#hiii beth <3
ask-idv-condemner · 1 year
"A-Ah, hello there.. I-I thought I'd bring over some baked goods to welcome you h-here.. I hope you like them.."
"This is for me? Thank you! My, these goods look just as lovely as your eyes do."
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elliesbelle · 9 months
hiii love idk if you’re taking requests but if you are, would you be able to do something elliexreader based off of the song wish you were sober or heather by conan gray <3
while i die
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chapter 1
pairing: best friend!ellie x reader
synopsis: only if ellie knew how much you loved her. but she likes someone better.
content warnings: modern au, cursing, angst, unrequited love, no comfort
word count: 4.3k
chapters: 1) while i die, 2) rained on with you, 3) eviscerated
series masterlist
my masterlist
i have a ko-fi if you like my work so much that you feel compelled to tip me ♡︎
the heartbreak trilogy spotify playlist
based on the conan gray song "heather"
a lot of y’all have asked for a part 2 to this one-shot, so i made a promise that if y’all get my friend’s band “equal creatures” to 350 followers on spotify, you will get a part 2 ♥︎
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You roll over in bed towards your nightstand after a restless night of sleep. The first thing you reach for is your phone, which had been blaring for a while to wake you for work. You hit the seductive “snooze” button, not having any actual intentions to fall back asleep but knowing that you’ll stay lying in bed for two more hours if you’re not reminded to get up every eight minutes a few times. 
Unlocking your phone, you check your messages first. Two texts: one from your best friend Beth and another from your close coworker Lina. As you read their respective messages, you feel a black hole beginning to open up in your stomach. 
She still hasn’t texted me back… 
After responding blandly to your friends, you reluctantly open up Instagram and scan the stories of the people you follow. You ignore all that of your friends and instead tap on the one with the picture of a face you’ve memorized like the back of your hand. When it opens, your stomach lurches and your eyes go glassy. 
The first story was posted the night before and is of a tattooed hand holding a bouquet of flowers with a caption that reads, “her faves.” You notice that the flowers are pink camellias. Her new girlfriend’s favourite flowers. Your favourite flowers. 
The next story was that of two hands woven together with a caption that read, “she loved the flowers” right next to them with several heart emojis. One of the interlaced hands was adorned with several silver rings, one of which you recognized very well. You were the one who picked it out and gifted it to her. 
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“Dude, what! This looks fucking amazing!” Ellie cried out. 
In her hands, she held a small, velvet blue box with a silver ribbon falling around it, unwrapped. Inside the box, safely cushioned, was a shiny, silver ring. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” You said, excitedly. “Check this out.” 
You picked the ring up from the box, lifting it up to her eye level. Delicately, you twisted what looked like a tiny hinge on the side to reveal that the ring actually contained multiple bands. The outer, exposed brim was decorated with ornate spirals. The next one had Latin engravings that you vaguely recognized as astronomical terms. The innermost hoops were inscribed with the symbols of the Western zodiac. You twisted the hinge back the other way to once more conceal the inner bands and give it the appearance of a singular ring again. 
“Holy fucking shit!” Ellie cussed loudly, dropping the box to clutch at your hands still holding the ring. “How the fuck?!” 
She snatched the ring out of your fingers, twisting the ring open and closed over and over. You giggled at her childlike enthusiasm. 
“So… You like it?” You asked, chuckling. 
“Fuck, yeah! Of course I love it!” She exclaimed. “It looks like a fucking armillary sphere!” 
“I genuinely have no idea what that is or what that means,” You admitted truthfully. “But as long as it makes you happy—” 
“Dude, of course it does!” She said excitedly. “You are the greatest best friend ever. Oh man, I’m never taking this shit off.” 
Ellie tried it out on several fingers and found that it fit best on her left ring finger. You desperately pushed away any and all implications of the positioning. 
“You really know me so well, man,” She sighed, admiring the ring on her hand. “You didn’t have to get this for me! It’s not even my birthday or anything!” 
You shrugged nonchalantly, even if the intentions behind your generosity were anything but nonchalant. 
“I just saw it and thought that you might like it.” 
“Well, you were wrong because I love it.” 
Ellie gave you a huge grin that ignited a wildfire in your stomach. 
“Oh! It’s made of sterling silver too, none of that cheap shit. So it won’t leave you with those gross, green stains or anything.” 
Ellie looked at you completely dumbfounded. 
“I really don’t know what I did to deserve you in my life.” 
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You tap uneasily to view Ellie’s following story. The fingers holding your phone grow cold and begin to tremble as your eyes warily take in the face of Ellie’s new girlfriend. 
She was incredibly beautiful, undeniably so. Her eyes sparkled, mirroring the gentleness of a clear, blue sky on a bright, sunny day. She had the face of an angel, the ones you’d see in Renaissance paintings: pure, gentle, exquisite. The genuine, trustworthy look on her face makes it impossible for any sane person to hate her. 
Some part of you still did. But being desperately in love with your best friend meant you weren’t fully sane in the first place. 
You realize that she’s wearing a familiar sweater: Ellie’s favourite grey, polyester hoodie. You of all people knew how incredibly attached to that sweater she was, almost like it was a safety blanket. You couldn’t blame her; it was soft, warm, comforting. She took better care of it than she usually did the rest of her clothes. And it always smelled like Ellie. 
The caption for this picture was, “someone stole my favourite hoodie.” She’d tagged another Instagram account, sunny-heather, and it took everything in you not to click on it. 
Ellie’s girlfriend posed shyly with a bashful smile, throwing up a peace sign. It appeared as if Ellie had caught her mid-giggle. She had a perfect manicure, straight white teeth, dimples on each side of her face. She looked so sweet, nauseatingly so. 
She looked so beautiful wearing that sweater. 
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December had just begun and the weather was finally catching up with the season. After a mostly and uncommonly warm month of November, you hadn’t bothered wrapping up earlier that morning before leaving the house. It was to your detriment when around midday, you were hit with gusts of brisk air that brought goosebumps to your bare, uncovered arms. 
