#hikaru has an obsession with the past thanks to this
princekirijo · 2 years
11 for Riku and 7 for Hikaru?
Thanks Nico! Wasn't expecting to get a Hikaru ask so thank you :]
11. What kind of person are they most compatible with? (platonic or romantic)
I'm gonna stick with platonic because Riku and romance don't mix well LMAO. I think Riku needs someone who can match his energy. Like someone who is chaotic as he is but also at the same time will know when to tell him to stop. Both an enabler and a preventer? Idk the word I'm thinking of but basically someone who will tell him "yes I think you should do that crazy thing" but if he goes to far won't be afraid to be like "bitch wtf are you doing stop". I think personally this is why Ann works very well with him, because she will enable him to do stupid things but can also knock some common sense into him when she needs to. Ann is also great because she's very emotionally intelligent, so she notices when he's hiding things and is pretty good at helping him out. Can you tell I really value their friendship LMAO
7. What is their biggest insecurity?
Aside from the fact that they never learnt how to read (she comes from a family of book nerds OOF), their biggest insecurity is definitely the fact that they can't remember their sister. Brief lore drop but Hikaru is the middle triplet of the three (Eiji, Hikaru and Hiroki are their names). The three of them were very close when they were young, however, Eiji (the oldest) dies in an accident very early on. Hiroki (the youngest) remembers her perfectly but Hikaru, no matter how hard she tries cannot remember Eiji at all. And it absolutely eats them up inside :[
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keikotwins · 8 months
Birds of different feathers flock together
Noticed online by head-hunting publishers, Mokumokuren hasn’t waited very long before polarising the attention of Japanese readers. With strange The Summer Hikaru Died, horrific bromance dealing with body dispossession, the mangaka signs a series of sophisticated oddity, that sets itself apart from the predictability of current fantasy productions.
Interview by Fausto Fasulo. Original translation: Aurélien Estager. English translation: “Keikotwins”. Bibliography: Marius Chapuis. Thanks: Camille Hospital & Clarisse Langlet (Pika), Yuta Nabatame, Mayuko Yamamoto & Mana Kukimoto (Kadokawa), Chiho Muramatsu (Tohan)
(T/N: Interview given to ATOM in winter 2023; 2 volumes were out in French.)
In an interview given to the CREA website in November 2022, you confided inventing stories since very young. Did your first fictions resemble the ones you draw nowadays?
It’s true that there are quite a lot of common points between the stories I imagined when I was a child and the ones I tell nowadays in my mangas. Especially a specific motif, that has been haunting me since the time when I wasn’t really aware of the world surrounding me: the presence amongst us of “non-human” beings, that nonetheless have a perfectly normal, ordinary appearance…
And how was this “obsession” born?
Precisely identifying the origins is complicated, my memories are too blurry, I think… What I can tell you is that I’ve always been fascinated by “creatures”. For example, I remember being very impressed by Peter Jackson’s bestiary in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. By the way, still in a fantasy register, I am also a big fan of Harry Potter adaptations… (She thinks.) And I’ve always liked yōkai stories, you know. I think that what I like in all these mythologies is the idea of species classification: each has its own characteristics – physical, biological – its own way to apprehend its environment.
In Japan, yōkai are integral part of regional folklore. Did the place you grew up in have some specific beliefs?
I was born and grew up in Tokyo, and, as you must know, yōkai are mostly associated with rural areas. I was thus never really bathed in this type of regional fantasy folklore. There are all kinds of yōkai and we can perhaps see in some more contemporary urban legends the echo of certain past beliefs? (She thinks.) I am a bit frustrated, because I believe that I could remember a legend that would have impacted me, but nothing comes to mind immediately, sorry!
You have already said so in an interview and it’s quite obvious when reading your work: you are a big amateur of horrific fiction. What has been your first contact with the genre, all medium included?
It was television that introduced me to horror: special shows, television films, series, I was watching these programs with a mix of fear and enthusiasm, a confused sensation that particularly delighted me! (She thinks.) And amongst all the aired shows, I will remember two titles: Hontō ni atta kowai hanashi and Kaidan shin mimibukuro*.
* Inspired by the homonymous manga magazine published by Asahi Shimbun, Hontō ni atta kowai hanashi (lit. “Scary stories that really happened”) is a series produced by Fuji Television that has been airing more or less weekly since 2004. Derived from literary material (a series of compilations of hundreds of short stories by Hirokatsu Kihara and Ichirō Nakayama, published from 1990 to 2005) Kaidan shin mimibukuro is a series made of several short movies depicting ghost stories based on real testimony.
Did you read horror mangas when you were young?
Let’s say that I was more interested in live-action productions. Nowadays, I obviously appreciate some horror manga authors, without pretending to be any expert in the subject. For example, I like Junji Itō’s work, but I am far from knowing it for a long time… (She thinks.) I could also talk about Shigeru Mizuki, who I also appreciate a lot.
The mechanics of fear aren’t the same in occidental and oriental fictions. You like American horrific productions – like Ari Aster movies – as much as ones from Japanese origin – you notably quote Ichi Sawamura novels and Kōji Shiraishi feature films. Can we say that you are tying these two perspectives with The Summer Hikaru Died?
My relationship with horror is more imbued with oriental sensitivity. But what I find remarkable in occidental horrific productions is work on image. In The Shining like in Ari Aster movies, for example, there is real research made on frame composition and choice of colours. I also try to follow this aesthetic reflection in my work as a mangaka.
In Ari Aster’s work, beyond the very precise staging, there is this permanent desire of ambiguity. Do you try to dig this same equivocal trench?
Absolutely. I try to tell complex feelings as well in The Summer Hikaru Died, like fear dyed with nostalgia or attachment, repulsion mixed with fascination, with attraction…
How do you “sort out” the shots that inspire you in cinema?
I don’t draw while freeze-framing during specific scenes. I would always rather watch a movie as a “focussed” spectator. However, I pay a lot of attention to the way the director composes their frame. I sometimes take some notes, but I most often simply keep it in a corner of my mind.
Could you tell us when and how the story and characters of The Summer Hikaru Died appeared to you? Have they matured a long time within you?
I’ve started thinking about this story when I was preparing university entrance exams. I was aspiring to join an art uni, and I was drawing every day. I can’t really say I made my characters “mature”: back then, I wasn’t thinking that the drawings I was making would one day end up being published, way less being serialised! I innocently created characters close to me, without guessing that one day they’d become manga protagonists.
One of your foundational reads was Sui Ishida’s Tokyo Ghoul manga. Can you tell us how you discovered it and what effect it had on you?
I don’t really remember how I discovered this series, but what I know is that I became crazy about it at first read. What I liked – and what I still like – is this idea of telling a story that confronts humans to these “different” beings while following the point of view of a character that represents alterity. Beyond this strictly dramatic aspect, Sui Ishida’s storyboarding and character design have had a strong impact on my work. However, I want to add that Tokyo Ghoul isn’t the only title I took inspiration from, I obviously have other references…
Do you do a lot of researches to define the design of your characters? You seem to draw them easily, in a very natural gesture…
I haven’t spent a long time defining my protagonists. First, there are few in the manga, then, they evolve in a rather realistic universe. My goal was rather simple: they had to look believable in the reader’s eyes. I wanted people to be able to imagine crossing them in the street, you see?
It’s after seeing illustrations posted on social media that depicted the future characters of The Summer Hikaru Died that the publishing department of the Young Ace Up magazine noticed you. How have you reacted when approached?
I was very surprised, because I absolutely wasn’t trying to become a mangaka. I would have never projected in such a future, you see. And, very honestly, if they hadn’t suggested working on this series, I don’t think I would ever had pushed the doors of a publishing house… I am then very thankful towards the persons who have allowed me to enter.
And what would you have done if you hadn’t been solicited?
Back when I’ve been contacted, I was considering – still vaguely – working in the video games field. But I wasn’t really proactive, I wasn’t contacting anyone, wasn’t sending resumes…
Did you want to do chara-design?
Why not, yes. What I like in video games is the range of possibilities they offer. You can then create an entire universe and this is rather exhilarating.
So you’re a gamer…
I have dropped my controller since I’ve started drawing manga. But yes, when I had more time, I played rather regularly, especially Nintendo productions…
Even if you play rather little nowadays, do video games influence your work?
I can’t say whether it really is an influence, but the Undertale game has left a big mark on me. I felt its creator’s strong will to surprise players, to make them feel unprecedented sensations…
Horror manga only relies on art and storyboard to provoke fear, whereas cinema and video games can also rely on sound. Is it from this observation that you have decided to particularly work on your sound effects?
Absolutely. I have thought a lot about the way to introduce and stage sound in The Summer Hikaru Died. The sound effects that you can find in the manga are indeed the result of this approach.
In an interview given to the Realsound website, you mention the use of the シャワシャワ (“shawa shawa”) sound effect. Knowing that occidental readers are way less sensitive to these graphicoustic details, can you explain its meaning?
“Shawa shawa” expresses the song cicadas make in western Japan. It’s a very special noise because in the different regions live different species that make specific sounds. So when I choose this specific sound effect, I convey a geographic and temporal piece of information to the reader, who can then guess the location and season the action takes place in. (She thinks.) When using this sound – that we especially find in the beginning of the manga – my goal was to play with silence, particularly when the song stops. I thus had the idea of representing this sound effect with an easily readable font, so the reader would make no effort to decipher it, as if the sound was asserting itself naturally, you see? I hoped to suggest a saturation they couldn’t avoid and that, when it’d stop, would immerse them in absolute silence.
The Summer Hikaru Died transcribes very well this particular atmosphere of Japanese summers…
Yes, I really wanted to signify this languor in my manga. And the cicadas’ song we discussed earlier contributes to creating this atmosphere: it’s an overwhelming sound, sometimes irritating, you cannot escape from in summer – Japanese readers obviously know what I’m talking about. (She thinks.) I also gave special attention to shadows: summer light being very bright, shadows are very sharp, very deep.
Do digital tools allow you to get this result more efficiently than traditional?
I work on Clip Studio Paint, and it’s true that it sometimes allow me to save time. Consider the work on shadows: I never apply solid black because I like saturating space with hatches and, with digital tools, I can obtain the desired result faster because I can duplicate each of my lines.
Your use of hatches is sometimes reminiscent of Shūzō Oshimi’s…
I don’t know his mangas very well, but it’s funny that you mention him because I recently read his latest series, Okaeri Alice. In any case, I really like his style and I perfectly understand how you can bring his universe and mine together.
The Summer Hikaru Died relies on the concept of body dispossession, that obviously takes back to the Body Snatcher novel by Jack Finney and its movie adaptations. Did you think about it?
I don’t know this book very well, but I know its theme has been approached often, especially in movies. As I was saying at the beginning of this interview, my idea was to adopt the point of view of a non-human and tell his indecision, his moral questions…
We also find this idea in Hitoshi Iwaaki’s Parasite…
I haven’t read the manga fully, but I’ve watched the anime adaptation that was released a few years ago (R/N: in 2014). I remember rather liking it, even if I think I offer something different with The Summer Hikaru Died. What interests me is sounding the inwardness of my non-human character out and expose all his dilemmas. What is his place amongst men? Is he legitimate in our world? Here is the type of questions that pushed me.
One of the impacting scenes of volume 1 of The Summer Hikaru Died is the one when Yoshiki penetrated Hikaru’s body by shoving his arm into his torso. It’s a sequence that is both very sensuaI – to not say sexuaI – and also very horrific. How did you get this idea?
I wanted to put the readers in an uncomfortable position. A stressful situation that could take several forms because, according to your sensitivity, you can feel very different emotions in front of this scene: sexuaI arousaI, fear or disgust. For me, it was supposed to put the reader in some kind of catatonia, you see?
Do you chat a lot with your tantō, especially around these slightly “complicated” scenes?
