#him being eepy is just me projecting
coconoct · 6 months
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minhyeok doodles
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rosedom · 2 months
The final semester is rapidly approaching in the akedemia
Both you and kuni have been overwhelmed with projects and assignments, who knew choosing the earth sciences would require alot of sample gathering? As for your lover he's been drowning in reports.
" those stuck up professors want me to use old research papers ONLY! Are you kidding me?! How am I supposed to write a paragraph let alone a whole report with such limited information?"
Even at home he's stressed. His hair resembles a washed out tamarind's pulp as he keeps messing with it, perhaps hoping to utilise it like an antenna to receive ideas from the gods that share the age of those dreaded papers.
The feeling of soft lips on his neck give his thoughts and abrupt stop. A gasp as soft as the fluttering cherry petals of his home escapes him.
" Come now dear, you look like you'll vaporise the next paper you see."
He cranes his neck up, looking at his dearest standing behind him with a tense squint.
"What else would there be left to do at this point? the report is due in two days, perhaps if the research paper mysteriously vanished the due date might change."
He knows that won't work of course; with the archon being active the scholars would probably grovel at her feet for a copy of the original work.
His beloved giggles and wraps their arms around him, lightly leaning over his chair to whisper in his ear:
"A break could help. For an immortal being you sure are impatient. Take a step back, Refresh yourself with something sweet and then continue only if you desire to"
"Desire, huh? This tedious task wouldn't even make it into my list of desires, however the lovely spouse I have at my side here definitely takes the top spot"
A small laugh escapes them.
"My, my, who knew the thing that'll break you out of your typically shy shell would be some report about a subject long forgotten. Though, I don't have any complaints "
He huffed in a fake scoff then angled his head to blow air into their eyes. Nothing to do with his vision of course, just a light tease to make them squeal.
"Ok fine! fine! no teasing. But I am serious about taking a break. you look worn out."
The tinge of concern in their voice made him wince then reminded him of his work. They're already done for this week and he to finish this before putting his head to rest.
They watched the puppet return to his pen and paper, almost seeming automated if it wasn't for the tension in his eyebrows.
They walked to his side, gently putting their hand on top of his to stop the rapid scratch of the pen.
He looks up at them expectantly.
"something wrong?" He knows what's wrong but he won't take any time to himself until the sadistic torture is done.
"Don't you think I've been good? I've worked very hard to finish all my assignments. don't I deserve a reward?"
He looks at them with a slight bushy haze, their pouted lips and sad eyes doing him no favour.
" O-of course dear, is there something you want in particular?"
I might continue later if I get a serotonin hit
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I MEANT TO REPLY SOONER >< but oh my goodness, yes . . . he acts so oblivious sometimes just to rile reader up !!
this is so domestic yet horny nhhh . . . reader's horny and kuni's overwhelmed, and neither of you have even touched yet . . . pls pls pls continue !! this is so sweet, i ADORE it. please indulge in yourself—life is too short to be hung up on being "cringe." do what makes you happy: i do, and that's what this whole blog is about: indulging myself !!
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crazylittlejester · 24 days
I wanna share some sleep related LU head canons :)
Sky isn’t a napper. He doesn’t nap much because he always sleep very deeply, it’s hard to wake him up. He also is very slow to wake under normal circumstances, the stress of being on an adventure being the only thing to get him up and moving quickly.
Four is a huge napper, and he loves sleeping. He doesn’t nap as much as he would like to, because this adventure is a lot more stressful than his other ones. He also has the absolute worst bedhead, but he became very good at managing it over the years. Also, if the bed he’s in isn’t comfy enough, he’ll go to sleep with a big ol frown on his face.
Wild barely sleeps, at all. He just doesn’t really get sleepy. Sure he gets tired, exhausted even, but sleepy? Nah. After 100 years of being sleeping beauty, he had more than enough sleep for his lifetime. He only really sleeps when the Chain sleeps because he thinks that they’ll think he’s weird if he’s just running around all night. And he’ll also sleep if he’s hurt, but only if it’s in a very comfy bed.
Wars is a very light sleeper, product of the war. He also wakes up hours earlier than he wants to, so he just lays down until it’s time to get up(totally not me projecting). He has eye bags upon eye bags, and he’s very good at covering them up. He also rarely has bed hair, he wakes up and his hair is nearly perfect almost 100% of the time.
That’s all for now lol
I so agree with Wars just laying in bed awake. That man does not sleep well unless he had a breakdown and crashed, then he’ll be absolutely OUT for a good few hours. Wild just sleeping because he doesn’t want the others to think he’s weird is SO him, if he could have it his way I bet he’d be climbin the trees at 4 am. FOUR IS A BIGGER NAPPER FOR REAL, I know he curls up on rainy days by windows and just crashes. Sky to me takes naps only when he’s so exhausted he can’t stay awake, but he’s definitely a big sleeper and normally on good days doesn’t need to take naps.
If I may add for the others:
Legend sleeps like he’s dead. Yknow how bunnies just crash and look dead? He does that. He absolutely crashes and good luck waking him up when that happens. It’s not an every night thing, but it does happen
Twilight will cuddle up with his wolf pelt if none of the others will sleep near him. He can’t sleep without it, but if he has it he’ll be able to sleep all the way through the night without waking up.
Time wakes up like every two hours and has to get up and walk around before he can go back to bed. He HAS to check on things, and he’s always the first one physically up (Warriors wakes up first but he pretends to be asleep until he hears Time getting up for the day For Real)
Wind has so much energy he struggles to fall asleep and he has to run around sometimes before bedtime or he can’t sleep. He’ll say he doesn’t want a nap because he’s ‘not a child’, but if other people are taking naps he’ll join them because sometimes hes a bit eepy and a good nap will fix him
Hyrule naps so deeply he wakes up like how you wake up from an after school nap. He has no idea where he is, his hair is a mess, there are sticks in it somehow, his pants are rolled up to his knees, and he feels like he’s been dropped through space and time. He can also fall asleep on ANY surface
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discluded · 8 months
Mile has tons of skills and talent I am envious about but the top one is for sure time management. 1 peak at your schedule sir. 1 PEAK! It must be colour coded and planned down to the minute (my planner brain needs to know)
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(giggles and kicks my feet at eepy kitten apo in the background shaking his hair and with daddy protecting him)
Translation by MileApo Safe place:
[P: Let’s talk about discipline first because…] M: I think the word ‘discipline’ is a word that can be said easily, like ‘Yeah, I wanna be discipline’ or if others tell us to have/be disciplined is easy. But the most important thing is.. Whether we want to do it or not, and if we don’t want to do it, how would you maintain the discipline, is the important thing. Because phi think that, every work/project, regardless of it not being about/in the entertainment industry, if it’s work, you're going to have to come across it/the work that you don’t want to do. (For instance,) shit head coworkers*… uh, no, I’m saying the truth, you’re going to come across it, naturally *Coworkers in Thai is “puen ruam gnarn” which has the word “puen” or ‘friends’, so Pond is making a joke on the word “puen” P: Ah, talking about coworkers/friends, wake Po up too M: No, I didn’t mean Po. You’ll see things like this, it’s only natural, we have to understand, I’m saying the facts first, and… even the people you’re not working with us, they’re even worse than you’re coworkers, these people/things will make the various things we’re doing, (we) get distracted
*long sigh* I think the most frustrating part of a video like this is that Pond has very poor understanding of the optics of fandom despite being embedded as long as MileApo. A stray comment like that could easily be taken out of context by toxic solos who dislike Apo if Mile weren't quickly out there to defend him.