Later that afternoon, you and Ellie visited your local Starbucks for both situational and liquid heat. Ellie had taken pity on your shivering form all day and lent you her hoodie, having already been wearing a warm, long-sleeved shirt underneath. You’d initially declined it, but when your body began to reach hypothermic levels, you quickly pulled it over your head and accepted its polyester warmth. 
As you got in line to order, Ellie was teasing you for your poor choice of winter attire. 
“This is why you check the weather before you leave your house, dummy.” 
“It was 62 degrees over the weekend! I didn’t know it was going to be this cold all of a sudden!” 
“Dude, it’s already the third of December. You should have expected it to get cold as shit at some point.” 
“At some point! But not yet, I’m not ready!” 
Ellie playfully rolled her eyes at your sheer stubbornness as the cashier called you forward. You both ordered large hot chocolates, neither of you a huge fan of coffee. You and Ellie played a brief dance of who was going to pay for your drinks. Ellie eventually and quickly won, as she usually did. You conceded and consented to be the one to leave some cash in the tip jar before you both scooted over to the side towards the pick-up counter. You bickered affectionately back and forth until your drinks were eventually placed in front of you. 
You visited this particular Starbucks regularly, partly because of its convenience in distance to both your apartment and your job. But mostly, it was larger than a usual café and spacious enough for several quiet, peaceful corners for patrons to occupy. Ellie’s and your favourite spot was a table on the loft-like second floor where you could look down at other customers and make up stories or pass off harmless, though sometimes needless, judgment. 
As you carefully sipped your hot chocolate, you and Ellie made your way upstairs to your usual, unoccupied table. You made yourself comfortable, sitting across from her. She rolled up her sleeves instinctively, showing off her arm tattoos, including the one of a moth perched on top of several ferns. Of all her tattoos, that one had always been your favourite. 
“So are you planning on wearing my sweater all day or—?” She inquired. 
“What do you mean ‘your’ sweater? This is mine now.” You proclaimed. 
“Hey!” She protested. “Don’t you dare think of stealing my favourite hoodie!” 
“It’s just so comfy!” You giggled. “And it’s so soft and cozy, and you know how much I love polyester.” 
“Thief.” Ellie chuckled. 
You made a show of burrowing into the hoodie in order to claim your clothed territory. Ellie laughed at your goofiness. 
“See, this sweater was made just for me!” You insisted, returning to a regular position. 
“I mean, I will admit that it does look better on you than it does on me.” 
You blinked. 
“Really?” You asked. 
“For sure, dude,” Ellie insisted. “I just look like some boring, basic white dude when I wear it. But I don’t know, you kind of pull it off.” 
“I pull off a plain, grey sweater?” 
“I don’t know what to tell you, man! You just look cute in it!” 
Your cheeks grew so warm that their heat rivaled that of your hot chocolate. 
Before you could properly respond to Ellie’s casual, off-handed compliment, she spoke up once more. 
“We should really come here more often.” She said. 
“Oh, umm,” You began, still reeling from the moment. “Yeah, we should. We don’t go as often as we did back in high school.” 
“Yeah, we really wasted our allowance on so many shitty, dry cake pops.” Ellie recalled. You laughed at the fond memory. 
“Why the sudden interest though?” You asked curiously. 
“I mean, this used to be our ritual, you know? Getting drinks and just hanging out here for hours.” 
“You know, we do that everywhere else already, El.” You smiled, shaking your head. 
“Okay, true, true,” Ellie relented. “Buuuut, did you happen to see the barista that took our orders earlier?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed before looking down towards the ground floor and scanning the front counter. You weren’t quite sure which one of the several baristas had served you, not having paid much attention when you were putting your orders in. 
“Uhh, I guess? I mean, not really.” You admitted. “Why?”
“What do you mean ‘why’?” Ellie playfully scoffed in surprise. “You didn’t see that she was hot as fuck?”  
Your stomach dropped at her words. 
“O-oh.” You murmured. “I guess I didn’t notice.” 
“Come on, dude, you have eyes! She was gorgeous!” 
You gulped as you felt your heart plummet towards the floor. 
“Do you think I should ask for her number?” Ellie questioned, completely oblivious to your shift in demeanour as she tried to sneak a peek at the front counter below. 
“Oh, umm, sure, I guess so.” 
“I mean, I don’t wanna come off as a creep. Plus, she might not even be gay.” 
Your fingertips grew colder and colder with each second that passed, despite the way you were grasping your warm cup tightly. You would have been more worried about your drink exploding in your hand if you were much more present in the moment. 
“What am I talking about, she works here. Of course she’s gay.” Ellie chuckled at her own joke. 
You could barely muster enough of your trembling voice to reply, settling for a seemingly agreeable hum. 
“What do you think, dude?” Ellie asked, finally turning back towards you. 
You feigned a smile, succeeding only in giving her a weak, partial one. 
“Go ahead, El. Why not?” 
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Ellie’s last Instagram story was what sent a jagged knife through your heart. 
It was a video this time: she had her arm wrapped around her girlfriend, who was still wearing her hoodie. Both wearing wide smiles, they were both snickering about something for a moment or two. 
Then Ellie planted a kiss on her lips. And again. And again. 
As the video ends with their lovey-dovey giggling, your lips let out an involuntary sob. You press your fists onto your eyes in an attempt to stop the tears from falling. Head throbbing and gut nauseated, your body trembles from the waves of anguish crashing down on you. 
You stare at the ceiling and consider staying home from work. Nobody would benefit from being around your zombie-like presence. But feeling pathetic about missing work as a consequence to your broken heart, you chastise yourself for the mere thought of it. 
You spend a few minutes composing yourself, pushing every emotion to the back of your brain as forcefully as you can. It seems to last for a lifetime, but you’re able to eventually soothe your tears and take several deep breaths. 
Forcing your lifeless body out of bed, you begin your pre-work morning routine. The streaks on your cheeks from the unfaithful tears previously falling were scrubbed away when you washed your face. Tremoring fingers prepare your breakfast, which you end up mostly throwing out as a result of a queasy stomach. It feels completely futile to continue your day, but Ellie’s world continues to turn. Why shouldn’t yours? 