I have free rein, you know, I can draw everything I want. My editorial supervisor has never asked me to temper some sexuaIIy connotated parts. My discussions with him don’t revolve around this kind of things, but rather around the structure of the scenario itself: where to place this scene in the narration? Is it better to put this sequence before this other one? Nowadays, I am more at ease with all the scripting layout but, at the beginning, I needed support.
What allows you to get, from a dramatic point of view, the mix between bromance and horror?
I wanted to show the differences in sensitivities and values between a human being and an “other than human”, and tell the misunderstandings this can cause when both meet. When Yoshiki “scratches” under the appearance of the one who is supposed to be his best friend, it creates a first point of conflict in the story. I then hoped to make his relationship with Hikaru – or rather with the “entity” that pretends to embody him – a kind of undefinable bond, that wouldn’t be friendship, nor love.
Do you know today where this strange relationship between your two heroes will lead you?
I know more or less how all of this will evolve, yes. I have decided on my story’s general plot since the beginning. I can only tell you that The Summer Hikaru Died won’t be a long series.
How do you explain the almost instant public plebiscite of your series in Japan? You perhaps cannot have perspective on it but, in a saturated publishing landscape, you have managed to stand out…
Hm… Indeed, I don’t really have precise explanations to give you about this success. Maybe the covers’ design has been in favour of the manga? I asked the person in charge of graphics to make sure that the visuals would be noticeable in bookstores. That’s why the books have this monochrome aspect, with the title discreetly placed. I didn’t want obvious advertisement banners, but something simple, like this blue background for the first volume, on which the character stands out. I also wished to create contrast between the jacket’s and the inner cover’s drawings. I thus had requirements that didn’t quite go alongside what we can nowadays see on the shelves of Japanese bookstores.
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i-heart-hxh · 6 months
Hi...Can I ask, what are your KilluGon fav moments? And what are your fav personal headcanons about them? Also, do you have any fav ships (from any fandom) that the dynamics remind you of KilluGon? Thanks if you want to answer....
Thank you for asking! This post will get way too long if I answer all your questions, so here's a post where I talk about some of my fav HxH moments (4/5 of which are KilluGon related), and here's my Headcanons tag to see some of the headcanons I've posted or approved of previously. I'm sure I'll revisit similar questions to these over time as well.
I haven't had anyone ask about ships that remind me of KilluGon though, and it's a fun question to answer! I think KilluGon is very unique, so these might not be incredibly similar, but I'm focusing on ships that give me a similar feeling or have commonalities that I think are worth mentioning. I enjoy all of these ships to varying degrees!
I'm going to stay away from ships from big, currently popular shounen series that people typically bring up in comparison with HxH (JJK, HeroAca, etc.), both because the ships I've come across in those don't actually remind me of KilluGon very deeply, and also because it's more fun to recommend ships/series people may not have heard of already!
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Reki Kyan and Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity)
I'm all but certain these two were based off Gon and Killua in part--the personalities of the two and dynamic between them feels fairly similar, and the antagonist of the series, Adam, also strongly feels like he's based off of Hisoka. The series itself is less serious/dark than HxH so the intensity isn't the same, but they definitely have a similar strong friendship basis and mutual adoration to Gon and Killua.
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Suletta Mercury and Miorine Rembran (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury)
Suletta is straightforward, somewhat oblivious, and grew up isolated from others (a bit like Gon), and Miorine is confident, tsundere, and trying to escape the influence of her rich and powerful family (a bit like Killua), and the two hit it off quickly and find joy and inspiration to keep going in each other. The degree to which they influence, support, and adore each other feels familiar. There are some later developments (spoilers) that remind me of Gon and Killua as well.
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Yuki Sanada and Haru (Tsuritama)
Yuki, who has severe anxiety, ends up having his life transformed when the strange and overly friendly Haru appears suddenly. There's a real cuteness, joyfulness, and closeness between them that reminds me of Gon and Killua, and the way they help each other understand the world differently and change each others' perspectives as well.
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Maru and Kiruko (Tengoku Daimakyou / Heavenly Delusion)
I can't say too much about this ship because I don't want to spoil any surprises, but let's just say in at least one major way it's not how it appears. Maru (the blond one) shares several commonalities with Killua, though he's at least a bit more straightforward in his emotions like Gon; while Kiruko is somewhat more tsundere initially (due to understandable past reasons). Their bond reminds me of Gon and Killua in that they travel all around together and develop a very close friendship and devotion to one another, and while one is more openly affectionate the other holds back more initially.
(This series contains some mature content, including a depiction of sexual assault, so please be careful when checking it out, but it's fantastic!)
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Shindou Hikaru and Touya Akira (Hikaru no Go)
These two are rivals and obviously Gon and Killua are not, but at the same time there's a certain intensity and degree of being obsessed with each other than reminds me of KilluGon, as well as things like their bickering and the degree to which the series revolves around their connection. It's been a long time since I read the manga so I admittedly can't remember all the details, but I feel like it's maybe a few steps closer to Gon and Killua than, say, Hinata and Kageyama from Haikyuu (though that's also a great rivals -> friends ship that has some commonalities with KilluGon). It has a strong canon basis and I remember really enjoying how their bond develops!
Riko and Reg (Made in Abyss)
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Riko is an adventurous, plucky girl who goes on a dangerous journey to find her missing parent, while Reg the robot boy supports her on their adventure (and semi-secretly adores her). Reg is also voiced by Mariya Ise, Killua's seiyuu, so it's hard not make the comparison! The personalities of the two are definitely similar and their bond feels familiar.
(Made in Abyss looks cute but it contains a great deal of upsetting/potentially triggering content, please be careful if you decide to watch or read it! It's amazing, but definitely not a series that will appeal to everyone.)
I hope people looking for similar ships might enjoy checking these series out!
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ichayalovesyou · 4 years
So I just reblogged a piece by @teddymaul about how low-key traumatized Kirk must feel by the things he did (or copies of himself did) whilst possessed by alien forces and so on and then I realized something:
Pavel Chekov goes through a lot of the same thing:
Trying to kill Spock & Jim out of sheer terror in And The Children Shall Lead
Attacking and coming this close to forcing himself on Kang’s wife while possessed/brainwashed by the aliens in Day of The Dove. (A situation where he was also tortured). Jim having to punch the crap out of him to get him to stop.
Losing his mind to the phase sickness and attacking Sulu & Spock in The Tholian Web.
That would really screw any 22 year old kid up, and I think Jim would just look at this boy, this kid he accidentally condemned to torture in the MirrorVerse and was like:
“I can’t let what’s happened to me happen to him.”
Pavel seems like he’s doing at least okay after all of these incidents and it has to have been with the Bridge Family’s help, picture this:
The first person pick up on it would probably be Hikaru since they’re helm besties and probably hang out outside of duty, and the sirens in Sulu’s Brain start going off when Pavel starts declining hangouts and is increasingly withdrawn at the helm. He nudges Nyota about it so that they can both keep an eye on him.
Nyota, being the good communications officer she is, observes, and keeps it to herself and registers the nonverbal signs of trouble, 15 minutes after Pavel’s shift ends, she finds a way to excuse herself (probably coordinated with Sulu and/or Scotty) and figure out where he goes and finds him just... bawling in an empty corner of the ship. She doesn’t say anything but she just delicately sets herself down next to him and holds him until he can pull it together. He won’t wanna talk about it but thank her anyway, Uhura nudges Scotty, maybe a no-pressure drink will get him to open up.
Scotty lures Chekov into having a drink with him, and drink becomes drinks, by the end of the night they are smashed and the rec room is empty and THAT is when Pavel goes off. Half of its in slurred, sloppy drunk Russian but Scotty gets the gist of it: the anger, the guilt, the self-loathing. He sobers up ASAP and immediately alerts Bones over comms while Chekov is still screaming at the wall, where Pavel’s head is at is a dangerous place to be.
Bones gets the memo and calls Pavel down for a “routine physical” after he sobers up and has had time to cool off. Bones does some secret psych eval tests and scans while doing small talk and gives him a “I know these past few months have been hard on all of us, I’m your doctor, you can talk to me.” conversation, of course Pavel would be like “no no I’m fine” and gtfo as fast as possible.
Bones would go to Spock first, after all the kid looks up to him and though he’d never admit it, Spock has a soft spot for him. So Spock arranges some lab time to which Chekov is ordered to partake. Spock brings up everything that’s happened in that aloof observational way he does and of course that tricks Pavel into talking, when Chekov starts guilt spiraling Spock logics him out of it. Pavel starts to leave “I have not dismissed you Ensign, I believe you would find... some benefit, in discussing this with Captain Kirk. I expect you may find some interesting parallels.”
Jim would probably need a bit convincing because we all know he hates opening up/talking about his feelings, but an Obsession style team-up between Bones playing the diagnosis/sympathy angle and Spock playing the reasonable one, Kirk would let up. He talks to Chekov, and to his surprise finds a LOT of self-forgiveness and reflection at everything he berates himself for by comforting Pavel. They talk about what happened to Jim in The Enemy Within especially: what happened to Janice, how many people his Negative Side hurt, how his struggle to accept his “evil” half almost got Sulu killed, how Bones & Spock were there for him in spite of that.
They both leave the room feeling a lot better, Chekov is “back to his old smiling self again”
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
Yandere ocs
So I figured I should show them off..and make stories for them cause this idea won't escape my mind no matter what. Please be gentle on them
All artwork is made on picrew I don't own any of it
As far as they go I'm accepting request, questions for the characters to answer and just questions about them and if you just wanna talk to them you can via ask
Warning: contains both sfw and nsfw headcanons..also these boys are yanderes so they are kinda toxic
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Gentle giant
I'm not kidding he's 6'3"
Half japanese half american
Is a college student studying to be a doctor
Just the sweetest sweetheart
He comes across as ditzy though
He is the mom of any friend group
Will spoil his darling with affection and love
Best hubby vibes for sure
Works himself to death to provide for you both
Will give you all the headpats
"you're so sweet, a perfect angel"
Got his scar from his childhood
Loves sweets
Likes to make you lunch shaped as animals
Wholesome boy
Will never hurt you
Can be strict about self care
But completely forgets about his own self-care
Works so hard to please you
Makes sure you are never sad or anything
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As far as his yandere side
He isn't the type to get violent but is definitely the emotional manipulation type
Will make his darling seem absolutely insane
"sweetie, you shouldn't leave be logical here"
He will make his darling question their own decision making
In his eyes you are too fragile for the outside world
Listen to him, he is only trying to protect you
Doesn't like it when you fight him
Prefers a sweet darling but if you are a hothead he'll love you just as much...though your fighting and struggling will be a challenge
Will drug you if that's what it takes to keep you calm
"Just listen to me, okay? Why would you ever need to think or make your own choices when you have me?"
Definitely has a low sex drive more of a cuddler
But when he wants it he's such a gentleman about it
Will seduce you with a nice meal first before asking to make love
He will never force you to though cause he knows what that feels like
Can spend hours kissing you
Definitely has a kink for purity
If you act super innocent he just can't help but pull you into his lap and love up on you
Doesn't do any feral sex unless you've pushed him past his breaking point.
Is a switch so if you want to top him he'll allow it but he is far more comfortable being the dom
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Hikaru, 21
Young and famous model
Full japanese
Comes from a family full of actors
Flamboyant as hell will actually crossdress if he wants to cause fuck gender roles
Monster Dick energy
He comes across as loud and hyper
Seems super sweet and bubbly
Loves to dress up his darling in cute clothes and spoil them when they are well behaved
"look at my adorable baby! Oh you're such a cutie!"
Is a strawberry milk boba drinker(*cough* like me *cough*)
Will take you on shopping dates if you are good
Is the type to flaunt his credit cards
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Is actually a degrading king
He isn't the nicest yandere
Will kill an entire army if he has to
Will degrade the absolute hell out of his darling to break your self esteem and self worth
"baby, who else will want you? Honestly darling do you think anyone else actually cares about someone as worthless as you?"
