#him and Ian Mc
slyandthefamilybook · 9 months
g-d Andrew Nowak's delivery is pitch perfect every time
"This is dangerous, Mark!"
"I'm aWARE, AssHole"
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elfqueen006 · 1 year
(Lies on the floor staring at the ceiling dramatically)
Man... Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack would've been an absolutely camp horror movie in the 80s... or 90s idk
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the-unconquered-queen · 10 months
*This does not include LIs whose feelings for MC are necessary for the plot of the book, such as Liam in TRR or the MTFL LIs (because without theirs and MC's feelings for each other there's no story to begin with), just LIs who happen to like MC no matter how you play
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 months
(M.I.) …so what I’m hearing is that Freddy and The MC should go into business together?
Don't you put that horror out into the world, M.I. You stop that.
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buff-borf-bork · 1 year
okay okay okay okay but
the d20 na line of "did she love you because of you, or because it was the right thing to do?"
with ian and mc
(she changed to they obvi)
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yukidragon · 2 months
Sunny Day Jack - Reversing Victim and Offender
Okay, okay, hear me out.
Jack being a creepy manipulative yandere.
Yes, yes, I know, totally a revolutionary idea there to have a yandere horror game’s antagonist do something creepy and wrong. It’s just that I don’t often play with Jack losing himself to his more depraved impulses. Long time readers know I tend to be quite a marshmallow who prefers the fluffier side of things, as evidenced by many cuddly posts of my OTP and Sunshine in Hell being overall a softer version of the game, but sometimes it’s fun to watch the world burn and see the characters we love get to be a bit unhinged. As a treat.
Content Warning: this post is about Jack being a naughty manipulative yandere, attempted murder, influenced attempted self-murder, possession, mental manipulation, bloody violence, and a sprinkle of horny.
We know Jack can be a manipulative little devil when it comes to keeping his sunshine. We’ve seen him use his honeyed words to lure MC into his arms in the previous demos. We’ve seen the classic chilling concept art where he talks his rival(?) into doing the dirty work for him when he wants them gone.
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Credit as always goes to Sauce for their awesome art, as well as a quick plug to the SnaccPop Patreon. Speaking of the Patreon, there’s a members only post on this very topic, an absolutely chilling audio drama of Jack using his state as a ghost(?) to his advantage.
It seems that Jack has the ability to possess people, and his modus operandi in eliminating his rivals seems to be tormenting them to the point of self-harm. Nick received a taste of that in the older demo, and in the now removed trailer.
But what if the person Jack directed his rival to hurt wasn’t themselves?
Jack is of the opinion that MC’s friends (and potential love interests) are inferior to him, as we’ve seen in his profile. MC doesn’t need them, as Jack says in this unsettling animation by Sauce, as well as many other development art. He proves this by giving MC whatever they want and need, being whatever they want and need him to be. No one else would do that for MC, so that proves that the only one they need is him.
To some degree, MC seems to believe that, at least during the early part of the game. As we can see in the “No” route, MC is dependent on Jack, panicking when they can no longer touch him.
The idea of losing Jack terrifies MC.
What happened to Jack clearly disturbed him, as we saw by his haunted look, but perhaps he found some comfort in the fact that MC was so upset by it. It might at least reassure him that they care, even if it might not be as much as he wants them to.
As I’ve theorized in previous posts, Jack and MC seem to be able to sense each other’s feelings, and it was implied that Jack can read their mind, as well as impress his thoughts into theirs. Perhaps he even felt their fear and desperation at that moment… as well as their need to keep him.
As scary as that moment was, Jack might have been able to get some pleasure out of feeling his sunshine’s need for him, don’t you think?
Jack won’t disappear as long as MC needs him, and he doesn’t want them to feel unhappy or hurt, but wouldn’t being with other people trying to steal them away from him hurt them more in the long run? MC doesn’t see what Jack does, how much of a threat those rivals other “friends” are.
After all… Ian was someone MC once held so dear, and he hurt them so, so badly. He’s trying to come back into their lives, and MC clearly still cares about him even if they’re trying to move on. How can Jack just stand idly by and let MC get hurt again when they don’t see just how bad Ian is for them?
MC might not be able to see how Ian and the other love interests could hurt them, but perhaps Jack could show his beloved sunshine just how cruel they can be.
Of course, Jack doesn’t want MC to get hurt. He would never! But, well, some lessons can be a bit harsher than others. Learning them can sting a bit and even make us upset, but as long as the lesson doesn’t do lasting harm and improves things for them, well, then it’s a good lesson!
Besides, this lesson will hurt Jack more than it hurts MC… in the most literal sense.
This classic audio drama of Jack’s villainous monologue makes me think that he’ll eventually find a way to become much more tangible in the real world. Sure, he could be saying all this while possessing his rival, but it seems more like a face-to-face confrontation. Naturally, for a face-to-face confrontation, Jack would need a face that’s actually visible to the person he’s taunting.
Perhaps the closer Jack gets to MC, the more they love him, the more real he becomes. It could be a reversal of what happened in the “No” route. If that were to happen, Jack could converse with other people directly… and perhaps convince them to leave MC to him.
If they just won’t go away, well… Jack could always push their buttons, upset them to the point that they have violent urges, only these feelings would be directed at him.
While MC is there to see that person unleash their bloody rage on Jack, of course.
As we’ve seen in earlier concept art, Jack didn’t feel pain when being stabbed, and perhaps that might still be true. But MC doesn’t need to know that when Jack says he’s okay and that it doesn’t hurt, it really doesn’t. All they see is Ian, Shaun, Nick, or whoever else suddenly snapping and attacking Jack with a knife for no apparent reason at all, leaving him bloody and wounded in front of them, trying to act brave for their sake like he did in the “no” route.
Jack doesn’t want MC to be unhappy, but perhaps he might get to enjoy a guilty thrill if they got upset for his sake, especially if he could feel them being so protective over him. Their worry for his injuries and outrage that he was attacked… You could say that it’s another way for his sunshine to show him just how much they love him. It might even make him feel a bit more secure, more real.
Jack could even prep his target beforehand via possession, tormenting that person until they’re close to snapping. In the now gone trailer, Shaun sounds unhinged, saying what he’s doing is so wrong… Shaun sounds like someone pushed to do things he never thought himself capable of doing, and likely it was Jack who did the pushing.