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You’re at work, spacing out as you’d been doing so often recently. Coworkers continue to ask throughout the day if you’re alright, but you merely smile every time and assure them that you’re just tired. That same smile fades once you turn away, a vacant expression taking its place once more. 
Before you came to work, you made the resolve not to check your phone every twenty minutes to see if your previously unread texts were responded to. But as each hour passes, fighting the urge becomes more of a struggle. 
On your lunch break, you relent and finally check your messages. You only have one unread text from your best friend Beth, checking on you. None from Ellie. 
You begin to chew nervously on your lip before switching to your nails when your friend and coworker Lina finds you. She pulls up a chair to sit next to you before tugging your fingers away from your lips. 
“I thought you stopped biting your nails,” She says, frowning. “You were doing so well.” 
“Sorry, Li-Li,” You reply, gingerly pulling your hand back. “I just—” 
“What happened now?” Lina asks knowingly. 
“Nothing,” You sigh. “That’s literally it. Nothing. She hasn’t texted me or called me or anything. She hasn’t even read my messages or even seen my Instagram stories.” 
“Babe…” Lina says sympathetically. 
Your friends have been lovingly chastising you lately for obsessively checking if Ellie had viewed your Instagram or Snapchat stories. You’d unintentionally trained your eyes to scan through your stories’ viewers to spot Ellie’s picture and username. Whenever you wouldn’t spot a picture of the auburn-haired girl among the list, you’d fight the instinctive urge not to break down every time. 
“You can’t be doing that anymore,” Lina continues. “You’re driving yourself crazy.” 
“What am I supposed to do, Lina?” You ask desperately. “It’s the only thing I get from her nowadays, and it’s barely anything.” 
“Exactly, it’s barely anything,” Lina repeats. “I know you love her, but…” 
“I know, Li-Li.” 
“She’s not even being a good friend right now. You deserve better than that.” 
“I really don’t.” 
“Stop that. Yes, you do.” 
“I just want her, Li.” 
“She’s obviously not good for you, honey.” 
Your phone buzzes from your alarm alerting you that your break has ended. You stand up from your chair. 
“I’ll talk to you later, Li-Li.” 
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You hadn’t replied to Ellie all day, ignoring her texts asking if you wanted to come over and hang out. 
Ever since that day when Ellie asked out the girl from the coffee shop, she’d been spending immense amounts of her free time with her. The rest was spent with you, talking about her. Ellie hadn’t been much of a talker ever since you were both kids, but now she was endlessly babbling to you about her new girlfriend. 
You’d learned that her name was Heather Sonnen. She was in her final year of college and was attending a university nearby. She was studying to become a veterinarian and had a golden retriever named Sunny. Her favourite colour is purple. She likes to go hiking and kayaking on the weekends when she’s not working. She was very good at kissing and even better in bed. 
Every little detail you learned about her felt like yet another crack on your already broken heart. You spent many sleepless nights bawling alone in your bed, screaming and crying over a pathetic love you could never do anything about. 
It felt so sick, so pitiful that a girl who would never kiss you or touch you or love you took up every corner of your mind. You knew you could never be pretty enough, never amount to Ellie’s idea of a dream girl. And this new beautiful, angelic girl she’d fallen for continued to prove that. 
You would watch the way Ellie’s eyes lit up any time she spoke about her, the goofy grin on her face every time she said her name. You’d seen Ellie through several other relationships, each one treating your heart like a Hans Moretti box. But this time, her glow was brighter and her smiles were wider. You could tell just how far and how hard she’s fallen. 
As you were laying on your bed, your phone buzzed as you received another text from Ellie. You ignored it and closed your eyes, having no desire to hear more about her perfect saint of a girlfriend. After several more minutes passed, your phone began buzzing in succession. You sighed, waited a few moments, and eventually relented to answer it. 
“Hey, Els,” You greeted her. “Sorry, I was napping just now.” 
“Oh, my bad, dude. I didn’t mean to wake you.” 
“It’s okay.” 
“Have you not seen my messages though? I’ve been texting you all day.” Ellie demanded. 
“Oh, sorry, I just haven’t really been on my phone today.” You lied. 
“Bullshit, man, you’re always on that thing.” 
“It’s the truth, Els, I promise.” You lied once more. 
After a second or two as Ellie considered your words, she responded. 
“Alright, well, I was trying to see if you wanted to hang out today.” 
You stopped yourself from audibly sighing. 
“Sorry, I can’t today. Got a lot of shit to catch up on and take care of.” 
“Come on, dude, blow it off. I haven’t seen you all week.” 
“I really can’t, Els, not today.” 
You heard Ellie exhale in frustration on the other end of the line. 
“What’s been with you lately? We’ve barely hung out this month and you take forever to text or call me back nowadays.” 
You began to chew the inside of your cheek. 
“I’ve just… been going through a lot lately. That’s all.” 
“What, and you can’t tell me about it?” 
“N-not really.” 
“Why not? I thought we’re best friends. And don’t say that Beth is your best friend; I 100% had you first.” 
“We are, we are, but—“ 
“If something’s going on with you, I seriously wanna know.” 
“It’s nothing important or specific. Just been struggling mentally and all. Not been having the best time.” 
A moment or two passed where you held your 1breath, hoping she’d buy yet another lie. 
“Okay. I’m sorry you’re going through that right now. Can I do anything for you?” 
“No, it’s okay.” You replied, sighing in relief. “I’ll be okay.” 
“Alright, well, if you change your mind, just let me know.” 
“I will.” You said, knowing you never would. You couldn’t do that to her. 
“I—“ You began nervously. “I’m really sorry about today, Els.” 
“It’s okay, dude.” 
“Maybe tomorrow, if you—“ 
“Ahh, can’t tomorrow, I have plans with my pretty girl.” 
“Oh. Okay.” 
“Actually, I’ll text Heather in a bit and see if she can hang out right now so we can get a head start on our all-day date tomorrow. I planned out all this romantic ass shit to do.” 
“Ahh.” You replied, voice constrained in pain. Ellie didn’t notice. 