Kinky as fuck
Has a bad temper
Don't piss him off or he will hurt you
"why would you ever need to leave! The only one who cares about you is me! Everyone else will just use you and throw you away!"
Is the type to try and make his darling as clingy as possible
Wants a housewife type darling no matter the gender
Wants to come home to an obedient lover ready to give him a kiss, dinner, and a BJ
Always wants to love up on you and have you in his arms
Will be grouchy if he sees you getting too confident in your looks
He fears that if you have too much self confidence you're going to leave him
"what are you wearing? It's absolutely hideous. Hmm? I bought that? Huh you must have looked cute in it then but right now you kinda look like a pig"
All in all he's a brat
If you try and dom him he will absolutely fight back and it will lead to some feral sex
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Axis, 18
100% blind
full japanese
Despite not being able to see he doesn't need a cane or anything
Though he likes it when you offer to hold his hand in public
Works at home as an artist
Is really good at it and had some of his work in museums
Like spicy foods
Like super dumb
"hey, babe is tomato sauce a smoothie? Or maybe it's like jelly..but made out of like tomatoes"
Is basically a puppy
Can't keep his hands off you
Is always kissing and loving you
Praise giving king
Has hightened senses so he definitely remembers your smell and how you walk
Always has to be with you
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Never leave
He can't handle it
Is the exact opposite of hikaru
Makes it seem like he will actually die without you
"don't leave! Please! I'm helpless without you! [Y/n]! Don't leave me by myself!"
Will make you quit your job
Will make you move in with him
Acts pathetic when you even mention leaving
Hugs your leg and sobs hard
Has fake fallen many times to get you to think he truly is helpless without you
Will have a screaming tantrum if you walk out the door
Just painful screams and sobs while he claws his own face and body out of absolute insanity
Will keep doing that until you come back to him
"s-see, I'm helpless without you. I'll die without you, I need you so please..stay with me forever"
As far as sex..
He is definitely cries during it
Loves you so much that he is just sobbing while fucking you cause you feel so good and he loves you and-
Is like a dog in heat
Loves just feeling all over your body
Sex with him usually lasts many rounds and involves him humping you to death while he sobs and drools all over you
Will sub for you if you want him to
Will honestly do anything you want as long as you are touching him
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Prince, 24
Horny 24/7
Full Korean but moved to Japan shortly after birth
Gained his name out of a magazine..thanks mom and dad
Works as a bartender
Usually a one night stand kind of guy but with you it's different
Loves sloppy kisses and cuddles
Bad boy
Aka he pretends to be a bad boy but is actually a softie who loves dogs and long walks on the beach
Goofy as hell
Loves to make you laugh
He isn't used to having a real relationship so be easy on him
Doesn't like restricting you and lets you do basically anything you want
Of course you belong to him though so no doing crazy things
Like to take you to work with him and gives you free drinks
Definitely has a fan girl club
The word sex escapes his mouth every three seconds
Sex with him is usually amazing
He's knows exactly what he's doing
As long as you love him it's all good
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The moment you try to break up with him or distance yourself he loses it
"huh? Huh huh huh huh?! You're kidding yeah?! Stop joking around"
Gets hella paranoid and locks you in his house while pacing around not sure what to do
Will kill for you like absolutely will slaughter someone if they get too close to you
He changes so dramatically it's hard to see him as the same laid back flirty guy
He gets tense and panicked
"you can't leave okay?! Don't even try to ask!"
Will start to calm down if he sees you are accepting your fate
Thinks sex will solve his problems
"you just need to see how much of a man I am yeah?! Then you'll stay right?! Of course you will!"
Spirals out of control
You belong to him in his eyes so you can't ever leave
Clearly has abandonment issues
Will try to do whatever he can to make you happy though
Want it and he will get it
just stay with him and he will be okay
Will try and do whatever he can to make you just as obsessed with him as he is for you
Clearly doesn't have experience in loving someone
He's not used to wanting someone to stay with him so he takes drastic measures to assure you never leave
Even tries getting you pregnant or making you disabled to make you make no choice but to stay
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Yuki, 21
Not picking favorites buuut-
Sleepy boy
Oddly enough is super athletic and strong..despite not working out
Half japanese half american
Responds with sounds or very few words
Forked tongue- not given to him by choice
Owns a tattoo and piercing shop
Despite this he doesn't own any tattoos
Loves to put his head on your lap or stomach
Prefers chubbier lovers but honestly will love you regardless
Will sleep the entire day without eating if you let him
Doesn't like speaking but if he has to he will
Hates any sort of loud noise, has sensitive senses
Is pretty lazy but if he has to do it he will.. though he will make random grunts and grumbles the entire time while pouting
More of a cat than a person
Quite moody
Only you're allowed to touch him
Anyone else who does he'll glare at and act cold towards
Likes to hug you from behind and lean against you no matter your height
If you're shorter than him expect him to put his chin on your head
If you are taller he's nuzzling his face in your back and taking in your smell
Can't cook to save his life
Almost burnt the house down cause he fell asleep while cooking
It's fine cause he eats microwave dinners and snacks from the convience store
Low sex drive
The king of sleepy sex
Usually all sex with him is slow,teasing and just filled with sleepy praise and compliments
Unless he's jealous or stressed then it's just rough fucking
Doesn't really act like a yandere at all.. buuut-
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Honestly thought you two were dating this whole time
What do you mean you two aren't a couple
No no sweetheart you two were dating the moment he laid eyes on you
If you try to break this fantasy he will shut it down
"we're dating."
Try and say no and he will not be able to handle it
All his delusions keep him from breaking down but if you absolutely say that you two aren't dating he will snap
"stop talking, we are dating. So stop lying"
Doesn't like the thought of kidnapping but he will do it if he must
Will even work from home if he has to
He isn't really a violent type so he won't kill for you but he will absolutely spread lies and use blackmail to get what he wants
All your friends and family think that you eloped with him and never want to see them again
It's better for you both if you just play along with his games
Will definitely tattoo his name on you
He won't ever gag you cause he likes to hear your voice but if you try to scream he honestly won't know what to do
The loudness makes him tear up and he just covers your mouth with your hands begging you to stop
"It hurt. Too Loud. Please."
He just wants to love you he doesn't see what he's doing wrong
He just wants to be with you forever so be good and don't fight him
Is definitely the stalker and stealing clothes type
Will make a nest of all your things that smell like you and he'll just lay in it being in absolute peace
Has scared any and all potential lovers away
Mostly through blackmail
He is easily jealous but pretends not to be
As soon as you walk into the house he is there to smell you to see if you smell different
If you do you are taking a shower with him immediately
If not then yay cool cuddles and kisses
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eurydicees · 4 years
true enough to be convincing, unruly enough to be real
summary: tamaki needs someone to date, just for a week. it’s not a big deal, it isn’t. kyoya can pretend to be in love with tamaki for a few days. what could go wrong? the classic tale of boys fake date, boy wears other boy’s jacket, said boy is suddenly maybe not faking it so much as actually falling in love. 
prompts: 3 + 28: fake dating + wearing the other’s clothes. for @wishiwasntstillhere ! i hope you enjoy :) 
pairings: tamaki suoh/kyoya ootori
words: 3,441
warnings: none
“We have to be convincing,” Tamaki says, waving an arm vaguely in Kyoya’s direction. He has a tendency to talk with his hands, every other word emphasized by a wave or a clap or a clench of his fists. “We have to go all out.” 
Kyoya closes his eyes, leaning against the headboard of Tamaki’s bed. They’re in Tamaki’s bedroom in the second Suoh mansion; Tamaki pacing in circles and the long-suffering Kyoya only half following what he’s saying. He’s still stuck on Tamaki’s words from five minutes ago: we should date. Oh, no, no— not for real, I mean— just pretend, for a bit. We should fake date, just for a week or so. 
“Stop,” Kyoya says, squeezing his eyes tighter shut. Judging by the lack of creaking of the floorboards, Tamaki has stopped pacing and is staring at him. “Why do we need to do this?” 
Tamaki sighs, and Kyoya looks over at him as Tamaki moves to sit on the bed. The mattress dips as he sits down, his hands going to rest on Kyoya’s ankles. “I kind of… Look, okay, there was this girl and she was asking me out and she was, like, so earnest about it, and I wanted to let her down easy, so—” 
“So you told her we were dating?” Kyoya asks, raising an eyebrow. “That’s the stupidest and most you thing I’ve ever heard.” 
Tamaki groans, pushing Kyoya’s ankles away from him. “I didn’t say it was you specifically, I just said that I was dating someone.” 
“Then why are you asking me?” Kyoya licks his lips, studying Tamaki closely. There’s no reason that it has to be Kyoya that Tamaki is fake dating. “Literally anyone else would be better for this.” 
Tamaki shrugs. “You’re the best liar I know, and…” 
“And I trust you,” Tamaki says, more in a breath than in words. He shifts, now sitting cross legged on the bed, pressing his hands against his knees. “You’re the only one I could pull this off with.” 
“Not Haruhi?” 
Tamaki shrugs. “I already asked her, and she laughed in my face.” 
Something in Kyoya’s stomach drops at that, and he doesn’t know what it is, or why it bothers him, but there’s a sinking disappointment in his stomach that itches like a word on the tip of his tongue. It shouldn’t matter; Kyoya doesn’t even want to do this. He should be laughing just as Haruhi had apparently done, when Tamaki asked her first. 
“Right,” Kyoya chokes out. He shouldn’t be so affected by that. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about any of this. “Fine. I’ll do it.” 
Tamaki breaks out in a grin. “Thank you, mon ami. I owe you one—” 
“You owe me everything,” Kyoya mutters. He inhales deeply. “What do you need specifically?” 
“I don’t know,” Tamaki admits. He drops his hands to his ankles, swaying forwards and backwards as he looks at Kyoya. He’s never been one for sitting still. “Just… what people in relationships do.” 
Kyoya narrows his eyes. “Tamaki. Have you ever been in a relationship before?” 
There’s a pause. Then, “You know the answer to that question.” 
Kyoya does know the answer to that one— no, neither of them have been in a relationship. Great, Kyoya thinks somewhat bitterly, his first relationship is going to be both fake and with Tamaki. He should be angry about that, but there’s a kind of swirl of confusion in his head instead, and he hates it. 
“Well,” Kyoya says, sighing. He leans his head against the wall, the edge of the headboard digging into his shoulder blades. “Things people do in relationships. They’re around each other all of the time, they make each other laugh, they… touch.” 
“Right,” Tamaki agrees. He’s still swaying, and Kyoya is finding the sound of shifting of fabric incredibly distracting. “They kiss.” 
Kyoya swallows. He can feel the tips of his ears heating up. “We’re not kissing.” 
“No,” Kyoya says firmly. “We have to have some boundaries, at least.” 
Tamaki sighs, but then brushes it off with a shrug. “I guess that’s fair. Can we at least… kiss each other on the cheek?” 
“If you insist.” 
Kyoya finally meets Tamaki’s gaze, searching for some kind of joke resting in his eyes, some kind of laughter. But there’s nothing. Tamaki is deadly serious about all of this, and Kyoya can’t figure out how to feel about it. 
He hates it, he wants to hate it, this is a ridiculous scheme, and it’s going to crash and burn around them, and for some reason, he wants to try anyway. It’s just like it was with the host club, Tamaki says an idea and Kyoya can’t help but fall in line, just another captivated Ouran student following Tamaki, Kyoya’s own personal pied piper. 
“Thank you for this,” Tamaki says again, and Kyoya just nods numbly. “It’ll only be for a week and then you can publicly dump me, if you want.” 
“I wouldn’t do it publicly.” Kyoya says it absentmindedly, not really thinking about what he’s saying, but then his brain kicks in again, and he’s suddenly thinking about this ending. What are they going to do when it’s over? It’s just a fake relationship, but there are careful, tight lines in their friendship, and Kyoya has just agreed to cross all of them. 