All Jack has to do is pull the trigger at the right moment, when MC is there to see their other friend snap. He could use a phrase or gesture that seems so innocent as a means to torment them until they can no longer help themselves when they hear it. He could’ve urged them to carry a knife with them at all times.
Hell, Jack could’ve outright possessed their arm with his powers, unseen by everyone, to make his target stab him in front of MC.
So, as far as MC is aware, Jack being his typical friendly self, when all of a sudden their other friend loses their mind and stabs Jack, likely while shouting something unhinged. It paints a vivid bloody picture of their friend as the antagonist, and Jack as the innocent victim.
Even if the rival snaps out of it right afterward, horrified at what they had done, if Jack covered his tracks well enough, their protests would be empty. It’d just look like empty excuses.
Or perhaps they hate Jack, really hate him, but they have no solid evidence why Jack is a bad person. They could wind up digging the hole even deeper if they doubled down on their act of violence.
It would be really hard to claim that Jack is the dangerous entity when they were the one who suddenly stabbed Jack without apparent provocation after all. It’d just make them look even more unstable and dangerous.
Sure, it’d be an awful thing for MC to see, but at least they’re not the one that got attacked. Jack bravely made sure that he was the only one whose blood was spilled. He might not even really feel pain like they would if he can handle being stabbed, rotted, and bleeding and keep going, as some teasers and concept art have shown.
Personally I think Jack can feel pain, but it’s nothing compared to the 40 years of hell, or the fear of losing his sunshine.
A little pain is worth it to keep his sunshine. Forever.
The idea of losing Jack bloodlessly and painlessly is scary enough for MC. Seeing someone attack him, maybe even outright trying to kill him would be far, far worse. MC was so desperate to keep Jack from disappearing, so it wouldn’t be a stretch to expect that they would rush to his defense to save his life.
This is especially true if their feelings for Jack are so strong that he’s able to physically manifest now.
The moment would be a scarring memory for MC, but sometimes lessons can be harsh when we learn them. MC would at least know how inferior their other friends are compared to Jack, how harmful and dangerous they are. Those people don’t deserve to be in MC’s life, and it’s in their best interests to never see those people again.
Jack would also get to enjoy the perverse pleasure of knowing just how much MC cares about them, how much they love him. They could even nurse him back to health after they chase away that inferior friend for good. He can be pampered, appreciated, and loved. MC will better understand just how important Jack is to them, how much they need him, and how terrible the person who tried to take them away truly is.
Really, it goes to show that MC should listen to Jack more when he says he’s not so sure about them spending time with a particular person, don’t you think?
Of course, how well this ploy goes depends on MC’s compassion. Given what we’ve seen so far of the story, MC does care about Jack, and most people will at least be upset and alarmed that someone was stabbed in front of them. An MC that has strong feelings for Jack and deeply loves him will no doubt be enraged.
This sort of messed up scenario reminded me of how the Bad End AU went so horribly wrong, only Shaun and Ian knew to target the tape there, rather than Jack directly. Alice was hesitant to do more than plead for the three to stop, not wanting any of them to be hurt, and the result was the tape getting destroyed and Jack banished.
The altercation between them was vague, but what if we went down another dark path? What if Jack pushed Ian and Shaun, but they never found out about the tape, and they focused on Jack himself despite his imposing size.
Once I made that comparison between this idea and the Bad End AU, I got inspired to write a quick first draft flash fic about a timeline where Jack gives in to his darker impulses.
The story of Sunshine in Hell is one of broken people helping each other heal and become better versions of themselves.
The Bad End AU is what happens when the wrong choices are made and things only get so much worse.
By the way, for those wondering, a third part of the Bad End AU is in the works. This isn’t it, but more like a different option taken during a critical moment that resulted in blood being spilled instead of bits of plastic and torn VHS tape ribbon.
 From wholesome to unhinged, my posts truly run the gambit of different sides to Sunny Day Jack. I hope you enjoy this little snippet of Jack getting worse instead of better, and taking perverse glee in bringing Alice along with him down a twisted path.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
Jack hated to see his sunshine upset. He ached for Alice every time she was in pain. There was nothing he wanted more than to see her smile, to bask in her warm, happy glow.
The last thing Jack wanted was to be the reason Alice was upset, and yet…
Somehow things had grown twisted. Jack crossed lines he knew that he shouldn’t, but somehow he always found ways to justify it. Somehow his fears of losing Alice were always stronger than the little voice in his head telling him that what he was doing wasn’t right.
Sadly, not everything in life could be solved with polite words and a smile.
Things had grown twisted until they spiraled out of control. Ian and Shaun dared to invade their home, their sanctuary. They wanted to take Alice away from him, to “save” her from his “wicked clutches” like Jack was just some cartoon bad guy.
All the things the two said about him were ridiculous, exaggerations! Jack feigned ignorance of their accusations, his confused act flawless. There was no reason for them to be afraid of him. He was just an innocent clown, someone who lived to take care of others, particularly his precious sunshine Alice.
Alice believed Jack had nothing to do with their accusations, but she didn’t chase them away. She listened, worried for them despite her faith in him. It warmed his heart that she believed in him, but the fact that she still listened meant that there was room for doubt to worm its way in.
Ian and Shaun could see that too.
“This… thing is dangerous, Alice,” Shaun said with a tremor in his voice. His eyes couldn’t remain still, bouncing between pleading with Alice and watching for when Jack pounced on them like a venomous cobra. “You need to get away from it right now.”
“You have to believe us!” Ian insisted, his voice cracking desperately. He kept one hand in his pocket, his shaking hand clutching his only form of defense tight. Would it even work on a ghost or whatever Jack was?
Could Jack even bleed?
Jack stood between the invaders and his sunshine. They had tried to take her with him, but he snatched up Alice before they could steal her away and tucked her safely behind his back. He kept one hand on her arm, his hold on her deceptively light, but as unshakable as iron. His expression was innocence itself, showing nothing but a mask of confused concern directed at the two terrified men before him. “Take it easy now. There’s no danger here. Let’s all take a deep breath and try to calm down.”
“Don’t give me that nice guy shit!” Shaun snapped as he glared daggers into Jack. His soothing words were grating in his ears, putting him even more on edge. “You’re more fake than a corporate account with a rainbow logo during pride!” His gaze switched back to Alice. “Alice, please, listen to us. This thing has been torturing us for months now.”
