#hiccup haddock x y/n
luvendiary · 2 years
Hi pretty, it's me again! I was thinking, could you do fluff alphabet for Hiccup? Btw, your last works were wonderful, keep it up!!🥰
a/n: hi lovely anon! i'm so sorry this took so long. i've been very busy at the moment and kind of stuck with hiccup's requests specifically. thank you for reading my work! i hope you enjoy! <3 ps. this has not been proofread, so i apologize for any mistakes.
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Hiccup adores everything about you, literally. He thinks you are perfect, he hasn’t met someone as bold, brave and daring as you, while time being calm headed and smart at the same. You don’t make rash decisions, but you’re not afraid to take on perilous situations. He really admires how you seem to be everything at once, while still being so down to earth.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
He loves your hands. He likes playing with them and loves it when you braid his hair or play with some trinkets. They hold a certain allure, and he’s absolutely hypnotized by them.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
He likes cuddling, especially after a long day. He doesn’t have a preferred position. He just likes being close to you in any way. He likes tangling your limbs together, he likes hugging your torso and you run your hand through his hair, he likes cradling you, or even spooning you, anything and everything goes.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Your best dates are spontaneous ones. They usually start by one of you flying out just to clear your head, and the other one joins them mid-flight. You’ll probably end up on a random island somewhere until the sunset, and then you’ll both fly back to Berk amidst the stars.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Hiccup is not afraid to tell you what he thinks, he is good at communicating. However he is often very distracted or focused on side aspects to express himself and he doesn’t always notice that he’s avoiding his emotions. He allows himself to fully express to you how he feels when you’re both alone. You can tell he has something on his mind when he isolates himself. Once you pin him down, there’s no stopping his rambling on how he’s feeling.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Yes, he knows he wants a family. He hasn’t thought of when, but he is sure that he wants to have a family with you. He knows he has a lot of pressure on that front, since he is going to be the future chief, but he is certain that with you by his side, everything will work out.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
He is very detail oriented, so he likes gifting you little trinkets or bigger things when it comes to special holidays, he acts like it’s no big deal when he does. However, when you gift him something he acts like it’s the greatest thing he’s laid his eyes upon just because you made it for him.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
He ADORES holding your hand. He’s not much into pda, but that’s the one thing he’ll allow himself to do. He is rather delicate with holding your hands, and most of the time (while in public) he won’t actually grab your hand, but more like reach out for the tip of your fingers or hold your wrist as he puts it on his lap or something. It’s more of a fidgeting thing to remind himself that you’re there and vice versa. It’s a silent ‘i love you’ at all times.
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I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
His mind is usually everywhere at once, but once you get hurt he goes into hyperfocus. He needs to take care of you and make sure you’re okay. If you’re unconscious, he will not stop worrying until you wake up; most of his time will be spend by your bed.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
He loves joking around. Even if most of the time you are the one teasing him. It still doesn’t spare you from the fact that he’ll arrange the occasional harmless prank or joke.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
He’s a passionate kisser, only when you’re alone though, and whenever he proceeds to try something new, he’ll double check with you. He also likes taking small glances at you between said kisses, just to appreciate you. Like he’ll grab your face tenderly and gently pull it apart for a second to see you before resuming your kissing.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
When in public he tries to acto more ‘profesional’ since it’s his duty as the future chief of Berk to earn the people’s respect, however, he’s not that great at it. Most of the time he’s either looking out for you amongst the public or tying to make sure that the missions you’re put on are the ones he can also go on (even if he doesn’t get his way a lot of the time, thanks to your stubbornness).
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
His favorite memory of you together is when you were both tasked with building the fire-extinguisher system, and you spent days trying to find a way on how to put it together. And on those late nights, in which thinking so much made you delirious, you both ended up on the floor in laughing fits and talking about anything and everything, such as old memories, like the time the twins had dies Fishleg’s hair green on Loki day.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
It may not come as a surprise that Hiccup has a fear of failure. Since he was a kid he’s been the subject of Berk’s highest expectations, and he’s terrified of letting his people down. However, you’re always there to reassure him, and let him know what a wonderful work he’s doing.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Hiccup is not exactly a conventional viking, he has a lot of quirks, but his most prominent one is the bond he has with dragons. Sure, everyone these days has a dragon of their own and they get along greatly, but Hiccup is just exceptional with them. He seems to belong amongst them.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
He’s a classy guy, so he’ll often stick with ‘Love’. He thinks your name is beautiful so he’ll give you nicknames that stick to it, or call you names that derive from inside jokes.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
He likes riding with you, he likes the calmness of it all and in some cases even the adrenaline it provides. He thinks of it as ‘your thing’, when you rode together he can completely be himself. He also likes going to celebrations with you, he hasn’t ever been one for feasts or banquets, but you make it fun and if he can dance at least one with you, he’ll be in a state of bliss for the rest of the week.
R = Romance (how romantic are they? what are their go-to ways of being romantic?)
He tries very hard to be romantic, he thinks you deserve the best, however you are both so comfortable with each other that some ‘procedures’ are just forgotten. This, of course, does not mean that he forgets the little details that he knows will touch your soft spot.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Hiccup will tell you everything he has on his mind. However, sometimes it may take some prodding for him to do so; it’s not that he doesn’t trust you enough, but just that sometimes he gets too lost in his head for him to realize he may be pushing you away, or he doesn’t want to burden you with his problems.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
It took Hiccup a while to come around with the term that you might like him back just as he liked you. However, before being together in a romantic sense, you had been (and still were), best friends. You knew you could confide in each other, and you guys were each other’s safe place. It was because of this that coming to terms with your feelings was a bit more difficult for the both of you, since you didn't want to ruin your friendship.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He has a quiet type of anger. He’ll usually lock himself in his room until he knows he’s calmer and can come out. He’ll often look for secluded spaces where he can cool off, and not do something he’ll regret later.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Hiccup is not someone who often realizes the greatness of what he’s done, so you have to remind him when he’s being too harsh on himself. He does take great pride, however, in the home he’s built for dragons. It is one of the things that make him the happiest…along with you, of course. He’ll find subtle ways to show you off, but he has found that you don’t need his help to be admired. You draw in people’s stares when you walk into a room, and he’s proud to have you in his life, and having the privilege of calling you his.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
He knows you can handle yourself, and is filled with a feeling of pride whenever he see’s you fly into battle with the fearlessness and courage that defines you so well. Still, it is in his nature as your boyfriend, to have the occasional worrying thought and maybe want to lock you up just that he can keep you safe. He wouldn’t ever do that, of course, so instead before every mission or task he’ll make sure to seek you out and wish you good luck; he also always makes sure that you take with you the charm he gifted you.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He knows when something is wrong or when something is upsetting you, however, as it is expected, he doesn’t always know what happened. So despite the situation, he’ll try to comfort you as best as he can or even give you space if you need it.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
He would propose on one of you dates, he’ll probably take you to an island he just discovered and while you were occupied while admiring the view or trowing sticks for Toothless and (Y/D) to catch, he’d get out the ring from his pocket and throw it at you nonchalantly. You open it and your laughter subsides, you look up at him in disbelief and he is grinning at you (quite adorably, may i add).
“(Y/N), an hour ago I thought that I had loved you more than any man has ever loved a woman, but now I know that what I felt then was nothing compared to what I feel now, and this will be nothing to what I feel in a minute. Marry me?"
“Yes,” you replied breathlessly, between watery laughter.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Flying. It comes as no surprise that what makes him feel at peace is being with his best friend amongst the clouds. However, when everything else fails you are the one thing that can calm him down.
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mysadcorner · 2 years
Hiccup Dating Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
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Hiccup would be a bit nervous and shy when you first get to know him, but after getting to know him much better he can actually be very confident. In your presence he can be proud of himself and of the things he thinks and feels.
You provide him a lot of comfort and reassurance after all he’s been through. He still gets self conscious and feels bad about himself but over time this slowly eases as he knows you love him for who he is and who he has become.
Dragons are a huge interest you both share, and it would be helpful if you were passionate about them. Even if you aren’t, you’re going to have lots of facts about them thrown at you and many hypothesis of them he would tell you.
Hiccup would need to be with someone that wanted to be in a committed relationship with him and didn’t just want him to fill their time or as a short fling. He wants something lasting and long term, so this is an absolute must in his relationship with you.
He finds it much easier to talk to you about his deepest feelings than anyone else, even the friends he’s very close to. Nothing can beat the trust you have for each other and he doesn’t need to worry about other people finding out his secrets when he tells you.
Hiccup always consults you about important decisions before he decides on them, but you can’t always talk him out of things. If he’s already made up his mind, he will tell you in advance so they won’t come as a surprise.
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Chapter One: A Lightfury’s Guide to Stealing A Dragon Rider
Pairing: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x fem!oc
Word count: 3.1k
Chapter Summary: When a destroyed fleet of dragon hunter ships wash up at Dragon’s Edge, with all that is left behind are white scales and scorch marks, it leaves some questions to be raised within the dragon riders and what could have caused this. On the other side of the archipelago, a girl that appears and disappears at Northern Markets makes her presence known, planning to stick around until the heat calms down.
Overall Summary: A mysterious new dragon rider has been starting to make their presence known by tearing through dragon hunter ships and leaving nothing in their wake. What dragon they ride is unknown. What they look like is unknown. Why they are hunting the dragon hunters is unknown. The only thing that is known is that they will stop at nothing to destroy every dragon hunter ship at any cost.
N/A: Make sure you check out the prologue for this series! I feel like near the end of the chapter it sort of goes off the rails a bit. Hope you enjoy :D
*Art and gif is not mine.
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Hiccup started his day like any other; waking up relatively early–at least earlier than the twins or Snotlout–and getting Toothless for a morning flight, usually to be met with Astrid as she finishes her rounds of the island, insisting she does a sweep of the island to make sure no hunters had found their way onto the beaches.
Toothless was already awake and bounding around Hiccup’s hut. His teeth were retracted as he watched Hiccup stir awake.
Not waiting for his rider to fully wake, Toothless jumped onto the bed, shaking it as Hiccup startled awake, trying to sit upright only to knock his head into Toothless’ snout. A disgruntled groan left the dragon at the contact.
“Sorry bud,” Hiccup began to say, cutting himself off as the grumbled scorn from Toothless. “What's got you so rowdy this morning?”
A gargling noise rang out from Toothless, flashing his gums before hopping off of Hiccup and his bed before jumping towards the hut’s door, large steps shaking the wooden beams the hut is balanced on. With the rustling from behind, Toothless looked back with a toothless smile to find Hiccup slowly awaking from bed, getting ready for the day on the Edge ahead of him.
“Alright bud, I’m on my way. Don’t worry,” Hiccup muttered with a yawn as he paced after the Nightfury. A steady hand landed on Toothless’ head, pushing him back a few paces so he could push open the door. The sun had started to rise by now, nearly set high enough to commence breakfast. Toothless raced forward, bumping Hiccup with his tail and causing him to stumble forward, a laugh rolling in his chest. “Perfect morning for a flight, isn’t it?”
Before Toothless could rumble a reply, Stormfly came barreling up, Astrid sat on her back as she stared worriedly at Hiccup. “Hiccup, there’s something you're going to want to see,” She announced upon her arrival, causing Hiccup to stumble out of his hut a couple of steps faster.
“What is it?” He hurriedly asked, resting a hand on Toothless’s head, ready to mount his back at any given second to follow after Astrid.
“I think it would be better if you took a look for yourself,” She called out, head flicking around to look down at the docks she and the other dragon riders had built when they first started working on building the Edge.
Hiccup didn’t have to be told twice.
Before Astrid could blink, Hiccup and Toothless were already in the air and flying towards her. His eyes hadn’t yet locked on where Astrid had come from, waiting for her guidance to lead him.
The two of them were in the air for only a few seconds, a quick glide down before their dragon’s claws were touching down on the wooden planks that made up their docks. That was when Hiccup was finally able to see what had Astrid so spooked.
In front of them was a fleet of half-destroyed ships.
Each ship had a number of scorch marks that plunged through the wooden decks, the sails that had the dragon hunter crest torn to shreds. Most of the ships also had discarded weapons and helmets, left behind by the hunters that had sailed on these ships. But something stuck out on one of the ships, the largest out of the lot. There was a variety of cuts and indents in the ship, looking to be placed there by a sword or some other kind of weapon, perhaps claw marks along with a few scales white as snow scattered around the destroyed ship.
“Astrid… what do you think could have done this?” Hiccup questioned, his head whirling around to face Astrid only to find the blonde girl staring hauntedly at the ship graveyard.
“More like who.”
"Ah, if it isn't my favourite customer from beyond the archipelago," A middle-aged man boasts as he sees a young woman walking up to his stall in the Northern Markets, his arms spread wide and a yellowing smile. His loud comments forced many heads to turn as Sindri was one of the best weapons traders within the isle, the man always having something to please any form of customer.
A dry chuckle escapes the girl as she steps up to the stall countertop, her boots digging into the muddy floor as she rests one of her gloved hands on the counter. "You should stop spoiling me with the praises Sindri," She says with a grin, her eyes briefly scanning over the items the man had on display for the day. “Your words might start to get to my head after all.”
"Maybe I'm just trying to make sure I get into Valhalla when my time comes," He says with a booming grin, leaving his prior task behind as he walks up to the girl. "I do after all need a Valkyrie to take me there. Your ego is free to inflate as much as you wish," He comments smugly, wiggling his eyebrows at the girl as he stops in front of her.
"Just because the name Valkyrie belongs to me it doesn't mean I will be flying you anywhere in the afterlife," She chides the man loosely. "And besides, you need to die in battle to be sent there. I don't think selling these weapons counts as so," She says amused at the slight drop in the man's shoulders.
"You might be right there," The man comments, an eyebrow being raised by the girl across from him in question at the might part. "So, what can I help you with today? It's been a while since your last visit to the Northern Markets," Sindri asks, both his hands leaning on the countertop as he waits for the girl across from him's request.
Valkyrie absently looks around the stall, staring at the many weapons discarded around the wooden crates and countertops. "Do you have any more of those Hideous Zippleback exploding boxes? The ones where the gas pours out of it until it gets lit," She asked, going into explanation since she knew that wasn't the name Sindri had given her when he first sold the items to her, and that exploding boxes could be quite vague.
"Of course, I have those in stock! I make them myself, remember?" He asks, grinning wildly as he bends down to reach for something hidden in a crate. Pulling out seven rectangular-like boxes, all made from vast metals and wood. He places them on the counter just in front of the girl’s hands. "Now, Valkyrie, these are the last ones I have in stock since you keep forgetting to bring the empty ones back to me." He says with a slight scold to his words.
"So there worth a pretty penny?" Valkyrie asks, staring up at Sindri slightly sheepish and with her shoulders bunching to her ears as she raises a brow in question, both palms facing up in front of her.
"Precisely," Sindri says with a sharp nod. "Now, I'm willing to trade them off for something, but if not, I'm going to need about two bags worth," He states, his face losing most of its joy as he goes into trader mode, making sure he gets the best deal for himself.
"Two bags?" Valkyrie questions with a huff of air, picking up one of the canisters loosely. When a hum of agreement leaves Sindri, Valkyrie places it down on the countertop rather harshly. "And here I thought I was your favourite customer," She says slightly dejected, pulling out a small pouch of coins from her waist. "How about this? I give you half of this, and the next time I sail in, I'll bring you two double-edged axes?" She offers, loosening the string that was keeping the pouch sealed and flashing Sindri a toothy smile.
Sindri's eyes narrowed at the girl, one of his fists balling as he study's her for a long moment. An air of silence dragged on between the two of them before he came to his final decision. "How do I know you’re not just going to fly off and never return?" He questions with a glower, an opening statement for something further.
A fake mortified gasp escapes Valkyrie's lips as she brings her hands up, resting them on her chest. "You wound me Sindri," She states, closing her eyes like she was crying. Bringing a hand up to wipe at a nonexistent tear, she says, "And here I thought we have built some trust up over the years."
The man across from her rolled his eyes with a huff before he shook his head with a grin stretching across his face. "I’d be in safer hands while wrestling with a Nightfury than putting any trust in you. But fine, I'll take you up on that deal," He mutters. His agreement got a crooked grin slipping onto Valkyrie's face as she raised her chin slightly in accomplishment. "But if you don't return in two moons, I'll be putting a bounty on your head."
The thing with Sindri is that he totally would, which only made Valkyrie grin more. "I'll be back in three then," She said, emptying half of her coin pouch onto the countertop as she pulled another brown bag from her waist. This time the bag was empty, and a lot bigger than the last as she started to load the Hideous Zippleback gas canisters into her bag.
