at negan. “Can i trust them?” I quizzed pressing my lips together. His eyes flicked from me to them. “Yes” negan replied. I could always tell when he was lying, now wasn’t one of those times. “Do you trust them” “yes”. Now he was lying. “Why don’t you trust them negan?” Exhaling I put my hands on my hips. He smiled at me knowingly before say saying “Because I did some shit y/n and I have no clue if or when they’re going to try taking me out”.
I blinked at him and then at them. “You want us to just leave- join your group? Live there- work there fight there?” “All of the above” Aaron nodded his head vigorously. “I understand your weary, Daryl was too when I first came to him” he flashed a friendly smiled at me. I inhaled before looking at Sam. “What do you think?”, she didn’t hesitate to tell me her answer “if you trust this guy then this is a great opportunity- though the five of us have been fine for a long time we don’t know when trouble will come”
“Plus we are running out of bullets and your the only one who can fight hand to hand, we can learn new things and find safety in numbers” Sam shrugged looking at the group. I knew she was right deep down, but I just needed more time to think it through. “We will check it out, if we don’t like the look of it then we’re coming here, if we think your community is the future we will stay and help you build it”.
With that I collected the rest of my group and explained what was going to happen. Still in shock that I’d found my best friend again. Negan was hovering round the front of the door while the rest of the Group met the new people and got into the truck. I was last out, worried that I’d never return to this place again. “Have you been here since the beginning?” Negan questioned softly, realising I was struggling to leave it behind.
“No we moved around a lot but we were here the longest” I told him as I closed the door. “I can’t believe how close we were and we didn’t even know it” he chuckled loosely. “Makes you think doesn’t it, who else is out there” I sighed looking towards the trees. “From our life before?” “Exactly! Brandon, Izzy- Janine”. Negans face hardened at the last name.
“Guys- we’re making a move” Lydia called over with a sweet smile. Negan threw an arm over my shoulders as we made a way to the back of the truck that Maggie was driving. “Is she…” “she’s gone” negan said lowly helping me in. “What happened, did she get bitten or- was it the-” I shook my head sadly. “Neither, she did it herself- I lost her- I took too long, but I avenged her” he said jumping in next to me.
I could tell how much it pained him to talk about it even with the amount of time that passed. “It’s changed you huh” “all this changed everyone” negan replied correctly. “We all had to do things to survive negan, whatever you’ve done you did to stay alive and because your hurting because your mad at the world” “don’t excuse me y/n- eveyones mad at the world everyone’s hurting and trying to stay alive, why am I any different”
“Because You’ve survived, you lived” I smiled putting my head on his shoulder. “It’s good to have you back y/n, I couldn’t bare my last memories with you being sad” “I’m gutted that’s my last memory of her, but I’m sure you two had some good ones after the fall” I looked up at him all smily even though my eyes had heavy tears trying to spill over. “Yeah, we did” he smiled to himself just as we reached the gates of the community called hilltop. “This is just one of three communities” Daryl pointed as he came over to help me out the truck.
He gave negan an Evil eye before proceeding to walk me through the gates. They showed us round the community so we could see the goods they produced, the building materials they made and all the other jobs people did. I was amazed though I did a good job at hiding it. I also found myself looking for negan while I was walking around realising how isolated he was from the rest of society.
It broke my heart seeing me him standing on his own, moving around making it seem like he was doing something, anything.
“Earth to y/n!” Will yelled laughing a bit, “what do you think?” “I want to stay” I blurted out not even thinking how a leader would at this point. I wanted to stay so I could be with my best friend. That may be selfish but the community looked safe enough for the rest of my group. Though to my surprise they all grew smiles on their faces. “I want to stay too” Sam nodded looking around hill top. “It’ll be a new start and a step closer to how things were” will nodded agreeing.
The other two other nodded feeling happy with the agreement. “So your staying?” I heard from behind me. I spun around on my heels “hey- yeah I think we are” I nodded looking up at negan. I saw his eyes light up even though he tried his best to pretend he wasn’t jumping with joy inside. “You look like you need a friend anyway, always was me and you against the world”, he let out a laugh and threw an arm round my shoulder.
“It’s you and i against this new world now”.
For more like this visit my Masterlist
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pbamoney · 1 month
"We can't change what's done, we can only move on. There ain't no shame in looking for a better world."
I should definitely introduce myself! Hello there, fellow reader and/or person who's just passing by.
My name is PBAM0NEY. Preferably PBA for short. I'm just a man who's been a little bit bored and decided to pop up on Tumblr either to roleplay with other blogs or just overall chill as I usually do.
Now the rules are very simple!
1. No NSFW asks of any kind! I will reject those asks if you do. However, a little tiny bit of suggestive stuff can fly.
2. No racism, transphobia, anything related to these kinds of things.
3. Don't be harassing anyone for any reason whatsoever.
Now, last but not least!
4. Just have fun! Ask me whatever ya want! Just don't go too far, capiche?
Onto the OC, we have the retired, sad yet hopeful god named "PB, The Retired God" I'm always gonna be talking and walking around like him. You can call him TRG, PB or Sean. Whichever one works for y'all!
(Yes, I will also run this acc as both the mod and the character)
He's a 20 year old man who used to work for a Mafia he was part of before they betrayed him entirely.
Eventually he ended up meeting up with 2 gods and he offered his own life to the ones who were willing to help him become a god... To be a "God Of War" they've said to him.
2 weeks before giving his life to the gods, he was walking to his house while his family was inside celebrating July 4th. The house blew up and he witnessed it happen. He looked behind him and saw the people who killed his family on a hill. It was the mafia, the ones who swore they'd leave them alone if he did a job for them. They had lied to Sean and he dedicated his life to avenge every single one of his family members.
Now back to the present, the gods took the deal... As soon as he got the powers he immediately went looking for the ones that betrayed him, killing every single member of the mafia along with the ones that stood in his way.
Sadly, his own past and everything that has happened to him made him to regret his choices.
He still wanders the world and other dimensions helping those who are innocent and the ones who want to redeem themselves. Seeking to also redeem himself for all that he has suffered for and lost...
New lore unlocked:
Learning more about himself
Regained Love
The events that led to Sean's demise, revival and powers given back
Contact with the man in the TV (Chapter 1: Part 1)
The man in the TV (Part 2)
The man in the TV (End of Chapter 1)
The man in the TV (Chapter 2: Part 1)
The man in the TV (Part 2) [Link will be soon]
Speaking and Speaking (Alt)
[Mod speaking]
People Sean knows about and his status on them! [It changes from time to time]
The Mortals!
@askthe-littlepoet - A brother to me.
Status: I believe in them. I'll do whatever it takes to help them achieve their goals! I may be in a horrible state but I will help them to the very end of my life.
@yarnor-the-timid-raccoon - A llittle raccoon who deserves better.
Status: The little brother I've never had... I'm sorry it has to be like this, kid. You shouldn't see me suffer bit by bit with this god damn illness... I'll make it up to ya.
@bloodthirstyanon - poets ex...
Status: Could've killed the poor lad if the poet wasn't holding me back.. I'll get around to trusting them though.
@ask-sozo-the-ant - An ant who likes mushrooms a little bit too much. Friends with Kali.
Status: I see them as a friend too! Maybe I'll eat some mushrooms with em one day...
@marko-the-yellow-cat - Leshy's lover.
Status: I have a lot of faith in this guy... Pretty cool guy in my opinion. They've helped me learn more about myself along with letting me borrow a book about their own language too! Both Tomb and Marko seem pretty happy to know that I'm willing to learn about their own foreign language!
The Crownbearers!
@kali-lamb - A sister to me.
Status: Haha! Tiny sister. I'll definitely help them with the top shelf and everything that she can't reach! Never had a sister before though. This'll be fairly new to me.
@askacultleader - The lamb, leader of their own cult.
Status: A leader who cares for others and himself, despite being not so good themselves but they're trying to be better. At least I hope they are...
@tomb-the-god - My Lover... The god of insanity.
Status: I am so god damn sorry, my sweet sweet tomb. I have hurt both of us. I have pained us both because I was used once again by some anons who were not telling me more of the truth. I am truly sorry and I hope you can forgive me for what I have done to us.
The Gods...
@ask-theredcrown - He of Death.
Status: My lord. I worship the god despite being a god myself. I am willing to open up to death itself so I may join them one day.
@ask-thebluecrown - He of Pestilence.
Status: I'm afraid I might fight this kind of god. People don't seem to like them but it wouldn't hurt to try and be their friend.
@ask-thegreencrown - He of Chaos.
Status: Someone who likes chaos. I can't blame them at all for what they do. Without any chaos, what kind of fun can we have if it didn't exist?
@ask-thepurplecrown - They of War and Knowledge.
Status: I don't know who they are but I can tell they sound like me... I hope I get to see them.
Other types of beings...
@themysticseller - ???
Status: Another one? Well, this one is more aggressive than the other! That's okay, I can maybe trust them... Hopefully.
[Mod PBA: Sorry for casually pinging any of y'all but y'know how it is! We are getting real good with it though]
[The art of my OC was also made by my irl nephew: @thewindforcesystem. They're on Tumblr too so go support them!!!]
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s3l3n3-volturi666 · 3 months
Won't say I'm in Love ~ Isaac Lahey X OC
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(I'm not comfortable doing X Y/N just to say sorrand this is Part 1 of my new Fanfic series BTW )
This time was well needed after the hectic week of Exams. The Pack Teens are hanging out in the woods just talking about endless amounts of topics when Lydia turns to her sister, Persephone. "How have you been. With your job search and all? " Lydia asks and Persephone looks up.
Persephone POV :
"Good. The FBI offered me an apprenticeship spot but I'm not too sure about it. I mean, I'd be leaving my family behind. My Pack behind. I can't just abandon you all. " I tell her and Isaac looks over to us. "Besides, Beacon Hills is all I've ever known and the spot is in Quantico all the way in Virginia. How the hell am I meant to cope
. " I add and she nods. "You sure that's all ~? " Lydia teases and I spot Allison wave to Isaac who smiles back at her and my heart aches at the sight. "Even if there was, his heart isn't mine even though mine is his. " I admit and she sighs softly. "You're in LOVE ~. Admit it! " Lydia says and I scoff. "I'm not in LOVE ', Ariel. " I snarl and walk off, Kira runs after me. "Want an honest opinion? " She offers and I nod slowly. "Tell him about the Job offer and if he loves you he'll support you. If he doesn't, do it anyways. It's your dream job after all." Kira says and we head back to the others. "Isaac! Can I talk to you about something? " I call out as I walk into the clearing and so we head into the Old Hale House. "What's up? You seem nervous. " Isaac prompts and I nod shy all of a sudden. "The FBI offered me an apprenticeship spot in Quantico . I am conflicted on what I choose. Can you help me? " I sink to the floor as Allison walks into the room. "I think you should go. Me and Scott don't want you here. " Allison sneers and I sigh. "Isaac? What's your opinion? " I ignore Allison and Isaac makes me look at him. "I say follow your heart and your guts. " He says and Allison stomps outside. ' I won't say I'm in love but I will say I'm particularly FOND of Isaac Lahey. ' I think and Isaac helps me up onto my own two feet again. "You will be the one I miss the most, Isaac Lahey. " I feel tears flowing and Isaac kisses my forehead. "Call me every night? " Isaac holds me and I nod. A promise.
Isaac POV :
Its been a week and I am constantly in pain. Why? I don't know. "We can ask Deaton of Derek. " Liam suggests and my phone goes off. FBI. "Hello? " I pick up my phone and Liam listens carefully. is this Isaac Lahey? ' A woman asks and I gasp. "Yes, Ma'am. I'm Isaac Lahey. " I motion for Liam to get the others so he does. "What's going on. May I ask? " I sit down as a new wave of Pain hits me. I put it on Loudspeaker. "I'm afraid that Persephone Martin gave herself in place of some hostages so we could save them. I'm Penelope Garcia." The woman says and Lydia sobs as her phone goes off. "Miss Garcia. Persephone 's sister's phone is being called by Persephone's phone. " I tell her as Lydia answers it, on Loudspeaker. "ARIEL DON'T DO IT!? HE'LL KILL YOU AND THE PACK!? " Persephone's voice yells out and then we hear her scream in agony. "I'm a Federal Agent, Bitch!? " We hear another and a Male groans in pain, I double over as the pain fully hits me making me growl from the force of it. "I know where you all are and my men will kill you. " The man hangs up and soon knocking on the Loft Door is heard. "FBI! We're the BAU! We're the Team that Persephone's part of! " A woman yells and I sense the truth. "Favorite meal to cook? Coffee Order? Color? Animal? What supernatural creature is she? " I raise my voice and a man answers instantly. "Mushroom Risotto. Caramel Iced Mocha or a Clotted cream cold brew, always Starbucks. Blue. Wolf. Banshee. " He gets it all correct so we let them into the Loft. "Specifically your eye color Blue. It's her favorite. " He adds and Lydia nods. "Correct. " She agrees and Penelope sighs. "I thought dogs would of attacked my team by now. " She says as some of us stop growling. "Werewolves, Baby Girl. Not Dogs. " An Agent says and she hangs up. "Well done, Dr Reid. Your memory saved us. " He pats his shoulder and I see Peter raise an eyebrow at them. "I'm Agent Derek Morgan. " The dark skinned male says and I nod. "I'm JJ. " The woman who spoke outside of the Loft Door says and we get taken to the Headquarters under Protective Custody.
FOLLOW FOR PART 2 and more.
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snazzynacho · 1 year
Snapdragon & Co.
The Hobbit Fan Fiction/Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!fairy!elf!oc
Chapter Two: Comforts of Home
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Nessa hadn't known much of The Shire or its inhabitants. Though Rogue apparently did as throughout almost the entire journey to The Shire, Rogue had complained about a Hobbit being allowed, no, asked, to join them on the quest. And it hadn't stopped now, even when they arrived in Hobbiton.
"Can we talk about something else now?" Nessa whined.
"The whole journey here you've been complaining about a Hobbit joining us."
"Not my problem a Hobbit going on an adventure is unheard of! What is Gandalf thinking?!"
"Gods, you're not even Dwarven yet you're so stubborn."
"I was raised by them though," Stated Rogue.
Nessa sighed. She hated arguing or anything along those lines. "All the more reason we need anybody we can get to help Thorin and his people."
Rogue grunted in frustration, knowing Nessa was talking perfect sense.
After a few moments passed Nessa spoke up.
"So, is he hot?"
Rogue came to a stop. They swivelled around to face Nessa, and glared at her, arms crossed.
"I'm just asking the important question here,"
"The important question here is where on Earth are we?!" Rogue held their map, vigorously turning it and inspecting it from different angles. The next couple of hours drained on. Their map reading skills were not up to measure, clearly. Nonetheless, they had finally reached a market in Bag-End. A very busy one.
"Where are we supposed to find Bilbo now?" Nessa spoke her thoughts aloud.
"Bilbo Baggins?" A fellow Hobbit asked, having overheard.
"Yes, we are looking for him. Do you know where he might be?"
"You're in the right place. He's just over there." The Hobbit pointed to another Hobbit before walking off. The Hobbit in question was further away from them. He anxiously stalked the market, stopping shortly at a stall. It seemed he was waiting for someone, as he glanced at the letter in his hand and back up, skimming the crowd.
"Well, that was easy." They said, striding over with a beat in their step, they felt confident in their plan.
Before Rogue could utter a word, Nessa talked first. "Hello, Mr Baggins. It's nice to meet you." She held her hand out for him to shake, who in return, sent them a puzzled look yet shook her hand to be polite. "I'm sorry, but, do I know you?"
"In a way..." Nessa hesitated.
"Right-" He looked down at his letter and the stall of food again.
Seeing he was losing interest, Rogue noticed the letter and smugly spoke, needing to get to the point. "I suggest you stock up, it will be quite the dinner this evening."
Bilbo looked at them quizzically.
"Oh, and here, have this honey!" The pair held out a jar of pink honey. By the time Bilbo accepted the gift, they had run off, leaving a very confused Hobbit. He listened to them though and began to buy a couple of other things, thinking it'll just be them...
Truth be told Bilbo's home was a small dome-shaped hill with a circular green door, fit for any Hobbit, just as Rogue described to Nessa along the journey. Even in the dark, it looked welcoming.
Nessa and Rogue stood near the front of his house where they told Pilvi to wait for them outside.
"When do you think will be the most inconvenient time for us to show up?" Nessa mischievously asked. "I want to see him livid," She giggled. By now, they'd watched several dwarves enter Bilbo's home, waiting for the right moment.
"Hmm. Just follow my lead,"
Suddenly they heard someone near them. Someone running. "Come on Kili, you can run faster than that!" The person shouted as they ran closer as another, presumed to be Kili, ran behind him.
The two fairies jumped behind a bush, successfully hiding themselves as the two men reached Bilbo's house.
"Not fair, Fili. You started running first." Kili panted.
"Nuh-uh. I'm just fast. I've still got it," He pridefully admired his muscles causing Kili to roll his eyes.
"What was this Hobbit's name anyway? Mr Biggins?" Fili pondered.
"No no, I'm sure it was Mr Boggins, or was it Bimbo?—"
Fili shrugged and proceeded to ring the doorbell. He just wanted nice warm food and a drink of - preferably - ale.
During this, Nessa had been trying ever so hard to stifle her laugh. And it only got worse when Bilbo opened the door, an irritated look on his face remained as it did the previous times this evening a dwarf was at his door.
The pair introduced themselves as: "Fili." "And Kili."
"At your service." They said at once and bowed.
"You must be Mr. Boggins," Kili said.
"No! You can't come in, you've come to the wrong house." Bilbo tried to shut the door but Kili stopped him. "What?! Has it been cancelled?" he asked. The distraught look on Kili's face only entertained the two hiding fairies even more.
"No one told us," Fili added.
"Can-! No, nothing's been cancelled."
"That's a relief."
"Careful with these, I just had them sharpened," Kili said as he handed over a pile of weapons to Bilbo and barged inside with Fili striding behind.
Seeing the flustered expression on Bilbo's face was the last straw for Nessa - she let out a wheeze of a laugh and just before it could turn into a proper belly laugh, Rogue slapped their hand on her mouth, muffling her laughs, and the bush rustled from the movement. To which Bilbo thought he heard something outside but was ultimately distracted by Kili rubbing his boot on his furniture.
"That's my mother's glory box, can you please not do that?!"
They heard Bilbo say as Rogue gestured for Nessa to follow, quickly but quietly leaving their positions behind the bush. The two walked into the house, the door closing behind them.
"Fili, Kili, come on, give us a hand," Dwalin called for them and they followed, not noticing the fairies. If only Bilbo could do that. He turned around and thought he was going to drop the weapons and combust in rage at the sight of them - which didn't help with Nessa's giggling.
Amid their secret entrance, Rogue couldn't resist a theatrical touch. With a flourish of their hand and a raised eyebrow, Rogue delivered their line to a bemused Bilbo, "You might want to hand those weapons to me, Mr Baggins, someone is at the door,"
He staggered backwards but was able to compose himself. "No one is at the door!"
Nessa's giggling persisted, even though her hand was on her mouth. Only further aggravating the poor Hobbit.
"No, look! Someone is ringing the bell right now!"
Their prediction rang true. Rogue smirked at Bilbo's face, seeing him turn red, as he angrily threw the weapons into Rogue's arms and stormed off to answer the door. They swore they could see steam flaring out of his ears for a second.
"How rude," Rogue remarked and Nessa stifled another giggle, impressed by her sister's flair for the dramatic. They revelled in the lightheartedness of the moment, eager for the adventure that lay ahead and the camaraderie they would forge on this grand quest.
After moving aside, Rogue placed the weapons carefully on the floor out of the way, unlike Bilbo. They took a moment to gather their composure, knowing that their true purpose would soon be revealed. The anticipation of the adventure ahead mingled with the amusement of this unexpected start, creating a sense of belonging that hinted at the bonds they would forge on this daring quest to reclaim Erebor.
Peeking around the corner, they saw the door swing open and a bunch of dwarves fall into a heap on the floor, on top of each other, earning another laugh from Nessa. Even Rogue sniggered.
A grey wizard peered into the house behind the dwarves. Gandalf. With no time for Rogue to grab Nessa, dart behind a wall, and pretend they didn't see each other, he and Nessa had already locked eyes, and he sent her a complicated look - a mix of perplexity and suspicion. Nessa felt a flicker of uncertainty. The renowned wizard's sharp eyes seemed to search for hidden truths. However, he turned his attention back to Bilbo and the clumsy mound of dwarves, allowing Nessa and Rogue a moment of relief.
Whilst all the dwarves were grabbing and snatching different foods from cheeses, bread, meats - and not to mention alcohol - Nessa and Rogue respectfully stood aside marvelling at the chaos unfolding in front of them with nothing but a plate of food and a teacup ale each, classy yet down-to-party, reflecting a sense of poise amidst the merriment.
Sipping wine occasionally, Nessa took pleasure in the jovial disarray of the dwarves ransacking Bilbo's pantry before their eyes. Sometimes, when she could get ahold of food she added it to her plate. The variety of foods showcased the cultural richness of the different lands they were from, a testament to the uniqueness that comprised the company. As they nibbled on their golden toast doused in the pink citrusy honey they gifted Bilbo, Rogue on the other hand had their watchful eye make sure they were always out of Gandalf's line of vision, wanting to be discreet, avoiding him at least until the meeting.
When it came to the song the dwarves began to sing as they cleared the dishes - 'blunt the knives, bend the forks' - Nessa's enthusiastic clapping and Rogue's polite applause blended harmoniously with the dwarves' spirited song, filling the room with a sense of companionship. This all reminded them of the few comforts of home they so missed, one of them more than the other.
Sensing someone new, Rogue urged Nessa to quieten down right as the doorbell rang for the last time that night. A silence replenished the room momentarily.
"He is here," Gandalf declared.
Rogue passed Nessa a glass of wine. "Shit's getting serious?" Nessa joked to her sister.
"I'd say so. Besides, this is the last good wine we'll have in quite some time, we need this."
Nessa nodded and gulped wine, the bitter but sweet flavour lingered on her tongue as she savoured it. Going in for another taste, she nearly choked. A noble, slightly taller looking dwarf with long dark wavy hair, framed perfectly with a couple of white strands, entered. Everything about him - from the dramatic way his arrival was announced, to his demeanour - oozed authority. Even the warm smile he gave the dwarves, she found attractive. He must have been Thorin Oakenshield. King of Durin's Folk. And...
"...The leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield." Gandalf introduced Thorin to Bilbo.
Thorin's smile turned stern when he noticed Nessa and Rogue yet he kept quiet. Instead, he joined everyone at the table. Nessa quickly took off to the kitchen and diligently prepared soup using some leftovers, hoping to extend a gesture of goodwill and earn some favour within the company. When she presented the bowl to Thorin she offered a shy but warm smile, his hesitation was apparent, but hunger won over scepticism.
The two fairies stood behind Kili and Fili, somewhat out of the way. After eating and drinking heartily with his kin, he became serious again and undoubtedly wanted to start a conversation on the quest.
So far, all through the evening, most of the dwarves had given Nessa and Rogue wary looks. They noted that the pair were likely fairies due to Rogue's bright blue hair and Nessa's hair (although a normal dark blonde) also had pinky gold highlights in - yet they did not look entirely Fae-like. At least not of their ideas on what Fairies should look like; Rogue's hair was braided intricately suspiciously in a style reminiscent of Dwarvish craftsmanship, and Nessa's handmade dress on her chubby figure from afar could look like any mismatch of patterns found at markets sewed together. Nothing like fae fashion. And not to mention their heights - they were the same height as the dwarves! Yes, only slightly taller but they also were nowhere near as tall as elves...Last but not least, there were no fairy wings in sight! It was clear that their presence seemed out of place and raised questions about their true identity and intentions, and now, as the discussion to consult the quest approached, the lingering caution and uncertainty among the dwarves remained, leaving Nessa and Rogue acutely aware of the need to prove their worth and establish their role in this company bound for Erebor.
The dwarves all had one question in particular - what were two fairies doing at a, supposedly, private meeting of dwarves to reclaim their homeland?
"Now that you've stopped hiding from me, I'd like to know what your sister is doing here." Gandalf directed at Rogue, as he sensed the ongoing tension towards the two sisters. At this, Nessa side-eyed Rogue, sending her a searching glance for the truth.
Surely Gandalf knew she was tagging along? Nessa had assumed that's why he was there on that fateful day. Evidently, Rogue had taken the initiative to ask her to join the company, yet Gandalf's inquiry brought a different perspective to light.
"Well, I didn't inform you but I did inform the leader of this company," Rogue voiced nonchalantly.
The revelation of Rogue's secret communication with Thorin left the company in an uproar. Clamorous objections rose from the group. The dwarves exchanged incredulous glances, their trust in Thorin momentarily shaken. In the midst of the confusion, Nessa and Rogue found themselves at the centre of a storm they had unintentionally ignited. Amongst the commotion, questions upon questions flew at Thorin.
"Is this true Thorin?"
"How long have you kept this from us?!"
Rogue saw Thorin's face contorted in disbelief at their statement and said, "Yes, I have. The letter is in your front left pocket."
The room became silent. They watched Thorin reach into his pocket and pull out a letter. Gasps and murmurs of shock from the company broke the stillness. Thorin dramatically held the letter in front of him, as if it was the most precious thing in the world. Gandalf immediately snatched it. He ever so carefully unfolded it, and read it. All that was printed on it were stamps that represented Rogue, their sister and their pets. He glared at Nessa and Rogue, slamming the letter on the table, with an exasperated huff. "Fairies and their mischief,"
Gandalf's remark hung heavily in the air, an indication of the distinctive circumstances surrounding Nessa and Rogue's inclusion in the quest. They exchanged a glance, realising that their path forward would be even more challenging than they had anticipated, as they needed to overcome not only their own doubts but the mistrust of Thorin's company as well.
"I've personally looked that letter over from front to back and not found a single word," Balin spoke. "How on Earth could it have addressed your arrival?" Balin thought back to when Thorin first received the letter. Thorin had angrily rushed around the entire place, asking anyone and everyone if they had sent the alleged indecipherable letter to him. If it was some sort of trick. They had even hunched over the letter, inspected it using a magnifying glass, and were still met with the same four vertically placed stamps.
Rogue grabbed the letter back and showed the group. In order, they explained that each stamp in a fairy letter symbolised someone or something. They began with the first stamp - a hand holding a rose representing Pilvi, Nessa's pet. Then the second beneath it - the cat: Pip, Rogue's cat. Then at the bottom, the butterfly: Nessa and the Rose: Rogue.
With the company's reluctant understanding and acceptance, a tentative sense of unity began to form within the group.
At this, Bilbo retrieved his letter and gave it a look over again, realising the letter he also received was from the two fairies as well. Now recognising the stamps with meaning, as illustrated.
Moving on to the more important part of the evening, they finally started to discuss the quest. Balin began by asking if the dwarves of the Iron Hill would be joining - which turned out to be no - "They will not come. They say this quest is ours, and ours alone."
"You're doing a quest?" Asked Bilbo and Rogue had to use all their willpower not to face-palm, or worse, smack him.
"Bilbo, my dear fellow, let us have a little more light. Far to the East, over ranges and rivers, beyond woodlands and wastelands, lies a single solitary peak." Gandalf restated, spreading a map on the table for all to see.
"The Lonely Mountain."
"Aye, Oin has read the portents, and the portents say: it is time," Gloin expressed and Oin elaborated with, "Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain as it was foretold. When the birds of the old return to Erebor, the reign of the beast will end." At the mention of birds, Nessa pondered to herself if Pilvi was doing alright outside, in the dark, alone, but was interrupted by Bilbo, bringing her attention back to the real problem at stake: "Uh...what beast?"
"Well, that would be a reference to Smaug the terrible, chiefest and greatest calamity of our age. Airborne fire breather, teeth like razors, claws like meat hooks, extremely fond of precious metals." Bofur clarified.
"Yes, I know what a dragon is."
Ah. A dragon...Nessa hadn't really thought about who they had to fight. Too late to back out now.
Ori who was especially eager stood up and announced: "I'm not afraid, I'm up for it. I'll give him a taste of the dwarfish iron right up his jacksy!" Rogue face-palmed for real this time while Nessa giggled.
"Good lad, Ori!"
"Sit down!" Dori grabbed his brother, reminding the two sisters of each other.
"The task would be difficult enough with an army behind us, but we number just thirteen, and not thirteen of the best, nor brightest," Balin said, feeling defeated already.
"Hey! Who are you calling dim?"
"Sorry, what did he say?"
Fili then spoke proudly, reassuring his kin. "We may be few in number. But we're fighters, all of us! To the last dwarf!"
"And you forget we have a wizard in our company, Gandalf will have killed hundreds of dragons in his time." Kili looked over at Gandalf expectantly.
"Oh, well. No, uh, I...I wouldn't say..." Gandalf spluttered over his words.
"How many then?"
"Well, how many dragons have you killed? Go on, give us a number!" Dori insisted. The room quietened, waiting for what they hoped to be an impressive answer from Gandalf.
However, an embarrassed Gandalf started to cough on his pipe smoke making the dwarves groan and shout at one another, feeling hopeless.
Thorin abruptly rose to his feet. "Enough!" He roared. The dwarves sat back down. "If we have read these signs, do you not think others will have read them too? Rumours have begun to spread. The dragon Smaug has not been seen for sixty years. Eyes look East to the mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor?"
Thorin was right. Rogue had heard all about this for years, and now more than ever, in recent months. Inspired by the speech, the dwarves jumped and cheered. His words struck a nerve with Nessa, who had always wondered if she should return to the abandoned fairyland.
Balin stood and raised his voice. "You forget the front gate is sealed! There is no way into the mountain."
"That, my dear Balin, is not entirely true." With a twiddle of his fingers, Gandalf produced a Dwarvish key, ornately wrought.
Thorin's eyes lit up and he looked at it in wonder. "How came you by this?" He questioned curiously.
"It was given to me by your father, by Thrain, for safekeeping. It is yours now." Gandalf handed the key to Thorin, who held it in awe. Everyone looked on in proud astonishment. Including Nessa and Rogue.
"If there's a key, there must be a door!" Fili exclaimed excitedly.
"Very astute observation," Rogue whispered sarcastically to her sister. Rogue's sarcasm had hit the mark, and Nessa burst out laughing, but in the midst of their serious discussion about the quest, Nessa's laughter seemed like an outburst at an inappropriate time. A few sent scrutinized glances her way and she quickly realised how it might be perceived and made an effort to regain her composure, all while attempting to convey that her amusement was unrelated to the quest itself.
Fili's observation, though met with humour, was indeed astute, and the company continued to brainstorm and plan their next steps, eager to unlock the way into Erebor. "These ruins speak of a hidden passage to the Lower Halls." The wizard pointed to runes on the map, ignoring the 'fairies and their mischief.'
"There's another way in," Kili noted.
"Well, if we can find it, but dwarf doors are invisible when closed. The answer lies hidden somewhere in this map...and I do not have the skill to find it. But there are others in Middle-Earth who can." Everyone looked at him, listening carefully. "The task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth, and no small amount of courage. But, if we are careful and clever, I believe that it can be done."
"That's why we need a burglar," Ori stated.
"A good one too. An expert, I'd imagine." Bilbo added.
"And are you?" Gloin asked.
Bilbo froze, half confused, half afraid. "Am I what?"
"He said he's an expert! Hey!" Gloin cried out, optimistically, and the other dwarves cheerfully joined in. Rogue snorted...Bilbo didn't even know he was to be part of this journey beforehand and they had to travel all this way to Hobbiton for him...Just for him to mess up this badly...
Bilbo's face however was livid with shock causing the fairies to laugh again. "Me? No, no, no, I'm not a burglar. I've never stolen a thing in my life."
"I'm afraid I have to agree with Mr. Baggins. He's hardly burglar material." Balin conversed.
"Aye, the wild is no place for gentlefolk who can neither fight nor fend for themselves." Dwalin agreed.
Bilbo nodded in desperate agreement, ignoring the insult. Nonetheless, Gandalf shook his head, irritated. He stood tall, imposing the dwarves who looked on in shock. "Enough! If I say Bilbo Baggins is a burglar, then he is. Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet! In fact, they can go unseen by most if they choose. And while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of dwarf, the scent of a Hobbit is all but unknown to him which gives us a distinct advantage."
Gandalf turned to Thorin, determined to make his point. "You asked me to find another member of this company and I have chosen Mr. Baggins. There's a lot more to him than appearances suggest, and he's got a great deal to offer than any of you know, including himself. You must trust me on this."
Thorin sighed and for a moment scanned the room, weighing the outcome. "What about those two?" He nodded over at Nessa and Rogue, all eyes on them.
Nessa waved slightly but Rogue smacked her hand. "As for them, well, Rogue is remarkably agile and has a talent in magic - fae magic in particular - and that I do know to be very rare these days, so we are lucky to have them on this quest. Their sister, Nessa, on the other hand-" he wavered to continue so Rogue cut in. "-Is exceptionally talented with her axe," - Rogue grabbed at the pink axe that was attached to Nessa's belt at the back that just peered over the top of her head and showed the company - "and, I assure you, she is not afraid to use it."
"We are descendants of the Fallen Fae and I know what it is like to lose your home, so please, we would like to contribute to this quest." Nessa pleaded.
Thorin regarded Nessa with a newfound understanding, her words resonating with the struggles and losses he had faced as a leader seeking to reclaim his homeland. Growing up, Thorin had heard of the Fallen Fae, of their tragedy. From this moment forward he promised himself he would hold the sisters in high regard. If they could prove their worth, that is.
"Very well. Your dedication to the cause is duly noted. We shall need all the skills we can muster." He settled. "Give them our contract."
A sense of relief washed over them. Nessa's heart soared with gratitude, and Rogue offered a respectful nod.
Balin handed a scrolled contract to Bilbo to which Thorin grabbed and shoved it at him, who unrolled the scroll, which nearly reached the floor. Balin began explaining that the contract was a summary of out-of-pocket expenses, including... "Funeral arrangements?" Bilbo queried after looking at the contract reluctantly.
Bilbo, now intensely reading it, was growing more and more distressed with each new word he spoke, "...Present company shall not be liable for injuries inflicted by or sustained as a consequence thereof, including, but not limited to - lacerations? Evisceration? Incineration?"
"Oh, aye, he'll melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye." Bofur teased.
A white sheet of paleness covered his complexion. Bilbo seemed breathless and unwell. His grip on the contract tightened nervously, needing something to hold onto, as he grabbed a hand to his chest.
"You alright, laddie?" Balin asked, worriedly glancing at Bilbo.
"Huh? Yeah, I feel...I feel a bit faint."
"Think furnace, with wings," Bofur egged on.
"I...I...I need air."
"Flash of light, searing pain, then poof! You're nothing more than a pile of ash!" Bofur continued, much to the situation. The vivid descriptions of potential injuries were enough to make anyone apprehensive, and the jests from the dwarves only exacerbated his anxiety. So much so that he managed to let out a pained "No-" before fainting, falling to the floor.
"Oh, very helpful, Bofur." Gandalf sarcastically said.
Rogue walked up to the unconscious Bilbo and poked him with their boot. When they confirmed he was out like a light they pried the contract from his grip. Nessa brought out two large stamps for them each from her bag. They skipped to the last page where the spaces for their signatures were and raised their stamps to print. Having not realised how loud the stamps would be when they collided with the paper with an audible thump, everyone jumped. Additional disapproved glances were sent their way though the dwarves tried to trust their leader, Thorin's, decision to accept them.
"Not going to read the terms and conditions?" Fili asked them.
"I mean, Bilbo here just read it for us before he...fainted...but It's not like we have anything to lose."
Rogue said indifferently when a ginger kitten poked his head out of their pocket and meowed softly. "Isn't that right, Pip?"
Excitement grew amongst the company with the upcoming quest ready to commence and now with the added addition of a cat, the companionship was prospering already. The tiny feline seemed to captivate the attention of the dwarves, melting hearts and creating a brief respite from the otherwise serious discussion.
Thorin of course wanted to send scrutiny, though he couldn't help but crack a smile at his happy kin, welcoming and recognising that bonds were forming that would be crucial on their journey to reclaim Erebor.
Thorin stood by the fireplace, pipe smoke in hand. The golden glow from the fire lit up his face revealing the stoic expression that was still present as he was in deep thought. The crackling fire was unexpectedly interrupted as he began singing.
Far over the misty mountains cold.
One by one each dwarves began joining in, following Thorin's lead.
To dungeons deep and caverns old.
We must away, ere break of day.
To find our long-forgotten gold...
Their deep voices hummed and gently sang heartfelt and deeply meaningful lyrics together, harmonising perfectly. Their pain and sorrow filled the now atmospheric room, and Nessa, who stood to the side solemnly with her sister, wiped a tear away from her cheek she didn't know was there. This hit close to home. She understood their pain. Their burdens. Their losses. She knew what it was like having no home. Forgotten gold for her was her heritage which, over the years, had been slipping away from her. If only they could truly see that. See they cared. She hoped to prove this. They did have a whole quest to fulfil together after all.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog if you liked it :)
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Hi hi,
Thank you soo much for the Gumiho!Lee Soo Hyuk fic it is really good, unique and very on theme with Halloween so it's good that it was so intense it was terrifying and sweet all at once XD I love the suspense of not knowing if he will eat oc or not but also the contrast of him being so gentle and whipped but also wanting to devour her. You captured such a unique atmosphere it's all at once exactly what I hoped for and still better and surprising that you were able to combine the sweetness and real danger without it leaning too much in either direction. I really enjoyed it. I hope you've been well. It feels like it's been so long T.T I've been so busy with uni and life that I didn't find a peaceful moment to read it so I kept reading it paragraph by paragraph. I only had free time to sleep basically. But it made me cherish and savor it so that is good. I still re-read it properly from beginning to end when I had enough down time and had some peace. It's such a treat Author-nim Thank you so much you created something really special. It was really so immersive I was shuddering and getting tingles along with the oc. You are so good at capturing the scene without it being overbearing but it adding to the emotions of the characters. It feels like this should be a movie you created such interesting characters here. 10/10 Job well done.
