imthursdaysyme · 3 months
While I love Steve having a kid that's a nerd, my favorite is if his kid is just like him. He's popular even at 7, he's extroverted, funny, and charming albeit a little strange. He loves sports and struggles in math and doesn't really get english and gets scolded when he laughs in history—sue him he thought it was funny—and has a tendency to get detention but also is somehow a teachers pet all at once.
He has a tendency for feminine things, makes it his own with earrings and the occasional pink flower print shirt.
He begs steve to not work on the car until he gets home from school, cause even at 5, he would rather climb over the fence and run home by himself then learn his dad worked on the cool car without him.
He loves driving and cooking and dancing and loves swimming—aunt Robbie calls him a variety of aquatic animals instead of his name; minnow, fish, stingray, tigershark. Anything went.
They look alike and act alike to the point robin laughs and claims Steve just cloned himself, Eddie says that the kid is actually just Steve brought to the future through time travel. Steve laughs, he loves it ofc but he's never pushed or forced it, it just happened that way.
But there's also times, where Steve sees his son, so like him with big tears in his eyes trying to be tough. Or when all he wants is to sleep in the bed with Steve when he has a nightmare, wants his dad to kiss everything better, when he so easily seeks affection or struggles with school to the point he's getting stress migraines at 9, sees him try so hard to do his best and do what he does well. Sees him fail.
And when Steve sees this, he wonders if maybe he wasn't a bad kid. Didn't need to be tougher, manlier, smarter—better—to deserve love.
Just. Like. Steve seeing that he didn't need to be anything other than what he was. That he has no idea how his parents didn't love him bc how could he ever not love his kid? Just like its okay for him to be how he is and have a kid that a like him as well bc he's pretty great
And like. Its just that idea that Steve could only “heal his inner child” with a kid that's different then him or a girl is kind of sad that it's only that what if him and his son go to every game and constantly have grease on them what then.
#stranger things#steve harrington#robin buckley#dad steve harrington#i just think it would be so nice#I am going to draw this kid I hope y'all know#his name is going to be Jimeno#bc Steves Cuban and wants to give his son a Cuban name too#his nickname will be meno and that's why robin thought calling him minnow was hilarious#he is now part of my st universe#I have three main ones#the steddie one the stali one and now this one#single dad Steve#I also have a very set past stancy universe that I don't delve into where they're divorced and have a kid and Nancys with robin#that one is fun and I will draw it someday#but anyway#let Steve have a kid that's like him bc why tf can he only have a kid that's different#like what's so wrong about Steve#why can't his kid like all the typical jock stuff#and be sensitive and shit#and Steves like oh my god I wasn't a horrible kid who could never do anything right my parents were assholrs#and Steves like I will give my kid ANYTHING he desires and what are YOU gonna do about it#him and robin living together practically coparenting#jimeno starts calling robin roberto bc Steve does#and imagine robin HAS to learn Spanish fluently bc Steve only speaks Spanish in the house#jimenos first language will be spanish if Steve has anything to say about it#robin learns so fast#but imagine Nancy having a hard time learning it and like every ones so co fused bc Steve and jimeno will talk to her in Spanish and she'll#talk back in English and every ones confused but they understand each other so it's fine
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Who do you think are the most OP members of the FlashFam? I think it's difficult, the majority of them has almost the same powers.
Oh easy.
Wally, Bart and Barry.
I think we forget sometimes that the vast majority of the crazy feats of godlike powers we see from speedsters are coming from these three. Wally, Bart and Barry have insane connections to the speedforce and their skill level is unmatched. What these three can do is by no means normal or average. They are op as fuck.
You have to remember that even... let's say Max Mercury is nowhere even remotely near their skill level. And we're talking about Max Mercury. The guy who knows more about the speedforce than anyone else and trained for years to master it. But Max (although he was faster than Bart when Bart was a child) isn't on the same playing field as Wally, Bart and Barry. Max couldn't enter the speedforce without Bart's assistance, Max couldn't leave the speedforce without Barry and Wally's assistance, Max can't time travel to a destination of his own choice, Max can't speed steal or fully pause time, ect ect. Max is one of the most skilled, most knowledgeable, most trained and most respected speedsters of all time. Max is the cream of the crop. You won't find another speedster better than Max. He's a shining example of what's humanely possible for speedsters to achieve.
But Wally, Bart and Barry aren't humanely possible. Those three are insane.
I'm actually going to make a tier list to explain this
(AKA actually gods. Can do literally every speedster ability. Faster than literally everything. Beyond op.)
Wally West (now), Bart Allen, Barry Allen
(AKA the top of the top. Insane skills. Insane knowledge. Insane speed. Likely has a vast amount of speedster abilities other than running. Likely faster than most other speedsters. Op af)
Max Mercury, Jay Garrick, Savitar, Eobard Thawne, Thad Thawne, Irey West (future)
(AKA one of the following: above average speed, above average connection or above average abilities. Likely has one or two speedster abilities other than running. Slightly op but still beatable)
Irey West (now), August Heart, Edward Clariss, Jess Quick, Alinta (future), Hunter Zoloman (when connected), Lia Nelson, Jai West (future)
(AKA average connection, average speed, average abilities. Potentially an additional speedforce ability but no crazy speedforce abilities. Not op.)