And when it comes down to it, Mile knows Apo is very serious about his work, and can buckle down and get down to business.
Does attending this random ass interview about THC even count? This very much feels like Apo showing up in Episode 3 to pour water and being sugar baby AF, showing off. Why would he have to be serious when daddy's got it covered, go back to sleep kitten 🤪
As for the time management part - yes! But also, my dad used to chastise me the time about how I was "undisciplined" because um. *checks notes* I'm not very good at time organization. (I am very disciplined in other aspects, but my ability to manage a project is like / <- most of the project gets done at the end.)
Turns out that is a key feature of ADHD that went undiagnosed for a long time, so like, honestly also don't feel bad if it's just something you're unable to do. Mile is peak performance when it comes to time management. Also Mile's a chronic insomniac, i s2g he gets stuff done just because he doesn't sleep sometimes 😑 it's incredible his skin still looks fairly amazing, considering that.
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beedlemania · 2 months
Another evening another collection of thoughts about agere Davy Jones that definitely aren’t just me projecting on him (they are)
Davy will spend his spare time watching Sesame Street and Mr Roger’s Neighborhood and then quote the characters in every day conversations when he wants to prove a point. Davy will put on one of his kids shows and try and convince his friends to watch it with him but he can usually only convince Peter.
Peter I feel like is probably the most willing to be convinced to do silly childish things with Davy (like build pillow forts and climb jungle gyms and stuff) cause he also finds it therapeutic in a way, letting go of inhibition and just going along with the kiddish stuff for his friends benefit. Peter probably tells Davy a lot of stories about things he did when he was a kid and Davys like “!! That’s sounds like fun!!” And Peter can tell Davy wants to try it but he’s too embarrassed so he’s like “it is, you wanna give it a try?” Like he’s probably the one helping Davy take the step to actually do the really childish thing he wants to do but is too embarrassed to try. Mike and Micky probably really appreciate Peter for being so willing to get dragged around to look at stuff and even engaging with Davy when he’s acting young and excitable. Though he’s probably not the go to when Davy’s having a breakdown.
I feel like depending on the reason Davy gets upset it’s either Mike comforting him and helping him to the root of the problem or Micky distracting him with jokes and goofy faces.
When Davy’s sleepy he acts very little too. He’ll get even smaller than he already is and curl up on whichever friend’s lap will stroke his hair gently as he falls asleep.
Speaking of falling asleep it’s beddy bye time for me I big eepy 💛 I hope you enjoyed this
Omg I can imagine him using phrases from kids shows and cartoons in all his arguments and then he gives a smug little nod of his head like ‘got him there’ 😭. Mike will be like “Davy can you do the dishes?” And Davy puts up his hand and is like “if you haven’t got anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” and Mike is like 🧍🏻
Peter loves hanging out with Davy when he’s small. It’s good for them both to express themselves. Peters also a little embarrassed but because Davy’s more embarrassed he’s more willing to step up. They’re helping each other overcome the hurdles <3. Peters more than happy to be dragged around and push Davy on swings or listen to him ramble about things. He loves spending time with his friends and it’s great to be able to engage in childlike things and not be alone doing so. He also feels very accomplished and responsible because hanging out with Davy is basically like babysitting but getting to have the same amount of fun as the kid.
Micky has emergency finger puppets and the second Davy’s lip wobbles he’s got them performing. Micky used to keep them in an ‘in case of emergency break glass’ box but Mike got fed up cleaning up glass every time Micky wanted the puppets. Micky convinces Mike to help him with the puppet show and its even more amusing for Davy to see Mike going from all awkward and ‘the things I do for this kid’ to actually enjoying himself and getting into the plot.
Mike is best in a real emergency though. According to Monkee Mother he has a bunch of little siblings so he always knows what needs to be done. Whether that’s giving out to someone, trying to get Davy to share, kissing a boo boo, or just holding Davy.
And yes! The second Davy gets tired he goes full baby mode. He refuses to go to bed because FOMO so he’ll always fall asleep on someone and have to be carried to bed (of course sometimes he pretends to be asleep to get carried). Though one time he fell asleep draped across all three of them and it was an awkward manoeuvre to not wake him up.
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rifki16 · 19 days
At 25:00, in Akasaka Episode Five Review
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Photo Credit: At 25:00, in Akasaka Twitter Promotional Account.
A hot and spicy gnocchi meal without any protein, yes just the pasta and the sauce
I stand by my ground that the Live-Action has the right to do whatever it wants with the essence of what Shirasaki and Asami are going to look like, as long as they really stick to the core of what the couple is, I really don’t care how they are going to present the couple in the series. However, you then begin to wonder what exactly are Shirasaki and Asami? No, I’m not talking about them as a couple, but as individuals. I have let the show make Shirasaki this, almost, destitute actor, who never really does huge TV or theater works, and made him to see himself so low that he couldn’t really process what being in love is. Asami is sort of hollow. We don’t really see him in the past five episodes. He’s just there as the sort of a sage to Shirasaki, again, even though that Shirasaki was supposed to be the theater kid one. We don’t really know how he feels about stuffs, he’s just there. I don’t know, I think my tolerance of the way the LA is handling the two characters is running out.
I have three themes which I find very troubling in this episode.
The Wrong Room Incident
I understand that the show wants to be PG. Go at it, I really don’t think that sanitizing a work can harm a work’s core message that harmfully. I think I have written in the pilot episode review that the series seems to delete the gay emphasis of the work and focus more on love in general. You know what, sure, let’s see how it goes.
This is when their insistence of making the show PG gets tricky, though not impossible to achieve, in realizing the momentous wrong room incident.
Let me paint what the manga actually says about the incident, this is the best to my recollection, please correct me if I have some of the details wrong. The wrong-room incident was portrayed in the second volume. It was after the fake series become successful, Shirasaki got his well-deserved fame, and became a star in another drama. Side note, I suppose this is how the Japanese entertainment industry works, after every hit TV series, they will often get a film immediately afterwards, for Japanese BL works I can think of Cherry Magic the LA, My Beautiful Man, even I can argue that Sasaki to Miyano also has the same project evolution.
Anyway, so, in the manga, Shirasaki was elated to work for the fake drama sequel because he could work with Asami again, finally. This relief was very important to Shirasaki as Shirasaki-kun has become addicted to Asami’s pole and as he was not working with Asami, in addition to Asami’s eepy behavior, Shirasaki-kun couldn’t really ride the pole that frequent. Hence, why working for the fake film sequel became that much important. In the set of the fake film sequel to the fake TV drama, the couple was introduced to Kazuma. Kazuma was not that big of a threat at first. He’s hot, many actors are hot. Then, however, the wrong room incident happened.
Shirasaki just took a bath, and he was very woozy from the long trip and the bath. However, he really wanted that pole, yes, he was that addicted to the pole. So, he went out from his room, in his bathrobe, wanting to go to Asami’s room “to rehearse lines” – yes, I know very indicative of many actors BL series, the “I just want to rehearse my lines” subplot as seen in I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama, Dakaichi: I’m Being Harassed by the Sexiest Man of the Year, and Love Stage. Shirasaki accidentally went to Kazuma’s room. Kazuma was of course confused by the sight of Shirasaki and wondered why Shirasaki-kun was looking for Asami. As Asami’s room was next to Kazuma, the three of them have their rooms next to each other, Asami found Shirasaki in Kazuma’s hand. Asami immediately, without skipping a heartbeat, took Shirasaki and brought him to his own room.