He thinks back to what he had told Haruhi only a few weeks ago, that his friendship with Tamaki is based entirely on self interest. It’s not true, and everyone around them knows it. It’s just that they genuinely like being around each other; but Kyoya will turn over in his grave before he ever says that out loud. Even if they genuinely like each other, there are still lines. 
Then again, Kyoya draws careful lines in the sand with everyone he meets and interacts with. Lines between acquaintance and ally. Between business partner and friend. Between friend and family. Between friend and lover. Within those lines, too, there are promises that Kyoya makes to himself— you can never let a hand linger too long, or your gaze hover on someone for even seconds past friendly, or your thoughts center around one idea for too long. 
All of those rules go out of the window when he’s around Tamaki. 
When he leaves the Suoh manion and heads home, Kyoya can’t tear his thoughts away from Tamaki. He can’t stop thinking about this plan, about this ridiculous secret that they’re both now holding. Tamaki had seen him off at the door, kissing his cheek, like any good boyfriend would do, Kyoya, and Kyoya can still feel the warmth of Tamaki’s lips against his cheek. It’s the cold, Kyoya tells himself, and not a blush that lingers on his cheeks long after he’s left the Suoh property. 
He tries to shove the whole plan out of his head that night. He has to, just to be able to sleep at night, just to be able to stop thinking about Tamaki. He doesn’t think he’s felt this obsessive since he first met Tamaki and drove himself crazy trying to fulfill his every whim as they traveled around Japan. 
It’s not until the next morning, finding himself in a shopping center with the Hitachiin twins, that he realizes that fake dating Tamaki means that everyone around them thinks they suddenly get to judge their… relationship. 
Kyoya didn’t know what he expected, knowing them. He didn’t know why he thought for even a second that they wouldn’t care— it’s not necessarily judgement that he’s suddenly faced with, but it’s definitely a conversation he hadn’t meant to start, and didn’t particularly want to finish. 
He meets the others at the front door of the shopping center, finding that he’s the last one there. Hikaru and Kaoru both wave at him as he approaches, and Kyoya is about to wave back when he catches Tamaki’s eye. Tamaki is smiling, but there’s a knowing glint in his eye that Kyoya doesn’t really know what to think of. Is there a word for the kind of glow that’s hovering at Tamaki’s cheeks right now? Is there a word for the way that Kyoya’s heart is suddenly falling to pieces? 
He’s about to say hello, just treating everything as normal, and then Tamaki skips forward and kisses him on the cheek. It’s soft, the kind of touch that’s barely there, but it makes Kyoya shiver. Tamaki’s breath is warm on Kyoya’s skin. 
It’s not an act when his cheeks heat up and the tiniest of smiles finds its unwilling way to his lips. It’s not an act when his heart pulses; a green light asking for more. He wants to smile fully, bravely— and then he remembers. 
He remembers that this isn’t real, and Tamaki is feeling nothing. Kyoya swallows, steeling himself, and pushes his glasses farther up his nose. He’s not feeling anything either. 
“Hi,” he says quietly. 
“Hi,” Tamaki says, and it’s with the kind of grin that makes Kyoya burn with a fake romance. 
Kyoya finally tears his eyes away from Tamaki and towards the other two who are waiting for them; Hikaru is staring with wide eyes, while Kaoru has a kind of unimpressed look in the tilt of his chin. 
“Did you finally sort yourselves out, then?” Kaoru asks. “Are you dating yet?” 
Kyoya stares. “I—” 
“Yup!” Tamaki grins, then slides his hand down Kyoya’s arm to tangle their fingers together. His palm is sweaty as Tamaki squeezes his hand. “It’s new, though.” 
“Finally,” Kaoru says with half a laugh. “Haruhi and I had a bet on how long it would take. Oh, she’s gonna be in debt forever.” 
Tamaki rolls his eyes, but he’s still smiling as he leads the way into the shopping center. He doesn’t let go of Kyoya’s hand the entire time. Kyoya is pretty sure that his heart is pulsing in his wrist, dripping down into his palm; he’s pretty sure that Tamaki is holding Kyoya’s entire soul right now, and he doesn’t know.
“This is going to be easier than I thought,” Tamaki whispers, leaning closer to Kyoya, his lips hovering by Kyoya’s ear. “They’re falling for it so easily.” 
Kyoya can only nod. This is going too far and too fast— or, it’s barely going at all, except for the fact that Kyoya��s mind is jumping light years ahead of we’re just pretending and right to this is getting all too real. 
“So,” Hikaru starts, keeping pace next to Kyoya, who is still holding Tamaki’s hand like a life line. “When did this happen?” 
Kyoya swallows, glancing over at Tamaki. They should have gotten their story straight before they had gone out into the world holding hands. He can so easily imagine Tamaki turning to Kaoru, who walks beside him, and saying that they’ve been dating for years, all while Kyoya tells Hikaru that it’s been hours. 
“A few days ago,” Kyoya manages to say. He says it smoothly, somehow, his tongue so practiced at smoothing over all the bumps and inconsistencies in his lies. “Like Tamaki said. It’s new.” 
Hikaru shoves his hands in the pockets of his jeans, glancing at Kyoya from the corner of his eye. “So you haven’t been pretending you’re not together for years now? Because that was my bet and—” 
“Shut up,” Kyoya says, rolling his eyes. He looks away from Hikaru and towards the crowded walkways that they’re entering. “We were just friends, until recently. That’s the truth.” 
“Sure,” Hikaru says, grinning. 
It’s a subdued, or doubtful, grin, but Kyoya doesn’t get the chance to ask before Hikaru is bounding forwards, pointing towards the food court. Tamaki agrees enthusiastically, and the four of them make their way there. Tamaki never lets go of Kyoya’s hand— that much is real. 
They order food quickly, not bothering to think too hard about it. This is, as Tamaki put it, just a fun day out, pretending to be commoners. Kyoya, though, knows what it’s really about— it’s a test run of their fake relationship, to see how well they can fit themselves into the world and into their little friend group. It’s a test run to see if they can really pull this off; they have one of the more observant people they know and one of the more gullible people they know, and that’s a good range. Kyoya, if he weren’t so distracted by Tamaki’s hand resting on his knee, would almost admire the plan. 
He’s so distracted by the fact that Tamaki is tapping his fingers against Kyoya’s leg that he doesn’t notice when Tamaki waves a hand just the slightest bit too enthusiastically, sending an uncapped bottle of soda flying across the table. It spills open and out, right onto Tamaki’s shirt. 
Four people spew a string of curses as Tamaki jumps up, knocking over his tray with the half eaten hamburger on it, sending that spilling over onto the table, too. Kyoya grabs the soda bottle before it can do more damage, but it’s too late. Tamaki’s shirt is soaking wet, and while he grabs the thinnest of napkins to try and dry it, it’s a fruitless effort. Hikaru is just laughing, while Kaoru tries helplessly to hand over more napkins. 
Tamaki swears again, tossing the napkins onto the table. He sits down with a humph and sighs. Kyoya, so quickly that he’s almost unaware of it, finds himself sliding an arm around Tamaki’s shoulders— this is what a boyfriend would do, right? Hold Tamaki when he’s upset? Kyoya thinks he’s guessed right, because Tamaki leans into his touch, burying his face in Kyoya’s shoulder. 
“My shirt’s soaking wet,” Tamaki moans. 
The vibrations of his words against Kyoya’s collarbones make him shiver, and he sighs. “You should be more careful.” 
Tamaki sits up again, slowly, but doesn’t fully pull away. Instead he rests his cheek against Kyoya’s shoulder, eyes closed. Across from them, Kaoru is grinning. 
“Cute,” he says, and Kyoya glares at him. It doesn’t deter him at all, and Kyoya just finds his face muscles growing tighter and Kaoru’s smile growing wider. 
“Shut up,” Kyoya mutters. 
It’s all a part of Tamaki’s game, though, and so Kyoya can’t find it in himself to be mad. If Kaoru thinks they’re cute, then they’re pulling this off well. That’s the important thing; not this stupid fluttering in his heart everytime Tamaki’s hand gets close to Kyoya’s knee. Kyoya swallows down any reservations, only to turn his head and press a light kiss to the top of Tamaki’s head. It’s tender and private and it comes so naturally that, for a moment, Kyoya forgot it was a performance. 
Tamaki doesn’t react to the kiss at all, except for the tiniest of smiles. 
“Cute,” Hikaru says, in an exact, smiling imitation of how Kaoru had done it. Kyoya hates them both. 
Lucky for him, though, no one at that table has a good attention span, and so none of them focus on that kiss for too long. Instead, Kaoru points out one of the department stores that he had wanted to check out while they were there, and the four of them disentangle themselves from the mess, throw away their napkins and half eaten food, and start to leave the food court.
“People are staring,” Tamaki complains. He’s walking next to Kyoya, so close that their shoulders brush every now and then, Tamaki leaning into every touch. Hikaru and Kaoru walk in front of them. 
“It’s because you’re covered in soda,” Kyoya says. He thinks that it’s a perfectly reasonable thing to say, but that just makes Tamaki pout more. 
“I know.” Tamaki sighs, crossing his arms tightly around his chest. It does nothing to cover up the stain. 
Kyoya looks over, scanning the disappointment on Tamaki’s face and the hunched over way he’s carrying himself, and then sighs. “Here. Take my jacket. If you zip it up, no one will be able to see anything.” 
“Are you sure?” Tamaki asks. He says it slowly, but he’s already brightening up. “You won’t be cold?” 
Kyoya shrugs. “It’s May. I’ll be fine.” 
“Thanks,” Tamaki says, grinning.
Kyoya sighs, but it’s not a tired sigh— it’s an exasperated, happy sigh that only a lover can make. He shrugs off his jacket and holds it up for Tamaki to put on. Once it’s on, Tamaki turns to face Kyoya, his smile like a wound in Kyoya’s composure, and puts his hands to his waist. 
“How do I look?” he asks. 
“Fine,” Kyoya says, rolling his eyes. “The whole point is to zip up the jacket, Tamaki.” 
Tamaki laughs at that, unbothered by the tone of his voice. He zips up the jacket and then poses again, hands on his hips, smiling. “Now?” 
“Good,” Kyoya says. He looks more than good, but Kyoya will be damned before he says that out loud. Fake, fake, fake, he chants to himself. “Let’s catch up to Hikaru and Kaoru, I think they already went inside.” 
Tamaki nods. He starts walking forward, and then pauses to look at Kyoya. He puts his hand up in the air between them, and Kyoya feels a boiling smile working its way through his chest when he takes Tamaki’s hand. 
The four of them spend the rest of the day like that, wandering through the shopping center, making their way through every department store and every chain store and every miscellaneous merchandise stand. Somehow, the day passes quickly. Kyoya had expected it to drag on, to be painful to spend so much time somewhere like a mall, but by the time that they start leaving, he finds that he had actually had fun. 
They part ways at the front of the shopping center, where Hikaru and Kaoru go off to Parking Lot A. Kyoya and Tamaki walk together to Parking Lot C, Tamaki swinging their interlocked hands in the air between them. 
“This was fun, don’t you think?” Tamaki asks, smiling at Kyoya. 
“It was,” Kyoya admits. 
They’re still holding hands, though no one is around them, and Kyoya can’t help but hope that Tamaki doesn’t notice that there’s no reason to pretend anymore. He can’t help but hope that Tamaki keeps holding his hand. It’s a deep, selfish desire that Kyoya cannot say out loud. 
“This is my car,” Tamaki says, stopping in his tracks. Still, he doesn’t let go of Kyoya. “Hey— thank you. For today.” 
Kyoya frowns. “What do you mean?” 
“Pretending,” Tamaki tells him, as if it’s supposed to be obvious. Now that he says it, Kyoya feels sick with how unobvious that had been to him. “I know we agreed last night, but I didn’t really think you would. Thank you.” 