Niragi is truly horrifying and traumatizing in Alice in Borderland, Chishiya is so cool really and smart he really catches your attention despite being so quiet. My favorite characters are Kuina and Usagi I just think they are such cool, strong and brave people who have had to overcome a lot and deal with such pain due to family but still came out stronger. So, I really admired them and was rooting for them also Kuina is so adorable in a badass way, and I love her dynamic with Chishiya same as I love the teamwork between Usagi and Arisu. I didn't want to continue reading the manga because I want to watch the series' first.
For AHS my favorite seasons in order are Coven, Murder House and Asylum. I adored coven such much that I don't have a favorite character I love everything about it and all the characters are my favorite in one way or another really, I can't pick my most favorite one I enjoyed them all good and bad. The actresses and actors really killed it in this season. I can't stand musical episodes in series, but I loved even the Stevie Nicks episode(s) and singing. My favorite Characters are Violet and Tate (yes even though he is unstable and partially evil) I just think he is an interesting character. Lana Winters and Kit Walker and Sister Jude (even though she was horrible she was also so interesting and fascinating to watch). I think you can tell I love the obvious tragic or tortured heroes/protagonists and the insane/evil but human villain characters.
My favorite Horror is kind of hard to pick because I love horror in general, but I'd say things like Paranormal Activity (one of the first real Horror movies I watched it traumatized me and i got obsessed with it lol), Scream (#BESTFinalGirl), Cabin in the Woods, The Haunting of Bly Manor, Haunting of Hill House, Resident Evil, Escape Room, Freaky, Happy Death Day, Truth or Dare, #Alive (its korean), Train to Busan, Ready or Not, Us, Fright Night. That's a lot sorry. I basically like the final girl type of horror of fighting and outsmarting the big bad or horror troupes put on their heads or zombies and horror comedy or suspense/mystery and horror.
Please tell me when you get your extra blog up and running, I'd love to read your non-kpop/kIdol stuff too.
What's your go to kpop song(s) when you are feeling down or when you want to enjoy a chill day?
Thanks so much again <3
-LeeLee Anon
Hello!! I hope you're doing well ♡
Sorry for responding a little late but I've been visiting family so I had little time for anything else haha. But I'm really glad you enjoyed the fic! It was so much fun to write it as well, I was just worried it'd be too horror-ish so I'm glad that you find it well-balanced! Honestly I keep thinking about the fic and Gumiho!LSH so I might write some more stories about this AU in the future. I really want to explore those characters a little more, if that makes sense? Anyway, hopefully I'll have the opportunity to write some more.
And no worries! I was busy myself and uni can be hard~ I'll soon have to focus on some school work as well, and since I should be all done with uni in a few months, it's a little scary. I feel like I should've cherished it more? Maybe I'm just in a sentimental mood lol.
Yeah! Chishiya matches my type really well, I love characters who are so intelligent that they seem almost alien to humans? Something like that. Oh and Kuina was so sweet!! I loved her, she's very cute indeed! Yeah, the interactions and dynamics between the characters were so cool and fun to watch! I can't wait for the second season and what's gonna happen next!
Coven was such an interesting season! You're right, all the characters were great and I was surprised too that I didn't mind the Steve Nicks episode(s). Asylum was also really good, but I was kind of thrown off by the alien stuff, it seemed like it could've been incorporated better but it was quite exciting otherwise! Honestly, those kinds of characters you mention are one of the best ones! I love them too, even if I then keep whining about wanting a nice life for them lmao.
I was so traumatized by Paranormal Activity! Still am I guess, I'm really bad with dealing with that kind of horror even if I enjoy watching it, I don't know why. Final girls are such a concept!! There's something so satisfying about it when it's done well. And ofc, outsmarting the antagonist… my beloved ♡ Also thank you for the movie reccs! I haven't seen some of the movies so I'll check them out if I get into the spooky season mood haha.
Oh! Some of my recommendations for that kind of mood would be: Eraser by Onewe, Kidult by Seventeen, Turbulence by Ateez, One Day by Monsta X, Everything I Love Will Make Me Cry by Movning, Unthinkable by F.T. Island, Let's! by Hoppipolla, Happen by Heize, Let's Not Fall In Love by Big Bang, Lightsaber by EXO (sorry this got so long, I just kept coming up with songs I could not not mention haha)
Thank you for stopping by again! It's always nice to talk to you ♡
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brezchez · 3 years
Fair can be foul, yet foul can't be fair
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{art credits: @crunchyfootwear on insta}
Hello! I don't usually write these kind of fanfics but you know me with my sudden outbursts of ideas. So here is this, Carlos, Camilo and OC centric little fanfic I came up with that I hope you enjoy. Initially this was supposed to be something short as a practice for creative writing, but oh well. When you're already riding down the hill, might as well keep going and enjoy the wind in your hair.
Enough with my metaphoric speeches.
Warnings: None
Word count: 1141
Carlos leaned against a wall, with his arms crossed, watching Liliana from his place by the house shaded by a palm tree. He couldn't help the soft smile that crept onto his face as he watched her talk to and play with the young toddlers of the village, smiling and very clearly enjoying their company. He wasn't usually one to take pleasure in the company of children; he found their high-pitched voices and bland conversations boring, but whenever he saw Liliana with them, he didn't exactly seem to mind.
The glowing joy on his face dropped however, when he spotted his twin brother come up to her. He scowled as he watched Camilo snake a gentle hand around Liliana's waist, softly pulling her closer to him. That damned hand. His heart twisted at the mere sight of it and its cruel intentions. Oh, the games it played on his feelings.
He wanted so badly to just walk up to them, pull Liliana away from his good-for-nothing brother and whisk her to somewhere where he could show her that he could give her more than Camilo ever could. He wanted so much to just walk up to her and just bask in the warmth of her company.
So why didn't he?
Carlos simply scoffed at the question his mind asked him, looked down at the ground and turned away, not wanting to pain himself anymore any longer.
Unbeknownst to him, Liliana had spotted him. The dull colour of his maroon ruana shone more prominently than everything illuminated by the sun in the town plaza in that moment and it captivated her. It was just too bad it disappeared around the corner too quickly for her to appreciate it -- and its wearer's -- beauty.
"You okay Lia?" Camilo asked her.
"Oh, yes, Sorry I guess I just spaced out for a moment," she replied with a smile, turning back to the crows of children that swarmed them.
"Don't apologize," said Camilo, looking down at the kid tugging his ruana. "I'm just glad you're back down on Earth with us now," he said, picking up the young girl.
"Liliana, are you going to be at the party today?" a little boy asked her, lightly pulling her skirt. Squatting down to his level, Liliana smiled warmly at the child.
"Of course, Julio. It's a party at La Casa Madrigal, so I wouldn't miss it for the world," she answered, looking to Camilo with a smile, who returned it just as kindly.
"Yay!" the boy exclaimed as he ran off, presumably to tell his friends.
"I'm excited for tonight," Liliana remarked, causing a spark of interest to ignite in the teen beside her.
"Why do you say that?"
"I dunno," the girl shrugged, turning to her friends with her arms crossed and her iconic half-smile painted on her lips. "Just got a good feeling about it, I guess."
Camilo looked to the crowd of children and smiled to himself before replying, "Yeah, me too."
The evening came sooner than they all expected. By the time they blinked, the sun was already setting, the moon had began to take its place and candles had been lit to illuminate the gorgeous colours of the decorations of the celebration.
"I am so excited for tonight, Carlos," Camilo excitedly said to his twin brother, who hummed nonchalantly in response.
"And why is that Camilo?" he asked, more fed up than intrigued. The tone didn't faze Camilo's enthusiasm however. It refused to.
"Because, today's the day. I'm gonna ask Liliana if she will be mi novia."
Carlos' eye twitched. What did he just say? Someone else other than Liliana had managed to take his breath away in the moment, though it wasn't exactly for a good reason.
Regardless, Carlos retained his cool composure and appeared unfazed. "Tonight, huh?"
"I don't know, Camilo. Don't you think it's too soon?" Carlos said, walking over to the kitchen to find something to nibble on. Camilo swiftly followed after him.
"Carlos, we've been friends for almost a year now," answered Camilo.
"Y-yeah, but I mean... yeah exactly, shouldn't you wait at least until after one year?" said Carlos, raising his eyebrow with a tinge of mischief sparkling in his eye.
"Haha," deadpanned Camilo, crossing his arms. "No, I will do it tonight. I have to. I won't chicken out again."
That time, Carlos said nothing He bit his tongue and swallowed as his heart sank at his brother's words. Though their relationship obviously was not something others would appreciate or see as one ideal for twin brothers, the two boys loved each other deeply, more than they'd outwardly admit; Carlos knew that he should've been happy for Camilo, that there shouldn't be rift on their relationship because of some girl, but that unfortunately was how it was.
Carlos would never admit openly his feelings for Liliana; he knew how much Camilo loved her and how much she meant to Camilo. It was fair to say that he probably caught feelings first out of the two of them.
But that didn't mean that Carlos didn't love just as much, if not more.
Still, could he really betray Camilo like that?
It was then that Carlos caught sight of the vibrant hues of a certain girl's skirt. A skirt that complimented her every movement, from the nod of her head to the kick of her leg, it only made her all the more enchanting.
Of course, that girl was Liliana.
Immediately, Carlos stood up from his slouched position on the wall. His back straightened and his eyes brightened, mimicking his heart that beat faster and faster by the second.
He started to walk towards her but was promptly stopped by Camilo. His brother didn't do anything remotely pushing him back, but the advancement was enough to stop Carlos in his tracks.
He watched as Camilo approached the girl who made his day brighter more than the sun ever could on a rainy day. He watched as Camilo took her hand gentle hand, one he yearned to touch himself but could never bring himself to, in fear that he would stain its innocent purity. He watched as Camilo kissed it, wishing to everything that it could have been him in that position. And he watched as she was whisked away to the dance floor, preparing for a dance he spent countless nights practising and perfecting just for the moment he would spend with her.
He watched as the moments he had played to himself numerous times to soothe him to sleep, the moments he would never admit to anyone that constantly plagued his mind, were all done by his brother.
Just like always, the better twin, got the better outcome.
It wasn't Camilo's fault. Neither was it his. The universe just had to have a favourite, didn't it?
Part 2?
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babeyvenus · 2 years
My Future
Derek Hale x OC
Samantha, Stiles and Scott are always joking about the impossible. Who wouldn't when your best friend's dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills? All jokes stop when they realize the impossible is indeed possible.
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Chapter 28: Judgements and Murderers
Sam's eyes slowly opened as she heard a vibration by her head. Her phone was vibrating and charging on her pillow. She picked it up to see Scott's face on her screen.
She answered. "Hello?"
"Where the hell were you?", she heard him yell. Sam frowned. "First off, you're not my dad and second…  I was just out for a while. I needed to clear my mind."
"You should've let us know. We were worried sick!", he replies.
"My bad, Scott. I'm fine. I promise.", she says. She, at least, didn't dream about that creep last night…
"We got Malia. Scotty went all alpha on us and changed her back to being a human.", she heard Stiles in the back. 
"Holy shit! Scott, you were able to shift?", she grinned. 
"Yeah, we both got improvements today.", Scott informed her.
"Improvements how?"
"Stiles can read again.", Scott said. Sam's heart skipped as she covered her mouth in disbelief. "Don't mess with me, Scott!"
"He's not! I can read again!", she hears Stiles in the back. She let out a relieved laugh, wiping her eyes. "I'm so glad, Sti. That's so good to hear."
"Well hurry up and come over so we can celebrate!", he yells through the speaker. She chuckled. "Alright, I'll be right over."
She hung up and saw a text from Derek.
Sorry, I'm not done with my vacation yet. Need to do some stuff. I'll be back, promise. 
She smiled. At least he sent her a text. She got up and freshened up before getting out of the house. She was relieved to see her car in the driveway and got in, heading to the McCall house to celebrate.
Soon October came just as quick as September left and the best day was soon arriving.
Mischief Day.
Sam parked next to Stiles as he was already full of energy and bouncing toward her.
"Today's gonna be awesome. What's better than a pissed off Finstock?", Stiles grinned.
"Not much.", Sam says, gathering her things out of her car.
"My dad's working the late shift tomorrow, so how about we all dress up, go do some trick or treating and watch some Michael Myers at my place.", Stiles suggested.
"Trick or treating?" Sam looked at Stiles, raising a brow.
"Hell yeah! We're not too old for it.", he smiled.
"Yeah, but scary movies sound so much better than going out. Y'know? Get in the spirit of things. Something mundane.", Sam says. 
"Something mundane would be like going out trick or treating. What about going to a Halloween party?", Stiles suggested.
"You get me a bag of candy and I'll consider it.", Sam bargains.
"Yes! Snickers or twix–", Stiles suddenly groaned, looking behind her. She turned around and saw Scott standing next to his motorcycle with Ethan and Aiden.
She sighed as Stiles stormed up to them and followed him.
"No, just to talk." Aiden shared to Scott.
"Ah, that's a change of pace for you guys. Usually you're just hurting, maiming, killing…", Stiles listed. 
"You need a pack. We need an alpha.", Aiden stated.
"Yeah, absolutely not. That's hilarious though.", Stiles nodded.
"You came to us for help. We helped.", Ethan urged. Scott had informed her happened while she was missing.
"You beat his face into a bloody pulp.", Stiles reminded.
"The only time you "helped" us was when you were trying to tell Derek that he needed to skip town, but even then, it wasn't exactly helpful. You were stalling time.", Sam says.
"That's actually counterproductive.", Stiles argued.
"Why would I say yes?", Scott asked them.
"We could add strength, make you more powerful. There's no reason to say no."
"I can think of one. Like the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd. In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now.", Isaac sneered, walking up to them, defensively. Aiden's jaw clenched as his eyes turned blue, letting out a warning growl.
"You wanna try?", he challenged.
"Alright, dammit.", Sam warned, reminding them this isn't the place. Isaac stepped forward and was ready to attack until Scott grabbed his arm and held him back.
"Yeah, sorry but they don't trust you. And neither do I.", Scott informed, walking past the twins, pulling Isaac away and taking Stiles and Sam.
The three of them walked into the school to see it busy with laughs and pranks. Silly string and toilet paper was being chucked through the air and half of the students were running wild.
The moment they walked through the doors, a roll of toilet paper came their way, hitting Stiles in the face while Scott and Sam ducked. "God, that's my face!", Stiles yelled.
"Take that shit somewhere else!", Sam shouted at an underclassman who carried rolls of tp. 
He sighed and patted Scott on his chest. "Hey dude, good decision, buddy. Good alpha decision."
"I hope so.", Scott sighed as they walked to Stiles' locker.
"You know so.", Stiles said as they reached his locker.
"It's just a lot more respectful to earn your trust than trying to force it out of you simply because they need an alpha.", Sam tells Scott.
He wasn't even paying attention. She followed Scott's stare to see him looking at Kira at her locker. Stiles also caught his line of vision.
"What are you lookin' at?", Stiles asked with a smile.
"Me? You.", he quickly said, looking back at Stiles.
"You looking at her?", he asked.
"Her? Who her?", Scott nervously asked.
"Her, her, Scott. Kira.", Sam says, nodding at her.
"You like her?", Stiles asked.
"No," he answered quickly. Sam raised an eyebrow. "I mean, uh, yeah. Yeah. She's okay, she's new.", he says. 
"She's new?", Sam repeated, smiling. That's all he could say?
"Ask her out!", Stiles encouraged as Kira closed her locker door and walked down the hall.
"How many chances do you get at love? Yes right now, Scott!", Sam encouraged.
"You're an alpha, okay? You're an apex predator. Everyone wants you, you know? You're like the hot girl that every guy wants!" Stiles explained.
"Don't give him a big head, now.", Sam joked as Isaac walked up, awkwardly.
"The hot girl?", Scott repeated. "You are the hottest girl.", Stiles gave him a pat on the shoulder and took off.
"What?", Isaac asked, confused.
"I'm the hot girl.", Scott's smile spread ear to ear as he nodded his head, pumping himself up.
"Yes you are.", Isaac agreed with a nod.
"That's our Stiles, filling your head with his weird pep talks.", Sam sighed, shaking her head and walking to class with a smile.
As usual, Finstocks' class was full of stifled laughter as they sat in their seats, trying to behave as they waited on Coach.
"Son of a bitch!", he heard outside in the halls.
Scott, Stiles, and Sam looked at each other and snickered as Finstock came storming into the class, totally pissed off. 
"Mischief night! Devil's night! I don't care what you call it, you little punks are evil.", Coach sneered. Sam let out a quick sputter of laughter, covering up with a cough.
"You think it's funny, Wilson?", he challenged. Sam scratched her nose. "No, Coach.", she said, trying to hide her smile.
"You all think it's funny every Halloween my house gets egged? A man's house is supposed to be his castle." Scott couldn't hold his smile anymore and Coach slammed a hand down on Scott's desk, making him flinch.
"Mine's a freaking omelet!", Coach cried, turning his back to them. On the front of his desk sat a card in a yellow envelope next to a small box wrapped in red wrapping paper topped with a shiny blue bow. Finstock reluctantly picked it up and rolled his eyes. "Oh this? We're going to do this again?"
He held the gift up for the class to see. He dropped the gift to the ground. "I don't think so!"
Coach stomped it and smashed it to pieces. His eyes grew wide with realization as he saw what he destroyed. He picked up broken pieces of a ceramic mug and immediately went to open the card. "Happy birthday," He read aloud and opened the card, "love, Greenberg."
As Sam got out of her class, Stiles pulled her down the hallway, watching as multiple students were bustling in the halls.
"What the hell is going on?"
"I don't know, every cop from the surrounding three counties is here. I just saw my dad, something's wrong.", Stiles replied. 
"If it's not one thing, it's another.", Sam muttered, following him as his dad came into view.
"Dad! Dad!", Stiles yelled, catching the Sheriff's attention. They jogged over to him.
"Kids, I don't have time.", he stressed. "What's going on?", his son asked, concerned. Sheriff looked around, "A very dangerous prisoner escaped and he was spotted nearby."
"What prisoner?", Sam asked as they followed him. 
"William Barrow.", Sheriff sighed. Their eyes widened at the name. William Barrow, a crazed mass murdering man. He was known for walking onto a school bus full of kids with a shrapnel bomb strapped to himself. Four kids died and one had lost his legs.
"The William Barrow? The shrapnel bomber? He was spotted nearby?", Stiles cried, causing the Sheriff to stop in his tracks.
"A little closer than nearby, actually.", his dad whispered. They turned to see Mr. McCall as he walked past them with several officers. Stiles and Sam looked at each other with a knowing look. All this chaos happening, everyone running about…  he was here.
"Dad, what's really going on?", Stiles asked his dad.
"He might be here. You two need to be careful. He escaped during surgery at the hospital so see if you can get Scott and Isaac to get a lead on anything. I've got to go, I'm sorry."
Stiles and Sam turned to each other as his dad walked away. Sam pulled Stiles. "We need to find Scott. Now." Stiles nodded as they took off in a run to find their best friend.
They were looking everywhere for Scott but couldn't find him. He wasn't answering his phone and they didn't see anyone who saw him. 
As they passed up a hallway, she stopped, catching Scott's back pressed up against the wall of lockers right next to an English classroom. Stiles' caught her pause and they ran up to their friend.
"Scott.", Sam called, grabbing his attention.
"Where the hell have you been?", Stiles asked. Before Scott could respond, Lydia came jogging up to them. "The police are leaving! Why are they leaving?", she urged for an answer.
"The police?", Scott asked.
"Your obliviousness is gonna get you in trouble.", Sam says.
"They must have cleared the building grounds which means he's not here.", Stiles said, making Lydia sigh heavily.
"Who? What are you guys—", Scott started but Lydia cut him off. 
"He has to be here! That sound—the buzzing I've been hearing—it's getting louder.", Lydia exclaimed.
"How loud?"
"Like it's right on top of us.", she whimpered, looking up. 
"We need to find my dad.", Stiles said.
"Someone tell me what's going on! Who's here?", Scott asked.
"William Barrow. Remember him? School bus bomber?", Sam asked. 
"What?", he exclaimed with wide eyes. "My mom was supposed to do his operation!"
"He escaped during it and he's here. You try to go catch a blood scent we need to find his dad.", Sam says as they split their ways.
Scott went to find a blood scent and Isaac while Lydia, Stiles, and Sam ran outside. They caught the Sheriff just as he, Agent McCall, and a few other officers were going down the stairs.
"Dad! Dad!" Stiles called as they ran down the stairs in tow of the Sheriff.
"Yeah?" He continued to job down the stairs.
"Sheriff, wait." Sam begged.
"You can't leave yet.", Stiles said. Sheriff Stilinski stopped at the bottom of the stairs before turning around to them. "We got an eye witness that puts Barrow by the train station.", he told them.
"Let's go, Stilinski!", Agent McCall yelled.
"Would you give us a second!", Sam yelled. The Sheriff turned on his heel to walk away but Stiles stopped him.
"Lydia said that he's still here.", he cried and his dad's eyes widened. 
"What? Did she see him?"
"Not exactly…" Sam grimaced. "But if we say she did, would you guys stay?", she asked.
"What do you mean not exactly? Did she see him?"
"No. Not at all, actually. But she has a feeling—a supernatural feeling." The Sheriff was more than confused with his son. He looked over to find Lydia standing against the outdoor lockers.
"But, Lydia wasn't on the chessboard!", Sheriff said, exasperated. 
"Well, she is now.", Stiles clarified.
"God, really?", Sheriff cried.
"We know! We know how it sounds, but it basically means she can sense when someone's close to death."
"Can she sense that I'm about to kill you?", Sheriff whispered harshly. 
"You've got to believe us. She's been right every time before."
"I'm not saying I don't believe it, but right now, I'm going with eye witness over banshee." The Sheriff began walking away.
"Why would he be at a train station?", Sam asked, walking after him. "He targeted kids and now he's going to target the entire school!"
"We're leaving a few deputies here. The school's on lockdown till 3 o'clock. Nobody goes in, nobody goes out. Kids, that's the best I have right now. That's the best I can give you guys."
"Wha—leaving me here, no, that is the worst!", Stiles stuttered as his dad ran off to catch up with Agent McCall.
"Don't leave us!", Sam yelled and stopped as she sighed.
"We need a plan B.", Stiles said and Sam nodded in agreement.
Stiles and Lydia were checking the classrooms, the wolves were checking the basement, and Sam was checking the supply closets and the library.
She snuck to the basement after they checked and found nothing. Sam thought he'd be here. It'd make sense if he really wanted to hide.
She sent the text to a group message to Scott, Isaac, Ethan, and Aiden. Despite our recent differences, this involved them too.
Coming out of the library, she moved down the hall and checked each closet. There was nothing out of the ordinary. She moved down another empty hallway and just as she was about to open the custodial closet, the shrill ringing of the fire alarm blared throughout the school.
She quickly covered her ears to block out the sudden shrill noise. She rushed out of the room and spotted the group of six joining up together.
"Who pulled it?", Sam asked, rushing over to them.
"Me.", Stiles admitted.
"Figured. What do we do now? No one's here anymore.", Sam says.
"Does that mean everyone's safe?", Ethan asked.
"I don't know.", Lydia sadly answered. "I just…I don't know."
"No one's safe till he's back in custody.", Isaac said.
"We aren't exactly safe in the school at night either.", Sam said as she sat in the back seat of the Jeep. Lydia, Stiles, and Sam were on their way to the school because Stiles had a superstition as to where Barrow was hiding.
Stiles parked the jeep at the front of the school, and they went around to the side door that was always kept unlocked. They quietly walked themselves to the chemistry room.
"So, what are we looking for?", Lydia asked. Sam looked around, seeing nothing out of the ordinary in the chemistry room.
"I already checked in here, Harris always used to lock the closet and the new guy does it...too.", Stiles said as he easily opened the door. Sam's eyebrows furrowed. "Why was it unlocked?" It was never supposed to be unlocked.
"Yeah. Notice anything else?", Stiles asked.
"Besides chemicals? No.", Lydia answered. Stiles was using the flashlight on his phone as he searched through the shelves.
"Chemical smell." Sam thought back to Erica's dead body. "Ammonia.", she said as her eyes widened. "He masked his scent."
Lydia was right. Stiles looked at Sam as he crouched to the ground and nodded. He shined the flashlight on the floor to see pieces of broken glass, string, and drops of dark red blood.
"He was here. Performing very minor surgery on himself, but you were right."
"Why don't I feel good about this?", Lydia shifted her weight nervously.
"Something's not right. Why would he come to a busy school just to stitch up a wound?", Sam thought.
"He was probably here to kill somebody.", Stiles said.
"But who?", Sam asked. 
"That's what we have to figure out.", Stiles said, getting up and walking out of the closet. We began walking into the chemistry room.
"He targeted a bus full of kids, Stiles. If he had the chance, he'd blow up the whole school. I doubt it's just one person he's after. Hence the term mass murderer.", Sam emphasized. 
Lydia was staring at the board and Stiles was asking her what numbers on the board were.
"Atomic numbers.", she answered, walking closer. Stiles and Sam walked over to her to see three sets of numbers written vertically.
"Is it a formula?", he asked.
"Not really. 19's Potassium, 53's Iodine, and 88's Radium."
"The first two make potassium iodide…" Lydia picked up a piece of chalk and wrote the letter K next to 19.
"Potassium is K?", Stiles asked.
"From Kalium, the scientific neo-Latin name." Lydia said, dismissively. She wrote an 'I' next to 53 and continued on to radium.
"What's radium?" Stiles questioned.
"Ra?", Sam asked. Lydia slowly wrote Ra next to 88.
"Ra." She gasped, dropping the chalk onto the ground. They stared at the board in shock as they read what was on the board.
"Kira.", Stiles and Sam simultaneously whispered in shock. He was after Kira.
"He's still not answering.", Sam warned as Stiles drove crazy down the road.
Scott had a bad habit of not answering the phone for when it counts.
"I got it! Turn right!", Lydia directed as Sam tried his phone once more. Something was off. He's not answering his phone and Kira could be in danger. Both him and Kira could be in danger.
"Fourth house down on the right.", Lydia informed, making Stiles swerve again. Sam's eyes widened to see Scott's bike. "Look!", Sam says, pointing at it. 
As they got closer to Kira's house, Stiles shifted the car into park and they all ran out of the jeep, seeing Scott knocked out on the pavement next to his bike.
"Scott!", Sam yelled, running over to him.
"Scott.", Sam shook as she crouched down to him. "Scott! Wake up!!"
She even checked for wounds. Nothing but a gash on his forehead. 
Stiles ran over to them, shaking his best friend. "Scott, Scott, Scott!"
Scott's breathing became heavier, and his eyes began to flutter until they popped open. He gasped awake, looking around. Stiles and Sam gave him space and stood up.
"Barrow! He took Kira!", Scott yelled as he looked up at them.
"We know. He was after her the whole time.", Stiles said. Scott got off the ground and shoved his hand into his jacket pocket, pulling out his phone. His fingers dialed Isaac's number and eventually Isaac answered. 
"Did you find anything?", he asked. They heard Isaac's muffled voice and Scott nodded. "All right, thanks." Scott hung up the phone looking defeated. "We have to think of something, he's going to kill her."
"I knew he was there. How did I know that?", Lydia asked.
"Okay, Lydia.", Sam says.
"What do you hear now?", Scott asked as Lydia concentrated on her hearing.
"Nothing." Her voice cracked. "I feel like I can do this, but I don't know what to do. It's—it's like it's on the tip of my tongue and I don't know how to trigger it.", she frowned. "I swear to God! It literally makes me want to scream." Scott, Stiles, and Sam looked at each other. Her screams were her warnings before someone was about to die.
Someone was gonna die.
"Okay then, scream. Lydia, scream.", Stiles ordered. And she did.
All three of them covered their ears to block out her shrill shrieks in the night air.
They all stared at Lydia's back as she finally went silent and looked up at the sky.
"It's not flies.", she said and quickly turned around, making Stiles flinch. "It's electricity.", she smiled in success.
"Wait a second…Barrow was an electrical engineer.", Stiles said. 
"Where did he work?", Sam asked.
"Some electrical substation."
"Lydia, find the address, please. C'mon.", Sam said as they piled in the car.
Something wasn't right. Unless Barrow had some weird, sick twisted way of killing Kira or he was trying to prove something.
"What's wrong?", Lydia asked as she looked at her through the rearview mirror as they sped down the road.
"I'm getting this weird feeling. Barrow is twisted, but electrocution? The last time I've seen anyone use electrocution was on werewolves.", Sam said.
Scott looked at her. "But she didn't smell like one. In fact, her house would've smelled like it, considering I was just there." 
"But why specifically her? I mean, he spelled out her name in elements.", Sam says. 
"She has a point.", Lydia said. "She did know about Bardo. Maybe she knew too much."
"I wanna believe that she's innocent and maybe she is. But if she's not human, what is she?", Sam asked.
"Okay, wait here alright? Wait for the cops to come.", Stiles instructed Lydia as we finally arrived. Scott, Stiles, and Sam rushed out of the car, Stiles keeping a grip on his metal bat.
"Me? Wait, why?", Lydia asked.
"I've only got one bat.", Stiles said and ran off towards Scott.
"What about you?", Lydia asked Sam. Sam shrugged. "I'll be fine. You sit tight.", Sam said and caught up with the other two. 
Scott was already ahead. Stiles and Sam ran towards the sound of struggling.
"No!", they heard Kira's voice. "Don't, she's not the one you want!"
Stiles and Sam ran into the room to see Scott paralyzed on the floor, and Barrow holding a broken power wire and walking towards Kira, who was tied up with ropes.
"Scott, your eyes!", Sam yelled.
"I can't." He groaned. "Can't move. Please. Help her."
Stiles and Sam began running towards Barrow as he closed in on Kira. Then, all of the sudden, they were blinded by white light. There was the sound of an explosion and all they heard was the buzzing of electricity.
Stiles and Sam were thrown back and hit the floor with a loud thud. Sam looked up with a groan, seeing sparks and strands of light. When the light dissipated, her eyes widened.
Electricity was being absorbed into Kira's hands.
All the lights in the substation flickered and finally gave out, submerging them in darkness. Stiles struggled to get his phone out of his pocket and turn the flashlight on.
It didn't matter. All they saw was Kira's terrified face and heaving shoulders. Sam stood, ready and defensive.
What the hell was that? What even is she?
Their questions didn't even get answered as they were now sitting in Sheriff Stilinski's office. Scott's dad pressured them with questions.
"Are you asking me?", Scott asked, staring at his dad with raised eyebrows.
"I think he's asking me.", Stiles said.
"Definitely isn't asking me.", Sam said.
"I think he's asking all of you.", Lydia said.
"Okay, let me answer the questions…." The teens looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Let me ask the questions.", McCall corrected. "Just so I have this absolutely clear, Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on a blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town."
"Sounds about right.", Stiles nodded.
"How'd you know he'd take her to the power station?", McCall questioned.
"Because he used to work there? Do y'all not have a file on him in your little agent headquarters?", Sam says, looking at him in confusion.
"Lucky guess.", Stiles corrected before Sam got herself in trouble.
"That's one hell of a deduction there."
"What can I say, I take after my pops. He's in law enforcement.", Stiles joked, winking and pointing at his dad. The Sheriff stifled a laugh and when McCall turned around to correct himself with a glare, he passed it off as a cough.
"Just answer the man, kids.", Sheriff pleaded.
"We're just smart. Are you gonna arrest us for doing a little Scooby dooing?", Sam smiled.
McCall rolled his eyes and moved on. "What were the two of you doing?", Agent McCall asked his son and Kira.
"Eating sushi and pizza." They both finally concluded.
"Eating pizza.", Scott said at the same time as Kira said they were eating sushi. They all looked over to him with a raised brow. He looked over to Kira instead.
"Eating pizza.", she said as Scott said what Kira had stated before.
"Wow.", Sam muttered.
"Do you believe any of this?", McCall asked Stilinski.
"To be honest, I haven't believed a word Stiles' has said since he learned how to speak." Stiles tried to hide his smile.
"But I think these kids found themselves at the right place at the right time and that girl sitting over there is very lucky for it." The Sheriff concluded.
"Kira," Agent McCall started, "is that how you remember it?" The teens looked over to the girl, narrowing their eyes at her.
"Yes.", she nervously answered. "Can I get my phone back now?"
"Sorry, but no.", he declined, getting up and finally letting them leave the building. They all were led out of the Sheriff's office after Agent McCall told Kira that she'd be taken home by an officer.
"Scott." His dad called to grab his attention.
"We'll wait for you outside." Sam told Scott, following the direction Kira went in. Sam jogged out of the building to see Stiles and his dad talking by the Jeep and Kira walking with the officer down the sidewalk.
"Kira." Sam called. She turned to her, and Sam walked up to her.
"Yeah?", she nervously asked.
"Are you okay?", Sam asked. She looked at Sam fairly confused.
"Umm, yeah. I'm okay.", she nodded.
"Good. Just wanted to make sure.", Sam says. Kira fidgeted as Sam stared her down.
"I don't know what happened. I don't know what that was, I mean I'm even more shocked than you are," She grimaced. "No pun intended. But seriously, I didn't even know I could do that."
Sam sighed. "Look, I'll give you the benefit of a doubt. We've been through a lot already and I don't need another problem. However, if you do need help, that doesn't involve doing mysterious favors for you, then we're willing to help.", Sam says, and she nodded.
"Thank you.", Kira says. "Don't make me regret it, Kira.", Sam warned. She nodded and walked back to the officer waiting.
Sam turned around and saw Stiles look at her with a curious expression. She shook her head dismissively.
Seems like the power outage reached all of Beacon Hills, not just some parts, but that didn't deter school from continuing.
After last night, Sam wasn't really in a Halloween spirit. She just wanted to go to home.
"Hey~ Guess what I got?", Stiles smiled as he walked up to my locker. Sam tilted her head in curiosity. He pulled out a party size bag of Twix, making her smile. "Happy late birthday."
"I was joking.", Sam chuckled, taking it.
"You love me anyways.", Stiles said, grinning. 
He looked behind her, and waved, catching her attention. Scott was walking through the door but quickly stopped in his tracks as he looked behind them. Stiles and Sam followed his line of sight to see Kira by her locker. She looked over at Scott before going the opposite direction.
"What did you say to her last night?", Stiles wondered.
"I was just letting her know not to mess up.", Sam shrugged.
"Did you threaten her?", Stiles asked. Sam looked at him in disbelief. "No. What?"
He raised an eyebrow. "She's new, I'm not gonna automatically threaten her and make bad with her right now. I'm just letting her know not to mess up.", Sam says. 
Scott began jogging down the hall to catch up with Kira.
"There he goes.", Sam warned as Stiles grabbed Scott. "No, no, no! Stop, stop."
"I need to talk to her.", Scott said.
"If you don't remember, someone left a coded message for Barrow to kill her.", Stiles reminded.
"Which is why I need to talk to her!", Scott argued.
"Scott, no way! Until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's gonna start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interactions!", Stiles exclaimed.
"What if she's like me?", Scott asked.
"That girl walked through one hundred and twenty gigawatts of electricity.", Stiles stated with wide eyes.
"Kate electrocuted Derek when she kidnapped both of us after the formal. As I said before, the last time I've seen anyone use electrocution as torture and punishment was for werewolves.", Sam added. 
Scott shook his head anyway and took off. Stiles tried to go after him, but she stopped his shadow which made him yank to a pause as she walked up to him.
"He's very hardheaded." Sam sighed. Stiles frowned and dug into his pocket. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and looked over to see Stiles examining a silver key in his hands. "What's that for?"
"I don't know.", he said, blankly.
After school, Scott came running up to Stiles and Sam, pleading them to help him with something, but he was struggling to ask.
"Before you say anything, does this involve breaking the law?", Stiles asked. "Why are you surprised if it did?", Sam asked him.
"I need help, actually Kira and I need help getting her phone back. There's some things on there that the police can't see.", Scott said.
"Breaking into the station? Come on, Scott! My dad's in enough trouble.", Stiles whined.
"Please!", Scott begged.
"You're asking us to help her? I'm going with Stiles on this one, your dad's an asshole.", Sam tells him.
"I'll owe you guys forever, please. You won't have to go in. I'll take all the blame. We need to help her.", Scott stressed. 
"Why can't we just go do normal Halloween stuff like go to a party? No, we need to go break into a police station!", Stiles complained and sighed. "Let's go."
Stiles was more than frustrated they were helping Scott sneak into the station.
"I can't believe we're doing this.", he mumbled. Scott and Kira walked up to the car as Stiles pulled cards out of his pockets.
"Okay, this one will get you into all of the perimeter doors, this one into the evidence room, and this one's for my father's office.", he handed the cards to Scott.