Isn’t that badass bro? Let me see this from Shirasaki’s perspective, right? He has his dignity. He wants that pole, so he works for that pole. He really shows to the audience that he’s Asami’s and he’s going to work for what he knows lovers do. That bravery is non-existent, so far, in the LA. Kazuma became a threat to the couple because of the incident, in which, he saw that Shirasaki could make that face, the sensual face of a horknee man, and Kazuma wants it, meaning the spontaneous natural genuine reaction of Shirasaki, all for himself. Well, I don’t want to spoil things further, what he actually wants is to eliminate a love competitor and making sure that Shirasaki falls out of Asami was a good move in achieving that. Asami was also a badass by saying it outright to Kazuma, a budding actor or in other words his competitor, that Shirasaki is his boyfriend. Consequences be damned.
This scene was very important for the series as it allows a chaos agent to mess up the relationship, to test the relationship. Kazumi became a threat naturally, not just because that he’s a prankster or something. Shirasaki and Asami became more solid in their romantic relationship because of the incident as they know now that a threat is among them, or maybe among us. Sorry for the old joke.
How did the Live-Action handle the scene? So, they went to the remote scene. Kazuma was already quite a weird prankster or just someone who doesn’t respect Shirasaki’s boundaries. However, Shirasaki and Asami were not a couple already and so Kazuma’s portrayal as a threat was not really that clear. Kazuma just looked like a sexual harasser to Shirasaki, that’s all. When they got there, Kazuma invited Shirasaki to the onsen because Kazuma-san heard that the onsen in the hotel is great. Shirasaki declined. Shirasaki then texted Asami when he was already in his room that he had declined the invitation and he wanted to come to Asami’s room to do couple things. Sure, whatever. Then, Shirasaki still went to the onsen all by himself. Huh? Why? Wouldn’t he be afraid that Kazuma might be there? Considering that he was the one who invited him there? After soaking himself in the onsen, he wabbled to Asami’s room. Side note, I’ve been to many onsen before, it’s a very common reaction after dipping yourself in onsen.
He mistakenly went to Kazuma’s room. Kazuma and Shirasaki were confused, Kazuma was wondering why Shirasaki was standing before him and Shirasaki was confused why Kazuma was in what he thought Asami’s room. Asami heard all the commotions, got out, stood in the foyer for a while, before immediately snatching Shirasaki and said to Kazuma, “Do you have anything to say?”. What is happening. What?
Asami then let Shirasaki enter Asami’s room, where the weirdest interaction I’ve ever seen so far happened. Asami apologizing, then Shirasaki apologizing for being late, AND THEN Shirasaki asked whether Asami was being mad? I’m lost yall. This whole scene became hollow without the grounded characterizations of Shirasaki and Asami. This is why I think the almost sexual harassment of Kazuma to Shirasaki didn’t really fly as well as how the Manga portrayed it.
They also made Kazuma to potentially have a crush on Shirasaki now. I don’t know I’m so shattered right now.
I don’t think this is pardonable. I have written quite a lot, and I don’t think that this theme was supposed to be developed in this episode either as this was brought up in the last minutes of the episode. I think they will have plenty of time to develop this in future episodes.
Okay sure, in the manga, Asami was the one who already had a crush on Shirasaki since undergrad years. They can surely change it for the LA. However, it was also even in the pilot episode that Asami wanted to tell Shirasaki that they went all the way back to undergraduate years in university. Shouldn’t that mean that Asami already have romantic feelings for Shirasaki? I mean I was so triggered when this scene came up, and then to see the lines that Asami actually always had a crush on Shirasaki all this time in the teaser for episode six. I don’t know man, this show is messing with how I perceive the manga.
Bro, this is what I meant by the fact that the series is erasing the gay component of the manga. In the beginning of volume two, chapter one, there was a scene when people were commenting that maybe Asami and Shirasaki are going out, because Shirasaki went to live with Asami. Well, people only knew that Shirasaki lived in the same building as Asami, and people connected the dots. People could make the connection because they knew that Asami is this badass of a gay man, but he’s not that out-out ya know. He teased a male MC in a talk show, he confirmed that he frequented a gay bar. These, well fantasy-based, representations of how an almost out gay actor is what makes it very believable that Asami and Shirasaki are going at it like rabbits. I mean, Asami is very confident in his own body, hence why he’s not shy away from channeling its need to have sex with Shirasaki’s.
I don’t know man, I think the LA is just too sanitized.
Regardless, I think yall should still watch the episode. It’s still quite endearing.
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luvarlo · 1 year
Hiro with an Affectionate and Tall!s/o 🫶🫶
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a/n: this took a while to post it’s actually a request (crowd goes wild) but ty sm for the req @holy-sugarcanes sorry it took me so long to get on with it i was just in a big ol’ brain fart and couldn’t come up with anything. ON WITH THE SHOW!!
yk that one picture with the person that has the gremlin on the leash…
he actually really appreciates you i just feel like he’s the type of person that wants to do everything himself and on quote “doesn’t need help”
he’s a liar
if you help him with a robotics project
loves going on walks with you
hooking arms, holding hands, your arm around his shoulder or his around your waist
if you thought he was a cuddle/attention seeking monster before HES SOMEHOW WORSE
can and will throw himself at you and if you don’t catch him he’ll pout
if this is taking place when the movie is hes a short king
an eensy weensy but insecure abt being shorter and then it all fades away bc oml you’re so cool and awesome and so nice to him
his chaotic tendencies don’t cease
if you worry about him he’ll try and brush you off, or assure you that he’ll be okay
if you are genuinely concerned he’ll dial it back a LOT just to make you feel better
if he can hold anything above you like being older than you or doing something faster he will.