Wally West (past), Ace West, Avery Ho, Jesse Chambers, Daniel West, Christina Alexandrova, Jenni Ognats, Jai West (now), John Fox, Red Death, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Meena Dhawan, Anatole, David Edwards (after), Judy Garrick, Bar Torr, Fastbak, Swoosh, Terri Magnus, Sela Allen, Jonathan Allen, Carrie Allen, Barry West, S'Kidd Flash, Thondor Allen, Jace Allen, Blaire Allen, Nora Allen, Agent Flashling, Danica Williams, Cherub
(AKA normal connection but below average speed and abilities. Extremely beatable.)
Baroness Blitzkrieg, Johnny Chambers, Bebeck, Cassiopeia, Harold Christos, Inertia 2, Killspeed, Mayfly, Millie Heyday, Runaround Sue, Wind, Pellmell, Poprocket, Velocity, Gabriella Rossetti
(AKA needs outside assistance to access speedforce (suit, drugs, formula), faulty connection, connection is killing them, can only access powers for short periods of time, ect)
Jai West (past), Alinta (now), Owen Mercer, Eliza Harmon, Jerry McGee, Meloni Thawne (*see notes), Gregor Gregorovich, Boleslaw Uminski, Joanie Swift, Mas, Menos, David Edwards (previously), Keigo, Ezra Gill, Henry Cosgei, Jaculi, Jaculi 2, Jimmy Olsen, Xane Swift
So yeah, as you can see by this, although all speedsters with a functioning speedforce connection are technically capable of being op, speedsters rarely actually are op.
We're just really used to op speedsters because we're used to whatever the fuck Wally, Bart and Barry have going on. But they are very much not representative of speedsters as a whole.
Do you guys remember how fast Wally used to be? When he was younger and struggling with his speed and stuff? THAT'S THE GODDAMN AVERAGE. Wally AT HIS SLOWEST was still faster than every single goddamn speedster he came across, including Jay, Johnny, Jesse, the Blue Trinity, the Red Trinity, ect. HE JUST WASN'T FASTER THAN BARRY OR EOBARD SO HE THOUGHT HE WAS THE WORST. Because Wally is fucking insane. He's an insane human being. Anyway, Wally at his slowest is the typical representation of an average speedster. That's how they typically are.
#dc#dc comics#speedsters#speedforce#flash fam#ranking#k to explain some things. first none of the names are ranked by order. so I'm not ranking them 1 Wally 2 Bart ect#they're only ranked by category. not ranked within the categories#Irey isn't in the insane category because she's actually not supposed to be faster than Wally. she's just more skilled than him#so shes good (like really good) but she doesn't surpass her fathers speed. so im putting her in top until proven otherwise#lia is in above average despite not having super speed because the stuff she has going on is INSANE#the same thing applies to Jai#Meloni is in oh no because she is technically a speedster?? she's just never used her powers in a comic? but she's listed in universe as#being a speedster and Owen inherited his speed from her. so. idk. my only conclusion is that she doesn't know how to use her speed#or she doesn't use it to spite her father.#mas y menos are in oh no because they need to hold hands to access their powers#oh and Hunter's ranking is soley off of his speedforce connection. not his time powers. Hunter's time powers are insane#i tried to stay main universe but i couldn't resist putting in some alt universe speedsters#oh and Eobard and Thad aren't in the god level because Eobard has been reset meaning that he isn't really timeless like Wally and Bart are#and hes not literally the speedforce like Barry is (no matter how hard he tries)#and Thad isn't there because... well he was a good match for Bart when Bart was really little. but i don't really think Thad is any more#like... even remotely. Bart has surpassed Thad by a lot.#Bart was literally the speedforce at one point. hes insane#also Hunter WAS a god? but for unrelated reasons (his time powers) but getting connected to the speedforce nerfed him
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
DC AU Idea
Imagine if after coming back to life and being dunked in the Lazarus Pits, Jason can see ghosts. The pit rage is all the ghosts possessing him and trying to get revenge on their killers. A lot of them were killed by the joker and aren’t taking no for an answer, no matter who is in their way.  The only reason they don’t immediately do so is that they remember Robin, they remember Jason, and they don’t want to hurt him. It’s hard to remember that he’s alive again and cannot do the same things they can. 
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izzakry · 2 months
𝐉𝐔𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐒, 𝖼𝗎𝖺𝗍𝗋𝗈 𝖽𝖾 𝖺𝖻𝗋𝗂𝗅.