Alice felt a knot in the pit of her stomach. The way Shaun looked at her made her heart go out to him, but… how could it be true. “Torture-”
“Hey now, that’s a strong word to use there,” Jack said. His voice took on a more firm tone to it, but nothing more threatening than the gentle chastising he gave children on his show. “What makes you think I would hurt either of you?”
“Cut the bullshit!” Shaun snarled. “You know damn well you’ve been giving us nightmares for months now!”
“I gave you nightmares?” Jack asked. The confusion on his face was so convincing that Shaun and Ian might have questioned themselves if not for the countless sleepless nights filled with torment. “How could I do that?”
“With some sort of supernatural ghost zombie demon bullshit, I don’t know!” Shaun snapped.
“Alice, you can’t trust him,” Ian said, tightening his grip inside his pocket. Dark circles ringed his shaking eyes as he kept looking from Jack to the hand the creature had on Alice. “Why can’t you see that?”
How was Alice able to stand so close to that monster? Why was she standing behind it as if it would protect her? How could she not see that it was holding her hostage? How could she stand that thing’s cold, lifeless touch? Seeing its hand on her made Ian relieve those countless nights spent lost in a place that felt too real to be a dream, but too horrible to be reality.
The Jack before them now wasn’t exactly the same as the rotted, bloody corpse that haunted them night after night. That thing with mocking smiles that were too wide and wild, and strange eyes that had nothing behind them. This wasn’t the kind and caring boyfriend Alice talked about. This thing was a monster that only knew how to take and take and take. Its touch stole something from Ian every time it laid its hands on him, and left behind a coldness that went far beyond cold. It stole the very warmth from him until it was as if it never existed. It stripped Ian of his senses one at a time until there was nothing but its absence hissing at him like static.
And that voice. That voice mocked him even when the world went so silent that Ian couldn’t even hear his own screams. That thing was trying to sound compassionate now, but that was a lie. It twisted the truth until it was unrecognizable, but so believable. It sounded so calm and kind at the start of every nightmare, even as it told Ian so many, many terrible things, tore open old wounds and exposed all his flaws.
Ian was a sinner damned for hell. He didn’t deserve to be anywhere near someone as kind and gentle as Alice. That thing made it all too clear to him.
The thing countered his protests, even laughed, because they were so feeble. Ian was so selfish, so worthless.
That voice would then mock him, so superior, so much better than Ian in every way. He would never forget the sound of that voice, or that smile.
The smile Jack offered him now was supposed to be an encouraging one, but Ian knew that it was fake. He knew what the hand held before him in a placating gesture was a ruse to get just a little closer.
If Jack touched either of them it was all over. Now that they exposed the truth about it to Alice…
Who knew what it would take from Ian if it got its hands on him again?
“Let’s all calm down now,” Jack said soothingly. “Come on, take a deep breath with me.” He gestured to his chest as he inhaled, which only served to remind Ian and Shaun of just how much bigger he was than all of them.
Ian jerked at Jack’s sudden movement, his breath hitching as that gloved hand drifted close to him.
“There now,” Jack said encouragingly. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
The words struck harder than any blow.
There now. That wasn’t so hard, was it?
It was such an innocent phrase, something that would have been encouraging if Shaun and Ian hadn’t heard it in countless nightmares, spoken in mocking tones or breathless whispers, with fake reassurance or a true perverse glee. The monster praised them when they ran from the illusion of Alice, when they admitted that they were flawed and worthless, when they surrendered to his taunts…
When they accepted the knife it pressed into their hands to carve a smile in their throats to match its own.
Shaun flinched back while Ian tensed, his eyes wide and wild as Jack slowly reached out for him with an open palm and a smile. It was such a deceptively innocent gesture…
Instinct took over. A flash of silver and a cry broke the air as Ian used the knife he had hidden away in his pocket all this time to take back what Jack had stolen away from him.
Time slowed down as blood sprayed from the gouge carved from Jack’s hand to his forearm. He cried out in pain as he reeled back, then collapsed to the floor.
Shaun froze at the attack, staring at the bloody knife and wound it left behind in shock. It was as if he was watching a scene from one of his movies unfold before him, not real in the slightest, even though some of the blood splattered onto his face and clothes.
Ian held the knife in both hands tight enough for his knuckles to turn white. The blade shook in his too tight grip, then the rest of him soon followed as it sunk in what he had just done.
This was just another dream… right? Ian didn’t mean to hurt anyone, he just couldn’t let Jack touch him, not again. Not in reality. Not when he couldn’t wake up. He couldn’t let Jack take everything from him.
Ian couldn’t let Jack hurt him again.
Everything had happened so fast. Alice didn’t know what to make of it when Ian and Shaun practically forced their way into her apartment, throwing out wild accusations. They were jittery and on edge, hurling out vitriol towards Jack and pleas to her before she could sort out the accusations they made. They grabbed at her without warning, yanking hard while their fingers dug into her arms hard enough to bruise. It was only thanks to Jack acting quickly to separate them that she hadn’t been dragged outside.
They scared her. Alice worried for them, but their actions weren’t normal. The look in their eyes was terrifying. Ian and Shaun had been acting cagey for weeks now, avoiding her and not responding to her texts. She never saw this coming.
Jack reassured her with his gentle touch and soothing words. Alice could see that he was alarmed by their behavior as well, but he did his best to keep calm, to protect her when her friends were acting so strangely.
There was no way Jack was this monster they described. He was the kindest, gentlest soul Alice had ever known. He chased away her nightmares, comforted her when she needed it, and was there for her when she was left all alone.
Jack loved her more than anyone else in the world.
Alice barely had time to wonder about their claims when Ian struck without warning. When Jack screamed, her blood turned to ice. Red filled her vision.
There was so much blood.
Alice moved before she could really register what was happening, her scream sounding far away as her heartbeat pounded hard in her ears. She threw herself between Jack and his attacker, falling to her knees as used her body as a shield. She clung to him, her best friend, her beloved, heedless of the blood soaking into her clothes, then turned her gaze to the monster that had dared to hurt the one she loved.
The ice in that gaze froze Ian, and the knife fell from his limp fingers. Suddenly he was all too aware of what he had done, the blood on his hands. He stared at them, at the sin he had committed, shaking and red, until he collapsed into a pool of tears.
“How could you?” Alice hissed, forcing the words out through her constricted throat. “How could you!?”
The world started to move again. Ian tried to say something, perhaps some form of protest or apology, but the words were half-formed and drowned in his tears. Shaun stared between the bloodstained knife and Jack, who lay curled against Alice, quietly whimpering while bleeding all over the carpet.