Kyoya swallows. Tamaki hadn’t expected anything of him. Looking back over the day, Kyoya is suddenly wondering how much of what he had done had just been because he wanted to. Did he— did he want to kiss Tamaki so tenderly when his head was resting against Kyoya’s shoulder? Did he want to hold Tamaki’s hand? Did he— 
“Yeah,” Kyoya says carefully. He can’t afford to break face now. “Anytime.” 
Tamaki nods, smiling. It’s a bright smile, but something about it is different from the ones he had been giving Kyoya earlier. He lets go of Kyoya’s hand, patting the pockets of his pants until he finds his keys. “I promise you can break up with me in a few days.” 
“I look forward to it,” Kyoya chokes out. He takes a deep breath, then moves a few steps backwards. “I’ll see you at school.”
Tamaki finds his keys and gives Kyoya a wave as he unlocks his car. Kyoya has only just turned and begun to walk away when Tamaki calls out his name again— Kyoya’s heart jumps onto his tongue, stupidly quickly, enough to make him almost say, I love you, even though he’s not really sure if it’s true yet. 
“Kyoya!” Tamaki calls again, and Kyoya turns back to him. “Your jacket!” 
Tamaki has unzipped the jacket, and the wet stain on his shirt has since dried off. Kyoya’s jacket hangs tightly against his shoulders, though they’re probably about the same size, and the black fabric is a dark shadow against Tamaki’s pale skin. Even in the concrete limelight of the parking lot, he looks radiant.
“Keep it,” Kyoya says, and Tamaki frowns, as if he can’t hear. “Keep it! It— it looks good on you.” 
Tamaki grins, and he blows a kiss towards Kyoya. It makes Kyoya glow, deep inside, and that’s not something he can fake. 
Oh, he’s so screwed.
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stoppit-keepout · 4 years
hikago your name 👀
(For the WIP Grab Bag meme) OH NO you already know pretty much everything in this doc!! It’s just the chatfic you and I worked on together, but in a google doc in the hopes that ~someday~... you know. So here’s an excerpt written off the cuff for you:
Hikaru’s stomach is churning from the moment he regains consciousness; he doesn’t have to open his eyes to tell he’s there again, in Torajirou’s house that is quieter than his and Touya’s, that smells crisper, that has rougher sheets. His stomach knots because while he wants so desperately to be here and make good on his promise to let Sai play, it hurts for Sai to look at him and see Torajirou, to smile at who he’s not.
He blearily pushes himself up and curls over, chin touching knees.
“Good morning, Torajirou-kun.” That voice, oh... It’s comfort that warms under his ribs, and pain that twists close behind.
“Shall we continue where we left off last night?”
For those not lucky enough to have had a chat with feelsfic about a Hikago AU of Your Name/君の名は, the chatfic is below the cut; heads up for implicit spoilers for Your Name, which is a GREAT movie and deserves to be seen without your having been spoiled!
sk: what i shouted at ps before was basically: shindou wakes up as torajirou and vice versa a few times (both when they're like... 20-ish years old)
and hikaru lives a day of torajirou's life (kinda thinking it's a dream) and torajirou lives a day of hikaru's life (kinda thinking it's a dream)
but after it happens a few times they start leaving each other notes and guidelines OR MESSAGES WITH SAI. but like.... the first time they switch, this is a few years after hikaru's lost sai in his own life. and he still MISSES him. so he ABSOLUTELY CANNOT HANDLE waking up and seeing sai.
but from sai's pov it's just like... torajirou wakes up one morning and stares at sai like he's (lol) seen a ghost, and then starts CRYING and THROWS HIMSELF AT HIM and it's all PRETTY SURPRISING. and then he's CRYING and babbling about WHAT KIND OF DREAM IS THIS and trying to tell him all this stuff??? about things sai has no clue about?? and how he's been playing go, and he hopes sai's proud of him.
and he would absoLUTELy wanna play sai, but this is also shuusaku-era sai, so he'd probably... learn things from shindou? (but he's still gonna beat him, i mean, i'm not THAT horrible)
and like, sai would learn new things but what caused his EXPLOSION OF GROWTH that one summer was playing constantly for weeks on end, and on these visits back, hikaru would still have to fulfill torajirou's obligations (according to a very sternly-worded message he left with sai). so sai doesn't become instantly modern and mess with the timeline.
 but now you've got me thinking about how sai was always a substantial ghost for hikaru as in hikaru could high five him and maybe he should have thought that was weird but he misses it
 ;;;; hikaru watching ghost movies and getting annoyed because that's not how it works
"they don't mess with electricity!!"
 hikaru having to teach past sai what a high five is
and hikaru acting as a proxy again for past sai, letting him play all the games, 'cause that's what torajirou did
does hikaru think of his bargain with the universe
that he would let sai play every game
OH MAN HE DOES!!!!!!!! this is the universe's way of helping him.
and then torajirou's also spending some days in hikaru's modern life, learning the ropes.
and hikaru doesn't remember these weird dreams super clearly when he wakes up, but his shuusaku obsession is kicking up into high gear again (so think the ppl around him)
but he's obvi very influenced by sai's play so people see THAT as also being like "shindou-5-dan doing some weird risky old-fashioned play again"
he'd been kinda getting over his reputation as a weird unpredictable player, but now there are days when he looks like a deer in the headlights, and speaks pretty formally to people, and plays super strangely (for him), and misses some commitments (because hikaru's schedule-keeping abilities are prolly pretty reliant on just mental notes of like... "turn up at x's house for tutoring on monday nights" but his calendar is not organized)
there are all these rumours that it's the stress of the honinbou title matches (or w/e)
yeah like if this were a theater company or similar people would just be like… man that shindou… he's so method. did you hear about that time he acted like he'd never seen an electrical scoreboard before? classic shindou
YES. i want shindou to be living with touya in this au.... not ~in a relationship~ (yet, ahahaa) but roommates in a place not incredibly far from the ki-in. and so touya at least makes sure he's like... wearing the appropriate clothes and stuff. (roughly speaking).  touya cannot BELIEVE he had to remind hikaru how to use a zipper, just btw.
 touya akira's guide to appropriate outfits.....
oh yes. he is very trustworthy...
i had one last thing written out in our chat.... ok so. in the movie Your Name they cry when they wake up from their dreams sometimes, and we already know that hikaru cries when he dreams about sai ha ha h a. so at least once:
touya gets up and shindou's already out of bed! weird. he's fumbling incompetently around the kitchen, but for once he's being quiet about it. touya offers to make some breakfast for both of them because shindou's obviously not at his best. shindou thanks him very formally. it's weird.
shindou asks what they're doing that day; also weird, because he's actually usually the one who keeps track of touya's schedule too? but whatever, touya fills him in
(it's a quiet day, shindou goes for a walk in the park--also weird--and they play go later, and he's having a weird shuusaku mood and doesn't shout at touya at all--still weird)
and then the next day touya's up before shindou (AS USUAL) and as he's drinking his tea he hears a thump from shindou's room which might be shindou falling out of his bed.
and shindou emerges, bleary-eyed, still in pyjamas, hair all messed up (and touya's heart DEFINITELY FLOPS AROUND IN HIS CHEST AT THAT) and he folds into himself at the kitchen table and just drinks tea and stares at a newspaper without reading it
and touya's not really sure if he should mention it, because shindou doesn't seem to have noticed, but he seems to be slowly and steadily crying. just with his eyes! his breathing's steady and stuff. but he's dripping tears onto his pjs, and touya is a little... concerned.
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theotomemaiden · 4 years
♥️ 10 Characters Tag ♥️
🖤 10 Characters Tag 🖤
Rules: Make a new post, name 10 characters from 10 different fandoms that you like, and then tag 10 people.
I was tagged by @dlgenderbend , I love doing these things so thank you! 💕
Ah it was so hard to choose 10 different fandoms considering my most favorites are usually in the same fandom 🥺
1. Carla Tsukinami (Diabolik Lovers)
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(My favorite character ever, the one true love of my life, my husband, my everything. He is my soulmate, I swear. I can’t wait to get more tattoos dedicated to him ♥️) I bury myself in merch of Carla everyday. He is perfection and I don’t give a damn if people think I’m crazy because of this obsession I have...this should be the least of their worries when it comes to me.
2. Camus (Uta no Prince-sama)
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(My second favorite character ever. On Shining Live I have a bond of over 800 with him, and I am very proud. I have spent more money on this man than anything else and he still refuses to come home sometimes. He has robbed me of everything but I still love him. This icy cold count will always have a special place in my heart...not like I can abandon him after spending over $1,500 on Shining Live within the past 2 years...yes, I know, it’s insane. But my luck on gacha is horrible. This might sound really fucking petty of me but please don’t come crying to me when Camus doesn’t come home to you after you saved up all of your prisms for so long and haven’t spent a single penny on this game, when I’ve spent $600 on the Setsugetsuka photoshoot, and $300 on the Police Officer one, and he still never came home. I’m sorry but I can’t comfort you. And I don’t feel bad.) He is the second character that I have the most merch of...and I cherish it even though I feel betrayed by him sometimes lol. I will never stop loving him.)
3. Ukyo (Amnesia)
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(Oh my heart, this poor man who I love so much...he deserves the world. I’ve played and watched Amnesia well over 10 times and still cry every damn time. There is no one who loves anyone more than Ukyo loves the heroine...I still love him after he developed severe PTSD turning into a Split Personality who is crazy...he still deserves everything. He has the biggest heart and I will always admire him. He is precious.)
4. Toshizo Hijikata (Hakuoki)
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(One of my first anime boy loves and obsessions. He was my first dakimakura pillow and Hakuoki is one of the first otome games I had played. I traveled across the country to go to the Hakuoki fest and it was amazing. Hakuoki and Toshi will always mean a lot to me.)
5. Jakurai Jinguji (Hypnosis Mic)
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(My first Hypnosis Mic crush even though I truly love all of them except Ramuda even though he comes home to me in the game constantly just to taunt me. I created a second account just to get the Jakurai SSR. I have loved Hypnosis Mic since it first came out and love to see the franchise keep growing, I was super excited for the game that me and a lot of others had waited over a year to finally come out. And now I’m excited for the anime! I love Jakurai’s character and personality and voice. I love the things he says and is really inspirational. There are so many times I’ve listen to him rap in the first Matenro drama CD where he tries to convince the girl not to commit suicide...his words have saved me countless times. He is a character I have such a deep appreciation for.)
6. Rin Matsuoka (Free!)
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(Another one of my first real hardcore obsessions with an anime boy. I have all the figures of him and they are some of my prized possessions, especially the one of him with the water guns. Another character I deeply admire and look up to. I strive to be as an amazing friend as he is...I empathize with his past and really care for him. I love him, I really do.)
7. Vil Schoenheit (Twisted Wonderland)
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(A fairly newer character compared to the rest of them but I’ve been obsessed since they first showed a picture of him in one of the teasers from last year. I love almost all of the characters in TW very, very much but Vil has my heart. As someone who is insecure but obsessed with beauty for most of my life due to being bullied, and as the makeup artist I am now, I admire his dedication and care. His dorm Pomefiore is the next episode and I am SO EXCITED. I really think he is the one who will overblot and he is going to look so fucking beautiful. I can’t wait until they make an SSR card of him...another game I also have 2 accounts on.)
8. Hikaru Osari (B-Project)
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(One character I absolutely adore who has a personality that I usually don’t take interest in. He has such a big heart and will literally do anything to protect his friends. Although, when the other members of MooNs tease him sometimes, I feel so so bad for him and just want to protect him and his precious self. He deserves the best and I love him a lot.)
9. Uta (Tokyo Ghoul)
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(My favorite Tokyo Ghoul character, his style is so similar to mine so I instantly took a liking to him. We have many of the same piercings and both have tattoos and little eyebrows lol. Since he is also a type of artist, I also have that in common with him. He is a man I would totally fall in love with who matches my aesthetic. Some of his quotes are really meaningful as well which I also love about him.)