"You didn't steal these, did you?", Scott asked.
"No, I cloned them using an RFID emulator."
"Is that worse than stealing?"
"It's… smarter.", Stiles said. While Kira pulled Scott aside for a second, Sam looked at Stiles.
"An RFID?", she looked at him in question.
"It's definitely something that may be against the law.", Stiles summed.
"Okay. So, now almost everybody's out dealing with the blackout. But there's always somebody at the front desk. There's Dispatch and usually a night shifter or two. You guys are gonna use the service door entrance by the dumpster. All right? Nobody uses it. I'll text you if anyone comes out. But, Scott, if you get caught, I can't help you. My dad's under investigation for impeachment because of your dad, so, if anything happens, we run and leave you both for dead.", Stiles said. 
"Got it, thanks. Seriously, dude.", Scott nodded.
"I'd ask my dad, but you know—"
"We got it, Sti.", Sam says, rubbing his shoulder.
"All right, just, uh, hurry up.", Stiles shooed them. The two nodded and walked off.
"What do we do now?", Sam asked, sighing.
"Sit. Wait. Hope we don't get caught.", Stiles said, looking defeated at this point.
"Well, our best chance at saving your dad the trouble would be just leaving them here. Scott already has his bike, we can just dip.", Sam said as we waited.
Stiles didn't say anything. He didn't have to. Sam knew he was stressed and tired, even though he looked better after not being able to read for a while.
"How are the nightmares?", Sam asked, making him pause then look at her. Sam raised an eyebrow as he tried to find the words to explain.
"They're… better. They've stopped but not completely.", he says as he messes with a silver key.
He pauses. "Can I tell you something?"
Sam tilted her head in wonder. "What's on your mind?"
"There's nothing really wrong… I think it's just me. I know Scott has his own thing going on and Isaac's living with him and all and then you're dealing with your witchy stuff now, I just– I feel left behind. I don't know how to explain it. I'm…", he sighed.
"I'm scared. Scared that I'm gonna lose you guys. If I haven't already.", he confessed.
She put an arm around him as she pulled him close. "Stiles, you still have us. Nothing's gonna change anything between us. We've got you. We love you a bunch, I promise you. We may have a lot to deal with right now, but it's not gonna sway us from you.", she reassures, hugging him.
He wrapped an arm around her. "Love you, kid.", Sam says, and he chuckled. "I'm only a couple of months younger than you."
"Yeah, but you're still the baby of the group.", Sam laughs, returning his smile. It was good to see him smile. She can't stand to see him so upset.
Their talk stopped as a beam of headlights shone, catching their attention. The other vehicle came to a stop and the ignition was cut off.
"Ah, hell." Stiles complained as Agent McCall exited the car.
"Don't move.", Sam whispered. Stiles leaned down in his seat and grabbed his phone, sending a quick text to Scott.
"Come on, Scott.", he whispered as McCall walked up to the back door.
"Okay, nevermind, you need to leave.", Sam urged. He watched Agent McCall's figure head in the door and disappear. He tenses, not making any move to leave. Sam gets ready to go in, but Stiles stops her. "Sam, don't."
"Just warn Scott to hurry the hell up. I'll stall.", Sam said, hurriedly getting out of the car and quietly following after Agent McCall. "Agent McCall, hold on.", Sam called, rushing over to him. "I've been looking for you."
He turned to her with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you want, Samantha?"
"The whole thing with Barrow, it was true. We literally just went to the school to make sure Barrow wasn't there. I helped Stiles with the plan of going to the substation.", Sam says, making him raise his eyebrows. 
Sam nodded. "Well, thank you for telling me. Now you should get home, there's a curfew.", he said and tried to walk away.
"Also, what you're doing to Stiles' dad sucks.", Sam says, making him pause and turn to her. "He's the best sheriff we've had for years. Did you ever once consider that maybe the mysterious cases were out of his control? Or anyone's control for that matter? Or that whoever was doing all of this has a very clean way of getting rid of evidence?", Sam pressed, walking up to him.
He didn't seem to have an answer which made her eyebrows raise. "Are you serious?", Sam scoffed.
He put out a hand to stop her. "Samantha, I really don't have time for judgmental reviews of performance."
"But you have time to review his. That's a little hypocritical, don't you think?", Sam challenged. He frowned at her. 
"You asked Stiles if the Sheriff was drinking? What does that have to do with the cases? Why even bring up a sensitive topic to someone that isn't even comfortable with telling you information like that to begin with?", Sam pressed.
He sighed. "If I pause the impeachment, will you leave me to my job?"
"Maybe.", Sam says.
He frowned. "Samantha."
"You said if. I said, maybe. Both are probabilities and it looks like we're gonna be holding on to those ifs.", Sam challenged and walked away.
She pushed out the door and walked around the building to find Stiles fidgeting near his Jeep. His eyes widened when he saw her and rushed over to her. 
"What happened?", he asked. "He tried to make a compromise and I told him it wasn't gonna work.", Sam said.
Stiles pulled her into a grateful hug. They pulled apart once they heard the metal of the back door creak open. Scott and Kira came rushing out with a smile on their faces.
"We did it! All the pics are deleted.", Scott smiled.
"That was awesome!", Kira said, excitedly. "I mean, terrifying, completely terrifying but kind of awesome."
Stiles and Sam looked at her in amazement before looking at Scott. He had such a sweet smile on his face as he looked at Kira.
"God, I've never done anything like that before, have you?", she asked. Scott, Stiles, and Sam all looked at each other, chuckling.
"Yeah, once or twice.", Stiles nodded.
"Pretty much.", Sam says.
"So, I guess I should take you home." Scott sighed. Kira nodded and started walking off to Scott's bike. Sam's phone bleeped, alerting her that she had a new message.
She pulled it out to see Danny had texted her asking if she was coming to his party. Sam sighed and agreed. She supposed she deserved to treat herself tonight.
Sam looked at the address he sent and frowned at its familiarity.
"Let's go.", Stiles called after her. She walked up to him as he looked at his phone. "We gotta go to this party, you promised me a party after I gave you candy.", he whined. Sam smiled. "I did say that."
She looked back at her phone, a confused frown setting in on her face. "Why's the party on Emerson St, though?" 
Stiles' eyes widened as they piled in. "That's Derek's loft.", he laughed.
Sam's heart dropped as she whined. He was gonna be so pissed when he came back.
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hihimissamericanbi · 2 years
The Watcher and the Dancer
Rating: T
Pairing: F/F
Relationship: James/Sirius
Wordcount: 9,857k
Summary: Walburga was still talking too loudly, unaware her eldest daughter had paused her Fall Out Boy playlist minutes ago, but Siri did nothing to disabuse her. She wanted to exist in a few more moments of precious liminality, fraught with fragile expectation: the “before” of a summer vacation, dreaming of memories caressed like worn sea glass before having to go and actually break the bottles that make them.
AKA: Dreamy sapphic summer crush fic set in New England in the aughts with a side of sister feels
Notes: Hi! Hello! I am old and don't know how to use Tumblr at all but decided to try to post this here while I wait to join AO3? For context: Wolfstar is OTP but I wrote this with OCs originally (like not as a marauders fic), then decided it could work as Prongsfoot so I made some tweaks and here we are. Fem Siri and Jamie because it's my fic and I said so. Based on my experiences so please be nice? Also kind of my love letter to Maine. Promise to write Wolfstar and Jegulus in the future, as it should be (actually, very big believer in Jegulily, might do that first...)
So wear me like a locket around your throat, I’ll weigh you down, I’ll watch you choke, you look so good in bl—
Siri paused her pink iPod mini as she felt the rental car slowly swing off the paved road and decelerate onto a bumpy dirt path, dusty granite crunching beneath tires while low-hanging birch boughs screeched against the windows.
“Alright everyone, electronics away, we are almost there!” Walburga yelled unnaturally loud from the front. Siri winced but didn’t say anything. Leaning against a pillow on the window opposite her, Regina blinked her eyes open and frowned. Red patches flushed high on her pale, nap-creased cheeks as she wiped a bit of dried drool from her chin with the heel of her palm. Siri snorted. Regina flicked her off, holding her hand down low so their mom couldn’t see in the rearview.
Siri rolled her eyes and returned her gaze to the window, where the trees were thinning to make way for one of the strangest views she had ever seen.
Life-sized gingerbread cottages, painted pale gumdrop colors and trimmed with lacey eves reminiscent of piped frosting, lined the street one after the other like tin soldiers in an old-fashioned Christmas movie. They stood sentry to welcome the Black family forward, Range Rover groaning as it crested the pebbled hill, Dorothy stepping from her black-and-white world into a sugar-bright alternate universe. Just beyond the houses, the Penobscot Bay shimmered blue and magical; it winked at Siri between each latticed cornice and Victorian spire as the car trundled bravely onward, following the gray-gravel road deeper and deeper into the Azure City.
“Welcome to Bayville, girls. Your father and I trust you both will be on your best behavior, and that you will remember you are young ladies. We are taking you on this very nice, very expensive vacation; we expect you to act accordingly.”
Walburga was still talking too loudly, unaware her eldest daughter had paused her Fall Out Boy playlist minutes ago, but Siri did nothing to disabuse her. She wanted to exist in a few more moments of precious liminality, fraught with fragile expectation: the “before” of a summer vacation, dreaming of memories caressed like worn sea glass before having to go and actually break the bottles that make them.
“Do I hear a ‘Yes, ma’am?’”
Siri physically startled at the warning tone in her mother’s voice. She and her sister chorused the required reply automatically.
The car squelched to a halt alongside one of the cookie-cutter dollhouses, patchy green grass muffling under tire treads. Siri took her headphones off and reached for her seatbelt; chipped silver nail polish flashed in the afternoon sun as she unclipped the buckle, and she made a mental note to redo her nails tonight before her mother saw.
She took a deep breath and opened the car door.
And oh, the smell; it wasn’t like anything she had ever experienced. It wasn’t just briny ocean and wet grass and fallen pine. It wasn’t just heady florals and baked limestone and fecund soil. This scent was far greater than the sum of its parts: stirred up in a summer-sun cauldron and poured out across the coast, it smelled like familiar laughter and promises to be kept.
It filled Siri’s nose and lungs only after it filled her heart.
It would be remembered for the rest of her life.
After claiming the upstairs room to the front of the little house, with a window box full of geraniums peeking from behind billowing white curtains, Siri found herself wandering down the main road, away from her father’s loud complaints about a lack of cell service for his Blackberry and her mother’s backhanded comments regarding the cleanliness of the cottage. She wanted to be long gone by the time either of them decided to turn their attention to her.
Regina tagged along. Siri ignored her.
Less than a quarter of a mile later, the knot of strange little cottages leftover from a different century opened into a semicircle, proudly overlooking a sailboat polka-dotted bay where sapphire waters faithfully reflected the cloud-clear sky.
The Black sisters stood on Bayville Beach, such as it was, only about 30 yards wide and covered in rocky pebbles turning to treacherous boulders. Primary-colored canoes and kayaks were tied up along the mouth like obedient Labradors, waiting for their masters to take them for a swim. A dock rose to the right and jutted out into the water; a cerulean-painted covering sat square in the middle of the old wooden planks. To the right of that, a tiny yacht club perched on the cusp of the ocean, triangular emblem flown modestly above the slated roof. Behind the sisters, a sloping center lawn with a few ancient oak trees and wrought-iron park benches guided vacationers down towards the water, verdant arms swept wide, beckoning, those cotton candy cottages lining the edges like flagstones.
With a toss of her dark wavy hair, frizzing fast in the ocean breeze despite the John Frieda serums and mousses with which she had diligently coated the strands, Siri hopped up onto one of the bigger rocks along the beach and picked her way across the shore. She held her arms aloft for balance, paying special care not to slip. Tiny crabs skuttled within sunken tidepools; salted kelp rocked back and forth with the waves. The fabled Maine sun caught on the edges of everything, lighting up the cove like a glittery disco. She could hear Regina whining warnings from the safety of dry land. Siri ignored her.
When Siri got as far as she could before the shoreline sheared off into untamed wilderness, she turned carefully, Rainbow flip flops catching on the occasional barnacle, and made her way back to her little sister. She was almost to the beach before she looked up.
On the path behind Regina, appearing from behind the blue structure in the middle of the dock, were a group of teenagers making their way up the grassy hill. They were in various states of swimwear; boys with baggy trunks and loose tee shirts, dampened in places by saltwater clinging to not-fully-dried skin, girls largely in cutoff jean shorts and bikini tops. All had beach towels around their necks and were laughing loudly.
Regina whipped her head around at the commotion and stared. Siri felt her cheeks flush; she was perched precariously on a boulder several feet from land, suddenly faced with a bunch of unknown peers. From behind Regina’s mop of raven curls, longer and fluffier than her own, Siri locked eyes with the tallest of the pack, a pretty girl who looked about Siri’s age, black hair piled high in a messy bun.
The girl flashed a criminally blinding grin and waved. Siri startled and snapped her eyes away.
The sudden movement caused Siri to lose her footing. She scraped her ankle on the rough granite as she stumbled ungracefully off the rock into the shallow water.
Regina laughed. Siri ignored her.
Two days later, and Siri was bored. The rain arrived in Bayville almost as soon as her family had, crowding out the finnicky northern sun with dull clouds and a frustratingly steady drizzle. There was only so much War and Go Fish a rising junior could play with her eighth grade sister before one became a sore loser (eighth grader) and the other got hangry (take a wild guess). So now, Siri was sitting on the front porch, stomach growling, watching the rain muddy up the gravel while pretending to do her summer reading. Huckleberry Finn. It was brutal.
Siri perked up at the tell-tale crunch of a car about to pass slowly in front of their rented cottage; honestly, she was like a dog left home alone, staring out at the street, desperate for any stimulation. The car in question pulled into view from the left, heading in the direction of town. It was a beat-up black SUV, rap music thumping over the drone of the rain. As Siri watched, a pretty face with a mess of black hair and oversized glasses appeared in the front passenger window. The face saw Siri and did a double take, craning her neck to keep Siri in her vision as the car went by.
“Young lady, what do you think you are you doing?” Walburga stuck her immaculately coiffed head out of the screen door. Her pink lipstick shone lurid in the overcast light. “Come inside before your hair is ruined.”
Siri blinked, closed her mouth. “Yes, momma.”
For the next three days, the pretty girl with the wild hair could be seen passing the cottage on a morning run. For the next three days, Siri sat on the porch to eat her breakfast, Huckleberry Finn laying uselessly on the side table.
Jamie Potter, Siri would soon learn, was the owner of the pretty face and the blinding smile and the morning runs that happened to take her past the Blacks’ cottage.
Almost a week into their stay, Siri was once again sitting on the front porch, sipping her coffee and pretending to read. The sun had mercifully returned; she and Regina had spent some time exploring, wearing swimsuits underneath shorts and tee shirts, venturing to the beach or the dock or the little corner store out by Route 1, faded sign reading “Cote’s Old-Fashioned Ice Cream and Burgers” hung reverently against Nantucket red siding. They had seen the group of teenagers here and there, sunbathing on the dock and flirting shamelessly with the college-aged lifeguard, or gearing up outside the yacht club for a sail, or playing basketball on the courts near the central lawn after dinner. The tall, pretty girl seemed to always be in the very middle, laughing the loudest, touching the most. Like she was the sun their little social circle revolved around. Siri had watched the group hungrily, desperate to be included but far too terrified to make any moves. Regina, meanwhile, was too caught up in having her big sister all to herself to much care about hanging around even more moony high schoolers.
Siri took another gulp of coffee and watched the morning sun catch on the graveled hill, flecks of mica sparkling beneath lingering dew. She imagined a dark ponytail swinging into view from over the crest, followed by long, powerful legs, propelling their body impressively up the incline. Then, she wasn’t imagining it; she was watching it.
Only this time, the powerful legs slowed and the girl trotted to a walk, breathing hard. A hand reached up under the hem of her tee shirt, stopping at the waistband of rolled Soffe shorts to pause the iPod Shuffle clipped there, flashing a sliver of tan skin in the process; her other hand tugged out her headphones.
Siri immediately looked down and picked up her book, not wanting to embarrass herself by inviting any sort of acknowledgement of her existence. She could feel her face turning red and her pulse picking up.
Siri continued to pretend to read. There was no way this girl was actually calling to Siri.
Siri looked up with a start. Fuck. The girl was leaning over the railing of the porch, grinning right at her. It wasn’t entirely innocent, somehow.
“Hey,” Siri choked out. How were this girl’s teeth so white?
“You’re new this year, right?”
Siri’s vision was tunnelling; she was having a hard time processing the girl’s words. She wished she would stop blushing.
The girl seemed to smile even more at Siri’s confusion. It made her deep rosy flush from exercise pop beneath her complexion.
“It’s just, we’ve been seeing you around, but no one knows who you are—”
No no no no no people have been noticing her?!
“—and you haven’t come said hi.”
Siri was going to die, simply pass away from embarrassment. “Um, no, yeah, I mean, we haven’t been here before…um, so…” Siri barely remembered to smile. It probably looked more like a grimace.
“Exactly!” The girl’s eyes narrowed playfully. They were dark brown and incredibly expressive. “I would definitely remember if I had seen you before.”
Siri wasn’t sure what that meant, but the girl didn’t pause long enough for her to work it out.
“Don’t you want to hang out with us?” The girl craned her neck and leaned farther over the railing, peering into Siri’s lap where her book split open, still on page 10. Siri could pick up the fruity scent of her deodorant. The girl’s eyes flicked back up to Siri’s. “Or do you want to sit and read…"
“…Huckleberry Finn.”
“Yikes.” The girl’s teasing smile was replaced with a look of horror.
“I know.” Siri felt her mouth relax a little, a small quirk of her lips.
The girl shook her head, like a buck huffing in annoyance, bordering aggression. She cracked her knuckles, continued. “…Or do you want to sit and read books by dead white guys on your porch all summer.” It wasn’t said like a question.
“Um. Okay?”
“Okay what?” She was bouncing up and down on her toes, hunched over the porch railing. Sunkissed shoulders poking up from rolled tee shirt sleeves. Deep-sea dark eyes boring into dawning-sky gray.
“I—” This girl was very disorienting. “Sure. Let’s hang out.”
The girl’s face split back into a grin, like that was its natural state. Though her cheeks were made round and even more rosy by the smile, her eyes didn’t crinkle with it the way most people’s do, Siri thought.
“I’m Jamie.”
They stayed sharp and honed.
Siri’s summer looked very different after that. Following her introduction, Jamie Potter had promptly asked for Siri’s cell phone number (written on Jamie’s inner forearm with a sharpie Siri found in the little kitchen) and told her “they were having a dock day, after sailing,” whatever that meant. But Siri had agreed to meet outside the yacht club at 1pm that afternoon, promising to bring snacks and a moderately-behaved thirteen-year-old.
“Dock days,” as it turned out, consisted of spreading towels on the far side of the dock, behind the little blue gazebo (every square inch of which, upon closer inspection, was covered in scrawled names, dates, hearts and the like: a living history of summer lovin’), and eating chips and salsa while soaking up temporal sunbeams and wearing as little clothing as possible. Flirting was a prerequisite, Siri had gathered from her week-long observations from afar, but there wasn’t much of anyone she felt the need to devote such attention to. She was thrilled just being included, happy to sit quietly on her hibiscus-printed towel and follow Jamie’s cues, laughing at the right places and inserting a quick one-liner here and there where she felt confident enough to deliver.
The group ranged in age, which gave Regina a few peers to talk to while Siri fell into Jamie’s orbit. Jamie was a year older than Siri and had her childhood best friends Remus and Peter staying with her (“Their families ship them off to Maine with us every summer. They are a pain in my ass—ow! hey—but I love them.”). Then there were the twins, Gillian and Fabian, also a year older than Siri, then Tuney and her little cousin Lucy, who were a couple years younger. Tuney’s older sister, Lily, was away at some competitive chemistry program for the summer, and apparently things were much more subdued this year without her around to get everyone into trouble.
“The definition of chaotic evil,” Jamie had explained with a twinkle in her eye and a faraway grin tugging her lips. Siri was glad Lily wasn’t here this season, but she wasn’t sure why. Probably just because she didn’t like getting into trouble—at least anywhere her mother might find out.
Siri soon learned the ins and outs of the little group that pulsed the beating heart of the magical seaside village. Most had been coming here every summer since they were little, growing up on bowline knots and July sparklers and Gifford’s blueberry ice cream. They had a hearty skepticism for “renters,” as they called them: part-time vacationers who came and went without getting much involved in the community. When Siri had asked why they had befriended her, since she was a “renter,” the boys had looked away sheepishly and Jamie had scoffed. “Please,” she had said, bumping her bare shoulder into Siri’s, “Like my idiot brothers-from-another-mother would ever forgive me if I didn’t introduce you.” Remus and Peter had turned bright red and then shoved a cackling Jamie, whereas Fabian had met Siri’s gaze, unashamed, and smirked. Siri hadn’t known how to react, besides blush furiously. Were they making fun of her? She felt rather exposed. Regina had squeezed her hand protectively. Siri had squeezed it back.
By this point, Siri had already analyzed everyone’s physical shapes and quirks in comparison to her own, a foible of adolescence she couldn’t wait to grow out of. She tanned easily and had a flat stomach, badges of pride for any teenager under the tyranny of Laguna Beach and Abercrombie, but she was self-conscious about her small chest, wide hips and unshapely legs. Jamie was a star athlete back home in Massachusetts, championing in soccer and tennis, and was lean and strong, everywhere. Siri envied the way she filled out her bikini top during the day and her low-rise jeans at night.
Siri’s hair was rather untamable (“Mia Thermopolis hair”, the other cheerleaders called it), especially in the humid sea air, and never dried soft and silky like the most popular girls’ seemed to. Jamie’s hair was a paragon of that effortlessly messy look: never frizzy, but piece-y and wavy, jet-black with shots of caramel laced through from days in the sun, it reached passed her shoulder blades even when pulled into a high ponytail. Siri would discover she loved playing with it, braiding its dampened ends while Jamie lay on her stomach on the dock, water droplets sliding down the soft skin of her back, or gently brushing it out after a day of sailing, working through the knots with careful fingers.
Then there was Siri’s face. People commented on Siri’s face a lot. She generally refused to leave the house without makeup on, and had even packed waterproof formulas for this vacation. None of the other girls in Bayville seemed to wear makeup.
Siri wondered how they still looked so pretty.
She wondered why Fabian was looking at her like that.
Dock days turned into movie nights and lunches at Cote’s, which turned into card games on front porches and excursions to the Coffee Pot in town for “Potts” sandwiches, a play on Jamie’s last name that seemed to have existed longer than some of their younger siblings had been alive. Siri couldn’t believe that not only had she been included in this tight-knit group who were so wary of outsiders, but that their central star paid so much attention to her. Jamie, as the leader, was the one who texted Siri when plans for an adventure were being made to ensure sure she didn’t get left out. She always spread her towel next to Siri’s, yellow stripes beside pink and orange flowers, and was the first to whisper jokes and confidences into her ear. She made sure to get an extra side of ketchup in addition to her mayonnaise—“Mayonnaise is white people’s greatest invention, I’m telling you,” she would say, while mixing in pinches of extremely hot spices she kept tucked away in her bag for such occasions—when she ordered fries, in case Siri wanted some, and punched the boys wordlessly when they inevitably crossed the line (which was about seven times a day).
They took Fabian’s battered SUV inland to go blueberry picking, blasting Panic! At the Disco and Kelly Clarkson and singing along with the windows down. Despite their parents’ explicit instructions to collect more than they ate, they spent most of their time horsing around in that green-and-gold field, sated with fruit, laughing freely and dreaming loudly beneath a buttercup sun and bluebird sky.
Predictably, Fabian got bored and started throwing blueberries at Siri. Jamie got irrationally irate every time he did so, eventually turning it into a competition to pelt him with as many blueberries as possible in return. Somehow that turned into an argument over who was taller; Fabian was also athletic and played lacrosse, but was on the shorter side for a guy. Jamie insisted they go back-to-back and demanded Siri be the judge. Siri felt uncomfortable for some reason, but acquiesced. Jamie’s sparked eyes stayed trained on Siri the entire time, something plaintive behind them. When Siri objectively announced Fabian was taller, the plaintive glint hardened sharp and heavy. Neither girl smiled when Fabian whooped with victory.
Siri sat next to Gillian on the ride home.
Evenings in Bayville took on a completely different tone, exchanging sun-soaked shimmer and the smell of No-Ad sunscreen for the heliotrope haze of dusk, citronella wafting heavy on the night air. Those summer nights weren’t just dark and twinkling, they were laden with potential energy, the silver ball perched at the top of a physics experiment, a penalty shot lined up against a tied score and less than a minute left.
One navy night, Jamie had taken Siri by the hand, identical sailor knot bracelets scratching against each other’s wrists, and dragged her to her mom’s porch. This was an important ritual in Bayville: hopping from porch to porch after the sun sets to receive parental praise and affection and, if you were lucky, leftover lobster meat or a fresh-baked whoopie pie. This was the first time Siri had been included.
Mrs. Potter was sitting in a rocking chair, reading glasses perched on her nose and a cup of chai on the little table beside her, paperback novel splayed open in her hands. A generous lilac bush off the corner of the cottage steadily pulsed out its sweet perfume, writing itself into Siri’s memory like a madeleine on the tongue.
“Hi Mommy!” Jamie rushed up the steps and then swooped down to give her mother a sloppy kiss on the cheek. Mrs. Potter didn’t even have time to respond before Jamie gestured proudly to Siri.
“Mommy, this is Siri!” Jamie stepped back with that Cheshire grin, the one where her eyes stayed sharp, vibrating with excitement as she directed her mother’s gaze.
“My goodness, she is beautiful, isn’t she,” Mrs. Potter commented, surveying calmly. She was smaller than her daughter, with a weather-worn face typical of New England parents, dark hair shot with gray. Siri could tell, however, where Jamie got her eyes: Mrs. Potter’s were piercing and narrowed in an eerily familiar fashion. The breeze picked up; lingering sea-salted air blended dizzyingly with the evening florals and spiced tea.
Siri stammered through her blush. “Oh! Um, thank you… it’s nice to meet you.” She really wasn’t sure what she did to deserve getting double-teamed by the Potter Stare.
“Ugh, Mom, I told the boys to stop being gross about her!” Jamie whined.
“I didn’t hear it from the boys,” Mrs. Potter replied, still calm, still piercing. “There are whoopie pies inside on the counter. Help yourselves, girls.”
For some reason, Jamie flushed almost as deeply as Siri.
One rainy afternoon, Jamie and Siri perched across from each other on Siri’s bed, beat-up Vera Bradley toiletries bag sitting between them on top of the multi-colored patchwork quilt. Tuney and Lucy were in town at the movies with their families; Gillian was back home at a women’s lacrosse camp for the week. Regina had whined to be included, but Siri had kicked her out unceremoniously.
The two friends were meticulously stroking colored paint onto their toes: crimson red for Siri and metallic gold for Jamie. Siri’s mother would kill them if she saw they were using nail polish on the bed without a towel, but hey, Siri’s a rebel.
“Can I ask you something?” Jamie ventured without removing her focus from the task at hand—er—foot.
Siri’s breath caught a little at the change in tone. Just moments ago, they had been talking about their respective AP Lit reading lists and decrying the lack of women authors. “Sure,” she replied, keeping her voice light.
Jamie eyed the concealers and eyeliners spilling from Siri’s bag. “Why do you always wear makeup? I mean, it’s Bayville.”
Siri bristled automatically. She got teased a lot back home, either for wearing too much makeup or not enough. Always, it came back to her face, and the expectation Siri accepted unquestioningly that she owed the world perfection, and she better not dare present their judgement-day eyes with anything less than that.
She continued applying the blood-red paint to her toes, not looking up. “I mean, everyone wears makeup in Georgia,” she began defensively. “And I cheer, and I’ve done pageants—"
“Shut up!” Jamie interrupted, jaw dropped, pedicure abandoned, gold bottle of polish eagerly twisted shut and tossed carelessly onto the bed. “You’re a beauty queen?!”
Siri chanced a glance upwards. Jamie looked like Christmas had come early. It was not the reaction Siri usually got from other girls when that bit of information got pried from her.
“I mean… I never won or anything,” Siri shrugged, looking away, out the rain-splattered window. The nail polish brush in her hand hovered precariously over her left foot, threatening to drip red all over her careful paint job. “But yeah, I’ve done some of that, and like, modeling, for like department stores and stuff…” The geraniums bedded in their little window boxes outside were getting absolutely pummeled by the downpour.
“Do you like wearing makeup every day?”
When Siri returned her gaze to the room it caught on Jamie’s fish-hook stare, already angling to snag her. Siri didn’t look away.
“I like feeling pretty.”
Jamie held her gaze. “That’s not the same thing.”
Siri searched Jamie’s face for the inevitable cruelty that always slipped in front of jealousy like a vicious guard dog, brutally defending young girls against the pain of insecurity, the fear of rejection, of abandonment. Siri had wielded it thoughtlessly as much as she had been hurt by it, time and again.
But in Jamie’s brown eyes there was no trace of green, only curiosity, and maybe something a little softer? A little… safer? Jamie blinked, tilted her head and let a tiny smile crease the corner of her marble-carved mouth, encouraging Siri.
Siri sighed and dropped her eyes back down, finally closing the bottle of nail polish. She wouldn’t be able to say this next part if she was looking directly into the face of the prettiest girl she had ever seen. “I don’t like how I look without make-up. Sometimes, it’s… it’s all I can think about. How I look.” Siri had never confessed this to anyone before, this shameful, vain secret. “I wish I could be like you… you don’t need make up.”
The next thing Siri knew, warm, soft hands were gently but firmly holding the sides of her face, tilting her jaw up, making her breath catch with the sudden contact. She kept her gaze downcast until the last second, and when it finally did rise it was swallowed immediately by entire galaxies.
Jamie and her swirling orb eyes were maybe a few inches away from Siri’s, staring intently. She spoke with conviction.
“You don’t owe the world shit.”
Siri couldn’t rollerblade. Normally, that wasn’t much of an issue for her. It only became one when Jamie, accomplished athlete with a doe-like grace and the stubbornness of a young buck to match, found out.
So, on a Friday evening around the summer solstice, Siri agreed to let Jamie teach her. In exchange, she had bargained for minimum one hour with Jamie’s stunning face all to herself and her Vera Bradley makeup bag. Siri was chief makeup artist on the cheerleading bus for a reason; it was a creative outlet, painting on shadows and colors and creases to create a work of art you can smile and blink and laugh through. Putting makeup on others allowed Siri to embrace the artistry of it, rather than fight against the compulsivity that overshadowed her own complicated experience.
Jamie had arrived at the Blacks’ cottage around 6pm, just after an early dinner, and followed Siri up to her room where she could work her magic. Siri had been glad her parents were out for the night—she had heard enough off-color comments from her mother about “that Potter family” over the last few weeks and didn’t want to put Jamie at risk of hearing any of it. Regina, the better hairstylist of the two sisters, had been permitted to give Jamie two long French braids that showed off the subtle variations in her thick dark hair, shiny onyx strands rippled with chocolate and auburn.
Now, Siri was starting to regret her actions; the dramatic smokey eye she had indulged in creating electrified Jamie’s laser-beam gaze to the point of distraction.
It made it all the more difficult to stay upright on two thin rows of wheels.
“Jamie!” Siri squealed with a jolt of adrenaline, windmilling her arms out as she lurched forward, gaze ripped from Jamie’s face to the fast-approaching ground. The taller girl cackled but caught her with one hand all the same. Siri clutched at it like a lifeline, heart still pounding.
Their hands stayed clasped. Siri’s heartbeat stayed elevated.
They had found a bit of paved road, out closer to Route 1, and slowly made their way along the empty stretch before them, rolling farther from the safety of the familiar cottages with their slamming screen doors and sneaky garden gates, venturing onwards as the sun sank fast into an approaching dusk.
Both girls were clad in denim miniskirts; Siri’s was dark wash and kept riding up her hips as she maneuvered along the asphalt in a pair of old skates borrowed from Jamie. She had to keep tugging at it from underneath an oversized gray college-branded hoodie, so large it threatened to swallow her petite frame all together. Jamie’s mini was a light wash and fitted tightly to show off her strong thighs and butt. Paired with white and yellow layered tank tops that she filled out so enviously well, Jamie Potter looked like nothing less than Roller Derby Barbie. When Siri had told her so, Jamie had almost skated into a tree.
“We’re close to Cote’s,” Jamie commented after a stretch of not-quite-comfortable silence. Siri was grateful for the interruption; she got along better with Jamie than anyone else in Bayville, but one-on-one hang outs with her were becoming threaded with something unsettling, an uncomfortable crack of buzzed-out current that kept Siri’s body tipped on the edge of fight-or-flight. “Want to get an ice cream?”
There was something in the way she said it that made Siri look over at her friend in the fading twilight. Jamie’s eyes were practically glowing, the whites phosphorescent against her dark irises and the looming forest shadows, but there was still enough light to see her cheeks were darkened. Siri didn’t think she had put that much blush on her; she hadn’t wanted to pull focus from her eye makeup. Furthermore, in a way that didn’t usually accompany casual suggestions of ice cream, Jamie’s eyebrows were oddly drawn together. Siri wanted to reach out and smooth them, trail her fingers down her cheek, maybe hold her jaw tenderly and—
Siri gulped.
When they rolled up to Cote’s, however, the two girls were not alone. Fabian, Remus, Peter, and a couple more boys Siri didn’t recognize were sitting at one of the picnic tables out front, eating burgers and fries and making a general ruckus. It was late enough that a street lamp had flickered on, bathing the scene in artificial light. It made the faces of the boys glow eerily, joker grins and flinted eyes.
Every pair landed on Siri and Jamie and stayed there. Grins growing wider.
“Oh shit, look who it is!” Fabian was the first to crow. Remus groaned, no doubt annoyed by the unwelcomed intrusion of the two girls.
The two new boys made no pretense about continuing to stare openly.
Jamie’s grip on Siri’s hand tightened briefly before dropping.
“I was just teaching Siri how to skate. She’s never tried.” Jamie sounded uncharacteristically defensive. Territorial, even.
“What happened to your face?” Remus deadpanned. Fabian snickered.
Jamie drew herself to her full height, even taller than usual with the roller skates, and looked down her nose at the entire table. “She did my makeup. I love it.”
“It looks like you got punched,” Peter offered.
Fabian chimed in, “Why do you even wear that stuff? Girls look better without makeup, anyway.”
Siri and Jamie let that comment hang in the air for a beat or two. Watched Fabian squirm a bit.
“Gross,” Siri pronounced, once she had determined their point had been made. Jamie cracked her knuckles.
“Anyway, we were just here to get some ice cream. Come on, Siri.” Jamie made to grab her hand again and stomp them both into the tiny store, skates and all, when Fabian grabbed Siri’s other hand.
“No, Siri, stay with us. Potts’ll get your ice cream, right Potts?” He grinned up at Jamie, laying on the charm. A strange, fiery look passed between them before they turned to the girl in question.
Siri, not wanting to draw out—whatever that was—quickly agreed, pulling herself free of their grips. “Yeah, you go, I’ll wait out here.”
But at Siri’s response, Jamie’s face immediately clouded over into something downright murderous. Her eyes flashed as she turned and clomped into the store. A beat passed before Remus hopped up and announced he wanted some ice cream, too, and dragged Peter along with him. Fabian called to get him a cookie dough. Remus flipped him off without turning around or loosening his grip on Peter.
Siri carefully lowered herself to perch on the spot vacated by Remus, next to Fabian. She had her back facing away from the table along with the two random boys and was angled towards the door of the shop. She picked at a hangnail. Fiddled with a coil of long hair, dried curly after a day of dock jumping. Hoped her stupid fucking red cheeks could pass as exertion from roller skating.
She felt Fabian scooch closer. He muscled a tricep into her shoulder blade to get her attention. When she turned to look, he was leaning in, face close.
“Uh, these are my buddies from home, Benji and Caradoc.” Drew gestured to each boy across the table. “Guys, this is Siri.” He was hunched over and not quite making eye contact. He fidgeted with a few cold fries.
The weird energy pushing uncomfortably around them had Siri too agitated to remember to smile, but she did at least adjust her body to face the boys. They were built similarly to Fabian and both sported flowing locks peeking out beneath baseball hats.
Siri was outnumbered three to one by lax bros. She looked around for Satan, wondering why he wasn’t present to welcome her to what was clearly hell itself.
The boys still hadn’t stopped looking at her.
“Shit, dude, you weren’t kidding about this place,” one of the boys—Caradoc, maybe?—smirked cryptically. The other boy snorted, nudged the first.
Fabian’s eyes widened and he threw a soggy fry across the table. “Shut the fuck up,” he mumbled.
They were all saved by the tinkling of the shop door as Jamie, Remus and Peter returned, ice creams dripping from their hands. Siri scrutinized Jamie for a sign of what might be going on, but the taller girl kept her eyes averted and mouth set in a determined, hard line. Remus appeared frustrated, Peter nervous.
“Thanks, Jamie.” Siri spoke sincerely, trying to catch her friend’s eye, as a cone piled high with fruit-flecked ice cream was deposited emotionlessly into her hand.
“Welcome.” Jamie replied. She grabbed a stool from the outdoor counter, carried it over, placed it across from Siri and Fabian so the three of them formed a triangle of sorts, and threw herself onto it with her legs splayed despite her skirt. Somehow, she held onto her strawberry ice cream effortlessly throughout the process—rollerblades be dammed.