Shaun couldn’t reconcile the scene before him of the wounded man, weak and in pain, against the monster from his dreams that smiled through any attack he made. No matter how many times he stabbed Jack in the dream, the undead creature would just mock him, unfazed even as its blood was spilled.
Was this really the same monster that haunted them for months?
It was this dissonance that made Ian truly aware of the sin he had committed. He couldn’t handle it. He fled.
“Get out!” Alice snapped, bringing Shaun’s attention back from her and away from the fleeing Ian. “Get the fuck out of here!”
Shaun staggered a step back. “A-Alice, I-”
“Get the fuck out!” Alice shrieked. “I never want to see either of you ever again! If you ever come near me or Jack again, I’ll fucking shoot you!”
Shaun took a few more steps, his eyes trailing down to the blood that had been spilled. It still didn’t look real to him, but Alice’s screams were real. The hatred she had in her eyes directed entirely at him was real. It was far more real than any of his nightmares.
It was too much for Shaun, and he too left behind the scene of this macabre show he had taken part in.
Jack had to use every ounce of his willpower to suppress his smile and keep his true feelings hidden from his sunshine. The pleasure he felt in that moment was exquisite, a shiver of euphoria that was so sinfully delicious it was practically erotic. Fear, shock, and anger burst through him like fireworks, but undercutting all of those feelings was the love Alice had for him. Those feelings of her burned fierce and bright, chasing away all the cold in the world. Even her hatred, directed at someone else, was beautiful, because it was for his sake.
How could Jack not feel pleasure when Alice’s love for him overflowed until it flooded his heart in a torrent of passion?
All that fear, worry, and rage was in defense of him. Only him. Only Jack had her love now. Whatever care Alice felt for Shaun and Ian was dead, its throat slit with a single slice of a knife.
It made all the nights spent away from his sunshine while she slept worth it. All those months of training those two obstacles had paid off beautifully. Jack finally exposed the true nature of those inferior other “friends” of hers. He knew that with just a little encouragement, they would finally show his precious sunshine just how worthless and filthy they truly were.
With them gone, her anger cooled, but didn’t disappear completely. It still burned inside of Alice, fierce and ready to protect him again at a moment’s notice. Her thoughts were all for him now, only him. She fussed over his wound, letting out concerned whimpers as she cradled him close while using her own clothes to staunch the blood flow.
Jack hated to see his sunshine so upset. He wanted to reassure her that he was fine, but he had to be careful about it. The episode he had written for them wasn’t quite finished yet.
“It… it’s okay… sunshine,” Jack said between heavy pants. He wore a weak smile that held none of his true happiness in it. “I-it doesn’t hurt.”
It was a lie, and they both knew it, but the pain didn’t matter to Jack. No pain compared to the thought of losing Alice. This little scratch was nothing compared to what he gained in return.
The love Jack felt from her, the pleasure that love gave him was so much better. It was a drug that left him feeling weak and dizzy, almost overwhelmed by the euphoria to the point he became partially erect. Alice’s love for him was so fierce that it was practically all that he could feel. Compared to that, the gouge in his arm was little more than a paper cut.
Those warm hands of hers touched him so delicately. Alice fussed over him, cried over him, her heart breaking for him. It was all for him, only for him. He was her world, and he reveled in it. She was the sun that would shine her light for no one else but him now.
Jack never wanted anything to make his sunshine unhappy, but how could he not enjoy himself? How could he not find pleasure even in the darker moments of anger and sadness that overtook her when it was for his sake? The way she screamed his name, the way she held him so close, the fierce way she defended him, worried for him… how could he not adore every second of it?
There was no stronger proof of the love Alice felt for Jack than this.
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nejjirez · 1 year
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pairing: e!42 miles x blk fem! reader
summary: miles and reader go to the gym , but miles is rather competitive
a/n: i think this is the shortest fic i have made.. smh i was lazy with this
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"50 pushups rn then." miles smirked , as you were tired from the previous push ups you did since he said you couldn't. "miles ur not srs rn .." you squinted at him , rubbing your arms and breathing rather heavily. "ofc im srs mi vida , you said u could do em soo..?" miles tapped his foot and crossed his arms , looking down at you slightly laughing.
"um. well i lied. you do 50." you got up stretching , crossing your arms and grinning. "bet.. you actin like ian been goin to the gym for months and ma" you watched as miles got down and started doin push ups like it was nothing , making you side eye him beacuse he was obviously flexin.
after a few seconds , he was already done. he got up grinning , not out of breath at all. "uh huh.." you rolled your eyes , grabbing your water bottle and bag ready to go to a different section.
"mamiiiii come backkk" miles grabbed his bag and water bottle and jogged after you as you began to walk off. you scanned the gym for a different section to go to; something that was .. easier?.. the sweat dropped from your forehead as you paused to take a breath , the gym was hot which didn't help..
"mami im tired , u tryna go somewhere else?" miles dropped his bag and put his hands on his knees , breathing out as he projected his words. "mhm , we been here for bout an hour.. i woulda been thought you was tired" you laughed , looking over at miles who now somehow looked exhausted.
"mc donalds?"
"bet" you smiled.
taglist: @gw3ndyswonderland @444morales @all444miles @nokkihy @laaailuh @arielliio @urmadiik @spiderheartzz
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threadsun · 8 months
i was wondering…. I KNOW YOURE ON BREAK AND I DONT MEAN TO BE A BOTHER but i just got my tongue pierced and i was wondering how the sdj boys and no would react to seeing mc with a tongue piercing
Not a bother at all!!! I love this idea tbh, tongue piercings are great!!
Thinks It's Cool
Joseph - Piercings will always get an immediate excited reaction from him. Yeah, he'll get flustered and horny about it later, but right now he wants to know who did it, if it hurt, all the details!
Shaun - Look, I'm not gonna say he's not immediately horny, just that it's overshadowed by being supportive and telling you how cool it looks. He genuinely loves it, and needs you to know.
Nick - You match! He's showing you his (even though you've probably seen it a thousand times) and comparing notes about your piercers and whatnot. He also wants to know if you have plans for more.
Bo - He doesn't know what it'll be able to do just yet, so he's not horny about it. He's mostly curious about why you have metal in your mouth and whether or not it's safe for you to have it.
Gets Hard Immediately
Jean - He knows what a tongue piercing can do and he's excited to try it out with you. He's absolutely also taking it as an excuse to stick his fingers in your mouth under the guise of "inspecting" it.