10. Undertaker (Black Butler)
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(A character I fell in love with even before I knew he had such a sexy face. My favorite Kuroshitsuji character from the beginning...especially when I saw him in that bucket of salt just sticking his tongue out and licking it. I was like “LOL IT’S ME.” He is hilarious and in Book Of Atlantic they finally showed his face and his darker side and I knew from that point on that I fell hard for him. His and the other reaper’s backstories I really connected with and understood. He is still very mysterious and much is unknown, but I know whatever more I find out, I will only love him more.)
I apologize for my rant, especially about Camus...I don’t mean to offend anyone on SL. I’m just bitter lol.
Well, this was fun. I’m not sure who to tag so, if you’d like to do this, I Tag you! 🥰🖤
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rockingbrooklyn · 5 years
The Bidders and their Watch choices
He is a HUGE connoisseur of watches, in every sense of that word. His favorite Brands are Rolex, Patek Philippe, Rado, Longines, Tissot, Fossil, Timex, Audemars Piguet, Breitling, Tag Heuer, Chopard, Cartier, Vacheron Constantin, Blancpain, Omega, Montblanc, and practically every expensive Brand on this planet- you name it, he has it. He also owns Apple and Samsung Smartwatches. He has a massive collection of wrist watches in several colours & styles and noone can beat his expertise with watch fashions; he's a watch-Guru. He is always updated with the latest watch trends and with him being one of their biggest customers, Brand owners more than often send him their newly launched pieces or personally notify him to attend the launch of a new model that might catch his attention. This dude owns watches worth millions. He is super passionate about watches and will go lengths to get them customised with his initials E.I on the dials. He knows how spoilt he is when it comes to watches, but he thinks it's worth every penny and he's super proud of himself (that bitch). Eisuke prefers Analog watches to Digital ones. Watches are his go-to Birthday, Anniversary or Congratulatory gifts. He's a compulsive watch-shopper- if he likes a watch, he's going to raid the shop to get it, (they better not give him an excuse of it being just a showroom piece and not on sale or it not being customisable or any shit like that, he'll go APESHIT and ruin their Brand-name), and he doesn't give even a micro-fuck about the price.
Soryu too, loves watches, but he isn't as much a spendthrift as Eisuke. It's like he wants to buy watches, but he doesn't want to come across as spoilt, so he controls his urges. He owns 10-12 really good, high-end watches. Among Analog watches, his favorite brands are Timex and Omega- they're sturdy, durable and heavy-duty, much similar to his personality. His personal favorite is the Apple Smartwatch because it performs a plethora of functions for him- time, weather, temperature and tracking. On those days when he personally has some 'dirty' work to do, he avoids wearing a watch for it would break his heart to ruin one of his treasured pieces. He prefers watches in metallic black, navy blue or silver colours to match with his suit. He prefers watches with multiple dials to know the precise time, along with the date, day and month.
This guy could care less about a watch, it isn't a daily-wear accessory for him. He thinks watches in general are a waste of money, and he doesn't give a fuck about the time either. He owns 2 or 3 watches in relatively cheaper but very reliable brands like Casio and Seiko. He has honestly been using the same black Genuine-leather strapped Casio since the past 10 years and Eisuke often mocks him for it, but he still wears it anyway. Infact, he brags about it being vintage and Baba has to explain him THAT IT ISN'T GODDAMMIT. He prefers leather straps to metallic straps. Among metallic straps, silver is his favorite color. He has only one CRAZY EXPENSIVE Patek Philippe(thanks to Eisuke) and he frankly never uses it because it would kill him if that watch gets scratched or damaged in any way. Yes he is thrifty.
Ota, being young and artsy, prefers modern Brands to the Classic ones. His favorites include Tommy Hilfiger, Tag Heuer, Armani, Fossil, Swatch, Chanel, Hermès, Michael Kors and Casio. His favorite watch is his limited edition G-Shock by Casio, he treats that watch more like a baby, and less like a watch. Like Eisuke and Soryu, he too, owns an Apple Smartwatch. His watches are colourful and fashionable. He hates those boring leather straps and gold-plated watches. His go-to watch brand is Tommy Hilfiger. He often ditches multiple-dial watches for creative single-dial ones. He likes digital watches too. He has partnered with several Brands to provide them with unique, youngster-focused designs. He has a weird obsession with LED and Radium watches.
As a doctor, he wears a watch 24/7, more than often even when he sleeps. He isn't a watch collector like Eisuke, but he adores Classic watches. He owns 8-10 high-end watches in Brands like Rolex, Victorinox, Breitling, Swatch, Roger Smith, Bremont, Pinion, Speake-Marin, and ofcourse, Robert Loomes. He LOVES English watch Brands. For everyday use, he wears his trusty leather strap Bremont, but for special occasions, he switches to metallic strap ones. His preferred watch type is Analog, with multiple dials which help him keep track of the month, date and day. He doesn't understand Apple watches really, they seem like an unnecessary technological complication. Among metallic straps, his favorite colours are rose-gold, bronze and silver. He often browses through Classic watch catalogues and makes an occasional splurge on one of his favorite Brands. He HATES when any of his watches run slow. He makes it a point to keep all of them very precise and in perfect working condition.
He loves luxury and vintage watches, especially the Gold-plated ones. He isn't at all into modern designs. He is always looking for watches being auctioned and ensures that he gets his hands on them. He has formerly purchased really expensive Rolex and Patek Philippe watches through auctions. His watches are all Analog and they stand out since they are often encrusted with precious stones- he's rather extra about the bling and Eisuke hates him for it. He likes rectangular dials more than round ones, and prefers leather straps (he has particularly hairy hands- his hair gets caught in metallic straps and it hurts like hell, poor Baba ends up getting rashes on his wrist more than often.) Maybe he should take up on Ota's advise to get his hands waxed.
Hikaru doesn't wear a watch most of the time due to (both) his professions. As a Bellboy, he tends to damage watches by accidentally hitting them on walls, doors, lifts, ovens?! There was one time when he mistakenly wore his favorite watch for a major kill, and it ended up covered in blood. Hikaru begrudgingly spent the entire night trying to clean it up and that taught him to avoid watches at all costs when he's being a hitman. He currently owns only two watches- both G.Shocks by Casio- one black and one white.
He too, just like Luke, wears a watch 24/7. Wearing a watch is a part of his morning routine. He'll probably get a panic attack if he doesn't wear one. He too, owns several watches like a certain other person, better not be named, for it peeves Shuichi to no end. He likes watches in Silver and Black colors, any type of strap would do. He has fixed shops where he'll go to buy his watches and refuses to buy a watch anywhere else. It once happened that he came across Eisuke in a store and they picked the same kind of watch and the look of intense hatred on their faces left the store employees rather scared. The next time they came across each other in a watch shop, they both turned away and left (Lmao). Since then, Shuichi avoids shops inside Tres Spades or within a 2 km radius of it. His preferred Brands are Rolex, Victorinox, Breitling, Longines, Rado and Cartier. He prefers simple yet classy watches to go with his smart suit. He hates blingy watches meant for showing off- especially the ones that Eisuke wears. Eisuke's obsession with watches pisses him off. These two could totally be watch rivals.
Just like Hikaru, MC avoids wearing watches because they get damaged during work. She has 2-3 affordable, trendy, and chic Citizen watches for special occasions. She prefers round dials and metallic straps and her favorite colour is Rose Gold. On one of her Birthdays, both Eisuke and Shuichi gifted her filthy expensive Patek Philippe watches. She's scared to even touch those and keeps them securely locked inside her safe because God knows how many millions they might be worth. She is sure to get mugged if she wears those. She often thinks whether Eisuke genuinely (and innocently) gifted that watch to her or whether that devil bastard wanted her to fall in trouble that motherfucker
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putschki1969 · 5 years
Hikaru×SPICE Live Broadcast ~ A summary/translation
I am finally home. Thank God the video got archived (at least for a week) so I can watch it right now and provide a more or less detailed summary.
Without further ado, let’s get started. 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
Takeshi Kato (=TK) is doing a short intro where he explains that they are doing a live broadcast to celebrate Hikaru’s birthday. Hikaru had reached out to them and asked if it would be possible to do a short-notice broadcast. They were more than happy to help out with that. The camera points to the side to reveal Hikaru. She greets everyone and says it’s been so long since the last time they did something like this. Hikaru talks about the reason she wanted to do this live so abruptly. It’s because she reached 15.000 followers on twitter and wanted an opportunity to celebrate that with everyone. Talking about celebration. TK wishes Hikaru a happy birthday. They bring out a cake for her and she also introduces her drink for the night - tapioca milk tea (as one would expect from Hikaru).
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Hikaru talks about how she fell in love with tapioca milk tea when they went to Taiwan back in 2010. Ever since then she has had an obsession (something all of her twitter followers know about). Nowadays there is a huge tapioca boom in Japan so it’s very easy for her to find new drinks to try out. She always posts her collection. TK asks everyone to send in lots of comments, questions etc by using the hashtag #Hikaruバースデー Rumor has it that something good will be happening to one of the commentors at the end of the broadcast. Hikaru is like, “ohh, yeah, I think there will be”
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TK reads out some comments, mostly birthday wishes, compliments about Hikaru’s beauty, messages of gratitude and talk about tapioca. In the background they always upload a different fan art and Hikaru tries to mimic the pose from the picture. Generally she is just being super cute.
They talk about how Hikaru started twitter at around October last year and how no one believed that it was actually her. Only when she posted some proof did people finally believe it was her XD
It’s been about a year since her last live (birthday event) so TK asks her what she has been doing during all this time. Hikaru replies that she started twitter, drank lots of tapioca, ate lots of food, went to the gym, watched anime, read manga and slept. TK wants to know how it feels like now that she is not doing one live after the other as used to be the case during her time in Kalafina, all that free-time must have been weird at first. Hikaru agrees but she also says that she is not really doing anything different now than she did before. Even during her Kalafina days she would always follow her hobbies if she wasn’t busy with Kalafina stuff. But now she has more time to focus on that and of course she always tries to learn more. Since she currently can’t expand her knowledge by doing lives she has made it a habit to attend lots of lives. She mentions attending the YK Live which took place last weekend in Chiba. She talks about taking selfies with Keiko and uploading them to twitter. TK asks how it feels like to be listening from the outside. Hikaru explains that Wakana and Keiko have always performed at YK lives in the past and it has always been different from Kalafina so it’s not really anything new for her but still it felt very nostalgic to watch the live. Time to continue with fan questions. One fan asks Hikaru to which extent she likes tapioca and Hikaru is super perplexed by that, “what kind of question is that?” TK explains that the person probably meant how she likes the texture of her tapioca bubbles or the amount. Hikaru explains that she likes a lot with black tea but not so many when she is drinking something fruity. Another viewer says that the entire family is watching the broadcast on a big TV screen. Hikaru gets super embarrassed and is afraid her face will look too chubby.
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They talk a bit about Hikaru’s make up and how she had to do it herself for this broadcast. She has shared the stuff she uses on twitter and usually she doesn’t really change her make up items so it should all still be the same.
TK points out that all of Hikaru’s tweets have an English translation. Hikaru explains that she tries to connect with everyone as best as possible and since she has a lof of foreign followers she always makes the effort to post in Japanese as well as in English. Hikaru says it feels great to do a live broadcast like that because it makes her feel super close to us. Then there is a message from my friend Sai-chan who is from Thailand. Hikaru greets her and says something in Thai (I guess it’s a greeting?). Either way, it sounds super cute. She is asked to recommend the best tapioca but she really can’t because it depends on your personal preference. There is just too much to choose from so you have to decide for yourself what you like and what you don’t like. It’s really difficult to answer a question like that so Hikaru asks the viewers to change the topic to something other than tapioca. She then talks about her hair and how she is currently letting it grow. She doesn’t really go to the hairsalon or anything, she just lets it grow naturally. She really loves her short hair but right now she feels like having longer hair. She used to have longer hair in the first years of Kalafina, then she cut it and kept it short for a long time and now she wants to let it grow a little longer.