“Oh dude, I didn’t even tell you about this new strap I got for her—“ 
“Hey, Els,” You interrupted, not wishing to hear the rest of her sentence. “I think I hear someone at my door. I’ll call you back in a little bit, okay?” 
“Oh, okay, that’s fine. I’ll be right here.” 
“Right. Bye, Els.” 
“Talk to you soon—“ She was saying as you quickly hung up the phone, unable to further control the sobs that had been threatening to emerge ever since Ellie had said her name. 
You rolled to your side and hugged your legs to your chest, attempting to calm your hyperventilations. There was a ringing in your ears accompanied by Ellie’s words. 
“…my pretty girl.” 
“…planned out all this romantic ass shit…” 
“…this new strap I got for her—“ 
You’d been trying desperately to be a good friend to Ellie for the past month, despite everything. You’d listened and planned and supported, all the things a best friend should do. But the more mesmerized Ellie grew, the more everything within you died. 
You never bothered calling Ellie back that day. 
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The drive home from work was mundane and uneventful. An old song sung by Ray Charles about being in love with your best friend plays on the radio. The second bridge is cut off when you turn the key in the ignition and exit your car. 
The steps you take to reach your apartment feel heavy, and it takes everything in you not to collapse where you are. You don’t even bother to take off your shoes when you cross the threshold into the dark entryway. The cushions of your living room couch wheeze sadly as you collapse into them. 
You drop your work bag onto the floor next to you before turning on the TV. Eventually, you choose to put on some basic early 2000s sitcom as easy background noise. It’s something you’ve seen several times before and your mind doesn’t fully process what the plot is or who the characters are or what episode you’re on. 
Your eyes gaze away from the television screen and to a blank space on one of the walls. There’s a spot where the wall’s off-white paint was accidentally streaked off the first week you moved in. Ellie had been helping you hang a picture up, and you were fooling around too much that the ladder you’d been using almost slid down and left a mark. You never bothered covering it up. 
You stare at the mark as if it’d transport you back to that day, back to the mostly carefree moments when pining after your best friend was a mere minor inconvenience. But her love for another and ignorance of your struggle turned that inconvenience into an anguish you were not prepared for. 
That day you fully accepted the feelings you had for Ellie, there was something within that knew instinctively that you could never have her. She was an impossible dream that the universe cruelly created to be untouchable. Deep inside, you knew a long time ago that your plain, boring friendship was just a placeholder for something bigger and more meaningful in her life. And she seems to have finally found that. 
Blinking yourself out of your stupor, you eventually tear your eyes away from the wall. You take your phone out of a pants pocket and open up Instagram. Accepting the feelings of miserable self-pity, you once again scan your stories’ viewers for Ellie’s name. You finally spot it. You let out a sad sigh. 
I guess she at least remembers I exist. 
Orange and purple dance around Ellie’s profile picture before you tap on it. She’d posted a story from a local band she liked and another about a new video game release she was excited about. The last was a selfie of her posing in her bathroom mirror. 
It was an inconsequential picture, just another Ellie thirst trap. She looked handsome in it as she always did. But something catches your eye, and you wish it didn’t. 
On her left ring finger, she was wearing a silver ring. But it wasn’t one you recognized. It wasn’t the silver ring you’d gotten for her. The one she always wore on that finger. 
Maybe the ring accidentally broke. Maybe it got dirty and she has yet to clean it. Maybe she just felt like switching it out for a day. 
Each excuse you come up with seems more and more pathetic. You know there was no point in justifying it, no point in finding reason. You know that Ellie wasn’t overanalyzing it. Not like you are now. 
Your heartbeats are heavy and you suppress the reflex to throw up. You open up your messages and tap on Ellie’s contact, knowing the most rational thing was to simply move on and continue being her friend. But what you find abruptly breaks your heavy heartbeats. 
The text messages you had sent still remained unanswered. But there was a slight change. 
She read my texts… five hours ago… 
Ellie wasn’t always a big texter, always preferring old-school face-to-face interaction. But with you, she had always been the kind of friend to respond right away. Even if just to say she was busy and would respond when she was free, she never left you hanging. 
Your jaw tenses and your vision momentarily becomes blurry. Your bottom lip trembles and you find that you can’t stop hastily bouncing your right knee. Tears form behind your eyes and your cheeks grow feverish, but you’re unable to process or feel anything except the movement in your hands. 
Your shaky fingers lead you to Ellie’s contact in your phone without a second thought. You click “Edit” and delete every piece of information, from her picture to her birthday to her nickname. You save your changes and scroll downwards. You stop sharing your location with her before glancing at those conclusive three words in red right at the bottom. 
Block this caller. 
Without hesitation, you definitively tap the button. 
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author's notes:
this was very therapeutic. did this describe something i’ve been going through lately? no why would you think that what gave you that crazy impression ahahaha (shut up no i'm not thinking and pining over my ex, shut up!)
pink camellias because pink camellias represent longing lmaooo, i love symbolism and etc.
the ring reader gave ellie is based on a couple ring i gave to my my ex-girlfriend (the one i live with, not the one i’m in love with)! it’s super cool, i felt like it would be something ellie would wear!
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is the part about reader obsessively checking if ellie has viewed their insta stories based on real life? no, why the fuck would you say that
the whole starbucks and hot chocolate thing is a little reference to something in my personal life but i refuse to elaborate further
me once again inserting myself in reader with them always saying they’re tired when someone asks if they’re okay cause news flash, i’m always tired 🙂
reader’s friends’ names beth and lina are inspired by my irl best friend and work bestie’s names :)
ellie’s gf’s last name is purposeful but i again refuse to elaborate further
the ray charles song mentioned is “you don’t know me” but my fave rendition is actually by jann arden from the “my best friend’s wedding” soundtrack (my family’s obsessed with the score of that movie, we had the tape and then the CD of it and played it nonstop growing up)
sorry this took forever to write cause LOL it may have been a little hard cause it was a little TOO autobiographical... hope y'all enjoy anyway lmao
taglist: @elliessknife, @mina-2812, @bellasfavepansexual, @slaysksmska, @theganymedes, @sno-leopards, @cosmikoo, @elliesnumber1gf, @eleactric, @thatgiraffefromtlou, @bellswlw, @kissesforells, @ratdungeon, @elliewilliams8fingers, @wex--12
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captain-mj · 1 year
Hiii I just read and love your home video fic and was wondering if you would ever do a part 2? My hearts in shambles <3 thanks for writing and have a good day!