Sindri only looked slightly amused at her words as he tested each of the coins, roughly gauging how much each of them weighed. Valkyrie attached the bag of items back to her hip as he did this, waiting until he had finished the task and put them into his own pouch. "Is there anything else you might need before you vanish without a trace again?" He questions.
"I think this is all I need for the moment," Valkyrie says, her eyes going distant as she racks her brain for any other possible items she could need for the next following days. She couldn't picture any dire situations arising where she would have to prepare for, everything already thought out in her own mind as they had repeated this process a number of times. The only reason she was buying the Zippleback gas was because she would be going in solo and she would be dealing with a larger number the usual.
Sindri gave her a sad nod. "I'll see you next time you decide to grace the aisle with your presence." He comments, lighting up with a grin before he is turning to a new customer—or maybe it was the person he abandoned to talk to Valkyrie.
Turning away from the stall, Valkyrie begins her way back through the trading village. She kept her head high as she began to weave through the different stalls, a steady eye on anyone who decided to get too close for her liking.
A certain thing that came with the Northern Markets is that there is a large number of dragon hunters always running around getting weapons fixed or buying new custom traps to help them capture dragons that they would later sell to a select few from this very island. It never mattered how much she attempted to avoid them when on the island so she gave up long ago, accepting the fact there was no getting around it.
So when a certain hunter clad in dragon hide started to approach her, there was nothing Valkyrie could do except hide her finds and ready herself for conflict.
Keeping her head held up, she planned to walk past the man, keeping her eyes from the mace hanging at his hip where his hand was starting to itch for. But as she passed a hand shot out, fingers enclosing tightly around her upper arm. Valkyrie was instantly on the defence, a hand shooting to her hip where a broken down sword lay wrapped around her waist. With a hiss, Valkyrie spoke, “Can I help you?”
“Do I recognise ya?” The man spoke, spit flying from his mouth.
“I would hope not,” Valkyrie started. “Now, if you would be so kind as to get your filthy hand off of me, I would be glad to let you leave with all your limbs intact.”
The two stood off, neither being the first to back down. As Valkyrie’s hand slid forward, fingers wrapping around the loose handle of her broken-down sword, another hand came shooting out and wrapping around her shoulder. “Why don’t we all take it easy for a second.”
Turning to see who had spoken, Valkyrie’s eyes landed on a tall boy with auburn hair and pale green eyes. He didn’t look directly at Valkyrie, his eyes instead focused on the hunter that she had previously been threatening.
“Mind your own business boy. This doesn’t concern you,” The hunter spoke with a sneer, attempting to pull Valkyrie closer towards him but when Valkyrie didn’t budge, the hold that the boy had on her keeping her grounded, he let go.
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry. Of course, this is between you and this helpless lady,” The boy said, releasing Valkyrie as he raises both hands in an act of surrender.
Valkyrie’s head whipped around to face the nameless boy, eyes wide with her top lip curling up. “Helpless?” Her voice rose an octave, once again her hand shooting down to where the handle of her sword rested.
The boy flashed Valkyrie a sideways glance with an almost pleading look on his face before he turned back to the hunter. “It’s just, I didn’t want to see anything break out when it was so clear that she wouldn’t be walking away as steady as she came in.”
The hunter pondered the boy’s words, face slowly starting to light up. “Aren’t you the chivalrous type?” The man huffed out before turning away, casting one last fleeting glance at Valkyrie before flashing his teeth and blending into the crowd and fleeing from Valkyrie’s sight.
Valkyrie glared at the man even long after he vanished from her sight. Only when she was sure he was gone did she turn to the nameless boy, putting an end to his stuttering responses as one of Valkyrie’s hands slammed into his chest. “I could have handled that myself,” She scorned, going in for a second shove where the boy’s hands mixed with hers, trying to deter their path. “And come on, a helpless lady who can’t fight her own battles? You couldn’t come up with a slightly more justifying cause?”
“It’s the first thing I could think of,” Came the strangled response from the boy, his grip tight as he stopped Valkyrie from pulling her hands away where she would most likely go in for another hit. “I didn’t exactly think of a plan when I came over.”
“You clearly didn’t think much if you had the bright idea to come over here in the first place,” Valkyrie snapped, tugging her hands free in a quick pull, making the unknown boy stumble and fall towards Valkyrie.
Valkyrie quickly raised her arms, bracing herself as the boy collided with her. A soft grunt escaped her lips at the close proximity of the two of them. “Uh hi?”
Valkyrie’s eyes narrowed at the boy’s words, their eyes meeting through the gaps in her arms. “Bye,” Valkyrie said in return, shoving the boy back one last time before turning on her heel, not caring for the startled yelp that came from the boy as she walked away. She told herself as she left, ready to disappear from the island and the views of the world once more, “I don’t have time for this.”
“It was nice meeting you too,” The boy called out after Valkyrie and said girl found herself gritting her teeth at the sound of hurried footsteps running after her. As the nameless boy came to her side, falling into step with her as they walked through the markets, he said, “I’m Hiccup by the way.”
“And I didn’t ask for that knowledge nor do I care for it,” Valkyrie said, earning a soft chuckle from Hiccup in return.
“Normally when someone gives you their name, there's an unspoken rule that you are meant to give it to them in return,” Hiccup said, gesturing loosely with his hands out in front of him, quickly drawing Valkyrie’s eyes to them and the leather cuffs wrapped around his wrists. “And, I mean, I did kind of save you from a fight with a dragon hunter.”
“Something which I didn’t ask you to do,” Valkyrie stated. But at the sight of Hiccup's dejected face, one of his hands bounding up to scratch the back of his neck, Valkyrie find herself speaking without her conscious permission. Turning her head straight and keeping her eyes off the other boy she said, “But if you must know, my name is Valkyrie.”
“Like one of Odin’s warriors?” Hiccup quickly questioned, his face lighting up as he put two and two together.
“Yes, like Odion’s warriors,” Valkyrie muttered, shaking her head as she answered the common question aimed her way once she revealed her namesake.
“Did your parents know you would be just as fierce as a Valkyrie when choosing a name for you?” Hiccup asked another question, seeming to have several more lined up for her to answer.
“More like vicious,” Valkyrie commented. “And I think they trained it into me when I was younger. Had to look at the world as a proper Viking one way or another.”
HIccup’s thick brows furrowed but he chose not to say anything. “What brings you the Nothern Markets?” He tracked back, changing the topic quickly. Before Valkyrie could say anything, Hiccup's head swivelled to the side, something catching his attention from another stall. Valkyrie was about to use these few seconds of distraction to slip away when Hiccup's head came swirling back towards her, large green eyes staring at her expectedly.
“Originally, before I got ambushed by two Vikings?” Valkyrie questioned, hiding a smile at the sheepish look that flickered over Hiccup's face first before a stubborn fierceness took over his eyes. Valkyrie quickly cut him off before he could once again go into why he had to help. “I came here for the same reason anyone else would. To trade and gather.”
Hiccup slowly nodded his head, wringing his arms back and forth and preparing to say something before a loud bang caught both of their attention, two heads of blonde hair fleeing from the scene. “Oh Thor, not those two,” Hiccup mumbled, dragging a hand down his face before looking back to Valkyrie. “You wouldn't be willing to wait here for me, would you?”
“No promises,” Valkyrie shrugged.
“Yeah,” A soft sigh escaped Hiccup's lips. “I didn’t think so.”
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frost-queen · 1 year
HTTYD ~ Headcanon (Sis!Reader)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine
A/n: I started writing something, saw how little time I had so I whipped this up as it didn't require as much work as a full fic - sorry
Summary: You are Hiccup's little sister. How is the relationship with him and your dad? What is it like to be paired with Dagur? Being a dragon rider?
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Hiccup ⚔️
You are a few years younger then him. Since Hiccup didn't have much friends, he considered you his best friend. lame For years it was just him and you cause he had no one else that wanted to be around.
When he met Toothless, you were the first to know. He even allowed you to meet him second. You were a bit scared in the beginning, but Toothless was very cautious around you. It didn't take you long to play games with Toothless where you chase after him.
Hiccup started to get popular resolting in kind of forgetting about you. His priority became his new friends. Specially Astrid. It pained you. You hated them for stealing your brother from you. Each thing you suggested to do with him, backfired. The same few rehearsed words coming out of his mouth. I have no time, i'm busy or ask someone else. It frustrated you so much, you went dragon searching for your own. Not caring how dangerous it was. Was it perhaps a cry for attention... maybe?
You had fallen down a pit. So much for dragon hunting Ha. Gobbler heard you after hours of yelling and crying. How embarrasing. He brought you straight to your dad. Where he surprise, surprise lectured you on the dangers of going alone. When Hiccup came back, he heard of your misfortune. It led to him visiting your room, asking how you were. It led to you shouting in tears at him how he was neglecting you. Hiccup felt guilty afterwards. He told you how he was never going to forget about you with a hug.
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Chief's daughter 🛡️
Being the chief's daughter, you had a lot of restrictions. Lot's of don't do this and stay away from that. He secretly send Gobbler to keep an eye or as you like to call it spy on you.
Stoick was very protective over you. Being his only daughter, he felt the extra need to be protective. Any boy that came your way, he intimidated into leaving. People were at first afraid to be friends with you due to being Stoick's daughter. It were some very lonely first years till eventually your father eased his rules a bit up.
When dragons first came, he was still very cautious. Wanting you no where near it. Afterall one killed your mother. It took him a long time to entrust you with a dragon of your own. It was hard for him to let you go and accept that you aren't a little girl anymore.
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Dragon riding 🔥
You knew from the first moment you saw them, it was your dragon. It was like something felt right. The dragon of your choice fits your personality purely. Almost identical, twins. Hiccup and Toothless had a great relationship which you envied. It took one stormy night for you and your dragon to truly come together. Your dragon had shielded you from the storm when the roof nearly came down.
After the storm, you had fallen asleep under the dragon's wing, snuggling to the body. From then it was as if you had one mind. Your dragon knew what you were thinking or expected by just one look. Soon you were almost an expert in flying. The harmony you had with your dragon was perfect. It made Hiccup's friends jealous... him too.
You quickly became an expert in flying, taking the lead on missions. You got them out of a lot of tricky situations. When you were older, you'd be given the opportunity to learn younglings how to fly their dragons.
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Dagur ❤️
The first time you were paired with Dagur, you were so annoyed by him. So full of himself and egocentric. To be honest you hated and repulsed him. His interest in killing dragons was a huge red flag. Over time he got an interest in controlling dragons. Making him less full of hate, yet still very dumb and egocentric to you. Always trying to flirt with you in all the wrong ways. No way he was getting through that shield of yours ;)
After an almost fatal incident where Dagur saved you, you had a change of heart. Pop, there your heart went. The more he worked on himself, the more his silly flirts had an affect on you. Slowly you started to fall in love with him. At first you found yourself an idiot for doing so, but then you saw more of his personality it wasn't that big of a deal anymore. Dagur didn't seem surprised when you flirted back, yet screaming on the inside. You started to spend more time with him which led to a first kiss.
He vowed to devote his life to you. Your dad was happy when he told him you were a pair. Hiccup on the other hand, questioned your sanity. At first he thought you might have hit your head. Dagur needed to prove himself a lot to your brother. Eventually he'd accept him when Dagur asked for your hand.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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milksuu · 2 years
'Maid' in Heaven | Hiccup x Reader | Part 6
Pairings: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x fem!servant!reader
Chapter Content/Warnings: minor angst and fluff
Summary: After a hostile raid from The Hairy Hooligan Tribe, you were captured and forced into indentured servitude at a young age. Luckily, the God’s had blessed you to be the household thrall of the Haddock family; to serve your kind young Lord, Hiccup ‘Horrendous’ Haddock III. Oh Thor, what to do?
an: thank you for waiting! unfortunately, due to linking my ao3 on my master post, tumblr has hid all the linked parts before this + my masterlist (sad face). please click on the 'maid in heaven' tag for previous chapters, or view the pinned masterlist post on my blog. again, thank you to anyone whose taken the time to read, comment, like, and reblog! they make me so happy and motivated. any love is much appreciated.
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There was a great discussion had within the Haddock residence later that evening. Supper was served at the single table, near to the crackling fire, and blazing with conversation about various topics. The first one attended to was the matter related to the unmissed trial of your questionable innocence. From the guilt that hung like a grey cloud above your head, Stoick sought to investigate the actual truth of the matter.
Hiccup spoke on your behalf. There were some truths, possible half-truths, and perhaps a frilly white lie in between. Whether Stoick believed the lipped wit of his son or not made no difference. The Chief’s admonishing response showed a mind already made. And the folk lesson long prevailed: it paid very little to argue with stone.
“I can’t have any more mishaps, regardless of whose fault,” Stoick said with a fistful of torn meat. “Our people are on edge, and for well enough reasons. And I’m not about to let one loose sheep, or another, cause further unrest. Do you both understand?” 
From your standing spot at the end of the table, a cinch of fault tightened your waistline. You bobbed your head and, with fingers coiled around the handle of a water pitcher, mouthed the word with a strained breath. Your attention crossed the table, catching your young Lord’s pinched features of rebellious reluctance. When your gaze met, you angled a chin and spoke through batted lashes for him to oblige. The request sent his eyes rolling backwards. Luckily, you didn’t need to pray for his life. To your relief, his father was too preoccupied with his plate to notice.
“Understood,” he said, and took a reproachful sip of his drink. You assumed he’d done so to keep him from taking back the word. 
“Good,” Stoick said with a satisfied grumble. “Tomorrow you’ll join me to pay a visit to the farmsteads. We’ll be needing a count of all the livestock and expected yield of crops before Winter. Consider the numbers for rationing. Always best to prepare for the worst.”
“Sure, doomsday prepping sounds like fun,” he said with a lop-sided pin of his lips. “But I was thinking, after we’re done counting with our fingers and toes, you’d talk with me and Gobber. We have some ideas to export new saddles.”
Stoick nodded and spoke in a tone of allowance rather than agreement. “Time will be made tomorrow, then.” 
The table quieted to small-talk, clinking tableware, and requests for another pour from your pitcher. When Stoick finished, he wiped his mouth clean with his fingers, and announced his retirement for the night. When the mass of his form disappeared beyond the aching stairs, you fetched yourself to attend the mess.
“Let me help you,” he said, taking a few hurried bites and tossing the cooked tail end of his fish to Toothless. He barely swallowed when he stood. “I just finished.”
“Although I’m grateful for your offer, I must decline you,” you said and seized his plate before he could. “You’ve done enough for me today, Lord Haddock. I’m sure the least I can do in return is my own job.” 
“I don’t think there should be a limit for helping anyone,” he said rationally, “unless you think I’m wrong?” 
“I think you’ll end up causing more trouble for yourself,” you punctuated your words with the lift of your nose. “Make no mistake. The road to Hel is paved with good-intentions. I don’t wish for you to end up there, of all people.”
He chuckled with a shake of his head. “Does that mean I’ll be in trouble with you?” 
“Not me.” You wiggled a finger in front of your nose. “But your father—no, worse yet—an entire village. I'm afraid your father's right. The scorn of a single man is enough to give courage to his like-minded neighbors.”
“If anything else happens, I’ll take care of it,” he said indulgently.
“That is exactly my point. I don’t want for something else to happen, and for you to have to do anything about it. You’ve worked too hard for your good reputation to be ruined. How could I ever sleep at night, knowing I should be the reason to have it questioned?”
“You like to worry more about my reputation than I do. At the end of the day, I just do what I think is right. Even if that means upsetting a few people who probably don't agree with me. Besides,” he fought to dismiss the quarrel with a boyish grin. “I’ve heard Hel has nice warm weather all year round. Wouldn’t mind paying a visit sometime. And who knows? Maybe I’ll be Chief there instead.”
“There you go again with your jests,” you muttered, digging your nails into the dish. “Ignoring every bit of my concerns for you. But what does what I think matter? I suppose it doesn’t. I’m only a servant, after all. Nothing about me deserves a second thought of consideration.”
“Come on, it’s not like that,” his eyes softened, cupping your tense hands.
The agonizing brush of his touch loosened your hold on the clay dish. It collided with the wood below, breaking into unmendable parts at your feet. You paled, bending to clean up your recklessness. Your Lord motioned to join and you thrusted a curt hand to stop him. “Don’t—” you choked on the shame. “Please, my Lord. This… this is all I have. If you respect me at all, then you’ll let me do it myself.”
“I’m sorry.” With pained regard, he placed a single broken chip in your palm and rose to take his leave. “I won’t bother you anymore.” 
He swept up the stairs, beckoning Toothless to follow. When the door of his bedchamber closed, you shut your eyes against a wave of remorse. Gods, you wished it would drown you. Perhaps then, the regret would no longer be tangible. You drew in a quivered breath, wishing to pick up more than the shattered fragments of a mere plate.