Hikaru is then asked why she is suddenly going to the gym even though she hates exercising.
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She still doesn’t like it, it’s super tough (especially since she did zero work outs in the pasts) but with all the tapioca milk tea she drinks she just HAS to work out. Back in the day their live performances would be her work out but now she doesn’t have that anymore so she had to find another way to stay fit. This way she will be strong when she starts performing again. There is really no other choice for her than to go to the gym, she doesn’t really like doing any other sort of activity. Thb, she doesn’t even like any of the activities at the gym either. For her, everything is torture but she has to make that sacrifice at leasr once a week in order to be able to drink her beloved tapioca.
Hikaru is overwhelmed by all the birthday wishes and says she actually doesn’t really like to receive so many congratulations. She really prefers to be the one who does the congratulating so she suggests to sing a song. Hikaru asks if it’s okay if she sings a song a capella, she thinks it should be fine, after all they did sing a bit during their Kalafina broadcasts too. She wants to sing a birthday song, it might be weird since it’s actually HER birthday today but she is sure someone out there is celebrating their birthday this month as well. She is gonna sing “Happy Happy Birthday” by Dreams Come True. She wishes everyone a happy birthday, even those who don’t celebrate their birthday today. [Ahhhhh, I loved it. Didn’t even know the song but Hikaru rocked it.] Everyone is super happy about hearing Hikaru sing live and that she actually sang so much of the song. BIG ANNOUNCEMENT ahead. The tension is palpable. Hikaru becomes super serious. And then there it is. It has been decided that she will do a SOLO LIVE!! Waaaahhhh! FINALLY!
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She has been worrying a lot and felt bad because everyone on twitter has beeng asking her to start singing again, everyone wanted her to be on stage again. On the one hand it made her happy to hear those words but it was also so very frustrating. She is glad she can finally make it happen. In her time as member of Kalafina she has learned one important lesson. If there is something you cannot do by yourself, you can borrow strength from others. It was hard for her to learn since she doesn’t like asking for help but sometimes it can be fine. You have to do it and there is nothing wrong about it. Kalafina heavily relied on that and right now she is also doing it. With the help of many people, her solo live is being made possible. TK suggests they make a tweet about the solo live and Hikaru thinks it would be a good idea to include a little selfie. While Hikaru makes the tweet, TK repeats all the important info regarding the live. After a couple of minutes she finally posts her tweet. Live tweeting SUCCESS.
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Hikaru is scared because the venue can seat over 2000 people. She worries no one will come and the hall will be empty. She is like, “everyone, PLEASE COME! This would be the perfect birthday present for me!” She will do lots of covers (same as her birthday event) and she asks everyone to send in requests. And of course she want to create some live goods for her concerts. She wonders what she could make. Since it’s going to be winter time she thinks warm items would be nice. TK asks what kind of live it is going to be since this is her first time doing a proper solo live. Hikaru doesn’t know yet but she is currently worrying about it. She will inform everyone if there are any further infos but right now the most important thing for her is that she can continue singing, she will figure out the rest somehow. Things like whether she will have a band or not..
The first few live goods suggestions are cominng in: a pass case, a stola (Hikaru asks if guys would even wear those?), glasses case, tapioca keyholder, a hat (Hikaru says that her hat from the b-day event was really popular), book cover, eye mask, stationary set, tapioca straw, etc... Then we have some song requests: Platinum from CCC (which she also sang at her b-day event), Speechless from Aladdin, Zankokuna Tenshi no These, Evanescence songs, winter, X-Mas songs, Hirahara Ayaka’s Jupiter, anime OPs/EDs, musical pieces, etc...Hikaru is quite intimidated by some of the song requests because she doesn’t know if she will be able to do justice to them. I am too lazy to list all the song suggestions and honestly, I don’t even know some of the titles and artists. I am pretty clueless when it comes to singers other than Kalafina. Anyways, you get the idea. Hikaru is intrigued by almost every request. She says that she particularly loves anisongs (which we already know of course). They talk a bit about Kita Wing by Nakamori Akina, ever since she was super young she loved to sing this song at karaoke. Keiko would often mention that during their radio programs.
Then they talk about outfit ideas for the live. Should she wear a skirt or pants? TK notes that Hikaru usually likes to wear pants. Hikaru agrees, they are much more convenient, it’s easy to move around. Which is also why she ended up wearing pants so often during Kalafina lives. It was so amazing when she first got to wear pants for their FOTW live. Before that Kalafina’s image had all been about skirts. She had always wanted to wear pants so to finally get to do it felt great. At that point she felt courageous enough to ask if it would be okay and everyone at the office told her that it’s totally fine, of course she can wear pants. That’s when they decided to design pants and she never looked back. Hikaru would like to know what kind of silhouette the audience wants to see, what kind of colour scheme? The majority would prefer pants (short pants XD). Hikaru considers doing an outfit change during the live so she can try different types of clothing. Hikaru will think about wearing something red even though she is not used to that. Reddish colours were always more Keiko’s image whereas Hikaru often wore blueish colours. Someone suggests Hikaru should do cosplay, Hikaru is not exactly convinced by that idea. She asks if anyone even wants to see that...? She is not really the type to do cosplay. But there are definitely a lot of cool suggestions like Shiki from KnK. Lots of people want her to have a ponytail hairstyle but she is not suó sure about it.
They are informed that there are only five minutes left till the scheduled end of the program. Time to wrap things up. More than 2000 are watching the live broadcast at that moment. CONGRATS. TK is like, “what if all those people watching right now came to the live?” Hikaru would freak out.
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More promo for Hikaru’s live. Hikaru begs everyone to come and to bring lots of friends. She hopes she can show a new side of herself to the audience that already knows her from Kalafina lives. But she also hopes that lots of new people will come who have never been to a Kalafina live. She is starting with a clean slate. She wants to be the kind of singer that conveys her feelings to the audience. For her, singing is not just about producing a lovely voice, it’s about having conversations with the audience. If it weren’t for us she wouldn’t be able to sing.  Time is running out. Some more promo. Hikaru hopes everyone can read the info.
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Hikaru talks a bit about how her character is very straighforward and that there are not a lot of changes when it comes to the things she likes. When she likes something she will like it forever. 
Hikaru doesn’t know what the live will be like but one thing is for sure, she will be singing. She is sorry she can’t say more yet but eventually things will be put into shape. Once again she thanks everyone around her for making the concert possible.
Hikaru says she was super nervous because she did the broadcast all by herself. TK then tells her that her tag is trending on twitter. BANZAI. Then they get back to that rumor which was mentioned at the very beginning of the broadcast. A little present from Hikaru. Two of the viewers that commented will receive a polaroid of Hikaru as present. Those who would like a chance to win the present need to follow the spice_anige account on twitter. TK will message the winners directly. The winner will be chosen at random among the Hikaru birthday tag. According to a previous tweet made by Hikaru, the winner has already been chosen.
Hikaru once again thanks her followers on twitter. When she first started, it felt a bit weird but now she feels very empowered. She feels like she can do everything. Big thank you to everyone.
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kiritonarukami · 6 years
top ten songs i’m obsessed with
tagged by: @kashimasyuu (Thanks for the tag Nat! :D)
I listen to a wide variety of music so bear with me lol 
Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu - sumika (The ending theme for “I want to eat your pancreas” and it will get you 100% in the feels)
ATTENTION - Joji (This song has been stuck in my head for the past three weeks lol)
Stupid Deep (acoustic) - Jon Bellion (I love Jon Bellion’s work and his acoustic renditions of his own songs are to DIE for)
this is what a toxic relationship feels like - Clinton Kane (Ran across this gem somewhere on the internet and I just dig everything about it)
Face My Fears - Skrillex & Utada Hikaru (WE ALL KNOW WHY)
Here To Mars - Coheed and Cambria (I listened to Coheed and Cambria for a while now and this song has a special place in my heart for a number of reasons!)
Stand Out Fit In - ONE OK ROCK (UGH I LOVE ONE OK ROCK and this song’s music video just really hits me hard as an Asian American and going through that phase of bullying and adapting to two cultures at the same.)
Kneel Before Me (ft. Asking Alexandria) - SLANDER & Crankdat (Lately there’s been a trend of incorporating metal/rock with electronic music and boiiiiii does it SMACK)
Cut My Hair / This Is Home - Cavetown (Mounika Remix) (My go to study song, it’s so calming and enchanting!)
Your Reality - Doki Doki Literature Club OST (Let’s be honest, we’re all still trapped in Doki Doki hell)
tagging: @nicorobins @anadorablefox @hexagon431 @taikos (feel free to do this or not! I will also tag anyone else who wants to do it!)
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shimmersing · 7 years
Gaming Meme
Ooooo, thanks @aspyforthethrone​! Fun!
@taraum​ & @sheastandefer​ I wanna see yours!
Under cut, because it’s a really long post.
1. Favorite game from the last 5 years? SWTOR primarily, but I also had a little obsession with “Don’t Starve” for about a year.
2. Most nostalgic game? Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past. It was already released but I had to wait until Christmas that year to get it, and I had never been so excited to open a gift.
3. Game that deserves a sequel? Please Don’t Touch Anything. There wasn’t much in the way of replayability, but it was SO much fun.
4. Game that deserves a remaster? I’m going to agree with @aspyforthethrone​. I never actually played KOTOR, and I’m shying away from it a little because of the older style graphics. I’m worried it’s going to take away from the experience.
5. Favorite game series? Hands down, Legend of Zelda. Zelda is my JAM.
6. Favorite genre? RPGs
7. Least favorite genre? FPS. I suck at them so bad.
8. Favorite song from a game? Anything Utada Hikaru has done for Kingdom Hearts. XD
9. Favorite character from a game? SWTOR’s Lana Beniko; Zelda’s Link; FF6′s Terra & Celeste
10. Favorite ship from a game? LOOOOL basically all your OCs and their partners. I love them. XD
11. Favorite voice actor from a game? I don’t play Destiny, but I watch my husband play and Nathan Fillion kills me.
12. Favorite cutscene? Still really like the Jedi Consular’s arrival on Tython.
13. Favorite boss? FF6′s Kefka. DAMN bro. Is THIS your final form?
14. First console? Original Nintendo Entertainment System. 1987, bro.
15. Current console or consoles? I’ve a gaming computer, husband has a Playstation 4 (I think? I can’t keep track of their damn number system) a Raspberry Pie with retro games, and PS3 & Nintendo Wii upstairs that no one really plays that often. XD 
16. Console you want? I assume sometime in the next year or so it’ll be time for a new gaming PC.
17. Place from a game that you’d like to visit? Star Wars galaxy, easy. I probably wouldn’t survive, but it’d be fun for a minute. XD
18. Place from a game that you’d like to live in? Same. XD
19. Ridiculous crossover that would never happen but would be super fun? Okay honestly I got nothing, but for the longest time I was like yeah fuck Kingdom Hearts, Disney and Squeenix is stupid. And then I actually played it and I have never been so happy to be wrong.
21. Show/Movie that would make a good game? The Magicians would be SHENANIGANS.
22. Games you want to play? I’d like to play some of the other Bioware games but Staarrr Waaarrrrsss.
23. Have you gotten 100% completion in a game? A few short ones, or older RPGs.
24. Have you cried over a game? LOL when I was like 11 I cried over the end of A Link to the Past. I’m emotionally invested.
25. What power-up or ability would you want IRL? Force sensitivity. That would be very useful (also that might be the only way I’d actually make it in Qs 17 & 18).