Rory - Why would you get one if not to make blowjobs feel better? He's excited to find out just how good it feels! He's just gotta figure out how to get you on your knees for him first...
Barry - He's pushing you to your knees and pulling your mouth open. You're going to give him a "proper demonstration" of your new accessory, and he won't take no for an answer.
Fully Short-circuits
Jack - There's a lot going on in his brain. Between trying to forget about his past and thinking about you sucking him off, there's really way too much going on in his brain for him to react at first.
Ian - Everything about you makes him short-circuit. But you showing off your tongue to him, with a shiny new piercing... he's so painfully hard he can't think about anything but his cock and your mouth.
Elias - He's never seen one before. He's trying to figure out why someone would want to pierce their tongue, and once he puts two and two together... well, he needs time to process.
Taylor - He knows. He knows what tongue piercings are for and how good it would feel when you— Shit. He can't think about that. It's not fair, how badly he wants you and how scared he is to show it.
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viamia · 7 months
Sooo I haven't been getting requests lately, so I'm just gonna make some hcs on my own time until request come in. So here's one
The SDJ boys (and Gallgher mansion + Dachabo) and how they sleep with you(plus some hcs).
Tw:Mostly fluff and wholesome, a couple of swears(sorta on that one) and implied sexual themes. if you are uncomfortable with any of these, leave now.
Jack: He would 101% just engulf you in his arm, man is a giant teddybear, and you can't tell me otherwise. If you ever fell asleep from exhaustion from work when you got back home, he'd definitely carry you to bed and cuddle up to you. And if you allow him to, he'll also help you shower and clean yourself up :>
Ian: Now this boy, he would definitely cling on to you while he sleeps. I also headcanon him as either a very light sleeper or the kind of person who can sleep through a fire alarm or something like that. He'd definitely sleep talk. I can just imagine him taking a nap, then mumbling the most random things sometimes while he cuddles you. I feel like he'd also be a little spoon like, 90% of the time. He may be a cheater, but I fuking luv him-
Nick: He'd definitely sleep with you with his pomeranians Pico and Cheese. I feel like he'd give Lil love nibbles while he sleeps. (mf is a sleep biter I just know it) Considering he's a adult movie actor, I feel like he'd be the big spoon.
Shaun:Big spoon little spoon, man goes both ways. He just wants to hug and love up on you. He's all cuddled up to you on the couch, bed, anywhere that's comfy. (I just see him as a really affectionate guy tbh) He'd definitely pet moonpie chill with yall on the couch and bed, Lil kitty deserves loving too :>. He snores. But not like giant level snoring, more like the little Snortsbhere and there, sometimes it's a bit hard to sleep while he snores cause it slowly increases in volume over time.
Bo:This motherfuker said fuk sleep, I'm fuking them. Jk jk, but seriously, he'd bite you randomly while you either slept or cuddled. This dog is hard to deal with sometimes. Compared to his normal mode when you first see him, his feed me mode, of course, is much bigger and more cushiony cause of his height and size. He'd be hella warm too, keeping you nice and toasty on cold nights, but in hot summer months, he's in his normal mode cause it doesn't give off much heat.
Taylor:My baby boi I luv him so much. Anyways, knowing Taylor, I feel he'd be clingy like Ian, but on a lower degree. I have a couple headcanons for him, such as him snoring sometimes, biting randomly while he sleeps, sleep talking and so forth. For the the biting, mf-er wrote lewd fanfic with Mc and him in the game. I believe if he starts to about think said fanfic or...something else about you, mf finna get hard. But overall, he'd just be cuddling and giving Lil kisses throughout the night.
Elias:Can ghosts even sleep??? So for Elias, I'm not sure what I can say, considering he's a God darn ghost. But if he can, he'd be a Hella quiet sleeper (well he is dead so-) sometimes when he sleeps with you, he'll accidentally phase through the bed and through the floor or just, into another room. If you're able to keep a grip on him somehow, USE HIS CHEST AS a PILLOW PLS. His chest would be so damn comfy, I swear. Plus, he'd be really clingy cause the poor guy just wants to be loved :(. He'd feel so damn cold since he's dead, and sometimes the blood will drip onto your pillows.
I hope yall like these hcs. And remember, feel free to request me anytime :)
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pdrrook · 2 months
So what would have been the aftermath if Ian hadn't arrived and Reed would have given in and kissed MC? If it depends on MC's reaction, let's just say they are too stunned/surprised to react 😳 Also, in Avulsion, will there be such similar scenes where Reed almost gives in?
Reed would have kissed MC then dipped right out of the cabin 😂 he’d have a crisis bc he’d think he literally ruined their friendship
Yesss I literally just drafted this scene asdsdadad so in Avulsion the kiss scene will be the intro for the early confession, but you'll have him almost give in during the club scene a chap later. But that's all I have planned for now
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honeymoonbeams · 6 months
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Another piece for my Sunshine Valley AU, this time with Ian!
I picture Ian, in a similiar vein of the player/mc, needing to get away from the stress of a busy life (in his case, his acting career), and finds himself working at the small towns flower and seed shop, as he had family in the area he can live with. He’s actually surprised to find that MC had the same idea, and wants to make up for his past misdeeds any way he can.
Running the towns only seed and supply shop, you’re sure to meet with him fairly often. Let’s hope that the farmhand won’t mind too much…
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echantedtoon · 6 months
Until Death Do You Vow Ch1 Prologue
'Never make a promise you can't keep' and 'wake the dead' are two figures of speech that should never EVER go together. Nor should it be a good idea to do a paranormal investigation in a cemetery while still angry at your ex.
(The Groom of Gallagher Mansion Semi Corpse Bride Au. 
DISCLAIMERS AND WARNINGS!! The game that these characters are from is for 18+ folks only. While this story will be absolutely sfw the game itself is not and contains things ONLY for an 18+ audience.  I do NOT in anyway own the game or characters. They belong to their rightful owners. I do not own the movie Corpse Bride either. I also don't own the coverart which is a pic from their merch line. I only own this story here. In the beginning it will have a character briefly from the game Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack which is also a game for ONLY 18+ folks and that I ALSO do NOT own!! It's only referenced here and not part of the story.
There WILL be mentioning of death, murder, blood, etc. those parts will have warnings at the top of the chapters. If ANY chapters come with warnings PLEASE READ AND HEED THEM!!! 