he probably feels the need to be calmer in your presence
you just calm him down
he’s eepy
no matter what your height is he loves you
like a lot
it’s kinda cute
he’s kinda cute
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I don't think i've ever done an introduction before so here's a messy one (I'll fix/add to it later)
Hey, I'm Snilk (It's a nickname my friend gave me that's short for snail milk)
I draw and write occasionally (My ao3 is the same as my username and is at the bottom of this post under the cut)
I'm only fluent in english but i also know some Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Turkish, Slovenian, Gaelic (in order of how much I know the language) Also working on learning Kumeyaay, Cherokee and Chiwere (The native languages of the places I've lived and love visiting)
This is mainly a bsd account because ✨autism & hyperfixations✨ but all the fandoms i'm in/shows/book/manga i've seen or read is under cut (feel free to recommend things to my read/watch list through asks or dms)
General personality info also under cut
Socials under cut
Fandom list
Fandoms (General)
- Bungo stray dogs
- Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Ramshackle
- No.6
- My little pony friendship is magic (gen 4)
~ Jkk
- Junji ito
[Past Fandoms: Miraculous ladybug, Bnha, Danganronpa, harry potter, demon slayer, hunter x hunter, bloom into you, whisper me a love song, ways of the household husband, tokyo ghoul, Tbhk, spy family, chainsaw man, yuri on ice, sk8, idk if these are considered fandoms but i was also obsessed with yt animators for a while; jaidenanimations, odd1sout, let me explain studios, jelly jess, SO MANY MORE]
Manga/Light Novels
- Bungou stray dogs light novels (1-8; Kafka Asagiri... still haven't read tdipud)
- BSD Gaiden/Another Story (Kafka Asagiri, LOVED THE ART OF THIS ONE)
- No.6 (Atsuko Asano, UGH LOVE THIS ONE)
- Bloom into you (Nio Nakatani, THE AROACE REP 🔛🔝)
Recent/Fav reads
- Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)
- Flower of Buffoonery (Dazai Osamu)
- No longer Human (Dazai Osamu)
- Setting Sun (Dazai Osamu)
- School Girl (Dazai Osamu)
- Time Machine (HG Wells)
(There's more i'm just lazy)
Currently reading/read list
- Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoevsty)
- 1984 (George Orwell)
so much more (again i'm lazy)
I pretty much listen to anything and everything (Except super popular artists who only got popular because they're celebrities and not because they make actually good music, I can't stand them)
- Ado
- The Alan Parsons Project
- Alex G
- Alexander Vertinsky
- Alpay
- Conan Gray
- Chappell Roan
- Sufjan Stevens
- Mustafa Ozkent
- Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
(I'll finish this later, i'm eepy and this is too hard to pick my fav artists)
ENTP/INTP (It changes between those two every time I take the stupid test)
I'm technically Aroace and bisexual (Romantic relationships feel suffocating and cause me to have constant panic attacks and I'm fine with sex but I have to be on top and in control and refuse to take off any of my clothes so pretty much me giving cunnilingus or blowjobs👍 anything else👎 The reason being I have horrid sa trauma from when I was 8... lemme know if y'all want the story)
I've been told by everyone I know I am Dazai, no elaboration, I just simply am him
Masochist yet scared of pain, constantly paranoid and anxiety ridden lil creature (I have horrid insomnia that causes me to hallucinate), I love driving, I have horrid misophonia and will often skip meals cause i can't stand the sound if my own chewing, automatic flight response when alone, fight response with someone weaker than me, i'm an extreme people pleaser and over thinker so as much as i wanna make jokes about something i wont because im scared of it going wrong and then will proceed to overthink my screw ups for the rest of my days :D, would deal with panic attacks through self-harm/self-sabotage and would purposely embarrass myself (Haven't done that in a while tho so it's all good) uhhhh this is too long so that's it lmao
Ao3 writer curse (I've never broken a bone but pretty much every week it's something new from giving myself a concussion and missing school for days without my knowledge cause i was in a coma that my family thought was just me being lazy to a random excruciating pain in a place i didn't even know could hurt)
I make jokes when i'm in pain cause i hate having people worry about me or feeling bad because of me, I am entertainment for you, i'm not real so just laugh at me like a sad movie
I go to an art school (unfortunately) and have class from 8:30am-5pm on a normal day; I'm in production & design conservatory which is basically just running everything behind the scenes of live theater, everything you see and hear in a show that's not the actors themselves I work to control and make as good as possible, my fav positions are A2 (putting mics on people and setting up speakers) Wardrobe (designing costumes and performing/helping with quick changes) and Deck/props (Make stuff and put it on stage)
Outside if that my favorite subjects are Science and History (I love memorizing things that make sense and work together, i love understanding facts about the world and using it to express and understand things through literature)
I used to love math as i was a child prodigy but lost my spark as instead of my teachers noticing my skill and helping me, they poured water on my flame and now i can barely solve 13 time 3 without a calculator (its 39)
When I was in kindergarten, I was bored with my lessons and my sister (who was in 3rd grade at the time) loved playing school with me so by the time I started first grade I had memorized multiplication tables, could solve any equation in my head within minutes (like 2 digit multiplied by 2 digit equations) and had a concept of negative numbers, my first grade teacher loved this about me and would give me harder equations separate from the rest of the class, then in second grade my teacher would lie to me any time i said something above second grade math, like one time i brought up an equation like 2-5 and she was like "oh you can't do that" and I tried to explain it and she just kept denying it until I finally got so fed up with her bs I shouted "YES YOU CAN ITS NEGATIVE 3 JUST LIKE YOUR IQ FOR NOT UNDERSTANDING THAT!" ... I got sent to the office. Third grade was the worst because instead of just letting me be my teacher made me write down everything on paper... I don't think in numbers when i do mental math, I think in concepts, so by the time i convert the concepts to numbers and but it on paper i've lost the entire equation and have to start over again and get super confused because i forget how i got that number and why that numbers there so i end up just breaking down and getting the question wrong. AND INSTEAD IF SEEING WHAT THE ISSUE WAS SHE JUST BRUSHED IT OFF AS OH YAY IM DOING THE WORK so i became stupid as a result (I also was in math olympians for a few years and would always get pissed off cause it was a group competition and i would look at the problem, solve it instantly and tell them the answer, they wouldn't believe me, take forever to solve it and low and behold i was right and because it was a timed competition i never got higher than second place...)
(I'm not really active on Twitter/X)
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itzmoss · 3 months
okok im ginna quickly yap abt rowan spivey/tyler kimble
(for this specifc post im using the name rowan cus the bootleg i watched and noticed these details has “r. spivey” on his name plate thingy during do this thing)
i think rowan is definitely smart and ahead like the other mathletes
but i also think hes not as smart as them, or atleast thinks he’s not as smart as them(?)
he gives a lot of gifted kid burnout vibes to me yknow (im saying this as a math kid who often gets burnt out very quickly)
now why might i say this?
literally no fucking clue its just random things i noticed ben cook doing in scenes that prolly have no relevence
but what random things?
being very uninterested in class, pretty sure he put his head on his backpack on his desk, cus…eepy
and like sure he has his lines, but there are very few, he’s pretty quiet (talking wise hes quiet, him as a person is very loud, if that makes sense)
like yes his famous “x is greater than the value of y” BUT THATS THE ONLY SOLO LINE HE HAS IN DO THIS THING (including the talking before (like in that scene before the song yknow but the mathletes are alr on stage) and during i think but i could be remembering wrong), which goes back to gifted kid burnout and prolly being smart enough to answer the questions but too unsure of himself to actually answer it
idk guys im making shit up
(again at what point am i just projecting my silliness onto them)
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unlucky-tears · 10 months
┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚ Jamie’s introduction!🍂
🌻┊͙ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈| Welcome to my blog !
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◞ ★ ︉﹒name︔ The names Jamie! But Eve or Liz is good too
ᨳ **pronouns** ﹕All pronouns! But preferably They/He
◞ ★﹒gender︔ ︉ Pangender
ᨳ **sexuality** ﹕Unlabelled, literally I do NOT know
◞ ★ ︉﹒ ︉likes︔Chocolate, seeing other people’s ocs. Wholesome AU’s, my partner
ᨳ **dislikes** ﹕Mentions of s£lf harm or Su!c!d£. K__S jokes.
◞ ★ ︉﹒ ︉fandoms︔DDLC, Danganronpa, SDRA2, DRA, Danganronpa: Rebirth. Neon Genesis, project Sekai, D4DJ, Bandori and so much more to discover!
ᨳ favourite chara’s ﹕Yuri Kagarin from SDRA2, Satsuki Iranami from DRA, Monika from DDLC, Rei from NGE, Ena Shinonome from PJsekai, Tsukushi from Bandori, Hiiro from D4DJ, Kego Sakuma from Danganronpa: rebirth.
◞ ★ ︉﹒ ︉account theme︔ Monika from DDLC
╭──╯ . . . . .OFFICIAL INTRODUCTION . . . . . ╰──╮
Heya! Welcome to the blog, I’m Jamie and I’m going to explain what this is all about 🤎
I am in many MANY fandoms and I do requests for cute headcanon scenerios…you get those. Like Monika x Shy reader? Yeah! Must have seen those. I might do a lot of those if they get good replies :) But the main reason I am here is to show the the full and I mean FULL backstory of one of my fangan characters. I’m working on a fangan I see and I have literally made lore for their family, especially for her aunt and father. So look forward to some of that! It will also be written on A03 and perhaps Wattpad someday.