I wasn't sure about this but then thought... why not? I love this style of story so much :)
There was a long pause afterwards. None of them really seemed to know what to do.
Quietly, as if afraid he'd break something, Ghost grabbed a tape. He turned it over in his hands to make sure it was the right one and the quietly replaced it and turned it on.
Soap scooted over, well aware that Ghost didn't like being in the middle of the people. The contact made him uncomfortable. Ghost looked grateful as he settled in next to him. Price sat in his chair on the other side.
The video started. Simon was younger again. Clearly a teen. He was helping his mom put ornaments on the tree, just tall enough to reach the top. She was beaming, but she looked tired.
The door opened and they both shrank a bit as his dad came in. Neither stopped what they were doing though.
"Never wanted him to know how tense he made us." Ghost explained after a moment. "Couldn't let him know."
Soap frowned a little as he watched them. They put an angel on the tree and his mom made a motion to pray.
"Protestant. Devout. Took us once when we were little." Ghost leaned into Soap.
Once his dad walked away, they relax and continue decorating. His mom reaches up and ruffles his hair again and Simon beamed.
"You were a mama's boy?" Gaz gasped.
"Yeah. Little bit." Ghost admitted, not sounding ashamed of it. "She was the best Mom I couldn't asked for."
Soap's heart hurt. He gently put his hand on Ghost's thigh.
Tommy came down, smoking. He offered it to Simon who took it. Their mom made a face, but she didn't reprimand them. She shook her head when Simon offered it anyway.
"Get lost boys, I have to wrap presents."
"Mum, don't you think we're a bit old?" Tommy started, despite looking 13 at the oldest. She turned around and gave him a look Soap would recognize anywhere. It was the same look Ghost gave them when they did or said something stupid. He immediately winced. "You're right Mum! We'll go upstairs."
Simon was already going up the stairs and she shook her head. "Those boys."
"Just like me right?" There was their dad again. His voice made Ghost tense.
She smiled. "Yeah, I guess so Frank." She averted her eyes and started to grab the presents from the closet. She wrapped them quietly while Frank watched.
"You spoil them."
"They're kids. It's Christmas. We have more than enough money."
"My money."
She fixed him with a glare so harsh that Soap cringed. "Well, what were you going to spend it on? Needles?"
"Don't fucking talk to me like that Mary."
Before they continued arguing, Ghost turned it off. "Wrong one."
Ghost put a different one in. This one was of a concert. For the Wiggles.
Tommy and Simon stood out like sore thumbs. Being both taller than most of the parents and dressed in black clothing. Simon had eyeliner on and his hair looked different. Joseph was bouncing between them.
"Wiggles! The Wiggles!!" He bounced up and down even faster and Tommy picked him up.
"Better than the concerts we went to as a kid right Si?"
Simon smiled. "Lot cooler. Isn't that right Joseph?"
Joseph wiggled excitedly and kept yelling about it. He looked so excited and both of them looked happy to be there.
Simon took the camera and Beth stood beside Tommy. "Here to the Wiggles."
"The Wiggles!" The three of them said excitedly, squishing Joseph between them. Tommy glanced at Beth with such an overwhelming amount of love it made Soap jealous.
"You two are sickening."
"Fuck off."
"Language, Beth."
The tiny woman looked like she was going to attack him like a dog. He laughed though and kissed her, the two of them softening.
"Turn the camera off."
"Yeah. We got his reaction. That's all we care about."
The next video was Tommy, a baby Joseph and Simon on the couch. They looked confused.
"I found out today that they didn't want many kids movies."
Tommy shrugged. "Dad didn't like them. Plus they're lame."
Simon mirrored his shrug. "I mean... They're just movies."
"I think you guys would really like the Last Unicorn though."
"Why?" Simon asked, tilting his head.
"Just... thought you'd like it."
There was a brief crackle before showing the movie had been playing. And it was on the speech.
"I can feel this body dying all around me."
She panned the camera to Tommy who was sobbing on Simon's shoulder. Simon's mouth was open and he was staring in what could only be described as devastation.
"You boys okay?"
Tommy sobbed louder. "She... She..." Simon rubbed his back.
"It's okay, Tommy. It's alright..."
She was clearly giggling. "I'm sorry guys. I didn't... Oh dear."
" I can feel it rotting all around me. How can anything that is going to die be real? How can it be truly beautiful?"
Simon crumpled. He covered his face and was completely silent.
"Oh no! Boys!"
Simon shook his head. "That poor unicorn..." He sounded so distressed.
She looked at Joseph who clearly was sleeping. He looked peaceful.
Another crackle as the video was turned off and back on. Simon recorded Beth and Tommy sleeping on top of each other. He turned off the TV and they could see that he was wearing eye makeup.
"I fucking hate kid's movies." Simon growled as he closed the camera.
"I still fucking hate kid's movies. She showed us Bridge to Terabithia a week after that. I fucking feel for it again."
"Did you cry?"
Price shook his head. "Because you can't. Don't let him fool you."
Soap decided to be bold. "The video you walked in on."
"It came a few weeks after I got back." Ghost explained. "Tommy picked me up. I still had bandages. Stuck in that stupid hospital for four months and I still had bandages."
Soap squeezed his hand. He wanted to provide some comfort.
"He was a great little brother. Fucking Dick. But a great little brother." Ghost squeezed his hand.
Price stood up and searched. He clearly had something specific in mind and Soap wondered how many times he had watched them.
The video that came on was of a hospital. A very tired looking Beth was laying down in the bed.
"You alright?" Simon asked.
"Yeah. I'm good. They said this labor was easy. Easy." She smiled up at him.
"You know I don't think childbirth can be that bad. I was pretty young but it didn't hurt me." Simon smiled.
Beth stared at him for a minute before pinching her nose. "That was awful. This is why you're fucking single." Her shoulders were shaking as she clearly laughed.