When morning came, you stood beside yourself, looking solemnly at the same dress and apron spread out on your cot. The same dull white smock, same plain brown kirtle, and the same serviceable apron. Stiff and ugly, you thought. All these same things punctuated how perfectly unpleasant you were on the inside. The display of your behavior the prior evening brought a taste of black licorice, which not even lye soap could rinse from your mouth. For your Lord’s sake, it would’ve served him to cut out your tongue with one of the sharper pieces of platter.
Even if deserved, there was never a sliver of imagination to conjure this—his kindness made no room for unbearable thoughts. 
When the morning chores were completed without a word and, without complaint, you set off to the docks. With your new piece in tow, you trailed down the trodden path to a landscape filled with thatched roofs, until the hill steeped with long fisherman houses laden with crates of tackle and bait. 
“My, my, little miss! Seems fate and fortune have brought us to trade once again.” Johann raised his hands to indulge the sky, descending the boat ramp. “I take it you’re faring well, even after yesterday’s dire tribulations. Oh, you should have been there to witness it—Master Hiccup was positively vexed when he landed on my ship and requested for my immediate aid. Why, I had never seen him in such a state! Made me believe ‘twas a matter of life and death. Thank the stars it was not the latter of the two.”
This information did you no favors. It further troubled your features, tense and painted with dismal lines of fault. When strings of thankfulness for his help sprang from your lips, they resonated more as apologies. “I’m sorry—truly, I am. I hate to be more trouble than I’m worth.”
“Now, now, my dear. Let’s not sit idle in the past and wallow in it like a cold bath,” he dismissed it, beckoning you closer with his hands. “Let’s get on with business, shall we?”
“Of course.” You swallowed the hot lump in your throat, extending your tapestry.
“Absolutely remarkable,” Johann yammered on when he took the fabric. He twiddled with the coins in his hands before giving them to you. “This reminds me! Oh, you must listen to this. Whilst journeying from one trading dock to another, I came upon the most curious and wealthy buyer. So enraptured by your work, they were compelled for me to have a good word with you. They have offered quite an exuberant amount of coin for a commissioned piece, should you accept.”
“May I ask who this person is?” 
“The buyer has chosen to remain anonymous for the time being. I’m a respectable tradesman, and not inclined to give out customer details should it be personally requested of me not to do so. I assure you, I have a keen eye for scoundrels. This buyer is anything but.”
“It sounds like a gracious opportunity,” you trailed off, fiddling with the scant coins in your apron pocket. With someone of your luck, or rather misfortune, certain things were too good to be true. “May I think it over?”
“By all means,” Johann said. “We’ll remain in touch. I shall send a letter by mail tomorrow and eagerly wait for your response.”
A response would have to wait. Your mind wandered to the more pressing matters of keeping yourself in your young master’s good graces. How could you think of anything else when your conscience pricked at you insistently? There was only one remedy for this, and it was a whimsied gesture from childhood—surely, he would remember the meaning.
Picking up your feet, you scampered upward from the spindly dirt paths to pebbled roads. With allowance in hand, you passed through the open market, pinching your way to purchase the sweetest apple from a cart. You paid no mind to a flock of young women whispering curiously about you. The business of gossip would exist whether or not you gave credit to it. There wasn’t a need to give the webs spinning from their mouths any attention. You imagined being a curious fly was very tiresome. 
You came up to the Blacksmith, clanking with sounds of clashing metal, and pluming with smoke from the forge. From the open stall window, you rapped against the wood. When nothing but hammer to iron responded, you insisted with more egregious thumping. “Get outta the way, Grump!” A guttural curse or two struck the air. After a stumbling moment, Gobber’s rotund frame hobbled to view.
“Quit ye’r knockin’, I’ll be right there.” Gobber poked his eyebrows up at your small face peeking through the window. He cleared the indignation from his throat. “Sorry, lass. Didn’t expect ye’w of all people to stop by. What can I do for ya’h?” 
With a woeful face, you placed the apple on the counter. 
“The ol’ apology apple, eh?” He said with a scratch of his furrowed brow. “Can’t say I understand it myself, but the two of ye’w always had a way of managing. I’ll be sure ta’h give it to the lad when I see ‘em.” 
“Thank you ever so much.” You dipped your chin, turning to take leave.
“Hiccup’ll forgive ya’h,” he called out with sympathy. “Always does.”
Hope fluttered your heart, and you thanked the man twice over. 
Whisking back to the Haddock Residence, you took out your nerves in the form of extra sweeping and dusting. You did so until you were choking on the splinters raised from the floorboards. With your habit of carrying on with meaningless distractions, you hadn’t noticed the afternoon light spilling from the open window. You lamented on the time and hurried to simmer a pot of stew over the kindling hearth. 
A wind danced inside, grazing the back of your neck. A delicate reminder to shut the window before the cool of night waltzed in unannounced. 
You turned and spotted a sheen of red gleaming by sunset hue on the sill. When you went to greet it, you picked up the plump portion of a half eaten apple. You pressed a smile to the remaining flesh of it. Taking your own bite, you sighed against the burst of sweetness. The taste of licorice no longer soured your lips.
You leaned into the cheerful air, enriched with slopes of green and spiced with a dusky glow.  And as if the breeze could carry words, you spoke:
“I’m glad we’re still friends.” 
Reconciliation was a word you hadn’t thought of tasting so sweet.
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unoislazy · 11 months
Somethings Off About That Boy… (Part 1)
Hiccup x GN!Reader
Summary: Hiccup has always been weird but lately he’s been acting… weirder than usual. What could he be hiding? Maybe you should try to find out on your own. Who knows, maybe he’s just going to the woods to make weird outfits.
(You more or less take Astrid’s place when figuring out why he’s acting so strange. There is a bit of a twist as the story goes on.)
Warning: Hasn’t been proofread.
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“Hiccup? Hiccup are you here?” You shouted into what now seemed like a motionless forge. You had just wanted to take a quiet walk in the brisk night air that often came at nightfall in Berk. However, while you were out for this walk you noticed a large figure clambering its way into the forge where your awkward friend Hiccup worked. You usually aren't one to pry but you knew for a fact your friend was much smaller than the figure that had entered the workshop. You couldn't help but want to make sure that everything was okay so you made your way over.
“Hiccup?” You called out again, “I could’ve sworn I saw someone come in here…” You muttered to yourself. Just as you were about to reach out for the panels on the doors, a young boy just around your age came flying out, slamming the doors right back behind him.
“Hey! Uh- hey…” He tried to cover up his overly enthusiastic greeting with a much… lower toned one. The young boy just so happened to be the one person you were looking for. “What- uh… What are you doing here so late?” He asked, stumbling over his words as he rested his head on his arm in a very unnatural manner which began to set off some alarm bells in your head.
“I was just taking a walk and I saw something… much bigger than you, walk into the forge.” You said, trying to non-discreetly move your head around him as if you would be able to catch a glimpse of whatever was just beyond those shutters. Hiccup laughed, moving his head in the way of your view, he averted his gaze in an almost joking manner as if to laugh it off.
“The shadows were probably just playing with your mind and all, you know what a lack of sleep can do.” He tried to joke, but clearly you weren’t being swayed.
“Hiccup, what are you hiding?” You asked, crossing your arms in front of you. You knew the kid to be one to act weird, but never this weird. This was a stretch even for him.
“Me? Hiding something? I’d never hide anything.” He said, but just as he began to search for an excuse to give you, something began to tug on his odd garment that you hadn’t noticed until just then.
“Don’t mind this, uh, just an upset stomach.” He said, looking back up at you as if it would convince you. Obviously you could clearly tell this wasn’t the case just as anyone on Berk would be able to gather.
Well that is, anyone except Ruff and Tuff… that would take them a moment to figure out.
As you stared at him, waiting for him to answer he continued to get tugged and pulled before finally being lifted up off the ground. That was the last sign you needed before you began to walk towards the boy, about to reach out and grab him.
“Uh, it was great talking with you but I have to go now, seeyoulaterbye!” He scrambled before being pulled through the doors and before you could even begin to process what had fully happened, he was gone.
“What in the gods name?” Was all you could mutter as you thought through the encounter again in your head. You wanted to bring it up to him tomorrow, you weren't stupid enough to expect him to give you a straight answer though, you knew him better than that.
“Gobber, do you know where Hiccup is?” You asked the one handed man who was in the process of changing his hand from a hammer to his usually wooden one.
“Nope, sorry, not today. You know him, never in the same spot for long.” He said, shrugging before going back to work on one of the many weapons he had in store. “Why? What trouble is he in now?” He asked as if it was a daily occurrence, which in fairness, it was.
“He’s not in any trouble… just.” You paused for a moment while you began to think. “He was just acting really strange.”
“Hiccup? Acting strange? Now there’s a shocker.” Gobber responded sarcastically, not giving you his full attention but the fact he was responding was enough for you. You laughed a bit in response before letting out a drawn out sigh.
“Well, I guess I’ll go find him. Thanks Gobber.” You said, turning away from the stall.
“Any time, oh and uh, if you find him, remind him he has some swords to sharpen when he gets back.” You snickered and nodded before giving him a final waving and heading off.
For the past few weeks you had noticed that Hiccup always ran off into woods after training. So the only way to find him would be to follow him one of these days.
Today was going to be that day.
After talking to Gobber you waited until the next day to work out your plan.
You waited for dragon training to finish, just behind one of the gates, casually leaning on the side as if you were supposed to be there. Hiccup for some reason left as soon as he could after dragon training. He does some strange move, the dragon drops, he says a, “Welp, Gotta go bye!” And he’s gone.
You knew you weren’t the only one confused by this, but you were going to be the first one to figure out what was so important that he couldn’t tell anyone about.
You were a bit lost in thought, staring out at the surprisingly clear skies over Berk, wondering if you’d ever see Berk change. This Viking village has seldom changed over the course of the several generations that lived here. While you were proud to be a Berkian, other than the frequent dragon attacks life got a bit stale.
As you continued to think, you almost failed to notice Hiccup start to awkwardly speed walk past you. That’s when your plan sprung into action, you’d just follow a few meters behind him, making sure he didn’t notice you were there. On the off chance he looked at you, you’d just… hop behind whatever cover you could find.
The plan is foolproof what could go wrong!
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kairolee2004 · 1 year
Somethings about ✨Me✨
My name: Cookie 🍪
my age: 19
my favorite color: Pink 💕💗💖💞💓🌸💐🌺💘💝🌷
My height: 4’11
my sign: Pisces ♓️
do I have a lover? Yesss!!!
 my nationality: Hispanic American
My race: Mexican 🇲🇽🌮🌯🫔
Here’s some things that inspire me: MMA fighters, Choir, Animation, music, My parents
My favorite foods: Cheesecake, Chicken & Broccoli, Waffles, Chocolate and all candy
Here’s my favorite tv show and my favorite animal: Tales of Arcadia and Bears
My favorite song: Your Guilty Pleasure
my favorite movie: Real steel
Here’s a nickname I go by: Kk ☺️
What shade are my eyes: Black 🖤✔️☕️📞⚫️🏴‍☠️🎓🎬🥋▪️
Here’s my favorite cereal: Fruit Loops 🍒🍓🍇🍎🍉🍊🍌🥑🍏
And a place I’d like to go: Disney World 🐭🎀🐤🐾🦴🌭
Requests are: Open
Fandoms I write for:
Baki Hanma
How To Train Your Dragon
TMNT/ Bayverse/ 2012/ 1990
Demon slayer
Transformers/ Bayverse/ TFP
Guardians Of The Galaxy
Sam & Colby
Reality Shifting
I’m the Grim Reaper
What I will write for:
Character X Reader
Poly X reader
Character X Character (If I agree)
Fluff ☁️
Cute Yandere
I will NOT write for:
(Please don’t even try and ask)
Smut 😳
Lemon 🍋
Angst 🫥
Character x Minor
Minor x Minor
Non-con/Rape/ Semi-noncon
Yanderes 😮‍💨
Death 💀
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heliads · 6 months
Hello im so glad it’s open. Hiccup x reader when the reader is afraid of dragon and she is a Viking that try to not to be vulnerable and strong but hiccup could see right trough her. Sort of enemy to lovers (reader mostly) and the end Toothlees love her.
Thank you 🙏 😍🥰🥰
'we'll be brave together' - hiccup haddock
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Hiccup is returning from a wild dragon ride through the clouds when he realizes that he might finally know the secret of the bravest Viking Berk has ever seen.
It’s not like he’s the first one who’s tried to parse out the details of Y/N L/N. There’s hardly a soul in the village who hasn’t. Y/N has been the strongest of the strong, the fastest of the fast, ever since she started training. Everyone their age either wants to be her or beat her, and neither option is remotely reasonable.
Hiccup is no stranger to Y/N’s reputation. How could he not? She started training to fight dragons a year early, purely because it was so obvious she would be an asset to Berk that the elders couldn’t wait to put her out there. She’s been saving lives since she was small. Hiccup wouldn’t be surprised if her first words as a child were a rallying call to arms.
Courage inspires courage, but it’s impossible to see someone that naturally good at everything without trying to find some chink in the armor, a way, no matter how miniscule, to prove that they’re still human. Still like you. But no matter how hard people search, Y/N still seems relentlessly, impossibly perfect. Sure, she has her off days, just like anyone else, but she’s so good that it doesn’t even seem to matter. There has to be something off, but no one else can figure it out.
Except Hiccup, maybe. Probably not, but maybe. Hiccup’s no stranger to the maybes of the world. He’s proven quite a lot of them in his time. Maybe Hiccup, skinny, clumsy Hiccup, could manage to do well in the dragon fighting classes. Maybe he could save Berk from threats. Maybe he could do a decent job of governing a tumultuous group of Vikings on one of the most inhabitable rocks known to man. And maybe, just maybe, he could find the loophole in Y/N L/N’s otherwise flawless streak of victories.
Hiccup only gets the idea when he’s touching down from another dizzying flight. No matter how many times he and Toothless take to the skies, it never gets old. Somehow, each and every time Hiccup and his dragon leave the world behind, chase the stars, shoot the breeze, it feels like Hiccup’s very first time up in the air. The majesty never leaves him.
And so Hiccup was very reluctantly starting to plan out his landing when he saw Y/N below him. Ax in hand, she was probably coming back from yet another round in the training grounds, and judging by the cocky grin on her face, she’d probably been very triumphant yet again. She had a victorious bounce to her step, and as she headed back to her house, it seemed as if nothing could happen to break the young woman’s stride.
Nothing, that is, until Toothless swooped in low from the side, casting his shadow upon the ground where Y/N walked. She had done her best to hide it, but Hiccup had seen it– an uncontrollable flinch, a quick jerk of her head towards the sky to assess the threat, and then, so foreign to him that Hiccup almost wondered if he had mistook another girl for Y/N, a spark of fear in her eyes.
Fear. In Y/N L/N. It made no sense. Hiccup has never known Y/N to be afraid. Not even when facing off against Vikings twice her height. It’s as if the word has simply never entered her vocabulary. Yet the memory of Y/N’s reaction to the arrival of Toothless is burned into Hiccup’s memory as if by a brand. Yes, there’s no doubt about it. Y/N was afraid.
This should mean nothing at all. Berk, although recently accustomed to think of dragons in friendlier terms, has been an enemy of the scaly fliers for as long as Hiccup can remember. A recent change in their mindset would not substantially change their long term memory, which firmly cements dragons as a dangerous enemy. Of course anyone would flinch upon seeing a dragon suddenly emerge from the clouds, especially a Night Fury.
But Y/N isn’t just anyone. Now that he comes to think of it, Y/N has been rather separate from the rest of Berk regarding her reaction to dragons descending upon the village. She has yet to adopt a dragon, claiming that she’d rather prove her skill as a Viking by herself instead of needing to depend on a dragon to do the work for her. And back before Hiccup even crossed paths with Toothless at all, he has memories of Y/N during her dragon training days, how she used to completely lock down her emotions, facing the dragons when required but never so much as looking at them unless she absolutely had to do so.
It couldn’t be, yet it is. The more Hiccup thinks about it, the more he’s certain it’s true. Y/N is afraid of dragons. Not just Hiccup’s dragon, all dragons. Hiccup feels a sudden rush of sympathy for the woman. Although she’s as proud and brave as any, being around the thing she fears the most day in and day out must be taking a toll on her spirits.
And so, although it’s probably a terrible decision, Hiccup makes up his mind to help her as best he can. They’ve never really been friends, in fact, quite the opposite; Y/N was in accordance with the typical Berk mindset that Hiccup was a nuisance since he didn’t quite think like the rest of the Vikings, and they’ve clashed over that ever since. However, Hiccup remembers quite painfully what it was like to fear what everyone else seemed to embrace, and it’s a nasty feeling. Y/N doesn’t deserve to suffer through that, even if their relationship hasn’t always been the sunniest.