Remus, meanwhile, leaned on the end of the picnic table next to Fabian and handed off the requested cookie dough cone. He began eating his own chocolate ice cream quietly. Peter skulked behind him and slurped a milkshake.
“What flavor did you get?” Fabian asked Siri, low like he was only talking to her.
“Black cherry.” Siri spoke loudly as if it were a group conversation. “Jamie knows it’s my favorite.” She punctuated the statement with a smile in her friend’s direction, rolling over, a submissive flash of soft white tummy.
Siri’s tail went between her legs when it wasn’t returned; Jamie’s stare was trained on Fabian.
“Wanna try mine?” Fabian proffered his cone to Siri. She could hear more snickering from Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum behind her.
Siri whipped her head around. “Oh! Uh—”
“Come on, it’s good.” Fabian cracked a shit-eating grin. “My cone needs to be tasted.” All four boys, minus Remus, were snorting heartily.
But before Siri could vocalize the acerbic reply forming in the back of her throat, Jamie suddenly leaned forward off her stool and licked Fabian’s cone herself, tongue wide and pink against the creamy vanilla. Her eyes met Siri’s as she flicked the tip of her tongue up at the crest of the cone, cream dripping down into her mouth, before pulling the clever appendage back behind her teeth, swallowing, and finishing off with a final swipe of her full lips.
“There.” Jamie concluded, sitting back. Siri’s mind was blank. “Your cone has been tasted. No one else needs to be subjected to it. Besides,” —a cocky wink to Siri, a shrug to the boys— “it could have been bigger.”
Everyone, even Remus, howled with laughter; it was peak “that’s what she said” era.
Everyone except Siri.
Siri and Jamie were laying on a blanket in the grass, flat on their backs, looking up at the stars. After they had finished their ice cream, Fabian had given the girls a lift back to Bayville. He had offered Siri shotgun but Jamie had complained her long legs meant she needed the front seat more. Eager to please and wanting to get back into Jamie’s good graces, unsure why she had even fallen out of them in the first place—must be an only child thing—Siri had acquiesced and sat in the back with the rest of the boys. To her relief, it seemed to have worked. Jamie was back to her usual loud, joking self as soon as Fabian had dropped them off.
They had stopped at the Blacks’ cottage to change out of their skates and grab a blanket—hot-blooded Jamie refusing to borrow a sweatshirt—before wandering down to the central lawn ostensibly to stargaze but really to giggle and gossip. It hadn’t taken long to strike up a round of Truth or Dare; Siri had just selected truth.
“What’s your number?” Jamie asked in the direction of the North Star.
Siri turned her head, traced her eyes over Jamie’s profile outlined in the moonlight. Her nose was elegant, fit perfectly to her face, her top lip pouting prettily just beneath it.
“Zero,” Siri answered after a beat. Unashamed, but also unsure.
Jamie turned her head as well, brow furrowed almost in offense, eyes deep and searching of Siri’s face.
“You can tell me.”
Siri smiled with only half her mouth, derisive. “Trust me, I would.”
Jamie’s gaze refused to let up. Siri could feel heat prickling along her hips, under her arms. “I…yeah, there hasn’t been anyone worth it, I guess.” Her pulse was throbbing harder the longer Jamie looked at her like that.
“What about you?” Siri asked, looking for relief: Jamie’s stare was like an exacting silver needle, threading the two of them together without mercy, sewing them closer and closer.
Jamie made a strange face; a little sad, a little hopeful. “Just one. My ex-boyfriend. Sophomore year.”
Siri took a breath, to work out how she felt about that. “Did you love him?” Siri decided she hoped she loved him. Hoped he loved her, more like. Jamie deserved love, all of it.
That needle-eye stare punctured the night with quiet catching sounds as it stitch, stitch, stitched away, pricking spindled fingers with gift and curse alike as Jamie Potter thought hard before answering.
“In a way, yeah, I think so.” She turned back to the stars, pulling but not snapping the immortal threads. “I definitely thought I did.”
Siri didn’t respond, but redirected her gaze skyward as well. The two girls simply breathed together, laying side by side, woven and watching as the earth turned. Nature was serenading them ardently, crickets and frogs awake and amorous, calling for mates. The gentle lapping of the bay against well-worn rocks and weathered boats and steadfast pilings and rooted banks beat in time to steady stolen hearts; the rustle of oak leaves in the trees above, caught dizzy in a midnight breeze, blew secrets in and out of seashelled ears.
Siri felt like Ariel, floating in a blue lagoon. Just missing a crooning crab.
Then, to the moon: “Was it good?”
“It hurt,” Jamie replied, also to the moon. “But I wanted to do it. I just, haven’t really wanted to… since then.”
The wind picked up and Siri looked over in time to watch Jamie shiver. Goosebumps erupted all down her toned arms and chest, across the gleaming tops of her breasts gently swollen against the moonlight. Siri allowed her eyes to continue trailing downwards, clock the evidence of Jamie’s chill even through her bra and layered tops.
Siri turned and sat up, pulled off her own sweatshirt with crossed arms, pink Abercrombie polo getting caught up a bit in her effort. When her vision reappeared from the tangle of cloth and curls, Jamie was staring at her.
“Here.” Siri tossed the sweatshirt, still warm with her body heat, into Jamie’s lap. Jamie didn’t move. Siri raised her eyebrows. “I know you’re cold, Potts, I just watched you shiver.”
Jamie didn’t smile, but sat up slack-jawed and put on the sweatshirt without protesting. That’s a first, Siri thought.
“Your turn.” Siri said once Jamie was bundled up. She missed the sight of her smooth shoulders, her sculpted clavicle, and okay, yes, her tits in those tank tops, but there was something pleasant about seeing Jamie in Siri’s clothes that made it worth it. Plus, in their new semi-seated positions Jamie had her long legs stretched unendingly in front of her, ankles crossed, as she leaned back on her hands. The top of her shin bone seemed to fucking glow, radioactive in the mirror-blue night. Siri’s legs were curved under her as she sat slightly hunched toward Jamie, close to the bend of her waist. “Truth or dare.”
Jamie surprised Siri by picking truth.
“Ok…” Siri’s eyes flicked to Jamie’s perfect mouth. She took a risk. “What’s the deal between you and Fabian?”
Siri was braced to get told off, or for Jamie to dissolve in girlish denial. Instead, she was serious, considering carefully before replying. “He used to have a crush on me.��� She twisted her neck, popping the joints. Looked out towards the water. “Followed me around all last summer, like a lost puppy.”
Siri snorted at the image. “Did you like him back?”
Jamie pulled her mouth to the side, lifted a shoulder. “Not really.”
Siri thought of the boys back home, a few in particular… always lurking around hall corners and by lockers and on sidelines. She could relate.
“So what’s different this year?” Siri pressed, slightly afraid of the answer.
Jamie leveled Siri with a look, ancient amber sparked with starlight. “Well, you’re here.”
Ah, fuck.
Siri sighed, looked away. Forced herself to ask, “Are you jealous?”
“Maybe a little,” Jamie whispered.
Siri’s heart sank like the Heart of the fucking Ocean. She turned her head fully away from Jamie, looking over her shoulder at the dark trees and shadowed cottages in the distance. Most of their lights were out.
“Well I don’t really like him, like that, so,” Siri mumbled into the darkness, giving Jamie the green light. At least now it was out in the open. Maybe now they could go back to being normal friends.
Well, normal-ish, for Siri.
Jamie, however, perked up, excited. “Yeah? You don’t?” She shuffled forward, angling her face to try and catch Siri’s avoidant eye.
To Siri’s horror, she felt heat press into her sinuses, her throat, her eyes shimmering and shaking, threatening to spill at any moment. She really didn’t like Drew, so why did she care so much if Jamie did?
You know why, Inner Siri whispered.
Go to hell, Denial Siri muttered back.
She took a shaky breath in, forced her emotions back down—stomped on them with gusto, really. “It’s your turn to ask. Go.”
“Truth or dare.” The pleased smile in Jamie’s voice carried, although Siri still hadn’t turned back around to face her. Hearing it in this context felt like falling from a stunt; a deeply unpleasant drop in your stomach followed by getting the wind brutally knocked out of you.
Siri sighed again. “Truth.” She had learned long ago never to pick dare. At any rate, she found people fascinating, their secrets, their fears, their dreams: learning those intimacies and sharing them back helped her love deeper, love specific, when she chose to. Like right now, Inner Siri noted, smug. Shut the fuck up, Denial Siri replied, pissed.
“What about just kissing? How many guys have you kissed?”
Siri should have known Jamie wasn’t going to let the general topic go. She groaned and rolled her head back, exasperated, before finally lolling it around to glare at Jamie, whose braids were still holding her thick hair tight away from her face, fine baby hairs whisping in front of her ears and over her brow. Dark eyes rimmed in charcoal smoke glinted with intent: mischief, and something else Siri couldn’t quite put her finger on.
Siri inhaled, nostrils flaring. This one was less fun to talk about.
Jamie’s jaw dropped. But her eyes. They positively lit up, bright and keen.
Siri shook her head. Thought, again, of the simpering boys back home, of Fabian and his friends from earlier. Sure, those guys were hot, but the thought of trusting them enough to hold her, touch her. It just didn’t make sense.
“I’ve only kissed two guys,” Jamie quickly offered. There was something unspoken behind her teeth. “My ex, and a random boy at the 8th grade dance.”
That seemed odd to Siri. Jamie was friendly, popular. Confident. Girls like that had no trouble kissing for fun.
“Okay then.” Jamie sounded like she had decided something, God help us all. She angled her body, taking Siri’s silence as some sort of invitation, and gave her an uncommonly brilliant demonstration of the Potter Stare paired with her signature smile.
“I dare you to kiss me.”
Siri gaped; blood coursed through her ears. No, no, no this wasn’t what she wanted. It wasn’t like that—a pity kiss, or, or an experiment or something silly to giggle about—
“It’s not your turn!” Siri sputtered. “And… I didn’t pick dare! I never pick dare.”
Jamie was leaning towards Siri, head tilted down so she could quite literally bat her thick, darkened eyelashes up at her. “Don’t you want to kiss me?” she pouted, smiling. Cheeky. Siri felt a shiver ignite down her helpless spine.
The problem was, Jamie had no idea how badly she did.
Siri was powerfully reminded of the first time they met. “Don’t you want to hang out with us?” She was so sure, so confident. Easy. Everything Siri was not.
Now, Jamie’s face had turned on a dime from flirty to focused. It was a little terrifying.
Because behind that carefree ease and sunlight smile, Siri knew, there was a deep and raw hunger. An ache to be needed. To be seen, and delighted in, just as she tries so hard to see and delight in everyone else around her.
Siri saw Jamie.
“I… I don’t.” Siri swallowed, tore her eyes away. “I don’t want it to be a dare.” She was grateful for the darkness, knowing that for once her berry-red face was getting some camouflage.
Jamie, meanwhile, changed tack. Siri could still feel the intensity of her gaze, but she also felt her sit up a little, square herself, blend her characteristic curiosity into that swirling stare.
“What about not guys?” Jamie asked evenly.
Siri frowned, mirrored Jamie’s body language, met her eyes once again. “What?”
She repeated, patient. Dead serious. “How many not-guys have you kissed?”
Was Jamie asking what Siri thought she was asking? Siri was silent, could only stare, searching her face for clues.
It had gotten closer to her own, somehow.
Stitch, stitch, stitch.
Jamie took a deep breath, eyes locked on Siri. “I’ve kissed… a few not-boys,” she confessed.
Did Siri imagine it, or did Jamie’s eyes flit down to Siri’s mouth when she said it?
Then, slowly, unbelievably, Jamie reached out a warm hand. Siri’s breath hitched and something flipped pleasantly low behind her tailbone as with the backs of her knuckles, Jamie tenderly brushed a lock of hair from Siri’s forehead, fingers turning and tracing down her cheek, so impossibly soft and delicate. Ice and fire whooshed simultaneously along Siri’s face where the tips of Jamie’s nails caressed her skin; Siri’s eyes fluttered shut. She leaned into the touch.
“I don’t want it to be a dare, either,” Jamie whispered, honey-glazed, low. Assured.
Siri’s heart stopped. She opened her eyes.
And Jamie’s were dancing, burning waves of desire, a whirlpool and Siri was drowning. Jamie’s fingers slid from Siri’s cheek to grip deep within her hair, hold her firmly around her jaw and neck.
She was so close now there was hardly any space left between them. Siri’s lips parted with soft pants. She could feel Jamie’s breath on her tongue, creamy and sweet.
“Siri, I—” Jamie murmured against Siri’s open mouth, nosing into her. “I want to.” She gripped the other side of Siri’s face, fierce, desperate. “I want you.”
Siri closed the distance.
And it was… Fireworks? A revelation? Angels singing Handel’s chorus in four-part harmony?
It was so easy. So easy to revel in the feel of Jamie’s lips on her own, to slowly open her mouth for her, willingly, taste her, gently. So fucking soft and warm and wet and sweet, a delightful echo of the ice cream she had so lustfully watched Jamie lick away at earlier, sugared vanilla and tangy fruit, filling up her mouth and tongue.
Jamie expertly maneuvered Siri’s face sideways with knowing hands still holding her neck, sending Siri’s stomach swooping down to her toes (though it felt more like a well-executed tumbling pass than a dropped stunt), and deepened the kiss.
It was incredibly sexy.
Jamie’s tongue was down her throat and butterflies were rioting through her body and congregating between her legs and in her pelvis and Siri pushed in, gripped the front of that damn sweatshirt, wanting more. She felt their teeth bump and their movements fall out of sync, but then Jamie merely giggled into her, the corners of her mouth pulling with her smile and pushing that fucking tongue out of her mouth just that little bit to meet her own outside their lips.
So they did that for a minute. Just took turns carefully, slowly pushing each other’s tongues back and forth, fingers dancing over smooth cheeks and warm necks and warmer waists, peppering in soft licks and nips to bottom lips, growing plumper and redder by the minute. Siri was pretty sure she was remembering to swallow, because nothing felt too sloppy, just really fucking hot.
So hot that she somehow ended up straddled on top of Jamie, skirt hiked up by those confident hands dangerously high on her thighs, rolling her hips hungrily, even aggressively, against Jamie’s body and feeling her so fucking soft underneath her.
She wasn’t sure who came up for air first. It might have been Siri, but only because Jamie tugged deliciously at the roots of Siri’s curls, forcing her head back and making her moan out to the stars and the moon above while Jamie collapsed against her throat.
“Holy fucking shit, Siri.” Jamie panted after a beat, looking up into her face, wild-eyed. Shocked.
“Sorry! Jamie, sorry, I—too much?” Siri struggled to catch her breath. She wasn’t sure how, in the span of twenty minutes, she had gone from never having a first kiss to rutting into the hottest girl alive in a semi-public area. Her underwear felt uncomfortably wet.
She didn’t hate it.
“Jesus Christ, no,” Jamie breathed through a maniacal grin. And Siri saw then that the shock was really pride.
Smug, cocky, balls-a-swinging pride.
And under that, a deep and radiant and joy-filled relief.
Siri figured it was probably reflected incandescently on her own face.
Inner Siri agreed.
She was sprawled on her tummy in bed, heart still pleasantly in her throat and head very much still on the lawn under the stars, when the unmistakable feeling of being watched prickled across Siri’s already-sensitive skin. Sure enough, she rolled over to find a familiarly slender shadow quietly darkening the small crack in her bedroom doorway, belied only by the faintest creak of old floorboards beneath socked feet.
“You’re back,” the shadow said.
Shortly after midnight, Jamie had walked Siri home, hand protectively around her shoulders and Siri nuzzled happily into Jamie’s chest, arms encircling her waist like a needy koala, enveloping each other in the smell of hair and skin and laundry soap as they had stumbled up the hill. Siri had taken care not to wake her family when she crept back inside the cottage, parting kisses stolen behind blind-eye hedges after giggled insistences to keep it, I like seeing it on you.
“Obviously,” Siri whispered, waiting.
Wordlessly, Regina pushed Siri’s bedroom door open enough for her to slip inside and pad over to the bed. The wrought iron frame groaned, unnaturally loud in the still of the night, as she wiggled beneath the covers next to her sister.
Regina’s copious curls spilled across the pillow, taking up half the bed with untamable tendrils and tickling Siri’s nose and neck. Siri pushed them away, pressed her icy toes under Regina’s calves.
Their breathing evened as they settled next to each other, Siri on her back, looking up at the moonlight cast in scattered shapes across the ceiling, Regina on her side with her head tucked in like a burrowed kitten.
“How was it?” Regina whispered into the covers.
“Good.” Siri replied, guarded. The butterflies she had been enjoying were flying right up her throat and out her mouth with each exhale, leaving just plain nerves in their wake. She wasn’t sure what Regina would say about, well, everything.
“I talked to Remus, after y’all came back from Cote’s.”
Siri glanced down at her sister. “Oh?” Remus wasn’t particularly intimidating, but he was a boy several years older than Regina, and Siri didn’t think they had had any direct conversations before.
“He said it got a little… awkward,” Regina tried delicately.
Siri sighed. “Yeah, that’s one way to put it.”
Regina’s eyes opened and batted up to look at Siri, eyebrows and lashes dark on her pale face. She looked impossibly young, tender, like a fawn waiting patiently for its mother in the wooded thicket. “And that someone likes you.”
Siri thought of Fabian, and Remus, seated next to each other on the picnic bench, their reactions when she had rolled up. Fabian’s immature behavior. She groaned.
“Yeah… I figured.” Honestly why did it always come back to a freaking guy? Was this really what it was always going to be like?
“So… did something happen?” Regina pressed.
Siri never lied to her sister, so she didn’t say anything.
Regina could read her like a book anyway.
“Did you guys kiss?”
Siri breathed out, barely a whisper. “Yes.” Her lips quivered. “But it’s not with… it wasn’t who you think.”
And all the emotions and the overwhelming bigness of just, everything, came crashing back, and the tears Siri had stomped down earlier finally spilled hot down her cheeks.
Regina was calm, steady. Blinked her fawn eyes gently.
“Was it Jamie?” She had always possessed a wisdom beyond her young years.
Siri turned a tear-streaked face to her sister. Cried a little harder. Nodded.
Regina shrugged. “Remus said he and Peter were pretty fed up with how she was acting. Wanted her to just go for it already. He asked me if I thought you liked her back.”
“Really?” Siri smiled, watery, hopeful. “What did you say?”
Despite her sensitivity, Regina was still a sassy little shit. She rolled her eyes. “Duh.”
And there, in the soft quiet night with silver moonbeams carrying dreams and desire back and forth across a star-strewn bay, Regina hugged her.
Siri hugged her back.
On the easternmost tip of the country, dashing up 95 or lazing along Route 1, over tiny suspension bridges and past sleepy lobstering towns and through fields alive with black-eyed susans and purple clover and Miss Rumphius’s famous lupine,
down dusty country roads that crunch under car tires and kick dust behind sneakers,
between paper-white birch trees and evergreen pine lined with split-rail fences and wild rose bushes hiding monarchs and honeybees,
tucked among rocky, cragged coastline where red quartz cliffs break squally sprays over pebbled stones warmed gray by the sun,
following the call of seagulls and dinghy bells and misplaced rhotic consonants within winter-gruff voices (ayuh),
where the smells of white bar soap and mineral-crusted pipes and salt, salt, salt mingle with those of lilac and bug spray and ozone,
there lies a fairytale village on a wishful blue bay.
And if you make pilgrimage to its venerable wooden dock, last stop before plunging into ocean deep,
and perhaps rest on its cerulean-bright benches, look out in wonder at how blues so blue can exist, and whites so white, and greens so green, and breathe what feels like nothing, the air so crystal clean,
and sigh and turn your head, look north, you might see
written in black sharpie, bubble letters marking permanently chip-worn paint,
the initials JFP + SOB.
And somewhere to the left of that, your curious eyes tracing, find that same sharpie and youthful handwriting among the various inking and carving,
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hachichimitsu2 · 3 years
Hachi ✨ 20 ✨ She/Her ✨ 🇵🇭 ✨ INFJ 6w5
Hello, I’m Hachi! I'm a full-time freelance illustrator on Fiverr, and I hopefully plan to branch out in other artistic areas in my life! Expect me to dump all of my artistic interests over here : #hachichiart
I also have a children’s picture e-book that I self-published on Amazon. I made it as a requirement for my high school thesis, so while the art there is definitely a representation of my past, I still stand by the message I was trying to send. I hope to eventually branch out this series in a form of a webcomic of sorts, for people who can’t afford to purchase my e-book for financial reasons. These characters are extremely dear to me, and I can’t wait to expound on them when I have the time lmao. Here’s a tag regarding the series: #behindtheartistichand
Some note-worthy things to mention, this blog is generally 15+, but I do make sure to tag any NSFW content and general triggers out there. I often post and retweet adult animation, so I’d say tread carefully if you’re a minor. I’m also critical with the media I consume, but most of the time, I like to talk about why I like something rather than why I hate it. I just find it more fun to expound on the positives of my favorite things. I also don’t take everything seriously.
Please let me know privately if I did or say anything wrong. Sometimes I say things without meaning to, and I’m not the brightest crayon in the box, so constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. If you take offense with anything I posted, just send a polite DM and explain why it offended you so I can be educated regarding the subject. I’m also available for any questions, DMs and a genuine chit-chat.
1. Character-Driven Storytelling
2. Adult Cartoons
3. CGDCT / Slice-of-Life Shows
4. Pastel Goth / Creepy Cute Fashion
5. Coming-of-Age Stories
6. Magical Girls
7. Psychological Horror
8. Well-Written Children’s Media
9. RPG Maker Horror Games
10. Video Essays & Film Studies
11. Speed Metal / Vaporwave / Shibuya-Kei
12. K-POP / J-POP Girl Groups (Serotonin Babey!)
13. 4LT (MBTI), Typology, Cognitive Functions
14. All Types of Artistic Endeavors (OCs, FanArt, Comics, Film, Music, Fanfiction, etc.)
1. K-ON!!
2. Hunter x Hunter
3. Neon Genesis Evangelion
4. Ojamajo Doremi
5. Ouran Highschool Host Club.
1. South Park
2. Bojack Horseman
3. Moral Orel
4. Ed, Edd n Eddy
5. Infinity Train
1. Interstellar (Favorite Sci-Fi Movie of All Time)
2. Nacho Libre (Favorite Guilty Pleasure Movie)
3. Johnny Got His Gun (Scariest movie of all time due to the sheer existential dread)
4. Studio Ghibli Films (Particularly Ponyo, My Neighbor Totoro & Grave of the Fireflies)
5. Perfect Blue (Favorite Anime Movie)
6. One Cut of the Dead (It’s hard to recommend this movie without spoiling it, but it’s an absolute must that you finish it in its entirety before you proceed to make any further judgments)
7. Coraline (I know almost everyone loves Coraline at this point, but it’s genuinely good.)
8. Interview with the Vampire (Favorite Vampire movie of all time that doesn’t seem overdone or cliché. It’s also really gay)
9. Get Out (2017)
10. Us (2019)
11. Up (2009)
12. Toy Story (Movies 1 to 3)
13. Hereditary (2018)
14. The Shining (1980)
15. Audition (1999)
16. Misery (1990)
17. The Green Mile (1999)
18. Shawshank Redemption (1994)
19. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
20. Mommie Dearest (1981)
21. The Others (2001)
22. The Platform (2020)
23. The Lodge (2019)
1. Homestuck (It’s been a good while since I read Homestuck, so my memory of the general storyline is fuzzy. I’ll re-read it once I have the chance)
2. When They Cry (Currently up-to date with the Higurashi anime and watched the live-action movies. Finally started to tackle the sound novels. Have yet to encounter Umineko and Ciconia)
3. Age of Youth (Favorite K-drama of all time.)
4. Squid Game (Battle Royale-type thriller series that tackles capitalism and the illusion of choice and free will? Sign me the fuck up)
5. Majisuka Gakuen (Favorite J-drama of all time. Also, yes, I’m biased because of my love for AKB48.)
6. Flight of the Conchords (Favorite live-action series of all time.)
7. Adult Cartoons (The Boondocks, Camp Camp, Superjail, The Oblongs, Bob’s Burgers, The Simpsons, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Home Movies, Beavis & Butthead, Daria, Smiling Friends, Aggretsuko)
8. FilmCow (I absolutely love everything they put out. Currently up to date with VuloLives’s broadcasts)
9. The Eric Andre Show (A good friend recommended me this show, and I haven’t stopped since.)
10. Nathan for You (My humor condensed into one show)
11. CGDCT / Slice-of-Life Shows (Sweetness & Lightning, The Amazing World of Gumball, Spongebob Squarepants, Gakkou Gurashi, Lucky Star, Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight, Koufuku Graffiti, Hidamari Sketch, Pita-Ten, A Little Snow Fairy Sugar, Di Gi Charat, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Yama no Susume, Shirobako, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Saint Young Men, Gunslinger Girl, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou, Osomatsu-san, Hey Arnold, The Peanuts, Arthur, Hibike! Euphonium, Nichijou, Asobi Asobase, Azumanga Daioh, Codename: Kids Next Door, Chowder)
12. Idol Anime (Love Live! School Idol Project, Aikatsu, Revue Starlight, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Pretty Rhythm, AKB600SEC // Will get into IDOLMASTER eventually)
13. Undertale (Will pick up Earthbound and Omori eventually)
14. RPGMaker Horror Games (Mad Father, Misao, The Witch’s House, Ao Oni, etc. Hoping to get into newer released games!)
15. Fictional Children / Adolescents Getting Trapped in Dangerous Scenarios (Digimon Tamers, Made in Abyss, The Promised Neverland, Alice Academy, Code Lyoko, The World Ends with You, Total Drama Island, Danganronpa)
16. Weird, Experimental or Slightly Disturbing Series (Serial Experiments Lain, Kuchuu Buranko, Invader Zim, Flapjack, Salad Fingers)
17. Shounen Anime (Yu Yu Hakusho, Mob Psycho 100, Dragon Ball Z)
18. Magical Girl Anime (Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Tokyo Mew Mew, Mermaid Melody, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, RWBY, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, My Little Pony, Princess Tutu, Powerpuff Girls, My Life As A Teenage Robot, Bee and Puppycat, Star vs. The Forces of Evil, Steven Universe // Will pick up She-Ra & The Owl House Eventually)
19. The Haunting of Hill House / Bly Manor (Don’t let the jump-scares deceive you. It’s a genuinely good character-driven horror series)
20. Sci-Fi Cartoons (Rick & Morty, Solar Opposites, Futurama, Bravest Warriors)
Tumblr media
1. Trey Parker & Matt Stone
2. Gain & Narsha (BROWN EYED GIRLS)
3. Hyuna (SOLOIST)
4. Sooyoung (SNSD)
5. Gyuri (KARA)
6. Hani (EXID)
7. Seulgi & Yeri (RED VELVET)
8. Sana (TWICE)
9. Yves & Olivia Hye (LOONA)
10. Shuhua (G-IDLE)
11. Yena (IZ*ONE)
12. Winter (AESPA)
14. Shiroma Miru (NMB48)
15. Yabuki Nako (HKT48)
16. Takahashi Minami (ex-AKB48)
17. Kojima Haruna (ex-AKB48)
18. Shinoda Mariko (ex-AKB48)
19. Sayaka Akimoto (ex-AKB48)
20. Watanabe Mayu (ex-AKB48)
21. Shimazaki Haruka (ex-AKB48)
22. Matsui Jurina (ex-SKE48)
23. Sakura Miko (HOLOLIVE)
24. Natsuiro Matsuri (HOLOLIVE)
25. Oozora Subaru (HOLOLIVE)
26. Inugami Korone (HOLOLIVE)
27. Houshou Marine (HOLOLIVE)
28. Kiryu Coco (ex-HOLOLIVE)
29. Momosuzu Nene (HOLOLIVE)
30. Kureiji Ollie (HOLOLIVE)
31. Takanashi Kiara (HOLOLIVE)
• Instagram: @Hachichimitsu
• Twitter: @Hachichimitsu
• I take art commissions on Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/hachichimitsu
• I have a children’s e-book on Amazon. Make sure to download the Amazon Kindle app to be able to read it on your smart device: https://www.amazon.com/Behind-Artistic-Erika-Marie-Vargas-ebook/dp/B08789CW3V
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immacaria · 4 years
  Hello there! So this for Sangchengber Day 5: Family and it brings as a jealous Nie Huaisang, a amused and overprotective Nie Mingjue and a tired Nie Zonghui. There are some OCs of mine in there and I ask for forgiveness right now if their names are horrible or shitty. I hope you enjoy this and have a nice day!
  For almost two years, Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng were living together now. Almost two years that Huaisang had to deal with his roommate’s beauty and stupid. Really, how come that he didn’t notice Huaisang’s pining over him? More than two years and Jiang Cheng didn’t ask or did a thing to acknowledge him for goodness’ sake! Not a thing at all! Now, he was here, attending to a fucking wedding party while his crush was back at their house doing God knows what!
  “A-Sang!” An aunt of his father’s side sang on his ear, throwing an arm over his neck. “My little A-Sang! How big you are!” She laughed, taking a full gulp of her drink. “Another wife, do you believe it? Your uncle has no shame!”
  “Auntie, I think you have drunk enough.” Huaisang said, getting the glass from her. Just because he didn’t remember that one, didn’t mean he wasn’t going to look after her. ‘Well, until she passes out or go pester someone else. Whatever comes first.’, Huaisang thought as she nodded in agreement.
  “But it’s true, you know?” She said, leaning into him, looking at the recently married couple bitterly. 
  “What’s true, Auntie?” He sighed, looking around for a savior. Anyone would do, truly.  
  “The rumors. That your uncle is marrying again because the first one couldn’t have children.” She explained, looking at the groom strangely. “Poor Mei, that’s what I think.” She breathed deep. “Poor Mei didn’t deserve this. She loved this asshole too much.” 
 “What do you mean, Auntie?” Alright, even if Huaisang didn’t like being there, the last family gossip always lifted him up. Even if it was just a little. “Do tell more.”
  “Please, sweetie.” The woman said, looking directly at him, strange and suddenly sober. “Everybody knows that your brother and the oldest of the twins Jades of Gusu are nothing but boyfriends. One’s already out for love.” She chuckled, looking around for Mingjue. “And you, everyone knows that you are way over hills for the youngest of the Jiangs.”
  “What do you mean, Auntie?” Nie Huaisang turned fully to her, curious and intrigued. 
  “Oh, sweet and innocent A-Sang. Once your father is dead, Mingjue is going to take over the business. But after his death, what happens?” 
  “I will still be here?” Huaisang said quietly, not liking what was going to happen next already. 
  “Oh, dear…” She said, touching his cheeks, eyes filled with pain and pity. “Everybody knows that you know nothing about your family’s business.” She whispered, stroking his eyebrows sadly. “Nobody expects you to, A-Sang. That’s why your uncle is marrying that whore. Anyway, enjoy the party, A-Sang. While it lasts.” She disappeared in the crowd, leaving Huaisang alone with his thoughts. ‘Why? Why would that woman do that to me?’ He groaned, turning to the waiter passing by. 
  “Do you guys still have whiskey?” He asked.
  “Plenty of it, young master.” The waiter smiled at him, before vanishing in the kitchen, chuckling with the gentle ‘thanks’ of Huaisang. “Here it is, younger master Nie.”
  “Thank you, Wu.” Huaisang smiled at him. “Bring me the whole bottle, would you?”
  “Of course, young master.” He smiled, simpatectelly. After he brought the bottle, Huaisang decided that nobody would ruin his already horrible night even more, not even his own family. Maybe that was the real reason why he went to the dance floor, maybe it was the alcohol, but the fact was that he went to the dance floor, fearing nothing. 
  As his favourite music blasted through the speakers, he let his body move on his own, not caring for what the others were saying, doing or thinking. His heart was already broken, his head still full of thoughts, horrible thoughts. ‘No!’, he thought. ‘Tonight nobody can hurt me!’ he smiled as Blackpink started to play. ‘Not anymore.’
  “A-Sang!” A cousin of his called, waving at him. “Do you know the choreography?” She yelled, throwing her stilettos away, almost hitting a cousin of theirs.
  “Of course!” Huaisang answered smiling widely as Kill This Love blew through the amplifiers. “Uhuu!” He laughed, dancing and singing along with the other girls at the wedding. He kept dancing and singing as all the playlist played out, drinking and joking around with everyone, caring even less if Jiang Cheng liked him or that girl in his class with every passing second. “Let’s kill this love!” He chanted, dropping a little of the whiskey on the floor. 
  “Huaisang!” Mingjue screamed over the noise. “What are you doing?”
  “Dancing!” Huaisang laughed, drinking a little more. He didn’t care if he passed out, he was having the time of his life. And nobody would stop him. 
  “And drinking!” His cousin, TongTong, said beside him. “Do you know I love you?”
  “Yes. And I love you too!” He yelled back as Mingjue threw him over a shoulder. “Da-Ge!” He turned to him, completely ultraged. “What are you doing?” 
  “Getting you home.” Mingjue retorted, putting the nearly empty bottle on a table nearby. “You are too drunk, Huaisang.”
  “No! I was having fun!” He reached for the bottle. “Funkiller!” He screamed at the top of his lungs before dissolving in a mess of giggles. 
  “You’re absolutely wasted.” He sighed, dumping his little brother in the backseat of the car. 
  “No, I’m Huaisang.” Giggled as Mingjue started to leave the parking lot. “Da-ge…” He called, lifting a hand to him. “Auntie said that Uncle is marrying that whore so he could take over father’s business.” 
  “I’m still here.” Mingjue patted his head. “As long as I’m here, you will be fine. And father’s business too.”
  “But, Da-Ge…” Huaisang groaned, turning to him. 
  “Go to sleep, A-Sang. No uncle of ours will take over father’s business.” The older one threw his own jacket over the other’s shoulders. “Da-Ge will resolve everything.” He stroked Huaisang’s hair, smiling sadly at his sleepy brother. “No need to worry.” Was the last thing that Nie Huaisang heard before dozing off to a dreamless sleep, the first of many nights since he moved on with Jiang Cheng. 
  Sincerely, he didn’t know the exact reason him and Cheng had moved in. At first thought, Jiang Cheng’s brother, Wei Ying, was moving in with his boyfriend, Lan Zhan, and Nie Huaisang needed a place near the Art Institute after he got accepted. At second thought, Da-Ge could always buy him an apartment, but he prefered to go living with his long-life crush and best friend.
  Now, here he was, sleeping on his older brother’s backseat while he drove around the city, giving him time to think, sleep or do anything Huaisang wanted to. But, what Huaisang wanted to do right now was go home and hide from all the world for the rest of the weekend, just eating and watching Netflix with Jiang Cheng. And, yet, he really didn't want to deal with Jiang Cheng saying that he was irresponsible, that all he and Wei Wuxian knew was to party and just get themselves fucking wasted and a lot of other things. So, nah, not coming home tonight. 
  Because of that, when he woke up, Huaisang looked through the window in front of him, trying to calculate if they had already arrived at his apartment or not. He really didn’t want to deal with Jiang Cheng’s grumpiness and all of the Jiangs brothers’ dramas tonight (nor the rest of the weekend, to be true).
  "Da-Ge…" He whispered, getting up slowly. "Where are we?" Huaisang asked, putting Mingjue’s jacket on.
  "Almost at your home." Mingjue answered, making a soft turn. "Your husband called four times already." He smirked as his little brother came to sit on the seat next to him. “Apparently, you are two hours past your bedtime.”
  "Who?" Huaisang asked, putting the seat belt on. “I don’t have a husband. Nor bedtime. I’m not living with you anymore.”
  “If you say so…” The older smiled fully, stopping in front of a small building. “Here we are.” 
  “I don’t want to go in, Da-Ge.” He whined, turning to him slowly, after some time. 
  “Why not?” Mingjue asked, entering in the overprotective mood instinctively. “What did that Jiang do to you? And don’t you dare lie to me, Huaisang, because I know he did something to you. You never drank how you drank today, Huaisang! Actually you never drank anything stronger than… Than… I never saw you drinking before, Huaisang!” He waved around, looking terrified. “So, please, please, what happened? You can tell Da-Ge. Da-Ge will protect you from that monster!’ He held Huaisang’s hands, searching for the younger’s eyes. 
  “Da-Ge!” Huaisang looked up to him, exasperated. “Jiang Cheng did nothing wrong!” He huffed, feelling the little squish Minigjue gave to his hands. “It’s not Jiang Cheng’s fault I still have a crush on him, beside I got worried about you and dad…” But Mingjue wasn’t hearing anymore, too shocked to process anything else. “And you aren’t even listening.” He sighed, rolling his eyes, before yelling. “Da-Ge!” 
  “What do you mean ‘still have a crush’? When did you get a crush on that kid?!” Mingjue grabbed him, pulling him closer. “And he doesn’t love you back? Fuck business’ friendship, I’m going to commit a murder.” He whispered in Huaisang’s hair. “Don’t worry, A-Sang, Da-Ge is here.” He patted his back.
 “Da-Ge!” Huaisang pushed him away. “He doesn’t know and neither do I want him to.” Huaisang murmured, leaning back into his seat. “Just… Just take me to another place, please.” He closed his eyes, not working the energy to talk with Mingjue or anyone else and, yet, expecting him to argue. But the older one just hummed in agreement and drove away (still shooting a murderous look at the small and beige building). 
