#him or lister
celery505 · 1 year
I wish I had polls so I could see who tumblr’s favourite red dwarf character is (including kochanski)
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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individual stills of miguel Scampering on all fours and showing off his more distinct individual movement style (that he has because of his spider-man's Similar-but-still-distinctly-Weird-and-unique powers as compared to the more-graceful Others) so that i don't have 2 keep rewinding the clip(s) to see it. im REALLY excited to see him scuttling and skittering all over the place in the film just like he does in the comics-- and, like, seriously, Miguel Specifically being just. made Massive for some reason in his atsv design will never NOT be funny to me hes SO freakin Bouncy why did they Do That.
don't be Weird on my post or i'll kill you for real
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psychidelias · 2 months
There's something so beautiful about Red Dwarf just as a concept and as a series.
Comedy aside, it has one of the most meaningful messages I think I've ever seen. The whole idea of being hopelessly lost and alone in the infinity of space but still having hope and love is just unbelievable. Dave Lister is just the ultimate guy ever.
He's a loser, a nobody, a complete write-off in terms of his career, a depressed, lonely man who is the last of his species, the only one left, three million years away from home.
Yet he still has hope. He still appreciates beauty in the rockiest places. He still believes in justice and life above all else, so much so that his worst fear is losing his morality. He still goes on.
He's so far away from home that there's no realistic hope of getting back, but he doesn't care. He makes a home out of everything and everyone around him, eternally living in the only way -the best way- he can.
He's created his own Promised Land.
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kuzann · 5 months
Idk if anyone's played around with this idea but post-AGIT clone-body Dan visits Amity Park where Dash mistakes him for the real Danny and tries to bully him
which is a huge mistake
because Dan happily gives him the thrashing of a lifetime and strolls away in a really good mood.
Dash tries to blame Danny but no one believes him because Danny Fenton, being able to beat up Dash Baxter?? You've seen how small that kid is right? Dash stop messing around, you got hurt doing something super embarrassing or illegal didn't you? Come on man what was the actual thing you did come on you probably realize that saying Fenton beat you up makes you look worse than whatever thing you probably did right?
Cue Dash trying to prove that Danny is secretly stronger than he actually is, only to be foiled at every turn because Danny and friends caught on to what he's trying to do. Maybe Vlad foils him too cause Dan is supposed to be his responsibility and it was Dan who got Danny into this mess to begin with.
Eventually Dan lets Dash see him with Danny, they explain that Dan is his cousin, but also so Dash doesn't go back to bullying Danny he tells Dash that if he ever touches his cousin again Dan will have to take a hand as recompense.
Dash never bothers Danny again. Maybe he gets to go on a redemption arc where he realizes how trash he's been to everyone below him on the social pecking order and how much those teens hate his guts for it and decides that he wants to change. idk. But he stops harassing Danny.
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blitheringbongus · 29 days
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spotforme · 9 days
i have feelings about the H
he can take it off, but it's regulation, it's there on his head because it's a rule, it's there as a reminder that he isn't a person, it's literally in the rule book that they need to wear a H so living crew members wouldn't mistake them for actual people, so of course he wears it, he follows the rules.
he could take it off, he has taken it off, but only as Ace, only when he wasn't JMC anymore. but put it back on when he got back because there on the Red Dwarf he's part of the employed crew, all the expectations are back and he has to obey if he ever wants to be an officer. though he only chooses to follow the rules that keep him miserable, he could get rid of the mark, though maybe he doesn't want to give himself false hope. he doesn't believe he's a person anymore
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thehappyastro · 1 month
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ostaramaclay · 3 days
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Red Dwarf: Stoke Me A Clipper // The Promised Land
Who would you say, then, is the person who thinks of him most fondly?
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omokel · 23 days
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some HEAVILY underrated lister bird-isms
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zirafail · 1 month
he’s so bf coded in s7 and you can’t disagree!! kochanski babes you’re missing out!!
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iiep-wop · 8 months
Oh to be the last human alive and falling in love with the hologram of my worst enemy
The old married couple ever
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pomegranateplumes · 2 months
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A baby having a midnight snack
give me a dollar and you'll go to calculator heaven
read my new webcomic
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a-literal-toaster-wtf · 2 months
anyone ever think about how collectively the aces ultimate goal is to die because . boy do i
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galactica7071 · 4 months
the last human in the galaxy
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...and he's a total bum (with really good fashion sense)
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whiskerknittles · 1 year
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Anyway I love him
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gothwizardmagic · 1 year
looking for reference pictures to doodle lister and i cant stop laughing at this jacket
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cant stop thinking abt him scouring the ship to find as many officers badges as possible just to piss rimmer off
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