Just imagine your wedding dress similar to the one above/linked below only with a longer veil and train that trails behind you.
Warnings: Ian cheats on both reader and Mc from SWWSDJ.)
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Church bells chimed in the morning.
Flowers. Soft petals. Meant for their beauty to symbolize the beauty of the bride. 
Organ music. To match in chimes of the steps of the bride walking down the aisle.
An audience to shed tears of happiness for many happy moments to come from this union. 
Smiles shown at one another in the joys of the moment.
A breath to fill your lungs trying not to cry as you smiled up at the man in front of you. The one you were going to marry and have a life with after you both finally graduated. But this moment couldn't wait. This magical moment after a year. Some say it was fast but you supposed it was called love at first sight for a reason. 
Or at least it was supposed to be. A wedding was nothing if a groom never showed up for his bride leaving her humiliated by the alter and missing the wedding entirely. Only to show up after everyone decided to call it quits and leave for the night. Waiting for you with baited breath and a guilty look on his face. He wasn't even wearing a tuxedo. But better late than never. 
"Ian! There you are! Where have you been? Y'know what? Nevermind! The priest is still here. We can go inside and still elope even if everyone left already!"
Smiles turned to him exceedingly and in joy-
"I-...I-I can't."
Reality shattered. Gasps wracked around. Silence fell.
Your eyes blinked at his guilty face. "I-...What?"
"I'm sorry, Y/n." His hands released yours as he looked down. "But I can't go through with this! I-... I've been having an affair with you behind someone else's back. Someone whom knows and left me a year ago."
More gasps were had. A bouquet of flowers dropped from your hands to your feet. Time seemed to slow before completely freezing.
"I really did try to make this work! I thought if I forced myself to invest time with you I'd forget all about them but I couldn't and I still don't. I still love them!"
Your world shattered as humiliation, guilt, regret, anger all swirled about behind shock which was the strongest emotion. Keeping you from saying anything as Ian without looking up at you took off his ring and without saying anything pushed it back into your palms. 
"Here. Take this. You can sell it to get some money. I-It's the least you deserve after what I put you and them through. I'm-... I'm sorry, Y/n. I really am."
He then left the bride standing there. Nothing but white on her body. Tears on her cheeks. And crushed flowers at her feet. No one but her lonely self for comfort in the moonlight so late at night.
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lilac-hecox · 7 months
Comedy Club AU:
Ian and Anthony are co-owners of The Giggle Hut and have a regular stable of stand up comics that come to perform. The au centers around the group of comedians.
Shayne: Has been in the scene for a long time, struggling for his big break. He lets himself get anxious about performing and it at times affects his ability to pull off a joke in his set, but he's charismatic enough that he's popular and people like when he does costumed character impressions such as The Chosen.
Trevor: A new comedian on the scene and instantly a lot of comparisons to Shayne for no real reason except they are both blonde men. Trevor is a hit right away and it sets up a rivalry of sorts between them. Shayne feels insecure because Trevor is younger and popular and isn't having to work as hard to gain an audience. Trevor really looks up to and admires Shayne but feels intimidated to say anything because he feels frostiness from Shayne.
Amanda: Always doing sets as different characters, very popular because you never know exactly what character you're getting. She also does a lot of audience interactions and friendly heckling while in character. She is best friends with Shayne and the two often work together and pair well on nights at the club. Amanda is extremely fond of the absurdist comedian Angela.
Angela: Very off the wall absurdist comedy. She's extremely relatable and audiences eat her up. She makes jokes that appeal to almost everyone and always references fellow comedians in her jokes which often kills because she riffs on what the audience is familiar with. She has a big honking crush on Amanda but feels she is out of her league both comedy wise and romantically.
Chanse: MC at the club and often performs mini-sets as musical improv is more his thing, but he does often do some musical comedy at the club, but is also happy to be hosting. Besties with Angela. He also heckles the crowd in a fond but real way. He also uses his sets to throw mini flirtatious jokes at Shayne and Trevor. He has a crush on both of them.
Spencer: Is not at the Hut as much as the other comics, but he performs and kills on the regular. He does a lot of character work and he references the other comedians. Makes an absurd amount of jokes about being gay when he doesn't say one way or another and gives Chanse a shit ton of material to work with in a set devoted to the reasons why Spencer is probably gay.
Tommy: Bartender at the Giggle Hut. He is insanely funny but doesn't think he could perform on stage and Spencer is begging him to try it out. It gets the point where Spencer gets them to set up a mic for Tommy and they banter during one of Spencer's performances and Tommy has the audience crying in laughter.
Shayne/Trevor?? Rivals to lovers type deal?
Shayne/Chanse? Exploration on Shayne's side, maybe happened before he got with Trevor? After? Same time?
Amangela! Two fools who are certain the other doesn't feel the same even though they are obviously crushing on one another.
Spommy: Supportive Spencer and nervous Tommy and mutual respect and flirtation that turns into an actual relationship
Ianthony: BACKGROUND MARRIED CO-OWNER BOSSES OF THE GIGGLE HUT!!!! "our comedian kids are idiots but i love them."
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destined-if · 1 year
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You and your family moved to Glove City. However, the house caught fire, and you're the sole survivor. Oh, but that was two years ago... you're not still stuck up on that... are you?
After your family died, being 20 with no job or nearby family, you had to live in alleyways, sleep on park benches, and steal food from vendors... until you met them. They hesitantly welcomed you into their little group after you saved their asses, and you've stuck with them ever since. One day, you got commissioned to steal a necklace from a family in the rich part of town for a hefty price, so obviously, your group accepted and prepared for the trip. What you didn't expect is that the family you're stealing from might not be as innocent and powerless as you thought.
Trigger warnings: Violence, drug intake of minor characters, alcohol of main characters (Optional for MC), violence, death, theft, and slight mention of animal cruelty. This list will be updated as the story progresses.
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NOTES: Romance options have a ♡ next to their name. Melody is male or female. Optional Polyarmous Route with Melody and Elias. I'll go into more detail with their personalities (As well as appearances) in their character profiles, I've started on them, but they most likely won't come out for a couple days.