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◞ ★ ︉﹒characters I will NOT write about ︔ Mitch Higa from DRA, now this one is pretty obvious. Shinji Ikari from NGE, I’m SO sorry to the Shinji stans but my brains will literally explode if I try to write anything about him. Any vocaloid, they don’t have canon personalities and I don’t wanna make up one for them…any UNICHØRD and ABYSSMRE(I spelt that wrong in so sorry) member. I’m not personally a big fan of them so im not comfortable writing about them. Haiji Towa from UDG, obivous. Junko Enoshima from DR, I just don’t like writing her I don’t know why :( Izuru Kamakura, not much I can write about him. UDG kids, just in case…
◞ ★ ︉﹒characters with limitations ︔ Mikado Sannoji, I get he is the mastermind and a very complex character but for me to actually write anything heartwarming about him actually makes me giggle I’m sorry. I will take any enemy scenarios or platonic relationships. Byakuya Togami, same as Mikado.
◞ ★ ︉﹒characters to please request ︔ Yuri Kagarin from SDRA2, I love him sm you don’t understand Yuri Kagarin stans stand. Anyway he’s a pretty fun character to write about too! Despite him being so flawed. Although one thing I will NOT do any Yuri x Male scenarios. They make me really uncomfortable, any DDLC character, yes omg kiss me/j no but fr! I love writing about one of my favourite games. Marin Mizuta from Danganronpa rebirth, VERY fun to write about. She’s so silly and eepy (•‿•)
Just one more tiny thing! I will only write about Rei and Asuka from NGE. Cause they’re the ones I care about the most
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noxx-33i · 2 months
YOU SEE IT YOU SEE THE VISION WHITE GIRL MUSIC TASTE SHURI but also idk why but I see him liking 100 Gecs (I forgor how to spell it) too and specifically Stupid Horse and Money Machine (I'm going insane I keep for getting the 100 Gecs song names)
Omg wait ure so right with girlhood Vine actually. Maybe this is just cause she's pink but like. Soft pink coded songs. Romance songs? Maybe? Like uh Would You Be So Kind, If I Could Ride a Bike, etc. Two Birds maybe? Those kinda songs ykyk??? I think she'd like Melanie Martinez but mostly the more,,, idk how to describe it but the less intense stuff??? If that makes sense?? Something like Carousel, Sippy Cup, Training Wheels. AM I MAKING SENSE IDKIDK
— @spiderwebd (I'm biting at the cage also if ure eepy why u awake silly)
UR RIGJT ON VINE BTW. I was trying to say she would love these types of songs for melanie BUT LIKE I COULDNT FIND THE RIGHT WORDS
Also i had a thought of broker being into rap songs (its kinda funny and now i run with it)
Who else did i miss… scythe? I honestly think shed be into old 70s-90s songs… she just gives me those vibes. But then again shes a serial killer—
Banhammer is obviously into rock,,, i wouldnt know what specific genre but he likes crunchy guitars in songs what if he likes marylin monroe n michael jackson bc of his momma tjo (im projecting)
Biograft. 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🤬🤬🤬🤬🙅‍♂️🤬🙅‍♂️/j
bro would download cruelty free music and play it on repeat thats what i imagine (dude doesnt listen to them its just what it does)
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bapydemonprincess · 6 months
SOOO I wanna finally get through this one Kamisama Kiss Episode at least.. even though like in most cases after work I am exhausted af.
BUT I was almost halfway through this one.. stopping at around this interesting point that suddenly came up after Tomoe cronched Kurama's finger out of pure spite
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It seemed to fast-forward an hour to when he was more eepy and we get this lovely shot of him and Nanami
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And then THIS happens...
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Tomoe appears to be thinking (I THINK) of a memory whilst sick.. of him being taken care of by a girl he calls Yukiji
By the looks of it this is definitely a VERY VERY long time ago...
I am curious if the same situation happened where he was TURNED tiny but still had an adult brain, or if.. this is babey Tomoe being rescued by a human girl..
He is talking IN his normal adult voice, though, and.. the final interesting thing is...
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This shot and her voice, when she offered him the food.
I am 100% certain it is Nanami's English VA doing the voice of this girl.
Either... Tomoe is projecting Nanami onto the memory of this lady because, idk, its been so long and he's sick and delirious and he is falling in love growing fonder of Nanami
OR an ancestor of Nanami's knew Tomoe in the past, and that would definitely make sense. It's not the first time an anime has done this. AND... it would fall into line of the laws of ~destiny~ and all that. Like one person in the bloodline was like this.. OF COURSE another girl down the line will be just like this too...
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Uh damn thats an adorable fucking crow patterned blanket 🖤
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flutteringfable · 11 months
post shouki no kami comfort
enjoy 2841 words of cael and scara being sweet and in love. it’s 12:19 am so i’m too eepy to proofread this anymore, i’m just happy it’s done, so ignore any mistakes. it should be fine for the most part though!
no warnings aside from a brief blood mention, scara’s arm is broken but it’s more of a large crack in his arm bc doll anatomy, and i guess nudity? in a nonsexual context of course (they take a bath together <3)
moonlight spilled dimly through the trees, barely illuminating the paths through the city. scaramouche didn’t need much light, anyway; he had every route to cael’s house memorized. he coughed, cursing under his breath. why had he been given lungs? they seemed to do nothing but weaken when they were filled with debris. being able to breathe used to be one of his favorite things, because it made him feel more human, but once he discovered how fragile his lungs truly were it was less appealing.
he held one piece of his left arm up to a crack in his elbow to keep it from falling off completely. he was amazed that only one of his limbs had broken, though the rest of his body was covered in sizable cracks and bruises.
if this was anything close to the human experience, maybe scaramouche didn’t really want it after all.
he gingerly lowered his broken arm and wiped synthetic blood from his face, trying to make himself look somewhat presentable and less like the broken mess he was. after taking a deep breath (which ended up dissolving into a coughing fit), he raised his good arm to the door and knocked.
a few moments passed. scaramouche considered leaving before the door opened, and he was greeted by a familiar sleepy face.
“ah— kuni?” cael was rubbing one eye behind his glasses. “what brings you here so la—“
cael paused, and scaramouche watched as the taller man’s face fell. almost immediately, cael was leading him inside.
“what happened?” he exclaimed, a mrrp of panic rising in his throat. “are you okay?”
as scaramouche carefully took a seat on cael’s sofa, he took another breath (carefully this time) before speaking again.
“do… do you remember… the project i showed you?” he despised how weak his voice sounded. “i was… i was so close, cael. i was going to be a god…”
an unfamiliar lump built in his throat, causing his voice to falter. had he not been so exhausted and broken, scaramouche would have made more of an effort to keep the tears from spilling onto his cheeks. every effort to calm himself down only made it worse, and within moments he was a sobbing, hiccuping mess.
almost as soon as the first whimper left his mouth, he was pulled gently against cael’s chest. his head rested perfectly above the taller man’s heart.
“hey, shh, i’ve got you,” cael whispered, cradling scaramouche’s head with one hand. “you’re home now, you’re safe.”
“i’m sorry,” scaramouche mumbled. “i don’t know why i can’t control my tears… i’m sure it’s probably annoying…”
cael shook his head, picking up a roll of bandages from the coffee table. he had brought them in his hurry to get scaramouche inside, presumably.
“there’s no need to be sorry, kuni,” he spoke gently, adjusting scaramouche’s broken arm to bind it temporarily with the bandages. “this is a normal reaction, especially after all the stress of the past few months. you’re not a bother. you can lean against me and cry for as long as you need.”
after cael carefully bandaged scaramouche’s broken arm, he held him close.