Simon laughed and put his arm around her. "I'm glad you're okay though."
Beth hit him hard in the gut and he groaned but still smiled. "Gonna hold the baby?"
"Absolutely not."
"Come on. What are you afraid of? He doesn't have teeth."
"What if I drop him?"
Beth blinked. "You hold sniper rifles all day."
"I can't shoot a sniper rifle. And if I drop a rifle, it doesn't get brain damage."
"Hold the damn kid, Simon. You're an uncle now."
Simon did not look pleased. He didn't get to respond though because Tommy appeared with a freshly cleaned infant. Immediately he tried to hand it to Simon who pulled his hands away unsure.
"Dude. Come on."
"I've never been around babies before!"
"Neither have I! You just support the head you numpty."
Simon very awkwardly took the baby, smushing him to his chest. He grinned awkwardly.
"Did you tell him the name yet?" Beth asked.
"Joseph right? Bit of a lame name honestly." Simon didn't take his eyes off the tiny bundle.
"Joseph Simon Riley." Tommy said softly, smiling just a little.
Simon looked up before biting his lip like he was holding back tears. "Oh..."
"Thought it was only natural. If my son turned out like you... well. He wouldn't be half bad." Tommy smiled at him.
Simon cradled Joseph just a little closer to his chest and nodded. "I'd never let anything happen to you guys."
Tommy laughed. "I know, you goof."
The video continued on but it didn't seem very important all of a sudden. Ghost had turned away, hand now digging into Soap's thigh to ground himself.
"I did. I did let something happen."
"Simon." Price started.
Ghost just shook his head. "Don't worry Price. I'm fine. I'm glad I have them back."
Soap wondered if it was the videos themselves or the people in them that he was referring to.
"You okay Ghost?"
"Yeah. I will be. I'll get there."
Soap watched Ghost. He really didn't cry. But he could see the depth of grief there. He had been lucky enough to never experience it.
"You want a cup of tea?"
"Yeah. I'd love that."
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textbook-dinner · 4 months
hi hiii you seem very goofy hello /lh I was wondering if you have any utauloid headcanons you want to share 👀 I love hearing about other people's ideas!!!
❤️Kasane Teto:
•Aroace agender
•Likes all kinds of bread, not just baguettes
•Probably autustic
•Has a million random facts stored in her head
•Likes snails (yes this is based on that one talkloid lmao)
•Causes chaos and blows stuff up with Namine Ritsu
• A little silly :3
🩷Momone Momo:
•Secretly dead inside
•Bullied by Defoko
•Has a lot of pent up anger that she never shows
•Likes cats and yoghurt
•Scared of a lot of things including, but not limited to, spiders, her friends, Sukone Tei and heights
•Ace icon (she's literally the flag hello??)
•Carries a weapon with her at all times
•Rarely shows emotion
•Basically raised her siblings Defosuke, Defo Imuoto and Defota
•Has a part-time job as a police officer
•Doesn't know her own birthday but would never tell anyone
•Hates her real name (Utane Uta)
❤️💙Yokune Ruko
•Really intimidating on the outside but a total softie on the inside
•The most mysterious utauloid, and very few people really know them
•Swears a lot
•Very mature and responsible, usually assumed to be the oldest because of their height
•Tired all the time because they drink coffee at night, and drink coffee at night because they're tired all the time
•Platonically dating Ritsu
•Theme song is Pools by Glass Animals
🧡Namine Ritsu
•Oriented aroace
•Permanently scowling
•Gets mad at literally everything
•Faints when he gets angry, which makes him angrier
•Has a teardrop tattoo on his cheek
•Has extremely good aim, and can hit a target from 50 metres away (with his boob missiles)
•Annoying little kid who won't SHUT UP about geopolitics
•Hangs out with Teto, Tei, Ruko, Defoko or Haruka Nana depending on the day
•Theme song is Battle Cry by Beth Crowley
•His Kire outfit puts the fun in funeral lmfao
•Platonically dating Ruko
🤍Sukone Tei
•Dating Mayu
•Often makes sex jokes
•Drinks tomato juice and tells people it's blood
•Has hemophobia (fear of blood)
•Secretly Yowane Haku's daughter (no idea how that would work lmao)
•Jealous of Miku and vocaloids
•Ruko's brother
•Gets bullied by Ruko for being a furry
•Has a fursona
•Colour blind
•Gay af and dating Scott
🤎Ooka Miko
•Ritsu's and Hakaine Maiko's adopted sister
•Is secretly a wolf
•Has an excellent straight face
•Silently angry at everyone
•Allergic to apples
🟥Kasane Ted
•Also gay af
•Teto's older brother
•Works in an office somewhere and rarely interacts with the other utauloids
•That one sus friend
•Almost universally hated
•Alien that lives on earth disguised as a human
•Dating Rook
•Him, Ted and Tei should start a club called Sus Friends Anonymous
✳️Haruka Nana:
•Bullies Gachapoid
•Roasts everyone
•Hangs out with Ritsu
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
Hiii I love all your blurb works and I know that you're busy but could you please make a blurb about the reader who likes aaron but he doesn't know that the reader has a feeling for him so he introduce beth to the team and then the reader avoids him after that therefore aaron confronts her then she confess her feelings towards Aaron. Thank youuu! I hope you have time for this. No pressure. Love you besti!
A/N: luv you tooooo <3
“(Y/L/N), you are with me.”
You groan internally, your heart filling with dread at the designated pairing. You catch Emily’s eye as she shoots you a look of sympathy before you jog after Aaron.
It doesn’t take him long after you both have driven off from the station to ask the question you have been dreading.
“Why are you avoiding me?” He keeps his eyes trained on the road in front of him. You take a quick glance to your left as you suck in a breath of air to steady yourself.
“I’m not.”
“Not?” He scoffs, as his knuckles whitening from the grip against the steering wheel. “You’ve been avoiding me since the dinner at Dave’s.”
“You are imagining it Hotch.” You bite out, using his last name. It causes a silence to fall over the call - it was something you hadn’t used in a while, with both of you having gotten you to calling him Aaron when you were both alone, because of the close friendship you had started to develop.