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sleepyheadven · 7 years
I was tagged by the lovely @stohessdistrict a bit ago, and I finally found the time to actually sit down and do this because it looked super fun! So here we go~ if you’d like to do this, please feel free to, no one is going to bat an eyelash if you do this without being tagged, so do you babes~ <3
1. A song you like with a color in the title? Blue by Utada Hikaru has been one of my favorite songs since forever. (That entire album is my go to, honestly, she’s one of my favorite artists <3)
2. A song you like with a number in the title? 5 A.M by Amber Run~
3. A song that reminds you of summer? Hm, this one is tough. A few years back during summer time I’d always play Ordinary Day by Vanessa Carlton whenever I couldn’t fall asleep. It was always way too hot and stuffy in my room, and my mental health was in a really, really bad place during that time so those memories are heavy but that’s the first song that came into my head when I thought of summer.
4. A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget? I don’t really associate any particular song with a person I’d want to forget... Um, except maybe I’d Rather by Luther Vandross... Yeah, that’s the one lmao.
5. A song that needs to be played out loud? I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston because you bet your ass I’m screaming the lyrics as loud as I can whenever it plays oops.
6. A song that makes you want to dance? Literally most upbeat songs make me want to dance - I looooove dancing, even though I suck at it. I’m just gonna go ahead and say Heart Shaker by Twice or Bad Boy by Red Velvet because I jam out to it those two most mornings when I’m getting ready lmao.
7. A song to drive to? I don’t drive but I like car rides lmao, is that what this question is asking? If so, every song in my playlist. But, when I was little my parents used to blast Wherever I lay my heart by Paul Young and I’d always fall asleep to it so it holds a special place in my heart.
8. A random song you first think of? The Writer by Ellie Goulding~
9. A song that makes you happy? I’m gonna go with something recent! P.O.P (piece of peace) pt 1 by J-Hope <3 the vibes are so chill and it makes me so happy.
10. A song that makes you sad? Keep Breathing by Ingrid Michaelson~
11. A song you never get tired of? Spring Day by BTS. I’ve listened to it at least once a day for the past three months. It’s one of my favorites.
12. A song from your past? When You Look Me In The Eyes by the Jonas Brothers, aka a timeless jam thank you very much.
13. A song that’s sexy? Versace On The Floor by Bruno Mars? I don’t usually listen to ‘sexy’ music lmao.
14. A song you’d love to be played at your wedding? So This Is Love from the Cinderella soundtrack. I’m a nerd what can I say~
15. A song you’re currently obsessed with? P.oP (piece of peace) pt 1 by J-Hope. Again. I’m preeeetty obsessed.
16. A song you used to love but now hate? Holding Onto You by Twenty One Pilots. Most 21P songs grow stale after a while, honestly.
17. A song you’d sing a duet with at karaoke? My Endless Love by Diana Ross And Lionel Richie.
18. A song from the year you were born? No Scrubs By TLC. A fucking classic, just like me.
19. A song that makes you think about life? Life by RM. :P <3
20. A song that has many meanings to you? The Greatest Love Of All by Whitney Houston. The lyrics, music, and the nostalgia that this song brings me is unreal. I adore it.
21. A song you think everyone should listen to? Spring Day by BTS.
22. A song by a group with you still wish was together? Turn Right by The Jonas Brothers
23. A song that makes you want to fall in love? Intro: serendipity by BTS.
24. A song that breaks your heart? Speak by Ben Abraham.
25. A song with amazing vocals? Tell Him by Barbra Streisand and Celine Dion.
26. A song with amazing rap? Outro: Her by BTS.
27. A song that makes you smile? Simple and Clean by Utada (I mean, it also makes me cry, but they’re happy tears so it’s fine)
28. A song that makes you feel good about yourself? September by Earth Wind And Fire because there’s no better way to shake off a bad day than by dancing around to this song alone, let’s be real.
29. A song that you would dedicate to you and your best friend/mutuals/someone close to you? I Love You by Avril Lavigne~
30. A song that reminds you of yourself? When Will My life Begin from the Tangled soundtrack and Waving Through A Window from the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack.
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/surge-in-chess-popularity-creates-drama-friction-among-grandmasters/
Surge in chess popularity creates drama, friction among grandmasters
Chess has experienced a surge in popularity during the coronavirus pandemic, but the flock of new players to the game and rise of streaming on Twitch has disgruntled some old-guard grandmasters.
Hikaru Nakamura, a grandmaster who is top-five ranked in rapid and blitz formats, has been the primary target of those unhappy with the dynamics over the past few months. Nakamura has 171,000 YouTube subscribers and 254,000 Twitch followers. He often commentates over matches and interacts with less-skilled members of his audience wanting to learn more about chess.
With the support of Nakamura, people who became popular because of their work playing other games such as “Overwatch” are now experimenting with chess on Twitch as a way to mix up their content offering. Among the big names involved in the crossover are xQc (3 million Twitch followers), BoxBox (1.7 million) and Voyboy (1.2 million).
Grandmaster Ben Finegold is perhaps the loudest of several community voices concerned the new wave of amateurs will drown out platforms for top pros and dilute the game. 
“You got the d— riders, and Hikaru is the latest example, obviously,” Finegold said in a recent stream. “(xQc) and BoxBox, you know, negative talent in life. Nothing. Nothing up here (in the head), nothing down here (in the heart). … They’re doing nonsense.”
MORE: Magnus Carlsen looks to extend his chess peak
Nakamura has continued to laud chess newcomers for increasing visibility for the game, defending himself against criticism via Twitter and YouTube.
Fellow grandmaster Anish Giri — a player well-versed in online banter — has seemingly also hopped aboard the development.
Shoutout to the big streamers who’ve discovered chess. Some do it once or twice, some every single stream. Some are casual visitors to our game, some are becoming obsessed. Streamers like @xQc @BoxBox @voyboy @Papaplatte @Yassuo @nymnion Chess thanks you for all the new fans.
— Hikaru Nakamura (@GMHikaru) May 21, 2020
Another minor controversy, also involving Nakamura, has roped No. 1 Magnus Carlsen into the fray. After Nakamura streamed a Chess24 event on his own channel with his own commentary, Carlsen directly criticized him, saying that kind of content sharing should not be permitted. Carlsen heads Chess24; Nakamura is affiliated with Chess.com.
Nakamura has argued spreading tournaments to as many viewers as possible is in the interest of everyone involved.
In an interview with Sporting News earlier this month, Carlsen acknowledged chess culture would progress online and require mindset adjustments from traditional members of the community. Carlsen has not publicly weighed in on the issue of amateur chess players streaming on Twitch, but based on his prior comments, it seems he would be welcoming of the development.
A relaxed content-sharing model apparently is not a shift he believes makes sense, though.
We distribute the MC Tour moves widely, but having participants re-package as competitors brand in own stream is not okay. @GMHikaru #HeritageChess
— Magnus Carlsen (@MagnusCarlsen) May 21, 2020
Even as quarantines dissipate around the world in the coming months, the influx of new players is likely to make a lasting impact on the popularity of the game. Chess.com is about to lean into the rush by hosting a Twitch tournament made up mostly of video game players competing in chess.
How this all will shape the future of the chess community continues to be up for heated debate. As with evolutions in any field, resistance is to be expected.
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oneweekoneband · 7 years
“Automatic” introduced Japan to Utada Hikaru, and the nation turned its attention to the teen pop singer almost overnight. The single couldn’t have come at a more poetic time. Released during the final year of the 1990s, her debut record would bring a tidal change to J-pop as it welcomed a new millennium.
Japan’s pop landscape in the ’90s was largely defined by one producer, Tetsuya Komuro. His singles for other idols became an Oricon mainstay since the beginning of the decade, and the latter half especially became his period of reign, thanks to several of his solo singers, popularly dubbed the Komuro family. Perhaps the most representative of his sound can be found in his own group Globe, formed with singer/his now-wife Keiko and rapper Marc Panther. He drew heavily from the U.K.’s rave scene, re-fitting house-music pianos and break beats into melancholy documents of diva pop.
Utada arrived like an import to the ongoing pop culture. She certainly sounded like a foreigner: she’s Japanese, but her speech as well as her fluency in English made it obvious she didn’t grow up in Japan. There was also her age: not only was she 15 years old, the teen wrote and produced her own songs. Teen stars existed, of course, but none were self-made to such a degree. And for such a teen to create a fresh sound not native to what was heard in the country’s mainstream? She was the full package.
But while the media covered her as a young pop prodigy, Utada carried herself like an ordinary teen who just loved R&B. The video for “Automatic” is charming in its amateurism with a single shot of her simply rocking to her own song. Shaking an awkward dance to the beat in her room, it’s not unlike what some of us might do in our own leisure while we listen to our favorite songs. The familiarity only made her talent shine more, though. Her moves may be all over the place, but she sang with such a precise, inimitable cool.
Komuro, too, reached for the American pop style for his work. The closest competitor to Utada from the Komuro family might be Namie Amuro, who worked with the producer until her 2003 album, Style. Amuro gradually shed her Eurobeat past to more soul-oriented records, and Komuro’s rave pianos slowed down to fit a more gospel mood. But while he mastered drawing heavy sentimentality through the style with the pair’s classic ballad “Can You Celebrate,” he couldn’t quite craft natural cool. His limitations with the genre showed in Amuro’s Genius 2000, a rather bloated record where he failed to draw out the sharp, agile pop performances that the singer’s later non-Komuro-produced hits would showcase.
Soon as Utada lands on the scene at the turn of the decade, her singles replace Komuro’s at the top of the Oricon while more solo stars would follow. While the success of her debut album continued to modernize the sound of J-pop as Komuro did with his synth-obsessed works, it would also instantly date the producer’s contributions as a work of a previous decade. For me, though his singles are definitely a piece of my childhood, I view Komuro’s time more as my parent’s era of music while Utada’s records as something I can call as products of my generation. The arrival of Utada would be later recounted by the producer himself as a shift in culture: “Oh, the new century is here,” he said. “Something different has finally come to Japan.”
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xo-runningman-xo · 8 years
Wow tagged again
Tagged by @cottonballwithmustache (thanks!!, sorry i took so long i’m very good at procrastinating everything) Nickname: Trash Height: 146cm Last thing I googled: Fondant cake (as mc baked it for haruto and I didn’t know what that was) Favourite music artist: the time to go full weeb. Mamoru miyano and aoi shouta (that’s all i can think of atm, i’d put oldcodex but I don’t like their new songs) but really though i just listen to whatever is on the radio that’s why I don’t really stan any music artists Song stuck in my head: We are the crystal gems ( steven universe full theme song) Last movie you watched : deadpool (just a random movie that was playing while i was doing this so i wrote that since i haven’t watched much movies recently) What are you wearing right now: an old shirt and primary school pe shorts What do you post: A lot of the most random things with “reblog” written somewhere on the post. (with certain exceptions) Why did you choose your URL : i didn’t my friend did so I asked my friend why she picked that she said “ Idk leh What’s url?” Do you have any other blogs: Yes. @sevenhottiesalltheirclothes is my 7h blog that is often seen on this blog when i feel like it and @taigakirisame just to keep the url and for various other reasons. And does @huhwhatsthis count as my blog? I never use it though. Neither do grace and eunice use it anyway :/ What did your past relationship teach you: never been in a romantic relationship before and even if friendships count, i’m not sappy enought to be able to learn anything from my mistakes (i’m sorry) Religious or Spiritual: well I’m now a confirmed catholic so I guess religious but all i do at church is go for mass every sunday and do not participate in it anyway so idk Favourite colour: purple, green , light blue Average hours of sleep: 7 hours Lucky Number: 8 Favourite characters : Taiga kirisame, hikaru and kaoru hitachiin , ciel phantomhive, death the kid , momotaro mikoshiba, shinya hiragi, tora igarashi (adding him now as his bday was yesterday) (the newest character added onto my lists is lawless if i’m right) How many blankets do you sleep with: one or none (it is insanely hot here to even have more than 1) Dream job: psychologist i guess dk don’t ask about my future (idk what to even do after secondary school) Tagging : @huhwhatyak @akashikuroko0411 @simplyphangirl @pessimisticpunks @koizakuraa @fandom-obsessed-human-being @thatweirdunicornlauren-blog (i think this has been in my drafts for 2 weeks already and i finally finished it)
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