“cael…” scaramouche mumbled. “why do you still care so much for me? i’m nothing anymore, i’m pathetic…”
the taller man hummed shortly, puzzled.
“what do you mean, darling?” he asked, stroking scaramouche’s hair. “i don’t think you’re pathetic at all.”
“what good am i to you anymore? i’m not a god; i’m not even a harbinger. i’m just… a puppet now. not even human. what worth do you see in me?”
“i didn’t fall in love with you because you were a god, kuni. hell, i didn’t fall in love with you because you were a harbinger. you are so much more than just your power to me, darling. i love seeing you every morning when you come into the cafe for tea. i love listening to you snark about your coworkers, and about the akademiya. i love seeing you curled up beside me every evening, even if you don’t need to sleep. kuni, you mean the world to me, and it has nothing to do with how powerful or important you are to others. i love you because you’re you.”
there was a brief pause, and scaramouche inhaled. his exhale felt shaky as he balled his fists into the back of cael’s sweater. he didn’t deserve someone this kind to him. every time he thought someone truly cared for him, they would turn and betray him sooner or later. it had been that way his whole life. yet, as he pressed his face against cael’s chest, he felt… safe. the gentle rumbling of a purr overpowered the sound of cael’s heartbeat, but the sound was just as comforting to scara.
“i’m so glad you’re alright,” cael sighed, and the crack in his voice caused scaramouche to glance upwards. “i was… really worried…”
“i can’t understand how you still see worth in me…” scaramouche mumbled. “but i appreciate it, i guess. when… when the traveler and buer brought me down, i —“
“the TRAVELER did this to you?!” cael exclaimed. “the next time i see them—“
“don’t bother.” scara reassured him. “you’ll be getting yourself into more trouble than me if you do something rash, especially to the newly appointed ‘first sage of buer’.”
cael sighed, a discontent mrow rumbling in his throat.
“i want to talk to them, at least. but if they lay a finger on you again, they may not be so lucky.”
“how very bold of you,” scara laughed. “you would really take on the world-renowned traveler for me?”
“you underestimate how dedicated i am to protecting you and your happiness. even if i had to explore to the ends of teyvat or take on the abyss, i would do so if if it ensured your safety.”
cael eased out of the hug, leaning back with a sigh. he reached up to pat scara’s head, gazing quietly at him.
“do you want to take a bath? it might help you relax a little,” he suggested. “if not, we can just go straight to bed, i don’t mind either way.”
scara leaned against cael’s hand. “a bath sounds really nice…”
he smiled as cael kissed his forehead and gently scooped him up.
“a bath it is, then.”
he carried scara upstairs, humming to himself as he nudged open the bathroom door with his hip. cael set scara on the edge of the tub, giving him one last kiss on the nose before drawing the bath.
“do you want me to get in with you? i’d be happy to wash your hair for you,” he offered.
scara glanced quizzically at cael. “i get that you’re trying to take care of me and all, but i can wash myself perfectly fine.”
“that wasn’t the question,” cael chuckled, reaching over to gently nudge the shorter man’s leg. “if you don’t want me to, that’s fine, but if you don’t mind, i want to stick around and talk with you, at the very least.”
there was a pause as cael shut off the water.
“mm, alright,” scaramouche sighed. “you can get in with me… and i guess you can wash my hair if you want.”
he chuckled, reaching over to pat the space between cael’s ears. cael faltered a little, leaning into the touch and purring. he fought back a disappointed whine as scara moved away to undress.
“i should’ve never let you know i liked being pet there,” cael huffed, pulling off his sweater. “it seems like all you do is tease me for it now.”
scara laughed, working awkwardly at his hakama with his bound arm. “well, if your reactions weren’t adorable, maybe i wouldn’t tease you so much.”
“fair enough,” cael shrugged. “do you want some help? sorry, i would’ve tied the bandages a little looser if i wasn’t trying to literally hold your arm together.”
after a moment or two more of struggling from scara, he gave in and nodded. cael moved closer and untied scara’s obi, gently setting it and the attached armor on the floor.
“if you want, you can borrow some of my clothes to wear to bed,” cael offered as he continued.
scara laughed, holding out his arms as cael pulled off his gloves. “they’ll probably swallow me up, since you’re so stupidly tall.”
“yeah, but that’s the best part! i don’t get to experience it as often as others do, because like you said, i’m “stupidly tall,” but oversized clothes are so comfy.”
scara rolled his eyes before cael pulled his shirt up over his head. “whatever. we can sort that out after the bath.”
cael nodded. “alright,” he chuckled. “you can go ahead and get in, i’m gonna get some towe-“
scara flinched as he heard cael abruptly gasp.
“your chest!” cael beamed, purring.
“hm..? oh. yeah, before i went in to pilot the shouki no kami, i had dottore modify my body.”
cael blinked owlishly. “really? dottore did this? i can’t believe that archons-forsaken doctor did something right for once.”
scara laughed. “you and me both.”
“regardless, i’m so happy for you!” cael traced the scars on scaramouche’s chest. he paused, snorting.
“it must be a huge weight off your chest.”
“gods, have you been hanging around the general mahamatra again?” scara groaned, leaning away and scowling. “that’s the worst joke i think i’ve ever heard.”
cael laughed. “okay, okay, i’m sorry! it was just too good an opportunity to pass up!”
“i think i’m starting to understand how that botanist fox feels,” he remarked with a huff.
“nooo! i’m sorry, darling!” cael laughed.
he pouted as scara turned away, and inched closer with a pout.
“c’monnn, don’t tell me you hate me for that,” cael leaned down to put his head on scara’s shoulder. “be thankful you aren’t actually stuck with cyno. i dunno how tighnari puts up with him enough to be his husband.”
scara sighed and reached behind him to pat cael’s head reluctantly. “whatever. you’re stupid.”
“says the one who decided to ask dottore of all people to give him top surgery.”
“weren’t you just saying how proud of me you were?”
cael laughed and nuzzled against scara’s hair.
“i am. i’m so happy for you, my dear.” he softened, reaching around to hold the shorter man by the waist.
scara leaned back against cael in return. they stood there quietly for a moment, enjoying each other’s presence before cael stood back up.
“alright, i guess i should go get the towels now. be right back.”
he kissed scara and headed out, humming to himself.
scara sighed as he sank down into the tub, immediately feeling more at ease as the warm water surrounded him. the bathroom door creaked open as cael returned, setting the towels just outside the tub. he took off his glasses and set them on the counter before he finished undressing and stretched.
“mmh, okay, make room.” he carefully stepped in, easing down into the water.
after a moment of adjustment, cael had scara in front of him, resting against his chest. he gazed down at the ex-balladeer as they relaxed in each other’s arms, earning a scoff from scara after a moment.
“you sure do like to stare,” he remarked, crossing his arms.
cael playfully poked scara’s cheek with a grin. “not my fault you’re so handsome.”
he laughed as scara nuzzled back against his chest. he scooped up a handful of water, pouring it gently over the shorter man’s hair. cael repeated this a few times to make sure scara’s hair was completely wet before he washed it.
“so… what now? i don’t mind living with you, but i imagine lord kusanali will want to have a word with you eventually.”
scara sighed, shrugging as cael worked shampoo through his hair.
“i don’t know. the harbingers probably won’t want me back after i failed such a large-scale mission, and frankly, i have no other business with them besides getting revenge on dottore, so i don’t have much of a choice. she probably knows where i am now, if i’m being honest. i don’t know what she wants with me… she didn’t kill me after the battle, so presumably she sees some use for me. i don’t want to think about it right now.”