Ian/Ivy ♡; A street rat the moment they were born. Kinda a jackass, but they keep you and their friends out of harm's way, so are they really as cold as they pretend to be? Possible Tropes: Opposites Attract, Found Family, Slowburn. Isla "Wren" Hill ♡; Best thief you know. The first time you met, she stole your packet of gum without you ever finding out until a year later when she told you. She's playful, affectionate, and a little bit of a smartass. [Healing Mage.] Possible Tropes: Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Found Family. Valerie "Val" Hill; The little sister of Isla. You think it’s nice how she steals for others free of charge, but don’t understand why. She’s sarcastic, bold, and surprisingly attentive. Oh, and also a bit of a smartass. Trope: Found Family. [Made by @dvoilds] Elias "Eli" Wynn ♡; His life before he met you guys is a blur, or at least what he says, but you don't really think that's true. Other than that, he's as sweet as a thief can be. He's caring and considerate of other's feelings, and your group's peacemaker. Will you get him to uncover his secrets? [Water Mage.] Possible Tropes: Mutual Pining, "You came?" "You called." Melody "Mel" Rose ♡; They got tangled up in this mess, and you're not quite sure how it happened. As far as you can make out, they're actually pretty understanding. It's kinda freaky how nice they are to you guys, even after you got them knee-deep in all this shit. You think they're here to stay, but it's not like they have a choice. Do they have an alternative motive, or are they just this kind-hearted? Possible Tropes: Frenemies to Lovers, Love at First Sight (More like Attraction), Strangers to Lovers. Casper Vespertine ♡; The son of the family you stole from and the man you're running away from. He scares you shitless, and it doesn't help that he talks like a robot. Will you outrun him, or will you let him catch you? Possible Tropes: Rivals to Lovers, Slowburn, Right Person, Wrong Time.
and more!
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Customize your MC. Choose your gender, personality, pronouns, assets, appearance, name, and sexuality.
Decide how your MC feels about stealing and how they deal with their family being... dead.
Be a mage or a human.
Run from your problems!
Found family <3
Cute stray animals.
Create close bonds, or break them.
A fully platonic route for those who don't wanna romance anyone!
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LINKS; Demo [TBA], Pinterest, Playlist, Character Profiles, Mage Profiles
posted july 19, 2023
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obey-me-hoe · 3 months
Satan as songs from my comfort playlist:
*Disclaimer: my criteria for this was all over the place. Some are because of the lyrics, some are based on vibes, and some my brain just said choose that one 😬 (all the OM! songs are in the playlist too but obviously they don't count)
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(The whole vibe of this song screams Satan x MC to me)
(This feels like Satan writing a letter to MC about how he feels)
(The hard beat fits with the vibe of Satan getting angry, as do some of the lyrics)
(The voice kinda reminds me of Satan. The mix of the happy sound and sad lyrics just fits Satan)
(The intensity of the song makes me think of Satan. It makes me imagine Satan singing about his newfound feelings when he first came to the devildom)
(The mix of cutesy and metal is just like Satan. He's got his dark/angry side as well as the side that's just adorable and loves cats)
(This makes me imagine a montage of Satan and MC doing fun things together and just being in love)
(Satan would definitely love to be MC's cat so this is perfect although they mostly mention dogs in the song it still applies)
(The softness reminds me of Read My Heart. It also feels like Satan saying he'll "never be ___ like ___" but still hoping MC will love him anyway. The blanks can change depending on what he wants to say but an example would be "never be rich like Diavolo")
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Combined OM! Playlist
Satan Playlist
Other versions:
Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Asmo, Beel, Belphie, Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, Simeon, Luke & Raphael, Mephisto & Thirteen
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yukidragon · 8 months
I'm a bit curious was it ever confirmed that Shaun and Ian interacted with one another or met before the eventual breakup between Ian and MC. If not what are some of your headcanons on this matter would they have gotten along at all?
Actually, yes, it has been confirmed that Shaun and Ian knew each other before Ian and MC broke up in this comic posted over on the official Sunny Day Jack twitter!
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Credit as always to Sauce for their awesome artwork and for giving us this hilarious glimpse into college age Ian and Shaun. Consider supporting them and the rest of the SnaccPop Studios team by joining the patreon for even more lore tidbits I can't even mention publicly. Just remember, don't share anything privately posted!
While a lot of teaser/development art should be taken with a grain of salt, if it appears on one of the official pages, it's a pretty safe bet that it's canon to the timeline of the game.
So this comic, also drawn by the awesome Sauce, while hilarious, may or may not be canon.
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I think it's a pretty safe bet to say that Ian did not pass Shaun's vibe check.
The first comic certainly makes it clear that Shaun didn't find Ian attractive considering the way he reacted. Maybe it's due to jealousy (I don't think Shaun wants to think about his crush having sex with someone else) or maybe it's because of Ian's bad taste in anime. Who can say?
Content Warnings: This post contains talk of cheating, jealousy, drinking in excess, (unintentional) self-harm, near death experience, SA, issues with sex, and toxic relationships.
I suspect that these two just didn't get along. Between Shaun suffering from jealousy due to his crush and the two of them having different tastes, they were probably only friendly to one another for MC's sake.
I would imagine that Shaun's opinion on Ian took an extreme nosedive when they found out Ian cheated on MC.
Man... can you imagine how much pain Shaun has been through? He had to watch his best friend/crush be happy with someone else... then get devastated by being cheated on. The worst part was if he had bad vibes from Ian from the start, but he ignored his gut feelings for MC's sake.
When it comes to my personal headcanons that I use for Sunshine in Hell... Shaun and Ian had friction since the first day Alice introduced the two of them.
It wasn't just Shaun being jealous of Ian either. Ian was jealous of Shaun too!
Ian has always suffered from a low sense of self-esteem. Shaun, by comparison, is much more well put together, more outgoing, and has this natural charisma that draws people to him. Shaun is just so likable that he gets a lot of attention and friends. For years, Ian was the exact opposite of that, which led to him being bullied and degraded often.
So one day Alice, his childhood friend and partner, is super excited to introduce Ian to her new friend. Shaun and Alice have a lot in common, and it was very visible in the early years of college when Alice was in the middle of her pastel goth phase. Shaun and Alice had a love for horror movies, cats, the goth aesthetic, and a whole bunch of other things. They clicked so quickly, and it scared Ian a little.
It didn't help that Alice had trouble making friends like Ian did. They had that in common, something that gave them a sort of understanding that no one else could intrude on. Now that they were in college they started making more friends, and that was a good thing, really! But Alice clicked with Shaun about as fast as she did with Ian.