True to form, Y/N is glaring at him from the moment she opens her door to find Hiccup smiling awkwardly at her from the front step. “What do you want?” She asks crossly, making it obvious that she has far better things to do than entertain him.
Hiccup grins weakly. “I think I can help you.”
Y/N raises a dubious brow, taking an obvious glance over Hiccup. “You do? With what, philosophy?”
Hiccup forces a chuckle. “Maybe some other time. No, I’m talking about your, ah, dragon problem.”
If there was any doubt in Hiccup’s mind that Y/N was really afraid of dragons, it is completely erased from the moment he brings up the subject. Immediately, her entire expression ices over, but even as her glare sharpens in value, he spots something bright behind her mask, something like fear. She really doesn’t want anyone figuring out, does she?
Y/N glances around quickly to make sure no one could have possibly overheard, then quickly jerks her chin towards the inside of her house. “Fine. Come in.”
Inwardly, Hiccup cheers. He wasn’t entirely certain that she wouldn’t do something drastic to protect her secret, like stab him in the back or shove him into the sea. He still runs the risk of being poisoned, but he figures he’s safe from that so long as he doesn’t eat or drink anything while he’s here.
Once they’re both sitting opposite each other across her wooden table, Y/N fixes him with a steely gaze. “Start talking. How did you know that I–”
Her voice trails off, but Hiccup can guess she’s talking about her fear of dragons. “I only figured it out recently, honest. I had no idea until just now. No one would guess.”
“Yeah, I try to keep it that way,” Y/N remarks dryly. “But you could tell?”
“You don’t like Toothless,” Hiccup explains. “And yeah, he is a Night Fury, and that takes a little while to get over, but most people in the village consider him an ally by now.”
“Except me,” Y/N supplies, glancing towards the table.
“Yeah,” Hiccup agrees. “Except you. Plus, the hesitance to get a dragon of your own.”
“No Viking should accept a dragon unless they can defend themselves!” Y/N argues. “Otherwise, you’ll leave yourself stranded in case something happens. It would be a monumentally stupid risk to take.”
“I feel like that’s a really targeted comment,” Hiccup complains, “but yeah, even with that argument, it made sense once I connected the dots. You’re afraid of dragons.”
Y/N’s eyes narrow. “Did you just come here to hold that over me? What is this, blackmail?”
Not a fan of the way she’s eyeing the carving knife near her place at the table, Hiccup hastily raises his hands, feigning surrender. “Hey. Hey. No blackmail. That wouldn’t be very, uh, Viking of me. Where’s the strength in that? And you know I’m all about strength. And courage. Lots of courage. In fact, that’s why I came here today. I want to help you get over your fear.”
Y/N looks at him doubtfully, but at least she’s stopped inching her hand towards the carving knife. “You want to help me.”
“Yeah,” Hiccup replies earnestly, “I do. It’s better for all of us if we don’t have to feel like we’re hiding things. So? Will you let me help you?”
Y/N stares at him for a long time. At last, she jerks her head up and down in a sharp nod and says, “I will.”
Hiccup claps his hands together excitedly before pushing away from the table. “Perfect. I already have a first lesson in mind.”
Y/N looks substantially less inclined to trust him when she realizes that her first lesson involves getting to know Toothless on a far more personal level. “I thought we were going to ease into this. Like talking about it or something.”
Hiccup shakes his head. They’re both walking through the forest, crunching leaves and stepping over fallen boughs on their way to meet up with the Night Fury. “Not a chance. You don’t gain anything from talking. Besides, I figured you’re the kind of person who likes action over sitting around.”
“I do when it doesn’t involve dragons,” Y/N mutters from somewhere behind him.
Hiccup just grins. “You’ll like Toothless if you give him a chance, honestly.”
They emerge into a clearing. Toothless is curled up in the center, soaking in the sunlight. Immediately, Y/N freezes behind him. Now that she doesn’t have to try and hide from him, Hiccup can see firsthand how bad her fear truly is. Y/N’s eyes are wide, and her breath seems caught in her throat. She seems unable to move a single step.
Hiccup comes back to her side. “Do you trust me?” He asks plainly.
“I think,” she whispers back, her eyes still firmly fixed on the resting dragon in front of her.
“That’s fine,” Hiccup tells her. “At least believe me when I say there’s absolutely no chance that I’d let you get hurt. It would look awful if a chieftain’s son got his best fighter killed by his own dragon, wouldn’t it? You know it’s my responsibility to lead Berk, do you really think I’d risk my popularity by getting you murdered?”
“I trust that,” she admits, and lets Hiccup lead her further into the clearing, until she’s right in front of the dragon.
Sensing visitors, Toothless pokes his head up, exhaling a soft snort from his nose. Y/N flinches back from the movement, but to her credit, she doesn’t try to run.
“This is Y/N,” Hiccup tells Toothless. “You two are going to get to know each other, alright?”
Toothless regards Y/N with faint curiosity. Hiccup reaches out and presses a quiet hand to the dragon’s snout. “Now it’s your turn, alright?” He tells Y/N.
Y/N shakes her head quietly. “There’s no way I’m touching the dragon.”
“He’s not going to hurt you,” Hiccup promises. “Come on, we’ll do it together.”
He takes his hand away from Toothless’ snout and presses his palm against the top of Y/N’s hand. Slowly, carefully, he moves their hands together until they’re both resting against Toothless’ snout. Y/N breathes out once, a great sigh, but doesn’t move. Carefully, Hiccup takes his hand away, and then it’s just Y/N and the dragon. Toothless leans slightly forward into the touch. Hiccup waits for something to happen, for Y/N to flinch away again or give in to her fear, but instead, a shaky smile crosses her face.
“He’s nice,” she says.
Hiccup pulls a face. “He’s only trying to impress you.”
Even his feigned irritation can’t last for long. At the sight of the quiet joy on Y/N’s face, Hiccup can’t help but smile as well.
“What’s my next lesson?” Y/N asks.
“Flying,” Hiccup says. “Do you feel ready for that?”
Y/N glances back towards him, a cross look on her face. “I’m a Viking. I’m ready for anything.”
She laughs, though, and so does he. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
Hiccup climbs onto Toothless, then extends a hand to help Y/N up as well. Toothless, to his credit, is quite gentle when going airborne, although Y/N still holds tight onto Hiccup just in case. He’s not sure that he minds, though. She doesn’t, either, because she keeps holding onto him, even after the flying turns smooth, even after the colors around them flit from saturation to saturation, as clouds frost their vision and the air grows cold from height.
“I’ve changed my mind,” Y/N announces as they soar over the sea. “Nothing about this is scary. I can’t believe I waited this long to figure that out.”
“It grows on you, doesn’t it?” Hiccup remarks. “All of a sudden, it’s the only thing you want to do.”
“Yeah,” Y/N says. “Exactly like that.”
When he looks back at her, Y/N’s expression is soft and sweet. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen her like this, unafraid to be vulnerable, to let her real self shine through. 
“Thanks for helping me,” she says quietly.
“Any time,” Hiccup promises, and he realizes he means it.
She smiles. “You have to be careful, I might take you up on that offer.”
Hiccup meets her gaze, and finds nothing but happiness there. “I’m looking forward to it.”
Below them, the waves surge, and the birds swoop. They fly on forever.
requested by @hope92100, i hope you enjoy!
disney tag list: @avadakadabra93, @blondsauduun, @lovesanimals0000, @mayfieldss, @eclliipsed, @faerieroyal, @goldfish4403
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haodore · 1 year
please wake up ; h.h.
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𓂃 ⋆ 𓈒 masterlist
summary. instead of stoick dying after toothless is under the bewilderbeasts control, you, hiccup's younger sister, are almost hit, resulting in tears and desperation.
pairing. hiccup haddock x sister!reader
genre. angst, hurt/comfort, platonic.
word count. 2.8k
warnings. for plot reasons, valka was taken by cloudjumper when hiccup was 4 and you were a baby, near death experiences, violence, lots of angst.
✐ i couldn’t find the original post for the gif (i found it on pinterest, reposted), but the username is in the top left corner of the gif ^^
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The amount of fear that ran through Hiccup when Drago yelled out his bone chilling scream, waving his staff around in the air… it was immeasurable. The aggression that the throaty sound held in it sent a chill down Hiccup’s spine. He knew at that moment, that he was in serious trouble.
The ground shook with each step that the bewilderbeast took towards them, and rather than the calm awe and serenity that Hiccup felt when he met his mothers bewilderbeast, looking into the eyes of this one made him feel a fear that he couldn’t get rid of.
“No dragon can resist the alpha’s command.” Drago said lowly, his voice scratching its way out of his throat. “So, he who controls the alpha, controls them all.”
A hint of rage settled in Hiccups veins as Drago spoke, pointing his staff towards Toothless.
The rage nearly dissipated, a low sound emitting throughout snow and ice covered land. The sound came from the bewilderbeast, it’s pupils narrowed at Toothless. Toothless began shaking his head, making a noise of discomfort. “Toothless?” Hiccup said worriedly.
Toothless continued to whimper, shaking his head around. “T-toothless, you okay, bud? What’s going on?” But all of the words leaving Hiccups mouth did nothing.
Drago’s voice sounded again. “Witness true strength. The strength of will over others.” Drago was holding up his staff again, the pointed end pointing to Toothless, who suddenly rose, ever so still. “In the face of it… you are nothing.”
When Hiccup realized he was now looking at the end of the staff, it being pointed directly at his chest, he knew that trouble was arising. Toothless slowly turned towards him, pupils as narrow as the bewilderbeast’s were. “Uh,” Hiccup slowly backed away from his dragon, “What did he just tell you?”
Toothless got low to the ground, snarling as he slowly crept over towards his rider, who kept backing away. “Toothless, come on. What’s the matter with you?” He felt the desperation begin to tear at his heart, knowing that there was almost nothing he could do. And sudden moves or sounds could result in the controlled Toothless to pounce on him, resulting in his demise. Even if Hiccup could get a hit in, how much would that break his heart? Would he be able to hurt his best friend?
“No, no, no, no. Come on. What are you doing? Knock it off.” Hiccup knew he was being backed up into ice, and soon he would have no where to go. “Stop!” He yelled out, “snap out of it!” But the attempt was useless, as Toothless kept his slow, creeping pace.
The world around his became almost meaningless. It was just him, Toothless, and mountains of ice trapping him in. “Toothless, no! Toothless.”
Toothless hissed, preparing to launch a heated breath of fire at him, and he felt his heart drop. “Don’t!”
He almost didn’t hear the broken cry of his name being shouted, his eyes remaining on Toothless’ sharp ones. “Stop!”
“Hiccup!” The voice shouted again, and with wide eyes, he looked, and his heart sunk further. You were running right towards him, determination and fear in your eyes. The painful realization of what you were doing came all too quick, and his fear that was once reserved for himself was now almost entirely for you. “Y/n! No!”
But it was too late, you were right next to him, and then crashing into him. Hiccup slid across the snow covered ground, gasping in fear of what he’d see when he looked at you.
He looked just in time to see the blast of fire miss you—just in time to see it hit the ice behind you, breaking a peace of it off as it came crashing down onto you.
He startled himself with the cry that left his lips. The world around him faded out again. It was only you, him, and his shallow breaths. “No…” He said again, the disbelief strong in his tone. This couldn’t be happening.
He ran over to you, feeling like he was going to collapse. He was by your side in seconds—he was by your side and there you were, covered in shards of teal-blue ice. Your eyes were shut; your breathing was barely there. He feared every one of your breaths would be your last.
He groaned as he pushed the ice off of you, piece by piece. As each shard slid off, an already growing bruise was left in its wake wherever your skin was visible.
The despair was crushing him; engulfing him; making a home into his heart that was sinking even further as it buried itself into the ever so cold snow beneath him. He grabbed and pulled at your left arm, pulling you off of your side and onto your back. “Y/n!”
Hiccup hardly paid attention to his mother dropping by his side, and his father close behind her. Your breaths were still so shallow.
“Y/n… Oh, my Gods.” His breath caught in his throat, and he faintly felt his mothers hand rest on his shoulder. For the better of his own sanity, he pressed to fingers to your neck, sighing in relief at the slow and weak feeling of your heartbeat beneath his fingers. It wasn’t much, but it was something.
“Wake up… please wake up.” He ignored every sound around him, including the sound of his friends arriving to the scene. He couldn’t help but to wrap his arms around you, being ever so careful and gentle with your injured form. He felt like he had already lost you, the thought making tears roll down his face. He couldn’t believe that you had gotten hurt instead of him: the target.
You—the younger sister who came into his life when he was just 4 years old. The sister who listened to him when everyone turned a blind eye and pretended like he didn’t exist. You were always there, and as he held you close, he couldn’t get rid of the fear that soon you would be here no longer.
All of his attention was on you, until he heard a low coo from his very own dragon: the dragon who did this.
As Toothless’ snout brushed up against your hand, he couldn’t help the anger that enveloped him. Deep down he knew it wasn’t Toothless’ fault, but something else told him he needed something to be angry at. After seeing the way Toothless’ had unknowingly injured you, his emotions got the best of him. “No! Get away from her!” Hiccup harshly shoved Toothless away, feeling guilt at the way his dragon whined in response, but Hiccup was spiralling.
He stood to his feet, looking down at Toothless. “Go on! Get out of here!”
Toothless took a small step forward, his eyes holding sadness at being shouted at, but Hiccup shouted again. “Get away!”
Hiccup was a mix of emotions as Toothless coward away and ran off.
“It’s not his fault.” Valka said softly, her sadness making her voice wobble only slightly. “You know that.”
And Hiccup did know that. He fell to his knees again, fresh tears rolling down his face as he looked at you. Your eyes were still closed.
The bewilderbeast roared out, but Hiccup almost didn’t hear it as his mother spoke. “Good dragons under the control of bad people… do bad things.”
“Come on!” Hiccup heard someone shout, along with the sound of Toothless whimpering. He looked up, and Drago was riding a once again controlled Toothless, leading him away. “Gather the men and meet me at Berk!”
Hiccup felt an urgency rush through him, and he jumped up onto his feet. “Toothless!” He cried out to him, but Valka held him back. He felt useless as the alpha roared out, and Drago’s men prepared to leave the island.
He couldn’t help but to continue to cry. He just lost his best friend, and he looked down at you, worried that he would lose another. He dropped down beside you again, feeling like the entire world was against him. He felt lost and scared. He couldn’t lose you. He doesn’t know what he’d do without you.
“Hiccup…” Stoick said from behind him. Hiccup could already picture the look on his face based of the sadness in his voice.
“No, Dad.” Why were they acting like you were already dead? You just had to wake up.
As the tears kept falling down his cheeks, his friends backed away and watched from a good distance, as he needed his space. His parents stayed close behind him.
“We have to— we have to do something. Why isn’t anyone doing anything? My sister is dying and you’re all just standing around waiting for—“ Waiting for her to die.
“Hiccup,” Gobber said softly, a pained sigh leaving the man’s lips, “there’s not much we can do, right now. Not here. Back home, maybe things would be better. But we don’t have our dragons to get there, Hiccup.”
Hiccup remained looking at you, still. “So, why are you all acting like you don’t care?” Maybe that was harsh, but he was still spiralling.
“Hiccup, of course we care.” When Astrid spoke, Hiccup looked at her and found a world of sadness in her eyes. Maybe she was worried for you; maybe she felt guilt and pity for him; maybe it was both. The the look in her eyes made him feel less alone.
Hiccup was silent for a few moments, and then, “There’s nothing we can do?” He chose to ignore the way his voice cracked with emotion.
His father sighed, and removed his helmet, holding it to his chest. “Nothing we can do but pray that she wakes up.”
Hiccup inhaled deeply. “I need a second alone with her.”
He didn’t receive a response, he only heard the sound of footsteps slowly backing away.
With a shaking hand, he took your hand into his, watching a teardrop fall down and land on your fingertip. The desperation in him had been making a slow incline, and he wasn’t sure how much of this he could take.
“You have to wake up.” He whispered, falling back down to wrap an arm around you. “Come on. Wake up.”
But as your breathing remained slow, he felt the tears roll down a little faster, and he couldn’t help the sob that slipped past his lips. “Wake up. Come on, what are you doing? Get up…”
A hitch in your breath.
As the sound reaches his ears, and he feels the pattern of your breath change for only a moment, his head snaps up. Your face is neutral, a scrape and bruise on your right cheekbone.
He’s filled with a sense of hope, and just as it feels like it was a trick of his mind, your breath catches again, and your brows move the smallest amount.
“Oh, my Gods.” Hiccup breathes out. “Y/n? Hey… wake up, come on.”