  After that, the Nie brothers went to an old apartment of theirs. Even if Mingjue wanted to stay and take care of his younger brother, he had responsibilities with their dad’s enterprises, trips to do and new deals to make. Nie Huaisang didn’t blame him, he did all of it so he didn’t have to, that’s all. His Da-Ge only wanted him to be happy, doing what pleased him. 
  At first, he planned to pass only a day there, but then a day became two and, suddenly, it was Wednesday and Huaisang had even put a foot out of the loft since the party. Nie Mingjue came to visit him everyday, not commenting on what he was doing, nor saying what was happening in the world around them. 
  "You really didn't check on your phone since we got here?" Mingjue sighed after Huaisang asked how TongTong was doing along with Zonghui. 
  "No, it died three days ago. The only charge here is from my old one.” He shrugged, making coffee for them. "And I couldn't find my old one."
  "I see." He took the mug from Huaisang's hand. "Have you explained why you didn't go to college this week?" 
  "Nope." He chuckled, popping the "p". "I didn't even manage to work up the courage to get out of here, Da-Ge, let alone actually talk to someone.”
  "And what the hell were you doing here all this time?" Mingjue sighed, putting the mug down.
  "I'm painting again. And drawing. I forgot how cool and relaxing it was, to just paint and don't worry about anything else." Huaisang smiled, playing with his cup. "Do you want to see them?" 
  "Yeah. I do, A-Sang." 
  “C’mon, they are in my room.” He led the way to his bedroom, even though it was usually the other one who used it in his freetime. Seriously, since he had moved in with Jiang Cheng the only places he went to was the college, Mingjue and Xichen’s house, Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan’s apartment and his own apartment, beside the shopping nearby. ‘When did I get so old?’, he thought as he showed some drawings he had made that week. ‘When did I get so domesticated? And A-Cheng still says that the only thing I do is partying.’ 
  “These are pretty cool. Thinking about putting it in your portfolio?” Mingjue asked, smiling to the scenes of birds and bees, to the neighbour’s drooling dog smiling back at him and to the… “Wait, what’s this?” He squinted his eyes, not quite believing in himself. “Is it Jiang Cheng--”
  “Nope, this is personal, Da-Ge!” Huaisang pulled the paper from his hands, hiding it beneath his pillow, breathing deeply. “What about the other ones? Did you like it?”
  “Yes, but I’m more interested in the one beneath your pillow.” He crossed his arms, smirking at him. “Was the young Jiang here these days?”
  “No, Da-Ge, A-Cheng is at home, studying and, probably, hitting on a girl in his class.” 
  “Why do you say that?”
  “Because he only talks about her! He’s always like Hua Mei this, Hua Mei that. She is gentle as a morning breeze and smooth as a petal.” He murmured, pouting. “That little shit didn’t even notice that it was always me, me, who was there for him. Not Hua Mei.” 
  “A-Sang, don’t take it wrong, but you should get back because your man asks me about you every single day!” Mingjue said, sitting on the bed. “Every single day, the Jiang boy asks where are you? Why aren’t you going to class?”
  “He does?” Huaisang turned to him, momentarily forgetting his paintings.
  “Of course, he does.” Mingjue huffed, rolling his eyes. “It’s getting annoying.” 
“Oh!” He said, fidgeting his nails, stopping for a while. If it was true what Mingjue was saying, maybe, just maybe, Nie Huaisang had been a little bit too blind too, but nothing he couldn’t handle. He just had to muster up the courage to get out of the loft and actually talk to his crush. “Do you know if he is in class now? Or something like that?”
  “For what I know, he is currently in class, sending you messages a mile per hour.” Mingjue fished the phone from his back pocket, looking at its screen for a second. “A cousin of us does the same classes as Jiang Cheng and said she would keep an eye on him for you.”
  “Which cousin? A-Hua? I remember she wanted to be a veterinarian.” He said, laying behind him. “Or it was A-Liang?”
  “A-Hua. Wang Hua Mei.” He smirked as realization came to his didi, his eyes widening with every minute. “Yes, our little cousin Wang Hua Mei who is a lesbian and a veterinary student.” 
  “I was jealous of A-Hua? The little A-Hua?! No!” He hid his face with his hands, howling dramatically. “I can’t believe this! Please, tell me TongTong don’t know this.”
  “Of course I know this, sweet cousin. I know everything that happens in this crazy family, including the affairs and jealousy.” TongTong laughed, smiling. “Aaand you should thank me too. I made damage control on that video of us dancing. In the wedding.” 
  “What video?” Huaisang looked between his fingers, fear cradling at his insides. 
  “The one where you scream Fuck Jiang Wanyin so many times it became the name of the video.” Nie Mingjue said, smiling too. 
  “And to best everything, Let’s Kill This Love is blasting in full volume.” TongTong sat by his head, caressing his hair. “You really know the choreography, uhm?”
  “Of course I do.” He mumbled, trying to hold the tears back. Now Jiang Cheng wouldn’t look at his face ever again. “I really screamed Fuck Jiang Wanyin?”
  “It’s the name of the video, A-Sang, dear. What do you think?” She sighed, eyes looking fondly at him. 
  “Oh, gods! A-Cheng isn’t going to look at me ever again, Da-Ge!” Nie Huaisang groaned, trying to not scream too loudly. “What am I going to do?” 
 “I don’t know, fight back, try to talk with him, change your name and move to the USA.” Nie Mingjue shrugged, getting up. “Either way you choose, you will have to get out of this loft, get your things in your apartment and know that your family is by your side. Now, get up, hand me that painting of the Jiang kid and let me be the judge if it will go to your portfolio or not.”
  “What painting?” TongTong said, perking up. 
  “Da-Ge!” Nie Huaisang screamed, but pulled the painting from beneath the pillow nevertheless. He may not know what he was going to do right now, but he knew that his family was going to be by his side at any circumstance. Because that’s what you do when you are part of the Nie family, you take care of each other and let yourself be taken care of. 
  Okay, maybe the idea of bringing Nie Mingjue, TongTong, Nie Zonghui and A-Hua wasn’t the greatest idea Nie Huaisang ever had in his life, but they were family and certainly would intervene in the talk he was about to have with Jiang Cheng. If they did, then he would accept Nie Mingjue’s advice and move to the USA as quickly as he could because they were going to start screaming with Jiang Cheng and one another and Nie Huaisang would be kicked out of his home. And if there were a few things that he couldn’t stand, being humiliated was on top of them all. 
  “Okay, listen. I’m going to talk to him, okay? No need to shout or intervene or pull any weapon I didn’t manage to find before we came here, alright?” He turned to them, trying to look like the personification of calm and collected. “It’s just a talk, nothing that I can’t handle. There’s nothing to panic over. Everything is fine.”
  “A-Sang, dear, you look like you want to be everywhere minus here.” TongTong said, passing him a fan. “Here, you forgot this at the party.”
  “Thank you.” He said, breathing deep as he looked for the spare key they usually let hidden on his plants. “Ah, here.” He pulled it out, shaking it a little. “Breathe, Huaisang, it’s very unlike that he is going to be home now.” He whispered, behind his fan, looking to the sides. “Everyth--”
  “Nie Huaisang.” Jiang Cheng growled, coming out of the kitchen, hearing an apron and yielding a knife. 
  “Da-Ge!” He yelped, running to hide behind Nie Mingjue. “Help”
  “Haven’t you said that you didn’t need our help?” Nie Mingjue snickered, looking at him over his shoulder. “It’s just a talk, nothing I can’t handle. It was something like that, right?”
  “Shut up.” He murmured, making himself look smaller.  
  “Hold yourself, kiddo.” Nie Zonghui rolled his eyes, a hand inside his jacket. “Put the knife down, Young Master Jiang.” 
  “Why the hell didn’t you answer my calls?! Or my messages?!” He said, walking to him. “Excuse us. Can you leave?” 
  “Ooh, I like him. He has no brain cells, just pure and beautiful anger.” TongTong whispered to A-Hua, smiling like crazy.
  “Jiang-xiong has brain cells, he is just too worried with Huaisang-gege and kind of angry too.” She whispered back, laughing behind her hands. “They are kind of cute together, don’t you think?”
  “Yeah. Good propaganda too.” 
  “TongTong!” She slapped her arm as the other just shrugged. 
  “Let go of the knife and I will step back.” Nie Mingjue said, looking amused at him. “Now, Wanyin.”
  “Fine.” Jiang Cheng turned around, scowling as he put the knife on the small cafe table Jiang Yanli gave them. “Happy now?”
  “Yeah…” The oldest Nie of the room stepped aside, smirking at him. "For now." 
  "Why didn't you respond to my messages, Huaisang? Just because of that video?" He said, furrowing his eyebrows. 
  "Yes?" Nie Huaisang said, hiding behind his fan. 
  "That's it? Yes?" He crossed his arms. "No more explanation?" 
  "I panicked, okay? I thought you weren’t going to look at my face ever again and hide.” Nie Huaisang started, knowing fully well that he would start rambling. “I was angry at you, okay? Every single time you opened your mouth, you would talk about Hua-Mei this, Hei-Mua that and I was getting jealous, alright? To worsen everything, when I arrived at the party, my fucking aunt simply glued on me and would let go, insisting that my uncle was marrying another woman so he could get children and usurp Dad’s company because Da-Ge insists that he is not dating Lan Xichen. But everybody knows that they are dating. And nobody believes that I could command it because I’m just the ‘poor and innocent A-Sang’!” 
  “Huaisang. Huaisang. NIE HUAISANG!” Jiang Cheng screamed, clapping his hands together. “Breathe!” He instructed when Nie Huaisang looked at him. 
  “No! Now that I started, I will finish. I was angry at you, I was angry at my poor Aunt who did nothing more than tell me gossip and I was angry at Hua-Mei without reason.” He pointed at her, fan furiously coming back and forth in front of him. “So, I started drinking and Wu brought me a bottle and I got another from who knows who and then TongTong asked if I knew how to dance Let’s Kill This Love. Of course I know how to dance it. I remember dancing, drinking and not caring even when Da-Ge put me on his shoulder and carried me out of there.” 
  “Why didn’t you come home?” Jiang Cheng crossed his arms again. 
  “Because I couldn’t look at your face, see you praising someone else and deal with the Jiang brother’s drama while drunk and dealing with my own drama and drinking. I was fucking wasted, A-Cheng, my hangover was horrible and I didn’t left the loft for nothing but do go get some groceries.” He answered, rubbing his face. "That 's it! Happy now?”
  “So you're telling me that you got jealous over me and Hua-Mei, who is a lesbian and have a girlfriend…”
  “And cousin.” The girl added, smiling. 
  “I didn’t know that at the time.” Nie Huaisang grumbled. 
  “And cousin, angered yourself in the wedding, got yourself drunk, started dancing with your another cousin and screamed Fuck Jiang Wanyin seventeen times in a row while singing Let’s Kill This Love?” Jiang Cheng carried on, lifting one finger to each action he quoted. “That’s why you didn’t answer my messages?”
  “My phone died and I didn’t have a charger nearby.” He shrugged, still slowly fanning himself. “Sorry.” Jiang Cheng stayed silent, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. Some moments passed and nobody said a thing, just looking at each other as if trying to determine what was going to help next. 
  “A-Cheng, say something, please.” Nie Huaisang begged, when it all got too much for him. 
  “So, you like me?” Jiang Cheng said, looking uncertain of himself. 
  “Yes, A-Cheng, I like you.” He smiled as TongTong groaned behind him and A-Hua chuckled. 
  “Good, don’t this again or last time I will break your legs.” He took the knife back, walking to the kitchen. “I’m making dinner, put the table.” 
  “Okay, okay.” Nie Huaisang smiled, following him, chuckling when he heard Nie Mingjue said begrudgingly. 
  “Did he just use my threat?” 
  “Yeah, he did.” Nie Zonghui said, chuckling too.
  "I'm liking him even more." TongTong said as A-Hua agreed with her. "We are staying for dinner, aren't we?"
  "Yeah. I'm fucking hungry." Nie Mingjue said and Nie Huaisangī wouldn’t be happier than he already was. 
  “Just so you know, I like you back. Since we were in school.” Jiang Cheng whispered to him, nudging his arm with his elbow. 
  “Does this mean we are dating?” He whispered back, a smile forming on his lips. 
  “I think so. What you think?” He smiled back, returning to where he was cutting the vegetables before. 
  “Yes! I love you!” Nie Huaisang jumped at him, kissing his face. 
  “Careful, you idiot, I’m holding a knife!” He screamed, but soon he was laughing too. And if Nie Mingjue and the others looked inside the kitchen and screamed at them for delaying dinner with their smooches, Nie Huaisang didn’t care because now he was truly happy! He was dating his childhood crush, his family were by his side and happy for him and even if there were things that were kind of bad in his life, it was nothing he couldn’t handle. Alone or not. 
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch.40
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
Summary: Rose finds out some wonderful news.
A/N: Nearing the end. There will be about ten more chapters or so. I just want to say thanks to my readers, and I’m glad you’ve been enjoying this story. I have plans to do a Fairytale AU, and I will be posting a preview of it very soon.
Tagging: @holdmeicant​ @willymywonkers​ @sleepiesapphicxoxo​ @frozenhuntress67​
Months later...
It was a quiet day. Rose had decided to spend the day with her family. Minus her father as he was at work, and Charlie as he was busy with Willy for the day. That just left Rose with her mother and grandparents.
Mrs Bucket and Rose were doing the dishes. Grandpa Joe was sweeping up the floor. Grandma Josephine and Grandma Georgina were knitting sweaters and scarves. Grandpa George was fixing a broken clock.
Yep. It all seemed quiet. That is, until Rose found herself feeling nauseated. She didn't want to throw up in the sink, dirtying the dishes even more. So she grabbed the closest thing she could which was an empty mop bucket.
Rose crouched on the floor as puked into the bucket. All the other Buckets shared concerned glances with each other. Mrs Bucket crouched beside her daughter and rubbed her back. "You feeling alright, dear?"
Rose lifted her head up. "Yes, I think I'm—" She vomited again.
"Come on, darling" Mrs Bucket helped Rose to her feet. She guided her over to the couch and sat her down. She then put her hand over her daughter's forehead. "You don't feel feverish. Still, we should take you to the doctor. Just in case"
"Mum, I'm fine" Rose instantly regretting saying that as she puked in the bucket again. "Take me to the doctor, please"
Mrs Bucket grabbed Rose by the arm and helped her to her feet. She made sure to keep an arm around her, in case she was feeling faint and about to fall. "We shouldn't be too long, hopefully" Mrs Bucket addressed the grandparents. "If Nathan, Charlie or Willy show up, tell them we'll be back soon"
The Buckets bid their farewell to the two women. Though, something Grandma Georgina said was very interesting. "You'll be coming back with wonderful news! I know it!"
It was like she knew something.
It wasn't just a simple check up like Rose and Mrs Bucket thought it would be. The doctor suspected something, though he wouldn't say what, and wanted to do a few more tests.
"Mum, what if somethings wrong?" Rose began to panic. "What if I'm sick with something? What if I'm dying!? What would I tell Willy? I can't leave him, mum!"
"Calm down, dear" Mrs Bucket said in a calm tone. She put her hand over Rose's. "I'm sure it's nothing too serious. Probably just a stomach bug or something"
At that moment, the doctor, named Dr Potts, entered the room. He had his clipboard in hand. "We got all the test results back, Mrs Wonka"
Rose's eyes widened in worry. "I'm sick aren't I? I'm sick with something incurable!"
Dr Potts shook his head. " I assure you, you're not sick"
"Oh" Rose sighed with relief.
"But, that doesn't mean the tests didn't find anything"
Mrs Bucket blinked. "And what did my daughter's tests find?"
Dr Potts gave a great big smile. "Congratulations, Mrs Wonka. You're pregnant"
Rose and Mrs Bucket were left speechless. It took a few moments for the news to register with Rose, and when it finally did, her eyes began tearing up. "So... I'm going to be a mom...and Willy... he's going to be a dad"
"Darling," Mrs Bucket looked to her daughter. She smiled and touched her arm. "That's absolutely wonderful! Everyone is going to be so ecstatic"
Rose tried to say something, but she broke out into tears. Mrs Bucket looked to Dr Potts. "Do you mind?"
"Take your time" Dr Potts said before leaving the mother and daughter alone.
Mrs Bucket pulled her crying daughter into a hug. She rubbed her back as she cooed into her ear. "Rose, what's wrong? Aren't you happy?"
"That's why I'm crying!" Rose said. "I haven't cried happy tears like this since the wedding" She smiled the biggest smile she could. "I'm a mom! And Willy is a dad!"
Mrs Bucket smiled. "He's going to be so happy to hear that. I just know it"
When Rose and Mrs Bucket returned home, they shared the news with Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine, Grandpa George and Grandma Georgina. All of them were quite excited at the news.
"I knew it!" Grandma Georgina beamed.
"We're great grandparents!" Grandpa Joe exclaimed. "I honestly thought we'd never live to see the day"
"I can't wait until dad finds out! And Charlie! And Willy, of course! Oh, I must tell him right away!" Rose spoke excitedly. She was about to head out the door. "I don't even know what room he's in! Maybe the Oompa-Loompas know!"
"Rose, dear, calm down for a moment" Mrs Bucket said. She grabbed Rose's hand and lead her over to the table. "I understand you're excited, but if you're going to tell Willy, why not make the occasion special?"
"Alright" Rose nodded. She thought of an idea. "Oh! How about a picnic in the park?"
"Couldn't have thought of anything better myself" Grandpa George said.
"That's a wonderful idea, Rose" Grandma Josephine added. "Perhaps a sunset picnic? You could stay out late and watch the stars"
"Even better!"
"I'll get started on preparing a basket. I'll make some sandwiches. And I'm sure there's a spare blanket around here somewhere" Mrs Bucket said. She began looking around for the picnic basket and a spare blanket.
Mr Bucket, at that moment, walked through the door. "Hello Buckets!"
Everyone greeted him back. The grandparents waved. Mrs Bucket made sure to give him a kiss. And Rose made sure to hug him.
That's when she told him the news. "You're going to be a grandfather"
"Oh Rose! That's wonderful news!" Mr Bucket celebrated. He kissed her on the forehead. "Does Willy know yet?"
"I'm going to tell him during a special picnic tonight" Rose explained. "Oh, and please, don't tell Charlie. I want to be the one who tells him"
"Don't worry. We won't say a word" Mr Bucket promised.
Mrs Bucket had the basket all prepared. She made some sandwiches, cut up some fruit and added other snacks to it. She even put in a bottle of apple cider. The blanket was nicely folded on top of everything.
"Mum," Rose spoke up, approaching Mrs Bucket. "Can you add just one more thing to the basket?"
"Of course, dear. Whatever you'd like" Rose handed a note to Mrs Bucket. "What's this?" She opened up the note and read it. It was a beautifully written note that revealed Rose's pregnancy to Willy. Rose thought it was a special way to share the news, and so did Mrs Bucket as she smiled. "I'm telling you dear, he's going to cry when he reads this" She tucked the letter into the basket.
It was just a little before dinner time when Charlie and Willy came to the Bucket house. Willy smiled when he saw his wife. He couldn't help but notice this glow about her. He's actually noticed it for a few days now. Whatever it was, he liked it.
"Hello, my beautiful and most wonderful starshine" He said to her. Of course, he greeted her with a sweet kiss.
"And hello to you, my handsome and most amazing cocoa bean" Rose said. There was no hiding the smile on her face. She was itching to tell him, but it wasn't the right time yet. Not until their picnic. Next, Rose turned to greet Charlie. She crouched so she was level with him and gave him a great big and tight hug. "And of course, a hello to you Charlie. How was your day?"
"It was great" Charlie said. "How about yours?"
Rose just shrugged, acting as if it were like any other day. "Oh, nothing out of the ordinary" She caught eyes with Mrs Bucket, and they both smiled at each other.
Mrs Bucket walked up to Rose and gave her the basket. "Here you are, darling. I've put everything in there"
"Thank you, mum" Rose turned to Willy. "I was thinking we could go on a little picnic tonight. Just you and me. It's been awhile since we've had a proper date"
"I would like that very much, my starshine" Willy said. "We'll take the elevator and find a nice quiet spot. And we can stay out as long as you like"
Rose smiled, wrapping her arms around him, hugging him closely to her as she hummed in content. She couldn't wait to tell him.
The two of them had found the perfect spot on top of a high hill. It overlooked all the bright stars in the sky, and there wasn't another person in sight, meaning that no one would disturb them. On top of that hill, stood a lone cherry blossom tree. Rose and Willy decided to set up their picnic under the pink, beautiful tree.
"Look at all those stars" Rose said, admiring all the twinkling natural lights. "They're so beautiful, don't you think?"
There was only one star that Willy was staring at. And it wasn't any of the ones in the sky. "No star can ever shine as bright or as beautifully as you do" He reached over and pushed her hair behind her ear. "That's what makes you my starshine"
Rose smiled and bit her lip. "Such a romantic you are, Willy"
Willy cupped her face. "Only for you" He leaned in, pressing a soft and sweet kiss to Rose's lips. When the kiss ended, he admired her beautiful face. The glow from the moonlight accentuated the natural glow that she had developed. "I've noticed this recent glow about you. I really like it"
"Well, there might be a reason why I've been glowing recently"
Willy tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
"Why don't you look in the basket?"
He opened up the basket and took a peek inside. "Hmm. I see some food, and there's a bottle of apple cider in here. Wait, what's this?" Willy noticed the letter and took it out of the basket. "Starshine, what's this?"
"Read it" Rose excitedly urged him.
Willy opened up the letter and he began reading it.
My love,
Words cannot express how much I love you. And words cannot express the happiness that I'm feeling on this very day. And I hope you will feel that same happiness when I tell you why.
Besides the Bucket family, we've been a family of two for quite some time now. Just you and me. But that's going to change. Because today, I found out that we're welcoming a new member into our family.
Willy, you're going to be a father.
When Willy reached the end of the letter, his heart swelled. He looked up at his wife. And the smile on her face made his heart swell up more. "I'm going to be a dad?"
"Yes" Rose whispered.
She hadn't ever seen Willy cry before. He hadn't even cried during their wedding. Rose did plenty of that for the both of them.
This was Rose's first time seeing Willy Wonka cry. But she knew they weren't sad tears. They were happy tears.
"Oh, cocoa bean" Rose cooed, cupping his face and wiping away his tears.
"I'm going to be a papa!" Willy exclaimed. His arms wrapped around Rose and he hugged her tightly. "We're having a little jellybean! Oh, Rose! I'm so happy!" He giggled out in pure joy.
"I knew you would be"The two of them kissed.
Then they ate the wonderful food that Mrs Bucket had prepared for them. They stayed very late into the night, finding themselves making love to each other.
It was very quiet and late when the Wonkas made their return to the factory. There was one more person Rose had to tell the news to, and she knew he'd be fast asleep right now. But Charlie wouldn't mind.
The two of them stopped in front of the Bucket house, and proceeded to speak in whispers as to not wake any of them up. "Will you be alright without me for tonight?" Rose asked Willy.
"I'll be fine, starshine. Don't worry" Willy assured her. He gave her a kiss. "I know that you're still in the factory at least"
Rose smiled and caressed his cheek. "Have sweet dreams of me"
Willy returned her smile. He placed his hand overtop of hers. "I'm already living the sweetest dream with you" He brought her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss to her knuckles. "Goodnight, starshine" He got down on his knees and grabbed Rose by the waist. "And goodnight to you, my precious jellybean" Willy cooed to his unborn child, and pressed another kiss to Rose's stomach.
Rose couldn't help but smile. Willy was already such a wonderful father. He stood back onto his feet. Rose grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into one more kiss. "Goodnight, cocoa bean" She whispered to him.
They finally parted ways. Willy made his way back to their home in the Garden Room, while Rose entered the Bucket house. She was careful not to make any noise. She didn't want to risk waking her family up, even though they wouldn't be furious if she did. There was just enough dim light coming from the Chocolate Room, peeking in through the cracks and windows that Rose could see where she was stepping.
She made it up to Charlie. She removed her boots and carefully crawled into bed with him. Charlie could feel his bed dipping, so he slowly opened his eyes to see what it was. He smiled when he saw his sister. "Rosie?" He said quietly. "What are you doing here?"
"I need to tell you something, Charlie" She said. "And I'm too excited to wait until morning"
"What is it?"
"You're going to be an uncle"
"Really?" Charlie's eyes sparkled with joy and wonder. "That's wonderful news, Rosie. What did Willy say when you told him?"
"He was so happy that he started to cry" Rose said. Her eyelids were becoming heavy. "I think it's time we both get to sleep, Charlie"
Charlie snuggled into Rose, and she wrapped her arms around him. "Goodnight, Rosie"
"Goodnight, Charlie"
The two siblings drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
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keoghans · 4 years
Hey Chuck
Hello and welcome to this Chuck Grant fanfic. I always loved this dude, and I see little to no work about him, so, I took it upon myself to do fic about him. I invented a character, his love interest, because I cant write reader insert, I just, it bothers the fuck out of me to write like that lmao. 
Special mentions for @notmykirk @liebthots @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @alphapockets for proofreading, giving ideas and helping a distressed, nervous writer lol, you lot were brilliant!
This is super angsty, but also filled with fluff and stupid cliches. 
Pairing: Chuck Grant x OC
Warnings: angst, shitloads of angst. Mention of rape. Slight, non-explicit smut. Cursing.  
Word Count: 12k (I know, IM SORRY)
Three knocks and an anxious wait.
The door was opened by the tall ginger that didn’t seem to ever age. 
“Hannah Davis! What brings you here?” he exclaimed with a broad smile as he hugged her smaller frame. 
“How are you, sir? You look great!” she replied and he furrowed his eyebrows at her answer.
“Hannah, the war is over, it has been for a while, I go by Richard, Rich, or Dick, please,” he said, as he let her in his house. He sounded the same, warm, emphatic, funny. 
“Old habits die hard, I guess,” she replied, checking out his living room. He lived in a beautiful, tall house, very homey. It had a fireplace on and a half finished drink on the nearby table. 
“My wife went to visit her brother, a man that’s never approved of me, so I stayed back,” he explained, serving another drink for her. 
“I remember when you first told me that he wasn’t fond of you and I wondered, how the hell does someone not like Dick Winters?” she replied and they both chuckled. 
“Her parents like me, and so does she, so… it doesn’t really matter”. 
Hannah didn’t marry post war, and it had been only a year, but most of Easy Company was already having children, marrying or at least dating. 
She had her heart set on someone but she had lost all contact with him and the Army didn’t help her trying to get what she needed.
So, after an hour and a half of reminiscing about the war, about Austria and the Eagle’s Nest, Winters caught up to her.
“Hannah, with all due respect… I know this isn’t just a casual visit, or you would’ve brought Luz or someone else with you,” he started, trailing off for her to speak. 
Hannah chuckled cynically, the man had always been prone to read people like a piece of paper. She struggled for a few seconds, her nerves coming back to her, scratching the back of her head absentmindedly.
“I’ve been trying to find someone… Someone from the Company, and I don’t want to ask the rest of the men because… Well, if this fails, I don’t want it to be gossip between them; and the Army couldn’t help me, they cannot give out information about former paratroopers,” she explained. 
“I have all of the men’s information with me, so, who are you looking for? Though—some information can be outdated, I haven’t updated it in a couple of years,” Dick said, looking for an old black book that had ‘Easy’ embroidered in the front.
“Say the name.”
“Uh… Charles Grant—NCO Chuck Grant.” 
Rick smiled softly, looking down as he looked for his name in his book. 
“What?” she asked, slightly embarrassed. He knew.
“Nothing. Sergeant Grant is an exceptional man, I felt deeply for him when he got shot,” he explained and placed a ruler under his name, handing the notebook to Hannah.
“I know he is, that’s why I’m looking for him,” she said, looking down at his name, copying the information of his address and phone number. 
Richard looked at her with his usual witty, warm smile. 
“Thank you, Dick” she said, closing the notebook and giving it back.
“Like my wife would say, ‘go get him’.”
Hannah had Chuck’s address and phone for a month and a half. 
Every time she thought about calling him, or showing up at his place, fear shook her body and threw her back to square one. She had taken a cab to her former Major in the Paratroopers for forty five minutes to find a man’s address and she couldn’t actually talk to him. 
Hannah laid in her bed, after a long day at the hospital. She was eating leftover carrot cake she had made a week ago, feeling dreadful, looking at the little paper with Chuck’s name sitting on her bedside table, and remembered the many times they shared. 
Bastogne was the coldest hell Hannah had ever experienced, and she knew it was never leaving her head after everything that transpired.
The trees exploded every now and again. As desperation settled inside each mind, everyone started wondering which was getting killed next. 
Then the casualties came: Joe Toye and Guarnere lost each other one leg to mortars, Don Hoobler accidentally shot himself in the leg and the blood loss took his life. Muck and Penkala got blown to pieces by another mortar. 
She had tried to save as many lives as possible as she had to shoot Germans from afar, fearing death every single second she moved around the snow covered forest.
She had short moments of peace, and most were laying in a foxhole, trying to gather some warmth, next to Chuck. 
Her body shook as she blew into her hands, trying to gain back feeling on her fingertips when Charles looked at her and grabbed her hands without a word, covering them with his calloused fingers, scooting closer to her. 
She was slightly taken aback. 
Chuck wasn’t a man of many words, he communicated more with his eyes and small expressions. He politely smiled at her as he rubbed his hands against her. 
“Thanks,” she muttered, nuzzling her chin deeper into her scarf that was tucked into her jumpsuit. 
Chuck just looked at her and kept rubbing their hands together. She noticed her blue eyes looking bright from the full moon shining down the forest. 
“I always hated the winter time, back in the states… and now more,” Chuck said, breaking the silence between them. 
“I know, I prefer to be burning under the sun rather than freezing my butt off.” 
“Cold beers,” he added.
“The beach.”
“Dipping into a river or the sea.”
Both exchanged small smiles. 
Chuck had always noticed Hannah, and stared silently at her many times, but barely exchanged a few words in the second year of their training, when she arrived in Toccoa. He knew she was Shifty’s friend, and someone who Winters relied on and trusted from what Powers had said to help her get into the Paratroopers. 
And she had proved herself useful, not only as a doctor, but as a sharpshooter, taking down snipers that others didn’t notice at first. She used to compete with Shifty on how many Krauts took down each.
Hannah always knew who he was, she remembered every and each name of the company, by nicknames mostly. He definitely called for her attention; he was polite, shy, only mustered a few jokes here and there, not like Luz, who couldn’t speak without joking. 
But she was never as interested in him until he helped her find warmth in a shattering cold in Belgium. 
Hannah remembered that with a smile—their first and probably closest interaction. It only took snow, people dying around them and a whole war for it to happen.
Friday, she thought, Friday would be a good thing for me to approach his house if, luckily, he didn’t move out before. 
Anxiety. Lots of. 
Hannah wasn’t on call at the hospital on Friday. She and her best friend, scheduled everything.
Angelina made sure she couldn’t back out of looking for the former paratrooper. She had helped her pick an outfit, helped with her hair, the whole ordeal. 
“Okay, go, go! It’s barely past noon, it’s a beautiful day, maybe y’all can go for a walk,” angelina said, taking a sip from her lemonade. 
Hannah was barely talking, her hands shook, she felt her pits damp with sweat, with a tight knot in her stomach. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, okay… I’m going, whatever, what could go wrong, what the fuck, he could only think I’m a fucking stalker, whatever right? Fuck—.”
“Oh my god, get out, I’ll take care of Trigger, let him have a stroll, and if by any chance you spend the night there—” she said, with a wink— “call me so I’ll stay and give Trigger his morning walkies,” Angelina commanded as she pushed Hannah through the door. 
“Good luck, honey!” She yelled as Hannah dragged her feet through the hot cement under the July sun. 
Every little thing that could go wrong played in her mind as she walked. Grant lived roughly twenty blocks away from her but she still wanted to walk there, to make it as slow as possible. 
Hannah checked the address in the small, torn piece of paper she had it written on and looked for 1612 for a bit, until she finally saw it.
It was a beautiful, tall white house, with a dark grey roof, a small porch with a couple of rocking chairs. A lot of small pots with flowers and different plants covered most of the front of the porch, which made Hannah think that there was clearly a woman living there. 
That made fear struck her again.
He’s probably married, there are rocking chairs and plants… none of the men of the paratroopers cared about fucking plants, why would Charles be any different? 
Fuck it.
Hannah shook her head, her curls moving along, stomped the ground after pondering for a couple of minutes, away from the house and took a few deep breaths before she walked up the three steps before the door and, with a shaky breath, knocked three times and took a step back, giving the door her back. 
She could sense her muscles completely tense, everywhere, arms, legs, stomach, and wondered why the hell she never got her anxiety completely treated like her PTSD from the war. 
What if a woman opened the door? I’d pretend I got the wrong house and run for the fucking hills. 
“Yes?” a deep voice said from behind her. 
Hannah could’ve swore her heart stopped for a split second.
She turned in her heel with the riddled feeling in her stomach when she met those bright blue eyes and the permanently tanned skin of Sergeant of Second Platoon, Charles Grant. 
His usual disheveled look was intact, she noticed, the droopy eyes and the resting annoyed face that was his trademark was still there, but it did change in a moment when he realized quickly who she was. His eyes widened as his jaw dropped slightly. 
“Hannah? Hannah Davis?!” he exclaimed, opening the door wider, taking a step forward shyly. 
Hannah swore her heart was thumping against her chest like a hammer, and was actually afraid Chuck would notice it. But all he did was try to find the words, stuttering slightly as he took a look at her.
“Hey, Chuck,” she said, trying to find her voice back from somewhere in her throat. 
Charles let a single chuckle out of his mouth before, sort of awkwardly, pulled her for a hug, crossing his left arm around her torso and the other one, around the shoulders.
Hannah was a hundred percent sure her heart could arrest at any moment and die right there. The man was hugging her. And she was hugging him back, the same way, when his perfume surrounded her and she closed her eyes for a moment, lingering her head above his shoulder, every single feeling she had ever felt for him rushing back into her stomach, untying the knot slightly, filling it with butterflies. 
“What a surprise! Come on in,” he said, as they parted, moving aside so she could walk inside first. 
Clean, super clean. The fact that the house was so clean yelled wife! in Hannah’s face. But she shook the thoughts aside, trying to focus on walking and trying not to bump into anything and make a mess of herself in front of Chuck. 
“You like it? I’ve been trying to decorate myself but… I don’t know, looks shitty to me still,” he added, standing next to her as she looked at old signs of tobacco brands, and a couple of paintings up white walls, complemented with an olive couch with three seats, a coffee table and a TV in front. 
And books, everywhere. Different sized, colored, some put in a small library in the corner, near the couch. Some were sprawled over on the coffee table and one on the couch, open and faced down. 
She took the books as the cue to find out and get it over with. 
“You and—and your wife must read a lot,” she said, sniggering internally as she awaited for an answer. 
Chuck let out a hearty chuckle, looking suddenly a bit embarrassed at her. 
“Uh, I’m not married,” he said, forming a thin-lipped, awkward smile on his lips. Hannah felt how her shoulders relaxed at the information.
“Oh—sorry, it’s just… It looks very homey, and you know, women do that work mostly,” she said, trying to sound innocent. 
“I learned a bit from my mom, and I found out that I really enjoy gardening and plants in general, that’s why there’s that many on the outside porch. Luz told me I was becoming a woman, I said, ‘what’s wrong with being a woman’?” Chuck said, scratching the back of his neck. 
“He fought side by side with one, and he still says that crap?” Hannah asked, remembering George Luz, the clown of the company. “Fuck him, I like how it looks, it’s homey and… looks warm, you know?”
Chuck nodded his head proudly, trying to shoot down a smile that tried to creep up, slightly blushing. 
“Listen, I was roasting some chicken, are you hungry? I have beers, too,” he said, pulling her by her wrist softly. This touch sent electricity up Hannah’s arm as she nodded silently, following him. 
She was sort of surprised by his cheerfulness. He was a very lowkey man, never spoke too loud, unless he wanted to mock one of his peers with Luz or Guarnere. He fumbled around the kitchen for a bit, before going through the back door to the backyard, where he had a barbecue against the wall.
And she could see him work, cutting up the chicken while it was still roasting, and noticed how he hadn’t put up any weight since coming back from the war, or losing any from the anxiety and PTSD. He had kept in form, his arms still big, as his shoulders, the black sleeves of the shirt sticking tight against them. 
Jesus, stop that! 
Lost in her thoughts, looking around the kitchen, she didn’t notice Chuck was back with two small sandwiches in hand, leaving them on a couple of plates as he quickly moved to grab two Crystals. 
“My brother taught me this amazing sauce, and it’s like pulled pork, but pulled chicken,” he explained, almost proudly of his handiwork. Hannah smiled and took a bite on it. 
Instantly, she had to suppress a moan that was about to fall out of her full mouth, as she widened her eyes at him. He smiled as he chewed and nodded his head like saying I know, right? 
After downing her bite with a bit of beer, Hannah finally breathed out to compliment his food, making Chuck blush again. 
“So, uh… what brings you here? Did you need anything?” Chuck asked, taking a sip of his beer again. 
I wanted to confess that I had feelings for you since you helped me warm up in a foxhole in Bagstone and you saved my ass when I got shot and you dragged me into a jeep to be taken away for a bit to heal, and I always wanted to kiss you for that but I’m such a fucking wuss, I never even dared to flirt. 