In the 1st grade, one day Alice mustered up the courage to talk to Ian in order to cheer him up. After that they started talking every day and they were besties ever since. From there, they started dating. She's never really clicked with anyone else so fast like she did with Ian...
Until Shaun, that is.
Ian kept comparing himself to Shaun, unfavorably. He kept worrying about Alice falling for Shaun instead since, well, clearly Shaun had so much more than Ian had to offer. Why wouldn't she? What didn't help his insecurities was the fact that they had been a couple since high school, but they still hadn't had sex yet.
I integrated the comic into part of Alice and Ian's troubled sex life. The depicted instance was Ian's attempt at making things romantic so that they could finally go all the way.
It took them a while to start being sexually intimate due to their mutual lack of practical knowledge and Alice's SA trauma. She was very cuddly with Ian, not afraid to kiss him or go into a make out session, but she struggled to go further than that for a long time. It left Ian struggling with insecurities, fearing that he wasn't attractive to her despite her constantly reassuring him that wasn't the case.
Really, it was that insecurity and self-blame that pushed Alice to go further than she was ready for, to pretty painful results that she learned to just accept as part of the experience.
Alice is the type of person who can't be comfortable with people touching her unless she trusts them. However, when she gets close to someone, she can get pretty cuddly, even with her friends, giving them hugs often. So, for Ian, seeing his girlfriend get comfortable hugging another guy... someone he might have noticed looking at her a certain way...
Well, getting cockblocked on his rocky road to losing his virginity didn't help Ian see Shaun in a more favorable light.
Really, this was an incident that pushed Ian to be a bit more possessive of Alice. He was already struggling with the fact that his partner was sharing a dorm with someone else, but for Shaun to just casually walk into her bedroom like that without knocking? Ian certainly had permission to come in there without Alice knowing since he's her boyfriend, and he was planning to surprise her with a romantic evening, but how long had Shaun been just letting himself into her private space so casually?
Ian didn't believe that Alice was cheating on him, but what if Shaun decided to take advantage of her? What if this casual blurring of their living space led to feelings blooming?
What if Alice realized that Shaun was so much better than Ian in every way?
This led to Ian asking Alice to move into an apartment with him, even if it cost them money. He was able to feel more secure when they were living together, and he could be the one going into her bedroom at any hour of the day to be with her instead of someone else.
Shaun did try to befriend Ian, but it seemed like every time they hung out, something would rub him the wrong way. He did his best to be happy for Alice and Ian in their relationship, but it wasn't just Ian's shit taste in anime that struck Shaun as a red flag.
It didn't take Shaun long to notice a pattern in Ian and Alice's relationship. Ian would be down on himself, even cry and apologize for being inadequate, and Alice would reassure him. It seemed like every day, he saw this happen at least once. He tried reassuring Ian as well when he could, but after a while it gets tiring to try and lift someone up who keeps dragging himself down. Shaun would suggest Ian try therapy, and Ian would insist it wouldn't work, he was hopeless, and it wasn't worth wasting money on.
It was only when Alice showered Ian with love, and when their mutual friends bent backwards to cheer him up, that Ian would perk up again.
Shaun saw the red flags going up, how Ian was so needy for Alice and it was wearing on her. She went out of her way for Ian all the time, doing so much more because Ian "needed" her.
What made it worse was that Shaun saw how unbalanced their relationship was, how Alice gave Ian so much more than Ian gave back. Because Ian was so clingy, Alice had to often cancel meet ups with friends at the last minute, citing that he was having a bad day and needed her. Yet, on days when Alice was feeling like shit, she just kept powering through, pretending nothing was wrong. It took Shaun a lot of effort to pry her into leaning on him, and he'd even go out of his way to do stuff for her without her asking, like buying her lunch when she was so overworked she forgot to bring any.
Shaun worried for Alice because she was his friend, and she didn't deserve this sort of treatment. It was like she had become Ian's emotional crutch. Regardless of his attraction towards her, regardless if they could ever get together, he wanted her to be happy.
Shaun's opinion of Ian slowly deteriorated over time, but it turned into downright hate when Ian cheated on Alice, especially after she almost died because of it.
It was just a normal night when Shaun got a phone call from Ian. It was about Alice of course. It was the only reason Ian ever called Shaun - to check up on Alice. That night was different because Ian was in a panic. Alice wasn't picking up for him, which was unusual enough, but Ian was insistent that Shaun needed to check on her to make sure she was okay.
It was lucky that Shaun had the spare key to the apartment Alice and Ian shared. The sight of her lying unconscious in a pool of blood in the bathroom is a scar that'll forever be etched in his memory.
Shaun spent an entire night terrified, wondering what had happened. Did Alice try to kill herself? Why? She might have been missing Ian after he moved across the country, but she always reached out to Shaun and others when she wanted company. What happened that night? When he mentioned Alice's state to Ian, he just wailed that it was all his fault and Shaun couldn't reach Ian after that, as Ian was busy trying to book a flight back home to see her at the hospital.
Shaun had to be the one to call Alice's family too, but he had no answers to give them. The doctors would only let family or her legal partner see her for a while. It was only the next day that he learned that it was all because Ian had cheated on Alice, and she drank to dull the pain, only to hurt herself under the influence of alcohol poisoning.
Shaun could've kicked himself. He saw the problems in their relationship, but he didn't think it was his place to say anything. He worried his jealousy was coloring his perspective, seeing things too negatively. Now he wished he pushed harder like his gut told him, got Alice to see that the relationship was no good for her.
When Alice forgave Ian and tried to make it work, Shaun couldn't just sit back and let it happen.
So, yeah, Shaun's opinion of Ian in the present day is very negative. He views Ian as a toxic, manipulative, cheating scumbag who didn't deserve Alice. It was a relief when he managed to help Alice see that too so that she could finally end that toxic relationship. He was there for her so many nights when she cried over Ian and missed him. He saw the pain Ian put Alice through, and it just made his hatred of Ian grow.
Ian is grateful for Shaun being there to help Alice and even getting her to the hospital, but that doesn't get rid of his jealousy. Shaun and Alice are still talking even though she never picks up the phone for Ian anymore. He sees their exchanges online. They're still close. Shaun could one day sweep in and...
Ian can't let that happen. He can't let Shaun steal away the person who means so much to him. He can't let Alice just let him go like this. He just has to apologize to Alice, keep apologizing, and everything will be fine.
Sooooo... yeah, suffice to say, Ian and Shaun do not get along, and I doubt that they ever will... at least in my headcanons.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
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