Your eyes began to flutter open and it’s like Hiccup and finally breathe again. He leans forward so that you see him, and your eyes meet his. “Hiccup?”
Hiccup laughs, light and airy, and nods. “Yeah, I’m here. You’re okay.
Your face scrunches up a little as you become aware of the pain running across your skin. Hiccup notices and a slight frown lands on his face.
Your hand squeezes his, “I’m glad you’re okay, Hiccup.”
Hiccup can’t help the shock that runs through him. “You’re glad I’m okay? I’m glad you’re okay…” he then sighs, thinking about how he nearly lost you. The ache in his heart was still there, like a poison latching onto him, killing him slowly. He couldn’t believe how close to death you had gotten. “I thought I was gonna lose you.”
And then he was hugging you again, being as gentle as possible. He felt you wrap an arm around his back, but he could tell that by the way your arm was shaking, it was taking more of a toll on you than you’d like to admit. Hiccup pulled back. “Don’t strain yourself.”
Your eyes were still only about half open and he wouldn’t be surprised if you passed out soon. “Don’t worry, you’re gonna be fine. I promise.”
But his words could only be heard so clearly as the world began to fade once again. It had taken so much of your energy to stay conscious as long as you did.
“No, no, no. Keep your eyes open, okay? Stay awake, stay awake— Dad!”
The last thing you saw was your brother and parents hovering over you, and then you were welcomed into a deep sleep once again.
The rest of the day went by so fast, yet so slow. Hiccup felt pride for him and Toothless—who he had since forgiven and apologized to—for being able to fight against Drago and the alpha. After this, it was clear that Toothless had earned his place as the alpha. However, as all of this had been happening, you were the only thing on Hiccup’s mind. He was fighting for everyone, and most importantly to avenge you. This was Drago’s fault—all of this. Hiccup had to do something about it, and he did.
It was likely clear how much he was worrying for you, because not long after the bewilderbeast had dove into the water, taking Drago with him, his mother was at his side. He knew from the look on her face alone that she was saying he should go to you. He didn’t waste a second.
He ran up to his house, passing by people cheering and shouting out of glee, and he pushed open his front door and ran straight to your room. There you were, under the care of Gothi, tucked into your bed and bandaged wherever needed. It was honestly a wonder that they were even able to get you to Berk while you were unconscious, but they managed. Hiccup was just glad to see you now, alive and breathing.
Gothi nodded at him, making her way out of the room. Hiccup remained still for a moment, looking down at you. It pained him to see you like this.
Eventually he sat on the edge of the bed, and looked down at his hands. He felt so guilty about you getting hurt. It felt like it was his fault, somehow. You had jumped to save him, and this is where it brought the both of you. Surely, he was partially at fault for this outcome.
“You’re not blamin’ yourself, are you?”
At the sound of your voice, Hiccup whipped his head around, eyes wide and burning with tears that haven’t even quite built up yet. “You’re awake.”
You nodded lightly, looking down at your bandaged and bruised body. You didn’t regret a thing you did.
“Why… did you do that?” Hiccup started slowly. He didn’t expect this to be what he decided to talk about, but he got to thinking and his mouth was moving before he even realized it. “I mean… save me—“ He took a deep breath, brows furrowing at the topic at hand.
“What else did you want me to do?” You said. You sounded determined, strangely enough.
“I couldn’t just… stand there.”
“I wanted you to.”
You sighed this time. “And what? Watch you die? You could’ve.”
Hiccup saw tears begin to form in your own eyes, and he somewhat felt bad for bringing this up right now. “You could’ve, too.”
“I know.” You stated. There was a brief pause as you both collected your thoughts. You didn’t want to argue about this. Neither of you wanted to make anger out of grieving for someone who hadn’t even died. “I care about you, Hiccup. You looked just as scared as I felt. Even if you don’t want to admit it. I don’t know what I would’ve done with myself if you got hurt, or worse. I love you, but I’m not sorry for what I did. I’d rather be hurt than you be hurt instead.”
Hiccup gazed down at you and realized in that moment that you were just like any other Haddock—stubborn as hell. Hiccup and his father were some of the most stubborn people on Berk, if not the most stubborn, and he wouldn’t be surprised that if he got to know his mother a little more, she would turn out to be the same.
Having such a quality can be unbearable at times, but it made for some pretty promising trust with the people you love.
“Well,” Hiccup broke into a smile, chuckling lightly. “I would do the same for you.”
You laughed softly. “I’d hope so.”
Hiccup was shocked when you started pushing yourself up on the bed all of a sudden. “Hey, woah, woah, woah. What are you doing?”
“Relax. I know my limits.” You snickered, and then winced. All of a sudden your arms were around Hiccup and Hiccup wasn’t sure if it was the stupidest or sweetest thing you’ve ever done. Probably both.
Hiccup hugged you back, his eyes closing as it felt like the day was finally calming down. “Don’t ever do anything like that again.”
An amused scoff, and then, “no promises.”
Definitely a Haddock.
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@ sakufilms
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It’ll Be Our Little Secret (Hiccup x Reader) (Smut)
Author's Note: Hey! Hope you're ready to read a very steamy AND long 'Hiccup x Reader' fanfic. This was originally posted on Wattpad, but it kind of flopped. So I thought I would shoot my shot over here instead (since, from my understanding, people go a little crazier for smuts over here). Also, English isn't my first language so please excuse me if it isn't grammatically correct, or a sentence isn't built up right.
Short Summary: You have a crush on Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, Chief of Berk. You can’t think straight. None of the other guys on your island can compare. The only issue is you’re the daughter of (y/f/n), Chief of (y/i/n). Berk’s enemy island. Though your crush on Hiccup only can play out in your fantasy, a knock at your door would change that?
⚠️Warning!⚠️: This story contains swearing and rough sexual acts. Not suitable for a younger audience!
(y/i/n) = your island´s name
Words: 3336
(I don't own any of the GIFs)
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Your pov:
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third. Not really a popular name around here. Even though you didn't have anything against him personally, your islands wasn't really on good terms. This all started long before you were even born, so you didn't really know the exact reason as to why you hated each other so much. But you were taught that "anything from the island of Berk is equal to horse shit", and so your opinion remained... sort of.
After Stoick's death Hiccup inherited the title, which made him more of a foe in your eyes. Compared to him "just" being the Chief's son. Still you couldn't help but find him... attractive. Hey! You're a 18 year old girl. Boys starts to look quite appealing at this age. And after all he's kind of the only guy, around your age, you've meet frequently (thanks to your islands fighting each other on a regular basses). When you compared him to the other guys on your island, they're not even close. He's just perfect. Well, everything but his title. You know your "relationship" can only remain in your imagination. It's not really optimal to ask for your father's blessing to marry, the now, Chief of the island we abominate.
As you lay in bed, facing the wall, you hear the door open. By having such old doors the squeaking gives away any unwanted surprise visits. You began to wonder who it could be. You've already said your 'goodnights' to your parents before preparing for bed. After a lot of whining, your parents finally let you move in to your own hut. Their only 'but' was to have your hut being surrounded by guards 24/7. They didn't want to take any risks with everything that was happening at this island. But you didn't mind. You actually liked when they informed you who was approaching, even if it was your mother. It felt like you could have the privacy you wanted by moving out. That's why it's even more strange that non of the guards had told you about the guest that was now on their way inside your house.
You turned around and jumped as you saw who decided to give you a visit. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. What is he doing here? Isn't this the foremost guy they're suppose to make sure isn't strolling around the village? "I need to have a little talk to them about this" you thought as you rolled your eyes. But they quickly went back to the unwelcomed guest. "Uh, may I ask why you're in my hut?" you asked, rather confused as to why he hasn't tried to kill you yet. Hiccup dropped all his potential weapons on the ground before approaching you. Even the tiny dagger on one of his bracers was now laying a few meters from your bed. You watched him rather doubtful, wondering 'what the fuck is he doing?'. "I'm not here to hurt you" he said calmly before standing in front of your bed, "No weapons on me, so I hope you haven't got any either". Should I make a run for it? My parents´s hut is just a few meters away. If he catch up with me I've at least tried. Before you could make up your mind if you should take a chance or not he started petting the empty space beside you on the bed, not really trusting you no matter what your answer would be.
He soon went over to you, sticking his hands underneath the blanket and petting you from the thighs up to your neck, making sure you wasn't hiding any knifes underneath your clothes. "No weapons... and no panties either" you slapped him across the face. "What the hell are you doi-" you yelled out, but got cut off as Hiccup slam his hand over your mouth "Shh! Don't yell, someone could hear you!". You gave him the look that said 'duh, that's the point' and he let's go of your mouth. He continued "I want to make sure you aren't armed either. I just want to.... talk". You looked at him rather confused "What could you possibly want to talk to me about? How it is to be an only child of a Chief?" you joked, which allowed Hiccup to chuckle. "Maybe I phrased that wrong, but you'll see what I came here to do" he said while giving you a smirk. I swear to the gods, he's flirting with me.
"Let me just remove this to make sure you aren't hidding something first" Hiccup started to pull up your nightgown. He got to about your waist before you grabbed his hands, making him stop. The thought of him seeing you so bare, even if not in a sexual context, made you anxious. You looked inside his emerald green eyes, as if to find something that would tell you what to do. You've never been this close to him before, so this was your opportunity to scan his face for the first time. He had a few freckles, a scar on his chin, and what seem to be the early stage of a beard-growth. Without even thinking you placed your hand against his cheek, caressing it as Hiccup leaned in. As soon as you noticed you quickly snatched back your hand. Hiccup tugged at your dress again, as if to ask if it's okay. You raised your arms, making the progress of removing your nightgown a lot easier for him. Something about his face had made you calmer. Your nipples harden, reacting to the low temperature as he toss the piece of clothing at the floor. He looked at them in admiration but also noticed the necklace your father gave you, showing which island you belong to. "Can I touch them?" Hiccup asks as he push your hair back, allowing him to get a better view of your bare chest. "Only if I can remove these first" you answer, referring to his bracers. He nodded, thinking it's a fare trade. Hiccup watched your concentrated face as you loosen it up, eventually sliding it off. He tugged a strand of hair behind your ear with his, now bare hand as you worked on the other one.
You caress your hands over his body, admiring the armor that always seemed to turned you on so much. You would lie if you said you haven't thought of how it would feel grinding your naked body against it. Feel the leather and metal against your wet folds. The thought would help you when you were alone in bed, having some 'me'-time. Even though you wish he could keep it on, you helped Hiccup remove the upper part of his armor, leaving him shirtless. "Now we're even" you teased. He looked at you, grinning. Hiccup grabbed your breasts which made you gasp just by the touch. As he began to massage them you let out a few proper moans. "Are you a virgin?", you looked up at him, thinking "how rude" wondering why on earth he needed to know that. "You react quite intense at just the small amount of pleasure I'm giving you now. Virgins usually reacts quite hard at any sort of sexual stimulation, so that's why I asked". He seemed to notice your concerned face since he quickly filled in with "-but that's not bad" the panic was vibrant in his voice "It's actually very excitative". You nodded, answering his previous question. Hiccup flickered his tongue at both of your nipples, earning more moans from you. He went down your stomach, leaving sloppy kisses on his way there, keeping his eyes locked with yours. As he looked at you, seductively, you couldn't help but feel like this is wrong. This could ruin your family's name for generations if it would ever come out. Should I stop? Hiccup would stop if you asked him to, but the question is 'do I want it to stop?' After all, this is what you've been dreaming of. The senators you've made up in your head in order to get yourself off is actually happening. No way you're going to ruin this shot. Hiccup went up to your face again, this time only a few centimeters gap. You let out a shaky breath, starting to sweat just by the looks he gave you. Yep, this is really happening.
"Got any hidden weapons in here?" Hiccup asked, pulling at your underwear. You shrugged, acting stupid, really intrigued to see what he would do. "Well, I better inspect it" he teased before shoving his hand down your underwear. You gasped, feeling his slender fingers being so close to your core. He laughed as he felt the wetness you've already developed. "You really get turned on by this" he teased before removing your panties and threw them across the room. As your legs went down you squeezed your thighs together, feeling a bit self conscious again. Hiccup noticed "No, open up for me, princess. No need to act all shy now" he parted your legs, keeping some weight on your thighs to prevent you from pressing them together again. You, realizing this instead took your hands and covered the most private part. But Hiccup didn't let that get unnoticed, "Ah-ah" he said in a warning tone as he slapped your hand away. When he finally got to see all of you, he took a step back just to admire it. "You're so beautiful (y/n). I swear your a gift from the gods". You smiled at his generous words, trying your best not to blush too hard.
He massaged your thighs while moving his hands closer to your throbbing pussy. "You're basically dripping. I never knew you had a thing for me" he joked while looking down, between your legs. "You have no idea" you admitted. He looked up at you, not expecting that answer, "Well, then I'm not the only one who'll enjoy this". Hiccup dragged two fingers along your entrance, scooping up some of your wetness and brought it to his mouth. He licked his fingers clean, having full on eye contact with you as he does. Hiccup raised up from the bed, pulling down his trousers. Your eyes widen as you looked at his hard cock slapping against his stomach. Getting a bit worried about the penetration-bit. He seem to notice and went right in front of your bed, picking you up so you were on your knees by the edge of your bed. Knowing you're a virgin, Hiccup thought you might get less nervous if you get to feel him first. He grabbed you by the wrists, and dragged your hands over his body, starting by the shoulders going down to his chest. He moved your hands down past his bellybutton. When you began to feel his pubs you quickly went down to his thighs instead, not feeling ready to touch him there, just yet. Hiccup's breathing quicken as you worked your hands over his thighs, which intrigued you to go closer and closer to his area. You really wanted to hear him moan. Oh, how many times you've tried to imagine what sounds he makes. You saw his cock twitch as you came closer. He threw his head back, let out an extracted moan as you took him in your hand and began to jerk him off. He traced your other hand to his chest again. You continued till you reached his hair, tugging at his braids. You watched as he hummed at the new sensation while tighten his grip around your wrist. You pumped him harder, milking him on his moans. "T-that's... enough" Hiccup said, breathing heavily.
He pushed you down on the bed as he crawled up your body. He smirked, "Don't worry, I'll fill you up in a second" he said as he positioned himself at your entrance. You whined as he pushed his cock inside you slowly, while holding the back of your head. "You're doing so good, princess. You're being such a good girl" Hiccup said, not being able to hide his moans as your tightness surround his cock. You balled the sheets in your fists as he continued to push till he's fully in. He stayed in that position for a bit, both for you to adjust to his size, but also due to him not cumming straight away. After some reassuring Hiccup began to slide in and out of you, keeping the pace rather slow, not wanting to hurt you. "It doesn't get better" you said through clinged teeth. You've heard the first time would be quite painful, but not for this long. "Hold on, it'll be better soon, I promise" Hiccup reassured you while keeping the low pace. He caressed your cheek while kissing your neck, hoping it would help you to get used to it if you got something else to focus on. It helped. As soon you asked Hiccup to go a bit faster the pace soon increased.
Hiccup rested one of your legs on his shoulder, giving him better excess. He rammed into your body with such speed. You cried out Hiccup's name as he groaned while listening to you saying his name like that. You turned your head to the side, almost embarrassed to look at Hiccup. You didn't know why, but you felt as if you weren't allowed to look at him. He noticed and grabbed you by the chin, turning your head straight "Look at me while you let the enemy fuck your tight, virgin pussy!" he spat. You tightened around him at his words. "Huh? You like it when I fuck you like this? Knowing that Berk's Chief's cock is inside you. And know that with ever thrust, you abandon your people more *thrust* and more". You whined out in pleasure as he spoke to you. He smiled when he saw what effect his words had on you, "You like it, don't you?" you nodded intensely. He bent forward, grabbing you by the neck as he whispered in your ear "You've never let anyone get to feel you like this. But I didn't even have to ask before you spread your legs for me, like the little whore you are. What would the people of (y/i/n) say if they saw you now? Whimper as you let me take advantage of you. I don't think your father would be proud to..." Hiccup traced his fingertip over the charm of your necklace "...see you act like such a whore for me". "Tell me you're mine" he demanded. You were a breathing mess, really affected by Hiccup's dialogue. "I-I'm y-" you couldn't even finish the sentence before a moan interrupted you. "Say it!" he bayed, tighten his grip around your neck. "I-I'm yours, Hiccup. I'm your dirty little whore" you pled out. Hiccup smirked "Good girl. Finally one of (y/i/n)'s people can follow an order".