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' ¿probaste tiroler gröstl? ' después de horas en la granja, regresó a la cocina común con cesta de patatas entre manos. los señores que estuvieron supervisando su labor fueron sumamente amistosos, compartiendo recetas y anécdotas de los alrededores. ' es un plato tradicional de la región con papas, trozos de carne y especias. ¿suena delicioso, cierto? ' esboza sutil bosquejo, hablándole a la persona que comparte área hasta comprender que quizás interrumpía su momento. ' esperaré a que termines, no tengo prisa. '
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keepyourpantsongohan · 6 months
Entertaining Highlights from Sasuke Retsuden:
Sasuke's cellmate Penzila, who is in jail for defrauding numerous rich women by marrying them to pay his gambling debts, implying that while he's a poor gambler he is an excellent flirt!
Sasuke's other cellmate Ganno, an elderly man who makes nail art with pine needles and juice made from his own feet.
Sasuke admonishing Sakura for “courting danger” as if she did not just rescue him from a poison attack he got from fighting with a dinosaur: “No need. Go back. It’s too dangerous.” “Dangerous?” Sakura got a very serious look on her face. “You think I can’t handle it?” “I know your strength and abilities. But I’m telling you that I can handle this by myself,” he replied.
Sasuke's response to being asked to pet the dinosaur he fought, which is much funnier in light of the fact he has one arm: “What? Me?!” Penzila firmly shook his head. “No, no, no, no! Absolutely not! I like my arm right where it is, thank you.” “Okay, Sasuke then,” Jiji said. “I actually need my arm too,” Sasuke told him.
Sasuke infiltrating the prison director's office by being a big wooden stick that Sakura carries around: Tapping the staff/Sasuke on the floor, Sakura mimicked Fandal’s mannerisms and movements as she climbed the stairs.
Sasuke's way of flirting with Sakura being telling her to get wrinkly: “You never change,” he said and put a hand to her cheek. “You could have more wrinkles.” “What?” Sakura laughed, looking not displeased, and lowered her gaze. “Where’s this coming from? Did someone say something to you?” “No, I just wanted to tell you.”
The reveal two-thirds into the novel that the prison director is trying to create his own version Jurassic Park using Edo Tensei and some chickens in his basement?!
Sasuke tossing a baby tyrannosaurus at a bigger tyrannosaurus to defeat it??
Sasuke hugging his dinosaur friend goodbye and thinking of how snowflakes sparkle like a rainbow in the moonlight before it immediately cuts to a man being impaled by a dinosaur right beside him?!
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pillowspace · 10 months
How upset would Sunna and Meno be if someone stole their rings?
Oh, they would murder. Not even joking. Plus, pre-Eclipse, that would be an even greater offense as the rings actually have the functional purpose of allowing them realm travel. They would be mad
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bkgbian · 1 year
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isn't that his whole thing
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owarinaki · 2 years
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quibbs126 · 2 months
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God I wish I could successfully draw characters right
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muirneach · 1 year
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brainfondue · 6 months
Charming the local butchers with my beautiful big brown eyes and soft voice
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minglana · 1 year
mira que hi he estau pero sigo sin creyer-me que la val de zuriza siga aragonesa. yo propongo que es navarros mos den petilla e nusatros les donam la val de zuriza
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pizzandro · 1 year
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Today I was in Städel museum that exhibits this portrait painting. The day before I visited Goethehaus.
Must I worry about my attraction to this man? I told my friend I find Goethe terribly handsome. 😅
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isabelguerra · 1 year
hey so i saw ur tmbg pnat posts n as a fellow pnat and tmbg fan i gotta say theres some tmbg songs i associate with pnat characters
for Cody it’s: I Am Alone, partially cause the assainayion thing, “you dont know who is your friend”, and also haha Mirrors Vampire (but does also play into the whole PJ is Davy’s bro theory in my head with the “you and your brother, dressed as eachother” line)
and for Ricky Spends it’s Dark and Metric cause: Dark, mentions a cheap car, “parrot on my arm”, “no patch on my eye”, and the drowning, also Rick considers Mayview his town
anyways thank you for ur time
RUSHED to relisten to these….. love Dark and Metric for rick+ his relationship to mayview, the cody songs are soooo good. i LOVE I Am Alone its SUCH a funny song (PLUS Phone Power is just an amazing album), your reasonings are so fascinating to hear too. tysm for sharing w me!!!!!!!!!
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celibibratty · 2 years
I don't know in what world you being with cassidy is best for daniel than doing the heist with him, how a choice where you leave daniel aside to spend time naked in a lake with a "girl" he doesn't like is best for him💢🔥
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quibbs126 · 2 months
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I was gonna draw a whole page of Menos, but I was having a lot of trouble with drawing his hands in the first sketch, so I gave up and just drew this Shinji chair redraw with him
Which I was planning on drawing on the first place, but this is the only thing I’ve successfully drawn at this point. And I’ll probably one day draw the whole page, this is just a section I screenshotted, but this is what I’m showing now just because
Yeah I’ve grown too accustomed to drawing Cookies, I don’t know how to draw anything else. As I’ve stated many times before. But having an actual reference for the pose helped
This drawing is also accurate to my struggles with drawing any non-Cookie characters, or just me drawing Menos in general
Also I don’t know how to shade pants, if you couldn’t tell, I just tried to do something with them
But yeah, Menos’ life sucks, that’s why I drew this image. Take it
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