“Oh, no, no, I didn’t come to ask any favors, no,” she replied, chuckling nervously, “I—I’m gonna be honest with you; when we came back from Europe, I knew you had to do some recovery from the shot you took, that would need rehabilitation and… I was dealing with so much I couldn’t stay and I felt like shit for a long while for that—Shit, this sounds like I’m doing this to sleep better at night but no, I just want to say: I’m sorry, I should’ve been there like you were when I lost my ear to a kraut bullet, Chuck, I’m really sorry, and I wanted to check on you, see how you were doing…” 
It wasn’t a complete lie, Hannah knew that, but she still felt like what she needed to actually say was heavy in her chest. 
Chuck smiled, and turned his head slightly, pulling his hair up a bit. 
“The scar goes all the way to the back of my head, I—I should’ve died by the extent of my wound, but, it was mostly sup—superficial. My left arm is partially paralyzed,” he explained, lifting both arms at the same time but the left one was left behind as the right kept going up. “And sometimes it’s hard to s—” he closed his eyes as he struggled to say the word, his tongue frozen in the roof of his mouth for a couple of seconds— “speak, like, right now.” 
Hannah looked sorry, like a dog with a tail between its hind legs, feeling ashamed. 
“Don’t feel bad, I had my family and some of the men to help me, and very good doctors too, really, it’s not like you had to take care of me, you know,” Chuck added, grinning warmly at her. “George, Doc Roe and Speirs came almost daily to help, I was set; speaking of wounds, how’s the ear?”
Hannah moved her hair away to show him the scarred and dusty pink skin that reattached to her head after it got blown off in the Battle of the Bulge. 
Bullets and mortars were falling down the territory Easy Company covered. As much as anyone avoids talking about fear, they were all terrorized; the lack of winter gear, clothes, ammo, and food kept them all weak.
Hannah and Chuck were shooting non-stop, both with shaky breaths as they were still covered under a wool blanket, where only the gun and their eyes could be seen. 
“Hannah! Hannah, go help Shifty!” she heard Lip call her as he ran past. She sighed, not wanting to be any closer to the flying gunshots that were showering horizontally on them. 
“Go, it’s okay, go!” Chuck exclaimed, looking at her swiftly as he kept shooting. 
Hannah groaned in annoyance but still climbed up the hole. 
Chuck watched at her go, though her walk got cut short. She froze in her place and he knew something was wrong, and in a split second, she was on the cold ground, yelling her lungs out.
“Shit, shit, shit, hold on, Hannah! Medic!! Medic!!” he yelled as he let his rifle in the hole, crawling to check on the brunette. 
As soon as he turned her body around, his face grimaced in shock. She had blood flowing from her side into her cheek, eyes and mouth, as she gasped for a breath, steam coming from her mouth from the sheering cold. 
He moved her hair slowly, uncovering what was left of her ear, hanging from skin threads, almost completely shredded from her skull. It was an awful view, and the crimson liquid kept flowing and flowing. 
“What is it? Let me see, Grant, move!” Eugene Roe exclaimed, pushing the other soldier aside, checking the wound thoroughly. Hannah had stopped yelling, shock had settled in her body, covering her from the pain. 
“It’s superficial, but you will need someone to cut off the rest. Help me get her to the jeep, Grant,” he said after covering the hole with sulfate and a white bandage that went across her face. 
“Hannah, you’re going to be just fine, stay with us, come on!” Eugene yelled as Chuck lifted her from her back and legs, her face falling into his shoulder, bleeding on his jacket. 
Chuck glanced at her every few moments as he ran to where her ride was stationed, she looked paler by the second that passed, her eyes were closing and he had to keep calling at her to stay awake.
“Hannah, come on, come on, stay with me, stay with me!”
When she was finally strapped down the bed on the front of the sheet, he held her hand for a second before she was pulled away, disappearing into the woods as he had to ran back to his foxhole and keep defending their territory. 
But he kept wondering and wondering about her, until she came back two days after. 
“You came back almost good as new, ear-less, stitched up,” Chuck said, reminiscing.
“And I had to tolerate thousands of ear related jokes for weeks, and got called ‘Earnnah’ too” Hannah said, making them both laugh.
“Fucking Luz and his nicknames,” Charles said, shrugging.
“Anyways, I still don’t have an ear, but the flu I was going through had clogged my eardrum and saved me from being deaf on one side, right?” Hannah added, lifting her beer bottle to cheer for that.
“To the flu, baby!” he said and both drank.
A couple of hours went by and both Chuck and Hannah were already feeling more comfortable in each other’s presence. They laughed about some anecdotes, and updated on their current lifestyles.
“So, a tobacco store?” Hannah said, standing under the sun in the backyard, enjoying the warmth of a summer afternoon, much more relaxed. 
“Yeah, it was my post war dream, and I finally gathered what I needed to open it, it’s in downtown, 5th ave and Charleston. It’s cosy, small, but good enough to sell small things,” Chuck explained, clearly proud of his achievement. “You should come by sometime”. 
“I would, but I quit smoking a few weeks ago,” Hannah replied and Chuck looked surprised. 
“Really?” he asked, propping himself against a column he had set to sustain a small roof he had put up in his yard. 
“Yeah, but I’ll probably hit withdrawal soon and I’ll go back to square one quickly,” she replied, mocking herself and her power of will, making Chuck laugh.
“You still sing?” Chuck asked, and she knew exactly why he asked. “I still remember when we found that piano in the Eagle’s Nest, and you sang a few songs to us,” he said and a very small grin creeped up his lips, looking down at his hands. 
That was one of Hannah’s proudest moments. 
“I do remember that, and I still sing, yeah.”
The war had lightened up, somehow. 
Easy Company was on the works to clear the way into the old Nazi Town of Kehlsteinhaus, where they knew, at the top of the mountain, resides the crown jewel of the Nazi Party. A very glamorous house made only for Hitler and his closests friends. 
Winters dictated for the Easy Company to head straight to the Eagle’s Nest, after raiding the town and finding a place to settle for a bit. 
Hannah heard Speirs yelling the orders and they didn’t even think for a second before they started running up the mountain road towards the House. She ran next to Chuck, Popeye and Malarkey. 
They entered the premises slowly, looking around for Krauts, their guns up in arms. And all of them were surprised by the size of the place from the inside. 
It had grey walls, with bay windows every few meters, the sun shining through, illuminating the whole place. There were a few tables with a few chairs each, some silver plates and vases scattered around the living room, a fireplace, and on the far end, a grand, black and shiny piano. 
Hannah was immediately drawn to it, forgetting about the men popping bottles of champagne they found lying around, remembering instantly the songs her grandfather had once taught her when she was younger. 
The boys weren’t paying attention until they heard the first few notes Hannah pressed on. 
“Davis, you can play?” Spiers asked her as they got closer. 
I waited till I saw the sun, don’t know why I didn’t come
Hannah started singing, as a way to reply Speirs. 
Chuck was certainly taken aback by her singing voice, she had never mentioned before she could do that, that she had even learned or anything she did apart from training for the paratroopers and hang with Shifty. 
When I saw the break of day
I wished that I could fly away
Instead of kneeling in the sand
Catching teardrops in my hand
Her fingers seemed to be dancing around the keys like she had been doing that for a lifetime, as her voice shone through the notes she played. There was a sudden peace brought by the song, which no one could remember having heard before that moment. 
Chuck sensed his body relaxing, as he looked at the brunette who met his eyes not too long after.
My heart is drenched in wine
But you'll be on my mind
For a fleeting moment, Chuck felt no one was there but him and Hannah, as she kept singing, his breath catching in his chest, leaving him breathless. He knew he had been looking at Hannah with different eyes for a while, but he never actually realized it completely until that moment. 
Something has to make you run
I don't know why I didn't come
I feel as empty as a drum
I don't know why I didn't come
I don't know why I didn't come
“From then on, you guys would ask me to sing every time we found a piano laying somewhere in the abandoned cottages,” Hannah remembered, smiling at the memory. 
“Well, you do have a beautiful voice that puts everyone at ease, you know,” he complimented and Hannah could feel how her pulse accelerated at his compliment, cursing herself internally for being so weak for her former NCO. 
“It's mid-afternoon, care for a tea?” Charles asked, when he noticed her blushing, not answering his compliment, knowing he had hit somewhere inside her with it. 
“I can make a quick cake with anything you have in your kitchen, if you want to…” Hannah said, almost rushedly, trying to cover her tracks. Yeah, that doesn’t sound weird at all, Hannah, you fucking wuss, offering to bake a cake after a couple of hours chatting and trying to cover your stupid feelings, sure, yeah. 
“Kitchen’s all yours,” Chuck said with a grin, looking for his kettle to boil water while Hannah looked for her ingredients for a classic vanilla cake. 
As Hannah whisked the ingredients, Chuck served two mugs with boiling tea, placing one next to her as he watched her focused in his kitchen. 
“I swear, most men of the company don’t have all this stuff laying in their kitchen,” she said, still looking down at the mix.
“I’m not most men,” Chuck replied and both chuckled at his comment. “Oh, look here,” he said suddenly, making Hannah turn around.
A black cat with a small bell in his neck walked in, stretching its legs, and walked up to Chuck, placing its front paws in the dirty blonde legs. 
“This is Roe, I got him a few months ago, he walked in with a broken hind leg and never left this house,” Chuck explained, taking the cat into his arms, which made him start purring loudly. Hannah proceeded to pet him, sliding her fingertips slowly in the soft fur of the head. 
“He’s so handsome!” 
“Thank you,” replied Charles, earning a small slap in his arm by Hannah, who chuckled as she kept petting the kitty. 
“You saying you took care of this kitty reminded me of that nun who changed my bandages in Foye, in that church, remember that? She came straight to me, wondering how a woman is in the Forces, and silently, pulled my face and cleaned me up,” Hannah said, remembering the face of the woman in the black typical suit of a nun. 
“She didn’t treat anyone but you, which was either great or very selfish of her,” Chuck said, jokingly.
“She was in a convent, they take care of women mostly, and I am one, so…” she trailed off, wanting to slap the grin out of his face as she felt her heart melting to the view of Chuck, holding a cat between his arms like a child. My uterus is flipping about. “It’s not like no one took care of you boys.” 
“What are you talking about?” Chuck wondered. 
“Holland. All those women, and food, and drinks, and praising,” Hannah said as she put the mix in the oven. She could hear Charles laughing at her comments.
 “I wasn’t doing anything there, I did accept food though.” 
“Oh, Chuck, come on, I saw you with that blonde that was taller than you, kissing you non-stop,” Hannah exclaimed, way too quickly for her comfort, and turned around, pretending to check on the oven temperature; Could you be any more obvious, Hannah, dear?
“You sound jealous,” Chuck replied, with a smirk and furrowed eyebrows.
“I—okay, yes, I was; everyone was treating you all like goddamn heroes and whatnot, while I got questionable looks and fingers pointing at me for being a woman in a uniform… Hell, they must have thought I was the squad’s whore or something,” she defended herself, trying to not blow her cover that easy in front of his intense eyes looking at her from a few meters. 
Chuck felt bad for a moment. He knew she was proud of being the first woman fighting alongside men in a war, knowing she had earned the respect of many, many people, but there was still a long way to go to be accepted by the population in general. 
“Yeah, I wanted someone to kiss me too and give me drinks, I deserved that too, I didn’t have any physical contact with anyone as much as y’all in that time,” Hannah kept going, the anxiousness to cover herself up from showing feelings almost drowning her. 
“I’m sure you would’ve gotten a kiss if you just asked,” replied Chuck, taking a sip from his tea while still holding Roe. “I would have if you asked me.”
Did my heart just stop? Did it just… really stop? Quick, don’t linger in silence too much!
“You’ve always been such a gentleman, Grant, but that was impossible. First, we were in the Forces together and that was very forbidden. Second, I couldn’t ask people for that, that’s just sad and I didn’t look like any of the women there, my hair wasn’t done, I was wearing our uniform and probably didn’t smell the best there,” Hannah clarified, trying to not sound too rushed again. 
“Okay, yeah, partially true, but you don’t need to be all fixed up to be pretty, though.”
He knows and now he wants to play soccer with my fucking heart. Goodness, I hope he doesn’t know.
“To be honest, it’s not like I came back to the states and started dating and whatnot… I did adopt a dog, his name is Trigger, like the one Tab had back in the day,” Hannah said, trying to clear herself. “Oh, and Tab asked me out like a year ago,” she suddenly remembered. 
“Floyd?! R—really?” Chuck asked, clearly surprised. 
“Yeah, he showed up once, with flowers and everything. It was so sweet but Tab is like my little brother, so I let him down slowly and luckily, he accepted it and we’re still friends,” she explained, remembering how disappointed he looked for a second before she explained herself to him and he took it with humour and saved their friendship from awkwardness. 
All the while, Chuck laughed heartily. 
“What? Oh, don’t laugh at him! He’s so sweet, he was always nice with me, even when most doubted the presence of a woman at war, come on,” Hannah defended Talbert, throwing a paper towel ball straight to his face. 
“Hey! No need to get violent!” Chuck retaliated, throwing it back at her. “I can’t believe little ol’ Tab asked you out,” he added, chuckling. 
“You’re all always making fun of people who ask me out or flirt with me,” Hannah added, a sneer creeping up her lips. “Remember that one British soldier?” 
The Company had saved a hundred and forty brit soldiers, without any casualties. Everyone walked back to camp cheerfully but in silence until they entered the barn. 
Hannah didn’t feel as cheerful as the rest. She had been carrying a small infection under her tongue for a few days and cramps were attacking her every now and again, which she didn’t share with anyone trying to avoid some sexist comment about the nature of women. 
Booze was being passed around the brits and the company as everyone cheered and applauded for their exceptional work. Hannah did enjoy seeing all the grins and wide smiles spread around, while she stood in the side, leaning against a thin wooden column, rubbing her back to ease the pain. 
“Moose Heyliger and the American 101st have done the Red Devils a great service, making it possible for us to return and fight the enemy another day,” the captain of the British soldiers exclaimed to the crowd of paratroopers and the Red Devils. “To Easy Company, victory, and Currahee!”
Everyone cheered, drinking profusely, laughing and all around happy, until the same captain interrupted them for a second.
“Oh, and let us not forget to cheer for one more thing: the first woman in the Forces who was part of this mission, Miss…” 
Hannah wasn’t paying attention, she was completely zoned out on the side, until she heard her name being called a few times. She looked up to the Captain, who had his drink up and looking at her.
“Oh—Oh, Hannah, Hannah Davis!” she replied, a little startled. 
“To Hannah Davis!” The cheers erupted once again, but everyone was now looking at Hannah, who blushed furiously at the attention she was receiving. She just gave them all a tight lipped smile, her eyes drifting from one side to another. 
“So, congratulations are in order, ma’am.” A thick British accent interrupted Hannah’s thoughts a while after she had been cheered on. She turned around to find a tall man with a buzz cut, his red beret and a pointy nose. And a very warm smile. 
“Thank you, private…?”
“Joe Seaward, and it’s Sergeant now,” he clarified, taking his beret off as he took a drink. “How is the Force treating you? Good, I hope?”
“Very good, sir, they feel like family already. At first it was weird for them, but I was vouched for by the Battalion chief, and one of the men, who is an old friend from his hometown,” she replied, feeling slightly intimidated by the brit. 
“I’m glad you’re feeling comfortable. And hometown! Where would that be, if I may ask?” 
“Atlanta, Georgia. Can I ask you where are you from?” she asked, looking up at him. Hannah could feel the eyes of Easy on them, but she didn’t dare to look back at them. 
“Birmingham, born and raised,” Joe replied, looking proud. “Uh, anyone expecting you back home?” he suddenly asked, and Hannah understood what he was referring to. 
“No, apart from family, no one special,” she replied, and just got interrupted by another voice yelling at them.
“Sergeant Seaward! We’re leaving, come on!” Joe looked annoyed all of a sudden. 
“Well, ma’am, if this isn’t too forward, when this war is over, and luckily, we’re both still alive and well, why don’t you stay in England for a while and… maybe we can go to dinner together?” He said, rushing as he took a few steps back. 
Hannah thought for a second and, feeling like she had nothing to lose and after not being flirted by anyone in two years, she replied “Sure, Sergeant, if we both survive…”. 
Joe smirked deeply and quickly found a paper and a battered small pencil, scribbling in it and placed it in her hands, before kissing the back of it. 
“You’ll find me with that. Take care, Hannah Davis! Cheerio!” 
Hannah felt like a child meeting her first crush, blushing, with a dumb smile in her face, until she heard the sniggering paratroopers behind her. 
“What?” she asked, already looking annoyed at them as she turned to find them in a half circle around her.
“What was that ‘bout, Davis?” Bull asked with one lifted eyebrow. 
“Not nothing, that brit was flirting with you!” Liebgott exclaimed, his lip curled as his eyes darted between the door of the barn and her. 
“The fuck is the problem with that?” Hannah asked.
“No fraternization with soldiers in the Forces,” Chuck added, looking down at his hands. 
“Oh, fuck all of you. It’s the first time someone comes and tells me I’m pretty in two years, when y’all had women throwing themselves at you back at Eindhoven!” Hannah defended herself, shutting them all up. “It’s not like I’m actually going to do something about it, I might be dead tomorrow anyways”. 
“He looks stupid and he’s a brit, we’re all a better catch than him!” Martin added, inflating his chest. 
“The only decent man here is Doc Roe, and you all know that for a fact. I’m going to sleep for a bit, goodnight” she said, walking away from them, breaking the half circle without looking back. 
“I still have that small, battered piece of paper with me, but I never went to see him,” Hannah added, smirking at the thought. “I should’ve stayed in England and find him, honestly”. 
Chuck frowned, “why? Was he really that interesting?”. 
“He was sweet, he had a very attractive accent and hell, how many men do you know that say ‘cheerio!’ When saying goodbye?” Hannah defended Sergeant Seaward.
“Oh, stop talking talking about him already” Chuck said, dismissing her comments with a frown.
“Who’s jealous now, huh?” Hannah joked, pushing him slightly. Chuck just laughed bitterly.
Chuck showed her around the house, apologizing for forgetting to do a tour when she first came in.
He showed him some old pictures he had from high school that his mom had taken of him, some of his own family, and even a photo from a high school girlfriend he still had. Charles told him they were still in contact because her family was close to his, until he went to the war and she moved out of the usual address. 
“It’s like the time I was away, fighting, home became a black hole in my memory, like…It couldn’t possibly exist at the same time I was away.” 
Hannah enjoyed learning more from his past, and suddenly wondered if he had ever known what happened and how Easy reacted when they found out he had gotten shot. 
Charles was looking down at a picture when she popped the question. 
“Chuck, did you uh—did anyone ever tell you what happened with Easy when you… When that replacement shot you?” 
He suddenly took a seat on the couch, looking up at her. There was something on his eyes that she couldn’t decipher, but it was between fear and curiosity; his fingers went to linger over his scar absentmindedly. 
“No, I—the guys never told me anything, and I didn’t dare to ask, honestly.” 
“Do you, uh… Do you want to know?” Hannah asked. Chuck nodded, his lips seeming sewn shut. She took a seat next to him, the air suddenly completely filled with tension. 
“Well, you had patrol and we were relaxing in the house, playing cards, some asleep, most smoking and chatting about the end of the war. Also about the points, but, that’s not important.”
“Then, the door of the living room burst open with a pale, very pale and shook Tab. ‘Grant got shot in the head’ was the first thing he muttered. You know, there wasn’t any music around us, but it seemed like it had stopped. The relaxing atmosphere was cut off like when the lights go out with a switch.” Chuck was staring at her, his attention fully on her. 
“But we didn’t have that much time to like… process. Floyd had received orders to find the shooter, and we practically went around the whole town and the ones nearby looking for him. We had the order to bring him alive but neither wanted to lose the chance to put a bullet in him. We were organized in groups, and we divided in three or four people each.”
“We ended up finding him still in Zell Am See. Malarkey found him with Bull and Lieb, they found him trying—” She took a pause, her stomach turning slightly at the memory— “trying to rape an Austrian girl. She was saved, thankfully, and he was brought back to the house where he took the beating of his lifetime”
By that point, Chuck jaw was opened, but his eyes seemed calmer, somehow.
“Did you beat him too?” he asked. Hannah suddenly broke eye contact, looking down at her fingernails fidgeting together.
“Yes, but I only punched him, the rest did the real beating… I was so angry when I found out he was in the house, I burst through the door and went straight with my knuckles to his jaw. I had my hand bruised for weeks. You were away at that point, Speirs and Roe had found a Kraut brain surgeon and got him to work in you as soon as they could. But we didn’t know if you were alive or not. After the rest took their turn with the replacement, Speirs had come back, saying the surgeon confirmed you were going to be okay; then they dragged the son of a bitch over to the MP’s.”
Hannah felt ashamed, her body seemed to be burning when the memories of that moment revived in her.
“I was so scared you were gonna die, Chuck… I wasn’t there when Speirs confirmed you were going to be okay, and I just—I lost it at that moment,” she added, a knot forming in her throat. “Lieb found me, while I was sitting in a room upstairs, on a bed, in the dark, cursing and crying. It wasn’t only you that made me cry, but… I cared about you, you know. You were my friend, we went through the worst together and I thought I had lost y—,” Hannah’s voice broke, and a single tear rolled down her cheek. 
“Hey, hey, Hannah, I’m here, aren’t I?” Chuck said, scooting closer, placing a hand on her knee and another rubbing her back. “I’m sorry for scaring you like that…”
At that, Hannah snorted while she teared up.
“What are you apologizing for? For getting shot? Jesus, Charles, you didn’t ask for it, did you?” she joked through the tears and broken voice, making both laugh cynically. Hannah lifted her head and looked at him, and noticed how his eyes were watery. He sniffed as he tried to recompose himself, his hands never leaving the brunette.
“No, I know, but… I’m okay, you s—see? I just speak like I’m dumb or something now,” he joked. 
Suddenly, something took over Hannah and she hugged him, with her arms surrounding his shoulders completely. Chuck was taken aback at first, but he then wrapped his arms around her waist and stayed there for a moment, neither muttered a word, only sniffs and breathing could be heard. 
Hannah laughs, then smiles down at the picture of a younger Chuck. Some things change, and some things stay the same forever. Chuck is one of those things that never changes.
After a while, after a hug that helped both recompose and even sort of heal wounds that can’t be seen, they went back to rummage through old photos. 
“Oh, look at this one,” Chuck said, pulling a picture from his teenage years, where he was in just his underwear, surrounded by kids holding different pieces of clothing cheerfully “that was in the middle of summer, we were trying to fight the heat with water balloons and I got so soaked, my brother and my friends convinced me to take them off so they could dry. Me, being stupid and young, did so and they stole them and ran away.” 
Hannah laughed loudly, looking at Charles with apologetic eyes.
“How could you be so naive?” She asked, between laughs. 
“Hey, if I remember correctly, you got your clothes stolen once, in Haguenau! And you know it sucks, doesn’t it?” Chuck replied, jabbing his index on Hannah’s arm. 
Hannah had survived Bastogne, with the scarring of her life and one less ear. Everyone was changed, they had lost many men there, including Toye and Guarnere, Muck and Penkala, and lost Buck to shellshock. 
These days passed with nothing much to do but waiting for orders, some training, and finally, after the snow had passed, winter clothes. 
Second Platoon was stationed in a tall, two-story house, with many rooms, filled with beds and some tables. It was battered, most wallpapers looked torn, and the smell of humidity and gunpowder filling everyone’s nostrils.
On a cold morning, Hannah came back to the second floor, where Malarkey was introducing the new Lieutenant Jones to the men.
“Sir?” her voice, smaller than ever, turned everyone around. Some had to take a second look to be sure what they were looking at. 
“What happened to you?!” Don exclaimed, his jaw dropped. 
Hannah was shirtless. She was holding herself trying to keep the warmth of her body, with only a bra, pants and boots on. She looked red in the face, from the shame. Hannah could sense the eyes on her body, taking notice of every single scar she was sporting, and the bandage that was covering one on the side of her hip. 
“I was changing bandages, I turned for a second to get the sulfate and I heard someone running and laughing. I thought there were just some men playing around but they had taken my clothes, sir…” she explained. Everyone could hear the anger in her voice, her jaw clenching tight. 
“Jesus fuck,” Malarkey muttered, while Chuck proceeded to pull the sweater he used under his jacket and quickly helped Hannah put it on. “Lieb, MccLung, Jackson, go find the fuckers who did this, report to Speirs”. 
“I’m sorry, Malark, I—I didn’t want to make any trouble, really, I—,”
“No, don’t apologize. This isn’t your fault, okay? Here, it probably smells but it’s better than nothing, I’ll have someone find some clothes if they don’t find yours,” Malarkey said, giving her his scarf, and went back to speak with Lt. Jones, who only nodded to her as a salute. 
“Come on, we made some coffee,” said Chuck, pulling her to where the kettle was in a corner. “Are you okay?”.
“Yeah,” was all she said, hiding herself in her copper mug, drinking the awful coffee they have been given. Then Chuck did something that she wasn’t expecting, but calmed her nerves quite quickly: his palm met the top of her head, and ran down her hair slowly. 
Hannah had seen the men do that to each other, when they had panic attacks or after the death of a fellow soldier, they would hold their heads or run their fingers through their hair. It seemed like a paternal way to hold them close and not let them fall into the abyss of desperation war brings in people. 
And now she felt it herself. Chuck’s fingers brought peace into her body, into her mind. She closed her eyes he kept going, enjoying that as well as the steam from the coffee meeting her cold skin. 
Not too long after, and from a window, Hannah and Chuck saw MccLung and Lieb dragging two soldiers from their jackets to Speirs and Winters. Joe talked furiously, clearly explaining what the two men did. 
Hannah chuckled cynically, knowing Speirs would have them doing the worst jobs for the Platoon. 
Her happiness didn’t last long, though. After getting new clothes, returning Chuck’s sweater, she found out, alongside the rest, that they had a patrol to get to at one past midnight. 
Everyone dreaded it, mostly because Second Platoon had lost the most people since Bastogne, and they still wanted them to do a senseless mission. They were ordered to cross the river into German territory and take prisoners to get intel. 
They still had hours to kill before heading to enemy territory, so Hannah decided to find some place to nap, after fixing and cleaning her guns and getting more ammo. 
She wandered around Second Platoon’s house until she found a room on the second floor. She opened the door, walking inside, and instantly found a sleeping body on top of the bed. 
“What? What?!” it said startled and looked up. Hannah didn’t notice at first but as soon as some light shone through the bullet holes on the wooden panels in the window, she saw Grant’s face. 
“Oh, sorry Chuck, I was looking for some place to sleep, I’ll leave you to—,”
“No, no, it’s fine… we can share,” he said from the dark, she could hear his hand patting the bed. 
Hannah thought for a second. She was exhausted, her body was still cold and there probably wasn’t a better bed in the whole house to nap in. 
So, she closed the door behind her and left her jacket and rifle on the floor, and climbed under the wool blanket. 
Under it, she was met instantly with Chuck’s warmth, her side wasn’t cold, as she expected it to be. There was calm, so much calm it was a bit unsettling for Hannah; last time she felt it, mortars fell from the sky and took her friends with the blast. 
But there was something about the gentleness of Chuck’s breathing that helped her, which she couldn’t explain, but silently thanked him for it. 
A few minutes passed when Hannah turned to her side, facing Chuck, who was already positioned on his side. She was unable to fall fully asleep, which was normal when someone tries to relax during a war. 
Hannah just stayed there in silence, eyes closed, her hand dropped on the mattress near her face, when she felt Chuck’s hand a few inches from hers. 
For a moment, she wanted to grab it. 
Hannah had noticed for a while that she was closer with Chuck than with the rest of the men. It was an odd friendship; it’s not like they talked for hours and hours on end but mostly in silence or with hushed, short conversations. But when she was with him, she didn’t feel as much fear as with the rest or alone in a foxhole. 
But he had always been there for her, like she was for him. Through every loss, through every problem. There was an implicit deep trust between them that neither acknowledged with words, but with simple actions. 
And to her, he was certainly an attractive man; with dirty blonde hair, an inviting smile, always polite and shy. And Hannah knew she had felt sometimes a bit of a butterfly in her stomach when he smiled at her. 
Suddenly, her thoughts were hushed when she felt his fingers wrap around hers. 
Hannah didn’t open her eyes, afraid they would show how much speed her blood pressure gained in a split second. But she did reciprocate, after a moment, moving her hand so his fingers intertwined with hers. 
Neither moved, neither spoke nor opened their eyes. And finally, both fell asleep until Liebgott woke them up a couple of hours later.
He opened the door loudly, letting in some light. Both Hannah and Chuck sat up quickly, startled and disheveled, looking at Joe like he was crazy. 
Joe looked at both with a deep, playful smirk before saying, “We have the meeting at CP in ten minutes, let’s go, come on.”
Thankfully, Joe didn’t notice that Hannah and Chuck were still holding hands under the sheet; but when they caught it, as Lieb left, they quickly unwrapped them and rushed to get their things, without saying another word to each other.
Night came around nicely. 
Both Hannah and Chuck were enjoying their time. Hannah had clearly relaxed, mostly after they had talked about what happened to the NCO, feeling like she had let go of a heavy weight she carried on her shoulders. 
Charles offered for her to stay for dinner when the brunette said she still had to walk her dog, even though she knew Angelina had probably done that already. He insisted, saying the leftovers taste even better reheated on the grill. 
Hannah laughed and agreed to stay, as long as she could help with it. Her day has been better than expected, way better. But she still had that small pebble in her shoe about her feelings towards Chuck. A part of her yelled that she should come clean to him, and be done with it, no matter the result. The other part also yelled that his friendship was more valuable than risking it for something more.
But the tiny voice in her head still insisted with No, no! He doesn’t feel that way. He hasn’t flirted with you, or showed some clear sign of attraction, Hannah! Have dinner and pretend it’s all good. 
“Hey, can I ask you something? This might sound a bit weird,” Hannah said, with a sneaky smile while Chuck revamped the grill. The former NCO just nodded in response. “Why aren’t you married?” 
Chuck snorted, looking surprised and slightly offended. “Aren’t you the one that used to complain that women are always pressured to get married, and maybe they shouldn’t if they don't want to?” He asked, almost complaining. 
Hannah laughed and put her hands up in her defense.
“I don’t mean it like that, Charles Grant! I just… I’m surprised a man like you, who does all this, isn’t at least dating someone,” she clarified. 
“I didn’t say I wasn’t dating someone,” he replied, without looking at her.
There it is! So, that’s what it's like to get your heart punched, huh? 
“Oh, yeah, I mean—Of course, sorry–,” Hannah added, suddenly stumbling upon her words as she felt her hands shake slightly. 
Chuck snorted again, this time a hearty laugh escaping his lips. 
“I’m not Hannah, I’m not seeing anybody at the moment,” he added, smiling as he moved the charcoal around the grill. 
Hannah had a rush of anger suddenly, wanting to throw something at him and yell you fucking asshole, I’m in love with you, do not do that to me!!!
But she held herself in, looking rather unphased, and just nodded disapprovingly. 
“I, well… I haven’t met the right woman, you know? I’ve seen some people, yeah. Babe set me up once with this redhead who could’ve been Malarkey’s sister for all I knew and it was going good at first but… Fuck, I was so bored!” he said, showing the annoyance in his face at the memory. “She was nice and all, but she was just… so fucking boring. She talked about her hair and stuff she does with her lady friends and she hated when I told stories about the war.”
Now it was Hannah’s turn to laugh. “She hated it? Why?”. 
“Who the fuck knows, maybe it was too g—ory for her, or she didn’t want to hear that one of the men was being called ‘Gonorrhea’. Hell, she didn’t even want to hear how I got the scar in my head or rather, the explanation of my slurring when I speak and my lack of strength on my left side,” Chuck said and sounded rather offended. 
“Someone has to either appreciate your scar and the sequels, or get the fuck out of your way,” Hannah said, approaching him with a beer in hand. “Don’t ever feel ashamed for that, Chuck, I’m not ashamed of having one ear, honestly. I think it’s pretty nice. Who can say that is different when their bodies are complete and in perfect state?”. 
“It’s boring, isn’t it?” he added.
“You and me, Chuck, are different. And that’s good. Toye and Guarnere have one less leg each, they’re fucking awesome too.” 
Hannah’s heart leaped at the sight of Chuck looking suddenly proud of himself, and when he looked at her to clink their bottles, she could’ve sworn that, if she had the ovaries, she would’ve kissed him right there and then.
After dinner and a few more laughs, Hannah called it a night. 
Her heart felt slightly heavy for not having dared to confess what she was there to do in the first place. 
“Well, my dear Grant, I have to head home,” she said, as she put plates down the water in sink. 
“Already?” Chuck replied, looking surprised.
“It’s almost ten in the night!” she exclaimed, drying her hands on a towel that hung from the oven door handle. 
“Want me to call you a cab? Lieb is probably still around working with his.” 
“No, don’t worry, I’ll walk. It’s fine,” Hannah replied, and started walking towards the door with Chuck on tow. 
Both stood on the porch, looking around the calm neighborhood. Hannah was feeling so ashamed of herself, slapping herself mentally every second that passed. 
“Well, Hannah, this was a great surprise,” Chuck started, breaking her thoughts for a moment, “we should do this more often, maybe with the guys, sometime, before winter leaves us secluded in our homes.” 
“Of course, but let’s not wait two years this time,” she replied, with a smile creeping up her lips, looking at him. God, how can someone dare be this good looking?
Chuck proceeded to hug her like when he opened the door past noon, when she showed up at his doorstep. Hannah reciprocated, and drowned herself once again in his cologne, not wanting to let go or stop feeling his hands around her body.
“See ya, Davis,” Chuck said as she walked down the steps and she took one last look at him before heading home. 
You fucking wuss, you fucking wuss, you fucking wuss, you fucking, pathetic     w—
“Hannah! Wait!” 
Chuck’s voice startled her as she was reaching the crossroad, when she turned around to find him running towards her. 
Her heart raced, wondering why the hell was he yelling at her for. Maybe she had forgotten something. Yeah, that’s all, I might have forgotten my… keys? 
“Hannah, wait, I… I have to tell you something and this can’t wait…” Chuck started as soon as he caught up to her. “Listen, this might sound weird but… a while ago I—you appeared in a dream of mine. You were talking to me after I got shot and you were begging me to not forget you.”
“Hannah, I took it upon myself to find you but I was meeting only dead ends, the Army wouldn’t help me so I had to… fuck, I had to find Winters and ask him for your information. God, that was embarrassing, but you know Winters, he didn’t hesitate to help. I had your address and phone numbers for months, but I never had the guts to go knock on your door… I thought you might have forgotten me, but… I never forgot about you,”
“I never forgot how we shared a foxhole during our hardest time. I never forgot how we slept in that bed and held hands in the dark. I never forgot how you took care of me when I had that one panic attack in Bastogne, and everything else,”
“What I mean, Hannah, is… I love you. I can’t date other women because they’re not you, and all I want is you. So… please, don’t leave. Not now. I couldn’t believe my eyes when you showed up at my door, fuck, I thought I was dreaming or dead. You had found me and I—,”
Before Chuck could follow through with his speech, Hannah took him by the face and kissed him. 
It was bruising, it was desperate and filled with love. Chuck wrapped his arms around her body, bringing her impossibly close to his body as her fingers found his hair. 
The anticipation was their favorite feeling. They both sensed how long they waited for that to happen, so they sank deeper into it. 
It went on for a few minutes, the night time seemed to have stopped for both, like everything had disappeared except for them. 
After they parted, both panting, their foreheads connected, Hannah opened her eyes and found Chuck’s cheeks stained with tear trails and that explained the salty taste in his lips. That made her smile widely as she still held his hand between hers. 
“Can you—do you want to s–spend the night with me?” Chuck asked, opening his eyes finally. 
Hannah just smiled widely, pecking his lips as she pulled him by the wrist towards his house.
Making love to someone you have craved for years makes the hours longer.
Both Hannah and Chuck were sure of that while the latter moaned loudly as Hannah rode him; his hands were bruising against her hips as she moved, holding herself in his shoulders, kissing him every now and again. 
Hannah never thought she would see Chuck like this. With sweat rolling down his forehead, his lips swollen and his eyes squeezed shut; to see his naked torso and his chest heaving up and down, which was covered in different scars that only made him even better looking in her opinion.
The man was almost ethereal in the dim light of his bedroom.
She enjoyed every bit of him as much as she could, like that could’ve been a fleeting figment of her imagination that she had to hold tight between her fingers before it could slip away. 
But reality brought her back when she felt the pain of his fingers digging into her hips. Hannah didn’t mind one bit.
She just loved to see how overwhelmed with pleasure he was, how he propped himself into his elbows, wrapping a hand around her bottom to carry both into the bed frame so he could sit and find her lips with his as he rode into his climax. 
Of course, Chuck being the gentleman he was, caring, he helped Hannah ride into hers, enjoying how she cried out his name loudly like it was the best song he had ever heard. 
Chuck’s fingers ran down Hannah’s bare shoulders, enjoying the dampness. It was soft, it was warm and it also a tad bit freckled. His fingertips followed down her arm until they met her face, that laid upon the back of her hands as she laid in her stomach. 
 Her eyes were closed but she was still awake. Hannah was just soaking on everything that happened through the day, and now, through the night, as the clock ticked into two in the morning. 