“fair enough,” cael replied. “hmm… what do you want for breakfast tomorrow? i know you don’t technically have to eat, but i like cooking for both of us.”
scara pondered for a moment, shutting his eyes briefly as cael rinsed his hair. “i like the way you make eggs, i guess.”
“i think i could arrange that,” cael smiled. “oh— do you want to wash my hair? i can lean down for you if you need since it’s hard to move your arm.”
“…sure,” scara replied.
cael lowered his head, as promised, and scara reached up to rinse his hair. he was careful to keep the water out of cael’s ears as he poured it gently over his hair.
the two spent a while longer in the bath once cael’s hair was washed. cael traced circles on scara’s shoulder with his finger, humming quietly.
“mm, i’m gonna fall asleep if you do that,” scara muttered, pouting up at cael from his place against the taller man’s chest.
cael laughed, sitting up a little. “i guess that means it’s time to get out and dry off.”
scara leaned back, stretching with a soft groan. he stood up, getting out carefully. he picked up one of the towels and bundled himself in it after rubbing his hair dry. cael wasn’t far behind, and yawned softly.
“mmh, let’s go find you something to wear to bed,” he mumbled. “if we take much longer i might fall asleep standing up.”
scara shrugged. “i could carry you if i needed to.”
“with one arm?” cael raised a brow, chuckling.
scara shot him a look, but sighed as he muttered “probably not, i guess.”
cael decided not to tease him further, and led him to the bedroom. the shorter man finally looked tired again as he sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for cael. the creak of a dresser drawer and soft shuffling were the only noises in the room as cael searched through his clothing for something for scara to wear to bed.
“do you want to wear one of my sweaters?” he offered, holding up a pink one with a white cat on the front.
“leave it to you to have something so sickeningly cute,” scara remarked with an amused huff. “but sure. thanks.”
he raised his arms, letting cael gently pull the sweater over his head. just as scara had predicted, it reached well past his waist, and the sleeve ends flopped over his hands. regardless, he snuggled into the plush fabric, sighing softly. he must have shut his eyes a moment too long, because he was startled awake by cael laughing softly at him.
“one more thing, and then i’ll let you go ahead and sleep,” he remarked. “i brought your clothes back from the bathroom; they’re on the chair by the window.”
cael crouched down to help scara back into his underwear, and then brushed his still-damp bangs aside to kiss him on the forehead.
“okay, that’s everything. you can go ahead and get comfy while you wait on me if you want.”
despite his exhaustion, scara managed to wait until cael had changed and was curled up beside him to even think about letting himself fall asleep. once cael was settled in, scara snuggled close and shut his eyes.
“i don’t deserve you, cael,” he mumbled, sighing as he carefully draped his injured arm over cael’s side. “but i’m so happy you care for me.”
cael looked down as he rubbed gentle circles on scaramouche’s back. “on the contrary, kuni. i think you’ve needed someone to care about you for a while now, and i’m more than honored to be that person for you.”
scara yawned, feeling his exhaustion slowly overtake him as he curled up against cael. soon enough, the two were sound asleep in each other’s arms.
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sqtzworld · 18 days
its that time of the night again.
its 4 am, the eepiness is calling me but the voices are louder so ive come on here to rant abt shuake instead of doing smth productive like drawing❤️ i waste away ranting abt shuake on tumblr to drown out my sadness and overwhelming nostalgia at random times of the day, how wonderful!
i did one of those song association annotation thingies to capable of love by pinkpantheress (she’s so queen may i add) and it got me thinking so much about shuake and just as of late ive been thinking of them bc schl is ending so i finally have time to replay and play the games like p3 or tactica and q1/2 and be able to focus my time on them and also bc im seeing a psychiatrist very soon from now! which makes me think abt shuake a lot bc they are like. HUGE projection dolls for me and i think on that.. quite often especially akechi since he’s the main one for me, the one more personal to me. i think abt his bpd and mentally unwell brain quite often (lol) and i think the way their love is is just very fascinating to me.
i guess its nice or interesting i guess, to see the way i feel and view love be shown in a character so out of the blue. the way akechi’s love is for akira can be viewed this way and again, i think it’s all very interesting. i love shuake so much for this reason and what i wanted to talk about mostly today is how much they truly mean to each other. This is one thing i hate ppl in fandom spaces for bc they always manage to find SOMEWAY to ruin any nuances anything COULDVE had (ik atlus did not try past queerbaiting lmfao) and i hate how to anyone else not apart of these spaces but aware of them just sees anyone talking abt a ship and specifically any popular gay ship and is so quick to assume like wait i actually care lol 😭 and i bring this up bc i really love to view their characters like akira and akechi’s characters individually through the shuake lenses and perspective. tbh i dont really care for persona outside of them and obviously a few other things of course but shuake is the real reason why im even fixated on that game still in the first place so of course, naturally i will focus on this.
i love to think on how akechi subconsciously views akira in his head. i like to interpret akechi as just a nerd girlboy who has a little crush and all the fun cutesy things abt being a teen or whatever 😆 i think that’s all so cute and fun for him and i believe its so him and i love to view him as the teen he is, the child inside of him that’s ridiculous and goes off for hours ranting about his favorite things repeating himself over and over until he tires himself out or the lovey dovey part of him that thinks about akira in random parts of his day and cant stop giggling and smiling at a simple text yk like all the cutie things ☹️ it doesn’t remove nuance and it doesn’t remove character bc thats how teens act, obviously not as stereotypical as i described but that’s how ridiculous we are sometimes! and i love to think on how he views all these big horrible issues in a simple lenses.
doing the song associations with so many taylor songs and then a pink one really reminded me of this bc of the fact that taylor’s (OLD) lyrics are just so serious and more “mature” and i mostly mean folklore and evermore bc im talking abt cardigan specifically rn (that song is just so akechi im sorry) to now doing capable of love bc pink’s lyrics are simple! not bad just obviously more simple so i get to really view akechi in these lenses. I get to have that minute of writer relief even if he isnt my character but yk wtv ig😞 anywhoanywho, again, i love to view akechi in a simple lenses as the simple teen girl he is, its fun and why particularly? bc i personally feel it adds so much more depth to their dynamic. akechi has. ALL these problems going on, akira does too but they still make time for each other and ik i dont focus on akira much (im so fake lmao) but he plays into this just as much! although the council of the world has decided for him he must save it not them, he still makes friends with the enemy and enjoys their time together as if none of that wouldve mattered. he still loves unconditionally like if nobody was going to take that all away from him someday and i think thats so beautiful.
akechi still loves akira so much as if they really were together and akira loves him just the same. akechi is going through all these problems mentally and on the outside but still that child part of that craved love and connection/affection seeps through and overtakes him and his emotions, allowing his crow persona to like be free ig? and of course, that was not the only reason i like to think that it couldve been a part, even a teensy part bc again, they are just kids in love lmfao (so cringe) and yes, it is going to be cringe and a bit ridiculous BUT ITS SO SERIOUS YALL DONT UNDERSTAND
the way im not even done unpacking 25 PERCENT OF THEM YET there’s just so much depth that can be added to their connection, i love them they are so cringe-friendly i hate atlus but god bless shuake frfr 🙏🙏 but i just wanted to highlight this a bit bc i felt like i didnt enough in the insta story and tbh still but yk, to get some of it off my chest. i love gay people i can project on always a great flavor im off to my cave of inner thoughts now hopefully i knock tf out ❤️
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floofyhobbit · 2 months
Alright I was asked to talk about my OCS :3
Anyways this is the little bastard I’ve been writing for 2 years? He started as a WW1 era character actually but I decided I wanted to make a fantasy character again so here he is. The fantasy world he lives in is most similar to 50’s America with tech, but the fashion is more modern. Though I dress him like a traditional fantasy character. He’s supposed to be a sort of wood elf but I don’t have a name for the fantasy races yet (I need to worldbuild). He looks serious af here but do not let that fool you he is a silly little man most the time. Whenever he’s doing mage duties he tries to be serious. He’s a mage for hire, so if someone has a problem (usually magical) he gets paid to take care of it. The ribbon he wears is kinda like a uniform. Other mages for hire don’t really wear them anymore but he does when he’s on quests so he can look professional.