He pulled out, which made you look down. His cock was coated with your cum and a hint of blood. "Turn around" he demand, you raised up slowly as your whole body felt like jello. As you turned around Hiccup slammed your head against the mattress while your ass was high up. He traced his hand up your back to your waist, sending shivers down your spine. He took a firm grip on your fat before shoving his cock back into your pussy, making you screamed. Luckily the pillow muffed most of your sounds. "Oh, (y/n). You can't imagine how long I've been wanting to do this" Hiccup whines out while pounding into you. Your heart skipped a beat at his confession. He'd thought about you too? He continues to fuck you, keeping the same pace the whole time before slowing down, allowing you both to catch your breath. "Let's keep that other hole busy, too" Hiccup said while bending down towards his pants, picking up something. You tried to see what it was, but with no success. "With what?" your curiosity took over as Hiccup spat down your ass in lack of lube. "The back of my inferno. Let's see how much you can take" he said before pushing it slowly in your asshole. You winced at the cold metal entering you. You had to bite the side of your pillow in order to not scream while your untouched hole slowly got stretched out. "H-hiccup I... I can't take..." you plead out, feeling so filled up while still having Hiccup's cock in you, too. "Aw, sure you can" he pushed in the rest till you felt the cold metal of the dragon head around your opening. "See! You could fit the whole thing" Hiccup said proudly, petting your back while still slightly pushing the dragon head so the handle wouldn't slip out.
You tried to catch your breath. The feeling of both your holes being penetrated at the same time felt amazing. But when Hiccup picked up the same speed as before you could barely take it. You were moaning so loud you were surprised non of the guards came in to check what's going on. The pleasure mixed with Hiccup moaning your name made you so wet you could feel it dripping down your thigh. Every time Hiccup would slam his hips against you, you would be reminded of the handle as it was being push back in you. You continued your highly verbal way of showing how much pleasure you're feeling. Until Hiccup grabbed you by the neck, pressing your back against his chest and cover your mouth "I really appreciate your little orchestra, princess. But we can't risk anyone finding us, right?". You nod your head, while Hiccup keep his hand on your mouth. Even tough you've changed position the speed remind the same. You got to give it to him for keeping up the pace for so long. Hiccup's other hand went down to rubbing your clit, but you quickly slapped it away. "Overstimulated" you mumbled against Hiccup's hand, but he seemed to have heard it since the feedback of his work left a smirk on his face. He grabbed your necklace and swirled it around his fist. You felt the charm against your neck as Hiccup firmly chocked you.
He buried his face against the side of your head, his mouth lining up perfectly to your ear allowing you to hear every little sound Hiccup made. You felt your orgasm around the corner as your legs began to shake even more. "Hiccup-" "Shh, shh, I know. I'm close too". He made sure to thrust hard into you as your orgasm approach. You scream in Hiccup's hand as you came. He moaned higher, getting even closer to his own release while seeing you in this state. Your body was twitching in Hiccup's arms as he held you while still fucking you. He then threw you on your back as he hovered over you and jerked himself to his climax. He came on you, covering your stomach with his warm cum as he screamed out your name as loud as he could without the guards noticing it. He let himself fall beside you, as you both tried to catch your breath. He turned you on your side so your back was facing him, bending your leg up a bit as he pulled out the inferno sword. You moaned one last time as it exited you. Hiccup dropped it on the floor before he went back to you, making you face him again. He pulled his face closer to yours before saying "It'll be our little secret". Then he went up, pull one of the blankets around him, collecting all his things, and leaves.
You lay there in your bed with Hiccup's cum still on your stomach, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened.
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retold-tales · 1 year
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A Second Nightfury
Hiccup Haddock x Rider Reader
Summary: based on this post
I remember the first time I met Y/N, the dragon rider. It was a quiet evening, and Toothless and I were out for a leisurely flight when we stumbled upon her feeding her Night Fury.
She looked like she belonged in the wilderness, with her unkempt hair and fierce expression.
When I landed to talk to her, she launched herself at me, knocking me over. She demanded to know who I was and why I was on her territory.
I was taken aback by her ferocity, but I managed to stammer out my name and that I was the chief of Berk.
At first, I was shy around her. She was so different from the people I was used to being around.
But, as we talked, I found myself opening up to her. She was funny and clever, and she had a deep love for her dragon.
I invited her to Berk, hoping that she would join us. But, she hesitated. She had grown used to her solitude and was wary of joining a group of people she didn't know.
It took some convincing, but she finally agreed to visit Berk. And, once she was there, she blended in seamlessly.
Her bond with her Night Fury, combined with her natural affinity for dragons, made her a valuable addition to our community.
Looking back, I can hardly believe that we met by chance like that. But, I'm glad we did. Y/N has become one of my dearest friends and something more, and I couldn't imagine Berk without her.
And now as I smile at her as she reads to our first child who lays his head against her bulging belly which is filled with twins and Toothless and d/n cuddle by the fireplace with their two babies playing fighting.
I couldn't ask for more.
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luvendiary · 1 year
3 times hiccup asked you to marry him + the time you realized he meant it
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hello! this was an early draft for this request: Hello!!! Imagine hiccup telling reader "I'm in love with you" / "Marry me" out of blue after a stare down (can be established relationship or not muahahaha) I like how this turned out, except for the ending. it's sort of shitty in my opinion. also, this isn't proofread. and sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language. feel free to point them out. also, there’s a slight corpse bride reference with the vows!! as always, thank you for reading. let me know what you think and if you'd like more of this. requests are always open!
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Snoggletog was one of your favorite festivities. The beautiful coat of snow that hugged the soil, and the way the sunlight softly reflected on it was perfect to you. You loved to see how vikings busied themselves by hanging up ornaments and mistletoe on the doors. You loved hearing the out-of-tune carols that echoed across Berk. And you loved the late cold nights as you and the dragon riders sat around a warm fire and talked about the day’s happenings.
One thing you did not love though, was the Snoggletog play, specially because it had been assigned to you all this year. It was the dragon riders’ responsibility to plan, organize and act it out the day of Snoggletog.
“What about the start of dragon races?” Snoutlout suggested.
“They did that two years ago,” Astrid replied as she sharpened her axe.
“We could do Loki-”
“We’re not doing Loki day Tuffnut,” Hiccup interrupted him.
A moment of silence passed amongst all of you.
“What if, we make a reenactment of Odin and Freya’s marriage? How they stopped the Aesir and Vanir war,” you said while nibbling on your thumb.
“That could work,” Fishlegs said.
“I like it, we could even get the dragons in on this,” Astrid suggested.
“Of course, brilliant idea (Y/N),” Snotlout said as he stood up with a cocky attitude. “Specially because I would make the perfect Odin.” He flexed his muscles and stroke a victorious pose.
You chuckled and pushed him away, “Sit down Snotlout. I was actually thinking that Astrid and Fishlegs could be Freya and Odin.”
“Oh no,” Astrid said immediately. “I’m not good at performing. Plus, you gave the idea, you should be Freya.”
“Alright,” you said. “If no one else is up for it, I’ll be Freya. Fishlegs, are you ok with being Odin?”
“Ye-” his reply was interrupted by Astrid elbowing him. “I mean, I wish I could but…I-I don’t like performing.”
“What but you love perfor-?”
“Hiccup! Why aren’t you Odin?!” Astrid chimed in as she placed her arm around your shoulder while the other went around the brunette-boy’s shoulders.
“Uh…I-I guess,” Hiccup said.
Astrid grinned while looking at you, “Great! It’s settled then!”
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“Why would you do that?!” you shrieked as you pressed the palm of your hands to your eyes.
Astrid, who sat next to you overlooking Berk from a nearby cliff, shrugged, “Oh I don’t know. Maybe because I’m tired of you two beating around the bush. Why don’t you kiss already? It’s obvious you want to.”
“Shut up Astrid,” you said while sitting up. You rubbed your hands together to provide some heat to your body. “I’m not even sure if he likes me.”
“You’re as blind as Gothi is mute,” she replied.
“How can you be so sure? Has he said anything about me?”
“You’re hopeless Y/N.”
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The days went by, and Snoggletog drew closer and closer. Right after training, you went to rehearsals, and while most of it went by in fits of laughter and jokes, you all managed to build a production. You often tended to practice with Hiccup, since you had the most line together, and it gave you an excuse to spend more time with him. During this period, you had managed to gain some small victories in the love department, holding his hand, dancing with him, and hearing him laugh while you acted out some of your scenes being some. However, there was something you both had been avoiding: the marriage kiss. It made your heart flutter and your stomach swarm with butterflies every time you though about the possibility of kissing him; on the other hand, it also felt like Gronkle iron swishing around your intestines. What if he didn’t want to kiss you? What if he just did it out of pity?
Your mind was plagued with questions up until the big day.
“Good luck,” Astrid said while she gave you a knowing look. She was looking forward to the kiss, and if what she had told you was true, all of the dragon riders were too.
The play started out good, Snotlout and Tuffnut played the Aesir family, while Ruffnut and Fishlegs played the Vanir.
The scene changed and the Aesir were complaining with Hiccup about how Freya’s magic and her help towards the Vanir was the reason for their shortcomings.
I was then your time to appear. After several attempts from the Aesir to try to kill Freya, you and Odin came to an agreement: you were to marry each other.
“Marry me,” said Hiccup. And as you looked into his eyes your breath hitched. He had a smile plastered on his face, and his eyes gleamed.
“I will marry you,” you replied as you offered him your hand and he put the ring on your nuptial finger.
The scene was supposed to end there, you were about to take a step backwards so that the actual marriage scene could take place, however you felt a hand wrap around your wrist, and before you knew it you were being kissed. You were being kissed by Hiccup Haddock.
Your shock was palpable, however you dissolved into the kiss once the initial incredulity had passed. Once Hiccup felt the kiss was reciprocal, he wrapped his arms around your waist and drew you closer.
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2 .
Dragon racing was a hefty sport. Ever since it was created, it became a fan favorite amongst Berkians. Once every full moon, a match was held that was sure to be the talk of the town for at least a week. On summer and winter solstice, you held the dragon riding tournament, that usually lasted for about a week; except for that one time when the black sheep had wondered deep into the woods, and you weren’t able to find it for two days.
Point of the matter is, dragon racing was a serious issue for vikings. And that’s why victories where celebrated so grandly. You never particularly cared for the celebrations, however wining was important to you; your usually carefree nature was irrecognizable when it came to the sport as you became a furiously competitive rider. This change, spared no one. Not even your boyfriend.
“Incoming!” you called out before snatching the black sheep from Hiccup’s arms, as you held on with your legs to (Y/D)’s saddle while she flew in an upside down position.
“Hey!” he shouted in response with a light chuckle.
“I wish I could say I’m sorry, but I’m not!” you replied with a shit-eating grin directed his way. With the black sheep secure in your arms, you flew away, not a hint of remorse visible on your face.
You returned to your upright position and quickly flew up to your basket and threw in the black sheep. As soon as you do so, you hear the crowds cheers and applause mixed with the blow of the horn, signaling that the match has ended.
Astrid joined you on the platform, followed by Ruff, as they cheered you on and celebrated your team victory.
Hiccup watched you, still mounted on Toothless with a lovesick smile present in his features, “I’m going to marry her,” he said as he took in your beautiful smile.
“I don’t think you’re her type,” said a voice next to him. Tuffnutt flew next to him with a pissed expression -probably because of their defeat- “but go for it. I’m sure my sister would be flattered.”
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3 .
“Do you think there are other people out there?” you asked as you stared blankly at the stars. “I mean, besides us dragon riders and dragon hunters. Do you think that maybe there’s another civilization that has been familiar with dragons long before us?”
You heard Hiccup chuckle, “Possibly, maybe they even know of species we have yet to discover.”
“I wonder if they maybe think the same of us. Maybe we’re some strange advanced civilization to them”, you said with a light giggle as your thoughts went wild with the idea of the unknown. “Or maybe, we’re cavemen in comparison to their civilization. Maybe…they know about our existence, and they have just decided to leave us alone because we’re not worth their time.”
“That’s a bit depressing isn’t it?” Hiccup asked, humored by your rambling.
“I don’t think so. I think it’s exciting…” you said slightly breathless as you stared at the vast abyss of twinkling lights that spread above you and beyond. “Just imagine everything we’ve yet to discover.”
You faintly heard the huffs and growls of your dragons, who were entertained by Hiccup’s prosthetic leg as they fought each other for it.
Hiccup allowed himself to steal a glance at you for a fraction of a second. He thought that the view in front of you was beautiful, but to him, the real wonder was sitting right next to him. You looked breathtaking with the starry abyss reflected in your eyes. Yet, you were so unaware of it.
“Marry me.”
He didn’t mean to actually say it. But he just couldn’t control himself when he was with you.
Your trance was broken and you stared at him wide eyed, in disbelief at what he had just said. However as soon as you saw his expression mirroring yours, you burst out laughing. You couldn’t say truthfully that you had never though about marriage, especially with Hiccup.
Hiccup’s startled expression morphed into confusion.”W-What? Why are you laughing?”
“Are you sure you want to marry me?” you asked in between giggles. “You don’t seem very sure.”
“What? Y-Yes! Of course I’m sure! Why wouldn’t I want to marry you?” his eyebrows furrowed in the way you loved. The way that told you you had successfully managed to get in his head. He had turned his body so that it was now mirroring yours, and his shoulders were raising up and down as they usually did when he was trying to explain something or defend a point.
“Fine then. I’ll marry you.”
His rambling stopped immediately. “What? Y-You will?”
You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. “Sure. Why not?”
You stood up then as you walked around the small island you had stumbled upon earlier that day. Leaving a very flustered and confused Hiccup behind.
“Wait! Where are you going?” he called after you as he struggled to get up. He rambled on as he chased you, asking about arrangements and other things.
“Aha!” you said victoriously as you crouched down over a patch of grass with some wildflowers sprouting out.
Hiccup peered over your shoulder, trying to see what you were doing.
Eventually you stood up and extended your hand towards him. He stared at you blankly for a moment, and muttered to himself, tryin to understand your actions. Still, an amused smile was present on his face.
“Well?” you said after a bit. “Give me your hand.”
He did as you instructed, and then you took out your other hand from behind, which gently held a blade of grass along with some small wildflowers intertwined with each other, forming a ring.
“I know it’s not the best craftsmanship, but I figured we couldn’t get married without rings,” you explained with a soft giggle.
Hiccup grinned down at you, and laughed incredulously. He wondered how he ever got you to agree to be his. “I’m afraid to tell you dearest, but I don’t have a ring for you.”
You sighed mockingly and rolled your eyes. “I know that. I assumed you would be too in your head about your future duty as chief and the dragons to think about me.”
“Hey!” he protested immediately. “I’m always thinking about you-”
“But worry not!” you said as you giggled playfully. “Since I know you well enough to be married, I know you well enough to be prepared for our wedding.” You reached into one of your pockets and puled out and identical ring, which he gently grabbed.
He stared down at you, with a skeptical expression.
“Well, go on with it. Do you want to marry me or not?” you asked as you tilted your head slightly to the side.
Hiccup sighed and then locked his eyes with yours. “I, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock, the Third, make this oath. With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine."
Once the traditional vows were finished he gently took your hand and slid the delicate ring onto your nuptial finger.
You watched with a smile as he carefully placed it, and once he was done, you repeated the vows and slid his ring onto his own finger.
With your ceremony done, your lips met in a gentle and warm dance. You felt as his hands slid down your back and rested on your hips, holding your body closer to his.
“This is the second time we’ve been married now,” he whispered as he broke apart form the kiss,
“How scandalous,” you whispered back with a soft laugh, as you remembered the Snoggletog performance and how it ended up with your first kiss.
“Maybe the next time we get to do it, you’ll actually be wearing white.”
You stared up at him with a raised eyebrow. “Is that so? Does that mean you’d like to bed me next time?” you teased.
“I’d love to bed you now,” he said with a slight chuckle. “But I’m aware you’d rather follow the traditional path.”
You laughed and patted his chest. “Well, you’ll better get me that white dress quickly then.”
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Hiccup had been acting weird all day. Evading you and whenever you managed to track him down he responded any question you had in a dismissive manner. You had figured you should let him alone for a while, at least until he was ready to talk about whatever was bothering him.
He did tend to get too into his own head whenever he was worried, and it took you telling him about it for him to realize he could share his burden with you. But this time it was different.
When you had asked what was bothering him he dismissed you as soon as he could and continued what he was doing.
It had hurt you. It made you think if you had done anything wrong, but you couldn’t think of anything. It was scary thinking about what this could mean for the both of you.
“And you’re sure he hasn’t ever acted like this before?” Astrid asked as she tried to make sense of the situation with you.
You where both sat in the Great Hall, as the rest of the vikings ate their dinner. You however, couldn’t seem to make anything go down past your throat, as worry consumed you.