“(Y/N),” he opts for using your first name, “if it was anything I did, unknowingly, I would like to know.” He pauses, before continuing. “I miss you, Jack misses you too.”
“You have Beth.” You snort out quietly, as you fold your arms across your body.
“Beth…?” He questions, throwing a glance over to you.
You nod, pressing your lips into a line, digging your fingernails into your sides to keep yourself from crying.
“I don’t understand.” His brow is furrowed, as he pulls the car onto the side of the road and into park, before turning his body to look at you.
“You have Beth, you don’t need me.” You manage to force out simply, your eyes trained on the road in front of you, as you will yourself not to look at him.
“(Y/N), I don’t-”
“God, Aaron, didn’t it ever occur to you that I like you? That I’m avoiding you because I’m - no, have been fucking in love with you for the longest time? And thought you might feel the same way about me - only to find out that I’m wrong and you have Beth?” The words fall from your lips, frustration coursing through your veins as you whip your head to your left to look straight at him, your eyes glassy with unshed tears.
He sits in stunned silence before speaking, his voice soft.
“You are… in love with me?”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything.” The weight of your words crash down against you as you straighten, moving to unbuckle your seatbelt, the air in car suddenly becoming crushing.
“I’m in love with you too.” His words make you freeze, “I’ve been in love with you.”
You turn slowly to face him, a look of pain, bewilderment and joy on his features.
He moves to put a hand over yours, both of you staring at each other. The air between you is thick with tension, and his gaze flickers down to your lips, but you know he won’t kiss you, because he isn’t a cheater.
“Give me time to break up with Beth.” He mutters, his hand squeezing yours gently, your thoughts aligning. “I want to do right by you.”
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invisiblegarabgetruck · 2 months
Hiii, sending 20 and 22 (Hermit Jerry) for the fandom ask game 💚
20 - When did you first join Tumblr? How long was it between that and finding [fandom]?
I joined Tumblr back in 2014 for an old fandom (at the age I shouldn't really be on the internet lmao) and got into Rick and Morty around… 2016 I remember getting into it when S2 just ended.
22 - Give us a headcanon for [character] (Hermit Jerry)
ohhh I'm bad at writing these but lemme try!
He had a wound on his ear that he got from hunting Cronenberg (post-S3/ pre-S6)
(delusion) his hair must be really soft to the touch.
(realistically) his hair wouldn't be soft to the touch.
he got really good at embroidery. <3
His hands feel really rough and calloused. (fun(?) to touch :) )
one day when he was mourning about his family he suddenly got who Beth was referencing v here and goes 'ohhhhhhh'
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pretty much all Jerrys don't make much sound when they walk, including Hjer.
After he was in a calmer mindset (but not a healthy one) he stopped killing every cronenbergs he met and sometimes just chilled and chatted with them in the hope they still had some humanity inside that would respond to him
this is more about the whole family but after the world got Cronenberg-ed. Summe got into archery and got so good at it that she began to teach Beth and Hjer (who refused to learn at first and struggled so hard to learn that Beth had to help teach him ( meeseek ep ref :3)) insp from this pic....
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I think a lot about his costume in S6 and how it was probably made for him to blend in more with the environment. // tw : self-harms
he has a lot of scars now after S3, whether it's from the hunting, accidents, or something else. probably the reason why he is overdressed in S6
if he ever makes contact with other people again. He would have a dry sense of humor.
also, you should take him to a BBQ.
he never questioned Prime's young appearance cause all Ricks were the same to him.
I'll probably add more in the future. :>
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ghostbonezzz · 9 months
I was tagged by @jessiesjaded hiii :3
rules: share 10 of your comfort shows then tag 10 people
(but im 2 scared 2 tag 10 people)
hmm i gotta say 1988 Trigun its so good and silly but i HATE the remakes so sorry yall
2. Adventure Time I just finished re-watching it and WOW it was SO GOOD so i gotta put them at number 2, great kids show that can be enjoyed when ur older tbh
3. Invader Zim CLASSIC show that completely changed the scene kids, i even have a little gir plush eheh :3
4. moral oral, such a good show its claymation and gets so fuckin deep while staying funny love that show
5. What We Do In The Shadows im not a vampire fan but this show is SO good its so funny and its still being made
6. community to be honest i actually never finished it but the first few seasons were SO GOOD it still deserves this spot
7. one punch man first anime i ever watched its got a special place in my heart
8. mob psycho 100 pretty interesting show almost everyone is autistic in it, its silly and has great characters
9. my little pony its the autism
10. ninjago cuz i loved it as a kid and i ran out of shows ive watched
i tag @asthmatic-rheumatic @1ndieblue @crocadrivethru @racmune @carneflower13 @kulemii @beth-bethar00
and thats all cuz im shy
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hiiii can you rank a24 movies you've watched from ur mtl favourite <33
hiii! omg i love movie talk on tumblr 🫶🏻 ok let’s see. i’ll try to maybe put them in categories, it might be a bit easier that way.
favourites: mid90s, 20th century women, uncut gems, the lobster, funny pages, lady bird, marcel the shell with shoes on, the last black man in san francisco, supersonic (yes it’s a documentary but i <3 oasis and it’s a great doc)
great movies but just not personal favourites: hereditary, eighth grade, room, good time, minari, moonlight, the witch, american honey, the florida project, swiss army man, the lighthouse, the killing of a sacred deer
pretty good: midsommar, aftersun, EEAO, the spectacular now, under the silver lake, first reformed, laggies, ex-machina, enemy, the bling ring, zola, saint maud, pearl, the tragedy of macbeth, the green knight, mississipi grind, life after beth, lean on pete
okay :/ : waves, lamb, while we’re young, the disaster artist, the blackcoat’s daughter, bodies bodies bodies, spring breakers, hot summer nights
i hated it: under the skin, free fire, X, tusk
haven’t seen yet but want to: close, c’mon c’mon, a ghost story, green room, high life, slice, the vanishing of sidney hall, white noise, the monster, equals, first cow, beau is afraid, after yang, dark places, obvious child.
potentially forgot something but i don't think i did.