Chuck sat parallel to her, and his fingertips went all the way back to walk down her shoulder blades, into the deep line of her spine, meeting a few moles spread out here and there, which sent very slight tickles to the brunette. 
“I kind of can’t believe this just happened” he muttered, turning to lay his head on the small of her back. He could feel the vibration of the small laugh she let go at his comment.
“Me neither, Chuck… but I, uh… I have a confession, which I think will make you laugh,” Hannah replied.
“Do go on…” he replied.
“You told me you looked for my information with Winters, right?” Hannah asked.
“Well, when I looked for you too… I did the same,” she said and felt his head suddenly turn to her at her words, “and when I said your name, he gave me a weird look, but now I know it was a ‘I know something important about this that you don’t know’ look”. 
“So, wait, we l—ooked for each other in the past few months, and we did exactly the same shit?” he said, struggling slightly. 
Hannah heard the clicker of the lighter and looked back at him, lightning a cigarette with a shit eating grin sprawled upon his lips. 
“Exactly what I’m saying,” she replied, laying her head back down. 
“Another reason why I would like to marry you, then,” he added, like it was nothing.
What he didn’t notice was the speed in which Hannah’s eyes widened and her heart started thumping inside her rib cage. 
“I’m sorry?!” she asked, sounding a tad bit anxious. Chuck was never one to say rushed things like that. 
“The first reason is how powerful and relentless you were and still clearly are. You know how I know that?” he asked, and she could feel his smile still in his lips.
“No, how?”
“When you confronted Sobel before we went to Holland. Of course, I didn’t know at the moment the amount of feelings I had for you, but… I think I did have some of them roaming inside me,” Chuck said, like he was the one who stood up to Herbert Sobel, “but that was just plain hot,” he finalized, and turned to look at her; Hannah was just looking at him like he was crazy. 
The night before, everyone was cheering for their job. They were done, they were bound to the States and all the Easy Company wanted to do was drink and laugh. 
For everyone’s demise, Lipton announced how they were heading back into war, to Holland, killing the mood instantly. 
As the replacements were getting helped and guided by Bull, rather than Cobb, who could only brag about stuff he never ever did; Chuck was packing her stuff near Malarkey, Bill and Hannah. 
“I swear I thought by this time I was gonna be home, with a hundred in my pocket, flowers for my mama and nearing Christmas with my nieces and nephews” Malarkey said, fixing his bayonet. The rest scoffed, still bitter by the news.
“I miss the coffee from hometown, there’s this beautiful place in Hamstown Square, it’s very small and cozy, and the pastries are the most delicious I’ve ever had” Hannah said, looking like she was talking about the love of her life. 
“Guys, look!” Bull said, interrupting them, pointing to their right.
On a jeep, carrying some stuff behind it, sat Herbert Sobel, their former CO, the nightmare that trained them back in Toccoa. Hannah knew she didn’t train with him as much as the rest, but a year with that man was more than enough. 
“Fuck, no…” Hannah whispered so just the boys around her heard her “No, not him”.
“Don’t—Pretend he’s not here,” Malarkey said to her, tying the loose ends of her parachute to her shoulders as Skip came to them scowling like the rest. “Y’all too, do not look at him”. 
Neither obliged, all of them stared at the man passing by. 
“The hell is he doing here?” Skip wondered, without getting an answer.
Sobel walked in a straight line near the men as the truck behind his jeep unloaded, looking between the men with his usual air of superiority untouched. 
Unlucky for Hannah, he had met her eyes not too long after, and the man approached her, before the rest could make themselves scarce. 
“Still alive, uh… Davis?” Sobel asked, scowling at the brunette.
“Pretty much, sir. Still teaching at that school… somewhere?” she answered, provoking a few small gasps around her. Sobel scowl just deepened.
“Do not disrespect me with that tone, private” the taller man threatened, his jaw clenching tight. 
“Earn the respect, like you once taught us, and I won’t,” Hannah replied, her tone dripping with bitterness and irony. She felt a hand in her shoulder and knew one of the men was probably trying to calm her down. “You came here and act surprised that I’m still alive? No, I deserve more than that, sir”. 
“You shut your mouth right now, private! This—this is the reason why women shouldn’t be allowed in the army; they’re too emotional!” Sobel exclaimed, almost yelling to get attention, which only made Hannah even more furious.
“If you were in our command, if you were our leader, we would all be dead right now. Don’t you remember that drill we did back in England? Why do you think you were ‘promoted’? And no, I’m not scared of you, go write me up if you want to; Winters is south of the camp, third tent on the right. Colonel Sink is in the next tent to his, the fourth one,” Hannah felt like she couldn’t stop, her anger overcoming her; mountains of words and feelings that were accumulating, finally leaving her chest. 
Chuck couldn’t believe the words that came out of her. 
Everyone awaited without breathing for an answer, a yell from Sobel, something. But nothing came, he just scowled, breathed hard, and before anyone took a breath again, he turned around tight in his heel and left to the back of the truck. 
Hannah took a breath and turned around to finish prepping, when she found many of her fellow paratroopers smiling at her, some nodding in approval even. Johnny Martin crossed by her side, squeezing her arm, as he whispered a small “good one” for her. 
“I fucking hate him, that felt really good”, she said to Chuck, turning to adjust his jumpsuit. 
Chuck just stared at her, feeling hard to believe what just went through. Their former NCO was just bashed in front of everyone, and no one, not even one paratrooper came in his defense. 
His eyes roamed through her face as she fixed his suit and talked about something he wasn’t paying attention to. Suddenly, he was looking at her in a different way, one that would grow over time during the war.
The night caught up to Chuck and Hannah, both deep asleep on his bed. The brunette laid her head in his shoulder, on her side, while he was laid in his back, with his cheek against her forehead. 
Though around dawn, Chuck’s body started to shook. It came softly at first, just a few twitches, until it became a whole storm inside him. 
Hannah stirred up and saw how every muscle in his arms and chest were clenched, and he muttering something she couldn’t comprehend. Clearly, he was having a nightmares. The nightmares that seemed to never end, which felt like a punishment that everyone had to endure post war. 
The brunette placed her hands around his head as she whispered, “Chuck, Chuck, it’s okay, it’s just a dream, wake up, love, wake up.” 
His eyes shot open, looking terrified as he gasped for air, his hands fumbling to find her. 
“Hannah, Hannah!” He exclaimed, as he finally met her eyes. His body was shaking until he realized she was there, looking down at him, with a tired, disheveled smile. 
“It’s okay, love, I’m here, I’m here,” she replied, running her fingers through his hair, kissing his cheek before looking down at him again. 
The first light of the sun shining through the white curtains, illuminating both with such warmth it made Hannah’s heart swell. 
“I’m sorry, I’m s—sorry, Hannah, this still happens…” he explains, his hand tight on her side. 
But Hannah just smiles sweetly at him, “it still happens to me too, Chuck, it’s okay, there’s nothing to be sorry about,” she explains, admiring his deep blue eyes. 
“Can you… can you sing to me?” He asked, sounding almost embarrassed to ask for it. 
The touch of your lips upon my face
Your lips that are cool and sweet
Such tenderness lies in their soft caress
My heart forgets to beat
The touch of your hands upon my head
The love in your eyes, ashine
And now at last, the moment divine
The touch of your lips, the love in your eyes
The touch of your lips on mine
Chuck closed his eyes as her singing filled his ears. He haven’t felt peace like at that moment, not since the war. Hugging his mother, playing cards with his brothers or the men from the Company brought joy, but peace; peace came from Hannah, wearing his shirt, at dawn, singing to him. 
And it was the same for Hannah. 
Both knew the nightmares will continue to haunt them, and that their lives will go on, but at least, they were going to go through it together. 
And that was more than enough for them. ///
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
Doggy hikes and third dates
Henry Cavill x OC Lisa - multi-chapter fic
Author’s note: I’ve been mostly quietly enjoying all the smutty stuff available, but I guess it’s time to share some writing for you fellow Tumblr smutties to enjoy. I’ll be snipping the story into segments, so let’s start with the beginning. In a land far far away, called LA, a girl named Lisa encounters a familiar face. #yayhenry #bearkal
Word count: 11.553 
Disclaimer: Smut and fluff
This is part 1 of the Tea for Two story.
Find the masterlist here.
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I was taking my early morning hike, the sun just rising over the LA hills. And already I felt that all familiar sweat starting to seep down my arm pits - a never ending story when you live here. It was going to be another long, tiring day. But alas, first things first: a good hike. 
I pushed forward, up the steep hill, seeing the glorious orange glow popping over the horizon and smiled as I managed to conquer the last few meters. I put my arms in my sides and panted slightly, casting a side eye on my watch. 6.35 AM. Good. 
There was nobody else around. Just...nice and quiet. ..Or not. A soft rustle. Panting. Strange. I looked around, seeing a large dog coming out of the rough bushes, his leash dragging behind him.
‘Hey..boy.’ I said, gently, seeing if it was friendly. The both of us hesitated, but, after a long good look it started wagging its tail. ‘Haha. Oh you lost your owner somewhere on the way little rascal.’ I cooed, letting him sniff my hand, which he licked. Salty goodness. I sniggered, picking up the leash so he wouldn’t walk off and ruffling his thick black and white fur. An akita. Quite an usual dog to keep here in LA. I checked his collar, finding a small badge with a phone number and dug around my pockets to find my phone and rang the number.
‘Uhh..hi?’ I said, not hearing anything at the other side of the line, except for a soft panting sound. ‘Good morning?’ A deep voice finally spoke. ‘Uh..hello. Uhm, did you happen to lose your..dog by any chance?’ ‘Oh! OH you found him? Oh that’s great. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience.’ He spoke. ‘That’s alright. Are you near?’ ‘I ..don’t know...Where are you exactly?’ He hesitated, dragging the words out as if he was looking around, seeing if he could spot me. ‘Top of the hill good sir, haha, sorry. If you’re fast you might just see the sunrise with us!’ I quipped. He sighed in relief. ‘Ah. Stay there, I’ll be there shortly.’
Just some minutes later - me and the dog having sat down to look at the sunrise - we heard some heavy panting behind us. The dog looked around, jumping up and starting to pull his leash, leaving me just a split second to grasp the leash before he’d escape again. Also rising up, I could see a buff guy in tank top and shorts climbing up the last bit of steep hill. 
‘Good morrow.’ I said, smiling, pulling the dog back a bit so he did not block the way up. The man looked up, smiling in return, not being able to speak from being so out of breath. It was..the Witcher. Henry Cavill. He climbed up the last bit of steep hill, then rose up to full height, looking me in the eye. ‘Wew..what an adventure. Thank you…SO much. He’s never ran off like that.’ He widened his eyes, looking exasperated at his dog. The dog yapped happily. ‘That’s quite alright haha.’ I offered him the leash. ‘Your hound good sir.’ I offered and he took it without hesitation, an honest thank you on his lips. 
I smiled at the little moment him and the dog shared (naughty dog!), then looked back at the sunrise. The sky was bursting in rich orange and gold colours, Henry’s rhythmic panting the only sound in my ears.
Following my gaze to the view he smiled. ‘Good view indeed.’ I chuckled, agreeing. He licked his lips and straightened up even further. ‘Sorry, I haven’t caught your name..’ He finally said, looking back at me. ‘Lisa, from marketing. Also.. for the Witcher series.’ I smiled at him kindly, our eyes meeting for a good moment. He nodded, smiling. ‘Well, I thank you dearly.. Lisa from marketing.’ We both laughed and let our eyes glide back to the sunrise. If only I could stay here forever...but no. 
‘I better get going. Can’t arrive at work like this.’ I pointed down at my dusty, sweaty shorts and sports bra. He nodded. ‘Yea, let’s get going.’ Henry leaned down, folding his large hand around the dog’s snout. ‘Don’t you run off on me again, Kal. That was extremely naughty.’ 
I laughed, seeing the dog struggling to get away from Henry’s grip, then nimbly hopped down some rocks to skip right off the hill. Something Henry couldn’t quite manage, from the sound of it. I heard him and Kal struggling behind me, his heavy body and over-eager Kal making it far less easy to get down in one piece, sand moving and heels digging in. 
I looked around, raising an eyebrow. Henry smiled awkwardly, then caught up with me, setting a brisk pace down hill as Kal was more than eager to try and run ahead, pulling the leash. Seeing the over excitement, I eventually clicked my tongue. ‘Kal.’ He looked up. I gave him a discerning look and like magic he immediately fell back a bit, allowing me to take the lead, his nose staying in the curve of my knee.
I heard Henry chuckle. ‘Good with dogs huh?’ He asked. I smiled, though he couldn’t see since all he saw was my back. ‘Kind of. Grew up with big dogs. Bouviers des Flandres, german shepherds, Rhodesian ridgebacks.’ 
The path got a little wider, so I made way so we could walk next to one another. I smiled at him, before looking back at Kal. Henry started: ‘I adopted Kal about 6 years ago. He is mischievousness itself, but I love him ever so dearly.’ I sniffled, understanding. ‘But it’s trying too, right? You must have a terribly busy schedule.’ I asked, seeing him nod in silence. ‘Yes. But for some things you MAKE time. And I gladly make time for things that make me feel happy.’ He said thoughtfully, to which I nodded, looking down the hill. 
Other people were starting to pop out of their cars at the bottom of the hill, walking their dogs. ‘Including great doggy escapes.’ I said softly, seeing Kal had noticed these dogs as well. ‘Kal!’ Henry said sternly, to which Kal looked back at his owner, his ears folding flat in submission. No more escapes today, that was. 
‘So what’s your day looking like today?’ I asked, curiosity taking over. Our eyes met for a brief second, a smile pulling at his lips. ‘We have a script run through, some costume checks and a stunt rehearsal after. You?’ I looked at him, surprised he asked about me. ‘Same script run through - my manager’s on the bench so someone’s gotta be there to know what’s in the curtains. After that moving papers at the office and some freelance animation stuff. Which is really cool; Studio Ghibli is making some short show reels and I’m helping out. BIG dream.’ I nodded excitedly, smiling at Kal as he jumped up at me in mirroring excitement. 
‘Cool.’ He said, smiling broadly, petting Kal to calm him down. ‘And you like hiking?’ He continued. ‘Absolutely. Running too. But the smog is awful here. And other sports whenever. Though it’s hard to find time. LA life’s ..hectic.’ ’You are quite right.’ He agreed, before stepping back, since some big boobed bombshell in pink tracksuit came to walk passed us with her tiny chihuahua - or was it a rat? Hard to tell.. 
With the blonde bombshell being too occupied with Henry, it was bound to happen: I saw the chihuahua shoot nervous glances at Kal, who was already starting to pull on his leash, trying to shoot past me. And thus, without hesitation, I grabbed his thick fur, pulling him towards my knee, before nodding at the unimpressed woman who languidly walked passed us, trying her most obvious flirtatious look at Henry.
He stepped back besides me. We shared smiles. ‘Women..’ I quipped, laughing. ‘And men too..’ He said exasperated. We both laughed. Not long after we reached the first houses. I saw him looking around. ‘Well, this is me.’ He said, pointing at one of the large gates which probably led to one of the mansions hidden away behind the greenery. I nodded. ‘Well, have a good day and …I guess..see you at work.’ I winked, giving Kal a scratch behind the ears. 
Henry folded some rogue hair behind his ear, smiling awkwardly, hesitating while I got back up. I looked back at him, waiting him for to speak. ‘Uhm..thanks again for getting Kal. And..nice to meet you. Truly. It’s refreshing to meet someone like you..Lisa.’ He finally said, looking at me with an honest, though surprisingly dorky smile. I nodded, humoured by his awkwardness. 
‘You’re most welcome Henry. It was quite refreshing to learn you are such a …normal..’ I looked at the large gate behind him..shrugging..’Well sort of normal.. guy.’ We both sniggered. ‘See ya!’ I winked, before starting my walk down the bendy road. 
Just when turning the corner I could see him still standing there, looking at me, which was probably the moment he realized I could see him, and he quickly made a U-turn to get to his house. His face even more awkward, being caught in the act of staring.
Just a few hours later we sat in the same meeting. He had brought Kal along, who was let off his leash. Henry shook some hands of new cast members at the table and listened to some remarks from one of the assistants, not heading much mind to Kal, whom impatiently tried to push his nose under Henry’s arm.
Not much later everyone settled down and the meeting started. Me and a bunch of other crew members were seated on a row of chairs that were placed against the wall. Flies on the wall. Which meant we just had to be quiet, listen, take notes. But be it so, it got boring for me as well, once they started rereading the same scene a few times and my attention was drawn by an equally bored Kal whom was now popping his nose in between some people. They petted him, but he soon lost interest again, continuing his way. 
Cute dog, I thought, then got back to making notes when a new scene was started. It was then I felt his fluffy coat brush against my legs as he plopped down in defeat, melting into a puddle of black and white at my feet. It was also then, when Henry finally looked around, seeing us, smiling a heart melting smile. He sure loved his dog. 
‘Lisa from ..Marketing?’ I looked up. It was Henry. ‘Hello stranger.’ I quipped playfully. He joined me on a barstool at the coffee bar, which was opened during set hours. I sipped on my tea, looking back at the bar tender busying himself. 
‘How are you?’ He asked. I looked back at him. Was he really going to  ..put an effort into having a conversation with me? He saw my questioning gaze. ‘Busy with your thoughts?’ He tried. I laughed. ‘Sorry haha. Yes. Quite possibly. They’ve let go part of the team yesterday. Which means..a ridiculous amount of work for us to tackle.’ I raised my eyebrows in exasperation, sighing. ‘That’s showbizz.’ He said, knowingly. I shrugged. ‘Yep. You’re either in full sprint, or pacing in place. There’s no in between... How are you?’ I asked, noticing with half an eye that the bartender was walking up to us. ‘Can I get you anything Henry?’ Henry looked over at my cup. ’Tea.’ he said, giving a single nod. The bartender nodded in turn and moved away again. 
Henry looked back at me, smiling tenderly. ‘To get back to your question. I’m actually having a really good day. Scenes are running smoothly. Just..feeling good.’ He shrugged nonchalantly. I smiled at him. ‘Good to hear. And.. good to see you.’ I smiled honestly. He received his tea and thanked the bartender.  ‘It’s good to see you too.’ He turned a bit, hoisting up his tea in cheers. I raised my nearly empty cup, clinking. ‘Cheerio.’ I quipped. 
We turned around, looking out over the set, which was right now mostly stored away pieces of set. From the looks of it they were currently rebuilding a throne room..meaning everything was squeezed back in the corners, including practically whole the coffee bar area. 
‘I looked up some of your work. Really cool stuff.’ He flapped out. I looked at him in surprise. ‘What did you look for?’ I used my fingers as quote marks. ‘Lisa marketing LA?’ I sniffled. He smiled, a hint of shyness there. ‘I was actually smart enough to look at the employees list first. And.. looked up all 20 Lisa’s.’ He pulled a face, then continued; ‘Strange last name you have…’ He knitted his eyebrows. ‘It’s dutch. Roughly translates to..farmer.’ I shrugged. He smiled, shrugging along, understanding. I continued: ‘I guess not everyone is blessed with equally nice last names. Cavill is pretty cool.’ ‘Aye. Tis. It’s old french. Though my family is most..definitely British.’ He quipped, a tone of amusement in his voice. 
‘Do you miss your family?’ I asked. He took on a pensive expression, not answering immediately as he stared at some people hoisting up a heavy piece of decor. A large statue. He sighed, looking back at me. ‘I do. Mostly now I’m leaving my wild years behind me. Family starts to become more important.’ He said slowly, thinking, his gaze quickly moving to his cup of tea. 
‘So are you married, steady partner..something?’ I asked honestly, sipping the last of my tea, then putting it back on the counter. ‘Not as of right now. It’s just me and my trusty partner Kal.’ ’Oh mighty fluff-ball Kal’ I smiled, looking at my watch before hopping off my chair. I smiled at him kindly. ‘I hope you find yourself someone nice Henry. Gotta go, meeting starts soon.’ He looked at me, a glint of sadness in his eyes, then offered me a smile, nodding. ‘See you around.’ He said softly. I flew off, leaving him with his thoughts.
The next day, moving mindlessly to my usual spot at the coffee bar, I halted in place. He was sitting there.. again. And he was clearly waiting, playing around with his cup while letting his gaze fly over the seats beside him. Was he looking for someone? Maybe I shouldn’t disturb him, I thought, looking at another girl also sitting there. I turned around, deciding I’d better start looking for some coffee machine to ease my tea cravings.
Just three days later, same time, same place, he appeared again. For months I would not EVER see this guy, and now I saw him several times in two weeks. He sat down next to me, ordering a cup of tea. I was working on my laptop, only looking up after he had ordered his tea. ‘Hi.’ I said casually. We clinked cups again, sniffling. Silly. He smiled broadly. ‘Hi there.’ He was wearing his full-on Geralt costume and turned a bit towards me, looking at me studiously while blowing on his hot tea. It looked funny. A big buff guy in full leather armour, sipping on a cup of tea.
I turned back towards my laptop, quirking my head. ‘You know, I could use your vision and ideas on this.’ I said, turning my laptop a bit. I showed him some sketches for a red carpet event design. ‘Since you…walk these things and stuff.’ He scooted closer. I could feel his breath on my cheek. We exchanged a look. Gosh this man was soooo pretty. Even his stubble was…pretty. He smiled, knowingly, then looked at my screen. ‘Explain your vision.’ His voice kind and curious.
I explained, showing some examples. And how I wished to …freshen it up a bit. ‘More fantasy, less commodity.’ I stated. He scooted even closer, putting down his cup of tea. ‘I like that, that and that. This you should probably change. The press is not a fan of blocked views.’ His voice hummed in my ear while he pointed at some elements on my mood board and technical drawings. I looked over my shoulder. He was almost pressed against me. 
He sat back a bit when he noticed I glanced over. ‘Sorry. Uhm, you probably have a partner who’d KILL me if I dared touching his pretty lady.’ He said. I smiled, realizing what he was on to. ‘Not really. Just a fat, lazy old cat. I doubt she’ll even bother as long as there’s a lap to lay on at night.’ I sniffled in amusement. He smiled, his gaze flying over my face, then quickly looking back at the screen. ‘I like your sketches. This should be..really cool. They’ve made a good decision getting you on-board.’ I nodded. ‘I’m worth every penny.’ I said confidently, focusing on the screen, moving around some elements, then nodding and saving the design.
I felt his breath on my cheeks again. I felt his gaze. What was going on with this man? I looked up, closing my laptop. ’So.. how are you? Any more involuntary doggy search quests?’ I quipped, trying to ignore the electricity that crackled through the air as my lips half mindedly reached for my tea, sipping it. ‘Oh cold.’ I groaned, pushing out my tongue in disgust. He laughed heartily, turning away a bit to not get suspicious looks from the rest of the crew. 
‘Thankfully no escaping hounds and actually a pretty good week.’ Our eyes met again. ‘Want to maybe go on another hike with me?’ I asked honestly. His face shot from surprise to studious to overjoyed. ‘I’d like that!’ He smiled, then hesitated, ‘Though it won’t be in the morning. I’m…up at 3 in the morning for make-up.’ ‘Holy cow! Well eh..let’s look.’ I gasped, opening my laptop again to look at my calendar. He got the hint and opened his phone, swiping through several agenda apps. ’Thursday afternoon? Or..the weekend?’ He suggested. I scrolled through my calendar. ‘All fine. My weekend nights are booked, so preferably no early morning hikes after…’ He raised an eyebrow. ‘It’s called D&D sessions with lots of wine.’ I sniffled. His eyebrow rose even further. ‘Dearness me. What do you play? And let’s pin Thursday afternoon.’ I nodded, putting it in my agenda. ‘I play a bard armed with a panflute and awful singing skill, level 14, and definitely stuck in a dungeon with my murder hobo party right now.’ I said, playfully earnest, looking him dead in the eye. He belted out a laugh. ‘I did not see that coming.’ We both chuckled.  
He sighed, still smiling, looking at me. We were interrupted by the bartender. ‘Another cup of tea?’ He pointed at my gone-cold cup. I smiled. ‘Yes please. Thank you Joey.’ He shrugged, looking at Henry, then back at me. ‘What?’ I smiled, confidently. ‘Are you two..dating?’ He asked, unbelieving. I looked over at Henry, raising an eyebrow. Henry smiled gingerly, then nodded, winking at Joey. ‘Sorry mate.’ Joey pulled a sour face, quickly turning away jealously to pour me some tea. I looked away awkwardly - WHAT?! What did he just say? I felt Henry’s warm, strong hand on mine. He smiled at me in question. ‘Are we?’ He whispered very softly. Our eyes met. His hand on mine I needed to swallow first, before even managing anything. Words Lisa, words. 
‘I ehh...guess we’re still figuring that out, aren’t we?’ I gulped, quickly straightening my back while looking at him. Joey handed me the fresh tea, quickly moving away to help someone else. Henry turned around completely on his bar stool, hanging with his elbows on the counter, his face was blank but I could see the little cogs turning in his mind. I knew men well enough by now.
I turned a quarter way to face him. He looked up and I smiled at him gently. ‘Women are complicated, but I’m not..not really. If I say we’re still figuring out what we are to each other, then that’s that. When we pinned this hike, just a minute ago, I did not have in mind it would be a date, just ..fun…figuring out. I know nothing more then your Wikipedia page by now. And that you have a dog named Kal. You ..well..I don’t know what you have found about me on the web. My work. But most definitely not even a Wikipedia page.’ I sniffled. He looked back up, inquisitively, then his face softened to that of one of understanding. 
‘For a moment I thought you were friendzoning me.’ He said honestly. I laughed, poking his arm, turning around to also be able to lean with my back against the bar. I sipped my tea. ‘Are you willing to date though? If it’s…right?’ he asked, trying to sound casual. I looked up while sipping my tea, then lowered my cup slowly. ‘Yea.. sure I..am.’ I nodded, then looked at him comfortingly. ‘I just don’t want casual sex right now. These LA men and women can be quite draining..they make all the effort to get into your pants..and then poof they’re gone.’ I shrugged, looking at Joey flirting with one of the make up ladies at the end of the bar. I looked back towards henry. I could see him smile while looking at the crew moving some set pieces. ‘Tell me about it.’ He said, his eyes a shade thoughtful.
A metal voice shrieked over the speakers. *SET RUN 4 in 5. CREW REPORT. I REPEAT SET RUN 4 in 5*. Henry effortlessly jumped off the stool. ‘That’s me.’ He looked up at me, hesitating. ‘You have my number.’ I winked, then said; ‘Good luck Witcher.’ He smiled, nodding. ‘Thanks. I’m looking forward to Thursday!’ ‘Same’ I said, quietly, which he probably didn’t catch as his white wig was already disappearing in the crowd. I sighed, finishing my tea and checking my agenda for my next appointment.
It was Tuesday evening. A day after I asked him to join me for a hike. And, with some surprise, I noticed an unread message in my Whatsapp from a new number. A picture of a pair of feet wearing huge ugly slippers, a familiar dog laying beneath them. I smiled. Ah. The mysterious Witcher. I was sitting on the couch with my cat Bib so I took a picture of her on my lap, me wearing equally awful slippers and sent it in return. 
Not much later a message popped up. ‘:) Looks like we have equal taste in awful looking slippers hahaha’ ‘Welcome to the gang ;D Had a good day?’ ‘Sure did. Got a new costume which is really…really cool. And the day truly flew by :) How are you and what have you been up to?’ ‘A rather boring day here actually. Lots and lots and lots of waiting (they call it meetings, but lets be honest, its just boring monologues) *meme of chef shooting himself with a penne pasta* And right now writing some recipes for my cookbook with my cat Bib keeping my lap warm.’ ‘Cookbook huh? You like to cook?’ ‘Sure do! And for some years now I write down my recipes and bundle them in a cookbook so I can give them away as Christmas presents to friends and family :)’ ‘I’d love to cook with you sometime!’ ‘Let’s first see if you survive a hike with me ;D’ ‘Should I be worried now..? ;)’ I snickered. He soon typed again. ‘Can Kal join us by the way? And what time are you off?’ ‘Of course! And about 2-ish, you?’ ‘3-ish I think. I’ve to check with my PA, I’ll let you know.’ ‘Sure. So you also cook?’ ‘Yes of course! Though not as often as I’d like since my schedule is pretty..crammed haha.’
We chatted for another hour or so. It was fun. I didn’t get any recipe writing done, but that was quite alright. ‘I’ve got to go. Hitting the hay. Zzz. Good night dear!’ He sent. I sent him a funny GIF of a sleeping bear. ‘Sweet dreams :)’ And he was offline. I sighed, sinking down further into my couch. Bib was softly snoring and drooling - old cat syndrome. I tickled her to wake her up, which she did ever so reluctantly. It was difficult to catch sleep. I just, silly as it be, couldn’t stop thinking of him. Of how ridiculous this all was. I had to resist the urge to look him up on Google. No, I didn’t want to find out every little thing about him through the internet. No, no. But maybe just..watching some pictures? No Lisa, no! Eventually I had to give myself some release before sleep would catch me.
Thursday. It was a grey, humid day. Work was running a bit late - I was glad we had set our hike at 3. It was about 2.30 when I made my way to the hall where Henry was having some stunt run-through. I sat down on the floor against one of the walls with a thermostat can with tea, sipping it while studying the men prance and dance around each other in a play-deadly fight scene. I laughed out loud when one of the men tumbled over his own feet while trying to step again, making myself known to Henry, who looked over his shoulder at me. He winked a ‘hello’, then with renewed enthusiasm jumped in place, getting ready for the next try. I noticed a few more ladies trying to be as casual as possible about hanging around. I grinned, studying their hungry glances, their legs fiercely crossed, lips pouted, eyes big. It sure must be tiring to be surrounded by all these horny women ALL the time, I thought. 
It was 3.10 when the stunt team dispersed. Henry, slightly sweaty, came over to me. He nodded, reaching out an arm to pull me up. ‘Hi.’ He said with sparkling eyes, making my heart flutter for a moment. ‘Hi there.’ I said gleefully, taking his hand and feeling how he so very easily pulled me up. I awkwardly pulled my underwear a bit after getting up. ‘Such a sweaty day.’ I said, rolling my eyes, earning a loud snigger from him. ‘Yea, let’s make a quick stop at my trailer so I can change clothes and pick up Kal.’ ‘Sure.’ He looked over his shoulder endearingly, sighing content. ‘Very Lara Croftey.’ He said while we walked out of the hall, looking at me up and down. I laughed, taking a fight stance. ‘Bring it on LA sun!’ He chuckled in turn. We arrived at his trailer. A large trailer. We could hear a dog waking up, his paws scratching the door.
‘Hey there pal!’ Henry said through the door, while fussing with the key. A dog bark. I smiled, taking the moment to put on some new sunscreen. The door opened and Kal stormed out, jumping up like a young calf, making Henry laugh out loud. Henry petted him fiercely. ‘Hey boy. Hahaha. Oh I hope you’re ready for ..a walk!’ At those words Kal got even more excited, yapping happily. 
When Henry made his way into the trailer, leaving the door on a slit, Kal decided to say hello to me. ‘Hey Kal. Pfff. You must be WARM in that big fur coat. We better find some shade - for both us that is.’ He licked my hands happily as I knelt down, looking him calmly in the eyes. He calmed down, sitting down as well, panting happily.
‘I don’t know how you do that.’ I heard Henry’s voice coming from the trailer. I noticed his face peaking from the door, smiling. I smirked. ‘He’s just a very good boy.’ I said, winking at Kal. Henry’s disappeared again, but I what I saw instead was him changing shirts through the small opening of the door. I blushed, quickly getting up and turning a bit to hide the redness. 
He soon popped out in some shorts, shirt and cap. ‘Put on some sunscreen?’ I asked while he closed the door. He looked over. ‘Ah..I forgot.’ I pulled the sunscreen out of my bag. ‘Don’t want a lobster Henry or the makeup team will kill me.’ I said. He chuckled, gratefully taking the sunscreen and spraying some on his muscular arms, rubbing it over his exposed skin. 
He didn’t properly smudge out the sunscreen on his face, so I stepped in, wiping it away. He smiled, closing his eyes, folding his hand over mine. ‘Soft hands.’ He hummed. I smiled, feeling my cheeks once again blush a tinge, making me look away quickly. He opened his eyes again looking at me sweetly. ‘Thanks.’ He handed back the sunscreen, our eyes locking for a good moment. We both smiled stupidly at each other, soon being disrupted by an impatient Kal who pushed his nose in Henry’s crotch, which made him wince forward. ‘OOopphhf.’ 
I laughed out loud. ‘Alright, time to get cracking. I have a pretty nice walk set out for us, bit shady, few hills, not too long.’ Henry nodded, chaining Kal on a blue leash and following me.
We talked and talked and talked, keeping a relaxed pace while pushing ourselves up the steep hills of the Hollywood hills. Kal was walking freely by this point, sniffing and peeing all over the place, his tail wagging happily. Me and Henry spoke. About the set, about the dialogues he had to learn, about my animation work, cooking. About life. We had more in common then I ever thought possible. We were quite introverted, quiet people in public, had truly enjoyed MMORPGs but could no longer find the time, loved reading fantasy, cooking, hosting small parties for friends, unwinding in a bath with a good glass of cold white wine. We had similar humour. And were equally honest and direct. We were raised by parents who were quite similar. A somewhat nervous and emotional, but passionate mother and a relaxed, hard toiling father. The only difference being his relationship with his brothers was more close.
We sat down on a bench overlooking the valley, settling down in a relaxed, though quiet moment. I used the moment to wipe off some late summer sweat from my forehead with a makeup remover tissue. It was all greasy from the smog. ‘Yuk.’ I said, looking at the tissue. ‘Oh..can I have one too?’ ‘Sure.’ I handed him one. ‘Hehe mine is dirtier.’ He commented after wiping his face as well. 
‘Such a dirty man!’ I sniggered. He gave me a cheeky glance, to which I raised my eyebrow. ’Oh please!’ I started, but our interaction was interrupted by Kal who pushed his snout in Henry’s crotch again, making him wince forward... Again. I belted out a laugh. ‘Ooph.’ He groaned. ‘Mmm…Kal knows things..’ I grinned. Henry looked up, serving me a handsome smile, slowly sitting back up. ‘If anything.. he knows I haven’t been with a woman romantically for a very long time.’ He pushed some air through his nostrils, as he rearranged his trousers. 
Eventually I spoke again. ‘So you like men now? Or are just genuinely done with half of Hollywood?’ I quipped. He grinned painfully. ‘No men. Uhm. But, yes, I’ve dated… many women and just haven’t found any that I …clicked with.’ He said. ‘I’m sorry to hear.’ I yawned, stretching, earning a quick poke in my ribs from him. I snorted. ‘Oophh’. ‘Am I boring you good lady?’ ‘No, but I do think I could use some food, my tummy’s quite empty.’ He smiled. ‘Yea..let’s get going.’ 
We walked down the hills in steady, but much slower pace. Kal had also lost his quick step, now sometimes falling behind a bit. Henry clicked his tongue whenever he was slowpoking too much.
We arrived at Henry’s car (I got to work by public transport that day). I started noticing a pattern as Henry fell a bit quiet again, so I decided to say goodbye to Kal first, going down on my knees to give him a good ruff through his thick fur. ‘See ya Kal. You’ve been a good boy.’ He licked my face happily. I wiped off my face with a grin, then smiled at Henry. He sighed, then looked down as Kal got back to his feet. ‘What’s up?’ I asked. ‘I had a good time. I didn’t quite expect it to be so …nice.’ His gorgeous blue eyes looked at me with a mix unsure happiness. ‘Good. I enjoyed it too. Quite a lot.’ I smiled. He nodded, looking again at Kal, then back at me. I shrugged, hesitating. ‘Well..see you at work I.. guess.’ Should I just go?
I started turning around, hearing him sigh harshly, his eyes unsure. MAKE A MOVE - my brain screamed. I sighed in turn, turning back towards him, making sure we got good eye contact. ‘You know….if you are feeling like it you can join me for dinner at my place. Going to make greek food.’ He blinked. ‘Uhh..yea. I’d like that. If it’s no hassle’ His smile grew again. I smiled. ‘Well I don’t know how large of an appetite you have, but nobody has ever left my dinner table hungry.’ His cheeks coloured a tinge. ‘Where do you live?’ He asked. ‘Down south, 20 minute drive. Or public transport, though I’m not sure you’d survive that.’ ‘Ah yes..fan hordes. Let’s take my car.’ He nodded smiling, a visible weight being lifted from his shoulders, as he gestured to join him, walking towards the shotgun door to hold it open for me. I curtsied and got in. And just like that we went.
I was kind of zoned out, staring at people on the sidewalks, with Kal in between my legs, Kal also staring out of the window. Henry prodded me. ‘Here?’ I sat up a bit and nodded. ‘Yep. Don’t park next to that red car. My neighbor can’t drive for shit.’ I pointed. He grinned and parked at the end of the parking lot. It was about 6 pm when we walked up the stairs to my front door. My cat came up to greet us, but quickly dispersed when Kal jumped in. I followed my usual routine; keys on the hook, cooing at my cat Bib, throwing off my shoes after which Henry followed suit and tipple tapped into the kitchen for a large glass of water. I could see he was somewhat exhausted too, slumping down on a chair.  