Also was raised by fae for most of his childhood, and I’m probably gonna write about that in a wholesome little prequel comic. He first starts using magic at 9 or so but it’s super weak, once he’s a teenager to cast better spells.
He left at 17 or 18 so he could become a certified mage and see the world. Before the main story starts he looses his eye but I haven’t decided where or when. It always happens in every draft, the idea stuck with me I guess. I guess the “magical character that doesn’t rely on their vision” trope spoke to me. Uhh what else
he has a bunch of familiars, but the main one that follows him around most the time is his crow named Basil, who’s the son of the crow he befriended as a child. His main magic is nature/Druid? Magic, basically he’s like Bulbasaur. Also talks to animals, and can summon his familiars. He can also shapeshift into animals but only a select few (right now he can only shapeshift into a kestrel, rat, wolf).
I made him into a glass cannon pretty much. Worlds most eepy magic guy. I didn’t want to make him super powerful because I found magic characters like that kinda boring. But it’s also fun to give characters cool powers 👀.
Though he is trying to learn a spell from each type of mage magic. Jack of all trades stuff.
Also his staff is kinda inspired by Sakura’s staff in Cardcaptor Sakura, idk something about wing motiffs…
He’s trans also! I kinda based that aspect on me haha… he was a pretty tomboyish child so when he realized he was trans he was like “oh I see now” and his family was like alright :D. Perks of being raised in the woods by fae, gender roles are kinda non existent ig. He named himself after a character from his favorite childhood book. Also gay aspec (me when I project).
Other stuff! He’s a pretty good dancer and likes fashion which are traits I took from when he was a historical OC.
Basically uhh I just wanted to write a little goober who went through a lot of shit but still looks at life positively and wants to help people. A friend. A little goober even.
I’ll try to get a good drawing of his boyfriend Oswald who is a bard and also a silly goober. Also hopefully Isaac’s familiars and his family members.
uh idk what else to say
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 6 months
wife wife i have no music taste, but you feel musical to me! will you drop any songs you relate to your universes stans, kyles and style in general? if not music books, other characters, pieces of media, quotes, poems? i am insatiable darling <3
First of all hello my wife my wife the love of my life! (I did in fact ride half of my first year of college on a music scholarship)
OKAY so you know how heavily I associate Fall Out Boy with Stan in general (mostly bc I like projecting and I’m a gremlin abt fob) SPECIFICALLY Infinity On High (I know we’ve discussed this before and yes I’m still unhinged abt the 27 rm thing) AND I’ve said a LOT abt OrangeJuiceVerse Stan being musically inclined as one of his main outlets.
(I will be mainly sticking to ojv bc that do be my main focus atm)
So Stan will play literally whatever on the guitar and he can improvise SO WELL!!! Like it’s wild but he’s just like eh it’s a casual hobby but he hears a song and immediately knows the basic chord progression and bpm he’s the king of countermelodies too. Kenny will start playing something and then Stan will pop in with the most gorgeous harmonies and just…. fall in.
Stan will listen to ANYTHING he especially loves songs with a story (I’m sticking to ATLCTS for him being a Tenacious D fan bc I very much enjoy that) and Kyle, while Stan is all “LISTEN TO THAT CELLO BREAK” Kyle Is all fully into the lyricism and losing his shit about RAINDROPS ON ROSES AND GIRLS IN WHITE DRESSES AND SLEEPING WITH- (I feel like they have similar tastes but for different reasons if u get me)
My Kyle’s for sure are lyrics gremlins. Stan will be like KEY CHANGE KEY CHANGE but Kyle will be WAIT LOOK THE STORY HOLY SHIT SYMBOLISM(smh they whole ass watch musicals together and neither of them stfu) (losers)
(This is unhinged I’m eepy) so song specific idk man but I feel in my soul that Stan’s hopeless romantic ass serenades Kyle on a regular basis ESPECIALLY when he’s in an Emo Boy Mood like this man thinks he’s Orpheus or something ALSO Stan is incredibly specific about having certain playlists for every single situation and the “Super Best Spicy Time” playlist is INCREDIBLY LAME!!! (I’m talkin Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls and Mr Brightside was playing during their first time) like they are losers your honor
On FOB Stan I’m currently specifically feeling him with What A Catch, The (After) Life Of The Party, From Now On We Are Enemies, Golden, Fame< Infamy, The (Shipped) Gold Standard, She’s My Winona, Disloyal Order, A Little Less Sixteen Candles, Heavens Gate, SOPHOMORE SLUMP IS SO STYLE OMG
Sorry that was a lot I’m very passionate abt the fob Stan thing
EVERY LAME ASS SAPPY LOVE SONG IS EXTREMELY STYLE TO ME!!! If We Were Vampires by Jason Isbell, I’ll Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie, LINE WITHOUT A HOOK?!? Nothing Matters But You by The Young Veins, Northern Downpour and When The Day Met The Night by Panic, I Think I Love You by Tenacious D, All I Ask Of You from Phantom (btw I saw someone draw a style phantom of the opera au it slayed so hard), Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John (there’s this scene in a fic I read where Stan plays it for Kyle on his guitar and I lost my mind), ofc Carry On Wayward Son, Accidentally In Love by the counting crows, Turn Off The Lights from the Vices and Virtues bonus tracks, As Long As You’re Mine from Wicked (I feel like Kyle fuckinh loves Wicked) All I’ve Ever Known from Hadestown.
OJV Kyle for sure listens to the acoustic versions of pop songs and is SUCH a sap (he won’t admit it as much as Stan tho) like he’ll pause a song after a particularly clever or romantic line and just be like DID YOU HEAR THAT! Stan writes songs every once in a while and whenever he writes for Ky he always tries to paint a story because that’s what Kyle likes help I love them so much
As for other media I associate w the boys, bruh lemme tell ya the sp brainrot is so real I physically cannot watch or read anything without imagining a couple as style (literally last night my partner and I were watching the picture lock of the last feature we worked on and I’m over here looking at the two main characters like hmm who is Stan who is Kyle I’m the WORST)
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure is so Them to me holy shit like best friends getting into situations and being obsessed with each other I love that shit (u can’t tell me Bill and Ted aren’t in love)
This comes as no surprise to anyone but Lord Of The Rings for sure, especially since i decided that they speak elvish to each other on the regular
I’ve also said it before but!!! As a massive PJO/Riordanverse fan, THEY ARE SO PERCABETH CODED!!! We got Stan/Percy as the reluctant hero who everyone looks to, Kyle/Annabeth as the badass short tempered voice of reason, like DUDE.
(Also I hope you know how much your fics have influenced my mindset like I’ll drive past Taco Bell and be like o look style moment and I saw Fireball at the gas station and thought abt rm Stan)
Anyway this is long as SHIT I’m completely insane it’s fine THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK ILY
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