“Yes Astrid, I am sure,” you replied rather harshly. “I don’t even know where the hell he is right now. For all I know he’s probably off in another girl’s house. Maybe he got tired of waiting for me. Maybe he realized he doesn’t want this sort of commitment…”
You knew that this was irrational thinking. Hiccup had never given you signs that he didn’t want to be with you anymore, on the contrary, he was always very reassuring on how much he liked being with you. Up until now you had never had any reason to doubt your relationship; but up until now, Hiccup had never behaved like this either.
“Don’t say that! That boy is crazy for you. He has been since we where thirteen.”
You sighed and buried your hands in your hair. “Then why is he acting like this?!”
“I think you should ask him yourself,” Astrid said as she placed a comforting hand on her friend’s back.
“I’ve already tried that…” you groaned out. Your voice muffled by your arms, on which you were resting your head.
“Give it one more try. Maybe he’ll snap out of it.”
Reluctantly, you agreed and made your way up to the watch tower. It was Hiccup’s turn to keep watch tonight, so you knew he wouldn’t be able to escape this time.
You felt the heat of the fire before you saw it, and you knew he was there.
“You need to cut the crap Haddock,” you started as you saw the faint outline of his shadow as you were nearing the end of the stairs. “If I did something wrong, just tell me right now because I can’t keep doing this. We’re not teenagers anymo-”
Your throat closed up as soon as you saw him. A gasp escaped your mouth and your hands flew to your face.
In front of you, Hiccup was down on one knee and a small wooden box sat comfortably on the palm of his hand.
“You bastard,” you whispered just to yourself.
He chuckled at that and smiled as he saw your reaction. He then opened the box to reveal a small silver ring in the shape of some intricate patterns.
“My dearest Y/N…” he started, but the lump in his throat wouldn’t let him go any further.
“Oh Hiccup…” you breathed out as you approached him slowly.
“Please marry me,” he said finally.
You crouched in front of him with tears in your eyes and held his face in your hands.
“Of course I will marry you,” you replied as a teary laugh escaped your throat.
To him, it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.
He laughed then, as he slid the ring in, and looked up at you. He cupped your cheeks with the palm of his hand and pulled you closer until your lips met. He tasted tears and relief in that kiss.
You eventually separated and you hit his chest lightly.
“Don’t ever do that to me again you bastard!” you said as the tears flowed, and you whipped them off as nervous laughter escaped your lips.
“I swear this is the last time love,” he chuckled as he crouched his head slightly to help you whipe your tears.
“Not that! Don’t ever avoid me like that again Hiccup! I was starting to think that maybe you didn’t want me anymore…”
Hiccup grabbed your chin gently and made you look up at him. “Theres no one else I’d rather want.”
You laughed nervously once again and offered him a teary smile.
“I’m sorry I scarred you love. I just…I was so nervous.”
“It’s ok…” you reassured him. “I understand.”
He smiled down at you and whipped another tear. You didn’t mean to keep doing it, but you had been so worried all day long that it was finally coming out. You didn’t want to ruin your moment like this. It was supposed to be a moment for celebration and happiness. You tried to make it stop.
“You can cry. I will lift your sorrows,” Hiccup said with a soft laugh as he whipped another tear.
You smiled then, tears still flowing out. But you knew it would be alright. He would make you feel alright. He always did.
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mysadcorner · 1 year
How To Train Your Dragon Masterlist
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Hiccup Masterlist
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Prologue: A Lightfury’s Guide to Stealing A Dragon Rider
Pairing: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x fem!oc
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: A mysterious new dragon rider has been starting to make their presence known by tearing through dragon hunter ships and leaving nothing in their wake. What dragon they ride is unknown. What they look like is unknown. Why they are hunting the dragon hunters is unknown. The only thing that is known is that they will stop at nothing to destroy every dragon hunter ship at any and all costs.
A/N: This is my first time doing something like this so my apologies if it seems rushed or not very good. This morning I just sort of had a burst of creativity and decided I wanted to do this since I rewatched the httyd films recently and started rewatching rtte. This fic will be set during rtte and I haven't decided how I want it to end so it might carry on into the movies but I’m not completely sure yet. I’m hoping to post once or twice a week, each time hopefully having some lengthy chapters. This chapter obviously isn’t too long and I had to decide between making it a prologue or a normal chapter but I'm hoping it turns out better with my decision. Thank you for reading this and hopefully the first chapter of a who-knows-how-long series.
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“Fire!” Came the shouted yell of a dragon hunter. The man had his sword raised at an invisible force, his face twisted into a hardened glower as his eyes rapidly shot around the open air before them, the only visible entity being the waxing moon hanging in the clear night sky.
A few flimsy dragon root-laced arrows shot up at where the man had pointed, none of which were able to land its mark. Hunters quickly lined up a second arrow, pointing the weapon towards the sky, ready to shoot on command.
“There's nothing there Ryker,” One of the men stated as he lowered his bow, stepping towards the man who held a crazed look in his eyes. “Whatever fired those shots and sunk the rest of our ships is long gone.”
As if on cue, a whistling lit up the air, chilling the dragon hunters into silence as their heads shot up. With arrows at the ready to immobilise the beast that had been tearing through their ships, they waited for their orders. 
Seemingly out of thin air a blast of pinkish plasma shot towards the deck of a large ship just over from where Ryker stood, sending hunters scattering out of range as the ship was knocked back and forth. Several arrows fired at where the shot had come from, all sailing through the air and into nothing. 
“Long gone you say?” Ryker asked the hunter who had spoken, an eyebrow raised at the previous statement. 
The hunter's eyes fell quickly, shoulders bunching up near his ears before a surge of courage took over him. Raising his head, the hunter stared Ryker down. “It’s an invisible force, Ryker,” he attempted, any bravery draining from him at the set ablaze look in Ryker's eyes. “We’ll never hit it at the rate we’re going.”
“I don’t care if we’re out here all night, we are not moving until we have that dragon locked in a cage,” Ryker demanded through gritted teeth, taking half a step towards the hunter who had opposed him before whirling back around, moving across the deck of the ship with a watchful eye on the sky. “Whatever it is, it’ll have to show itself sooner or later.”
Higher in the sky, said invisible dragon had landed on top of the large sale, paws carefully aligned with the wooden mast to keep itself hidden. On the beast’s back, made from the same material as its scales and leather was a white-scaled saddle. It wasn't the most comfortable substance to make up a saddle but it got its intended job done. Laced in white scales, designed on leather and shaped to be the human shape of the dragon she sat on, was a girl warped in the same invisible blanket that hid her dragon.
Her eyes traced the towering figure of Ryker as his daunting figure scaled the length of the boat, eyes lit from beneath the carved-out space in her helmet. "I don't think they like us very much," The girl said as she slid one of her gloved hands along the neck of her dragon, using blind faith in hopes of not straying from the invisible dragon's neck.
An elated purr escaped the white beast as she stared down at the crew of dragon hunters, blue eyes wide with pupils dilating every few seconds.
A gargled mew left the dragon's mouth, the noise echoing to the point where it reached the ears of the hunters below. A few heads whipped up, trying to find the source of the sound. But a certain pair of eyes seemed to already be latched onto the two invisible forces. "Uh oh, looks like we've been caught." Even as the words were said, a ghost of a grin was gracing the girl's face.
Once again, a delighted noise escaped the throat of the white-scaled beast, ecstatic at the idea of getting off the hunter's ship and firing down at it. Spreading her wings in a large arch, with a bat of gust the dragon took off to the air, the rider that adorned its back latching onto the small handles weaved onto the saddle.
With a large spiral, the dragon shot straight into the sky, the same whistle lighting up the air as the pair flew out of range of any arrows that might stray their way. The noise caught the attention of all the hunters as they raised their bows, arrows at the ready for the slightest form of life.  
“Hold!” Came the yell from Ryker as the whistle hummed out of range. While they waited, Ryker gravitated to one of the large crossbows, the chained coils aiming upwards. When the loud whistle began to register again, a ripple in the skyline caught Ryker's attention. Before he could second-guess himself, he shot the chain forward, yelling “Fire!”
The chain shot forward at a dangerous speed, a startled growl echoing through the sky as the cloak shielding the white dragon slipped forward, the ability gifted by Thor failing the dragon as she and her rider came back into view of the dragon hunters. 
A preparatory grin spread across the face of Ryker as he watched the dragon fade back into existence. “Got you now,” He whispered as a storm of arrows shot towards the pair.
They didn’t stay in view for long, a quick blast of flames being shot forward before the dragon dived through them, its rider pressing close to the beast's body, the same force that cast the dragon into oblivion reflecting onto the scales sewn into the rider's armour. Another quick surge of power was fired down at the deck of the ship, stronger than the last shot. The pile of plasma tore through the deck of the ship, black ashes being left behind on the singed deck and a gaping hole. Before a second could pass, the duo were shooting back into the sky, trying to evade the hunters.
“That was a close one, wasn’t it girl?” The dragon rider questioned the lean dragon below her, earning a rumble in return as they flew from sinking boats behind them.
A cranking noise caught the attention of the rider, her head turning back to see what it was.
In a too-late dive, a metallic chain wrapped around the back leg of the white dragon. A shock was sent through the two of them as they began to be pulled back. 
“Oh, now it’s personal.”
Raising from the back of her dragon, the invisible cloak fell from the rider's outline. “Keep flying straight. Don’t let them pull you in,” The rider muttered, taking slow steps down the dragon's back as she stepped towards the chain. “I’ll get you free.” 
With a leap, the dragon rider pulled her sword to her hands, throwing it over the chain as she began to descend down it. 
Ryker waited for her on board, his own sword at the ready as he waited for the dragon rider with a wicked grin on his face. 
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i like the side characters the reader is around that you implement in ur stories . im assuming they’re just ocs but it makes y/n feel more real rather than an insert to be purely attached to hiccup .
this isnt necessarily an actual request , but id like to see reader interact more with other characters , like how they did w snotlout in the jealous one ! if ur fine w small suggestions ?
Wildflower pt 2
Pairing: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Fem!Fiance!Reader
Words: 4,301
The cast assembles itself.
Tags: Mild age difference, unrequited, requited, fem!reader, heavy exposition, non-canon politics, original characters
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There was a mood to your prowl, one that could only be held by someone who was certain that they were alone as you crept into the darkness. It covered you like a thin film.
What was once blazingly bright was now tame, the fires from outside now resting and nearly dead. It was quiet sans the occasional crackling and the sound of sizzling and sputtering, fires being tended to by not just your peers, but the rest of the Berks Vikings, primarily the proletariat, as often the more noble found themselves too above those sorts of ordeals. 
The sooted inside of the smithy was not at all different to the outside- it was just as sweltering though perhaps filled with less of the festering smell of blood and carnage, though the air remained uncirculated- it felt just as musty as it was thick.
This last raid had been a difficult one, the work you’d need to spend rebuilding spanning many days. The idea exhausted you. You and your fellows would have your hands full. Bjorner, the bastard, would make himself scarce.
You’d seen him doing it a number of times, skulking through alleyways, walking with a mix of confidence and twitchy, hunched shoulders, striding and grunting and checking past shoulders when forced instead of talking to the others. He always made his way to the arena after a raid.
He lurked there just as Jorvik Jorgenson often spent his time training on the rare occasion he was let off on his lonesome, though Bjorner preferred to make himself most scarce if he and Jorvik were ever forced into the same space.
With a scoff that came from low in your throat, you ran the side of your hand down the side of your face, your other arm taut, carrying by the blade one tarnished shortsword.
You let it fall to the ground with a deep clatter.
It was not your own- it was a one that had been embedded in the side of the building which you’d dismounted with a vicious shout. You could tell quite obviously why it’d been there, blade cracked and nearly shattered against the thick neck-skin of a Nadder as you’d beaten it back with one blunt metal end.
Skulking, you eyed the dying light of rounded, chipped coals, slightly orange around the edges. The furnace had been left unattended- that would not bode well, now or ever. 
You could do the same- sneak off, go for some more training… Battle-practice was preferable to building, though most of you all had gone through the likes of dragon-training quite early on- it was all very much a casual affair now, yet it was also no less vicious for it.
You felt the taut press of wood against the small of your back, what was once a sharp edge nearly dull as you rested against it, ready for some deep thinking. You always were.
The world of Berk was one in which children were used like cows when it came to physical labor, so there was likely no escape. 
Childbearing had been rare in those few years where the raids had been hardest. Yours was almost the last class to be of use with the buckets. Your class had already been saddled with them much longer than any of you would have liked, from your twelve winters until fourteen, when most gave up the job in pursuit of other things. 
You suspected that your fiance’s lot would have to spend much longer in the brigade than yours had, which, in most eyes, must have been a good thing. Hiccup was still small and scrawny and not so capable of taking care of things on his own- reckless. 
He was willful, though that wasn’t so much of a fault as it was something to hone, same as any of the blades that had passed or would ever pass through the forge, pressed against the smithy’s sander’s belt. That was fine- he’d just need the extra room to grow. In retrospect, it was probably his father’s goal to temper him and to provide him something which might actually become of use before he reached an adult age and you were to be married, because he was certainly -in the eyes of his brethren, surely- not fit to be Chief.
You had to admit to yourself that he was much too flighty to do well there; too thoughtless, though that was just fine for your purposes.
You rested your hand against the table as you shifted, leaning your weight and adjusting.
Your palm could have met the sharp end of some hot tool and you would not have been bothered by it much. You hadn’t been since you were five, now fifteen. Instead, it met the fluttering edge of a paper, something you just barely felt past the aches, pain rendering your fingers all numb. 
Instead of plain wood, you felt the thin, nearly unregistrable flutter of parchment against your palms, covering most of the wood behind you in layers and folds.
You grasped backwards, grabbing the corner slip of one small piece, drawing it forth to eye, its face covered in an even array of smudged charcoal etchings. They were organized in a way that wasn’t, semi-smooth lines offset by uneven scribbles and messy chicken-scratching rune-work. It was ungainly, yet there was a purpose to it.
You admired it, though it was not without its flaws.
Projected clearly across the paper in the way the spear was drawn loaded into the barrel, spring and launcher lined and detailed meticulously- it was a spear-launcher, not yet named, though you were sure when it would be, it would be just as asinine as any of his other ridiculous, boy-minded names- bonecrusher, jaw-wrender, the bloody fandangler.
A thick metal coil installed into the barrel behind a plate with rotating gears along the inside, connected to a hefty lever- compared to his usual models, all shelf-mounted model figures, it was an ambitious project. You were sure he’d never attempted something nearly as complex, either.
Your fiance was quite unusual by most standards. What he’d drawn up today was unlike anything anyone else could have come up with, you thought, which wasn’t so bad. There was something here for you to find pride in, at least- to be able to grow older and to marry a man with some skill, if a boy like him could ever become a man.
You couldn’t see what was so appealing about him now, not that many could in the first place. He was much too baby-faced and you were much too prudent to conceive of him in any other way. You knew Stoick and his wife held many years of distance between them, and yet still, you couldn’t picture it.
You sighed, though not at all exasperated. It was barely an expulsion of breath, more just the parting of lips.
Hiccup’s work had always been made to be quick and done hastily, boxy fingers addled by what was probably the natural, budding recklessness of a teenage boy. However, the world would rue the day he learned to use an even unit of measure- his preferred unit was the length of his arm, though that never bode well. 
He was smart, a kindred spirit in that he did what you occasionally thought but never entertained- he had an innovative mind, a creative one, if one not so dictated by fancy and color, more guided by logic and print, yet he was more prone to flaw, practice poor when it came to exercising the objective.
The design of the shell was simple and yet the measured lengths were different. Three lengths of an arm for the base and three and a half for the shell would make it much longer and wider than anything else, which meant that the frame would have been made looser, offset by his poor math. 
If this was to be his passion, he could do better.
The measure of the barrel's coil, marked by the hasty sketch of a circle, was most definitely too thin. You were sure it’d snap under most pressures even if it hadn’t already been wound so tight. The placement of a chain-and-clip along the bottom was quite inappropriate though not so dangerous. Its awkward angle and occupation of space meant that everything else had to have been moved to compensate for it in a way that would hinder the rest of the gears and wedges, though you weren't quite sure if he’d caught on to that yet. 
You were sure you’d hear of it later when you bothered to listen, which, if measured by instances, were also few and far between. It always happened over the dinner table- an unfortunate rule of the Haddocks it was, to feast at home. At least when the Chief was home and not off raiding. 
In the time he’d graduated from the mindless babble of someone who’d been only about five winters and one moon cycle, Hiccup had grown a mind.
It had come with heavy, jaded awareness and a hefty load of malcontent, and yet his father, as long as you’d known him, had never had an ear for nonsense, something which his son had also been prone to- more a quite deep seated crankiness and gruff exhaustion, though you weren't quite sure whether one was a symptom of the other
Hiccup was always mumbling and grumbling under his breath, hiding language about loose frames and bodies and mismatched pieces to stuff and buff and sway as if he knew your father-in-law didn’t care so much for it anyways. It had been a long while since any of his words had ever stemmed from any genuine desire to share.