‘Want a glass of wine or something?’ I asked. ‘Uhm..I’ll wait a bit. Still have to drive. Some water please.’ I nodded. ‘Mind if I have some wine though?’ ‘Oh no, please. Wine for the cook is always good. Can I help with anything by the way?’ ‘Slice these eggplants lengthwise in 2cm thick strips and salt them either side. We’re eating Moussaka!’ His face lit up. ‘Sounds good.’ ‘Ever had it before?’ I poured myself a glass of wine. ‘Once, in Greece.’ ‘Ooh, so I’ve got some competition.’ He grinned, chopping with great ease through the eggplant. Strong arms. I looked at him from the corner of my eye. When he noticed me looking, I averted my gaze and smiled.
I moved the moussaka into the oven and sat down opposite of him at my small square kitchen table. ‘Hi.’ I beamed, rolling wine around in my glass. He nodded in greeting. ‘I usually feed my cat around this hour, shall I give Kal some food as well?’ He sat up in his chair and nodded. ‘Uhm yea. Good thinking. He’ll probably hate me if he needs to wait all night.’ ‘All night?’ I raised my eyebrow, smirking. His eyes darkened as he held his breath, slowly nodding. I got up and looked for a bowl and whistled. Kal sat up and Bib also sneakily peaked around the corner. ‘Who’s hungry?!’ I belted, filling their bowls with pellets and a bit of wet food. 
Kal pushed his nose in my crotch in all excitement, making me squeal. ’Ooph okay boy. Haha. We’ve got to stop having you do that.’ I laughed. Henry gave him a pat on his butt, laughing in turn. ‘He sure likes crotches.’ I snorted, looking at Kal, who immediately sat in anticipation. I lowered his bowl in a corner of the kitchen and stroked his snout. I looked at Henry, who simply said: ‘Eat’ and Kal started hogging down his food like he hadn’t eaten in days. My cat on the other hand wasn’t so eager to come into the kitchen so I placed her food on a good lookout place. She took a few bites but soon enough left to hide somewhere higher up.
I poured some more wine in and Henry pointed. ‘I’ll have one too.’ I nodded, getting him a glass. ‘Just an FYI; it’s simple supermarket wine.’ He smiled, shrugging like he didn’t care, then clinked his glass with mine. Not long after the moussaka was done and we sat down for dinner. What I thought would be a meal for 4 days, became a meal for 1 day. Henry sure was munching it away like sweet cake. ‘This is..freaking delicious. My god.’ He mumbled. I smiled, sipping my wine. He sat up a bit, wiping his mouth in giddiness. ‘Where are my manners?’ He smiled. 
We ate and ate until our plates were empty and our bellies filled to the brim. I rolled my wineglass around in my hand, looking at Henry. He was silent, looking back at me. I shrugged. ‘Superman for dinner, how about that.’ I smirked. He looked at me, his eyes locking with mine. ‘I like you.’ He blurted out. I looked at him, a touch surprised, then smiled. ‘I like you too.’ We just continued looking at each other, gentle smiles tugging at our lips, lust darkening our eyes to the point that I... I... I felt uneasy and got up. ‘Want some tea?’ I croaked. ‘Sure.’ He quickly said. 
I felt his eyes piercing my back while the water cooked. Come on, come on. Cook faster! I almost trembled, so unlike me, while filling our cups, soaking some tea bags in them. I put his cup of tea on the table, immediately feeling his hand sneaking up my leg. He was looking at me, questioning me. I tilted my head as my head really started to race. FUCK. ‘That’s reserved for third dates.’ I said, trying to keep my voice level. He grinned, nodding in understanding, then suddenly got up, closing the small space between us. But instead of fully bridging the distance, he cupped my head with his hand.
He folded a rogue hair behind my ear and just looked at me, endearingly. ‘Hi.’ He whispered. I held in my breath. ‘Would you like to go on a date with me?’ He asked in earnestness. I snorted. ‘Hahaha. Oh. Ehm. Yes. I’d like that. Go…’ He kissed me. And somehow that still caught me off guard. It took me a second to realise what was happening. It was a slow sweet kiss, a gentle one. A much to short kiss, my mind reeled. He smiled at me. ‘Good.’ He stated proudly. I was still a bit flabbergasted by all that had happened. Why? Dazed I looked at him for a moment. Fuck this. I eagerly pressed my lips against his again, a kiss he accepted with similar eagerness. It became a passionate, almost sloppy kiss. One that left me all flustered and slightly out of breath. ‘I better get going before we don’t make it to a third date.’ He whispered in gruff voice. I blushed feverishly, nodding.
Half an hour after he left I saw a new Whatsapp message popping up. I opened it. A picture of Kal on his lap. I burst out in laughter and plopped down on my couch, just staring at the picture for a bit. My cat didn’t let a moment waste and quickly plopped up on the couch to butt her head against my hand. I petted her. ‘Oh Bib. What is this?’ I made a picture of Bib curling up against me and sent it back. No more response after, but all was right, my heart was pounding and all I really needed was some me-time. I put my phone under a pillow, so I could resist to urge to keep texting him and put on some Netflix series. Not long after I felt my eyes droop and I could barely make it to my bed before falling right asleep.
The next morning I checked my phone, seeing he had sent some app messages last night while I had been watching my series. ‘Hi ;) so how’s Thursday evening? Go for drinks?’ I smiled and  responded. ‘Good morning :) Thursday’s good. Any place in mind?’ Before I had fully gotten out of bed I heard my phone buzz with a new message. ‘Good morning dear one. Rooftop winebar with cats good?’ He responded pretty much straightaway. At once my heartbeat was back to racing speed. I took a deep breath, playing it cool and first doing my morning routine (getting dressed, toilet break, petting Bib)..though perhaps a bit more rushed than usual. I got back to my phone, answering: ‘Mi-auw! Sounds perfect.’ ‘I’ll pick you up at 8, good?’ I sent a smiling cat with thumbs up. Immediately feeling silly. But just shrugging it off and putting my phone in my bathrobe before making breakfast. I felt the phone buzz in my pocket. Right after putting a spoon in my yoghurt, I looked: a dog with a thumbs up. I giggled.
It took a lot of self control to not constantly check my phone every second over the next couple of days. We would occasionally share some details of our day. He mostly responded really eagerly when I shared my tomato red head after I had done some running. Of course, he exercises practically non-stop. And lots of pictures of our animals. Me walking Bib on a leash had him send a GIF of a cat on leash being dragged around since it didn’t want to follow. Hilarious.
Anyways. It was Thursday evening. I had dolled up a bit in a cute dress, black choker necklace and beachwave hair. No heels since I didn’t know whether it’d be a lot of standing or walking stairs. I heard my doorbell ring, finding a sexy man in buttoned open blouse and tight pants, a smile from ear to ear. Okey. Gotta admit. Ravishing. I would have loved to drag him into my bed then and there. Instead we shared a quick peck and he took my hand walking to a cab. Arriving at the roof top there were a few people, but it was mostly secluded. And there were indeed a few cats. We ordered a bottle of Merlot and let ourselves melt into a lounge bench overlooking LA. I noticed a couple that was secretly looking at us. ‘Do you ever get used to these people blatantly staring at you?’ He looked over his shoulder, waving expressively at the people who quickly looked away in shock. He smiled. ’Never completely. It is kind of dehumanizing at times. But then again, part of the job.’ ‘Do you miss it..just being able to walk the street unnoticed? Doing groceries?’ ’That’s been a long time ago honestly. But occasionally yes. At least some trainers and a cap work wonders.’ I laughed, taking a sip of wine. He looked at me. ‘They’ll start noticing you too.’ His voice was tender, but serious. ‘So quickly?’ He nodded, looking into the distance. The sun had started to go down and lights were being turned on. ‘Did something happen with your previous girlfriends?’ I asked with honest curiosity. He hesitated for a moment. ‘It always changes things. Some love the attention so much they want all of it. Some get suspicious of every bush and tree and don’t want to go out at all. Most of them got way too obsessed over looking dolled up 24/7.’ He slowly shook his head. I studied his face. ‘The press is a hungry beast.’ He finally said.
He looked back up at me. ‘What do you want? Stay hidden for a while?’ ‘We’re not really hidden right now..are we?’ I winked, hinting at the couple once again staring at us. He grinned. ‘They’ll probably not get further than starting a gamble on how long you and I would last.’ I shrugged, smiling. ‘But to get back to your question. No public events or any of that. But I sure as hack don’t want to give up being able to go outside together, since I love outdoor dates. I just want to get to know you. We are in the end an unlikely pair.’ ‘Unlikely pair?’ He raised his eyebrow. ‘Well, Henry, make an educated guess.’ I sat up, looking at him with a challenging smile. ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife..’ He recited. ‘Pride and prejudice.’ I nodded ‘Do you think we don’t match?’ ‘Well, other than that you are WAY more handsome, you are probably an even bigger dork than I am.’ I leaned over, giving him a peck on the lips. He smiled into our little kiss, cupping my cheek with his free hand, his other one balancing his glass of wine. ‘You are one of the few women I’ve met who dare to look closer than skin deep.’ He hummed. I moved back a bit to be able to look straight into his eyes. ‘Scaredy cats.’ I whispered in Annie voice. He tilted his head. ‘Annie, League?’ He gasped. I snorted out a loud laugh. ‘Boy, you are equally dorky!’ He laughed in turn. ‘Girl, that is. But yea, maybe just a little.’ He got up and pressed his lips against mine more feverishly before resting his nose against mine, gazing blurrily at me. ‘I’m so glad I’ve met you.’
After our date we got to another awkward little situation. I thought it best to just take two cabs. I mean. He lived up the hills, so it would be a whole trip to go around whole the city to bring me home. But he insisted. In the cab he pulled me closer, just squeezing me in his strong arm, resting his cheek against my head while I was staring at the lights flashing by. We got to my place way too quickly for my liking. Saying goodbye was getting harder each time we met. ‘I want to see you again.’ He whispered right after we kissed our goodbyes, standing by my door. ‘I’ll pick the next date.’ I stated quickly. He looked at me in slight confusion. ‘Aren’t men supposed to..?’ ‘Goodness, it’s the 21st century.’ He snickered, kissing me again, more passionately, pressing me against my front door. ‘Okey..okey..Let’s..’ I pushed him away out of breath. ’Say goodbye.’ Our eyes burned into one another. ’Speak to you soon.’ He said hoarsely, and quickly made his down the stairs. I felt almost depressed seeing him rush off, then again realising why he didn’t stall. He hadn’t been with a woman in over 1 year, yet had to act it out over and over on set. Surely he had some pent up feelings from just that. I opened my door and found my cat meowing impatiently at me. I had an uneasy feeling coming home. I could reason it all. But it left me feel a bit cold and lonely all the same. I looked at my phone. ‘Henry is typing….’ I closed my eyes, sighed, then typed: ‘You ok?’ He removed his text. Then again ‘Henry is typing…’ I waited, looking at the screen. Eventually his message was sent. ‘Didn’t mean to rush..sorry..:/‘ ‘You need to chop some wood.’ I sent, with a cheeky winking emoticon. He sent an uncomfortably smiling emoticon. ‘Yes..I forgot the number one rule before first dates..come prepared and ‘chop’ one first.’ With winking smile. I returned a kissing smiley and walked towards the kitchen to make a cup of tea. The cold feeling left. I felt my heart warm up as quickly as it cooled down before. And just like the other day, he sent me a picture when he got home. It was the wood logs near his fire place, followed by a shrugging emoticon. I sniffled. I had some wild dreams that night. Wood chop worthy ones.
I’d decided our date would be a doggy bootcamp. I had picked up a dog from the local shelter and there we stood in full track suit with dogs at the ready, along with some other sports crazies. It was sunday 8 o’clock in the morning. And the dogs were ecstatic. We decided to go for a gentle jog, since the dog I picked up was ALL over the place and definitely not following - like the lady at the shelter said he usually does. Probably his first sniffs at actual freedom, not a simple driveway walk, made him go mad with excitement. We chuckled and spoke of our week while we got to the first set of hurdles. Two of the women who joined us were totally gushing at Henry, continuously trying to flirt with him, unnecessarily sprinting after Kal who quickly outran them and asking him all sorts of slightly inappropriate questions. But he shrugged it off effortlessly. ‘Sorry ladies, if you don’t mind, me and Lisa are quite happy as just a twosome.’ The ladies huffed fiercely, giving me a dirty look, then spurted off with their pitchy dogs that were barking top lung.
Henry and I sure had to convince our guest dog to participate. His name, Scuff, seemed appropriate. He was a shaggy, confused dog, that didn’t really get what we wanted to do. Only when Kal did a few show runs, did Scuff follow with a dumb smile on his snout. All and all though, we had great fun, a little workout, the dogs were completely exhausted and after I pulled out some picknick gear for us to enjoy at the top of the solarium hill. A great view, almost alone, and the dogs eagerly ate the dogfood I had brought along. We sat there slightly sweaty, but satisfied, eating our salad and sandwiches. Henry gazed out over the trees, then halted. He pointed. ‘Hey, that’s my house!’ I followed his pointing finger. ‘Which one, the huge bachelor pad, or the ridiculous super villain mansion?’ He gave me a silly look. ‘The house with a good view, in-door gym and ..if you care to know, a really glorious shower.’ ‘Is this your way of saying I need a bath?’ ‘Well, we both do, don’t we?’ I chuckled, then my thoughts wandered. I knew that my 3-date rule was getting hard to follow with such a shower. My silence did not go unnoticed. ‘I chopped some wood.’ He added. I gave him the look, then smirked. ‘Well, i didn’t.’ He smiled, then fiddled with some grass, sighing. I looked back at the direction where he had pointed. ‘But a cup of tea sounds like a good idea.’ His gaze travelled over my legs, to my torso, to my neck, my face. Hungry eyes. He blinked. ’Tea.’ He croaked, catching himself giving thirsty looks.
We walked down the road to his house. Scuff was completely wasted, no longer following, but Kal was ever as excited, realising he was nearly home. The house was indeed large, with high fence, tropical garden, long driveway, pool, modern style supersize bungalow with top to floor windows. ‘It’s temporary, while we are shooting here. I actually live in London.’ I looked at Henry. Only now realising he was in fact a European too. He looked at me. ‘I spied with my little eye you’re from the Netherlands. Not very far from Britain.’ I smiled, somewhat uncomfortable. It kind of broke the fairytale experience. Realising we wouldn’t always be so close to one another. We stepped into his house. It was rather empty, just some straight from the box furniture with little soul. And dog toys and pictures, lots of those. I let my gaze fly over the pictures. His brothers, parents, family, some shots with fans, at movie sets, Kal. He halted, looking over his shoulder. ‘Make yourself at home. Green tea?’ ‘Yes, lovely. No milk or sugar!’ He grinned. ’Naa…that’s even for me, a brit, too awful.’ ‘Thanks.’ I grinned, taking a closer look at the pictures at the bottom of the wall. I heard him shuffling around in the kitchen, glasses clanking. Kal and Scuff had followed him into the kitchen, hoping to fetch some snacks. Which, from the sound of it, they got. I walked in seeing them chewing on some pig ears. ‘Oh you lucky fellas!’ I smiled, following Henry who nodded we would be sitting outside. ’tWas a lovely afternoon.
‘So how long are you still here?’ ’Till end of September, then we’ll fly to Poland…will your team join there?’ ‘Yea.’ ‘Cool..so..Poland. Up to December. Finish shooting there. Fly to England, press tour worldwide in January..which is going to be truly hectic..then a long break. And then shooting here starts again.’ He shrugged. ‘Someone once told me to never date a colleague. Perhaps he was a wise man.’ He looked at me with a question in his eyes. Unsure what to make of it. I looked out over the valley. ‘My year: contract up to first month in Poland, after that a BBC movie in the shetlands till end of January, but probably half of February, I know that director too well. Free schedule after that.’ He took my hand, taking my cup of tea and putting it on the side table, then took both my hands, looking deeply into my eyes. ‘I know this is all so very quick and we need to get to know one another. But please know I wish to invest my time and love into you.’ Those words hit me. I looked back into those deep blue pools of trust and warmth and couldn’t help but smile. Then sighed. ‘It’s quite a thing to have to think about. We’re going to be all over the world. And right now, we have only just touched surface on getting to know each other.’ ‘We have some months to figure it out.’ I looked at him, agreeing. ‘Yes. October.’ He pulled me closer, kissing my hair. I laughed. ‘Aiiii…I’m smelly. Don’t kill your nostrils with my stench.’ He grinned, pulling me all the way up in his lap, with great ease, and hugged me like I was his dearest toy. ’Stink or not. I like you.’ I pulled my arms out of his tight grasp and wrapped them around his neck. I gazed into his eyes, curiously. We looked at each other for a minute or so. Just, silently watching each other. Studying the fine lines on our faces. The way our eyebrows arched over our eyes. Our noses. Our lips. Curious lovers. Then finally our eyes met again. His eyes watered ever so slightly. I kissed him, crushing my chest against his. I could feel his heart beating harshly against his chest. Silently I cursed my three-date rule.
We had a busy week after. Shooting had fully started. This meant long ass 14-hour shoot days. And two of my team members had burned out, leaving us working overtime just like the actors and film crew. It was Saturday evening. We’d have a day off tomorrow. I had just finished up my day, it was 11pm, when I waddled towards the warehouse where they were shooting the last scene of the week. A pub scene. I squeezed in with some of the makeup staff. Henry was playing Geralt, absolutely covered in monster guts. It was even steaming. And everyone was singing toss a coin. The scene was cut and the director applauded. ‘And cut. Great work everyone. See you on Monday! Hair, can I have a word?’ Everyone dispersed, with the warehouse being practically empty in the stretch of just two minutes. Henry had noticed me and walked up to me. ‘Hmmm’ He rumbled in character. ‘You, need a bath.’ I stated. He grinned, making his appearance all the more scary. ‘And a nap and some food.’ He agreed, silently referencing a previous conversation. One of the make up ladies came hurrying up to him, hesitating to tug his gut covered arm. ‘I’m coming Suzan. Wait for me?’ The makeup lady gave me a weird look. As in; why would you wait for him? What the fuck? You two ..dating?! Iewl. I shrugged. ‘Sure.’ I smiled, nodding sweetly at Suzan. Not soon after they locked down the warehouse, leaving me outside in the cold. I looked over at the car park. Might as well wait for him at his car. Just when I wanted to text him I got a message from him; ‘Meet at car? Warehouse locked’ I returned a thumbs up, already seeing him in the distance.
‘That was quick.’ I grinned. ‘They didn’t have hot water.’ He groaned. ‘Military style hosing down.’ ‘You poor bird.’ I gave him a peck on the cheek and petted his back. He looked over my shoulder checking if the coast was clear before cupping my chin and giving me a deep kiss. ‘Maybe not as glorious..but what about a third date? Takeaway at my place?’ He smiled, arching his eyebrow, while circling his large arms around my small waist. I looked at him curiously. ‘I think I’ll fall asleep before we can finish our date, won’t you?’ ‘Then we just sleep.’ His eyes pierced mine. ‘Ok.’ I finally agreed. He cheered, picking me up and swirling me around. I belted out a loud giggle. While lowering me down he kissed me deeply again, resting his nose against mine before reaching for his car keys.
20 Minutes later we arrived at his place with some Mexican food, were greeted by a sleepy but very happy Kal who came pitter pattering out of Henry’s bedroom. We snacked on the food, made out, drank wine, got lazy, then after some serious yawns decided to hit the hay. It had been a very long week. It was nevertheless strange how comfortable sleeping together was. Usually at the beginning of relationships I would barely sleep. But this felt good. I snuggled into his arms, he talked a little, then soon enough my eyes fell shut and I felt his lips touching mine. ‘Sleep well my sweet princess.’ He whispered. The next morning there was no alarm clock, just Kal’s claws ticking on the floor. I stretched out finding Henry looking at me. ‘Hi sleepy head.’ He said. I yawned, then smiled at him. ‘Hmmm. Hi.’ ‘How did you sleep?’ ‘Oh I feel like I’m still dreaming, so good.’ I smiled lazily. He brushed some hair from my face, then slightly bent over me, studying my face. ’Maybe.. this requires a magical kiss!’ He said playfully earnest, studying my face some more, then kissing me, before studying me again. I sniggered.
‘Ah, the princess seems to have awakened!’ I booped his nose with my finger. ‘Carefull. You may or may not risk getting yourself turned into a frog.’ He laughed in return, kissing me passionately and climbing completely on top of me. ‘I take that risk.’ He said gruffly. It made my heart race within seconds. His muscular, heavy body pressing me into the soft mattress. His thirsty look. I dared not look down at his trunk. I felt my breath choke while I looked up at him. He broke his thirsty look with a sweet smile. ‘The safeword is stop. And then I’ll stop. Okey?’ My breath felt ever more laboured. Wow. This wasn’t a dream. This was real. This was. Oh my god. Third date. 
He started languishly kissing me, his left arm keeping himself propped up while his right arm looked for my arm, entangling our fingers. I felt my groin catch fire. And I could feel him. His taught muscles, his bit of chest hair, his erection that was now pressing eagerly into my hip. I sighed in between our kisses, taking a deep breath, looking at him. ‘Oh my.’ I whispered. He grinned, before cupping my face sweetly. ‘Too fast?’ His eyes pierced mine, a gentleness overtaking them. ‘No. It’s..it’s good. It’s great. Oh my.’ I uttered. He kissed me again, smiling, then took my hand and placed it on his chest. And there my hand slowly travelled over his chiseled body. Feeling it. I closed my eyes to focus on the sensation of finger tips rippling over his muscular physique. I could feel my groin getting soaked, but I didn’t mind. I sighed a more laboured breath, then returned his kiss feverishly. He kissed me, but quickly pulled back. 
‘I want to feel you.’ He said gently. What? I was a bit at loss of what he meant. He was on top of me right? Then he nodded at the underwear I was still wearing. I laughed. Silly me. ’Take it off of me.’ I smiled, which he did with trained hands, flipping us over so he could reach the clasp of my bra. He threw it aside while continuing kissing me. Then he took a breath, looking at me while his hand travelled over my undies, questioning me. I gave a slight nod, which was all he needed before removed my last piece of clothing in one fell motion. 
His eyes languishly travelled over my body, a finger tracing what he saw in appreciation. I shivered under his touch, already very much aroused by simply having one of his fingers touching me. He then moved away the blankets and crawled on all fours to bend down in between my legs. I felt my breath completely choking. He noticed, looking up at me, looking for confirmation. All I could do was sigh a soft ‘yes’, while I felt his breath on my southern lips.
Oh. His wicked tongue. This tongue! His strong hands pulled up my legs in a strangling position while he lapped me like he hadn’t seen water in days. I squealed and shivered, feeling heat coil up inside me. Where an orgasm would usually take me forever, it already engulfed me. It took seconds before I felt my every nerve, electricity curling my toes, my mind putty. I gasped while he continued, now adding two fingers. I huffed and puffed, feeling my whole body tingle and shake. ‘Oh Henry. Ohhh…’ 
He finally got up from between my legs, looking devilishly satisfied. He crawled up, hovering over me once more, looking at me. I closed the gap, kissing him feverishly. He groaned, sinking his hips closer to mine. His erection now pressing harshly into my leg. I could feel the weight of it. Oh darn. ‘I want you.’ He said hoarsely. ‘Condom.’ I breathed. He nodded, moving to his side of the bed to reach into his bedside table. He got up, removing his trunks, looking at me in full naked, erect glory. I could only stare. That was…very well endowed. A greek god wouldn’t look any less divine. 
He crawled back on top of me, grunting while rolling the condom over his erection. ‘Hmmmmpfff. Fucking things’ He huffed for a bit, looking at me while panting slightly. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath before lowering himself down. It felt like he was holding back a whole lot of pent up energy. He kissed me. First sweetly, but soon passionately, almost feverishly, and I could feel his erection starting to press against my maidenhood. I panted in unison with him as he slipped in. He lay quietly for a bit, prepping up. ‘So tight.’ He gasped. I laughed, then groaned when he moved. ’Oh Lisa.’ He started to slowly push further into me. Which I didn’t know he could. So big. I groaned, slightly in shock and grasping his arm as he started moving in and out.
The feeling was so deep and big, it shocked me, stirred me, made me almost lose consciousness at some point. Our breaths were laboured while he moved up my legs, hitting an even deeper spot, which I did not even know I had. 
After a few minutes of his incessant pounding, his hip bone rubbing just right, I came, again, shivering around his erect cock in such a way he couldn’t help but release himself as well. He grunted, squeezing painfully in my leg, after which he fell over on top of me. I gasped at his weight covering me like a weighted, very much penetrating, blanket. ‘Can’t breath.’ I whispered, to which he quickly propped himself up, apologising. ‘Oh my gods. That was glorious.’ I smiled languidly pressing my head back into the pillow, taking a few more laboured breaths as he pulled out. He just looked at me, panting slightly. ‘Haa.’ He uttered smiling. ‘I almost forgot what it felt like. So good.’ He whispered. ‘I haven’t come like that in 5 years.’ I stated, looking at the ceiling in utter awe. 
He liked to hear that I think, as he rolled over and propped himself up on one arm, looking at me with a smile of victory. ‘Well I can give you many, many more.’ He kissed me. Slowly. Sweetly. I let my hand travel over his chest, then looked back up at him. ‘Your condom is…full.’ I stated. He looked down at the large blob of latex that was hanging from his cock. ‘Ha...Yea…haven’t found a condom yet that can truly…handle me.’ He grinned, slightly wincing while he pulled it off, quickly wiping the leftovers with a towel. He sighed, stretching out on his back.
I peeked at his still erect penis. It bounced slightly off his lower belly. I propped myself up on one arm in turn. ‘Shame they haven’t put a pill for men on the market yet.’ He raised his eyebrow at me. I grinned. ‘Do you use the pill?’ ‘Yea..just to be sure. Don’t want to become an accidental mom.’ He nodded, looking down at his penis. ‘I would however like to still use a condom for the first while….’ I said. He looked back at me with an endearing smile. ‘A small price to pay for such a big reward.’ He pulled me on top of him and pulled my hip against his still erect penis. He closed his eyes, clearly enjoying the sensation of skin to skin. Not long after I felt his erection starting to stir again and his right hand hastily grabbed another condom from the still opened drawer, expertly tearing the packaging open with his teeth. His darkened eyes interlocked with mine while he rolled the new condom over his cock. ‘Come here.’ He pulled my face towards his lips and just while he kissed me I could feel his hand moving his cock somewhat, positioning it. Seamlessly, while he cracked open my lips with his tongue, he re-entered me. Slower, with more rolling hip motions he rocked his cock against my insides. I melted into his arms, his hands keeping my hips lifted while he slowly picked up speed. It felt like a warm shower. Tingling, so hot, but comforting and healing.
After a few more hip thrusts, I climbed off of him, feeling frisky and perching up on all fours, wiggling my hips. He didn’t waste a second, bending over me, re-entering me in one fluid motion, hitting an even deeper spot. I gasped. I felt him bend over me completely, kissing my back and neck as is hands traveled to my hips, pulling me even further on his cock. I let out a little whimper. ‘Oh good gods.’ I whispered. He groaned: ‘You are so…tight.’ Not long after he started thrusting again. These thrusts were so deep I could feel them come up half my belly. I gasped and gasped some more while he ravished me. He eventually pulled me up, thrusting upwards while his lips interlocked with mine. ‘I’m coming.’ He said hoarsely, starting a punishing pace, making me bounce up from the mattress entirely. And then he groaned a final sigh of relief. He collapsed into me, letting us fall sideways on the bed. Still interlocked. 
He sighed, spent and satisfied, enveloping me in his arms while his lips pressed a kiss in my neck. I was just laying there limply. ‘Are you okay?’ He asked softly. I nodded, while slowly turning my head towards him. ‘I’ve never been with someone so well endowed.’ I whispered, looking into his eyes. He smiled. Even now, I could feel his cock deep inside me. ‘I have some pain killers for cramps.’ I huffed: ’He said while still fully burrowed inside me.’ He nuzzled his face in my neck. ‘Sweet womb.’
Part 2 >
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erosofthepen · 4 years
A Dwarf and his Child
So this is the second chapter of my OC fic, and I think it’s pretty good. Dwalin and Clara travel to the Blue Mountains.
Chapter One
Dwalin didn’t speak very much. But once Clara warmed up to him, he had no choice but to listen. She spoke very openly and it rarely ceased. But it wasn’t as annoying as it was endearing. She would ask very inquisitive questions for such a young girl, and Dwalin could tell she was very bright. In two weeks he learned much about her. And she learned much about where she was going to live.
“Are there any other children I can play with?”
“Aye. Actually, I’ve made arrangements with my friends sister, and you’ll be with her and her two boys while I am away.”
“Boys?’’ Clara said with a face. Dwalin chuckled.
“That bother ye?’’
“Boys are yucky.”
“Indeed they are. But these two are plenty of fun to be around and no doubt you’ll get into all sorts of trouble with them.”
‘’How old are they?’’
“One’s about your age. 32, no? His name is Kili. The other is just a few years older, he’s 38 and named Fili. You’ll be thick as thieves.”
“Thieves are bad!”
“Just a saying lass.”
“Oh. Wait. Kili and Fili? They sound just the same!”
“You’ll tell them apart, no worries.”
“Kili has brown hair, Fili’s a blond.”
Claira narrowed her eyes and was quiet for a bit.
“I’ve got it! Fili the fair! Because he has blonde hair. Now I won’t forget. Though, i’ll have to think of something for Kili. There’s no words for brown hair that start with K.”
Dwalin smiled and nodded before leaning back and taking a draw from his pipe.
The Blue Mountains looked very intimidating to a little one. Clara and Dwalin rode their way through different villages and rocky paths. Finally, just after noon one day, the two of them arrived at a village populated with mostly dwarrow. They stopped on the outskirts of town at a little house made of oak.
“Is your hole underneath?” Clara asked.
“Yeah, your hole. Where you live.”
“Ah. Lass, we live in houses. Not holes. Holes are for hobbits and rabbits.’’
“You’ll get used to it lass, don’t ye worry.”
“Afternoon Brother! How was the journey?” A voice called. Clara looked over at the house and standing in the doorway was a grey-haired dwarf with a long beard and red robes.
“Afternoon! We fared just fine.” Dwalin called in return, getting off the pony before helping Clara off.
“Is this the wee lass then?” The grey dwarf asked, making his way over.
“Aye. Clara’s her name. Clara, this is yer Uncle Balin, or Irak’adad Balin, if you will.”
“Earackadad?” She questioned, jumbling the word.
“Irak’adad. It means uncle in the language of dwarves. You’ll learn.”
Clara narrowed her eyes and looked Balin up and down.
“I’m just going to call you Uncle Balin.”
The older dwarf chuckled.
“That’s quite all right. Tell me, did you have a good journey Clara?”
“Indeed I did. I didn’t think the mountains would be so big, but they were absolutely huge. In Hobbiton, there’s no mountains at all, did you know that? But there’s plenty of hills. I lived in the biggest hill, Bagend. Well, sometimes I did. Mostly I lived in Tuck-burough, but my family there didn’t like me very much. They kept calling me a bastard, whatever that means. I don’t think it means something very good. We also live in Holes, but I suppose dwarves don’t. Are houses very cozy?”
Balin looked a bit taken back by her speech, but smiled nonetheless.
“Aye, I think ours is cozy enough. I’ve made up a room for you, and made sure to find the warmest blankets in Ered Luin.”
“I get my own room?” She asked with wide eyes.
“Aye, would ye like me to show ye?”
“Yes indeed!” She said excitedly.
Balin looked up at his brother.
“We’ll meet inside?”
“Aye, shouldn’t take long to unpack.”
Balin took Clara’s hand and led her up the steps. The inside of the house was large, and there were three rooms on the bottom floor. One was the bathroom, another was the study, and the third was Balin’s room. The space that wasn’t closed off was the hearth, table, pantry, and kitchen. There was a stairway that led up to the upstairs.
“That’s where ye and Dwalin be sleeping. He has a room and I’ve added yours.”
Balin eagerly led her up the stairs and opened the door to her room. There was a small bed in the corner and a wardrobe, as well as a vanity with a mirror, with a handsomely woven rug on the wood floor. But Clara wasted no time in letting Balin know her favorite part.
“That’s a ginormous window!” She said, letting go of his hand and crawling up on the bed to press her nose against the glass. It was chilly in the autumn weather but she could see the mountains and forrest’s.
“Aye, I installed it just last week. You like it lass?”
She nodded vigorously.
“I’ve never seen one so big! Not even in the Brandybuck’s lands!”
“I’m glad ye like it.”
They heard thumping coming up the stairs and Dwalin came in with her pack and lambie.
“Right. Let’s get you unpacked and then some luncheon.”
Balin had fished for lunch and they had some nice, plump, rainbow trout. When Balin was dishing the meal out, Dwalin interjected.
“She’s going to need a bit more than that, brother.”
“It’s already a plenty large portion!”
“She’s half-hobbit. Their appetites are something to be feared. And she is a growing girl.”
During luncheon, they spoke of taking Clara to the markets the next day to get fitted for warmer clothes.
“This isn’t the Shire, after all. Those dainty wee dresses won’t do much to keep out the frost.”
“Aye. And we’ll have to get her a pair of boots. Did she go bare-foot this whole way?”
“That’s the way of hobbits. Though, she has more cuts and bruises than I like to see. Seems like she didn’t inherit the hobbit feet.”
“Seems so. Oh, did ye tell her we’re dining with Thorin, Dis, and the lads tonight?”
“No, but might as well tell her now.”
“Can I meet Kili and Fili?” Clara asked, interrupting them.
“Of course lass. You know of them already?”
“Dwalin told me. Are they really princes?”
Balin and Dwalin exchanged a look.
“Aye, they are. In title at least.”
Clara shrugged and bit into a roll before letting her mind wander while the brothers talked.
After luncheon, Balin and Dwalin agreed to draw with Clara.
“Bilbo and I always drew after lunch, while Aunt Bella was cleaning up. She got me some fine charcoal from a craftsman and a sketchbook. They should be up in my room, Let me go get them!”
The brothers were certainly impressed by Clara’s skill. It wasn’t as if she could draw portraits, but it was far better than your average 32 year old.
“Ye must get it from your Adad,” Balin commented. Indeed, despite Dwalin’s fierce manner, he always was the most careful with crafting, and patterns and art in silvers and golds were his specialty.
They spent much of the afternoon drawing (with a snack or two in between), before they got ready to sup. Balin helped Clara choose an outfit and Clara sat patiently as Dwalin braided her hair half up, down the back. At 5 o’clock, they left the house and walked to the other side of the village, coming to stop at probably the grandest of houses. Balin knocked thrice and soon the door was flung open and they were greeted by a Dwarrow with beautiful brown hair. She hugged both the brothers and kissed their cheeks before smiling broadly at Clara.
“And what’s your name Lass?’’
“My name is Clara Took.”
“It is very nice to meet you, Clara. My name is Dís. I hear you are the same age as my son Kili, is that so?”
“Dwalin said he’s thirty three, and I’m thirty three, so it is true!”
A sudden shriek and shouting came from somewhere in the house. Dis closed her eyes and sighed.
“There be the boys now. They’re playing fox and rabbit, but I’m sure they have room for one more.”
“I love fox and rabbit! I always got chosen to be the fox whenever I played with my friends in Hobbiton.”
“That’s very well, my dear. Come in, come in.”
Clara, Balin and Dwalin stepped over the threshold and were nearly run into by two blurs of blue and brown.
“Boys!” Dis scolded. The two of them stopped and turned to look at their mum and the guests.
“Is that the girl?!” Kili asked excitedly. Dis was about to reply when Clara answered for her.
“I’m Clara! You must be Kili, since you have dark hair. Dwalin said you have dark hair and Fili has blonde hair!”
“Hi Clara!” Fili and Kili said as one.
“We’ve never had a friend our age! I mean, a friend whose a girl our age! A girl who is our age! You’re pretty special! What’s your favorite game? I hope you like hide-and-seek! That’s my favorite. Fili likes fox and rabbit, but he always wins because he’s a whole lot stronger and faster. But he won’t be for long. I’ll bet I’m taller than him one day!”
“You wish! I’ll always be taller than you, because I’m older than you!” Fili said.
“Boys,” a new voice said. All three of the children turned to look at a dwarf with black curly hair and piercing blue eyes.
“Hi.” Clara said shyly. The dwarfs glare turned into a smile as he met Clara’s eyes.
“Hello there lass. What’s your name?”
“My name is Clara. And you have got to be King Thorin! Adad said you’re the bravest King ever born!”
Thorin smile faltered for but a moment and his eyes flickered to Dwalin’s before coming back to Clara.
“He exaggerates. You may just call me Thorin.”
“Oh, alright!”
“Why is your voice like that?” Kili asked.
“Like what?”
“The way you talk, it’s so different!”
“That’s because she’s from a hundred miles away Kee!” Fili said with a sure nod, “All people from far away sound different.”
“Oh okay.”
“You sound different to me too. No hobbits talk like you!” Clara said.
“Hobbits are like rabbits, right?” Kili asked.
“Not at all!”
“Don’t you live in strange burrows?”
“No, we live in hobbit-holes!”
“In the ground?’ Fili asked.
“Yes, In the ground.”
“Then you are a rabbit!”
“No I’m not!”
“Oi!” Dwalin called. “That’s enough I think. Best to stop arguing.”
“Aye,” Thorin agreed. “How about you two show Clara your toy chest?”
“Great idea!”
The older dwarves all watched in amusement as Kili and Fili both grabbed Clara’s hands and dragged her away down the halls.
Chapter Three
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