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4thbrighteststar · 6 days
team! hello i hope ur doing good ☺️💛
hiii beth lovey idk how I wasn't following u before! sorry I'm late to the party ur 911 stuff popped up on my fyp and I went obviously we must be best friends <3 I'm good I hope ur alright too!!
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I offer up my children as tribute
(@ask-idv-baker and @vigilant-yaksha-idv
(OOC) EHEHEEHEH HIII BETH!!! Ok so rn we have only the interrupted night spot open, so which one of your children would you prefer to take the role? <3
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luveline · 1 year
hi jade!!!!!! for kbd, when do you imagine them getting engaged or married? I feel like, after ave is born, steve would hardly be able to wait any longer. and I think it would be extra special to have her there with them
hiii I don’t remember to be honest but I think I sad that Steve tries to propose when r is pregnant with Avery and she’s like I do NOT want a pity proposal and he’s like this is the opposite of pity, fool. maybe a little after Avery? I don’t know if I talked about it before and if I’m contradicting myself forgive me but I reckon Beth was 100% on purpose, and that r asks Steve first, and he’s just so in love and can’t believe she wants another baby (cause he’s stuoid and doesn’t get how much she loves him) and he’s like . I will NOT have another baby until we’re married :] so they’d get married really quick and then try for Beth <3<3<3
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enid-rhees · 10 months
Hiii ! So I was thinking about Beth right? Well, imagine reader is originally from North Carolina, and moves to Atlanta (or wherever the hell the Farm was at lmao 💀). Reader and Beth end up in the same school together, both seniors (pre-apocalypse obvi lol).
They're super close friends and can both relate to eachother, especially with mental health struggles. Soon, they end up dating.
But before they get to graduate, the apocalypse begins. Rick finds the farm and all that. Carl ends up becoming best friends with Beth and reader (they're all aged up to 18, same age as eachother).
Time skip to the group making it to Alexandria... Beth is still alive ofc, and dating reader.
Beth, Carl, and reader end up exploring the woods, and stumble across a struggling Enid, who's trying to fight a walker off of her. Reader quickly saves Enid, and the four become super close, since they're all the same age.
Reader starts to develop feelings for Enid...but still loves Beth. So she gets an idea: polyship!
Enid, Beth, and reader end up dating eachother :)
Sorry if this is a lot, and apologies for any typos. I think the three would be an interesting dynamic, yk?
And I just know you'd be able to write this out wonderfully, and make it work!!
Anyway, ily T <3
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(I made this btw, it's inspired by what I had in mind when I was typing out the request hehe 🖤)
i’m gonna answer this really quickly, tysm for all of your wonderful requests all the time <3 i truly love writing them. with this one, i really love the idea, BUT i am not experienced with polyship.
i want to write this out since i know a lot of people are poly, but first i want to take my time researching it so i don’t mess anything up in the story.
so, i’m not saying i’m not writing this. it’ll just be a while until i start writing it so i can do proper research 🫶🏻. hope you understand! ty 🩷
ps: this photo is amazing and i love it <3 i can’t wait until i do start writing it :)
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mackmp3 · 5 months
Hiii Mack, firstly welcome back to tumblr!!! Secondly I come here asking you for music recs once more!!!! Do you have any like maybe alternative indie ish even rock bands form aotearoa you could suggest? I’m wanting to listen to more musicians from here, but so far all I have is crowded house and the Beth’s!
hihihihiiiiiii lin yes omg ofc i have more music recs heheeeee
(i was only for for a little but hehe thanks i'm happy to be back here too)
first of all i'm gonna plug the band Sandfly they only have two songs out but i know those guys & they're really cool i went in a bookshop in sydney with the singer/bassist once heheeee
uhm i bought self titled the album Males the other day & it's pretty cool, dunedin band from early 2010s i think, it's like indie rock
ebony lamb had an album out a couple months ago & she's pretty cool, the singles are a good place to start
aldous harding and marlon williams are folk-adjacent musicians from lyttleton (arty town just outside of ōtautahi christchurch) and they both do some cool stuff
& there's this whole thing called The Dunedin Sound from the 80s & 90s, most of the best nz music is from there/then imo - the two starters for that would be the soundtracks to the films Scarfies & Topless Women Talk About Their lives - there's lots of bangers on those <3
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shysimblr · 1 year
Hiii, hope you're doing well! Can I ask wcif the blinds in the kitchen of Jamie n Beth's home in your recent post? Ty angel <3
Hi nonny :) you can get those here
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timelesslords · 2 years
hiii! can u please recommend ten percy annnabeth authors? ff or ao3 i’d like to read their works pls 🤍
Anon bold of you to assume I know ten authors but I’ll try 😭 everyone I’m tagging has an ao3 bio linked somewhere and I’m at the airport so I don’t feel like double linking everyone’s profile sorry 🫶
1. @captain-jackson obvs
2. @bbyannabeth double obvs
3. @accio-lo-ki they have lots a fun AUs I like 🫶
4. @phykios more fun AUs and CC one shots 😌 also lots of royalty aus which are my fav
5. Waddled on ao3
6. @percabethica mamma Mia AU my BELOVED
7. @perca-beths accidental pregnancy AU 🫶
8. @fae-lights-writes immortal!percy mortal!Annabeth soulmate AU my other beloved
Okay that was all I can think of so I’m sorry if I missed anyone!!!! My fic rec tag has more complete lists ❤️
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sublimesims · 2 years
Who is a sim {or multiple} by someone else that will always have a special place in your heart? Thought it was a fun question. Have a good day! 💌
hiii sorry for such a late response i’m on vacation :^) but buckle up it is a LONG list
amoria by @simgerale breanna by @stinkrascal beth by @deadlymodern tulipa by @rusticottage hakim by @sojutrait hayley by @ohhiplumbob lily by @moonsyrups nalia by @moonaive quinn by @virginnotsaint elia by @warmsol stevie by @softpine alien girl by @soulanii mari and kendall by @citrinie alexia by @ghostputty ana by @marigolde and rosie by @peanutty <3
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