You always thought it might be purposeful, a reaction to knowing his father wanted some other thing like a comment on either the pleasantness or roughness of the day, yet also finding no alternative to the realities of his own life, stubbornly, with hunched shoulders, spouting words as if conversation was a game he hated and had been forced into. It was as if he thought his words might be able to tear down the foundations of their hut and wear away each and every stone brick off the shores of Berk- and rescue him from whatever torrid circumstance he’d put the lot of you in that day.
You only wished that were the case. 
There was a flaw in that small hope- of course, Stoick had long lost all hope for that picturesque dinner table, the one to come home to with the well-built boy and an easy meal. The time for compensation- to somehow make up for his long, deep-set desires; for his son to be easy in the most traditional sense, to feel wholly fulfilled as a family man in a way that didn’t interfere with his duty as Chief- had been long since gone. Now was more a time for exhaustion. Grumpiness.
Still, he always expected, and was always left displeased. The Chief wasn’t deaf and he was loath to hear even a peep about anything odd. It was times like these that you were buckled down for a nasty night full of stiff air and nearly derogatory comments.
Even if it exhausted you, you personally hadn’t much to worry about, though. It was a bother, of course, and a stress, but, as you’d decided, you’d no time for their squabbles.
You deigned most questions with a grunt, which left you both difficult to address and quite the unargumentative non-player, though your aloofness didn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things- most particularly because, to a degree that left no room for distraction, the two males irritated each other most of all. They ground each other down like grain. 
It would do them all something better if Hiccup could just be silenced… or if the Chief could merely bear it for but a moment- at least, if they could keep it all bottled up, you might just have some peace. You didn’t care which way it had to happen, as long as it did.
You rolled your eyes back slightly, tilting your head to the side as you did, brows furrowing.
It had the added consequence of bringing your attention away to other things- the mess of tools laying in a pile across the way left to molder, the crumbling, half-shattered stones by the base of one wall, the thin, discarded shell of some machine just by your foot.
There was mismatching lever-base jammed quite recklessly into the hole of the side of it, nearly brushing the floor -it didn’t even stand up to your knee-  wood split slightly along the side of the hole. 
Detachedly, you nudged it aside with your foot, raising a brow.
Scuffing against stone, shedding distance, not excessively heavy, not too light, wholly measured- A hearty grunt, somewhat familiar, yet not worthy enough to draw your attention. 
The shift of furs against skin, a stilling.
Another grunt. Soon, there would be more, arriving hastily after gathering their assets and their wits.
You kept your eyes trained on your hands, the parchment between, at what you hoped had just been a smudge, “Speak your name.”
“You jest.”
You raised a tired eyebrow with no small amount of amusement, eyes still trained on the paper in front of you, “If I do, I’ve also forgotten your name.”
You feigned ignorance still- you knew him well, if only vaguely, not all of your disinterest had been feigned- he was Hrolfer. One of the Hoffersons, also some winters older as well, though the last in your group to be such an age, in your class with a head of dashing blonde hair, a band and a tie keeping it tidied up at all times, and a lean set of evenly muscled shoulders, exposed as his sleeves were burnt and torn from battle.
“You’re the only one in all of Midgard who’d ever do so.” He spoke, voice smooth, not too hindered by the thick air, though almost not recognizable.
You raised a brow to yourself. The Hoffersons weren’t so egotistical a clan- not in ways that were outright, more obsessed with winning and betterness than bloodshed and bragging.
In terms of politic, though they were a major house, the Hoffersons were a quite neutral clan, not because they were particularly benevolent, but because the idea that they were above most conflicts gave them the opportunity to look down upon the rest. You had a hard time finding strife with his clan most particularly because you did not care for eyes just as they caused the least trouble. They were the most noble and honor-obsessed, though sometimes, for them, honor existed only when it was convenient in only the ways they wanted it to.
They were the truest ‘warriors,’ though their lack of dalliance in any other field left them quite poor.
In terms of your own relations, you were always on the opposite sides of the arena- you’d never spoken, the both of you more the silent type than anything else, though you’d had a few chance dalliances.
The only time you found yourself shackled to the Haddock house was in the rare instance you’d been left needing for something to buff your metal, or you’d been snowed in with the lot of them, or you’d lingered perhaps a bit too long or some other plight. Often, you took care of your needs on your lonesome, filling your belly in the hall, most often skipping meals when you had to, practicing out with an axe in the arena, throwing and beating metal through hay dummy.
You could recall maybe a nod in the midst of battle or a shared sideways glance- the few times you’d both been late enough to feed together in the Great hall, still keeping largely to yourselves. It happened more often than not. Perhaps that was what he meant to play on. 
Either way, he didn’t seem to care much, so you offered no sympathy in return.
“Woe.” You spoke again, droll, half-lidded, lazy eyes languishing their way over to him and back. Pithy words for pithy questions. A coin for the poor, not that you had coin with you.
As always, over his shoulder was an axe with a head nearly larger than his own, though now it was covered in soot and scratches and fractured by the blade where a chunk of metal had been taken from one mighty side. It would have to be replaced. The handle was just as scratched, dark wood with leather wrappings, though you could tell that before the battle, it had been well-polished and carefully taken care of. A damaged heirloom, most probably- a great disappointment to have it so broken yet also a point of pleasure to know it’d been of use to such an effectual warrior.
He hummed deeply before going silent, stoic, waiting, shoulders tall and face stiff with an expression just as blank to match, brows slightly furrowing as if he too understood- to mingle was to indulge in bother, time wasted that could have been better spent doing what was better, what was needed. In that way, you were two of the same. Which begged the question- where was your wayward fiance?
He wasn’t allowed away from the forge, not during a raid- yet he was absent. Just as absent as he was very much needed. He must have snuck out, though, to do what you weren’t sure, leaving you on your lonesome, breathing in the dust and lying in wait in the dark, nursing your own cuts and bruises.
You hoped you’d not have to deal with another instance with an axe or a spear. You thought he might have had enough with the humiliation, the manhandling, the failure. However, he was a determined thing, and determination was just as odd a drive as he, fueled by the most backwards circumstances.
You’d turned as Hrofer settled against the closed forge window, eyes overshadowed, the side of him half-lit by the open smithy shutter door. 
The table was completely crowded, full of odd bars, nails and other tool-like ends. 
You settled one hand aimlessly, grasping ahold of one end of another parchment, slightly dusty across the surface and uneven as if the wood hadn’t been pulped properly before it’s been set. You paid it no mind.
You were wholly aware of a hefty set of eyes on your back as you did, something in the air urging haste. You ignored it, scouring deeper into the darkness of the forge, though you didn't have to look so hard.
The long end of one charcoal stick rolled against your fingers as you picked it up, shedding dust against the wooden desktop between the wooden handle of a quaint-looking hammer and the hand-end of a prong.
Its dust-like feel was in great contrast to the ribs in the wood scratching against your other, paper lumpy yet smooth where there should be divots. It was a nice feeling, only mildly despaired by the shuffling of dirt outside, the slightly muffled sound of conflict, deeper baritones clashing against a squeaky voice, high in the nasal that hadn’t quite begun to drop.
Facing the darkness, you smudged at the charcoal with one thumb, drawing a larger three over the spot where it had lain plus half, frowning slightly as you rested your hips forwards against the table, thick wooden face pressing into the soft meat of your upper leg. Remove chain.
By the corner, where there lay one half of a blotted circumference, with your pinky finger resting against the table, the rest clutched around the stick, you drew the tiniest of words onto the paper with smooth, looped lettering; make it thicker.
 You could already hear his protests already through the walls. Some, “-ome on, Dad,” and some stuttered, “I can- I can-”
You sighed again, sharper and more exasperated this time, just as hissed as the now near-dead fires outside.
They’d go at it for a while longer, Hiccup with balled fists and folded elbows and a determined, aggressive lean as he attempted to make his case.  His father, in contrast, with a towering, exasperated, gruff expression- he wouldn’t be so pleased, even less so to see you’d caught the tail-end of it all. In a situation so violate, it really would not do to add any unneeded stress to the mix.
 In that moment, your irritation got the better of you, your fingers crumpling discarded paper. You glared at the ball of it in your hand for a moment before, in a moment of indecision, shoving it deep into a back pocket, sewn hastily into the back of your skirt, pulling it out, then tossing it to the side. 
You shook your head, eyes half-rolling as you blinked, soles of your leather boots padding soundlessly over stone, moving with an ease of practice, leaving the stick of charcoal to roll back onto a table full of various knacks, clattering hollowly, lightly against wood and tapping against metal.
There was a way out back, where the sky peeked in from many bottled windows and doors, easy enough to move through before Hiccup was left to stumble-storm in, before you’d be brought to awkward confrontation with his father, who had always had a hard time figuring what to do with himself when dealing with his own spawn.
The feel of thin stems against your fingertips, slightly wet and dull-wilted, the slick of the fog tingling against baby hairs, the hound of the forest, so quiet and uninhabited- you’d do nearly anything to be back there. Not in the village, tiny and full of those left aging, with not nearly enough women to make more than a single family, but in the forest, where things were quiet, and where, though few, if you knew where to look, there were plenties of small, wild, budding flowers.
If there was a word you could ever think to use to describe him, it would have been ‘child,’ for even if you were young in both name and stature, he was much more of both. You were worlds apart, though you could not find it within yourself to hate. You couldn’t find much in yourself at that moment. 
His height was not comparable to yours at all. His head ended where the top of your chest began, and even to you, who was the smallest and youngest on your tiny isle, he looked so young, cheeks cherub and shy-quiet.
To love and to be loved in turn was a privilege, one you were now sure you’d never be afforded, for how could you partner with someone so unlike you, so small and hapless? 
You were enough to be almost cherished but not enough to be wanted. It hadn’t been enough to sustain you, to keep you, to promise life and marriage- It was a lonely life, on that island. It was okay.
The worn bottoms of the small child’s leather boots scuffed against the wooden floor as he wrung his fingers together past large sleeves, stained and speckled with snot, both belonging to a shirt that was much too baggy and bright to be anything but frivolous and ill-fitting, yet was much newer than your own worn, dirty, fisher’s kin’s clothes. A small bit of snot peaked down from the bottom of his nose like a fouler version of the morning’s freshest, coldest dew. It was a muddled, sour color. His head was tilted downwards though his shoulders were at a normal angle if not slightly hunched.
He brought one sleeve up to his nose, smearing it against fabric, something in you recoiling as he did, causing your nose to wrinkle. 
“Hi,” The boy said in a voice that was both small and moppish. It was just as wavering as it was sound.
You were hesitant to respond.
There was a man standing a ways away and yet somehow still towering over the both of you. Though you didn’t care much to pay him any attention, it was a fact of the matter that his presence was overwhelming, nearly stifling. He was a monolith, heavy in the most muggy way plausible. 
A sharp whisper of breeze sputtered in from the outside, brushing up against your back, slicing through your close, moving, chilling and yet not fast enough to push the hefty front door open any further. 
You past the feel of fog, of weathering time, you felt the shifting of heavy brown furs, cloth layered over and over, covering the frame of a wooden bed, thin enough to shake over the chilling floor as you crawled into it, to squeak and squeal, to wobble precariously, but still somehow enough to carry both you and your mother. 
You were very aware of a lack- the lack. The one that spoke of crumbling foundations, of old pillars, temples made of blood and forged through bone, the bond of family, the realization that you might not have ever had any at all, just open, grassy clearings and biting, cold air where there should have been cities. The feeling was… isolating.
It wasn’t well lit at all inside of this hut, a world of growing darkness in a place that felt wholly empty. Still, like a rash, from the open door, a sash of light glanced over the boy’s face, starting where your shadow ended. You weren’t standing nearly close enough for it to cover you whole, small dust pieces and speckles dancing in the cool luster.
You waited, though for what, you weren’t sure. Not words, not change, but with the time, you realized quite simply that you had nothing to say.
You nodded.
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itsscromp · 1 year
Hiccup & Toothless X reader platonic
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Hey everyone, for a different change of pace I decided to do an original story. One that I have had since I was 13 !!!, I know a long time eh ??. But I hope you all enjoy this story as much as I do writing it. Word count:869
"Oh... my head..."
You woke up on a shoreside, your boat shattered to pieces. You had no idea where you were. You needed to find help and fast, someone had to have answers.
You got up dusting the sand off, you then heard a mighty roar, but no ordinary roar, it was unlike any other animal. You looked up into the sky and saw something that made you so scared. A dragon.
"Oh gods..." You then ran into the forest nearby, needing to get away from the ferocious beast. But in the sky, this dragon was flying... with a human, his name was hiccup haddock the III and his dragon best friend toothless. Toothless saw something down on the shore, heading into the forest. Making a noise to alert hiccup of what he saw.
"What is it bud ??, see something"
Toothless nodded, flying down to the shore as hiccup hopped off his back and looked around.
"There doesn't seem to be anything here bud"
Toothless then sniffed the ground and then headed to where it was coming from. "Wait up bud !!"
You were still running from the beast and hid behind a huge boulder, pulling out a dagger ready for anything.
"Please don't find me, Please don't find me" You muttered to yourself
Toothless continued to sniff out the scent until he reached the boulder, making another noise to alert Hiccup. Then you jumped out of the boulder and held out your dagger. Toothless seeing the dagger, his pupils dilated and growled at you, protecting Hiccup from the danger.
"L...look I D..Don't want any trouble" You shakingly pointed the dagger at them
"It's okay toothless..., Hey there... my name is Hiccup, this is toothless. We mean no harm."
"How do I not know that ??" your eyes were wide with fear
"Here" Hiccup then put his utilities down on the ground and kicked them away gently "See ?? No harm" He smiled gently at you. Toothless was still hesitant of you but he stopped growling.
You slowly stopped shaking and then lowered your dagger gently.
"Ok... I trust you..."
"Can you tell me your name ??"
"Ok, Y/n... would you like to come back to my village with me ?? we can provide you with food, water, clean clothes and shelter."
"Are you sure ??"
"I promise"
You then looked at Toothless, You were still hesitant, his pupils dilated into more... puppy like eyes.
"Is.... Toothless gonna hurt me ??"
"No, he won't. Here, trust me" Hiccup gently took your hand and held it near Toothless's snout. He gently sniffed your hand and then pressed his snout on your hand. signifying he trusts you as well.
"Woah..." You gently started petting toothless, who opened his eyes and made happy noises. Enjoying the pets.
"It's majestic isn't it ??"
"This is awesome !!!" You smiled wide gently still petting toothless.
"Maybe after then you might be able to have your own dragon"
"I.. can have my own ??"
"Yeah, but one thing at a time ok ??"
Hiccup then hopped on Toothless's back, having a horse saddle as well. "Come on, Hop on" He smiled
You took a deep breath and hopped on, toothless then lunged and flew high into the sky. you clung to hiccup making sure you don't fall off.
"Woah.. woah !!!!"
"Toothless be gentle ok ??"
Toothless nodded and gently glided across the sky, the view was amazing.
"Never gets old." Hiccup patted your leg
After a bit of flying, you then arrived at the village of berk, this village was thriving thanks to dragons and Vikings living peacefully. Landing you hopped off toothless and looked around. this was unbelievable.
"Ok my house is this way, come on"
Climbing up the hill you three entered his house, a nice and cozy environment, until a booming voice startled you.
"Ahh ma boy, was beginning to wonder where ya went" This man was huge, looking like 7 feet tall with a massive beard. "and who may you be ??"
"Oh dad this is y/n, y/n this is my dad Stoick the chief of berk"
"Oh... it's nice to meet you sir"
"Dad are you cooking lunch ??"
"Yep, I would assume y/n would want some too ??"
You nodded and Stoick served you a bowl of his famous broth, you three then sat down and y/n explained everything that happened to him.
"Oh y/n... I'm so sorry that happened."
"Thank you... But I really don't know what to do now... everything's in shambles"
Hiccup, Stoick and Toothless looked sadly at y/n, you were all alone, nowhere to go. Toothless crawled to you and nudged his head onto your hand, hoping to comfort you.
"Well... how about we make you a resident of this village ??" Stoick offered"
"Really ??, Are you sure ??"
Stoick smiled and nodded
"Thank you sir"
Hiccup patted your back "Welcome to berk y/n"
Toothless showed you his gummy smile and nuzzled his head to you.
"Wait I thought he had teeth earlier ??"
"Oh, he has retractable teeth, hence the name toothless."
You smiled, already can't wait to learn more about dragons, and maybe just maybe. Have your own.
Taglist: @callofdudes
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